#so id definitely use one if i could have three main weapons
foxstens · 2 years
turns out parrying isn’t that hard
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bloededhoine · 4 years
world building cause twn doesn't pt. 1: the northern realms
okay i'm making this because 1 witcher netflix is the most convoluted and confusing thing i've ever seen and does literally no world building and 2 special interest make autism brain go brr.
basic info
this is gonna be a multi part series about the witcher universe but this is all about the northern realms!
ciri's timeline in twn encompasses the entirety of the first northern war, beginning with the attack on cintra and ending with the battle at sodden
this is just covering the human portions of the north. i'll talk about vergen, brokilon, and dol blathanna later
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
so the entire witcher takes place on the continent
it's divided into multiple kingdoms, vassal states, and territories
now borders change a lot but this is the general idea before the first northern war (started 1263 with the invasion of cintra but we'll get more into that later)
also important to note that the show ends in 1264 with geralt meeting ciri in sodden
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i'm sorry, i don't have quite enough spoons for an image discription for that map, but if someone wants to take over i'll link it here!
maps not mine, reddit link here
the continent is mainly divided between south and north, with nilfgaard and its dependencies and vassal states (including toussaint, mettina, vicovaro, nazair) in the south and the northern realms (redania, temeria, kaedwen, aedirn, lyria and rivia, cidaris, kovir and poviss, and creyden) in the north
this is where yennefer is from! more specifically, it's capital vengerberg. as of twn, its king is virfuril. he's briefly name dropped in blood of elves and assassins of kings, you might remember him dancing with yennefer in the ball.
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[I.D: picture of white man with a light brown beard and moustache. he is wearing a gold shirt and a gold crown. he is smiling slightly and has blue eyes. end I.D.]
that's him right there. for some extra trivia he's the 15th king of aedirn, his son is demavend III and his grandson is stennis
aedirn is mainly manufacturing. in the north (upper aedirn), dwarves control the continent's best mines. the south produces more finished goods like textiles, weapons, and dyes
for some notable aedirnians we have yennefer, saskia/saesenthessis (borch three jackdaws/villentretenmirth's daughter), letho, aplegatt, and seltkirk
aedirnian cities include vengerberg, gulet, and hagge
next up - redania!
as of the first northern war, redania's king was vizimir II. i don't think we saw him in twn, but i could be wrong. redania is known for having the best intelligence network on the continent, along with control of the best farmland
redania is a super important kingdom, and we've already met quite a few important redanians and will probably meet a lot more.
dandelion/jaskier, chireadan, shani, philippa eilhart, sigi dijkstra are all redanian
redanian cities - novigrad, oxenfurt (home of oxenfurt academy, dandelion's alma mater), tretogor (the capital), blaviken, and rinde
for temeria!
we briefly visited temeria in the episode with the striga (adda the white). as of the first northern war, the king is foltest. he lives in the capital vizima (controlled by nilfgaard in wild hunt). that's him right there
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[I.D: photo of an older, overweight white man. he is wearing gold armour and a gold crown. he has a grey beard and is scowling. end I.D]
temeria (especially foltest) is notoriously xenophobic and racist. but, it is one of the best places for sorceresses as its home to thanedd isle and aretuza.
temeria controls the mahakaman mountains, and therefore some of the most prosperous mines in the continent. these mines, along with highly developed agricultural and trade systems, make temeria mad rich
a lot of my favourites are temerian we have keira metz, vernon roche, thaler, *barf* triss merigold, codringher and fenn, jan natalis, and ves
temeria has a lot of important cities like gors velen, vizima (also spelled wyzim or wyzima), and maribor. there's also some territories/provinces like brugge, ellander, maribor, sodden, and velen
kaedwen is in the far north west, and is where the witcher fortress of kaer morhen is located. kaedwen is always feuding with aedirn over control of the pontar valley, a profitable area on the kaedweni-aedirnian border. as of the first northern war, kaedwen is ruled by king henselt, who might have been name dropped once or twice in twn i dont really remember.
kaedwen is very cold, a large portion of it is the blue, kestrel, and fiery mountains. it's also home to ban aard, which is basically the aretuza for boys and where stregobor taught istredd
the only really notable kaedwenis are sabrina glevissig (that's her in twn) and cregennan of lod
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[I.D: photo of a young white woman with blonde hair tied back. she is wearing a low cut blue dress and has a blank expression. end I.D]
some kaedweni cities are ban aard, ard carraigh, lod, and ban gleán
kaedwen, temeria, aedirn, and redania make up the four kingdoms, a group of human-majority states that nilfgaard really likes attacking. the northern wars are pretty much all nilfgaard vs the northern kingdoms, since most smaller realms are usually absorbed into either the north or south, but that doesn't mean they're not important!
twn gave us a solid introduction to cintra, which as you know was ruled by queen calanthe. her suicide after the nilfgaardian invasion was basically the first major casualty of the first northern war. cintra then became a nilfgaardian dependency, ruled by emperor emhyr var emreis
notable cintrians - princesses cirilla fiona elen rhiannon and pavetta fiona elen, angoulême, and the house of attre
cintra isn't very big, but does have the provence attre and cities like erlenwald and cintra (the capital)
ruled by king ethain, one of the many people calanthe betrothed to ciri and then was like lol nevermind. also includes the province bremervoord, which is ruled by duke agloval and supported by the harvesting and trade of pearls
notable cidarians - dorregary, valdo marx, and vilgefortz (thats him there)
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[ID: photo of a young south-asian man with black slicked back hair and a moustache. he is wearing medieval armour and i can't quite tell what his expression is. end ID]
cidarian cities include vole, roggeveen, and cidaris (the capital)
hengfors league
a group of 4 city states (caingorn, malleore, barefield, and cinfrid) that are ruled by king niedamir from the capital hengfors
notable residents include queen hedwig, boholt and the reavers, and deidre ademeyn
from what i've found all the city states have a capital of the same name
lyria and rivia
these are a little complicated, but basically lyria and rivia are the two main kingdoms of the confederation of realms in the dol angra valley. as of twn, queen meve of lyria and king reginald of rivia are married, therefore uniting the two realms
in the summer, the capital is lyria and in the winter it's rivia. lyria is also primarily agricultural while rivia is more industrial
queen meve is really the only important one here
kovir and poviss
kingdom in the far north that is responsible for the most exporting of minerals on the continent. as of the first northern war it is ruled by esterad thyssen
notable residents include stregobor, renfri, sheala de tancarville, coën, and istredd
important cities - creyden, tancarville, lan exeter, aedd gynvael, and thwyth
skellige is different from the other northern kingdoms in a few ways. one, it's not really a kingdom but a collection of 7 clans each led by a specific jarl. a clan is based on kinship, and the jarl rules them. what's confusing here is that there's also a jarl of skellige, who is in charge of the entire archipelago's armed forces. the king or queen of skellige is chosen by all of the jarls to help unify the clans against nilfgaard
skellige is also the only island kingdom. its an archipelago to the west of cintra, but is almost always allied to the north
the clans are brokvar, an craite, dimun, drummond, heymaey, tordarroch, and tuirseach, and they generally each occupy a specific island
the main islands are ard skellig (an craite and drummond), an skellig (tuirseach), faroe (dimun), hindarsfjall (heymaey), spikeroog (brokvar), and undvik (tordarroch)
some skelligers - crach an craite, eist tuirseach (that's him there), mousesack/ermion, draig bon-dhu, cerys and hjalmar an craite, and birna bran
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[ID: photo of a middle-aged white man with dark brown hair and light stubble. he is wearing a gold doublet and has some sweat on his forehead. he appears slightly drunk. end ID]
tldr: as of the first northern war, the main northern kingdoms are virfuril's aedirn, vizimir's redania, foltest's temeria, and henselt's kaedwen
thank you so much for reading this! i'm definitely gonna make more parts and will link them here when i do!
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haravath0t · 3 years
A Christmas Heist  Pt. I - The Briefing
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff in the end! (I am truly a sucker for fluff)
A request made by @hailhydra920 !! Thank you so so much!
A/N: Hello, lovelies! Wow, a day early! Welcome to Part 1 of the Christmas Heist! I truly truly hope that you guys enjoy this as much as I did writing it! Much much hard work was needed, so feedback and commentary is very much appreciated! Happy reading, lovelies! :)
Request: “Bucky X reader where a Hydra agent dressed up as Santa and Bucky has to fight him, but the only way he can get close enough to “Santa” is dressing up as an elf. Thanks!”
*Introduction to this multi-part request can be found here!
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“With all due respect Fury, we’re going to put the public at risk just by stepping into that mall.” Bucky chimes in, analyzing the map of the mall, the responses making Fury smirk and scoff. 
“You wouldn’t be putting the public at risk if you are part of the public, now would you?”
This made all of you now confused. “What are you trying to get at, Fury?” Steve questions, leaning over now onto the table. “What I’m saying is that you all will be working in this mall. Rogers, you’re going to be their new employee-” You stop Fury’s explanation right on with your snicker and a shake of your head. “But Steve knows nothing about technology-” “Which is why he’s the one going in that store,” Fury cuts you off this time, his eyes widening as he replies with a “duh” attitude. You hated to admit it, but he had a point. 
“Cap will be disguised as an employee. Cap will only be making sure that the customers are welcomed and should they need any help, you refer them to another skilled employee, as the agents who have put this together have said. In the meantime, you can blend and wander around the store in order to find the hard drive” Steve nods, pursing his lips as he processes his role. “Alright, but what would be the use of the other two?” 
“That’s where the other building across it comes in,” Fury replies, circling it with his pointer. “Now, this is the toy store across the apple store, which is highly popular now as it transformed to a Christmas toy store. From what our agents have observed, Hydra agents are disguised in this as well. The main concern applies to the one disguised as the Santa Claus that lets kids sit on his lap. Ho, ho, ho.” You couldn’t help but snicker. “Seriously? Santa Claus? You gotta be joking, Fury.” Fury shrugs. 
“Laugh all you want, agent. It is in truth quite an interesting tactic because,” Fury raises his hands as he lets the diagram of the floor be shown through a different angle, enabling you three to see the mall as if you were walking in it, only to see the apple store across from where the powerpoint stops at. “You are looking at the apple store right from Santa’s chair. The hydra agent can look over the store and see if there are any forms of suspicious activity. You got to hand this one to them, although we are not in an easy position, obtaining the hard drive is still possible.” “So where do we come in on this Christmas toy store business then,” Bucky then questions for you two, watching Fury carefully. Your guess was probably a regular employee at the cash register. Maybe a manager? Security guard? 
“Well let’s just say that the store had open positions for Mrs. Claus and an elf.” Is the reply that comes out of Fury’s mouth. 
Now that was definitely not what you were expecting.
Your eyes went big alongside Bucky’s, the two of you looking at each other in disbelief. “Fury, I know we’ve known each other for a while and I know your humor, but this has gone too far for a joke-”“Oh this is no joke, L/N. You and Barnes need to stay close to this “Santa” of ours just in case there is any communication going on behind the scenes.” Fury says, a hint of a smile being visible as he tries his best not to snicker. Steve did not help the situation, as he quietly chuckled and looked down and covered his mouth, clearing his throat to hide the laughter. Bucky was not pleased at all, glaring at both Fury and Steve. “You really call this a dire mission when you’re playing dress up with me and Y/N?! Are you kidding?” Bucky questions, eyes fixed on Fury and clearly showing his disappointment. 
“I did say we have to hide you three from hydra’s and the public’s eye right?! Or do you immediately want to be spotted and targeted by these agents, Agent Barnes?!” Fury says strictly, the hint of laughter and smiles now gone and replaced by a pointed look, one that most would be intimidated by. 
Although you hated what was being asked of you, you saw why it needed to be done. You placed your hand on top of Bucky’s arm, giving him a knowing look, causing Bucky to pause and ground himself. This would be better explained later. Fury huffed before handing each of you three manilla envelopes. 
“Look over these. They have your fake IDs, information about you that the staff knows about, as well as the files we have found on the hydra agents actively participating. We are putting you in the job early on to avoid suspicion. Two apartments will be available to you three in the meantime so that they can’t track you back here. The hard drive, according to a call we have intercepted, will be picked up in less than two weeks to be taken to their base, so that the specialists can handle the rest and be up to date. One suspicious slip up, and we’re done for. Are we clear?”
The three of you nodded, allowing Fury to adjourn the meeting and leave the room with the already waiting Agent Hill, leaving the three of you watching each other. “I guess we’ll pack up, and meet at my office, and we’ll decide what to do from there. Meet me in 45 minutes.” Is what Steve says, before exiting out, leaving just you and Bucky to yourselves. You sighed and held his hand as you two walked out. “Gee, you would think we would catch a break during the holidays,” You say first letting yourself be guided by Bucky into the elevator, pressing the button to your floor. Bucky kissed your knuckles and offered you a little smile. “I know, sweetheart. But we make a good team, you, me, and Steve. That’s why we got called in. So that we can come back home sooner since we’re going to do the job much quicker.” You leaned your head against his arm and chuckled a bit. 
“So an elf and Mrs. Claus… how great… it’s just reminding me of that movie elf.”
This made Bucky smile. He was always amazed by your optimism.
“That movie we saw the other day, right?” He questions as the two of you made your way to your shared room, already grabbing your duffle bag and suitcase to pack weapons and clothes. “Yeah, that one!” You say, a small giggle leaving your lips and shaking your head. “Goodness, if the costume you wear for the mall is something similar to that I am only going to hope that I can keep myself together.” This made Bucky’s cheeks slowly turn red in embarrassment, thinking about Buddy’s tight yellow tights and green wardrobe. “Gosh, sweetheart, I really don’t think it’s great to think about right n-”
“Oh my gosh, what if you have to be eating spaghetti covered with maple syrup and marshmallows, and then even more candy and-”
“Really, doll? Ya gotta include embarrassing me in this last minute mission of ours?” He questions, face now red from hearing your laugh as he packs his essentials. “Whatever, we have a mission to do, so I know you wouldn’t be able to look at my elf costume so much.” You giggle and smile at him, zipping up your duffle and getting your suitcase ready. 
“I think I can get a peek or two. Besides, what about this is new? I personally think this should be a piece of cake compared to raiding hydra bases,” You say reassuringly, kissing his cheek as you pass by him to get some clothes. Bucky couldn’t help but give you a small smile, watching you as you get ready. 
He hated to admit it, but the guy could not help but worry for his girl no matter how many times you two have partnered in assignments. Sure, you might have found this funny and easy, but the concern of you possibly getting hurt was always in the back of his mind even when you went over to where you three would be staying for the meantime. He was now watching over your sleeping figure, tracing your side delicately with his vibranium digits, sighing upon the realization that he is yet again sleepless, worrying about you. 
“Mmmm Buck, stop worrying about me and go to sleep,” you mutter sleepily, halting all of his concerns. You always knew what he was thinking. His blue eyes met your sleepy ones, but he couldn’t help but smile at the state you were in. “Come back to me, Buck. You’re like a million miles away up in that head of yours,” you tease with a cute sleepy smile that he could not resist to admire. He let out a sigh and shook his head and shrugged, bringing you closer to him. 
“You know… should anything happen to you, it’s my fault. Anything that-”
“Stop that talk, James. You know that that isn’t true. You and I are professionals at this, and we are going to make sure that nothing wrong happens. Okay? Trust me, trust us. You, me, and Steve are going to do just fine. It is not our first rodeo, okay?” You whisper reassuringly, delicate fingers lightly caressing his cheek. A soft smile kisses the man’s lips, watching you in awe. You did always know what to say, hitting his concerns one at a time effortlessly. “You’re right, sweetheart, you’re right.” You smiled before you leaned forward, pressing your lips gently into his in a soft and comforting kiss, pulling away to nuzzle your nose against his. 
“I always am. Now why don’t we sleep? You and I have a mission to do and you know how much Steve hates us lollygagging. Or must I read you a bedtime story?” You tease, eyebrows wiggling, causing you both to giggle and ultimately relax. “You’d love to do just that, wouldn’t you, doll?” You smiled once again, giving your lover one more small peck before you nuzzle into his neck, allowing the scent of his cologne to surround your senses. “You and I know how I’d answer that,” you manage to mutter, before quickly returning to your wanted slumber. Bucky couldn’t help but chuckle, combing your hair ever so gently as sleep slowly starts to take over. “Mmm… you know me too well. Goodnight, Y/N,” he whispers into your head, holding you close before he also falls into his sleep. 
Boy, were you three in for a treat.
Tags: @whew-oh-em-gee​ @world-of-aus​ @world-of-aus-reads​ @tomholland-96​ @lordyitsjordy​ @letstalkaboutsebbaby​ @thee-soom-soom​ @lookiamtrying​ 
*if you would like to be a part of my tag list, please let me know! ☺️
Part 2: Going Undercover
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etirabys · 3 years
Downbelow Station, a fanfic summary
I’ve been writing fic for this tiny book fandom and have at least a few fandom acquaintances who want to read my fic but don’t want to read the book. This is a summary of what happens in the novel, whose heart, to me, is the relationship between a mindwiped ex-slave and a cross-cultural married couple who take him in under their protection.
The premise
People are in space, since the Earth Company started establishing space stations around increasingly distant stars for manufacturing/trade. There are several types of people:
Stationers stay on one station – stations were originally established by the Earth Company but have since gained de facto independence because Earth is so far away
Merchanters live on ships and trade – family very important to them, so is family name, regularly deal with Stationers as part of their life but find settling down very foreign. More sexually opportunistic than Stationers, possibly less monogamous.
Earth Company Fleet soldiers live on ships; originally under the control of Earth Company, as of novel start have gone kind of rogue, will continue to go even more rogue over the course of the novel
Citizens of Union, a... nation in space that grew in the deepest reaches, furthest away from Earth's influence. Union is currently trying to annex everyone else. Earth Company is trying to resist this through their Fleet. However, Earth Company is not very enthusiastic about this war and have been drawing out; the Fleet thinks it's important to keep fighting and keep doing dipshit moves like impressing Merchanter ships and ?? maybe looting stations a little bit to keep going.
Azi of Union – a genetically engineered underclass specific to Union. Basically designer subs. I believe the word azi is never brought up in Downbelow Station, but it's very clear a character is an azi, and what that means is explained in Cyteen, which takes place in the same universe. Union citizens use 'tapes' casually and at-will for fast learning and entertainment and conditioning, but starting later in life. Azi grow up on tape – their psyches are designed to be good at whatever they were designed to do, whether that's soldiering or psychologizing or childcare. Azi require varyingly regular check-ins with a Supervisor, who is an assigned person who tells the azi they are Very Good and On Course With Their Lives and give them tapes to keep them aligned with their values and mentally stable. Azi have normal human names but also an ID that looks like AO-1234, where the first alphabet character indicates what ‘class’ you are – an Alpha-class azi is probably far smarter than your average citizen and is more capable of functioning independently. Azi can win citizenship, but so far the only people onscreen who’ve done so are Alpha-class azi.
The cast
Damon Konstantin is a head of Legal Affairs on Pell Station, and the son of the Stationmaster, which is apparently a hereditary position. Despite the hereditariness Pell seems to have the most familiar culture to me, a 21st century American expecting democracy and rule of law. Pell Station is special – it orbits a human-livable planet called Downbelow, and there are only three such planets under human control. This means the planet can be used as a base for ‘bioform production’ (a vague category encompassing everything you can grow on a planet but not a space station) and makes Pell strategically valuable. The other two livable planets are Earth, under the control of the Earth Company Fleet’s nominal masters, and Cyteen, the base of Union operations. Pell is neutral, as many star stations try to be.
Elene Quen is a Merchanter who stepped off her ship to marry Damon. They’ve been married for four months at novel start. Her formal role is liaison with Merchanters.
Joshua Talley is a soldier of Union who was captured when Union forces sabotaged (blew up) a station called Mariner Station. He was tortured for information on another station – Russell’s – whose inhabitants feared the same fate for themselves. He had nothing to give them – he was a medium-level technician/soldier, an ‘armscomper’, which I think means he was the person pressing buttons to fire on targets or programming the weapons to fire on targets. During his interrogation Russell’s station was also sabotaged, ensuing in a mass evacuation.
Signy Mallory is one of the ~10 captains of the Earth Company Fleet. She is commanding and very deadly, commands fanatical loyalty from her soldiers. She’s also a sexual sadist. When she comes to evacuate Russell’s Stationers from a failing space station she finds that they have a Union POW who is very pretty, and takes him into her personal quarters for their journey to Pell. It is not said how she rapes him but it was a lot. Joshua thinks of this part as worse than the previous interrogation.
The events from there
When the Fleet arrives at Pell Station, they are convoying huge ships full of thousands of refugees from stations sabotaged / fallen to Union. It has been weeks or months since they started out. The ships were overpacked, many inside are dead, the culture of the ships has quickly turned anarchic/violent.
Angelo Konstantin, master of Pell, says "wtf, we can't take all these people, we don't have space. We literally cannot do this." The Fleet says, “You better,” unloads the highly upset and sick refugees, and leaves. Pell Station clears out two sectors of their station and makes it the 'quarantine zone', later shortened to Q. Conditions are very bad in Q and what to do with the violent, desperate people inside, many of whom cannot prove who they were in their past lives, when Pell doesn’t have the capacity to relocate them, is an ongoing problem throughout the novel.
Before leaving, Signy Mallory also said, "in addition to the refugee crises we unloaded on you, here is a Union prisoner of war we transported separately because the refugees would have killed him", and dumps Joshua on Pell leadership.
Around this time, Elene Quen finds out that her ship was destroyed when Mariner Station blew up. She now has no blood family, and Merchanters put great cultural emphasis on having clan and name. She decides to have a kid, talking Damon into it.
Joshua Talley is extremely depressed and keeps asking for a mindwipe so he can live as a normal citizen on Pell rather than being indefinitely detained. Mindwipes are used on stations as a consensual way of rehabilitating criminals. His captors are reluctant – it’s tantamount to execution. Damon Konstantin is the final permission-giver on the issue and gives it in the end. The process of mindwipe (or Adjustment) necessarily causes the person to regurgitate their whole life. This is recorded. Due to this, he discovers only after the mindwipe is complete that Josh was tortured on Russell’s with mindwipe drugs (presumably for the same regurgitating-your-whole-life property) and then raped on Signy Mallory’s ship on the way to Pell, and that wanting to wipe out the trauma was the real reason he wanted a mindwipe.
Damon feels really bad about this. He checks up on Josh Talley a lot when he's recovering from the mindwipe. He and his wife Elene decide to 'sponsor' him when he's rejoining normal society on the ship. Elene does so through some personal resistance – Josh once belonged to the military force that wiped out her family. They check in with a guy who doesn’t remember much of anything but definitely has abandonment issues and is afraid of emotional entanglement with people.
Josh Talley quietly converts much of his internal body mass into gooey loyalty.
Plot chaos. The station comes to be formally occupied by the Fleet, who wants to use it as their new base of operations, and a Union saboteur named Gabriel who talks to Stationmaster Angelo Konstantin’s main rival and conspires to bring him to power instead...
There’s a part I really really want to summarize here where Josh tries to fall on  grenade for the Quen-Konstantins – literally, trying to take an action that would end in his death but keep them safe from the Fleet – and they show up and say “you idiot, never do that again” and bring him back to their apartment and say “while the Fleet is suspicious of you, you are living HERE, so everyone knows you are under our protection. Forget your old job, we’ll find you something working closely with Damon every day – while you’re in sight they can’t get at you.” But I can’t find a non-confusing way to relay it, sorry.
Soon after that, the Union saboteur succeeds. Angelo Konstantin is assassinated. His rival, Jon Lukas, takes his place, and starts enacting subtly Union-friendly policies. I think this somehow happens concurrently with the Fleet still using Pell as a base of operations. It’s highly chaotic. Elene flees the chaos on a Merchanter ship whose family she knows. Damon and Josh, fearing whoever assassinated Angelo, hide within the more bad and chaotic parts of the station (I honestly don’t believe the author when she says they managed this for months – Pell has tens of thousands of people, that’s not a lot! You could close each sector at a time and sweep everyone!). This part feels like big missed opportunity to me – they spend their time moving from hiding place to hiding place, coming up with hopeless schemes that they know they’ll never enact. One infers they got much closer, but the author doesn’t go into that either. The one delight that comes out of this sequence is that Josh becomes more assertive and competent than we’ve ever seen him – being in hiding, under danger, brings out submerged training. He’s not a dependent anymore – arguably in some places he’s in lead.
