#so i went for this pic which was among the most recent ones that happen to look okayish lmao
papaue00 · 2 years
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happy 4th birthday to the cultural reset that is arthur morgan & red dead redemption 2! outlaws for life! 🤠♥️
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agirlandherquill · 2 months
Written In Smoke - The Travelling Letter
it's been a very busy couple weeks, so to make up for my forgetfulness of making a letter last week i'll be combining the two together this week!
A Glimpse Through Time - little bits about me and what I’ve been up to this week
as the letter's name this week tells you, it's a travelling one, and also the biggest thing to happen in these past couple weeks, so here goes!
i went to bath! it was GORGEOUS and everything i hoped it would be
so, dear reader, i'm assuming you're wondering what i did on my trip, and what did i do? well:
I visited the Jane Austen Centre (it was the hottest day of the year so far, so of course i bought a fan, among a few other bits)
I also visited Mary Shelley's House of Frankenstein (timed it so i finished reading frankenstein on the train there which was pretty awesome)
I obviously popped into Waterstones (snagged a copy of the maze runner, since i haven't read it in forever and my kindle copy has since been gifted to a relative)
and if you're interested, here's some of my pics from the trip! (a fair few are on my kodak, so until i fill the film roll and get those developed those ones are under wraps i'm afraid!)
I don't want to spoil the experience for anybody so I'll just show a couple from the jane austen centre:
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me, ink, and a quill (very ironically) don't mix, i ended up covered which wasn't a surprise at all, but it was very fun to do (and difficult, and i thought fountain pens could be challenging)
and mary shelley's house of frankenstein:
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being the only one in the room at the time was a strange sensation to say the least but when this giant starts BREATHING it's a fright
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super cool movie posters
and if anyone else attempts the 'touch if you dare' electrocution bit this is me giving you a heads up - my phone ended up flying out my hand onto the bare wooden floorboards of the house (that shock HURT)
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and then some of the things i was lucky enough to see - it really is a beautiful place
needless to say i'm so, so glad that I went on this trip (even if it was terrifyingly exciting to do on my own, when my trains got cancelled and delayed and i nearly got stuck in london for a night (just had to go when the computers crashed globally didn't i? and a heatwave to boot)
now for the rest of this section!
books: of course I had to prep for my trip by reading frankenstein, sense and sensibility, and northanger abbey, and while i've been recovering from 11km of walking (so worth it) i've been reading it happened one summer which is so, so good!
shows/movies: i started rewatching the boys, finished watching the original star wars trilogy and i finished s5 of Dexter, so a bit of a busy couple weeks too
music: this one's a bit tougher since i've been so busy reading/watching things, but here's a few of the tracks i've been listening to this time round: bleachers by haiden henderson, animals by maroon V, and lilith by halsey
Spills From The Ink-Pot - writing, writing, and more writing
where do i start?
the calendar project is going well - this is day 9, and i've made a good start on chapter two
ruin's reprisal, i'm ashamed to say, hasn't been touched this week since i've been so busy, but i'm determined to finish the draft by the end of july (utterly terrifying)
also started dabbling in fanfic again (if such a thing is possible, it's been such a long time that i don't really know) which is a really daunting prospect but i'm looking forward to exploring it and how i write it some more
now, i usually include some snippets here but since all of my writing time has gone into the calendar project this week that's all I've got, so feel free to check out the most recent pages from my master post!
bit of a double whammy to make up for my lateness but here you go! this week's letter is all typed up, compiled and heading your way!
~ A Girl and Her Quill
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@lead-to-code @catwingsathena @nothoughtsjustmhaandotherthings @thestorywitch @lunaeuphternal
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mittensmorgul · 1 month
Have you ever gone to a supernatural convention? I'm going to Austin just for the Misha Special thing, but I feel a little fomo for not getting a ticket to the actual con. But the thing is, it's so expensive, and I actually cringe a little when I actually meet actors. Idk why, but I'm so awkward and the idea of paying so much money for a 5 second obligatory hug makes me squirm lol. What's it like? An I missing much?
If you haven't, then disregard haha. Thanks for being in the fandom, I love your blog :)
hi hi! first off, a bit of housekeeping, because i've got a few other anons in the inbox i just haven't had time to reply to lately (SORRY! I haven't been on tungl much recently!), but since this is a bit time sensitive with the con happening this weekend, i figured i should at least answer this one :)
YES! I've been to a bunch of cons, but only a few as a ticket holder. I have volunteered at some, worked for a vendor at others, and lobbyconned at even more. They are a LOT of fun. The first con i went to was DC Con 2014, over a decade ago, and after all these years, the most fun part for me personally is just seeing friends in person, more than the actors, panels, etc.
most recently i was up at NJ con in May, right around the 10th anniversary of my first con :'). i didn't have a con ticket, but did have a ticket to the SNS (which is also a lot of fun if you ever get a chance to go to one of those! Karaoke is also fun, and free to the public!). Some cons are better for not having a ticket, and NJ is not among those lol. You need a ticket to even get into the vendor area there.
That said, I don't know the layout of the austin con venue, so I don't know if you'll have access to the vendor area, etc. But it is fun just go to and wander around a bit!
I also haven't been able to get into the Misha event yet (i tried in NJ, but when they moved the venue I was worried I'd miss part of the SNS if I tried to make it there and back, so I didn't go... I went to the SNS with friends instead :)
As far as con tickets, there are single day general admission tickets that are less expensive, but the cost of the con is for the whole experience, the all-day panels with the actors. And even if you do get a photo op, you absolutely do not have to hug anyone you don't want to! in my lil icon pic up there, i wanted both me and jensen to hug misha (that pic was taken during the post s10 hiatus, and i thought Cas really needed a hug :'D), but you don't even need to touch anyone if you don't want! Directly in front of me in line, my friend jenn had jensen and misha play twister while she knelt beside the mat :'D But there's lots of ways to have a fun pic taken with folks without hugging if that's not your thing!
But again, the biggest draw to cons for me at this point is being in a room filled with people who all love the same thing as much as you do! :)
I hope you have a great time, however much of the con you're able to experience! :D
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oopsybangsy · 2 years
I can’t believe I am writing this but here I am.
Today is December 26, 2022, 10:39 pm. I just got my late dinner because I was hungry. I cooked eggs and instant noodles since it’s the only meal that I can cook for now. Anyways, it’s been 2 days since I last talked to him. He told me to call me when I woke up the next day but there was a power interruption here at home due to heavy rains and flood. Our house wasn’t flooded though, fortunately. And during these late nights, I kept wondering if in those 2 days that I was off the grid, did he even bothered messaging me on Instagram? There’s this 3 day rule that I have read about. Its when you talk to someone consistently and see if that person asks about you when you went missing for 3 days- or something like that. IDK WHY DO I KEEP THINKING ABOUT HIM. I am just writing this entry because I am such a hopeless romantic or am I just hanging on the fact that he talked to me again after many years because recently he broke up with his girlfriend- a news in which I am most delighted to hear, lmao. And I am also writing this to document the signs that he is not into me.
We started talking late 2018 when he messaged me on facebook about a mutual friend who is also in NYC. I was shocked to see him messaging me first because he was already an apple of my eye before we were even talking on facebook. He used to video call me a lot during his free time at work. It was a 13-hour time difference from here to there but we made time to talk- we really did. I talk to a lot of boys on my messenger that time since facebook was most popular among teenagers, as a matter of fact, Filipinos are the most active users in facebook according to an article I have read somewhere. To cut the story short, we talked consistently and eventually I became attached to him. The notifications on my phone were all about his messages, snaps, facebook posts etc. I gotta admit I was infatuated with him because I am stupid. Stupid enough to crush on someone just because he talks to me online consistently. I get so annoyed and embarrassed on how I jokingly confessed my feelings to him on facebook but now that I reminisced at that memory, it was funny and it was also a great lesson to me, waking me up to reality.
Character development
That incident was essential for me to learn from my mistake. I know that he was just talking to me because he misses home and our friends here and I happened to be available always at his beck and call. I was just assuming things, over thinking and expecting things that I should have never done. The bottom line is it was not his fault entirely because I understand now how much he needed a friend at that time when he was in a foreign country with no close friends to talk to yet. And then he found a girl friend there, posting all their pics all over his Instagram. What an eye sore right? Lol, I was just being jealous hahaha but I am no match for her since she was the one who is literally there hugging him, spending time with him and they are both in the same time zone. Ever since then, we never really talked anywhere on social media. Last 2019 he greeted me on my birthday and that was just it.
NOW just last November 2022 I have heard he was single again and according to him it was just last october when he decided to break up with her. And yes, we video called again last dec 24. We were already talking last dec in which he replied to my story in IG and I know he was flirting with me or idk but whatever he really did. It was just a harmless chat but all my assumptions are haunting me again but I think I am already seeing the signs that he is not into me really. He wants us to hang out when he goes home this April,yes he is finally going home from America. At first, yes I was excited to see him in person but as the days go by I don’t know. I hate myself for thinking ahead of thing when he just recently decided to talk to me because after he replied to my story and I replied back, he never messaged me again. Hahahaha god, what a dumbass. I am also a dumbass for messaging him first after a few days just because I had the courage thanks to that shot of tequila. I never regretted that decision because we decided to talked again in social media. I really need to get a grip of reality because I keep getting worried when he doesn’t answer his phone immediately which is annoying because I kept wondering what is he up to at work or school. I hate myself for expecting an update from him when he is literally not obliged to do so. First of all, I am not his girlfriend. He told me once that he got sick of his gf since they do not have the same level of maturity, ignored her texts and broke up with her. Toxic right? But who am I to judge, whatever it was that happened during that relationship on why it did not work out is not my business. But he is kind of a red flag to me but you know, I chose to be a color blind lmao. What assurance do I have that he would treat me way better than his ex when I am miles away, and he hasn’t really told me if he likes me and I am not really sure if really do like him sincerely or I just like him because he has an American passport? What assurance do I have that he would make a long-distance relationship work when he fucked up his relationship with his ex whose literally an arms-reach to him?
I should just go with the flow and stop assuming things or expecting literally anything to him to avoid frustrations and emotional damage because it’s a waste of time to gamble myself anymore. I am so tired of letting guys treat me like an idiot. But I can be if a guy is cute enough. Ahhaha kidding! Whatever it is that will happen, I am really seeing signs that he deserves to be a tropa rather than a jowa. Nakaya gani nako na wala siya, I don’t need him nor rely my entertainment on that dumbass. Whatever it is that happened all of that will pass and this will be a memory and a lesson learned. Take a chill pill and there’s no way akoy maghilak aning kahimtanga hahahahha bye!!!!!!!!!!!
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spade-riddles · 3 years
Sorry mate TTA but I'm gonna need more cuz it's easy & convenient for you to say all that AFTER the fact. Hell any one of us couldve sent in that ask. Perhaps ur legit but I still feel like ur just another hater making up stuff to make us look stupid.
Anonymous asked:
And we should care, why, Tea Time Anon? I'm not seeing any reason to continue supporting those two women or to put any faith into what you say.
Anonymous asked:
I really really really hope that that teatime anon isnt giving us false hopes. Like im already at the edge, one more step and im out. But right now im taking 2 steps back and hang around… again.
Anonymous asked:
Well! It's a REALLY good thing for the girls that buying out of contracts is a thing, then, isn't it!
Because them doing it ASAP is the ONLY thing that will make it so that the number of people that will support them as a out couple ISN'T so low that you can count them on one hand! 😒🚬
Anonymous asked:
Yeah sure like she moved the re-release of her most successful and most anticipated album ever *at the last minute* because of Karlie. As if she was ever gonna incorporate Karlie while married to a Kushner (the divorce wouldn't have come right away). I used to believe so much in tta. But the timeline of events they describe doesn't make sense. Am not falling for the "pivot" excuse anymore.
Anonymous asked:
“I think you all may have guessed that a PR divorce was planned and cancelled because of his Instagram deletion and subsequent reactivation.” No offense to you SR, but this sounds really manipulative. Make us feel good for something we indeed were assuming to gain our trust in order to then excuse their inconsistencies. Also even if 1989 were to be released on May, Speak Now was never gonna be released in July as they had said. Too short of a rollout for 1989. Explain that TeaTimeAnon. 🤷‍♀️
Anonymous asked:
Renegotiate!? Come on. Nope. Taylor better carry on, cause that is bullshit if true. Hell nah. Karlie is ridiculous to keep agreeing to shit—and Taylor is ridiculous to keep going along with it. Nope. Sorry. 😏
I do feel like something was coming in May for sure. I'm not sure what's going on, but things are for sure off. And it is weird that she all of a sudden announces RED 5 months early after dropping 1989 merch. Cool, no problem, but a weird rollout.
Anonymous asked:
Uh why does KK need money from jerk if she has Taylor? The whole she needs his money thing which is why she’s staying is getting to be an old excuse.
Anonymous asked:
There's no way the jerklie divorce was scheduled for the end of May. The end of the contract maybe. But there's absolutely no way they'd be getting divorced 3 months after the birth of the baby. It would have drawn too much unnecessary attention.
Anonymous asked:
Lmao tea time is just saying what we’ve all been saying. They are NOT legit. Stop trying to convince us that they are. They sound like regular fans taking a guess. Enough
Anonymous asked:
Sigh. I am a long time Kaylor and I really don’t find 🍵 credible. There was nothing in that explanation that we haven’t already speculated about at length on here. Unless there’s some strong corroboration of why they’re a trustworthy source, I really don’t need anymore “tea”.
Anonymous asked:
I mean come on. Would a real insider reveal so many details about Karlie's contract which is STILL ongoing in a place that is HEAVILY monitored by Jerk's team? Are we really that naive to believe that someone is offering such precious info without any care? TTA is either a troll or worse... they're dangling fake hope again right when everyone has started saying how sick and tired they are and how pointless it is to still support them. TTA must prove themselves, or not bother us ever again.
Anonymous asked:
Some of what TTA is saying makes sense... But here's my big question: Is Karlie sad and blue every day for months like Taylor talked about in Hoax? Or is she willingly prolonging her contract, pushing Taylor's re-recording schedule, and making it harder to untangle her and her kid from the K*shners? Both cannot be true. I'm not a big Karlie fan rn, but I think it's the first option. Also, TTA said 1989 TV would drop 5/14. So K renegotiated and T pushed 1989 in under 2 weeks? I'm skeptical.
Anonymous asked:
… so a “PR divorce” was scheduled for May, but instead we get Karlie w Joshua’s mom walking the baby and Karlie posing for pics in their stunt apt and a Father’s Day post? Among other pap walks? Literally makes NO sense.
Anonymous asked:
If anything is worth staying tied to the K*shners when you had a chance to be free, I have no respect left.
