#so im hoping that like yeah the results will be like about a week late from the deadline they set for commuters but like
i have a massive headache right now and im coming down with a cold so im not sure how much of this will be coherent, but let me try to jabber some more about those idiots-
so for the sappy stuff (because its getting late and im in the mindset): wilson gives house massages. yeah, for the leg- but also just in general. hes a touchy person with significant others, and house is fucking needy and always in pain. so- what that results in is any time theyre within 4 feet of eachother (alone) wilson ends up scooting over to rub his back, or his head, or his shoulders. just something the releve the constant pressure and stiffness house has in his bones. its symbiotic, really. house is in pain, and wilson likes to feel needed. house is needy, and wilson likes to be physically close to people he loves.
we already know wilson makes theem breakfast, cause its canon. but they don't really eat breakfast together other than on the weekends. wilson makes breakfast when he gets up, which is long before house has even dragged his ass out of bed. then he eats, gets ready to go, leaves the leftovers in a tupperware in the fridge and wakes up house to say good morning before heading to work. house usually goes back to sleep after the good morning wake up, gets in another hour or two, then finally rolls out of bed and right to work, grabbing his tupperware on the way out. he really doesn't have much of a morning. once hes up, there's no sitting around. he eats his breakfast when he finally gets to work (hours late) intentionally making all of his fellows jealous. kutner has tried and failed many times to taste wilson's infamous cooking. wilson actually make him something when he found out- but house ended up eating that too. not because he was hungry- just out of spite lmao. house ate it in front of him waving the sticky note with his name on it. rip kutner
on the weekends they do eat together- if they aren't going out to eat. wilson's a morning person, but he can get behind a lazy morning in bed if its something soft and domestic he can look at through storybook lenses. so they usually sleep in on weekends unless wilson has plans. if wilson has plans than the routine is fairly similar to that of the work week, plus a lot more complaining and whining to come back to bed from house.
nothing changes really at work. most of the change is within small routines in private. they always left work with each other, even before they were together. and no matter how much he loves wilson- house is not about to start getting up early to come to work with him. so the arrival/departure is pretty much the same.
when people do make comments about them though, which is bound to happen since it literally happens in canon, house cracks up. wilson gets self conscious and deflects and tries to escape the conversation, but house takes it as an opportunity to test people's patience.
"Oh, me and my pookie-wookie sugar pie were just on our way downstairs to peek at Cuddy's cleavage. You can join if you want- but we didn't bring protection if that's what you're hoping this will turn into."
"Yeah well it gets stuffy with three or more people- and that successfully scared him off. You're welcome."
house has probably kissed wilson dramatically in front of his fellows for the bit at some point. it was not a good kiss lmao- it was all for shock value and wilson was probably wide eyed and taken aback for the duration of it. wilson gave him the silent treatment and didn't pay for his lunch after that one.
"Do NOT use me as a prop for one of your pranks ever again, House. It's not funny."
"Oh please, this isn't the first time I've done that. It's just the first time the joke has involved lip on lip contact"
"Please never say "lip on lip contact" ever again. I think my headache is back..."
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amoraffairs · 2 years
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𝐀 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬’ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧
summary: remus is unsure of whether to call you, but with encouragement from james ,sirius & mostly belle, he decides to call you.
notes: i wrote this supper fast & it’s super short. it’s basically setting up y/n & remus’s relationship. I love writing for them more than i thought I would.
part one
“Cmon Daddy, We’re late” Belle says tugging Remus hand. “We wouldn’t of been if you didn’t run of” He jokes. Belle just simply continues to pull him forward.
The father daughter duo make their way in the Potter. Belle shouting a Happy Birthday & then a demand for cake.
“Well we were waiting for you missy” Sirius says resulting in Belle sticking her young at him. Sirius shrugs innocently as he ignores Remus’ glare. Remus knowing she learned that from Sirius.
“I’m sorry Unca Siri, for being late.” Belle says repeating the words she practiced in the car with Remus.
“My favorite niece can be as late as she want.” James says picking her up & spinning her around. Belle letting out childish giggles.
“Well your favorite niece, got lost in the store today.”Belle let’s out a gasp, that he told on her.
“It’s cause I saw Unca Jamie in the store, we’ll not Unca Jamie. I thought it was you. She had the same hat as you & wore your glasses.” Belle defends.
“She’s my best friend now. She’s really pretty. Daddy thinks so too.”
“Ohh he does” James says rising her eyebrows at Remus. All stares were on him. Remus rolls his eyes at his friends actions.
“Yeah, & she gave me her number so we can hangout. Daddy is holding it for me.” Instantly his revived knowing looks from both Sirius & James.
“So when is Dad going he going to call him.” James asks Belle. “Right now!” She shouts excitedly.
“Belle, Im starting to think you like her more than me.” Sirius says in mock offensive.
“Ye—“ Belle starts to say but James covers her mouth. “She says I’m a real princess unlike you Unca Siri” Belle says her arms crossing over each other in annoyance.
“I said it one time & I was joking.” Sirius defends.
“Ok, you two. You need to separate before it gets ugly. Hey Belle, you want to help Lily get the cake.” James says & Belle runs to this kitchen excited for cake.
“So Moony you going to call her.” James asks a teasing tone in his voice. “Don’t start.”Remus says.
“Cmon Moony, what’s there to think about. You haven’t gone on a date since ‘she who must not be named’ left.” Sirius tells him, his words carefully.
Remus winces, physical winces. The subject of Belle’s mother was still tough for him. She left when Belle was one, only leaving a note.
“I don’t know.”Remus shrugs. “What’s the harm in just calling her. Let Belle have her play date & get to know her.” James compromises.
“Maybe..” Remus starts by is interrupted by the sound of happy birthday, as cake came.
You sit in your small bedroom apartment. The sound of your phone ringing draws you out of the book you were reading.
“Hi is this Y/N. I’m Remus from the store with my daughter—“ You hear Remus start to say but not before another voice interrupting him.
“Is that Y/N. Let me talk to her. Please. Can I talk to her please.” You recognize the voice as Belle & you smile at the thought she really wants to talk to you.
“Hold on bug.” You hear Remus tell her. “Hi, Remus” You finally tell him.
“Belle was wondering if you’d want to hang out with her-“ “tomorrow” “Bug tomorrow too short notice, how about in a week—“
“I could do tomorrow” You say hoping to stop an argument. You hear a cheer from the phone. Belle’s voice.
“Great. Belle want to show you her castle, she made. Is one at our house ok.” Remus tells you.
“It’s perfect” “I’ll send you the directions” You hang up, with a smile on your face.
You know on the door of the Lupin house.
“It’s Y/N. I’ll get it.” “Belle don’t open the door without knowing who it is” You hear the father duo from inside the house.
“Y/N is it you” Belle shouts on the other side of the door. Once you say yes, the door opens.
The door opens to reveal Belle. She’s in another yellow dress. This time a replica of the cartoon princess Belle.
She runs up to hug you & you lift her up so you are carrying her. “How are you, princess.”
Remus runs up to the door in an attempt to stop belle from opening the door, only to be too late.
“I asked who it was this time,Daddy” Belle says in attempt to defend my self.
Remus eyes meet yours. “Hi Y/N” You give me a smile in return.
“Come look at my castle. Daddy made it for me because I passed my test.” Belle tells you jumping down from your hold & running into the house. In an attempt to get her Castle ready.
Remus invites you in the home, & you wait in the Lupin living room. Given strict instructions from the five year old not to look yet.
“I never properly thanked you for finding Belle. I couldn’t imagine if you weren’t there.” Full sincerity in his voice.
“Technically she found me.” You both let out a laugh.
“You read?” You ask pointing to the bookshelf stuffed with books.
“Yeah, but as much as would like to recently.” You let out a knowing nod. “I’ve been halfway through the Bell Jar for weeks.”
“If you ever need a new book, you can borrow any of mine.” Remus shyly says.
“I might take you up on that offer, you practically have a whole library.” Remus lets out a genuine laugh. Remus goes to say something before Belle’s voice interrupts him.
“Come look at my Castle Y/N. You can come live it it too.” Belle says appearing next to you, dragging you toward her room.
Remus smiles at your retreating figure. Maybe Sirius & James were right.
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fatuismooches · 9 months
Im so happy to have spent this year talking with you and sharing all my ideas with you! Honestly 2023 was such a year I’ll have many memories of, but I can’t wait for 2024. (My genetics appointment is tomorrow as of writing this so those results will kinda determine how my year goes I suppose!) you’re literally the sweetest, most wonderful creator I’ve ever met and I can’t help but be honored to be your dear boo boo bear🎐 anon! I hope we continue to interact this year and hopefully more Dottore crumbs please Mihoyo!! I desperately want Dottore crumbs so we can both talk about them together! I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you so much, your writings always lift up my mood and your add-ons to my stories make my days so much more special and brighter. Honestly, I never expected Zandy to become so popular on this page and yet he did! He was honestly just a little thought that ended up blossoming into more and I love seeing others expand on Zandy. I always feel so giddy seeing others talk about Zandy it makes my heart all happy!! With how happy your page and anons make me you all could cure my chronic illness if that was even possible! However, I have a little drabble to start the new year. I’m giving you so much many chu chus! Expect a lot of those this year hehe, it’s been SO COLD I need cuddles T_T but I love you so so much smooches please take care of yourself and make sure you get loads of rest! I’ll always be here to tuck you in and cuddle with you >.< Definitely expect more this week hopefully if m not too busy!! Moving on to drabble:
Seeing as a new year has finally arrived, I like to think that on New Year’s Eve, fragile!reader would be reminiscent of the past year and somewhat happy knowing they can hopefully live to see another year despite their fragility. However, Dottore sees it as a punch to his face. Another year has passed, and he still cannot cure his dear lover. Empty promises of curing them, but when? The year has already ended, and he fears they won’t make it to the next. Their time is limited if he can’t cure them, but he has to find a way, he promised them. So while they both stand next to each other waiting for the countdown, they both think of opposite views of the year. One filled with happiness for making through it, while the other filled with anger for failing once again.
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon!
HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎐 ANON!! 🥹🥹 I'm so happy you're my boo boo 🎐 anon too, whenever I see you in my inbox I always smile and I'm so glad you're here too! (I really hope your appointment goes well my dear! I'm wishing only the best for you! 💗💗) But me? I don't just want Dottore crumbs. I want a whole MEAL 😤 I'm tired of waiting!! And I can't wait to talk about them with you too 🎐 anon hehe it's gonna be so much fun! NWJDEWJD I think we all have to thank you for baby Zandy... 😭 he's literally the cutest munchkin ahh we love Zandy in this house... Giving you much mwahs and hugs more! *cuddles you* Please make sure to rest a lot too! AND AHHHH THE DRABBLE IM GOING INSANE-
ARGGGGH THE ANGST SO GOOD... I imagine Dottore does not care at all for New Year's and all of that, i mean, after all, he has been alive for centuries. The years passing just pass, they don't mean too much anymore. But you? You still love them! Your conception of time is a lot different from his, you have been asleep for centuries so you appreciate the New Year's for what it is! Another year of being with your dear Zandik! Yeah, there's been a lot of ups and downs this year but, you're just grateful to have another chance with your lover. (You probably let Zandy stay up late for the New Year!! 😭) BWJDBWED i can't. Poor Dottore, I imagine he despised the New Year even more when you were asleep because it was yet another year of being along. Of not having the one person he cared about with him. At the very least, although he's upset at himself for failing you, you're here with him now. At least, that's what you say to him when you see his expression. (He didn't need to say it out loud. You just knew.)
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httpiastri · 21 days
i’m having soo many thoughts about everything that has happened lately, especially about franco and kimi, but like i’m feeling…bittersweet? like the people that got me in f3/f2 are leaving and getting promoted and i’m just here like 🥹🥹
i’m genuinely so proud of them but to think that kimi is younger than me and already in formula one makes me feel weird (in a good way ofc)
i’m also so excited to see who will the f3 title tomorrow and i know i’ll be happy regardless of the result because they are all so :((
anyways hope you had a good week and when i tell you i feel you when you say it’s kinda scary to start a new school, i’ll start university in two weeks and i’m soso nervous
oh yes yes i feel you !! it definitely is bittersweet :/ so happy for them but it's also so... like i know we'll get much more content from our boys but it won't be as homey and cozy as before? if you get what i mean? but gosh yes i mean most of my fave feeder series drivers are younger than me so......... very weird feeling indeed 😶
but yeah tomorrow will be very exciting !! i will be really upset if none of my four babies take the win but i will also be so proud bcs they've fought so hard all season and done so well and to even be in contention for the win in the final round is amazing <33 hope they arent too hard on themselves!!! (and by that i mean mostly luke bcs i think he's the only one of them who will be like really gutted if he doesn't win)(tbh out of all six drivers but yea)
aw gosh im so sorry you're nervous!! but i had such a lovely week, i came in with very low expectations and so nervous but i had so so much fun 🥺 and im sure you will too !!! fingers crossed for you <3
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bruce-wayne-simp · 2 years
Ok im watching pirate radio/the boat that rocked because I'm a Tom Sturridge stan now
(The movie follows Carl (Tom Sturridge) a 17 year old who got expelled from school for doing drugs. His mother sent him to live on a boat with his godfather Quenton and the band of DJs who run the pirate radio. Shenanigans ensue, the British government tries to take them down, its a good time. Also its set in the late 60s)
I'm like 15 minutes in and it's awesome so I'm gonna liveblog i guess
This is gonna be very Carl-heavy (see 'im a Tom Sturridge stan' above)
Also spoilers if you care about being spoiled for a movie that came out in 2009
From the summary i thought Carl was gonna be some tough-guy rebel but he's just so smiley and innocent and respectful and it's rly sweet. Idk if it's a British thing or what but yeah
The guys are all very stereotypical "guys" and i honestly kinda love it
The one scene where Carl is kinda settling in on his first day and he comes into the Count's DJ space(?) is so funny. Hes like 'are you nervous' and gives Carl a hug then slaps his ass and tells him to get the fuck out
The f-word scene is BRILLIANT. Go watch the clip on youtube it's so good
Carl just revealed hes only been to all boys boarding schools and as a result he is a virgin and has also never kissed anyone. I know enough about this movie to know it comes up later. Also the way he can barely say 'sex' is adorable
Also Carl is very relatable
Midnight Mark is kinda hot ngl
Oh Jesus christ 🤦‍♀️
Apparently 'later' is NOW
Secondhand embarrasment galore oh my god 😭😭😭😭 poor Carl
Dave tried to trick his hookup by letting Carl have sex (basically rape) her so he could lose his virginity. For what it's worth, Carl is reluctant because of the morality of it (and he's an impressionable 17 year old) and she turns the light on and sees him and they both scream
Omg we're at the scene where we meet Bob. Poor Bob does the show early in the morning and nobody ever sees him so when he comes down in the morning everyones like 'who tf are you'
Thick Kevin: what was his name again?
Young Carl: Really?
Oh btw Thick Kevin and Young Carl are roommates on the ship
Aww Quenton gave Carl a date w his niece, Maryanne, for his birthday
Lmaoo he literally said hi to Maryanne and then left and is asking Dave for a condom
'Do you know how it works?' Carl, babe, your answer doesn't sound very convincing
Carl, my love, you JUST MET HER. I cannot overstate how naive he is.
Dave is an asshole. That's all. (He almost fucks up Carls chance with Maryanne and then sleeps with her while Carl is looking for another condom)
'Maryanne, I see you.' Heartbreaking 😭😭
Honestly there are some very sweet moments and this is one of them 😭😭😭
Harold and John bring Carl tea and biscuits while he's sitting on a bench, upset. They don't say anything but by the end of the scene Carl is eating a biscuit and smiling and Harold gives him a hug 😭😭😭😭😭😭
(Link to the scene bcs its so sweet: https://youtu.be/66U9Kfr4UhE )
And honestly when Gavin gives him the condom was kinda sweet too. Like he's proud of him and gives him advice (bad advice, but still it's the thought that counts)
I fucking love Felicity. She's the only woman on board full time and that's because she's a lesbian. I hope she gets her girlfriend ❤️
Omg Midnight Mark was having an orgy lmaoo
Simon is so sweet😭😭 He went to Carl and Kevin's room and told them he's getting married and I'm pretty sure just asked Carl to be his best man??
Omg he's known her for 2 weeks
This entire sequence is very British 😭😭
Oh God they're all hungover
Ooooh who is Carl's father???
God he's so pretty in this scene
Link to gifset (if ur a sandman stan you've seen it before):
'I think sometimes i should be called Clever Kevin. What do you think about tha-' *falls out of bed*
Aww Simons speech to the listeners about his wedding was sweet
Simon holding Carls hand and Carl being like wtf and walking away
Quenton: We are gathered here in the sight of God, apparently. Which is, I don't know, scary?
Carl is smoking while being Simons best man i love him (Protip: looking for Carl in a scene? Look for a cigarette first)
Oh god Simons new wife just told him she's in love with Gavin
Oh no she only married Simon to get on the boat to get with Gavin :( Poor Simon
Top tier music choices all around though
Harold is such a good friend
Everyone here has two brain cells between them (yes im at the Chicken Game)
Aww Gavin apologized to Simon
Lmao they're basically playing never have i ever
Aww Carls mom is coming by
'Just in case you wanted to brush your hair or hide that stack of pornography you keep on that shelf' QUENTON
Oh god he's dreading seeing her
Aww Kevin wished him luck 😭😭
He asked if Quenton was his dad and his mom was like 'uh no wtf'
'It was a shag well shagged the night you made this little fella' Dave to Carls mom
The posh government people on boxing day im sobbing its so funny and silent
Oh god Bob is Carls father (Bob gave Carl a message earlier and he told her right before she left)
She was like 'How old are you' and did the math from there lmaoo
'Telll Mark it was a lovely night!' 'NO! NO!!' lmfaooo
Carl is telling Bob hes his dad oh my god its so sweet
Parliament just created an act making pirate radio illegal as of new years day
Quentons like 'pirate radio is dead' and everyone else is like 'nope'
The Count pulled the 'Murica card lmaoo
'Obviously im in. You're the only people in the world who like me' IM GONNA SOB GIVE CARL A HUG RN
And her friend Margaret
Carl ur so fucking cute (he ssked if she wanted to play scrabble or something 😭😭😭)
omg is Felicity gonna sleep with Margaret??
Ok so Carl comes out of his room in the morning, he turns around and the entire ship is standing there cheering, The Count is on the air and the nation (20 MILLION PEOPLE) are waiting with baited breath as to if Young Carl lost his virginity
The Count is asking him if he did it lmaoo
The Count: -and remember, the reply 'i don't wanna answer that question' means yes
Young Carl: im certainly not going to answer that question
Lmao John is reporting it as news 😭😭 'a nice young man has lost his virginity in the north sea'
Lmao Felicity and Margaret are popping their heads out of another door and everyones smiling GOOD FOR HER
Lmao they're leaving and Felicity is holding a huge sign that says I love you
Listen its the 70s lesbians gotta do what lesbians gotta do
Omg the govt raided the wrong ship 💀💀💀
Holy shit the engine just exploded on the ship as they were sailing away
'Ok the good news is the engine has just exploded and we're all going to die' Quenton NEVER misses
(The bad news is theyre gonna drown/freeze to death in the North Sea btw)
Theyre asking fans for help
Gavin: Here's a rather long record. I hope I'm here at the end of it.
