#so im slowly learning how to make music for it
octopus-defence-squad · 4 months
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she's something haunted. something of the sea.
(i wrote a song for this, and am working on a more animated version to go with it, but here is my gem design for season 10! watched a lot of dredge while making it)
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the-lark-ascending69 · 2 months
I loove the android robin au it's really one of the most interesting au I have seen in a while.
I am always happy to see new post abt it
Also making my favourite characters go through hell and then receiving comfort from their people is like the best thing ever for me so every time I see a whump!Robin post I like automatically
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People loving android!Robin makes me so happy anansnssndsnsns she's curious and excitable and full of wonder and the world keeps punishing her for simply being alive. Sometimes it's too painful even for me, big whump lover 😭😭 though seriously, there is not enough Robin whump, and while all the characters in the show are very whumpeable, hurting my little blorbo Robin feels special because... she's just so deeply lonely. She's lonely and she thinks she deserves to be because of something wrong with her (pulling this interpretation from Surviving Hawkins lore which is canon to me 😭). That was a big idea I had when I first came up with android!Robin... that there is something wrong with her. Broken. In this AU she's literally broken in a lot of way (battery and memory problems, weak joints in her lower half, etc), but that's all within the range of normal robot problems. The real issue with her is that she's sentient. It terrifies people because it really brings out the existencial horror of... well, existing. It terrifies Robin most of all. She is the problem. She is what's wrong with her. She shouldn't exist.
But at the same time, she loves being alive so much! She doesn't understand it and doesn't know how it happened, but it happened, and now she's real and wants to experience life and the world and know people like human beings do. So it's her constant battle to become human despite humans having hurt her so much in the past... only for Nancy to already see her as human. Just one made of metal and plastic, but human nonetheless. She's the first person to see her that way and maybe everyone else thinks she's crazy, but Nancy is used to that. She's so sure of this, though, of Robin's self-awareness. She trusts her so blindly. She doesn't even need proof. And not only does she believe her, but she defends her humanity in front of her friends and family so ardently, fighting so hard for Robin to be aknowledged by everyone else as human. Fighting so hard to give her a home and family for the first time in her life.
Nancy has it bad for Robin, really. She's just so in love, even if everyone else thinks she's crazy for falling in love with a machine (no one thinks she is, though, because they all know Robin, and once you know Robin, it's impossible not to love her).
#ronance#android!Robin AU#robin buckley#😭😭 every day im emotional about her at 4 am#ok nice things now:#nancy takes her shopping for the first time! because robin never quite developed her own style#and being a girly girl to Nancy clothes are such a big part of your identity#robin finds these cool chains peoole wear as necklaces and bracelets and all these rings and she loves how they all look on her#and this jacket with different patches on it... she never thought she'd be the kind of girl to like shopping but she's so excited#because its the first time she's choosing what clothes to wear#Nancy introduces her to many different kinds of music alongside Steve#and then eventually the whole gang joins them. everyone gets to suggest one artist and soon Robin has this long asf playlist#to listen to so she can figure out what she likes#same with movies - they all now have weekly movie nights so they can show Robin different films#robin slowly discovering her passions... she reads a lot and finds out she loves languages and literature#and she decides she wants to get into college to study something related to it#she also decides she wants to travel through Europe and wants to bring Nancy with her#she decorates her room with movie and music posters#she decides she really likes cyndi lauper#she tries to learn how to dance with youtube tutorials#dragging Nancy into it#she gets to watch a lot of movies at her job at the movie theater#and she makes friends with her coworkers there#she's not fully and truly becoming a person#she has never been this happy#my posts#thank you for your ask i love talking about android!robin
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my mom doesn’t think im autistic and then i write shit like, “yeah i look for patterns in my life but for some reason socializing and people never fit? why cant i apply other knowledge to being a person with other people”
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mg549 · 1 year
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5 years in review (2018-2022)
#art review#year in review#art summary#art meme#my art#i wanted to look at them together :)))#i feel like 2018 is a solid start#2019 was a little rough as i learn a new medium [digital art]#2020 was mw sort of finding brand stability in the types of pieces i did#2021 was pushing myself to really improve with focus on texture and unintentional focus on lighting#and 2022 was a fucking STRUGGLE trying to learn how to put art out consistently while working full time#like for example. jan feb march of this year. i only put out one piece each month#bc i rly dont like my job lmao and it took so much out of me >moving cross country >starting first full time job >moving AGAIN across town#also the piece from july looks wonky to me now but it still is the most polished thing from that month bc i did a bunch of quick art fight p#ieces#unintentional themes for this year: realism. red/teal palettes [or more generally warm/cool contrast].#almost exclusively music fanart or mh/sta stuff#idk im always over critical of my year in review stuff when i first make them then warm up as i become nostalgic#you can also notice a trend of yellow slowly becoming completely absent from my works. this is bc my old laptop had issues with displaying#color and washed yellow out so i never saw it. hence why old drawings of ppl look RLY JAUNDICED. i couldnt goddamn see it#and i dont rly gravitate towards yellow too often#aqua is my fave color in general but also to work with#i didnt do 0 traditional art this year but i felt like i did less that usual probably bc i used to work on my bed but now i work at my desk#which is Very Small and doesnt have a lot of space for me to get out pens or paints or whatever#that and also. less time and energy than in previous years :(#my faves for each year by month: jan-21 feb-19 mar-21 apr-22 may-22 jun-22 jul-18 aug-22 sep-21 oct-#18/21 [tie] nov-21 dec-22 [altho i def seem to always push myself to make sth rly good in the last month of the year tbh]
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healmyhrt · 3 months
I have an idea. So there is a cowboy hat rule. And it basically works like this : when the cowboy gives a girl his hat he like "chooses her" and when she gives him his hat back (she have to return the hat to his HOME) they usually fuck or smth. So my idea is that the y/n gives Chris the hat on tik tok, live or yt vid and chris is confused and doesn't know what that means but fans freaks out and he finally learn what that means and return the hat. Or something like this idk
⌗ like the cowgirl you are, c. sturniolo
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chris x fem!reader
summary: chris had given you his hat back in the summertime, now it was finally time for you to return it at your university’s halloween party. except for the fact that you and chris had broken up since the school year started. but cowboy hats do have rules, don’t they?
disclaimers!: smut, kissing, angst, oral sex (fem!receiving), good girl/boy kink, cursing, use of y/n
a/n: i changed up the request a little bit bc it kinda confused me idk 😭 hope the submitter enjoys this though! | also i had to make up her friends name but “eden” is not a special character to the story guys
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it was october 31st, and it was my university’s annual halloween costume party. and also the day that the cowboy hat rule comes to an end.
there’s this tradition to get the freshman at my college to fuck their first year. the boy gives a girl their cowboy hat anytime after summer starts, and they have until the halloween party to have sex. after the halloween party, you’ve lost your free fuck.
chris and i had been dating since sophomore year, and we attended the same school this year too. he had given me his cowboy hat during summertime, but we broke up right after school started.
and i guess today is the last day that the cowboy hat rule is valid. i didn’t want chris to be the person id have to do it with but… we’ll see how tonight goes.
“y/n, lets go!” a voice calls through my door.
“one second! i can’t find my bandana!” the costume was last minute, and i was matching with one of my new friends, eden, who was a sophomore. she wanted to do a matching costume, but the only sexyish ones left at the costume store were cowgirls. ironic, isn’t it?
i see a bright red piece of fabric hanging on the corner of my bed frame. “coming!” i smile, tying the bandana around my neck.
i grab chris’s hat, holding it in my hands, and staring at it. i slowly put it on in the mirror, and sigh. “here we go.”
“i need a drink.” eden sighs. we enter the sorority house that was throwing the party, and she tightly grips my hand, guiding me to the drinks table.
she hands me a red solo cup, and i push her hand back to her. “designated driver? hello?” i raise an eyebrow. she rolls her eyes. “it’s halloween, lets just get an uber or sleep here or something. live a little.” i sigh.
“pleaseeeeeeee.” she dramatically frowns. i cross my arms, and she gives me a look. “fine.” i chuckle.
“im the best fucking drink mixer there is, you wait and see.” she smirks. i shimmy in place next to her. “gotta pee. where’s the bathroom?” i question. eden points to the line of girls waiting next to a wooden door.
“use the master bathroom. that’s the one for the people in sorority only, but im friends with half the group. tell ‘em i said you could go.” she smiles, licking spilled alcohol off of her finger.
“you sure?” i give a scared look to her. “go, y/n.”
“which door is it?” i bite my bottom lip. “last door on the left. be aware for socks on door handles.” she chuckles. i roll my eyes.
i nod. “i’ll be here when you get back!” i give her a thumbs up before disappearing upstairs. there weren’t really a lot of people upstairs. some people talking in the hallway, some couples sneaking off into bedrooms, or hogging bathrooms.
i arrive at the last door on the left, and i look around to make sure i was at the correct one before entering.
it was so much quieter in here. despite the now muffled music from outside, i’d stay in here for the rest of the party if i could.
drying my hands, i hear muffled sound from the other side of the bathroom door. i slowly open it, hoping i don’t walk out on a couple.
i see a fitted cap sitting on the carpet, and i walk over to it. picking up the hat, i realize exactly whose it is.
“long time no see.” a familiar voice says from behind me.
i slowly turn around, preparing to see him. “y/n.” chris smiles that familiar smile.
“christopher.” i stare at him. he smirks, walking closer to me. “y’know, i always loved when you called me that.”
i scoff. “yeah?” he clears his throat. “yeah.”
chris leans against the sofa in the middle of the room, not taking his eyes off of me. i sit on the ottoman a few feet away.
“you look good.” he smiles, bringing his cup to his lips.
“you look… like you.” i fidget with his hat in my hands. chris places his cup on the floor next to his feet, and leans forward. “is that my hat?” he questions.
“yeah, here.” i stand up, and immediately walk over to him. i hold out his cap, and his eyes stay on mine.
“thanks… but not this one.”
i freeze in place. chris stands, towering over me, and takes his cowboy hat off of my head. “you still have this?” he says through a chuckle. “yep.” i sigh.
“we broke up.” chris says, still looking at the hat. i nod, and scoff. “yep.” i say again. he looks at me, and stares.
i sigh. “well, you returned it.” he smirks. i scoff, moving past him, and sitting on the couch. i can feel his eyes burning into the back of my head. “im gonna go.”
i hear his steps get further and further, and then stop at the door. before he gets his hand on the handle, i stand.
chris turns around, a confused expression across his face. he shrugs. “why what?” i swallow before speaking.
“why did you kiss her back?” i ask, my voice breaking slowly. chris’s face drops, and he looks at the ground.
“i don’t know.”
i scoff. “you don’t know?” chris slowly steps toward me. i stand, arms crossed, as he arrives in front of me.
“i was wasted. i wasn’t thinking straight. i don’t know why i did it, and ive never forgiven myself, y/n.” he says.
chris slumps down on the sofa next to us, holding his head in his palms. i bite my bottom lip, debating whether or not i should sit.
chris sounded genuine. i truly do believe he didn’t mean to kiss her back. but knowing it happened still hurts.
i sit next to him, my outer thigh rubbing against his the denim that covered his legs. chris rubs his eyes, and drags his fingers down his face. “i really am so sorry.”
i shift in my position, and he looks at me. i try not to hold eye contact because he never looks away. ever.
“please believe me when i say this, i never would do what i did ever again. im so sorry.” he keeps staring.
i sigh, and lean my head against his shoulder. he leans his head on top of mine, and exhales heavily. i smile.
“i still love you.”
my eyes widen, and i slowly lift my head up, his as well. i look chris in the eyes, and he nods. “i mean it.”
i pull on my bottom lip with my teeth, and stand. i take the cowboy hat from his hands, and begin walking to the door. “i love you too.” i say, my hand on the door handle.
chris doesn’t turn around, he continues to face the wall before him, sinking into the couch. and i hesitate. i do still love chris, i never stopped.
but could we really just go back to normal after that? i’m not sure. but right about now, some sex with him would definitely clear the air. although, i’m not sure i’m entirely drunk enough to do that. eden and i pregamed before we left, but that’s about it… fuck it.
“wanna show me how much you still love me?”
chris’s head snaps toward me. he raises an eyebrow. i smile, and raise the cowboy hat above my head.
“i mean cowboy hats do have rules, don’t they?” chris stands, slowly walking toward me with a smirk across his face. “they sure do.”
he lifts me off the ground like i weigh nothing, and i wrap my legs around his waist. chris holds both hands under my ass, and i stare into his eyes. “you sure about this?”
i smile, and place the hat over his long hair.
“yes ma’am.” he replies, instantly laying me down on the master bed beside us, kissing me uncontrollably.
“i missed you,”
and he places one more kiss on my lips, and pulls away, staring down at me. i exhale, breaking the eye contact.
“well, if you missed me so much, prove it.” i smile.
chris’s expression turns into a smug smirk, and he leans forward, kissing me again, and gripping my waist with his pale hands.
he kisses down my neck, leaving notably visibly hickeys as he moves. i breathe heavily, trying to contain myself as he kisses and bites at my skin. “chris, please…”
“so needy. have you been waiting for me to fuck you?”
there was no point in denying. i nod, as he begins to unbuckle his belt. “use your words.” i exhale heavily.
“yeah?” he pulls his belt out of the loops on his jeans, and tosses it onto the marble floor that surrounded us.
he leans back down, and begins removing pieces of my costume. chris slowly unties the red bandana from around my neck. he looks at it, then at me. “useful.”
chris takes his time removing his t-shirt. he holds eye contact with me, moving as slow as possible. “chris..”
he brings his finger to my lips. “shhh… patience.”
i throw my head back in irritation, and before i know it, two hands grip my thighs and pull me to the edge of the bed. chris spreads my legs, kissing and biting my inner thigh. “don’t need these.” he says, stroking a finger across my underwear before removing them.
he grips my hips, and moves his face closer to me. softly planting a kiss on my clit, i feel him smirk against me.
he moves his head up and down, licking from my entrance and back up to my clit. "fuck—" I moan out as he starts to lap at my clit, sending pleasure everywhere throughout my body.
cheis places his hands on the top of my thighs, making me grind against his mouth, guiding him.
his grip gets tighter, and my breathing heavier.
he continues to lick up my arousal, and i place my hands in his hair, moving it out of his face.
chris stands up, and catches his breath. i do the same, and we finally look at eachother again and he smiles.
“what if i kissed you right now?” “gross.”
he laughs, and begins to unbuckle his belt. chris holds eye contact with me the whole time. “you ready, baby?”
i nod, and chris pulls a wrapped condom out of his sock.“what the hell?” i say, through a chuckle. chris returns a laugh, and rips the top of the wrapper off with his teeth.
“gotta stay prepared.”
he pulls down his boxers, revealing his cock, which oozed with precum. i stare, my eyes getting dry, and chris smirks, placing the condom over himself.
he aligns himself with my entrance, and gives me another look for consent. “ready?” i nod. “positive.”
we both gasp as chris begins to slide in, and an immediate moan leaves my mouth. “shhhhhhhh.”
“we can’t have the whole party hearing you.”
chris glances at my red bandana, and grabs it quickly. he folds it over and over until it’s long, and looks at me.
“head.” he says, i lift my head up as best i can with him thrusting into me, and he ties it around my mouth to the back of my head.
“good girl.”
chris places both hands on my waist again, gripping it tightly. he plunges into me, making a murmured moan leave my lips every time.
chris bites his bottom lip to hold back the moans that threatened to escape him. he throws his head back, and squeezes his eyes shut.
the bed creaks consistently, and it’s pretty loud too, so it’s very obvious to everyone outside what we’re doing.
chris’s thrusts start to slow, and he begins to catch his breath. “so close… gonna—” i feel him turn warm inside me as the condom fills up.
chris leans down, untying the bandana, and placing his head next to mine. i finally breathe, and shut my eyes.
“you’re so good, baby. always so good.”
he lays down next to me, breathing heavily. i just stare at him. and he stares back.
i couldn’t help but think that this was maybe a mistake?
but whether i liked it or not, we had sex, and that’s a pretty difficult thing for two ex’s to get away from.
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intoxicated-chan · 4 months
i just read a corruption kink daryl and im feral- PLEASE WRITE
𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧❜, 𝐃𝐨𝐧❜𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐞, 𝐈𝐭❜𝐬 𝐎𝐤𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞
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Summary ➳ The second Daryl learned that you were a virgin, all shame flew out the window. Not like he had any to begin with.
