#so many people bitched about kesha and she just wanted to make fun party music
jewishbarbies · 1 year
“not all music needs to be analytical or poetic, it can just be fun, and that doesn’t make it inherently mediocre.” needs to be learned again. you can just listen to music because it’s fun. not all fun music has to be poetic or a Shakespearean monologue with background music for you to listen to it or call it good. learn to be secure in your music taste and understand that it’s okay and not an insult to you if someone else has different preferences.
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storywriter007 · 7 months
(Part 2) Part 1 - Why Are You so Mean? - Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader
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summary: in which y/n walks in on rafe looking a little to intimate with his girl best friend
warnings: cursing, girl bestie, mention of drugs and drinking, toxic behavior
genre: angst
word count: 1k
-> outerbanks masterlist
the party music blared across the beach house. to be frank, y/n wasn't big into the party scene. she loved parties: the ones where you danced until your feet gave out, the ones where you sang your heart out to a song by kesha, and the ones where it was all about smiles and singing. not these parties: where everyone judged one another, where everyone couldn't talk without slurring their words, where everyone needed a drink, and where people upstairs were snorting lines of cocaine.
y/n was out on the balcony, looking at the beach. a beach like this, and people still just wanted to snort coke in a beach house. lame, she thought. but she was here too.
she remembered when she first met her boyfriend; rafe cameron. it was karaoke night at a local beach party. y/n and her best friend were up and they were singing "22" by the one and only, taylor swift. it was just a fun song in a fun night with fun people. y/n recalled how her hair had gotten screwed up from all the dancing she did, how her make up had all been lost, and how she smelled of seawater and vanilla perfume. she'd heard all about rafe; how he was bad news. ironically, she was singing "you look like bad news, i gotta have you" right when she made eye-contact with the snarky blonde. he winked at her and she smiled back. after that song, they took a long walk across the beach, and soon after they talked a little more, they began dating. it'd been six months now.
snapping out of her daze, y/n decided to go upstairs and rejoin rafe. she'd left, wanting to get away from the strong smell of alcohol and cocaine that tainted the house. as she opened the door to the room she'd left a few minutes earlier, she felt a punch in her gut.
there was rafe, sitting on the couch. his arm was around another girl next to him. her brown hair draped over her shoulder as rafe used his other hand to toy with her locks. sofia. his best friend, of course. y/n hadn't liked her since the minute they'd met and she'd made some sly remarks.
"you're rafe's girlfriend?" she laughed in front of you. "rebound?" she mouthed.
bitch y/n thought, recalling the memory.
topper, kelce, rafe, and sofia laughed, like y/n wasn't even there.
"rafe? no lines today?" topper laughed.
"nah, sof's convinced me to get clean." he said.
i always tell you to get clean y/n thought.
"sorry for interrupting guys. i'm just going to be leaving now." y/n finally said. "by the way, you two make a really cute couple." she fake smiled, her entire dialogue painted with obvious sarcasm and anger.
"y/n-" rafe said, moving from sofia and make his way towards her.
"no i get it. that y/n girl is such a bitch, right? she's always on your ass about getting clean and other bullshit. i wouldn't want anything to do with her either." y/n continued.
"i didn't say that-"
sofia rolled her eyes.
"have fun gentlemen." y/n smiled. "and uh, whatever you are."
y/n walked out of the house, rafe calling after her.
y/n stormed off to the beach. it looked beautiful in the dark. the waves crashing against the shore and the salty breeze. she took a seat on the cold sand.
she'd told rafe so many times to get clean; that it was bad for him and it was stupid. did he listen no? but leave it to sofia to say it, and he's all ears. she'd always wanted to watch dirty dancing with rafe, but did he every make the time for it? no. but did he watch the movie a week later with sofia. yes. she'd asked rafe to sing with her at karaoke night, did he? no. but as soon as y/n went to the bathroom and came back, he was singing "you belong with me" with sofia.
her train of thought was interrupted when she heard rafe calling. she blinked the tears away.