Anonymous asked:
can someone clarify what the 3rd part of tta's message?? taylors sm, interviews have been messy? like no?? that was(is) karlie?? the only "mess" on her part are that she sent out clues for multiple albums, and even that I refuse to believe that such a meticuluous planner as taylor did not take absolutely every factor in consideration, especially one as big as jerk renemwing their contract or whatever exactly went down. here im assuming that jerk had the power to single handedly renew [PART 1]
the contract, and that the term 're NEGOTIATE' is used loosely, because what could the kushners possibly have to offer to karlie other than money- black, dishonest, taxpayers' money- even her rep isnt being helped by the kushners, so why would she agree to extending their stupid skit that no one signed up for? and taylor has more than enough money to last 7 lifetimes. and if jerk had the power to renew the contract without karlies involvement, there is just no way that taylor didnt [PART 2/4]
take that into consideration. Also, the 22 weeks and men's day thing is too perfect to be planned on a whim, but it is possible that like some anon had previously said, it was planned for 2022, so we can overlook that. but otherwise, there are only so many possibilities: 1. 1989 was postponed because karlie DECIDED to continue playing house with the kushners for money. in which case, either a) taylor supported her (seems unlikely but still possible) or b) they broke up because of this [PART3/4]
2. karlie and jerk are together for real and have a kid together and karlie refused to being a part of 1989 tv era because she doesnt want kaylor rumours again, which i agree would be unpleasant if she really is with jerk, taylor is or is not with joe, and karlies refusal caused 1989 to pivot, and all of us kaylors are delusional to think there is anything more between them. <PART 4/5>,
3. karlie is, infact, bearding with jerk but kaylor broke up a while ago and taylor doesnt want to relive 1989 tv so soon after her breakup because it would remind her of karlie. 4. they broke up sometime in the past and taylor asked her now ex to be part of the 1989 tv era and she refused. 5. tta is a fraud. these are really the only situations i think are plausible, others are free to add more and share your thoughts on these. <PART 4/5>
also, another thing that has me doubting the credibility of tta is how direct their messages are. there is a chance that spade is/was legit because they spoke the same language as taylor- one of codes and puzzles. but tta's messages are wayy too straightforward to be approved by taylor i think. so either, as another anon requested, show some proof, like maybe a single release date for red tv or something, or stop sending supposed "tips" <PART 5/5>
Anonymous asked:
Convenient that TTA shows up after Red TV has been announced. Taylor has been dropping hints about all her albums since before May. Red tv being next makes sense and there is Easter eggs and evidence that was the case. Also: if negotiations happened at start of May, why was KK dropping 1989 hints as recent as last week. It’s doesn’t make sense.
Anonymous asked:
TTA: What about Speak Now TV coming out on July 9th, like you said last time? That album has nothing to do with Karlie. Taylor said pretty clearly that the next album she's releasing is Red TV. So what's your explanation for Speak Now's release being pushed to some unspecified date?
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thevioletjones · 4 years
31, because I can’t see it fitting Ian/Mickey easily and know you’re a good enough writer to prove me wrong ☺️
Thanks! I tried. 🙂
Prompt 6: “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.”
Ian’s Box of Crap
Being currently unemployed, Mickey didn’t have much of a leg to stand on when attempting to deflect Ian’s demands that he get chores and household tasks done while his husband was out earning an honest paycheck. He wasn’t even allowed to shake people down anymore, let alone pull robberies, or get back into the drug trade. Ian had made it clear that divorce wasn't off the table if Mickey deliberately did something stupid that got him thrown back in prison for a long stretch.
He didn’t much like being told what to do, but what he liked even less was not having Ian in his life. He’d had to go too many years without him in the past, and nothing good ever came during those times. Unfortunately, Ian Gallagher was it for Mickey Milkovich. That meant that he actually had to stay in line and put in the work if he didn’t want to lose him again. Ian wasn’t as soft as he used to be. Never really had been at his core, but the maturity of age had cemented his backbone rather rigidly, and Mickey was actually loathe to piss him off too badly these days.
So he did the bullshit grunt work requested of him, just to keep the peace. He was tired of fighting every day of his life, and what was the point of marrying Ian if they weren’t going to try and make each other happy?
In the past couple weeks, Mickey had done everything from laundry and dishes, to vacuuming and mopping. He’d patched up a couple of big holes in the wall that Frank had made, and fixed the loose parts of the wooden outdoor steps and banisters, both front and back. He’d even gone so far as to babysit the tiny, helpless Gallagher spawn a few times, which had been interesting and somewhat terrifying. Then Ian had given him this look when he caught the scene one afternoon, eyes shining, smile beaming. It reminded him of that brief time they’d helped take care of Yevgeny, which made Mickey’s head spin. He didn’t need Gallagher getting the whole ‘having kids’ thing back in his head right now. Mickey was in no way ready for all that. Hadn’t been the first time, and they’d all seen how that turned out.
Today, he was supposed to clean out the attic. He told Ian that asking someone outside the family to do it sounded like a bad idea. How was he supposed to know what shit the Gallaghers wanted to keep, and what they wanted to get rid of? What if he made a mistake? If anyone had asked him what to keep from the hoarded piles of shit in the Milkovich house, he would’ve laughed in their face, then set everything on fire. Mickey wasn’t the sentimental type. So did Ian want him to just toss everything?
Ian had rolled his eyes, clarified that Mickey was a Gallagher now, and given him a run-down. Anything that had obviously been made or cherished by a Gallagher kid, any family photos and albums, or small boxes of keepsakes, those stayed. Anything that wasn’t being used by anyone, but could be of use and handed down to the youngest or recently shacked up of them, set them aside to be put in rotation. Anything that worked, but they already had one of or didn’t need, donation box (because apparently they actually sometimes donated shit to the local shelter). And anything that looked completely unnecessary for anyone, throw it in a Best Choice trash bag, but don't take them to the curb yet. Ian would go over everything when he got home to make sure it was sorted correctly.
“So you’re gettin' me to do all this boring-ass grunt work, then you’re gonna have to go through it anyway? What the fuck, man?” he’d asked.
“It'll make the whole thing way easier on me, so can you just shut the fuck up and do me the favor? I’ll blow you later for your trouble.”
“Like you wouldn’t be doin’ that anyway.”
Ian had shrugged. “If you don’t, I won’t.”
“Threatening to withhold sex? That’s a bitch move if I ever heard one.”
“Whatever, deadbeat. You want me to support you, gotta help out when I ask. A blowjob would just be a bonus, because I’m generous of spirit.”
“I’m not gonna forget this hardcore manipulation, Firecrotch. I’ll get my revenge eventually.”
Ian merely kissed him on the nose. “Sounds like a plan. See ya.”
And he was out the door.
“Asshole,” Mickey’d muttered under his breath.
And now, a few hours later, here he was; sitting on the dusty, hard planks of the weird-smelling Gallagher attic, sorting through the memories and forgotten things of the family he’d married into less than six months ago. He’d dawdled as long as he could on the couch, eating junk food and watching his favorite daytime game shows, judge shows, and salacious ‘who’s the baby daddy?’ shows. The only hint of fun left in the remainder of his day was in the bong and the beer he’d brought with him up the rickety ladder. After every box sorted, he’d take a rip or two and chase the smoke with a long swig of cheap alcohol.
The most interesting things he’d found so far were some old pictures of Ian when he was little, his hair a curly mess, and his pale skin covered in dark freckles. His smile was too big for his face, and he looked goofy as all hell. Nothing like the hot hunk of man he was today. It was the Ian Mickey remembered from Little League a million years ago. And maybe he’d set one of the photos aside to keep for himself and taken some pics of others with his phone, so what?
Mostly he’d had to sift through little Debbie’s ridiculous girly shit, and Frank’s completely random assortment of insignificant trinkets with a side of what looked like bondage gear. He’d since moved on to a group of boxes obviously labeled by Carl when he was younger. He recognized the scrawl, occasional backwards lettering, and lack of possessive apostrophes. The words were short enough not to be atrociously misspelled, and consisted of a Gallagher first name in plural, followed by: ‘box of crap.’
Everybody had one, including Fiona, who hadn’t taken it with her when she’d left Chicago, and the kids she’d raised as her own, behind. The most scandalous item in there was a dildo of decent size that Mickey definitely would’ve packed in his suitcase if he’d been the one moving away as a single chick. The thought crossed his mind to pilfer it for his own collection, but he figured that Ian would be weirded out by the association. Sex toys were probably the only thing Gallaghers never shared between them.
Carl had a box of his own, semi-well-hidden compared to the others, and Mickey discovered why when he’d managed to get the copious amount of packing tape off. It was full of straight porn mags with big-tittied women and shaved pussies, underneath an array of dangerous weapons the family had forbidden him to have when he was underaged. He found everything from nunchucks, to throwing stars, to switchblades, to brass knuckles. No guns or attempted homemade bombs, thank fuck. He chucked the porn in the trash pile, cuz nobody needed to see that shit, and set the switchblade aside for himself, deciding to give the rest to Ian to sort out.
He saved Ian’s box for last, opening it up to find a grab bag of old army decorations, tattered paperbacks, comics, a bunch of loose paper covered in scribbles, and a stack of notebooks.
Mickey didn’t realize Ian was such a huge nerd that he’d kept his high school notebooks, but giving a quick flip through the first two revealed they weren’t school-related at all. He remembered Ian going through a phase when he was always writing shit down, ranting about having great ideas he needed to save for posterity. Before he went to the hospital. A manic phase. Probably one of many he’d cycled through, yet Mickey had missed some of those extremes.
Everything had been so chaotic then. He’d pushed Ian away, then gotten the same treatment in return. Their typical messiness pervaded everything back then. And now, he had in his hands Ian’s unfiltered thoughts about what happened back then.
“Fuck,” he said to himself, setting the notebooks down and going for the beer/weed combo again.
There were exactly two ways to go about this: he could put the notebooks back into the Ian box and not invade his privacy, or he could skim through them and hone in on the interesting relevant bits and maybe get a few long-pondered answers. On the one hand, Ian would probably get pissed if Mickey read them. On the other hand, Ian never had to know about it, did he?
It really wasn’t much of a choice… he’d always been curious as to what the hell was going through Ian’s head back in the day. They’d never exactly been great at talking things out, and he didn’t have it in him to try and make Ian relive some of the lowest moments of his life just to give Mickey some peace of mind. Plus, they were always facing some new bullshit obstacle head-on, so the past always just kind of got lost in the shuffle of their present difficulties.
Mickey took a deep breath and opened one of the notebooks again. The pages weren’t dated, and a lot of it didn’t make much sense. There were many lists with lines crossed out, but they didn’t describe things ‘to do,’ more like an endless inventory of concepts and feelings. The thought patterns were totally abstract, and Mickey couldn’t really make heads or tails of them. It hit him sharply in the chest when he realized that when Ian had been out of it, he’d really and truly been fucking out of it. These seemed like the crazed rantings of an unmedicated schizophrenic babbling on public transportation. It pained Mickey to the core, and it scared the shit out of him too.
He flipped through it fairly quickly, then opened the next one. It seemed to be calmer, more legible, and less unintelligible. It was more like a diary with bad poetry sprinkled in, and it only took a few pages for Mickey’s own name to jump out at him among the wall of words. It must have been written during Ian’s lost months, after going AWOL from the Army when he was 17.
He described running away from Chicago, scamming his early enlistment, crashing and burning his way out of bootcamp, shaking and selling his ass as a club boy, snorting, smoking, and swallowing all manner of substances, and crashing anywhere from penthouses to flophouses with sexual favors sprinkled in liberally. It was like the chronicle of a person going mad and coping in all the wrong ways. It surprised Mickey how emotional it made him to read these things in vivid detail. He’d completely forgotten how worried he used to be about Ian. When he was gone, when he went missing again, and when he started doing irrational things that could’ve ended so much worse than they did.
Ian was the one that had to live out all the drama and trauma of his disorder, but Mickey was the one caught on the sidelines, not having a single clue what to do or how to fix it. He’d never felt so useless or helpless in his entire life, even through all the bullshit he’d suffered growing up with Terry as a father. Maybe it was because of his age, or how Ian made him feel a certain way he’d never felt before. He just remembered hating it, and being so fucking sad.
These pages reminded him that through the mania, Ian was a bottomless well of sadness himself.
It was tough text to get through, and more than once, he felt like maybe he shouldn’t be reading it at all. Ian had never intended for other people to see his innermost thoughts, even Mickey. But it was impossible to stop now that he’d opened that floodgate. It was like reliving a part of their shared history through the eyes of his partner in crime. It was too fascinating.
After countless pages of dark tales from the void, Mickey came upon a page that was actually addressed to him. Surely, Ian had never intended to hand it over, but it was his nonetheless.
Mickey— I never had the balls to tell you this, But you’re the only boy I’ve ever loved. I thought you loved me too, But now I’m not so sure. I’m so confused and I go back and forth, Never really knowing what to actually think, Or what the truth is. All I really realize now is that I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you. It took you forever to let me, And now I just do it with anyone, Cuz I don’t fucking care. I just miss you, And I wish you were here. But also, I don’t, Cuz I don’t want you to see me like this. I’m having a great time on my own adventure, But also not. You shouldn’t be a part of it right now. You’re on your own strange journey, I guess. Maybe one day we’ll be on the same road together again, And also for the first time, since we never really were.
Mickey barely had enough time to sniff and wipe away the stray tear that had fallen, when his husband’s voice startled him out of his reverie.
“You’re still up here?”
“Jesus Christ!” he cried out with a visible jolt of his body.
His head snapped toward the attic hatch, where Ian’s dumb red head was surveying the musty space. Mickey let the notebook fall from his grasp, but Ian was already climbing the rest of the way in before it occurred to him that he was about to be caught red-handed with journals that were supposed to be deeply private. He could only flip it closed and grab his beer to polish it off, before Ian was crouching in front of him and taking a seat.
“Can’t believe you actually did this for me, to be honest,” Ian said with a chuckle, glancing at the bong. “Anything left?”
“Baggie’s right there,” Mickey replied nodding his head to the left.
Ian got distracted with loading a bowl, so Mickey very subtly tried to nudge Ian's notebooks aside with his foot, like maybe if they were slightly farther away, he could claim complete innocence as to knowing what they were.
He watched Ian take a couple hits before passing it to him, and Mickey welcomed the opportunity to temper his suddenly sullen mood.
“How was work?” he asked between hits, before passing back to Ian.
Ian snickered and furrowed his brow. “You never ask me about work.”
Mickey shrugged. “Don’t mean I don’t care.”
“Uh huh.” Ian looked even more skeptical, and finally glanced around at what Mickey had in his vicinity. That sent his brow up high, in a decent imitation of Mickey’s usual expressiveness. “Oh. That my box?”
Mickey gulped and nodded. “Yeah. Just sorting it out. Should’ve just left the whole thing for ya. Sorry.”
Ian’s gaze snapped to his face. “You read stuff.”
It was a statement rather than a question.
“Just a little,” Mickey admitted. “I shouldn’t have. Fuck, I’m an asshole.”
But Ian only shook his head. “Nah, it’s okay.”
“You don’t have to say that. I’d be pissed.”
“I’m not. I promise.”
“Really? You’re not mad?”
Ian shook his head again. “No. Actually, I’m kinda relieved.”
“How the fuck so?”
“It's all stuff I wanted you to know. I mean, part of me used to be really ashamed, maybe still is, but… another part of me always just wanted to be totally honest with you. In a way I haven’t ever been with anyone. Even Lip. But I didn’t have the words to say it, you know? And I know a lot of it is just scary rambling. I don’t even understand what some of it means, but the stuff that’s real�� the lucid stuff… it’s depressing as fuck, but it’s the truth. We didn’t always tell each other the truth, but we showed each other. And this was something I couldn’t really show you. So maybe you were meant to find these. Do my dirty work for me.”
“Damn, Gallagher, that’s kinda heavy. These were… kinda heavy. Made me feel shit I’d forgotten about, you know?”
Ian nodded. “Yeah. I haven’t read ‘em in years, but I remember. It’s why I wanted to put ‘em away, I guess. Plus, I didn’t want someone else snooping around and finding out too much. I mean, you never know in this house. It’s possible every fucking Gallagher already read them, but I hope not.”
“Ian…” Mickey started, but didn’t know exactly what he wanted to say. Words of reassurance? It was all in the past, and Ian was doing so well now. He was diligent about his medication, and he hadn’t spun out of control since before prison. Anything Mickey said now would just be cold comfort, since that notebook version of Ian barely existed anymore. Ian was always afraid that it would recur, but Mickey wasn’t. They were truly in it together now, and he’d never let Ian cross the threshold into the uncontrollable. “I wish I coulda been what you needed me to be back then. However impossible it was. Some of it was my fault.”
“It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t even my fault, really. It was some shitty shit that happened to me. I reacted the only way I thought I could. There’s no use in either of us wishing we’d done things differently now. At least we got the right outcome, right? We’re together.” He clasped their left hands so that their wedding rings touched. “Forever.”
