#so i turned back around and went the first way and boom. train like i thought.
tinyorangepotato · 2 years
Leave earlier❤️ride a bike❤️
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#anon#asks#thanks for the ask#i cpuldnt find my super distorated of just the arms up image so i got this instead#and yeyeyyeye thats why i try to leave early to things#i made it home and then back to work on time but man these trains are insane#i guess thats what you expdcted when a train yard is like right there#but yeah i left and shouldve gotten home at like 1:40 which would mean i would have an hour to get ready for work eat and proabbly#work on my puzzle for a bit#but i was on the fastest way home (legit like 3 minute drive) and saw like 5 cars all one after another so i turned aorund expecting a trai#n so fuck that way. went the other way which was about a 5 minute drive just for a train to be there too (proabbyl same one)#so i turned back around and went the first way and boom. train like i thought.#i still got like 30 minutes so ill sty and wait#train is still at a complete stop and has been since i got there. so i leave 10 monutes later and go the even longer way which. from where#i just was. is about 10 15 minutes till i get home.#im able to get home and get ready but by the time i leave i alreayd shouldve been at work (they say get there 15 minutes early so you can#catch up to whats happening as shift changes (you clock on so no big deal))#i go to leave. to go to work. which is about 3 minutes away the fast way.#TRAIN IS STILL FUCKIJG THERE COMPLETELT STOPPED STILL#took the long way and got here before 3 so not late for my shift but still late yknow.#anywyas its to be expected and happens often. still frustrating thiugh#also i did have a bike that i bought last year. rode it once while at camp. brought it back home in gararge#someoke stole it out of the fucking garage. im not getting a bike anytime soon. fuck that#i proabbly will when it get warmer hoenstly. maybe not though#i should start exercising more epxe8callt since i think i could get my roommate to join me so im not all alone just walking or riding#anwyyas mm lucnh break done#oh also. from me being annoyed. i forgot ym fucking rings again. we are overstaffed on afternoons#and so im bored msot times and i cant put my hands on pockets because itll look bad#and so i keep menaing to put my rings on but i keep forgetting#smhsmsh my lifes so hard /s
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mj0702 · 6 months
The other Bronze – Part 12
I tell you guys - this was a very complicated birth 😅😅 I hope you enjoy it and next part (if wanted) will be more happy and chaotic again ❤️❤️
I want to thank all me patient anons... and of course @valewosomtb and @samkerrworshipper for having me back in every situation... and new to that list is @georgiaswifey who literally saved me ass from dying this week due to boredom ❤️❤️
After breakfast all of you boarded the bus to St. Georges Park for the first training of Camp. You of course tried to sit next to G just for Lucy to pull you up by your shirt and push you further down the way disposing you next to Mary as she slipped into the row next to you
“You can't be serious?” you growled towards your sister and her actions
“Dixie Chicks serious” your sister smirked back as she pushed you slightly into Mary
“Yeah... you do actually behave like Aubrey” you grumbled as you let Mary pull you into her side without even watching the interaction as she looked out of the window
“You ready for training Bubs?” Lucy asked now and you knew she was just being concerned after what happened a few days ago in Barcelona
“Yeah... if it gets too much I just go into the bosses office... I promise I won't bolt” you reassured her
“Okay... if you need anything Kei and I are always there okay” your sister said insistently
“Yeah I know...” you smiled softly
“Hey y/n” Rachels head shot up from the seat in front of you
“Yeah...” you already saw the glint in her eye which meant fun
“Truth or Truth?” the blonde asked grinning
“Ehrm... truth?” you played along smirking
“Good choice... okay... Have you ever faked sick to get out of a party?” Rachel grinned knowing the answer already
“Not a party but school and training, yeah” you shrugged your shoulders
“Training????” now Lucy looked up from her phone
“Sure... it's like suuuuuper easy.. down a bottle of water and sprint a few meters... boom... getting sick everywhere” you answered nonchalantly “Go on Rache... I'll give you one more”
“Excuse me?? Hold on.. when...” your sister interrupted
“Just before we had that “friendly” against the Arsekiddos...” you shrugged as Beth Mead turned around glaring at you
“It's Arsenal” she corrected you and you saw that she wasn't as serious
“There's a reason why there's an ARSE in Arsenal... and if you cut out the “rse” you get Anal... so... you can't argue with that” you smirked and shrugged your shoulders
You absolutely loved your Arsenal women but it's just as much fun to rile them up
“You just wait Pumpkin... you just wait...” Meado smirked back and you knew the worst thing what would happen would be a noogie “I'll just tell Viv to not bring any stroopwaffle back from camp this time”
“You wouldn't” you exclaimed shocked
“Oh I will...” Beth smirked
“You can't... Viv's me friend” you whined
“I licked it it's mine” Meado smirked evilly
“Oh god... disgusting” you shuddered as she winked at you
“Have you ever been nude in public?” Rache now spoke up again and a few heads turned towards you – including Keira, Georgia and Lucy
“I mean... Less, Toons and I went moonlight skinny dipping last year... does that count as nude in public?” you looked expectantly at Rachel who just bursted out laughing at Lucys horrified face
“Totally counts... got room for another?” now Millie got involved as well
“What's the weirdest thing you've done on a plane?” the larger blonde asked
“I... got on the wrong plane” you mumbled embarrassed as the bus around you interrupted in laughter
“You what? How can you get on a wrong plane??” Millie asked shocked
“It's easy when you're seven and just walk behind a man and the attendant mistakes you for his daughter and just pushes you through....” you fidget with fingers
“Where did you end up??” Mary asked chuckling
“Lucy??” you looked at your sister for help
“Iceland... she ended up in Iceland” your sister growled remembering the exact moment she realized at the airport that you were gone – and how she freaked out when the airport security from Reykjavík Airport contacted her telling her what happened. And how she needed to fly to Iceland to pick you up since you were a minor who wasn't allowed to fly on your own
“Beautiful country” you said wishfully as your sister groaned loudly
“I had to pick you up” Lucy huffed out
“But you can't deny that Iceland is a beautiful country” you shrugged your shoulders
“May I have a throw in as well?” now Leah asks not even waiting for an answer “y/n... truth or truth?”
“You can royally fuck off Williamson” you sneered and suddenly the whole bus was quiet and everyone was looking at you with wide eyes
“y/n!!!” Lucy said sternly “Apologize... Now”
“She first” you said reluctantly
“No... you will stop using your ass as a hat and get a grip” your sister gritted out “She's the Capitan and you will NOT talk to her like this... and if you can't accept her as the Capitan then it's still Leah and you will not talk to Leah like this – the person Leah not the player Leah”
“I wasn't talking to the person Leah” you huffed out “I was talking to the Capitan Leah”
“Okay wow... the different Leahs giving me headaches” you heard Tooney mumble which made you chuckle and had the effect that the situation got a little bit lighter
“Talk to me pumpkin” the blonde said softly as she ushered your sister away to take her place sitting down.
“I'm not talking to the Capitan... because she fucked up” you grunted pushing yourself further into Mary like a three year old
“Then talk to your friend” Leah tried again
“We're in a professional environment...” you grumbled
“Okay...” Leah accepted that she wouldn't get anything out of you just now
She leaned back in now her seat and sighed deeply. After a minute she pushed herself out of the seat walking to the front of the bus. She sat down in the first row next to Sarina
“I need to talk to her in private before training” Leah came straight to the point not even looking at Sarina but keeping her eyes trained forward
“I think so too...” the dutch said lowly “... but first I want to know why you roomed them together”
“I wanted that they maybe talk and whatever caused the riff between them could maybe resolved... I want her on the team too... she's good and she needs something to occupie her... I don't want to ever see her like two years ago.. never again” the blonde said lowly so just Sarina heard what she said
“What happened two years ago?” Sarina asked confused and concerned at the same time
“You don't know?” Leah asked surprised
“No” the dutch shook her head
“She tried to overdose... she called Leila because she got scared and Leila rushed over and basically forced the pills back out... then Leila called Hempo and Hempo called Beth... you know how the chain works... we got her to London on the lie of her missing Millie because even her parents didn't catch on...” the blonde said seriously
“I had no idea” Sarina said shocked
“Neither do Lucy and Keira” Leah said insistently
“No one had the guts to call them?” the dutch smirked
“We would all be dead if they knew... Keira just moved to Spain.. what would you think would have happened if we call her that y/n just tried to commit suicide?” the blonde snorted humourless “But seriously Sarina... I need to talk to her”
“I'll can excuse you for 15 minutes... but Leah... you may be the Capitan but I can tell you know... what happened between them won't be resolvable...” Sarina warned Leah
“You know?” Leah asked surprised
“I was there... I saw what happened... and I'll be honest with you Leah... it was bad” the dutch said as the bus came to a halt in front of St. Georges park “But the only one who should talk about this is y/n herself....”
“OKAY EVERYONE... YOU KNOW THE DRILL!! YOU HAVE 20 MINUTES TO GET ON THE PITCH – LOOK AFTER THE NEWBIES!” Leah yelled as the bus came to a stop and she pushed herself out of her seat facing the team
The players shuffled of the bus one by one the sensible veterans (not Millie and Rachel) showed the new players around and took them under their wing knowing how nerve wrecking it can be. Just as you exit the bus Leah was by your side
“Not you... you and I will go to the office” the blonde said and before you could complain (or bolt) she already had your arm in a death grip pulling you along
“That's literally textbook kidnapping” you said outraged
“If I wanted to kidnap you I would whack you over the head so I would have some peace while kidnapping you” the blonde grumbled as she pushed you into an empty office
You stood in the middle of the room while Leah went over to the big table leaning against it arms crossed over her chest
“Look... I just tried to do what I thought was right – I want you on the team... I need you on the team – I need you FOR the team” Leah started talking but stayed away from you.
She knew you well enough to read your body language which told her you wouldn't accept physical touch from her right now. So she stayed leaned against the table but let her arms fall to her side to signal you that she doesn't mean any harm
“You don't realize it but you are the glue in this team... and I'm sorry that I didn't talk to you about the rooming situation but I wanted to just give you a little push... both of you... I know you were friends and suddenly you two can't even talk to each other... I just wanted to get you to talk” Leah said apologetic
“There's a reason why we don't get along anymore” you said reserved
“I know that NOW...” the blonde rolled her eyes “I mean I don't know WHY but I know there's a reason...”
“So you talked to Sarina” you mused defenesly
“I did... If you wonder she just said it was bad nothing else” Leah said quickly
“So why are you so desperate for us to get along?” you asked weary
“As I said... I want you on and for the team... you know Sarina would give her last... waffle thing for you to join the Lionesses” the blonde tried to make you understand her point
“I can't play anymore...” you plopped down in one of the chairs
“But you can help us win... you have an eye for situations and plays like no one else... but I also know YOU... you might be grown up as a footballer – but as a person you are still a 16 year old girl... and I REALLY want you on this team but I fear that you wouldn't be unbiased...” Leah said softly “I know you can be.. I know you will be... but I needed to do something”
“Very wrong approach” you scoffed
“I know.... and I'm sorry” the blonde sighed
“Okay...” you shrugged your shoulders
“Okay?” Leah asked confuse
“Look... I am the reason LJ is still on this team... I won't tell you what happened because I know you love me and you will try to make it up to me somehow... but I told Sarina to keep her on the team... I told Keira not to do anything... so I may not be her fan personally... but as a player I can act civil and give my unbiased opinion” you told the Capitan seriously looking her straight in the eye
“Keira knows?” the blonde asked surprised
“Not by choice... she overheard something she shouldn't have... but that's beside the point... you fucked up... you apologized... we're good” you grinned “... AFTER you get Viv to bring me back stroopwaffle”
“You really had to get the comment about Arsenal out there didn't you?? How long did you work on that one?” Leah smiled back
“Not long... Leila and Greensie helped... we had fun” you shrugged grinning
“So... we're good Pumpkin?” Leah asked again
“Yeah... we're good Lee” you smiled as you pushed yourself out of your chair walking over to her and let yourself fall into her arms
“I love you Pumpkin” the blonde mumbled into your hair
“Love you too Lee” you mumbled against her neck
The two of you stayed like this for a minute until it knocked on the door and Sarina stuck her head inside
“Need you on the pitch Leah...” was the only thing the dutch said smiling softly seeing you in her captains arms
“Okay... let's go Pumpkin” Leah pushed you two off the table but kept her arm around your shoulders “Let's get out there and be great”
You entered the pitch together with Leah under the watchful gaze of Lucy and Keira but as soon as they saw that you had a small smile on your face and Leah had her arm around you they went back to their warm up
“They made up” Lucy spoke lowly as she stretched next to Keira
“Good... I already have you, LJ and G to keep an eye out for... not to mention Bitsy... if I needed to added Leah to that list too I would have shot myself” Keira mumbled back
“What do you mean me??” your sister exclaimed
“You were a dick to G yesterday and this morning... keep it up Lucia and you and I will have a nice talk once back in Barcelona” the blonde murmured back before standing up being done stretching “I know you actually don't mean any harm to them but I think you don't know how much both of them need your approval”
“It's not like G asked me to give my blessing” Lucy grumbled
“But she will one day” Keira said sternly before walking away
“Hey Liefje...” Sarina smiled as you joined her on the side-line watching the doing some basic drills to get the newbies used to the style and pace of style
“Ehrm.. why are there just 24 players on the pitch?” you puckered your lips and bashed your eyelashes
“Huh?” Sarina started to count the players – with you already knowing who was missing – and then whistled.
The girls came over confused why their coach called them over
“Where is James?” the dutch asked sternly looking at the vets while you had to bite your tongue really fucking hard to keep a straight face
“She was next to me in the locker room” Lucy said confused as she turned around looking for LJ
“Leah?” Sarina looked at her Capitan expectantly
“No clue” the blonde replied “I thought everyone was already out since I had something to take care off...”
Finally LJ emerged from the tunnel looking stressed – and she was barefoot.
“James... you're late... five laps after training” Sarina said strict
“Coach please... It's not my fault” LJ tried to reason with the dutch “It's y/n fault” she send you an evil look
“Moi??” you pointed at yourself innocently “I didn't do anything”
“I'm pretty sure I didn't pack two left cleats this morning... nor did I pack socks with holes in them” LJ sneered towards you
“I mean... I know Less has two left feet James...” you got quickly interrupted by Lessis “Hey... wait.. naah.. sounds about right” before you looked LJ dead in the eye “... but I never thought you have two... your passing is 90 something...”
You knew you were pushing your luck here but after what happened yesterday in your room you didn't give a flying fuck anymore
“You changed my cleats...” LJ growled
“I didn't do anything... if you accuse me of doing something...you better prove it” you growled back using her own words against her
“Okay... enough” Lucy pushed herself between you two to defuse the situation “Bubs... did you change LJs cleats?”
“How and when should I have done this?? You didn't let me out of your sight... I wasn't even allowed to say good morning to me girlfriend” you exclaimed annoyed
“True... you were with me the whole time” your sister mumbled but unsurprisingly Keira threw you a smirk knowing you somehow pulled this prank off
“I KNOW IT WAS YOU!!” LJ now exploded behind Lucy not believing you one bit
“Prove it” you said calm and looked her straight in the eye
“Okay... you do it again... LJ I have a second pair in my locker come on... you can have them” Lucy said as she pulled LJ away so the two of you wouldn't start fighting
“That backfired Bitsy” Keira grinned as she stood next to you
“Keira... sweet lovely Kei...” you grinned evilly “... since when does my sister pack a second pair of cleats?”
“Huh?” Keira looked confused before recovering “Never...”
“Exactly... so take a guess who threw the second pair in her bag?” you smirked seeing your plan enfold perfectly
“Why Bitsy... why would you help LJ?” the blonde mumbled
“Is it help if she has to do a three hour training session in shoes that are not hers?” you mused
“What do you mean?” Keira look at you lost
“The cleats are fitted to Luce feet... so either they are too big or too small... so tomorrow LJ either can't walk or she doesn't feel comfortable in her own cleats anymore and that will affect her play one way or the other” you smirked evil before turning around leaving an stunned Keira behind joining Sarina a little bit down the line.
“Evil Genius” Keira smirked to herself before walking over to Leah and Georgia
“It was her wasn't it?” Georgia asked immediately when Keira joined them
“Of course it was...” the blonde chuckled
“She told me you knew... tell us” Leah said hoping to get something out of her best friend
“No... not my business.... I promised her I wouldn't take any actions and that includes not saying anything because if people like Millie or Mary – or god forbid Lucy - get word of what happened than a pair of mixed up cleats would be LJs smallest problem – Millie would go all brickwall on her and Lucy would go out for the kill” Keira said seriously and even G caught on not to push the matter
“Wow... it must have been bad” now Tooney interrupted
“It was... and that's the last time we'll talk about it” the blonde said sternly fixing Tooney with a glare “Did I make myself clear?”
“Totally” Ella held her hands up in surrender
“Oi... less chatty chatty more runny runny” you yelled over to the four players grinning with Sarinas hands on your shoulders as she stood behind you like a proud mother
“What did I do now??” Lessi asked confused
“You did nothing?” you asked back confused
“You just say “Less chatty”...” Lessi said bewildered
“Not Less.... Less” you tried to make your point clear “as in... not so much... not as in Less Russo”
“Eh?” now you lost Lessi completely
“No talking – yes running” you huffed out
“AH... yeah that makes sense” the blonde finally catched on and smiled brightly
“Good... now run” you shooed her away
“What would you do with them now?” Sarina asked you as you watched the team getting back to their passing drills.
She wanted to include you more since she planned to take you with the team to the world cup
“Are you asking as a head coach – because that would be bad if you had no clue how to prepare a team or as Mama Rina who just tries to get me to sign for the team again?” you smirked keeping your eyes fixed on the pitch
“Neither... just interested” the dutch smiled as she stepped next to you
“Group B doesn't click... you should change players” you said focused
“And group B is?” Sarina asked not knowing which group you dubbed as “B”
“Walsh, Greenwood, Stanway, James, Carter” you mumbled trying to find the problem “Their play is off... switch Walsh for Clinton”
“Keira!!” Sarina yelled towards the midfielder “Switch with Grace”
“Better but still off...” you mumbled again after a few minutes after Keira and Grace swapped their places “G!!!” you yelled and beckoned your girlfriend over which caused Lucys head to snap towards you
“Yeah?” Georgia panted a little bit after she jogged over to you
“Cut the crap” you growled and your girlfriend looked at you with big shocked eyes
“I...” G started to stammer not knowing what to say
“No... cut the crap” you said sternly and even Sarinas eyes widen “I know what you're doing... stop it”
“No idea what you're talking about” your girlfriend mumbles out looking at you sheepishly
“You don't work against her...” you said furious
“I didn't” G defended herself
“You did... your passes to her are sloppy and you know it... IF you play a pass to her that is... I know what you are doing but this matter doesn't concern you” you fixed your girlfriend with a glare
“You are my girlfriend... of course it concerns me... Kei said it was bad and I won't...” Georgia started before you interrupt her
“You won't anything... And right now I'm not your girlfriend... I'm just someone because if I'd be your girlfriend right now this would be highly unprofessional and we don't do unprofessional... and the whole situation... NOT. YOUR. BUSINESS” you now sneered “You will be the player I know you are... the player who plays for her team and country... and not for her team minus LJ”
Now Sarina caught on and was actually impressed how you grew as a person that you don't back down from even telling your own girlfriend off.
“Now cut the crap and get your shit together or I'll convince the head coach that it would be beneficial if you'd run some laps with LJ after training”
Georgia looked at you like she seen a ghost but nodded slowly
“Good...” you huffed “... now go and be the player I know”
Your girlfriend scrambled off quickly and you already could see the change in the whole play after you ripped her head off and screwed it back on in place the right way around
“That was...” Sarina started and you raised an eyebrow at her “... big... I didn't think you would rip your girlfriend a new one”
“If she deserves it I would rip Lucy a new one... I don't need anyone to fight me battles” you huffed still a bit angry
“They don't fight the battles FOR you... they fight battles WITH you” the dutch said softly “And Leah told me what happened two years ago... want to say something about that?”
“Nope...” you popped the “p”
“You know we'll talk about it...” Sarina said and this time it was her who had the sternness in her voice
“Ugh... Williamson really can't keep her gob shut” you groaned
“She thought I knew.. and now I'm thankful for her slip up” the dutch said “... What do you think about a 3v3?”
“5v5 … So G is basically forced to pull her finger out of her ass and start acting like a teammate again” you said back easily accepting the topic change
“If I would be a petty asshole... wait.. I AM a petty asshole...” you grinned at your adoptive mom “swap Greenwood with Bronze”
“Why would I do this?” Sarina raised her eyebrow again
“So my sister is forced to play alongside my girlfriend and not against her” you grinned “This gonna be fun”
Sarina actually swapped teams around a little so it wouldn't be to obvious and in the end team blue contained Bronze, Clinton, Stanway, Carter and James. They were up against team yellow who was Bright, Daly, Walsh, Greenwood and Mead.
“Georgia… drop back and come more in the backside” Sarina yelled with her Dutch accent
Your head snapped up (as did several heads from the team) finding the eyes of your girlfriend immediately as you both start to blush furiously while both of you stated a deer caught in the head light look.
“That’s… that’s not how you say it Mama Rina” you cleared your throat multiple times as you tried to avoid looking at your Sister.
“What did I say wrong?” the Dutch woman asked confused as several of your girlfriends teammates started to snicker and Millie even going so far as in clapping Georgia on the back
“Didn’t know you had it in ya, Stanway” the east midlander said grinning like a Cheshire cat
“oh no that wasn’t her…. That was me… I had it in me” you said offhandly realizing a split second later WHAT you just said as you already saw Lucys twitching eye as she turned towards your girlfriend looking her dead in the eye
“Run” was the only thing your sister said dangerously low.
Georgia already turned around sprinting away with your sister hot on her heels
Millie, Rachel Alex and Mary busted out laughing as Georgia ran past them her face red as a fire extinguisher.
“SORRY BABE!!!” you yelled after her as she sprinted past you your sister not far behind.
“See Bitsy… THIS is why I always tell you to think before you speak” Keira said standing next to you as she grabbed a water bottle.
“I don’t understand what the issue is” Sarina looking confused from one player to the next
“Backside is… your behind… you know Mama Rina” you tried to explain as much as possible with saying too much just for having the Dutch woman staring at you lost
“You basically told Stanway to come in someone ass” Rachel blurted out
“Oh… that’s… unfortunate” Sarina said after the words have sunken in.
“And little Bronze here basically confirmed that that’s what G already did” Millie laughed as she pulled you into side
“I didn’t mean too… it just… slipped out” you whined embarrassed
“I bet it did” Millie bursting out laughing as you punched her in the ribs which clearly didn’t phase her
Just as you wanted to respond what an incredible ass Millie is being your girlfriend sprinted past you again
“Stop her…” you heard her faintly begging voice as her breaths came out labored
“Keira please…” you turned to your basically other sister at this point
“Oh no… I’m not getting involved… that’s the Captains job.. or the head coaches job” Keira grinned widely
“Leaaaaaah…. Pleeeeeeeease” you begged at the England Captain now desperation clear in your voice
“Nope… you started it – your problem” the blonde smirked finding the whole situation highly entertaining
“Ugh” you moaned “you know… at least I get them to run… you weren’t as successful earlier”
You knew it was a cheap dig at Leah reminding her how she tried to get Lucy and Georgia to run only to find Lucy staring daggers at the younger one who preferred to hide behind Millie
“I swear I will pull a napoleon move on you and send you to exile” the blonde captain threatened you but her eyes were shining with mischief
“You can’t do that… Mama Rina wants me here to figure out what’s wrong with you lot” you said quickly turning around to the womens head coach “She can’t do that right?!”
“I mean… she IS the captain…” Sarina smirked
“HA!!” Leah yelled out victorious
“I promise I’ll be quiet” you begged again “but please don’t let her kill my girlfriend”
You looked around to find your girlfriend in the stands climbing quickly over the seats as Lucy followed not as graciously but still close
“At this point one or both of them will get hurt…” you heard Keira muse beside you which caused Sarina AND Leah springing into action
“LUCY!!!” Sarina yelled and whistled loudly and you saw your sister stop dead in her tracks turning around as the Dutch waved her back over
“I nearly had her” Lucy exclaimed annoyed as she stood in front of Sarina
“And I would have been one midfielder down…” the Dutch deadpanned back “… now back to training”
“We talk later” your sister shot you a dark glare which made you shrink into Millies side
“Don’t worry kiddo… she’ll get some energy out and she’ll be much more calm” Millie said reassuring feeling your hesitation
Your girlfriend opted to stay in the stands bending over her hands on her knees as she tries to catch her breath
“Lucy… Georgia… a word please” Sarina called out to both of them which made your sister turn on her heels to walk back to her head coach.
Georgia was a little slower to come down from her place but made it eventually standing next to Leah so she wasn’t in your Sisters reach
“I understand it’s a… rather complicated situation” the Dutch started “… but if you can’t remain professional on the pitch I will not hesitate to send you both home.. I let you have your moments understanding that you both love her… but keep it either to a minimum or best case – leave it completely.. we have a tournament to prepare for and I can’t have two of my best players at each others throats”
“Sorry Sarina” Georgia mumbled ashamed feeling like a small kid that got scolded for having a cookie before dinner
“Yeah… sorry Coach” Lucy chimed in
“And now kiss” you chuckled finding joy in the fact that for once it wasn’t you but Lucy who got told off.
This comment resulted in a murderous glare from your sister, an eye roll from Sarina, a REALLY shocked face (and a tiny scared squeak) from Georgia and a REALLY hard slap on the back if your head courtesy of Leah.
“Good… now go and rejoin the team” Sarina smiled before turning to you “… and you… you will go inside into my office – I’ll join you in a second”
You looked horrified thinking you’re in trouble with the teams head Coach – which people could trust you on… it’s not fun
“You are not in trouble” the Dutch clarified as she saw the horror on your face “I need your observant brilliancy…” she smiled at you encouraging stroking over your head like a mother would
“Which team am I looking at?” you asked after you sighed put relieved
“Spain… they were always very good but since last year they’re killing it… I want to know why and I want a way to throw them off” Sarina said seriously
“Just drug up your players and let them loose… that’ll throw them right off” you mumbled under your breath but Sarina understood you anyway laughing at your grumpy mood
“I heard you had quite the experience in Barcelona, kleintje” the Dutch chuckled before sending you off to her office.
You just settled into the big leather chair which was normally occupied by the blonde head coach herself as Sarina stepped through the door seeing you in her chair. She just glared at you raising an eyebrow waiting for you to move. You did so with a loud groan and a huff before you plopped down on the other side of the big table into one of the chairs
“Sitting in my chair” the blonde tzked under her breath but you saw the smile tugging around her lips “I have a proposition”
Your ears perked up and you looked at her interested
“I want you as part of the Team… we’re preparing for a world cup and I want the best people…” Sarina started looking for any reaction in your face but up to now you didn’t move a muscle
“You know better than anyone I can’t play… my knees are more fucked than Lucys” you said calmly leaning back in your seat
“I don’t want you as a player… I want you as an analyst / assistant coach… I know it’s very unusual with firstly your age and you having no experience in either of these positions but I know how good you are… you pick up on the smallest things and I fully believe you could change the Game.. I also want that World Cup Title” Sarina explained and you saw she was serious about it
“I talked to FIFA about it – no pressure but I wanted to know the legal side of it… as long you have a “guardian” they see no problem since other teams send girls your age as players” the Dutch said furthermore
“Who would that guardian be?” you asked equally as serious
“whomever you want… as long as they have an English citizenship and there isn’t a conflict of interest” the blonde answers your question already knowing this would be the first thing you’d pick up on
“So Lucy is out of question” you mused to yourself
“If you keep it professional she doesn’t have to be ruled out” Sarina said lovingly knowing how much your sister means to you
“No… people could pick up on it and throw a fit… “ you said rolling your eyes
“So you accept?” the Dutch looking at you interested
“I’m not saying yes… but I’m also not saying no” you answered honestly “I need to think about it”
“Of course, mijn kleine Liefje” Sarina smiled lovingly
“You know… at this rate just adopt me already ” you smirked sensing that the serious part of your meeting was over
“Your sister would have my Head if I announce our new analyst “Y/n Wiegman” …” the Dutch deadpanned
“I mean…. I WOULD be funny” you smirked your eyes shining with mischief
“I could also announce you as a Stanway” now it was the blondes moment to smirk as you frantically shook your head
“Oh I bet Georgia and your sister would be over the moon” Sarina teased you
“They might be but I'll be six feet under” you mumbled
“I won't let that happen” the dutch grinned and pinched your cheeks
“What is it with you today Mama” you groaned as you tried to get away from her
“I missed you Liefje... and I'm happy for you” Sarina smiled letting go of you before pulling you into a loving hug “And I'm so so proud of you how you handle the whole situation”
“Thanks Mama Rina” you mumbled a little embarrassed as you pressed your face against her
“Now.... I need you to find a weak spot in the spanish play” the dutch pushed you slightly away from her and kissed your forehead “be great”
You sat down in her chair and started re-watching the spanish games from the Euros. As you expected the spanish play was nearly perfect – but just nearly. You watched every game while your sister, girlfriend, best friends and your platonic soulmate ran sprints and laps and went to the gym for recovery. You didn't even notice how much time has passed as you got mesmerized by the spanish play. The quick accurate passes. The wordless communication between the players. The link between Alexia, Jenni, Aitana and Marionna. It was truly mesmerizing. BUT – you found a weak spot which made you smirk internally. You looked up when you heard the door open again and saw Sarina entering her office.
“Liefje...” the dutch smiled softly “... it's time to leave”
“Already?” you looked confused
“You've been in here for hours... training is over... you didn't even notice me looking after you three times” Sarina said smiling
“Oh... yeah no.. sorry” you scratched the back of your neck embarrassed
“The team is already on the way back to the hotel...” the dutch said as she walked over to you to shut her computer down
“Do I have to walk back??” you blurted out shocked which caused Sarina to burst out laughing
“No... I have a rental” the dutch laughed “But you still owe me laps for interrupting my meeting yesterday” she winked
“Lessi and Toons too” you shrieked
“They already did their laps... come on... one lap” Sarina winked
“I don't have shoes for running” you tried to get out of it
“Run barefoot” the dutch shrugged her shoulders like it was the most obvious answer
Unknown to you she had a plan. She hoped when you feel the grass of the pitch again that you might be more open to be more involved in training.