"y/n! what the hell, i've been looking all over for you!"
"you started looking for me when you couldn't occupy yourself with sofia anymore." y/n spat back. "you didn't give a single fuck about where i was. you never do, especially when sofia's there."
"that's not true-"
"karaoke night? dirty dancing? rafe, i've told you a thousand times to get clean, but you listen when sofia tells you!"
he sat down next to her and put his arm around her.
"i'm sorry sweetheart, we've just been friends-"
y/n pushed his arm off of her.
"you've been friends with her forever. i've heard the excuse a thousand fucking times."
she could see the annoyance in his eyes.
"what, you annoyed? would you be annoyed if i was sofia?"
he took a deep breath and looked at the sea. of course the mention of sofia bothered him.
"i don't remember you being this fucking annoying when we met."
"why are you so mean?" she asked, voice breaking.
"no, no, no, don't go crying now. you started this."
"you just called me 'fucking annoying.' of course i'm going to cry. and you did this by climbing all over another girl."
from a distance, y/n heard someone calling out for rafe. it was that bitch, it just had to be her. "rafe! c'mon, you're missing out. topper and kelce are so fucked up right now, it's hilarious!"
she waved to him, stopping about 20 feet away. he waved back. he looked at y/n as they both got up.
she knew he wanted to leave.
"you can go." y/n said. "but if you do so, we're over."
"what the fuck y/n! that isn't fair."
"i've got this sneaking feeling: that i'm worth half than whatever she is to you. and if you, you'll confirm what i feel like i already know." y/n spoke softly, turning to meet his blue eyes.
"whatever." he scoffed, getting up and reuniting with sofia.
he glared at y/n as he embraced sofia. y/n walked past them both, tears spilling from her eyes as soon as she'd passed them.
why was he so mean?
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daxwritesstories · 3 months
College AU Part 32: Better Days
Content warning: abuse mention, dubcon mention
Scene 1: Party at a Rich Dude's House
(Scene title by Kesha)
INT. Cyra & Celia's dorm - Morning
Cyra and Celia are sitting on Celia's bed together. Celia is putting makeup on Cyra's black eye. Vir is sitting on Cyra's bed, watching them.
CELIA: You really need to stop getting into fights.
CYRA: I can't help it. So many people piss me off.
Celia giggles. Vir raises an eyebrow at Cyra.
VIR: What even happened this time?
CYRA: Some bitch was making fun of Ace and calling him a faggot. I couldn't stand it so I jumped on her. It didn't last long though. Ace was there to break it up.
Vir sighs and shakes her head.
VIR: Homophobia at it's finest.
CELIA: And transphobia. Really though, Cyra, I know you get mad about these things, but violence isn't the answer.
VIR: It really isn't, although sometimes it can feel that way...
CYRA: I know... You guys know I have trouble controlling my outbursts.
CELIA: I know you do.
Vir smiles at Cyra.
VIR: Maybe Ace can help you learn to control them.
Cyra smiles back.
CYRA: Hm... And how would he do that, I wonder?
All three girls start giggling.
CYRA: I'm so excited to get these invitations out today! We have to make sure everyone on the guest list gets them.
VIR: I'm surprised you actually made a list this time.
CYRA: Well, I rented a small house just outside of campus for it. We can only fit so many people in there, so I don't want anyone bringing their friends this time.
VIR: I see. Is the house nice?
Cyra shrugs.
CYRA: It'll get the job done.
Vir and Celia laugh.
We cut to a montage of Cyra, Celia, and Vir handing out invitations to various characters. All the while, we can hear voiceovers of the three of them talking.
INT. Erik & Rhett's dorm - Day
Rhett is sitting at his desk. Celia hands him an envelope while Cyra theatrically poses with her arms out, smiling at Rhett.
CYRA (voiceover): Remember, it's only Christmas-themed. No gift exchanges and we're not doing anything religious.