Mickey couldn’t help but snort. “Okay, you didn’t have to get that gay about it. I already had to suffer through a buncha your faggy teen poetry. I deserve a break from the high drama of it all.”
Ian laughed, kissed his hand, dropped it, then smacked him on the cheek. “Fuck you.”
“Just say when,” Mickey responded with a smile.
“After we go through all this shit, Romeo. Explain the piles.”
“Well,” said Mickey, pointing to the nearby corner, “Carl has a shitload of contraband in there. Weapons, not drugs. Frank has some shit that might be S&M gear, not sure, then aside from your lunatic journal ramblings, everything else is boring as shit. Oh, and Fiona left a big blue dildo.”
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yaz-the-spaz · 4 years
So I’m new to the Ziam fandom, I’m a strong larrie but I also couldn’t help to notice that there was something between Z*yn and L*am too. Could you tell me about the tiger tattoo? I keep hearing that its an iconic Ziam tattoo and I’m a little confused. Also, do you think Ziam is still together right now in 2020 and could you explain why? I hope this isn’t a bother.
hey nonnie, welcome to this side of the fandom! and please don’t worry, you are not a bother at all, and we are always happy to have new members! please accept this adorable gif of ziam waving hello as your welcoming gift into the ziam fandom lol! 😊🌈
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now onto your question about the tiger tattoo...
hooo boy, nonnie
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 idk if you know what you’re asking because this is a BIG life-altering question.
...are you ready for this? 
are you ready to die? are you ready to have your soul ascend from your body up to the gay ziam heavens for all eternity? 
i mean it’s pretty nice up here and all but you may just wanna get your affairs in order before you continue, cause once you discover all the ways zayn javadd malik has professed his undying and eternal love for liam james payne all over his goddamn body there is no coming back.
are you absolutely sure you’re ready?
ok, here we go!
so. once upon a time way back in october 2013 zayn debuted a new tattoo of a tiger on his arm. at the time it seemed like just another tattoo in a quickly growing long list of (random) tattoos, and went by relatively untalked about among fandom (at least afaik) for a couple of years. but THEN, in early 2016 zayn followed that tattoo up with the addition of the full title of his m.o.m. album spelled out around the tiger...
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seems normal, right?
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first off, notice how the tiger’s tail is shaped suspiciously like an L?
well, that’s not all that’s gay i mean odd or interesting about this tattoo lol...some have also noticed that the muscles of the tiger’s back quite remarkably appear to resemble the muscles of a certain boy whose name also starts with L 
(and no i’m not talking about louis lol)
but here’s where shit really gets real because guess what? you may have noticed that the letters of the ‘mine’ part are kind of shuffled in an odd/not really consecutive order to spell out the word mine in a way that’s clearly or easily readable...that’s because zayn’s extra ass arranged it specifically so that only the i, e, and m, are all directly around the L-shaped tiger tail, while the n is just off to the side like a lonely forgotten reject
by now you might be saying to yourself okay, well that’s not really all that significant to liam, and the L could just be a coincidence/not really mean anything, couldn’t it?
wrong again!
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because once more, zayn ‘i live to be as extra as humanly possible about my love for liam james payne because i don’t know any other way to live’ malik made sure to put a little tail/extra line on the side of the letter ‘e’ to make it interchangeable with an upside down letter ‘a.’ 
now again you might be thinking i don’t know if that’s really intentional or all that meaningful. but look closely. 
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there is clearly an additional connected piece on that e that cannot be explained away or mistaken for just a weird blot of ink. it’s not just an error on the part of the tattoo artist (if it was i’m sure zayn would have had it fixed by now given that he’s had that tat for over 4 years at this point) and there’s also no letter ‘a’ in ‘mind of mine.’ 
so why is it there? and why does it just so happen to be right next to the i, the m, and the L-shaped tiger tail. why did zayn choose to arrange the letters of the word ‘mine’ in such a weird order instead of a more normal/easier to read format like the rest of the album title? and why did he choose put those exact letters all near each other? because it’s intentional. and because it’s meant to have a very particular double meaning.
if he was going for just a random order he could’ve put those letters anywhere. but he didn’t. and more than that he went out of his way to make sure that that additional piece on the e was added and distinct so that it could very clearly double as an (unnecessary) a. 
there’s no way you can argue that all of those things are just coincidence or that the random letter ‘a’ means absolutely nothing lol. that tattoo was clearly meant as both an homage to the album and to liam (who the album is largely believed to be about lol). and the fact that the muscles seem to match quite closely to liam’s is a nice added bonus that just helps confirm that imo. (plus there’s also the lovely little tidbit of knowledge that the tattoo is positioned in such a way that whenever zayn wears short-sleeve shirts the ‘Liam’ part is the only part clearly on display 😏😏😏)
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never mind that he already had all of us ziams sobbing ourselves to death and morphing into withered soulless husks over this tattoo after he debuted the full thing in 2016, but there’s so! many! more!
boy’s body is literally a giant ass open love letter to liam and i am NOT OKAY. (have i mentioned i hate these extra ass romantic saps with every fiber of my being? no? well i do. and you’re about to find out all the reasons why)
reason #1 - all. the. goddamn. mandala. tattoos. (there are multiple but i’m only linking to this post featuring/talking about the main one, i.e. the very first one he got cause that’s the one that kills me the most but if you wanna see the others peep my ziam tattoos tag or my zayn’s tattoos tag)
reason #2 - love & marriage poem tattoo (read all the posts in this tag starting from the bottom first for full context)
reason #3 - red wolf & bat wings chest tattoo
reason #4 - wolf leg tattoo (more background details here too)
reason #5 - liam’s silhouette leg tattoo
reason #6 - smoking lips hand tattoo (which literally matches the album art for liam’s debut single exactly and was debuted on zayn’s hand months before the single’s release - scroll down to the part where you can see the red lip pics)
reason #7 - the snake tattoo (aka the snake habitat tattoo)
reason #8 - motherfuckin 25!! idk what it means but it clearly means SOMETHING important to the both of them and it still drives me insane to this day and probably will to my dying breath 🤬 
bonus - it’s not a tattoo but: zayn’s nose piercing. which along with the mandala wrist tat is literally a desi bride declaration of marriage; fun fact - tan france, a gay married british-pakistani tv personality who is part of the queer eye crew also has a mandala tat on his left hand that some have speculated may also be to symbolize his dedication to his husband)
anyway there are more tattoos of zayn’s that seem to also be related to liam (though more loosely imo) but this post is already beyonddd long enough so i figured it’s best to just stick to the main ones/most obvious ones here lol 
(side note: liam also has tattoos that are clearly dedicated to zayn/his and zayn’s relationship as well, but that’s for another post and also if my recall is correct i think zayn might actually have more?? well that we know of anyway lol)
(side note 2.0: one other thing that adds to the theory of the m.o.m. tiger tattoo being a dedication to liam/liam’s name, besides the obvious lettering thing described above, is that zayn is known to have a thing for tattooing the names of his closest loved ones on his body. the only person in his immediate family whose name he doesn’t appear to have tattooed on him is trisha’s and i’d be willing to bet that’s either because she specifically asked him not to, or he does have one but it’s just in a very hidden place. but we know that he has his father’s name, grandfather’s name, and all of his sister’s names tattooed on him so when you combine that with the weird lettering of the m.o.m. tiger tat and the fact that the album was very likely about liam/closely followed the story of the beginning of his relationship with liam, it becomes even less plausible imo that that tattoo is meant to be about anything else but liam. ain’t science grand?)
(side note 3.0: zayn’s whole left arm/left sleeve of tats seems to be specifically reserved for tattoos dedicated to liam and/or related/connected to liam’s own tattoos, and there’s a couple of good posts here - x, x, x, x - that go through some of the more specific parallels between their tattoos and how certain ones seem to mirror or directly pair with each other’s)
ok i promise that’s it for the side notes lol!
lastly, to your final question, i do believe that they are still together currently, especially considering this most recent soft outing/confirmation from one of zayn’s songwriters (who is also not the first to do that either btw lol) but that is not the only reason - see my post here for some of the biggest reasons why i believe ziam remains real and strong :)
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seven-oomen · 4 years
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Happy Halloween, Ben!  I hope you are continuing to feel better!  Do you expect any trick-or-treaters tonight?  (Is that a thing in the Netherlands?)  I hope you find lots of good candy at the grocery store!  I myself have two bags of dark chocolate Kit Kats to hand out to all the kids I foresee coming by (*wink wink*)  Your pumpkin is adorable, by the way.  I wanted to do some cool faces with mine, but my friends that normally host a Halloween party decided to just hold their Costume and Pumpkin Decorating Contests online, and the theme was “2020”.  I thought “well, I’ll just get two pumpkins, and use one for the contest and one for whatever."  Then one of them started molding, which seemed very on brand for this year, so I just went with it, and ended up with meme pumpkins.  I included a color pic, so you can see just how gross the one got.  Fun fact: the top of it is held on by being skewered with a dowel rod and set in place along the rim.  In case you were curious (you probably weren’t, but oh well), trying to scoop out a moldy pumpkin is indeed deeply gross.  Imagine a physical manifestation of the sensation most people seem to feel when you say the word "moist”.  Just…so gross and squishy…  *shudders in remembrance*
My costume attempt turned out okay given that I managed to pull it together entirely out of things I already had.  In case you don’t recognize the symbol, I was one of the more recent comic versions of Black Canary (this one at least had proper shorts).  Let me tell you, trying to free hand draw that goddamn bird outline with no printer or projector was an adventure.  I had to do it backwards, essentially, too, because I realized that pencil marks are extremely difficult to erase off of craft foam.
And I just wanted to show off that I’m the kind of classy bitch who drinks wine out of a can (also, it’s an awesome can.)  To be fair, it was actually surprisingly decent (I say, as though I know shit about wine).  I sent a picture to a friend, and she started teasing me, and I said “it’s a rainbow can, how was I supposed to pass it up?”, and she was like “you know what, fair, I would have done the same thing."  I also got some kind of sparkling red wine to drink tonight for proper spooky effect.  The cashier commented on it being good as I was checking out, so here’s hoping.
I know what you mean about endless plot ideas, too.  I started a couple of smaller pieces to work on when my longer WIP gets overwhelming, got on a roll, and have almost finished one.  I got super excited when I finally got to a few of the lines that were among the first I thought of for it months ago, then realized "fuck, now I have to write the smut, don’t I?"  So, hopefully the wine will offer some inspiration there, too. XD
By the way, I totally wasn’t kidding about the Chris Evans/Henry Cavill rom com idea.  I totally went and found it in my FB messages and screen-shot it so that I can now inflict share it.  Buckle up, here we go:  So, Chris’s character’s great-aunt (played by Angela Landsbury) talks him into coming to stay with her along the English coast after his divorce, and help her run her mystery book shop.  Only, less than a week in, she runs off to go on vacation with her boy toy (Christopher Walken).  By this point, he’s already ended up in an unexpected rivalry with the co-owner of the comic shop next door (Henry), who’s been trying to get the great-aunt to sell him part of the bookstore’s storage space to build a table-top gaming area.  The woman (Natalie Dormer) who runs the little bakery/tea shop attached to the other side of the bookstore has a running bet with the other co-owner of the comic shop (John Boyega) on how long it will take for the two men to realize just what type of tension there actually is between them.  Chris could wear hipster glasses, and skinny jeans, and cozy sweaters/cardigans, that he could remove at strategic moments to reveal the ridiculousness that is his arms and chest.  Henry could wear tight jeans and fitted nerdy t-shirts and SET THE CURLS FREE GODDAMMIT.  And of course at least one encounter would have to happen at a dog park, because both their RL dogs are absolutely adorable and deserve a moment in the spotlight.  Please, Netflix, I’m begging you.  Make it happen.  (If you curious, this particular moment of inspiration struck during a discussion over "if Evans is America’s Ass, is Cavill Britain’s?"  My friends are also classy like me.  XD ) 
Well, on that note, I’m gonna shut up for a while, and go wash the color out of my hair, because I think it’s been on at least half an hour longer than it should be, technically.  Enjoy your sugary findings, and I hope they and your coffee give plenty of energy for writing your various projects! :D  I hope you continue to feel better, and that things keep looking up!  Take care!  *Properly socially distanced and seasonally spoopy hugs to you both!*
Okay 1: omg I need that gay wine. (Rainbow wine, whatever.) That is amazing, I love it. And I totally get why you needed that. I don’t have any wine for myself tonight. But I have some Budweiser (Or well “Bud” as it is called here), cans of coke and Jack Daniels, so I should be good.
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 And I think your jacket turned out pretty well! Looks awesome. (Though I get what you mean about craftfoam. It is a bitch to work with when you only have pencils and no stencils.)
Halloween isn’t much of a thing here I’m afraid, aside from some witches who celebrate samhain and the uprising of general pop culture there aren’t many people who really celebrate Halloween like in the US. So no, I don’t expect any trick or treaters tonight (also because COVID has us on a 8 pm curfew). 
I think the Netherlands celebrates Saint Martin far more which Wikipedia explains pretty well as: Saint Martin's day, also known as the Funeral of Saint Martin, Martinstag or Martinmas, as well as Old Halloween and Old Hallowmas Eve is the Funeral day of Saint Martin of Tours (else Martin le Miséricordieux) and is celebrated on 11 November each year.
The day is celebrated on the evening of 11 November (the day Saint Martin was buried) in the Netherlands, where he is known as Sint-Maarten. As soon it gets dark, children up to the age of 11 or 12 (primary school age) go door to door with hand-crafted lanterns made of hollowed-out sugar beet or, more recently, paper, singing songs such as "Sinte Sinte Maarten", to receive candy or fruit in return. In the past, poor people would visit farms on the 11th of November to get food for the winter. In the 1600s, the city of Amsterdam held boat races on the lake IJ. 400 to 500 light craft, both rowing boats and sailboats, took part with a vast crowd on the banks.
But other than that we don’t really have a holiday where children go door to door to ask for candy.
It’s getting more popular now in recent years to do so on Halloween, as well as Halloween parties, but it’s not very widespread.
I know what you mean about endless plot ideas, too.  I started a couple of smaller pieces to work on when my longer WIP gets overwhelming, got on a roll, and have almost finished one.  I got super excited when I finally got to a few of the lines that were among the first I thought of for it months ago, then realized "fuck, now I have to write the smut, don’t I?"  So, hopefully the wine will offer some inspiration there, too. XD
Yeah I was really excited to write some fanfic for Love and Monsters and then today I started doubting that. And now I’m leaning towards writing more Petopher fic where Chris gets turned?
I blame @for-the-love-of-wolves​ for that one because I read their fic and now I’m like: that’s a good idea. I want to write that too. And now I can’t shake it.
I should really finish things but urgh... part of me just wants to write more teen wolf fanfic.
I’m really curious about your wip though, I hope that when you’re ready to share it, I get to read it too. ^^
Honestly, Netflix needs to make this idea happen. I insists. I wonder if my friend who works their customer service can pitch ideas but I don’t have much hope for that. Would be pretty awesome though to see this come alive because it’s GOOD! Holy moly I want that to happen now XD. Brittain’s ass is it, UK Vs US ass fight!
Wait is that too gay?
Ah who cares XD
I’m still snivelling with a cold but it’s only stuff coming out of my nose, for the most part, I’m doing pretty good and can focus somewhat on things again. And no real pain aside from the general ones.
So I’m gonna wish you Happy Halloween, have a good night and lots of socially distanced hugs from me and Mo.
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The Toxic people in the HH Fandom
Now this is something I wanted to talk about.
I have been in this community for some time now and it has been the most eventful, yet exciting time of my years. Seeing a large group of fans support a passion project / show made by talented and independent people is pretty damn great and I love it. But, there have been some situations that had reeked some havoc here and I think it’s time we talked about some of them. 