“You can't be serious?” you looked at her shocked your eyes wide
“One lap” the dutch nodded
“Ugh” you groaned but started to walk past her towards the field
You sat down at the sideline slowly taking your shoes and socks off. Sarina stood back knowing well enough not to disturb you since this was something you need to experience on your own. That was part of the reason she send the bus on the way without the two of you on board. She didn't need prying eyes nor did you. You probably wouldn't do this right now if you knew there were still people around – even if it were just your sister or your girlfriend. You sat there for another minute with bare feet and Sarina saw your eyes were closed and you wriggled your toes a little bit like you remembered the feeling of grass under your feet but at the same time try to memorize it. Then you pushed yourself up and took a few careful hesitant steps before falling into an easy jog. She saw you rounding the corner flag picking up speed down the goal line before slowing down at the next corner flag. Slow easy jog down the opposite sideline, around the next corner flag picking up speed again – not a full sprint but definitely faster before rounding the fourth flag and slowing down again. To Sarinas surprise you didn't stop. You kept on running but she saw a relaxed smile on your face. Not only relaxed but also relieved. Like you just needed the little push – the little push Sarina provided to get you on the pitch again. The dutch knew you never stopped working out so it was no surprise to her that you kept going for another four rounds making it five in total before stopping at your shoes. You bend over your hands on your knees you panted. You weren't completely breathless but you were breathless in the best way. You don't know why but suddenly you feel tears leaving your eyes and a soft touch on your lower back. You leaned against Sarina both of you just standing there you enjoying the support the dutch offered silently and Sarina just enjoyed the moment she get to spend with you. To see you like this meant more to her than any victory in any big tournament – for the last three years every time Sarina looked at you she saw that broken girl on the ground who was clutching her leg crying in pain but you weren't screaming. You were just laying there writhing in pain crying silently. Sarina was quick to pass the field dropping down to her knees next to your body. You looked so broken and so small. Back then she didn’t know what to do at first but the second your hand fisted itself into her shirt she knew she needed to protect you – and get you into a hospital asap. Sarina untangled your hand from her shirt but immediately held onto your hand with her own. She called her best physio who then came running with two medics. The dutch ordered herself to stay calm for your benefit and it was exactly what you needed. Even when the medics turned you onto your back and she saw the blood seeping through your pants.
It didn't matter how much you pretended to be fine Sarina always saw that little crying girl. But not right now. Now she saw one of the strongest people she ever had the pleasure working with. Right now standing next to you while you catch your breath showed her just how much you've grown. You were still a kid by heart she knew – but as a person you grew up so much. You started to fight your fears even if it started small with five laps around the pitch
“I'm proud of you Liefje” Sarina said lowly rubbing small circles on your lower back
“I'm fucking wheezing after five laps... nothing to be proud of” you panted back
“You started to fight your fear... that's something to be proud of... and now come on – I REALLY don't want to end up on your sisters bad side because I brought you back late” the dutch winked and smiled.
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modelbus · 5 months
Y/n is an ender dragon hybrid that was unsafe in the end, so Mumza (goddess of death) put them on Phil’s doorstep when they were like a month old. Phil is an adoptive parent to Techno, Tommy and Y/N. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo are close friends, growing up Y/N was also close with them. Phil lives in a snowy biome, Techno and tommy have renovated bedrooms from when they were little for when they stay over. The main town is a big clearing in a forest with a river running through. (There’s no government-) Niki runs a flower themed bakery that also sells flowers, Puffy runs a training center, & literally all dsmp people you feel comfortable writing live there, so they can be in a crowd. (not wilbur ofc)
Y/N went missing 5 years ago, when they were 11. (Tommy was 8, Techno was 16) they were looking at the stars from a bench on a forested cliff they liked hanging out at cuz it had a view of their house and the mountains behind it, and XD found them while doin his thing and was like “wait- you’re supposed to be in the end, small child.. I don’t care the void is spreading and its going from looking like a purple and yellow overworld to a bunch of floating islands.” So he /tp’d them back to the end- KEKW anyway- Y/N’s time in the end decays them, turning the ends of their limbs (including their tail and wings) all void like and glitchy but also scales and they’re tall- (do I make any sense rn?) oh, and the endermen try to kill them but shulkers are nice. SO TRAUMA AND TRAPPED IN THE END FIVE YEARS tryna get tf out and go home but surprise being in the end makes em really powerful as the void melds with their soul and basically says “HEY! DRAGON KID, HIIII! YOU’RE COOL, WE’RE GONNA SLOWLY ATTACH TO YOU!.. oh daym your not dying like everything else we try to be friends with..” BOOM VOID POWERS, ITS ALL GLITCHY LOOKING AND BLACK HOLE STUFF, BUT THE VOID IS NICE AND DON’T MEAN TO EAT THINGS SO NOW THEY CAN CONTROL IT KINDA AND FLY AND STUFF.. eventually their void powers get all strong and shit so they can go home, but htey kinda fly around and see all their friends and family acting completely normal and having a GRAVE despite knowing Y/N was still alive somewhere. the void is mad that their family stopped looking for them despite there being no death messages on their communicators so like a protective bestie its all like “bro you gonna take that? You gonna let them forget you like this?. Hellll no.” And they are also like ‘wtf man YOU KNEW I WASN’T DEAD BUT GAVE UP LOOKING-?!’ After spending five years just trying to find a way back home.. SO VILLAIN ARK, THEY START BUILDING A HUGE CASTLE AND ITS LIKE BLACK & PURPLE EVIL CASTLE LAIR TYPA THING. the void oopsie kills the area around so its all like black and decayed around the castle and its like REAL evil lair shit. Y/N sends ominous notes with the coordinates acting like someone who kidnapped her being all like “come here and bring everything you have if want them back.” So they bring (insert all members mothy picks) along with them and go the the castle, BOOM ITS LIKE AN ESCAPE ROOM KINDA THING WITH PUZZLES AND TRAPS N SHIT. so they slowly make their way up to the throne room thats like at the top fighting things and doin puzzles but when they make it to the top they rise up on a little circle platform into the room all ready to see Y/N in a cage next to some big bad guy. but they see Y/N (5 years older than they last saw them) LOOKING LIKE A FUCKING EVIL QUEEN(or king or ruler) WITH END PARTICLES AROUND THEM AND THEY’RE PARTLY MADE OF VOID AND ALL EVIL DRAGON HYBRID QUEEN BADASS SPOOKY. So they’re pissed and stuff tommy is the first to talk before everyone else joins asking questions and being all confused and sad so they talk a little then they get pissed not believing how sad they are acting so they sends mobs made of materialised void to attack them from their throne it goes on a while and they keep fighting and trying to reason with Y/N before tommy is trying to convince them their not lying and explains that they finally decided to give the town a name after they had been missing year and named it after Y/N & built a statue of them as a memorial in the town enter after two years when they finally stopped looking, and what Y/N saw was just a small grave at their childhood home. They don’t believe it at first but eveyones like why would we lie about that?? So Y/N is all like Wait what- so I’ve been hurting you all for no reason- and they end up being horrified with themself after seeing their reflection in the gems on their crown, drop it and break the wall to fly away while repeating ‘I’m so sorry’ and crying. We cut out at tommy picking up the crown all angsty.
I DO have ideas for another 3-5 parts so like if you manage make it into smth and wanna continue it just say the word. *eyes*
-✨🌌🌙 Annon
you wrote this like it’s a movie and god I wish I could edit shit because I’d make you the movie it deserves. I somehow included too many Greek mythology references and for that I’m so sorry…
Pairing: Gn!Hybrid!Reader x Philza, Technoblade, Tommyinnit, Tubbo, Ranboo (+ cameos)
Doomed Dragon
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You love the sun. It’s bright, and warm, and feels like how warm cookies taste when it beams down on your wings. It’s nearly blinding when it reflects off all the snow, but you don’t mind. Sometimes blinding isn’t a bad type of blinding, or at least that’s what Tommy said.
Speaking of Tommy, he told you ages ago he’d be back with Tubbo and Ranboo, but he isn’t. They all ran off to Niki’s flower-bakery-awesome-place so Tubbo could buy some dandelions, and you (being the wise 11 year old you are) decided that suntanning your wings was a far better option. You never did get the hang of trudging through all the snow, and you didn’t want to slather your wings in sunscreen for a fly.
Dad says you’re an ender dragon hybrid. It was a lot of fancy words that led to Techno poking and prodding at you, but you figure it’s practically the same as Dad’s wings. After all, his are black like yours, even if his are feathered and yours aren’t.
“Move it.” Techno orders from behind you, stepping over your wings. You do not, in fact, move. “Phil told me I could check on the dogs.”
You never got why Techno called dad by his first name. You and Tommy both said dad, but Techno just had to be special. Dad said it was his ‘teenage’ phase, and Techno was 16, so he’s got 4 whole years before he’ll call him dad again. Then the second half of his sentence clicks, and you gasp.
“Can I come with?” You plead, but he’s already shaking his head. “Please! I won’t even touch any, I swear!”
“You know they’re scared of your wings.” Techno huffs.
“I’ll tuck them under a blanket really well!”
“They have noses. Besides, aren’t you waitin’ for the rest of your group? What if they come back?”
You puzzle this over, then sigh. “Fine. But be super nice to the dogs for me.”
“Will do.”
Techno vanishes into the snowbanks, his red cloak and pink hair being swallowed up in the white of snow. He better give those dogs your love, or you’ll steal his special shiny books.
You settle into your sunbathing, eyes closing. After a few moments, there’s a thud.
“Techno, I know there’s no way you have those dogs my love—“ you start, eyes still closed.
“Not Technoblade, child.” The voice is echoey, and you jolt up. From above you, a man with two white wings and two glowing rings around his head stares. Looking at him too long makes your eyes hurt, and when you glance away you’ve already forgotten what he looks like.
“Who are you?” You ask sassily, because this is definitely a newcomer. They have wings like dad, but their pretentious ass clothing reminds you of Techno.
“You can call me XD. And you’re out of where you belong. Don’t worry, I’ll get you back to The End in no time.” A hand settles on your shoulder, and panic flares in your mind, because dad taught you all about stranger danger.
Before you can even scream, your stomach twist and drops, and the world around you vanishes entirely.
The End sucks. That was one undeniable truth; The End is horrible and you hate it. Between shulkers—purple things that open to shoot other things that make you float—and the endermen, you were over it.
Although, you had one friend in all the darkness and desolate floating islands. It never gave you a name, and whatever it spoke it certainly wasn’t English, but you understood it all the same. Even gave it a name; hard not to make friends with the one thing that seemed to speak back to you.
In a way, the void replaced the family that never found you.
“Morning, void.” You sigh, tossing a yellow rock into the darkness. It gets chucked back at you, entirely purple. “You’re in a mood today. Sad I didn’t die in the night like always?”
Silence. Then you feel the tingling in your wings, your long tail, the fingers that have turned purple. The void.
Ḷïẗẗḷë ḋṛäġöṅ
“Yeah yeah.” You huff. “That’s me.”
You run your fingers alone the yellow stone below you. Mentally, you call it endstone. Seems fitting enough. Following your touch, purple spreads, eroding the stone. That’s been happening lately, and it always leaves the same tingling you get when the void speaks.
“This is so fucked.”
Ї ċḧöṡë ÿöü
“I didn’t ask to be chosen! I just want to go home.” Home to dad, and Techno, and Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and all the others.
Ẅḧö ṡäïḋ ÿöü ċäṅ’ẗ?
“Um, logic and the fact there’s no way off this stupid fucking island?” You roll your eyes. You can’t fly long distances, and you’re too scared to try flying off into the void.
The void doesn’t respond, but your breath still catches. Is it implying that you could? That if you did, there was a way out?
Strange things have been happening to you and your body since you got here. And not in the teenage puberty way that dad talked to you about. Your wings had grown, your tail had gained fucking spikes, purple stressed spreading over your skin. Even your hair started blackening at the ends.
And then there was the fact that when you touched things, they sometimes turned purple. Sometimes, when you were really upset, the object would vanish completely, leaving behind a black hole of nothing. A hole that looked oddly like the void.
You weren’t science-smart, mostly because Sam never taught you before XD dumped you here. But you sure as hell knew that wasn’t normal.
Staring into the void, you make up your mind. “If you’re fucking with me, void, I’ll kill you. Somehow.”
You stand up, spread your wings, and hesitate. Were you really trusting some disembodied voice that gave you fucked up powers? But then the image of a grown-up Tommy, of your dad bent over the kitchen table, of Techno’s back as he walked away from you, all flash in your mind.
And you step forward.
It happens in a blink. It feels a lot like teleporting, the way your stomach twists and drops, the way your breath is stolen from your lungs. But instead of falling into the unfamiliar like you had 5 years ago, you emerge flying, a new person.
There’s snow below you, wind lifting your wings. Wind. Real wind. The air isn’t oppressive, isnt weighing down on you, isn’t leaving a sour taste in your mouth. It feels like home.
You bank down, landing on your feet in the snow. Under you, it warps, purple and black spreading outwards, twisting at the edges. One blink and it’s white snow, another and it’s all wrong again. That never happened in the end.
It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’re back. The world seems to call to you, a sense in your heart tugging you in a certain direction. You follow it on large wings.
Will Dad cry when he sees you? Will you finally see Techno emotional? Maybe they’ll take you out to dinner to celebrate being back: you’ve missed Bad’s cooking. Surely they’ve been searching for you, and you can’t wait to see their surprise when they realize you found your own way back.
The sun beaming down on you makes no hindrance in your flight. You aren’t Icarus, and the sun won’t stop you from being free. Techno used to tell you and Tommy that one, always joking that Tommy had the looks and you had the wings. Two halves of one whole.
You were about to reunite that whole.
Slowly, your home comes into view. The streets and buildings of the town, and just past that, the house you love. The house you can’t wait to sleep in for the next century. Dad is never getting rid of you.
It’s silent when you land, the second time your feet are touching the ground here. This time, the ground doesn’t glitch. Thank God for that.
“Dad?” You call out, pushing open the door. It was never locked when you were a kid. “Tommy? Techno?”
No response. Maybe they’re outside, or maybe they’re out looking for you? You’ll check the dog area for Techno first.
Trudging through the snow, you delight in making an impact and leaving footprints behind. You never got to see your footprints in the end. Funny how you miss the little things about life.
“Techno? It’s me, I’m ba…” you trail off, spotting a small weathered stone. That certainly hadn’t been there before. You take a few steps closer, staring down to read engraved words.
Your name stared back at you, paired with a date that was five years ago. The day you went missing.
They… they thought you were dead? Is this a grave?
Ṫḧëÿ’ṿë ḟöṛġöẗẗëṅ äḷḷ äḅöüẗ ÿöü
The void’s voice startles you, but you don’t dwell on the fact it followed you.
“No they didn’t!” You shout, but your heart is beating too fast, sick rising in your throat. “No, someone else has to be here!”
Before you realize it, you’re running. Following the familiar path to the town, coming to stop when you see a person. Antfrost, you can recognize him even now, whistling as he carries a box inside.
Acting normal. Normal, as if you didn’t disappear. Normal, as if you hadn’t been gone for five years. Normal, as if your disappearance never made an impact.
Ṗööṛ ḷïẗẗḷë ḋṛäġöṅ
“No…” You whisper, staggering back. “I— I don’t—“
Ḟöṛġöẗẗëṅ. Ḧöẅ ċöüḷḋ ẗḧëÿ? Ṫö ÿöü? Ṡö ṗëṛḟëċẗ, ṡö ṁïṅë?
How could they indeed. The void is right. You’ve been forgotten.
Ṫëäċḧ ẗḧëṁ ḅëẗẗëṛ. Ṫëäċḧ ẗḧëṁ ä ḷëṡṡöṅ. Ÿöü äṛë ẅöṛẗḧÿ öḟ ṛëṁëṁḅṛäṅċë.
“How?” You whisper, arms curling around yourself.
Ṛëṿëṅġë, ḷïẗẗḷë ḋṛäġöṅ. Ṫäḳë ṛëṿëṅġë.
“I don’t want revenge, void. I want—“
Ÿöü äṛë äṅġṛÿ. Ї äṁ äṅġṛÿ. Ẅë äṛë äṅġṛÿ. Ṫäḳë ṛëṿëṅġë, ḷïẗẗḷë ḋṛäġöṅ.
Even as you want to deny it, you know it’s true. You are angry. Pissed, in fact. How dare they forget you? How dare they act as if you were nothing, as if your personal hell didn’t matter?
Slowly, an idea forms, pieces falling into place.
There’s a story you used to like, gasping and laughing at the drama of it as Techno told it. Indulged you.
A king and his friend, Theseus. The part you loved hearing was the end of it: Theseus sought refuge with the king, and the king pushed him off a cliff.
You sought refuge with this town, and they stabbed you in the back. And if they want your forgiveness? Well. They’ll have to prove themselves worthy.
Ä ċäṡẗḷë. Ḅüïḷḋ ä ċäṡẗḷë.
“With puzzles.” You murmur, planning with the void. Embracing it. “And traps, and mobs. Twelve floors.”
Ẅë ẅïḷḷ ẗëäċḧ ẗḧëṁ.
You don’t remember building the castle. Hell, you aren’t even sure if you could build something like this. It’s tucked behind mountains, black stone and purple stained windows hiding it in the shadows. Spires reach toward the sky as if they’re claws, threatening to rip a hole in the world.
The void, at some point, must’ve taken over for you and built it. That’s the only logical explanation you could come up with, bolstered with the evidence of the void’s impact on the landscape around the castle.
It’s obvious at first glance that something is wrong with the greenery. The flowers and trees have all withered and died, shriveling up into dull-looking husks. The snow has melted to reveal blackened grass underneath, and the mountain is infected with veins of purple. It looks evil. You look evil.
The void loves it. You aren’t so sure, but at least you look cool. And you felt cool setting up all the traps and challenges.
There’s mazes and mobs and hunts and puzzles, all of which you set up. Your favorite is the one where they’ll have to search the room to find three golden apples and deliver them into a chest. It was some tricky redstone, but once they do that the door will open. That’s the eleventh floor, the final one before you’ll finally see them.
All that’s left is to send out the notes, each of which you hand write in (quite honestly) horrible handwriting. The void helped with the threats and the purple paper, leaving you with a simple message.
“𝓑𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒾𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓁𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝟧 𝓎𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝑔𝑜 𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀. 𝓛𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔. 𝓜𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒷𝑒𝒽𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓈 𝒶𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓈 𝒾𝓉𝓈 𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒾𝓉; 𝒶𝓃𝓎 𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓁𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓁 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒷𝑒 𝓁𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇.”
It’s stupid, and possibly cringey, but you’ve never written a ransom note before, so you think you’ll get a pass. You just need to send them and wait for the plan to start working.
It takes them less time than you thought it would to get through all of your rooms. It’s as if you blinked and they were all there, staring at you as you sit on your unnecessarily fancy chair.
“Are you real?” Tommy blurts out. He’s the same golden-hair kid you remember running around with, just grown.
Are you real? He had asked. Surely you don’t look that bad. The scales on your arms grew, certainly, and purple particles floated all around you, but it was still you.
“Kid?” Dad asks, stood next to Tommy. “Are you— what are you doing?”
“Where have you been?” Puffy adds on, wide-eyed. “Have you been safe?”
Your gaze sweeps over them all, anger clawing its way up your throat. Puffy, Niki, Antfrost, Bad, Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy, Dad, Techno, Sam. All of them are here, staring at you with mixed expressions of horror and sorrow and surprise.
It’s fake. It must be fake. They gave up on you! They left you for dead, left you to rot alone!
“You’re all liars!” You shout. “Acting sad, as if you didn’t stop looking for me!”
“We didn’t—“ Tubbo starts, but you cut him off.
“Stop!” You hold your hand up to signal him to stop talking, but purple particles swirl in front of your palm and materialize into something solid. Then again, and again.
It’s not until there’s ten purple figures that you realize what you’ve done. You created mobs, living creatures made of the void. One of them groans like a zombie, then rushes at Sam. He reacts immediately, swiping his sword at its head. The purple head rolls, disintegrating. Then, it reforms on the void-zombie’s shoulders.
And then all hell breaks loose.
Everybody’s shouting and swinging their weapons around, trying to figure out how to get rid of the void-zombies. All you can do is watch, wide-eyed and shell-shocked. Those things came from you, from your anger.
“You’ve got to get rid of these things!” Techno shouts, looking over at you while swinging his axe.
And you? You don’t do a damn thing.
“We looked for you, all of us! We’d never give up!”
“Shit, a little help!”
“Oh, God…”
Everyone’s voices mix into one big mess of noise, only made worse by the noises of the weapons and the void-zombies.
“We named the town after you!”
Your head whips toward Tommy’s voice, eyes focusing on him. He ducks under a void-zombie’s hand, staring back at you.
“And Ranboo has this brilliant idea— we made a statue of you! Well, Sam made it, but it’s pretty sick looking.” He adds.
“…You’re lying.” You accuse, but you already know he’s not.
“Why would we lie about something like that?” Niki asks, gentle despite the violence filling the room.
As if on command, all the void-zombies vanish.
Oh, God. Oh God oh God oh God oh God. What have you done? What have you become?
Ḷïẗẗḷë ḋṛäġöṅ…
We’ve fucked up. You’ve fucked up. The horror is cold, spearing through your body, no part of you untouched.
Your glassy eyes catch on the chandelier, a thousand crystal images of you reflecting like a mirror. And all you can see is the void. The glitchy darkness surrounding you, the horrible thing you’ve become.
Maybe you’re a coward for it, but you run, crown falling from your head. The second your hand brushes against the wall, it vanishes, glitching out of existence as you hurtle through it and into the dark night.
You don’t look back.
The silence you leave behind is eerie.
Five years. Five years since they last saw you. And now here they were.
Tommy is the first to step forward, to grab the crown you had dropped. He always liked shiny things, but more importantly, he liked keeping your things after you went missing.
He looks down, meeting his own eyes in the gems.
This crown doesn’t feel like you at all.
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hailuchiha · 6 months
Hey! Your blog is right up my alley and I love your writing? I saw something similar on a different blog, and I really wanted to see your take on it. Feel free to ignore if you don't want to write it 😿💔
Req: Itachi has a younger sister close to his age. When she's of age, Fugaku wants to teach Itachi his place and duty as Uchiha heir and has him breed his sister.
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!! 18+ NSFW!!
!!ALL characters involved are 18+ NO MINOR CHARACTERS!!
incest; betrayal?; expectations; breeding; sibling incest; old customs; lineage; loss of virginity; first time; misogynistic behavior; impartial treatment; noncon; taboo
Know Your Place
While Fugaku was far less intense than some of the older generation clan heads, be it Uchiha or from other clans, he still had to uphold some practices, especially since all eyes were always on the Uchihas.
His beloved wife was loathe to put her precious children through that ritual, begging him to use his position as clan head to vote his children out of it. However, Fugaku was nothing if not dutiful. He would not show any bias towards his family. Ancient Konoha customs were especially sacred to the Uchiha and Senju, since they were the founder's blood.
After many fights and arguments, Mikoto had unhappily relented, seeing that she couldn't change her husband's mind. His heart ached for his wife as he could imagine where she was coming from. So, to spare her somewhat, he suggested she should go visit her friend the fated day and to even have a sleepover if possible.
While she had still not been happy about his decision and what would befall their children, she had thanked him for the suggestion, ever courteous, and went to sleep with her back turned towards him.
The fateful day finally came. Mikoto, despite being upset with her husband, had taken his suggestion and planned a date with Kushina to spend the whole day together and end it in a sleepover. She had already told Sasuke to come straight to Naruto's home with him after their training ended. If there was one silver lining in the situation, she figured it was that her baby would be spared the fates of his elder siblings.
Their daughter had come of age around a week ago. Fugaku knew what had to be done. And it had to be done today, with his wife safely out of the picture so as not to have to witness what needed to happen.
Sometime before noon, Fugaku came into the living room and called for both his eldest children in a booming voice. Itachi came first, coming in from where he'd been in the back garden, looking mildly curious. Fugaku gestured for him to wait, to which he obliged, knowing he'd find out whatever his father wanted once his sister came down.
His second born, and only daughter, tiptoed down the stairs, poking her head around the door to gauge the situation. She flinched upon seeing his intense expression and straightened up, quickly slinking into the room and sitting opposite him, beside Itachi.
"You're both old enough now," he got straight to business. "Itachi, you're my heir. You need to stake your claim. As for you," he fixed his daughter with a cold gaze. "You must ensure and strengthen his position. Your place is beside him."
She bit the inside of her cheek, looking towards Itachi for clarity, but he was staring in confusion at their father.
"I don't understand father," she said, trying to lower the intensity radiating off of both the men. "It's understood I'll make sure his position is strong... Why are you saying it like this?"
Fugaku breathed out through his nose, praying for patience to get through this. He kept his demeanor and tone harsh, knowing that was the most efficient way to get through this.
He barked at her to undress, that she was to do as she was told. That was her position. He ignored the angry, hurt tears welling in her eyes and kept his gaze focused on his son, whose fists were balled tightly on his lap.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his daughter looking to Itachi for help, but eventually realizing her older brother wouldn't take her side here. If the situation weren't so dire, he would have smiled in pride at his son's sense of loyalty. Fugaku knew how much Itachi adored his younger siblings, but to see that he would do whatever it takes for his clan and village made him proud.
His daughter slowly undressed, fighting back tears and looking forlorn. When she was completely bare, she folded her arms over her chest, trying futilely for some semblance of modesty. He could see the slight tremours in Itachi's arms as he fought for restraint.
Fugaku took a quick inspection of her folds, having her hold her cunt open, feet spread far apart. He nodded with satisfaction upon finding her virginity in tact. Now to move on to the next part.
Next, he had her lay on the low table in front of Itachi, barking at her to spread her legs and keep them open when she would start to close them, shaking from the absurdity of the situation.
Itachi hadn't moved an inch from his spot, still kneeling at his seat. He didn't meet Fugaku's eyes when the clan head turned towards him.
"Itachi," he called out sternly, although his voice was considerably free of the harshness he had used on his daughter. "You are to be the future leader of this clan. You must take her, and make sure to spill inside. She'll bear many children for you."
For a long moment, Fugaku feared his eldest won't obey. That this was where he'd draw the line and Fugaku would have to use stricter means. He fixed his son with a cold look, barely paying attention to his vulnerable daughter, who had hidden her face behind her hands. He let her hide for now.
Then, slowly, Itachi shifted, reaching out to grab the only item Fugaku had prepared for this occasion. He took the jar and opened it, dipping his fingers into the thick lubricant. Wordlessly, he brought the fingers to his sister's pink folds that were splayed uncomfortably in front of him. He didn't waste time in teasing or arousing pleasure, and simply got to work using his slick fingers to lubricate and open her up with quick motions as if sensing Fugaku's rising impatience.
The man pulled his daughter's trembling hands away from her face, revealing her teary eyes and conflicted expression. He wanted to give her a kind smile and comfort her, but he remembered his duty as a father and clan head were most important right now.
"Look at him," he said instead, words as stern as his eyes. "Don't bring your hands up again!"
Pleased with his work when her hands dropped to her sides on the tabletop, clenched into tight fists, Fugaku went behind Itachi who was lining up his manhood to his sister's prepared cunt. With a hand on his son's shoulder, Fugaku watched as his thick, engorged head breached his daughter's virgin entrance, telling him to keep pushing as she began to squirm.
He didn't comment when Itachi's hands went to her waist, holding her down as he spoke gentle words to calm his sister down and reassuring her that the pain would subside.
“Easy, love. Just a bit more… It’ll get better,” Itachi murmured against the skin of her neck before pressing a gentle kiss there.
With a few more thrusts, he was buried inside her, having successfully breached her cunt. Fugaku winced, having caught sight of the thin streaks of blood from her hymen coating the length of Itachi's fat cock as he pulled out to thrust back in, the red now pinkish from mixing with the white lubrication Itachi had used generously while preparing her. The clanhead patted his son on the back as he finally started to fuck his sister properly, seemingly having gotten over the inhibitions from earlier. Content in knowing that his work was done, Fugaku quietly exited the living room and retreated to his study.
As he leaned back in his chair and lit a cigar, he wished Mikoto would return home tonight instead of sleeping over at her friend's house after all. He was only human, and the past couple hours had aroused his need for his wife.
He blew out a ring of smoke, letting his eyes fall shut as the muffled sounds of his son breeding his daughter filtered through the thin walls to his office.
NOTE: edits and corrections may come along as i have time and notice them
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sjswrites · 1 year
She Does Talk
Summary: Have you ever wanted to be the quiet, mysterious girl? Have you ever wanted to be a badass Marvel heroine? Here is your chance. Enjoy.
Warnings: Jealousy, sparring. Nothing too crazy
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“Hey guys. This is our new recruit.” Tony said as we entered the room. Eyes shifted to me as I flashed a smile. “Hey!” Tony’s voice boomed as I looked at him. He wasn’t talking to me. “No flirting.”
Following his line of sight, I landed on the redhead. “I didn’t even say anything yet.”
“Well your eyes did, Romanoff.” Her green eyes grabbed mine. Feeling the tension in the room, I simply smiled it off and took in the other faces while avoiding a particular set of blue eyes.
“Let me show you around.” Now refocused on him, he gave me a tour of the place. I nodded every once in while as he took me around the all too familiar hallways. “Aaand this is you.” He sang.
“Thank you, Mr. Stark.”
“It’s Tony.” My head bobbed as I stepped into my room. “Oh,” My head thrown over my shoulder. “You’ll be working with Agent Romanoff tomorrow morning. 7 AM.
“Yes, sir.” His eyes warranted more to the conversation as my body turned to give him my full attention.
“Um, if Romanoff gives you any issues, we can change it.”
“I appreciate it, sir.”
His mouth slightly opened, but quickly zipped back up. “Goodnight, Agent.”
My body tossed and turned throughout the night. It was weird to be here. It was weird to be here alone. Throwing all the minutes where my body decided to let me sleep, I scrapped together maybe 3 hours until the frustrating alarm went off at 5 AM. In a black sports bra and spandex set, I made my way to the gym. The light poured through the window. Peering inside, the gym was packed. I guess we were all mentally fucked in our own way. My gym bag was readjusted on my shoulder before slipping in.
The door slammed closed as eyes snapped to me. “Hey Agent.” My eyes followed the sound as the smug redhead was waiting for my acknowledgement. “Come over here.”
My feet carried me over to the bench presses, where her and the blonde were sitting. “Yes, Agent Romanoff?”
“Oh! She does talk!” Her serious demeanor contrasted her sarcastic tone.
“Well, I don’t waste my breath on just anyone.” The corner of my lips raised.
“Ooo, I like her.” The blonde commented. Her hand jetted out. “Yelena Belova.” A glance at her hand as I smiled and nodded at her. Romanoff snickered as she pulled her hand back.
“Welcome to the team, Agent.” The blonde man joined us. “I’m Steve Rogers.”
“Thanks. Can’t wait to work with you.” I said, dryly. “Are we done here?” His eyebrows raised before clearing his throat.
“I hope we can fix your attitude before your first mission.” His voice more authoritative compared to his previously friendlier voice. “You are a part of a team now. You need to play nice.”
My eyes rolled. “I can play nice,” I reassured him. “But my attitude isn’t what you should be worried about.” My eyebrow shot up before isolating myself on the sparring mat in the corner of the room. My gym bag thrown on the floor and my headphones on as I tuned out the world. I stretched out in preparation for the consequences of my words, going into a full split side split and into front splits.
A tap on my shoulder and my eyes snapped up to the find a blue set. One side of my headphones slipped off as she asked, “Wanna spar?”
My playful finger tapped on my chin. “I don’t know. I have training in a few hours. I don’t want you tiring me out,” I smirked at her. “Yet.”
“I’ll go easy, c’mon.” She offered me her hand.
“Fine. Just don’t hit me too hard.” I jokingly pouted and kicked my bag off the mat. We both readied up and smirked at each other. “Although I know you actually don’t hit hard so I’ll-” Her fist interrupted my teasing as my head ducked under while my fist met her abs. She left out a guttural groan, followed by an ‘ooo’ from the audience. She staggered back and glared at me. My tongue jetted out like a little kid as she chuckled to herself.
She waved me on as I cracked my neck. My combos flew at her. My fists and feet failed to make contact as she ducked and weaved around them until I finally made hit something. Her hand caught my fist. Shit. Pulling me along and my body was flung over her shoulder. Somehow, I managed to get my feet under me as I spun around to face her.
