#so i'm gonna try and post smaller/more frequent ones
ghetto-omega · 6 months
‎❀‎✿❀Pup headcanons❀✿❀
One thing about me is if I can make it animalistic, I will. With that being said...
This post was supposed to take me an hour max. Tell me why I started working on this at like 9pm and it is currently 130am and I'm still not done yet 😐👎🏾
this took too long
Here's your warning 🌸well formatted long post incoming 🌸
It's considered inhumane to separate a pup from their family before they can scent other people as well as be scented
Pups need a lot more protein than adults do
Normally a litter contains 2-3 pups, but having more or less isn't uncommon, I will say having more than 5 is practically unheard of
As pups grow older they lose a lot of the body language that they used as kids, they don't really need a lot of it as they progress into adulthood
That's not to say people don't keep a few of their childhood quirks though
I think pups in omegaverse tend to do a lot of developmental things earlier than actual children lol things like crawling, walking, etc
For a lot of their childhood they don't have their own scent they just smell like their parents, possibly their entire pack depending on the dynamics, so scenting them doesn't really... Stick
Since omegaverse relies so heavily on non verbal cues, body language, and noises that aren't words, it's important that pups are heavily (but gradually) socialized as early as 10 months
Pups aren't born blind but they are born with anosmia (can't smell, poor thang) but overtime the ability gets stronger, and jumpstarts when they get their first heat/rut
Instinctually have body language and noises signalling they don't like something or are unhappy
Newborns sometimes learn to growl before even leaving the hospital
Smell like their parents, don't have a scent of their own
The bigger the litter the smaller the babies tend to be
Babies sometimes learn to bare their teeth before they smile, which is equally as cute tbh
𑁍 4-6 months
Begin to smell like their pack as well as their parents, but still don't actually have a scent of their own
They bite their parents/packs stuff frequently. Sometimes that means putting someone's favorite book in their mouths or trying their very best to take a big bite out of someone's arm
Normally start crawling by about 5-6months and walking isn't far behind
This is also about the time they start to have very small bits of solid foods, especially things containing soy, or just yogurt is a good choice
𑁍 7-9 months
Will start to get territorial. Will cry if other people are in the house for too long, or throw tantrums if that person touches their parents or a toy, might even start hiding toys from their pack if it's perceived as theirs
Should be somewhat competent at walking by the time 9 months hits, may also start biting and tearing at furniture at this time
This is also a great time to introduce bite sized soft meats
Socializing pups has started to become crucial to development here, meeting people outside of their pack is now becoming important
𑁍 10-12 months
Teething is a pretty bad experience for pups. Sharp teeth piercing gums hurts a lot. Don't be surprised if they already have a couple teeth by this time
Teething may also set back pups from speaking for a while, most people aren't much inclined to talk (or learn how to talk) when their mouth hurts
By this time they probably have a favorite scent or smell. Don't be surprised if it's a food or a perfume that someone in their pack wears. They still can't really smell the scents of the people around them, but scents and pheromones have a lot of sway a pups development
Are yipping and yowling by 12 months, as well as engaging in healthy rough and tumble
Separation anxiety is also to be expected
𑁍 1-3 years
Toddlers sometimes talk later than they should and speak almost exclusively through body language and a few open mouthed sounds so their teeth don't click together
They're probably gonna have over exaggerated body language. Instead of just tilting their head to the side to show curiosity they might practically bend at the waist or throw themselves to the ground entirely
Their nails harden and begin becoming claws, will soon begin to scratch on harder things to experiment with a different type of cause and effect, as well sensory experiences
Beginning playdates with pups around the same age is recommended, as well as giving them a security object of their choice that's heavily scented by their pack
By 3 is using those new claws to dig into whatever possible and climb as high as they can. Pup proofing is a must.
May crouch onto all fours when they run, and may have trouble losing momentum when they go too fast resulting in a lot of falls
Teething should be basically done by now and speaking should be back on track or jumpstarted in a couple months
Territorialness should be calming down. They should stop outwardly objecting to foreign people and objects being in their space
𑁍 4-5 years
Should begin to use more vocal communication beside their spoken and body language (like yipping, yowling, chuffing, and in some instances barking or howling)
Will also repeat sounds or actions that typically belong to omegas, betas, alphas, or all three despite not having matured yet
They should also start copying the motions to scent people, and it is advised to correct them when they do the motions in inappropriate situations
𑁍 6-8 years
So much yipping. When they play. When they're sad. When they're bored. When they're hurt. Especially if they're particularly vocal.
Nose is finally sensitive enough to pick up on natural scents and pheromones. Might start telling you that someone stinks in inappropriate settings
Is just barely beginning to develop their own scent by 7, and is able to scent and be scented by 8
It's very common for pups to play too rough. Playdates ending with a little blood isn't anything to worry about unless it's actually excessive
Pups lick everything and anything possible, especially if it has an odd smell, they should basically be grown out of it by about middle school age tho
𑁍 9-12 years
Should start to present somewhere in this time frame.
Their scent should be fully developed by 12.
Should understand scenting and begin to understand the difference between their primary and secondary gender
Physical insecurities are beginning to pop up
Pheromones become more active and passive discussions about scent blockers should begin soon
They'll probably be pretty active, and easily become stir crazy
They should start using words more than vocalisation and purposeful body language
Pups who develop early may get their heats/ruts at this time
Some may begin to start branching away from the pack and subconsciously looking to start another one
𑁍 13-18 years
First heat/ruts tend to occur around 13-15 years old
Omegas tend to mature first
Litter mates tend to mature one after the other, sometimes with only days between each other
By this point scent glands and sense of smell should be fully developed
Minor vocalisation will progress into adulthood and any purposefully telegraphed body language should become second nature to them
Many pups display highly aggressive behavior or displeased scents for many of their teen years. Without proper stress relief moodiness and build up in their scent glands is common
this was not meant to be this long but thanks for reading y'all :3 if you see spelling/grammar mistakes uhm.... no you didn't </3
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lumosinlove · 1 year
May part five
cw: mentions of injury & recovery (nothing graphic)
Thanks for waiting y'all! It means so much that you stick with me. I'm gonna do smaller sections so I can post more frequently. Expect the next part up in a couple of days. All the love!! <3
The hospital lights were bright.
Alex didn’t like to remember that about them, but he looked down at his own pale thighs in his shorts and watched how the lights traced out every single blue vein. It made him feel more vulnerable than he cared for at that moment. He didn’t want to think about Finn laid out under a machine, waiting to hear how long it might take him to heal. That was the thing with heads. Bones had an end date: Six weeks, maybe four. Heads, however, came with mights. Might be a few months. Might be more.
Their dad was trying to get their mom to sit down, to rest. She looked just as pale in this awful light. Tear tracks on her cheeks, hand on her chest as if she could press her heart into calmness. They all—all three of them, Finn, Alex, their dad—had always hated it when she cried.
Kasey, asleep beside him in the chair now, had handed him this cup of coffee at some point. His was holding himself stiffly in sleep. Alex could tell he was in some sort of pain. Maybe from the game.
Alex wasn’t sure how long he had been holding the coffee, only that his fingers were numb from leeching the burning heat out of the flimsy cardboard. He reached out and settled careful fingers over Kasey’s old injury, wishing he could leech the pain away, too. Natalie was on the phone down the hall—maybe with Celeste Dumais. Or Lily Potter.
Logan and Leo. He didn’t see them in the waiting room.
Alex set the coffee down beneath his chair and turned to stroke a hand through Kasey’s hair. Brown eyes opened to him, tired but trying not to be.
“Did I fall asleep?” Kasey asked.
“Just for a minute.” Alex pressed a kiss to his temple. “Be right back.”
“Want me to come?” Kasey cleared his throat. He made the chair looks so small, and Alex caught the twinge of pain in his face when he moved his legs.
“No, I’m just—no, it’s okay.” He looked back towards Natalie. “You two should get home. I hope I won’t be too much longer.”
“Alex.” Kasey rubbed at his eyes then sat forward. “If you think we’re going anywhere right now, you’re an absolute insane person.”
They both looked up at Natalie, walking towards them and sliding her phone into her back pocket.
“Celeste?” Kasey asked.
“It was Sirius actually,” Natalie said. “Checking in. This is not the time, nor the place, but that man sounds extremely sexy on the phone.”
Alex cracked the barest of a smile. He stood, suddenly feeling like it would burn him through and through if he stayed still for one more second. “Does he now?”
Natalie just kissed his cheek. “Not nearly as good as you. Only, I prefer hearing your voice face to face.”
“IRL?” Alex asked. He pushed his hands in his pockets and tried to figure out how to stop his throat from closing up when he caught another glimpse of his mom’s face.
“No one says IRL,” Natalie said softly, but her eyes were flicking all over his face. “Alex—”
“I’m gonna go check on him,” Alex said, and turned away fast before she could see anything else he didn’t want her to.
The hospital lights remained just as bright down the hallway and—oh. There they were. Leo was sitting on a chair outside of Finn’s room. Logan was leaning against the opposite wall, glaring at the shut door like he could open it with his gaze alone.
“Hey,” Leo stood when he caught sight of him. He looked tired, shoulders slumped down. “Sorry, we just…” Leo sent a glance at Logan, who hadn’t moved. Hadn’t so much as blinked. “We’re feeling like the waiting room’s a little too far away right now, so…”
“Isn’t that cute,” Alex said and that got him a darting glare from Logan. Alex smiled tightly at Leo, resting a hand on his shoulder. “You guys okay? Need anything?”
“To get inside,” Logan grumbled pointedly, just as the door opened and the doctor slipped through. Logan stood straight, every muscle in him straining forward as the doctor shut the door again. She turned and her eyes hesitated on Alex.
“You’re twins?” she asked.
“Brothers,” Alex said faintly.
“Ah. Well, you can go in and see him now.” She smiled sympathetically and began walking down the hallway towards the waiting room. “He’s a talker, that one, isn’t he?”
Alex felt something that he thought was relief flood through him. He heard Leo let out a breath.
“Yeah,” Leo said. “Yeah, he is.”
Logan pushed off of the wall, and Alex barely got a hand on his chest to stop him before his hand was on the doorknob.
“Alex,” Logan said, hovering between demanding and questioning.
“Listen,” Alex said. “I know you…I know it’s…” Alex shut his eyes. They were so dry from the air that it hurt. “Can I just have a second with him? Please.”
Logan looked like he was going to protest. The look in his eyes was almost anger, or maybe frustration, but Leo stepped forward.
“Of course,” he said, and took Logan’s hand, pulling him a step back. “Of course you can. We’ll wait.”
Alex looked at him. Blue eyes. Leo hadn’t been there for so much of it, of Finn’s hurt and Logan’s ache, but he seemed to understand somehow. Alex felt a sort of kinship to him in that way. Somehow, despite the odds, both of them had become the missing halves to, not one, but two people who had already made a whole.
“Thank you,” Alex said softly, then looked at Logan. “Tremz, thanks. Really.”
Logan still didn’t look happy about it, but he nodded. He covered Leo’s hand entirely with both of his own.
No more bright lights. Not in this room. There was a soft, unobtrusive light for the doctors to see by, but that was all.
“Doesn’t it remind you of the kind that line the aisles on airplanes?” Finn’s voice said from the bed. “You know? The emergency ones.”
Alex nodded. “Mhm.”
“It’s you, Al, right?”
“Mhm,” Alex said.
“Hm,” Finn said. “Quite the game, Hazard.”
“Hazard,” Jack began to say in the locker room. He looked wrecked after the game.
Alex shook his head. “Don’t talk to me.”
Jack walked forward, at least he tried to. Will stopped him with a hand on his chest. It wasn’t aggressive. That wasn’t Will’s way. Will gave a small shake of his head, but Jack kept talking.
“It was an accident. I—okay, but I didn’t mean to hit him that hard. I thought he’d brace himself, he saw me coming—”
“I said don’t talk to me.” Alex said, then he shouldered past Logan and stepped up until all that separated him and Jack was Will’s palm. “For as long as you’re here, and I don’t think that will be for much longer, don’t talk to me.”
Jack’s eyes were wide, and for all his skill, he looked about twelve years old in that moment. With the sneer that crossed his face, a short disbelieving smile.
“We…” Jack shook his head. “But we won the game.”
It took everything in Alex to not hurt him, and most of Logan’s strength, too, when he got his arms around Alex’s, pinning them down before he could raise his fist any higher. Jack still flinched. At least Jack still flinched.
“We shouldn’t,” Logan breathed shakily, mouth close to Alex’s ear. “Alex. Alex, we shouldn’t.”
Alex cursed and shook Logan and Will off.
“We won the game,” Alex parroted under his breath, and then slammed a hand against his stall. “Get the fuck out of my sight, Archer.”
Finn didn’t look horrible, which was good. He looked more relaxed than Alex had anticipated. Aside from the sling, he would have looked almost normal. He had one knee bent, foot planted on the hospital bed. He had the hood of his sweatshirt up—Rangers blue—and after a moment of thinking of Logan, Alex realized it was his own.
Finn caught him looking and plucked at it with his good hand. “Think it’s bad luck? Mom brought it to me.”
Alex, just looked at him. It was the hood up maybe, mussing his hair. Or the socked feet. Or the tiredness all over his face. Something was making Finn look younger than he really was, something was making Alex feel like he was looking at his kid brother again, leaving Finn at home for the NHL. Getting this call.
