#so idk if i'll be home this evening or if we're gonna shut everything off and then go to dinner or smt
memberment · 1 month
Good evening
Guys I just got home from work and proofread everything I needed to including this next Dandelion chapter and I'm trying so hard not to just fucking SOB over it.
10:59 update......
I'm thinking about an absolutely diabolical twist for the Trin series(it doesn't actually change the story in any way, if anything it actually makes it make so much more sense). Like, I've been ruminating on it since last night but idk if it's gonna throw people off. But at the same time like part twos and threes never do as good anyways so do I really even care?? Like, I'm just out here telling stories in fanfic font bc I would rather throw myself in the street than make OCs and not share my fun little stories.
I think I may commit to it.
I don't wanna say it on here though bc it's one of those plot twists you get will not forget even though part three is like FOREVER out.
The more I think about it the more I wanna do it. Someone tell me I should do it.
Oh my god I am shutting up and finishing reading Dandelion, y'all will hear my virtual screams in approximately one and a half business hours.
(11:43) I'm actually fucking sobbing and I didn't even start the last few chapters. Like, I'm actually crying over this. It's not funny.
(12:00) Never by mag lo coming on while I'm finishing up reading this is not funny. I'm devastated. I hope you all hate me after this oh my god I feel like I just ruined my own life. WHY IS IT SO MUCH WORSE AFTER BEING DONE WITH THIS FIC FOR ALMOST TWO MONTHS. Jesus Christ. Yeah. No more angst from me for a long while. I'm banned.
(12:20) Me skimming through tags on fics debating if I want to pick up something new. Everything being totally normal. Suh happy. Trying not to stew in my own misery. And then I see such a vile tag my stomach twists and now I'm just like okay I'll go fuck myself I guess I'll go write or do my homework. I'm sorry, I adore ao3 and I'm never gonna be a hater, BUT SOME PEOPLE ARE WILD. LIKE I AM TALKING SO BAD I'M ACTUALLY CONSIDERING DOING MY HOMEWORK OVER THAT. LIKE I ACTUALLY JUST WIPED THE TEARS OFF MY FACE AND GOT OVER HOW SAD I WAS BECAUSE OF HOW GENUINELY SHOCKED I WAS. Like wow oh wow.
Anyways. Updates here if there's gonna be any. Also Dandelions up if anyones reading this LMAO
It's 1:40 in the morning and the beginning of Morning Glory is making me fucking unwell. I was not joking when I made that joke about like ten dreaded weeks of angst, Jesus Christ.
(2:12) This is my second time posting this exact part. Like I know I've posted this exact part. But I seriously love Christophe and all of his dialogue with my whole heart.
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(4:31) I do not recall making Dova this tragic and I'm literally about to sob over him. LIKE WHY???? WHY DID I DO THAT??? WHY ARE HIS LITTLE SUBTLE BITS OF STORYLINE SO ACTUALLY PAINFUL AS THE STORY GOES ON????? (I am allergic to happiness I am my own canon event at this point)
(5:02) Welp. I'm ruined and am now compelled by god to start working on Morning Glory again. We're at 73k rn. And only two chapters that aren't the prologue are under 4k. That's fucking terrifying. Like I have 17 minus the prologue rn. WE ARE LITERALLY THREE CHAPTERS AWAY FROM THE FOURTH OF JULY. THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ANOTHER 16/17 OF SUMMER ALONE. AND THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE AT LEAST ANOTHER 14 AFTER THAT. LIKE THE 14 ARE THE PLANNED SPECIFIC EVENT CHAPTERS. BRUH. WHY DID I DO THIS????
regret is all I feel.
but I will push through.
(7:38) before I go to bed I will just say I am at 75.3k. I had no idea how I would even get close to 4k on a birthday chapter where the group effectively decided to just stay home and hang out. But now there is like 1.5k of them playing muffin time. It's wild. I love it. GOOD NIGHT.
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thorne1435 · 2 years
That goal is nigh near impossible but I'll cheer you on ma'am with fireworks and that #1 glove I always see in movies.
Anyways, more songs!
Home (Pt. 1 & 2) and Home (Pt. 3) - Current Joys
I Just Couldn't Save You Tonight - Ardhito Pramono (some local artist goodness)
#Grownupz - FEiN
Do It All The Time - IDKHOW
Posession Island - Gorillaz
This one's kinda long I'm just gonna stick a read-more on all of it.
Home (Pt. 1 & 2): This sounds like the intersection between Cage The Elephant, Vundabar, and mom jeans., y'know? Like if you had all three of those bands on a Venn Diagram you'd have Current Joys in the center between them all.
Radiator Hospital comes to mind. One of their slower songs from their newest.
Home (Pt. 3): Y'know, one of these days, artists reversing their instruments isn't going to create a spacy, surrealist feeling that telegraphs something being wrong. But that day is not today and I am still a slut for it. I do think that this one is a bit less interesting than (Pt. 1 & 2), though. Even despite the reversed guitar, there's just not enough variation for this to hold up on its own, to me. But that might also be trying to convey something artsy. I'm not sure. It certainly seems artsy.
I have no idea what to recommend so, sorry, nothing obscure. I hope sad and artsy is enough.
I Just Couldn't Save You Tonight: Is it "Ardʰito" or "Arðito"? There's a language I don't recognize in the comments which is making it hard to tell (and also making me insecure because I'm usually really good with linguistics). Anyway, this is the intersection between Cavetown and Liana Flores. I think I'm going to send this to my best friend actually because this style is usually right up her alley.
I'm sorry to recommend something popular from the early 2000s but you do seem like the kinda person who would like A Perfect Circle. Yeah yeah, I know, hipster bitch listens to Tool, shut up...
#Grownupz: This is gay people music. I don't know why. I just know that its vibes are gay.
yo its just like purble yelle reb an blu by protuglal fe mamn. (Listen to Rich Friends instead though because it's better)
Have A Nice Day: Oo! It's Japanese! And...it sounds incredibly corporate. This is actually horrifically dystopian, and I don't think they're unaware of that. I usually don't like music videos but I think if you made me listen to this without the music video I'd miss the point of the song. A mob of men in dress clothes moving robotically and smiling in a disturbing and disingenuous way while normal people on the streets watch them in confusion and fear. Surely that's intentional. The lyrics are as meaninglessly chipper as their faces because the corporate style doesn't allow for anything sad. Everyone should be happy. Aren't you happy? Isn't life fun? This is very normal. Smile! Be happy. :)
I don't know anything as high-concept as that, so I think you win. I didn't know you could win a music share, but you did. So good job! You've forced me into using my secret weapon: Sayonara, Perfect World.
Do It All The Time: You have the gall to suggest I try the first IDKHBTFM song I EVER LISTENED TO? IN MY MUSIC SHARE?! (it is our music share, actually) Especially after all that shit I said about finding them really early, too. But anyway, yeah, I like this song.
Have you heard of this niche band called I Don't Know How But They Found Me (abbreviated IDKHBTFW or sometimes IDKHow or sometimes just IDK)? They're pretty good, I really like this one song of theirs called "No One Likes The Opening Band". You've probably never heard of it, though. You should check it out.
Possession Island: Oh for fuck's sake, FINE! I'LL LISTEN TO THE NEW GORILLAZ ALBUM! JESUS!! Why is it being advertised to me by everything, is it really that good? Is it Plastic Beach 2??? I guess we'll see. Hey, while we're on the subject, do you remember how 2D got possessed off-camera during The Now Now era and nothing became of that?? And he's possessed again now, for Cracker Island, if I'm not mistaken. Or was he never not possessed, and Cracker Island came before The Now Now, chronologically? It's been forever since I fucked with Gorillaz lore. Oh uh, cool song, btw.
This song reminds me of Hallelujah. Yeah, the one from Shrek. I'm not gonna recommend that because we've all heard it (some of us have even heard the good version). So, just take...fuckin'...idk, this one?
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babyitsmagic · 2 years
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tngrace · 2 years
I feel like in the whole "TK should have let Carlos in more" discourse, people are missing the fact that Carlos wasn't letting TK in either. He had plenty of opportunities to express his feelings and he didn't. He could have just told TK that he was feeling left out or that Cooper was making him feel insecure. But he kept pretending that everything was fine until TK came home to a passive aggressive solo dinner, which made TK (!) start the conversation. TK had spent the last however long it's been since the drugging going through withdrawal, the trauma of being drugged against his will, AA meetings every single day, grief over his mother, grief over his lost sobriety, and a multitude of twisted up emotions that he was only just beginning to understand, and he STILL found the strength to open up a dialogue when Carlos wasn't willing to do it. He should get a little credit.
I've sat on this the majority of the day so I could come up with a response that made sense bc honestly I've been waiting on an ask similar to this since the discussions started. It really got away from me too so all my points after 1 can be found under the cut.
1st: I never took TKs credit away. I've said I know more than once that he was trying. He actually had a conversation instead of running away, he heard what Carlos said, he came home instead of going to a meeting etc. They were in some ways communicating. So to imply that I haven't given him that is not fair.
2nd: was the dinner passive aggressive? Sure. But let me just say, I would've done the same thing and have done the same thing to my husband more than once. After so long of cooking for 2 and cooking for 2 on a regular basis, when the other party (a) quits eating with you and (b) blatantly disregards your cooking even tho they KNOW you cook every night and don't bother to tell you they're not going to be eating with you, you get tired of it. Does it always get expressed clearly? No we're human and sometimes we want them to feel like we feel. So no I'm not going to find fault in Carlos for doing this when I've done the same. Plus it made TK really see him for the 1st time in who knows how long which I'll address in a later point.
3rd: I disagree that Carlos wasn't willing. He asked about Cooper. He tried to have that conversation with TK about his meetings about not knowing things. Had TK been paying attention he would've picked up on the nuances of his expressions and tones, he would've known Carlos was feeling things that needed to be duscussed. Did Carlos explicitly express his discomfort? no. But Carlos strikes me as the type that he's not going to say anything bc he knows TK is going thru a lot and he's not going to add to his burden. He's going to deal with his feelings on his own. And when TK blew him off about going to meetings (and yes that's how I saw it. Carlos was offering all this support and TK blew him off as if he didn't want it or need it bc he had other people that understood better) that's going to cause Carlos to shut down too. He's going to internalize even more bc TK is coming off as uncaring. Carlos is seeing the love of his life struggling and he wants to help in any way possible. He wants all of TK. But he also sees he's not getting it. He sees TK coming home late, he sees TK not eating with him, he sees TK being happy and lighter after meetings and spending time with Cooper and he doesn't know how to handle it without making TK feel bad about it so he internalizes and tries to handle it himself.
4th: TK isn't the only one going thru all these messy complicated tangled feelings. Let me remind you what all Carlos is going thru too:
Idk that Carlos was close with Gwyn, but he called her Gwyn when he still couldn't call Owen anything other than Capt. Strand. So I'm gonna say they had a connection deeper than what we saw on the show. He lost her too. But he's going to push that aside for TK bc its TK's mom. But I can guarantee Carlos feels her loss too. (I'm thinking about my dad and my aunts in this scenario when my grandfather passed away 4 months ago. Their feelings werent any less than ours just bc they're the in-laws in the scenario. And Carlos's feelings shouldn't be any less than TK's) Carlos's feelings surrounding Gwyn’s death shouldn't be just pushed aside either but the show/writers are really good at doing that.
Carlos was put on leave for a death on the job. Was it ultimately his fault? no. But I can guarantee he's still carrying that with him bc even tho we got to see him work thru some of that with Grace it wasn't a magic fix it all.
Carlos was also drugged and we have YET to see how Mr. Control Freak handled that. Sure it's worse for TK bc he's an addict that's having to go back thru and work for his sobriety and I feel for him. So much. But that doesn't excuse him shutting Carlos out. They both were victims in their own home once again and they should be dealing with the consequences together.
Carlos is dealing with all of this and feeling guilty that TK was put back at day one. Bc if you remember how he was after the house fire, he's going to be blaming himself for not figuring Sadie out sooner and for not protecting TK from her.
So you wanna talk emotions and feelings in the relationship? TKs not the only one going thru things.
5th: I've rewatched the "fight" scene and I'm sorry but I didn't like how TK handled it. No communication isn't their strong suit, they've proved that multiple times. And I HAVE and will continue to give TK credit for sitting there trying to talk about it instead of running. But my main problem with the dialogue of it is (a) TK just assumes Carlos is upset bc he thinks he's cheating. But he should know Carlos better than that. (B) he should know how Carlos is a fixer and how he takes on everything and how he finds fault within himself for everything. So (c) him telling Carlos point blank he wouldn't be enough isn't fair. Yes TK knows what he's like as an addict and he knows what he needs and that's fine. But it's not fair to not give Carlos a chance to understand. He's clearly been shutting Carlos out of the whole process and this conversation or "fight" feels like he's going to continue to do that without understanding where Carlos is coming from. He might say Carlos has all of him. But I don't see it or believe it anymore than Carlos did.
6th: I think you're discounting Carlos’s strength as well. Yes it took a lot for TK to say what he kinda said. But also had TK been paying attention to begin with, he would've picked up on Carlos’s feelings sooner. He would've seen Carlos was struggling just as much and it could've been addressed long before the passive aggressive dinner fight. But I'm going to venture out to say, TKs not been at home a lot. And when he does come home it's probably just to sleep bc he's obviously not eating with Carlos. I'm going to even pose the thought that he hasn't even bothered checking in to see how Carlos is handling everything bc he's worried about hanging on to his own sobriety and I'm sorry but that's slightly selfish when you're in a relationship. So Carlos even broaching the subject after TK brought it up and sharing his feelings knowing he's going to upset TK when it's the last thing he wants to do took a lot of strength as well. Bc he told TK exactly what he was feeling and how he was questioning his place.
Lastly: TK made the effort to come home instead of going to a meeting at the end, so why not just take that extra step and let Carlos be there for him? That was related more to his grief than his addiction in my opinion and there's no reason he couldn't have turned to Carlos in that moment. I've expressed my feelings on everyone grieving differently and needing that time to yourself but at the same time if he didn't want Carlos’s comfort why even come home? Yes he was making the effort to let Carlos know he heard him the other night, but besides coming home what did he really do? Make Carlos feel even worse that he made TK feel like he had to come home when he so obviously didn't want to. The writers handled that whole scene wrong in my opinion but it was nice to see what Carlos learned about TK and how he handled and applied it and was able to take that step back and give TK what he needed.
If you made it this far than kudos. I've tried to express myself over the last 2 days without bashing or hating on either TK or Carlos bc really I fault the writers for a lot of things and choices made with these 2 characters. But this one felt like it needed a lot of explaining on my part and I'm not meaning to bash TK or come across that way, I'm just countering your points with things I found wrong in the episode and things TK could've handled better.
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merci-bitch · 3 years
I’ll Never Love Again
Zelda Spellman x fem!reader
Warning(s): angsty af
Words: 2k
A/N: This is sad as fuck. I started crying myself lmao. I hope you like it, although I can’t make links. Idk how sadly. Feel free to request anything !
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The sound; as if fingertips were pressing against the white keys of a piano filled the air. The sound fitting perfectly with the small raindrops falling from the sky. The sound gave of a peaceful solution. A peaceful moment. A moment that was broken into pieces.
Zelda Spellman.
You turned to look at her, her face boiling with anger. You'd left the dinner table only a moment ago. The evening started out like any other evening with your family. Sitting next to Zelda, your lover. The woman who owned your heart, the one you'd die for. Sitting across Ambrose, on your left was Hilda and on Zelda's right; Sabrina.
You couldn't explain what had happened. How you'd gotten in on the subject. It started out as a joke. Finding yourself amused at it, joking around of Zelda and Mambo Marie's relationship. How they'd gotten awfully close. You hadn't meant it, but then you saw the terror in Zelda's eyes. You knew something wasn't right. It wasn't because she didn't like the joke, of course she didn't, but she was hiding something from you. Something you just clarified. You couldn't believe it, so you left.
Zelda walked up to you. Stopping a few feet away, thinking over what to say. She had plenty to say, she just didn't know where to start. However, you came first.
"Wish I could, could have said goodbye. I would've said what I wanted to, maybe even cried a few."
Zelda's eyebrows knitted themselves in confusion as she watched you speak. Looking up at the sky again.
"If I knew that it would have been the last time. I would have broke my heart in two. Trying to stay without you."
Sighing softly. Eyes stinging. Body shaking, cold and wet. Anxious. You looked over at her. Wanting to drop to your knees, beg for her. Beg for her to never leave you, but you couldn't and wouldn't.
"I don't wanna feel another touch. Don't wanna start another fire. I don't wanna know another kiss. No other name falling off my lips."
Turning to face Zelda completely. Looking deeply into her crystal eyes. Her whole body was stiff, she didn't know how to respond to any of this.
"I don't wanna give my heart away, to another stranger. I couldn't let another day begin, or even let the sunlight in if I did. I'll never love again, Zelda."
Upon hearing those words, she shut down. The rain started to pour heavier, much harder.
"When we first meet all those years back. I never thought that I would fall for you. I never thought that I find myself, lying in your arms."
Zelda never meant to fall for you either, she despised you. Couldn't stand you. Everything you did annoyed her, yet; you became the love of her life.
"And I wanna pretend that it's not true, that you're gone, that we're gone. My world keeps turning, turning and turning and I'm not moving on."
Turning around, looking over the Spellman property, your home. The home you'd had for years, decades. Was it really home after all? Was it really where you would spend your days in the sun and storm?
"I don't wanna feel another touch, like you've done. I don't wanna start another fire, like you've done. I don't want another name falling off my lips, like you've called for Marie."
You didn't look at Zelda, but she heard the crack in your voice. The way your tone would break each time you mentioned what she'd done. There wasn't any use in trying to explain she hadn't. She hadn't meant to, but you wouldn't believe it. She wouldn't have if it was the other way around. Stubborn as she is, she doesn't know how to handle love.
You turned around as you started talking again. Nearly bursting into tears, keeping your tone harsh but near a breaking point.
"Look, I don't wanna know this feeling unless it's you and me. I don't wanna waste a moment of my life. I don't wanna give somebody else the better part of me. I'd rather wait for you all my life."
Zelda heard that strange thunder. That strange thunder passing by. She knew that no one was gonna come save her, if you wouldn't. No one would. She'd taken your love for granted. She'd taken everything for granted and gained in power. Marrying Faustus should have been her stop sign, but she keep going. Going higher and higher up in levels. Forgetting you on the way. Her lover, her person, her future. The one she'd given her heart to. Beneath the strange thunder. She was all that was causing the storm.
"I don't wanna feel another touch, or start another fire. I don't wanna know another kiss. Zelds, unless it's on your lips."
She felt eyes, eyes in the back of her head. She wanted to run, hide and cry. Her body was betraying her, she couldn't move a single finger. Her body was stuck, she wondered if Hilda had cast a spell for her to stay still, knowing her sister. She probably had, or it was just her.
"Say something. Anything."
She couldn't. What was she supposed to say? No one would hear her please, her apologies. No one would take her.
"I should have known, all of this."
Zelda cleared her throat. Finding it very dry.
"Known what."
It came out harsher then she'd intended.
"I won't ask it of you. I can't do that to you. You've taken my heart and thrown it away."
"I most certainly have not. I have it right next to mine."
"Then why take another in store? Why not just keep mine? If we were doing badly, why didn't you say anything. If you wanted me to leave, I would have done it without question if that's what you wanted."
Zelda felt herself boil, but for a different reason then anger. She was hurt, although she had no right to be hurt. But she was hurt, she was hurt by herself. She hurt you and everyone else she ever cared about. There's a reason she didn't date, she didn't have time. She never had. There's wasn't time for you, although there was at the same time. She always had time for you. She doesn't know where it went wrong.
"I don't want you to leave! Can't you understand that?!"
"You have a funny way of showing it. If you have this fire with Marie, then give it fuel."
Zelda moved forward. Grabbing your hand. Squeezing. Fighting back her own forbidden tears. She couldn't cry, she wasn't allowed to. Looking into your eyes. Losing herself, she always did. It was her space and freedom.
Your hand came up to her cheek, stroking it softly. Zelda's eyes fluttered closed for a moment. Feeling your touch gone as soon as it appeared. Stopping herself from seeking out your touch.
“I don’t wanna feel another touch, or start another fire.”
It pained her. Hearing your voice break. She knew this wouldn’t end well. It wouldn’t turn back to happy family. She couldn’t lose you, but she already did that moment. Cupping your cheeks in her hands, leaning her forehead against yours. She wanted to beg for your apology.
Zelda Phiona Spellman would never beg for anyone. She wouldn’t bow down for just anyone. But for you? She would, but she couldn’t ask for forgiveness. She knew If she did, you would forgive her but it wouldn’t return to the way it was before. Feeling her own cheeks become hot with tears, hearing your quiet sobs. She’d broken her own heart.
“I’ll never love again.”
“Zelda? Look who’s here to see you.”
Hilda said as softly as she could. Moving away from the bed, wrapping her arm around Sabrina. Letting you come through.
“Zelda? I’m right here, right beside you.”
Zelda opened her eyes slowly, it was hard. There you were. The love of her life. She never thought she would see your smile again. Your eyes, your everything. You grabbed her hand, giving it a soft squeeze and a kiss.
“You can go to sleep now, Zelds. I’ll be watching over you.”
Zelda trusted your words and did. Her heart ached for all those years she’d missed with you. You were here now, that was all that mattered. She would see you on the other side.
“I’ll never love again.”
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into-control · 4 years
i’m literally at the point where i just feel like shutting down // idk if this will make you feel better or worse but I think that's completely understandable bc we're literally in the middle of a pandemic that has caused major disruption to our lives, and a lot of us have also either gotten sick or known people who have gotten sick or even passed away, and it's all unbelievably stressful. and so it's kinda messed up that society expects us all to function normally
like idk if hearing other people are in similar situations will help or not (I'm sorry if it doesn't, I'm ok at it but I'm not great with social stuff, I'm on the spectrum), but my life is a whole mess right now. I think I'm a couple of years older than you so we're similar ages (ish), and I'm also stuck at home with my parents right now, I'm almost entirely closeted and it's causing some issues atm, and don't even get me started on online classes 😭✋. I haven't even been logging in to half of them, I have a group project that I've not even began, I have a lot of extremely important exams in literally a month, and I have not done anything. I don't even know the content.
I went from being top of the class and getting As and A*s to being at the literal bottom of the class and getting Ds and Es during this pandemic. and it's looking extremely likely that I'll fail the year, which is like £10,000 down the drain that I can't afford, and will mean I'll have to change all of my future education/career plans and do something else instead. I haven't been replying to emails, I've been struggling with other mental health issues a lot, etc. I went from functioning before the pandemic to barely functioning at all. and I'm really dreading going back to physical classes next week. people on the spectrum have a hard time dealing with changes, especially major ones, but tbh, even a lot of NT people are feeling thrown off by all of these changes and stressed and having a hard time
so I think I can understand (sort of) how you feel, even though I don't know your specific situation and only you know exactly how you feel, and it just sucks the way that we all have to continue on like everything is normal. imo places of education and workplaces should be providing more mental health support and being a little more relaxed with deadlines and the amount of work expected, but we're in a capitalist hellhole, so 😞
the way I've been trying to get myself through it is just reminding myself that other people are struggling too bc sometimes you really do feel like it's just you and that everyone else is doing fine. and for me personally, it makes me feel comforted almost, knowing that there are other people who know how I'm feeling right now, at least to some extent.
and I just keep reminding myself that we're gonna get through this. like it's an actual nightmare, and it feels like it's going to last forever, but it won't. it's just a really rough period in our lives, but it won't last forever. it's going to settle down eventually, and then we can hopefully get back on track and try to find some sort of plan to move forward from any damage that's been caused.
and for me, I'm also trying to start putting a lot more time into studying by waking up earlier and making to do lists and daily plans, because right now I've been avoiding things for several weeks (if not months), but I'm trying to fight that instinct and work against it
I'm really sorry you're going through a difficult situation too, and I really really hope you feel better soon. I didn't know what to say really because I'm not good at this kind of stuff and sometimes accidentally make people feel worse (😭), but I am really rooting for you and for me and for everyone else that's finding things difficult at the moment, and I really do believe that we can all get through this. and at least there's a vaccine now and things are looking more hopeful on that end. good luck with everything and I hope things improve for you soon!
this will end, and it's completely ok and normal and understandable that we're finding this hard, but it won't last forever at least 🙏 that thought is the only thing keeping me (somewhat) together right now, but it's true, our situations aren't gonna last. everything is awful and a mess and really difficult at the moment, but we're gonna get through it! ❤️
thank you ❤️❤️ i’m sorry about your grades, mine have been slipping a little bit and one side of me is completely freaking out about it and the other side is really indifferent to it bc i’m so drained but that in itself stresses me out so it’s all a big mess that i really just want to get through. i’m not very keen on losing my 80+ average scholarship and disappointing my parents but we’ll see
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fortheloveofkuroo · 4 years
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Part 1 Part 3
Karasuno boys are having a sleepover in your place, their Manager!
4. Nishinoya Yuu
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Yea boi he's excited.
Yuu have been always a fan of yours. Sure he loves Shimizu Kiyoko more than anyone (expect Tanaka lmao) But you, you're just so different that you shines in his eyes.
"Sleepover at (Y/n)'s home?! Not Bad!"
He is excited as hell.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Is your house bigg?" He excitedly asks. "Well, you'll see." You answered.
He cannot calm down geez. Unlike Asahi, who's nervous as hell he's very excited and everybody can tell.
"You guys can dry yourselves here, i'll shower first and prepare your dinner!"
Something about seeing your domestic self seems very unusual to him. He's not used to you who's not yelling and controlling people in the Gym.
You seems very famous for your strictness to the boys. But they're not complaining though.
He waits (strangely) patiently and being his usual self, with Tanaka he guards the bathroom.
"We, as a real gentlemen we have to guard our lady from danger. Especially when she's in her vulnerable state." Nishinoya explained. Tanaka answered with his nods.
Ofc you can hear everything from inside. "OI YOU TWO GET OUT FROM THE DOOR!" you opened the door, with bathrope on and wet hair.
Ofc these two guys arestunned. "Omg (Y/n), you're actually so hot-" "GET OUT!" you kicked both of them to the living room and quickly change to your clothes.
Doesn't took too long before you finished cooking dinner with Sugawara and bring them to table.
They all eat so much. You barely eats. That's alright, they worked so hard. It must be tough for them.
This guardian deity noticed that you don't eat much. So he gave a few portion of his Karaage to you. Without you even noticing.
"Eh,? I'm sure i finished mine though." You wondered. Nishinoya grins, "It seems like the Kaarage fairy likes you, (Y/n)!" Followed by cheering from Hinata asking if Kaarage fairy is real or not.
You know it's from him. It's not rare for Nishinoya sharing his food but it warms your heart.
"Um.. Due to lack of the space, one of you have to sleep with me."
"I VOLUNTEER MYSELF!" Nishinoya shouted before Sugawara holds himself. "No you're not! I don't trust you!"
"Nishinoya-senpai is tiny so i'm sure he can sleep with the others just fine." Kageyama adds. "HAAH WHAT DID YOU SAAAYYY?!"
Omg the chaos. You had enough for some point.
"Geez! I'll sleep by myself. Don't make a ruckus and Good night." You snaps while closing the door. Leaving some of them guilty.
You can't lie that you feel a little upset. Maybe you're tired. Yeah, you're prolly tired. You're gonna apologize to everyone in the morning.
It's been hours since you turn off the light. Hell it's already midnight and you can't seems to fall asleep. You're mentally and physically tired but your eyes don't want to close even an inch.
So you left your room. Moving around a little hoping you'll get (even) more tired. You move slowly, making sure you don't make so much noise that loud enough to wake everybody.
A glass of water is enough to calm yourself down right? Nah it's not. You're still hungry.
"Psst. Hey."
You turn your head around, a boy with dark drown locks and a little golden blonde highlight on his bangs. It's undoubtly him.
"Noya? You haven't sleep yet?" You whispered to him. He shakes his head, but both of your movement is too loud for the first year that ate sleeping in the living room so you dragged him somewhere else.
Should you bring him to your room? Dang it but you're still upset. So you dragged him outside to terrace. Letting go of his hand as you two sits.
"Why are you still up?" Noya shrugs. "I don't know. How about you?" You shrugs back. "Idk. Prolly-" your stomach suddenly shrieks, cutting your words and Nishinoya cannot help but laugh.
"D-Don't laugh! You'll wake everybody!" You hit his arm as he coughs. "Um, wait here 'kay" he left. You have no idea what he's planning but oh well.
You hug your knees as you looks up, the sky is so clear. Thanks to the rain and storm earlier.
You nose picks up something. A savory delicious smell coming from inside the house. Wait is this his plan?
Not so long, Noya came back with two noodle cups. He gave one to you and place himself right next to you. He only give you a grin before you two busy enjoying your instant noodle.
Not only your stomach but your heart warms up now. It's the little silence that you two in.
You smiled. After putting your cup of noodle away you chuckles.
Nishinoya confused. "What? You still hungry??"
You shakes you head, "I just don't remember keeping instant cup noodles though.." "Oh it was mine. I brought spare food everywhere, because y'know i eat a lot." Nishinoya grins.
You thanked him as you ruffles his golden bangs. And your hand quickly got snatch from his head before you know it you already cornered between him and the cold concrete wall behind you.
Is this what kabedon looks like?
He slowly release your hand and apologize. Very ashamed of what he have done. He excuse himself but you stopped him.
"...Stay for a while."
God how can he say no?
Being in the same grade as you provide him with a lots of opportunities. Not only he can see you everyday outside the club activity, he's given the opportunity of interacting with you because you two are in the same class ans apparently, you sat beside him.
He nods and sits back while you quietly watch over his side profile. Damn, you never knew that Nishinoya is actually.. Pretty good-looking.
"Sorry, i acted without thinking earlier."
"Nah, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Also, gotta admit though, you look cool with your hair down, Noya."
You can tell he's surprised. A girl? Tell him he looks cool? What? In? The? World? Is? Happening???
It seems like the cold air and the full stomach is now making you drowsy. Noya notices this, he grabs your hand and leads you to your room.
"There there. Sleep tight kay?" He spoke as he cover your whole body with blanket. It's warm.
But it's not enough.
"Hnnh.. Noya, cold." You whine.
"Haa?? Then what do you want me to do? Cuddle you up?" He jokes. Well suprisingly you nods.
Noya shocked, but why not right? He smiles as he enters the soft blanket of yours and sighed.
"Fine i'll spoon you."
5. Tanaka Ryuunosuke
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He's literally dreading to go to your house.
"Oh shit nvm Kiyoko-san is number one- ...but sleepover at (Y/n)-san's house though, BUT KIYOKO-SAN!! B-But (Y/n)-san.."
Yeah that's what his mind probably looks like. He obviously loves Kiyoko but heck, when you appear infront of him. It's like another flower has bloom.
He swear to himself that he only devotes himself to Shimizu Kiyoko and not do anything weird but protect you as Karasuno's manager and that's it.
But when he enters your house, and seeing everybody so relaxed, he thinks "heh why not?"
Especially when he saw you getting out from the shower. He feels like he just cameback fro a long day at work and his wife is serving him-
Dang it, he hates himself. He can't pick. He loves Kiyoko so much but you.. You keep disturbing him.
And ofc you don't even know that this is what's going on. You only think that Tanaka loves Shimizu-senpai so it's cool he acts very defensive to the managers especially when they're outside the school.
But why is so nervous yet so happy when he sees you?
You cameback from the kitchen, placing the dinner on the table with Suga-san helping you out.
The entire scenario of you being his wife serving him right after he cameback from his work is very vivid.
He shakes his heaed as he stuff and chomps down his rice. Secretly stealing a gaze over your direction. Everybody's attention is slightly moves towards you too.
The way you eat, the way you speak, the way you smiles..
He ignores those all and focus on his meal and moves his focus elsewhere by teasing another member whose embarassed or flustered just because they're in your house.
But he's secretly overwhelmed too.
And not so long it's sleeping time.
"Um.. Due to lack of the space, one of you have to sleep with me."
Sugawara was quick to respond. But you already sighs and shakes your head. "Nevermind i'll sleep by myself.. Goodnight Guys."
Shit. He felt guilty now.
He tried to erase his feeling of guilty away, Nishinoya and the others are very quick to fall asleep. They left him alone. Awake in the darkness.
He can't sleep with this guilty feeling on his chest. As a true man, he must deal with his problem straight away.
So he brace himself and lightly knock on your door.
No answer. "Shit, she's probably already asleep. I should just wait untill tomorrow-" and the door opens.
Revealing you with a sleepy face and messy hair. So you did already sleepy.
"S-SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO INTERRUPT. PLEASE GO BACK TO SLE-" "Tanaka shhh.. Not so loud.." you yawns as you rubs your eyes.
"It's fine, what is it? I'm awake now." You smiles. He want to say something. Tanaka is a simple guy, if something is interrupting him, he will told you immediately.
"No ah.. I'm sorry (Y/n)-san. You should probably go back to sleep-" "Geez.. Be quite!" A shout suddenly startled both of you. Causing you to quickly drags Tanaka inside and shutting the door.
"Okay, what do you want to say?"
Man, Tanaka Ryuunosuke is stop working.
He's inside your room, he always wonder what a girl's room looks like. (His Onee-san's room is a very different one in his perspective)
"Hellooo? Earth to Tanaka? Ya there?" You wave your hand infront of him as you tap his bald head.
"A-Ah yes! It's.. I want to apologize about earlier." "Huh? Oh, that's alright. I was just tired so a little ruckus kinda bugs me. But that's okay, i'm sorry too for sounding so annoyed, eheh."
Your awkward pure genuine smile moves his heart.
He smiles. Is that it? Is this his choice?
"Say (Y/n)-san.." "Geez Tanaka drop the suffix. We're in the same year." You protest. Tanaka awkwardly chuckles and nods.
"What is it?" You wonder. Anticipating an answer from a boy who's sitting infront of you.
"Do you.. Have someone in your mind?" He looks down. Didn't even that brave to look at your eye. Untill he feels a little thud in his shoulder. He looks up..
You fell asleep on his shoulder. Oh my God.
The panic.
He's panicking inside and it shows. You, who's now asleep and sound on his shoulder suddenly slides to his lap.
He quickly carry you to the bed and tugs you in.
"This is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad"
Poor boy lol.
But one things he notices, your hand.. It won't let go of his hand. Even though he relase your hand, you kept looking for his hand.
"How adorable," he think to himself.
"...Don't leave."
"..I won't. Because, i think i love you.."
6. Kageyama Tobio
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Honestly, this boi can't behave himself when he's near you.
Y'know ya boi Tobio never really cares about the outside world of voleyball. So he never notice any stuff that's going around even if A LOT of girls in his class are crushing on him.
In the middle school everybody seems so distant from him because of his past attitude, but he's willing to change when he came to Karasuno and boom, he met you.
What a spark of fireworks.
So now his world revolves around two things. Voleyball, and you.
Kageyama doesn't want to bother you, so he decline. But his poor self didn't bring umbrella. He already made up his mind that he'll sprint to home untill he (accidentally) heard your quarel with Daichi.
Well, why not?
So this boy tags along, and being the polite boy he is he behave SO POLITE IT HURTS YOUR EYES.
"Jesus Kageyama, you don't have to be so polite." You laughs as the other members starting to notice. Kageyama's forehead form a confused expression.
He's actually pretty quiet and calm in your house. Your house remind him a lot of his Grandma's house. The atmosphere, and the living room is practically almost identical.
He tried to enjoy the moment but ofc Hinata Boge will annoy tf outta him.
When you distribute the towels, something struck your mind and he snaps you out of it.
"(Y/n)-senpai? Is anything wrong?" You shakes your head and gave him a thumbs up, i forming everything's fine. He's happy with the little interaction that you're both having.
That's just enough for him.
It's almost his turn to shower, some of the member that showered first already back, and Hinata decided to go ahead and shower first. Taking over Kageyama's turn and leaving him behind.
He was about to chase after him but Daichi pulls him back. "Don't make any ruckus." He advised Kageyama.
But Hinata strangely came back with a pale face. As if he runs to a ghost or something.
"Oi what happened? You run to a ghost or something?" He asked, mocking him.
Hinata face turns to serious yet doubtfull. Oh shit something serious must have happened. Kageyama nudge him. "What happened?"
Hinata gulps, "... I saw Suga-san and (Y/n)-senpai in the kitchen.. They were.." Kageyama scoffs. "Yea they were cooking. What else they should be doing, huh?"
"No! Listen.. They were.. Ugh.. S-Suga-san.. Cornered (Y/n)-senpai.." Hinata whispered to him. Kageyama's heart almost stopped. So it's true.
A while ago, while he was practicing his jump serve, his ear caught something rather interesting. The third years were discussing about the managers. Including you.
"How about (Y/n)?" Daichi asked. "Aaah, i think everyone in the team atleast have a crush on her though. I mean ofc i had a crush on her, who wouldn't?" Sugawara jokes. Bur Asahi agreed too.
What? So he against the senpais too?
And the first years and second years too. Wow you sure are popular.
He gets up, clenching his towel between his fist and walked to the kitchen. While Hinata tried to hold him but poor guy he gets thrown away :(
Once he stepped to the Kitchen, he saw you and Suga. But both of you are blushing. Shit, he doesn't want to admit this but he think Hinata's not telling a lie.
"Oh Kageyama? The bathroom's that way." Sugawara's finger gesture over the bathroom and helped you with the meal. He can see a glistened of rivalry in his kouhai's eyes.
"Thanks." As Kageyama shuts the door. He curse to himself. Now he have to compete with Sugawara too? Not only the setter position but.. Girls too?
He spent his showering session by collecting himself. He must not show any emotion of upsetness. Then he gets out and surprise surprise he bumped into Sugawara.
The silence between them omg.
"Excuse me-" "Hinata told you, didn't he?"
"Shit. He knew. Now play dumb Tobio."
"H-Huh? What did you say, Suga-san?" He lies. Sugawara know from the start that Hinata will run to Kageyama and spill everything. And Kageyama Tobio is bad at lying.
"You know, that me and (Y/n)-" "Food's ready!! Everybody let's gather aroundd!" His words were cut off by Daichi's announcement.
The whole dinner session are spent well, Kageyama's usual quarell with Hinata about the food and you being so wholesome and kind about it.
But the way you and Sugawara's movement after that kitchen incident keeps bothering his mind. What if Sugawara..
And dinners ended. It's turn to sleep now. He's kind off sleepy already because of his routine. So after the room division, he will go straight to bed, he think.
"Um.. Due to lack of the space, one of you have to sleep with me."