(A/n) ➳ Inspired by “Worship Me” by Ari Abdul. I’m feeling more confident in writing smut. Am I an expert? Hell no! But I like it! I hope you guys like it too! This is also a mix of two requests!
Word Count ➳ 860
Content Warnings ➳ Female Reader, perverted Daryl, sexual content, loss of virginity, swearing, pet names (darlin’), titty sucking, oral (F), p-in-v, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP DAMMIT), creampie…
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“Ya serious?” Daryl grabbed the sides of your face and forced you to look at him. “C’mon, ya ne’er used ya fingers?”
Daryl hummed. “Why the hell not?”
You shrugged. “Everyone said it would be painful.”
“Ya did nothin’? Anythin’?”
“...Nothin’.” You whispered.
Daryl grinned. “Say it again.”
Daryl’s hand traveled down your chest, pulling at the buttons of your pants. “Looks like ya can listen.”
Your hands covered your flushed face, your hot breath made everything feel like everything was one fire.
Your back arched off the bed, but Daryl remained on your chest, sucking and biting at one of your nipples while he twisted and pulled at the other.
You whimpered in your hands, a barely audible sound. Your shirt was pushed over your breasts and he laid in between your legs.
You felt his hard on grinding against your soaked cunt. You had tried begging… Hours ago.
But Daryl was so focused on your breasts, they were becoming painfully sore. He refused everytime you tanked at his hair, laughing at your misery that he took pleasure in.
He finally lifted his head, snatching your hands. “Lookin’ pretty.” He mumbled.
He sat up, kicking off his pants and underwear, revealing his cock.
He started to jerk himself off, his other hand sliding down your stomach and slowly rubbed your clothed clit with your thumb.
You let out gasp, looking down to see his hand in between your legs. “F-Fuck.”
“Feel that?” He asked you. “Feelin’ good?”
You attempted to sit up, reaching for his hand which made him stop. “I… I wanna make you feel good.”
He clicked his tongue. “Not tonight darlin’. Not tonight.”
“Please Daryl-” He leaned over and kissed you, shutting you up.
“Ya talk too much.” His hand slid under your underwear. “Jus’ relax, let me do the work.” Daryl pushed you back on the bed. “Jus’ relax.” He repeated.
Your eyes stared at the ceiling, hearing Daryl rip off your underwear, feeling the coldness hit your cunt. His fingers lightly trace the outside of your lips.
Suddenly, you feel him dragging his tongue up the length of your slit, he needed to hold back, no matter how much he wanted to break you.
Fuck, you were delicious and he takes it, he takes all of it. He shoved passed your slit and into the cavern of your cunt, lapping up everything.
He could feel your thighs trembling, your hands coming to his hair as something to pull on as the most pornographic moans left your lips.
It was music to his ears.
He wasn’t going to lie. He has been waiting for this moment for a while now. He watched as some of your clothing would ride up and reveal your skin.
How he would take glances at your cleavage or your ass. And those days where you would wear nothing but your underwear under your skirt and you walked up the stairs, he was always behind, his eyes on your panties.
Daryl withdrew his tongue, wiping his mouth and licking off your remaining essence.
He lined himself up. “Deep breaths baby.” He told you before pushing himself.
He gritted his teeth, fuck, he never imagined for you to be so tight. You were sucking him deeper.
You moaned rather loudly and Daryl felt you clench around him, letting you know you had cum.
You moaned into his ear, your nails digging into his back.
Daryl couldn’t hold back anymore, he was pounding into you, roughly.
He panted, he couldn’t get enough. The way your walls clamp up around him. He heard your moans, how they became higher, weakly hitting your fists on his back.
He couldn’t stop even if he wanted to, he wanted more and more, he wanted you to feel it with him.
You have your legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer to your body,
Yet he was still careful when kissing you, it was soft unlike the sex.
And the room reeked of it, it was hot, filled with the sound of skin slapping and your moans.
Daryl blocked out everything else other than you. His eyes shut, his head resting on the pillow.
He flinched when he felt you planting kisses on his neck, managing to whisper sweet words that weren’t cut off by provocative moans.
With another slam of his hips, everything came crashing down, your next sentence cut off by a scream.
Daryl let out a loud grunt as he released inside of you. You felt him fill you to the brim.
When Daryl pushed himself up and slowly pulled out of you, hearing a wince. He saw some of it oozing out.
He chuckled. “Fuck.” He grabbed the back of your knees to spread him, watching closely.
“Daryl!” You shouted, covering yourself. “Don’t!”
“C’mon, ain’t no reason to be embarrassed.” He commented, letting go of your legs. He got off the bed, helping you sit up. “Any pain?”
“You brutalized my chest.” You hissed, carefully putting on your shirt.
“Couldn’t help maself.” Daryl planted a kiss on your shoulder. “Besides, always been wantin’ to hear ya scream.”
“You’re shameless Dixon.”
“For ya? Always.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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Taglist ➳ @celtic-crossbow , @mrdixon , @itwasntaphasema , @duffmckagansbandana , @raspberryslxt , @gamingfeline , @lor-geeked , @thegeorgiahuntsman , @snailss , @the-lonely-abyss , @number1bashbabe , @xmaeyonaise , @suniloli , @ladylincoln , @of-storms-and-sadness , @annhells ,
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julilovesyou444 · 10 months
my first ~ tom kaulitz
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background ~ love confession that leads to something else, all from Tom’s point of view.
warnings ~ no proofreading, mentions of drinking, mentions of smoking, smut, p in v, praise, oral fem receiving, breeding ig? idk tbh but it’s naughty sooooo🙉🙈 be prepared LMAO
a/n ~ heres a small blurb, writers block is going insane rn. also someone called my writing “corny” or something… like if you don’t like it, then DONT READ‼️what do u want me to say? sorry??? nah. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME EVER WRITING ANYTHING LIKE THIS BESIDES HEAD SO PLS BE NICE IDK WHAT IM DOING. I learned everything from here and wattpad so don’t blame me😓 thanks for the love too
I was sitting on some raggedy couch, girls practically throwing themselves at me. we had finished a concert about an hour ago, and i insisted that we partied to celebrate. I had no idea I’d be so miserable. I slowly sipped my drink, looking around. girls were saying all kinds of things to me, touching me, but they were all so incoherent. I didn’t care about them right now. I couldn’t focus on them while I was looking for her.
my eyes continued their search throughout the crowded room until they found what they were looking for. there she was. standing off to the side, drink in her hand, smile on her face. bill and I had met her right before we started our band. she had always been so close with bill. i had been so jealous of that. i wanted to be as close to her as she was with bill, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t let myself. the feelings she made me feel were so unfamiliar, and they scared me. I hated not being in control, and whenever I was around her, I lost complete control over myself and my thoughts.
she looked so beautiful, tonight. of course I would never tell her that. it wasnt my place. we didn’t talk to each other like that. even though I wish we did, at least sometimes. I adored how her clothes hugged tightly to her figure and how confident she acted without being cocky. bill had invited her on tour with us. I was reluctant, I didn’t know how I would feel with her being with us all the time. but I didn’t want to be the only one to object, so I accepted.
it was always fun with her, she knew how to electrify a room and light it up instantly. i avoided time alone with her. I hoped she didn’t think I was doing it because I didn’t like her. i just got… nervous.
I watched her from the couch until her eyes connected to mine. I thought she would look away, but she didn’t. She brought her cup to her mouth and took a slow sip, her eyes never leaving mine. the lights from the party flashed in her eyes, making them sparkle as if diamonds were encrusted in them. I could stare into them all day. I couldn’t read the look on her face. I couldn’t tell how she was feeling about this; about me.
Some random girl shoved my shoulder, causing me to look over.
“Can you stop being so boring? I think i might get another drink…”, she complained and slurred , clearly drunk. I rolled my eyes and sat her on the couch, getting up as I did so. My back was turned to the party and I tried to get this hammered girl to calm down. Eventually, I was able to get her to just chill out on the couch. I turned around, wanting to see if she was still watching me. To my disappointment, she was gone. I looked around. I looked around the party some more, and again, and again.
“where the fuck did she run off to?”, i muttered to myself, slowly turning myself in a circle, trying to locate her possible location. I wanted to talk to her. I wanted her.
That’s when my eyes landed on a set of stairs that led upstairs. I walked over, randoms saying hi to me as i did. music was blaring and the room had cans and solo cups lining the floor. it reeked of bad weed and alcohol. I made my way to the top of the stairs. I came at a stop when I got to the upstairs. it was still loud, but definitely not as loud as it was downstairs. there was a single long hallway, lined with tall doors, and at the end of the hallway was a big bay window that faced the back of the house. no lights were turned on, but the moon shone brightly and dimly lit up the corridor. I saw her, sitting down on the little cushions by the window, gazing out. she didn’t know I was here with her. the moonlight danced on her skin, illuminating her so perfectly.
I walked slowly over to her. As soon as I came in her eyesight, I noticed she was a bit startled, but relaxed when she saw it was just me.
she gazed back up at the night sky, the millions of stars reflecting onto her pupils. she looked so ethereal with the moon light dancing on her skin.
“the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?”, she softly asked, as she interrupted my thoughts. she looked over at me with the sweetest smile.
I wasn’t even looking at the moon, just at her.
“Very…”, I mumbled.
She smiled at me and looked back towards the window.
“What are you doing up here? I thought you were enjoying yourself.”, she said. I scoffed.
“I usually enjoy these parties, but tonight, I don’t know, I’m just not feeling it I guess.”
“Really? You had so many girls all over you… I would’ve thought that you’d be in heaven.”, she laughed. I smiled and shook my head a little.
“I don’t know what’s going on with me… I just didn’t want them like I usually would’ve.”, i shrugged.
“Is anything bothering you?”, she asked, looking genuine.
“the tom I know would never not be enjoying the fact that so many girls were all over them.”, she added.
“I don’t know… it’s just that, I’ve been dealing with some shit and I don’t know how to handle it.”
“maybe if you tell me, I can help. I know we aren’t like best friends or anything but you know I’m always here for you, right?”, she asked, looking up at me and placing her hand on my arm.
“yea, yea, I know… I think it’ll feel good to finally tell someone. I know a lot of the times I get perceived as a guy who only likes girls for things like sex and their bodies, and to be honest, it’s somewhat true. there’s just this one girl, this one girl, that I like way way way more than that, and I don’t know what to do or how to tell her.”, I vented.
“does she like you back?”
“that’s the thing… I don’t know.”
“oh, c’mon Tom, everyone likes you, im sure she does too.”, she tried to reassure me.
“you think?”
“positive. uh… sorry if this is invasive or something, but who is this girl? just curious…”, she said quickly. I cocked my head and smiled at her curiosity.
“Why do you wanna know?”, i asked.
“Um… nevermind, forget it. I don’t know why I wanted to know…”, she looked away from me.
“well i can tell you something about her…”, I started. I decided it was now or never. I had a feeling that my feelings were mutual.
“Hm?”, she said, looking back to me. I leaned down and let my mouth hover by her ear.
“she’s standing right in front of me.”, i said, just above a whisper. I could feel her tense up. I looked at her face. her eyes her wider and her mouth, slightly agape.
“what?”, was all she said. I stood up straight.
“You heard me.”, i said.
“you can’t just say that and not say anything else.”, she protested.
I shrugged.
“… are you being serious?”, she asked in a hushed tone. I looked over at her and was met with her big eyes.
“dead serious.”
“So you actually-”
“Like you? Mhm, yep, surprised me a bit too.”
She didn’t say anything and just stood there silent for a moment, processing everything I just told her.
“how does that make you feel, hm?”, I asked.
she didn’t say anything for a moment, but I watched her previous face turn into one of confidence.
“good, tom. it makes me feel good to know you feel the same way I feel about you.”
i smirked.
“you already knew that though, didn’t you?”, she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“pfft. Of course I did.”
I rushed into the bathroom and locked the door behind us. as soon as I turned around, she was all over me. she pulled me by my neck down to kiss her, and i let her. her hands moved to the sides of my jaw, pulling me in as if I could get any closer. I pressed my hands on the small of her back, bringing her body flush against mine. my hands found a comfortable position on her hips. we kissed so much, I felt I was floating. her hands roamed my body as we did, feeling my skin where-ever she could. I used my hands to back her up against the counter. I moved them to be under her thighs, and she quickly got the memo. I hoisted her up so she was sitting on the edge of the counter. this way, it was easier to get to other places i wanted to explore.
I pulled back admired her for a second. sitting on the counter, just waiting for me to come back. I couldn’t stay away for long.
I moved my lips to her neck, leaving little soft and short kisses all over. I began to lightly suck, and as time went on, I starting going harder. she gave me the exact reaction I wanted, her little gasps and panting motivating me to do more.
I traveled from her neck, to her collarbone, then to a little lower. my hands found the bottom hem of her shirt. I looked up at her.
“can I?”
she quickly nodded and that was all I needed to see. I took her shirt off.
I felt my breath get caught in my throat. she was wearing a small lacy black bra.
“holy…”, I breathed out.
i snaked my hands around her torso and unclasped it, never breaking eye contact.
“you’re so beautiful, y’know that?”, i said huskily.
“thank you.”, she said, blushing. she looked away from my eyes as I peeled the bra off of her.
“hey, don’t be shy now. I’ve always thought you were beautiful, always wanted to tell you that. I’m glad I can now.”, i said, reassuring her. she looked back at me and smiled. I kissed her, much softer and gentler than I had been. my hands made their way to her boobs, massaging them slightly. I felt her breathing pick up a little. I kept kissing her, but I couldn’t help but smile into the kiss at her reaction. i played with her nipples between my two fingers, simply trying to get a reaction out of her. I successfully did just that, little noises escaping her throat as I continued. I pulled away.
“you like that?”
her eyes were screwed shut as she fastly nodded. I looked at her body as I kept playing with it. she was so hot. so so hot. I was so turned on, just at the sight of her.
“I wanna take care of you. Can I do that?”, I asked, my hands tracing up and down her thighs.
“please.”, she said. i smirked. her desperation made me want to pleasure her all the much more.
“I don’t do this that much, but for you, I will. you’re special.”
she opened her eyes and watched as i moved down to my knees. I used to hands to ride her skirt up, and then placed them on her knees to slowly open her legs. I loved teasing her. she was wearing light pink underwear, heavily contrasting the bra I had just taken off. There was already a little wet spot on them.
“Awwww, you’re already so excited, princess.”, i cooed, my fingers lightly brushing over the spot. she breathed in quickly at the contact. she lifted her hips and let me take her underwear off. I stuck them in my back pocket and refocused myself on the sight in front of me. I feverishly left kisses on her inner thighs while mumbling praises to her.
“so…so… pretty.”, I murmured.
I kept getting closer and closer to the place she needed me to touch her most. I could tell she was getting needy.
I ran my fingers down her slit, collecting all of the wetness that had formed. i stuck them in my mouth and watched as her mouth fell open due to my actions. i put my head back in between her legs and started licking her clit. my hands were gripping her thighs, keeping them all the way apart. she gasped and threw her head back as I kept going. I used one of my hands to put one of my fingers in her. I looked up and saw her eyebrows knit together and her nose scrunched up. her mouth was slack and so many pretty noises were leaving. her one hand gripped the edge of the counter while the other one tangled itself in my hair. after a good couple minutes, I decided to switch it up and moved my tongue down to her hole and my fingers rubbed her sweet spot. this did things for her, and I could tell how much pleasure she was receiving. she started repeating my name, over and over again. I started to pick up the pace, and her moans grew louder. I was thankful for how loud it was outside, but I also wouldn’t have cared if people could hear us.
I felt her legs tighten around my head, and then begin to shake. her chest was heaving, up and down, uo and down. she kept telling me she was close, but it was hard to hear her because she was so out of breath. I kept the pace I had, fucking her with my tongue, as she rode out her high. as she came, I made sure to lock up every last bit. she managed to open her eyes and watch me as i did.
“you’re so hot.”, she panted out, catching her breath. I stood up, now wanting to get a little pleasure for myself. I took her off the counter and spun her around so her backside was against me. I lowered my head to her ear.
“you were so good for me, love. I love seeing you come undone, can we do that a second time?”, I asked, my lips pressed to her ear.
“mhm.”, she nodded, making eye contact with me in the mirror. with that, I bent her over the counter and unzipped my pants. I pushed her entire skirt up all the way so I could get a look at her entire ass. she was bent over, waiting for me. if I was able to take a picture, I would’ve. she looked so incredibly good. I didn’t think she knew how much I had dreamed for this moment.