They're all grabbing the shit they can/stuff they want and can carry
Carl just ate shit oop
Oh wow the government isnt gonna save them bcs of 'costs'
Midnight Mark is a badass. Going through a sinking ship in leather pants?? Unmatched. Icon.
Lmao Angus is like 'i know nobody here particularly likes me but I'm glad to have known you all' and Simon is like 'no!! Everyone here likes you. Raise your hand if you like him'
And everyone does except Dave who tries and can't make himself do it so Simon says to be honest and everyone puts their hands down lmaoooo
Oh no where's Bob? Also Carl literally says 'where's my dad?' And i just wanna know if everyone knew beforehand or if that's how they found out who Carls dad is
Omg Bob had no clue the boat was sinking because he was listening to music
Bob just let go of your fucking case you are both DROWNING
Aww Dave saved Carl bcs he felt guilty about sleeping with Maryanne
God they're climbing up to the top of the ship now
Oh no the Count is gonna go down with the ship
Lmao Carl said fuck
Theyre jumping in to swim to the rescue boats and Bob and Carl held hands to jump in together 😭😭
Gavins doing a backstroke lol
The rest of the ship is going under
And the movies over, bye lol
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wosofanstuff · 11 months
Well hello here I am again
How was your week?
Your host mom sounds, very relaxed? I dunno, what I do know is that it’d definitely stress me out as well. Like when I have to go somewhere or want to be somewhere at a certain time I gotta be ready at least half an hour earlier, after that my brain just goes into waiting mode. Like seriously if I’m not ready early you could think im running late even though im not😅
Anyway im kind of late to the party but 👖🥤🧡🦖🐸
I’m on a train yet again💀 I swear to god I wasn’t even home for 24 hours, I honestly dunno why im doing this to myself. Why did I have to tell my cousin that I’d be home for his birthday? I have no idea whatsoever.
I’m currently reading a book and I really love it. Like it’s so good but for whatever reason I only really read a lot when i’m on trains for whatever reason. I guess there’s something good about being stuck on trains
Don’t even know if whatever I just wrote makes sense because im tired and was probably rambling and oversharing
Hope you have a wonderful week🫶
Also how was your footy game?
You know I always love your updates 🫶🏼
Definitely not relaxed, but seriously I’m overthinking and German with a shit time management. Which basically means I am on the last minute to everything but plan for games, meetings and everything that is somewhat important an extra half an hour for the way, plan on being there early and end with results like being 4 hours early to my fly or being an hour before meeting my soccer team at the meeting point 🫠
Yeah you are crazy with the trains, I always hate them. Ooh which book are you reading?
And you aren’t late always love when I get more 😊
👖 Jeans or sweatpants?
Sweatpants all day long
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
Probably a caramel latte or a iced coffee (don’t know the exact name of it)
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
A certain shade of yellow
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
Gonna pull a Jessie and say dinosaur’s
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
Are we talking clothing or general? I guess athletic and more tomboyish?
Hope you have an amazing day 🤍🫶🏼
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atlabeth · 2 years
omg lucky
i still have two weeks until i’m out 😭
anyways it’s been a while since we’ve interacted! to celebrate i thought i’d send a req for an anthony bridgerton fic??
everything is totally up to you but i’ve been suuuper stressed lately so maybe you could work out something with that 😅
sending love as always 💕
- simply
viscountess - anthony bridgerton
summary: when you begin to doubt yourself, your husband is there to quell your thoughts.
a/n: yeah, we started school early this year so we got to end early, and as a senior i get out even earlier. and yes, it has been way too long since we've talked and im so sorry for that!! thank you for sending in a req, i know it's not totally what you asked for but i hope you still like it! good luck w whatever is going on right now, i believe in you and ily always<333
wc: 1.3k
warning(s): some insecurity but otherwise complete fluff
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A hefty sigh fell from your lips as your fingers threaded through your hair, the cool night breeze traveling around you calming you at least a little bit. It was far too late to still be up, nonetheless outside pondering on the swings, but you could not help it. Tossing and turning was doing you no good, so you figured a change of scenery and fresh air would be of some aid. 
Your prophesied future as a spinster had been snuffed out by one Anthony Bridgerton, his courtship of you through your third season resulting in a marriage that surprised the entire ton but excited your mother so much that she fainted when she heard the news of the proposal. Certainly, no one had expected that you, the soft-spoken, bookish, middle daughter of a nobleman, would be the one to tame the viscount’s rakish ways and win his heart, but he fell completely for you, and you for him. 
Such expectations were the reason for your midnight outing. You were held to the highest standards after your elder brother married the daughter of a marquess and your youngest sister secured the favor of a young earl — though your lineage was mostly secured, you were expected to continue the tradition of marriage above your station. 
And though your first two seasons were filled with a variety of suitors yet no proposals, the beginning of your third season also marked the beginning of your love story with the Viscount Bridgerton. 
How you ever managed to catch his eye, you’ve no idea. But you thank whatever is responsible for it every day, for you’d never been more in love than you were with Anthony Bridgerton. He courted you, he fell for you, and he proposed, in that order — a month later, you were the Viscountess Bridgerton. 
You loved Anthony, and you loved his family. Everything that Anthony did, it reinforced his belief that you belonged with him, and you belonged in the life you now had. But the ton was notorious for gossip, and with every penned paper by Lady Whistledown writing about your shortcomings and every whisper from a scorned mama who had been determined to for her daughter to marry into the Bridgertons, your confidence in your ability to truly fill the role you had ended up in fell more and more. 
And thus your outside visit. You sat on the swings, swaying back and forth as you steeped in your own woes. You did not quite know why you had chosen here of all places, but a recalled memory of Eloise claiming it was “an excellent place to clear one’s mind” came to the forefront. She was certainly correct; you might not have found your insecurities disappearing, but you did feel the slightest bit calmer. 
You rested your head against the rope, your grip keeping it steady, as you kicked at the loose dirt below you. The chill of the hour was beginning to get to you as you shivered — your nightgown was not made for this sort of weather, but the stagnant air inside the estate did nothing to sooth your racing mind in comparison to the outdoors. 
Unfortunately, your isolation was to be interrupted. You heard the footsteps behind you first alerting you to another’s presence, but a smile immediately formed when you heard his voice. 
“And what are you still doing up?” 
You were greeted with the smiling, albeit concerned, face of your husband when you turned around, and you answered with a nonchalant shrug. “I could ask you the same.”
Anthony hummed in acknowledgment as he walked over, not even hesitating as he sat down on the swing next to you. “It is common knowledge that I am always the one working late into the night. You have not yet claimed the title of ‘avid over-worker’ that I solely hold, and it is my job to ensure you never do.” 
Your lips quirked up at the corners but you glanced away. “Worry not; I am just enjoying the fresh air. I haven’t even looked over the finances to ensure your numbers are correct.”  
“The ceremony was but a month ago,” he quipped. “Do not tell me you have already forgotten the vows.” You looked at him with thinly veiled amusement, and before you could ask, Anthony nodded. 
“Yes — this is my way of getting you to reveal what is ailing you.” He offered another slight smile. “I am your husband; I can tell when something is wrong. It will do you no good to keep your worries in.” 
You gave him a pointed look. “That sounds awfully like me. Are you sure you are alright?” 
“Where do you think I got it from?” he said with a chuckle. “I have learned many times over that it is of great importance to share your issues with others rather than hold them in and hope they go away.” 
You sighed again, your gaze falling from his eyes to the dirt below you. “I admit I am having… doubts.” 
Anthony frowned. “About what?” 
“About my role in all of this,” you said quietly. “I feel… woefully inadequate. To be both your wife and the viscountess.” 
“What could possibly make you think that?” he asked, and when you looked back at him his expression was incredulous. 
“Common sense?” you said with a shrug. “You are everything to me, Anthony, but that does not mean that I am suited to be a part of your life. I… I just cannot stop worrying that you have made a mistake by choosing me.” 
“Then it appears that your definition of common sense is completely inaccurate,” he responded curtly, “as I do not think I have heard anything more ridiculous.” 
In your silence, Anthony turned fully towards you. “You are the woman I love more than life itself, and not a thing in this world could make me think otherwise. Both my siblings and my mother adore you— even our staff has not a single ill thing to say about you. You are intelligent, thoughtful, stubborn in the best way — there is no one I would rather have by my side for anything.”
You smiled in spite of yourself. “When did you become such a sap?” 
“When I fell in love with a woman deserving of my every praise,” he said with a smile of his own. 
Anthony reached out and set his hand on yours, intertwining your fingers with his own. The notion on its own sent warmth through your body, almost instantly forming a smile on your lips. The effect that he had on you was as present as the day you’d met him, and somehow you knew it would never fade. 
“I understand it is a hefty transition to viscountess, but you should know I will be there for you every step of the way,” he said. “Although I doubt you will need my help, seeing as you are more than capable of handling anything that comes your way.” 
“Anthony—” you started, but he shook his head. 
“Do not even try to prove me wrong,” he interrupted, “as I think the feat is impossible.” 
“Thank you,” you said through a blossoming smile, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks at his words. “I love you.” 
“I love you too. More each and every day.” Anthony’s eyes were filled with a warmth and softness, eyes that you could happily melt in. “And as your husband that loves you, I beg of you to come to me with these doubts should you have them again. I will happily prove you wrong each and every time.”
“How are you so effortlessly confident in my abilities when not even I believe the words you say?” you wondered, and Anthony squeezed your hand. 
“Because you are my viscountess,” he murmured with a smile, “and I will always be there for you.” 
sorry for posting this so late at night but im physically incapable of holding my writing in longer than five seconds lol
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77 @simonsbluee @kwyloz @masteroperator 
bridgerton tags: @theonewithallthemilkshakes
anthony bridgerton tags: @gwenebear @lurkymurker @likeballet
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potsandpains · 2 years
practically perfect in every way hotch x reader
AN: alrighty y’all I have no fetching clue what I’m doing I just have many thoughts and need to get them out. This will likely have 2-3 parts depending on how long-winded im feeling. i whipped this thing out in one sitting and haven’t proof read it at ALL so please be patient with me lol.
Jack is 6 at the beginning of this bc I feel like it, and Haley is dead. rip. Hotch is around 40ish, reader is 25-26ish.
summary: Aaron Hotchner is looking for a nanny for his son. As luck would have it, the perfect candidate finds her way into their home through a perfect accident. 
CW: None :)
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Closing the book he just finished, Aaron Hotchner stood from the desk in his study to return it to the shelf. It was then that he heard a soft knock on the doorframe.
“Hey.” Y/n was leaning in the doorway, looking at him somewhat nervously. “Do you have a sec?”
“Of course,” he replied “what can I do for you? Is everything alright?”
“Oh yeah I’m just fine,” she said “I just had a question for ya.” She took a step into the study, fiddling with her hands a bit, her nervous look still persisting. “So you know that I was planning on moving in with Braden in the next few weeks, right?”
He nodded.
“Well,” there was an awkward pause. It seemed she didn’t quite know how to phrase things. “That is no longer happening. To make a very long and very stupid story short, we broke up.” 
His eyebrows shot up in surprise. He nearly dropped the book he hadn’t realized he was still holding. “Oh y/n I’m sorry to-”
“It’s fine,” she interrupted quickly. Hotch didn’t really believe her, but she continued before he had the chance to ask. “Anyway, I let the landlady know and she’s letting me out of the leasing agreement because she has a waiting list. The only problem is that my lease at my current place is up in a week and it’s too late for me to renew it. Soooo effective next Tuesday I’ll be homeless.” 
He said nothing, just gave a tilt of his head as if to signal her to continue as he slid the book back into place on the shelf, crossing his arms over his chest as he listened.
“I wanted to ask -ugh this is so awkward, I’m so sorry- Could I maybe stay here? Just in the meantime? Once I’m on my feet and I have a place figured out I’ll be out of your hair I just don’t really know what else-”
“Absolutely.” He said with absolutely zero hesitation.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude on you and Jack-”
“Y/n, you stay here when I’m out of town for work and you’re here everyday anyway,” He said, offering a soft smile, “I’m fairly certain this house would fall apart without you, so having you here all the time would honestly be great.”
She grinned. “Fall apart without me? If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re getting attached to me, Hotchner.” 
He returned her smile. “You know both Jack and I are quite attached to you, don’t get too cocky.”
She blushed. She was so pretty when she blushed. He should really tease her more if that was the result.
“Another option we could look at is that if you really wanted to, you don’t have to look for a new place,” he said somewhat quickly. He hoped he didn’t seem too eager. “If you wanted to be Jack’s live-in nanny you could live here in the house. I could up your pay too, to reflect the change in your job title, if that helps.”
Y/n’s face broke out into another wide smile. “I would love that. Are you sure that’s okay?”
“I’ll double check with Jack, but I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.”
 “Ahhh thank you! You won’t regret it I promise” She gave a happy little squeal and tackled him in a hug, wrapping his arms around his neck and pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
Hotch froze. It was now his turn to blush.
She slowly withdrew her arms, an embarrassed smile on her face. “Sorry about that. I guess I got a little carried away.” She murmured, looking down at her feet. “Thank you so much, Aaron. I really appreciate it.” She quickly left the study, refusing to meet his eyes. 
He was left standing next to his bookshelf, blushing like an idiot. She had called him Aaron. 
He had long been infatuated with his son’s nanny, but he didn’t realize that her simply saying his name could make him feel so blushy. He had it bad. 
/ / / / /
18 months prior
Aaron, sitting at the desk in his study, looked over a recently submitted resume for a Ms. Williamson, who apparently had a degree in human development and family studies from an out of state community college. Her work experience was limited, but she seemed normal enough. He took a picture of her resume and texted it to Garcia.
AH: How about this one?
She replied almost immediately
PG: No go, boss. Looks like she never actually graduated and dropped out a few semesters in. She also has a handful of public indecency arrests and from what I can see is an active participant in a pyramid scheme. Who spends $40 on a bottle of shampoo?
He huffed out an exasperated sigh, tossing the paper onto a stack of other “no go” resumes. Aaron had been looking for a nanny for Jack for a very, very, very, long time. Longer than he cared to admit. Jess was always so kind to watch him, but he felt like he needed someone to help lighten the load, and he didn’t want Jess to feel like she always had to be available for his crazy work schedule. 
Many applicants for the job were under-qualified (seemingly shocked that “babysitting” their roommate’s cat wasn’t adequate enough of an education) or unable to pass the incredibly thorough background check he had Garcia run on them. Who knew so many daycare workers had gambling issues?
Aaron’s paranoia about leaving Jack was already incredibly high due to his job, and he didn’t want that paranoia heightened due to leaving his son with someone he couldn’t trust to take care of him. 
Exhausted with his failed search, he stood up from his desk and hollered for Jack. “Hey buddy, do you want to go to the park?”
Since this was the first time Aaron hadn’t been called on a weekend case in ages and he was definitely not going to waste it staring at resumes. He and six-year old Jack had brought a frisbee and a soccer ball, and he was determined to burn off as much of Jack’s never-ending energy and tire him out enough so he could go to bed early.
The park was popular for a reason, it catered to many different interests. There was a playground, a sand volleyball court, pickleball courts, a wide grassy field, and a long concrete track that looped around the park. In short, it was never empty.
About an hour into their time there, Aaron was sure that he was the one burning all his energy, and that Jack somehow acquired a bottomless supply. 
Taking a break from kicking the ball back and forth, they had started a new game. Aaron, sitting on the ground, would throw the frisbee as far as possible, and Jack would run as fast as he could to get to it before it touched the ground. Aaron was sitting on the grass right behind one side of the cement track, and if he threw the frisbee hard enough he could manage to get it to the other side of the track, some thirty feet ahead of them. 
It was a win-win situation. Aaron got to sit, Jack got to run around like a maniac, everyone was happy. 
This was until after a particularly far throw Jack decided it was his turn to sit and that his Dad needed to run after the frisbee. Aaron conceded. After all, how far could Jack throw?
Aaron stood about ten feet in front of Jack, ready to run after the frisbee. He had explained to Jack how to throw it, but being only six he didn’t expect him to be a professional quite yet.  
“Alright bud, you got it! Throw it really hard so daddy has to run for it!”
Smiling mischievously, Jack replied ‘I’m going to throw it with ALL my muscles.”
“Okay buddy,” Aaron laughed, “use ALL your muscles then.”
Jack gave what can only be described as a full-body wind up with indeed ALL of his muscles. However, instead of releasing the frisbee at the forward end of his throw towards his dad, he let go as his arm swung back, sending the frisbee careening behind him and right into the head of a jogger on the track, knocking her off balance and sending her tripping downward onto the concrete, scraping her knees and twisting until she landed on her back. 
Oh no. 
Oh no.
Aaron was already running towards the jogger as Jack flipped around and realized what had happened. He got to her side and knelt beside her as she sat up. “Oh my goodness I am sorry. Are you okay?”
She blinked a few times, eyes watering, then surveyed her scraped knees and hands.
“I… I’ve been better. But I’m okay. All good.”
Aaron was so worried about the injured (and distractingly pretty) stranger laying on the concrete that he barely noticed Jack standing behind him, observing the stranger’s injuries, tears forming in his eyes and beginning to cry. Sympathy tears were Jack’s specialty, and this poor woman was about to be a witness to them.
“I’m sorry,” He sniffed, “I didn’t mean to hit you.”
The jogger’s attention immediately snapped to Jack. “Oh hey bud, it’s alright,” She got up, wincing slightly, and knelt next to Jack, “I know you’re sad that I fell, but I know that it was an accident. It’s okay.” 
Jack, still crying, threw his arms around the stranger’s neck. “Daddy said it’s wrong to hit people and I was just trying to use all my muscles so I could be strong. I didn’t know you were there.”
She smiled. God, she had a nice smile. Putting her arms around Jack she replied “I believe you dude, I believe you. And you definitely used ALL your muscles there. You must be pretty strong.”
Jack let go and withdrew his arms and nodded, still sniffing through tears. “Not as strong as dad. Or spiderman.”
“Spiderman is pretty strong,” she said, “and I’m sure your dad is too. What’s your name?”
“Well Jack, it’s nice to meet you. My name’s y/n. Thanks for making sure I was okay, that’s very nice of you. Do you need another hug, or are you okay?” She asked with a soft smile.
Aaron watched this interaction with utter fascination. This complete stranger was likely concussed due to the actions of his son, yet she was asking him if he was okay? 
He was still kneeling when the jogger, y/n, turned to him and stood. He rose to meet her. 
“I’m so sorry, what was your name?”
“Aaron. Hotchner. Jack’s my son. Sorry again.”
“It’s okay, really, these things happen. Good thing you got me at the end of my run though because if this happened at the beginning I definitely would not have kept going” she said, laughing.
Aaron was suddenly filled with a large desire to keep the conversation going, no matter how awkward it became. He told himself it was because she seemed like a natural with Jack, and had nothing to do with her nice smile, pretty eyes, or cute laugh. It definitely had nothing to do with her long, toned, runners legs. At least that’s what he kept trying to think.
“I’m sorry we got you at all, but I’m glad our timing was good at least.”
“Impeccable timing, that’s for sure.” 
“Do you live nearby? Can I get you patched up, or at least an ice pack for your head?”
“I'm decently close, I’m living a few miles south of here.”
“Can we give you a ride home? I think we’ve had enough excitement for today.”
She tilted her head and smiled, looking him up and down. He felt like she was deciding whether or not she could trust the father of the small child that nearly assassinated her via frisbee. An absolute stranger, really. Having made up her mind, she said “Sure, that would be great. My first aid kit definitely isn’t well stocked though, so can I take you up on an ice pack and a few bandaids?”