"I VOLUNTEER MYSELF!" Nishinoya shouted. But he gets hold back by Sugawara. No no no. He cannot let anyone especially Sugawara to sleep with you.
"Nishinoya-senpai is tiny so i'm sure he can sleep with the others just fine." Kageyama adds. "HAAH WHAT DID YOU SAAAYYY?!"
"Let's go to the distributed room first and see, who's the one left. He gets to stay with (Y/n)-senpai." Kageyama proposes. Actually not a bad idea.
At first everyone doesn't want to take their place but their tired body forces them too. One by one, they all collapsed on the futon or matresss once they saw one. And that left us with Sugawara and Kageyama.
"You should choose, (Y/n)." Sugawara smiles.
Kageyama's almost lost because of his consciousness running out. He's THAT sleepy yall.
"Well then, i think i'll pick.." "Sugawara! There's one spot left here!" Before you can decide, (again) Daichi interrupts. And Kageyama's eyes almost rolled back because of his sleepiness.
"Fine then. Goodnight (Y/n), Kageyama." Sugawara smile as you both walk back to your room. Holding back his emotion.
You told Kageyama to wait and prepare his bed. You feel sorry for him, he must be so tired and yet he still force himself to fully awake.
"There, Kageyama. You can sleep now- Ehhh!" Whaddya know sis, he falls down. Face first to the matrass luckily not the floor.
You chuckles a little. This boy is very adorable. You know how he adores you when you help hin with his set practice. You ran your fingers trough his jet black hair, combing his hair.
"...Nyam, i like you.. (Y/n)-senpai..."
WOW. Didn't expect someone will confess to you trough sleep talking but sure i guess. A little laugh burst from you lips. Cheeks a lil' warm.
"Sweet dreams, Tobio.."
Part 3 coming upp~
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pink-hydrangea · 7 years
#so i was really excited to take this trip with my mum tomorrow#like she's been all excited about it all week#and then suddenly today she comes home from work in a foul mood#complaining about all the housework that needs to be done before we can go and how hard it is for her to do#and when i offer to help she dismisses me like i'm making things more difficult by even asking or insulting her capability or something#and then my sister announces her friend is staying over tomorrow so my mum starts acting put out because we don't have clean sheets#so my dad offers to buy a new cheap bedding set just for the night and she shuts him right down like it's a stupid suggestion#and i offer to get up early to put the sheets in the wash before we head off for the trip#and she just waves us all off like 'wait until im done eating then ill fix it' like anything the rest of us did would just make it worse#and all the while she's nagging me to pack my suitcase and saying she'll be so mad if i'm the one holding us up tomorrow when we have to go#and i'm constantly assuring her that i'll get it done and then she reveals to me that SHE hasn't even started packing#so it's like already the blame is on me for us hypothetically being late even though half my packing is done#and she's just being really short and snappy today and acting like everything we say to her is somehow stupid or irritating#like i'll ask if we're stopping somewhere on the road for breakfast tomorrow and she'll groan and go 'i dont KNOW#honestly i was really excited about this trip but if she's going to be like this then i'm gonna feel like i'm tiptoeing around her#like i doubt the fact we have to get up early tomorrow is gonna improve her mood at all#i can just imagine that i'll get snapped at a lot tomorrow and i HATE being snapped at#and we'll be in the car together for like 4 hours#so i don't even know what it'll be like#idk it's just made me really sad because i was so looking forward to this trip but now i almost wish we weren't going
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sinkingwmyships · 4 years
im back at it again with
JJBA (VA) Purge AU (3)
yeeee this is the one abt the relationship scenarios ;)))
part 1 | part 2
i highly recommend checking out the previous parts first, if not this might be kinda hard to follow
between me and my 1.5 braincells we're trying really hard y'all so pls go easy on us show some support ;_;
(oh yea a heads-up no ships are decided yet so treat all these relationship scenarios as hcs (yea imma make AUs inside an AU lmfao))
tw: (1 mention of) homophobia, referenced past abuse, bullying (??)
1. fugio
the first scenario that popped into my head is that Fugo and Giorno go to the same university (for some reason Gio's parents can afford to send him there, idk he probably got financial aid or sth, and then after he killed them (😳 awkwardddd) he's probably using their life insurance in fear of it running out). and Fugo doesn't really care for Gio bc he's a rich boye and he has his quality™️ elite friend circle so why bother himself w a nobody. but in reality all of Fugo's friends are either only on a social level (u know those ppl who you're friends w but u won't necessarily have deep convos w them or choose to hang out w them n stuff), or they're fake and only hang out w him bc of his wealth & status, or bc their rich parents are friends. plus (im referring to the anime backstory here), after the scandal w that professor who sexually harassed him, many ppl secretly hate him and talk shit abt him behind his back due to homophobia.
but anyway, Fugo's plotting against all those biches :) so where does Giorno come in? Gio, being this innocent poor boy who doesn't have a home to go back to, lives on dorm. and let's just say Fugo does too bc he doesn't have the best relationship w his demanding parents, so he was overjoyed when he finally talked them into letting him move from home into the dorms instead. (side note he prolly doesn't Purge his parents bc he needs their money.) so Gio and Fugo know of each other, but not acquaintances or anything.
and then
one day when Fugo's either
running into trouble with some authority figure at school again
just minding his own business and planning his Purge targets
Gio walks in on him, and he's either like
"omg Fugo r u ok do u need help what happened"
"omg Fugo idk what happened between u and ur targets but Purging ain't good, pls reconsider"
and Fugo, having the short-ass fuse that he does (plus probably having his pride wounded and just general mistrust of the ppl around him spurring him on):
"stfu u know nothing about me, but now you've seen this i guess it wouldn't hurt to kill you too"
"stfu u know nothing about me, ur probably one of those happy asshats that have no need for Purges, reconsider?? haha the only thing i'll reconsider is if i'll add u to my kill list" (bc if Gio reports him or sth, Fugo & his fam can get into trouble, since his targets are probably rich and/or influential ppl, but it isn't Purge time yet, so it can be considered malicious intent and/or attempted murder i guess, and so anyone who has any beef w the Fugo fam can bring them down) (i know nothing abt law don't come for me)
and then Gio is like "fuck dis shit im out" and he skrts tf out of there, but sadly Fugo ain't lying 😔 the day of the Purge comes, and Giorno was just trying to barricade himself inside his dorm room when suddenly, Fugo pulls an FBI OPEN UP and breaks inside using all his high-tech weaponry n stuff (i'll share my hcs for chara design later!!). Gio is freaking out so he jumps out the window into the streets, even risking going outside during Purge just so he can get away, but oh 🅱️oy is Fugo stressed tonight. and he literally hunts Gio down and almost kills him
2. abbacchio & giorno:
Abbacchio is tasked w hunting down a certain rogue criminal, so he's la-di-da cruising thru Naples to get to Bucci's house, when suddenly this fucking kid comes running up to him with his hair and clothes all messed up and tears running down his face, and is like "pls help me sir i beg u i just need somewhere to hide pls i don't want to do this i don't want to die" and Abba's like "fuq??" but then he hears manic laughter and chainsaws revving and shit, and the kid sniveling all over his crisp™️ Purge suit looks like he can explode with fear at any moment (and plus Abba understands that nobody would ever run up to another person for help during Purge like this, unless it's really their last option), so he sighs, "fine. get behind me."
the kid drops to his knees and Abba can't help but think "aaahhhh fucking dead weight", but he said he'd help, so that's what he's gonna do. now ANOTHER kid rounds the corner but he barely looks sane, he seems almost possessed by something. *fighting ensues* but being a professional cop Abba knocks the kid out cold w a few swift moves, and when he drops to the ground that crazy expression finally leaves his face. he's already wasted too much time, so Abba turns to Kid 1 and is like "go back home brat and dont get into trouble again", but Kid 1 is still a trembling mess on the ground, and he says "i don't have any home to go back to."
subconscious Abba's like "well that's between you and god" but he knows he's basically this kid's god now (besides, there can't possibly be a god that would let things like Purges happen), so he's like, "fine. get in the car and DON'T get in my way" but THEN Kid 1 points to the passed-out demon child, "but we can't leave him here"
A: "he was gonna KILL you!!"
K1: "i know but he didn't mean it, he was just not thinking straight"
A: "Purges ain't where ppl think str8 kid, besides if he didn't really wanna Purge he wouldn't have geared himself up that well"
K1: “but he’s not a bad person. please, if we leave him out here in this state he’ll be killed for sure.”
at this point Abbacchio can't understand wtf Kid 1 is thinking, but for the first time in years he finds some of the humanity he was hoping to regain in Purge, so he's like "fine. haul him into the backseat. but you're sitting with him bc i got my shit in the front. and if he wakes up you're dealing w it this time. cool?"
Kid 1 nods, and surprisingly he has enough strength to shove Kid 2 into the backseat & get in after him. Abba is trying to decide what he wanna do w these kids, when his phone suddenly beeps, and in comes a new message from his superiors, "yo dawg u gotta hurry up and kill that Bucciarati guy, we'd better not catch u slacking" and he's like "yo Kid 1, can u fight?"
"uh, a bit. why?"
"well, that's what you're gonna do for me in return for my protection."
anywhooooo i imagine that later on, Fugo wakes up like "ugh wtf hello concussions????" and he sees Gio standing over him, and he snaps into defensive mode, sitting up and shoving Gio away and everything. but then he sees that Gio's hands are empty, save for maybe a bottle of water and a towel, and somehow Fugo's own wounds are all cleaned and bandaged, and he groans:
"dude, what the fuck are you doing? did i pass out? did you find help?"
G: "you got hit over the head pretty hard, don't move so suddenly."
F: "haha yea thanks i can feel that myself, anyway wtf were you doing?"
G: "uhhhhh... abbacchio patched you up but your face was really grimy so he told me to clean you up, and maybe give you some water?"
F: "no. i mean like what the fuck were you doing????? braincells hello?? kill me! i should be dead!!! is Purge over?? did the sirens go off before you can finish me?"
he suddenly notices how Gio just recoils and sits there with his eyes squeezed shut as Fugo shouts at him and flings his arms around. but he's seen how Gio defended himself against him, so he knows this guy can fight and is no stranger to Purges. this is the first mystery his 152 IQ has encountered in a long time, so Fugo reaches out to get Gio's attention, but then Gio jumps and slaps his hand away so hard Fugo feels his bruised brain jar. he pulls back immediately, holding his hands up, palms forward, finally kind of able to pierce together what's going on inside the blond's mind:
"sorry. wasn't gonna attack you. just... wasn't sure if you were listening to me, so i tried to get your attention."
"i was."
"okay. sorry." Fugo tries, but Gio is already standing up and leaving, glassy green eyes looking anywhere but at him. "wait! Gior— ugh??"
he almost faceplants the ground again. where's my stupid-ass helmet???? i need to be on balance mode stat. but then Fugo feels two arms helping him up, and he looks up to see Gio, frowning in distaste but still supporting him all the same. he feels bad for asking (as if he hasn't bothered this poor guy enough): "uh, so, what exactly happened while i was passed out?"
oh, honey...
a lot :)
ya know i might actually go w fugio after all :00 but if i do end up writing this, it will span over 12 hours / 1 Purge only, so even if there are ships they'll probably only be implied, instead of madly into each other by the end of everything :P
to be cont’d… 👀🔪 perhaps with other relationship hcs :0 or chara design?? who knows. suggestions?
feel free to drop any questions you have, or just scream to me in the cmts in general!! i’m happy to answer anything, from chara motives to backstory clarification, or anything else!! ik up to now these posts have just been walls of texts, so :’D thanks for reading thooooo 💖
part 4 | part 5
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: [so like evening like probably not expecting this] Janis: what you up to tonight Jimmy: What are you about to ask me to do? Janis: Sadly, nothing that exciting Janis: but I need out of this house so if you've got something going on, we can make some #content Jimmy: Find a party and I'll meet you there Janis: Okay Janis: it's been dry so far but not everyone can have decided to be boring all at once Jimmy: have you moved to a new town without telling me? Jimmy: bit rude to make me fake ldr Janis: God, I wish Janis: I need to be several towns over with the noise that being made in this gaff rn Jimmy: They're there and you didn't invite me? That's more than a bit rude, mate 💔 Janis: Oh yeah Janis: sleepover fetish is so real 🤤😍 Jimmy: You know how I feel about you in PJs Jimmy: how dare you Janis: I know you're just gutted you didn't get a chance to see 💀👑 in hers Janis: 💔💔 hurts Jimmy: [brings back the # he started about her only wearing pjs cos I skim re-read that convo post school trip yesterday] Janis: Fine, come over Janis: if you love a throwback that hard Janis: we won't be sharing a room with them though Jimmy: I'd 💕 some enthusiasm Janis: You can have all the snacks they won't eat Jimmy: Has my true love cleared that? Janis: You have to save her from herself Janis: they do it on purpose, it's a binge waiting to happen Jimmy: hot Janis: If you've got a saviour complex Janis: put on your cape, crown of thorns, whatever suits Jimmy: If you've got a short enough memory to forget me saving you from a life threatening injury and nursing you back from the brink Jimmy: suited you then Janis: I remember, if less dramatically and in your favour Janis: but I never said it didn't suit Jimmy: know my audience and how they remember it Jimmy: Give me your address then, Juliet Janis: Hmm, Grace would say you owe her damages, probably Janis: [does, lol soz] Jimmy: she knows where I am if she wants to claim Jimmy: I'll have 'em off you though for taking the piss Janis: Only my parents doing that Janis: I'll pay for an uber if you can cope with the flex Janis: desperate times, like Jimmy: shut up Janis: bit rude Jimmy: bit rude is sending me into the middle of nowt to get 💀🔪🔪 Janis: You can trust me Jimmy: Piss off Janis: 🙂🙂🙂🙂 Jimmy: Stop messing about, rich girl Janis: I ain't, look on street view or some shit, it's a big hippie farmhouse Jimmy: [does so a pause] Jimmy: 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 Janis: I'll get you an uber now, yeah? Janis: before they 💀🔪🔪 me in some sleepover satanic ritual Jimmy: I can't have them fucking with our pact Janis: my hero 💘 Jimmy: there's your first caption sorted Janis: I'll think of something as mushy for you in the meantime Jimmy: do you need owt other than a ✞? I'm at the shop Janis: 🤔 Janis: get a like meal for two I can pretend I cooked Jimmy: 👍 Janis: I assume you've got 🚬s Jimmy: I'll grab drinks though Janis: can do Janis: we have some shit here too though Jimmy: What's #goals when you're not drinking a flat white? Janis: if it's pink and alcoholic Jimmy: [sends her pics of different drinks like rose wine or pink gin or whatever else like ?] Janis: Better go gin Janis: it is an emergency Jimmy: [when that's got mum energy so you're lowkey triggered and don't reply] Janis: [when you think it's 'cos it was too pricey or something so you're like oh no faux pas] Janis: the rose would be fine too, I'm not fussy, as you know by now Jimmy: [thinking about Harry too now but sends a selfie from the uber with the gin secured like everything's fine] Janis: 😍 Janis: should I socials that? Jimmy: Why not? Janis: idk how vain you're feeling Janis: maybe you wanna fix your hair Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt baby Jimmy: if I weren't I wouldn't be coming to mess up yours Janis: 😏 Janis: [does post it, with all that enthusiasm about him coming that is so fake uhuh] Jimmy: [a cute little back and forth in the comments while he's on route] Janis: [one of them clearly has liked it so now they know they know] Janis: There we go, committed now Jimmy: [love that though cos it gives them an excuse to go harder with it which he would and is] Jimmy: Is that a record or what? Janis: wait 'til you see their creepy faces fogging up the glass Jimmy: 😱😱😱 Jimmy: no horror films needed Janis: got the setting Janis: even if I 🤞 I'm here, like Jimmy: Promise you'll protect me Janis: 💪 babe Janis: you're safe with me Jimmy: Say it then Janis: What? Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: Oh Janis: I promise I'll protect you from 💀👑 and her underlings Janis: salt circles all ready, like Jimmy: 💪🏆🥇 you Janis: you're feeling generous Janis: have you opened that pink gin without me Jimmy: you ain't feeling any trust towards me Jimmy: 💔🎻🎻💔 Janis: I'm trusting you with my life rn Janis: you've got to fend off the pillows in the night Jimmy: hot Janis: glad you think so Jimmy: oi, be glad you know it Jimmy: that's a #kinkunlocked Janis: Add it to my collection Janis: 🎟🎟🎟🎟 what do I win when I get enough? Jimmy: What do you want? Janis: fuck a 🧸 obvs Jimmy: If that's what you're getting me to this sleepover for, steady on Jimmy: he can buy me a drink first instead of making me bring my own Janis: 😂😂😂 Janis: stop Janis: his plans are set and he is gutted Janis: 🚫 sneaking out Jimmy: me an' all, put in loads of groundwork on that trip Jimmy: treating him mean and all that bollocks Janis: 💔🎻🎻💔 Janis: when it was all a cunning ruse to see Mr. Bear again Jimmy: It's my turn to cheat, Joanne Janis: you'll have to take your free pass to the bathroom 'cos we can't not share a room Janis: and I don't need to witness that tah Jimmy: It's alright, I won't kiss him on the mouth Janis: she probably practices on him Janis: it'll be sticky Jimmy: 🤢🤢🤢 Jimmy: I said I never opened the gin not that I ain't drank nowt Janis: such a lightweight Jimmy: Leave it out, pisshead Jimmy: I didn't know you were gonna 🍑📞 Janis: Do you feel cheap? Janis: 'cos that ride ain't, so don't worry boo 😘 Jimmy: I ain't been in an uber before, how could I not feel 🤑🤑 Janis: 🤞 you get here unmurdered and unmolested Janis: driver gonna ruin my night, like Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: that might make my night 💕👴 Janis: obviously, I am here to ruin your night Janis: 🍑📞 shoulda let you know Janis: were you out? Jimmy: With who, my other fake girlfriend? Janis: I can be that jealous Janis: they'd pretend they didn't love that but they so would Jimmy: I'd drink to it Janis: [a picture of 🧸 in the washing machine like 'bout to drown a bitch for you] Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Jimmy: sod nudes, get you a girl who sends 💀💀💀 threats she's about to follow through on Janis: you're so welcome Janis: he'll be date ready and so will you 🍆💦💦 Jimmy: Depends if they've set a trap on the front door Janis: There's no way they'll be ready for gentlemen callers that soon Janis: you could be travelling from the fucking moon and they'd still be hiding Jimmy: Asia's always ready for me, babe Jimmy: The tall one an' all Janis: you're disgusting Jimmy: soz that you thought you were my only starcrossed lover Janis: Of course not Janis: just the idea of those two doing anything beyond 😭 makes me wanna 💀💀💀 obvs Jimmy: I might 🤢🤢🤢 which is 💀👑 ultimate kink so please shut up Janis: Errm they're your lovers, not mine Jimmy: sound more gutted, mate Janis: what is it this time Janis: 😍 for you or them Jimmy: Me obvs Jimmy: keep up, girl Janis: thanks for saying I'm doing a 🥇🏆 job Jimmy: You're not gay, Judith Jimmy: And even if you were, you ain't 🥇 enough to fake 😍 for them Janis: that was very affirming and then rude Janis: but I'll take it Jimmy: There you go then Jimmy: I'd offer you a gold star but that's a bit Janis: insulting at this point Jimmy: I never thought you were Janis: ? Jimmy: Why did you reckon I thought you were gay? Janis: 'cos you said I was obsessed with them Jimmy: Nah Jimmy: I said the bollocks they say and do is more important to you than it is to me Janis: You might wanna work on your phrasing then Janis: but idc Jimmy: Alright Janis: but for the record, I only think you're gay for Dan Jimmy: @iantaylor8 Janis: v offensive that I've not affirmed your heterosexuality in his 👀 Jimmy: I'll live Janis: I won't Janis: deeply wounded Jimmy: Tah for the warning so I don't go arse over in the blood Janis: not a very heroic way to die Janis: even Romeo did better Jimmy: He had Bill, I'm holding my own 🖋 Janis: hot Jimmy: 😏 Janis: [tweets that gem] Jimmy: [having another flirt via socials] Janis: [love that for you] Jimmy: Have you got a balcony? Janis: Sadly not Janis: been let down big time there Jimmy: And I couldn't fit the 🎻 in my overnight bag Janis: Just when we needed it most Jimmy: it's a piss poor shout, I'm sorry baby Janis: It's alright, in terms of convincing them we're fucking all night, probably need a less 💔 soundtrack Jimmy: 👍 or 👎 to Romeo + Juliet soundtrack? Janis: yes Janis: of course Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: For an all nighter we've got our Easter Rising one an' all, Tah Dan Janis: He'll be thrilled he's having a hand in our fictional fuckfest, I'm sure Janis: a hand in was the best choice of words there Jimmy: He'll be getting me through it 🍆💦💦 Janis: 🤤 hard same Janis: you were such a cockblock Jimmy: Invite him over, I'll go home Janis: He probably has a curfew Janis: God bless Jimmy: Bringing him into it an' all again Janis: He does reside here Janis: apparently Janis: I've never seen him and he doesn't do any chores but Jimmy: holy 👻 and unholy 👻 boy in your gaff Jimmy: might be a scrap Janis: you'll be buzzin' then Janis: making your night over and over, babe Jimmy: can't stop being #goals you Janis: not an amateur Jimmy: loads of time to prove it in a bit Janis: challenge accepted Jimmy: 👍 Janis: You do sleepovers with your mates before? Jimmy: Why? Janis: 🤷 Janis: curious Janis: not as talked about Janis: what do boys do Jimmy: What do you reckon? Jimmy: I'd be gutted to 💔 you Janis: Obviously I'm 💔 that you don't talk about girls and 'practice' kissing Janis: but if you confirm you just play videogames and drink cheap beers on the low, I think I'll survive Jimmy: We do talk about girls but there's no need to practice kissing when you're this 😎🏆 Janis: 😏 okay Janis: not sharing your expertise is selfish of you Jimmy: My ex shared it round plenty, don't worry Jimmy: Half the north knows my tips and tricks Janis: Bummer Janis: No thinking I'm special then, I hear you Jimmy: I can't stop you thinking owt Janis: It's alright, I'm specials in every other way Jimmy: Bighead strikes again Janis: yeah, try and deny it, dickhead Jimmy: That you think you're special? Janis: You know what I meant Janis: you 🙊 me 🙉 Jimmy: Oi I'm 🦍 Jimmy: Ask my man Janis: You're SO hench, babe Jimmy: 💪🏆🥇 Janis: I'm SO lucky Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: You picked a film for us to not watch yet? Janis: I'm debating what the worst romcom of all time is Jimmy: [sends her a little list because he's had a nightmare girlfriend] Jimmy: off the top of my head Janis: kink unlocked Janis: that's worse than any of the others so far, God Janis: deviant Jimmy: Piss off Janis: No wonder they all love you Jimmy: They ain't unlocked any of my kinks, real or fake Janis: Are you sure? Janis: they're accomplished stalkers if fuck all else, like Jimmy: I don't have a tinder with 'em listed Jimmy: What are they gonna stalk? Janis: Yo 🧠 Janis: vampire style Jimmy: You're the only 🧛 I've met Janis: 😏 Janis: and I'd do it again Janis: were I not bound to protect you Jimmy: Crack on Jimmy: If we're meant to be pulling a 💕 all nighter you'll have to do something Janis: If we're convincing enough, they'll spread it 'fore us Janis: spare your precious skin Jimmy: Challenge accepted Jimmy: [is extra on socials again for the final time like see how convincing I am] Janis: I know it didn't hurt that bad, baby Jimmy: Do you? Janis: Did it? Jimmy: 🤐 Janis: That's not fair Janis: if I Mike Tyson'd you you have to say Jimmy: I'll tell you in my oscar speech Janis: You'll be thanking me then Janis: ha, knew you loved it Jimmy: for the adversity Jimmy: tah Janis: pisstake Jimmy: you Janis: ☝ boy Jimmy: Why are you trying to truth or dare me before I'm in the door? Calm it down, Joan Janis: Party don't start 'til you walk in? Janis: Psh Jimmy: I need an audience and a stage, Bill can relate Janis: Duh Janis: what it's all about Jimmy: #whenshegetsyou Janis: we're a step away from a contract Jimmy: 🩸🖋💌 Janis: trying to tempt me with some bloodletting Janis: 😳 is it hot in here Jimmy: I wanna get my 🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟 too Janis: you already knew that one Janis: #eargate Jimmy: Yeah but now you're in the mood Jimmy: might let loads slip Janis: You'll have to work harder than this Jimmy: [🔥 sext because why not] Janis: did your driver co-write that or Jimmy: You can ask him when you pay him, that won't be weird Janis: just wondering where the audience is Jimmy: Post it if you wanna find them, not gonna be far away Janis: [does not] Janis: I'm not going to make you meet my parents, by the way Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: Should be a rule that Jimmy: I'd bleed to keep you away from mine Janis: Now you're just trying to be hot Jimmy: 😎🚬 Jimmy: #effortless Janis: you better not be in that car Janis: not paying your cleaning bill too Jimmy: It's behind the ear you didn't take off Jimmy: We're alright Janis: Can't say I'm not fair 😏 Jimmy: Not when anyone's about Janis: I know the audience too Jimmy: Be a long night if you don't Janis: shut up Janis: they'll crash before we do anyway Janis: then you can actually do what you want Jimmy: I know you wanna talk about girls and play videogames like a northern lad Jimmy: 🥧🥔🍺 weren't the meal deal though 💔 Janis: 🖕 Janis: oh no, however will I cope Jimmy: I dunno, mate Jimmy: I'll have to double up on the heroics, me Janis: you're allowed to sleep, you know Janis: overtime ain't an all-nighter too Jimmy: might do but I only chucked the one bottle in my basket Janis: we've got some great sleeping pills Janis: dessert 💕 Jimmy: You're alright Janis: 🤷 Janis: not on commission Jimmy: You must know the audience if you're trying to knock me out this hard Janis: How long can we be in each other's company before you try to seriously injure me Janis: nothing but self-preservation here Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: I know my own 💪🏆 Janis: Doing it on purpose don't make it no better Janis: 'less I asked for it, obvs Jimmy: Are you? Jimmy: 'Cause if that's a #kinkunlocked I'll have my 🎟 Janis: 🙊 Janis: depends Jimmy: ? Janis: 💀👑 is definitely a freak Janis: probably just encourage her to keep 👀 Jimmy: 🍿 or 📹? Janis: cotton balls soaked in 0cal 'butter' spray Jimmy: 😋😋😋 Janis: though if she were to 📹 wouldn't be the first time Janis: still getting tagged 🙄 Jimmy: #same Janis: hmm, at least your tits aren't low-key out Jimmy: I'll get 'em out tonight Jimmy: Only fair Janis: 😂 Janis: clearly dying to anyway Jimmy: They're 🥇 I gotta keep it #goals Janis: this town ain't big enough for both our heads Jimmy: It's alright, I ain't gonna be here long Janis: Nah? Jimmy: 💔🎻💔 Janis: Yeah, well convincing that one Jimmy: Not on the clock yet Janis: 🍀 you Jimmy: 💀👑 got you plaiting or 💅? Either way you're gonna need some glue Janis: not touching her without gloves Janis: one of your girlfriends is asking about you Jimmy: Duh we'd get caught for the 🔪🔪💀 before we had chance to piss off anywhere Jimmy: Which one? Janis: you're pissing off anyway, I'll have to live, murder and die here Janis: now you're interested Jimmy: Oh come on, baby, where I go, you go 💕 Janis: you can drop me off the first place that isn't here Jimmy: 👌 Janis: kink unlocked Janis: have a 🎟 Jimmy: Common sense ain't one Janis: don't tell me what my kinks are and aren't, boy Janis: you're not in control like that Jimmy: I'm 👮🚔 remember Jimmy: might be a kink division Janis: you are ridiculous Janis: and garda ain't telling me nothing Jimmy: I ain't a paddy, law's different up North, that'll be why it's grim Janis: I've seen the procedurals, mate Janis: you aren't old and grizzled enough to be the maverick Jimmy: Stop flirting with me Jimmy: You'll make the driver 😳 Janis: 🤞 you crash, of course Jimmy: Not unless it's right outside yours and you can throw yourself in front as we do Jimmy: 💀💀💀 pact not 👻 me and widow you Janis: but you love black Janis: but fine, I'll throw myself on the wreckage Jimmy: on me, give a shit what you wear, hun Janis: fine, I'll go play dress up with them Janis: good luck faking 😍 then Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: 1. PJs or I ain't coming in Jimmy: 2. maybe I wanna be pretty an' all, bit rude not to wait for the love of your life Jimmy: 3. 🥇 or nowt Janis: 1. admit you care more Janis: 2. you're pretty enough, sweetheart Janis: 3. 💪 Jimmy: More than what? Janis: just more than you protesting Jimmy: About what? Janis: that you don't give a shit what I wear Janis: you started a # Jimmy: Mr Lucas gives a shit what you wear, I just fake it Janis: real mvp Janis: he'd be way more buzzing my parents were out Jimmy: probably a bit late to invite him Jimmy: I reckon I'm here near enough Janis: know how you feel about threesomes Janis: I'll come find you Jimmy: first off, it were you who 🚫 my proposition for us and that dickhead of yours to have one Jimmy: second, you better had, you did 🤞 Janis: Was not Janis: and he's not MY dickhead, just a dickhead, don't put that on me Janis: [meeting him dramatically 'cos they watching, turning her eyes up to the window so he can see] Jimmy: [we know he's gonna go with it and we know why so] Janis: [we all know you're both grateful for an excuse to kiss each other on sight] Jimmy: [pick her up boy even though you'll have to put down what you're carrying #priorities] Janis: [when y'all would NEVER let a man lmao] Jimmy: [we all know y'all are lowkey like DON'T TOUCH ME] Janis: [tbf a boy was like i can pick you up when i was like 13 and i was like you can't and then he tried and was like oh you're heavy rude you're just weak] Jimmy: [I'm so 😡] Janis: [don't need that potential trigger in your life ladies] Jimmy: [I'm dying though like get inside you two, there's never any need to go as hard or long as you do] Janis: [so method lol] Jimmy: [Gotta like throw the food at her as soon as you're inside because a second has passed without being rude and god forbid] Janis: [just judging his choices like hmm 'cos same] Jimmy: [😒 like oi as if he's not just been rude but opening the gin even before there's glasses #calm down] Janis: [raising a brow but not saying anything 'cos you're like yeah, fair, pointing him over to wherever the glasses are so you can fake cook this meal real quick] Jimmy: [raising his own like oh you fancy as if he was just gonna swig it from the bottle forever but pours some into her mouth first because so needed and shamelessly flirty all the time before going to sort glasses like nothing even happened okay] Janis: ['have some decorum, boy' 😏 until he does that then you're like 😳 'tryna get me drunk too' tutting dramatically] Jimmy: [just shakes his head also 😏 at the words and the tuts 'Don't worry, I know, wouldn't be very goals, that'] Janis: [shrugs 'depends'] Jimmy: [gives her a look like I know it would be for you but we don't set the goals] Janis: [looking back 'til the microwave pings and brings you back 'round 'you've seen 'em at parties, right pissheads'] Jimmy: [Shrugs 'You're a lightweight, and we've got content to create' realises that rhymes and does a little flourish in the air like he's writing with a pen cos poet and nerd] Janis: [when you can't help but lol, even though you're trying to 🙄 is creating #content already and making this meal look #aesthetic and #goals for the 'gram before pushing a plate at him like there you go] Jimmy: [control your 😍 over her cute laugh by acting like that food is so interesting and important] Janis: [but don't control it too hard 'cos cringe couples always take pics of each other eating so get ready for your closeup boy] Jimmy: [that's tea and you know they are seeing/interacting with all this nonsense so you gotta go for it] Janis: [hence you know to stay out the kitchen but you won't, like what you need ladies] Jimmy: [thank god they'd hear them coming so he can be like come sit on my lap for a sec as if that's where she's been the whole time, just not practical, I'd throw food all over you by accident boo] Janis: [again, doing things y'all would never do, and we know you two love this so] Jimmy: [like I'mma just feed you something girl let's see how hard we can trigger Mia] Janis: [how you don't lol, just permanent 😏 like living your best life] Jimmy: [we've only just begun to live] Janis: [classic 'oh you've got something here-' and shamelessly caressing his face] Jimmy: [shameless makeout sesh ensues because if you stay now gals you're the ones making it weird] Janis: [clearly overstaying your welcome for slightly too long before making a comment and running off giggling like you're 12] Jimmy: [let you go 🚬 once they're gone boy cos longest uber ride ever] Janis: [truly, the struggle is so real, wait 'til we make you go on the bus that goes all 'round the houses lol] Jimmy: [hasn't invited her cos we back to being rude obvs] Janis: [so charming lol, on the sofa like 😒] Jimmy: [when you're ages and we know it's because you always need all the moments after kissing her] Janis: you want me to pay for 🚬 or what Jimmy: Save the flex for one that's more #relatable to the fans Janis: I asked if you'd got 'em, could've warned me if I weren't getting none, like Jimmy: Come here Janis: You can save it for me Janis: take breaks in shifts Janis: professional Jimmy: Alright Janis: 👌 Janis: soz, btw Jimmy: For what? Janis: not brushing my teeth Janis: know its a big pet peeve Jimmy: used to how minging you are by now, Josephine Janis: if you gave some warning Janis: face hugger Jimmy: soz I can't always hear 💀👑's bones creaking, bit deaf, me Jimmy: might be the one ear Jimmy: and anyway it depends Janis: It's romantic, you wanna be a great artiste, don't you Janis: and what does it depend on then Jimmy: Why would I wanna be owt of the sort? Jimmy: It depends what lads you've had round before me, what else? Janis: get bitches get money Janis: obvs Janis: I was talking about being mid-dinner, don't act like you didn't know Jimmy: 👌 Janis: will ask about getting that revolving door installed though Janis: tah for the reminder Jimmy: Gracie'll be 👍 when you do Janis: yeah Janis: whole house full of slags, like Jimmy: you do live in the middle of nowt, gotta have something to do Janis: decent excuse Jimmy: only so much horse riding even a rich girl can do Janis: one in the same if you're that kind of rich girl Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: obvs Janis: have to have one to pay for the other Janis: basic maths Jimmy: Alright 🤓 Janis: giving you 💰 tips for nothing here Jimmy: can't take it with me Janis: why not Jimmy: What do you mean? Jimmy: I reckon hell's got a free bar in the very least Janis: Optimistic Janis: I've at least heard that passage, like Janis: you'd be so lucky Jimmy: if you want the pessimistic angle, it'll rot in the ground Jimmy: got that covered Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: [comes back in cos can't be out there forever] Janis: [puts hand out like gimme 'cos obvs you need to leave immediately] Jimmy: [does but also gives her look like bit rude] Janis: [a look like you started it but still saying thanks, not a heathen] Jimmy: [chucks her his jacket/hoodie or whatever even though it's april] Janis: ['good thinking' as she walks out the door] Jimmy: [drink your gin boy] Janis: [clearly taking a cute selfie in that, minus cigarette] Jimmy: [be extra fake to hide how good you think she actually looks please] Janis: [ah the fakery of it all this is fine lollol] Jimmy: [I'm gonna give her a bit then have him come out like he DESPERATELY needs something from his pocket suddenly 1. what even would that be boy 2. no you don't 3. you also don't need to be so hot about it like reaching over her and all that jazz] Janis: [just a LOOK] Jimmy: [when your plan was to just walk away but of course you have to give her a look back] Janis: [offering out the 🚬 like he didn't just have his own, but then doing the sexy blowback moment when he's like okay] Jimmy: [he's just dying now, aren't we all, like didn't expect that did you bitch] Janis: [definition of 😏] Jimmy: [walk away Jimothy you're in too deep] Jimmy: [but I like to imagine he walks into one of the flat whites when he's all flustered, feed that narrative even by accident lads] Janis: [joy of joys, poor boy lol] Janis: you can pick a film Janis: one you might actually wanna watch then one to switch back to Jimmy: Challenge accepted Janis: 👍 Janis: Brb, I'll go pretend to do what girls do Janis: [comes in but goes upstairs] Jimmy: [we all know he's watching her go, boy be careful] Janis: [we all throwing all the glances like this ain't a dangerous game] Jimmy: [take the time she's upstairs to calm down please and thank you sir] Janis: [we out here brushing out teeth obvs] Jimmy: [so soz Janis but at least being in there can give you the idea for bathgate] Janis: [🔥💡] Jimmy: [what could possibly go wrong like] Janis: [hohahaha] Jimmy: [sending her some of his fave comments from what they've posted so far cos shady bitch] Janis: [likewise 'cos likewise] Janis: wish Dan would comment though Janis: what's he up to Jimmy: 💔💔 Hang on Jimmy: [has a stalk and likewise sends her his fave things he finds] Janis: awh Janis: what a man Jimmy: that his missus? Jimmy: 🔪🔪 Janis: so jealous Janis: learn to be fake happy Jimmy: in a bit, gotta go arrange a 🥇 threesome Jimmy: be really happy after Janis: wait 'til you're off the clock Janis: do whatever you want then Jimmy: UGH Janis: it's mutual Jimmy: 🤞 that's what Dan's girlfriend'll say Janis: she's dating Dan Janis: her lack of sense and taste is obvious and in your favour, congrats Jimmy: I KNOW HE'S SOOOOOOOO 🥇👑😍🏆💪 Jimmy: tah for the #hype babes Jimmy: I reckon now I can 🎯 Janis: [comes down like let's get this over with] Jimmy: [puts on whatever he can bear to watch cos even the flat whites ain't gonna appear that quick] Janis: [and sitting as far apart as you can without it being impossible to be all over each other in 5 secs when needed] Jimmy: [does top up her drink for her though cos isn't as rude as he pretends to be] Janis: [cheers and drinks that too fast] Jimmy: [he's gone the other way and barely touched his because he's like I'm clearly too drunk rn after what happened with the blowbacks] Janis: [ah the confusion and awkwardness] Jimmy: [just on his phone even though he should wanna watch this since he picked it lol] Janis: [getting herself more drink that isn't gin] Jimmy: [wise move babe] Janis: [although mixing perhaps isn't, but rude like that and it isn't as if you've hung with anyone in time now nevermind the clusterfuck of what is this] Jimmy: [Christ knows what he had to drink before he got here so likewise a dickhead and likewise antisocial we know] Janis: [can't leave this forever though have some of 'em run through like we need drinks or whatever they're coming up with, so you gotta low-key launch yourself at him and get into some kind of snuggle position like oh hey but also not hey, only 😍 for him soz] Jimmy: [he changed it to a rom-com cos good reflexes though] Janis: [offering them the gin like I'm such a nice person and I'm so good here 'cos that'll piss Mia off] Jimmy: [when you have to snuggle her extra hard cos you're trying not to lol] Janis: [tickling him 'cos PDA comes in so many forms why are you just watching this lmao] Jimmy: [when he'd be so mad about it but all he can do rn is playfight cos gotta be 😍] Janis: [when you know it so now you're loling too with secret 😏 that only he gonna pick up on] Jimmy: [gotta exploit wherever she's most ticklish like 😏] Janis: [regrets, you have none, even though you're dying] Jimmy: [just having fun