INT. Boy's dorm lobby - Day
Cyra is standing in front of Prince and Jayce near some of the couches. She smiles and holds out two envelopes.
CELIA (voiceover): What if people insist on bringing gifts?
Prince and Jayce both take envelopes. Prince smiles back at Cyra and Jayce nods.
CYRA (voiceover): Then that's on them.
INT. Lounge area - Day
Ace and Zayn are sitting on a couch together. Vir is standing in front of the couch, handing them both invitations.
VIR (voiceover): Is there a dress code? I know you love your costume parties.
Ace and Zayn both take the invitations. Zayn gives Vir a polite smile and Ace blows a kiss at her.
INT. Hallway - Day
Devin is sitting on a bench with some random guy, chatting.
CYRA (voiceover): No, but everyone is more than welcome to wear a crazy outfit if they want!
Celia and Vir run past Devin. They both poke him as they pass, getting his attention. He looks in the direction they ran in, confused. He doesn't notice Cyra running up to him until she throws an envelope at him. Devin flinches and scrambles to grab the invitation before it falls. He watches Cyra run away, looking annoyed. The guy who's with him laughs.
INT. Library - Day
Laura, Sky, and Bella are sitting on a couch together, all reading different books. Vir and Celia approach the couch from behind and place an envelope on each of their books, right on the pages they're reading.
VIR (voiceover): I bet you're just itching to see what Ace is gonna wear.
The girls on the couch all look up at Vir and Celia and then examine the envelopes. Vir and Celia smile at them.
CYRA (voiceover): Always!
EXT. Courtyard - Day
Leon, Cyra, Vir, and Celia are all standing in the courtyard. Cyra is holding an invitation out of Leon's reach as he tries to grab it from her. Vir and Celia are both giggling.
CELIA (voiceover): You should let me pick the music this time! I already have some ideas.
Cyra holds her finger up to stop Leon from reaching. He settles down and Cyra says something to him that we can't hear. Leon puts his hands behind his back. Cyra opens her mouth wide and Leon copies her. Cyra giggles and puts the envelope in Leon's mouth. He grabs it with his teeth.
CYRA (voiceover): How about we go half-and-half?
INT. Axel & Drew's dorm - Day
Cyra hands Drew an invitation and he smiles at her.
CELIA (voiceover): Okay...
Cyra and Drew both look at Axel, who is sitting at his desk, ignoring them. Cyra cautiously approaches him and silently places an envelope on his desk. When Axel notices, he looks over at Cyra. She's already walking away though.
CYRA (voiceover): Ah! I can't wait!
INT. Girls dorm lobby - Day
Vir is holding an invitation out to Celeste.
We hear Cyra giggle excitedly in the voiceover.
CYRA (voiceover): This is gonna be so much fun!
Celeste aggressively snatches the envelope from Vir, avoiding direct eye contact with her. Vir takes a cautious step back.
VIR (voiceover): I hope so.
Scene 2: Better Days
(Scene title by NEIKED)
INT. Roman's office - Afternoon
Roman is sitting at his desk, doing paperwork. Cyra sits on top of the desk in front of him.
ROMAN: Get your ass off my desk.
Cyra aggressively slaps an envelope down on top of Roman's paperwork.
CYRA (singing): You're invited~
Roman sighs and picks up the envelope.
ROMAN: To what?
CYRA: To my party! We need to celebrate the winter break.
Roman opens the envelope and looks at the invitation.
ROMAN: I take it you're not mad at me anymore then?
CYRA: Well, I wouldn't say that...
ROMAN: So, you're still mad, but you're inviting me anyway? And what are you gonna tell your little boyfriend?
Cyra sighs.
CYRA: Look, Erik's gone for the break. I just don't wanna think about all that right now. And he's not my boyfriend, by the way. He isn't my type.
Roman laughs.
ROMAN: You have a type?
Cyra rolls her eyes.
CYRA: According to Ace I do...
