#so i bring those things in and i unpack them and i take out the recycling
stompandhollar · 1 month
Honestly the most revolutionary thing about Gravity Falls to me is its commitment to sincerity.
I’ve been listening to Alex’s podcast where he goes into the details of each episode with different storyboard artists and writers who worked on the show, and it just baffles me how… cared for the story is. Right now in media there’s been an uptick in satire, and shows making fun of themselves for existing, or taking the piss at their own content to “win” fans to their side. It’s like whimsy is gone from so many pieces of media. But Gravity Falls just doesn’t… do that. It completely embraces itself. Weirdness and all. And so does the team behind it. I’m not used to something I care about being so cared about by everyone surrounding it.
Here’s this cartoon, written and illustrated by an entire team of people saying, “no, we’re serious. we mean this. we made this on purpose and we made it important.”
Throughout the podcast, Alex discusses little ins and outs of each character, offering so much deep internal struggles and enriching the story even farther. And listening to him unpack it with the utmost sincerity just warms my heart. Each character is so dynamic because they were cared for by people who imbued them with sincerity.
That’s exactly why we get quotes like “Shame is powerful, but it grows in the dark,” as Ford realizes the trauma he’s hidden for so long is being embraced by his family, diminishing it’s weight on him through their immediate support.
It’s why we get Alex describing Stanley with quotes like; “I always in my gut thought of him as somebody with a huge well of sadness, a loss of human connection. And that need to please? That need to get laughs from the crowd, and putting on a big show? He’s trying to get from them the affection he never got from his family, and that he lost with his brother.”
Or detailing how Mabel might be a goof… but half the time she’s doing a bit, because she’s really more mature than her brother and doesn’t want him to grow up too fast. She’s trying to help ground him and bring lightheartedness into his life. Because she knows otherwise, he’ll become too self isolated.
And those two mini character studies he dropped so casually in these podcast episodes just… color the show. It’s why the show survived so well even after ten years. It’s gruff-old Stan always calling his niece “Pumpkin” and “Honey”. It’s the family always holding hands without it behind laced with a joke, and falling asleep on one another in the car. It’s Alex explaining that people toyed with other endings, other plot lines, other twists, but it was always going to end with Stan and Ford mending the family tie they severed thirty years ago. Because that was their story. Messes and family and care.
Ten years ago, watching it for the first time as it came out, I felt all that. But now, as an adult, knowing that all the other adults who made it felt the exact same way? :,) What a special story we all got to grow up with, and get to continue being apart of.
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Sometimes it really feels like the world is conspiring to keep me from reading
#first mabel wakes me up at 6am and spends the next hour snorting at me and stomping her little foot until i feed her breakfast#then my period arrives with a fucking vengeance and i have to sit upside down in a chair while wearing a heat pad#then my heat pad DIES (electric heat pad. i like the thing; it’s great that it’s wearable; but the fact that it can die bothers me)#so i had to charge it and i was still not doing well#then my alarm for my knee exercises went off so i had to do them#bear in mind i now have TWELVE exercises to do. up from six#and the standing exercises just about murdered me#so i’m lying on the ground sweating like a bastard; world spinning; an elastic band still wrapped around my thighs#and a fluffy little face appears looking down at my face. and i’m like ‘oh shit yeah! mabel! it’s time for your lunch girl’#so i feed mabel and we go on a walk#we get back and the amazon man is there with lightbulbs and manga and a tarot deck i forgot i even ordered#so i bring those things in and i unpack them and i take out the recycling#then i sit down with my switch to try to do something calming for a bit. but then my constipation breaks#and while i’m in the fucking bathroom the amazon man comes back all ‘sorry i forgot this other package’ and i’m like ‘yeah it happens’#bear in mind the package he forgot was literally the lamp that the bulbs were for. the biggest package of them all. and that’s not#a euphemism for anything. so then i have to assemble the lamp (floor lamp so it did have parts)#then after i finish this mabel comes and bows to me which is her signal for ‘if you don’t take me outside i will do my business#on this floor’ so i take her for ANOTHER walk#i get back and how the FUCK is it almost half past two. i’ve been up since SIX. i haven’t even done anything#i ate some food. i drank some water. i put my body through some bullshit. etc#in conclusion there is a conspiracy to stop me from reading. my dog + my own body + big amazon + my physiotherapist are all in on it#and that’s just who i know about#anyway. if you need me i’m going to put myself in the recovery position for a while#personal
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slayfics · 10 months
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Katsuki gets caught being sweet to you.
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You started to finally catch your breath being at the top of the hiking trail Katsuki had dragged you out too.
"Alright there, it's just us up here so tell me already. What the hell has been going on?"
"That's why you brought me out here?" You asked.
"Just tell me already, stop being so damn stubborn." He pried you impatiently.
"I told you I'm fine Bakugo, just busy like everyone else." You replied.
"Don't give me that shit. Do you think I'm stupid? The other extras are too dense to notice but I can see how exhausted you've been this whole week. So just tell me- what's going on," He said.
"You didn't need to drag me out here on a hike in freezing weather to do this, you know," You said, slightly irritated at Katsuki continuing to push you.
"Ugh- will you stop stalling and talk already," He yelled, causing you to let out an annoyed sigh. Katsuki put his hands in his pockets and looked out at the view, his demeanor softening slightly. "You can talk to me, you know," he added, his voice lower and kinder than before.
You stayed looking at the view for a few more moments trying to figure out how to unpack everything that had been stressing you out. It wasn't like some big thing, but a summation of a bunch of little things that were beginning to become too challenging to manage.
A cold breeze blew by causing you to shiver. You wondered why Katsuki had insisted on bringing you up this mountain to talk to you. He could have pestered you in your dorm where it was warm.
Katsuki stole glances at you occasionally then focused back on the view not wanting to intimidate you too much from his glare. Hiking always helped him to clear his mind and gather his thoughts when they seemed too loud. He thought maybe it would help you too, and being away from all your classmates might make it easier for you to talk to him. At the very least it made it easier for Katsuki to be more vulnerable with you. He found it too daunting to express himself fully with all the attention of his classmates around. It was much easier being only in your company.
You took a deep breath, "I guess- it's just been hard to balance everything recently," You finally spoke, breaking the silence. Katsuki made it easy to open up to, as he had no problem sitting in silence for long extended periods. Others in your life felt the need to fill that silence with useless chatter which always prevented you from sitting in your emotions and being able to formulate them into words.
You took in another breath feeling a lump in your throat form. You hadn't wanted to talk to anyone about what was going on for fear of opening up the flood of emotions and not being able to stop. Now here it was. You didn't want to cry on this fucking hill.
Katsuki patiently waited while you gathered your thoughts.
"It's just been so much and I've been barely keeping up. It's- been getting to me recently. I've been forgetting things I shouldn't. Being unusually upset at things that aren't that big of a deal- and I just- it's dumb." You cut yourself off afraid to say anymore.
"It's not dumb. Don't hold that shit in, it's not healthy," He said encouraging you to keep talking.
You sighed, "I just... know that it could be way worse, and I've been through way worse so- I feel so irritated at myself. What I'm going through now isn't something I can't handle. I know that. So why do I feel so fucking exhausted with everything," You replied wiping a stray tear from your cheek.
"Hmm," Katsuki grunted, processing what you said. "You know, it's ok to be tired, and- to not be perfect. You can't just deny yourself from feeling overwhelmed because it could be worse. If you're exhausted now then those feelings are real- and it's ok to have them," He spoke.
You looked down at the view watching the distant cars pass, "Thanks," You managed to say taking another deep breath.
"You shouldn't wait to handle them until they explode either. Trust me, I know what that's like," He said, causing you to let out a small giggle. "You're too damn hard on yourself you know that?"
You let out a full laugh, "Oh that's pretty good coming from you. You're the pro at having too high expectations for yourself," you laughed.
You and Katsuki were wrapped up in your conversation causing you not to notice approaching classmates in the distance. Mina and Eijiro had also decided to come up the hill after class and spotted both of you in the distance.
"That looks like we shouldn't interrupt," Eijiro said.
"Yeah," Mina agreed. "But maybe... we could get a little closer to make sure everything is ok?" She said, pulling Eijiro into the bushes to spy on you and Katsuki. Eijiro was highly against the plan but was unable to protest for fear of you two hearing.
"Yeah I know I have high expectations for myself... that's why I know what it fucking looks like when you're being too hard on yourself. So- tonight I'm coming to your dorm and, I'm making sure you get to bed at a reasonable fucking time."
Mina's eyes widened as she looked at Eijiro, "Coming to their dorm?!" She whispered, and Eijrio covered her mouth, silencing her.
"You mean Grandpa time at 9 p.m.?"
"Shut up! 9 p.m. is late as hell! You damn idiots just don't know how to have a good sleep schedule! Look I'm making sure you get some sleep and tomorrow I'm taking you out. So- figure out where you want to eat, I don't care where. And I'm not letting you say no you need a break," Katsuki replied.
"You don't have to do that Bakugo."
"Of course, I don't have to but, I want to. So just shut up and let me take care of you ok. You better not be afraid to order enough food this time either! I'm buying so- just get whatever you want, alright?"
"Ok ok," You laughed, feeling your mood brighten.
"Next time, just tell me when you're having a bad day or something. Stop making me drag it out of you. I- worry about you, you know? Now let's go back to the dorms. I see you shivering," He said, beginning to walk back down the hill.
Mina squirmed again under Eijiro's hand, keeping her silent. Her eyes said it all. She was in disbelief at Katsuki's words.
"Here," Katsuki said, holding his hand out and offering it to you. "I'll warm your hand with my quirk," he said.
You grabbed his hand interlacing your fingers with his.
"Don't dare say anything about how sweaty my hands are!" He barked.
You giggled, "How many times do I have to tell you I don't care Bakugo. It's part of your quirk, and your quirk is amazing you shouldn't be self-conscious about it. Besides, I'm always happy to hold your hand," You said as you two walked down the mountain.
"Tch whatever," Katsuki grumbled looking away from you as a small tint grew on his cheeks.
Finally, when you and Katsuki were far enough down the hill, Eijiro released Mina.
"WHAT WAS THAT?!?" Mina exclaimed.
"Shh shhh," Eijiro pleaded.
"WHAT- He wants to take care of them?!? OH MY GOD! They are totally dating right?! That's what he said he's taking them out to eat! And he's sneaking into their dorm! Wait wait- when they held hands it sounded like that had before! AND AND BAKUGO WAS TOTALLY BLUSHING! NO WAY!" Mina said looking like she might pass out from all this information.
"Ashido relax, we shouldn't have heard any of that!" Eijiro replied.
"Yeah but but-" Mina exclaimed, her head spinning. "Who knew Baklugo could actually be so sweet! I can't wait to tell Jiro-" She said, pulling out her phone.
"NO!" Eijiro said, grabbing her phone from her. "Uh- sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh but- you can't tell anyone what we heard ok?" Eijiro said.
"WHAT?! I just heard Bakugo being the sweetest boyfriend ever and you expect me not to say anything about that?!"
"YES!" Eijiro yelled. "Look they both like their privacy and there is a reason they were all the way up here talking, Ashido. I think we should keep this a secret and let them do things at their own pace ok?" He said, handing Mina back her phone.
"UGH-" She exclaimed letting out a big sigh. "I guess you're right... but wow who would have thought Bakugo could be a decent person much less a good boyfriend." She said.
Eijiro just shrugged at her words, "I don't know he's not a bad guy like you all make him out to be you know."
"Wait! You totally already knew didn't you!" Mina said, slapping Eijiro's shoulder.
"Hey! I mean- Bakugo is my best friend you know, so yeah I did..." He answered truthfully.
"You suck! Keeping secrets like that from me!" Mina said playfully, waving a finger at him.
"I'm sorry, but it's their business you know?" He said.
"Yeah I understand, guess we should go back to the dorms too now," Mina suggested.
"Yeah it is pretty cold up here, let's go." He agreed as they both started to walk down the hill. "I don't have Bakugo's quirk or anything but- if you're cold you can hold my hand too if you want," Eijiro suggested.
Mina's face tinted a darker pink as she reached out and grabbed Eijiro's hand.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries
Picture taken from @everypanelofkatsuki, thank you for all your hard work! Go check them out if you haven’t!
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Jenni Hermoso x Child!Reader
Summary: You like foxes
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Jenni watches as you unpack your bag.
It is with great certainty that you line up your toys. She'd tried to get you to cut down on the amount that you brought with you but it'd triggered a meltdown so big that the neighbours complained about the noise.
It was easier to let you bring them all, even if they were all exactly the same as each other.
It wasn't an exaggeration either.
They were the same exact fox toy. The same one over and over again.
You had a few different ones at home but there were about seven or eight of this one, staring at Jenni with blank black eyes.
You pet each of them on the head before getting off the bed. You've been fascinated with the carpet ever since you both got in, randomly stopping what you were doing to aimlessly stroke it with a little crinkle between your brows that shows you don't know why you like it either.
It's another one of those things that Jenni has come to love about you.
It's strange, she knows, to outsiders but it's you down to your very core and she loves that.
You occupy yourself so well, so independent in your playing. Or...independent in the way that you only played by yourself because people tended to not play the way you liked and that usually sent you into a meltdown.
Either way, with you investigating the carpet and your foxes lined up against your pillows, Jenni takes the time to unpack her own things.
It had been a bit of a risk bringing you to the World Cup but with her parents and Rafa both busy, there was nowhere else she could put you but here.
"There foxes here, Mami?" You ask, finally sitting up.
"In Australia?" Jenni asks," I think so, osita."
You hum and get to your feet.
Your obsession with foxes is a little over the top, Jenni can admit but it's not causing anyone any harm so she indulges it. Besides, it just means that she knows exactly what to get you.
You hum again, meandering over to rub your hands over her soft tracksuit bottoms.
Your hand does a big swipe down before going straight up to her hip to do it again.
"Do they feel nice?" Jenni asked with a little laugh and your head bobs up and down in agreement.
You jolt when there's a knock at the door though. You immediately clamp your hands over your ears and Jenni sympathetically smooths down your hair.
"Don't like it, Mami," You say.
"I know."
There's another round of knocks, more impatient than before.
"One second!" Jenni calls as she sets you up at the desk with your pencils and drawing pad.
Jenni pokes her head out of the door. "Hola?"
Irene, Laia, Mariona and Alexia wait there, each of them sporting large smiles.
"Can we come in?"
Jenni spares a look behind her. You seem content again, scrawling over the paper.
"Yeah, alright." She lets the others in. "Osita, we've got company."
"Hi," You say but don't tear your eyes away from the page.
Laia and Mario instantly make themselves comfortable on Jenni's bed while Irene goes to check out the view. Alexia wanders closer to you, crouching by the chair you're sitting in.
"Hola, osita," She says to you," It's nice to see you again. I missed you."
"Okay." You keep drawing.
"Osita," Jenni says," Tell Alexia you missed her too."
Your brows draw together but you do what you're told. "Alexia," You say," Missed you too."
Alexia smiles at you fondly, more than aware of your little quirks as she takes a peak at your drawing. "That's a nice fox," She says.
"Yes," You say," It's a red fox." You flip to the front of the book to show the exact same drawing. You keep flipping the pages to show Alexia the exact same drawing on all of them.
The same red fox on all the pages.
"Red fox," You say, suddenly regurgitating words Jenni's heard countless times before," Vulpes vulpes. Found in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Most widely distributed animal naturally apart from people." You keep drawing, dragging your pencil across the page. "Give birth in dens. Babies stay with adults until autumn and then leave."
"You know a lot about foxes," Alexia says.
"Yes," You reply, switching your orange pencil for black.
"Do you have a favourite?"
"Swift fox," You say immediately," Vulpes velox. Small like housecat. Found in America." Somehow, you've opened up a little to Alexia, fully facing her now though your eyes are nowhere near her face. "I like foxes."
"I know," Alexia says. She dips her hand into her pocket. "I couldn't find a big one but here."
It's a keyring with a knitted fox attached to it.
You swipe your hand over the fabric and immediately pull it away, grabbing it by the silver ring instead. You want to pull a face but you know that's not okay.
Mami tells you that all the time so you keep your face blank.
You shuffle off the chair to give the keychain to Mami to look after, wiping the icky feeling off your hand while you're still there.
"Is this from Ale?" She asks and you nod," Did you say thank you?"
You turn back to face Alexia again. "Thank you."
You don't go back to your drawing, you just sit at Mami's feet and trace the pattern of the carpet with your finger.
"Hey, osita," Laia says to you," Are you enjoying Mexico?"
You don't look up from what you're doing. "No," You say," Roja is not in Mexico."
"Fox that me and Mami fed in our garden," You continue, perking up a little bit," She is not in Mexico. We do not have a fox in Mexico."
"Roja wasn't ours," Mami reminds you," She only came back because we kept feeding her."
"Roja had babies," You say like Mami hasn't even said anything," That's why she was fat. Roja had babies and then we left her."
Mami sighs. "We didn't leave Roja. We-"
"Red foxes have between four to five babies," You plough on, sitting upright again and talking at Laia," Born blind and deaf. Mating happens in winter so babies are born in spring, raised in summer and leave in autumn. Babies-"
You cut yourself off as Alexia goes to move and you stand up.
"Why you going?"
"Osita," Mami says," What have I said about being polite?"
You blink at Mami a few times, trying to recall what she told you before. Mami has to give your reminders a lot. She says that you're not good socially but you don't think it's your fault that people are weird and don't make sense.
She understands you and Alexia understood you when you used to live in Spain and that's all that matters.
"Where you going?" You correct and Mami laughs a little in disbelief, though you don't really get why.
Alexia laughs. "Just the toilet, osita. I'll be back soon."
You nod at her, just once. "Okay."
You sit back down by Mami's feet and go back to tracing the carpet.
"Someone missed her tia Ale," Irene teases and that causes you to frown.