Finn’s mouth pulled to the side and he smoothed the logo. “I don’t think it is. I like it.”
Those short sentences he’d been saying since he was eight. So sure of himself. The pizza on Prince street is better. That girl smiled at me. She likes me. So damn sure of everything. Logan had been the first to shake him out of the habit. Maybe Alex was a little angry with him about that, or at least he had been at one time.
Alex nodded. He walked forward to stand at the edge of Finn’s bed. There was a chair there but he didn’t sit. He reached out and tugged the hood more firmly over Finn’s hair, making him laugh.
“I’m good, Al,” Finn said. “Really.”
Alex didn’t reply. He just sat on the edge of the bed and waited half a second for Finn to get the message before laying down. He hugging his little brother as hard as he dared. He felt Finn push into his hold, the same way he had at five when having a nightmare, at fourteen when Alex was leaving, at nineteen when everything seemed wrong, and everything seemed right, but Alex just couldn’t figure out what.
“Al,” Finn said. It was an awkward position, but he managed to get his good arm around Alex’s back. “Al, I’m fine, I promise. Even the doctor said—”
“Just let me,” Alex whispered hoarsely. “Just be quiet and let me fucking worry about you.”
Finn melted a little more against him. “Okay. All right.”
Alex couldn’t help the hitching sob that he let out against Finn’s shoulder, and he felt Finn’s fingers curl in his hair.
“It’s okay,” Finn whispered. “It’s okay…”
“You can’t do that to me,” Alex managed, fisting the sweatshirt against Finn’s back. “You can’t do that to me, you can’t…”
“I know, I know,” Finn said softly. “Al, I’m sorry. I love you, I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t apologize.” Alex sniffed and pressed a hard kiss to Finn’s temple. “You’re just like—you just didn’t move. And you’re my…”
“Al…” Finn turned on his a little more onto his good side so that his hand beneath Alex could pat at his back. Alex was probably crushing it but he didn’t care just then. “You’re gonna make me cry.”
“You’re my baby brother and I love you so much,” Alex said. “And I can’t protect you from anything.”
And maybe that was it. Harvard, Logan, hockey. If only they had talked about it.
“Stop,” Finn said when Alex turned his face into his sweatshirt. “Stop, yes you can. You always do.”
Alex made a sound that made them both laugh wetly.
“Were there words in there?” Finn asked.
“Not really.” The door opened, a quiet snick of a sound, and Alex whispered to Finn, “Thought Tremz was gonna kill me for keeping him—”
“Oh, my boys,” their mother’s voice said softly. Not Logan and Leo then. “Rams, honey, shut out that hallway light.”
The door closed again and Alex looked up in time to see his mom stroke a hand down Finn’s cheek.
“How are you, baby?”
Finn, his good hand trapped under Alex, just leaned into her palm. “I’m okay, mom. I promise.”
Haley just narrowed her eyes skeptically. “You’d say you were okay if there was an astroid hurdling towards you.” She turned to Alex, petting a hand through his hair. “Are you okay? My slightly older baby.”
Alex just kept his face half-hidden in Finn’s sweatshirt, glad for the dim light.
“We’ll be okay soon,” Finn said for him. “How’s that?”
“I guess good enough,” Ramsey said, and walked forward and put a hand on Finn’s knee. “Your boys are outside. Logan looks like he’s about to turn into the Hulk.”
“Aw shucks,” Finn smiled.
“Probably because he knows I’m in his spot,” Alex managed, and his mother gave him a knowing look at the sound of recently shed tears in his voice. Alex pushed himself up and looked down at Finn.
“My hand's asleep from your big butt,” Finn said.
Alex rolled his eyes, wiped at his cheeks, and stood.
“The doc just doesn’t want too many people in here,” Haley said. “We promised we’d take turns. Now, I’m gonna get you some water—or maybe something to eat?” She looked at Alex. “Honey, Nat and Kasey are in the waiting room, they said—”
“I… What? I told them they could go home,” Alex said.
Finn snorted, then groaned a little, closing his eyes. “As if they’d go anywhere without you.”
“Especially tonight,” Haley said, petting a hand through Finn’s hair again. “You’re burning up, baby.”
Alex looked towards the door, frowning. “Still. I said it was all right.”
“It’s always like this,” Finn said to his mom, then opened his eyes and looked at Alex. “Maybe they could see that it wasn’t all right.”
“It is,” Alex said. “They’re probably tired.”
“They know you need them right now.”
Haley looked between them for a moment. Alex met her eyes. He watched them drop to his chest and looked down to see that he was fiddling with Kasey’s diamond.
“You’re okay,” Alex said. He wiped at his face. “We’re fine. I’m fine.”
“Leo sees right through me all the time,” Finn said. “Think of it like that.”
“Well.” Haley sighed. “Why don’t I send him right in here, then,” She rose from the bed and put her arms around Alex. “So he can see through your okays just like you’re seeing through your brother’s.”
Logan was in the past, Leo could see it all over his face. There was no part of him actually in the hallway right then. He was back in the limbo that he and Finn went to sometimes. The spaces in between the hurt and the healing. The memories and the moments. All Leo could do was lean against the wall next to him and watch his face as they both listened to the faint murmurs of the O’Hara’s voices.
“He’s doing fine, sweetheart,” Leo said. “He’s just got his family in there, that’s all.”
“We’re his family.”
“I know. Sorry.” Logan turned, pushing off the wall. He settled his hands under Leo’s sweatshirt on his hips. He tilted his head up to press a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “I’m just…”
Leo took Logan’s face in his hands, admiring the way his cheeks filled his palms. “Me too.”
“I’m glad we can be like this,” Logan whispered. “Here. Now. Under these stupid bright lights.”
Leo pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Yeah. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t hold you like this right now.” He looked over Logan’s head at the closed door. “I want to hold him right now.”
Logan closed his eyes and Leo couldn’t help but kiss his forehead again. His eyelids, then his nose. He pictured an eighteen year old Logan in a hospital like this one, waiting in the hallway. You’re his teammate? Family only for now, honey.
Logan looked up at him.
“What was it like? The first time.”
Logan sighed and Leo moved his palms down to settle around his waist. “It’s…”
Logan blinked, and Leo watched him go to the past again. Far away. He tensed in his hold. Leo hated it, he hated everything about that look on Logan’s face, but he wanted to know. He needed to know. It had been so long since he felt behind the two of them. A strange feeling, left behind in the present while they went back to the past.
“Lo,” Leo whispered. “Please. I need to know—”
The door clicked open and Haley appeared first, turned back towards the bed and blowing a kiss with her hand. “We’ll see you tomorrow, baby, okay? Please rest.”
Leo had thought Finn would be asleep. Or groggy. Too exhausted to speak in something above a whisper. The sheer weight of worry on his back broke when he heard Finn’s laugh from inside the room. He felt Logan sway against him.
“Okay, Mom,” Finn’s voice came. “I love you guys.”
Haley turned and, even though she looked like she had been crying, she took in Leo and Logan, wrapped up together, and smiled. “He’s dying to see you two.”
“Usually its you who finds me down here.”
Remus stopped hard on his skates near the center of the synthetic ice, sweat shining in the  dim basement lights. Sirius had thought he was coming to bed. He had sat upstairs until he realized that there were no more sounds coming from the kitchen. Regulus was in his room. All that was left was the rink downstairs.
Sirius looked down, letting Remus take his time. Remus’ phone was on the edge of the boards. There was a video lighting up the screen. A press conference. Jack Archer. Sirius didn’t need to hit play. He’d seen it, but he hadn’t even needed to do that. They’d all heard him begging Leo in the hallway. It was an accident. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I thought he’d brace himself. It’s hockey—
“Whatever it was,” Remus said. “There was purpose behind it. That’s what I think.”
Sirius looked up. Remus had silently made his way over. He was wearing one of Sirius’ sweatshirts, thumb poking through a hole in one of the sleeves. He spun his stick before letting it drop to the ground with a clatter.
“Sounds like Leo does, too,” Remus said. “At least there are no secrets that need keeping this time. Not like it was with…”
“Re,” Sirius said softly.
“It’s not about me,” Remus said. He pushed himself over the boards, one leg, then the other, but before he could touch the ground Sirius stepped between his dangling skates. He settled his hands on Remus’ hips to keep him in place.
Remus had his eyes on Sirius’ sweatshirt. It was from their Cup day. Rainbow taped sticks crossed over the Cup’s silhouette. “We should go to bed, we have a flight tomorrow. We have a game.”
“Not until you look at me,” Sirius said.
Remus widened his eyes, honey-colored in this light, and looked right at Sirius. “I am looking at you.”
“Re,” Sirius said.
Slowly, Remus’ face relaxed and he let his forehead drop forward onto Sirius’ shoulder.
“We lost.”
“We’re tied.” Sirius kissed Remus’ neck, then knelt in front of him. He set one skate on his thigh and began to undo the laces. “And you need to rest. We need you out there.”
Remus watched his hands work. He got through one skate and pulled it off gently, taking a moment to rub the arch of Remus’ foot, to dig his thumb around his ankle bones.
“Remember you doing this with my injury,” Sirius said. He drew off the tight compression sock and rubbed over the red lines it left behind in Remus’ skin. “I used to dream about it. About your hands.”
Remus’ smile was small. “Used to?”
Sirius reached forward and took one of Remus’ palms to kiss. “Don’t have to dream about it anymore, do I?”
He took to the other skate. Loosening the laces, easing it off.
“Did you hear anything more with Finn?” Remus asked. “Or Leo?”
“He’s doing okay, I talked to Natalie,” Sirius said. “And Leo…” I didn’t expect you to be happy. Sirius had only known one true love in his life, but he knew a troubled love when he saw one, easily. Jack was that. He and James had shared a look in the locker room. Should I go say we can hear them? Sirius had silently asked. James had shaken his head, meaning, I think that might make it worse.
“Sometimes, I wish it was just about the game,” Remus said softly when he was barefoot. “But it feels like so much more than that.”
Sirius rose and let Remus wrap his arms around his neck so he could ease him down from the boards. Remus locked their fingers together as they walked up the stairs.
“Would the game be the game if there wasn’t more to it than a ball and a stick?” Sirius shrugged. “I don’t think so.”
“I’ve been thinking about Kasey,” Remus said.
Sirius nodded. “Keep wondering when he’s going to tell the team.”
“Do you think about it?” Remus asked hesitantly. “What you would do…after?”
Sirius had never liked that word. After. He used to question its existence. His father had not settled into a good after. Retirement was never a word he used. There was always work to be done, always someone else who had wronged him, always another step to take.
Then again, his father had never gotten exactly what he wanted. Not in his career. Maybe in his wife, but Sirius would never know for sure. Not in his sons. Not in his legacy.
“I used to not be able to think about it,” Sirius said. They entered the kitchen and he went to the refrigerator to fill up a cup of water from the filter. “I thought my life would end.”
He slid the glass over to Remus and leaned against the counter beside him.
“Watching Finn go down, I thought about it,” Sirius said. “I mean, everyone thinks about it. It can be over in a second. All of it.” Sirius rubbed a thumb over Remus’ cheek. “I know I don’t have to tell you that.”
“It’s okay,” Remus said. He took a greedy drink, then smiled a little sheepishly, like he hadn’t realized how hard he had been skating.
“It used to terrify me.” Sirius smiled a little. “I wanted to play hockey forever, which I can’t do. I liked boys, who I couldn’t have. James was always going to have a family, and I would never be entirely a part of it. And James sometimes felt like the only thing I had, in the beginning days. Re, he and Lils…they took me on so many dates.”
Remus laughed and wrapped his arms around Sirius’ neck. “I remember. We could have been friends earlier, you know. If someone had been a little more…”
Sirius smiled into his kiss. “I was such an ass to you in the beginning.”
“Oh, I remember that, too.” Remus put on what, according to Thomas, was a perfect imitation of his frown, and gave a slightly French lilt to his words. “Oh, you’re an intern? Well, I’ll go to Moody then, but thanks.”
Sirius groaned and dropped his head to Remus’ shoulder. “Don’t remind me.”
Remus just laughed again and pressed a quick burst of kisses to his cheek. He shuffled closer until his bare feet were on top of Sirius’ socked ones. “It’s okay. You’ve done a pretty good job making up for it.”
Sirius rubbed a hand up and down his back slowly and felt Remus settle more against him. They were both tired, eyes closing, swaying in the kitchen.
“Don’t worry about Jack. Don’t watch that interview anymore, mon loup,” Sirius whispered. “Finn’s going to be okay.”
“Hm,” Remus said, then stepped back and took Sirius’ hands, pulling him towards the stairs. “Well. We’ll just have to kick their asses tomorrow night. Game five, baby. We’re two-two.”
Sirius let Remus lead him up to bed. He let Remus sink into his side as they brushed their teeth, and then spoon up against his back once they were under the covers. If this was what after looked like, part of him couldn’t wait.
Finn was sitting up. He pushed the hood of his sweatshirt back when he saw them and smiled. His red hair was soft and falling over his forehead, still sweaty from the game. Leo wanted to cry.
“Boys,” Finn sighed and patted the small space beside him on the bed with his good arm. “Don’t look at me like that. Come here.”
Logan all but collapsed at Finn’s side and Finn’s arm wound around him. Logan took Finn’s chin gently between his thumb and forefinger to steady his face. It looked like he was soaking in as much of that sweet brown color as he could. He was looking for the hurt.
“Don’t lie to me,” Logan whispered as Leo shut the door.