“It’s the least I can do.”
After finding the attempted murder weapon (aka the frisbee), the three of them got into Aaron’s car and made their way to the Hotchner household. 
It was on this drive that Aaron learned that y/n was working as a nanny for a family in their neighborhood, but that her contract was nearly up and she wasn’t sure what her next step was. She had worked for them for the past year and had loved the little girl she watched. It was her day off apparently, which is why she was running in the park.
After careful questioning Aaron learned that she had degrees in communications and human development, and had done research on behavioral therapy and was a certified childcare provider both in Washington DC and in Virginia. 
He couldn’t believe his luck.
Patching up scapes and verifying that she didn’t in fact have a concussion led to such good conversation (mostly about spiderman, soccer, and frisbee thanks to Jack) that she stayed for dinner, dessert, and until Jack went to bed. 
After tucking him in, Aaron ducked into his study and sent another text to Garcia.
AH: I’m sorry it’s late, I have a new one for you. Her name is Y/N Y/L/N. Anything I should know?
A reply came immediately. 
PG: Give me two minutes boss-man, If there’s dirt I’ll find it.
Aaron waited somewhat impatiently for two entire minutes before sending an additional text. 
AH: Garcia??? 
He wasn’t expecting the incoming phone call from the tech analyst that lit up his phone. He picked up.
“Hey,” he whispered, “You’ll have to make this quick and be quiet if you can.”
“Can do, sir. Just wanted to let you know you’ve found the modern day Mary Poppins.”
“She’s ‘practically perfect in every way.’ get with the program sir, I thought you’d know Disney references since you have a kid, but I guess you can’t be that rugged and be well versed in classic Disney cinema.”
“Anyway! This girl seems like a dream come true. Graduated with honors, well liked and respected by her peers and professors. She’s done clinical research on child psychology and looks like she frequents the local library possibly more than our own Dr. Reid. Oh! And she has a great driving record and zero criminal record to be found. And hey I’m sure you’ve seen her but she’s hot as hell too from her pictures and-”
“Thank you, that’s all I need. Have a good night!” He hung up the phone briskly, blushing from her last statement. 
She was perfect. He mentally thanked whichever deity was responsible for guiding a frisbee into this woman’s head and into his and Jack’s life. 
He came down the stairs to find y/n looking at the framed pictures on the mantle. There were some of Jack, the two of them together, and one of Haley. 
He quickly (and not very smoothly) mentioned that he was looking for a nanny for Jack. She laughed at the perfect timing of their meeting. 
“Well, it sure seems like you know who to call.” She said.
“Would you be interested? Really?” 
“Half the battle in choosing a family to nanny for is finding both kids and parents I can get along with. Just meeting you two was enough to convince me that you’ll be great. Do you need to talk about it with your wife first?” She said, tilting her head towards Haley’s picture on the mantle.
Aaron looked away, not really sure how to broach the subject. “I’m not married. Not anymore anyway” 
Y/n nodded. “I’m sorry if that was insensitive. I didn’t see a ring earlier, but I just wanted to double check because of the picture.”
“I appreciate you checking. That’s very considerate of you. But no, should be just fine. We can figure out salary and start dates another time if that’s okay? It’s getting late and I should probably get you home. Could I get your number before we go? I’ll be sure to give you a call when I’m free.”
“That sounds good to me! I’ll look forward to it” She gave him another warm smile and took a step forward, putting her hand out.“Only seems fair that we shake on it, right?” 
Aaron couldn’t help but smile back as he clasped his hand in hers. 
He had a very good feeling about this.
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oflgtfol · 4 years
right when i think me and my mom are back to normal in terms of Not Arguing About Covid anymore, i find out i am Required to be tested by TOMORROW and i just never saw the fuckin email for it bc im an idiot so im freaking out trying to figure out how to schedule it and so i need Parental Guidance so i couldnt hide it from my mom and so i had to tell her and now she refuses to speak to me <3
#like im worried that im gonna get in trouble with the school somehow for not doing required testing on time#and shes just like 'no. you're not getting tested.'#and im like 'YES I AM I DONT WANT THIS COMING BACK TO BITE ME'#like functionally it doesnt matter if i get tested anymore bc today was the last day i had at school#so now im gonna be home for months on end lol...?#like its not like i was living on campus . getting tested as a commuter wouldve been better if i had done it at a timely manner#aka when they first sent the email....... LOL#bUT LIKE. I DONT WANNA NOT DO IT#AND THEN FIND SOME HOLD ON MY ACCOUNT IN A FEW MONTHS OR SOMETHING?? LIKE I DONT KNOW#they said that residents who dont get tested will losing their housing for next semester#idk what they'd do to a commuter?? like i already wasnt housing?? and u cant rlly like . whats the word#EXPEL me for not doing it especially bc i wasnt MALICIOUSLY not getting tested i was just an idiot who didnt check my emails yjthgfdsfg#so like idk WHAT theyd do to me but IM NOT ABOUT TO FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT LOL DX#so im gonna get a test tuesday . i scheduled the appointment#have no idea when i'll get the results. hopefully not long after#so im hoping that like yeah the results will be like about a week late from the deadline they set for commuters but like#BETTER LATE THAN NEVER......!??!?!#like idk i just do not wanna get in trouble all bc i was an idiot who didnt check their fuckin emails!!!#IM NORMALLY SO GOOD WITH MY EMAILS#the ONE time i fall behind...!!#brot posts
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xrmywaifxx · 2 years
This is gonna sound odd lol. How would the Haikyu captains react if their S/O was hiding the fact they’re pregnant, how would they find out and how would they react??
Haikyuu Captains finding out their wife is pregnant
Daichi x fem!reader, Oikawa x fem!reader, Kuroo x fem!reader
(ik that’s not all the captains because I’ve been lacking in imagination but if ya’ll want I might make a part two with bokuto, ushi and kita)
premise: you and [redacted] are newlyweds who haven’t even talked about starting a family, so how will they react to finding out you are already pregnant??
genre: fluff, crack, slight angst
warnings: reader is pregnant (not sure if that counts as a warning)
a/n: hello love! I hope I’m understanding your request correctly!! I made it a female reader, and I really appreciate you asking! so sorry for how late this is out, I’ve had this req since the new year ;w; hope you have a great day/night and take care!
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he found out when you start to get cravings
”hey Daichi?” “yeah babe??” “do we have garlic?” “um.. why?” “I wanna make french toast”
not long after he has banned you from cooking
“what is going on with you?”
he slowly starts to see other signs that something is definitely not normal.
“hey babe?” he says as he walks into your shared room finding you looking through your clothes
you had started getting bigger as you went into your second trimester and you knew you couldn’t hide it for much longer
”I know something is going on with you” he said
”oh?”, you replied, “what do you mean?”
”you’ve been getting weird cravings and gaining a lot of weight- I mean you know that I don’t care what you weigh but this is unlike you.”, he states, “are you sure you’re fine?”
you thought for a second before replying “I’m better than fine Daichi, in fact, I’m pregnant“
he stopped for a second then got a bit closer to you before choking out a “what?”
he looked at your stomach and then at you as you saw tears forming in his eyes.
”D-Daichi! are you ok!!”, you worriedly said, “I didn’t mean to upset you..”
“No no honey I’m not upset”
”you’re not?” you asked
”not at all, I’m really happy”
your face lit up in slight surprise, “y-you are??”
”of course I am sweetheart, I love you so much” he said as he slowly rubbed your stomach.
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he notices when you start gaining weight
now don't get me wrong, this man would love you whether you are 90 pounds or 290 but he still notices
you have a hard time doing menial tasks like putting on your socks or even standing up
as you grow larger he keeps getting more worried
then one day as he watches you having trouble get up from the couch he decides to ask you about it.
“hey honey?” he asks as he helps you up
“yes toru?” you say sweetly. he doesn’t know how he’s gonna tell you this without you taking it wrong but he continues.
“well I just.. you’ve been… eating a lot more and.. gaining a lot more… weight- not that that’s a problem! you know I’ll love you no matter what you look like I’m just.. worried that something might’ve happened.”
when you see the panic on his face to the fact that you’ve stayed quiet you let out a giggle.
”im really fine toru” “are you sure?” “yes I am”
”…but“,you continue, “there is something I wanna show you”
he tilts his head in confusion as you grab his hand to lead him into the bedroom.
you sit him down and turn to open the drawer of the bedside table, pulling out a small yet long box. “I was gonna wait until our anniversary in a few weeks to show you this but.. I think I want you to see now”
he gives you a look of confusion before reaching for and grabbing the box, when he sees the contents his jaw drops.
it was a pregnancy test with a positive result on it.
”I’m pregnant”
he stands up and looks at you with an expression you’ve never seen before.
he reaches out to you with shaky hands and grabs your shoulders. “is-is this a dream?” he says as his voice starts cracking
“t-toru! are you upset?”
”upset.. upset?” wh-why would I be upset?? it’s mine right???”
you giggle “of course it’s yours toru. I was just worried that you had wanted to wait”
“well I wasn’t expecting for us to be having one this quickly, I mean we’ve only been married for just under a year, but.. I’m happy, I really am.“
”you’re gonna be an incredible father”, you say.
you smile as he kisses you on the forehead “and you’ll be an amazing mother amore”
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he found out when you started to get mood swings
you were used to him joking with you but now that you were pregnant.. it just hit you differently
you became a lot more conscious about your size, and when he would tease you it wasn't funny anymore
it hurt your feelings
although of course he didn’t realize that until he took it too far
you were crying. that was new. you never reacted like that when he teased you before
he knew he had made a mistake so he tried to apologize
you were saying things, he couldn’t understand them though because of how hard you were sobbing
“baby, I’m so sorry”, he said while holding your shaking figure
you tried pushing him away but he held your body close “no, please don’t go. I didn’t mean it”
he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom, setting you on the bed. at this point you were clinging to him and didn’t want him to let you go. ‘shes sure changing her mind a lot’ he thought
as your crying slowed he asked you what happened to make his joke affect you that much. “Its just- I have been gaining weight and I’ve been getting more self conscious about it..your joke just made me feel like you didn’t think I’m pretty anymore…”
he couldn’t believe he hurt you like that. “angel… I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it. I think you’re beautiful and that will never change, ok?”
you sniffled a bit, “ok”
he was so glad that you weren’t mad at him. “um..tetsu??” he heard you squeak. “yes angel?” “do you wanna know why I’ve been gaining weight..?” “…….ok…”
you turned to him, taking his hands in yours as you leaned closer to whisper in his ear “its because I’m pregnant”
his face went from confusion, to shock, to fear, to joy “really?” he said, voice cracking.
you chuckled a bit, tears welling up in your own eyes, “really”, you said kissing his rooster head.
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I hate how I ended that last one but oh well
mutuals: @love-dove-noora @winning-fox @secretsmorphingintoacatboy @drattention
people who idk if they like this kinda stuff but are really sweet: @circe-writes @vincewrites @hangesidekick @mrskenmakozume
join my haikyuu taglist!!
© urmywaifuu 2022 — do not repost any of my work on any format, this includes translations
216 notes · View notes
how to fake date your best friend | jake sim
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✰ summary: the rules were simple -
pretend to be the boyfriend of you, his best friend who wants the attention of their crush, for a week and a week only
no kissing (bc gross cooties amirite) allowed, unless needed in times of desperate measure 
and no matter what, absolutely, most definitely, do not fall in love. 
simple, right?
well apparently not. because news flash––jake's already broken one of the rules. 
and to give you a hint, it's neither rule 1 or 2.
✰ pairing: jake sim x y/n [ft. members of enha!] 
✰ genre: fluff, comedy | fakingdating!au, highschool!au, bestfriend!au, friends to lovers
✰ warnings: cursing, high-schoolers doing dumb highschool things, underage drinking (pls don’t actually do any of this irl), jake being a certified simp, it’s LONG (i’m so sorry), cheesy kithes bc im a sucker for kithes ( ˘ ³˘)♥
✰ wc: a whopping 9.5k
✰ a/n: it’s finally finished :’)))))) it ended up being much longer than i wanted but i had so much fun writing the characters that i got carried away lolol anywaysss i hope you guys enjoy it,,,i got a little unmotivated during the process bc i didn’t know if it was good or not but here it is heh (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ 
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Tuesday, December 8th
Jake Sim lives a simple life. 
He likes to think he leads the normal, stereotypical life of a teenage boy. Has decent grades, plays soccer after school, skateboards around the neighborhood, has a best friend who he’s desperately in love with, and has a stable group of friends. 
Okay, maybe not so simple, because this boy would physically launch himself to the moon and drill at its surface to collect moon dust for you if you asked him to––despite his deadly fear of combusting in outer space. 
But that fear doesn’t even compare to his worst one yet: not having you in his life. 
And so, he decided to just repress any and all feelings he’s had for you ever since he discovered them in middle school, when he realized he hated seeing you go to the eighth grade dance with a date––that wasn’t him. 
He decided that he wasn’t going to risk losing a life-long friendship over some dumb, teenage boy feelings. 
They were probably powered by his testosterone anyways. Yeah, that’s totally it.
He’s totally not in love with you. 
So yes, he lives a pretty normal life. Every day is the same as the last, and tomorrow will be the same as today. But he likes it like that––he doesn’t want anything to change. 
Especially not now, when he finds himself content with every aspect of his life (okay maybe except for his history grade, god, does he hate history). 
So, it catches him off guard when you arrive at the group’s usual lunch table, located outside in your school’s courtyard, looking as excited as ever. 
Jake’s the only one at the table so far. The remaining usually showed up late––Heeseung spends his first half of lunch tutoring freshmen for community service hours (but the poor boy has no idea what he’s doing), Sunghoon is probably stuck in line in the cafeteria again (he always forgets to pack his own lunch), and Jay is...well actually, no one ever knows where Jay comes from. He’s a special one. 
It catches Jake even more off guard when you skip over any greeting a normal person would give, and start speaking at one hundred words per second. 
And that catches us up to the present.
“Y-You want me to what?” Jake’s stuttering as you stare at him with your hopeful eyes from across the lunch table. 
Despite the expression planted on your face, which screams your excitement for your “brilliant, amazing, genius, Einstein-could-never” idea (or whatever other words you used to describe it––Jake can’t exactly recall the specific terms you used, they all came out of your mouth too fast), you don’t respond to his question of bafflement. You continue to stare at him, awaiting his response. Jake could compare the look on your face right now to a puppy looking up at its owner, eagerly waiting for a treat. You know, tongue out and all. 
He swallows the lump that’s lodged in this throat (is that the sandwich he’s having, or his nerves?) and continues to give you his look of confusion laced with a nervous smile because surely, you’re joking. 
You grab what’s left of your sandwich from his hands and take your own bite. Somewhere in between you arriving at the table and now, Jake’s managed to steal the sandwich you brought today. You did make the best chicken sandwiches, in his defense. 
“Well? It’s only for the week! And I promise you, after one week, if nothing happens––if he doesn’t make a move or anything––I’ll move on from him like you’ve been telling me to.” Your words are muffled from you savoring your sandwich, or what’s left of it anyways. (Mental note to self: don’t share your lunch with Jake ever again.) 
When Jake still doesn’t respond (you’ve truly gotten this poor boy paralyzed), you find it as a sign to continue. 
“I think it’s the perfect plan. Plus, if it doesn’t work out, it’ll be like the universe is telling me to finally move on, right?” 
Jake has been encouraging you to move on from your crush because well, if we’re being honest here, he selfishly wants you to himself. Even if it wasn’t romantically.
Preferably, he would kill to get to be the one who holds your hand in the hall, call you cheesy pet names, post disgustingly cute couple pics for the ‘gram––but for the sake of potentially ruining his relationship with you, he’ll just have to settle with the role of being your best friend. 
(And he’s totally fine with that! Totally. Yup.) 
But he didn’t think that you moving on would only be a mere possible outcome (that may not even happen!) from whatever this stunt is you wanna pull. 
Said stunt: Pretend to date one another and hope it catches the eye of a certain someone you have your eye on: Park Sunghoon. 
Ah yes, Park Sunghoon. The previously mentioned one who’s probably still in line waiting to get his lunch as we speak. 
Park Sunghoon, the tall, kind, intelligent, charming young boy that everyone knows. And if anyone didn’t know him, they most definitely knew of him. He wasn’t hard to miss in the halls; everything about him just radiates perfection. 
If you plucked a random high-schooler from the halls of this school and interviewed them on the Park Sunghoon, they’d say you’d be lucky enough if the quiet boy so much as sparked a conversation with you, even if it was about what last night’s chemistry homework was. 
Well if that were true, then you and the rest of the boys would be considered lottery winners. 
How that happened, how the four of you dysfunctional beings earned his friendship, the world may never know. However, Jake is fully convinced that this was the universe’s way of playing a cruel joke on him. 
For as long as Jake could remember, it’s always been just the two of you. You and Jake. Jake and you. (With the exception of Heeseung and Jay, of course, who came along in middle school) 
In fact, your earliest memory of Jake was when he peed his pants in the kindergarten during nap time. You would know, you had the privilege of sharing a sleeping mat with him that one fateful day and in result...let’s just say the smell didn’t wear off from your clothes until a week later. Five-year-old you didn’t forgive five-year-old Jake for the longest time. 
And since then, you’ve been attached by the hip. And Jake liked it like that. Jake didn’t need anyone else in his life (with the exception of Leila) if he had you. He had found his home within you, and he didn’t plan on sharing his space anytime soon. 
Nevertheless, the universe had a completely different idea for the two of you. 
Sunghoon came into the picture last year, towards the end of the school year. Despite being the new kid, he found his way into your cherished friend group and naturally, the five of you grew as close as friends could be. 
That was the problem. Jake wanted to hate Sunghoon, to despise him for being the one that you had heart eyes for, but he couldn’t. 
Not only was Sunghoon one of Jake’s closest friends, but he didn’t want to ruin the dynamic of the friend group. After you, the three chaotic boys were the next most important people in Jake’s life. 
And so, we have the typical love triangle plot that every coming-of-age movie follows. Of course, this is all unbeknownst to you––you may be intelligent and a people-person, but oh boy can you not see the heart eyes your very own best friend has for you. 
“It’ll be easier than you think, really! Look, we can even set boundaries or rules or whatever,” you propose, as if you’re trying to get him to sign a contract. 
Rules to a fake relationship? We’re not living in a Netflix romcom, are we? 
“Okay rule number 1: it’ll only be for a week and a week only, rule number 2: we don’t have to do anything too couple-ly like...” you pause to wonder for a second. 
“Like PDA or anything! You know, unless we really need to convince him,” you casually add. When he responds with radio silence and stares at you with absolute concern painted all over his face, you cough. “Jake, I’m joking.” 
Right. Of course. Obviously. 
“And of course, just try not to fall in love with me, it’ll be hard, I know,” you send a playful wink his way. 
Too late. Turns out it’s not that hard. Jake would know. 
Jake continues to stare at you in hesitation. Yeah, you’ve had your fair share of crazy ideas (that Jake always find himself agreeing to––the poor boy just can’t seem to say no to you), but fake dating you?
Jake is sure he wouldn’t be able to pull it off without slowly destroying himself. He’d just have to say no, he’s sure you can find someone else to do it for you. 
Yes, that’s it, just say no. 
Jake has to keep some of his pride in tact. 
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Jake does not say no. 
He doesn’t know what went wrong. His mind said one thing, but his words said another. 
To be fair, Jake’s actions have always been influenced by his heart, not his brain, anyways. And when it comes to you, you bet it’ll be coming from his heart. 
