#so i'm just recycling my old stuff and making it into something i might actually like
transmascsnearyou · 1 year
just started editing something I wrote when I was 16...
started with about 2400 words in just one chapter i'm not even halfway through and i'm already down to 1600 words
i used so many useless words that just make the story harder to read like i described that one guy with 15 different words just listed
something like 'he had dark hair, glistening in the sun with their softness and eyes like waterfalls in their deep sadness and skin so bright that you couldn't look at him for too long'
but with 5 more sentences describing how perfect he looked and now that i'm editing this he's becoming a wet rat of a woman
editing my own work is exhausting
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breadnabreadd · 1 year
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✦ Oh boy! Here we go.
I created a LMK Au just for funsies. A furutistic, high technologic world with cyberpunk vibes! (Because I absolutely love this type of aesthetic)
✦ the picture above is just a quick drawing I did of Macaque in this AU. I will get into details about the AU while showing a few infos of a few LMKs characters alongside with their designs. (Just a reminder I'm still creating the AU and it's my first time making one. It might be a little messy, so I apologize if it gets too messy--)
Oh! And by the way, the characters on this AU follow the same basic formula as the original characters. So it doesnt have much changes, other than the world they live in, their clothes and a few events.
✦ MK, The Monkie Kid
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• Its the same thing as our little MK from the animated series, he works at Pigsy's Noodles as a delivery boy, is the Monkey king's biggest fan and is his successor and pretty much the basic stuff.
• He learned about the Monkey king with Mister Tang. He is a huge fan.
• Tho he isn't a great expert, he knows how to how to fix computer cases, machines and vehicles and build stuff by using old pieces (he learned with Pigsy and Sandy, just in case his delivery vehicle breaks in the middle of the road or a something start malfunctioning in the noodle store). As we can see, he works more in the hardware part.
• He likes to collect the old pieces of old devices that people throw away in the city's old graveyard. It's like a type of recycling. (That's also how he find the Monkey king's staff but that is a thing I will tell in details in another day--)
• He loves to draw!!! Hooray!!! He also likes to play games. Is always playing video games with his best friend, Mei, on the arcade or online.
✦ Mei, The White Horse Dragon Girl
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• She's a programmer/developer of softwares (Yes I know that in I drawing I said she's a "hacker but a bit clumsy" but actually i wanted to say shes a programmer. I was sleepy, it was 2 am, and my brain wasn't braining 😰😰😰---) with a few knowledge about hardwares. She created her technological helmet system with MK's help. (Her helmet it's similiar to Iron man's helmet from inside.)
• She built her own motorcycle, again with MK's help. She participates a lot motorcycles race just for funsies.
• Loves to play games. I guess I could say she is quite of a professional gamer? She play to win. But when she is playing with MK or with other friends, she doesnt care losing or winning, she only cares about enjoying some quality time with them.
✦ Liu'er Mihou, The Six Eared Macaque.
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• Pretty much same as the original Macaque. (Lost his eye in the past with a fight against Sun Wukong. Omg betrayal. Yknow the deal-)
• Here he is a Hacker/Cracker.
"But what is a cracker?" You may ask. Now it's time for my nerd/TI studant side take over. A cracker it's a mean hacker. The cracker breaks/attacks the systems and webs for their own benefit, which it's for illegal purposes. Now a Hacker it's actually a job, which their purpose its to find the security breaches and ways to how break it, so then they can make the security stronger and prevent invasions/attacks at the system.
With that being said, Macaque is a hacker/cracker. So he makes defense systems to himself and breaks into other systems for illegal purposes.
• He got these gloves that helps him hack things better, he created it himself. He create floating holograms like it's a tablet screen and can hold on these holograms using these gloves. With a simple touch he can steal database from a device and hack it's system. (He can hack machines, computers, tech weapons and even the light system.)
• He got his shadow magic too, same as the original one. Shadow clones, shadow portals... but he kinda makes a fusion between his magic and the technology he invented to himself. (Before anyone say it. YES! I got heavily inspired by Sombra from Overwatch. 😔)
✦ The Monkey King, Sun Wukong
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• Yeah, the Monkey king. The great sage equal to heaven. The silly who made a havoc on heaven---
But he doesnt use the mecha much. It has been CENTURIES since he last use it. Now MK is the one who uses it because he is Sun Wukong's successor.
• That's not his "Monkey King" royal clothes. It just some casual/comfy clothes to use in everyday life.
• He already knew who MK was. MK is a stone Monkey just like himself. Wukong have been watching the kid grow up from far. He grow a bit attached to the boy.
Sun Wukong surely wasn't expecting to MK being able to lift his golden staff, so he think in the opportunity to make him his sucessor and teach him how to use his new powers. (Yes, I was lisiting to "the horse and the infant" song. How did you kn--)
Oh God. That explanation was long.
✦ Welp, that's all for today!
I will post more stuff about the AU in the future. And I still need to think a name for it...
It is clear I got heavily inspired by Cyberpunk, techwear, overwatch, New Gods: Nezha reborn, Arcane and other stuff. I'm sorry, BUT I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT AESTHETIC AND VIBES!! HHHHHHH-
✦ I'm a huge nerd. 🤓
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Maybe it's just me, but the idea of Adventure Bay's local news makes me laugh, just imagine seeing the pups rescues being broadcast on the news, with the news headlines and reporter commentary, with all the crazy stuff that happens, the news in Adventure Bay must be crazy. "Thanks John, in today's news our local ten-year-old leader of the town's search and rescue team and his pack of rescue pups are at it again, once again putting a stop to Foggy Bottom's own Mayor Humdinger and his nefarious schemes, this time the mayor apparently let loose a trash machine he called the 'Trash-dinger 3000' onto Adventure Bay's beach, reports say the machine got out of control and started flinging cubes of trash everywhere, prompting Ryder and his pups to appear, and it seems our favorite eco-pup Rocky has a new trick up his sleeve, coming onto the scene with what Ryder calls his 'Re-Use It Truck' capable of recycling and upcycling trash into all kinds of stuff, and all in the blink of an eye, now this is actually Rocky's 10th vehicle, if you can believe it, he has been seen driving 9 other vehicles at one point or another, including a motorcycle, that boy sure is a genius, what will he think of next? In other news, later today, our new four-legged superheroes will explain how they get their powers from a meteor that crash landed on that same beach, assuming they don't get called for another mission of course, so stay tuned!"
