#so imagine a sketchy looking short girl coming up to you and saying "Whats up my dude
arolotl-queen · 4 months
Just played dnd and I didn't want to think of a character voice so my character talks in 90s surfer slang and every interaction just sounds like:
Npc: I killed a man
Me: Thats radical my dude.
Npc: I stabbed him in the stomach and watched him bleed to death.
Me: thats pretty gnarly. Want to come catch some sick waves with me?
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lwritez · 1 year
— Chad Meeks-Martin
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PAIRING: 🕷️🕸️ Spider-Man!Chad Meeks-Martin x Fem!Reader
TW: mentions of guns
SUMMARY : your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man saves you from getting robbed
TAGS: @theyluvvstu
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you were walking home from a party at night time, you went to the party with your friends Tara and Mindy, but since Mindy and Tara were going over to tara’s dorm for a sleepover you were walking alone
They had asked you if you wanted to come but you declined since you just wanted to go home and rest. Although you were kinda regretting your choice and you kinda just wanted to turn back and walk to Tara’s house since it was closer than your house.
you realized that there was an alley way that was a short cut that could lead you to your house faster, it looked a bit sketchy though and you were kinda hesitant with going into.
you honestly were over the night and decided that if you were to die in this alley way you would honestly just accept it. your night couldn’t get worse right?
it did get worse.
while speed walking through the alley way you were scared something was gonna pop out and suddenly you heard something moving “shit…” you thought to yourself as you started speeding up as much as you could.
you were a bit tipsy from drinking so much so you couldn’t go as fast as you wanted to. All of a sudden a man pops out of one the corners to stop you. A bit confused you tried to get past him but he wouldn’t let you “what the fuck are you doing dude? Move I’m trying to get home” you said while slurring your words a bit
“give me your purse” the anonymous man said with a demanding tone. “What the fuck?? Why would I do that” laughing a little bit confused at his request. you suddenly look down to see that he’s holding a gun in his hand your eyes widen and your smile faded quickly realizing that he could shoot you at any moment.
“are you trying to rob me?” still confused about this whole encounter. “What does it look like??” He says with an irritated tone “look lady, I’m getting impatient just give me the fucking purse.” while gripping harder onto the gun. “I’m not giving you shit..” you say while tryna walk by him still in disbelief this is happening.
he grabs you and pushes you back “lady just give me the purse or else I’m gonna shoot” while pointing the gun to you. Your heart drops realizing that this is probably gonna be your last moments living before you get killed. Even if you give him the purse he’s most likely gonna shoot you anyways. That’s what usually happens in robberies.
all of a sudden you see a web hook onto his gun and pull it up. It shocks you and him when you both look up to see a masked hero. “Hey dude, how about you leave her alone?” He says while jumping down into the alleyway. “how about you mind your business kid.” the masked hero comes closer to us “well, if you don’t leave her alone I’ll have no choice but to report you to the police. I suggest you stop trying to rob people and get an actual job”
this makes the man a bit more nervous and he ends up running off. you’re just standing there witnessing the whole thing. “tough one huh?” He says trying to start a conversation “yeah I guess, I needed my purse it has my keys in it I’m just trying to get home” you say starting to get exhausted from this whole encounter. you could’ve been home but that dumbass attempted to rob you.
“I’m Spider-Man” holding out his hand for you to shake it you chuckle a bit and shake his hand “yeah I know, thank god you were there to help me who knows what could’ve happened.” you say with a relief tone.
“so… what’s a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone at this time of night?” you could imagine the smirk behind his mask. “well..I’m just trying to get home from a party” you look away and smile from his comment.
“well do you need any assistance?, we don’t need another accident like that happening again..plus you sound like you’re a little tipsy” laughing at his own comment.
“just a little” rolling your eyes and chucking again “but sure” you say with a smile on your face. after that Spider-Man walked you to your house and you had no more problems for the night.
when you get to your door you say your goodbyes, “Bye spider boy, let’s hope we meet again” you say winking at him before closing your door. “I like that nickname.” He thinks to himself flustered at what you said.
part 2
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justablah56 · 1 year
*sighs* tell me about your fursona /lh /pos
ok first off- Vik is that you 👁️👁️ you're the only one who I know has seen my fursona recently sbjsjdjs either that or it's rae who saw it on your blog and didn't interact w it so I wouldn't think it was him if they went on anon lmao- but methinks its vik
okay now I'm gonna actually answer- bUT INSERT THAT ONE ENTRAPTA MEME- THE "IVE WAITED Y E A R S FOR SOMEONE TO ASK ABOUT MY THEORIES" YEAH THATS ME RN- anon I am looking at you with my big ol autistic eyes that are sparkling with this 10 minute unstoppable rant that is about to occur (✧⁠ω⁠✧⁠)
SO ! ampen right ? my little guy ? my baby girl ? my beloved ? I'm gonna talk mostly abt their physical design than their other details bcs I have more notes abt their physical appearance than anything :]
I have no idea what they are, I kinda just started drawing her abhdjsjsj but I think the two most notable animals he could conceivably be are probably a fox and a dragon of some sort (original I know) however I do want to give an honorable mention to my first draft of them, bcs goddamn I changed a lot abt her bsjdhsjjs. at first he was just completely a dog but I decided to give them those 3 fingered claw/hoof things, here's the very sketchy guy herself who inspired Ampen:
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yeah snndjsn basically the only thing that stayed the same was the vague color scheme and the "hooves" changed from the hands to the feet. a lot of ampens physical design was just cool things I saw in other fursuits that I thought would be cool, like I just loooove the hoof feet, they look v cool and I just like them a lot, so I included them ! (I didn't in my first real drawing of ampen but then I did on their character sheet) same with the tail, I'm p sure at the time of ampens actual creation I had recently seen a dragon fursuit with that kind of tail and was obsessed with it, I tried so many different tails for him and none of them were looking quite right until I tried their current tail, and I love it . the dragon bit also comes out in her muzzle, it's a bit more pointed and sharp than a canine muzzle would be, again mostly just bcs I think it looks neat :] and I knew I wanted my fursona to have big ol ears from the very beginning, I didn't put them on ampen-rough-draft bcs I didn't start with the intent for him to be my fursona sbjdjdjs but anyways- the fur pattern took me a while to come up with, I started with just vague splotches of color in random spots, messed around with specific colors, I don't think I decided on the pink stitch mark things until like- the very end dnjsjjd I have no idea where I came up with it , I was just trying random things and hoping they looked right lmao-
I gave them glasses bcs . I have glasses . and I think it's cute and there aren't enough furrys with glasses :3 then added the piercings bcs I think they look cool and that's really it bajshjejskwks
anyways , now for the couple things that aren't visible on a drawing, I imagine her being like 5'4 MAX , he's pretty short . mostly bcs I am v short and plan to actually make ampen, and that's a height I could realistically get to accounting for the ears hdjwjdjjejdke anyways, I don't really have many other little facts about them since they're basically just me personality-wise, so make of that what you will ! I will however GLADLY answer more specific questions if you (or anyone else 👀) have them bcs it will give me an excuse to come up with answers abhdjsjdjsjjd
anyways- this is all to say that I'm in love with Ampens design and I really should draw him more often and also probably just develop them more tbh- BUT ! ty v much anon for enabling me to ramble about Ampen, they're my most specialest little guy and I love her <33
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baepsaesbae · 3 years
Babysitters Club
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x reader    
Genre— SMUT, fluff, babysitting au, strangers to lovers au
Warnings— Dom!Taehyung, roleplaying, face fucking, oral sex (m and f), bondage, explicit rough unprotected sex please stay safe irl, squirting, choking, hickies, a surprise cameo from Spring Will Come Again!Jungkook because I have no self control
Word Count— ~7.6k  
Summary— A generic summer job hunt leads you to babysit rowdy (but still cute) kids alongside the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. What shenanigans will you get into with Taehyung by your side?
A/N— HUGE shoutout to the lovely @kimtaehyunq​​ for making this beautiful banner for me! This was literally the Taehyung I had in mind while writing this uwu. This fic is the epitome of self indulgence but I truly hope you guys like it too! Please let me know what you think! My askbox/inbox is always open, don’t be afraid to come chat with me. Love you all, hope you guys are safe <3
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Crumpled up newspapers littered the floor as another ball was apathetically tossed aside. A sigh of defeat escaped your lips as you looked up at the ceiling in desperation.
“Still at it with the job hunt, huh?” your roommate, Hyuna, said when she saw your mess, “I told you to search online. Or try to get a job at a cafe or a boba shop or something.”
“Easy jobs online seem sketchy, and I told you I don’t want to work in the food industry ever again,” you groaned.
“But you’d rather...be a babysitter?” she questioned as she held up an ad, “Wait you could get paid up to $15 an hour? That’s pretty good.”
“I didn’t see that one. Is it an agency or something?”
“Not sure, take a look,” she handed you the paper.
“Oh, it seems like it’s a daycare run out of someone’s house. They’re looking for multiple applicants. You wanna do it with me?! I think it could be fun!” you ask excitedly.
“And spend most of my summer vacation with a bunch of snot nosed brats? I don’t think so. You have fun though!” she blew you a kiss as she walked away.
You whipped your phone out and immediately called the number in the ad. This job was the only one that seemed bearable, and you thought kids were cute for the most part. You’ve had a few babysitting gigs in the past so this shouldn’t be too bad.
“Hello?” a deep voice answered the call.
“Hi, I saw your ad in the paper! I was wondering if there was still a babysitting position open?” you inquired.
“Oh yes! Yeah there’s still a spot open. Um, can you give me a sec?” the man said quickly as you heard wailing kids in the background. After two minutes or so he returned to the phone.
“I’m terribly sorry about that. You don’t have a criminal background or anything right? Gosh, I’m sure this sounds unprofessional but--”
“Nope, I don’t have any charges or anything like that. Should I call back later?” you offered since it seemed like the man was a little preoccupied.
“It’s like this all the time. Why don’t we do a practice run tomorrow? Oh! I mean, whenever you’re available to start. Or technically have an interview? I guess? Hey, don’t put that in your mouth!” the man chastised at someone in the distance.
“I can come in tomorrow!” you said.
“Great! Just use the address in the same ad you got this number from! Oh, and please get here by 9am! See you soon!” the man hung up abruptly.
“That was chaotic…” you said to yourself.
A moment later your phone began to ring. It was from the babysitting guy.
“Hello?” you answered.
“I realized I never got your name! I promise I’m not always this frazzled,” he laughed as rambunctious laughter erupted behind him.
“Oh, I’m ______,” you gave him your first and last name.
“Cool. See you tomorrow Miss ____!” he said before hanging up again.
You were actually excited to babysit. It had been a while since you had done it, and playing with kids was usually fun. Then again, you’ve never had a bad experience with babysitting before. You prayed that this gig would continue the positive trend.
Donning shorts and a simple Mickey Mouse t-shirt, (you figured some kid was bound to like the mousey character) it was time to head off to your potential workplace. The babysitting place was actually fairly close to you, only about a 10 minute drive. It was 8:55am by the time you arrived. A couple of parents walked past your car to drop off their kids. All of the kids seemed to be pretty excited to enter the house, which was definitely a good sign.
You gently knocked on the door at exactly 9am. There was no response as you awkwardly waited for about a minute or so. All you could hear was shrill laughter and thumps that you presumed was the kids running about. You realized there was a doorbell, and sighed at your foolishness.
The door opened seconds after you rang the doorbell. A tall man with dark hair greeted you with a warm smile. You were taken aback by the handsome guy, suddenly questioning whether you were at the right place or not until a child popped up from behind his shoulder and yelled out a loud “Boo!” that caused you to jump.
“Ah, sorry about that! This one is always trying to play pranks,” the man laughed as he playfully jostled the child that was latched onto his back, “You must be ______?”
“That’s me!” you say with a little too much enthusiasm.
“Cool. C’mon in, I’ll introduce you to the kids,” the man led you inside.
The living room was littered with toys, from cars to building blocks to barbies. This place was definitely a kid’s happy place. Four little kids were playing with various things when you walked in. All of the kids there seemed to be between the ages of 4 to 6. At a glance, it seemed like they were all playing house. It took you a few seconds to realize that one of the kids was actually playing by herself; she was just physically close to the other kids.
“Everyone! This is our newest helper! Her name is Miss ____. Let’s all play nicely with her okay?” the man announced.
The kids playing house immediately stopped what they were doing and rushed to you. Two boys began asking you questions in a rapid fire succession, while the little girl merely clung to your leg.
“Those two are Kota and Bel,” the man pointed to the two boys, “The little girl stuck to you like glue is Ava, and the one playing over there is Lucy,” he continued to name each child.
“AND I’M SAM!!” the last boy exclaimed over the man’s shoulder.
“Yes, this troublemaker here is Sam. That’s basically the whole gang! We could get a few more additions as the summer goes on, but these guys are the OG crew. They’re all really sweet kids, once you get to know them. Any questions so far?” your employer asked.
“I don’t think I ever caught your name, sir,” you say politely.
“Oh! No need to call me sir. I think we’re probably around the same age? Not that I’m assuming your age or anything but--”
“He’s my horsey!” Sam interrupted.
“No, he’s the chef!” Kota yelled.
“No, he’s our dad who’s not our dad,” Lucy chimed in.
“My mom told me he was a babysitter?” Bel added, now visibly confused.
“I am all of those things,” the man reassured the children, “But my name is Taehyung. The kids call me Tae or Mr. insert whatever title I have in the game we are playing on that day. Pleasure to meet ya,” Tae extends a hand out to you, “Let’s see how your first day goes.”
The first few hours consisted of a rather intricate game of pretend set up in a fantasy world. You played a princess who was captured by an evil dragon, who was played by Taehyung (you couldn’t help but think about how you wouldn’t mind being his hostage).
The boys were valiant knights on their quest to rescue you. The girls played different creatures that aided the knights as fairies or unicorns or any other things they wanted to be. Most of the game consisted of you and Taehyung sitting together in a corner of the living room. Even though you didn’t have to do anything, it was fun watching the kids play. Their imagination amused you.
“Enjoying yourself, princess?” Taehyung asked as he also watched the children run around.
His deep voice sent chills down your spine. Something about the way the word “princess” rolled off his tongue was so enchanting. You cleared your throat before answering.
“This job has been pretty fun so far, Mr. Evil Dragon,” you smile.
“Hey! I’m not evil, just misunderstood,” he protested.
“Oh no! The dragon is about to eat the princess!” one of the boys cried out.
“What? No, I’m not going to eat her,” Taehyung said defensively.
“You need to pretend to eat the princess so that the knights save her,” Lucy, the quiet one, scuttled over to whisper to the both of you before hurrying back to her spot.
Taehyung turned towards you to appease the kids as they held their breath in anticipation.
“Rawr! I’m going to eat you!” he said in a deep voice.
“Oh no! Somebody save me!” you cried out, playing along.
A few moments passed but none of the kids moved. You both turned your heads towards them in confusion. They stared back at you blankly.
“You need to bite her!” Sam demanded.
“What?” you and Tae said in unison.
“Bite her! Bite her! Bite her!” the boys started to chant.
“But not too hard!” Ava expressed her worry for you, making you smile.
“I…uh…” Taehyung was at a loss for words.
“They’re not gonna stop, are they?” you whispered to him.
He nodded with a sigh as their chanting got louder. You offered him your arm. Kids can be crazy stubborn over silly things. Besides, you’ve done worse for less (college is crazy).
Taehyung shot you an “are you sure about this?” look, to which you just nodded. Once he got the okay, Taehyung grabbed your arm and pulled you harshly, causing your face to be a mere inches away from his.
“Fools! You think you can save the princess? I will devour her before your very eyes!” Taehyung declared with an even deeper voice. He opened his mouth menacingly, as if to show off his fangs. Then, he proceeded to bite your bicep. To be honest, he was being so forceful that you thought he was going to bite you for real, causing you to involuntarily close your eyes.
Instead, he gingerly placed his teeth on your skin so lightly that you could barely feel anything. You opened your eyes to see Taehyung grinning at you with your arm in his mouth.
“Aaaaggghhh GET HIM!!” Sam yelled, leading the other boys straight into Taehyung.
Taehyung quickly let go of you before he rolled out onto the floor. The boys began to pummel Taehyung with their foam swords and pretend bows and arrows. The girls came to your aid to help you escape during the battle.
The little boys triumphantly stood over their defeated babysitter who pretended to be passed out on the floor. You applauded their victory as the girls sat by your side.
“Okay! Good game, it’s almost lunchtime,” Taehyung announced as he quickly popped back up.
“Chef Tae makes the best mac and cheese!” Ava informed you excitedly.
“I wanted dino nuggies!” Sam puffed out his cheeks in disappointment.
“Sam, you know it’s Ava’s day to pick out lunch. It’ll be your turn tomorrow okay? I promise! You guys can stay here and play with Miss ____ till food is ready,” Tae called out as he walked to the kitchen. Lucy silently followed Tae.
“Lucy likes to help out in the kitchen a lot. She sets the table,” Ava explained when she saw you watching Lucy.
“You’re good at being a princess!” Kota butted in as he ran to hug your leg.
“I like your shirt! I like Mickey Mouse too. I saw him in DisneyWorld last year,” Bel said as he clung to your other leg.
The kids took turns holding onto your legs as you tried to walk around. Apparently the thought of making you tumble over was an exciting one, and that kept the kids busy until Taehyung called for everyone.
Five little bowls of mac and cheese were set up on the dining table. The kids took their seats as Taehyung handed out juice boxes. He positioned himself by your side as the little ones began to chow down.
“I normally just eat the rest out of the pot, but since you’re here I can get you a bowl. Sorry about biting you earlier, the kids really like it when I get serious about my roles,” Taehyung chuckled as he scooped out your portion.
“It’s no problem, you’re a great actor. Thank you,” you say politely as he handed you a bowl.
Lunch was spent making small talk with Taehyung. He was a newly graduated college student trying to make extra money before starting a real job hunt.Taehyung had been running this makeshift daycare since he was a senior in highschool.
“Summers are always fun with them,” Taehyung said while smiling fondly at the kids, “How has it been so far?” he asked.
“I’ve been having a good time. The kids are all really sweet! They have so much energy,” you answer.
“They do indeed, which is why playtime is so important in the morning! It makes what comes next easier,” he winked at you before collecting the empty bowls, “Okay kiddos! Who’s ready for nap time?”
Lucy quietly raised her hand while the boys groaned. You figured it would be hard to get those active boys to settle down, let alone to take a nap. You helped Taehyung set up blankets and pillows in the game room. The kids made a beeline to their designated blankets without a fuss.
“Do you sing, Miss _____?” Taehyung asked out of the blue.
“Um, not really?” you say hesitantly.
“Ah, I see. No worries. Everybody ready?” he said.
“Yes!” all the kids replied.
“Alrighty. Do you have any song requests, Miss ____?”
You thought about which songs would make for a decent lullaby, “Do you know Adore You by Harry Styles?”
“I’ll have to look up the lyrics but yeah I like that song! I like his whole album actually,” Taehyung nodded as he pulled out his phone and took a deep breath, “Walk in your rainbow paradise~”
You were shocked by his vocal talent. His voice control was superb and the quality of his voice was downright euphoric. Even though Taehyung’s voice is deeper than Harry Styles’, his range was incredible. He was still able to go as high as Harry without any trouble. All the kids had fallen sound asleep by the time he finished the song.
“This is when I typically have about an hour of free time,” he said after quietly leading you back into the kitchen.
“You have such a beautiful voice! Do you sing to them every day?” you praised him.
“Thanks! Yeah, I sing to them every day. They used to get duets actually,” Taehyung sighed.
“Did you have another coworker before?” you asked.
“Yep. My best friend actually. He’s my roommate too, but he landed an internship this summer so he couldn’t be here. I’m very proud of him! But usually this is a job for two people so I decided to put that ad out. I’m happy you came out! The kids seem to like you,” Taehyung gave you a thumbs up.
“I hope so! Lucy might be scared of me though,” you recalled the way she mostly avoided you all morning.
“Nah, she’s just really shy. She told me that she thought you were really pretty though, so that’s a good sign!” he tried to reassure you.
“I guess it must be true then. Kids are brutally honest,” you smiled.
“She definitely wasn’t lying,” Taehyung smiled back at you.
You had to look away awkwardly to hide your blushed cheeks. There’s no way you could handle a direct smile from this guy. How was it possible for someone to be that handsome without even trying?!
“So what happens after naptime?” you quickly asked to change the subject.
“Basically more playing until their parents come. It honestly just depends on what the kids wanna do. We can play inside, in the backyard, and sometimes we go to the park,” Taehyung answered with an amused smile, “Let’s use this free time to conduct a more formal interview, shall we?”
Taehyung then asked you a series of questions about your summer schedule, if you’re willing to work every day of the week, how you feel about the kids, along with other things. You answered truthfully and kept up a professional demeanor. Taehyung seemed to be satisfied with your answers and leaned back in his chair.
“That all works for me! The people who really need to approve of you are the parents. I’ll introduce you to them later this afternoon. I’m sure they’ll all be fine once I vouch for you,” he nodded.
Soft giggles caught your attention. Taehyung signaled that break time was now over and led the way back to the living room. Kota and Bel were wrestling each other while the others threw pillows at them.  
“Did everyone have a good nap?” Taehyung sing songed.
“Yes!” they replied.
“Can we play house now?” Ava asked.
“Yeah! Miss ____ can be the mommy now!” Sam bounced up in excitement, “Our last mommy used to be a boy.”
“Jimin was a great mommy and I’m sure he misses you all dearly. Jimin is my roommate/best friend/ex-cobabysitter,” Taehyung explained.
The game of house was more hands on from your end. The kids demanded you to carry them and read them stories like a real mommy would. It was mainly the girls who wanted to play with you, while the boys took turns wrestling with Tae or riding on his back. You were braiding Lucy’s hair when the doorbell rang.
“Kota! Your mom is here!” Taehyung called from the front.
All the kids trickled out one by one as their parents arrived. Taehyung introduced you to each parent; their reactions were all positive, especially when their kids raved about you being the new Jimin.
“If she’s anything like Jimin, then I have nothing to worry about. I trust your judgement, Taehyung,” one of the sterner looking parents said (Sam’s father to be exact).
“Congrats! You got the job,” Taehyung congratulated you once all of the children were picked up, “We get paid on Fridays. I’ll basically just split what we earn 50/50, cool?”
“That’s fine by me! I’m looking forward to working with you,” you bow graciously.
“Ah! No need to be so formal. We’re partners now! I’m not your boss or anything,” Taehyung gave you a friendly pat on the shoulder, “See you tomorrow!”
Summer was about to get rather eventful. All of the children warmed up to you surprisngly quickly, even timid Lucy (who had arguably grown the most fond of you). As the days went on, you couldn’t help but admire Taehyung’s kindness and patience when it came to the kids. From firm to understanding, he was everything a caregiver should be. He handled spats between kids with ease, often by making them forgive each other then laugh at some silly joke of his.
One afternoon, the kids voted to watch a Disney movie. All seven of you curled up on the couch together with you and Taehyung in the middle. Lucy sat in your lap while Bel sat in Taehyung’s. Halfway through the movie, Taehyung fell asleep. The kids didn’t notice since they were so engrossed in the movie. You however, DID notice. Mostly because he rolled his sleepy head onto your shoulder.
Your heartbeat quickened as you slowly turned to take a peek at the handsome man sleeping beside you. He looked angelic, and you realized that he smelled pleasant too. He had a sweet scent that was uncharacteristic for a young man. You took a deep breath and pretended not to notice him. He didn’t wake up until the doorbell rang near the end of the movie.
He seemed to be confused and perhaps even slightly flustered when he lifted his head from your shoulder, but quickly shrugged it off to go answer the door. The incident (and the drool on your shoulder) was never mentioned.
It had been a month since you started babysitting with Taehyung, and it honestly had been a lot more fun than you expected. The kids are wonderful silly little beings and Taehyung is...well...Taehyung.
You were cleaning up the living room on a late Friday afternoon after all the kids had been picked up. Taehyung was somewhere splitting up the week’s paycheck. Once all the toys were back in their respective bins, it was time to gather your stuff and go.
“Great work this week,” Taehyung commended as he handed you your cut.
“Thanks! Same to you as always. I’ll see you on Monday,” you wave as you open the front door.
“Actually um--” Taehyung cleared his throat.
“Yes?” you whipped around with almost too much eagerness.
“My friend is part of an art gallery showing tomorrow night and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me? I heard there will be drinks and finger foods…” Taehyung trailed off, presumably due to imagining what kind of snacks will be served.
“I’d love to! I’m not an expert on art or anything, but it sounds cool,” you smile.
“No worries, I’m no expert either. I’m just a guy who appreciates neat expressions of creativity,” he nodded humbly, “I can pick you up at your place, if you’d like.”
“Sure, I’ll text you my address. Oh uh, what’s the dress code like? I don’t really attend these things,” you ask shyly.
“I’d say a step down from formal? Like no t-shirts or jeans. Pretend like you’re going on a date to some restaurant that isn’t a michelin star but is still classier than Olive Garden,” Taehyung tried to explain.
“I’ll do my best,” you smile at his peculiar way of describing the appropriate attire.
A smile never left your face as you drove home. A chance to hangout with Taehyung one on one without any kids around? All of his attention will be on you? Yes please. You love the kids and all, but you finally have a real chance to get closer to Taehyung. To be honest, you might have the teensiest little crush on him, but who could blame you?
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The next day was spent preparing for your night out with Taehyung. It probably wasn’t a date (90% sure it’s not), but you wanted to look irresistible anyway. You put on a purple dress with flowy sleeves that made you feel like a princess. It was on the dressier side, but being slightly overdressed never hurt anyone.
You usually only had time to slap on mascara and a lip tint in the mornings before babysitting, but now you had abundant time to play around with your makeup. You settled for a soft yet glamorous look with shimmery eyeshadow and eyeliner. Sparkly lip gloss tied the whole look together and made your lips look tempting (or so you hoped). You decided to leave your hair alone since you were having a miraculously good hair day.
“Wow are you sure this isn’t a date?” Hyuna whistled when she walked into your room.
“It’s not! This is just the first time Taehyung will see me actually trying to look good,” you say defensively.
“You’re cute even in ratty t-shirts, but I get what you mean. Have fun tonight!” your roommate gave you a tight hug.
A strong knock on your front door indicated Taehyung’s arrival. Hyuna tagged along as you went to answer the door; she wanted to see the guy you’ve been gushing over for the past month for herself.
Your mouth hung open in shock for a split second when you opened the door. Taehyung also dressed up. He was wearing a bright sunflower shirt paired with a black blazer that perfectly combined fun with sophistication. He wore a red silky bandana looking belt for an added pop of color with his black pants.
“Hey Taehyung!” you greet him happily.
“Good evening, Miss ____. You look spectacular!” he complimented you immediately.
“So do you! It’s funny seeing you not in a t-shirt, though I’m sure you’re thinking the same thing,” you say.
“You’re charming even in your graphic tees, but this is a nice change of pace too,” Taehyung agreed.
“Hi! I’m Hyuna, ____’s roommate,” Hyuna butted in to shake his hand.
“Hi, I’m Taehyung, ____’s babysitting partner,” he introduced himself.
“We should get going,” you say politely before Hyuna could start to get chatty.
Hyuna mouthed an exaggerated “oh my god” coupled with a double thumbs up as you waved goodbye after Taehyung was already out the door. You playfully rolled your eyes but blew her a kiss anyway.
