#so ma'am is it also in my file that i once had a gun pulled on me that i talked down by tellin its owner that she was too classy to shoot me
columboscreens · 3 months
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rainy-day-gracie · 4 years
Old Friends 9
 Part 1 of a series finale!!
Spencer Reid x Reader
I just wanna say thank you for all the love I’ve been getting :) the positivity is wonderful, so thank you and I love you !!
Please enjoy!
Chapter 9:
I groaned at the sound of the alarm clock screaming at me. “Spencer, time for work,” I said as I flopped out of bed. 
“Huh?” He flinched at me opening the drapes in my bedroom window, sunlight illuminating his sleepy eyes. 
“Get up, c’mon,” I pulled the covers off of him, and he jerked upright in his boxers. “Help me make the bed.”
There was something so entirely sweet about how domestic and loving getting ready together is. While he was brushing his teeth, I was standing there putting on makeup. When I was straightening my hair for work, he was making sure his hair fluffed in just the right way. 
I could easily see this being the rest of my life. 
“Breakfast will have to be on the run, we’re already late because you couldn’t get out of bed.” I poked him in the stomach as I passed him a breakfast bar. 
“We should just call in sick.” He spoke in the most serious tone, and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. 
“Yeah, if both of us called in sick, I think there would be some questions.” I giggled as I grabbed my keys and left the apartment, Spencer following close behind. 
Morgan gave me a look as I settled down at my desk. “Did the pretty girl get some loving last night?”
I tried to ignore him as I pulled out reports I needed to finish. “Morgan, what are you on about?”
He laughed out loud and patted Spencer on the back as he passed by our desks. “Go get em’ lovebirds.”
Hotch had already talked to us about keeping everything professional in the office, but that didn’t keep the team from teasing us endlessly. Just last week Emily asked me if we’ve ever had sex at work. 
“You would think he would have a little more manners than that?” Spencer chuckled without looking up from his work. “You look beautiful, stop checking your camera.”
I sighed as I put my phone back in my pocket. “I’m actually worried about something else…” There had never been a time where I showed up to work with a hickey, and I was worried last night had broken my streak. 
Spencer smiled sheepishly, and glanced over my neck. “I don’t see any, so you’re okay.”
Garcia trotted across the catwalk in her heels. “Hello wonderful people! You have a case!”
“You are headed to New York City my fine friends, where there have been three murders, all women in their twenties, with cause of death being a gunshot wound to the head and a… message, written on their stomachs.”
Garcia pointed to the screen, where the crime scene photos popped up. 
“The first message read ‘mine’, the second one said ‘sin’, and the most recent read ‘whore’.” JJ explained, looking in the case file. “The words were carved into their stomach antemortem, that’s torture.”
“But the gunshot to the head is a completely different MO than torture.” Spencer looked at me, clearly confused. 
I furrowed my eyebrows. “What if the gun is just to keep them still? ‘I cut you, don’t flinch or it’s the last thing that you do.’ Psychological and physical torture means he could be a sadist.”
“The women were shown to have been killed in a week’s period, and the unsub is speeding up his timetable. Wheels up in 20.” Hotch took a phone call and left the room.
On the plane, Hotch explained his phone call. “The NYPD found another body three miles from where the last dump site was. Victim had the word ‘love’ carved in her stomach. The unsub seems to mostly be operating in Queens, one body was found in Brooklyn.”
Garcia made a video call with information. “My pretties, with my all-knowing powers of tech I have been able to identify all four victims. Most recent is Hallie Jones, she was a high end prostitute. $10,000 dollars a night, kind of high end. Third was Macy Johnson, she was a street prostitute, not much on her. Second victim was Fiona Lamber, she was also a street prostitute and kinda the same, not much information. First victim was actually a well known woman, Jamie Lorretta. Her father owns an oil company and she has had problems with drugs since she was a teenager.” 
Morgan gave a puzzled look. “Why change victimology from a well known woman with money to street prostitutes to a high end call girl?”
“The victimology could mean that the unsub himself comes from money and power himself.” Spencer pointed to the case files. “The gunshot to the forehead is personal, as is the cutting on the stomach. Both of these things point towards a craving for total domination, just two different kinds. The cutting represents a need for possessions, marking his property, and execution style killing shows an already confident mindset.”
“Both of which are things people in power need, ambition for possessions and major confidence,” I added. 
“The key to solving this case is Jamie Lorretta. Find out everything you can about her Garcia!” Hotch called over the video camera. Garcia nodded firmly and hung up. “Morgan, Prentiss go to the ME to examine the bodies. Rossi, JJ go to the latest dump site and see what kind of attraction the unsub may have to the area. I will go to the first dump site and see where the killer’s head was at when he first started killing. YLN, go to the station and interview the families of the victims and Reid, go with her and work up a geographic profile.”
I nodded at him and looked back down at the case file. 
What did these women do to get themselves killed?
Spencer squeezed my hand reassuringly, reading me like a book. “We’re gonna get him.”
I gave him a side smile. “We always do.”
Macy Johnson and Fiona Lamber’s families were distraught for sure, but it soon became clear that they didn’t know anything about the case. 
Hallie Jones’ family was one of the most composed families I’ve seen. They had sad eyes, but not once during our conversation did either of her parents shed a tear. I finally couldn’t take it anymore. 
“How are you so… stoic? I’ve interviewed many grieving families before and you two seem extremely calm considering your daughter’s body was found this morning.” I hated to be so blunt, but neither of them were showing any sign of grief over their daughter’s murder. 
The parents just looked at each other, then back at me. Mr. Jones took a deep breath. 
“Hallie… did what she did. We offered to take care of her, but she chose to have sex with men to pay the bills. After we paid for her degree, the least she could do was use it.” Anger burned in her father’s eyes, and disgust curled in my stomach. His child is dead and he was thinking about money?
“We told her God would punish her for her actions,” Mrs. Jones blurted. “She deserved what was coming to her in the end. All in all, she was probably asking for it.”
I wanted to vomit. These parents blamed their dead child for her own murder? “No one asks for this, Mrs. Jones. And right now, it looks to me like I want to catch your daughter’s killer more than you do, so either give me something that I can use, or leave.”
Both of her parents glared at me. After a moment, Mrs. Jones stormed out of the room, her husband close on her heels. 
I rolled my eyes and approached the police chief. “Where’s the Lorretta family? They were supposed to be here at noon.”
The police chief made a face. “The Lorrettas are refusing to leave their home. ‘Don’t want the attention’ of the local press. They said if the FBI wants to ask questions, you’re going to have to go to them.”
I swallowed my annoyance. “Okay, I’ll head over there. I don’t think I’ll be much use here.”
Reid raised his chin. “I’ll come with you.”
I appreciated the company. Maybe around him I won’t flip my lid with these damn parents. 
What kind of families are these?
The Lorrettas’ home could give Rossi’s mansion a run for its money. We pulled up in the SUV to a long paved driveway and saw gardeners working in the large front lawn. The front door was made of opaque glass and I could almost smell the entitlement. 
Spencer knocked on the door, which was opened almost immediately. A woman with obvious dyed blonde hair and botox greeted us.
“You must be from the FBI! Come in please,” she said as she basically pulled Spencer and I into the house. Not exactly the demeanor of a grieving parent.
“We’re here to ask some…” my voice trailed off as I saw the massive chandeliers and luxurious couches. Money and possessions. 
“Are you from the FBI?” A girl about 10 approached me hesitantly. She had clearly been crying, and I got on my knees to talk to her. 
“Yeah, I’m YFN and this is Spencer. We’re here to ask some questions.” I glanced over at the Mrs. Lorretta, who had suddenly abandoned her politeness. 
The girl looked to her mom, who was giving her a death glare. The girl just turned and ran up the stairs. 
“Ma'am, we’re to ask you about Jamie.” Spencer put his hands in his pockets. “Mind if we sit?”
Mrs. Lorretta picked the politeness act right back where she left off. “Yes, yes. Please sit.”
After a few minutes of awkward small talk, I went with the hard questions. “How did Jamie’s drug habits influence her? Did she have any enemies?” 
Mrs. Lorretta’s mouth tightened in a straight line, and she looked between Spencer and I. “Well… um, I’m not sure. She wasn’t really home much… she’s always been distant with us. I never heard about any enemies, but she never talked to me much anyway.”
Over her shoulder, I saw the girl peeking behind the staircase. Spencer noticed it too, and tapped me on the leg. 
“Excuse me, where’s the bathroom?” I kept my tone light and cheery. She pointed down a long hallway to my right, and I made a small motion to the girl to follow. 
Once we were out of earshot, the little girl burst into quiet tears. 
“Hey, what’s your name?” My voice was soft and I rubbed her shoulders. 
“Lily,” she hiccuped through her sobs. “My dad was always so mean to Jamie…”
“What do you mean?”
Lily squeezed her eyes shut. “He would always go into her room… and I could hear him hitting her. They would fight all the time. He’s why she did drugs… she needed to escape from him.”
I lowered my voice even more. “Do you know who did this to her?”
She opened her eyes and sniffled softly. “I wasn’t surprised when the police found her body. It was only a matter of time before he… and I heard screaming coming from our shed in the backyard.”
“What’s going on here?” 
Mr. Lorretta stood behind me, a smile looking like plastic on his face. 
Money, power, ambition. 
I smiled sweetly, patting Lily’s shoulder. “Oh nothing. I was looking for the bathroom and I just saw that she was upset. Your wife is answering some questions of my colleague’s, come join. I’m sure she’s being very helpful.”
In his eyes I saw an evilness that said that he would tear me to shreds given the chance. I turned away from him, beginning to walk down the long hallway back to Spencer. 
I felt him pull my gun from its holster behind me, and he wrapped a strong arm around both of mine, his other hand pressing the cold barrel against my temple. “Move.” He growled in my ear. 
Lily had taken off running, and as we moved closer, Mrs. Lorretta had taken hold of Lily in her arms. 
Mr. Lorretta hissed at Spencer, who had his gun drawn at this point. “Think about this, Agent. Don’t want the blood of two people on your hands.”
I looked at Spencer, begging him to lower his gun. Not for me, but for Lily, who was still in her mother’s firm hold, a kitchen knife pressed to her throat. 
The cold barrel of my own gun pressed into my temple, and all I wanted to do was kiss Spencer when he finally dropped his weapon. 
“Honey, they’re federal agents. We can’t kill them,” the wife reminded her husband, who seemed torn on what to do now. 
“Why did you carve ‘mine’ into your daughter’s skin?” I blurted. 
He laughed softly in my ear, and I wanted to throw up. “Because she needed to know her place before I put her out of her misery. That was the only way she would understand. Do you know your place, Agent YLN?”
“You are in complete control here, Mr. Lorretta.”
“Damn right I am.” I felt him beat the barrel of the gun against my head, and I was out cold. 
TAG LIST: @itsarayofsunshine @thesailbells @squirrellover1967 @softpeteparker @parkeroffline
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writertd · 4 years
The Writer
Summary: Where a mystery writer, whose real identity is not known to the public, becomes a murder suspect for the BAU's current case and ends up helping solve the case.
Pairing: Spencer Reid X OC
Word Count: 915
If you like this please let me know! Also let me know if you would like a part 2!
Note: This will slightly follow the storyline of S1: Ep18- Somebody's Watching of criminal minds, but like very minimally and the team dynamics match more to season 12 after Hotch has left but before Walker joins the team. There will also be similar plot points to episodes of Castle and NCIS.
Chapter 1
"Emily, they've just discovered another victim."  Garcia announced as she walked into Emily's office.
"Have we been called in?" She looks up from her pile of paperwork to look at the blonde woman.
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Alright, round everyone up."
The blonde woman nods and turns walking out of the office. She looks out over the bullpen, and waves to catch the attention of the other team members.
"We’ve got a case" she says pointing to her tablet and then over to the conference room. The team moves around making their way to be briefed about the newest serial killer. They all sit and pull up the case file on their tablets except for Reid who takes a paper copy from Garcia.
"Okay, so this morning the body of a 30 year old male, by the name of John Fords, was found in his New York apartment." She explains as pictures flash onto the large tv screen behind her. " GSW to the head. There have been three other murders like this one, two males, Harry Bradstone and Ross Thornton, and one female victim, Paisley Main. All shot and killed in their apartments."More picture flash on the screen. The team looks at them and then back to the file.
"There was no DNA left at the scenes?" Rossi asked aloud.
"None, sir."
"Do the locals have any suspects?" Reid inquires.
"That, my little genius, is an excellent question." She brings up a picture of emails and call logs. "They all had been in communication with the same person in the last few weeks, a Skylar Daniels. She's 28, lives in New York, and has no known relatives. The only connection I've found is the emails and call logs with the victims."
"Alright guys, we can finish briefing on the plane, wheels up in 20."The team sits in various seats around the plane, all reviewing the case and the suspect.
"So, I've been doing some digging!" The colorful tech analyst announces as she pops up on the screen of one of the computers.
"What do you got, Garcia?" Luke asked, slightly dropping his file.
"So I've been digging into this Skylar Daniels and it's sorta fishy."
"Fishy? How?" Rossi asks, lowering his tablet and giving Garcia his attention.
"Well, my good sir, she has no social media accounts, no twitter, no Instagram, no Facebook, etc. She has one email, which she only talks to a select few people. She lives very low key, no big spending, nothing, she doesn't even have a job address listed!" She huffs, " and I know you're gonna ask 'why does this matter?' Well it matters because the address she has listed on her medical records is in a super nice neighborhood, and I mean like super nice, kind of expensive. And her bank records are sealed tighter than Fort Knox."
"Thanks, Garcia, call us if you find anything else." JJ says kindly, to the blonde women.
"I will, Garcia out!" She replies as the screen goes dark.
"How is that possible? How does she not have a job but live in that nice of a neighborhood?" Luke asks the team, receiving shrugs and murmured “I don’t know”s.
"I'm not sure, but we're going to find out. When we land, Tara and I will go to the local PD and set up. JJ, I want you to make sure that this stays out of the news for as long as possible. Luke, Reid, and Rossi, get the address from Garcia and bring in Skylar Daniels for questioning." Emily instructed. The team all gave their approval and waited for the plane to land.
"Alright, let's try to do this as quietly as possible." Luke said as he, Rossi and Reid stepped up the stairs to the town house Garcia led them to. They all nodded in agreement. Luke knocked on the door quite loudly, then waited for an answer. When one didn't come the men shared a look. And once again knocked on the door.
"Ms. Daniels, this is the FBI, please open the door." Luke said loud enough to hear in the house but not so loud that it drew attention. When yet again there was no answer the men all nodded and drew their guns. Luke tried the door finding it unlocked and slowly opened it. He nodded the others in.
"Ms. Daniels, we are entering the house."
They cleared the rooms as they went and found that they heard shuffling and clicking from inside of a closed room near the back of the house. After a few minutes of listening, the men quickly entered the room, guns aimed and looked around. The girl at the desk screamed at the sudden entrance, dropping paper on the ground.
"Hands where I can see them, Ms. Daniels." Reid announced. She slid her hands up slowly, cautiously taking her headphones out. 
"I'm sorry, but whatever you think I've done I'm sure I haven't." The girl spoke quietly. As she did, Rossi took in the girl, lowering his gun as he did.
"Annalee? Annalee Graves?" He stated in disbelief.
"Rossi?" The scared girl asked. Confusion on their faces.
"The writer? Rossi, you know her?" Reid asked.
"Ma'am, this address is listed to a Skylar Daniels, do you know where she is?" Luke asked sternly.
"Well, the thing is that is me." The girl said hands still raised looking over to Rossi before looking down.
"You have a fake name?" Rossi asked
"A pseudonym, yes."  
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webreathfandoms · 3 years
Code Zero (Steve Rogers x reader)
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Note: This gif does not belong to me! Credit to the rightful owner :)
A/N: This was also requested for my marvel imagine book on wattpad. Its more OC centred compared to some of my other ones as they wanted the OC well established :)
warnings: badly written fight scenes
words: 1707
Steve Rogers x Reader
Kelsey Leanne Fischer was never one to back down from a challenge, which is why she was currently arguing with her Squad Leader Andrews, about which location should be scooped out first for her extraction mission. Kelsey worked for SHIELD as a field agent and was always amid the fighting. Andrews thought they should scope out another possible location based off some obtained information, but she knew that the enemy wouldn't hide their information there, especially since it was their previous sanctuary.
When Andrews sighed in defeat and shook his head in defeat, Kelsey could help but smile in victory. He sent her off with a 15-minute preparation time until the mission launch. She turned on her heel and ran down the halls grinning wickedly. She reached the locker room and unlocked her locker via fingerprint. Kelsey threw on her navy catsuit and her black steel-toed combat boots. Stuffing a couple of guns into her holsters and belt, knives onto her thigh holster and her favourite weapon of choice; electric batons. Finally, she was ready to leave for her mission.
Kelsey rushed out of the door to the locker room and was surprised when she walked into a person. She fumbled back but a strong arm grabbed her shoulders and steadied her. She looked up only to lose her breath. Her brown eyes met a pair of stunning blue ones. She followed the eyes to see a nicely tanned chiselled face, strong wide shoulders that were attached to toned arms and abs of steel. Then she finally realized who she bumped into, Steve Rogers, aka THE Captain America.
She held her breath and brushed a hand down her suit before apologizing, "I am so sorry, Mr. Rogers."
Steve Rogers just let out a chuckle and offered a hand, "It's no problem, ma'am. But please call me Steve." Kelsey firmly grasped his hand and offered a smile. Noticing his tight grip, she gripped his hard, all the while raising an eyebrow. With a final squeeze, he let go of her hand.
"Where are you going?" He asked her curiously, finally taking notice of the catsuit and weapons. Kelsey felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on her. Crap, she thought. Andrews is going to have my head. "I'm off to Quseir ‘Amra, Jordan for an extraction mission." Steve looked thoughtful for a minute, but she had no time to think much of it.
"It was nice to meet you, Steve! I'll see you around!" Kelsey shouts as she sprinted down the hallway. She found Andrews tapping his foot insistently on the floor. Well, someone's impatient, Kelsey thought.
"Hurry up, Agent. We have to get on the Quinjet and get out of here." He barked before shoving a tablet in her arms. She followed him onto the jet and took a seat across from him. Looking over the case files that she had seen a million times before.
"Quseir ‘Amra is desert fortress. There's a history of international threats hiding out in this fortress and using it as their compound." Andrews informed Kelsey and her squad. They all nodded and went back to doing their part in preparing for the mission. After an hour, their pilot shouted that they would be above their location in five minutes.