“You almost had me there.” My voice a bit breathy. A quick inhale as my leg swept her feet. Now on top of her, a smug look washed over me. “Ha.” She reflected the look. Oh, no. She knocked me off balance as I found myself underneath her. Her hands trapped my wrists above my head as we both were fighting to catch our breaths. She towered over me. “This is why you wanted to spar with me, huh?”
She shrugged. “Kinda.” Her sexy smirk poked through.
“Alright, enough you two.” We were snapped out of our little world. “I see you two have met before.” Steve commented as I snuffed my laughter and looked away.
“So much for being subtle.” I mumbled as she shoved me into the mat and sat back on my hips.
“Right.” She rubbed her neck. “Guys. This is my girlfriend.” I propped myself onto my elbows and waved.
“Her? You’re dating her?” The redhead stared at Kate in shock. Kate opened her mouth to speak as my two fingers drew down her jawline and redirected her attention. Pinching her chin and drawing her closer, my lips poured love and lust into hers.
My chuckle against her lips made her pull away to answer her as if it wasn’t clear enough. “Yes, she’s dating me.” I sent a smirk her way. “Got a problem with that, Red?”
“I like her a little less now.” Yelena said as I tuned out the comment. Kate got to her feet and helped me up.
“Well this saves me the question of if I could sneak into your room tonight.” I looked up at her.
“You know you’re always welcome to stay with me, love.”
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gh0stsp1d3r · 3 months
hellooo! I just had to request this I know its corny and technically it makes no sense but in a way it does. Like a story with the song Helpless from hamilton lmao. Like reader eliza luke is hamilton and maybe like clarrise is angelica not in the like romantic way just in shes the readers sister!
How’d you know I love Hamilton, anon? LUKE AND HAMILTON? I love it.
Warnings: not too sure on Clarisse’s age but i think she was around a year older than Percy?? In tlt she would have been 13/14, but my timeline is most definitely off so…
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i. “Boy, you got me helpless. Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit.”
The second his eyes met yours, you felt your heart race against your chest. You swallowed the lump in your throat as he sent a small smirk to you, before going back to talking to his friends.
You looked down at the floor now, you’d only been admiring him and for some reason, felt attracted to him more than you had anyone.
ii. “I'm helpless. Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em.”
When you first started dating, you always told him how much you loved his eyes. They were beautiful.
You got lost in them often, when sparring and even when you both taught some campers together. The younger campers teased and gossiped about you both while you rolled your eyes at them, telling them to shut it.
No one has ever seen an Ares kid be as soft as you are with Luke. Even Dionysus is confused at it.
iii. I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight. We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night.Laughin' at my sister as she's dazzling the room. Then you walked in, and my heart went "boom"
Clarisse was talking and you turned your attention back to her, laughing at something she said.
As you leaned against the wall, a boy had caught your eye. He had brown curly hair, he looked to be the same age. He was holding a cup of something and looked at the others partying. He had a scar that ran down his cheek.
He was undeniably attractive.
You met Luke at a party. His first party he’s gone to, your sister stood next to you. She was younger than you, 11, She was brave, not afraid of anything really. And despite only knowing her for a year, you loved her.
Granted, you were 15 at the time, but you couldn’t leave her in the cabin alone, especially after she begged to come. You stared at the boy from afar, the more you looked the more interesting he got. He was talking with some friends.
She began to talk about something before realizing you weren’t listening. Her eyes went over to where you were looking, and they landed on the Hermes boy.
She quirked an eyebrow at you, a small smirk on her face. “Do you like h-“
You quickly snapped out of it, putting a hand over her mouth.
“Shhhh. Clarisse!”
“Do you know him?” You asked her.
“It’s Luke, he’s a counselor. Annoying as sh-“
“He’s annoying as shit. Good swordsman but annoying.”
“How have I never realized him?” You muttered to yourself.
“Probably because there’s a million Hermes kids. Kinda hard to keep track. Plus, since you train with the…” she paused to do her best impression, which was just a high pitched squeal. “Aphrodite kids, you don’t see them much.”
“Huh.” You murmured.
“Are you gonna stand there gawking all day or are you gonna actually go up to him?” she asked you. You sighed, looking over to him again. You thought for a moment before shaking your head.
iiii. Tryin' to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom. Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume. Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine
“Oh, seriously, you’re not gonna live a little?” One of your friends asked, coming up to you.
“I’m good.” You shook your head.
“You’re coming.” She told you, and before you could even protest, she dragged your hand and dragged you to the dance floor. You sighed, shaking your head as you slowly began to move to the music, your friends wildly and loudly cheering you on.
A smile on your face, you glanced back at the boy in the corner, your smile faltered.
V. My sister made her way across the room to you. And I got nervous, thinking, "What's she gonna do" She grabs you by the arm, I'm thinking "I'm through.”
It was then that you noticed Clarisse go over to him, tired of your gawking and ogling, even on the dance floor.
Vi. Then you look back at me, and suddenly I'm helpless. Oh, look at those eyes, oh, look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit. I'm helpless, I know down for the count and I'm drowning in 'em.
Your eyes widened, and you pushed yourself out of the crowd, watching her grab his arm and point over to you. His eyes snapped from her small form to you, a soft smile making its way onto his face.
Your eyes looked into his from across the room, both of you seemingly lost in them as Clarisse slipped away from Luke and made her way back to you. But you didn’t even notice.
You knew at that moment, that you loved that boy with all your heart. You didn’t believe in true love at first sight until you felt it.
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esamastation · 11 months
Part fifty-four of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty, fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three
Now, Reno could be an impartial observer about this. He probably should be. Just do his job, sign his report, hand over his duty to someone else, and wash his hands of the whole mess.
But on the other hand, "So. Flying, huh?"
Sephiroth has the gall to look sheepish about it. He is actually fucking blushing. "Well. That's not exactly it, but, yes? Is that a problem?"
Reno eyes him flatly for a moment. Then he shrugs. "Hell if I know. You know, for a while there I thought you were actually trying to keep your magical metamorphosis thing down low, but you just don't give a fuck, do you?" It's kinda impressive, really.
"Um," Sephiroth answers, and takes a dainty little sip of his tea.
Reno snorts. "You're something else," he says and falls to sit across from him on the other side of the tiny little tea table. Then he looks around.
They're alone in the main hall of the safehouse. Hewley and Rude are out picking up Tseng from the town, and it's just him and Mr. No Gravity, and Reno doesn't mind admitting he might actually miss the place. It's still hilarious that Sephiroth turns into a prissy princess when it comes to decor, but Reno can't say he doesn't know what he's on about.
He actually made the place really nice, for an abandoned house. As safehouses went, it was up there.
Sephiroth watches him curiously. "Looking forward to returning to Midgar?"
"God, yes," Reno says emphatically. "I'm going to find the nearest Pilferer's, and I'm going to forget all about your… everything."
"It's a chain of pubs," Reno explains, waving a hand. "Shit beer for cheap, good for one thing only."
"Ah," Sephiroth huffs in amused offence. "I'm not that bad, surely."
Well, no. Reno once had to act as Scarlet's bodyguard - that is still the worst assignment he's ever had. This doesn't come even close. But… "I don't know, man. You're kinda weird."
Sephiroth blinks at that, and Reno grimaces looking away. Sephiroth it's also kinda terrifying, even like this. Actually maybe especially like this. After his training sessions and meditations Sephiroth is all relaxed and cosy - it's probably the safest he is to be around, but it's weird.
It really brings home the fact that the guy is different from what he was. Even without Hewley there to react to it, you can tell. Sephiroth is someone else these days, and his shitty lying aside, none of them actually know him. And the guy isn't that keen on explaining.
… You know what, fuck it. Reno's out of here by the end of the evening anyway. "Are you ever going to explain what the hell is going on to anyone, or are we going to have to keep on guessing?" he asks.
Sephiroth hums, noncommittal.
"Because dude, it's going to have consequences in the long run. If not for you, then for the other SOLDIERs," Reno points out. "You know that, right?"
That makes the guy react with more than demure deflection, and Sephiroth lowers his cup. "Consequences like what?"
"Oh, you know, life-altering experiments in all the worst ways?" Reno asks and points a finger at him. "You realise what this all looks like from the outside, right? You get a deadly dose of Mako and boom, new abilities? You can be sure they're going to try to recreate those results."
Sephiroth frowns at that, looking down. He taps his finger against the tea cup for a moment and then shrugs. "I don't see what there is that I can do about that," he says and looks up at Reno pointedly. "First sign of trouble, and you ferried me out of Midgar, I assumed it was to get me out of the way."
"Well, yeah. For a reason," Reno shrugs and leans back a little. Fuck, the Mako shine is spooky when it's aimed at you like this, in dim light where you can tell the guy's eyes are actually emitting their own glow. "Seemed kinda necessary to keep you from going berserk again and killing someone important. Like Professor Hojo."
Sephiroth makes a funny sort of face at that, and sips his tea. From scary to embarrassed. Yay.
Never mind, Reno isn't going to miss this place at all. "Fuck it, whatever. I don't care," he decides. "Soon you'll be Tseng's problem, and I won't waste another moment thinking about you."
"I am hurt and heartbroken," Sephiroth says blandly and snorts at the face Reno makes at him. "You have been a most pleasant babysitter, Reno of the Turks. I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to get to know you."
"Oh, put a cork in it."
"No, I'm serious," Sephiroth says. "I've always found the Turks to be intriguing. Your… work ethics are almost admirable."
Reno eyes him dubiously. "You're fucking with me."
Sephiroth grins, clasping the little tea cup loosely between both hands. "Not at all. There's a core of morals that runs through your agency that I find fascinating. The scary, underhanded enforcers and spies of Shinra - hiding just enough of a shred of decency to make you… rational. Practical and yet, strangely, sympathetic."
Reno gapes at him. What the fuck - where the hell did that come from?
Sephiroth chuckles at his expression. "I think I would quite like you, if the circumstances were different," he muses and pours himself another cup of tea.
Reno feels like objecting. He can feel his cheeks heating up. "You are absolutely fucking with me."
Sephiroth grins a little wider at that, and - damn, the guy's smiles are kinda devastating. Reno had been carefully not noticing, because, hello, job, but damn. Who the hell made this guy so hot? His lips are insanely pretty.
Reno is suddenly very aware that it's been a while since he last got laid and that he really desperately needs a drink. 
"Tseng is originally from Wutai, isn't he?"
Sephiroth arches his brows and tilts his head. A stand of silver hair slides across his shoulder. "Tseng. Is he from Wutai?"
Reno thought he'd gotten used to the fancy dress shirts - and hell, Sephiroth had his chest pretty much completely bared before! Why the hell are just two buttons undone so sexy all of a sudden?!
"Oh, um. Yeah?" Reno agrees and clears his throat, shaking his head. Don't look at his collarbones. "He knows the lay of the land better anyway, so, you know, if your little soiree with the Wutai Captain has a follow up, he'll probably know what's up." … Uh.
Sephiroth gives him that slow blink again, and Reno doesn't blame him - it sounds like complete nonsense to him too.
Damn it, get it together, man, the guy isn't that fuckable!
… Except that he really, really is, and Reno wishes he could go back to professionally not noticing it.
"That's good, I suppose," Sephiroth says slowly. "I'll be looking forward to hearing his insights."
"Yeah, yeah, sure…" Tseng also knows more about Ancients than anyone not dead or in the Science Department, so whatever is going on with Sephiroth, Tseng would be able to figure it out. Probably.
Reno looks at Sephiroth's stupidly pretty face and then clears his throat. "Well, it's been - different. Let's never do it again. Try not to go nuts and kill any important scientists in the future, okay?"
Sephiroth looks away, his eyes going a little distant. "... No promises," he murmurs. Except coming from him, it's more of a purr, isn't it?
Fuuuck, Reno really needs to get out of here.
It's probably a good thing Tseng seems to kinda dislike Sephiroth for some reason. He wouldn't have this problem.
Get **** beamed.
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heyitsyn · 1 year
a/n: oh dear. hello everyone. i am back, gigi is back and this is the newest installment of the manager series :))) i hope you guys like it and sending much love!!! <3
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a/n: have fun :)
mm okay so this is a new series
or season?
the series is the managers and this is a new season because this is karasuno’s manager!!! :)))) 
everyone say hi!!!
she’s a wittle first year and shes a cute little thing but she got the energy of a rabid chihuahua
so this is how it you came to be
when mommy and daddy love each other very much-
hehe i kid i kid
but srsly, the whole bird and bees thing
and then boom, you were attending middle school in hyogo
you were a first year that was taken in by a pair of twins that were your neighbors
the miyas
miya osamu <3
miya atsumu >:3
they were what got you into volleyball in the first place even though you were more into soccer like your papa and even talked you into being their team’s manager
so here you were, freshly turned 12 (because you were the youngest of your entire grade) and suddenly responsible for a bunch of older kids
the coach helped you too of course but it was a lot of work and so when the twins left and you became a third year, you were practically a know-it-all with volleyball
flying receives?
jump serves?
you learned from the best B)
when you were about 3 months into being in high school and as their current manager at inarizaki,
tragedy struck.
see, your parents were often out of town and tended to go overseas for business but when a plane that they were on crashed causing their death, you had no choice but to be taken in by your next of kin which was your uncle down in miyagi
he was your mom’s cousin but she practically saw him as her brother and you didnt really talk to him very much, apart from the times your mom called him and a few sentences of greetings were exchanged, but you knew who he was because your mom was close to him
duh, you were grieving and loss is such a hard thing to go through
the miya twins were there for you the whole time, even when they were busy
i mean like you lived at their house because you couldn’t stand being in the same home that you once shared with your parents
they didnt take it very well when you had to leave but they understood as long as you promised to come visit them soon so you get to see them play on the big stage
so here you were, on the train en route to miyagi where your uncle was supposed to be waiting for you
the time on your phone blared that it’s been nearly 5 hours and you’re supposed to be approaching the prefecture now
you’ve taken the train by yourself before but it still doesn’t make it any less nerve-wracking because one, you’re alone and two, theres a lot of people
you didnt really do well with a lot of people nor the anxiety that bubbles in you whenever you stuck in a place for a very long time
it doesn’t help that the worst thing to ever happen has happened
eventually, the conductor went around and it was announced that you have arrived so you quickly grabbed your backpack and your duffel bag before rushing to grab the one large suitcase that was at the back of your compartment
the rest of your luggage and clothing was already taken to miyagi when your uncle drove all the way to hyogo to pick it up so you wouldn’t be inconvenienced during your way there
hes so sweet
you pulled the handle and gripped it, nerves eating you away and sleep pulling behind your eyes but you couldnt sleep
you didnt want to
the doors opened and you hurried out, getting past the many people and you saw the familiar hair of your uncle
his bleached hair was pulled back into a baby ponytail and his headband kept stray hairs from clouding his eyes
‘y/n-chan!’ he shouted and waved
you cringed at how zealous he was and the attention he was receiving from strangers so you hurried over to him
he rushed to give you a hug as if you didnt just see him a few days ago
‘oji’ you mumbled in greeting and he pulled back, giving you a wide grin
‘man! i can’t believe you’re as tall as my shoulders! before, you were still a tiny little baby that was smaller than my arm!’
you turned red and began to pull him to go home because he was attracting many stares from blushing ladies
you guys reached his cute yellow car and piled your suitcase and duffel bag in the back so the two of you could settle in the front seats
he started the car and drove off the parking lot and into the streets
wow, it doesnt look very different to hyogo
‘how are ya, y/n-chan?’
his tone was softer and you turn to look at him
he was focused on the road but it definitely sounded like his mind was somewhere else and he was trying to concentrate on talking to you
‘’m okay’ you mumbled
he was there during the funeral and the only one to attend since your grandfather and aunt was in the middle of recovering from their surgery and your other family members had other obligations
as if this wasn’t more important 
but he was there and you couldn’t be more thankful enough
you were only 15
you don’t know how to plan a funeral and a burial by yourself
not to mention their will and the passing on of their estate 
like bruh thats stuff that you have no idea on what to do with
so keishin was there to help you sort it out and meeting with legal attorneys and you were lucky that he always made sure that you understood what they were saying and making sure with you that whatever you decided is your choice and it shouldn’t be influenced by him or the lawyers
keishin is worried about you a lot since it happened and didn’t even want to go back to miyagi afterwards but his store needed to be opened and he doesn’t have anyone else to run it apart from his mother, who he really doesn’t want moving around since she also just got knee surgery
‘are you sure? you know i’m here when you need to talk. i lost her too so i understand most than anyone’
he quietly comforted you and your nose began to sting as a signal from the incoming tears but you looked out the window and to the trees that you passed by
‘i dont want to’ you whispered to him and keishin nodded
he won’t force you but just to let you know that he was there and will always be there
you two drove in a comfortable silence and you arrived at his family home where you will be staying
‘this is where your ma grew up. its a shame she never brought you or your pops down to visit but it can’t be helped. your grandma is in there sleeping right now so its best you keep the noise down a bit but im sure she’ll be excited to see you, kid’
you got settled into the house quickly and keishin’s mom who you could call as your aunt was very excited to see you and you smiled and hugged her and stuff
apparently your grandpa was helping some friend with his rice farm and such
sigh. you remember kita-senpai so that made you sad
since you just got there, they gave you some time to adjust like a month off of school
but you come to find out that you were enrolled in a nearby school, karasuno, which was somehow associated with your uncle
keishin attended there too when he was young and so did your mom but was now the volleyball team’s coach
you were a little >:\ because you wanted to stay in hyogo with the twins but you knew that you needed to be taken cared of right now
you were still young and even now, grieving is a process that would be easier with family
keishin got you all set for your first day and you had to hide a laugh at how excited he was when he gave you your uniform
‘its like sending off my own kid to school!’
gosh he gives such dad vibes now
your first day!!!!
of course keishin got you a little whiteboard that says first day of high school written on it and he told you to stand in front of the door so he could take a picture
even his ma was giggling behind him while you were red at the amount of attention he was giving to this entire ordeal
‘come on! here’s your lunch and some allowance to get something good at the vending machine. i would’ve sent you off myself but i got a delivery for the store. you remember how to get there right? if not, you got the directions in your notes?’
you rolled your eyes playfully
‘yes, oji. me gots it’
keishin actually walked you to the school a few days ago to teach you the way there and my gosh hes adorable
you tightened the straps of your backpack and hugged your grandma and grandpa before venturing out
it was so quiet
the neighborhood that you lived in was the kind where old people lived so there was no sound of students talking amongst themselves
but about 5 minutes into your walk, you found a pair of students, boys, who were going to the same direction you were in
one had his headphones over his ears and the other was talking to him like he didn’t see the headphones at all
you could only see the back of their heads and noticed that the one who was talking had dark green hair and was shorter than the one wearing the headphones, who was blonde and was really, really tall
the only person was omimi-senpai
and that dude had to be around his height
you had your earbuds in so you couldn’t exactly hear what they were saying but you were just walking along and absorbing the scenery instead of hurrying to class
then the tall blonde guy stopped walking but you were too busy at looking around you to notice that he stopped so you bumped into his back and made a noise of surprise
duh the first thing to come out of your mouth was an apology
bro it wasn’t your fault that this dude just stopped out of nowhere
but this guy turned his head around at you and met your eyes
you shivered, scared at his glare at you 
‘’m sorry’
you apologized again by bowing and walking around him to prevent anymore accidents
you weren’t gonna make a big deal about it because it was just an accident but you were afraid he was going to yell at you or something
instead of trying to have a peaceful walk, you were speed-walking to the school and even got lost once since you turned at a wrong street
but dw dw you just had to call keishin in a panic and after laughing, he helped you back to your destination
even google maps didn’t help you bruh
gigi fact: i went to dublin and was looking for nandos and we were walking but the gps thing didnt work correctly so we walked in circles around the city without ever finding nandos
in the end, gigi never got her nandos
you went to the little office they got in the front of the school and you smiled at the lady
‘hi, ma name is l/n y/n’
she looked at you and nodded
‘new student?’
but you nodded
‘id please?’
you fumbled in your bag and found your old inarizaki id because all of your other important ids were with keishin
lowkey kinda scary but maybe i just got trust issues
it seemed like it was good enough for her so she quickly typed something in the computer and after many clicks later, she got up to get something from the printer and returned with your schedule and what looks like a card
an id?
she noticed you staring at the identification card
‘it seems a relative of yours with the name of ukai keishin sent your information from inarizaki high, if im correct, and with it, your school picture so we just transferred it over to our database and printed your school id from there’
you let out a small sigh of relief that you dont gotta take a picture and you thanked her then grabbed your things
class 1-4 huh?
you wandered around and found out that the layout of the school was like inarizaki with the third floor being for first years and the second for the second years and so on
but you hate stairs
so you were kinda already dying when you made it up to your floor and by this time, students were already arriving
you obviously felt out of place and even when you started high school back in hyogo, you were already friends with some people in there and with the help of the twins, you were a bit well-known already
but here
you were a total stranger
a background character
an uneasy feeling crept into your stomach but you inhaled and exhaled before walking to the room that was labeled ‘1-4’ 
in an instant, several pairs of eyes were on you
everyone wasn’t there yet but enough that you wanted to crawl into a hole and die
who needed school anyways?
the twins already promised you a future where you don’t gotta work so it doesn’t matter
speaking of, they were messaging you now with how your phone was vibrating and you hurriedly ran to a chair in the back of the room to avoid any more attention
you pulled your phone out and stopped a smile from creeping into your face
it was mainly atsumu sending crying emojis while osamu was fussing over the fact that you only packed some sandwiches for lunch but you were quick to calm down his concerns by telling them that you were gonna get some snacks from the vending machine
you miss them
a lot
if you were back in hyogo, they would already be in your class, annoying the ever loving god outta you along with the other guy in osamu’s class, suna
atsumu is actually in a class higher than his brother and he continues to use that as a bragging thing
but you really do miss them
it feels like something is missing
but you weren’t allowed to be in your feels for too long because you felt someone looming over you to your right and looked up to see the tall guy from earlier, golden-brown eyes piercing straight to you
you didnt do the whole gasping thing like they do in mangas but you did freeze
he was definitely going to pick you up and throw you outta the window beside you bruh
pray for me
gigi: im praying for you sis
‘can i help ya?’ you asked because we aint here to be stuttering and stammering like little anime girls
but you were still scared lmao
he looked down at you with a cold glare
‘youre in my seat’
goddammit y/n
of course you were
just your luck
y/n things, you know?
but you looked at him dumbly 
‘yer wha?’
maybe it was because you were scared of him that you didnt fully process his question 
but he leaned down at you, glasses shining for effect
‘you’re in my seat, shorty’
he repeated but with an edge this time
yea no you clearly heard that
so you grabbed your bag and stood up, hurrying out of the room
maybe you can go back home and tell keishin you weren’t feeling good and you didnt wanna be here
that could work
so you were standing outside of your class, away from the windows because duh the entire class saw the whole thing and you didnt want them to watch you like thats so embarrassing lmao
your fingers were typing a message to keishin but before you could hit send, you hear someone stop in front of you
you looked up and was met with a man who was quite short but you could tell he was a teacher
god, if hes your homeroom teacher-
‘oh? are you the new student? i’m your homeroom teacher, takeda ittetsu’
the lord just aint on your side isn’t he?
you stared at him with this grim look in your face that his brows were furrowed with concern
‘are you okay?’
you nodded, swallowing and looking to the side
he just nodded along and gestured to enter the room
you cursed in your head but followed him, surprised that everyone was already there
did they just appear there out of thin air?
or were you really that out of it to notice people walking in
‘everyone, we have a new student today. she is a transfer from hyogo so if you could please, welcome her to our school. would you like to introduce yourself?’
if takeda-sensei didnt have such a nice look on his face, you woulda bolted outta there
but also, that would be embarrassing if you just ran out
so you nodded and looked ahead, remembering atsumu’s advice
just look at the wall and tune everything and everyone else out
‘’m l/n y/n and ‘m from inarizaki high school. let’s get along’
ugh, awkward introductions were never my thing nor have i ever transferred during a school year either so idk man
takeda directed you to a seat by the windows and was in the middle of the rows so you were ahead of the tall scary guy
but my god, you felt his stare the entire time
by the time lunch rolls around, you were already ready to go home
you were messaging the twins and suna of what was happening and they all petitioned for you to move back home and into the miya household
osamu: in favor of y/n moving and staying with us, say i
atsumu: Iiiii would like that
suna: *hand raising emoji* i
*cue tears forming in your eyes*
they were so cute
but you were distracted from your phone when a bunch of students started whispering around you and you looked up to see a really really pretty girl at the doorway of your classroom
and she was looking directly at you
aint no way
you havent been here but only a few hours
how have you already made beef with people?
she saw that you were looking at her and after a split-second eye contact, she was already walking towards you before stopping beside your desk
‘can i help ya?’ you asked again, feeling deja vu
man, pretty people were really freaking scary
then she smiled 
small, but still a smile
‘i’m shimizu kiyoko, third year. i’m also the manager of the boys’ volleyball club’
ah! the club that your uncle coaches
so you felt a little better about that so you gave her a small smile back
‘o, ma uncle’s the coach. didja need’m?’
she shook her head and you could swear there were flowers radiating from her right now
‘actually, no. the third years would like to meet you and i was sent to collect you’
*cue the suspicious eye brow raise*
like we as the watchers know kiyoko is the absolute sweetest angel to ever exist but in a realistic point of view, this was still kinda sussy you know?
she saw the hesitation 
‘the team wants to meet you but that might be a lot for you so we thought it was okay for the third years to meet you instead. if you would like, you could call your uncle and see if it’s okay’
nah, you werent taking any chances so you hurriedly whipped out your phone and pressed 1
since he was in your emergency contact :’)
‘oji, theres dis really pretty lady who says shes the manager of yer team’
‘mhm. mhm. shimizu kiyoko’
‘ahhh, okei okei.’
you ended the call and looked at her before standing up
‘lead the way’
she brought you down many stairs and into a secluded little hallway of the third year floor
you were a bit scared so you were walking a little bit behind her but saw 3 figures at the end, just talking and one leaning out of the open window
they saw the two of you and perked up
‘oh hey! you must be coach’s niece!’
the one with grey hair raised a hand
‘yo’ you timidly greeted
the one with the man bun understood your shyness and gave you a small smile
‘azumane asahi’ he extended a hand and you were surprised at how soft his voice was
‘i’m sugawara koshi but feel free to call me suga-senpai!’ he gave you a peace sign that initially made you cringe but quickly found endearing
he seemed really nice
then the last one with the short black hair gave you a smile
‘i’m the captain of the team. sawamura daichi’
ahhh so he was the captain
well, he was no kita-san but they had the same vibe
the same aura
that authoritative and leading aura
they were quick to ask you questions and get to know you better and such
then the bell rang and the older boys bid farewell to you guys while kiyoko was gonna walk you back to your class
not like you were completely lost or anything
but as you walked, she asked you a question
‘y/n, would you like to be a manager? i’m graduating next year and i worry that we won’t have a new one to replace me’
you looked at her in surprise
did someone say something about you being a manager in your old school?
you blinked
she nods, softly
‘you know our coach already and the third years too. it wouldn’t be too hard to be friends with the others but i do admit they’re quite rambunctious’
it might sound like shes complaining but you turn and see her with a smile
‘do ya think i can do it?’
theres that underlying fear
you werent very social and you werent outgoing enough to make friends with anyone and everyone
back home, you had the twins who weaseled you in to the team in middle school and high school
but now, you were completely alone and you had no one, essentially
so yea youre kinda scared lmao
she hums
‘would you like to see first? you dont have to do anything’
you still hesitate
but maybe you can just sit there and see how it goes 
you could even walk home with your uncle afterwards and with him, you know you wouldnt get lost
so you nod and you were sent back to class which ended really quickly now that you got something to look forward to later
kiyoko picked you up from your classroom since she knew you werent sure where everything was and she asked you to wait outside a room while she got changed to her manager uniform
you were familiar of the manager uniforms since you had to wear it at junior high and high school too
you even still have your familiar red inarizaki jacket but you were too emotional to wear it nor did you want to wear another school’s jacket
kiyoko smiled when she saw you leaning against the wall after she came out and nudged you
‘follow me?’
you nodded, blinded by both her beauty and her striking white teeth
she made small talk with you along the way like how your first day was and if you liked miyagi 
she also asked about where you were from and hyogo
‘i managed ma school’s volleyball team too’
her eyes widened at that revelation
‘did you really? then you know how to do these things then!’
you smiled at her but didnt really answer
the two of you were nearing the gym and could hear the squeaks of shoes against the floor and the balls that were smacking against the walls
she opened the door and you heard shouts of her name before they saw you based on their silence
you observed the gym and noticed many heads, including the tall scary guy from your class
your brows furrowed when your eyes landed on him but he only looked at you with a blank expression
the third years already knew you so they were giving you a smile 
daichi, if you remember correctly, walked up to you and raised a hand
'hey, y/n! glad you could make it!'
you nodded
'shes just observing today, if thats okay?'
daichi lit up and clapped his hands
'of course! feel free to sit over there at the stage, y/n'
the gym wasnt like inarizaki where they had bleachers
it was just a metal box with a stage at the other side 
but before you could go, 3 people bounded up to you
one with orange hair
one with a buzzcut
and another with a bleached fringe
omg tsumu?
they looked at you with wonder
daichi noticed them and quickly put an arm in front of you
'everyone! this is l/n y/n, shes coach's niece and shes simply observing today. please be kind to her'
he pointedly looked at the meme trio and they shrunk back with a pout
but you grinned and raised a peace sign
they immediately introduced themselves to you with hinata, noya, and tanaka being the very outgoing ones and hinata being the one who was in your year while the other two were second years
you also met the quieter and softer second years: ennoshita, kinoshita, and narita who shot you apologetic smiles after they saw the surprised and overwhelmed look you got after the trio talked your ear off
‘sorry about them. they can be a handful’
ennoshita apologized but you waved a hand around
‘don’ mind! don’ mind!’
and you met the other first years
the tall scary guy was tsukishima kei and the one who was walking next to him with the green hair this morning was yamaguchi and was strikingly opposite to his best friend
he had freckles and an adorable smile
‘hi, i’m yamaguchi tadashi’
he introduced himself with a bashful smile
your heart exploded with how cute he was and nodded before sticking a hand out for him to shake
‘l/n y/n’
then the last team member you were introduced to was kageyama tobio
he is a first-year setter with dark blue hair and seemed to have a hobby of bickering the with the tangerine
he was kinda quiet and a bit awkward with introducing himself but it cant be helped that people were awkward you know?
in a way, he reminded you of sunarin
you miss them
but once you were introduced to everyone, you simply sat on the edge of the stage and watched them practice
duh, you just met them so you werent gonna have an automatic friendship with any of them but it didnt mean that you were a stranger to them
your uncle did eventually arrive and he already knew that you met kiyoko and the others but he wasnt really sure if you were gonna be there at practice so he was still surprised to see you
keishin would look at you often just to check if you were uncomfortable but he saw some sort of light in your expression, a sense of excitement and longing
he knew that you were a part of a volleyball club in hyogo too since he met the twins in the midst of moving your stuff
so he knew that you had a connection to volleyball
which is why he dropped the hint to the third years and shimizu about possibly recruiting you as a manager for the team
once nightfall breaks and it was finally dark, everyone clapped as a signal that practice was over
you felt bad just watching them clean up so you jumped off the stage to pick up the stray balls and helping them dismantle the net as much as you could
‘y/n, here’s the cart’
shimizu gently said and you smiled before pushing it yourself and dropping the balls in as you went
she watched you with a soft gaze and she was looking forward to training you
she feels that she made the right choice
keishin rounded them up as a meeting before leaving and announced to stop by the store to get some ice pops as a treat for their hardwork today
you connected to the meme trio since they had an energy that reminded you of your friends back home and how lively they were
hinata and you bounced off each other effortlessly and you animatedly spoke to him the entire walk to the store
did you know where you were going?
