#so i partially photoshopped this lmao
wondrous-eos · 1 year
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XVtober 2023 prompt #14: beard Because this is still funny. 🚫 Do not repost. ⬇️4K wallpaper here.
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minthological · 2 years
siblings siblings siblings siblings this is my sister this is my brother + brother + brother + sibling we are siblings and we never talk + have a strained relationship
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blakbonnet · 3 months
ARTIST OF THE WEEK @midearthlingart ✨
This week's AOTW is Laz aka midearthling, and any AOTW event intending to bring classic ofmd art back into circulation would be incomplete without them <3 She agreed to answer a few questions for me and shared some great tips for beginners:
- Which do you use to draw (app/digital or traditional)?
I think everything posted here is digital, done mainly on Procreate, although I have started using Art Studio Pro more recently and I really like it (also an iPad app but available on other machines afaik!). I do like to doodle and do studies in my sketchbook though, I think it's good to keep me sharp and for a change of pace! And sometimes ideas come easier that way. But any completed pieces tend to be digital.
- Fave brushes/pencils/mediums (links/screenshots?)
On procreate I'm partial to using jingsketch basic’s flat brush, it’s so versatile for sketching and painting! Other brushes in my regular rotation are the default chalk and 6b brushes from procreate. I also have a soft ‘photoshop’ brush that I use to flat in colours, and a round brush I downloaded that I often use for sketching too; unfortunately I can’t remember where I got either of those ones but I’m pretty sure they were free! Sometimes I use random texture brushes, and the default watercolours in procreate.
- Your favourite piece you've drawn?
I go through phases of really loving some pieces and then hating them again (I often dislike my own art!) One of the best things I ever drew is a very nsfw comic so I unfortunately can’t share it on tumblr lmao. But in its stead, I think this and this have a special place in my heart.
- Who's harder to draw: Ed or Stede?
Honestly it just depends on the day! Both can be difficult to capture for different reasons; oddly I think for me I don’t have Ed’s face pinned down as much as I do with Stede’s. I’ve drawn them so much at this point I can bang them out without reference most of the time, but every now and again I’ll have a difficult angle and need to reference again! Stede’s nose is my absolute favourite to draw though.
- One essential tip for beginner artists?
Keep going! References and 3D models are your friend! It’s okay to make studies of other people’s works in order to learn (just don’t share and try to pass it off as your own!) Tracing photos to learn is also fine too, these are all just tools to help you hone your skill.
- Why OFMD? 🥹
It did something to my brain! I remember watching it back in March 2022 when there were only 6 episodes out at the time, I binged in one go and then the very next day watched all of them again. It just felt so cosy! I watched initially when I heard about it because I already loved Rhys and Taika’s works so needless to say it was hook, line and sinker from me from the start—I did not stand a chance! When it turned out to be a queer, middle-aged love story I knew it would be special to me forever.
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feyspeaker · 7 months
Hii me again. I'm not sure if I sent the ask I'm talking about on anon, so maybe that's why you didn't see it? It partially got answered with a recent ask you got anyway so no worries. I was just wondering if you use 3d in your process and if so, how? I've seen other illustrators use it to varying degrees and it seems like a really helpful tool to push your work.
Oh that's so weird! No I periodically go through my asks in chunks and I didn't see anything like that. I've had a few people in the past few months send me asks that looked like the second half of something else with no context, so maybe it's Tumblr fuckery. Sorry!!
I recommend learning Blender so you can help sculpt shapes and render lighting onto them in order to get the weirder/more complex shadows right. You can also apply colors onto the things you sculpt in order to see how the colors act in different lighting. It's pretty much an invaluable tool to me as it keeps me from having to problem-solve too much. I did a lot of digging around in my house to build references to photograph but it was just impractical to achieve the things I want to a lot of the time. I still do that, and you would not believe how many goofy photos I have of my husband in the poses you've seen me paint Astarion in lmao...
I do think that it needs to be used in moderation if you are a more beginner artist- I think that using 3D is DANGEROUSLY close to becoming a massive crutch for a newer artist and improper usage or over reliance on it can lead to stiffness or artificial looking colors. You need to be able to train your eye to create compelling compositions by bashing things together, and train your hand to replicate/add/subtract as needed from your references with an organic feel.
I will say this as a total committer of this crime myself in the past, it's VERY easy to tell when an artist relies too much on, for example, Clip Studio Paint posed models as bases for pieces without a good enough grasp on their fundamentals. And I also used to prickle when I saw more advanced artists warn of this, so I do think maybe it just has to run its course sometimes, because I know that using 3D for reference seems like an easy-button.
I've taken a lot of in-person classes for live figure drawing and painting, as well as just totally done drills, basically, on sketching and painting from life before relying too much on static imagery/3D/etc.
I often fret over every piece I do looking too stiff even still.
You have to do a LOT of the boring hard stuff the old fashioned way. And I regularly go back to it over and over when needed.
For example, I recently did a stupid amount of rose petal/flower studies deconstructing and painting ugly little paintings/doodles over and over because I know that I've been horribly weak at painting flowers for years (actively avoiding them). And I've been doing a lot of floral stuff lately due to that.
Whenever I start a new piece in new territory, I know it's going to mean several 3AM nighters where I have two other tabs open on Photoshop where I test out different textures or do a couple of studies. I'm working on a piece of my OC right now that has a lot of gore/medical instruments and I've been working on testing out different methods for shiny metal painting and some anatomical studies. I'll come to a snag in a painting and go "here we go" and work through it one piece at a time.
My Halsin piece, "Secret Spot" in the hot spring, was a massive undertaking with a lot of these moments. The Karlach x Dammon piece took 3 times longer than it should have due to me just having to go back and fix things knowing I could do better after doing some studies.
Ultimately I personally find art tutorials to be quite useless overall once you get to a certain point, unless they are teaching the use of a tool/software because you HAVE to figure out what works for you. And even then I use Blender like a monkey with a keyboard, I suspect, because I've just bruteforced through it, so I could probably use a tuneup from a good teacher on that haha. I hope this helps some, and sorry if I overstepped if I sound preachy.
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caoimhe-from-hoenn · 1 year
What the fuck is up with the violently green hair?
[OOC: if you're talking about their Gym Poster, it was partially an accident lmao. I accidentally made her hair too green (their hair is actually darker and duller than that, based off the first selfie), and I couldn't fix the lighting, so I just chalked it up in-universe to "bad photoshop" and "these mfs couldn't even fix the exposure levels" and "i don't even look like that.".]
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lovereturns · 4 years
being in the youtube amv community feels like a fever dream
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
Kuchiki Byakuya fell in love with a human girl. But he cants accept them because she is human, and he is a soul reaper. One day, Byakuya saw the human girl nearly attacked by a hollow or people. He saved her. You can decide how this scenario continues!
She can see hollows and soul reapers since she was a child, but she had no special power like Orihime or Ichigo.
Have a nice day/evening
Hey hun! Per the time stamp on desktop it's been 18 days OTL oh my goooosssh!! But I have finally finished your request. I have loved Bleach ever since it was releasing years and years ago and had to watch in youtube in parts or downloading in Limewire at the risk of getting a virus on my computer lol. I'm so happy they're animating that last arc. I used to have a love hate relationship with Byakuya but as I have gotten older now I just love him ;~; funny how that works. ANYWAY ENOUGH TALKING ABOUT ME. Let's get to the fic. I hope you enjoy! (banner by: soleilnomoon because I couldn't force myself to open photoshop)
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When the Cherry Blossoms Bloom
KUCHIKI BYAKUYA X HUMAN READER | NSFW, SHE/HER, HURT barely comfort LMAO WORD COUNT: 2.3k CONTENT WARNINGS: implied suicide attempt, implied depression, that being said this piece is a little dark theme/mood wise, but there is no gore, or violence, mentions of death, and terminal illness, unprotected sex (i mean it can be argued if Byakuya even needs protection but alas that's a discourse for another day), vaginal penetration, the smut in this fic is very subdued and not explicit but still labeled it NSFW to be safe A SUMMARY: I don't have one today, folks lol. Just read the request and read at your peril.
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A city under your feet, unsympathetic, a stranger to your feelings and strife. You scowl down at it as the wind whips your hair around your face. The tendrils sting as they slap your cheeks, over and over again, an unwelcome reminder that you were still alive. Still breathing. A heaviness in your chest numbs your fingers and toes. You inch closer to the edge, aware of the repercussions of falling from this height.
