#so he's taller than scott now
wheredidalltheusersgo · 9 months
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Total Drama Future AU design number 4!
He is 38 in this AU.
He was in prison for several years after All Stars, but he sent plenty of letters to his castmates.
Once he was released, he had a plan to make amends with all of them, but there was one very special person he needed to pay a visit to.
He had to go find Scott, he needed to see if Scott was alright.
After asking around, he finally tracked Scott down.
It was a pretty long drive to get there, but it was all worth it.
When he showed up at Scott's renovated farmhouse, (Thanks to Cameron splitting his prize cash from Revenge Of The Island up amongst the cast members) Scott cried tears of joy and relief when he opened the door and saw Duncan standing there.
Even though they hadn't seen each other in years, their love from All Stars remained.
Scott slept better than he had in years with Duncan by his side.
While they never ended up having kids together, Duncan was happy to live on the farm with Scott and Butterscotch.
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tropicalcleric · 8 months
spto made everyone think that wallace is so much shorter than scott because they hit him with a twink beam even though he's canonically several inches taller than scott. and it's all i think about all the time. scollace artists i am BEGGING you to put the height difference back where it belongs
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"I hate doing character lineups they're so time consuming" <- me right before going on another character lineup spree for two whole days
This fandom is thoroughly dead yet I keep returning here hi (into the void)
I'm a big fan of the height chart because it looks like they're getting their mugshots taken (they all belong in jail)
Click for higher quality, minor Nexus redesigns and even higher quality individuals under the cut
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Creep Alert - Teen Wolf Preference
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Fandom: Teen Wolf
Because someone has made me very uncomfortable at weekly pinball and I would like to take Theo.
Stiles: Okay he's not always the most observant person around, he will be talking to himself trying to figure something out or keep walking not realizing someone else has come up and gone all up in your space. When he turns about and you are visibly uncomfortable he RUNS back, trip/sliding between you and the guy pushing his hand off. Might have yelled "CREEP ALERT" on his way over, mile a minute talking asking if you're okay, did they do anything? name drops that he is the son of the sheriff and can get that guy written up for harassment. "Do you want to file a report on him? I'll call dad right now. Don't you go anywhere, we're not done here- PARRISH!" Spots a squad car and shouts over (it was not Parrish) and it becomes mess. But it certainly did the job.
Scott: Good of heart, dumb of ass. Despite his wolf instinct telling him to destroy the threat, he comes over the moment your scent turns distressed. He comes up right next to you with a comforting hand on your arm and inserts himself into the conversation. Genuinely not realizing this guy's intentions or what's going on besides you're uncomfortable and asks what's going on. Usually he's enough to diffuse the situation, but if someone's persistent he'll instead have you both leave.
Lydia: Has been in this kind of scenario too many times that she sees it coming across the room before anyone talks to you. She's learned exactly how to handle herself, either sweetly or with words that cut. Or if she had a 'big, strong, man' to handle it for her. Lydia's at your side immediately, telling them you're not interested and how far she'll shove her heel up their ass.
Liam: Sure, mess with the S/O of the werewolf kid with IED, that's a good idea. He doesn't usually stray far from your side but a few steps away was enough for someone to take his spot and feel a little too comfortable getting in your space and questioning you. His gaze shoots to you as discomfort sours your scent. He speeds over, eyes flashing gold and getting right in their face with you behind him. Not afraid to get physical if they want to keep it up.
Also if it's Brett coming to flirt with you, either because he's a slut or just to try and piss Liam off and you really are uncomfortable with his advances, all bets are off. Claws are out and he wants blood, it's a whole scene.
Isaac: At first it's a little harder for Isaac to come to your rescue, even though he's a werewolf now he's not used to the kind of confidence of doing something like this. You were always the one to try and protect him, and never faulted him when he didn't come to your defense, just trying to make sure you were okay after.
But now he's a werewolf, he can do better. He stronger. Intimidating. Despite everything, he still had to psych himself up walking over to you, who is obviously uncomfortable. He's not sure how to insert himself, but he is quite noticeable and doesn't have to do much. Being so much taller (and chest puffed) than your pest, they take the smart move to leave. Visibly deflate and swallows after that interaction and asks if you're okay. Gets bashful when you call him your knight.
Malia: No filter and very brash. People have thought of messing with her but the energy she gives off and feral look in her eye is almost always enough to deter them first. You though, are not so lucky. Already very standoffish, once she sense someone is making you uncomfortable she is staring them down and growling, barely keeping her claws in even as they leave.
Derek: He normally is overprotective of you, usually you just roll your eyes at his worries. But you certainly feel safe with a scowling sourwolf beside you. Until he's gone a few minutes too long and someone thinks that's their chance.
When he sees someone crowding in on you he's speeding right through the crowd and shoving them backwards hard enough to make them stumble and once they're thoroughly scared shitless by his hardened stare to flee, he's trying to get you to leave grumbling how "we never should have come here anyway."
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chaosandmarigolds · 5 months
Among the Bullets
Chapter 2 Part 2
Summary: You're a transfer mechanic for a task force which you know nothing about, and while trying to figure out your standing with each of the members you begin to realize you may be over your head. (Evental romance, He just sucks at flirting, but he is trying bear with meee)
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Warnings?: jealousy? Body descriptions, nothing really.
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 With a defeated huff you set the tablet down, leaning back in the chair was that was worse for wear. The light from the screen being the only real light source of the room, the hours of searching for a file you knew would be under the most secure of networks left you with a file that was more crossed out than not. A file you, of all people, should have access to. Yet perhaps the other people that was on that team thought not, and some part of you agreed with that.
After anothe few hours toying away in the hangar you had told yourself it was high time for an actual break, so you had gone to the mess hall, spending the thirty minutes pulling apart what you thought was a roll and reading over the briefing file for the up coming operation. Seemed easy enough, although there were a few things that were crossed out, so you assumed that was on a need to know basis. Even with all of the black ink covering the words in the upcoming operation, it didn’t hold a light to the scribbled out words of the past- a past you were now trying to uncover for your sake of mind. 
The way that the captain had referenced this, that mission, as if he knew the details you hadn’t been given until you had blood on your hands- he had information you wouldn’t ever be given. And you had been there. You were stay on the slow moving fan above you, mind whirling with questions you had buried deep down, just as you were about to doze off into a light slumber a knock came to the door, heavy set of hands yet a soft knock- enough to startle you
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 You blink to the change of light and see the kind looking girl in front of you, bit taller, holding a duffle bag like the one they had given you in her clutch. Her blonde hair neatly slicked back into a bun and her eyes giddy if not fatigued. When you see her you give her a little smile, “Can I help you?” Maybe that was a bit rude but she didn’t seem taken back by it. 
  “Um, the- the guy with the mask- like the halloween one?- He said I’ll be sleeping here.”
Oh. A roommate. Lovely. While you try to hide your ghost of a smile from her words while speaking about the lieutantle you look her up and down, clean clothes, ironed even, white blouse tucked into a clean pair of khakis, black riding boots. She…if it was able to say, was the exact opposite of you.  With a few moments you nod and open the door some more, rubbing your eyes. 
“You must be the mechanical engineer for the operation, I’m chemical engineering” She chirps in response and looks around, setting her bag on the sofa, which would be your bed as you would insist she take the actual bunk. Being a scientist would explain a lot of things, such as her apparence. To that you hum, and she noticed your uneasy expression from the doorway, “Louise. My name is Doctor Lousie Johnson.” ‘
“You actually say doctor?” That was what you said, which was most likely not the best thing to say but it was you had. Sure, techimcally you ahd your doctorate degree, but the idea of introducing yourself like that made you cringe. So as the silence crept, you shrugged, introducing yourself with a shake of the hand, “And technically I’m a mechanic for the operation.”