In the middle of this, Josh makes contact with the Union saboteur, Gabriel, who hails him as a colleague and informs him that they’re of the same kind. They have the same training. The story Josh gave Russell’s interrogators, and Pell, that he was a mid-tier technician, is an implanted set of memories that automatically flushes his real ones when he was under duress. 
This means, although the author never explores it, that Josh was probably integral to destroying Mariner Station, and concomitantly responsible for Elene’s family’s deaths.
Josh asks Gabriel for safe passage to the planet Downbelow for both himself and a companion. Gabriel acquiesces, but is shocked when the companion Josh brings to the meeting is the Konstantin heir. He starts to say, “Well, well, what a useful person you have brought me –” and then gets shot by a Fleet soldier who’s following reports of a suspicious person. (My fic Half-Silvered Mirror diverges from canon at this point, and asks what would have happened if Gabriel had his way.)
Now in the hands of the Fleet, Josh and Damon meet with Signy Mallory again. Josh isn’t what Mallory remembers – as a rape victim he was passive, inward-turned. This Josh is articulate and emotional and loyal. Damon isn’t what she expects, either – he manages to jab at her conscience about what the Fleet has become, lawless and unmoored from any democratic interest. She plans to execute both of them the next day.
Due to convoluted plot reasons, she doesn’t. She turns against the rest of the Fleet, which for their own reasons is headed back towards Earth – to conquer. Her ship, Norway, enters a standoff against Union warships over Pell. Which isn’t on course to go well for her, until someone broadcasts at both of them that Pell is now under Merchanter claim. Elene, while out in space, has been convincing Merchanters to form an unprecedented coordination bloc. She demands Pell for the Merchanter Alliance and informs the Union military leader, Azov, that if he doesn’t acquiesce all Merchanter ships in her fleet will refuse to trade in Union space.
She wins. The scene when she docks at Pell and walks in, pregnant and victorious, to kiss her husband, is one of the most visually !!! scenes.
In the aftermath, Azov tries to take Josh back for Union. Damon says nope, he’s ours. Josh, what do you want? Josh says nothing. Looks at nothing. But when Azov and the other Union soldiers leave, he stays.
And afterwards, he goes to Signy Mallory – whose ships now constitute Pell’s militia – and asks, sincerely, to work as crew on her ship for a while. He says he can’t live on a station comfortably. That the stationers know him, and his past. (Not sure how true this is.) Mallory says it’s nothing another mindwipe can’t cure, and he says he doesn’t want to forget. “I’ve got something. The only real thing. All that I value.”
“So you go off and leave it?”
“For a while.”
There’s... so much I want to write about and explore.
Did Elene know when Josh left that he was probably responsible for her family’s death? (My fic Awarding Damages is about one way they could resolve this)
What did Signy Mallory do to Josh? Can he handle working under her?
Damon and Elene are so parental to Josh, and they're also embarking on having a family in a dynastic way where having a clan is their way of asserting that they exist and are rooted in the world. And of course Josh is going to feel really weird about how he fits into that – he's only watching it happen because he's a charity case, of course he's going to have no involvement in that project – what place is left for him anyway, he has no one and is nothing. I want this man to have feelings about family and how he doesn't have one and then HAVE A FAMILY I want him to hold the baby and go "OH. You are a biological composite of the two greatest people in the world. I cannot hold it against you that you are now going to push me out of my current living situation with the two greatest people in the world"
Due to the amount of mindfuckery Josh has gone through, it’s unclear to both him and the reader how many his memories are real. What does that do to a person?
From what I know of azi from Cyteen, Josh has psychological needs – again, he’s like a bred sub – that non-Unioners aren’t going to understand. Can he get them met? How does he negotiate that?
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dawnblade · 3 years
Okay hi you're like.
One of the only destiny players I follow, and I enjoy watching your commentary and stuff like that!!
Anyway, my boyfriend in the past month has gotten very into destiny 2 and Im starting to want to play too.
Any tips for a new player? 🥺
lord forgive me for the college thesis ive just written
thank you so much, im glad to hear youve enjoyed what ive had to say about this game!!! so, as for tips:
☆first off, ive heard the starting missions dont do a great job of easing new players into the game, so i think my advice for that would be that after you complete those, if you have any of the purchaseable big expansions (forsaken, shadowkeep, or beyond light), play through their campaigns so you can have a more "on rails" guided experience as you learn
if youre playing the free base game, you might have to set more goals for yourself. you can start by playing strikes, crucible, or gambit, OR you could explore each planet and see what they have going on. (i think to get to new planets you need to increase your power level, so thats a goal to shoot for!)
▪strikes are pve, essentially super short linear self-contained stories. you get matched with two other people and do some light combat with a boss at the end to get loot. its very casual and chill
▪crucible is pvp, you have different modes within the crucible to choose from, which are explained in-game. you can play matches for valor- which is more casual, or glory- which is more competitive
▪gambit is a mix of pve and pvp. your team and the opposing team fight enemies to collect something called motes from them. whichever team collects 100 motes, then summons and defeats the final boss first wins the match!!!
**there are also much harder versions of pvp and pve activities (raids, trials of osiris, grandmaster nightfall strikes, etc) but thats all endgame content and you probably wont get into that stuff until youve spent a good amount of time with the game
if you like checking things off a list, there are things called triumphs, which are basically in-game achievements, so completeing those could be your objective. theres a TON of those to complete, so you definitely wont run out of stuff to do LOL
☆weapon and armor drops might be confusing and overwhelming to a new player, so personally i wouldnt worry about them too much until you get some experience with the game and start getting into endgame content. getting something with good perks will really help you out later
when you wanna start grinding for better guns, looking up the best perks for each gun is absolutely recommended
trial and error, licherally just messing around, is also very useful to find something that suits your personal playstyle
☆the fastest way to up your seasonal rank is to be constantly doing bounties and seasonal challenges
seasonal ranks are mostly just for rewards and include resources and cosmetic items, but also provide some passive gameplay perks that can help you with a seasonal activity or getting better weapon + armor drops
☆the fastest way to up your power level is by doing weekly challenges for each activity (strikes, gambit, crucible, etc) and getting powerful gear from them
power level directly affects how hard an activity is going to be. if your power level is too low, enemies will be immune to damage, but if you are just slightly underleveled it can make for a more challenging activity if thats what you want ^_^ otherwise, if your power level is equal to or above whats required, enemy power will scale with you.
☆try to have a variety of weapon archetypes (like smgs, hand cannons, snipers, etc) and energies (solar, arc, void, and stasis) in your inventory.
there are third-party apps that let you bring and send weapons to storage without having to stop at the main hub world, but sometimes its just easier to be able to quick-swap for different situations.
having a few armor loadouts is useful as well but again, personally i wouldnt worry about armor modding and weapon perks TOO much when youre just starting out
☆if youre not sharing your account, you should use all three character slots on a warlock, a hunter, and a titan. obviously you dont HAVE to, you can be Oops All Hunters if you want, but ive found its super useful to have an understanding of how each class works, especially for endgame content
and finally, this game's campaigns tend to be pretty cool, but the lore is absolutely batshit and i recommend reading lore books and lore tabs and such when you can because they are super interesting. theres so many of them though i dont think its possible to actually read all of it, in which case i HIGHLY recommend watching "My Name Is Byf" on youtube if you want all of that information compiled neatly and explained thoroughly to you. or you can read the wikis or a site called the ishtar collective to learn more about aspects of the lore you might be interested in. the lore stuff you read about is mostly gonna be pick and choose regardless
SO, i think thats about all i can think of. i hope none of this was confusing, if you need any clarification id be glad to explain more!!! this game is a lot of fun with friends, so def play it with others when you can ^_^ plus, theres tons of resources for you to learn from, on youtube or reddit or wikis OR asking folks like myself!! a lot of veterans with more experience than me are also very willing to help you out, so totally dont be afraid to ask!!! i hope you have fun with the game!!!
also, if any other folks have some new player tips, do feel free to share!!
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
Research Break
Imagine: You've developed a huge crush on the youngest Winchester, but won't tell him because you don't think he's interested in you that way. Until someone gives the situation a nudge.
It had been three years since you started hunting with the Winchesters. Before that, you were living with your Aunt Ruthie, who was a designated Hunter's Resource. She provided information on supernatural lore to any and all hunters who asked for it. You came to live with her after your parents were killed in a car accident when you were 10.
You first became involved with Sam and Dean during a hunt for a particularly nasty and elusive werewolf. Aunt Ruthie gave you as much information as she had and put you and the Winchesters on its trail.
As you sat in the diner waiting for your meal to arrive, the bell above the door chimed. You thought to yourself that the two handsome men walking in had to be the Winchester boys. They had that air of confidence about them that came from all that they had seen and been through together. The taller man, Sam, noticed you sitting in the corner booth and walked over to you.
"Hey there, you're Ruthie's niece, right?" he asked.
"That would be me, and you must be Sam and Dean Winchester. Aunt Ruthie told me that I would be meeting and working with you for this hunt," you explained.
"Did she happen to mention how devastatingly handsome we would be?" Dean asked, waggling his eyebrows.
You pretended to think. "No, no, I don't think that subject came up. She did say that you were a bit of a ladies' man, Dean, and that I should watch out," you quipped. Sam chuckled while Dean mumbled something under his breath.
"Seriously, though, she had high praise for your hunting skills, though, and said you both were the best. Also said she worked with your father a few times, providing some much needed information. We were sorry to hear of his passing," you said solemnly.
"Thank you. What can you tell us about this werewolf that makes it different?" Sam asked. You turned your laptop around to show him what Ruthie had come up with, then the three of you were off on the hunt. You chose to ride with Sam and Dean to the site where it had last been seen. You noticed an abandoned shack in the woods, a perfect hiding place for it. The plan was for the boys to enter through the front door, while you went around back.
Before you opened the door, you checked that you had a clip full of silver bullets and also your silver blade as a backup weapon. You carefully opened the door, only to have it ripped from your hands by the werewolf. "You shouldn't have come alone, dearie. You're just in time for dinner. Main course: YOU. You're just the type of meat I'm looking for, young and sweet," it snarled.
You reached for your gun, only to have it knocked clean out of your hands before you could get a shot off. The werewolf picked you up by your neck, cutting off your air supply. Fortunately, you were able to reach your silver blade in your pocket, so you slashed it across its arm, causing it to drop you. In retaliation, it took a swipe at you, its claws slicing across your midsection. You screamed in pain, which alerted Sam and Dean.
Sam was the first to respond. He yelled at you to stay down, then he fired his weapon, pumping three silver bullets into the creature. You were able to drag yourself out of the way before the thing fell on top of you, but it took nearly all of your strength. Sam and Dean came rushing over to your side, trying to take stock of your injuries. "I don't think it's that deep, but I'll need stitches," you managed to get out before falling unconscious.
Sam scooped you up and carried you back to the Impala, where the boys carefully laid you in the backseat. Sam climbed in with you, holding his shirt over your wounds to hopefully keep the blood loss to a minimum. Dean fired up the Impala and raced back to the motel where they could get you stitched up.
Looking down at you, Sam couldn't help but feel a tug on his heart. You had short spiky brown hair, hazel eyes, and a killer smile. He didn't know much about you yet, but what he did know so far was enough to determine that he was definitely interested in knowing more.
A buzzing sound went off in your pocket, so he fished out your cell phone. Caller ID said it was your Aunt Ruthie, probably checking in. Sam answered it and explained to her what had happened. She was understandably upset, but she was glad the werewolf was dead. In the end, she said she was confident in their ability to get you patched up. Sam promised they would take good care of you and that you would be up and around in no time.
Working on that werewolf hunt with Sam and Dean was just the tip of the iceberg with these boys. Before too long, you had moved in to your own room in their bunker, which was like the ultimate secret clubhouse of the hunting world. Together, the three of you battled demons, rogue angels, wendigos, djinn and even managed to knock out a vamp's nest or two.
As time went on, Dean tried his best to flirt with you and win you over, but you began to realize that you only had eyes for Sam. He was more your type, more at home with a book than in a bar. That's not to say you didn't go to bars, but while Dean chatted with the ladies, you and Sam sat together and talked most of the time.
Sam would probably never know, because you would never tell him, but he held your heart. You just had no idea if he felt the same way or not, and there was no way you were ever going to take that leap. You cherished your friendship too much to risk telling him. If you found out that he didn't feel the same way, you didn't know how you could stay in the bunker after that.
One afternoon, you were researching a case on your laptop. After staring at the screen for the past two hours with no progress made, you finally pushed it away. You rubbed your eyes out of exhaustion and then covered your face with your hands. Sam pulled up a chair and sat behind you, then gently put his hands on your shoulders.
"Looks like you could use a study break. Can I get you something from the kitchen?" Sam asked as he started to massage your shoulders.
"Aw, that's sweet of you, Sam, but I wouldn't want you to make a special trip just for me," you said as you groaned with the relief provided by his hands.
"No trouble at all. Wow, you have a lot of tension in your neck, muscles all in knots. Just relax and let this work," he said softly. As Sam's skilled fingers were working out the knots, you could feel the tension begin to fade away. You closed your eyes as he continued to massage your neck area.
"Now, how about I bring you something from the kitchen, then we tackle this research problem together, hmm?" he suggested, his breath hot against your neck.
"Umm, yeah. A bottle of water would be great, thank you," you stammered.
"Coming right up," he grinned, gently squeezing your shoulder as he left.
You turned around in your chair, only to see Dean with a knowing smirk on his face. "Is something amusing to you, Dean?" you asked.
"Yeah, YOU are. Why don't you do us all a favor and just kiss him already? Get it over with," he muttered.
"What are you talking about?" you inquired.
"I'm talking about Sam. You have feelings for him, right? Don't deny it either, anyone looking at the two of you can tell. The sexual tension between you two is so thick, you can cut it with a knife," he remarked.
"What??" you whispered in horror.
"I'll tell you this much. Either make your move or move on, because this kind of messing around is what gets in the way on the job. That's when people can get hurt or killed," he warned.
"Fine, if that's what you want, I'll 'move on', as you say. You are making it painfully clear that you don't want me here, Dean," you retorted. You picked up your notebook, pen and laptop then ran towards your room. You could feel the tears threatening, but you for damn sure wasn't going to give Dean the satisfaction of seeing you cry.
Sam was walking back to the library with a bottle of water and an apple for you. He arrived just in time to see you picking up your supplies and running off towards your room. "Dean, what did you say to her? She looked upset," Sam asked him.
"Nothing, I just pointed out the obvious about you and her," Dean answered.
"What's 'obvious'? What the hell are you talking about, Dean?" Sam snapped.
"Oh, come on, Sam! The way you two dance around your feelings for each other? Neither one of you wanting to admit it to the other? It's driving me crazy! So, I told her she should either make her move on you or move on. Because it's this kind of uncertainty that ruins a hunter's concentration. And that's when people get hurt or worse," he spat out.
"Dean, how could you say that?!? How could you even suggest that she leave here?? She is the best thing that's ever happened to us, to me! Seeing her smile is what gets me out of bed in the morning. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten lost while talking to her, just by staring into those sparkling hazel eyes of hers.
“I love how she scrunches up her mouth when she's trying to figure something out, and how her face lights up when she finds the answer. Her kindness, her sense of humor, her selflessness and her passion are only a very few of the many things I love about her," he finished.
"You love me?" a small voice asked. Sam turned to see you, standing with your tear-stained face and a large, tightly-packed duffel bag in your hands.
Sam looked at Dean, who got up out of his chair with a smug grin on his face. As Dean walked past him, he patted Sam's shoulder and said on the way to his room, "By the way, you're welcome, little brother."
In two long strides, Sam had reached where you were standing and looked down at the packed bag in your hands. "Going somewhere?" he asked softly.
You paused a minute. Looking straight into his eyes, you said, "That depends. Did you mean everything you said? All those wonderful and beautiful things you said?"
"I meant every word," Sam whispered, dipping his head and capturing your lips with his own. Your mouths moved hungrily against each other, tongues fighting for control. Sam's hands roamed up and down your back, gripping and releasing the fabric of your shirt. When you broke your kiss, you were both struggling to catch your breath. Sam searched your sweet face for an answer to his question.
"I'm not going anywhere, Sam. You hold my heart, and I love you, too," you answered.
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aspoonofsugar · 5 years
Tales of Arcadia: Three Rules
The first two installments of Tales of Arcadia explore similar themes, but they do so in almost opposite ways to the point that they become complementary.
It is, in fact, easy to see that the premises of the two shows are basically opposite.
On one hand, Trollhunters has a group of normal kids discover the magical and the strange. On the other hand 3 Below has three aliens trying to blend in human society. Both shows explore what it means to be humans, but the trollhunters do so by comparing their humanity with something different only to be enriched by it, whereas the akiridians do so by by underlining the weirdness of humans, but also by finding value in it.
The complementarity of the two shows appears evident thanks to multiple aspects and details which I will try to highlight in the meta. However, before starting I would like to underline that both shows have their protagonists follow three rules.
In Trollhunters the three rules are as it follows:
1) Always be afraid.
2) Always finish the fight.
3) When in doubt, always kick them in the gronk-nuks.
In 3 Below there are different rules:
1) You must prepare for change.
2) You must embrace your mistakes.
3) When in doubt, play with your phones.
It is obvious that these two sets of rules share a common function in the two stories which is to shed light on some of the main themes. In Trollhunters the themes explored are about living with and accepting what are considered by society negative or repressed emotions like fear and violence, whereas in 3 Below the themes are about understanding the strength of society like communication, the possibility of making mistakes and being forgiven and the ability to change.
Since we are at it, I really like that both lists have the third rule be apparently played for laughs and then have it be extremely important in key situations. As a matter of fact kicking people in the nuks in Trollhunters and using cellphones in 3 Below have been useful more than once. In short, the third rule of both lists is a practical application of the more abstract themes presented by the other two rules.
I will try to better elaborate both this point and others in this analysis.
In Trollhunters our protagonists who are a group of normal teenagers discover that under their feet, in the underground of their apparent normal town, there is a world full of strange creatures who can be both extraordinary and dangerous.
The world of the trolls could be a representation of the jungian shadow.
Here is a definition taken from wikipedia:
In Jungian psychology, the "shadow", "Id", or "shadow aspect/archetype" may refer to (1) an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not identify in itself, or (2) the entirety of the unconscious, i.e., everything of which a person is not fully conscious. In short, the shadow is the unknown side.
Trollmarket is what lies beneath Arcadia, so it is a part of the city its inhabitants are unaware of and initially don’t want to face. What is more, trolls themselves are creatures which can’t stay in the sun and so they are beings who can only survive in shadows. They are also characterized by attributes like strength superior to the one possessed by humans and, generally speaking, their world is a very violent one and this is proven by some of their traditions:
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In order to become a good trollhunter Jim must learn to live with fear and to finish his fights.
What is good about these rules is that they are not accepted as always true and there is no black and white view:
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Fear is necessary and Jim must not block it out completely like he did in Young Atlas, but at the same time he should also control it since if he doesn’t he risks to be overcome by it. The idea of not being frozen by fear is explored also in 3 Below:
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In this series as well, the idea is not that one can stop being scared, but that they must live with fear and insecurities. However, 3 Below’s approach is far more traditional than Trollhunters when it comes to fear, since the former simply underlines the necessity to overcome it, while the latter spends time showing its usefulness other than it being unavoidable.
The same could be said about the rule of finishing the fight. We see Jim discussing this rule and refusing to apply it blindly. For example, he doesn’t kill Chompsky and Draal and this leads them to become precious allies. However, as the series progresses it is made clear that Jim can’t hope to solve all his conflicts this way:
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Jim’s first kill is not something which is glossed over, but it is given enough focus to make it clear that this is something Jim is not used to and something he will have to struggle with in his journey to become the trollhunter. Once again, killing enemies is something which happens in 3 Below as well, but it is not given the same focus and Aja doesn’t think about how she should finish a fight.
This is because Trollhunters is a story which deals with the shadow much more than 3 Below is.
This is proven by many details, like the amount of episodes which explore this specific theme (Young Atlas, Where is my mind?, Hero with a Thousand Faces, Mistrial and Error, The Exorcism of Claire Nuñez, A House Divided and Jimhunters are just some examples) and also by its hero and heroine’s paralleled journeys.
Jim and Claire have very similarly structured arcs.
First of all they have a similar flaw:
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They think that it is all on them and this leads them to try to shoulder too much responsibility in an attempt to help others. For example, Jim thinks that, as the trollhunter, he should enter the Darklands alone to save Enrique, whereas Claire thinks it is her fault Enrique was kidnapped in the first place. Of course both ideas are wrong and this sense of wanting to shoulder it all alone actually creates bigger problems.
Jim entered the Darklands alone to avoid putting his friends in danger, but in the end they had still to enter that dimension in order to save him.
Similarly, Claire’s willingness to sacrifice herself for the trolls let Morgana possess her.
The two situations are clearly paralleled and Claire herself mentions Jim’s previous sacrifice when she is about to make hers:
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The parallelism between their two arcs becomes even more obvious if one thinks about it in the following way.
At the end of a season (season 1 for Jim and season 2 for Claire) they sacrifice themselves ignoring their comrades’ prayers not to do it:
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As a result, they both end up trapped in a reign representative of the shadow:
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And they need to be saved by their comrades in episode 5 of the following season.
What is more they both integrate symbolically with their shadow:
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And once they do they defeat the character representative of their darkest side (Gunmar for Jim and Morgana for Claire).
I would like to explore some of the above mentioned situations more.
First of all, it is interesting to highlight that Claire and Jim’s weapons are associated respectively with shadow and with daylight. After all, we are talking of a weapon called Shadow Staff and of an amulet which works with the words daylight is mine to command.
Because of this, Claire’s arc being connected to an integration with the shadow appears obvious.
First of all, her power is not simply called after the shadow, but it works by channelling negative emotions to open up portals. The first negative emotion Claire uses is rage, but later on she changes and starts using fear:
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Once again, the first rule is at work here and Claire’s powers are an example of negative emotions being used in a positive way by the person who has them.
However, it becomes clear that indulging too much in negative feelings can let the person be engulfed by them which is what metaphorically happens to Claire when she is possessed by Morgana.
It is interesting to say that while she is possessed Claire refuses to aknowledge the problem:
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The above frame of her finding the missing signs under the bed is especially telling imo. The idea of having monsters under the bed is something strictly associated with childhood fears:
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Like the movie Monsters Inc shows perfectly, once a child faces it, their nightmare disappears. In Claire’s case however, she refuses to face what is happening to her and chooses to metaphorically hide it under the bed. She does so because she prefers to maintain the strong and independent persona she has rather than showing vulnerability and ask for help. This makes so that the situation gets worse and she ends up trapped in the Shadow Realm:
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Here, Claire doesn’t have a shadow because her own shadow (which is symbolized by Morgana) has taken over.
So, Claire needs to be rescued by Toby and Jim. It is interesting that Jim and Toby find Claire in an illusory house while she is busy attending her daily chores as if nothing happened. All in all, this is the same behaviour she assumed about her problems after having opened the portal in Trollmarket. However, Toby and Jim are able to communicate with her and to make her snap out from this way of coping with her current situation. Once she does, she is able to fight Morgana herself:
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It is interesting that she does so with Suzy Snooze which is an object strictly intertwined with her (it is what Toby and Jim use to find her) and her childish side (which is a vulnerable side of the self by definition and so one she tries to ignore).
After all, Morgana refers to Claire as her child many times, so, in the above scene, Claire freeing herself can be seen as her growing up and conquering her shadow at once.
After defeating Morgana, Claire is able to acquire some traits of the sorceress and to make them her own:
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Not only she becomes the true master of the staff, but she is able to remember some simple enchantments and has some visions about how to reach Merlin. This shows that she has successfully integrated with the dark parts of herself acquiring new abilities, but she has managed to avoid being controlled by them.
Jim’s journey is very similar, but it takes longer and it might appear less obvious since, as stated above, his amulet is not associated with shadows, but rather with daylight, so the opposite.
However, I would like to underline some things.
Firstly, Jim is able to kill Bular who is his first major enemy thanks to him being a human:
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He succeeds where his predecessor failed because of his humanity. Similarly, there are other situations where Jim uses unusual approaches because of his human nature. He avoids killing enemies, insists on working with others and so on. This leads to great results to the point that trolls start appreciating Jim and humanity more. However, at the same time, Jim slowly realizes that he has to embrace the trolls’ traditional ways of thinking more.