Hold on hold on my ADHD ass is at it again, the Re-Use It Truck was given to him at some point during the 7th season which I just finished watching so up to that point no Jet To The Rescue and no Movie truck
Which leaves us with
His regular truck
Sea Patrol boat or whatever that's called
Mission PAW vehicle I don't even remember what Rocky's looks like right now
Jungle truck
His Ultimate Rescue truck
Ultimate Rescue Swamp mini boat or whatever
Racing car
Dino Rescue truck
Ah ok that checks out LMAO took me long to remember all these btw and I might have switched something for the Swamp boat simply because I can't remember anymore
Ryder and the pups just DON'T STOP and there's always mundane things to treat as missions but also HELLA CRAZY STUFF, this ain't News, it's pure entertainm--
I want printed copies of what their newspaper looks like XD I learned to diagram entire magazines and newspapers and flyers when I studied Graphic Design college, I could try and put it to good use, would anyone want a downloadable copy? XD I'M SERIOUS I'M GONNA MAKE IT
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lilblucat · 2 months
Seeing that Akita had legs before Colt got a WD body makes me wonder if she could crawl or walk around on before he could. If Colt could puzzle out how to get Akita to help him move around either by rolling him around or getting some sort of wagon.
The confusion that N and Uzi have seeing Akita run around on two legs like a lizard while wheeling around Colt to watch TV in the living room together
He's actually already begun what I'm calling "limb training" so he can kinda walk at this point with some help and some demo limbs. Liam doesn't seem like he thinks the inbetween of baby and adult Worker is important enough to really have solid thoughts on and that we're kinda just given free reign to headcanon whatever, so I'm doing just that.
Liam's (head?)canon on it is that Workers probably make new bodies between baby and adult, but that wasnt quite a thing when I started this fic. I see the human parallels he's going for, but realistically I think this would be incredibly wasteful for colonies to do with danger just outside (unless they recycle old bodies for the life states, but that still means baby bodies are made fresh because that's canon). The other alternative is that they harvest parts off the corpses of their own to build adult bodies for their young, but there's nothing in canon to really support that from the corpses we've seen.
SO, that brings us to wtf I'm going for on my baby to adult inbetween headcanon. I'm sticking with the two lifestates we've seen in the show and that babies must undergo "limb training" so that they don't misuse the adult body once they get transferred in. I figure a Worker baby is kinda like a mini PC you can plug stuff into (you can plug USBs into them in canon and Beau has grafted limbs on him), so parents plug in individual arms and legs for them to try out for a while. Maybe they're smaller than normal, I'm not sure but the colony has a few sets in their nurseries for parents to teach their kids with. Baby drones can safely learn how to use limbs this way, so once parents think they're mentally and physically ready for the adult body, they take out the core of the baby and put it into the adult body (the manufacturing machine is set to also produce basically computerless drones this way). The scrap from the old baby body gets recycled into the machine to be used on a new baby. This is the most wasteless route to do Worker growth to me.
Loooooong explaination on something tangential but basically yeah. By this point in the story, Colt can move around so long as his demo limbs are attached. I've actually mentioned this in a previous chapter but I think I need to do a proper chapter on it oops. Uzi and N would watch him like hawks though when he's using them. He might figure out that Akita can kinda take him places without mom and dad's approval, but I think he might prefer the independance of using the demo limbs instead. Colt and Akita probably learned to walk on their ow together though since the demo limbs arent super stable/strong. (Truthfully, I'm not sure how soon Akita learns to use her hind legs. She has to grow them out, so she might be learning to walk by the time Colt gets put into a proper Worker body and has to adjust to having natural limbs)
(Pardon this reply I'm super congested rn and on 4 hours sleep. Lotta headcanon for this story, so hoping it's not all unwanted)
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adaginy · 7 months
If you ever need Stuff, and it can be (or has to be) slightly old, and doesn't have to be *specific* it just needs to *work*,
look for surplus sales. Surplus sales are when a public/state entity (think universities, department of transportation, etc) needs to get rid of stuff. There are strict rules about them getting rid of stuff, and often, if it still works, they can't throw something away. [state rules may vary, I am speaking from the US so country rules definitely may vary]
It doesn't matter that it's out of date, that it doesn't run the programs they need, that every other desk in the building has those fancy holes for wires to disappear into and this one doesn't. They have to make it available to other departments and then offer it to the public. (Also this cuts down on trash/recycling/disposal costs, also also I think any income from surplus might just be free money that they can add to the budget without having to have detailed plans for it.)
My local university surplus updates its inventory once a week and is open twice a week: Once for people involved in the university, and then later for the public to pick over.
I needed a monitor that was <24 inches for desk space reasons, and had a VGA connection, for old-computer reasons. 25 cents. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, on a table of older monitors. They have plenty of newer monitors for more, if you need 40-inch HDMI etc etc, but they aren't retail-price either. Computers labeled as "no hard drive" or "for parts only" or whole computers that actually work, would you like an iMac for like $300??
I needed a new office chair, I mentioned recently. Surplus listed having "39 rolling chairs" in stock. I went and they ranged from basically exactly the chair I was replacing to fancy ergonomic whatevers. I got a new chair -- $30 for one that, glancing at the Staples website, would be about $300 new. Pulls to the right a little bit if I'm rolling it down a hallway but I'm not so who cares.
And it's not just office supplies and furniture? When the food service department replaces stuff, same rules apply. When the drama department gets rid of costumes and props.
Lots of 3-ring binders for 25 cents apiece. Aprons, same. I think 25c might be the minimum they can price stuff at. Sports stuff. A/V equipment. Cameras. wires and wood.
Also used cars, and fancy lab/janitorial equipment if you need a $4000 medical-grade freezer for $200[as is, functionality unknown] or a $10,000 floor scrubber for $800[works], but in my experience those are auctions rather than being loaded into the surplus warehouse.
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duhragonball · 5 months
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth
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This one's gonna be pretty quick, but I wanted to get it out of the way before I tackled End of Evangelion.
All right, so the Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series (1995-1996) was a success, and there was also a strong fan demand for a different ending. I'm pretty sure fans thought the original ending in Episodes 25 and 26 was an incoherent mess, but maybe they were more supportive about it. Anyway, those two factors led to the release of the first NGE movie, Death and Rebirth, in March 1997.
The movie is actually two smaller movies and both of them are kind of bullshit. The first half, Death, is just a trumped up clip show, which is pretty rich considering how much footage they already recycled making Episodes 14, 25, and 26. The second half, Rebirth is actually all-new material that serves as an alternate ending, but only the first 25 minutes' worth of that ending. This 25 minute segment ends on a cliffhanger, and it would air again, along with the conclusion, in End of Evangelion, released in July 1997.
So really, Death and Rebirth was just an extended preview of End of Evangelion. A fan would have gone to the theater for D&R in March, and gotten a recap of the TV series, followed by the opening third of EoE. That would presumably whet the fans' appetite to come back in four months to see EoE in its entirety.
So in 1997, this was probably a cool idea. By that time, NGE had been off the air for about a full year, and fans might have appreciated a highlight reel of all the big moments from the series before diving into the next thing. And seeing 25 minutes of a new episode doesn't sound like such a bad deal either.