“I didn’t realize you lived so close to me,” Taehyung said as he pulled away from the curb.
“Yeah, it made the job even more appealing,” you nodded.
“I really am glad that you applied,” Taehyung said softly, as if to himself.
“Sorry, what was that?” you couldn’t hear him properly.
“Nothing! I said I’m glad you agreed to accompany me tonight!” Taehyung quickly stated.
“Thanks for inviting me out! I’m actually pretty excited,” you admitted.
The gallery was somewhere in the swanky part of downtown. You gazed out of the window at all of the high end stores Taehyung drove by. Everyone walking around the stores looked like supermodels, which was actually pretty intimidating. What if the people at the gallery looked like that too?
“We’re here!” Taehyung announced, interrupting your thoughts.
There was a decent amount of people wandering around the venue when you both entered. It was basically one big dimly lit room with spotlights on pieces scattered around on the walls plus some sculptures in the middle. Thankfully, the patrons already inside looked like normal people, most of them probably students like you.
“Taehyung!” someone called from the side of the room.
You both made your way towards the voice, only to find a man who was just as handsome as Taehyung greeting you with a bunny like smile. He had long hair that almost covered up his assorted dangly earrings. He definitely had art student vibes mixed with a dash of bad boy. The boys greeted each other with a ferocious hug, indicating that they’re probably good friends.
“Oh! What’s up, I’m Jungkook,” the boy shook your hand once he noticed you.
“She’s my babysitting partner this summer,” Taehyung said proudly.
“She’s replacing Jimin huh?” Jungkook laughed, “Taehyung and Jimin are like my brothers. We were all pretty close in college and are batchmates, even though I’m younger than them,” he stuck his tongue out at Taehyung.
“Yeah yeah okay whatever. Skipping grades in elementary school and bringing in a ton of transfer credits will help you do that I guess,” Taehyung shook his head even though he was still smiling.
“Are these your pictures?” you asked Jungkook, motioning to the mounted pictures behind him.
“Yeah! I took most of these in Madrid, I’ve been working abroad for my dream company,” Jungkook answered you proudly.
“Who’s this?” Taehyung pointed to a picture of a girl laughing by a giant tree.
“Yeah, she’s gorgeous!” you added.
“She’s um...a good friend. She was the perfect model,” Jungook said with a faraway look in his eyes that told you there was more to the story.
“Tell me more about her on our next phone call. Tonight is for celebrating you!” Taehyung picked up on Jungkook’s sudden change of tone.
You enjoyed listening to their old college stories as the boys reminisced about their past together. Jungkook relished telling you all of Taehyung’s embarrassing moments at various parties. Taehyung returned the favor by recalling Jungkook’s past run-ins with women. Despite his natural charm and god like looks, apparently Jungkook gets really nervous around girls.
You and Taehyung were on your own once Jungkook was flagged down by an older patron interested in purchasing some of his work. Taehyung stayed close to your side as you explored the rest of the gallery. Each artist was so incredibly talented as their pictures told  stories with just a single frame.
“____ look! They have those fancy charcuterie boards!” Taehyung grabbed your hand and excitedly dragged you over to the snack table. You couldn’t help but smile at his childlike elation.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve been getting tired of being force fed fruit snacks every day,” you laughed as you ate the assorted appetizers.
“I completely understand. Unfortunately, the kids are too sweet when they want to share. I don’t have it in me to turn them down,” Taehyung agreed.
Once the food was eaten, you resumed walking through the gallery. It was fun making up stories to go with each picture. Taehyung seemed to gravitate towards adding a romantic twist to each story, while you opted for a bit of mystery. At the end of the event, Taehyung met up with Jungkook once more to say his goodbyes.
“Thanks again for coming with me, I had fun! I hope you enjoyed yourself,” Taehyung said as he drove you back.
“It was really neat! I liked hanging out with you outside of work,” you nodded.
“Would you say it was a successful date then?” Taehyung raised an eyebrow with curiosity. Your heart skipped a beat as your eyes widened with surprise.
“Was...was this a date?” you asked quietly.
“Did you want it to be?” Taehyung teased.
“I wouldn’t have gotten so dressed up otherwise,” you said defensively, taken aback by his sudden cheekiness.
“I realized I should’ve clarified that after you had already left. My bad,” Taehyung shot you a boxy grin, “But then I figured maybe you would be more relaxed if I didn’t mention it.”
“That’s odd logic, but I guess it worked,” you admitted begrudgingly.
Taehyung walked you back up to your house. He sweetly kissed your cheek and bid you goodnight, leaving you frozen in place.
“S-see you on Monday!” was all you were able to stammer out, to which Taehyung just smiled and waved back.
Hyuna happily freaked out with you once you were back inside. She was watching you from the moment Taehyung pulled back up. She shrieked with excitement once you told her that Taehyung confirmed that it was a date. Hyuna didn’t let up with grilling questions about how your night went. She even asked if the Jungkook guy you met was single, to which you truthfully answered that you didn’t know.
“Besides, he told me himself that he’s scared of girls. You’re scary enough as is,” you teased her.
“Oh shut up. So is Taehyung like, your boyfriend now?” Hyuna asked the million dollar question.
“I don’t think so. I think it was just a date, but that’s a good start!” you declared optimistically.
Babysitting on Monday went on like normal. Taehyung didn’t act any differently, which was both concerning and relieving. You were in the backyard pretending to eat whatever dirt concoction the little kids were serving you.
“This one is for you,” Lucy quietly offered Taehyung a clump of dirt sprinkled with blades of grass, topped with a dandelion.
“Oh, how pretty! What is it?” Taehyung played along.
“It’s a love potion. The next person you hug will fall in love with you,” Lucy smiled.
A smirk crept on Taehyung’s face as he pretended to eat Lucy’s love potion. He made a satisfied “Ahh” sound that made Lucy giggle.
“Tae has to hug me now! He loves me the most!” Sam yelled as he ran over to latch onto Taehyung.
“No, Tae loves me!” Bel argued as he pulled on Taehyung’s shirt.
“That’s not how it works!” Lucy huffed as she yelled at the boys.
You watched with delight as the little kids chased Taehyung around the backyard, demanding that he has to hug them. It was easy for him to juke them out as they constantly ran back and forth. You were content with just watching them until Taehyung began to make a beeline for you.
“Oh no no no,” you cried as you got up to run.
Taehyung (and the kids) chased you around for a little bit. The backyard was on the smaller side, so there wasn’t much space to evade all of them coming for you at once. To make matters worse, Taehyung actually started to try and catch you. His speed was no joke; he was much more agile than you gave him credit for.
With one pounce, Taehyung tackled you to the ground. Somehow he managed to whip himself around while you were falling, so you ended up falling on him. Now wrapped up in his arms, Taehyung smiled up at you with a shit eating grin.
“I guess you have to fall in love with me now,” he smirked.
“You wish,” you laughed as you pulled yourself up.
“Aw now he loves Miss _____,” Sam pouted.
“No, now Miss ____ has to fall in love with Tae,” Ava corrected him.
“That’s dumb,” Kota shook his head.
“Tae! Kota said a bad word!” Bel immediately tattled.
“Kota, remember what I said about bad words. No one wants to play with someone who says mean things,” Taehyung chided him.
“Sorry,” Kota mumbled.
“Let’s play go play inside. Who wants juice?” Taehyung patted Kota’s head.
The kids followed Taehyung inside like little ducklings. You loved that sight, you always thought it was the cutest thing. The rest of the day went by without a hitch.
The topic of favorite movies came up during lunchtime the next day.
“I like Frozen 2,” Ava stated, and Lucy nodded furiously in agreement.
“Detective Pikachu was better. Pikachu is funny,” Sam interjected. The other little boys then began to argue about which pokemon was better/stronger.
“I’m not really a big movie watcher,” Taehyung confessed as he took a bite of a dino chicken nugget.
“Have you at least seen the classics? Harry Potter? Lord of the Rings? Star Wars?” you listed with concern.
“I’ve seen Harry Potter and Star Wars. I think I saw the Lord of the Rings? I can’t really remember. I know I wanted to watch the newer Lord of the Rings movies,” he chuckled at your growing disbelief.
“Newer Lord of the Rings? You mean the Hobbit series?” you were disgruntled.
“Yeah those. I didn’t realize you were a nerd,” he nudged you.
“What of it? All of those are great movies. I have copies of the Hobbit series if you ever wanted to watch them,” you offered.
“Do you wanna watch them with me?” he perked up.
“Sure, I love them! You wanna do a marathon? It’ll take up a full day though,” you warned.
“I’m down. Are you free this Sunday?”
“I believe so.”
“Great! I’m excited to see you geek out over hobbits. Okay kids, naptime!”
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You drove up to Taehyung’s place Sunday morning, you weren’t kidding when you said it would take all day. Taehyung said to dress comfortably so you showed up in your sweatpants and oversized college tee. He answered the door wearing gray sweatpants and his favorite CELINE shirt. His dark fluffy hair fell over his forehead and was almost long enough to cover his eyes.
“Good morning! I hope you’re hungry. I made some waffles to eat while we watch the first movie,” he greeted you.
His humble abode smelled heavenly as the scent of dough tinged with a hint of cinnamon wafted through the air. The soft belgian waffles were delicious as they practically melted in your mouth. Taehyung asked a ton of questions with nearly every scene, but you didn’t mind. You were happy to flex your knowledge of Tolkien lore.
Hours later, you found yourself cuddled up with Taehyung as the final credits of the Battle of Five Armies began to roll. Taehyung was still trying to process everything that happened as he asked you clarifying questions about each character.
“Well crap, now I’m sad,” he pouted.
“Yeah, the ending is kind of a downer, but that’s what makes it so good! The Lord of the Rings has a happy ending if that makes you feel better,” you look up at him from his chest.
“You look cute like that,” he observed.
“Like what? Tiny from your angle?” you tilted your head.
“I guess so? Tiny, maybe submissive,” Taehyung’s voice lowered with his suggestion.
“Submissive? Is that how you see me?” you sit back up completely with defiance.
“Not at all. You’re pretty feisty, which is why making you be submissive is even more alluring,” he raised his eyebrow in a suggestive manner.
“Do you want me to be a damsel in distress for you? Not happening,” you smirked.
“Pretty princesses are good for one thing,” Taehyung hopped off the couch.
Before you could say anything, he promptly grabbed you and swung you over his shoulder. You were too shocked by his boldness and physical abilities to retaliate.
“They’re perfect for kidnapping!” he let out a dramatic evil laugh as he carried you off to his bedroom.
Once there, he roughly threw you on the bed. You couldn’t help but look around curiously since this was the first time you’ve ever seen his room. It was surprisingly neat; his bed was made and there were no messy clothing piles in sight.
“Are you an evil dragon then? Capturing princesses and such?” you teased.
“Evil dragon, dashing captor, I can be anything you want me to be. Just please not an orc,” he let out a chuckle before getting back into character, “Just know that you’re trapped here with me. No one is going to rescue you.”
“Oh no! What a terrible situation to be in! What on Earth is this extremely handsome dragon going to do with a poor defenseless princess like me?” you taunted.
“Ok this is all very hot but before we go any further, are you okay with this?” Taehyung asked sincerely.
“I can’t think of anything that I’ve wanted more,” you nodded.
“Perfect. Safe word is red,” he winked at you, “Now strip for me, princess.”
“And if I don’t?” you challenged.
Taehyung grabbed a fistful of hair on the back of your head and forcefully brought you up to his face, “I suggest not making me angry,” he sneered.
You didn’t think you were one for being manhandled, but god damn that was hot. There was already a tingle between your legs and he hadn’t even really touched you yet. You complied with his request, and quickly tore off your shirt and pants. Though you weren’t wearing any fancy lingerie, you were wearing a gray bra and gray panties that could pass off as matching.
“Mmm what a pretty treasure. It would be a shame to let it gounappreciated,” Taehyung stretched out that last word as he gently ran his fingers from your torso up to your neck before firmly grasping it.
Taehyung straddled you as his long fingers were wrapped around your neck. Slowly, he leaned down to kiss you. Though apprehensive at first, he gradually got more bold with it. His tongue dipped into your mouth the instant your lips parted. His other hand crept under your bra to fondle your breast.
“You take your clothes off too,” you said as soon as the kiss broke.
“You don’t get to make any demands, silly princess,” Taehyung shook his head.
You pouted and reached out to tug at his pants anyway. Big mistake. Taehyung slapped your hand away and slammed you back onto the bed.
“You don’t listen, huh? I’ll have to do something about that. Stay still or else you’ll make things worse for yourself,” he ordered.
You reluctantly obeyed, partly because you were curious about what he was going to do, and partly because you were actually intimidated by him. He returned back to the bed a few seconds later, but with a familiar silky red belt in hand.
“Give me your hands. Good girl,” he smiled deviously as he bound them together, “Remember the safe word is red, okay?” he gently reminded you.
He looked down at you with a satisfied grin as he began to take off his sweatpants. He had an obvious bulge in his underwear that outlined his massive dick. You were further entranced by his physique when he took off his shirt. He wasn’t ripped, but he was still fit, as you could plainly see when his chest was finally revealed.
“Open wide, princess,” he demanded.
You opened your mouth, and even flattened your tongue out a little bit for him. He pulled his cock out of his underwear, finally exposing his full length. You doubted you could fit even half of him in your mouth, but at this point it wasn’t up to you.
Taehyung lowered himself down to you, and teasingly tapped the tip of his cock on your tongue. He slowly eased himself into your mouth, forcing you to open your mouth even wider to account for his girth. He made his way back out once you gagged. He grabbed your head to hold you steady as he fucked your mouth once more. He got closer and closer to the back of your throat until he finally hit it. All you could focus on was breathing as tears welled up in your eyes. Taehyung thrusted a couple more times before he pulled out completely.
“Good girl indeed. Well done, princess,” he softly stroked your chin before wiping your tears away. All you could do was smile meekly back at him.
“Don’t worry, it’s time for your reward,” Taehyung smiled down at you as his hand slipped under your panties, “Oh you’re so wet. I can’t wait to taste you.”
He positioned himself between your thighs after he tore off your panties. His thumb fiddled with your clit, causing you to squirm. He placed a strong grip on your thigh to hold you down as he circled your clit faster. Your helpless whimpers were music to Taehyung’s ears.
Without warning, he easily stuck two fingers into you. He didn’t even let you adjust as he rapidly fingered you, his fingers curving to graze your g-spot with every stroke. His tongue swirled around your clit, adding even more toe curling sensations.
Him adding a third finger was the catalyst for the strongest orgasm you’ve ever had in your life. There wasn’t even a build up, everything just hit you at once. Suddenly you were crying out even louder as you violently came. Did it occur to you that you were squirting all over Taehyung and his bed? No. Were you doing exactly that? Absolutely.
“Delicious,” Taehyung said as he licked his lips, “Look at the fucking mess you made.”
“I-i’m sorry,” you managed to stutter, you were still recovering from your orgasm.
“It’s only fair that it’s my turn to make a mess now. Do I need to get a condom, princess?” he cooed.
You weakly shook your head. You needed to feel all of him, right now. Taehyung chuckled at your neediness as he aligned himself with your pussy. He slowly inserted his entire length into you until the base of his cock touched your soaked pussy. You moaned together as he stayed still for a second. You looked up to see Taehyung’s face lit up with pure bliss.
“You’re still so fucking wet,” he growled as he began to mercilessly buck his hips into you.
You moaned with every thrust as Taehyung shook the entire bed. Taehyung placed both of your legs on his shoulders, allowing him to hit you even deeper from this new angle. He leaned over to plant his lips on your neck as he fucked you. What started as a gentle peck took a violent turn as he harshly sucked on your neck. He left dark spots wherever his lips touched, and soon you were covered in dark blooms.
“Do you want me to soil your back or your chest?” he asked in a guttural tone.
“Back?” you answer dubiously.
You were immediately flipped over. You were laying flat on your chest waiting for him to prop up your ass, but he never did. Instead, he simply spread your legs wider and fucked you flat against the bed. Taehyung grabbed your ass and spread your cheeks to get a better view of your sopping pussy. You could feel another orgasm brewing as he fucked even deeper into you, and his cock was continuously dragging against your g-spot.
“Taehyung, I--”
“I know, princess. Let it all out. I want to feel you come on my dick,” he demanded.
A few more strong strokes was all it took for you to go limp under him as your orgasm took over. Seconds after you hit your high, Taehyung pulled out and came all over your back.
Once you were all cleaned up, Taehyung untied you and kissed your forehead.
“How was it, princess?” he asked as he stroked your hair.
“I’ve never been fucked by a beast before, but now I don’t want anything else,” you admitted before kissing his neck.
“Good. I was worried about going overboard. As I told you before, I really like getting into character,” he laughed.
“I’ve never been into roleplay but I’m willing to change for you. Oh shit, it’s late already,” you noticed the time on his alarm clock.
“Just stay the night. I don’t think the kids will care if you’re wearing sweatpants or not. I can lend you a turtleneck to cover up those hickies though,” Taehyung yawned.
“Are you sure?” you questioned.
“Yeah, I don’t mind. Be warned, I’m a cuddler,” he pulled you closer to him.
“I guess I can sleep in a little later then,” you reasoned.
“Perfect. Goodnight, princess,” he quickly kissed your lips.
“You’re sleeping like that?”
“Like what?”
“Butt naked?”
“I can put clothes on if it makes you uncomfortable. I just figured it would make things easier for tomorrow morning,” he said sleepily.
“Tomorrow morning?” that got your attention.
“You’ll see! Be patient, princess. Night night.”
Never in a million years would you have guessed that applying for a babysitting job would result in this, but you weren’t complaining.
Published April 17, 2021. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2021 Baepsaesbae.
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jj-babebank · 3 years
Camp Willowdale / JJ Maybank AU / PART 4
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Synopsis: Camp Willowdale is buzzing with new campers. It’s Caroline Windsor’s first year as a camp counsellor after attending the camp as a camper for ten years. Little does she know that this year Willowdale Lake is going to be a little different from what she is used to it being…
Warnings: future chapters may include curse words, mentions of drugs, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sexual activities, mentions of death.
Pairings: JJ Maybank x fem OC
Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3
Part 4 -
“What do you mean close down the camp and call the police?” said Pricilla, almost sounding shocked, “And risk getting closed for business? Are you crazy?”
“Don’t you find it even slightly suspicious that in the same night the bonfire area gets trashed twice, a dead animal gets found in a counselor’s bag and a counselor goes missing?” said Caroline, obviously unnerved.
Pricilla, however, seemed more unnerved by the group’s presence.
“Listen, kid,” she said, “That Hague girl was no good anyway, always prancing around like she owned the place,”
“You got that right,” muttered Sarah.
“She probably snuck out to meet her boyfriend and saw a rat on the way and that’s why she screamed,” Pricilla shrugged.
“Then what about her still missing?” Caroline questioned.
“Boyfriend probably took her home.” Pricilla said nonchalantly.
“Then what about the bonfire area and the message?” Caroline asked again.
“Boyfriend was probably a tool and thought it’d be funny to pull a stunt on all of us,” the old lady mumbled, “How am I supposed to know? You ask way too many questions too, kid, you sure you’re not Maybank in a wig?”
JJ snorted at the comment while Caroline simply shook her head, “We’re supposed to be expecting children tomorrow, doesn’t any of this sound even a little sketchy to you?”
“Yes, we are,” Pricilla nodded, pulling a cigarette and lighter out of her padded bra and lighting it directly inside the Wildcat Lodge, “And none of you kids will be getting in the way of that.”
“But the bonfire area is totally ruined,” John B joined in on the conversation.
“Well then I’d be heading off to bed if I were you,” Pricilla simply said, taking a long drag of her cigarette, “Wouldn’t want to wake up not in time to sort it out again tomorrow, would you?”
The four teens sighed and left the Wildcat Lodge. Somehow they had been the last group to return to the main area and all of their other fellow counselors had given up on looking for Madison a while ago, all believing the story of how she bailed on camp with her boyfriend.
“Somehow I’m not buying any of this,” said Caroline when they reached the girls’ cabin.
“As much as I’m going to enjoy not having Hague around, I’m gonna have to agree with Carrie on this one,” Sarah said.
JJ and John B agreed too, “None of this makes sense. How is nobody phased by Madison just disappearing?” JJ said.
“It’s because it’s Madison,” muttered Sarah, “she’s a witch,”
Caroline rolled her eyes, “It’s because Pricilla’s too afraid of going out of business and she’s willing to sell and believe any story just so she can keep this place running,”
John B nodded, “Yeah, if anyone’s a witch around here, it’s her,”
“As much as I used to love this place as a kid, ever since Pricilla’s daughter bailed on her she’s become totally bananas and she’s let this place slip majorly,” said JJ.
Everyone agreed once again.
“However, I don’t believe that Madison’s imaginary psycho boyfriend did all of this, regardless how much Pricilla tries to sell that to us,” JJ continued, “And with kids coming in tomorrow and the rest of us still basically being kids ourselves, this could be dangerous, and I say if nobody else wants to take this seriously, we take it in our own hands. Who’s with me?” JJ said, placing his hand in the middle of the circle they had subconsciously formed, expecting the others’ hands to land on it.
Caroline nearly tripped on her still drunken feet after hearing JJ speak so bravely. Her hand immediately shot into the circle and on top of his, almost on command, and if she wasn’t still under the influence of the quarter bottle of whiskey she had downed not too long ago, she’d have been extremely embarrassed at how fast she agreed with the boy. He looked down at their hands then up at her and winked. If she was questioning whether she was still crushing on JJ earlier, now she was sure.
John B’s hand was the one that followed almost equally as fast. Whatever JJ did – so did John B and vice versa, it was a little unspoken rule they’d set back in the day when they were still kids. The only person who still seemed adamant was Sarah, who stood there, arms crossed against her chest, an annoyed frown littering her forehead.
“What?” she snapped when they all turned to look at her, “You want me to take care of a bunch of kids with John B and look for my arch nemesis? Y’all must be tripping.”
“Come on, Sarah, it’s not about Madison,” pleaded Caroline, “Imagine if it were to happen to you, wouldn’t you want someone to come looking for you?”
Sarah bit the inside of her cheek, processing what Caroline was saying to her. She finally rolled her eyes and gave in, slapping her hand on top of the others’, “Ugh, fine, I’ll be part of whatever this is.”
“Yes!” said JJ excitedly, “This means that we can now be sort of like the Scooby gang.”
“I call dibs on Scooby!” said John B, making everyone snort at his comment, “What?” he said defensively, “There wouldn’t be a Scooby gang without a Scooby,”
Caroline shook her head, still smirking at the odd pair of boys her and Sarah had somehow had the chance to be paired up with, “Well the Scooby and the Scooby gang wouldn’t be able to do anything without at least trying to get some rest, so I suggest we head to bed. I doubt that whoever did this will try doing something again tonight. Besides, you heard Pricilla, we’ve gotta set the bonfire area early tomorrow, again.”
Sarah groaned loudly, “Ugh, don’t remind me, let’s go,” she said, stomping up to the door of their cabin and entering the triangular wooden building.
John B also turned to walk towards the boys’ cabin, leaving JJ and Caroline behind.
“So uh,” JJ said, smiling at the girl, “Thanks for agreeing to this, C,”
“Of course,” Caroline said, again too quickly for her liking, “It would suck if something bad did happen to Madison and no one did anything about it,”
“Nah, I was talking about you being partners with me,” JJ said, “Madison might’ve actually ditched for all we know,”
Caroline’s cheeks were on fire again and she was hoping that the yellow lights guiding the pathways towards all the camp’s buildings weren’t allowing JJ to see that.
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” JJ said when Caroline took too long to say anything.
She quickly nodded, “Yeah, I’m looking forward,”
“Yeah, me too,” JJ winked at her and walked away towards his cabin, her entering hers with literal hearts in her eyes.
Missing or not, Madison’s disappearance and the rollercoaster that was their first day had somehow ensured that this summer was in fact going to be one to look forward to.
A/N: This was a short chapter and I wanted to get it out of the way because it was also the last chapter before the camp actually begins hehe
Let me know what you think so far, I'm updating this daily so that I can get to the substance of the story and set up its universe and characters x
tags: @k-k0129 ; @hayleyy-l
Part 5 here
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sup-hoes-its-me · 3 years
Golden II (Kakashi x Reader)
A/N: hello. This is the second part of the Kakashi amnesia fic. I was so conflicted on what to do in this one and admittedly, I am not satisfied with this. Not completely. I really struggle writing the second part of a trio, and it's evident here.
Part three is up!
Word count: 4200
Kakashi struggled to maintain his normal persona after Y/N got into the incident. He just couldn’t shake off that desperate need to be around her. At this point, it was just instinctual to look for her in the crowds, and expect to see her waiting for him each time he got home from a mission. He missed her laugh and her smile, and the people in the village did not help.
His only solace was on missions where he could forget about it all. It was an impossible struggle, especially when everyone and their mother was consoling him every time he stepped outside to do literally anything. He didn’t want people in his business, especially something so sensitive. 
The mornings were now cold and depressing. Each time he rolled over in an attempt to throw his arm around his girlfriend, he was only met with the hollow space where she used to be. He would bury his face in his pillows and shut his eyes, just trying to drown out her voice from his mind. But her scent still lingered on his linens and buried deep into the pillows. 
He imagined her groggy eyes opening just a peek to see if he was awake before her, and he usually was. She would smile and scoot close to his body, curling up and hugging him around the waist, her head resting against his chest. He missed wrapping her up in a cuddly hug, peppering the top of her head with kisses. 
He missed going to get breakfast with her, and her ranting to him about this new novel the store had in shipment, comparing the plot to that of other books she had read and gushing over the character development or the vocabulary or a plot twist she'd never seen. She was always such a nerd, it was adorable.
And he missed meeting up with her each night as she closed the store, her hugging him so tight he could feel her heart beating against his. She'd attack his face with kisses and giggles, pulling down his mask in between the bookshelves where no one could see and gracing his lips with a kiss, or a dozen, depending on the day. 
He just missed her. But he knew it was for the best-not knowing her anymore, not getting attached all over again, or letting her get close to him again. He thought of her amnesia as a fresh start, a way to break up with her without crushing her emotionally. She would never know what she was missing.
He would be the only one suffering, and that was better to him than the other way around.
For Kakashi, it was always hard to imagine he would get to a place in life where he felt comfortable enough with someone to maintain such a relationship. He didn’t think he would grow to have these moments with someone he loved. He worked through so many walls he had built up over the years, fought against all his paranoia and superstitions, and for what? To feel his heart break?
He felt betrayed, by whom, he had no idea. He just felt like the stars had aligned perfectly in favor of screwing him over the moment he was comfortable, the moment someone was able to squeeze into his heart and share their love. It would take time to get over his feelings for her, he knew that. The memories would always linger, but they wouldn’t cut through him like they did now.
For now, the only thing he could do was lie in his bed until his next mission the following day. Without her, he didn’t see any reason to get out of bed anyway.
Y/N returned to her apartment after being discharged from the hospital, and did as she was instructed to do. Each day she would look through her belongings, pictures, trinkets, anything that had emotional value, hoping it would bring out some of her old memories. Nothing really changed. Sometimes she could see flashes of people in her head that lived in the village. Kakashi, that guy in the green suit, Yamato, the sweet girl that took care of her all her days in the hospital. All of them appeared in her mind at one point or another,  but nothing strong enough to give her any knowledge.
Tsunade told her to just keep trying and hopefully, something would fix itself. It seemed like a shot in the dark, but anything was worth a try.