Roman slides the invitation back into the envelope and throws it back onto his desk.
ROMAN: Alright. I'll be there. Winter break is always boring as hell anyway.
Cyra tilts her head, confused.
CYRA: Don't have any family to see?
Roman smiles and looks up at Cyra.
ROMAN: Wouldn't you like to know?
Roman's facial expression suddenly changes as he realizes something. He squints to get a better look at Cyra's face.
ROMAN: I think the makeup under your eye is coming off.
Cyra quickly brings her hand up to her eye, feeling around it.
CYRA: What? Really?
Roman laughs.
ROMAN: What'd you do this time?
Cyra puts her hand down and glares at Roman.
CYRA: I didn't do anything.
ROMAN: Well something must have made Ace mad.
Cyra glances around, debating telling him.
CYRA: Did Ace tell you that Phoenix trashed his dorm?
Roman frowns.
ROMAN: No. When did this happen?
CYRA: Yesterday. I tried to make him feel better but he just got mad.
ROMAN: Hm. I wonder how Phoenix even got in there...
Cyra shrugs.
CYRA: Beats me. The lock wasn't broken or anything.
Roman doesn't respond, just sits there thinking. He looks mad. Cyra hops off the desk and mindlessly wanders around the room.
CYRA: You wouldn't be able to... do anything about that, would you?
ROMAN: Not unless Ace asks me for help. He hates when people try to meddle with his business.
CYRA: Oh. Okay.
Cyra wanders over to a half filing cabinet. She notices a CD case sitting on top of it. She picks it up and examines it.
CYRA: What's this?
Roman looks over at Cyra and then laughs when he sees what she's holding.
ROMAN: That's a demo disk from my old band. I was reminiscing.
Cyra smiles and looks at Roman.
CYRA: No way! Let me hear it.
Roman nods toward a boombox that's sitting on one of the bookshelves. Cyra rushes over and puts the CD into the boombox.
ROMAN: Don't play it too loud.
CYRA: Why? Embarrassed?
ROMAN: No. You'll see why.
Cyra presses play. A heavy rock song begins to play. The vocals on the track start right away and Cyra smiles when she recognizes Roman's voice.
As the track plays, it becomes obvious that the lyrics are very sexual, complete with tongue-in-cheek moaning in between a couple lines. Roman bobs his head to the music while Cyra just stands there, perplexed.
CYRA: Did you write this?
CYRA: It's... um...
ROMAN: Horny? I know. That was kind of our thing.
Cyra laughs in disbelief.
CYRA: You didn't tell me that.
ROMAN: Was I supposed to?
Cyra doesn't respond, listening to the song more.
CYRA: It's... actually pretty good.
ROMAN: I know. We didn't stop because we weren't good enough. We had a falling out.
CYRA: Over what?
ROMAN: Don't worry about it.
Cyra gives Roman a skeptical look but doesn't say anything else.
Scene 3: Feels
(Scene title by Calvin Harris)
INT. Cafeteria - Day
Prince is standing in front of the vending machines, trying to pick out something to eat. They have their wallets in their hands.
LEON: Hey, Prince.
Prince looks over and sees Leon approaching them.
PRINCE: Hi. How's it going?
LEON: Good, good. Are you going to Cyra's party?
PRINCE: Yup. I'm assuming you're going too?
LEON: Yeah. The last one was pretty fun so...
Prince nods. Leon looks at the vending machine.
LEON: What are you getting?
PRINCE: I don't know. Maybe popcorn?
LEON: Popcorn's good.
Prince laughs.
PRINCE: You raise a good point. Okay, I'm getting that.
Prince punches the number into the vending machine and then starts putting coins in.
PRINCE: Want anything?
LEON: Yeah, but I brought my own wallet.
PRINCE: No, I'll buy you something.
LEON: Uh... Okay.
The popcorn bag falls and Prince reaches into the slot to grab it.
PRINCE: What do you want?