Louise tilted her head, carefully taking out the tablet she had been given, her touch delicate, “Ah. Well in the briefing document they said engineer.” Her eyes lit up as she looks back up to you, “Oh! On that note can I have access to your notes on-” 
  “Eh, Tink-” 
You spin on your heels as you hear the scotts voice interrupting your thoughts and the words Lousise was speaking, looking at him as he was half knocking on the door. He flashes a smile to Lousie, and then looks back to you, “Goin to the bar with Si and Kyle, you’re comin.” 
With a frown you retort, “I try not to drink the night before I have something important to do.” 
“Nows the bes time to drink,” He frowns to that, his eyebrows furrowing, “Si said to drag ya if needed, so gimme y’er arm.” 
  You tilt your head with an exasperated look and turn your head as Louise bites back a little laugh, the woman quieting as you give her a glare, her hand clasped over her mouth and eyes scrunched up in laughter. Without missing a beat you look back to the man, “I’m not going to the bar, Sergeant.” 
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 You sit in the booth, sipping the shirley temple as you read over the document for the thousanth time. It wasn’t anything special, the group was mostly sitting at the bar, chatting away with the doctor- who was aptly very quickly nicknamed ‘Doc’ You didn’t quite care for bars, however everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves- at least everyone expect for the Lieutentant, who somewhat mimicked your own posture but at the bar top. It wasn’t as if you were paying attention though, because that would be crazy, why on earth would you be watching- 
  About seventy percent of your attention was on the group you had isolated yourself from, how they laughed, how Lousie just clicked. It was idootic, you would most likely never see these men again in your life, nor her, after this operation, yet here you were feeling some sort of elementary school rejection. You were on a job, you were getting paid a decent chunk of money for this, and not to mention there were about a billion other factors which motivated your actions. With another sip of the drink you look away and to your tablet again, wiping off the oil smudge you had been too lazy to care about till then. 
  “Ya know its not safe for a lady to be out here alone,” a voice snapped you out of your trance, yet ther voice had no real body, you figured out it was coming from the person one booth over. 
  A quick glance back to the group, who were laughing with their backs to you, you bring your lips to your drink, speaking slowly and hushed, “You can say Hi like a normal person, Jack.” 
 A gruff laugh, and while you can’t see his face the rain covered grey hoodie was enough to confirm it was him- after all, you bought him that hoodie a few moments go by and you can hear him take a long swig of what you would guess was rum, “They want an update.” 
A long silence and you take a breath, hands looping around the glass as you think, “Can’t give them one yet, they haven’t told me anything…important, no location, time, nothing, they told me to be ready for anything and to dress warm.” You look around and then clear your throat, “They did ask if I was comfortable with 4320s.” 
“The tracktor?” He almost aughed, and for a spilt second you could almost see his smile before you replied. 
“Urals 4320s, dumbass.” You snipped back playfully, and look down to your glass, getting lost in thought for the millionth of a second, and when you looked up you noticed the luetiant looking at you, eyes narrowed, with a wary gulp you wave. 
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Somehow, you had been given the task of dragging the ‘somewhat’ buzzed doctor back to your room, with a arm under her, aggravatingly small, torso you lead her through the hangar. Listening to the ‘buzzed’ words as she spoke, now, you wouldn’t lie- she seemed like a sweet girl, kind, and very smart in her field- if not a bit dense socially, most likely the only thing you both had in common. Yet there was something that rubbed you the wrong way, and perhaps it was your one jealousy. 
   She was what your parents wanted for you, perfect hair, perfect body, clothes, smile, eyes, makeup, all of it, she reeked of perfection. The worst part was that you couldn’t be upset at her for it, she was too kind. “I think- I think they’re nice.” 
   “Mmmhm,” You nod slowly as you kick the door to the room open, and that had been your go to response to anything the woman had to say, a quick mmhm and a nod, or maybe just a little lifeless laugh that would trigger her own chaotic giggles. Now, this was technically a task you had taken upon yourself, the boys had offered and you knew deep down they wouldn’t have done anything- but the ‘girl code’ was ingrained into your blood. So, with a roll of the eyes you took her back to the room, which now left you there.
     “The scary one is-is funny,” She stumbles out as you sit her down on the bunk, a hand on the top of the head to keep her from hitting her head, her eyes going over your emotionless expression, and she hums, “But he was looking at you.” 
   “You’re drunk, shut up.” You snip and then kneel down, taking off the boots with tough pulls which would get you a grumble and a scold, that you couldn’t care enough about. It took about ten minutes of standing by the bed and shoving her back down before she finally relented and stayed down, so you hum once she was out. So you push yourself up to stand, walking over to the desk, grabbing your bag and pulling out the tablet. 
The faint light in the bottom of it catching your eye, so you frown and grab the flip phone, double checking the door was locked as you lean against it, looking over the message. 
   Mission is in Poland- dress warm. Be safe. 
The contact name stung in your mind, Jackson. Unshokcing that they would have him be your contact, nonetheless, made your blood run cold every time you thought of him, much less when you spoke to him less than two hours before. 
     You too, okay?
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 You stood outside the office for a solid few moments after you knocked before you heard the voice telling you to come in, and just as you remembered it was dimly lit, and the harsh smell of the smoke hung in the air. With an exaggerated clear of the throat you look to the captain, “Good morning, Sir.” 
     He motions for you to sit down, which you dismiss the offer with a shake of the head, “What do I owe the pleasure?” 
     “I have a few questions.”
The man seemed to almost expect this and he nods, “About the doctor.” 
   “Why a chemical engineer? From my experience-” 
“This isn’t about your experience. You were chosen for this operation, that should tell you everything you need to know, solider.” 
You stare at the captain for a long moment, the words rubbing you the wrong way, they way he was relaxed making your blood boil,  “I am not a solider. I will never be a solider and I will not be treated as such, I am consult and I demand some information on this operation aside from the vests I will be wearing and the truck I am expected to ride on. A chemical engineer and a mechanical one all in one op leads me to the assumption that is like operation that was lead on March 20th 2018 and I will need that information if you expect me to proceed.” 
Price stayed quiet as you spoke, seeming to take your words with a shaker of salt, which he prayed you would be thankful for, “You have all the information you need, as does Doctor Johnson.” 
   With a scoff you go on, “With all due repsect-”
“That will be all.” He interrupted you, his gaze hard and he holds out his arm for the door, “You are dismissed.” 
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  “Did you get an’ sleep?” 
The voice snapped you out of your train of thought, zipping up your bag and you look up to the lieutant, giving him a brief laugh. Maybe to ease your own nerves, sure everything you were about to do made your blood run cold but the sight of a man who might as well just be a ghost at that point seemed to do nothing for them. He lived up to the callsign. It was four hours before you would go on the transport, for the operation to actually begin, and you were getting all of the things you thought you would need- however they didn’t tell you what you would need, so you were going in blind. 
   “Enough, sir.” You respond with an equally amount of lackluster. 
He looked you up and down, the uniform they had given you to wear was ironed and clean- unlike what you would normally wear. “You’ll be fine, yeah?” 
    With a quick glance up to him you hum, and you look around, eyes landing on Lousie as she chatted up Johnny and Kyle and you look to the Lieutant, “With all due respect I need to know why we need a chemist. I need to know what I’m walking into.” It wasn’t meant to sound so harsh, but the words spilled out and it was much too late to turn back. “Last time I had a chemist on my op-” 
    “Take it up with the Captain.” 
“I tried. He didn’t give me a straight answer.”