working out all the bae's ticklish places like this is so casual] Janis: [all 'oh my god, stop' in that fake ass don't stop way] Jimmy: ['make me' cos we all know what that means haha] Janis: [mmmmmakeout time, take your cue to leave] Jimmy: [when you're so into it you don't notice that they've left for a bit] Janis: [always think that like how you breaking this up just like, anyway] Jimmy: [honestly forever going 0-1000 and back again like this is fine] Janis: [no wonder you going cray] Jimmy: [literally, unrelated but did Mia take that gin or nah? lol] Janis: [I feel like Asia took it like yay and Mia will tell her off lmao] Jimmy: [that's real af so I second it and Grace is gonna drink it cos they are doing her head in] Janis: [when you need to get drunk to enjoy your friend's company, happy days] Jimmy: [when your friends are so obsessed with your sister and her man though] Janis: [soz it's a moment babe] Jimmy: [just you wait til bathgate gals] Janis: [oh lordy] Janis: what else do girls like them like then Janis: 'cos you got to admit, it's a laugh getting to 'em and winding them up Jimmy: [a really cute concentration face while he's thinking] Jimmy: Facemasks? Janis: [hiding your 😍 by pulling a pisstakey face] Janis: alright, but I ain't putting any of the weird shit on they do Janis: especially if I end up looking as rough as them Jimmy: Hang on, I'll go ask Gracie if she's got any of those bollocks sheet ones everyone 📷 themselves in Jimmy: What animal do you wanna be? Janis: 🤔 are you serious Jimmy: 🙀 it is then? Alright, I'll ask Jimmy: [Gets up and heads towards the stairs] Janis: you don't even know what room is hers Jimmy: I'll follow the 😱😱😱 Jimmy: [and is] Janis: your ⚰ Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: I'll chill here and ponder my inevitable grief-fuelled suicide Jimmy: hot Janis: soz you won't be around to 👀 Jimmy: 👻 Janis: a 👻 with a threesome to plan Jimmy: I won't be able to touch nowt so I might as well 👀 you 🔪⚰ Janis: love being 2nd choice Janis: 😏 Jimmy: Dan's missus is 🥈 you're 🥉 my dear Janis: fuck off and hurry up Jimmy: [Comes back with the masks like 😏 and of course puts hers on her even though she easily could herself but gotta have that whole MOMENT of him getting her hair out of the way first cos shamelessly loves touching it] Janis: [when this is somehow more intimate than anything you've done so far so you're like where do I put my eyes] Jimmy: [they're really sticky though and he isn't expecting it so he's like wtf and grossed out but then amused at himself and it's so cute bye] Janis: [yeah they're gross she's probably horrified so that'll break the tension just like what the fuck but lol too] Jimmy: [he's genuinely smiling and loling for the first time since god knows when] Janis: [when he's so cute you have to slap this ridiculous on his face fast] Jimmy: [what animals should they be? I think he should be a 🐼 cos lol] Janis: [that's a popular one, we can say there was a 🐱 'cos why not] Jimmy: [yass take your nerdy selfies lads] Janis: [when they'd still look cute too, arseholes] Jimmy: [I'm as fuming about that as Grace would be that he came to her room when she's been hiding all night] Janis: [things are only gonna get worse soz gurl] Janis: this is a great poker face Janis: [says something #shocking and ridiculous with the dead face it gives you to prove the point] Jimmy: [when you lol and yours slips cos they do and they are crap but you take it off and throw it at her anyway cos it's wet and gross and you hate it] Jimmy: decent weapon an' all Janis: [throwing it right back like excuse me] Janis: you're a child Jimmy: @iantaylor8 Janis: if you wanna go home, phones over there, baby Janis: [throws the masks in the direction of like an animal] Jimmy: [moves like he's gonna get up and go but nudges her playfully instead like what's next] Janis: [ponders seriously] Janis: I need to get this gunk off me Janis: [pulls him up like follow me, does not need to be hand-holding but are going upstairs so you know, just in case] Jimmy: [love it and so does he] Janis: [I say get in that bathroom] Jimmy: [gets in the bath like he did at the party just watching her sort her face out] Janis: [looking at him via the mirror like what are you doing but amused not annoyed] Jimmy: [hits her with a 'What?' like he's not shamelessly looking at her] Janis: [nods like 'you want me to run that or?'] Jimmy: [just reclining in there like a nerd and shrugs] Janis: [shakes her head and comes over, acts like she's leaning over to turn the shower on, but doesn't and instead gets in the other end like, see why you like it so much] Jimmy: [does a hand movement like he's splashing her with imaginary water cos oi] Janis: ['nerd' 😏 but reclining and putting her feet in her lap like don't mind me] Janis: his* Jimmy: [just being soft instead doing the this little pig went to market thing to her toes quietly like it's meant to be under his breath but it's not his own funny version probably cos he is a nerd] Janis: [just letting this be even though being soft freaks you the fuck out on the low 'you're so weird, new kid' under her own but nudging him just in case he's forgotten that that's a ref and not a massive drag] Jimmy: [shakes his head like ah good times cos he obvs remembers 'feels like ages ago that'] Janis: ['yeah' and pausing 'cos truly, so much going down in such a short space of time 'didn't think you'd still be here- not in my bath, like'] Jimmy: [nods cos same] Janis: [when you feel the mood shift so you're like away from that topic 'we'll always have the playlist'] Jimmy: [he obvs puts it on cos that bitch but quietly so Mia and Co don't hear it over their music or film or whatever and judge] Janis: [just like what kinda mood music lol, just grooving lowkey 'well worth the A'] Jimmy: [😍 cos I can't stop him if she's gonna be that much of a babe] Janis: [hitting him back with a 'what?' but in a challenging kinda way] Jimmy: [getting out of the tub like he's just remembered he's still got that mask residue on his face which true but like you don't have to literally deal with it this second] Janis: [just stretching out and back, closing her eyes] Jimmy: [taking his t-shirt off cos he said he'd get his tits out and also it means he can throw it at her playfully before washing his face] Janis: [shook and then 😠 'it stinks' and throwing it back like okay it so clearly doesn't babe] Jimmy: [😏 to hide the fact you're lowkey worried that you do smell like oh no and because you're awks and you don't want her to know, pulling her up to sit on the edge of the bath so you can take a selfie kissing her whilst topless for the fans because that's as far as your contribution to bathgate has got so far] Jimmy: [but then you stop to make sure the bath looks aesthetic and generally faff like she did with the food earlier so excuse to go again for the re-do] Janis: [taking it and reposting it on your story with 😍 over his nips] Jimmy: [🙄 even though you're actually amused cos can't let that show] Janis: ['you wanna be x-rated?' at the 🙄] Jimmy: [Gives her a look like well that depends what you mean even though he knows she ain't suggesting they get x-rated 'cause cheeky like that] Janis: [winks but then gets off of the edge of the bath, going through wherever all the bath lotions and potions are kept 'run it hot, lover boy'] Jimmy: [raises an eyebrow but obviously does and draws the infamous love heart with JJ inside in the steam on the mirror] Janis: [bringing over an armful of shit and picking a bottle and pouring a stupid amount in, looking at him like, fill your boots] Jimmy: [when you have fun putting loads of shit in like when you're a kid and you make potions] Janis: [Grace gon' be fuming again, so soz but not really, when there's an aesthetic amount of bubbles and colour going on, taking a deep breath and hoping you did that quiet enough as you take your clothes off like in we get] Jimmy: [puts loud music on so you can pretend you're busy with that not 👀 at her] Janis: [at least there's sooo many bubbles to artfully place lol this is fine this is normal] Jimmy: [when you wanna be like are you sure because you're a soft good boy but you also don't wanna ask because it's gotta be all so fake and you don't care so you're just lowkey taking an age outside that tub pretending it's because you're getting the lighting and angles right and bollocks like that] Janis: [just letting him 'cos not trying to be a pushy bitch but also like, well I've done it now boy so 'you can leave your pants on' but in a tone of, again, I haven't so] Jimmy: [well we know he won't and doesn't cos there's a challenge there and they are always accepted] Janis: [when you don't wanna 👀 but also don't wanna make a massive point of turning away 'cos that's not chill and idgaf attitude so you focus on looking at his face and then instantly regret that 'cos eye contact like oh, we doing this] Jimmy: [such intense eye contact being maintained like okay we just eye fucking rn this is fine] Janis: [when anything and everything you could possibly say rn sounds like double entendre, like is it hot enough for you etc, so you just settle for 'okay?'] Jimmy: [can only nod because likewise can't trust himself to speak atm] Janis: [taking a picture of the bath setup to be like #boydonegood about it but you know you're just buying time before the actual show of it all] Jimmy: [letting that happen because not gonna be a dick about it] Janis: ['you're the photographer, how do we get the best shot?'] Jimmy: [you move boy because we don't need to force her to and have a bubble nip slip when we've only just begun but like obvs position her however you do need to because we're obvs taking this very seriously here and the cute concentration face is back] Janis: [just shamelessly watching him work, but definitely moving closer than he positioned you like is this okay, testing those limits honey] Jimmy: [just says 'Alright' like are you asking her as a question or are you saying you are or are you like we're ready, what's the truth Jimothy] Janis: ['is it?'] Jimmy: ['isn't it?' Boy you're so annoying] Janis: [splashes him, using the water to mess up his hair appropriately 'just take the photo then'] Jimmy: [when you're gonna be like 😒 oi but that's actually a good idea when it clicks what she's doing and you take the shameless excuse to be like 'hang on' and run your wet hands through her hair too and we all see you taking your time with that] Janis: [just not breathing 'til he's done 'how do we look?' and a LOOK 'cos you can see how he looks] Jimmy: ['you look-' only breaking that LOOK to stare at her lips honey 'goals, obvs' eventually gets said because focus boy but it's so not what he was gonna say goodbye] Janis: [when you're so frustrated the 'come on then' comes out so easily] Jimmy: [taking so many pics from so many different angles and kissing her in so many different ways like do you need to be this extra, the answer is no but also yes] Janis: [when you're going in, like you're ever uploading more than one of these each like yes, we need all these options] Jimmy: [like we all know at certain points the camera ain't even taking pics but they haven't noticed/ do not care] Janis: [we all know with the amount of shit you put in its gonna be slippery as hell so gonna allow you to legit slip further onto him without it being a shameless oopsies moment] Jimmy: [add to that how good it would feel to not just be stopping and starting like you've had to all night #dangerous] Janis: [when the pretense of making noise for them is so thin at this point like okay] Jimmy: [regretting putting that loud music on now aren't you boy because yeah good luck not making all the sounds ever rn that only she can hear] Janis: [we know no one is stopping to turn it down rn] Jimmy: [they wouldn't stop if the bath fell through the ceiling rn lol] Janis: [true that, just gently pulling him down so he's laying on her like are you even in frame] Jimmy: [we know he's not and nobody's bothered god bless] Janis: [how far are we letting this go/how do we stop 'em lol] Jimmy: [that's what I'm thinking cos like someone could knock on the bathroom door like excuse you but that might just encourage them more depending on who they think it is] Jimmy: [maybe one of them actually could slip because actually perilous?] Janis: [orrr what if they didn't actually lock the door 'cos when you're faking it'd be bants if they walked in but now it ain't so you'll both be mad] Jimmy: [AMAZING we simply must] Janis: [💀#2 enter] Jimmy: [when you literally can't get out of that bath regardless of what happens because too turned on and even if you grab a towel that's not really gonna hide anything so you're just like ...........] Janis: [at least you can take the lead like get the fuck out bitch Jimmy: [he'd be actually shook though cos like this early on there's a part of him that still doesn't realise how far the flat whites are willing to take shit but then oh hey girl] Janis: [they're just so immature truly, like when Liv was like WE'RE NOT IN YEAR 11 ANYMORE' to Mini lmao like y'all are but still, we're mature laydeez now] Jimmy: [honestly, Grace and Janis would have a reason to be stuck cos their sister died when they were 12, what's y'alls] Janis: [#eatingdisordersquad Jimmy: [And Mia's weird daddy's girl energy ew] Janis: [this is why y'all are only friends with each other, lordy] Jimmy: [I'm intrigued to know what Ava thinks because she didn't exist before and like] Janis: [she'd think they were really tragic and cringe but it's not like she has to hang with them longer than the odd event like Grace's bdays so she wouldn't be like umm your friends] Jimmy: [poor Grace in a toxic relationship with someone for a decade that she doesn't even get to bang] Janis: [come get your toxic friend 'fore she get drowned lmao] Jimmy: [you know Mia would cos can't resist] Janis: [well that's that ruined, just getting out towels and taking one so he can get dried in some semblance of privacy, like] Jimmy: [the levels of fuming] Janis: [some time] Janis: my room is upstairs again Jimmy: 👌 Janis: but if you wanna go Janis: get that Jimmy: And let 💀👑 win? Piss off Jimmy: You're the 🙀 Janis: How am I Jimmy: You scare easily, we worked that out ages ago Janis: Bollocks, you take the piss and have done for ages Jimmy: How do I? Janis: not scared of anything Janis: least of all 💀s Jimmy: Easy to 🗨 Janis: Not as easy to live Janis: but I manage Jimmy: Can you manage to think of owt that'll pay her back or what? Jimmy: You said they'll crash before us Janis: I'm thinking Janis: sure could make her piss herself or shave off her eyebrows but not 12 and it needs to be something better Jimmy: Duh Janis: Clearly not that duh Janis: can't blame 'em for lacking the mental capacities I guess but still will Jimmy: Can't think of nowt when you're starving to 💀💀💀 Jimmy: #relatable Janis: you're thinking of your stomach rn Jimmy: Yeah? Janis: so fat Jimmy: 😱😱😱 Janis: convention down the hall, go learn some tips Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: 👌 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: Hope you're dressed this time Jimmy: They don't so I obvs am Janis: Exactly Janis: probably time for more desperate measures Janis: restraining orders all 'round Jimmy: When should I date yours for, Jules? Jimmy: About a week from now or? Janis: Suits me Janis: works both ways Jimmy: 👍 Janis: where are you actually Janis: it's sinister creepin' about like a 👻 Jimmy: ? Janis: I like to know where everyone is Janis: know where to avoid Janis: don't need repeats Jimmy: I'm outside Jimmy: Avoid the 🚬☁ Janis: Will do Janis: add it to the score I'm keeping though Jimmy: Or just keep up Janis: I'm avoiding your secondhand smoke Janis: put it behind your ear, I'll find it Jimmy: Like I said 🙀 you Jimmy: And you're meant to inhale not bite down Jimmy: so I probably won't put it there Janis: Now who's the pussy Janis: and you told me to Janis: not standing the opposite end of the garden like an overgrown gnome Jimmy: still you then Jimmy: dark's nowt to be scared of, babe Janis: stop saying I'm scared, dickhead Janis: I'm just not a smoker Jimmy: since when, dickhead? Janis: since forever Jimmy: Bollocks Janis: I'm a convincing fake, I know Janis: nothing real about me, remember? Jimmy: 🙄👏🏆 Janis: not that impressive a quote, honestly Janis: you've said better Jimmy: You've done better Janis: 💔 Janis: so sorry Jimmy: I'll be here with the orchestra lads Jimmy: [sends her a little vid of him doing a 🎻 mime] Janis: 🙄😏 Janis: keep that one between us Janis: dunno what that'd imply about the last post but nothing good Jimmy: ❌ my 💘 Janis: deflate your ego more like Janis: can't have you walking 'round like pinhead Jimmy: What ego? Janis: 🙊 Jimmy: Fake dating you, aren't I? Janis: Yeah Janis: you're so lucky Jimmy: Desperate more like Janis: That's obvious Jimmy: Gotta keep it #goals baby Jimmy: 😍😍🤤🤤 Jimmy: can't get enough ever, me Janis: Already said you're fat Janis: preferences in common with them is no surprise to me Jimmy: actually 💔 Jimmy: will have to go home for a 😭😭 Janis: Enjoy Janis: 👋 Jimmy: Enjoy your 🚬 oh wait nah Jimmy: Enjoy the IOU Jimmy: 🏃 Janis: Like you're the only boy with bad habits and a lighter Jimmy: Cavemen invented 🔥 so you'll be grand 🍀 girl Jimmy: if you 🍑📞 party boy now I can kick his uber soon as he gets out, job done Janis: I wanna be disappointed twice in one day like you wanna hang 'round this place Jimmy: so crack on Janis: Funny Jimmy: the joke is I'm still waiting for you to think up a proper idea to piss off them lot Jimmy: sort it out Janis: night's still young Janis: and where's your idea Jimmy: I get it, I look half decent for 45, stop flirting with me and concentrate Janis: What ego? Jimmy: 😏 Janis: I don't know Janis: the problem is everything pisses them off Janis: Grace cries at the drop of a hat, for fuck's sake Janis: it's too easy Jimmy: Alright, what if we give 'em something they really want instead Janis: Self-esteem and good hair? Jimmy: Something they reckon they want but they don't want from us Jimmy: Your gin trick but amplified Jimmy: 💀💀💀 with 💕 Janis: I see what you're saying Janis: bit too soon to hand out invites to the fake wedding Janis: but if you can stomach it, we can give them the attention they're after Jimmy: 🥇 me Jimmy: Nowt I can't handle Jimmy: Or stomach 'cause I'm obvs such a fat git Janis: if the XXL fits Janis: right, let's go invite ourselves to the sleepover, then 🤢 Jimmy: But it looks better on you, girl 💕 Jimmy: fuck's sake Janis: you just wanna get your tits out again Jimmy: for you 😘 Janis: I'm sure I won't be able to keep my hands off you, covered titties and company be damned Jimmy: Hang on Jimmy: What if this backfires? Jimmy: might reckon I'm bored of you and wanna swap you for my truest love Jimmy: bit too real that Janis: You'll have to resist flirting with them, obviously Janis: but you aren't any good at it so I doubt that'll be an issue Janis: just try not to embarrass yourself Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: I'm just saying if we're so 💕😍😘 why are we getting involved in their bollocks? Janis: Because, I'm such a nice person, and we're so sorry and so embarrassed about earlier? Jimmy: make it at least make fake sense, Jasmine Jimmy: But alright Janis: I don't wanna fuck any of them Janis: sorry 'bout it Janis: I don't know how else you reckon we can 💀💀💀 with 💕 Janis: soz you think you saw us fucking gift baskets Jimmy: Alright, shut up, I might be overthinking it Jimmy: Soz I'm proper 🧠 Janis: What was that about fake sense? Jimmy: What was that about you doing shit 'cause I told you to? Jimmy: 🤐 mate Janis: That's only when I wanted to do the thing anyway Janis: great at giving me excuses, you Jimmy: You wanna have a lovely chat with 'em all then, do you? Jimmy: Sound Janis: suit you if I did Janis: any excuse to ruin their night Jimmy: Suit me if we didn't have to do any talking Jimmy: I'm that romantic, obvs Janis: Done that part Janis: and you were given an out so you've got no room to complain Jimmy: Where and when was I? Janis: I've literally told you to piss off three times Jimmy: And I've told you I ain't letting 💀👑 reckon she scared me off Jimmy: Or reckon I just leave after we're done like every lad she hasn't 🐍 Janis: Alright, your choice Janis: why do you wanna look like an 😇 Jimmy: Why do you want me to look like a twat? Janis: It doesn't make you seem like a twat Jimmy: It makes it seem like a 🍑📞 that ain't what this is Janis: Obviously not Janis: we are love's young dream 🙄 Janis: my parents are only on a date night themselves though so we're gonna have to get in my room and hide you sooner rather than later Jimmy: If you want me to go, say that Janis: I don't care what you do Janis: I'm stuck regardless Janis: just saying, it's a rule, you said that Jimmy: What it is is a 🥇 excuse not to make the 💀💀💀 with 💕 a well slow death Janis: Come on then Janis: mercy kill it is Jimmy: [Appears like the 👻 he is] Janis: [avoiding eye contact like it's your job, just a nod like alright and making your way to Grace's room] Jimmy: [pulling her back like hold my hand bitch] Janis: [Clove has entered the chat, also Winnie] Jimmy: [don't think about how he'd look in whatever he packed to wear to sleep] Janis: [don't you think about it ladies, low-key giving 'em evils even though you gotta be nice Jimmy: [I'm loling because Mia would want to tell them to fuck off cos fuming he's still here but what Grace says goes because it's her house bitch and we know she loves Janis more than you so] Janis: [when you're tipsy and just happy they're here to save your night 'cos your friends have just been talking about 'em and boring you lol] Jimmy: [honestly] Jimmy: [they should be painting their nails because ofc and Grace be like offering to do Janis' cos ILY and Jimmy's like I'll do it cos that's the kind of pinterest bullshit but like he'd obvs do a good job cos artsy hoe and pick a colour she actually fucks with] Janis: [just prolonging hand-holding, we all see you boy] Jimmy: [return of the adorable concentration face] Janis: [we love to see it, when we're sneaking peeps] Jimmy: [Grace putting it on her story to do the work for you lads, Mia be raging] Janis: [hohaha, also blatantly gotta paint his 🖤] Jimmy: [Asia offering him the dregs of the gin back but he's like 'I'm alright' and 😍 at Janis cos so #nice and #lovedup bye] Janis: [smuggest happy face] Jimmy: [a little kiss that you so don't need to give her] Janis: [all pouting like you didn't gatecrash their night] Jimmy: [soz Grace you've done nothing wrong tonight but your friends suck] Janis: [we all know she's having more fun now like soz we're just doing this to piss 'em off] Jimmy: [nothing could ever piss Mia off more than how obvs it is that Grace would rather hang out with JJ so thanks babe] Janis: [doing us a solid] Jimmy: [what other cringe activities can we make coupley af?] Janis: [we could play some kind of game, as they are that childish, idk what] Jimmy: [Mia could suggest like never have I ever or something to that effect cos they're all hoes and they think Janis is such a virgin so she wants to show her up] Janis: [that's a good idea, and they could keep saying really mushy romantic things like #awh 'cos that'll really piss her off] Jimmy: [turn it around on her cos you've never had a bf have you babe so] Janis: [awkwar silence descends lmao] Jimmy: [soz again Grace] Janis: [Asia got her man god bless] Jimmy: [Grace would so end up going off to the bathroom or wherever upset so Mia would be buzzing] Janis: 😬 Janis: she doesn't have feelings to hurt Jimmy: You should go after her before 💀👑 does Jimmy: proper 😇 Janis: Ugh Janis: pains me that you're right Janis: on so many levels Janis: [goes] Jimmy: oughta be used to it by now, mate Janis: 1. ha Janis: 2. it's more about how badly I don't want to console her than it is about admitting you've ever had a good idea Janis: 3. massive headed twat Jimmy: Duh Jimmy: And I miss you already too Janis: you can run down a single flight of stairs and not get winded, yeah Janis: should you need to 🔪🔪🔪🔪 Jimmy: Is the 🔪 in my back or nah? Janis: I dunno where they'll wanna stick it first, babe Jimmy: hot Janis: if you say so Jimmy: I've still got a 💀💀💀 wish, baby, where's yours gone? Janis: you clearly don't get how much it kills me being nice to my sister Jimmy: I never said owt about being nice Jimmy: 💀👑 wouldn't be if she'd taken the job off you Janis: I'm not gonna give her a pep talk about how more dick the better either, tah Jimmy: Get your boyfriend on the line, he'll be up for having a go Janis: You're very helpful Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Jimmy: Be why Asia's asking me how to make her lad more #goals Janis: She's shameless Janis: sadly don't have his # either or I'd dob her in Jimmy: @ [whatever his actual socials are idk because of course he knows that the shady bitch] Janis: 😂 okay gossip girl Jimmy: xoxo Janis: 😏 Janis: I'll anon it at him Janis: as I've got a rep as such a nice person Jimmy: 👍 Janis: oh Janis: he's unfortunate looking Jimmy: Did you think he'd be more 🤴 than 🐸? Jimmy: Come on Janis: 🐸 is generous Janis: tadpole, like Janis: I thought he'd at least have to be fit Janis: if she was airing you Jimmy: Piss off Janis: SHE 👏 HAS 👏 A 👏 BOYFRIEND 👏 Jimmy: I hate you Janis: Yeah yeah Jimmy: come back Janis: they're being that bad huh Jimmy: whatever you wanna call trying to dance with me, that'll do Janis: how horrific Janis: pick up your phone Janis: [calling him so they can hear being like 'we need your help to carry this' 'cos gone to make hot chocolates to cheer her] Jimmy: [a coupley af phone moment because those couples who stay on the phone til he's literally a step away from her] Janis: [nerds] Jimmy: [gives Mia the biggest mug like fuck you] Janis: [definitely put loads of baileys in and cream the whole works like drink up bitch] Jimmy: [chin chin gals] Janis: [sipping like 😏 getting cream moustaches then smooching 'em off, disgusting] Jimmy: [also they should dance cos he refused to dance with y'all] Janis: [obvs] Jimmy: [her like nah so he can be like oh please I really wanna, just to really annoy them] Janis: ['cos real also what a mental image like are you all gonna watch or are you gonna dance with each other like what's going on gals] Jimmy: [gaaaaaaaay] Janis: [just bopping sadly alone with your hot chocolate, amusement] Jimmy: [we all know Jimothy just wants to pick her up again so] Janis: [please 'fall' down onto the bed like whoops what are we like] Jimmy: [100%] Janis: [Mia's eyes boutta pop out] Jimmy: [Also Asia should 100% get a call from her man rn] Jimmy: [Jimmy trying not to cackle] Janis: [just biting your tongue so hard] Janis: 🙈 Jimmy: we need to go Janis: you don't wanna witness the downfall of your nemesis? Janis: I can always tickle you again Jimmy: You can try 💪 Janis: [does 'cos being that annoying like soz you're on the phone we're just so 😍] Jimmy: [lets it happen because he needs to lol and NO other reason NOPE] Janis: [try not to cackle lads] Jimmy: [HAS TO kiss her so he doesn't again no other reason so] Janis: [definitely not actually enjoying that, definitely doesn't have to stop it kinda abruptly 'cos will get carried away, no] Jimmy: [when you're like ? but you can't say or do anything because that audience but then 💡 you quickly trace an o and a k on her with a question mark sneakily like because I love when he does that] Janis: [just squeezing his hand like a yeah but drawing a 😒 face] Jimmy: [a genuine smile even though he should also be 😒] Janis: [I think Asia should run out to talk with her mans then come in crying so they can leave lol] Jimmy: [#mood] Janis: [ended that relationship whoops, run and lol run and lol] Jimmy: [don't be too happy tho boy you don't want her to think you actually wanna get with Asia] Janis: [she's gonna be on you harder than ever boy, oh my, like new boy guess what, god bless] Jimmy: [oh lord imagine] Janis: [at least she's not 💀👑 levels of snek, just dumb and tragic] Jimmy: [lowkey reminds him of his ex not in a 😍 way lol] Janis: [oh dear, getting to where the stairs are like 'lounge or my room?'] Jimmy: [shrug because can't answer a question] Janis: [nudges him like make a decision, boy] Jimmy: [nudges her back like no you] Janis: [looks at her non-existent watch and then pulls him up the stairs to her room] Jimmy: [off you go lads] Janis: [like cali could be home at any moment but not really #shameless] Jimmy: [you two and your flimsy excuses, love it] Janis: [is this the first time in her room?] Jimmy: [yeah because the other first time we did is when they actually hook up if memory serves so way after this] Janis: [enjoy that, boy] Jimmy: [we know his is no better and he can't judge] Janis: [at least there's shit still there from when you cared, shrugs and gestures 'round just like put some music on, do what you want] Jimmy: [👀 around like he's a nosy bitch but actually just doesn't know what to do with himself] Janis: ['you found plenty to fake do down there' 😏 but masking that you are awks too] Jimmy: [gets a pen and paper and starts doodling giving her a look like you happy now? all 😏 cos so awks] Janis: [sticks her tongue out at him, laying down and scrolling her phone 'cos we know it's popping off from #bathgate] Jimmy: [throws a paper airplane at her] Janis: ['excuse me?' sitting up, resting on her elbows like so #shook 'I'm checking we're still relevant, can I help you?'] Jimmy: [gives her a look cos they both know there's no need to check and it's all happening rn like my boo said] Janis: [mimes his head blowing up bigger and bigger then exploding, we all know she was just looking at the pictures again shh] Jimmy: [mimes a gun to his head then a dramatic fake death] Janis: [crawls over to where he is like she's gonna lick up the blood] Jimmy: [does a 🕆 with his fingers cos she such a vampire] Janis: [mimes a hiss like how dare you] Jimmy: [sets up a game of hangman on the paper and pushes it over to her] Janis: [😏 and writes down 'I?'] Jimmy: [---- -I-- - -I-- I -I-] Janis: ['E'] Jimmy: [---- -I-- - -I-- I -IE] Janis: ['D' 'cos got your number boy] Jimmy: [---- -I-- - -I-- I DIE] Janis: [lols 'L'] Jimmy: [what bit do you draw first when there isn't I've forgotten] Janis: [the pole that goes up] Janis: [pouts 'S'] Jimmy: [---S -I-- - -ISS I DIE] Janis: ['K' 'cos also got your number and a LOOK] Jimmy: [---S -I-- - KISS I DIE and blowing her a kiss IRL like we gotta keep this sassy and light] Janis: [buzzing 'cos you gonna win lol 'A'] Jimmy: [---S -I-- A KISS I DIE] Janis: ['T'] Jimmy: [T--S -IT- A KISS I DIE] Janis: [fills in the rest because now obvious 'THUS WITH A KISS I DIE' 😏 and also hanging the stickman still and making him look like him with shades and floppy hair and a leather jacket] Jimmy: [draws a stick person her crying but also a vicar and they've both got rings on and there's confetti and she's wearing a wedding veil etc cos throwback to the easter rising when she married that dude] Janis: [draws a union jack flag in the vicar's hand, then a knife in his 💘 and then draws a vial under her tears with ☠ and 'POISON' on the label] Jimmy: [😏] Janis: [adds vampire fangs to herself and two little holes on his hanged neck like excuse me thank you] Jimmy: [little lol] Janis: [lays back down 'what else do you wanna play?'] Jimmy: [lies down too LOOKING at her 'What do you wanna play?'] Janis: [stops breathing for a sec, bye but turns it into serious thinking face] Jimmy: [just staring at her, waiting but like why you gotta be so hot doing that boy] Janis: ['don't have any new games' casting her eyes over to whatever the last console she got was before she stopped giving a shit about everything 'you can talk about girls for-' invisible watch again '-five minutes, if you wanna, northern boy'] Jimmy: [talks about how much he hates Mia for a 5 minute rant lol, lying down staring up at the ceiling] Janis: [when you're so 😍 unironically thank god he's not looking] Jimmy: [nudges her when he's done like it's your go] Janis: [quick snap into a 😏 'you stole my bitch' and nudging him back then turning her eyes to the ceiling and talking about Grace instead] Jimmy: [takes his turn to talk about 💀#2 because still fuming about bathgate not that he's gonna rant about that, be careful please] Janis: [just nodding like mhmm preach then takes her turn to talk about Asia but like, try not to mention you're potentially jealous of her 'cos he might like her] Jimmy: [throws something at her like he's so offended she's slagging off his bae] Janis: ['so chivalrous!' 'cos he hit her with whatever she's now gonna hit him back with, let us assume a pillow fight for the cliche] Jimmy: [yas we need that shameless flirty MOMENT] Janis: [doing it, pinning him and tickling him like 'admit you love Asia'] Jimmy: [when you just flip reverse it 💪 so you're doing the same to her 'admit you're jealous of our true love'] Janis: [getting out a 'never!' between your lols] Jimmy: [opening and closing his mouth cos was blatantly gonna say something but then aborted mission] Janis: [reaching up and opening and closing his mouth yourself a few times like a 🐟 'catching flies, Taylor?'] Jimmy: [just sniffing her dramatically like 🤔 and giving her a look like you're not that bad] Janis: [punches his arm but vaguely affectionately lol 'how could either of us stink after that bath full of shit'] Jimmy: ['answered your own question there'] Janis: ['We smell like unicorn farts and rainbow dreams, obviously, did you not read the labels?] Jimmy: ['Too Northern'] Janis: ['Too distracted' under your breath like who said that] Jimmy: ['What?' Even though he 100% heard] Janis: ['See' and poking him in the chest like, you just proved my point there, not paying attention] Jimmy: [moves her finger down to his stomach shaking his head like he's so hungry and deprived of promised snacks that he can't possibly survive nevermind concentrate] Janis: [🙄 and poking his stomach harder, bit rude, 'come on then fatty' and wriggling out from under him, where she still is btw, gesturing like come on] Jimmy: [when you don't wanna leave this room and risk seeing either flat whites or her parents so you've got such a lil pout on 'shit host, you'] Janis: [a look like really 'lazy and all, chat shit about my rich girl work ethic ever again...' 😏 and goes to forage] Jimmy: [throws the pillow at her as she goes cos so mature] Janis: I'm taking all the good snacks now Jimmy: I'll have 'em off your 💀💀💀 body when you get 🔪🔪 Jimmy: bit of blood ain't gonna hurt nowt Janis: I've turned you Janis: not gay Janis: just vampire Janis: should've had your ear off and ended you there and then Jimmy: brb gotta send that tweet Jimmy: #notgayjustvampire Jimmy: what a read Janis: you would wanna be that couple Janis: not rawring at people with you Jimmy: I've got the fucking 💅 for it Janis: deny that you love it Jimmy: You really want me to throw my 💕 about tonight, eh? Janis: Not calling you a slag Janis: or am I Jimmy: can do Jimmy: be a misread but what ain't with you Janis: Doesn't feel like a #kinkunlocked to me Janis: and you're the one who claims he can't Jimmy: Claim I can't do loads of things but here we are Janis: Total opposite, bighead Janis: so rare you aren't bigging yourself up like the complex is so real Jimmy: you wish Jimmy: I get that it would be easier to fake this if I was more your type but 💔 Janis: You can't say I haven't faked it perfectly Janis: everyone believes it Jimmy: That weren't what I were saying Janis: What were you saying then, elaborate Jimmy: for a start that the locked door ain't the only appeal of a bathroom for your boyfriend Jimmy: 🎻 that every surface weren't mirrored Janis: 🙄 Why do you keep bringing him up Jimmy: Why don't you want me to? Janis: because I don't like thinking about him, never mind talking about him Janis: he's at a lot of parties, I'm sure you'll get a chance to see him again, like calm down Jimmy: It weren't me who wanted to 👀 that dickhead Janis: Me either, obviously Janis: well busy looking at myself, does that suit you? Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: What? Jimmy: What? Janis: What would you like me to say? That I love him? Or even fancy him? 