It wasn’t until a few hours into the cleaning process, scrapping blood and ink out of carpets and stocking her shelves of the store, that she found something of real importance. Deep in the back of her front counter, hidden in a drawer, sat a small shoebox, filled with stacks of papers.
At first, she assumed they were probably just old receipts, but that was not the case.
Inside she found many things. Photos, notes, letters, and little trinkets all stacked carefully in the box like her previous self took extra special care of them. For this reason, she took the box to the table to sit down and go through everything one by one. Anything was worth a try, and maybe this would propel her recovery in motion..
First she examined the letters. They were very short, but full of information about her past self, and she found herself more intrigued and surprised with every word. Each one was from Kakashi, she noted that immediately. Out of all people, she could not imagine that man sitting and writing out anything nice or thoughtful to her. 
But she was wrong.
They stated things about how he was on missions and wouldn't be back for a month or so at a time. He often stated how badly he wished to come back home and visit her bookstore again. How he was sorry for being gone so long that he couldn’t help around the store. 
 The first few, dated as far back as 7 years, were very friendly, nothing out of the ordinary for a correspondence between friends. It still seemed sketchy to her that Kakashi took time out of his day to send her letters, but not unbelievable.  It wasn’t until they progressed right in front of her eyes that she was taking in every word with awe.
They detailed how much he missed seeing her face, which he often described as beautiful and precious. She was his motivator that kept him going each morning and through the long nights, he said. The man proclaimed his love over and over in the letters starting four years ago until the very last which was from a few months ago. He was never very descriptive or detailed, but he got across what needed to be said and what was on his mind very effectively.
She had no idea Kakashi felt that way about her. He really didn't act like they had any relationship at all. He actually spent most days avoiding her at all costs. Of course, she would see him walking down the street, and wave through the glass panels of her bookstore, not that he ever cared. He would usually take one look over at her, and then walk faster in the opposite direction. 
To say her first impression of him was a bit off putting was an understatement. Where other people like Yamato treated her with kindness and humility, he seemed to think he was too good to try and reconnect. Although, he was certainly a handsome man and very courageous. She could vaguely see why her old self was at least physically attracted to him. Even if he wasn’t acting the nicest now, the letters led her to believe he was possibly a hopeless romantic.
She scanned through the other things in the box. The photos were ones of her with all her friends, but the majority were just Kakashi. The first few photos, the oldest, with the most damage around the frayed edges, were of them when they were much younger. He didn't have on the jounin vest he wore, and she had such a baby face to match a toothy grin. Maybe they were teenagers, 20 somethings? She couldn’t tell for sure.  
The photos were just of them together. Sitting by certain sights or buildings, hugging, eating, on every kind of date you could imagine. It looked like she documented each one. Time stamps on the backs in whatever pen color she had at the time, scribbled details here and there.
It made sense now, why she had a pile of disposable cameras in her room. Dozens of photos of Kakashi, decades of memories all piled up in this box between the pair. It felt surreal, seeing herself in places she couldn’t recognize, in the arms of a man she barely knew.
She must have really loved him before. Their relationship was one of quite a few years from the looks of the things in this box, and obviously she cherished even the little moments. She felt guilt pang in her chest, and her stomach to turn over painfully. How he must have felt when she told him she didn't remember him. How it must feel walking past her in the street and knowing what they had was gone. She couldn't imagine the pain he had to be going through.
And he said that the entire thing was his fault. That day he walked into her hospital room, he apologized for what he did to her, saying that his family was the cause for this, and that he should have come to the store earlier to make sure something like that never happened. He wasn’t a superhero, despite what everyone thought of him. He was merely a man, a shinobi with a love for porn novels and dogs and one girl he desperately wanted to protect. Now that was gone.
Needless to say, she felt awful. It wasn’t her fault for not remembering him, but it sure felt that way.
She set everything back into the box and put it in its place under the counter before flipping the open sign to closed and heading out into the street. She knew where he lived, only because of the return addresses on the envelopes of the letters. She was still quite familiar with Konoha and it's workings, some of the street names hazy but there. She was now determined to make it to his apartment, even if she had to ask everyone in town to help navigate.
If he was on a mission, so be it, but if he was home, she wanted to see the man. 
Thankfully, she realized that he lived only a few streets away from her when a street vendor pointed her in the right direction, but damn,  he lived on the fourth floor and she inwardly cursed him. Her legs were still a bit shaky from the incident, and she hadn't healed completely. Stairs were a pain for her. This entire man seemed like a real pain, honestly.
She finally made it to the fourth floor after hobbling up like an old man, and knocked on the second door. She was going to have a conversation with this man, the same man who was keeping their history a secret this entire time without trying to make a connection again.
No one in this town wanted to explain anything to her. Yamato was nice but he always beat around the bush and left when things started getting informative. Sakura just fawned over her broken limbs and injuries. And the man in the green jumpsuit was too loud, she usually had to kick him out once she felt a headache coming on. Other than that, she didn’t have many friends. They’d told her her family died in a “jinchuriki” attack, whatever that meant, so she didn’t have any family to ask either.
As she waited at the door, she felt her stomach churn. Part of her was genuinely curious how her younger self fell for him and what they were like together. Like, what was the appeal? He seemed kinda strange and distant, and she couldn’t help but want cuddles and love constantly. It seemed like an odd match, and Y/N couldn’t help but question it. 
Opposites attract, I guess.
After a couple seconds, the door opened a crack, and a half dressed man answered the door. She found her face heating up a bit. He wasn’t even exposed in any way, he just wasn’t wearing his headband, nor did he have his jacket on, revealing toned arms and fluffy, messy hair that she had to admit was pretty adorable. Okay, so she could definitely see herself falling for someone so handsome, but regardless, she was on a mission.
He looked startled to see her standing there in all her glory, out of breath and bent over like she’d run the whole way here. She held onto the doorway to balance herself. Perhaps she was just a tiny little bit out of breath from climbing the stairs still. Y/N apologized quickly, “Sorry, give me a second. Going up the stairs is really hard to do and you live on the fourth floor so, yeah.” 
“Who told you where I live?” He questioned, scanning the walkway to make sure no one else was around to be listening. 
“You did, actually,” she answered after taking a deep breath. “I found an old box of letters from you, and I just went to the return address.”
The letters. How could he forget about them? He had tried to rid her place of all signs of him, taking out pictures of the two of them together save for a few with other people included. He took out every single belonging he had. The only thing he missed was the letters, ones he didn’t even know Y/N had kept in the first place. He cursed himself. 
Her reading the letters made him feel violated. Even if the letters were for her, it felt like a stranger had just read some of his deepest and most pathetic thoughts, the ones of love and adoration and depression all piled up in a few letters addressed to a Y/N he used to know.  He felt sick thinking about what this woman now knew. 
“Okay. Well, listen, you really shouldn’t just come to my apartment like this. I’m not fond of drop in visits.”
“I don’t care. I’ll do whatever I want, Kakashi Hatake, or should I say, my lover,” she laughed, resting one of her hands on her hip proudly. He felt himself wince at the sound of those words coming from her lips, seeing her childish grin. It reminded him too much of before, how they used to be, and he couldn’t handle that. Suddenly, he felt that familiar sickness rolling in his stomach. “How come you never said anything about it?”
“Because, I didn’t think you needed to know.”
“Why? Obviously you were a very big part of my life and I, yours,” she asked.
He sighed and leant on the doorframe, his eyes never leaving the village over her shoulder, anything other than meeting her eyes. He really did not want to have this conversation with her. He would have talked her ear off about a month before when she actually had her memories and knew who she was, but today, with the way she was, he might as well be speaking to a stranger. 
“Do you want me to be honest?”
“Of course.”
“It’s because I was going to leave you after the accident either way” he confessed, and she could only nod. It wasn’t like she was gonna get offended by his words, she didn’t even know him. He continued, “It makes me sick knowing that all this was my fault in the first place.”
She tilted her head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“The reason that man and his lackeys kidnapped you is because of my father’s mistakes,” he sighed, “That bastard wanted to get revenge by hurting you, since you and I were close.”
She nodded, tapping the floor with her foot as she absorbed everything he’d said. That is what he alluded to before when they met in the hospital. She replied calmly, her tone so understanding it made him feel nauseous.“I see. Well, I wouldn’t exactly call that your fault. You definitely didn’t directly cause anything to happen, if anything it was your father. I’m not offended at all.” 
“It doesn’t matter what you think. It doesn’t make this anyone's fault but mine.”
“Really, it’s not your fault. You could have never predicted this,” she tried to say, but he just went on, words flowing out faster than she could argue against them. 
“It doesn’t matter. I knew that it was wrong to let you into my life. You would have lived just as happily if I’d have ignored you and let you meet some son of a baker, get married after a year, have a bunch of kids, shit, I don’t know,” he cursed. She could tell he was breaking down feelings he had been harboring for a while, and she pushed past him into his apartment, walking right under the arm he was resting on. This wasn’t something to talk about in public, out in the open. “I knew that if you were with me that you would never live a normal life, and I still let you fall in love with me, all because I was too selfish to put my own feelings aside.”
“Love shouldn’t be suppressed like that. You did what was natural.”
“Yeah, and look where that got us. Look where that got you, Y/N.” He waved to her bandaged legs. “You’re never going to remember me again, so it doesn’t matter if I rekindle our relationship, does it?”
She took a seat on the edge of his bed to rest her tired legs. He seemed so angry with himself, so much self hate radiating from his person. He was hurting so badly, and she just wished he would let her comfort him. 
For a moment, she wondered if he would let her hold him like before, so he could pretend that things hadn’t gone wrong, even for a short time. Put his mind at ease if only for a short while. Y/N refrained from saying anything, though. Physical touch was probably one of the worst things for him right now, especially from her.
Instead, she meditated on what he said. She sat there fiddling with her fingers, trying to figure out what to say to him, anything that would make the situation easier for him. All she ever wanted was to make life easier for others, and if her way of doing so was being kind and thoughtful toward these worn shinobi, then that is what she would do. 
She leaned back on her hands and let out a soft sigh, words surfacing in her brain that might just do the trick. “Kakashi, do you want to hear something that might bring you hope?”
“Whatever,” he brushed off, not thinking anything she could say would make the situation better. He’d tried for a month to make things better and nothing was working. 
“I’ve been having dreams. Dreams of the past, dreams of memories that I have forgotten. When I look through photos, new images appear of people that I used to know,” she told him softly. “Tsunade says that means I’ll regain my memories with time, it’s just taking a bit longer than we had hoped. She thinks I can get everything back. The girl that you used to know.” 
He stood there for a moment, just processing what she said. He could feel his heart beat a little faster in his chest, and he lifted his eyes slowly to meet her own. She always had such soft, gentle eyes, even now. “Do you have any dreams of me?” He was hesitant to ask, but she gladly nodded. “What do you remember?”
“Well, it’s mostly just snapshots here and there of you and everyone else. Short little tibbits of what life used to be like. I know Yamato has wood nature jutsu because in one of my dreams he had summoned this ginormous tree. I know there is a younger guy with the most yellow hair I’ve ever seen. I know that you have a red eye under the headband, but I don’t know what it’s for,” she explained, listing off some examples of things shehad dreamed of. 
He hummed. “Firstly, you’re right about Yamato. He’s actually the only one alive who can use that jutsu.”
“Really? That’s interesting. Is that why he’s head of the...uh, that group? The ones with the animal masks?” she asked, feeling foolish at her lack of knowledge.
He let out the tiniest of chuckles, just a hint of one. “It’s actually ANBU, but good on you for knowing about them. And it’s not just because of his wood jutsu, he is also a very skilled and strong shinobi. He is a good team leader,” he explained. For a moment, he almost found it fun to listen to her struggle to remember things and then help her out. He noticed the way her nose crinkled when she was thinking especially hard about something, and god, it reminded him of before. He felt his heart thawing with each look her way. 
Kakashi shut his front door and walked over to the other side of his bed. He took a seat against the wall, kicking out his legs. He was beginning to relax. “And about the yellow haired kid? That’s one of my students, Naruto Uzumaki. He’s a handful, but also a very talented, determined shinobi.”
She mouthed the name to herself a couple times, trying to memorize it. It sounded vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t be too sure. A lot of things sounded like she should remember them, and she couldn’t exactly figure out which were right.
“And your red eye?”
“It’s a long story, and we won’t go into it. Simply put, this eye is called the sharingan. It’s a special dojutsu that only members of the Uchiha clan possess.”
“So you’re part Uchiha?”
“No. That’s the part I’m not gonna get into,” he brushed off her question. That was something that he really did not want to discuss again. He’d already told her the story once, he didn’t need to do it a second time, even if she had amnesia. When he looked over at her, she looked so familiar. Her eyes were filled with happiness, and he noticed that her lips were curled up into a sweet smile. “What are you happy about?”
She shook her head and turned her head to hide the upward curl of her lips. She was just so glad, her whole body felt warmer because of it. “Because you are being nice to me and explaining things. No one really explains things to me, they just skip around stuff usually,” she confessed as she tapped her heels together. 
He could only shake his head at that. “You deserve to know at least the basic stuff, just until you get your memory back.”
“Hmm? You’ll explain any of my memories? Like any of them?” she asked.
He nodded.
“Oh, yeah, well explain this dream I had.”
Her smile took a mischievous turn, and he definitely noticed the change. He could only imagine what she was about to ask. “I’ll give you a hint...I know what you look like completely naked,” she giggled, falling back on the bed and covering her face with her hands. 
“And you call me the pervert…” he sighed, crossing his arms behind his neck. Her laugh, it was like music to his ears. No matter what she could say, he was just relieved to feel her beside him, gleaming with a happiness he missed for nearly a month now. 
“I really had a sex dream about you the other night, but you can imagine my confusion. I was like, what the hell, I don’t even know the guy,” Y/N laughed, “It all makes sense now.”
He rolled his eyes at her sense of humor. Things felt so normal, like before. He felt his chest grow warm at the feeling. Kakashi’s  lips cracked into a grin under his mask, not that it mattered to wear the mask. She already saw his face in a dream, it seemed kinda pointless if they were alone. 
Maybe he would let things go back to normal. Maybe he would talk to her more, and let her visit when he was home. Maybe he could go to her store when she waved to him instead of running away like a coward. Maybe he could let himself be happy, despite his faults, despite what happened to her. The wounds could be mended, he decided. 
He just couldn’t help but be selfish and let her back in.
206 notes · View notes
whumpinggrounds · 3 years
All Caught Up
woohoo here for day 1 of @whumptober2021 with some superhero/sidekick content :) as i’m sure you’ll figure out, this is for the barbed wire part of the prompt
tagging @whumpy-writings, please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed :)
CW: barbed wire, (duh), blood, field medicine, cuts, pain, crying, sidekick whump, environmental whump (kinda??)
The mission is going well, as far as August can tell. He’s been relegated to recon, which is a nice way of saying that he’s spending the night running circles around the action. Beck, ever the diplomatic leader, makes sure to talk up the importance of it, emphasize how August is keeping them safe by watching everyone’s back. August, young and green though he might be, is smart enough to know that it’s a little less dramatic than all that. At least he’s contributing, August tells himself. Mercer, his fellow trainee, is back at the compound with the medic girl, Valerie. Perhaps it’s only because August’s power is more useful, but he’d like to pretend it’s a little deeper than that.
By his fifteenth lap around their perimeter, August has to call his wishful thinking what it is. He’s not any more capable than Mercer, and certainly he’s less useful than Valerie. He’s just convenient for the current mission, which, by the way, he doesn’t even get to know about. After just a few minutes of the task, he has to admit what he’s really doing, which is running pointless circles around a warehouse in the dark, keeping his eyes open for anyone suspicious.
“What kind of suspicious person should I be looking for?” August had asked, overloaded on adrenaline as Beck and Donovan briefed him on the mission. Beck had nodded at the question, but Donovan had looked nothing short of disgusted.
“We’ll be at an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city in the middle of the night. Anyone shows up, they’re suspicious. Is that simple enough for you?”
After weeks of training with him, August was well used to Donovan’s digs, but hearing it in front of Beck made him flush like it was the first time. He ducked his head, cringing from the friendly pat Beck tried to land on his shoulder.
“Don’s just stressed,” Beck had explained with an apologetic smile. August had forced a smile. If that was true, Donovan’s spent the past several weeks stressed, every minute of every day.
The memory of the conversation cheers August, just a little. It reminds him that he’s out here, jogging easy laps around the warehouse, instead of inside, within range of Donovan’s caustic comments. At a steady, sustainable lope, August cuts through the clear, slightly cool night air like a knife. He’s dressed in black from head to toe, including a mask pulled down over his face that hides his spiky, strawberry blonde hair. When he first dressed out like this, August had been tempted to ask what would happen if someone thought he looked suspicious, skipping around dressed completely in black. Before he got the words out, though, he imagined Donovan’s withering response, and Beck’s awkward pity. August decided it was better just to keep his mouth shut. Now he focuses on watching the world around him, scanning alleyways and empty roads in widening circles. It’s easy, meditative, the most familiar motion August knows.
Around him, the night is thick and silent. His footsteps echo down quiet streets, only the sound of buzzing streetlights and distant sirens there to keep him company. Of all the sketchy parts of the city, August wouldn’t have picked the warehouse district for a criminal hotspot – most of these places are legitimate shipping contract, complete with a rent-a-cops posted outside their chain link fencing. This building is on the edge, though. August examines it on his closer loops, trying to glean from the outside what must be going on within. He has a lot to learn, and it’ll take him twice as long if Donovan and Beck won’t explain things to him outright.
They’ve been in the area almost an hour when a new noise makes August’s ears prick up. Something rattles in one of the side streets, a way that’s been empty the last three times August checked it. Tightening his circle, August trots toward the sound, not sure whether he should hope for a stray dog, or something a little more exciting.
As he draws closer, August tries to note the ways the alleyway might’ve changed, but he just hasn’t been paying enough attention in all this quiet. There’s a bottle, gleaming empty, in the center of the alley, which may not have been there before. Slowing to a walk, August scans both sides of the way carefully, making sure to check the window sconces above him. He gets to the street on the other side, ready to give up, when he sees him. Across the way, there’s a man watching him – dark clothes, shifty eyes. Their eyes lock, and August feels his heart rate pick up.
Before he can say anything or start to move, the other man is turning and running. Despite himself, a smile spreads across August’s face. Perfect.
Springing into action, August throws himself into the chase. After all the casual jogging, it feels so good to run – muscles firing at top speed, peak efficiency. The world blurs past his face as August’s legs pump beneath him, fine and strong. Fully confident in his abilities, August charges forward, fighting the urge to grin.
Up ahead, the stranger doesn’t look back. Presumably, he can hear August’s footsteps, catching up to him in leaps and bounds. The guy darts into a nearby building, dodging through dilapidated rooms, no doubt as a last-ditch attempt at evasion. Smirking, August tears after him.
The only thing that keeps the man out of August’s reach are the doorways and minor obstacles that block August’s path. He has to slow down to dodge, and the stranger pulls ahead again, fleeing out the back door a few precious yards before August. Growling, August hurls himself forward again, springing off the bottom steps of the house. He takes two massive strides and then –
And then August is on the ground, for seemingly no reason. Heart pumping hard, adrenaline surging through his veins, August tries to bounce back to his feet without even checking what might be wrong. That’s when the pain hits.
It’s stinging, at first, in his legs, and then a strange, metallic rattling sound. August lies still, brain still trying to catch up to what exactly is going on. Slowly, tentatively, he tries to separate one leg from the other, and then sucks in a breath as the tearing pain sharpens. Peering down, he whimpers as the source of his agony is revealed.
A bunch of old, rusty strands of barbed wire are wrapped around his legs. He must’ve run into them, almost full speed. If they were stapled to something before, his momentum must’ve carried him straight through, but it’s just as likely that the coils were just sitting there. Either way, the wire is now wrapped tight around his legs, digging in with every little motion he tries to use to escape.
Okay. Okay. August tries to keep his breathing level, but it’s hard. It’s getting shaky. Okay, he tells himself, just, just sit up-
But sitting up moves the wires, makes them tear at his skin in new and agonizing ways. Hissing through his teeth, August gives up for a second, lies panting on the ground like a landed fish. The weight on his legs makes the barbs dig in all the deeper. Whining, August pushes himself up on his elbows and, fighting pain, reaches back to try to pull the damn thing off. Every single motion makes the barbs dig deeper, rip and tear at August’s skin like they have teeth and independent, vicious will.
Despite his gritted teeth, his clenched fists, his desperate attempts to control himself, tears leak from August’s eyes. Angrily he swipes them away, panting through the waves of stinging pain, trying to think. He needs to…he needs to…he needs to get upright, so he can untangle himself.
The thought of standing, of all the maneuvering he’ll need to do, puts a sob in August’s throat. He just wants it to stop hurting. Adrenaline is draining from his system, leaving him with helpless, useless pain. August wants someone to come help him – but even if Donovan and Beck are out looking for him, he has no way of knowing when they’ll find him. Besides, he’s a full-on adult. He’s supposed to be a superhero. He’s supposed to help on this mission, not hinder. August needs to fix this himself.
Drawing in a long, unsteady breath, August steels himself, eyes closed. He can’t fix anything from his current position, facing the ground and unable to see just how bad the knotting is. Trying to stand is going to dig the barbs even deeper into his thighs and calves. Flipping over on his back will tangle him further in the loose strands of wire. There’s no good option, but he can’t just lie here on his face and let the barbs bury themselves in his skin, hoping someone finds him soon.
Gritting his teeth, August makes his move fast, giving himself no time to chicken out. Throwing his body to the side, he flips himself onto his back, dragging the strands of wire with him.
The pain is blinding. Either the wire is still attached to something, or its own weight resisted August’s move – whatever it is, the wire wrapped around his legs drags hard against August’s flesh. Caught off guard, August screams, a harsh, ragged sound that echoes loud into the night. He screams just once, and then bites down savagely on his cheek, pressing a fist to his mouth to muffle his sobs. Below the waist, his pants grow wet with blood.
Fuck. Fuck. It hurts so bad his body shakes with his tears. It hurts. Inside his head, August is wailing, but on the outside, all he can do is lie on the ground shaking, pressing his fist so hard against his teeth that his knuckles split and bleed.
Fuck. Fuck. Just breathe. He has to breathe. He has to breathe, and then he has to get it together, and then he has to fix this.
After a few minutes of regaining his composure, August sits up gingerly. In the dim glow of flickering streetlights, he looks at the mess wound tight around his legs. Just seeing it makes his stomach drop. He has no tools with him, nothing that could be used to cut spiky steel wire. August will have to sit here and peel each piece away from his skin by hand, even as tugging at one strand pulls another strand tighter.
It's going to be agony. But August doesn’t have another choice. Already, his pants are damp, and it won’t be long before a puddle starts to form. He can’t just sit here and weep until his mentors come to save him.
With one shaking finger, August tries to trace the wire, to figure out where and how to start. Eventually, he abandons that idea – he’s held by at least two, maybe three separate pieces of wire, and they’re all twisted together, a chaotic tangle that engulfs his legs in too many different places. Locking his jaw together and vowing that he won’t scream, August sets out to free himself.
It feels like it takes forever. A few times, August wishes dizzily to pass out from blood loss, or pain, but though the barbs cut deep, he’s not losing a dangerous amount of blood. The pain, rather than knocking him out, seems determined to keep him inescapably, unbearably present, aware of every little agony that razor wire can cause. Every shift, every tug, every careful little motion sends searing pain reverberating through his body.
Driven to distraction by the pain, by gritting his teeth and reducing his screams to grunts, August casts around him, finally landing on an old cardboard box collapsing in on itself nearby. With greedy fingers he hauls it to himself, folds it into a packet as thick as a wallet, and stuffs it in his mouth. Cringing from the taste of earth and mold and damp, August draws in a difficult breath around the mouthful and then attempts a particularly hard yank.
Head falling back, August yowls into his makeshift gag, biting down so hard he chokes on his trapped tongue. Coughing, crying, keening into the cardboard like a wounded animal, August works an especially tight strand away from his calves, not letting himself stop, no matter how painful or loud the going is.
When the loop is finally loose, August lets his teeth creak apart. His jaw aches from the clenching, and his teeth have worn deep, blurred impressions in the old cardboard. His hands are trembling, stained with blood from his legs and from where he’s cut his palms heaving at the wire entrapping him. Swiping a bloody hand across his mouth, August tries to get his breath back, all the while moaning, letting out little repetitive whimpering cries, like an animal caught in a trap and begging for aid. Distantly, he’s surprised at himself – he’s never heard these little pleading whines before and wouldn’t have thought it was something he would do. He’d always thought of himself as a yeller, before, someone who outright bellowed their pain. Tonight, he’s timid and pathetic as a child.
By the time Beck and Donovan find him, August is working on the last round of wire, surrounded by the bloody remnants of his prior successes. He’s too exhausted and pain-sick to focus on anything but freeing himself, so he isn’t alerted to the presence of the other supers until he hears Beck’s murmur. “Oh, fuck.” The leader sounds horrified, sick. “Oh, fuck, August, what happened?”
Too weary to have dignity, August just opens his mouth and lets the cardboard fall out, hands dropping to his sides and away from the barbed wire still stuck in his legs. “Saw som’n watchin’ the warehouse.” It’s been so long since he tried to talk that August isn’t sure why he’s slurring – maybe exhaustion, maybe the pain. Maybe because he’s been biting down so hard on cardboard his jaw feels like it won’t work right ever again. “Trieda chase ‘em. Didn’ see…didn’ see the wire.”
“How long have you been here?”
“Don’ know. Feels like…a long time.”
August looks up at Beck with total, hopeless, bottomless despair. Swallowing hard, Beck drops to his knees beside August, hand slipping down to his toolbelt. In seconds, he has a pair of wire cutters out and ready, and August feels hysterical laughter well within him at the thought of how easy this all would’ve been if only Beck had been around.
From another street floats a familiar, four note whistle. Beck replies in kind through his teeth as he brings the clippers to rest against the wire. August grits his teeth, steeling himself for the snap, the sudden retraction of the coils. Hesitating, Beck peers at him. “This…this could hurt.”
“’ve peeled…plen’y of it off m’self,” August grits out. “Jus’…hurry.” He drags in a shaky breath and wills himself to be brave. “…please.”
Squeezing his eyes shut, August remembers the cardboard too late. Without it, he lets an agonized grunt escape his lips as the wire cutters sever the last loop. Even the minute relaxation of his newly released legs is enough to jerk cruelly on the barbs embedded in his thighs. Fresh tears spring to his eyes beneath his mask, and August wonders wretchedly if Beck can see them.
If Beck does see his youngest trainee crying, he’s good enough not to say anything about it. When August peeks through slitted eyes, he sees his leader bent over the wire, focusing hard, drawing each barb out carefully and trying not to jostle as he does.
It hurts only a little less than August’s work on himself, but it’s over blessedly quick. When Beck finally sits back on his heels, August is left panting and bloody, but finally free. For a long moment he just sits there, leaning back on his elbows, trying to catch his breath. Opening his eyes, he discovers that sometime in the last few minutes, Donovan arrived, and is now staring at him, green eyes unreadable under his mask.
“August was trying to chase down a possible spy and ran into some razor wire.” Beck’s voice is low, distracted. “Maybe night vision goggles next time? Or-”
“Or the trainee learns not to run into shit like fences, walls, and goddamned barbed wire.”
“Can’t teach common fucking sense, Beck.” Donovan snorts. “Or maybe you can, but you shouldn’t waste your time.”