"Sir, there appear to be heat signatures in the building." The pilot said after using his infrared lens to scout the building.
Andrews nodded and moved up to the pilot’s seat, "How many?"
"There are many surrounding the entrances and all windows." Andrews gave a curt nod and turned around to face us. "Listen up! Grab all your weapons and we'll send you in, one -by - one," he pointed at Kelsey, "You're up first. Go through the east door, knock out any guards discretely." She nodded and pulled her batons out of her holder. The pilot opened the hatch to the jet and awaited the go signal. When it was given, she ran through the sand, not caring since her footsteps would disappear with the desert winds.
Finally, Kelsey reached the east side of the base. She peered out from behind the wall and noticed three huge guards stationed by the entrance. All three were equipped with various weapons but that wouldn't be a problem for Kelsey. She was quick to take them out, disarming and knocking them out. She lifted a finger to her ear and pressed on the comms unit, "East doors are secure." She quickly opened the door and stepped in with her batons raised. She was met with several guards, but she had the element of surprise on her side. Kelsey quickly punched the nearest guard, which sent him knocking into the next. Kelsey then attacked the next two with her batons, whacking them in the side then hitting them in the temple to knock them out. Now left with three more, she turned the voltage on her batons and threw it at one guard who was stupid enough to catch it. He convulsed violently and his hair stood up from the shock. He dropped the baton and collapsed to the group. The next two approached her more carefully and hesitantly. Kelsey rolled her eyes and made the first move. She went after the first guy, aiming one baton at his head and when he went to block, she punched him in the abdomen. He dropped on to one knee, grasping the area. Kelsey hit the other side of his abdomen and he dropped onto both knees. With a knee to the head, he was out clean. The last guy had learned from the others, so he made the first move. He would try to tackle her. In the spur of the moment, Kelsey brought her knee up once again but this time to his family jewels. He dropped like a rock and grabbed the area, moaning in pain. After securing that the area was clear, she reported back to Andrews, "east sector clear."
Kelsey followed Andrews instructions and found herself in some sort of large hall. There were filing drawers along the walls, filling the perimeter of the room. She approached one drawer and pulled it open. Inside was information about some SHIELD agents. Kelsey felt herself freeze. "Andrews we've got a problem." She quickly looked through the rest of the drawers and came upon her file. How the hell did they get this? It had information that she hadn't told SHIELD on it! She quickly grabbed the file and turned around but was met with the barrel of a gun. "Where do you think you're going, pretty lady?"
The man was wearing all black except for the red octopus on his right upper arm. HYDRA. He grabbed her harshly and dragged her to the center of the hall and forced her to her knees. The hall was soon crowded with HYDRA agents who piled in, all of whom looked at Kelsey in distaste. The rest of her team was soon brought in, all looking awful and grim. They looked to Kelsey for help and she gave them a discrete nod. The whole thing had been a setup, somehow, they were coming before they did. Andrews must be HYDRA. Kelsey thought. They were on their own now.
Kelsey was a quick thinker and raised a hand to her ear discretely like she was pushing her bangs out of her face. She quickly whispered just loud enough for the comms to hear, "it's a code zero. A HYDRA soldier influx. Reinforcements needed immediately." The message would be sent to a SHIELD team lead who hopefully wasn’t HYDRA.
The next thing that happened took them by surprise. The windows in the area all exploded and glass rained down on them. The locked doors blew open and gunshots fired in the hall. HYDRA soldiers turned their weapons on their enemy and fought for their cause. Meanwhile, Kelsey was grabbed ruffly by the arm by the guy who caught her. He pulled her up and used her as cover to those who threatened to shoot him. The barrel of the gun in his hand was pressed against her neck very uncomfortably. He started walking to the exit while she tried to squirm out of his deadly grip.
"Where do you think you're going?" Said the one and only Captain America. He had mysteriously appeared in front of them, blocking the only open exit. The HYDRA agent pushed the barrel farther into her neck, "Move or I'll shoot her!" Kelsey winced and tried moving her neck away, but he continued pushing it into her.
"Hey, hey. Let the woman go and we can settle this like men." The Captain tried to reason.
The man ignored him and spat, "you, a man?" his accent started to come out, "God's righteous man. You're a sorry excuse for a soldier." The man's eye twitched and moved the gun to shoot the Captain. The split-second decision resulted in Kelsey slamming her into her captor's foot and elbowing him sharply in the lung. He let go of her and she turned around and slammed her fist in his face. With a, cry he fell to the ground where Kelsey proceeded in kicking him in the groin. "Learn to respect your elders." She spat.
Steve Rogers looked up at her in surprise. Kelsey shrugged innocently and pulled her baton out of her belt. "You going to help fight or not?" He in turn, raised a blonde eyebrow but followed her, nonetheless. They fought together side-by-side, taking out the enemy like they were annoying mosquitoes. Soon enough the agents had been reprimanded and were being taken of care by the new SHIELD agents who would arrest them. Steve grabbed Kelsey's arm and pulled her out of the building and into an awaiting Quinjet. On the way, they passed Andrews, who gave Kelsey a dirty look. She just flipped him the bird and settled into the jet comfortably. Steve sat beside her, and they just talked about everything and nothing, in particular, getting to know each other. When the jet was about to land in SHIELD headquarters, Steve turned to the beautiful brunette beside him.
"Say, would you like to go on a date after this?"
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lordofthenerds97 · 4 years
That’s Gonna Leave a Mark
Requested by: @miawolf45​ Pairing: Alexei x Reader Warnings: Fluff, a bit of angst if you squint, probably some inaccurate police duty descriptions, the usual Summary: Working in Chicago, you got put on a case that would send you to the middle of nowhere, Hawkins Indiana. Things get a little hairy, and you come face to face with death more than once. There may or may not be a Russian involved.  Rating: T+ Masterlist
The sounds of the carnival surrounded you on all sides. Trying to keep track of everyone was a task in itself, but keeping an eye on Alexei was something else entirely. 
You smiled fondly at the excited Russian beside you. Murray had run off for corn dogs, leaving the two of you on your own. You had rolled your eyes at that, shaking your head and muttering something about children trapped in grown men's bodies. 
Alexei was seeming to have the time of his life as he threw the darts at the balloons. You knew he had his heart set on that Woody Woodpecker plush. And that just made you warm towards the lovable scientist even more. 
You stood casually off to the side, watching everything from a bit of a distance. If you were being honest, it gave you a good vantage point. You could see Alexei in front of you, Murray on your right, and Hopper a ways away. 
But something was off. Your eyes narrowed as you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You reached for the holster hidden on your hip. Glancing around and realizing the situation, you quickly dropped the chained badge around your neck and raised a finger to your lips before shooing people out of the way. 
Seeing the gold shield hanging from your neck and the gun in your hand, they were quick to follow your directions. 
Alexei was whooping and hollering, grabbing your attention and making your head swivel to him. "Alexei," you called, catching his attention. His eyes out up when his gaze landed on you, a smile brightening up his features as he made his way towards you. 
"Y/N, look! It's for you." he said, holding the giant plush out to you. And while you couldn't understand what he was saying, you got the hint. 
You blinked a couple times and your training was pushed aside momentarily as you smiled softly at him. "Thank you," you said. 
His smile only seemed to widen. He was going to say something else, but something had caught your attention and you were no longer focused on him. Your eyes rapidly scanned the area in front of you, trying to locate the threat. Grigori couldn't have been that far behind your group. And from what Alexei had said, the man was not one to be trifled with. 
You sent a silent prayer of thanks to the Sargeant that had trained you in Afganistan. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't know what you were looking for.
Your gun was halfway raised when you locked eyes with him. And with a twisted and wicked smile, he pulled the trigger. 
Adrenaline flooded your system and everything seemed to move in slow motion. You knew you had a split second to react, so that's what you did. You pushed Alexei out of the way and onto the ground before firing your own weapon. You register the searing pain in your chest only after you were sure your bullet had found it's mark. The screams of the carnival goers were enough to tell you as much.
As the adrenaline flooded, you were aware of the black that began fading across your vision and the fact that your legs couldn't hold you up any longer. And the last thing you saw before your eyes slid shut was Alexei's panicked expression as he held you in his arms. 
72 Hours Earlier
Your fingers tapped against the steering wheel and your head bobbed in time with the music coming from your stereo. Your h/c hair whipped around your face with the wind that howled through the open window. 
You glanced at the file sitting in your passenger seat and a frown creased your features. 
How did you get stuck with this case without a partner? 
Oh yeah. Jones had been called in to work the gang case of the decade and you were sent chasing after a Russian terrorist that had somehow infiltrated the country. 
Shaking your head at the memory, you tried to focus on the present. There had been rumors circling that your terrorist had some connection to the illegal experiments being done in Hawkins, Indiana. So there you were, driving your Charger down some backwoods highway. 
You'd had some information on Jim Hopper given to you by your friends in Logistics. He had a lot of personal baggage, but he seemed to get the job done well enough. He had been the one in charge of the laboratory investigations and for a time was also the liason between the reformed scientists and the government. 
You pursed your lips at that, mulling it over as you pulled into the town of Hawkins. 
It seemed relatively normal. Too normal, in fact. Something about it set your instincts on edge and you triple checked the gun on your hip before making your way to the police station. 
Kids were out of school for the summer and people were flocking to what looked like a brand new mall. You rolled your eyes at the thought. Bringing the big city to small towns like this wasn't exactly a top notch idea. You'd seen it happen countless times and you were always right in your assumptions of how things would turn out. 
You cut the engine and opened the door of your car, tucking the file safely under your arm and making your way inside. There was an older woman sitting behind a desk, humming to herself as she went through a mountain of paperwork. Two other men were across the room, each lost in their own work and barely sparing you a glance when you walked in. 
The woman paused long enough to look up at you. "Can I help you?" she asked. 
You cleared your throat and stepped up to the desk. "I'm looking for Jim Hopper," you said. 
You let out a sigh. "Aren't we all?" she muttered. 
"Excuse me?" 
She waved her hand. "Oh, never you mind dear. Who's asking?" 
"Detective Y/L/N. Chicago PD, Homicide Division." 
The woman raised an eyebrow and gave you the once over. "You look a little young, Detective." 
You resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration. You'd lost count of how many times you'd heard that before. You were young, only in your mid twenties. You had started as a beat cop right out of high school before quickly climbing the ranks.
"Yes ma'am, I do. Because I am. Now, if you would be so kind as to direct me to the Chief, I have some questions to ask him." you said. Your tone was sharp and demanded no questions. You assumed by the look of surprise on her face that she wasn't used to having people talk to her like that. 
"Down the hall, first door on your right," she said, nodding to a hallway behind you. 
"Thank you," you responded with a nod. You followed her directions to the door that held his name. You knocked on it once before hearing a gruff voice call from within. 
"Come in." 
You stepped inside and were immediately assaulted with the smell of smoke. You coughed momentarily and tried to clear the pollution from your lungs as you glared at the man behind the desk. 
He raised an eyebrow and took in your appearance, from the gun on your hip to the gold shield that hung from your neck. "That's me. And who do I have the pleasure of meeting?" he asked, standing up and holding out his hand. 
You smiled slightly and reached out to accept the handshake. "Detective Y/L/N, Chicago PD." 
He raised an eyebrow. "Chicago, huh?" 
You nodded. "Yessir." 
He crossed his arms and tilted his head slightly to the side as he continued to appraise you. "What's dragged you all the way out to Hawkins, Detective?" 
You handed him the file that you had under your arm. He accepted it and flipped it open, both his eyebrows raising as he read the contents. 
"I'm looking for a suspect of mine. He's tied to several homicides in my District and he's also associated with a known terrorist group." you explained briefly, crossing your arms. "He's also been connected to the illegal research conducted in Hawkins." 
Jim frowned as he studied the file. There was only one clear picture of the man in question. The rest were grainy surveillance photos. But the part about the research grabbed his attention. "How recent?" he asked. 
"We haven't been able to pinpoint it exactly. But within the last three months." 
"This guy got a name?"
You shrugged. "All we know is the alias he uses, Grigori." 
He looked up at you. "That doesn't sound American." 
A chuckle escaped your lips as you shook your head. "No. He's Russian." 
You had been dragged through hell and back. You'd also come up against Grigori directly, and you had the bullet wound to prove it. Thankfully it had only grazed you, but it still hurt like the dickens. 
You were silently seething as you stalked through the woods. The other Russian that Hopper had cuffed and brought along trailed silently behind you as the anger radiated off you on waves. 
He kept a respectful distance but also stuck close with you to avoid Hopper. You didn't blame him really, Hopper was more than worked up about the whole situation. Joyce (who you still had a hard time believing was brought along) was the voice of reason for the both of you. But you? 
You were this close to your suspect. You had come within inches of death, and he had gotten away without a scratch. Again. 
"Y/N, are you alright?" 
You paused at the sound of Russian, glancing back over your shoulder. So far, you were the only one that could get him to say anything other than his name. Which you had discovered was Alexei.  
You had flipped through a couple Russian dictionaries when you realized your target's nationality. You never knew when it would come in handy. But your translation skills still left a lot to be desired. 
Not fully knowing what he said, you gave him a confused look before his expression softened. His eyes fell on the still bleeding wound on your shoulder and he reached forward. You weren't sure what possessed you to allow it, but you stayed put. You allowed him to move the sleeve of your shirt to check the guaze. Unsurprisingly, it was already soaked with blood. He opened his mouth to say something when you both heard Hopper's angry shout. 
"Hey, Smirnoff! Get your hands off her!" he snarled. 
You rolled your eyes as Alexei raised an eyebrow before backing away from you a couple steps, realizing that's what the other man was upset about. "Chill out Hopper. He wasn't hurting me." 
"You're a Dectrctive, Y/N. And he's a criminal. What exactly was going through your mind?" 
If looks could kill, your glare would have sent Hopper to the grave. "I don't know, Hopper," you said slowly, deliberately. "I'm thinking maybe I got myself into a bigger situation than I could handle. I'm thinking maybe this opening or gate that Alexei says they were working on is some otherworldly shit that I don't have the mental capacity to handle. I'm thinking that this Russian is my only tie to the organization I'm trying to hunt down. I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, Alexei is one of the victims in this." 
Hopper rolled his eyes. "You don't honestly think-" 
"Yes. I do." you snarled. "Russia isn't exactly the friendliest country, even with their own people. It's entirely possible that Alexei is here against his will. Now I don't care who you are or what you think we've stumbled into. But we're in Chicago now. We're in my town. What I say goes. So shut up and tell me where we're going." 
Murray was an interesting character, to say the least. His obvious distrust in you was apparent, but after a rapid fire conversation with Alexei, he seemed to warm to you slightly. 
After chuckling to yourself about Cherry slushies, you listened intently to what Murray was translating. You and Hopper would both chime in with questions, but Alexei seemed to give you the most of his attention. When you asked Murray why, he translated what Alexei said. 
"He says he trusts you. You're kind, and you don't treat him like a criminal." He glanced at Alexei when the Russian said something else. "And he says thank you." 
And that was the moment when you decided you would give your life to protect that man. There wasn't anything but sincerity in him. And you could see the silent pain behind his eyes. You could only imagine the horrors he had been through. 
Time seemed to blur together for you as you worked with the ragtag group. You and Alexei had grown rather fond of each other, a relationship that Hopper questioned greatly. He thought you were out of your mind. But he kept his thoughts to himself for the most part. 
You had picked up a few Russian words and phrases that Alexei had taught you. And he was proud of quickly you caught on. Murray would just shake his head at the two of you, marvelling at how well you got along. He also had a hard time believing you were a detective. But the pull you had spoke for itself. 
He didn't doubt your skills though, which was why he suggested you stay with him and Alexei while Joyce and Hopper went into the carnival. You had promptly refused, instead countering with the offer to keep an eye on the two men inside. 
"There's no way I'm letting you go after my suspect while I sit here and babysit." 
"Hey!" Murray interjected. 
You and Hopper ignored him as you continued debating. Finally, Hopper had agreed. 
Which led you to your current predicament. 
The ringing in your ears had increased considerably, but you were able to make out a few things. Two voices speaking in Russian, one shouting in English. And hands on your shoulders. Shaking you? Or maybe rocking you...
You felt your shirt being ripped open and your body shifting. A few seconds later, you were able to suck in a breath and your eyes flew open. A cough rapidly yanked itself from your chest as you caught your breath. 
Alexei and Murray both looked at you in awe while Hopper sat back on his knees and shook his head. "See kid, this is why I can't leave you alone for more than five minutes." 
You chuckled, looking down at the Kevlar vest that had the bullet stuck just above your heart. With Alexei's help, you got it off, finally able to suck in a proper breath. You frowned down at your chest, where a bruise was already blossoming. "That's gonna leave a mark..." 
Alexei laughed at you, shaking his head and leaning in to press a kiss to your hair. You sighed at the sensation before giving Hopper a pointed look. "That was my only flannel."
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anousiemay · 4 years
The Angel & The Devil Ch. 1 A Lie Burns Many Bridges
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Guardian and The Red Hood are hot on the trail of Black Mask. Trying to find just what he has invested in this time. In an attempt to find answers, The Red Hood does something he instantly regrets, putting his relationship with Guardian on the rocks. Can he salvage their relationship or will he lose another person in his life? Another gorgeous commission by @symeona​ and another fic by yours truly! While the moment I pictured this image doesn’t appear till chapter 4 I thought it’d be a good placeholder hehe. Another Jason x Anita fic cos I’m in love with them being in love. This fic is also on ao3!  https://archiveofourown.org/users/Anousie/ ----- "Are we going to be meeting this 'Angel' you keep mumbling about?" In the little time Jason had spent with his new teammates, he'd learnt that Artemis is not one to beat around the bush. In fact, she'd most likely beat the metaphorical bush to bits if need be.
The long flight back to Qurac had eased Jason's mind but left his body weary. It was the first time in years that Jay had ever felt so tired. Especially after facing his past and stopping a crazed Amazonian from killing hundreds with the Bow of Ra. It could be said this was all in a day's work for someone of his profession. But as the plane’s wheels touched Gotham Airport tarmac, his heart began to ache. For now, he was back in Gotham with his relationship with Anita most definitely on the rocks. "Yes, Princess. You both will, but I'd prefer if I was alone with her first." "Red Him am embarrassed by Red Her and Bizarro?" Oh Bizarro, precious, brutally strong Bizarro. Jason was much more embarrassed in himself. "No of course not, big guy. But Guardian and I probably aren't on the best terms right now." "You are lucky we are in a public place or I would have thrown you fifty yards. Do not call me princess." Artemis spat as she rose from her seat on the plane. Ah yes, he forgot about that. That's what he'd say if he was lying. "Sorry," He really wasn't. "Well, I guess I'll take you guys to one of my safehouses. C'mon, I need a shower." "Oh good, I swear your jacket was becoming a part of your flesh." "Red Him am made of jacket?" "No, Bizarro. I am not."