I ran my tip through her fold, teasing her a bit. she was already wet from her previous climax, so I didn’t need to prepare her too much. I pushed myself into her, but not the whole thing. I watched her face in the mirror. she gripped onto the counter top, and her jaw was slack once again. I let her get comfortable before pushing myself in further, all the way until i bottomed out. she moaned, letting her head fall. I waited a moment for her to get used to my size before I began to steadily move. her head was still down, facing the counter. I used my hand to grip her chin and move her face back up. I started to move a little faster.
“I want you to watch yourself.”, i said. she started to watch all the faces I was making her do in the mirror, and I was going crazy over it. my eyes kept darting between her face and then down, to see myself pound into her.
“mmm, you’re taking me so well, baby. you’re being so good for me, right now.”, I groaned out. during the whole thing, she was a moaning mess. I loved it. I loved how vocal she was about how good I was making her feel.
my arm wrapped itself around her and found her clit again, rubbing figure eights on it. I watched the pure ecstasy spread across her. I kept going all the way in, and almost all the way out before pushing my length back into her at such a fast pace, I knew she would be a mess in minutes. I knew I would be too.
And I was right. after only a small amount of time, she was having trouble keeping her head up.
“Tom! im- im so close again-“, she cried out as I didn’t let myself slow down.
“I know baby, I am too-“
I let my other hand massage her ass, slapping it a couple times too.
I wasn’t lying when I told her I was close. I had been for a while too, but I was holding out for her. I felt the knot in my stomach keep growing and growing, but I could feel it starting to become undone.
“Tom- im, im coming-“, she panted out. her boobs bounced every single time I went in and out.
“me too”, my eyes screwed shut as reached my climax. I felt her reach hers right before me, her legs shaking and a string of moans in the air. that pushed me over the edge, and I felt the knot become completely undone. I groaned as I released into her, my seed dripping out of her hole. I rode out my high for a little, but eventually stopped moving. she was catching her breath.
I pulled over and quickly cleaned myself before zipping my pants back up. I grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned her up too as she resteadied herself. i insisted on helping her get dressed again, despite her saying she could do it on her own. I put her bra and shirt back on. we kept giggling as I did. high off of life. I had wanted to keep the panties i pocketed, but she begged for them back. they were her favorite pair. she put them back on and then readjusted her skirt and hair in the mirror. I leaned against the wall, observing as she did.
“I didn’t think i would ever tell you I liked you.”, I admitted.
“why not?”, she asked, still fixing her hair.
“I think I was too nervous… you know I feel like your the first real crush I’ve ever had.”
“awww, im your first???”, she joked around.
“yes, you’re my first.”, I rolled my eyes playfully. I crossed my arms across my chest.
she turned around and hugged me, placing her head on my chest. she was smiling so big at my confession. I loved her smile. I loved everything about her.
“it’s okay tom, you were mine too.”, she said.
“Wait what?”, I hugged her back with a confused look on my face.
“I’ve liked you since I was like nine, silly. that’s why I was always so close with bill and not as much as you, I was always too like scared to be around you because I had a crush on you.”, she confessed.
“Really??? How did I not know this??”, I asked, shocked.
“I don’t know, you’re just really oblivious, I guess.”, she teased.
I laughed and looked down at her.
finally, i got what I had wanted.
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6ix9inewiturmom · 2 months
Crying on your birthday
Summary: You’ve been best friends with the triplets since you were born and your boyfriend of 2 years broke up with you on your birthday and chris confesses his love to you in an interesting way;)
Warnings: Smut!! P in V, Dom!Chris, Sub!reader, choking, hair pulling, use of Y/N, unprotected sex (wrap ur snickers), Oral (fem reviving), fingering, cursing, alcohol consumption, cream pie, cursing, lowkey possessive chris?, (lemme know if i forget anything)
A/N: not requested but i had this idea cookin in my head for a WHILE!! this is a long one so be prepared!!
:¨ ·.· ¨:
`· . ꔫ
i’ve known the triplets since i was born. our moms were best friends since they were 9, Marylou and My mom went to college together and even had me at the same time Marylou was pregnant with the boys. i’ve thought nothing more then the triplets as my brothers, but chris… Christopher owen.. that boy has his ways with me about ever since we hit puberty together and learned we didn’t have the same body parts, now we never showed each other we liked each other so i never knew he liked me back. marylou always told me she’d seen me with either matt or chris. once matt started dating i KNEW i was never his type.. not in the slightest. nick and i were always just besties, once he came out it made more sense why he never attempted to “flirt” with me, so we were strictly just best friends or siblings. but chris? oh no he was a huge player, he treated me like a sibling but there was something about the way he “joked” with me i knew it was something more, but none of us ever talked about it so i ignored it, and just assumed that’s his way of joking. i’ve been dating my boyfriend, Cooper, for 2 years now, things were amazing, the triplets and their parents, were super supportive of me and him considering how we were raised as siblings. my mom liked him but i knew she never loved him.
today was my 21st birthday, i was actually about to have my ‘first drink’. at least to my parents knowledge. the boys and i would always sneak alcohol behind mine and their parents back all the time from the ages of 15-19, that was till they got themselves a house in boston, and i got an apartment close by in boston as well.
i spent about an hour and a half getting ready. i wore a black tight dress with little pink bows connecting to my middle breast, pushing my breast up and against each other making them look nice. with the dress i put on some thigh high leather boots with a slight heel on them.
cooper had finally texted me saying he was at my apartment to drive us to my venue i had booked for about 300 people. i knew my 21st had to be huge. i walk
down my stairs of the building leading to coopers car, but as i’m walking to him i’m expecting his usual flirty compliments such as, ‘hey sexy u come here often’, ‘can’t wait to rip that off you tonight’, ‘gimme a twirl lemme see that ass’, but strangely, it’s like i was a ghost to him, i ignore it thinking he just had a bad day at work or something.
“Hey coop! you ready” i say getting in the car closing the door smiling.
“hm? oh yeah i’m ready” he shoots me a fake smile before flipping his phone over face down and under his thigh slowly backing out to drive to the venue.
he’s never done that before? why did he hide his phone like that? why under his leg? i wonder so many things in my head but im not gonna let it get in the way of my birthday.. not happening, been waiting on this day for YEARS, today was about me!
the drive was silent and lifeless, never in the 2 years we’ve been together had our drives ever been less then filled with laughter and jokes, or blasting music and singing along to our shared playlist together. i plug my phone up to the aux cord and start playing our shared playlist thinking maybe i could lighten the mood but that doesn’t work. hes distant and it’s irking me, but again i brush it off cause its my birthday of all days.
i text chris a simple text telling him i was close to the venue hoping he’d be there and not take his princess ass his sweet time. as we pulled up to the venue i’m all smiles and giggles and as im walking towards cooper to hold his hand as im walking into the place he drops my hand, ive officially had enough of this i stop in my tracks.
“nu uh what the fuck is ur issue, first u hide ur phone, next ur completely silent, and now u drop my hand?” i slightly yell trying not to cause a ruckus infront of the venue
“just not feeling the party mood Y/N” he says almost uninterested in my feelings
“cooper marshall?? not in a party mood?? i don’t believe it.. not for a second, u literally have ‘party monster’ tatted on your thigh.. you NEVER turn down a pary, specially for your GIRLFRIEND of 2 YEARS, might i mention” i yell pretty sternly at this point not caring who hears
“yeah Y/N i’m not in a party mood, it’s not that hard to believe.. plus ur too clingy sometimes expecally when you can’t take a hint when someone’s upset you’re still fucking attached to me at the hip, i’m not always feeling you” again uninterested in how i feel
“Cooper what the fuck? i’m too ‘clingy’ where is this coming from?” using air quotes to emphasize my words.
cooper rolls his eyes “Y/N you’re causing a scene at your party you so desperately wanted to have, let’s just go” he attempts to grab my hand to drag me inside.
i drop his hand “no, your not just gonna ignore whatever issue you have with me, ESPECIALLY on my fucking birthday cooper”
again he rolls his eyes “i’m not doing this Y/N”
my eyes widen “doing what exactly? the party? me? what?”
he sighs before running his fingers through his hair “everything Y/N.. just leave me alone, don’t text me, don’t call me, just don’t worry about me and have fun at your pitty party”
my jaw dropped, if my jaw could break, my jaw would be in hell for how low my jaw hung. “your seriously breaking up with me?”
he presses his lips together and nods “yeah i guess i am i would say im sorry but im not.. bye sav-“ he stops abruptly before trying to fix his mistake of calling me the wrong name “bye Y/N”
tears start forming in my eyes “you were cheating on me? now ur breaking up with me on my fucking birthday? i truly thought better of you..”
he turns around “it’s not like you probably aren’t fucking chris behind my back anyway, it’s only fair” he shrugs
tears streaming down my face trying to comprehend what he just said.
“fuck off cooper” i storm inside the venue and as i walk in im greeted by the three same face people i grew up with.
“i uh- we uh-“ matt starts
“yeah we- you see” chris try’s to save matt
“oh my god you guys are fucking idiots.. Y/N we saw the whole thing.. what they’re trying to say is we’re sorry” nick finishes his brothers sentences and brings me into a tight bear hug.
i sniffle into nick as matt and chris both hug me, i pull away softly.
“i-it’s okay.. let’s just party, there’s 300 people here for me, i’m 21, finally we’re all 21 together, let’s just party and get drunk” i say promoting a half assed smile
“love ur attitude Y/N but let’s actually have a good time! also you look wayy too hot to be crying on your fucking birthday” nick says with his positive energy he always promotes
“you do look good sassy” chris says with his infamous smirk.
‘Sassy’ a nickname chris gave me when we were 8 and i was starting to get into my personality being sassy and not taking bull shit from anyone.
“thank you bubbles” i say with a smile. bubbles was a nickname i gave to him when we were 5 cause he was the bubbliest boy of the three.
about an hour went by, i lost count of how many drinks i consumed that night, on average id say about 8-10, i was the drunkest here, my words were slurring, i was full on shakin ass on the air, and my vision was blurred.
“oh chrisssy pooh” i slurred as chris came up behind me helping me walk around.
he chuckles “hey sassy, you’re a little
too drunk”
“whattt” i act shocked in my drunken state “nu uh, am not”
maybe these were my drunken thoughts but his smile could lighten up hell, the way his cheeks puffed up as he smiled, the way his blue eyes sparkle.
“mhm sure, why don’t we get you in the van and take you home and call it quits hm?” nick follows chris and holds my arms up to try and attempt to hold me i lean towards chris almost falling down as he caught me like one of those corny romantic movies.
i glaze into his eyes “you’re so pretty Christopher”
he laughs and picks me up and carrys me bridal style “oh yeah you’re done for love”
i nuzzle into his neck as nick, matt, chris and i walk to the van smiling like a kid in the candy store.
i randomly start busting out into drunken laughter as chris attempts to buckle me in “you wanna know something funny? cooper told me that i was fucking chris behind his back? pft he’s like my brother”
chris laughs and closes the door on the passenger back seat as nick takes the front passenger side and runs to the driver back seat to sit next to me.
“CHRISSY” i say a little louder
“i’m here sassy” he places my head on his lap and starts playing with my hair like he used to when we were kids.
i look up at him as his blue eyes glisten against the moonlight shining into the car window as matt drives to the triplets house “your so sweet to me.. can you braid my hair”
he looks down at me and smiles “yes i can” he takes my head and turns it to the side and starts french braiding my hair like i taught him years ago.
i softly hum before drifting off to sleep until i was woken up to chris carrying me to his bedroom and i groan as he sits me down on his bed “mm chris-“ before i could even warn him im running to the bathroom and puking up every ounce of alcohol in me.
“Y/N??” he says barging in the bathroom immediately holding my hair back to help me and rubbing my back softly saying ‘it’s okay sassy’ ‘i’m here’
i finally stop puking and am just leaning my back onto chris’ chest as he runs his fingers in my hair “you feelin any better”
i softly smile “i’m pretty much sobered up now”
“you ready to get into bed? you can wear some of my clothes and stuff since you weren’t prepared for anything tonight given the circumstances of your recent breakup- oh my god im sorry i shouldn’t have mentioned that im so-“
i cut him off “chris it’s fine, i promise, if anything im already over it… i know i shouldn’t be but i pretty much am” i smile turning my body to face him now
he returns the smile at me “good, let’s get you up and changed” he helps me up off the cold bathroom tiled floor as he guides me to his bedroom and lays out a pair of ‘Fresh Love’ sweatpants and one of his ‘Lyrical Lemonade’ T-shirts for me.
“here you go sass, i’ll be outside the door just let me in when your changed, you can throw your clothes in that hamper over there and i’ll wash em in the morning” he states before attempting to walk out of the door
“Wait chris” i stop “please don’t leave, it ain’t like we used to bathe together” i continue adding a small smile to my face
“okay.. but i’m turning around” he chuckled using his pointed finger to point at me
i smile at him “okay okay..” he turns around and i take my shoes off putting them to the side carefully and taking my dress off leaving me in my bra and underwear which was a matching orange set with little to no coverage on either my breast or ass, i was gonna suprise cooper with tonight but since coopers no longer in the picture it’s just another set in my collection. i throw on chris’ clothes which were a little too big on me but alas they were comfy.
“okay goober you can turn around now” i laugh and he slowly turns around and walks his way to me grabbing my hand and spinning me around like some disney moving looking at me up and down.
“my my my, i thought you looked beautiful in that dress but my clothes looks 10x better on you” he chuckles
i’m a giggling mess “oh stop it chris, you’re just fuckin with me”
he shoots me a smirk “eh maybe i am, maybe im not..” his voice trails off almost nervously
chris? nervous? never, i’ve warned his clothes thousands of times and never once has he showered me with affection the most id normally get is ‘i better see that hoodie back in my closet’ jokingly of course.
but alas a blush creeps on my cheeks giving away i liked his compliment, i can’t deny ive always had a thing for chris, i USED to only look at him as my ‘brother who’s not actually my brother but is my brother’ but that was before i knew what boys actually were. chris and i had/have never hooked up before, granted we were each others first kiss because we entered middle school together and Marylou gave them a talk about girls that somehow interested chris and he wanted to ‘get some practice’ as he says. but we were 11, we never kissed again cause we thought it was awkward, that was until i had my first date and didn’t know how to make out, chris, the player of course, was the one i ran to to teach me. cooper knew how close we all were, i told him i’ve only ever kissed chris twice but it meant nothing, it’s not like we hooked up before.
“ma?” chris attempted to get my attention but i was LOST in my thoughts about wanting to kiss chris’ soft lips again… was it wrong to want that?
“hm? oh yeah sorry i was uh just thinking” i laughed my nervousness away
“about what?” he said walking over to his bed, i followed sitting next to him
“nosey.. but mostly just us as kids.. i still think it’s funny cooper thought we hooked up, but it brought me to the memories when we were 11 and had our first kiss” i giggled softly
“OH I REMEMBER THAT ONE” he exclaimed “we were in my bedroom at the old house and” before his attempt at telling the rest of the story i joined in
“we didn’t talk for 3 days because we thought it was weird” we said in unison
we both laugh but slowly we just start looking at each other in a not so friendly way.. more of a romantic way, now i know i just broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years and the last thing i should be doing is looking at chris wanting his nice plump limps on mine.
before i knew it chris’ lips were attached to mine but i didn’t hesitate once, i immediately kissed him back but what was weird is that he pulled away… i thought i would have pulled away.
“i-im sorry i shouldn’t have done that” chris attempts to apologize
“no you should have… i know im recently single but… i want you to kiss me again…” i attempt to make him feel better the thought of his lips on mine and everywhere else on my body just came flooding down and creating a sense of heat in between my legs
chris leans in using his hand to caress my cheek before pressing his lips on mine this time in a more passionate manner, but with a hint of sexual desire in his lips, he wanted this just as much as i did, maybe more.
i softly moan into his lips as his hand travels down to my hips and up and down my upper thigh before slowly pulling away
“is this okay…?” he looks nervously down at his hand on my thigh
i nodded but that wasn’t enough for chris
“i need to hear you say it ma, tell me if i can do this” he looks at me deeply in my eyes.
“yes chris, this is perfect” i smile
“god i’ve been waiting for this my entire life” he kisses me again while using his hand to move into the waistband of his sweatpants i had on and taking off the pants laying me down on my back and pulling away from the kiss to admire the orange set of underwear i had on.
“such a whore for wearing such slutty underwear like this like you’re asking to be fucked…” he growled placing himself in between my legs and pulling my underwear to the side and admiring the glistening from my wetness coated on my pussy almost drooling and using his finger to collect my wetness on his finger.