Letting his head drop, August bites his lip hard to avoid dissolving into tears. He’s tried so hard to be brave. When he speaks, his voice comes out as a wavery, exhausted whisper. “I’m sorry.”
There’s a long silence from his two mentors. “Come on, Donovan.” Beck sounds tired. “He’s lost a fair amount of blood.”
Donovan just grunts, and crosses the courtyard, and scoops August up in an effortless bridal carry. He isn’t especially gentle, but he isn’t especially rough either, and he carries August, bloody and teary and exhausted, all the way home.
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connieslover · 4 years
headcanon : my heart was pounding and fluttering
✧˖*°࿐  headcanons of midoriya, todoroki, bakugou and kaminari realising that they’re in love with you (bruh i have a cr*sh on kaminari)
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 ˖◛⁺⑅♡izuku midoriya
ෆ one night, you were in todoroki’s room along with the rest of dekusquad, studying for your finals
ෆ you offered to make drinks as everyone looked pretty tired and unmotivated to study 
ෆ “i-i’ll help you!”
ෆ being the gentleman midoriya was, he quickly jumped from the ground and offered to help you
ෆ “oh thanks midoriya!” 
ෆ you exited todoroki’s room along with midoriya, the two of you walking in silence as you took in the ambience of the night
ෆ once the two of you arrived at the kitchen, you headed to the cupboard to retrieve the mugs 
ෆ “midoriya, could you make the green tea latte for ohcaco and iida? there should be tea bags somewhere there,”
ෆ without hesitance, the male nodded before taking two of the mugs you laid on the counter and walking to the drawer that was filled with many varieties of tea bags 
ෆ thank you yaoyorozu for being 1-A’s tea provider
ෆ midoriya stood in front of the drawer, baffled
ෆ there were at least four boxes with the label ‘green tea’ 
ෆ how could he possibly know which one was ‘green tea latte’?
ෆ seeking for help, he turned his head to ask you 
ෆ “y-n….?”
ෆ his voice turned into a quiet whisper
ෆ you were currently heating up hot milk for you and todoroki, humming softly to a song 
ෆ the light from the moon was shining on your silhouette which was slowly swaying from side to side 
ෆ he was enchanted by your beauty which was even more pronounced during the night 
ෆ he quickly shook of his thoughts before returning his attention to the tea bags in front of him
ෆ but only then did he realize that he was alone
ෆ with you 
ෆ his thoughts didn’t allow him to go further as he felt a presence behind him
ෆ “midoriya, you do know which one is the green tea latte, right?” 
ෆ he literally froze
ෆ your head was peeking from behind his shoulder curiously
ෆ this was the first time he had ever been so close to you
ෆ the close proximity made his cheeks turn into a dark shade of red and the hairs on his arm to stand up
ෆ “s-so close!”
ෆ “midoriya?”
ෆ “oh- uh...actually i’m not sure which is the right one,”
ෆ the air from your chuckle breezed against his neck and midoriya felt his breath hitch
ෆ “it’s this one,” 
ෆ you took a step beside him and pointed at the correct boxes of green tea
ෆ midoriya sheepishly took two packets from the box, ripped it open and poured the contents into the cup
ෆ “the water’s boiling so i guess we’ll have to wait for a while,” 
ෆ the two of you stood side by side, listening to the sounds of the rapids of water, elbows touching
ෆ midoriya took this moment to regain his composure 
ෆ he’s interacted with people before
ෆ (obviously)
ෆ and he had been in situations where he was left alone with females
ෆ and had them fall on top of him 
ෆ but he had never felt his heart seconds away from combusting, his palms sweating, his mind pounding and the shyness to look at them in the eye like he did now 
ෆ it was different 
ෆ although you weren’t doing anything in particular, the male was nervous like crAZYY
ෆ “oh! it’s done,” 
ෆ midoriya took the kettle and poured the water into the mugs
ෆ with shaking hands, it was surprising that he had actually poured into them
ෆ “here’s your hot chocolate,”
ෆ you slid the green colored mug towards midoriya with a smile on your face
ෆ “th-thank you,”
ෆ the two of you were walking back to todoroki’s room with a tray each
ෆ it somehow surprised midoriya that you knew his favorite late night drink was hot chocolate
ෆ but he wasn’t completely flustered about it
ෆ one of the things he liked most about you was that you were observant and that you took in the smallest bits of details
ෆ “wait a minute-did i just-LIKE?”
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 ˖◛⁺⑅♡shoto todoroki
ෆ you and todoroki were paired up together for the first time for your hero lesson with All Might
ෆ you weren’t exactly his best mate nor was he yours, but you two were able to classify each other as ‘good friends’
ෆ for today’s lesson, it was to simply rescue the citizens
ෆ “let’s go into that sketchy building,” you chirped, skipping off towards the building while todoroki followed you from behind
ෆ as the two of you walked side by side in the dark hallways, checking every room for any citizens, you heard footsteps 
ෆ “did you hear that?” 
ෆ “yeah, i think the sounds are coming from that room,”
ෆ you followed todoroki into an empty room where you carefully observed the area
ෆ suddenly, the wall had been broken through by an oddly strong robot
ෆ the bricks flew towards you and todoroki and you let out a squeal before cowering behind todoroki who had created an ice wall
ෆ “woah~” 
ෆ “i thought we were just rescuing civilians….” mumbled todoroki
ෆ “i should’ve known something like this was going to happen. let’s go kick their asses todoroki!”
ෆ and so, you and todoroki fought the robots which were coming your way together
ෆ from todoroki’s peripheral view, he could see you spitting out curse words at the robots and hitting them with your quirk 
ෆ unknowingly, he felt his lips itching to smile 
ෆ the two of you gave out loud pants, sweat dripping from your necks as you had destroyed the last robot
ෆ “god that was tiring,” you huffed, wiping the sweat from your forehead
ෆ "let’s continue to find civilians,” spoke todoroki
ෆ you nodded in reply and started walking and by chance, your shoe laces had untangled during the fight, causing you to step onto it
ෆ you were prepared to face plant into the ground embarrassingly until you felt a sudden coldness around your ankle, preventing you from falling
ෆ "sorry,”
ෆ you smiled sheepishly as he walked over to you, melting the ice away with his fire quirk
ෆ “thanks todoroki, you saved me from sharing my first kiss with the floor,”
ෆ after rescuing civilians, encountering a few classmates and beating up more robots there was a loud announcement from All Might saying that their time was up 
ෆ whilst you and todoroki were walking back to the changing rooms, reflecting on your lessons, you had suddenly gone quiet 
ෆ confounded by the sudden halt of your conversation, todoroki glanced at you from the corner of his vision
ෆ you had a small smile on your face 
ෆ it was sort of a proud smile
ෆ “you should use your fire quirk more often by the way,” you spoke in a soft yet genuine tone before switching to your more bright and loud tone, “with just your ice quirk you’re already pretty strong but imagine if you used both of them.... you’ll be unstoppable!”
ෆ todoroki felt a jolt of bashfulness, pleased and comfort mixed together
ෆ before he knew it, you had bidded him goodbye as you went towards your changing area with a smile on your face, leaving him wondering as to why his heart was pounding faster than before
ෆ after changing back into his uniform, todoroki was walking along the corridors when suddenly the image of you smiling proudly appeared  
ෆ he felt his heart race once more
ෆ bewildered by his sudden heart rate increasing, he ran towards recovery girls' room
ෆ he was worried if he had caught some kind of sickness or was experiencing a form of heart strain
ෆ when recovery girl had checked up on his vitals and did a physical examination on him, she had said that todoroki was perfectly healthy
ෆ “but...my heart beat keeps racing at odd times...and whenever i see this person i feel at ease and i have this urge to hold them. are you sure i’m fine?”
ෆ “todoroki... i think you have a crush. and all these sensations you’re feeling, are symptoms of love. ”
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 ˖◛⁺⑅♡katsuki bakugou
ෆ bakugou thought that midoriya was the only person capable of making him feel like murdering someone 
ෆ well that was until he met you
ෆ don’t worry he doesn’t want to kill you
ෆ bakugou was sulking on his seat as per any other day, accompanied by his close friend, kirishima
ෆ “you dumbass don’t abuse your quirk like that”
ෆ kirishima let out a chuckle at his friend’s response to one of his stories he had probably told three times already
ෆ their conversation was cut short when kirishima’s name had been called out by you
ෆ “kirishima come here,”
ෆ kirishima immediately jumped up from his seat and jogged towards you
ෆ “r-red riot? you know me so well y/n!”
ෆ bakugou glanced at the bright smile on his best friends face before tearing his gaze to the squirrel in the tree 
ෆ however, his eye’s couldn’t help but wonder to you conversing happily with kirishima
ෆ being the social butterflies you and kirishima were, you two immediately clicked and became good friends so it wasn’t a surprise to bakugou that you two bonded so easily
ෆ but what did surprise him was the faintest shade of pink on your cheeks as you laughed
ෆ the way you threw your head back and your eyes crinkled as you laughed was enough to make anyone else in the room smile
ෆ bakugou was even more surprised at the fact that when you were laughing with kirishima, he felt angry
ෆ he felt the urge to punch his own best friend for making you laugh
ෆ “wait what? why the hell am i feeling this way?”
ෆ as he continued to gaze at you and kirishima, the feeling of envy bubbled inside of him
ෆ but being the oblivious person he was, he just thought that he was angry at you for stealing his best friend from him
ෆ “yeah, that must be it. i’m feeling angry because that damn extra stole my friend,”
ෆ “oi bakugou, why do you look so pissed? i mean you always look pissed, but you look even more pissed off today,”
ෆ “tch i just thought about something that made me angry,”
ෆ “could that something be y/n? you’ve been staring at her for quite some ti-”
ෆ “shut up kaminari,”
ෆ for the remainder of the day, whenever he saw you, he would scoff and turn his head away from you
ෆ bewildered at his attitude, you decided to talk to him when you found him sitting by on the couch by himself in the living room 
ෆ "moron,”
ෆ from the tingling sensation he felt from your whisper behind him, bakugou immediately whipped his head around 
ෆ your brows were slightly furrowed and you had a slight pout on your lips as you crossed your arms 
ෆ “did i do something wrong?
ෆ bakugou turned his head away from you, “no,”
ෆ “then why did you keep ignoring me the whole day? you keep scoffing at me! geez did i really not do something wrong? could you just tell me? it’s been annoying me the whole day you know! or maybe....do you...do you hate me?”
ෆ “i don’t hate you!” you were slightly taken aback at the loudness of his voice 
ෆ it was the fastest bakugou had ever responded to you
ෆ bakugou sank back into the couch before mumbling, “you didn’t do anything wrong,”
ෆ relieved at his answer, you gleefully skipped away 
ෆ “why the hell does she make me feel nervous?”
ෆ distressed about the thought of you, he decided to talk to ashido and kaminari about it
ෆ “bro...you’re totally in love with her!”
ෆ “yup!”
ෆ “according to wikihow, you’re showing all the symptoms of a man whose fallen in love,”
ෆ “wikihow is complete bullshit there is no way in hell i am in love,”
ෆ and yet, when you complimented him during his battle with todoroki, he couldn’t suppress boasting himself around kirishima
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 ˖◛⁺⑅♡denki kaminari
ෆ you and kaminari were known as class 1-A’s crackheads
ෆ and that’s what made the two of you best friends
ෆ thanks to your playful and carefree personality, you were able to befriend kaminari easily
ෆ you two were like two edamames in a pod 
ෆ does that make sense idk lol
ෆ when the two of you were put into the same group for a mission
ෆ god aizawa-sensei literally regrets his decision in becoming a teacher
ෆ you two were literally UNSTOPPABLE together
ෆ like you’d literally be shouting encouraging words at each other and kicking ass side by side 
ෆ your friendship with kaminari definitely raised a few brows amongst your classmates 
ෆ one night, kaminari was laid down on the floor of kirishima’s room, talking about god knows what 
ෆ suddenly, kirishima asked a question regarding you 
ෆ “soooo kaminari, are you and y/n a thing now or?”
ෆ “what? no! what makes you think that?”
ෆ kirishima tapped on his chin with a sly grin on his lips,
ෆ “i just thought that you had feelings for her or something,”
ෆ kaminari’s mind literally blanked
ෆ “f-feelings? as in....romantic feelings?”
ෆ “yes you idiot,”
ෆ kaminari blinked as he stared at kirishima with a baffled face
ෆ he stood up in a robotic manner,
ෆ “i’m going to bed now. goodnight,”
ෆ kaminari laid on his soft mattress as he stared at the ceiling of his room, his thoughts running rapidly
ෆ “romantic feelings....”
ෆ kaminari always saw you as a person he could trust, enjoy his time with and confide in
ෆ surely he only saw you as his bestfriend and nothing more
ෆ right?
ෆ his loud thoughts were broken off when he heard a knock on his door
ෆ “kaminari, it’s me!”
ෆ “did i just manifest y/n?”
ෆ after hearing your voice, he immediately rolled of his bed and twisted his door knob, allowing you to enter
ෆ although a majority of your face was hidden due to the oversized hoodie you were wearing, the gleam in your eyes was evident
ෆ you twirled into his room, clutching your nintendo switch in your hands 
ෆ “kaminari, you can’t believe what just happened!”
ෆ you shoved your nintendo switch into kaminari’s hand and started blabbering about your island and your new villagers
ෆ the words from your mouth sounded like gibberish to kaminari as he was focused on the way your eyes twinkled as you spoke about your treasures, your feet which were jumping up and down in excitement and your hands which were moving around as you spoke
ෆ  “i just thought that you had feelings for her or something,”
ෆ “hello? earth to kaminari?” you waved your hands in front of the dazed male 
ෆ he immediately snapped back into reality, cheeks slightly flushing as he realized he was caught dazing about you
ෆ “we’re just best friends. there’s nothing more to that,”
ෆ “oh! could you help me go fishing? kirishima says that you’re good at it!”
ෆ before he knew it your hands were on his wrist, dragging him to his bed where the two of you sat down, side by side
ෆ kaminari decided to push his thoughts away and instead focus on the game in front of him
ෆ “ah shoot i nearly had it!”
ෆ kaminari’s fingers fumbled clumsily on the controller as he tried reeling in the fish, resulting him to fail his third attempt 
ෆ as his brows furrowed in concentration, he couldn’t help but notice your presence getting closer to him
ෆ from his peripheral vision, he could see you looking at the screen with intense concentration which he oddly found cute
ෆ ‘ba-bump’
ෆ “wait what? no way! my heart totally skipped a beat just now..”
ෆ pushing his thoughts away from you my ass smh
ෆ kaminari became even more aware of your presence, causing him to lose the fish once again
ෆ “what did kirishima say about you being good again? i bet my toes could play better than you!” 
ෆ you took your nintendo switch from kaminari with puffed cheeks as you were slightly disappointed at his gameplay
ෆ but the moment your fingers grazed kaminari’s,
ෆ he knew that the jolt of electricity he felt wasn’t from his quirk
ෆ “look! i got one on my first try!”
ෆ for the next five minutes of you catching fishes with intense concentration, kaminnari spent this moment to fawn over you 
ෆ he was entranced by the way your eyes lit up when you had caught something and the way your lips unconsciously pouted when you didn’t
ෆ maybe he did have feelings for you after all
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pollyaunt · 3 years
Break My Heart- Chapter 2
Fandom: From Blood & Ash | ch3
TW: None yet.
Summary: What happens when the star quarterback of Atlantia High School grows an interest towards the shy, adorable but smart girl in his grade? Come and join Hawke and Poppy on this rollercoaster of emotions.
a/n: ok im sorry for the late update my tumblr wasnt working :((
"What do you want Malik?"
He flinched hearing the iciness in my voice.
"I know we broke up a month ago Poppy, but trust me I really need to talk to you-"
Before he could say anything more Venotta cut him off, "Oh, please. No one cares what you have to say."
"But- Poppy this is about us and-"
"Oh shut up." With that Venotta dragged me away from Malik.
To be honest, I actually wanted to know what he really had to say because since past week he's been approaching me again but Venotta never really lets me talk to him.
Now don't think she controls my life like whom I can befriend and whom I cannot. It's not like that at all. She just wants me to be happy, at least that's what she says. Malik and I never really ended on good terms. Our relationship was all rainbows and unicorns but after almost six months of dating, he started ignoring my existence all together.
After trying to communicate with him for two whole weeks, I called it quits. Deep down I knew that he wasn't the one but what we had was also nothing less than special and it still hurt.
"Can you imagine the audacity?! After everything that happened," we were now walking towards our second period class since the first one got skipped due to the tutoring chaos and then Malik approaching.
"Yeah, the audacity." I whispered back to her but there was some sketchy feeling in my gut that I couldn't really explain.
The rest of the week went smoothly. Malik still tried to talk to me in school and Venotta gave him her glares, I went shopping with Venotta, watched Netflix and Hawke ignored my existence which I never really cared about in the first place. Besides, it's better if I help him without anyone knowing because I'm not ready for the attention it will cause.
On Sunday night, I was just about to go to sleep when I saw a notification on my mobile.
Unknown number: You up princess?
Ugh, not again.
Me: Can you stop calling me that?
I quickly changed his name into 'Smirking Jerk'.
Smirking Jerk: But I'm texting you, Princess.
Me: Just state your business and let me go to sleep.
Smirking Jerk: Aww but where's the fun in that? Let me show you the real fun that we can have.
My jaw dropped.
Me: That's it. I'm blocking you.
Smirking Jerk: Now don't be so sensitive, Princess. Anyways, I texted to tell you to meet me at the New Haven cafe tomorrow at 4.
Me: Why?
Smirking Jerk: You have to tutor me if you remember.
Oh, right. I forgot about that.
Smirking Jerk: How can you forget, Princess? After all, you're getting a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend time with me.
Cocky much? Not surprised.
Me: I'd rather spend my time with a dinosaur.
Smirking Jerk: Oof you hurt my feelings, Princess.
I left him on seen and switched off my phone.
The next day, I didn't see Hawke at school.
Once school was finished, I went to my house and got freshen up, did some homework and left at 4 telling mom I was going to meet a classmate for schoolwork.
The cafe was at a walking distance so I wore my black converse shoes. My outfit consisted of black denim shorts and baby pink baggy t-shirt saying 'HOPE'.
Once I reached my destination, I quickly did a look over. The cafe had a homey feeling and I thought how Hawke would have found such a peaceful place.
Once I finished my ogling, I searched for black hair.
He was sitting at a far corner to the left and I instantly frowned. Even in a crowd, he had such an aura that made it so much easier to locate him which I for sure believed added to his already higher than skyrocket ego.
Let's get this day over.
Stay tuned, you may get a double update.
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itsmeevie01 · 3 years
A Moment in Time-Ch 5
I'm back! lots of things to come, and a slightly longer, Tim centered, chapter! and...the build-up to the Timari subplot! 
 I know that is what everyone is actually here for lol.
Tim was tired of looking for Jason.
He wasn’t at any of his normal safe houses, and none of his usual contacts had heard from him in the last few weeks. Three weeks after the ridiculous scandal had broken, the press had all but forgotten Tim for the time being. As he ducked through alleyways, the teen couldn’t help but be thankful as he climbed back on his bike and sped back towards Wayne Manor.
He was done waiting for his brother to show up. There was something sketchy going on in their city, and if Jason wasn’t going to show up, then it was no longer his concern.
When he got home, Tim found Bruce waiting for him in the study looking over the side gardens. The older C.E.O.’s face was grim.
When Tim approached the desk, Bruce handed him a stack of papers. As Tim started to page through them, he had a flashback to when Jared Stone had brought the pile of tabloids.
As he flipped through the new stack, Tim realized that it was Jason’s credit card statement. And-was that…? “did he buy a ticket for Paris? Why didn’t we get notified about his passport passing through customs? Why is Jason in France of all places?” when he looks back at his adoptive father, the man’s face was grim.
“I don’t know, Tim. But we sure as hell are going to find out. Go to his apartment. I know you have a key. We need to see if he left anything out from before he left.” Bruce paused before adding, “he’s been gone for two weeks. There has to be a reason.” Tim nodded as he moved to stride from the room before Alfred spoke, shocking both Bruce and Tim.
“Maser Bruce, did you by chance call Master Jason? Last I remember, his cell phone was still working.” The father and son froze, before turning to the family Butler, slack-jawed.
“We really are stupid.”
 Damian didn’t see anything wrong with Todd being gone. It was quieter around the Manor and it meant that the 13-year-old was allowed to patrol through Crime Alley by himself, something none of his predecessors had been able to do at his age.
As the young teen flew over the city, his mind raced. He found this the most relaxing part of his time with his father.
At the manor, there was always something going on and there was always someone looking over his shoulder. Here, as he went rooftop to rooftop, arching over this city, the boy was able to finally find some peace.
A sound over his earpiece broke Robin from his quiet elation. “Robin, how are you doing? Is everything clear?” oracle’s voice filtered through, bringing him to relax. Oracle he could handle.
“it’s a regular night, Oracle. A few of the regulars. Nothing out of the ordinary.”
“perfect. Finish up and head back, B wants you back before 2 because you have school tomorrow.”
The annoyed “Tch” that came down the line made the redhead laugh from where she sat at the computer.
 Tim had texted Jason before he had left for patrol. When he got back, there was a response waiting for him.
Jason: in Paris. I’ll be back soonish
Tim: Jay, what’s soonish?
Tim: there’s a situation we need your help with.
Jason: kid, I'll be back when I can.
Jason: if B cares, tell him Gina kidnapped me. I’m staying with her right now.
Jason: otherwise, just wait. It's personal business.
Tim: Jay, we are your family. Doesn’t that make it our business too?
Jason: in this case, no. fuck off, replacement
Tim: See you when you get back Jay
 The teen sighed. It was just like Jason to try and handle everything himself. This time, Tim couldn’t play interference either, he was stuck across an ocean. He just hoped this Gina person wasn’t as impulsive as his older brother. If she was, they would all be in trouble.
 As he made his way to his room, having showered and gotten himself ready for the next day, Tim paused by his desk.
He had taken the time to compile a file on the girl from a few weeks ago but hadn’t read it yet. He knew that if he was to read it, it would be violating her privacy, but he did that every day, so was this any different? To Tim, the only difference was that this girl wasn’t someone to watch or take in. she was just a normal girl with a normal life, who had run into him for a split second.
It wasn’t like he was going to meet her, right?
The teen shook his head and flopped onto his bed. It wasn’t worth it tonight. He could have the moral debate with himself when he was properly rested.
 Maybe he should have called in sick. Tim was definitely finding a way to leave early, as he looked at the list of meetings that he had been scheduled for.
Why had he agreed to this again? He could have sworn that he had told his assistant that Wednesday was his day to go home and work on his college classes. Instead, Tim had a feeling that he was going to be at the office late.
On his off night too.
 Partway through the day, he noticed an email that he didn’t recognize in his personal inbox. The inbox that he probably shouldn’t have been checking on the company computer but…
After a moment of hesitation, the young C.E.O. had clicked on the new email and blinked at what pulled up.
Mr. Drake,
My name is Marinette Dupain Cheng. I believe that we ran into each other quite literally a month and a half ago, approximately. As I am sure that you have at least seen the fictitious stories floating through the media, I assume that you are aware of the interaction that I am referring to.
Originally, I had no intention of reaching out, but a friend of mine encouraged me to reach out. (had actually was the one to give me your email. Does the name Jason Todd ring a bell?) I do hope that this whole press fiasco hasn’t hindered you too terribly.
Kindest Regards,
Marinette Dupain Cheng
 Tim blinked once before rereading the short email that the girl had sent. No. no way. She knew Jason? And what did she mean, Jason was the one to encourage her to reach out? Opening up a new draft, Tim hesitated before flicking his wrists to rid himself of tension and trying his reply.
Miss Dupain Cheng,
I was surprised to receive your email, but it seems that it came at a fortunate time. Yes, I do know Jason Todd. I know him quite well, actually. He and I were adopted by the same man, Bruce Wayne. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you meet my brother?
I must apologize, for the whole scandal from last month. I know that neither of us were directly responsible, but I do feel bad for any trouble it may have caused you. If it is not too much of an intrusion, I might also ask, how were you able to respond so quickly? The only reason I knew about the incident was Bruce’s old friend Jared. The man came into my office in a fit about the nerve of the photographer.
(if you ever meet the man, you will understand what I mean when I say that he never does things halfway. He had picked up a copy of every magazine or tabloid that ran a story about it. When he came in, he actually brought his crocodile as well. Fang scared the lobby staff more than anything has for the past bit, I believe.)
I hope this finds you well,
Timothy Drake Wayne
 After reading through his email one more time to make sure it sounded professional enough, Tim hit the send button and let out a deep breath that he didn’t know he had been holding. He didn’t know why, but he had a feeling that this was the start of something important.
Suddenly, Tim was very glad he hadn’t read the girl’s file.
 As he was preparing to head to yet another meeting later that afternoon, Tim glanced at his personal email again. To his surprise, the teen was met with another email from the French girl.
Mr. Drake (or is it Drake Wayne?)
Jason was sitting next to me when I opened your last email. Imagine my surprise when he panicked. Apparently, he had decided against informing any of his family of his departure. I must say, his reaction was quite entertaining.
Onto your question from your email, Penny Rolling, a good friend of mine, dropped off a box full of the tabloid trash that her husband, Jagged had shipped to her as soon as she got it. After my initial reaction, the two of us got a good laugh out of the whole situation. Especially when we heard that Jagged tried to bring Fang into your office! I guess to you, he would be Jared, but to me, he will always be my Uncle Jagged.
In other news, I thought it would be polite to pass on that Jason will be returning in the next few days. He has been fretting over a family emergency, not that he will tell me what it is but, there is only so much I can do. However, I thought it might be prudent to forewarn you that he will be bringing my grandmother back with him. Nona said it was something to do with one of his ‘side hustles’. Knowing those two, however, makes me think that Jason has gotten himself into something significantly illegal this time.
No need to apologize for something that neither of us could control! You did not ask for the photographer to take that ridiculous photo, nor did you ask for the fiction writers who work for the tabloids to write a piece of the photo. That said, I do feel that it has opened many new avenues. I know that Jason and I reconnected because of the photo, and it has given my lawyers something to focus on while we wait on proceedings for other matters.
Have a good day,
Marinette Dupain Cheng
 Jason was coming home sooner than he planned. It seemed like Tim’s text had actually gotten through to his older brother.
With a sigh, he marked the email as important so that he would remember to respond to it before he started on his homework.
The teen C.E.O. snagged his thermos of coffee on the way out the door, he had a meeting to go to.
And...there it is! this week I'm going to try and work out my posting schedule. what did everyone think of the emails?
  i know that there are a lot more people in the Wayne/bat family, so I'm going to work them in a little bit at a time. as far as Dick Grayson is concerned, btw he knows about the scandal but not about Jason's sister or that he's not in Gotham.
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@moonlitceleste @redscarlet95 @ultimatetornshipper @mochegato @liquid-luck-00 @maskedpainter 
@trippingovermyfeet @nathleigh @m0chick0furan @susiej1118@t1dwarrior-of-earth
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impalas-r-important · 3 years
Love of my Life - (8) Decapitation is usually a cure-all
Summary: Sam, Dean and Y/N travel to Idaho to help out a friend.
Warnings: Show level violence.
A/N: I'm trying my hardest to get the chapters I already have written published quickly. I have a final coming up that I'll have to take a few days to study for before I can get back to this story.