- - - - The safehouse was surprisingly spacious enough for all three of the Outlaws to occupy. Artemis had placed her axe in the kitchen when they arrived. To which Jason had promptly asked her to leave it in her room. Bizarro on the other hand, was fascinated by the PS4 currently humming and the controller Jason had placed in his hand. "Give it a shot, B. Skyrim's a pretty good game." Then, once sure the two were settled and not putting their weapons in kitchens; Jason grabbed some spare clothes and jumped into the shower. How good it felt to be under hot water. Jason took this moment of solitude to reflect on the past few weeks. Two weeks ago, Anita, known as Guardian to the public, and himself had been hot on the trail of Black Mask's latest investment. The Angel and Devil (aptly named by goons due to her wings and his red helmet) were scaring thugs and opening crates of 'funky techno shit' as Anita had called it nightly. But neither were getting anywhere. Dead end after unconscious thug with no real lead on just what Black Mask was planning. That's when Jason had turned to Bruce, asking him to trust his wayward son with taking down Black Mask himself. "You want me to pretend I know nothing? She won't buy it for a second, Jason." Bruce had been rather shocked by Jason’s latest proposition. "I know, I don't need her to buy it. But if she knows what I’m doing she'll hold back. It's the only way." "Wasn't it a while back you and the others were adamant, we'd be honest with one another?" Bruce uttered as he opened a few files on the Bat Computer. Jason laughed then, Bruce did too. Neither were that good at being honest. "She won't be happy, Jason. She's not like us. It was hard for her to get her around being a meta and now you're doing this?" Jason sighed, how could he forget? Anita had been a mess, he had let her down and couldn't save her in time from the bastard who implanted the meta-gene. But now she was Guardian, a symbol of hope for Gothamites and himself. She was a good person; mask on or off. But Jason well, Jason wasn't always a good person, even if she disagreed. He left soon after, his response dangling in the air. "I have to, Bruce. It's the only way."
- - - It was April 12th and the moon was hung high in the air. No clouds in Gotham meant there'd be a lot of evil out tonight. Guardian peered through her night vision binoculars for the third time in 3 minutes, she was insanely bored. Red Hood had briefed her that The Bowery had seen a lot more foot traffic than usual in the construction site across from the apartment building roof she sat on. They were to watch the place for any unusual activity. At least she had some food to keep her occupied. "So, what do you think of Gina's Kebabs?" She asked through her microphone, trying not to stain her white outfit as she took another bite.
A small crackle from her earpiece, then Red Hood’s deep voice cut through the midnight wind: "I think it's more grease than lamb, Angel. I'd give it a 3 sober. What about you?"
Guardian giggled, "Well my chicken one is actually pretty warm still, so I give it a 5 for its longevity."
"You're definitely the nicer mark out of us two." Red Hood responded, an airy chuckle leaving his throat. "Oh, Red. I'm the nicer everything out of us." "Excuse you? I have a hotter bod than yours." Guardian faked a gasp, but he had played himself into a trap: "That’s not what’cha said last night." "I wasn't sober!" "Exactly, you were drunk on this fine glass of wine." Guardian stood up and shook her hips, knowing the vigilante on the building across from her was watching. "Just shut up and watch the roads."
"Aww, you're precious, babe." Guardian teased but resumed watching the roads below. 30 minutes passed before finally, something happened: a large truck reversed into the opened shutter of a warehouse next to the construction site. 5 minutes later, two men came out on motorbikes and sped off towards Founders Island. Bingo. "Shall we give chase?" Guardian was already extending her wings before Red Hood surprised her. "No, let's see what they've left. Bats can handle them." She spotted his silhouetted figure grapple down from his building. "Are you sure the grease in that kebab didn't poison you? This is our chance to get some info!" Guardian questioned as she flew down to the warehouse, meeting her partner who was already trying to lift the metal door. "Or break some bones for absolutely nothing." He huffed out, Guardian sighed and grabbed the metal door, throwing it up with one hand. "Since when were you against breaking bones?" "Anita." His voice was stern, Red wasn't kidding around. "Jason?" She shot back; this wasn't like him. The tall man sighed and took off his helmet, he only ever did that when he wanted to get a point across. Or make out, but she doubted that was the reason this time. "I just think it'd be better for us to keep our eyes on whatever they've bought here. We can catch up with them another time, but what if what's on this truck is the answer to what Black Mask is up to?" "But why would he leave it here unguarded if it was, Jay? It makes no sense, it'd have to be some dud shipment, right?"
Damnit, she was too smart for her own good. But Jason had one more card up his sleeve.
"Just humour me?"
The two stared at each other for a few beats before Anita finally sighed and walked into the warehouse. "Fine, but you owe me a Banana Split from Freddie's when you see that I'm right." "Yes ma'am." Jason affirmed before clicking his helmet back on. The two waltzed over to the back of the truck and Anita ripped the metal back off, placing it next to them. "Your super strength is getting easier to handle?" Jason questioned, pressing their bodies close as they peered into the trucks back. "Yeah and the wings aren't playing up as much either." Anita admitted, in fact her powers had been functioning well these past few nights. Jason smiled from under his helmet, running a gloved hand along her feathers. "You do look beautiful with them, you know?" Anita blushed at the compliment, still feeling rather insecure about them. "You trying to butter me up, so you don't have to get me a Banana Split?" "No! Maybe… Is it working?" "Tell me I have a better bod than you and I'll reconsider." Anita teased as the two began grabbing crates and opening them on the warehouse floor. "I'd have to perform a full examination to know." He poked back swiftly. "Ugh, men."
After going through all the crates, Anita let out an exasperated sigh. "See? I told you it was a dud shipment. But why would he have one? What do you think Red?" Anita waited a few moments; hearing Jason unlatch one of his guns from its thigh holster. "Red?"
A small click then a loud bang. Guardian fell to the ground in pain, looking at her leg she saw a bullet lodged into her kneecap and blood staining her suit. But Guardian doesn't bleed, she hasn't since she got these wings. Just what the hell was in these bullets? Her head started feeling light but willed herself to look up at the shooter: Red Hood held his pistol at her now sweating forehead. Pulling the chamber back and wrapping his finger tight on the trigger. The only thought that passed through Anita's head was: ‘What the fuck?!’
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"I'll Buy You New Ones" - The Wick Family (Later Years)
Okay, so this is set after the current Wick Family story. It's set between Celestial's last year of high school and early college years, not sure exactly where. I've been thinking about this for awhile. It spawned from the thought of John killing someone with a a high heel shoe. 😅 And then this happened.
Hope you all enjoy it. Let me know what you think and if you wish you be added to the tag list for the main Wick Family story or to the Wick Family Later Years posts. (The gif isn't mine)
Warnings: mild cursing, angst(?)
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"Cel!" John shouts as his current opponent grabs ahold of John’s tie, trying to pull it tight and cut off his air. 
"Kinda busy here!" Celestial returns, ducking a swing from her opponent. 
"Cells! Your shoe. Give it to me." John pulls the man off balance and slams him against the guardrail. 
"What? No! I kinda need these to walk around." She blocks another punch before lashing out with a jab to the man’s abdomen. 
"Cel." John manages to slip his fingers between his throat and tie and jerks it away and out of the man’s hand. The man punches John in the gut before grabbing ahold of him with the intent to throw John over the rail. 
"Find something else!" Celestial decks the man in the face with her right fist and he crumples to the floor. He lays there for a moment before beginning a slow struggle to his knees. 
"Celestial! Now!" The command comes out as a roar. 
"Oh my god! Fine!" Celestial quickly unhooks the little buckle and takes the sleek black heel off her foot. She throws it up at her father before driving her fist once more into the face of the man on his knees in front of her. He collapses. 
John catches the thrown heel, the platform slapping against his palm. He flips it in his hand and drives the stiletto into the man's eye. The man releases his hold on John and screams in pain. John slams him back against the wall and drives the heel deeper into the socket until the man stops screaming. 
Celestial slips off the other heel, no reason to keep it on now, and holds it securely in her hand, facing off with another man intent on ending her life. "You know this wouldn't have happened if you stayed out of it!" The angry accusation directed at her father. 
John's gun flashes twice and another man falls. "What was I supposed to do?" John growls back, fear laced adrenaline moving him forward to engage another target. John rolls as the man fires at him. John's gun flashes three times as he pops back up and the man falls to the floor. "Stay home while you do the job alone?" He stands and looks over the balcony in time to see her club a man over the head with the platform of her shoe. 
The man crumples at her feet and she looks up at him, her hair flipped out of her face and anger in her eyes. "Yes! That's exactly what you were supposed to do! I had everything under control until you showed up and started making a mess!" She points the shoe at him accusatory. 
John scans the bodies on the floor around her, counting six to his three, and his eyebrows pull together. He makes his way around the balcony and down the stairs. "Well I'm here now, so deal with it." 
Celestial grinds her teeth and heads towards a hallway leading out of the room. "How the hell did you find out about it anyways? You were supposed to be taking Y/N out for dinner." She glares at him as he catches up to her and takes the lead in front. 
"You got a letter. I was putting it on your desk when I saw the file." John keeps a tight grip on his gun as they continue down the hall. "Don't you know how dangerous this man is? You shouldn't-" 
"Yes. I do in fact know how dangerous the guy is. I also know his son. And he's the one who invited me to the party, dad." She puts a full dose of teenage attitude into the word dad. "And it was supposed to be a retrieval job. Quick and quiet and easy. No one was supposed to die! No one was even supposed to know. Can't hide it now, can I?" 
He glances over his shoulder at her, a deep frown on his face. "You know I don't want you in this world. I don't want you to have the blood on your hands that comes with this life." 
"Holy- ugh!" Celestial practically snarls with anger and impatience as she forcefully grabs her father's arm and pulls him back, stepping around and in front of him so she can lecture him properly. "I don't have any blood on my hands! I don't kill people! All the men I dropped back there," she points back down the hall with her shoe, "will live! They'll wake up with concussions and killer headaches and giant ass bruises, but they will live! Because that's what I do! In and out, like a ghost. Retrievals and blackmail, that's what my job, and people might get hurt but they don't end up dead. And I take those jobs to keep you from taking jobs, and to keep you out of this world as much as I can!" She taps him on the chest when she refers to him. She takes a step towards him and he takes a step back. He's never seen her this livid before. "And I don't need my father running in without knowing what's actually going on, thinking he has to save me from danger while I'm at a fucking party. You didn't even give Y/N a chance to explain, did you!? No! You probably just bolted out of the house cause you were convinced I had gotten in over my head and didn't know what I was doing and was going to get myself killed! Well guess what dad! I do know what I'm doing, and I'm fucking brilliant at it and the boys and I have been doing this for years now. So why don't you calm your tits, reign in your self destructive tendencies for a bit, and let me do my fucking job and get us out of here!" She taps him with the shoe once more for emphasis before turning around and marching down the hall. 
John blinks at her, stunned for a moment. "Celestial-" 
She turns to look back at him, pointing her shoe at him threateningly. "I swear to god, if the next word out of your mouth is anything other than okay or yes ma'am I'm going to throw my shoe at your face." 
John straightens his shoulders and let's his face fall into blank professionalism. He gives her a slight nod. "Yes ma'am." 
"Good." She turns back around and leads the way down the hall. "I can't believe you used my heel to stab a man in the eye. They were a gift you know. From Peter." She mutters to him as the approach a corner. They can hear the faint sounds of the party now. 
"I'll buy you new ones." John's reply comes in a low rumble. 
"Damn right you will." Celestial presses her back flat against the wall and listens for a moment. They fall quiet as they hear footsteps coming towards them. As the footsteps get closer to the corner the person starts to hum and Celestial holds up her hand to John, signaling him to hold his fire. 
The source of the humming rounds the corner and the boy jumps at the sight of them. His hand jerks towards a concealed weapon out of reflex before he presses it against his heart. "Shit." Peter shakes his head and steps farther into the hallway. "You two scared the hell out of me." Peter looks them both up and down, nodding to John. His gaze stops at Celestial’s bare feet before he looks back up at her, eyebrow quirked up. “What happened to your heels?” 
Celestial shoots a glare at John, “He happened to them.” 
Peter nods. “Ah. I see.” He shrugs. “I'll buy you a new pair. Is it done?” 
Celestial pulls a flashdrive on a chain over her head and hands it to Peter. “Yea, it’s done.” 
Peter takes it and tucks it away in one of his suit pockets. “Awesome.” He looks her up and down again. “You can’t go back to the party like that, it will raise red flags.” 
Celestial rolls her eyes. “Yea, I know. And he can’t be seen.” She nods towards John. 
Peter nods and puts his hands into his pockets. “So, what’s the plan, boss?” He keeps his eyes on Celestial and John's brow furrows, his confusion deepening.
The quiet footsteps approaching the group go unnoticed until the blond boy turns the corner into the hallway. His eyes flick up from the ground at the sight of the three of them and he visibly flinches. “Holy shit!” John’s gun locks onto the boy and he raises his hands in surrender. 
Celestial puts a hand on John’s gun, lowering it. “Oh for fucks sake. Put that away and move back down the hall.” She grabs one of the boy's raised arms and pulls him along. “Come on Marcus.” The four of them stop a bit farther down the hallway where the shadows would do a better job at hiding them. Celestial turns to the boy, Marcus, but he holds up a hand, stalling her. 
“First, I’ve got to know.” He points at John. “Is he here to kill me or any of my family?” 
Celestial shakes her head. “No.” 
Marcus points his finger at her instead. “So you’re the one on the job then?” 
Celestial nods. “Yea.” 
Marcus puts his hands in his pockets. “Cool. Next question. How many funerals will we have to arrange?” 
Peter raises an eyebrow. “Really? Cool? That’s it?” 
Marcus shrugs. “My dad is an ass. He deserves whatever is coming to him.” 
“Fourteen.” John grumbles. 
Marcus winces. 
“There are seven unconscious and stable. Probably have concussions and will be out for awhile.” Celestial adds on. 
Marcus nods. “Right. Did you get whatever you were here to do done?” Celestial nods. “Great. You need to get back to the party. You can’t leave until after the bodies are discovered. Otherwise people will be suspicious.” Celestial gestures down the front of herself. Marcus quirks a smile and takes the pocket square out of his suit pocket. He then takes the shoe from her and glances at the size. “My sister has a similar pair upstairs that she’ll never miss. I’ll get them for you and get rid of this. In the meantime you and Peter should go get you cleaned up in the bathroom. Steve is looking for you by the way. And I will escort Mr. Wick out of the building so he won't be seen, or drop anymore bodies. Cool?” 
Peter and Celestial shrug. “That works for me.” Celestial looks at her father. “We will continue this at home.” She leads the way down the hall to the bathroom, Peter following behind. 
“It’s a good thing your dress is black.” Peter murmurs.
Marcus turns to John. “Please follow me Mr. Wick.” John narrows his eyes but nods and allows himself to be lead in the opposite direction down the hall. Marcus tosses the shoe into the chaos of the fight scene before leading the way out of the building. He holds the door open for John. “Have a good evening Mr. Wick. I’ll make sure Celestial makes it home safely.” 
John gives the young man a nod before disappearing into the night. 
~ ~ ~ 
“You know, she has a right to be angry with you, right?” Y/N says as she sips her glass of wine from her seat on the couch. John glares at her from across the room. “I’m just saying, if you had let me explain everything, she wouldn’t be pissed. And neither would you.” 
“How long?” John growls. 
Y/N shrugs. “A year, maybe two. She was helping me on small jobs at first.” John’s expression darkens. Y/N rolls her eyes. “Oh don’t be like that John. You know what I do. I was training her in recon and surveillance. Stuff she’s going to need if she’s going to be a cop in this town and you know it. Besides, you’re the one who has been training her to fight since she could walk.” She takes another sip. 
“So she could defend herself!” John raises out of his chair, fists clenched and eyes blazing. “I wasn’t making her into a weapon!” 
“I know John. And you’ve given her plenty to work with. So trust your instincts and trust that you’ve trained her well enough to take care of herself. Now sit back down and try to calm yourself. You know she’s not going to talk to you if you’re a big ball of rage. You did good John. And Celestial is good at what she does. And she does it so that you don’t have to come back to us broken and bloody.” Y/N keeps her voice quiet and gentle. She's not trying to stoke the fire but to calm the blaze.
John’s hands loosen as that thought sinks in and he begins to tremble. He more collapses than sits back in his chair, head in his hand as his whole body shakes. Y/N sets the glass down and walks over to him. She sits on the arm of the chair and rubs his back, trying to give him what comfort she could. “Hush now, baby. It’s alright. She’s okay. Trust me. I wouldn’t let her go out if I didn’t have full confidence in her. And she’s never alone. I promise.” 
John’s trembles turn into barely controlled sobs. “I… was so afraid. I… I couldn’t…” 
“I know John. I know.” Y/N coos, continuing to rub his back as the front door opens. 
Celestial walks into the living room, fully prepared for a shouting match that she was going to win damn it, but she stops in her tracks as she sees what waits for her. The anger leaves her as she takes in the sight of her father hunched over and shaking with tears. Understanding settles in and she takes a breath. She sets her newly gifted heels down on the carpet beside the couch and makes her way over to her father. Y/N stands and heads out of the room, taking her glass with her. Celestial puts her hands on her dad’s shoulders and he raises his head to look at her. 
“I know.” 
John drops his head back down and Celestial pulls him up by an arm. She wraps her arms around his waist in a hug that he returns. They cling to each other tightly as John gets his tears under control. His trembling slows and he whispers into her hair, “I’m sorry.” 
“So am I.” She returns and pulls away. “Come on, old man. Let’s get you to bed.” John lets her lead him to the stairs and leans on her as they begin to climb them together. “You still owe me for those shoes.” 
John chuckles. “I’ll buy you a new pair.”