“fuck you’re dripping…” his finger was drenched in my arousal he took his finger in his mouth to have a taste and his eyes lit up with desire and hunger for me “cooper would be shitting himself… i bet you’ve never been this wet for him eh? only for me?” he states cockily
“mhm” i smiled and nodded before adjusting myself to take off his shirt i had on showing him the rest of the matching set i had on, both being in his favorite color and little to no coverage for my hard nipples.
that’s all it took and his mouth was attached to my clit placing open mouth kisses on it eating me like his life depends on it, eating me like a gun was placed to his head for his last meal.
a loud moan escaped through my lips as my jaw when open “chris!” i yelped “fuck you’re too damn good at- at this” i state with a shakey breath.
he moaned against my pussy sending a vibration through my body feeling his smirk against me, he lifts up to speak “i bet ur sorry excuse for an ex couldn’t treat this pussy like it deserves” he smirks
“shut up christopher and use that mouth for good use” he didn’t look to happy
“i didn’t say you could speak back to me” he lightly slaps my clit, causing my hips
to jerk forward and a soft whimper let out my lips.
“oh? you like that?” he slaps it again and another whimper softly comes out me
he dips his head down in my legs again adding a finger and curling upwards to hit my spot just right and my toes began to curl and my back arching off the bed and moans leaking from my mouth, he adds another finger curling both upwards with ease.
“oh- oh chris!” i hum softly “d-don’t s-stop please s-s-so close” my legs tremble lightly
“don’t plan on it ma” he muttered against me occasionally looking up at me supporting myself with my elbows dug into the mattress, head thrown back, with my nails twisting the sheets between my fingertips
“fuck chris i’m ab to cum” i moan out
“do it, be a good girl and cum all over my fingers” he spits moving his body upward to watch me come undone on his fingers his eyes piercing in me keeping his fingers curling up at a constant speed
“mpft- FUCK” i cursed a constant string of ‘fucks’ and ‘chris’ as my legs tremble even more and i came absolutely all over his fingers as he slowly pulls them out with a huge grin and licking my cum up on his fingers
“mmm fuck you taste amazing.. i’ve waited a long time to taste you and i’d have to say it’s the best thing that’s touched my tongue” he grins
i roll my eyes playfully trying to come down from my high “now let me suck tour dick or you fuck me into tomorrow, ur choice” i smirk
he hums softly “now i’d love to watch you suck me off but tonight is all about you sassy, so we’ll save your mouth for another night” he shoots me a wink
“there’s gonna be another night?” i ask smiling and cocking my head to the side.
“i hope you didn’t think this was a one time thing.. im gonna need your pussy in my mouth every night” he smiles pulling his pants down and his boxers down in one swift motion and taking his shirt off leaving him bare… my jaw dropped, his dick is huge… thick and LONG… the sweatpants don’t do him any justice.
he obviously catches me staring “you like what your looking at sass?”
i nod HARD… it’s so much bigger then coopers…
“good” he smirks leaning over me and pressing a passionate kiss on my lips before lining his dick up with my entrance and sliding in with ease inch by inch, i pull away moaning as he bottoms out and starts thrusting his hips at a steady pace to begin with
“oh my god, you’re so fucking tight.. and wet… fuckk” he leans his head back beginning to thrust into me a little faster
“mpfh- h-harder chris” i moan out
his hips immediately went harder hitting my spot every time again. he grabs my neck softly choking me as i’m a bigger moaning mess then i was on his fingers.
“i bet cooper could never fuck you like this… he wouldn’t know what to do with a pussy like yours” chris whispers almost growling in my ear while pounding into me causing the bed to repeatedly hit the wall
“oh chris” i groan out arching my back
“i can fuck you better then that sorry peice of shit… mmm” he groans in my ear
a loud pornographic moan escapes my lips as his tip kisses my cervix over and over again leaving my legs shaking violently beneath him.
he flips me over so my back is arched and my ass is in the air, he begins thrusting in me at a domestic pace as if he can’t control himself with me anymore he’s groaning to the point it’s almost a whimper as my ass repeatedly clapping on his pelvic bone.
“Fuckkk chris… i can feel you in my fucking throat… you’re so deep” i moan out
he lets a HARD smack on my ass before grabbing a wad of my hair and lifting me up to whisper in my ear
“you’re such a dirty whore” he says nibbling at my neck leaving dark circles on my neck “you’re mine now… no one else’s” he grunts “mine to mark” thrust “mine to fuck” thrust “mine to destroy” he lets go of my hair and pressing my head into the mattress “mine” thrust “mine” thrust “mine” my moans turns into whimpering as i become overstimulated
“c-close” i choke out, i could barely form a coherent sentence.
“mmf- me too ma… just keep taking me like a good girl you are” he groans throwing his head back, maintaining his constant hard and rough thrusts.
my legs now fully numb and shaking violently, “c-cumming” i whimper out as im releasing all over his dick leaving a white ring of cum on the base of his dick.
his thrust became sloppy as he paints my walls with his ropes of cum and slowly pulls out trying not to hurt me he rubs my lower back as i turn over and lay on my back.
“hang on ma, lemme go get a towel to clean you up” he exists the room and i hear nick from downstairs cheering
“YESSSS FINALLY YALL HOOKED UP!!! IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! but next time be quiet or wait till we’re not here yall freaks!” nick yells causing a smile to appear on my lips as chris walks in with a warm rag to start carefully wiping my legs and carefully rubbing my pussy off trying not to hurt me.
“happy birthday sassy” he smiles at me as we’re now laying down next to each other bare, skin to skin.
“thank you bubbles” i smile over at him.
“where does this leave us Y/N?” his smile drops into a nervous expression
“let’s just cuddle and we’ll talk about in the morning okay? i’m too tired” i smile at him reassuringly
he kisses my forehead bringing me closer to his chest “thank you” he whispered
“mhm” i mumbled falling fast asleep with the real man of my heart next to me.
IDK HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THIS ONE??? it’s a long one but i had fun writing it! ALSO ILY GUYS!!! lemme know how yall enjoyed this one!!
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glacierclear · 9 months
Having some mad fuckboy!Leon thoughts rn
After he's unlearned all the stuff he taught himself and is basically done with the whole fuckboy thing oh man he would be SO soft. Holding your hand? Check. Cuddling at his dorm? Check. Being more gentle and loving during sex? Also check.
Also, stealing his hoodies. He'd melt for sure
oh, for sure. healed fuckboy!leon would be a SIGHT TO BEHOLD.
he wouldn't be perfect...
progress isn't linear. he'd stumble a lot. make a lot of mistakes and backward steps. you would need to be patient. you would need to be careful. especially in the early stages. because damn, he's trying. he's trying so hard. and you need to acknowledge the effort, even if it's hard to see, because any praise towards this will mean so much to him.
it'd come out especially on his bad days. he's more impatient. short-tempered. lashes out over seemingly mundane things. you'll need to be firm but not demeaning. catch his tells, his habits, and figure out the real reason he's behaving the way he is.
you'll need to slowly teach him the true depth of his words. that they hurt you just as much as they hurt him. he's unfamiliar with the idea of accountability, so you need to teach him about consequences. let him know you're upset and angry at him. but just because you're upset doesn't mean he's irredeemable. he'll assume any pushback is you ending things permanently. he needs the space to fuck up and forgive himself.
and damn it all, he's the jealous type. possessive. protective as all hell. it's toxic, and you need to teach him boundaries. it'll be tough. he worked so fucking hard to get you, doesn't he deserve to have you the way he needs? but no. you need freedom. he'll learn eventually, but be prepared to send a lot of "im safe and i miss u" texts to him when you're out with friends.
speaking of toxic. the toxic masculinity will be hell to unpack. sometimes it's nice! he insists on you being passenger princess. he insists on picking up the bill (well, once you're actually dating). he doesn't mind taking care of spiders (and fine, just because you asked nicely, he won't kill them). but...the bads get real bad.
displaying any kind of vulnerable emotion is like pulling teeth. when he's nervous, scared, anxious...he'll take it out on others. or himself. early progress will be made when he's blackout drunk and spilling everything to you. he reveals the deepest, most fragile parts of himself on these nights. it's like he's an entirely different person. and the next morning he'll do his best to sweep it all under the rug, but you have to fight for it. accept him and love him despite how "totally fucking lame" he acted (his words, not yours).
that being said. the good parts? oh yeah. Boyfriend Material 100%.
he'd do anything for you. anything. don't even say shit as a joke because he'll do it. at a certain point he doesn't even care if his friends think he's being stupid. you're his whole world. he'd wear stupid t-shirts for you. go to that concert you're dying to see even if he thinks the music sucks. he'll bash his head into a wall and learn to bake french pastries if it'll get you to smile. through hell and high water, he'll follow.
and yeah, he weans himself off social media. stops posting thirst trap photos and cuts ties with his sneaky links. but the lack of external validation is felt, and it kind of falls on you to fill the void. clingy won't even begin to describe what he is. he'll resort to begging. he will. late to work in the morning? that's not his problem. you're staying in that damn bed and you are cuddling him. you think him wearing tank tops in the middle of December is just a dumb mistake, but you catch on quick when he starts to shiver and needs to huddle you for warmth. "you want me to die of hypothermia? c'mon, babe. get closer." and yeah. those ice cold hands are going straight on your stomach. have fun.
part of the excitement will come from truly learning who he is as a person. most of his herculean facade is a persona. he doesn't actually like beer. he likes dry whiskey and refined clear liquors. he doesn't actually enjoy parties. the crowds make him nauseous, and he can always blame it on the alcohol. he's not actually all that into sports. you figure out he has a well-loved public library card and he knows the mystery section like the back of his hand. he's vibrant. shockingly intelligent. gets that light in his eyes when you nudge him about his interests. it'll be hard to get him to admit it, but his favorite part of the week is huddling on the couch watching nature documentaries with you.
and it's a two-way street. he remembers everything about you. early on in your relationship you casually assume he'll never keep track of the important dates. that's the stereotype, right? you couldn't be more wrong. birthdays. anniversaries. doctor's appointments. your fucking dog's yearly vaccine. he won't necessarily go all-out, not until you're more of a long-term thing, but what he does is meaningful. sincere. you won't get $500 of flowers and chocolate for valentine's day, but he'll abduct you from work, drive you out far, far into the countryside. lay out a patchwork blanket and stare at the night sky. he brought your favorite brand of pita chips and sneakily worms a gift box in your hand. it's that stupid $15 thing that's been sitting in your online shopping cart for weeks that you could never justify buying. and yeah, he'd appreciate a blowjob under the stars, but seeing you happy is enough.
and you could never begin to imagine how loving and passionate he can get during sex. it's totally different than his usual flavor. casual hook-ups and one-night stands are merely a fraction of his power. he tends to avoid intimate gestures on those nights. no eye-contact. hardly any kissing. he likes it rough and he likes it fast. but with you? he takes his time. commits your body to muscle memory. his gaze is intense, and he watches every reaction, trying to map out your flesh like a cartographer. he'll happily make out with you for upwards of a couple hours before you even begin the real foreplay. and you always cum first. always.
oh, but if you're not a fan of PDA...he might be a problem. he's proud of you. you're the hottest thing on two legs as far as he's concerned. he'll have no issue grabbing your ass, wrapping a hand around your waist, kissing along your neck, whispering the most obscene things in your ear. it's not even to make a point. there's no rhyme or reason. he just wants to. and you're right there. and what right does the world have to tell him to stop? does it make people uncomfortable? who cares. he'll lay off if it really bugs you that much...but if he catches anyone staring at you too long he'll ramp it up. it's almost aggressive. you turn to scold him, noticing how his eyes aren't even on you. he's staring at someone else. someone who's looking at what's his.
he's a yes man, too. if you need restraint and careful guidance in your life...he's not the one. he'll support any weird, out of the blue hobby you want to pursue. if you even joke about quitting your job he'll egg you on. "i'll drive right up there and tell your boss i'll fuck his wife!" and you have to talk him down. he'll punch the sun for you. he'll be behind every impulsive purchase. every 4am trip to walmart. every instinct to feed your id. any "little treat" you want to have he'll get it. because you deserve the best. if you ever want to have a stable bank account you need the be the voice of reason. because it's not gonna be him.
yeah. he'll have a lot of problems. don't worry about that. but, at least with fuckboy!leon, you'll almost never have any doubts that he loves you. once you manage to pin his heart on his sleeve, it's there for life and it'll always be yours.
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luvyeni · 1 year
Speaking of ideas, perverted virgin changbin and innocent puppy reader. He steals her panties, make her sit on his lap knowing he has a boner. Just tricking the poor anon and slowly making her a whiny mindless slut who only thinks about him and his cock. ^_−☆
-🌸 anon
it's not like he was some innocent virgin who didn't know what he was doing , he was waiting for you, saving himself for you , he's been planning this since he first caught feelings for you — his bestfriend.
while he waited for you , he slowly corrupted you , slowly corrupting you , turing you into his own cock drunk whore.
going into your hamper , stealing your underwear , using it to jerk off , sniffing it , pulling at his cock , thinking of you sitting on his face , he wondered what you smelled like , how you would taste on his tongue had him cumming into his hand , whimpering your name.
watching you bounce around , all bubbly it went straight to his cock , he wanted nothing more than to flip up your skirt and fuck you. "bun , come here." he pulled you into his lap , feeling his cock. "what is that?" he laughed at your obliviousness. "nothing , my phone bun , just my phone."
leaving touches to rile you up , touching all your weak spots that he's learned over the years , your panties constantly sticking to your cunt , slowly succumbing to your neediness , and changbin is right there waiting for you , ready to ruin you for every man.
bullying his cock inside of you , he maybe a virgin , but he knew what he was doing , he knew how to make you scream , you moaning was music to his ears. "so-so full." his cock bulging.
"your pussy is choking my cock , your tummy is bulging." he grunted , fucking into you harder and rougher.
"you're mine now , im gonna breed this pussy , fill you up with my babies."
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aroaceleovaldez · 9 months
im a big fan of the idea of Jason post-HoO slowly realizing just how little he actually knows about himself. Not just because of his amnesia, but things he's never gotten the opportunity to learn about himself, or those things have just been decided for him through the people around him making assumptions that he's never been able or allowed to break out of.
He doesn't know what his favorite food is, or his favorite color, or what type of music he likes. What's his favorite animal? What's his favorite movie? (He probably hasn't seen many, living in the legion). What's his favorite book? (Has he even read for fun ever in his life?) And he has to figure all that out for the first time in his life and he's 16. He doesn't even begin to have an idea of any of the most basic things about himself and he's already 16. So after HoO he's just in full identity crisis mode because he realizes this and is struggling to try and sort it out.
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sweetnothingtm · 2 years
DEVIL'S ADVOCATE// simon riley x reader
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pairing simon riley x f!reader
word count +5k
content warnings nsfw, public sex, fingering, oral sex, choking, light knife play, degradation, johnny is a simp for reader
authors note im back! please enjoy the nasty things i do for y'all ♡ could be treated as an epilogue to hush
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There are a few things that can piss the lieutenant off, but you always manage to make the top of his list.
Even now, as you’re leaning over the pool table, hips swaying ever so slightly with the music, eyes lit up with excitement. You’re staring right at him, lips pulled in a innocent little smile as Soaps hand sits on your lower back, his lips brushing over your cheek as he whispers advice to you. Ghost holds your stare, indifference painted across his features.
He’s gonna wipe that smile off your pretty little face.
It started out as a harmless bet. The night stretched thin as you continued to dance around your lieutenant. You avoided his gaze, smiling playfully at all the men who continued to line up shots for you. You’d take drinks from them, breathing a soft thanks as your fingers brushed against their shoulders.
He’s been watching you, grinding his teeth and brooding over his third glass of bourbon. The fabric of his mask hid the infuriated look spread across his face, dark eyes following your figure that shamelessly drifted towards him.
Like a moth to a flame. He’s gonna burn you.
You were comfortably buzzed, a warmth spreading throughout your system as you left Gaz waiting, drink half full. You locked eyes with the lieutenant across the room, heart skipping a beat as he leaned back. His eyes raked over your figure, slowly dragging back and looking at you expectantly.
The music has drowned out hummed conversation, only the eager beat of your heart leading you straight to him. His arm was propped up against the bar, head tilting slightly to the side as you near him.
A week has passed since you saw him last. The ghost of his hands still seemed to pull your hair even now, a sickening arousal putting you to bed every night. The feel of his breath still hot against your neck, your cheeks turning scarlet at the memory.
The lieutenant had you weak in the knees, tongue tied and desperate to please. Always glancing at him with wide eyes, a little too eager for his approval. He ignored you, pushed you away like a new pet too desperate for attention.
