#so many people are weird about this character which is fine ig but some of them are weird about the actor too
punkxcalibur · 1 year
redraw time!! ft. five hargreeves
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under the cut are some thoughts on my digital art progression + my redraws from 2021 and 2022 + more versions of the newest drawing
as you can see, the first drawing looks like shit. i started out with digital art in late 2020 and this was drawn in firealpaca after i got my first drawing tablet. (the brand was gaomon but i don't remember the model, basically it's a really cheap, screenless one.)
the linework is so wonky oh my god. no linewieght variation
the anatomy just. sucks. i did not use a reference back then
i was obsessed with putting those sparkles in people's hair and yeah, it does not look great.
no sense of color, i just picked whatever, really
for the shading i just used a darker shade of the color underneath and then blended the shit out of that
that weird ass composition with the mug help
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for the 2021 drawing i still used FA, but switched to a huion tablet because the old one broke
luckily got rid of the mug
improvement on anatomy, but the neck is still way too long
really generic artstyle
kind of got a better understanding of colors and shading, but i relied wayy too much on blending modes
on that note, something with the blending modes went really wrong here
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on the top right is my old instagram handle, ignore that.
i discovered the noise tool, which i still use a lot
absolutely no blending
i still relied way too much on multiply without actually taking the effort to learn about color theory
CW blood for the next one
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i switched to ipad pro and procreate in may 2022 but decided to draw this in FA with my old drawing tablet
actually put in the effort to understand his features
better and more detailed linework
got rid of the weird background lines
better understanding of anatomy, planed of the face and color theory
version on the right is without shading, because it think it looks cool as well. kind of has a pop art vibe
that's it i guess. i'm mostly happy with my improvement, but i hope there's more to come
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
Lots of people (myself included tbh) ship klance (Keith and Lance). In s8 the creators made Allura/Lance canon (but then they killed her off and left the ending ambiguous it was weird). Anyway the fandom treats her like she's the most terrible bitchy woman ever but all she wants to do is end the war and avenge her destroyed home planet. Yeah she wasn't always the nicest or always the best, but you could argue some other characters in the show aren't either and they aren't treated near as bad as allura. people really just hate her bc Lance liked her. I don't think allura/lance are good together, but I still liked her as a character and thought she was interesting and had a lot of growth during the show. she DEF is not evil like some people portray her as in fic or talk about her in captions on posts. I've seen people say that they HATE her and that she's the worst and I'm like ??? let her live (well sort of ig she is dead now). lots of fic writers use her as the villain which is so interesting to me bc the show literally has villains like use them. anyway allura so perfectly fits the bracket description she deserves better.
I hate to acknowledge my time in this fandom but I hate the way the fandom treated her more. Allura was treated like shit no matter what side of the Great Ship War you were on because she was always a threat to the biggest ships (klance and sheith). At best she got put into Background Lesbian or Consolation Prize Shallura (Space Mom-zoned) (She was not a motherly figure btw. She was just Black). At worst she was violently demonized for being ~racist~ (kinda not cool with the alien race that blew up her planet for a few episodes), complete with misogynistic language hurled at her (she got called a bitch sooo much). Allura was a good and cool character and the show did her dirty but the fandom was somehow worse.
i apologise for speaking the dark magicks, but amidst the voltron fandoms many, many transgressions, there were a particular subset of people who just hated this girl. the infamous klance wars of the 2010s kept this perfectly fine childrens cartoon character in the sights of shippers everywhere, and she (and her voice actress im sure) were subjected to years of petty squabble blown up to global perportions. ive seen hate, ive seen rants, ive seen fanfics that made her homophobic. girls been through the ringer, and even though voltron was never the show its fandom wanted it to be, i believe allura deserved better
Every Supernatural Woman
Supernatural is so mean to women and committed to queerbaiting but it still gives Sam and Dean lovers to kill. The writers kill and villainize them and the fans get the few that remain
wincest and destiel shippers cannot handle the idea of their blorbos having a Woman THREATENING their SHIPS god FORBID
It literally used to be a running joke that if a female character got introduced you knew she was going to die soon because fans would react so negatively to her "stealing" one of the boys away from the big ship, whether it be destiel or wincest
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magpod-confessions · 4 months
not really a doorkeay shipper, but there are a few fics I’ve read that I really like with those two being the main pairing, and when it comes to the age gap…
I have some thoughts. (Also 🗣️, I would like to hear your opinion mod but if you cannot that’s totally fine as well)
I normally don’t really care too much about age gaps tbh. Yeah it’s often kinda weird and uncomfy but then again I can just. Ignore it. Not engage.
yeah, consenting adults, but since the timeline is oh so fucked up, it just still. Rubs me the wrong way at times.
But also like. Y’all need to understand, that’s fine. It’s fine for others to be uncomfortable by a ship, especially a ship where it could be very easily said thst micheal is about as old as Eric, and thus makes me personally uncomfortable. And this is fine. I can dislike a ship.
but y’all who aren’t uncomfortable, 1) that’s great. It’s great that you have a ship you like. It’s fine. But 2)… broski, it’s JSUT a ship, chill out, no you do not need to justify or make a PowerPoint presentation on the age gap and timeline (that I’ll be honest I don’t even think Jonny himself worries too much over anymore, it’s been literal years) just to explain why the age gap isn’t “problematic”
any age gap can be problematic, that is the fact of life, because any person can be problematic and use such an age gap to their advantage and take advantage of the other person or people.
You all need to chill out and take your shipping wars elsewhere and less seriously. They are fictional characters. They do not personally affect either party in real life. Their ships should not personally affect you in any significant way mentally.
y’all need to touch grass and remember that the block button exists to be used.
Uh agreed yea. Just chill, liking it is fine, not liking it is fine, some of you need to learn that being disgusted or uncomfortable isnt morality, theres many different factors to stuff and everythings very complex and everyone has different opinions which is fine
Personally I dont mind doorkeay its ok ig
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
unpopular opinion: arthur (as much as i like him as a character) was useless in terms of prophecy and liberation of the magic people. not just bc he never ended up lifting the magic ban but bc literally anyone sitting on the throne could have done that. i see no reason why it had to be arthur specifically. but the show liked to pretend like he was the only way to achieve a positive future bc the opprressed community cant simply help themselves that would be silly ig? no no they need to patiently wait that maybe one day their oppressor (whos literally continuing his fathers genocide even if less zealously) has a change of heart and they wont be hunted down like animals anymore. never mind the countless people that will have to die in the mean time. merlin can kill a bajillion people on screen and thats fine and for the greater good but if someone tries to kill One guy sitting on a fancy chair with a fancy hat suddenly thats too extreme. half the time it felt like the show was pointing to merlin as a poster child of how to act when oppressed. the fact that morgana growing bitter about uthers reign is framed as inherently bad and what directly lead to her becoming evil tm is particularly infuriating to me. the choice to create this very ya dystopian setting and then cast the oppressors as part of the main cast and the final solution is just very weird to me. i think it wouldve been objectively for the best if the magic community had overthrown arthur (or uther really but thats not really contested.. unless youre the bbc. this show is so british (derogatory))
in that vein: mordred has never done anything wrong in his entire life and that includes killing arthur
one more for the "arthur was a loser" folder
[ok but about the rest!! I have many thoughts about it. merlin as a member of an Oppressed Minority. his betrayal of his own kin. I'm putting it all under a cut bc you guys don't need to see me rambling about this and the disir again]
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you make a good point — the way in which a story is framed, even the moment we choose as a "beginning", determines what characters we'll feel sympathy for, even when the facts at our disposal are the same.
I don't think the writers were trying to create any kind of deep social commentary btw. just so we're clear. merlin is the hero of the story and his mission is to keep arthur safe. we've got to root for them both.
to have a king with a hatred (fear) of magic gives us a convenient antagonist within the court. merlin having to defend the men that would have him killed for his magic is a great source of dramatic tension. it sort of follows that the people he has to fight against to defend the king/prince are other magic users, or magical threats. (it also keeps things interesting because there would be no challenge for merlin otherwise).
there isn't much of a point in exploring the motives and backstories of other characters with magic (with the exception of morgana, perhaps). They are only briefly touched upon — so these characters remain vaguely antagonistic for the most part. Neutrally aligned at best (see mordred).
We are shown that the druids are (mostly) aware of the prophecy that marks merlin/emrys as the saviour of their kind.
what I find fascinating are merlin's interactions with magic people who are either not aware of this prophecy (gilli) or have no faith in it (kara, possibly?) Because we're never given the chance or the time to see things from their perspective. To see merlin through their eyes.
When gilli says:
"It is time that someone struck a blow for the likes of you and me. And if you're too weak, then I will." (!!!)