but you were just following along with everyone else
‘ah, now we got two shortys to worry about’
tsukishima remarked from behind you and both you and hinata gave him a glare
hinata huffed and you nodded
‘its like i can never escape ya, tsukishima. are ya stalkin me?’
you teased and he rolled his eyes before shoving your shoulder lightly
‘dont be so vain, shrimp. maybe its because we live in the same area and go to the same school. its just a maybe though’
okay, hes sarcastic
keishin opened the door to the store and you greeted your auntie who was looking after it for the time
hinata wanted to get some chips but you wanted a drink so you went to the fridges in the back causing kageyama to follow you too
you noticed him stand beside you, looking at the contents of the fridge and you gave him a sideways smile
kageyama turned his head a bit when he saw you and nodded stiffly before opening and reaching for his milk
how cute
you grabbed your f/d and met up with everyone at the front
the third years were fussing over the meme trio while the second years were watching with an amused smile
your uncle stood beside you and nudged your arm
‘so? you okay with this?’
you looked at him and smiled softly
‘its fun’
yea keishin hasnt really seen you smile like that and he felt a warmth surge in his chest
he wanted to make sure you could start over here and help you move on from what happened
this is the first step to doing so
daichi waved you over and suga patted your head as he began to talk to you
you met keishin’s eyes and he nodded
that night, you were on a group facetime with your friends
tsumu: oi, y/n! ya better not be replacin’ us!
osamu: oh, shaddup, tsumu. nothin’ wrong with making friends yanno
sunarin: how is it there? are you getting along with them? are they nice to you?
y/n: ‘m kinda scared to start over but i’ll do ma best
and thus, started your little adventures with karasuno volleyball team
for like a week, you followed kiyoko everywhere and just watched what she did
you found out that you needed to be in a club as a first year from your homeroom teacher who also coincidentally is the advisor for the team
he was so nice omg
as the days went past, you were quickly warming up to the boys and it was like you were back on the groove that you’ve lost
as a manager, you knew that you needed to be responsible while also being a friend to them
you helped kiyoko with the note taking and doing errands with her to ease the burden on her shoulders while also making plans to hang out with the people in the team
it helped that you were also skilled in doing some medical things so you would be on stand-by with the first aid kit just in case someone did something
but when kageyama and hinata start fighting, you just avert your eyes and pretend your didnt see anything
the third years love you since you were a quick learner and you already knew what to do and what to expect during practices and such
the second years were a bit scared that you would be like the meme trio but they found you were actually not that rowdy and they often stand by you to just talk
sigh, why must they always be benched bruh
you were close with them and because they were your senpais, they would also help you with your studies and tutor you
the meme trio thought of you as another goddess with their kiyoko-senpai but hinata and you just clicked so well together
i mean like yall make jokes and be the only ones that laugh at it
kageyama is more distant and reserved from you mainly because thats just how he is but he does start warming up to you in ways like asking if you would help bandage his fingers and such
and sometimes, you grab him his milk before going to school and surprise him with it 
very very cute things
gosh, dont get me started on tadashi
you got permission to call him tadashi btw
he is so adorable like help he is so cute
like yall are in the same class and you both talk to each other a lot during lunch since you have now joined their little group (much to tsukishima’s dismay) and you guys get along with your similar interests
but gosh, now we get to tsukishima
this dude cannot seem to forget about your bumping into him and taking his seat during your first day
‘gosh, shorty. remember when-’
‘tsukishima, shaddup!’
he loves and i mean LOVES to tease the ever loving life outta you bro like you cannot seem to escape it
and during practices, he will make little remarks to anger you or tick you off 
like when youre on your toes just to reach for something in the storage room, he would somehow know you were in trouble and would make a comment
‘it wouldnt be a problem if you werent so short, chibi’
you turn to him with a glare
‘are ya gonna stand there an’ jus’ keep yappin’ like a chihuahua or are ya gonna help me like a normal human bein’?’
he laughs before huffs and grabs the cone for you but not without accidentally dropping it on your head
‘ah, whoops’
‘yer such a bully, tsukishima’
these boys adore your accent!!!!!!
so it seems that they do have an accent here too but its so faded out and its like a normal tokyo accent but gosh, you were raised in hyogo and your kansai accent is strong asf
and unfortunately i do not speak japanese so i cant explain it directly but theres certain ways that you speak that they find so endearing
like you were rushing to the gym since you were late to their practice because obe-sensei held you up with some sort of issue with your assignment
you were huffing and puffing as you stumbled into the gym and they worriedly asked you where you were and if you were okay
but you were just grumbling since you were frustrated
‘obe-sensei was goin’ on an’ on ‘bout somethin’ so not related ta the homework like didja need ta tell me ‘bout yer dog?! ugh god get the hint why dontcha?!’
you were so cute
like hearing you rant was so adorable and they were blushing at how cute you sounded just now
then training camp starts and you, along with the others, meet nekoma
AHH it was intense and you met the rooster head and kenma too
kuroo looked at you intensely before he lit up, startling you while you were taking notes
‘can i help ya?’
you ask and he chuckled
‘thats where i saw you! youre the girl in suna’s phone!’
you turn red at the mention
help that was so random why did he just say that
kuroo laughed
‘man! now i remember!’
‘what’re ya sayin’, kuroo-san?’
you press on
‘kenma! come over here!’
he yelled for the bleached hair setter who cringed at the mention of his name and how loud it was yelled but still walked over, eyes glued to his phone
‘what is it?’ his soft voice fills the space
‘you remember the inarizaki trio right? the ones that bokubro brought to our last hang out?’
kenma looked up at kuroo with a furrowed brows
kuroo rolled his eyes
‘you know, the training camp and how we met that one school in hyogo and we ended up hanging out after?’
‘ah, the twins’
‘same thing. anyways! you remember the middle blocker? i thought you had beef with him at first but you got along with him’
‘ah, suna’
‘yea him! y/n-chan is the girl on his lockscreen, right?’
kenma looked at you, eyes fixing itself on your face as if he was committing your face to his memory
‘uh, wha?’
you ask again
bruh youre the emoticon O.O
then he nodded
you turned red, freezing and voices tuned out and your team was worriedly asking if you were okay but nah, not really
because of how young you are, the third years tend to treat you like you were a baby and at first it bothered you with how caring they were since you didnt really know them that well and they were already taking care of you
there was still some underlying trauma from your parents death that haunts you
the guys dont know what happened or anything like that because obviously that was your business and nobody else’s
all they know is that you were from hyogo and transferred over here to miyagi and now live with your uncle
one day, you got a phone call from the legal attorneys with them explaining that all of the stuff was being finalized and you were finally finished with the longest months of your life
it was during a school day and you needed absolute privacy so you were at the back of the gym since one, the rooftop had too many cliche stuff happen up there and there has to be someone that could go up there and two, the volleyball gym wasnt exactly a popular hangout spot for anyone and three, the back of it was rarely visited by any of your team members and most of them would be in class anyways so they wouldnt be here unless they were skipping
but anyways
you were pacing behind the gym with your phone pressed to your ear
‘if you have any other questions, ms. l/n, feel free to call us okay? again, we are very sorry for your loss and offer our utmost condolences. there is always light in the darkness’
‘yes, thank you. goodbye’
you mumbled before they hung up and you stopped, harshly biting your lips with tears brimming your eyes and fists clenched around your phone at your sides
this was it
everything was done
you should be relieved, there was no more issues or legalities left to worry about
so why do you feel so empty?
as messed up as it was, those stresses and problems were the last of what connected you to your parents
and now that it was finished, it felt like that connection was gone
you sucked in a breath harshly, trying to not cry and make yourself calm down but you couldnt, sobs escaping you
you harshly wiped your eyes and kept breathing in and out to stop yourself
someone’s voice called out to you from way in front of you so you looked up and saw
his eyebrows were furrowed like usual but there wasnt a trace of annoyance like there usually was
instead, there was concern
you mumbled before shakily sighing and breathing for a second before looking up at him
even with your puffy eyes and red face with tear tracks down your face, you still smiled at him
‘wha’s up, kageyama?’ you question and he sighed a bit
‘what happened? are you okay?’
he approached you cautiously but you nodded
‘yea, ‘m fine. really’
he didnt believe you but didnt say anything, continuing to look at you
your eyes glaze over and you looked down
‘please, don’ give me yer pity’
you whisper
kageyama’s eyes widens
‘i don’ need pity, kageyama’
there was no malice or anger in your voice, just a little tone of embarrassment peaking through
kageyama understood
he was the same way
he was prideful and would rather die than someone seeing him so vulnerable and much less, crying his heart out
especially to someone he knew personally
so he understood
and he also understood grief
no one knew anything about your past as their coach always remained tight-lipped about it
but he did hear from some gossip from his mother with the coaches in the area that the old coach ukai’s granddaughter died
were you somehow connected to that?
oh, the current coach ukai was your uncle so it had to be you
you looked at kageyama and you saw a flash of understanding
did he know?
kageyama turned to lean against the wall
‘would you like me to leave you alone? i promise i won’t say anything to anyone’
his gruff voice sounded gentle and you looked up at him
‘yer a good person, kageyama. but, ‘m okay’
there was definitely an odd aura in the gym today and you and the coach were acting weird but everyone didnt want to be involved in familial business so they left it alone
but kageyama was paying attention to you more than usual and running to you to be bandaged up
they were even shocked when he patted your head
trust me, kageyama shocked himself too
the entire time, the team were trying to make you laugh and doing more jokey things
they wanted to cheer you up and daichi suddenly remembered, in the midst of closing up and cleaning up
he got you a surprise before they were starting to do the interhighs and he ran to the storage room, everyone watching him intently
‘daich-san?’ you asked when he came out and walked towards you with his hands behind him
daichi smiled softly before presenting you a clothing
is that
‘welcome to karasuno high school volleyball club!’
they shouted and you looked at them with wide eyes, tears once again in your eyes but this time, they were kinda happy tears
you looked to the side to shimizu and she gave you a rare wide smile and your uncle too
what is this feeling
so familiar but so strange since you havent felt it in a very long time
‘thank you!’
you shouted with them and bowed to keep your tears hidden
you all went to your family’s convenience store to celebrate and when you and keishin got home, he pulled you to a hug
‘we’re here now, y/n. not just me, but the team too’
that night, you once again facetimed the trio and they saw how grinny you were
tsumu: ei, why’re ya lookin’ like that?
y/n: tsumu, rude!
osamu: yea, did somethin’ happen?
you shake your head
y/n: the volleyball team here is really nice
tsumu: ahhh, yer really replacin’ us now!!!! what would kita-san say hm?!
osamu: here ya go again with your jealousy
while the twins bickered, suna gave you a gentle smile
suna: something good happened right? i havent seen you smile like that in a while
y/n: yea. i just…
you trail off, eyes wandering to the black karasuno jacket hanging there beside your red inarizaki one
y/n: its not startin’ over. its jus’ startin’ a new part of ma life. and i think ‘m ready to do it.
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rise-my-angel · 2 years
Shadows of Mandalore
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Female Reader, Boba Fett x Female Reader
Length: 20k
Warnings: A/b/o (alpha beta omega dynamics), omega reader, not a poly relationship, angst/hurt comfort, mentions of past trauma, mentions of slavery, smut, oral (f and m recieving), p in v, anal play, anal sex, dirty talk via communicator, slight degradation, one mention of name calling during sex (consensual), m/m/f threesome, no m/m dynamics
Notes: Takes place during the span of episodes 5, 6, and 7 of The Book of Boba Fett.
Perhaps many years ago this vast expanse of darkness below would have been frightening. Now though, you came with the safety that those other then yourself had your back. The fade into what you couldn’t see reminded you of the vast crevasses you had been told to avoid as a child. The elders insisting you went nowhere near where the world split, but your father whispering promises of teaching you not just how to cross but to climb. Such lessons never happened, and so for a long, lonely time you continued to go nowhere near such deep falls. 
By your side however, there was more than just the promises of your long forgotten father. The pair behind you kept far away enough to watch but not listen, but one of them no doubt would not only dive off to catch you but climb up in no time. Both would, but you felt Din’s eyes trained on your back at all times. Even if he was turned to speak to Paz, never once did he not have you somewhere in his sights. Both men watching respectfully, but gave the space and distance commanded by the woman beside you. 
The Armourer sat next to you at the edge of the platform, having requested she speak to you and you alone before discussing thing’s further with those of her covert. Only somewhat taller then you, she still seemed to tower over you with bulk and authority. The fur around her shoulders and helmet designed like that of horns still intimidated you as much now as it did the first time. Sitting next to her, legs crossed as your heart beat a tinge faster, you wondered if her silence was because she sensed it. 
“You were a slave before meeting Din Djarin were you not?” There had been hints of amusement and closeness when speaking to her kind, but the formality of a leader returning with you only adding to the strange worry that you still didn’t belong. You stared out into the darkness as you nodded. Not wanting her to pick up on your insecurity. “And yet you haven’t returned to Werda since being freed.” 
It was either curiosity in her voice or a judgment, a tone you doubt even without the modulator you would be able to ascertain. Your only memory of the place now was of that night. The cracking split in the cliff side and ship so large it looked as if it was rising out of the caverns below, there was painful silence for just a moment until it boomed and lights flew from the ships interior until there was nothing left in your young understanding but fire and screams. 
There was pain in being taken from your home, your family. But where Din’s loss ended in the arms of a people who formed the brave and valiant family in place to heal. You were ripped from a home you didn’t know much about, and tossed into the hands of others with a brand that you still felt the phantom burning of on your neck. 
Omega’s were rare now. Uncommon in the galaxy, and once thought to be extinct amongst Mandalorians. From an isolated childhood to a life of slavery, finally thrusting into the vast world of the very people you heard so much about as a child. You didn’t know what confused you more. Your own presentation as an omega, or the strange fascination different Mandalorians seemed to have with such a presentation.
Din knew there was nothing left of what he called home if he were to travel back, but you didn’t know what was even left behind. Swallowing harshly, you kept your jaw set and forward. “My home, they were killed that night, or they moved on in fear. Either way I would have no way of knowing where to even find them. We didn’t stay in once place if there was trouble, but I don’t even know where home was when they took me.” 
A silence passed between you before she found her voice again. “Keeping in small numbers while hiding to protect those small amounts. An interesting trait for those who claimed to stray far from The Way.” 
Head turning to her slightly, you felt something reach within you as if trying to shield a truth that’s wanted to make itself known for a while now. Your unsure silence spoken as a prompt for her to continue. “Omegas exist outside of Mandalorians but it was with us that their numbers prospered. A presentation once treasured but whose numbers disappeared some time before the Great Purge. Whomever was left, all but perished along with our home world and for some time none of us knew where the remainder had been taken.” 
A sinking feeling in your stomach felt like a powerful weight slamming into it. The shock and surprise of the pirates who stole you from your home, and the scramble to sell you to the highest bidder. 
“Until an omega was rumoured to have shown up on the slave trade after Werda was invaded. A planet many of us thought to be abandoned along with much of The Mandalore System. Hiding our own kind in plain sight.” 
Were you not sitting, hands already wrung together and hidden away in your lap, the shaking may have become painfully clear. Your jaw clenched tightly as the only tone coming from your mouth was that of a whisper. You knew the truth of history, yet the disbelief of stories told as a child fought strongly with that. “No, we went to the Mandalore system after you abandoned it, because you wouldn’t look where you left behind.” 
A creak of distraught peeked into your voice, but neither it or your words offended her. “Who is more likely to be telling the truth, omega. If it is the stories told to you as a child, then you wouldn’t be here right now, would you?” 
Of course it was a stretch, did you truly ever believe the opposite when since day one you had trusted Din and his people more than anyone in your life before. “You said Werda was hiding your own kind, you mean-”
“Mandalorians.” Her head turned slowly to yours, her voice as sure and as absolute as ever. “Or, those born to Mandalorians. Stashed away to keep their omega’s from the very kind of Mandalorians they deemed dangerous for simply putting faith in The Way.” 
You thought of that, even now. The possible truth that the Elders of your home lied of the past and destroyed access to the outside world just to keep it that way. Even now as you walked through the hanger, your mind replayed her final words to you. 
“You are bonded to him,” nodding to Din, “and we are not to disrespect the bond between mates but know this, omega. His transgressions are not yours. You need not swear the Creed to have a place amongst us. An omega born to Mandalorians such as us will always be welcome here should she choose so.” 
Both you and Din had far too much on your minds to even know where to start with the other, and least of all to discuss out in the open as you both were stuck travelling. There were people everywhere, and the transport ship in sight was even less viable as an option. 
Little had been said since leaving the covert, but Din kept you close. A hand on your lower back or keeping you more firm at his side than normal, the spiralling whirlwind of emotions no doubt his was picking up on but also for himself. 
The Armourer had given you a place with their people in the same encounter she told Din, that he had lost his. There was a path to redemption, one that neither of you knew where quite to start but the road there would not be felt likely in his heart. 
Paz spitting he was an apostate, while the Armourer forced herself to stand collected and provided a redemption, but it did very little to settle the fiery conflict the deceleration put within him. You had gently slipped your hand into his, fingers wrapping together, making sure that this not a loss of everything. 
Din had turned to you, back to his people as he cupped your cheek with his other hand. Just like always, you met his eyes through the blackness of a visor and he found unwavering solidarity in your togetherness. He didn’t have nothing, there was still you. For now that would be enough to prevent his mind from falling apart in just another way. 
You both felt the frustration too. All of your belongings now sat either on Din’s person or in the bag wrapped across your shoulders that once held the other piece of your hearts. No home, no child, and now, Din being casted out, an apostate despite the very reason for his sacrifice being for his foundling. A part of their Creed which was supposed to be the most important thing to protect. 
He understood the gravity of what he did, and regardless of how you felt about the repercussions it was still important to him to fix. Something of his identity that through meeting Mandalorians of other kinds, still was part of who he was and wanted to be. You both would fix this, but it was hard to do that in your current situation.
Especially when that situation involved a droid falling it’s alarm that only tripped after you and Din crossed it’s path. Turning back it sat amongst a security luggage port, sticking out a key card telling you to remove your weapons. 
Both of you turning in place to walk towards it, Din was already agitated let alone being yelled at by a machine. “I’m a Mandalorian, weapons are part of my religion.” 
Coming up beside him, you could see eyes on the large man in full armour with worry as if they weren’t regularly surrounded with far more and far worse people who didn’t have the respect and restraint that Din has. “If you wish to discuss this with my supervisor, I will gladly book you on tomorrow’s flight.” 
Sharing a glance between you, a fight with an even more frustrating droid and being stuck here overnight looked even less appealing. Snatching the card from it, Din opened the secure storage, turning to you with a hand outstretched. 
The small blaster wasn’t exactly the best, nor was Din really even happy that you needed one but without the Razor Crest it was a compromise. Tossing it in, he already begun moving onto his arsenal. You remembered the first time you saw the extent of weaponry he kept on his person, yet now you could almost predict what he’d reach for next without looking. Putting it all back though, was going to be a much bigger annoyance then taking it off.
Stepping to his side, Din pulled out the Darksaber. Looking completely unremarkable in it’s deactivated state, but one of the only things that connected you both to that day Grogu left. Sparing a look at the other, you raised your eyebrows with a little tilt of your head in hesitancy.
Din didn’t have a choice, but it certainly felt odd putting a weapon of such apparent importance into a security luggage some droid was going to toss into the cargo. Pulling the card out, Din pointed at the little droid. “I know everything that’s in there.” 
You didn’t know why, but the light hearted tone of it’s response to a threat, made you smile. An act that had Din looking at you curiously, but in an impossible to determine way. His hand returned to your lower back as you entered the transport making your way to whatever seats they booked you in. 
Gesturing you to go in first, you took the bag off your shoulders, letting it hang off the edge of the armrest next to the wall. Eyes shutting with a huff, you let your head rest back for just a moment as you felt Din move in next to you. 
It was those quiet times in the cockpit of the Razor Crest that you and Din felt the most connected. A long way to travel with the peace of just the two of you interspersed with a baby wanting in on the affection. Many times Grogu would end up on Din’s lap, venture over to yours for a while and then back to Din when he wanted to sleep. 
It was those moment’s you felt that bond the Armourer spoke of. Technically you and Din weren’t mated, but your souls reached for one another in instinct at all times and kept any from stealing you away. It was more quiet now though. An unspoken you always felt.
Din able to retain his alpha, knowing it would calm whatever senses your omega had the potential of putting off to much. Feeling his gaze, you opened your eyes to turn and look up at the man already watching you before a child turned in the seat in front of you. 
Curious gaze looking at Din in the same childlike wonder Grogu would often do. The little wave he did and the nod Din gave the kid back pulled too much at your heart. The kid looking nothing like yours but the feeling persisted of how much he was missed. 
It must have gotten stronger, because you suddenly felt a wave of calm splashing onto you from Din as he brushed your knuckle with a few fingers to catch you, voice little more then a whisper. “Cyra’ika,” You must have made Din feel more distressed then you were actively realizing. His touch moving then to brush against your cheek as he leaned in. Forehead not quite touching yours, “How long has it been since you’ve slept.” 
Eyes drooping a slight as you leaned into his hands touch. “Since before the bounty?” 
Smirking at how instantly Din sighed, you shrugged one shoulder. Neither of you slept well since the light cruiser. “I’m not even going to bother pointing out how many days ago that was.” Sliding his touch to under your chin, pushing you to look up at him. “You should try while we’re on here. It’ll be a bit before we get to Tatooine.” 
Narrowing your eyes you grasped his hand, pulling from your chin to keep in your lap. “What about you?” 
His chuckle was light enough that no one but you could have picked it up, making you pout a tad as he pulled away from your lap to slide it up behind your neck. Firmly yet soothingly holding you close to him. “I will, I promise.” 
His hand pulling you to rest gently on his shoulder, knowing that you liked the coolness of the beskar on your skin lately. You had been running hotter the past few weeks, and with little chances to lay together and surround yourself with Din’s even warmer body heat, you took advantage of the beskar’s temperature. 
Din waited until you were asleep to pull out the wrapped cloth. The shirt forged from the spear he used to rescue Grogu. A fitting transference if you asked him. If he squinted, Din could almost see the shape of his head and large ears in the wrappings, but it also certainly was just the loneliness without him pulling at his heart. 
You had each other, but missing Grogu was something else entirely and it left a painful void. He tried to keep the subject from you, Grogu was his and their clan was made just with the two of them, but you were just as important to it. An honorary member turning it to a clan of three that you insisted wasn’t true. You always wanted to keep a distance. Fearing your attachment would come across as trying to invade on their space despite how much both parties wanted you too. 
Your distress at his leaving was more evident, everything you felt lately was more intense. Screaming to the surrounding people that you were omega in distress and Din put forth everything in his power to keep you calm and safe in his arms. Even the rising level of your body heat was concerning to Din. He knew you tried to hide it, but he scanned and checked your vitals through his visor more then you knew, even before you joined him. 
Finding himself scanning you to ensure you were alright and safe between visits to Navarro. It was there he noticed your former slavers brand was red inflamed. You had been working on removing it, but it was leaving a new scar on your neck at how viciously you scrubbed it away. 
He bought bacta specifically for it, telling you to use it before bed and not to touch your fading brand until it was healed entirely. He protected you just like that now, even if it meant keeping both of your pains quiet. The first night you two were together was after Grogu had left, and the feeling off ripped away loss send you hurling towards a stress induced heat. 
Your presentation had never quite gone back down after your heat ended. Like you were stuck on the verge of another, but kept rooted to the ground by Din’s soothing presence and the command of his alpha. He hoped seeing Grogu would be good for you, even if it would still mean leaving him once more.
You didn’t allow yourself a goodbye. Turning your gaze away to leave the moment to them alone, and from the distance he felt more torn apart inside at how raging your omega screamed. Letting what you subconsciously saw as your own kid, just be taken away after everything to rescue him. 
Maybe that’s why Din was handling it just the slightest bit better, he felt Grogu’s gentle touch on his cheek and their eyes on each other until they were no longer together. You didn’t let yourself have that, and if Din wasn’t also fighting this internal struggle of what his people now saw him as? This would be easier for you to handle, but the two of you had too much stolen from you and what to show for it? 
No home, no child, just a weapon that held a responsibility Din had no interest in. Tatooine wasn’t a great place, but maybe enough familiar faces to ease both your pains for even a little while. 
Leaving the artificial light of the transport into the blistering suns masked by nothing but the sand below had you squinting walking off the ramp. Throwing the bag back over your shoulder you remembered the last time you were actually on this planet. 
For the first time since you begun travelling with them, it was the first time anyone outside of Din had given you any kind of flirtatious attention that wasn’t dripping with a creepiness. Cobb Vanth was more chatty then you were used too, and honestly? Having a man smile charmingly at you like that almost felt as unusual as it did somewhat flustering. 
Sitting around a fire, Grogu had been happily plopped down between Din’s feet to sit closer to the fire occasionally climbing gently over his boot to glance over at you, only to find you looking right back. A little game between you and him, who caught who staring first and who would be the first to look away. 
One of the Tuskens had made a rather loud noise to another, breaking Grogu’s concentration and giving ample opportunity for the Marshall to whisper yours over onto him. “You know, I was wondering if I could see the resemblance, but some kids just take more after their father’s don’t they?” 
A hint of a smirk formed as you turned yourself to look at him properly, your voice an inch lower. “Or maybe all those years in the sun just means you don’t see too good.” He chuckled, but it wasn’t as deep and warm as Din’s, though it was odd you’d compare. 
He was quiet for a moment, watching you sip the odd liquid the Tuskens had given you all and it also didn’t feel as nice when Din quietly watched you. Though, you figured it at the least was better then the annoying feeling when it was Calican watched you. Acting as if cocky spunk would endear you to him. “The kid’s his. That much is obvious, now you got me wondering where you fit into all this exactly.” 
Cobb had meant it as a genuine question. A Mandalorian shows up demanding the return of the Marshall’s bought armour, has a very small baby in toe with big ears and curious wide eyes, and you by his side. Not a bounty hunter, nor a Mandalorian, and what Cobb knew all to well was the faded mark of a slave brand on your neck healed out to almost nothing. He was interested in this strange trio that walked into his town and rallied the what he normally felt was a group of dangerous creatures together for a common goal. 
To you? It felt much like then Xi’an asked you the same thing. Only she meant it with malice.  A judgment upon your person that even worse, was extended to the kid. A kid that they sent their bug droid to kill just for being associated with Din. She was the first one who made you question if you belonged with these two. 
Cobb didn’t mean it that way, but you felt it. And surprisingly, so did the kid in question. Grogu at some point had found himself up on Din’s lap. Little hand reaching over to you with a grumble as if upset you were too far away. The man beside you chuckled more, “Just like me as a boy, could never go too long without his mama’s attention.” 
Your heart lept at the word, but quickly Din had scooted over to get your side pressed up against his. Grogu crawling half into your lap before falling over and letting out a half purr half grumble. Din’s voice was in your ear this time, and the warmth filling your veins brought calm to your memory once more. “I’d suggest you hold him a while, but I have a feeling he’d just get upset all over again.”
Hand reaching down to trail softly over his ear, you smiled. Not that you could sense it quite yet, but Din smiled at the sight just as brightly. “Maybe we spoil him too much.” 
A gloved hand reached down to grasp at Grogu’s little hand, baby fingers wrapping around one of his while the remainder covered it entirely in the leather. “Spoiling was when you spent the last of your earnings on that plush instead of that drink you enjoyed.” Din had geared you towards a specific vendor one day, hoping you’d catch the sight of the man selling this strange dark blue drink you loved only to stop at Grogu cooing. 
You had turned to look at him, sat happily in the bag Din kept on him and his big eyes trained on a brown frog plush, a bit on the rough side and just short of his own height. Naturally, you folded instantly. 
Now though, it was just one of the very little items you had left. Din kept the metal ball on him, and you kept the plush frog in the bag once for Grogu himself. The droid at the security station was in far worse condition. Paint chipping and it’s voice box stuttering and movements lanky. It didn’t feel as welcoming as the memory you sank into just seconds before. 
Headed towards the main part of town, thing’s didn’t appear to be in quite as working order as you expected. Nothing was occurring, but there was a quiet unsure feeling among the people like waiting for violence. Din, naturally, kept you pressed almost right as his side until Peli’s hanger approached. 
“Where’s your unlikely companion?” As instant as you froze up in place, Din’s alpha reached out to tame the rising flames before they could spark more. The way he could command your presentation without speaking were it from anyone else, would be alarming. 
“I returned him to his own kind.” 
Peli’s response though, almost cracked something akin to a smirk. “Why the hell would you do that? I could have good money off that thing.” 
Pushing past the dryness in your throat, you turned your head to her. “Pretty sure keeping a baby for just a petting zoo is illegal.” Her head turned to look over at you, the little glint in your eye much easier to read then the stillness of the Mandalorian few were used too. 
Shaking her head with an amused smirk of her own, “It’s not illegal. Just morally dubious. Besides, those big bright eyes would have made me a killing.” 
Approaching something covered in a sheet in her hanger, you and Din paused to glance at one another hesitantly. You weren’t a ship expert but something tells you she had a completely different plan then what she called you both for. “Ready to have your mind blown?” 
Well, that wasn’t really the word. More confused, at least Din was more straight forward. “Where’s the Razor Crest?” 
“I never said I had a Razor Crest, I said I had a replacement for the Razor Crest.” The more you looked at it, the more interested you became. The general design looked familiar but not in a way you would have seen out in the open space. 
The two of them went back and forth for a bit, Din saying “This is a pile of junk.” and Peli trying to sweeten the deal with promises of modification and big game about it being a Starfighter used by some Naboo Queen. Pacing around it, you think you may have read a book with something like this in it. 
Early on, you had started reading up on ships and internal ship mechanics trying to prove yourself useful to Din beyond just watching Grogu. Starfighter’s were in that text somewhere that pinged at your vauge memory. Something you actually know about in a way that’s helpful, finally. 
“I’m telling you Mando, you gotta believe me. This is a classic.” 
While she had inadvertently knocked a panel right off it’s loose hold, you turned to Din from where you stood by one of it’s engine thrusters. “What if we fix it first?” His head tilting, you started gesturing around it. “I mean, we’ll need to fish around for parts, but it doesn’t look salvaged, more like it’s just been stripped.” 
You felt a shiver at his silence, glancing around before backtracking. “Just, I mean it’s not what we wanted, but if we can get it to work,” 
Peli’s high pitched voice yelled out as she pointed to you, “That’s when, not if, missy.” 
Smirking slightly, you raised your hand sin defence. “When we get it to work,” You moved back closer to Din a little unnerved at his silence. “You get to keep all your weapons on you in a Starfighter at least.” 
Could you see under his helmet, you’d see the amused yet done look on his face. Peli, a scrappy friend who was the hardest person outside his clan to say no too. Then there was your hopeful look, and an understanding that you had perked up at the idea of working on the ship for the first time in weeks. 