If you were lucky, you'd die on impact. You had never been lucky. Not for a single day in your whole damn life. Not even once.
The laugh that shakes your shoulders is new. A voice so strange it threatens to unsettle you, but your mind had been made up ever since you climbed the staircase leading to the rooftop of the building.
The muscles in your body relax. Your jaw, the one you're always clenching, feels slack, renewed. You set your eyes forward on the horizon, on the sun that has partially sunk underneath it. Twilight spills up, tinting the night sky with pinks and oranges. The colors burn in the back of your eyes as you take a step forward.
The feel of sinking fills the pit of your stomach. There are fingers around your wrist. A surreal strength swings you around, and suddenly you are flying away from the ledge. There are arms around you, carrying you off towards the center of the building. Your lungs struggle to keep up, and you gulp air when you finally catch your bearings. Strong arms help to keep you up as your legs try to decide on what they'll do next; hold you together, or let you fall apart.
An unfamiliar warmth surrounds you. The scent of cherry blossoms infiltrates your senses, along with green tea and a mild sweet scent of maple wood. Delicate, elegant, and strange—stranger, even, the more you take it in. It feels like you're stuck in a dream, mindlessly going where you're taken. You're not sure how you end up back in your room, on your bed. You drift off to sleep, a pallid face creeping up behind your eyelids. His dark eyes stay with you until sleep comes and takes you.
When you wake the next morning, you realized with a groan you are back in your nightmare. A fate you can't escape. You hear your name coming from the room down the hall, and you roll off the bed with a sigh.
“Coming, grandma!” you call out, sliding your slippers on. Your bones feel heavy as you drag yourself to her room. Your smile is practiced, and you force yourself to make cheerful conversation. It was the least you could do for someone who had been giving an expiration date.
As you place the pills on her hand, one by one, watching her swallow them with difficulty, you fight the twisted feeling of jealousy strangling your neck. You fight the desire to take her place, to be the one that wastes away.
Byakuya has no desire to remember you.
He has no desire to allow you to consume his thoughts, but you remain a persistent memory he can't shake off. A fog over his mind, distracting him from politics and polite conversation.
He should have never interfered. He should have let you do, as most tired humans do, and jump off the precipice of the building. His preoccupation should have remained with your soul, and soul alone. Intervening with the living should only go as far as keeping them from becoming Hollow fodder.
He should have walked away at the sight of your back. He should have looked away from the way the wind blew through your hair. He should have made up his mind but the look in your eyes reminded him so much of himself that it had tore, all at once, into an all wound. His hand was around your wrist before he could even assess the damage. Painful memories spilled from his chest as he carried you back to your room. By tucking the blankets around your body, he had hoped to scoop everything back up inside the prison between his ribs.
Before you drift off to sleep, he attempts to replace your memories—the device producing a puff of smoke that makes his nose crinkle.
He often thinks he smells smoke, even while in Soul Society. Byakuya fears he might be finally succumbing to madness. Entertaining this annoying infatuation would be the biggest mistake he makes in a long time. He tells himself this feeling stems from boredom, or perhaps isolation. He surrounds himself with work, scribbling away at parchment in hopes of pushing thoughts of you aside.
You haunt him at night. Your eyes always looking down at him as he tries to sleep. He wonders if things have changed for you. Have you visited that rooftop again? Dread ices his bones, and it is with that foolish impulse that he finds himself visiting you time and time again. It is simply out of concern, he says. You were so close to throwing it all away, and as your savior it should be his responsibility to watch over you.
Casting shame aside, he becomes a silent shadow. A guardian angel dressed in black robes. The irony does not elude him. He smiles sardonically to himself as he watches you do the dishes, a tiredness keeping your eyelids heavy.
He mutters small lies to himself; tells himself that just one glimpse is all he needs to stop worrying. He tells himself this every time he memorizes the profile of your face from the darkness he hides in. On a rainy day he finds you at a cemetery. You hold an umbrella that barely keeps you dry, one of its long ribs pokes straight through the fabric. Byakuya frowns at your choice to use it regardless.
He had seen the plethora of envelopes poking out of your mailbox, purposely forgotten until the white had turned yellow under the sun.
You hated the rain. You had no real reason for it. In fact, it felt like you should like it. It felt like you should stand under it, until it soaked your clothes, until the coldness seeped into your bones. But your wet toes wiggling under the socks of your hole filled sneakers told you otherwise. You hated the feeling of having your feet immersed into something you couldn't escape, like the puddles surrounding your grandmother's tomb.
You think you feel his presence again, so you turn, feet buried in puddles to look for his face. Instead you see the familiar slightly translucent body of a being who should have passed. You walk away from your grandmother's tomb, feet soaked, wet bouquet of flowers in your hand. You kneel down, to place them over the tomb the footless specter is hovering over.
“You should go on,” you tell him quietly, looking up at his slightly glowing form. He smiles down at you sadly. “I'm sure the other side is much better than here.”
He watches you quietly, his own umbrella shielding him from the rain. When the spirit doesn't respond, Byakuya watches you place the umbrella down over the flowers to keep them dry. You walk away, water pouring over you, drenching your hair. The form of your retreating back reminds him of that day on the rooftop.
His fingers twitch as he controls the urge to grab your wrist, just like before.
It's a slightly chilly night. Your thin over sized t-shirt does nothing to help the matter. You walk faster to see if that will help, but your slides aren't made for fast walking. They clack with each of your steps, the slapping sound making you feel as if you were being chased. You blame this for the sudden paranoia touching you on the back of neck, clutching the bag of instant food to your chest.
You want to blame it, but you know better.
When you turn around you see it's white mask. A scream gets lodged in your throat. Your first instinct is to run but your legs shake. You fall to your knees and watch silently as it hovers over you. The stench coming from it is acrid. The smell of decay fills your lungs and your mouth waters as you fight off the waves of nausea. You place your hands on the ground, pebbles digging into your palms, and you pray for a quick ending. It was the least you deserved.
Cherry blossoms bloom under the night sky, filling the air with their sweet scent. You look up in search for the pink petals but see none. Instead, you see his back to you, his long hair swaying softly in the wind. The creature that attacked you slowly splits in half, and just as slowly begins to disappear, piece by piece.
He turns to face you, with the same eyes you had dreamed about almost every night. And just like the Hollow, piece by piece, your false bravado disappears. He is inhumanely fast. You realize this in an afterthought once he has gathered you in his arms. The way he carries you makes you feel weightless. You're trembling in his arms, fingers clutching tightly to his robes. You don't stop even when he brings you back to that familiar room, and that familiar bed.
You don't let him go even when your back hits the bed. He hovers over you, a hand over yours trying to decide if he should untangle you from his clothing, or should he continue toying with this flame. The warmth of your body was a temptation he had long forgotten. You pull him down towards you, clutch him tightly against your chest. Your hands are frigid. He gathers them in between his own, brows furrowed together so closely, you fear they'll blur together.
It's been so long since he even dared to be on the same bed as anyone else. It's been so long since he even contemplated staying, but your hands fit so perfectly in his, he can barely handle the thought. He has no confidence, but your eyes are so sad he wants to kiss the darkness away, even if it's just for the moment; even if it's just for the night.
His lips are gentle. The kiss so shy and hesitant, you think you're imagining him again. You think this is some kind of delusion; one you have made up in another moment of loneliness to fill the gaping hole in your chest. His hands trail over your belly, under your shirt, trembling fingers taking in the sensation of your smooth skin. His nerves threaten to get the best of him when he clutches your waist.
The way you respond to his touch, small little gasps that shake your body, urge him forward. Heat swallows him whole as he finds the column of your neck. The more he kisses your skin, the more he touches your body, the more he desires you. The more he wants to consume you, keep you within himself.
The night holds many horrors—beautiful, tragic, and horrific all at once.
He pushes past it, and shoves all thoughts of the future aside. Tonight, he does not want to think. Tonight, he wants to drown in you. He pulls the shirt over your head, and settles comfortably on top of you. Your hands slip into his robes, skimming carefully over the muscles of his chest. A crescent moon spills its light over his skin as you push the robes of his shoulders. It slides down to his waist. Your fingernails scratch down the rippling muscle of his back when he bites down on your neck. The sound that jumps out of your mouth startles even you.