It makes him sound like some kind of extremist, but really, when you think about it. isn't his anger kind of justified? I'm not condoning his violence, I'm just saying — it's understandable. uther has killed so many innocent people. literally drowned innocent children. and merlin's like "violence isn't the answer!" — and I can see his point!! but I can see gilli's just as well. and I find it so interesting that he's still addressing merlin as a brother ("the likes of you and me"), even when expressing disappointment in his actions and calling him weak. because they are the same. he's saying "you're deluded, and cozying up to the enemy won't save you"
this episode also contains what is (probably) my favourite dragon call. when merlin summons kilgharrah in other episodes, he's usually in the middle of some Urgent Situation. matters of life or death. there is nothing urgent here, really. yeah, it is arguably a matter of life or death, but nothing merlin couldn’t have stopped on his own. he really just called on kilgharrah to have a heart to heart with a friend — a member of his class.
("You are a creature of magic, and only a creature of magic could hope to understand.")
this episode is about merlin looking for kinship and still feeling isolated from his magic brethren. there's something tragic about the way the prophecy makes him unable to connect to some of the people who would be best placed to understand him.
and gilli plants a small seed of doubt in merlin's mind. "You've been pretending for so long now that you've actually forgotten who you are" (!!)
but kilgharrah reassures merlin that there's a golden age coming. so merlin does what he has to do — he saves uther once again. before gilli leaves, merlin reassures him that one day they will be free.
he tells mordred the same:
"It won't always be like this. One day we will live in freedom again."
and then, when he has the unique opportunity to use his influence on arthur to sway his opinion in the right direction. he fails.
he condemns himself, and the people he spoke to of freedom, to keep living in fear and in hiding — and what's even more upsetting, he does so while talking of a "just and fair kingdom"!
("You must protect the world you spent your life building, a just and fair kingdom for all." What an interesting choice of words. camelot isn't just and fair to all — as merlin knows well. he's lying to arthur, and possibly to himself.)
imagine being gilli or mordred and hearing him say that "there can be no place for magic in camelot." (!) What a slap in the face.
I've read meta suggesting that the disir were testing merlin just as much as arthur (or even more so than him). I'm inclined to believe it — I want to believe it. If anything because it makes the story all the more interesting and tragic. (I know what some are going to say — if mordred's destiny was to kill arthur, it would've happened anyway. but remember what else kilgharrah said — the future is never clear. there are many paths).
I understand why merlin did what he did, I really do. but for a moment, the fair and just kingdom he spoke of was within reach, and he failed to grasp it.
so was gilli wrong after all?
[and kara. I feel quite sympathetic towards her. we know arthur. she can't see him from our (merlin's) perspective. for her, he might as well be uther. magic people are still persecuted under camelot's law. she has spent her life on the run, she has seen people she loved be killed. and from our (arthur's) perspective, she looks like some kind of fanatic. but in reality. put yourself in her shoes. when arthur offers her a chance to save herself by "repenting" for her crime, she says she has nothing to repent for. "it is not a crime to fight for your freedom". that's the belief she's willing to die for. did she deserve to die for it?
(I also think there's an interesting parallel in merlin failing his kin in the disir, and arthur failing mordred in ep 5x11 by condemning kara to death. something about pinning all your hopes on someone who's going to fail you, and doom you both. idk idk.)]
sorry anon. you were saying
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butimjustaliar · 1 year
currently watching red white and royal blue despite the fact that i was initially very put off by the 30y/o cast, anyways, i think the casting works for the most part since their age isnt specified so i'm just kind of pretending they're 30 and it works out, but i think for some scenes it just literally doesnt work AT ALL.
anyways here's a list of scenes that (dont) work when pretending the characters are thirty instead of twenty (sorry i might have gotten less and less constructive the further i got)
the wedding: absolutely, the fact that their frontal lobes are supposed to befully developed makes this ten times funnier
staging photos and interview: absolutely, they arent sassy bc they are young and dont know any better, they are fully aware of what they are doing
broom closted of children's hospital: ehhhh, hard no, why are you awkwardky scrambling around on the floor??? you are not hormonal teens, get yourself together. also Alex being upset about sth so small is kind of giving frontal lobe not developed & insecure
new years party: neutral territory, dont have too many feeling about that
kiss at new years, specifically their facial expressions and body language: what inspired this list. frankly, horrible. they kiss with henry scrunching up his shoulders like he's trying to hide the fact he has a neck and alex not even touching him???? it looks like a bad kiss, and tbh at 30 i'd hope to kiss better than that ngl. replaying the scene and omg it's horrible. would make significantly more sense with younger actors bc what is this
Alex talking to Nora after the kiss: again, i think this isnt too bad, his outfit is truly horrendous, the concept of data analyst and dating henry's friend makes more sense when they are older anyway bc otherwise there'd be an age gap somewhere. dialogue wonky, bc her monologue about the signs he missed about himself, ooof. or maybe i'm just overestimating how self aware 30 year olds are
meeting prime minister and such: perfectly valid. hilarious.
(why are they suddenly making out, i'm ace, be considerate and fucking stop, jesus christ always with these horny people)
(post) make out (talk): fine ig
dinner in paris: yuppppp, works amazingly.
why tf are they being horny again? did i mention i'm ace? wtf is this stop petting each other what the hell i truly dont understand physical affaction
alex talking to his mom: hmmm, dont know, it's kind of weird to have a 30 year old that involved in his moms life. the discussion is kind of giving teen discussing with parent but also maybe i'm wrong and also i dont have that much experience with being son of the president
alex in texas: dressed like baseball dad. yes. regardless, the dialogue (their texts) is HORRENDOUS WHOA. PLS STOP.
wow they are desperately making out again. is it rlly like that when u're not ace? jesus
also zahra finding henry in the closet is fucking hilarious omg. comedy gold. top tier.
coming out to mom: very cute, but calling it badky written and unrealistic bc my mum would never hold me in her arms like that and i'm bitter.
holiday: love it. horrible karaoke, and before you say it, i'm talking simoutanliously simultaneously (god bless auto correct) not good enough to be great but also not bad enough to be entertaining. flavourless.
alex has more boobs than i have which is very affirming for my non existent gender, thanks for the community service, i appreciate it
wow is henry trying to drown himself? bc same
12/10 for relatability regarding not being able to handle people showing any kind of affection
henry on a royal walk post break up: urghhhh, no. who tf realizes the momarchy is stupid at thirty. yeah better late than never but no fuck the monarchy
post break up fight and make up in britain: pretty valid ig, works for all ages i suppose. god i hate henry's accent it's horrendous on a galactical scale
hating the museum voice over. it's very oddly mixed. not an artistic choice i'd make personally
delted this paragraph earlier but i rlly need to get this off my chest, i personally think the actors are very unattractive. no idea why. not a bad thing, but it's been rlly bugging me, bc i feel like they are meant to be attractive, and i see them fitting beauty standards, but i've been thinking maybe they look unattractive bc they tried to make them look younger
THIS MOVIE IS ABOUT AN REVENGE OUTING??? god is not blessing america.
public statement: urghh, tentive no, but i think it's just badly written. again, hating the voice over. what is it with this movie and horrible voice overs?
also their call is giving soap opra why are they acting like they haven't seen each other in two years and thought the other died goodness gracious
meeting, playing piano, chatting: norrrr, dont like it, honestly if you're an unhappy royal in your thirties literally just leave em behind it's not that hard? be a little sure of urself you're not 15 anymore and you haven't been in a long time (in my humble opinion ftfteen should be one of the greatest periods of doubt for a person. all that teenage angst)
british accent so goofy i cant believe that's how initially learned english
talking to some royal highness guy: yeah no, again, any self respecting person with a fully developed frontal lobe would drop the f bomb and leave ("fuck you grandpa, i dont care about the nation, i wanna fuck love this handsome lad. goodbye, farewell, old man")
crowds forming: plot fots better for a coming of age movie, not one about thirty year old dudes
election: fine ig
also the election is soo not that plot relevant, what's the point showing the result? what a whack ass plot point just to then have them go to alex' childhood home? what the hell
in conclusion: very cute movie, horrible writing kind of, but definitely some good moments in there. choice of actors definitely odd, bad in a lot of expected ways, but also not that bad ig. wouldn't rewatch, but would definitely watch compilations of it on youtube bc comedy (it's why i watched it in the first place!)