    The lieutenant looked down at you, the mask seeming a bit more intimidating up close, the black paint smuged around his eyes and the thread he used seeming to be tight to the cloth. He seemed to be mentally debating something, ot jdudging you, you couldn’t figure out which, and you didn’t quite want to. So with a grunt he picked up your bag without warning and began to walk to the transport. 
   “Hey???” You yell after him, a bit more confused than anything, catching the attention of the rest of the group from the other side of the hangar, “Thats mine?!”
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Annnnyway that’s it! <33 comments and all that jazz mean a lot to me!!
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obriengf · 6 months
24 Minutes || Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Summary: You find Stiles hiding away after the burial of his mother. Words: 1.6k Warnings: sadness, mentions of death, mentions of graves, mentions of loss Notes: this was sad to write! also these babies are now 9 years old, growing up fast!
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part two of TWENTY FOUR - a stiles stilinski series (masterlist)
The sky was grey; a murky tone that cast a shadowy blanket over a small town, a quintessential backdrop to a ceremony that held sadness and loss. It was the depth of angst that settled within hearts, pulling and tearing until a hole was formed and left unfilled. There was one less mother, wife, daughter, friend in the world and it was felt tenfold by every single person that surrounded her wooden casket. The rain had held off but it didn't make the circumstances any more fortunate - the sombre air only further strangulating the grieving weeps of townsfolk, the thick tension gathering within Beacon Hill's cemetery with such magnetic force. Today... was an incredibly sad day. It was hard to watch as your friend stared at his dress shoes, inadvertently accepting the sombre apologies from friends and family that were projected toward him and his father. He was usually a loud kid, full of energy and excitement and mischief - never able to settle down or lose his smile. From the day you first met him, Stiles Stilinski was the epitome of sunshine, but the decline of his mother's health brought out a gloominess in him that hurt your young heart nearly as much as it did his own. His hands were tucked behind his back, but you knew he was fiddling with his fingers - a way to express the anxious energy that was constantly building within him. The past few months had been extremely tough on the young boy, but today was the worst by far, and it was written so painfully across his permanent frown and puffy red eyes. You stood to the side beside your parents as they made small talk with others from around town, their voices drowning out as you kept your focus on Stiles and the immense sympathy you were holding for him. You desired to talk to him, to comfort him, hold his hand and be a shoulder to cry on - something that children your age should never have to worry about feeling, and yet, your chest squeezed with the inclination to do just that.
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The ceremony was dismal, but the melancholy somehow was much stronger as you all gathered downstairs of the Stilinski residence - bodies clad in black moving slowly, sadly, as stories were shared and memories reminisced. It didn't feel right to be in this house with the absence of smiles and laughter from the family you grew so close to; the ones who you treated like an extension of your own tree, with as much love and trust that you had for your parents.
You were standing to the side as Scott McCall nudged your shoulder, his frame just slightly taller than yours. It had only taken six months of daily measuring until he finally passed that threshold - but he wasn't gloating about it today. The boy instead offered a smile of complete sorrow, a commiserative gesture, the only thing you two could muster despite the circumstances. He was the type to comfort anyone who needed it due to testing trials of his own and the demons that he still didn't understand clearly. A story of which you weren't aware of yet.
"Has anybody seen my son?" Noah's voice croaked, the hoarseness evident from hours of grieving. The crowd in the living room declined, quickly followed by the guests filtered into the kitchen. He looked worried as sudden urgency grappled at his features, an anxious act that was mirrored so easily when it came to Stiles' turn to express such emotion. Stiles was Noah's reminder of Claudia Stilinski - a physical being with her eyes and freckled complexion - and with that loss, he turned to panic.
Your hand was gentle as it grabbed Scott's wrist, careful not to tug too hard as you ushered him to follow you across the room. Noah Stilinski was a second father to you, and you hated the idea of your family hurting. You stopped abruptly in front of him, Scott nearly bumping into your back as he gathered composure, your eyes wide as you peered up. "We can find him, Mr Stilinski."
"Please, that would... I would really appreciate it, kids." Noah's left hand settled on your shoulder, as his right sat upon Scott's. He knew that if anybody could locate his son, it would be his two best friends.
You turned to Scott, pushing back every inclination to poke fun at his missing front tooth, before you nodded your head toward him, "Okay, Scotty. Where should we start?"
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Twenty minutes had already passed by the time you peered down to your watch - red and blue pictures staring back at you, a Spiderman-themed timekeeper courtesy of Stiles for your eighth birthday. Stiles was still missing and you were running out of hiding places.
You huffed, frustrated at your inability to find him, and it prompted Scott to turn around with consoling eyes, "We'll find him, Y/N. Promise." A tight-lipped smile was all you could reply with before Scott hummed, his gaze flicking around the room in thought. You could've sworn you saw a lightbulb go off as an idea struck his young mind, that gap-tooth smile making another appearance, "Okay, how about we split up? I'll go outside and you can check some more upstairs!"
It was a good plan, you thought, despite already ducking your heads into the upstairs bathroom and Stiles' bedroom without any success. You wondered if Scott was trying to distract you, to buy some time as he tried to think of something better - but you complied regardless, not wanting to give up on looking for your friend. Especially after the weighted events of today.
Your little steps made the boards creak as you ascended the staircase, any further moves stopped as you ended up standing aimlessly in the landing. Stiles wouldn't have ventured far, he wasn't that type of kid, choosing to instead make new places out of the ones he already knew - and it reminded you of all the times you couldn't find him during Hide and Seek. Your friend was as creative as he was mischievous and it made such a simple game into an absolute challenge.
It wasn't until you remembered the one place you actually found him, before any of this creativity of his fell into serious play. It was obvious the more you thought about it and suddenly, a smile tugged up between your cheeks at the possibility that you knew where Stiles would be.
The hinges of his bedroom door carried a long squeak as you gently pushed it open, the echo loud as it bounced around the room. It didn't look any different to when you and Scott were here earlier, your watch now indicating that it had been twenty-four minutes since you declared your search party mission to Noah Stilinski. It was dull at first - the sorrowful sound of a cry, a sniffle to interrupt the heartache of a young boy. You hadn't noticed it before but now you found it hard not to. You followed it slowly as if any quick movements would set him off, and it led you to where you wanted to be.
"Stiles?" Your voice was tender and quiet, an alert to let him know that you had finally found him. Your friend sniffled in reply and your smile quickly dropped to a worried frown. You stared at the closet before opening the door - light filtering inside before highlighting the cowered figure of Stiles in the corner.
His knees dragged to his chest as arms locked around them, face buried except for the big glassy brown eyes you knew too well. He was heavily distraught and your heart ached dearly for him. You cooed before walking in beside him and taking a seat, your arms brushing as a form of comfort. Legs were crossed in front of you as your hands settled in your lap, gaze now trained on the boy as he had yet to look away from you.
"We've been looking for you." You spoke, head tilting only slightly to better see his face.
Stiles took a shaky breath as arms dragged over his eyes, an attempt to wipe away the trail of tears that had been nursing him in your absence. His voice was scratchy and fractured, "There were too many people... and they kept saying sorry, a-and it was too much."
"I know." Your arm reached out for him as it sat idly on his shoulder, trying to soothe his sobs. Stiles' head leaned against it swiftly as a form of comfort. "We can stay up here a little longer if ya want?"
He sat up straight; eyes widened as honey-glazed hues stared back at you, doe-like and sparked with hope. He was glad that you didn't try to force him back downstairs. "D'ya mean it?"
"Of course." Arms were held wide toward Stiles, an offering for him to fall into them before you enclosed them tightly around his frame. The embrace was sweet, and soon regarded as necessary as Stiles began to cry into your shoulder. He was tired of it all.