Actually, you don't think you did miss Alexia, not in the way Irene clearly thinks you do. Actually, you don't really think about Alexia when you're in Mexico. You don't really think about anyone that much unless you see a picture of them.
Maybe you do miss Alexia though. In the beginning you think you did but that's because she was a big part of your life and then she suddenly wasn't anymore and that's a big adjustment.
You miss Alexia now though, as she goes off to the toilet but you've never been all that consumed by missing people except for Mami and that's never really happened because you're always with her.
Feelings are weird and people are even weirder, you decide and you migrate a bit closer to Mami. You tug on her leg, looking at her with big wide eyes.
She seems to understand you though, throwing your favourite fox patterned blanket to you.
You make a little tent so you don't have to see anyone else.
You can't always interact with people well so you prefer being in your fox tent.
You take a big, deap breath that runs through your whole body before releasing it.
You smile.
You can feel Mami behind you.
You think this World Cup won't be as bad as you thought it would be.
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henry7931 · 30 days
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Got Your Body B*tch!
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This is Marco, he’s a raging asshole (for a lack of better words). I’ve known him all of my life, down to when we were young kids. And he’s always been a huge pain.
Marco, is the type of guy who’s cocky, always gets what he wants, comes from really nice rich parents, and incredibly insensitive.
He’s been that way forever.
I thought I was done with him when I left to go to college. That was until I walked in to my college apartment and saw Marco unpacking bags.
“Drewphus! I didn’t know you’re my roomie. You’re going to have to leave the apartment when bring a girl over, okay? Oh also, no touching my shit. I don’t want you get poverty all over it.”
If looks could kill in a moment, I swear Marco would be dead on the ground right now.
“I’m kidding…. Well, kinda. So here is your space, I hope you don’t mind but i already called the bigger bedroom since i was here first.”
“That’s fine Marco,” I say biting my tongue.
“Great, well have fun unpacking whatever you got in those two suit cases. I’m gonna have some private Marco time if you know what I mean”
Marco makes a jerking off hand gesture, I just roll my eyes and head into my new room.
A few hours past after I unpack and settle in, I order a pizza for dinner and lay back in bed.
All I can think about is how I’m about to have to live in the same quarters as Marco. The same guy I cant stand to be around.
So just like I always do when I get this stressed— it’s time to jerk off. (Something I’m sure Marco has already done 12 times today)
I checked my phone to see how much time I have until the pizza arrives, one hour. Great!
I pull off my shorts and open up my laptop. I feel a little embarrassed to admit this but I the kind of porn I like isn’t for everyone. I have a foot fetish. And not just that I this thing for jock athletes and their feet. I hate how much it turns me on especially since it’s guys like Marco that really get me going.
I start scrolling through and see this really hot jock with big feet. I click on his page. His username says AlphaAlex, he’s tan, dirty brown curly hair, six pack, big muscles…
I start mentally picturing him with me in the room, fantasizing him taking off his sneakers and dirty gym socks in front of me.
He says to me, “Hey Drew, do you mind rubbing my feet? I’ve had a really long practice and they are killing me.”
He puts them on my lag and says, “sorry if they stink!”
He lets me rub them and I ask him if I can smell them…
He says, “Sure, you can do whatever you want with them. After you’re done with my big jock feet, do you mind massaging my cock next?”
I stare deeply into AlphaAlex’s massive bulge on the screen. Almost about to nut…
Cum squirts onto my chest just as I turn to see Marco standing at my door with his cellphone recording in hand.
“Bro, wait until I show this to everyone! Now everybody going to know you’re a foot freak!!”
I hop out of bed and Marco turns around and I chase him butt naked through our apartment.
He screams, “Stop chasing me foot freak!!!”
Marco shuts the door and I feel my stomach turn. I beg him to delete the video but he doesn’t respond.
As I go back to my room, I cry into my pillow… I feel so mortified.
I lay back, wiping my tears and say, “If someone could hear me, I wish I can get revenge on Marco. No I want more! I want everything Marco has…”
I cry myself to sleep, nervous for what the next day had in store for me.
The next morning, I wake up feeling kinda off. It takes me a second but I realize that somehow I’m not in my room!
In a panic, I rush to get out of bed until I come across a mirror.
That’s when I see Marco’s reflection looking back at me!!!
“Holy shit!!”
I feel a moment of fear hit me… but then I remember my wish last night. Someone out there listened to me.
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I look at Marco’s face and then down at his body. Hes a dick but…. He is hot…
I pull off Marco’s shorts he slept in and his 10 inch hard morning wood comes flopping out.
“Holy fuck…”
I grasp it in Marco’s hand, which I guess is my hand now?
Nervous, yet kinda excited, I wasn’t sure what to do.
I looked down at the throbbed cock in my new new hands and immediately start jerking off.
I hop back into Marco’s bed and bring his foot up to his face. He actually has some sexy feet!
I start licking his foot from heal to toe. I relish in knowing the fact that he would go insane if he saw me with his body right now.
I keep tugging away at his cock and this maybe the best jerk off session in my life.
I twist Marco’s nipple and let out a soft moan.
“Fuckkk Marco your nipples are sooo sensitive,” I say aloud.
Hearing his voice sends me into a frenzy, just the thought that I can say anything, do anything as him. I have complete control of this dickhole!
I stand up out of bed and dash to the mirror, I grin at his reflection and jerk his cock even faster.
“Drew, it feels soo good, keep jerking my cock Drew. My body belongs to you now, my big feet, my sensitive nipples, my sexy abs… FUCKKKK THIS IS SOOO HOTTTT!!!”
I nearly screaming by this point and I feel every muscle in Marco’s body tighten.
I’m tugging so fast now and then cum sprays all over the place.
I fall back onto Marco’s bed covered in his nut. I look at his covered hand and lick it clean.
I lay back and gently rub his fingers back and forth on his stomach up to his chest.
Then reality started to sink….
Wait, if I’m Marco… what happened to my body?
I hear a distant familiar scream coming from the background.
“Oh shit…”
Heavy footsteps coming charging my direction and before I can even get up the door slams open.
Out of the door is my body…
My eyes get big, I don’t think I’ve ever been that angry. My face is blood red and he starts to charge at me.
“Hold up!” I say hopping on top of the bed.
He balls up a fist and starts to pull back. Before he can reach me I grab the balled fist.
I guess Marco’s body has quicker reflex’s.
I pull him in and toss him on the bed. I pin him down and say, “I’m a lot stronger than you now. You wanna talk instead?”
“F YOU!!!”
I twist my former weaker arm and he shouts out, “OWWW SHIT, FINNNE!!!”
I get hop off my body and let him turn over.
He glances me over and says, “did you just jerk off in my body?”
I look down at the undeniable evidence.
“Yeah, I did. It was amazing.”
“You piece of—”
I look down and notice the tent in my boxers.
“Wait are you turned on right now?” I say to him.
“You have a very noticeable boner right now.”
“Shut up! No I don’t!”
“What was it for you? Seeing your body all naked? Or was it when I pinned you down?”
He says nothing to me, just looks away.
“I mean you have very hot body Marco, theirs no shame in being turned on by it. Hell, I can’t stand you and I just had the best jerk off session in my life. What’s getting all hot and bothered? Is your hairy pits?” I hold his armpit up and step closer to him.
“Or maybe it’s the sight of your own cock.” I say shaking his semi-hard dick at him.
I move even closer to him. He looks like he’s in a trance.
“Oh you know what always gets me hard. Big manly feet,” I kick his foot up and show it to him.
I place his foot on my former bulge and start rubbing it.
“Does that feel good?”
He still say nothing but lets me keep going.
I push him further on the bed and pull off the brief I went to bed in my last.
My dick comes out standing straight up and leaking from the tip.
I place his foot on it and start toying with it using his toes.
He lets out a moan.
I look at my former face and he’s so turned on right now.
I pull his foot away and he says softly, “please don’t stop…”
“Oh you don’t want me to stop?”
“No… please Drew… it’s throbbing…”
“Well you’re gonna have to finish the job yourself, I’m going to shower and head to the pool.”
“Yeah the pools still open, got to make the most out of these last few warm days Drew.”
“YOU!!! Drew, you can’t just leave me like this!!! I want my body back right now!”
“Sorry DREW! But this wasn��t my doing necessarily. If anything this is karma for you being such a prick all these years. Now run along and go take care of that boner little gay boy.”
I look at the corner of Marco’s room and see his dirty sock.
“Oh here you go! A gift from me to you, enjoy!”
I give my former throbbing dick a pat and I run off to the shower, leaving Marco in his mixed emotional state.
I rinse off quickly and come back out, I walk back into Marco’s room and see he’s still on the bed— sniffing the dirty sock and wanking one out.
“Oh fuck you’re back already!” he says to me.
He looks so pathetic right now.
“Geez, just stay right where you are.”
I drop the towel and get into bed with him. I grab my former cock and push it into Marco’s throat.
“HOLY!!!!” he screams out.
I suck off my former body while Marco’s moans frantically.
I feel him running my former hands in his hair and I feel myself getting a little excited from it. It’s kinda hot being this aggressive and sucking my former body off.
He lets out a loud grunt and cums down my new throat.
“Better?,” I say whipping the excess cum off my mouth.
“God yeah,” he says taking heavy breaths.
I look at my former body in the eyes and for a split second I thought about kissing him. But then reality sinks in… that’s still Marco inside.
I get out of bed and say, “I’m heading down to the pool.”
I put on his bathing suit and he says to me, “Drew, I’m sorry for being such a dick.”
“I know you are,” I say back.
“Can we try to fix this?”
“I’m sorry to Marco but I don’t think we fix this, these may be our bodies forever. So you might as well get comfortable.”
I left him sitting in his now former room naked and silent.
When I get down to the pool it doesn’t take me long to notice others noticing me.
Some girls and some guys, I look over at some of the guys and even wink at one. He is super cute and fit.
I hop on to a float and lay back soaking up the sun. I wait to see if that guys going to make a move when the ultimate buzz kill shows up.
It’s Marco in my body.
“Sup,” he says to me.
“Just trying to relax.”
“Yeah well, we still need to talk.”
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“We don’t now f*ck off.”
He rolls his eyes and walks over a chair by the pool.
Soon that guy from earlier comes over.
“Hey, what’s up?” he says to me with a grin.
“Just laying out wait for you to come over,” I say with a smirk.
“Oh is that so?” he says flirtatiously.
He gets into the pool and now he’s right next to me.
“I’m Lois.”
“Marco,” I say introducing myself to him.
“So do you live here?”
“Yeah I’m on the second floor.”
“Nice, I’m on the third.”
We flirt and have small talk for a minute until he asks me out.
“Sure you wanna do tonight?” I say to him.
“Oh man, yeah I’m down,” he tries not to be too excited.
“Great, let’s say 7?”
“Yeah 7 works for me.”
“Cool,” I say grinning at him.
I peak out of the corner of my eye and see my Marco coming up to the pool.
“What are you doing?” he says to me.
“Oh hey Drew, this is my roommate.”
“Oh nice, I’m—”
“Don’t care dude, I need to talk to you Marco.”
“Uh okay, sorry Lois. I’ll see you tonight?”
“Yeah for sure!”
I get out of the pool and walk back to the apartment with Marco angry.
“What was that?” he says sternly.
“None of your business! Also you were just so f*cking rude!”
“I don’t care! You were flirting with that guy!”
“Yeah so? We are going on a date tonight.”
“Yeah, and you interrupted it.”
“You’re going on a date with a guy in my body?!?”
“It’s my body now and yes I am!”
“But… but you just sucked me off and…”
“And what? You thought that was something special?”
“Well what you did a few hours ago seemed pretty gay to me.”
“Yeah that’s because I’m in your gay body and plus that’s my body. It’s kinda like masterbation.”
“Whatever man, I really don’t care. If you want to pretend to be straight that’s fine. But I’ll be honest, I think you’ve always had feelings for guys. I know because I’m in your body and I’m still attracted to men.”
“SHUT UP!!!”
“So it’s true, you’ve been a dick to me my entire life about my sexuality, what I like, and it turns out you have some pinned up jealousy towards me right?”
Marcos looking down at the ground.
“We could have been friends, do you not get that?!? We could have—”
Marco grabs me and kisses me.
I was so shocked and I even felt butterflies in my stomach. We kiss for a few minutes before I pull back.
“I’m sorry Drew! I was never going to do all of that stuff. I… I don’t know how to say this… I like you. I like you a lot. Hell, I thought about kissing you just about every time I went to kiss any girl. But I have so much anger and you’re right I am jealous! I’m jealous that you’re out and proud of yourself. You’re so confident! Fuck!!”
“So why put me through so much!?!! I mean look at us, we’re literally trapped as each other now! All of this could have been prevented if you just owned up.”
“I thought… I thought you would have hated me so much that you would tell everyone the truth about me. So… I just, I was a prick.”
“Damn right you were!”
“Sorry… again.”
“It’s fine, I guess I’m sorry for causing this body swap thing between us. I made some wish last night to get back at you. I didn’t think it would become anything but then woke up as you.”
His eyes get big, “so that’s how this happened?”
“Yeah, I guess something out in the universe was listening in and heard me.”
“That’s nuts.”
“Yeah it is.”
“Well if we are being honest about everything. I wasn’t just turned on by you dominating me upstairs. I was freaked out and yet turned on from being inside of you.”
“Really? My body?”
“Yeah Drew, you’re cute. You have an adorable face, cute slim figure, you’re charming yet kinky.”
“And now I guess we are going to have to be each other forever?”
“Yeah I guess so.”
“Well if I had to be anyone else, I’m glad it’s you.”
“You mean that?”
“I do.”
I grinned at him and he smiles back at me. We both start to laugh.
“Are you still going on a date with this Lois guy?”
“Well not if an adorable guy who’s charming yet kinky stops me.”
“I guess that’s me now isn’t it?”
“Well I can’t fully stop you but I can tell you this. If you don’t go—we can order take out, lay in bed together, and fool around all night.”
“Hmmmm… that sounds promising.”
“Plus, I know my body really well. And I can tell you no one knows how to make that body feel as good as I do.”
“Is that so?”
He walks closer to me seductively and Im starting to get hard again.
“I’ll nibble on those nipples, toy around with my balls…I bet you these hands are going to feel so good working that cock..”
He reaches into my bathing suit and I gasp.
“Fuckkk, I guess I’ll be staying tonight,” I say barely getting words out.
“Hell yeah!!!”
3 Months Later:
“Babe, are you packed? We got to be at your parents in a couple of hours… Babe?”
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“Are you kidding?”
“We have time for a quick round, sides I’ll jerk you off using these sexy toes,” I say wiggling my feet at my boyfriend.
“Fuckkk… I guess we have time.”
Marco pulls off his shirt and I see the definition built into my former chest. He’s been hitting the gym a lot lately and everyday he’s looking sexier and sexier.
Marco pulls off his shorts and he’s already hard from these feet. It works like a charm every time.
I watch as my boyfriend grabs the foot that used to belong to him and he kisses every toe.
It’s crazy how quick the time had flown since we woke up as each other. I guess it helps that we are so in love with one another.
I start rubbing the cock that used to belong to me and now I’m hard.
“Babe, you are so talented with those toes… mhmmm that feels good.”
I use both feet and stroke back and forth.
He stops me for a second and plants my foot on his face.
“Did you work today without any socks on?”
“Hell yeah I did.”
He takes a big sniff of them.
“Fuckkk, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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0mg-bird · 21 days
Sister’s Mister ~ B. Bradshaw x Seresin Sister Reader
Summary: When Jake’s little sister pays a visit, Bradley gets himself into a sneaky situation where he might want to be the sister’s mister.
Warning: 18+ content ahead, language.
A/n: Very Nickelback coded, argue with the wall.
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There was a feeling of uncertainty among the men in the locker room as they showered and cleaned up. Jake left early to pick up a package, that package being his dearest little sister. You.
“He’s bringing her to Payback’s birthday party.” Fanboy states and he pulls a clean shirt on.
The rest groan, asking Payback why he’s allowing it. He just shrugs. “Dude, I felt bad, alright? She’s coming to stay for a month, I don’t want to start off on a bad foot.”
Bob, who was currently pulling his civilian shoes on, shook his head. “Hangman’s enough, what are we gonna do when a second him is going to be hangin’ around?”
They moan about that, all making claims about what you must be like. Things like spoiled, arrogant, and self centered all came up.
Bradley runs his hands through his hair a few times. “Which sister is this anyway? He’s got about five of them.” He asks.
“Big families are common in the south.” Bob reminds.
Coyote is there to answer his question. “I think it’s the one born after him? They’re the closest ones out of the seven kids.”
“Seven!” They all exclaim, cursing with wide eyes.
Bradley shuts his locker. “Six siblings might be the reason Hangman’s a head case.” He claims, making the others laugh.
“Yeah, let’s just hope the sisters not the same way.” Omaha chuckles.
At the airport, you look for the tall head of blonde hair that is your brother. Suitcase rolling along behind you, you pass security and immediately see him.
Jake leans against a pillar, looking rather bored until he sees you approaching. Then, he’s walking to you with a smile.
“I was hoping you’d accidentally board a flight to Mexico instead.” He teases as you hug him.
“Oh c’mon now, don’t act like you haven’t missed me.” You smile, air getting squeezed out of your lungs as his strong arms grip you.
He pulls away and takes your suitcase and backpack. “Hard to miss someone whose face is plastered on magazine issues. But it’s good to see ‘ya, sis.”
The two of you leave to get a bite to eat, then Jake drops you off at the small house you rented.
“We’re going to my buddies birthday party tomorrow night.” He tells you as he checks the place.
You roll your eyes at his effort to make sure no crazy people are hiding behind the curtains, then open up your backpack to unpack some things.
“Which buddy is this?” You question.
“Just someone on my squad.” Jake explains.