It wasn’t a permanent solution, but it was a temporary one that seemed to brighten your face. Glancing up at it, then down to you, your eyes wide and mouth slightly parted in hope. “Fixed up it’ll sell for more then we paid.” 
Peli had a protest to it, but the excitement in your eyes was just the right amount for Din. Hanging your bag up on the wall, you grabbed a pair of gloves and all three of you had some work to do. Peli disappeared to start on looking for certain parts, leaving you and Din in the peaceful quiet. 
Seamlessly working back and forth, interspersed with the goofy little droids that astounded you that they knew how to do anything. But they made you smile sometimes, and hey, five times out of ten, they passed you the right tool. You didn’t even know where to start on the Jawa’s, or more accurately, whatever strange arrangement she had with them. 
You were behind the ship, hands deep in one of the still stripped open panels with half the wiring either missing entirely, or hooked up wrong. “I dated a Jawa once.” Your head flying up, the dead silence Din gave her contrasting Peli not even considering the oddity of what she just said. An R5 unit passing by you, bleeping and shaking from the scavengers still hovering the area. 
Side eyeing it, you just shook your head muttering, “Trust me, buddy. Getting stripped for parts is the least of your worries out there.” Turning away it bumped into you slightly by accident, jostling you forward as one of the open wires sparked. Zapping at your fingertips, one hand gloveless just to have fit your hand through. Pulling back with a quiet hiss, you shook your hand and sat back on your knees. 
Pressing the heel of your palm into your forehead, the warmth came now from beside you not just within you. Peeking to the side, Din kneeled by your side, his hand outstretched towards you. “Here, let me see.”  Handing him the tool but he didn’t take it, just looked at you. “Not that, cyra’ika. Your hand.” 
Dropping it, you hesitated for just a moment ultimately knowing Din would just yank it towards him if you refused. Palm up, he traced your fingers up and tickling the soft sensation. You shrugged not yet brave enough to look at him. “Just a zap, it’s fine.” No words, he looked you over until the image of just dirt and small, older scrapes covered it. But he didn’t give it back. Sparing a look around the room, Peli was no where. “Din.” 
He himself sighed, shoulders dropping in exhaust that had you yearning for the privacy to help wring tension out of. “Sorry, I know. I just-” 
What he expected out of you was not what you had either. “Maybe you should go without me.” 
Helmet snapping up to you, a surge of paralyzing disbelief rushed forth into you. Trying to slip your hand back, Din in fact, yanked you right back into his touch. His heart pumping silence demanding an elaboration. 
Stammering you felt far less confident in this idea then you had when it arrived as a fleeting thought. “I just mean, this means a lot to you two and I wasn’t even there from the beginning,” Din said your name in warning, and pulled you further into him just as you unconsciously fidgeted too far from his comfort. “I just shouldn’t-” 
Peli’s voice rang out higher then both of yours could possibly dream of combined. “I don’t know why you’re always in such a hurry. Build me a ship, fix my blaster holes.” 
Her interruption granting just enough surprise from Din to slip out of his grasp, pushing up from your thighs and walking around the ship the long way from him. “Find us a ship is different then build me one, Peli. Besides we’re the ones doing all the work.” Gesturing to the slowly standing Din. 
Waving her hand at you, “All the work? Trust me, dealing with a bunch of eager Jawa’s always asking me out is hard work, believe me.” The funny thing about Peli is either she didn’t see your narrowed brows as you stared confused at her because it didn’t matter, or she did and ignored it. “You’d know what I’m talking about if you didn’t have a human sized massiff glaring down your potential suitors.” 
Voice flat as ever, one hand on his hip Din just stared Peli down until she threw her hands up in bemused defeat. Not before mockingly covering her mouth and leaning into you, “All alpha’s this protective or just the Mando variety?” 
There was a joke somewhere deep within you, but it was hard to get out at Din’s stare. It wasn’t something you came too lightly, but more and more you couldn’t help but feel this pull of failure that permeated every conversation or thought of Grogu. Not that you’d say it, but you somehow felt like a disworthy omega. Not even given herself the chance to say goodbye to her child and now lacking the ability to comfort the loneliness and dark pain creeping into her mate. 
Or supposed mate, in this case. Kicking nothing at your feet, it became too hard to face that reality the closer the ship was to finished. That was the plan, see Grogu once the ship is acquired but maybe you didn’t deserve it. Grogu was Din’s, his foundling. Not yours. Just a tag along that accidentally fit a nice role of doting omega that now wandered the galaxy lost and without use. 
Tension between you and Din was palpable. His eyes on you at all times the second they were anywhere but the ship. Yours, never met his back. Even through the visor, you found his his eyes perfectly every time. Even his covert making mention of the ease in which you spoke to them like the helmet was just who they were like your face was. 
By the time the Jawa's returned, you had been crouched by a panel away from the door. Knowing both by the quick scramble of small feet and R5 shaking like the least brave droid in existence. Catching it’s attention, you inhaled and exhaled with dramatic movements. But the droid just beeped more. 
Never met a droid that was such a baby before. 
Din’s voice rang out through the hanger. “Where did they get a cryogenic density combustion booster?” 
“Do you really wanna know?” 
Sounded like a fair question, neither you or Din had found the Jawa’s holding a favourable track record of being in the ownership of things belonging to him, or Fett for that matter. A thought that sparked in your head and begun plotting itself out..
“They said they crawled under a Pyke spice runner and crimped it off while they were refueling. Gutsy little fellas.” Hands pausing mid movement, you turned your head just enough to hear her the slightest bit clearer. “Let me tell you something, Pykes do not mess around. Ever since they've been moving spice through the system, everything's gone to hell. Everyone's afraid of 'em and law enforcement won't even go near 'em.” 
Eyes glazing over, you bit part of your bottom lip as you lost yourself in wonder. Things around here looked calm, but that might be in part of fear of what may come through. You’d had enough encounters both with their kind, and that of spice runners in general. Their work and cooperation with the slavers trade were synonymous with one another. Many people you had seen sold off in favour of high quality cut, but not you it seemed. No spice was worth selling an omega until an even greedier profiteer came along with a heftier offer.  
Gears turned, but perhaps ones which wouldn’t make Din very happy. What did though, was how gorgeously fast the Starfighter was. You watching from a view point separate from her hanger, the machine flying through the sky with impressive skill. Peli leaving the field test over to you, saying something about cleaning up after them, either her droids or the Jawa’s who knows.
He unbeknownst to you, could hear the joy in your tone along with the smirk on your face more akin to proud them smug. “How’s the handling?” 
“A little bumpy,” the slight echos of control switches flipping on his end, “let me open her up.” 
The speed catching attention of those on the street’s below, you felt something shiver down your spine without recognizing it. Nor that your tone felt much raspier to his deeper one. “Controls are more sensitive then a Razor Crest, going to have to ease me into this one.” 
It didn’t translate through both the communicator, or the modulator on his helmet but there was a shift in his seat and a grunt along with a more boiling point of his blood before he spoke. “I’ll be gentle. Don’t you worry mesh’la.” 
Face flushing, he called for you again. “Talk to me, sweet girl tell me how I’m doing.” 
If he was doing this on purpose that was unfair. You squirmed in your seat along with a tightness in your chest that felt more thrilling than was appropriate for being alone in a friends control bay. Swallowing your tone down, you shook your head. “Manoeuvrability looks good, take it through Beggar’s Canyon so I can see the navigational stats.” 
Still learning how to read navigational equipment outside of the Razor Crest, you squinted as you watched it coming through, putting together the pieces in your head. “That’s better, you look good out there.” 
“Says the pretty girl giving me orders.” The deepness he spoke in was intentional, it had to be. There was a silence in your bones as he chuckled. The communicator making it feel deep in your chest. “There we go, nice and tight.” 
You barley registered what he was actually doing on the Starfighter, the communicator holding tight in your grip. “What’s an omega got to do to get an alpha to talk to her that way?” 
Oh Din could dish it, but he could not handle hearing it back right in his ear like that. He groaned shamelessly, coming at you like a warning. “Mesh’la..” 
Pushing up from the chair, you braced a palm on an empty space of the control board, far too warm for your own good. “No, please I understand. She’s sleek and gorgeous, I’ll give you space.” Din muttered something in Mando’a that you didn’t know. “I’ll meet you back down there, okay? Treat her gentle.” A quick glance back up to where nothing was visible anymore, you sighed out clicking it off. 
The trek down to the outside wiping away the fluster in your heart, glad this was working out at least in the meantime. Looking around you saw the hanger closed up oddly enough.  Hopping down the final step, you closed the door behind you looking over at the woman with her hands on her hips looking up much like you had chasing a ship too fast to spot. 
You jumped back as she did, her hand on her heart as she walked over to you. “Maker, you think that man gets himself into enough trouble, now he’s got people stopping by here looking for him.” A breathless rant you stepped closer to her, hands up almost trying to bring the manic down a tinge. 
“I was gone for less than ten minutes, what happened?” Watching her shake her head, she dramatically inhaled and let it all back out before nodding to the closed doors. 
“Someone came looking for him, both of you. No idea how they knew either of you were in my business but I locked ‘em up in the hanger. Figured Mando’s more equipped for that than you or me.” 
Glancing over, you watched the closed doors for a moment with narrowed eyes until you heard the sleek sounds of the Starfighter back in atmosphere. You and Peli backing up to give him space, it landed like nothing. Peeking inside, Din made it look easy enough but you had a distinct feeling getting used to this one wouldn’t be as easy as before. 
The Razor Crest was a gunship, but more forgiving to pilot. Peli meeting him with amusement in her own voice. “How was it?” 
Din glanced at the pair of you, making Peli cheer to herself as you grinned. “Wizard.” He climbed out of the seat as you walked over, leaning on the side to look over days worth of work. His tall frame loomed over you, were he not in public you’d have felt his hand tilt your chin up to look at him. Instead he stood as close as he could get away with, a strong scent of his inner alpha radiating your senses. 
Your eyes a little dumbfounded at how strong he smelt and how small it made you feel, in a way you wanted more of. “I know it’s not what we wanted, but it’s something, right?” Before he could respond, Peli came back over. 
“Oh, someone claiming to be a friend of you two dropped by.” Holding her hands out, she switched her tone. “Don't worry. I told her I didn't know where you were. Then I locked her in and engaged the hangar security system.”
“She tell you her name?” 
Before anyone said another word, they did for you. “Fennec Shand.” Spinning around, you saw her sitting up on a tricky hanger ledge with a smirk. Hopping down each one, you felt a real grin forming as you and Din met her halfway. “By any chance you looking for work? The pay is good.” 
You could feel even just still beside him, Din’s hovering presence the second anything switched to business. Especially lately. “What’s the bounty?” Being tossed the pay, neither of you even glanced at it’s contents. 
Fennec shook her head, “No bounty, we need muscle.” 
Now the dots made sense. The Pykes, the strange aura of the city streets. Boba Fett challenged the leadership in a different kind of way, no doubt such a name and conquered title would set forth an a new challenger to test it. “Fett’s after the Pykes?” 
Her sharp gaze nodding at you, “Encroaching on his territory. He sure would appreciate it.” 
Neither you or Din had to even look at one another to feel your answers. It wasn’t often Din was shown fair and unselfish loyalty and neither he or Fennec needed to help you when going after Moff Gideon. But they did, and you felt that connecting chain tighten in agreement between you and Din. Tossing the pay back, he was absolute. “Tell him it’s on the house. But first,” 
If he felt that strength of understanding between you go slack, he said nothing until the three of you parted ways. The walk back to the hanger where your stuff hung was painfully quiet and he didn’t deserve this strange silence over something he likely wanted you to look forward too. 
But if Din was straight forward with you, so would you be in return. “Din, I’m not going.” 
He stopped right in his step, turning back to you almost as fast as the very ship you watched sail in the sky. His tall frame hiding the brightness of the sun but leaving your shadows feeling intimidated. “Oh I hear you the first time. What the hell do you mean you’re not going?” 
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came from it as people passed by in the area. Din noting the same, pulled you to the side of the building all but crowding you against it. Trying to pull himself down, his tone turned sweet but you were faster to get it all out. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go with you. To see Grogu.” Your throat closed up, and your hands trembled at your sides. 
Din slightly leaned back, his voice in quiet disbelief. “Mesh’la why would you-”
Crossing your arms across your chest you shook your head. Sinking in on yourself as the wall served as something of a backrest. “He’s your foundling. Not- not mine. You were the one he said goodbye to, I just don’t think I should be there. It’s..between you two.” 
No longer caring of the sight, Din finally captured your chin in his fingers. “Why would you think that?” 
Truthfully you didn’t quite know. Something inside your chest clawed at you and it bled into your lungs until the air felt too strained to breathe. Your arms hung uselessly at your side wishing that you could just hide in his chest like you could before. “I- The Armourer called you a clan of two. Not three. And I guess...I just think there are things you two should do just with each other, without me tagging along.” 
His head leaned into yours, voice tighter then normal as his grip did the same. “You are not just tagging along. You belong with me. With us, you’re apart of our clan.” 
But were you? That first night, those first few days once Grogu was gone. You and Din spent that time together and isolated, your heat had sped into you full force and it’s strength sent his own rut slipping over the edge. So much of those few days you spent in the others bare arms. Blindfolded you felt every touch of his lips, the hot air from his breathe as you freely raked through the lush hair and scratching ones on his face. 
Then the days were over, and the reality of having no home and no child felt painful. You clung to the other like never before, and it had been weeks of almost never leaving the other’s side. Perhaps a number of hours for Din to nab a bounty, but that’s it. It was just the darkness and wandering pain of you both unable to find the lives you lost and just maybe you only had that bond because he lost his other. 
You weren’t even mated. You were just an omega who followed him around the galaxy, it was Grogu, his very foundling that was the love of his life. A truth you never questioned but maybe it was a role that you shouldn’t intrude on. Maybe your place was just this. An outlet for an alpha who was desperate to not lose everything. So you were a body to keep safe. 
You wanted to shake, cry, plead your sorrows, but none came. Just a far off stare, watering in your eyes that were his helmet reflective you’d be forced to stare back at yourself and not the blackness. “You’re a Mandalorian, and he’s your foundling. Just because I’m an omega doesn’t mean I’m one of you.”
Hands drifting up you traced over the Mudhorn on his shoulder. That’s where their clan was created, it wasn’t the day he went back for him on Navarro and took on a stray. “It doesn’t feel right.” 
Capturing your hand in his, Din stared intently struggling to find any kind of word, and even worse, unable to reach your omega. You pushed him out, just to keep him from convincing you. Something you hadn’t done in a long time. “He’ll want to see you.” 
Shrugging, you faked what was likely a not very well executed expression of casualness. “He misses you more then me. He always does.” 
For a moment the both of you just stood in the streets of Mos Eisley, your hand caught in his as you stared the other down until Din broke. Leaning further, he closed the gap. Pulling you in by the back of your neck and resting your forehead against his. A shaky exhale just audible through his modulator and your own shaky one not helped as he held your connected hands over his chest plate to his heart. “This conversation isn’t over, mesh’la.” 
Nodding together, you basked in his warmth as much as you could, trying to steel the spiralling inside of you that screamed of failure. Finally nudging him lightly, you smiled up at him. “Go give the kid his shirt, you went through enough as it is to get it forged.” 
Just another list of things you and Din would have to figure out at some point. His covert. It took more then another few minutes to convince Din to leave without you. Everything deep within being an alpha saying leaving you behind like this was a bad idea. Even if you’d be perfectly safe, he refused to accept that this was you feeling perfectly normal. 
Finally returning to the Starfighter, you wrapped the bag around your shoulders once again. “You contact me if anything goes wrong.” Stopping you in place Din tilted your head up again. “I mean it, Cyra’ika. If the Pykes are as big of a problem as Peli said, I don’t want you wandering the streets alone when I’m not here.” 
Nodding, you secured the communicator on you visible for him to see. “It’ll be fine, Din. You’ve taught me well.” 
Shoulders dropping, he sighed deeply. Something muttered in Mando’a you couldn’t translate leaving his mouth as only a sliver of his alpha was allowed to seek out your comfort. His gloved hand stroked the side of your cheek before turning to hop into the pilot’s seat. Stepping back he called you before closing the top. “Tell Fett to behave himself around you until I get back.” 
Your head jolted back for a second, confused, “What?” 
If there was a smirk on his face, you heard it loud and clear. “Just until I get back, Cyra’ika.” There was little fanfare watching him take off, mostly because the Starfighter just moved at astounding speeds. It would be interesting to see what she’ll feel like with the new hyper drive. 
Tucking everything against your chest securely, you took more than a few minutes getting yourself confident enough to make the trip there. A combination of the last time you were there, it was still the days a brand sat plastered on your neck with the world muted heavily on suppressants. Also, it was the first time on a speeder bike in the drivers seat, without Din also there hands on your waist and gentle words encouraging you. 
But you were under Din’s instructions, and in terms of his protectiveness towards you, his rules were followed and you trusted them whole heartedly. So your insecurity had to be shoved down for at least a number of hours. 
At least there was significantly less risk going by yourself to what was formerly known as Jabba’s Palace this time around, all on your own. The sands of Tatooine were bright and lifeless, not much to watch your back in the kind of way ones may have in the past. 
Sat high on a ragged cliff were the highest of the towers stemming up from the hidden depths of the building below. The main entrance was just as foreboding as memory told, large and fortified to the degree you wondered if it was built such a way for posturing rather than practicality. 
Wincing as you climbed off the bike, you yanked off the old dusted helmet tossing it onto the seat as you walked up. Unsure where to even place your eyes, you debated heading around the long way for where you knew a hanger was. Just as your feet turned in place, a metal slot opened shooting out an extended arm with a circular eye glowing red at the end. 
Looking you up and down, the gatekeeper droid seemed to be scanning for weapons. Slowly, you let it watch your hand reach for the blaster at your side, holding it up by the ends away from the trigger as it considered you for a moment. Telling it your name you kept your other hand up for the droid to keep it’s eye on. “I’m here to see Boba Fett. I have business with him and Fennec Shand.” 
In an instant, the droid flew back inside and the slot slammed shut leaving you in the bright sand. A second passed as you considered what to do, when the large doors slowly rose open. Just high enough for you to walk safely under there was a Gamorrean there watching you. Jumping back you were about to bend to put the blaster down, when he barked something at you and gestured you down the vast empty corridor. 
Raising your eyebrows, you slowly brought the blaster towards your side watching the guard do nothing to stop you. Either you were already deemed welcome, or just looking at you the guard could tell you weren’t any kind of a threat to anyone inside here. 
Sheathing it, you slowly begun walking down the hall as the dim light faded along with the door lowering closed once more. The corridor itself was large, so much so that even a crowd of Hutt’s could fit themselves in no problem. Your boots barley making a sound as you walked through, trying to recall through the fog.
Following in a line should lead you to twist that narrowed down to a stairwell surrounded by blocking rocks carved around them. The activity was silent and not bustling with life as was the time you had been here. Dragged through the crowds with a chain around your wrist to keep your slaver from losing you to the wandering eyes. Not that you noticed. 
Many of your slave owners in that time kept you completely dosed. Sensing that your presentation would stir up whatever alpha’s were in the vicinity they kept you on heat suppressants for years to keep them from ever happening, which in turn, helped keep your scent dulled to that of a mild sweet scent that only the most keen of alphas may not have been able to pick up on. 
The blockers were the worst though. You couldn’t get distracted either, any incidents and you might become damaged property and what good is an omega to sell if she isn’t in pure condition. So you were muted from the world as it was to you. A dreary and fog filled mind that made the beings around you barley feel like human. The effects were worse depending on who was giving them to you, and being dragged to Jabba’s palace, you were effectively a walking sedation. 
The unaware confusion and bumps were replaced with the clarity that there was little but silence until you reached the turn leading to the main room. Slowly what sounded like faint talking, rose up to defiance and yelling. Pressing yourself against the wall, your heart sped up in your chest. The one voice was enraged, but the other was deep and scarring with absolutes. “Whatever arrangement you had with Fortuna, ended with him.”
You could hear Boba Fett further in the room, just enough solace to have you slink a number of steps along the wall before your toes reached the top of the steps. “I made a deal with Jabba, not him. But at least he had the honour to uphold that deal unlike you.”  
Peeking around the wall, you could see not much except for the shadow of a tall, lean figure that even in posture was clearly irate. Fett through his modulator was without question, the power and deepness rippled through your veins in a way only one other had done so. His voice speaking to whomever was there. “If I were anything like my predecessors, you would have been in the stomach of a rancor already for this disrespect. If you want to be treated with the same respect, earn it. Otherwise you stay at the bottom like all the others who’ve tried me.” 
Biting your lip in surprise, the other party begun taking the steps up. Slowly the red tinted scales matched the steam he no doubt wished was coming out of his ears. Kneeling down, you could see with each word he was being told, the snarl on his twisting face morphed. Hand at his own side twitching until he made it only a third of the way up.
Body stopping in place, he turned back to the main room, hand now touching the blaster at his side. A silent exhale through your nose, you very slowly took your feet down. Back pressed against the wall and each foot step slow as you matched the position towards your own weapon as your heart pounded out of your chest. 
The slimy rage coated your ears unpleasantly as you came close behind him. “Maybe this little war of yours will teach you what happens when you turn your back on your allies, Fett.” You barley felt your lungs even work, pulling your blaster out the same painfully slow speed that he was. Your eyes wide and hands trying not to shake, you took one final step behind his back. “Or I could just do it for them.” 
His hand rose up, blaster ready to fire until you rung the shot out firstt. The force jolting you back slightly, but there now was a burning hole in the Elomin’s chest. Blaster dropping from his hand to the ground, you lowered your aim. Coming up behind him, you breathed deeply before rising your boot up to kick him over out of your way. 
Him slumping over to the ground, you took the final steps down before kicking the blaster away from his still hand. Stepping over his feet, you looked up as you put your own back to see the throne room empty save for the one figure. 
Standing partway up the steps, Boba Fett stood clearly having just turned around to fire only to have seen the man slump over before. Lowering his own, your exhale was much calmer this time around as he tilted his head at you. Down a smaller corridor closer to him, Fennec appeared with her own weapon out, but with narrowed eyes dropped it just as fast at the sight. 
Her disposition changing as her eyes dragged up to you, now moving with a lighter bounce towards Boba whose stance relaxed back. “Thought you’d get here when Mando’s back.” 
Sighing out, you walked further into the room. Boots making a notable clunk as you walked along the gated doors cemented in the floor. Head turning to glance down but nothing was visible to the naked eye. “Should I leave and come back?” 
Boba chuckled, watching your curiosity with that of his own. “Nonsense. This place could use an omega, dim enough around here as it is.”
Looking back up, Boba stood on the lower level closer to you while Fennec perched herself casually on the arm of the throne. “Good to know I’m still a useful piece of decoration after all this time.” Behind you the steps of the Gamorrean filed down as he barked more into the air. 
Boba only nodding once to the body at it’s feet. “Get rid of that.” Like nothing at all, you remembered why many crime lords used them as guards. Pulling the Elomin away like it weighed nothing. Turning back to him, you almost jumped at how close he was. 
Both he and Din were far too silent for two fully armoured men of their sizes. “He said it would be safer here then back in the city.” Watching you, it was hard to assess where he stood with you. At this point you could read Din’s slight shifts as good as full sentences, but Boba Fett was still a mystery. One sending shivers down at the black visors cold stare that only intimidated you in such an enticing way back working behind the cantina bar in Navarro. 
But Boba, if you could guess anything, seemed to enjoy making you squirm under his stare. Keeping it up in pure quiet unlike Din’s change of smooth causality to relax you. “Unless-”
“He’s right. No safer place then with us, little one.” 
Eyes flickering to Fennec who watched you with a playful curiosity of her own. Strange as it was, you sort of missed her teasing yet sharp and unquestioning aura. Nodding, you readjusted your bag, if just out of fidgeting nerves. “Okay, so, uhm, what now?” 
Veins flowing with something that burned the way he stared at you, a feeling that wasn’t determined in your strange state. Broken only by Fennec coming up behind him unphased. “How about a tour?” 
Raising your eyebrows, you failed to hold back a smile. “That in your new job description?” In an exaggerated flourish with a deadpan stare she gestured you down the corridor she had come in through. Taking a second to speak quietly with Boba once you moved out of their range. Glancing around, not much had changed it seemed but it was a large room now that you stood in it so freely. 
Turning for just a second as she caught up with you, you caught his eye. Helmet turned a fraction to the side right at you, there was a wave shivering through your chest that had you swallowing nervously. A moment lasting only seconds before you let Fennec give you the run down of this place. 
By evening, the city was ramping up just as the suns disappeared and a calming night washed over the empty dunes. Despite such a high up point, the sight of the planets lands below in the dim early evening light did no such comfort, but not quite for the events to surely follow. 
Hearing the sound of armour, you perked up just as fast as you then deflated. It was of no offence to Boba, but he held a different kind of scent then Din. Just as strong, and strangely alluring but his alpha felt cooling and in control, whereas Din’s was warm and overwhelming. Your fingers twitched on the edge of the balcony as you returned to the skies.
Foolish to think he would just arrive as you seeked him out. You were the one who didn’t go with him, you had no right to miss him. For a second, the hiss of a helmet being removed startled you alert and straight. Coming down only at Boba’s light chuckle. “Didn’t think I looked that bad.” 
His voice bare sounded less scratching, more like a scarred rasp that you wondered if it was a result of the same events that left the physical ones on his face. Eyes flickering over as he came to stand next to you, you gave half a smile for as long as your energy could muster it. “Sorry. Should be used to it by now.” 
Shaking his head dismissively, his own gloved hands mimicked your position. “Nothing to be sorry for, little one. There’s few people who see me without it, but you’re welcome to be one of them.” 
It should feel like an honour, but your heart had little room. Leaning down to rest your forearms on the edge, your legs leaned back by the knee to accomodate stretching your back for a second before relaxing into the stance. There was no uncomfortable feeling in the quiet between you, but something seemed to be picking at your brain. “Your father was a foundling, right?” 
Out of your peripheral vision you could see him turn slightly to you and nod. Biting your lip for a second before continuing. “If he was a foundling, that would make you one as well. Since he raised you.” 
“Is there a question in there?” 
You inhaled your nerves, and blew none back out. “Why would Bo Katan say you aren’t a Mandalorian then? I mean,” Your hands moved to dig at the others nails mindlessly. “On top of everything else she said.” 
Suspecting he knew you were going prying for information in a much more roundabout way, you were still glad he played along. “Kyrze believes in blood supremacy. She was born to a powerful family thus she feels power belongs in her hands by birthright. Outsiders brought in are looked at as less then.” He noted the still somewhat confused narrowing look in your eyes. “I share the exact dna of thousands upon thousands of other clones. To her, my blood is as far as worthy it could get.” 
To even your surprise you jumped in before he could even finish his sentence. “But it’s not about who you’re born to, it shouldn’t matter if you’re a clone. D- Mando’s a foundling, a lot of people in his covert are foundlings they’re supposed to be treasured.” 
“Like omega’s are supposed to be.” 
Whipping around to look wide eyed at him, only to fall flat at the teasing glint in his eye. Shoulders deflating as you turned back to the view a shake of your head. Boba rested one palm on the railing as he turned towards you, mind putting your pieces together. “How about you tell me what’s really bothering you, and I can stop guessing the wrong answers.” 
A shake trembled in your neck and slid further down into your muscles. The trains of thought in your mind pathing you from grievance to grievance wondering what it was it all stemmed from and truly there was only one answer. The same answer you tried avoiding with everyone. 
Boba’s own stare weakening your resolve, forcing you to once again look back into the night for a ship that still wouldn’t come. Breathing deep for a moment before the racing of your heart got out of control. “Everyone talks about my presentation like it means something. Looking at where I’m from and telling me that they lied about where we came from or who we were when I already know that. I knew my family lied the second I was taken off world and the planets and people were nothing like the vicious monsters they made you all out to be. I thought, maybe if I could get out of this one day, finally be free to do as I please, I’d be my own person again.” 
Jaw set, you dug your nails into the harsh railing of the balcony. “But I’m still just an omega. I’m important, I’m uncommon, I belong to these people, no I belong with the people my mother was apart of, I’m supposed to be treasured as a rare commodity to Mandalorians but all I’ve done is get passed around from group to group solely beacuse of a presentation I can’t control. I’m seen as an omega, and so everyone thinks their the ones entitled to have me. Except...” 
Boba seemed to stand closer to your side now, his voice quieter but deeper as it hit your ear. “Except for Djarin.” Without committing in whole, you glanced only for a fraction to the man beside you but said nothing. “He wondered why you never asked him about you or your kind, when clearly he knew.” 
Saying nothing to answer the question he posed, it was obvious he wanted you to fill in the blanks for yourself. It was easy to strip away the barriers and see what was always there. “Because I went to him, not the other way around.” 
“To the others, you are a commodity. Who gets the omega, those her kind were stolen from or people like Kryze’s kind who wanted you out of the way in the first place.” You never did like the suspicious way Bo Katan looked at you, but Din was always there to keep you firmly at his side. "In a way you are right. There probably aren’t many people who see you as anything more then an Omega. But the ones that want you for more then that are already here. Or, in spirit.” 
His head gesturing to the night sky. Two people he meant in that case. So many people obsessed with what you were, and where you belonged or didn’t belong. Something you slowly came to realize, was a common threat amongst both Din and Boba as well. An apostate and an outcast, both alongside an omega who had no idea what her place in the galaxy was outside them. 
“What about you?” Turning your head enough to see him meet your eyes, a knowing deepness in them which you didn’t even catch in yourself. Not sure what it was you truly were asking. “You were asking me-” 
“The polite thing to do when getting to know someone is to ask questions.” Pausing, you squinted at him in slight confusion until the smirk forming on his own face made yours fall flat. “I’m interested in where you came from, because I find you interesting. Just as Djarin does.” 
Taking a step towards you, you straightened up as your lungs tightened in something feeling like a strange set of nerves, not quite stemming from intimidation. Before he found himself intimately close in your space, you found your habits slipping back. “I’m sorry. For dumping all of this on you. I just, I’m not used to being away from Mando without even having the kid, everything just feels weird.” 
Those very nerves turned into shivers flowing through your veins as Boba tilted your chin up to look him in the eye. “Nothing to apologize for, little one. You’re confused and upset,” the knuckles under your chin traced up so his thumb and brushed over your cheek, then down very gently across your bottom lip. 
You had never seen the exact look glazing over Boba’s eye in Din, but the feeling it gave you was all too familiar. The interested pull of an alpha calling to you. “Boba?” He hummed in response, “Is there a reason Mando wanted me to tell you to behave?” 
Oh the chuckle which emerged deep within his chest pulled your soul even closer in ways you once felt purposely from Din. “He sends me his pretty, little omega to protect. One who defends my honour, and opens up about what’s hurting her? I can’t imagine why he’d want me to behave myself around that.” 
His thumb pulled slightly at your bottom lip before sliding off of you entirely. Turning away to pick his helmet up, “You should sleep. Fennec will want to train you more in the morning while we have the time. Once Djarin arrives, I suspect thing’s are going to escalate rather quickly.” 
He almost reached the door by the time you called out for him, his face still just as warm as it was listening to you throw up whatever troubles brewed in your head. “Will be be mad at me? For not going with him to see Grogu?” 
Expression not changing, the quiet tenderness spoke out in his tone. “I don’t think there’s anything you could do to make him feel that way. Not with the way he speaks about you to me at least.” 