His voice was muffled, but you could still make out his words as the boy pressed further into you. "She's really gone, Y/N. Mom's gone." Your hands moved in circles over his jacket as he continued to cry, something your parents would do when you were upset to make you feel better. And as you did, Stiles' hands grasped the fabric at the back of your dress and pulled you against his chest - the mere thought of letting you go scaring him into thinking he'd lose you too.
Your features were scrunched as your brows furrowed and lips downturned. If made you coo, a soft hum, shushing delicately into the young boy's ear, "She is, Stiles. But I'll help you get through it. I'll always be here for you."
"Pinky promise."
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christinesficrecs · 10 months
do you have any recs for fics post 3B or post season 4? Thank you!! Love your blog 💜💞
I'm so glad you asked! 🩷 This is my "omg, this was so good" list. 😊
Written in the Scars by dr_girlfriend | 15.3K | Explicit
Stiles stared into eyes that were just a little lighter than even the day before, looking almost beta-gold in the harsh lighting. His nose was just a little less uptilted, the moles on his face not quite where they used to be. The scar on the bottom of his chin from when he fell off the swings in third grade was just gone. He seemed a little bit taller, his shoulders a little bit wider.
With trembling fingers Stiles folded his left ear forward, craning his neck. A wheezing breath escaped him, his legs suddenly feeling weak with relief.
The mark of the Oni was still there, the one that meant self.
Stiles was still himself. For now.
The Walls Are Breathing In by secondstar | 41.8K | Explicit
Nothing could go wrong. It was just supposed to be a safe trip to the Nemeton. But this is Beacon Hills and things are rarely that simple. Welcome to the life of Stiles Stilinski.
Or, that time that Stiles accidentally became a sorcerer against his will.
Someone Else’s Dream by theroguesgambit | 36.6K
Post-3B. Derek has gone missing, and Stiles’ dreams might be the only way to save him.
out of the nightmare, into your arms by  tryslora | 6.4K
Stiles wakes up in the bathtub. It’s the third time sleepwalking this week, and at least this time he’s in the house. Ever since the Nogitsune, he’s had nightmares and nothing, and no one seems to be able to stop them. Until Derek.
Full On Rainstorm by BarlowGirl | 10.5K | Explicit
He catches Derek by the arm and Derek lets himself be turned, surprised when Stiles shoves a small box into his hands. “I don’t know if you still celebrate it or what but… I wanted you to know someone was thinking about you. Happy birthday.”
Then he squeezes Derek’s arm and bolts, gone before Derek can think to stop him.
He opens the box standing there, only to find one singular, misshapen, sloppily-frosted, cupcake, with a candle in the box next to it. It’s kind of squished despite the paper towel all around it to keep it from banging around in the box.
If You’re Going Through Hell (Keep Going) | 48.5K
Stiles thought everything leading up to Allison’s death was hell, but he was wrong. Spending senior year dealing with the pack’s dismissal of him while secretly training to be Deaton’s replacement was hell. Feeling guilty and hating himself for what the Nogitsune did was hell. Being in love with someone who would never love him back was hell. Well, if you’re going through hell, keep going.
Not Quite Lost (Not Quite Found) by alocalband | 25K | Explicit
A year after the nogitsune is defeated, Derek is living a quiet life in the mountains above a small town in Colorado.
Then Stiles shows up.
The One You Choose by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions) | 13.4K | Mature
Stiles hadn’t seen Scott in over a week, except for glances he caught during school hours.
Saturday Night At The Movies by aussiebee | 7.3K | Explicit
After running into Stiles at the late night movies, Derek realises just how badly Stiles is handling the post-nogitsune fallout. He knows the feeling.
Sense of Home by siny | 53K | Explicit
Home can be a place, but it can also be a person.
After the events with the Nemeton, Stiles starts suffering the consequences of their sacrifice. A journey he attempts to make on his own, but only becomes worse with every step he takes. In the process he seeks comfort in an unexpected place and it draws him toward an unexpected person.
Illuminated by ZainClaw | 5K 
“Because I’m falling in love with you and it’s scaring the hell out of me.”
Start Small, Like Oak Trees by SmallBirds | 24.2K
The months following Allison’s death have passed Stiles by in a haze of monotony. He sleepwalks through days that seem to lose their color, an unwilling passenger in a body he no longer trusts. Eventually, he thinks, he’ll just fade away. He isn’t sure anyone would notice. Then, during a spur of the moment grocery run, he stumbles upon Derek Hale attempting to console a lost child, and for the first time in recent memory the world doesn’t seem so awful. He’s not sure what he’d been expecting when he eventually convinces Derek to move into the Stilinski’s spare bedroom, but a newfound passion for weeding and topsoil certainly isn’t it.
Nitesky by  thepsychicclam | 7K
Stiles has trouble dealing with the after effects of the nogitsune, and Derek finds him sitting on his roof.
Honey, Can’t you See (The Bloodstains on my Teeth) by  Loup_Aigre, TroubleIWant | 44.9K
“Mr Stilinski.” Deaton’s usually impassive face betrays a hint of surprise today, maybe even disappointment. “You haven’t changed your mind.”
Stiles tips his chin up, smiling against his irritation. “Nope,” he confirms, so cheerily it bites. They had arranged this weeks ago, yet Deaton was apparently betting Stiles wouldn’t go through with it in the end. Fuck that. He doesn’t know what it’s like out there, not really. He can afford to hold himself aloof and uninvolved, knowing his druid power is enough to keep him safe in this little office. Stiles can’t. Scott’s pack has got to protect this whole town, and Stiles’ spark isn’t enough to protect all of them while they do it.
^^^technically not post-3B but soooo good!
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catwithyellowwings · 1 year
Brett Talbot x fem!Reader (Y/N Martin/Lydia's little sister)
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Please be gentle. English is not my native language. I'm still learning it, so there's probably a bunch of mistakes 🙈
"You'll see, our team will kick your ass," Y/N said confidently, lifting her chin and pushing back her red braid. At the moment, she was so annoyed by the self-confidence of one of the Devenford players that she could barely restrain herself from making more harsh statements. She had a negative attitude towards the captain of today's rivals instantly when she saw how he publicly mocked Liam in front of the whole school. Dunbar is only new to their company, but Y/N already considered him, if not a friend, then a member of Scott's pack. So Liam is part of their strange and diverse family, and the girl was not going to give offense to her loved ones.
"Well, we'll see about that", Brett smirked at her, accepting the challenge thrown by a stranger. Now he had two incentives to win today: to take revenge on Dunbar for what he did to his former coach's car, and to win a bet from a beautiful girl who was so ready to defend the honor of her school. "So what happens if you lose?"
"We won't lose, I'm confident in our guys", looking clearly into the boy's eyes, Y/N said decisively. Then she turned her gaze to the warming–up players of the Beacon Hills school, among whom were her friends - Scott, Stiles and Liam. Dunbar, as if sensing that they were being watched, turned around, meeting the eyes of the younger Martin for a couple of seconds. He was quite confused that she was talking to his main enemy of the last few months, but he did not comment on this in any way.
"So maybe we can make a bet about something substantial? " Talbot never let up, assessing the girl from head to toe. Her cropped top with a leather jacket and tight jeans with a high waist perfectly emphasized the naturally slender figure of the younger Martin, so the guy's interested look flattered her. Mentally, Brett was already anticipating his victory.
"About what, for example?" Y/N asked, folding her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow slightly. She was also confident of her victory, especially realizing that there were now two werewolves in their team, so ordinary people simply had no chance against them. Unless, of course, Scott decides not to use his superpowers on the field again for the sake of fair play.