You let out a heavy sigh. “Yay, a barbecue in the park.”
Jake glares at your fake enthusiasm. “It’s not a barbecue, and I feel personally victimized by that stereotypical statement.”
“Ooh, Jakey’s using big words.” You fake gasp.
He isn’t amused.
“We’re going to a club, okay? You know all about those, huh?” He teases, making your brows furrow.
“Is that what you think I do all day? Go to clubs with rich people?” You ask, to which he shrugs and nods. You scoff. “I do have an actual job, I just happen to know how to party.”
Jake sits at the kitchen counter. “So do we. Look, it’ll be fun and you can meet the crew.” He says, making you give in.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
He hums. “You never had a choice but I appreciate your cooperation.”
You roll your eyes. “Get out of my house, Seresin.”
“Where’s Hangman?” Phoenix asks as she greets everyone in the parking lot.
They all wait to go inside the club, ready to get drinks down and watch Payback get wasted, but the only problem was they were waiting for the last two to join.
“Fashionably late.” Bradley huffs, checking the time. They agreed to meet at ten, but the minutes continue to tick by.
“Hey, what’s this chick’s name?” Phoenix asks, looking down at her phone with a face of confusion.
They all rattle off names until one clicks.
“Yeah! That’s it.” Coyote agrees, looking at the faces of surprise. “Why?”
She shrugs. “I’m Facebook stalking her.”
Though they want to call her crazy, they huddle around the phone as she scrolls through the profile. Bradley rolls his eyes at the antics.
“You guys are being ridiculous.” He states.
“Holy shit…” Fanboy exclaims.
“She’s gorgeous…like insanely gorgeous.” Payback finishes the thought.
Just as Bradley turns to look, Jake’s truck rolls into a parking spot. Phoenix scrambles to put her phone away, trying to act natural as Jake gets out. He walks around the truck and opens the passenger side door.
Two long legs step out, they all watch with anticipation. The door is shut to reveal you in full.
Long, curled hair, a short black dress. You smile as you approach, it reflects in your blue eyes.
Bradley stands in a daze as you get introduced to everyone. He’s trying to think of a time when he’s seen someone more beautiful than you but he just can’t.
“This is Rooster.” Jake finally gets to him.
Bradley snaps out of it and smiles, shaking your perfectly soft hand.
You let your eyes rise from his shoes, all the way up his jeans and white tank top under his unbuttoned shirt. When they meet his eye, you take in a small breath at the way he gazes at you.
“Hi, Rooster.” You speak with a subtle southern accent, introducing yourself.
Then, you’re pulling away from him, his hand falls back at his side and he sees you turn to Payback.
“Happy birthday.” You say and hand him a small gift bag. “Jake helped me pick it out.”
He reaches into the bag, thanking you and saying that you really didn’t need to get him anything. He takes out a velvet box and opens it to reveal an expensive looking watch. The crew lowly whistles at it.
“Damn…my birthday’s next month by the way.” Coyote tells you, making you laugh.
Inside the club, the group of you gather in the reserved booth with a first round of drinks. Bradley sits directly across from you, watching you intently as you answer different questions.
“What do you do for work?” Phoenix asks, making Jake cut in.
“Stripping.” He says with a serious face, making you slap his arm.
“Stop telling people that.” You scold before looking back at Phoenix. “I model.”
That sparks a roar of interest, the whole time Bradley just watches your movements. Your fingers toy with the skinny straw in your glass as you tell a story about being in a rock music video or of doing an issue for Vogue two months ago. He sees your pouty bottom lip get caught between your pearly teeth when you laugh at something and his mind is flooded with thoughts he cannot speak out loud.
Here he was, worried you’d be a stone cold bitch when he should have been worried that you were gonna make him grip the table to ground himself. All you were doing was sitting there and he was already getting pulled in.
You’re Jake’s sister.
He has to remind himself of that as you are dragged into the swarm of clubbers by Phoenix and Halo.
“So…we’re just going to ignore the fact that she was a bunny?” Coyote mentions, making Jake cringe.
“Hey, asshole, let’s not talk about that when I’m sitting right here. Besides, it was like one issue, and she wasn’t buck naked.” He corrects, chugging his beer at the odd topic this has come to.
“You seen it?” Fanboy cringes.
“Our mom sent it to the family group chat! I was horrified.” Jake gags.
Bradley laughs at his reaction, then shifts his eyes to Coyote who finishes his drink. He sees the smirk he has and knows that there’s gonna be a comment to follow.
“She was hot, dude. I feel a little star struck, actually.” Coyote chuckles.
Jake points an angry finger at his friend. “I love you man, but say anything like that again and I’m putting you through this table. Got it?” He spits.
Bradley looks at his glass.
He better just keep his mouth shut, because if Jake hears the things he’s thinking, he’s as good as dead.
“What do you mean she was a bunny?” Bob questions, defusing the tension. “I thought she was Jake’s sister?”
The guys let out a sigh, Jake races off as it has to be explained to the pilot.
Lights and music pulse and as you dance along, Bradley’s jaw is ticking back and forth. You appear like a phantom, arms up as you laugh with Phoenix.
“I’ll be back.” He tells the guys before heading for the bathroom.
He locks the door behind him and leans on the sink, trying to get himself together. Then, he pulls out his phone and Googles your name.
Hundreds and hundreds of photos appear on the screen, all in which you look sinfully good.
How could he not know of you before? He feels like he’s lived in darkness this whole time.
Bradley splashes water on his face and tells his reflection to get it together. With a deep breath, he goes to the bar, trying to get his head straight.
Things with Jake were finally fine, there was a truce made. The last thing that Bradley needs is to start another war by getting too close to the miniature Seresin.
Leaning on the bar, waiting for the bartender to get to him, he’s suddenly joined.
“You weren’t gonna offer me a drink?” You ask with a playful smile.
He turns his head, looking down at you and he internally curses. Of course you’d find him, life was never easy for him.
“I figured you were a big girl and could get yourself something if you were thirsty.” He states, swallowing hard.
You let out a small chuckle, then wave the bartender over.
“Whatcha’ need sweetheart?” The bartender asks, leaning forward with a wink.
“Vodka with a diet redbull, if you wouldn’t mind.” You order, then turn to Rooster with an expectant look.
“Oh, uh, just whiskey on the rocks.” He mutters.
The bartender gets right on it, leaving the two of you alone once more.
You run a manicured hand through your hair and look up at him. “So, Rooster, you got a real name?” You ask.
He nods, avoiding eye contact. His fingers flex into fists and back out again because you smell like cherry and vanilla, it makes him feel woozy.
You laugh. “Yeah? What is it?”
Blowing out a breath, he tells himself he’s stronger than this and looks to you.
“Bradley.” He says, aching as you hum and try the name out for yourself.
“Bradley. I like that.” You nod, taking your drink as it is given to you.
Your lips wrap around the straw and slowly sip as he drinks his whiskey, focusing on the taste of it washing down his throat.
You watch the veins in his arms and the way his adams apple bobs. He’s the perfect picture of fine, the wheels are turning in your head as you establish that he’s what you want.
“You want to dance with me, Bradley?” You ask as he finishes the drink in silence.
He shoots his brown eyes down at you, but doesn’t answer. Your straw slurps as you reach the bottom of your glass. “It’s a simple question.” You state.
“No.” He shutters.
“No?” You clarify.
“I do but no, I won’t.” He says weakly.
“And why is that?” You question, lips pursing.
The way you squint your eyes makes him want to drop dead. He clears his throat. “You’re off limits, sweetheart. The last thing I need is your brother ripping my head off.”
You smile. “I’m a big girl, I can make my own decisions.”
He turns to fully face you now. “I don’t think that matters to Hangman.”
You let out a dramatic sigh. “Well, I’m standing here talking to you and he hasn’t come found me. I don’t know about you but to me, that seems like it’s okay for you to continue talking to me.”
You were being extremely difficult.
He sits on the chair behind him, motioning for you to do the same. Slowly, you sit, crossing one leg over the other. Your thumb nail gets caught between your teeth for a moment before he reaches out to pull it away. You lightly gasp at the action, then fold your hands together in your lap. “Wanna talk? Let’s talk.”
The two of you exchange friendly chatter, both very aware of the space shrinking between you. The sound of your voice is addicting, the longer you talk, the longer he adores it. All those silly things they guys assumed about you were entirely false. You were smart and kind, you were actually hilarious.
“You still don’t want to dance with me?” You ask after a breath, your fingers running over his thigh.
He sucks in a breath. “You just want me to be killed, don’t you?”
You look at the mass of people. “If I know one thing, it’s that my brother is probably all over some little blonde right now and way too distracted to worry about me.” You state, moving your fingers now to the back of his hand, slowly tracing shapes on his skin.
“What about the others?” He asks.
You shrug. “There’s a swarm of people, I doubt they’ll notice.”
He fights his inhibitions, then decides he’s aching to feel the silk of your dress under his hands way more than he is scared of getting caught.
Bradley grabs your hand, it’s strong as it guides you off the seat. You smirk to yourself as you follow behind him. He strategically places the two of you in the crowd, the lack of space makes you press yourself to him. Your arms hook around his neck, you feel the warmth of his palms on your lower back.
The different colored lights make the silhouette of you sharp and enticing. Though the two of you start out calm, your movements aren’t subtle. One hand in his hair, the other smooths up his chest. You’re hot, blame it on the people around you but the way he’s looking at you isn’t helping. The size of his hands on you, the way his hair gets messy, it has your knees feeling wobbly.
One movement forward, you’re pressed right against him, giving a delicious contact to the crotch of his jeans. His fingers grip your hips tightly, he leans down to press his lips to your ear. Your eyes widen as the heat of his breath washes down your neck.
“Don’t.” Is the only word he utters.
And you aren’t used to being told no.
You do it again, creating that aching friction as you rub against him. “Why not?” You whisper back.
Bradley shuts his eyes, trying to stay strong in the war he is not winning. “Don’t start something, sweetheart.”
You reach down to grab both his hands and slide them behind you. He grabs your ass instinctively.
“What if I want to?” You ask, anything but innocent.
He pulls away from your ear, shaking his head at you like it’ll change the situation. He’s saying no because it’s the smart thing, but really all he wants to do is slide his hand under your dress.
Your hand braces one side of his neck while you lean to the other. Slowly, like you aren’t sure if he’ll push you off or not, your lips press to his skin.
Bradley wants to curse, the way your tongue tastes the salt on his skin has him grinding you against him on his own accord. You make your way up to his jaw, then pull back. His eyes are entirely dark, you open your mouth to speak but he’s kissing you roughly.
You sigh contently as you start to feel like you’re buzzing on more than just alcohol. It only lasts a few seconds, like he just needed a taste. Bradley pulls away with a huff, you feel like you’re going to fall over.
“Still scared of Jake?” You ask him.
He shakes his head. “This isn’t smart.”
“But you want it.” You say, hand sliding up his chest.
He wants it, fuck he wants it. You can see it in his eyes, that’s why you take his hand and pull him out of the crowd.
In the secluded hallway of the bathrooms, in the low red lighting, you’re grinning as you’re backing him into the wall. You inhale deeply, fighting with his lips as he holds your waist. It’s feverish as you kiss, the way you gently press against his waist has Bradley biting back moans. Suddenly, he’s pushing you back, walking you until you hit the opposite wall.
“Don’t be a tease.” He warns lowly, hand gently squeezing your jaw.
Your smirk is victorious. “I won’t be a tease if you take me back to your place.”
He tightens his grip slightly before swooping down and devouring your lips. His strained jeans rub against you. “That’s what you want?” He asks, pulling away again.
You bite your bottom lip, nodding. “I’m up for anything you want to do, actually.”
His thumb pulls that lip down. He looks at it in awe as he makes his final decision.
“Text your brother, tell him that you called an Uber home.” He says.
“Jake already said he was taking a girl home and sent me the cash for a ride.” You breathe.
It’s all a sudden blur, the way Bradley’s dragging you out to the parking lot, helping you into the passenger seat of his Bronco. He’s definitely breaking traffic laws as he races to his one bedroom house.
He struggles to get the door open as you suck at his neck. Once he does get it open, he’s tugging you inside and slamming it shut.
Down the hall, you’re shredding his layers. His button shirt is thrown over the couch in the living room, his belt lands on the coffee table. As you pull his white tank off, your breath catches.
“Fuck.” Is all you can say, looking at how toned his upper body is. His biceps make you want to wrap your hands around them and squeeze.
Bradley smirks, feeling good about himself. “This is what gets you to shut that mouth of yours?” He asks.
You run your eyes over his abs. “You’re like…insanely hot.”
He grips your waist, then backs you up into the kitchen counter. “Says the one with the million dollar body.”
Your fingers dance over his bare skin. “Art appreciates art.” You shrug before devouring his kiss again.
At this point your lipstick is gone, Bradley wears some of it on his skin like you’ve branded him. His hands brace under your thighs, easily lifting you to sit on the smooth kitchen counter. You sit with a huff, spreading your legs wide enough for him to slot between them. The smooth material of your dress bunches on your hips, giving him a perfect view of the pretty pink thong you wear.
He breathes heavy in excitement, gazing down at the lace like it’s a prize. That’s before he’s tilting your head back and kissing down the column of your throat. You mewl softly at the feeling, how he dances down the tops of your breasts that threaten to spill out of the dress.
Then he’s sinking further down, you watch him slowly lower himself to become eye level with your core. You gasp softly as he grips your thighs and places warm kisses to them. It stimulates you, the way his lips feel. His hot breath fans over your aching center, he’s kissing the lace fabric like he’s praising it before he grips the top of it.
“You still sure you want this?” He checks one last time. “Because I don’t know if I can stop after I start.”
You grow impatient, flexing your hips to move your heat closer to him. “Bradley, I don’t want you to stop.”
That was enough for him to yank the panties down your legs, letting them hang on one ankle. He keeps your heels on, enjoying the way they press against his upper back as your legs drape over his shoulders.
His tongue comes to run up your center, you take in a sharp breath. He tastes your arousal, immediately becoming intoxicated off of it. Fingers pressing into the flesh of your thighs, he keeps you spread open for him as he dives in, eating you out in a way you haven’t experienced before.
Your head falls back, hand wringing in his hair, holding him close to you. A moan tumbles free from your throat. “Oh fuck, you’re good at this. Fuck! Like that.”
He can’t help but grin wildly, stimulating your erected clit before stretching two fingers inside of you. Your hips buck at the feeling, you’re humming out, panting at the feeling. He eats it so good, you don’t even think to muffle the sounds you make.
“Ah, Bradley.” You breathe, making his cock twitch in his jeans.
“You like it, pretty girl?” He vibrates against you, making you cry out.
His eyes lift to look up at you writhe. You’re perfect, open mouthed and grinding against his tongue, reacting when he curls his fingers.
“Yes.” You encourage.
The sound is wet and lewd as he sucks on your sensitive skin, your eyes widen as you feel your finish coming on.
“Rooster, I’m close.” You whine slightly, it only makes him focus more and get you closer.
“You want to cum? Do it, finish for me.” He encourages.
Your chest heaves, you tighten your grip in his hair as you clench around his fingers. You curse loudly, feeling the orgasm build and build until you finally snap. You shudder, your thighs clench around Bradley’s head as you feel the wave wash over you. He’s there through it, cleaning you up with his tongue, sucking his fingers clean.
You lick his lips, tasting yourself on him before kissing him.
“Come on, pretty girl.” He coos, helping you off the counter, chuckling at your uneasy legs as he guides you to his bedroom.
The door is clicked shut behind you and Bradley’s pulling you against him, cradling your face in his hands as he clashes his tongue with yours. His pants are pushed off by your greedy hands, then he’s watching you crawl onto his perfectly made bed. Your eyelashes fan perfectly as you stare at him, slowly pulling your dress off and dropping it to the floor.
You’re perfect.
Sitting pretty for him, he lets his eyes roam over your perfect skin, how great you look in his bed.
He’s in trouble.
Your leg extends out, lifting your foot up expectantly. With a pleased smile, he comes forward to the foot of the bed, unbuckling the heel, then the other. He tosses them carelessly behind him, they hit the floor with a clatter.
“Those are expensive.” You warn as he tugs at your ankles, making you gasp and fall onto your back.
“Yeah? I’m sure you have five more pairs just like them.” He states, crawling up the bed to hover over you.
Slowly, the two of you share the same air. You lay, looking up at him. “Come on, Bradley, I won’t tell if you won’t.” You tease.
He could devour you.
“You do this often? Target your brother’s friends?” He jokes back.
Your nails run down his scalp. “I can’t stand my brother’s friends. You on the other hand, you’re different.”
Tongue in your mouth, he’s moaning, sitting up to pull open his nightstand drawer. The foil of the condom is cool in his fingers, he pulls back to sit on his knees as you sit up. You pull his boxer briefs down his toned legs, breathing heavy as his full erection is freed. It aches against his stomach, the tip dripping with precum. You swipe your thumb over it, making him groan.
Completely infatuated, you pump your hand over his length as he rips open the condom package.
“I’ll cum if you keep doing that.” He grunts out, pulling your hand away so he can roll the rubber on. “Get on your stomach.”
The direct tone of his voice has you a mess between your legs, you roll over, legs spread, yelping in surprise as he tugs your hips, positioning your ass in the air.
“Is this okay?” He asks, warmly rubbing your back.
Hair falls in your eyes, he moves it away. You look back at him and nod. “It’s more than okay.”
His dark eyes gleam, then he’s positioning himself at your entrance. You feel the tip of him run down your folds, nudging your clit, making you mewl lowly and grab the pillow.
He pushes halfway in before you gasp, he slowly enters your walls to make sure you’re relaxed enough for him. The pressure his size gives you has you breathing hard already.
“I’m almost there, sweetheart.” He says lowly, letting his head fall back as he finally bottoms out.