So here he was now, under the stare of three equally shocked and confused guys across from you and him at the lunch table, your fingers intertwined with his.
Just a few seconds ago, you had spotted the rest of the lunch bunch approaching the table, and you quickly grabbed Jake’s hand and scooted in closer to him.  
Now here you were, explaining to your friends of your sudden relationship.  
Jake is too zoned out to even physically pick up your explanation. Something along the lines of "we’ve been dating for a while but didn’t want to tell you guys yet." From the feeling of your hand clutched tightly into his and your body right up next to him, his mind was short-circuiting. 
How is he supposed to last an entire week of this if he couldn't handle innocent hand holding? Hand holding? God, what are we, back in the fifth grade?  
Two minutes into this scheme and Jake's mind has already downgraded itself to a fifth grader's.  
Jake mentally scolds himself for giving in, this was not a good idea. 
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It takes Jake approximately 12 hours to conclude that this stunt of yours may, actually, be a good idea. He knows this because approximately 12 hours after the events surrounding lunch, he receives a text from you: 
y/n [12:03AM]: thanks again for doing this for me jake
y/n [12:03AM]: ur actually the best
y/n [12:04AM]: ew ok that was cheesy but really i owe u a big one <333
Following your thread of texts is a really close up photo of you widely smiling into the camera. A smile so big, Jake’s convinced your face was probably in pain after taking that picture. 
Anyone else might’ve thought the photo looked borderline insane but because Jake’s Jake, aka a simpᵗᵐ for you, he comes to the conclusion that it’s singlehandedly the cutest thing he’s ever seen in the entire world. 
After quickly saving the selfie into his phone, Jake tells himself that maybe this won’t be a bad thing after all. I mean, anything that makes you smile like that meant it has to be a good idea, right? 
Spoken like a true simp. 
Plus, dating you––fake dating you––is pretty much the same as it was before. He already spends most of his days with you to begin with. Now, it’s just with added displays of affection. For show, obviously. Obviously. 
And look, if Jake will never get to actually be with you, then he’ll take what he can get. And if that meant fake dating you, well, he reasons that it’s better than nothing at all. 
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Wednesday, December 9th 
Jake’s playing with the rings on your right hand and you’re in the middle of dramatically telling the lunch table about the infuriating Karen you had to deal with at work the other day when Jay comes up with a grin you all know a little too well. 
“Okay that grin means one of two things: you finally grew the balls to ask out that poor girl you’ve been teasing all year or you have something planned that we won’t like,” you interrupt your story when you catch Jay’s sly expression, evoking a chuckle from Jake, who’s now found a new distraction with the bracelets perches on your wrist. 
“Excuse you, I’ll have you know that I did ask her out. It just so happens that she’s currently ‘in between boyfriends’ whatever that means. Ouch, by the way,” Jay feigns hurt from your comment by clutching the area above his heart through his shirt. Ever the drama queen. “But yes, I do have something planned. And no, it’s not a bad idea.” 
Jay squeezes his way in between Sunghoon and Heeseung from across you and begins to pull out his own lunch. Everyone’s eyes follow him as he settles in because as bad as his unknown idea may be, you’re all still curious on what this boy has to say. 
“Well are you going to elaborate or...” Heeseung speaks up for everyone after you all mentally debate one another through darting eyes on who’s going to have to bite Jay’s silent bait.
Jay then forcefully sets both hands on his table, which elicits a little jump from you as you go for a bite of your sandwich. Adorable, Jake tells himself. 
“My parents are out of town this weekend. We all know what that means...” 
Yes. We do know what that means. The four of you have seen this scenario play out many times, a little too many times for your own good. 
This meant one of Jay’s infamous house parties that he always throws whenever his parents go out of town. And because his parents are hot-shot CEOs of an important company whose name you don’t remember (it’s nothing personal, your brain can only handle so much information and this physics exam you were studying for took up 90% of your brain capacity at the moment), they’re out of town often. 
And along with Jay’s parties comes chaos. Lots of it. And that’s because...well, it’s safe to say that despite the many school-wide presentations the police officers of your school have held in the auditorium on why you shouldn’t drink underage, Jay’s parents’ liquor cabinet always seems to find itself missing many a few bottles after each party. But we don’t talk about that. Shush. 
Almost simultaneously, everyone at the table lets out a groan, much to Jay’s disappointment. 
“C’mon guys! It’s been a while since anything’s fun happened to this school, think of all the sad students in that building right now,” he extends a finger whole-ass arm and points at your school, “who are in dire need of fun and a little...” he punctuates his sentence with the hand motion of chugging down a drink, followed with a gulping sound elicited from his tongue clicking. 
You roll your eyes along with everyone else. Don’t be like Jay, kids. Listen to those police officers. 
“Jay, it’s midterm season! I have an exam on Monday and I definitely do not want to spend the nights before wasted,” you give him an apologetic look. As crazy as Jay is, you do feel bad nonetheless. The boy just wants to have fun. 
Your response is followed up with similar comments from around the table. 
“I’m helping y/n study” 
“I have an important skating performance on Sunday” 
“Uh...my hamster died?” (ok Heeseung panicked, don’t blame the guy)
Ignoring that last excuse of an excuse, Jay continues his debate nonetheless. “Just come for the sake of it! No one’s saying you have to get wasted. Pleaseeee for me?” 
Jay throws these parties so often, you’re not sure why he’s so set on making sure you’re all going to be there. Well, I guess who wouldn’t want their closest friends to be at their own party? 
That and, Jay needs to make sure his friends are there to stop him from doing anything stupid. We all know this boy has had enough embarrassing moments to last him a lifetime. 
Everyone at the table gives each other the same hesitant look. Heeseung is the first to give in, “Oh fuck it. Sure, count me in.” 
Jay’s fist pumping the air before turning to Sunghoon with the most hopeful eyes. 
Sunghoon simply sighs in return. “Alright okay, I’ll bite. But if you vomit on my shoes again, I’m out the door.” Jay’s finger is automatically drawing a cross over his heart as a promise to not ruin Sunghoon’s Nikes again. 
He then looks to you with puppy eyes. 
You, who's already staring back at Jay with a stoic look in your eyes, are stubborn and (unlike the previous weaklings) are not as easy to convince. And somehow, this began an unannounced staring contest between the two of you, a contest to see who would budge first. This isn't an uncommon occurrence between you and Jay, but the rest of the boys are still on the edges of their seats watching this duel.
Jake casually wraps an arm around your shoulder and you’re brought in close, but still undeterred from your death-stare match with the boy across from you. 
If it’s not obvious enough, Jake’s really gotten into his role of being your boyfriend, despite it only being 24 hours since he last froze at your touch. Character development, you’ll give him that. 
You almost forget he’s faking it for a quick second. And for an even quicker second, you imagine he wasn’t faking it. And you swear you feel butterflies in your stomach at that thought. 
You mentally shake the thought out of your head. Priorities first, aka, beating Jay in this staring contest. 
“Fuck,” you stutter when you finally blink, admitting defeat to a grinning Jay. “Okay, okay, I’ll THINK about it. I’ll let you know.” 
Not exactly the answer Jay was looking for, but he’ll take it. Better than a no. 
He turns to Jake next, knowing there’s no way Jake will turn down a party. Just like Jay, the boy loves himself a good party. 
But because Jake would take your physics exam this Monday for you if you asked, because Jake would bungee jump in the Grand Canyon without a safety net below him if you asked, because Jake would fake date you to make your crush jealous for you if you asked, he doesn’t hesitate in his answer this time around: “Same as y/n, I’ll let you know.” 
Jay looks at Jake. Then back at you, who he’s still clinging onto like a koala to a tree. Then back at Jake. “You two are gross. Admittedly cute. But gross.” 
You look up at the boy next to you to see him already grinning at you. 
For the first time today, you find yourself agreeing with Jay. 
Admittedly cute. 
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Thursday, December 10th 
You are having a bad day. 
You’re having the mother of bad days. 
Not only is it midterm season, but you still have all your regular weekly assignments to finish before Friday hits. So as a natural-born procrastinator does, you stayed up all last night trying to get a good amount of work done because what’s better than cramming all your work the night before it’s due? Doing it two nights before it’s due. 
Well apparently it wasn’t such a good idea. Because now, here you were, frantically throwing on whatever articles of clothing you find nearest to you because you slept through all your alarms. 
You’re lucky enough to make it through your school’s doors right as the second bell rings, even if you did look like you just walked straight out of a zombie apocalypse. 
You’re not so lucky when you find out your first class of the day, calculus, had a pop quiz. A pop quiz on the only unit you just happened to know absolutely nothing about. 
To top things off, you forgot to pack your lunch during this morning’s frenzy, meaning you’re automatically stuck sharing with Jake.
And because his mother started making him pack his own food out of a lesson of responsibility (she said something along the lines of: “Jake, you’re about to be in college and you don’t know how to pack a decent meal”), he only has a plain PB&J sandwich and a pack of Scooby-Doo gummies in his bag today (because newsflash, he still doesn’t know how to pack a decent meal). 
Not that you could care less at the moment, you were too preoccupied with catching up on your assignments to even eat. And if any of the boys noticed your zombie-like state during lunch, they did a good job of not mentioning it. They knew better than to bother an irritated y/n. 
Somehow, you make it through the entire school day and your after-school meeting for environmental club (save the trees!) in one piece. As you finally walk out of the school building, you exhale, automatically feeling lighter. At least the hard part of your day was done. 
Now you just had to wait for Jake to finish soccer practice, which usually ended around the same time as your club, and he can drive you home, where you can continue being irritated with your day in the privacy of your own space. 
You wait on the steps of the school’s entrance, waiting for a smiley Jake to come around the corner as he usually does at 5:30pm every Thursdays. 
Yes, a smiling Jake is exactly what you needed to make your day ten times better, you conclude. 
As if on cue, you hear a ding from your phone. 
Jake [5:30PM]: ugh coach is extending practice for “team bonding” 
Jake [5:30PM]: idek what team bonding is 
Jake [5:31PM]: you ok if i cant drive you today? :// 
It’s as if the universe decided to use you as its punching bag today. 
You physically let out a distorted groan, not caring if anyone who happened to hear you thought you were a creature from out of this world, as you send him a text back.
y/n [5:32PM]: it’s all good lol have fun with tEaM bOnDiNg
Things were not all good. But no matter how upset you may be, you weren’t going to project your negative vibes onto Jake’s naturally positive ones. So you get up from the stone steps and begin your dreaded walk back home. 
It’s freezing out. You should’ve known better to just throw on a hoodie and call it a day when it’s the middle of December. But then again, you figured by now you’d be in the comfort and warmth of Jake’s car and presence...not walking home in these freezing temperatures. 
You think about Jake and how he’s probably currently suffering from not only his team bonding exercises (but really though, what are team bonding exercises?), but doing them in this weather as well. The poor boy. 
You’re quickly broken out of your thoughts by the sound of a car engine from behind you. When you don’t see it pass by you and instead hear it pull over and park next to the curb of the sidewalk you’re currently on, you automatically deduce that this is it, this is my time, I’m about to get kidnapped by whoever it is behind me but y/n, you should probably turn around and check first before you drive yourself insane in this inner dialogue. 
You turn around and squint into the front window of the car. If it were a kidnapper, this is exactly what your mother told you not to do. Her exact words were: “Run, don’t look back, and scream bloody murder.” 
Good thing it wasn’t. Just an innocent Sunghoon waving his hand at you, motioning you to get in. 
“Sunghoon?” You approach his car and stop at the passenger side’s open window. 
“y/n! It’s freezing out, I’ll drive you home c’mon,” he nods his head towards the passenger side door. 
Well, how could you say no? Sunghoon owns a nice car. Like a nice car. Like car-seat-heaters-that-make-you-feel-like-you’re-physically-melting nice. Beats getting hypothermia outside, right? 
“Why are you going home from school so late?” You ask as you settle into his car, instantly melting at the touch of the aforementioned heated seats. 
“Debate club, actually. Decided I needed another personality trait other than ice skating,” he starts the engine and begins driving towards the direction of your neighborhood. 
You laugh at his comment, you didn’t peg him as a debate kind of student. Quiet Sunghoon? Debate club? If 2 plus 2 is four...
“Hey, I don’t call you the Ice Prince for nothing! Also, don’t forget your other personality trait: forgetting your lunch every day.” 
Sunghoon quickly glances over at you to send you a dirty look (because eyes on the road, kids!), which you return with a cheeky grin. “Need I remind you that was you today?” 
“Touché,” you click your tongue. 
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, the faint sound of Sunghoon's music in the background filling in the quietness.  
You’re humming along until Sunghoon breaks the silence, “Did Jake get stuck at practice again?” 
You don’t know why, but you swear you feel your heart beat faster at the mention of Jake’s name. No, that was always there right? Because you were with Sunghoon...your crush..obviously. Obviously. 
Ignoring the feeling, you turn your attention towards the boy driving you. 
“Oh yeah, something about team bonding. How’d you know?” 
“Eh, I just figured since he wasn’t driving you home like he always does.” He turns into your neighborhood. 
You nod at his answer. 
“You two make a good couple.” 
You whip your head at him. Did you hear him correctly?
“It was about time, really. You two have been ogling at one another for so long, Heeseung, Jay, and I almost placed bets on who would be the first to make a move.” 
He keeps his eyes on the road, casually going on about how you and Jake make the cutest couple he’s ever seen. 
You're frozen, unsure of what to think, let alone say. 
You think to two days ago, when you started this entire fake relationship because of the very boy driving you home right now. The same boy who's complimenting you on your fake relationship. The same boy who's supposed to be jealous over that said relationship. The same boy you’re supposed to be crushing over.
But now...only a mere 48 hours later, you were finding yourself okay with the fact that he was happy for you. And for the life of you, you couldn’t remember why you liked Sunghoon in the first place. Not saying he isn’t one to be crushed on, I mean, look at the guy. 
Maybe, just maybe, it had something to do with the fact that you didn't feel nervous or giddy or..anything at all when you got into the car with Sunghoon. At least, not until Jake's name was mentioned. That's when you felt the butterflies. At the mention of Jake.  
But before you can come to a conclusion on why you're feeling the way you do, Sunghoon interrupts your thoughts.  
"Well, we're here! Say hi to your parents for me," he pulls into your driveway as you're still collecting your thoughts.  
You give him a quick thanks and one last wave as you enter the front doors of your house.  
Seeing that your only solution towards confusing feelings meant distracting yourself, distract yourself you did.  
Even if it meant distracting yourself with your piling assignments.  
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The next time you look up from your work, it's suddenly way past sundown and a heavy storm has taken over. You’re surprised it hasn’t started flooding yet with the amount of rainfall you were hearing. 
You check the time on your phone, the bright 8:16PM on the screen illuminating your dimly lit room. Seeing that neither of your parents have yet to be home from work, it looks like you were going to have to settle with some instant ramen for dinner tonight.  
As you trudge down the stairs of your home, the sound of light knocking against the front door catches your attention. It's been a long day y/n, you're probably hearing things, it's definitely just the rain.
Nope. There it is again, but much louder. Much more urgent.  
You contemplate any and all potential disasters that could happen from answering the door. Only a crazy person would be willing to go out in this hurricane-like weather to be frantically knocking on your door.  
And so, you assume it has to be some psychopath trying to get into your house. Yes, there’s definitely no other logical explanation. 
You scramble around your living room, looking for the next best weapon to defend you. Resorting to the flower vase your mother keeps on the table next to the front door, you hold it out in front of you, as if you're waiting for the door to burst open.  
The knocking continues, gradually getting louder. You mentally curse at yourself for dropping out of the taekwondo class your dad signed you up for when you were younger.  
Vase in hand, you swing open the door and brace for–
"Jake? What the fuck? Get in here, you're gonna get sick!"  
You’re suddenly aware of how stupid you look, holding a light pink vase with a couple of orchids as your only form of self-defense...for it to only be your own best friend. You immediately put it back on the table as Jake quickly rushes past you and into your humble abode.  
You close the door behind you and turn to face the soaked boy.  
“I come bearing gifts, also known as take-out and hot chocolate from that one cafe you love. Also my company, if you’ll take it. I had a feeling you weren’t having the best day today,” he’s simply standing there, holding up a large brown paper bag in one hand, and a deliciously smelling cup of hot chocolate in the other, but you’re looking at him as if he bought you the Moon. 
You stare in awe at the angel of a boy in front of you, silently thanking the stars for gifting you this amazing human being as your best friend. You don’t know what you did to deserve him. 
You give him a soft smile. “Jake, you didn’t have to. It’s practically a shitstorm out there,” you cock your head towards the window, showcasing the downpour of cats and dogs outside. Jake stays by the entrance as you go down the hall and through your house’s linen closet to find a spare towel for the drenched boy.
“Nah it’s no big deal, really. Just fulfilling my duties as your loyal boyfriend,” he grins, even though you can’t see him. He likes calling himself that. Your boyfriend.
Jake continues to shake his messy hair to get the excess rain off, giving a mental apology to whoever is going to have to mop up the puddle forming on the floor due to his unannounced visit. Probably you. 
Jake hears you laugh down the hall. “You’re really invested in your role, huh? Keep this up and you might actually trick me into believing you’re my actual boyfriend.” 
Actual boyfriend? Jake likes the sound of that. Maybe he will keep this up then.
Jake doesn’t have much experience in acting, unless you count that time he played the role of Town Villager #3 in the third grade play, so he never found it as one of his interests. But playing the role of your boyfriend was one he was willing to fulfill for the rest of life, even if it was just for show. 
Jake doesn’t respond to your comment, he’s instead self-aware of his blushing cheeks, thankful that you’re too busy rummaging through your linen closet to take notice. 
“Plus, you didn’t have lunch today and I had feeling you were going to be too caught up in your work to feed yourself anything other than instant ramen,” he sets down his gifts to you on your living room’s coffee table as you come around the corner, fresh towel and new set of clothes in hand. 
His eyes fall on the familiar looking pair of sweatpants and hoodie resting on the palms of your hands. 
Hm. A little too familiar. 
Then, it clicks in his head. 
His eyes narrow at you as you giggle at his reaction, “Oh, so it takes me getting drenched in the rain for you to finally return my clothes that I’ve been missing!?” 
“Hey! I’m not returning them, simply loaning them out to a friend who’s in dire need. You basically gifted them to me the second you left them here months ago.” 
“You’re annoying.” 
“Love you too,” you toss the clothes at him and take a seat on the floor around your coffee table, prepping the table with the boxes of Chinese food Jake supplied. 
After Jake changes into the stolen dry clothes, he takes a seat next to an already-eating you at the coffee table. 
“You. are. my lord and savior Sim Jaeyun,” you’re saying with your mouth full of fried rice. You sigh from satisfaction and rest your head against Jake’s shoulder as you continue chewing. He grins as he helps himself to his own serving of fried rice and orange chicken. 
You look up at him from your spot, “How was team bonding today?” 
Jake groans in response, clearly annoyed. “Stupid. I don’t get how doing trust falls and pyramid building is going to get us any closer. If anything, I almost FELL off that pyramid today!” 
You don’t know why, but you find yourself admiring him and his soft features as he continues to rant about one of his teammates, specifically, the one who almost dropped him. 
The way his messy hair, unkept from the rain ruining it, almost covers his eyes (but you tell yourself you like it this way, it looks more natural on him), the way the corners of his lips are always perked upwards (even when he’s ranting), the way his eyes sparkle whenever he’s truly passionate about whatever he’s talking about, the way his eyes look at you like–
“Stare much? Look, I get you can’t resist my good looks but at least be subtle about it,” he smirks at you as he takes another spoon of rice. 