"Well, I don't know," the guy chuckled, thinking for a while. "Let's go on a date? If we win, and we'll win, you're going on a date with me".
"Then if you lose, and you'll lose", Martin deliberately mimicked him with a short grin, "you… apologize to Liam in front of the whole school, just as you mocked him today as soon as you arrived here."
"To Dunbar? Nah," Brett just laughed at this formulation, glancing over his shoulder at the former co-commander, who was now talking to one of the Beacon Hills players.
"What? Are you scared? Oh, what a pity," Y/N smiled, slightly pouting, already feeling her superiority. "Then there will be no deal".
"I didn't get scared," Talbot said, squaring his shoulders and grunting with displeasure. "Okay, you got it. If your team beats us today, I'll apologize to Dunbar, so be it. But don't think that our enmity with him will be over".
"The game will show which one of you is better," now it's time for her smug grin. With her hands on her hips, Martin involuntarily looked around at the guy. The green-and-white sports uniform with the number 28 on the chest and back, although partially hiding the guy's body, but it was obvious that he was very well-built. Tall, half a foot taller than Y/N herself, sly light green eyes, slightly curly brown hair and natural charisma only added to Brett's attractiveness. Ah, if it wasn't for his bullying of Liam, then Y/N as a whole wouldn't mind flirting a little with this handsome guy, but she had to keep her face. You can't show your weaknesses to the enemy, so putting on her self-confident mask, Martin turned on her heels and headed for the stands. Her sister Lydia, the sheriff, and Dunbar's best friend Mason were already there.
"Hey", suddenly she was stopped by a light unobtrusive touch on the elbow, forcing her to turn her head, "at least tell me your name, beautiful stranger. I'm Brett, by the way".
"Y/N," she admitted, pleased with the effect. "My name is Y/N".
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thisgirlsophia · 2 years
HC’s for Bernard the Elf dating a Sweet!Reader
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(gifs not mine)
I wrote this all the way back at the beginning of August during Summer vacation and just waited till now, since Bernard season was back
CW: GN! Reader, Pure Fluff 
You two are complete opposites. You being the upbeat, positive, sweet one. Him being the sarcastic, grumpy, overthinker one. But opposites attract! You do occasionally have a few sarcasm battles with each other though.
Him being 2 inches taller than you.
I feel like he only uses nicknames when it’s just the two of you. Ex: Love, Sweetheart, dear, darling, (very simple but sickly sweet).
You use a few sweet ones too, but you also like to make fun of him sometimes so Mr. perfectionist, and grumpy it is.
If you use a sweet one in public, he will get embarrassed.
“I told you not to use that in public!” 
You smile and laugh mischievously.
“Seriously, this is a work environment! Be professional!”
You lean in and kiss his cheek.
“Whatever you say sweetie.”
You walk away leaving behind a blushing annoyed Bernard.
Having snowball fights. 
Him winning and you insisting it was a tie.
Making snow angels together.
Sitting by the fire and cuddling while drinking hot chocolate.
Ice skating together. That boy is one great skater.
You help him have more fun.
Stealing his hat (Doesn’t matter if it was on or off his head).
“Hey Y/N, have you seen-”
He didn’t even bother trying to get it back, you just looked so adorable.
Oh, and when you see him genuinely smile or laugh for the first time-
“Hey, love?”
Bernard waves his hand in front of your face.
You were just so lovestruck!
“Oh! Um I just never thought- you should do that more often.”
Being close with Charlie.
Coming with Bernard whenever he visits him.
Charlie looks up to you two.
He was so happy when you two got together.
And Bernard was so embarrassed-
Calming him down when he gets angry.
“It’s okay Bernard, we can figure it out together.”
You give him a comforting hug, linking your arms around his waist, leaning your head on his collarbone.
He hugs you back, puts his head in the crook of your neck, and sighs.
Kisses are full of love and adoration.
Him letting you play with his curly hair.
You two have definitely kissed under the mistletoe before (Scott & Charlie 100% had something to do with it).
Maybe when you two were just friends you only gave him a kiss on the forehead.
(Probably really blushes whenever you kiss him on the forehead, since it reminds him of that moment).
But when you became a couple.
You two had the sweetest most beautiful kiss ever!
Scott/Santa thinks you are one of the best things that have happened to Bernard.
He’s less uptight and seems to be happier at work now that you’re in his life.
When cuddling, if you are facing each other, your head will be in his chest and his head will be on top of yours.
Holding you like the teddy bear you are <3
If you’re spooning he’s most likely the big spoon.
But sometimes when he’s had a rough stressful day *cough* Curtis bugging him.
He loves for you to be holding him.
It’s very comforting and gives him the hope that tomorrow will be better.
Getting him to take breaks (ones that are longer than 5 minutes lol).
And possibly a vacation. 
Might take a lot of an effect but it will be worth it.
“But Bernard-”
“No! Too much needs to be done!”
“Christmas is 360 days away! Can’t you spare 15 minutes?”
He looks down and sees you with pleating eyes, and a small pout.
You smile wide and you give him a great big hug.
“Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
He blushes and smiles ever so slightly. 
He always tends to over work himself.
Sometimes he falls asleep in his office.
You'll come home and he won’t be there.
So, you head over to the workshop and open his door.
You find him slumped over his desk with his pen still in his hand.
You smile and walk over to him, removing the pen from his grasp.
You slightly nudge his shoulder.
“Bernard honey, you can finish that in the morning. Let’s go home.”
You make him eat a little bit of dinner before he goes to bed.
He falls asleep in your arms <3
You just care and love this elf so much, and as stubborn as he may be you wouldn’t want it any other way.
I really enjoyed writing this at the time, so I hoped you enjoyed reading them.
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iheartpeppino · 5 months
I'm bored, so I'm just gonna write what I find most attractive or appealing about each Pizza Tower character!
Peppino Spaghetti - His superhuman strength and speed is extremely impressive, and watching him in action is immensely satisfying. Also, the fact he takes the time to save the bosses from the crumbling Pizza Tower shows he has a caring heart. I'm also very fond of how expressive Peppino is, and I'm also quite fond of his design in general; he's a middle-aged, balding overweight man yet I find him very handsome.
Gustavo - Admittedly, I find Gustavo quite handsome and even cute. I also like that he's supposed to be a Mario expy whose partner is Rick the Hamster instead of Yoshi; it's an interesting spin. It's also nice Gustavo cares enough about Peppino that he's willing to help him take on the Pizza Tower, even if it means facing giant rats. I found out not too long ago that Gustavo has a son... but he's not married? Is he divorced? WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS WOULD DIVORCE GUSTAVO!? HE'S SUCH A NICE GUY WHAT THE HECK!?
Brick - Just like all the Stupid Rats, Brick is super adorable. One look at those eyes and I'm done. He's too cute. I love him. I want a Stupid Rat plushie and I want it NOW.
Mr. Scott Stick - This bald, skinny twig of a man... is admittedly handsome in my eyes. He's a jerk who scams desperate people for money, but GOSH... I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Mr. Stick can get it. He's a cutie. Is it the suit? I dunno, maybe. That, and he's apparently a huge dork when he's not scamming people... which I find endearing, oddly.
Phil Pepperman - This pepper is an absolute unit with a big grin and striking blue eyes. I wouldn't call myself a simp, but I understand completely why some people find Pepperman attractive. Personally, I find his pseudo-intellectual personality off-putting, but he is quite good-looking for a pepper.
Vigert Ebenezer Lantte - He's an older guy with a cowboy motif and a great sense of justice and responsibility. How can you not find that attractive? Yes, I know he's a cheese slime, who cares! Don't think I haven't seen people simp over this guy and draw him as a human, either!