Adjusting, you can feel how good he fills you. “Oh god.” You pant, squeezing your eyes shut as he slowly pulls back and pushes into you again.
“You sound so perfect.” Bradley says, slack jawed.
He kneads your ass, gripping it as he sets a pace. The way you lay out on front of him, arched back and taking him so good, he wants to cum inside of you in that moment.
“Mm, like that.” You guid. “You’re so fucking deep.”
Hearing those dirty words from your perfect lips, his vision threatens to go blurry.
“Yeah? Is this what you wanted the whole night, my cock buried inside you. Fuck, you’re so tight, it’s amazing.” He says through gritted teeth.
Pulling your hips, he fucks you back into him. As you meet his thrusts, broken sounds are coming from your throat.
You’re picture perfect, he’s going to be getting off to this image for weeks.
Mind completely cloudy, you mutter your words, they slur together. His fingers snake down to rub your clit and it has you choking on a sob, burying your face into the pillow at the build up inside of you.
“There you go, baby.” He breathes, picking up his pace. His hand stretches to gently tangle in your hair, his thrusts are hard, jolting you.
His name is muffled as you chant it, warning him that you’re oh-so close. You can’t even turn your head to look back at him, you just lean your head back and cry out as you clench around him.
“Holy shit- I’m almost there, hang on.” He grunts, edging himself closer and closer.
Your body shakes. “Bradley.” You whimper out, then you’re coming all over him.
The shout of him is what makes him push fully inside of you one last time and release. He bucks against you, riding his high out.
You’re collapsed onto the mattress now as he pulls out of you, mouth open as you pant, face and hair a mess.
“Holy fuck…” He runs a hand over his face, moving to lean back against his headboard.
He looks down at you, thinking you’re utterly spent. His gentle hands pull you up to him, slowly kissing you, trying to comb your hair down.
You learn how affectionate he can be. Especially after another round, where you’re watching him fuck up into you as you ride him, and genuine tiredness overcomes the two of you. You both clean up, then you try to decide what your next move is.
Hookups weren’t something you were too familiar with, you’ve only ever slept with your previous boyfriends.
Were you supposed to go back to your house? Did he expect you to leave?
The answer is decided when he shifts to his worn side of the bed.
“Come back to bed.” He says, watching you stand in the doorway, looking at your shoes.
Your eyes lift back up to him and his heart stops for a moment, you’re wearing a genuine grin.
Tangled in his sheets, not bothering to get dressed, the two of you talk until you eventually are lulled to sleep. You tried to fight it, but he’s so warm as he holds you, his voice is such a perfect tone, he’s rubbing your head and doing everything a hookup doesn’t do.
He’s well aware of this.
And when you’re snoozing peacefully, tucked against his chest, he curses and looks up at the ceiling.
He was already in too deep.
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soiwj · 3 months
Tasty Treat
Arlecchino x fem!baker!reader
Link to part 2
Very ooc arlecchino
(i dont know her character wel but she's hot, so i thought I'd give it a shot)
Planning on doing research on her though!!
Fuckk i love women omg
Second mini-fic ever how exciting!!
Please request stuff here!! It's hard to come up with prompts ;-;
I wrote this at 3 am so excuse the lack of structure
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You start your usual routine of setting everything up for the day, although today is a bit special. Your bakery doesn't have many customers, considering the place it's in is quite remote. A peaceful forrest that's still in fontaine borders yet far away from any other buildings or people.
You chose this place because you appreciate the beauty and peace that nature brings you. The birds whisteling in the morning, the foxes chittering, the sound of tree leaves rustling. Yet that peace comes with quite a heft price. Loneliness. Besides the old lady that lives in a small village near the forrest, you don't get much human interaction. Even though your bakery is quite big and fits lots of people, you don't really have a lot of customers to share it with.
A week ago, you received a business offer from the house of the hearth. Since the bakery near the orphanage closed down, they don't have any establishments providing them things like breakfast treats and pastries. That's why they're employing you. The contract has you preparing and delivering the food to the hearth.
Even though this seemed like quite a lot of work, you accepted. I mean, how could you not? You get to make pasteries for adorable kids, making them smile, AND you get paid? This is a dream come true. After years of sulking alone in the damp forest serving a customer here and there, you get the privilege of a constant source of profit.
After hours of baking, your tired eyes look at the required amount of food stated in the order, and you realize that this is only enough for the kids. How strange that the boss herself did not order anything. Does she eat breakfast somewhere else? Nevertheless, you decide to make something anyway.
After packing up the orders, you start walking towards the orphanage, barely holding on to the several boxes stacked on top of eachother.
As you arrive, you set the boxes down and ring the orphanage's doorbell. An earie ring echoes from inside.
A tall woman opens the door. Her snow white hair with the occasional black streak looks down at you from the doorframe. Her brows furrow slightly at the sight of you, and the boxes.
"Are you alone?" She asks, you're confused, to say the least. "...yes?" You mutter. "How come you've managed to carry all those boxes on your lonesome?" Her sultry voice sounds out as she crosses her arms in amusement, holding back a grin. Before you can answer, you hear who you assume are the kids, walking slowly towards the persumed dining room.
"I'll help you with these," Arlecchino says curtly as she picks up a few boxes to bring to the kitchen. You pick up the last remaining boxes as you tail behind her.
As you and Arlecchino start unpacking and putting the treats on plates, you can't help but think of how different you expected Arlecchino to be. Clearly, her reputation precedes her. All the while your mind is drifting off to several different subjects, you don't notice the red-crossed eyes staring your way.
After the children finish eating, you stay a while, wanting to hear their opinion on the treats. As you basically survey them, you take the time to get to know some of them. Playing games with them and answering their unending questions.
As you realise you've overstayed your welcome, you say goodbye to the kids and quickly leave the orphanage. On your way back, you reach your hand into your purse, trying to take out your cherry flavored gum. You eventually find it but with it a little pink box brushes your hand. The cookie, you forgot to give it to Arlecchino.
Sat in her office, Arlecchino can't stop thinking about the kind-hearted baker she employed. Just looking at her interacting with the kids made something burn up inside of her. A little warmth that warms her cold, unfeeling heart. She looks out the window, hoping to have some reprieve from this strange feeling. Yet it seems the archons are against her wishes as she sees a certain baker running towards the orphanage. Almost tripping on her way. Even though it is foolish to entertain feelings for such a seemingly simple creature, Arlecchino can't help but grin at another interaction with her. Usually, she doesn't like to play with her food. But this time, she might make you an exception.
You stumble into the building as one of the kids, whom you now know is called Tealus, opens the door for you. With the pink box in hand, you stride through the halls looking for Arlecchino's office. As you ask one of the children, they point to the dark, long hallway without windows. How fitting. Your heels clicking softly as you walk over to her black office double doors. This place seems more like a villain's lair than an orphanage to you now, but you digress.
You knock 5 times in a specific pattern you were used to as a child when you hear a stern "Come in." You pull the golden doorhandle as the office window light starts flooding the hallway. You quickly close the door behind you as you step closer to her desk.
She does not look up from the paperwork on her desk as she multitasks without problem. "Why are you still here, baker." Just because she approves of your bond with the kids does not mean she will treat you differently from other people. "I saw there was nothing for you on the order list, so I made you something." You say proudly. You start rambling as you explain how you forgot to give it to her during breakfast.
She interrupts you as she reaches out her hand. "Can I see it?" You're flustered as you quickly hand her the box. She places it down gently on her desk as she lifts the packaging. Facing Arlecchino is a cookie with a white base, decorated with a black and red spider on top. "How adorable," Arlecchino mutters softly. Your soft 'huh' drives her back to reality as she responds. "I'm not very fond of sweet treats. I prefer savory things." She almost chuckles at the sight of your worried eyes locking with hers. "I can make you something else if you'd like? Hmm, although I can't think of many savory pasteries..." As you start naming some options, you reach for the cookie, trying to throw it away, but Arlecchino's quick reflexes hold your wrist before you can get close. "I thought you didn't like it?" Your confusion radiating off of you. "I never said such a thing. I merely said I prefer savory treats." She softly lets your wrist go as she stores the cookie on a desk extension behind her.
From then on, this has become routine, although some things have changed throughout the weeks. Instead of delivering the food alone, Arlecchino stops by early in the morning to help you carry them. Sometimes, it results in small talk when you haven't finished packing the orders yet.
Usually, she doesn't speak much and lets you do all the talking. You fear she's getting annoyed from your constant ramblings, but unbeknownst to you, she loves it when you talk about your interests and things you love.
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This was a bit short, but if you wanna see a specific trope with this situation, you can req anything you wantt!!
Might do a part 2 of this idk yet
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boy there is so much to unpack based on what Karan's sister said to her mom about how Karan was raised. its so crazy that his parents reinforced what they valued and what they didn't value by withholding reactions/not engaging with Karan if they didn't like or approve of what he was doing (and up until the present part of the story, didn't think this was harmful??). i don't know if the writers meant for it to be so profoundly sad, but the thought of a queer child who already felt deeply conflicted about his identity trying to express himself, find out who he is, and share his excitement about cool things he finds in the world only to get nothing from his caretakers to acknowledge it is heartbreaking. his flames burned out because he was doing it in a cold empty vacuum. she said he would pursue those things until it "got boring" but really what that means is he pursued those things/expressed himself in certain ways until the lack of interaction from his parents made him feel so insecure, self-conscious, and lonely that he phased it out. and then when he started getting engagement from his parents again, he would internalize that he shouldn't go where his instincts/pleasures/interests guide him because they're the makeup of an unacceptable person.
so Karan's historical self-deprecation in regards to his queerness and his uncontrollable, tear-filled reaction to hearing his mother indicate that she does want to support and engage with he and Achi, makes all the sense in the world. when he confessed his feelings to Achi he apologized multiple times essentially for letting the real Karan take over and control what his brain and heart were doing, ruining things between them. i love that Achi's immediate reaction to that was "you're sorry???" because its so bewildering that Karan would apologize for being himself, feeling his feelings, or thinking his thoughts. but he has been trained his whole life not to indulge or engage with his authentic self, so he feels like a failure when he does. he built his life around models of perfection and ways of carrying himself that were molded by other people.
Karan asking his mother "are you disappointed" that I'm gay/in love with a man really gets to the heart of it. like, if his mother had a choice, if his mother had the ability to change things about her son to fit her image of a better person, what parts of Karan would she remove or swap out? this is something he has had to consider, if not on a conscious level then definitely on a subconscious one, for his whole life: what parts of me are scraps, what parts of me are unwanted?
its such a relief that Achi stated that for him, caring for Karan means supporting him in doing the things that he likes and that bring him pleasure (like cooking and spending money on things that he and Achi can do together). Karan had asked Achi to "bear with" him but its clear that Achi isn't bearing anything. Achi takes pride in his charge of caring for Karan -- and helping him indulge his wants, abandon the constant grind for perfection, and reconnect with himself is a huge part of that.
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rynfiles · 11 months
dad next door !
✎ᝰ — your brand-new apartment has brought you peace, calm, and freedom. but no one mentioned of a father of a two
★ — satoru gojo x gn!reader
★ — word count: 1.6k
★ — genre + warnings: fluff + dad!gojo, gojo is in his early twenties (21-23), gojo is a nervous mess, megumi and his smart antics, tsumiki is y/n’s number one fan
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The space is small, yet livable. Your new apartment brings you this sense of freedom and independence from your loving, yet overbearing, parents. As much as you love them dearly, the thought of continuing to live under their roof was going to drive you mad. Which led to your brand new apartment, not the best but you made do with your stay.
As you continue to unpack your things, you hear noises coming from the other side of your living room wall. You ignored them by putting on your headphones and playing music as time passed.
Yet some hours passed, only three, and the noise continued. You moved closer to the wall to decipher what was creating such a loud noise. The only thing you could make out was a loud TV, yelling from multiple people you assume, and children. Your heart grew soft and sympathy grew in your heart for the assumed noise of children, since you know how children can be, especially at young ages when their emotions run rampant.
Though, as much as children softened your heart, the noise was becoming unbearable and you wanted your first day in your apartment to be perfect. You planned to be nice, introduce yourself, and ask your neighbor to possibly lower the noise coming from their apartment.
You paused your music and took off your headphones. You grabbed your phone and headed out the door, only making a few steps to your left until you reached the next apartment door.
You knocked gently, as you waited you heard the noise more clearly. You realized it was an adult and a child going back and forth while the TV was playing a children’s show. You heard some of the argument and giggled to yourself at some of the insults that were sent.
You continued to wait yet the door hadn’t opened nor had there been any indication that someone was going to open. You knocked again, a bit louder this time, and someone, you assumed was the adult, yelled that they were coming. Not long after, the door was opened and you were met with a man who had a staggering height, but that didn’t bother you.
The man had hair as white as the winter snow, which was decorated with those ball scrunchies and small heart clips that should be found on a small girl, not a grown (potentially over twenty) man. He wore a fitted tank top that had a dad joke on it and black shorts to accompany the outfit. His face in particular was graced with lashes that were thick and lay beautifully above his blue eyes. Also, his youthful face is currently covered in stickers galore, many of dinosaurs and flowers.
He greeted you with a smile, it brought youth to his face and gave sincerity, and apologies for taking so long to answer.
You reassured him that he was okay and also introduced yourself. You explained to him how you were his neighbor but also reported to him the noise from his apartment was bothering you. You tried not to come off as rude, since it is your first day.
He apologizes almost too quickly, mild stutters as he speaks, “Sorry sorry, my two- I mean these two kids have been hauling my ass since seven am.”
“I assumed it was younger children that were in there. Though, could you do me a favor and turn down the TV as well? The whole apartment doesn’t need to hear what you guys are watching.”
The man turns in the direction of the TV and lightly smacks his forehead, “Ah, that must’ve been Tsumiki with her runway model shows. I don’t know why but she always excuses that she has terrible hearing and always has the TV-”
“What about Tsumiki?” A young boy with spiked hair appears behind the man. The boy wears an expression that debates whether to tussle with the tall man or mind his business. With his presence now here, he chose the first option. Yet the stickers and hair clips placed on his hair and face don’t make him serious enough to take.
The boy scrunched his face, showing a sign of annoyance to the man in front of him. “My name is Megumi, Meh-gu-mi. Don’t try to be all “mister cool” cause you think our new neighbor is hot.”
The man’s jaw dropped and all you could giggle at the compliment that was given. You spot his cheeks beaming with a light shade of red but disregard it as the man clears his throat. “Megumi, do me a favor and stay out of adult spaces.”
The boy sucked his teeth, “You were literally a child not many years ago, in dog years if you count.” The boy mumbled the last part but it was loud enough for the older man to hear.
The two males continue to go back and forth until a small girl approaches next to the small boy. From the height alone she could be the eldest of the two children, and her face was also decorated with stickers. It was cute to see the tall male and the two children behind him covered in all kinds of stickers on their face and their hair styled in hair clips.
The girl comes over to see what all the commotion is. But instead, she turns to you and immediately starts complimenting you, she smiles with such fondness to your beauty. She starts to compliment your hair, even if it is simple for the busy day, your outfit, and how you look so perfect. She believes so deeply that you came out of a magazine and all you could do was thank her and smile back. The girl just seemed all admired about you, even if she only met you about two minutes ago.
She turns to the older male to ask, “Can they join us for dinner papa Gojo?”
The boy scoffs at the question, “Don’t give him any ideas, he might scare the new neighbor away.” The blushing from earlier returns and the older man, named Gojo (?), seems to be slightly offended at the boy's remark.
The girl ignores the boy and pleads with Gojo, you continue to watch the two children and the man banter with one another. The interaction seemed to look serious from an outsider’s perspective, but up close, it was adorable watching them interact. Even if the boy seemed very annoyed with the entire situation, the girl poked his cheeks and played with his hair to uplift his mood, while the man told the two children to turn down the TV and check on the food cooking.
Gojo brings his attention back to you and smiles nervously, he laughs nervously as well. He brings his hand to comb through the back of his hair, “Sorry about them, they’re not usually this noisy on a Friday afternoon. Especially Megumi, he’s usually playing with his figures with Tsumiki, never this intrusive.”
“Don’t worry, I have younger siblings and we bicker quite a lot, so I get it. But I will admit that you guys are an adorable little family.”
The man blushes quickly but tries to hide it quickly, “Ah, thank you.” He grows nervous and lets the air become this sense of nervousness. He will admit, he wouldn’t have thought to have a neighbor as stunning as you and comfortable around his children. Then again, his two children take too much of his time to even pay attention to the people in his environment.
He clears his throat, “Umm, you don’t have to join but Tsumiki, the little girl, is gonna keep asking about dinner and I’m already in trouble with her. If you don’t mind, you don’t have to, but you can join us for dinner if you’re not too busy.” The blushing on his cheeks stayed yet you notice his ears turning into a light hue of pink as well, nervousness is ruining this man.
You think for a little while, letting the man watch you think and his face shows more and more signs of nervousness. You answer with a nod and a small smile, “I don’t mind at all. It would be nice to learn some faces in this town.”
Gojo seems more than happy to hear your acceptance, “We’d love to welcome you, Tsumiki loves making new friends and Megumi could get a friend or two. Geez this kid.”
You gave a small laugh and thanked him, you turned to make your exit until Gojo stopped you. “Oh umm, by-by the way, I didn’t get to properly introduce myself. I’m Gojo, umm Satoru Gojo. I’m right next door, literally, if you need anything.”
“Oh thanks, it was nice talking to you Satoru, and your two kids I assume, Megumi and Tsumiki?” The way you said his first name had Gojo going from a blushing mess to a flustered, stuttering mess. He feels heat rising in his cheeks and ears, embarrassment adds in as thinks that he shouldn’t be this nervous around his new neighbor.