Week after week, you abandoned your reasoning and pined after your lieutenant. He’d catch you in briefings, lip pulled between your teeth and eyes glossed over with the fantasy of his head between your thighs. He’d ground out your name, voice laced with venom as you blushed and whispered sincere apologies. The boys were oblivious to you’re pathetic yearning for the lieutenant, already occupied at teasing you for your childlike eagerness.
You got his recommendation, his sloppy handwriting still stained on your file. He’s your superior, the one who taught you how to disassemble and clean your gun in under a minute. His fingers would ghost over your hands, gently correcting your mistakes. Take your time, kid. Do it right or don’t do it at all.
You never learned how to be patient.
You leaned yourself against the bar, eyes sparkling with mischief as he raised an eyebrow to you. Maybe it was the liquid courage that sat heavy in your stomach, or the long nights that stretched themselves between you and your lieutenant - but you couldn’t help but shamelessly hang off of his gaze.
He wore a simple hoodie, eyes still smudged with the familiar black paint you’ve become accustomed to. He smelled like tobacco and liquor, something you’ve been searching for since he left you hot faced and embarrassed at training. You exhale softly, catching his attention as you spoke “Lieutenant, let’s make a deal,”
He cocked an eyebrow, setting his glass on the bar and shifting his frame towards you. He tapped his foot, a smirk hidden behind the mask “all ears, kid.”
You blush at the nickname, pushing aside the intoxicating heat that built itself up. The rest of the team is waiting for you, leaning lazily against the table as you continue to tangle yourself with the lieutenant. “Play a round with me,” you say, glancing back to the pool table. Soap casts a wink across the room, nudging his head for you to come to him.
The lieutenant follows your gaze before he rolls his eyes, swiping up his drink. Uninterested, he looks ahead and ignores your protests. You pout at him with full lips. “C’mon. I promise I’ll make it worth your while,” you breath, head resting in your arm that’s resting against the counter.
“Yeah? How’s that, sweetheart?”
His voice is dark and low, pulling at the seams of you until you’re leaning in. You’ve been waiting for his attention, poorly distracting yourself with everything that isn’t him. He’s here now, waiting for you to slip up and fall straight for him all over again. You feign being lost in thought, humming softly to yourself. “If I win, you let me sleep in for the week,” you reason, pushing a loose strand of hair out of your face.
He’s got a sinister smile on his face, not that you can tell. “And if I win? What do I get?”
You shrug, plucking the glass from his hands and kicking it back. The familiar burn of liquor coats your throat, washing down the anxious thoughts and wishful thinking you’ve kept from him. You wipe the stray bourbon at the corner of your mouth, beginning to pull yourself from the bar as the words slip and tumble from your lips.
“Anything you want, sir.”
That’s all it takes for Ghost to abandon his self control at the bar, following you silently like a shadow would to haunt its new home. You’re pressing your thighs together in excitement, mind cloudy with all the little sins of him you’ll need to beg for forgiveness over. You finally have him right where you want him, his attention snagged on the way that you’re pulling him in with that intoxicating figure.
Soap and Gaz are grinning like fools, chatting between themselves as the two of you grow closer to the table. The counters are littered with empty glasses, laughs dancing across the room as you glance over your shoulder, giving the lieutenant an innocent smile that has him wanting the smack it off your face.
The game starts out slow. You’re whispering to Johnny, body leaning into his figure as Ghost stands across the table. He lets you think you know what you’re doing, allowing the warm buzz of alcohol to guide you. You’re laughing with the boys and letting the tension roll off of you. Soaps fingers are pointing to the table, giving directions as you nod to him, eating it up like it’s gonna do you any good.
The lieutenant plays it easy at first, letting the false confidence build in your system as you knock out ball after ball, the grin spreading wide across your face. You’ve never played pool, but he has you thinking you’re a mastermind.
Johnny is adjusting your posture every so often, pressing himself closer to move your grip on the cue. Shot after shot, your head is cloudy with beginner's luck as the lieutenant lets you dwindle him down to nothing.
Ghost is trying to be nice, he really is. You’re looking at him like there’s nothing to hide, as if he’s finally been caught. There’s a fire that burns within him, eyes dancing across your face that’s flush with happiness. Drunk and oblivious, you continue to play like there’s nothing but luck on your side. The smirk is plastered across his face, watching your hips sway gently with the music as you take aim for the next shot.
You think that you’ve finally got his attention, finally able to show him that you’re worth while. He knows it, too.
There’s a hum of excitement that’s coiling within you. The lieutenant is watching, leaning against his pool stick lazily as he waits for you to finish. Your eyes dart to Ghost as you sink another ball, lip caught between your teeth. Soap continues to rub soft circles into your lower back, his touch sending little shivers along your spine. It’s a familiar feeling, but one that you've grown accustomed to with somebody else. Ghost raises an eyebrow as you finish, looking at the table and then to you. Someone like him.
“I’m gonna enjoy that beauty sleep, Lieutenant. Feel like giving up yet?” You tease, breath caught in your throat as he laughs darkly to you. The knot of anxiety is tied, sitting in your stomach as he shakes his head at you. You roll your shoulders, laughs bubbling up from your lips. He’s staring at you like you’re his new favorite pet who’s just done something bad.
He takes aim, the stick held between his fingers as he lines up his shot. The cue pulls back and snaps, slamming into the ball as it flies and connects with a stripe. The ball flies forward, knocking into several others until it sinks into the table.
Your mouth hangs open in disbelief, eyes narrowing to him. He shrugs, glancing to Gaz whose patting him on the back. A pout spreads across your lips, shoulders sagging as the inevitable defeat takes ahold of you.
You really shouldn’t place your bets on a losing dog.
It takes the lieutenant three turns to get you down to his level, your brows knitting together in frustration. You’re becoming impatient, irritated at the way your superior is playing with you. His cue smacks into all the stripes he has left, knocking them into the net continuously. At this point, you know you’re gonna lose.
Ghost takes his time though, dragging it out like it’s only the beginning of the night. Little do you know, it most certainly is. He cracks his neck, drumming his fingers along the edge of the table as you make a pathetic attempt to sink the last one. You miss, sighing softly and ignoring the encouragement that Soap whispers to you. You’re uninterested now, playing the waiting game until the lieutenant has decided that he’s finished fucking with you.
Seven minutes later and Gaz is laughing with the lieutenant about his underdog victory at pool. You know better though, Ghost knew exactly how to rile you up to the point you’re practically swimming in irritation and disappointment. Soap tries to say that you played a good game. He asks you to get a drink with him, but you’re staring right at the lieutenant. He holds your gaze, the ominous mask separating you from the smug look on his face. “Call it a lucky strike, sweetheart,” he says casually, eyes ablaze with amusement. Here he was again, never the one to play fair with you.
You shrug off Soaps hands, drifting to the bathroom with a pout spread across your full lips. The laughter of your teammates grows distant, drowned out by the music and the disappointment that settles across your face. The alcohol burns in your system, frustration growing as you slam open the door and let it swing closed behind you.
The single stall bathroom is cool, the gentle breeze from a cracked window caressing your skin. You feel annoyed, almost a little sad at the way you were so publicly embarrassed by your superior. Letting loose a breath, you hop up onto the shallow counter and dig through your pockets for the crushed pack of cigarettes.
The countertop is cold against your thighs, legs swinging absentmindedly as you fish for a lighter. Your head leans against the wall, mind foggy with defeat as you continue to kick yourself for ever doubting the lieutenant.
He’s making his way to you like a phantom, ignoring the shouts of protests from his team as he grows eager with desire. Anything he wants. It rings in his ear like a sweet melody, reminding him of the sickeningly sweet feeling of your cunt wrapped around his dick. Ghost isn’t thinking straight, head cloudy with bourbon and all the little touches that have been given to you by everyone but him. He’s got it bad.
A knock sounds at the door as the cigarette hangs delicately from your lips. You frown, huffing in frustration, “occupied,” you state, flicking the lighter to life and watching the flame dance. You drag it towards you, the flame barely licking the tobacco before your head whips up and towards the door.
There isn’t a second knock. He enters without hesitation, kicking the door closed behind him - but he doesn’t lock it. Ghost has a dark look in his eyes that reminds you of when his hand was wrapped around your throat like it was his favorite thing to do. It is. Your brows knit together in a mix of confusion and irritation, eyes rolling as you speak, “come to gloat, sir?”
He laughs, pulling the cigarette from your fingers and letting it drop to the tile. You sigh, hands dropping in your lap as he stands in front of you. “Well? Hurry up and spit it out - Soap wants to get-” you start to speak, moving to grab your things until the lieutenant places his hands on both your knees.
“Johnny wants to fuck you - and it’s a bloody shame that I’m here first,” he spits, digging his fingers into your thighs as you blink up at him. “Didn’t even give me the chance to fuck you over the table, sweetheart. Why’d you leave so soon?” He’s towering over you, eyes peering down onto your pretty little face with a playful smile on your lips. The familiar wet pool spreads between your thighs at his touch, breaths becoming shallow as he leans in closer. His breath is fanning across your ear, cheeks turning crimson at the close contact.
His hands travel upwards, your legs shaking with excitement at the touch that you’ve been starved of. One of them drifts up to the back of your neck, holding you in place so you’re forced to look at the haunting stare he’s giving you.
God, you feel like killing yourself just to stay in heaven with him. It’s a shame that he’s the devil.
“I’ve been trying to make my way to you all night,” Ghost states, his hand travelling to grip the base of your neck as you sit there pretty and patient for him. The cool press of his knife is back, thighs squeezing together to stop the wetness from dripping down your legs. The touch sends shivers down your spine, eyes locked onto his as he pushes up the hem of your dress and spreads your legs open for him.
“Sorry - Johnny’s been keeping me busy,” you breathe, biting back moans as his fingers dance along the inside of your upper thigh. He laughs darkly, slamming your head into the mirror behind you and leaning in close. The knife stays put against your throat, and he lets the blade dance along your skin until you’re whimpering pathetically.
His voice is low and tantalizing which has a familiar heat building between your thighs that rub together in excitement. Ghost presses harder into your neck, a sinister smirk spreading across his face.**
“Best keep that wishful thinking to yourself, sweetheart. I’d hate to make you cry,”
“Yes sir,” you breath, the blind obedience taking hold of you as he lets his fingers drift higher and higher up your thigh. He pushes your head into the mirror, fingertips rubbing softly into your panties as a moan softly pulls itself from your lips.
He chuckles darkly to himself, fingers digging into your clit at the sound of your moans that send him straight to hell. “Good girl,” he muses, two digits rubbing your wet panties over your clit in a way that has your knees weak.
Ghost moves his grip to the back of your head, pulling at your hair as you whimper from the pain, “did you miss me, love? I bet you’re still wet from the last time I ruined you,” he teases, dipping a finger past your panties and slicking himself with your wetness.
Your head falls back onto his hand that’s gripping your hair, eyes rolling back and another moan sounding in his ears. “Uh-huh,” you say softly, hands balling into fists and knuckles turning white with pure and unfiltered desire. “Missed you so much - please, please, please-”
“Get on your knees if you’re gonna beg for me.”
So you do - without hesitation and as quickly as you can without seeming too eager. Your knees dig into the tiled floor, chin tilted up and eyes wide like a little fawn. His dick is twitching in his pants, bulge growing prominent as your mouth waters at the way he’s staring down at you with adoration. You wanted this, to see his eyes light up with a knowing heat that he just can’t seem to smother out.
Your hands lift to his belt, holding his gaze as he casually leans against the counter, hands bracing himself on either side. He lets you undo the buckle, slipping the hem of his clothes down until the swollen tip of his dick greets you. Your mouth is watering, almost drooling at the way he’s waiting for your pretty lips to wrap around him. You take a moment to stroke his shaft clumsily, fingers rubbing the precum onto his head as he lets a groan loose.
“C’mon then, suck my cock like the filthy slut you are,” Ghost spits out, his hand digging into your hair and tugging until you’re blinking back tears. You nod against his touch, lips splitting open and tongue falling out for him. He grips the counter harder, muttering filthy curses to himself as you lick his tip.
Wrapping your lips around his shaft, you suck him slowly, head bobbing along his dick as he guides your head with his hands buried in your hair. Your cheeks are hollowed, eyes fluttering closed as you let him fuck you mouth inch by devastating inch.
He’s watching you drag your lips along him, breath coming out heavy at the way your mouth wraps around him like it’s made for it. You were humming softly against his dick, and Ghost felt the control slip and shatter. His head hangs back, groans ripping themselves from his chest as you quicken the pace, bobbing your head and sucking. “Bloody hell,” he rasps, forcing your face into the base of him as you choke on his dick. “Fucking bitch, look at you sucking my cock.”
You hum against him, soft gargling sounding from your throat as he continues to push himself deeper inside your mouth. Ghost is becoming undone before you, his fist banging into the countertop and hips bucking against your tongue. You’re licking his tip, hands clawing at his abdomen and little wide eyes that make him abandon all rationalization and morals behind him.
Pulling yourself from his tip, you take a moment to catch your breath and stare up at him with mischief painting your features. “Could’ve been Johnny’s, if you weren’t so selfish,” you mumble, savoring the way his eyes turn a shade darker. He presses the tip of his boot in between your thighs and rubs harshly. Your hips lift themselves up, grinding down onto his boot and letting a soft moan out.
“You’re a rotten fucking brat, you know that?” He snarls, his free hand coming to force your jaw open, “I’ll make sure everyone knows what a filthy eager whore you are for me,” he says, laughing at the way you grind down on his boot and roll your hips. “My little rotten princess,” he muses.
Heaven would never open its door for you after this. And if it meant you’d spend the rest of your life on your knees for him, you’d do anything to stay there.
The soft sounds of groans and a slick wet sucking sound from the bathroom, though its muffled over the thrum of life in the bar. Inside, you’re eagerly on your knees, slowly lapping at your lieutenants cock like its candy. He’s pulling your hair harshly, pushing your head onto his dick and admiring the way you happily open your mouth for him. Ghost feels a wave of pleasure crash through him, and he’s smiling like an idiot as you gag and choke on him, still grinding down onto his boot that’s now wet from your cunt.
“Fuck - you’re such a filthy whore,” he says, pushing your head to move faster with a death grip on your hair. Tears are forming at the corner of your eyes, breaths stolen from you as he continues to fuck your mouth with a hunger you haven’t seen from him before. He almost seems desperate, his hips bucking to meet your wet lips covered in spit.
You’re drooling now, humming against him and letting tears roll down your cheeks softly. Bouncing on his boot, you grind and roll softly into the touch. He’s shaking his head at you, dark amusement brewing in his eyes as you slide your tongue under his dick.
“Gonna cry me a river, love?” He questions, ripping your lips from him and pulling your hair down until you’re forced to look up at him with tears in your eyes. You’re struggling to breathe, eyes blinking away the black spots as you attempt to catch your breath “'m sorry, Simon. I promise I’ll be good - just for you.”
“I know you will, princess. I taught you better than this,” he states, gripping your jaw and savoring the sickeningly sweet blush that creeps up onto your cheeks. You’re soaked through, lips wobbling and wet with spit as you continue to twitch under his gaze. It’s been a long week without him, and you’re eager to make up for lost time.
Your heart swells in your chest as Ghost pulls you to your feet and slams you down against the counter with your ass in the air. His hands greedily push up the hem of your dress, fingers immediately dipping into your wet heat as a sigh sounds from behind you. Your face is pressed against the mirror, hands trapped under your chest as Ghost curls two fingers inside you and drags them until you’re shaking beneath him.
His touch is rough, impatient and demanding. You take it with ease, eyes fluttering closed as the familiar pleasure clouds your senses. You can hear the crowd of people outside the door, drunken laughter and slurred conversation mixing with the music. But you’re in here, tangling yourself with the devil as he pulls the most sinister moans from you. He continues to finger you, giving a harsh smack to your ass that causes you to jump.
Your cheek is pressed harsh against the mirror, cries falling free from your lips as the lieutenant pulls his fingers from you. He grabs a fistful of your hair, tears streaming down your cheeks as he sends another smack against your skin. He rubs the tip of his dick against your wet folds, and you’re struggling to hold back moans of pleasure that he’s robbing from you.
His tip presses up against your entrance, your hips wiggling and bucking up against the touch as you whimper for him. He’s pushing the tip into you slowly, watching the way that you unravel at the seams and beg for him to move.