Your lips parted slightly, but he gave nothing else. Leaving the room and thrusting you back into the quiet solace of the dark windy balcony. Your brain stuck in a whirlwind. 
Sick to the stomach of feeling as if you have failed your duties as an omega to protect and support your family, but twisted over what the world wanted from you as the very same presentation. Boba’s warmth wasn’t quite the same, it would never quell the yearning to see Din again. 
But it did bring you a comfort that no one outside that little clan of two had ever provided before. If you were lost in your place in this world, maybe it meant something that the connection you felt with both men, also had their own turmoil of where and how to belong amongst their people as well. 
As it turned out, he was painfully right. Factions gathered, and the Pykes moved in quickly. Whatever negotiations their enforcer Cad Bane had assumed would take place were refused and the violence followed suit leaving little people left on your side. It was a mess, and left you feeling terribly out of your depth. 
Making it worse, you had no idea what happened on Din’s journey. Everything moved too fast and neither of you had time to talk. Just a questioning hopeful look from you, and a stilted head shake of no from Din and a sorrow sat upon his shoulders as danger loomed closer. 
Fighting ensued, and you were grateful that Fennec was a relentless mentor. Pushing you enough in the day and morning prior, building a trust that you could and would follow her lead out on the streets enough to handle yourself when she needed it. Her focus kept you focused. 
She was skilled on the sidelines, left better out the line of fire as a silent take down. A trait in which she recognized was suitable in you, even if by both your admissions, you were nothing close to a fighter. But in war, being a lesser suited follower was fine by you. 
Impossible to say how long the confrontation lasted, but the silence in the streets felt as if it was a sound you hadn’t heard in years. Leaning up against a wall, you shrugged part of your upper arm from the top of your shirt. Fennec coming to crouch at your side as you poured a bit of water of a burn striked through your skin from the dirt and sand kicked up into it. Wincing at the stinging, you glanced up to her and back. “Pretty sure only have a graze is a miracle if you ask me.” 
A slight smile on her face, Fennec reached forward to pull your shirt down better, gently taking the container to do it at an easier angle. “You did better then you think. Just because fighting isn’t your thing doesn’t mean your bad at it. You have a good teacher.” 
Smirking through the final wince as she dragged the fabric backup, “Yeah, I’ll be sure to pass the message onto Mando.” 
Briefly considering helping you up gently, Fennec resorted to just tossing the container onto your lap and standing up alone. “You always get bratty when you’re injured?” 
Throwing your head back in a laugh, you pushed yourself up with palms pressing against the wall behind you. “Maybe next time you should teach me how to do more then mouth off.”  Sharing a laugh, she led you to where the others were gathered in all likelihood. 
From a distance, you could see a rancor, flopped down on it’s side breathing heavily in sleep visible from where you were. But the image became clearer as you approached. 
In the stories of the old world your father told you, they were always grand. Powerful vivid images painting in your head from the words spun of drama and theatrics. Reunions one of those stories always told in whimsy. But there was none to be found here, not in your confused, torn heart. 
He was small, and cuddled next to the rancor on his side, but Grogu’s little green figure was easy to spot from miles away. Stopping mid step, the sights in front of you didn’t quite catch up to your brain. How was he here, Din hadn’t come back with him not by the weightful dread on his shoulders. 
Peli was also here. For some reason. Talking to the one from the meeting that you couldn’t quite tell was annoying or just a bit of a coward. The sight was unusual, but you could see the silver shining off Din’s beskar as he slowly approached the slumbering pair. Steps careful around the large creature, before kneeling down. 
His hand gently running over Grogu’s side who shifted closer into his touch. Din scooping him up in his arm to let him sleep soundly. None of them had seen you yet, and maybe you didn’t want them too. A fleeting thought that stabbed another dagger into your omega’s heart and told your conscious self that you weren’t worthy of that soft, gentle love they gave each other. 
Din’s attention was solely on the kid, cradling him up to watch him as he ran his hand over what he could get. Before you could rationalize it, you took a step back. No plan, what or where to go, but intruding on it felt wrong now. You didn’t go to see him int he first place. Why would you deserve to be apart of this reunion? 
Heart screaming to go see both of them, let yourself hold the one your soul treated as your own and the man who gave you a love once never known before. Your eyes stung like the burn on your upper arm, and before the tears could so obviously overtake you, you let them have this together. 
There was no plan in your head, just the need to get back to the palace where your stuff was and hoping reason and logic would kick in by that point. Instead all you got was more of a memory that made it feel worse. The terror of Din telling you to take the child and leave him. That he needed you, and staying here to help was futile. You could still feel the desperate way Grogu clung to you as you carried him from the room, both of you leaning into the other. Grogu’s scared and exhausted head burrowed into your front, as you looked at IG-11. 
Pleading in your gaze to fix things, you and Grogu might be able to do this together but neither wanted to do it without Din. The binding that kept you three whole. Only the memory didn’t serve as some great analogy like your father tied into his tales. 
Din and Grogu started without out, they didn’t need you. Everyone offered someplace for you to go, a purpose to serve but the only one you wanted didn’t feel as if you were worthy. You failed as an omega to Grogu, and a fierce alpha such a Din would surely admonish you it. If you thought the palace was quiet before, it was even moreso now. 
The biggest threat to his rule this far was taken care of, so hopefully this silence would turn peaceful not stay eeiry as it was now. The bag was tossed onto whatever bed you found yourself falling into the night before. Chucking your blaster beside it, you dragged your feet over. The first thing you saw though, was that silly little frog you kept for him. 
It was stupid. Din gave him what he needed, and more then plenty of what he wanted. The pieces of why Grogu found his way back to Din unknown, but you didn’t see yourself in that future. Slowly picking it up you could still see the way the kid clung it to his chest, making a content little cooing noise only to immediately get upset when you tried to get up and leave him be. How normal it was for the kid to switch between cuddling with Din and cuddling with you, and the excitement on his face when he wanted you to watch him about to do something particularly silly, usually to Din. 
Nothing had felt right since your heat had ended. Where you and Din stood was unknown, he was closer and protective of you, his touch similar to that of one bonded to you, and yet you were ummated. Just a companion who filled a painful emotional void once his son was gone, and now that they were together you failed to picture that dynamic going anywhere. 
He didn’t need to look for the Jedi now, he had enough of a ship to start making his way across the galaxy in his own quest for atonement and so your usefulness had worn out. Maybe you’d stay here if you could convince Boba you could find some way to be useful at all. 
No plan was made still. You had no idea that you even had passed out. The strenuous events of the day, the emotional turmoil of the past weeks and the fear you were no longer wanted had piled too high on the very little sleep you managed to get. 
Totally unaware of your surroundings, you weren’t at all aware of the voices in the room or the weight on the bed that joined you. In fact, such presence was only realized, when the weight on the bed seemed to jump, and land at your side with a high pitched coo. Sound increasing in distress until it was at your face and snuggled right up beside your head. 
Once your eyes fluttered open, big black ones wasted no time in realizing it. Grogu say on his side in front of you, one ear flopped out while the other sat low on his face as he reached out to you. Little hand brushing your cheek before a stubborn little noise flew from his mouth and he jumped almost with no effort right into your neck that managed to push you back. 
“Easy, Grogu.” He almost whined defiantly at the voice behind him, as he held onto you much like that very day. Following you sitting up so your back was against the wall, he started looking between you and the voice, dawning on you it belonged to Din. 
Head whipping over, Din stood by the wall underneath a window. Boba a few feet away, amused at the kid’s antics. Before you could even ask, Din stepped over, sitting down to face you on the opposite side of the bed. Bag and blaster now sat neatly on a surface opposite the bed. “I wasn’t allowed to see him when I got there, saying it was bad for his training for me to be there.” 
Instantly, your brows narrowed, but Boba interrupted right as you opened your mouth. “The real enemy to the Jedi. A loving family.” Your sleep riddled brain couldn’t decipher the double meaning in his tone, but you remembered Ahsoka telling you she couldn’t train Grogu because of how attached he was. That Din was a father to him and that somehow would get in the way. 
“Fett.” Boba raised his hands in surrender at his tone. Din turning back, watching Grogu turn his head, still wanting you to hold him but watching Din with bright affection. “I asked them to give him the shirt, and left. He was right there,” Din’s hand reached out, stroking one of the kid’s long ears making him purr into your chest. “But he came back anyways. He returned to us, of his own accord.” 
The hand on Grogu slipped up to trace over your cheek. “I thought if you could see him, maybe it would make you feel better, but maybe it was better you didn’t come. If I could barley handle it, not sure tearing an omega away from her own foundling a second time would do you any good.” 
It should have clicked that it was unusual Din was having this conversation with you, a third party in the same room. But clicking the gears in your head into place, Boba mentioned both of them had talked about you. To what extent the back of your brain was asking. 
Looking at the space between you on the sheets, just a whisper was summoned. “After everything, I didn’t think it was fair to be just as lost as you, me being upset didn’t matter as long as you were more lost.” 
Boba’s presence was felt behind you now, giving your trio space but never quite enough keep away, which was fine with you. Din leaned in, pulling the back of your neck to keep you close, resting his forehead against yours. Chuckling as Grogu leaned in, gently leaning in the middle, and leaving your touch enough to rest a hand against the side of his helmet. “Our kind belongs together, mesh’la. Not just our presentations, but us. We’re in this together. Got it?”
Biting your tongue, you forced a choking feeling back down your throat for another time. Your hand moving to cover the little one of Grogu’s on Din’s helmet and briefly, Din covered both of yours with his free one. The serene moment ruined, by Grogu letting out a yawning whine as he dropped in both your touches. 
Pulling back, you let Din pick him up. “Alright. Back to sleep, kid.” Seemingly only going into a small room attached to this one, Din chuckling at a little sound Grogu made in his arms. “I know, well this is what happens when you play with a creature eight times your size.” 
Pulling your knees up to rest your forearms over, you watched Boba with a curious look. If he was here not just now, but this whole time, the two Mandalorians must have something up their sleeve and Maker knows you have no idea what they had put together. “Is there...something feels off here.” 
His eyebrows raised in a mocking way that didn’t quite match the play in his eyes. “Only if you want it to be.” The deepness in his tone rippling through you in a way annoyingly like Dins. “It’s all up to you.” 
The sound of a door sliding shut had you looking up to Din, now leaning against the door with his thumb looped through part of his utility belt and the other resting his forearm up on the door frame. A sight that was so simple, yet heated your blood noticeably. “Am I missing something?” 
Din stepped towards you, a hand reaching out for you to take. Letting him pull you up gently, he stood tall in front of you. “I’ve been trying to think of a way to get you out of your head. You’ve been on edge since your heat, and I hate watching you this way.” 
Fingers gently reaching to brush against the cool metal of his chest plate, you shook your head indignantly. “D- Mando,” 
“You can say my name, sweet girl.” You had no idea what was going on here, but you were being pulled so close to the warmth of in’s alpha, but also, part of you in another direction. A pull that Din would be able to sense, and yet, was allowing. 
Swallowing, you didn’t realize Boba stepped closer towards you. “Din, I’ve been trying to be there for you, you don’t need to do anything.” 
“Except he does.” Turning your body partially, you felt Din’s hands fly firmly onto your waist in no time and turned you to press your back against his chest fully. Boba only a few feet away, keeping a respectable distance unbecoming of the darker look in his tone and voice to boot. “An alpha can’t ignore their omega in distress, your pain becomes his. And best be sure you’ve consumed Djarin, little one.” 
Din’s hands tightened with his voice closer to your ear. “Not just me.” 
Your Mandalorian behind you, and Boba a step closer looming over you. “What are you-” 
Din’s hands trailed up, sliding just under your shirt to squeeze slightly at the plush skin he found underneath. “You say no, and this all stops.” Apparently Din expected a response, tightening his grip as he spoke sharper. “Okay?” 
Nodding fervently at his tone, it made your head spin. “Okay.” 
Pulling you closer into his chest, Din’s rasp even behind the modulator continued to destroy something inside of you, weakening your resolve to his touch. “Let us take you, mesh’la. Both of us.” Your mouth parted slightly, eyes trapped on Boba which if you could think clearly, was likely by Din’s design. His rasping words and touch, ached still further by Boba’s dark and intimidating eyes that raked over your body. “Get you out of your head.” 
Your gaze never left Boba’s even as you tilted slightly back towards Din. “Both of you?” 
Din nodded, and so did Boba. Oh this could not be what they both discussed about you, yet here you are. Boba took his turn to make a softer case, letting your true alpha pull your senses underwater as he gently swims his way over. “The only thing anyone’s asking of you, is to let us treat you like a kind, sweet,” Each word he stepped towards you until he was in your space just inches further away then Din was to you. “Pretty, omega you are.” 
Your breathing heaved as his own gloved hand traced your bottom lip just like he did before. Din’s comment for Boba to behave. There was no way they discussed this before, and yet? The protectiveness, the possessive feeling which could consume Din at the sight of other men, another alpha looking or touching you as if you really were just property weren’t there. “But Din-”
Giving you once last reassurance. “It’s okay to say no, mesh’la. But don’t just say it on my account. I want you to want it.” 
The air was stark and silent as you contemplated what on earth you were about to get yourself into, but there was a heat radiating from within and burned almost painfully as Din touched, you pressing you against his back to where he was losing his patience to hide how hard having you pressed against him like this made him. 
Din’s own mind both needing this yet confused at why he needed this. There was an angry possessive feeling he had around you, but Boba Fett came to be someone he trusted. And someone who he could trust with you. Putting you between them and forcing this constant looming anxiety in your heart out even if just for a time. One wouldn’t be enough, but between both of them? You’d have nothing left to focus on but their touch and their words and that’s the level of control Din wanted you to give up. 
Watching Boba touch you was going to be a jealousy that he didn’t know why he was willing to handle, but just maybe it’s beacuse you didn’t get to see how you looked together. Never having the gift of sight as Din touches you, only he knew how insatiable you made him and how addictive you looked writhing in pleasure. 
And he knew, you didn’t get to look at Din as much as you wanted. Always ready to let him blindfold you like an obedient omega so make sure he can take as much as his greedy mind needed. But if Boba was there, Din could sacrifice that just this once. 
You breathed heavily as Boba brushed over your lips, and it was Din’s words right in your ear that crumbled the insecurity keeping you from letting them take you as they wished. 
“Let him kiss you, mesh’la.” Looking back at him, he pushed you forward gently. “It’s okay.” 
It was an overwhelming feeling. The guilt of such an intimate act with another man, but the purring encouragement from Din to just let yourself give up control in their hands. Your hands hovered over Boba’s chest plate, fingertips only slightly making shaking contact. 
Din behind you undoing parts of his own armour almost turning your focus before Boba tilts you up to look at him under your chin. Leaning in he gave you plenty of time to back away, brushing his nose against yours feeling his breathe on your face. 
One hand grabbing your hip, and the other keeping his hold he teased bridging the gap but never sealing the deal. Din’s voice rang out, commanding an order from deep within, calling your omega to obey. “Mesh’la.” 
Jumping in your bones, you pushed up on your toes to press your lips against Boba’s. A small sigh coming from you as your hands continued to shake despite smoothing your palms out. And as soon as you crossed that initial barrier, Boba overtook the control from you immediately. 
Comparing the two of them is impossible. They are of completely different realms in nature with their touch. Boba is like a wildfire. Bursting at the seams from the onslaught, running hot and dangerous that can consume you if you let it do so. Once in it’s trap, escape only possible if it lets you. 
Deepening the kiss, you could feel your lips swell and bruise from the rough treatment, and once he bit the bottom lip he was so enraptured with, you gasped. Not just a gentle teasing nibble like Din, no should he have bit slightly harder he would’ve drawn blood. Your gasp was as much of a whine, his hand raking into your hair and tightening his grip to continue to move you. 
His tongue brushing into your mouth, tasting your own and coaxing you to follow suit. Your hands rising to dig into his cowl as he kissed and licked into your mouth until you had to pull back for air. Grabbing both your hands he pulled them in front to the side of his chest plate. “Undress me, little one.” 
It was hard to tell if they used their presentation to command you, or if having two of them in the room like this was just turning your brain into sludge. Nodding fervently, you swallowed trying to focus hard on taking each part of his armour off with care, just like you do Din’s. Who had ideas of his own. 
Pulling you into his chest once more, only now you felt much more the softer press of his body without the coolness of the armour at his back. Slightly pouting at not being able to do it for him. Din pulled your outer layer down your arms and stood back to let you continue. 
Hesitating once his upper body was done, you look up to Boba wide eyed in question. Shaking as he nodded, raking his hand through your hair once again as you knelt down. Your body feeling like it truly was becoming surrounded by fire at how this position felt, but you made sure to take your time undoing every piece, putting it down gently to where you now could see Din’s not too far away. Stacked just the way you do it. 
Looking up at Boba, now like Din, just in his flight suit, you ran your hands innocently up the length of his calves. “May I?” Dancing up to the bottom of his shirt, Boba chuckled. Watching slowly as you stood up. Hands raising his shirt as you did so until you stood in front of him. He did no work. Watched with dark amusement as you had to lean close into him to pull it off until it was down his arms. 
Din’s touch, crowded you just then. None of the patience, Din pulled your shirt and chest band up and off in one swoop. Not yet touching you he kept his arms around you, one on your hip the other by your mouth. “Bite.” 
Gently taking the leather between your teeth he pulled it off letting you see his hand as he yanked his other glove off and gently took the other from you. Finally able to look, you realized you didn’t really get the chance to see Din the way you could look at Boba now. 
Greedily reaching to run your hands over his large chest, eyes trapped on every scar, burn, gunshot that was painted on no doubt a story to follow. You didn’t know Din’s by sight, but you knew them by touch, so you did the opposite. 
Fingers tracing only lightly across each mark as you barley blinked staring at him. The heat in your limbs travelling between your legs. Skin rough in some places and soft in others you reached down to his pants and gently tucked the seam into your fingers. Not waiting for permission, you went to slowly move when Din did the same to you. 
Yanking your bottoms down, underwear in his grasp in one go. Tossing them aside. You whined in your chest as you felt his rough hands now bare run across your skin while you gently finished undressing Boba. Another sight you never got to see, but the heat between your legs now felt much like a need. 
He was a large and thick man, in more places then one including his cock. Thick and begging for your touch it was more then half hard. His hand thumb traced your bottom lip and tugged, gaining your attention. His eyes black as anything as his face twisted in a more aggressive harshness then the soft patience before. “Small mouth to fit such a thick cock.” 
Your thighs squeezed together as you ran your hands up his thighs glancing back at his length. Shuffling closer, you reached up to run your thumb and forefinger over his leaking tip. His legs steeled in a flex at the sensation along with his muscles constricting. Running them up and down his length slightly before gently cradling him close to the base of his cock. Almost like a kitten, you licked gently over the tip. Each time slipping more of him inside your mouth. 
Knees engaged each side of you as Din’s helmet soothed your sweating skin and leaned into the back of your head. His own hands running over your thighs but much firmer then your touch. He said nothing, but the more of Boba’s cock you slipped into your mouth the more overwhelmed you felt. Boba it seemed, was just as talkative in the bedroom as Din, but with one small difference. 
Boba took pleasure in being mean, and you only got more wet the more he talked. “Djarin’s far too easy on you it seems. Go on, little one you can fit more then that.” Sliding more in, you could feel Din run down to rub gently at your clit, making you moan around Boba’s cock. 
Almost like he couldn’t help himself, he ran his fingers over your throat as you slowly took more of him into your mouth. Full and overwhelmed you felt your nerves on fire as much as the fingers on your clit rubbed harsher, pushing more pressure into you as your mouth soaked the thickness inside it. 
Head starting to bob up and down, you felt tears at the corner of your eyes as well as your heart pounding each time you tried taking him deeper. “All the way this time, that’s it.” You cried around his cock as your nose pressed against the coarse hair around his pelvis soaking as saliva built and even dipped from your mouth the deeper he kept himself in. 
Din’s touch on your clit making you burn and shake wanting so desperately to grasp onto his arms but they were firmly set on Boba’s thighs as you slid his cock in and out of your mouth. “I knew you’d have such a filthy mouth, just not such a messy one.” His fingers swiping the saliva on your skin before tipping your gaze up slightly to see your eyes fluttering. “You wet from his fingers, from sucking my cock or are you just that much of a little greedy omega?” Moaning once more you felt him throb in your mouth as you felt almost lightheaded. 
One of Din’s hands slid up, groping at one of your breasts, fingers twisting your nipple enough to make you want to arch back into his touch, but he only shushed you gently in your ear. Your breathing already strained feeling that much weaker at how much your body wanted to writhe at Din’s touch. 
“Your girl like a mess, Djarin?” 
Both of Din’s hands stopped moving for a second, like he was contemplating something before he slid his hand down, shoving between your thighs as much the angle could offer. Sliding two thick fingers smoothly into your soaked pussy he groaned just quiet enough you could hear it. The one on your breast moved down to your stomach. “No, just greedy.” 
Din’s helmet now resting on your shoulder thrusting his fingers in and out with such little resistance and every slide of Boba’s cock making you clench that much harder. Groaning louder at how much he could see your wetness from even here, his other hand stroking your stomach with his thumb. Refusing to let you wince or flinch at your insecurity. No, he wanted you on full display. 
Boba’s hand raking around the opposite side of your head he pulled you into him close as he could, feeling him twitch inside of your mouth before letting go. “Fuck, such a filthy fucking thing, that’s right swallow all of it, good girl.” Boba’s cum spilling into your mouth, so close to the back of your throat and the twisting of pleasure Din was bringing you with his fingers made you almost want to cry it was too much. 
Slowly pulling you off inch by inch both men watched a mixture of saliva and cum almost dripping from your gasping mouth as Boba’s cock finally left you. Din’s hand turning you by your neck gently to look partially back at him, the darkness of the visor even contrasted to the gritted teeth and dark panting face of Boba’s. He still brought you comfort as Din brushed mercilessly against a sensitive wall inside of you. “Doing so good for me, sweet girl. So fucking good,” 
Your hands free you reached back to grab at whatever you could of Din as the heel of his palm roughly rubbed your clit as he thrusted them in and out almost rougher then before. Gasping you arched back, unashamed at how much it put your tits almost on display. “Din, please let me cum. Please, I’m so-” 
Whinging you couldn’t even finish your owns entrance as he pressed his other palm hard against your stomach as he sped up enough you could hear how much you soaked him. “Come on, you can cum mesh’la. All for me.” 
“Taking all the credit isn’t your style,” Boba’s voice was further away, rasping with a dash of cheeky as Din pulled you right over that edge. Holding you tight against him as you cried out as your orgasm washed over you. Seizing your muscles tightly in his hold. 
“F-fuck, not ugh, your name she’s crying is it though, Fett?” 
Talking about you like your orgasm wasn’t in his arms and on display it just made you stutter a moan out even as you came down. Pulling his fingers out of you, Din pulled you up with him turning you to face his front. Moving your hands to gently pull his shirt off, you wanted to reach to run your hand over his chest only to get pulled roughly into Boba’s back. “He can have you whenever he wants, so how about you lay out for me?” 
Gently climbing up onto the bed, you could see Boba moving around to the end of it and Din carefully climbing up near the wall behind you. Just as you settled, Boba yanked you towards him at the edge of the bed. Spreading your legs wide to fit himself between. 
“Let’s see if an omega tastes as sweet as she smells.” A man with patience in many aspects of his life, but none as he pulled your hips closer to put his mouth on you. Crying out almost immediately as he licked from your entrance up to your clit. 
Din’s breath stuttering behind you, his eyes behind the helmet stuck on how much you gasped, back arched and legs already tensing in Boba’s hold. Brushing your hair sticking to the sweat of your forehead back, raking gently in his bare fingers like out of everything the soft silky feeling is what had him transfixed. 
Sucking your clit before almost biting it to make you jump, he Boba chuckled deep into your pussy as he licked inside of you. The roughness of his hands but the warmth of his mouth working you over so gently making you moan. Thighs wanting to close, but he kept them wide on the bed as he could force them. Refusing to even give you the reprieve of hanging them over his shoulders. You’d still have some control were he to do so. Your core inside hot and burning, too soon after Din made you cum on his fingers you grasped at your chest mindlessly. 
Only to have Din grab them. Despite pulling your head up to his lap, Boba never faltered. Just moving with the action to keep his mouth tasting you. Din however, wrapped your fingers in each of his before pushing them down on either side of you. His own cock unfairly hard and still confined by his pants, but he needed you to come again. He never gets to fully see how you look cumming on his mouth, but now Din refuses to miss it. 
Shaking in his hold, you were far too close from your last orgasm. The coil inside you twisting and flaming as Boba never faltered in his moves. Feeling a smirk against you as your stomach muscles started to tense up. Your hips lifting from the bed slightly as he pulled you into his mouth from a better vantage. His tongue deep as it could go, you started to loose yourself. 
“You gave me one, mesh’la. Fett deserves one too, for everything he’s done for you.” 
Boba’s nails dug into your skin as he pulled you right over that edge, not even hearing the noise coming from either of them. Just ringing in your ears as you came, falling apart on his mouth that refused to stop licking you up and down until you stopped spasaming. Your senses like you were drifting underwater, only soothed by Din’s soft touch letting your hands go to gently cup one of your breasts again, like the small massaging sensation and gently playing with your nipple just enough of a spark to keep you near the top. 
The two Mandalorians however, had no plans on giving you time to catch your breathe. Like you were a doll light enough to be tossed around, Din manoeuvred you to straddle his lap. Your hands instantly running down his chest, eyes wide at how broad and soft he looked outside of even just his flight suit. 
One of his hands ran up the length of your spine, the other running across your hip over you ass and back down your thigh like a pattern. “Pull me out, sweet girl.” 
Nodding mindlessly, you reached for his bottoms. Thighs clenching around his as you pulled his cock out, long and intimidatingly thick as well. You knew it felt as such but seeing what you had previously fit inside of you made you shiver. Wrapping your hand around it, you ran your thumb over his tip. Gathering as much precum as you could and stroking his cock with it, slow and a light grip that Din never touched himself with. His voice raspy and lustful. “We can do this a few ways, but it’s all up to what you’re comfortable with. We can go easy on you if you’re more comfort-”
Shaking your head furiously, “No, no whatever you want. Both of you, please I want you to do whatever you want,” Turning to see Boba who also was know up on the bed behind you. 
His hand reaching out to keep your head turned on him with his hand on your jaw. “Are you sure?” A second nod yes, had Din groan. Covering your hand with his and tightening your grip on his cock. Boba’s eyes on you. “I’m gonna open you up back here while you sit on his cock.” 
Dins hands reaching behind to pull your ass cheeks apart enough to sting. “Come here, sweet girl. Let me feel you.”
Looking back you propped yourself on his shoulders as Din held you by your hips. Sinking you down was far too easy, from making you cum on his fingers and Boba’s mouth you soaked his cock before even sitting on it fully. Din moaned as he sunk into you fully in one go. His helmet dropping into your chest as his own stomach heaved trying to control himself. 
Your moan was high pitched and needy, hands grasping onto the bit of hair sticking out from his helmet his hands pulled your chest more into him. But as soon as you tried moving, Din held you in place head lifting up to look disapprovingly at you. His tone sharp as his words were short. “Are you in charge?” 
Pausing, you clenched around him, making an even wetter mess already but you shook your head no. Your mind too in the clouds to even joke otherwise. Feeling Din trail his hands up to hold you by the back of your neck and waist. Pulling your forehead to his you shivered at Boba’s hands on your hips. 
His large frame pressing into your back as his hands trailed downwards, squeezing your ass lightly, then rougher each next one. Finally, one of his fingers moving down. Collecting the wetness still soaking you and nearly the bed at that point before moving it back up between your cheeks. 
Stilling briefly as he pressed against your ass, heart racing but your head still in the clouds could do enough to nod. Boba leaning closer to your ear with a deep, “Good girl,” before sliding his finger inside of you. 
Gasping, you pressed into Din more who tightened his grip on your hair, but held you not in comfort but to keep you nice and steady for Boba who was keen on riling you up more as he spoke. “Never been taken here have you, little one?” Chucking deep when you shook your head no. “Not treating her right are you, Djarin? If you’re leaving some of her firsts for me.” 
Sliding the hand on your waist, Din moved his thumb against your clit. “I’m the one filling her pussy nice and full, aren’t I sweet girl?” You moaning just as Boba slid in a second finger and such a moan turned into a whine. Your body on fire, your insides already burning to the ground your body only able to focus on either of what their hands were doing. 
There was a stretch and a burn inside your ass that just two of Boba’s fingers were pulling from you, but the gentle side of a third had you jump. Crying out desperately as Din’s hand in your hair tightened painfully. Voice scattered, you didn’t know if you were even making sense as you writhed in place. “I, fuck, I don’t wanna- wanna upset either of, of you..” 
The hand now loosening, Din slid it down to the back of your neck, pulling you to look at him. His voice as rough as you looked. “You could never, cyra’ika. Fuck, you could never upset me, upset us.” 
Boba leaned into your ear, free hand wrapping around the front of your neck. “You ready to take me, little one? It’ll be a stretch, but I’ve opened you up nice and wet for me.” You swallowed, your eyes on Din and your focus on the their hands but you nodded. “You sure?” You nodded again. “Hold onto him, then.” 
Din sat up better, holding you in his lap. The second Boba started pulling his fingers out, Din thrusted just out of you enough to set your insides alight. Thrusting back in but slowly, forcing you to feel his cock stroke against every inch of inside you as you moaned. 
The slow pace making you lean into him quietly, only to cry at Boba now pressing his cock up against you. Leaning forward, he pulled you out of Din’s hold making you lean back against his shoulder to look up at him. Like they were in sync, Din slowly pulled partway out of you as Boba barley pressed his tip in. 
Din’s final reassurance once more like fired the bullet. “It’s okay, cyra’ika. You can kiss him.” 
This time Boba kissed you, his roughness resuming from before and Boba slowly started to push inside you as Din slowly filled your pussy back up. Your body feeling like it was panicing, heart racing from all the stimulation, but Boba kept slowly filling your ass until he, like Din, was sat fully inside you. 
Pulling his lips from yours, not bothering to hide how deep he had his tongue in your mouth he clenched his jaw at the feeling. “You still with us?” It took you more then a moment to answer, barley with an uh-huh as you clenched around both of them. 
Din’s thrusts slowed down dramatically, his cock almost just grinding in you with painfully gritted teeth hiding behind the helmet. Boba, started to fuck you, but far less gentle. Both of them, feeling the desperation of your omega yearning for more of it. 
You couldn’t describe how it felt to have him pound you from behind that way, it was new and almost so foreign it scared you but you were desperate for it. Crying and moaning only speeding his hips up more and more. The slapping of his skin against yours contrasting with how soaking wet your pussy was with each slide of Din’s cock was obscene. 
Should have made you feel embarrassed but with your body pressed between their chests you couldn’t find yourself to care. “Fucking tight little ass, can barley shove my cock inside you can I?” He pounded harder, your body bouncing more on Din’s from the force. 
“Should feel what her cunt’s like, I’d never-fuck, would get you to fucking leave if you felt her.” Din and him just not speaking to you, but about you and yet it just felt too good. Like they wanted to get you out of your messy head, and to do it, treated you like a you for their pleasure and you were burning on the inside. 
Boba’s voice scratched to hell in your ear, “Gonna let me cum inside your ass, little one? Spill inside you just like Djarin would?” Looking up at him you nodded, Boba sharing a glance with Din that you didn’t see before he kissed you again. 