Fantasies had the power to poison, to torment. You don't care about the consequences when he pulls your underwear aside. You don't care about what comes next when enters you, gently, slowly. You only care about the feeling of him burying himself inside you to the hilt. You only care about his soft moans in your ear, the way he clutches you against him as if you weren't close enough. As if he couldn't push you in deeper, fold you into himself.
Heat and lust makes you lose your senses. You touch without seeing, and feel without thinking. All you know is the consuming heat of his mouth brings you closer to the edge of madness. You cry out when you cum, his lips latched around an erect nipple. You pull on his hair, and he follows the path of your neck, up your jaw. He kisses your cheek, and swoops towards your ear.
“You shouldn't,” he confesses, his voice soft and hoarse. “But I want you to remember.”
You wake up the next morning, your legs tangled in your sheets. The morning sun begins to warm the room. You shift uncomfortably in your bed, muscles sore. You blink, as a dream threatens to run away from you; soft lips, large hands, the feel of kisses between your thighs. You throw an arm over your eyes, groaning in disbelief. Another dream you couldn't quite remember yet couldn't forget. His eyes still say with you—pools so dark you dream of falling into them.
Cherry blossoms must have bloomed in your bedroom again last night, you think, as the scent lingers on your skin. You smell it in your hair as you roll in bed, and on your pillow. A hand lays against her chest, fingers curling around the blanket clutching it tightly against it. Searing pain explodes, a carnage she was too familiar with left in its wake. Hot tears spill out of her eyes, but she does not make a sound.
Fantasies had the power to poison. They had the power to torment—especially when it dabbles into reality. It all had felt so real, it leaves you with an aching emptiness. You hope one it might be real.
You hope one day he'd come back for you, and make the cherry blossoms bloom once again.
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i-heart-pudding · 3 years
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Blue Lasa Poppy Dress by @rustys-cc in Sorbets Remix (partial palette)
For feminine teens-elders 
19 add-on swatches (1 from each color ramp of the SR palette) 
You need the mesh 
Download (SFS) 
+ Recolor XCF file (SFS)
An XCF file is the GIMP version of a PSD. I’m able to use PSDs in GIMP, so I assume Photoshop users can also use XCFs. I thought this might be handy to include so that if someone wants to recolor this in another palette, they wouldn’t have to spend time cutting out the floral design by hand like I did lmao.
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Hey!! 👋🏽😄 I know you said in your last rant about SK8 and Reki and Renga that you were one of those people that always looks up and learns from others, but after your last Langa edit, I just wanted to remind you how immensely talented you are. I might have not seen your first attempts at editing, but I know how it looks like when you're barely starting something, and I'm sure everyone is proud of the progress you've made and many people looks up to you as the level of skill they want to achieve. You're doing amazing! 💖💖💖
Hi, my love!!!!!! ASDFSDFGHG that’s soooo sweet, thank you so much for saying this, it really means the world to me <3 Oh, haha I’ve deleted most of my old videos so it wouldn’t hurt anyone’s eyes lmao T_T I’m still a bit nervous each time I’m uploading my vids to the day to be honest, even with so many subs rn, but at first I really didn’t have any supporters at all and my god I sucked at this, but I guess the love for my fav ships was stronger apparently haha. So I always get silly happy at each nice comment and feedback, so thank you seriously. 
I really love love love vidding, Idk why but when smth comes out the way I wanted it’s a super addictive feeling for some reason, but many times I just looked at the final result and just threw it in the trash and started over and my god how many times SonyVegas crushed and didn’t autosave the project. I’m like Suga now, I’m pressing the save button each 2 minutes, cause don’t want to lose anything xD Being someone’s inspiration is truly an honor to me, I’ve got some messages that hit me too hard. Still feels weird bc I’m like “but do you know that I can’t even use photoshop tho, how do u like me now then?” lol.
I’m always drawn to talented characters, bc they amaze me, esp the humble ones. Like those who hate Haru or Lanaga just buffle me honestly. I understand that they’re pretty and talented and everything, but they’re also the sweetest and loveliest human beings, so like...??? And I adore those who don’t whine and get what they want. I just can’t help it. I’m a strong believer in the fact that "you can do anything if you put your mind to it”. So far it worked in real life so suck it lol.
People are also saying like Langa doesn’t deserve to win this and Haru doesn’t deserve to be in Olympics, like Langa didn’t snowboard since he was 2 and Haru wasn’t swimming every day since he was born. I’m like.. and you need to check in the mirror if your face is a shade of green. BTW I’ve also been in a professional sports for quite a long time since I was a little kid, ballroom dancing and adored it back then, and I did not get jealous at ppl who were talented than me, I was watching the tapes actually with a popcorn. And oh god those large competition events when you sit there for days and give it all, but then you’re like 296 out of 1000. Why was I proud instead of being sad? Idk xD It was fun.
So thanks for liking the vid, cause I even regretted uploading it a bit yesterday. Sadly everyone already knows that we lost this fandom to the middle schoolers being extra, so they do not care for anything each episode except for this ship, so that’s what I got for posting a just Langa vid:
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And etc. and that just made me sad, cause I do not like such fandoms, like it’s not even related to the video, that I’ve been making... with love.  Also thanks for the "sama” title, I’m flattered, but editor only wants to vid matchablossom for now, so like there’s no need for any warnings. I’ve been in such horrendoes fandoms, that I’m immune to this. I also in fact didn’t know some keep ruining Langa’s page and saying that he steals Reki’s screen time... cause he’s aparently the only main character...? ...lmao? I didn’t even know Langa can be hated tbh. I wasn’t really ready for all the drama that followed me making a vid about him.
I’ve already deleted some comments, cause I’m like what this even has to do with the vid about Langa? No, I am not obliged to make a vid about Reki, too. What if I post a matchablossom vid, everyone will only start commenting “do renga”, cause fuck your efforts? I’m like... I hate such fanbases, seriously. I do not even know where this is going, but their fans are already pissing me off. I’m still trying hard for this to not affect my point of view about the ship, cause it’d be kinda unfair to them, but its getting harder each week istg.
And I maybe can’t take requests, but I love when some try to get me addicted on their ship with passion and great arguments. It happened to me with some nice ppl. But def not with agression and stupidity haha.
Cause apparently its one of the fandoms where you can’t NOT care for the main ship, even if you accept it for the only possible Langa ship (cause he doesn’t give a shit for anyone else, so like what’s the point), but it doesn’t do anything for you. I’m like... thanks for threatening. This will make me on board ASAP. Like it’s not the epitomy of love to me... I’m sorry? LMAO 
Some anon even sent me a “you’re dense” (literally thats it) ask after that Reki ask. I was tempted to write smth like “oh I’m sorry, this is the most epic love story of my life and his character is the most complex in the world and he’s the best friend and the most inspiring human being that ever hit my screen. can I become undense now? xD”. But you know I do not know if they’d realise the sarcasm and my pride sadly never allowed me to sell my life values for a bunch of 12 years olds to love me lol
My sister always laughs and jokingly says “but you’d probably get much more subs if you made a vid about this or that, but at what price that would be lmao”. Cause yeah, I never could make myself vid smth I do not like, cause I love vidding and do not want it to be associated with things I do not like, plus it’ll most likely turn out ugly, if I do not care. My mom says that she can feel love I put in my shipping vids that’s why she loves them. I really don’t think she’s wrong. But that also kinda makes me an idiot technically, cause I’m not into many of the popular ships, and some popular animes I just find really basic. 
Also I’m like 100% sure it ain’t happening, but even if they miraculously suck each other’s dicks while sitting on a skate board, I can still have the rights not to care at the end. Like did I sign some form where I’m obliged to love each and everyone canon gay ship even if it’s not what I like? Like gay is not the type of love in relationships. You can only care about his ass like Lan Zhan for example or you can only care about your ass. Like that’s different types of relationships, and whatever you like you like. So get all the way of people’s backs, please.
Also do ppl know that you do not need to be blind to the bad sides of the characters in your ships? Or you just gonna be like “I suddenly can’t see” for forever.