'Cos I don't so I'm not going to just 'cos you need me to, for some reason Jimmy: Why would I need that? Janis: You tell me Jimmy: It's bollocks Janis: Then you can stop bringing him up Jimmy: I can do what I like, tah Janis: Alright, be obsessed with him Janis: I don't have to listen Jimmy: keep being a dickhead Jimmy: you obvs can't help it Janis: 🙄 Janis: good one Janis: I never said I weren't and I've done fuck all wrong Jimmy: 👍 Janis: fuck's sake Jimmy: I'm just gonna go Jimmy: They don't need to know I have Janis: Fine Jimmy: 👌 Janis: I'll get you a ride Jimmy: It's alright Janis: don't be stupid Jimmy: I said it's alright Janis: I got you out here, I can get you back too Jimmy: I can get myself back, I'm in no rush Janis: The buses have stopped coming out this way and you are miles from yours Janis: take the ride Jimmy: Leave it out Janis: Why are you being a dickhead for Jimmy: Me? Jimmy: Yeah, alright Janis: Yeah, you Janis: if you don't want the ride, then use my bed and wait 'til the AM Janis: you'll be left alone Jimmy: I don't want your bed either Janis: then take another one, this house is filled with fucking empty ones Jimmy: that's not creepy Janis: I have siblings that've fucked off Janis: that's all Janis: guest rooms are the reward for having lots of kids Jimmy: bit late for my dad to crack on there but I'll @ him any road Janis: never too late for blokes Jimmy: Northern 40s is rest of the world's 90s Janis: Still Jimmy: Still, he can't keep a bird for any length Jimmy: it's all stacking up Janis: you're gutted, clearly Janis: who doesn't want nine brothers and sisters Jimmy: Love raising his kids for him, me Jimmy: Why not do it a load more times? Got nowt else on Janis: After the 5th you can delegate Janis: your sister is definitely old enough Jimmy: Tah for the insider trading tips Janis: what are friends for Jimmy: Do you want a real or fake answer? Janis: why would you need to fake it Janis: not being wire-tapped here Jimmy: I might be wearing one 👮🚔 Janis: Her word is only law if you've not got the upper body strength or brain function to fight her off Janis: so go ahead Jimmy: You admitting I have? Janis: I'm admitting I'd know if you were working for or with Mia Janis: she's not as smart as she thinks and I'm not a fucking idiot Jimmy: And I ain't got enough upper body strength or brain function for that many jobs Jimmy: fucking hell Janis: You're exhausted just thinking about it Janis: relatable Jimmy: I'm sorry for bringing him up, alright? Janis: Alright Janis: I just don't get it Janis: like yeah it was a dick move but you don't reckon I was punished thoroughly enough or what? Jimmy: it's nowt like that Jimmy: I just Janis: Well it's alright, forget about it Jimmy: maybe I don't get it an' all Janis: Yeah Janis: I get that Jimmy: Do you? Janis: 'course Janis: much as it pains me to admit I don't know everything, like Jimmy: I won't send that tweet Janis: Cheers Jimmy: come back Janis: Okay Janis: [back with the snacks] Jimmy: [going through 'em so you don't have to look at her rn] Janis: ['Jimmy'] Jimmy: [raising his head like ?] Janis: ['I-' and stopping 'just-' and again, before settling on 'don't go and get lost, alright, I'd almost feel bad'] Jimmy: ['alright' and shoving her a controller for whatever console she has so they can play retro games and be competitive about it for a bit] Janis: [a mood] Jimmy: [as is throwing snacks into each other's mouths so simply must] Janis: [all the competitiveness] Jimmy: [speaking of I'm gonna do another hangman cos she guessed that one too fast for his liking, hold onto your hat bitch] Janis: [it was fun honey] Jimmy: [-- --- -- ---- ---- -- ---- - -------- --- -- ---] Janis: ['A'] Jimmy: [-- --- -- ---- ---- -- ---- a -------- -a- -- ---] Janis: ['Y'] Jimmy: [-- --- -y y--- ---- -- ---- a --a----y -ay -- ---] Janis: ['T'] Jimmy: [t- --- -y y--- ---- -- ---- a --a----y -ay t- ---] Janis: ['S'] Jimmy: [t- --- -y y--- s--- -s s--- a --a----y -ay t- ---] Janis: ['D'] Jimmy: [t- d-- -y y--- s-d- -s s--- a --a----y -ay t- d--] Janis: ['IE' 'cos we can sense a theme lol] Jimmy: [pout like how you gonna guess two letters bitch but we doing it] Jimmy: [t- die -y y--- -ide is s--- a -ea-e--- -ay t- die] Jimmy: [*side I can't type bye] Janis: [sings it at him] Jimmy: [when we know she's a good singer but he don't cos karaoke ain't happened yet so control your 😍 by drawing the hanged person but as 💔 Asia this time dropping a phone with a speech bubble of whatever bollocks they heard her boyfriend say] Janis: [draws him as a tadpole having a party in a pond with lady frogs and fishes] Jimmy: [lols] Janis: ['do you reckon I should feel bad about breaking them up?' shoving more snacks in her face, like] Jimmy: [when you give her such a wtf no look 'do they feel bad about wishing we would?' doesn't give her chance to answer cos obvs a rhetorical question 'there's your answer, like'] Janis: [shrugs like yeah, true 'but their love is so real' but rolls her eyes 'cos I doubt they were ever #goals] Jimmy: [shrugs back does a 💔 with his hands 'nowt I can't fix' and winks] Janis: [🙄] Jimmy: [goes to her window and opens it really wide to 🚬 leaning out dangerously far so he doesn't get any smoke in her room cos still doesn't wanna leave and see anyone] Janis: [comes to the window and looks out 'their car ain't back' like does that mean get out or] Jimmy: [gives her a look like oh no cali are coming for their 👑 by being so goals] Janis: [makes a face like don't] Jimmy: [goes to pass her the 🚬 like a peace offering but then is like oh you obvs don't want it my bad kinda takeback gesture cos what she said before about only faking it] Janis: [walks away 'cos stubborn] Jimmy: [just 🚬 and watching the 🐈s outside casually] Janis: [just back playing a solo game, pretending you ain't pouting] Jimmy: [sending her highlights of bathgate even though she's already seen them all cos shamelessly like pay attention to me] Janis: good thing we ain't in school Janis: last time they got this excited over a #scandal they put Jesy Halls in isolation for weeks Jimmy: You don't wanna be in isolation? Jimmy: fakest bollocks you've ever chatted Janis: You know they'd put you in and leave me out to get torn apart Janis: ⭐ Jimmy: what you get for being such an athlete Jimmy: and hey, might learn your name while I'm in there so it ain't all bad Janis: What you get for being so soft Janis: think of my mystique, would ya Jimmy: keep that to yourself, tah, it'll make us both look properly un-goals Janis: 🤢 Jimmy: Go on, might get to eat some snacks myself if you're struggling Janis: Fuck off Janis: I'm not encouraging you to talk about your dick so you can 🐽 Jimmy: you started it Janis: Nah Janis: why would I ever bring that up Jimmy: Why did you just? You tell me, girl Janis: 😒 Janis: you're so annoying Jimmy: You're easy to annoy Janis: I think you'll find most sane people don't wanna discuss your genitals Janis: just them downstairs Jimmy: 💔 Janis: you're buzzing Janis: be sneaking down in a few Jimmy: busted me Janis: mhmm Janis: wouldn't be a good real cheat, you Jimmy: my dad's got that covered Jimmy: I don't want 🥈 Janis: fair enough Janis: Freud's all over that statement Jimmy: he can be next for a 👻🥊 Janis: this is what comes of violent games Janis: [throws a bag of snack at him] Jimmy: [catches it like 😏] Janis: [pouts] Jimmy: 💪🏆 Janis: are you nearly done Janis: freezing here Janis: [in your short shorts] Jimmy: [wasn't done but gets done immediately cos #whipped] Janis: [gets under the covers] Jimmy: [comes over and tucks her in like a nerd] Janis: [allows this to happen like you're gonna go sleep 😊] Jimmy: [just sitting on the edge of the bed like when you tell a kid a story] Janis: ['you do this a lot, like'] Jimmy: [looks at her like what?] Janis: [looks down like tucking in] Jimmy: [shrugs like it's so casual cos she knows he's got a little brother from the pool awks] Janis: ['never stop, eh'] Jimmy: [looks at his phone cos still blowing up and back at her like so many jobs so little time] Janis: [tugs on his sleeve gently like lay down 'they'll be consoling her for hours still yet'] Jimmy: [does of course] Janis: ['you want me to go?' quiet and soft like he's asleep already 'I do have 2 cigarettes to smoke now so'] Jimmy: ['do you wanna go?' because can't answer a q but also obvs does not want that but thinks she does] Janis: [shrugs 'cos like no but do you want me to lol, so helpful] Jimmy: ['it's your bed' and what boy you're not helpful either] Janis: ['you want a tour of all the free ones?'] Jimmy: ['Which one's most worth haunting?'] Janis: [a look like that's easy but then a 🤔 face 'but you're pretty chicken so' and rolling over like night then] Jimmy: [shoves her like oi] Janis: [loling 'don't push me out of bed, how ungoals, you twat'] Jimmy: [literally rolls her back over to face him #excuse you 'answer me, dickhead'] Janis: [when that was hot so you're like literally give me a moment here so you wriggle down under the covers so he can't see you 'alright, I'll show you but I can't promise the ghost will come out' muffled by the duvet like hello] Jimmy: [lifts the covers up and peeping at her like ? and has cupped his ear like what? because one ear jokes 5ever] Janis: [coming out the bottom of the bed like can't catch me 'come on scaredy cat' and we all know what room we going to] Jimmy: [can't catch her ever but can chuck a hoodie at her because she's so cold and it might slow her down a bit] Janis: [puts it on and pretend swoons 'trying to cash in some hero points now, I see'] Jimmy: ['just don't want you to freeze to death before we get there, Jennifer, can't be arsed with throwing myself down the stairs right this second'] Janis: [pouts and grabs his face like n'awh 'but we could frame them, where's your sense of fun, honestly'] Jimmy: [pushes her off but then is like 😏 looking at her like good idea and picks her up as if he's gonna chuck her down the stairs] Janis: [playfighting like get off me boy 'as if I'd let you go 2nd'] Jimmy: [we love a playfight moment 'as if you reckon you call the shots'] Janis: [the most dramatic 'pfft!' and just rolling further towards the stairs like actually be careful please 'but you love coming first usually'] Jimmy: [does a mime locking his lips like don't tell anyone that, very ungoals, boy stop making it sexual again thank you 'depends, time and a place, you know, Jules'] Janis: [rolls her eyes but is 😳 'How can I trust you'll go through with it, besides, Romeo dies first, I fake it, you do it for real, then I do, stick to the script'] Jimmy: ['fake something for me that convincingly and I might do'] Janis: [just looking at him 'rude'] Jimmy: [a LOOK back at her] Janis: ['you can't tell me those pictures weren't convincing' 'cos we know it's still popping off] Jimmy: ['I sorted them' okay boy we gonna act like just cos you did all the camera shit she didn't do anything? Really now] Janis: ['it was my idea, and you wouldn't have any pictures on your own so'] Jimmy: [a shrug but we all know he's still looking at her, like oh jimothy what kind of challenge do you think you can lay down right here right now that'll top bathgate you simply can't] Janis: ['so, it's your turn to think of something, actually' but getting up and going to Edie's room, which is thankfully not a creepy shrine moment] Jimmy: [Follows her obvs] Janis: [it's probably less of a guest room more of a quiet chill room for if they wanted to go think about her, that seems like some hippie shit, so obviously no one goes in here though 'cos no thanks lol, gestures like 'this is the ghost room, can you feel it?' so sarky] Jimmy: [just making himself comfy in there because he don't know] Janis: [when this was a bad idea but you have to front it out and sit down like] Jimmy: [when you're so busy trying to think of something to top bathgate that you're oblivious] Janis: [at least you can lean in to pressuring him just making tick tock noises with your tongue like] Jimmy: [he'd do such a fake OMG STOP like when she was being tickled in front of the fans] Janis: [just gets closer to the ear she didn't bite so it's louder] Jimmy: [when you wanna lol but you don't wanna give her the satisfaction so you gotta bite your lip like it's okay I'm just thinking here, total accident that he looks really hot doing it soz Janis] Janis: [just shamelessly looking 'not meant to eat yourself, such a rookie' 😏] Jimmy: ['if anyone can recognise owt like that, it'd be you'] Janis: ['duh, I turned you, I'm like your mistress' raises brows 'or daddy, if you prefer'] Jimmy: ['Don't be telling my missus I've got one of them, tah, right rookie mistake that'd be, she already reckons me and her are well fake' does a what can you do, women eh, kinda gesture]] Janis: ['I don't reckon she knows you've got a name' shakes head like imagine that 'enjoy being on the other side of that one, babe'] Jimmy: [😏 'Sounds alright to me, that'] Janis: [🙄 but not that mad ever] Jimmy: [zips up the hoodie for her like how you possibly be annoyed at such a 😇] Janis: [pulls is back down justto be that bitch but then you look like you wanna be undressed in front of him so you pull it up and down a few times like a bit] Jimmy: ['you break it, you've bought it, rich girl' but clearly amused] Janis: [shrugs 'meant to let me keep it anyway'] Jimmy: ['You want me to freeze to death, that's the big plan, eh?' cos she'd have the school trip one already] Janis: [nods but is lol 'how else will everyone know you love me?'] Jimmy: [100% has to give her a new lovebite because I can't not if you're gonna say stuff like that Janis] Janis: [just like 'of course' but with feeling 'cos always covered low-key and we know it 'what about you, what do you want?'] Jimmy: [when you give her another one because that's what you want and we all know it but then you have to look at her like ? as if you weren't listening] Janis: [just gripping the sofa you're on so tightly so you can otherwise pretend this is so casual, tracing your finger 'round and 'round his ear lobe like 'yours healed ages ago...'] Jimmy: ['Have another go then' yeah this is so casual bye] Janis: [does, with vigour lol] Jimmy: [his turn to abuse the sofa] Janis: [admiring your handiwork 'bruises don't lie' and giving him back the hoodie like there you go] Jimmy: ['No need for you to lie either' cos she was cold and putting it back on her because I love a hair lift moment especially because he won't jump back 6 ft like when he did that exact thing on school trip #progress] Janis: [the state of the hair after all this we can only assume, going to put it up or something like ugh 'I don't lie, ever' fully aware of the irony ;cos of their fake dating deal like 😇] Jimmy: [irl 👌 so sarky] Janis: [lols] Jimmy: [when she's so cute and you can see so much of her neck now she's moved her hair and you're just like don't 😳] Janis: [motioning for him to pass her a cigarette and getting up 'ghost ain't coming, soz mate' 'cos definitely needs it now] Jimmy: [puts one behind her ear cos can't be tamed about touching her needlessly ever] Janis: ['you want my second one? as I don't smoke' as she's going to go downstairs] Jimmy: [takes one for himself as an unspoken yes] Janis: [kinda wanna make cali come back to be evil[ Jimmy: [do it gal] Janis: [they'll just say hi but she'll be fuming lol] Jimmy: [and he'll be wanting to run away] Janis: [at least its dark so you can sit here bright red, angrily smoking in silence] Jimmy: I'll fuck off home, say the word Janis: You can Janis: they won't wake you up for breakfast and awkward small talk though Jimmy: That where you get being a shit host from? Janis: Funny Jimmy: Could at least fake 😂 for me then, babe Janis: [😑 at him] Janis: convincing, yeah? Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: don't give me pity medals Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: have another go Janis: [a look that's half a LOOK and half don't] Janis: lost track of time, didn't reckon they'd be back 🤷 Janis: they couldn't see you so it don't count as meeting, right Jimmy: no 👻 about tonight Janis: yeah Janis: go if you have to Jimmy: I'll go if you want me to Janis: [say Cali's room also faces the front, nodding to the windows] Janis: go in once their light is on Jimmy: 👍 Janis: hope one of 'em has been sick or something Janis: doubt it'll be as pretty and pink coming back up Jimmy: [when we know that'll make him feel sick but not gonna see the greenish tint in the dark so stay 💪 boy and throw a stone at Grace's window to see if there's any life in there] Janis: 🙄 oh great Janis: give 'em ideas, lover boy Jimmy: I can't help missing her, alright? Jimmy: [dramatically fake pining] Janis: Disgusting Janis: [but a small half-smile Jimmy: [nudges her gently like hey that's at least a small 🏆] Janis: [nudes him like piss off but it's as gently] Jimmy: [just staying leaned into her a lil bit like be comforted] Janis: Proper soft, you Janis: could make yourself useful and find some fuel so I can set the place on fire whilst all my worst enemies are inside Jimmy: can't stop lying, you Jimmy: I'm well hard, me Jimmy: [plucks at the hoodie she's wearing like this is so cheap it'll burn right up] Janis: [looks down like hmm 🤔] Janis: you give to take away, only just got this hoodie back Jimmy: [nods at a passing cat like there you go instead then] Janis: [snorts] Jimmy: I were thinking Jimmy: it's not about arson but Janis: disappointing Janis: but go on Jimmy: could've waited til you'd heard it to 💔 me Janis: tell me Jimmy: I dunno, just Jimmy: might not be the massive-stly shit idea to try and be mates Jimmy: for as long as I'm here and this Janis: Wait, are you friendzoning me, Taylor? 😂 Janis: [actually 😂] Jimmy: [is pouting actually] Janis: [pats his shoulder like my bad] Janis: Sorry, that's just not what I expected you to say Jimmy: I've changed my mind now, dickhead Janis: Probably for the best Janis: if you can't handle that, like Janis: insert that quote here Jimmy: weren't likely to handle nowt for long but you're alright Janis: I don't need mates and you don't want me as one Jimmy: 👌 Janis: Let's go in then Jimmy: [does] Janis: [stops off in the kitchen to get more drink first] Jimmy: [does not follow her for the first time ever] Janis: don't you want a nightcap? Jimmy: Is it a) pretty or b) pink? Janis: That's long gone, boy Jimmy: So what's the point, like? Janis: You know I've seen you drink drinks that aren't flat white approved before, yeah? Jimmy: Don't sound like me or very #goals to me Janis: I'll leave the bottle here then 👌 Jimmy: 👍 Janis: Don't be in a mood Jimmy: Or what? You'll be in a bigger one? Janis: I'm not in a mood Jimmy: nowt to worry about then, is there? Janis: Why are you in one? Jimmy: What are you on about? Jimmy: Stick to the script, Jodie, we've got no rules but that Janis: Suit yourself Jimmy: tah for stating the obvious Jimmy: it were like Asia was here for a bit Janis: How lovely for you Jimmy: 💕 Janis: Fuck sake Janis: you can't give me any time to react, no Jimmy: you can have loads, we're off the clock Janis: Bullshit Jimmy: nah Janis: Yeah Janis: I said I didn't know you were gonna say that Jimmy: like you said an' all, bad idea Jimmy: we can leave it out Janis: right, cheers Jimmy: you're right, take the 🏆 Janis: Leave it out, like you said Jimmy: lasses first Janis: Whatever Janis: this is ridiculous Jimmy: nowt about any of this has ever been owt else Janis: No need to tell me Jimmy: you're trying to tell me Janis: I'm trying to tell you fuck all Janis: what's the point Jimmy: 🙀 Janis: I'm not the one that's scared Janis: or taking back what I said Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: I'm taking it back 'cause you're a knobhead Janis: You knew that before you said it Jimmy: you weren't for a second so I said it Janis: What second? Jimmy: What does that matter? Janis: Maybe I would like to try again, or maybe I wanna know what to avoid Janis: take your pick Jimmy: Maybe you're right again and I'm soft Jimmy: take your 🏆 Janis: Bollocks, that's giving yourself one for nothing Janis: like you've been so nice to me even though I don't deserve it, fuck off Jimmy: you fuck off Jimmy: I'm tired Janis: go sleep then Jimmy: Alright Janis: Night Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [just downstairs, getting drunk] Jimmy: [I'm so evil because I'm like ooh the potential for her to come up here when she is] Janis: ['forget' he's in your room like bonjour] Jimmy: [exactly though] Janis: [why not baby] Jimmy: [him just half asleep like mother is that you returning from the great unknown, oh no wait I'm not at home remotely] Janis: [ah the confusion, poor boy] Jimmy: [when you're relieved that it's her for the hottest of secs because where you been girl but also not because awkward] Janis: [when he's on the side of the bed you sleep on so you're trying to get in like 'budge up'] Jimmy: [so offended before he realises how drunk she is but then also like shhh when he does realise as if anyone's gonna hear this jimothy calm down] Janis: [just pushing him but much less efficiently than normal 'least you've warmed it for me'] Jimmy: [just so 😒 like stop pushing me but not saying anything] Janis: ['are you still cross?'] Jimmy: ['I've got nowt to be mardy about' sighing at himself like ffs boy as he's scooting over #foreverwhipped] Janis: [chuckling to herself, quietly, thank god, as she settles in 'well I'm not happy with you'] Jimmy: ['And I've done nowt for you to be mardy at me about' okay Jimothy if you say so] Janis: ['Neither of those is true, you know' fluffing up the pillow] Jimmy: ['start a # if you feel so strongly' cos v mature] Janis: ['you're stupid, stupid as I am' poking him] Jimmy: [gives her a look like don't, which he means on many levels rn] Janis: [pulls a face 'cos so mature too right now 'we could be friends, I'm just saying'] Jimmy: ['You reckon?' because clearly they can't] Janis: ['duh'] Jimmy: [shakes his head] Janis: [nods, way too hard, 'now you made me dizzy as well'] Jimmy: [goes to sarcastically pat her on the head like there there but strokes her hair instead because so soft always] Janis: [pouts but genuinely] Jimmy: ['what?' but in the softest way] Janis: ['I want you to be my friend but I weren't lying when I said you wouldn't want me to be your friend but I still wish you would'] Jimmy: [needlessly moves her hair out of her face like look at me 'it ain't up to you what I want, I said I wanted to try 'cause I did- I do'] Janis: [Hides under the covers again like sorry can't look at you 'okay' really quietly] Jimmy: [reaches under the covers so he can trace a o and k with his fingertip on her hand/arm whichever is reachable] Janis: [comes back up 'go sleep now' and closes his eyes with her fingers] Jimmy: [such an amused little noise because he was asleep before she came in, excuse you] Janis: ['shh shh'] Jimmy: [puts a finger on her lips like you shh] Janis: [frowny face 'stop it'] Jimmy: [holds his hands up dramatically like alright, calm down and gets comfy like look I'mma sleep] Janis: [smug face like that's right and does the same 'least it's not a single this time'] Jimmy: ['gutted, me' said really sarcastically but we know you are boy] Janis: [gets all up in his grill like there you go then] Jimmy: ['funny'] Janis: ['that's what you get for being rude'] Jimmy: ['you woke me, pisshead' but affectionately not actually annoyed at all] Janis: [waves hand like psh 'you were rude before then'] Jimmy: ['Alright, shut up' like you really care about going back to sleep rn okay Jimothy] Janis: [gestures like see 'gotta be nice to me' but rolling over like okay, you can sleep] Jimmy: [OTT dramatic sigh so she's knows it's fake] Janis: ['bet you can't say one nice thing about me'] Jimmy: ['you're not as shit at kissing as you were on the trip' because I re-read that and he kept acting like she was so bad like OKAY liar] Janis: [pushes him 'what kind of compliment is that?!'] Jimmy: [shrugs like you don't know exactly what you're doing boy] Janis: ['alright then the only thing I have to say about you is you're slightly less shit at being nice but potentially worse at lying so' blows raspberry] Jimmy: ['bollocks, you've got loads to say tonight, lightweight' but he's loling] Janis: ['yes well I've been very bored'] Jimmy: [does like the awh cheek squish she does to him always 'poor baby'] Janis: ['you know I'll bite you' squirming out of reach 'why didn't you come down?'] Jimmy: [does the thing where you check an animals teeth like he wants to see her vampire fangs, stop touching her mouth please! 'Why didn't you come up?'] Janis: [wipes her mouth like a child like gross 'I was getting drunk' shrugs like hello] Jimmy: [shrugs back 'I were sleeping' but like not for ages boy we know it] Janis: ['marding' in a him impersonation Jimmy: [pushes her cos oi what a read] Janis: [mhmm noise 'me too, but I had company'] Jimmy: ['like I said, shit host'] Janis: ['what do you mean?' resting on her elbow 'you keep saying that'] Jimmy: [just giving her a look like pretty self explanatory] Janis: [a look like obvs not? 'I've fed you, entertained you, what more do you want, fanfare?'] Jimmy: ['that lot did the did the bulk of the entertaining, girl, weren't you' more lies and more slander] Janis: ['not my fault you've got shit taste then' is pouting] Jimmy: ['@whateverAsia'ssocials are, might start her off bawling again, what could be more goals?'] Jimmy: [but obvs he's said them I just cba to think of one lol] Janis: ['kink unlocked you horrible boy' but lols] Jimmy: [I've known for ages that were one of yours'] Janis: ['making girls cry?' fake ponders 'hmm, don't tell anyone'] Jimmy: ['not just lasses' does the broken heart hand thing again] Janis: ['you aren't that soft' nudges him 'unfortunately'] Jimmy: [nudges her back 'bit of editing and you can tweet that'] Janis: [passes her phone 'you'll have to do it for me, I'm not that drunk and sad'] Jimmy: [tweets something hilarious instead cos that bitch and makes a big show of not giving her the phone back cos drunk] Janis: ['what did you do, tweet my nudes?' tryna grab her phone like 'scuse me] Jimmy: ['Mr Lucas wishes' having a playfight over this phone so casually] Janis: ['who do you think I'm taking them for' then an ew face 'cos truly] Jimmy: ['Save something for the wedding night' cos in the school trip convo that was also a running theme of her marrying him lol] Janis: ['tweet that and we lose all credibility'] Jimmy: [shakes his head 'I could make owt sound goals, even that bollocks'] Janis: ['yeah but bit off message' gestures at the lovebites 'stick to the script, no improv'] Jimmy: [touches the newest ones he gave her, boy stop 'Alright'] Janis: [shakes her head 'don't' and pulls up the covers between them] Jimmy: [when you're actually 💔 now, so just getting back in a sleeping position] Janis: ['it's just 'cos I wanna and it's not fair and' let this be vaguely incoherent so you don't fully out yourself immediately] Jimmy: [just pretending he's actually gone deaf like we don't need to do this] Janis: [sad sound but turning over like you actually believe he's asleep] Jimmy: [just moving about like you're trying to get more comfy but getting closer to her so it's like the in bed version of when he was leaning on her earlier] Janis: [just really quiet and still for a long time, sighs 'night, Jimmy'] Jimmy: [we know he ain't gonna answer even though he all also know you aren't asleep sir] Janis: [AM skip or?] Jimmy: [I think we should say he leaves like super early cos got so real there] Janis: [okay gurl]
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livelovelaug-h · 6 years
Normal life? Nice try trickster
Dean x reader
A/n: This is for @supernatural-jackles #Weekly Writing Challenge. The line is "you cant ignore me forever" it'll be in bold.
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"yea well I wish I never had this life and I wish I never met you."
You were sitting in a chair at a desk??? You narrow your eyes what the heck?? Where were you. You heard phones ringing. You looked around and right behind your desk you saw Someone familiar. "Sam?"
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"Hey y/n what's up?"
" whats up? Or more like what are we doing here."
"working?" He laughs. "how much did you have to drink last night?"
"drink? I didn't drink last night. Actually I can't remember anything about last night after we got back from a hunt"
"a hunt? You shot an animal? And who's we"
"no what ? Me, you and Dean."
"Dean, the boss?
"boss? What ?"
"Sam you guys are going to get in trouble for talking"
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"who are you?"
"y/n it's Ian, are you high? Wouldn't be the first time" He laughs.
"no I don't do drugs."
He huffs a laugh "yes you do, we smoked last week at that party."
"what? No I didn't even know you last week."
"everything okay over here?"
"Dean?" "your hair's different" you whispered but they all still heard.
"I don't think shes feeling very well today." Sam says.
"since when do we work here? " You asked.
"...................did you hit your head or something?"
"actually -."
"why don't you take a sick day. I'll see if Brad can come get you. Let's go to my office."
You pick up your jacket and phone. "Brad? Who's Brad?" Following Dean to his office. He shuts the door.
"is something going on I should know about."
"no but something doesn't feel right about this place."
"you mean work?"
"yeah we don't even work here. I mean what even is this place?"
He stared at you with a confused face "Look I don't know if you're doing drugs or something but it isn't appropriate do to them before or at work okay? I texted Brad and he said he'll be here in 10."
You got sad. Why was he being so mean. You just whispered a quiet "okay".
Some guy came in asking if you were okay. He was about 6'1, skinny and looked like a normal guy. No plaid.
"um, I'm fine."
"okay let's get you home then." He started walking towards the door and you stared at Dean, you didn't want to leave him. You didn't know why but it hurt to leave a little something still felt off.
In the car it was quiet for awhile until you spoke up "so how do I know you?"
He rose an eyebrow and looked at you "are you that high?"
"I'm not high at all, clearly."
"sure and you Know me because we're dating."
"mmm-hhhm for how long ?".
"i don't know if I should be offended or not."
"I just feel like something's wrong or different i dont know."
"maybe you need to get a good night's sleep. More than 5 hours."
"yeah that sounds good."
You went in and laid on the couch since you didn't want to share the bed. "Why are you laying there Lets go to bed." He said.
"no! I mean no it's okay I wanna try here."
He frowned. "Okay then good night." He kissed your lips quickly and it felt so wrong.
Morning time -
You woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. You totally forgot where you were previously so you called out deans name. "Dean?"
"y/n? Are you awake?" You walked into the kitchen still groggy. You got a little startled when you seen Brad and not Dean.
"ready for breakfast?" Brad asked giving you a big kiss on the cheek.
"ha ha you know what I'm not feeling that hungry I'm just gonna head out." You were about to head out when you seen you were still in your clothes from yesterday. You quickly found your room and changed, seeing a paper with the name of your work and the address you took it and walked out. After about 26 minutes of walking you got to work. "y/n your running late." The girl at the front desk says.
"only about 5 mins."
"okay thank you." You got to the 8th floor clocked in and went to your desk. Apparently you had a meeting 5 minutes ago probably about 10 now. You ran in and Dean spoke up
"nice of you to join us y/n." All eyes were on you now. Dick move.
"uh, yeah I'm sorry I walked to work today." He nodded but still looked a little angry. "That's okay, you can just do this week's article then right?"
Article?? "Um, but I just do sales."
"yeah but Josh can help you. Also, I need it by Thursday afternoon." You looked at the time and date on your; Tuesday 9:45 am. Great so only about two day.
"okay yeah." You say. Why does he hate you so much. Your lunch break was at 12:20 and apparently you had another meeting at 1 p.m. You were running a little late since you had to walk to go get breakfast, quickly jogging into the building, you bumped into someones shoulder knocking there drink over them and the floor. "I am so so sorry." You looked and saw that it was Dean. Great he already hated you. You pick up the cup and say "I'll buy you a new I didn't mean-"
"it's fine." You can see the anger in his eyes. "Oh.... alright. Well here's some napkins." You were holding napkins still from your lunch so you used those and started dabbing his shirt. "I got it alright." He said with a little venom in his voice.
"ooo-kaay." You say on the verge of tears. The next day you went to his office to give him a coffee and his response was " I don't like that kind. Back to work." Wow that was cold. The next three days were hard after that, you tried to avoid Dean at all cost.
Your three day streaks ended this morning when you walked into the elevator with Dean and some girl following. It looked like he was going to say anything but then glared at you so you looked away. He was kissing her the whole way up to the 8th floor. "See you later baby."
And now about 3 hours later hes calling you into his office....
You didn't say anything walking into his office and you didn't really look in his eyes or at his face much.
"please sit down." You did as told.
"So we've been on a small budget at the moment and sadly... You're one of the people that are getting laid off."
Seriously??? "Is this because of the coffee? I didn't mean it."
"it's not because of that."
"your last name is Friday and I would still like the article by Thursday afternoon." You wanted to cry.
"why do you hate me so much?" You whispered.
"it's not about hate it's about having a small budget." He gives you one of those fake smile with a shrugs.
"yes you do I see it in your eyes when you look at me."
"it's not hate it's just you're like a kid to me, always messing up, always having to clean up your messes. You haven't grown up yet." You were surprised to say the least.
It was like a wave energy just hit you
"you still act like a kid, you havent grown up yet. always messing up, and I'm always having to clean up your messes."
You remember Dean saying that to you before. The whole arguments came to you in pieces.
"you said that to me before."
"I knew this wasn't right. you have to remember so we can get out of here"
"look if this is your way of trying to get your job back-"
"no, you know you remember. I said I didn't want to have that life anymore and then bam I wake up here. Trickster." The surrounding changed and you were in a completely empty diner sitting across from Dean and the trickster.
"I really thought you would be the first one to get it but not this time." He said to you.
"deano over here got it this morning."
"what? And you didn't tell me?"
"I just wasn't sure if you remembered it yet."
"no you did know.... You kissed that girl right in front of me."
"yeah that was just a bonus" the trickster laughed.
"okay, okay I was still mad." You shake your head "so what you thought it would make me jealous?" He shrugged.
"okay." Your about to get up when the trickster speaks up "alright the point of that you bozos was that no matter how Angry you guys were you still Remembered and you definitely didn't want that life y/n."
"yes I do, you just did it wrong it would have been way better if I didn't have to see Him"
"oh please." Dean says.
"Would you two idiots just put that stuff behind you and move on. You still care about each other." You snickered. He snapped his fingers and you started choking, you flung your hands to your throat.
"stop your hurting her." Dean yells causing him to snap again, causing you to breath again. "Tell me that's not caring." He says and disappears.
"Ughhh" you walk over to leave but the doors were locked. "Oh come on!" You sat all the way across the room from Dean. It was quiet for a minute when Dean spoke up "you can't ignore me forever."
Silence. You didn't answer. After another minute you finally spoke up: "was she good in bed?" He squinted his eyes at you.
"I didn't sleep with her."
"that's surprising."
"you know you went home with someone too."
"yeah but I at least know how to control myself." He got mad but didn't say anything.
"I slept on the couch."
" wh-"
"I slept there because he wasn't you, it felt wrong."
"yeah it did for me too." You looked over towards him. You were caught off guard when he asked "do you really hate me?"
You slowly made your way towards him "hmm idk that depends.... Do you? Or do you think I always mess things up?"
"look, I was mad and I just said somethings"
"you didn't answer the question." He started slowly making his way to you now.
"we all have messes even me and Sam, you know that. but we all help to clean it up." He reaches you. "I missed you " he says.
"I'm sorry y/n for the what I said. I love you with all my heart, i didn't mean any of it. Please forgive me." He grabbed a flower from one of the tables and put it in your hand holding your other hand. You smiled that stuff girly smile and your heart melted at his actions.
"I apologize too it wasn't just you I said some things too. And I forgive you Dean."
"Good because I forgive you too." He said grabbing your face and kissing you. It was rushed but it was the type of kiss where you poured all of your feelings into it. You missed his lips and his hands on your face. You both heard "took you guys long enough." You pull away to laugh but Dean pulls you back to his mouth.
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Scaredy Cat. (Badboy!SigurdxReader)
Bet you weren't expecting this, huh.
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Requested: 26. "All due respect, but that's a bunch of crap." From the prompt list.
A/N: Badboy!Klaus was quite popular so why not try this? 🤷‍♀️idk how to write proper bad boys so spare me I'm trying 😂 this is also a bit of an idol AU? 😂 you can call me artist; you can call me idol sorry I'm actually loving the BTS comeback even though a lot of people don't...aannd that's not the right place to discuss this I'll shut up. Moving on.
Genre: Fluff.
(Second Person Point of View)
Being friends with an idol had its pros and cons. On one hand, it led to you being friends with all his group mates, and it also scored you dates with other idols. On the other hand, you barely get to even see your friend; it's always video calls, and even those aren't as often as you'd like. But what can you do? As long as he's following his dream, you're happy for him.
Sometimes, however, you wish you could just have him around whenever you need him. He's always very caring towards you, but he can't help it that he's busy. So, sometimes you just have to suck it up and deal with your own problems yourself. Or do you?
Pacing around the living room, you contemplate calling Serge. If he was sleeping, you really didn't wanna disturb the tiny bit of sleep he gets. What if he was busy doing something else? He usually calls when he's free anyway..
"It's okay; I'll be fine." You whisper to yourself reassuringly, even though your voice came out filled with uncertainty. As you approach the kitchen to fetch a glass of water, you flick on as much light switches as possible. There ain't no demon attacking you tonight, nope.
You down the refreshing glass of water. "There. That's not so bad. I can do thi-" your sentence was cut off by your own squeal. What was that noise?
You hesitantly inch closer to your open kitchen window. As you were scolding yourself for leaving that window open, you peek into the back yard of your house. There it was. The source of the noise.
You could see the bushes shaking violently, indicating something or someone was in there. Trembling hands reach to quietly shut the window and blinds, as you tip toe away from the window. Maybe it was the fact that you were home alone getting the best of you, but you were terrified to the core. Someone might be lurking around in your backyard, and that would explain the odd noises you'd been hearing for the past hour or so.
You rush back into the living room. What in the world were you supposed to do?
Call your parents? They're thousands of miles away; they can't particularly help.
Call the police? Okay, you're not actually sure someone is out there, and you don't wanna just call for nothing..
The only person left to call was Serge..
You promised yourself that you'd call one time; if he doesn't pick up, you have to try to ignore the noises.
Please, for the love of everything good, pick u-
"Hello?" A voice deeper and more calm than Serge's booms through the phone.
You frown. "Um, isn't that Serge's phone?"
"Yes, darling, but Serge is shooting for his up coming drama right now, so he can't respond to the phone he forgot at the dorms." Darling? Oh, it's him. "Figured you might need some company, though, so I replied." You could almost see him smirk.
Now, when you say you're friends with the group Serge belongs to, well, there's an exception, and that's the one and only Sigurd Curtis. Fans love him for his 'mysterious charms', but all you could see is an irritating jerk. And now was really not the time for him.
"So? What did you call for?" His question reminds you that you hadn't replied to him earlier.
You sigh. "I called for Serge, but he's not here, so I'm hanging up."
"Oh, come on, am I not good enou-" you hang up before hearing the rest of his teasing and whining.
You couldn't really understand him much. He was generally quiet, but somehow, when it comes to you, he becomes the most talkative person on the planet. Which would've been fine if he didn't use all his power to tease you and flirt with you for no reason.
Well, there's no other choice but to deal with the unreasonable fear yourself.
"This is not working." You huff, unable to stop thinking someone might break in. Your house didn't have a single light bulb turned off, which was probably going to be a pain when your parents receive the electricity bill, but you didn't have any plans of turning any of them off for now.
You stare at your phone, as if silently willing it to start ringing and showing Serge's picture. Of course, that didn't happen even after you stared for a full minute.
"Should I try calling again?" You sigh.
You took your heart thumping in fear as a yes. You prayed with all your power the idiot would respond, but once again, you were greeted with the flirtatious tone you feared hearing.
"Missed me already?"
A loud groan sounds across the empty room. "When is Serge coming back?"
"I don't know, cupcake." Knowing he specifically uses this to make you uncomfortable, you try your best not to cringe. "I've just been informed you're home alone. Is that why you want Serge? You're scared?"
Your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "Usually..when my parents go on trips for work, Serge spends his time talking to me to get my mind off of the fact that I'm home alone." You admit sheepishly. "Sometimes he even sings me to sleep." You add in a quieter voice, part of you hoping he didn't hear it. You didn't even know why you were telling him this; maybe sleep-deprived you was extra friendly and liked over sharing.
"Oh." A pause was followed by a confident statement, "I could do that!"
"W-what?" However, there was no response. "He hung up? What in the world is wrong with that guy?!"
No longer than 2 minutes later, you were jumpscared by the doorbell. You silently approach the door, unsure who would be at the door. Of course, there was a face that popped into your head, but you somehow still couldn't be sure if it was really him.
"Sigurd?" You eye the taller male. His hair was freshly dyed black; he was even given an undercut while the hair on the top of his head was styled in a messy quiff. His attire was black as usual. Of course, as an idol, he had to switch colours, but when he got to wear what he wants, he'd almost always dress in black, to add to his 'mysterious' aura- you assume. He wore a black tank top with random scribbles on the front, matched with black skinny jeans that had some chains hanging from them; you never really understood that odd choice of clothing, but you didn't question it. What you did question, however, was the choker he wore.
"Sharing closets with your dog or something?" You point at the strange accessory. It was adorned with spikes and a few silver chains intertwining with each other; the best way to describe it was that it looked like a dog's collar.
"Ha ha very funny. It's called fashion, pancake, you wouldn't understand." Wearing a sympathetic smile, he pats your shoulder, allowing himself inside.
"Are you hungry or something? Wasn't it cupcake at first? Now it's pancake? What's with that?" You roll your eyes. Nice sleep-deprived you was nowhere to be seen, apparently.
He glances at your chest before looking back into your eyes and giving an innocent smile. "Nothing." He walks further into the house, not waiting for a reaction from you.
"You little-" you bite back an insult, knowing he just enjoys pushing your buttons. You had to stay calm. "Why are you here? I didn't even invite you. Plus don't you have work or something?!"
"You implicitly invited me." He points out, "And, no, we're on a break, remember?"
A sudden knocking noise makes you jump before you could even respond to the dork that made himself comfortable on your couch.
He stares at you with a raised eyebrow, "that was a branch hitting the window.."
"I knew that." His intense stare doesn't waver. "Okay, fine. It scared me..a little! I'm scared of being home alone, and there's a person lurking outside the house and-"
"There's a person lurking outside the house?!" He hops off the couch, his expression -for once- not smug or playful but concerned. It somehow made your heart skip a few beats. Surely, you were overreacting, though; there's no way he just looked attractive because he seemed concerned. There's no way you suddenly noticed how well black contrasts his skin tone, making it suit him beautifully. Nope.
"Well, I'm not very sure it's a person.." you explain shyly, "I just heard some noises and saw the bushes moving.."
"Man, you freaked me out for nothing." He runs a hand through his visibly soft hair. "Where was it you saw the bushes move?"