But, it's 2024, and from my vantage this just comes across like a cheap stunt. It looks a lot like End of Evangelion was the movie they wanted to make all along, but they couldn't get it finished in time, so they slapped together what they had and padded it out with old clips. Then they released End of Evangelion as they had originally intended, but this way they got their fans to pay twice for that same 25 minutes of footage.
Any way you slice it, there's not much of value in Death and Rebirth. The first portion is just clips from the TV series, and the second portion is just the first portion of End of Evangelion. What does that leave?
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Well, a little. I think this "found footage" clip from Misato's dad's lab is new? I could be wrong. There's not much to it. You hear people talking about stuff and then everyone gets upset because Adam is awakening or something, and then Second Impact happens.
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There's also a bit with Kaji and Asuka talking while they're en route to Japan. Kaji tells her that one of the other Eva pilots is a boy, but she doesn't care about boys her own age, all she wants is Kaji.
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There's a framing sequence where the Eva pilots each show up to the empty theater from Episodes 25 and 26, and they prepare to play classical music. Shinji's on cello, and I can barely tell what the others are even doing. It's all meaningless filler disguised as some sort of powerful, meaningful thing.
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I think this is new footage of Unit 00 removing the Lance of Longinus from Adam Lilith's body. When the lance comes out, the bottom half of Lilith expands and grows into a pair of humanoid legs, as opposed to the bulbous mass of many teeny legs.
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Maybe this was in the TV episode, but I feel like I would have remembered seeing this before.
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Also new, maybe? This scene of Clownshoes talking to Yui Ikari and baby Shinji. He isn't keen on SEELE and their predicted scenario of Third Impact happening in the next ten years. Yui's a member of SEELE, and she assures him that they're just trying to ensure that Third Impact happens in a way that humanity will survive and be prepared for. Clownshoes also says that he basically got an offer he can't refuse from SEELE, which is why he's reluctantly helping them. And mybe this was in Episode 21, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't because I remember wondering when and how Clownshoes joined up and being irritated that a scene like this didn't exist to spell it out.
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Oh, here's that suitcase with the embryonic Angel in it, remember that? Gendo called it "Adam" when Kaji delivered it, and I didn't understand this. Then they called the big white angel on the cross "Adam", except it turned out to be Lilith. Well, what they did was they shrank Adam down into embryo form so he'd be easier to move around. This also had the benefit of keeping him hidden when the other Angels attacked NERV in search of him. We found out Lilith was kept on the cross as sort of a decoy, but where was the real Adam, then?
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Uh, in this guy's hand? I guess? They never show whose hand this is, but it just occurred to me that Gendo always wears gloves, and there were a couple of battles in the TV show where things were looking pretty dicey and he got up to leave his command post. Maybe he was trying to keep Adam away from the intruding Angel during those moments.
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We also get a clip of Kaji greeting whoever shot him, but instead of the gunshot we hear a slap, and then Shinji telling Asuka that Kaji is gone. She refuses to believe it.
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After that, things pretty much wrap up with the final battle against the 17th Angel. That segment is basically a quick rundown of Episode 24, but the stuff before that is a jumbled collage. I think they tried to organize it thematically. A bunch of Shinji stuff, then Asuka moments, then Rei moments, and so on. When I first learned about this movie, I assumed the Death portion was like an abridged treatment of the TV show, but it really isn't. This would be a terrible way to introduce a new viewer to the franchise. All the big important story beats are included, but in a jumbled order, often with no context. It's designed for a fan to watch and go "Yeah, I remember when that happened."
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Anyway, the kids wrap up their music practice and exit the stage. Whatever.
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Then there's an intermission clock before the Rebirth feature starts. Cute. I made sure to take a screenshot of the clock on 4:20, because that's the weed number. Ha ha, can you imagine what it would be like if everyone in Evangelion was high? On weed? The NERV logo would be green, and instead of a maple leaf it would be a marajuana leaf, because that's the weed plant! And when they get in their entry plug, they would be full of bongwater, and it would be green from all the weed molecules in it. Instead of LCL fluid, they would call it "THC fluid", amirite? Also Shinji and Asuka would be a lot less upset all the time.
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After that, Rebirth starts, but I'm not going to get into that here. We'll save it all for End of Evangelion, since the whole thing is supposed to be there. It might take me a little longer to write that up, but I'm sure it'll be ready this weekend. Doncha dare miss it!
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thedisablednaturalist · 11 months
My parents found out about the present I bought myself for my birthday. I worked my max hours to afford it. I had it shipped to my bfs house so they wouldn't see it. Apparently I missed a receipt that was hidden in the box. Idk how they got it anyway cause I put the box out with the trash/recycling. My mom was being so cruel about it and how I keep buying myself "lavish" gifts (most stuff I buy for fun is like $10-$50 max). I always plan my purchases and have never missed a credit card payment. Most of my money goes towards doctors visits, medication, car maintenance and gas, accessibility items/ergonomic stuff, cat food and litter, and hygiene. Recently I stopped most of my subscriptions save for a cheap minecraft server. The bulk of my pay goes into savings which have really grown since I got my raise. I also give my parents $400 in rent each month. I'm trying to save up for a recliner to replace my bed but I don't want to use the money I've already put away.
Like ok, maybe I'm not mr.frugal. maybe i sometimes buy more expensive things because they're more convenient (like already cut vegetables/fruit or preprepared meals) but like my hands fucking hurt and sometimes I don't have the spoons to feed myself. Maybe I fall prey to impulse purchases once in a while. Im learning and I'm trying to learn how to budget bc now I have to also pay for insurance until I can get on medicaid.
My mom acts like I don't care. She sees amazon packages come for me and think theyre all toys or expensive skincare or junk when its actually body wipes for when I cant shower/so i dont come back from the field to the office all stinky. Its a trash can I can keep on my bedshelf so I dont throw trash onto the floor instead. Its knee braces because my knees fucking suck. Once in a while Ill see something on sale that ive been wanting for a while and will grab it. And the most expensive skincare I use is $20 for a jar that lasts me 3 months. I have to keep my skin clear or ill pick and have scabs and blood all over my face again. I spend money on drag because it MAKES me money. Last time I got paid $100 from the venue and $50 in tips. One time I got paid $300 from the venue (i dont remember how much in tips).
Im trying my best. Im working with 3 government agencies rn to get a job and get health coverage. Im working my ass off at my job when i probably shouldnt be working (my mom laughed when I mentioned this). I'm constantly doing things to earn me money or to make life a bit less painful. Even streaming is a desperate attempt to make a career/side gig out of something I enjoy and doesn't make me flare up. I only watch shows when im with my bf or when im doing chores or working. I rarely play video games. When I flare I lay in bed and scroll Tumblr or play a mindless dress up game where I only have to move my thumb. I cry almost everyday. I cry on the way to work. I cry holding my cat in so much pain i cant move.
