#so many hugs and so much support
To Papa IV...
I just wanna put this weight out of my shoulders... I am horribly stressed by the situation of my country right now. We had the elections in 2022 and Lula won (he is from the 'woke side', or 'left side' as we call it in Brazil), I was very happy even though i'm not a big fan of him, because our ex-president Bolsonaro (2018-2022) was a homophobic misogynistic imbecile that hid behind "Christian values" and conquered a legion of hallucinated fans and as scoundrels as he is (most of them are christians too). And one of these imbecile fans is, guess who? My father. Almost my whole family, actually, except for my mom and some aunts. Before yesterday (01/08/2022), a grup of imbecile fans literally INVADED THE PRESIDENTIAL PLATEAU because they didn't accept Lula's victory, people were hurted, police men, animals, innocent people that had nothing to do with their insanity, it was an absolute chaos. His fans are truly terrorists, false christians, conservative maniacs and absolutely disgusting discriminators of minorities. My father was so but so happy that all of this chaos happened, and he wished that those imbeciles to burn the houses of certain judges and other people who were in favor of Lula. Him, his sister and other people in my family are PRAYING (yes, PRAYING TO THEIR GOD) for a CIVIL WAR to happen, they want people to DIE. My dad said out loud and in all the words that innocent people MUST DIE for the "greater good" to be done; in this case, so that the ex-psychopathic, dumb, prejudiced president, who caused the death of more than 700 thousand people due to his negligence during the 2020-2021 pandemic, can return to power. These are the citizens of good moral followers of Jesus Christ.
I am actually scared that a civil war can happen. You don't need to search too much to find agressive, murderous attacks of Bolsonaro's supporters – BOLSOMINIONS, as we call them – against other people (LGBT people, dark-skinned people, women, or simply people with red clothes because red is the symbol of Lula's entourage). They are like animals, ready to attack and KILL (yes, kill) people that are different from them. The last months of 2022 was full of videos of Bolsominions attacking cars and even pedestrians because they didn't accept democracy. Shit... such poor, maniac, pitiful minds.
I just wanted to hear some comfort of my favorite Papa, the one I love so much, and to hear what you think about this. It's a horrible situation. I hope things can move on without violence, and i hope those Bolsominions will wake up one day... one day, who knows.
Sweetest one,
I can only imagine the stress you feel and I am deeply sorry that this is happening around you. These are terrible things for anyone to witness. Violence and hate, these show the worst side of humanity. When people who boast about a message of love and godliness, discriminate and persecute- they are worse than the demons they fear. These demons are not real. Fabricated specters of their own design they feel they must fight. They oppose what they do not understand. They would rather fight for some ideals that have been propagandized so deeply in their mind that they have been blinded to what they think morality is anymore. Brainwashed masses of poor souls with a thirst for vengeance upon a faceless deceiver they have been so well trained to feel threatened by.
This is an unfortunate part of our history that keeps repeating itself in different times and places, all with a similar manifestation. A group of people have beliefs that differ enough from another’s that the clash devolves into chaos and death. Pointless death. The solace I hope to impart to you, dolce, is that this fire in their hearts, one they feel will last forever, will burn out. A spirit that is tainted in this way will never survive. It is normal to feel both hatred and sorrow for the same folks who are part of this destruction, because they are unaware that they are carrying out their own demise in doing so. We can hope they see their error before too much damage has been done. We cannot bring back those who have been lost but we can honor them by staying together, like a stronghold in the storm. The more support there is, the more there is left standing when the storm passes.
Whenever and however you can, surround yourself with people you love and who love you. Support each other, cry and laugh when you need to, and don’t let those with words of hate on their tongues talk you out of losing that hope. You are doing so well in all of this and I am very proud of you. I know you are strong and I know you can keep going. Remember that you are never alone and that even though some people are piece of shit assholes, there are some good ones out there.
All of my love to you, my dear.
- IV
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agentark · 1 year
whatever you do, don't imagine a young J Corvin waiting every day at the end of their drive, hoping today is the day the mail carrier finally brings a letter from their very best friend
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stellewriites · 2 months
just had a fucking banger of a session at work with some teens,, i feel like it’s such a breakthrough like this is so rewarding omg
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kotekenobii · 2 years
The more I think about Cody in the tbb s2 trailer the more insane I feel about it and the more sorry I feel for him. Put yourself in his shoes. He’s got something in his head that’s not letting him think straight, let alone make his own choices. That something in his head told him to shoot and kill the love of his life (or if you don't subscribe to that, one of his very closest friends). He no longer has Obi-Wan or Rex or anyone else to lean on for support: he’s all alone. He doesn't have anyone he can trust. And so, in desperation, he is talking to the one person in his life who he still has a bit of a connection with - Crosshair, who he helped as best as he could before the war ended through his involvement with the Bad Batch (I'd love to know the full canonical extent of how much Cody had to do with the Bad Batch, and have many thoughts of my own about it, but that's for some other time). "Rumours are, more and more clones have been questioning the order." Cody's a smart man. He knows he can’t say what’s really on his mind, that he’s feeling terrible for having carried out Order 66, that he knows it was wrong, that he feels too much guilt and regret to ever voice or be able to put into words and that the pain is eating him alive. So he takes the tactical approach. He is testing Crosshair - probing the waters and seeing if perhaps he can trust him, wanting to know if he's not alone. If there are others struggling with the consequences of Order 66. But Crosshair says the exact opposite of what he needs to hear - whe says that those clones are then traitors, like the Jedi. And Cody, who is known for his loyalty, who is meant to set a prime example to those around him, who is in charge of so much and has shouldered so much responsibility for all his life - and who is now struggling with this unimaginable, unspeakable grief and guilt, is confronted with this sudden realisation of being a traitor and it’s so incredibly confusing and heartbreaking and all he wants is to talk to Obi-Wan, but he murdered Obi-Wan and he really is lost and alone. He can't trust anyone. He can't trust Crosshair, sure, but what's worst of all is that he knows he can't even trust himself and his own mind.