“Yeah, that’s their name.” He pauses and lets his nervousness settle between the two of you, “Umm, well it was great to meet you y/n, and uhh gotta get back to finishing dinner, two hungry children aren’t the prettiest sight to see.”
“I would love to be the judge of that tonight,” you turn to walk away from his doorway and wave him goodbye, “have a good day Satoru, see you tonight.”
Gojo waves back and closes the door once you step into your apartment. He roughly combs through his hair and sighs heavily, “I don’t know who’s gonna end me first, these damn kids or dinner with y/n.”
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★ I got this fanfic idea from this fanart actually ! I thought gojo and the kids were so cute with their stickers and clips on their face and hair 🫶🏽
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝗋𝗒𝗇𝖿𝗂𝗅𝖾𝗌. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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jenniferrvsesi · 1 year
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summary: just moving to a new place can bring a lot of hardships especially when one of those things is a creepy crawly.
rating: universal
pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
warnings: a spider.
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Y/n had only been living in Monaco for about two weeks now. She hadn’t had the chance to look around much with how stressed she had been with her boxes of stuff arriving later than scheduled.
She had only fully unpacked everything the night before and was now just happy to finally be able to relax in her new apartment.
With a huff she gazed at the cream wall in front of her. Only to freeze. Right in front of her was a spider. A big one at that.
God how she disliked the creatures.
Y/n didn’t take her eyes off of the arachnid as she got up off her sofa and slowly walked backwards towards her kitchen, still staring at the eight legged beast as if having a standoff with it.
She blinked and that’s when the spider decided to scutter down the wall and towards the floor. She screamed loudly and immediately jumped over the back of the couch, standing on it.
The spider is now completely gone.
"No, no, no.” She whispered to herself looking around trying to spot the despicable creature.
All of a sudden a knock rang out throughout the apartment. She looked at the door that was all the way on the opposite side of the room she was in.
With a huff, she looked around the room making a game plan on how she was going to get to the door without touching the floor.
"Okay, you've got this." She hyped herself up quietly before making her way to the door, climbing on different pieces of furniture.
With a sigh, she opened the door while standing on her shoe box that was next to it, she revealed a man with curly brown hair, tattoos on his legs and a worried look on his, admittedly handsome, face.
“Hi, I heard screaming from next door and just wanted to make sure you were okay…” The man said before realising something. *I'm Daniel by the way.”
She noticed the Australian accent as he spoke, making him all the more attractive in her opinion. Now is not the time. She thought as she remembered the arachnid that was currently inhabiting her house.
"Oh! Hi... um I'm Y/n and yeah everything is fine! It's all good."
"Are you sure because that was a loud scream?" He joked with a laugh, as he admired the girl who had heard about (from Brenda, a lovely old lady who lived on the other side of him who somehow always had the gossip) but had never seen.
"There's just a spider in my apartment and I am very much scared of them.” Y/n laughed nervously as she looked behind her as if the spider was going to be right there.
She felt embarrassed that this was how she was going to meet her neighbour who was unfairly attractive.
“Oh I can help catch him if you want. I've dealt with a lot of them in Australia." He offered with a polite smile, already wanting to hopefully get to know more about the woman in front of him.
"That would be great!" She agreed eagerly, usually she would be more hesitant to let a man she just met into her house but she just wanted that stupid little creature out of her vicinity.
She let Daniel in before making her way into her kitchen and grabbed a glass that he could use to trap the spider.
"Here." She said, handing it to him. She received a thanks from the man as he glanced around her apartment living room.
Out of the corner of their eyes they noticed a blob scurrying along the floor causing their eyes to dart to it.
Daniel immediately went for it, enclosing it in the glass. With an aha!' he gazed proudly as he stood up right.
Y/n handed the Australian a placemat so he could slide it under. “Do you want to come take it outside with me?" He asked her to which she nodded hoping to use this time to maybe get to know the man more.
After talking on the way to the first floor, they had succeeded in disposing of the eight legged creature.
"Honestly, thank you so much. Y/n told him gratefully as the two made their way back to the elevator. "I have no clue if I would even be able to sleep knowing it was still in my house."
"It's no problem, you don't need to say thanks."
"Well how else can I show my gratitude?" A crooked smile appeared on the man’s face as an idea popped into his head.
"How about dinner sometime?"
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authors note: this is so trash bye 😭 but i had thought of the idea last night when a giant spider was in my room and i had to get someone else to get rid of it… anyway! have a lovely rest of your day!!
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oncloudten · 2 years
genshin men and their kinks ii
read part i here — in this post: thoma, kaeya, and zhongli.
so... alot to unpack here. thoma is the poster boy for the term submissive and breedable, we know this, we love this. but on the other hand... he leans on the soft dom side. like yeah he will submit to you fully yada yada BUT he's in control most of the time. y'know? mostly he just let's you think you're in control, whole time he's pulling the strings.
praise/body worship. yup. tons of sweet stuff of all sorts spilling from his mouth during the whole process. he NEEDS you to know how much you mean to him, how special you are and all that stuff. every single thrust entails an unmatched level of intimacy and praise, he really takes his time to make you feel good. he makes love to you. very vanilla for most of the time. he also really needs reassurance. telling him how good you're making him feel, or just being vocal will do it really.
sex with thoma is all over the place. he's a big fucking switch in both senses. one day he'll submit to you fully, allowing you to literally tie him up to a chair or the bed or just tie him up in general. he loves bondage (bonus for when you tie him up and do a striptease. he thinks of burning the cloth up just to touch you). and then other times he'll have you begging on your knees to feel him. he loves getting you to beg. he loves being needed so when he hears the desperation in your voice, and even sees it... he goes crazy. he gives in almost immediately so it doesn't take long to get what you want.
a good ol' creampie kink. he's crazy about you and filling you up with his cum is one of his favorite things in the world. he'll pull out and watch it drip out of you in awe, and then proceeds to fuck it back into your hole with his fingers. he's just obsessed with the whole process of it and will do it over and over again, to the point where you get overstimulated.
oh this man is batshit crazy both in bed and outside of it... if i were to sit here and write about what kinks i think he would have i'd be here for a very long time. he's the type to try everything out, and most likely like everything aswell. even if he thinks he won't like it he will ask you to experiment with him (consentual king) and obviously if it sticks, he'd make sure that it's mutual.
one of the things that turns him on is exhibitionism. but unlike ayato, he would never actually want anyone to see the two of you, and especially not you. he's very possessive and territorial. so you could say it's more of a public sex type of kink. anyways, despite that, the thought of getting caught still does it for him. but for the most of it it's just the fact that people hearing how good he's making you feel just drives him over the edge. (he realized one particular day when you were at the tavern and some random guy was flirting with you right infront of him. kaeya being kaeya, takes you into the storage room and fucks you so hard in a jealous fit that he brings you to tears. he knows he heard, he knows everyone there heard. and he absolutely loves it. people knowing that those moans were because of him makes his dick so fucking hard by just thinking about)
praise praise praise PRAISE!! praise all over. it goes both ways. you telling him how good he feels inside you, how big he is, how no one else could ever fuck you the way he fucks you, and him telling you how tight you are and how good you're being for taking his big cock. also, he'd have so many nicknames for you and he would want you to respond to them. there's just something about you acknowledging that you're his good girl while he's so deep inside you that makes the sex even better for him.
(three in one incoming)... and then there's days when power play comes in and he's in complete control. like he'd have you on his knees for him calling you his needy little slut, teasing you and making you beg. just like he likes it when you respond to him calling you his princess, his good girl, etc... expect him to love when you respond to being called his dirty little cumslut. also he's so incredibly good at dirty talk and it makes you so weak in the knees.
bonus: the aftercare goes crazy with this man. he will carry you to the shower and clean you up, all while showering you with endless kisses and declarations of his undying love for you. (cleaning you up is sort of useless cause everytime you shower together he just can't resist you and ends up fucking you all over again, no matter how tired the two of you are. but hey, you're in the shower right?)
fear this broke ass grandpa. please fear him. see now, i'm just a girl writing her silly little headcanons about silly little characters in a game on her blog for the world to see, i'm no prophet. but TRUST ME when i say that this man has the biggest fucking dick, and a sex drive just as big to make up for it. you would think it's quite the opposite for the sex drive bit, but oh boy are you wrong. he's a big fucking dom and always expects you to behave and do whatever he says.
size kink. like i said, he's fucking huge. and you're just so small under him. and he absolutely fucking loves it. his thrusts start off slow and rough, all while pressing down on your stomach to feel himself slowly move inside you.
cockwarming. sometimes he'll be busy with whatever he's busy with at home, mostly paperwork and stuff. and you're just there, so desperate and needy for his attention and his touch, so he finally calls you over to just sit on his dick while he sorts out his business. he occasionally thrusts up into you to get a reaction out of you, but he'll tell you not to move. of course, you don't oblige. then comes in the brat-taming.
okay hear me out on this one... master/daddy kink. very fitting for a man of such power. he will ask you to adress him properly. even stops fucking you sometimes cause you're too dumb from being fucked so hard to reply.
bonus to the last point: let's say for this headcanon you're from mondstadt. and barbatos is your god, who you call to, like any normal citizen. one day, when zhongli is fucking you hard enough to make you stupid, you unthinkingly call out to barbatos. in hearing this, his demeanor completely darkens. he fucks you even harder than he did before, but he slows his pace down. he tells you to say his name. you don't even realize what he's asking you because you do say his name, and he tells you to call him morax. he tells you to never call out to anyone but him ever again, and to only call out to him. something along the lines of: "call out my fucking name. not that drunkard bastard's name. i'm making you feel this good. i'm your fucking god."
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lemotmo · 2 months
But we're the delusional ones 🙄. Dear God I have no words. The ask is loooong but I had to include it so you could see it.
Q. You all do understand how absurd it is to see Ryan with a mustache and go straight to assuming he's queer now, way to stereotype. I agree that the show is clearly going in a different direction with him this season but it's not the direction you all want. They have to remove him from the 118 because they need a spot Tommy can fill. Tommy is going to want to be where he can protect Buck, and Hen and Chimney if need be, from Gerard so either he will request a transfer to the 118 or Buck will ask him to request a transfer to the 118. That means they have to remove someone. Eddie is the easiest choice because he's so similar to Tommy. And before you even start all of the characteristics and background Eddie has, minus Christopher, belonged to Tommy first, he has technically been on the show longer. When they brought Ryan/Eddie in he was given all of those Tommy traits so Buck would kind of fall for him and when they brought Tommy back last season they had Buck point out his similarities to Eddie as a way to tell the audience that Tommy had those things first. That's why Buck chose Tommy and not Eddie. The video showed Ryan in a car, perhaps it's a patrol car. Removing him from the 118 is required to bring Tommy in, which the show is absolutely going to figure out a way to do. Having Eddie become a cop is a way to still keep the character but remove him from Buck and the 118 so Tommy can have his original spot back. Tommy fills that spot effortlessly because it belonged to him in the first place. Which has been their plan all along.
A. Okay I was one hundred percent going to ignore this ask because it's absurd on every level, but, BUT, anon, is that really how you all arrived at your 'string theory'. Is that how you all got there?! Because that absolutely breaks my brain. There is so much to unpack in this ask I don't even know where to begin so I'll just start at the top. Just so I'm clear, us seeing Ryan/Eddie in a mustache and, correctly, pointing out its part in queer culture (something Tim and Ryan Murphy would know plenty about) is absurd, but you all seeing him with a mustache in a car and saying he's becoming a cop makes perfect sense? Do I have that correct? Wow.
Okay Tommy isn't joining the 118. Buck isn't going to ask him to transfer to the 118 (your Buck erasure is showing btw). Buck, Hen and Chimney don't need him to protect them from anyone or anything. The show has no plans to bring Tommy into the mix in any capacity but temporary plot point. The show has no interest in or intention of separating Buck from Eddie for any lengthy period of time. Eddie is not becoming a cop. I'm going to take this time to say that I believe you know everything you said in your ask is nonsense, but I'm going to explain it to you anyway. The show did not give Eddie Tommy's backstory. The show did not add Eddie as a character 6 years ago to give him the characteristics and backstory of a background character who was never given a real backstory in the first place because background characters/plot points don't get actual backstories. Their entire purpose is to be an empty vessel character the show can use for any storyline they want. A plot point characters' personality and interests change to fit the plot they're being used for. In the case of Tommy, for the current plot he's involved in, the show needed him to have surface level similarities to Eddie, for Buck to specifically notice, so they gave them a couple of common interests, and a military background, all of which were never mentioned again after episode 4 because they were no longer relevant to the storyline. The show had Buck point out those similarities for the audience to know that Eddie was the point not Tommy. Then, because Tommy is just a plot point to move the Buck/Eddie storyline forward, the few scenes Tommy had the rest of the season were used only to highlight how different from Eddie Tommy really is, especially where Buck is concerned. There is no invisible string theory tying Tommy to anyone or anything. There is no Tommy grand plan. You all gave Eddie's entire character history to Tommy because you also know Eddie, and not Tommy is the point here. Tommy's entire purpose is for Buck to figure out his feelings regarding Eddie. So your man's entire reason for being is to give Eddie to Buck. Enjoy the show.
Thank you once again Nonny for dropping this into my inbox, although this one kind of made me want to hit my head repeatedly, because I could not believe what I was reading. 0_°
I don't even know what to say about this. Ali definitely said all that needed to be said here. I'm not even sure if this question was worth her time and effort to be honest.
I have so many questions though. Where do these bizarre theories come from? Why? How? WHAT!?!
I just, Eddie gets a moustache and suddenly he can't be a firefighter anymore, because once you have a moustache you need to be a police officer? Can he just transfer from being a firefighter to the police force? Wouldn't he need to go to school for that?
Tommy, who canonically was shown to be a bigot and a follower of Gerrard had all the qualities that Eddie stole later on in season 2? And the grand plan was to make Buck fall in love with Eddie, so that he could later meet Tommy in season 7 to fall in love with all of Eddie's character traits that were actually Tommy's first? Even though we knew nothing about Tommy until we got some more background information in season 7? Wouldn't that mean that they actually gave Tommy some character traits from Eddie to have Buck realise later on that Eddie is the (for a lack of a better word) improved version of Tommy?
Even by typing this up, I'm confusing myself.
I don't understand this behaviour and level of self-deception. I'm the first to admit that the Buddie fandom gets carried away with some theories once in a while. We've had a couple of really interesting ones as well. But most of those theories were still built on canon events in the show. By analysing scenes and episodes, there were patterns and by following those patterns you could draw conclusions. Sometimes we were right, but just as many times we were wrong.
But this is on a whole other level. None of this is rooted in canon. It's all make believe, coming from the headcanons of Lou (at first) and then his fans took over from him and spun all of their own headcanons around the ones he first created, until the Tommy in their heads was nothing like the real Tommy anymore. It's fascinating how all this came about.
Anyway, I'm just stopping it here and I'm going back to the real world now where Eddie still has his queer magical Buck-attracting moustache. I'm telling you, season 8 is our season. The magical moustache has spoken. :) LOL!
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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The Plan [Marcus Pike x f!reader]
Read on Ao3
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: The Mentalist
Pairing: Marcus Pike x you/cishet f!reader. Reader is fat/overweight but this is never explicitly mentioned. Also, reader is a lawyer. (I know nothing about lawyering.)
Tags/Warnings: Sad Marcus, alcohol mention, one night stands, fellatio mention, neighbours with benefits, safe sex, squirting, cunnilingus, reader has a difficult relationship with her family, mad dash through the airport at Christmas, trauma dumping (Marcus coming clean about his disappointment after Lisbon dumped him).
Summary: A drunken one night stand with your cute new neighbour Marcus Pike eventually leads to more. Takes place after his story arc in the show.
Words: 7,895
A/N: My first Marcus Pike fic, and also I finished a goddamn fic! There is so much cause for celebration here, folks. Remember to comment and reblog: sharing is caring.
Shout-out to @missredherring and @pazizz who read drafts and helped me forward with this story <3
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Marcus Pike does not have a bitter disposition. He does not sulk, or harbor resentment. It's just not in his nature.
Until now.
There is just something so unforgivable, incomprehensible, wrong about the way Teresa Lisbon left him. She called him to say she was coming to D.C., that she would marry him, and two hours later she called again to inform him that she wasn't. That she was in love with Patrick Jane. That asshole.
Marcus has been divorced, and not even that made him spiral as hard as the breakup from Teresa. It just hit harder, because he had fallen so hard for her, for the way she dipped her gaze and chin when a smile broke out on her lips, before looking back up at him with those pretty eyes of hers. He fell for her sense of humor, her intelligence, the way it was so easy to be with her. And he really thought that she fell for him in the same way. Maybe she did - but Jane was there, in the background, confusing her, wooing her with one last big, desperate gesture. If Marcus had known that all it took to keep Teresa was to get himself arrested, he would've done that instead of bringing her takeout at work, making her morning coffee just as she liked it, loaning her his jacket when she was cold during that date, all the thousands of little things that he did for her, that he loved doing for her because he loved her so much that doing those things weren't a chore, they weren't planned, they were an honest, spontaneous expression of his feelings for her.
And then, one big, desperate gesture that rendered Marcus's all small, everyday gestures moot. And it pisses him off.
Practicality kicked in as a form of survival. He quickly cancelled the purchase of the house he had Teresa had picked out, found a condo instead, moved in with his things, and threw himself into his work. Most of the boxes were left unpacked. His place didn't feel like a home because he couldn't let it. He was supposed to share one with Teresa, and now there was just him, surrounded by moving boxes that he had to deal with but couldn't, wouldn't. What should've been a house for the two of them - maybe more in the future? - with a little garden, walls impregnated with love and excitement for a life together, sunlight through the window during long weekend mornings of slow breakfasts, putting up Christmas decorations together, all those things that he was looking forward to. Now he has a bachelor pad, in a fancy apartment building with a doorman, but a sad bachelor pad all the same. The furniture is more or less where it should be, but he hasn't bothered to plan that much. The kitchen table is too big, but he's not in any condition to sell it off and buy a new one. The bookcases are half full, and his artwork is still unhung. He really tried there, but the first painting he got his hands on was one that he had seen before him in the spacious yet cozy living-room in That House, with the fireplace, and suddenly no wall in his apartment was good enough. So he put the painting away, and the rest were left packed down.