Theodore "The" Noise - I'm not a Noise simp by any stretch, but if there is one thing I can say that's attractive about him... it would be his youthful spirit. Yes, The Noise is a manchild, but that's not always a bad thing.
Noisette - She's a very silly little lady whom I find very cute. I appreciate that her design is just as goofy as her boyfriend's, too.
Fake Peppino - What can I say? He's a monster, and I'm a monster lover. I like that he's adorable, silly, AND super deadly! I wanna kiss the frog man, if he'll let me.
Pizzaface - I've seen people draw this mech with a big, beefy body. I get it. Pizzaface's design is appealing, why wouldn't you give him a beefy body to match how powerful he is...?
Pizzahead - HANDSOME UNHINGED SILLY-ASS PIZZA CLOWN MAKES MY MIND GO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. The sheer autism I have for this guy is unreal. His laugh, his design, his obsession with Peppino, his weird motivations... HE'S NUTS AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
Pillar John - Uh... I like his hat? I mostly find John intimidating due to his sheer size and that damned Meatophobia music that plays when you go near him...
Gerome - He has a neat design. I've seen some interesting fan art of him hooking up with pretty girls who are much taller than he is. Good for him, honestly.
BONUS: Maurice Spaghetti - He looks like Peppino but with more hair and facial hair... in other words, handsome. Too bad his personality is utterly abysmal!
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xenayami · 27 days
This might be kinda short but will still be intriguing. So enjoy~
Chapter 1
Voices had been yelling, sobbing in a soft distance, as reader begins to regain consciousness.
"You guys never going to let be sleep huh?"
Kitty jumps onto the reader snuggling her into a tight embrace, "WAHHH I thought you were dead! Thank goodness!" Tears stream down her face onto her face.
"Geez Kitty you're slobbering on her."
"Hehe this is just how much ve love one another." Kurt smiles and joins in the friendship hug. Wrapping his tail around the girls. Pietro look down with guilt written on his face.
Reader tried to shift near him but a sharp pain on her. Gasping in pain. "Reader?" Pietro attention also moves towards her.
"I'm okay. Promise we need to get help."
"Right. Let go home and see if the others are there they'll help!"
As the groups began to depart the mysterious abandon building. It feels familiar to the room they were lock up in. That horrible man they had encountered. As Kurt and kitty was ahead of the group, Pietro help carry reader out behind them. Lifting her up with her arm around his shoulder. "Please don't do something like that again reader. Please." Pietro voice trembles. He didn't know what would of happen if something more dangerous had harmed his friends.
Reader looks at him with a gentle smiled, "Hehe promise. But can't say that I'll not do something like it again. You're my friends and family, and I'll always protect you."
Pietro chuckles but then huffs in frustration. "Just don't do it again. Okay."
Rolling his eye and looks away, "Thanks again."
As the group exit the building, they look around their surroundings. Everything seems normal but something seemed off. More advice than usual they had to look for a way to contact the others. It had been hours since they had left that abandoned building and they went straight into a gas station.
"Let's call the schools number. They must be worried sick by now."
As she dials the number the phone immediately goes straight to voice mail.
"Did they answer?" Pietro asked.
"No for some reason it went straight to voice mail?"
The groups train of thought wonder off, they always answered the phone but for some reason no response.
"Kurt are you able to use your power?"
Kurt closes his eyes to concentrates and then he poofs behind kitty then outside the gas station then back to the group.
"I believe so!"
Reader nods in reassurance, "Is it possible for you to teleport us back to the mansion." When they were captured, the attacker took all of their valuables including their phones.
Kurt nods and motions for the group to hold hands together as they transport immediately to the mansion. Charles Xavier's school. Their home.
"Hmmm! It great to be home!" Kitty stretches.
"Reader needs to get help." Pietro interrupts.
"No need." Reader standing away from him as she looks over her wound. It had healed on their way into the gas station moments ago.
"Your covered in blood though my friend."
"We all need showers anyway. Speaking of showers, where is everyone?"
They looks away from each other and around the house, it had look horrible like no one was taking care of it. They wondered more and more and their home began to remind them of a horrible scary movie they had all seen together.
"Is it me or does our home feel strange."
An older adults male walks out of the shadow spooking the group. They could not figure out who it was. It was Scott and older looking Scott summers who look like he hadn't shaved in a while. Taller too.
"Scott?" Kitty tried to figure out.
More people emerged from the shadows of the building. Mystique, magneto, Logan, Rogue, Remy, and the kids were surpise to see two new adults in the crowd. A older Jubilee and Lance who looked like they were in the early 20's. Who had tears streaming down their faces.
"Are you real?" Scott asked in a shaken voice.
"They are." Jean appears behind him. Jean who once looked like a young adult, now had the presence as a mother figure.
"I can sense their thoughts they are the real ones. They've come back to us." Holding her hands up to her mouth as tears also streamed down her face.
"Uhhh can anyone tell us whats going on here?"
"Nothing for you to fear about my son." Magneto addresses Pietro from the crowd along with his sister Wanda at his side.
"D-dad? Sister.... what happen to you guys?"
They're old appearances that he was accustomed to had completely changed. His father had lost some weight, and his sister had become an adult. She was even taller than him now.
"You guys haven't age a bit... it was as if your still 14." Adult Jubilee wipes her eyes.
"Ve are still 14! Jubliee why do you look older?" Kurt shouts in confusion.
"Little brother? Do you not know sugars?" Rogue ask the group.
"Know what?" Reader responses back.
"It's been 7 years since you've died bub." An older looking logan steps forward towards her. With sorrow filling his eye.
Blown away from such information the kids, 7 years.... it was 1997 when they left to go look for a gift for Jubilees birthday so that would mean it was 2004?!
Logan now standing Infront of reader and sees the blood cover shirt she was wearing. "Your hurt"
"I'm okay-
Logan lifts her in his arms, "Takin you to hank. No excuses."
"What? H-hey hang on!"
As they left, the others embraced their lost children. Later to join logan in the infirmary with the other lost kids to check for any signs of injury on them as well. Reader was covered in blood the most out of all four of them. They had to check the others just in case.
Finally their little ones have return.... they have come home.
And they are never leaving their sights again.
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hornyhornyhimbos · 2 years
Prompts. 6. and 7.:
Aaron is tall while Reader is short in height. After a FBI event it gets spicy between the couple.
sorry this took so long for me to post, i don't have an excuse
"Riding 'Til Midnight" ~ A. Hotchner
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Summary: When Y/N gets the promotion of her dreams, Hotch knows the perfect way to reward her for it.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader (no description of Y/N but R goes by she/her)
Word Count: 872
Content Warning: MINORS DNI (18+ content), oral m!receiving, cum swallowing, gagging, i guess deepthroating? idrk, nicknames (Hotch calls R "doll") alcohol consumption, mentions of cowgirl activities at the end but no details, one (1) explicit swear word, lemme know if i missed anything!
Extra Notes: i'm nasty, i know
Based On the Prompts: "You look so good beneath me." ☆ "You can take it."
Originally Written: 12/13/2022
Beta Read By: @reidsbookclub
smut prompts can be found here!
hornyhornyhimbos ask box can be found here!
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Y/N wasn't sure how she'd done it, but in the span of an hour, she'd scored a promotion, gotten a little bit tipsy on Penelope Garcia's signature spiked eggnog, and ended up nearly naked on the couch in Aaron Hotchner's office.
Actually, maybe she could recall exactly how it had happened.