You break out of his trance and scoff at him. 
“You’re cute when you rant,” you nonchalantly say as you move from your spot to mirror his actions and add more rice to your plate as well.  Jake’s stills at your sudden comment, unsure of how to respond. Lucky for him, you’re distracted by the mountain of food on your plate to even notice the blushing mess of a boy next to you. 
“You know, you’re lucky you’re cute. Or else I’d deck you right here and now for ditching me after school today.” 
Anddd there goes the moment. Leave it to you to follow up a compliment with a threat of violence. 
Jake finds it cute anyways. He always finds you cute. 
Jake narrows his eyes and lightly shoves you before an apology is written all over his face. “Sorry about that by the way. I feel awful about making you walk home when it was freezing out.” 
“Nah, it’s okay. Sunghoon gave me a ride, actually. Did you know he does debate? I guess you learn something new everyday,” you ramble, unaware of the boy next to you getting tense at the sudden mention of the other’s name. 
Up until now, Jake’s completely forgotten about Sunghoon's involvement in this entire scheme. In fact, the past 48 hours with you have felt so normal, so comfortable, he almost forgot about the deal in the first place.   “You think he has any clue?” Jake suddenly asks, referring to the plan. 
You immediately know what he’s referring to, as Jake practically worded out your very own thoughts. 
You shrug. “Not a single one. We’re practically William and Kate in his eyes. But honestly, that’s the least of my worries right now. I’m too distracted by my exams right now to care.” 
Jake feels guilty for being satisfied with your answer. He’s 100% sure that if convincing Sunghoon took you two an entire lifetime of fake dating, he’d be all too willing to do it. 
“Go to Jay’s party with me tomorrow,” he abruptly says, catching your attention as your mouth is stuffed. Cute. 
He pokes your cheek. “It’ll get your mind off of work and plus, what’s more convincing than showing up to a party with your amazing boyfriend?” he wiggles his eyebrows at you. Jake doesn’t know where he gets his sudden surge of confidence. But he does know he loves calling himself your boyfriend...even if it’s for the time being. 
Rolling your eyes and swatting his poking fingers away from your face, you ponder on his suggestion. 
“You mean my annoying boyfriend,” you stick your tongue out at him. Jake takes a mental picture and hopes it never leaves his mind. 
“But I guess you could be right. Maybe I can clear my head for the night before I study my ass off all weekend.” 
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Friday, December 11th 
The party does not clear your mind. 
If anything, it gives you enough headaches to last you at least until the end of high-school. 
You come to this revelation as you and Jake approach Jay’s home, a luxurious mansion sitting at the end of a cul-de-sac, lined with similarly luxurious palaces, located in an equally luxurious neighborhood. 
You come to this revelation when you can already feel the pounding bass of music as you walk up Jay’s driveway. 
You come to this revelation when, not even two seconds after entering Jay’s front doors––
“You’re here!” A buzzed Jay shouts at the two of you, causing the both of you to contemplate your past choices that brought you here today. Jay definitely isn’t straight up drunk yet, but Jake still makes a mental note to keep an eye on him tonight. Just in case. 
The blonde-haired boy is quick to hand over two red solo cups of god knows what, to which you and Jake immediately put down on the nearest table after Jay walks away to greet the next incoming guests (you know, to not hurt his feelings). 
You and Jake are lucky enough to have been around Jay and his parties long enough to know that going all out at these parties will not be pretty the next morning.
You cringe at the memory of last year, when you had to suffer from possibly the worst hangover of all hangovers after one of Jay’s parties. Jake will never let you forget how miserable you looked the next morning. His camera roll’s album titled “y/n blackmail pics” can vouch for that.
“Remind me again to never listen to you,” you almost have to shout at Jake over the thumping music. Jake laughs at your comment and tugs at your hand as he begins entering the house.
The two of you do your rounds of greetings to the people you know...and random underclassmen who you swear you have never seen before but somehow made it to this party. You’ve always questioned how Jay’s invite list worked. Maybe there isn’t one. That would explain how it looked like someone announced Jay was giving out free Teslas and the entire school got hold of the news. 
“Thank god you guys are here,” you hear a voice come from behind the two of you as you guys leave the main room to enter the house’s smaller, but just as luxurious looking, den. You turn to see Heeseung with Sunghoon following closely behind, trying his best not to get swept away in the crowd of people. 
The den is where you usually stayed during these parties. It’s not like there are rules of where people are allowed to party, by any means, but it’s like how a high-school’s cafeteria worked. There’s a mutual silent agreement of where everyone goes, and the den is where the party host and his friends went.  
“Okay, is it just me, or is tonight’s party just a little...too..much?” Sunghoon asks as the four of you take your seats on the main couch of the room. Jake’s quick to make space for you next to him as you go to sit, but to his surprise, you find your home right on his lap. 
“You said be convincing right?” you say into his ear as you settle yourself. Right. That’s totally why. Because you had to go along with the ruse. Obviously. 
You shift a bit so you’re more facing sideways, not blocking off Jake’s line of vision as the boy himself is..well, calling him a rag doll might be excessive. 
But he’s sure he looks like one right now, having lost all senses in his limbs, leaving him frozen underneath you. 
Jake Sim is the epitome of politeness. He was raised in a family that taught him how to respectfully greet others, how to always offer food to others before eating it himself, how to properly treat a significant other. As a result, Jake grew up to be one of the sweetest, kindest, purest people to ever walk this earth. 
(Relatively speaking, the earth is large, but so is Jake’s heart.) 
But human-beings aren’t perfect, they must have a balance. A balance of pros and cons. 
Sure, he can’t pack his own lunch and sometimes forgets to water the little succulent you gifted him that’s currently seated on his window sill. Sure, sometimes he’s too sweet for his own good, you know, like willing-to-be-your-fake-boyfriend too sweet. But aside from the minor details, Jake Sim doesn’t have many cons, no. 
But he sure can be awkward. 
And so because Jake Sim is sweet, kind, pure, and awkward, he is unsure of what to do with himself when you’re seated right on top of him. 
As if you could read his befuddled mind, you take his arm that’s resting behind you to wrap around your waist as your support as you throw one of your arms around his shoulder. And throughout this entire adjustment, his widened eyes are staring right at you. 
Bless this pure, pure boy. 
Also bless the position you’re in, blocking the two other boys from directly seeing Jake’s face. Because if they were to catch glimpse of Jake’s expression right now, your cover might be blown, just like that. You’re lucky Heeseung and Sunghoon are distracted by another classmate who came up to them. 
“Relax,” you sweetly laugh, cupping his chin with your free hand and lightly squeezing his cheeks. “You’re so adorably awkward.” 
Jake pouts at you. “I am not awkward!” 
“Right, and I’m totally dating you for real,” you playfully whisper at him, eliciting a poke at your waist in response. 
Twenty minutes of people-watching-aka-“who do you think is gonna pass out first?”-from-your-spot-on-the-couch later, the four of you draw your attention to the rowdy party host you all have the honor of calling your friend––aka Jay––dancing (that is, if you call wildly swinging your limbs in all four directions dancing) in the middle of the den. 
"Oh god, look at him," Sunghoon voices from besides you.
Heeseung's already filming the moment on his phone. Ah yes, technology. The best thing to ever happen to drunk teens' friends.  
"He's so wasted," you throw your head back as you let out a laugh. “We should help the kid out.” 
Poor Jay. He's not gonna hear the end of it after tonight.
"I don't know why he thinks these parties are such a good idea when he knows how trashed he's gonna be when he wakes up," Jake says, his hand naturally squeezing your waist as you giggle at his comment. "And how trashed the house will be."  
Jay slumbers over to where the four of you are seated, and abruptly stops right in front of the couch.
"My best friends!" Jay happily cheers. “Having fun?” 
“Watching you? Always,” you say to the boy who’s squeezing into a seat between you and Sunghoon, as if the small couch wasn’t already suffocating enough (and that’s with you on Jake’s lap). 
“But for real though, you should probably lay off the drinks for now,” Heeseung insists. “For all our sakes.” 
Sunghoon nods along and grabs the cup Jay’s currently nursing and sets it down where it’s out of Jay’s reach, much to his dismay. But the disappointment quickly leaves the dazed boy’s head, as his attention is now directed towards you and Jake. 
“Well if it isn’t mom and dad,” Jay turns to face you and Jake, certainly amused by your seating arrangement. 
“You know–” Jay points a finger at the two of you. “For a couple that’s certainly close, I haven’t seen you two kiss.” 
Jake is immediately coughing, certainly not expecting that to come out of his friend’s mouth. 
“Okay and your point is?” Jake frowns at Jay. If Jay wasn’t tipsy, Jake would’ve smacked the back of his head by now. 
“I’m just saying...” the blonde responds, both hands up in the air as if Jake is accusing him of something, when in was, in fact, the opposite. “But nevermind, Jakey boy here is probably too innocent for such nonsense anyways.” 
Yes, it’s confirmed. Once Jay sobers up tomorrow, Jake is driving over to his house (even though it’s a good ten minute drive from his own) just to smack him. 
“What do you mean I’m too–” 
Jake doesn’t finish his sentence. In fact, Jake doesn’t even remember what he was going to say. 
Jake doesn’t think nor feel anything else other than your lips planted on his. 
You’re pulling him in close, your hands cupping his face as his own are twitching on your waist, his mind flustered. You move your hands from his face to his neck, to which Jake immediately relaxes at. 
Sure, you two are in the middle of a dumb high-school party, one filled with pounding music and shouting teenagers, but right now, in this moment, Jake can only feel you. And he doesn’t want the feeling to ever stop. 
When you part, Jake’s eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips, his own parted in shock. He thinks he might pass out right here and now. He thinks his heart might explode right here and now. He thinks he might lov-
“Happy?” you turn to a satisfied Jay, ignoring the looks of amusement from Heesung and Sunghoon besides him. 
“Well,” you pat Jake’s leg as you get up from your spot. “I’m gonna get us some drinks. Punch only, of course.” 
Jake’s eyes are on you as you walk away, his face tinted pink from the adrenaline of it all, his heart racing. 
Jake thinks back to three days ago, when he told himself that this idea of yours was going to be all fine. After all, it was only going to be for one week. Afterwards, he can move on with his life as if nothing happened. 
But fast forward 72 hours later, 72 hours after you and Jake started this act, 72 hours after Jake told himself it’ll be all fine, Jake knows he was poorly mistaken.
Because 72 hours later, in the middle of a party that reeked of the combined smell of alcohol and sweat, Jake knows one thing and one thing for sure.
He never wants to move on from the feeling of being with you. He never wants to move on from this.
From you. 
He’s screwed. 
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Saturday, December 12th 
When Jake wakes up, much later than he intended to, on Saturday morning, the first sensation he feels are his tingling lips, still in disbelief that they graced your own last night. 
The second sensation being his pounding mind––it’s running through ten million thoughts at a time, telling him no last night wasn’t a dream. 
Third: his heart beating so fast at the thought of you, he thinks he might beat out of his chest.
And fourth, a buzzing noise. 
Jake blindly flounders his arm to the table beside him in hopes of finding the origin of the annoying sound, aka, his phone. 
After knocking down multiple miscellaneous items on his nightstand (he makes a mental note to clean his room later), he successfully retrieves the item of search. 
Jake squints at the bright screen, mind still cloudy from a mix of 1) being half-asleep, and 2) still processing what happened the night before. 
y/n [11:10AM]: r u awake yet? 
y/n [11:22AM]: imma take that as a no
y/n [11:35AM]: lemme know when ur up 
jake [11:44AM]: just woke up sorry 
jake [11:44AM]: are you okay? what’s up
y/n [11:45AM]: r u busy? 
y/n [11:45AM]: kinda wanted to talk abt smth
jake [11:45AM]: uh well no im still in bed lmao
y/n [11:46AM]: cool im outside your door 
Jake’s eyes widen as he processes your last few texts. 
Talk? Outside his door? 
Jake’s heart is nervously pounding as jumps out of bed and quickly puts on the first plaid flannel he finds. He scrambles to his mirror and gives his reflection a quick run-down. 
He’s sporting your his favorite hoodie underneath the flannel that’s long overdue a wash and his tousled hair has seen better days, but he couldn't care less. 
Before his mind can catch up to his actions, he’s rushing down the stairs, skipping two at a time and to this front door. Because he didn’t want to keep you waiting? Because he was too excited to see you? Maybe a mix of both. Definitely more of the latter, however. 
He quickly runs a hand through his hair to try to fix it up as much as he can, to no avail, before opening the door to reveal you, sitting on the steps of his front porch. 
“y/n,” he’s breathing heavily as you turn to greet him with your sweet smile he didn’t even realize he was missing. Is it possible to miss someone overnight? Jake concludes yes, it definitely is. 
“Did you run down here or something?,” you question his out-of-breath state, a teasing tone laces the tip of your tongue. 
“Or something,” Jake mutters as he closes the front door behind him to join you on the steps when you make no sign of moving. “Have you been out here all morning?” 
“Not allll morning. I had a feeling you’d sleep in so I came around the time I first texted you. Would’ve knocked but didn’t wanna bother your family,” you hum, keeping your eyes trained on the peaceful scenery around you. 
You’ve always loved Jake’s neighborhood, it brought you a sense of peace, a sense of home. 
Or was that because it reminded you of Jake? 
“You could never be a bother,” he quickly rebuttals as he takes his seat next to you on the steps. 
You respond with a soft smile before turning your attention back to anything other than the boy next to you. Your mind seems to be lost in its own thoughts, Jake can tell by the distant look in your eyes. 
The sound of birds chirping in the distance fills the silence that falls between the two of you. 
Any other day, Jake would love this. He savors every second he’s with you, even if it’s just pure silence. 
But this silence was different. It wasn’t the usual comforting, warm silence that the two of you share on a typical day. This one held tension, tension so thick that Jake doesn’t know where to begin thinking. 
But here’s the thing. Jake doesn’t think. 
Not when it comes to you. 
He takes a deep breath. Rubs his hands together. Pats them on his lap. Turns towards you. 
“Look, I-” 
“I think I might like you.” The words come out of your mouth so fast, Jake’s positive he heard you wrong the first time around. 
He whips his head to meet your eyes, your own already staring back at him, your bottom lip nervously tucked under your teeth. 
“No, I––I do. I know I do. I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you and I don’t think I’m doing a very good job right now,” the words are all of the sudden tumbling out of your mouth as if your brain flipped a switch and isn’t able to turn it off. “In hindsight, I should’ve known better to fake date my own best friend. But these past few days made me realize how much I love being with you. And not like how I’m always with you 24/7 before this entire thing started, but being with you. I even started getting that weird, bubbly feeling in my stomach every time I so much as heard your name. And then last night at the party, I realized afterwards that I wouldn’t have kissed you if some part of me didn’t see you in that way. Even if it meant Jay would’ve been on our asses all night if I didn’t. So yeah.” 
You finish with a deep breath and look up at him to meet his widened eyes. Silence.
Jake thought he was braindead during last week’s history quiz. Jake thought he was braindead when he had to cram a semester’s worth of chemistry content the night before his exam. Heck, Jake thought he was braindead when you first told him about your idea of a fake dating him. But no, this is braindead.
He’s finally hearing what he’s been dreaming of for so long, and of all times, now his brain decides to shut off.  
“Are you..uh..are you gonna say anything?” You’re nervously fumbling with your hands, desperate to distract yourself with anything else apart from his silent stare. 
"Why are you sorry?" Jake says before his mind can think of anything else. He doesn't pay attention to his thumping heart that's one look-from-you away from exploding right then and there. "You didn't do anything wrong. If anything, you took the words right out of my mouth.” 
Now you're staring at him with the wide eyes, the words processing in your mind.
Jake realizes he's waited too long to do this. A few years too long. He also realizes he shouldn't have put on that extra layer of a flannel. The nervous tension created by the two of you was suffocating enough, and being outside under the bright sun didn’t help. 
"I like you too. God y/n, I like you too so much," Jake doesn't even care if his words are all sorts of messed up right now. He just needs you to get the idea. "I have for a while now.” 
You let out a relieved sigh, ecstasy rushing through your blood. “Really? I think I have for a while too. I’m so stupid, it took me so long to realize it. It didn’t hit me until I realized how I felt around you, compared to the guy I’m supposed to actually have a crush on.” 
Jake lets out a laugh, the tension immediately dissolving. “Hey, if it wasn’t for Sunghoon, I don’t think we’d be here right now.” 
“You’re right, I’m too oblivious and you’re too awkward to actually make a move,” you wink at him. If his heart wasn’t fluttering at the sight of you, on his porch on a Saturday morning, confessing your feelings to him, Jake probably would’ve lightly shoved you away. 
Instead, he’s turning to you with the most endeared look on his face, and you’re blushing underneath his gaze.
“What? Stare much?” You giggle, quoting the boy himself as you shyly duck your head to avoid his stare. 
Jake gently grabs your chin to tilt your face towards his, and before you can process what’s happening, he suddenly meets your lips with his own, closing the gap between you two. 
Jake thinks if the ground underneath him right now decided to open up and swallow him whole, he’d die happily. 
Jake smiles against you, feeling comfort in ways he’ll never be able to achieve without you. 
Your hands instinctively find their way into his hair, as one of his rests below your ear, thumb softly caressing your cheek, the other pulling you in by the waist. He’s naturally leaning into you, gravitating towards your warmth, unable to stop the giddy feeling bubbling in his stomach. 
He doesn’t think the feeling will ever go away. 
When you pull away to catch your breath, you rest your head against the nook of his neck, basking in his presence as his arms both find their way around your waist. You sigh in pleasure. 
“Remember at the beginning of all of this, when you told me ‘Just try not to fall in love with me?’” Jake gently says. Jake feels the slight nod you give against his shoulder as you hum in response. 
Jake whispers two more words into your ear, filling you with happiness and warmth you know you won’t be able to find through anyone––or anything––else. 
“Too late.” 
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✰ if you made it ‘til the end, ily :’))))) 
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yoonpobs · 3 years
bad boy good thing xv. | m
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pairing: jeon jungkook x oc
genre: angst, smut, fluff, miscommunication (we hate her lol), pining
warnings: oral (m receiving), jk and oc in their feelings :c, fluff n cuteness tbh
words: 7, 816
summary: a series of drabbles where you’re confused and jungkook’s confusing
im so sorry for the late update but it's finally here!!! it's been a hectic few weeks w my exam preparation coming right around the corner too :c
anyway!!!! we've got some smut after a while 👀so for visual purposes pls imagine jk from the butter mv, specifically his hair and eyebrow piercing ...
i hope you enjoy this chapter !!!
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Safety was a very important aspect of your life. Everything that you did, you always weighed the realistic possibilities of you regretting your decision; mind running at one hundred miles per hour while you drew a mental mind map of every possible outcome you could possibly predict. It was exhausting to have your mind immediately come up with worst-case scenarios where the risk was realistically a meagre five per cent against the other ninety-five, but you were a chronic overthinker by nature.
You steered far from doing things that would end up causing more harm to you and your environment because you knew that there was no actual reason why you could justify getting completely wasted at a party. If it was for fun—surely, you’d vehemently oppose that the next morning.
Your friends, or even anyone who knew of you; always lamented you for your tendency to remain in your bubble. You knew that overall, you were an overthinker and that most of the time—nothing of what you conjured would actually happen purely because, well—your friends are still alive, and so were you. You just missed out on ‘fun’.
