#so he makes a potion that puts his locker to sleep for the whole school day
lollytea · 8 months
i bet hunter has blonde moments a lot. he is such a little ditz sometimes.
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renjiokumura · 3 years
Poor, Unfortunate Me:
Chapter 3
Summary: What if Ben didn’t fall in love with Mal? Find out the answer in Poor, Unfortunate Me. A story about the lesser known and evil second daughter of Ursula and how she gets the love she has been searching for her whole life.
A/N: I'm doing this off my phone so if the formatting is funky, it's because I'm not on my laptop. Also I didn't add a collage this time, and I might not in the future, because I think y'all understand the look I was going for and have a great imagination for these things.
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 (You're Here) / 4 (Coming Soon)
As soon as you got back to your dorm and Evan saw you crying, she asked what was wrong and tried to calm you down. You told her what happened while twisting the truth to protect the others. She just held you and told you everything would be better. To make you feel more relaxed, she broke out some hidden treats and some self spa tools, saying she was going to pamper you.
15 minutes into the mini spa, you already felt 100 times better.
“Thanks Evan. This is the first time I've ever done a spa.” you say with an avocado mask on your face, laying on your bed with Evan right next to you.
With the same avocado mask on her face and 2 cucumber slices on her eyes, Evan says, “I can't believe you’ve never done this before. Not even with your sister?”
You sit up and look at your lap, taking a moment before you answer her question.
“No, she can't stand me, because I'm too soft. Family is not the same on the Isle as it is here. Just cause we're related doesn't mean you have to love or care for each other. You got to look out for yourself.” Your voice is heavy with years of loneliness. When you don't hear anything from Evan but a sniffle, you look to the side to see what's wrong.
Evan, with her adorable self, has tears running down her face full of avocado while she sticks a cucumber in her mouth. She sits up and while chewing the cucumber slice, she says, “That's so sad! I'll be your new sister!” you don't want to laugh, but the scene in front of you makes it hard.
“Why are you laughing? I mean it. I want to be your sister!” She says with the other slice of cucumber in her mouth. It makes you laugh harder, which results in her pouting like a little child.
After a minute you finally calm down enough to talk to her. “I'm sorry. I've never seen something so funny,” she gives you a look, “And sweet. I want to be your sister too. Come here.” you open up your arms for a hug and she takes it.
When you guys pull apart from the hug you both look each other up and down then bust out laughing. During the hug, you guys got avocado all over each other. It was all on both of your clothes. “I trust that you won't freak out when I do this.” Before she can question what you mean, you say a little spell, flick your wrist, and all the avocado is gone.
“OMG, you have magic!?” she excitedly said. You nodded ‘yes’, which resulted in a squeal from her. Her excitement was infectious and made you giddy too.
The rest of the night you guys played around with magic, until you guys fell asleep. But during your good time, the others were making a love potion cookies among other things.
After Lonnie left the kitchen, Mal put the cookies in the oven. In the silence of the kitchen the tension between the group was almost palpable, but Carlos soon broke it.
“Mal, what you said back there to Y/N was very uncalled for. Just because you and her sister have beef doesn't mean you can take it out on her.” Evie and Jay nodded to what Carlos said.
Mal is trying to hold her ground by staring Carlos down, but the guilt is too much. She huffs defeated and looks to her feet. “I know! I know… It’s just we have a mission to complete and if we don't,” she pauses looking up at the others equally frightened faces, then continues, “I don't want to think about if we don't.” The air is heavy with emotions.
The same thoughts all go through their minds in the silence of the room. They all started liking Auradon, but they wouldn’t say it out loud to each other. Here they could do and be whoever and whatever they wanted to be without worry of judgment or consequences. But when they thought about it they don't belong here. They had to remind themselves they were evil and belong to the Isle. Though, in reality, none of that was true.
They had been so lost in their thoughts, that when the timer broke the deafening silence, they all collectively jumped in surprise. They all shared a look before they all walked over to see how the cookies came out.
Mal takes out the cookies and places them on the prep table. “I think these are ready. So do we all know what the plan is for tomorrow?” They all nodded in unison.
After cleaning up, they make their way back to their dorm rooms. Jay and Carlos get to their room first, which leaves Evie and Mal to still get back to their room. When they finally get back, Evie stops Mal before she enters the room.
“You are going to apologize to Y/N, right? Just because we are evil doesn't mean we don't have manners.” Evie can understand where Y/N is coming from and hopefully Mal can too.
“Yeah, Yeah. Only so we can make her our ally again.” Evie knew Mal was actually doing it because Isle kids stick together, but if it helped Mal sleep at night she wasn't going to say anything.
When morning rolled around you felt like something good was going to happen, but it was going to have bad consequences. Letting that thought linger in the back of your mind, you thought about how first period would go after what went down. At least you knew that if Mal came after you again, Evan was coming after her. Yup, reassuring.
Evan was nice enough to walk you to your first period class, since you usually went with the others. When you got there, everyone looked at you, with sorry written all over their faces. Evie put her hand on Mal's shoulder, which prompted Mal to get out of her seat and walk over to you.
When she was finally standing in front of you, Evan stepped forward eyeing up Mal like she wasn't Maleficent’s daughter. “If you hurt my sister,” she points her thumb over her shoulder at you, “I’ll hurt you.” Your surprised by the protective nature of Evan, but let her do her thing.
Mal’s surprised too, but also impressed, so she tells Evan she understands. With that Evan hugs you goodbye and walks to her class. Once Mal has you alone, she says something you'd never expect from her. An apology.
“I want to say sorry about yesterday. What I said was not cool. Can you forgive me?” she asks, looking at you expectantly.
“Water under the bridge. Now let's get to learning.” She smirks at you, and you guys walk to your seats.
During break the group tells you about the love potion plan and you agree to help as much as possible. It hurts you to help destroy any and all chances of getting Ben, but you still feel obligated to help them and something is telling you to do so too. They tell you the plan is going to happen after school at Mal’s locker, so you just wait till then.
When the bell rings ending school, you shoot up out of your seat and run out of class since Mal’s locker is on the other side of school. This causes Evan to follow you, though. You guys always walk from 5th period back to your dorm, so she thought something had to be wrong
By running, you made it just in time. Ben had just taken a bite out of the cookie, when something roughly bumps into you, sending you into Ben’s arms.
Ben is looking down into your eyes and is holding you against his body to keep you from falling.
“Y/N, are you okay?” You nodded too speechless and dazed to verbally answer. The next thing Ben ask you truly knocks you out more than the mystery object that got you the first time.
“But did it hurt?” his slight pause gives you a chance to be confused, then he finishes. “When you fell from heaven?” At that cheesy pick-up line, everyone's jaw dropped, especially yours. You honestly couldn't believe your ears.
“Ben, Are you okay?” You ask ,being able to finally stand on your own legs, but Ben still has his arms wrapped around your thick waist.
“I'm fine, but not as fine as you, sweet thang.” he says with a love struck smile on his face which you promptly covered with your hands so he would stop flirting.
“Jay can you pull him off me, please?” Jay comes to your rescue and gently pries him off of you. Once Jay has him, he asks Ben, “Has your world been worked?”
The answer to Jay's question comes in the form of a song lyric. Looking you in the eyes, Ben sings, “You know you do.” (quoting one of Michael Jackson’s songs). At that you become flustered and turn around, not wanting to drag out your embarrassment.
When you turn around to see what pushed you into Ben, you see Evan.“Evan, what are you doing here?” she opened her mouth to answer, but you interrupted her. “Wait, were you the reason I fell into Ben?” When you said that, she became a little sheepish as she answered.
“Yes,” she whispered, “But I was only running in behind you to see if you were Ok because you left class so suddenly...sorry.” Hearing her explanation only made you smile. You could never be mad at her.
“There's no need to be sorry. You were concerned about me and I appreciate that you care enough to check up on me.” With that said you hugged her. During your talk with Evan, the boys left to get ready for their game.
Once you pull out of your hug, you look towards Mal and Evie and see they both have an urgent look on their faces. “Uh, you want to go to the field and save us some seats in the bleachers?” you ask Evan nervously. She nods ‘yes’ and runs off to the game.
“What was that?!” Mal asked incredulously.
“I’m so sorry guys. It was an accident. I tripped,” you said apologetically, “But you can fix this right?”
“No, there is no time. You’ll just have to become his girlfriend.” She said nonchalantly.
“Wait, what?!” your jaw was practically hitting the floor.
You guess this was the good thing that you felt coming, but unfortunately you knew it was going to end badly.
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mrzdankworth · 4 years
Making Magick - Chapter Four
Dean looks out of place in the attic, all shiny and new among the old musty clutter, but where else can bright, loud magick be done? Camilla has placed him in a chair in the center of the room, facing the Soricelle Grimoire. There is no need to tie the boy down, for he’s too dazed to move at this point. 
The first spell they cast was a simple Reversal, so that whatever enchantments or protections he might be under (besides the binding of the property, of course) might simply fall off. But that didn’t work. Then they tried a Mental Clarity Potion along with the Truth of Tongue Draught. But it appeared whoever’d worked their magic on him before Rose was a powerful and secretive caster. Dean didn’t even know he was meant to retrieve information about the Soricelles.
“It could be a love potion…” Camilla taps her chin. “Let’s try a freedom spell to break whatever unauthentic bonds exist.”
“We’ve tried so much,” Rose sighs.
“Are you tired, Rose? Would you like to take a break?” Dean asks, suddenly invested once more.
“No, Dean, I’m fine,” she snaps. 
The only words he’d said, between asking whether the room was spinning for anyone else, had been regarding Rose’s happiness and comfort. Never before had a sexual encounter cast this type of attachment, though she’d mainly kept her experiences to one night stands so as not to complicate friendships at college. 
Esme interjects, also tired from practicing careful magick for hours on end. “Why don’t we let him rest? We can do the Breaking Bond Spell tomorrow, or just stew up an elixir overnight. That might be easier on his body. I mean, he still seems human and looks very much alive.”