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prentissluvr · 3 months
i agree! once i saw someone say this for the first time i was like ahhh yeah that makes a lot of sense. but i also haven't taken much time to go through and watch and fully understand this and my own thoughts because to be so honest that feels draining. i don't have the energy to be thinking in depth about all of the sad and horrible things that happen in this show, i'm just watching it cuz i like it and it's fun. but i agree that dean is one of sam's many abusers and especially if you're really concerned with, as op put it, canonical readings of sam and dean, it's very important to consider and recognize imo. their relationship is clearly an uneven power dynamic and if you can't recognize at least that, big rip ig. i adore sam, that doesn't mean i don't think he's never done anything wrong lol. i do think dean has done worse things tho HAHA.
i will say though, to be completely honest i think some people take this show too seriously or at least some people take this show way more seriously than i do, which is fine but! i'm here for funsies and shits and giggles that's that. i enjoy reading in depth thoughts about this show, and i have my opinions, but in general, i like to keep my blog geared towards lighthearted content, mostly for my own sake of not having to talk about depressing shit unless i want to LOL especially because i'm scared of being misinterpreted and the likes heh, which means i'll spend a long time formulating a post or response to make sure i'm not saying something i don't actually mean or anything like that. and that can also feel sort of draining to me.
it's weird bc i didn't want to ignore this ask because again, i agree and think it's important and don't really want anyone to think i don't agree, but there's the other part of me that was like 😭 and now i have to explain that while i think that, i also prefer to keep my blog geared to the "i'm here just to have lighthearted fun and enjoy myself, this show, and the fandom as much as i can" so i tend to ignore canon LOL. and also like! i'm not a dean hater, at least not all the time (i definitely am some of the time). i hold love for his character, especially my non canonical version of him heh and i think that that's fine! because i think that we don't have to take a tv show that's completely fake 100% seriously (though we should still recognize abuse because i think it's invalidating to those who experience it irl to ignore completely). and like. i still write for dean, but yeah i am not going to be going for completely canonical representations of him, or really any character tbh.
anywayssss sorry this is very long but like i said i tend to get worried about being misinterpreted or saying something inaccurate to how i really think, but i also still wanted to be honest about things! and if anyone hugely disagrees with me about anything i said, that's so allowed as long as you're not mean to me about it <33 folks are more than welcome to block me or to ask kind, considerate, polite clarifying questions! though i may not respond if i feel like it'll take too much energy because like i said! here for shits and giggles and i have sam fanfiction to write <3
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tamelee · 1 year
Pleaaaseee there is a tier list on ships from Naruto would love to see that one!
Okay I found a decent list to fill in, here you go:
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There were many ships that are completely random so I just threw them all into one category..
About the last category
SakuLee.. I actually thought they were going to be a thing when I first saw the show because no way Sasuke was ever going to give in to her advances. And I was right about that last part because he didn't. And gradually Sakura was little by little being a bit nicer about Lee when she decided to visit him at the hospital.. and wow!! For her, that's amazing development because at the time and even now her entire character is based on that selfish love (Kishimoto's words not mine) she has for Sasuke. And so she even said to Ino that the flowers she brought with her weren't just for Sasuke- it was explicitly stated in the Manga- so that visual AND text said a whole lot about her... buuuuuut then that went down the drain real fast too. And so, no this ship doesn't make sense but I think it could've been if x, y and z..
ObiRin!! Okay, I know I have KakaRin in the category where I get that people ship it, but not ObiRin- why? Because Rin loved Kakashi and not Obito. And so shipping ObiRin for me doesn't make sense since I am also against other one-sided ships. Rin to me however is an entirely different character from.. let's say Sakura or Hinata and so are the dynamics between them within Team Minato. Rin genuinely cares for both Obito and Kakashi equally, but she doesn't love Obito in a romantic sense. She also didn't chase after Kakashi rabidly trying to get him to like her back, that's why, although Rin showed many gestures towards Obito that really shouldn't be underestimated, I wonder how it would've played out with Kakashi under different circumstances. His resolve and beliefs were already swaying during that mission thanks to Obito- if they succeeded, perhaps Kakashi grew up learning to love that way. Perhaps that would've been Rin. (Or maybe not.)
SakuHina.. just put them together and let them be miserable together? I see many benefits from this tbh. Two of the most selfish characters to have ever existed if not the most selfish characters ever- lump them together, never bother anyone else- problem solved.
SaiIno.. I don't really have a problem with this ship but.. Sai is really gay. I'm sorry but what is he doing with Ino? He found her ugly and they're pretty much together for the sake of.. well kids/next gen stuff. For Ino I think it's fine, Sai sorta looks like Sasuke so it makes sense for her.. but Sai being in love with Ino, canonically? Weird. I know, SaiIno shippers will fight me on it, that's fine, you people have great art though, I'm not complaining.
Jiraiya/Tsunade.. I haven't really seen them being shipped together other than places like IG and Reddit. And some of them were really protective of them- Jiraiya would've always put his WoF above Tsunade which she accepted... why is this a good ship? I don't have much to say for this other than my surprise of their popularity..
Choji and Karui.. apparently their relationship was "explained" in filler novels. Choji simply said he was "interested in her". So they married and made a baby for 'Boruto'. Although 'Boruto-canon', this shit makes no sense.
ShikaIno, look I shipped them. I mean, I used to when I first watched the show because I liked their team-work and I thought Ino's very extra behavior balanced well with Shikamaru's more calm nature. I mean, if anything, he had misogynistic thoughts which he sometimes voiced out loud.. so perhaps a bit ignorant at the time, but I thought Ino was the one helping him with that development partly because of her appearance (since well.. the genre..) instead of Temari, but alas. And I think this is better anyway.
KankuSaku.. LISTEN! Hear me out~ Ship makes no sense at all. BUT. She came all the way from Konoha, saved his life just in time, playing doctor in a way where she didn't need to be all worshipped as a Mary Sue in some weird- godforsaken jail (ESAKA TAKE NOTES), but actually was useful because she learned, developed and took action- then bonded with Chiyo which Kankuro also somewhat has a relationship with- whom he then takes care of the puppets for after she dies.. there are connections and things that can be used to have them bond over. MISSED OPPORTUNITY OKAY- that's all I'm sayin'.
Most of you know how I feel about Sakura, but one of the scenes where I think she DID very much shine (as most of her fans think she so much deserves for some reason)- is when she tried her best to befriend Sai who actually was pretty rude at the beginning. It was Sakura who asked him what he was drawing when she went out to find him and what it meant to him. It was Sakura who tried to figure out more about him to see if she could help him (and their case) somehow- which surprised me pleasantly!! She for once didn't do this for selfish reasons. Now, both Sakura and Sai don't really grasp situations well especially when it comes to Naruto and Sasuke, but they sorta bonded over it a little. Sai while genuinely wanting to understand and Sakura while genuinely wanting to deny. It's not a ship, nor a really good ship- Because Sai.. and Sakura.. but I still wanted to point it out.
*-* anyway- there is too much to say about so many of these, I'll think I'll try to keep it short 💕
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mamamittens · 1 year
Congrats~! This is for the milkshake event if possible ;u; “Hi! Buggy and I would like a toffee milkshake with cookies and cherries on top. And a red bean mochi as well please! Add pineapple upsidedown cake as well if you have some, if not thats okay!The order is under my nickname Pia, I'm a very plain but kind 25+ girl which brown hair, green eyes, pale skin. I just started growing my hair out and stopped wearing my glasses to avoid looking too nerdy. Thank you!
Done! One more to go!
I uh... wasn't sure who was supposed to get oral, so both of you get it. And it's longer cause I ended up moving scenes and thought a bit of car sex sounded hot, ig.
Hope you don't mind what is likely a slight change of order. Or the delay!
Warnings: Implied yandere/possessive behavior, dom Buggy, Oral (male and female receiving), technically public sex, guided masturbation, talk about sexual fluids in coffee but not done, and technically car oral sex but it's on the hood? idk, I'm sure there's a name for that somewhere.
Word Count: 2,897
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Pia hadn’t expected to enjoy her time as a barista in a quaint coffee shop. The sea of terms and ingredients and ‘secret menu items’ making her dizzy during her first few weeks. But it brought in rent money and that’s what really mattered at the end of the day. Even with how insufferable her coworker was, she found herself enjoying the routine.
Never quite the same every day, but still somehow predictable nonetheless.
Buggy—yes, that was his name and he almost deserved it—was the strangest man she’d ever met. Weirdly pretentious but insecure about his nose, he was constantly butting into her conversations as she tried to make good tips. Usually by just being a bit too nice to people. It ended up with a lot of paper slips in her personal tip jar that Buggy would ruthlessly fish out and shred in the garbage while glaring at whoever was brave enough to try.
“How about you tip something actually worth something for once?” Buggy sneered at an older man who ordered a black coffee and seemed a bit too proud of the fact for someone ordering at an artisanal coffee shop. He’d also put in a single, solitary dollar so Pia was uninterested in leaping to the embarrassed man’s defense.
Buggy never stole her tips though, so she didn’t care about the numbers she never got to read. She personally thought it was stupid to put them in the tip jar as well. It only took up room that actual money could be using and discouraged people from tipping her more cash.
“Are you going to insult every customer that tips poorly?” Pia asked curiously about halfway through her shift with him.