His cock pounding into you fast, your ass jiggling with the force as Din sped up inside your pussy. Himself leaning back against the wall, watching your face and your body transfixed as his thrusts were slower but far rougher. 
It seemed to sneak up on Boba, his orgasm. A few sudden thrusts almost too fast for you to be able to handle, before he pressed up against your back, head sinking into your neck with a groan. You felt his cock throb inside you before it started to fill you with his cum. Thick and lots of it he fucked you until he was empty. Slowly pulling out, to watch your ass gape without his cock still there to fill it and his cum leaking out of you. 
Din, didn’t waste time. Flipping you around so he was on top of you, pressing deep inside your pussy and fucked hard as soon as you were laid out for him. His cock so painfully hard and desperate to cum inside you, Din was rougher then normal. Your legs wide as possible to the point of strain, and the sound of his hips slapping into yours was loud. 
You didn’t expect it then, but you came from nowhere. Your orgasm splitting inside you and washing over your body as you arched back into the bed. Boba, leaning over to kiss you, his tongue commanding yours as Din started to lose composure. 
“Defect, my perfect girl with the tightest cunt, gonna fill you up okay? Gonna let me spill inside this pussy the way I want, like you deserve- oh fuck, baby,” His helmet dropping into your chest as he held both your hips still as he came. 
Slow thrusts as he too, felt like his cum spilled inside you forever. Your ass still full and whatever leaked out now spread against your cheeks as you were pressed into it from behind. Boba’s lips and tongue swallowing your moans and cries as Din gave a few final pushes. His body shaking from how hard and just how much he came inside of you. 
Both of them, let go of your body very gently. Boba slowing his kiss down to something gentle, before pressing a peck to your swollen lips and one to the bridge of your nose. Din took longer to pull out of you, his cock still half hard from how worked up he got, waiting until he went soft before leaving your soaked warmth entirely. 
You weren’t sure if you passed out, or if you dropped that hard. You felt Din’s touch and his gentle words but not much registered as you tried coming back to your senses. Only really feeling back in the world as you settled against Din in the water. 
Looking around, you were in a large tub built into the stone ground like an indoor pool. Leaning back you felt his helmet and arms wrapping around your front. “Welcome back, mesh’la.” 
Laughing lightly, you looked around the room. Not quite a room like a refresher, but it seemed to be solely for the tub in there. “Did I pass out?” 
Din traced his hand over your stomach, “Not quite. You were out of it for a little bit though, thought a bath might help bring you back a little bit.” Smiling weakly you just leaned back into him. Enjoying the quiet. 
A question however poked at your brain, “Where’s Boba?” 
“Checking on the kid. Figured it might be a bit calmer for you to come down from tonight with just me for a little bit.” Pausing he almost sounded worried. “Did you...like it?”
Turning in his arms, you straddled his lap hands on his shoulders much more relaxed this time despite both of you being naked now. “I did. It was...a lot. But I liked it. You were were..” Din suggested the word rough, which made you laugh. “Yeah, but I was going to say safe. I don’t think I’d do anything like that with anyone else. But Boba-” 
“You trust him.” Nodding gently, he ran a hand up and down your back. “So do I. Would you ever want to do it again?” 
Leaning into his forehead you smiled. “I think so. As long as I get just you most of the time.” It wasn’t really obvious that the screaming insecurities didn’t rear their ugly head in that moment. You were stiff, quite sore, but content and snuggling into Din like a loth-cat. 
It was quiet for a bit before you asked about Grogu, only to feel mostly as confused as he did for how he got back. Either he was sent across the galaxy all alone or Peli’s story was just wrong. Either seemed plausible considering what you knew about your curly haired friend and the Jedi. 
Not that everything was perfect, but you felt content. The protectiveness of how Din held you was that of an alpha shielding his omega from the world around you. Din almost brought up the question of mating you, but he wasn’t sure his timing would be the greatest were he to bring up that biting into your neck to mate was all he had been thinking about since he got you in the bath. 
He also had a necklace. Two distinct animal skulls carved of beskar into them for when he did. But for now, you both soaking in this elaborate tub in each others arms would have to do.
Besides, he wouldn’t live down the amount of shit Boba would tease him with for mating you right after letting Boba fuck you the way he did. There might be a bit more of this dynamic to explore. 
He and Boba trusted one another, a companionship that made him trust the other man treat you with the proper respect of a fellow alpha. Omega’s were precious to Mandalorians, but Din didn’t want to share you with his people just yet. 
Sharing your affections with just one other was an acceptable middle ground. Well two others. 
The second you saw Grogu again, the idea of you leaving this little clan became practically impossible. 
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my-prompt-dump · 2 months
I can't remember if Charlie met Jack but no one here is dead and everyone is sorta friends.
Also was supposed to be a Fem!Sam au but I can always make another post with that version if any of you want!
Someone screams in the bunker and keeps screaming. It Dean was already up at the first scream and was about to run to whoever was in trouble until the door to his room opened with a bang.
It was Charlie, holding a... copy of Vogue Magazine? Ugh, Dean is too tired for this. He flops back down to sit in his bed. He's exhausted as fuck but he knows he can't go back to sleep now.
"Jesus, Charlie. I thought someone was dying"
"I wish I was! Cos you just scarred me for life!"
Dean looks at his phone to see that it was still 8 in the morning. Okay, too early.
"Will you two please shut up?" A voice says behind Dean. There buried under their blanket and a mountain of pillows is Sam, birds nest hair and all.
"No! Just- Here! What the shit is this?!"
She shoves the magazine right up to Dean's face and he takes it to see it better.
"Holy shit!"
He feels Sam sit up and position himself to look over his brother's shoulder.
"Oh. They actually did it."
"Man, looks like they weren't full of shit after all. Hey, Sammy, you think we can still get royalties from this?"
Charlie makes an indignant noise. "Huh???"
Dean is still grinning proudly but at least Sam sends an apologetic look her way.
"We were broke." He says like that explains everything. Sam must have seen the doubt in her face because he repeats himself.
"That's literally the whole story, Charlie. We were broke. Chuck didn't include this in the books?"
"NO?? What's the story of this then? Please elaborate for my sanity."
"I would like to know too."
They all turn to the door and see Castiel there, Jack smiling shyly behind him.
Sam and Dean share a look, doing that soulmate annoying silent telephatic talking voodoo whatchumacallit with each other.
Dean stares at the picture again on the page. A picture that takes up the entire spread of the page, followed by an interview with the owners of a booming clothing line.
The picture is him and Sam in their younger years, in a position that will never make people guess they were brothers. They are hugging and wearing clothes too fancy for either of them to ever own. Dean's back is to the camera, but his head is facing right so that his eye is still trained to the lens of the camera; protective and possessive. He's standing in between Sam who was sitting on a table, legs wrapped around his older brother's waist. Sam's arms are around his shoulders, fingers almost clawing his back. His brother's eyes are looking directly at the front; dangerous and equally possessive as Dean's.
Not only that, they were wet and made to look sweaty as fuck so it looks like it's a during-sex kinda shot.
Jeez, how did they agree to that. Not a single thing about this shot was promoting the clothes, you can't even see them properly!
"Alright, but no talking or we're stopping."
They all nod and begin to listen intently.
Flashback to teen Sam (19) and Dean (23) being banned from every bar at an nth mile radius because of constant hustling and brawls but they're almost out of the allowance John gave them.
John told them it'd be enough til he comes back and that they need to leave as soon as he's back so "no need to get a job, Dean".
Dean should've gotten one anyway just in case because even if he went and got one now, they'd be starving before he gets his first paycheck.
Sam was walking home from school one day and spots an ad stapled to a pole.
'Urgent: Looking for models for our clothing line! Not a scam! Inquire at XXX-XXX'
He thinks it over and says fuck it, he is not having junkfood for dinner again.
Arriving home, he slams the poster at the table where Dean was cleaning their guns.
Sam pays him no mind and just points at the thing.
"Let's do it."
At first Dean was confused but he sees the ad and raises an eyebrow at his brother.
"One day of our photos being taken and we'll get money enough to last us a week. Come on."
"Don't know what you're thinkin but we are not models, Sammy."
"We're not ugly, Dean."
"Being not ugly doesn't mean we can model, dude."
Dean would marry himself if he could, that is how good looking his brother thinks he is. Sam was relying on Dean's vanity to get him on board but this. This wasn't what he was expecting.
Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
"What? Lady-killer Dean Winchester is too chicken to be rejected and find out he's not that handsome after all?"
Dean freezes and Sam already knows he won.
Dean's pride is so easy to mess with.
It's a starting clothing business that hopes to be big one day. They didn't want to spend too much money but figured that investing in good quality will get them far.
So when two guys in secondhand clothes from Goodwill came for the modelling job, they were hesitant. But when they were cleaned up by the crew, they look like proper models. Handsome, beautiful, pretty, fit, TALL.
Brothers they say but there's an air around them that they can use to say otherwise.
They dressed them up, did their make up, gave them a wet look for the final set and they were done.
Their first promotional poster was born.
Sam and Dean went home with a month's worth of cash and the company was left breathless.
It took them a while to get an audience to see them but it was that photo that blew the growing internet up and put them in the spotlight.
They have it framed in the middle of their new big ass studio like a trophy.
Years later, when they were reached out to by Vogue (VOGUE!!) for an interview about their journey, they knew what photo to use as a centrepiece for their page.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hi! Can I request lee! Todoroki &Bakugo and ler!Aizawa?
Please and thank you!
Oo, I've got an Ler!Aizawa itch! I missed these dorks ajkrkjearjkaejrje I've gotcha covered, anon! :3 This takes place just after the Remedial Course Arc so spoilers ahead!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps)
@myreygn @thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @backy-san @nutzgunray-lvt @sarahmaystock5578 @rachi-roo @
Aizawa’s sensei’s hands were warm and heavy as he rested them on their shoulders, something proud in his tired smile. “Good work, you two.”
It really shouldn’t have meant so much to him, but the burn was behind Todoroki’s eyes almost immediately. He didn’t trust himself to speak, blinking a few times as he raised his chin.
“Tch- it was nothing.” Bakugou gruffed out, no better than Todoroki as he turned away, ears red. “I’m just glad it’s finally over.”
“A hero’s work never truly is. Not to mention all the work you two have to catch up on.” Twin groans echoed out almost immediately, earning a grin from their teacher. “Yes yes, I know. Trust me- I’m not looking forward to the grading either.”
“Maybe we can do this some other way?” Todoroki asked once he trusted his voice. “Like- instead of homework we can do-”
“A mock battle! Us against you!” Bakugou barged in, puffed in excitement. “If we win, we don’t have to do the makeup work!”
“That’s not…” Todoroki began, trailing off at the thoughtful expression on their teacher’s face. Was he seriously considering this?
“That would save me time at the office…fine then. We’ll do it your way. If you two can beat me, no make-up work.” Bakugou hooted, charged. 
“However-” Aizawa’s glare cut him off mid-cheer, explosions going out instantly. “Don’t think I’m gonna go easy on you for the sake of leaving early. You two are still my students- I’m not holding anything back.” His eyes glowed red with menace, sending shivers down their spines.
“Is it still too late for my poster idea?” Todoroki’s question raised eyebrows. “...Nevermind.”
The objective was simple: Avoid Aizawa’s capture for 30 minutes. If they both were grabbed and detained before time was up; game over. Their setting was Gound Beta- the same mock city training grounds they used time and time again for practice and such. It gave them just enough room to hide and evade.
“What’s our game plan?” Todoroki asked as the two ran through the workzone, poking glances around corners as they searched for their teacher. “Do we stay on the defensive?”
“He’ll never let that happen. We have to ambush him!” Bakugou’s hands popped as he prepared to take flight, grinning with devious intent. “He can’t capture us if we catch him first.”
That..was true. Dangerous and stupid, but true. “How are we to go about that?”
“You’re the walking popsicle of this group, Icy-Hot.” Bakugou gave him a look like the answer should have been obvious. “I’ll lure him out- you freeze him in place.”
“We keep him like that until the timer goes off.” Todoroki hummed, mind running with scenarios. “Yeah- we can do that.” I’ll have to stay hidden- we need a signal when he’s within my reach.”
“Heh- easy enough. Get ready Icy Hot.” Bakugou took off, soaring a few paces as he turned to the other. “Say goodbye to-”
Just then- he disappeared. Yanked out of sight like a cane pulling a frazzled comedian off stage.
Todoroki blinked, eyes wide. “Bakugou?”
It was silent. And then-
Todoroki jumped out of his skin at the sudden boom of laughter, running to the edge of the building to look. When he got there, his blood went cold.
“I overheard your plan- it’s not a terrible idea. Though- next time, try discussing these things farther away.” Aizawa chided, hovering over a flailing Bakugou as the blonde cackled helplessly. One of his legs was wrapped in the capture scarf, semi-pinning him as Aizawa tapped along his ribs. “Plans work best when the target can’t hear you.”
“Gehahahhhahahahahha! Nohohohoohoho fahahhahhahahhair! Yoohohohohu didiihihihhin’t sahhahahhay ahhahhahahything ahahahahahbout thihihihihickling!” Bakugou wheezed, batting at the older man’s hands as they drilled into the sensitive spots along his waist. “Aheahahhahahaha tahhahahat’s cheheheheahhahahting!”
“I did say I’m not holding anything back now.”
Todoroki squirmed from his hiding spot, torn on what to do. He could go and hide- wait out the timer while Bakugou suffered their teacher’s mischievous wrath. The rule was if both were captured and detained they lost- not just one.
His feet started to slide back.
“Iihihihihihiihicy hohoohohohoht, ruhuhuhuhuhuhun!” Bakugou cried out, his giggle fits reaching a higher octave when his hips were pinched. “Shahahahhahave yohohohohohourself!”
Todoroki felt himself freeze all over. Then he grew hot with shame and irritation.
What was the point of those remedial lessons if he didn’t try to save anyone?
“Don’t tell me what to do!” He gathered up a thing of ice, forming it until it was a roughly composed snowball. With a burst of energy, he ran forward, chucking it as hard as he could towards the pair. Aizawa looked up just before it crashed, moving away by a margin. “Hang on, Bakugou!”
In his head- it was a perfect plan. He’d create an ice slope that would give them the leverage to escape. They’d go flying into the sky and further out- hiding in one of the distant buildings as they waited out the timer. There might have even been a little heart to heart moment between them about saving one another.
Alas- reality was far more bitter.
“Good attempt.” Aizawa’s red eyes stared him down, destroying all the ice he built immediately. Todoroki slipped, legs flying out from under him comedically before he crashed before his teacher. Within seconds, a loop of scarf grabbed his leg, dragging him closer and within tickle reach. “However- next time be sure to familiarize yourself with your opponents abilities. You never know who has a trump card.”
“Wait-wait wahahahhahahahhahahhait!” Todoroki squealed when his knee was grabbed, all but spasming against the feeling. “Pleahahhahahse, dohohohohoohn’t!”
“Frehehahahahhaking Iihihiihhiicy hohohohohohohohot! I tohohohohold you to rhuuhuhuhuhun!” Bakugou was in no better shape, twisting like a hooked fish as Aizawa carried on kneading his hip. “Yoohohohoohu cohooohohuld have wohohohoohohn!”
“Nohohohohohot wiihihiihithouhohohout youhohohohu!”
“Dohoohohoohn’t ggehehheheht muhuhuuhuuhushy!”
“Scereheehehehehw yohoohoohohu-Ahhahehahaha noohohohot hthehehehere!”
“Heh- you two really have grown.” Aizawa chuckled, shaking his head fondly at his two students as they laughed themselves silly. “Makes me feel old.”
“Ahehahahahhaha Mr. Aihiihihihihzahahahahhahwa!” Todoroki cried, all but shrieking when his thigh was pinched.
“Mehehehehhhehrcy! Gehahahhahaahahah-AHHA!” Bakugou’s laugh went near silent when his upper ribs got squeezed. “PLAHEHHAHAHSE!”
“Hm…alright.” Aizawa did just that, letting the boys recover. Not even a second later- the timer up ahead went off, signaling the end. “And just like that- I won.”
“Gahehahha…hehehe..ugh.” Bakugou tossed an arm over his eyes, too tired to argue. Todoroki felt his heart drop, disappointment burning it on the way down. He should have listened and hid. “Sorry, Bakugou. I failed us.”
“Dahhahamn straight.” Bakuogu kicked him lightly, sitting up with a tired groan. “But…thanks anyway- for trying to save me.”
Todoroki blinked, watching Bakugou’s cheeks heat up as he looked away. Well- okay; maybe it wasn’t a total bust.
“......Okay- new deal.” Aizawa spoke up, gathering their attention. “You still have makeup work to do, but I’ll let you work together on it. One complete project between the two of you on whatever subject you want-within reason- and you’re off the hook. Seems fair?”
“Heh, you really don’t want to work late, do you?” Bakugou laughed, earning a hair tussle from their teacher.
“Hush. I’m just prioritizing your current studies.” He turned to Todoroki, already knowing what he was gonna ask. “And yes- you can make a poster.”
Thanks for reading!
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im-a-wonderling · 8 months
White Moves First, Part 5 ~ Edmund Pevensie
Summary: Despite the distance between their two lands, Y/N, princess of Archenland, is close friends with King Edmund the Just. But when push comes to shove, will friendship turn to more?
Warnings: an unhealthy paternal relationship
Word count: 3k
White Moves First Masterlist | Main masterlist
@writing-on-the-wahl you're amazing, in too many ways for me to try and sum up. Thank you so much for everything.
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“Never in all my days did I imagine this would come to pass!” My father clapped his hands together, the sound an unnaturally sharp contrast to the excitement of his words.
I tried to match his radiant smile, but failed before I even started. 
It was less than ten minutes after Edmund went to go find my father when I was summoned to the king’s study. Cor sat properly on the sofa facing the fire while Corin slouched beside him. Edmund stood by the right corner of the mantelpiece, his back to the fire and his gaze trained on the rich wooden floor. Not knowing where to stand, I stood by the left corner. 
My father flitted between his desk in the corner and Edmund, seemingly unable to keep still. “My daughter and King Edmund?” he said with comical disbelief. “How wonderful it is!”
Corin shook his head, looking a bit dazed. “My sister, a queen.”
“Of Narnia,” Cor added, giving his twin a significant look. Not the fourth wife of a prince in Tashbaan, his expression said, likely familiar with the consequences of those words ever leaving his mouth. Most everyone in the room believed I still had no idea how close I’d come to being a princess of Tashbaan and not a queen of Narnia. 
Edmund’s gaze didn’t shift from the floor. 
To anyone else, his face would speak of deference and humility, but I knew him, like I knew the scratches on my chessboard too well to mistake it for another or the paths of the garden too well to get lost. His expression was one of discomfort. And how could he not be uncomfortable when he was stuck in a room with my father and brothers, discussing the topic of marriage?
He’d seemed so surprised when I brought up how much he loathed marriage, as if it wasn’t plain and simple to see. Whenever Queen Susan or Queen Lucy talked of weddings and betrothals, he looked as if he’d smelt something rancid. What kind of friend would I be if I hadn’t noticed?
Hopefully, we had a few months before we married, to give us time to figure out how this arrangement was going to work. 
“I am overjoyed!” my father announced, needlessly. We could all see it on his face. “And your mother would be so happy.”
I pursed my lips. Would this make my mother happy? Would the proposal from Rabadash have worried her? Would she have been relieved? Or, perhaps, like me, would she have been left in the dark, blindly following my father’s choices?
“Father, perhaps–” Cor’s comment was interrupted as the door flew open to reveal Edmund’s older sister. 
“Queen Susan!” my father boomed, spreading his hands like he was welcoming an angel.
“I came as quickly as I could.” She glanced around the room as she closed the door behind her. “What’s happened?”
“Your brother’s marrying my sister,” Corin grumbled, and Cor nudged him.
Queen Susan’s eyes went wide as they found her brother. “You…” She glanced at me. “And…?”
“Me,” I finished awkwardly.
To her credit, Queen Susan only blinked once before taking the news in stride. “Well then,” she folded her hands together, “I suppose we’re preparing a wedding.”
My father nodded. “Ab-so-lute-ly. Why, there isn’t a moment to lose!”
“Sorry,” I cut in, “but why do we have no moments for, uh, losing?”
“The sooner we get married, the better,” Edmund said calmly from his spot on the other side of the room. Everyone looked at him, a common occurrence whenever the Just King opened his mouth. But unlike normal when Edmund would hardly acknowledge the attention, he glanced uncomfortably at everyone before meeting my eyes. “It won’t do to wait, not with Rabadash’s presence here.” He started to push his hands into his pockets, and, at the last minute, he clasped them behind his back instead. 
“Oh,” was all I said.
“And why would we wait?” My father seized one of my hands, dragging me closer to Edmund with such zeal, I nearly tripped, and would have, if Edmund’s hands hadn’t found my waist to steady me. “This is a fated union!” my father boomed in Queen Susan’s direction as Edmund’s hands flew away from my waist and his feet shifted to create space between us. 
I was so distracted by Edmund, it took me a moment to understand what my father had said.
Fated union? Hadn’t he just said moments ago that he never imagined this happening? 
“If we work quickly,” my father walked towards the queen, “why, we could have them married by the end of the week!”
Queen Susan jerked out of some pensive musing. “Yes! Yes, I don’t see why not.”
“We’ll get started immediately.” My father offered his hand to the queen, which was quickly accepted. “Now, my lady, we must start with the guest list. Of course, the Archenland nobility will all be invited to this most auspicious event, but we must see about inviting High King Peter and Queen Lucy.” Still talking, he led her out of the room, leaving me and my brothers with Edmund. 
Silence fell. 
As the fire behind me let out a great pop, I peeked at Edmund, who was already looking at me. The moment our eyes met, we looked away. 
Cor caught my eyes, quirking an eyebrow, but Corin was staring at Edmund with the defiant expression he wore whenever someone dared him to do something foolish. 
“So why do you want to marry Y/N?” Corin asked.
“Corin!” Cor hissed.
“It’s a valid question!” Corin folded his arms. “You’re wondering it too!”
I looked at Edmund and knew we were silently asking ourselves the same question: did we reveal to them the true motivation behind why Edmund suddenly wanted to marry me? Edmund raised his eyebrows, clearly placing the decision in my hands.
If they knew, they would see how wonderful Edmund was…but they would also see how pathetic their sister’s position was, that I’d found out I was being married off and had to rely on a friend to rescue me because I couldn’t rescue myself. I didn’t want them to be party to my embarrassment. “It’s none of his business,” I said to Edmund, and I knew he understood my hidden meaning. “You don’t have to say anything.”
“It is too my business,” Corin argued, getting to his feet. Cor got to his feet also, putting a hand on his twin’s shoulder, which Corin quickly shook off. “If he’s going to be my new brother-in-law, I want to know.”
The title made me feel suddenly queasy. If it made me feel queasy, it certainly made Edmund—the man who never wanted to marry—uncomfortable as well. 
“Corin–” I started, ready to send him off the trail.
“Your sister,” Edmund cut in, drawing all eyes, “is special.”
That was like calling something interesting—it sounded like you were saying something, but you really said nothing at all. 
“Really, Edmund, you don’t have to–”
“Shhhh!” Corin shushed me. Both my brothers faced Edmund, looking expectant. Outnumbered and helpless, I dropped into an armchair, watching Edmund try and stitch his words together.
“It’s not hard to find a beautiful woman,” Edmund said finally. “Nor is it rare to find a well-mannered woman of grace and poise. I’ve met many women of great intelligence or enthusiastic patience or tremendous humanity.”
I looked down at my shoes, my eyes watering from the smoke of my hopes burning. 
“But your sister, somehow…is all of those things.”
I glanced up to see Edmund looking over at me. He wasn’t smiling, but there was a soft and undeniable fondness in his eyes. “Any man would be lucky to have her, but none could deserve her.” He shook his head. “Not even me.”
My heart overflowed, brought to the brink of pain with the amount of affection in it.
 “I’m quite convinced that if she wanted to,” Edmund tilted his head, “she could outshine the sun.”
His words stole my breath. I fought to regain it, to be as unruffled and mighty as his words made me seem, but air seemed beyond my reach. He didn’t have to say all that, I’d given him permission to ignore my brothers, and yet he’d said it anyway. Did he really mean it? Or was he pandering to my brothers to convince them?
Even as I pondered the question, I could tell by his face that his words were in earnest, and it made me wonder. As underhanded as Rabadash proved himself to be…was he right? Did Edmund truly love me?
Corin pretended to gag. “Gross.”
“Corin!” I exclaimed, feeling my cheeks heat up.
“I didn’t ask for poetry!”
Cor shoved Corin. “Shut up!” Cor stepped forward to clap Edmund on the shoulder. “It will be an honor to have you as our new brother, King Edmund.”
Edmund politely inclined his head. “Likewise.”
“You picked a good one,” Corin told me, begrudgingly. With that, the twins left the room, arguing about Corin’s manners as they went.
And then, Edmund and I were alone.
All our familiarity melted away like snow in the spring. We didn’t touch each other, we didn’t look at each other, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if Edmund was trying to ignore the sound of my breathing the way I was trying to ignore his.
My current position far exceeded my position a few hours ago. Marrying Edmund was a vast improvement over marrying Rabadash.
But…with Rabadash, there was no obligation to pretend it was anything more than an arrangement. I could’ve spent my whole marriage loathing him, and it changed nothing. But with Edmund? I didn’t have the ease of hatred nor the certainty of love. It was still an arrangement, but an arrangement that left me unsure of where I stood. 
“Will you stand up for me?”
I blinked, suddenly noticing that Edmund stood in front of my chair now, his hand outstretched. “What?”
“Stand up.”
I did, tentatively placing my hand in his. Edmund was standing so close, I had to tilt my head back to look in his face. This is how we stood in the drawing room, when Edmund looked down at me with an expression I’d never before seen.
He was wearing the expression again now.
Then, ever so slowly, he dropped down to one knee, and a sudden burst of alarm shot through me. “What are you doing?” I cried before clapping a hand over my mouth at the sheer volume of my shrill voice.
Edmund reached out for my other hand. “I’m doing this right.”
I curled both hands into my chest. “You don’t have to–”
“I do,” Edmund said grimly, looking up at me. “In fact, I should’ve done it in the drawing room the moment I thought of this whole plan. You deserve to have this done right.”
“But this makes it–” I’d been about to say ‘real’, but nothing about this was real. If it were real, Edmund would propose because he didn’t want to live life without me. Because he loved me, not because he was trying to save me from an impossible situation. 
And yet, it was real. This was happening.
“Will you please let me do this?” Edmund asked.
“But I’ve already said yes!” I said shrilly. “We’re already getting–”
A measly little word, and yet I couldn’t make myself say it, too aware of its weight. 
“You said yes to the plan.” Edmund got to his feet again, something raw in his eyes. “You didn’t say yes to me.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s implied!”
Edmund bent a little so that our faces were on the same level as he looked directly into my eyes. “I don’t want a marriage based on an implication.”
My knees shook a little, weakened by the intensity of his tone. There should’ve been no surprise about this. I knew what kind of a man Edmund was. Of course it would translate into the kind of husband he wanted to be. 
“Y/N, please,” Edmund begged. “I-I need to feel like I’m doing this right.”
“You’re…” I trailed off. “You’re already doing too much for me.”
“Then do this for me.”
Why? my head screamed. I knew what Rabadash’s answer to that question would be, and it scared me. But as Edmund looked at me with his wheedling face, I knew there wasn’t much I could ever deny him. I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded, not trusting my voice. For Edmund. I could let him do this.
“Alright then.” Edmund clumsily and awkwardly took my hands, and I wasn’t sure if his hands were sweating or if mine were as he lowered himself onto his knee again. “Y/N, will you marry me?”
For a scary moment, I couldn’t form any words, couldn’t do anything except stare at him. Edmund was gaining new titles with this.
Son-in-law. Brother-in-law. Husband.
And so was I, I realized.
Queen. Sister-in-law. Wife.
I stared down at Edmund, cursing his persistent need to do things ‘the proper way’.
“Please say yes,” Edmund pleaded, his eyes imploring for the word.
Why did he seem so desperate? We were already getting married. The deal was already made. The wedding was being planned. Why did my ‘yes’ matter so much?
It didn’t matter that much to anyone else.
I swallowed hard. “Yes.” The word was strained and indecipherable, so I cleared my throat. “Yes, Edmund, I’ll marry you.”
Edmund didn’t smile. Instead, he released my right hand, shoving his own into his pocket.
“What are you–” My words died as my eyes caught the flash of silver. I gaped down at Edmund. “You got me a ring?”
Edmund laughed nervously, looking down at the band in his hand. “Not exactly. It’s actually my signet ring from when I was younger. I, uh, I outgrew it, and they had to craft another one.” He lifted his right hand to show off the ring on his pointer finger. “I-I just thought, um, that it could work until we could have another one made for you.” His rushed and uncertain words floored me. He scratched his neck. “It’s small, I know, and it’s very simple, but I just, I mean, I thought perhaps, in a way, it’s right–”
“It’s perfect.”
Edmund looked up at me. “Really?” I nodded, wordlessly holding out my hand. Edmund, staying in his position on the ground, gently slid the ring onto my ring finger. It nearly slipped back past my knuckle. “Um…I guess it’s too big.” He started to pull it off.
“Wait!” I quickly slid it onto my middle finger. Still too big.
Edmund rose to his feet. “Really, if it doesn’t fit, you don’t have to–”
I slid it onto my pointer finger, and it stayed right where it was. “It fits,” I said, showing it to him.
“It’s not on your ring finger though,” Edmund said, frowning.
“No, it’s okay. I like it on this finger.” I held it up to the light, admiring the birch leaves right in the center. “And anyways, we match.“ Taking his hand in mine, I spread his fingers until our palms met, the rings matching up with our pointer fingers. “See?” I said softly.
Edmund didn’t reply at first. Then, his eyes met mine. “I guess we do.” He let his fingers slip, intertwining with mine. I held my breath, suddenly anxious as his thumb gently, soothingly rubbed mine. “Are you okay?” he asked.
I let out the breath, sinking into the comfort of my courteous and wonderful friend. “Yes. Are you?”
“Apparently,” his Adam’s apple rippled as he swallowed, “we’re going to be married by the end of the week.”
I knew it, I knew he didn’t want to be married. I loosened my grip on his hand. “You don’t have to do this–”
“Y/N,” he said softly, holding my hand tighter. “We’re not going to have this conversation over and over again.”
“I-I just, I can’t–”
“If the roles were reversed,” Edmund cut in, “would you do the same for me?”
“Of course I would,” I replied without a moment’s hesitation. “I’d do anything for you, because you’re my best friend.”
The corners of Edmund’s mouth turned ever so slightly upward. “And I for you, because you’re mine.” His expression turned a little devious. “Should I be offended that you keep trying to let me out of this?”
I chuckled a bit self-consciously. “It’s probably bad manners, isn’t it, to reject a gift like this?”
“It is,” Edmund said pleasantly. “But have no fear, I’ll still bring you gifts on your birthday every year.” 
I smiled. “Except you’ll only have to walk them down the hall instead of sending them across nations.” 
“I’ll save on so much postage,” Edmund murmured. I giggled lightly, and Edmund smiled fully. The tightness in my chest eased at the familiar sight. It was the type of smile that promised we were going to be okay. The awkwardness of our impending marriage couldn’t shake our friendship. 