“Knock knock,” Iris says, entering the attic. “Your grandmother has absolutely no plan of action. She figures if he means enough to someone, they’ll retrieve him, and she can confront them then. Otherwise, if they send more people to watch us, she’ll have a whole staff for free.” Iris shakes her head, exasperated. 
The girls fill Iris in on their findings, or rather, their non-findings, tacking on the bit about Rose bedding the young man at the last. 
“Always the last to know,” Iris sighs. “Well, I think you’re right in wanting to resume tomorrow. Mortals can only take so much. Girls, can I trust you to return him to the guesthouse unscathed?”
Rose rolls her eyes only when her mother has turned her back.
“I saw that,” Iris sings as she exits the attic. 
Esme offers to take Dean to the guesthouse, though he doesn’t want to leave Rose.
“I have to go to work,” Rose mutters, eager to get away. 
Rose is telling the truth. She has a shift at the restaurant to get to. And Esme is telling the truth, or most of it. She does want to stop practicing magic on the human man. She doesn't, however, want to let him rest. 
Once in the guesthouse Esme begins making him some rejuvenating tea with full moon water. As he sips it he asks her how she thinks Rose’s shift is going. Did she always want to be a waitress? He bets she’s so good at it. He wishes they’d gotten to work together longer at the restaurant. 
“Okay, Romeo, calm down,” Esme mutters. “You know,” she begins. “Rose did mention she’s going to have a hard time focusing today…”
“Why is that?”
Esme bites her lip, well aware she should not be doing this. 
“Well, apparently, a girl stole something from Rose. She needs it back.”
“What is it? What girl?” Dean is perched on the edge of his seat.
She’s placed him at the farmhouse table while she shuffles about the tiny kitchen. This used to be the landscapers cottage but Iris and Camilla turned it into a guesthouse despite the enormity of the main house. They’d kept it in as good a shape as any BnB in New England, had hosted many the wayward soul and lost magickal creature over the years. Now they were keeping a hostage.
“I think she said it’s an amulet?” Esme mutters, her eyebrows cinched in focus. 
“I must return it to Rose!” Dean shouts, standing so abruptly his chair topples over. He places a hand to his temple and shakes his head, righting the chair to return to it.
Esme rolls her eyes before continuing the facade. “Oh… You couldn’t.” She sits the tea before him then lowers herself into the nearest chair.
“See, the girl goes to school with me. And I sensed it in her locker. But everyone is gone for the summer now…”
“I’m sure I could get into the school. Maybe tonight? After dark? If you tell me the locker number I will return Rose’s amulet to her!”
“Well, that’s another thing. She’d be so upset if she knew I put you in harm’s way…” Esme focuses on the mortal, her eyes squinting slightly as she watches a tendril of delicate light twist and sway towards his temple. It had, of course, come from her own.
“Hey!” He realized. “Why don’t we just put it under her bed or something? Make it seem like she just lost it? She wouldn’t have to know either of us were involved. We never have to mention it!”
Esme nods, smiling. “That might work.”
Dean has just as much energy after dark when Esme returns to the guesthouse. He’s wearing jeans and a black hoodie, and a vacant expression. She walks him back by the house to Rose’s jeep, loads him into the passenger side, and listens to his endless swooning over Rose.
Doubt and guilt crawl around inside of her stomach, but they're nothing compared to the feeling of revenge and closure that will come when she finally holds that amulet in her hand once more. Besides, if Rose can fuck the gardener, then ask for help putting his dead body in the lake, Esme can take back a necklace that actually belongs to her. Yes, she tells herself, it’s no comparison. 
The cool sea breeze calms Esme as she drives through the quaint little town of Crescent Hollow. The school parking lot has just one flickering light, but she pulls instead onto a side street, where the houses hang flags to support the football team. When she parks, she gives Dean a few instructions, then sends him off, watching as he flips up his hood like turning the first page of a book, and slips into the darkness. 
Dean crosses the field like a stray cat, heading towards the cafeteria doors. Esme stares hard at those doors, which open for him easily. Esme shuts her eyes. If the door between the cafeteria and the hallways was previously secured, she’s confident it is now ajar. She can almost feel him slipping through the opening… counting the lockers… She can practically hear his footsteps echoing, feel his chin on his own chest in the way she suggested he keep his head down…
The clicking of Aimee’s locker opening for Dean causes Esme’s eyes to flick open. He can grab the amulet now. He can get out. But does the locker still smell like apple blossoms and strawberry chapstick?
A breeze sweeps through the car, brushing Esme’s short brown hair against her cheek. She startles, turning to face the dark slit between two houses, where she could swear she smells something familiar and rank. It is the scent of decay and mildew, like a basement. And something else… spices of some sort? Yes. There is definitely something between those houses… watching her - the tall figure of a man.
Esme places her fingers on the door handle but before she can get out and investigate the person Dean startles her by opening his own door. 
“I got it,” he drops the cool gold object into her palm. 
“Yes!” She holds the amulet to her heart. 
“It’s just a locket?”
“No, it isn’t just a locket.” She smiles to herself and puts it on. “I’ll put it somewhere Rose will find it,” she lies.
“You’re a good cousin,” Dean smiles.
Esme isn’t so sure about that.
Before they leave she examines the place between the houses once more, but the smell is gone, and the darkness emptied.
That night, after Esme deposits Dean in the guesthouse she tucks herself into bed and falls asleep solidly, happy to be reunited with her keepsake. The moon shines bright despite being just a fingernail. It kisses the waves and dances through the windowpanes of The Soricelle House. It tries to wake Esme, blinking through the swaying treetops, flashing wildly on her papered walls. It tries to show her the black and purple ribbons of glittery dust which escape the amulet. But Esme does not stir. The black and purple particles inhabit her room, watching her sleep, slipping under the door to watch the other Soricelle Women. Each leaf they curl around in the sunroom immediately shrivels and falls to the floor. 
It isn’t until the chain of the amulet has begun to tighten around Esme’s neck that her dreams thicken in her head, pooling where they should flow steadily. The chain is cutting into her neck by the time her eyes pop open. She sits straight up, coughing and sputtering, ripping the chain off of her and throwing the amulet to the floor. She can feel the deep, red groove in her skin.
Her first thought is that this is not her amulet; it has been replaced. Her second thought is that this is definitely her amulet, but it carries with it a dark magick she did not cast or invite. 
“Bitch,” she spits, staring at the necklace on the floor which appears so harmless now. “You think you can curse a Soricelle Woman?”
She crawls to the amulet. It sits in her palm as heavy as the answer to a question. She uses her short plain nails to pry the locket open, and as she’s expected, the pictures of her parents are gone. They’ve been replaced with some ground up black and purple powder that falls onto the hardwood. She uses magick to lift every particle into a spare glass bottle on her desk and seals the amulet in another. Then she curls up and tries once more to fall alseep, wondering where that pictures had gone, and why Aimee would hate her so much that she would take that one precious thing away and replace it with black magick. What had she done to the rotten girl besides love her? 
Rose mentions the feeling a storm is coming to Rhonda when she arrives for her double shift that Wednesday afternoon. Rhonda is already busy bossing everyone around, but takes a moment to listen to her employee, who has predicted these things before.
“From where I stand the tourists are already flowing in,” Rhonda tells Rose. “I don’t know if I can close the outdoor dining till we’re sure. But… tell me when you… know more.” Rhonda has been a friend to Rose and the other Soricelle Women for long enough to trust the way they just know when it will rain, or when the phone will ring, or whether a person might turn on you suddenly.
The sky remains clear and blue through Rose’s lunch shift and the beginning of her dinner shift. She takes a moment to herself, stepping outside before the rush. How could her mother think of opening the shop while they harbor a spy in their guesthouse? She can’t take her mind off Dean, who is doing someone else’s bidding, and perhaps only bedded her for that reason.
“You look deep in thought,” Jason says, taking a long drink from his water bottle and hanging his apron over the railing.
“Do I?”
“Is it about the cop that’s here to see you?”
“What?” She turns abruptly, her hair whipping around in the warm wind.
There is Officer Alex Lopez, sitting at one of the outdoor tables, his sunglasses hiding his gaze.
She wrings her apron in her hands as she enters the little gate to the dining area. She nears him, readying herself to pull him away from the restaurant to practice magick more safely.
“Officer Lopez?” she greets him. “How can I help you?”
“There was a break in - Oh, would you sit?”
She sits across from him, her heart aflutter. 
“There was a break in at your old high school last night.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. But I’m in college now… Why are you telling me?”
“Because a neighbor spotted a black jeep parked outside her house around that same time… she said a person was in the driver seat and a person was in the passenger seat. The passenger got out of the car and we believe he took something from the school. He wore a black hooded sweatshirt but we have some footage that looks an awful lot like Dean Row.”
“Lots of people look like Dean Row. And lots of people have black jeeps.” Rose stares into her own reflection in The Officer’s glasses, noticing how worried she looks.
“I got to speak to your mother the other day but I didn’t really get to speak to you much… you don’t have anything else to tell me?”
“No. I don’t.”
Officer Lopez smacks his steering wheel when he returns to his car. Why can’t he force himself to return to The Soricelle House? Why can’t he seem to properly interrogate these women? His mind just turns to mush! It doesn’t help that the paperwork is mysteriously being shredded at the office, or crumpled up and tossed into other people’s trash cans. Good thing his superiors have very little resolve to hunt down Row or else his ass would be on the line. He just can’t shake the feeling Iris Soricelle did something to him, besides the obvious… He still can’t think clearly when it comes to these damned women and their house full of secrets. But something inside him just knows Dean is there - he just knows it!
A fat drop of rain falls onto Officer Lopez’s windshield. He looks past it to see Rose staring at him from the dining room. Another drop. And another. The sky opens up and it begins to pour. He can hardly see to exit the parking lot. 
He drives by the B&B on his way home. There is a light on in Room #33, yet he can’t quite remember why he’s been watching Room #33 in the first place. Something to do with that missing Row boy. Something to do with the lady who saw Rose’s jeep outside of the school. Something to do with the Soricelles? 
A dark figure comes to the window and peeks out, moving the curtains aside. There are broad shoulders, and a lanky quality to the shadowy shape. 