Buggy snorted, yanking his ponytail to tighten the elastic, vivid blue hair curling around his fists.
“They earned it. If they’re going to be obnoxious the least they can do is make it worth your while. Anything less than a twenty deserves to be trashed!” Pia whistled.
“Wow. So how many numbers have you kept?” Pia asked curiously. Buggy gave her a confused look. “You made a rule about it, Bugs. Of course I’m assuming you’ve gotten some before.” His face flushed and he refused to look at her suddenly. Pia cackled, almost commenting when the bell jingled in the doorway. A small group walking in and cheerfully chatting away.
“Hey! What fine, cup of art can I make for you today?” Buggy declared, throwing his arms wide and forcing her to duck suddenly. Pia glared at him and resolved to tease him ruthlessly about either his lack of numbers or abundance of them.
Hey, Buggy was weird, but there was no denying he was attractive. Eyes and jaw sharp under the shadow of an ever-present scowl despite his bright red nose. Or perhaps because of it. Unfairly beautiful blue hair that inspired her to grow hers out from a pixie cut. When she first started working here, Pia felt like a forgotten background character. Some poor nerd intended to sulk in the back of a booth instead of serving foam latte art.
This feeling was made worse by how plain she felt with her large glasses. Having done away with those in favor of contacts, Pia had gotten several compliments on her green eyes. Buggy huffed about it for a whole week though so Pia assumed it was because she had a better chance of getting tipped instead of him. It certainly seemed the case because he was now very watchful of how much people tipped her.
When the group left, Pia turned on her heel and grinned.
“So.” She smiled and Buggy huffed, turning his back to wash out some cups.
“No? You’re really going to gatekeep how successful you are, Bugs?” Pia teased, hugging him from behind. He tensed, neck red as he growled.
“Clean the damn tables, Pia!”
“Alright, alright! I’ll go clean the tables~ No need to lose your head about it!” Pia declared, pulling away to do her assigned task. Nearly the rest of the shift was tense and awkward as night fell. A few more people wandering in until it was nearly time to close.
Buggy clicked his tongue, glaring at the clock as he walked over and locked the door. Switching off the welcome sign as he did so. Clouds had rolled in a few hours ago and slowly gathered overhead until a steady drizzle pattered against the glass.
“Huh. Looks like a proper storm rolling in. You got a ride home, Pia?” Buggy asked over his shoulder as she wiped down the tables and put up the chairs to sweep and mop.
“Nope. You know I’m still saving up for a new car, Bugs.” Pia declared. He clicked his tongue.
“Fine. We’ll finish cleaning up and I’ll give you a ride.”
“Thanks, Bugs!” Pia beamed, receiving an eyeroll. She glanced at her tip jar and laughed. “Hah! Looks like you missed one! Guess I’ll keep it then.” Pia smiled, fishing out the slip of paper wedged between bills.
Buggy whipped his head around and hissed, stomping over to try and swipe it. But Pia held it away, angling her body to block him.
“Throw that trash away!” Buggy sneered.
“No, why should I? What if I think he was cute?” Pia asked, laughing at how disgusted Buggy looked.
“Cute?! No one who came in today was cute! Are you really going to take some random guy’s number—do you even know who it was?!” Buggy demanded, pulling her against his chest to try and yank her arm closer.
“No… but I know how I can find out~!” Pia sang, laughing as that only seemed to rile him up more. “Man, you’re really bothered about it, aren’t you?”
“Of course I am! That sleeze doesn’t need to talk to you at all!” Buggy snarled, finally yanking her arm close enough to pluck the paper from her grasp. He promptly swallowed it whole.
“Buggy! That’s so gross!”
He seemed to think so as well, given how he grimaced immediately.
“Worth it. Remember, no less than a twenty to even consider keeping his number.” Buggy declared. Pia laughed.
“Where’s my money?” Pia asked. Buggy paused, eyes narrowed. “You know, for keeping yours.” Pia teased.
Buggy huffed.
“That doesn’t count. I’m actually trustworthy of having it. Unlike the losers that come in here panting after you.” He huffed.
“But I thought the privilege had to be earned? I don’t remember you doing anything for that!” Pia primly huffed.
“Actually, you gave me your number first. So really, you owe me.” Buggy stated and his eyes widened in shock.
“Ohoh~? I owe you, huh? What’s it going to take then? What’s Buggy’s price if mine’s a twenty? Fifty? A hundred?” Pia pushed. He flushed, squeezing her closer before realizing what he had done and stumbling back.
“W-Why’s my price going up?! Shouldn’t it be going down?” Buggy asked, flustered.
“Because you’re a catch, Bugs. Duh.” Pia rolled her eyes and sauntered off for a broom in the back.
“A catch?! WHAT?!” Buggy thundered after her into the storage closet, slamming the door behind him. “What do you mean by that?!”
Pia wrinkled her nose.
“Where’s the riddle, Bugs? I said what I said.” Pia stepped back only to hit a shelf, Buggy’s hand slipping around her waist to keep her steady.
For a moment, Pia didn’t realize why he’d stopped talking. Too busy looking at the floor where rags and cleaning bottles littered the floor. The room smelling strongly of bleach.
“Would you?”
Pia looked up at Buggy.
“Would I what?”
“Catch me? S-Since I’m a catch, does that mean—I mean—are you?” Buggy asked, even in the dim light she could see how red his face was.
Pia realized how close they were. How private the supply closet was.
“…If a ‘sleaze’ has to earn the right for me to keep their number, does that mean I should be doing something so you keep mine?” Pia asked coyly. Buggy rubbed his hand over her back, eyes narrowing with understanding.
“You feeling ‘sleazy’ about me, Pia?” Buggy whispered. “We’re coworkers but that’ll cost you… extra.”
Pia chuckled softly, slowly falling to her knees. Her eyes never leaving his as she searched for a sign he didn’t want this.
“Then I guess I better get started on your tip.” Pia smiled and Buggy let out a ragged breath.
“Y-You better.” Buggy breathed out as he tossed away his apron while she slipped off his belt. Tugging his work pants to his ankles along with his boxers.
His cock sprang free with dark blue curls around the base. Thick and curved, the head was flushed a deep red. His hands shook as he cupped her face, grinding the leaking tip across her cheek. She pressed her lips to it and blew softly, chuckling when he visibly shuddered.
“Y-Yeah, b-better be your best work for such a nice privilege, Pia.” Buggy sighed as she slipped her tongue under the heavy tip, sucking it slowly into her mouth. “Ssssshit~!”
His cock throbbed as she gripped his thighs as she rolled her tongue over his cock. Wetting it to slip past her lips with lewd, damp sounds. The thick veins throbbed under her lips as she slowly took him deeper. Relaxing her jaw as his tip dragged over the roof of her mouth before bending to the back of her throat. His breathing harsh and rapid while he struggled to speak.
“F-Fuck, Pia please, I-I—hnnngh~ a-ah!” Buggy whined, his thighs tensing as his pubic hair started to tickle her nose, hips shoving his cock into the hilt suddenly. His hands gripped her head, pinning her in place as he moaned noisily. “W-What a fucking mouth! P-Pia~!” Buggy slowly pulled his cock free from her slick lips and fed his cock back to her lips. Gently fucking her moaning throat.
He tasted salty and warm, a musky growing as his cock leaked over her tongue.
“H-How good of a tip are you giving me? I-I’m about t-to—ooooh shit!” Buggy whined as she gripped his thighs and pulled his body to her. Smashing her nose into his crotch as he threw back his head with a long, low moan. Cock pulsing over her tongue as she swallowed down his cum. “T-Too good, P-Pia! Aaaah it’s too good!”
Despite his protests, he allowed her to finish him off. Both of them gasping for air when she final relinquished him.
“Good enough, Bugs?” Pia asked, batting her eyelashes demurely. Buggy shook his head and a fire of excitement settled in her chest. “No?”
“Too good…” Buggy panted. “I owe you change. But first, let’s move this somewhere I don’t feel my braincells dying.” Buggy smirked.
“Where? This is the only place without cameras and I doubt you want to talk to the manager about committing lewd acts in the workplace.” Pia commented breezily, helping him pull up his pants and tucking his still hard cock back in place. He paused at that. “You forgot about the cameras, didn’t you?” Buggy hissed before something occurred to him.
He grinned, opening the door.
“Let’s clean up and we can go to my apartment.” Buggy declared. “If you do a good job, I can pay you back there.”
Pia’s heart thundered and she raced off with a broom, his laugh following her in a sharp burst.
She’d never cleaned up so fast before in her life. The rest of the closing duties completed by Buggy who seemed just as eager to get out of there.
But when they left, racing to get out of the rain, Buggy clicked his tongue. Stopping her from getting in the passenger side.