But old habits died hard. Maybe that was why the most reckless and impulsive thing that you did—was with Jungkook.
Out of all your friends, Jungkook was the one person that really did whatever he could get his hands, feet or body to do.
He was very determined by nature and a natural daredevil at that. You remember on multiple occasions where he and his family went on a family vacation, and he came back with stories of his adventures swinging from the top of a cliff upside down, getting a snake to wrap itself around his neck—and by far the most impulsive one, returning with a small tattoo of said snake on the back of his neck.
Jungkook was so unpredictable that neither of your friends could ever tell what he’d do next. And you supposed that added to his charm, but it didn’t take away from the five stages of absolute shock that you’d go through when you witness another one of his unpredictable tendencies.
Like right now.
“Please say something,” he laughs nervously, scratching the back of his neck while you can only gape at him.
“Purple.” You blurt.
He blinks before his eyes dart upwards as his finger twiddles a few strands of hair between them.
“Yeah,” he hums, “It looks a little blue in some lights, though.”
You nod your head slowly, still processing what is probably the lesser surprising one between the two things that have you double-taking at his figure when you first greeted him at your door.
“That’s … not all,” you say slowly.
Jungkook offers you a lopsided grin that stirs something in your belly, and you don’t know if it’s his hair, or the fact that he’s starting to wear shorter sleeves as the weather begins to get hotter; his tattoos on display as it trails upon his arm—or if it was because of the—
“Eyebrow piercing?” He raises a brow, particularly the one with the eyebrow piercing as it glints under the natural sunlight that filters in the hallway, “So. Do you like it?” He asks, smile still small as he leans in for you to get a better look.
Your breath hitches when his face gets closer, but not enough for it to be insinuative in any way. It was just you and your weak-willed nature whenever it came to Jungkook. You hoped that he wasn’t able to see the way that your ears undoubtedly redden under the proximity.
“What matters is if you like it, Jungkook,” you remind him softly, shyly looking down to your feet.
He sighs, resting an arm against your doorway in a way that makes him look as large as the width of your door. His gaze is still calm and steady, lips curled ever so slightly as he rests his eyes on you.
“I know. But I care if you like it or not,” he retorts.
You scoff, waving him off, but a small grin still threatens itself onto your face.
“Well you shouldn’t,” you huff.
“Why not?” He hums as he cards a hand through his hair. Even if it’s a bright colour and you’re sure that it required copious amounts of bleach and hours at the salon to get the final result—it still looks soft when he swifts through the locks.
“Because,” you lull, “My opinion doesn’t matter. If you like it and you think it’s pretty then that’s more than enough.”
He clicks his tongue against his cheek before his eyes dart down. You’re still avoiding his gaze because you weren’t ready to have your senses assaulted with the way he’s crowding you in the doorway of your own home.
“You’re trying really hard not to compliment me right now,” he teases.
“I am not!” You splutter, ears turning red. Your eyes dart to your feet. “… but if it matters then … I like it. It’s pretty.”
Jungkook’s grin is nothing short of wide when his head reaches out to smooth your hair out of your face that forces you to look up at him. You attempt to keep your heart beat at bay, even if the way he looks pleased with your futile trial of complimenting him. In reality, you thought it looked more than just pretty. Jungkook looked … hot. He was already attractive as he was, and his confident yet quiet nature made him exponentially hotter—but his long, purple hair and the new eyebrow piercing just made him even sexier.
“It matters.” He smiles, cocking his head to the side as you bashfully step aside to allow him to enter your apartment.
He settles in like he’s the missing piece to the lonely nights you spend on your dining table studying away for a test or an exam. And you suppose that Jungkook’s always fit right in, wherever you were. He was a comfortable presence in your life, even when the two of you were in high school and he’d come over for tutoring lessons. Or when it’d be just you and him in your mother’s car while you taught him how to drive.
Jungkook’s somehow always filled in the other seat in your life when there called for two. Even when you note that he still sits on one foot while the other hangs off the couch, a habit he’s had since he was young, or the way that he’s still stupidly polite not to sprawl himself across your couch like Jimin and Taehyung did whenever they were over. Jungkook’s always been there and you were always there to see.
“So … what’s up?” His voice interrupts the daydream that got you a little more soft than you’d like. You shake your head as you shut the door behind you, turning around to fully face Jungkook.
“The ceiling?” You reply lamely, a soft chuckle escaping your lips when you see him roll his eyes.
“Ha ha,” he mocks, “I meant if there was anything you wanted to talk about. You know—since you texted me to come over.” He finishes with a raise of his brow.
You still as your brain processes his words. You did text him first. You had just finished a lengthy meeting with the student union and didn’t feel like studying just yet—and you just so happened to have been thinking about Jungkook when you caught a glimpse of your phone (when were you not).
You didn’t have a reason, even if your conscience would argue that you did and it was because you missed him. Even if you were the one that needed time. Your heart and mind wanted two different things, but they both revolved around Jungkook. So, you compromised and settled for a simple text.
“I don’t know,” you mumble, shuffling towards your couch as you plop in the loveseat across from him.
He ogles the way that you chose a seat that wasn’t the one that he was sat on. He doesn’t point it out, though. Instead, a firm line settles on his lips before he leans back to your couch, eyes still trained on your figure.
“You don’t need to sound so shy,” he says, “I’ll always come if you’re the one that’s asking.”
Your eyes widen when your head darts up. When you look at him, you swear that you’d melt because he was looking at you with mirth dancing in his eyes. The somewhat dim lighting of your living room made him look so … cosy. He looked more comfortable, probably knowing that you weren’t going to nag at him for manspreading at the way you can only stare. You don’t know if it’s on purpose but you’re sure it is—but Jungkook’s eyebrow piercing is strategically exposed when he raises a brow, flicking his bangs aside. Your brain short-circuits.
“It’s not—I’m not—I’m not …” You stutter when he catches you looking like a deer caught in headlights. But all he does is let out a deep chuckle before reaching an arm out.
You stare at the arm that extends itself, eyes trailing up the limb as you gawk at his tattoos. He wasn’t one to flaunt, even though he didn’t pretend like he didn’t have any. So even your friends didn’t catch much of his tattoos unless he was at the gym or changing during practices with the way he practically lived in long sleeves. But now, it was just you and him, in your living room while he practically invites you over with his smile and doe eyes.
“Come ere’,” he mumbles as you continue to stare, “Next to me, please.”
You blink a few times when you realise that he’s beckoning you over with the arm that’s extended. You buffer for a second when he continues to smile at you with that easy grin of his, the one that’s both able to calm you and reduce you into a mess of nerves. But after a few beats, your limbs start moving at their own accord as you push yourself off the couch, slowly inching towards Jungkook and the empty spot next to him where you plop down into.
“Here?” You ask softly.
He laughs, and it’s a nice sound. Your mind had been muffled ever since he first showed up with that new hairstyle of his and that Godforsaken eyebrow piercing, and now when he looks at you like you were the only thing that he’s ever wanted—your heart can’t take it.
“Closer.” He encourages with a tilt of his head. Then, he delivers the final blow. “Just wanna hold you.”
You freeze, hands stilling on the plush of your couch as you were about to shift closer. The words are still processing in your mind even if you knew exactly what he said and what he meant. The heat on your face was definitely proof of that.
“Oh my God, don’t just say that!” You cry, burying your head into the back of the couch when you turn away from him.
Jungkook’s still laughing at you, hands clutching his stomach instead of trying to reach out for you as you whine into the fabric. He was killing you and your poor heart, and he was doing a damn good job at it. He didn’t need to do much because his presence was always enough to reduce you to absolutely nothing and a pile of mush.
It was this ambiguous back and forth that you’ve settled into with Jungkook after your last serious conversation that had your heart weaker and softer than ever. Every moment you spent with him, even in the crowd of your friends—you knew what you wanted. But there was still an irrational (and insecure) part of you that wanted to wait. To see if he actually meant his confession or was he driven by desperation to keep a friend close.
You should’ve had faith in Jungkook the way he blindly and willingly put in you. Even if you were the more unstable one between the two of you. But your mind worked endlessly to remind you of what the two of you shared, and who you had to share him with—and how she was everything that you weren’t.
“I’m sorry!” He laughs, and you feel a hand reach around your waist to tug you upwards as you squeak at his show of strength. “Was that too much?” He asks softly when you’re facing him, face definitely still flushed as you avoid his face and opt to stare at the chain around his neck.
Even that was making your insides feel funny.
“No …” You mumble, leaning forward until your forehead is pressed against his chest as his fingers drum against your waist. “I’m just shy.”
He chuckles.
“You don’t have to be shy.” He tells you, “It’s just me.”
You blink up and narrow your eyes at him.
“That’s not fair! You can’t just turn up to my house looking like—that—and expect me to be fine!” You huff, gesturing towards his entire frame as he simply listens with an amused raise of his brow.
He tilts his head to the side and even has the audacity to look confused when he smirks at you.
“Me? What did I do? It’s just hair dye and a piercing.”
You huff.
“It’s just hair dye and a piercing,” you repeat in a low voice, clearly meant to represent him as his face scrunches adorably at your impression of him.
“That’s not how I sound like.” He deadpans.
You stick your chin up snootily with a satisfied smile.
“You so do. You sound that dumb with what you just said.” You retort petulantly.
Jungkook stares at you for one long second before he’s pulling you flush against his chest with a wide grin on his face as he attempts to smother you with his arm. You squeal when you feel his fingers around your waist as he squeezes the flesh. He manoeuvres his way around your body until you’re perched on his lap, hands reaching out against his chest so that you could establish some distance (which you fail miserably at).
The room is filled with your gasps and Jungkook’s cackles, and with the way he’s crowding your body with his own—all you can smell is Jungkook. He smells fresh, as always. Especially since he chooses to opt-out of cologne and pays favourable attention to the type of laundry detergent, body wash and shampoo that he uses that gives him the boyish, clean and charming natural scent that he has. And it drives you insane.
So when you look up at him through your lashes in a break when Jungkook’s heaving at how he’s attempted to tickle you, and all you can see is how good he looks with his purple hair paired with the way he unconsciously licks at his lips to wet them; and the eyebrow piercing and tattoos. You melt—and so does your filter.
“Can I suck your dick?”
Granted, that isn’t a question you pose after he’s just tickled you in good faith while giggling away with his doe-eyes, or even the way his hands are placed at a respectful distance away from your bum. And it definitely isn’t a question that Jungkook’s expecting because his eyes shoot wide open, while his foot kicks up hard enough that it crashes against your coffee table.
“W-What?!” He cries, hands gripping your shoulder to push you away so that he can get a proper look at your face.
And it’s on fire.
But you can’t take back your words, especially when Jungkook’s looking like he demands some sort of explanation.
“I—I …” You stutter but your body is lax in his, and your thighs are still straddling Jungkook’s. You aren’t stupid or that naive, so you definitely know the firmness that presses against your inner thigh is a sign that he’s not opposed to your proposition.
Before you can say anything with how your mouth fails you, Jungkook snaps up until your foreheads nearly crash against each other as he presses his palms against your cheeks, staring you intently in the eye until you’re squirming under the scrutiny.
“I don’t hate it.” He assures you softly, but his eyebrows are furrowed. “But I need to hear it from you that you know what you’re saying.”
You blink at him and all Jungkook does is wait for you patiently. What were you saying? That you wanted to suck his dick? You did. You wanted to do a lot of things to and with Jungkook. Curse him for turning up looking the way he did and meddling with your restraint on needing time. But there was a brewing feeling of need in your chest that wants to please Jungkook, that wants to see him quiver under your tongue the way he has had you before. They weren’t all pleasant memories, purely because your poor heart has had to fight to disassociate your feelings from pleasure when you couldn’t do it.
But you’ve never made Jungkook feel good, at least in the way he was able to do for you.
“I-I—” you mumble, eyes darting everywhere but Jungkook’s gaze doesn’t waver at all. You take a deep breath, nibbling on your lips as your eyes dart up to the ceiling before they return to his face. He’s still waiting. “I want to. I really do.” You assure him, your own hands reaching out to clutch at his collar.
Jungkook’s cock twitches in his pants, and you feel it. You give an experimental swivel of your hips because you know it must feel good for Jungkook. And it does with the way his breath hitches, but his hands leave your face to grab at your hips to stop your motions. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, but all Jungkook does is sigh.
“You don’t have to …” he whispers, “I—you said you needed time and I don’t want to ruin this. What we have.”
You purse your lips.
“I know I said I needed time but I want to, Jungkook,” you tell him seriously, “What happened before was a product of our miscommunication but it’s different now,” your eyes are firm when they stare into his, your face leaning forward for emphasis, “Unless you don’t want me to—”
“Baby, no,” he reaches out to pull you closer to his chest, “I do. God—I can’t think of anything else but … I don’t want to fuck this up.” His eyes flutter shut as he rests his forehead against your breast bone. It’s not sexual at all, and you can hear the genuine frustration that laces Jungkook’s voice.
“You won’t,” you say softly, reaching a hand through his hair, “I want to learn. I want to learn how to make you feel good too.” You whisper.
Jungkook releases a low groan that makes your stomach clench in desire. You realise that throughout the escapades that the two of you have engaged in, you were the vocal one purely in the sense that you were whining, moaning and sobbing in pleasure at Jungkook’s doing. But Jungkook was vocal in the way he spoke to you. Even if it was mean and you found yourself crying after it happened because he pretended that you didn’t exist—there was something about the way he guides you through your highs in that raspy voice of his that made you cum harder each time.
“You’re serious?” He asks, finally looking up to confirm with you.
You nod your head.
He nibbles on his lips, as his eyebrows scrunch in focus. He was heavily contemplating your offer and even if you never propositioned any male to suck his dick before, you’ve never heard of a case where they’d be hesitant to receive one. But you and Jungkook were different. You knew what you felt for him, and he knew what he felt for you—and somehow that made your odd request all the more important for the both of you.
“We’ll be okay, right?” He asks hesitantly, afraid. Your eyes soften as you nod.
“I want this, Jungkook.” You tell him again, and you’d repeat it as much as you can for him to know.
He sighs deeply.
“If at any point you feel … overwhelmed … just say the word and we’ll stop, okay?” He says, holding you by the shoulder while he hardens his eyes at you in seriousness. You nod your head as you scramble off his lap in a motion fast enough that Jungkook can’t process it.
Before the both of you know it, you’re on your knees, settled in between his legs as you peer up at him. Your heart was thundering in your chest because you had no idea what the fuck you were doing, but you wanted to do this. All because of that damn hair and piercing of his.
“Your knees,” he murmurs, attempting to tug you up but you’re stubborn when you stay rooted in position, eyebrows furrowed in determination as your jaw ticks.
“Isn’t this how it goes?”
“They’re going to hurt,” he points out.
You roll your eyes before narrowing them at him.
“Do you usually complain this much before you get your dick sucked or what?” You snap, patience wearing awfully thin.
Jungkook’s eyes widen at your blunt statement, especially when you reach out to rest your palms on his thighs.
“I don’t mean …” he mumbles, hands gripping the couch because he’s too afraid to touch you, “It’s not like that and you know it.”
You sigh, leaning your cheek against his kneecap and he feels his heart go into overdrive. It was different, with you. This wasn’t just another girl that wanted to suck his dick for his approval or whatever—this was the girl of his dreams, readily waiting to learn how he liked it. Though he’d argue that he’d like anything you do to him because his love-glasses blinded him that way. But there was still fear ebbing away at his heart, terrified at screwing it up even if you were the proposer in this case.
“Jungkook, I’m not going to disappear on you after this,” you say softly, still peering up at him, “I want this.”
Your heart tightens when he hesitantly reaches out to rest a hand between strands of your hair as he tilts your head upwards. Something about just sitting between his legs as they sprawl out wider to accommodate your body seems do domestic and intimate. Even the context of the situation makes you tingle from your fingertips all the way to your toes—you were here to learn, from Jungkook; on what he liked and didn’t.
You didn’t plan this. Admittedly you and Yena have talked on more than one occasion about how you really wanted to sleep with Jungkook—you didn’t have a timeline for it. It felt weird to put a date to it so you shoved the thoughts aside even if they popped up every once in a while. This just so happened to be one of those moments where your mind ventures into a more explicit territory whenever you were with Jungkook.
“I know you need time but …” his eyes flutter shut before he leans his head back into the seat—eyes staring up at the ceiling as if he was searching for answers that he didn’t have with himself. You wait because you suppose that’s the least you could do when you made him wait for you while you attempted to deal with your own feelings. When he looks down, his eyes are gentle yet resolute, “You know I love you, right?”
He sounds nervous even if he’s said it before. But the words don’t fail to make you flush or evoke the tremble in your ribcage—a signal from your body that tells you that it’s only Jeon Jungkook that could ever make you feel this way.
“God,” you huff, but the corners of your lip twitch and that’s enough to tell Jungkook that you did. You knew. “Can you teach me? Please?”
You’re pressing forward again, eagerly shifting on your knees as Jungkook takes one long look at you as if he was memorising this image to eternity. When he decides he’s satisfied, he rests into the seat before gently coaxing your hands away from his thighs and towards his—
“Start here,” he guides with a low voice, large palm encasing your smaller ones as you feel the metal of his zipper come into contact with your skin.
You blush, but you were an overachiever for a reason. The potential embarrassment of fumbling is tucked away in your mind, your only concern and fascination lie with the fact that Jungkook’s already hard that you feel him brush against your wrist.
“Don’t you need to get hard?” You ask softly.
Jungkook blinks before he’s giving you that devastating smile of his, the one where only one corner of his lips turn up into an amused grin while you tilt your head at him in an inquisitive manner.
“I’m really hard right now,” he assures you; and to prove his point, his hand guides yours over the outline of his cock. You gasp because it’s the first time you’ve felt anything but your own intimates in your grasp.
You involuntarily squeeze your thighs together, appreciating the way that Jungkook’s beginning to bite on his lips while he focuses his attention purely on you. You knew just from feeling alone that Jungkook was not your averagely-sized male.
“O-Oh,” you breathe when your hands begin to work at their own accord—slowly unbuttoning his jeans, working your way down the zipper. The entire time, you’re occasionally looking up for any signs of approval from Jungkook, the resolved student in you needing appraisal from your teacher. And he picks up on your prompts, smiling at you gently even as his breath begins to turn uneven at the way you’re still gently pulling his pants down.
“You’re doing great,” his hand cards through your hair until his thumb reaches your cheek, rubbing a gentle motion to be paired with his words.
You smile to yourself, feeling more confident to tug his jeans down his thighs. You knew that Jungkook was well-built, it was a fact given that he was an athlete who frequented the gym more than any place on campus. He had impeccable stamina, even before he took football seriously—but the way that his thighs clench under your clammy hands only prove your point. But all you can really focus on is the outline of his cock from his boxers.
“Can I …?” You ask hesitantly, reaching out to tug at the hem of his boxers.
Before you can do anything, his hand stops your wrist as you immediately pause in your ministrations. Your eyes widen, fully ready to pull away in case you did something wrong. What if he didn’t like it? What if he changed his mind or that you were bad—?
“Stop thinking,” he chides, “I want this. I love your hands, anything that you do,” he whispers in reassurance as you swallow. “How about you feel me first? Over the boxers. Baby steps.”
You exhale, nodding your head as your hand reaches to cup his length in your hand. You gasp in tandem with Jungkook, feeling the heat radiate from his dick as you give an experimental squeeze. You look up to gauge his reaction, and you suppose it’s good with the way his breath hitches. He doesn’t say anything and you take that as your cue to continue, your hand squeezing tighter upwards, right before your thumb rubs over what you think is the tip.