This is why he goes to the Darklands alone, for example. The Darklands are a place without sun, so they are perfect to symbolize an immersion in one’s shadow.
What is more, when Jim goes there he wears the Eclipse Armor which is made thanks to the three triumbric stones. These stones are linked to Gunmar himself, so it is as if Jim is assimilating a part of Gunmar in order to become strong enough to kill him.
However, Jim’s journey in the Darklands ends with him needing to be saved and Gunmar is freed as a result. This is probably because when Jim faces Gunmar (a symbol of his shadow) the first time he is still not ready. He forces himself to fight him before the time is right. This is basically the opposite of what Claire does when she ignores Morgana’s presence in her.
However, he will still have to integrate with the shadow when the time comes:
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This scene is a direct parallel to when Jim repairs the bridge and goes into the Darklands. Both times his friends are calling him from behind a closed door and both times Jim ignores them and acts on his own. However, Jim’s final choice is framed as necessary to win against Gunmar, whereas him going to the Darklands alone is presented as a mistake. Why is that so?
It has probably something to do with Jim needing to mature and to find a better equilibrium between who he is as a human and his role as trollhunter. As a matter of fact it is made clear in many situations that deep down Jim has always known that his mission as trollhunter would have required him to sacrifice his normal life as a high school student:
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After all, the episode Hero with a Thousand Faces is precisely about this. In the episode Jim faces different sides of himself and the most antagonistic one is the one embodying his trollhunter duty. His trollhunter personality represents his fear of having to sacrifice who he is to fulfill his role and Jim’s challenge is to reconcile this side of himself with the others.
Another instance which seems to support the idea that, at least unconsciously, Jim had always known the kind of choice he will be asked to make in the finale is what happens in the Deep:
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It is explained that the Deep shows you your worst fear against which you have to fight. It becomes clear after rewatching the episode that the one Jim is fighting against is nothing more than himself as the Eternal Knight. In short, Jim is fighting his troll-part which is nothing more than his shadow. This interpretation can be used to explain some things.
3 Below offers us an explanation of what the Deep actually is:
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If Krel’s hypothesis is correct and if Jim had actually conquered his fear there, then he should have found Gaylen’s core and broken the curse of the Deep. However, when Krel enters it, the Deep is still working properly. This may mean that Jim did not really conquer his fear, but simply fought it and managed to remain level-headed enough to escape.
This would also clarify why we never see how the battle with the mysterious individual ends. As a matter of fact, in the next episodesJim meet his friends after he has already escaped from the Deep and no more explanation is given. This is odd, but it makes sense if the battle had actually no real end.
This reading would also fit thematically since one of the points of Jim’s arc is to learn how to deal with fear. Sometimes it is not possible to completely conquer one’s fear and the person must learn to consantly struggle with it.
What is more, it would have made no sense to show us a resolution between Jim and his shadow in the Deep since the aim of the narrative was to have him reach that resolution at the very end:
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In the series finale Jim becomes half-troll and wears the Eclipse armor for the first time since the Darklands. This is Jim’s second attempt to integrate with his shadow and this time he succeeds because he manages to find an equilibrium between the different parts of himself:
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He has to face some responsibilities alone, but this doesn’t mean that the people who love him are gonna leave him behind. In the end, the battle is won because of everyone’s help even if Jim had to make some personal sacrifices and individual choices.
In conclusion, we can say one of Trollhunters main themes is the necessity to face unknown and dark parts of one-self the individual who lives in society usually avoids. In order to do so, the protagonists have to enter a world which is magical and less bound by society rules.
All of this, as anticipated in the introduction, can be summarized with rule number 3. This rule is a rule which must be applied during physical confrontations in order to survive. It is a very instinctive thing to do and implies that the one who does it is fighting for their life without any kind of regulations like the ones in sports.
So the characters must learn to survive in such a world and to adapt to it and at the same time they must show this world the value of humanity.
Here comes another joke which has been repeated a couple times in the series. The trollhunter is someone who hunts trolls, but at the same time it is usually a troll. Why does he have this name then?
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The answer is here. It is because he has to protect two worlds. As a matter of fact, it is obvious that if humanity’s shadow is represented by trolls, then trolls who are creatures who can only live in shadow needs to integrate with the “light” aka with their more human parts. This is why the trollhunter is given the amulet of daylight even if all the trollhunters before Jim could not be in the sun. The trollhunter duty invites the one who must accomplish it to understand both humans and trolls and to be an in-between.
As Merlin puts it:
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The trollhunter is both a hunter and a troll. So, he is one who hunts trolls, but also a troll himself because each individual must both embrace and control their instinctive parts to become a full fledged adult.
So, in a sense, the trollhunter must hunt himself:
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Akiridions are representative of the “other” and of the “stranger” even more than trolls are.
This is made obvious in 3 Below.
First of all, there is the fact that many Akiridions talk with different accents which strengthens the idea that they are not from Arcadia.
Moreover, the series is full of jokes meant to compare the protagonists to members of different minorities:
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That said, the main characters exhibit prejudices too:
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In short, their story is nothing more than a story of integration between different cultures.
What is more, this theme of different cultures integrating or choosing not to is something which goes beyond just the royals’ experience on Earth.
Let’s consider, for example, an important part of Aja’s arc i.e. her struggling to become a queen in waiting who would use her power to help others:
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This specific part of her arc is explored by her foiling with Kubritz.
Kubritz is immediately set up to be Aja’s foil since their first fight when she comments that Aja is not the only woman trained in combat. However, their foiling is not about their physical prowess, but about them being two women in a position of authority who want to protect their planets.
Kubritz wants Earth to be safe from invaders who have a much more developed technology than humans. It is because of this inferiority that Kubritz is so scared of other life-forms and chooses to dominate others through strength and fear as her treatment of Tronos Madu especially shows.
Her approach is completely different from Aja’s who tries to communicate with people:
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What is interesting is that Kubritz’s behaviour can be compared to the King and Queen’s. Aja and Krel’s parents are surely different from Kubritz and they are positive characters and beloved royals. However, in order to preserve Akiridion’s peace, they chose not to help other planets and not to stop dangerous criminals despite having the means to do so. This is also what it is implied to have led to their downfall:
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Aja is trying to be better than her parents:
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She has repeatedly chosen to help others even when it was not beneficial to her. For example, she refuses to listen to Zadra’s advise not to engage in the fight against the Gumm-Gumms, frees Buster even if that puts both her and her family in danger and so on. It is probable Aja will have to struggle between taking care of the interests of her planet and her generous nature which leads her to be willing to help others. However, I think it is made clear that her rule will be different from the one of her parents and something might have already changed:
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Because of Morando’s coup, the Akiridions have become more active and have taken part in the final battle against him. In her speech, Zadra underlines that the King and Queen protected Akiridion’s peace and that now it is the people’s turn to protect them. In short, it seems to me that we might assist to some change in Akiridion-5 policies now that Aja is the queen.
At the same time, the theme of the “other” is something which is explored also on an existential level:
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Krel’s mind reading glasses are here used to represent empathy aka the ability to understand others and to relate to them.
This is also why Krel is not able to pick up as many voices as Aja does. It is because, according to Aja, he has got the signal range too low since he is scared of breaking the device. This can be seen as a small detail which sheds ligth on what Krel’s main problem is.
Krel’s initial discriminating behaviour towards humans or his acting superior are nothing more than a defensive mechanism born by the fear of not being accepted. This is made clear by Krel being overjoyed whenever someone shows him even the smallest appreciation like Seamus in season one and later on when Toby and Eli tells him they are already friends:
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In short, the story makes clear that it is not that Krel isn’t generous or caring or lacks empathy, but that he is probably scared of being hurt by interacting with others. This has probably something to do with him not having had many chances of interacting with peers on Akiridion-5 because of his status as a royal.
In short, Krel, just like Aja, desperatly needs to be normal, but, differently from his sister, doesn’t aknowledge such a need and assumes a somehow arrogant behaviour which ends up putting distance between him and others.
His arc is essentially about overcoming such a defense mechanism and being more honest with himself when it comes to his feelings towards others.
This ties up nicely with Krel’s passion for technology. As a matter of fact technology plays a huge role in 3 Below as the third rule makes clear. In this series, the possibility to use new technologies to bring people together is explored. For example, they use social networks to promote Dog Fight to save the planet, the siblings are saved from Kubritz thanks to the threath of having a video of the woman making racists remarks going viral and so on. Even in the finale the cannon is built thanks to a picture Toby took with his new phone.
So technology is something which is depicted as useful and fundamental to promote a more open society and it is not by chance that in the end Krel is able to create a wormhole to connect Earth and Akiridion 5 despite the two worlds being extremely far away.
When it comes to Krel, it is also shown in season 2 that his passion for technology is not seen as something completely positive by his father:
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And tha Krel felt belittled for it since his father gave more importance to traditions and considered technology a hobby.
Throughout the series, we also see advanced robots becoming more human. I am talking of the Blanks and of the Mothership especially:
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Mother starts becoming more human the moment she is damaged. From that point on she becomes less perfect in terms of performance (she can’t fly anymore and also makes mistakes), but in exchange she learns the importance of human emotions and human connections and becomes a real mother.
In short, we are shown society and community developing thanks to technology, but also technology becoming more human. This is because technology should never be separated from humanity in order to remain something positive.
We can say, in synthesis, that the series is about “otherness” both in how we react to someone different by being at the same time intrigued and scared and in how we are able to develop as individuals only thanks to interactions with others.
When it comes to this, let’s consider Aja and Krel’s two biggest moments of realization:
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Both siblings have them while they are in a dimension symbolic of the subconscious.
Aja has it while she is in her parents’ subconscious, whereas Krel has it while he is in the Deep which models itself after a person’s interiority. In other words Aja realizes something about herself thanks to observing another person and Krel realizes something about his feelings for others thanks to a journey in his own mind.
As a matter of fact Aja has come to realize what she herself wants. She wants to be a warrior and her main problem with her title of queen is that she thinks a queen can’t be one:
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However, by seeing her mother being an excellent fighter she realizes she doesn’t have to give up this part of herself to rule and that she can actually be a wonderful queen and a fighter.
Krel is instead stuck because he refuses to be honest with himself when it comes to his feelings for his friends on Earth. Throughout the series it is made clear that he is slowly growing fond of the planet and of its people, but he doesn’t want to admit it. This is why facing the Deep is so important for him. He grows not just because he overcomes his fear of Morando, but also because he finally accepts Earth as his new home.
These two situations are complementary (like the siblings are on many levels) and they show how the self and the other are strictly intertwined on different levels. Others can be mirrors on which we project sides of ourselves and at the same time understanding one-self better is useful for our relationships with others.
Moreover, when it comes to the royal siblings, their arcs embody the first rule (you must be prepared for change) perfectly. As a matter of fact they have inverted arcs in which each character discovers that what they wanted in the beginning is not really what they needed.
In the beginning Aja wants to be normal and her development makes so that not only she comes to accept that she has responsibilities to fulfill, but she realizes that doing so is really in her own nature and not something which conflicts with it as she thought in the beginning.
Krel is presented as more responsible than her sister and more obedient when it comes to his role as king in waiting. Moreover all he wants in the beginning is to go back home. However, as time passes he starts to exhibit a more childish side and he comes to the realization that he prefers staying on Earth rather than going back to Akiridion as King. Similarly, in the beginning he keeps highlighting his own superiority compared to humans, but by the end he chooses to live on Earth as a normal teenager.
Aja and Krel are also a play on the red oni and blue oni dynamic.
Quoting from the page I linked:
This trope is about two individuals (or occasionally, factions or civilizations) that are significantly linked together somehow (such as through a rivalry, friendship, being siblings, co-workers, competitors, etc.) that have differing personalities and, with it, often different approaches to the world in general, especially whatever they might be competing in/for/over.
The Red Oni is associated with passion, wildness, and defiance. A Red Oni character is often more brawny than brainy, extroverted, enthusiastic, determined, and filled with a zest for life. They are also much more likely to break conventions and rules than their counterpart. 
The Blue Oni is associated with serenity, control and observing authority. A Blue Oni is more intellectual, proud, traditional, introverted, and cultured (sometimes more spiritual, although that's not guaranteed). Blue Oni personalities are often respected by others, but also likely to puzzle or confound their peers because they are difficult to read and have a mysterious quality to them.
Aja and Krel fit these descriptions and can be easily associated respectively to the red oni and to the blue oni as their respective colours in human form make clear.
However, as the series goes on it becomes obvious that the attributes listed above are nothing more than the surface of Aja and Krel. As a matter of fact Aja, despite how she appears in the beginning, is actually more mature than Krel under certain aspects and Krel has a very sensitive side which can manifest itself very strongly.
Let’s consider these two scenes in season 1:
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They are parallels and inverses. At the beginning of the season Aja is the one who appears the most lost and is encouraged by Krel, whereas by the season’s end Krel shows insecurities and how the responsibility of repairing the ship is getting to him and Aja is the one comforting him.
By the end of the series Aja and Krel have acquired attributes which in the beginning were more strongly associated to the other.
For example, at the ending os season 1 Krel is the one improvising a speech and is said to be better than Aja in formal situations. However, in the last episode, he encourages Aja to speak for the both of them:
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In this way, he shows to have overcome his little jealousy for her by letting her take the spotlight and at the same time he encourages her to speak in public and so to become better in a thing she feels nervous about.
Similarly, Aja accepts his brother’s feelings for his new found home and respects his choice to be on Earth and in this way she gives him the chance to pursue the normal life she once wanted.
In conclusion, it seems obvious that the two royals have changed and have reached endings which are the opposite of the ones they would have wanted in the beginning.
While Aja and Krel’s arcs are perfect to represent the first rule, Varvatos’s is perfect to embody the second one which deals with the necessity of accepting one’s mistakes:
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Varvatos’s arc is an arc of redemption and at the same time it is a redemption arc which is a deconstrution of the trope according to which a character has to die to redeem himself:
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As the scene above shows, Varvatos’s way of having his honour restored is not to die a glorious death which would be very painful for his young lieges, but it is to care for them as their new family.
This is not only something which he must do to help them, but also something which can help him to overcome the sadness for the loss of his family.
The series makes clear that Varvatos’s love for the siblings grows as time passes and he becomes a proper guardian for them to the point that he has no hesitation to suggest using the King and Queen’s cores to spare the two kids. Basically Varvatos repeats what he did in the beginning (he is ready to sacrifice the royals for his family), but this time his choice is framed as the right one and it is confirmed to be the will of the King and Queen themselves once they wake up.
As a matter of fact it is as Mother says:
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3 Below is the story of two children losing their parents and finding a new family all in once:
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What Morando says here turns out to be the truth since the two siblings will never be able to go back at being a family with their parents. So, we can say that the entirety of the series is a way to let Aja and Krel deal with the loss of their parents and build a support system.
Because of this, their family ends up incorporating many dynamics representative of many different family situations.
First of all, Aja and Krel have to deal with the deaths of their parents, but also with the discovery that they were not perfect. Realizing one’s parents’ limits is a necessary step to grow up.
This is something they must deal with also when it comes to Mother:
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Realizing that a parent is not perfect means the child is starting to see that the world is more complex than what previously thought. At the same time, the parent stops being seen as someone perfect and is accepted as a person.
It is interesting to note that Mother parallels the royal parents in the general way her arc is outlined.
At the end of season one, Aja and Krel must fight an omen which has eaten their parents’ cores and a brainwashed Mother. This is symbolic of the two children’s struggle to overcome their parents and to grow up. This can only happen through some kind of conflict which in this case is symbolic and not a direct one. At the same time, the kids are taking their parents’ roles as protectors of the family.
However, even if it is right for the kids to become stronger and able to live by themselves, this doesn’t mean they should be the ones to protect their parents and to shoulder all the responsibility. This is why in the end Mother and their parents are the ones who sacrifice themselves for their well-being in a direct inversion of the season 1 finale.
Other than having to grieve for their parents, Aja and Krel finds themselves in a new family dynamic with Vex who becomes their guardian and later on with Zadra.
Vex and Zadra’s relationship is similar to the one two divorced parents have. Even if there was never romance between them, they still find themselves in disagreement on how to take care of the kids and keep fighting. However, in the end they are able to overcome their problems for the sake of the children and reconcile.
Finally, I would like to talk briefly of the two Blanks. They are basically a parody of a stereotyped American family and it is not by chance that they first appear when Aja and Krel needs to be accepted in school. It is a failed attempt to conform. At the same time, them feeling completely off to others can be seen as a joke about what a “normal” family should be like. In the end there is not a normal family and all family dynamics can be equally beautiful.
In the end the Blanks stay on Earth with Krel and become his guardians. This is a good way to end their story since this means that they have finally settled in Arcadia with a kid who, after some initial struggle, managed to fully integrate. Them being robots also tie with the role of technology both in the series in general and in Krel’s character which has been discussed above.
In conclusion, 3 Below is a series which shows both positive and negative aspects of human society. It explores how society treats the different, but it also shows that integration is possible. Finally it offers a view on multiple family dynamics present in modern society.
Both Trollhunters and 3 Below are about exploring humanity, but they do so from two different point of views.
In Trollhunters humans find their humanity challenged by something different and an equilibrium must be found between the trollish and the human.
In 3 Below the weirdness of humanity is shown thanks to the eyes of people who come from a different world. At the same time, these aliens also discover what is good about humanity and what they have in common with it. This shared part is obviously the core of human beings.
At the same time, the two stories are coming of age narratives and it is interesting that their protagonists growing up happen in different ways.
Jim grows when he leaves home together with Claire who is his companion. By doing so, he separates from his mother who build a new life together with Strickler.
Aja and Krel grow when they manage to go home:
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This is fitting for a series where the main characters keep running away. After all, Aja is introduced while she is running to avoid a ceremony and after that they run from Morando and hide. Krel too, in a sense, is running away from his growing feelings towards Earth and his friends which he comes to accept in the end.
At the same time, the behaviours of Claire and Steve who are the MC’s love interests are also opposite. Claire chooses to invest on her relationship with Jim and to follow him in his adventure, while Steve chooses to stay on Earth with his family.
There is not a right or wrong choice, but simply different people who want different things and are taking care of their respective romantic relationships in different ways.
This is something which happens with Barbara/Strickler and Varvatos/Nancy as well.
Barbara chooses to let her son go even if it pains her and embraces a new life with her new partner, whereas Varvatos chooses to postpone his relationship with Nancy to when both Toby and Aja will become self-sufficient and won’t need their help anymore.
These are two different situations a parent might find themselves in and they are both shown as equally valid choices by the series.
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Across Seven Seas
Chapter 12
Description: This fanfiction series is set in the year 2022, after the horrid COVID-19 has finally come to an end. In this fanfiction, Chris Evans holidays with his family in India and meets Meera Shankar. The story explores their rollercoaster journey and raises a question, whether two people, from two contrasting backgrounds and cultures, can build their future together?
Series Masterlist
Chapter 13
Main Masterlist
This series is Chris Evans x OFC with Chris Evans' family and friends having recurring appearances. Please find below a lot of Original Characters-
Meera Shankar - The female lead
Meera's Mother
Poppy - Meera's maternal grandmother
Rohan - Meera's elder brother who is 6 years older than her.
Ankur - Concierge of the Hotel Maple-Fawn in Mussoorie
Warning: Curse words, beginning of rape, alcohol consumption, angst
This is a work of fiction. The names of the hotels and companies have been changed to avoid copyright issues. Meera Shankar and her family is based on the author and her kin. No offense is intended.
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
Chapter 12
Meera rang the doorbell of the Evans suite. Situated on the top floor of the hotel, the passage way to the suite was lined with ornate arches, marble statues and impeccable sophisticated lighting. The entire decor screamed opulence in capital letters. It also made her feel uncomfortably out of place.
Scott opened the door and let her in. He welcomed her to take a seat in the living room of the suite, along with Lisa, Chris, Shanna and Carly. "Did all of you see the news?" Meera asked as she took a seat, wincing a little. "Yeah we did. We just wanted to ask a few questions. Thank you for coming up here even though you are exhausted. It means a lot," said Scott. 
Meera brushed him off, "It's okay. I will try my best to put your mind at ease." She looked around at their silent faces. They looked a little nervous and Meera soon realised why. She was sitting in her usual position, legs wide apart, back slightly bent, forearms resting on her knees with her palms meeting in the middle. While she felt comfortable in this position, her Mother had always reminded her that women sat with their legs closed and not like mobsters planning to threaten people.
"Umm... Yeah so… I mean…" Scott struggled, clearly hesitant.
Meera chuckled under her breath, "Why don't I start with the obvious questions. You can ask me later on if I miss out on anything." Scott nodded.
"So first of all, why did I not take any credit for the fight? Simple. I wanted to protect my family, especially my brother. He works with a cruise ship in the US and," she sighed, "stuff like this will make it harder for him to renew his visa."
Meera looked at Chris, "You gave your honest statement to the police officer. It was I who translated it and signed the false statement. So… So please be assured, you will not get into any legal trouble." She removed her phone from her bomber jacket, "I have a voice recording of your original statement. I can give it to you right now if you want. So that just in case, in the future, if this matter ever comes to light, you will have proof to back you up."
The 5 looked considerably relieved now. Scott gave her his email ID where she could send the recording. Once she did, she deleted the sent email and his email ID from her contact list in front of them.
"Now for the next question, how and when did I manage to plan all this? I spoke with Inspector Rima when she came to arrest those 3 gentlemen. I explained to her that since you were US citizens, you were planning to file a complaint with your embassy and would see to it that this matter received international coverage. She understood that her police force would be insulted and she would definitely get suspended. So," Meera sighed again, only this time pain visibly flashed across her face, "she agreed to take the credit and include you guys in the report as just tourists."
"From whatever little I know, there were 26 members in the gang and all of them have been caught. So you guys are all safe. Plus, the hotel is…," she groaned a little with pain, "is providing us with increased security. Nobody can enter our respective floors without avoiding the hotel guards. So yes, you can stay here for the remainder of your trip," she ended.
She looked around at them with a small smile, "Any questions?"
"I do," said Shanna slowly, "Why did you not use your knife to fight those guys? I mean they had knives too right? You were lucky only your sweater was torn."
Meera nodded, "I was incredibly lucky today. The fight could have gone sideways very fast. I didn't use the knife because…" she paused again, running fingers on her forehead, "Aah... because it would have further complicated the crime scene. See you can easily explain punches and kicks as self-defence to the police, but when a knife or any other weapon gets involved, it comes close to the murder-territory. I figured if… if I could distract them with my laughter and insults, I could take them on one-by-one." 
She looked at Chris again. He was still wearing her sweater and cap, "That reminds me, can I please have my sweater and skull cap back?"
Chris became tongue-tied. He could feel everyone's attention on him now. Quick! Say something smart! He kept looking at Meera. He knew her body must be paining, but he saw a greater pain in her eyes. Her pink lips were slightly quivering, as if she could cry in an instant. Her eyelids were heavy with sleep. He knew she needed rest, yet here she was, reassuring his family. He wanted to hold her, hug her tight and tell her everything would be okay. But would she let him? He should have protected her today, and instead, he was a coward. Would she ever forgive him for that?
"Umm Mr Evans?" Tell her why can't you return her belongings. SPEAK YOU FUCKING MEATBALL!! His breaths started coming in rapid successions as his eyes grew wider. You are a fucking 41-year-old man, TALK!!! But the more he thought about talking, the more he shut himself. 
"Oh God baby no it's okay," said Lisa, lightly rubbing his hands while Shanna and Carly started fanning him with the newspapers. "Hey do you want to sing the Little Mermaid song?" Scott suggested, kneeling in front of his brother. 
Meera got up, headed to the refrigerator and brought the ice cube tray in front of Chris. "Pop one in your mouth," she suggested in a commanding tone. Chris looked at her, a little confused but still panicking.
"What are you talking abo…" Before Scott could finish his sentence, she said, "Trust me. Pop one ice cube into your brother's mouth."
Raising his eyebrows and shaking his head in disbelief, Scott still did as she instructed. 
The confusion on Chris' face grew, then the cold hit him. "AFHASGHAHAGHHFA," he said with his mouth open, his panic attack now forgotten. He looked at Meera, dancing a little on his feet with the cold ice cube in his mouth. She just nodded, "Yes you can go and spit it out now."
She placed the ice tray back in the refrigerator. 
When Chris came back, she asked him, "Feeling better?" He nodded, managing to say "Thanks" quietly.