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You were the first to wake in the morning, probably because you slept on a couch made of bricks. You stood up and stretched your sore back, looking over at the boys sleeping soundly and feeling a pang of jealousy at their comfort. Grabbing your bag, you quietly went into the bathroom and closed the door then started up the shower. By the time you were cleaned up and ready, the boys were awake and shoving clothes into their bags.
“Mornin’ sunshine.” Dean beamed at you.
“Hey yourself. You guys ready to go?”
“Almost.” Sam grumbled and rubbed his hands over his face. “I dibs the bathroom next.” He grabbed a small black toiletry bag and yawned as he shut the door behind him.
Dean was wearing a dark green henley and you couldn’t help but stare at the man as his muscles bugled through the thin fabric while he packed his things.
Don’t fall for Dean Winchester, you idiot!
“So, who’s the hunter we’re helping out? Maybe I know him.” Dean looked over to you and zipped up his bag, tossing it by the door.
“You know Mitch Miller?” You neatly folded your pajamas and placed them in your duffel.
Dean thought for a moment before answering. “The name sounds kind of familiar, but I can’t place him. Maybe I’ll remember him once I see him. Any details on what’s going on?” He walked over and sat on the couch where you were packing.
“Nothing so far, he just said he couldn’t figure out what he was dealing with and would fill me in on the rest when we got there.” You could feel Dean’s eyes on you and met his gaze, feeling your stomach flutter when he smiled softly at you. As you finished gathering your things and pulled your bag over your shoulder, you felt a tug that jerked you backwards. Dean had pulled your bag from your grasp, leaving you dangerously close to him.
“Why don’t you let me take your bag to the car?” Dean insisted, just inches away from you.
“You don’t need to.”
“I want to.” He spoke gently as his eyes traced your lips then looked up to meet your gaze. Were you really about to do something as stupid as kissing the man that people had warned you about? Both of you stood silent for a moment before Dean slowly leaned down, almost touching his lips to yours before the bathroom door slammed open and pulled you two apart.
“Let’s get out of here, there were four spiders in the shower.” Sam complained as he shook his hair dry and tossed his bag by the door with Dean’s. “You riding with us or driving, Y/N?”
“Driving, I guess.” You looked at Dean with a longing glance which he returned. Maybe it was for the best that you don’t explore that avenue of a relationship with this well-known womanizer, but all you could think about was kissing him.
The drive was short, and you made good time following Dean in the impala. The man had a lead foot. Mitch had asked you to meet him at his motel room, and you pulled into the parking lot in the early afternoon.
“So, some guy wants you to meet him at his motel room, and that doesn’t sound sketchy to you?” Dean questioned as you stepped out of your car.
“Oh, no, I’m actually meeting my bookie here. You guys want to wait in the car for like five minutes?” You rolled your eyes. The frown on Dean’s face was quickly followed by an amused smirk. He appreciated when a girl was fluent in sarcasm.
“You know what I mean. I don’t trust this guy yet.”
“Do you trust me?”
Dean seemed surprised by your question but was quick to answer. “Yes.”
“Then come on.” You nodded towards the motel and Dean followed, draping his arm around your shoulder.
The two of you followed Sam to room seventeen and knocked. Mitch answered with a smile. “Y/N!” He looked at the two brothers standing behind you and his smile turned into a questioning frown.
“Hey, Mitch. Do you know Sam and Dean Winchester?” You pointed to the boys.
“I’ve heard of them. Never met before though.” Mitch hesitated for a moment as he saw Dean’s hand placed protectively on your shoulder. “Come on in.” He stepped aside and you entered first, followed closely by Dean and then Sam.
“So, what do you have?” You asked as you looked at the newspaper clippings and maps that were hung on the wall.
“Three women dead. Each of them drowned in their sleep, nowhere near any kind of water.”
“What the hell?” Sam muttered as he read through a case file.
“Witch?” You and Dean say at the same time, exchanging a proud glance.
“I didn’t find any kind of hex bags.” Mitch countered.
“Not all witches use hex bags.” Dean argued, glaring at Mitch. You couldn’t help but notice the crusty looks exchanged between the two.
“Get this,” Sam spread some pictures out on the bed, “all the victims have the same pictures in their house.” He pointed out identical pictures in the background of each crime scene, just hidden enough that the average eye wouldn’t find it.
“Good catch. Let’s figure out who that is and go from there.” You suggested and the three boys nodded.
“I’ll hit the internet.” Sam declared as he sat down at the desk and pulled out his laptop.
“We’ll go back to the crime scenes one more time. See if we can get a closer look at those pictures?” Dean suggested. Mitch nodded and they headed for the door. Dean paused when he saw you hesitate. “You coming, Y/N?”
“Nah, I’ll stay behind and help Sam. We don’t need three of us looking at a picture.” Dean sent a betrayed look your way when he realized he would be partnered up with Mitch. You sent a snarky smirk back his way. Mitch huffed as he opened the door and stomped out.
“Play nice.” You instructed Dean with a wink.
“You owe me one!” He pointed in your direction sternly, but the light in his eyes told you he was just playing around.
You pulled out your laptop and sat across from Sam.
“You know, you could have gone with Dean.” Sam looked up from his screen.
“I know, but what do you think Dean would have hated more? Staying behind and helping you with research or going out alone with Mitch? Those two have some kind of seriously misplaced testosterone battle going on.”
Sam chuckled and answered with confidence, “Definitely going with Mitch.”
“That’s what I thought! He was getting too comfortable around me anyway. I gotta keep him on his toes somehow.” You shrugged and sent a playful grin Sam’s way. He gave you an approving nod, knowing full well that he had found an ally to mess with Dean when the opportunity presented itself.
An hour had gone by when you found something that sparked your interest.
“Sam, check this out.” He leaned back in his chair, listening intently as you read. “Known throughout Africa and the African Atlantic, Mami Wata embodies the spirit of water. Much like the ocean, she can be volatile and dangerous. She brings good financial fortune and also governs water sprites.” You scrolled down the page and stopped on a picture that looked identical to the ones from the crime scenes. You spun your computer around to show Sam.
“Good work, Y/N. That’s gotta be record time. Sounds like it could be our mystery monster. I’ll call Dean and let him know.”
You pulled out your phone and called Bobby for any info he might have on how to kill the thing. He told you he’d do some looking. You and Sam continued your research for a few more hours when the grumble of his stomach interrupted your reading.
“Come on,” you shut your computer, “let’s go find some food. We can take our stuff with us and keep looking but I have to get out of this creepy motel room.” You looked around, referring to the wallpaper that you were sure had been in at least a few horror movies.
“Agreed. I’m starving.”
There was a cute mom and pop restaurant down the street from the motel where you and Sam decided to set up shop. You sent Dean a quick text letting him know to meet you there when they were done. You ordered drinks and some appetizers to hold you over until the other two joined you. You were flipping through a book about African culture that you checked out of the library and Sam was still online, both of you searching for a way to kill this water spirit.
“Hey, Y/N,” Sam began, “I just wanna say thanks.” You shot him a confused look. “We’ve have had a rough time lately between Dad dying and Dean going to hell and coming back. It’s really taken a toll on him, but he’s been different since we met you. The past few days, he’s the almost fun Dean that he used to be.” He shut his computer and sat it on the bench next to him. “I know you’ve probably heard stories about him being a lady’s man and normally I’d be telling girls to run for the hills, but he’s smitten with you. I can see it in the way he looks at you and talks about you.” The waitress brought the drinks and onion rings over and Sam paused.
“Sam Winchester, are you being a wing man for your brother?” You joked as you took a bite.
“I guess I am. Which I never thought I would ever do.” Sam raised his eyebrows in surprise. “But I mean it when I say that he’s different with you. It might take him a little while to admit it, but he’s a better person when you’re around.” Sam took a big drink before adding, “Plus, I think he’s a little scared of you, so I doubt he’d try any kind of funny business.”
You couldn’t help but smile at Sam’s honesty. You should be focused on the case but your mind was on Dean. It was rare that you ever felt so at ease with someone so quickly. Although you had never known what a true home felt like, you imagined the comfort that you felt with him was as close as you’d ever get.
You spent the next while talking with Sam about himself and how he had tried a different path at Stanford. You were genuinely intrigued to know about college. Maybe in a different life you would have gone, and you soaked up every word he told you about a life so foreign to yours. Dean and Mitch arrived soon after. Dean was clearly annoyed and walked a few paces ahead as Mitch babbled on about something. Dean plopped down next to you and put his arm on the back of the booth. You instinctively scooted closer to him.
“How’d it go, boys?” You asked and slid the basket of onion rings closer to them. It was obvious the two hadn’t cleared any of the ridiculous tension between them. Neither answered and Mitch glared at Dean who had a mouthful and was looking out the window.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” Mitch grumbled.
You waited until he was out of sight, then you and Sam both turned to Dean with judgmental faces. He slowly caught on and looked between the two of you, midchew.
“What?” Dean tried to play innocent.
“Why is Mitch so pissed?” Sam interrogated.
“Because he’s a baby? Why the hell would I know?” Dean answered straight. Sam rolled his eyes.
“Well, did you find anything at the crime scenes?” You looked up into his eyes, realizing you missed him more than you should have for him being gone just a few hours. Dean pulled out a coin with a water serpent on it and set it down on the table.
“Found these behind each picture on the wall along with a photograph of the victims.”
“Great, so we know who this thing is after next?” You were happy to catch a break seeing as there was only one person left in the photo who hadn’t been killed. “Maybe we set a trap?”
“We gotta move fast though. Someone has died every night and it’s almost six already.” Sam added.
“We still don’t know why she’s here, either.” Dean interjected as he finished off the appetizers. “Let’s order. I can’t hunt on an empty stomach.” He grabbed the menu and waived the waiter over.
That night, the team had gone over to the next victim’s house on the list. She was clearly scared and easily believed you when you told her what was happening. She explained that she and the other four victims were in water aerobics together and had read online that if you summon her with those weird coins and enslave this Mami Wata, that she would make you rich. So, they did. Idiots. But soon after, the water spirit became angry at being held captive and turned on them. Lucky for you, Bobby came in clutch and had found that stabbing it in the heart with a blade forged with African ore would kill it. Unluckily for you, you had nothing like that and no chance of finding something like it this late at night. So, you would have to try and make do. It was a stupid plan, but the only one you had.
You instructed the woman to lay on her bed like she was going to sleep, while you, Sam, Dean and Mitch hid, waiting for her to show up. You had an arrangement of weapons, hoping something would work. Hours passed, and it was getting late. You felt your eyelids began to droop, but a sudden clang from the bathroom woke you right up. You were in the closet and peaked though the crack to see water overflowing from the tub and into the bedroom, soaking the carpet. You waited a few moments more to see a horrific serpent woman crawling from the bathroom, slowly slithering her way towards her next victim, leaving a trail of slime in her path. You couldn't help but subconsciously pull a disgusted face.
Mitch was the first to jump out from his hiding place just outside the door. Mami Wata quickly tuned her head and held her arm out, throwing him across the room, his body going limp as he surely was knocked unconscious. Sam and Dean were next. Dean shot at the monster while Sam stabbed her with a silver blade. Both taking a toll, but neither doing much damage to her. She stood up tall on her tail and threw Dean up against the wall, holding him by his neck. You sprang into action, using a long blade to chop her head off. Her body stayed writing for a few moments, but eventually stopped.
Dean rubbed his neck and caught his breath. “How’d you know that would work?”
You gave an innocent shrug. “I didn’t. Decapitation is usually a cure all.”
“We should burn the body just to be safe, Sam added.” You and Dean nodded in agreement.
You pulled Mitch from his unconscious state and after the woman you had saved thanked you profusely, you left with the body in your trunk, finding a remote location to burn it. It was almost eight in the morning by the time you were finished and were pulling into town, heading back to the motel. You went and got a room for you, Sam and Dean and all four of you went to go sleep off the post-hunt exhaustion.
Sam was the first to pass out. He hadn’t gotten very dirty and was sprawled out diagonally, face down across the mattress. You and Dean both had blood stains and slime on your clothes. He let you use the shower first, then took a quick one when you were done. You pulled on a comfortable t-shirt and some shorts, then began to set up your bed on the couch. Dean grabbed your hand and stopped you from laying a blanket down.
“Nope, you need to actually sleep. Come on.” He pulled the blanket from the couch, wrapped it around you and led you over to the bed. “You can share with me.”
“Are you asking me to sleep with you?” You asked in an accusing tone of voice and kept a serious face before slowly letting it turn to a small laugh. Dean turned bright red and swallowed hard. It was fun to mess with him. You laid next to him and he pulled you close.
“Thanks for saving me. Again.” Dean whispered in your ear. You turned to face him.
“I’m not going to let some creepy ass mermaid kill you. That’s not a very ‘blaze-of-glory’ way to go out.”
“What makes you think that’s how I want to go out?”
“Sam told me when we were talking earlier.”
Dean smiled and kissed you on the forehead. “Get some sleep, Y/N/N.”
Little did you know, Dean wasn’t planning on going out in a blaze of glory at all anymore. He was planning on retiring with you by his side, holding you close just like he was now. You drifted off to sleep to the sound of Dean’s steady breathing. For the first time since you could remember, you slept peacefully without waking up in a cold sweat from nightmares. You knew you had someone there to protect you. Someone who you fully trusted, and someone who made you feel like you belonged.
Chapter 9
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Secret Santa fic!
Heya @all-eternity it was me all along! I hope you enjoy this :) very much looking foward to actually being able to follow you after this without looking sketchy lmao
Also shoutout to my lovely beta reader @keepersandqueens as if I don’t talk about Salas enough here lol
Warnings: underage drinking, drinking in general, hangover, drugs/medication mention (not abused, basic over the counter stuff dw), mentions of vomit (not described)
Pairings: Kam, background marelinh, ex titz
About: Kam coffee shop college au 
Word count: 5,205
Tag list (tell me if you want to be added or removed): @cadence-talle @ruewen-and-rising @lemontarto @a-lonely-tatertot @clearlyvacksen @percabetn @sewersewersewercouch @everyonehasthoughts @imaramennoodle @enbies-and-felonies @blxckh0les42​ @rainbowtay-11 @callas-starkflower-stew @impostertamsong @appalyneinstitute1 @stars-and-splendor @anna-without-an-e @mistythegenderqueermess @we-have-no-bananas-today @we-wont-dissapear @jadenightthewriter
Tam stumbled into his first 8 am class, anxiety making his heart feel like it was pounding out of his chest and stomach doing backflips.
If he could survive bouncing between foster homes, a short stint at juvie, and worst of all high school, he could survive college.
Well he thought he could until he saw a familiar person right next to the only available chair in the room.
God fucking damn it.
"Hey Bangs Boy!" Keefe waved him down, causing a scene. Tam had no option but to sit beside him, both because of the lack of chairs and the fact that everyone was now staring at him.
Not a great start.
"What a coincidence! I notice you still haven't taken my suggestions on your hair, I'm telling ya' you'd get all the girls and or guys and nonbinary pals with a man bun." Keefe looked smug at the fact he'd be able to taunt Tam for another semester, minimum. Tam was already making a mental note to check when he could swap out of classes.
"Keefe, if I knew you were going here I would've just gotten myself back in jail, oh wait, you were the one who got me in there in the first place." Tam shot him a look, praying that he'd suddenly develop superpowers and shoot lasers from his eyes.
"Hey, just because I came up with the idea...and helped with some of the execution, doesn't mean I'm responsible for you trashing your parents house. Besides, you were only in there for like 3 days max before you got out," Keefe said, shrugging as if 3 days in jail was no biggie.
"Most peaceful 3 days of my life," Tam sneered, turning back to the front of the room as the professor walked in.
"Good morning class!" the prof turned to the white board, writing his name. "I am Dr. Harding," he tapped it for emphasis.
The class was silent.
"And you say good mor..."
"Good morning Dr. Harding," The class said in unison, they all sounded tired and bored.
This wasn't going to be fun.
"Grande ice vanilla latte for...Hen-are-y?"
The man shot Keefe a look as he grabbed his coffee.
"Henry." He dropped a tip in the jar, fifty cents. How generous.
He had come in before, and never left good tips. Keefe made it a game to pronounce the names of anyone who wasn't a college student and left bad tips wrong, no matter how much they came in. It was a wonder he hadn't been fired yet.
As he turned preparing another drink, the bell at the top of the door rang. He ignored it at first until he heard a quiet, "Fuck," come from behind.
"Bangs boy!"
"Why are you here?"
"I work here obviously," Keefe walked up to the counter. "Now, what'll it be?"
Tam sighed. "Iced caramel macchiato with two extra shots of espresso."
Keefe whistled thinking about how much caffeine that was as he wrote down "Bangs Boy" on the cup.
"Alright, that'll be 5.75, may I ask why the insane amount of coffee? I believe I remember you saying caffeine makes you anxious in high school."
"Yes, but it also helps me focus, and I have a quiz tomorrow I haven't studied for."
"Fair enough," Keefe said, going to prepare the drink. "It'll be ready in five."
Tam nodded, walking off to the side and scrolling on his phone. Keefe made the drink, occasionally sneaking looks over at Tam. He didn't seem to notice, thank God.
Soon after, they finished the transaction.
"See you at class," Keefe said, he was trying to be genuine, but it came across more taunting.
Tam grimaced, muttered "Thanks for the coffee," and walked out the door.
The class fell silent as a disheveled Dr. Harding walked in, a pack of gatorade in one hand and bottle of tylenol in the other. He popped one as he sat down.
"Hello class it seems today I have the worst headache imaginable, just give me about 5 minutes of silence and we will go over your assignments."
Keefe leaned over to Tam's desk.
"Well, we know what he got into last night," he whispered. "Heard the bar on the corner of 5th was giving out two for ones for professors."
"Isn't that place run by the alumni?"
"Exactly. Gotta thank Alvar tomorrow, Fitz said it was his idea."
"Wait Fitz goes here too? Why did I not-"
"Boys!" Dr. Harding practically yelled. "I am tired of the racket." He put his face in his hands where his elbows rested on the desk, bald spot showing to the world.
"We were whispering!" Keefe made a 'what the hell' sort of gesture. Tam glared at him, hoping he could communicate 'I will kill you myself if you say another word' with just his eyes.
"Sencen, do I look like I care?"
Keefe winced a bit at the use of his last name. That was something Tam could understand.
"Look, boys," Dr. Harding stood up and turned to the chalkboard, writing something down. "If you all like talking so much, you'll love this next project."
He walked to the side, revealing the board, that read '10 page essay, due the 25th'
"With the person next to you, you'll be writing a 10 page essay on um...the importance of keeping your oil changed in your car. You'll then present it to the class. It's worth 25 points."
A student raised their hand.
"Sir, I thought this was a psychology course?"
"It is. You are all excused."
With that, he left the room with his tylenol and gatorade in his arms. The students glared at Keefe and Tam as they all got up, muttering amongst themselves about the pure bullshittery of it all.
"So..." Keefe said, slowly standing. "Does the library tomorrow at 3 work? I have work until then, so it can't be any earlier."
"Yeah, sure." Tam promptly walked out of the classroom as fast as possible, he didn't know why but his anxiety was spiking. He tried to tell himself it was just because he was a useless gay that didn't know jackshit about cars, yeah, surely that was it.
Just a useless gay.
Tam waited at a table in the library, it was 3:05, Keefe was late.
He didn't know what else he expected from him, he always seemed to do stuff like this. At the same time, Tam didn't have the energy to be particularly mad at him. This was going to be the stupidest essay ever written in the history of man, might as well put it off.
The library door slammed open, and in came Keefe. He balanced a large stack of papers and books along with four drinks. He stumbled over to Tam and practically threw them down on the table.
"Sorry I'm late, I thought it would be nice to, like, get you a coffee, but I didn't know how much caffeine you wanted, so I got one decaf caramel macchiato, one normal, and one with an extra shot, and also hot chocolate for me."
He sat down in the chair by Tam, as if getting three different coffees for someone you were forced to do a project with was totally normal.
"Um...thanks, I-I can pay you back-"
"Don't worry about it." Keefe turned to him and smiled, bright and friendly. Tam was frozen. "Okay, now it's car time." Keefe turned back to the desk.
They were silent for a while as they researched, Keefe going through his piles of papers and books and Tam on his laptop like any sane person would.
Tam finally worked up the nerve to talk.
"So um...this is out of nowhere, but I think you mentioned Fitz went here?"
"Oh, yeah." Keefe put down the absurdly large textbook that was set up in front of him. "He's my roommate, he uh thought it would be best not to tell you after everything, I guess."
"That's fine," Tam shrugged like he didn't care. "I'm over it."
He was, really. They only dated like 2 weeks, sure it ended with a...pretty big fight after Fitz claimed he wouldn't be able to date someone who had gone to jail and Tam reminded him it was his best friend that got him in there in the first place, but he was still over it. There was still something bothering him, nothing to do with Fitz himself but...something. He just couldn't put his finger on what.
"Alright, I'll take your word." Keefe shrugged, setting his giant book back up in front of him.
Tam felt the need to start talking again, but didn't. They were mostly silent for the next 40 minutes or so, just researching and the occasional word exchanged between them.
Keefe checked his phone.
"Shit," He got up. "Work emergency, I gotta go. Same time tomorrow?"
"Yeah that works."
"Chill, see ya' later."
Keefe waved (with a wide grin Tam would've called idiotic in high school) as he went out the door.
Tam found himself with a smile on his own face, he quickly stopped, hoping no one saw.
Keefe hurried into work, pulling his apron on as he saw the absurdly long line and a panicked Marella frantically making coffees behind the counter. She sighed with relief when she saw him.
"Thank God," She said as he stepped behind the counter with her. "There was a scheduling error, Forkle's useless at that stuff."
Mr. Forkle, their well-meaning but often mistaken manager, was out of town at the moment. The fate of the Starbucks rested on two college kids, what could go wrong.
And so they went, Keefe taking orders and Marella fulfilling them until there were no more to serve.
Marella, quite literally, threw in a towel she had wiped her face with. Promptly going to the back, presumably for her break. Keefe followed her.
"Alright, I think you can probably go back to whatever you were doing before this now if you'd like," said Marella, inspecting the small braids in her hair in the nearest shiny surface.
"Nah I was just doing a project with Tam for Harding's stupid class, he's probably left by now, I might as well rack up some overtime."
Marella turned back at him, clearly caught off guard at the name.
"Tam? As in my-girlfriend's-brother Tam? As in you-had-a-massive-crush-on-in-highschool Tam? As in dated-Fitz Tam? As in you-got-him-in-jail-"
"Yes! Yes! Why does everyone remind me of that, it was one time."
"When you get someone in jail, people tend to remember," Marella went silent for a second, thinking, before looking Keefe in the eye. "Wow, that must be awkward as hell, I mean seriously, if I were you I'd straight up file a restraining order just to avoid him. Maybe move to another country. I hear Estonia is lovely this time of year."
"Eh, it's not as bad as it seems. I mean it was awful at first, mostly because I tried to resume right where we left it on the taunting front, but I think it's ok now."
"Hm. Well good luck with that," Marella turned back to go to the front, but Keefe grabbed her arm to stop her.
"Uh, actually I need your advice on something. It has to do with Tam."
"Well I was thinking of maybe, I don't know, asking him out or something? Look, yeah, it's an awful idea but is it 'he never wants to talk to me again' awful or 'he attempts to strangle me' awful?"
Marella looked him up and down, eyes uncomfortably cold, as usual.
"I mean, no hetero, but despite your annoying qualities you're a decent looking guy. Plus Tam's, like, super anxious according to Linh, so maybe he'll be too awkward to say no. You can probably squeeze at least one date in there."
"Wow, thanks Mare," Keefe mumbled, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Yes, I try. Also don't call me Mare."
"Alright Ella!" Keefe called as the front door's bell rang, signalling a new customer. Marella went off to take care of it, unable to respond she growled back at him.
Tap tap tap tap tap.
Tam glared from across the table.
Tap tap tap tap tap tap.
"Why do you keep doing that?"
Keefe looked up, muttered a simple "Fidgety" and went right back to it, tapping his pen against the table. Tam said nothing more.
Keefe had been quiet for this entire meeting, something highly unusual for him.
"Ok, seriously dude, what's up? I haven't seen you this quiet literally ever."
He only seemed to get more fidgety at this question, his bouncing leg shaking the library table.
"I...um..." he looked down, running a hand through his hair "I have a test I need to cram for and no one to study with and keep me accountable. Y'know, ADHD issues."
Tam didn't overthink for once in his life but the moment the sentence was out of his mouth he regretted it.
"I have a test too, maybe we could study together?"
Keefe smiled his annoyingly charming smile.
"Sounds good."
Tam quickly looked back down at his computer, trying to look like he was still doing car research when in actuality he was processing he just actively offered to spend more time with Keefe Sencen.
If Linh found out about this he'd never live it down.
He didn't think he cared.
Dr. Harding walked through the classroom door, clearly much less hungover than his last appearance.
The students waited, would they get an apology? Any sort of remorse?
"Alright, who wants to read first?"
Apparently not.
Keefe raised his hand with too much confidence for what their essay looked like. Tam gave him a confused look. He had his scheming face on, never good.
"Mr. Sencen!" Keefe winced at the use of his last name by the doctor. "What an amazing start, it's only appropriate. One of you boys come up and present."
Tam gave Keefe a look of 'do you want me to do it?' Keefe just smiled and got up from his chair. This would either be really good or really, really bad. Tam was all too familiar with the scheme face.
"Doc, I did depart from the source material a bit here, hope you don't mind. And I use 'I' because Tam had no involvement in this, he deserves full points for his essay."
Keefe cleared his throat, the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop.
"Doctor Harding deserves to get fired: an essay. (And it's only been a week!) Paragraph one, his drinking problem-"
"Sencen! Back to your seat now. I will see you after class, or I will not see you in my next class, understand?"
Keefe gave a thumbs up as he sat back on his chair with a thud.
A few minutes later, in the middle of another student's essay, he passed Tam a note with his loopy handwriting.
"The amount of comebacks I had for 'see me after class' is absurd but if I get kicked out there's no way Elwin is helping me pay tuition a second time."
Tam tried not to smile, certainly failing, as he wrote his response.
"Yeah I think the time you talked back to Miss Cadence she wanted to expel you. Lucky Principal Alina had a thing for pseudo-dad Alden."
"Oh God I haven't talked to him in a whiiiiiile."
"You haven't heard? Yeah, he sorta found out like ALL his kids were ell gee bee tees and freaked out. Della found herself a new gf though!"
"Sounds like a lovely extra punch in the gut for a queerphobe."
"Yep. Honestly I recommend looking through his Facebook sometime. Just a million rants about how the gays destroy everything, great entertainment."
"Duly noted."
At that point it seemed like the doctor started to take notice of their note passing, and they stopped quickly. Tam wouldn't be surprised if he did the whole high school read in front of the class thing with the way he had been acting so far.
Tam was 100% sure tenure was the only thing keeping this guy's job intact. Apparently being a drunk asshole wasn't near enough to get a person out of their position. He tried to ignore the professor's annoyingly smug face for the rest of the class.
Keefe sat in his usual spot at the library, Tam sitting across from him, his brown eyes dancing across the textbook page and lips mumbling along the words. He didn't have much to do, often finding himself just staring at Tam, quickly looking away if he seemed to notice.
Eventually he sighed, sitting back.
"Ugh, this test is in a week and I have so much other crap to do, I'll never get this all memorized by Friday."
Keefe silently thanked his brain for managing to get around the having to study thing. Yay, photographic memory!