Finn stuck his tongue out until the tip of it touched Logan’s nose, then smiled. Logan didn’t pull away, didn’t even flinch and Finn did it again. Finn looked up at Leo, who was still standing by the door. “Le.”
Leo worried the inside of his lip. “I’ll hurt your shoulder on that side.”
Finn tapped his foot on the end of the bed, then spread his knees. It was a tight fit, but Leo managed to fold himself at the end of the bed. He took Finn’s legs and draped them around his hips, rubbing his thighs.
“Very sexy for a hospital,” Finn said. “Sexy thigh rubbing."
“How are you feeling?” Leo asked. Logan pushed his face into Finn’s neck and Leo and Finn smiled at each other. Finn closed his eyes at the feeling of Logan against him. “You’re guard dog missed you.”
“Don’t lie,” Logan mumbled.
Finn drummed his fingers over Logan’s spine. “Has a single lie come out of my mouth, baby?”
“No,” Leo said. “But we know you. The doctor said you were pretty…”
Finn raised an eyebrow. “She said I was pretty? Damn, she was pretty, too.”
Leo rolled his eyes, but secretly his chest was squeezing with relief. He hadn’t expected this Finn. Joking. He didn’t know if it was normal or because he was putting all of himself into masking the pain he was in.
“Pretty okay,” Leo pinched at his knee. “Is what I was going to say.”
“I am,” Finn said. “I mean, I know I’m on pain killers right now.”
“Yeah, you just licked Logan.”
Finn smiled and looked down until Logan peered out for a kiss. “He likes it. Don’t you, Lolo?”
Logan touched Finn’s fingers where they were poking out of his sling. “Does it hurt though?”
Finn sighed. “Yeah, of course it does. But it will be worse later so I’m hoping to enjoy right now when I don’t feel like my skull is going to fall apart.”
“Don’t say that.” Logan put his fingers to Finn’s lips.
Finn just kissed them. “Haven’t been in a bed this small in a while, hm, Lo?”
Logan’s brow creased. “Non…”
Leo watched them kiss, and he could see it. Harvard. Middle of the night. A terrified Logan, trying not to touch Finn and wanting nothing more than to help him. Leo thought he knew about Harvard, but sometimes when he saw them like this, he wasn’t sure he’d ever know anything at all.
“What about my sunshine?” Finn’s voice drew him out of his mind. Brown eyes, dim light. “Did he miss me?” 
Leo swallowed and nodded. “Yeah, he—” His voice broke and he rolled his eyes at himself when he felt a surprising tear escape.
“Aw, Le…” Finn’s brows knit together.
“Sorry, I’m just worried about you.”
Finn’s eyes were sympathetic, and he kept looking at him even as he kissed Logan’s forehead. “Shift change, Lo.”
Logan looked, Leo had to admit, a little reluctant, but he pushed himself up and leaned down for one more kiss.
“It’s okay, Lo, you can stay,” Leo said shakily.
“Non,” Logan said, and before Leo could move he pressed his hand to Leo’s thigh and kissed his cheek. “Just warming it up for you.”
It was warm. Finn tucked Leo right up against his chest. He smelled a little bit like the hospital, but if Leo pressed hard enough (and he did) there was Finn there, too. Logan took Leo’s place, settling on his stomach between Finn’s legs with his arms folded across Finn’s hips.
“Don’t cry, baby,” Finn whispered against Leo’s mouth. “Please don’t cry.”
“I love you,” Leo said thickly. “I’m sorry, I should be comforting you.”
“Shh,” Finn kissed him again, peppering them softly over his cheek. “It’s okay, it’s okay.”
“I’m gonna kill Jack,” Logan said.
“He didn’t do this to me, Lo,” Finn said softly. “It was a hit.”
“We don’t know that,” Logan said, chin against Finn’s chest. In any other situation, he would have looked adorable, feet half off the bed like that. But his green eyes were dark.
“Did you confront him?” Finn asked, eyes on Logan.
Logan rolled his eyes.
“Tremz,” Finn said warningly. “You could get in serious trouble—”
“I broke my helmet,” Logan said. “I didn’t break him.”
Leo felt Finn’s hand tighten around his shoulders. “Logan.”
Leo pressed harder against Finn, watching them.
“I’m right,” Logan pushed himself up, hands on Finn’s hips. Any other time, he would have raised his voice, but he kept it soft in the dark room. Leo still thought he felt Finn wince. “He did this. Finn, he did this to you—”
“I did this,” Leo whispered.
It felt like even the machines beeping around them paused. Leo couldn’t see Finn’s face well, but Logan’s eyes snapped right to his. Leo just turned his face into Finn’s chest and let himself break.
Leo cursed the position of goalie, for once in his life, as he fumbled through the endless straps and buckles of his cumbersome equipment. It didn’t help that his fingers were shaking. Alex, holding Finn’s head on the ice. I’m fine. I’m fine, Le. Deadening silence and collective gasps. Logan, skating hard to catch up and—
Jack. Jack, Jack, Jack—
Leo’s jersey got caught on part of his padding, and it was as good as someone trying to hold him back. Irrational, pure rage fired through his chest and he yanked the fabric hard over his head, ripped at the the velcro of his chest pad. Some part of his mind registered how quiet the Lions locker room was around him. Some part of his mind knew how hard he was breathing, that the motion of tearing off his jersey had slammed his knuckles into his stall on accident. A bruise, probably, would form. But he couldn’t feel anything. He pulled at the laces of his skates, watching his hands shake.
Kasey’s voice. Leo could hardly hear that, either.
Finn on the ice. So still. One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand, four, five—
His pads were splayed out in front of him, around him on the ground. Finn’s stall was empty, and beside it Leo looked for green eyes and Logan and found Kota instead, quiet, not sure what to do. A new shot of anger. Logan, traded. Who would ever do that? Logan had won them a Cup, he was theirs, he was a Lion, Logan was his, he should be here.
“Le, it’s gonna be okay,” Kasey said softly, helping Leo ease the rest of his equipment off with expert, steady hands. “Let me help, okay?”
Jack. Jack. Hey, Le, look, good for you that you never had to feel scared—
Finally, it was all off of him. He didn’t feel any lighter. He locked eyes with Kasey for a long moment. Kasey, against his words, looked as scared as Leo felt. Leo yanked on a pair of sweatpants, didn’t bother to change out of his sweat-soaked shirt, and ran.
He made it five paces before meeting Jack.
Wide-eyes. Sweaty hair, still half in his gear. Even with his skates on, Leo was taller. Leo looked for bruises, blood, something to show him that Logan had gotten to him first. Nothing.
“Leo,” Jack said.
That look on his face. Leo was back in eleventh grade and he’d said something wrong, he’d said something when they were somewhere too bright, too crowded, Leo, what the fuck, what are you doing—
Jack put his hands up. Surrender. As if he even had that right. “Leo.”
Leo hadn’t realized that he had frozen to the spot. Not until Jack started walking forward. Not until he said his name again. Leo, stop it. God, it can’t always be like that. Okay? Shaking his hands off. Stop.
“No,” Leo said. “No.”
Jack blinked once, again, swallowed hard. “Le…”
“Get out of my way.”
“Get out of my way.” He shoved Jack in the chest hard, and when it didn’t feel like enough to watch him stumble backwards, he did it again. Jack just stared at him, bracing himself against the wall. Leo snapped all over again. If those first words had hurt his throat, his next ones tore at him. They were laced with the throb of tears, unshed. He shoved Jack hard a third time and watched the way he winced. “What is—What the hell is wrong with you?”
“No, no,” Jack whispered. “Please, you don’t understand—”
Leo didn’t recognized the sound of pure frustration he made. He wanted to bring something down, Jack, the wall, this entire building.
“What is wrong with you?” he shouted again.
“It was an accident,” Jack said. “He had—” Jack closed his eyes. “I wasn’t—He just folded, he fucking folded, how was I supposed to know? This is hockey.”
“That wasn’t hockey. Finn has a concussion.” Leo wasn’t sure how he knew, but he knew. “This is his third. Did you know that? Did you stop to think about that?”
Jack put a hand over his eyes. “No. No, I—”
“Do you know what three concussions can do to a person? Did you think about that before you fucking snapped and shoved his head into the boards?”
“C’mon, I…” Jack sounded close to tears, too. “C’mon, Le, that’s not what happened, please—”
“If you’re angry at me,” Leo shouted, “takeit out on me.”
“I’m not angry at you,” Jack roared back.
Leo curled his hands into fists. “You think I don’t know that? I didn’t do anything.”
Jack didn’t react like Leo thought he would. Leo waited for him to explode back at him again. He almost wanted it. He wanted to get this over with. Finn needed him. He needed Finn. He needed Logan’s hand on his back, Finn letting them take him home. He needed to see Finn safe and okay and not still and pale out on the ice.
Instead, Jack sagged in front of him in the hallway. He looked up at Leo, cheeks and neck red. “Le.”
“Don’t waste my fucking time,” Leo said. “I’m done. I’m so fucking done with you.”
“I,” Jack began. “I didn’t mean to.”
“What did you mean?” Leo said. “For once in your life, why don’t you tell me what you actually meant. Because, honest to God, I don’t think I’ve ever known. Because I’m not here to clean up your messes anymore. I’m not here to make you feel better about yourself, or to tell you its okay. I broke that habit a long time ago.”
“I didn’t mean to,” Jack said again.
“What did you mean?”
“I don’t know. I…It’s hockey, you just snap sometimes, it’s adrenaline, it’s—it’s the game. I went too far, I know that, but he’s…he’s…”
“He’s what?” Leo shouted. “What, what, what, speak or get out of my way.”
“He’s happy.”
Leo pressed his hand over his eyes. “God, I’m going to kill you. I’m going to fucking kill you, I don’t even know—how to respond to that. Get out of my way.”
Leo pushed through him, but Jack grabbed his hand.
“I didn’t expect you to be happy,” he said, and Leo froze all over again.
He tried, for a moment, to remember if he’d been happy when Jack was in his life. Or, if he’d only thought he was. His childhood bedroom, dark, Jack flinching at every sound from the larger house. Jack’s skin touching his, and Leo thinking that he would do anything, panicking over how much he could do to keep them this way for as long as possible. To make Jack give him a smile when it was all over.
Finn, hurting now but always soft and grinning on the pillows. C’mere. Come here, baby. Logan, leaning over him, thumb against his lip. Let’s stay up all night. Leo, smiling, why? Logan, leaning down for a kiss. I wanna keep looking at you.
“But you are,” Jack whispered. “You’rehappy, and it…Fuck. It falls off of you three like…like something you can see.”
Slowly, Leo turned. He pulled his hand out of Jack’s and close to his chest, cradling it like it was broken.
“So you hit him?” Leo asked, voice breaking.
“I got…it all got tangled. Logan hates me. Finn hates me. Alex, Percy, Will, even Luke…”
“You hardly even know them.”
“You hate me.”
“I don’t.”
Jack took a long time before shaking his head. “You do.”
“Jack. I hate what you did to me I hate how you treated me.” Leo took a breath. “I don’t think about you enough to hate you.”
Leo turned and gave himself the pleasure-pain of being the one to walk away first.
“Le,” Finn whispered. Leo could tell he was looking at Logan, probably wide-eyed, but he didn’t dare move from his place hiding against Finn. He heard him mouth softly to Logan, Happy? What the fuck?
“Leo,” Finn said again. “Leo.”
Logan was scrambling up from his place in a moment. He squeezed himself to sit on the very edge of the bed against Leo’s back. Leo felt him lean over him and pull at his sweatshirt.
“Leo,” Logan whispered. “Non. Non, non…”
Leo let out an ugly sound and clutched Finn closer.
“Baby,” Finn said. “Look at me.” He went to reach with his bad arm and hissed in pain. “Look at me. This isn’t your fault. Oh my God, Le, this isn’t your fault, baby.”
He felt Logan curl his body over his, felt his nose press against his jaw. He pulled until Leo sat up, but when he tried to wrap him in his arms, Leo stood.
“It’s true,” Leo said. “Hockey does tangle with everything else.” He stood, looking at them sitting side by side on the bed. “And I know that because Logan wants to kill Jack for what he did, and so do I. Think of—Fenrir and Remus.” Remus’ career almost ended, just for a number on a ranking board. “Or Regulus and Sirius.” Feuding over family nonsense. Jack. Jack, Jack. “Things…unravel. And they come out on the ice.”
“That doesn’t make you responsible,” Finn said. He had a bright flush to his cheeks. He was leaning back into his pillows more.
“Jack came for you because of me,” Leo said.
“Leo,” Finn said softly. He lay back on the bed, hand to his forehead. He closed his eyes. “No, baby, you…” He trailed off.
“Finn?” Logan whispered. His attention was pulled away from Leo and he leaned over Finn. He put a hand to his cheek. “Oh.” He reached for the cup at Finn’s bedside and, instead of holding it to Finn’s mouth like Leo had expected it to, he dipped his fingers into the cool water before running them through Finn’s hair. Finn let out a relieved sound. “Just rest, Rouge. Let’s get you home.”
Leo held his breath. He felt stupid. So stupid, standing there. Talking about himself. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and watched Logan press feather-light kisses to Finn’s face.
“Mon rouge, just sleep. We’ll check out and we’ll go home. We’ll go home.”
“Leo,” Finn mumbled, eyes closed.
“No,” Leo heard himself say. “No, never mind.” He moved towards the door and felt Logan’s eyes follow him.