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geejaysmith · 5 years
so Kat and I were talking on Discord again and you know what that means
Kat [Yesterday at 6:49 PM] bad end where Hilbert subdues Eiffel leaving Minkowski out to die and she either drifts into the star or gets flared before she suffocates and Hilbert gets clobbered by a really pissed off Minkowski 2 possibly accompanied by Lovelace if the DL wanted to indicate how peeved they were that he messed with Their Boy Eiffel: Commander I thought you were dead. And who's that? Minkowski: I have no idea but she also wants to kill Hilbert and right now that's good enough for me.
Gill [Yesterday at 6:53 PM] ...angry alien gfs. I might just have to write that AU.
And so, like most things inevitably do with me, this got out of hand, so:
Eiffel can’t get to his oxygen mask in time and gets KO’d; Hera might be able to cause an electrical fire on her own to activate the loophole in her programming, but not fast enough to let Minkowski back into the station in time. 
Kat [Yesterday at 6:58 PM] Dear Listeners: he's hurting our boy!!!! D : Dear Listeners: unleash the hounds
Minkowski comes to aboard Lovelace’s shuttle while Lovelace is waking up from cryo and getting her bearings. Since she’s understandably disorientated, Minkowski assumes Lovelace must’ve pulled her onboard just in time to save her life - Lovelace knows this isn’t the case, but for now, doesn’t correct her.
Having no idea who each other are, they’re obviously suspicious about one another, but both know the command authentication codes so that at least checks out. Radioing the Hephaestus itself gives the two more evidence to back up their respective stories; Minkowski takes some satisfaction in Hilbert’s shock when he picks up and hears her voice on the line, only to look over at Lovelace and see her expression darken with white hot fury. 
Gill [Yesterday at 7:20 PM] "Minkowski, how the hell did you-" "Selberg. I hope killing off your crew didn't turn into a habit while I was away." And like, as much as Minkowski can just about feel the rage radiating off of the alleged captain, Lovelace is using her calm, measured Menacing Voice, and that plus the way Hilbert's stunned silence turns into disbelieving terror lifts a few of Minkowski's doubts about Lovelace being who she says she is. Kat [Yesterday at 7:20 PM] ofc a wrinkle is that hilbert would've had plenty of time to get in touch with cutter by now
Okay, schadenfreude aside, now they have a problem: there’s no way Hilbert’s about to let the shuttle dock with the station, yet alone open the airlocks for them. 
This might be where Lovelace tells Minkowski “so is now a good time to mention the bomb I have wired to my heart rate?” The details on that plot point are foggy still.  Kat [Yesterday at 7:46 PM] Maybe hilbert overrode Minkowski's command authentication but 'hey Hera if Lovelace is the Hephaestus' commanding officer shouldn't you do what she says' or something
(Personally I’m a fan of this working to get the shuttle docked but not to get the doors open and that’s when Minkowski goes the full Carol Danvers. Doesn’t even realize anything Weird is going on, she’s far too focused on stopping Hilbert and saving Eiffel and Hera to notice she just blasted that door open)
(let me have my superpowered alien space commando chicks ok)
(It is very badass and Lovelace finds herself quite taken with the Commander.)
(I’m gay and I ship it)
Hilbert still wrecks Hera’s hardware but Minkowski has control of the station back, Eiffel is still loopy on laughing gas but largely unharmed, and they have a new potential ally in Lovelace (and the audio files she left on the station plus Hilbert both confirm her story) except tension still rises between them because Minkowski and Eiffel need Hilbert alive to fix Hera (and because Decima virus but they don’t know that yet) and Lovelace is in favor of killing him because he’s too dangerous to leave alive. Once she’s back online, Hera sides with Lovelace.
Hilbert got a message thru to Cutter about the alien transmissions, but may not be able to establish a connection to talk to the crew directly due to stellar interference. Either way, the crew gets to speedrun season 2 because they have every reason to assume a Goddard Futuristics Kill Squad is on it’s way.  
Nobody knows about Minkowski and anything strange about her since getting space-marooned has some reasonable explanation. Lovelace and the rest roll with the explanation that she got the Commander onto the shuttle; Hera might know Minkowski’s vitals flatlined and stayed that way for hours but Minkowski is the only one she tells about it. With no reasonable alternatives, they chalk it up to stellar interference disrupting the signals from her spacesuit. When SI-5 arrives Kepler knows right off the bat that there’s Something Up with Lovelace, but given Hilbert jumped the gun in pronouncing Minkowski and Eiffel dead, he doesn’t suspect Minkowski. 
Maxwell and Jacobi swap a few plot-beats; Maxwell is the one who meets her double in Time to Kill and Jacobi is the one taken hostage by the crew in Desperate Measures, the fallout of which leads to  D a r k   V e n g e a n c e   M a x w e l l . 
However, because Maxwell is smart and figured a few things out, her real aim with her countercoup is yeeting Jacobi’s body into the star to get him back, and shaking sense into Kepler so he doesn’t shoot him once they do. 
She probably also figured out Minkowski’s a duplicate too and so shocks her out of her denial. Probably by spacing her. 
She’ll be fine, don’t give me that look. 
Full chat transcript below ft. WAY more details that haven’t shaken out into something coherent just yet, nonsequitor Adventure Zone jokes, and at least one Spider-Verse reference:
Kat [Yesterday at 6:58 PM] Dear Listeners: he's hurting our boy!!!! D : unleash the hounds
Gill [Yesterday at 6:58 PM] "send in the most competent of More Competent Women we have" my brain is taking this idea and running with it, I'm picturing Minkowski hazily slipping into unconsciousness as her air supply runs out only to very suddenly come to, realizing after a few good deep breaths that she's not back in the station. This craft looks like something somebody put together in their garage, it's too much of a mess even for the Hephaestus. meanwhile Lovelace steps out of cryo to find there is suddenly a stranger in a spacesuit aboard her ship, hyperventilating her way back to proper consciousness. Out the front window is a station that looks kind of like the Hephaestus, but she's probably just been out here too- you're the commander of the USS what now, ma'am
Kat [Yesterday at 7:08 PM] bonus points since Hera monitors their suits so Minkowski gets back on structure and is like I lived?? somehow? and Hera's like Commander your vitals flatlined hours ago
Gill [Yesterday at 7:08 PM] after taking a moment to sort out exactly how impossible the situation they've found themselves in is, back on the station, Hilbert gets an unexpected comms hail from Minkowski, who should've been dead more than an hour ago, and she wishes she could see the look on his face when he hears her voice. Though she does get to see how Lovelace reacts when she hears Hilbert, and if hearing from one dead commanding officer gives Hilbert pause, it's a whole different ball game when Lovelace gets on the receiver.
Gill [Yesterday at 7:20 PM] "Minkowski, how the hell did you-" "Selberg. I hope killing off your crew didn't turn into a habit while I was away." And like, as much as Minkowski can just about feel the rage radiating off of the alleged captain, Lovelace is using her calm, measured Menacing Voice, and that plus the way Hilbert's stunned silence turns into disbelieving terror lifts a few of Minkowski's doubts about Lovelace being who she says she is.
Kat [Yesterday at 7:20 PM] ofc a wrinkle is that hilbert would've had plenty of time to get in touch with cutter by now
Gill [Yesterday at 7:21 PM] hm, maybe the Dear Listeners run interference so the signal doesn't get back to Earth, or at least Cutter can't get a response in which ofc might just make him send a goon squad up there anyway, so Wolf 359 Speedrun My other concern would be "there's no way Hilbert's letting those two onto the station" which may require DL Godmodding anyway
Kat [Yesterday at 7:23 PM] eiffel just strapped to a table the whole time like the damsel in distress he is maybe he can still talk hera through some sort of hack if hilbert didn't bother to gag him
Gill [Yesterday at 7:24 PM] Dear Listeners: /metaphorically playing rock paper scissors to see which duplicate gets to go full Captain Marvel and BAMF her way back onto the station also Minkowski going full Commander Mama Bear and blasting a door or three open is a wonderful mental image Eiffel, half-conscious, strapped to a lab table, extremely sure Minkowski is dead by now and Hilbert is going to dissect him- and then the door is kicked open and there she is, so full of Righteous Fury she's literally glowing. also: Eiffel blabbering something about "oh my god Commander they made you my guardian angel, I am SO sorry, you didn't do anything that warranted being stuck with that job in this life or the next but if it's any consolation it's probably not gonna be a problem much longer" "Eiffel. Eiffel I'm not dead, Hilbert's been deposed, you can stop crying now."
Kat [Yesterday at 7:37 PM] Hera like Commander but you should be dead though.
Gill [Yesterday at 7:42 PM] Minkowski headed up to the bridge, carrying Eiffel over her shoulder (he is still slightly convinced this is his dying dream and now Hera is with them here in whatever afterlife this is, so perhaps he is not, in fact, in Hell) : Well radio transmissions shouldn't come from deep space and my second-in-command shouldn't try to kill me, a lot of very strange things are happening today. "also please tell me Captain Lovelace didn't kill Hilbert while they were alone, I have questions for him." (Hera: no but I wouldn't drag your feet, also who the hell is she and how did she get on this station.)
Kat [Yesterday at 7:46 PM] to preserve elements of using Hera's loopholes to outwit Hilbert though I do like the idea of them finding some hack to let the ship dock. Maybe hilbert overrode Minkowski's command authentication but 'hey Hera if Lovelace is the Hephaestus' commanding officer shouldn't you do what she says' or something Eiffel like you forgot to disarm my only weapon doc and that's my mouth
Gill [Yesterday at 7:51 PM] makes sense, also maybe Lovelace overriding Hilbert's override buys them enough time to cook up an emergency that activates Hera's emergency protocols, since that strikes me as a more secure foothold (Lovelace: I'm overriding your override! Hilbert: Well, I'm overriding you overriding my override!) (meanwhile, Eiffel starts a fire while strapped to a table, somehow)
Kat [Yesterday at 7:53 PM] Eiffel: Hey Hera remember when you ran a cleaning cycle on the something or other on the aft deck to try to be helpful and started an electrical fire? Hera: Yeah? Eiffel: This would be a great time to be helpful
Gill [Yesterday at 7:56 PM] Hera: oops, there's a fire! looks like we gotta open all the airlocks to vent the fire, including the one to the docking bay! He's locked himself into the bridge, Commander. (Lovelace: dibs on punching him first. Minkowski: not if I get there before you do.)
Kat [Yesterday at 8:00 PM] SI 5 gets there at some later point and Kepler is like ah yes, captain lovelace, definitely an alien. surprise bitch. there's 2 ofc hilbert lied in his message and said he'd terminated both Eiffel AND minkowski so maybe Kepler's like... a whole crew... all aliens
Gill [Yesterday at 8:02 PM] Kepler: okay, so what're the odds Hilbert jumped the gun vs I am now walking into a station full of aliens. shitpost brain chiming in with: Kepler: ok, is anyone in this crew not an alien? Hera: Me.
Kat [Yesterday at 8:03 PM] Eiffel's like an honorary adopted alien
Gill [Yesterday at 8:04 PM] alt version that could potentially be serious: Kepler: ok, fess up, I know there's at least one alien onboard. Eiffel: It's me extra meme'd version: Jacobi: She's an alien, she's an alien, he's an alien - I'm an alien! Are there any other aliens I should know about??? duplicate!Maxwell: (^:
Kat [Yesterday at 8:05 PM] Minkowski: Ok, we need to take out Hilbert. We have the element of surprise, but what other assets do we have? Lovelace: Is this a bad time to mention the bomb strapped to my heartrate.
Gill [Yesterday at 8:06 PM] Minkowski: The bomb. Lovelace: Yup. Minkowski: The bomb that is presumably armed. Lovelace: Yup. Minkowski: ...and where in this small, enclosed shoebox of a deep space vessel is this device? Lovelace: Wired into the shoebox's engine. Minkowski: Of course it is.
Kat [Yesterday at 8:09 PM] minkowski: I get launched off the good ship crazy and find the only person crazier within the next 8 light years. Lovelace: That's because I'm the only bitch that can handle it.
Gill [Yesterday at 8:12 PM] also, Minkowski: Could this day get any weirder. Lovelace: Uh ...as a matter of fact, it can. Minkowski: Please don't tell me you have superpowers or anything like that. Lovelace: Well, I don't, but tell me Minkowski, do your hands... normally glow? alternatively Minkowski is just too Righteous Fury to even notice the Dear Listeners trying to get a word in and now Eiffel is convinced she's secretly been an X-Man the whole time
Kat [Yesterday at 8:19 PM] Lovelace like so... cons? woke up back at the Hephaestus. pros? got a hot girl airdropped
Gill [Yesterday at 8:23 PM] Lovelace, initially: who the hell are you and how did you get on my ship and what the hell is happening, explain before my escalating heartrate kills us both Lovelace, watching Minkowski go full Captain Marvel after teaming up with her and the rest of The New Gang to stop her mutinous ex-friend: potential enemies to potential lovers inside of 20 minutes, that must be some kind of land speed record
Kat [Yesterday at 8:25 PM] heart rate is still a problem
Gill [Yesterday at 8:25 PM] better get a handle on those feelings or else my escalating heartrate will kill us both they could keep that ace up their sleeve for when SI-5 turns up early, if only for the irony of having an explosive device that can be potentially triggered by Gay Feelings and Daniel Jacobi in the same space station
Kat [Yesterday at 8:29 PM] gay bomb chicken Jacobi: my bomb was fake Minkowski: My gun was empty Lovelace: My bomb is very real
Gill [Yesterday at 8:33 PM] a concept: Jacobi figuring out Lovelace has a crush because combination of explosives expertise and gaydar, his reaction is something along the lines of "no, no, NO!! Nobody told me there was gonna be relationship drama on this boat ride, what the hell" also, Lovelace: in my defense my gun was also empty but my bomb is still very real
Kat [Yesterday at 8:35 PM] Jacobi you have no room to talk Jacobi like ok we've got the human/alien or maybe alien/alien going on but I misread the human/AI deal so that's one scifi trope we've avoided so far.
Gill [Yesterday at 8:36 PM] Jacobi, probably: I keep my workplace drama and my relationship drama separate, like a professional ought to. Minkowski: why do you people keep saying I'm an alien Eiffel: Honestly Commander I'm still holding out hope for the "mutant" route, do you perchance know a Charles Xavier?
Kat [Yesterday at 8:37 PM] re: your last I'm imagining Jacobi being like 'I'm upset about this for personal reasons but i'm going to be professional about it.' *clocks out* *screams*
Gill [Yesterday at 8:39 PM] (1) I'm laughing and (2) I mean Hera's the one that clocked out for break but that is technically still what happened in Dirty Work
Kat [Yesterday at 8:42 PM] My union contract says when I'm not clocked in I can be as dramatic as I want Kepler: remember rule # 8. No complaints. Jacobi: My shift ends in 30 seconds. They both watch the clock. 30 seconds later Jacobi: Son of a biTCH
Gill [Yesterday at 8:43 PM] Kepler: what union Jacobi: I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you before you could get Cutter's anti-union hitsquad involved
Kat [Yesterday at 8:43 PM] The Jacobi Union
Gill [Yesterday at 8:44 PM] "help my Jacobis have unionized" though Gay Bomb Chicken + Lovelace almost puts me in mind that this AU is like an almost-mirror of canon and so Lovelace is the one who ends up talking Jacobi down somehow and it's Maxwell who does get Xerox'd in Time To Kill
Kat [Yesterday at 8:49 PM] this does raise. Questions about Cutter vs Minkowski and Lovelace can he only control 1 at a time
Gill [Yesterday at 8:51 PM] or they just actually succeed at covering up that one of them (Minkowski, probably) is a duplicate
Kat [Yesterday at 8:51 PM] also if you're saying everything's switched is Maxwell still the one who gets shot in desperate measures
Gill [Yesterday at 8:53 PM] Lovelace: I'll take one for the team, I'll be the alien. Minkowski: you really think they'll buy it /cue season 3 finale
Kat [Yesterday at 8:53 PM] honestly if jacobi got shot and maxwell went feral she'd probably win tbh
Gill [Yesterday at 8:55 PM] hm... Maxwell going full Rage Mode, getting to deal with the tasty dramatic emotions of Genuine Loss AND the consequences of turning on Hera, or Maxwell does still get shot but then a few hours later they find her walking around like nothing happened with no memory of the past two weeks both are delicious
Kat [Yesterday at 8:57 PM] I feel like instead of goading the others into it dark!Maxwell would either take out kepler herself or force Hera to do it Hera like, I'm not particularly morally distressed about this I would've killed him if you'd asked but you're making me so I'm mad
Gill [Yesterday at 9:00 PM] Alternatively Maxwell looks at the situation, remembers the Implications Hera might've let slip that, as far as appearances go, Minkowski came back from the dead to stop Hilbert and protect her crew, and says "okay, no. Not when it's her finger on the trigger and Jacobi's life on the line, let's back off and regroup." Kepler is not pleased with this decision of hers.
Kat [Yesterday at 9:02 PM] alternatively alternatively Minkowski: I'm sorry I killed your friend I guess? Maxwell: Actions speak louder than words. Help me yeet his body into the star. I think I've figured this out.
Gill [Yesterday at 9:04 PM] Lovelace comes back but the Dear Listeners decide it's more energy efficient if they drop off the new Jacobi while they hold their Contact Event so in this timeline it's Jacobi who's had enough of Kepler's whamma-jamma. Lovelace: doesn't it freak you out that they can just puppet you around?? Jacobi: yes but I'm very good at compartmentalizing. Also blowing off Kepler's hand? Strangely satisfying.
Kat [Yesterday at 9:08 PM] given the symbolism in play in canon there that's some sort of mobius double metaphor reacharound
Gill [Yesterday at 9:12 PM] canon timeline: "Disarming" = removing Kepler's right hand, foreshadowing his right hand man turning against him and no longer being a weapon in his arsenal Funhouse-Mirror timeline: Jacobi, Kepler's right hand man, can now be controlled by the Dear Listeners, so maybe Kepler gets a Replacement Alien Hand that the Dear Listeners can communicate through via sign language or writing wasn't sure where trying to work out THAT tangle of thought was gonna go but "help my right hand is possessed" is an a-okay destination by me
Kat [Yesterday at 9:13 PM] tbf many ASL signs are two handed, albeit often a doubled similar sign idk about other languages
Gill [Yesterday at 9:14 PM] hey my first thought was "the animatic with the sockpuppets is now a PROPHECY" I'm in full Insane Troll Logic mode
Kat [Yesterday at 9:14 PM] pryce is gonna have a hell of a time lobotomizing everyone depending on how far you want to take this but yeah the robot hand = getting ur robot lobotomy second in command so idk where u go there
Gill [Yesterday at 9:18 PM] hey, you've got so many duplicates walking around now, why save the psi-wave regulator trick for the finale? I mean there might not be enough if the star isn't blue but... I mean they had to test that thing somehow, right do they have a psi-wave generator lying around somewhere?