The only big frivilous purchases I've made is the present and a new graphics card (I haven't replaced my old one in a decade). The present cost $230 and the graphics card cost $800. Both of these I saved for. I might buy a nice skirt once in a while but thats pretty much it. I also spread out big purchases over time when I can.
Am I spoiled? Maybe. Maybe my parents are right and I'm a lazy spoiled kid who just makes excuses. But my pain is real, constant, and severe.
I have friends who's birthday presents consist of trips to fucking italy or the bahamas. Who complain when their parents drag them on yet another international vacation. Some are amazing people who are grateful and work their asses off. And some of them are a bit entitled. My mom said most 26 year olds are living on their own with jobs and I fucking laughed. The only 26 year olds with their own apartments especially in my area either have 5 roommates in a 2 bedroom shithole, got lucky and have a high paying tech job, their parents pulled strings to get them hired, or their parents are paying partly or fully for their apartment.
And when i tried to find an apartment? She discouraged me and told me id never be able to afford one (correct) but now im suddenly able to when it suits her argument? Ive been heavily job hunting for over a year and got ONE interview who ghosted me after two interviews. I make $2k MAX. Rent in my area is $1700-2500 for a freaking studio. The $1700 one doesn't let you see the apartment and gets snapped up immediately. And these are all apartments within a 2 hour radius. All the "affordable housing" is for people 55 and older.
Like I literally have no options. I can't move until I get a job in that area. I can't leave the country cause Im disabled and also thats fucking expensive. My bf makes less than me and even combined we couldn't afford a place.
Literally, I've never been suicidal before. Ive never struggled with that due to my fear of death. But all of this? Ive recently had suicidal thoughts and its fucking scary. Thoughts that killing myself would make it easier for everyone else. That it would be easier to just end it, that life will always be a living hell and i should just give up. And thats fucking scary! I shouldn't have those thoughts! But that's how bad it is.
I try to do what my therapist told me. I try to set boundaries. But setting a boundary means not eating dinner bc I leave when my parents yell at me. I try to think positively and ignore the pain. I probably walk an average of 1-2 miles a day. I try and try and try and it hurts so much. They can't be proud of me? For even big victories? Guilting me about graduation cause I took too long. Keeping a job for more than a year (its not a REAL job cause its hourly and doesnt have benefits).
Like what's the point? I've been fighting and fighting and most of the world wants to see me dead and gone anyway. I'm trying to work in a field that doesn't even consider people like me. If I cant work Ill just bring my boyfriend and my family down. Every step forward I manage to take I get dragged back 10.
Im so tired and ashamed and stressed and my fucking body hurts worse now because of the stress and i just dont want to wake up tomorrow.
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blvcklizard · 1 year
So, I've decided to recycle an old theory of mine, because I actually believe in that part of it.
I think Sigma isn't actually born from the book, he was simply given amnesia by the page. (Now, I don't doubt that the book can create people. I just don't trust that Sigma is.)
I see how that might be related to other things, but it's a little weird to me that Sigma's age is stated to be "unknown" in his character card. Like, if I remember correctly we know that according to Fyodor, he was created three years ago. And sure, the "unknown" is probably referring to his physical appearance, so what about the other parts of his info that are "unknown"?
It's his birthday and ability name. And yes, that makes sense, since those are two things that are taken from the irl authors, and Sigma isn't one.
Except that if that were true, why not make something up? He obviously has a birthday (even if I'm wrong and it happens to be the day he was written down) and ability name, and if Sigma is just "Sigma", no more and no less than the character we've seen, there is no reason why those couldn't just have been made up. Like, neither of these informations are plot relevant, and while it gives him this aura of mystery and unfamiliarity, there doesn't seem to be a real reason beyond that.
Because here's the thing, the character we know as "Sigma" doesn't really exist. For all I know, it's actually been stated that Sigma isn't his real name, but what's giving it away even more so is his ability. Correct me if I'm wrong but the only "independent" ability user (excluding family members that have an ability for plot reasons, such as Tachihara's brother for example) in the series that isn't based on an author is Nemo, and I'm not counting him because he only appears in a light novel. I can't think of a reason why Sigma would be the exception here.
I see that this argument is rather weak in light of the actual theory, since just because he's probably an author too doesn't mean he can't be born from the book, but let's keep looking at his ability. It's, said simply, flawed. Taking only the bare base into consideration, he can't use it for his (or whoever is using him, poor Sigma) benefit without giving his enemies the same advantage. And like, yeah, it makes sense, there are very few abilities in this manga that don't have any weaknesses/ties to conditions, but if the DOA had the opportunity to create a perfect character, why wouldn't they get rid of this? The only explanations I could think of are that giving their enemies information is part of their plan (and I'll say it as it is, I'm not smart enough to judge whether this is true, because I can't imagine it is, but I may very well be overlooking some stuff) or that they couldn't give him a different ability because of the plot rule (which makes even less sense to me). The information exchange just seems like more risk than Fyodor would usually be willing to take, but maybe that's just me.
On a similar note, if you think about it, the role Sigma played on the DOA's plan... is ridiculously small. He's strong, and yet they threw him away after one move, and technically he had been meant to do even less, as Fyodor told him not to pick a fight with the Hunting Dogs (although I can very well imagine this was a reverse psychology type of thing since he knew Sigma would do it anyway). My point is, there are so many ways you could use a person that's created from the book, and none of them apply to Sigma in the slightest.
Okay, and why tf would the DOA mess with Sigma's memories?
1. As Fyodor pointed out, it's a power boost. Assuming that his personality didn't drastically change, Sigma would be a lot weaker without his wishes and despair driving him. (I like how this is turning against the DOA now, but let's see how this proceeds.)
2. It might have been a practice run. Overwriting memories is like, a central part of the DOA's plan and I don't see Fyodor as someone who likes taking risks. So if they were going to power up Sigma a bit anyway, this was a perfect opportunity.
Who is Sigma then?
...no idea. In the original theory I said that he might be Mishima, and while the possibility exists, I don't think it has any more base than literally any other suggestion (aside from how similar their names are, to be fair). His color pallette also fits the russian characters, so maybe he's someone else entirely.
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walkingstackofbooks · 10 months
DS9 4x18 Hard Time thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [11 July ‘23]
"Do you wish to add anything to the official record?" His scared shake of his head. Already my heart and we're not long in.
Kira's hard face. She's so gentle with him :3
"I used to dream about this. Being on in runabout, coming through the wormhole, seeing the station again." The time loss thing is so jilting, I love how they've managed to make it weird for us, echoing just a little bit of O'Brien's feelings.
Kira's obviously so uncomfortable with the dream versus reality situation, and Miles' experiences.
He's walking so stiffly, you can tell he still feels as though he's aged 20 years in his body...