Lopez’s foot lifts from the break pedal. He finds himself heading home before he’s even decided to do so.
Esme is unpacking boxes and lining the products up on the shelves of the little storefront when the rain comes. It darkens the shop and the whole street outside, turning dusk to midnight. She watches it for awhile, thinking about the locket on her desk. 
“I knew I smelled rain,” Camilla says, watching the water streak down the glass.
Gwen sits on the front porch of The Soricelle House watching the storm pelt the roses, loosening petals until they fall, beaten, to the dirt which is quickly turning to mud. A car has clambered up the drive. She watches a young woman with cropped black hair step out of the drivers seat, then dive into the back to extract a little girl. Besides the child having bare arms she closely resembles the young woman, who is covered in tattoos. The mother runs towards the porch, noticing Gwen only when she’s climbed the few steps and sought the shelter of the roof.
Gwen smiles at her youngest daughter, who smiles back.
“Welcome home, Honey.”
“Thank you, mom.”
The two women embrace in a hug which seems to dry the daughters instantly.
The little girl shivers. 
“Bath time, I think,” Gwen offers, kissing her granddaughter on the forehead. “You girls go on ahead up. Use my tub. You know it’s the best in the house.” 
“You aren’t coming in, mom?”
“I’m waiting for someone.”
Gwen wraps herself tightly in her afghan and watches the roses and the angsty sky and the sea beyond, and then another car arrives. The rain has slowed a little - just enough so that The Reverend can use a small black umbrella and arrive to the porch steps relatively dry. Gwen would offer to peel the raindrops off him, but she knows he wouldn’t stand for even a sparkle of magick for his personal gain. He shakes off his umbrella and nods to Gwen. She doesn’t attempt to invite him in, nor does he attempt to explain why he cannot accept an invitation. They just sit together in the rocking chairs as they have done so many times before. A steaming cup of tea miraculously waits for him beside the woman, but he doesn’t ask where it came from.
“Always so hospitable,” he smiles, good-naturedly. “It is almost as if you knew I was coming before I’d even decided to start my car.”
“I am just an old woman.”
“And I am just an old man. Gwendolyn, I’m here because there’s something amiss. And I’ve made the mistake of investigating odd occurrences without asking you ladies, before. A waste of time, in my opinion.”
“True enough,” Gwen smiles, knowingly. “What is amiss, Johnathan?”
“I am a man of good and evil, as you well know.”
She did know.
“And there’s something in our town at the moment that is… not good. There is a surveillance of sorts I’ve noticed. Are you girls inviting something here? Enticing something?” 
“I don’t care for that implication,” Gwen says, passively. “It takes light to cast shadows.”
“You know nothing of these shadows?” The Reverend probes.
“I sense them,” she nods. “I sense this surveillance of which you speak. I do not know who watches, but I know of the watching.”
“Will you promise to call upon me if you should need my kind of assistance? Or when you discover the dark force that has entered Crescent Hollow?”
“I promise,” Gwen smiles. “You’ll do the same?”
“I promise.”
The two people smile at each other in a meaningful way, but The Reverend does not finish his tea before he goes. He knows she’ll only try to read the leaves. 
Rose fills Esme in on what Lopez said, then prompts her. “Would you know anything about that?” Her stare bears into her cousin. Of course, she knows Esme did this. After all, she hasn’t forgotten the sigil work she attempted to help her with.
Selene and Sasha have arrived during a chaotic time, but Sasha is simply snacking at the breakfast bar, while the whole family gathers in the kitchen. 
“I needed that amulet back and - ”
“The locket?” Iris realizes, eyeing her niece’s empty neck. “But no one can take that from you. It’s been blessed to protect you.”
“Well, she didn’t exactly take it - ”
“You gave your amulet away?” Camilla exclaims. “That’s unheard of! You know you shouldn’t do that, Esme!”
“What were you thinking?”
“You used Dean to get it back?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Esme covers her face and shakes her head. “I didn’t mean for anyone to find out. I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt.”
Everyone falls silent. The only sound to be heard is Sasha munching loudly on the snacks. She gazes up at her cousins and aunts and grandmother not quite sure what’s happening. 
“I gave it to Aimee and she wouldn’t give it back. And now there’s something wrong with it. I think it’s cursed.”
“Aimee Aldridge?” Rose inquires. “She’s not magickal. So she hired someone to curse your amulet? Why, and who? We’re the only magickal beings in Crescent Hollow, or for miles around.”
“Not anymore,” Gwen says. “Reverend McKinnon came by. He’s felt it too… a watching. A presence. We aren’t alone here anymore, and someone knows a hell of a lot more about us than we know about them.”
Everyone falls silent.
“Go get the amulet, Esme,” Camilla demands. “Perhaps we have a way of tracing it back to whomever, or whatever, would be dumb enough to attempt to harm a Soricelle Woman.”
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girlmadeofivory · 4 years
epiphany (Melissa McCall/Chris Argent)
Gerard shook his head at Chris’s aim. “Again.”
Chris raised the gun, trying to stop his hands from shaking. The semi-automatic weapon felt too heavy in his hands. He was barely 16. He didn’t want to be able to take a life.
The next shot hit the target dead-center. Gerard smiled. Chris smiled back, feeling bile rise in his throat. The smile didn’t meet his eyes.
Chris adjusted Allison’s grip on her bow ever so slightly. “It’s important that you focus on your target. You’re distracted, and it’s messing with your aim.”
Allison nodded, wincing when the string of the bow cut into her fingers. She had forgotten her leather gloves in her locker. 
Chris handed his daughter his own gloves from the pocket of his jacket.
Allison smiled. “Thanks, dad.” His gloves were loose around her hands, and her brow furrowed a little in pain when she loaded her bow again. She was only 13, but Chris wanted to be the one to teach her. Before Gerard could.
“Just power through it.”
Keep your helmet, keep your life, son.
Just a flesh wound. Here’s your rifle.
Chris stood in the stark white halls of Beacon Hills Hospital, on the phone. “Hey, Allison, it’s me. I need you to come to the hospital.” 
His daughter hung up almost immediately, but as she did, he heard the door lock. She would be there soon. Chris peered through the window to where his wife’s body lay. For the millionth time, he cursed Gerard and his stupid anti-werewolf decrees. 
Allison ran into him, skidding a little on the shiny tile. “Where’s Mom?”
Chris shook his head, holding his daughter tightly. “She’s gone.”
Allison screamed, cursed, begged, sobbed. He couldn’t listen to it anymore. He just gripped her tighter. 
She looked up at him with teary eyes. “How?” Her voice broke over the word.
“She was bitten,” he whispered into her ear. “And it was the full moon last night. And-” 
Chris had intended to tell Allison about Gerard’s rules, about his blind hatred, but she cut him off. “I’ll kill him. The Hale. I’ll kill the whole damn pack.” And this time, her voice didn’t break. It was steely and sure and Chris was scared. Not of Allison, he could never be scared of her, but of what she might do for the sake of Gerard’s rules. And what it would do to her.
Crawling up the beaches now.
“Sir, I think he’s bleeding out.”
And some things you just can't speak about.
When Chris drove up to the battleground, he inexplicably knew something was wrong. He ran over to Scott where the boy sat on the ground, and-
Oh, God, no. There was blood around her mouth, and her chest was still. Scott sobbed over Allison’s body and for just a second, Chris felt his world shatter. No, not her, please, anything but that. And then another one of Scott’s sobs pulled Chris back into reality.
Chris kneeled next to Scott, putting his hand on the wolf’s shoulder. “Breathe, okay. Breathe. I’m calling 911. You tell them you called me first, okay? Get your pack out of here when they leave with her, I’ll take care of it. You just have to tell them you called me first, and then go home.” 
Scott nodded blankly, and Chris made the call. He turned away from the kids as tears threatened to spill over, but he bit his tongue and forced them back. Allison’s friends needed him. The ones she died for. He had to honor that.
With you, I serve, with you I fall down.
Watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out.
When the Stilinskis first brought Claudia in, Melissa assumed it was nothing. A routine checkup, or maybe a rough case of the flu. But then she was there again, and again, and when Melissa checked the files, she realized that her best friend outside of the hospital was dying. Not only that, but her mind was going, and that was almost more painful than watching her body wither and fail. 
Melissa did her best to support them. She brought over food when she had the time to cook, she invited Stiles over to her home to spend some time as a carefree kid, and she visited Claudia sometimes, after a long night shift when visiting hours were long over. 
The manager of the hospital had asked Melissa to pick up an extra shift once. Another nurse was attending his daughter’s wedding. Melissa had been all for it until she realized that it was Claudia’s floor. As much as she loved her friend, she didn’t trust herself to treat her. Treating friends and family was never a good idea, especially when she came home in the afternoon to see Stiles and Scott curled up on the couch together, Stiles sobbing into her son’s shoulder. 
Something med school did not cover:
Someone’s daughter, someone’s mother.
Melissa was working when Claudia died. The nurse had been at the front desk when she heard Stiles’ heartbroken shout, even from a floor below him. Mom. 
Melissa had grabbed another nurse, asked her to take over, and run up the stairs to Claudia’s room. Everything was silent in the hospital room. Stiles’ shoulders shook, and the Sheriff muffled his own cries into his son’s shoulder. 
She had a million things to say. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t say anything, scared to break the tension in the air. What do you say? I’m sorry, you don’t deserve this, she lived a good life, it’s no one’s fault. 
When Stiles and the Sheriff left for home, Melissa held the boy in her arms for a long moment. As she stood, she said, “Anything you need, come over. Any time, we’ll figure it out.”
Holds your hand through plastic now.
“Doc, I think she’s crashing out.”
And some things you just can’t speak about.
Melissa yawned, letting her head rest in her hand. She was sitting at the front desk of the emergency room, as she often did. It was exhausting to watch broken people drag themselves through the doors all day and night. Sometimes, as her vision blurred with tiredness, she would imagine Scott or Stiles, lying on a gurney, clothes soaked in blood, and jerk awake, heart racing. 