So really thanks for such wonderful message and liking the video and for the boosts when I need them and not being an ass to me if I’m not being obsessed with smth, when you like it. (like I think we have different ship in bnha, right? but we’re still doing great tho, thanks for being an angel <3)
I still didn’t expect this becoming a Voltron 2.0. situation tho. We in our twenties see everything differently, I guess. I do get extra about “their love is everywhere”, but I do not get extra by anonymously attacking ppl, threatening creators and yelling “queeerbating psychotic blind assholes if these two aint fucking by the end of the season I’m shaving my head and jumping out of the window and shoot the director. you do not ship it HARD? YOU DUMB FUCK. THAT’S THE BEST LOVE STORY IN THE WORLD”. Like damn, take your blinders off and see the world, kid. Firstly, it’s definitely not, secondly, ppl see love differently in general and at each age too.
Ah, also you must kill Adam, cause he’s a pedo apparently. Like he ain’t even a threat to your ship, unless you’re blind, but they’re still at it, like they do not know that this kind of age difference is literally nothing for an anime? And that there are canon ships with a huger age difference left and right, too. It’s like its their first time approaching an anime or smth. Like in anime world character can literally kill 1000 ppl with his bare hands and bathe in their blood and we can still stan them, depends on their story, ok? Also Langa couldn’t care less for his advances, so like separate Adam from your ship pls. Like, fuck off, if someone is interested in his character. Yeah, he’s a weirdo for reasons, but anime kind of weird do not apply to real life. Stop acting like you’re some purist, when later you’re gonna ship smth else and it suddenly will not apply. Also rules do not apply to animes, everyone knows they do not apply. These are not western cartoons, my god. And 24 years old flirting with 16 year old is defiinitely not the weirdest shit anyone has ever seen in the anime. Chinese BL has characters who were 14 and 30 when they met and happily married. Also FICTION is not life. Literally no one cares. If you’re scared for your saint eyes, do not watch animes, you’re gonna have a heart-attack from what you can see there. Also we’ve seen gayer bromances in animes, who are just bromances, so pls do not shoot anyone if it’s not canon.
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So basically I was kinda pissed yersterday, cause fuck them for ruining the tag, but after chatting with my hommies and your ask, I’m okay again, I just have to avoid this fandom and stick to a tight community xD. I just got used to my nice fandoms and forgot for a bit about the precautions you need to take if you’re in one of those. You know. Who make a circus out of lgbt, instead of supporting it, and make other ppl hate being in fandoms.
P.S. sorry for this partially unrelated rant, your messages really always make my heart bloom, so thanks for supporting me, and I know you’re proud of my progress, too <3 and this makes me happy. LY
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ifishouldvanish · 5 years
Editing tips, I guess?
Hey uhhhhh, so I've gotten lots of new followers over the past few weeks and wanted to do some kind of thank you?? Also, I have seen a fair share of "omg HOW" in the tags on my edits (which??? always make my day?? my week??? my life????)
Anyway, I thought I'd share some of my ~techniques with y'all? So here goes:
(lmao this got really fuckin long so cuuuuuut)
1. Make EVERYTHING a Smart Object
Okay, maybe not EVERYTHING, but seriously. Do it. It will save ur editing life. You ever shrink something down and then an hour later change your mind and decide you want it bigger? If you're not using a smart object, it’ll get blurry when you scale it back up and you’ll be fuCKED!
To make a layer/group a smart object, just right click on it in the layers panel and select "convert to smart object". This makes Photoshop store the layer's original data in a separate space for safe keeping (an embedded .psb file, to be exact) -- so you can shrink it and enlarge it as many times as you want without any lossiness.
As soon as I paste/place a screencap, texture, or whatever into my document, the first thing I always, ALWAYS do is convert it to a smart object!!
Why, you might ask?? Continue to item No.2 :)))
2. Harness the POWER of Smart Objects!!
The reason I am obsessed with Smart Objects is because I am obsessed with making any edits as non-destructive as possible. If you use “Image > Adjustments > Levels/Selective Color/etc” on a regular layer, that’s a destructive edit. Same goes for any Filters (such as blur/sharpen) and transforms (Warp, distort, perspective). You lose the original data that was there and the only way it can be undone is with ctrl+z. Might not seem like a huge deal at first, but if you keep chugging along for an hour and decide, “hmm, maybe i went too hard on that levels adjustment after all...” your only options are deleting the layer and starting over, or uh... hoping it’s still in your history panel.
However, it's really easy to avoid destructive edits when you use smart objects!! Because all those adjustments, filters, and transforms become “Smart Filters”. Smart Filters have all the non-destructive advantages of performing these adjustments via adjustment layers, but have the added bonus of ONLY effecting the layer they’ve been applied to, instead of cascading down and effecting all the layers beneath. (Which can be a good thing sometimes, but that’s a whole other topic)
Smart filters are attached to their ‘parent layers’, and can be hidden, deleted, or modified (by double-clicking their names) at any time:
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Can I hear a wahoo???
Other cool things about Smart Objects:
You can copy a Smart Filter with all its settings to another layer by alt+click+dragging it over
You can change the order in which Smart Filters are applied by clicking and dragging them around
You can edit a smart object independently/in a sort of 'isolated' mode by double-clicking on its thumbnail!! I like to use this for edits that are specific to a given screencap-- like cutting out the background and any initial adjustments, like levels and selective coloring. Once you’re done editing the contents of the smart object, hit ctrl+s and it will automatically update in the main document!
But really, the biggest thing for me here is psychological. I know I’m much more willing to try things and experiment when I know that I can easily go back and tweaks things at any time. Otherwise, I’d stick with adjustments I don’t really like all that much simply because it would take too much time/effort to redo them.
3. Don't even THINK ABOUT using the eraser tool or I will STOMP YOU to death with my hooves!!
Use a layer mask instead. Please I am begging you. It all comes back to making your edits as non-destructive as possible. If you erase something, it's gone forever. When you mask something, you can make changes to which parts are visible/not visible as often as you want.
For the newbies or the otherwise unacquainted, a mask is a greyscale ‘map’ attached to a layer (or layer group) that controls its opacity. Black areas give the layer 0% opacity, white areas will give it 100% opacity, and you can use shades of grey to achieve partial transparency. You ‘draw’ on these layers with the your trusty brush and paint bucket tools.
You can create a mask by selecting a layer and then clicking the little mask icon at the bottom of the layers panel (it’s the one with the little circle inside the box). Draw black on the parts you want to hide, and if you erase too much on accident? Just paint back over it with white!
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I love masks, and sometimes i will throw an already masked layer inside a layer group and apply a second mask to said group. This way I have two masks that can be edited independently from each other. Like layer mask-ception.
So anyway, yes. Eraser tool? Don’t know her.
4. Try using channels to create masks!
This is a technique that works REALLY well for cutting out complex shapes, such as wispy hair (or feathers!) -- provided there's strong contrast between the subject and the background, and the background isn't too busy.
This is also a fantastic method for capturing alpha transparency. For example: If you have a neato paint stroke/splatter/watercolor texture you want to use as a mask, but has a solid background that’s getting in the way of things. This method will capture all the semi-opaque areas flawlessly!!
While editing your image (which you had better have made into a Smart Object!!!) do the following:
Switch from the "layers" panel to the "Channels" panel.
Toggle through the R, G, and B channels, and decide which one has the most contrast for the areas you are trying to mask.
Ctrl+Click that channel's thumbnail. This will create a selection marquee.
Switch back to the layers panel
Click on the target layer/group (the one you are trying to mask)
Click the mask icon at the bottom of the panel (the one with the circle inside a box)
Release the selection and invert the mask if necessary
If you're using this method to cut out a subject from its background, you probably won't want alpha transparency. In this case, select the mask thumbnail and use a levels adjustment on the mask itself to bump the contrast until you have more of a cutout effect!
It sounds like a lot of steps, but it’s really simple! So I made this handy GIF: (click to view from beginning)
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Sometimes you won’t want to use this method for the entire image, but just a specific part. For example, if you’ve cut out a character with some other method (magic wand, manual brushwork), but are having a hard time with their hair in particular. Use this method to create the selection, but instead of converting the whole selection into a mask, use the brush tool to apply the mask only where you need it! You can invert the selection itself with shift+ctrl+i.
5. Outlining text
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The font I used here is Salomé, which is actually a solid typeface with no outlined version. But you can make virtually any font into an outlined version if you so desire!
There's two possible methods here, actually:
The Easy Way:
Add a stroke layer effect to the text layer (by selecting the layer, clicking the little “fx” button at the bottom of the layers panel, and choosing “Stroke...”)