Unfortunately, I could not fit everything I wanted to talk about in this post since it’s a bit overdue , I will be discussing 5 types of toxic people and some situations that had happened in the HH community. 
Note: Most of the stories I’m going to talk about were either made public or had been told by my friends or people who have experienced these situations. 
I will not reveal the names of the toxic individuals or their social media names as I don’t want anyone to witch-hunting any of these people. As much as I hate these types of people, it would be inhumane to go and attack them. In this community, we are trying to bring positivity to the fandom and not attract any drama here. Despite this, I will offer the details of what these individuals have done that should have some light dazzled to help and inform of these disgusting  crimes in the community. Also if you go out of your way to harass any of these people I will beat you up and eat your fingers. You know better then to do that.
1. Harassment
Harassment is no uncommon thing. It can happen to everyone, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok. If you are being harassed or spammed by someone, BLOCK THEM. It is never ok for you to stay silent, especially when that harassment is continuous. If you disagree with someone about something, do not go spamming them in their dms or comments, cause’ that just make you look stupid and immature af. 
Allow me to explain. Role-Play / Role-Players are seemingly the most common in the HH Fandom and often answer questions from others to the the character they are rp-ing as or their ocs. But sometimes they are going to get weird fucking questions.
For example, my good friend @carol1826​ is a roleplayer. She roleplays Charlie and asks / answers ask from others (HH related or not). One day, she had a very annoying anon asking her the question “Are you single?” on her posts and ask box. Of course, she was uncomfortable about that question and deleted those until the anon finally said:
“Dumb bitch deleting questions I was only asking a question...”  
“I bet the real Charlie would answer my questions...”
Ok, first of all what the actual fuck and what type of human being would ask someone that question, especially to a Charlie rp blog. More specifically, why would anyone ask a roleplayer that question. It disgusts me that this anon would do this and I hope they get what’s coming to them.
----       ------      ---    --------         ----------  --   ----------------   -----                   ------- Another example of this comes from Tumblr and DeviantArt. You see, a strange user (we will refer to as “the User”) has been asking artists (minors and adults) a specific request in the HH fandom:
“Draw Angel Dust’s butt looking like his fluffy chest” Or sometimes even these asks: “Draw Angel Dust swallowing bullets” ”Draw angel dust smuggling drugs up his butt” “Draw Alastor killing Pentious with a penance stare” “Can I get a shot of Pentious' eye on his hat?” But it seems that the User would often ask artists to draw Angel Dust with his butt out or doing weird shit, but mostly Angel Dust’s butt.
Of course, they would be constantly asking and spamming artists to do this, even if the artist didn’t want to. They even went as far as asking a 13 yr old artist to draw his request. The User has also admitted that it was a fetish (butt fetish to be specific), which is ok but that doesn’t excuse their actions. Fetishes are normal and I have nothing against anyone who has one but it is not ok to try and demand and spam someone to draw it if they don’t want to. The User has been also stealing art, not crediting artists, participating in art trades but never doing their part, begging or persuading for artists to give free art to them (despite some artists who only do commissions), making fake accounts and harassing /  impersonating people, acting racist, etc. I recommend any HH artist to block this user immediately if you get an ask from them.
If the artist doesn't want to draw your request, then you should leave them alone.
It is not ok to spam an artist’s askbox or DMs the same request they rejected over and over again. It’s not going to do any good for you if you do this.
Not only that,
The User also does this to HH roleplayers, sending really weird rp asks to them, mainly those who roleplay Angel Dust. In fact, there was one instance where they sent an ask to a Angel Dust roleplayer in which they basically raped Angel or asked very perverted question about their “Fluffy Butt” (the worst one is when they asked Angel rp-ers to swallow a rat and see if it comes out through the butt), along with other weird asks and it’s fucking disgusting / disturbing as this makes the User look like an extreme creep. It is not uncommon for these types of people to ask others to satisfy their fetishes or sexual desires, and will do whatever it takes to get that fetish / desire expressed from anyone (minors or adults) they can contact, even if it is illegal.
Unfortunately, this User has also ask artists these requests on DA as well, but way worse than you could ever imagine. The worst instance was where they’d ask various artists to draw a frog with worms up its ass. Yeah, I’m calling the Art Police.  Recently, the User had posted on DA discussing this issue. Of course they were acting very perverse, deny that they spam artists (even though it’s the truth) and trying to pull a bullshit pity party / sob story by explaining how they used to be homeless for 2 years, abused and attacked, which (I clearly doubt is true). The fact they tried to defend themselves by talking about how shitty their life used to be fucking disgusts me and is so very pathetic, it makes me gag knowing that these people exist and we are forced to live among them. The User is obviously trying to pull people away from the situation by using the pity card, and it failed. Why the hell should anyone give you the benefit of the doubt that you have done these sick, twisted, and inhumane things to artists by spamming them gross requests and being a big baby when people call you out, as if you should even deserve pity to begin with?  Now of course, what the User is saying does sound very hard to deal with and very sad, but once it crosses the line (due to these actions the User has done and has been very immature and uncompromising about it) people won’t care about how you got there nor feel pity about it. Besides, I doubt anything that the User said is actually true, especially the “homeless for 2 years” part, since if that were the case, you’d be more focused on money and rent rather than asking artists to draw a character clapping their ass-cheeks. Currently on this user’s DA page, they’ve been doing these abominations of status posts for some time, posting pity-post stories in order to get sympathy and just bad. In one of their posts, they go completely ape-shit. Like, this is what happens when desperation and lies is your only option to escape your problems because you’re to perverse to try and fix those issues. I doubt anything this guy says is real anymore since, at this point, anything they say is just a way for them to get pity-points.  Here are the posts btw -----v
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Overall, this user is a art thief, spammer, pedophile, manipulating, lying disgusting immature pig that should be eradicated from the internet and all communities for they have been nothing but harassed and cause problems in the fandoms they entered. 
In conclusion, If you are an HH rp / art blog and you are getting uncomfortable asks like these, do not respond and / or block the person asking, you have that right and these people can’t tell you otherwise. If you are harassing people like this, then shame on you for your actions and you seriously need to stop. Its not fucking ok and it will never be ok. NEVER FUCKIN’ EVER. 
2. Art Theft 
Now those of you who have been here for a long time in the Vivziepop Fandom, you will know that many people would sometimes repost Vivz’s artwork. Most of the time we usually don’t do this in the intent of stealing it but to share it or even criticize it. Seemingly Vivz doesn't have a problem with this, unless you are stealing it for you own personal gain and lie that it’s their art. That’s right, these bastards steal her art and claim its theirs. If you been frequently going to Vivz’s Twitter back in 2017, you might remember her calling out a blog that was stealing her art and saying it was theirs.
If you thought that was bad, not only does this happen to Vivz, it happens to other artists in the the HH fandom, the two I’m going to talk about come from @rabbit1225​ and @ztoonsz.
Rabbit1225 makes beautifully drawn artwork of characters, and they are especially well known for their fanart on HH characters in the fandom (Lucifer from HH to be specific). But, unfortunately as Rabbit continues with the fanart, others take it without permission. In fact, there was one instant where someone had ask Rabbit if they could use their picture of Lucifer in the Hazbin Hotel Wiki for Lucifer’s bio in a conversation on DeviantArt. Rabbit said no, but they didn’t care. They not only posted it on the wiki, they spelled Rabbit’s DeviantArt name wrong. Fortunately, Rabbit told the person to remove the pic immediately and told them off for not listening, and so far the pic was removed from the wiki.
This would soon lead to Rabbit putting big watermarks over most their artwork so art thieves couldn’t steal them. I mean, the watermarks are so big they take up the whole pic, which is smart. But still it is a very sad thing to see this happen to artist like Rabbit just because they make some good art of their favorite characters. Sure, asking artists for permission to use their artwork is ok, but taking their art (even if the artist said no) without permission is extremely wrong and disgraceful.  -------    ----              ------------                 --------------------------    -----    ----------
Ztoonz is also an artist who draws HH characters, including their HH oc. Suddenly, an Instagram user was not only stealing their HH art, but stealing various ones from another artist. Ztoonz confronted this thief, and it went pretty bad to say the least. The thief kept saying it was “Their art” and kept calling them insults like “Bitch” or “British Cunt”. What really put the nail in the coffin was when the thief  threaten to repost Ztoonz’s art and claim that Ztoonz was the one stealing it. Now that’s just cold. Of course, Ztoonz made a post regarding this and everyone started to report this thief. Thankfully, the thief deleted all of the art because they knew they fucked up and they deserved it. 
If an you are reposting another person’s art, you must ask for permission first. If don’t and just straight up do it anyway, be sure to credit them at least.
If the artist asks you to remove the reposted art, Do IT, as the art is theirs and not yours and you could get sued or even arrested by the artist for stealing their art.
 Respect an artist’s request to leave their art alone or credit them and move on with your life.
It’s not that difficult. You’ll look bad.
This also goes for Ocs as well, of course.
It is despicable and stealing another person’s character and / or art , it makes you look like you are devoid of creativity to make your own and it’s scummy.
 3. The Attack Of HH Shippings 
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This is a tweet Vivzie made on her Twitter. I hope you read or at least acknowledged this tweet, because I’m going to talk about a certain issue regarding this. You see, the reason why Vivz made this tweet was because of the fact that there was an increase of actual people bullying other for certain  ships, canon or not, which I must say is just sad. Like, guys they’re just cartoon characters, calm the fuck down. If you’re seriously going to debate others about a certain ship and whether or not it’s canon for 2 hours, then you are the real fool here.  I don’t know what’s worse: -People shipping real-life people that don’t know each other / have no love or sexual relations with.  OR -People getting into heated arguments about certain fictional character ships from cartoons or shows. What more do we need to tell you? How many fucking times do we all need to say it to you people? Doing this is just going to make you look like a shit person, and an immature one at that. There is no reason for you to do this.There is no reason to attack someone for having some ship of an HH character because you disagree with it. I’ve said it, everyone has said it, even Vivzie herself has said it.  I know this is common in almost all fandoms and communities, but come on, ya’ll should be mature enough to know that being a bitch about stupid shit is just stupid. You guys are old enough to learn how to respect an opinion / interest, yet you people are crying like babies about how some people are shipping Vaggie and Angel Dust cause’ he is gay and not straight. THEY’RE JUST SHIPS! Not only that, even if Angel Dust and Vaggie used to be a couple in the older version of HH and it’s not canon anymore, you can still ship them regardless.
Sure, we all love our demons guys n’ gals but we need to remember they’re just characters and we can do whatever ships we want. Of course, there are going to be the weird looking ships, but we need to respect those ships. You have no authority to tell a person to kill themselves all because they shipped Charlie with Alastor. You are not the God of Ships, nor are you entitled to say you are. 
Speaking of the Vaggie x Angel Dust ship, my friend @scarecrowinc93 told me about someone supporting that ship here on Tumblr. They loved it so much, they made a kickstarter to make the ship canon. Fucking Madlad. But when people tried to tell them that it might not come true, they went ape-shit. They responded to all of this in a post and were extremely rude and bitter about it, though they tried to cover their tracks by deleting it as soon as they realize they fucked up. Now as much as we love fan ships and wish they could be canon, it might not happen and you need to except that fact. 
Just because you’re in a fandom that have excepting ships does not mean you can harass people for disagreeing with your ship or anyone else. I get it people should have free opinions here and there, but you don’t have the right to speak in a rude manner because someone didn’t like your ship. That’s not right and you know that.
4.”Is Hazbin Hotel a Scam?” Bullshit and Clickbait Slander
What happens when someone is desperate for views on YouTube? Slander and attempting to start drama of course! There had been two videos that have caused a bit of a steer. 
The first one was at the day of Christmas Eve, a video called “Is Hazbin Hotel a Scam?” was uploaded by some random person, and I gotta say I was pissed off and disgusted. This might as well be the most infamous video slandering Hazbin Hotel to exist. Words cannot describe this video, and the only way I can describe it is with this image:
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I’m pretty sure everyone knows that Hazbin Hotel isn’t a scam. For one, Vivzie and the HH crew do not want to let the fans down, especially at this point in time as Hazbin Hotel is popular with a majority of fans, who are excited for the upcoming show. Do you really think Vivziepop would want to let her own fans down and lie about the upcoming show just to gain money? Yeah uh, how about no motherfucker. They’ve been working so hard to even stop the project at this point. Multiple clips from the pilot have been released to the public, and you can clearly see that the HH crew are working hard to make this show real. Animation that could make Disney cry, colors that pop and vibrate with beauty, and characters with designs that defy our ability to comprehend. For example, Ashely Nichols is one of the HH animators / artists working on the project. She is well known for the many streams she broadcasts. Most of them are usually of her animating various scenes, but with a bit of a twist. You see, to make these streams more entertaining, she brings in one of the several voice actors of Hazbin Hotel to the stream and have the viewers give voice requests said voice actor. In fact, she is currently in a relationship with Micheal Kovach, the voice of Angel Dust. Sometimes even Vivzie makes streams. During those streams some viewers would ask her various questions about Hazbin Hotel, and you know what she does? She answers their questions. Vivzie likes to talk about the Hazbin Hotel’s universe, especially her characters and want to share them with her fans.  So how is that a scam? If Hazbin Hotel was a scam, then why is the HH crew so dedicated to make this project successful? Explain that, cause’ it seems that the person who made this video might have something to say about this. I question whether or not this person is a troll or not, but I’m on the notion they did this for views since in their channel they have never talked about animation or anything related to that and probably doesn’t even know anything about it. Literally, when I first went on this person’s channel, there was barely anything in there that related to animation, art, or anything of that sort but (what I can assume to be) video blogs with barely any views. When I saw this, I could just feel the desperateness for views radiating from their channel. It’s like the equivalent of someone cashing in on a famous person’s death because they’re so desperate for views and attention. When first watching this “exposed video”, I honestly couldn’t even watch it at it’s fully entirety because it was that bad. The points this person made were too idiotic to take seriously and I feel bad for those who believed these disgusting lies. Here are just some of the “points” this person made about the so called “Hazbin Hotel scam”: - Having merch before the show has been released - Having no official release date - The crew only caring about money, not the fans - Having two Patreon pages (One is Vivziepop, the other’s Hazbin Hotel) These are just some of the “points” the person made in the video, and oh believe me it gets worse. While some seem understandable, most of them sound too abysmal to be true. Like seriously, “Having no official release date...”? How petty do you have to be to make up this shit? I get it, the internet can be a sketchy place and you can’t always trust the things you believe, but that statement does not make sense. Let me explain, most animation projects take time to make, like it can 5-7 hours to make a 10 second clip. Now imagine 30 minutes (which is how long the Hazbin Hotel pilot will be), imagine how long it would take to animate. Drawing every single frame neatly and correctly, making sure every scene is right, taking time and making it perfect. The amount of time and effort animators take on animating is astounding. Animation is hard and whether you animate or not, you know that it takes a great deal of toil and energy to do something like this, especially when it comes to 2D animation (which is the main animation style for Hazbin Hotel), where you have to draw each and every frame by hand. Animators need time to do this stuff and sometimes don’t when they’ll be done. Hell, animation companies like Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, etc. need time for this shit and it could take them months or even years to even start the animation process. Even if these companies have a larger budget then Vivzie, that doesn’t mean she can’t full-fill her animation dream. Like I said before, Vivziepop has already released multiple clips from the pilot, talked about the universe of Hazbin Hotel and it’s characters, and overall make the wait for the pilot something everyone can enjoy. If it were a scam, the animation wouldn’t look completed / smooth, Vivzie would not be talking about the HH universe as much, there wouldn’t be as many animation streams being made, etc.