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rosylamb · 2 months
I really appreciate you opening up about your father. That sounds really personal and also really difficult both what he is going through and what you all are going through. I don't really have a lot to share but just that I appreciate your openness about what is going on with you and I want to send positive energy and support and for you to know that among your followers there are people who really care.
Dear friend ・。 ⊹ 🎀🧸
I am sorry this is so late !!
Because I truly appreciate the warmth and compassion you have shared *so* much ♡
It’s just hard for me to talk about my father, though I do share what I can as I believe in honesty!
And what if someone else is having a hard time, too?
Maybe they are losing or have lost a loved one or they are having some hardship?
So it might comfort them to see they are not alone c:
But it is still hard .. my father’s disease is a lot for me very often (I cry pretty much every day)
God is walking in this valley with me, however, and despite all I am still amazed at all the small joys He brings me, and how blessed I am ♡
Like *this*! Your kind words, and encouragement — you are a blessing to me, and have given me something to smile about today !!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, friend c:
I send much love and light to you in return! Please take care, and have a really *really* happy day today ~ !! XO
(Also a hug and some of the little cakes I’m baking .. they are looking so nice! I used a fancy heart shaped cupcake pan and some heart sprinkles and they’re gonna be sooo yummy I just know it !!)
🤍 ・ 。 ⊹
⊹ ♡ * ・。 ⊹ 🎀
🩰 ⊹ 🧁 ♡
♡ ⊹ * 🧸 ˚ . 🤍
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aprilblossomgirl · 2 years
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random sound win moment [2/?] nothing. no context. just sound and win throwing looks at each other. in whatever occasions available. (my school president, episode 5)
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hkpika07 · 11 months
Heyy... I just want to request Spencer Angst
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Alright, just for you.
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savebylou · 24 days
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 3 months
Top 5 golden girls Moments?
How could you ask me this. Not even my top 5 episodes, my top 5 moments. This is an impossible choice. Do you enjoy inflicting pain on me? I may die from this (said in Blanche's half-asleep accent).
I hope you know that producing this list has been equivalent to tearing my beating heart out of my chest.
The Great Herring War scene from S1E25 The Way We Met
Rose's reveal that she had 56 boyfriends before settling down with Charlie from S7E13 Old Boyfriends
Dorothy telling off Blanche's abusive boyfriend (and Blanche kicking him out of the house) from S6E13 The Bloom Is Off The Rose
The little moment between Dorothy and Rose on the lanai from S5E19 72 Hours
The kiss on Rose's nose + hug from S3E3 Bringing Up Baby
There. I hope you're happy. Personally I will never recover from this.
[Ask me my Top 5 anything]
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grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
there's something about characters for whom emotions cannot be contained, where the feelings are all so surface level whether they want them to be or not, who can't help but be loudly angry or happy or sad, who love so so deeply and have no hope of concealing it
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lesbiansanemi · 4 months
I don’t often think I’m upset at not having a good relationship with my parents but sometimes it really fucking hits me that I don’t have a good mom I don’t have a dad I’ll never experience having a good parent and someone I can lean on like that and I get… really upset
#I have this coworker who is about my mom’s age#I love her and she’s a wonderful person and she’s such a good parent to her kids#her autistic queer kids and she fights for them and defends them all the time#she values their interests and does things they love with them and supports their choices and jusy#ugh#today she gave me a hug because ‘it’s really seemed like I wasn’t doing okay’#and ‘I’ve been dealing with a lot of hard things and big life changes which she knows is really hard’#and I kinda teared up#my own parents don’t even know about everything that has happened with my roommate or the friends I’ve lost this year#I don’t tell them. and I could but it wouldn’t matter#my mother wouldn’t care. she definitely wouldn’t sympathize or give me a hug over it#she wouldn’t comfort me#my dad my try but he lives thousands of miles away#and I love my dad but I didn’t get to know him until I was 17#I don’t think he’s really like… a dad you know?#he’s more like some weird friend or MAYBE an uncle than anything#which is fine! I think it’s really the best we can do and like I said I do love him and I know he loves me#but it’s still… different than a parent you know?#and sometimes I just ache knowing I don’t get parents…#I don’t get that relationship that so many ppl have that’s so important to them#and it just doesn’t feel fair and makes me feel really sad#I’m glad I’m as independent as I am but even that doesn’t feel fair#I’ve lived on my own since I was 17…. I never should have had to do that anyways….#and I just feel sad because I got a hug from my coworker that made me want to sob#because it’s like damn… is this a teeny tiny taste of what having an actual good mom is like?#I missed out on so much….#kaz rambles
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wikipedie · 1 year
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I love this scene so much and I'm so glad it exists, because it's an excellent and quite poignant lesson on boundaries, consent, and the breaking of boundaries. Also a good way to show how important 'No means no' is even in situations which are non-sexual.
