#so many rabbits and bunnies in this first batch
robinsceramics · 1 year
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some of my creatures from this semester!
[image descriptions: photos of ceramic animal sculptures: a blue bunny with a white-and-cream crescent moon attached to its back, a small bust of a dark green anthro fox wearing a blue blouse, a green kiwi bird, a white rabbit lying down, a blue-and-cream raccoon, a simple gray fox head, a rabbit with spiral and spot designs in hazelnut brown, and three tiny minimalist bunnies in chartreuse, sky-blue, and cool violet.]
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siancore · 6 months
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Synopsis: Rick and Michonne spend time with their children.
Words: 2.3k
Their home felt different. Not in a way that it was unrecognizable, but just different. So much time had passed. They had lived so much of their lives behind those walls, but also away from there. Michonne and Rick were grateful that Aaron and Father Gabriel were gracious enough allow the Grimes family to move back into their old home. They were intent on making sure it felt safe and loving for their children.
The family sat up late into the night. Mattresses and pillows everywhere in the living room as Rick and Michonne told stories, and asked about what their children had been doing. Judith told stories of how she and RJ spent their time. RJ asked so many questions of his father. Rick offered them apologies as he listened to them with tears in his eyes. Michonne held her family close and told them how much she loved and missed them.
It was nearing midnight when RJ began snoring softly, nestled in between his mother and father. Judith had started to yawn, losing her battle with trying to keep her eyes open.
“You should sleep now, Sweetheart,” said Michonne, as she pressed a soft kiss to her daughter’s head.
“One more story,” Judith pleaded, though she yawned again.
“We can finish our stories tomorrow, Sleepyhead,” said Rick with a warm smile.  
“Can we have a family fun day, too?” asked Judith, as her eyes finally closed.
“Yeah,” said Rick, happily. “We can do whatever you want.”
Gone were those days. Days stabbing and slashing. Days counting kills and hours. Rick had lost so much time. So much time with his family. With Judith. With Michonne. With RJ. He was determined to spend every waking hour with them now that he had been brought back home.
Breakfast was an almost raucous affair. Pancake batter and pieces of fruit were everywhere. Laughter wafted throughout the house as Rick tried to convince their children that he was actually good at making pancakes in the shape of teddy bears and bunny rabbits.
“They look like walkers!” RJ exclaimed as yet another batch of bunnies bled together in the pan.
“Oh my gosh, they do!” Judith joined in.
The pair began to laugh again as Rick stood looking faux-offended. Michonne came to stand behind Rick and wrapped her arms around his waist. She peered over his shoulder to see what he had plated up for their children.
“Hmm,” she said. “I’d better get my sword for these ones. Definitely look like walkers.”
The Virginian sun felt warm on his skin as Rick squinted out across the water. It was a fine day to spend outdoors with the ones he loved the most in the world. Judith and RJ came running up with the long jump rope as Michonne laid the blanket out on the grassy area.
“RJ, you and Dad can turn the rope, and me and Mom will jump first,” Judith directed.
“Aww, I wanna jump first,” RJ replied with a pout.
“You can jump with Dad,” Judith insisted.
“Okay,” RJ replied with a smile, and then turned to Rick to say, “Are you good at jump rope?”
Rick looked a little sheepish, glanced at Michonne, and then back at their son before replying, “I ain’t jumped rope since I was in the fifth grade, but I’ll give it a go for you.”
RJ presented his father with a smile and said, “I believe in you.”
Rick almost melted into the grass-covered ground in that moment. His chest swelled with adoration as a wide smile crossed his face. He was still smiling as he and RJ turned the rope and sang Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear while Judith and Michonne skipped, jumped, and laughed.
The food that RJ and Judith had prepared for their family picnic was a welcome treat after jumping rope and laughing all morning. The spread looked delicious as the two children served up food for their parents. They insisted that, after Rick’s scary-looking pancakes earlier in the day, they should do any and all food preparation for lunch. Their parents were happy for them to take the lead.
RJ plated up fruits, nuts, and a sandwich each for his mother and father, while Judith made sure they all had glasses of lemonade to wash it all down.
“This is lovely,” said Rick with a warm smile as he took the plate and cup. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Judith and RJ said in unison.
“Can we finish telling stories now?” asked Judith as she settled in next to her mother.
“Absolutely,” Michonne replied. “What did you want to hear about?”
“Ooh, I know,” RJ interjected excitedly. “Tell us about the helicopter ride.”
“Yeah!” Judith agreed. “What was it like being up in the sky like that?”
Michonne smiled at their children, then at Rick, and said, “Well, it’s actually pretty fun. You can see miles and miles of countryside from up there. Rivers and lakes. Hills and trees. You can see where other settlements are. Hordes of walkers. I never actually thought I’d get to fly like that again.”
“Wow,” said RJ, captivated by what his mother was saying.
“You used to fly before?” asked a curious Judith.
“All the time,” said Michonne. “Mostly for work. But sometimes for fun. Like going on vacation. I loved that. And Andre was such a good baby when we were on planes. He never made a fuss.”