“Back. I want to see you without taking my eyes off the road for too long.” Needless to say, she complied. Buckling into the middle seat as he started driving slowly through the rain. “Touch yourself for me but don’t take anything off. I want you wet when I pull into the garage without getting a ticket for public indecency.”
Pia grinned, leaned back in her seat and slipped her pants down just enough for her hand. Her fingers dragged across her clit into a pool of wetness that clung to her panties.
“I’m already wet, Bugs.” Pia informed him quietly. Buggy glanced back at her through the rearview mirror with a smug look.
“Like my cock that much, huh? Still not good enough. I need to hear you from up here.” Buggy commanded. “Make a mess and you’ll get more than just a tip.”
Pia moaned, instinctively rubbing her clit as she struggled to maintain her cool.
“Oh? Like hearing me tell you what to do? I knew you learned well for a reason. I guess it’s time for some extra training~” Buggy cooed, smirk never leaving his lips. “You rubbing your clit for me? Good. Keep doing it. Slide your hand in deeper—deeper, that’s it~ warm your pretty fingers. I bet your pussy is hot right now, isn’t it?” Buggy sat up to look at her lap. Her legs splayed open as she fingered herself to his command.
“Y-Yeah~” Pia agreed softly, sinking her ring finger in deep, heart pounding against her chest.
“How many fingers are you warming up back there?” Buggy asked huskily.
He clicked his tongue.
“Make it three. Now.” Pia jumped, jamming two more in with a moan. “Gotta work my pretty pussy a little more. We’re almost there. Now, I want you to fuck your hand for me, Pia. Tell me how good it feels to do what I say.”
Her whole palm was soaked, three fingers jammed into the tight, cramped space as she moaned. The meat of her palm grinding against her clit as she rolled her hips up.
“I-It feels good, Buggy. I’m so wet but I can barely fit my fingers. I know you’d do it better though—oooh~!” Pia whined as Buggy abruptly tapped the breaks at a stop sign. She could hear her hand slip and smack over her cunt. “A-Are we close? I-I need it to be cloo—ooooh~!”
Buggy huffed.
“Saying shit like that will get you in trouble. Of course, I could do it better. I’m the only one that can do it right. But I wanted to see you try and get off for me. Can you, Pia? Keeping playing with my pussy, just a few more blocks and I’ll show you how it’s done right. Take off your pants. If you’re not soaking the leather, I’m taking you to your place.”
Pia moaned, struggling to kick her pants into the floor along with her shoes.
Just as Buggy pressed a button to open the garage—Pia barely registered the quiet neighborhood Buggy lived in—Pia spread her thighs and ground against the leather seat. Cunt slipping in a puddle of her arousal.
Buggy parked, closing the garage door with a click before turning around in his seat with a grin. Openly admiring how she stuffed her fingers back into her cunt to show she followed his command.
“I-Is this good enough?” Pia asked with a whine, rolling her hips into her palm as wet smacks filled the car.
Buggy unbuckled and leaned in to yank her hand free with a wet pop. Watching her cream stretch between her fingers and cunt before licking them clean.
His tongue was hot as it wrapped around her fingers, laving across her palm to lick up every drop of arousal.
His eyes locked with hers, dark and hungry.
“Oh, it’s perfect~” Buggy purred, reaching down to unbuckle her before clambering out of the car.
Dizzy, she stumbled after him, neglecting to grab her clothes. Only to be pulled and laid out across the hood of his car. Rain water soaking the back of her shirt and thighs as he parted her legs. Without another word, he swiped his tongue clear up her cunt.
“My pretty pussy, you don’t need those dirty numbers when you can call me anytime.” Buggy cooed into her sopping cunt before devouring her. His tongue driving between her folds and grinding into her clit.
Pia wailed, pulling his hair free as he ate her clean out.
“B-Buggy~! A-Aahhhn~oh~OH~!” Pia threw back her head as he drove his tongue into her cunt, utterly filling the space she struggled to breach with her own fingers. He pulled her waist closer to him as the sound of her wet pussy filled the garage. A wail cutting through the air as she squirted on his tongue.
Her senses cut out suddenly. Returning in waves of static as she trembled, still draped over Buggy’s car as he licked her quivering cunt delicately.
“—only cream I want from now on is right here. I should fix up a cup and let your cunt drip into it. Call it ‘Seventh Heaven’, how about that? Wanna be my little creamer?” Buggy chuckled into her pussy. “I’m the only one who gets to have this, you hear me?”
Pia whined, looking down to see him staring at her with an intense gaze.
“Y-Yeah…” She whispered hoarsely.
“Who owns this pussy? Who's the only one allowed to make you cream?” Buggy demanded, slowly dragging her down the hood until his cock pressed against her cunt.
He grinned sharply.
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queer-advice-hotline · 4 months
Hi! Not rlly used to talking about this type of stuff - but I figured I should maybe see if anyone had ever been in a similar situation or anything.
long story btw...
TW for mentions of homophobia ig
Okay so, for many years I was under the impression that my mother was actually completely and utterly fine with the queer community and I found out not that long ago that that was apparently not true.
For some background info to how I thought that ig - my mum often worked for very long hours and I adored all the time I could spend with her when she wasn't working. To me she was a role model and due to most likely being 'too young' I didn't get to hear a lot of her opinions about certain things (such as the queer community, but also other things) and built up an image of my mother in my mind who would always support me and constantly told myself how lucky I was bc there were so many ppl out there who didn't have the same fortune and probably never felt like they could connect with their mothers.
I however found out when I was in my first yr of highschool (yr 7 where i am) that she actually wasn't as open minded as I'd hoped.
I started hearing her talk about how she didn't believe a trans man could ever be a man/how a trans woman could never be a woman. Making comments on how ppl who were nonbinary didn't make sense/couldn't exist and how they/them pronouns were dumb and how anyone who didn't identify with either gay, straight or bi was weird. She also made comments about how she was willing to use a trans person's pronouns in front of them if they made sense (she/her or he/him only) and didn't bother when they weren't around bc she thought it didn't matter.
She also was always talking about how she didn't want people talking about this stuff all the time and how she was so annoyed by ppl constantly making children's media queer - to a point where last year she started feeling like there was a possibility that I was being exposed to too much queer media (I was trying to borrow books that had queer characters cause I grew up not all that knowing of the Lgbtqai community) and started banning me from buying/borrowing books that she thought were 'too gay' or 'too queer' and not even letting me touch the ones with trans characters - which was odd bc we'd watched movies with queer ppl in it before and she'd been fine with it! (mostly with them as background characters or not the MC e.g. Mitch and Cam + their friends in Modern Family). She then started going through my books I borrowed to make sure they weren't queer.
She seemed okay with other people being bi or gay irl but when she talked to me she often said things like 'you can be anything u want except gay or trans' and 'no bringing home a boy until ur 18 and no bringing home any girlfriends every - and nothing other either (derogative)' as well as often talking about how she wants to find me a church boy with similar ideals to my family's ones.
This has been rlly upsetting - I figured out I was aro early on, however with my mother's reactions I fear she would most likely invalidate me/try and get me a bf anyway. Also I realised that I wasn't cis (nonbinary or agender) and now I'm scared that if I ever transition too much (bc I want to get a binder and possibly one day have top surgery and I want to get masc haircuts and all that) or actually start going by a diff name in public + diff pronouns that she might just through me out or send me back to my home country to 'set me straight' bc where I'm from being queer is not common (even though we have managed to make gay marriage legal).
This is also bad not just bc of me but bc I have friends who r queer who have been huge helps and I always wanted them to feel safe around me and my family however now I'm scared to ever so much as introduce some of them to my parents in fear of them being misgendered/disrespected or her banning me from seeing them.
I always hear ppl talking about cutting off their families or learning to live without them when they're older but I'm the eldest and expected to look after my parents when they get older. Not to mention - I have a brother who is 13 yrs younger then me and though sometimes I feel as if I don't quite feel the emotional connection I should (won't be getting into that) I also don't want him to grow up without some sort of other older guidance as I feel like he is very different to me and also when I was younger my parents worked a lot with allowed me to have more perspective on the world other then theirs were-as my brother will most likely have their opinions shoved down his throat and I can't stand the thought of him growing up to be some weird 'alpha-male' type who pushes down his feelings, is homophobic/transphobic and decides that he doesn't like anyone different. This would mean that I most likely wouldn't be able to leave him until he was around 18 too and I have so much family that I genuinely don't think that I'd be able to leave them all behind + I don't want to have to be scared to enjoy my own culture (bc I am from a small island and my family has a lot of ties + is rlly big and I wouldn't be able to go far without someone mentioning my father, mother, cousins, or grandparents).
I genuinely habe no idea what to do or if there is a solution to my problems or if i'd have to one day simply come out and be prepared for my family to hate me or if i'd just have to keep a huge part of me secret until I died but I thought it'd be better to share then to bottle all this up
I seems like a pretty complicated situation, so knowing what exactly to do is tricky.