Your boundaries and people's boundaries are important exactly as they are and they do not require justification. (I said no and I do not need to explain my reasoning to you.) They do not require the approval of the other people for them to be enforced. And they need to be enforced, especially to people who would find as many excuses as possible to break them.
"I know you said no, but then I remembered that if you needed my help, I would give it to you." --what it's implied--> 'I can go over your boundaries and explicit no if they're something that I personally would have no trouble doing for you.' (or maybe even 'I'm a good person who would help you, so you are required to help me in return.')
'But it's your free period and your kids don't need this bathroom right now' --what it's implied --> 'I can go over your boundaries and explicit no if it's something that I believe is reasonable.'
When in truth, no means no. Nobody has any right for any reason to go over our explicit boundaries, and however reasonable they might feel, we have a right to be angry. We deserve to have our opinions taken into consideration, we deserve to have give our consent in all situations and we deserve to be asked if we would be willing to consider new information (that might or might not change our boundaries. We are not required to just because there's new information)
Thank you Ms. Howard and thank you Abbott Elementary for your short lesson on boundaries and consent.
#abbott elementary#barbara howard#jeanine teagues#gregory eddie#boundaries#consent#s2e5#there's also a discussion about jeanine and how she doesn't acknowledge her responsibility in the situation#and instead gets mad at ms. howard for not letting them use the bathroom as if they're entitled to it#(when there are other options). and what ms. howard likely feared appened anyways and that toilet also broke#but well...there's a whole post i could make about janine and growth#sometimes i'm upset at her but most times i just want to hug her#emotionally she's very much still a child - she's HAD to be an adult since she WAS a child#and she never could be a proper child#but she also doesn't really want to admit to herself or to others of the things that she needs and wants. (mainly love)#she's a bit entitled here because of...so many things. it's hard to admit when you're wrong in a situation which supports a mentality#and for what's worth i agree with her. sometimes things really could be better. but she was wrong about the juice (hard to accept tho)#and it's also hard to ask for love and work on your insecurities (which also play a part)#i can't wait to see her get there tho <3#she's a loving and caring person. and for what's worth she accepts ms. howard's anger about her boundaries being broken...eventually#ugh i'll shut up i could talk for hours. i really like her and i honestly also relate to her.#(in mentality issues and sense of humor but also we both love ms howard and look up to her <3)
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emometalhead · 2 years
The anger I feel listening to Would've, Could've, Should've is insurmountable. I'm 19, and just view myself as such a kid. Like it's always really weird and gross to me when older people view me as a full adult, because I'm really not! I can't legally drink. My brain isn't fully developed. I'm more mature than I was as a younger teenager, but I'm still missing so much life experience. It kills me that Taylor dealt with so much at my age. She was a kid. I'm glad she is able to look back and acknowledge that her childhood was taken from her and that she was taken advantage of. I hope she's healed from all her teenage self endured.
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rosicheeks · 1 year
I hope you’re doing good.
I miss you.
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icarian-angel · 1 year
i just met this woman a few hours ago and i would die for her
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rosylamb · 1 year
How long have you been doing ballet? Is that your dream career?
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧ !
Oh, hi there !!
What a nice ask this is — you’re very sweet, my friend c:
I’ve actually been dancing since I was quite small, but I got more serious about it in my teens!
It’s not my dream career though, because that would be acting !!! ♡
Or wait — maybe I could just be like Marilyn Monroe, and do acting, singing, *and* dancing? :D
(I mean that does sound pretty exciting!!)
I don’t know! I’m not sure I’d be good enough . . but it’s still nice to dream. :’)
What are some dreams you have? Are you close to achieving them?? I mean maybe you’ve already accomplished some, but I’m sure you have lots of others!
Well, I wish you luck with them! If it’s meant to be then I know it’ll happen, and I believe in you, friend. ♡ ♡
Sending hugs, hearts, and much happiness! Take care & I hope you have the best day ~ !! xoxo ♡⋆ ˚。⋆୨🩰୧ ⋆ ˚ 🤍
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