“It’s wet,” you blurt.
You’re about to hastily apologise because who the hell points that out before giving someone a blowjob?
“Yeah,” he releases a shaky breath, “I’m so hard right now you have no idea.” He laughs, throwing his head back.
You don’t say anything else, but you continue to work your way up and down his length over the cloth—and for some reason, you feel like it never ends. The heat from his cock, the stirring in your belly or the wetness that begins to accumulate between your own thighs. His hand rests in your hair in a gentle way, simply remaining there as he allows you to have your way on his cock.
That realisation makes you feel the need to go further, so you do. You squeeze until you reach the base of his cock, and you feel the outline of his balls. You briefly read online that some guys liked it when you squeezed—so you did. And Jungkook nearly lurches forward and knees you in the face when you do.
“Fuck, baby,” he chokes in a laugh.
“Sorry,” you mumble, but your heart isn’t there when you grin in satisfaction to yourself. The term of endearment doesn’t fall onto deaf ears either, and it shoots straight to your core.
Deciding that you weren’t happy with just fondling him above his boxers, in one swift motion; said fabric now drapes over his thighs and you’re welcomed with the sight of Jungkook’s engorged cock staring you straight in the face.
You assume it’s bad taste to just stare at someone’s intimates as if you were dissecting the anatomy right as you were about to get down to business. But you couldn’t help it. Jungkook had such a … pretty looking cock. You don’t know if penises could look aesthetic nor were you going to be superficial and say that penises should look a certain way. But he had such a pretty cock and it only made you want to shove it all the way down your throat. But your inexperience tells you to relax because you weren’t about to embarrass yourself like that.
“Do you … hate it?” Jungkook asks tentatively.
He wasn’t particularly an insecure person. He knew he was good looking and had a great body—he worked hard for it! But that’s because he never cared about anyone and what they had to say enough for it to affect his self-confidence. But you were the one person that he’s sought for validation ever since he was just a teenage boy, before the muscles and the confidence he’s developed over the years.
Especially when he was so hard that he thinks he’s going to bust a nut the second your mouth touches his cock—the way that you’re staring only makes him anxious.
“You’re really big,” you tell him, eyes peering up, “And pretty.”
Jungkook blushes. He can’t believe it but the fact that he’s the one that’s flustered when you were the ‘inexperienced’ one only goes to show how whipped he was. He almost laughs, but your hand is touching his bare cock and he nearly chokes at the firm grip you immediately take. He really almost laughs, because even now—you were a quick learner, an observant student who already probably knew what he liked.
Your hands twist upwards when you jerk him off, and Jungkook tries his best to keep his hips at bay even if he’s letting out low groans the tighter you squeeze. Your eyes occasionally dart up to observe his reactions, and you’re pleased to see that his mouth is slightly agape whenever his breathless pants leave them. You didn’t know that pleasuring someone else could feel this fulfilling for yourself—but you liked it. You liked the way he felt in your hand, the precum that oozes out from his tip that taints your fingers—and you especially liked the way his head is thrown back while the grip in your hair tightens simultaneously.
“You could spit on it,” his shaky voice interrupts your mental dialogue as you look up at him. He cocks his chin towards his cock as you were hyper-focused on his length. You note that you barely could wrap your fists around him and that you needed the help of both hands.
“Would you like that?” You ask.
He nods.
“It chafes when it’s dry,” he points out.
You open your mouth in acknowledgement as you nod your head slowly. You remember when he had spit on your pussy, and even if it was in the heat of the moment and you were already wet enough—you liked it. But you also note that the way you’re jerking him off his dry so you rev the spit up in the back of your throat before you lean forward, allowing the glob of spit to drop down his cock.
The breathless groan that he lets out immediately shoots to your core as you peer up at him. He’s already looking at you do, and you feel compelled to shoot him a small smile. And when you do, he groans even if your hands have momentarily stilled as you raise a brow at his reaction.
“How are you still so cute,” he huffs.
You blink.
“Are you really calling me cute right before I’m about to suck your dick?” You deadpan.
He sighs, but his hand rubs a gentle circle on your head.
“It’s a good thing,” he promises, “Can’t you feel how hard I am right now? You could breathe near my dick and I’d probably nut.”
You snort, even if the compliment is super boyish and very Jungkook—you feel your heart swell. You’re both terrified and how you’re reacting to his simple words, but the cheesy grin he sends you from above only makes your stomach feel lighter and your heart soar higher.
“So how do you like it?” You ask.
It’s a little too odd to be having this conversation as your hand continues to work lazily on Jungkook’s cock. He seems to not mind, especially when his hips occasionally buck upwards to chase the feeling. He blinks in an attempt to focus on your query and not how good your hand feels around him, even if it’s in a rest.
“How about you just start with the tip?” He suggests.
You nod your head before you lean forward, and you don’t know if Jungkook feels it—but your heartbeat is beating rapidly against your chest. You’re not … scared, but you’re also a little scared. Mostly because it’s a foreign territory and you’re unsure how it’d taste (even if Yena warned you from having high hopes). But Jungkook ate relatively healthy and drank a lot of water; and worked out regularly.
You finally kiss the tip, and Jungkook just about melts, cock twitching at the contact as you stick your tongue out to take a tentative lick of the precum that oozes out from his hip. It’s not pleasant, nor is it anything to puke over. You’re partial to it, mostly because you’re super turned on and you like the way that Jungkook seems to be eagerly waiting while his other fist that isn’t in your hair grabs at the couch in anticipation.
You don’t intend to be that erotic, but you don’t break eye contact even when you envelop the tip into your mouth. It’s the widest part of Jungkook, and it’s already a pleasant stretch to your lips when you run your tongue on the underside of his cockhead.
“Y-You sure you n-need me to—ah—teach you?” He asks breathlessly when you use your free hand to jerk the base of his cock.
You hum around his length, and Jungkook groans in tandem, hips jerking upwards in response as you feel his cock briefly drag against the roof of your mouth. He’s about to apologise, especially when he leans forward, but you briefly release him to shake your head.
“I’m a big girl,” you tell him with a grin.
Jungkook chuckles before resting back. He can’t quite believe that you’re on your knees right in front of him, sucking his dick like an obedient student. It’s eerily similar to many of his high school wet dreams, and it probably exceeds them with the way you’re sucking him back into your mouth; slowly inching your way further until you’re halfway down.
Your mouth is hot, and in fact—a dream. It’s probably the fact that it’s you that Jungkook feels all his senses be elevated in a way he’s never felt before. It was the way that his heart soars in his chest while his stomach caves in when he feels your tongue swipe under his shaft.
“You’re doing so good, baby,” he croons, hand carding tenderly through your hair, “Be careful of your teeth.” He adds on when he feels the scrape of them against his cock.
He didn’t hate it, but he rather enjoys the softness of your mouth without the fear of you chewing his dick off.
You look up at him apologetically, but he only returns it with a half-hearted smile—purely because your hand is working its way on what you can’t fit into your mouth just yet. You’re an impeccable learner, and Jungkook thinks that he didn’t need to guide you at all with the way you’re doing everything just right. Or maybe it’s his love-sick mind that makes everything feel infinitely better. Maybe other guys wouldn’t like it—but his heart only drops when the thought arrives. He wanted to be the only person that could feel your mouth this way.
Your tongue is working hard when it continues to slobber against his cock. And he doesn’t know if you’re doing it on purpose, but you’re messy when you vacuum your cheeks—spit pooling at the sides of your mouth when you bob your head up and down. All Jungkook can feel is your mouth, and beads of sweat are already accumulating at his hairline while his breathing turns uneven with the only things escaping his lips are moans and groans.
You’re enjoying the way that Jungkook looks like he’s slowly losing control of himself and his tongue. All he’s doing is moaning, even the grip in your hair tightens when he unconsciously pushes your head further down on his cock. You realised that sucking dick wasn’t that theoretical as you thought it was. You were simply observant, gauged what made Jungkook’s breath hitch, what he didn’t react much to—and you knew for a fact that he appreciated the slobber.
And the spit. And the squelches of your lips meeting his cock. You did, too. It’s almost embarrassing to admit, but you were drenched just by observing Jungkook’s reactions. That only spurs you on further when you work harder, hand reaching down to cup his balls as you hear Jungkook release a breathy whimper. The sound immediately shoots to your core as you let out a moan of your own.
“Fuck,” he gasps, “You’re fucking evil.”
He’s breathlessly laughing, but you don’t let it hinder your actions. If anything, his words drive you further when you push his cock further into the cavern of your mouth, the gasp leaving his lips a sign that he probably didn’t expect that. You feel his stomach clench when you continue to bob your head up and down, and you’re giving yourself a mental pat on the back at the way you’re able to labour your own breathing through your nose. You were a natural if you did say so yourself.
“M’ gonna cum,” he mumbles through a moan, hand tightening around your hair as you take that as a sign to squeeze his balls harder. His hips jerk, hitting the back of your throat that has you briefly gagging around his cock. The visual and the sound sends Jungkook into overdrive, his balls feeling heavier by the second and in desperate need of release. He wants to apologise, but you don’t seem to mind with the way you continue to hollow your cheeks and function around his length.
“Where can I—fuck—where can I cum?” He rushes his words out, shallowly thrusting into your mouth as you hum around his cock.
He pulls out by pushing you back with a firm palm on your shoulder as your eyes widen, and when he’s shooting ropes of cum onto your face as it drips down your neck. You weren’t sure if he was supposed to cum that much, but it keeps on coming as you sit there obediently with your mouth open, in case it lands anywhere else. Jungkook’s groaning above you as he jerks himself off through the last bits of his orgasm, his hazy eyes darkening further when he spots the white that paints your face.
“I thought guys liked it if we swallowed?” You tilt your head to the side and Jungkook thinks he’s about to die.
“You’re actually going to kill me if you do that. So no. Not today.” He snorts, relaxing back into the couch as his post-nut clarity starts to hit him. He stares at the ceiling, feeling immensely satiated.
“This is like a facial at the spa,” you mention off-handedly as you climb up between his thighs, cum still staining your face. And Jungkook can’t believe it, but he thinks you look so cute painted with his cum. It’s a primal instinct the way that his eyes linger longer, feeling territorial with the way that he’s the only one that gets to see you like this.
“You’re so weird,” he snickers but you pout at him. And you do the next thing that gives Jungkook a heart attack.
Your tongue swipes over your lips where some cum remains, and even if his cock is flaccid—he feels it twitch in interest.
“Not bad. A little salty but overall … meh,” you shrug your shoulders as Jungkook gawks at you.
“You …” he trails off, “God.”
You smile up at him, all innocent as if you didn’t just give him the suck of his life—as your first time sucking dick.
“So? How was it?” You ask eagerly, leaning into his chest. He wants to ask about the cum that’s drying on your face, but you don’t seem to mind. You were so weird, but that only makes his heart grow fonder.
“Do you conduct feedback sessions after every blowjob?” He asks sarcastically.
You roll your eyes, “Do you want me to? I mean—I could offer my services elsewhere—”
Jungkook pinches your hip in retaliation, the insinuation making him growl as you snicker. He can only stare at you in amusement, especially when you’re still grinning up at him. Gone was the shy girl that proposed this, even if he noticed the flush on your cheeks and on the tip of your ears. It was insane how you took a one-eighty, but Jungkook appreciated it. He appreciated you.
“Ten out of ten. Magnificent. Absolutely life-changing. Thought I saw the gates of heaven for a second.” He teases.
You roll your eyes but a small smile appears on your face as you glance down to fiddle with your fingers. Jungkook can only stare at you, and he can’t fully describe this feeling but his heart feels so … full. So completed, even if you sucked his dick. He’s always felt this way, but there was something about you being wrapped in his arms after you had his dick in your mouth that made Jungkook go crazy. Crazy enough for him to blurt out the next thing on his mind.
“I want to be with you.” He blurts.
Your eyes dart up in shock as they widen. But Jungkook is as resolute as ever, a dopey grin still on his face.
“W-What?” You stutter.
He reaches for your hand, still slightly sticky with the slick from his cock but he doesn’t care. Not when you intertwine your fingers with his so seamlessly, so easily like you were meant to do so.
“I want to be with you. In whatever way you want to have me.” He murmurs, peering straight into your eyes.
Your heart stutters in your chest as you try to find the words to respond with. But you can’t. Your mind is still recovering from what you just did, and your heart is soaring. But there’s a part of you that’s hesitant. You knew it was unfair, for making Jungkook wait—but you were still scared. You were scared that he’d get bored of you, or what the two of you share one day. He may be ready to leave it all behind, but you don’t think you could deal with having to say goodbye to Jungkook in that way.
And it’s as if he can read your hesitation, he brings your intertwined hands to his lips before pressing a kiss to your knuckles, eyes still soft when they remain on your frozen state,
“I’ll wait,” he says softly, “For as long as you need me to. Until you’re ready.”
“J-Jungkook …” you mumble, flustered when you look away.
He nudges his nose against your cheek, pressing a smile to your jaw as you hum in embarrassment.
“I fucked up.” He says. You’re about to interrupt but he seems to have his own things to say. “I said things that hurt you. I did things that hurt you and I can’t ever forgive myself for that. I know you’re not punishing me and I never once thought that way. Even if that isn’t the case, the least I can do is wait. Not only because of what I did but because no matter what—I want to do this right this time.”
He looks up to you and his gaze is so earnest that it makes the words get trapped in your throat while you stare at him.
He smiles, soft and gentle when he rubs a thumb across your cheek.
“I’m serious about this. About you. Even if you decide that you don’t want this or that your feelings have changed … I’ll still be here.”
Jungkook takes your breath away as you gape at him. The silence he leaves you with only makes you reaffirm your stance on how you feel for him. Yet, you can’t give him an answer now. Not when your mind still remains hesitant, and Jungkook didn’t deserve hesitant. Even if he’s hurt you—he didn’t deserve your confusion. Neither of you did.
You lean into him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. It’s intimate this way, the way that his cum dries on your face and that his dick is still out. It’s almost funny, but Jungkook wouldn’t have it any other way. He’d wait—for as long as he had to. And he’d do it over and over again, for you.
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reporterleroux · 3 years
there is absolutely no rush in this, take your time, but fo you think you could do a p!platonic! trio & reader where they all go to the beach but despite reader wearing a swim suit they have an oversized hoodie over it. Leading to the boys asking her why she isn't swimming with them and she explains it's because she has visible past self harm scars on her upper legs that aren't covered by the swimming suit? you can take it from there if you wish <3
again, no rush!! take all the time you need :)
Characters: bench trio x reader (PLATIONIC)
A/N: I don't know if you meant bench trio? If not just lemme know and I can change it, it's not to much of a fuss.
When the boys said "come to the beach with us" you were not expecting the fact you had to swim. Or atleast not until it was to late. You were getting ready to go, long shorts to cover your scars on your upper legs, a short sleeve shirt, and basically what you would normally wear. You were just about to leave your room, to then leave your house when your phone buzzed one more time.
TimmyAinit (can change if other trio was intended)
Don't forget swimsuits were going swimmin
You sighed. The last thing you wanted was to have to swim. It's not cause you couldn't, or didn't enjoy it, it's just the fact that the swimming costume you had wouldn't cover your scars like the shorts once did. You went back into your room to find your swimming costume, thinking about how you could hide the scars. The only thing you could resort to was an oversized hoodie, you knew the boys would pull you straight in as soon as you got there, and it was meant to be hot for the rest of the week so it would soak your only current availabile pair of shorts, which you didn't want. You went downstairs, slid on some sliders, grabbed your stuff and left. "Let's hope they don't ask" you said to yourself if repeat.
When you eventually got there, you didn't know where they were, so you sent them a message.
I'm here now what do I do where are you guys
We're at the beach rn we had to save a spot
Who's we?
Me and Tommy
Im almost there when I do you better come get us Ranboo
Yeah yeah alr whatever
You stood there anxiously waiting for Tubbo to arrive. The sooner the worst, opposing what people normally say. The sooner he get there is the sooner you'll have to face alot of questions, which you didn't want.
Unfortunately, but also fortunately?, he arrived. You stood there in your oversized hoodie with your swimsuit underneath hoping no questions will be asked. Tubbo and Ranboo don't normally ask about stuff like that, despite the fact Tubbo never thinks before he speaks, it's more Tommy to worry about. He normally blurts out a question really loud and when (if) it makes someone awkward he immediately regrets it. "Hey Y/N!" Tubbo called from just over the car park. You swallowed a lump in your throat, hoping not just him, but any of the others wouldn't ask. "Hey Tubbo." You called back, signalling him to come over with a smile on your face. He ran over as fast as he could, almost tripping over the bags full of things to do at the beach, like buckets and spades, nets for ball games etc etc. "Could you maybe let Ranboo know we're here? I've kinda got, uh, full hands." He asked, holding up the bags he almost tripped over. You nodded and pulled out your phone, opening Discord.
Alr he's here now be quick he's got like 5 bags full of stuff to do and almost tripped over them running towards me
I- damn ok omw
Little did you know while you were messaging him, Tubbo was looking at your attire, questioning why you were wearing what you were wearing on such a warm day. But he decided not to question, continuing on with his day. Ranboo finally turned up, and he made a strange look at you both, you unable to tell if it was about your attire or Tubbo with his 5 bags behind you. "Right, let's go then." He said, before walking off with you both following behind.
You finally turned the corner to see Tommy with the beach set up, which surprisingly wasn't abandoned or destroyed. You and Tubbo waved at Tommy before you all sat down and began to talk. You were counting down the time until Tommy blurted out the question, and you made a bet he'd do it within 10-12 minutes of you turn up. You only cut short on that bet though, as he blurted it out a mere 9 minuted in. "Why you wearing that hoodie?" He shouted not to loudly, but still loud enough. The other 2 looked at you, curious to get an answer to the question they've been asking themselves since the start of the day. You sighed, and took a moment before answering. You knew they wouldn't force you, but you also knew that they wouldn't mind giving you a confidence boost if you told them. You took another breath before explaining. "It's cause of self harm scars that aren't covered by the swimsuit. I know it's stupid that it happened in the past but it still makes me self conscious and makes me think people are constantly staring at me." The boys all looked at eachother, before Tubbo reached into one of his many bags and pulled out a spare pair of shorts. Everyone looked at him in confusion, including you, questioning everything about him until this point. "Well? Do you want to use them or not?" You took the shorts and put them on, taking off your hoodie afterwards. You looked down at your legs to check, and they sure did cover what you wanted covered. "Now come on, let's go!" Tommy grabbed your wrist pulling you off your chair (which made you almost fall) as he dragged you at full speed to the water. The day was filled with laughter and no one shutting up, resulting in alot annoyed people around you.
Taglist: @bozowrites
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enhypia · 3 years
SN ; always loving the sun
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[4:21 PM]
okay so maybe the universe is not that bad
paring: kim sunoo x pisces gn!reader
genre: fluff, mild angst
word count: roughly 960 words
this is a two-part timestamp and this is the second part
read part 1 here!
you didn't go after it. but that didn't stop your feelings from growing.
it's final, the universe really is out to get you. you want to be around sunoo so bad but everything hurts. why were romantic feelings ever a thing.
"you're sure we're okay right?" sunoo asked again his lips pouting.