“Soleil,” Logan began to say.
“I’ll take care of the paperwork,” Leo said, and pushed out the door.
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
tldr scroll down to see my new plants.
this is a departure from my usual posts, it's a bit more like hybrid blog/diary entry, idk, but here u go.
for those of y'all who don't know, one of my hobbies is plants. i like to collect them propagate them, trade them, etc. and my favorite type of plant is aroids, particularly philodendrons. it was a very difficult hobby to maintain after the plant boom during lockdown caused plant prices to skyrocket, so for the past year or two i haven't relaly been buying that many new plants, and when i have it's just been from garden centers or local nurseries.
yesterday, however, i went to an aroid show where there was a vendor from south america who had brought a bunch of specimens people could purchase. they're a family owned business that focuses on protection and preservation of biodiversity and native plant species, and all their plants are ethically sourced, usually grown in their own greenhouses from propagations instead of taking them from their natural habitat and selling them. so obviously i had to check them out.
but this is where i sort of pause while writing this post, because i get really nervous talking about spending money, especially on here. i've frequently asked for help when i needed assistance getting my account out of the red or paying late rent, so part of me feels like it would be insulting to post about things i spend money on that aren't the essentials. but my plants make me happy. they give me something to take care of. they brighten up my apartment. they give me something to be excited about. so i'm just gonna tell you about my new plants.
about a month ago when i left my old church job, they gave me a gift card that the choir had pitched in for. i couldn't get cash out, use it for rent, or transfer it to my bank account, so i decided it would be my hobby fund. when i found out about the aroid show, i set aside a portion of that fund for plants because i knew that the specimens at the show would be significantly less expensive than anything i could find online or in local shops, and it might be one of the only chances i would ever have to actually buy some of my wishlist plants.
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this is a philodendron esmeraldense. this is what they look like when the leaves get bigger and more mature. this is one i hadn't seen before so it wasn't on my wishlist, but when i was checking the vendors' stock last week i loved how it looked. i'm gonna put it on a moss pole and let it climb. the leaves probably won't ever get as big as the one in the linked photo, but i'm still excited to watch it grow.
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this is a terrible picture but this is a philodendron patriciae. they get super long. this one’s putting out like two new leaves. it’s also a climber. the ripples in the leaves get more intense as it matures, so paired with the very long leaves it looks so cool. i can't wait to grow this one bigger.
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philodendron pastazanum. it’s a crawler so i’ll be getting a window box to put it in so it has space to grow across the substrate. this has been on my list for a while but i couldn’t find it anywhere. the big heart leaves are just gorgeous.
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this is a philodendron melanochrysum. the leaves can get huge. technically i already have a smaller one, but this one was just so gorgeous. i will probably end up planting them together on one moss pole. it’s one of my favorite plants, i am a sucker for velvety leaves. you can see one of the older leaves is getting ready to drop, and i think i'm going to try to make a project out of it.
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philodendron tortum. it feels like the kind of plant that would have been growing while the dinos were around. it's very reminiscent of a fern, but it is also a climber. i had one like two years ago but i had to sell it to pay some bills, so i'm happy to have it back in my collection.
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the one in the center. anthurium veitchii, or king anthurium. this one was kind of an impulse buy. i don’t usually do anthurium but it was cheap and looked incredibly cool. they look even cooler when they get mature.
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what is a king without his queen. anthurium warocqueanum, or queen anthurium. i wasn't sure if i wanted to tackle this one bc it's notoriously hard to take care of, but it was very cheap so i took the plunge. these also get super long, and the velvety shiny leaves are so pretty.
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monstera obliqua peru. this was a unicorn plant. it is difficult to find in the wild, grows slowly, and is hard to propagate, so it was mostly just passed from collector to collector until the plant boom during covid. nodes of this plant, literally just bits of stem you would cross your fingers and hope would root and grow leaves, were going for a thousand dollars and a single leaf up to three thousand dollars a year or two ago. and now i have a very full plant for only forty bucks. 2020 me is screaming. this specimen looks a little squished from the trek from south america to the midwest, but when it acclimates to its new environment, it's going to look so cool. this is another plant that has dino vibes.
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and finally the grand finale. philodendron spiritus sancti. i honestly can't believe i'm typing this. this plant is considered to be one of the rarest philodendrons in the world - if not the rarest. it only grows in one place, and there are reportedly only 10 known plants left in the wild because of a combination of poaching and the excessive clearing of their habitat. it was another one that pretty much only existed in high level (wealthy) collections for a very long time. now, more specimens of this plant exist in private collections than in the wild, which makes ownership of this plant very emotional for me. this is a plant that was going for upwards of $14k for large specimens at the height of the plant boom. people were scrambling to get their hands on that one plant that no one could get, the highest prize, a bragging point. no one cared if they were getting it ethically. someone even stole a cutting from a botanical garden just to sell it.
this plant was not on my wishlist because i never thought i would even get to see in person, let alone hold, let alone own. and yet yesterday i picked it up, held it in my hands, saw the two digit price tag, and decided yeah. i think it's only fair that the money a bunch of presbyterians gave me should go to adding a plant called a "spiritus sancti" to my jewish plant collection.
it still doesn't feel real. i can just look over at my plant cabinet, and there it is. a spiritus sancti. bc for me it was never about having a big name plant in my collection. it was never about bragging or showing off or just checking names off a list of things i was supposed to want if i was into houseplants. this plant still exists because botanists and aroid enthusiasts have worked tirelessly to conserve it. and having this little piece of history and the world in my little plant cabinet feels more like a responsibility to me than a prize.
so yeah. those are my new plants. i'm excited to see them grow and still a little starstruck that i was even able to bring home the last two.
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chubbening · 5 months
OH MY GOD OKAY HEY so me and a popular artist friend who shall not be named recently got into your fic Calories and Kink and IT IS SO HOT AND SUCH A HUGE INSPIRATION!!!! I literally started my own fic bc of it and I'm trying so hard to do my own things based on my own tastes and not lift too much inspiration xD
I just wanted to ask if any of your characters (Alexa, Reggie, or anyone else) has references? We may or may not be doing gay fanart for your adorable fat lesbian comfort fic.
Also I was stoked to find you're trans (us too)!!! Happy for you, also just learned you're a system!!! You both rock, keep up the good work, you got some real fans here :D
I think you just broke Ava's part of the brain lmao (she'll be fine) but thank you so so so much!! We've gotten so much lovely feedback on this story, and it means so much to us that what started as a kinky little side project has so engaged folks in our corner of the internet <3 Best of luck with your fic! One thing about writing is no one else is gonna do it like you, so even if you take inspiration, it'll still be your own.
It's funny you ask about references, because we've been thinking about commissioning some art for a while, just haven't gotten around to it (*coughcough* $$$). So like, we don't have ref sheets or anything. But (speaking of lifting inspiration) Reggie was originally inspired by one of NekoCrispy's characters, Astrid. Specifically the energy of this piece sparked something. Obviously we made Reggie a maned wolf and very much our own character, but we still think of her shape as similar to Astrid's (while compensating for NekoCrispy's more stylized hips), but 6' tall and with bigger arms ;)
For Alexa, shape- and vibe-wise, we go to https://www.tumblr.com/littlestpigletann. She's been posting since she was a lot smaller, so it's handy to dig back (on various platforms) and get a sense of Alexa at various points in the story. Although, Alexa's probably a bit lankier than Ann, who if I remember is 5'1" (Alexa's 5'6").
Feel free to DM us with any questions (about this stuff or w/e), we love chatting with folks! Honestly feels surreal to have people calling themselves fans and talking about doing art of something we created, like… Obviously no pressure to follow through, but we'd love to see what y'all come up with!!
Woo, trans! Honestly if we had a do-over, the one thing we'd change is making one or both of the MCs trans. We were just at a weird place with our dysphoria when we started writing it, and by the time we got comfier with things, there wasn't enough support in the story to retcon that. That's probably why we started doing more with Ash, tbh.
Okay, last anecdote here, the system thing is so funny in relation to Calories & Kink, because we didn't know we were plural when we wrote most of it, but we 1000% wrote Alexa and Reggie as individual self-inserts. When one of our partners started reading it, she compared us (still unaware) to Reggie because I fronted more during sex, but Ava, the more frequent fronter at the time, was like, "What? No, I'm way more like Alexa."
Anyway, thank you so much for sharing this message <3 We'll be giddy all day now ^^
Promise we'll work on the last few chapters soon--we really do want to give this thing a proper ending.
Take care,
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usamingif · 1 year
How do I get into THE IDOLM@STER?
...is a very frequent question we idolmaster fans get!
I recently got a message from someone asking me if I could make a post answering this question, and I said I would try. I'm very bad at explaining things, but idolmaster is my biggest special interest, and I am always really happy to try to get people into it.
Before we start, I want to remind you that Idolmaster has no localization. All translations are fanmade. Please remember to support translators. I'll leave as many resources as possible. If you have any translators or sites you'd like me to mention, please let me know.
If you're willing to try and get into it, please open the readmore. I wont only be including Cinderella Girls, I'll try to include every branch.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER Cinderella Girls?
Alright, I know I said I wouldn't only be including CG, but this is still a deresute gif blog. I know what most of you are here for.
Cinderella Girls is a huge branch. There's 190 idols. I see some people backing out when they realize this, but I don't think that should discourage you! With that many idols, you're guaranteed to find someone for you. And please, just because you think the voiced girls are more worth your time, please check out the unvoiced ones as well.
Alright, but how do you get into it?
There's a lot of Youtube channels that translate different commus from it. From card lines, to memorial commus, to entire events. Simply search "deresute translation" if you'd like. HNKM_days on Twitter also translates most of the events as they come out.
CG's music is great! there's tons of uploads on soundcloud. My soundcloud playlist has about 200-ish songs. You can find a bunch by just searching "idolmaster".
To find more information on a song, search it up on project-imas.
Project-imas is *the* best idolmaster resource I can think of. It's entirely in English, it has every single song, CD, card — anything you can think of. I use it everyday of my life, which might sound sad but I assure you it isn't. Probably.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER Million Live?
Sankyuu ML subs on YouTube does a great job at translating mirishita related content! Another personal note I wanna add is that million live has an amazing discography, and full versions of pretty much every song are on Spotify. Even tho the cast is way smaller than Cinderella Girls, there's still a lot to love about the branch. I dont play Mirishita as much as I do some of the other games, but I still consume lots of content from it and it's a lovely branch I definitely recommend you get into. As of writing this post, Mirishita is celebrating it's 6th anniversary! It's a good time to download the game. Remember, you will need a Japanese VPN or Japanese Apple ID to play it. This goes for every imas mobile game.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER SideM?
Well, this is where we're gonna have to start getting into the thorny dark side of being an idolmaster fan. SideM is a great branch which I absolutely adore, and all of it's producers are so passionate about it, however.. Bandai Namco has never been kind to it.
This year, it was announced that it's only current running game, THE IDOLM@STER SideM Growing Stars, will be ending it's service. This was extremely sudden, and hard for everyone to handle. This means that there will basically be no way to properly produce the idols. SideM won't fully die, with there being lives and such, but producing the idols is such a big part of this franchise. I don't want to make this post gloomy out of nowhere, I swear. It's just a bit touchy for now.
There's a huuuge translation masterdoc for SideM, if any of the units or characters catch your eye from the project-imas wiki page on SideM, I suggest you search for whatever idols intrigue you most in the doc. As well as the doc, you can search up "#sidemTL" on Twitter for more translations not on the doc. There's so much to love about every unit and idol, I swear it's worth your time! Even tho it's current state might steer you away, I think it's important to still appreciate the branch for what it is. Oh hey, SideM's discography is also on streaming services! Please stream Piece Montee and Secret Ornament.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER Shiny Colors?
Here's ones that's been gaining traction! Luckily, it's actually a pretty accessible branch to get into, if you're willing to download the English patch. The gameplay might seem complicated and scary at first, but even that has tons of guides. I think a lot of this post is motivated by my emotions on the franchise, and I'm sorry about that, but I really mean it when I say the writing is incredible.
You can play Shinymas on your web browser here. If you search up "Shiny colors English patch" on google, you can download it using the instructions. If you're still hesitant on playing for whatever reason, you can read episodes recorded in the English patch on YouTube. I'm not exaggerating when I say the writing is amazing.
p.s if you dont care about that then I should let you know there's unlimited free ten pulls when you start the game
How do I get into the original idolmaster games? (765AS + Dearly Stars)
If you specifically want to get into the console games, there's English roms and translations of routes on Youtube, as well. Dearly Stars is currently in a very weird state, tho. You see, the 765AS girls are all in Million Live, and there's a lot of consolemas games they appear in. But for Dearly Stars, there's only one game. Which is, well, Dearly Stars. And 2/3 of the Dearly Stars just.. havent gotten content since?
I think that it's still a game you should check out, tho! There's not a single bad song in it, and even tho 3 idols might seem like an underwhelming number, they're all brilliant and very lovable. As with a good chunk of consolemas games, there's Dearly Stars translations up on YouTube! A really dedicated RyoP posted them all and I am eternally grateful to them for it.
Alright, phew. I wrote half of this at 11 am and procrastinated for a few hours then wrote more at midnight. Remember that project-imas is an insanely good resource and I encourage you to tell me if I should add more things onto this post. 100% of this post was made off the top of my head and based off of my own experience with the games. I want to mention that there's also a channel called "アイマスSUBS" that covers all the branches in terms of translations, and they've got a bunch of those. Have fun, producers!