"Julian. Is it really you?" "It's me." This meeting is so short but still my heart 💔Julian can't take his eyes off Miles.
"I can't imagine what it would have been like. Twenty years in that cell." At least Julian's talking like it was real, unlike Kira's 'it wasn't real' vibe.
"I was alone." Cut to flashback of not being alone. I'm looking forward to seeing this with the knowledge of what has happened in the prison.
*Miles' hesitancy over ordering something from the replicator? "Computer? A piece of chee'lesh fruit, please." What different ways are there of saying "oh my heart" because I think I'll be needing some....
"Miles? Oh, Miles." Keiko is so fantastic, and oh, their reunion is so understated but so good.
I'm so jealous of the recycling capabilities of replicators.
"I've been alone for so long." He didn't even need to mention of he'd been alone or not, he's really keeping up the pretence, making sure his barriers are high. Or maybe trying to make himself believe it.
"How do you do that? Laugh?" It's so weird. Ee'char is so nice and then you remember he was completely created just to break Miles. I keep thinking "it was a good thing Ee'char was thing was there for Miles" and then having to fight to go "no, actually, Ee'char wasn't real."
"Do I need one seventeen, or two?" "I am not sure." It's sweet that Worf is trying, despite his dislike of games.
There's something so heart-hitting about Jake reteaching Miles the engineering stuff. It's lovely that Jake has learnt enough from Miles for it to go the other way.
"I don't want to be embarrassed in front of the repair crews." But it says a lot that he's not in front of Jake, despite Jake being less of an expert.
"You may be a little rusty, but you're still the Chief." "Oh, well if I'm still the Chief, I say we go through it again." That's the old Miles shining through there!
I'm sorry HOW does Julian walk down a ladder?! Facing forward like their stairs?! Seriously, go watch this clip!
"I just want to forget about what happened on Argratha and get on with my life." -just like that, hey? I'm sorry Miles, it doesn't work like that.
"Tell me about Keiko again." Is that subtle Argrathi torture or Ee'char niceness?
Ee'char calls him Miles - does anyone on the station call him Miles usually at this point? (To check when spreadsheet updates!)
I feel like losing control and hurting Quark isn't going to help with the guilt he's feeling about losing control and killing Ee'char. Miles, you can tell your spiralling, I know you're scared but please get help!
"Please, Captain. I'm asking you as a personal favour to me, give me one more chance." "I wish I could. But right now, in the judgement of this station's Chief Medical Officer, you're unfit for duty." Oof, throwing Bashir under the bus. (I definitely headcanon Julian's prepared to take on all of Miles' anger so he can still get support from the others.)
"You should listen to him, Miles. He cares about you just like I did. Don't make the same mistake with him you did with me." OUCH. HallucEe'char! That's basically implying Miles might kill Julian!
"Don't you get it. You're not my friend. Not anymore. The O'Brien that was your friend died in that cell." "He's not dead. He just needs a little help, that's all." Oh Julian, still trying and trying and trying.
"He wants to help you." "Like you did?" "That's right. We're both your friends." "Yeah. And look what happened to you." I don't think hallucEe'char is the best at getting through to Miles. Which makes sense since he kind of is Miles? But yeah it's so clear here Miles feels like he has to distance himself because he's worried about what he might do to Julian, he knows what he's capable of if he loses control.
"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." He's just scared of himself - and I'm guessing also what the counsellor or anyone else might find out about him or think of him, he was desperate to keep this horrible side of himself to himself. That's why he can't seek help, and he's just trying to brute force his brain into working.
"Chief?" Oh, Julian is so tense, you can see it in his entire body.
The thing is, Ee'char is making it easy for O'Brien to stay angry at him, he's not offering the explanation that would make things better *because* the simulation wants Miles to kill him.
"But when it came down to it, when I had the chance to show that no matter what anyone did to me, I was still an evolved human being, I failed." Those are some damn high expectations there Miles! No matter what anyone did to you?! It was a set-up, and you can't expect to come out of twenty years of torture unchanged!
"It's a treatment, not a cure." I'm glad they had Julian say this. It did feel a bit like "he's some medicine take it and you'll be fine" at the beginning of this scene.
Miles' smile at Molly's excited "Daddy's home! Daddy's home!"
Idk, but the fact he suddenly seems so much better between the cargo bay scene and the corridor makes me think he must have spent at least a night or two in the infirmary with Julian, which would also make sense why him coming home would be such a big thing for Molly.
Man, this episode does not pull it's punches. And that's why it's such an incredible episode. 💔💔💔
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raidante · 2 years
Hey just stumbled on your blog and I LOVE YOUR OC DESIGNS and would love to know the lore to them are
Well it's pretty transparent that they are all SMT based OCs, the scenario they're from is essentially my fan SMT game scenario because I just... really want a really good true to form SMT game that leans into stuff that made the series unique... as well as I love imagining the idea of what if this game came out in like, the early 2000's like Nocturne did for funsies with limited hardware pushed to it's fullest extent.
Each character of course has their own individual backstory and eventual motivations for their alignments and relationship with the world + the protagonist, but some of it I am sortttt of wanting to keep hush hush cuz it's like...spoilers! But at the same time, there is no way this will ever actually become a game cuz I know next to nothing on how to develop games :( But idk how else to translate the way I want to tell the story without it being one you know? I think the most transparent I am in terms of lore and story is protag cuz he's the one who's most fleshed out + the one you experience everything through so obviously everything about him is pretty transparent to the Player from the get-go.
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The story involves themes of identity, ego, and birth. Heavy on the birth and rebirth aspect, physically and spiritually. Our relationship with ourselves and what it means to be born into a new person as we progress through our lives, being shaped by our experiences and understandings. Even when we think we truly know ourselves, there will always be aspects of ourselves that go through reactions and changes in response to things. Overall, I think SMT is about change and how people react and reflect to that change. Each character goes through their own interpretations of what they want the world to change into, and to achieve it by their own actions... be the change you want to see in the world and all that.
Its a reason why I want the protag to be someone who was very average and just one of the many many youths living in Tokyo when the bombs dropped. In fact, I'm pretty sure he was one of the first victims of it. I don't want it to be explicitly the same bombs from SMT1--you know, the ones that were dropped on Tokyo to fight the demons, but it's pretty much implied. Those who didn't die to the intial hit probably died to the after effects of the radiation, or became pickings for demons. It doesn't really matter how he died, just that he did, and it's the last thing he remembers before waking up as we know him now.
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Don't know why the visual image of fetuses and birth intrigues me so... but it does. Like, as a narrative, because there's something powerful and beautiful yet absolutely terrifying about it. And it can sort of encompass every aspect of our lives, too... it also can mark the beginning of something new. That's what it's like for this Protag...he knows who he is but at the same time he doesn't understand it all together. He had accepted his death and now he was here, alive, again, made into something new from the recycled old parts of him. almost like a second chance, but who really believes in that kind'a stuff?