He even started going out after work, when he couldn't stay any longer but didn't want to go home. He found a watering hole to his liking, and became a regular, nursing one whiskey after another until he could go home and fall into bed for a deep, dreamless sleep.
It's after one of those nights that he finds you, his neighbor, trying to open his front door with your key. Your clumsy yet meticulous movements tell him that you're intoxicated, and there is something endearing about the way you're frowning, the tip of your tongue sticking out the side of your mouth as you focus on sticking in the key that doesn't fit.
When Marcus comes closer, you notice him, and look up. Quickly registering that it's the workaholic neighbor that you rarely see, you just nod, and go back to trying to open the door.
"That's my door," he says, and you look up again.
"What's that?"
"That's my door. You're trying to get into my apartment."
You frown, your hand holding the key falling to your side as you process his words. You then squint at the number of the door, taking a few seconds to realize that this is, indeed, not your front door.
"Oops," you mutter, then grimace apologetically at your neighbor. "Well, this isn't embarrassing at all."
"Don't worry about it," he shrugs, fishing his own key from his pocket. You step to the side to give him access to the door, and when he stands right next to you, you can smell his cologne, sophisticated and with a hint of bergamot.
He eyes you, just as drunk as you are.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, sure. Late night. You?"
"Same." He looks so tired when he says it, but you can tell that there is a dimple aching to appear in his cheek. His face, bleary though it is, is handsome, and looks like it was made for smiling.
"What is it you do again?" you ask. You've exchanged pleasantries with him when he first moved in, but you never had the time or mental capacity to actually remember who he is.
"FBI, I investigate art theft."
"Ah, right." Yeah, that's it, something so unusual and random that one couldn't make it up. Then again, D.C. is full of people who do stuff you only hear about in movies.
"Marcus," he offers his hand, and you take it, and give him your name.
"And what is it that you do?"
"Law. I work with government contracts and related investigations at a law firm here in D.C."
"Sounds complicated."
You shrug. "I'm smart enough."
"You look good, too."
You scoff. "Are you coming on to me?"
"I'm trying." Now the smile breaks through, lighting up his whole face. Gods, but he's cute.
"Okay." You make the decision quickly, nodding at his door. "Looks like I picked the right door, after all."
Marcus unlocks the door and opens it for you.
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His head is pounding, and his mouth is dry when he wakes up. For a moment, he doesn't know what day it is, what he's supposed to do, or what happened last night, but then the flashbacks start to put things together. The flirty neighbor. Her naked skin. Her alcohol-fuming kisses.
He turns his head and sees you, still asleep next to him. Oh, okay.
Sitting up slowly, he gets his bearings before swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Clothes are strewn over the floor. Right next to the bed is a used condom, tied up and looking sad and abandoned. Okay, good, at least he remembered to use protection. He picks it up and takes it to the bathroom, where he disposes of it before washing his hands and face.
He hears the rustle of bedsheets, and returns to the bedroom, realizing that he's naked. You might not want to be greeted by a naked stranger first thing. Looking around for his underwear, he's nevertheless too slow in finding them: you're already sitting up and rubbing your forehead.
He clears his throat. "Good morning."
Your smile is a little lopsided. "Morning."
"You want breakfast?" Marcus immediately offers, wanting to do the gentlemanly thing before he sends you off so that he can take about ten aspirins, and go to work. "And I'll put out a clean towel for you so that you can use the shower."
"Appreciate it, but I live right next door," you point out as you get out of bed. You're as naked as he is, and Marcus tries very hard not to ogle your body for what he suspects will be the last time.
"I don't mind."
"Thanks, but I have to get to work." You pick up and put on your panties, bra, skirt, shirt. Marcus spots his boxer briefs, and pulls them on.
"Okay, well... I had a good time."
"I did too."
Now you're standing right in front of him, buttoning up your silk shirt. Even with your makeup smudged out, and terrible morning breath, you look really nice.
"I gotta ask you something, though, because my memory is a little... hazy." Your cheekbones seem to glow, and he realizes that you're blushing.
"I sucked your dick, didn't I?"
Marcus feels the heat rise to his ears. "Um... well... yes, you did."
"Did I do it well?"
"I think so."
You grin at him. "You don't remember much either, do you?"
"It was all consensual, if that's what you're asking."
"Oh, I have no doubt about that." You surprise him by placing your hand on his naked chest. His heart skips a beat, and he hopes that you won't notice.
"I really have to go, but maybe I'll see you again soon?" you ask softly, and Marcus finds himself relaxing.
"I'd like that."
You even kiss him good-bye, a quick, closed-mouth peck to keep morning breaths from mixing, before you grab your shoes, your purse (muttering under your breath about several emails, and two missed calls), and head over next door.
Marcus, still only wearing his underwear, looks thoughtfully at the closed door for a long while before going into the kitchen with the too big table to make coffee.
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Work occupies most of your waking hours, six days a week, often seven. You don't see Marcus again for weeks, don't hear any sounds from his apartment during the hours you're home and awake. Barely having time to think about him, your thoughts nevertheless stray to him when you're standing in the shower or going to bed at night. You haven't been able to fit a boyfriend into your life in a long time, and casual hook-ups have rarely left you satisfied, but even with your hazy memories of the night with Marcus, you left his apartment that morning with a feeling that it was good. So that's where your thoughts go when you touch yourself, the few times you have the energy to do so.
One Friday night, after a long but satisfying week that ended with a contract being accepted as it was, which meant you could have a weekend with only a couple of hours of work from home, you're hurrying home with Chinese takeout in a bag. Looking forward to a quiet night in front of the TV, with an early morning at the gym the following day, you run into Marcus on your way into your apartment building.
"Hi," you smile, immediately noticing how he seems to square his shoulders when he sees you. "Going out?"
"Yeah," he nods, moving his weight from one foot to the other as he takes in your food bag. "And you're staying in?"
"Finally, a Friday night without work," you acknowledge. Marcus's smile lets you know that he knows about that all too well.
"You too, you going somewhere nice?"
"No, I mean... I'm just going by myself."
There is something so despondent about the way he averts his eyes when confessing to going out alone. You're not in a position to start saving people, but you see an opening here.
"Join me for dinner instead, Marcus."
"I don't want to bother you."
"It's no bother," you shake your head, now moving towards the elevator while beckoning him to follow you. "Come on, before the food gets cold. There's enough here for two, I always buy extra."
He hesitates for only a split second, you can see it in how his body seems to pull him away, out to some sad bar with too much to drink. Instead, he nods, smiles softly, and follows you. He insists on bringing a bottle of wine from his place, and you accept.
You find out more about him that night, as you share your takeout with him, and he shares his wine. He tells you of heartache, only summarily, clearly not wanting you to feel sorry for him, but you can tell that he's been torn up about the "amicable" break-up. He also mentions that he's been married, and you wonder what's wrong with him. He seems perfectly nice and normal, why hasn't he been able to keep a woman? To his credit, he never complains about nice guys finishing last, only states that maybe he's meant to focus on his career.
"There's a lot to be said about having a good career," you agree. Marcus sips his wine with a small smile.
"Work doesn't break your heart."
"That, too."
"I take it you don't have a partner who'll suddenly come home to find me in his kitchen?" he jokes lightly, but you recognize the question for what it is: he wants to know if you're Seeing Anyone.
"Not one for relationships," you shrug.
"You don't long for anyone to snuggle up with in front of the TV on a Friday night?"
"I don't have time. And they never seem to understand that. Or they're working, too." You pick at the scraps in your takeout box with the chopsticks. "And I seem to attract douchebags. Dunno if it comes with the field in which I work. I always seem to go out with terrible lawyer guys."
Marcus chuckles. "Their loss."
"I miss having sex, though." You look him in the eye, and his tongue slides over his lower lip, catching some runaway sauce.
You nod, and feel your cheeks heat up. You're a no-nonsense person, but not always this forward with men. But it's easy with Marcus. He takes it all in stride, doesn't seem to think you're aggressive, or slutty, he just smiles and tells you that he misses sex too.
"But what we had was okay, though?" he adds. "Even if neither one of us seems to remember it that well."
"It was," you agree, raising the glass to your lips and draining the rest of the wine. After putting it back down, you tilt your head and bite your lower lip.
"You wanna do it again? Now that we're sober and all?"
"I'm a little tipsy," he warns you with a chuckle, "But I'm in."
Both of you get up at the same time, chairs scraping the floor simultaneously in the kitchen that mirrors his own but has a table that fits it. All of your apartment just fits in a way his half-assed dwelling doesn't. He realizes that it's because your apartment is a home, decorated and lived-in, warm colors and fabrics, Scandinavian wallpapers in bold but tasteful patterns that he himself would never consider but that feel right here.
You step up to him, snugly fitting yourself to his frame, and place your hands on his narrow hips as you kiss him. The two glasses of wine that you've had have laid a warm, cozy blanket over your busy mind, and now you're fully focused on Marcus, whose soft, plump lips are meeting yours as his arms go around your waist.
You make your way to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes as you kiss and get undressed, get undressed and kiss. The bed in unmade, you just threw the covers to the side when you got up this morning. Wearing only your underwear, you lay down, pull Marcus over you, rake your fingers through his hair, moan when he palms your plump tits through the bra.
"Tell me what you like," he asks you hoarsely. You hum when he scatters kisses along the lace trim of your bra.
"That's a good start."
He hums back as he pops your tits out of your bra and lick around the nipples.
"Go on," he asks, and a shiver runs down your spine at the low barytone of his voice. You reach around to unhook your bra, and Marcus takes it off you and flings it to the side before burying his face between your breasts.
"You eat pussy?" you ask him breathlessly, and he looks up at you.
"Of course."
"Not everybody does," you wink, and he shakes his head.
"Their loss."
He's in a hurry, you note, but it's endearing in an unexpected way. When he pulls down your panties and gets settled, your legs over his shoulders, you remember to give him a warning.
"I, uh, I don't orgasm from oral, just so you know."
"Really?" His breath is hot against your folds, but he's looking up at you with attentive eyes.
"Yeah. It's not a comment on your skills, I just need you to know it," you shrug, accustomed to always having to tread carefully around the matter. Too many men get offended or take it as a challenge.
"Thanks for telling me," Marcus smiles in a way that's way too innocent and adorable for a man who's got his face inches away from your pussy. "But do you really want me to...?"
"Oh God, yes!" you reassure him. "I enjoy it a lot, and it gets me wet. I just can't cum, I need vaginal stimulation for that."
"You got it," he pats your thigh lightly before his tongue connects with your folds, and your eyes fall shut as you hand yourself over to the pleasure, to Marcus's deftly dancing tongue. He's good, he's attentive and eager, yet you don't get the feeling that he's trying to prove you wrong, to make you orgasm. Lord knows men have tries that in the past, and it's just stressful. No, he just seems to enjoy your moans, the way you writhe and grab his hands, the twitches of your pelvis when he does something extraordinary.
"Goddddd, Marcus, that's so fucking good..." you wail when he alternates between sucking your clit and licking it with a quick tongue. He's getting louder, sloppier, and you know you're dripping. Your clit is throbbing, and you know this is the perfect time to speed things up. You push him away, your thighs closing around his head, and Marcus retreats, chin glistening as he licks his lips.
"You okay?" he wants to know. You nod, breathless and with a pounding heart.
"Need to fuck you."
He scrambles up for a deep kiss, wet and lewd, before you push him over to get a condom from your nightstand. He drapes himself over you as you stretch across the bed, and peppers your back with kisses, like he's unable to stay away from you. You roll around, finding yourself caged between his strong arms, and you pull him down for more kissing with lips swollen and dry but still wanting more.
"How do you want me?" he gasps between the kisses as you pull down his underwear and paw at his small butt.
"Can I be on top?"
He rolls over onto his back immediately, watching you with open-mouth excitement when you remove his shorts and put on the rubber. When you finally sink down on his length, his fingers dig into your thighs as his breath hitches.
"Oh, that feels good..."
"Uh-huh," you sigh, staying still for a moment to adjust to his cock inside of you. You smile inwardly as you find yourself thinking about just how perfectly sized it is: thick but not too long.
Your eyes open to find Marcus grinning at you.
"What what?" you grin back. He caresses your hips slowly.
"You looked like you had something to say."
"I was just thinking about what a perfect, gorgeous dick you have."
His cheeks turn pink. "Thank you. It came with the body."
You chuckle and start a slow grind, hips moving lazily back and forth as you seek out the right spots, the right rhythm. Finding it, you plant your hands on Marcus's chest and let out a low moan as you go slightly faster.
"That right for you?" he huffs, sitting up to catch a nipple in his mouth.
You drop your hand to where your bodies meet, fingers seeking out your clit. Pleasure zaps through your body when you rub it, and you clench tightly around Marcus, causing him to dig his fingers into the soft flesh of your hips, both of you groaning.
"So good," he gripes, soothing the sting of his fingertips by rubbing his palms over the affected areas before he moves his fingers to your front. "Need a hand?"
"'m good," you gasp, your free arm slinging around his neck. You clench around him again, and Marcus's hips jut upwards, slamming into you with a force that makes you choke.
"Fuck! God, Marcus, that was..."
"Can we try something?" he pants, pulling you in for a kiss. "Please?"
"Okay?" you frown, a little frustrated at being interrupted, but Marcus gestures for you to rise, so you do as he asks, and let him pull you down with him.
"Get on top of me again, but lie down," he instructs you. You must look doubtful because he immediately adds:
"Just try it, if you don't like it, we can go back to what you were doing."
"I'll try anything once," you shrug, and get on top of him again, this time with your back turned to him. Marcus pulls you down, positioning you on top of him, legs spread, his own legs on the outside of yours. You hesitate for a second, the reality of your weight sometimes haunting your mind, but Marcus insists.
"Just come here, baby," he tells you softly, so you let him take your weight. One of his arms sneaks up the side of your ribcage to cup a breast. With the other, he guides himself into you, pushing himself in with an upward thrust of his hips. You choke on your breath and let your head hang back on his shoulder, one arm seeking a position to support you, the other coming around Marcus's neck when he presses a toothy kiss to your neck. He thrusts into you again, fingers playing with your nipple, and then his other hand comes to rub your clit.
You keen at the sudden intensity, back arching on top of him, and he plants his feet more firmly on the mattress.
"Fuck," you gasp, "that's good, Marcus, this is good..."
He sucks a kiss to your neck, his teeth stinging just a little, and your legs kick in search of a hold so that you can stay just above him. He slips out, and you whimper.
"Relax," he soothes you, thumb abandoning your clit to instead guide himself back into you. "Put your weight on me, I can take it."
You follow his instructions, back sinking down onto his chest and stomach, pelvis angling slightly to help him stay inside you. His fingers return to tease your clit, and your head falls back onto his shoulder as he settles into a rhythm that makes your toes curl.
"That's it," he praises you, his breath hot against your ear. "Just like that, take it, just enjoy it, let me take care of you."
The slow drag of his cock against your slick walls is maddening in how it pushes at your spot but leaves you wanting more. You buck your hips down eagerly.
"Faster, please, Marcus."
He obeys immediately, moaning at how you immediately clench around him. Your fingers thread through his hair, the other hand fists into the sheets. The pressure on that one spot inside you is growing in intensity, insanely, perfectly, knocking your breath out with each jab of Marcus's cock against it. Your moans become whimpers, a moan too complex a sound for you at this point, when you are so close, so utterly close to the climax that you now need as much as you need air -
The release floods your body and your cunt, and for a split second you're horrified at the wet feeling on your thighs, the rippling sound, until you realize that you squirted. A half moan, half giggle escapes you as you press your thighs together as if to lock in the orgasm that pulsates through your cunt and lower belly. Marcus gasps an excited Fuck, yes before bucking up a couple of errant times, and then relaxing down. He kisses your temple, drags his soaked fingers up over your soft belly, making you squirm.
"Sorry," he murmurs throatily. You murmur something back and slide down next to him. Everything between your legs seems wet and now cold, but you're still prickling all over with excitement.
Marcus heaves a deep sigh before turning his face to you. "That was so hot."
"I didn't know I could do that with a man."
"You haven't before?"
You shake your head. Marcus smiles softly.
"I'm honored. Was it good?"
"Yeah. How about you?"
"So fucking good."
You smile back at him before turning your face back towards the ceiling, and taking a deep breath that you sigh out audibly. Your body relaxes quickly, a muscle in your lower back mutters about the position you just were in, but you feel extremely good, and wrung out in a fantastic way. In the corner of your eye, you catch Marcus taking the condom off, before getting up to take it to the trash. When he returns, he looks around, looking for his clothes. You roll over onto your side.
"You don't have to leave, you know," you tell him quietly. Marcus stops, boxers in hand.
"I mean... don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for a relationship," you hurry to assure him. "But I wouldn't mind you staying over. Unless you have plans?"
"I don't."
He drops the boxers, and slides back into bed, next to you. You smile a little wryly.
"The sheets are wet. I'll change them, feel free to grab a shower.
"Soon," Marcus tells you, low voice heavy with a calm confidence. "I suggest we wet them a little more first."
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Your deal with Marcus is simple and beautiful: sex, with or without staying the night. The occasional take-out dinner. Quickies when you run into each other in the corridor outside your front doors, with ten minutes to spare. It's undemanding, friendly, mutually satisfying. Uncomplicated, with no romantic feelings involved, so nobody can get hurt.