There was a lull in the ER, so she closed her eyes, pretending she was laying in her bed at home. Home, where everyone was safe. Where Scott and Stiles might be studying in a bedroom, where Isaac and Erica would play video games while Boyd made dinner for their little pack. Their little family. Derek might stumble in, streaks of dry blood on his shirt, and everyone would swarm around him to make sure he was okay. Because in their pack, they took care of each other. Maybe Derek would bring his sister, Cora. From what Melissa had heard about the youngest Hale, she guessed that Erica would get along beautifully with her. 
Maybe Lydia and Jackson would visit, too. They were barely pack at that point, but it was always nice to have them around. 
Only twenty minutes to sleep,
But you dream of some epiphany.
A light rap on the counter woke Melissa from her reverie. Scott and Isaac were smiling at her, holding a brown paper bag. 
“We brought you dinner. We didn’t want it to get cold, sorry for waking you up.” Isaac handed her the paper bag with a grin, his other hand woven through Scott’s.
The boys saw her eyes flick to their hands, and quickly disentangled themselves, looking away from her. 
Melissa offered a small smile. “I don’t mind, I just hoped you would tell me when you started dating again.”
Scott’s face lit up, and he kissed Isaac on the cheek. “I’m dating again.”
“Alright, boys, now go finish your homework and get some sleep. I’ll be home late again.”
The two teenagers left, holding hands much more comfortably, and Melissa allowed herself a moment of joy before returning to her work, eating as she reviewed patient files.
When she got home, Scott was sitting on the couch. She walked straight to him, dropping her purse on the ground, and pulled him into a hug. “I love you.”
Just one single glimpse of relief,
To make some sense of what you’ve seen.
Chris lay in the hospital bed, breathing raggedly. He rasped out several ingredients before his eyes closed, and Melissa ran to find them. She quickly concocted the potion before spreading it over his wounds. They smoked, and Chris screamed, face contorted in pain. Melissa forced a rag between his teeth, muffling the noise. 
Several moments later, the lash marks had faded. Chris panted, trying to catch his breath. Melissa removed the rag and filled a glass of water, carefully pouring it into his mouth. 
Chris coughed weakly. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” Melissa replied. “I’m just glad you’ll be okay.” She leaned down and kissed his forehead gently as he fell asleep.
With you, I serve, with you I fall down.
Watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out.
Melissa was in the hospital. Melissa had been shot by hunters. Melissa was in the hospital. And Chris was a fucking mess. He hadn’t slept since he heard the news. Rather, he had climbed into his car and driven frantically back to Beacon Hills. Melissa was still asleep when he sat in the chair next to her bed, having received permission from one of her friends to stay past visiting hours.
Pain flooded Melissa’s body as she woke up in a hospital bed. What had happened before was hazy; she assumed her house had been shot up by hunters. Scott had asked her for advice, as he often did, and she had told him to fight back. Her chest throbbed over the bullet wound, but she would be okay. She had to be, for her son. For her pack.
“Melissa, thank God.” Chris reached out hesitantly to take her hand. “I was so scared, I thought… and after Veronica and Allison, I couldn't…” he trailed off, a couple of tears running down his face.
“Hey, I’m okay,” she whispered. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard about what happened and I-”
“I do appreciate it, really. But shouldn’t you be off saving the world?” Her lips quirked up into a playful smile.
Chris shook his head. “Not until my world is safe.” He bent down to kiss her before settling back into his seat. “I’ll be here when you wake up. Rest.”
With you, I serve, with you I fall down.
Watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out.
Melissa held Chris’s hand. They stood in the cemetery, staring at the Argent tombs. Veronica Argent; Allison Argent; Kate Argent; Gerard Argent. Chris didn’t bother checking the dates. They were carved into his mind already. 
“And then there was one.” Chris laughed, his voice hollow. “I can’t believe…”
Melissa held his hand. “I know.” 
Chris choked down a sob and Melissa held him. They stood there, by the graves, holding each other, for a long time. When the sky began to darken, Melissa led Chris to her car. 
“Let’s go home, okay? The kids will probably be there, and it would do you plenty of good to be around a dozen lively wolves.”
Chris nodded, and they headed back towards their home, towards their family.
Melissa was right; the entire pack had taken up residence in her house. Scott, Isaac, Mason, and Malia sat jammed together on the couch, Isaac on Scott’s lap. Derek, Stiles, Ethan, Jackson, and Lydia sat around the dining table, catching up with each other over a game of poker. Corey, Theo, and Liam were lying in a puppy pile on the living room floor.
Chris and Melissa walked in to scattered greetings and the smell of brownies baking. Chris raised an eyebrow at the mess, but Melissa just laughed. “Don’t worry, I make them clean everything up before they leave.”
They shared a smile and headed up to Melissa’s room, where they changed into pajamas and lay under the covers.
“Good night, Melissa.” Chris kissed her. “I love you.”
She smiled. “‘Night. I love you too.”
Only twenty minutes to sleep,
But you dream of some epiphany.
Just one single glimpse of relief,
To make some sense of what you’ve seen.
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alindakb · 5 years
Letters to my Parents - Saturday 21 March 1992 - by Alinda
Saturday 21 March 1992
Dear mom and dad,
I’m been looking at this blank page in my notebook for a while, not sure what to write. It’s hard to think back to what happened. I got hurt very bad at the end of February. Most of the bruises have healed by now and Madam Pomfrey mended my broken bones quickly. But I had gotten glass in my eye and it’s still not completely healed. Also, I still have headaches and I need to take pain potions every night to fall asleep.
You remember me telling you that Malfoy and Nott had started using jinxes on me, like the tripping jinx and the leg-locker curse. Well, Malfoy stopped that after our fight at the Quidditch game, but Nott only tried harder to get me to trip or fall over because my legs would get locked together. And when nobody else was around he would give me a good kick before he would move on. Until it became more than just making me trip. One evening I was walking from the library to the dungeon and Nott, Crabbe and Goyle were waiting for me in an empty hallway. They locked my legs together and pulled me into an empty classroom. There they released me, stole my wand from me and started using the knockback jinx on me, making me fall back all the time. They just laughed while I was falling into tables and chairs and onto the floor. It really hurt and I begged them to stop. Only they didn’t, they just kept going. I tried getting up all the time to make a run for the door, but they were firing the curse in turns, so I was knocked down before I could even start running.
I hit my head pretty hard on one of the falls and struggled to get up after that. I tried to crawl to the door. I screamed for help. But nobody heard me, and they just kept going. I was crying by then and I was so afraid. When would they stop? Would they keep going until I was dead?
My whole body was in pain and I just couldn’t move anymore. Goyle left then, saying I would have sure learned my lesson by now. But Nott and Crabbe stayed. They walked up to me and started kicking me, first in my stomach and at my back. And after a while I felt Nott’s feet hit my head, breaking my glasses. The glass got stuck in my eye and I screamed from the pain. I passed out after the second kick against my head. I don’t know how long they continued after that. I only know that I woke up hours later in the hospital wing with a bandage on my eye and in a lot of pain.
I wasn’t allowed any visitors for the first two days. Madam Pomfrey said I needed rest, so my body could heal. She told me she had mended my broken ribs and broken leg and that she had stopped all the internal bleeding. But she was still very worried about my eye and she made a special healer from London come over to take a look at it. I needed to take multiple potions those first days, for healing and against the pain. And Madam Pomfrey used a special salve for my bruises to help them heal.
Professor Snape came by on the second day, asking me who did this to me. I didn’t want to tell him. It would only make things worse, I was sure of it. And there is the fact that Snape hates me, there was no way he was going to help me. He told me I was a fool for not telling him and that I had been lucky that Malfoy had been worried when I hadn’t come to the dungeons that evening. I really didn’t know what to think of that, Malfoy worrying about me, it just didn’t sound right.
Hermione came to visit me the first time they would let her. She cried when she saw me and she apologized. I don’t know why since it wasn’t her fault I got beaten half to death. She kept going on that she had been so worried when I didn’t show up for class the day after the beating. Nobody had told them I was in the hospital wing. Ron asked Zabini if he knew anything and then Malfoy had told them I was found beaten in an empty classroom. Hermione, Ron and Neville had rushed to the hospital wing after hearing the news but were refused in. And then Hermione had asked professor McGonagall how I was doing. Professor McGonagall had been very nervous about me according to Hermione. I asked her if she knew who found me, but she didn’t.
I was allowed one visitor per day for the next few days, so I only saw Hermione. She kept me up to date with my schoolwork and even gave me her notes. She also told me that they were sure the Sorcerer’s Stone was still safe. She, Ron and Neville pressed their ears at the locked door of the third-floor corridor every time they passed it to check that Fluffy was still growling inside.
After a week the special eye healer came by again and he said that my eye was improving. I still take potions for it now, but it doesn’t hurt so much anymore. I wear a bandage on it all the time and it looks really stupid with my glasses on top of that.
I had to stay another week in the hospital wing but was allowed to see more people. Ron and Neville came by in between classes and told me that Nott and Malfoy aren’t talking to each other. Malfoy even attacked Nott the day after I was beaten. I really don’t get what is going on with Malfoy. It sounds like he cares about what happened to me, but that can’t be, can it?
Zabini came by on the weekend, saying he was sorry and that he wished that he had helped me before things had gotten this bad. He said he had told Professor Snape that he thinks Nott did this to me. That he and Crabbe had been laughing when they had come back to the dormitory that night. And that they had cleaned blood of their shoes in the showers. Zabini also said that I had made Malfoy nervous and that Malfoy had sneaked out of the dungeon to warn Snape. He had never seen Malfoy look that scared when he came back to the dormitory, and Zabini thinks I should thank him when I would see him again because I could have died if he hadn’t made the professors look for me.
I was released from the hospital wing on a Wednesday when everyone was still in class. Professor Snape escorted me to the dormitory and told me I was expected to attend classes again the next day and that I should come to him if I was struggling with any of them because of my injuries.