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One thing I really wanted to make sure was to translate the fact that my protagonist is Human. Human physically, Human down to his core. He might not be the traditional sense of a human, but he is made of the same parts as humans are, with the same functioning organs, and the same level of understanding. He is human, just like... a human made in the true image of Man, because his body was fastened together by tools created by Man. Like how God made man with tools created by God?? Imagine that but Man creating his own, like a real true son of mankind...
Maybe it's evolution's way of adapting to the new world? Co-existing with the state of a post war, post society earth.
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vengeancect · 11 months
i don't really have thoughts anymore. just endless degraded feedback, like scrolling through a timeline forever. there's like a 1% of barely functional half-awake suicidal ideation buried under 99% corrupted unconscious junk data. i spend every day twitching and mumbling like a coma patient while replaying memories of watching videos or streams, little soundbites from movies or games, recycling them in my brain and pretending they're mine and i made them. it's always too loud, sleeping is hard. i try very hard to come up with any original thought or concept and even if i do it's impossible to do anything, gets eaten by the noise. my brain just ping-pongs between "i really wish sex weren't real" and "i wanna blow my brains out" as i drool all over myself and think about playing a video game (not actually doing it of course). there's only so many adjustments and corrections i can make to the same old stupid fantasies. i've eaten myself to the bone. i think about killing my parents a lot, especially my dad. i'm paranoid and jumpy all the time, my heart rate is way too fast, i hate the sound of thunder and rain hitting our roof and our dog barking and my parents old people yelling at each other. i don't have a job or education (though i did try to get them a few times over the last 2 years thank you very much!) and probably won't have one for the rest of my life. i won't be able to take care of my parents when they get old, i might even die before them due to my awful lifestyle
now that i think of it that period in 2019 where i went around actually making an effort to learn suicide methods was probably the most autonomy i've exercised in my entire life. i went outside a lot, learned how to buy things online, how to tie knots, put a lot of "effort" in, but pussied out when the time came to make a plan. oh no i have to fast for a while? but then i'll have to talk to my mom about it, and maybe reject a meal! and now, somehow, over 4 years have gone by. i don't know what to do about that. when i kept shopping for the stuff to kill myself with i was so unfamiliar with everything in the world that i had to keep googling to find out what a hardware store is. i had to check around everywhere i could for rope to buy, what kind of rope fits best. i would walk for miles into another city and then spend the entire time inside the store developing an alternate reality in my mind where i created an obscure japanese horror game from 1998. ordering shit online was mortifying and required weeks of planning just to hide it from my mom. a thing that everyone does every day was like a big autistic quest i had to bravely overcome. a year later i would learn how to turn a stove on and make grilled cheeses and it was like a revelation from god to the point where i'm legitimately nostalgic about it. (MAJOR UPDATE: just like last night i learned how to properly tie my shoes for the first time at age 24)
i had to write myself several unhinged reminders and memos like an amnesiac to remember how to tie a noose and do this or that. i shambled around two shopping malls like a tortured ape trying to find anywhere that sold kitchen scales, asking for the price and then leaving. i gave all these stores like 2 or 3 visits at least because i couldn't handle being unprepared for them. i had to talk to staff so many times, staff that were clearly my age, what an uncomfortable realization that was. i saw some disabled guy sitting at a mall cafeteria getting fed by his mom or aunt or whatever and thought "wow he's literally me…". i had to buy deadly chemicals from the internet and find a box to keep them stored in, then i had to get a padlock and key for it somewhere. then i'd walk to a random fuckin chemical storage facility because surely they'd sell me something right? then i would realize i've had my shirt on backwards for the past 2 hours. that Death Box is still there although very moldy. i want to use it but i know i won't, because i guess i don't have the mental fortitude necessary to commit suicide, and maybe never head 2019 was my 10th year being isolated. my most common thought back then was futility. that's all i could think about every time i walked back home. i am so far behind everything and everyone that even if i started "fixing myself" right now and giving it 100% it would still take another 10 years just to build a hollow resemblance of a normal life. i would "succeed" the same way that disabled guy at the mall succeeds at not choking to death on his food. the ever-present spectre of ngmi was now stronger and clearer than ever. nothing will change because nothing can. i was so desperate to die that i walked around a bunch of grassy fields trying to find a good angle and spot to do it where no one would find me. surrounded by bugs and wild horses. it didn't work. that was 4 years ago now. i can barely remember anything before that year (just to hammer the brainrot home even harder, this post was written over like two weeks while also copying another draft i'd written 4 months ago, then left to rot in my drafts for another month or two)
it's been 15 years since 2009. i guess that's when all of this "started" but it would be wrong to claim my isolation made me like this. this is just what i've always been. i am not a victim of neglect so much as a willing accomplice to it. i remember being 11 and browsing my grandpa's PC, looking up cheat codes or chemtrail videos or ytp's in his dark house and hearing the kids outside, seeing them to go school or back home, talking with their parents, and i'd think "hoo boy i hope this doesn't affect my life too hard!" i remember starting this blog july 2012, 11 years ago. i think i did it to follow some skype acquaintances and post "weird" stuff, trying to cobble a personality out of liking this or that insignificant media thing. everything i've ever done has always been a performance because i'm not capable of being real. trying to align this blog with my real thoughts only made it feel more forced and exponentially more painful because now various random people had access to my fragmented thoughts and could poke me with a stick whenever they wanted to skinner box my shit up. i awkwardly exposed myself to all manner of maladjusted weebs and soylennial irony nerds and blessedly ignorant normies and American art school gays, all of which i'm sure have now been subsumed into the workforce and developed conveniently docile, castrated lifestyles and philosophies as a way of preparing their brain for the horribly-but-sometimes-comfortably mundane rest of their lives. they'll get fat and lame but still act like they're 19, they'll try and fail to not become their parents. they'll breed and raise children and work as their brain is slowly dissolved in the murky primordial soup. they'll do all of that, and i'll still be here somehow. i'm just glad they're not pretending we're the same anymore. guess i should press post on this now
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rose-bookblood · 2 years
Rose!! holii! how are you dong friend?
I wanted to ask: what's your favorite detail, scene, plot point or character from a wip that you had to erase for some reason or another? what are those ideas that never came into view but could've been so cool if they had?
And also: what did you do with them? did you recycled them? would it possibily part on an Alternate Universe Version? are they just lost forever and only in your memory?
Have a good day/night!!
Carmen!! It's so nice hearing from you!! I'm doing well, just been very busy between studying for uni (Russian is hard), doing work for my editor and trying to have a life. Making a second Tumblr blog was not a smart choice :')
Oh, there's loads of stuff I cut from BBtS (basically nothing from RWR, though), because it changed so wildly from the first idea I got, but most of that was for the better lol. Like the love square, I don't miss it 💀 Or that it was veeery derivative of the Series that Shall Not Be Named.