As far as settings go, aligning the stroke to the inside usually yields the best result/maintains the integrity of the letterforms.
Make the color of the text itself match the background.
If necessary, use the lighten/darken blend modes to create the illusion of transparency.
If you need true transparency (which I didn't until I decided I wanted to apply a gradient over the text), you'll have to try something else-- The Also Easy But Less Than Ideal Way:
Right click the text layer in the layers panel and select "convert to shape".
Now you can edit the fill/stroke the same way you would any other vector shape.
Again, you’ll want to set the stroke alignment to ‘inside’. For vector shapes, those settings are a little hidden. You’ll wanna open up that little dropdown in the toolbar with the line in it, and click “More Options”.
This is semi-destructive, so if you're working with a lot of text you might have to edit later, consider duplicating and hiding those text layers first so you'll have a 'backup' of it.
And while I’m on the topic of text...
6. Try breaking up your text layers!
I know a lot of people like to draw a neat little text box to put their text in, and then they center it all nice and neat and probably use a small font size to make it subtle and stuff... and that’s cool. Everyone’s got their different styles and things they like to emphasize in their edits and there’s absolutely merit to that sort of thing (case and point: the bulk of my dear @herzdieb’s work), but. Listen.
I love typography. I love a good typeface. The stroke widths, the letterforms, the ligatures, the serifs... I get like, horny on main for a good typeface. I like to make the text on my edits BIG, so that those details can shine. I also like doing interesting things with the text. Jumbling words/letters around, distorting them, deconstructing them and just...  letting the text really ~interact with the rest of the composition instead of just kinda politely floating on top of it.
I’m not saying you have to do that kinda stuff. Or that I think neat little floaty text boxes are boring, or lazy, or whatever. It’s just... personally, I get really inspired by type. Fun type treatments are one of those things I LIVE FOR, something of a ~signature of mine, and I encourage everyone to just... try it? To use text as more of an integral Design Element and less of a... idk. A caption?
So if you have a quote, or even just a word... put each word (or letter) on its own text layer. And then: make ‘em different sizes. Make the words so big they don’t fit on the canvas. Rotate each one at a fun angle. Scatter them around. Go nuts. Use masks to chop parts of the letterforms off. Make ‘em overlap. Just have at it. Or, as the kids these days are saying: go absolutely fuckin feral.
If that really just isn’t your style, or doesn’t work/make sense for the edit you’re doing, fine. Delete all the layers and just do a text box or whatever. But. I’m tellin u.
Give it a try.
At least once.
Just... a lil taste.
7. Understand the difference between lighten/darken vs screen/multiply
For a while in my photoshoppin' youth, my understanding of these blend modes basically amounted to "darken makes things darker, and multiply makes things really darker", and vice versa for lighten/screen. But there's an important difference between how these blend modes work, and if you understand them, you can use them more... strategically? I guess?
Darken and Lighten are kinda misnomers tbh, because they technically don't really darken or lighten anything. What they actually do is make it so that only the areas of the layer that are darker or lighter than the content of the layers beneath them are visible. This produces some pretty nifty layering effects that you can't achieve with screen and multiply.
Here’s an example: (if you’re reading this on a phone with the brightness dimmed down you probably won’t be able to see the differences)
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Without any the texture applied, you can really see the noise/graininess of Crowley’s jacket in the screencap. You can also see the ‘seam’ where Crowley fades into the background-- the jacket is a green-ish black, while the background it’s fading into is more of a purple-black.
With the texture set to ‘Screen’, the whole image becomes lighter across the board. Crowley’s jacket gets lighter, and so does Aziraphale’s jacket and the pink cloud thing. This does little to nothing to obscure the poor image quality and disguise that ‘seam’.
But with the ‘Lighten’ blend mode, ONLY the dark parts of the image appear lightened, and not only do they appear lightened, but they get kinda equalized. Notice how the patchy jpeg artifacts on Crowley’s jacket disappear, how that color seam smooths out, and how the brightness of Aziraphale’s jacket and the pink cloud doesn’t change at all.
This isn’t to say that lighten/darken are better and that you shouldn’t use screen/multiply. They each have their uses. But most often, I find myself using lighten/darken because the way they work is honestly really helpful? And just cool af?
8. Masking individual frames on gifs
If you ever feel like torturing yourself by making a gif that has frame-by-frame masking, my advice is don't try to mask each frame from scratch. You'll get patchy/wobbly results from the masks being slightly different on each frame.
Instead, mask the first frame, then alt+click and drag that mask onto the next frame. Make any minor adjustments to the new mask as needed, and repeat for each frame. This saves time and more importantly, keeps the masking consistent on areas with little to no movement, which makes a HUGE difference in how smooth the final product will be.
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If you look at the edges of the animation, they’re nice and steady and consistent. It’s only the parts that have a lot of movement (like the back of his neck) where you can see any ‘ghosting’/wobbly-ness happening.
Sometimes the mask will move when I copy it to the next frame. Like, for the whole document. It gets nudged 20 pixels down or to the left or s/t every time. I have yet to figure out why, but I’m betting it has something to do with shooting myself in the foot with the frame 1 propagation settings at some point during editing?? ANYWAY, when this happens, just unlock the mask from its layer (click the little chain icon between their thumbnails) and move it back into place.
In these cases, I also like to pick a spot with a hard edge (such as the shoulder in the above gif) as a reference point of where it needs to be moved to. It kinda sucks having to do this for every frame, but you already signed up for some suckage when u decided to mask every frame of a gif, so I mean... 👀
9. Don't be afraid/too intimidated to do manips as needed!
Manips can be tricky if you're really striving for realism. There's light sources and color grading and perspectives to reconcile!! But when you're doing an artsy Edit with a capital E, odds are those kinds of discrepancies will be thoroughly camouflaged by all the levels, black and white, etc adjustments you're doing!
Something I run into often is, "I like this screencap, but the top of their head/hair is chopped off :(" But if I go back through all the screencaps from the scene, there's usually another frame where the camera is planned/zoomed out enough that I can steal the rest of their head/limb from it! And since it's from the same scene/shot, the lighting and color grading should already be a perfect match!
A super simple example:
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So I wanted to use this picture of David and Michael for this edit, but 1) They’re standing on the wrong sides for their characters, and 2) part of David’s arm is covered up by Michael’s.
Of course, the easiest course of action would be to just mirror the photo so they’re on the correct sides, but 1) mirroring faces tends to yield wonky results, and 2) that still wouldn’t give me a perfect, free-standing cutout of Crowley to place wherever I want in my composition (as opposed to being forced to awkwardly position him off the edge of the canvas to hide the fact that the other arm is missing)
Fortunately, it only took all of like, two (2) minutes to draw a crude selection around his good arm, copy and paste it into a new layer, flip it around, and add any necessary masking to get the shape right.
My point here isn’t to teach y’all how to do manips, or to pass this off as an impressive example of one. Because it’s really, REALLY not. My point here is to demonstrate that even something as tiny and simple as this can really open up your options for what you can actually do with an edit/composition.
So next time you’re feeling limited/inconvenienced by the crop of a screencap, just... you know. Consider whether or not it’s worth attempting a quick and dirty manip to fix it.
Another Example:
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Sometimes you’re torn between two screencaps. You like one element from Screencap A but also want some other element from Screencap B. What to do? Just frankenstein ‘em together. Layer one on top of the other, get them lined up, and mask out the necessary parts.
It’s easy to get hung up on stuff like “Uh... should Crowley’s shoulder be doing that?” but let me assure you that like... the people looking at the final product are none the wiser to your butcherwork and will not notice. Especially if you’re going to add a bunch of contrast and color adjustments later on. (in fact, sometimes I’ll apply those adjustments first so I’m not distracted by any discrepancies that are going to come out in the wash anyway)
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“I dunno... 🤔🤔 doesn’t seem anatomically correct... 🤔🤔🤔🤔” thought no one.
Point is... point is... dolphins you can get away with a LOT more than you think you can. Don’t let the desire to make these kinds of manips perfect get in the way of just... making them good enough. The bar isn’t that high, I promise.
10. Know what inspires you
What types of edits get you EXCITED? What kind of work do you see on your dash and go, "oh, I'm reblobbin' THAT!!1!"
I know for herzdieb, she's all about emotional pieces. She likes matching words/lyrics/poetry to on-screen moments and punching you in the feels with both. She hears a song, or reads a poem, and the lightbulbs go off for her, and she does her thing.