Back in my room I first went for my trunk to put on some clean clothes, only to discover that someone had rummaged through it. I sat down on the ground in front of it for a long time. They were gone, my notebook and the cloak. I couldn’t believe it. Not only had they beaten me half to death, they also took the only things that mattered to me. Right then I wished they really had beaten me to death. At least then it wouldn’t all hurt so much anymore.
I was still crying by the time Malfoy came into the dormitory a little before dinner. He didn’t say a word, just opened his own trunk and search for something all the way at the bottom. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw what he dug up. He was holding my notebook and cloak. He placed them on the ground next to me and walked out of the dormitory again. I didn’t go to dinner that night; I just curled on my bed, holding the cloak and notebook to my chest.
The next morning Zabini and Malfoy waited for me before they walked to the Great Hall for breakfast. Hermione gave them a friendly smile before she took my arm and escorted me to the Gryffindor table to eat with them. And either Ron, Neville, Seamus, Dean, Fred or George walk with me through the hallways. And then at the end of the day, Zabini and Malfoy come to take me back down to the dungeon. And it looks like Malfoy is hardly sleeping at night. He has dark circles underneath his eyes and he starts drifting off in class more every day. I think he stays awake at night just to make sure Nott and Crabbe don’t hurt me again.
And then last Sunday happened. Everyone was off to breakfast and Malfoy and I were alone in our dormitory. He was sitting on his bed, working on our Potions homework when he suddenly started speaking. He said he hadn’t read through my notebook, he just took it to keep it safe. And that he had seen the invisibility cloak when he was searching for the notebook, and knowing that Nott would destroy that too if he would find it, he hid it as well. I thanked him for keeping them safe. And I also thanked him for finding Snape when I went missing. He looked away then, saying it was nothing. That he should have stopped them in the first place. That he was the one that had started it all in September, and that if he hadn’t this would have never happened. He didn’t say sorry, but I don’t think Malfoy has ever said sorry for anything in his life, but only admitting that he was partly at fold was already a big deal for him.
Since then he talks to me during Potions, telling me what he’s doing and making sure I understand. It helps a lot and I feel like I’m getting better at it now. Zabini is also starting conversations with me now in the dorms when we brush our teeth and get ready for school in the morning. It’s kind of nice to have someone to talk to when I’m in the dungeon.
Professor Snape asked me again this week who it was that had beaten me, but I still didn’t tell him. Hermione, Ron and Neville think I should. It would definitely get Nott and Crabbe expelled, but I don’t think that will happen. They will just get some detention and that will only make things worse for me. At least now I have some people in Slytherin that are looking out for me. If I would turn on my own housemates I don’t think I’ll be safe from the older students. In all my time here I learned one thing; Slytherin’s don’t tell on each other, we fix our own problems. And it is about time I start doing that and stop them from taking advantage of me.
I promise to stay safe from now on.
Love you and miss you terribly,
Harry James Potter.
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marvelousbirthdays · 5 years
Happy Birthday, pegasusdragontiger!
April 25 - Steve Rogers/ Darcy Lewis, something smutty/crack/fluffy Darcy is a witch and Steve's her other half and he finds out she's a witch and is smitten? with the prompt “I’m not gonna stop leaving marks till I’m sure everyone will know you’re mine.”, for @pegasusdragontiger
Written by @iamartemisday
Darcy Lewis was a witch, not a psychic.
Her great-aunt was a psychic and successfully predicted both her parents’ divorce and the blue ribbon she would win in sixth grade for track. Her half-brother could also do this thing where he’d look into his babysitter’s eyes and instantly know where the cookie jar was hidden.
Darcy, however, had not inherited such talents. It was sad but true.
And she should’ve remembered that when she set out into the world and got herself an internship with an eccentric if brilliant scientist stationed in the middle of the desert.
Expectation: spend a few months building sandcastles while practicing her potion making and wow-ing her squishy muggle friend with some magic tricks.
Reality: walk into the lab on day two to find Jane sucking blood out of a bag through a straw of all things and suddenly understanding why she never ate and was pretty much nocturnal.
“You’re a vampire!” Darcy screamed, pointing at Jane’s bloodstained lips.
“Yeah,” Jane said, blinking her red eyes away and retracting her fangs. “Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I was going to but some things came up and I never got around to it so…”
“You’re a vampire!”
“Er...yes, I am.
“Why are you a vampire?!”
“You mean was I born this way?” Jane tossed the empty blood bag away. “Kind of. My dad was a vampire and my mom is human, but when I was twenty-three, I decided-”
“Why are you a vampire???”
The conversation went on like that for a few hours until Darcy threw up her hands and accepted it.
She would continue to accept things all the way to the Avengers main HQ in upstate New York, where Jane had been taken on by Tony Stark as a member of his science team (which mostly meant they and Dr. Banner would hole away for days at a time, building robots or whatever). Being Tony Stark, he took the witch and vampire thing in stride and the two of them quickly settled into their new lives and new responsibilities.
Expectation: Get another year of experience as an administrative assistant before applying to grad school, try to get that one cooling charm to work in time for summer, and not see her supernatural life and her superhero life coincide in any way.
Reality: Visit her new best acquaintances Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes after they were attacked while on a mission and realize those dog bites were not dog bites.
“I think it’s a werewolf,” she declared to Jane later when they were alone.
“Are you sure?” Jane was in the middle of arranging a meeting with her blood dealer, which was a thing for vampires apparently. “Could’ve just been a really big dog.”
“I don’t know.” Darcy flipped through the photos her mother had sent her. They all looked just like the gashes on Steve’s shoulder and Bucky’s stomach.
The two men were discharged the next day, miraculously healed and feeling better than ever. Over the next few weeks, certain… changes would occur. Bucky made a scene in the lounge one day accusing Sam of stealing his butterscotch ice cream.
“I did not take your stupid ice cream, asshole.”
“Oh yes you did, I can smell it on you!”
“I bought my own ice cream and ate it yesterday. What do you mean you smell it?”
Steve reported a case of sexual harassment after overhearing a janitor making lewd comments about the receptionist.
“I can’t believe none of you heard him. He was practically screaming.”
“He was all the way across the lobby. And it’s crowded in here. How did you hear him?”
Both of them caused several thousand dollars in property damage by accidentally ripping doors apart and putting holes in the wall.
“Okay, I know the serum was good, but since when is it this good?”
“It’s not. At least, I don’t think it is. I don’t know anymore.”
A day before the next full moon, Darcy knew it was time to bite the bullet and tell them her theory. She dragged Jane along with her, just in case she needed back up. They found Steve and Bucky duking it out in one of the only training rooms they hadn’t destroyed yet.
No one else was around, which was good. Those claws and gold eyes would’ve been really hard to explain to a Normie.
“Huh,” Jane said, her eyes clouding and turning red as she was almost hypnotically drawn to Bucky’s aggressive stance. “Guess you were right.”
The battle was a standstill for the moment. Both men had lost their shirts and their bare chests were covered in claw marks. Glass windows had been cracked and safety mats shredded. Steve’s teeth seemed to grow sharper by the second as he snarled at his best friend, ready to strike.
“Hey, guys!” Darcy shouted, using a spell to magnify her voice. “You need to come out so we can talk. It’s important.”
“I think we should stay in here,” Steve said calmly.
“Might be safer for you,” Bucky agreed.
“Look, I know what you’re going through. Granted not firsthand, but I’ve read about it, and the first month after the bite is really hard. It’ll be easier after you transform tomorrow. Until then, you have to chill.”
“Chill?” Bucky rounded on them, stomping hard enough to leave massive imprints in the metal floor. “I don’t care what you’ve read, you have no idea what this feels like!”
Every word came out as an animalistic growl. Darcy shivered in fear. Jane shivered for a whole other reason.
“I don’t think this is working,” she muttered to Darcy.
“Got any better ideas?”
“Just one,” Jane smiled and licked her lips, “but I get the tasty one.”
“You get the whatnow?”
Vampires were very fast. And very strong. Maybe not quite at supersoldierwerewolf (weresupersoldier?) level, but Bucky definitely did not expect her to leap clear over the twelve-foot glass wall and tackle him to the ground. He went down easily and didn’t resist when Jane licked him from neck to ear. She grinned at him, fangs flashing. He growled again.
“I knew there was something up with you.”
“Oh yeah?”
She pulled him into a kiss which immediately turned far too R-rated to watch, and Darcy took that as her cue to grab Steve and get the hell out of dodge.
They went through the locker room, Steve gagging at the intense odors he couldn’t block out. Darcy guided him to her and Jane’s apartment. By then, he’d relaxed enough that his claws retracted and his eyes returned to their normal (if still magical in Darcy’s opinion) blue hue.
“Okay, we’re good,” she said. He shuffled to the couch while Darcy made him a quick sandwich. She piled on meat and a few vegetables to keep it balanced. Everything a growing wolfman needed.
“We’re not good,” Steve mumbled, staring at his hands. “Is this going to keep happening?”
“For a little while,” Darcy admitted. “I know it’s hard, but I promise it’ll get easier. What you and Bucky are going through right now, they’re just growing pains. This time next month, you’ll be completely settled and out hunting fresh deer in between punching bad guys.”
He put his head in his hands and Darcy stopped talking. She considered putting a ‘shut up’ spell on herself, but that might be taking it too far.
“So… always had a feeling about Jane and Bucky, you know? They seemed like perfect halves.”
“She had fangs.”
“Yeah, she’s a vampire. Technically, it’s not a secret, but Jane’s kind of private and no one ever asks, so it doesn’t come up.”
“She’s a vampire, Buck and I are werewolves,” he stared at her, “so what are you?”
“A witch,” she said. “Not a great witch, mind you, but you know, a witch.”
She swirled her hand to create sparks. It was a good trick for little kids, not so much for grown men in the middle of lycanthropic turmoil.
Steve’s shoulders slumped. “I guess it could be worse. Now at least I know I’m not losing it.”
Darcy took his hand, ignoring for the moment how big it was and how good those callouses felt against her soft flesh. “You’re going to get through this, okay? Both of you. I’m with you every step of the way. I can introduce you to older werewolves who can show you the ropes or make a potion to ease you into the transition, whatever you need.”
“What if we don’t come back from it?”