One thing I think was interesting and I would've gladly kept if it fit with the other changes was that the Thirteen, the rulers of the Elemental Republic, used to be the Thirteen Families. One member of each family inherited the office, with the only criteria being that all thirteen elements had to be represented (like they are in the current version). The story was supposed to explore their internal feuds and the heir of one of the families, the lightning bender's nephew (as in sobrino, since I can specify this with you), joined the gang at some point and acted as a bridge between them and the Thirteen Families.
I could actually put the guy in there as an easter egg to me and myself only lol. I mean, I already made my friends students at the academy (besides the one who chose to be a terrorist lmao), so why not him too?
There sure is an alternative universe version where the Thirteen Families are still a thing, and I can see myself writing it or just developing further in my spare time or as a procrastination method. I'm fond of old ideas and don't like the thought of them being lost forever, so if I end up doing something concrete with these one, I might post it!
Thanks for the ask, Carmen! I promise I'll answer the others and also finish the BBtS holiday snippet, even though at this point the holidays are way behind us 💀
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here bestie and it looks like we're going to be in for another round of reduce, reuse, and recycle next episode 🙄🙄🙄. The stupidity of this is truly astounding, so since we only have 2 days before this shitshow hits the screen I have chosen to fight stupid with ridiculous and wish to share my optimal scenario for getting rid of guest stars and dumb plots.
First Buck is on a dinner date with Natalia, who pumping him for details about his "death", when Kameron and Connor come over. They have no sense of boundaries so they say they have news about the baby Buck donated sperm for. At first Buck is worried Natalia's going to freak out but she gets weirdly interested and asks when he did that. He explains it was before his death and Natalia starts staring creepily at Kameron's stomach and spouts some nonsense about Buck's death was in exchange for creating life and repeated refers to the "death baby". Kameron backs away and stutters out that they just wanted to tell Buck they ran some tests and Connor is the dad after all. Natalia is instantly dismissive and goes back to eating while Buck politely excuses himself and runs from the restaurant.
Cut to Eddie on the beach in heavy pining mode monologuing to himself extensively about how he wanted a sign and Buck on a date with Natalia who "sees him" clearly is a sign its not meant to be. He spots Marisol and starts reluctantly making his way to her when Buck, still fleeing his date, slams into him and knocks him over. He starts going off about how nuts Natalia is but stops when he noticed Eddie glaring at the heavens mutter "goddamnit..".
After the big finale emergency Eddie and Buck are stuck on an uncollapsed portion of the bridge with no way down to the ground. Buck starts to say this whole ordeal has made him realize and appreciate the people in his life more while giving Eddie A Look. Before he can finish though a helicopter comes in with L dangling from a harness and she says some crap like "need a ride" while winking at Buck. Eddie casually shoves her away causing her to spin comically in a circle and then asks Buck "You were saying?".
Hope you enjoyed this as a break from thinking about what is to come and some of the takes floating around out there. Also since you're the actual writer here I'd love to hear of you have an ideal scenario, we might as well have fun with this mess until forced to do otherwise.
Sorry this is so late at night my friend! It was my niece's birthday and I was out of town with every intention of being home by 8 or 9 tonight to answer this before an early bedtime so naturally it was after 11 before I actually got home 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yeah, none of the news coming out about Buck or Eddie's storylines interest me because it's all just a rinse and repeat of season 4 at this point and I'm so so very tired.
I enjoyed your version of events! There's a reason "gotta laugh to keep from screaming" is a tag I use often! 🤣 This gave me quite the giggle reading over it the other night! I wouldn't call myself *much* of a writer though if I was less brain dead I'm sure I could come up with something (6 year-olds man. They will wear you OUT!)
But ideally I would love to see sassy, petty, bitchy Eddie come out about Buck not being able to make it work to meet up with Natalia because those scenes always give me joy, and I would LOVE for literally anything to come out about the donor baby not being Buck's like I need this storyline to end in such a way that we can all just forget it happened and never have to deal with it again. I would also love if L appearance gets cut down to absolutely nothing. Like, a nod across the accident scene where SHE is the blurry background figure for once and then she also disappears never to be heard from or about ever again.
I didn't watch the sneak peeks but I saw some stills and memes about the Madney ones so at least I'm looking forward to that stuff and the calls look like they *could* be interesting but also like they could just be used to push more of Buck's stupid plot with Natalia so we'll see I guess. I'm disappointed with the news that as of yet, KR is still supposed to be moving with the show but they've got time to hammer out the details. I'm sure it will be like RNM did where it's "oh I left for such and such other, better, opportunity" which is fine I don't even care how they spin it as long as she leaves but if she's still around for s7....eh. I'm too tired to try and cross that bridge just yet.
Good luck to us tomorrow, and next week and then maybe I can breathe and work on my fic and actually get somewhere on it!
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tvlandofficial · 2 years
Can I just say I love how the TV keeps getting plugged and unplugged in this blog’s canon
Like. Most people would assume that it’s been unplugged for years until just getting plugged back in in Chapter 2 for whatever reason,
But honestly one thing I’ve wanted to talk about for a while but never know how to word is how the reason fan content of future Chapters never really hits the same way the real thing does is because of assumptions like that. Unlike Toby, who already knows what he’s gonna do with everything, we as the fans don’t typically take the opportunity to build off of small stuff like that, or just add new things to old characters instead of simply recycling what we currently have. Despite the fact that a lot of things we didn’t know in Chapter 1 actually came from things we did know, like how when you see the knockoff controller for the console under Kris’s bed, you’re supposed to assume that it was used by them as yet another visual display of their inferiority complex, only to find out that it was actually used by Asriel so they could have the real one. Or how it was revealed in Chapter 2 that Alphys’s “Cat” is actually Susie. Or how Queen’s sipping noises from Chapter 4 were never shown off or foreshadowed previously, they were just made up on the spot because her whacky personality allows for that kind of randomness, and in turn, also makes it kinda off-brand for her to not have new stuff. The thing about the plug is especially synonymous with the first thing ‘cause the whole extra lore about Toriel being some kinda god basically hinges on it
Overall, I’d say it’s safe to say adding small new things and building off of small old things is a decent chunk of what makes DR as good as it is, and without that, it just feels like something’s missing
Not that that’s not understandable. Coming up with your own shit can be pretty hard, especially if you’re not planning on covering a full Chapter’s worth of content. Plus the concern about how poorly stuff like that might age, considering what happened with Mike- Shit I’m getting side tracked
Anyway yeah, I like how this blog’s take on the Chapter has a neat detail like that
this is so sweet, thank you anon! 😭 like ive said before i dont wanna knock other people's fan chapters - the creativity in this fandom is really great and i love seeing what people come up with! there's a lot of it that i haven't really been able to keep up with, and lots of ocs that seem to have popped up because one person made a cool little idea and people latched on. but for tvland, i wanted to keep it tied to the game as we know it as much as i can, even with the nature of this kind of thing making a lot of it have to rely on my own creativity and headcanons. a lot of people have told me tvland is somewhat unique in that regard, so i'm glad everything people have been coming up with seems to be their own!