"Oh, uh, well I'm free to study more tomorrow if that would help? We could do, like, flashcards or something."
Tam seemed to repress a smile. He did that a lot. Keefe always noticed.
"That's okay, I'm sure you have better things to do. The Starbucks is always pretty packed."
"Eh, sometimes you have to get away from Marella. She's mean to me."
"Not just you, once she told me if I ever made fun of Linh's cat's name again she'd make me cut off my own bangs."
Keefe nodded sagely. "The shorter you are the closer to hell. That's why you're worse than her."
Tam flicked a stray rubber band at Keefe.
"I'm at least 2 inches taller than Marella...we measured."
Keefe thought up about 12 inappropriate jokes he couldn't make before flicking the rubber band back.
"Two inches only counts in roller coasters, none of which you can ride."
Tam stuck his tongue out before returning to his studies. Unlike Tam, Keefe didn't hide his smile.
Tam strolled into the Starbucks that Friday morning, no longer surprised to see Keefe working the counter. He could barely hold still in line as he thought about the amount of cramming he'd have to do in the next few hours.
When he reached the counter, Keefe said nothing, just busily worked making a drink.
He stuck it right out at Tam.
"One venti iced caramel macchiato with 2 extra shots of espresso because you have a test today in political science and still haven't studied everything and also a muffin because you probably haven't eaten today. On the house. Good luck with the studying."
Tam froze.
"I- um- th-thaks. Y-you too...sport."
Oh, you fucking idiot.
He quickly scurried out of the Starbucks with drink and muffin in hand. Wow, he had screwed that up.
He remembered his order and that he had a test and that he forgot to eat when he was stressed holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit-
Okay, deep breaths Tam, you got this. You can totally handle a frustratingly cute guy showing care for you this is fine...
Not fine, not fine, gotta tell Linh.
He called Linh with no forewarning. Despite the fact that she was currently across the country at a different university, and it was about 3 am for her, she picked up. He barely let her get out a groggy "Hello?" before explaining everything. She only seemed to think a moment before responding.
"Hm. Well it's good to know that college is going good for you. Do you need advice or comfort?"
"Well, first of all, everything's gonna be okay. And I know that doesn't help much but just try to remember we're eighteen, and it's not the end of the world. Second of all, try to ask him out or something. It doesn't have to be framed as a date, like Marella and I got together on a walk in the park, seriously it can be anything."
"Thanks Linh."
"No problem, also can you hug Marella for me?"
"If she doesn't try to kill me first, yes."
"Nice. Okay go do what you gotta do, also don't wake me up at 3 am again or else I'll sic Purryfins on you, I had just gone to bed."
With that she hung up and Tam continued on his way, still trying to not completely freak out.
Keefe stared blankly as Tam walked right out of the door. Marella appeared by his arm.
"So, how'd it go?"
"Well, he called me 'sport'."
Marella inhaled through her teeth.
"Yikes. Comfort, advice, or distraction?"
"Distraction, please." Keefe replied, absent-mindedly preparing a cup for the next customer.
"Uh, well I meant to ask you what ended up happening with that ass of a teacher, but I got a bit distracted at your attempt to woo Tam-"
"Hey I said distraction not reminder. But basically I just got a slap on the wrist because, and I quote, 'Your father is Cassius Sencen! He wrote half the books we use in this class, I'm sure he can straighten you out!'"
"There's absolutely nothing papa Sencen could do to make you straight, I'm pretty sure he tried that, and it obviously didn't work."
"He actually tried a few times and it most definitely did not. Lucky he doesn't have my number anymore or else I assure you he'd keep trying."
Marella laughed.
"Well, moving on from grade A assholes, I'm supposed to tell you there's a party tonight. I'll have to send you the address later, I have it on my phone though, I am told there's gonna be booze, so I'm going."
"Eh, I'll probably go. Just to get my mind off everything."
"Thata boy." She lifted her phone. "And my shifts over in three, two, one, and I am out of here! See ya' tonight Hunkyhair."
"That's Lord Hunkyhair to you."
She just rolled her eyes and clocked out, leaving Keefe to deal with both the customers and his own thoughts.
Tam sat in his dorm room alone, constantly refreshing his grades for the possibility that his 70-year-old professor would post the test results at 1:30 am.
His roommate was gone for the weekend, actually he was gone most of the time. Tam didn't think they'd even had a full conversation before.
He jumped as his phone began to ring, a call from Keefe of all people. He hesitantly picked it up.
"Tam! Tam Tam Tam Tam Tam" Keefe's slurred speech was too loud for a phone call, Tam held his phone a bit away from his ear. "...fuck wait why did I call you..."
There was a long pause, neither said anything.
"Oh yeah! I needed to tell you something...but uh I uhm I forgot what it was."
"Keefe, where are you?"
"At a paaaaaarty, well, actually just outside a party because it was hot in there, but now it's cold out here so uh yeah."
Tam sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Okay, send me the address, I'm coming to pick you up. Wait right there and don't move."
"Okie dokie."
Tam heard a thud sort of sound and the rustling of grass from the other line before Keefe hung up and soon after got a message of his location.
After 20 minutes of walking in the cold, Tam came up to what seemed to be a frat house with Keefe sitting on the lawn in criss-cross, patiently waiting in short sleeves and basketball shorts, way too little clothing for the weather. His ruddy face smiled as he saw Tam approach.
"Tam! I remembered what I was going to tell you." He stood up, face falling right after. "Oh no wait I forgot again. Ooh! You need a drink."
Keefe grabbed Tam's hand, pulling him towards the house. Tam stayed in place.
"Hey, let's get you home dude."
Keefe pouted.
"I don't wannaaaa."
He slouched down, pulling on Tam's arm like a child having a tantrum.
Tam pulled him back up to his feet.
"C'mon, if you go to your dorm without fuss I'll buy you ice cream tomorrow."
Keefe seemed much more ok with going along with Tam with the ice cream deal. He pulled off his own coat and placed it around the very drunk boy, he didn't complain.
Keefe began humming some annoying song from the early 2000s that was playing from the house earlier as they walked back in the direction of the dorms.
Suddenly, Tam remembered something.
Fitz was Keefe's roommate.
"Hey uh do you think Fitz is at your dorm?"
Keefe nodded confidently.
"Yep! Said he was gon' study. Wouldn't come to the party because of his 'reputation' or whatever."
Around reputation he did exaggerated finger quotes, nearly knocking Tam's jacket off his shoulders.
"Hm...in that case let's go to my dorm, ok?"
Keefe shrugged, apparently willing to go along with most things in his current state. Thank goodness Linh had made Tam bring extra pillows and blankets to college, he could sleep on the floor and just hope Keefe didn't get sick on him in the night.
It was ridiculously hard to lead Keefe back to his dorm. He tried to pull down his pants halfway there and Tam almost had to carry him up the stairs but soon enough they got there. He sighed with relief as he led his inebriated friend into the room.
"Okay, you can stay here for the night. I'll sleep on the floor."
Keefe plopped himself down on Tam's bed laying flat for only a moment before sitting up with a snap and a look of realization in his eyes.
"OOH! I remember what I was gonna tell you again!"
"Oh?" Tam said playing along, expecting him to forget again.
He patted the spot next to him on the bed, Tam continued to play along, sitting next to him.
"So Marella said that I should just tell you this, and it worked for her, so I'm gonna. And uh and you have to promise to listen 'cause I'm not sayin' it again."
At this point Keefe grabbed his face with both hands, staring right in Tam's eyes and squishing his cheeks.
"You're listening right?"
Tam nodded, mostly to shake Keefe's hands off his face.
Keefe took in an over dramatic breath as if he was preparing to preform in the Olympics before getting another grin on his face.
"I really like you."
"You really like me?"
He nodded mumbling "mhm".
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I like you. Like, like like you."
"Like...as a friend?"
"I said I wasn't gonna repeat myself. As a booooyfriend." At this point Keefe fell back on the bed, looking at the ceiling. Tam's cheeks were burning.
"How long have you liked me like that?"
"Mmmm..." Keefe seemed to ponder for a moment, "Prolly high school."
"Oh um...good to know. You should get some rest. I'll be down here if you need me."
Tam shut off the lights and Keefe started snoring quick. Tam could only stare up in the darkness, unable to sleep.
Keefe woke up that morning in a room he didn't recognize to a killer headache and dead phone.
He turned to the side, seeing a pile of blankets and pillows with a large gatorade, bottle of tylenol, and a note next to it. Suddenly last nights memories came flooding back.
Oh, shit.
He scrambled out of bed, headache and nausea hitting him harder as he stood up.
Despite the fact his head was spinning, he picked up the note from the ground and read it.
Hey, meet me at the reservoir around 6, we need to talk -Tam
F. U. C. K.
Had he really said all that stuff last night? Surely it was a dream, right?
Oh God.
He gathered his few belongings, plus the things to help the hangover, and left the dorms as fast as possible. Only having to stop once along the way to throw up in one of the campus trash cans, hopefully no one would notice.
Keefe didn't have anything to do and he really didn't want to face Fitz so he went about his day in last nights clothing. Then again, it was a college campus. Someone walking around with rumpled clothes carrying a gatorade probably wasn't that big of a deal for most people. By 5:30 he sat impatiently in the empty park where the reservoir was located, it was colder closer to the water.
Just as promised, at 6 o'clock he saw Tam approaching on the horizon.
Tam was damn near a panic attack as he walked around the park attempting to find Keefe. Eventually he found him, sitting on a bench still in his clothes from last night, face once again ruddy from the cold. He sat next to him wordlessly.
"So," Keefe started.
"So," Tam replied, looking down at his lap.
"Tam I-" Keefe turned to face him. "I'm sorry about everything last night, I probably just made everything super awkward. Not to mention it's a giant violation of the friend code to even have a crush on your best friend's ex-"
"Yeah, about that."
"You're gonna maybe kill me for this but uh," Tam pulled on his bangs. "I sorta talked to Fitz about it, I figured you wouldn't and apparently I was right. He said he was okay with it as long as we were ok with it."
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
Tam sighed, "Perhaps."
Keefe once again wore that shit-eating grin of his.
"Can I hear you say it?"
"Why don't you have to say it?"
"Already said it last night! Your turn now. Why did you take care of me while I was drunk?"
Keefe stared at Tam excitedly waiting for the answer. Tam sighed.
"Because I love you, little shit."
"Ooh you said it-"
Tam smashed his lips against Keefe's, both quickly melting into it. After only a moment they pulled away.
"Agh, you taste like gatorade and vomit."
"Well you taste like salt so really what's worse."
"Definitely the vomit."
Despite this, Tam leaned back in. This kiss was a moment longer than the last, and when Tam pulled away Keefe chased it.
"Ok, look I'm sorry but you look like shit Keefe you have to go change." Tam removed his jacket, throwing it around Keefe once again and helping him up from the bench. Keefe laughed.
"Yeah, you're right. Ooh now that we're a thing you need a new nickname!"
"I do?"
"You do, how about 'Bangs Boyf' ooh or maybe you can be my 'provoked partner' or my 'snappy spouse' my 'agitated accomplice' perhaps."
"Do you just have these ready and prepared for any situation?"
"A magician never reveals his secrets."
"You aren't Houdini, you're an 18-year-old boy that currently reeks of frat party."
"Eh that's basically the same thing. I've seen some 18-year-olds at frat parties preform tricks Houdini could never dream of."
Tam sighed dramatically. "It's a good thing you're pretty, you know."
"Hey!" Keefe jokingly shoved him.
For the first time Tam's smile wasn't repressed.
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threeeyesslitthroat · 3 years
So I watched Chaos Walking(2021)
Yeah, lucky for me, my local theater was open and showing(side note, I love my local theater so much. Like, not to brag but seven dollars for a movie and a snack is so great)
Anyhow, I watched Chaos walking. This is sort of my review. 
First off, I read The Knife of Never Letting Go and one third of The Ask and Answer, almost two years ago. When they finally dropped the release date and the trailer, i made the choice not to go reread the first book because i wanted to give the movie a chance and make an exercise of managing my expectations(in preparation for Disney’s Percy Jackson adaptation). Which means not only do I not have a complete understanding of the source material, but I also have a shit memory, so I don’t have a great shot at analyzing this films in adaptation terms, but i’m gonna try anyhow.
So first off, The Noise.
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I found it a bit sketchy that they decided to make the make Noise have visual elements alongside audio but I decided it was fine, since it be pretty hard to bring this to life with only just audio and not make general audiences confused.
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But they did try and do a solid job. Minus not letting us hear the Noise of animals, which sucks. we do see the Noise of a Spackle, but briefly.
The part that really pisses me off is the final confrontation, when the Noise is treated like a Super Power. we see this when Todd scares Davy’s horse by conjuring up an image of big snake, when Mayor Prentiss tricks Viola into a false trap, when  Ben tricks everyone by pretending to give Viola up when in fact he’s buying Todd and the real Viola time to get away, and in the final, Todd distracts Prentiss by conjuring up the image of his mother(complete with bloody wounds) and the various women that died when he was a baby, which caused Prentiss to fall to his death.
I don’t know how the Noise is depicted in the later books, if it was anywhere remotely like this, but i know for sure it doesn’t happen in the first book, which the film is based on.
(Also, how the fuck does Todd know what his mum looks like, or any of the other women and how is he able to bring up their images so perfectly how is ANYONE ABLE REMEMBER SOMEONE WITH THAT MUCH DETAIL That goes beyond photographic memory)
Second bit, the Spackle.
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 The design is boring. Its clearly an alien, buts its dark grey, tall, holds its own when Todd attacks it in the film, has zero impact on the film as a whole and pretty boring. I do recall reading the book and imagining them to have faces similar to real world lemurs or Sloths, with big expressive eyes and such, but the CGI monster doesn’t emote for shit in this film. Todd comes at with a knife with every intention of killing it and it shrugs him off and walks away like it wasn’t fucking attacked my gods.
But in short, they only brought up the Spackle because they’re a thing in the world and it teased the bigger concepts of the next books with like, one measly exchange between Todd and Viola. (it went something like this)
Viola:We’re the aliens, though. They’re the natives.
Todd: huh.
Third bit, New World itself. Not a big deal, It looked like how i originally imagined it, no mention of swamp apples, though we see Todd Hewitt use a knife to stab a big ass bug thing for food. i hear some critics consider it lame that the planet isn’t actually alien but eh, whatever, Didn’t really feel an alien vibe reading the book so it doesn’t matter. 
Now there’s one bit i have to acknowledge in passing. At one point Todd decides to go get lunch by going into the water with his knife and wrestles with some big ass thing with tentacles. Which is fine, just have a couple of questions.
A: is this in reference to the books? Where there big ass tentacle creatures in the novel that are hunted for lunch?
B:if not, was this the film makers deciding to remind the viewers that yes, they are not on planet earth and to make Todd look cooler and justify why he’s useful for the quest and show how much Viola doesn’t know?
I kinda have to acknowledge the thing.  In that scene, Todd and Viola take a break, and Todd removes his clothes (all of them) and decides to go hunting in the water naked as the day he was born. You may have noticed that the Tom Holland stans are all over this scene because One) the camera focuses on Tom Hollands muscles when he takes his top off and Two) one can see his bare ass in the distance. 
Not a big fan off this, just find it interesting because its the most recent example of a Male being objectified by the camera when this never happens once to any of the female characters in the film, including Viola. Also, a touch of weird character detailing because haha, get it? Boy’s never seen a girl before in his life and doesn’t know what modesty means.
Also, very weird because Todd Hewitt in the book was so fucking self conscious that he would never have done that. 
Now I gotta talk about the characters.
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( i understand why they aged them up, i truly do, better to get established actors instead of child actors that could more easily break to movie than sell it. its easier to make movies with legal adults instead of working with child labor laws. but damn it you lose so much of the fucking nuance of the novel when you age them up. There’s so much shit that makes an impact because of how young they are. Around the ages of eleven and twelve is when ones understanding of good and evil has its foundation, to me it was like the story was grappling with Todd Hewitt’s very soul and you lose so much of that when you change it to them being older because instead of being just kids in fucked up situations its younger adults in messed up situations. Like ugh. and aging them up leads to even more problems but we’ll fucking get to that)
Tom Holland’s Todd Hewitt is not the Todd Hewitt of the novel. He just ain’t. There is nothing there that reminds of the boy. The acting is solid, don’t get me wrong, but it just ain’t the Todd Hewitt i remember. Neither is Daisy Ridley’s Viola Eade.
(excuse me while i get Percy Jackson flashbacks)
Now, I have to acknowledge the fact that neither actor(actually none of the actors in this film) slouch on the job. They bring solid and at times very good acting.(If Tom Holland is in the film, its not going to be complete waste of time. He brings quality.)
Honestly, respect to Mr Holland because he was basically the main character, not only acting but also doing voice  and various stunts(also huge credit to the stunt coordinators and stuntmen) and I heard that filming wasn’t that great and bloody broke his nose how many times like damn boy, hats off to you.
But here’s the thing. I don’t want to say that Holland was playing himself or just a version of peter Parker, because i really don’t think he wasn’t but it just. Didn’t feel like a legit character? Especially when compared to the novel. Like Todd Hewitt in the novel is such a raw force of emotion and such a smartass and i was so looking forward for Holland to own this role but in the movie he just? Awkward dude going through some stuff?
but yeah, Holland works his ass off and there are some scenes and moments in the movie that work just because this fellow is just that charming, so (shrug emoji) like i said, He doesn’t waste your time at least.
Ridley....sigh. i know this woman can act. But next to the character who’s thoughts are heard constantly she’s very boring. And it hurts so much because Viola has an actual personality in the novel like; I’m ninety percent sure that Viola hits Todd with a big stick and I do remember that there were multiple moments where she lets Todd know when he’s being a dumbass.(seriously, i may have a shit memory of the book, but i do remember that they play off each other well and hugely entertaining seeing two twelve-year-olds handle the shit getting thrown at them)
Like, Viola in the film doesn’t really have much going on. We see the crash, we hear about the graves she dug herself, we see her be sad, we see her look at Todd like weirdo, we see her look horrified or shocked. (its so sad that I only remember the facial expressions more clearly than the actual dialogue) We really have no idea what the hell is going on with Viola Eade. I don’t think we can blame Ridley, only the film makers, because how can you see Viola Eade in the novel and then turn her into that????
i do have to talk about the relationship between Tom Holland’s Todd Hewitt and Daisy Ridley’s Viola Eade, even though its painful. In the novel, them is just two kids on a really tough adventure.  Because they aged them up, its not two kids old enough to run for the playground when recess starts. Its Teenagers. 
First question, HOW OLD ARE THEY??? Is Todd sixteen? Eighteen? Seventeen? He sure as hell ain’t Thirteen in this. What about Viola? I mean, big shout out to the hair and makeup team for making 28-year-old Daisy Ridley look so much younger but how. OLD. IS.SHE? Nineteen? Twenty? Twenty-one? Pretty sure she’s older than him in this? I ask because it MATTERS.
The way they play off each other has a vastly different energy to the novel because they are aged up. Its pretty obvious pretty fast that Todd’s feelings are basically a big crush, though not all of it is superficial as the film progresses. And Viola is clearly not receptive to that in the film. (honestly i cringed so hard at the “daydream kiss’ and whatever the hell that was in the Farbranch mayor’s house)
The relationship in the film just doesn’t have the nuance or the energy that the novel had in depicting their relationship which is depressing for all the Todd x Viola fans i’m sure. There’s some adorable bits though, like Viola seeing Todd’s dream of her playing with Manchee, and not so adorable canon bits like when Viola read the diary to Todd.
I’m just grateful that the film at least ended with them being friends instead of trying to force the romantic relationship. That right there is why I like the movie. It’s a crush, its used for a couple laughs, they’re friends, its fine. Even if you didn’t read the novel that’s really great for a movie in this day and age to not end with forcing two opposite sex characters into a relationship. To be honest, I like the idea that the film leaves us thinking that yeah, maybe these two could be real friends one day.
I just want to touch on Manchee real quick.
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Manchee’s Noise is not seen or heard in the film. It is briefly acknowledged by Todd ins their first scene but other than that? Nada. Which is a low blow in comparison to the novel because Manchee was a character in his own right, which is why the death hit so hard. 
Todd?” he barks, confused and scared and watching me leave him behind. “Todd?” “Manchee!” I scream. Aaron brings his free hand towards my dog. “MANCHEE!” “Todd?” And Aaron wrenches his arms and there’s a CRACK and a scream and a cut-off yelp that tears my heart in two forever and forever. And the pain is too much it’s too much it’s too much and my hands are on my head and I’m rearing back and my mouth is open in a never-ending wordless wail of all the blackness that’s inside of me.”
in the film, it takes place in white rapids, So its chaotic, its awful, the veiwer’s all stressed out because Viola can’t swim, everyone's getting separated and Aaron’s there and he is seen drowning Manchee. 
Dude, its brief, but not pretty. Because you can see Manchee’s legs trashing above the water, struggling to get free. Aaron is drowning a dog, letting its lungs fill with water. For the folks that don’t like watching dogs die in graphic detail on screen, this isn’t great. 
Personally, I love this scene in the novel. Its the first time i had to put the book down and take a moment. It hit really close to home for me, because i watched my own dog die in real life. It was emotional and horrifying and had such a fucking impact because we could hear his thoughts. Todd had to make the choice to leave him behind to keep Viola safe. To be honest, i think the death is better in the novel, since Manchee basically dies instantly instead of drowning, which takes time(I’ve always assumed that his neck was snapped but I’ve heard others say it was the psine but whatever) it would have been easy and necessary for them to not show that on screen. I personally just think that in terms of depicting a violent death, the novel did a lot better.
Anyway, on to the other characters
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(I had to choose the one with the big orange fluffy coat, and i couldn’t find a good pic og Ben and Cillian on google images.)
As for Mayor Prentiss, he’s played by Mads Mikkelsen, and he delivers. But for the most part, we don’t really know why he’s the bad guy, he just wants to get Viola because “she’s the key” which isn’t really explained, and at the end he tries his hardest to kill Todd. 
Because i only read the first book, I don’t know what exactly his character arc is. And since its been a really long while, I don’t remember what he’s like in the novel regardless, other than the cliffhanger ending.
I did take a quick crashcourse  through the wiki and it turns out that Todd and Prentiss have a relationship in the later books, which the film sort of touches on, because Todd looks up to Prentiss in the film from the get go. 
To be honest, I knew that the trilogy was a lot more complex, and even though I didn’t read the whole thing I knew it would be really disappointing for the fans to see the mayor be hollowed out to almost unrecognizable and not getting to see the whole picture on screen.
As for Davy Prentiss Jr., he was an asshole and stayed an asshole. I know he improves and gets killed off in the novels, so yeah, exhibit B of character foundations not being laid down because there isn’t gonna be a movie after this. Also, why is he played by Nick Jonas? Did they actually have more in mind for him when they decided to go with a Jonas brother or was it just star power? 
As for Aaron...don’t have much to say about him, other than just being pretty weird fit to the film. I think he’s after Viola because he’s just that full of delusions but other than that, his character is just flat and useless. (I wish to the gods that writers would actually think instead of going with “religious delusion” to explain insanity) He only brought tension in a few scenes for the most part. I’m pretty sure that in the novel Todd and Aaron have a confrontation, like the final fight of the novel, and I’m 90% sure that its where the Novel gets the Knife of never Letting Go as its title, because the knife is big deal at that point. But I guess they wanted Viola to have a quick boss battle for the ending and set him on fire. 
Ben and Cillian were fine. They did a good job, the actors were pretty great, I liked Cillian, and i like how they acknowledged that these dudes were family(i know that they’re gay and a couple but the film doesn’t say it outloud beyond letting them sleep in the same bed, be Todd’s parents, and having Ben hold Cillian in his arms) I get a kick out of the fact that the official reviews by Movie Critics are openly curious about why the film doesn’t make it more obvious that they’re gay, but whatever.
As for the overall plot, this is a fine example of mashing three books into one film and not having good results. Instead of going to Haven, the movie decided to shortcut the ending and go to the original ship that somehow has working tech but whatever, Viola needs to communicate to her ship. So not only do we not get the great relationship between Todd and Viola, not only do we not get the Spackle, Not only do we not get to see the noise of Manchee, not only do we have poor character adaptation, we also don’t get to have a plot that matches THE ONE BOOK THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO ADAPT. THEY HAD ONE FUCKING JOB AND THEY COULDN'T ADAPT THE ONE BOOK-
Its only so sad that they decided that this was going to be a one-shot deal because they didn’t have faith in the film and chose to have all the threads tied up. I mean, its so sad for the fans because the movie makes it very clear that we are not going to have anymore movies. sigh. 
slight respect towards the film makers for tying up all the story threads instead of leaving them hanging. they did a neat job, even if it wasn’t a great one.
Anyway, maybe later on when google images has more than the promotional material I’ll do a review of only the good stuff this movie did, even if its a sad pathetic failure of an adaptation. Anyway this review is a bit of a mess and already so long so i’ll stop now. 
May the gods give us strength against all the Tom Holland stans that will inevitably clog up the Chaos Walking tag with their Todd Hewitt x reader fanfics.
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2460nodone · 3 years
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Title: Trophies Category: Plays/Musicals » Les Misérables Author: AliceInSomewhereland Language: English, Rating: Rated: T Genre: Drama/Romance Published: 05-19-13, Updated: 05-19-13 Chapters: 1, Words: 3,671
Summary: They meet on their respective fields - his, baseball, and hers, soccer - and it changes everything. Enjonine modern AU for the Fic War on tumblr! Oneshot, rated T for language.
originally written for the e/e fic war and posted to ffnet. prompted with “soccer AU, baseball AU” by tumblr user samthenardier.
Chapter 1/1
He's not quite sure when he first noticed her.
Perhaps it was the weekend Courfeyrac hit the ball out of their diamond, and, as he played in the outfield, she reached him first to return it. He hardly paid her any mind, only nodding in thanks. She was clearly just as busy as he, covered in dirt and soaked with sweat, her shin guards smeared with grass stains.
Perhaps it was the weekend that it rained. Bahorel and Grantaire, playing on his team that weekend, were highly distracted when the women with whom she was playing declared their match to be shirts versus skins. She seemed to be the chief in insisting that it be the girls who played as skins, against the shirted boys.
The boys on his baseball team couldn't help but stare as the girls stripped, their shorts rolled low on their hips and clinging to their thighs in the rain, their tops bare, save for their soaked-through sports bras.
He noticed that she and her friends were frequently shooting glances in the direction of the baseball diamond, delighting and giggling when his teammates and opponents fawned over them.
Perhaps he noticed her the weekend that it was so hot they almost had to cancel – she, again, was shirtless, but this time her sports bra was soaked with sweat. They watched as she poured cold water over her face and head and shoulders – his teammates with hunger and desire, he with disinterest.
Perhaps it was the weekend he saw her running to their diamond, soccer ball under her arm and her hand entwined with another girl's, one with dusky skin and dark hair. They sat in the bleachers, watching and cheering and laughing. It was quite distracting. Afterwards, he watched as she made a beeline to Marius, just as Joly and Bossuet appeared to be racing to talk to her friend first.
He paid her little to no mind, though he did notice when she wasn't there sometimes, especially because his baseball team (and often their visiting competition) and the eternal pick-up soccer game that she participated in often went out for drinks together after their respective games were over. It seemed oddly quiet when she wasn't there, rare though that was, but it also irritated him when she was there, because she spent the whole damn time mooning over Marius and trying to get that freckled fool to pay attention to her.