“You will,” Darcy scooted closer. “Come on, you guys are way too tough for that. Everything you’ve survived, a little werewolf bite is nothing.”
Steve smiled, which had to be a good sign. “I like your optimism.”
“Thank you, I do try.”
“Think you and I could be perfect halves?”
Darcy choked. The question, while unexpected, was not out of nowhere. Not for her anyway. “I.. well, we’re only just getting to know each other. Hard to tell just yet, but I mean… I mean maybe. You never know…”
“Sorry if that’s too much,” he said like he could smell the combination of anxiety and desire welling up in her chest, and he probably could, “but I wouldn’t mind if we were.”
They had a quick meal (quick for Steve being the sandwich followed by two more) and Steve got the first good night’s sleep he’d had in weeks thanks to one of Darcy’s sleeping draughts. Bucky and Jane were back the next morning, just roughed up enough that Darcy neither had to ask what they’d been doing nor wanted to.
“Glad you’re here,” Darcy sang. “I’m ordering pizza later with a side of B positive for you, Jane. We’ve got a whole twelve hours to get through before the moon comes out.”
“Good. I’m taking a nap.” Jane dragged Bucky into the bedroom with her, but from the lack of noise that followed, she really did mean sleeping.
“Thanks for this,” Steve said as Darcy handed him a stack of pancakes. “Really, I can’t thank you enough.”
“So don’t,” Darcy replied. “I want to help. I may not be the best witch ever, but I can be the best buddy in the world.”
Steve dropped his plate on the table, and right when it looked like he’d dig in without another word, he leaned over to peck Darcy on the lips, a tiny growl reverberating in his chest like he’d just marked her as his.
“Still gonna thank you,” he whispered.
Expectation: Keep her head down and be just another face in the crowd among the heroes.
Reality: ...pretty freaking great right now.
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ofsunshine-andrain · 6 years
Something More? (Jungkook X Reader)
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A/N: This is super short but I decided to make it into maybe a two or three part fanfic. Hope you guys like this!
Genre: Fluff, high school au 
Word Count: 1k+
“Get off of me”
“What are you gonna do if I don’t?” he teased.
“You’re fucking dead once I get hold of you.”
Jungkook ignored your threats and continued to hold you down with tickles. He knew all the right spots where you were ticklish at. The only thought running through your mind at that time was how the hell has he grown so strong in the past few years. It used to be him that you would hold down and tickle.
Jungkook’s ringtone startled the both of you. You ceased the distraction and flipped him over instead.
“Phew, that was easy.” you lied. He was way stronger than you. “Try that again next time and I’ll teach you a lesson.” you said as you got off of him.
He grinned and reached out for his phone on your bedside table. You watched as his face change and knew who the call was from. You bet that it was from his “girlfriend”, Nayeon. You and Nayeon had a constant war against each other. She hated how much time you and Jungkook spent together. Her pretty face was a mask to her bitchy attitude. All the guys were blinded by her beauty to see her for who she is.
Jungkook was one of them.
“I gotta go.”
“Fortnite after school tomorrow?” you asked.
“Yeah sure, see ya.” he said as he left your room.
“Damn, Nayeon.” you thought to yourself. One phone call and he runs to her as if she’s dying or something. You rolled your eyes at the thought of her pretending to be all nice and innocent in front of Jungkook. That girl was the devil’s incarnate to you.
“Hey, don’t kill me but I can’t make it after school.”
You placed your textbooks into the locker and shut it. “Why? I was really looking to it? About time I beat your ass in Fortnite.”
“Nayeon has this dance practice thing that she wants me to go to.”
“But we had plans.”
“Sorry, I promise to make it up to you.”
“Fine. You owe me.”
“Thanks, I knew you’d understand.” he said while giving you a hug.
That afternoon, you played Fortnite alone hoping to finally win. You usually enjoyed playing Fortnite but for some reason you just weren’t feeling it. Scrolling through Facebook, you saw Jungkook post a picture with Nayeon.
A pang of annoyance and anger hit you. You didn’t know why you felt so strongly like that. Having a girlfriend doesn’t mean Jungkook have to give up all his friends. It wasn’t the first time that he cancelled plans with you at the last minute. You would get all excited to spend an afternoon with him before he calls and says he can’t make it after all.
The root of the problem - Nayeon.
You first met Jungkook when you were six. He had just moved into the neighbourhood and his mum and yours had set up a playdate. At first, you refused to play with him because you didn’t know him. But after he pointed out that the bunny on his shirt looks like your favourite stuff toy, you decided that he wasn’t that bad. By the end of the day, both his and your mum had a whole collection of photos of the playdate that they had secretly taken.
The memories of that day, hangs on the wall of your house stairway. Your mum had a thing where she liked to photograph every birthday, school event and festive season. She would then develop the photographs, frame and hang them on the stairway wall. You liked how it reminded you of happy memories. It was like walking down memory lane.
After the playdate with Jungkook when you were six, the pictures on the stairway wall quickly got filled up with pictures of you and Jungkook. Each birthday party you had, he was sure to be there. When your parents went away for the weekend, you would stay over at Jungkook’s. It was things like that which strengthen your friendship.
You didn’t want to be that friend who gets jealous once her best friend has a girlfriend. But a small part of you felt him change ever since he started dating Nayeon. It was a subtle change but you felt it. 
“Class get your lab coats and partner up.”
One of the many things you missed was having Jungkook as your lab partner. Now, he partners up with Nayeon instead. You sat down on an empty seat beside some guy in class. He looked familiar and you’re almost certain you had other classes with him.
“Hey.” you said.
The boy nods instead of saying anything. He introduced himself as Kim Namjoon. You realised what a good choice you made because this was the boy who scores first in every subject. With him, chemistry is gonna be a park in the park. 
Practically every Chemistry class you had, you zoned out. Namjoon was an amazing lab partner because he knew everything he was doing. You, on the other hand, were clueless. It felt like a potion class to you where you had to pour liquids of different colours. 
“Aren’t you tired of staring?” 
“Huh?” you replied.
“At him. You’ve been staring at him for almost half an hour.” He pointed at Jungkook and Nayeon’s direction. “Go confess already.”
“No, I wasn’t. I was looking at the fire thingy in the cupboard behind him.” You started to turn red with embarrassment.
“You mean the Bunsen burner?”
“Yeah the Bo-sen something.”
“Well it must be interesting because you stare at it every week.” he teased.
“No I don’t.” you defended yourself. “Now, what are we doing?” you asked.
That night, you restlessly turned about in bed. You thought about what Namjoon said and it struck you. Do you like Jungkook? It feels impossible because you were there when he wet his bed, when he cried from a horror movie and not to mention his pimply puberty phase. You are his childhood friend. How can you possibly have fallen for him?
After tossing and turning for an hour, you decided to put an end to those thoughts. You grabbed your phone from your bedside table and texted Jungkook.
“Are you awake?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“Can I come over? I can’t sleep.”
Five minutes later, you stood at his front door. You didn’t wanna knock in case you woke his parents up. 
“I’m outside.” you texted him.
Jungkook opens the door and lets you in. Instinctively, you head straight for his room and made yourself comfortable on his bed. He smiles upon seeing you curled up at your regular spot in his room. His house felt like your second home. 
“Whatcha doin?” you asked him.
“Watching youtube. Why couldn’t you sleep?”
You shrugged not knowing if you should tell him what you were thinking about. “Let’s have a sleepover like we used to have.”
“Sure.” he said as he headed to the linen closet. 
After the blanket fort was set up, the both of you laid inside it with a tub of ice cream. It really felt like the old times. Midway of the movie, you decided to ask him a question. 
“Hey, do you love Nayeon?” 
He paused the movie to answer your question. “Why do you ask?”
“Just curious.” 
“I don’t know... its complicated.” 
“You know that smart kid in class? The one I’m lab partners with. He said something weird in class today.” You turned and looked at him.
He stared back wondering what you were going to say.
“He suggested that maybe I liked you.”
Jungkook was surprise to hear that but there was something else that he was more curious to know about. “Well, do you?”
“I mean-” you stammered not knowing how to answer him. To be honest, you weren’t quite sure yourself. That was the whole point of coming over. It was for you to get an answer to that question. 
Lying side by side, the both of you locked eyes. You felt you heartbeat quicken as you stared deep into his eyes. Never once, in the last eleven years have you felt something like that with him. This was a new feeling.
You weren’t quite sure if you liked it. 
“Well, why don’t we find out?” he said as he moved closer to you. Before you knew it, you felt his soft lips on yours. You were too stunned to do anything at first but you slowly melted into the kiss. 
When it was over, you couldn’t help but want more. You got your answer now and you didn’t know what to do with it.
“I gotta go.” you said hurriedly as you left his house. 
Jungkook called out after you but you ignored him. You got home and slumped on your bedroom floor. What the fuck just happened? He had a girlfriend and yet he still kissed you. You weren’t mad with the kiss, you actually kinda liked it but that was besides the point. What was he thinking? What’s gonna happen from here on?