Kat [Yesterday at 9:20 PM] I assume it goes both ways, since it seems to be an increase that causes the possession, and cutter was essentially doing that to lovelace
Gill [Yesterday at 9:21 PM] or: Cutter challenges the known aliens (Jacobi and Lovelace, if they do successfully keep Minkowski on the down-lo) to a board game, and whoever comes in last place is gonna be the first one to get dissected!
Kat [Yesterday at 9:22 PM] Lovelace: What if you lose
Gill [Yesterday at 9:23 PM] Cutter: Then I throw one of your friends out the airlock while you watch! maybe they still tried to put Jacobi thru Processing first while unaware he'd been alien'd so he broke the neural scanner, and they just restraining bolted Eiffel, Maxwell, and Minkowski. Minkowski's restraining bolt is running but doesn't do shit, and she's stuck putting on the performance of a lifetime while she comes up with a Plan
Kat [Yesterday at 9:28 PM] time to use your acting chops I have another long day tomorrow, I should probably go to bed. Enjoy figuring out which of the like 500 strands of spaghetti we flung at the wall is the one that sticks.
Gill [Yesterday at 9:31 PM] o/ night night, I'll probably be typing at you to get some coherent Ideas out so enjoy THAT wall of text in the morning
Kat [Yesterday at 9:32 PM] I Will
Gill [Yesterday at 9:36 PM] shaking up the Contact Event aside I kinda like the idea of Maxwell's Rampage Of Revenge ending up being just one big gambit to get somebody to chuck Jacobi's body into the star... and then I thought "what if Minkowski has been stubbornly dodging that she got alien-resurrected this entire time and can keep finding explanations around the weird shit happening to her, and Maxwell's plan ALSO has her forcing Minkowski to face the truth?"
Gill [Yesterday at 9:45 PM] "Yes, all of this was a ploy to trap you in the decompression chamber, but it was also a ploy to get you to throw Jacobi's body into the star. I just thought to myself, hey, if I'm gonna go to the trouble of going Dark Vengeance Maxwell, I might as well multitask."
Gill [Yesterday at 9:52 PM] Minkowski: Did we NOT just agree that killing me or Kepler isn't gonna solve anything?? Maxwell: Oh you're right, it won't! Don't worry Commander, you've gotten lucky with airlocks in the past, right? Like how the Captain found you just in time? And that hour you spent with your vitals all flatlined was just a glitch, caused by "stellar interference"? I have a funny feeling your luck hasn't run out just yet.
Gill [Yesterday at 10:00 PM] so Minkowski gets to process that she was An Alien The Whole Time while Eiffel is probably off on his visionquest, Jacobi is Back and having a similar Bad Time, and Maxwell's escaped into the vents to keep Hera from killing her as violently as possible. Kepler and Lovelace are having the least amount of Crisis. slight alteration to this: by some Process Of Events, Eiffel gets to play out the Dramatic Rescue that happened offscreen in Box 953 and that's how he ends up outside and decides to jump into the star, or Minkowski goes on his adventure with him (though not as a frozen corpse the whole time if I can find a way to wrangle it even if I do have to invoke my right as a fanfic writer to jump this shark and say Fuck It, Alien Clones Can Breathe In Space Sometimes)
Gill [Yesterday at 10:26 PM] Minkowski, totally not freaking out herself: Eiffel, you still need to worry about conserving your oxygen supply, so I am giving you a direct order to not freak out. Eiffel, who I must note has not seen The Last Jedi: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! THIS IS LIKE IF PRINCESS LEIA KILLED JABBA THE HUTT BY FORCE-LIFTING HIM INTO THE SARLACC PITT FROM STRAIGHT OUTTA THE WILD BLUE NOWHERE! yes it did take me getting ready for bed to realize that sound can't travel in space if no air so Minkowski would have to Dear Listener-commandeer his comms channel to talk to him, unless we want to get into my Found Family Psychic Link conspiracy theories additionally a TAZ joke popped into my head and it's not gonna leave til I say it no matter how little sense it makes without twisting the narrative into a logic-pretzel Bob, after witnessing Minkowski just out-stubborn physics: how... what in the world are you? Minkowski: I'm bisexual. Bob: And do all... bisexuals have this power? Minkowski: /glances at Eiffel, raises an eyebrow Eiffel: ...I'm personally partial to the pansexual label myself, sooooo... Minkowski, @ Bob: Yes.
Gill [Yesterday at 10:47 PM] alternatively after a brief and entirely physically impossible conversation about what he's about to do, Eiffel's like, okay, I'm gonna cut my tether while you keep ahold of it, then you push off from me, I push off from you, I go see what our friends want while you go take command of your station. bc then that lets me do this: Minkowski: Okay, on three. You ready? Eiffel: ...no. You? Minkowski: ...not really. But maybe that's all it is, a- Eiffel: A leap of faith, right. Okay, on three. [muffled What's Up Danger playing from the Dorado constellation in the distance]
Gill [Yesterday at 11:01 PM] I still don't know what happens to Hilbert, sorry m'dude
Gill [Yesterday at 11:12 PM] Last thought before I succumb to unconsciousness for the night: I'm just gonna drive a monkey wrench right into those gears and toss out "instead of Hera manifesting a humansona in mental space she gets herself a custom meatsuit 3D printed, made from the DNA of her friends" and then just not think through the implications of that at all right now
Kat [Today at 6:21 AM] "brief and entirely physically impossible conversation" yknow you can't talk in space but you could sign in space I was also thinkin maybe the Lovelace/crew tension is that Hilbert still rips Hera's personality out and they want to keep him around to fix her and Lovelace wants to kill him bc he's too dangerous
Kat [Today at 6:42 AM] Maybe and/or instead of trying to kill him Maxwell's rampage involves trying to convince Kepler that the duplicates still count as people since she's going to all the trouble of getting Jacobi back and he better not just fucking shoot him again. and instead of his heel-face turn getting kicked off by a betrayal making him rethink his entire life it's Maxwell reading him the riot act like 'maybe you've told yourself these aren't real people so you can do more terrible shit to them but I'm getting my best friend back and you're going to like it' Maxwell: Repeat after me: I will not rekill Jacobi. Kepler, droning at gunpoint: I will not rekill Jacobi. Maxwell: And if I'm an asshole Lovelace takes another limb. Lovelace: Oh, I like Dark Maxwell.
Kat [Today at 7:06 AM] Kepler like, You want to invite one of these monsters on board just because it has a face you know. Maxwell: for god's sake, you've been living with the captain for months and you're telling me you really still believe that? (Idk how they'd actually make the delivery once maxwell asks for it, maybe they'd send him back as a peace offering when spitting Eiffel out?) Jacobi, recently returned from the dead in space: what the fuck upon getting back to the Hephaestus and immediately being apprehended by Cutter and co: what the fuck
Kat [Today at 7:14 AM] like Maxwell's real pissed and upset until the funeral and then once she sees Lovelace resurrect she's like Hey she starts off ranting @ Kepler for keeping secrets the same way as Jacobi did but then she's like "don't you get it, that's how we can get him back" Kepler, about 2 exits behind on the freeway: wait what
Gill [Today at 7:15 AM] Maxwell: I'm gonna need some help to get rid of a body Kepler: I mean I'm not following but ok Maybe the Dear Listeners have the presence of mind to just put Jacobi back on the Hephaestus directly He has a few minutes to reboot in peace before Maxwell leaps on him from the vents for Happy Reunion Time
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Captain America: The First Super Soldiers
Chapter 6 is finished....and it is the final chapter!!!! I enjoyed this series so much, it was fun to write. I hope you all enjoy it as well!!:)
 1 month later, SSR Bunker:
"Johann Schmidt belongs in a bug house. He thinks he's a god, and he's willing to blow up half of the world to prove it,starting with the USA." Philips says. The others are at the large,circular, meeting table. Carter, Stark, Sousa, Rogers, and the other Commandos.
"Schmidt is working with powers beyond our capabilities." Stark explains. "He gets across the Atlantic, He will wipe out the entire Eastern seaboard in an hour." Rogers and Sousa continue look at the files in front of them.
"How much time we got?" Jones asks.
"According to my new best friend, under 24 hours." Philips says. Another Agent from the crowd asks where he is, and Philips explains. "Hydras lats base is here.In the Alps, 500 feet below the surface.
"So what are we supposed to do?" Asks Morita, one of the Commandos."I mean, its not like we can just knock on the front door."
"Why not?" Rogers asks. The whole room goes silent.
"He's right, why not?" Maybe thats exactly what we should do." Peggy looks at Daniel, puzzled. He discretely reaches over and touches her hand.
"Not 'should do'. Thats what we're going to do."
2 hours later:
"Peggy! I got something I want to show you."
"What is it now, Howard? I'm rather busy at the moment." reading over a file for the mission.
"I know, I know, I know. Just- come look!" She breaths a deep sigh and follows him. As they walk, she begins to hold her stomach. Although she is starting to see the bump, her uniform is tight and buff enough to hide it. She and Daniel have agreed to hide the child as long as possible, and when its not...they'll come clean to the military and run off till the baby is born. When it is, Daniel wants to stay home with him or her while Peggy works. Although shes tried to argue, he insisted.
"What is it that I'm suppose to be looking at ..?" She asks as they enter Howard's lab. She has an idea, but shes afraid of his answer.
"Well what does it look like? Its a crib."
"Yes, but....Why?" Peggy tries to calm her increased heart rate because of fear; fear of what he will say next.
"Do you really think I haven't noticed? The late nights and sneaking around to see Sousa. The running away and getting sick... AND the mysterious doctor visit? I'm a genius. Its not that hard to figure out that you're -"
"Stop." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. He looks away, ashamed.
"I'm not gonna tell anyone, Peg. I just...wanted to help out." she looks away for several moments, not knowing what to say.
"Thank you, Howard. We appreciate the thought. But..I'm barely 4 months along. We won't need it for some time, and even then...I- I don't know where to put it. I don't even have a home to place it." She sighs in defeat. While she is happy to have this child with Daniel, she is also terrified. Not only is her career on the line, but they are not married, nor do they have a house together. There will be enough gossip wherever they go about them living together, let alone having a baby in the middle of a war.
"You'll find somewhere eventually." He says. "And besides, who cares what other people think. As long as you two are happy, thats all that matters." She looks at him, shocked. "Don't look so surprised. You're not married. People will talk about anything, you just can't let it get to you."
"Valued advice, thank you."
"Just off topic here..." Peggy turns to look at him. "You do know that, uh, the army does provide- I guess you can say...protection to prevent these kind of situation." She glares at him.
"Thank you, Howard again. We had absolutely NO idea that was an option." She says sarcastically.
"Well if you knew then why didn't you-" He stops and laughs. She looks at him confused. "I get it" He laughs again. "You did use it, but the serum is just to strong to-"
"Alright thats quite enough." She raises her hand to stop him.
"Agent Carter," She turns to the door as an agent speaks her name. "Everyone's prepping for the mission. Colonel wanted to let you know to get ready."
"Of course, Thank you." He leaves and she turns to Stark. "Thanks again, Howard, for the gift. I will be sure to tell Daniel all about it after."
"Wait what mission? Should you really being doing that while you're-"
"I'm perfectly fine. I will not stop doing my job until it is impossible to move. Now if you will excuse me, I have a mission to prepare for." She starts to walk away and then stops. "And before you say anything, yes Daniel does know I am going, and no I don't need his permission to do my job. I do what ever I damn well please and need no mans approval." And then shes gone.
"I was just gonna say good luck." He shakes his head. "Women..."
Outside of Hydras Base:
"We all understand the plan?" Sousa asks.
"We're all good to go," Dugan says.
"I hate the fact that I'm the bait." Steve says.
"Well, you've been captured before. To them it'll be considered a win." And with that everyone gets into place. Rogers revs up his motorcycle and takes down soldiers, a tank, and drives up the wall and into the base. He fights soldiers left and right, but soon is encircled by fire and surrounded by soldiers. Hes put in cuffs and taken to Schmidt.
"Arrogance may not be a uniquely American quality trait, but I must say, you do it better than anyone." Schmidt says as he walks to Rogers. "But there are limits to what even you can do, Captain. Or did Erskine tell you two otherwise?"
"He told us you were insane."
"Ahh. He resented my genius and tried to deny me what was rightfully mine. But he gave you and Sousa everything. Tell me, where is he at this moment?"
"Don't know. I just came here to avenge my friend." Schmidt snickers.
"Mhm. So, what makes you two so special?"
"I can't speak for Sousa, but for me? Nothing. I'm juts a kid from Brooklyn." The Red Skull gets furious and punches Rogers in the face and gut, and that makes him fall on his knees. "I can do this all day." He pants.
"Of course you can, of course. But, unfortunately, I am on a tight schedule." He pulls out a gun and aims it at Rogers head. But before he can pull the trigger, the commandos zip line through the window and shoot off rounds; while Sousa tosses his shield at Schmidt and hits him in the face. The room fills with shots fired as the Commandos and Hydra soldiers fight against each other.
"Sousa! Rogers! You two are gonna need these!" Dugan and Jones toss them their shields. They say their thanks and run after Schmidt.
"You go that way, I'll head in the other direction." Steve grumbles but agrees. Daniel takes the hall where Schmidt ran, and Rogers takes the one filled with soldiers.
"We're in! Assault team, go!" Morita shouts over the radio.
Colonel Philips gets the message and he, Agent Carter, and the rest of the SSR soldiers and Agents run into battle. The Commandos take the hall Rogers did and they all fight them off, one kill at a time. As the Allies move out into the field, Peggy runs along with them; trying to keep herself together. Shes shocked to see the advancements in Hydras weaponry. With each shot fired, a blue light hits a soldier, and they obliterate into nothing. She tries to stay focused and not get hit.They make there way into the Bunker by exploding the door. The Red Skull takes a gun from a dead soldier and starts to fire as he runs away.
"Cut off one head two more shall-" A soldier begins to say, but Philips kills him.
"Lets go find two more." He says as he and his army march deeper into the base.
Sousa continues to chase after the Red Skull and uses his shield to protect himself from the gun blasts. He tosses it against that wall and it stops as the door starts to close; it keeps it held open. As a soldier advances him and uses the flame thrower that encircled Rogers, he hides behind a wall. More shots are fired and Agent Carter kills him.
"Don't touch my man." She mumbles. Daniel looks at her and smiles.
"Peg!" He runs to her and lightly touches her stomach.
"We're fine. I promise." He nods his head and looks behind her, the others are still fighting.
"You're late, you know." Daniel says, she looks into his eyes and smiles.
"Sorry. Things got a little out of hand." He touches her belly once more and then Rogers shows up. He looks between them and notices Sousa's hand.
"What the hell?" He says. Peggy glares at him and looks at Daniel, placing her hand over his.
"Weren't you getting ready to..." She gestures to the door.
"Right!" And he runs after Schmidt, Rogers follows him. SSR Soldiers shoot down the Hydra agents that were trying to board the airplane after the Red Skull. He places the tesseract in a secure box, sits in the pilot seat, and gets ready to take off. As the turbines start, and the engine goes, the Valkyrie starts to wheel out of the hanger. Sousa and Rogers chase after it, buts its no use.
"Now what?" Rogers says, looking around for another option; but that option drives up too them.
"Get in" Philips orders. He and Carter stole Schmidt's car.  Daniel stands in the back with Peggy and Rogers gets in the front. Philips hits the accelerator button and the car takes off at full speed. They stand up and get ready to jump.
"Wait!" They both look down at Peggy. She reaches up, grabs Daniel by the head, and snogs him. "Go get him." Steve can't believe what he just saw...They both turn to the Colonel.
"I'm not kissing either of you!" Daniel looks at Peggy again.
"Yes ma'am," He replies, and they jump. When they get on board and sneak on the ship, they notice the bombs on board labeled  New York. They stop when they hear footsteps and run into Hydra operatives. Rogers jumps up onto the railing and kicks one of them, and Sousa takes his shield and jabs another in the throat. They continue to fight until 2 operatives try to board the small aircraft with the bombs. Sousa gets in one while Rogers jumps on it. He kills the two pilots and Rogers makes his way onto the Valkyrie again.
"Rogers! " Sousa radios.
"Go back to base! I got this!" He cuts it off and fights the Red Skull. Daniel debates on helping, but decides against it; he won't get himself killed and leave Peggy alone with the baby. To him hes done his part, now its up to Rogers not to screw it up. He lands back onto the hanger and runs to Peggy.
"Daniel?!" She runs to him and they meet in the middle. "What happened? Why are you-" He cuts her off and presses his lips to hers.
"I've done my part, Peg. We both have." He holds her close, with one hand on the baby. She laughs and holds him tight.
"Sousa! Wheres Rogers?" Colonel Philips interrupts. He knows about their relationship, and about the baby, but he always kept it to himself; he didn't think it was worth the trouble of saying anything.
"He's still on the plane, sir. He's with Schmidt as we speak."
"Good, lets head back to the station and wait for him to radio back with Intel. Hopefully it doesn't all go to shit." Peggy laughs and nods as they walk there. When they reach the command room Daniel sits down in a chair, and Peggy sits on his lap. While the other commandos are present in the room, the two love birds don't care.  Everyone of them is aware they have something going on, and they've never questioned it; the only one who did was Steve Rogers. Peggy leans over and kisses him.
"You came back to us..." Daniel wraps his left arm around her waist and hold her, while his right holds her stomach.
"Did you ever doubt I would?" She bites her lips to hide her smile; but it doesn't work.
"Never." They snog again, but this time it isn't rushed by the need to stop a psychotic mad man from destroying America with his airplane. Instead they enjoy this small moment. Theres a commotion outside and the Commandos leave the room to fight off and apprehend more Hydra soldiers.
"Come in. This is Captain Rogers. Do you read me?" Steve finally reached the radio.
"Steve? Where are you?" Sousa says over the intercom. Peggy shoves his shoulder and glares at him.
"Let someone else handle him." She whispers.
"Sousa. Schmidt's dead. He grabbed the tesseract and...He vanished into space."
"What?" Peggy looks at Daniel and takes over. "What about the plane?" She asks him
"Peggy..." She grumbles and groans when he says her name. Daniel holds her tight to calm her down. "Thats a little bit tougher to explain." She rolls her eyes.