Marcus is an active lover who smoothly takes charge. Not bossy, but firm and empathic, and not afraid of using aids of different kinds to raise your orgasms to the next level. He's not opposed to fucking you fully clothed in the morning and leaving you wanting as you go to work with his cold cum in your panties, shot there after he removed the rubber after fucking you.
It is, in short, the perfect set-up.
Fall passes by, and you see yourself forced to fly out to see your family over Thanksgiving. You spend as much time as you can working in your childhood room, however. Your parents do not understand your choice of profession, your mother does not see how a woman of your age has chosen to be childless. Your older brother knocked his girlfriend up at sixteen, your younger sister was married at eighteen and divorced at twenty-eight. You love them, but you don't have a lot in common with them, and even if your siblings at least pretend to understand your life choices, their contempt steeped in jealousy of your life shines through at times. Your parents choose to simply ignore the life you have built for yourself in D.C., talking instead about Mrs. McCall next door, Annie down the street, Cybil in town, Kearney at the gas station, as if you knew any of them or cared about what they said about Kayleigh's twins.
You endure for two nights, and text Marcus from the airport, before boarding: I'll be home after nine tonight. You free?
He replies almost immediately: I'll pick you up at the airport.
You text him the flight number before turning off your phone, settling for a three-hour nap in lieu of working.
When you finally land, puffy-faced but breathing freely now that you're back in the city you call home, Marcus is waiting for you in arrivals. The way his smile lights up his eyes when he sees you makes your heart miss a beat. There is something there that's beyond what the two of you have, something much more sincere.
You shake it off and smile back as you walk up to him. He leans forward, like he's about to kiss you, but ends up giving you an awkward half-hug.
"Welcome home."
"Thanks. And thank you for picking me up."
"My pleasure."
The two of you turn and start walking towards the exit. Marcus offers to take your carry-on wheelie bag, but you decline, accustomed as you are to carrying your own luggage yourself.
In the car, he asks you how your Thanksgiving was.
"As holidays at my parents' usually are. One night would've been enough."
"That bad, huh?"
"Yeah. It's just..." You rub your forehead. "Whenever I visit, I feel trapped. Everything back home is... small. People are kind, yes, but they're small-minded. The town is small. The spaces in which to move, physically and mentally, are small. And I feel like some kind of big city snob who comes to visit twice a year, scoffs at their very ordinary and, as far as I know, happy lives, and then flies back to my vegan frappuccinos and twenty-four-hour sushi restaurants."
Marcus chuckles low. "I think I know what you mean. But it's hard for me to imagine that you'd be a snob about anything."
"I probably am. But I... I don't know, I outgrew that town when I was fifteen. Couldn't get out fast enough. And I don't like going back."
"Does your family support your choices?"
You shrug. "Yes and no. Mom and dad are proud, I guess, but at the same time they don't have any idea what it is that I do. 'If you wanted to be a lawyer, couldn't you be one here? Where it's not as stressful and you could start a family, and work normal hours?' As if I could practice the law I'm interested in over there."
"What's the most common type of lawyer in your hometown?"
"General practitioners who do a little bit of everything, wills mostly. And there are three, I think."
The conversation turns to other subjects as Marcus drives the two of you to your apartment building. As he parks in his spot in the underground garage, you place your hand onto his thigh. He turns off the engine and looks at you.
"Thanks for picking me up," you tell him quietly. His hand comes to rest on top of yours.
"No problem."
"You have any plans for tonight?"
He shakes his head, then leans forward over the middle console as you reach across the same for a kiss. His fingers thread into your hair before closing around the back of your head to bring you in, and you sigh softly against his lips as you feel the rest of the pressure from your Thanksgiving visit melt away. If the town you grew up in felt unfamiliar and uncomfortable, D.C. and Marcus feel like home. And there's nothing you want to do more now than be with Marcus in this city.
You break the kiss and lower your gaze to his fly, where your fingers are already working on unzipping him. Marcus exhales in an audible sigh.
"You missed me that much?"
"Don't get any ideas," you warn him before bowing down over his lap.
Later, when you are freshly showered, and lying awake in Marcus's bed with him deeply asleep next to you, you wonder when his presence at night became such a comfort for you.
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Marcus visits his parents over Christmas. You manage to convince yours that you're way too busy and the holidays too short for you to fly out. Settling in for a couple of days off work, you plan to go to the gym, meet friends, and maybe finally get through that book you started three months ago. You plan for simple yet delicious meals and come home with bags full of groceries and bottles of wine that you balance in your arms as you're digging for the keys in your pocket.
"Lemme get that."
Marcus appears by your side, taking a grocery bag from you.
You manage to let yourself in, and Marcus follows you to the kitchen, where he leaves the bag on the table.
"Hi," he smiles. There is something so endearing about this man, his smile lights up the whole room, you can't possibly keep from smiling back at him.
"Hi. I thought you already left for the airport?"
"Just on my way now. Glad I caught you."
"Oh?" You unbutton your coat, unwrap the scarf from around your neck. "What's up?"
"Just... I wanted to see you before I left. Wish you happy holidays."
"Right." You take off your coat and leave it over the back of a kitchen chair. "Well... happy holidays, Marcus. I hope you have a nice weekend with your parents."
"Thanks." He clears his throat, looks down and scratches the back of his head. "Do you have any plans for New Year’s Eve?"
"Not that I know of."
"Do you maybe... want to do something?"
"Sure," you nod, a warmth spreading in your belly. "Like, dinner?"
"I was thinking Hirschhorn? You said you were curious about their special exhibit. Then dinner, and maybe a movie, if you're not opposed to spending so much time with me at once?"
You feel your cheeks heat up a little. "I don't mind at all. That sounds lovely."
His smile widens, his warm eyes glitter. "Great. I'll get back to you as soon as I return."
He kisses your cheek before leaving, his hand resting momentarily on your arm. When he closes the door behind him, the apartment feels empty.
That emptiness stays with you over the holidays. You're enjoying the time off, yes, and downright cherish not having to spend time with your family. You were looking forward to Christmas eve drinks with a couple of friends but are disappointed when they only talk about holiday preparations, gift shopping, and visiting in-laws. The detachment makes you annoyed. It's not that you want that kind of life, you don't want kids and a house and Thanksgiving dinners and all of that. But there doesn't seem to be any alternatives. You get the feeling that they feel sorry for you, that they think you should look up from your laptop once in a while, go dating, settle down, maybe work less.
Always work less. You love your job so much, maybe you won’t forever, but right now you do, and it doesn’t feel taxing when it gives you the gratification it does.
You grab a cab home, earlier than you thought and morose for not getting the carefree night you had planned for. Maybe it's your own fault for thinking that people with families wouldn't have changed.
You weigh your phone in your hand for a couple of blocks before texting Marcus.
Hope you're having a better time than I am. Just getting home after drinks, and realized I have nothing in common with my friends anymore :/
You regret the text as soon as you've sent it. It sounds whiny, and you know that you're being unfair to your friends. But Marcus replies almost immediately:
Sorry to hear that. Wish I was there to make you feel better.
You smile, and your heart skips a beat. He always knows what to say.
It is what it is. Early night for me.
He replies with a Santa emoji that makes you chuckle.
Too old for Santa, you type back. Or too naughty. Either way, he's not coming.
Only man who should come in your apartment is me ;)
You stare at the message, cheeks heating as you lick your lips. Your brain scrambles for an answer to match his tone.
I'll be the judge of that, mister. If you're away for too long, I might get lonely.
The reply comes almost immediately.
I'll be back before you know it.
Your heart is fluttering like a butterfly inside your ribcage, and you react with a thumb up to the last message. For the rest of the cab ride, you're chewing on your lower lip while looking out the window, decorated windows racing past you as the cab driver navigates towards your apartment building.
You fall asleep in front of the TV and are awakened by a text.
You up?
You rub your eyes, realize that you're still wearing makeup, and curse low.
It's two am.
Marcus's name immediately lights up on the phone, and you answer the call.
"What's up?"
"Sorry to wake you."
"That's fine, I was on the couch. Gotta schlep my ass to bed," you yawn as you turn off the TV, and stand up, scratching your head.
"I'm outside."
"I'm outside your door."
You frown, trying to understand what he's saying. "What are you doing there?"
"Just open?"
Call still active and phone held to your ear, you walk over to the front door, and unlock it. And there Marcus is, holding his phone but lowering his hand and ending the call while smiling wryly at you.
"What... why aren't you at your parents'?" you stutter, still holding the phone like you're talking to him through it.
"Because I can't do this at my parents'." He steps up to you, cups your cheek, and brings his lips to yours. His face is cold, so you understand that he has just arrived from the airport. Your sleep-riddled brain still doesn't understand, and Marcus breaks the kiss, breathing softly against your lips before drawing back.
"Did I... fuck this up now?"
You lick your lips and realize that you're feeling calm and steady in a way you no longer do when he's not around. You grab him by the jacket lapel and pull him in through the door.
"No," you reply, a shiver running through you when he puts his arms around you. "No, you did just the right thing."
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You don't use your tub as often as you would like to, yet it was one of the main reasons why you bought your apartment. It's spacious, has gorgeous vintage style brass faucets, and is placed by the window, from which you can see the park, now wearing a white winter coat of snow, on the other side of the street. The shower booth is at the back wall of the bathroom and your busy lifestyle has you favoring quick showers instead of long, luxurious baths.
Now, however, you're stretched out languidly in Marcus's arms, the back of your head on his shoulder, his hairy thighs pressing up against you on either side. The water is hot and scented with oils, and if the orgasms you had before getting out of bed hadn't relaxed you, this would definitely take away the last vestiges of stress knotting your muscles.
"This is a really nice tub," Marcus mumbles into your ear, his hand running up the inside of your arm, resting on the edge of the tub. "Wish I had one."
"You're welcome to use mine," you smile, just as his hand disappears into the water, finding your breast and cupping it, thumb lazily stroking the nipple.
"I like your apartment better anyway," he admits. "Mine doesn't feel like a home."
"That's just because you haven't unpacked."
He raises his shoulders in a shrug. "Been busy."
"Doesn't help much that you're fucking me every time you're off work."
“One could even say it’s your fault I haven’t unpacked,” he muses, lips touching your temple. You shake your head, hand finding his and leading it away from your breast.
“Nuh-uh, you don’t get to pin this on me.” There is no vehemence in your voice, and even if Marcus can’t see your face, he can plainly hear the smile threatening to break out.
“I had to try.”
You bring your hand back to your chest, and sigh when his fingers brush over your nipple. It would be so easy to just let things slide, enjoy his hands, his mouth, his cock that’s resting softly against your lower back… But your interest is piqued.
“Why haven’t you unpacked, Marcus?” you ask quietly. “I’ve seen that you have painting just waiting to be hung on the walls and given how much you like to criticize my dentist’s office artwork from Ikea, I can’t imagine why you haven’t done more to decorate your apartment.”
His hand stills, and you feel him swallow. He clears his throat, sighs, clearly stalling, but you don’t show mercy. You want to know.
“I guess… I thought I’d be making a home with someone. And when that didn’t happen, I didn’t like the idea anymore.”
You braid your fingers with his, the water gently rippling with your movement.
“Your ex?”
“Yeah. Teresa.”
“What happened?” He’s mentioned some tragic breakup but never specified, and you’ve never asked. Now, however, you’re asking. You want this puzzle piece to fit right, want to know everything there is to know about Marcus Pike.
“I don’t want to burden you with that…”
“I want to know, Marcus.”
He hesitates, but eventually tells you how his ex, a smart, beautiful woman that he fell head over heels for and eventually proposed to, accepted his proposal over the phone but called again thirty minutes later to tell him that she was leaving him for a coworker. Marcus had been transferred to D.C., had asked Teresa to come with, had a plan for a life together, and she turned out to be in love with a coworker: a charming, unreliable man who worked out an elaborate scheme to make her choose him instead of Marcus.
You’re shocked to silence when he stops talking, an array of emotions simmering inside you. When Marcus speaks your name, the first one to burst is anger.
“What a cunt!”
Marcus sputters your name, but you don’t feel bad.
“You know I’m right!”
“No need for language like that,” he protests, but you can sense a change in him. It’s like something’s loosened in him. Even if you can’t see his face in this position, you can feel it in how his body feels against yours.
“I’m sorry, but that behavior is despicable. And from what you’ve told me about that asshole that she went with because of you, I’d say they deserve each other.”
He shrugs. “Or maybe I was too pushy. We didn’t date for long before I asked her to marry me. I should’ve given her more time.”
You turn around in his arms so that you can meet his flickering gaze. Raising your hand to his cheek, you caress the slightly scratchy surface that sorely needs a razor.
“If it feels right, it feels right,” you tell him softly. “There’s no shame in being open and honest about your feelings, Marcus.”
He blinks, and for a second you think his eyes look shiny. His lower jaw moves as he swallows.
“Thank you,” he eventually mumbles. “I don’t want to sound like I’m making excuses but… I did feel I was being straight with her. And she… really fucking hurt me.”
“Yeah, she did.”
His stare is suddenly relentless.
“Will you? Hurt me, I mean?”
You feel nothing but calm. “Marcus, I like you a lot. This is more than just sex now. But I won’t marry you in six months, and I don’t need you to have a plan for us. I like my job, I have a good career that I won’t give up. I don’t want kids, but I like being with you, and I want to keep being with you, not just have sex but do other stuff with you.”
He smiles at that and casts his eyes down. You lean forward to press a small kiss to his lips.
“And I will help you to unpack your shit, and I will come with you to get a new kitchen table tomorrow when the stores open. Because that huge monster you have jamming up your kitchen has got to go.”
“Not tomorrow,” he immediately tells you, and you quirk an eyebrow. “Because tomorrow I’m taking you to the museum, out for a meal, and then we’re watching Casablanca.”
You chuckle. “It’s a deal.”
He pulls you in for a deeper kiss, water splashing when his arms go around you.
“For the record,” he murmurs against your lips, “I like you too.”
“That’s a relief,” you smile, before a gasp escapes your lips; Marcus’s hand has slid down your soft stomach to the apex of your thighs, and one finger is slowly circling your clit.
“Open your legs,” he whispers, breath almost scorching your cheek that is already warm from the water and your rising desire. You move around, legs and hips repositioning themselves so that he can cup his big hand over your sex.
“Marcus,” you breathe in a low moan, “I already came twice this morning…”
“And you’ll come a third time,” he promises as he slides a finger inside your warm heat, rolling a nipple between two fingers of his other hand. You curl your arm back and around his neck, seek his lips for more kisses, push down against his hardening cock to make him gasp into your mouth. Thumb on your clit, he adds a second finger to your pussy, fucking you slowly as you exchange moans along with your kisses. Your hips jut upwards when he hits the right spot, and then he stays on it, water splashing over the edges of the tub when he goes increases speed. Your hand dives underneath the surface to find his cock, and a strangled moan travels from Marcus’s mouth to yours when your fingers close around the stiff length. When he slows down, so do you, when he fucks you faster, your hand works him faster.
The climax reaches both of you at the same time, your bodies tightening up, Marcus’s hips jerking up as your thighs clamp shut, cries bouncing off the tiles as you press your bodies together. As silence falls, the water stills and your hearts return to their normal rhythms, and Marcus’s lips are on your temple.
“Fuck, you’re amazing.”
“So are you,” you hum, a ripple of lingering pleasure making your legs twitch. He kisses you again, a light smattering of kisses over your temple, brow, cheekbone, before reaching your mouth. That last kiss is deep and slow, loving, and intimate in a way you haven’t had with him before. It’s unnerving, almost scary, but there is something so comforting about Marcus’s broad-shouldered body underneath you, something that makes you embrace the unknown.
“Happy Christmas, baby.”
The underwhelming meeting with your friends, the flirty texting with Marcus, that feels like weeks ago. But it was only last night, and your world has been thoroughly rocked since then.
“Happy Christmas, Marcus.”
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ilovedavidloki · 3 months
We don't need a couch for this
Detective David Loki x Reader Pure fluff & smut 18+!!! Summary: you and David have just moved in together. TW: none that I can think of. Word count: 1600s. Notes: This is the first fic I'm posting on tumblr, so please be gentle! I just wanted to share my love of David with you all, as well as to give him some joy, as he definitely deserves that & so much more! Do let me know in comments if you like it & any suggestions you can think of!
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Soft rain patters against the porch roof as you open the front door and step inside your new home. It smells unfamiliar, unlived-in. The space itself is unrecognisable from when you and your boyfriend came to view it, cluttered as it is with boxes piled high on top of one another, some already torn open and spilling forth items from your previous life. Your single life.
You smile, remembering how embarrassed you were when it turned out that you had nearly three times as many things as David; if he wanted to, he could fit all his belongings into a couple of suitcases. He could have simply moved in with you to your former apartment, but you both wanted a fresh start, a place the two of you had chosen together.
Mostly unfurnished, this house is yet to feel like home. Remembering there’s no cabinet to leave your keys on, you slide them into the pocket of your jeans and kick off your shoes. You stretch, pleasantly fatigued with the excitement of the past few weeks.
House-hunting with David wasn’t the smoothest of experiences, considering his hectic schedule and frequent, unplanned absences. Since you generally worked from home, the task of browsing through the listings and calling the estate agents had fallen largely on to you. Not that you minded; in fact, you quite enjoyed the whole process. Showing the houses you liked the most to David in the evening, settling on the ones you both preferred, arranging viewings for the weekend hoping he wouldn’t be the one detective on call on those particular days. It was nice, if only for the sweet and thrilling anticipation of the two of you getting this much closer. Getting this serious.
David isn’t the easiest person to get along with. He can be perfectly pleasant with strangers – unless they happen to be his suspects, of course. But he’s guarded, accustomed to holding his inner life close to his chest. The thought tugs at something inside you, and you find yourself smiling again. Even if he hadn’t told you, you’d still know that you were the only human being he ever revealed his true self to.
You treasure it as much as you treasure the memory of your first kiss.