LEON: I was gonna get popcorn too.
Prince punches the number into the machine again. Leon watches as they put the coins in.
LEON: Thanks...
PRINCE: No problem.
LEON: Hey, um, I never got to ask what you meant the other day. You know, when we were talking in my dorm.
PRINCE: What did I say?
LEON: Uh... You don't remember?
Prince shrugs.
PRINCE: Maybe. Maybe not. Can you say it?
LEON: Um...
Leon hesitates.
LEON: You said... The best way to learn is through experience. I think those were the words you used.
Prince smiles and nods.
PRINCE: Yes, now I remember.
LEON: So, what did you mean exactly?
The second popcorn bag falls and Prince bends down to grab it. When they stand up again though, they don't hand it to Leon. They just hold it instead.
PRINCE: Come closer, I'll tell you.
Leon takes a step closer to Prince, now standing right in front of them. Without warning, Prince leans forward and kisses Leon. They hold the kiss for a moment. Then they shove the popcorn bag into Leon's hand and pull away. Leon is too shocked to say anything.
PRINCE: I meant exactly what I said.
LEON: Oh...
Prince smiles.
PRINCE: I have to go.
Leon still looks dumbfounded.
LEON: Uh, yeah. Sure.
Prince turns around and walks in the opposite direction. Once they're a good distance away, Leon leans back against one of the vending machines and takes a deep breath. He looks both overwhelmed and excited.
Scene 4: Pay For It
(Scene title by Mindless Self Indulgence)
INT. Hallway - Afternoon
Cyra is alone in the hallway. She looks around to see if anyone's nearby and then leans against the wall. She takes out her phone and taps on it a few times before holding it up to her ear and waiting.
INT. Ace & Zayn's dorm - Afternoon
Ace is alone in his dorm. The beds have both been replaced but the rest of the furniture is still destroyed. The wall has also been painted over.
Ace's phone rings on his bed. He picks it up and sighs when he sees Cyra's name on the screen. He answers it.
ACE: I hope you're not expecting an apology, 'cause you're not getting one.
INT. Hallway - Afternoon
Cyra sighs.
CYRA: No. I wanted to apologize, actually...
INT. Ace & Zayn's dorm - Afternoon
Ace rolls his eyes and checks his nails.
ACE: Well? I'm waiting.
INT. Ace & Zayn's dorm - Afternoon
Cyra closes her eyes for a moment, trying to think of what to say.
CYRA: Look, I know I should've just kept my mouth shut. I just wanted to help, but I should've known better.
ACE (through the phone): Yeah. You should have.
CYRA: I wasn't trying to upset you. I never wanna make you upset or angry or sad or anything like that.
INT. Ace & Zayn's dorm - Afternoon
Ace sighs and puts his hand on his forehead.
CYRA (through the phone): I get it if you're still mad at me...
INT. Hallway - Afternoon
CYRA: ...but I really wanna help. Will you at least let me replace your clothes?
ACE (through the phone): I don't want a replacement.
CYRA: But–
INT. Ace & Zayn's dorm - Afternoon
ACE: I want an upgrade. I want a wardrobe that cost twice as much as the one that got destroyed, at least. Can you do that for me?
INT. Hallway - Afternoon
Cyra pauses, taking in what Ace just said.
CYRA: Of course... Anything for you. We can go shopping–
ACE (through the phone): No.
INT. Ace & Zayn's dorm - Afternoon
ACE: I'm going shopping and then I'll send you the credit card bill. Do you understand?
INT. Hallway - Afternoon
Cyra swallows nervously.
CYRA: Yeah. I understand. Um...
INT. Ace & Zayn's dorm - Afternoon
CYRA (through the phone): Do you think you can forgive me?
Ace rolls his eyes.
ACE: I guess I could... Since you're at least trying to make up for your mistake.
CYRA (through the phone): I'll fix everything. I promise.