"Umm why… and how?" a stunned Carly managed to ask her.
She addressed them, "There are 3 reasons why putting an ice cube in your mouth works while having a panic attack. One," she raised a finger, and immediately winced in pain, "...the idea acts as a distraction. Two, the cold shocks your system and confuses it. And three, I figured... you might not be drinking enough water, which would have caused your mouth to produce more… ummm…," Meera shook her head as if thinking, "more saliva, which would calm you down."
She stood while they took a seat. "Mr Evans," she spoke gently, "I am sorry I caused you to have a panic attack. When I asked for my stuff, I didn't mean immediately right now. You can return it tomorrow," she closed her eyes and gripped the chair as she felt a little dizzy, "I didn't mean for you to shed your clothes in front of me if that's what you thought."
"Oh no no," Chris finally found his voice, "I didn't... I didn't think that. Please take a seat, you are clearly injured. Have you seen a doctor yet?" 
Meera smiled again, "No I haven't. I don't need to. I will be fine. I will take your leave now." 
As she was leaving, the family thanked her once again. Lisa asked her, "Are you sure you want your sweater back? It's been torn quite horribly." 
"Yes," Meera looked even more exhausted now, if that were possible. "I… I come from a family of… of…" she shook her head and again placed a few fingers on her forehead. "Ummm you know those people who… who do repair work… but of clothes… and they sew new clothes as well? What is the word? What are they called? I am sorry I am having a hard time translating things into English now."
"No don't be sorry. Did you mean a tailor?" 
"Yes! Yes a tailor. I come from a family of women tailors. Yes tailors. Thank you. I will stitch it back together," Meera bid goodbye to them, thinking about her bathtub and soft bed longingly.
Back in Meera's room, her phone chimed again. Vikranth: 20 missed calls flashed across the screen.
Meera collapsed on her bed. She closed her eyes, the pain in her arms and legs increasing with each second. She groaned as her mobile buzzed. Can't I have a minute of peace? Slowly reaching out for the phone, she saw it was Rohan. 
"Are you okay?" he asked on the call.
"Yes. Will order room service and go to sleep."
"What's your room number? Ma is freaking out here," Rohan sounded concerned, "Look she is worried. Don't do this to her."
"If I give her my room number then she will come down here. She will not give me an iota of space or freedom. Tell her I am in the hotel and I am safe. Explain to her all the security measures the hotel is taking. Even after that, if it doesn't help her paranoia then I cannot do anything about it. No, Rohan, YOU please understand," she interrupted her brother, "I am in pain right now. My hands and legs hurt like crazy and I cannot take any medicine. Right now, I just need my space and time to heal. I am in the hotel so she has nothing to worry about. If she still chooses to worry then I cannot help it. Good night," Meera disconnected the call.
Meera was back on the road. 6 big, strong men headed towards her as she ran. She knew she couldn't fight all 6 at once. She tried to run fast but couldn't. Her foot got stuck in the uneven road and she fell face-first. She felt multiple hands on her, ripping her clothes apart. Rough hands turned her around, and she saw her rapists as they started devouring her body in front of her family.
She woke up trembling with shock. Her mouth was open in a silent scream as her body was covered with sweat. She felt breathless. It took her a solid minute to realise she was safe in her room. It was just a nightmare, it was just a nightmare, she tried to calm herself down. Switching on the lights, she headed towards the refrigerator, and popped an ice cube in her mouth. She was on her 3rd ice cube when she finally stopped trembling. 
Reaching for her phone, she decided to watch anything to divert her mind. That's when she noticed the multiple missed calls and messages. She clicked on the notifications and saw her Mother's messages first.
I gave you my life and this is how you repay me?
I have done everything for you! Cared for you, cleaned, cooked, drove you around, was with you every step of the way and you left me all alone? No mother deserves this.
You should be ashamed of what you have done. 
No parent should have a daughter like you. 
Look at how your brother is supporting us in these times of crisis. And you did nothing. You didn't even ask Vikranth for help because of your ego.
You don't deserve to have anybody in your life.
I am extremely disappointed in you.
Wow, Meera thought as she held her head in her hands. She tried to cry, but maybe her body was still in shock, because no tears came to her eyes. 
Nodding her head, she hugged herself and kept repeating, Okay, okay we will get through this. We are okay. We just need to freak out and cry right now. Okay, okay. Freak out and cry. We need to leave this room now. Okay.
Chris couldn't sleep. It was all just too much for him to process. The light snores of his brother filled the room. They had all decided to sleep in the suite after the day's events. He couldn't even think straight, let alone sleep. Deciding he needed a drink, he quietly crept out of his bed, taking the room key with him.
He headed towards the hotel's 24x7 bar, hoping to find it deserted. As soon as he entered, he saw the bar was empty, except for one chair in the corner. He couldn't see the person except for a corner of their shawl hanging from the side of the large armchair. The person was playing soft music on their phone. Chris approached the bartender, noticing the shocked and… almost repulsive look on his face as the bartender kept looking at the person in the corner. 3 bottles of different soft drinks were open in front of him but he only focused on the person, his mouth slightly open.
"Ahem," Chris slightly coughed, drawing the attention of the bartender towards him. As Chris asked for a whisky on the rocks, he swore he heard the bartender murmur "Thank God." 
He turned to look at the figure in the corner. While he still couldn't see them, he saw their reflection in the floor-to-ceiling glass window. He saw Meera.
He glanced at his drink on the counter debating whether to approach her or not. He couldn't afford to have another panic attack in front of her. He had to be strong. He took two large gulps of the strong whisky, immediately regretting his action. As he coughed and sputtered, he asked for a refill. 
He felt his throat and chest burn, somewhat fuelling his courage. Taking his drink, he approached her. 
As Chris neared Meera, he heard the melodious song more clearly. Even though it was in Hindi, he understood the sad tune. He saw her tear-stained cheeks and stopped. There wasn't another chair besides her where he could sit and comfort her.
Maybe she needs to feel the pain. I should just leave her alone. She might not like me interrupting her… Chris thought, but he couldn't help himself. Taking another step towards her, he gingerly asked, "Meera?"
She turned her head to look at him. Squinting her eyes, she was still unable to see the person. Putting on her glasses, she spoke through tears, "Mr Evans?" her red eyes registering slight surprise. 
"Do you want to talk about it? What can I do to help you?" 
Meera wiped her nose with a tissue, "Please leave me alone Mr Evans. I just want to be alone," she begged. 
Chris nodded, but still stood in his spot. He looked around and decided to bring another comfortable armchair near Meera's.
He dragged it and placed it right besides the sidetable where her phone and glasses were kept. 
Meera looked at him in disbelief, "Mr Evans I just want to be left alone. So please! Leave!" she said, her voice breaking.
He looked at her, feeling his own emotions overwhelming, "I am not asking you to talk to me. Just think of me as another guest in this bar. I will not interfere in any way. I promise you I will stay quiet. But if you think I will leave you alone, after everything that you have done for us, for me, after what you have gone through, then you are wrong Meera. I will not leave you."
"Why do you not understand," Meera broke down further, "I need to cry, I need to feel this. This is going to get ugly. You will feel uncomfortable! Please just leave."
Chris considered her for a moment, then nodded and left. He soon returned with a stack of paper napkins and placed them on the table besides her phone and glasses. "This should get you through the next hour," he said. 
She looked at him, helpless, then sunk her head in her hands, crying further. Chris settled back in his chair, his body angled towards her. He wished she would let him comfort her, but somewhere, he also understood the importance of going through this alone. God only knows how many nights he had cried himself to sleep, refusing help from his own family, all because he wanted to stay alone.
Slowly, her sobs lessened. She used the new tissue and wiped her face, discarding it in the nearby bin. As she reached for the phone, Chris placed his hand on her mobile before her. "Don't change the song." "But you don't understand the lyrics," she said, her voice still broken. "No, but I like it. Let it play on loop," Chris said kindly. She nodded and took a sip of her drink. It looked a lot like neat whisky. Chris wondered, Why was the bartender repulsed? Was it because she was crying? That asshole.
After a few more sips, she said in a quiet voice, "Our Night." 
"Our Night. The name of the song is Our Night. It is about how our night is a friend of the moon, but after a long time, she has come alone. She is darkness." Meera took another deep breath, "In the song, the singer wants to switch off all the lights and talk to the darkness. She understands that the darkness is hurtful. It is crazy even, but it is still hers. She just wants to be alone with the darkness."
Meera looked ahead and started crying again. Chris just looked at her, his own eyes brimming with tears now. He knew something had happened after she had left their suite. She didn't look like the type of person who broke down easily. He would give anything to find out who or what had upset her. 
He looked at her reflection in the window, his own tears trickling down his cheeks. Finally, he allowed his emotions to take over. 
That night, the stars in the moonless sky smiled down at them, as two people, from two different walks of life, cried together over what had happened, completely unaware of what the future had in store for them.
(This is the song if you want to listen ⬇️)
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rosesanthology · 4 years
Escape Plan | Matsukawa Issei x F!Reader [mafia!AU]
This took me SO MUCH TIME to write aaaaaah it's not surprising that it's so long :0 i just have many many feelings for Matsukawa Issei ALSO im begging y'all to listen to the playlist before/as you read please !!
Im kinda pissed that i cant add a "read more" option since im on mobile tho :\
(Also ngl at first i planned to get one of the 2 shot but i didn't have the heart to go thru with it)
Warnings : Fluff, it starts with humor but at some point it gets angsty ???? Idk y'all tell me
- Au that could be considered as a ennemies-to-lovers type of situation
[Tags] : @raevaioli and @haikoo like i cannot stress this enough @haikoo this your main manz
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- if you could only use one sentence to describe your job to a Karen it would be : stealing from the rich in order to trick other rich people
- you had been what the people would call a spy for most of your life now, the Tokyo based Nekoma Organisation being something close to a family
- you worked with both of your very good friends, Kuroo Testurou and Kozume Kenma
- Kuroo, the leader of your little squad, had been the first one to open up to you when you joined
- he was a gifted chemistry genius and you were sure he could make any poison or soporific out of the most random stuff
- he also had insane combat and physical abilities which made him fit to act in a lab as well as on mission grounds
- Kenma was a little more reserved at first, he was the same age as you but still was really reluctant to accept you as one of his own at first
- when he saw how much Kuroo trusted you and how interested you were in his work he slowly but surely found himself caring for you
- to put it simply Kenma, better known as "apple pi" was a hacker. His job ranged from creating computer viruses to full on enabling the security of whole museums
- despite his cute appearance and shy demeanor he was probably the scariest of you three
- finally, you Y/L L/N was the infiltration and weapons expert of the group, you could weild literally anything from guns, to swords to,,,,,metal rods (but you don't wanna talk about this one) and you were of great help when deciding which infiltration angle was the best in missions
- Kuroo, under the orders of Boss Nekomata, quickly taught you the dangers and ways of the job during your first months working with them, the organisation specializing in outsmarting rich bastards and stealing their precious ressources in order to make "better use of them"
- if they were hoarding a particularly efficient brand of medicine, your goal was to steal it all, and sell it to people in need for free or a low price
- if they were in possession of some important object like let's say,,,,,the construction plans for the emperor's new vacation house, you stole it, made copies to sell at a high price to the highest bidder and your good affiliate, the Fukurodani Corporation would keep an eye on the original as part of their personnal collection, you were fine with that
- yeah they were others organisations like that in Tokyo, your friends from the Fukurodani Corp of course but also the Shiratorizawa elite crime group with who you had worked a couple times before
- ah and there was the Yakuzas too....honestly they were the only group in Tokyo with whom you were still on dangerous terms with
- they didn't like Nekoma in their affairs and you didn't like them in yours, but you tolerated each other
- your boss had established a truce with the representant of the big Yakuza group of your area, Kondo "the viper" Takara, a truly scary woman who had blasted her way to the one of the top positions of the hierarchy
- she even had a cool nickname ヾ(`ε´)ノ
- but you knew better than to mess with them
- all in all y'all kept doing your jobs well, not bothering anybody
- except for one remaining rivalry with some Miyagi group
- the Aoba Johsai Institution.
- well, rivalry would be a strong word because you kinda got along with that Iwaizumi guy, he was a great hand to hand combat fighter and you respected that
- the others however ? Trash. 👁3👁
- they seem to act like Tokyo will be their territory in the next 5 seconds flat like ??
- "they be acting like they can just swoop in and eat OUR rich" you had told Kuroo and Kenma one day over ramen
- spoiler alert : it was a bad idea cause Kuroo snorted and almost made the noodles go up his nose
- no but seriously they always seemed to take advantage of YOUR missions to attract attention
- how did they even know which missions you were on anyway ??? (Kenma and Kunimi are actually good friends cause they play video games together but he'd never tell you that)
- it's like that one time you infiltrated a business company's heir's residence and then you came across a dude named Hanamaki and you had the HARDEST time whisper shouting to him how blowing up the whole place was a bad idea to retrieve one (1) diamond
- at the end you felt so tired that you gave it to him anyway ಥ_ಥ ("just take it ffs" "really ??" "Don't make me regret this")
- they also had the single worst person ever on one of their teams.
- Matsukawa Issei
- just thinking about it made you want to take your metal bat and break something in your shared room with your two other friends
- seriously that guy was like the epitome of clownery
- he's also supposed to be his team's gun expert except that's not the best task for someone who refuses to take anything with him but his freaking FISTS
- the first time you had met y'all ended up being on the same case to assassinate some guy who had kidnapped some cute freckled kid from a place in Miyagi called Karasuno
- you had Kenma on the earbud telling you about the guy's position in the club you were currently one street away from. You were posted on the rooftop of a building with a sniper rifle ready to get done with it and go save the kid but GUESS WHO COMES IN FISTS SWINGING WHEN YOU LITERALLY HAD THE TARGET IN SIGHT
- and he had the nerve to look straight toward your rifle's aim and flip you off while smirking
- sir you're about to catch these hands🚶🏽
- he had knocked him out alright and he got the young boy out but you were NOT ready to let that slide so you quickly got down and crossed path with him at the back exit of the club
- "what exactly do you think you were doing in there ?" Listen. You may have sounded confident enough saying that but you had NO idea that this dude was like a whole ass giraffe
- and he knew he was tall so he had the audacity to say
- "sorry can't hear you so well from down there midget, i was just doing my job (▰˘◡˘▰)" if it weren't for the karasuno boy being right there you would have stabbed his kneecaps on sight
- anyway after that y'all just seemed to run into each other wayyyy too often
- insults were shared just as often tho
- "well butter my buns and call me betty broker if it isn't my sweet little midget shooting people !"
- "stfu before i choke you"
- "kinky but can you reach my neck ?"
- "you've sunk low enough"
-so yeah f u n  t i m e s
- aside from that, business was going great but Kuroo had had news of a very important mission for you but he insisted on letting Boss Nekomata tell you about it himself for some reason
- he'd never done that :(
- you were kinda hurt that your best friend was hiding stuff from you tbh :(
- and Kenma did not seem to know more than you for now
- so you spent a whole week just mopping around
- sometimes you would go and poke fun and the newbie Lev Haiba but it wasn't the same
- Kuroo and Kenma kept working on missions while you were left waiting for that one assignment that Nekomata seemed to keep you for
- until today when Kuroo finally told you that the boss was requesting you in his office
- ngl you were EXCITED
- maybe you would have to zipline down the Tokyo tower (σ≧▽≦)σ maybe he was going to let you take a chainsaw with you this time (σ≧▽≦)σ
- maybe he- "oh" you deadpanned, stepping foot into the office and seeing none other than your arch nemesis, Matsukawa Issei in all his pisces clown glory
- "why tf are you there shitty eyebrows"
- "i had a good day too Y/N ! thanks for asking :D" today was the day. You were 100% ready to kill him and the knife that was attached to your thigh strap seemed like such a good option rn-
- "stop it you two. Y/N take a sit" Nekomata gestured, as you didn't hesitate to listen to your superior even fully aware of Mattsun's eyes annoyingly following your every movement
-"Okay so. Y/N i know you may be wondering why Matsukawa's here but to put it simply we've been informed that a rich family have gotten their hands on one of Aoba Johsai's rarest item : a gold engraved katana that belonged to their first boss"
- "so what do you need us for ?" You didn't mean to use "us" but you knew better than to piss off your boss, he was like a parental figure come on
- "i need you guys to infiltrate an auction held by said family and steal it back in the span of one week. It's up to you to work together or not but keep in mind that our arrangement states that we're autorised to make copies of the katana for future sells."
- you guys nodded, after all you were professionnals before everything and you were about to leave when Nekomata put something on the table
- "here are the keys to your appartment near the auction site it'll be your hideout !"
-.....now this had to be a cruel joke-
- "id rather sleep under a bridge then live with her for a whole week"
- "wow this is the first time we agree on something Mattsun" the oh so familiar nickname dripped in venom as you said it, unsure of what was supposed to happen
- "oh yes you could but i suppose that you don't have the supplies and tools that you will definitely need during that mission :)"
- you locked eyes with the brunette for a minute before reluctantly stomping to the table and grabbing hold of the keys and adress written on a paper, storming out of the door,  letting out a loose "come on shitty eyebrows we have data to collect" to your new....partner ? Ugh it was about to be a long week
-  it turns out the appartment was a lot smaller than you hoped for, with two single person beds, a computer post and different storing purposed furniture
- it was a common thing however, because the last thing an undercover spy would want is to draw attention with a flashy hideout
- the first step was to gather information on who would be at the auction which shouldnt be too hard
- "hey ill take the lead and contact my friend so that he can determine who is going to be here" you said as you sat on the chair in front of the computer
- "mm yeah you do that ill check what kind of weapons have been provided to us" Mattsun had no difficulty finding them as the drawers well full of them....this was very promising
- Kenma had just sent you the list of people that had been invited to the event, and you recognised many names as being members of the powerful Yakuza group lead by Konda Takara, of course.....the infamous viper herself
- you called out to Mattsun to show him and briefly explained what they were up too and how they usually fonctionned
- the auction was to take place the last 3 days after an opening party, leaving the rest of the week for preparations
- they usually took their time in comitting their crimes so you thought that stopping them mid plan by taking advantage of it was the best way to get the sword
- Mattsun didn't have anything to say for the moment, seemingly thoughtful about the whole situation
- "just so you know" you started, already regretting the decision of talking in your head, "i don't plan on being friends with you anytime soon but i feel like for this we should at least try not to rip each other's hair out"
- "i never planned on that second option"
- "huh ?"
- "i hope you know that we've never had a single conversation without insults of some kind before so for the sake of both of us it would be better to actually get to know each other since we're supposed to work together"
- you hated to admit it
- but he was right
- however you didn't comment on it, opting for throwing him a dry "let's sleep" before plopping yourself on your own bed on the other side of the room
- this is about to be one hell of a week
-3 days had passed in the crammed appartement both you and Mattsun struggling to inform yourself on each specific individual that was going to be present at the auction
- right now, you were both sitting on the floor, wearing simple oversized shirts and pyjama pants and shorts, cheese pizza box laying on top of the document covered surface
- "Mattsun, pass me the paper about Okuda Takeda please" :000
- Matsukawa froze, because he knew that in 2 days of living together y'all had establised that you wouldn't be at each other's throats
- but hearing you using his nickname unironically and saying please ???? That was still something he had to get used to
- "what are you staring at ? Give me the paper shitty eyebrows >:[" ah there she was
- "thats my girl" he thought, handing you the document and resuming his own reading
- here's the catch : Mattsun was head over heels in love with you since like day 1 that Hanamaki told him about this pretty girl who let him take the diamond from his mission. He tried to repress his feelings as he had noticed that you seemed way closer with your friend Kuroo who he had seen on missions with you
- maybe you liked him
- he would understand, he seemed way more confident than him and he was also probably way smarter since he was a genius and all
- also the way you were always soft to him and not Matsukawa kinda got to him
- he wanted you to hug HIM after a mission too and NOT insult him
- but he judged it for the better as he still got to be close to you in his own way with the playful fights you always seemed to pick with him
- it was easier than confronting his feelings or rejection
- this mission proved to make things so much harder for him tho
- like yeah he saw you being a badass plenty of other times but now ?
- he got to see you being all clingy and grumpy in the morning (he never knew being called a dumbass while you were falling back asleep on his shoulder was his thing but hey) , got to see your nose scrunch up when you were focusing on mapping out the position of the vent system of the venue
- he could go on for hours about how much he loved you and your plan was not making it easy.....profiting off the yakuzas' plan took way too much waiting and he understood that you wanted it to go as well as possible but he just couldn't keep living like this until then
- it felt like torture
- and he did not want to see you in that gorgeous dress that you were supposed to wear at the auction during the infiltration
- he knew that a couple more days could drive him crazy and make him do dumb shit like kissing you
- he had thought about that a lot of times but never brought himself to do it because je knew it was pointless
- he had to take action now
- the night of the opening ceremony, the day before the Yakuzas would start their scheme
- both of you were laying in your beds, awake, that was a habit you had developped over the past nights, you were just, aware of each other's presence and then sometime you would ask him something about his life, his friends, himself
- it made his heart beat too fast everytime and he could feel himself falling even more by the second when he heard you giggling talking about the time you pulled a prank on your friend Yaku with Kuroo
- he knew that you were already very sleepy from the way you were slurring your words
- "Y/N do you hate me ?" He said, abruptly and he heard a strangled laugh coming from you followed up by the question
- "what's that for dummy ?"
- "please answer" he asked in a whisper, sounding almost desperate
- you took a second to think about it
-you had grown quite close to your tall partner in such a short period of time, even letting your guard down and stopping from being so defensive
- "i don't hate you....i could never" you said the last part more to yourself tho but Matsukawa didn't miss it, he wished he did as he heard the soft sighs coming from your now sleeping form
- his heart ached as he got up, putting on his black coat over his mathing turtleneck shirt, taking his gun and spare map of the auction venue
- you were totally going to hate him now....
- and then he left for the opening party
- the rain was pouring outside
- for some reason you couldn't sleep well that night
- that only happened whenever Kuroo was out on a mission at night or Kenma was working in his office
- you hated sleeping alone, you couldn't do it
- being alone was the one thing you dreaded the most in your life, death was nothing if nobody knew where you were, if nobody aknowledged your existence you weren't alive
- but Mattsun was there and you trusted him.
- yeah you were kind of an ass to him during like 90% of your interactions with him but you just didn't know how to talk to him ??? He was so strong and good at what he did so you couldn't help but feel admiration but also intimidation
- yet you've felt probably more comfortable with him than anyone in your life (yes even Kuroo and Kenma weirdly enough)
- it was a nice feeling
- maybe it was because you saw him differently than them...
- but anyway
- you felt like yourself around him
- and yet
- why couldn't you sleep ?
- "Mattsun ?" You called out to him, voice cracked from not having used it for a while
- no answer
- maybe he didn't hear you over the rain....?
- you had a bad feeling about this
- "Mattsun ?" You called out a little louder, sitting up
- yep definitely
- you turned on the light and to your surprise, Matsukawa was nowhere in sight
- your heart sunk at the realization
- you were alone
- what about the plan ? Ah its true that he never said anything about it
- did he not trust you enough with it ? Did he think you were too assertive ?
- you wanted to cry but it seemed as if your brain wasn't working, your body rushing on its own to check the date and time on your phone : past 10pm on thursday night.....
- the opening party !
- "shit shit shit he must have gone there to take them by surprise wtf is he thinking doing this alone?" You thought aloud, maybe it would trick your body into not being scared
- at this point you were terrified, rushing to get the red dress on as well as putting your 2 guns under each of your thigh straps
- is he alone ? Surrounded by highly trained and dangerous Yakuzas ? What if....you were too late ?
- you didn't have time to think too much about it as you knew that this kind of thoughts led nowhere.
- you had to infiltrate that party the fastest you've ever done in your life and see for yourself, luckily, the venue was only a few crossroads away from your appartment
- truth was Mattsun's plan was not so bad
- after all you had insisted on making him find info on every staff member there too so it's thanks to you if he just so happened to know what type of guy that one waitress liked in order to flirt with her and convince her that he had forgotten his watch in one of the closed off aeras of the venue
- the place was absolutly gigantic, after all it was a mansion bought will illegal money
- he hated this, he just wanted to get it over with, retrieve the sword, gtfo and go back to Miyagi forever so that he wouldn't feel the pain of the illusion of being by your side when you were clearly far ahead of him
- you'd always been anyway
- he had finally reached the generator room and opened the vents with much difficulty as the room was a mess of cardboard boxes and storage shelves
- he was just going to cut the power, which would take about 15 minutes to get back, allowing him to go thru the vents to the main hall that was right thru the wall to his side, retrieve the sword and just make a run for it
- hopefully the rain would cover most of the sound he made so that was even better
- see that would have been great if he hadn't felt the icy cold metal of a gun at the nape of his neck as he was fiddling with the generator
- he had been caught.