There’s no couch, you haven’t bought it yet, but there’s the old easy chair you’ve been carrying with you to every place you’ve ever rented, and so you curl up in it, too tired to get on with unpacking, lulled almost immediately to sleep by the drumming rain.
Darkness has already fallen when the scrape of David’s key in the look awakens you. You smooth your hair and adjust your shirt, rubbing the remnants of sleep from your eyes. At first, all you see is his silhouette, his wide shoulders clad in his baggy overcoat. He takes it off and hangs it by the door.
‘Ah, shit,’ he hisses, stumbling into one of the boxes and sending it falling to the floor. He uses the screen of his phone to illuminate his surroundings.
‘Hey,’ you say, climbing to your feet and groping your way towards him.
‘Hey baby.’ You can hear the smile in his voice as his arms wrap around your waist, bringing you closer to him. You brush the tip of your nose against his neck, inhaling the smell of his skin, and kiss his tattoo half-hidden by the collar of his shirt. 
‘I missed you so much, David.’
He tightens his grip. ‘I missed you too.’ He plants a kiss on top of your head. It seems like the two of you are swaying gently to your own secret rhythm. There’s only the darkness, the smell of David’s cologne, that small bottle you bought him a couple of months ago as a surprise gift for no occasion. There’s the strangely sad scent of rain coming off his slicked-back hair, and the steady beating of his heart, and the warmth of his firm embrace. You feel as if you’re about to fall back to sleep, right here, right now. 
‘You’re tired.’ He’s stroking your back, his movements careful, almost hypnotic. 
You shake your head. In the meagre light of the streetlamp coming from somewhere outside, flowing through the uncurtained windows of your living-room-to-be, his beautiful big eyes are a dark, stormy blue. It never ceases to amaze you how long and fluffy his eyelashes are. Pale silver dots are sprinkled throughout his dark stubble. He’s a 33-year-old man, after all. A soft smile is playing on his lips as you give his sides a gentle squeeze before removing his jacket. Your palms glide up and down his biceps hugged tightly by the soft grey fabric of his shirt. They’re so well-defined. Quickly unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his white tank top underneath, as well as his necklace, you take a step back to admire the outlines of David’s physique. His lips find yours again, they’re too hungry, too needy, and the kisses grow sloppy, and the sensation of his moist, warm tongue entering and exploring your mouth is simply divine. His heartbeat accelerates, and his movements are much more demanding now. The thick hair growing on his arms feels so nice under your fingertips, a little coarse but somehow still smooth. 
You sense his raw, burning need in the way he grips you, in how he leaves a trail of wet kisses and soft bites along the slope of your neck and your exposed collarbone. 
‘Fuck,’ he breathes when your fingers move down to squeeze his hardening dick. 
‘I don’t think we need a couch for this,’ you grin into his parted lips. 
‘No,’ he shakes his head, removing your shirt with admirable swiftness. ‘We don’t.’ 
He gets rid of his gun and his taser, placing them carefully on top of the nearest box along with his pair of handcuffs and his badge. He lays you onto the messy pile of clothes you’d just shed onto the floor. Leaning over you, David pauses to admire the sight of you as you wait for his touch. This moment is so perfect for him, suspended between him ripping off the last item of clothing which separates the two of you, and the still-unfamiliar sensation of his sensitive tip pressing against your warm and needy core. His hairy chest is heaving, his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, the blue veins standing out on his neck. His small, pink nipples are hard and sensitive, awaiting your caress. You squeeze them between the soft pads of your fingers, making David open his mouth and moan. You rake your fingers through his brown locks stiff with whatever it is he uses to sculpt his hair into his customarily immaculate hairdo. You pull at the roots, stroking your way down towards the plush areas at the sides of his head where the hair is much shorter. 
‘I want you,’ you whisper. ‘All of you.’ Your fingers stroke their way to his hairy abdomen, and then right down to his cock. His pulse echoes through your fingers. His cock is hard and strong, but also silky and tender. Roped with veins. It pulses in your palm, and as you give it a couple of gentle tugs, David’s lashes tremble, and his mouth falls open with a guttural moan. 
‘You have all of me, kitten,’ he mumbles, pressing another hungry kiss to your lips. He bites the tender flesh of your lower lip, your tongue, the thin skin of where your pulse is beating inside your neck. He’s devouring you, and you couldn’t be happier. 
You revel in the sensation of his deft tongue following the direction of the veins along your throat. David’s caressing your breasts, his tongue circling your hardened nipples. You feel David’s cock twitch greedily against you, and you spread your legs wider, prepared to take him in, desperate to become one with him. His warm, wet tip glides up and down, rubbing against your clit, awakening something primal, making you arch your back as you are consumed with bittersweet, painfully pleasant sensations. His hand guides his cock as you arch your back, struggling to accept the entire length of him all at once. His breathing is heavy as he reluctantly pauses to let the both of you get accustomed to the head-spinning sensation. 
And then David begins to move. It feels amazing, it feels like heaven. His length and girth are stretching you, and it would be painful, perhaps, if not for David’s care and consideration. He watches you, blinking, watches every twitch of your expression, listens out to each and every of your sighs. His fingers entwine with yours. 
‘Fuck, this feels so good, baby.’ He thrusts deeper, harder, his temples and his chest beaded with sweat. ‘You’re alright?’ he pants into your neck, his hips bucking as he approaches – and tries very hard to delay – his orgasm. Your walls spasm deliciously around him. He whispers your name, again and again, and then a guttural, feral growl escapes David’s lips as he feels himself slipping away, yielding to the all-consuming pleasure. He spills into you, thrusting so deep it almost hurts. You welcome this sweet pain. 
‘I love you so much, David,’ you pant, covering his stubbly cheeks, his eyelids, his bushy brows, his damp, veiny neck with kisses. ‘I love you so much it almost hurts me.’ 
He buries his smile in your neck. ‘I love you too, kitten,’ he murmurs. 
‘Still, we should buy a couch,’ you chuckle.
‘Fuck, we definitely should,’ David agrees, throwing the damp brown locks off his forehead. 
‘A fold-out one.’
‘Oh yes.’
This is the start of your new life. Finally, and for ever, together.
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fancifulflora · 8 months
Something New: Soda (Mychael x Reader)
I now am writing for a new character! He just gives me so much serotonin I had to crawl out of my cave to throw something down. The character for those who don't know, is Mychael from Mushroom Oasis. A VN by Deersphere Studios if i remember correctly
Mychael stared down at the aluminum can with vague recognition, the tip of his tail swinging back and forth as he lowered his head down to be eye level with the drink.
It was really shiny. Colorful too.
"I picked up something from the store for you," you did your best to explain as you unpacked your groceries, fighting back a smile as you watched him cautiously wrapped his tail around the soda and lifted it for closer inspection. "You do know what soda is right?"
"A little... I've seen it on the sides of roads. Although not like this..." He muttered, squinting at the drink before giving it a small shake. For Mychael, who liked keeping his trysts to the modern human world short, soda was just crushed litter that filled the sides of roads and forest paths. Shiny litter, but litter nonetheless.
He gave it another shake, hearing the slosh of liquid inside.
Oh no.
Your raised voice instantly cast a spell on the recluse, Mychael as still as a statue, only his his widened eyes daring to shift over to you across the table. Did he do something wrong?
"Just... be careful." You warned, placing a hand on his tail and lowering the can to safety. "It might blow if you shake it too hard."
Mychael's gaze turned fearful as he looked down at the nuke you had just brought into your shared home, a cold sweat sliding down his back.
Now that would certainly explain all those crushed pieces of aluminum wouldn't it?
He placed down the can as gingerly as possible before pulling his tail to safety. Then he looked over at you an awkward smile given in thanks for such a dangerous gift.
Amusement, the corner of your lip was raised at the sight of him. Oh... You must have been joking... probably.
"I'm only teasing," Your confirmation lessened his worry as he watched your retreating form fetch two cups and crack open the can, the fizz bringing another twitch to Mychael's ears as he watched foamy liquid begin to be portioned out for the two of you.
"What does it taste like?" He asked, taking a cup from you and feeling a light mist hit him as he took a precursory sniff at the drink.
Not much to note smell wise.
"This one is lemon flavored. I'm pretty sure they take some flavored syrup and then inject carbonated water into it to make soda."
"What's car-bun-ate water?"
"Uh... I'll explain it to you another day," Mychael nodded at this, happy to settle for one new piece of information at a time. Carefully he tilted the cup and then took a deep sip of this mystery drink.
It stung against his taste buds... but not in any overly painful way. And there was an almost sickly sweetness to it. Like berries a little too ripe into the season, just, he supposed, without the berry flavor.
He could sorta taste the lemon flavor, perhaps lemons were different for the humans that made this drink. Or maybe it was a type of lemon he couldn't forage for or buy around this area.
Either way... it was good.
His best friend's laughter brought his attention back to them, a finger bring pointed at his tail.
"I can see you like it a whole lot," You mused, watching his tail wildly whip back and forth. It stopped the moment you pointed it out, a dark blue spreading across Mychael's ears and face as he frantically tucked the wayward tail away.
"I-It was really good, the drink. Kinda weird, but in a good way!"
"Well I'm glad you like it, it's not the best thing to have all the time but if you want, I can grab a new flavor every once in a while... let you see try them out and see what you like." The offer was almost as sickly sweet as the drink he could still taste on his tongue, Mychael looking down at his now empty cup before giving a small lick of his lips and nodding.
"Yeah...yeah, I think I'd like that, please..." he whispered, the shy request bringing an unnoticed smile onto his guest's face.
"It's a deal."
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dandylovesturtles · 6 months
more Firelined propaganda, because I love them. as always, Firefight is owned by @remedyturtles
for the @tmntaucompetition
Somehow, their teammates are stable. As far as Donnie can tell, this is pretty lucky, given the shape they were in. The other Leo still hasn't come out of his shell, though, eerily silent where he's cradled in the other Donnie's arms. He hasn't wanted to let go, even since they moved the both of them to a cot, and Donnie can't blame him.
There'd been some more running around, some more efforts to get them treated and comfortable, over the course of the last few hours. And now Donnie is pretty sure it's late (or he's experiencing some kind of interdimensional jetlag), and everyone but him is asleep. They'd found another cot and forced Leo, shaking and clearly low on energy reserves, into it; he'd fussed and insisted he wasn't tired, but the moment his head hit the pillow he was fast asleep. It was a little funny - the kind of thing they could chuckle about now, so many months into Leo's recovery. Raph had slumped against the wall and Mikey had climbed into his lap to nap there.
Donnie had promised them he'd join them soon enough. But so far he hasn't moved from his chair by their teammates' cot, typing away on his wrist tech and occasionally asking Shelldon to run some calculations for him.
At least, Donnie thought he was the only one awake, but the longer he sits there, the more he starts to feel the telltale prickle of someone watching him. His eyes rise from his screens and meet the gaze of the other Donnie, awake and observing him from the cot.
He lowers his wrist and gives a little wave of his fingers to the other Donnie. "Do you need more painkillers?" he asks quietly.
(He really needs a distinct designation for their counterparts. He remembers Leo floating the names "Leonother" and "Donatwollo" and shudders. For now, he decides to mentally refer to them as Donnie-β and Leo-β.)
Donnie-β shakes his head. His eyes float beyond Donnie, to where Leo is asleep in his cot. He points and makes a sign that Donnie assumes is his name sign for Leo-β (different from the name sign for his Leo, which is interesting), then waits to see if Donnie understands. At his nod, Donnie-β proceeds to sign, "Sleep, how?" as best as he can under the circumstances.
Donnie lets out a huff that's almost a laugh. "I'm guessing your Leo also suffers from insomnia?" Donnie-β nods. "As it turns out, chronic fatigue is a surprisingly effective cure." Donnie turns back and glances at Leo, sleeping away. "Usually, anyway..."
There are sometimes days Leo suffers from both, too tired to move but unable to sleep. He's always especially emotional on days like that, and Donnie knows he hates it, so he's glad Leo's brain is letting him sleep tonight.
When he looks back, Donnie-β has a complicated expression on his face that Donnie doesn't know how to begin to unpack. After several awkward seconds of silence, Donnie-β signs again, just, "How?" this time.
"How was he hurt?" Donnie clarifies, and Donnie-β nods again. "It was... the Dark Armor. Draxum put him inside." At the wide-eyed look of horror on Donnie-β's face, Donnie comes to the conclusion, "That didn't happen in your timeline, did it?"
Donnie-β shakes his head. It's not a surprise, at this point.
"It seems to be a unique event to our timeline, at least insofar as those assembled here are concerned," says Donnie, flipping through screens to bring up the research he's done on the alternate timelines here. "So far I know of one other timeline where Leo was put inside the armor, but their circumstances are substantially different from ours." He looks back at their teammates, taking in their substantial injuries, then asks, quietly, "This wasn't the Shredder, was it?"
Tired, Donnie-β shakes his head. Then, with a trembling hand, he fingerspells, "Krang."
"We've heard of them," Donnie tells him. "In other universes... Well, it seems like no one got off particularly easily."
It takes some fumbling from his position, but Donnie-β manages to sign, "Maybe not you," indicating the entire group when he does.
Donnie just shakes his head. "We aren't any more lucky than you guys," he says, which makes Donnie-β's mouth twitch in a motion that is at once humorous and grim.
Another few minutes of silence follows, during which Donnie goes back to looking at his screens, mostly to give Donnie-β the illusion of space. He can tell Donnie-β is thinking something over and trying to decide if he wants to bring it up (pretty weird to see that thought process play out on a mirror of his own face, actually), and he also knows it will be easier for him to come to a decision if he's not being stared at.
Finally, Donnie-β motions for his attention, and, once he has it, signs out, "Was it bad?" before indicating that he's talking about Leo. "Mentally, emotionally," he adds.
Donnie grimaces. Ah, no wonder he debated over saying anything... This isn't a topic Donnie is eager to discuss, either. But he has a feeling Donnie-β must have a reason for asking, so he's willing to talk. A little, anyway.
"Yes," he says. And then, because saying it all out loud is starting to feel dangerous, he turns off his wrist tech and switches to modified ASL (luckily, other than the name signs, Donnie-β's version has been close enough for him to follow so far). "It was bad."
Donnie-β looks at Leo, hesitancy written all over his expression. "Can you tell me?" he finally signs, with shaky hands, like he's not sure he wants to know about it but has to ask.
Donnie hesitates, too. Talking about his brother's mental health issues to other people without Leo's permission is a line he would not normally cross. Leo deserves to control who has that kind of information about him, and in what circumstances they're told. In this situation, he doesn't think Leo would mind, but still...
He decides on a compromise. "I can tell you how it was for me."
Perhaps Donnie-β understands the thought process that led here, because he nods and doesn't press for more.
Donnie takes a deep breath and lets it out slow. Thinking about that time, at the beginning of Leo's recovery, is stressful and comes with no small amount of shame. But he can do it, if it will help someone else with their own troubles.
"He was struggling," Donnie signs, because that much he knows is safe to tell, "and I didn't understand. I pushed too hard. I needed him to heal on my timeline. I wanted things to be normal. I wanted to go back to how it was before."
He chews on his lip, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "I was scared. I felt like I was losing someone. I wanted my Leo," he uses his own name sign for Leo, then points to be sure Donnie-β knows who he means, "back. I wasn't ready to accept I wasn't getting him back."
Donnie-β's face seemed to drain of color, and he hugged Leo-β to his chest ever tighter. Donnie could only imagine what was going though his counterpart's head.
"Mikey," he fingerspells the name for Donnie-β's benefit, "said I was in mourning." He shrugs exaggeratedly - not because he doesn't believe Mikey, but because feelings have never been his area of expertise. "And that was okay. But I needed to love Leo where he is now."
He glances back at his brother, still sleeping soundly. He feels his heart swell when he does - that part, at least, had been easy.
"Leo is different now. And I love him." Donnie makes the sign for "love" extra exaggerated, to add as much emphasis as he can. "Who he is now. As much. More." He glances over his shoulder again and smiles at Leo.
Donnie-β listens. He puts his chin on Leo-β's shell, tapping out the same message to him again.
"...Scared," he rasps out loud, and his voice barely works; Donnie has to lean in to hear. But Donnie-β seems unwilling now to take his hands off Leo-β. "Of losing him for good."
Donnie's own stomach drops at the idea. He gives his head a firm shake, like that will banish it entirely, for both of them.
"You won't," he says. "You'll save him."
Donnie-β looks hauntingly unsure. "How do you know?" he whispers.
"Because you're Donatello Hamato," says Donnie fiercely, "and you can do anything."
Donnie-β doesn't smile, or laugh, or react in any way a Donnie might normally. Donnie supposes that Leo-β isn't the only one who's going to be different now.
But he nods, seriously, his hand keeping up the gently taps on Leo-β's shell.
"Wouldn't want... to give Donnies a bad name," he murmurs.
"That's right," says Donnie, a sigh in his voice. "And - not to sound like Raph here - but maybe you should start by getting some rest yourself."
Donnie-β lets out a noise that is close enough to an annoyed huff it makes Donnie smile.
"If anything happens-"
"We'll wake you. Don't worry."
A nod. Donnie-β's eyelids droop.
He's asleep soon, curled around Leo-β's shell even in slumber. Donnie makes sure the blankets are tucked firmly around both of them, then stretches.
"Shelldon, wake me if anything changes."
"Sure thing, dude."
Donnie looks at Raph and Mikey's mini-turtle pile, then turns back to Leo's cot. It's not really big enough for two, but without his battle shell Donnie is pretty sure he can make it work.
He tucks himself in behind Leo. Leo makes a soft noise in his sleep, turning over and curling into Donnie instinctively.
Donnie would never want anyone else for a Leo. He knows Donnie-β feels the same about Leo-β. And that's why Donnie can rest - believing, eventually, they would be okay.
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