ACE: Yes, you already told me that. Just shut up and listen. Now that you've managed to weasel your way into my life, all of my problems are now yours too. If you love me as much as you say you do, then you'll do everything you can to help me solve them.
INT. Hallway - Afternoon
ACE (through the phone): You can't pussy-out now. I gave you plenty of warnings, plenty of opportunities to leave. You had your chance.
Cyra looks around nervously as she listens.
ACE (through the phone): You're fucking stuck with me until I'm done with you. Got it?
Cyra nods even though Ace can't see her.
CYRA: Yes.
INT. Ace & Zayn's dorm - Afternoon
CYRA (through the phone): And I don't want it any other way.
Ace smiles, his demeanor completely changing.
ACE: Good girl. That's what I thought.
INT. Hallway - Afternoon
ACE (through the phone): Okay, you're forgiven.
Cyra sighs in relief and bites her lip.
ACE (through the phone): I have to go now. Time to get some new clothes. I'll call you when I'm done.
CYRA: Okay. Sounds good.
ACE (through the phone): Goodbye, pup.
CYRA: Bye, gorgeous...
Cyra puts her arm down and looks up at the ceiling. Just then, Prince walks around the corner, holding a bag of popcorn. They look anxious. Cyra looks over when she hears them coming.
CYRA: Prince.
Cyra tilts her head, noticing Prince's nervous body language.
CYRA: What's up? You look stressed.
PRINCE: I kissed Leon.
Cyra's jaw drops and she smiles.
CYRA: What?! Why?
PRINCE: Well, you've seen him...
CYRA: I sure have. He's adorable.
PRINCE: Yeah, and he's always staring at me like he wants to fuck me. It's, like, getting into my head. You know?
Cyra nods.
CYRA: I see... I'd probably do the same thing if I were you.
PRINCE: Do you think Jayce will be mad?
Cyra thinks for a moment.
CYRA: Maybe, but he'll get over it.
Prince sighs, not convinced. A sly smile grows on Cyra's face.
CYRA: Hey... Isn't Leon, like, super bicurious because of you?
Prince snickers.
CYRA: Okay, so, here's what I would do. You talk to Leon to figure out what his schedule will be on a certain day, so you know when he'll come back to the dorm. Then, you start having sex with Jayce close to the time that Leon is supposed to come back. Make sure you get him all wound up so he's not thinking straight.
Prince laughs.
CYRA: Then, when Leon inevitably walks in on you two, you can be like, "hey, why don't you join us?" Jayce will be too desperate to protest and Leon can do his experimenting or whatever. And you get to have two cuties at once.
PRINCE: I see you have this all planned out... You really think Jayce would do that with his roommate?
CYRA: Hey, how do you think I got him to try all that weird stuff with us? I was just edging that boy like no tomorrow.
Prince laughs again.
PRINCE: You're gross. But that is true.
Cyra puts her hands up and shrugs.
CYRA: It works.
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terrainofheartfelt · 3 years
here’s a though i’ve been pondering over - if the main characters from gg were musicians, what type of musicians do you think they would be? like in terms of what genres they would play in, artists that you think they’d be like, etc.
Wow anon this is exactly my brand i love you for asking this. Buckle up this post shalt be long >:)
(I know many of the cast have had music careers but I’m not really that up on them, this is more my impressions of their characters than them.)
I’ll start with the Humphreys bc they are the ones I’ve thought about the Most.
Like, I see Dan as the folk-punk type, a poet-with-a-guitar type. Frank Turner and Brian Fallon are two of my favorite songwriters, and their writing has a very Dan Humphrey Professional Yearner kind of vibe (And when I’m writing Dan-centric fic which is all my fic tbh I listen to them A Lot). Hozier and Phoebe Bridgers also carry a similar energy, though Hozier is more on the blues/folk side & Bridgers is more indie pop meets country. He’s mostly a guitar guy, but has the skill to branch out into other similar instruments, (he gets a banjo and mandolin just for the challenge). Ivy and I have talked a lot about the idea of pianist!Dan, which I also find v appealing, but I haven’t thought much beyond: Dan playing this Chopin...