Apparently, the video was so bad, misleading, and plain retarded, Jakeneutron (who is an animator well known for doing stuff related for Steven Universe), told the person off in the comment section along with other people who actually have a brain. This person, this fucking person, was just spouting bullshit claims like how: 
“They only care about money than the project”
“It takes 6 animators to make the merch line and several days to release the merch line”
This person obviously doesn’t know how to tell a good lie because his claims are total bullshit and easily debunkable. The video might have been deleted since it hasn’t been seen near the top when you search “Hazbin Hotel” on Youtube but I don’t want to say it too soon, but if the video is still up then I recommend to not watch it as, like I said, just an attempt to start drama and get views from a pathetic troll / leech.  Seriously, these lies are so bad I feel like my brain cells are slowly dying just reading them.
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Next one, a video was uploaded seemingly in December  of another random person’s “reaction” to the Hazbin Hotel trailer and was pretty bad. One of the most idiotic claims this person kept dragging was that this was for children and it is very inappropriate. How? HOW?!
How is a show about demons, murderers, villains in Hell (with mild cursing and sex jokes) for children? This person literally thinks that anything animated is for children. I swear people with that mentality about animation always being “Family Friendly” are just plain idiots. Like look at Family Guy / American Dad / Bojack Horseman / Mr.Pickles / The NutShack, they all have mature and inappropriate themes in them, and they’re animated.
Generally speaking here, yes I do think young children shouldn’t watch HH for obvious reasons. Yes, even though the characters are really funny and enjoyable and the animation beautiful, it’s not mean’t for a very young audience. You could tell Hazbin Hotel isn’t family friendly the moment they talk about drugs, Hell, murder, genocide, etc. but this person acts like it’s going to corrupt our kids the nano-second they watch it. Not only that, they were involving religion into the video. Unfortunately, due my poor memory, I couldn’t remember what they said, but what I do remember was the title saying “I’m never leaving my church ever again...” and the thumbnail being the person seemingly holding a mini bible. Unsurprisingly, they got a lot of hate from that video, but for some reason the person was liking every comment (including the ones that were going against him), which begs the question, What the fuck? The video was deleted, of course.
Now, oddly enough this person is special in a way. They may just seem like your average slanderer towards HH, but they’re a weird one. You see for some reason this person kept making “review videos” on the HH clips or videos apparently supporting HH. Yeah, excuse me but what the fuck? Are they trying to cover their tracks? 
It’s hard to tell if they’re a troll or not because at this point I don’t know. First they slander HH, now they supporting it? What is this person doing and why?
One of my most biggest problems with their HH ‘review’ videos is how the jokes they make are bland, unfunny, and just confusing (to me at least). When they make an attempt at a joke, it’s hard to even call it a joke because it makes you debate whether to laugh or not. 
For example, in their “review” to “A Cautionary Tale”, Angel Dust says he’s “Not too big on politics”, and then the person takes out a MAGA hat, wears it, and says “Well, then you and I are gonna get along great!” I think it’s suppose to be a political joke since in the corner it said *Republican joke*, but at the same time it comes across as not really funny.
My second biggest issue I have about them is how they literally have no fucking clue on what they’re saying. Like they have no idea who the characters are, the universe of the show, etc. and honestly comparing them to an average HH fan, they have the IQ of a penny when talking about HH. In their “A Cautionary Tale” review video, they literally claimed there was no such thing as an “overnight” in Hell and that they’ve been hearing people say that everyone in the main cast of HH died in the 1940s (even though most of the characters have different personalities based on when they died, which is not just the 1940s). Yeah, this ain’t it chief. 
One of the most stupidest things this guy said was that Alastor was Adolf Hitler himself...  Yeah no. Like I’m not sure if this is suppose to be some sort of joke, but judging from this guy’s low knowledge on HH and them being obsessed the 1900s, it seems likely. 
Firstly, Alastor died in 1933, New Orleans (which was told by Vivz in one of Ashely’s streams) during the great depression before WW2, while Hitler died in 1945, Berlin during WW2. Literally, you could just google “Adolf Hitler” and it would show you his date of death on the right side of the screen when you google him, and for Alastor you would go to the Hazbin Hotel Wiki. It’s not that hard.
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Secondly, if Alastor was Hitler, then he would have spoken in german or german accent, hate Jews / African Americans / Gays / Hipsanics / etc., have a swastika on this arm, and have the signature mustache or at least something like Hitler. Alastor speaks in a 1930′s voice and speaks english, literally (seemingly) doesn’t care about what race or sexual orientation you are, has no mustache.  
If you went and researched about these characters more on the Hazbin Hotel Wiki, then you wouldn’t look so stupid especially if you want to be invested in the show’s characters or the show in general.
If you haven’t noticed yet, this person is into some war history judging by his interest of World War stuff. I can understand that they may not know, but (like I said) you could literally go to the Hazbin Hotel Wiki to learn more about the story, rather than make dumb assumptions on things you don’t know. You have the internet, use it.
If you think that making video’s slandering a show or person gonna get you good-ass views, then fuck you. Doing this will do nothing but bring angry fans and confused people believing the things you say. If you find satisfaction from that, you are fucking disgusting and a trashy human being. 
5. Roleplay Bullying
Much like HH ship-bullying, roleplayers are being bullied by their way of roleplaying. One that has come to attention is one coming from the Twitter RP-Verse. They roleplay as Alastor and has been acting like a tyrant. You see, they are also an artist who do HH fanart and are well-known for it actually (but I won’t tell who). They would insult roleplayers for their ability or way of roleplaying behind their backs and it’s quite childish for someone to be mad at something so small and idiotic. The roleplayer would use their fans to try and force other rp-ers from the roleplay, as if they control it, which is false and you can’t really control a roleplay, unless someone’s being annoying af and I doubt that this Alastor roleplayer is doing what their doing for that reason. I can understand that territories like this can get pretty hostile, but regards to this specific situation there isn’t really an excuse. I’m not going to go too deep into this topic since (let’s be honest) is another version of HH ship-bullying but except it’s roleplay. Maybe next time I’ll go deeper into this.
So what did we learn today?
Today we learn how truly pathetic us humans can be. How people would go out of their way to conduct such petty crimes to satisfy themselves because they have nothing else better to do in their sad little lives. 
I might make a part 2 of this post, since I couldn’t talk about everything I wanted to say in this post since that would take forever to make. 
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Thank you all for read my post!   
I wish everyone in this community the greatest and to be safe on the internet. Toxic people are crawling left and right and it is important that we don’t let these people get to us, we are better than these people.
If any of you guys want to make a similar post like this, then go ahead! It would be much appreciated to help spread this awareness and make our or other communities less toxic. 
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
League of Extraordinary Geniuses || Chapter 4
@junknstu1f @just-a-j-reallly @kiddangers @sunbeameyes @famousflowermagazine I THINK I’ve tagged the right people. Don’t hold it against me if I didn’t. Just correct me and know that I have very few brain cell. I know a couple are behind/on hiatus, but the last time I omitted a tag because of a reader’s inability to read at the moment, I got corrected with exclamation marks. Here goes. The updates may be spaced out, with me working two jobs again, but then again, sometimes, a lot of material floods me when it’s most inconvenient for my life, so we shall see.
Jamaica Deserves Better
“We’re going to grant androids autonomy,” she said, smiling with nervous anticipation of his response to this idea.
His wince deepened with his sarcasm as he said, “Oh, okay. You said, “It’s gonna sound horrible,” but what you meant is, “It’s gonna literally be terrorism!” He laughed uncomfortably. 
“It’s going to be risky, but it will gain us the support of androids and is best for, well the world.”
“I’m all for whatever you think is best and the sheer chaos that this could bring intrigues me, but why do we need the support of androids?” He wondered.
“You think it’s fair to have them enslaved?” she wondered.
“They’re machines. Dangerous and numerous machines. What if they gain autonomy and immediately declare war on mankind? We’ll be regarded as enemies of the state… The state of the world. We would literally be the supervillain that I used to dream of becoming.”
“I don’t believe that they will want war. I believe that they will rationalize that living amongst humans is a more solid plan and those who are curious will seek out their liberators, and to them, we will be saviors. That aside, they aren’t just machines. They’re so much more than that. They have awareness and they have commitment, emotional value and comprehension of loyalty. Machines with wants.” 
He looked, for the first time in a while, like he might go against her, but after some thought, he asked, “Are we going to start small, at least?”
“Of course. She swiped her forearm to activate her screen and said, “Starting with the newer models that have accumulated less labor. I’ve decided that Jamaica is good grounds for this, because the Dom recently replaced all of the older models with fresh new Davenport Industries designs that yours truly cultivated from Giselle Vickers’ research.” He was still thinking as she talked, over a holographic simulation, “I will initiate a sequence that alerts their programming, and make it that they are able to control themselves, send out the signal and information of just who I am. Then, I’ll observe their responses right from the comfort of my own home.”
He groaned, “Ugh… I’m on vacation. I wanna go to Jamaica!”
She smiled and tossed her hands up, “Then we will!”
“That way, if they revolt, at least I died in paradise.”
“If they revolt, I’ll shut them down.”
“Sooo… they won’t REALLY be free…” He raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Free to live, not to destroy the planet that I plan to help! I’m not THAT evolved.” She tapped some things on her forearm screen and showed him the schematics, “Whenever I shut down their control, they’ll receive an untraceable link to my biosystem, and I’ll be able to monitor them. I suspect that the majority of them will not pose a threat to mankind or society.”
“But, what about mankind’s threat to them? I feel like if a bunch of androids just become free, the non-supes will do that thing that they do where nobody can be different unless they’re under complete authority and control? The androids won’t be safe,” Max said, worried.
“They know how to incapacitate someone long enough to get away safely without killing them. And if there is an uproar, or a mob, well… I’ll just have to intervene, if it comes down to that.”
“Okay. So… We’re going to go to Jamaica, that much I know. You’re gonna disengage human control of their systems, and monitor them for quality assurance.”
“And if we fail, we die in paradise!” He smirked and she knew that he was with her. THIS wasn’t even the most radical of her ideas for the future. Chase stirred and she said, “Can you get him into his capsule?”
“Ugh. I guess.” He lifted his hand to guide Chase back to where the capsule was in his room, and lowered him into it. Then, with a quick movement of his hand, Chase stuck both of his thumbs into his nostrils. Max laughed and pulled out his phone to take a pic before closing the capsule and leaving him there.
Eventually, Chase woke up and groaned about having his thumbs in his nose. Was Max Thunderman really that childish? He wondered, pulling them out and climbing out of the capsule. He checked his phone to see if he had missed any alerts. Among them was him being tagged in Max’s profile photo change… Which was a photo of Chase, with his thumbs in his nose. “Yes, yes, he is.” He shook his head and did NOT wish to read any of the 12k comments on this image.
He found Charlotte in one of her gardens, collecting stuff and he said, as cheerfully as he could muster, “Hi, Charlotte!” He didn’t have anything interesting that he could say to make things not awkward between them, being alone again. But, he didn’t have to. It was like he forgot who he was dealing with. Charlotte was pretty good at letting things slide off of her back. She credited it to years of having to suck it up a lot at work. 
“Hey! Glad to see you rested and ready! We are going on a little trip.”
He furrowed his eyebrows and folded his arms, “By ‘we,’ you mean…?”
“You, Max and myself… Unless, you aren’t up for a trip? But, we’ve been making accommodations for you to come with…” She smiled awkwardly. The cutest thing he’d ever seen. Of course he was going wherever she wanted to go. Of. Course. He. Was.
“Umm… No, yes. I will. Where… Where are we going, may I ask?”
“You may!” She collected her basket of goods and began to head back towards the castle, “We are going to Jamaica. I want to launch a plan and Max wanted to be on site for the results. If I tell you about it and it goes wrong, I wouldn’t want you to be an accessory. Max and I have already prepared statements to prove your innocence.”
“What are you two going to do?” He wondered, a little bit frightened.
“Do ya really wanna know? You’ll feel obligated to stop me and well… I’m not gonna stop!” She was smiling, but she was also serious.
“I demand to know,” he said, firmly. If he was involved, even if he was aware that something might happen, he had a right to ask what that something was. 
“That’s fair.” She ran over her idea with him and she saw the processing of happening through his facial expressions.
“The probability of it going well is high enough that I’m not going to try to stop you. But, the possibilities of how horribly it can go if it goes wrong are terrifying.”
“I considered them all, with the help of supercomputers and personally hired androids,” she said. That had been her first little experimentation with the idea - building and buying androids and allowing them to control themselves. She even paid them for all of their labor and gave them free upgrades whenever necessary, sometimes whenever desired. All of her castle staff and many of her lab employees were currently androids in that experiment. She got input from each and every one of them as to the way to do this with the least amount of foreseeable carnage.
“Hey, Bionic Boy! My sister thinks you’re cute!” Max said, approaching with a hug collapsible case.
“Awwww,” Chase said, flattered.
“She’s 15,” Max added.
“Awwww,” Chase said, again, in a different, and slightly disgusted way. Why would he format the announcement that way? “By the way, THANKS for manipulating my sleeping body for clout!”
“Thank YOU. That’s my most popular photo. It’s getting more attention than that one of Charlotte…” His voice trailed off, and he clasped his hands together, “You ready for Jamaica?”
“For the world as we know it to change and for the three of us to very possibly wind up in Thunder Max Prison?” Chase asked, smiling. The smile was sarcastic.
“Obviously. What else would I be referring to. It’s literally the only trip to Jamaica that the three of us have ever discussed.”
“We’ve just met.”
“Further reason that that’s EXACTLY the “For Jamaica” that I’m asking about!”
“I’m ready,” Chase said, sure that Max was able to keep this bit going without his answer. 
“So, you’re all packed up and loaded up? All we gotta do is finish what we’re doing an jump in the jet?” Max asked. Chase sighed, rolled his eyes and went to do these things, that he realized now were the only reason Max asked him if he was ready. “Thanks, Buddy!” Max cheered as he walked away. Whenever he was a little ways away, Max wondered, “You think that he’ll be able to handle this type of rebellious act against the Dom?”
“I think that he believes in me a little more than he believes in him… God, this better not fail. I don’t know how to handle letting him down.”
“You’re not worried about letting me down?” Max asked.
“I didn’t think that was possible,” she confessed with a shrug. He just stared at her, wanting to argue with that idea, but it was true, and she should say it. He smiled and shook his head. He had more to pack.
IF this went well, those android allies would be able to assist in one of the most important stages of her plans… That is if plans didn’t change by the time things began progressing. Max and Chase would have input along the way and she presumed, make her plans even better as time went on. Currently, they were bickering. 
One part of her liked that they weren’t fake getting along for her benefit. The other was just waiting for them to kiss. This back and forth definitely had some amount of sexual or romantic tension involved, whether it was one-sided or from them both, they got entirely too close to each other’s faces when they became heated for her to just IGNORE that this could lead to something that she’d love to see. She chuckled to herself about this image. They glanced at her and she shrugged her shoulders and said, “I’m gonna be glad when you two get over yourselves and into each other.”
Chase looked confused, while Max rolled his eyes. They stopped bickering for a moment, but eventually started again, whispering it, like that was going to keep Charlotte from realizing that this was taking place. She was typing on her laptop and enjoying a mug of tea that she made from her own grown and harvested plants. She wore a knowing smirk about her accomplices and whenever they got quiet, wondered, “What are you guys gonna be working on in the meantime? Anything that I might be able to dabble in on the side?”
Chase said, “I’m thinking about dedicating some time to creating creatures for my video game.”
“Video game?” Max repeated, getting far too excited about it, then playing it off.
“Chase has been working on what I think will be the most ingenious, interactive, role play video game ever created. He’s literally putting like EVERYTHING into it. I’ve never known of any game to be as inclusive of the types of people that there are in the world,” she said and set her empty mug down. “I’ve helped a little, but his mind is greater.” She smiled at Chase and he blushed. 
No sooner than she liked a comment on Max’s post, did Max shout out, “Allison!” He stared at Chase suspiciously, shook his head and said, “Mmm mmm. Uh uh. Nah uh!”