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babsaros · 2 years
gc2b vs underworks binder
ok gonna do a review of the binder i just got from Underworks, comparing it to the binder i got from gc2b in 2021. bear with me, as I don’t normally do this sort of posting. I did my best to get passable pictures without a proper set-up, but at least I cleaned my room, okay? Post gets long, esp with pictures, so popping it under a read more!
For the most part, I think the fit of my gc2b binder is pretty good! I get pretty good compression from it, and it’s almost the perfect length. However, for a racerback, it isn’t very narrow in the back, and covers the bottom of my shoulder blades which does feel kinda weird sometimes. My biggest issue is that the arms are too high and ride up, pinching my skin pretty bad. I have to adjust it pretty frequently, and trying to pull it down underneath other layers of clothing is difficult and awkward, esp trying to do so stealthily. I started poking around looking for alternate options after hearing GC2Bs quality had fallen in past years and were generally not recommended anymore. I plan on ordering from Shapeshifters, but I ordered this Underworks binder in the meantime because the price was much cheaper. There were no reviews for the binder I ordered at the time, but I was fine taking the risk for the price. Now, after trying it on, it seems prudent that I do review mine! Putting the specific info and links to each binder here as well: GC2B binder: Size Medium, Racerback collection Underworks binder: Size Small, “Firm Compression Racerback Chest Binder and Minimizer” First, I’ll show my chest uncompressed, just wearing a medium tomboyx cotton bra:
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for the record: I have a pretty small chest! I haven’t bought a bra in years, but I was a b-cup last I checked. I also know I have a smaller body in general than a lot of people, so there’s the grain of salt when considering fit, though I do think that makes it easier to judge the compression factor.  Here’s the GC2B binder (I roll up the bottom about an inch so it sits flatter):
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You can see the racerback is actually pretty wide, and how tight it is around my underarms. (pretend you don’t notice the deodorant stains though ok thx)
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AND here’s the “firm compression” binder from Underworks:
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Wearing it pulled down all the way, the neckline and arms are so low that I feel I get basically no compression, despite it still being a struggle to pull on. The racerback is actually narrow enough to free my shoulder blades though.
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If I pull it up higher, I get slightly more compression, though still only maybe as much as just wearing a sports bra, but now with a bunch of loose fabric at the top.  The pictures shown on the Underworks page definitely make it seem like it'll compress a lot more, so all-in-all a little disappointing, but again i was fine taking the risk because the price was a lot cheaper than other options. The "Extreme MagiCotton Sports and Binding Bra" has a ton more reviews, where people call it a binder and say it's great, so maybe despite the name that one has more compression than the "Firm Compression Binder"? I'll also admit that I really prefer the racerback style and that was a big factor in which one I chose to order. Underworks obviously has a lot of other options, and I'm curious about the differences in material between them all. Looking at the labels sewn in, both binders are nylon/spandex, but my gc2b binder has an additional front panel made from cotton/polyester that feels more like canvas and doesn't stretch at all. It's hard to judge from pictures, but I'm not sure any of the binder options of Underworks have a second front panel like that? I should also say that I did email GC2B a couple months ago asking about their opinion of the fit issues I had, and was told that sizing up to a large might be an option. I'm not sure I'll try that or order from them again, though. I'm also not sure sizing down the Underworks binder to an XS is a good option either, because the size S is already tight enough to pull on, it just doesn't seem to have full compression capability. Anyway! I'm hoping to order from Shapeshifters once I feel confident enough to invest the money, so I'll still poke around in the meantime. I've heard complaints about binders falling apart, but aside from some threads fraying on the bottom hem, my GC2B binder is holding up pretty well, especially considering I'm too lazy to follow the hand-wash instructions and just throw it in the washer and dryer. I'll at least say that the Underworks binder is lightweight and has way more freedom of movement, so it's at least a good lazy day option maybe, though I'd probably just end up skipping it and wearing something baggy anyway. Well. hope this helps anyone else looking into ordering one, since i know i reblogged a post recommending Underworks a little while ago and that's what made me order one at all. thx for reading if u made it this far, and good luck to anyone else searching for the perfect binder!
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protokirby-sims4cc · 3 months
Hi, yalls. It's @protokirby. Got me a simsfileshare account so I'm gonna start publicly sharing my sims cc. All my successes were graciously given to me by the Lord God of heaven, who gives me strength. I thank Him for the motivation and stuff I have to do all this
I'm having this sideblog under my @au-drayton-shenanigans account because I unfairly block people sometimes on my main account and I don't want to prevent those folks from being able to use this stuff if they play the sims 4. I don't intend to block anyone on this account unless they're actively deserving of it. (such as bullies, or people who break my listed rules).
I mostly do model conversions and recolors of existing sim outfits. Rarely do I have the motivation to construct something. I plan to take requests. Feel free to request stuff. If you want a model from a game converted and if I can find the model somewhere/if you provide a model, I might try to turn it into sims cc for ya. My mental disorders/life stuff may heavily delay things but I do like to do things for folks if I can.
Plenty of my cc stuff has an additional color swatch with inverted colors because I wanted those. Sometimes there are more additional color swatches than that for various reasons.
If any of my cc is weird/broken in the game, let me know. I'm kinda dumb so I won't always know how to fix things, but I can try!
Rules of the cc:
Don't claim as your own. Don't try and sell any of it anywhere. And absolutely don't do anything related to ai stuff. That's the trashiest of trash. (I heard sims cc can be messed with in ai things. Dunno if that's true or not but just in case. DO NOT.)
Aside from the rules listed above, there are no other rules unless specified in a post. Have fun. You can even recolor stuff if you want- and post those recolors somewhere if you want (not on paysites) but please link to me :D
List of tags and tag descriptions under the keep reading that will organize things and help people find things:
proto's build mode cc build mode stuff like wall tiles/floor tiles/doors
proto's object cc objects to put in the sims house
proto's miscellaneous cc This is going to be for things such as smaller franchises or other stuff that doesn't do much. For anything not in a bigger tag. Also my custom eyes cc is on this one
proto's alternate universe cc cc related to au stuff
proto's anime cc for cc of anime or manga characters. I will probably forget this one exists very frequently in favor of the miscellaneous cc tag
proto's pokemon cc self explanatory
proto's megaman cc self explanatory
proto's digimon cc self explanatory
proto's pet cc stuff related to pets such as costumes. anything with this tag will of course require either the cats and dogs expansion or the horse ranch expansion, that will be specified in the post
proto's joke cc you can expect dumb stuff here
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sharksa-shivers · 10 months
o wowie, a rare Roomies post at 2 in the morning lol
(thinking of Roomies shit and stuff)
Axel:(watching a show)……..What kind of gigantic idiot would get their ex's name tattooed on themselves?
Skylar:(In the background, drinking some, hears that and proceeds to take off his shirt, showing his 'Alyssa' tattoo, calling to Axel)ME, I WOULD, I'M THE GIGAMORON THAT DID AND I'LL NEVER REGRET IT EITHER!!!!!! ------------------------------------------- (Context is Skylar is talking about how he's not sure he can be a musician with how little streaming he's getting.)
Axel:(trying to be supportive)Well…….I…I know making music is what you're good at and wanna do butttttt have you ever considered maybe any other fields in entertainment maybe?
Skylar:(sidegazes, confused)…….No, i…Like what?
Axel:(suggesting after a moment)…I think you're pretty funny, maybe a comedian or something?
Skylar:(takes that in, thinking before responding)……..I feel like i'd probably be shit at that cuz my life is so shitty that I'm a joke. (Sips beer, stops)…….Or would you be a better comedian if YOU were the joke? I…Shit, i dunno actually…
(FINALLY…Some Skaxel content lmao.)
(We see Skylar and Axel getting a stage set for one of Skylar's shows and they're setting shit up…While doing this though, they end up getting into an argument lol.)
Skylar:(pissy, irritated)No, I'M stronger then you are.
Axel:(amused by Skylar's delusions, smirking)Yeahhhhh, no. I'm stronger. Like…It's not even a contest, it's just a fact that i'm stronger then you are.
Skylar:(tail swishing in anger)No you aren't!!!!(looks around, noticing the smaller amps nearby, grins, trying to prove himself right)Yknow what? PROVE IT. Can you pick up that amp on your own? There's another one over there, i'll pick up that one and PROVE I'M RIGHT!!!!!
Axel:(amused further by Skylar walking the fuck into this shit, agrees)Yknow what? Sure, i'd love to watch you humiliate yourself.
Skylar:(moving over to the amp, glaring)Bitch, i swear to fuck-
Axel:(smirking, knowing how this is gonna go)Cmon then! Let's do it! Cmon!
Skylar:(pissed)Fine!!! I will!!! Now!!!
(Skylar and Axel both pick up the amps, Skylar immediately struggling heavily with the task while Axel picks it up pretty easily and just stands there with a shiteating smirk as Skylar glares, trying to hold it…Skylar finally can't do it anymore within a frame of about 20 seconds and has to put it down, Axel still just smirking smuggly and then carefully and easily putting it down himself.)
Skylar:(more pissed now, glaring as he's trying to breath, that shit taking alot out of him)……Shut up!!!! How the hell did you do that??? How the hell are you stronger then me???
Axel:(amused, showing and patting his bicep)I mean, going to the gym pretty frequently does help me keep and maintain these. Being pretty active like all my life's helped alot with that too.
Skylar:(gay tired frustrated staring at Axel's arm, panting still)………Your muscles would be hotter if i wasn't so fuckin pissed right now, goddamnit…(flops down on the ground, exhausted from that)I need to rest a minute, jesus, that zapped my energy dry…
Axel:(snickering, amused)Good to know you still think i'm hot though when you're pissed off…I'll keep that in mind…(moving back to what he was doing)Hey, can't rest all day though, needa keep working if you wanna perform later…
Skylar:(shrugs it off, annoyed still)Yeah yeah yeah, i'm aware…Ughhhhh… ------------------------------------------- (We see Skylar and Axel both cuddling with each other. Axel is looking at shit on his phone while Skylar has his head on Axel's chest, watching Axel scroll through twitter when Skylar says something)
Skylar:(amused)Man…Like you're comfy to lay on and all that shit but uhhhh…
Skylar:(rolling over on his back, his tail flicking as he talks, smartass grin)Made it sound like you had more muscle here but nah, it's all fuckin floof. Just fuckin floof!
Axel:(awkward, trys to fight back)No it's not, i'm not that floofy…
Skylar:(he sits up then rolls over, staring Axel in the eyes as Axel is forced to stare at him, grins)Hey…I never said floof was a bad thing…If it was, i probably woulda(runs fingers through his mohawk)Shaved this shit off a long ass time ago…But nah, i like that fluffy shit my guy…(he flops down, his face in Axel's chest, voice muffled by Axel as he wraps his arms around his bf)Fuckin cozy as fuck…
------------------------------------------- (And gayass drama shit idea idk hecc. Idk the context either really, i just had these lines in my head, probably something involving Axel's aceness)
Axel:(a bit upset as Skylar drives, looking over at him)……So like…Are you dating Alyssa then because she's giving you what i can't or??? Like…(tearing up some)Am i that fucking useless to you or?
Skylar:(getting upset too, his hands shaking on the steering wheel out of anxiety and emotions)Axel, no, i…Fuck, no. I'm dating both of you because I LOVE BOTH OF YOU.
Axel:(upset)Do you? Do you because like-(stumbling to form his thoughts right, interenalized aphobia speaking)I-I-I know how you are!!! Me and you are complete opposites!!! And i fucking know you still want that from me, you do, i KNOW you want to fuck me!!! And i seriously just like…Wonder like…Would you even still be dating me if Alyssa wasn't there to do what i can't??? Like??? (mental breakdown occuring)I fucking feel so goddamn broken when i see you 2 so happy and i'm stuck here doing bare minimum shit with you because of my goddamn asexuality, because i can't fucking make you happy like that!!! I can't fucking deal with that shit like she can!!!!
Skylar:(upset, trying to defend himself and help Axel)Fucking, i would be still dating you because i fucking love you!!!!! I do!!!! I fucking do!!!!! (Axel's gaze locked on him as he tries to explain)It's different in more ways with me and Alyssa then just fucking that okay? I am not fucking just dating Alyssa because of that shit…Both of you have been so different to be with and it's one of the fucking things i love. Every day is just different shit…And i'll fucking tell you this, i didn't even fucking think Alyssa was even gonna come back, i fucking thought i'd never fucking see her again. Relatable Axel, i fucking know that feel... -------------------------------------------
Today i give you a small thing. Tomorrow? Who knows... Anyway, just cuz i don't post alot bout em doesn't mean they cease to exist, i'm sure i'll do more stuff with em over time but rn, my focus is on Kidnapped sinceeeeeeeeee i have that alot more planned out... BUT THESE GAYS WILL BE HERE STILL...WAITING FOR THEIR MOMENTS...
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I honestly don't have as much stuff bout these guys so that's part of why i don't post alot bout em...That's whyyyyyyyy they are side series lol... But i love these derpos, had em since high school lol :p
ALSO...AS A NOTE: Skylar-Very allo and vulger wowie surprise surprise... Axel-Very asexual They make it work tho cuz love finds a way and Skylar cares more bout Axel's comfort then anything else so yeah... Also also: Roomies is more chill vs Kidnapped too, uhhhh, no demons trying to mass murder here lol, just idiots bein lil shits and whatnot in Roomies...It's less serious but it defs has it's serious moments too...