A knock sounds at the bathroom door, and it pulls you from the burning desire that’s pooled between your legs as Ghost edges himself into you. He drags your hair back, and you can see him through the mirror as he glances at the door curiously. “Been in there a while, kid. Everything okay?” Soap's familiar voice sounds through the door. His hand jiggles the doorknob, the movement sending pure panic through you.
You freeze, skin turning pale as you wiggle against Ghost to free yourself. His hand clamps down on your waist, keeping you in place as you look to him with fear in your eyes. “He’s gonna come in!” You hiss, pushing against his touch. The lieutenant rolls his eyes, continuing to edge himself in you. Inch by inch, you’re letting him slip in as your teammate stands anxiously outside the door. He nudges a foot against the bottom of the door, keeping it in place.
“Tell him you’re busy, love” Ghost whispers against your cheek, rocking his hips into you. His knife is dragging itself up your spine, settling against your throat once more. Glancing to the door with your lip caught between your teeth, you let out a shaking sigh as the lieutenant lazily fucks you over the bathroom counter. You’d be dead if you were caught. God knows what he would do to you - and god isn’t here to save you as you dance with the devil.
“M’ fine, just got an upset stomach,” you say, eyes squeezing shut as Ghost slowly pulls out of you, only to slam back in, your head knocking against the mirror. “Need any help?” Soap asks through the door, causing Ghost to chuckle to himself quietly. Quite the opposite, actually. “I’m okay, be out in a minute,” you breathe, biting down on your hand to keep the scream from spilling past your lips.
“Good girl, don’t want him to know my cock is buried in you - yeah, sweetheart?” The lieutenant teases, letting you roll your hips back into him as he continues thrusting. Embarrassing slick wet sounds are being pulled from your needy cunt, and you’re tightening around him as he smacks your ass, now red from his handprint. He lets you shiver under the cool touch of his knife, admiring the way you twitch under him before he slips the blade back to his side.
You’re squirming and twitching on your superior's cock, letting tears of happiness spill onto your skin as he picks up the pace to fuck you harder. His hips are smacking into you, pushing you against the wall as he lets a hand snake around your throat and squeezes harshly. “Please, please, please - Simon, don’t stop - 'm so wet,” you mumble against the glass, grinding your hips into his to desperately search for the friction that you crave.
Ghost mutters curses under his breath, digging his fingers into your neck “you’re filthy, my nasty little slut - takin’ my cock so well, love. I wanna feel your little cunt wrap around me when you cum,” he spits, shoving your face into the mirror and letting his free hand rub circles into your clit. You’re seeing stars - pleasure building itself up and tangling in your stomach as the lieutenant forcefully slams into you. “Tell me that you deserve it - show me what a good girl you are,” Simon says sweetly, admiring the way you moan and melt under his touch.
He feels it too - the familiar knot of tension that has you both pining after one another. Ghost is becoming sloppy, his pace uneven and grip around your neck tightening to an uncontrollable pressure that has you reeling. “Mm-hmm, I promise, Simon - anything you want, I’ll be a good little slut,” you whine. He’s smiling under the mask, adoration and lust flooding his senses as your little cunt squeezes around him in a desperate attempt to find release.
“I’m gonna cum in your pretty little pussy, sweetheart-” he breathes into your ear, locking eyes with you in the mirror as his fingers rub your wet clit. You nod weakly, already accepting whatever he’ll give to you. “Take it, princess. Let daddy see you cum on his cock,”
You’re coming undone, wiggling your hips against his and letting the pleasure rock through you as he smashes your face into the wall, thrusting harder with every second that passes. “Simon - Simon, please. Fuck, it feels so good,” you whine against him, biting your tongue as the orgasms rips itself from you and crashes over like a wave. You’re twitching and shivering, letting your cum slick and coat his dick that continues to pump in you. “What a good girl - fuckin’ hell.”
He’s smiling to himself, riding out your own orgasm as he follows closely behind. The way you throw your head back, nails dragging onto the countertops has him spiraling out of control. Johnny could never, he thinks to himself. You’re hanging onto his dick like it's a lifeline, whimpering and moaning softly under him.
He’s sick with pleasure, shoulders tensing and biting at his lip as you squeeze and tighten around his cock. Ghost pulls at your hair, slamming his hips into you and pulling back out quickly - only to return a second later with a growl being robbed from his chest as he cums inside you.
The lieutenant rocks slowly into you, riding out his orgasm as you struggle to catch your breath. A thick tension hangs between the two of you, Ghost giving your ass another harsh smack. He lets himself go soft in you, a little disappointed to be pulling out of you so soon. His forehead rests against your back, hand still continuing to grip your throat. His breath fans hot against your back, sweat glistening your skin from the contact of him pressed against you.
“Gonna go crawl back to Johnny with my cum still inside you?” He questions, grabbing a handful of your ass as you glance over your shoulder, a smile playing at your lips. “Uh-huh,” you breathe, letting him peel you away from the countertop and hold you in his arms. He rests his chin along the top of your head, staring at you through the mirror as his thumb rubs soft circles into your throat.
“You think he heard?” You whisper against his skin, head falling against his chest as he laughs behind you.
He twists you to face him, the mask still hiding the smirk that is plastered on his face. You look up at him with curious little eyes that are still glossy from the pleasure that he pulled from you. He cups your face, holding your gaze as the gentle beat of your hearts begin to go out of sync.
“I’m counting on it, love.”
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 2 months
Hi! sorry if this is wordy but could you make a story of the reader being an fbi agent undercover as skz personal bodyguard? Skz are having a concert soon and this evil organization wants to harm them. It is the readers mission to keep the members safe. But with the distraction of a specific loud and short muscular guy of the group, she gains feelings and struggles to do her task.
As long as this is the main point of the story, I don't mind with what you add. Be as creative as you like with action, romance, or anything.
ihfvnirhfnjnfoernfrihbgt jhebfrherkjfnkrjtgng hehehe
Thank you!
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𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞
Pairing: Changbin x FBI Agent!fem!reader Genre: action? >.> Angst (im so bad at writing that) Fluff >.> Word Count: 6.5k Warnings: Cringe T_T, not proofread (they never are.), parent death, REVENGE, reader is shorter than changbin >.>, guns, bombs, someone gets shot (not reader or stray kids.), brief horny reader, i think thats it? tell me i missed anything
A/N: AHHH THIS TOOK SO LONG AND I FEEL LIKE ITS SO BAD AND CRINGE IM SO SORRY UH if you do like it (i really hope you do) please consider reblogging and following ALSO TAGLIST APPLICATIONS >.>
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December 19th 2005 "Several bombs were set off at the University of Music last night, there is a total of 59 casualties and counting as authorities work through the rubble. 80 more are critically injured and 127 are in stable condition or have minor injuries."
Janurary 17th 2008 "This is your new home."
"Guys this is Y/N.. She's going to be your sister from now on."
August 3rd 2010 "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a police woman so I can find the person who hurt people a long time ago..
You stared at the case, "So they fled to Seoul?"
"Not just that." Your boss said, "We found this." he set a phone on your desk and pressed the play button on an audio recording.
"How should we go about it?"
"The security is tight, if we put the bombs on the little drones and get the crowd scared, we have an opening to get the people on the stage."
You sucked in a breath. "A bomb threat for-"
"A concert." Your boss sighed deeply, "I trust you to handle it. Without being reckless."
"It would be best if you did it, considering your experience with these types of events." He motioned to the posters and merchandise littering your office walls and shelves.
You pursed your lips. "Where and when?"
"We're flying you out to the US embassy in Seoul tomorrow , you'll meet someone there." He said with a big smile, "Pack your bags, Special Agent L/N, you're going to Korea."
You had arrived at the US embassy in Seoul at 4:30 am, you learned from the person you met up with you were going to be protecting a k-pop boy group under JYP Entertainment.
"So, this terrorist group wants to attack a boy band?" You looked at the embassy worker.
She nodded, "But it's not about them, for the most part... they want to prove something apparently, did they not attack several concerts in the US?"
"They did." You nodded.
"Then it's not too crazy to assume they want to get some point across world wide." The woman shook her head, "It's alright though, you're going to meet them later in the morning."
"Meet who?" You tilted your head.
The woman blinked slowly at you. "Stray Kids.."
"Who?" You had to hold back your laughter.
"The boy band under JYPE."
"Ah." You cleared your throat. "Alright."
"It must have been a long flight." She smiled, "You can go to your hotel now."
When you got to your hotel room you sat on the bed, laptop open, looking for "Stray Kids". You made a face as you saw their pictures, a particular image caught your attention and you burst out laughing at the sight. He was a short, muscular man, with unruly dark hair under a hat with floppy bunny ears, You copied the image into google image search and said the name softly. "Seo Changbin."
Felix looked like he was going to cry, Hyunjin bit his bottom lip looking at the ground.
"They want to bomb our concert..." I.N asked quietly.
"Hurt our STAY..." Lee Know twiddled his fingers.
"Safest option is to cancel." Chan sighed.
"We can't cancel a concert a month before it's supposed to happen," their manager said, "The company hasn't got the time or money to return everything. Besides, boss said he has it handled."
Changbin looked up, "JYP handled it?"
"No," the manager made a face.
"Then why would you say that?" Seungmin pursed his lips.
"He found someone who can handle it." the manger explained. "That's why we're here for breakfast, she arrived in Seoul earlier."
"Who?" Han asked.
"She should be on the way here." the manager said as a waitress arrived with coffee.
"She?" The boys all asked at the same time.
It was at that time you walked in, you were dressed fairly professionally, a white button up shirt tucked into black pleated slacks and pretty black heels.
"I'm Y/N L/N," You smiled at the men.
"Hi, thanks for coming. Coffee?" The manager offered.
You shook your head.
"Please sit," he motioned to the last seat.
You sat beside a man you remembered as Hyunjin, his long hair pulled back with his bangs on either side of his face. He eyed you incredulously for a moment before you shifted slightly, making the taser you'd carefully tucked into your pants visible. He bristled.
"This is the person who's going to handle it?" Felix asked the manager. "We take STAY very seriously, if something happens-"
"I assure you nothing will go wrong, though, I doubt the people i'm looking for are really aiming for.. STAY..." You put your phone on the table and let the audio recording your boss gave you play.
The leader of the group, Chan, looked scared. Felix put his head in his hands and Minho hugged him.
"So..." Seungmin said quietly. "What happens now?"
"She's going to live with you until she figures out the threat. Please boys, I hope your dorm is clean." The manager said, sipping his coffee.
Chan turned slowly to Han.
Han huffed a small laugh. "Of course.."
"TADA!" Changbin shouted as he opened the door to the dorm.
You walked in looking around, the place was fairly secure. Changbin smiled brightly, shouting "Your room!"
He opened the door to a room that looked like it was cleaned rather hastily. You nodded, going into the room the boys had cleared out for you, you chuckled as you recalled how you'd seen Changbin and Han playing rock paper scissors for who would give away their room, Han lost.
You had sat in your room most of the rest of the day, then you got hungry, only then did you notice how dark it was outside. You considered ordering food but then dismissed the idea, what if these people found out where the boys lived. That was a big no.
You sighed, dragging yourself out of bed and into the kitchen, you opened the fridge making a face and grabbing eggs. You got noodles from the cabinet and got to work making something easy.
It was late, almost midnight, so you hadn't expected any one to be awake. So it scared you when the loud, boisterous Changbin spoke quietly next to you.
"Is there enough to share?" He whispered.
You almost jumped out of your skin. "What the fuck?!" You whisper-shouted, clutching your heart.
"Sorry, I smelled food.." he laughed lightly, watching as you worked. "You know how to cook?"
You hummed. "I know how to not get food poisoning."
He laughed. "Let me help?"
You opened your mouth to protest, but the man was already moving around the kitchen grabbing things. You couldn't stop staring at the way his muscles strained against his shirt.
Get your head in the game. You shook off the thoughts that were invading your head as you stared at his arms.. My head could be in a headlock there... WHAT ARE YOU THINKING????!!!
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You left the noodles aside and started frying the eggs, semi-watching as Changbin made instant tteokbokki.
When you both finished, he sat with you and ate.
"Y'know I expected cops to be more serious." he said, before putting some noodles in his mouth and jumping at the taste.
You made a face. "I'm serious."
He looked at you. "Let's be real here."
"I'm so serious." You pouted before popping a rice cake into your mouth.
"Uh huh." He teased.
You rolled your eyes. "I was under the impression that a dark rapper should be moody and brooding."
He made a face. "They call me baby Changbin as well."
You smiled to yourself as you remembered the picture. "Of course," a smirk came to your face. "I should invest in Dwaekki."
Changbin looked up from his tteokbokki. "Have you even listened to our music?"
"I can start." You said proudly.
Changbin stared at you for a moment. "Whatever you say, Princess."
It wasn't even two weeks after you had met the boys something happened. You were on the couch in dorm 1, writing an email on your laptop.
Chan poked your head, "We're going to practice choreo."
You shoved your computer into your backpack and followed the boys out. You got to the dance studio and looked around curiously at the big room, a mirror covered the full length of the wall opposite the door.
It was the mirror that let you see it.
You whipped around just as the person at the door fled.
Changbin stared at you in confusion as you blitzed past, running after the person. It didn't take you too long to catch up, tackling the man to the floor of the hall just before the lobby and grabbing his badge.
You remembered what the manager had told you, all the badges were recently issued in an off white color...
You held the man down, pulling his arm in an awkward position. "Try me and I'll break it. Who the fuck are you?"
The man stuttered before shouting.
Your brows furrowed. "That's not going to wo-" You stared in confusion as a firework looking object rolled towards you.
Then it popped.
A loud bang resounded through the lobby and you instinctively covered your ears, stunned. Your ears were ringing.
The man pushed you off and ran for it. You were about to get up and run after him but that Changbin...
He grabbed your shoulders and shouted at you a few times, then Chan pushed him looking at you with wide eyes for a moment.
Changbin sat with Chan, listening to what the doctor said about your ears, you'd be fine, it was just a very loud sound, the doctor recommended quiet for a few days to stop the background ringing.
Licing with Changbin, Chan, and Han let you know that they really couldn't be quiet, in the dorm, only Hyunjin was ever not shouting. But the moment you walked in, that changed. Changbin and Han were quiet, the others from dorm 2 were all staring at you.
"What?" You asked, raising a brow.
"Are you okay?" I.N asked.
"Oh, of course." You smiled. "I just almost lost my ability to hear."
Lee Know sighed and looked at you. "We're sorry to put you through this."
"Put me through what." You raised a brow before sitting down. "You guys didn't put me through anything. This is what I do."
The boys all stared at you for a moment.
"Is it okay if I hug you?" Han broke the silence.
You smiled slightly. "Hey hey hey. We just met. Back up chipmunk."
"Squirrel." Seungmin corrected, laughing.
"It's a quokka!" Han groaned.
You spent almost two weeks researching the group that had threatened the concert. Most of the time the dorm was quiet, Changbin was usually the only one awake when you were up. He would usually eat late night snacks with you or hover over your shoulder as you worked. In most cases it would make you uncomfortable, but with Changbin it was different.
You watched as the group prepared for the concert, weeks dwindling into days. It was two days before the concert, you were sitting on the couch, it was almost 3 in the morning but you were making calls and asking about security and establishing that no bags would be allowed into the concert.
Changbin watched you for a moment, leaning against the wall.
"No bags of any kind." You sounded so professional.
He smiled and walked over to the couch standing over you as you continued talking to the person on the phone.
"Clear diaper bags?" You sucked in a breath. "Why would a baby be at a- Never mind, leave it on hold for now."
Changbin tapped your head. He looked down at you, dark glasses framing his eyes, his hair looking unruly.
You leaned your head back and looked up at him with a raised eyebrow as if you were already aware of his presence. "No, backstage should be secure. I'll be there myself."
Changbin huffed a small laugh. "You're going to protect me princess?"
Despite your blank expression you felt the blush creeping to your face.
Changbin smiled at you muttering, "I want to take you out."
You stared at him as the person on the other end of the line said something to you. "Uh- Repeat that...?" You asked both the people you spoke to.
"Are we still doing the drones?"
"So will you go out with me after the concert?" Changbin leaned down, his face was so close.
"Yes." You answered.
"Alright ma'am." The person on the other end said. "Will that be all?"
"Yeah..." You hung up the phone and looked at Changbin.
He smiled and leaned down, closing the distance between you and pressing his lips against your forehead gently. "It's late, go to sleep."
He pulled away and walked back to his room, you sucked in a breath and exhaled slowly.
You were almost as busy as the manager the day of the concert, running back and forth making sure metal detectors were working and security was extra tight.
"You're taking this very personally." A security guard said behind you.