It started seven months ago, when she was temporarily moved from the Violent Crimes Division to the BAU as they were searching for a temporary liaison while theirs was on maternity leave.
She quickly formed a friendship with Aaron Hotchner, which soon spiraled into the stereotypical, semi-secret workplace romance.
They'd happily been in a relationship for five months, and neither of them were afraid to flaunt it at workplace events—e.g. the office Christmas party.
That was how she'd gotten tipsy on eggnog. Y/N found herself downing her third glass of it when Aaron ushered her over.
That was when she scored the promotion. Aaron's hand sat low on her back as he introduced her to the older man he'd previously been talking to. "Y/N, this is Agent Chambers from the White Collar Crimes Division. Scott, this is Agent Y/L/N from Violent Crimes."
Y/N gave him a small smile, reaching her hand toward the man. "Nice to meet you," she greeted, staying as professionally cordial as she possibly could.
"The same," Scott smiled back. "Agent Hotchner has told me all about your interest in the White Collar Crimes Division."
She nodded, though her heart felt like it would thump out of her chest. "Yes, that's correct."
"Well, it just so happens that our Division is searching for a new liaison. Ours has just retired."
Her mouth nearly dropped to the floor, her heart definitely dropped to her toes. "Yes, sir."
"The position would start the second week of January if you're interested."
She rushed probably too fast to grab his hand, shaking it probably too vigorously. "Yes, of course, sir. I'm extremely interested."
"Great. We'll set up a time after the holiday break to go over the legal mumbo-jumbo."
And with that, he walked away, stumbling toward the refreshments table. As soon as his back was turned, Y/N pounced on Aaron, which was no small feat when one considered he was nearly a foot taller than her.
That was how she ended up in nothing but her bra and panties on Hotch's couch, his lips heavy on her neck.
"Aaron," she got out, tugging at his hair.
"Hmm?" he hummed, sucking hard at the base of her neck.
Her hips rutted against his as she managed to answer, "I need you."
He pulled away before leaving a plump kiss on her lips. "Since this is congratulatory, I think it's only fair my girl gets to choose how she gets me."
A gasp hitched in her throat. Eventually, she was able to say, "Need to taste you."
He smirked, sitting up from his previous position where he was hovering over her. "Sounds like a plan to me," he smirked.
He undid his suit pants, pulling them off and laying them as neatly as he could across the back of his chair. "Can't have anyone suspecting what we're doing in here, now can we?"
She swallowed hard as he slid out of his boxers, her eyes nearly watering at the sight of his fat cock. She held him in her hands for a few seconds before leaving a kiss on the tip.
"Don't tease me, doll," he said before grabbing her chin. "You wanted to taste me, didn't you?"
And with that, she opened her mouth, nearly gagging as he slid in. She sucked hard, a tear nearly slipping from her eye as she tasted his pre-cum.
He slid into her mouth even further, if it was even possible. Her hands moved to his bare thighs, squeezing tightly as she hollowed her cheeks. She took him as far as she possibly could, her tongue pressing hard against the vein of his shaft.
"You can take it," he told her, pushing so far in, he was sure he'd felt her uvula tapping the tip of his cock.
"Mmm," she rebutted against his cock, the rumble of her throat prompting Aaron to let out a low mewl.
He grabbed her cheeks, pulling her further up the base of his length. "There you go," he praised.
She moved one hand from his thighs to his balls, cupping them before massaging them at what Hotch would describe "the perfect speed".
He moaned, a sound that was perfect to Y/N's ears. "Taking me so well, doll. 'M close."
She sucked harder, until his cum shot straight down her throat, the sweet taste warming her throat as she swallowed it.
He removed himself, a pout sitting softly on Y/N's face as he did so. He ran a hand through her hair, his eyelashes hanging almost innocently as those deep brown eyes looked down at her. "Fuck, you look so good beneath me."
A smirk tugged at her lips as she remarked, "I bet I'd look good on top of you too."
That was how she ended up riding him until midnight, until the only thing that lingered in the office with them was the remnants of Penelope's spiked eggnog.
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minecraftbookshelf · 29 days
Traffic Life Scars: Smallishbeans
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All updates will be made to this post specifically as we get new seasons and new final deaths.
Welcome to my series of MS Paint diagrams following the headcanon/concept that every minecraft death leaves a scar, and while most of those do not continue past the end of the server, the final deaths leave permanent marks on the cubito. (And also some other deaths that have significant impact on the story, the cubito, or both, these are extremely rare.) I did take some creative license with the deaths, mostly in the sense of figuring out how to handle Fall Damage in a slightly more realistic context, as well as figuring out approximately where final blows would land based on the respective positioning of the cubitos in question. This project has also shown some interesting patterns in how some of them tend to die. On with the show!
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Third Life: Ren killed him in the desert with The Skizz Blade, orphaning his wolves in the process. Joel was turned away from him when the final blow was dealt and he came from the side, so the location of the scar reflects that, angled the way it is because Ren is taller than Joel.
Last Life: He died to a splash potion of instant damage from Scott when the late-game reds were hunting him and Grian down and he was cornered by Scott and Ren in an ironic twist on how Third Life went for the three of them.
Double Life: He and Etho came back from the Nether to a portal that had been trapped with lava and they burned to death. Etho died first so Joel's scars are a little lighter since they are technically from a phantom death, even though he was receiving more or less the exact same injuries at the exact same time.
Limited Life: He was shot from below by Scott, given their respective positioning I thought it made sense for him to get hit under the chin.
Secret Life: Listen. Listen. Listen. I watched Joel's death so many times from so many povs. No one got the hearts from his death. Not Gem, not Scott, not Scar. So it was one of Scott’s wolves that did the final damage that cost him his life. Something something narrative parallels something something Third Life.
Real Life: Joel got cornered in the mineshaft by the Red Army Reunion Tour and while trying to fend off Skizz and Ren on one side was killed by Martyn who came in from the other. Third Life can stop haunting the narrative quite so strongly any day now fr.
[Bdoubleo100] [Bigbst4tz2] [Ethoslab] [Geminitay] [GoodTimesWithScar] [Grian] [ImpulseSV] [InTheLittleWood] [LDShadowlady] [Mumbo Jumbo] [PearlescentMoon] [Rendog] [Skizzleman] [Smajor1995] [SolidarityGaming] [TangoTek] [ZombieCleo]
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bambamramfan · 8 months
Scott Alexander just de-paywalled this piece, and I agreed enough with its perspectives and understanding of fantasy narratives that I wanted to make sure other people saw it.
But I disagreed enough that I wanted to spend a lot of time describing what it misses.
First off, he says "Each part of the fantasy universe has a load-bearing psychological function." Psychological, as a word, goes too far and is misleading here. Scott is entirely correct to look at these elements in functional terms: what do elves, and magic swords, and ancient civilizations DO to the narrative? And we find more enjoyable and memetic stories benefit from these functions, so we end up seeing them over and over again. But it's not a psychological need. It's not about the inner-workings of our mind, it's about the structure of stories that lets them flow well. It would be like saying that the fact that airlines list too-low ticket prices and recover it with hidden fees has a psychological basis, when it's more proximately caused by a broken market system.
For instance, one common fantasy trope Scott didn't mention, but is completely obvious, is the "disposable, unredeemable race or nation." Many fantasy stories have a large army that is either evil-in-essence, or immediately threatening, such that we have no moral qualm about seeing the heroes kill as many of them as possible. Why? Because it makes it a fun "tactical" game of how many soldiers can the "good guys" kill. That's a fun story! It's not because psychologically we want to dehumanize our enemies. It's because Gimli and Legolas's race for who can kill more orcs is a simple and narratively entertaining device.