"Okay, stay here and keep the door locked; I'll take a look outside to ensure nobody's out there." He instructs, after you show him to the back door.
"Sigurd, you don't need to do this. What if someone dangerous was out there?" You attempt to reason with him.
He chuckles, "you worried about me, cupcake?"
You pretend to gag. "You might as well find yourself a ride home cuz I'm not gonna be opening that door again."
After a few moments, you hear Sigurd call out for you, claiming you should come out. He has teamed up with the serial killer outside and plans to trick you into getting murdered?
"Oh my god stop panicking; just come out! It's a puppy for God's sake!" He shouts, even though he really couldn't see you or your desire to ignore his request to leave the safety of your house.
"Fine!" You shout back, as you reluctantly pull open the door. The view beyond the door certainly made you glad you complied with his request, though.
Sigurd was crouching on the grass rubbing a small Pit bull's belly. It wiggled its tail happily, as he continued to shower it with affection. You almost let out a small awwhh. You almost forgot that this was the same guy you threatened to not let back into your house.
"I think that's my neighbour's puppy." You muse, as you approach Sigurd and the pit bull. You check the red, spike-filled collar. "Look. It's matching with you." You tease.
"Hey! How many times do I have to explain-"
You cut him off to add in a mocking tone, "it's fashion!!"
He merely glares, to which you laugh. It was your turn to tease him for once. "Anyway, we need to take it back to its owner." You state.
"Can't we keep it for a bit longer, please?" He pouts, catching you off guard.
"U-uh, um, we can't!" You begin to object, but all you could think of was how cute that was. Looking at this guy, with at least 2 sets of ear piercings and a hair cut to display a rebellious aura, just sit there pouting at you because you told him to take the puppy back to its owner- it was so strange yet so adorable.
You do your best to ignore the red adorning your cheeks, as you stand your point and demand he takes it back.
"No fun." He grumbles, as he lifts the puppy and holds it to his chest. "Fine; where's the house? At least come with." He gets off the ground. That's when you first notice some minor details of his tank top. The sides were sort of see-through, allowing you glimpses of his toned body underneath.
"Whatchu starin' at?" Your eyes meet with the smug male's. His smirk just never left his lips, as he continuously wiggles his eyebrows at you.
"Nothing!" You push past him, giving yourself a way to hide your burning cheeks. "That's the house; just follow me." You announce, mainly to change the topic.
After doing your duty as a noble neighbour and returning the puppy to its owner, you head back to your house, Sigurd following behind- obviously.
"I'm so tired." You yawn.
The dark haired male gives an excited grin. "Time to sing you to sleep!" He claps happily. Mysterious charms they say. That guy is the biggest dork you've ever seen. You are friends with Serge, though, so maybe second biggest dork.
"You really don't have to-"
He cuts you off, "All due respect, but that's a bunch of crap. I want to do it, and you want me to do it too." Well, he wasn't wrong. Sigurd's voice is really unique; it's one you really enjoy listening to. This would pretty much be like a private show..how can you say no?
"Well, get comfortable cuz I'm not gonna strain my precious vocals just for you to not fall asleep." He informs, earning an eye roll from you.
Once you place yourself in relaxing position and pull the covers up to your chest, Sigurd begins singing quietly and soothingly. His voice was so calming and gentle, urging you to throw away your worries and let the sweet melody carry you to the land of dreams. Which you inevitably did. Your eyelids had already gotten too heavy for you to keep them open; therefore, it took no time for you to drift into deep sleep.
An annoyingly loud ringtone disturbs your comfortable sleep, and you force your eyes open.
You hear a groan coming from the edge of the bed, almost giving you a heart attack before you remember last night's events.
"Hello?" Sigurd grumbles into his phone. As it was a video call, you could see the caller- Serge.
"Sigurd, wher- wait a minute; is that (Y/N)?! Why are you in bed with (Y/N)?? (Y/N), why are you in bed with your least favourite member of the group??" Serge cuts off his own speech to begin yelling about the situation he misunderstood.
"Wait; what do you mean least favourite member?? Why am I your least favourite?! Who's your bias then??" Sigurd complains. What made it funnier and cuter was the fact that you could tell he was genuinely offended by him not being your bias.
"Guy." You confess, "or Joel."
"I spent the night here and sang you to bed; don't I at least get an upgrade??" He whines.
"Hey, why am I not your bias?" Serge joins in, also visibly offended.
"You're my friend. it's weird to have you as a bias." You defend.
"Joel and Guy are your friends too!" Serge just isn't having it, clearly.
"Oh my god, Serge, just let it go, please?" You plead. It was too early in the morning for this.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We'll discuss this later." He states. "Anyway, Sigurd, where did you leave my phone? I don't wanna keep using Guy's! Well, not that he would let me, but yeah."
"Your pho- oh." Sigurd's confused expression switches to an embarrassed one. "I might've taken it with me?" He pulls a second phone from his pocket.
"Sigurd, I've been calling since morning! You better bring it back right now! I can't believe you-" Sigurd cuts off Serge's rant by hanging up. "Well, I guess I have to go. Man, I'll never hear the end of it!" He groans, to which you giggle lightly. "I mean it is your fault for taking his phone." You point out.
"I was comforting you!" He defends. He looked so hurt you didn't appreciate his 'efforts', which made you want to pinch his cheeks or something. His hair had gotten messier, somehow making him even more attractive, yet you wanted to pinch his cheeks. Well, in your defense, he was acting like a child.
"Anyway, I'm gonna get going now." He pushes himself off the bed. "If you ever need someone to spend the night again, always call me." He winks. "You're an idiot." You shake your head.
"Goodbye, (Y/N)." He smiles. (Y/N). This was the first time he calls you with your real name ever since you met.
"You just called me (Y/N)." You grin victoriously.
"No, I didn't, cupcake." He yells, disappearing into the hallway. You throw your head back in frustration. He just won't stop being his annoying self, huh? Sadly, you felt yourself liking it and waiting for another meeting with him.
"I'm getting bias wrecked, aren't I?" You sigh.
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Janis & Grace
Janis: what are you up to rn Grace: UM why? Janis: 'cos we can't find Cass and can't take the kid on the decent rides, will you just stand with him for a minute Grace: oh Grace: yeah sure Janis: cheers Janis: give you some cash, he likes the easy shit Grace: OMG don't even mention it Grace: or like worry about it cos I'm not trying to break a nail rn Janis: you've gotta entertain him somehow Grace: Duh Grace: but that's not with waltzers and rollercoasters babes Janis: I've just said he can't come with Janis: we're talking coconut shy level, Grace Grace: & I'm saying I know what I'm doing Janis: well don't fuck it up please Janis: call if he gets too worked up he's shy Grace: obvs! just go Janis: it's serious Janis: and you haven't said where you are Grace: I'm being serious Grace: I'll meet you at the sweet stand Janis: 👍 Grace: 👌👌👌 Grace: [shows up with a very unimpressed lad in tow] Janis: [just such a withering look like who the fuck are you] Grace: [does not intro him and is just intro-ing herself to Bobby and it's cute] Janis: [just in the background letting Jimmy do what he need to do but lowkey trying to walk away like bye] Grace: [it's fine girl we know Grace has got this] Janis: [ahh when you can't stand to be around her for literally five seconds] Grace: [me when Trace is on one] Janis: [go have fun] Grace: is he allowed any more 🍬🍩🍭??? Grace: he says he's had NONE but I know when a boy is feeding me a line 😂 Janis: try and make him have a hot dog or some chips first Janis: if not he'll be 🤢 Grace: me too tbh Janis: such a good influence, like Grace: I'm sorry that my date is a feeder or something 😱😱😱 Grace: does not take no for an answer Janis: bodes well Grace: UGH IKR 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: he's in a mood cos I got 💋 on him earlier like ?? excuse me Grace: I don't have my own makeup line yet, boy Janis: it is grim when you've used a cup Janis: like a crime scene Grace: OMG don't be on his side! Grace: he wouldn't be complaining if it was anywhere but his face Janis: behave Janis: shits probably harder to wash off that herpes Grace: EW Janis: you said it Grace: I literally did not Janis: you did Janis: don't need to hear about you lipsing anyone Grace: Okay hun that makes no sense Grace: if it had staying power it wouldn't have transferred and he wouldn't be 😣😣😣 Grace: & I wouldn't have to go hard on 🍬🍩🍭 to show him my chill vibe or whatever Grace: so #notlikeothergirls & so annoying Janis: what's any of that got to do with me Grace: 🙄🙄 Janis: you talk for the sake of it Janis: talk to your shit date, not me Grace: sure Grace: laters, babes Janis: 👍 Grace: 👋 Janis: [later than you were probably expecting, like] Janis: k where are you Grace: bumper cars Grace: there's a line but we're basically at the front of it now 🙏🙏 Janis: cool we'll jump it Grace: you can take my place, these are NOT driving shoes Janis: babe, you just steer Grace: really!?? Janis: yes 😂 Janis: how do you not know that Grace: Oh thank god! Grace: idk I've never been on them Janis: how is that possible Janis: maybe you should go in with your lad, let Jim take Bobs Grace: Before this date I haven't been to the fair since I was younger than Bobby so Grace: Oh please, he's long gone Grace: Your boy can if he wants to though, that'd be cute Janis: sure, too many sights and smells, can't control her gag reflex when she's abused it that hard Janis: oh, soz Grace: 🙄🙄 not everything I do is with Mia, thank you Grace: & no you're not, babes Janis: pretty much since you were a bit older than him, maybe Janis: well not really but can't blame him Janis: didn't reckon on you bringing a child so Grace: do you see her rn? obvs not Grace: 🤷🤷 if he wants to say that's the reason Janis: can't really bring your missus on a date Janis: got to have some boundaries Grace: can you STOP Janis: what Janis: I said soz, make Jimmy buy you a drink or something Grace: I don't want a drink Grace: I'm gonna have to work out tomorrow Janis: well can you not just take it Janis: you don't need paying but he'll wanna do something so Grace: He knows my coffee order Grace: I'll make time to go Janis: k good Grace: He's a cute kid, I don't even need anything Janis: that just makes you sound like a child snatcher so keep that hush Grace: you're ridiculous Janis: am i Grace: Duh Janis: 👌 Grace: Whatever, I've said my goodbyes so 👋 too Janis: cheers Janis: later Grace: Any message for mum and dad? Janis: lol that's a good idea Grace: I obvs meant about where you'll be or when you'll be back Grace: but 👌👌👌 Janis: that's even stupider then, ain't it Grace: mhmm Grace: my bad, hun Janis: don't mention it Janis: not the easiest mistake to make but 🤷🤷 Grace: 🤷🤷🤷🤷 Grace: I'm so over it Grace: you too, I'm sure Janis: if they're still acting like they don't have answers to either of those questions, I can imagine Janis: could always repurpose my message for yourself Grace: if I wasn't going straight home but tragically Janis: what difference does that make Janis: can still tell them to fuck off Grace: not before dad picks me up thanks Grace: it's not like that boy will be doing a U turn now I'm Bobby free Janis: lol no way he was 17 Janis: looked 12 Janis: and he still would, he's a fucking pushover Grace: he's 19 Janis: so a nonce Janis: cool Grace: You're literally OBSESSED Grace: first I'm a child snatcher then he is Janis: that's literally the definition Janis: you're a child, he ain't, what do you want me to do Janis: didn't work anyways and even if it did, no one's throwing 😍 at it Grace: If you wanna report him, go off Janis: yeah I'll ruin some sad cunts life 'cos you're out here trying to prove something Grace: ???????!!!!!!! Grace: he asked me out, I agreed, it's not a big deal Janis: mhmm Janis: swear guv Grace: OMG SHUT UP Janis: sort it out for fuck's sake Grace: I didn't know he was that old! You literally just said yourself he doesn't look it Janis: don't incriminate yourself Janis: not illegal but just as weird if you're tryna fuck 12 year olds Grace: gross Janis: you said it Grace: No Janis: definitely did Grace: Leave me alone Janis: ooh alright Janis: touchy Grace: OMG why can't you ever stop? Janis: pot kettle Janis: why are you being so sensitive Grace: Why are you still talking to me? Janis: 'cos what's wrong with you Grace: yeah cos I'm gonna tell you Janis: why do you care Janis: you got what you wanted from him anyway Grace: What does that even mean? Grace: you have no idea what I want or wanted Janis: you wish Grace: obvs you do, but I really don't Grace: I'm wishing you'd go away thanks Janis: yeah, can't you tell how much I wanted to see you Janis: good catch up babes Grace: 😂😂😂 Janis: about right Grace: sure Grace: see you at school, like Grace: Spanish is first lesson back Janis: maybe Grace: 💔 Janis: isn't it just Grace: next time you steal a car is fine too Janis: next time it won't be nans so 🤞 no Grace: just don't look up my bad date, his wouldn't get you a mile out of Dublin Janis: got standards, darling Grace: I know, babes Grace: everybody does Grace: You can only wish for secrets Janis: can give the daily vlog a miss then Janis: phew Janis: love it when they put the work in for me Grace: mine's postponed cos I don't film little kids but there's plenty of other content THANK GOD Janis: 💔 should've thought of that before agreeing to go out with one really Janis: not very committed Janis: I'll 🙌 to that Grace: 👌👌👌 Janis: n'awh Janis: say hi to the gals from me Grace: I'd love to but there's been a disconnect Grace: I'll say it to my ex instead, he just got here Janis: less impressive than the 19 year old Janis: forgetting your audience Janis: they'll probably go for it though THANK GOD 👍 Grace: You're forgetting I only need a ride Janis: that's low, man Grace: If you wanna console him, he'll be free later Janis: you know something's gonna happen to you one day yeah Grace: I know you've got your 🤞 Janis: get a grip Grace: obvs the plan Grace: I'll make sure he's parked first tho, wouldn't wanna cause a crash Janis: unlikely Grace: not really Janis: if anyone bought you were a decent ride you wouldn't have to rely on your ex Grace: if I wasn't he wouldn't be back Janis: he's back 'cos your price is a ride Janis: you know it's not even a fiver in petrol Janis: literally the eastern euro girls on the street aren't as cheap Grace: wow Grace: so judgemental Janis: you're dirty Janis: it's disgusting, judgment from me is the least of your worries Grace: Yeah it honestly is Grace: & I'm sure you have better things to do so Janis: yeah talking to mum and dad for a start Grace: cute Grace: say hey from me Janis: you reckon I won't Janis: got no loyalty to you Janis: be more than a hey if they can manage to do even a semi-competent job Grace: I don't care if you do or whatever else you do Janis: Don't need you to Janis: be out of your hands, like Grace: sure Grace: they'll really show up for whatever slut intervention you think is about to happen Janis: you don't reckon Janis: you're delusional if you don't Grace: you are Grace: where's it been, babes? Janis: you're putting yourself in danger Grace: Me and how many of the rest of us Janis: you're stupid, Rio at least has some brains Janis: marginally more self-esteem Janis: born victim, you, trust me, they're gonna get on board Grace: nobody's more devastated than me that I'm not more like Rio, obvs Grace: except maybe dad Grace: 💔 there's not 10 of her Janis: no one cares what he wants Janis: irrelevant beyond being a sperm donor Janis: enjoy your chat 💕 Grace: 💜💜💜 Janis: 😂 Grace: it will be amusing if it happens Grace: I'll keep you a front row seat, hun Janis: don't worry Janis: buzzin' I care, so far in my DMs Janis: must be gutting when you're the only one that does and you get no recognition for it Grace: 😭😭🙄🙄 Janis: that's alright, sure your ex will take you back and console you Janis: epic shag and all around winner that he sees you as 😍 Grace: if he won't, I'll try one of the others Janis: always the shameful hookup when you've run out of lotion, never the girlfriend Grace: mhmm Janis: love that for you Janis: just get her in to help you with your prices Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: she is good at maths Janis: is she Grace: oh of course she's never helped you with your homework Grace: my bad again, babes Janis: not what she's remembered for is it Janis: being the whore who married her cousin is really all that comes to mind but that's almost sweet Janis: pop it in the eulogy, lovely Grace: if you'll excuse me, I have to make some conversation with this boy Grace: such a good chat tho Janis: not what he's paying for Janis: so don't worry about not being a decent conversationalist Grace: tragically telling him that wouldn't get me where I wanna go so Janis: the tragic thing is you think you're too good for the bus when you're literally selling yourself Janis: wonder how many times this one told you you talk too much? 🤔 Grace: Oh please Grace: & I'm the extra one Grace: everything's a drama tonight, hun Janis: don't act as if you don't understand Janis: he would only pick you up so you blow him Janis: you aren't friends, they don't care about you or even respect you Janis: it's as simple as that Janis: and you're not even trying to get out, you're going home, half an hour away Janis: it's actually the saddest thing I've ever heard Grace: not anymore obvs Grace: why would I go home for the lecture? Janis: because you've got no balls and nowhere to go Janis: fucking hell I hope they pay for a decent shrink, seriously Grace: Thanks to you I've got nowhere to go Janis: go home Janis: sort yourself out Grace: I'll take the party he's offering but thanks again Janis: that's right Janis: get off your face then it ain't your fault Grace: It'll be my fault but I won't care Grace: you always tell me not to so congrats, finally taking that advice Janis: you'll be crying on a stranger's bathroom floor within the hour Janis: you ain't built for it, so tah for the guilt trip but i ain't biting Grace: I love that you've given me that long tbh Janis: got to earn his time and attention and petrol first Grace: Oh honey, I could do that crying Janis: wanna turn your phone off Janis: they'll be out looking now Grace: I would but if it's not on my snap it didn't happen, don't need to tell you tho Janis: your locations on Janis: they aren't that thick Grace: What do you care? You want them to find me Janis: you mean you do Janis: christ Grace: You think you know everything about me Grace: where does the delusion even come from? Janis: you think no one does Janis: let's unpack that one Grace: no-one does know everything Grace: they can't Janis: someone needs to take your netflix away too whilst they're at it Janis: fucking hell Janis: we aren't 13, even then that shit was embarrassing Janis: now it's well Janis: get yourself on the corner with your bessies level Grace: Whatever Janis: you really thought that was a revelation Janis: put it as your next caption, get those kids clicking ❤ Grace: 👌👌👌 Janis: this is what comes of letting stoners breed, jesus Janis: experiment over Grace: we all wish it was Grace: at least they've stopped now Janis: no need to wish Grace: not gonna jump out of this moving car, however much you'd love that Janis: i know Janis: no balls Grace: 💔 Janis: answer your phone yeah Grace: As if Janis: for fuck's sake, Grace Grace: I don't need to hear mum chatting to me like I'm Carly or Edie Grace: or dad telling me that he still loves me Janis: well then, think that it's not about what you need, I don't care Janis: just do it Grace: I literally just said no Janis: I literally don't care Grace: So get out of my inbox Janis: answer your phone and I will Grace: I'd actually rather kms than answer that phone call in front of this boy Grace: it's not happening, go away Janis: no Janis: answer the phone Grace: no Janis: do it Janis: stop being selfish Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: coming from you Janis: and? Grace: it's just hilarious that you think you can make me do anything Janis: 😂😂😂 Janis: answer the phone Grace: no Janis: do it Janis: he doesn't like you anyway so don't act like that's an excuse Grace: It's not about him Grace: he answered the fastest Janis: then talk to mum and dad Grace: I've nothing to say & like I said I don't wanna hear what they are going to Grace: no thanks Janis: No one cares Janis: pick up the phone and get it over with then Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: exactly Grace: I'll do it when I'm drunk obvs, there'll be no stopping me then Janis: why not now Grace: I'm busy, like Janis: no you ain't Grace: excuse you Grace: the fact this makeup has no staying power was literally the opener of this convo Janis: and what Grace: & he'd kick me out of the car if he saw me without any Grace: duh Janis: again Janis: so Janis: that's the point Grace: your point, babes Grace: mine was that I wanna be here Janis: no, yours was you need a lift Janis: which you don't now so get out Grace: no, it was that I don't wanna go home thanks Janis: no one does but you have to Grace: Why do I? Grace: I literally don't Janis: yeah you do, you aren't being safe or smart Grace: &? Grace: it's been forever since I was either Janis: exactly Janis: so go home Grace: Why now? Janis: its pretty obvious Grace: No Grace: it would've been obvs if someone had said something at my 13th birthday party when I went further than anyone during 7 mins in heaven cos Connor O'Malley said he really liked me and he wanted my birthday to be special for a good reason again Grace: or when I hooked up with his best friend like a week later cos he lied Grace: You don't care, you've never cared Grace: don't tell me what to do now Janis: yeah, your birthday Janis: and you reckon you got it bad it could've been worse if I hadn't bothered saying anything Janis: you think i'm going to pick up your slack and be 2nd to you Janis: for what Grace: OMG you're just like Mia, putting yourself in the centre of everything Grace: I've never thought that or wanted it Grace: 2nd to me!? I'm not that fucking delusional Janis: how dare I remind you its my birthday and all Janis: bullshit, Grace Grace: That wasn't the point Grace: I'm trying to tell you, it's too little, too late Janis: that's it Janis: that's your problem is it Janis: poor you Janis: get a grip, you and every other girl at school Janis: fucking hell, edie died Grace: Get a clue Grace: this is why I can't talk to you Janis: not trying to talk to you Janis: go home Janis: I'm not there Grace: Even Diego's out so like I said, why should or would I? Janis: because you wanna be Grace: You're actually not on the same planet, I s2g Janis: that heart to heart you're trying to have Janis: they're the only ones that'll listen Janis: so go Grace: They won't Janis: bollocks Janis: all they do Grace: You go Grace: do whatever it is you want Grace: I'm good Janis: no you're not Grace: obvs but as good as I can be 🍾🎊 so 👋 Janis: no Janis: I've told you Grace: Go off, I'll mute you when it gets boring Janis: no you won't Grace: ILYSM but even so Janis: you won't so save us both the hassle Grace: you'll be hassled by drunk me, babes Grace: she'll be living her best life Janis: no one believes that Janis: and you think I wasn't bored before this began Janis: difference between us is I do give a shit Grace: of course I don't think that, we OBVS know each other so well Janis: hurry up Grace: 💃💃 Janis: hilarious Janis: don't reckon I won't show up and bring them with either Janis: get your head out your arse and make it easy for yourself before I make it worse Grace: that's your fave thing tho Grace: it'd be so mean Janis: not stopped you before Janis: go on Grace: drunken portuguese is some drinks off but sure dad's waiting by the phone so Janis: can't even remember any so Janis: what do I care, you're talking to them Grace: this is so annoying now Grace: you're putting me off Janis: now Janis: you are slow Janis: come on Grace: shhhhhhhhhhhhh Janis: no Janis: [rings her all the times] Grace: 🙌💜 Janis: picked you up yet Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: they're slow too, hello Grace: I've been saying that this entire time Janis: told them where you are or what Grace: mhmmm just gonna send them the location so they can hang Janis: do it then Grace: I 👏 AM 👏 BUSY Janis: no, you aren't Grace: Oooh this boy says he knows you Grace: very ginger, very aggressive 👋 Janis: okay Janis: that's nice Janis: off you pop Grace: he is not cute, babes Janis: what a tragedy Janis: start dialling or I'm gonna come over Grace: No you're not Grace: you never wanna be where I am Grace: & neither does your actually cute bf Janis: correct Janis: that's not what it's about so do it Grace: Just let me have a night off OMG!!!!!!!!! Grace: you get to do everything you want Janis: so Janis: you aren't me and you don't know what you want Janis: sort it out Grace: yeah okay I'll figure all that out in the AM Janis: no, you won't Janis: we're coming so you can think about it all you like once they're done Grace: STOP Janis: why should I Grace: cos I'm asking you to Grace: cos you're my sister & you don't even love me Janis: so you think you can just say and do all that fucked up shit and I'm not gonna stop you Janis: I don't think so Grace: What do you what me to say or do? Janis: I've been clear, call mum and dad and get them to come get you Grace: & after that?? Grace: Why do you want me to be all alone like?????? Janis: they're going to talk to you, work something out Grace: they're gonna talk at me and we'll all 😭😭 & nothing will be any different literally Grace: not drunk enough for that yet soooooo Janis: try listening yeah Grace: they're the MOST cringe though 😱😱😱 Janis: then you should agree Grace: 😂😂 okay bitch Janis: mhm Janis: they're waiting, like Grace: UGH Janis: yeah Janis: they've said they'll text so I'm not going Grace: What did you say? Janis: why? Grace: cos I wanna know how bad the freakout will be Grace: what did you say about me? Janis: what you said Janis: no need to lie, you gave it all up Grace: so you just told them everything Janis: all the relevant info, yeah Grace: I literally can't go home EVER Janis: yeah you can Grace: How could you do that to me!?? OMG Janis: how could I not Janis: not cosigning on that shit Grace: cos it's none of their business what I do Grace: or yours but at least you're not like OLD Janis: you're their kid, that's literally all their business is Grace: So are you! You don't let them tell you anything Janis: they're still meant to try Janis: and they do Grace: I hate this Janis: good Janis: you're not totally crazy then Grace: can't you come instead? Grace: I'd take Rio over them rn Janis: probably don't Janis: when she have her last kid, probably hormonal Janis: well I ain't got a car and we know how you feel about me stealing one but I can come Grace: IOU 💜 Grace: screenshot that in case I'm more drunk than I think I am Janis: you're always more drunk than you think you are Janis: forget about it, like Grace: me or like everyone? Grace: 🤔🤔🤔 Janis: you, specifically but yeah Janis: most in general Grace: my ex isn't if you wanna fight him Grace: cos you wanna fight most people Janis: which one Grace: this one Grace: oh you mean how many hookups ago duh Janis: i mean name, any other identifiers, even then, unlikely i'll remember Grace: Tyler Grace: he's not white that helps him stand out in my exes line up Grace: hmmm Grace: short and mad about it? Grace: that's his identifier with me but shhh Janis: 😂 Janis: oh right, can recall that one then Grace: he does NOT like you, babes Grace: too tall obvs Janis: 💔 Janis: gutted, obvs Janis: his 👀 are chest height and everything, that I remember Grace: IKR?! Grace: he was so 😣😣😣 cos I had my 👠s on Grace: boy they weren't for you! I'm SORRY Janis: probably gonna wanna steal some shoes if you're coming with me though Grace: ??? Janis: 👟 Janis: you'll be like a  baby 🦒 on ice Grace: are we walking all the way home? Janis: depends Janis: send us your location and I'll see what I can do Grace: [does] Janis: we could walk that Janis: but we can get a bus like 10 minutes from there if you need Grace: Today has been the literal WORST from the moment I agreed to the fair idc Janis: that means no complaints then yeah Grace: can I do them now cos I've been so excited to go out with him since I met him and then FINALLY it comes around & ugh Janis: seemed like a moody prick Grace: boys are such liars Grace: like okay you're nothing like you were that day in town & you're actually 19 & I don't think you even wanna be here Janis: yep Janis: girls too, in fairness Janis: you're just used to that and not trying to fuck 'em so Grace: I just thought he was different, nice or something Grace: like you said I should go out with Janis: yeah well Janis: never said it'd be easy, like Janis: few and far between Grace: I tried really hard Grace: Like REALLY Grace: it's so stupid Janis: ain't your fault he was a twat Grace: I fell for it Grace: nice lads aren't here for me, obvs, I should've known Grace: I literally do know Janis: it ain't that simple Grace: It is though Grace: I'm a bitch Grace: Is Jimmy coming? Janis: don't worry about that right now Janis: nah, he don't need to Grace: Tell him I'm sorry then Janis: bit rude i don't get one Janis: it's fine Grace: I mean for everything Grace: Mia Grace: since he got here Janis: yeah Janis: pretty mental, even for you lot Grace: I told her, I keep telling her Grace: cos I am happy for you, like Janis: alright, I'll tell him Grace: Believe me though Janis: I do Janis: don't be weird, like Grace: you have to cos I love you, okay? Grace: but idk what to do about her Janis: I can handle her Janis: he can too Janis: but she's genuinely just Janis: you know Janis: you need to handle her too, yeah Grace: I don't work with her though Grace: or without Grace: cos she's not talking to me rn & look Janis: bollocks Janis: she would've told you to go for it with that lad Janis: come on Grace: I met him because she was being a bitch about you that day he was over at our house & I made her leave Grace: I wouldn't have gone into town on my own otherwise Janis: you could've met him any time Janis: and it's not about him Janis: you've gotta admit, he's not exactly out of character in your ex line-up Janis: can't think like that Grace: she would've said no & none of this would have happened so Tyler wouldn't have picked me up & mum & dad wouldn't think I'm a sex worker Janis: I didn't tell them you were a sex worker Janis: and she only would've said no 'cos she'd wanna be watching us so that's not like she's looking out for you Janis: not like she's got a sixth sense for dickheads herself Grace: I hate her Grace: I hate my life Janis: yeah Janis: I know Janis: you've got to get rid of her at some point Grace: Why don't you love me? Janis: Grace Janis: it'd just be easier if we didn't Janis: for all of us, you especially Grace: what does that mean???? Janis: it only hurts if you love or care or Janis: whatever Grace: but its not about Edie cos you didn't love me before Grace: & you love him, your boyfriend so Grace: what did I do? Janis: that's not true Janis: I don't know Janis: maybe I can't Grace: but you literally love him Janis: no I don't Grace: It's everywhere, all over everything Grace: I can't be on my phone without seeing it Grace: or in the same room as you Janis: yeah and how many of your exes did you actually love Grace: that's not the same Grace: I don't look at them like that & they'd never look at me like it either Grace: it's so fake, it has to be if I'm in it Janis: I've not known him that long Janis: no one has, like Grace: So? Janis: can't be in love with someone you don't know, right Grace: I know when I've done the wrong thing like IMMEDIATELY Grace: maybe you can still feel something that soon when it's good too idk Grace: not the right person to ask about love Janis: noted, babe Janis: just saying, think lots of people fake it Grace: Yeah Grace: sometimes you have to & sometimes you want to Janis: do you want to? Grace: when? Grace: I fake like everything, babes, you need to hit me with specifics Janis: well that's what I mean Janis: if your ratio is mostly wanting to, then I guess that's alright Janis: but it ain't so Grace: it's like I have to pretend I'm not freaking out whenever a boy touches me but I want to pretend that's not always gonna be a thing Grace: specifics Grace: I have to be friends with Mia but I don't want to Janis: Why do you have to Grace: ??????? Janis: be friends with her Grace: like I said, it's too late Grace: I can't go back and not tell her everything or have her with me for everything Grace: idk how to do things without her anymore Grace: I need her even if I don't like her Janis: 'course you can Janis: look at us, we're blood relatives and we manage Janis: you don't want her fucking up everything you do forever Grace: I'll have her to blame that way though Grace: if it's just me, it's literally me Janis: nah Janis: family album full of people you can blame Janis: easy Janis: swear Grace: she hates you & I wanna hate you, sometimes Grace: so I thought that would be easy Janis: yeah but she also wants to live in my skin so Janis: complicates matters Grace: but like same ?? so Janis: now you see why I didn't wanna come to those sleepovers Grace: fine cos I don't want you there being prettier than me Janis: 😏 yeah right Grace: ugh Janis: you alright Grace: I just didn't wanna cry here, you know? Grace: he'll think it's about him Janis: go outside Grace: I wish screaming I DON'T LOVE YOU BYE actually meant that Grace: instead of making people think I do Janis: screaming anything don't really help your case Janis: try 🤐 Grace: actually can't though, sorry Grace: 💘 or 🤐 Janis: I've got headphones Janis: it's fine Grace: Where's Jimmy's mum? Janis: not coming to pick you up, can tell you that for certain Grace: Is she dead? Janis: Don't know Janis: did Bobby talk about her lots then Grace: He asked me if we've got one Grace: & said that he doesn't Janis: yeah, she pissed off, about the sum of it Janis: don't know if he knows that or what though so Grace: Maybe he was too little Grace: he's so sweet Janis: yeah, pretty cute Grace: like really gentle, little lads are normally so loud & annoying Janis: girls are well worse Janis: especially the ones in this family Grace: duh Grace: you can say I'm most annoying, babes 👑 treat yourself Janis: was talking about the actual children, like but you know Janis: fight a toddler if you need to, babe Grace: Oh so I'm an actual child when a 19 year old lies to me but not when I want a 👑 Grace: so rude Janis: that's life Janis: don't make the law up, soz Grace: 💔 Janis: I'll run for PM when I get a sec Grace: I love that for you Janis: obvs Janis: no 👑 Grace: but you have any food?? Janis: food? Grace: I'm so hungry like all the time 😱😱😱 aren't you? Janis: nah 'cos I eat enough and at the right times Janis: I've passed hundreds of kebabbies and shit, we'll go get something Grace: 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Janis: who's gaff even is this Grace: UM idk Grace: his cousin maybe? Grace: no his uncle Grace: no Janis: don't need the family tree, I get the vibe Janis: are there any other girls from school there like Grace: that's a real no Grace: I would not be here Janis: ugh Grace: if I'm gonna commit suicide I'll do it myself thanks Grace: don't need them or their insta stories Janis: not my main concern Grace: ?? Janis: it'd be better if it was an actual party with school people Janis: not his cousin uncle and co Grace: Why? Janis: because why would he bring you around his older male relatives Janis: what do you have in common with him, never mind them Janis: it's so dangerous, Grace Grace: I didn't know it was gonna be this sketchy Grace: that's not what he said Janis: yeah well boys lie, remember Janis: it's fine, I'm only a few streets away now, apparently Grace: I'm outside so we can just leave, yeah? Grace: it's not gonna be like a thing Janis: nah I well fancy going in there and shouting my head off and all Grace: you know what I mean Janis: if you're outside then yeah, what am I gonna do Grace: I'm sorry Janis: at least you are okay this time Janis: I meant it when I said something's gonna happen though Grace: It won't even I'm so done Janis: alright, well you all say that when you feel like shit Janis: general you that time Grace: he's deleted Janis: 👌 Grace: Like, I'll obvs get new shitty exes but no need to go back here Janis: screenshot that one, yeah? Grace: 💜 Grace: he's not that cute, I was just over all the white boys Grace: no offense Janis: variety is the spice of life Janis: though literally no idea who that ginger you're talking about is Grace: I think he thinks you slept with his gf?? Grace: I set him straight on that, literally Janis: ha gutted i did that Janis: shh Grace: No way you would've, he showed me a pic & you can do so much better, babes Grace: trust Janis: awks Janis: poor ginge Grace: he wouldn't stop shouting at me like excuse me we're not the same person Grace: as if I'm gonna turn around and you're the back of my head Janis: you probably telepathically told me to do it though Janis: know what twins are like Grace: if she was cute, sure Janis: i don't think that helps us sound any less weird Janis: glad you went with a different clapback Grace: there's worse things than homewrecking someone that ugh Grace: but 👌👌 Janis: not taking that one for the team Janis: no matter how much of a cunt he was Janis: soz Grace: fine, wouldn't wanna risk barista boy's 💘 anyway Grace: a bitch but not that bitch Janis: shut up idiot Grace: he's so highkey 😍😍😍 & I think that's nice Janis: shame he ain't coming Janis: be hilarious if you said that to his face Janis: for me anyway Grace: I've seen enough PDA thank you Janis: you were definitely told to leave so Grace: I'm still mad at you btw Grace: & you can't make me leave a coffee shop, bitch Grace: I was mid ☕ Janis: that weren't my idea Grace: idc still 😱😱😱 Janis: your mates shouldn't bitch so loudly, like Grace: 🙄🙄 I know Grace: I'm so over it Janis: seems exhausting Janis: having to give a shit about what everyone else is up to all the time Grace: mhmmmmmm Janis: and just to be bitches Janis: seriously Grace: they're just hung up on you specifically cos every boy they want has asked you out & you said no Grace: boys they can't even get Grace: like it's your fault you're prettier than them Grace: when they have nobody to blame for how petty they are trying to be Grace: it's so boring & ridiculous!!! Janis: should fuck 'em just to really make it worth their rage but Janis: do you do it too, when it ain't me Grace: Ew no don't Grace: &? I know what I am, honey Janis: unlikely, reasons I said no Janis: I mean, it's probably easy to fall into that way of being Janis: like when you left all your shit at CG Grace: Okay no Grace: not talking about that with you ever Janis: why not, I literally had to give you your stuff Janis: we all know what it was Grace: exactly so we don't have to go there Janis: alright Grace: are you here or do I have time to kms? Janis: not trying to embarrass you Janis: and yeah not far Janis: this is just the longest street ever for some reason Grace: you should stop smoking with that boy Janis: please Grace: mhmm please do Janis: we're a long way from you giving anyone lectures Janis: let alone me Grace: it's still gross & you're already way thinner than me Janis: the ulterior motive comes out Janis: don't smoke enough for that, or lung disease, tah Grace: you can get fucked up by his sexy smoke rings, babes Grace: but sure Janis: that's 2nd-hand Janis: it's worse 'cos all the co2 you breathe out Janis: smoking yourself, way safer Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: I'll take it up then Janis: you'd have to get 'em off weird john Janis: no way you ain't getting ID'd Janis: any safety is dashed tbh, wouldn't bother if I were you Grace: excuse you literally have 19 year olds falling at my feet so Grace: well almost Janis: that like underage girls but sure Janis: probably ducked when he realised how virginal you ain't Grace: Yeah Grace: 2 years too late, sorry boy Janis: ick Janis: leave it out Grace: ????? Janis: that's too young Janis: it's depressing Grace: I know, I cried for like a week Janis: stop thinking about it now Janis: and chatting Janis: drive me to drink Grace: you can share this one Janis: alright, had enough earlier Janis: one of us should be vaguely sober Grace: did you sneak it into the fair while I was babysitting? Janis: ha Janis: after, went pub Grace: Oh okay Janis: did you think i was drunk Janis: was just a sugar high, like Grace: you left ASAP and I did when you got back Grace: literally wouldn't know Janis: did think it was a bit of a jump Grace: it's so rude that I can't get in anywhere & you can Janis: I'm tall Janis: and you've got a babyface Grace: like I said, so rude Janis: blame mum and dad Janis: neither of them brought it in the height department Grace: I blame avó, she's who I look like Grace: & she has that direct 🙏🙏🙏 line to god, obvs so Grace: she could have put in a word for me not to look like this Janis: get that you ain't meant to be a braggy cunt Janis: but bit of a slap in the face to call out one of his creations and say 'not again, thanks' Grace: 😂😂 Janis: also she'd give you a slap in the face for that one so let's hope she ain't in the kebab Grace: she'd wanna hit me for lots of things I do but Jesus loves a whore Grace: & she's never ate anywhere that isn't ours either Grace: doubly saved 🙌 Janis: 😏 Janis: not suggesting she's been out on the piss tbh Janis: it's late as hell and not midnight mass vibes, like Grace: if you're going that hard of the blood of christ, maybe just marry him tbh Janis: gutted she didn't Janis: probably can't dump your kid to be a nun though Janis: unfortunate for us all Grace: maybe I'll go become one Grace: can you vlog it? Janis: considering the vow of poverty, don't think you can show up with thousands worth of filming equipment, no Grace: tragic Janis: not even to mention all the others i think you'd struggle with Grace: well it's just mean if you don't tell me now Janis: come on then, I see you Janis: tell you all about it Grace: 👋 Grace: you look so pretty OMG Janis: let's not be texting and walking rn babe Grace: 👌👌👌