I definitely don't think you should come out to your family now. The chances of you being disowned, thrown out, or something else seems pretty high. If you decide you want to come out, I think waiting until you are living on your own or at least are independent from your family is the best and safest option.
Anyone with other advice feel free to share.
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beepyscircus · 1 year
Big-ish infodump on Caustic rn because I surprisingly haven’t talked about him surrounding my AU/ kind of rewrite of Apex??
(With some doodles ig)
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So this whole thing started out with me just not liking the Medusa arc that much or the mole arc and then I looked into it some more and realized Caustic is horrible representation for ASPD, I’m in no means an expert, but I know being a violent murderer isn’t exactly one of the symptoms 💀
Then I just- hated his relationships throughout the game
So much unnecessary drama between him and the others that could’ve been either avoided or resolved completely, and I’m aware the fact is that it’s drama, but it’s bad drama, imo at least, and I wanted to revamp Crypto and his relationship especially since I’m tired of tropes with transracial siblings not getting along and the fact that many poc, understandably, felt like it was racist, and I’m not even gonna blame them because it feels like that sometimes, I want their relationship to stay complicated but I don’t want them to completely hate each other. I feel like they’d be kind of awkward for the most part I just want the fuckers to be relatively happy and all respawn is doing is making me mildly uncomfortable with every update about them.
Besides that, I’m working on why/how he becomes involved into death and such to even kill people in the first place, but other than that he’s almost completely developed
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He’s still killed people he just kind of stopped I have no idea how to explain it rn he is a very complex and weird guy alright-
He still experiments on people, though it’s mostly bodies, kind of like how it’s- I think is hinted at during the mole arc??? I can’t tell what was happening in that comic tbh I just think it’s an interesting idea for him to get his stuff from shady places and shit, I still have to catch up on the older chapters because I joined right in the middle of the shitstorm
I’m also trying to develop his relationship with other legends that isn’t just hatred
For example he’s friends with Wraith kind of, (it gets shaky after his fight with Wattson which still happens because I’m not trying to make him a complete good guy or smthn), Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Fuse, and Mirage. (Pathfinder too but he’s friends with everyone so), he ranges from liking the company of these guys to tolerating them, but it’s never always completely the same, because ya know sometimes friends have bad days and that’s fine. I want it to fluctuate because again I’m not like- trying to make him perfect.
I feel like everyone else is either neutral, indifferent, or just weary of him.
I also redesigned him because erm
It’s fun
I actually took most of his design aspects for my AU from one of his beta designs (I literally tried my best to add the specific one I’m talking about but Tumblr literally kept breaking on me)
Because I think it looks very pretty to me
If you look at some of my older posts of him you can actually see me doing this for a while now
Because I have.
I’ve been working on this for- I wanna say 3 years?? Maybe more idk.
I might post some of my older Caustic character stuff when I was first getting into it but some of it comes off as….uhhhh-
Very biased.
Don’t get me wrong I still am it’s just more apparent in my older stuff, I wanna try getting away from that in my AU because uh I don’t like it so-
I like re-writing characters it’s a big hobby of mine when smthn about them irks me personally, you can like canon Caustic btw I do too, this is just smthn I mostly do for fun anyway
Most of the stuff I’ve changed about Caustic have all just been personal headcanons (example being he is a trans man) or things that I felt like would make the story more interesting than what they were initially doing (his dad dying of the same cancer he has), I’m not gonna ramble and put them all here but I’m thinking of making separate posts about them or probably rough comics-
Maybe even fan fictions if I’m feeling brave enough, because I have a few.
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purplemoonfox · 1 year
Captain Obvious is Obvious...and Star Wars thoughts overall
So, in mythology, Sköll and Hati are the two wolves that chase the sun and the moon. K cool I love Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati.
Only, when they catch their prey and devour it, that day marks the beginning of Ragnarök, the end of the world of gods and men, buuuuuuut, apparently, after that, the gods and the evil die, and the world is repopulated by two people...and the surviving gods make a new pantheon. Cue a new era ig.
In any case it's not like the Christian Apocalypse; many traditions focus more on cyclical time rather than linear time with an endpoint (Mayans, for example, reaching back to another Apocalypse scare in 2012), and it's become such an assumption in Western society that time and progress HAS an end, and an ultimate goal to which it's building up, that it's pretty much an assumption everyone in it makes. But it's not the only thought on the matter.
The thing I find so interesting about Baylan is that he seems embittered by the past, and thinks that somehow he's going to end the cycle? By starting another war? I mean the New Republic does suck. They're a weird combination of toothless and autocratic. Then again Baylan and Shin are mercenaries...?
Yeah I'm just going to sit here and read TS Eliot's The Wasteland about another "war to end all wars" and wait to see how this goes.
I'm so sad Ray Stevenson passed; he's been absolutely excellent.
On a side note, at this point, I need a dedicated show about the post-Order 66 Jedi that survived. Episode 6 of Ahsoka brought up "Bokken-Jedi," a bokken irl being a wooden practice katana. I beg your pardon, it's enough of a concept that there's an in-universe term for it?
I want to see the Service Corps go into hiding. I want to see networks of survivors being created. I want to see people finding some kind of peace in the galaxy...or not being able to do that. We got a hint of it in Obi-Wan and I'm getting cheated out of it right now.
Look, if Filoni wants to torture us with more Order 66, that's his golden opportunity. Please, Filoni.
But anyway--
General thoughts about this buildup of para-sequel-era shows, like The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, Ahsoka, and the upcoming Skeleton Crew. That don't really build up a goddamn thing, really, with the exception of Ahsoka.
The more it's created, and the more Thrawn and the whole plot of Ahsoka creates a whole conflict (while skirting addressing the issues of the New Republic) the more marginalized the ST actually is. They already felt like a rump mop-up of a larger conflict, or else something that just didn't involve the rest of the galaxy at large, and that was a criticism leveled at it even at the time.
Problem is, while the movies are seen as the crowning purpose of the Star Wars universe, we're moving away from them as being the central focus and I'm not sure that's being very well communicated or very well perceived. And I'm also kind of miffed that we're getting a short Haydennaissance only to be told we're moving away from the Skywalker story.
And it's fine that we're moving away from the Skywalker story (they literally said they would be doing that) and I'm alright with it, but that's not a reason to ignore Luke or Leia's characters when it makes sense to be involved with the overall plan.
Shit man, I'd be up for a somewhat Andor-style show about Leia's activities in the Senate, putting her in a similar position as what Mon Mothma occupies in Andor. The contrast of having Mon Mothma in one role in Andor and in a different one in that show would be a fascinating one. You could catch similarities and differences in the Empire, the New Republic, and even the pre-Imperial Republic; you'd even the perspectives of the people, like Mon Mothma, who lived through all three. It would be a damn good introduction to the political landscape of the sequel trilogies, and add a lot of depth to any attempts to get into sequel-era time periods.
Side note when the fuck is Andor season 2 being released I need more. Top 3 SW shows for me, that one.
Anyway, to sum up, what I think they ought to do is build up a plot line through shows, and use the opening crawls in the movies to bring movie-watchers up to speed, making it possible for them to have sufficient context, kind of like what they're doing with the MCU, but with more explanation. That way you double dip: people watch the shows but casuals are still willing to watch a Star Wars movie in theaters and know they're going to be watchable.
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meigui-jin · 2 years
Let's Discuss 'Yandere':
- *all of this situation for research purposes of my character analysis of many 'yanderes' present in media*
I know this sint a post but I'm having massive writers block at the moment- so here's an analysis IG?
Warning!: The topics mentioned are extremely disturbing, Real life issues, talk of sexual perversion and dependency, yandere in general.
Hello, I know this isn't a post but I'd like to talk about it. Also to get to know me a little bit- more or so how I'm going to write about yandere characters or the topic in general.
Though I am no expert in psychology, though I have done a fare amount of research and some personal experience with some of the parts. (I.E, abuse, dependency ect.)
Alright- now let's get into the meat of this.
What is a 'Yandere'?
Well I don't believe that the feeling or expression this word describes exists- let me explain.
As I see multiple similarities between multiple different phenomena for yandere to just not be a stand alone definition or cut and dry.
Though it shares it's main part of concept with the Lima syndrome. To grossly oversimplify it's where someone's captor- (Or person in power) gains positive attraction to their victims (a person not in power). Which is the case in most yandere depictions. Either it be physically, mentally, literally, educationally, socially- you name it! The Yandere has to have some sort of advantage over the victim. Which calling the victim 'darling' is kind of weird but im not here to all about that.