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beautifully-lumpy · 2 years
the beautiful person's journal - #5: era overview!
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oh, hey! two entries in a week! now that's rare!
when i started posting these, i had no idea how busy junior year of college would end up making me. therefore, the entries have been as sporadic as they've been. however, i'm gonna try to post more frequently as the semester starts to wrap up, maybe with smaller entries talking about smaller topics. so far i've talked about broad topics that require lots of typing lol.
so for this one, i'm gonna crosspost this from reddit - a timeline i made for the caddicarus channel based on ancient egypt's timeline! below the cut you'll find my descriptions of the eras, also crossposted from reddit. i'll make separate entries talking about all of these in depth. enjoy this surprise shorter entry!
early period - the skit videos from 2011-12.
old kingdom - the older vids before the february 2016 rebrand. there was an upload every sunday, but the caddicarus show wasn't weekly. you would've expected to see any of caddy's 5 shows at the time on sunday. mainline caddicarus episodes would come at least every 2 weeks, but there were some episodes that were months apart from each other. 2015 was especially notorious for this. of course, this seems normal nowadays, but at the time it was a divisive issue in the fanbase.
first intermediate period - a brief period where mainline caddicarus episodes became more sparse and divisive shows such as puppicarus premiered. this period ended in february 2016 when caddy ended all the other side shows except for current quickies, and added film fridays. the caddicarus show became weekly for the first time.
middle kingdom - this period is marked by weekly caddicarus show episodes with identical thumbnails. there were 2-3 uploads a week come hell or high water, except during occasional 2-3 week breaks. some fans were divided over whether or not the caddicarus show was rising or at least staying consistent in quality. this is also when the subscriber rate began to stagnate.
second intermediate period - this was a very experimental period in the caddicarus channel's history where the last remaining side show - simply titled "caddy" - was slowly being phased out, or rather combined, into the mainline caddicarus show. because of this, modern game reviews and special videos such as the borderlands or team sonic racing videos became common in the mainline series. jetpackbraggin began making caddy's thumbnails, and i believe this is when he got his SEO guy josh. season 11 marked the end of the slaughter/salvage gimmick as well. experimental videos such as videos on magazines or game marathoning videos began here. by the beginning of 2020, this experimental/transitional period was finalized.
new kingdom - the beginning of the "world of" videos we all know and love. the schedule and formula were thrown away entirely in favor of longer videos and higher production values. because of these changes, the channel was rejuvenated and subscriber rates skyrocketed. the channel finally reached a million subscribers in august 2022.
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 11/08
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@elkian asked: You've happened upon a very interesting read of Tavros and AG's FLARP history there. I hadn't considered that she would be furious not to manage an unquestionable win over him, even if she 'wins' in most of the ways the game thinks matters. []
Vriska is a no items/Final Destination girl, and Tavros’s ‘escapes’ probably feel like getting killed by a janky stage hazard. People aren’t allowed to win against her - even if, by her standards, it doesn’t count as a real win.
Given what we now know about her home life, any kind of loss probably sets off alarm bells in her head. 
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That’s actually a good point. We haven’t really talked about gender on Alternia - I’ve been saving it for later on, when we have more cultural context - but all of what I’d call the most dangerous trolls are girls. 
The only exception - sort of - is Sollux. But his destructive abilities seem to be a outlier - and the only time he’s used them is when Aradia’s own machinations required it. He doesn’t seem all that dangerous by nature.  
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Or even my sprite. 
I’m picturing the tech-flavored Midnight Crew sitting in Gamer Chairs on Derse, scanning everything on my land for vulnerabilities. Jack hates it - it’s such an indirect way to attack someone, that he cringes when someone even calls it an attack. 
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What if you just straight-up prototyped an AI? It would be interesting to see how the kernel’s ‘intelligence-boosting’ effect which we saw with Jaspers would work on an artificial mind. 
My intuition is that even the best contemporary AI models would result in an inert sprite, but I do wonder if this could turn something that’s almost an AGI into the real thing. 
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Maybe the fireflies are actually related to Sollux’s computing bees, and they also interface with technology in some way. 
I like the idea that they could act as data relays, blinking to each other in binary code to transmit data wirelessly. It’d be a good ‘biotech’ answer to short-range communication technologies, like Bluetooth. 
@poipahcoinkel asked: Hey! I don’t know if the askbox is a cool place to send homestuck related memes, but I saw this one and I couldn’t resist
I love your liveblog so much and I can’t wait to see you react to [REDACTED] and even [REDACTED]
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 Jade would do this. Look at all that pocket Space!
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I have seen just enough of Sollux to know that.
He would be so mad if he had to dance the Carmelldansen.
He would do it. Not all the time, and not just for anyone, but he’d absolutely do it if one of his friends caught him in the right mood. You’d never know in advance how he was going to react, but if the stars aligned and you asked him to join in, he’d just stand up and start, albeit complaining the whole time. His dance choreography is perfect. 
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Love it. That’s how I approach complex story ideas like this - just throw out all the ideas you have, and see how they gel with the evidence!
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I’ll take it as a compliment. >:)
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Nepeta is interesting to me, because, moreso than any other troll we’ve seen, she really acts like an early 2000s internet archetype. The fact that she actively roleplays suggests one of two things.
Alternia, despite the massive cultural differences between itself and Earth, has an online RP scene roughly analogous to ours. Do you think they roleplay as lusi? 
Alternatively, Nepeta invented roleplay. 
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Could be either, could be both. The fact that a non-corpse kernelsprite is rare suggests that something is actively preventing it from happening, but I guess that could just be good old-fashioned predestination at work. 
Maybe the Harlequin's mischievousness is just how the ‘usually a corpse’ rule was enforced in this case, and other sprites were discouraged from breaking it in other ways. 
One Homestuck fanfic (in Russian) called "metatime" what you call "Pebble Theory". Traveling though time is predestined by metatime, but some entities with super powerful control over time can theoretically change the metatime itself, from a hypothetical previous iterations of events. [] - RM
‘Metatime’ is a good framework to understanding a lot of time-travel plots, I think. It’s a good example of how a simple change in perspective really can drastically aid your understanding of a concept. 
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@typhoontroubadour asked: Something funny I noticed about your Raspberry Pi sprite is that is kinda has an animal/dog looking face to it to me! Here's an image hopefully pointing out what I see.
What do you know - turns out I’m joining the ‘animal sprite’ club after all!
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Essentially, the difference is thus:
CT: I was born better than you, because I have blue blood.
Vriska: I was born better than you because I’m Vriska!!!!!!!!
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As am I. It’s probably hard to guess the hypothetical Title of someone who’s not actually interreacting with those systems through playing Sburb. 
Granted, I don’t yet understand how, exactly, your Title relates to how you interact with the game...
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That’s great, it’s got such an early 2000s vibe to it. I wish I’d been around in the early days, when your entire internet experience was customizable to that degree...
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[ thank the anon who reminded me about this a few weeks ago xD - C ] 
I was very close to this happening naturally. I wasn’t sure, on the 8th, whether I was going to do asks or update the liveblog, but Cat was like “you have to liveblog today, I’ll tell you why later.”
Happy belated Vriska Day to all who celebrate!
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I begrudgingly accept this, but might stick with Lusi, as it rolls off the tongue easier.
[ when you got to Vriska, @69420coolman​ posted: ] 
[ and also this, with this picture, lol: - C ]
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Lovin’ it! One thing I am looking forward to is, when I’m finished the comic, looking back on the original reactions and theories when the comic was posted live. It’ll be fun to compare my interpretations to other people’s. 
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It’s another one I’m kind of happy I didn’t guess. It’s fun to be thrown for a loop in this comic, especially when it’s with a twist that makes total sense in hindsight!
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I dunno, it just feels right to me? Maybe it’s my accent, or something, but I’m definitely parsing it as though there’s a ‘h’ in there. I’m notoriously kind of bad at pronouncing things, but I’ve arbitrarily decided that I’m going to die on this hill. 
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CHURCH AND WHORE HEY YOU SAY??? well don't mind if i do ahem-
so like. what if them w a particularly small s/o a heem heem
Yes. I do say. I love them and would die for them and would give them a big hug. They deserve one each iwdjaiwdhfse but here you go anon! Enjoy!!! <3 Also I use they/them pronouns here for Church [ because of that one image. Hc them as enby!! I have lots of gender hcs for characters tho +) ], Just saying so no one is confused while reading!! <3 Although I'm 90% sure I did it in previous posts. I just forgot to say-
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Church & Jorge with a Small S/o Headcannons
GENRE - Romantic
TRIGGER WARNING - Kidnapping Manipulation, Intimidation, belittling, dehumanization ( again - Church and Jorge treating you like a fucking house pet ), Forced acts of affection, Cages
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Okay. G0L3M's are already kinda big so having two of them and you're even smaller than the average grunt? Oh buddy, You are in for not only a wild ride, but there isn't gonna be any stops.
I recommend reading through my general headcannons for Church and Jorge to establish the norm for them because the way they treat a smaller than average s/o is..... Well about what you'd expect after reading them.
They kinda just saw you and decided you were too small to take care of yourself - Pitying you for already surviving this long on your own. They pretty much just grabbed you and booked it, Like straight up nabbed you and said " You're our partner now " because they thought you looked cute.
You're a lot more susceptible to their strength and size, which means it's easier to both purposely and accidentally injure you. They'll try to be careful but as impulsive as they are, they may just accidentally end up grabbing you a little too roughly which is gonna cause some pretty mean bruising.
They can get very excited very easily, ESPECIALLY CHURCH. So the duo may accidentally hurt you. It doesn't help that they can't exactly heal you properly themselves either so will most likely head out to other MERC members for help.
You can't really do anything to stop them, after all they're strong and can probably pick you up easily as an average grunt. I'd imagine they already are able to snag a normal grunt with little to no problem because they're a lot stronger as well as there being two of them.
The way you squirm in their grasp and fight back against them despite being so small is even more endearing. You can't hurt them and they probably believe due to your stature, You can't keep up with a regular grunt in a fight so it's just adorable to watch you think you stand a chance against the two.
Belittling you is a lot more frequent, just a constant reminder of not only how small and frail you are compared to them: You can't even get to try and argue with them. Instead, they'll just continuously talk over you or ignore what your saying in favour of listening to the other. It can be extremely frustrating. They believe they know what's best for you so why would they need your opinion? Don't worry that pretty little head of yours. Basically these two go
Absolutely pampering you with affection though, They'll be giving you so many kisses. They just can't resist themselves when it comes to you and won't hold back on their affection either.
They're will always be one of them giving you some sort of physical affection, Since they don't really want to put you down, a little scared they might accidentally crush you so you are almost constantly being cradled.
Church's favourite type of affection is kisses. From Inuit kisses to neck kisses, they really don't hold back. It's a lot harder to kiss you due to the size difference but trust me, it will not stop them. They just love the feeling of you against their lips.
Jorge is more so for hand holding, But enjoys almost every kind of physical contact. He just overall prefers it and he likes feeling your tiny little hand in his. The physical contact makes him ecstatic. Even if it means he has to hold it tightly to keep you from trying to get away from him.
You probably don't get outside anymore though. They're a lot more paranoid than they would be with a more regular sized grunt. Generally speaking they feel everything and anything could be a threat so they'll keep you in their shared base 24/7 with usually one of them there to accompany you. If they can't both be there, They already have a small little pen for you ( like those dog pens ) to keep you in a safe space. Might even instruct some fellow MERC members to keep an eye out for them to make sure you don't get into any trouble while they're gone.
One advantage against these two however is use of small spaces. Just make sure that they aren't gonna be able to break your hidey holes surroundings since they are known for just kinda smashing what they can. Maybe it can at least give you a good head start.
You can get really into those creaks and crevasses and keep yourself always just out of reach and make sure to stay one step ahead. They'll already be underestimating you so if you can play to that advantage too, You could possibly get away with better chances than the average grunt!
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 3 years
Hi, I know this isn't a strictly bi related question (so you don't need to answere) but you talked about pegging before. Is there any wisdom you would like to pass on to someone trying it for the first time (with a parner with a penis)? I know the basics like using a small dildo with a wide base, lots of lube and clear communication, but I'm quite nervous.
Also lot's of love for the work you do, I hope you are having a comfy winter time!
My friend, I am always here to answer questions about bisexuality and the art of pegging.
You've already said some things that I would also have mentioned but I'm gonna repeat them so I can make this post kind of a resource to get back to if someone else asks about it some day.