"Give us your coordinates and we'll find you a landing site." Daniel keeps his left arm on Peggy's waist while he looks through the maps.
"Theres not gonna be a safe landing." Daniel curses under his breath. "But I can try and force it down." Peggy looks at Daniel as if asking for help. He mumbles the word Stark. She nods her head and radios back.
"We'll get Howard on the line, he'll know what to do. He can help get it down."
"Theres not enough time. This things moving to fast and its heading straight for New York."
"Hes right. There are bombs on the plane, all labeled New York."
"I gotta put her in the water..." Steve says.
"Rogers are you sure theres nowhere around you where you can land? Maybe try getting out of there in the bombs. You could -"
"Wheres Peggy? I thought I was talking to her." She groans and takes the mic.
"Peggy! Thank god." She mumbles under her breath. 'I swear I'm going to kill him one day' Daniel hears and chuckles.
"I need you to know that this is my choice." 'Obviously.' she mumbles. "And that I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance..."
"What?" Peggy says, and Daniel looks at the mic.
"I know that you have a thing for Sousa... but maybe we can-" She cuts off the radio.
"Peggy. What-" She stops Daniel from speaking and kisses him.
"I don't 'have a thing' for you, Daniel. I love you." They continue to snog in the chair until Philips enters the room again.
"What in the hell is going on in here?" They explain that Rogers had to put down the plane and he couldn't get out in time to survive. He shakes his head and walks off, the only words the could hear are' dumb ass' , 'rogers', and 'damn Nazis'.
"I love you too, Peg."
Several days go by, and not a word from Steve Rogers. Everyone in the SSR believed he was dead; and so did his comrades. The Commandos mourned him and Barnes at the Stork club, nursing their beers and bellowing their songs. The War wasn't over yet, but the enormous battle of Hydra was nearly won. There were still a few rats loose on the world from this gang of Schmidt followers; but the SSR was going to catch or kill every last one of them; including Agent Carter and Captain Sousa. Although Peggy Carter won't be able to fight for too much longer, she and her Captain will have another fight on their hands; a fight with a small being with both of their genetics.
Together they go to the Stork club, not to mourn like they others, but to celebrate. Celebrate a long battle one, and for the family they are starting. Howard Stark presented the young lovers with state of the art bassinet and crib, each equipped with an alarm to alert the two of them if anything is ever wrong with the baby. At first they were hesitant, but Daniel saw the benefits of it if the baby inherits the serum. Philips said he would vow for them and they can work as long as the want, but when the little one is born, one must go.
They dance and dance throughout the night, and although Peggy can't drink a real drink and Daniel can, he doesn't. Instead they enjoy their time together, talking and laughing and dancing. Around and Around he spins her, only for her to return to him. Her belly shows much more in her dress, but she doesn't care. She will build a life with the love of her life, and she couldn't be more happy about it. All of the Commandos said their congratulations, and begged to see the baby when its born; of course they two lovers agrees. The Howling Commandos are family. But tonight that family consist of only the three.
The Soldier and the Agent dancing and smiling all the while ignorant to the world around them. Her hand is in his while the other wraps around his neck, and his lays softly around her waist. They sway to the slow music surrounding them, bliss in this moment. What they are not aware of is the figure looming outside, watching their every move; his eyes staring at her growing stomach. And yet thats how they stay, until Peggy's legs get tired. Shes starts to walk away, but he grabs her hand and stops her. She turns to look at him, and finds him down on one knee...
"Peg." She gasps, and the entire room goes quiet; their fellow comrades watch intensely, waiting. Even Colonel Philips watches without making a sound. "So I know we've kind of done this backwards," She laughs, "But I don't care. From the moment I saw you on that field, radiating beauty, and then knock Hodge on his ass, I knew you were the one for me." She covers her mouth and wipes away her tears. "You have been...and idol rock for me and a nonstop supporter. No matter how many obstacles I faced, you were always there to talk me though it or to help me get there. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, Peggy. I love you with every fiber of my being. So..." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a velvet box.
"Oh my God..." She says as she takes a deep breath.
"Margaret Elizabeth, Peggy, Carter. Will you do me the honor of spending  the rest of your life with me as my wife?" She continues to cry happy tears and laughs. "Will you marry me, Peggy?"
For several moments the room is completely silent, no one makes a sound; not even the band. Everyone is waiting for her to answer. She gets down on her knees and kisses him with all her might.
"Yes!" And they kiss again.
"YEAH!!!" The Commandos all scream and clap. Although the Colonel doesn't shout, he does smile and clap his hands. Daniel lifts Peggy off the ground and and carries her out of the club. As they leave the Commandos all congratulate them and order more drinks to celebrate. Although this night was seemingly perfect for them, they were not aware the man was still watching from afar. He follows them to their hotel room and waits.
"How long were you planning on this!?" She asks, only brifly taking her lips from his.
"Maybe... a few weeks before you told me you were pregnant..?"
"Daniel!" He lays her down on the bad and sits next to her. "You've been waiting THAT long!?"H e laughs.
"I'm sorry. I just...wanted to wait for the right time." They stare into each others eyes as she sits up. They lean forward and snog until they are out of breath; only stopping for air and then returning to their love. For minutes they are in paradise, enjoying the time they have alone....until the door is kicked down.They jump out of bed and see a dead man.
"Rogers? How the hell-" Steve Punches Daniel in the face, and he falls back.
"Daniel!" SHe runs to him and looks at Steve. "How the HELL did you survive?"
"Doesn't matter. I just did. I came back for you. For our dance."
"Our Dance!?" She fumes. "What bloody dance? I told you I was never interested. The kiss with Daniel should have been a big enough hint for you to stop pursuing... WHATEVER its was you were pursing!"
"Move out of the way, Peggy." She steps in more and shields Daniel.
"NO" She stands her ground.  He walks toward them and shoves her aside.
"Peg!" Daniel punches Steve in the gut and knocks the wind from his lungs. "Haven't you learned by now I'm stronger than you, Rogers?" As he holds his gut and Daniel uppercuts his jaw, and then he falls down. Daniel catches his breath and looks over at his fiance. "Peggy..." He runs to the bed and helps her sit up.
"I-I'm okay...We're fine.." She keeps a hand on her belly and looks at Rogers, who starts to stand up.
"Are you out of your Damn mind! Who in their right mind would shove a pregnant woman?" Daniel shouts, his hand lays over hers to protect the baby.
"What?" Steve looks down and finally notices. He balls his fist and charges at Daniel. "That should be my kid... You took her from me!" Peggy reaches over into her bag and grabs her gun, then BANG! Steve backs away, shocked. She shoots again and again, until the chamber is emptied.
“I was never yours to begin with you sickly obsessed bastard.” He stands there, holds his chest, and falls to the ground. "Enjoy your trip in hell." Daniel wraps his arm around her and hold her tight, the need to protect her and the baby overwhelms him.
"You okay?" He finally asks.
"Of course I am. I'm Peggy Carter" she cheeks, and he laughs. "Soon to be Peggy Sousa..." He stops breathing for a moment as the thought settles in his mind. She laughs at his pause and kisses him gently. "I can handle anything, Daniel. Especially with you by my side." They smile at each other and hold one another close.
Eventually Colonel Philips and the SSR are called. They inform them of Steve Rogers demise. He didn't die in the Valkyrie crash, but he did die by Agent Carters hand. He had become violent, erratic, obsessive, he harmed her and tried to kill Captain Sousa; the love of her life and the father of her child. The serum was meant to amplify everything in the human body, the good and the bad. It seemed Steve Rogers was more bad than good. For the rest of the night the SSR worked on taking care of Rogers body, and the two lovers from war set out to enjoy the little family they had started.
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wftc141 · 4 years
Voltron: Global Military Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Unit-Chapter 10: The Godfather
1500 Hours
Goiânia, Brazil
Arriving at their hideout, the team with the BOPE parked their vehicles inside the garage. Keith and Lance got out first with a bagged and cuffed Sendak in front of them. The rest got out and headed off to their business while Allura approached Keith and Lance.
"You two alright?" Allura asked.
"We're good." Keith nodded.
"Glad to hear. Take him to the room."
The two then left the garage with Sendak. Allura watched the two head upstairs before noticing Shiro staring where she was looking at. He seemed relieved and distracted in his own mind.
"Hey." Allura called.
Shiro snapped out of whatever he was on and glanced at her.
"You alright?" Allura asked.
"I'm trying to be," Shiro sighed. "Hard part is that I need to be in the room with him."
"You don't have to do this."
"No, I have to. It seems like he only wants me. Nobody else."
Allura wasn't sure about this. Sendak was one of the people that would get into Shiro's mind and twist his state to the point of snapping. He always wanted retaliation for the death of his brother. But Allura is his friend. She knows his other side more than any other person. She trusts him to keep his head on track.
Keith watched as the medical officer finished up on his checkup. There was a bruised mark at the center of his chest where the bullet hit him. The bruise only hurts a bit, but it didn't look fatal. She already finished checking his bruise mark, but she was tending to his other parts in case there was any damage.
"Seems to me that nothing is broken but I do advise that you wash the bruise and rub some Arnica gel if you want it to heal quickly."
"Thanks, doctor."
The officer then gives Keith an Arnica bottle before heading for the door. As Keith stood up, the door opened again, and Lance entered the room. His eyes fell onto Keith's bruise, prompting a surprised look from Lance.
"Damn, ese. That's a nasty mark." He said.
"It'll heal." Keith replied as he slipped on his shirt.
"Well, I'm just here to thank you for letting me take that sniper out. Next time, don't get yourself shot and make yourself look more emo than you are right now. I'd rather not catch the edgy flu you have."
Keith nodded as Lance left the room. He was starting to become a little nicer than usual. Maybe Pidge did put some sense into him. Then, something came to his mind.
...make yourself look more emo than you are right now. I'd rather not catch the edgy flu you have.
Keith looked up, baffled. Did Lance just call him an emo?
Shiro opened the door, leading to the grayscale room for interrogation. The murky colours surrounding the room with the window on the other side. Shiro turned to the middle of the room, facing Sendak on a chair. The bag was still on his head and his hands hid under the table. Shiro approached Sendak and pulled the bag off.
Sendak's eyes then shifted towards him. Those piercing eyes that remind Shiro of what he had to deal with a long time ago. Sendak wasn't breaking his gaze off Shiro as he moved. He kept his mind under control. He can't risk it hurting him. This wasn't part of Voltron's conduct. Shiro sat down on the chair across Sendak, facing him in the eye.
"So you remember me?" Shiro said, recalling Sendak's words from Rio.
Sendak simply nodded. "Takashi Shirogane, one of the west's fiercest warriors and a capable leader...who failed to keep his brother and his team alive."
Just the reminder of his team and his brother made Shiro push himself to the breaking point where he would just get his hands on Sendak and shut that mouth of his for good.
"And you're Sendak al-Qazi, the Godfather," Shiro growled. "Ex-Special Forces of the Afghan National Army Commando Corps, working with the Islamic State. You were responsible for killing your own comrades and a team of Green Berets in Iraq."
Sendak chuckled softly. The left corner of his smirk raised into a sharp point.
"You know me well. I'll give you that. But there's one thing you were mistaken with. I never worked with the Islamic State. The Galra Empire was never part of the Jihad organization."
"And yet you've committed terror acts on government officials and innocent people."
"Governments yes, but civilians are necessary for collateral damage. They're the essentials of what war truly is."
Shiro pieced his words and the whole motivation together. His eyes then lit up. It was all coming together.
"So the Galra's goal is to wipe out all governments." Shiro deduced.
"Correct," Sendak answered. "We're not just Middle Easterners. We're Europeans, Latinos...Americans. We are a nation who wants our homeland to be free from fascism. This is the Galra's way to live and to die for."
Shiro was surprised that Sendak would give away their entire motivation for these attacks, despite their heinous nature that gives the impression that they wouldn't betray their comrades. But still. It doesn't give them any sense to attack. They're still terrorists after all.
Allura watched from the window as Shiro faced Sendak. She can't hear from the outside since the room is soundproof but she can read Shiro's mood. He was trying his best to keep composed while Sendak was trying to one-up him. Allura was more concerned with how Shiro would react if Sendak managed to get into his head. They need answers. How was the Galra able to ambush them in the way Voltron could? Hopefully Coran and his analyst are able to find something.
Allura turned around and noticed Colbert standing by the door.
"News, Colbert?"
"Yes ma'am," Colbert answered. "General Sanda is here and she needs to speak with you."
Ellen Sanda? What was she doing here? Something felt off with her presence but she was also the superior for Voltron and Allura works under her hand. She sighed.
"I'll be right there."
By the time Shiro was interrogating Sendak, the Brazilian forces had already left the hideout. Stacy headed into the large room where the Voltron team waited alongside the captured Galra agent and the NATO officials. General Sanda stood at the middle of the group. Stacy didn't recognize the other two, although she knew Colonel Sablan, who stood beside Sanda, for that weird posture. He works with Sanda as well and people knew him as one who agreed with everything Sanda said, even if it were to be about sending people to their deaths. Allura eventually caught up and met the NATO officers.
"General Sanda. What brings you here, ma'am?" Allura asked.
"We heard that Voltron has finally captured the leader of the Galra Empire, Sendak al-Qazi." Sanda said.
"Yes ma'am, we did."
"That's good news. We will be taking him out of your hands and all members of Voltron will be stationed back to London."
Stacy glanced at Allura who was confused. She knew Allura wouldn't be one to stand down especially after what they've been through. They still needed answers. Stacy glanced at Sanda who didn't look concerned with anything.
"I beg your pardon?" Allura said.
"Major, it would be best that you let us do our job." Sablan said.
"Is it really your job?" Stacy heard Coran say.
The team turned towards Coran's voice. He and Jem walked up to Sablan and Sanda, glaring particularly at Sanda.
"Lieutenant Smythe, this is none of your concern." Sablan said.
"It's funny how everytime we get one step closer to the Galra, they somehow know who we are and know our every move. My only best guess is that one of the higher ups has been exchanging information with the Galra."
Sanda scoffed. "Those are some baseless allegations, Lieutenant."
"Not allegations," Coran then pulled out his pistol, aiming at Sanda much to her alarm. "They're facts."
Everybody else in the room froze. The other two officers pulled their guns out but Santos and Yeun beat them to it.
"Lieutenant Symthe, are you mad?!" Sanda questioned.
"I could be but at least I'm not a traitor!"
The officials were confused as well as the Voltron operatives, although Allura seemed to be siding with Coran. Sanda was taken back by his comment while maintaining her position. Sablan wasn't having any of it.
"What the hell are you on about, Lieutenant?" Sablan demanded.
"Me and Corporal Gold did some digging into your private files and we found out that General Sanda has been giving information to the Galra," Coran turned his gaze towards Sanda. "You were slick enough to try and hire bounty hunter Sebastian Rose to capture Sendak so that he wouldn't tell us who was giving information about us."
Suddenly, Stacy felt the floor tremble to a muffled explosion. Everybody looked around, confused.
"The hell was that?" Lance questioned.
"That came from the interrogation room." Allura muttered.
Suddenly, another explosion erupted and the door flung open.
"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Coran yelled.
Everybody was already scrambling for cover as soon as masked agents stormed in and opened fire. Stacy slid towards a couch and hid behind it. The cotton inside the leather couch popped and flew across the room. She noticed Sanda, Sablan and the officers on the floor, bullet holes engraved onto them. They weren't lucky in the end. As Stacy looked around for Jem, she caught sight of him on the floor holding his waist. Blood was soaking his hands as he gripped onto it tightly.
Stacy quickly rushed up to him through the gunfire and grabbed hold of him.
"Hang on Jem! I got you!" She said as she pulled his body.
Suddenly, a bullet pierced her upper arm. Winding in pain, Stacy ignored it as she dragged Jem behind the couch. Once he was out of the open, Stacy checked her wound on her arm. She held onto the hole, holding back the blood loss while letting out a sharp breath through her gritted teeth. Looking up, Stacy noticed Santos firing back with his rifle and peered through the side. He managed to take out one of the agents before taking cover.
"Colbert, you good?!" Santos called out from across.
"Give me your gun." Stacy replied.
"Colbert, you know I'm not authorized to-"
"Give me your fucking gun!"
Santos was taken back by her sudden retort. He felt like hesitating but eventually, he took out his sidearm and tossed it to Stacy. Once she caught it, Stacy breathed and aimed through the side of the couch. She opened fire, taking out an agent. Two precise shots hit the torso. Stacy then moved over and shot down the next agent. Two shots. One to the neck and another to the face. Stacy took cover. Glancing over, she noticed Santos staring at her with eyes that shout 'you didn't tell me you were this good at shooting'.
"We have him! We have him!" A voice from one of the agent's comms said.
Shortly, the agents began to retreat and ran out of the room. The Voltron team rushed after them. Stacy helped Jem up to his feet and carried him after the team. Leaving the room, the Voltron team looked around for the agents, but they were nowhere to be seen.
"What the fuck just happened?" Santos said.
Stacy was just as confused as the others. Before she could gather up her thoughts, Allura was running off but not without having Pidge and Momoa following her. Something must've reminded Allura about something, possibly the interrogation room.
Arriving at the interrogation room, Allura froze as she stared out at the window. The room was empty save for a large hole blown on the wall that led outside. She couldn't recollect her thoughts in the midst of the chaos and the tension. But one thing left her more fearful than for her position. Not just the fact Sendak's being rescued by the agents.
Shiro was nowhere to be seen.
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A Familiar Face
Here it is, guys: a fic featuring our sweet Ryan Brenner. Rated PG, no trigger warnings.
Word count: 2,406
Hope you enjoy!
You had seen him before.
It had been months prior, when the air held a humidity and breathing felt like exertion. You were walking to the diner, on your way to work, and you stumbled upon him just a block before your destination.
You heard him before you saw him, the strumming of a guitar pervading your ears. As you drew closer, you heard a voice accompanying the music, and that's when you saw him.  He was occupying a bench across the lot from the diner, a battered guitar case open on the pavement in front of him. A small crowd of about ten people stood, listening, and you joined them-- you had a few minutes to spare.  You remembered curiously thinking how rare it was to come across a busker in your town; most of them tended to go for the city. Now, in the cold , you longed for the heat of the previous summer. And it was just after that thought, that surge of a need for warmth, that you heard a vague strumming of a guitar. Drawing closer, curious as to where the music was coming from, you saw one lone figure, a weathered guitar case open by his feet.  A busker.  A memory of a warmer time came to mind and recognition followed.