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liveshaunted-moved · 4 years
Headcanon Dump; Morgan
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morgan’s hair is magically chamred to look blonde, only those in the charming household know their hair is naturally blue.
morgan sided with chad & audrey with the whole ‘ben is love with mal’ thing
their powers are  Geokinesis,  Necromancy, Fairy Magic,  Umbrakinesis,  Thermokinesis ( basing powers on pjo / nico’s ablilties )
they have a skull birthmark on their inner left wrist, looking like a tattoo
once, as a baby, sneezed and turned into a black dragon
knows that they’re adopted, and doesn’t care about their birthparents. as the charming’s are their parents
morgan swears a lot. there is a swear jar in the charming household. most of it is morgan.
morgan is very protective of those they care about and will do anything to protect them
they are VERY GOOD at holding grudges, it comes from both parents.
morgan is more powerful then mal, and NO you can not fight me on it
morgan will hold mal responsible for what she did to audrey and chad and ben. morgan would expect a full apology from mal to; ben, to audrey, to chad, before morgan would ever consider forgiving mal for what she did.
morgan understands spells and understands that ben wouldn’t want to harshly / hurt mal, even though mal did spell him - they understand that, and only wants ben to apologise for hurting audrey, to audrey
when i say morgan would kill someone who hurt chad, i mean that literally. you do not hurt their family. they would kill someone if those who they care about are that badly hurt
morgan would absolutely adore persephone. they meet the goddess once, and loved her. was sad they never saw the pretty lady again
despite never having been in water, or an ocean or flying morgan has a fear of those. the only way they feel confident in the air is if they’re in their dragon form. that is it.
morgan loves persephone, and persephone is one of their favourite goddess ( as state in another headcanon ), mainly because of the time when i headcanon morgan meeting the goddess. they went and looked up goddess of flowers, or asked their mother to help them. and that was how they learnt about the greek gods, and started to believe in them. and started to pray to them.
morgan absolutely loves flowers and totally one year for an art project for school did it on persephone’s garden & hecate’s cave
morgan would be the kind of person to spoil their partner in affection and small gifts. a flower almost every two days, or a little note here and there
morgan practices hellenism, their favourite gods/goddess are, heacte, persephone, hestia, hermes & dionysus
due to not knowing where they came from, or who their parents are - there for not knowing what they are. morgan self identifies as a witch, despite the stigma that auradon has about witches. only those close to them know of this.
morgan HATES bullies, they understand not getting along, they know the difference between not getting along and bullying. so if morgan ever finds out that mal bullied, because that is what mal did, evie and carlos, and any of the other isle kids, morgan will flat out have an animosity towards mal.
i don’t think morgan would ever get along with mal, personally. this may end up thread to thread dependant, portrayal to portrayal dependant. but my general stance is that, morgan isn’t a huge fan of mal due to what mal has done to those close to them. hurting chad and audrey and tricking / spelling ben, that doesn’t sit right with morgan, nor does manipulating jane
morgan has a dragon form, it’s black and when they were four years old, their dragon form was already at five feet big.
by the time they reach the age of twenty three, their dragon form will be at it’s biggest which will be nearly thirty feet in length or potentially sixty
fire can be fired out of their mouth, it is a dark blue, with a lighter blue smoke
eyes are a fiery blue colour, a glowing blue almost
despite being adopted into a high royal family, morgan totally campaigns for sidekick & isle kids rights
morgan truly only has control over their magic, because fairy godmother can only teach them so much, fgm can’t teach morgan about controlling the dead, controlling anything that comes from hades. fgm can only do so much, and taught morgan breathing exercises to use when one of their powers that are more found with hades pops up.
they can’t bring in a god, bc that would get the charming’s and some of auradon questioning why they need someone like that to teach this kid.
morgan is the type of person, much like give gifts & little notes and flowers, to be very affectionate.
they, will always be the kind to kiss you on your forehead, cheek, back of the head, knuckles. anywhere and any kind. romantic? platonic? yes. because they feel like everyone deserves to feel loved
morgan has nightmares of them drowning & of falling from the sky / being struck by lightning. they have no idea where it came from.
even when in dragon form, while they might be less afraid of flying there still is that bit of fear within them
morgan has their own 3d printer, and, yes, they don’t let chad use it. it’s a little magically enhanced.
morgan loves their family more then anything. okay. no matter what universe, not matter what. their family is their life. and once they start calling you family, that’s it, you’re their family. it also doesn’t have to be by blood
morgan setting up a spell that allows them to know when people are having a bad day, or night, or a bad dream? more likely then you think. they would work hard on this, and even harder when the vk’s come over. it is finally mastered and every time they walk down the corridors of the dorms, they have their hands out - speaking the spell, and at every room they find someone having a bad day or nightmare, they magically pop in something like random flowers, or sweets into the room, or a cup that is magically filled with the person’s favourite drink.
them working on something specifically for nightmares, and always carrying around a few calming potions, that help calm someone down enough that they can sleep again. that them working on how to minimise nightmares, but realising they can’t but they can make something for after.
morgan just wants to help everyone. them setting up an ‘underground’ shop where they ‘sell’ their calming potions, their potions to help after nightmares. they don’t ask for much in return, because all they really want, is for everyone feel good.
morgan uses magic outside of their lessons with fairy godmother. it’s never anything major, or noticeable. and it’s always to help out others.
when that shit that went down with uma&mal at the ball? morgan noticed right away that ben was under some form of spell. they’ve been studying magic their whole life, they know a spell when they see one. and kind of why they won’t blame ben fully for his actions because they noticed he was spelled. and why they really won’t get along with mal because that seemed like a spell of maleficent then a trick of the evil queen or jafar.
morgan also then sympathies a bit with uma, because they see the way uma is reacting to mal. and they see that uma’s reason for spelling was different to mal’s ( at time spell was used )
When in the presence of a god, morgan will call them Lord/Lady *name of god/ess*, and yes this is included Hades.
the fire of morgan’s hair actually burns out fairy godmother’s charm on their hair. and often has to get the magic topped up, almost every six months. so morgan’s ‘haircuts’ are them going to fairygodmother for a touch up of magic. the spell was not taught to morgan
you know what,morgan’s hair is actually naturally blue not purple, purple is mal, morgan isn’t mal & is more hades in the sense of a lot of things
morgan is the kind of person to hate when people put people down, especially when it comes to appearance ( and things that can’t be changed ), which is why they like to always say things that are uplifiting. and if a partner, will leave / give positive notes in lockers, with flowers or chocolates.
it has been once said that, because of morgan’s helpful nature ‘are you sure you’re chad’s sibling? you sure you’re not adopted’ to which, they reply ‘i AM chad’s sibling, and i AM adopted.’ all with a hitched eyebrow and arms crossing against their chest.
morgan is so full of love, but will fight anyone who hurt those they care about.
morgan knows how to fence, play tourney, and is actually very sporty. but .. like doesn’t play for the school
morgan doesn’t know how to swim, and honestly refuses to go into big bodies of water. it honestly scares them. them even going to the cotillion? HUGE step tbh. but boy did they run out when uma fled into the sea bc they did not want to be in the water, so they uh…magically transported themselves back to their dorm room where they ended up having a panic attack by themselves. bc her mind told them that the boat was going to tip, or that mal and uma would fight hugely and that’s make the boat tip. it uh… scared them too much.
morgan’s main verse, has morgan storming off after the proposal, to a spot where they like, but can still see the vk’s coming in. this is how they transformed into their huge dragon form without hurting any of the ak’s. they were in an area where they couldn’t hurt anyone
zeus is morgan’s least favourite gods. mainly because most of their fears are things he controls. heights ( the sky ), thunder & lightning.
you think the core four were the first people to take fgm goodness class? you’re wrong.  morgan’s been taking it since they started school. they don’t know why, but it’s a class they have, and only after ben’s call to bring over the core four did they stop taking it.
morgan’s irrational fears are irrational to everyone but them, and the charming’s and fgm. because one day when morgan was seven, they acciddently shadow travelled, after thinking hard about their father, but the thought was ‘DAD’ not king charming specifically. they had just wanted their father, and then the shadows took them over, sending them to the isle but because of the barrier - morgan bumped into nothing and started falling into the water, screaming their head off before finally turning into their dragon form a few feet above the water.
they don’t understand why the thought of ‘dad / father’ sent them that close to the isle. fgm saved them, and brought them back to their home. now when they think of it, it sends them to the right person, and they end up at king charming’s feet or anywhere near him.
morgan has found it’s better to picture a face rather then a name
morgan is taller then chad. not by much, but they are taller
the charming’s uh… have been told they need to keep morgan as calm as possible. because once when, after their first magical out burst, got angry at another kid, their hair went up in flames, scaring the kid and fgm had to come in and like… wipe the kids memories of it bc morgan’s parentage can not be found out
after the events of d3, i think morgan would start to wear their hair out naturally in the sense of not going to fgm for the charm that colours their hair to match that of the charming’s
while they might be upset with ben, they still care about him. morgan is upset with ben for letting it drag on, and waiting for the ‘right time’ to say he wasn’t spelled anymore. ben is still someone they care about
Morgan keeps every gift given to them
morgan is very neutral, most of the time they are nice, and loving and wanting to spread love to everyone, but if you hurt one of their friends / family, they will be OUT FOR BLOOD. you do not want to harm anyone they love, this is why morgan does NOT like mal. especially if mal hasn’t apologised in three years!
morgan’s goodness classes came in hand with their magic controlling lessons, both of which were done in private, compared to the ‘public’ way that the core four’s class was given
due to the way they were born, morgan ages differently, this is why they put it down to when they’re in their thirties and still look like they did when they were twenty, and everyone ele clearly looks older - but then, everyone starts dying as they grow older, and… morgan takes a huge while for them to realises that maybe, just maybe they won’t age anymore. even longer to realise what that means.
morgan would often train with chad and loves/d whenever they could play sports together, but either way, morgan still would never try out for any school teams
you know what morgan would find extremely calming? someone painting on their back.
if morgan is dating or friends with someone who is an artist, musician, actor, sports player, author you bet your ass morgan is there to hype them up. they will be promoting them all the time.
no matter the verse, when morgan wants to be a parent - they will not carry the child. that is something the are certain on. if their partners is female and they have a donor, they will let their partner take on the pregnancy, but morgan will not. otherwise, morgan is adopting the children.
so more then likely, when morgan becomes a parent, it’s through adoption.
i think, one of the reasons morgan doesn’t like mal, aside from my other reasons written in bios and headcanons, is that mal, someone who grew up with no magic and was probably told that upon entering auradon that magic wasn’t allowed - but still used it and essentially got away with it scottfree ( from the adults ) because she grew up on the isle and doesn’t know better. and morgan knows in her bones that mal knew what she was doing, that while plans switched - they were all her doing, and she didn’t have to do them, but she still did.
whereas morgan, who grew up in auradon, and told to hide their magic and their powers all their life get’s scolded if they are caught using their magic; despite morgan being the one trained in magic because morgan has to go to magic classes ( unknown to them, set by adam ) so they can control them
morgan can be very morally grey, while, having grown up in the charming’s household, under the influence of Ella - morgan get’s their kindness from their mother. their temper and ability to hold grudges are from their biological parents - and they know this.