He never bothered to interact with her; in fact, he didn't even know her name. Nor did he try to learn it. Whenever she came into his peripherals, he merely acknowledged her mentally as "Marius' Shadow."
However, everything changed when he was leaving the park one day, and came across her corned up against a tree, an older man who must have been her father screaming in her face as she cowed. When the man hit her across the face, he lost it.
He dropped his things, and suddenly he was next to her, then in between her and the man, then shoving the man away and shouting things that he didn't remember later. They tousled briefly, resulting in a bloody nose on his face and a black eye on the old man. The man stormed away, screaming and cursing at them.
When he turned, he didn't even have time to react before she slapped him sharply across the face. It left him momentarily dumb; he wasn't sure whether to pinch his nose to stop the bleeding or hold his smarting cheek. Then she was shouting at him.
"I don't want your help! I'm not some sort of damsel in distress that needs rescuing from some bourgeois knight in shining armor!" She shoved him, though it was hardly strong.
Her lip was bleeding and was starting to swell from where the man hit her.
Ten minutes later, he was in the dugout, trying to stop the bleeding.
"Hey," a voice said behind him, startling him. He turned, and there she was – fat lip, messy dark hair, long, thin legs and a torso hidden by an oversized jersey. She held a plastic bag in her hand.
He just sniffed blood, trying to keep it from running down his face more, and stared at her. He was hardly forgiving; if she resented his interference, he wouldn't interfere. He had a bloody nose and probably a black eye (try explaining that one at work tomorrow), all because he was trying to help her. So as far as he was concerned, they had no reason, especially now, to interact at all. He wanted nothing from her.
"Sit down," she ordered. Her tone surprised him; it reminded him of how his mother or his teachers would talk to him as a child. He wondered where she picked it up. Then he sat.
She put the bag on the bench beside him, digging around inside. From it, she pulled gauze, an ice pack, hydrogen peroxide, and band-aids. Without a word, she began mopping up the blood on his face.
"I'm sorry I slapped you," she murmured, keeping her eyes fixed on the blood that was still gushing from his nose.
He shrugged.
"It was my dad. It wasn't the first time," she told him quietly. He wondered why she was telling him this; from the look on her face, she was wondering the same thing. Then, "I'm Eponine. Eponine Jondrette."
He regarded her for a moment, and she finally met his eyes. They were a beautiful, bright brown, flecked with gold, but were dark and angry from the memories that were undoubtedly cycling through her mind. He looked at her lips; dried blood had trickled onto her chin, though she hadn't seemed to notice.
"Enjolras," he said. "Gabriel Enjolras."
Eponine's lips twitched into a small smile, then she got back to work on cleaning him up.
When she was finished, she threw the first aid supplies into her backpack. "I'll buy you a beer," she offered, "as a thanks – and an apology."
He's not quite sure why he kissed her.
It was several months after the day he fought her father.
They were heading off to the park together. His league's season was over, but he and his friends still met each weekend for pickup games. She had wormed her way into his friend group, and they had invited her along, eager to teach her how to play baseball. In return, she was going to teach them a little bit about soccer.
She met him on the corner near his apartment – it was more convenient for her to cut through his neighborhood to reach the park, as she lived a few blocks away.
"We need to run to my place," she said when he found her, not bothering to greet him. "I would've gone alone, but my phone was dead and I didn't want you to think I was ditching you.
Though they lived relatively close together, there was a marked difference between his neighborhood and hers. His was more affluent – he was a lawyer, the only son in a wealthy family, and therefore, his apartment was large and well decorated and safe.
Eponine's apartment, however, was one room of a giant, sketchy-looking complex. She joked that this was where the meth-heads came to die.
He worried for her safety.
Inside, however, she had done her best to make the place comfortable. It was colorful, but tasteful – very bohemian, but it worked because it was so Eponine.
She had hung curtains to separate her small bed from the rest of the room, and disappeared behind them for a few moments.
When she reemerged, she beckoned him over. "Enj, these are my soccer trophies from high school. I was being scouted for college, being offered scholarships and even full rides, but then I blew out my knee."
He hadn't known. He knew she was good, but not that she could have started in college. Nor did he know that her knee had ruined her opportunity to get out of – well, out of this life. It broke his heart; she could have truly been something quite incredible. She was smart, she was driven and talented, but lacking the resources to rise out of the life she so despised. To have come so close, only to have an ill-timed physical issue rip her chances away – he couldn't even imagine.
"That sucks, Ep, I'm so sorry," he told her sincerely.
She smiled warmly, though he could see a touch of bitterness in her eyes. "Whatever," she shrugged, "I have all these crazy trophies for my trouble!"
And she did. There must have been more than 30 of all colors and sizes, from participation awards to tournament placements to MVP's.
"My collection would totally kick your collection's ass," he teased, nudging her with his elbow. "I was given a partial scholarship to play in college. I wanted to go pro. I didn't have time for anything else, not even girls. My entire life revolved around baseball and school."
She looked at him. "What happened?"
He stared straight ahead at a trophy she had won her sophomore year of high school for most valuable player. "My priorities changed," was all he said. He could hear the hardness in his own voice; out of the corner of his eye, he saw her searching for something on his face before she turned back towards the trophies. He cleared his throat. "Anyway," he said, reaching out and touching a medal, "all my trophies are at my parents' house."
"I like having mine home with me," was Eponine's soft reply.
He looked at her. There was a faraway look on her face, an absent smile on her lips. "They help me remember a time when I was happy." She seemed to be talking to herself now, and he wondered if she remembered he was there.
He couldn't take his eyes off her, all of a sudden, and he felt something building inside of him that was foreign and, if he had to admit it, a little frightening.
When she turned to him, a questioning look on her face and an inquiry forming on her lips, he kissed her, swallowing whatever it was she was about to say. She responded immediately against him, and he pulled her body flush against his instinctually when her lips parted against his.
He's not quite sure why he slept with her.
He had never been with a woman before.
And she was vulnerable; he couldn't shake the feeling that he had taken advantage of her.
Marius and his girlfriend, the perfect, blonde Cosette, had gotten engaged.
Eponine had showed up at his door, in tears and completely inconsolable. So he ordered pizza, and ran to the liquor store around the corner for a bottle of Jack.
Three hours later, she was straddling him on his couch and kissing him wildly, half the bottle abandoned on the table behind her.
The whole experience, as intoxicating and wonderful as it was, was like being with a hurricane. It was wet and strong and dangerous, but he loved every second of it.
When he woke the next morning, she was in his kitchen, dressed in one of his t-shirts, making breakfast.
She kissed him good morning.
He's not quite sure when he fell in love with her.
They were out all night.
It was a warm night, in the middle of spring, a summery breeze sweeping through her hair and toying with the hem of her dress as she skipped around him.
Eponine didn't want to go home, and had talked him into staying out with her all night and going down to the docks to watch the sunrise.
"I've never seen the city when it sleeps," she had said.
They weren't together, per se, but Marius was married and Eponine was putting him behind her and now whenever she saw Enjolras she kissed him. He didn't hate it.
They had sat on the docks, swinging their bare feet inches above the water.
She grabbed his hand, humming a song into the wind. She was being strange; it was that mix of happiness and sadness that he'd learned to associate with her. Like she's almost ready to be happy, almost ready to let go of her problems, but she just can't.
She took his hand as the pre-dawn sky turns purple.
She kissed his cheek and then his lips when it turns pink.
When it turned orange, its bright glow lights up her face.
When the sun broke free of the water, she laughed. He had never seen anything so beautiful.
And that was when he knew: he'd fallen for her.
He's not quite sure why she wouldn't let him save her.
Eponine was stubborn, and always refused his help. He frequently reminded her that it was his job to help people, that it was his calling, but she would just snap at him that "a calling is a thing for entitled bourgeois boys," and that those he was "called" to help did not always want it.
When her little brother died, hit by a car in the middle of the night, he was not sure she'd ever come back to him.
She pushed him away. Stopped seeing him, stopped meeting him for baseball or soccer, stopped coming to his games and stopped showing up to her own. She wouldn't even answer her calls. Nor would she talk to any of her other friends.
Musichetta, her soccer friend, and Joly were dating, and even Musichetta had not heard from her in weeks.
When he finally saw her again, her face was gaunt. She looked like she hadn't slept in days, and hadn't eaten in weeks. Her already thin frame clung to her bones, her cheeks were sunken in, her hair was dirty and unkempt, and her hollow eyes had dark circles.
He didn't know how to save her, but for god's sake he tried.
He's not quite sure why she left him.
It isn't fair – that's the only thought that's cycling through his mind right now.
He's been sitting in this chair for, well, he doesn't even know how long. His friends keep coming to check on him, but he barely hears them. They can't say anything helpful anyway. They don't know.
All he can think of is her, of those precious moments by her side, as he stares straight ahead.
Directly in front of him is her casket. And he can't take his eyes off it, off her lifeless body laying there for those attending the wake to gawk and cry over.
He can't cry, he can't eat, he can't feel. He briefly wonders if this was how it was for her when little Gavroche was killed, and if that was the straw that broke the camel's back in her life.
He wonders, much more extensively, why he couldn't save her. He was always reminding her that saving people was all he wanted to do. He just wanted to help.
Why hadn't he been able to help her?
It was a sunny afternoon. They were sitting on the stairs of her fire escape. She was under his arm, resting her head on his shoulder.
"Not everyone wants to be saved, Enj," she told him. "Not everyone will let you."
"As long as you let me save you, that's fine," he replied.
She said nothing for a long while. "It might be too late for that," she whispered, avoiding his gaze.
And it was. It was far too late.
She was gone.
The only woman he had ever loved, ever cared for, ever had time for, was dead.
This was a woman who had opened up an entire new world for him, and he would never see her again.
He's not sure what comes next; now that he's lived in this world of hers, he isn't sure if he can live without her.
When he's angry at her, angrier than he's ever been before, he curses her name, screaming at her ghost for leaving him behind, for ruining his life.
He hates her; she destroyed everything about him, everything he was, and left this empty shell behind. He was fine before - he didn't know what he was missing, and ignorance truly was bliss. He was settled in his life. But then she appeared in it, and turned it upside-down.
He tries to breathe.
Azlema, her younger sister, walks up to him.
She wraps herself around him, and he lets her, squeezing her tightly. She, of course, knew Eponine too (in a way that his friends didn't), and just as he lost the love of his life, she lost her older sister - and her baby brother. So she understands.
"She loved you, Enjolras," Azelma murmurs, her voice shaking with emotion and thick with the tears that spill from her eyes. "I know she never told you, but she told me. She loved you, and she would've wanted you to know."
He cries.
He's not quite sure how he picks up the pieces.
It's been forever, but it's also been no time at all.
His nights are cold and lonely, and his days are torture.
Grantaire has moved in with him, though perhaps that wasn't the best decision on the part of his friends, as the other man is so full of anger and sadness himself that all they do is spend their time drinking.
Combeferre seems to catch on, because then he comes to stay, too.
Suddenly, he's forced to eat the food Combeferre has cooked. He's forced to look at Grantaire's artwork and give his opinions, he's forced to go to work and do a good job again.
He's forced to look at her photographs every day (but that one he does to himself), too. In them, she seems happy. She's bright and beautiful and alive. God, she used to be so alive, even when she was miserable, even when she was depressed. She could be in the worst mood, but being around her was like being in the middle of a beautiful storm.
He misses that.
Eventually, Courfeyrac convinces him to come play a pickup game.
It feels good, being back on the diamond. The power of the ball as it flies from his hand, the feel of the wind in his face as he runs from plate to plate. He especially likes being at bat, because smacking that fucking ball into oblivion is suddenly the most therapeutic thing.
And then the game is over and his friends leave and he's slamming his stupid bat into the ground, raging in the middle of the field, screaming at her at the top of his lungs and undoubtedly causing quite the scene.
He collapses, and then someone is there – Jehan, perhaps? – speaking to him, trying to calm him.
But what does it is Eponine.
No, she's not there, of course, but he sees her team playing soccer on the next field. Or maybe it's a different team, he isn't sure if her friends play here anymore.
He looks up into the overcast sky, closing his eyes to the clouds, and can almost hear her laughter carried to him on the wind.
He goes home, pulls out the trophies he took from her apartment and those he took from his parents' house. He places them in pairs around the apartment, wherever they fit - his next to hers and hers next to his wherever he can find the room for them.
"They help me remember a time when I was happy," she had said that first time he kissed her.
And she was right.
There they were, once again – playing baseball, playing soccer together, just like when they had become friends. This time, however, their endless games were in his apartment. But looking at their trophies together was, for some stupid reason, extremely comforting. It made him feel like she was there, in these dumb objects she had been so proud of.
He sees her in them. They make him think of her. And he misses her, he does, but she would want him to be okay.
She would want him to keep on playing, because she wasn't able to.
And that's exactly what he's going to do.
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I could use a good story. Can i ask for a little nix fic? Maybe one where his gf thinks hes cheating cuz hes been avoiding her but really hes super nervous about proposing to her?
Not According To Plan; Lewis Nixon
Fandom: HBO War; Band of Brothers
A/N: not me coming back from the dead with a 1K+ word imagine oop- anyway... My inspiration to write has been negative lately so I wrote this over the course of a couple weeks, and I’m so sorry this took so long! I hope you like it tho. Also, Y/N/N = your nickname
Warnings: none :) but it gets a lil sketchy on the angst front; FEMALE reader
Taglist: @liebegott @stressedinadress @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @teenmagazines @hbohmygodx @meteora-fc @punkgeekchic @vintagelavenderskies @hoosiers-hoe @mavysnavy @inglourious-imagines @warrior-healer @alienoresimagines @hannahbear1 @easy-company-tradition @wexhappyxfew
(Let me know if you either want to be taken off/added to the taglist; also let me know if you’ve changed your url so that I can be sure I’m tagging you)
"I was thinking dinner," you said into the receiver. "And possibly a walk?"
"I'd love to, Y/N/N..." Lewis started.
You held your breath for the-
"But I'm busy tonight. I've got some things to finish up. How's tomorrow?"
"I've got work tomorrow," you reminded him, hoping he might give in.
"Right." He breathed a curse just barely audible. "I'll make it up to you, alright? Next day you don't work."
You sighed, realizing he was dead set in his own plans for the evening. The romantic urges that had been tugging at your heart began to gain some slack. "Alright. I'll see you then."
The next date was a spontaneous visit to his house with food.
"Y/N," he stammered, surprised by your appearance at his door. He kissed you in greeting before letting you in. "I wasn't expecting you."
"I missed you," you pouted, holding out the bags of food you were carrying. "I brought lunch, so you can't tell me to leave because I know you haven't made anything to eat."
"I knew there was a reason I liked you." He took the bags from you and into the kitchen.
"More than one I hope," you scoffed.
He gave you a sly smirk and was about to say something else just as the phone rang, cutting him off. "I'll be right back." He kissed you before leaving the kitchen to answer the phone in the hall.
Taking the moment of his preoccupation to plate the food, you hummed to yourself as you scooped green beans onto two plates.
"Listen, not now," Lew's voice carried in from the hall. "This isn't a good time. I'll call you back later. Alright, bye."
His tone concerned you, but you weren't going to grill him. If he wanted you to know what it was about, he'd tell you.
Incidentally, he did not want to divulge because when he reappeared in the kitchen, he wore an unreadable expression but made no mention of the short-lived conversation he just had. "Lunch looks great, sweetheart." A smile stretched across his face and you momentarily forgot about what you had heard. "Don't skimp me on those potatoes."
Another cancelled date. It was just supposed to be a night out to the movies, but Lew had called to say he needed to stay late at work.
"Babe, I'm sorry," he apologized.
"It's fine," you assured him, though once again, you felt yourself deflate. "You don't need to apologize for being busy. I get it. Don't work too hard, alright?"
"Next time," he said, "I promise."
"I love you. Be safe getting home."
"I love you too, Y/N/N." He waited for you to hang up before letting out an anxious breath. The idea of lying to you made his skin itch, and he was burning right now. He ran a hand over his face and got up from his desk.
"I didn't know you were staying late," Delia, the secretary, commented seeming to have appeared out of nowhere. "Is there some new project you're working on?"
Momentarily startled by her sudden presence, Lew shook his head. "I'm not staying late." He got up from his desk and grabbed his coat. "In fact, I'm leaving now. I've got reservations to make."
"But you just..." her voice trailed off just as her eyes widened. "Sir, not to pry, but does this have anything to do with the thing that I definitely did not see on your desk a while back?"
"Yes," he replied, slipping his arms into the coat.
Her jaw dropped. "Does Dick know?"
The look he gave her made her facepalm.
"What am I saying? Of course, Dick knows."
"Delia, I really do have to go," he reminded her. He stopped for a moment. "Please don't mention this to anyone."
"Mum's the word," she promised as he rushed out.
It had been over a week since you had spent any real time with your boyfriend, and you were growing more nervous and self-conscious by the day. There were thoughts that you couldn't help but entertain, even against your better judgement. As much as you wanted to push these thoughts away, they gnawed at the pit of your stomach at any given moment.
But out of the blue, Lew called.
"I know you don't work today—I called and checked—so I'll be over in half an hour to come get you. I figured I still owe you that dinner and walk."
As happy as you were to accept, your anxiety grew as you got yourself ready. You shed a few stray tears but primarily held yourself together. Your thoughts persisted as you heard the knock at the door.
“How’s my best girl?”
You offered him a tight smile. “You mind stepping in a minute? I’m not quite ready to go.”
He followed you back into the living room of your small apartment.
Trying not to choke on your words, you finally managed to spit it out. "Why have you been avoiding me?" You feared the answer, and the look on his face didn't ease your anxiety.
"Avoiding you? Have I been..." His voice trailed off as he noticed the hurt you were trying to conceal. He closed his eyes, releasing a breath. "I'm so sorry."
"I want you to be honest with me, Lewis." Your expression hardened at the sound of what you thought was a confession. "Are you seeing someone else?"
He blinked incredulously at you before sputtering out, "What? You're joking right?" He wanted to laugh, but he knew it wasn't the time. Instead he pulled you into his chest, tucking your head under his chin. "In retrospect, I see how you could have thought that, but I swear that's not it."
You pried free from his embrace, still not entirely convinced. "Then why the secrecy? Why the phone calls and late nights and cancelled plans?"
"There goes my surprise," he mumbled. He sighed before lightly sitting on the edge of the couch, beckoning you to join him. When you did, he looked pleadingly into your eyes. "I was... dammit. I was so nervous about asking you, and I guess subconsciously I avoided you to keep from doing it too early."
"Doing what?" It came out harsher than you had intended, but your patience was wearing thin. "What were you going to ask me?" The vaguest idea of what it could be formed in the back of your mind, but your skepticism was refusing to let it grow.
"I wanted to propose," he admitted gently. "I had the perfect spot picked out. Dick helped me practice the speech I was going to give leading up to it down pat. I've had the ring for... a while. But every chance I had to move in the right direction, I got scared."
That little inkling that had formed was yelling "Told you so!" And you felt your heart melt immediately. "You were going to propose to me?"
He nodded, suddenly looking more nervous than you'd ever seen him. "Would you say yes?"
You raised your eyebrows. "Are you asking?"
He gave you a sideways glance before moving from his place on the coach to bended knee in front of you. "Y/N, will you marry me?"
"Absolutely," you practically gushed. Even expecting it, your heart raced at the sound of the words. You flung your arms around him, pulling him close. “I’m so sorry for-“
“Shhh...” he coaxed, rubbing your back. “Don’t apologize, baby. Let this be a happy moment.” He loosened himself from your embrace to look at you. “I just want you to be happy.”
“If I get to be with you for the rest of my life, then I’ll be happier than I’ve ever been.”
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oneofyatosfollowers · 3 years
Yatori Week 2021- Day 5
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32090953/chapters/79500055
Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13905660/1/Yatori-Week-2021
“Oh my goodness, Hiyori! A fifth date!” Kofuku squealed, “you never even agree to a second date!” 
Perched on her rolling chair, the pink-haired nurse spun so fast her curls flung out like a halo and her pink capybara scrubs were a blur. Across from her, Hiyori dropped her pen and lurched to stop the girl from falling over. Kofuku was such a spaz it was any wonder Hiyori’s father hired her. But she was truly a ray of sunshine and giggled as she was righted.
“I sometimes agree to second dates. It’s more that they don’t call me back,” Hiyori muttered around her smile. Embarrassed, Hiyori spun around and tried to focus on patients’ lab samples but that didn’t deter her friend. Kofuku’s arms curled around Hiyori’s plum scrubs and she rested her chin on Hiyori’s shoulder.
“See? I told you, you two would hit it off,” Kofuku purred.
“You make it sound like you introduced us,” Hiyori said with a playful roll of her eyes. The man in question was one who often landed in Hiyori’s family’s hospital and was a childhood friend of Kofuku’s. He often had problems such as tears in a rotator cuff or labrum and brusings, things he claimed were from his job. Nothing particularly major but still frequent enough where Hiyori had gotten to know him fairly well. It didn’t help that he would try to stay longer than needed just to talk to her- even bust in the nurse's office with the excuse of looking for Kofuku- or specifically request her. It annoyed her at first; sometimes she was really busy with demanding families or tired from an all-nighter. But she couldn’t stay mad at him for too long, he would always be so excited to see her and happy to hear about what she had to say. It was easy to talk to him and sometimes Hiyori had found herself picking up the pace to his room only to sit beside him and talk about everything and anything.
“Well I basically did! I invited you both to hang out at my place with Daikoku and I! I even told you when and where he gets his coffee so you can talk outside of work! That’s where he asked you out isn’t it?” Kofuku continued to grin in Hiyori’s ear, causing them both to giggle.
“For your information I went to that coffee shop before I met him!” Hiyori shooed her friend off with a smile. Kofuku fell back into her chair with a sigh but fixed Hiyori with a soft look.
“I’m glad you like him. Yatty can be a little quirky but he’s genuine. I know you like that.”
“I do,” Hiyori admitted, “but you’re right he is odd.” The word odd didn’t quite cover it. Yato, Yatty as Kofuku called him, had some personality quirks for sure. It took a lot to outwardly flirt with a nurse while she tried to pop your shoulder back in it’s socket and blush when she laughed around you. Beyond that, he had some peculiar habits that Hiyori found it difficult to ignore.
For one thing Yato was fairly jumpy around people approaching him, like he didn’t want to look directly into people’s eyes yet would get extremely excited when someone did. What’s more, sometimes he would pull her away, like he saw someone he was trying to avoid. Not that she thought anyone would recognize him. It didn’t matter where he went, Yato would always be covered: thick jackets, sun glasses, hats, the works. He even showed up to their second date with a hospital mask on. Hiyori almost walked out then and there but Yato begged her to stay.
“Maybe he’s famous,” Kofuku once suggested. That was always an option, with the way he often wore an up-turned collar, but Hiyori did an hour of google search to prove that wrong. He was lucky she had gone most of her life without finding someone who made her laugh so much, otherwise Hiyori wouldn’t have agreed to that second date.
As the saying goes, just talking about someone was enough to summon them. Her phone chimed on her desk and Hiyori didn’t even have to turn it over to know it was him. That was another one of his quirks, frequent texting and social media, but Hiyori didn’t mind. Only because she liked talking to him and he didn’t get upset with her when she ignored her. They had another date tonight, Yato would be meeting her at a bar, per her request. She typed out her reply, reiterating for the third time that he was not to come in any ostentatious clothing.
“Well, I’m glad you two have fun anyway!” Kofuku chirped from her seat, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Hiyori laughed at her words. Meanwhile, after Hiyori spent an hour picking out clothes, making sure her makeup was just right, and waiting patiently for Yato to arrive ten minutes late, she took one look at him and walked away.
“Wait, wait, wait, Hiyori!” Yato jogged after her and grabbed her hand. Teeth bared, Hiyori whirled around and fixed her most searing glare on him. She watched him physically recoil, blue eyes wide with shock. At least she imagined they were, large tinted sunglasses blocked any view of them so Hiyori wasn’t sure. Either way, her glare reflected back at her and she watched herself scowl at him.
“Let go of me,” Hiyori growled. He let her go when she yanked but easily kept up as she marched away from their meeting spot. They swerved though the crowd of happy families and loving couples, the groups jolting out of the way of her warpath.
“Hiyori, please, I’m sorry! It’s just to get here! That’s why I wanted to get here early so I could change!” Yato continued to plead as he walked alongside her. She stopped and skeward him with another glare, this one capable of pinning him to the building behind him.
“You’re ten minutes late.” She informed him.
“Ahh. Hah, uh,” Yato’s jaw worked uselessly for a moment before he swallowed thickly and looked to the ground in shame. Hiyori watched him for a moment then walked off again, Yato catching up to her after some time.
“Hiyori, please!” Yato appeared suddenly in front of her, hands up to get her to stop, or in surrender. Despite herself, she did stop, allowing her glare to slip and show him the hurt she felt. Now, Yato wasn’t the sharpest tool in the doctor kit but he had the sense to take off his baseball cap, letting his black hair fall free, and his glasses to look her in the eye with nothing but concern. They stared at each other as music and people happily surrounded them.
“Hiyori I,” Yato paused as pink spread across his cheeks, “I really like you. I’m sorry it’s just a habit from my job. Please, don’t go.” He spoke so honestly that Hiyori couldn’t stop her shoulders from sagging. Of course the genuineness of the statement was overshadowed by the fact Yato was undressing as they spoke. Hiyori watched him stuff the glasses and hat in his jacket pocket before stripping off the jacket and tossing it in a bush. Once he tore off his pants, thankfully leaving behind shorts, Hiyori was left to sigh at the dirty baseball jersey and bruised arms. Yato watched as she gently picked up his arm to poke at his swollen elbow.
“I like you too,” she started, “but you promised. Several times. I asked you and you said you wouldn’t walk around like this and suddenly drag me around.” Hiyori reminded him. Of course he hadn’t done it yet but it was almost guaranteed at this point.
“I know, I’m sorry. There’s just so many people here and it’s for my job, I swear,” Yato repeated.
“And what exactly is your job?” Hiyori let her eyes flicker up to him. That was treading on dangerous territory. Yato- as another personality quirk- did not like talking about his job. He answered her questions but the responses were always vague and he was quick to change the subject. Even if she didn’t say something, she noticed; yet it was her fault for trusting him when he assured her it wasn’t anything sketchy or illegal. With the way Yato struggled to look at her, and come up with an excuse, it was clear she wasn’t going to get an answer this time either. That was fine. Afterall, Hiyori was hiding things from Yato too.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me right now. I don’t want to get into it.” Hiyori said. His elbow thankfully wasn’t sprained but it was definitely irritated. He would need to ice it and rest, not have fun at a festival. She let it go and held onto her purse handle.
“I think I’m going to go though,” Hiyori mumbled.
“No, no, no!” Yato’s hands waved, “Hiyori, please, I am so sorry. Let me buy you food? Or just chat? This doesn’t even have to be a date or longer than an hour. I just really want to spend time with you.” He bit his lip and scanned her face as she thought it over. There was really no harm. He didn’t do anything particularly wrong and she had no doubt they would have fun. It wasn’t like she actually wanted to go home anyway.
“Well, you’re going to be spending more time with me if you don’t rest that elbow,” Hiyori huffed. The sentiment confused Yato but he huffed out a laugh, not making a move as he stared at her. With another sigh, and a prayer to heaven, Hiyori gently let her hand rest in the crook of his good arm. Yato’s other hand quickly came up to support his arm, the pressure causing him to flinch through his excited cheers.