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: [I'm thinking like long enough that Mia and Co can establish a pattern of stalking him shamelessly but not long enough that half the hol is over obviously] Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: have a word to your sister Janis: you're alright Jimmy: I ain't Jimmy: bad enough she's always here without leaving half her clothes Janis: what you chatting Jimmy: There's the selective dyslexia Jimmy: sort it out Janis: sort out coming at me like I've got a clue what you're on about if you want solutions Jimmy: fuck's sake, Judith Jimmy: she's coming at me at work Jimmy: they all are Janis: lol where do you work sephora Jimmy: Yeah, that'll be why I knew so much about lipstick when you attacked me with it Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: that sounds like a you problem Janis: her details are NOT hard to find on purpose, like Jimmy: I didn't put in all them fake dating hours to end up where I were Jimmy: or to have a lovely chat with her Janis: what do you expect me to do Janis: if she cared about my feelings she obviously wouldn't be trying to fuck you or get a free makeover Jimmy: not be a dickhead Jimmy: but alright Janis: she's an annoying bitch Janis: my condolences Janis: not news to me Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: give me her shit then, I'll take it home Janis: where do you actually work though Jimmy: Common Grounds Jimmy: [sends her the deets] Janis: alright Janis: I'll be in later, leave it with whoever if you're off Jimmy: 👍 Janis: can't you bar them Jimmy: Top idea to piss off my manager Jimmy: no rich girls Janis: 🙄 Janis: they ain't the only ones about Janis: idk, hide when they come in next time Jimmy: they're the ones most often about Jimmy: tips are well up Jimmy: 🥈 idea to piss off my manager Jimmy: do nowt Janis: I know you don't all need to serve Jimmy: Use your big head Jimmy: they ask for me Janis: 🤢 Janis: she better not be Janis: not that rich Janis: who the fuck does she think she is Jimmy: Mia's the only one allowed to talk Jimmy: keep up with the squad rules, mate Janis: no tah Janis: want me to put in a sneaky complaint Jimmy: I get it, you don't play by them Jimmy: 😈 you Jimmy: why you never 💔 me Janis: ain't been back that long Janis: christ, my holiday too Jimmy: if you wanna just 👻 me, crack on with doing nowt Jimmy: it's working anyway Janis: is it? Janis: 'cos you just said it weren't Jimmy: not with them but my DMs are full of people ❔ & 💔 that I ain't posting about you Janis: there you go Janis: so wanna go with that, caspar? Jimmy: Do you? Janis: Don't make odds to me, I've proved my point, whether that lot wanna listen or not, like you said Janis: everyone else has so Jimmy: more questions if you don't swap me for some other dickhead though Janis: great Janis: I'll attach myself to the nearest prick then Jimmy: If you've got another answer for why you went from 😍😍😍 to 😑 then go with that Jimmy: like you said, ain't been that long Janis: you were way more 😍😍😍 Janis: but sure Janis: ugh, I'll be thinking on this bus then Jimmy: Bollocks Jimmy: you were Janis: take the compliment Janis: such a good actor Jimmy: Piss off Janis: What? Jimmy: I know you're calling me a drama queen or owt like it Jimmy: an insult up north that Janis: Calm down Billy Elliot Janis: I was saying you fake rocked my world, remember Jimmy: It ain't that kind of cafe like Jimmy: if you want dancers that's up the road Janis: I'm neither coming for you nor the lattes, boy Janis: coming 'cos her idea of flirting is pretending she's braindead and loses all her shit on the reg 🥴🤪 Janis: so appealing, right Jimmy: Good shout, me and every drink are too expensive Jimmy: gotta stay rich, eh? Jimmy: and 'course obvs 🤤🤤 Janis: 😂 Janis: that kind of dancer, are you Janis: left my ones at home Janis: soz Jimmy: a shit one but keep that between me and you Jimmy: it just ain't goals babe Janis: 🤐 Janis: your next gf, real or otherwise, won't hear it from me Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: #whenyourexaintapsycho Jimmy: what's that like? Janis: Poor kid Janis: not you, but 💔 of course Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: getting richer thanks to 💀👑 but still Janis: it feels dirty, no I get it Janis: maybe just be a stripper Jimmy: 👍 Janis: they won't get in Janis: 👶💀 Jimmy: nor would you 💔💔 Janis: 1. I don't wanna see that but keep that between me and you Janis: 2. yes I would Jimmy: Baby please Jimmy: such a liar OMG 😭😭😱😱 Jimmy: reckoned you and WE were better than that 💔🎻💔 Janis: it's called a private show Janis: nothing #goals about paying for it Jimmy: nowt goals about pretending you can get where you can't Janis: you think you can be a stripper fullstop Janis: too twink to be legal, babe Jimmy: You think I can 'cause you're 😍😍😍 Jimmy: I never said it Janis: 😠😠😠 Janis: don't tell me what I think OMG Jimmy: stop thinking about me naked then Janis: pretty sure you have to keep your thong on Janis: this is a Christian country, thank you very much Jimmy: how much have you thought about this? Jimmy: gonna make me 😳 girl Janis: Stripping? Janis: Not much Janis: my lack of tits and all 💔 Jimmy: Me stripping 'cause you'll be suggesting thong colours in a bit Jimmy: and my tits are decent so not a problem Janis: Well, black, obviously Janis: but that's just a given Jimmy: But babe you love pink!! Janis: that's the colour of your skin, it's obscene Jimmy: Have you gone blind? Jimmy: have you been all this time? Janis: no, whiteboy Jimmy: It'd explain the PJs and missing my neck when you went in with your teeth Jimmy: you sure? Janis: What do you mean? Jimmy: What do you mean what do I mean? Janis: I mean both were intentional and you know it Jimmy: admitting I know something? Jimmy: are you alright? Janis: just sick of talking to idiots Janis: if it's all the same to you Jimmy: you ain't gonna wanna come here then Janis: I don't, hence I'm going to the gym first Janis: quite near there, who knew babe Jimmy: Not me Jimmy: 💪 is natural Janis: pah Janis: don't make me actually LOL Jimmy: I carried you, don't make me have to recreate it 'cause you have some kind of memory loss Janis: and I'm skinny, regardless of the complex you wanna give me, pervert Jimmy: don't make you light Jimmy: you're not a 💀 girl Janis: been making you carry her 'round, has she Janis: she's not that rich and you're not that downtrod Janis: there are some rights you've got, like Jimmy: How are you not getting how high maintenance my ex was? Jimmy: you're not my first princess Janis: 💔 Janis: aw I thought I was special Jimmy: I know Jimmy: soz Janis: no worries, just drop the 🏋 on my head Janis: ttfn Jimmy: 👌 Janis: none of them are there rn are they? Jimmy: they left a bit ago Janis: great Janis: I'm not ruining my streak of Grace-free days Jimmy: 🏆💪 Jimmy: I get it Janis: Exactly Janis: 🥇 Jimmy: or nowt baby Janis: Mhmm Jimmy: we're so in sync 💕 Janis: not the worst team Janis: just ask the fans Jimmy: won't be able to when I delete my accounts 💔 better do that Q & A quick like Janis: going 👻? Jimmy: that 💀😭💔 over you, Jill Janis: but actually Jimmy: ? Janis: easiest way to shut 'em up is just to throw 'em a 🦴 yeah Janis: won't be all that taxing to just get a pic whilst I'm picking up her shit Jimmy: The lighting in here is #🔥 Jimmy: and I do know your angles Janis: half the appeal, obviously Janis: give you a solid 35% Janis: the iced coffees a 15% Jimmy: if you order iced coffee I'll dump you myself Jimmy: give a shit what the plan were meant to be Janis: those are their numbers, not mine Janis: I don't even drink coffee, just give you a tip so you don't 😢 Jimmy: I know that, rich girl Jimmy: I'm the dickhead making them Jimmy: no need to give me a tip, give me a like and retweet Janis: 😏 missed me that much yeah Jimmy: you know it 💕 Jimmy: just gotta tell everyone else Janis: 'course Janis: now we're back in civilization, more inclined to do so Jimmy: what you ain't gonna miss holding your phone up in the air like a right knob? Janis: ahh #memories Jimmy: save it they'll 💀 over that Janis: sad that it's true Janis: so popular Jimmy: 😏 yeah you sound 💔 mate Janis: like you don't find it even a tiny bit amusing Jimmy: if it weren't I wouldn't still be bothering Janis: exactly Jimmy: 💀👑 makes me 😂 not soz Jimmy: what's her #obsession with you? Janis: Obvs we've been in a centuries-long battle over the title queen of the undead and she's mad I wear it better Janis: I actually don't know though Janis: mad that I hate my sister more than she does? mad my hair doesn't fall out in clumps? Jimmy: 💀 pact but make it #goals, I get it Jimmy: 🩸 ain't everyone's colour Janis: she ain't got any, anemic cow Janis: not that I'd trust drinking from her, like Jimmy: alright 🤢 ain't anyone's either Janis: 😂 Janis: can only imagine the hilarious shit you've been forced to overhear Jimmy: crack on Janis: heard the general gist plenty of times but assume they're tailoring it towards you which means it's even more cringe than normal Jimmy: Your sister actually mute or? Jimmy: like is it some 🏆💪 with your deaf brother Janis: ha, no, you joking Janis: even he wishes she'd stfu Jimmy: never heard her say owt and I'M obvs 💔💔 Janis: idk then Janis: you probably seem the type that likes introspective, quiet girls #deep Janis: maybe she's giving that a shot Jimmy: 😂😂😂 Jimmy: that's a fucking misread Janis: her specialty Jimmy: where does she reckon I'm from? Up north there ain't no quiet girls Janis: exactly, you poor misunderstood boy 💔💔 Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻🎻 Janis: s'a tragedy, truly Jimmy: Mia probably cut her tongue out for saying black's the new pink Jimmy: that's the real one Jimmy: such an underappreciated colour your fave Janis: Yeah, dead awkward she's done be such a solid Janis: have to say thank you and everything Jimmy: I'll sign it for you Jimmy: know everything I need to if I'm gonna chat to her Janis: 💀👑 her personality revolves around how fast she can get things in and out her mouth Janis: no time or need for chatting, I already told you Jimmy: 😍😍🤤🤤 Jimmy: but that'll be why she's gone deaf, that & the starvation Janis: why's she deaf Jimmy: weren't listening to none of them when she let them say owt Janis: can't blame her Janis: who'd wanna listen to any of 'em Jimmy: oh I dunno the tall one was making some fair points Janis: 😂 about what, whether to paint their nails this shade of beige or this slightly darker shade of beige Janis: still not thrilling Jimmy: about you being a dickhead Jimmy: not a direct quote Jimmy: taken some liberties with it Janis: awh the tall one likes me Janis: maybe I'll let her pick me up and climb up the nearest skyscraper 💕 Jimmy: I don't reckon you get to call her the tall one when you're tall as you are, babe Jimmy: but as dates go, you could do worse Janis: She's gargantuan Janis: you're just short Jimmy: 🦍🏗💕 Jimmy: piss off I ain't short Jimmy: wind your giraffe neck in Janis: 😏 okay lil man Jimmy: I was brought up on 🥧 🥔 and 🚬 what do you want from me, honestly Jimmy: I ain't 💀💀💀 Janis: s'alright, you're not my real boyfriend, normal rules need not apply Jimmy: and you're not my real girlfriend so you don't get to slag me off Janis: I ain't Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: there's in-synch and then there's copying, babe Jimmy: don't start something then Jimmy: I'm up to my actual 👀 in mardy customers Jimmy: no need for you to copy that Janis: well if you're messaging even 2 other bitches rn that's probably why Janis: focus, boy Janis: cappucinos are your passion, you really need the dickhead in the suit to not be late to his meeting Jimmy: 1. what would I need you for if I were? 2. this needs all the focus of you making that sandwich you never after I fake rocked your world Jimmy: 3. Making me laugh is the 🥉 guaranteed idea you've had to piss off my manager Jimmy: 4. Are we going for a 4th 🏆 when you get here or what? Janis: 1. idk your business, I meant bitches = female not as in actual cunts 2. how 'bout you make me a panini, babe Janis: 3. they sound like a party are they at least daddy Janis: 4. what did you have in mind because I've strangely not come out in my PJs Jimmy: 1. only so much 🐕 training I've got time for Jimmy: 2. 💰💰 first Jimmy: 3. nah but my dad saw your 👂 handiwork and he's blooding raring to 💍👰 Jimmy: 4. Will it even be the same without them? 😱😭💔 Janis: 1. your dog sounds #problematic you mention it a lot just call me sherlock Janis: 2. golddigger Janis: 3. but I am gonna bae your da so fair's fair Janis: 4. it was just about the soft cotton 💔 soz everyone, can't go on Jimmy: 1. sounds it 'cause she is 👏 Jimmy: 2. starving artist Jimmy: 3. so fair you 💕 Jimmy: 4. obviously Janis: Poor baby, don't they let you eat the leftovers and sendbacks? Janis: That's criminal Jimmy: They do but I'm all about a sob story me Jimmy: white lies ain't criminal though so Janis: Noted Janis: full soap opera when I come through Jimmy: full orchestra an' all Jimmy: 🎻🎻 play on Janis: sure thing Janis: after I've slapped you, told you you are the dad, then you ain't and then tell you I'm 💀💀💀 so still look after it bye Jimmy: looking forward to it Janis: obviously Janis: perv Jimmy: you Janis: be pretty satisfying to smack you one but I wouldn't go that far Jimmy: save it for our fake break up, my dear Janis: spoilsport Jimmy: I do hate P.E but I wouldn't go that far, mate Janis: sucha 🤓 Jimmy: *😎 Janis: bet they ain't part of your uniform Janis: gutting Jimmy: such a #rebel an' all though 😈 Janis: with or without a cause though? Jimmy: It's that you only wear PJs Jimmy: the hill I'm gonna die on Janis: 😂 Janis: alright, start a # Jimmy: alright, hang on Jimmy: [does cos he's a nerd] Janis: brilliant Janis: cue the DMs asking to see, like Jimmy: Mr Lucas is gonna let you wear them to school like Jimmy: you're welcome Janis: looking to have a heart attack to get that early but not really pension Janis: 👀 you sir Jimmy: and he'll be seeing loads of you Janis: shut up Janis: 🤢 Jimmy: I know I'm good but making you voming on me #goals Jimmy: I dunno Janis: #goals for a very specific group of gals but probably not otherwise so 🤫 Jimmy: don't reckon you can use #goals and them in the same sentence, Joanne Jimmy: challenge too far Janis: true Janis: right, lemme hit the showers then I can be there Jimmy: tah for that Jimmy: 👃 before 👀 weren't part of the plan Janis: piss off I'm not a skank Jimmy: admitting you faked your work out Jimmy: well committed you Janis: no, admitting I ain't gonna leave the gym after without washing Jimmy: 🏆 Janis: leave me alone so I can do it in peace Janis: or I'll never get there Jimmy: Glad I don't need to talk you through it Janis: thanks, left my blindfold at home Janis: dickhead Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: you should wear that all the time an' all it was a #look Janis: no thanks Janis: fake trust will only get us so far Jimmy: only so many fake injuries I can nurse Jimmy: 😇 of 💀 weren't the pact Janis: 💔 Janis: suited you Jimmy: white's my colour Jimmy: why I'm staying pure til 👰 Janis: not if I've got anything to do with it Janis: which I already have so shh Jimmy: If anyone asks I'm filthy, gotcha Janis: you can be a bit more vague Janis: not gotta hoe it up, be fit and mysterious, like Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: been that since I got here Janis: you ain't a part-timer, I get it Jimmy: not with this job and the one I'm being paid for Janis: hot Jimmy: I know Jimmy: ☕ machine burns to prove it babe Janis: so brave too Janis: wow 😍😩🤤 Jimmy: stop flirting with me Jimmy: cold 🚿 Jimmy: we've got work to do Janis: 👌 Janis: even though it's so sexy when you get serious Janis: 😏 Jimmy: I ain't even started Jimmy: wait til I get my 📷 out, girl Janis: umm Jimmy: You scare easy, I remember Jimmy: it'll be alright Janis: 😑 stop saying that Janis: I ain't scared of a flash Jimmy: no need, I know what I'm doing Janis: you better Janis: good thing I can roll with the punches 'cos you're not exactly clueing me in Jimmy: You're in good hands baby Jimmy: nowt else to say Janis: I guess not Janis: in a bit then Jimmy: 😘 Janis: [showing up but outside] Janis: you want me to come in or what Jimmy: Do you wanna? Jimmy: I'm due a break Janis: not gonna cockblock your work romances unnecessarily Janis: come out then Jimmy: They'd only have to check my socials to see how 😍😍 we are Jimmy: but alright Jimmy: [comes out and immediately lights a 🚬 obvs] Janis: people love cheating, only point of having a 9-5, #amiright Janis: [just like hey but not with words obvs] Jimmy: [doesn't answer her typed message because not that type of boy and also #triggered but offers her a 🚬 in greeting] Janis: [picking up such a casual habit lmao like how he never asked if she smokes and she just went with it] Jimmy: [bit rude actually boy but fair assumption cos she wasn't like OMG NO GROSS haha] Jimmy: [when you really need that 🚬 but also you don't have long if you're gonna stage a casual #reunion photoshoot oh the awks] Janis: [least they can take photos as he does 'cos that #badboy rep honey] Jimmy: [hopefully it'll turn at least a few of the 🚭 brigade off] Janis: [you can dream boy but we know you look good fight me, let her put up the pics as her casual #comeback 'sorted'] Jimmy: [he looks hot as hell doing it and we've seen the proof honey, don't even need to discuss at this point how needlessly hard they are going at this for the #fans and not cos they've missed each other nope] Janis: ['course not, like there's every need to be so PDA, mhmm] Jimmy: [cos clearly every real couple is this extra and it's not as if Grace has already called you out or anything] Janis: [soz they need their flimsy excuses lads] Jimmy: [soz you're all jealous] Janis: ['what she even leave anyway?'] Jimmy: ['what hasn't she?' exaggeration but not by much] Janis: [🙄 'what the fuck'] Jimmy: [does a gun finger and puts it to her head & then his because honestly] Janis: [sticks her tongue out and closes her eyes like a nerd but shakes her head like] Jimmy: [when you can't help a little genuine smile cos she cute] Janis: [just like what but not mad] Jimmy: [just looking at her like ?? even though you know what boy] Janis: [pushing his arm but again not aggressive like lol] Jimmy: [when you stop her by holding onto hers but in the most flirty way ever cos obviously bye] Janis: [just raising her eyebrows like really] Jimmy: [doing it back, oh boy be careful if you think you're challenging her rn] Janis: [just maintaining that eye contact for the longest they've probably ever 'your fag break ain't long enough, boy'] Jimmy: ['never is'] Janis: [makes heart with her hands then breaks it 'imagine if you didn't smoke then' 'cos true you get more breaks if you do by default hence they try and crack down on it] Jimmy: [mimes playing that violin 'why you trying to give me suicidal thoughts?'] Janis: [points finger gun back at his head then does a shrug 'not now?'] Jimmy: ['imagine if you had to work for your money, rich girl' shrugs back 'least wait until school starts, get on their roof and let the crowd form, like'] Janis: [gasps dramatically and clutches her chest like how dare you even think it 😏 nods 'sure, you wanna see how many you can take out with you, very white boy of you'] Jimmy: [😏 'more fun when you're in the mood too' and a look cos we know he doesn't mean a 💀 mood lads and nods like yep knew you'd appreciate that] Janis: [tuts like she's so unamused sure ok but you be looking back and not moving even though you could get the stuff and be on your way] Jimmy: [shakes his head in an amused way] Janis: [when you brb to go in for a piss/to be nosy and end up talking to pete like hey boy for the first time why not] Jimmy: [when I make him come back in just in time to see that just so he can be jealous for the first time lol] Janis: [we're so mean but it's real sow the seeds, just like oh hey gimme her crap then] Jimmy: [when you basically throw it at her cos you're 😒] Janis: [when you're obvs ?! at the change in mood but like alright then go with that 'cos what else can you like laters lads] Jimmy: [aggressively makes lattes while watching her go like this is fine] Janis: [lmao poor clueless pete like this is a weird vibe] Jimmy: [god bless that sweet sweet boy] Janis: any point besides 'leave me the fuck alone' you need me to get across to her? Jimmy: is there any point in telling her someone'll nick it next time if she just buy more shit? Jimmy: *can Jimmy: putting the possibility of a shopping spree in her head probably only encourage her Janis: 🔨🔩 on the head, like Janis: any excuse Janis: might turn her all Winona and is there any less endearing rich girl stereotype Janis: she struggles enough as is 💔 Jimmy: 🔨🔩 in the head, like 🤞 Jimmy: 💀💀💀 Janis: god I wish they were still giving out lobotomies like they were last season's prada, honey Jimmy: don't reckon I can fake being a nurse hard enough to sign off on that Jimmy: soz Janis: no oscar for you then Janis: and I thought you were convincing for a sec there Jimmy: put your PJs back on and maybe it'll inspire me Janis: if that was a factor you'd have been more inspired Janis: 😏 Jimmy: I was 🥇 Janis: saying I weren't, please Jimmy: you can have 🥈 Janis: piss off Janis: I put in more graft than you Jimmy: Bollocks, you were lying there 'injured' Janis: Your fault Jimmy: and I had to apologise like some kind of dickhead Jimmy: where's yours for being one? Janis: again, YOUR idea to go do it so shut up Janis: matters is it worked Janis: they've been crying about it since, like Jimmy: Me an' all Jimmy: having to 😘 you has that effect Janis: Pussy Jimmy: That why you're so into it? Janis: that's why I'm the better actor and you should try harder Jimmy: every new comment disagrees with you, mate Jimmy: 🏆 and 👑 me Janis: Not really a brag if they can tell how not into you I am, is it Janis: idiot Jimmy: The whole plan is that you 💔 me not 💍👰 Jimmy: idiot Janis: sympathy sex is your thing Janis: gross Jimmy: Dunno, not had any yet Jimmy: fact is I've got the harder job being 💕😍 that's why I'm 🥇 and you ain't Janis: you changed the plan back Janis: stop pissing about Janis: and the fact is that's a matter of opinion and no one has a higher opinion of you than you Jimmy: Me? You came here and you said we just give everyone more of what they want Jimmy: it's starting to sound like it's what you want and you've got that high opinion of me Janis: I'm not even entertaining that level of narcissism and bullshit Janis: because YOU were complaining so much and asking ME to do something about it Janis: but easy, I will tonight Janis: 💔 hit harder with the tease of a reunion Jimmy: 👍 Janis: Sorted then Janis: actually this time Jimmy: if you stop pissing about, yeah Janis: You're a joke, mate Jimmy: Glad you're 😂 'cause I ain't Janis: go 😢 some more Janis: good practice Jimmy: No need, I'm the 🥇 one Janis: at being a little bitch 💔 Janis: take it, I'm good Jimmy: That's my role, can't change it now, you'll get even mardier Janis: No shit, you had your fucking chance Janis: this is the narrative you want, hope it's everything you dreamed of Jimmy: Tah Janis: 💕 Janis: Bye Jimmy: 😘 Jimmy: [literally showing up like a 👻 from the shadows to pull her away from that fuckboy before anything can happen okay] Janis: [when you can barely wait to be like 'what the fuck' 'cos you're that mad like better not be no smokers outside 'cos casually running out] Jimmy: [when you're just looking at her like DON'T DO THIS oh honey you're gonna have to use your words] Janis: [like the level of exasperated cannot be overstated in this moment 'what the fuck' but 🔊 and with more feeling] Jimmy: [When you're gonna type it and pretend like it's cos you don't want peeps to hear but really it's cos you can't look at her rn without showing more than you're ready to] Jimmy: You're right Jimmy: it ain't gonna work Jimmy: they'll just throw themselves at me harder Janis: [the awkward moments when she ain't getting her phone out so is just like fuck you then and ready to walk off before she checks without thinking 'cos habit] Janis: yeah well Janis: why should I make that my problem now Jimmy: [shrugs] Jimmy: [but then just when she'd be about ready to fuck off is like 'I fucked up, I get it' softly and also with feeling] Janis: ['just-' pausing to think how to word this so she doesn't go off off but also so he get its 'cos can't do this again tah 'it ain't gonna fucking work if you don't admit you need it to too, I don't even need to know all your fucking reasons, but you clearly have them and so do it so own it. I'm not making you do shit and I won't do shit for you, even if it'd benefit me, yeah, if you're gonna take the piss like that' breathes out and folds her arms like there, done] Janis: I,* Jimmy: ['Alright' unfolds her arms really gently so it's not in a pisstaking way 'I said I get it'] Janis: [is 😠😟 but eventually does a nod like alright 'can I have a cigarette'] Jimmy: [nods too because #always and of course lights it for her and then one for him because needed] Janis: [just smoking in silence but jogging her legs up and down 'cos the casual pent up mess of emotions that ain't coming out tonight honey] Jimmy: So what did I miss? Have I gotta smack that dickhead or what? Janis: [shakes her head 'no one saw anything' nothing happened but point is don't owe him that info] Jimmy: [nods like oh good but we know it's cos he's a jealous mofo and is glad] Janis: who's socials did you have to stalk to get here Janis: 💀👑? Jimmy: I'm CONSTANTLY refreshing her feed ALWAYS babe Jimmy: the work did itself Janis: gutted for you she weren't on the trip Janis: the 💕 story would've written itself Jimmy: I've had my cry about it, it's alright Janis: probably for the best Janis: always competition at parties Janis: idk how welcome you'd be in the 'men are trash' bathroom sob sesh Jimmy: hang on, I'll go find out Jimmy: [doesn't actually move] Janis: [shaking her head but with less anger by now] Janis: not just from the girls, either Janis: [flashes her phone at him of Harry being whiny like come back where u at] Jimmy: [can't stop himself from being 😒 thank god that's his default expression lol] Jimmy: [takes her phone and deletes the messages like a sassy little bitch] Janis: [does fake cry] Janis: wow, they meant so much to me, how could you Janis: [but is like half-smile/smirk so he knows she ain't gonna be the one to start that up again so soon lmao] Jimmy: [puts his arm around her like he's fake comforting her but we know it real] Jimmy: you're in the right place to drown your sorrows Jimmy: come on Jimmy: [moves like he's gonna go inside but waits for her] Janis: [swipes at him like get off but instead moves his arm so it's around her waist so they can walk in like mat as well start now] Jimmy: [when you're buzzing about it but you can pretend its fake so its fine] Janis: better get that drink for me, babe Jimmy: You better come with 'cause you can't bear to be apart from me 💕 Janis: 🙄 Janis: [but actually 😏] Janis: I guess we are that couple rn Jimmy: No need to take a poll but can do Jimmy: [😏 too] Janis: 🤓 Janis: knew it Janis: got WAY too angry when I slated maths Jimmy: Oh please, Northerners can't even read or write, everybody knows that Janis: Can drink though, yeah? Janis: Try to keep up Janis: [goes in to make point like 'Slainte'] Jimmy: [obviously downs whatever drink to make his point that yeah he can] Janis: [get drunk kiddos, that's not risky AT ALL for yous; at least Harry is the type to see she's got a mans and just be smug like aw yeah she still wanted me, hit you up later babe wink wink, so don't need to brawl the idiot necessarily Jimothy but no one would be that mad if you two had to make a scene to show she don't want you boy bye] Jimmy: [what an absolute smug prick how bloody real but yeah Jimmy should totally use that excuse to be extra because obvs wants to smack him and is jealous af that something might have happened] Janis: [we know it's the typical shit party gotta make it fun somehow] Jimmy: [literally and the only other 'excuse' they need are that Mia and Co are also there so] Janis: [imagine how 😏 they'd have been when she turned up just her and how 😒 when he shows up to meet her lmao] Jimmy: [sucks to suck gals] Janis: [chin chin] Jimmy: what did you eat? You taste like Jimmy: [when you trail off so she don't know if its a compliment or an insult but we do] Janis: don't be ridiculous Janis: don't eat the day before a party Janis: rule #22, like Jimmy: you don't play by or keep up with their rules Jimmy: unless it has been that long Jimmy: did you get to the top of the lobotomy waiting list then? Janis: [shrugs like maybe, boy 😏] Janis: you snooze, I lose a good chunk of my frontal lobe Jimmy: [shrugs back] Jimmy: ah well, give me an easier life that Janis: 🤞 me and all Janis: or I'll have to sue, yeah Janis: #richgirltingz Jimmy: [shakes his head like he's so #overit but is 😏] Jimmy: how much 💸💸💸 were that outfit? Janis: well idk, if I say a months worth of tips is that impressive or nah Janis: 💔 poor boy Jimmy: Depends Jimmy: You mean my tips or the other dickheads that work there? Janis: depends who's the favourite, of course Jimmy: you don't need your frontal lobe to work that one out Janis: alright, dickhead Janis: glad they're compensating you for your time Jimmy: [nods over to where Mia is 👀🔪 at them] Jimmy: didn't 👑🏆 myself Janis: [waves like hey babes and gestures like 'come over' 'cos she obvs won't] Janis: got it's perks then Jimmy: I draw the line at a fake threesome Janis: [snorts and makes a face like desgustang] Janis: I reckon she's had enough she'd know the difference Jimmy: I get it, she keeps it #real yeah? 😎😎😎 Janis: 🤤🤤🤤 on that in your own time Jimmy: don't reckon I can Jimmy: if anyone asks the 😍😍😍 are all yours Janis: 👌 Janis: better move outta their line of sight so there's no confusion Janis: [head to the kitchen] Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: [get more drinks down you, what could go wrong kids] Janis: [dickhead should be in here 'cos can't go anywhere lads] Janis: [downing that drink like] Jimmy: [likewise because fuming] Janis: [fun and games] Janis: this is so dry Janis: you been to an actual decent party here yet? Jimmy: Have you? Jimmy: [cos that's the tea they're never decent] Janis: [😏 like fairplay] Jimmy: [making himself comfortable in that kitchen rn downing drinks (which isn't a bad idea oh no) cos that fuckboy has gotta leave first can't show weakness] Janis: took the challenge to heart, mate Janis: [keeping up which ain't gonna come back to haunt ya] Jimmy: accepted it Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Janis: drink to that Jimmy: [cue to down another drink of course] Janis: you live far from here? Janis: if I'm gonna have to carry you, like Jimmy: you have your 💪 cut out same time as your 🧠? Jimmy: 💔🎻💔 Janis: 🖕 Janis: you're just so big Jimmy: send that tweet anytime you fancy Janis: [does] Janis: 🥇 Jimmy: any excuse to reply with how well hard I am an' all Jimmy: [does] Jimmy: 💕 Janis: 😂 Janis: such an idiot Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: 💕 my idiot Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Janis: this song is the worst Janis: gonna go change it Janis: [to the living room girl] Jimmy: [when you pull her back for a sec so you can kiss her 'goodbye' dramatically for your audience] Janis: miss u already bb Jimmy: obvs Janis: [assume she puts something decent on lol] Janis: don't get lost Jimmy: [comes back through carrying drinks, gives her one and knocks his against it as if he approves of the song choice but actually like I didn't get lost well done me and kisses her again for the #reunited mood] Janis: [going harder this time 'cos you can pretend it's 'cos Mia and co are in this room] Jimmy: [lowkey picking her up (but in the way she's still standing her feet are just off the floor) whilst because you ain't forgot what she said about carrying you] Janis: [when you whisper something pisstake-y about how strong he is in his ear for the look of the thing] Jimmy: [😏] Janis: ['just how bad are you at dancing then?' still in his 👂] Jimmy: ['How good are you?' in hers because he means that he needs all the help he can get but he also means he wants to see that, we know] Janis: [nods, 'just let me do the work' 'cos lbr dudes can get away with that if the girl is decent, leading him to where peeps are dancing so they can get lost in the crowd a bit but we know bitches be 👀] Jimmy: [Save him Janis we gotta keep this #goals but least the way he'd be feeling it would be so] Janis: [we all know it would be regardless like more than they be anticipating] Jimmy: [100% because that chemistry 5ever] Janis: [lowkey 😳 but it'd be literally hot in there so you're safe] Jimmy: [the constant 🐘 in the room of how into each other you are in ways that you literally can't fake, okay lads] Janis: [gonna have to break this up somehow] Jimmy: [someone could easily spill a drink on one of them by being a drunken dickhead cos always happens] Janis: [take that one for the team, then he can 'pretend' to be all gentlemanly and help] Jimmy: [close to a cold shower as you're getting rn, so offended on her behalf though cos her outfit is 🔥] Janis: [honestly rude, get another drink whilst you clean up in the bathroom] Janis: fucking hate parties Jimmy: [ooh if it's a lad he can kick off because never got to with Harry and he's got those pent up emotions] Jimmy: we can go Janis: [totally, she ain't gonna stop him, not that 'he's not worth it' type of bitch lol] Janis: not 'til the drink runs dry Janis: shits free, think on Jimmy: alright, pisshead Janis: what's the matter, not feeling 🥇 no more? Jimmy: [joins her in the bathroom to clean up the 🩸 from going too hard on some poor random which is an answer in itself cos obvs won] Janis: [trying to look unphased with almost total success but you catch his eye in the mirror, pass him a towel to fuck up soz whoever's gaff this is they do not care] Jimmy: [checking her out in the mirror too anyway because let's assume she's hitting that cliche where you gotta remove your top to clean it in the sink] Jimmy: [so glad you two are alone in a confined space rn yep] Janis: ['course, just be semi-clothes nbd you know each other like that mhmm] Jimmy: [don't think about what a pro he'd be at getting blood out #thanksIan] Janis: ['not got us kicked out? must be popular'] Jimmy: [shrugs] Janis: [turn 'round so she's actually looking at him, not via the mirror, assesses the damage gently and nods 'you'll survive'] Jimmy: ['weren't nowt but a little scrap, he might an' all'] Janis: ['outfit weren't that pricey, like' just casually still holding his face like bitch you done checking 'we can actually go now, if you wanna..'] Jimmy: [shamelessly looks her up and down 'reckon we can keep that between me and you' WHEN YOU'RE JUST SAYING SHE LOOKS GOOD AS HELL BYE] Janis: ['we could do that too' just gotta hold that eye contact and take a lil step towards him like challenge accepted] Jimmy: [when you only break the eye contact to stare at her lips #goodideaboynotdangerousatall] Janis: ['go rob me a top or we can't go anywhere' when your tone makes it sound like that's an option too tho] Jimmy: [gives her his like walking around topless is an option for him either] Jimmy: [we all know you want to just so she has to give him lovebites on all that bare skin mhmmm I see you boy] Janis: [lols but shamelessly checking him out too now nothing to lose yeah lads 'so chivalrous, you' and you know the others have faded now, checking for them too like this will never do 'so you reckon you could take a few more bruises for me then?'] Jimmy: ['Death pact's tomorrow' like she's gonna freeze it's April not December boyyy but we know meant to be a nod to how hungover they might be if they keep drinking so hard ha and also him saying he'll live/do your worst #notgonnaregretthatohno] Janis: ['won't be in any state to hold you to that, no danger' when you're just scanning his bod plotting where you're gonna do 'em like this is very serious 'don't want 'em to think we've been up here doing nowt, yeah'] Jimmy: [when you're just trying not to die before she's even touched you #mood so you can only shake your head cos can't trust your voice not to betray you rn] Janis: ['got my vampire rep to protect if nothing else' when you done giving reasons why you're about to go in 'cos we all know you just really wanna] Jimmy: ['you earnt that one if nowt else' god's speed Jimothy cos this is gonna be a MOMENT] Janis: [all over that neck and chest down to his stomach 'cos you're 'drunk' (barely) and have no chill, coming back up to his ear to do a throwback one and then being all 'you taste like-' whilst you're there] Jimmy: [RIP him because it feels that good AND you got dragged by your own 'diss' #amazing but of course he has to hit her with a 'what?' every time even if he has to struggle to get the word out] Janis: [just a look like 'you know what' and hoisting yourself up to sit on the sink, expectant, 'you want 'em to think you're as bad a fuck as you are a dancer? better do something this time'] Jimmy: [oh how the tables have turned because a challenge like that is obviously gonna be accepted whenever but now he's gotta go harder than he's ever because the fragile male ego] Janis: [lmao #whoops regret it in the morning lads] Jimmy: [I feel like a thigh lovebite or something to that effect like whatever is clothing feasible but still risque af could be her boob if she's got trousers on idk) is a step too far so therefore he and I must #calm down but actually don't ever] Janis: [no hiding what a moment that is even if she's like 'have fun showing that one off, boy' 😏 after 'cos breathless af still, someone is gonna have to boot this door down lowkey or this is gonna get so far beyond what can be for the 'audience'] Jimmy: [makes me die like WHO'S looking that closely not even Mia] Janis: [she wishes] Jimmy: [bahaha] Jimmy: [but yeah take that interruption as the moment to wander topless through the party to 'find her a shirt'] Janis: [oh the scandal, y'all will see that tho, welcome] Jimmy: [the state of them both literally give them that oscar and then get them a room] Janis: [when you ain't about to wait in the bathroom like you're so ashamed 'cos not a mood so just strut out like sup] Jimmy: [imagine being that confident as a 15 year old or ever] Janis: [honestly, your sister gonna be so fuming again] Jimmy: [gotta send him outside to calm down but if anyone asks he just really needs that post hook up 🚬] Janis: [you can go get a drink, bab, for likewise] Jimmy: [lowkey hope Harry is still around to 👀] Janis: [no doubt he is, don't 👀 too much of her tah] Jimmy: [just enough so you know you still ain't wanted boy] Janis: [maybe mean but is real tbh he should hook up with one of grace's friends maybe other skinny bitch 'cos he can't go back alone if Janis ain't, that kinda boy also] Jimmy: [absolutely and Grace could hook up with one of his friends just to make it really incestuous and legit like are you Rio and Buster no, don't need to be going round the houses like that] ] Janis: [he would've probably got with all her mates by the time they get together like oh really grace, this is the boy you 'love' alright] Jimmy: [Yeah unless any of them are really below his standards, kill me tbh] Janis: [lbr, some of them are just filler, like tonight, soz gurl] Janis: if you don't hurry up, think your girl about to get snatched Jimmy: 😱😱😱 Janis: stand corrected, he's gone for the prettier 💀 Jimmy: thank feck for that Jimmy: stopped breathing for a bit then Janis: says you Janis: my gaff is gonna be consolation HQ now 💔😥 Janis: and that'll be the 🚬 Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: it'll be the 🧛💕 Janis: 🙄 Janis: don't talk such a big game, and I'll go easier on you Jimmy: keep it #goals or I'll dump you Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt baby Janis: oh will you Janis: didn't agree to that plan either, tah Jimmy: plans change, mate Jimmy: what else am I doing here, like Janis: 😑 did you listen to me at all, dickhead Janis: got to put it to the committee and then wait 3-5 working days before making any more changes Jimmy: Nah, I were too busy being 😍😍🤤🤤 Janis: Mhmm Janis: not your fault Janis: 🩸 supply only gonna go so far with me, mate Janis: can't expect you to be brains and beauty Jimmy: that your new twitter bio? Janis: try tinder Jimmy: 👍 Janis: a comeback and a tip Janis: use fake name and no headshots, obvs Jimmy: your head is bigger than your tits though, girl Jimmy: might wanna think again Janis: haaa Janis: 🖕 Janis: not everyone's type is your type, trust Jimmy: if I had a type you'd be the last to know Janis: you give yourself away all the time Janis: ain't hard Jimmy: can't be 💕 for anyone else when my 😍 have to be on you Janis: exactly Janis: all the shit you find so 🤢 about me just shows your hand in the opposite Janis: #duh Jimmy: #whenshebelievesowtyousay Jimmy: 💕 Janis: lie about the 😍 Janis: why lie about that? Jimmy: Why tell you the truth? Janis: 🙄 'cos if it's a lie, I know either way Jimmy: bollocks Janis: I ain't stupid Janis: or a lad Janis: know when someone fancies me Jimmy: I'm a stupid lad and me too Jimmy: so what? Janis: so I know you don't, god Jimmy: You don't know or need to know nowt about me Jimmy: been through that Janis: it ain't about you Janis: all about me, obviously Jimmy: Gracie will be thrilled that you wanna twin with her Janis: no doubt Jimmy: crack on Janis: 👌 that's the plan Janis: if you see people running past, this kid's parents are coming back Janis: it's carrying on at Liam R's, if you want to Jimmy: can't Janis: alright Jimmy: if you keep your real 💕 off socials, will be Janis: never said I was going there Janis: so if that's your reason for not, feel free to RSVP Jimmy: never asked if you were Jimmy: got somewhere else to be, tah Janis: makes two of us Janis: na night Jimmy: you not gonna do a proper goodbye? 