As for myself, I just live for the aesthetics of an edit. The colors, the fonts, the composition. I almost never know what text/screencaps I'm going to use when I start an edit. I just see a font I like, or a color palette, or a texture, and think, "I wanna use that!"
And once you know what inspires you, collect that inspo! I hoard textures and fonts. I have them organized into neat lil folders. When I wanna make an edit, that’s where I start. I just browse through them all until one or two start calling my name. Herzdieb collects songs and quotes and poems. Maybe your thing is color palettes, or aesthetic-y photos. Or whatever.
The point here is make the kinda stuff you like/want to see. Not the kinda stuff everyone else is making or the kinda stuff you notice gets the most notes.
11. Be able to let go of things that aren't working
I often begin an edit with a rough idea of the style, colors, or layout I'm going for. And I almost always end up doing... something totally different.
So don't get too fixated on what your initial ideas are. Be open to experimenting and just let the edit be what it wants to be. If something looks nice, do it. If it doesn't, don't try to force it just because, "well, I was inspired by this piece that did xyz and I wanna try it too".
When you see a certain effect that inspires you, just keep it in mind as a possible solution for the next time you make something-- don't make it into a benchmark, or some imaginary 'goal' you have to meet for This Edit You Are Working On Right This Moment. In fact, sometimes the elements I end up ditching are the very ones I started with, that initially sparked my inspiration. And that's okay. Inspiration can be a moving target, and if your vision for something changes, let it.
You wanna know what inspo reference I was looking at when I started that “Temptation Accomplished” edit?
Fucking this: https://search.muz.li/YTdiNjkwN2Rh
You might be thinking, “how the fUCK was that the inspiration??!! Your edit looks nothing like that at all!” ...and you would be 100% correct, and that is 100% my point. I spent a good hour or two trying to incorporate that cutout text layering effect before finally accepting the fact that it just wasn’t working for the edit I was making. And it wasn’t until then that it actually started to come together.
12. Be patient, and take the time to explore all your options!
I’m not gonna lie, y’all. I spend hours on my edits. I usually complete them over the course of 2-3 days/sittings. I rarely have a plan. 99% of the time I'm just throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. When I get stuck (when, not if), it helps to step away from it and come back later with a fresh perspective/set of eyes.
Every single edit I've posted, I have at some point felt like giving up on because I thought it looked like garbage (and not just because I was being self-deprecating/doubting myself, but because at those points, they simply weren't finished/something about the composition just wasn't working for me)
Work through those moments, and if necessary, take a break/sleep on it. It's always after I've exhausted my early ideas that the really good ones start to come to mind!
Here’s how the character poster edits I did progressed:
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In Classic Me™ Fashion, I literally started off with just... textures I liked, and a font that I liked. Now, there were obviously a lot more ‘steps’ involved in both designs, but hopefully at the very least this gives a sense of how things get from point A to point B.
So uh... thanks 4 comin 2 my TED talk. I hope u learned at least one (1) cool new thing or maybe just feel vaguely inspired by this rambling mess?
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aredhels · 5 years
just wanted to say that you make really pretty edits! where did you learn?
thank you!! well i’ve been playing with photoediting programs (started with gimp and paint.net, a few years back moved to photoshop) since i was like 10-12 so it wasn’t completely new to me when i wanted to start making edits for tumblr. at first it was things like banners etc for my websites (virtual horse stables lmao and also some personal blogs etc) and then some photomanips, icons and stuff that i uploaded to deviantart
i’m more or less self taught apart from a couple of courses at uni (my major partially touched marketing & graphic design so i was taught the basics of photoshop and indesign), when i started making edits for tumblr i just kinda mimicked what others do (not like straight up copying but you know trying out popular formats like moodboards and character posters) and read tutorials until i figured out my own style.
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greyjedireylo · 6 years
thoughts on the apparent costume leaks?
(putting this under a cut for possible spoilers)
to be honest, I’m skeptical of their legitimacy. most of them look like concepts (and we all know most concepts don’t come to fruition–remember baldo ren?). and a lot of them look poorly photoshopped, which granted could be real but again, could be early, possibly scrapped concepts. even the ones that appear to be actors in costume could very well be costume tests that were scrapped.
and corroboration with what MSW has said makes me more skeptical of their legitimacy, not less lol. Disney cracked down on Jason last time around, he got uninvited to something and was pissed, and then mysteriously started getting Disney invites to things again. he was able to get a suspicious amount of info about the Mandalorian set. and we know lucasfilm monitors leaks fake and real on the internet. what I’m saying is that I absolutely wouldn’t be surprised if they were leaking fake or partially fake info and even using MSW to do it.
that said, if they’re real, my thoughts are that they’re…kind of boring?
on the positive side, I’m a huge fan of Ben’s TLJ costume (I think it makes him look very princely and it’s attractively form-fitting) so I’d be perfectly happy if he was still wearing it in IX. I’ve never been a fan of the idea of some fancy supreme leader outfit because that just doesn’t feel like him. he’s somber and ascetic and monk-like. and I love love love the idea of Rey wearing a band to cover up her arm-scar because you know that means it’s going to come back into play somehow.
on the negative side…the mask doesn’t bother me because we all know it’s going to come off after 5 seconds (just look at Adam’s luscious hair and clean-shaven face all through filming) but it does bother me just because its 9 lives are getting ridiculous lmao. first it survived an entire planet exploding and now it survived being shattered into tiny pieces???? I get that if it’s cracked and put back together it goes along with his cracked-kyber lightsaber to be a good metaphor for his cracking kylo ren persona but like…the logistics of its continued survival are just getting silly lol.
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holy-jinsus · 6 years
Thank you for that partial photoshop tutorial!! You are the best & I am feeling so old by all this technology lmao love you💕💕💕
salfjkasjflasjflas please don’t feel discouraged, in the beginning it seems very overwhelming, but you’ll get used to it soon! it’s actually very easy. let me know when you’re ready to continue.~
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Everlasting Party - Mystic Messenger Time Loop AU (pt 36)
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Summary: You’re caught in a time loop during the 11 days leading up to the RFA’s party unless you can do… what, exactly?
13+ Small spoilers for some stuff revealed around Day 7ish on Seven's route :)
Ahhh exciting stuff, guys. I'm really happy to be writing this ^^ Thanks so much for your feedback! Gives me strength to keep writing, hehe~ Thanks as always to Masdevallia on AO3 for beta-ing!
It’s the fourth day, 11:32pm. V logs out of the chatroom and you glance anxiously at the clock again before replying to Seven. As soon as Seven logs out, you’ll be putting your plan into action. The idea is to time it so that the program you’ve written to extract Unknown’s information starts collecting data right as Unknown logs in. Your code should be just about perfect this time – the only reason you hadn’t gotten the log on the last loop was because you’d started your program too late and the log had been cut short before you could finish collecting the data. But this time should be perfect. Then you’ll be the one chasing after Unknown.
 You let out a breath and double-check the program folder where you’d saved the extracted log. You got it, right? The log is sitting in the folder like it should be. It’s a large enough file, so it probably wasn’t cut short like the last several times – not that you’ll know for sure until you finish decrypting it.
You glance again at the messages Unknown left in the chatroom. Who is he talking to? ‘Saeyoung’? Who is Saeyoung? Is that who he’s waited so long to see again?
You slouch in your seat, your back feeling a bit sore from sitting so stiffly in anticipation. This… doesn’t make sense. Every time before this loop, Unknown’s messages were partially illegible. You have the messages memorized because you’d tried to work out what they said before, to no avail. Even after scanning through some of the partial logs you’d gathered before, the data was too corrupted to extract the original text.
It doesn’t make sense. You’ve literally done this exact thing for months on end trying to get the log. Have you done something different enough this loop that prompted a different reaction from Unknown? But what did you do?
You look again at the chatroom log file you’ve collected. Well, you aren’t going to find any answers until you finish decrypting it. You make a few backups, then run the log through a program you’d written beforehand to decipher the RFA’s encryption, then try putting it through the program you use to get rid of Unknown’s encryption.
The latter program crashes and leaves you with a very complicated error message detailing the problems. You sigh and sit up in your seat again, scrolling through some of the error message before opening the log itself to take a look.