This is a broad statement since this can account for if the yandere is better or the best conpaired to their 'darling' in any way that sticks out. Like earlier examples such as physically- maybe they are pretty strong on their own right and some way somehow their 'darling' isn't? Or maybe mentally, they see themselves better equipped than object of obsession is.
This also goes hand in hand with narcissistic mindsets that they are better than their obsession in some way. That they have a duty to them due to their own inability to do anything about it as the yandere sees. This also can be expressed through self loathing as well. That they are inadequate in something, and their 'darling' is. So they put them on a pedestal- which we'll talk about later. Or that they see their obsession as a good thing or the only good thing that they should care about due to their inability. Depending on the type of obsession the yandere has.
Which is why when there is no power imbalance there is no grounds for the captor to grasp onto. So when people make 'yanderes' who have literally no advantage over their victim it doesn't really make sense to me. But fiction is all about dramatics, honestly exaggerate those flaws or imbalances then you REALLY got a good base for your yandere. It can even be the flaw of the yandere- maybe they aren't mentally well, (which they aren't anyways) and that their obsession is finding ways to cope with their trauma. Or that they are better socially. It can be many reasons as to why your yandere s, well, yandere?
Though in not every case this can be made. Since not ever case can be cut and dry with a power imbalance. So what's another way you can make the yandere- yandere? Paraphilia.
Well lack of a better term it's when a person has sexual desires, is aroused by or having intercourse with an unwilling or non consenting partner. Such as some cases of voyeurism. As well as some other examples such a as exhibitionism or frotteurism. Rare cases show yanderes having voyeuristic behavior as well, as well as all examples in one. Though this is mostly sexual in practice it can also be with a domestic perversion, that they are delusional about the quality- or state of the relationship that they think this is fine. Okay even, that what they are doing isn't bad. Though delusional yanderes don't pose paraphilia within their own minds- but it's with every yandere. Unless their obsession shows signs of Stockholm syndrome- but that's still not consensual since the feelings came out of trauma.
The yandere has to find something appealing about their obsession, which they hyper fixate on to the point of fetishizing it. It's the thing that's most attractive to them- sexual or not. It can be to the color of their obsession's eyes, their skin, an image of a domestic life, physical touch, their voice, habits- anything. It can be more than one too, nothing is ever just one thing. Though it can be both sexual and domestic (any % of each) or purely sexual, or domestic.
Though it can just be an attraction to being, what their obsession is and that they exist and their mear exsistance is captivating the yanderes soul in a death grip. That they can't or will fight due to the sheer euphoria it meddles their mind into- mush really. This is true for any case. Enough for them to throw away moral to chase that feeling and never let go.
This also comes to a sense of entitlement, anger at the supposed suppression of their love. They would feel insulted, offended, or any form of pity- at themselves or their obsession due to the rejection of whatever their delusion makes it. Protection, love, utter devotion, pleasure or any positive trate the yandere sees that their obsession lacks and can only get from the yandere, that they need them, it would never be the same with another. They would do anything to keep this dependency, gaslight, force, intimidation you name it.
Or the yandere finds something they need from their obsession, going through harsh withdrawls when denied access to whatever it may be. And would do anything to get it. As per the prior examples. If it gets so bad that they might even kill for it.
Though murder is something that can only be used sparingly- and with impact. So they probably wouldn't murder just anyone.
No, they'd probably do something horrible- torture the closest person their obsession has to get the message across, or, depending on their personality they would probably snap and attack any living thing that they see a threat. All so they can feel that gross euphoric ecstasy. They'll even kill their own family- no one gives them the intoxicating rapture of pure joy, pleasure or warmth than thier obsession does. So no one really matters to the yandere at this point. Then comfort you as if they'd done nothing wrong- remember all morals are lost in the haze. So deep into their own mind they don't even realize what theyer doing. Or they do- which doesn't make that much of a difference if they understand what thyer doing or not. Maybe a little pity- but the yandere who knows what they're doing is wrong would probably not care, that feeling of obsession and love that it would be a necessary evil. Most of what I've said would be a necessary evil to lucid yanderes.
Which brings in co-dependency/OCD, it can effect either the yandere, obsession or both. Where they feel a duty to their obsession that advises their utter devotion or they might just choke themselves. Anxiety when they've been away too long from their obsession without a momento of them. Separation is completely off the table with them. They would probably go on a rampage if that were to ever happen. Though calmer yandere's would have a higher tolerance to this- but everyone has a breaking point. Especially with the mental instability of yanderes as it is. They would also feel the need to protect their obsession, to a disgusting amount. If their obsession actually did something extremely bad the yandere would just deny, deny, deny. Like with their behavior.
They would never change their behaviors, it's too intoxicating to let go of if they even realize at all. They would gaslight their obsession, intentionally or not that there's nothing wrong with them, there's nothing wrong with this. They would even turn the people around them against their obsession, or they would turn their obsession on themselves. Depends on the type of person the yandere is. They would either be flamboyantly open about their 'relationship' with their obsession, be quiet but intimidatingly noticable about it or they keep their obsession out of public as much as possible.
With the yanderes that let other people breath around their obsession are the ones who has everyone wrapped around their finger. Comments on how cute their relationship is or that the obsession is crazy for reaching out for help, glued to the yanderes side at all times under their blazing gaze. Or the yanderes that breath down their obsession's neck whenever they dare step foot outside. Or the ones who keep them all cuddled/leashed up inside somewhere- waiting for the yandere to return, as if they step outside and risk a leg being broken or a missing persons case. Yanderes are good at keeping their behavior a secret in public, well, most are. Some just can't help it.
Escaping is almost impossible for most yanderes obsessions, it's mostly too late before they even realize what was even going on. Taken literally or metaphorically right under their noses. For reasons their minds would never understand completely from the twisted, dementedly sickly minds of their captors. Since most yanderes would be almost disgusted with themselves during the begining stages of their fall- hiding it from the world and themselves untill they could t help themselves but to indulge in it. 'one more time' turns into thousands. So it becomes a web of lies, unleased trauma, tension and possessive obsession woven into the art that is a yandere. A gruesome, yet captivatingly charming one. Like Icarus- someone who flew too high and was fated to fall.
Well that got extremely out of hand. Well this is just a part of the spectrum that I personally see yandere as. Since it's so broad I'll probably have to make a separate post boiling down the types into their bare bones to not make this longer than the bible... Anyways I hope this brought some light onto how I think yanderes are!
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Lots of people (myself included tbh) ship klance (Keith and Lance). In s8 the creators made Allura/Lance canon (but then they killed her off and left the ending ambiguous it was weird). Anyway the fandom treats her like she's the most terrible bitchy woman ever but all she wants to do is end the war and avenge her destroyed home planet. Yeah she wasn't always the nicest or always the best, but you could argue some other characters in the show aren't either and they aren't treated near as bad as allura. people really just hate her bc Lance liked her. I don't think allura/lance are good together, but I still liked her as a character and thought she was interesting and had a lot of growth during the show. she DEF is not evil like some people portray her as in fic or talk about her in captions on posts. I've seen people say that they HATE her and that she's the worst and I'm like ??? let her live (well sort of ig she is dead now). lots of fic writers use her as the villain which is so interesting to me bc the show literally has villains like use them. anyway allura so perfectly fits the bracket description she deserves better.
I hate to acknowledge my time in this fandom but I hate the way the fandom treated her more. Allura was treated like shit no matter what side of the Great Ship War you were on because she was always a threat to the biggest ships (klance and sheith). At best she got put into Background Lesbian or Consolation Prize Shallura (Space Mom-zoned) (She was not a motherly figure btw. She was just Black). At worst she was violently demonized for being ~racist~ (kinda not cool with the alien race that blew up her planet for a few episodes), complete with misogynistic language hurled at her (she got called a bitch sooo much). Allura was a good and cool character and the show did her dirty but the fandom was somehow worse.
i apologise for speaking the dark magicks, but amidst the voltron fandoms many, many transgressions, there were a particular subset of people who just hated this girl. the infamous klance wars of the 2010s kept this perfectly fine childrens cartoon character in the sights of shippers everywhere, and she (and her voice actress im sure) were subjected to years of petty squabble blown up to global perportions. ive seen hate, ive seen rants, ive seen fanfics that made her homophobic. girls been through the ringer, and even though voltron was never the show its fandom wanted it to be, i believe allura deserved better
Kayano Kaede
shes genuinely a really tragic character who had potential for a really compelling, effective arc concerning grief, identity, healing, and finding trust again all while going through the inherent ordeal of being 15 years old….if she werent a female character in a shonen anime 😭😭 instead she gets sidelined during the show up until her big plot twist reveal after which shes immediately sidelined again. whatever i still love her and know her to be a character of all time who has suffered more than jesus. in my experience shes perhaps the female character who like. ive seen most *obsessively* hated due to her “getting in the way” of the ship b/w the male protagonist + deuteragonist (bc of her proximity to the both of them) u woild think shes the devil incarnate and not just. 15 and traumatised 
She had a crush on Nagisa and they kissed and a lot of fans ship him with Karma so theyre mad that Kaede is there. She is super silly and nice but the fandom hates her for standing in the way of karmagisa.
she's a sweet person that was an actor and loves her sister. she is the main love interest of the main character but doesn't interact with him more than most of the other characters for a majority of the story. Often I have seen them removed from the story only to become some homophobic jerk that's desperate for the main characters love instead of letting her keep the good friendship that her and the main character had before the romance.