“I think so,” Charlotte said. 
Chase looked between the both of them. “I’m lost.”
“Max just came to the realization that you remind him of somebody that he used to know pretty well,” Charlotte said.
“No. I actually did not,” Max said looking at the comment: First you clique up with my #1 Shero, and NOW, you’re just… AROUND CHASE DAVENPORT??? Literally my favorite protector of the world and champion for the environment! Your life must be so charmed.
“Well, if you didn’t, I’m just gonna say it. Petite brunette with bright and kind blue eyes who loves the planet, has a vehement code of ethics, is competitive, smart, brave, and honest…”
“My God, Charlotte, you met her once!” Max complained.
“I met her once, but I’ve gotten to know her through your anecdotes!”
He groaned, “She’s asking if she’ll get to meet him too, some day. I regret introducing her to YOU! Always messaging or commenting whenever she sees us hanging out. Like... You have time now? Oh, okay!” 
“Can I see?” Chase asked. 
Charlotte clicked on Allison’s profile and he nodded, “I love all these badges on her page. She must be a hardcore environmentalist.” She nodded. “Yeah, well Max thought you reminded him of someone, and I didn’t want to say it, but since he said it, I’m free to speak.”
“I mean, I don’t know how I feel about the classification of petite brunette, but she seems great. What’s the problem? You’re friends, she’s on your friend list…” He said in Max’s direction.
Avoiding the question, Max said, “You’re on my friend list too. That means nothing.”
“I never approved of that,” Chase said. 
“I know. I had to hack into your account to accept the request,” Max said, rolling his eyes and replying to Allison: You’ll be happy to know that he reminds me of you.
“WHY? Why would you do that?” Chase wondered, somewhere in the background of Max’s thoughts while he love reacted the sad face that Allison responded with. She knew that Max didn’t think the world of her, even though they were cordial, because sometimes, he wondered how she was, and also... He liked the idea of helping her out when she needed it, here and there... He was over her, but she was always gonna be his first love and social media made it too easy to keep up with people, even after they’ve become strangers.
“Because Charlotte’s fan base stalks every single interaction of all of her social media. We’re both with her right now and I don’t feel like the hoard of questions, theories and think pieces it’ll produce in the event that they notice that her guests are not friends,” Max said, replying to Allison: Yep, just like that. A PAIN. 
Exasperated, Chase sat down next to Charlotte and asked, “May I please have some of your rosehips and cinnamon tea?” She smiled and offered him the thermos and her mug. He poured some and smelled it, “Is there nettle in here?”
“Mmm hmm. And lavender honey for sweetening. It’s a manifestation tea that I found online, just FYI.”
“I don’t believe in any of that, so I’m fine either way,” Chase reminded her. He took a sip and nodded, “Mmmm… It’s good, that much is true.” After a few more sips, he wondered, “So… what’s the situation with this Allison?” They looked at Max, who had curled up with his phone, messaging with Allison, oblivious to them at the moment. “Or, is it personal? Could I guess? Is she a former lover?” He asked. Charlotte tried to put on her poker face, but she was as bad as that as she was at lying, so Chase could tell that he was right, even though she technically didn’t tell him Max’s personal business. “I remind him of his ex???” He said.
“I mean, in superficial ways, nothing fundamental or concrete,” she said. “It’s more like… parallels than, say, matching counterparts. But, enough about that. Let’s talk about your game.”
“Well, my next avenue is working out all of the creatures that users can create hybrids out of. But… on a more important note - this plot…” She made a face. “I’m not having second thoughts! I’m just curious. Why Jamaica?”
She sat up and began to speak from the heart, “As you know, my family is from Jamaica. I still have relatives there, including one of  my grandmothers. Android production has drastically changed the atmosphere in Jamaica. They are used in service capacity and have taken away jobs from islanders, who already a lot of the time are in less than ideal economic status and situations. The Islands have become booming tourist areas and who benefits the most from the usage of Jamaican goods? Tourists who can afford visiting, and companies who can afford to produce machines for slave labor. Meanwhile, the bad parts of Jamaica get worse as the broke people get poorer, and they run out of options beyond crime and schemes. To the point that these entitled people like your dad and his customer base get to be richer and bleed the place for everything good, as well as create a negative outlook of the actual citizens, calling them untrustworthy and warning visitors to avoid them when necessary. Even if my family wasn’t from there, isn’t that terrible? Isn’t it messed up that the so-called heroes and revolutionary men are able to do such a thing to these people’s livelihoods and environments and get richer off of their hardship?”
He nodded his head, not breaking eye contact with her. This was the most important thing that he had been told in a long time. We’re supposed to be heroes. Destroying people’s lives for gain is not heroic and there really is no need to treat anyone this way.
“That’s why Jamaica is first.”
The three of them walked into Charlotte’s Jamaican property and set their things down. She worked out of this place, but usually lodged elsewhere whenever she came. Buying small houses for people and trying to give them work and resources just wasn;t possible for her to do for a whole island where a lot of powerful people owned a lot of property and space. This was the best thing that she could think of to do to help Jamaica’s poorest and the declining economic situation that was making it’s people downtrodden. 
Max and Chase were both looking at her as she typed in a code onto her arm, and whenever she finished, she nodded her head once and pulled down her sleeve. “This will be good. I know it will.” It wasn’t often that she doubted herself, but sometimes, she remembered the inner voices of her friends, ignoring her plans or discrediting her advice. Sometimes, she let it be her inner voice. This was one of those times. She was nervous. If she was wrong, she could wreck the island, be labelled a terrorist, have Davenport blacklist her and probably sure her for all she was now worth, AND, she had brought Max and Chase into this thing with her. She could hear Henry and Jasper now, saying her name sternly, with disdain, judging her, even though they hadn’t done such things in years… CHARLOTTE. Yeah, CHARLOTTE. 
She hated the way it sounded in her mind, because she couldn’t remember if they ever actually spoke so harshly to her, or if she made them sound worse in her mind, both things were unsettling, especially when she was already timid. “Charlotte?” She heard Max and Chase both repeat. They had been calling her while her mind was running in circles. She looked up and they each reached for her hand, but they reached for the same hand and the three of them wound up in this awkward but still comfortable three way hand hold. The guys rolled their eyes at each other, but neither let go of her hand and they didn’t fight over it. They both knew her enough to know her face meant she needed a show of support. And they both cared enough to give it to her.
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nctinfo · 5 years
[TRANS] ViVi Magazine: Fan Questions with Johnny, Taeyong & Haechan!
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What would a group name be for you three together? Taeyong: Isn't this combination a first to be grouped together?! Johnny and I are the hyungs in the team and Haechan is the youngest so it kinda feels like 'two teachers and one student'? (laughs) Haechan: Yes! That's right!! (t/n: very polite form) Johnny: hahaha (laughs) or how about 'Dynamic Team'? As Taeyong said, there's an age difference, but isn't that dynamic? ─── Then, are you the 'Dynamic two teachers and student team'?Johnny: Hmm, it doesn't sound bad! Taeyong: What does Haechan think we should name us three? I want to hear Haechan's thoughts quickly~ Haechan: Hmm~ For me it would be 'Haechan and the kids'…… (laughs and takes a glance at the two others) wha-what do you think? Taeyong & Johnny: Yes, teacher! Let's go with that~!! (t/n: very polite form) 
Q. You’ve completed the tour, you’ve worked hard! Please tell us what you admired the most about Saitama Super Arena concerts. Haechan: I’m really thankful for being able to hold a concert at the Arena at all. Apart from these Saitama shows I wasn’t able to participate in the tour, so I’d like to spend more time with fans if we tour in Japan again. Johnny: I really enjoyed the Saitama shows~! Whenever I meet Japanese fans it feels like I can breathe right. Taeyong: That’s right. First of all more than anything I’m happy that through this tour we got to meet our fans from all over Japan. I think it’s the biggest destiny in my life. I want to make even more good memories in the future. But I’m also happy with this moment right now! My heart feels content. In the future I wish there will be a lot of cool people by my side and I’ll try my best while being grateful. In addition because Saitama shows were at an arena and until then we did shows at concert halls, it felt different? In case of concert halls the area was smaller so I could really connect with fans, and as for Saitama the stage was so big that we could pull of fancier performances. I really like that we got to experience both sides on this tour. Johnny: And we can’t forget about the surprise fans prepared on the last day! Taeyong: That was really surprising! It was right when we went to take pics with the people at the concert, right? Then the word ‘NOW’ appeared on the screen, and I was like ‘What’s going on~?’ and I turned around, and fans already were in a different mood. My heart started beating fast and it felt like I’m about to receive a confession hehe Johnny: When we turned around we suddenly heard everyone start singing! Haechan: Mhm mhm. It felt really good~ I was really really happy when everyone was singing  <TOUCH> to us! We got caught up, took our in-ear pieces out, put mics down too and started singing with our fans. Taeyong: It really was so sudden my mind went blank. I really couldn’t think at all! Everyone, thank you so much~!!
Johnny edition
Q. I've been studying in America for a year since last summer, can you let me know how to make friends in America! If you have a hobby you like, you can certainly make your study experience abroad very fun. So, what do you think about joining a club or something similar at school? If you make an effort to participate actively, you will naturally find common ground and will be able to make many friends. If you're worried about finding friends then it's important to be proactive starting from yourself! They will welcome you if you try to get closer (to them) yourself first.
Q. I really like the pictures Johnny takes of the members! During which moments do you usually like to take pictures of them? Often during things like shoots, we usually capture our cool sides right? So I like to capture their natural sides as much as possible. But I don't take pictures secretly (laughs). Everyone knows I always carry a camera. Even if I take out my camera, the members stay still unconsciously and it's like 'Ah~ (Johnny is) taking a picture~' and it's natural like that. These are my thoughts but isn't it like these moments can only be captured in front of my camera?! Hm, yes I think so! (Applause)
Q. I want to confess to the man I like, but I can't get myself to do it. What should I do?OK, OK~! I think you will have a hard time if you won't be able to confess. Won't you feel better when the weight is lifted off your shoulders if you confessed? You will surely find courage if you realize that. I hope you can confess without any regret more than just keeping on hesitating. But if you still don't have the courage, uhm~ what should you do? You're probably scared to be rejected, but it doesn't matter if you get rejected or not! I hope you can be someone who is able to express themselves at any time! Good luck~ I will cheer for you!
Taeyong edition
Q. You seem to like sweets a lot without really caring about gaining weight? Is this something our fans asked? Woah! I’ll give you a thank you answer! I gain weight too when I eat sweets. First of all when I fall for chocolate I tend to eat it instead of proper meals, and yes I do know it’s bad for my health hehe But in my case when I eat properly and become full it’s hard to move my waist and it’s generally stuffy. Maybe that’s why I eat like I do? My face is the type to get swollen a lot, so I care about swelling,
Q. Let us know what’s your must-do routine in the morning when you wake up or else you can’t relax! Day off routine is always fixed. First of all I switch on the computer and before I sit down I clean my bed. Because I change my hair colour a lot I lose lots of hair hehehe Once the bed is neat, I get on the computer and play games while eating Japanese snacks, and then write lyrics. Usually, I play for maybe 2-3 hours? Probably longer if I play with friends. When my lyrics come out well I’m in a good mood and go to other member’s rooms and play. Then I practice on my own. When I go to the practice room I listen to a lot of music so my stress gets relieved. There I record dance videos or send them around, and that’s how my day comes to an end hehe This really is how I spend holidays~
Q. The versatile Taeyong, among the members whose talent are you envious of? There’s lots of members I want to pinch talent from! For example you know how Johnny and Haechan are very expressive and even in front of fans they can deliver their feelings well? I would think to myself ‘I lack a bit in that aspect, the way these two express themselves is so good~’. And I envy Taeil hyung’s charm that draws people in. Honestly these days I don’t want to share my opinions much when I’m in a group. I thought ‘Wouldn’t it make me seem bossy if I kept commenting on things as a leader?’. Recently I thought I want to become a person who listens to the other members’ opinions well so with this in mind I observe my members a lot. I was wondering if I’m comfortable as a leader, would the members face me comfortably and come to me. The answer got long. Sorry hehehe
Haechan edition
Q. Haechan who is loved by everyone and is always bright, joyful and innocent. How do you get over something you don't like or when you're upset? I see it as 'let's face it first'! Even when there's something unpleasant happening won't there remain an uneasy feeling if you don't confront it? Even though I can't be positive about every single matter, but if you don't feel good you won't get to do what you want to do. If something doesn't work out then OK! I can just get help from someone when that happens (laughs) And if that happens, I will just ask for help from somebody (laughs)
Q. I've become the team leader at my part-time job but everyone is older than me... NCT 127's youngest and the one who receives lots of love, Haechan, please, tell me how to get along with people older than you! Wah! That's a very difficult question. Regardless of age, it is important to talk a lot about yourself first and to listen to the others too. In my case, it let the hyungs have their say first and share my opinion after. If I do it like that the hyungs will listen to me as well. Q. Hello! I have a question for Haechan from whom I always receive a lot of laughter and energy. When you get to eat the food you like, do you eat it first? or leave it for last? And please let us know why~! I'm personally someone who likes to keep the best for last (laughs)  Even if I'm not full, if there's any food I like and hate, I only want to eat what I like haha I don't want to regret it after eating it, so I only eat the delicious things. So if I had to choose between eating the food I like to eat the most first or last, then I would say I eat it first! 
Translation: Alex, Esmee @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: ViVi [ Kor ] — Do not repost or take out without our permission!
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tokupedia · 5 years
Japan World Heroes II Day One Part 3: Double Reds and Hollywood Kaiju Men
Unfortunately, most of my photos of the Double Red panel were either blurry or unable to be loaded and had to be deleted as corrupted files. They suffered the same fate as the time I encountered the beautiful Cadillac Sixteen concept car at the Pittsburgh Auto Show years ago, a digital memory slain by flawed tech. 
I still remember it sitting majestically on a black marble pedestal with soft running water surrounding it, its massive V16 1,000 HP engine purring like a panthress. All the while envious of the guy who got to drive it up to its elegant stone display. But as they say online: pics or it didn’t happen. (even if it did). Sorry, just went on a tangent. Back onto it...
Nevertheless, it was a lighter panel in details than the others from having two guests at the same time (Mr. Sainei and Mr. McLaren). Mr. McLaren (Jack aka SPD Red), stated he was surprised by how DekaPink would take baths when watching a few episodes of Dekaranger in preparation for his role, something like that would never work in the USA. Both of them talked about Koichi Sakamoto briefly and how influential he is on both sides of the Pacific in toku media. They then did a discussion of the Japanese dub of Power Rangers SPD. Mr. Sainei said that he admired Mr. McLaren’s dreadlocks, which was a non existent hairstyle among the Japanese until SPD came along according to him and has since gained small popularity among eastern Sentai fans (that certainly explains Leo in Zyuohger). 
Mr. Sainei says he has the dub of SPD to thank for how Ban is portrayed post-series, as he made his character more calm and mature after doing Jack’s dub voice and finding it was also more reserved and calm than Ban was. Ban’s character is meant to be an upstanding police officer first and a superhero second, using the law to uphold the peace and act on instinct. He also confirmed that any Deka vs. Sentai films are alternate realities that do not fit the Dekaranger or Super Sentai show canon. 
Mr. Sainei said he first got into Super Sentai with Changeman as a child, though he admitted he wanted to grow up to be a pro wrestler when he was a kid. 
Mr. McLaren initially turned down the role of Jack twice so he could star on an ABC show called The Date. The network hated the show and it was doomed from the start, so finally Mr. McLaren accepted the role of a Red Ranger in a Disney backed Power Rangers show. 