💔 Jimmy: [so not for the fans and we all know it boy stop] Janis: who for, skeleton gang having their bones jumped literal Jimmy: 'cause they don't have their phones in one hand even with a 🍆 in the other or owt Jimmy: but alright Janis: 😷 Janis: good thing I'm an oscar-winning actress because that's really off-putting Jimmy: come here then Janis: front or back Jimmy: more people out front Janis: sensible Janis: not in such a rush we need to hop the back fence, only his ma and da, not garda Janis: see you there then, I guess Jimmy: 👌 Janis: actually, fuck it Janis: change of plan Janis: do you one better Jimmy: ? Janis: pretend i'm coming back to yours Janis: cover for whatever we're both actually up to, yeah Jimmy: Good thing I'm 🥇 enough to pretend mine is somewhere #goals Janis: someone with a lesser ego nicked your phone or what Janis: is as far as all the girls are concerned, champ, come on Jimmy: I get it, you don't want the competition but my phone ain't worth nicking either Jimmy: soz rich girl Janis: psh Janis: 🥇 Janis: just hoping someone more my type picked it up but sadly Jimmy: stop pissing about and prove it then Jimmy: paparazzi won't be hanging around all night Janis: you underestimate just how chatty those girls are Janis: but won't keep you waiting any longer than you can bear 💕 Janis: [post up] Jimmy: oi rude, I were talking about me in the 1st place Jimmy: number 1 fan, remember Jimmy: [take that last chance to be extra kids we all know you're frustrated af after earlier] Janis: [does camera flash thing with hands like now's your chance] Jimmy: [obvs does take pics of her because she's beautiful and who wouldn't] Janis: [just a casual set of her getting closer then taking his phone from him so they can make out] Jimmy: [#mood] Janis: [gonna break 'em up this time by the kid's parents showing to bollock 'em so they can lol at that before doing a legger] Jimmy: [good idea boo] Janis: [when you're now alone though like walking like well] Jimmy: [when you should just walk off immediately but don't and offer her a 🚬 instead] Janis: [nodding your thanks] Janis: break off before we get to yours but few people coming this way with so Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [when your phone is blowing up 'cos Harry is done with whatserface] Jimmy: [when you're less able to hide how 😒 you are because been drinking and also frustrated af by all the moments and ensuing cockblocking] Janis: [probably keeps trying to facetime her 'cos he's pissed so puts her hand out to stop him for a sec and pulls his top to take a pic of some of the lovebites] Janis: sorry Jimmy: [when you shrug but your face is saying chat to dickheads on your own time] Janis: [shrugs back like i'm getting rid needs must] Jimmy: [shrugs back like well that's what these are for and then takes her phone off her to take better pics cos that art hoe] Janis: [when you roll your eyes and are gonna start taking the piss but then you gotta 'not bad' face at him] Janis: if you wanna take a really artsy dick pic later, I'll be sure to forward it to him Jimmy: Alright Janis: not even gonna accuse me of wanting to 👀 myself? Janis: slacking Jimmy: goes without saying, babe Janis: with how many times I've allegedly seen it, maybe Jimmy: and with how bad you wanna Jimmy: just like all the rest, you Janis: fuck off Janis: say whatever else you like but fuck that Janis: ❄ cunt Janis: you said Jimmy: didn't you deny it? Jimmy: can't remember Janis: regardless Janis: 🖕 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: Want me to have a word to him? Janis: i can handle him Jimmy: not what I asked Janis: s'all good Janis: he's a twat, but a harmless one Jimmy: 👌 Janis: 'course if he goes public with his thirst then feel free but don't reckon he will Jimmy: if he does he'll have to compete with me and 💀👑 Jimmy: might scrap a 🥉 Janis: if those are my options the death pact starts and ends now Janis: ⚰ bye Jimmy: miss you already Janis: erm, miss Janis: death pact, mate Jimmy: 👻 me Jimmy: ain't fuck all you can do to me Janis: wanna bet Jimmy: wanna take the challenge? Janis: your funeral, baby Jimmy: yours Jimmy: you never had an invite to mine, girl Janis: don't reckon our fam will go for sharing a grave Janis: starcrossed like that Janis: a 🗡in my 💔 Janis: so cold Jimmy: my dad would, it'd be well cheaper Jimmy: til he met you anyway Jimmy: 👀 on your non white corpse Janis: he wants on top of me, it's fine Janis: be a squeeze and an awkward story for the archaeologists but we'll make it work Jimmy: 👍 Janis: as long as I ain't gotta mass grave with my family, give a fuck Janis: bad enough in life, not committing me to an eternity of it thanks Jimmy: Agree with you on that one if you don't get an even bigger head over it Janis: wrong twin Janis: the one who craves approval went thatta way Jimmy: Bollocks, you love a 🏆 Jimmy: call it a win Janis: a 🌹 by any other name, dickhead Janis: not from you Jimmy: 💔 Janis: [shows him a pic Mia has sent being 😏 with some lad in bed, like not showing anything but you get the mood] Janis: wrong number or? Jimmy: 🤢🤢💀💀 Jimmy: 💔 you ain't actually staying now #picforpic Janis: I know, right? Janis: hide the face/colour correct the bitch you are having over? Janis: she'll never know Jimmy: artsy black and white shot is always a #mood Janis: 'course Janis: [silence like you didn't bring it up lol] Jimmy: gonna have to take the risk that she reckons I'm also into bestiality unless you wanna 🐕sit Janis: not your wingman, tah Jimmy: I'll live Janis: dog might not, depends on the breed, sickfuck Jimmy: She's too young, gotta give it a bit Jimmy: keep you updated 💕 Janis: again, no tah Janis: already got enough lads giving me their play by play Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: [does a there, there kinda pat] Janis: [smacks him away] Janis: didn't say I didn't like it, just don't want it from you Jimmy: you ain't getting nowt from me Janis: good Janis: [looks around to make sure the crowd has all filtered out] Janis: ok, this is where I get off Jimmy: In a bit Janis: [👋] Jimmy: [watching her go as standard] Janis: [is going mcvickers 'cos we said it'd be nearish and fuck going home but can't be out at the park on the off-chance someone sees then the cover is blown] Jimmy: [we know he's just going home and why #whenyougottaparentyoursiblings] Janis: [if only they knew lmao] Jimmy: [oh kids]
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: What are you doing Saturday? Janis: Trick question, you're getting out my pocket and I'm cashing in that favour Janis: 🤞 Jimmy: there's your answer Janis: You don't know what it is yet Janis: might be a step too far, far as favours go Jimmy: go on, spit it out Janis: It's really shit, I'm aware, before you say it Janis: but it's my sister's kid's birthday party and I can't get out of it apparently 'cos they're little and shit so I have to make an appearance 😒 Janis: as if it'd remember but you know Jimmy: how old? Jimmy: that factors into how shit it'll be before you assume I'm baking or buying balloons Janis: you just have to come with not plan it Janis: oh and you could bring bobby if you need to Jimmy: alright Janis: it's a 1st birthday but there'll be kids his age too so Janis: only you and I need suffer 'cos I said so Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you don't have to but Jimmy: I said alright Jimmy: calm it down, my dear Janis: I am calm Janis: they're extra, is what I'm trying to warn you Jimmy: I've met Gracie, I reckon that's fair warning Janis: just saying Janis: pretend you're mute if any of them start yapping Jimmy: 💪 and 🤐 got it Janis: 😏 your specialty, exactly Jimmy: nowt challenging bout none of it Janis: trust, there is Janis: but thanks Jimmy: if you ain't up to it, mate Jimmy: just saying, I am Jimmy: no challenge too big Janis: already told you, got no choice, like Janis: not ability it's desire Jimmy: 🎻💔🎻 Jimmy: don't need owt but desire for me Janis: 🙄 lord Janis: do I need to warn them about you as well 😏 Jimmy: you telling me you ain't Janis: my family have low standards Janis: you're basically an 😇 to them Janis: soz to your rep Jimmy: properly 😢💔💔💔😢 Janis: I know Janis: such a bad boy, like Janis: but you know you ain't knocked me about or knocked me up so winner Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: apparently the dress code is kinda well, dressy so Janis: another warning Jimmy: what are you saying about my clothes there, babe? Janis: I like your clothes Janis: but awkward enough without feeling underdressed Janis: fuck knows what I'll find to put on Jimmy: take me shopping then, rich girl Jimmy: sort yourself out at the same time Janis: ugh Jimmy: come on Jimmy: it'll be a laugh Janis: alright Janis: it won't but why not Jimmy: challenge accepted Janis: 👍 Janis: when you wanna go Jimmy: when are you gonna gimme that real enthusiasm that I crave? Janis: I can't be excited about playing dress up, soz Jimmy: be excited about trying clothes on with me, dickhead Janis: alright Janis: 😏 I'll try Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: we can go in a bit then Janis: you at work? Jimmy: not gonna let on that I'm with my other girlfriend 👵💕 Jimmy: bit rude that Janis: rather know Janis: might have some fashion I can cop Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: hang on, I'll have a look Janis: tah Jimmy: florals 👍 or 👎 Janis: probably 👍 but I think it'd spontaneously combust if it touched me so Janis: '💎💎 EXTRA 🍾!!!!!!!!! HONEY 💋 But also make it pink & girlie 🌸🌺🌺🌸' is what we're going for Janis: as if that means anything Jimmy: Gracie, Gracie, Gracie Jimmy: what the fuck Jimmy: she'd be good for a borrow as long as you scrub yourself after Janis: however did you guess 🙄 Janis: bit rude to say about your missus Jimmy: I serve her ☕ every day Jimmy: on form today you an' all Janis: poor you Janis: and what are you talking about Jimmy: take my compliments about how funny you are and shut up Janis: don't tell me to shut up just 'cos you're busy with your main bitch Janis: learn some time management if you're gonna keep this up Jimmy: you're my main, she's one of many side chicks Jimmy: get it right Janis: 😩😭😍 Janis: so sweet Jimmy: 💕 Janis: gonna need to pre-drink this Jimmy: #duh Jimmy: getting us both wrecked Janis: the only way I can remotely do this Jimmy: I won't let you end up face down in the cake like my mum was for our kid's 1st Jimmy: not a #mood Janis: no Janis: only so much trauma you can bill as character building Janis: this little fuck already has enough Jimmy: I'll buy the kid an orchestra Janis: entertainment sorted Jimmy: 👍 Janis: going for a run Janis: in a bit Jimmy: run my way Janis: nah it's okay Janis: I'm not in the mood Janis: a good one Jimmy: and what? Jimmy: miserable twat every day me Janis: idk Janis: I just Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: why else do you think I want you here, girl? Janis: what do you mean? Jimmy: my only job ain't pouring coffee Jimmy: might cheer you up Jimmy: weird idea, I know Janis: great Janis: now I sound like a dick Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: shit sounds like how it is Janis: I can't explain Janis: it'd take me forever and you don't need to know Janis: I just hate being around them Jimmy: You just said as much as you needed to Jimmy: we ain't gotta ⛏️ Jimmy: left the mines behind, like Janis: alright Janis: but maybe I'm not ready to be cheered up Janis: all we do is bullshit being happy 'round here Jimmy: solidarity for feeling like shit even easier Janis: babe Jimmy: ? Janis: don't be nice Jimmy: alright Janis: convincing Jimmy: 🔪🔪alright 💔💔 Jimmy: better? Janis: you couldn't be mean if you tried 😏 Jimmy: are you challenging me? Janis: not really Janis: idk what I want Janis: be nice maybe Jimmy: baby Janis: mm Janis: I really hate everyone but you Jimmy: I love you Jimmy: bollocks to everyone else Janis: maybe that's what I wanted Janis: feels good anyway Janis: never don't Janis: Oh, and I love you too Jimmy: are you running? 'cause you're typing like you might be on it Janis: how presumptuous Janis: also don't do yourself down like that, it's not the ONLY time I ever say it Jimmy: 😏 Janis: not what I mean Janis: filth Jimmy: don't sound like me Jimmy: who else you chatting to? Janis: just the side hoes Janis: obvs Jimmy: 👋 Janis: are you saying hello to them or bye to me Jimmy: might be either Jimmy: keeping you guessing like that Janis: 🙄 Janis: so mysterious Jimmy: come here to me and I'll let you know Janis: quite the offer Jimmy: take it then Janis: hot Jimmy: 'course I am Janis: 😏 Janis: maybe I've had some drink but you can't blame me Jimmy: how much catching up I gotta do? Janis: do you have the shit mood to double down with Janis: if not just keep me company Janis: I miss you Jimmy: where am I going then? Janis: i'm coming there doofus Jimmy: I'm near done, we can go wherever Janis: home? Jimmy: I get it, you want real love 🐶💕 Janis: mhmm Janis: read my mind Jimmy: I can't promise she's home alone waiting for you though Janis: we're never alone Jimmy: I'll take you somewhere we can be Janis: yeah? Jimmy: I'm thinking Janis: hot Jimmy: don't put me off Janis: I'm down to barricade the door don't worry Jimmy: you're so Janis: I know Jimmy: I miss you too Janis: how much Jimmy: how much do you think? Janis: not enough Jimmy: what's enough? Janis: so much that we never leave bed again Janis: not much to ask for really Jimmy: what about so much we barely make it to bed? Jimmy: and then we never leave Janis: 😋 Janis: that's allowed Jimmy: good 'cause nobody can stop me Jimmy: that's how much I miss you, girl Janis: don't stop Janis: you're killing me Jimmy: I just said I can't Janis: good Jimmy: I've missed you all day Janis: it's unfair I can't be with you all the time actually Jimmy: I could get you a job here but I'd have to teach you some customer service first Janis: can't even say it's rude Janis: just fair Jimmy: get over here, lesson starts when you show up Janis: 😏 Janis: you do remember what happened when I turned up at your last job, yeah Jimmy: I weren't fuming about that then and I ain't gonna be now Janis: okay Janis: omw for my trial shift Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: kicking the stranglers out, I reckon you need 1 on 1 instruction Janis: shit Janis: okay Janis: taking this very serious now Jimmy: it is serious, don't be pissing about Janis: aye aye Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt remember Janis: are you doubting me Janis: always 🥇 Janis: main bitch, remember Jimmy: giving you a chance to prove me wrong 'cause you're about that Jimmy: I'm gonna give you everything you want Janis: I really like you, you know Jimmy: main bitch an' all #obvs Janis: you know it Jimmy: 💕 Janis: are you gonna let me wear the apron or what Janis: the real questions Jimmy: what else are you gonna be wearing? Janis: nothing pink Janis: that's for sure Janis: the rest is up to you Jimmy: I heard nothing let's go with that Janis: works for me Janis: 🤤 Jimmy: I ain't requesting that be your uniform whenever you're on shift though, even if tips would be at a record high Jimmy: I can't be smacking every dickhead that comes in Janis: You're cute Jimmy: You're Janis: hanging on the edge of my seat, like Janis: what 😏 Jimmy: making me not wanna leave work Jimmy: such a skill that Janis: I'm motivational Janis: hire me for that alone Jimmy: convincing too Janis: sounds promising Janis: still, put me through my paces, like Jimmy: 'course Jimmy: It ain't an easy job, babe Janis: I can take it Janis: 💪 Jimmy: I know Janis: k have you got rid of everyone, nearly there Jimmy: on my own 💔🎻🎻 Janis: my poor baby Jimmy: Get a move on Jimmy: I need you Janis: [showin' up] Jimmy: [enthusiastic welcome before she's even really through the door cos we know he would] Janis: [just telling him how bad you missed him between kisses] Jimmy: [being very vocal in between kisses too but not with words] Janis: ['that's customer service is it?' 'cos clearly about it] Jimmy: ['keen, you ain't even in the door yet' but he ain't stopping any of what he's doing to let her lol] Janis: [puts one foot in like a nerd 'come on, gimme a chance, like'] Jimmy: [picks her up and carries her over the threshold like a bigger nerd] Janis: ['just want the job, if I'm honest, not your last name but' but you're grinning 'cos you love it] Jimmy: ['what makes you think I wouldn't take yours?' and grinning back cos imagine haha he's the whitest 'what were it again?'] Janis: [says it excessive accented] Jimmy: [shamelessly 😍 cos that's hot] Janis: [rolls her eyes 'cos always a thing but not mad] Jimmy: [leads her over to the counter and doing like a ghost pottery wheel style mood because down to the business of closing up but make it flirty] Janis: [just loving life and purposely messing up (but not drastically, not a dick lmao) so he has to show her again] Jimmy: [we're all just loving life being nerds] Janis: ['so, I got the job, right?' and a LOOK of course] Jimmy: [giving her a LOOK back and putting the apron on her as he takes other shit off her like maybe lemme just see how this looks] Janis: ['if any of your co-workers walk in right now, I swear to god' but showing off what your mama gave ya] Jimmy: [just loling 'could be your co-workers too' cos give her them compliments and then kisses obvs] Janis: ['don't worry, you'll still be my favourite'] Jimmy: [casually gonna just put her on that counter like the time at the CG when they put on a show for the squad but this time there ain't no audience bye] Janis: [just smiles like this is why and we know the rest honey] Jimmy: [god bless you babies then go home and snuggle Twix like that's your job] Janis: [when she called it home, bye] Jimmy: [technically it is cos we said she was moving in and he was getting a bigger bed so] Janis: [yeah but emotions boo] Jimmy: [you know it got me bitch] Janis: [just wait 'til you have your own forreal kids] Jimmy: [I will cry when we do that, don't even] Janis: [but for now, there's a party you don't wanna be at]
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: hmu when you're out Jimmy: 👌 I'm done Janis: 🤞 how'd it go Jimmy: alright Jimmy: they told me I got it so Janis: really Janis: 👍 well done Janis: that's sorted then Jimmy: tah Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: where are you? Janis: gym Janis: but I'm nearly done Jimmy: I'll meet you there Jimmy: don't matter Janis: sure? Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: gimme a sec Janis: 👍 Janis: what place was this again, what's it like Jimmy: [sends her the deets so she can stalk] Jimmy: Pete'll fit right in when I poach him 💕 Janis: 👌 Janis: dream team back together Jimmy: IKR 😍😍😍 Jimmy: can't wait to tweet him the good news OMG Janis: gonna be so buzzin' babe Janis: not just 'cos he thinks you've forgotten him 💔 Jimmy: poor lad 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: you alright then? Janis: 'course Janis: I didn't have no interview Jimmy: but you didn't have me for a bit Jimmy: sound at least fake gutted Janis: 😭😭😭 Janis: me Janis: how's that? Jimmy: more #goals Jimmy: but not 🥇 Janis: What Janis: how do I win then Jimmy: just show me how much you missed me when I get there Janis: duh Janis: not even a challenge, babe Jimmy: I weren't making one Jimmy: yours is to find somewhere decent to celebrate later Janis: 'course Jimmy: we'll see Jimmy: how you do Janis: oi Janis: when have I ever let you down dickhead Jimmy: I know, it's only the fans Jimmy: a girl from my art class asked when you were like she was hoping I'd dumped you Jimmy: 😭 she was Janis: 😒 Janis: who Jimmy: how would I know? Jimmy: lasses who take art all look the same Janis: true Janis: bit rude she expected me to be there tbh Jimmy: you ain't gonna drop in for your smoothie fix then? Jimmy: I get it, it's no CG 💔 Janis: you know that was fake Janis: but get Pete and we can talk Jimmy: not even a challenge, babe Jimmy: I know he misses me Janis: yeah, no one saying you weren't 🔥 at your job, babe Janis: take that slack Jimmy: the manager was & is Jimmy: but tah Janis: yeah but he's just a prick Janis: and jealous Jimmy: his loss he could've walked in on us more if he'd let me stay Janis: kicking himself if Doris ain't Jimmy: she'll have fucked him up with her 👜 for it Janis: 😂 'least she's ride or die for you babe Jimmy: I'll hit her up on my way to you Jimmy: get the encouragement I need so enthusiasm for you won't be a challenge 💕👵 Janis: thanks 💕 Janis: save on the foreplay when I've got planning to do Jimmy: yeah Janis: actually good job though Janis: give your da something to not be totally 😠 about Jimmy: I'll let you know Jimmy: he's ringing me now Janis: 👌 Janis: real highkey, ian Jimmy: he rang me loads when I was in there too 🙄 Jimmy: hang on Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: [later] Jimmy: you still in the gym? Janis: yeah Janis: you alright Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: I'm outside 🚬 Jimmy: no rush like Janis: 👍 Janis: gimme 5 Janis: [is about that 'cos obvs knows, hugs and looking like hey but also you okay] Jimmy: [gives her a nod and a shrug and says 'afternoon' but then hugs for longer than necessary cos that's the real bit] Janis: [keeps hugging and says 'fuck him'] Jimmy: [gives her soft little neck kisses cos love] Janis: [whispers 'proud of you' 'cos is, pulls back eventually but holding his hand] Jimmy: [is a mixture of 😳 & 😢 & 😍] Janis: where d'ya wanna go for now then Jimmy: where do you wanna? Janis: wanna 🚬 and walk for a while longer Jimmy: [lights up for her cos gentlemanly] Janis: start the regime tomorrow 🚭 Janis: [gives him a kiss on the cheek when she takes it] Jimmy: [he wipes the kiss off like she does sometimes but is looking at her like 😍 cos she looks good after the gym] Janis: [proper kiss 'cos why not] Jimmy: you look Jimmy: just so you know Jimmy: [another kiss cos 1. she do and 2. distraction] Janis: if you say sweaty I will hit you 'cos I had a shower and everything Jimmy: not what I'm saying Janis: it's what you're saying with your eyes that's Janis: indecent Jimmy: ? Jimmy: [but looks at her again cos he knows] Janis: such a pisstake, you Jimmy: such a 💔 you Janis: trust, I was 💔 you weren't in time to join me too Jimmy: [is genuinely gutted you can see] Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: adding it to the list of grievances, yeah Ian Jimmy: give it to your true love & maybe she'll bury another ugly tie in the garden Janis: when she's just trying to save you from a fashion faux pas Jimmy: trained her to do that one, yeah Janis: yeah, you got me Janis: passion for fashion Jimmy: [is too forlorn for a lol but she gets a genuine smile] Janis: [frowns a little but then is looking 'round, determined] Janis: no doubt it's all the after-work-sesh dickheads rn but since you'll be back to being one soon, start with an early one, yeah? Jimmy: if you want, pisshead Janis: it's what you want Janis: take full advantage Jimmy: [shrugs but this is obviously gonna happen don't fight it boy] Janis: [raises a brow like 'really?' but doesn't push it, heading off in direction of nearest pub] Jimmy: [handholding 'cause winnie said so] Janis: scale of 1-10 Janis: how hard do you need to be distracted Jimmy: when don't I want you to be at 10 Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Janis: obviously but I said need not want Janis: two very different things Jimmy: how hard do you need to distract me? Jimmy: it's your job you should wanna do it Janis: they indoctrinated you already in the interview alone? Janis: sad Janis: tragic Janis: I'll miss you Jimmy: shut up & piss off Jimmy: not an answer nowt of that Janis: neither was yours, like Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [walking in silence for bit 'cos not tryna push it when it's obvs what's up so] Jimmy: [pulls her to a stop by the hand & then in closer and gives her a really intense kiss as if to say there's your answer, alright] Janis: [nods like okay] Jimmy: [and they walking again ayyy like nothing happened straight into the pub] Janis: [gets the drinks in 'cos it will help #pissheadconfirmed] Jimmy: [is on his phone texting Cass checking in cos he's not gonna go home soz babes] Janis: [back at the table like drink up] Jimmy: [drinks way too much of his drink in a oner considering they ain't doing a challenge rn] Janis: [look that says 'that bad, yeah' and drinks more than she normally would but not as much 'cos sensible without being a downer, like] Jimmy: what do you reckon to my new workplace then Janis: less basic than CG Janis: have hopes that the clientele will be less too Jimmy: I'll let you know Jimmy: & keep it off the 'gram for now Jimmy: sure Mia will stalk hard enough to figure it out but Jimmy: I'm not giving her a headstart Janis: 👍 Janis: bitch needs it Janis: and a defibrilator at the end Janis: but you know, not giving you those kinda kicks, soz babes 😘 Jimmy: maybe the loud tunes will 💀 her Jimmy: you did say she was one hairflip away from a heart attack Janis: can but dream Janis: think it'll be alright though Janis: as jobs go Jimmy: I'll let you have a lie in for the morning so you can crack on with that Janis: 💕 so considerate Janis: I wanna see you though Jimmy: [finishes his drink & goes to get more even though she hasn't yet] Jimmy: I need to see you Jimmy: I ain't going if not Janis: you will Janis: you staying over again yeah Jimmy: you want me to? Janis: 'course Janis: always Jimmy: [brings the drinks over but puts them both on his side cos he wants her to sit on his lap as standard so he's giving her a come here type look] Janis: [know the drill by now even if she gonna play like really okay gurl] Jimmy: [tells her that he missed her in her ear cos he did like idk how long that interview would be cos could be a group one or any kind of shit] Janis: [is playing with the collar of his fancy interview clothes and is all smiley 'cos kinda tickled] Janis: I missed you too Jimmy: [earlobe sauciness & then jaw kisses & finally neck like earlier but not soft this time, just taking his time being hot] Janis: ['Jesus' and drinking more of her drink] Jimmy: [he's just randomly tracing on her leg with his finger like doodling while she drinks] Janis: [looking at what he's doing like she'll be able to see an actual doodle] Janis: always on, babe Jimmy: you know it Jimmy: gimme a request, what do you want me to draw for you Jimmy: on you Janis: you're the creative one Janis: I just sit here and look pretty Janis: hmm [is think] Jimmy: [kissing her same as he did before but going from neck up to her ear instead while she thinks] Janis: well that's very distracting Janis: you should clearly write me one of your world famous sexts Jimmy: [but does though, on her thigh to make it a mood] Janis: [is concentrating hard like a nerd 'cos wants to know, even if it's making it hard to sit still] Jimmy: [goes over some words again if he wants her to figure that particular one out] Janis: [casually can't breathe] Jimmy: [casually just writing a long one cos he can] Janis: you Janis: you're trying to kill me Jimmy: I just wanna make you feel good, baby Jimmy: stay with me here Janis: we're meant to be celebrating you Jimmy: if it's about me I can do what I want Jimmy: & I want to Janis: [shrugs like can't argue with that logic like you wanna] Jimmy: [carries on, like we know he's just shamelessly touching her up at this point soz everyone] Janis: [know she's just up in his neck with all the kissing and biting 'cos trying not to be obvious] Jimmy: [could be forgiven for thinking he's trying to kill her cos just going at this like they aren't in public okay boy] Janis: you really meant everything you wrote Janis: fuck Jimmy: when don't I? Janis: not saying you disappoint Janis: have a job right now Jimmy: 'cause you can't say that right now Jimmy: I'd know you don't mean it Janis: how could you not Janis: you've got your hands right Janis: you can feel Jimmy: [makes a happy noise like yep I can & I'm living for it] Jimmy: you should wear this all the time Janis: you like it? Jimmy: I like how easy it is to do this Jimmy: & you look Jimmy: [kisses any and all exposed skin there is within reach] Janis: You're really not playing today are you Janis: [gripping onto him tighter] Jimmy: Nah, 'cause I'm just really Jimmy: & you're Janis: I know Janis: I Janis: you know I more than like it Jimmy: you love it Jimmy: me Janis: [says it out loud 'cos needs to hear 'scuse how her voice clearly sounds rn everyone] Jimmy: [stops breathing himself for a sec there cos we can all imagine the voice thank you] Jimmy: fuck Jimmy: keep talking Janis: ['what do you want me to say?'] Jimmy: I don't know Jimmy: just Jimmy: whatever you can Janis: [trying to have a convo when you're being fucked like you don't need to stop every other second] Jimmy: how are you even Jimmy: I swear you're not real Janis: 'cos you want me to and I wanna make you happy Janis: and you Janis: clearly dreamed you up Jimmy: we've all dreamed this Jimmy: you're so fucking Janis: I dunno if these punters have but they are looking like are we serious right now Jimmy: they'll be thinking about it Jimmy: asleep or awake don't really matter Janis: [says his name in what shoulda been like omg but does not come out like that for obvious reasons] Jimmy: [a kissing moment cos he can't handle how hot she sounds] Janis: [thank god, muffle how much she wants to keep saying your name] Jimmy: Baby Jimmy: you have to type it 'cause I'm not gonna stop Jimmy: but someone will make us if we aren't careful Janis: yeah Janis: shit Janis: okay Janis: being good Jimmy: fuck it Jimmy: what's another pub we can't come back to Jimmy: cross it off the list Janis: you sure Jimmy: do what you want Jimmy: that's what I want Janis: You're just Janis: the way you look at me and touch me makes me feel Jimmy: I know Jimmy: It's alright Jimmy: feel it Jimmy: I do too Janis: you know how close I am to cumming for you then Jimmy: I'm gonna make you right here I know that Jimmy: I don't care about anything else, okay Janis: [nods, biting her lip from the effort of not actually being the loudest bitch ever] Janis: I like you like this Jimmy: [kissing her and taking that lip into his mouth so extra like why you gotta suck on it like that boy stop] Janis: [moaning into his mouth like it's her job] Jimmy: [we'll let her & everyone else have that cos enough of a show happening without ALL the sound effects] Jimmy: I love you Janis: I love you so much baby Jimmy: show me, girl Jimmy: You're so close Jimmy: just Janis: fuck me Janis: I wanna show you everything, Jim Jimmy: start by cumming for me Jimmy: I want that so bad you know Janis: [holding onto his neck for stability but also so she can push his head down slightly so he sees everything when she does] Jimmy: shit Jimmy: alright then Janis: you wanna see, you're gonna get the best view Janis: it's all because of you anyway Jimmy: one day you're gonna take all my compliments, I swear Jimmy: but right now Jimmy: just this Janis: oh Janis: oh my fucking God Jimmy: we can do this all day Jimmy: I'm so comfortable Jimmy: & you're so Janis: Jimmy please Jimmy: you asked so nicely then Jimmy: okay Janis: I can be nice for you Jimmy: let's be nice to each other Jimmy: I want that Janis: [nods 'cos past the point of being cohesive] Janis: so bad Jimmy: kiss me Jimmy: & I'll Janis: [without hesitation] Jimmy: Janis Jimmy: you're really Jimmy: the best girlfriend Janis: for you Janis: you deserve so much Jimmy: you do Janis: you Jimmy: you Janis: [more kissing 'cos] Jimmy: [thank god cos it isn't just her being loud we ever have to worry about] Janis: fuck you're so hard baby Jimmy: I Janis: I need you Janis: real question is what would they rather, that you fuck me right here or if we go to the bathroom to blatantly do it there Jimmy: & my obvious answer is I don't know if I can move Janis: okay you stay really still then Janis: I'll make it happen Jimmy: fuck Janis: [does the thing] Jimmy: [straight up just quietly moans sorry everyone but like] Janis: now you can really feel Janis: this is exactly what you needed, isn't it Jimmy: [says yeah with his own voice moment again sorry everyone about] Janis: shit Janis: [holding his head for eye cotact again 'cos the 😍 are so real] Janis: me too Jimmy: I really love you Janis: show me, boy Jimmy: [obviously does cos does not need any encouragement at this point we're well past it] Janis: ['scuse them everyone] Janis: I actually can't breathe Jimmy: 🚭 tomorrow, yeah? Jimmy: [but is a smug face cos we know] Janis: [tells him to shut up but how much conviction are we managing tbh] Jimmy: [gives her look like I'm doing my best cos both trying not to be loud af rn] Janis: [kissing and then in his ear 'what have you done to me?'] Jimmy: everything I said I would Jimmy: wrote you a warning like Janis: I used to be so Jimmy: tell me Janis: so controlled Janis: but so Janis: bored Jimmy: [whispers 'you're welcome' in her ear and does more of his earlier kissing tricks all about there again] Janis: Baby Jimmy: [more kisses everywhere basically] Jimmy: Janis Janis: Jimmy you're so good Jimmy: you are Jimmy: you're Janis: if you say or do any more Jimmy: [whispers all the compliments and does all the things cos that bitch] Janis: [sorry everyone] Jimmy: [how do they keeping doing & getting away with this lol] Janis: I love you Jimmy: I love you too Jimmy: so much Janis: [is so dead, all snuggly and loved up] Jimmy: [likewise but after a bit hands her her drink cos they blatantly gotta drink up & go after all that] Janis: [down in fresher] Janis: oops Jimmy: [downs his own drink too] Jimmy: let's go Janis: [run lads run but hold hands 'cos soft] Jimmy: [flee the scene but make it cute] Janis: [is loling 'cos young and wild and free] Jimmy: [likewise & also 😍 cos could she look more fucking beautiful rn so cue 📷 artsy boy] Janis: [casually twirling down the street oh lads] Janis: where next? Jimmy: Are you hungry? Janis: [nods] Jimmy: there's your answer then Jimmy: [takes her to a place he likes cos more fussy than her we know] Janis: 🍽 Janis: right emoji Janis: aren't you proud Jimmy: [kisses her on the head like when you do a pat for a pisstake but also love] Janis: 😋 Jimmy: [orders a burger & a pint cos that's always a thing in so many places] Janis: [takes time 'cos when you're hungry but don't know what you want and also still lowkey distracted] Jimmy: [not helping at all by looking at her like] Janis: stop being hot for a second Janis: I'm starving here Jimmy: 🥇 always me Jimmy: soz Jimmy: like you said, never off Janis: well it's very inconsiderate of you Janis: [is grinning tho] Jimmy: [playful footsie] Jimmy: I'd order for you but not very #goals Janis: at least you won't have really pretentious taste like whatshisface Janis: doubledate dickhead Jimmy: let's call him Richard Jimmy: obvious reasons Janis: [lols] Janis: what a time Jimmy: it weren't all bad Janis: nah Janis: you were there how bad could it be Janis: even if my sister also was, not ideal Jimmy: [nudges her like shh don't make me 😳 but is smiley cos ah yeah] Jimmy: pink shirt weren't ideal either Jimmy: but you looked so fucking good Janis: n'awh Janis: you looked adorable 😉 Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: why you couldn't keep your hands off me that, yeah Jimmy: adorable's your REAL type Jimmy: you're only pretending it's dickheads Janis: mhmm Janis: looked so 🤑 Jimmy: [lols] Janis: so gutted you took it back Janis: dress up for me again some time, yeah Janis: [orders] Jimmy: [gestures down at his clothes like excuse you I'm fancy rn] Janis: true Janis: but that ain't for me Janis: 🎻 Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Jimmy: tomorrow night then Jimmy: I'll think of summat Janis: bold of you to assume you're seeing me again Jimmy: that's how you're dumping me? Jimmy: bit rude Janis: don't worry, know you like more of a show Janis: give you that 'fore I go Jimmy: 👍 Janis: so good to you like that Jimmy: #ultimategoals you Janis: I know babe Janis: miss me when I'm gone Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: [but is looking at her like] Janis: [gives him a kiss] Jimmy: [makes it into more cos feelings & also flashbacks to what they just did] Janis: not getting kicked out of here before food, tah Jimmy: calm down Jimmy: 😇 me Janis: mhmm Janis: all know I'm the bad influence Janis: I'll take the title happily 😈💪 Jimmy: @iantaylor8 with that confession babe Jimmy: #confirmed Janis: 😂 Janis: be all up in those DMs Jimmy: take over his twitter for him too Jimmy: ❌ them potential step mums before they get a foot in the door Jimmy: ✔ any 👵 for me though Janis: so what you're saying is Janis: you want me to be your momager Jimmy: 👌 Janis: I'll do it but I'm scooping up Ian's leftovers and 20% Jimmy: It'll tank your rep but I'm alright with it Janis: I'll keep your secret you keep mine Jimmy: What secrets have I got? Jimmy: open book me Janis: 👵👴 Janis: don't think the fan club would consider that very #goals Jimmy: 'course they would Jimmy: you're young & hot Jimmy: I love you anyway Jimmy: that's well #goals Janis: [is 😳 'cos always but smiling with it 'cos happy rn] Janis: 💕 Jimmy: [kisses her again but soft] Janis: [food arrival saving us all] Jimmy: [attacks it cos hungry af boy] Janis: okay caveman Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: it's your fault I'm starving, girl Janis: 🤤 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: #ohtobeaburgeramirite Jimmy: [lols] Janis: [genuine 😍 'cos her fave sound] Jimmy: [gives her a chip cos that's love bitch] Janis: 💕 Janis: save it for the audience, mate Jimmy: [throws his unused napkin at her] Jimmy: better? Janis: charming Janis: [turns footsie into a kick] Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: 💔 Janis: [rubs her feet up and down his leg] Janis: all better? Jimmy: 👍 Janis: play nice from now on and we won't have a problem yeah Jimmy: you Janis: I'm so nice Janis: ask anyone Jimmy: [lols again] Jimmy: hang on, I'll text my dad to #confirm Janis: he wishes Janis: we ain't there yet Jimmy: gutted for you both Janis: know right Janis: such a delight Janis: why he gotta play hard to get Jimmy: I'd say don't take it personal but it is Jimmy: soz Janis: 💔 Janis: c'est la vie Jimmy: trying to win the french teacher round too? Jimmy: I'll let her know Janis: 😂 Janis: she doesn't entirely hate me Janis: can do it Jimmy: challenge accepted, yeah Janis: write her an apology Janis: large print, obvs Jimmy: better yet come in and deliver it orally like she makes us when we're late Janis: ha Janis: un🍀 Jimmy: what your spanish teacher don't? Jimmy: or are you just 😇 Jimmy: & never late Janis: nah she's 'cool' and 'fit for a teacher' so Janis: clearly you weren't clued in when you were picking Janis: most our class is lads and somehow this hasn't been clocked Jimmy: 💔🎻🎻💔 Jimmy: I'll go see her monday Jimmy: get myself in Janis: err don't need you cramping my style Jimmy: don't worry you can keep all the lads Janis: 🥇 Janis: not worried Jimmy: alright dickhead Jimmy: I'm not fucking seducing every lad in your class to prove I can, like Janis: 😏 Jimmy: [throws some chips at her v mature] Janis: [lobs 'em back, children] Janis: I'm soz boys like me and not you Jimmy: you wish Jimmy: girls like you that's why we started this Janis: nah, they hate me, that's why Janis: get it right Jimmy: Mia's both Jimmy: they can be both Janis: 🙄 Janis: wow she's so complex Jimmy: must have been rigged that posh school not letting her in Janis: her mind Janis: such a genius Jimmy: bet her parents are well proud Janis: probably Janis: her dad is Janis: well ian'd probably like him, from what i've heard Jimmy: I'll invite 'em both round for tea then Janis: 😑 Janis: long as you leave with me Jimmy: not gonna leave with her, am I? Jimmy: be waiting outside the bathroom for half my life Jimmy: #glamorous Janis: sounds like she has bowel problems and you're just really rude Jimmy: 😂 Janis: seriously though Janis: even if you hate me, don't go there, that's the rules Jimmy: what about your sisters? They off limits too? Janis: I already told you that Janis: dickhead Jimmy: all of them? 