You looked at you the man. "These are terrorists we're talking about. Of course I'm taking it personally."
One of the staff walked past you with coffees in his hand.
You stopped them. "Where to?"
"Hyunjin, Han and Chan asked for coffee." the man said, looking at you, you noted the mole beside his eyebrow.
"I'll take it." You moved to take the coffee.
"No ma'am. You're very busy-"
You tried to grab the coffee and he turned away quickly. You managed to knock it out of his hand. The cups scattered, empty.
He turned and elbowed the security guard hard as he lunged for him and the man started running. You barely caught the stumbling guard, settling him down before started chasing him, pulling up your walkie talkie you said into it, "Gate 4 check?"
"Good check," Came a flurry of voices through the walkie talkie.
"Lock down on gate 4, all security personnel on west wing on alert."
"Backstage security, do you copy?" You said barely dodging someone pushing a huge sound system.
"Loud and clear."
You cursed as people pulling a big screen moved between you and the man. "FUCK MOVE!" You snapped and they scurried out of your way. Much to your utter horror and dismay, the man was gone. The door to the outside of the backstage area wide open, leading into th lines of people waiting to enter the conert.
You kicked a trashcan, "All units do you copy?"
"Keep your eyes open, goldilocks."
"10-4." they all said and your eyes narrowed as you stared at the door.
You sat outside the dressing rooms twiddling your thumbs. Was it really safe... were you just stupid...? You bit your lip, feeling tears brimming in your eyes at the thought of letting these people bomb this concert full of innocent people.
You looked up as you the sound of footsteps. It was just Changbin, he looked much different, more like those pictures you'd seen online, with his tight, shiny, black leather pants and dress shirt that hugged his arms so perfectly, the black vest and fingerless gloves giving him a scary edge. You quickly wiped your eyes and sucked in a breath. "What?"
"What's wrong?" He kneeled in front of you, being more able to move in the pants that you'd thought originally.
"It's nothing." You lied.
His eyes narrowed at you. "You're going to make my perform badly, I can't perform if I feel bad. I'll mess up rapping, Seungmin might do better than me."
You giggled and looked down as he took your hands in his. "I'm scared." You whispered.
"Of?" he prodded quietly.
"There are really dangerous people here, and I fucked up and lost one." You muttered.
"It's okay." He squeezed your hands gently, moving to sit next to you. "If you can't protect all these people, Chan will protect them all himself."
You smiled gently.
"Hug?" Changbin opened his arms and you leaned into him. You relaxed as he hugged you.
"And I said 'There's no way! It's ok YOU EAT~' " Jisung and Jeongin came around the corner and paused.
Jeongin tried to grab Jisung and turn him around but the man smirked and cleared his throat.
You pulled away from Changbin and stood. "Good luck. Uh, get down if something happens."
You sat there off to the backside of the stage hearing the loud music and screams as boys got on stage. In all your time watching the boys practice there was something about actually seeing them on stage as Hyunjin had told you in the dorm.
"Being in the practice room is one thing. Actually being on stage is another thing, there's an energy we get in front of our STAY."
You were particularly amazed at the volume of the girls who shrieked when Felix started singing, his deep voice reverberating through the dome. You couldn't help but marvel at Changbin for a moment, the way his muscles strained against his clothes as he danced, his hips moving so seductively... FOCUS!...But it's fine isn't it... nothing has happened yet..
The stage lights reddened and you looked up as the drones filled the air, flashing lights everywhere. You exhaled slowly, realizing everything was fine with the drones. After finishing off S-Class Chan calmed down the crows and stared to say a few words.
A scream ripped through the soft buzz of the crowd. You looked in the direction of the scream, Chan raised a brow, opening his mouth to say something and then...
"HE HAS A GUN!" On the opposite side of the huge hall.
You jumped over the railing.
All your time studying these people.
You ran up the stairs to the stage.
And a big boom..
You grabbed the mic from Chan and shouted, "GET DOWN!"
And the first bomb exploded.
You had your ears covered, head down. There was someone there shielding you, you heard him shouting and knew.
"We have to go!" Changbin shouted.
Chan was staring at the crowd, which was frantic after the series of explosions, many of them were running for the exits. "We should've cancelled..."
You saw a red light flashing on a wall, and a man moving away quickly.
You got from under Changbin, who tried pulling you back but you were already sprinting off the stage. You ran into the crowd, pulling out your gun as you shoved past the scared fans.
The man was so close to the exit, you were going to lose him. Lose another, because you lost focus.
You heard a deep voice, it sounded like it was crying.
"STAY! LISTEN TO ME!" Felix shouted into the mic.
The crowd was still moving.
The crowd stopped and you looked at the stage, your eyes meeting Felix's as he dropped the mic.
You ran through the crowd toward the red light and grabbed it tossing it out of the open door far from the crowd. The police were already gathering and you turned to see the man moving through the crowd for the door.
You pushed past the people and tackled him gun to the back of his head. "Don't move. I'll shoot." You said.
You sat on your bed, staring at your hands. What type of shit was this...?
"Who gives you orders?" You and a police man had interrogated the man yu had caught for almost two hours but he refused to speak.
"My boss isn't afraid of my death." he huffed.
You grit your teeth, "Who is your damn boss?"
"I won't say anything."
and maybe you punched him a little too hard.
A knock on your door made you look up. "Come in."
Hyunjin entered and closed the door quietly, behind himself, walking over to you. "You did well." he said quietly.
You saw the tears filling his eyes. "Hyunjin..."
He got on knees beside your bed and took your hands in his muttering. "You're doing well... Thank you."
You touched his head and whispered, "It's what I do.. It's okay... I'd do it again without hesitation.."
He shook his head. "You fit in so perfectly, you fill the cracks that we haven't been able to fill," He looked up at you and smiled, "Thank you for being our sister... Thank you for saving our STAY.."
You hugged Hyunjin. "Don't cry, you idiot..."
He sniffled and nodded. "But really.. thank you."
You smiled, "Of course."
Following Hyunjin out you stared at the other members who also looked like they had been crying.
"You caught someone.." Seungmin said quietly. "Does that mean you're leaving us?"
You stared at the boys for a moment, your gaze lingering on Changbin.
"I caught someone." You said quietly. "But my job isn't finished until you're safe.."
Felix was the first to hug you. and then suddenly you were attacked by all of them in a big bearhug.
"You're one of us." Chan smiled, "Don't go back."
You looked at all the boys and for the first time since you got here, you let the tears fall.
Changbin ended up not taking you out due to the lockdown placed on the group by their boss, it didn't stop him from spoiling you, in the building, he came to your room with flowers and (fav candy). He would bring you food and bought you a few clothes he thought you'd look good in.
Everytime he'd surprise you while you were working, Jisung would give you a look. The kind of look that said, "I KNOW WHAT YOU TWO ARE", but was completely wrong, because even you didn't know what you and Changbin were.
You were sitting in at the kitchen table staring at your laptop, it wasn't too late, just around 10pm, but the noise that met your ears made you flinch. Han and Hyunjin came in shaking you wildly as Han shoved his phone in your face.
You grabbed it and made a face. "ARE YOU DONE?"
"LOOK!" They shouted back.
You looked at the screen and your eyes widened. "Is that me?"
There was a video, of the events from a few days ago.
there was a series of loud bangs and a fast forward, of you grabbing the bomb and throwing it out. Then another fast forward to you tackling the man.
You stared at the comments.
"such a strong woman"
"Our savior."
"why did binnie grab for her like that 😭"
"are we gonna ignore how felix calmed the crowd.?"
You pursed your lips, "I was doing my job."
"You saved them though." Han smiled. "You should come with us later when we can go out as a treat. Chan will pay."
Hyunjin cackled.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, "Alright."
You sat in your room, when your phone rang, you answered.
"We've got a name and a face. We've sent you the necessary info. When you close the case contact us, we'll book you the next flight back to the US."
and the line cut.
You stared out blankly for a while.. so soon?
And when you opened the email you were sent your ear throbbed at the memory of nearly going deaf... That man... you'd tackled that man and he set off the firework that nearly took your hearing.
"Ah Changbin." Minho sighed. "Look at you. I never thought I'd see the day."
"Seriously." Chan smiled. "Just, tell her how you feel. She's Fiona and you're Shrek."
"You need to hit her with the immature swag." Jisung snickered.
"You-" Changbin raised his hand like he was going to punch the man.
Jisung ducked behind Chan.
"What am i supposed to say hm? 'I think you're strong and really pretty and I want to go out with you.' Seems a little eh?"
Chan cringed.
Han just stared at him.
"I like the Shrek and Fiona thing better." Minho shrugged.
"Changbin just wing it." Chan gave him a thumbs up.
You opened your door in the morning and almost stumbled over a box. "What in the world?"
You picked it up and examined it for a moment. You took it into your room and set it on the bed, carefully you lifted off the lid and stared at (fav color) dress. You took it out and smiled at it a little. You noticed the card at the bottom of the box and picked it up.
Your smile grew as you recognized the writing as Changbin's,
I think this dress fits you just right, wait for me outside at 7 tonight.
You rolled your eyes at his poetic nonsense and stared at the dress.
Hyunjin and Jisung were all over you at 6 pm, pampering you and making you look as pretty as they could.
"You look so gorgeous! I'm a master!" Hyunjin said proudly.
Han gasped exaggeratedly, "Are you saying she only looks good because you did her makeup?!"
You gasped with Jisung. "I thought you were my friend Hyunjinnie!"
"Oh- Oh MY GOD!" Hyunjin groaned before giving Han a side eye.
You giggled and looked at yourself in the mirror, you were really pretty.
"It's 6:45." Han sighed smiling at you, "Our Y/N is all grown up."
hyunjin wiped fake tears. "I'm so proud."
You made a face and rolled your eyes, standing and smoothing your dress, you hummed as you patted down the area where your gun sat on your thigh, just in case, and you grabbed your bag and went to the door.
You only waited about five minutes before Changbin pulled up in front of the building with a sleek, black company car.
"You look pretty." he said as he stepped out of the vehicle and came around to open the door for you.
You smiled. "Thank you, you good too." You stepped into the car and giggled, "Such a gentleman."
Changbin took you to a fancy restaurant and after you ordered, the conversation flowed so smoothly. Even the silence was comfortable, but you noticed it from the corner of your eye.
Two men, sitting at a table a few back from yours, eyeing you... no. eyeing Changbin. When the server came and poured your wine you paid close attention..
Using his right hand he turned the bottle to the left when he poured the wine for your but to the right Changbin.
You swallowed and looked at your wine, something was going to happen.
The thought left your mind when Changbin took your hand in his and smiled. "Y'know during my last stream, STAY kept asking if you were my girlfriend. I couldn't exactly say."
You blushed slightly, "What did you want to tell them?"
"Yes, I'm dating her." He laughed slightly, "Though, since it's jsut me and you," he squeezed your hand gently, "I can say you're only mine."
You blushed even more and laughed. "You're so stupid."
"I think you'd really like only belonging to me, I wouldn't let any guy touch you, I'd buy you food and spoil you."
"You do that anyway, Binnie." You smiled slightly.
He leaned close and whispered, "I guess that makes you mine."
Your heart skipped a beat.
Changbin stared into your eyes and leaned in close, his lips gently brushing against yours. All thought left your mind, it was just Changbin.. but..
You heard the dull click, and whipped around, pulling your gun from the holster under your dress, just as one of the men from the other table, cocked his gun.
You were faster and fired. The man fell back and Changbin grabbed you, pulling you back as the other man sprang up, he pointed a gun at you and it was a intense stare down.
You held your breath. Changbin remain unmoving behind you.
Your heart stopped as a white car pulled up in front of the restaurant. "Changbin get down!"
Changbin kicked the tabled over and grabbed you pulling you back with him as bullets flew through the dining room.
It was a long moment before they stopped, and as you peeked over the table, you locked eyes with the man from the picture, pulling his gun back into the car and smiling at you before they drove away. (Insert evil villain name cus I couldnt think of one)..
The boys were on lockdown again and you were busy, searching everything, everywhere for that man.. for (villain name).
You'd moved to the other dorm, much to the dismay of Hyunjin, who moped about being surrounded by gym freaks.
You took Seungmin's room, which was tidier than Han's. You hadn't moved because you needed quiet, in fact they boys had been quite good at being silent while you worked. It was because you didn't trust yourself, you were scared you wouldn't react as fast as you had at the restaurant with Changbin, you were scared he'd become a worse distraction... you were scared he'd get hurt because of you.
After a month, your informant intercepted another message saying that the man you were looking for was going to a shopping mall to put things up with a bang.
You discussed with the manager, he increased security to compensate for you not being present in the dorms and allowed you to go.
So there you were, sitting in your car outside the mall, staring at the entrance for anything suspicious. You remembered how Changbin had asked you what was wrong when you left, and where you were going...
"You're going alone?" His brows furrowed. "Y/N, be serious, things could happen-"
"What do you want me to do? I'm dragging anymore people into this."
"I'm not asking you to, I just want you to be safe."
"I'm here to protect you and the guys. It's not my choice what I do anymore, this has gotten too out of hand. You can't even go outside without the fear that someone might try to kill you! That's my fault."
"Take me with you then, I'm not afraid of it, I just don't trust the idea of you being alone!"
"Seo Changbin. I'm doing my job. It's not just about you and them anymore."
You pursed your lips and looked at your phone, tempted to say you were sorry..
but your phone rang before you could even take action.
Your brows furrowed, it was an unknown number.
You answered and lifted the phone to your ear. "Hello?"
"I'm glad we could lure you out. I like this game we're playing. Cat and mouse is fun no? It's a two party game. I have to eliminate the extra players, they're taking away my fun. If you involve the police... well that won't be fun."
"What?" You sat up straight.
"I'm not that cruel anyway... I'll give you 30 minutes."
Your heart dropped into your stomach. "WAIT!"
"Starting now."
The man hung up and you stared at your phone for a moment. "Changbin..."
Yongbok stepped out of the bathroom, drying his hair and he tilted his head as Chan sat down with a box on the floor. "What's that?"
"I was going to ask you." Chan said.
Seungmin stared at it. "It has a bad aura about it."
"Since when did you care about that?" Hyunjin looked up from his phone.
"We should open it." Jisung sat beside Chan.
"But-" Jeongin started.
"Didn't Y/N say don't be stupid while she's gone." Changbin said, glaring at the others.
They all nodded.
Minho sat on Chan's other side. "Opening a box isn't stupid."
"I agree." Hyunjin said.
"Guys-" Felix started.
"It's fine Yongbok." Minho said and pulled the lid of the box off.
Chan's brows furrowed, every one sucked in a breath.
"Fuck." Changbin said.
A timer sat in the box on top of a black thing bound with plastic straps, it read 15:50...
Changbin's phone rang. Everyone jumped in fear. His eyes widened as he saw you name. "Y/N- Calm down I can't understand-"
"PUT HER ON SPEAKER!" Felix shouted.
Changbin did as he was told.
You sounded on the verge of tears. "Did you get it?"
Chan looked at the box. "Yeah... We got it."
"I won't make it." You sniffed, "I need you to get scissors and listen carefully."
Jeongin ran to get scissors.
"Someone with steady hands. Listen close. There's no mistakes right now. This isn't acting."
Chan took the scissors from Jeongin and nodded, "I'm listening."
"Remove the timer by cutting the plastic straps. Be careful not to cut the wire surrounding them."
"Are we diffusing a bomb right now?!" Hyunjin shrieked.
Chan cut the plastic binding, exposing the explosive and a few more wires.
"There should be a blue wire leading into the bomb directly."
"I see it."
"Cut it."
The boys watched in fear as their leader cut the blue wire.
"Black then grey."
"What's left?"
"Green, red, orange, and purple."
Another cut.
"Now what...?"
"Someone needs to push the button on the back of the timer for 5 seconds. It will give you a 20 second window to cut the last wire."
"What's the last one?" Minho asked.
"Whichever leads to the center of the explosive."
You met silence on the other end of the line before Jisung's voice said, "They both lead to the center..."
You sucked in a breath. "Wait for me."
"We don't have time to wait!" Seungmin shouted.
"How much time is left?!"
"2 minutes!" Felix said.
You slammed the steering wheel and cursed loudly.
Changbin stared at the bomb for a long moment as the members began freaking out.
Hyunjin pulled out his phone and opened instagram starting a stream. "Stay, I love you, we love you!"
"Tell my parents I love them." Jeongin sobbed.
"Chan push the button." Changbin grabbed the scissors.
"Changbin!" You shouted.
"Green means go." Changbin said as Chan pushed the button. "STAY, we love you. Y/N, I love you."