- it was the end.
- shit he fucked the whole mission over and now even you didn't have a chance to-
- "what exactly do you think you're doing Mattsun ?" You said coldly even tho the hurt in your tone didnt go unnoticed by the taller man
- "haha Y/N whatchu doing here on this fine night ? You look stunning btw"
- "Cut the crap shitty eyebrows i asked you a question"
- you finally lowered your gun allowing your harsh glare to show how upset you truly were
- damn, Matsukawa really felt shitty :\
- he'd never seen you like that- well not soaked from the rain but....so vulnerable to him
- all your feelings talks happened in the dark of night in your hideout, he'd never seen your face look so pained before
- "I did what was best for both us..."
- "bullshit." He wasn't sure that he believed himself either to be honest
- "what the fuck are you even doing anyway ? I thought you and i were in this mission together ?? Did nothing matter to you ? I finally think that i found someone who i could trust other than my fucking family and that's what you do ? Ditch me for your own profit ?? You did what was best for your damn self Matsukawa"
- you were upset. He got it really, his insecurities had gotten the best of him like they often did....except he didn't have the strength to confront them, to confront you about it. So he got it and he didn't retaliate.
- "so what ?? You're not even going to say anything ?? Not even TRY to fucking apologize ? Do you really don't care ?" You searched for his eyes, but little did you know that he just....couldn't talk nor maintain eye contact with you right now
- "Mattsun...i thought you and i had...something ? I don't know maybe i hallucinated or some shit but i thought we were at least friends you know ? D-did you ever tolerate me at all ?"
- your voice cracked, it got lower and it cracked, and at that moment he was sure his heart broke right at this instant too
- he wanted to tell you that that was the farthest thing from the truth
- he wanted to tell you that he loved you
- but you were too far. Once again, you were miles ahead of him, more than ever
- and the sound of voices coming from the corridor did NOT HELP
- you could not afford being found here so with the professionalism left in you, you pushed your feelings away and pulled Mattsun behind a shelf, crouching and waiting
- you were so close he could feel you shivering from the cold and he felt so so bad
- but now was not really the moment
- "didn't you hear shouting ?" Shit. Maybe you should have waited until getting out of here for your heart to heart because this guard was definitely not trippin
- there were 2, luckily they didn't have the idea to split up to search the room, all you had to do was move low and close to the walls in order reach the door and well....the katana literally could not matter less to any of y'all rn
- at this moment you really regretted going out in such a hurry completly forgetting to contact Kenma, he could have hacked into the camera system and told you were they were so easily.....
- anyway, despite that you guys were stealthy enough to get out if the room
- now the problem was getting out of here.....
- you held Mattsun's wrist loosely as you ran thru the corridor of the building, thunder raging and labored breathing filling the silence
- "Y/N we could get out from the rooftop !" Right....if you could only get there then maybe you could just parcour your way out of this by getting on other rooftops....damn you were glad Matsukawa always thought of every escape plan possible
- you didn't really mean what you said earlier
- yes, you were disappointed but, you were also scared for his dumbass
- and rn may not be the best moment to realize it as you were most likely in a life of death situation but....you loved him
- fuck you loved him so much that you were running in a goddamn dress right now
- "i truly hoped it wasn't you" said a voice from the end of the lobby
- of course it just had to be the Yakuza boss you dreaded so much
- Kondo was just standing there, arms crossed but you knew better than to take her lightly
- "did you come to retrieve it ?" Its funny how her voice seemed to dominate even the full on storm outside, the occasional lightning bolt shining light from the huge windows into the corridor
- "No....let us pass please we just want to leave" Mattsun felt how tensed you were and immediatly rested his hand on his gun handle under his coat
- "yeah sure sweetheart but only if you tell your guard dog to calm down unless he wants me to cut his fingers clean off" she threatened nonchalantly as her hand met the handle of her own katana strapped to her belt
- Matsukawa was deadass glaring at her so hard you didn't recognise him
- he honestly looked like he could take her on but...you didn't feel like testing this theory tonight
- "hey hey, it's alright" you soothed him, putting your hand on his arm and squeezing slightly
- it seemed to work because he quickly let go of his gun even tho he was still glaring
- "let us go" he said firmly
- she pushed herself out of the way and motionned with her arm as if to say "go on~" in the most theatrical way
- you passed her without issues and soon found yourself on the roofs as planned in Mattsun's escape route and made it safely to the streets, rain still pouring
- you were finally letting out a breathe you didn't know you were holding all this time
- you were alive and most importantly, so was he
- you turned around and were ready to say something when he cut you off by grabbing your arms and pulling you into a kiss
- it was short but it managed to get his point across very well as well as warm you up when he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his forehead against yours
- "i love you Y/N....i swear i didn't mean to hurt you and put you in danger like that....if i knew i would have done things differently i-"
- "i love you too Mattsun and it's never been a problem to me, i've done way more dangerous things in my life than rescue my boyfriend from getting killed dummy"
- in the end, you weren't alone
- somehow he had become, your escape plan from it
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crew-of-the-detz · 5 years
Last Dance
Klove finally had a chance to get back at Grimbold.
The plan was easy, Grimbold was holding a charity ball at her manor and everyone was invited. Peacock would get into her study and take all the dirt she could on her and as an added bonus freeze the company account. But to do this, all eyes had to be on the party. A grand distraction to ensure Peacock had room to breathe.
Now, of course Kev didn't sign off on this operation. But Klove talked it through with Peacock and she accepted.
"But, how are we going to keep the guards distracted long enough for me to do what I need to do?"
Klove cracked a smile, "That's easy. I'll be in attendance." Peacock obviously tried to tell him it was too dangerous, but Klove was set on it. "No think about it. There'll be press, the public will be there. She can't kill me out right. She'll have to take time to think up a plan to kill me secretly and she'll have every eye on me the whole time. That's how you slip past, I'll be the distraction. She'll be seeing red when she sees me and security will move to the back of her mind. I promise, this will work."
So, they went "on leave" and took a dropship to Earth. There, at the center of humanity, Klove had a chance.
Peacock had printed a new face and arms to slip in the back door as a member of the staff, and Klove was dressed to the nines set to waltz in through the front.
A stunning green suit, silver vest, and green tie to draw all the eyes in the room. He walked up to the front door, security stopped him to screen for weapons. He showed them his metal arm when the metal detector went off, a new polished casing for a sleek sophisticated look.
In the front door he went and everyone was dancing, a sweeping waltz moving counter clockwise around the room.
Then, he saw her. The woman of the hour, Heidi Grimbold. Talking up Earth born millionaires so they would invest in her company. He went to get a drink from the bar, and waited.
Eventually, Heidi dressed in her monochrome black and white suit made her way over and sat down next to him. Imagine her surprise when Klove turned over to her and offered his hand in greeting with a most cheery, "Heidi! It's been so long how HAVE you been?"
She almost fell off of her stool.
She quickly regained composure though, "Finnegan, a pleasure to see you." She grabbed his hand and pulled him close, "You have some [REDACTED] nerve coming here Klove. Come to scare me with your pirate friends?"
Klove chuckled, "No no Heidi, Its just me tonight." He narrowed his good eye, "I'm just here for an unforgettable evening."
A tall woman moved to stand behind Heidi, Klove looked to see who it was and immediately a small pang of fear resonated in his gut. 6' 2", chiseled jawline, olive toned skin with dark eyes, her dark hair put in a braid, wearing a suit and slacks that defined her musculature and gave off a "do not [REDACTED] with me" vibe. This was Jessica Kleschen, Heidi Grimbold's head of security.
This was Jessica Kleschen, Finnegan Klove's ex fiancée.
They were 3 months away from getting married when the incident happened, naturally Heidi lied to her. Saying that it was all an accident and that he had probably curled up in a hole somewhere to die.
But here he was, and there she was. Staring down at him with cold eyes.
Klove, unsure how to proceed, broke the awkward silence by blurting out. "Jessica! It sure has been a while."
"Yes, it has. Care to dance Finnegan?"
Heidi looked over at her, "Jessica, I'm not sure that's such a good ide-"
But Klove was already on his feet, "Absolutely amazing idea, let's..." his smooth facade melted away for but a second as he looked up at her, "let's... let's catch up."
So off they went, Klove was never that good a dancer. But he took her to the floor and moved in steps of three, holding her close. As they moved around the room, he noticed more and more security appearing on the second floor balconies and in the side corridors leading to the main room. Perfect. The song died down, Klove and Jessica just stared at each other. "Well," Klove began, "I suppose I should start..."
Another song started and around and around they went again, and Klove for the first time in his life told somebody the whole truth. No embellishment, no half truths, no lies. He just layed it out there, he was vulnerable. "...and that's why I left, I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you."
Jessica took a while to think. This man had left her, her future husband had just disappeared. To be honest, she thought he died in that gas leak explosion. But now, he was here. She should have been overjoyed, furious, anything. But Jessica Kleschen looked down at a face she only half recognized and felt nothing. She believed what this man said, but still felt nothing. This man in front of her sounded the same as the Finnegan she knew, but was not the smart, funny, good man that she knew. This man was a pirate, a huckster, a danger. But... the longer they danced. The more that nothingness grew into a vacant warmth.
Things would never be the same between them, they knew that. But as they danced, they came to an understanding of sorts.
They had closure.
Jessica dipped Klove, and Klove realized she had been leading the dance the entire time. She had been moving him about the room. He also noticed the poison dart sticking out of the floor, that most definitely would have struck him had he not been dipped.
Jessica finally found the words to say, "I will not help you Finnegan. But I will not let you be killed tonight. A part of me still loves you, and I fear it will forever. But you cannot stay here."
Finnegan looked up at her, "After this is all over, once she pays for what she did for me and my friends. OUR friends, Could we-"
Jessica interrupted, "No. Because the only way you could get even is by killing her, and she is my charge. To kill her you kill me. And plus, you're locked in this outlaw game now." She locked eyes with him. "There is no out, I'm sorry for what happened to you, to us. But there is no way this could ever work out again." The music stopped, Peacock muttered something over the earpiece Klove wore, but Klove couldn't understand.
"I have to go. Goodbye."
"Until we meet again, Finnegan."
Klove went out the front door, and met with Peacock who had the drive. The holy grail of his crusade againt Grimbold.
He should have been elated, everything there he could use to destroy Heidi. But deep down he knew Jessica was right, it wouldn't end until one of them was dead. He felt hollow inside, he missed her.
They went back go the Detz, and Klove just sat alone. No tears, just sad. Empty.
A burnt mechanical husk of a man.
Why did he have to go there?
Why did he have to see her face?
In her executive apartment Jessica sat in the shower. The running water kept her from realizing the tears were there.
Why did he come back?
Why could he not just be dead?
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loki-hargreeves · 5 years
Mazikeen Smith x Reader - You Impress Her
Summary/request: (by anonymous) Mazikeen Smith has taken an interest in Y/N, who has assisted detective Decker and Lucifer on a case. Whilst undercover at Lux, Y/N gets into a dangerous situation and Mazikeen is ready to rush in there to save here. Before she gets a chance, Y/N manages to impress the demon…
Warnings: violence, vulgar language, alcohol, implied smut
Word count: 2,7K
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Third POV
Having a new pair of helping hands on a case was refreshing for Chloe, who was deeply dwelled in their latest case. Even Lucifer was starting to grow impatient. They all called the suspect the reaper, which Lucifer and Maze found hilarious. But the nickname was fitting because he was known for murdering ill people and people who were so deep in trouble that he deemed death appropriate for them. After many long and stressful days, they finally had a lead and they needed Y/N’s help on the case; she had to go undercover. Even Mazikeen was offering her help because this guy wasn’t easy to catch apparently, or that’s what she told everyone. The real reason why Maze joined in on the case was Y/N. There was something about her and so far, they had amazing chemistry. It’s like they already had so much pent up sexual frustration. If it was done her way, she would catch the guy the moment he entered Lux, but she couldn’t. Besides, she wanted to see how Y/N would work. To be honest, Maze found the woman intriguing. She was strong, smart and really hot, a wonderful combo, really. She was new at the precinct, transferred from another state. So far Maze knew that she had been after this guy for months. At least she was determined, right? It was a bonus that the guy they were after had no clue what she looked like. This undercover would be so exciting!
“Okay, you’re good to go, Y/N. Just say the safe word if anything goes wrong, alright?” Chloe said after hiding the mics on the detective. She seemed worried, which wasn’t unnecessary. Everyone in the van had seen what this guy was capable of, and it wasn’t pretty. The crime scene Chloe and Lucifer had entered was not a sight for sore eyes and according to the new detective, it wasn’t the first time the reaper had single-handedly painted a room red with blood.
Y/N chuckled lightly, “I’ll be fine, Decker. There shouldn’t be anything to worry about, not when you guys have my back,” She tried to reassure Chloe, who wasn’t too convinced. She didn’t want anyone on the team to get hurt. “I mean there’s the devil himself, his ninja bartender and the legendary detective,” She pointed at everyone in the van and then looked at Chloe again, “or so I’ve heard.”
“Eyes on the suspect. He’s entered Lux!” Dan interrupted them and caught everybody’s attention. It was time to play.
Maze looked at the screens in the van and sure as hell, she saw the suspect on one of them. He was looking around himself in the club while making his way to the bar. “Good luck, Y/N,” Maze wished her all the best and watched her hop out of the car in her short, red dress. She looked amazing tonight, with her hair done and with all the right bling. Perhaps Maze’s attitude towards the new face surprised some, maybe not, but Maze knew she liked her so far. There was just something about her.
Once the van doors closed, Lucifer just had to say something regarding his favourite demon and the pretty woman that had joined the team. “Well, well, well, Mazikeen, someone’s happy about the new company!”
“Oh, shut up, Lucifer.”
                                      Heads turned to look at the beauty that walked into Lux in her high heels and red dress. Nobody could’ve ever suspected Y/N was working for the LAPD. She was a beauty queen and it was sure to catch the reaper’s attention. She knew how to get him on a hook. So she headed to the bar where she saw him, in the flesh for the first time. She stopped for a moment to just look at him. The man had short, black hair, stylish dark clothes and a beautiful tan. If she didn’t know any better, she could’ve found him charming. But she knew he was a manipulative, sociopathic killer. For now, she put on a smile and leaned against the bar. “A whisky, please! I’ve had the worst week of my life!” She ordered a drink and made sure the reaper heard she was stressed. She hoped it would catch his interest. Almost too easily, she felt his eyes burning on her exposed skin. Y/N dared to tilt her head and face him, which sent shivers down her spine. She was so close to catching him, she just needed to play a little more. She knew he wasn’t here alone, and she wanted to catch all his dirty goons as well.
“How come such a beautiful lady as yourself be so stressed?” He smiled. Sick bastard, he fell for it!
Y/N sighed and checked him out at the same time, appearing flirty although she was searching for weapons. “Oh, I’ve fucked up. It’s like everything I did just made things worse! I mean, first my boyfriend dumped me and left me with bills and- I’m sorry, oh my God, I shouldn’t bother you about it,” She stopped complaining as her drink arrived. Before Y/N could pay, the reaper pulled out his wallet and opened it to grab money. For a split second, she saw his ID and got a name, Henry Bill McCallister. If it was real, she had no idea. He paid for her and ordered a similar drink to himself as well.
“You shouldn’t have,”
“It was my pleasure, darling. What’s your name?”
Y/N pretended to be flattered by his generosity, but she knew it was his way of getting a victim in a bag. Little did he know he had walked right into his own trap. “I’m Y/N, and you?”
“Call me Jonathan. Now, Y/N, would you like to take a seat with me?” He used a different name than the one on his ID. What a smooth, disgusting liar.
Perfect! It all went a bit too well, but Y/N didn’t complain as she sat down in a booth with him further away from the bar. She was cornered, which wasn’t the smartest move, but she was confident, even as she sat between a serial killer and the wall. By glancing around quickly, she noticed at least three men looking at them, trying to be sneaky. They had to be part of this! Maybe if they had their eyes elsewhere, they would know the place was heavily watched by SWAT teams who were ready to burst at the moment they got orders to.
“Do you want to talk about your terrible week?” ‘Jonathan’ asked her, pretending to be concerned.
Y/N took a sip of her drink and tried to think of some lies to catch his genuine interest. “Sure, but stop me if I bore you, okay?” And just like that, she came up with lie after lie about how her life had turned upside down in a week – losing her boyfriend, job and getting swarmed by bills and debt. Then suddenly, she felt the man’s hand on her thigh which surprised her. She looked down to see his hand nearing her, which at first glance seemed flirty but she knew she had a gun right underneath the dress, hidden well but he could definitely feel it if he touched the right spot.
“Let me take your mind elsewhere tonight, okay?” He suggested seductively. Y/N forced a smile and nodded. The man leaned closer to her ear and she expected him to whisper dirty little things to her, but it was far from what he did. “Why does a pretty little thing like you have a gun underneath her dress, hm?”
Fuck, she knew she had to act rapidly now. She couldn’t afford to let him or his goons leave or hurt anyone in the club. “Wanna guess?”
Before anyone could say another word, the three men who had just watched before walked over. The reaper grabbed Y/N’s gun and took it away from her. Y/N wasn’t too worried yet, so she played along while making sure he didn’t use it to shoot anyone. “Listen, you’re going to stand up and leave with us, do you understand?”
“I understand, asshole, but it doesn’t mean I will obey,” Y/N spat and coldly punched him in the face, cracking the man’s nose which made a disgusting ound. He grunted out in pain and loosened his grip on the gun, which then fell underneath the table. The goons attempted to grab her but the reaper himself was between them, so she stood up on the chair and used the extra height to kick the first man approaching her. He stumbled backwards, giving Y/N time to step on the reaper’s groin area painfully as she grabbed her other gun that was in her purse. “LAPD! Get down!” Y/N warned everyone and sure as hell, the scene caught people’s attention. Suddenly, adrenaline levels skyrocketed inside her and she was determined to fight them. The two other goons froze as they saw the gun, but it didn’t seem to startle the main suspect. He pushed her legs, so Y/N fell on top of the table. She hit her face on the hard surface and sure enough, her tooth cut her lip and she spat out blood that put an irony taste in her mouth. Luckily, it wasn’t that bad and the adrenaline took the pain away. As she got up, they all tried to run off but not on her watch. She grabbed her heel and threw it straight at one of the goons, hitting the head hard, hard enough to make him fall down on the floor. She kicked her other heel away and ran after them. Other detectives who had been in the club undercover, watching the situation, caught the goons but no one got the reaper. He had run into the elevator and it went up. “For fuck’s sake!” Y/N growled and hit the elevator doors angrily, which almost hurt, because she hadn’t made it in time. But she could see what floor the man went on. After a few seconds, the elevator came down empty and she hurried inside, pressing the buttons that would take her to the penthouse. She loaded her gun and was ready to shoot the moment the doors would open if the man was there.
But once she got up, she didn’t see a single soul. Now her heart was beating hard against her chest. The silence in the penthouse was almost eerie, but she knew damn well he was somewhere, hiding. “Come out, reaper, you sick bastard. We’ve got you now!” Y/N told him the harsh truth. Come on, where could he possibly go now? They were high up and he didn’t have a ride down. The entire building was surrounded by police. He was screwed, everyone knew that now. 
She just had to find him before he found her.
Y/N walked past the piano and she looked behind the bar, hoping to find him there. She didn’t. But before she could turn around, the reaper ran at her and grabbed her hair tightly and hit her head against the bar. Y/N grunted out in pain but it didn’t knock her out. In fact, the violence just made her angrier. Quickly, she grabbed a bottle from the bar. She turned around and leapt at him with all her weight, taking both him and her down on the floor. They rolled around once or twice which made her gun slide across the floor and his grip on her hair loosened. That's when the bottle came into play, she tried to hit his head with it but she missed, so only some glass cut his head. He tried to hit her in self-defence which just made the two of them roll around even more. Soon,  she found herself underneath him and her wrists were pinned above her head. The man was looking down at her with a sick smile. “You’re dead now-, “ He tried to start some lunatic speech but she wasn’t there to hear it. She kicked his back hard with her knee, sending him on the floor harshly. He landed on his chest and Y/N rolled over so she was on his back. She grabbed him arms and pinned them on his back. Then just out of spite, she twisted his arm so one move could break it but she kept it there, just to hear him scream out in pain.
“You should really rethink those words because it seems I’ve got you, not the other way around. You’re under arrest, you punk!”
The elevator doors opened and Y/N heard multiple footsteps approaching them. After she cuffed the man and got up, she saw the team behind them. Happily, she handed the suspect over to some officers who were taking him away. She knew she wouldn’t miss that face, until tomorrow of course. She was definitely going to interrogate him but first, he could spend a night in a cold cell. Lucifer made a joking complaint about the little mess they had caused in his home. “Couldn’t you beat him up in a slightly less messy way?”
Mazikeen rolled her eyes at Lucifer. Y/N was happy to see her actually. “I’m impressed, Y/N, I didn’t know you had it in you, you feisty girl,” Maze admitted with a smirk.
Y/N seemed to forget everyone else in the room. Gosh, something about Maze made her feel different, more badass almost and surely more confident. “I’m full of surprises, Mazikeen Smith.”
Maze raised her eyebrows and a playful glow lit in her eyes. “Surprise me then, detective Y/L/N.”
“Is it just me or are you two flirting? Cheeky little demon, I told you I saw something going on in the van earlier! And Maze was absolutely ready to run in here to save you, but you did well alone, didn’t you?” Lucifer tried to lighten up the mood but Chloe was quick to slap his arm.
“You’re unbelievable, Lucifer!” Chloe whisper-yelled, which didn’t really stop the devil.
Maze and Y/N just laughed it off. They had joked about those two earlier just as much. Nevertheless, what Lucifer said made Y/N happy. She knew Maze wouldn’t have admitted that herself. That woman had thick walls and a cool ulterior, but it had some cracks. Although they had only known each other for a few days, something was definitely there. It took a special woman to make Y/N’s heart flutter. “I don’t know, Maze. Are we flirting?” Y/N dared to be a bit more straightforward now. Thanks to the adrenaline kick, she felt invincible and only a good flirt could tame her hunger.
“I don’t know, maybe we should find out about that. Do you want an actual drink now or?” Maze suggested and quickly glanced at the elevator. It’s like the two of them had completely forgotten what had happened less than five minutes ago. Paperwork could wait, right?
“I’d love that! You’ll wrap it up here, or?” Y/N replied gladly and shamelessly grabbed Maze’s hand. Chloe just smiled and let them walk off, not sure if neither of them even heard her. The demon was a little bit surprised, but she didn’t mind being tugged into the elevator and down to the bar, where people were still shaken by what had happened. Everyone left up in the penthouse were just as shaken, surprised really. Perhaps dumbfounded was the correct word. They didn’t expect that to happen, but the demon and the new detective seemed to hit it off.
Maze took Y/N to the bar and decided to make the drinks herself. “Sit down. You have to see this”, Maze declared happily as she grabbed some bottles. Y/N knew she had time for a drink or two before she was busy again. Besides, the case was officially Decker’s so she didn’t technically have to return to the precinct tonight. Just like that, she celebrated a closed case with Maze who was a spectacular bartender as well! Who knew she could make such great drinks and be so much fun?
“So, about that surprise…” Maze returned to their previous conversation now that they both sat down together with their drinks. They sat by the booth nearest the bar and Maze had grabbed an entire top-shelf bottle there with them.
Y/N was almost convinced what Maze wanted so she decided to take a shot. “Close your eyes,” She told Maze with a low voice. Surprisingly, Maze obliged and closed her pretty eyes, giving Y/N time to sit down on her soft lap. Maze’s skin felt so warm against hers. Y/N cupped the demon’s face and closed the gap between them by pressing her lips against Maze’s. Mazikeen smiled into the kiss and grabbed Y/N’s thighs to pull her closer. The kiss got more heated and rougher very fast. Maze bit her bottom lip and tugged at it as they parted. “Surprised?”
“Hmm, sure. You’re not a bad kisser, Y/N.”
Y/N moved her hands from Maze’s face to her waist. “I have plenty of more surprises if you’re up for it.”