You’re stunned into silence. What is this? It doesn’t even remotely look like the partial logs you’d worked on before. Is it because this is the first time you’ve gotten the whole log? That doesn’t really make sense, but what other explanation is there? You scroll further down the log, looking for anything even passably familiar. If you’re lucky, Unknown will have used a similar underlying structure for his encryption and just changed some of the more visible parts.
Good God. You stretch your arms and roll your shoulders a few times. It’s just a little past midnight, now–-
Wait. Midnight? Shit, you should go. What if Unknown shows up at the apartment? Your heart seems to freeze in your throat.
Calm down. There’s time.
Where should you go? The café again? Oh, but… you won’t be able to bring your hacking computer there. You suppose that isn’t the end of the world, but … wait. If you don’t figure out the log by morning and you’re at that café, you’ll be reset. And then you won’t know what’s in the log at all and your effort will be for nothing. Wow, you really haven’t thought this part through. Or, more like you’d just assumed your programs could quickly decode the log with perhaps some minor modifications, but now… Unknown’s encryption changing had never been part of the plan. Goddamn. Maybe you should have been talking to Jumin again and trying to get more days. Should you risk it and stay at the apartment to decrypt the log? You’ve never been caught by Unknown before… but you’re really rather not take any chances.
Decrypt the log… or play it safe…?
Your heart seems to settle back in your chest and you take a deep breath. The log. Something is up here, and you’re going to figure it out. And if Unknown does come…. You glance at the window he usually comes through. Well, you’ll be ready if he comes. If you’re lucky, Seven might even call you and warn you.
You put on a pair of shoes in case you need to make a quick escape and position yourself so you can see both the window and the door to the hallway. Okay. Ready. You swallow and stretch your fingers again, trying to stop your hands from shaking. Now you’ll really get to see if all those loops you’ve spent learning how to hack are worth anything.
You’ve barely begun typing when your phone buzzes with a new notification.
12:18am – Yoosung★ is now online.
Yoo...sung? At 12:18am? That’s a first. Unless he’s logging on really early to give that odd spiel about how the RFA were all robots… but you haven’t seen him say that sort of thing since before the… since before the bomb went off and your first few days got scrambled up. You’ve also seen him log in and talk about LOLOL on the fifth day… hmm. That was such a long time ago. Was that when you’d gotten Jaehee to go to Zen’s house instead of going yourself? It’s been ages since you’ve gone through the sequence of days when Zen hurts his foot.
Assuming it’s not some excessively early variation on loops you’ve been through before, this is the first time Yoosung has been online at this time on the fifth day. Should you log in as well to talk to him?
No, no. You shake your head at yourself. Decrypt the log first. You can always read what he wrote later. If Seven logs in, though, you should probably talk to him in case it has something to do with the hacker.
Your heart seems to be stuttering the whole time and you feel a bit of hope blossoming next to the knot of unease in your chest. Unusual login times usually mean you did something that will earn you a few more days, maybe even up to the party date… but you’ve also been fooled before. And a few days aren’t really anything to get excited over unless they lead to a way out of the loop instead of just a couple extra days before you’re reset like always.
Still, there’s just something about this particular loop…
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Yo low-key the next chapter has a reaaaaaaaaaally long chatroom part. Like, the longest yet. So uh... wish me luck Photoshopping it... haha... guys it's gonna take me like 6+ hours to edit that thing whyyy lmao
I always love hearing what you think, so leave a comment or send me an ask! Here’s a link to the masterpost of all my Mystic Messenger fics. Thank you very much for reading! ♥
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syxkat · 7 years
1-150 ;)
This is so overdue BUT here u go❤️1:Name- Katerina 2:Age- 173:3 Fears- praying mantises4:3 things I love- my girlfriend, my friends, my dogs, eating, music5:4 turn ons- chewing on random things, confidence, good sense of style 6:4 turn offs- being mean to your parents or pets, chewing with your mouth open, bad body odor7:My best friend- my friend Nichole, my girlfriend @flowercoasts, and my bff @plumppeachprincess8:Sexual orientation- gay maybe bi9:My best first date- never had a real date10:How tall am I?- 5'8"11:What/Who do I miss?- my dad and sisters that live in another state 12:What time was I born?- I think around 4 pm13:Favourite color- mint green and purple 14:Do I have a crush?- yeah this girl I'm dating is pretty cool I guess15:Favourite quote- "if a man has no sauce than he is lost, but the same man can become lost in the sauce."16:Favourite place- golf courses at night??? Don't ask me why they have good vibes 17:Favourite food- any and all seafood, and fried rice 18:Do I use sarcasm?- sometimes 19:What am I listening to right now?- this probably means what song I'm into but all I can think about is the loud ass lawnmower outside my house20:First thing I notice in a new person- their sense of humor21:Shoe size- 8 1/222:Eye color- brown23:Hair color- brown 24:Favourite style of clothing- I really only wear flannels and tank tops 25:Ever done a prank call?- yeah.... I'm sorry Pizza Hut...they didn't have goat cheese and bean sprout...27:Meaning behind my URL- I play a lot of roadhog 28:Favourite movie- spirit: stallion of the cimmaron29:Favourite song- right now it's either daydreamin' by Ariana grande or love on the brain by Rihanna 30:Favourite band- is Cher Lloyd a band 31:How I feel right now- tired but content 32:Someone I love- my good and wonderful girlfriend 33:My current relationship status- taken34:My relationship with my parents- my mom is one of my best friends35:Favourite holiday- thanksgiving I love to EAT36:Tattoos and piercings i have- none37:Tattoos and piercings i want- I want to re-pierce my nose and probably get a partial sleeve on one arm. and a shoulder tattoo38:The reason I joined Tumblr- I saw something funny on my friends account 39:Do I and my last ex hate each other?- no40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?- yeah 😊41:Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?- unfortunately not 😞42:When did I last hold hands?- like 2 hours ago with one of my friends43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?- 35 minutes 44:Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?- nope45:Where am I right now?- in my bed46:If I were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?- probably my friend Nichole 47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?- reasonable or else I get Noxious Stimuli™48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad?- yeah 49:Am I excited for anything?- to go see my girlfriend in a few weeks 😄😄50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?- no51:How often do I wear a fake smile?- probably never if I'm unhappy I'll look as mad as I can 52:When was the last time I hugged someone?- today while my friend was hugging her boyfriend and I was like "I gotta get in on this here I come"53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?- that's fine 54:Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?- not that I'm aware of 55:What is something I disliked about today?- some kid was spinning his fidget spinner on his desk and it was loud and annoying and I was feeling ...rather hostile...56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?- Zoe Saldana 57:What do I think about most?- my girlfriend... every god damn second of the day 58:What’s my strangest talent?- I can pick lots of things up with my feet and make various weird noises59:Do I have any strange phobias?- no60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?- behind I like to record and take pictures of things 61:What was the last lie I told?- "I'm not gay mom" 62:Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?- video chatting 63:Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?- maybe and yes 64:Do I believe in magic?- maybe???? I really don't think about it 65:Do I believe in luck?- not really???? This is making me have a CRISIS 66:What’s the weather like right now?- well it's 103 degrees and I'm in the middle of the desert so yeah I love it67:What was the last book I’ve read?- secret life of bees by sue monk kidd68:Do I like the smell of gasoline?- jesus no it's my worst enemy 69:Do I have any nicknames?- Katie I guess??? Everyone calls me that instead of Katerina 70:What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?- broke my skull on a tennis court 71:Do I spend money or save it?- spend it....72:Can I touch my nose with a tongue?- no 73:Is there anything pink within 10 ft from me?- yeah some colored ping pong balls im not sure why though 74:Favourite animal?- crocodiles and squid 75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM?- FaceTiming 76:What do I think is Satan’s last name is?- Peterson 77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?- Temperature by Sean Paul 78:How can you win my heart?- by being @flowercoasts79:What would I want to be written on my tombstone?- bye bitch80:What is my favorite word?- snatched 81:My top 5 blogs on tumblr- I don't know probably porn blogs 82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?- butthole83:Do I have any relatives in jail?- yeah 84:What superpower would I have?- shapeshifting is by far my favorite 85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?- 86:What is my current desktop picture?- a picture of tracer with crying Michael Jordan's face photoshopped onto it87:Had sex?- yeah88:Bought condoms?- yeah but not for myself 89:Gotten pregnant?- no90:Failed a class?- no91:Kissed a boy?- yeah92:Kissed a girl?