Scott talked about Unsong in relation to this essay, and I really wonder if his reaction to that was "why Unsong doesn't do these things" or "Unsong leaned into these." Because well, Unsong has many of these tropes. The laptop with a talmudic AI on it is a macguffin. The angels are an ancient civilization. Etc.
Scott undersells just how rich the function of the ancient civilization is. He's correct that the ancients are a way to imbue the magic sword/whatever with non-reproducible power, but it's deeper than that. Many stories and ideologies are "prelapsarian" which means they describe an Edenic time "before the Fall" where everything was right and harmonious. Somehow they got corrupted and we now live in a fallen world where evil runs free. Our heroes, at least in part, want to return to that purity (even if in some aspects it is impossible.) That's what the ancient civilization is really: Eden.
I am stymied by the race question: why do fantasy stories keep going back to elves and dwarves, and sometimes halflings or goblins or dragons, but with extremely little diversity in the type of being we could share a world with. What necessary function do these specific races serve? There are several HALF descriptions that explain a little of this, but don't go the full way: 1. The most thoughtful fantasy authors see these humanoid races as standins for groups in human society, and think you should just write human-only fantasy to wrestle with those questions properly. 2. The people who are most interested in writing genuinely alien intelligences, just write science fiction. 3. Elves and Dwarves DO serve specific functions. Even though every different story has a twist on their elves and dwarves, they do all share some sort of class-identity. In short, Elves are french aristocrats, and Dwarves are semetic scottish. Elves are the groups higher on the class ladder, who are more beautiful, longer-lived, quieter, taller, and more tranquil and quieter (also more tragic.) Dwarves are the groups lower on the class ladder, who are rougher and more practical, more scientific or at least technologically-focused, and whose lives are more easily spent by the narrative. Most fantasy societies are gonna have a "higher class" and a "lower class" standin, and they might as well be Elves and Dwarves anyway. 4. Tolkien did not invent Elves, or Dwarves, or Halflings, or Dragons. But all of these are very old in mythology, and fantasy is much more interested in telling twists on 1000-year old stories, than it is about adding wholly new elements (if only because of what sells.)
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takabinaryy · 2 months
The Wolf's Kit
Originally posted on June 23rd 2023
Request made by RonnieMidnight on Wattpad Caregiver Derek Werefox Little Stiles Also a reminder not all littles talk with a lisp or like a toddler. Even if they are mentally a toddler in that moment)
Normally Stiles has an okay day , remarks from other teenagers and hanging out with Scott and their other friends. But today was a little different not by much though his day started with him taking his ADHD meds. Getting dressed in his usual choice of clothing denim jeans , black tank top and one of his flannels. Then having blueberry pancakes with his dad before they both had to leave for work and school.
His beloved jeep was in the shop so Erica and Boyd had so generously gave him a ride they of course had made a plan to do a, Batman marathon with both the classic cartoons and the movies next Friday night.(Erica actually likes DC like stiles does and Boyd can't say no to his girlfriend or Stiles's puppy eyes) But unfortunately halfway through the end of the school day he was shoved against the lockers by some one on the team (it was Gerrett) , most definitely bruising the side of his face.
And this is what he hated about high school the bullies that will bully anyone because they either want to for fun or , because their beaten at home and take their emotions out on other teenagers. Danny had Jackson deal with the other asshole while Danny had actually taken Stiles to the nurse to get the injury looked at , incase it was more then just bruising even if it was just going to heal in a few hours anyway. Surprisingly when the bell had rang and all the students were flooding the halls making their way outside and to their cars , the bus , bikes or some just walked home. Anyway when Stiles walked outside Derek's car was in the the parking lot a few cars away from Lydia's to be exact.
Derek was leaning against it with those stupid sunglasses he had worn a year or so ago when Erica was in the car. The Werewolf of course spots his boyfriend and waves him over making the fox less confused as he makes way to Derek. And to be honest he's had a day so as soon as he's in arms reach he gives the slightly taller(by like two inches)male a hug. Derek hums wrapping his own arms protectively over the younger stilinski , already sensing that Stiles has had a somewhat bad day.
"Bad day kit?"
"Mmhmm got pushed in the lockers , Jackson took care of the douchebag. Danny took me to the nurse even though it wasn't necessary"
"Oh I'm sorry that happened to you Mischief. You know he only took you to see the nurse's office , because he cares about you"
" yeah I know. "
"You wanna be little hu? I'd be more than happy to take care you , you know I don't mind "
And just like that Stiles gets a kisses to his forehead before his bag is taken off his shoulder and put in the back and he's buckled into the passenger seat. Derek rounds the other side to the driver's seat , getting in and opening the glovebox grabbing the plastic container and gives it to the other. Letting him choose what teether , chewelry , or even pacifier he might want while the older of the two pulls out of the parking lot and drives on to his own house.(the hale house had been rebuilt and it's Derek's now)
During the drive Stiles had chosen one of those clear colored teethers and had actually shifted into his slightly small fennec fox form when the light turned red. Thankfully no human saw because of Derek's tinted windows , he gently bit and chewed on the teether as he was given soft scratches to his ears for a few seconds. Another hour goes by and finally they are at the hale house , the car gets parked in front of the house. Stiles gets carried out of the car and into the house gently set on the couch in the living room as Derek gets Stiles's little stuff out. Stiles himself stayed a fox for a few more moments before he went up , the stairs and into the main bedroom. Where Derek is getting his stuff layed out on the bed and of course the fox shimmed under the covers and shifted back to normal making the other smile in amusement.
" Hello sweet pup , how old are we right now?
" Hm three"
" Such a small kit , wanna choose what you wear? "
And just like that the little looks at the layed out clothes, there's two choices layed out. A black snap crotch onesie with white lining on the collar and short sleeves , with fluffy white socks on top of them. The second choice is one of Derek's T-shirts and a pair of Stiles's sleep shorts. There's a pair of batman themed underwear and there's something next to it. A pull-up on the bed to, incase the werefox needs it or wants to wear it.
"Can I have the the shirt and um maybe the pull-up? "
"Of course honey. Do you want me to change you or would you like me to give you some privacy and you can change yourself? "
" Change by my self"
Derek kisses his forehead and gets up and slipping out of the bedroom giving his little one some privacy. So that's what Stiles does he moves the covers away from his frame. And puts the onesie and shorts away before getting dressed into the T-shirt , pull-up and the fluffy socks. Once dressed he finds his favorite stuffed animal "Sour-Apple" the stuffed turtle, Peter had actually gotten the plush. For him at a festival the pack had went to last summer , Stiles opens the door and makes grabby hands(well grabby hand more like cuz his stuffie is in his left hand) wanting to be held , in a split second he's hoisted up on to Derek's hip.
" Would you like a snack, jellybean?"
"May I have apples and peanut butter?
"Cut in slices right? "
" Yes please Der-Der"
"Such good manners my kit has. "
Giggles fill Derek's ears when Stiles gets kisses pressed all of his face as they make their way back down the stairs. Passing the photos of the pack and some of the Hale family members along on the walls. Stiles is set on the countertop and given a sippy cup full of his favorite juice.(it's just peach Snapple but stiles counts it has juice) While the other male peals and cuts up two apples , making a circle with them on a plate. And uses a silicone cupcake liner to put the peanut butter in and sets it in the middle of the circle of apples. Stiles slightly jumps off the counter and walks to the living room putting on Max and Rudy.(he's on Amazon) Derek follows him of course and sets their snack on the coffee table and sits on the couch, pulling his little one in his lap. Reserving a soft relaxed hum from said little as Stiles takes one the apple slices and munches on it as he and Derek watch cartoons and just relax.
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