“As long as they’re as good as that one, I can’t wait!”
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoyed it, anon, and everyone else! I can’t believe I haven’t written for Maze yet, I love her so much. I’d love to hear your feedback <3
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insertdisc5 · 5 years
Yet Another Zelda Roleswap (the masterpost)
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✨what's this AU?
Check THIS POST I DID that started it all and also the AU’s tag
✨in this au, the previous legends about the triforce are the same, aka “zeldas are princesses links are heroes and ganon/ganondorf is always the same guy and the big bad”! BUT THIS TIME DESTINY DID AN OOPSIE and ganondorf forgot all about his previous lives while link is the one who remembers them all!!! zelda just wants to travel and read cool legends and didnt expect to be part of one
-trans girl, found the name zelda in very very very old royal records
-she's like 16 or something
-seventh heir to the throne who wants to prove herself, so she goes on an adventure to save the world!!!!
-adventurous and impulsive and naive
-main weapon is bows, she also knows magic and sheikah techniques
-has six siblings who dont really pay attention to her. shes probably the youngest
-her point of view is very black and white at first
-even when she gets in the middle of link and ganon’s story she still doesn’t believe she is The Zelda of legend
-how could she she’s just a zelda, one among many, just a kid playing at being a princess
-(she IS the zelda)
-she gets a bird AND a white horse!!!!
-if she sees a weird cave she WILL go into it 
-would probably eat moss if dared
-genderfluid, uses he/they
-hes in his early twenties
-a man zelda meets during her travels, who seems to know a lot about old legends
-he can see koroks and fairies, who can’t be seen by most people
-gets all his past lives' memories after he gets the master sword, over a period of a day or two
-maybe link does remember his past deaths along with his past lives, but past deaths are maybe more muted…. less like he experienced them and more like someone told him about it. still fucks him up tho
-i feel like he’d be pretty nice and sleepy all the time, until you mention something that has to do with his memories (aka, ganondorf, but also like “oh ive heard some hero in the legends went back to being a kid to save the world or whatever) and he’d get this super serious, focused look… something like that, little things that would make zelda go :^?
-he just really wants to kill ganondorf ya dig
-SO MANY BOSS FORMS probably one per main title (kinda like xant’s battle in TP) (strongest/hardest to fight is majora’s mask link), and final form is definitely some twisted looking fierce deity
-as for his past selves he has all of their memories and its kind of… they’re not him, he’s him, they’re just memories that he has, but when he is very very stressed its “memories become actual personalities for a sec” time. 99% of the time its just him and then ganondorf is there and its like WILL EVERYONE SHUT UP IM TRYING TO MAKE A MURDER HERE
-he’s not controlled by malice or anything because it would feel like a deus ex machina to me
-in the end he doesnt die and he gets redemption because he didnt hurt anyone he just tried to kill ganondorf a few times hes good, and also zelda is his friend and an heir to the throne he’s got immunity. poor guy just needs help processing all those lives and needs a cabin in the woods with some fairies!!!
-re: his past lives, oot link SUPER HATES ganondorf while ww link is more sympathetic. links who havent fought ganondorf are ambivalent about him
-endgame ship is either with ganondorf OR beedle. beedle is the secret ending
-will eat moss
-he's in his twenties i promise he just has resting old man face
-zelda’s old childhood friend
-doesn’t remember anything about his past lives
-gerudo king, very serious but fairly well loved
-lets not talk about malice it either doesnt exist/this ganondorf doesnt have any/this ganondorf knows how to control it. either way its not gonna affect the story
-”what are you wearing today king” “oh, just whatever” (its not whatever he spent hours finding the day’s outfit)
-found out about his past lives while reading a very very very old book, probably read it and stayed in his room for a week and then promised himself to never ever ever turn out like that
-genuinely a good person
-would never eat moss
-zelda and ganondorf actually knew each other as kids! Both being royalty and all. legends do talk about a hero a princess a beast or whatever but don’t use link or ganondorf’s names since it’s been so long- it takes zelda and ganondorf both finding old, old books on their own to be like “AH OOPS”!!! Ganondorf learns about his past lives much earlier than zelda, who finds out during her adventures, and she goes from seeing ganondorf as a dear friend to being like “…but what if he’s really bad though”
they’re old childhood friends, you know, the kind that were best friends before and then grew up and saw each other less often (different kingdoms and all) so they kinda grew apart, and then zelda starting her quest made them reconnect again! Ganondorf is a little older than zelda so he always saw her more as his little sister who just jumps into mud because she totally saw a sword there i promise, and zelda sees ganondorf as her cool older brother who actually pays attention to her, unlike her actual siblings
-when link and zelda meet, zelda’s like “weird dude but probably harmless” and link is like “weird girl but probably harmless” and then she’s like “oh my name is zelda” and link goes “ah just likeWAIT” and he kinda observes her to… gauge her abilities? My Zeldas Were Better kinda thing. i guess during their final battle he’s like “you’re really a zelda, after all” and its bittersweet
the second zelda figures out link is also part of those legends she goes full hero worship mode, which makes link’s fall from grace… really… hard on her. ive been admiring you and wanting to be a hero like you all this time, turns out you’re not a hero and also Not Okay
-re ganondorf and link, after everything that happened uuuh
human brain: it probably takes them both a long while to get used to each other, given that one was almost killed by the other and the other has vivid memories of having their world(s) destroyed by the one, but after a while they probably bond over their shared uuuuh memories i guess. link visits gerudo city once in a while and they catch up and become friends and
lizard brain: after 100k words they DATE
no i wont write how it happens you will NOT make me embarrass myself in front of everyone because i earnestly wrote about how link visits ganondorf every time he’s in gerudo country and at first link just passes by to give ganondorf news about how zelda is faring as queen and news about the world, and as time goes and years go by  they start talking about their lives and struggles and just taking walks across the desert together and having sand seal races and everyone in ganondorf’s court is like “so when’s that little voe coming back” and ganondorf is like “i neither know nor care that its been three months since his last visit” and everyone’s like (smirk) “okay” and when has he even started to look forward to link’s visits anyway how did this happen and then link comes back and smiles gently and shows ganondorf this cool rock he found that looks like ganondorf’s face and ganondorf is smitten
takes them both Y E A R S to realize their feelings and then date tho. slow burn or bust
-takes place in a time where the games’ adventures are only known as legends where they didnt even write down ganondorf’s and link’s names
-now that im thinking about it it wouldnt happen like THOUSANDS OF YEARS after any game because then ganon and link wouldnt be that worried about their destiny??? so maybe like 100-200 years after a game??? and the ppl writing down the legends were just terrible bookkeepers who couldnt even think write down link and ganon’s name
-(smash voice) EVERYONE IS HERE!!!!!!!! tingle and agitha the bug princess and sidon and especially groose who is uuuuum zelda’s rival who is totally not in love with her
-i think in botw its implied koroks are only seen by people like link and zelda??? so id say only people with uuuuh magical power??? can see them???? so koroks are just doin their thing, playing pranks, helping people without them knowing, and, in the case of makar, playing romantic music around couples
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aftermathdb · 4 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Leonardo vs. Jason
Many years ago, Leonardo was destined to do battle with Tommy Oliver, but instead did battle with Zitz… And today, we see him do battle with Jason Lee Scott.
Ground rules for this fight: No zords, no turtle-mechs, no teammates. Just a good old fashioned, 1v1 battle to the death.
Leonardo′s Preview.
Beneath the streets of New York, four ordinary turtles were mutated by contact with a strange mutagen, and were trained by a equally mutated Rat-Person who named them after Renaissance artists and trained them in ninjutsu. If that sounds like a parody… That’s because it is…
Regardless, these Genetically Altered Shinobi Terrapins were in need of a leader. Donatello was smart and technical but he wasn’t a strategist for battle, Raphael was too hotheaded, and Michelangelo… is Michelangelo.
So the true leader in blue was chose to lead the team. Though most just call him Leonardo.
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Leonardo embodies Bushido. For those of you confused, don’t worry, Boomstick is too. For those of you who don’t understand why ninjas and samurais have a lot of beef, it’s because ninjas were literally made to fight samurais.
And they make a quick note: As there is no “definitive” version of Leonardo to choose from, anything that’s reasonable is fair game. As in, if at least two Leos can/have done it, it’s on the table.
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So, no double-mutations, dragon transformations, or anything too out of the ordinary.
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The hosts go over Leo’s mastery of martial arts, and his weapons. Essentially, the Ninjaken Swords are just Katanas without the curve. As well as multiple other ninja needs like smoke bombs, grapple guns, kunai and ninja stars, and the works.
And we lead into a Wiz and Boomstick animated segment where… I’m not sure why or how, but Boomstick’s smile looks… better? Maybe it has something to to do with the way the teeth are drawn.
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(please ignore the typo. I was in a bit of a rush)
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A mixture of both a joke and part of the analysis. I like it.
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Leonardo knows how to heal with (a missed opportunity for a Boomstick joke) the ninja magic of self-healing. While not potent enough to fix fatal wounds, it’s still handy nonetheless.
The hosts also go over how Leonardo is fast enough to dodge lightning,
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Push over this giant pillar onto a giant mutated cockroach
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And was even able to hold back this mutated tyrannosaurs’ bite.
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And across multiple timelines, he’s usually the one who deals the finishing blow to the Shredder.
While teen angst and immaturity can hold him back from his full potential, Leo’s one heckuva fighter.
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Jason′s Preview.
After 10000 years of being trapped in a magic space dumpster, the evil witch Rita Repulsa was set to conquer earth. So the galactic sage Zordon recruited some overbearing and overemotional humans to defend Earth. And every team needs a leader. So enter the levelheaded martial arts teacher: Jason Lee Scott.
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Jason draws power from the Morphin’ Grid, and i order to gain access to it, he just needs to shout out three words.
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“It’s Morphin’ Time!”
With this power on his sai-aye-aye-aye-aye-ide
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The hosts apparently deduce that the Morphin’ Grid takes the hits for Jason, as evidenced by the sparks.
And after going over the weapons, we go into our next Wiz and Boomstick segment.
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And after going over the Power Sword and a whole lot of weapons, and some key weaknesses. Like the whole thing about how they can’t escalate a fight.
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So the Power Blaster is off-limits if it’s not actually needed.
But Grid-Enhanced individuals are still strong in their own right. Like when Jason lifted this enormous boulder over his head.
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Other Grid-Enhanced feats include
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Pushing over a boulder weighing in at about 125000 tons, dodging lightning for a bit, and surviving the Power Rangers’ command center exploding.
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And while Jason does lose his powers when he takes too much damage, he’ll still be one heckuva fighter. Especially with the power on his si-i-i-i-i-ide!
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The Battle Itself.
Luis and Zack are the main animators for this, Leonardo will be voiced by Jon Allen and Jason will be reprised by Alejandro Saab, Audio Lead by Chris Kokkinos, and soundtrack of Teenage Morphin’ Ninja Power by Therewolf. And before we get into it, I gotta say that that track name is awesome!
So the fight starts off with Jason trying to get somewhere while Leo is eating his pizza, and Jason runs into Leo.
Which causes…
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The pizza to fall.
Leo calls him out on it, and Jason sees him as one of Rita’s monsters.
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And after a quick scuffle, Jason morphs.
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So we get into a quick stand-off, and we seriously get into another opportunity where the “Fight Byte” could come back. They don’t have to do it for all of them, they can just choose which ones they do want to use it for.
At least make it a ringtone.
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So, right off the bat, Leo narrowly takes speed, as they seem to land an equal number of attacks on each other. But it’s also clear that Jason takes strength early on as well, as he basically shrugs off all of Leo’s attacks.
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Jason summons his Power Sword, and we get into a really cool sword fight sequence. Not as cool as Sasuke vs. Hiei’s sword clash, but still cool nonetheless.
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And after a quick scuffle, Jason shows off for a bit…
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And Leo’s swords break.
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Jason goes in for a Tyrannosaurus Charge, and we get a recreation of that scene from Johnny Cage vs. Captain Falcon when the other guy was just blown away from how cool the other guy is.
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Leo retreats into the sewer after knocking a drain cover at Jason, and he recovers the damage that was done to him.
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As well as getting his newer weapon.
So now we’re at a teleport spam, where Jason is trying to hit Leo, but Leo is just too quick to actually strike.
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And once Jason does land a hit, Leo’s shell is stopping him
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Leo teleports high up, and we go into our finishing blow in
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What’s bonkers here is that Power Rangers have finally ended their losing streak! Woo!
Verdict + Explanation.
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After some quick joking around with Boomstick, we get into the reason why Jason won. While Leo has dodged lightning more reliably and had better training, he was simply outclassed everywhere else.
And that training wouldn’t really be that much help because Jason’s morph gives him extra skills to work with. Call it cheating, but whatever. It’s Power Rangers.
Leo can reasonably scale to a Turtle Villain named Baron Draxum in terms of durability.
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Now, the Barron survived this 12 ton explosion. Which is impressive, but not compared to Jason who survived the Command Center exploding. That blast was nearly 54 times greater than what Leo could scale to.
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Strength was also in Jason’s favor too. While Leo could push over large stone pillars, Grid-Enhanced beings could push around 125000 ton boulders.
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It wasn’t as one sided as it might seem though. Leo certainly was more skilled and was faster. If those were the only stats that mattered, that would have gotten him more wins. But Jason ultimately came out on top.
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Overall impression.
Overall, this fight really does feel like an interesting episode. It’s definitely one of those “Playground Debates” that you probably would have had if you were a kid watching one or both of these shows.
The fight is interesting, and the dialogue is delightfully corny. The fight is certainly longer than Canary-Sindel, so it’s easier to soak in how each ability and stat stacks against the other. Like I said, speed was only a narrow win on Leo’s end, and it showed because he was able to dodge more easily, but it also showed that strength and durability was on Jason’s simply because he was able to tank any attack Leo threw at him no problem, and was able to basically shatter Leo’s weapons casually.
The soundtrack is awesome, and it definitely makes it feel like an 80s/90s nostalgia trip where your childhood tries to kill the other childhood.
Next Time…
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Well so much for Genos vs. Cyborg or War Machine vs... Uh… Huh. I guess War Machine is like how I view Dinobot. Not a whole lot of options for him that aren’t super shallow.
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
Cyber Fighter Smackdown.
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crystalelemental · 4 years
Ok... my thoughts about the DLC. I played on hard, and the side story was INSANELY challenging, which was nice because I was craving that. That said... it was really short. They had a perfect opportunity to do playable Sothis and/or Rhea and DIDN'T, which I can't really wrap my head around. It could have only been for one or two maps (the last two) and I would have been satisfied! But nothing. I was kind of hoping for a new part 2 route based on the Ashen Wolves with playable Sothis/Rhea, but...
But no, that didn't happen. Then finally, in addition, neither Constance nor Hapi have marriages with F-Byleth, and there are no new marriages at all besides with those characters? I mean. I'm not happy. I get that Yuri can marry both Byleths but like. Make the others like that. I prefer playing as FByleth because I feel her eyes are more expressive but I can't marry who I want and thats stupid as hell. If this is the complete DLC, I dont think id recommend it to anyone else, honestly.
I’m actually glad we didn’t get a new part 2 route.  I feel like such a decision could’ve very easily been made to be the “peaceful” route, akin to Revelation, where it’s everyone getting to be happy, but is kind of stupid and badly handled.  So while it would’ve been nice for everyone to live, I feel like that would’ve thrown off the balance a bit.
As for the rest...under the cut.
My big issue is they didn’t explain much.  I was honestly hoping for more of an explanation on the how and what of Sitri.  Church route explains that Rhea made Sitri, but we get exactly no insight into exactly what she did or how that’s even possible.  I would have liked to get to know more about Sitri’s origins.  At one point, my guess for Sitri’s body in Abyss was that Rhea just kept the clones down there in her closet and Aelfric just happened to find one of them.
I love Rhea, don’t get me wrong, but I also feel like a lot of this route kinda backpedaled on the Church route exposition.  What I mean is, Church route has Rhea admit to creating human life, and mostly using it as a vessel for her mother’s return.  She doesn’t seem to care much beyond that.  Even Byleth, ultimately, is meant to be a house for the progenitor god, who she ultimately attempts to erase by having Sothis reincarnate in them.  It’s really not a flattering picture for Rhea, who honestly seems really corrupt and selfish in that moment.
Ashen Wolves instead presents this idea that she really cared a lot about Sitri, and was upset at her passing, so much so that she preserved the body in Abyss.  That...doesn’t really line up with what we know of Rhea, as it applies to the vessels she prepares.  I’m all for Rhea actually being nice, and being kinder than most people seem willing to give credit for, but this route felt like it too that almost too far in the direction of “Rhea is innocent.”  Sure, okay.  She really loved Sitri so much that Sitri was like a daughter, and that’s definitely why she kept the body perfectly preserved.  That seems very believable from the person who is currently trying to have us destroyed to bring back her mother.  I guess the parallels with Aelfric are cool, but eh.  There’s a lot that didn’t feel perfect in this route.  I did hear someone on Twitter claim it was Conquest levels of dumb, but I don’t really agree.  I think it was ultimately fine, it just didn’t address the things I’d hope for, and mostly focused on Aelfric’s dick inadequacies.  I went into this hoping for more depth on mysteries within the main game, but instead we got something...completely unrelated, and it’s not bad but it’s not entirely what I had wanted.
I think deep down, I was hoping for what would never happen, which is for anyone to just say Morph or Quintessence.  I know that wouldn’t happen, but the dragonkin are called Nabateans.  Nabateans.  Nabata.  Tell me this is related to Elibe, dammit.  I don’t care how, just do it.
As for gameplay, it was...fun?  I have a lot of thoughts but I’ll stick with two.  One is, reinforcements on these maps suck.  They’re obnoxious and awful and I hate them.  The map conditions are unique and fun, and there are certain conditions that prioritize moving your ass forward rather than trying to just tank out, which is a good way to make use of characters who aren’t Edelgard and Hilda.  I just feel like certain maps went way, way too heavy on reinforcements as a thing, and it really bogged it down.  The DLC is overall pretty short, but some maps felt like an eternity with this dumb shit.  Also Yuri pulls a “set the town on fire to protect it” move by having Hapi summon a bunch of monsters when we’re down to the last three enemy units.  Thanks buddy, that...that’s good thinking there.
The other is that I...actually love the pre-set classes and everything.  I get that people like customization, and the lack of the weapon triangle facilitates that by ensuring no one’s completely fucked because they made an army of Wyvern Lords and Gremories.  But...what’s stopping you from making an army of Wyvern Lords and Gremories?  They’re categorically the best classes, why do you need anything else?  I feel like the lack of weapon restriction alongside the lack of a weapon triangle allows you too much freedom, and it results in a lot of the core gameplay being kinda...less involved.  Skills aren’t that strong, no weapon triangle, no weapon restrictions on your units, double magic casts means you literally never think about running out because there’s so many...the challenges of the game start to become “I can one-shot anything from anywhere because Meteor or Thyrsus,” or “I’m going to bait these enemies out with my godwall, who will tank exactly 100% of all threats with no issue because nothing can stop them.”  It’s not really as fun.  I like to play for stats, but I also like the knowledge that no pure stat wall is going to body the game if you’re not playing smart in most cases.  I feel like Three Houses doesn’t have that.  A unit with strong mixed defense and good attack basically faces no issues at all.  It makes the main game even more of a chore.  I appreciated Ashen Wolves for locking in your base stats, your class option, etc.  But at the same time.  Callie played it and I directed, yet I have no desire to play it myself now.  Because...nothing’s going to be different.  I can’t use different characters for different purposes, and without the customization aspect of the main game, that means there’s...basically no reason to replay it.  I like having things overall be a bit more set, but as a side-story where all characters are deployed, it lacks variety.
All that to say, I kinda agree?  Like, the DLC pack really feels like it’s more for the characters and classes added to the main game.  Which is 100% fine with me.  I am all about Dark Flier Lysithea and will never give this up.  Also Constance best girl, it’s bullshit she’s not a bi option.
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wolfsrainrules · 6 years
Stuckony Ficlet
This is entirely @tonystarktogo fault. NO REGRETS. I wrote this without editing and it is AU in that Bucky is part of the Avengers, and JARVIS lives 
Tony had learned a long time ago how to hide when he hurt. 
His father was always too busy to care, and his mother wasn’t any good at taking care him. Jarvis had been his best bet at actual care for his hurts. Jarvis was the one who pressed kisses to scraped knees, who pressed bandages on tiny wounds because the bandages made him feel better, it was Jarvis and his wife who took the role of caregiver to a tiny child Tony.
And when Jarvis and his wife died...it was only natural that Tony turn to his father and mother for reassurance and care. It didn’t take him long to realize he wouldn’t get it. Not from his parents who had no idea how to be anything but hard and demanding as a son of their prestige needed to be.
Which lead to Tony learning to hide when he was in pain. First emotional pain, and then physical. As years passed, and kidnappings and ‘accidents’ became more common, as ‘friends’ turned out to be gold-diggers, or people looking for secrets on Stark Industries Tony only got better at it.
And then the Avengers happened.
And maybe it wasn’t true at first, but eventually...it became more about ‘not worrying’ the team and less ‘hiding weakness’ from them. And when Steve came in with Bucky, well how was Tony supposed to say no?
He was there the entire process of helping the man, getting rid of triggers, helping him adjust, getting through therapy, regaining memories…
He was there when a mostly recovered James Barnes joined the Avengers, happy to watch their backs if not happy to fight again.
It had been a couple years since then, and Bucky had joined the small number of people that Tony worried more about worrying then he did about protecting himself from them.
Which lead to now.
Tony kept his breathing soft and even, thankful for the suit hiding his form.
It should have been a simple mission. Tony was supposed to go in as a ‘civilian’ without his suit- Steve and Bucky had been not happy with this part of the plan- to get close. With his new nanobot tech, it should have been simple to be suited up in less than a second. No real danger.
It was what he had promised them both, swore to the team.
And yet…
The bullet wound in his side was definitely a case of dangerous.
They’d caught him just before the suit closed over his body. Tony had set the pain to the side, following through his part of the plan. He couldn’t falter- couldn’t stop- or Clint and Tasha would be compromised. He had to stop Jones here and now, get his identification credentials off him, and set it up so Clint and Tasha could get into his secured files four stories below the building Tony sat inside.
His hands shook as he had JARVIS run the proper scans and pulled the proper identifications out of the man’s suit.
It was a simple matter to have JARVIS send the scans to the blank cards the two spies carried. Tony had designed the cards so that once JARVIS had a scan of the proper ID badge, he could ‘send’ the information to the blank card and transform it using the same nanotech that was in his suit. He’d done the same with a pair of contacts the spies were wearing- he had JARVIS send the iris scan just in case.
As soon as that was done, Tony leaned hard against the wall.
“Sir?” JARVIS’ voice was steady “You are bleeding rather heavily. I would suggest medical attention be found immediately.”
Tony pulled in a harsh breath. “No, J.” his voice was only mostly steady, as his comm was not transmitting their conversation and Tony had no need to pretend he was fine. “It’s fine. Just a graze.”
“Just put pressure on it J. We can look at it after this.” Tony shoved himself off the wall, moving for the door even as he felt the nanotech in his suit press harshly against the wound. His hissed sharply, eyes closing against the spike of agony.
“Tony! Get out of there!” Steve’s voice was loud in his ear and Tony felt himself straighten up instinctively at the worry and anger in Steve’s tone.
Russian curses flowed over the comm and Tony recognized Bucky’s voice as he rushed from the room.
“What’s the situation, Cap?” he was proud of how steady his voice sounded as he rushed for the door and ripped it open, firing up his repulsors and flying down the hall.
“The entire plot was a trap! The building is rigged to blow, you need to get clear of the building. I’ve already got the team clearing civilians, and Clint and Tasha are working on the C4.”
Tony froze, and then whipped himself around, aiming for the floor he knew Clint and Natasha had gone down. “Is the building clear?”
“Aside from the man you were with, yes.”
Tony cursed softly. He couldn’t just blast his way through the building lest he cause the place to collapse or otherwise explode prematurely. “How long do we have?”
Clint’s voice was hard in the way it was when the archer was intensely focused “Three minutes. Tasha and I are working on dismantling what we can, and containing the explosion.”
Tony smirked and tossed his head, kept his body up, his shoulders back, and was generally very glad for the suit helping keep him on his feet. He played his part expertly.