That was how you knew you had seen him before.
It was the dead of winter, and it was the kind of cold that chilled your bones and permeated your core. The music didn't ring a bell, but it was when you drew closer and heard the voice that the realization struck you. He was on the same bench, though there was no lingering of people around this time; the cold made being outdoors unpleasant. The busker didn't seem to mind.  Huddled beneath layers of clothing,  it didn't seem as if he noticed the weather at all. He still strummed his guitar as if his life depended on it. He continued to sing with his voice soaked with emotion.  You found yourself standing there, a lone wolf enchanted with this stranger in front of you. Your nose was numb from the cold and your fingertips were frozen beneath the gloves you wore, but you were glued to your spot on the pavement.  A corner of your mind wandered, curious at how he managed to move his fingers so effortlessly in below freezing temperatures, and it took you a moment to realize the song he was singing was over, that he had become still.
Your gaze dropped to his face, and it was the first time you'd gotten a good look at him. A tattered cloth hat mostly covered dark, thick hair that was slightly overgrown. Several days of stubble covered his cheeks and jaw, and beneath the shadow of his cap were a pair of the darkest eyes you'd ever seen.  It was at that point that you realized you were staring and that he definitely noticed. You looked to the ground sheepishly. If it wasn't for the absolute mortification that brought it, the sudden heating of your cheeks would have been welcome... not to mention that you'd yet to say a word. 
So you appeared to be a mute with a staring problem.  Awesome!
"That was really great," you spoke up finally. You looked up to the stranger once more after finally finding your voice.  He offered you a small, almost shy smile and nodded in appreciation.  "Thank you, ma'am."  His speaking voice was a stark difference from the one he used while singing.  He was much more soft-spoken than you  could have imagined, and... did you detect a slight drawl? His tone was even slightly different, deeper than the one he'd used to accompany his music.
Before the moment could grow any more awkward, you had an idea. "It's uncomfortably cold out... can I buy you a cup of coffee? And by buy, I mean pour. I work at the diner." You tilted your head in the direction of your place of employment, just across the street in the corner lot.
The man looked up at you, squinting a bit due to the sunlight. The skies were clear-- thankfully, there were no chances of snow-- yet the sun offered no warmth as relief to the bitter cold. You could see his breath, a rhythmic series of short-lived clouds vanishing just as quickly as they appeared. The tip of his nose was pink from the weather.
"I'd like that," he answered. Offering you a grin, he gently set his battered guitar in its equally as worn case, closing and securing the case. A large, heavy-looking pack resting on the bench next to where he sat, he hoisted it up and over his shoulders without effort. Grabbing the guitar case by the handle, he nodded, and the two of you began walking the short distance to the diner. You were admittedly curious about a series of things. He wasn't from the area; that much was evident from the melodic way he spoke with a hint of a Southern accent. Your curiosity was piqued regarding his music, which you supposed was normal, yet you also wondered about the large pack on his back, if he had recently moved to the area or was just passing through.
"I'm Y/N, by the way," you told him, realizing that the stranger you were walking with was still completely anonymous.
"Y/N," he repeated as if he were trying out the way the vowels felt on his tongue. "I'm Ryan. Pleasure to meet you."
Pausing just outside the door of the diner, you smiled at him just before walking in. "Likewise." His polite nature was sweet and charming.  You'd already gotten a 'ma'am' and a 'pleasure to meet you' out of Ryan, and in less than five sentences.
You pulled open the door, but before you could usher him inside, his free hand was on the side of the door, holding it open for you. "After you."
You thanked him as you walked inside, the surprise in your voice evident. If someone held a gun to your head, you wouldn't be able to account for the last time someone had willingly held a door open for you out of friendliness alone. Stepping into the reprieve of the building's warmth, you gestured toward the row of stools that were lined up along the bar. "You're welcome to sit wherever you'd like." You paused, a quick furrow of your brows and self-conscious laugh. "There are available tables as well, obviously. You are not sequestered to the bar area." Offering him an apologetic smile, you turned to pour him the coffee you'd promised.
With a low chuckle, he set down his guitar case and then his pack, making sure they were tucked just beside his feet as to not be in the way of any patrons passing by. "I don't mind being sequestered to the bar," he stated, returning your smile with a smaller one of his own.
"Freshly brewed!" The always-chipper, short and dimpled Sophie, who had been working at the diner as long as you had, interrupted as she whisked past you to deliver a ticket.
"You're a God-send," you called out in gratitude. "I'm sorry, one second," you apologized to Ryan, turning your back and pulling down two clean mugs. Steam billowed out from the coffee pot as you filled them both, the strong aroma filling your nose.  One mug in each hand, you first delivered coffee to Mr. Willoughsby, an elderly gentleman who showed up to the diner at the same time every afternoon and always stayed for coffee after his meal. "How are you today, Mr. Willoughsby?" you asked, notifying him of his after-dinner drink. Then, you were able to get back to Ryan, placing his mug on the bar in front of him. "Oh!" you remembered, turning away just quickly enough to place two small dishes in front of him, one filled with an array of several different sweeteners, the other with both powdered and liquid creamers.
"Thank you," he drawled finally, no waiting customer or lack of sugar and creamer to keep you from conversation any longer. Raising the mug to his lips, Ryan took a tentative sip, and you mentally noted that he took his coffee black. Why you were filing this away in your brain was a mystery to even yourself, and as you mulled the thought over, Ryan's voice was what brought you back to the present. Your eyes focused on his face once more as you realized what he'd said: It's good.
"Oh, Sophie makes the best coffee out of all of us." You didn't mind bragging on your co-worker. She was the closest thing to a best friend you had. You were more of the solitary type, though people always seemed surprised to learn such; you demeanor suggested otherwise.
The diner was hitting a slow point, the guaranteed lull between late lunch eaters and early bird dinners. There were just a handful of tables occupied, only Ryan and Mr. Willoughsby at the counter.
"So, Ryan,"  you spoke up as he sat, warming his hands around the mug. You noticed a series of tattoos between the knuckles of each finger and wondered about the significance. "How long have you been playing guitar?"
He had such a kind, easy demeanor about him. He was quiet but it didn't seem to be the result of a lack of anything, nor a certain kind of sadness, but instead, a penchant for observation. He was glancing down into his coffee when you spoke. Eyes rising to consider your face, the expression on his own was both friendly and attentive.
"More than half my life. Started when I was just a kid. I reckon it's one of those things I never grew out of." He tasted his coffee again, taking a long, slow sip. "You're really talented. It's almost unsettling, really."
A slow smile grew into a grin, and you were struck by how handsome he was. His entire face changed, yet his demeanor stayed the same; shoulders hunched ever-so-slightly, his head ducked, the tendency to break eye contact. "Thank you," he articulated, and you caught a sense of genuine appreciation in his voice. "I appreciate that."  He was humble, this man, yet he possessed talent in buckets. Your curiosity was far from squashed. If anything, it was deeper than a simple interest in this man. You felt an eagerness to know more, but without seeming intrusive.
"You've been here before. I remember." Heat spread over your cheeks at the sudden knowledge that you most likely sounded like a complete creep. That was not the type of admission that would make a guy like Ryan-- shy, quiet, private-- want to stick around for any more attempted conversation.
And here came the most unfortunate eccentricity of yours. You tended to talk more when you gave too much away. Instead of lessening the almost certain accompanying awkwardness, the tendency seemed to increase it.
"Over the summer," you added quickly, suddenly wishing for an influx of customers at 3:30 on a Wednesday afternoon. "I was on my way to work, like today... there was a small crowd." What a lame explanation. It sounded more like an excuse. Yet, it seemed as if he were listening, his gaze fixed at you over the rim of his coffee mug. "We don't get many buskers around here. There's more money to be made in the city."
Slowly, Ryan smiled. "And more musicians on every corner. I do alright on these parts. Keeps food in my belly." With one more sip of coffee, his mug was empty and he set it down gently on the bar.  Shifting on the stool he'd been sitting on, he presented Y/N a few crumpled dollar bills, letting them rest on the counter between them. "Enough extra for a tip, even."
You touched the money just long enough to push it back toward him, shaking your head firmly. "Sorry, we don't take tips from patrons that get free coffee." You looked across the counter at him, smiling appreciatively. "You're very sweet, Ryan, but all I did was pour you a cup of coffee." Glancing down into his mug, you saw that it was empty. "Would you like another?" you asked, hooking the handle of the mug with two fingers.
He unfolded his long frame from the stool he'd been resting on.  Partial portraits of George Washington's face stared blankly upward from where they were pictured on scattered bills.  You turned your back on him for just a few seconds, long enough to return the used mug to the sink and, just in case, to pour the last of what was left in the coffee pot in a Styrofoam to-go cup, securing the plastic lid on tightly. When you turned to hand over the warm drink, Ryan had his pack on his back and guitar case in one hand. "Leaving so soon?" With a pause, you held up the disposable cup one more time. "One for the road. Don't forget your money."
Grinning, Ryan glanced down at his boots before he accepted the cup. "Thank you, Y/N. 'S rare to find someone who gives such kindness to a stranger." There had been countless times in your life where you'd been warned or patronized, said to be foolish and naive for the odd complimentary cup of coffee, among other niceties you'd offered. The loner in you just tended to empathize with others that seemed to keep the same type of solitary company. It was nice, now and then, to come across another that could offer something small, yet of importance.
"A very talented stranger," you added gently. Noticing his hands were full, you stepped from behind the counter and held the door open for him.  The stark, frigid cold was startling. "I don't know how long you're staying in the area, but if you ever need a place to find some warmth..." You shrugged, no more than an inch of space between his body and yours as he passed through the threshold. He gave a lopsided grin.  Adjusting the cap he wore over his dark, grown-out hair, he raised his hand. "See ya, Y/N."
Raising your hand you wave goodbye, you caught his eyes for a short beat of time. There was no shadow of a doubt in your mind that you'd see him again.
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fanfics4all · 6 years
Sweetwater Murder
Request: Yes / No  Could I have a criminal minds Riverdale crossover where the normal Riverdale characters investigate Jason’s murder just like an episode of criminal minds but the Riverdale characters replace the criminal minds characters Anon
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Riverdale x Criminal Minds
Word count: 1496
Warnings: Murder
A/N: I hope this is what you wanted! Also, I made it so Polly not Betty’s sister also this was very hard to write so I’m sorry if it sucks
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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The BAU team was sitting in the bullpen just taking a much-needed break from looking at cases and writing up reports. They thought they wouldn’t have another case and that they would get the weekend off, but no such luck. Agent Betty Cooper came in holding a small stack of case files.
“Sorry guys, we got another case.” She said with a sigh and walked into the conference room.
“Serial killers seriously won’t take a break will they?” Agent Reggie Mantle said getting up to go to the conference room. The other agents followed him and they all sat at the table. Agent Jones, agent Cooper, and tech specialist Toni Topaz were already in the room. All the agents sat down and Topaz held the remote and clicked a button to show a few pictures of a dead body and where it was found.
“Alright lovelies, today’s case is special.” She said as the agents read the file they were given.
“There’s only one victim?” Agent Veronica Lodge asked confused.
“Why are we being called in if there’s only one body?” Agent Archie Andrews asked confused.
“Yeah, this doesn’t seem like a case for us.” Agent Dr. Kevin Keller said equally confused.
“Actually it’s because-” She was cut off by someone walking in.
“Because it’s my brother that was killed.” Former agent Cheryl Blossom said walking in.
“Cheryl! We miss you around here.” Veronica said getting up to hug her, all the other agents followed. Once the agents hugged her she walked over to her girlfriend and gave her a kiss.
“It’s a shame you’re back for something terrible…” Agent Jones said seriously.
“We’re sorry for your loss…” Betty said with a sorrowful smile.
“Let’s just bring his killer to justice, the police in Riverdale can’t figure anything out.” Cheryl said and everyone nodded. She took a seat at the table and Toni continued explaining what they knew.
“Well, it was said he went missing on the fourth of July but his body was found washed up on the edge of Sweetwater River weeks later with a gunshot wound to the head.” Toni said pulling up the pictures of the body.
“It was said that he had drowned after a boating trip on July fourth, but the autopsy shows that he was shot and killed on the 11th.” She said sitting at the table with the agents.
“Who was the one that said he drowned?” Agents Jones asked.
“Uhh, that would be…”
“Me.” Cheryl said cutting off Betty.
“What? Why?” Archie asked confused.
“He was running away with his girlfriend and asked me for help, so we were going to fake his death to make sure no one looked for him.” She answered and everyone just looked at her.
“So we need to talk to this girlfriend and see if she saw him before he was murdered.” Agent Jones said.
“Wheels up in thirty minutes.” He said and gathered his file then left to his office.
“Some things never change huh?” Cheryl said and the others just nodded with a smile.
“Oh and Topaz, you’re coming with us.” Agent Jones said then actually made his way to his office.
The team got on the jet and made the short hour flight to Riverdale. The checked into their hotel and split up the room and decided to get to work in the morning. The next day, they went to the Sheriff’s Station to get all the information they had. They divided up the work. Agent Keller and Agent Andrews went to the coroner's office. Agent Cooper, agent Jones, and Cheryl went to talk to Jason Blossom’s girlfriend. And Toni, agent Mantle, and agent Lodge stayed in the office the Sheriff’s station had set up for the team.
The three agents showed up at the doorstep of Polly Bennett. Cheryl knocked on the door and Polly’s mother Alice Bennett answered the door. She was dressed in a light blue sweater and a pair of white pants. She answered with a smile.
“Hello, what can I do for you?” She asked politely.
“Hello ma'am, I’m special agent Jones, this is special agent Cooper, and this is former special agent Blossom. We would like to talk to your daughter.” Agent Jones said showing her his badge.
“If this is about that boy’s murder it wasn’t my daughter.” She said crossing her arms.
“We weren’t suggesting it was, she was his girlfriend and we need to speak with her.” Agent Cooper said.
“Fine, come in.” She said and let the three agents in.  She sat them down in the living room and call for her grieving daughter. Polly walked down the stairs with her pregnant belly and sat across from the agents.
“We’re sorry for your loss…” Agent Cooper said starting the conversation.
“When was the last time you saw Jason Blossom?” Agent Jones asked getting right to the point.
“We made a plan to run away to a farm upstate a week before he died…I didn’t see him a lot after that, maybe twice…” She said sadly.
“Did anyone else know about this plan?” Agent Cooper asked.
“Just his sister.” She said nodding towards Cheryl.
“Alright, I think that’s all the questions we have for now. If you can this of anymore important information call me.” Agent Jones said handing the girl a card.
“Okay…” She nodded and the the agents left the house to go back to the office. Once the three agents were back the other three that were in the office revealed some new information.
“Good, you guys are back, check this out.” Agent Lodge said motioning them to come over to Toni’s computer. They crowded around the small screen and looked at the article that was on the screen.
“Turns out that your brother was going to take over your family's business.” Agent Mantle said.
“Well he was the only option, so yeah.” Cheryl said like it was obvious. Everyone was deep in thought when the other two agents returned from the coroner's office.
“Any new information?” Agent Jones asked the two.
“Yes, actually, there were bruises on his wrist like he was restrained for a period of time.” Dr. Keller said.
“So he was kidnapped and held somewhere for a week then shot in the head?” Agent Lodge said confused.
“It looks like it, how about the girlfriend?” Agent Andrews asked.
“Well she’s pregnant so that news, but other than that she only saw him twice after they made the plan to run away.” Agent Cooper answered.
“Cheryl did your parents get any ransom note or calls?” Agent Mantle asked.
“No, nothing.” She answered.
“That’s odd…” Dr. Keller said.
“What?” Agent Jones asked.
“Well, they’re a rich family, so why no ransom? Why kidnapped and hold hostage a teen from a well known rich family and not asked for money?” He asked.
“So you’re saying it was someone that didn’t know him?” Agent Cooper asked.
“No, I’m saying what if it was someone that knew him but didn’t need money.” Dr. Keller said.
“Why keep him for seven days then? Why not just kill him right away?” Agent Andrews asked.
“What if they knew about the plan, so they could make it look like he made it out of town and get washed up back in town?” Dr. Keller suggested. The agents thought about that for a second.
“So who killed him? If it was someone that knew him a knew about the plan, who gains from his death?” Toni asked.
“Who was going to lose the business to him?” Dr. Keller asked.
“My father…” Cheryl answered and everyone’s eyes widened.
“Let’s go.” Agent Jones said and the team got into the car. The team drove to Cheryl’s old home and they had their vest on and guns at the ready. They knocked on the door but no one answered. Agent Andrews kicked down the door and they saw a man running out the back.
“FBI freeze!” Agent Jone shouted but the man ran out the back door.
“Andrews, Mantel you two go around back. Keller, Lodge you two stay here and search the house. The rest of us will go around the other side.” Agent Jones ordered and everyone nodded. They all split up and they saw the man run into a barn that was on the property. The Agents that were outside all made their way to the barn and cautiously opened the doors. When they opened them they saw Cheryl’s father hung by a noose. The agents put their guns away and informed the others that it was over. That the murderer was dead.
Cheryl had thanked them for helping her to find her brother’s killer. They went back to the Sheriff’s office and packed up everything to go back home. They weren’t excited for the new reports they had to write up, but another monster was off the streets and this small town named Riverdale was now safer than it was before.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @cuddlememerrick @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @southsidefandoms @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @answer-the-sirens @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999
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fangirlsarecool · 7 years
So Unprofessional - Jake Peralta x Reader
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Based around the episode “The Road Trip”. Enjoy! Also on AO3. My other one shots start here.
Holt came over to you and Jake. The two of you had been going over your open cases at Jake's desk before you set off for a prison transfer. You would have preferred to stay and work the cases but you couldn’t refuse the instructions of your CO. "Morning, detectives. Let's go over the prisoner transfer upstate." he requested. You closed your file and looked to him. "The perp is called Jesse Hermick. Arrested for nine counts of armed robbery but he skipped bail." you informed him. "He was just picked up in Neustadter, New York, trying to pay for a hoagie with a gun." Jake added.