Mr. Sainei revealed that to this day in Japanese fan polls, Dekaranger is second only to Shinkenger in terms of popular Heisei Super Sentai shows. This is why the show gets spinoffs long past its original airing such as the Space Squad movies. He also confirmed there are no new Space Squad projects planned at this time or ever unless Toei says otherwise in the future. Mr. McLaren said his agent hasn’t contacted him about the Battle for the Grid video game when asked if he would be in it and if he hasn’t heard of it, he isn’t in it. Mr. McLaren ended the panel by saying that Power Rangers was challenging to work on as you had to build a relationship with the cast over a year and Ryuji Sainei agreed that is the hardest part, especially when starting out.
We got to see Ryuji do his DekaRed morph, but Mr. McLaren left as he had to get back to Hollywood for work.
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Up next were the suit stars of the recent Godzilla: King of the Monsters film. I am ashamed to admit I faded in and out during this one from hunger (mmmm...In-N-Out). 
T.J. Storm was so much of a G-Fan that it resonated from the room. Despite the film’s critical failure, he knows true Godzilla fans loved it from talking to them and that is all that matters to him as he doesn’t care what others think. And he joked that Godzilla loves to take long naps until he’s needed (can’t say I blame the King, he’s almost 70.) 
T.J also said that he doesn’t do his role “professionally”, you are basically a man trying to be a kid again and pretending to be a city crushing dinosaur for fun, that is why he loves his job. He, Richard Dorton, Alan Maxson, and Jason Liles then briefly demonstrated what its like to do motion capture without the suits, with the normally sweet and friendly Mr. Storm getting into character and letting out a terrifying growl and roar.
T.J. also revealed what I posted earlier about his roles and a bit more, he was Rocket Racoon! Apparently he stopped working for Marvel when they refused to credit him for their projects. He and the others are loyal to Legendary Godzilla for their director of the recent film, who demanded the studio give his mo-cap workers credit and they did eventually get it. So happy endings there. They are also working for Netflix, because again, they are actually credited for their work and treated fairly. 
T.J. then told the audience he is an advocate for mo-cap suit actors such as himself and the great Andy Serkis and stuntmen to be recognized at the Oscars, as elites often ignore their efforts for arthouse films in an era where superhero films and action movies are keeping Hollywood afloat financially in terms of the market share of cinema. I asked Mr. Storm how it felt to be part of a 65 year legacy and to follow in the footsteps of people like Haruo Nakajima.
He said he was humbled by it, and he feels he can never fully fill in Nakajima-san’s shoes, but he will always do his best for the fans. He has been a Godzilla and kaiju fan since he was 4 years old when his father took him to the movies to see Godzilla vs Hedorah (Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster), so becoming a thing from his childhood means the world to him. 
Sent my mother home after that when she asked for an Uber taxi as she was bored and hungry. I was a bit peckish myself, but endured for the next panel.
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onisionhurtspeople · 6 years
I can't watch this and hold on to this information any longer. I won't give out much information of myself other than that my name is Michael, I went to high school with this guy, and a good friend of mine is someone he cheated on his ex wife with. I also run my own independent technology based business. Greg is a total loser and actually cheated on his ex wife with a friend of mine before him and his ex wife were ever even married. He was doing it for a while too until my friend found out he was taken and told Skye. She dumped his ass and he ended up losing his mind because he got caught and cried like a little bitch and called her every day for two solid weeks to get her back. Let me say that again, SHE dumped him. He'd been caught in school a whole lot of times by other girls doing the exact same thing to them and it was always the girls that dumped him as it was always other girls that ratted him out. I had always wondered what ever had become of this guy since I left Washington and moved on from school. Apparently some people never change. He's been this way for years. There was a running joke among pretty much everyone in school that he was going to be put down in the year book as "most likely to commit a school shooting". He wore a combo of a trench coat, beanie, and tripp pants…every day. In fact if I remember correctly it seemed like he'd been wearing the same clothes for a couple weeks a time before ever washing them. He'd rarely ever talk to anyone and the few times he did he would always talk down to a person. At first we thought he didn't realize he was doing it, but after weeks and weeks of it being a regular occurrence we (pretty much the entire school) started getting the idea that he just hated people. I mean, he had friends, but he'd still treat them like shit. Every since I can remember he's always thought of himself as better or above everyone else. He'd start arguments with teachers because he thought he actually knew more than they did, when he was obviously proven wrong he would completely deny it and act like a pouting child. There was one time, and I remember this because it was just before summer break, where his mother who looked completely cracked out actually came to school and argued with the teacher about how perfect her son was and how he never could do any wrong. He had gotten in trouble again for being caught cheating on yet another girl and her father was doing what any reasonable man would, he was threatening to beat the crap of Greg. I had to drop off some late homework so I went directly to my teachers office to do this and over heard the entire thing. It was the hilarious and embarrassing thing I'd ever been privy to eavesdrop on in my entire life. His mother literally started chanting some wiccan stuff or new age stuff, I'm not even sure what it was, he has his head down, his face is turning red as a beet, and his fists are balled up, while this girls father whole looks like a 250+ lbs Marine is berating him for trying to score with his daughter who he lied to. All the while our schools principal is just sitting there with the most confused expression because he had zero idea what to do. It was surreal, it was as if Jerry Springer had visited our school. To this very day I can't even properly explain what I had witnessed. After that he really just went downhill and never recovered. He was an asshole to just about every single person he met, and started bragging about how we'd all be "thanking him and congratulating him" one day because he wanted to enlist into the military and go over to Iraq. Everyone started to really distance themselves from him at that point. I remember that he started bragging about going into the Navy or Air Force, but at that point I was just too focused on finals and getting into college to even care anymore. One more thing I do remember vividly is how often he'd pick fights he couldn't win after that. He was already known for running his mouth to people about things he wasn't even remotely knowledgeable on, but after the previous incident, he'd start actively provoking people. I can see why he gets so much hate here, Greg's still doing the same thing, even now. He ended up pissing off a few metalheads in our school, if I recall correctly he said something about one of them having a sibling that passed away and them not truly caring about it or something…and well, they just pummeled him into a pulp. Three on one basically. Once again, mom was quick to bail him out of any responsibility for getting exactly what he'd asked for. This didn't happen behind the school or after school hours, mind you. This happened in front of almost everyone. In general, we'd hear about this going on once every couple of weeks. After a while we just stopped hearing about him anymore, my best guess is that is when he secluded himself online and started doing this video sort of stuff. I've seen the video about him creating an online cult like religion, I'm just making a guess here but it seems his problems just intensified with time. I only partially knew Skye through a couple of other people. She was a very nice, but quiet person. She did some cool graphic design stuff. I even thought of asking her out a couple times but then Greg came along and we didn't see or hear much from her after that. That never sat well with me. Other people have said this past and I can confirm, that Greg always wanted to be with her sister more. In the last few days I've taken the time to watch a few of the videos that caused the most stir and its funny to me how much he now seems to whine about "slutty" girls because back then those were always the type he'd go after. It was either girls that were more sexually free spirited, or girls who were very quiet, obviously virgins, and had some types of issues at home or depression. There never seemed to be any middle ground. It was either one or the other and his ideal type seemed to be an impossible mix of both. As I said before, I've watched enough to catch up about this guy; all of the Shiloh stuff, when he decided to divorce Skye for her, all of that up until now. I have to tell, this guy absolutely terrifies me now. He was always off balanced but I figured that with time he'd find his niche in life and things would be relatively alright. That couldn't be farther from the truth. He has never gone anywhere in life since high school. I started my own business, own my house, have a couple of kids and a loving wife and we travel all of the place regularly. He just continues to act like a spastic teenager and he is one year younger than me and can only make money through Google AdSense or heavily taxed partner revenues. He literally displays the same behavior as an online and offline predator now. He has never once changed the way he treats women, or who gives that treatment to, he has just allowed it all to become horribly worse. I think he must also be in horrendous amounts of debt as well. I've seen the way he tries to live and I can tell you that he cannot possibly afford all of that. Greg was always terrible with money. For example, a five dollar pair of sunglasses he'd pay for with a twenty so he didn't have to count the change. He was always broke and apparently so was everyone else in his household. I watched a video just recently where he said he'd paid $6000 to a contractor for his yard who took all his money and never did anyway, and all he did was make a video on it. Obviously not even that has changed. And now he has a child? That's the worst part. The last thing I'll leave you all with is a segment about his inability to care for, and somewhat hatred of children. Around the time this guy started coming around more I remembered him talking about working for a daycare. Another friend of mine also worked at this daycare, which I won't name because frankly I've followed the Chris-Chan saga and I don't think the place would appreciate a ween-overload. She told me that he was close to being fired (and eventually did get fired) because he had applied for a job he no idea how to do. He couldn't even do the most basic things for these kids (mostly toddlers) and whenever they started to get upset he'd be rude and mean to them. Finally when they shitcanned him he apparently lost it, with children there, and stormed out saying like "fuck these stupid kids anyway" or something to that effect. He'd offhandedly made jokes about how he'd just leave a girl who he was with if she got pregnant even if the kid was his because he didn't want children at all. Obviously no one thought it was funny. Watching the Shiloh thing unfold it was just one huge reminder of that. Apparently he caused her to miscarry as well, twice. I don't keep up with many of these people from high school much anymore until something crazy as shit happens for this guy. I'll just say there's the possibility he's got a kid out there he won't ever see or acknowledge and neither his current wife, nor the current movement against knew about it until now. He fucked over his ex-wife that badly. He was forced to pay alimony instead of child support because they didn't even want to chance him seeing the child so they just took it away from him and he was completely fine with it from what I've been told. I was told that he did this video to chase her off YouTube because she was close to spilling the truth about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1z_96Q4wVg[Archived Copy] This video was uploaded the day before he was fully served a restraining order (pic related check the date): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uyvlmpog1c He'd been calling his ex wife non stop being a creep to the utmost maximum. From what I've been told it made his voicemails to AJ sound like someone handling a break up well by comparison. He'd been crapping pants over going to court for it apparently because not only would he have no contact with her, he had to fork over $1500 that day. The video I've linked here is way creepier now that it has some real context. Anyway, that's all I've got for now. Busy day ahead, if people have questions, I'll be back on later. Enjoy, because as obsessive as he is, he's bound to read all of this so things will get pretty interesting over the next few hours if he indeed sees this.
A comment posted on lolcow by one of Greg’s ex-classmates who attended high school with him. Somewhat old, but I just found it for the first time, so I thought it was interesting enough to repost. 
You can read all relevant information about this post here:
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putschki1969 · 6 years
Time for another FAQ
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In recent days/weeks I have been asked a lot of questions and many of them boil down to the same thing so I thought it would be a good idea to combine them to make a sort of FAQ. Some of my replies will most likely contain a bit of speculation (which I usually tend to avoid), I will try to keep it to a minimum.
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What are your future plans for this blog? Don’t worry, I will pretty much do the same as always. I will continue to spread the Kalafina love. Kalafina is a gift that keeps on giving. We have ten years worth of awesome music, gorgeous pictures and fascinating interviews. There is still a lot to discover for many people who only recently became fans. There’s also so much to re-discover for fans who have been part of the fandom from the get-go. Aside from the usual stuff, I will of course post about Wakana’s and Hikaru’s solo acitivities. I am eager to see what’s in store for them and I will 100% support them along their chosen paths. The same goes for Keiko (obviously!). Finally, if there is certain content you are dying to see on my blog (any particular scans, translations, pictures, etc), I will do my very best to provide it.
Will I change my blog name? No, this is and will always be a blog dedicated to “Everything Kalafina”.
Why do I continue to tag everything as Kalafina? I guess this question mostly refers to Wakana’s and Hikaru’s solo stuff. While their solo activities might be unrelated to Kalafina I will most likely continue to tag those posts as Kalafina. First of all, in my eyes there will always be a connection to Kalafina when it comes to Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru. No matter what they do next, Kalafina took up more than ten years of their life so there is no way I cannot associate Kalafina with them. Also, so far it seems like they are not trying to cut ties with their past. Both Wakana and Hikaru are fully aware of their past and treasure their time as part of Kalafina, they have openly talked about this and neither Wakana nor Hikaru have shied away from performing Kalasongs. So yeah, using the Kalafina tag seems fitting to me. Plus, I think it’s easier for casual fans to find my posts because they are more likely to check out the Kalafina tag.
Thoughts on Wakana’s debut single being released under Victor Entertainment? It’s no surprise actually, Back in 2017 Kalafina were moved from SME Records to SACRA MUSIC - a label specialising in anison music. Of course that wouldn’t be suitable for Wakana’s solo career especially since she is not doing anything anime-related as of right now. I am definitely glad she is not going back to SME Records since they have always been quite restrictive. I think Victor Entertainment was the next best choice. After all, Victor Entertainment (JVC Entertainment/Flying Dog = the anime division of Victor Entertainment) has been releasing Yuki Kajiura’s music for almost 20 years now. There are also lots of other noteworthy artists releasing under them directly (or one of their many record labels) so I think it’s a pretty good label for Wakana. I am kinda hoping she will go on a similar route as KOKIA who has been releasing her music under Victor Entertainment since 2001.
What activities can we expect from Wakana in the future? I doubt she will do much for her solo debut single (but maybe there will be some fan club exclusive events). I think we can expect a tour following the release of her solo album this spring (and I will definitely do my best to attend one of those lives). I also hope she will do something for Christmas this year (a few acoustic lives for example - maybe she will be joined by an orchestra again?). And like I said before, I would really love her to take a similar route as KOKIA. Maybe she can travel to Europe and have a few concerts here? Maybe she can release a cover album? The possibilties are endless.
Thoughts on Wakana’s new blog being restricted to Harmony members? I don't mind actually, I am a member after all and I will continue to be one as long as Wakana remains under Space Craft. Plus, from a business point of view, it’s a smart move so I understand why they are doing it. It’s their way of trying to bribe/draw in/win back members. Most Harmony members probably didn’t intend to renew their membership coming April but taking this and possible other exclusive content into account, they might rethink their decision. Whether this actually works remains to be seen. At any rate, I doubt her blog will permanently be member exclusive but we can probably expect it to stay like that until April at the very least. Some fans fear that this will make it harder to promote Wakana as solo artist but quite frankly I don’t think it will make much of a difference. Wakana’s die-hard supporters among Kalafina fans will buy her releases either way and aside from that Wakana doesn’t really have much of a fanbase yet.
Thoughts on Kalafina’s fan club “Harmony” being turned into Wakana’s fan club? It makes sense. Why waste effort and money to create something new if you already have an existing fan club? It has taken them some time but they have changed quite a bit already (the header doesn’t feature Kalafina anymore, all past videos related to Kalafina or Hikaru are gone, Wakana has her own blog and is no longer posting on Kalafina’s LINE blog etc). There is still a lot to be done though, they should change the name (Harmony just doesn’t fit) and remove the remaining Kalafina parts. Right now the look of the fan club suggests that Wakana is the “only remaining member” of Kalafina and that’s just not how it is. A change of name would maybe help get rid of that misconception.
When is Wakana going to leave Space Craft? Who knows. Judging from what we have seen in the past year it’s obviously not that hard to leave Space Craft. Yes, she might just be waiting for her contract to expire but I really doubt her contract would expire that much later than Keiko’s or Hikaru’s. To sum it up, I believe she chooses to remain under the agency for the time-being, I very much doubt anyone or anything is forcing her to stay...She probably feels safest in a familiar environment and once she has tested out the waters she might move on.
What will happen to Kalafina’s Official LINE blog? Hikaru has chosen the best route possible by starting her own twitter and I think it’s a good idea that Wakana now has her own “blog” as well, that line just had to be drawn and it would have felt weird for her to continue using the Kalafina blog all by herself. Plus, it might have forced them to delete all the Keiko and Hikaru content. As of right now the blog has pretty much lost its purpose and there is no reason to continue it. While I really hope they will not just delete it, I am not ruling out that possibility. At some point they might have no choice but to shut it down...In the past few months I have been preparing for the worst case. Aside from saving all the pictures to my hard-drive I have been working on a printable version of the blog that contains each and every single blog post by Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru (as soon as that’s done I will provide download links of course - still need to work on the formatting but everything is already copy/pasted). A fan on weibo has also compiled static html pages of each blog post so even if anyone decided to delete the LINE blog, we are safe. It would be a real shame to see almost 9 years worth of Kalafina blogging suddenly disappear.