💔💔💔 Jimmy: alright what about your brothers then? Janis: 😒 Jimmy: [says 'I don't want anyone else, dickhead' but there are kisses between each word like] Janis: yeah Janis: everyone rates us against each other it's just what happens Janis: used to it Jimmy: I ain't Jimmy: & I'm serious Janis: alright Janis: [shrugs] Jimmy: [kisses her harder like BELIEVE ME BITCH] Jimmy: I love you, alright Janis: okay okay Janis: you had some chip still in your mouth then Janis: you gross Jimmy: I did it for you 'cause you LOVE sharing Janis: 😑 so funny you Janis: [does smile a bit though] Jimmy: [draws a smiley face with a bigger smile on the back of her hand] Janis: ['such a dork'] Jimmy: 😎 Jimmy: tah Janis: 'course, baby Jimmy: where next, girl Janis: come home with me for a bit Janis: can get changed Janis: come back out later Jimmy: yeah okay Janis: 'cos I ain't getting in anywhere like this Jimmy: if I ruled the world, babe Jimmy: but too northern Jimmy: just a poor boy Janis: 💔💔 Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: bus? Janis: 👍 Janis: I'll get it Janis: treat me when you get paid Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: let's 🚬 we're gonna be stuck on there ages Janis: just the 1 Janis: gonna get serious on you soon 💪 Jimmy: easy to say Jimmy: we'll see Jimmy: [winks] Janis: you know I can, boy Jimmy: ain't backed down from a challenge yet, I get it Janis: the only challenge is how annoying you are, babe Jimmy: 🥈 me Jimmy: you take #1 Janis: [nudges him] Janis: rude Janis: that's where you really shine Jimmy: 🥇 every time, baby Jimmy: [but kisses] Janis: don't sit next to me on this bus Jimmy: now who's rude Janis: 🥇 you said Janis: not gonna disappoint ya Jimmy: just a bit Jimmy: just this once Janis: 💯 or nothing, babe Janis: soz Jimmy: [gets down on his knees really dramatically all 'please disappoint me' cos he's a nerd] Janis: omg Janis: get up right now you massive idiot Jimmy: say yes first Janis: fine whatever Janis: just get up before a crowd gathers Jimmy: I didn't say, 'say fiine whatever first' Janis: you're taking the piss Janis: will leave you here and say it was the real thing Jimmy: you think I won't tell everyone I'm 💍 & you said no Jimmy: be nice to me Janis: I'm saying yes so get up Janis: [puts hand out like boy you better] Jimmy: [gets up, picks her up & carries her away] Janis: you know how bad for my rep you are Jimmy: the rep I gave you Janis: excuse you? Jimmy: it's a question, the one I gave you or the one you had Jimmy: 'cause I ain't soz for fucking up the controlled but bored one any time Janis: Hmm Jimmy: not an answer that Jimmy: if I'm fucking up the one I gave you, that's also bollocks Jimmy: so which one is it Janis: so what you're saying is, you can do no wrong? Janis: interesting 😏 Jimmy: if that's what you heard, I'll have that Janis: idk as long as you're off the ground I ain't arsed really Jimmy: [picks her up again and spins her round] Jimmy: & you Janis: you're having me or your gonna try and make it so I never have to touch the ground again Jimmy: maybe both Jimmy: let's see Janis: [is 😏] Jimmy: [kisses] Janis: what am I gonna do with you, honestly Jimmy: stay with me Janis: 'course Janis: not walking home Jimmy: [🚬 but sharing cos it's a mood] Janis: did you meet any of the people you're gonna be working with then Jimmy: nah Jimmy: throwing me in blind tomorrow Janis: just forward me the deets of the hot ones Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: just the girls, yeah Janis: piss off Jimmy: [is 😏] Janis: [is😒] Jimmy: I'm in to open up, you want me to wake you up Jimmy: I know your god's all about the rest then Janis: nah wake me Janis: can go for a run Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: take the 🐶 for me Jimmy: if not on that one, in a bit Janis: yeah sure Janis: she can keep up 👍 Jimmy: I was gonna say tah but Jimmy: piss off instead Janis: 😘 Janis: wanna do lunch? Jimmy: depends is it gonna be 🍱 Janis: 🙄 Janis: LET.IT.GO Janis: are you really gonna turn down a chance to make me something? Jimmy: can't if you're a paying customer Janis: 😂 Janis: that's the spirit Jimmy: not just a pretty face Jimmy: did help me get the job though Janis: [squishes his cheeks] Janis: how exactly do you drop hints you're fit on your CV Jimmy: it's in the hobbies Jimmy: like how you're such an athlete Janis: ahh Janis: and Pete's band Janis: 😎 Janis: I get it 👍 for the tip Jimmy: not that you need it, rich girl Jimmy: but Jimmy: that helpful me Janis: shut up Janis: not like my parents just give me everything Janis: can get a job if I wanna Jimmy: never said you couldn't Jimmy: you just don't have to Jimmy: so why would you Janis: so I can buy things Janis: or save Janis: same reasons as everyone else Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: well you'll be able to write a decent CV now so Janis: tah Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [on ze bus] Jimmy: what we doing tonight then? Jimmy: decided Janis: still thinking Janis: but it's a surprise anyway Jimmy: alright Janis: gotta be something worthy this fair city can offer Jimmy: if you say so Janis: don't put a downer on it 'fore I've even decided, thank you Jimmy: life & soul me Jimmy: [isn't] Janis: what's wrong Jimmy: nowt Jimmy: like I said Janis: okay then Jimmy: just Janis: you can tell me Jimmy: it's bollocks but Jimmy: I don't know Jimmy: tomorrow Janis: you nervous? Janis: that's normal ain't it, anyone would be Jimmy: but it ain't normal for your dad to be a massive dickhead about something that's Jimmy: like I said, I don't know Janis: a good thing, yeah Janis: it's his normal Janis: still don't make it right though Janis: what did he say then Jimmy: he just Jimmy: gets in my head Jimmy: [shrugs but we know] Janis: yeah Janis: least he's good at something Janis: [squeezes his shoulder] Jimmy: [puts his head on hers forlornly] Janis: [strokes his hair] Janis: it will be alright Janis: any time away from him Janis: yeah Janis: and I'll be keeping an eye on the dog and kids Janis: no worries Janis: it is a good thing, like you said, any excuse with him init so fuck it Jimmy: & you're coming to see me, yeah Janis: yeah Janis: you want me to, right? Jimmy: I need you to Jimmy: for tomorrow Janis: then I'll be there Jimmy: [kisses her cos she's the best ever good day] Janis: [ily] Jimmy: [snuggles cos why not] Janis: alright now? Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: sorry Janis: nah, don't be Janis: not like I didn't know but Janis: distractions more fun than chatting about it ain't it Jimmy: & I don't wanna put a downer on everything actually Jimmy: that's not Janis: I know Janis: don't worry, honestly Jimmy: I'll be more fun in a bit Jimmy: maybe Jimmy: probably Janis: you've been plenty fun Janis: we really can do whatever you want Janis: that's the whole point Jimmy: I just wanna forget about it Jimmy: him Jimmy: that bollocks Janis: 👍 Janis: let's do that then Janis: easy Jimmy: [cue bus make out session] Janis: you know I'd do a lot worse things than walk your dog and come to lunch with you yeah Jimmy: you offering to kill Ian? Janis: [lols] Janis: exactly Janis: say the word Jimmy: I can't let you, I can't fuck you in prison unless we're married & we already said that's a no go Janis: that's so unfair Janis: who's made up that rule Jimmy: a hopeless romantic maybe Jimmy: fuck knows Jimmy: [is smiling a little bit] Jimmy: so what else would you do? Janis: clearly nothing illegal Janis: although I wouldn't get caught, have some faith Janis: but idk Janis: easy to say anything you needed Janis: but you don't know 'til you have to do you Jimmy: I know, baby Jimmy: you're SUCH an athlete Jimmy: 💕😍 Jimmy: [more genuine smile] Jimmy: I need nowt but you right now Jimmy: & tomorrow Janis: yeah, so don't get on my bad side Janis: w your 📷 neither Janis: done then Jimmy: you don't have a bad side with my 📷 Janis: shh Jimmy: [takes a pic & shows her it like see here's the proof] Jimmy: you don't Janis: you're biased Jimmy: the camera can't be Jimmy: you're so beautiful, alright Janis: [very 😳] Jimmy: [soft kisses on her blushes and just everywhere tbh] Janis: ['Jimmy'] Jimmy: [more kisses cos who doesn't love a name drop] Janis: you really are Janis: nice Janis: you know Jimmy: you're nice to me so I'm nice to you Janis: yeah Janis: it's a deal Jimmy: exactly Jimmy: [more snuggles] Janis: [the look of love] Jimmy: [backacha] Janis: you told Cass you got it Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: she wants to come scope the place Jimmy: see if it's 😎 Janis: 'course Janis: only seal of approval that counts these days Jimmy: I already know she's gonna tell me it's shit Jimmy: whatever she really thinks Janis: 😂 Janis: kids Jimmy: don't let her come with you though Jimmy: not day 1 Janis: 'course not Janis: probably doing loads way cooler things anyway, God Jimmy: course Jimmy: out being #goals with that boy like she invented it instead of us Janis: cheek Janis: you're all about #respectingyourelders tho Janis: 💕 Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: that what we're calling it Jimmy: I'll let Doris know Janis: 🤢 Janis: [does the fake vom thing] Jimmy: like I said, so beautiful you Janis: 😂 Janis: even without wrinkles Jimmy: impressive, isn't it? Jimmy: well done, babe Janis: you alright Janis: even though you don't play bass Jimmy: that you know of Jimmy: could've been the best bassist in the north Janis: if you've got hidden talents Janis: why you hiding them from me? 🤔 Jimmy: what are you always going on about, keeping things #fresh Janis: oh I get it Janis: gonna reveal 'em one by one instead Janis: so like you, show-off Jimmy: might do Jimmy: stick around & find out Janis: edge of my seat, babe Janis: [does, 'cos dork] Jimmy: [pulls her off her seat and onto his lap cos it's been what like a whole minute since she was last there lol] Jimmy: got you where I want you then Janis: oh Janis: [cue makeout sesh] Jimmy: kissing you is Jimmy: it's like Janis: please only finish that sentence if you're gonna say something nice or I'll have to go die Jimmy: it's like I'm not breathing when we're not & then you kiss me back & I can Jimmy: I don't know Jimmy: just don't die is what I'm saying really Janis: [gives him loads of extra kisses] Janis: don't you either Jimmy: I can't promise that going back to slinging overpriced ☕ won't 💀 me Janis: 🎻 Janis: I'll keep you going Jimmy: promise Janis: promise Janis: [puts hand out[ Jimmy: [same] Janis: don't go dying Janis: make me look bad now Jimmy: easier to just ghost you the standard way Janis: please Janis: like fuck it is Jimmy: don't challenge me Jimmy: I don't actually wanna Janis: shut up then Jimmy: make me then Janis: you ain't getting kisses for that motherfucker Jimmy: you've fucked up on this whole real girlfriend thing Jimmy: I can get kisses whenever I want Jimmy: that's the deal Janis: steady on Janis: not that much of a virgin thanks creep Jimmy: [lols] Janis: been warned about boys like you Jimmy: probably should've listened, girl Janis: nah Janis: [the eye contact] Jimmy: [holds it but then is just shamelessly looking at her lips like is he aware we'll never know] Janis: do it Jimmy: what Janis: you know what Jimmy: say it Janis: why are you so Janis: [still staring] Jimmy: go on Janis: bloody difficult Janis: [but out loud 'kiss me'] Jimmy: [does & it's everything] Janis: why do you have to make me work for it 😏 Jimmy: 'cause you were so bored before Jimmy: no going back Janis: ugh Jimmy: that ain't the reaction a kiss from me deserves Jimmy: [kisses her again & it's even more] Jimmy: try again Janis: Jimmy Jimmy: Janis Janis: [makes noise of frustration] Jimmy: [is 😏] Janis: I hate you so much Jimmy: then show me Janis: [biting on love bites and not being soft with her kisses] Jimmy: only that much? Jimmy: come on Janis: [angry noises and grinding her hips into his roughly] Janis: I can't begin to show you how much I hate you here Jimmy: sounds like an excuse to me Jimmy: maybe you just love me so much Jimmy: cute 💕 Janis: don't challenge me Jimmy: it's alright, I know you can't do it Jimmy: [gives her a soft kiss for the pisstake cos that dickhead] Janis: I swear to God Jimmy: do something Jimmy: even if it's drag me off this bus Janis: [presses stop button] Janis: alright then Jimmy: [eye contact until the bus stops] Janis: remember I warned you Jimmy: remember I ignored it Janis: remind yourself Jimmy: I won't need to Jimmy: I'll have all the reminders I need Janis: [getting off the bus like bye bus driver #gutted] Jimmy: [make it more obvious though you two] Janis: come on, can go in here Janis: [at least middle of nowhere means this is almost acceptable] Jimmy: [follows her giving her such a look] Janis: ['stop looking at me like that'] Jimmy: [doesn't] Janis: [comes up and puts her hands over his eyes which would blatantly devolve into sexy playfight] Jimmy: I let you win Janis: Well, I might let you cum as well, if you do what I want Jimmy: [asks her what she wants out loud] Janis: [pushes him on his knees like he was earlier] Janis: don't disappoint me Jimmy: no challenge in that but I accept Janis: stop talking Jimmy: [does the lock & key thing over his mouth cos still a nerd but then it's all business] Janis: [keeping his head in place and moving him as necessary, 'good boy'] Jimmy: [has one job rn & you know he's doing it 👍] Janis: ['stop'] Jimmy: [obviously does & has a bemused look on his face like okay what now] Janis: ['okay get up' and then starts walking] Jimmy: [just following all these instructions bless him] Janis: [when she realizes he ain't said nothing 'you can talk again, if you want to, by the way'] Jimmy: tah Jimmy: see how I feel Jimmy: might do, might not do Janis: your prerogative either way Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [is 🚬] Jimmy: [lights up too cos yolo] Janis: reall should hit up the ginger Janis: y* Jimmy: remind me on monday Jimmy: busy day tomorrow Janis: 👍 Jimmy: forgot her name again Jimmy: hope she likes the one I give her Janis: no doubt Janis: it's your forte Jimmy: 💕 Janis: wonder who she's with Janis: what cult, like Jimmy: I'll let you know Jimmy: hope the colour suits me Janis: 🤞 Jimmy: what am I on about, 'course it will Jimmy: what colour don't Janis: thank christ, 'cos you still ain't allowed to kill yourself so Janis: have fun getting outta the mass suicide Jimmy: I'll get creative Jimmy: artist like so Janis: going above and beyond for that A Jimmy: nerd, me Jimmy: you're always chatting that Janis: you usually disagree Jimmy: maybe in that one class you've got a point Jimmy: [shrugs] Janis: [shrugs back] Jimmy: [casually blowing smoke rings & generally pissing about] Janis: how'd'ya do that then Jimmy: [shows her] Janis: I'll practice Jimmy: it won't take much Jimmy: nowt hard about it Janis: how long you smoked Jimmy: since my mum left Jimmy: found a pack in her stuff Janis: [nods] Jimmy: you? Janis: I mean I don't Janis: but I guess the first time I tried it would've been Janis: idek, young, tryna hang with the older kids, you know how it is Jimmy: hate to be that dickhead but you are right now Jimmy: you do Janis: yeah but only when you're about Janis: it ain't the same Jimmy: it ain't no different Jimmy: you're still doing it Janis: not a habit though Janis: what does it matter anyway Jimmy: [shrugs again] Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: what's your issue Janis: what's yours Jimmy: not an answer Janis: [shrugs] Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: let's leave it yeah Janis: we don't need this today Jimmy: leave what Jimmy: what's wrong? Janis: I don't know Jimmy: what did I do? Janis: nothing Janis: it's not you Jimmy: that's the shit that gets said when it is you though Janis: it's the shit that gets said when I don't wanna talk about it Janis: dunno how Janis: I'm sorry Janis: forget it happened Jimmy: how? Jimmy: proper question Janis: easy Janis: just rewind, what were we talking about before it went shit and weird Jimmy: scroll up Jimmy: I don't know Janis: we could just start over now Jimmy: go on then Janis: why me Jimmy: you wanna Jimmy: your idea Janis: no point if you don't let's just Janis: walk Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [awkward silence] Jimmy: [smoking like it's his job] Janis: this is stupid isn't it Jimmy: I ain't gonna make you chat to me if you don't want to Janis: it was you who said you didn't want to Jimmy: I never Janis: yes you did Janis: literally gave it 👍 Jimmy: spouting bollocks like nowt's wrong ain't chatting Janis: that's all chatting is Janis: ask anyone Jimmy: I don't wanna chat to anyone else I wanna chat to you Jimmy: & you know how I feel about that shit, I've said it Janis: I can't be real right now Jimmy: then don't Jimmy: I ain't asked you to fill no silences Jimmy: just leave it out Janis: fine Jimmy: 👌 Janis: you should still stay at ours Janis: get a decent night's sleep Jimmy: I weren't thinking of staying nowhere else Jimmy: now I am Janis: well don't Janis: just said you should stay Jimmy: nah you said I should 'still' Jimmy: that means you don't want me to but Janis: It means even though I can't Janis: I don't know Janis: function Janis: right now Janis: I still want you to stay Jimmy: you really think I would leave you Jimmy: like this Janis: don't be dramatic about it though Janis: I'm fine I just needto Jimmy: what Janis: go Janis: just mentally just for like an hour or something Janis: I need to not be here Jimmy: do it then Janis: but Janis: it's mental Janis: and you need me right now and there's no time for this to get in the way and Jimmy: I need you all the time, it makes no difference Janis: that's the problem Jimmy: not the first time I've been or been called that Jimmy: so like I said Janis: not you, not what I meant Jimmy: it's what you said Jimmy: so listen to what I'm saying Janis: you don't get it Jimmy: I get checking out Jimmy: been there, done it Jimmy: so go Janis: I fucking can't Jimmy: bollocks can't you Janis: I can't it don't work no more Jimmy: what will? Jimmy: do that instead Janis: I don't know Janis: if I knew we wouldn't be here Jimmy: where the fuck are we? Janis: I'm scared Janis: all the time Jimmy: why? Jimmy: what is it? Janis: you've broken it and I can't do it anymore and that's okay like nearly all of time because you're here but sometimes you aren't and then one day you won't be and what do I do if I still can't do it then 'cos it's just going to be even worse and I can't Jimmy: [holds onto her] Jimmy: I'm here Jimmy: & I'm not going anywhere Janis: but you will Janis: it's a stupid promise to even have to make Janis: people leave, end of Jimmy: I won't Jimmy: I love you so it's an easy promise, alright Janis: you were joking but you really did fuck up all the control I had Janis: now I don't know what I have, that was it Jimmy: you've got me Jimmy: this Janis: it's Janis: terrifying, I told you Jimmy: 'cause it's real Jimmy: you think that control wasn't just all bollocks Jimmy: you have something to lose now Jimmy: so do I Jimmy: but we're not gonna, okay Jimmy: just win Jimmy: that's it Janis: 'course it was but it was Janis: easy Janis: and no one could get hurt but me Janis: I don't care about me but I do about you Janis: so much Janis: too much Jimmy: it was safe but you are with me Jimmy: & I am with you Jimmy: I trust you, you know that Janis: I trust you Janis: but I don't know why you trust me when I'm this Janis: and have been this so many times already Jimmy: what am I if not that too? Janis: no Janis: you're better Jimmy: I ain't Jimmy: I'm scared, I'm fucked up, I'm everything you reckon you are Jimmy: it's doing shit anyway that's what's better Jimmy: keeping this anyway Jimmy: we can be the ones who don't leave Janis: yeah? Jimmy: remember, we're not gonna ruin it Jimmy: you said Janis: I know Janis: it's easy to say things though Jimmy: let me show you how easy it is to do then Jimmy: just come with me Jimmy: keep going Jimmy: & I'll prove it Janis: [nods] Janis: okay Jimmy: [takes her hand so they can keep walking how symbolic boy] Janis: you know I love you Jimmy: [nods] Janis: good Jimmy: you know you can tell me anything, yeah? Jimmy: or nowt Jimmy: if that's what you want Janis: I know I wish I could Janis: sometimes Janis: then other times I wish I never had to speak about any of it again Jimmy: have it either way, I mean it Jimmy: I'm still here Janis: I know Janis: same for you Jimmy: I'm sorry for being a dickhead Janis: when Janis: actual question, not a diss Jimmy: at any point Janis: I like it Janis: you Janis: I like you Jimmy: yeah but if you didn't like me any time from when we got off the bus til now 'cause I was being a dickhead then, that's alright Jimmy: & I'm sorry Janis: you weren't though Janis: seriously Jimmy: I could've been Jimmy: we don't know when it got weird Janis: I do but I don't wanna Janis: it's okay Janis: actually was not you Jimmy: okay Janis: I promise, yeah Jimmy: [picks her up so he can hold her & walk at the same time] Jimmy: I love you Janis: I love you Janis: but if you make me cry I am gonna have to die sorry Janis: don't make the rules Jimmy: don't count if I'm not looking Jimmy: very focused right now me Janis: nah, I don't, I can't Janis: but I'm pleased you're taking your job here seriously Jimmy: when we get to yours I'll throw an onion at you or whatever Jimmy: we can make it work Janis: [actual little lol] Janis: you're silly Jimmy: you're heavy Janis: bit rude but Janis: [hops down] Jimmy: Oi, I'm trying to take my job here seriously Jimmy: come back Janis: I don't want to permanently injure you Janis: not paying off that claim, soz Jimmy: 1. have some faith please Jimmy: 2. gimme that get out of work excuse tah Janis: 1. I do but apparently am size of whale so Janis: 2. you already owe me dinner so Janis: 3. soz x2 Jimmy: 1. piss off/shut up Jimmy: 2. I ain't that close to the breadline calm down Janis: 1. but I ain't even filling silences rn rude Janis: 2. have you seen me? clearly can put it away Jimmy: eat as much coal as you want, babe Jimmy: delicious & nutritious Janis: don't people like Mia actually do that Jimmy: do they? Jimmy: what the fuck Janis: maybe I've got the wrong thing Janis: like pumping your stomach at home though, when you think about it Jimmy: serious question, do you think she knows the calories of cum in case of emergencies Jimmy: tweet her Janis: [snorts] Janis: I have no doubt Janis: sure Gracie has tried to tell me before Jimmy: I doubt she's putting anything in her mouth but their skulls at the end but Jimmy: gotta be prepared Janis: bet she was actually in the guides Janis: any chance to feel like head bitch Jimmy: you ain't talking to her but I'm gonna need to quiz Grace as #1 bestie for life Janis: she ain't talking to me Jimmy: ain't that same difference Jimmy: or is it like that girl code bollocks again Janis: it's completely different Janis: I ain't never talked to her that's the same as ever Janis: she was always chatting shit to me though Jimmy: back chatting it to Mia again instead Jimmy: what a step down Jimmy: bet she's a riveting girl to have a convo with Janis: clearly they've got enough in common Jimmy: how long do you seriously reckon before I'm serving them all iced coffees again? Janis: if it's tomorrow I will have to leave Jimmy: if it's tomorrow I'll have to 💀 Jimmy: I know it's breaking my promise but Janis: understandable Jimmy: I'll keep the one where I'm a ghost fucking you though Janis: 💕 Janis: you say the sweetest things Jimmy: #maybeIwasthelastofthegreatromanticsallalong Jimmy: #plottwist Jimmy: #Ionlythoughtitwasyou Janis: not gonna say I #calledit but Janis: so soft, you Jimmy: you fucked up there Jimmy: you meant hard Jimmy: 💪 Janis: only when you're fucking me from beyond the grave Jimmy: [lols] Jimmy: who says the sweetest things really though 💕😍 Janis: when I stopped you Janis: earlier, you know Janis: it wasn't 'cos of you Janis: or 'cos I even wanted to Janis: I just wanted to prove to myself I still had control Janis: how stupid is that Janis: but you should know that, I don't want you reckoning you did anything Janis: and the more I'm thinking on it the more I realize that was kinda a fucked thing to do to you too so Janis: sorry as well Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: & it's not stupid Jimmy: things have changed for me too 'cause of you Jimmy: neither of us were expecting nowt like this to happen Janis: yeah Janis: seriously Jimmy: It's alright you know Jimmy: to be scared Jimmy: to wanna go back Janis: I don't Janis: this is better in every way Janis: it's the idea of having to go back after Jimmy: Baby Jimmy: you don't have to Jimmy: I told you, I'm not leaving Janis: [nods] Jimmy: [kisses her the way he did earlier like believe me bitch & repeats it out loud with eye contact like am I lying, no] Janis: [the most intense kissing ever] Jimmy: [breathlessly says 'there's nowt I wouldn't do for you, tell me how to prove it & I will' with more intense eye contact] Janis: ['you don't have to..you have, you are'] Jimmy: [more of the most intense kissing ever] Janis: [keeps saying 'I'm sorry' over and over 'cos so shamed] Jimmy: [keeps saying ILY to try and cancel it out cos don't be] Janis: [let her gain some composure so they can go back to Cali's] Janis: okay, I'm ready Jimmy: [handholding & walking] Janis: you ain't gonna worry about me are you Janis: tomorrow Janis: you gotta focus Jimmy: I'm gonna think about you Jimmy: but that's just part of the deal Janis: no more than usual and that's alright Jimmy: easy to say when you don't know how much I think about you usually Janis: Babe Jimmy: It's alright, I want you in my head all the time Jimmy: better than him being Janis: [squeezes his hand] Janis: not much of a compliment but I'll take it Jimmy: that's a first Janis: ['shh' and pushing into him, gently tho] Jimmy: tomorrow Jimmy: you can stay as long as you want Jimmy: you know Janis: Yeah Janis: not trying to distract you though Jimmy: I don't have to focus to make a cappuccino Jimmy: or nowt else on the menu Jimmy: stay Jimmy: not 'cause I'm worried just 'cause Jimmy: I want you to Janis: okay Janis: after I've walked the loml, of course Jimmy: course Jimmy: #priorities Janis: bring her in for a babyccino Jimmy: [rolls his eyes but not in a shady way] Jimmy: this is the girlfriend I've got Janis: Twix? Janis: Knew you loved her really Janis: it's mutual Jimmy: you wish, dickhead Jimmy: she ain't sleeping in our bed Janis: we barely fit so I don't reckon she'd wanna Jimmy: you'd really let that stop either of you, would you? Jimmy: I don't reckon Janis: nah Janis: it's the only time I get you properly alone Janis: not gonna share, soz Jimmy: you can have me anywhere Jimmy: don't worry about that Janis: yeah but everyone else is always around too Janis: know how I feel about other people Jimmy: you want alone time, I'll find it for us Jimmy: we can bin school off for a start Janis: yeah Janis: just not tuesday Janis: cheerleading duties, remember Jimmy: I ain't forgotten Jimmy: big plans Jimmy: 💙 Janis: love you dork Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: I'm too 😎 for school Jimmy: & you Janis: 😏 Janis: k babes Jimmy: never type that to me again Jimmy: I thought your sister had entered the chat Jimmy: shit myself Janis: 😂 Janis: not the sister you were planning on next I take it Jimmy: she's bottom of my list Jimmy: rather fuck your dickhead brother over her Janis: lucky/shame I ain't talking to her to say 💔 Janis: can let Pablo know he's well in though 👍 Jimmy: if you wanna use that as a ice breaker with her, go on Jimmy: & yeah pass my number on once I've done the top of the list, tah Janis: meant to work your way up, you know Jimmy: if I start at the top & have enough fun I don't need to bother with the bottom though Janis: not just a pretty face, you, I remember Jimmy: exactly Jimmy: always on too, remember Janis: yeah Janis: memories not that bad Janis: soz babe Jimmy: plenty of time for you to go downhill Jimmy: not worried Janis: I'm gonna age like fine wine just to piss you off Jimmy: [lols] Janis: [smiling 'cos forever fave] Jimmy: let's stay in Janis: yeah? Janis: you sure Jimmy: don't you want to? Janis: no, I was just thinking, whatever you want Janis: don't feel like we can't go somewhere 'cos I've had a wobble like Jimmy: I don't feel like that Janis: well you know I want alone time so Jimmy: you can have it then Janis: [kisses his cheek] Janis: you gotta be well-rested anyway Jimmy: [wipes it off but is smiling too] Jimmy: you saying I can't handle my drink? Jimmy: bit rude coming from you Janis: I'm saying straight to bed for you Jimmy: keeping it 👵💕 for me, yeah Jimmy: appreciate that Janis: duh Janis: know you so well Jimmy: 👍 Janis: my Dad'll probably wanna cook you something Janis: he's extra like that Jimmy: alright by me Jimmy: long as you tell me what it is Jimmy: before I put it in my mouth Janis: 😂 Janis: okay deal Jimmy: [puts his hand out] Janis: [shakes but plls him in for snugs too] Jimmy: [a soft moment] Janis: [ily] Jimmy: I know Janis: sound more enthused 😏 Jimmy: [kisses her and repeats the I know out loud] Janis: Better Jimmy: [kisses her again to do even better] Janis: 😍 Janis: okay, you're the best Jimmy: you Janis: ['you'] Jimmy: [more soft snuggles for another moment] Janis: [stroking his cheek and look of love always] Janis: okay, let's move or we'll die here Jimmy: [more walking & handholding cos gotta get somewhere] Janis: thanks for not freaking out back there Jimmy: you've never at me Jimmy: my bollocks Jimmy: so I weren't gonna do that to you Janis: guess you're just pretty normie, yeah Janis: [shoulder nudge] Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: [nudges her back] Janis: it's okay, you'll always be a weirdo to me 💕 Jimmy: tah nerd 💕 Janis: soz can't hear you 😎 Jimmy: [says 'I said, tah you massive nerd' in her ear] Janis: [lols 'cos tickles and be more of a nerd yourself babe] Jimmy: [is 😍 cos she's so cute] Janis: how do you exist Janis: still think you're not real tbh Jimmy: I've actually been a ghost this whole time Jimmy: surprise Janis: [snorts] Janis: okay, actual decent plottwist babe Jimmy: nobody else can see me & you've looked fucking mental this whole time Janis: ugh Janis: well fuck you very much, casper Jimmy: it's why they're all chatting shit about you, didn't wanna do a dramatic reveal like this but Janis: well yeah, I would be too if someone was having that enthusiastic a wank in the toilets, like Janis: no coming back from this, honestly Jimmy: [lols again] Janis: not even like you're a cool vampire boyfriend so you can turn me too now you've fucked my life Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: who's your money on for sparkly vampire of our school then Janis: I need to know asap Jimmy: Mia obviously Jimmy: never eats Jimmy: looks 1000 years old Janis: shit Janis: you have a point and I'm so Jimmy: you've really fucked yourself for immortal life, girl Jimmy: stuck with the 👻 Janis: 's alright Janis: gone off the idea Janis: already sick of her, I can't do forever Janis: breaking her cold dead 💔 Jimmy: gutted Jimmy: you'd make a good vampire Jimmy: always biting already you Janis: [😳] Janis: shut up Janis: you like it Jimmy: do you want me to shut up or tell you how much I like it? Jimmy: can't do both Janis: just don't lie Jimmy: I don't Janis: good Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you do though, don't you Jimmy: I just said Jimmy: what are you on about? Janis: like it, I mean Janis: you'd say if you didn't Jimmy: course Jimmy: but you'd be able to tell anyway Janis: yeah Janis: 'course Jimmy: I'd be there like Jimmy: [does a grumpy face] Janis: I mean Janis: that is adorable but I can piss you off in so many different ways outside the bedroom so Jimmy: just Jimmy: don't second guess yourself, alright Jimmy: there's no need Janis: okay Janis: good Janis: 'cos you gotta tell me, I can't be going out into the world with no skills Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: you know you've got skills Jimmy: you're so fucking good Janis: you can shh now Jimmy: you can't fish for compliments if you won't take 'em Jimmy: bit rude Janis: I wasn't fishing for fucking compliments 😑 Janis: shut up Jimmy: calm down Jimmy: & just take 'em Janis: [let's say they there and she walking inside like boy bye] Jimmy: really Jimmy: 👌 Janis: yeah Janis: come find me when you're gonna be nice again Jimmy: you come find me when you work out I were being Janis: sure Janis: calling me an attention seeker is dead nice Jimmy: I didn't Janis: 👌 Janis: did though so Jimmy: you know that ain't what I meant or what I think Janis: whatever Jimmy: do you know that or not? Janis: it don't matter then Jimmy: that's not an answer to a yes or no question Janis: just come find me Jimmy: just gimme your answer Janis: well I don't know Janis: I hadn't thought about it 'til you said it so Jimmy: either I'm that dickhead or I'm not so Janis: you said you ain't so you ain't Jimmy: bollocks Jimmy: I can say owt I want Jimmy: what are you saying Janis: why'd you have to say it like that Janis: dickhead Janis: but I guess I know you didn't mean it Janis: I mean, I believe you Jimmy: why do you have to take it like that Jimmy: you're a dickhead Jimmy: can't take a compliment but you'll grab all the insults that ain't there Janis: erm how do you want me to take 'fishing for compliments' exactly Jimmy: how I meant it Jimmy: only pissing about Janis: fine Janis: whatever just forget about it Jimmy: stop telling me to forget about everything Janis: well I don't wanna talk about it now it's pointless Jimmy: then just say that Janis: well you know that's what I meant so now you're just being pedantic for the sake of Jimmy: & you're using fancy words for the sake of, rich girl Janis: please Jimmy: what are you trying to start a fight with me for? Janis: I ain't Janis: sorry I didn't find it funny alright Janis: come on Jimmy: you come on Jimmy: I don't live here Jimmy: I ain't just chasing around like I do Janis: really Jimmy: taking issue with that too now? Janis: yeah because you want me to Jimmy: bollocks Jimmy: I want you to come back Janis: youcan't just drop it you have to keep going Jimmy: what Janis: I don't make you chase me 'round Janis: that's bullshit Jimmy: you're literally telling me to right now Janis: I'm telling you to come to my room Janis: you know where it is Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: [arrives] Janis: ['hey'] Jimmy: [just sits on the end of her bed like] Janis: you not talking to me Jimmy: are you gonna keep talking owt I say the wrong way Janis: [sighs but real not in a passive-aggressive way] Janis: I can't help how I take shit any more than you can help how you say it Janis: I can't say any more than I believe that you didn't mean it, alright Janis: it's too late to not misunderstand, yeah Jimmy: alright Janis: actual alright or shut the fuck up alright Jimmy: alright like I want it to be Jimmy: so just come sit with me Janis: [does, puts her head on his shoulder] Janis: why's it so hard sometimes Jimmy: [plays with her hair cos fave] Jimmy: I told you, I'm fucked up like you reckon you are Janis: reckon Janis: how are you reckoning any different, boy Jimmy: 'Cause Jimmy: I just do Janis: [lols but obvs not a happy one] Janis: sweet Jimmy: you're loads of things to me Jimmy: fucked up ain't one Jimmy: my ex was, I am Jimmy: you're Jimmy: that ain't how I see you Janis: not gonna argue about this as well Janis: I don't want to Janis: I am but if you wanna think otherwise then that's alright with me Jimmy: what do you want then Janis: just Janis: be with each other Janis: normal Jimmy: [snuggles] Janis: ['I'm sorry, again'] Jimmy: ['me too'] Janis: [saying things like 'it's okay, we're okay' over and over but also asking as well as telling, like] Jimmy: [all the reassuring touches & nods and 'yeahs'] Janis: [they both need so much reassuring bye] Janis: I love you so much Jimmy: [says it out loud for her] Janis: [casual desperate kissing 'cos you overwhelmed[ Jimmy: [we know that'd go on for a while] Janis: [also says it out loud] Jimmy: [just doing the whole trying to pull her closer thing the whole time cos clingy af] Janis: ['stay'] Jimmy: ['I promise']
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