Tony had realized almost immediately upon  entering the room that even with all three of them working together, the amount of explosives in the small room would still be much too big, would still take out entire blocks of city homes around the building. He also- with JARVIS scanning the room and his extensive knowledge base on weapons and their functions and set ups- realized the main trigger would detonate no matter what they did.
So he made a call- and he took the trigger itself, the part that would explode and set off the chain reaction- and flew up out. He took it into the sky, high above his team and the city, flew it up, up where he had trouble with icing over the first time, and he flung it before rocketing himself downward. He kept an eye on the countdown in the corner of his screen, and listened to the rush of voices over his comms screaming at him and for him.
When he landed, the large explosion about their heads marking the moment before he settled on the ground, he tried to ignore the black spots dancing over his vision, the way his knees would have buckled if the suit was not present as a bracing agent.
“TONY!!” Steve and Bucky reached him first, their voices echoing over the others as they rushed him.
“Hey, hey, it’s fine, we’re fine!”
He straightened up as much as he could as the two super soldiers approached him, going through the motions without thinking as he reassured and lifted his faceplate, smirking and generally being himself after a close call where they prevailed over Villain of the Week.
And he saw the team relax as he played this part, reassured them verbally, and visually- he knew exactly how to stand in the suit to use the shadows to hide how pale he had to have been- that ‘he was fine, they were fine, well done team, what restaurant did you want for victory dinner this week?’
And when everyone began moving towards the Chinese Buffet down the street, Tony followed behind them. He listened as JARVIS whispered in his ear, warning him that he had to get medical attention, that he had lost too much blood, that he was approaching unconsciousness, and the only thing keeping him standing was willpower and adrenaline.
Tony was getting ready to open his mouth, hitting the point he could no longer hide his wound, when his leg folded under his own weight, and no amount of bracing suit was going to stop it. His knee hit the ground with a loud clang and Tony threw a hand out to catch himself as he tried to breathe through the black edging his vision.
“Tony?” Bucky’s voice was suddenly there, the man crouched at his side his hand bracing a shoulder up while Steve knelt at his other side and the team formed around them. “Tony, what’s wrong?” Bucky’s voice was steady and commanding and Tony lifted his eyes.
“JARVIS” he whispered the AI’s name, and bless him, but JARVIS knew what he wanted without the command, the suit retreating from his body, aside from the pressure bandage that had formed on the bullet wound.
“Fuck! Tony!!”
Steve’s hands were suddenly pressing into his side even as Bucky lowered him down to the ground carefully. “Why would you not say something Anthony?”
Tony scrunched his nose blearily at the use of his full name from Bucky’s lips in a rolling Russian accent. Usually Bucky didn’t have that- the Brooklyn draw of his childhood being his natural state now-a-days- but whenever Bucky felt emotionally compromised, or when the Soldier was close to the surface, that Russian tint to his words would come back.
“S’rr’y.” he slurred the apology struggling to keep blinking eyes open.
“No-no Tony come on, stay awake.” Steve’s voice was thick with panic and command as he leaned so he was in Tony’s line of sight.
“I know, I know baby, but you need to stay awake okay?” Steve’s voice shook and cracked, and Tony squinted at him trying to figure out what had caused the fear and distress in one of his men.
“Zvezda moya” Tony’s eyes drifted over to Bucky at the Russian endearment (It means ‘my star’ Tony, because you helped light my way home-) and he blinked at the hard light of the Soldier warring with terror in his eyes. “Stay with me, little star. Stay with us.”
“M’not goin N’ewhere.” Tony promised them both even as his eyes closed.
“That’s right, Tony” Steve’s voice reached him first, choked up and with hints of pleading in his tone “you’re going to stay with us.”
Bucky’s voice was next, rock solid and unwavering in that way he got when he was pulling so hard on the Soldier, when he was absolutely terrified.
“You’re not going anywhere zvezda moya. We have you. We have you, Tony-”
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feynites · 6 years
could you do a story where a whole bunch of people get trapped inside an mmorpg, rescue never comes so that they eventually forget their trapped there as generations of people are born, and when you die, it is unknown if that is the final ending or if you reincarnate into a new player, also in this one you can flip between gender anytime you want, the economy in the world is steady, the government is ok, id also like this story to take place from the perspective of a kid born into the world
Well it… didn’t really come out entirely as requested, I must admit. And it’s more of a ‘part one’, but…. I hope you like it anyway!
I am an Enpisci.
So were my progenitors, and so is everyone else in my village.
Willowbranch. It’s a tiny settlement at the edge of the Black Forest. Bartlie says that in ancient times, Pleers would come to Willowbranch from all over the world to fight monsters. In droves and droves they would fight beasts of all measure, leaving legends of their deeds in the tavern. I suppose that was back before everyone realized the hard truth.
Monsters cannot be beaten.
They can be fought. But never beaten. Because of the respawn. Wait long enough, and every monster comes back. They are, in that way, the only true immortals of the realm. Legend says a Pleer cannot die unless killed. And a monster cannot die even when killed.
The day the gates to the heavens closed, and the gods forsook their children in Ethenria, the Pleers stopped coming. The tavern records became static, stale. An Enpsici cannot leave their home unless commanded by the gods, and in Willowbranch, we stopped hearing the voices of the gods long ago. Though most of the town still prays at the temple. It has been a long time since the altars lit up - even my progenitors could not recall such a thing ever happening in their Service Span.
Willowbranch’s temple isn’t far from its tavern, which sees a lot more traffic these days.
I let out a sigh, and nod my thanks to Bartlie as I take my evening drink over to one of the tavern tables. Pleers and monsters might have their pact with the gods, but we Enpisci are mere mortals, in the end. There are some of us who have made it into the legends of old, of course. But most of us just live quiet lives, in Service, until the life wheel resets. And then the next generation takes over. Some of the village has been getting on me to settle down. Find a partner, raise two children. But, I’m not in any hurry. There’s a lot of time yet before my Span is up, and I still don’t know if I have anything worthy to teach the next generation.
Besides, my brother’s heirs are just small, and deserve to be doted on exclusively for a while. There are a lot of little ones in the village right now for them to play with, too.
No rush.
I think about it, though. Bartlie’s been making noises about it, as well, and bartending is good Service. A food provider always has a lot of sway. A lot of recipes, a central location. Why he’d consider me for a partner is more of a mystery. My progenitors were both Guides, and Willowbranch hasn’t really needed a Guide since the days when Pleers still came to town. Oh, I still work to help the community, of course. Do my part. Mostly maintaining the barricades near to where monsters spawn. The temple basement and the abandoned house nearest to the wood. And I help redraw the maps. No one has left Willowbranch in an age, because of the monsters on the road, but Guides still have knowledge of the surrounding region. Keeping track of it all at least offers us warning if any new monsters might appear too close to the village, or wander near the borders.
Guides can tell where they spawn.
But still, it’s not prestigious work. Not anymore. Sometimes my brother waxes poetic about the ‘olden days’, when our Service was needed. I don’t see much point to it, though. We never even saw those times. We don’t really know if it was better or not.
I’m musing over things, one eye still on Bartlie, when it happens. The tavern door opens with a bang, and Young Farmer runs in. I blink up from my drink, while Bartlie calls out to them.
“Here, now, the drinks’ll keep, Farmer. What are you runnin’ for?” he asks.
“There’s a-” Farmer begins, before stopping for a minute to catch their breath. They point out behind themselves, through the open door. Evening is settling into night. The distant wolf call heralds it, as the sun sets over the mountains. “There’s a figure. A figure coming down the road.”
A murmur starts up from the other tavern patrons. I still in surprise, but Bartlie just scowls.
“What do you mean, a Shambler?” he asks. The current of disbelief eases some. Shamblers look like people, especially at a distance. But they’re monsters. They don’t usually come close enough to town to be seen, but Farmer sometimes wanders out a bit. Despite the cautionary tales and worry. The fields haven’t been safe for three generations, but Farmer’s the curious kind, the same way my brother is.
“Not a Shambler,” Farmer refutes. “It wasn’t even barely dusk when I saw it, and it was walking straight down the road. I came running as soon as I realized. Someone’s coming. From out of town!”
“That’s ridiculous,” Bartlie snaps. “Who would be coming here? Risking Dire Bears and Shamblers and… and, what else?”
He turns to me. I shrug.
“Vampires. Ghost Wolves.” I point to the map hanging up behind the tavern wall, next to the old Pleer legends. The spawn points are marked for as far as my knowledge has them. “Hag Ravens. Would depend on the time of day, too, of course. This hour would be the busiest for all of them.”
“But I definitely saw-” Farmer starts.
They’re interrupted by an ear-splitting shriek.
Everyone in the tavern freezes. And then, by some mutual, unspoken urge, we all get up, and hurry outside. Farmer in the lead, Bartlie pausing just long enough to fetch his nail bat from underneath the counter. A few other doors open in the village. People looking out, wide-eyed and worried. My brother’s husband pulls the children inside, and I suddenly realize just how close their house is to the main road. He sees me. I nod at him.
If something happens, I’ll help them.
The air feels dangerous, in a way that makes all the hairs on the back on my neck, and makes those kinds of thoughts seem necessary.
The main road is long, with the forest like a dark wall of trees beside it. A hill blocks off some of the view, but even though I have never heard it before in my life, I recognize the sounds of the distant shrieking.
“Those are Hag Raven cries,” I say.
Bartlie tightens his grip on his nail bat, and some of the villagers shy back towards the tavern. The Mayor heads over at a brisk jog. Coming straight for me.
“Are you sure?” she asks. “A Hag Raven? Are they inside the borders?”
I frown, and concentrate for a minute. On my Service, and the knowledge it gives me.
“The boundaries for the village haven’t been breached…” I say, before my brother, in turn, comes running up.
“They haven’t,” he agrees. “Have you seen Sam and the kids?”
“They’re inside,” I assure him, nodding towards his house. He hesitates, just a moment. Frowning. Seeing what I had seen, and suddenly taking issue with it.
“It’s too close to the main gate,” he murmurs.
“Take them to the village hall,” I suggest.
He hesitates just a little, but at a nod of permission from The Mayor, goes and runs off to do just that. His family and all the others too close to the road, too. The Mayor gives me a worried look. I remember the old mayor - it’s a Service that brings a lot of worries with it. Always fretting, always trying to keep things in order. The Hag Raven shrieks again, and I wonder if we’re all feeling the same fear.
And then there’s a dying wail.
I don’t think the village has ever been so quiet before.
The sound of distant footsteps feels almost like a crack of thunder, for all that it’s too quiet to be anything like it. We watch, half of the village standing outside of the tavern, and just beyond the main gate, as a figure slowly rounds the hill. Not a Hag Raven, although in one hand, they clutch a set of large wings. As they walk, they make an odd gesture, and the wings vanish.
My heart leaps into my throat at the casual display of magic.
“Can’t be,” Bartlie murmurs.
We’re all thinking it, though. The closer the figure gets, the louder the thought becomes.
A Pleer.
Tall and broad, dressed in a long leather coat. Blood is beginning to fade from the wide-cuffed sleeves, with each slow, steady step. A sword hangs from an embroidered belt. The only swords I’ve seen before are collecting dust on the walls of the old Weapons Shop. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a person so tall before, either. Their ears are rounded, and their jaw is square, and a jagged scar stretches from their eyebrow to their chin.
The stranger walks and walks, and makes their way straight past us. We move aside for them, without even thinking about it. They barely look at us as they make their way into the tavern. The chair scrapes along the floor before they slouch down into it behind a central table.
“I need a drink, and information,” they say, in a low, unhappy voice.
We all look at one another. Hesitating. Shocked by this sudden turn of events.
The Pleer bangs a fist down on the tabletop hard enough to make us all jump.
“What the fucking hell are you fucks just standing around for?!” they demand. “I just walked up here from Bayerwood, and this is the third fucking time I’ve had to deal with you Enpissies gawking at me like you’re glitched. I want a damn drink, and I want some fucking information, and then I want a bed. And not a single one of you is going to ask me a stupid question until all that’s been seen to, unless you want a sword through your guts.”
A cold fear runs down my spine at the threat. I suddenly know, with breathtaking certainty, that this stranger could kill us. That the sword in their hand could slice through any of us. If I were to take my knife and, for some reason, try and stab Bartlie, it would just bounce off. Enpisci cannot take one another’s lives, the gods forbade it. But Pleers… I never knew before that it was different for them.
But I know now.
“They could do it,” I say, to The Mayor and Bartlie.
Bartlie’s hands shake a little. The Mayor swallows, but despite her anxious nature, recovers first.
“Well, get our guest a drink, would you, Bartender?” she says, and makes her way over. Clasping her hands behind her back to hide her own shaking. “Wel… uh, wel-welcome to Willowbranch, traveller. It has been many years since-”
“Yeah, yeah, many years since you saw the likes of me. Does this village have a prostitute?” the Pleer asks.
“N…no,” The Mayor informs them, nervously. “We have food, though, and there is a room above the tavern…”
Bartlie heads for the bar, and I keep a few of the more curious villagers from coming back into the tavern. Motioning that it’s unsafe, as the Pleer scoffs, and Bartlie brings them their drink. Other patrons’ drinks are still abandoned at their tables. The whole thing feels utterly surreal, as the Pleer chugs their ale, and leans so heavily on their chair that it creaks, and then closes their eyes for a moment.
A very tense moment. The Mayor looks like she’s about to ask a question, but she stops herself. Probably rolling the Pleer’s threat over in her mind.
And then the stranger speaks again.
“So you haven’t seen anyone like me in years,” they say. “No one else has passed through? An elven woman, maybe?”
“No, no one else,” The Mayor confirms, easily.
The Pleer curses some more, before kicking the chair next to theirs. It skids across the tavern floor.
“Well, fuck,” they say. “That just leaves Bainbridge. Where’s your map?”
I go and get it, to spare Bartlie having to deal with the stranger going over to the bar. There are a lot of breakable things on it, and it usually takes a long while for glasses to replace themselves. I pull down my latest map, and bring it over to the Pleer’s table.
They snatch it from my hands. Take a knife from their coat, and, before I can protest, stab it through the parchment. Pinning it to the table, before hunching over it.
“This the best you have?” they ask.
“Yes,” I confirm, because it easily is. And if it gets any more damaged, I’ll have to redraw the whole thing by hand again. The Pleer’s gaze turns towards me, then. There’s something… off about it. Something unsettling. Like some part of them hates me, or hates everything about me, even though this is the first time we’ve met.
I’m relieved when they look back at the map.
Bainbridge is on it. So is Bayerwood. I’ve never seen either, but I know where they are. Bayerwood is further down the road the Pleer came up by, which fits with their story. Willowbranch is the village nearest to the forest, while Bainbridge is the last village I have any knowledge of. It’s near to a desert. I don’t know anything about the desert, except that it exists. It’s a void - a wall. The road to Bainbridge is even more perilous than the one up from Bayerwood. A Lich King spawns along it, and the closer one gets to the bridge which leads to Bainbridge village, the denser the spawn points for Skeleton Knights and Wyverns and Harpies become.
The Pleer looks at the map for a long while. And then they demand that we all leave the tavern, in so many words. ‘Fuck off out of here and don’t come back until morning’, mainly. I go and find my brother and his family, still waiting in the village hall. The Mayor holds an emergency meeting. But no one really knows what to do or say. No one alive remembers the last time a Pleer came to Willowbranch. Some Enpisci know that their Services should be performed differently for that, though, and so as the night unfolds, and the village children sleep in a campout in the main hall, the Weapon Shop is dusted and the Market Stalls are rearranged, goods put out onto displays, and signs hung up and the temple doors flung wide open.
Some of the villagers even start to get excited about it. Elisno has some shop records, passed down from her progenitors, of the last sale that the Weapons Shop ever made. A Greatsword of Frost, sold to a Pleer named Javie.
“It would be something if some of the records got updated,” she enthuses. “Maybe something’s changed. Maybe more Pleers will start coming again.”
High Priestess is also hopeful. A Pleer coming, she says, is a promising sign. The gods have changed the world many times over, after all. Maybe the days of condemnation are done. Maybe one of them has come to find their lost children, to open the gates to heaven and gather the Pleers to end the eternity of monsters. Maybe this is the start of a new beginning.
I doubt it, myself.
If anything, seeing this Pleer makes me understand why the gods might forsake them all.
That’s a harsh thought, though. My brother cautions against it. He’s tentatively hopeful, although he and Sam still keep their children in the main hall, rather than taking them home.
“It must be hard, fighting monsters to get up along the roads,” he says. “Maybe the Pleer was injured.”
“They didn’t ask for healing,” I point out. “The temple doors are open. And you didn’t hear them talk.”
He shrugs.
“I’m not saying they were pleasant,” he insists. “I’m just saying, no one’s at their best after nearly getting killed by a Hag Raven. If that happened to me, I’d need a drink, too. Maybe we just shouldn’t assume that how they were last night is how they always are.”
I leave the matter be, even though something in me doubts that the light of day will bring a more pleasant Pleer along with it.
I don’t want to be right.
But I am.
It’s closer to noon when the Pleer emerges from the tavern. Wearing their long leather coat, armed with glinting weapons. I wonder if they slept in all that. If they slept at all. Do Pleers sleep? I have no idea. The stranger walks out into the town square, and glances towards the market stalls and the shops, before heading to the temple. Ignoring High Priestess’ greeting, they head for the Altar to Umara, and dip their hands into the waters.
A chime rings out. The windows of the temple seem to shine, and to my astonishment, the water glows. High Priestess freezes, and gets an indescribable look on her face. I remember when we were children, playing together in the temple yard, and how we would try and explain the growing feelings our Service brought to us. She had always been so sure that the temple was missing light. Not like torchlight, but something harder to describe. Something that would have happened all the time, before the gates of heaven closed.
If nothing else, I’m glad she gets to witness this. Because I’m sure this is what she meant. The Pleers might be forsaken, but it seems that the gods still answer a few of their prayers anyway. As they leave the temple, the light seems to stick to the Pleer a little. Not bright enough to glow, exactly, but enough to make it seem like a sunbeam has fixed itself to them.
They head for the Potions Shop next. Coming out just a few minutes later with an armful of parcels, that vanish with a gesture. Just like the Hag Raven wings. Where the parcels go, or why someone should buy everything only to banish it an instant later, I can’t say.
The Pleer doesn’t bother with the Weapons Shop.
They head towards the hall next. Or that’s what I think, and I want them to stay away from the children - even as curious as the children are to see them. But before they get to the gate, they detour. And come to stop in front of me, instead.
“I need a guide,” they say. “I’ll be taking the map, but the spawn points could change while I’m out there. Some of that shit’s high level. I’m not risking a Lich King ambush because I set up camp too close to his spawn point. You’re coming with me.”
I freeze in shock. So does everyone else nearby. The words seem incomprehensible - coming with them? Out of the village? They wave a hand, and I feel… something. Like a request, pushing at the back of my mind. A divine compulsion, maybe. The Pleers come from heaven, after all. They are cut from the cloth of the gods. It’s the obligation of Enpisci to serve, but…
I don’t want to go anywhere with this stranger. They are not a friendly person, and it wouldn’t be safe. Even if another opportunity like this never presents itself.
The Pleer grits his teeth, and reaches for his sword.
“I’ll take you.”
We both turn. My heart sinks into my stomach at the sight of my brother, standing behind the Pleer. His expression is determined, but I know that body language. His shoulders are tensed and he’s holding his hands in fists so that they don’t tremble. Jaw slightly clenched for the same reason - he’s frightened.
“I’m a guide, too. I’ll take you where you want to go.”
I shake my head.
The Pleer’s eyes narrow.
“You’re ineligible,” they say. “You have children?”
My brother swallows.
“I… yes, I do,” he says. “That means I can’t go?”
“Well, not with living children around,” the Pleer tells him. Then they glance back to me, and very slowly, draw the sword from their belt. The metal is dark. It gleams, and seems to project an unpleasant aura. There’s something almost red to it, even though I can’t actually see the colour. It makes me vaguely nauseous - nothing like the weapons on the shop racks. “Though I could solve that.”
It takes me a moment to even comprehend their meaning. My brother pales, and when I do I lift up my hands. Horrified. The Pleer doesn’t even step towards the hall, but I feel suddenly, powerfully afraid that they will.
“I’ll go!” I say, at once. “Just don’t… don’t… I’ll go with you!”
My heart is pounding so hard I can feel it in my skull. My brother looks like he’s going to be sick, and I feel like I am, too. My eyes fix onto the weapon in the Pleer’s hands. At least until they put it away again. They laugh when they do, amused by something. Or maybe just pleased with my acquiescence. Maybe Pleers don’t laugh for the same reasons Enpisci do.
“Oh, good. No more wasting time,” they say.
I feel it again, then. Pressing at the back of my mind, the… request.
My stomach is full of rocks. I look at my brother, though.
Suddenly, then, I know a whole host of things about the Pleer. Things that I didn’t before, and that he definitely hasn’t told me out loud. I know he has a name. Brandon. I know he has titles. Slayer of the Poisoned Queen and Conqueror of the Wailing Swamplands. I know he’s powerful.
He gestures, and a beige satchel appears in his hand. He thrusts it at me, hard enough to knock the wind out of me. Something inside clinks.
“Take those,” he says. “if you get injured and manage not to die right away, down one. I have plenty, but don’t waste them. Now let’s go.”
He starts walking towards the village gates.
I hesitate. That’s it? Just ‘let’s go’? I’ve never left the village before in my life. I haven’t said goodbye to anyone, haven’t hugged my brother, or Sam, or kissed the children goodbye, or told Bartlie…
But, even as my mind reels, my feet move. Once the Pleer gets a certain distance away, my feet follow of their own accord. It’s a strange and unsettling feeling. I hold the satchel and awkwardly chase after him, looking back as my brother calls out, as High Priestess and a few others join in and give a brief chase.
“Wait!” The Mayor calls. “Wait, please, Pleer!”
“You don’t have to do this!” my brother says. “We have other maps you can take, if you just - you can stay until the spawn points reset again, and then leave straight after! There wouldn’t be time for them to change once more, you could make it to Bainbridge before that happened!”
The Pleer ignores them.
And I just… follow. Numbly. Stupidly. Not even managing to get the satchel on, stunned as we clear the village gates. As we head off down the west road, which no one ever uses even a little, for fear of the monsters that spawn out in this direction. My brother chases after us the longest, with increasing distress.
“Please, mercy, stranger!” he begs.
“Oh, shut up, you whiny little bitch,” the Pleer finally snaps back.
I shake my head. Thinking of that grim, nauseating sword. My brother and I lock eyes, until he hits the boundaries of the village. And then his legs root in spot. And eventually, I have to tear my gaze away, in order to keep following the Pleer in front of me. In order to keep walking past a point I have never before crossed, and never before expected to.
The road is dusty.
It smells different, somehow. Even though it doesn’t really look different from anything I’ve seen before. I walk along. Staring alternately at the backs of Brandon’s shoulders, and the trees, and the sight of the forest I have always seen eventually turning into mountainous rock. It seems to happen all too quickly, though, that the path becomes unfamiliar. Large stone boulders crop up around it. Things I have glimpsed at a distance, but never closely enough to realize that there are carvings on them. I want to stop and look at them all. But the Pleer keeps going, at a pace just fast enough that sometimes I have to jog to keep up.
Eventually, I regain enough wit to sling the satchel strap over my shoulder. Then I look inside, and find half a dozen blue potions in it.
Those are Wendru’s best.
I’ve never even tasted one before. Once, though, a werewolf managed to break out of the temple basement, when I was very young. Everyone who helped fight it off ended up needing a blue potion. That was back when Wendru’s progenitor was the Potion Seller. I remember watching both of mine sip theirs, resting in the big bedroom. How the bleeding wounds on their arms and legs had closed; how they’d needed to take silver potions after, to make certain they didn’t become werewolves themselves.
I can’t help but wonder what they would both make of this.
The boulders turn to sheer rock, framing the path. And I remember enough of what they taught me to start mentally tracking the spawning points. Pebbles bounce away from the Pleer’s boots, and bite into my own soft shoes.
Eventually, I muster up the nerve to ask a question.
“Why do you need to go to Bainbridge?” I ask.
He ignores me.
I swallow, and lick my lips.
“Brandon?” I try.
That makes his steps falter, just a little. He looks at me, eyes wide, before he seems to realize something. And then he just snorts.
“I forgot about that,” he mutters. “Don’t call me that. Call me ‘my lord’.”