"The sheriff said we have to pick him up tomorrow morning at 6:30. We're going up today and spending the night." you finished. Holt nodded, handing out a file to you. "Here are the transfer forms. Please don't--" "Get any Jake on them?" you posed, taking it from him. "They'll be in my safe hands the whole time, sir. Maybe I should put them in a bag in my overnight bag." "That's a good call." Jake reached beneath his desk and pulled out a bottle. "All the drinks I'm taking are blue." You grimaced; anything with artificial colours was a huge no-no for you. "Naturally." Holt said. He looked to you. "Call me if you need anything." You nodded. "Yes, sir." He took his leave, heading to his office. You went over to your desk and put the forms into your overnight bag. "Hey, I hope this is cool with you, but since we're not technically on duty 'til tomorrow morning, I invited Sophia to join me upstate," Jake told you, "The B&B we're staying at looks really nice. It's almost like it's haunted by fancy ghosts." You smiled. "Why would I mind?" Of course, you really did mind. It wasn’t anything to do with Sophia; she seemed nice, even if she was a defence attorney. You had just been hoping to spend some one-on-one time with him. The truth of the matter was, you fancied Jake. You moved from a precinct in Manhattan about a year ago and he had been partnered with you on your first case at the 99. It had helped you remember how fun police work could actually be. The two of you went for a drink once the case was solved. He'd told you how his dad left him when he was a kid and you'd told him how your mom had done the same. There were many differences between you but you felt you'd found a kindred spirit. And from that moment on, your heart had leeched itself to him. "I just thought all the romantic stuff might be awkward. You know, because of whatever girl your pining over." Raising an eyebrow, you walked back over to his desk. "I'm not pining over anyone." you assured. "And why do you assume it's a girl?" "I've just never seen you get this fixated on a guy before. Remember the girl from the grocery store?" he explained.
You went bright red. "I only mentioned her once." Jake scoffed. "Yeah. Once a day." You shook your head and sighed. "For the record, it's a guy." His eyes widened. "Who is it? Do I know him? Is it Charles?" he probed. You could barely mask the unattractive snort that the thought elicited. "It's not Boyle." "Well, whoever he is, he must be special." A warmth washed through your body. "He is." You tore yourself from his gaze, walking to your desk and grabbing your bag. "You finish up. I'm gonna wait in the car." "Alright. I'll be out in a sec." You nodded, pulling the bag up onto your shoulder and walking out of the bullpen. Once the elevator doors closed, you had to resist the urge to smack your head against them. Hard. Jake was going to bombard you with questions in the car and the more he knew, the more likely he was going to figure out who the 'mystery guy' was. And that would not end well.
It barely took five minutes for Jake to start his bombardments. You managed to dodge the first few of his questions until he asked, "Is it someone from the 99?" Your heartbeat sped up and your palms grew sweaty. He was sure to work out it was him (if he ruled out those not in the 'inner circle'). "I know you said it was a guy but I've seen you making eyes at Rosa and…" You couldn’t help but laugh. "You think I like Rosa?" you wheezed, "I mean, she's gorgeous. But she's freaking terrifying." "Point taken." he replied, chuckling a little. "It's definitely no-one on the squad, then. Unless it's me." Luckily, you had enough residual laughter to brush it off though you could feel your cheeks burning up your face. "Jake Peralta, the only way you will ever find out is if I get drunk enough to lose my filter. Which will never happen." A smirk grew on his face. "Never say never, (y/n). We're not on duty until tomorrow." You shook your head. "So unprofessional." you sighed. "Am not. I do most of my paperwork and I wear a tie sometimes." "Sometimes I wonder how you even reached detective status." "Because I'm a badass hero and the commissioner's always like 'Peralta, you're Brooklyn's number one. Take all the cases'. " He paused before explaining, "It was a dream I had once. John McClane gave me the Medal of Valor. Kate Hudson was there. Also the Ninja Turtles." You chuckled. "You have a weird brain." "So do you. Because you're pining over Terry? Gina? Amy? Holt?" he suggested, his voice growing more exasperated with each name. "I'm not gonna tell you, Jake. And you're never gonna work it out."
"Come on, (y/n), I'm Brooklyn's number one. I'm gonna find out." You shook your head again, something you found yourself doing a lot whenever Jake talked. Placing your head against the window, you watched the scenery whiz by in a blur of colour. And you hoped to God that Jake would give up on trying to figure your secret out.
Sophia was already at the B&B when you and Jake arrived. "Hey." you greeted. "Hi, (y/n)." she replied with a smile. You went to the check-in desk to get the key to your room. "I have a room booked under (y/l/n)." you told the man at the desk. He typed your name into the computer then looked at you for the first time with a bright smile. "Of course, ma'am. I'll just get your key." He turned to the board behind him. For some annoying reason, you couldn’t help but tune into Jake and Sophia's conversation. "I got us the room of a thousand dolls." she finished. "Oh, sounds creepy." he remarked. "Super creepy." They both chuckled. "So I'm gonna go unpack, and then I'm gonna take a bath, and then we have dinner, and then--" "Doin' it." You had to stop yourself from reacting to his indelicacy. "I was gonna say dessert." "Oh. Synonym. Cool. Better." You felt so stupid; you were a grown woman, wishing you were the one having failed innuendos with Jake instead of Sophia. It was as if you were in high school again, pretending in your head that you were strong enough to hold up the main cheerleader in the pyramid. You couldn’t really blame young you for that - the girl had some pretty strong arms. "Ma'am?" You were dragged back to reality by the concierge holding your room key out to you. "Thank you." you said. "Enjoy your stay! And don't forget to try one of our famous mapletinis!" You smiled weakly before turning to the couple. "We're gonna go up to settle in." Jake told you. You nodded. "Cool. I'm um…" You tried to think of something to do that wasn’t staying holed up in your room all night. "Gonna hit the bar. Try a mapletini." you fabricated. "Hey, I'll join you if you want." Every fibre of your being was telling you to say yes but instead you found yourself saying, "It's fine. I'm sure you and Sophia have got stuff you wanna do." Jake turned to his girlfriend and whispered something. She nodded. "I'll see you later, (y/n)." You smiled as she went upstairs. "Is everything alright?" Jake asked, "Just tell me if I pushed things too far with the whole 'who do you fancy' thing. I'm just really--" You butted in. "It's fine. I'm fine." you reassured. Jake wasn’t an idiot (most of the time); you knew he knew something was off but you also knew he wouldn’t pry. "You're sure?" You nodded. "Absolutely. I'll join you for dinner, if you're lucky." You chuckled awkwardly. Get it together, you told yourself. "Go have fun with Sophia. I promise you I'm fine." "Excuse me, sir? Can you call room 14 for me and tell him to get his butt down here? This place is about to get turnt and he's gonna miss out." "Ma'am, we've already placed the call. He said he'll be down in a moment." Somehow, one mapletini had turned into two. After the second drink, everything became a bit fuzzy. But at least you were having a good time now and not constantly thinking about what Jake and Sophia were doing. "Thank you…" Your voice trailed off as you peered at the bartender's name badge. "M…m…marrow? Mermaid? Mervin?" "It's Meredith." she corrected. You shook your head defiantly. "I'm pretty sure it says marrow." You paused before a really good idea popped into your head. "Can you do me favour, marrow?" you asked. "It's Meredith." she repeated with a heavy sigh. "Whatever. I need you to call room 14. Tell him that our perp is in this hotel and we can take him back to the 99 now." You jabbed you finger down on the bar to emphasise the urgency. "Ma'am, I've already called room 14. And as I said before, the man at the other end told me he'd be down in a moment." She moved down the bar, probably to take someone else's order. Following her down, you dropped into the seat in front of her, preventing her from moving on. "His name's Jake." you told her with enthusiasm. "He's got sparkly eyes and a great butt. And really strong arms. Or maybe that was the cheerleader." "(Y/n)?" Your head whipped round so fast that you probably could have given yourself whiplash. You gasped. "That's him." you whispered to the bartender. She grunted before moving to the next customer. "Jakey!" you whooped, hopping off your stool and skipping over to him. "Are you drunk?" he queried, his amusement of the situation written all over his face, "I thought you were just having one mapletini?" "I did. But then I fancied another one. I had a glass of wine after that. It was fruity…I think. And then," You lowered your voice, "I stole someone's shots." He tried and failed to fight the grin on his face. "I may have been waiting a long time to see drunk you," he began, "But we have to be up early tomorrow. Isn't that 'so unprofessional'?" He made his voice higher at the end. He was mocking you. You scoffed and raised an eyebrow. "That was supposed to be me? I can do a way better me than you can." You cleared your throat loudly as if Jake was supposed to expect something amazing. "So unprofessional." you said, changing nothing about your voice. He chuckled. "Okay. That was cute." You were sure you were blushing but the room was already so hot that you couldn’t tell. "Let's get you to bed." He placed a guiding arm around your waist and it was as if you could feel every single chemical reaction exploding inside you like tiny fireworks. It was a good job he was helping you as your legs had turned to jelly. Looking up at him with a sort of dazed smile, you remarked, "You're looking after me." "Of course I am. That's what friends are for." he replied with a warm smile. The fireworks inside of you died off - all of them clumping together and sinking to the bottom of your stomach. Before you had any idea what was happening, words came tumbling out of your mouth. "I hate it when you say that." you admitted. His face fell and you instantly regretted your words. "Say what?" Apparently, there was no stopping you now. "That we're friends." His brow furrowed. "You don’t like that we're friends?" You shook your head. "No, I do. But I don't." And when his brow creased even further, you found yourself saying, "I want us to be more." His expression didn’t change. You didn’t know whether he'd heard you. "It's you, Jake," you continued, "The mystery man. The hang-up. The special guy." The look on his face was unreadable but you didn’t know if that was because you were drunk. "You like me?" he uttered.
"Well, duh." you replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "And today was supposed to be about us. We were gonna play ping-pong, drink mapletinis and see if we could find any fancy ghosts." Realising how much you sounded like a whiny, jealous bitch, you stopped. Something gurgled in your stomach but you chose to ignore it. For once, it seemed Jake was speechless. "You laughed when I suggested it was me." he said. "But I didn’t say no. Why do you think I was so cut up about you going undercover? Why do you think I always volunteer to check over your paperwork? I let you drink blue drinks in my car." Your stomach gurgled again and something shifted inside you. You started to giggle. "What?" Jake asked confused. "I'm about to throw up on your shoes." you tittered. And, before he could even react, you did exactly that.
You slumped into the car seat, placing your sunglasses back on. Why, oh why, did you drink last night? Of course, you knew the exact answer to this and couldn’t bear to remind yourself of it. You’d been so stupid and now you were paying the price. Jake shut his door, the sound reverberating through your skull, after securing the perp in the backseat. “You did a pretty good job of not seeming hungover.” he chuckled.
You groaned. “Turn off your mouth siren.” “I’m sorry. Is it too loud for you?” he replied, raising his voice. You cringed away; it felt like someone was just hammering away at your brain. “Jake.” you whined. He reached for the drink holder and held out a bottle to you. “Want some blue?” You stared at the bright blue liquid for a moment before taking it from him. Unscrewing the lid, you considered if a dry mouth was good enough excuse to stoop this low. But after last night, you didn’t think that was physically possible. Jake watched in wonderment as you chugged at least half the bottle. “Wow. Last night really broke you, huh?” You nodded. “I only stopped throwing up about an hour before we left.” There was a pause. You watched as he opened his mouth then closed it again, contemplating whether or not to say something. Knowing that whatever he wanted to say would be a stain on your character from last night, you jumped in. “I know this goes without saying but I’d really appreciate it if you don’t tell Holt.” you requested. “Of course. I’ve done way worse when I’ve been on duty.” You raised an eyebrow. “Worse than getting drunk, puking on your partner’s shoes then turning up for a prison transfer hungover?” “Good point.” The hesitant air settled in the car again and you watched Jake’s jaw shift before speaking. “So, last night you said something to me.” Your heart leapt up into your throat and your face burned bright red. “I did?” you choked out, sincerely hoping drunk you hadn’t spilled your secrets to him. “Yeah. You…um… told me how you wished we could have spent time together yesterday." You didn’t think your face had ever been so red; drunk you sounded like a needy toddler. "Oh, God. Jake, I am so sorry." You paused before adding, "Did I say why?" He shook his head and you sighed with relief. "You just said I was a funny guy then vommed on my shoes." You covered your face with your hands and groaned again - Jake was never going to let you forget that. "How are your shoes, by the way?" you asked, muffled by your hands. "Oh, they were past their best about two months ago. Picked these up in lost and found. They'll do." You lowered your hands and peered at his shoes. They were illuminous colours and someone had drawn flowers all over the white fabric. "Yeah. Until we get back." you said. "Oh, no. They'll do until they fall apart. Or someone throws up on them again." The two of you laughed. "Anyway, because we missed out on time together, I want to make it up to you." he offered. Your heart swelled as you stuttered, "Oh, Jake…y…you don’t…" "(Y/n), this idea took me forever. Let me have this." You sighed but kept schtum. "You and I are gonna have ourselves a good old competition off. I was thinking we could go to that arcade your brother used to take you to. It'll have air hockey, shooter games and probably some dance machines." Eyes wide, you looked to him with a small smile - he'd remembered about the arcade. "But it's in Manhattan." "We both have a day off next week, yeah?" You pushed your sunglasses up onto your head. "And you want to spend it with me?" You were completely gob-smacked; the endorphins were rushing through you. Jake must have been the most thoughtful guy you'd ever met. "It may surprise you to know that I like spending time with you." The familiar feeling of fireworks set off inside you. "I like spending time with you too." Jake gave you a quick glance and the look on your face confirmed that what you'd said last night was true. It seemed it wasn’t so hard to get you to spill your secrets after all.
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Only Been Dead For Fifteen Years ~ Sam Drake (UNCHARTED)
Pairings: Samuel Drake x reader 
Words: 1,203
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Language
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The first thing you noticed when you pulled into the parking lot of Nate's office was the unfamiliar car in which some asshole decided to park right where you usually parked. The fact that it should be clear on the door that the office was closed yet there was someone here that you didn't know and they took your spot really just made that hammer in your head start pounding against your temple.
You frustratedly turn the ignition off and fiddle with the keys, trying to pull them out without breaking anything. The night wasn't on your side and it just seemed to be getting worse, but you had news for Nate that he surely wasn't going to like to hear and you wanted to get it over with.
Trudging over to the main door, you glanced up at the 'HOURS' sign just to make sure you had something to prove if anyone started a fight. "Goddamn right, we closed an hour ago..." You mutter under your breath as you go to open the door only to realize that Nathan must have locked it AFTER letting some unwelcomed guest in.
"Jesus fucking - NATHAN OPEN THIS DOOR!" You shout, banging on the entrance. You would have used the spare set of keys you owned, if only you hadn't mistakingly left them at the house.
You could hear laughing from the other side of the door, something of which sent an odd dejá vû feeling crawling down your spine.
"Sorry ma'am, we're closed!" The voice talks in a deep, mocking tone. "Read the sign!"
You were about ready to respond with an insult when you could hear the sound of the door unlocking from the other side. Whichever one of them were about to open the door, you didn't give them the chance to before pushing it open and purposely hitting whoever was behind it.
"Nathan why are there people here when we are closed?!" You grab a hold of his arm, harshly whispering without even looking at the guest.
"Holy hell, fifteen years can do a lot to a person."
The sound of the voice emitting from not too far behind caused your skin to run cold. It sounded all too familiar, but that was impossible? How many years has it been? No, there's no way that it could be -
Your lips parted and your eyes went slightly wide, you were still looking at Nathan but your grip on him loosened and you ultimately let go of his arm.
It was just a voice, you couldn't always put a face to a simple voice you hear, right? He was shot years ago, many many years ago... how many again? It couldn't have been fifteen although fifteen sounded about right, but it has to be some kind of a coincidence because Samuel Drake was deemed a dead man.
"S-Sam?" You turn your head to the side, not wanting to look at him just yet.
"I didn't think she would remember who I - woah, woah, woah hold up there sweetheart!"
You didn't allow him to finish his sentence before quickly grabbing the gun you kept in your back pocket and turning around, pointing it at him.
It was him alright...
The man you fell in love with almost twenty years ago.
The man you spent nights crying over after he broke your heart, the one you forgave.
The man you watched get shot fifteen years ago and die in front of you.
"Y/n, hey put the gun down -
"How did - why are you - where in the hell did, -" you pinch the bridge of your nose with the opposite hand and take a deep breath, trying to steady your pounding heart.
He looks older which is expected but was still attractive to your eye. His hair had grown out a little longer than you could last remember, again a lot could be forgotten in fifteen years. He had some facial hair, but you couldn't remember if he had the same amount of it fifteen years ago as he does now.
You could see part of his bird tattoo on his neck.
"Look I was shot once, and I don't wanna go through that mess again." He puts his hands up in defense but doesn't seem too worried.
The tears sprung your eyes, the emotions you were feeling right now were too much of a mess to explain but one sentiment stuck out the most: anger.
"Fifteen years, fifteen goddamn years and you show up out of fucking nowhere and expect - oh my god." You drop the gun and run a shaking hand through your hair, trying preventing yourself from pulling any strands out. "How do you expect me to..." You started mumbling to yourself as you pushed past Nathan and walked into the office, your tears were desperately threatening to fall, and a couple started to slip before you had the chance to stop them.
"Y/n, listen I know it's -
"Where is it, no no they said you were a dead! I swear to god I spent months upon months trying to figure out what happened to your - no... no, I can't." Your words were coming out faster than either of them could understand but by the sound of your voice cracking it was clear you were pretty upset.
You were opening filing cabinets and rummaging through files, trying to search for the one you knew confirmed Sam's death. It was here, you knew it was because you kept it... you wouldn't throw away something like that.
A pair of strong arms grabbed you from behind and you fought a little, trying to get him to let go.
"I know baby, I know..." He pulled you to him as you began to sob, your arms threw themselves around him and you hugged him with all the strength you had. "And don't think in those fifteen years I spent a night without thinking about you."
You pulled away from him just so you could place both hands on his face and get a good look at him. "Y-You're here?" You laughed, running your thumb across his scruff.
"And you didn't shoot me, so that's also a good thing." He chuckles.
Kissing a man you haven't seen for fifteen years wouldn't exactly be on the top of your list, but since within those fifteen years you still loved him - you felt it was pretty damn justified. You lean in and press your lips against his, weaving your fingers through his hair as you felt that familiar sensation of his lips, you tasted the sweet hint of mint.
He kissed you back but pulled away shortly after. "I was hoping you'd still wanna do something like that."
"W-Why are you here...?" You ask, touching his clothed chest, still trying to process that he's this close to you.
"I'm in a whole lot of trouble, Y/n..."
Nathan groans and you look up at him, leaning against the doorframe. "You've only been dead for fifteen years big brother, what kind of mess could you have gotten into?"
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