Jenny, my best girl, I’ve thought about it and exchanged many a message with @bisexualdanhumphrey about Jen. She has this fascinating, bluesy & raw kind of voice. She’s a vocalist primarily, but can play her way through most chord progressions on a keyboard, she has a ukulele that she loves. Really, she can pick up an instrument for an afternoon and do pretty well, which annoys her brother to no end (“I’ve been playing for 12 years and she figures it out in a day?!”). As for musical acts I think are similar I always come back to Stevie Nicks and Halsey, for the vocals and the vibes. There’s actually an artist I’ve been really into lately called Susan O’Neill (she goes by SON some places) and when I listen to her I think “That’s Jenny’s voice”
Throwing Eric in bc I don’t have much to say about him, but I made him Beth in my Little Women au and I loooooooooved writing baby virtuoso Eric. Eric & Liszt. That is all.
Vanessa is a drummer in my brain. Like a pop-punk drummer. Ivy actually has this fic in which she plays piano in a band which is an idea I also love - like a Carole King/Sara Bareilles kind of vibe. Maybe she joins her sister’s band? Vanessa and Dan on tour with Ruby, picture it…
Blair as a musician I imagine a couple of ways. If we’re going the classical route, I can see her being really into something that requires a lot of technical skill, like the harp. (Slightly related: listen to this performance, the harp is so gorgeous I love it.) Ooh OOH, and from being a harpist she goes to become a conductor. I can SO see Blair Waldorf as an orchestra conductor. If we’re going a more pop route, I think Blair’d be like one of her beloved chanteuses, singing jazz standards and French classics a la Edith Piaf, or like Robyn Adele Anderson, or like Zoey Deschanel in She & Him (an au of Dair as She & Him…?)
Serena is another enigma. The easy answer would be to go with S the pop diva. I’ve said before that Kesha’s whole journey as an artist really resonates with Serena’s character, so I could see that—the character of the “party girl” that evolves into this lovely, zany blend of pop & country & rock & whatever the hell she wants. (Cowboy Blues is literally a SVDW character study. All of High Road is honestly) The other idea I had when I got this ask is Serena the Band Kid. But I see her going for the low brass section, bc the chillest, most easily charismatic people I know have been low brass players. Just, Serena playing trombone and euphonium makes me very happy.
Nate...idk, friend. He doesn’t particularly strike me as the artsy type, like he would play an instrument because his parents made him (reccing yet another Ivy fic because they Get It). I could see him doing something low key, like playing bass maybe in the band I made Dan, Vanessa, and Jenny form above. Bass is also like, the steady supportive thing in an ensemble, which I think suits our Natie. Or, if Nate were a band kid with Serena, I could see him doing something himbo-ish like drumline.
I am first and foremost an opera person, and a fun habit me and my friends have is thinking about “if this were an opera, what voice types would the characters be?” (my college roommate and I spent a whole evening brainstorming Mean Girls the opera once--before the musical was even a thing, so fight me Tina Fey), so I have thought a bit about that too…
Like Nate is def a lyric baritone, because they are the himbos of opera: comedic, handsome, drink the respect women juice-- a la Figaro in Barber or Escamillo in Carmen. Dan is a Puccini spinto tenor (more on the Rondine & Boheme side of the spectrum). Because of the Pining. Blair is a soprano, like a Musetta or Donna Anna or Marschallin or Magda in Rondine: romantic, but can cut a bitch. Serena is a Rossini mezzo, like Rosina or Cenerentola: bubbly, charismatic, kind, loves to pull one over on men. Jenny is a mezzo of the kind I’d like to call Gay, like Komponist or Octavian in Rosenkav - a bit more dramatic and nothing heterosexual about em. Vanessa is also a mezzo (I am one too, okay #lowvoicesupremacy) like, Susan Graham.
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