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desertgremlin · 1 year
Omg I was out all day yesterday and forgot to reply lol.
I actually saw a post on IG that had Molly's character and Cicero together, like a splitscreen of their faces, and then I was like, "Wait..." so maybe Carmy knows her from childhood? Which would also be interesting.
But for some reason I still have a strong feeling she will be some sort of love interest. And like, I agree, I think it's okay if there is no romance in the show but I always side eye people who are like, "Why do we have to have a romance? Why are you ruining the show?" And they need to keep that energy for her too and I'm not seeing it =/
As if romance isn't a part of people's lives? Yes it's heavy-handed and overly focused on, especially on television shows. And I'm not saying that it needs to be a telenovela, but like, I trust the writers and the showrunners. Some people were so nervous because they were like, the first season was so good, what if they mess it up? Which I think is so disrespectful. As if they could write a script for a TV show. An actual good one. There's a possessiveness people seem to have over this show in particular so when they are adamant about no romance, it's weird to me because....they didn't create the show and don't know these characters and stories as well as the creators.
I know the actors were surprised that a lot of people saw any sort of romantic or sexual potential in the story but it is there. Maybe Jeremy Allen White doesn't know what he looks like in the mirror but his face is quite expressive, especially his eyes. And we can see, as the audience, what he is feeling just by looking at him. And he always had that "I love you" look when he looked at Sydney. I've seen so many guys look at people that way when they are enamored. It's a very specific look and I always know what it means whether it's with children or parents or significant others. He has it when he looks at Syd. He doesn't even look at Sugar in any way that conveys like care or anything and Natalie is his sister! Like even with the people he tolerates and likes, he isn't like that. That look is reserved for Sydney.
I personally do think Carmy and Syd are soul mates. Maybe not romantic soul mates but they get one another. It can be platonic, it can be familial. But it's there. And I'm open to it being anything, but......I really do think it's more than platonic or familial. And the people who are like, oh Carmy is just a mentor.....I'm like, what are you on about? A mentor would NOT look at me the way he looks at Syd. A mentor would not put me in charge of literally everything. It's such a paternalistic way of viewing their relationship when they are clearly equals and could be intimate in kore ways than one.
no omg that's totally fine!!
Ooh okay, I do love characters who show up and know a lot about the main character's past and possibly upheaves some memories, so if that is the case 👀 Interesting!!
Once a show is out there it definitely gets subject to possessiveness - whether it be because people have interpreted it a certain way that's meaningful to them or whether they just think they know these characters better than the writers. So like, I get the people who are all for ace!carmy or more really good platonic relationship representation through this show. As for the other people, side eye-ing them along with you!
100% agree with you about The Look. It is there. It is undeniable!!! It gets me weak in the freaking knees. Carmy and Sydney just Get each other and those are my fave types of relationships. Ones where there's a synergy, a shorthand. And that doesn't mean they get along 24/7 - because lol just look at season one - but there's always an understanding there at the bottom of it all and I live for it. So I agree, whatever way the writers go with it - there is def a soulmate type bond there. I can't waitttt to see more of it in s2.
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laceymorganwrites · 2 years
Omg I'm gonna be so pissed off if that's the reason that there haven't been that many MHA posts. Also who the hell even cares the characters people write about are fictional and are all usually highschool age!!! Ugh that actually explains why I've been seeing so many stories disappearing on this site and accounts deactivating. Ugh that's probably happened to tokyo revengers posts too now that I think about it
I mean I bet it is...mha fandom is quite icky overall imo because they ruin a lot of things xD I mean there´s a reason I don´t cosplay from it in public anymore lmao
I mean me personally, I decided for myself to stop like...writing for an audience ig?? I mean the next two hc series I´m posting are literally super self indulgent and ofc ppl can always request things and I will try to do as much of it as possible if it inspires me but yeah, I´m trying to go back to the time I wrote for myself and just happened to post yk?
The thing is, I tried to catch up to the others but fandom culture changed so much, I feel like fandoms got younger and it´s hard for us adults to grasp some things and feel involved anyways but yeah I reckon if my blog´s dead anyways and nobody cares I can do what´s fun to me again and maybe make new friends that way, that´s why I started doing this in the first place. Competition kills and it really demotivated me for a while, there was a long time where writing was just a chore for me and it burned me out. But now I´m back hehe~
I also think TR is an interesting case cause in the very beginning it was mostly adults who wrote for it (not to flex but Dear Daughter is one of the very first fics from the fandom published on ao3 for example and I mostly wrote abt it when the anime was still running and didn´t have that many fans yet, that was literally the best phase of it ngl) and now I see mostly Bonten stuff
but I also think that tumblr changed a lot, it´s a lot more aesthetic and stylized, basic hcs like mine barely get shown (which is fine, not complaining abt notes anymore cause it´s pointless), so I always had trouble with keeping up and such. also it´s literally just smut these days and I like writing horny stuff too but sometimes it gets too extreme even for me
well I do think the difference is that I like to focus more on feelings from the characters and such? but yah idk fandoms are weird, man
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Does anyone ever think about how creepy certain characters in Naruto are?
Mainly Rin, Minato, and Sakura.
Like. Most characters have some sort of background to them. Most of the Konoha 11 and their teachers have clans, Kurenai has her father. Even if they don’t like Anko, we see people like Orochimaru use their lack of support system. It has real world consequences.
But... these three don’t have that. Rin and Sakura are meant to be ‘the normal ones’ on their teams, but we never see them interact with their families or friendssans their team (and Ino ig - again another powerful clan heir. Hmm...). Hell, both of them are way too obsessed with a member of a very powerful and also kind of hostile to the government (for good reason) clan who Danzou has been shown to want to manipulate. Rin almost doesn’t seem human in her mannerisms at times, and in the manga seems to copy Obito’s reactions a lot. Sakura quite literally has a split personality inside her head to show her ‘actual’ emotions to things, which is powerful enough to break out of the control of the heir to a clan famous for that exact jutsu. She is able to do that in the firts place. Rin is able to immediately perform an eye replacement with the eye from her dying best friend to her other friend/crush, and the eye still works fine. Not just fine - as good as it could given the circumstances. She’s able to switch off her emotions and do this literally as Obito is dying. Sakura just so happens to choose to become Tsunade’s apprentice, despite showing no previous interest in medical ninjutsu, after she, a person with a clear history of trying to make at least some changes within the shinobi system that gives Danzou easy acces to recruits for ROOT, becomes the Hokage. Despite being ‘civilians’, both girls have shown a total readiness to fight in hard situations - more than Naruto himself.
As for Minato, he knows many classified jutsus that only the second hokage was able to do, somehow is as good or better at sealing than a girl literally from a clan who specialized in it, had a connection to both Hiruzen Sarutobi and the Three Sanin through Jiraiya. His teammates are never mentioned. His friends are never mentioned. When his students die, both of them, his reaction is muted, almost barely there, and he doesn’t really seem to understand Kakashi’s grief at all. Even after that, he still puts Kakashi, at this point still a teenager, into ANBU Black Ops without much hesitance. He barely seems to care for his students at all. Despite Kushina’s offer that would have left Naruto with at least one living parent and would have gotten rid of the Kyuubi for good, to seal it back within herself and die, Minato still chooses the option - sealing himself - that leaves the Kyuubi still able to be used and Naruto without a support system aside from the Kage government.
And all throughout this, we never see their friends. We never see any of them having any support system aside from their teams. We never really see any of them with actual goals - Rin especially. Yeah, ‘Hokage was Minato’s goal!!’ and it just so happened the stars would perfectly align so this kid with no shown ninja background or connections was in the perfect position to be mentored by someone who turned down being Hokage and then... he became Hokage. It’s still really suspicious. You could argue the same is true for Tenten and Lee, but a) both have stated goals, even if they’re not really focused on, and b) neither of them have the other ‘creep’ factors (Rin’s mannerisms, Sakura’s second personality, Minato’s reactions) that set off alarm bells in my head.
Like idk. Maybe it’s just bad writing or drawing or animating, but... there’s something about it that makes me wonder. I’ve said before I think Sakura should have been a ROOT agent, but this is why I think within canon there’s actually a possibility all three of them were plants. Maybe not ROOT, but... seems a bit too weird for me to just brush off.
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