"yes sunoo, i swear, nothing's wrong, i've just been feeling drained lately, i think it's because of the chaos at home" you assured. 'it's actually because my feelings for you are eating me alive but you don't need to know that.' you thought
"well do you want to hang out after school later then? so you won't have to endure the noise for a while" he invited, his eyes sparkling again.
and that's the sound of your heart cracking, it took so much to not actually clutch your heart.
"sure! where are we going?" you replied brightly. sunoo visibly relaxes after seeing you being you again.
he's noticed changes in your attitude and it's always with him so he couldn't help but feel like he did something wrong. he knew you were lying but he didn't want to push since it was clear you weren't ready to say the truth.
it does sting that you can't tell him, but he understands, there are some things he can't tell you as well. like his big massive crush on you
"the arcade? then the park after?" he suggested.
"i'm good with the that, i have pent up rage about the stars, i'll release them on the shooting games" you joked making finger guns.
sunoo rolled his eyes at your antics, and maybe if you just looked closer, you would've seen the fondness and adoration in his look.
"the stars won't appreciate that" he teased, you shrugged in reply
"yeah well i don't appreciate what they've been doing lately so i think we're even"
"i can't wait for the day the stars give you what you want so i wouldn't have to hear you complaining"
"that's the dream sun, that's the dream"
'i don't think they'll give me you sunoo' you thought
walking in comfortable silence along the quieter parts of the park with sunoo was one of your favorite things in the world, but right now the dumb loud pounding of your heart is making you re-think.
"wait let me take a picture of the sky" you heard sunoo say. you stopped in your tracks and watch him take pictures, you couldn't help it and took a picture of him taking a picture.
"wow this turned out well" you said after checking the photo, you showed it to him and he smiled widely.
"send it to me, i'll post it on my instagram" he said then he went back to scrolling through the photos he took.
you continued to stare at the photo you took of him, another crack. the sound resonating in your brain.
he was walking ahead of you, i should probably get used to this view if all goes bad. you can't take hearing your heart break any more than it already is.
"hey sun" you call out softly and walking up to him.
"sun, look at my horoscope for the week" you said turning your phone to sunoo so he can read it.
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"it's not hard to love. in fact you always are loving the sun. qualities of perspective ask you to consider. but your mind is made up" you read out loud, voice coming out a little shakey.
sunoo stares at you with wide curious eyes and gives you a questioning look.
"nothing sun, it's just scarily accurate." you stated. "it's not hard to love, in fact you always are loving the sun" you confessed, looking straight at him.
1.. 2.. 3.. a blush forms on his cheeks, his wide smile isn't helping. he covers his face with his hands.
he lets out a tiny squeal when he takes a peek at you.
"what?" you asked chuckling at his reaction. you're trying very hard to keep you cool.
"my brain isn't processing anything right now. you can't just drop something like that so suddenly! give a guy a warning. my heart is beating so fast it's like bang! bang! bang! you better take me to the hospital if something happens to me. oh god it's still not calming down. yah~ take responsibility for this" he rambles while clutching his heart.
you burst out laughing, the weight on your shoulder getting lighter.
"i had this whole thing planned out to confess to you but no you had to go and do it first, now what do i do with that idea? this is all your fault" he complained pouting at you. but your mind went blank the moment you heard "confess to you"
"you were going to what?" you asked in disbelief. sunoo's blush got impossibly deeper upon realizing what he said, he turned and speed walked away from you.
"yah! kim sunoo get back here!" you exclaimed chasing after him.
"no! go away!"
"kim sunoo if you like me stop right now!" you cry.
sunoo stopped. kim sunoo stopped.
you couldn't help the tears falling from your eyes. sunoo turned at the sound of your sniffling and he was right in front of you immediately.
"why? why? why?" he panicked trying to wipe your tears. you laughed at him, at yourself, at the universe.
"i'm just so happy, i didn't think it'd end this way" you answered.
sunoo rarely initiates skinship, but here he was engulfing you in a hug. the cracks in your heart were healing itself.
"are the stars on your side now?" he asked after releasing you from his hold.
"i think they always were, i just refused to listen"
masterlist ⸺ enhypen masterlist
a/n: this was longer than i intended it to be but im happy with the result, i got this idea when i saw the tweet for pisces about loving the sun, i instantly thought of sunoo, then the previous horoscope matches that's why i decided to cut it into two parts. i enjoyed writing this and i hope you guys like it as well <33
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mxchellesworld · 4 years
Get with me
spencer reid x reader
synopsis; in which you get two sets of news and a happy ending 
warnings; mentions of cheating, pregnancy scares, smut, unprotected sex, breeding kink (im sorry lmao), praise
pt 2 of ysbuwybf
a/n; patting myself on the back for not bailing on fic requests lmaoo anyways yall were so outa pocket with ideas, all i wanna say is that i am respecting our sweet prince anderson and letting him down gently (i’m writing this before the fic so i could completely switch it up) see end notes for final thoughts :)
hope you enjoy!
*also pls don’t cheat its so icky and a horrible thing to do
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If your suspicions were correct you were fucked. Part of you would be ecstatic no doubt about it. But if things were true then you were utterly surly fucked. 
Your period was late. 
Which meant either one; your birth control was acting up or two; you were pregnant. 
However being pregnant wasn’t a bad thing, far from it. The bad thing was that there were two candidates in the running to be the father. Your boyfriend, Agent Anderson who was nothing but a sweetheart even though he was about as exciting as a wet paper bag. 
Or Dr.Spencer Reid. Your best friend who you had also been sleeping with outside of your relationship. The best man you’d ever known who was also aching to become a father some day. 
For a week you had been avoiding both of them in the office. Unfortunately for you there were no cases. While yes a lack of serial killing was always a plus it also meant you were stuck in the same building as them for give or take eight hours a day. 
For days on end you stuck in your earbuds and kept your head down while doing paperwork trying to ignore both sets of eyes which would look over to you every once in a while. 
Were you even pregnant, was the biggest question. So you had decided that it was time to get your shit together. At lunch on Monday you had made a quick doctors appointment and went on your way. The little old nurse had told you she would call you in a few days with results. 
In that time you had gone over every possible scenario or possibility. Who would you tell first? How would you even bring it up? Would Anderson hate you for cheating? Would Spencer be upset that the baby isn’t his? It would be like another JJ situation for him. 
The thoughts plagued your mind throughout the week and the more you thought about it the more you thought about who you would have preferred to be the father of your child. Which then led to the guilt of picking and the realization that you in fact would have to break up with Anderson. 
If the child did end up being his you would have to make it work, however you knew it was time to come clean and apologize for going behind his back. He deserved to know the truth. 
Deep in your thoughts you barley heard your phone ringing. It was now Friday and you weren’t expecting any other calls besides the one from your doctor. You looked around and made sure no one was paying attention before you clicked the green button. 
You heard the voice of the nurse on the line, she sounded almost sad, “Hello am I speaking with Y/n Y/l/n?”
“Yeah this is her,” you said dryly. Your nerves were eating at you. 
“Oh sweetie I’m calling with the results of your test. It turns out that you are not pregnant at this time honey.” 
You let out the breath you didn’t realize you held in. It felt as is a weight was lifted off your shoulders. 
“Oh, um thank you for informing me,” you said looking down at your nails. 
“Of course. If you have anymore questions you can call back at this number or come in and set up another appointment. Have a good rest of your day.” 
With that the line cut off and you fell back into your chair. Your hand subtly moved onto your stomach. Huh. You didn’t think that would be as hard to hear. 
“Y/n?” a voice called from behind you. 
“Oh hey Andy. Whats up?” you said putting a smile on your face. 
He combed a hand through his hair before he sat at the corner of your desk, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you and I think it’s best if I say it clearly and honestly.” 
Your brows furrowed. Oh shit did he already know? You had to stay calm. 
“Yeah go ahead.”
“I think we should break up. It’s not you, I think we’re just missing a spark. At first it was fun but I don’t think this is gonna work anymore.”
Pot meet kettle, you thought. 
“Plus I think Charlotte from Cyber Crimes is into me so yeah,” he trailed off. 
You bit your lip to try and hide the laugh you wanted to let out. This was an unseen turn of events. “Yeah I get it. But hey no hard feelings. Go for it with Lotte, she’s a total sweetheart.”
“Thanks Y/n/n,” he said leaning down to give you half hug then gingerly turned and walked away. 
Behind you Spencer couldn’t help but listen to the whole interaction. Once he saw Anderson reach the elevator he got up and made his way over to your desk. 
You looked up and saw the small smile on his face, “Is it party at Y/n’s desk today?” you asked causing him to giggle. 
“I think the news I just heard calls for celebration in the best way we know don’t you think,” he said looking around the bullpen nodding his head towards the hallway which was home to the spacious supply closet. 
You looked around and made sure no one was looking. Emily and JJ were gone in Garcia��s lair. Derek was gone visiting his mom and the dads of the BAU were in a meeting. 
“Lead the way doctor,” you said standing getting up form your chair. 
Once in the closet Spencer wasted no time in pressing his lips to yours. He sighed at the taste of your cherry chapstick. You put your hands on his face pulling him down but while you were savoring the taste of his lips your mind couldn’t help but go back. 
You could have been a mom. Spencer felt your lips slow down instead of returning the passion and stepped away. 
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s something I need to tell you,” you said looking up at him.
He tried to hide the look of worry on his features but you could see right through him as he nodded for you to continue. 
“Well earlier this week I uh was supposed to start my period but I didn’t,”
“Y/n-” he tried to cut you off but you put your hand up for him to let you finish. 
“I went to the doctors and got a test done. Before Anderson came over I got the call and I’m not. Which is good right? It saved everyone a world of hurt and drama. I don’t know I just thought you should know.” 
“Did you wanna be?”
“Pregnant,” he said gripping your hips and pulling you closer. 
You felt your cheeks get hot at what he was insinuating, “Well- I- yeah. I mean yeah, yes.”
With that he brought his lips back down to yours. This time you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. One of his hands slid to the back of your skirt and pulled down the zipper. You let it slide down your legs and stepped out of it. 
You sat on the table in the room, pushing off the bottles of cleaner. Spencer stepped into the space between your legs, his fingers reaching for your panties and tugging them down your legs. 
“I can’t believe I get this tight little pussy all to myself now,” he said biting marks onto your neck. You mewled tilting your head to the side and pulling on his tie. 
“Spencer please. I need you so bad,” you whined out. 
He stepped away and hastily started on undoing his pants, “What do you want baby? Is it for me to fuck you? Or is that not enough? Do you need me to fill you up with my cum? Want me to put a baby in you?” 
You moaned at his lewd words and quickly nodded your head. Your hand flew down to your pussy, you were practically dripping onto the table and he had barley touched you. 
“Please doctor I need you so bad.” 
Spencer quickly stepped into the space again and took both of your hands in one of his large ones, “I own this pussy. I always have, you don’t get to touch without my permission,” he gritted out. 
With his free hand he tugged on his cock before aligning it with your leaking slit. The both of you sighed as he pushed in inch by inch. Your head feel back with your mouth open in a perfect O shape. 
After a second of letting you adjust Spencer started with rough thrusts. You could feel your hair start sticking on your forehead from the heat of the room. Spencer’s lips were inches from yours, sharing the same breath. 
“Fuck I’m gonna fill you up so good. Let everyone here know you’re mine.”
All you could do was nod and moan in approval. His grip on you was deadly but it was just adding onto the immense pleasure you were feeling. The way he was repeatedly hitting your gpot had your vision blurry with stars. You could also feel him pulsing inside you knowing he was close to his peak. 
“You look so pretty like this sweetheart. So perfect around my cock.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist bringing him impossibly closer, “I want you to cum in me Spence. I need to feel it,” you mewled into his lips. 
This motivated him to start drilling into you. At this point you were panting, aching to feel the sweet release. His hand dipped down to rub on your clit, he groaned at the slippery mess where you both met. 
“Oh god Spence!” 
A high pitched moan escaped your lips as he added on the extra pleasure. Soon enough you were squeeing around him, ready to milk him for all he was worth. 
“That’s it baby. Keep doing that. I’m gonna stuff you with my cum y/n/n fuck,” he said drawing out the last syllable as he exploded inside you. 
He stayed inside as you both caught your breathes, slowly thrusting trying to fill you to the brim. 
He pulled out and looked for a roll of paper towels for you to clean up. Once that was done you helped each other tame your hair and outfits as you always did, with quiet and loving gazes. 
“Do you think that one did the job?” you said with a smirk. 
“Well statistically the pill contraceptive has a 7% failure rate so with my calculations there is a chance,” he said while smoothing down your hair. 
“Thanks genius,” you said lightly punching his arm, “Lets get out of here. Together.” 
“Together,” he said slinging an arm around your shoulders. 
a/n; so guys what do we think. im not gonna lie i kinda hate it but i think it was a good ending for everyone. kinda feel bad anderson didn’t get the whole truth but the cheating is OVER! also what did we think of what pregnancy scare?? let me know lovies!!!
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denkamis · 4 years
hi!! could i get double chocolate and cherry with kaminari, shinsou and midoriya please?❤️
idk if i did this right so im sorry if i didnt!
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to anon: hey anon, no worries! you did it perfectly :)) aww i love the characters you chose for this prompt, this is adorable. enjoy some fluffy times with these sleep deprived boys from a very sleep deprived writer <3
warnings: none! just some swearing and some bad sleeping habits lmao. reader is gn!
prompt: denki kaminari, hitoshi shinsou, izuku midoriya scenarios + “it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyways.”
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denki kaminari
denki stays up late playing osu and minecraft
what can i say, he’s just a gamer man
so he’s honestly pretty reliable when it comes to you knocking on his door at late hours of the night
always the biggest cuddle bug, really happy that you go to him first out of everyone
literally drops everything for you hehe
lots of sleepy kisses too
“fuck! goddammit,” denki grumbled, shaking out his wrist as he had just failed the six star version of the intro of blend-s on osu. he had gotten rather addicted to the circle clicking game. this further resulted in denki staying up late on school nights, despite kirishima’s warnings of him potentially falling asleep in class the next day. it was fine, he could always borrow notes from you or jirou anyways!
as he went to restart the map again, a soft knock came at the door to his dorm room. spinning off his computer room chair, he prepared himself to be lectured by aizawa for the fifth time this week about breaking curfew. “aizawa-sensei, i know that i’ve been loud lately but i swear this time it won’t happen- y/n?” he stopped mid-sentence as he saw you standing on the other side of the door. “what are you doing up so late?”
you shook your head, immediately hugging his torso instead. you were clearly a bit distraught about something, but denki wasn’t a mind reader. he figured that from the way you were clinging onto him, it must have been a bad dream of some kind. “hey, hey, easy there! nearly knocked me over, huh,” denki laughed lightly, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head before closing the door behind you. you clung onto him, face buried in the crook of his neck. it made a small blush dust across his cheeks, a warm feeling spreading through his arms as he held you close. “i hope i’m not bothering you,” you mumbled, to which denki hummed. “you never bother me, babe. it’s okay, i couldn’t really sleep anyways.”
the two of you stayed like that for a long while, denki swaying the two of you back and forth. you could feel gentle lips peppering the crown of your head with kisses. as your heart rate slowed, denki piped up. “wanna stay here for the night? my bed’s missing out on some action! and by some action, i mean sleep. i really can’t sleep.”
you snorted at his words, your eyes flicking up to his goofy yet endearing smile, his eyes bright yet a bit tired from late night gaming. he poked his tongue out at you, making you roll your eyes with a tiny smile of your own gracing your features.
“how could i say no to that?”
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hitoshi shinsou
we already know he’s up at these unholy hours
not for any particular reason, just because he can’t really sleep
quite the insomniac that one
and the fact that he can’t sleep properly or well unless you’re with him
you smell like lavender in the morning too bc he puts it in his pillow to help him sleep, thank you
shinsou lay awake in bed, eyes trained on the ceiling as he waited for himself to fall asleep. it was no secret that he barely got any rest, so it was simply easier to just sit and wait until his body exhausted itself to the point where he simply fell asleep. staying as still as he could, he kept counting the amount of times he breathed in and out. it made him acutely aware of his surroundings. the crickets outside his room, the way the moonlight streamed through his blinds, the miscellaneous creaking sounds of the dorms. yeah, he definitely wasn’t sleeping tonight.
he didn’t flinch as the door to his room opened, blinking slowly as his eyes adjusted to the light spilling into his room along with a new figure. “y/n?” he asked, not bothering to sit up. “hey, are you up? sorry toshi, i couldn’t sleep,” you explained softly, allowing the door to close behind you as you tiptoed across his dorm room. his hair was sprawled across his pillow, deep violet locks hiding his hands situated behind his head comfortably. it showed off his arms that were built from training for when, not if, he ever got into the hero course.
a lazy smile crossed his lips at your words, his heartstrings being played by you so seamlessly. “it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyways,” he replied with a tilt of his head towards you. he moved over a bit in his bed as to give you space to lay down next to him. you crawled beneath his comforters, inhaling the scent of lavender as you did. apparently shinsou had said that the smell helped him fall asleep easier. strong arms wrapped around your waist, encasing you in a protective embrace as your head rested comfortably against his chest. the comforter was thrown over the two of you. you felt so much safer already.
his large hands were placed on your lower back, his thumbs drawing lazy circles on your skin as his breathing began to relax noticeably. hiding your smile, you cuddled closer to him. to this day, you had never seen shinsou fall asleep so quickly since that night.
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izuku midoriya
baby is up studying for a test that’s in like 2 weeks
either that or he’s on an all might video spree on youtube and no that is not the first time this has happened, it is certainly not the last
he has so many stuffed animals in his room probably, like he just has them stuffed in his closet
the all might plushies stay on the bed tho
his cuddles are unmatched tho, change my mind
izuku was pacing around his room, vocabulary words spinning about his mind as he counted them on his fingers. he was mumbling definitions to himself, going over all of them in his head before referencing his notebook to make sure nothing went wrong. amidst his ramblings, a knock at the door made him jump to attention. “come in?” he called out, watching intently as he saw you come into view. his face showed relief, grateful to know it wasn’t aizawa or kacchan complaining about his incessant pacing.
“would it be alright if i sleep here tonight? i’m worrying about my grades and stuff again,” you rubbed the back of your neck with a small smile, trying to play off your question as relaxed as you could. it wasn’t exactly a secret that you had a crush on the boy in front of you. he was kind and humble, wanting to help as many people as he could despite all the circumstances that had the world against him. it was admirable. even now, he looked so concerned from the clear lack of sleep you’ve been getting these past few days. “of course you can sleep here. ah, wait! i have to, ah,” he stumbled over his words as you looked to the bed to see not one, not even two, but four all might stuffed toys on his bed.
midoriya’s face erupted with crimson, shoving the plushies into his closet as he sputtered out various excuses as to why they were there in the first place. when he turned back to you, you were giggling. not at him, but because of the entire situation in general. “you’re adorable, izu,” you told him gently. a light feeling bloomed in his chest upon seeing the smile you held for him. you looked so undeniably beautiful to him, the way your hair was a bit messy and how you stood in your pyjamas. while others, including yourself, would find that you looked completely normal, midoriya loved seeing you be so casual, so comfortable around him.
“you’re sure i’m not interrupting you, though?”
midoriya returned your smile with his own, stepping forward to intertwined his scarred fingers with your delicate ones. “it’s okay,” he murmured softly, holding your hand as if you were the most precious thing in the world to him, “i couldn’t really sleep anyways.”
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all works © denkamis 2021.
@meilbox @honeykami @httpfirx @strawberrysalwa @hey-i-really-miss-you @smexy-goose @satis-kei
want to be on the taglist? see this post!
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