morgan has a HIGH pain tolerance
never ever call cinderella, cinderella in front of morgan, it is ELLA. morgan will come for your life if you don’t fix it, or ignore morgan telling you that it is ella
morgan offering isle kids, free magic lessons. to help them learn control of the thing that now flows through them!!!!!!!
her asking fgm for a classroom when more kids keep coming, and making it an official class
the kingdom making magic feel welcomed and not something to be ashamed of!
morgan would throw a halloween party & would invite everyone
morgan is 100% about the platonic ‘i love you’s’ and making sure everyone they know and care for, knowing that they love them. the idea of someone they care for not knowing that? they hate it.
sometimes they say it with their love language ( homemade gifts & cards ), or they’ll flat out just say it or text it etc
morgan loves lunch dates, they mostly love lunch dates with their friends. lunch dates to them, are more reserved for their friends more then they would a romantic partner
morgan’s main love language is giving gifts ( mostly selfmade ) and just time spent with the person.
has adhd
morgan for the most part is out by the time they’re fifteen. first as non-binary then as pansexual, first said bisexual but later felt pansexual was a better term for them.
here is the thing, morgan loves everyone and has respect for everyone but, once you loose the respect it is very hard to ever get it back.
so king adam, fairy godmother, belle have lost their respect. mal lost it and will never get it. ben is on thin ice due to morgan knowing he was under a spell ( and my personal hc is that ben does apologise to audrey, so morgan is on okay terms with ben, but it’s not were it use to be )
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renjiokumura · 6 years
Poor, Unfortunate Me: Chapter 3
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Ben x Plus Size! African American Reader
Summary: What if Ben didn’t fall in love with Mal? Find out the answer in Poor, Unfortunate Me. A story about the lesser known and evil second daughter of Ursula and how she gets the love she has been searching for her whole life.
Chapters: 1 / 2 /  4 coming
A/N: Most animated characters that I bring to life in this series will be the actor that voiced them.  I don’t own any of these characters besides Evangeline, all the other characters are owned by Disney. The collages I add are outfit references for (Y/N).
As soon as you got back to your dorm and Evan saw you crying, she asked what was wrong and tried to calm you down. You told her what happened while twisting the truth to protect the others. She just held you and told you everything would be better. To make you feel more relaxed, she broke out some hidden treats and some self-spa tools, saying she was going to pamper you.
15 minutes into the mini spa, you already felt 100 times better.
“Thanks, Evan. This is the first time I’ve ever done a spa,” you say with an avocado mask on your face, laying on your bed with Evan right next to you.
With the same avocado mask on her face and 2 cucumber slices on her eyes, Evan says, “I can’t believe you’ve never done this before. Not even with your sister?”
You sit up and look at your lap, taking a moment before you answer her question.
“No, she can’t stand me, because I’m too soft. Family is not the same on the Isle as it is here. Just cause we’re related doesn’t mean you have to love or care for each other. You got to look out for yourself.” Your voice is heavy with years of loneliness. When you don’t hear anything from Evan but a sniffle, you look to the side to see what’s wrong.
Evan, with her adorable self, has tears running down her face full of avocado while she sticks a cucumber slice into her mouth. She sits up and while chewing the cucumber slice, she says, “That’s so sad! I’ll be your new sister!” you don’t want to laugh, but the scene in front of you makes it hard.
“Why are you laughing? I mean it. I want to be your sister!” She says with the other slice of cucumber in her mouth. It makes you laugh harder, which results in her pouting like a little child.
After a minute you finally calm down enough to talk to her. “I’m sorry. I’ve never seen something so funny,” she gives you a look, “And sweet. I want to be your sister too. Come here.” you open up your arms for a hug and she takes it.
When you guys pull apart from the hug you both look each other up and down then bust out laughing. During the hug, you guys got avocado all over each other. It was all on both of your clothes. “I trust that you won’t freak out when I do this.” Before she can question what, you mean, you say a little spell, flick your wrist, and all the avocado is gone.
“OMG, you have magic!?” she excitedly said. You nodded ‘yes’, which resulted in a squeal from her. Her excitement was infectious and made you giddy too.
The rest of the night you guys played around with magic until you guys fell asleep. But during your good time, the others were making love potion cookies among doing other things.
After Lonnie left the kitchen, Mal put the cookies in the oven. In the silence of the kitchen, the tension between the group was almost palpable, but Carlos soon broke it.
“Mal, what you said back there to Y/N was very uncalled for. Just because you and her sister have beef doesn’t mean you can take it out on her.” Evie and Jay nodded to what Carlos said.
Mal is trying to hold her ground, by staring Carlos down, but the guilt is too much. She huffs defeated and looks to her feet. “I know! I know… It’s just we have a mission to complete and if we don’t,” she pauses looking up at the others equally frightened faces, then continues, “I don’t want to think about if we don’t.” The air is heavy with emotions.
The same thoughts all go through their minds in the silence of the room. They all started liking Auradon, but they wouldn’t say it out loud to each other. Here they could do and be whoever and whatever they wanted to be without worry of judgment or consequences. But when they thought about it, they don’t belong here. They had to remind themselves they were evil and belong to the Isle. Though, in reality, none of that was true.
They had been so lost in their thoughts, that when the timer broke the deafening silence, they all collectively jumped in surprise. They all shared a look before they all walked over to see how the cookies came out.
Mal takes out the cookies and places them on the prep table. “I think these are ready. So, do we all know what the plan is for tomorrow?” They all nodded in unison.
After cleaning up, they make their way back to their dorm rooms. Jay and Carlos get to their room first, which leaves Evie and Mal to still get back to their room. When they finally get back, Evie stops Mal before she enters the room.
“You are going to apologize to Y/N, right? Just because we are evil doesn’t mean we don’t have manners.” Evie can understand where Y/N is coming from and hopefully Mal can too.
“Yeah, Yeah. Only so we can make her our ally again.” Evie knew Mal was actually doing it because Isle kids stick together, but if it helped Mal sleep at night, she wasn’t going to say anything.
When morning rolled around you felt like something good was going to happen, but it was going to have bad consequences. Letting that thought linger in the back of your mind, you thought about how first period would go after what went down. At least you knew that if Mal came after you again, Evan was coming after her. Yup, reassuring.
Evan was nice enough to walk you to your first-period class since you usually went with the others. When you got there, everyone looked at you, with sorry written all over their faces. Evie put her hand on Mal shoulder, which prompted Mal to get out of her seat and walk over to you.
When she was finally standing in front of you, Evan stepped forward eyeing up Mal like she wasn’t Maleficent’s daughter. “If you hurt my sister,” she points her thumb over shoulder at me, “I’ll hurt you.” Your surprised by the protective nature of Evan but let her do her thing.
Mal’s surprised too but also impressed, so she tells Evan she understands. With that Evan hugs you goodbye and walks to her class. Once Mal has you alone, she says something you’d never expect from her. An apology.
“I want to say sorry about yesterday. What I said was not cool. Can you forgive me?” she asks, looking at you expectantly.
“Water under the bridge. Now let’s get to learning,” she smirks at you, and you guys walk to your seats.
During break, the group tells you about the love potion plan and you agree to help as much as possible. It hurts you to help destroy any and all chances of getting Ben, but you still feel obligated to help them and something is telling you to do so too. They tell you the plan is going to happen after school at Mal’s locker, so you just wait till then.
When the bell rings ending school, you shoot up out of your seat and run out of class since Mal’s locker is on the other side of the school. This causes Evan to follow you, though. You guys always walk from 5th period back to your dorm, so she thought something had to be wrong
By running, you made it just in time. Ben had just taken a bite out of the cookie, when something roughly bumps into you, sending you into Ben’s arms.
Ben is looking down into your eyes and is holding you against his body to keep you from falling.
“Y/N, are you okay?” You nodded too speechless and dazed to verbally answer. The next thing Ben ask you truly knocks you out more than the mystery object that got you the first time.
“But did it hurt?” his slight pause gives you a chance to be confused, then he finishes. “When you fell from heaven?” At that cheesy pick-up line, everyone’s jaw dropped especially yours. You honestly couldn’t believe your ears.
“Ben, Are you okay?” You ask being able to finally stand on your own legs, but Ben still has his arms wrapped around your thick waist.
“I’m fine, but not as fine as you, sweet thang.” he says with a love-struck smile on his face which you promptly covered with your hands so he would stop flirting.
“Jay, can you pull him off me, please?” Jay comes to your rescue and gently pries him of you. Once Jay has him, he asks Ben, “Has your world been worked?”
The answer to Jay’s question comes in the form of a song lyric. Looking you in the eyes, Ben sings, “You know you do.” (quoting one of Michael Jackson’s songs). At that you become flustered and turn around, not wanting to drag out your embarrassment.
When you turn around to see what pushed you into Ben, you see Evan.“Evan, what are you doing here?” she opened her mouth to answer, but you interrupted her. “Wait, were you the reason I fell into Ben?” When you said that, she became a little sheepish as she answered.
“Yes,” she whispered, “But I was only running in behind you to see if you were Ok because you left class so suddenly…sorry.” Hearing her explanation only made you smile. You could never be mad at her.
“There’s no need to be sorry. You were concerned about me and I appreciate that you care enough to check up on me.” With that said you hugged her. During your talk with Evan, the boys left to get ready for their game.
Once you pulled out of your hug, you look towards Mal and Evie and see they both have an urgent look on their faces. “Uh, you want to go to the field and save us some seats in the bleachers?” you ask Evan nervously. She nods ‘yes’ and runs off to the game.
“What was that?!” Mal asked incredulously.
“I’m so sorry guys. It was an accident. I tripped,” you said apologetically, “But you can fix this right?”
“No, there is no time. You’ll just have to become his girlfriend.” She said nonchalantly.
“Wait, what?!” your jaw was practically hitting the floor.
You guess this was the good thing that you felt coming, but unfortunately, you knew it was going to end badly.
Taglist: @havlindzk
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