And he cut the green wire.
You heard a loud bang and the line went dead, your heart plummeted. You finally pulled off the highway and into the parking around the dorms. You ran to the dorm and-
Changbin hugged you tightly as you opened the door.
Your hands trembled before you hugged him back. "I thought you died."
"You were that worried about me." He muttered into your hair.
Jisung coughed loudly, earning a punch from Minho.
You laughed and pulled away from Changbin, arms open.
You shrieked as Chan bear hugged you and then everyone was on you.
As you laughed you saw someone in the hall shaking their head. You pulled away as the man started running.
And you took off running after him. Not this time. You wouldn't let him get away again. You jumped onto him just as he got to the stairs, he stumbled and fell with you. You felt the cold metal of a gun barrel brush your arm and bit down on his arm hard.
The gun fell away and skidded away. You hit the landing platform hard, your shoulder taking the brunt of the force before you rolled for the gun.
You thought about a statement you'd heard from your boss months ago. I trust you to handle it. Without being reckless.
Why were you reckless? Why did you never give a shit what happened as long as you caught the criminal..? Because you didn't care then. Because it was your job... your obligation.
What was it now?
The man grabbed your leg and dragged you towards him and you kicked his face hard.
You scrambled with your opportunity for the gun.
Your fingers wrapped around the grip, as the man dragged you back towards him..
and it all seemed to go in slow motion as the boys came down after you. And the man's hands wrapped around your throat. You held the gun to his head and shouted with the last of your breath as he squeezed your windpipe, "BANG!"
and you pulled the trigger.
17 years ago December 19th 2005..
"Shh, she might hear."
"The gifts are better down by the college anyway."
"Honey. You're being loud."
"Fine fine."
You heard them giggling before you poked your head outside your room. You watched your parents leaving the house. You smiled to yourself knowing they were going to buy Christmas gifts.
When the morning came and your parents weren't in their room, you became confused. In the snow, dressed in your pajamas and bunny slippers you went to your neighbors house to ask if they'd seen your parents.
The little old lady next door stared at you before the tears welled in her eyes, "You poor thing.."
You were only 5 when your parents died. You were only 5 when you learned what it meant to yearn for revenge. You'd spent all your years in the force since you were 17 trying to find the organization behind the bombs...
And you were today many years old when you learned revenge wasn't a liberating feeling.
The boys stared in shock as you pushed the man's body off of you and sat there. Changbin didn't hesitate to run and wrap his arms around you, examining your face before looking into your eyes.
"Y/n... y/nnie?"
And you passed out.
The past week had been a blur of appointments with press and a million other things.
It was Friday you finally got to lie down and breathe.
You were lying in bed staring at the ceiling when you got a call. You rolled over and answered the phone. Your boss's voice came to your ears.
"Good job, L/N. We're glad you could do it. We're booking your flight back to the US already."
"You'll be receiving a promotion to a less risky position as a token of our gratitude."
Changbin entered your room and stared at you.
"I can't-" you tried.
"I have to admit I myself am shocked, L/N you've proved your reckless behavior is productive and I owe you-"
The other end of the line went quiet.
Changbin sat beside you and pulled you against him.
"I- I accomplished what I wanted. I'm pretty young still. I'll go to college. It's time I change careers."
Your boss was quiet on the other end of the line.
"Consider this my resignation letter. It was an honor. But i can't be reckless anymore."
The boys were poking their heads into your room now.
You looked at them all and smiled.
"I have something... some people..." You leaned against Changbin. "Someone... I want to keep living for."
"We'll send your pay for the case..." Your boss said softly. "I'm glad I met you L/N, it was an honor to have you in the force."
You lowered the phone and hung up.
"Soo....?" Minho said, looking at the others. "She's NOT going back to the US?"
"No Minho. I'm here to stay."
The boys cheered and jumped. You smiled slightly and looked at Changbin.
He leaned in and kissed you.
You blinked. Stunned.
Jisung jumped and held his hands out to Hyunjin "5000 PUT EM IN MY HAND! ALL OF YOU!"
You stared at them for a moment, "You were-"
"Green is green!" Jisung ran away cackling.
You laughed and shook your head. "I love you guys."
"I think you love me most." Changbin said and kissed your cheek.
"I love you just a little bit more than them."
He rolled his eyes as the others ran shouting about their money. "I love you."
You hadn't gotten the feeling you dreamed for in revenge but in them... in Changbin you found something more.
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brodieland · 2 months
Hai!!! could you please write hcs about Leo Valdez with a punk reader?
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 "Have I ever told you how good it feels to hold you..." ´ˎ˗
Leo Valdez x Fem!Dionysus!Reader Synopsis: Punk reader headcannons!!!! Warning(s): nothing I don't think, I might be reforming idk Word Count: 795 A/N: 2 post in one day?? grind never stops clearly. this made me realize that I listen to more punk bands than I thought I did (if u couldn't tell I get called emo at school), anyways I haven't done headcannons before, so this might be kinda trash, but these were really fun lowk
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Leo Valdez was nothing but a curious guy
so when he was just strolling through camp and heard a loud thud in the Dionysus cabin, he had to check it out
he'd never been in there before, but he knew it shouldn't have been as messy as it was.
the cabin was covered in band posters, consisting of Green Day, Blink 182, and chuckled when he read one that said Buzzcocks.
that's when you noticed him standing by the door
"who're you?"
you had a fierce look on your face that made Leo gulp
"Uh, I'm Leo."
"cool, well whatever your doing, im busy looking for a lighter."
That's when you backtracked and walked toward Leo, and he felt really intimidated right now. like you were gonna shove him out, not like he knocked anyways
You had dark make-up, and darker clothes, and your blue hair was starting to fade hair.
"your the fire boy, right?" Leo just nodded
"gimme a lil fire would ya??" you demanded.
Leo sparked some fire from his finger as you held a needle over the flame, he just raised his eyebrow as you walked over to the mirror
leo's jaw just dropped as you pierced your belly button, giving no reaction
he may have just fallen in love
from that day forward you both started getting closer, becoming really good friends, and eventually start dating!!!!
you weren't as intimidating as you may have looked, your just a sweetheart in dark clothes
you guys hung out a lot in your cabin, since you only had one sibling who was almost never home
he would ask about your posters, asking to listen to some of your favorite music
it may not have been his favorite thing in the world, but you had a massive grin on your face as he listened so he went along with it just for you
(may or may not have slowly started liking it more and more)
he listens to your favorite songs on replay to learn the lyrics, so he could jam out with you (boyfriend material!!)
he lets you do your make-up on him
though he won't wear it out, its a cute gesture (you sit on his lap while you do the make up)
he's always down to match with his girl
even his nails, even if they quickly chip off the next day in the forge
its the thought that counts, he supposes
he helps you redye your hair, getting the spots in the back you can't reach very well
he even let you dye a matching streak in his hair
he literally could've give a flying fuck what people might think of you, or what you like, he loves you for you
defends you if someone makes a diss for you being "emo" (lets learn the difference guys!!!)
mans just a massive simp for his girl yk
when he noticed the electric guitar in your cabin, he absolutely demanded you play it
and he def recorded you playing as well
he showed the recording to his friends, bragging about how cool and hot his girlfriend is
his wallpaper is a 0.5 of you midway doing your makeup, so like one eye covered in black and the other one completely naked
he said it reminded him of like a panda or something, you just wished he'd take one where you didn't go crosseyed
you have a bunch of random stick n pokes, mostly just small little stars around your fingers and wrist, Leo helped with the ones on your dominant hand, since you couldn't do those yk
you tried convincing him to let you pierce his eyebrow, but needles, sadly, scare him (maybe one day!!!)
they're times when your room gets to messy with clothes, every now and then he catches himself stepping barefoot on one of your spiked bracelets
he takes it upon himself to clean up a little for you, and how grateful you are for your boyfriend
you wrote his name on the neck of your guitar, now whenever you play you see his name and think of him
you bedazzled some of his tools
and by bedazzled, you glued mini spikes on like the edges on the handle parts of his tools, and now they matched your bracelets
matching rings for sure
hes had to convince you not pierce your tongue at like 2AM, considering you had no idea what you were doing (this happened three times)
he surprised you with a Ramones poster for your birthday, one that you've been looking everywhere
you absolutely jumped on him thanking him
"Baby, I love you" by Ramones is your guys song
"Have I ever told you how good it feels to hold you, it isn't easy to explain"
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lfghughes · 1 year
Can you write something about dad!nico? I feel like he’d be the type of dad to go to the daddy daughter dance recitals for her ballet classes and take it 100% seriously when they learn the steps in class and invite all his friends/teammates to go support her
a/n: dad!nico is back and im loving it
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Never had Nico pictured this for his future. Simply because every time he had thought about his future where kids were involved he pictured mostly the family life things and teaching them hockey. He didn’t picture going to daddy/daughter ballet classes but the minute he had heard about it, he knew he was going to do it. Not only was he going to do it but he was also going to make the boys on his team come out and support his daughter.
“Daddy?” The voice of his daughter rang out from the back of the car as he was driving to her dance studio. “Yes angel?” He asked, already wondering what question it was going to be. It could either be the most random question possible or for him to put on her preferred music. For a toddler she sure was bossy. “Are all my uncles coming?” She asked and a small chuckle left his lips.
He had of course mentioned inviting them and she had been pretty adamant on writing invites herself to them, the invites really just included a whole lot of scribbles but the boys enjoyed it when she had handed them out. “They are, they’re very excited to see us dance.” All he could hear from the back was the sound of her small hands clapping in excitement.
All the dancers and dads were the first ones to get there and slowly everyone else started showing up after. Nico wasn’t sure what to expect from his team but he knew the minute they walked in because the quietness had disappeared. “Look at our little star!” Dawson was the first to come on up and immediately the toddler was excited to see all her uncles who all happened to be holding a bunch of flowers for her.
“Daddy look at all the flowers!” She squealed excitedly and Nico just patted her on the top of her head. “I’m not really sure where mommy is going to keep all of those but I’m sure we’ll find a good place.” Now it was time to dance and for someone who had played in front of a crowd for years now full of thousands of people, this was probably the most nervous he had ever felt. He took the hand that belonged to his toddler and both them went and danced to what they had practiced for weeks now.
As soon as it came to an end all the boys cheered loudly and as soon as she could, Nicos daughter ran off back to them. “Did you guys see?? Daddy did so good.” She gushed to them and they all nodded their heads. “You two crushed it.” Jack spoke up. Now the only thing missing was a photo of everyone all together with all their flowers. This might not have been how he had pictured his future but there wasn’t a single thing he would have changed about this exact moment.
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xplsn · 1 year
cw: virgin!bakugou x reader, oral, blowjob, riding, praise, a little bit of a hair pulling kink, breeding kink etc. // fem!male!gn reader friendly.
music: for those who like to read with some on! this is my personal fav, has channeled a lot of nsfw writing :)
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fuck there's just something about virgin!bakugou x reader. like it's always him corrupting the reader but what if it was switched?
mf is so sensitive. like let's say first time making out and you're on his lap and positioned just right so when it gets heated you start subconsciously grinding back and forth on his cock. and groping each other and surprise he gets a boner.
he'll think about how he could feel your hotness through his pants and if you don't stop soon he's gonna cum in his pants like a little schoolboy.
he'd excuse himself to the bathroom and pull a quick yank because he was so embarrassed.
your first time seeing his cock is for sure an experience. solid 7 or 7.5 when hard. fucking rigid and vein-y and girthy and all the dirty words you can think of. dripping in pre-cum because his body has never had somebody elses touch on him like that.
imagine stroking his cock for the first time. a simple handjob would send him to outer space. everything you're doing is like magic to him. you listen to every single lewd moan he lets out.
he's fucking his cock into your hands (yes hands cause he's a big boy!) like a bitch. im telling you the first time you make him cum like that he has tears in his pretty little eyes from how good it was.
how about sucking him off for the first time? he has a hand over his eyes because he doesn't want you to see how they're going cross-eyed. his hand eventually falls off and goes to your head gripping it like his life depending on it as you sucked the life out of him. giving you the view to his entire face. his lips are bitten red and almost dripping blood because he doesn't want to let out any of the humiliating sounds that want to come out. but little grunts and whimpers come out any way. his curls sticking to his forhead from how sweaty he is.
he's trying to control himself so hard but poor baby is losing his mind in pleasure. his thighs are twitching and he's shaking as he nears his release. every gag and loud slurry gurgle is pushing him off. he wants to cum so bad but he doesn't want this to end. doesn't know how he has ever called something as good when he had never before had your hot wet mouth sucking him dry. the minute you take all of him, your nose brushing his blonde pubes, and look up at his eyes. tears in yours and his, making eye contact. he explodes.
eating you out for the first time? baby doesn't know anything. knows what a clitoris is but needs help finding it. i think everyone makes a mistake talking about how he'd be a sex god or some shit but he wouldn't just let anybody fuck around with him yk. so he's new to everything. he's watched a few pornos sure but it doesn't compare to the real deal.
cont. so he instead kitten licks around your sopping cunt so slowly. savouring every drop like it's his last. he doesn't even realize he's teasing you because he's trying to listen to your moans and whimpers. trying to figure out when they increase because he did something right. your hand is in his hair pulling him face first into your cunt, your thighs squishing around his head. and he can feel his cock throb in his pants. did he have a thing for suffocating on pussy? yes probably.
when he finally finds your sweet clit, he's ruthless in bringing you pleasure. he'll start off by sucking and licking but as you get closer he'll start biting and pulling on it. it'll take a while to make you come because it's his first time (give him some slack) but eventually as he eats you out more he learns and improves from them. now anytime he's horny or he's bored. he'll gobble you down like a pro. sometimes he'll do it just for fun. will make you sit on his face and make him unable to be breathe, slick and cum running down his throat. by the end he leaves your entire body shaking.
for the ones with a dick/or with a strap-on:: be kind on him!! he's never sucked dick before so he's just like 'what do i do' as he stares at it. sure he's seen you do it but with him it's different. he doesn't want to hurt you. so you'll have to gently coax him and teach him the right way to grip and take it in his mouth. forgot to mention for the ones with pussies but this also works for the boys, he's such a messy eater. he's drooling and choking on your cock. after the first few times he learns it well but he still likes it when you guide him with a hand in his hair. fuck him raw !! seriously. he likes it rough. likes the burn and likes the feeling of being used.
imagine teaching him how to finger you. he's kissing and sucking on your soft tights as he experiments with one finger and then two and eventually makes it to three calling you so many pretty names.
sure he'd degrade you when he's fucking you. calling you a "stupid fucking slut" but foreplays different. praise drips out of him like it's second nature which is so shocking to you the first time.
he tries to be quiet in the beginning of learning everything for the sake of any dignity left. but once he starts putting his tip into your tight hole it's a game over for him.
he's lost in another dimension. he's never felt this kind of pleasure before so his head shoots off his shoulders when he sees you fuck yourself on his cock because he kinda just froze and you were impatient to get him inside you.
let's say this is after he becomes a pro-hero. denki and the rest of the gang probably got laid way before him cause he was trying to focus on hero work rather than relationships because "they were a distraction". so the only sex talk he hears are all the details through their shared gc. or on random drunken weekends, with few coherent words.
so obviously he thought everything was bs until he put in an inch in you. sorry guys but he wouldn't last 2 minutes once he's all the way in. he get's better at controlling himself but the first few times he cums way before you do and is so embarrassed at being such a bad boyfriend. you have to assure him it's okay and only natural. so he makes you cum another way to finish you off.
oh did i mention his thing with hair? he loves having his hair pulled. be it be when he's fucking you and you need something to hold onto or when you're guiding him to eat you out. he loves it. it's a different kind of pleasure that makes him so into it.
he's vanilla till he thinks he's mastered all the basics then he indulges in all the kinks his partners into. there's some things he knows he wont try but every thing else he wont not try at least once. you can use your imagination for this one!
call him a "good boy" or a "very good boy" and he will melt on the spot. he lives for praises like have you seen the man?
he wouldn't have a breeding kink until he's in his late 30s or 40s before that he was very conscious of his cum. would always wear a condom to protect against sti's and pregnancy but once he's slowing down from hero work and wanting to settle down is when he'll unleash the beast.
folds you in ways that he's never done before so he knows that he will be filling you up to the max.
anyways i got off the point to dilf bakugou lmao (that's another time if anyone wants me) but anyways you get the jizz.
send in any requests like thirsts, or a short imagine, hc's, blurbs, one shots etc etc please please pleaseee i'll try to respond as soon as i can !!
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