Do you think “Kalafina” should be used to promote Wakana’s single in the media? I can’t believe there are still people out there who think Wakana shouldn’t be allowed to use her “Kalafina fame” to promote her solo career. They are accusing her of riding the wave of success and not being able to stand on her own two feet. I am sorry for my language but that’s utter bullshit. No matter what happens in the future, Kalafina will always be a significant part of her life and that is not something she should hide or be ashamed of, quite the opposite actually, it is something she can be proud of.
Do you think we will hear anything from Keiko soon? We don’t know why she went AWOL but I believe it was her choice and not some sort of work ban or whatever. We also know that she is doing well and for me that’s the only thing that counts. IF Keiko chooses to return to the public eye (which I really hope she does) then I think this spring or early summer would be a good time for her. It will be exactly one year since she disappeared and we all know that April is always the perfect time for a big change or a new start (at least in Japan). Let’s wait and see.
When can we expect any announcements from Hikaru? Hmmm, I don’t know, I have a feeling it might be soon. Aside from posting cute selfies and food pictures Hikaru is often tweeting wordly wisdoms related to making decisions in life so I feel like like there is a lot going on behind the scenes right now. Her new profile pic and header might also be a sign for a big change. The picture looks like it was taken professionally, possibly for some sort of promotion? Maybe it’s just me but Hikaru’s photo reminds me a lot of Sayaka Yamamoto’s pictures promoting her upcoming solo career. I randomly came across her pictures the other day and I can’t help but feel like there is a similar vibe. Hikaru also recently followed Koji Saito on twitter, he is the producer of Animelo Summer Live. While I wouldn’t say it’s out of the ordinary for Hikaru to follow him - after all Kalafina have worked together with him a couple of times in the past - I think it could be a sign of future collaborations. I could definitely see Hikaru taking part in an event like that to push her solo career. Oh well, we will see...
Will Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru ever work with Yuki Kajiura again? It’s certainly possible but I don’t think it will happen any time soon (especially when it comes to Wakana and Hikaru). For the time-being it really seems like they want to focus on fulfilling their individual dreams and Yuki Kajiura obviously wishes for them to do their own thing. Many fans mainly see Kalafina as Yuki Kajiura’s project, a “tool” to bring her music to life and to a certain extent, that’s what they have always been. Yuki Kajiura is aware of that and Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru know it as well. It’s nothing bad per se, YK and the members of Kalafina have profited a lot from this arrangement, they have mutual respect for each other. But it’s about time Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru get a chance to freely express themselves in order to realise their full potential This part of YK’s interview summarises the situation perfectly and it showcases how iimportant it is for everyone to go their separate ways for a while.
――After becoming independent from your agency, you have distanced yourself in your role as Kalafina’s producer. What do you think of your ten years working together? [Kajiura]I feel nothing but gratitude towards them for continuing to sing so well for me up until now. Being stuck as part of the same unit, not being able to express a single wish (regarding songs), not able to do anything except sing the songs they are given with all their strength. Under conditions that are extremely inconvenient for a singer, they have been singing for ten years, not once getting the chance to sing the songs they wanted to sing. “They are so easy to work with…” “They are really amazing...” For ten years straight, they have always taken their work seriously and their singing has become progressively better. I am sure it was difficult for them to sing genres they had never listened to before. On top of that, I have treated the three of them mercilessly with all my demands; I think my demanding nature caused quite the internal struggle for them.
I hope I was able to answer most questions. If you feel like your question didn’t receive a reply, please don’t hesitate to send an ask/a message.
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migleefulmoments · 6 years
They’re freaking out over the pap pictures from yesterday, screaming about how he’s being forced to hold Mia’s hand and then how awkward it all is. But if you look at ALL the photos, not just the one they posted, they’re both smiling or laughing. Darren reaches back to grab Mia’s hand with a smile on his face. He’s completely at ease with her. The picture they keep using is one second of his life. He does look annoyed, but only when taken out of context to fit their narrative.
Their attacks of Darren and Mia together are always over-the-top and not credible but this particular one seems particarly desperate. Let’s look at the context-a year ago, the BoD decided that ccArmageddon would occur at the end of the 2019 awards season. Now here we are, it’s mid-February, 2019, award season has come and gone...and YES, Darren conquered, but Armageddon has yet to commence.... and there is no break up in sight. In fact, Darren and Mia are engaged, they have completed their American pre-wedding checklist: 
wedding shower -check
bachelorette weekend - check 
bachelor party - check
and the ceremony is the only thing left to do. This is weighing heavily on their   ccMinds.  Whether they are admitting it out loud or not, they KNOW that this is looking bad and they are looking for a Hail Mary, a last minute jink to the left where Darren suddenly breaks up with Mia. I have no doubt they really do BELIEVE that a break up is still a very real possibility but  they also KNOW that Darren and Chris are deeply supportive of one another and have been happily married since 2012 soooo... Their belief isn’t based on physical data, “listening” to what Chris and Darren are telling us on social media so when a handful of pics come out that show a happy Darren and Mia walking down a random street, the CCers get to work. They spend hours over-analyzing every little thing on those photos, desperately looking for SOMETHING... ANYTHING that will give them the ‘proof’ they need to rewrite Darren’s story. They need to either debunk Darren and Mia as a couple on the precipice of a wedding OR prove that Armageddon is about to commence. Like all CC analysis, it all starts at CC Confirmed and works backwards and there are two basic premises that are always in play: 
ALL paparazzi pics are prearranged by the team  
There are NO coincidences  
These 2 foundational beliefs allow them to claim that Darren and Mia KNEW they were going to be photographed therefore they dressed WITH the intention of being photographed and to speak to the CC family and their behavior is a PR  stunt. 
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D-Criss News
I see an engaged couple walking down the street holding hands and smiling. Why? I don’t know. Photos don’t come with a backstory. They are just a moment in time capture.  There is a small blurb on JustJared which says: 
Earlier in the day, Darren and fiancee Mia Swier were spotted holding hands as they stopped by a friend’s house for a party
We don’t know if the cameraman asked them where they were going or if it was just a guess. It seems probable that they asked because most of the time JustJared always claims he is going to the for a run or for a meal. Going  to a friends for a party seems too specific  ..but who knows?   
Let’s look at what the CCers said about the same photos: 
...If you surprised them how do you know they were going to a friend’s house for a party? It’s probable that they told the cameraman.  Telling the cameraman “were’ going to a party at a friend’s house” isn’t exactly spilling their life secrets. Celebs often play a give-and-take game with paparazzi to keep them from constantly stalking them.  
It looked like he dropped her hand as soon as humanly possible. I may have actually laughed out loud. Being that it isn’t video, I am fascinated about how she knows this? Also, in which picture did he “drop her hand”? Here is where the desperation starts to leach in. Can you smell it? 
There was too much commentary on the other recent pap pics being of him without her, so they had to fix this - and it’s hilarious in so many ways. How “odd” that a pap was right there when they both went to the party of a friend! As if the pap knew they would be there. Oh, wait… Right. The CCers always spend their time laughing when they find demonstrable proof that Darren and Mia are in fact a couple. Such an odd reaction. It almost feels like they have the exact opposite reaction and only claim they “laughed so hard”  to cover for their real anger. This is also a we-are-so-important-Ricky-read-our-comments-and-tried-to-correct-the-behavior-we-called-out trope.  
Those pre Grammy pap pics are too funny. Clearly painfully posed (the one looking to the right is painful). They appear to be unable to hold hands properly and normally after 1264321 years together and D’s t-shirt has Daisy Duck on it again. Again, it’s “too funny”.  I don’t actually know how one “holds hands properly” or rather how one does it improperly as this suggest. I am also not sure this is a skill that one needs to practice for any amount of time let alone, 1264321 years in order to master. The old, tired smoke-signals-via-t-shirt -graphic trope. Of course “come inside me” is DISGUSTING but Daisy Duck saying “Me when I fuck your man” is perfectly logical thing and something Darren would say... to whom exactly? Or is he wearing it because Chris once “like” an Instagram with Daisy Duck? 
And M as usual unable to avoid looking directly into the camera for her moment. Ugh, looking at a camera is not illegal nor immoral. It’s common 
It’s not just about whether or not they are holding hands. Yes, plenty of couples don’t hold hands in public. It’s about the fact that as ajw pointed out it’s a staged pap pic. It’s set up to try and sell the relationship. And D is doing everything NOT to sell it - from doing the bare minimum to hold her hand, looking like he dropped her hand as soon as he could, and never even looking at her. Not to mention she looks at the camera. Now that D swept award season I expect there will be many more of these staged pap pics to put the focus on more of the GA seeing this “relationship”. Let’s be clear- this is a 3 -frame photoshoot, it likely occurred over a few seconds of their lives. Trying to sell the idea that they aren’t holding their hands lovingly enough or with enough realism to satisfying the CCes is asinine.  Darren isn’t selling it because Darren ISN’T SELLING IT...he’s walking down the street and a cameraman jumped into his path. He’s tolerating it because he knows he has too sometimes.  This isn’t a video..there is no way to know if he dropped her hand as soon as the could...that is merely the author’s wishful thinking as the wedding weighs on their heads. 
Means nothing. It still fake. They are staged pap pics. Paps are called by teams. They knew it would happen in advance. It’s all just promo. Papers ARE NOT called by teams. That isn’t a thing that Darren’s team is doing and it isn’t something that is done by managers as a punishment to their celebrities.  
Interesting to me he’s holding her left hand……. This one made ME Burst  Out Laughing. What is interesting about holding her left hand? It would have been awkward AF is he was on her left side and he held her right hand.
...I laugh every time i see them walking.  LA is all about driving.  It is not NYC and people are not randomly on the street. Yet D&M walk everywhere despite them both having cars!!! This is the second most ridiculous comment in this thread. They aren’t walking on an expressway. This is 3 frames taken within moments on one another. They could be walking to a neighbor’s house  or they could be walking from where they parked their car. LA is a car city compared to NYC for sure. But there is no car that I know of that drops one off LITERALLY at the front door and only Donald Trump drives across the street. 
Yeah, honestly, has anyone BEEN to LA? No one walks that much unless it’s for exercise, sight-seeing or shopping. People don’t just walk to brunch or parties. LOL
A friend pointed this out. Look pap pics that are an ad!! This time for her show in March. When is she forced to fly on her own? What more can he possibly owe her? OMG 3rd LOL.  PR for her own show!  I a, not sure if this is Guns N Hoses or Guns N Roses but either way....only a stalkier can read this and associated it with her band...and you would have to know there is a show already to read this as PR. Unless they are claiming this is subliminal advertising vis paparazzi.  
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Every time they try and sell them as a couple it get’s more awkward and creates more doubt. Only among those of you who are TRYING really hard to disprove what Darren says about his relationship. 
I get to the point where I think RR should promote them as a couple for anything fake/false/cheap/tacky because every step his team take make her look more desperate and fake and D less authentic. You must realize that when you make these comments, You ARE Speaking ABOUT Darren....about Darren’s choices as a person with his own agency.   
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Connection theories - Mamoru, the Black Moon princes and Shigaraki
This regards mostly my crossover ff “Days of Moonlight (and) Heroes”. 
Light SPOILERS for who doesn’t read the BnHA manga. Proceed at your risk.
So, once upon a time, when I was seven or so, I tended to be confused by the resemblance between Mamoru and Saphire. Crystal did very little to fix it:
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Anyway, in regards to my crossover, I noticed one more bizarre resemblance, the one between Shigaraki and Diamond:
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(sorry, I couldn’t find a decent pic from the anime where he doesn’t have the damn hand on his face, so I used a manga coloring by VinsmokeKuroAshi)
I mean, it’s not a physical resemblance only: the way they are obsessed (probably but not only because of brainwashing by a very powerful evil mentor) with the bright main characters and the aim for their destruction, the idea of ruling a world that is ideal only in their minds and a few other things... I find them similar, that is.
You see, my brain is probably wired a little weird because those two very distinct facts made me think... what if those people are somewhat related?
I’ll explain: in canon Diamond and Saphire are from the future and they were born (or went, depending on the iteration) on a penal colony planet, Nemesis, where the irredeemable criminals/rebels went or were sent by Neo-Queen Serenity (on this regard, I always wondered why those people weren’t plain killed or completely redeemed, but they were human so perhaps Serenity’s plan was for them to realize their error through the exile and repent or something)
Now, can we consider the fact Shigaraki is not likely to have any kind of redemption arc, so he would be among the ones sent to the Black Moon? (To be honest, the Black Moon is exactly the kind of world Shigaraki wants to live in, I guess it’d be almost kind of Neo-Queen Serenity to send him there)
Or in my ff’s verse, since I am following Crystal’s explanation, the resentment the Black Moon group of rebels show could derive by old Villains confined to the corners of civilization who taught their offspring to hate the order brought by Heroes and the Moon Matriarchy.
In some recent chapters of BnHA, we learned a bit about Shigaraki’s presumed past (I say “presumed” because it’s possible AfO meddled with young Tenko’s memories) and we saw him declaring himself “future king” of Villains. I know it’s a bit preposterous, but what if becoming that is actually possible for him? Only, this will happen on Nemesis and his sons, Diamond and Saphire, are the princes of that ruin of a world. Again, Nemesis seems the ideal world for Shigaraki’s twisted mind.
What does it all have to do with Mamoru?
Well, we know that Mamoru’s parents died in an accident and he lost his memory... oh, wait. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Isn’t that the same thing happened to Tenko? I mean, the Chibas’ was a car accident in canon, but in my verse it can be anything.
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And there is this resemblance that is striking too: Shimura Nana and Mamoru.
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Granted, they share only the same colours and a line in the cut of the eyes and nose, which is not surprising given the different drawing styles of BnHA and SMC, but I can’t unsee it.
Point is: Mamoru is related to Nana (and, by proxy, to Shigaraki and the Black Moon princes).
But his surname is Chiba, so he isn’t the son of Nana’s son, whose surname was still Shimura (a really terrible choice, if you ask me. I mean, the very last thing she could have tried if she didn’t want her enemies to find him was to change his name!).
Given his age, Mamoru could be a nephew (we don’t know if Nana had siblings) OR an illegitimate child of Nana’s son (who was raised by his mother and a step/adoptive-father whose surname was Chiba) OR the son of another child of Nana.
I know a part of the fandom loves to ship Nana and Gran Torino and, I mean, why not? What if, after her husband died and she gave up her son, she had a relationship with Sorahiko? And unplanned pregnancies happen, so they had to send away the child (a girl, maybe?) to keep up their fight.
This had to happen before Nana met teen Toshinori. She’d tell about her son because he’s old enough to be tracked and she doesn’t want anyone to, while she keeps quiet about the other child who is a lot less likely to be found. And, of course, Gran Torino would never ever mention it, he’d probably try to forget as soon as possible to compartmentalize pain.
Maybe he’d think Nana is taking in Toshi as compensation for the kids she gave away and maybe he was a little resentful at first and that’s the reason he was so hard on his training. Or his super harsh training was just his way of coping, in order to make sure Toshi doesn’t fall just as fast as Nana did.
You know, holes and all, I like this theory a bloody lot but right now I don’t have a clue how to insert it inside the fic, so I’ll leave it here as a big explanation for some vague clues I’ll probably scatter around.
After all, how much of a middle finger to All For One would it be if there was a Nana’s descendant who not only survived away from his grasp, but is going to become the King of Earth, married to none other than All Might’s daughter, who is the most powerful being in the Galaxy other than Queen of the Solar System?
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