“Oh and!” Yato suddenly left her side to dive into the bush. Before Hiyori could contemplate her decision, Yato opened his hands like a toddler showing their parents something new they’ve found.
“I won it for you at the ball-toss,” Yato admitted with great pride, “that’s why I was late.” His smile was awkward as he looked between her and the plastic cat keychain, still holding it out to her. At this point, how could she still be mad? With a snort and a giggle, Hiyori attached the keychain to her purse, took Yato’s arm, and knew she would stay much more than an hour.
“Hey, Hiyori?” A nurse popped her head in the office a month later, “That, uh, patient is here for you?” The office was filled with snickering, mostly from Kofuku, as Hiyori leaned back in her chair. She knew why he was here, but Hiyori couldn’t decide if she wanted to deal with him right now.
“Thank you, I’ll be right there,” she pushed back from her desk. In the doorway, the nurse cleared her throat.
“Actually, he’s here, here,” she pointed off to the side just as Yato peaked into the office.
“Hello darling!” Yato grinned, folding his sunglasses to hang off his shirt collar. The other nurses snickered as Hiyori sputtered and hissed that she was not, in fact, his darling.
“Yatty!” Kofuku sprang off her seat on the counter, running to give the man a big hug. Yato needed both hands to catch her, which accidently showed off the bouquet of roses he brought with him. Most likely from the gift shop in the lobby.
“Uh, hey,” Yato cleared his throat after he put Kofuku down. Hiyori spun to face him with her arms and legs crossed. Letting a girl jump into his arms in front of her did not help his case, but that wasn’t why she was upset.
“I figured you were on your lunch break,” Yato’s eyes slid to her lunchbox and back, “I brought you roses.” He held out the flowers. Hiyori let her eyes drop to them, then looked up at him. Yato set them down on the desk and fiddled with his fingers.
“So, how’s it going?” He tried. They ignored Kofuku’s snort as she sat down to watch along with the rest of the nurses in the office.
“My parents are starting to get offended, Yato,” Hiyori remarked, “this is the second time you said you couldn’t come over for dinner.”
“Ooo! Dinner!” Kofuku sang. Her two friends gave her a heavy look and she apologized with a grin.
“I know, Hiyori, I’m so sorry. You know weekends aren’t good for me. I tried to talk to Daikoku about it but he hasn’t budged.” The end of Yato’s sentence was heavy with meaning as he let his eyes slide to said man’s wife, sitting happily on the counter.
“That’s got nothing to do with me, Yatty, you know that,” Kofuku shrugged, her smile never leaving. It was a known fact that Daikoku was Yato’s boss in whatever job they had- part of the reason Hiyori believed it wasn’t suspicious- but that was not the point. Her huff got Yato’s attention and he immediately took another step towards her.
“You know I’m super happy you want me to meet them! I really want to meet them too! It’s just the weekends they happen to pick, are when I happen to be working.”
“That’s because my dad likes to watch the game when my mom cooks big meals,” Hiyori pouted, “it’s a bonding thing with him and my brother and any male in the- the- you know, family.” She waved her hand in a way that should have dismissed her words but did nothing to wipe away the red in both their cheeks.
“Am I part of the family?” Yato asked as he crept forward another step, a grin growing on his lips. By now everyone in the room was smiling except her and Hiyori threw her hands up.
“You’re not part of the family yet because you won’t come to family dinner or give the truthful reason as to why,” Hiyori slammed her hands on either side of her paperwork. The entire situation was frustrating because they both had things they wanted to hide. While it’s true Yato wouldn’t talk about his job, he also wouldn’t say his last name. That wasn’t his decision. It was a little known fact that Hiyori’s family owned the very hospital they found themselves in. Because of this, Hiyori had opted out of saying her last name when meeting new people. Just to avoid any assumptions and to ensure they liked her for her. Of course that prompted Yato to insist he wouldn’t give his last name until she did. Another thing that made it hard to research him, since Kofuku wouldn’t say a word. This was also what made this family dinner such a big step for them. Not only would Yato be introduced to her family as a romantic interest, but there would be no hiding how much money her family made. But while it was agreed that family names and overall lifestyles were not to be mentioned, their individual jobs were not.
“Yet?” Yato repeated, still missing the point. With a sigh, Hiyori kneaded her forehead as Yato and Kofuku cooed behind her.
“If you really want to meet them you can probably find them,” Kofuku shrugged.
“Wha-?” Yato cocked his head as Hiyori whipped her chair around to narrow her eyes at Kofuku. It was all too frustrating. The rumors already reached her parents, which both helped convince them she wasn’t lying and made them think Yato was avoiding them. Another sigh escaped her, this time accompanied with a groan. That tampered her friends’ mood and Yato took a seat on the counter next to her, pushing the roses aside.
“I promise I’ll make it up to them. I’ll take them out to dinner, my treat,” Yato offered.
“Yato, you don’t have to do that. Trust me, my parents can pay for themselves.”
“I can too,” Yato said, “I want to, okay? Wherever they want.” It was another promise Yato would have to live up to, but Hiyori appreciated him trying, if not slightly. She looked up to him with a small smile, which Yato returned.
“I have to get back to work,” Hiyori said. Standing, Yato backed off and watched Hiyori stretch.
“I’ll see you soon, yeah?” He urged.
“You said you were working this weekend,” Hiyori reminded him.
“Yeah, I am, I am,” sighed Yato, “but once I’m done I’ll come straight to you.” He finished his declaration with a wink and smiled wider when Hiyori’s own happiness became more genuine. With one kiss to her head, Yato flounced back out the door and left her to sigh and flop back into her chair. By now the rest of the nurses had gone back to their business, leaving Hiyori to pet the rose petals and thoroughly think over her relationship.
“He means it, you know,” Kofuku said. Her tone was so honest compared to her everyday jeer and Hiyori immediately met her serious gaze.
“What he does, how he acts around you. Yatty’s always had trouble making friends, let alone opening himself up in the romantic sense. Just like you, he would hardly get past the first date! But I can tell, he does really want to meet your family, the idea makes him so happy. Daikoku says you're all he talks about,” Kofuku chuckled, “Yatty does truly like you a lot.” Her words lit a fire across Hiyori’s cheeks and collarbones but it didn’t completely wipe away Hiyori’s misgivings.
“It’s just-! At first I thought it was an accident or two, then I figured he would get better or change if we got serious. But, I can’t- I don’t want to think about this being a constant thing throughout our relationship.” Hiyori sighed at her lap. Next to her, Kofuku let out a thoughtful hum, setting her chin on her hands.
“You really like him too, huh?” Kofuku mused. The statement caused Hiyori to blink at her but the label on the feeling sounded right. Why else would have given this guy so many chances?
“Yeah, I do,” Hiyori confessed.
“I’m happy for you two. I really am, this was the best thing to happen with you two. I just knew you’d make each other happy!” Kofuku swooned, “you know what?” She spun back around and grabbed her phone. With a couple of taps and chimes, Kofuku was invested in her phone. For a moment, Hiyori thought the flighty nurse got distracted again and forgot about their conversation but when she opened her mouth, Kofuku just held up her finger. After a moment, another chime sounded and Kofuku’s grin grew even more.
“Okay! Clear your schedule this weekend cause we are hanging out!” Kofuku declared. Hiyori sputtered as the bubbly nurse tossed her phone back on the counter.
“Wha-? Kofuku, I have dinner with my parents this weekend!”
“Saturday night is not this weekend.”
“But what will we even be doing?” Hiyori vacillated, leaning back in her chair. Her time with Kofuku outside of work always ended up in absolute chaos. Oftentimes, Kofuku would be wearing that coy, cat-like grin. Much like she was right now, but this one held much more knowledge.
“Why, to Yatty’s job of course!”
Despite Hiyori’s initial shock with Kofuku’s declaration, she couldn’t help but feel apprehension. Of course Hiyori had dabbled on the idea that, while Yato’s job may not be illegal, it could still be less than savory. With the way Yato and Kofuku talked about it, Hiyori thought he may be a stripper; and while she could see Kofuku doing that, she couldn’t actually imagine Daikoku being a part of it. The plate Hiyori was setting on the table stopped mid-air as she thought of the massive, terrifying looking man. Now that she thought of it, he looked exactly like a bouncer, or bartender. One of those men that walked young women, and handsome young men, to their cars late at night. Hiyori shook her head before the thought could sink in, afraid of finding out if she would be okay with it.
“Hiyori?” Her mother questioned from the other side of the table, bundle of utensils in hand.
“Hmm? What’s wrong, mother?”
“Nothing dear, I just thought maybe you were worrying over-”
“Gah!” Her father bellowed from the living room, “how do you miss that?” His short fit of rage simmered down after her older brother ran in and asked what happened. The women waited for the complaints to settle down before her mother sighed.
“I just think that people who really want to, can make the time.” Her mother huffed.
“They better catch up this inning,” her father continued saying.
“He’s told me he can’t do weekends. We see each other a lot during the week,” Hiyori said as she set down the final plate.
“Relax, Yaboku’s up to bat next and there’s two people on base,” her brother replied. Her father’s joyful reply covered her mother’s sigh as they finished setting the table.
“Well, alright dear, if you say so. Some of the nurses did tell me he comes around a lot but I thought that was for an illness or something,”
“There it is!” Her father cheered, “that Yaboku always knocks it right out of the park!”
“Geez, why do they even let him play? Between him and that busty pitcher,” Her brother chuckled.
“Masaomi language!” Her mother huffed before flashing a smile at Hiyori, “well, I had a feeling that might be the case. It’s not every day a boy shows up to the hospital and requests the same nurse.” She winked, leaving Hiyori to choke out a smile. It was rather sweet.
“And Hiyori?” Her mother popped her head in from the kitchen, “tell your father and brother to shut off the game, it’s time for dinner.” With a nod, Hiyori went into the living room and pried her family away from baseball with some difficulty.
Which was why when Hiyori took the train into the city and walked a block to the meeting spot Kofuku proposed, she was shocked to see the stadium. It was ironic and Hiyori couldn’t help but smile as she imagined the jealous faces of her father and brother. Of course, they had season passes to the games but the hospital kept them away.
“Hey Hiyori!” Kofuku suddenly popped into her view.
“Kofuku!” Hiyori pulled her into a hug.
“You ready?” Kofuku coaxed. Hiyori would have been happy to answer had it not been for the sly way Kofuku was holding up a black ribbon.
“Do I have to be blind folded?”
“Yep! Helps with the surprise,” Kofuku pulled the band taunt. It showed how much trust Hiyori gave the young woman, allowing Kofuku to lead her around a city with a blind fold. Then again, it only took a couple minutes for Hiyori to realize Kofuku had actually led them into the stadium. So it wasn’t just a meeting spot, then. Of course, Hiyori could be wrong but the way they shuffled in a massive line and walked up a couple flights proved otherwise. She could smell the popcorn and hotdogs, and hear the chattering of baseball fans. Once Kofuku untied the ribbon, Hiyori’s theory was proven to be correct, but it didn’t answer her question.
“So he works here? Why would that need to be a secret?” Hiyori asked. She could picture Yato working at the snack bar or as a vendor, he was loud and repetitive like that. She could also see him being a security guard or IT, the man was talented.
“Well, I mean he often works here but he doesn’t always, I guess you could put it,” Kofuku tapped her chin with a giggle. That made it more suspicious but Hiyori had to wait for the announcer before asking.
“And now for your home team! First up to bat is first basemen: Abe Toshiki. Second is the catcher: Kazuma Hirano!”
“Is he, uh, the announcer? Or maybe a news reporter? I’m not political, you know?” Hiyori tried to guess. Behind a smirking Kofuku, the home team was running out onto the field as they were introduced.
“Third up to bat is none other than the only female in the big leagues, pitcher: Bishamon Vaisravana!” The third player, rather famous- even Hiyori’s heard of her- strutted out onto the field as the entire stadium erupted in applause and cheers.
“Nooo,” Kofuku purred. It was hard to hear her but Hiyori could read her lips nonetheless.
“Then what?” Hiyori sighed, exasperated, throwing her arms down and resisting the urge to stomp her foot. She knew Kofuku wasn’t a mean person, but Hiyori was starting to feel like the butt end of a joke that toyed with her feelings. Instead of answering, Kofuku pointed up, grin never fading. Following the direction she pointed in, Hiyori looked up to the ceiling of the tunnel and saw nothing but a ceiling. Before her eyes could drop down to Kofuku, they caught on to one of the small TVs that lined the inside. Hiyori found herself frozen as the fourth batter appeared on screen.
“And fourth up to bat, pitcher: Yaboku Ayakashi!” The announcement was met with less applause than with the previous pitcher. Jaw dropped, Hiyori watched all the screens in the stadium light up with Yato’s face, the flamboyant way he posed with the bat, supposed name, and stats. She rushed to the top of the seating area and watched him run out onto the field as he waved and kissed to the crowd. Yato jogged up to stand beside Bishamon, who smacked him when he wouldn’t stop throwing kisses. They got into a tussle right on the field and Hiyori watched Daikoku rush from the dugout, waving a clipboard, and work to separate them. Hiyori tried to close her jaw while an entire stadium of people laughed at her major league boyfriend while his major league coach worked to wrestle him on national television.
“He’s,” Hiyori pointed at the field and Kofuku gently set her hands on Hiyori’s shoulders.
“Let’s go sit down,” Kofuku nudged Hiyori down the stairs and into their seats. They didn’t talk until after the national anthem and the rest of the announcements.
“Yato is his alias, for obvious reasons,” Kofuku said as munched on the popcorn she swiped from an actual vendor.
“Uh huh,” Hiyori breathed. She still couldn’t believe it, just wait until her family hears. Now that she thought about it, they were just talking about him last night. Had she glanced at the screen, she wouldn’t be this flabbergasted. Of all the things.
“That’s what was so funny, you know? You both were keeping secrets about yourselves for the same reason,” she tossed more kernels in her mouth, “of course, now that I brought you here, you’ll have to tell him the truth.” Kofuku smiled at her and Hiyori felt her lips quirk up. This practically guaranteed Yato wasn’t after her money. Plus he would almost definitely be loved by her family for having such an occupation. By the time Hiyori settled down, Yato was up to bat. Again his stats came up and the entire stadium filled with anticipation. Hiyori knew enough about baseball to know that with the bases filled, Yato was to bring them home. She thought about what her father said and waited for the pitch.
“What do those numbers mean?” Hiyori asked without looking away.
“Hmm? Oh! Those are Yatty’s batting stats see the RBI? That’s how many times Yatty sent people home like this,” Kofuku explained, “It’s also why is H stats, hits, are so high. Highest in the league in fact. He’s trying for the Hall of Fame, it’s been his dream for a long time.”
“Ah,” Hiyori hummed. The number was high, but she was confused why Yato hadn't hit for the first couple pitches. Three balls two strikes, that meant he would have to hit or leave soon. Hiyori’s fists tightened in her lap with anticipation. Suddenly, Yato stepped out and did some practice swings.
“Honestly Yatty, making a big show again,” Kofuku sighed. Hiyori was confused for a moment until Yato sauntered up to the plate, using the tip of his bat to trace the plate with his butt out. Then he swung the tool up in the air, pointing up and out of the stadium. The crowd roared, cheers mixed with the booing of the rival team. It was then Hiyori saw his hips wiggle and realize he was taunting the pitcher. Her laughter came out in a breath just as the ball was thrown. Yato’s bat sliced through the air with cut-throat precision and sent the ball right to where he pointed, disappearing into the stands.
The stadium cheered as the team was sent home, Yato bringing up the rear as he waved. Hiyori’s smile was just as broad as Yato’s and she stood up with the people around her. She was happy, caught up in the excitement of the game and the pride of knowing they had feelings for each other. Beside her, Kofuku stood and cheered, elbowing Hiyori’s side with a sly smirk. When the celebration died down and the next player was up to bat, the girls sat down. The game got going and, despite Yato and the home team being phenomenal hitters, the other team refused to back down. Four innings and several crowd games later, Kofuku decided to poke Hiyori’s side.
“Want to let him know you’re here?” Kofuku cooed. Just like that all of Hiyori’s excitement vanished and she was left sputtering.
“Wha-? But, but I-! I mean how? Don’t distract him!” Hiyori insisted. She tried not to think about how she would approach the conversation, that she went against their initial agreement, but Hiyori knew she didn’t want to do it during the game. The fact that Kofuku was typing on her phone was a bad sign. Currently, the rival team was back on the field, warming up before the game resumed. Yato batted in the last turn, so he most likely wouldn’t make an appearance until the next inning. Instead he draped his arms over the fence of his dugout, blowing a bubble with pink gum so that it popped and scared Kazuma, someone he told her was his best friend. When they met, they offered a double date and Hiyori wondered if Kazuma’s girlfriend was watching him too.  
“Kofuku, what are you-?” Hiyori was interrupted again by Kofuku holding up a finger. She pressed the phone to her ear and looked directly at her husband. From on the field, Daikoku immediately picked up with a smile, waving his clipboard at a much older looking coach with a goatee. Hiyori couldn’t hear what she was saying over the noise of the game but she saw Daikoku turn and look at them, Kofuku standing and gesturing wildly to Hiyori and the jumbotron.
“No!” Hiyori gasped, “Kofuku, no, don’t you dare!” But it was too late. Kofuku hung up and Hiyori could see Daikoku talking into his headset.
“Alright ladies and gentleman!” The announcer boomed around the field, “it seems we have a special guest in the stadium today! Someone who can handle our number 4 and who he’s set his sights on!” The stadium filled with gasps and ‘awe’s as everyone immediately started whispering their inquiries. Nervousness and anxiety, like she hadn’t felt since her childhood piano recitals, crackled throughout Hiyori’s body as she remained rooted at the spot. She wanted to sit down, to sink into the folding chair and block her ears of the announcement, but then she wouldn’t be able to see Yato as he perked up and asked Daikoku what was happening.
Then, when his head whipped around and his blue eyes grew wide, Hiyori followed his gaze to the massive flat screen. There she stood, face red from the heat and embarrassment, looking up and off to the side. Since she thought Kofuku would be taking her to some sort of shop or restaurant, Hiyori had dressed in heels and skirt, her hand bunching the front of her blouse. It was painful how much she stuck out, clearly not dressed for a ball game, but the hoots and whistles came all the same. Instead of finding the camera, which was somewhere below them from the way Kofuku hung off her to wave, Hiyori looked immediately to her boyfriend.
Yato was already looking at them, directly at her to be precise, like he figured out exactly where they were yet couldn’t believe it. It was only when their eyes met, and the world stilled and the sounds muffled, that Yato seemed to process what he was seeing. It was as if they were face to face, Yato’s joy radiated from his eyes first, then his smile. He took off his cap and waved it frantically, like he was saying goodbye to a cruise ship. It wasn’t enough, Yato tried to climb the fence and wave even harder, his body hanging out of the dugout while Kazuma grabbed his belt and tried to pull him back in. Hiyori couldn’t help but giggled and wave shyly back, ignoring the cheers of the people surrounding her and the cooes of the announcer. Her family was definitely watching this at home and would probably call her after they picked up their jaws off the floor. But Hiyori found she would be happy to if it meant she could see such an adorable grin all the time.
“I have also been instructed to inform you that the adorable young lady in the coach’s jersey is off limits, for your own safety,” the announcer eventually tacked on, signaling Kofuku to spin around and point to the name and number on her unbuttoned jersey.
By the end of the game, the home team finished with an impressive lead and Hiyori was quickly tugged into an empty suite. People were still leaving the game but Kofuku left Hiyori to call her family back- her brother, mother, uncle, and cousins- and get some candy. Saying goodbye to her older cousin, Hiyori finally hung up and put her phone away with a sigh. Her brother’s phone call had been the most exhausting. Apparently, he had recorded the game because he couldn’t stop laughing and pay attention to the rest of it. It wasn’t Hiyori’s sudden screen time that got him; It was the fact that every time Yato got onto a base, or made a play, or caught her eye, he would wave dramatically at her. Eventually she had to ignore him because he would completely turn away from the game to beam at her, jumping up and down and shouting every time he ran to home plate. Hiyori worried the crowd would start to get annoyed at her if one of the star players kept getting distracted. But somehow Yato did even better than before, so she was left alone.
“Hiyori? Ya done?” Kofuku poked her head in the room.
“Huh? Oh yeah!” Hiyori frantically tried to fix herself, ignoring the grin Kofuku gave her. She definitely saw the soft smile she was just wearing while thinking about Yato’s antics. The premium seating was located up by the club, open for members only, so the area was air conditioned and covered with carpet and trophies, making it considerably quieter than the rest of the building. It was because of this the girls were able to walk to the elevator and take it down to the basement without anyone approaching them. The bodyguards must have recognized Kofuku, because they let her trapeze past the batting cages with a nod. The entire basement was filled with the excited chatter of a team that just won. It was when Hiyori heard running water and saw Kofuku was walking towards an open door with steam coming out, that she opened her mouth to say something. Thankfully, Kofuku stopped about half way down the hall and cupped her mouth.
“Yattyyy! Guess who’s hereee?” Kofuku sang into the hallway. From another doorway on the right, closer than the showers but certainly just as loud, Yato rocketed into the hallway. He skitted, facing them with his jersey open to reveal black Under Armour and loose shorts. Hiyori met his eyes again, brighter from this close, and watched his smile grow.
“Hiyori!” Yato cheered, dashing at her in flip flops. She squeaked when he practically tackled her into a hug, squeezing her tight. When she wrapped his arms around him out of habit, Hiyori realized he hadn’t showered and the entire side of her face and neck was now slick with another’s sweat. She also noticed he smelled good, like someone sprayed him head to toe with sports deodorant.
“You came!” He gushed, sounding truly happy for someone who never talked about his job. But Hiyori couldn’t find it in her to be mad. With a tap to his shoulder, Yato pulled back, fixing his smile directly on her.
“You did great!” Hiyori complemented, her own giddy smile forming.
“Really? You think so?” He swooned, “Thank you! That means a lot coming from you.” His honest smile caused her heart to throb.
“Please, it was average at best,” a femine voice sounded from behind him. They separated to see Bishamon strut up to them with Kazuma and Daikoku following behind.
“And get off the poor woman,” Daikoku huffed, “you’ll get her sweat all over her.” He crossed his arms and looked Hiyori up and down as if to scan her for Yato’s sweat.
“Oh shut up, I’m not,” Yato growled back. He did separate from Hiyori though but didn’t put too much space between them.
“I’m surprised you really exist,” Bishamon said, flicking her hair over her shoulder.
“Of course she exists!” Yato threw her arm around her shoulders but Hiyori removed it and held his hand instead.
“Viina, I told you that,” Kazuma sighed from her side. He appeared to be the only player with the sense to shower after the game.
“Yeah but I know how you are with him, you two keeps secrets,” Bishamon narrowed her eyes at him but Kazuma just laughed awkwardly. It was then Hiyori decided to take a small step forward and offer a hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Hiyori, my family is a big fan,” Hiyori greeted as she shook the blonde’s hand.
“Nice to meet you too,” the beautiful woman smiled, “please tell me if this leech is holding you captive.
“I am not, skank!” Yato snapped at her. From beside him, Hiyori gasped and swatted his shoulder.
“Yato! Don’t say that!” Her words caused his jaw to click shut and he blinked.
“I’m sorry,” Yato said immediately. The rest of his friends stared at him like he just sprouted a second head. This time it was Bishamon’s jaw that fell open while Daikoku let out a low whistle.
“See?” Kofuku grinned, “I told you it was serious.” That statement caused Hiyori to stop and she felt her heart clench again, this time in a guilty way. She looked up at Yato with a slight plea, biting her lip.
“Actually Yato, can I talk to you real quick?” hesitated Hiyori. She could feel the hallway’s cheer droop slightly but Yato gave a jerk of a nod.
“Sure.” He held his hand up and Daikoku tossed him some keys. Walking to the end of the hall, Yato opened a door with the glass window sporting Diakoku’s name. Yato flipped on the lights to reveal a modest office and faced her with his hands in his pockets.
“So,” he cleared his throat, “what’s up?” his voice cracked. In front of her, her hands clenched the strap of her purse and her skirt.
“Yato, I know that neither of us have been completely honest with each other,” Hiyori started. She heard him suck in a sharp breath and quickly sped forward.
“I know you didn’t want me to know about your job, Kofuku didn’t tell me but she did show me so I’m sorry. But! Now I know we were keeping secrets for the same reason. I didn’t tell you about my name or family because I wanted to make sure you weren’t after my family’s money.” She said. Yato blinked and some of the awkwardness melted away.
“Oh, uh, that’s good, I guess?” He coughed.
“Yeah! Yeah, it is. And now you know I’m not after you because you’re-?” She wasn’t exactly sure how much a professional ball player made compared to a doctor-family that owned a hospital, but Yato shrugged nonetheless.
“A star?” He offered. The picture of him wearing layers in public flashed across her mind and she snorted. Soon they dissolved into giggles that quickly climbed to laughter.
“So what are you?” Yato asked as they died down, “a gymnast? Ballet?”
“No,” Hiyori stuck out her hand, “my full name is Hiyori Iki.” Her hand, which was taken without much thought, slowed it’s excited shaking.
“Iki?” Yato repeated slowly. The syllables clunked along his tongue as the wheels in his brain turned.
“As in the, uh-”
“As in the hospital you always go to, yes,” Hiyori held his hand gently, “it’s been in my family for generations and most of my family works in the medical field.” Her confession came out in a heavy breath, taking the weight with it. Now that it was out in the open, Hiyori could only stare at her feet as Yato decided whether or not he wanted to bear the name of the city hospital. She waited with bated breath as the room filled with silence.
“Oh so no wonder you’re so good at patching me up,” Yato praised with a nod and grin, “runs in the family.”
“Really you don’t mind?” Hiyori finally looked back up at him with something close to hope. Yato just blinked in surprise.
“Mind? No, why would I mind?”
“It’s just my family is old, old money; a-and the hospital is a big name to carry! Not that I- or marriage is a thing!” She sputtered with frantic hands.
“It’s not?” Yato pouted.
“No.” Hiyori narrowed her eyes through her embarrassment, Yato letting out a sigh before smiling.
“Hiyori, I think it’s super cool your family owns the hospital! Look, I don’t know anything about old money or what that entails. I come from nothing, I stayed on the field all night as a child. Baseball is what got me through life; It carried me through school, it was the whole reason I went to be honest. But, I like you. I really like you. And if playing baseball is what’s going to keep me by your side, then that’s just an extra blessing that came with the sport.
“If you’re worried about money, don’t, I’m not after your family’s discount or anything. And Daikoku’s going to have to drag me off the field to get me to retire! And once that happens, I’ll probably coach or go on talk shows or star in films; I already coach this middle school team sometimes- none of them believe I work here- and this one kid is just like me I swear! Haha! So just,” Yato squeezed her hands, “keep being my girlfriend?” He had to catch his breath from that speech and Hiyori had to close her mouth, shocked from hearing him talk so much so seriously.
“I read on the schedule you’re out of town soon.”
“Oh, uh, yeah.”
“When you come back, will you meet my parents?” Hiyori asked.
“You kidding!” Yato laughed joyfully, “I’ll bring them all season passes and signed baseballs!” He wrapped his arms around her waist and Hiyori muttered about how fast her family would fall in love with him if he did. Hiyori peaked up at him through her lashes, eyeing the dirt stains that spotted his cheeks around that goofy grin. Grabbing his collar, Hiyori yanked him down for a passionate kiss.
“So,” Hiyori breathed, “does this mean I get to wear your number?”
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