“Andre went flying with you?” asked RJ, his eyes filled with wonder.
“Oh yeah, Baby. Andre went with me everywhere,” said Michonne with a nostalgic smile on her lips; Rick took hold of her hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Can we go flying with you on the helicopter?” asked RJ.
“Yeah, do you think we could?” Judith chimed in.
“Maybe,” said Michonne, before she turned to look at Rick and added, “Did you know your Dad knows how to fly a helicopter?”
“No way!” said RJ, eyes wide.
“Really?” asked Judith, not recalling that detail from all of the stories her mother had told about the Brave Man.
“Yes, really,” Michonne replied. “So who knows? Maybe one of these days we’ll all get to fly together.”
Rick laid back on the picnic blanket as Michonne dug through her bag to find the deck of cards, pencils, and books they had brought along. He watched happily as Judith and RJ were play fighting with sticks for swords. Judith was pretty good; you could tell RJ was still learning. Rick watched as his daughter showed his son how to strike and parry. Watched the determination on their faces as RJ tried to master a move; watched the joy that encompassed both of them when he got it right.
“She’s good at that,” said Rick to Michonne without taking his eyes of their children.
“She’s so good at that,” Michonne confirmed.
“And RJ’s a quick learner,” Rick commented proudly. “You did a great job with them, Michonne.”
He finally turned his gaze to lock eyes with his wife.
“I’m so sorry you had to do it on your own,” he added.
Michonne placed the books down and took hold of Rick’s hand.
“Stop apologizing,” Michonne insisted. “And I didn’t do it on my own. I had help from all of our friends and our family.”
Rick nodded his head and listened as Michonne continued.
“And in all honesty, I wasn’t alone,” she admitted, running her thumb over his. “I carried you with me the whole time. Your memory. Your values. Your good, kind heart. Your voice in the back of my mind. You were with me, Rick. The whole time. Even when you weren’t here, you were still here. In the way I raised them. In the way I love them.”
Rick gave his wife a small smile and then brought her hand to his lips as he pressed a lovingly gentle kiss to it.
“Thank you,” said Rick in earnest. “Thank you for taking care of our family.”
As the day progressed, Michonne and Judith decide that they should get some training done and let Rick and RJ spend some time together alone. Father and son sat on the blanket and chatted while RJ flicked through the books that Michonne brought. Rick took the moment to reach into the bag and retrieve a gift he had procured for RJ.
“Son?” said Rick, getting RJ’s attention.
“Yeah?” RJ replied.
“I got somethin’ for you,” said Rick as he held out the plastic-covered comic book. “Your Mama said you liked to read comics.”
RJ’s face lit up as he took the gift from his father.
“I love ‘em,” said RJ as he examined the cover.
“Hope you haven’t read this one yet,” Rick said, feeling like the warmth radiating from RJ’s smile was filling his soul.
RJ looked closer and then shook his head, “Not yet.”
He removed the book carefully from the plastic and looked at the image on the cover. He smiled to himself and then looked up to smile at his father.
“This is one of my favorite comics,” RJ explained. “It was one of Carl’s favorites, too.”
Something tightened in Rick’s chest at RJ’s mention of Carl. Of course Michonne and Judith would have told stories about Carl, too. It just hit Rick with so much emotion to hear his son who was still with him speak of his son whom he had lost. They looked so much alike. Had so much in common. It was heartwarming to know that they both shared a love of comic books.
“Invincible,” said Rick as he read the title. “So, your big brother loved it too, eh?”
“Yep,” said RJ. “Carl’s favorite hero.”
Rick nodded his head and watched as RJ skimmed through the pages. A comfortable silence settled around them. RJ looked at the pictures in the book; Rick looked at him.  
“I hope Carl knew he was a hero, too,” RJ said so quietly that Rick almost missed it.  
Rick felt his eyes begin to water and a lump form in his throat.
“I – I don’t know if Carl realized that, but he was. He was a hero,” said Rick. “He saved me so many times.”
RJ nodded his head and looked thoughtful, just like Carl.
Rick swallowed down the lump and said, “Y’know, your Mama saved me as well. You kids saved me.”
RJ tilted his head to the side and asked, “Me, too?”
“Yes,” said Rick, as he smiled and placed a hand to RJ’s shoulder.
“How?” asked RJ, wide-eyed and curious. “We just met. Plus, I’m not good with swords like Judith. And I’m good at everything like Carl was. What did I do?”
“First of all, you are good at so many things, Honey. So many things,” said Rick, as he gave RJ’s shoulder a squeeze. “Secondly, you’re here. Just you bein’ here is saving me. You are a hero, too. Okay?”
RJ smiled at his father and said, “Okay. Thanks, Dad.”
The sun was hanging low in the sky when the whole Grimes family decides to make daisy chains. RJ and Judith helped Rick to collect the flowers. There were so many different colored flowers that they could choose from that they almost cleaned out the whole patch. Michonne was really good at lacing and weaving the stems together. Rick found himself watching her diligently. Once he had gotten the hang of it, there was no stopping him. He made one for Judith that he helped fix to her hair. He made a smaller one for RJ that he helped fix to RJ’s wrist. And he spent an awful longtime on Michonne’s daisy chain, the kids noticed.