- yeah93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?- no94:Had job?- yeah95:Left the house without my wallet?- yeah96:Bullied someone on the internet?- I once told this girl on facebook that I was gonna eat her babies in like 7th grade97:Had sex in public?- .....kind of????98:Played on a sports team?- yeah football and softball99:Smoked weed?- yeah100:Did drugs?- no101:Smoked cigarettes?- no102:Drank alcohol?- yeah103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan?- no but I was for like 3 months a few years ago lmao104:Been overweight?- I'm really heavy but I wouldn't say I was overweight??? 105:Been underweight?- nopeeeee 106:Been to a wedding?- yeah my moms and I had to dance with my new weird step dad 107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?- oh yes108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight?- Oh Yes109:Been outside my home country?- no110:Gotten my heart broken?- no111:Been to a professional sports game?- yeah I've been to a baseball game it was terrible 112:Broken a bone?- yeah like 12113:Cut myself?- not on purpose 114:Been to prom?- yeah115:Been in airplane?- yeah116:Fly by helicopter?- yeah 117:What concerts have I been to?- none118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex?- yeah for my entire LIFE119:Learned another language?- kinda 120:Wore make up?- yeah 121:Lost my virginity before I was 18?- yeah122:Had oral sex?-yeah god damn these are really gettin into DETAIL123:Dyed my hair?- no124:Voted in a presidential election?- no125:Rode in an ambulance?- yeah126:Had a surgery?- no 127:Met someone famous?- I meet god in my dreams 128:Stalked someone on a social network?- not really129:Peed outside?- all the time 130:Been fishing?- yeah I'm not a fan 131:Helped with charity?- yeah132:Been rejected by a crush?- yeah133:Broken a mirror?- yeah I slammed into that bitch134:What do I want for birthday?- to go to my girlfriends house 135:How many kids do I want and what will be their names?- one and Alexandria 136:Was I named after anyone?- yeah my great grandma 137:Do I like my handwriting?- I don't really care but I know it's super bad 138:What was my favourite toy as a child?- Kim possible and avatar the last air bender139:Favourite Tv Show?- I haven't watched any recently but it's probably the legend of korra 140:Where do I want to live when older?- in Las Vegas or somewhere in California 141:Play any musical instrument?- guitar 142:One of my scars, how did I get it?- cut my elbow open on a random glass shard in my bathtub while I was drunk143:Favourite pizza toping?- pineapple and ham😎144:Am I afraid of the dark?- no I love it 145:Am I afraid of heights?- not really I'm pretty good with being in high places 146:Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?- got caught by my mom coming home with McDonalds at 2 am and she was like ....you didn't even get me anything 147:Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?- every time I take a math test148:What I’m really bad at- showing someone I really like them without being weird. 149:What my greatest achievements are- uhhhh getting best lineman in football, my ACT score, Gettin a smokin' gf150:What I’d do if I won the lottery- buy houses for all my friends. I'm talking the whole street and we're all gonna be neighbors. Buy my mom a house in the Bahamas
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shame-on-nyall · 8 years
Tumblr media
Ok, if you asked this or you are a friend of this person or agree with this person, please, I beg you, unfollow me immediately after reading this post. I’m not even sure why I have more than 5 followers anyway, lmao, but okay, hear me out.
First of all! When an artist sketches a character and does not color in their skin it does not mean they think the character is white or even light-skinned! This only would have mattered if the artist posted a finished colored piece and McCree’s skin was still much lighter than his default model’s skin tone, and even so, one could still argue that they color picked from the other much lighter-skinned models because those exist too. So already this ask is starting on shaky ground.
Furthermore, what about the drawing makes one think McCree was white? I, an artist, saw a sketch in the artist’s particular style, which doesn’t have that much difference in key facial features between an Asian and a white person, so for all I can tell, McCree could be part Asian, part white, part Hispanic, part Native and part black, and uhh, Hanzo could be part white and part Australian aborigine and part Pacific Islander. Like, that’s just this person’s style???
Next, why couldn’t McCree be a white person? I know everyone believes he must be part native or have Latin ancestry because that is a reasonable thing to believe if the character is born in the Southwest United States, and I believe that, too, as a person living in the Southwest. But I also kinda have assumed that his father or grandfather or whoever must have British ancestry as well to explain the last name McCree (unless he just made up his name, also possible.) So sure, he is most likely not 100% European Caucasian mayonaise white if he was born in the Southwest United States decades from now, but again, we don’t know that, and sometimes people choose to identify as white even when they aren’t technically so, so there’s that as well.
Another thing, drawing a skinny and busty genderbend with no flaws is an artist opinion. Anyone can interpret a genderbend of a fictional character any way they want, it’s not wrong or right because guess what, it’s not based on a character model that currently exists, it’s someone’s imagination. Even if the genderbend model does exist, it can be an alternate universe! I have every reason to believe that young McCree is skinny (well, he seems broad-shouldered but fairly lean as a young man) and extrapolate that to a female version. He also had both arms until at least 25 years or so, so I also didn’t have to draw him with his cyborg arm. Plus, it’s a sketch, I sometimes forget tattoos and scars on a sketch because I’m excited to post the sketch!!! I try not to, but sometimes I do! I’m very excitable!
Also, this whole ask was worded in such an arrogant and entitled manner to a person whom I believe speaks Korean, who was so disturbed enough by it to delete their post so I had to go their twitter to find the image to use as reference for female leggies. Would not a “I’d love to see a 37 year old female McCree in your style with cyborg arm and really cool bullet scars” or something similar be a considerate and graceful grown-up thing to add?
And last but not least, how is harrassing a fanartist who drew this art in their spare time for free and shared it to the English-speaking fandom on Tumblr helping the cause of feminism and equal rights for all in any way? Imagine instead of smugly hitting send on this rude as heck ask, you took a deep breath, looked out the window and considered:
1. writing a check to a local women’s shelter or clinic
2. volunteering to be a big brother or sister to children who need assistance
3. walking dogs at an animal shelter 
4. messaging a friend who has been struggling with school or work and letting them know you support them 
5. writing a letter to an editor of a fashion magazine saying that you hope they include more plus-size models or models with scars and skin discolorations and that they are doing a good job not photoshopping Beyonce’s skin lighter, etc
6. literally anything else!!! anything else would positively affect how women and people of color and people with disabilities are treated in this real world instead of maybe making almost no difference at all in the online fandom of one video game
Look, I’ve been there. I once was a 19 year old university student, exposed to new ideas about justice and fairness and diversity. My little close-minded sheltered brain was suddenly opened to concepts I admired and wanted to desperately share. But I was poor, had no transportation, no friends at college, and the only way I could communicate was through the internet (Myspace and uhh... deviantart? Livejournal?) I’ve said things like this before and years later, I wish I hadn’t because I sounded like a fucking asshole. I meant well, and I thought everyone could perceive my good intentions, so I thought it gave me the right to say whatever. But I know now that it probably hurt a lot more people than it helped, because I was losing allies, alienating would-be friends, giving social justice a bad name with my rudeness and unwillingness to consider other people’s thoughts because I was so sure I was right. I didn’t know back then, I was extremely introverted and somewhere on the autism spectrum, I had no experience expressing myself carefully or effectively online, and no one told me what I should have done instead. (in my partial defense, the internet was a new thing back then.) So that’s why I’m telling everyone now.
Internet activism really helps your ego, and sometimes you want and need that. But helping out in real life is much better in the long run, even it’s harder and slower work. If you really want to criticize a fanartist or fanfic writer because you can’t help anyone in real life, then go ahead. But get your facts straight, be an adult, make that person proud to have learned something from you instead of ashamed and bewildered.
Anyway, I was really pissed and needed to get that off my chest lmao. I did a lot of work at women’s shelters and interned at Planned Parenthood so I get really angry and defensive when artists who are most likely female and not white or cishet get these rude af criticisms because I know they came from a good place. But like... Nazi ideology came from a good place, too. Comments like these censor and intimidate, and they don’t censor and intimidate the fat cats in Hollywood and the old out-of-touch men in capital cities, they censor and intimidate people who struggle to be accepted, people like us.
Just think twice, my dudes.
Ok, I’m done. Back to shimada bros content... later. Thank you for reading. Unfollow me now. Unless you really want to stay on this train lmao.
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