The door opened, and we respectfully stepped away from each other.
“Y/N,” said Queen Susan’s melodious voice, causing me to look up. She pursed her lips, clearly trying to conceal a smile. “I want your opinion on flowers for the wedding.” Her eyes flicked towards her brother. “Edmund tells me you like flowers.”
I looked over at Edmund, and the pink dusting his cheeks made me smile. “Yes, I do,” I said lightly, walking over to Queen Susan. She turned to lead me down the hall, and I glanced over my shoulder at Edmund. 
He looked the very picture of regality. 
His hands were behind his back again as he stood at his full, kingly height. Even the smile on his face was lordly, yet spoke of such warmth, I wondered at his assertion that I could outshine the sun.
Didn’t Edmund know he already did?
Part 6
Overall tag list:
@thelastpyle @valiantlytransparentwhispers
White Moves First tag list:
@thelifeofsecretpenguins @read-just-cant @chesh-ire-cat @emotionallyattachedteen
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fourthwingfan · 7 months
Madness - Chapter 4
Warning: It's a war college so don't read it if you sensitive to violence death etc.
Note: We have finally a "decent" conversation between Xaden and Aelin. And guess what? We have a new nickname. From Xaden. Soo goood. 😍
Enjoy :)
The sparring ring is where riders are made or broken. After all, no respectable dragon would choose a rider who cannot defend themselves, and no respectable cadet would allow such threat to the wing to continue training.
-Major Afendra’s guide to the Riders Quadrant
(Unauthorized Edition)
“Elena Sosa, Brayden Blackburn.” Captain Fitzgibbons reads from the death roll, flanked by two other scribes on the dais as we stand in silent formation in the courtyard, squinting into the early sun.
This morning, we’re all in rider black, and there’s a single silver four-pointed star on my collarbone, the mark of a first-year, and a Fourth Wing patch on my shoulder. We were issued standard uniforms yesterday, summer-weight tightfitted tunics, pants, and accessories after Parapet was over, but not flight leathers. There’s no point handing out the thicker, more protective combat uniforms when half of us won’t be around come Threshing in October. The armored corset Mira made us isn’t regulation, but I fit right in among the hundreds of modified uniforms around me.
After the last twenty-four hours and one night in the first-floor barracks, I’m starting to realize that this quadrant is a strange mix of we-might-die-tomorrow hedonism and a brutal efficency in the name of the same reason.
“Jace Sutherland.” Captain Fitzgibbons continues to read, and the scribes next to him shift their weight. “Dougal Luperco.”
I think we’re somewhere in the fifties, but I lost count. This is the only memorial the names will get, the only time they’ll be spoken of in the citadel.
There are a hundred and fifty-six of us in the first floor of the dormitory building, our beds positioned in four neat rows in the open space. Private rooms are like flight leathers - you don’t get one until you survive Threshing.
“Simone Casteneda.” Captain Fitzgibbons closes the scroll. “We commend their souls to Malek.” The god of death.
I blink. Guess we were closer to the end than I thought.
There’s no formal conclusion to the formation, no last moment of silence. The names on the scroll leave the dais with the scribes, and the quiet is broken as the squad leaders all turn and begin to address their squads.
“Hopefully you all ate breakfast, because you’re not going to get another chance before lunch,” our squad leader says. His name is Theo as we learnt after yesterday’s events. For first impression he seem to be a pretty calm guy. He talked about the rules but not like Dain based on what Violet said last night. I swear the rules are his gods.
In our squad there are third- and second-years besides us, marked and non-marked ones. We’re a really mixed group.
Yesterday I didn’t have a chance to observe our squad mates because when Theo’s briefing was over I went to find Violet. We succeeded securing beds next to each other. Rhiannon too. We talked about a lot of things due to the fact that we’re not in the same squad. I can’t be with her for every lesson, our schedule is different. Vi helped me memorising the order of my lessons. It’s a luck that at least I have good memory.
“Second- and third-years, I’m assuming you know where to go” Theo continues as the scribes wind their way around the edge of the courtyard to my right, headed back to their quadrant.
There’s a mutter of agreement from the senior cadets ahead of us. As first-years, we’re in the back two rows of the little square that makes up our squad.
“First-years, at least one of you should have memorized your academic schedule when it was handed out yesterday.” Theo’s voice booms over us. “Stick together. I expect you all to be alive when we meet this afternoon in the sparring gym.”
We only have the gym twice a week, so there should be time to help Violet learn a little more self defense. She’s smart and quick. She can do it.
I’m more worried about my own lessons. I have to put in so much extra hours to be up to date in our reading materials. Before Basgiath, Violet helped me to study. She often read aloud the texts while I tried to memorize its content. It’s easier. When I’m trying to read, it often makes me so frustrated. I’m trying to read, but I can’t. It’s a really slow process. But because of this I’m good at making notes. I only write down what is really important ‘cause later I have to read it again.
I hope the lessons will be tolerable. I can’t have Violet with me all the time. It’s same for her. She needs to practice her skills before we’ll have to handle the Gauntlet - the vertical obstacle course they told us we’ll have to master when the leaves turn colors in two months.
If we can complete the final Gauntlet, we’ll walk through the natural box canyon above it that leads to the flight field for Presentation, where this year’s dragons willing to bond will get their first look at the remaining cadets. Two days after that, Threshing will occur in the valley beneath the citadel.
I glance around at my new squadmates and can’t help but wonder which of us, if any, will make it to that flight field, let alone that valley.
Don’t borrow tomorrow’s trouble.
“And if we’re not?” One smart-ass first-year behind me asks.
I don’t bother looking, instead I turn to Liam and roll my eyes at the stupid’s girl comment.
He snickers but doesn’t say anything.
“Then I won’t have to be concerned with learning your name, since it will be read off tomorrow morning” Theo answers with a shrug.
A third-year ahead of me snorts a laugh.
Yeah, I totally understand you. It was funny. Or just my sense of humor is sucks.
“You have about twenty minutes to get to class,” Theo says to the seven of us first-years. “Fourth floor, second room on the left in the academic wing. Get your shit together and don’t be late.” Our squad breaks apart around the same time the others do, transforming the courtyard from an orderly formation to a crowd of chatting cadets. The second- and third-years walk off in another direction, including Theo.
“Go, grab your stuff and meet me here okay?” Liam says
“You’d be lost without me anyway.” I reply while heading to the doors.
“And here I thought you’d be kinder with a good night sleep, Snappy.” He sighs.
“Damn, I told you to drop this ridiculous nickname.” I hiss at him.
“Or what? We’re squadmates, you can’t hurt me” he winks.
“No. I can’t kill you. It’s completly different.” I say smiling.
“Whooah look at that. You can smile.”
“Shut up. Go grab your pack or I leave you here.” I roll my eyes.
I go to the dormitory where my bed is, and pick up my rucksack from under it.
When I walk out the door I see Violet at the center of the courtyard and her expression make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. She’s looking at somebody.
Oh shit.
Xaden Riorson is watching her with narrowed eyes, the sleeves of his uniform rolled up his massive arms that remain folded across his chest, the warning in his relic-covered arm on full display as a third-year next to him says something that he blatantly ignores.
Garrick was he?
There’s maybe twenty feet between us. My fingers twitch, ready to grab one of the blades sheathed at my ribs.
His head tilts and he studies me with those impossibly dark eyes, like he’s deciding where I’m most vulnerable. So he noticed me when I exited the dormitory. Interesting.
He smirks then his attention shifts to Violet, and Dain who emerges from behind the pillar.
Shit, do they have to be so obvious? Someone might misinterpret it.
Violet says something to Dain, then his gaze snaps up as the crowd thins out around us.
„I already knew your parents are tight,” Xaden calls out, a cruel smile tilting his lips. „But do you two have to be so fucking obvious?”
I told you, I sigh when the few cadets who are still in the rotunda turn to look at them.
„Let me guess,” Xaden continues, glancing between Dain and Violet, „Childhood friends? First loves, even?”
„I expected you to do a better job hiding where your affections lie, Aetos.” Xaden moves, walking down the steps.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I need to do something.
„Come on Riorson, you have eyes, now use it. You really think that Violet and Dain? I thought you’re smarter than that.” I sigh with feigned disappointment.
„Melgren?” He turns to me. „What are you? A watchdog? Always at Violet’s legs?”
Fucking asshole.
„Now you’re trying to insult me? How kind of you.” I smile at him sweetly. „And no. Violet can protect herself. I just don’t like the fact that now everybody thinks that they have something between them because of you. I didn’t know you liked to gossip.”
„With this attitude you won’t last long, Melgren. Throwing insults at everybody who dares to talk to you or Sorrengail.” He tilts his head to the side. „It’s like you’re a fucking ray of sunshine.”
„Then forgive this little Sunshine and her friend because we’ll have a lesson soon, and it would cast a really bad light on us if we were late. Don’t you think wingleader?” I gesture toward Violet to come with me.
„Hm. Then we should continue our interesting conversation later.” He says slowly with a smirk and I have a bad feeling about it. „And don’t forget to watch your back, Sunshine.” He turns and walks away.
Sunshine? A nickname? Really?
Damn, he’s handsome for sure but at the same time an enermous prick.
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I know I already told you and showed you the role I had with Lyle's AI but people also deserve to read about it.😈 and here is the idea that you could use one day: Lyle and reader trapped in a broken elevator at the RDA base. BOOM!💥 I don't know, I'm just saying, think about it🥴
O M G I was literally thinking about doing that!! Final push to do it now!
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Recom!Reader x Recom!Lyle
Warnings: Smut, semi-public sex(no one can see them but if they're no quiet someone could hear)
You two were celestial masses, caught in the gravity that pulled you both towards one another. Both moons to ones another's planets or great asteroids destined to crash together.
Every space you inhabited was inevitably Lyle's too. More often that not it seemed like fate that pulled you back together. As humans you'd spent your lives orbiting one another but never touching. Never quiet together but never far apart.
You'd both been through basic training together, just not on the same teams. Then you'd both been assigned to escort the scientists but again not the same groups. The first time you'd even officially met was after your soul-drive had been made. A polite excuse me and nothing else, though Lyle's eyes had lingered on your retreating frame.
Fates boldest move was to bring you back together. Recom bodies grown in parallel tanks, curled to the side to face one another in silent dreaming. Then assigned the same mission, hunt down the leader of the na'vi insurgency.
You had a week on base before they'd have you re-enter the forests of Pandora. Your excitement grew at the opportunity to take in the beautiful sights with your new eyes. Everything sharper, more vibrant and exquisite than before.
More so you grow excited to spend more time with your new friend. Lyle Wainfleet. You'd seen him so many times before as a human. Captivated by his dark eyes but never having a chance to introduce yourself. Now here you were on the same team and he'd come to you.
He was all smirks and jokes, lightening the foul mood your new situation threatened to suffocate you with. Lyle was just as handsome as you remembered, though in new and exciting ways. Same bulking arms and broad chest that made your stomach flutter but vivid striking eyes.
It only took a day before he'd started the flirting. Little comments here and there that you'd taken as jokes to begin with. Even firing back your own remarks. As the days past he got bolder, egged on by your reciprocation.
He snaked arms around your waist, tugging your body to his, nipping at your ear with sharp fangs. All moments interrupted by the other recoms or human soldiers. You'd laugh it off but he was setting a fire in you and each night you went to bed with the feel of him burned against your skin.
Lyle was getting frustrated too. He'd never get away with outright going to your room at night. No there were rules against that kind of thing, so stolen moments were all he could get. He yearned for more, to feel you beneath him, to taste you, to have you writhing and singing his name.
Lyle walked with you down the corridor. Tomorrow you'd both be off, heading out to search for the na'vi base camp. He imagined stealing you away, bribing whoever was on watch to have a couple hours with you. It was filthy, imagining you bare in the wilderness, arching off the dirt.
He snapped back to reality, cursing the twitch in his pants. Then something slapped against his rear. He jumped a bit, looking to you and catching your smirk. Your tail flicked back, slapping his butt a second time. Lyle laughed, then pretended to cough when the soldier leading them shot him a look.
You chuckled under your breath. Moving to swipe him again, his own tail caught yours however. Twisting around it's length tightly. Neither of you were aware how the sensitive skin would feel intertwined the way they were. You bit your lip against the groan and turned your eyes to Lyle. His were blown, pupils hiding the yellow of his irises.
"Right that's it for today, head up to the 4th floor. It'll be a long weeks ahead so you'll want some rest." The soldier turned to them. Lyle quickly untangled his tail from yours, saluting the soldier. He seemed somewhat aware he'd been the last thing on either of your minds but just stomped off.
When he was out of earshot you turned to Lyle, as soon as your eyes met you both laughed. The tension of the moment passing, you entered the lift. A good long shower, a decent meal, then the last sleep on a real bed before tomorrow. That's what you were going to do, though there was something you wanted more.
The lift doors come together as you both do. In an instant Lyle has you cornered against the wall, arms on either side of your shoulders and head tipped down to yours. His lips are on you before you can speak, pressing hard, molding against your own. You react immediately, arms flying around his neck as you moan into the kiss.
You know it won't last, that the lift will ping and you'll pull apart and that it'll be over. So you drink him in, as much as you can get in this moment together. He nips your lip and you part yours, letting his tongue curl around your own. You can't help the way your body arches, pulling flush against his. Lyle's hands roaming, squeezing your ass then coming to tangle in your hair.
Then the ground jolts under your feet, you stumble a little at the sudden movement, pulling away from the kiss. The lights flicker off and for one horrible second your in complete darkness, before the red emergency light comes on.
The lift doesn't move again. You both stand still in the silence for a moment before a voice speaks through the intercom.
"Hello? Hello is anyone in there?" A panicked women speaks.
"Yeah! Recom Corporal Lyle Wainfleet and Recom Private Y/n" Lyle answers back. He's speaking in his commanding officer tone, the one he uses when he's giving out orders. Something in the authoritative tone always set you off. Even now given the situation you can't help the heat that pools.
"I'm so sorry sir!" the women squeaks. "They're resetting the lift now, it shouldn't take too long to get it back working!" She stammers out. "Maybe ten minutes?" She blurts the last part out, clearly expecting to be chewed out.
Lyle's hands roam back down to your ass, slipping the skirt you'd worn up. You blush, briefly concerned at being seen but you couldn't be. The woman had no idea who was in the lift, the camera must have malfunctioned too!
"No worries mam, take your time." He speaks, his attention returning to you. His mouth at your neck, leaving love bites as the woman stammers out more apologies through the speaker. Your trying so hard not to moan too loudly, scared the microphone will pick up your mewling.
"I need you too honey..." Lyle whispers into your ear, nipping the edge between fangs. His hand slips into your blouse, cupping your breast as the other slips further under your skirt.
Lyle loved when you had to dress up for meetings. He'd seen you when you were human, heels clacking on your way to one. Some jackass had bumped you, sent your work flying. Asshole didn't even stay to help. Lyle had moved to you but had stopped in his tracks. You'd clearly not worn a skirt that short in a while and seemed unaware what leaning down like that would show.
The image was burned into his retinas and he'd definitely thought back to it alone in the showers. That flash of lace covered pussy came to him every time he'd glimpsed you since.
Now he felt his fingers skimming against that material. Thanking whatever perverted designer had thought to make the recoms lace underwear. Lyle ran a finger along the clothed folds, the material already wet. He tutted.
"Already this worked up honey?" He smirked, pinching a nipple. You whimpered your hands tugging at his shirt.
"I like when you talk like that." You confessed, his hand on your chest coming up to cup your cheek again.
"Like what buttercup, like what I did to the lady?" He questioned, feeling a buzz running through his veins. You nodded in his hand, your own coming to grip his. His other hand slipped bellow the lace, finding your sensitive bud.
"You like when I'm ordering you about?" He smirked, circling the clit. His mind called back to the drills he'd ran. Thinking about you getting all hot and bothered while he commanded the group. Taking long colder shower to calm yourself.
You let out a louder moan as he slipped a finger inside you, thumb continuing his motion against your clit. The speaker lit up again, the crackling voice coming through.
"Sorry what was that? We're still working to get everything up and running." The woman spoke. You froze, Lyle slid a second finger in, beginning to pump them. You bit your lip against another moan as he curled the digits.
"Nothing mam, we're fine." Lyle spoke, his voice calm. His other hand shifted over your mouth and he leaned in closer. "I'm gonna need you to keep quiet honey." His tone shifting to the authoritative one. You clenched around his fingers, a knot forming in your stomach.
Lyle delighted at the feeling, the knowledge of just what he did to you. He pulled his fingers out, removing the other from your mouth. You let out a quiet whine but your eyes darkened as you watched him suck his fingers clean. He groaned at the taste, wishing he'd have the time to dive down there.
"You ready honey?" He asked, unbuckling his belt. A look of hunger flashed in your eyes as you nodded eagerly. Lyle grinned, unzipping and letting his cock bob free.
Your eyes snapped down to the length, the shine of precum on the tip and the ridges along the girth. You swallowed still eyeing him. Lyle ran his hands down, lifting you behind each knee. You stifled the squeak in his shoulder at the sudden movement. With you pressed between his chest and the wall he could align himself.
Lyle pushed the fabric of your panties to the side, letting your body slide down his length. You pushed your face into his neck, feeling him stretch you out. He was so big, making you feel so full, the ridges adding extra sensation as he went.
Satisfied, Lyle began to thrust up. The small space filled with the lewd squelching and the slapping of skin. You hoped these sounds were quiet enough, that the woman couldn't hear. That no workers were under the box listening to the show.
Lyle groaned against your neck, growling and grunting as you milked him. Your walls clenching around him as he drove deeper. You struggled against the need to make more noise. The pleasure blinding in its intensity, the knot tightening in your stomach till it snapped. You bit down hard on Lyle's shoulder, the waves of ecstasy hitting you as he road out the orgasm.
Lyle couldn't last much longer, the sting of pain, the clenching around him, your scent overwhelming. He came hard, hot cum painting your insides as he groaned out your name.
You both panted against one another. Lyle slipped out, moving your lace underwear over to catch his leaking cum. God it was a sight to see and he wanted it all pressed up against you. He gently placed your weak legs back to the ground, holding your elbows for support. His own wound forgotten as he watched your wobbling steps.
The lights flickered a moment before the voice spoke "Sir! Hello? The lift should be operational now. Sorry for the inconvenience!" The woman chirped. The lift stuttered to life, moving up.
Lyle smirked down at your messy hair, you blissed out expression turning to him. Maybe he could bend a rule and see you again tonight.
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ggundeuri · 2 years
hwang hyunjin - platform 14
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pairing: hyunjin x gn!reader
genre: romance, fluff, established relationship, long distance, reader is a uni student, hurt/comfort??
warnings: reader hates crowded/public spaces, not proofread
word count: 1.5k 
summary: your train home to see your boyfriend after several months is delayed
a/n: inspired by this cute couple i saw at the train station T-T 
reblog if you enjoy!
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You were already running late thanks to the traffic, and now you found yourself at another escalator. If it wasn’t for your terrible habit of overpacking, you would’ve just picked your suitcase up and lugged it behind you as you climbed your way up. Instead, you were forced to wait on the steps. With every passing second, they seemed to move slower, the end only stretching out further from you.
Checking the time as you were finally released, you broke out into a small run. Platform 14 wasn’t far - you had done this so many times before. You still had time to make it. Fumbling around in your pockets as you approached the turnstiles, your face fell when a member of staff held his hand up, blocking you from entering the platform
“Sorry, the train is delayed.”
You peered behind him, noticing how the tracks were empty. 
“Why? It’s supposed to depart soon, no?” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Unexpected railworks,” he said simply. 
“How long will it be?” 
He shook his head, “No clue. You’ll have to listen to the announcements.”
Without another word, you turned on your heel and marched to the closest bench. Your arm was so sore from dragging your luggage around that you winced when you pulled out your phone.
[Hyunjin] did you get on the train okay?
[Hyunjin] i’m so excited to see you
[You] it’s been delayed :(
You sighed, closing the messaging app to take a look at your homescreen. It was a picture of you and your beloved, Hyunjin, that the two of you had taken years ago - just before you started dating. You tried to not let it get to you, this journey was familiar to you after all. Even though you had moved away for university a couple months ago, you made the time to visit each other almost every other weekend; a little distance wasn’t going to spoil what you had.
Still, life got in the way. Exam season came and went, preventing you from leaving the library except to go home and sleep or to make your way to the exam hall. Your boyfriend never complained once, always calling you or texting you to remind you to eat and even sending little gifts in the mail - bathbombs and facemasks and snacks to make sure you were taking care of yourself. Thinking about it only made you miss him even more, if that was even possible. You cursed the railway tracks for not working properly on today of all days.
The only thing there was left to do was look around you. Eyeing up the information board, it provided no relief. It still only said that your train was delayed. Of course, some people were complaining loudly about the delays - it wan’t just you that had been affected. Dozens of other people were probably also being kept from seeing their loved ones because of the works. It made you feel so small. The crowd between you and the platform grew bigger as each second passed, completely blocking it from view. Now you would have to fight your way through them to get a good seat. Their chatter reached your ears despite your music already being on maximum volume, clashing with the announcer’s monotone voice booming from the speakers surrounding you. You just wanted to be home already, to see Hyunjin. To have him hold you and tell you it was okay.
As if he had read your mind from such a distance, your phone started buzzing. A call from him. It barely made it through the first ring before you picked up.
“Babe, are you okay?” his voice was music to your ears. Everything, all the people and all the noise suddenly seemed so far away. 
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” you tried not to sound too worried.
He knew you like the back of his hand, though. You couldn’t hide your shaky voice from him, “It sounds really busy there - are you sure?”
You nodded, forgetting he couldn’t see you, “I just want to be home already.”
“You will be soon, don’t worry,” he sighed, “is there any more information?”
“Nope - there’s unexpected railworks. The train we’re supposed to get on hasn’t even arrived yet.”
He laughed. You laughed, too. Oh, how you missed his laugh, “Typical, isn’t it? Do you want me to stay on the phone?”
“Yes, please,” you begged, “It’s too loud.”
“Okay, let’s see. I have a lot planned for us when you finally arrive.”
“Really? Tell me more.”
“I can’t - it’s a surprise,” he teased.
“Oh, please,” you scoffed, “I don’t need any more surprises.”
“Right, right,” he surrendered, “I had nothing planned for tonight - it’s free for whatever you want to do.”
“What do I want to do?” you thought out loud, “I just want to sleep.”
“Okay, then,” he chuckled, “we can just sleep.”
The two of you spent the next few minutes discussing your plans for the evening in more detail. He suggested ordering food, taking a bath, watching TV, and turning in early. You could picture it clearly, removing yourself from the hectic atmosphere of the station.
“Oh, did you hear that?” he stopped. 
You took your earphones out, disbelieving of the sudden silence from the crowd around you. You strained your ears, struggling to understand the announcer’s muffled voice even though the speaker was so close to you.
“The train from Platform 14 will depart in ten minutes. Please make your way to the gates. We apologise for any inconveniences caused.”
“Making me wait another thirty minutes to see you is more than just an inconvenience, I think,” Hyunjin joked. 
“It’s already been half an hour?” you questioned, confirming this for yourself by checking the time, “I have to go now if I don’t want to wrestle with a stranger for a window seat.”
“Okay, okay, text me when you’re almost there,” he cooed, “I’ll pick you up.”
“You don’t have to,” you stood up, struggling with how unnatural it felt to pull your suitcase along with your other hand, “I know the way.”
“Don’t be silly, I can’t wait that much longer.”
“Alright,” you sighed, “I’ll see you later. Love you.”
“I love you too.”
You put your phone away, retrieving your ticket from your pocket and gripping onto it tightly as you merged with the crowd. You tried to not let it bother you every time someone cut in front or pushed against you, doing your best to focus on how you would finally be able to see Hyunjin again after all of this. 
Successfully making it past the turnstiles, you hurried onto the coach at the very front, relief soothing your tensed muscles as you claimed the last forward-facing seat. Having to deal with the motion of travelling backwards would do nothing for your already excited nerves now. 
You didn’t even bother trying to hoist your suitcase above your head and into the overhead compartment, knowing that it would end badly. Instead, you carefully balanced it upright on the aisle seat, blocking the rest of the world from your mind as you turned to the window. The next couple hours passed quicker than expected, the blurry scenery surrounded by a burnt, beautiful orange sky as the sun began it’s descent. 
It was nice to get away from the world for a while; there was nothing to do but stare out the window and relax, all your worries left behind at the station. But when the train finally came to a stop, you were the first one off. Ticket in hand, you rushed past the gates and only slowed down when you were finally outside, taking a moment to finally breathe in the fresh air. 
Just as you were about to reach for your phone to let Hyunjin know you arrived, you felt a warm hand take your suitcase from you. Tensing up, worried that someone had just managed to rob you in broad daylight, you whipped your head around.
It was just Hyunjin. 
He was leaning against your suitcase, a bright smile plastered across his face. He looked exactly the same as he did when you last saw him a few months ago, the only difference being that his hair had now grown out past his jaw, falling haphazardly across his face as the wind blew. 
You didn’t say anything. Practically throwing yourself at him, he stumbled backwards a bit as he tried to catch his balance and keep the both of you upright, forgetting about keeping his hand on your luggage in favour of snaking his hands around your waist. You let out a long sigh, remembering just how nice his hair smelt - it was the same scent as the shampoo he started using when you first got together. He must’ve taken note of your comment on how nice it smelt.
Finally pulling away to look at his face properly, you smiled back at him.
It wasn’t just Hyunjin. He was your Hyunjin.
“Welcome home.”
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taglist - taglist is open!!
@abi121 @sockjam
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
I went to the cinema recently and there was almost no one else there but me & my friend, and that got me thinking 🤔 what kinda sexy shenanigans Joe & reader would get up to in the back of an almost empty movie theatre ☺️😘 imagine they’re just going for a simple date night, post dinner, to see a cheesy rom com or something for a laugh, realising 15 minutes in that no one else is there and the film isn’t worth watching, sooo 🤭
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Nothing more to say than the way you made me say fuck yes out loud.
All aboard the Monday night smut train. 💀
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You'd gone through the trailers, each and every one of them, sipping on your drinks and getting halfway down your popcorn that you shared before the movie had even started. You sat up in your favourite spot in the back row, your eyes scanned around the room; not another person visible.
"What's going on?" You leaned over to say in Joe's ear so he could hear you better over the booming sounds of the speakers, the credits beginning to role through as it started.
"What do you mean, love?" Joe mirrored your image, speaking back directly into your ear.
"Take a look around." You pointed all along the theatre, still nobody to be seen.
"Oh shit, we've got this place to ourselves?" Joe smirked.
"Looks that way." You smiled back, Joe moved his arm around to push you into him so you leaned into him as close as you could, the arm of the seat getting in the way a little.
"This could be fun." Joe shot you a look, a look that screamed fun in the most flirtatious way.
You lost track of how far you'd got into the movie when you felt Joe release his grip on your shoulder, moving his hand down to your thigh and stroking his fingers up and down it. Even just partway through the movie, nobody had shown up and you'd thought it maybe time to take action on Joe's last words.
You mimicked him, instead taking your hand and palming just to the side of his crotch, watching his eyes flicker down from the screen to where your hand was now beginning to stroke right over. "You thinking what I'm thinking, baby?" Joe muttered.
You took your eyes away from the movie now purely just a background noise since your gaze was fully fixed on your boyfriend, he took his hand and placed it to cup your cheek, bringing you in for a passionate kiss, it was slow yet desperate. You both felt like two naughty teenagers in the back, plainly horny for one another as your suggestive behaviours took their place.
"Fuck. This is hot." Joe smiled into the kiss, his tongue batting against your bottom lip for you to open up, the heated make out now turning hotter as you felt his erection grow covered by his clothing but gripping in your hands grasp. You expertly unbuttoned his trousers with one hand, taking down his zipper and pulling his cock out of his boxers, springing it free; your eyes shooting straight to it like a magnet, your teeth instantly finding your bottom lip and biting down onto it whilst Joe licked his lips.
You spat onto your hand to lather his thick shaft as you wrapped your fist around it, slowly pumping and watching his head fall back to the top of the seat. "That feel good?" You slanted over to mumble into his ear, hearing his breathing escalating at your touch. "Yes baby, I need more."
"More what?"
"Don't make me beg."
"Good boys use their manners, are you not a good boy Joseph?"
He loved the way you used his full first name, the way you said it had pre-cum leaking from the tip, the heat of your breath on his ear and your seductive tone couldn't make him not resist to obey you. The moan that fell from his lips could've echoed down the rows of seats as you tightened your grip.
"Please. Please, more. More please." He couldn't quite get his words out, when after the first mention of please you quickened up your pace, jerking the way you knew he liked, twisting your wrist around as you worked his cock.
Joe had his eyes shut but managed to find the back of your head, taking your hair into his grip and pushed you down, your lips falling square onto the tip of his cock. "Fuck yes. Suck me off beautiful."
You halted before he could shove you down any further, pursing your lips together and he instantly knew what you were waiting for.
"Please." He groaned in desperation, his one worded answer flew through the air like a gust of wind. You instantly took him into your mouth, bobbing your head up and down moderately until you reached your peak. Joe still had his hand latched onto your hair. "You going to let me fuck that pretty little mouth of yours?"
Your thighs clenched together when he muttered those words, the slight growl in his accent made it all the more sexier and you granted his wish when you nodded, your head was seized downward in a mere few seconds as his cock reached the back of your throat, you held it for a few seconds before he pulled you back up, giving you a moment to regain oxygen before he had his tip prodding at your tonsils once more. "Yes baby, just like that, oh my-" Joe's moans were practically bouncing off the walls now, if anyone were to ask you what had just happened in the movie in the last 10 minutes, you wouldn't of had a clue.
He repeated the process several times until water was streaming from your eyes, saliva was leaking from the sides of your mouth and you were completely breathless. Joe let you take over, as you continued at an erratic speed dragging your tongue up and down his member, the little left out using your fist to continue to jerk fast, cupping his balls every now and then squeezing them one by one.
"Yes, you're so fucking hot the way you suck my cock like that. Jesus Christ. Keep doing that." His wish needn't be granted for much longer as his cock throbbed inside your mouth, begging for the orgasm to take over. His hips bucked upward not a minute later, spewing heaps of cum into your mouth, Joe pinched his eyes shut, biting down on his lip enough so he didn't yell out too loud. There were still people outside the room and the last thing you wanted was an audience if anything was to be heard.
You lifted up your head, readjusting yourself as Joe tucked his cock back into his boxers and did up his trousers.
"So this movie's boring." Joe snorted a laugh, his eyes well and truly dilated, still quite clearly in the mood to give you everything more he could possibly give.
"You want to leave?" You offered, he'd already put the idea forward himself, just in a windy not straight to the point sort of way, typical Joseph.
Joe tilted back to your ear. "I want nothing more. As soon as we get home, it's straight to the bedroom, your clothes off and I'm going to eat that pretty little pussy till you squirt into my mouth." The words alone made you moan, your clit twitching at the thought.
"Then I'm going to fuck you so hard till we're both sore and can't take it anymore, okay?" He kissed onto your neck lightly, the shudder that ran through your body and Joe's devious smile as he looked up to meet your eyes once more made the heat between your legs worse.
You stood up from your seat, the look of lust in your eyes matching Joe's dark glow. "I'm ready when you are." You walked out hand in hand out of the movie theatre like nothing of the sort had just happened or was about to occur but inside, you were mutually ready to tear each other apart.
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