He turns away, then, and starts walking faster. I fall silent. Part of me - the part that’s not terribly sensible - wants to call him anything but ‘my lord’. Something more along the lines of ‘asshole’, maybe. Bastard. Jackass. Intolerable fuckweasel. But I know that if I address him, now, the only thing that will actually come out of my mouth will be ‘my lord’.
The powers of the divine - even the forsaken divine - are terrifying. I never really imagined it this way before, but they are brutal in their reality.
A few birds fly over head. There are spawn points up on the rocks, and paths that lead that way. My shoulders tense at the thought of what could be lurking up above. Watching us traverse the narrow road, deeper and deeper into the mountains. Bainbridge is on the other side of a gorge, which then becomes the desert. At my walking pace, it would take three days to get there on foot. Accounting for necessary breaks, and assuming no time-consuming disturbances are to happen.
Like fighting monsters.
We walk, and walk. A few times I hear unfamiliar bird cries. After a while, I do my best to pay more attention to the carvings on the rocks. I can read Common, Dwarvish, and Elvish, as part of my Service, but I don’t know this language. Maybe it’s not a language, though. Maybe it’s art? My Service tells me nothing about it. Eventually the symbols disappear as the surface of the rock changes textures, and we come to points where water runs down striking mountain walls. A Dwarvish sign tells us that Bainbreach Gorge is ahead, and warns of necromancy in the region.
My legs are straining with exhaustion by then. My chest heaving with my breaths, and my skin heated from the sun. Sweat beads on my brow.
The Pleer stops for a moment to stare at the sign.
And then he lets out an irritated sound, and marches over, and takes a seat at the rocks next to it. He waves a hand, and throws and parcel at me. I don’t catch it. It bounces off my chest and to the ground, and I start at it dumbly for a moment, before stooping to pick it up.
“You’re Level One,” he tells me.
I swallow, and am horribly relieved to find the parcel he threw at me contains a water skin and some bread. I move closer to the sign - not really wanting to be near to the Pleer, but not wanting to stay on the open road alone, either. Sitting next to the Dwarvish writing at least helps me feel like other people might be around, as I drink eagerly.
When I’m no longer completely parched, I hazard a reply.
“I don’t know what that means,” I say.
The Pleer snorts.
“Everyone starts at Level One,” he tells me. “The more experience you get, the higher your level becomes. Your whole life, living your shitty little Enpee-see existence in that town, you’ve never leveled up. You’re a random villager with no experience. But for reference - I’m Level Two-Hundred and Ninety.”
I swallow, and take a bite of bread to keep from having to admit that I still don’t understand. There are ‘levels’ on the old legend lists in the tavern, but they seemed to refer to parts of the forest. The numbers didn’t go up very high anyway, only to twelve. And while I might not have left the village before, I definitely have ‘experience’ with some things.
Just not these things. Not things that haven’t happened to anyone in Willowbranch for generations.
The Pleer stares at me.
“That means that everything out here can kill you, really easily,” he says.
“I know that,” I say. Because I do.
“Good. Then you know to hide if something comes at us,” he tells me. “If you die, I’m going to go back to your stupid little village, and get the other guy. And you know what that means.”
I swallow the bread. It tastes like ash.
“They’re just children,” I say. Willot and Esme. They like playing hide-and-seek and throwing seeds to the birds and making mud pies. Esme’s going to be a Guide, like me and my brother. Willot’s going to be a Mason, like Sam. My brother never smiled so big or cried so hard as on the days he went up into the nursery and found their cribs there.
The Pleer snorts.
“They’re fake,” he tells me. “Just like you’re fake. Every fucking thing in this godforsaken world is fake, except for me. And except for the woman I’m looking for. Don’t pull that sob story shit on me. You’re lucky I let off steam in Bayerwood before I got here.”
He leans forward. I look at his eyes again. I’ve seen monsters without those kinds of eyes, without that kind of hatred in them. It freezes me in place. Nauseating, terrifying - like the sickly aura off of his sword.
“I killed every Enpee-see in Bayerwood,” he tells me. “Because they pissed me off. And if you piss me off, I’ll do the same to your shitty little village, too. Just keep that in mind.”
I can’t fathom it. But somehow I know that what he’s saying is true. Everyone in Bayerwood is dead. The village is a ghost town, then. Empty buildings, empty houses. I look away, as my hands shake and the bread in crumples into crusty crumbs. My eyes sting, and blur, but more than anything I just feel afraid. Afraid of dying out here. And not just for myself, now, but for what it would mean if the Pleer has to go back to Willowbranch to get my brother.
It takes me a minute.
But I manage to fight off the tears, and drink the rest of the my water. You’ll need it, I think. The water and the energy. I choke down the rest of the bread, too. I’ll have to keep my wits about me. Have to be able to run and hide, to get out of the way, and have a sharp eye out for danger.
I can’t let the Pleer go back to Willowbranch.
My mind shies away from the thought, as I lean against the dwarvish sign.
We don’t talk again until the Pleer finishes his own rations, and then gets up, and starts our trek once more. Stomping his boots, and letting out a frustrated sound when a light rain kicks in. He puts a hood up on his coat. I don’t have a coat. But I don’t mind the rain too much, either. It makes the rocks around us look glossy and oddly beautiful. Deepens the mist coming up from the places where water tumbles down the sides of the road.
The first attack comes, as I’d feared, from above.
There’s a shriek. Like that of the Hag Raven, but different, too. Harpy. All the birds flying overhead before, casting their shadows, almost had me complacent to the sound of flapping wings and things moving above the road. But this is big, and as the cry comes, my heart stills. I reel backwards. Slipping on the rain-slick rocks, as a monster with four wings and clawed legs, and the face and breasts of a human, drops from the sky.
The Pleer, though, seems read for it.
The air around him bursts, like a lightning strike. He lifts one hand up, as the harpy extends its claws towards him, and grabs it around the leg. And then he dashes the creature against the nearest outcropping of rocks. Like a child swinging a toy club. Black feathers explode everywhere. The Harpy’s shriek takes on a different tone. I rush further back, plastering myself up against the opposite stone wall, watching in wide-eyed shocked as the Pleer yanks the creature back. Heedless of the way its talons tear at his coat, as he smashes it against the rocks again.
That seems to daze it. It crumples, still shrieking but also obviously reeling, as the big warrior draws his sword and plunges it into the monster’s chest. Blood sprays onto him. My breaths are loud in my ears, the rocks hard at my back. The rain soaks through me.
The Pleer shifts his grip on his sword, and then in another, smooth gesture, cuts the head from the Harpy.
Its blood steams as it pours onto the road.
Its body twitches.
I watch as every part of it slowly dissolves. It turns to bones, and then motes, except for the wings. The Pleer looks up at the sky for a moment, before picking up the wings, and doing his strange gesture. They vanish. And nothing is left of the monster - just some fading bloodstains.
“Where’s the Harpy spawn point?” he asks me.
I can’t answer.
I want to. My mouth moves, but nothing comes out. I don’t even know the answer, at the moment. I feel strange. Tingling, a little - from the shock? But I can’t keep a thought straight. Everything in my head just buzzes, horrified by the sight of the Harpy’s death.
The Pleer rounds on me, sword still in hand. The panic does nothing to help my focus, but it forces words from me anyway. Gods, he really wasn’t lying. He could kill a whole village. He’d killed that monster so easily. Without any barricades or ranged attacks or anything at all, even. It’d taken half my village to bring down one werewolf from the other side of a row of topple and fortified temple pews, and people had still been badly injured.
The Pleer’s coat doesn’t even stay damaged. The rips on it close, as the bloodstains fade.
“I, I, there - they’re up, on the - in the -”
“Fucking useless,” he growls, and turns. And I am struck by the blind fear that he is turning back towards Willowbranch.
I point. Regaining my wits, through sheer force of desperation.
“It’s that way,” I say, and as I do, I see the large nest situated near to the road. Just at the top of the rocky mountainside.
The Pleer looks, and narrows his eyes.
After a moment, he lets out a breath.
“How many?” he asks.
I swallow.
“Just one, at that point,” I say. “There’s another nest further along, though, and that has three.”
He tilts his head, and keeps his sword at hand.
“Okay,” he says. “Three is going to be a problem for you. Don’t run away, they’ll just pick you off. Stay right behind me.”
I nod, more automatically than anything. His words don’t actually sink in until he starts walking again, and then I scramble to follow. How close is ‘right behind’, I wonder? He seems to swing around a lot when he fights. I keep one eye on the sky, and one eye on him, and shiver as the rain falls harder.
There are shapes, up on the sides of the mountain pass.
Not rocks.
It’s a strange experience, seeing the Harpies at their perches. I wonder if they just… stay there, all the time. Watching the road. It must have been ages since anyone has come down it. Sometimes, when I check the barricades in the village, I think about the monsters behind them. Wondering if they missed the days of the Pleers, too, in some way. The old stories say that monsters are the work of the Dark Gods. Made to sow chaos, to bring violence and discord.
In a way, it’s almost their Service to fight.
But unlike Enpisci, they don’t seem to have much beyond it.
We walk down the path. The Pleer keeps his sword ready. But the Harpies don’t move, not even when we’ve gone past them.
“Huh,” says the Pleer.
“They’re not attacking?” I ask, when I can stop holding my breath. “Why?”
I realize my error a moment later. But to my relief, the Pleer doesn’t seem annoyed by the question. When the Harpies are out of sight, he sheaths his weapon.
“Must be glitched,” he says. “I’ve seen it before. Once walked through an entire pack of Shamblers for ten minutes straight, and they weren’t low-level ones either.”
“…Low-level?” I venture, tentatively.
He shrugs.
“If a monster is too much weaker than you, there’s a chance it won’t attack,” he explains.
“That Harpy seemed a lot weaker than you…”
“Level Two Hundred,” the Pleer replies. “Not weak enough that they should be ignoring me, but that might be the glitch.”
I decide I’ve pressed my luck enough with the questions, as his mood seems to sour then. His expression twists, and his eyes darken. I keep quiet, and focus on the spawn points instead. There are a few more Harpies. I mention them, but they all just silently watch as we make our way along. There would be more if we followed the diverging pathways, but we don’t. And after a while, the rain stops. The mountain walls get lower, and break away into boulders again. We take our second break beside them.
My feet are killing me, and my head is pounding as I drink more water, and eat more bread. The Pleer doesn’t seem tired. Just lost in thought, as he stares up at the sky.
“This is a godforsaken place,” he mutters.
I glance towards him uncertainly.
“…Yes?” I say. The sky is blue, the rocks are grey, and the gods shut the gates of heaven and abandoned us all here. ‘Forsaken’ is just an apt description of it all.
Though I suppose, for a Pleer, the blow might be harder to take.
I wonder…
I don’t want to piss him off, but I’m probably never going to get another chance to ask. And we’re some distance away from the village, now. It’d be inconvenient, if nothing else, for him to turn all the way back to go get my brother. Maybe I can risk a little annoyance - just a little.
“What were the heavens like?” I wonder. “Before the gates shut?”
It’s the wrong thing to say.
The Pleer’s expression shuts down, closing off, and he gives me that look again.
“Fuck off,” he says.
I don’t ask twice.
My feet are still aching when we start walking again. Trapped in stony silence. The boulders give way, and the path turns from the mountains to the gorge. I don’t mean to stop, but when we clear the rocks enough to see the view beyond them, I do anyway.
Beyond the mountain pass, there is an open field, shrouded in waist-high mists. But in the distance, I can see the gorge, and the statues that mark the bridge that leads to the village. The statues are two ancient figures, with arms raised towards the sun. One of them is missing an arm, by the looks of it. Past them, there is the horizon. Distant mountains, coloured differently from the ones I know, and structures, and the sun settling against clouds that swirl like cream in tea.
I have never seen the likes of it before.
I gawk, until the Pleer gets far enough away that my legs start moving on their own again.
There’s so much space. I knew the world beyond the village was big, that it was bigger than my Service could let me know, that there were things beyond the boundaries of my maps. But I had never imagined what it was really like. How much of it there really could be. The gorge is massive, and the mountains and structures in the distance look tiny, and there is… there is so much of it. It defies me to explain the vastness of it all compared to the village I know. The familiar horizons of my life.
A new, different sort of fear comes over me. Or maybe ‘fear’ is the wrong word. I don’t know how to rightly describe it. Awe? Is this what awe feels like?
Even the details of this region are strange. The dirt beneath my feet is pale, and seems to sparkle in some places. Little green and grey plants grow in spirals from the dirt, and tiny black spiders scuttle between them. The stones that mark the road are pale blue. There are no trees, but there are some tall boulders.
The Pleer stops at the first blue stone road marker, and pulls out the map. Its corner is still torn from where he stuck his knife in it.
“Has anything reset yet?” he wonders.
“No,” I assure him. It can be hard to predict when the spawn points will change, but I always know it.
After a few minutes more of examining the map, he puts it away, and starts down the road. And I follow. Because I don’t have any choice.
Distant shapes move in the mist. Nothing should be spawning right where we are, but sometimes monsters wander. Especially when given the time to, with nothing to kill them or no reset to force them back to their original points. I keep as close to the Pleer as I dare. There are no birds out here. Something does fly overhead. Something big, that makes the Pleer stop and draw his weapon again. I look up, but all I can see is a dark shape against the glare of the sun. Either very large and far away, or smaller but closer by.
A harpy?
No, the shape isn’t right.
A wyvern, maybe. The roar seems to match, as it echoes down towards the gorge. But the beast doesn’t swoop in on us. And again, we keep going after several minutes of tension.
Eventually, we come to a gate at the road. It doesn’t seem to serve much purpose, and is really more of an archway. But dwarvish writing announces Bainbreach Gorge’s location. And there are fountains affixed to the sides of it, and twisting vines growing across it. As we draw near the vines seem to glow, a little.
My feet stop aching.
I hurry over to the fountains to refill my water skin, and to drink from them. The water is clear and refreshing, like the water from the temple back home. I love the gate, I decide. It feels safe. The Pleer drinks, too, though he seems less enamored with the place. He settles down next to it for our break, though. The mist parts around most of the gate, and I feel secure enough to put some distance between us, as I find a bench on the opposite side. Looking out towards that distant view.
Finally, I take a moment to just look at it all, without distractions.
What my brother wouldn’t give to see this.
You know what he wouldn’t give, I think. Sobered by the reminder.
I sit on the bench, and am overcome by the feeling that I am never going to see Willowbranch again. Another sobering thought, as I look out at the unfamiliar terrain set before me. The vastness of the world. The thought of the Pleer heading back to my village is horrifying. And I doubt he will stay in Bainbridge. But maybe if he finds this elven woman he’s looking for, his mood will improve enough for pity to settle in. For him to… to find some way to get me back home. I try and console myself.
Maybe if we make it to Bainbridge… well.
At least we’ll have made it. I have no idea what the other village is like. But I know that Enpisci used to make trips often, in the days when Pleers travelled the lands and fought monsters. Pleers could escort us from one place to the next. Families could be spread out among multiple villages, could offer compensation to Pleers for taking them to see friends or relatives elsewhere. It always sounded so amazing to me.
Now I wonder how many were just dragged around against their will. How many interactions were not what they might seem. In the village records, if you go back far enough in my line of progenitors, you will find the name of a Pleer. Marriage records, for a Guide Enpisci and a ‘Paladin’ Pleer. One child, who grew up and became a Guide themselves, after their progenitor died. No records on what became of the Pleer. Their name was in the legends on the tavern wall, though. Kessardian. They killed a lot of ghouls.
They probably came out this way, at least at some point, I realize. They probably saw much more of the world than any Enpisci.
Did they ever kill a whole village full of people?
I can’t imagine it. They had a child with an Enpisci. Surely they must have loved them, right? To have married and settled down and raised a child. But then… their spouse would have died, eventually. When their Span was done. And their child, too. And all the monsters they had slain would have returned, all their efforts to clear their forest or even just the temple basement for naught. When their gods forsook them…
Maybe the Pleers used to be good, once. Used to care about Enpisci. Maybe even Brandon was, before the weight of immortality became too much to bear.
I look over at him.
Would he know the name Kessardian?
But I can’t find much pity for a man who killed an entire village. Nor much hope in his better nature. I remember the hatred in his eyes, and I look away again. And keep my thoughts to myself.
After a while, the Pleer calls me over.
“Enpee-see,” he says, with a wave.
“My Lord?” I reply, and walk towards him.
He points down the long road towards the statues that mark the bridge.
“I’m not camping in the middle of that,” he says. “So we’re setting up here for the night. Pitch a tent, make us some food, and don’t bother me.” He summons up another bag of things, and thrusts it at me - hard enough to knock away my breath again - before he goes back to glowering at the clouds.
Luckily, part of my Service is knowing how to pitch a tent, even though I’ve never done it before. I set it up, along with a cooking fire. The ingredients in the bag don’t match any of the recipes I know, though. So I simply roast them. Trying not to think about Bartlie, and his many, many recipes, and blaming the water in my eyes on the smoke.
As the sun sets, the mist starts to glow.
The shapes in it become harder to ignore, too. The nightly wolf’s howl sends a chill down my spine, like it never has before.
Night changes the look of the whole place.
The gorge turns pitch black. The blue road markers seem to suck up the moonlight, and glow. The distant spawn points for Skeleton Knights will call them into being, now. And Lich Kings, too, though those are still far off. I set the tent up as near to the gate as I can, right in the middle of the archway, even though some part of me balks at ‘blocking the road’.
No other travelers will be coming, unless High Priestess was right, and things really are changing.
The Pleer eats, and produces a bottle of alcohol from thin air. It makes me wonder why he was so set on getting ale from the tavern the other day. He drinks, and tosses me a bedroll. And it’s then that I realize, of course, that the tent is just for him.
I look out towards the moving mist, and doubt I’ll get much sleep.
But the Pleer doesn’t seem to be in a great hurry to make use of his accommodations either. He polishes off a second bottle, and glares into the fire pit I made. And then dashes the glass against it, sending jagged pieces everywhere, and provoking a spray of flames.
“Wants to know what heaven’s like,” he mutters. Though he isn’t looking at me, and barely seems to be speaking to me, except perhaps by default. His tone is mocking. His mouth twists into a sneer. “Fucking bullshit. Stuck in a fucking desert hole with liches and a virgin Enpisci, chasing that fucking-!”
He gets up. I watch, heart in my throat, as he conjures up something else in his hand, and hurdles it down the darkened road.
The shouting turns to screaming, in short order. Just, incoherent wailing, out into the dark. I stare, eyes wide, utterly petrified at what the noise and chaos might summon. The gate might feel safe but it’s only a tiny outpost. How safe is it, really? And how good is the Pleer at fighting while he’s drunk and screaming, too?
“Hey,” I say, gently as I can manage.
The Pleer wheels around, and throws something at me. A rock, I think. It hits the ground, and I freeze. Overcome by the impression that I was just bare inches from death. The fire sputters, and the hatred is back in the Pleer eyes.
He levels a finger at me.
“You,” he says.
I start looking for a possible avenue of escape. Even though I know there isn’t really one. I’d never make it back through the Harpies, even if I ran. After a few seconds, I give up, and raise my hands in what I hope is a placating gesture.
“Please,” I say. “I just don’t want any monsters attacking the camp.”
The Pleer sneers. But he stops shouting, too. And after a moment, he comes back and slumps down beside the fire again. His breath reeks of strong wine.
“It doesn’t matter,” he says. “They can’t cross the boundary here. Most they could do would be to line up along it. And then ‘poof’ - gone by daybreak.”
I swallow. The prospect of sleeping out in the open with a bunch of Skeleton Knights leering down at me, halted only by an invisible barrier, still seems like… not an experience I would want to have. At all. Particularly not for the sake of some incoherent raging.
“But those Harpies didn’t attack,” I point out. “That was a ‘glitch’. What if the boundary makes a glitch, too?”
The Pleer pauses.
Then he lets out a gusty breath.
“Fine,” he says. “Fucking shit cowards. That’s all your type is, you know?”
I clench a fist in the ground. Fear keeps me from arguing - so maybe he does have a point.
“I certainly don’t want to die, my lord,” I say, instead.
The Pleer glares into the fire.
“You sound like that one,” he says, after a long minute. The smoke is getting in my eyes again. I move back a little, and wonder if I should keep responding. If that would lower or increase the odds of him screaming into the dark again.
“Who, may I ask?” I venture, at length.
“I’m not saying its name,” the Pleer replies, with another sneer. “The fucking dwarf. That’ll do. It’s the Fucking Dwarf. Fucking queer ass piece of shit en-pee-see. Not like you, though. Level Three-Fucking Hundred. We let it into our party. Desperation, that’s what if fucking was. We never should have left Itreloth.”
“Itreloth… that’s in the legends,” I realize. “It’s a city.”
“The Grey City,” the Pleer mutters. “Even after The Cut-Off, it was full of players. The trains connected it to the eight other cities. Until our station went down.”
He lets out a long sigh.
“Fucking glitches. The first party went out, didn’t come back. Second party went out - didn’t come back. Third party, no prizes for guessing that one. We figured they were either dying or finding somewhere better and just holing up there. Shit. I never even wanted to play this game. Damn fucking ‘pee see’ piece of crap, shoving its bullshit down everyone’s throats all the time. Oh look, it’s a fucking… fucking gay nanogender vegan orc. And now I’m trapped here. For eternity. The only fucking reason I came here is because of that friendzoning bitch, and what does she do? She drags me out of the city, out into the goddamn mines, trying to follow the train tracks with the Fucking Dwarf, and then she leaves me. She leaves me. When it’s her fucking fault I’m even here to begin with!”
 I can’t imagine why, I think.
I’m smart enough not to say it, though. My mind is reeling a little, trying to make sense of everything the Pleer is saying. He has so much knowledge. If only he wasn’t… well. A crazed murderer, really.
“What… ‘game’?” I ask. Maybe he means like in the legends, where the gods sometimes refer to life as The Game? But in that case, does that mean the Pleers all chose to live among mortals?
“Fucking bitch,” the Pleer ignores me, just muttering to himself.
I shift in place a little, and persist. I might not get another chance, and it seems to at least be keeping the screaming to a minimum.
“Okay, I know of some mines,” I say, thinking. Because I do - they’re at the other edge of the boundaries of my knowledge, past Bayerwood. “So you came out of them, and now you’re trying to find this other Pleer? And an Enpisci dwarf?”
“The Fucking Dwarf,” he corrects, in a low mutter. “She left me for the Fucking Dwarf. She’s an idiot. It’s not real. You’re not real, it’s not real, fucking nothing here is real except for us.”
“My lord, I am real,” I feel compelled to say, before I can think the better of it. He glares at me, and I close my mouth with an audible ‘click’. The fire burns between us, and seems to reflect in his eyes. And for a moment, I am horribly, terribly afraid that he is just going to kill me. One of his hands moves to his belts. The sneer on his face is ugly. It makes his scar ripple, and in the dark beyond the firelight, he seems to get even bigger, somehow. Meaner. An old and frightful creature, as dangerous as any monster.
Except that if he died, he wouldn’t come back.
Which would be comforting - if there was any chance of me killing him.
I know I’m desperate enough that I would try. There’s a sharp stick in the fire, close enough that I might be able to reach it before he cut my head off. Maybe I could blind him. Maybe I could run, and run, and just keep running. Maybe my chances would be better with the monsters.
But then he just spits on the ground, and looks away.
“Your fucking kind,” he swears. “You don’t even know what ‘real’ is. You don’t matter. Fucking algorithms and shit. Ay-eye. It’s your fault, your kind’s fault. I’d kill every last one of you if I could, for what you’ve done to us. You fucking trapped us here.”
What is that even supposed to mean? How could Enpisci ‘trap’ the Pleers here? They’re the ones with divine power.
“How?” I ask. Pointing out the obvious fallacy just seems liable to make the man angry.
The Pleer gets up. Wavering in place for a moment, before he just turns, and staggers towards his ten.
“That’s the fucking question,” he mutters, as he goes. “That’s the fucking question. How you did it. Fucking Ay-eye.”
The tent flap closes.
I am left alone in the dark, with a flickering campfire, and a lot of broken glass. And a bedroll, and glowing mist. And distant sounds of something creaking. And drawing closer, and closer, along with something like the sound of wind wheezing through an old bag. I douse the fire, and move nearer to the tent. Watching with the moonlight, as three bone-white figures in aged armour begin to move along the boundaries of the gate.
The hollows of their eye sockets stare back at me.
I don’t sleep.
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