kris unplugging tenna and throwing out all their things bc of how they sympathize w the darkners is an idea ive gotten more and more attached to as time goes on. i can't know exactly what's going on in toby's head, but i like to write the blog as though someone handed me deltarune as an unfinished game and went "how would this end?" the big line of the game is "no one can choose who they are in this world", and i'm sure people who've been following and will keep following me and @officialralsei have probably picked up on where that theme pops up again and again. i don't want to show my whole hand when it comes to what i'm doing here, since i am telling a story at the end of the day, but the two of us spend so much time going over the darkner stuff in the game with a fine-tooth comb that i at least hope i made a satisfying continuation to it here.
in the end, this tenna won't be canon. but she means a lot to me, and it seems like a lot of people love her! if it turns out she's a totally different character in canon, we can just pretend this one is her long-lost cousin or something :P
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stevethehairington · 2 years
22, 29, 32 for the writers questions!!
ty for sending this in!! <3
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
hm this is. this is a funny one to answer bc i feel like i am part incredibly organized and part chaotic mess lmfao. bc like i use google drive for my fics and i have a RIGID organizational structure for that. like i have a folder for each of the fandoms i've written for and within that fandom folder i have a writing folder and within that writing folder i have my docs. and those are organized by docs i've started and are either waiting to be written or are in the middle of being written which kind of hang out in the folder loosely. but then i have a separate folder for my finished fics, a separate folder for my finished fics' plan/outline docs (if they have one), and a separate folder for each event/challenge/project i've participated in. so like for steddie i have a folder for each of the zines i'm in and a big bang folder.
but then when it comes to what i'm actually writing... that can get messier lmao. i kind of write across like 3 different platforms? like i use google docs for my main document to write in, but i also write in the notes app on my phone, and i handwrite a lot of things too (mostly bc i cant use my computer at work to write fic so i resort to good ol fashioned pen and paper lol). so it can get tricky trying to remember WHERE i wrote that one piece i'm looking for lol and i have to dig and dig through sheets of notebook paper and my insane amount of notes on my phone and the docs that i have (bc sometimes if it's getting too long i'll split up the doc too just to get a clean work space).
i also have a binder that is full of like old fic stuff i've jotted down, whether that be old snippets i've written, or ideas i've scribbled onto a sticky note, or something i printed out to edit. that binder has stuff from sooo many different fandoms in it lol. i've tried organizing it by fandom and i've bunched all the stuff for one specific idea into a paperclipped stack or i've put it in one of those sheet protector pages lol.
but yeah it's like organized chaos i guess you could say. but it works for the most part so! here i am! lol
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
ooh! easy question!! i draw inspiration from literally anything and everything!! the world is full of stuff that makes GREAT stories!! so yeah i absolutely pull from everything around me - whether that's looking up prompts on tumblr, watching a show/movie or reading a book and wanting to au it, something a friend/coworker/someone random on the street said, an object i see that sparks something in me, a color, a weather pattern, a mood, a song, a recipe, my own feelings, other people's feelings, my life experiences, other people's life experiences.
inspiration really truly comes from everwhere!
when the well runs dry i try to dig deeper. i try to look through prompts that might spark something, even if it's a tiny little ficlet. oh i also like to look through old ideas i've had for other fandoms when this happens bc sometimes the best thing to do is to recycle!! bc like the inspiration was there at some point, and looking back on it helps to respark that and bring it back! and trying to revamp it to fit my current fandom/pairing really helps get the gears turning again too.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
you can find the answer to this one here!
weird questions for writers
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knowlessman · 2 years
I didn't get burned out on bnha or anything, I just got a switch with botw for my birthday and opened it early 'XD anyway ep 8-9
show has half its runtime's worth of jk they keep adding stuff to these flashbacks so most of them don't really count as recycled, it does feel like quite a bit of flashbacks sometimes tho
something something dr strangegirl love the bomb idek what that movie's about
I will say this, I keep forgetting how the intro goes. first one may be a bit forgettable (or maybe I've just watched too many anime and don't have enough space left for new ones to leave an impression, idk)
ooh do we get to watch another match? honestly surprised if we do but I mean it's a fun concept to begin with. …as long as mineta's not in it, cuz that could be a skip : | -- …who are any of these - oh that's invisible girl -- …zuko's in this one and I didn't even recognize him
…dangit I was hoping that wasn't gonna be a thing with her : | this might be embarrassing enough without mineta
I mean that one's (shoji) novel at least but still ew
ooh dang, we get to see what natsu AND birdman do -- oh nvm they montage'd it. eh fair enough, I guess only an old-school show with no concept of arc fatigue would make an entire arc out of just this
"mr natural-born hero." hm. I hadn't thought about what the other heroes who're in on his secret would think of him. …is writing anything that's about superheroes as a concept and not letting any hint of eugenics-like thinking show through (even without tacitly endorsing it), like, intrinsically hard?
"this town ain't big enough for the chip on my shoulder" -- deku. DEKU NO -- how the fuck is he sposed to react to that, I think he's just gonna kill you now
'XD "I knew I was forgetting something! I'm supposed to do my Might Guy bit again today!"
Mission Failed Successfully? also I'm confused, why is he still walking away
next. judging by the title, Iida's big in this one : ]
bakugo's gonna love his claim to fame being "that guy the sludge monster took hostage" 'XD
okay so no hat no clogs just breaks out the cocoon at will. mood
I'd vote for you iida
okay they at least gave him the only competent kid in the room as deputy, that's good
oh yeah, Iida has a point; Deku's Karate Kid viewpoint could be useful (idfk what a class rep even does tho) -- "with glasses and everything" uraraka could you be right a little quieter -- danged sub not doing the entire job and making me check if the dub actually translates this bit --- huh. they outright replaced it. I guess it's just a class diction thing. also holy shit why is this dub so quiet
"aren't they illegal trespassers? can we beat them up" daaang, I guess this tells us something about this Mic guy
'XDDD oops
"goodbye, bad mass-communication!" ?????????????????? is radio jockey man okay
good for iida. just please don't spongebob this okay, please, iida? -- EMERGENCY EXIT -- EMERGENCY EXIT OMFG I THINK I HAVE A FAVORITE CHARACTER DOES THE NAME STICK
yeah yeah somebody broke your door I do not fucking care
oh NOW you clear that up about all might losing his powers. well, better now than next season ig
oh it's the tokyo ghoul
yeah, gonna be quittin here, got stuff tomorrow
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