Like with any type of anal sex it is very important to start slowly and with a smaller toy and/or finger and slowly build up to the size of the dildo you want to use for pegging (if you use fingers for prepping I would say go up to at least three fingers)
for fingering you can use unpowdered latex or vinyl gloves to make it more hygienic and on the toys you should always use a condom for easier clean-up
take your time with your partner, ask them how it feels and if they are ready to go one step "bigger"
use lots of it!!!
there is a specific type of lube for anal sex that has a thicker consistency and therefore lasts longer but "regular" lube will also do it, you might just have to re-apply more frequently
I would recommend water-based lube instead of silicone-based because the latter can compromise the integrity of condoms and silicone-dildos (which is what most strap-on compatible dildos are made of)
The Dildo:
this might be a personal preference but I've also heard others recommend the same and that is: go with one that is made out of harder material. you might think that soft is the way to go but there is a certain level of resistance that you have to overcome when inserting and a soft and wobbly dong will actually make that harder for you and more uncomfortable for the recipient because the dildo will keep... flopping away? if that makes sense? harder goes in easier.
of course you can start with a small dildo if you and your partner want that but I think you could also go with one that is the size of an average penis. (personal experience again here: I find bigger ones easier to control and nobody says that you have to insert the whole length 🤷‍♀️ but just go with whatever you and your partner think is the most appealing option)
The Harness:
now, a lot of pegging advice always leaves out this part but as the person who actually has to wear it I gotta tell you: it is 100% worth it to invest in a good one
sure, if you only wanna try it once and aren't sure if pegging is something you wanna do long-term then get a cheap one (or a beginner set that already comes with a dildo)
but if you want something that is comfortable to wear, is sturdy, won't break down after a couple of uses, and gives you a decent amount of control then at least go for a middle-range model (in Germany that would be ~40€ upwards but I don't know the market and price ranges in other places)
there are three main "types": thong, jock strap, panty
thong absolutely sucks because it's just giving you a massive wedgie and they are often made out of very slim straps that just cut into your skin and also don't really give you any decent control. some cannot even handle the weight of the dildo, so you'll end up with the strap-on equivalent of erectile dysfunction
jock strap is decent though I'd recommend one where the belt-part (the part that sits on your hips) is wide enough to not cut into your skin. the belt is what holds most of the weight, the two straps around your legs are just for extra stability, so it's important that the belt is good and tight around your hips. some come with a velvet backing so it feels softer on your skin, too. the dildo will sit above your mons pubis which will give you a lot of thrust-power but you might feel a little bruised there afterwards for a couple of days. that's just part of the deal.
the panty types are usually more expensive (mine was about 100€) because they are hand-made out of very sturdy textile (think of shapewear that's meant to give you a flat tummy - that kinda thick and strong textile but in pretty!). you put them on like underwear and they have a hole in the front to pull the dildo through. usually that hole sits pretty much where your clit is = where a penis would be if you had one. this means that you have a little less thrust-power than with a jock-strap BUT due to the placement you might actually get yourself an orgasm as well because the base of the dildo will stimulate your clit. if that happens to you, you'll receive your honorary pegging doctorate in the mail 3-5 business days later.
The Position:
doggy style is obviously the easiest in terms of access
but missionary can be nice especially in the beginning because you can look them in the eyes and communication might be easier that way. if you wanna try that it is helpful to put a large pillow under their lower back so their butt is raised a little.
as long as your partner is bendy enough you can really try any position you like
That's about it, I guess. I think I covered it all. Feel free to ask any more questions, if I've forgotten something or wasn't clear enough.
Oh and.... have fun 😏
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generallybarzy · 3 years
Cotton Candy Kisses.
an: GUESS WHOS BACK WITH AN OLLIE FIC!!!!!! there's a serious lack of ollie fics on here!!! I really love this boy ugh!!! Huge huge thank you to 🎡 anon for sending me such an amazing hc and being the only person to respond to my ollie ask night a long long time ago (this was a draft from a long time ago i never posted i'm so so so sorry)
sunmary: you've been seeing Oliver casually for about a month, and it's time for your first big date with Oliver, and you couldn't be more nervous about it. One, you're scared that you're falling too fast- considering you haven't even held hands yet- and worried that he doesn't want to be in a serious relationship yet. And two, you absolutely hate amusement parks, and guess where he’s taking you...
word count: 2.8k
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You'd never dated someone who made you quite as giddy as Oliver does.
In only the short month you'd been hanging out and dating casually, he was already able to bring a genuine smile to your face, just at the thought of his precious, dimpled grin and the way he would laugh through his words at a joke you made. And though you were both still young, you couldn't help but think that whatever this relationship you had with him was, it could turn into something more. Still, there wasn't really a label on the two of you. You’d gone on a few dates since you first met a few weeks ago, but you still didn't know if you were just dating casually or if there was something more there. Of course, you know what you wanted- to be his girlfriend officially- but you weren't sure how Oliver felt about it all after only a month. Was he just looking for fun, or was he looking for a serious, exclusive girlfriend? God, you hoped he was as serious as you about this.
You'd been on a few short little coffee and brunch dates, and you'd texted and called each other frequently between his games, but today was going to be your first big date together. The first day you’d spend hours and hours on end with each other.
And you couldn't be more excited.
You had gotten an Uber- which Oliver had sent you money for, courteous as always- out to Coney Island, where he promised to meet you for your date- a day spent hanging out at the amusement parks and walking along the boardwalk. You were excited to spend the day with him, but you couldn’t shake your fears. Not only a fear that maybe you were more serious than he was about this relationship- if you could even call it that. Not only that but something more trivial.
You’d been too embarrassed to admit to him when he first proposed this date and too whipped to say “no” to any time with him, but you knew your fear of rollercoasters and the childish shame that accompanied it, would haunt you all day.
But still, you were here.
“(Y/N)! Hi!”
You had been in the middle of texting him that you were here when his voice broke out from the sound of the park around you. You looked up to see his smiling face, dimples, cute grin and all, a few feet to your right, where he’d been waiting. You smiled back at him and opened your arms for a hug. “Hey, Ollie!”
“Are you excited for today or what?” He was practically bouncing on his feet when he wrapped his long arms around you, squeezing you against him. His body was warm and big and you found it so comforting to be all wrapped up in his arms.
“I’m excited!” That was the truth, but you weren’t sure how long you would survive on this date without having to explain why you didn’t want to go on any of the big rides with.
“Where do you wanna start? There’s this big rollercoaster I saw on the way here that looks super fun!”
“Ah,” And so it begins, a long day of trying to hesitate and put off the rides that he so obviously wanted to go on. “How about we start with some smaller things first and move up to the big stuff?”
“Oh, yeah, sure! Sorry, guess I gotta chill a little. How about we find, like, bumper cars? And play some games?”
You smiled, glad that your plan was gonna work for at least a little bit. “That sounds perfect, Ollie.”
All you wanted to do as you walked beside Oliver through the park was to reach out and finally hold his hand. You hadn’t done that with him before, as all of your dates had been brief coffee dates and over-the-phone dates while he was away, and the longer you went without it, the more you were worried that maybe he wasn’t in this relationship as deep as you were.
“I don't know if you've noticed, but I’m, like, really excited to be here with you.” He laughed a little, almost shyly, as the two of you recovered from a laughing fit after your game of bumper cars. A few hours had passed by now, and you had spent time competing against each other in different carnival games and going on the small rides. “Really, really excited. It’s fun to do something other than coffee for once, don’t you think?”
“Totally. I’m having so much fun.”
He held eyes with you for a moment, longer than a moment, a few beautiful seconds, warming your insides and making you flustered. Then, you saw his gaze rise up to the tall roller coaster perch above you, and you could already hear the passengers screaming as they zoomed by. Your heart dropped.
“You think it’s about time we get up there?”
“Oh, um…”
"C'mon, it'll be so fun!"
"No…" You could see there was no point trying to hold him back any longer. "I'm just… you can go ahead, I'll stay down here."
“(Y/N)," Oliver's voice went soft and pleading. You could tell he really didn't wanna leave you here. "C’mon, seriously, we’re on this date together, I’m not just gonna leave you standing here while I go on the rides. We can't really wait any longer or it'll get dark.”
“I know, I’m sorry…” still, you hesitated in your spot, lamenting over the fact that you were too much of a baby to join him, until Oliver noticed something was definitely off.
“Hey, what’s wrong? If you don’t want to go on this ride, we can find another. We can leave the park altogether if you’re not vibing with it today.”
“No, I just…” You were so embarrassed to admit this, looking down at your shoes and fiddling with the hem of your shirt. “I’m just scared, okay? I’m not good with rollercoasters. I’m sure it’s fun but like… I’m so scared to go on.”
“Oh.” This is where you were expecting him to laugh or downplay your nerves, or at least tease you about it. Instead, he bumped his shoulder against yours in condolences. “Hey, that’s fine. You can’t control what you’re scared of. We don’t have to go on, seriously, I won’t be upset. We can just get some food, play some more games.” You smiled at him, leaning your head against his arm. Almost every part of you wanted to do just that. But a tiny, tiny part was begging you to just try. To just throw your caution to the wind and just ignore all your nerves and try it. For Ollie. No matter how scared you were of the rides, you had him, and he made you wanna have fun, try things you were scared of.
“Hey, Ollie?”
He smiled a little, hearing his nickname fall from your lips. “Yeah?”
“What if… you help me get over my fear?”
His smile widened, but he quickly pushed it down with a cautious glance and didn’t immediately jump at your offer. “Are you sure? We don’t have to, I’m fine with doing something else.”
“I promise, I want to. If you’re there with me, I think I’ll be fine. I feel safe with you here.” He took a few moments to gauge your emotions and figure out if you were serious or not, so you nodded at him. “Just… promise not to make fun of me if I freak out.” Finally, he put an arm over your shoulders and squeezed you against his body, grinning fully, dimples and all.
“I promise.”
He was giddy and smiley all the way through the line to the rollercoaster, standing close to you with his arm over your shoulder while your stomach was doing flips, not only at the thought of the ride you were about to go on but just at the feeling of being so close to Oliver. You figured it was his way of providing some comfort to you, now that he knew you were so nervous, and you… you could get used to this. In the few weeks you’d been dating, you’d never been this close, aside from quick hugs. Now, everything was hitting you at once- how he was so much taller than you, so much bigger, and how the warmth of his body seeped into you as he held you close to his side.
It wasn’t really until you were being strapped into your seat on the ride that it really hit you what was about to happen. Ollie had been asking over and over and over if you were sure you wanted to do this. You were sure. You wanted to just get over your fear and do it for him, and something about him made you feel so confident. What better time than now? The ride workers were walking up and down the rows of seats and making sure everyone was strapped in properly, and your anxiety and dread started to build. What if I’m not strapped in properly and I go flying off the ride? What if I can’t handle it and vomit all over Ollie? What if something malfunctions and we get stuck at the top? What if the roller coaster completely flies off the tracks? Then, you were jolted to a start and began climbing to the top,
“Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck…”
Oliver noticed your change in demeanor immediately and rushed to calm you. “Hey, look at me.” You glanced over to where he sat at your right, and he gave you a quick smile. “I’m right here. Nothing bad is gonna happen. It’ll be so much fun, okay?”
You just pushed out a strained laugh in response. You were trying your best not to freak out, you really were for him, but holy shit.
“(Y/N), you’ll be okay.” Noticing that you were still freaking out a little, Oliver quickly reached an arm out and grabbed your hand, which had been previously grasping at your seat for dear life, and encased it in his. Enchanted by the way his hand felt in yours, so warm and comforting and like an anchor of safety, you almost missed how he gave a comforting, tight squeeze. “Squeeze it as much as you need. I promise it’ll be great.” And just with that, you could feel your anxiety starting to melt away.
You finally smiled back at him, a rush of confidence filling you.
You squeezed his hand tight in your as you finally crested over the top of the mountain. He squeezed back, and down you flew. Smiling.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Oliver was gleaming once you stepped off the ride’s platform and back onto solid ground.
It really wasn’t that bad. Though you had started out on the verge of panicking, you had finished the ride with a smile. Something about the thrill of the ride had your adrenaline rushing. You had feared roller coasters for years, but it really, really wasn’t that bad. Had you been missing out on so much thrill?
“It was actually really fun! I got this crazy adrenaline rush right now, Ollie!”
“I knew you’d love it.” He smiled at you. “I’m so happy you were willing to try it for me. He reached out to grab your hand again and hold it in his, and suddenly you were filled with butterflies. His hand was so big, so warm, so gentle on yours, and the way his thumb traced across your knuckles was making your head spin. It feels so nice to hold his hand. I like him so, so, so much. I hope he feels the same way.
“I think a lot of my confidence came from this.” You lifted your hand to direct his attention to it, to point out the bold gesture he had taken tonight.
“Yeah?” His cheeks turned a light shade of pink and his eyes darted away momentarily. He gave a bashful little half-smile when he glanced back at you. “It just seemed like the right time. We have gone on a few dates now, anyway. Figured I would step it up a notch. I hope it wasn’t too much.”
“It wasn’t.” You smiled back at him, squeezing his hand lightly. “I really, really like it.” And I hope you like me a lot too. I hope this means we can put a label on this. I hope we can actually be in a relationship now. I hope you like me as much as I like you. “I liked it a lot.”
In response, Oliver removed his hand from cupping yours momentarily, and instead quickly tangled his fingers through yours, squeezing back playfully.
“I’m glad.”
The rest of the night went much too fast- though with your hand tangled through Oliver’s, so you couldn’t complain- and soon you found yourself sitting pressed up against your lovely date on the ferris wheel, with the giant stuffed animal he bought you sitting right next to you, your head on his shoulder as you watched the scene around you as you licked cotton candy from your fingers. On one side, the city where Oliver played and you worked, lit up as gorgeous as it was every night, and on the other side, the ocean, looking serene and peaceful, the moon casting its soft glow across the water. You were so caught up in the view- your ferris wheel seat now stopped at the very peak of the ride- that you almost didn’t hear Oliver call your name gently.
You glanced over to where he was, taking a moment to admire his cute dimples, the smile on his face, the way his eyes were sparkling.
“Do you like the cotton candy?” You nodded enthusiastically as more melted in your mouth, and you pulled a piece off to put against his lips. He hummed and smiled against your fingers before he continued. “I had a really good time tonight.”
“So did I, Ollie.”
The silence settled in the air for a bit before his next words. “I’m so glad we met. I’m so glad we decided to go on that first coffee date.”
Your heart pounded in your chest. “I am too.”
Oliver reached up to scratch the back of his neck and, even in this lighting, it was obvious his face was tinted pink. “It made me so happy that you decided to try out the roller coaster, just because you felt safe with me there. That was… that made me feel so good.” He stumbled over his words for a second, before taking a deeper breath and entangling your hand in his again. “(Y/N), I… I really, really like you. Like… I want it to be us, you know? I mean, ever since we’ve been seeing each other, I haven’t been seeing anyone else, so in my head, we’re already official but I don’t know if you want that yet or if I'm just going too fast so-”
Butterflies erupted.
Oliver was rambling about how much he wanted to be official with you. He was worried you didn’t want to make it official. He cared just as much as you did.
He stopped his rambling mid-sentence and just looked at you, his face still red.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. “I’ve been waiting for you to say that all day. I was so scared you weren’t serious about this.” You felt Oliver hug you back, his arms long and big around you, holding you close to him. “I haven’t seen anyone else either. I want it to be just us, too.”
Then, his giddy smile was back as he pulled out of the hug. “Oh thank god.” You giggled, your heart pounding. This was really, really happening right now. “So, (Y/N)... would you maybe… be my girlfriend? Officially?”
“I just told you I’ve been waiting all day to hear you say you’re serious about this. Do you think I’d say no?”
He laughed, dimples popping out brightly. “So… can I kiss you?”
“Please do.”
He lifted a hand and cupped it against your cheek, fingers sticky from the sugary treat you’d been sharing. He smiled at you one more time- more excited than he’d been for even the roller coaster- before finally tilting your face towards him and leaning in. His lips met your own, moving gently and soft against you, and the taste of cotton candy exploded between your mouths, as sweet as your declaration of care and affection for each other. He laughed as he finally pulled back for a breath, and you couldn’t wait for all the laughs you'd get to hear in the coming months. You couldn’t wait for the start of your new relationship. The dates, the hugs, the giggles, the growing up, the cotton candy kisses.
You couldn’t wait for the love that was coming.
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artobotsrollout · 4 years
Transformers: Harbingers
The Pirate Scream AU
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Before I talk about it you guys are the best thank you for indulging me and my AU from this post xjdjd. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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@badlydrawntransformers @cosmic0de @warrioroffandoms @measlyfurball13 And a bonus thank you to those encouraging me in the tags as well ❤️
I plan to do art for it as well as accompanying written bits and maybe even an animatic but till then have some general info under the cut.
Also there is transformers: Prime spoilers below so open at your own risk.
So this AU comes from the same place many AUs heavily involving TfP Starscream come from: the unfulfilled potential in our boy Scream. Now deeper discussion of that is not gonna be in this post. It'd be a whole essay.
It also comes from just how salty I was that the Team's kindness never really benefitted them much and they kept getting slapped for it. And OP really wanted to win over a con and Starscream kept wanting a partner. ALSO ALSO Optimus was portrayed as keeping his emotions in check and then never really gets a message that it's okay to be emotional so... I'm doing that here.
And the Starscream Pirate AU was born...
Aka Transformers: Harbingers (maybe idk if it's catchy enough djjsw)
Why Harbingers? ''It's just a SHIP Starscream chills in for awhile in the show' ' I hear you say. WELL HANG ON!! I got two very good reasons!! .
First off: Starscream, with the help of some Cybertronians who he wins over one way or another (Ill get to that), help him essentially use the remains of the Harbinger to put together their own functional ship. It's smaller than the Nemesis and will take some pirate ship inspiration. While it is a hardy beast it's a bit jury rigged.
Second of all:
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Imagine being a fictional character living in a ship with a name that basically means 'Foreshadowed bringer of change' and then going back to Megatron and his bullshit. I'm gonna grab this and run all the way with it. Highway to Hell just came on my Spotify so... That may be an omen.
I feel like Starscream and Optimus could really have had such an interesting dynamic but we never really got to see that in TfP and I feel cheated. Also both could have mutually benefitted a great deal.
So what do I do? I shove them together to be sorta begrudging Co-Captains. As a result there's a lot of shenanigans to be had!
How this happens OP has some run ins with cons and, through a way I'm still deciding, has the opportunity to extend a hand to Starscream. Starscream, being kindness starved, doesn't entirely know what to do about Optimus being nice to him one whole time with no sarcasm or ulterior motive and sorta starts trying to get his attention.
Starscream and his crew are a bit of their own team at this point. MEANING sort of new LOGOS!
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I'm yoinking the crossed out Decepticon logo from the Dark Energon Starscream and Dark Energon Knockout toys cause I mean... It's right there and also kinda like a skull and crossbones. It fits too well guys.
Starscream essentially manages to win over the autobots enough so they can sorta make a mutually beneficial, if strained, alliance to aid their aligned goal: killing Megatron and revitalizing cyberton. This is aided by some slight changes to the plot of course. It's also a benefit, much to Ratchet's delight, since they finally get some cybertronian tech to work with.
And so they gotta work together to take Megatron out and there's much bonding moments esp later when the autobot base is destroyed. Starscream extends his hand to them and offers them a more permanent position onboard. (rubbing in how unfortunate their situation is and how this is such a big favour but he's paying Optimus back.)
And insert team dynamic stuff!! Like cons teaming up with Bots, Starscream and Optimus trying to stick with it leading their own teams but keep accidently backseat-leadering one another. I will write some other ex-con and bot dynamics cause there's a lot of chaos to be had.
Optimus doesn't open up to his crew for morale sake and masks his emotions well, and Starscream is... well Starscream is Starscream so he masks what he truly feels a lot and doesn't share a lot of personal stuff besides complaints with his team either. So there's a lot of tension.... That is until Starscream has had it at just how good a poker face Prime has.
Because he's absolutely paranoid got a harmless curiosity about Optimus's ulterior motives and wants potential dirty secrets he can use as blackmail to have power over the Prime, he essentially puts cybertronian booze (but kid friendly version of course fbejek) in Optimus's energon heavily expecting him to spill the beans when heavily drunk. What he doesn't expect is that Optimus is just... LIKE THAT to his core. He's smart but very sad and guilty. And maybe a bit weepy and exhausted cause this man has not shown an emotion for eons now. /s. Starscream doesn't know wtf to do but swayed by how earnest Optimus is he sorta softens up and does open up. Might have helped that he took a swig of the tainted energon to get on his level though. But it also helps that neither is the others subordinate so they don't need to maintain their image as badly with the Co-captain as they do their team.
The ex cons sorta accidently absorb some of the autobot's morals over time. The cons help the autobots have some fun. There's a lot of stuff learned both ways. Also the cons realize how cool humans can be and after a lot of argument and forced time spent with the kids, they want to protect earth too.
Starscream, helps Optimus open up a bit more and allow himself to be emotional. He also shows him how to be a little selfish. Optimus in turn helps him with self confidence and making friends. Both help each other with the shit Megatron put em both through and overall boost one another up. (This also does change the start of the war a bit but I'll get to that in another post.)
Miko tries to fight all of the cons at first but quickly changes her tune cause "BOOYAH PIRATE CONS!!"
Other bits about this AU:
Starscream will eventually get a slight design change. It'll be less scrappy and look more confident and put together. It'll be minor
Because they are on a flying ship but have less energon than the Nemesis, everyone gets equipped with mods for flight. There is a jetpack upgrade one can get or Knockout can straight up help change their alt mode surgically.
I'm working up a list of who gets what flight mod but... Ya'll should know that Wheeljack dares Knockout to make him into a flying car. Largely cause I just got the image of Wheeljack flying above vehicons and just turning into a car and dropping on them. That and driving up the side of the Nemesis and confusing the fuck out of Megatron. Out of all the characters you know that would be a Wheeljack thing.
Arcee and Knockout grieve together.
Knockout loves bugging the hell out of Ratchet. It's extra fun for him cause Ratchet often can't do shit about it since they both need the room and tools.
Knockout and Wheeljack become an insufferable duo with the nicknames they have for everyone.
Wheeljack won't leave Starscream alone and keeps coming up with worse and worse nicknames like he did with Ratchet.
Starscream and Ratchet become complaining buddies.
STARSCREAM'S SEEKER SQUAD REJOINS. Well some of them. Skywarp, Thundercracker and maybe other peeps.
Miko manages to befriend Skywarp and Bulkhead now has to watch both Miko AND Skywarp. Wheeljack refuses to help Bulkhead round them up.
Raf hits it off with Thundercracker.
Knockout: "FINALLY a team with fragging MANNERS!"
Instead of Beeftimus Prime from the forge, Optimus actually gets access to a third alt mode and.. Idk something else primely. So he actually gets wings.
Starscream and the other fliers are greatly amused because Optimus, as great as he is at his poker face most of the time, hasn't yet figured out how to not emote with the pair of wings he gets from the forge. Thundercracker is the one who eventually informs him while the rest of the crew are booing loudly in the background.
I actually do have designs of TFP Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Ironhide in the works.
Fowler and Starscream have insult battles. Oddly both grow a weird almost fondness for these verbal sparring sessions
They frequently raid the Nemesis
Miko keeps talking in a pirate voice. Smokescreen has joined her.
AND A LOT OF OTHER STUFF I'LL GET INTO WITH MORE DETAIL AND ART. I'll also talk more in depth about some of these things that isn't a ramble like this post is. xnwjskw.
Feel free to ask about anything you're curious about.
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flockofteeth · 3 years
i posted on the ME/CFS facebook group i frequent about being at my wits end with my health & boy i'm glad i did because they were SO helpful
they suggested compression socks which i'd forgotten about
they also reminded me about needing smaller meals so ive started breaking my meals up
they told me where to get that one supplement i was after
they also suggested a meal replacement like fortasip for easy digestion - gonna try get mum to buy some to see if replacing breakfast or lunch is helpful
they reminded me about electrolytes & the person who told me that also told me that electrolytes with sugar shouldn't make me pee more??? bc the glucose gets your body to suck it up into the bloodstream better?? which is a revelation bc ive been avoiding doing the full fluids thing cause getting to the loo has been such a mission
and literally DURING THE DAY - im guessing maybe courtesy of the compression stockings? i was able to WALK ... not crawl... to the loo & back again? I took a couple stops along the way & I did take a floor rest before i headed back but STILL
also the feeling of relief going down to 85bpm resting again after being stuck over 100bpm.... divine
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fandom-of-pulp-dogs · 3 years
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Hello, my fellow sinners!
This here is just as titled, a small blog update.
Now the only things that are changing are how I will take requests, who I will write requests of and possible smaller future changes.
The smaller future changes are just changes in my writing. I'm hoping to improve my writing and take more time for my writings. Since my future writings are gonna change that means I will probably go through all my old ones and update them (I will add whether I have edited them or not on the post.) I also may change the aesthetic of my blog slightly but that's not as important lol.
Now for what you guys are waiting the hear about: The Requests.
Not much is going to change other than how many requests I will take and who I will write for (I'm also going to add what I won't write of/for but the list is very small lol)
[Characters I will Write for]
Reservoir Dogs:
- Mr. White / Lawrence Dimmick
- Mr. Orange / Freddy Newandyke
- Mr. Blonde / Victor Vega
- Mr. Pink / Sterling Bancroft ((Since Mr. Pink didn't have a real name in the movie I made one for him lmao I hope yall like it))
- Mr. Brown / Julian Dalton ((Once again, the character didn't have a name so I gave him one :)
- 'Nice' Guy Eddie Cabot
Pulp Fiction:
- Vincent Vega
- Jules Winnfield
- Mia Wallace
- Winston 'The Wolf' Wolf
- Marsellus Wallace
- Jimmie Dimmick
- Fabienne
- Butch Coolidge
- Buddy Holly
- Pumpkin
- Hunny Bunny
Django Unchained:
- Dr. King Shultz
- Broomhilda von Shaft
- Django 'Freeman'
The Hateful 8:
- Joe Gage
- Oswaldo Mobray
- John Ruth
Those are all the characters I will write for. I have decided, due to my new chaotic schedule, that I will only be taking 5 requests at a time. I will frequently update my requests from Open to Closed so keep your eyes open if you want to make any requests!
Now the things I won't write:
- Incest
- R@pe/Non-Con ((In certain fics I might allude to these topics but I refuse to go into detail and write scenes about them ALSO this does not include Con-non-con I am open to writing those types of fics but not real non-con or r@pe))
- Nothing with feces, I don't mind writing for piss kinks but DEFINITELY no feces
- Angst- let me elaborate, I won't write a full-on angst fic (at least not 95% of the time) But I will do hurt/comfort type stuff, just not full-on Angst.
Types of Structures I will write in:
- HCs
- Drabbles
- One-Shots/Imagines
- Mini-Series ((2-6 Fics))
As I am currently writing this, I can't think of anything else to add But I might update this sooner or later so until then these are the updates and new rules for the requests and for my blog in general.
I currently only have 2 Requests that I am working on currently so if you are wanting to make a request I have 3 slots open!
I hope you all don't mind me doing this, I just wanted to add a little bit more structure to the blog because it's really taken off. I know I haven't posted a lot lately but I'm really trying to get better at that. :) I hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night. Thank you for reading and supporting me <3
- Fandom Of Pulp Dogs
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