“Dad, what’s taking so long?” asked Judith as she tied her creation to the top of RJ’s hat.
“I have to get it just right,” Rick replied as he continued adding to the chain. “Gotta make it look like a crown.”
He glanced from the kids to their mother, and then added, “Because your Mama is a queen and it’s what she deserves.”
RJ giggled almost as loudly as Michonne did. Neither child rolled their eyes at how sappy their parents were being. Judith asked if that meant she and RJ were royalty, too.
After the sun had dropped and the moon had taken its place, the Grimes family settled in for an evening in their home. Michonne was helping Judith get ready while RJ and Rick were downstairs in the living room. After setting up the mattresses, blankets, and pillows, RJ and Rick got a quiet moment together. RJ, in his pajamas, settled in next to his father on the sofa.
“Can I tell you something?” asked RJ, breaking the comfortable silence.
“You can tell me anything,” Rick replied, as he turned to face his young son.
“I knew Mama would bring you home,” said RJ with a bright smile. “When she says she’s gonna do something, I always believe her.”
Rick smiled and said, “Yeah, me too. She’s pretty awesome.”
RJ nodded his head and then said, “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything,” Rick replied sincerely.  
“Am I like you imagined I would be?” asked RJ, so shyly and sincerely that it almost broke Rick’s chest open.
A lump formed in his throat and he felt tears spill from his eyes.
“You are everything that I imagined you would be,” said Rick, as his voice cracked, and he draped his arm over his son’s shoulder. “Everything and more. I loved you before I even met you. I loved you as soon as your Mama told me that you existed. You are everything, RJ. You are everything to me.”
“Cool,” said RJ, as he leaned into Rick’s embrace. “You’re like how I imagined you would be, too.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“Yep, very good.”
Rick pressed a kiss to the top of RJ’s head and breathed in his scent.
“Good. I’m glad.”
Silence filled the air around them for a moment before RJ broke it.
“I just want you to know,” said the small boy as he snuggled closer to his father. “I loved you before I met you, too.”
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: filthy rich [2/3]  Pairing: millionare!sakusa kiyoomi x y/n [filthy capitalist au] Genre: mild romance themes, major angst ahead, a bit of mystery, mafia!au-ish
Synopsis: He was perfect, maybe too damn perfect.
Warnings: mild sexual content, yandere themes, toxic relationships, violence, shady business, class differences, mentions of rape, and sakusa being a manipulative bastard [this fic does not in any way glorify these types of relationships!!!] Notes: Happy 605 followers guys! Decided to change this into a three part fic since it would be too damn long....I know this is a long overdue chapter hnnng i fucking hate college i cant wait to see sakusa in the new season, how was it guys? I was absolutely thrown off by akaashi even if he only had like a minute or so screentime hnnng...
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Sakusa Kiyoomi reminded you of an onion.
Over the past three years of going out with him, you seem to find a new layer to him. No longer was he the asshole from that day, he was the sweetest boyfriend, hands down. You were both a bit awkward in terms of affection since you two were treading on unfamiliar territory (much to your surprise, a man like Sakusa Kiyoomi has never been seriously intimate with anyone) but like every other couple out there, you surpassed it. You were now in the receiving end of his soft smiles, warm gaze, and affection.
Although you had your worries like your residency and his company growing bigger and bigger by the day, you started to wonder if you’d last long but the man casted your doubts aside and continued to be faithful to you and everyday you seem to fall deeper and deeper in the rabbit hole.
“...and for the last time, stop buying me expensive things and offering to pay my student loans.” you frowned, stirring the Butajiru for your boyfriend who was coming by today for dinner. Out of spite, early on in the relationship, you had to learn how to cook since Sakusa demanded you to when he learned that you lived a lot on canned foods and unhealthy take-outs. Much to your despise, he even volunteers to pay for your weekly groceries and even got you a ‘for sale’ stove that he apparently can’t return because he misplaced the receipt.
“I don’t get it, don’t partners like it when they’re given gifts all the time?” his brows are upturned, making you scoff. “From past experiences-”
“Are you sure that those weren’t sugar babies?” you cut him off, pointing the wooden spoon on your hand at him, “Because from your description you sound like a sugar daddy.”
“Hey.” He grumbled, walking up to you from behind to envelope you on a hug, “I’m not old enough to be a sugar daddy.”
You shut the stove off and turn to him, placing a brief kiss on the jaw, “You yell at teenagers and complain when it’s too noisy. I think you qualify for a senior discount and a sugar daddy title.” You joked, escaping his grip to grab some bowls so you both could start eating.
“You’re only four years younger than me.”
“Mhm.” You hummed, sticking your tongue out, “Also, aren’t you supposed to be at a party tonight?”
“You weren’t there.” 
“Aren’t you required to go?” You frowned, placing the bowl in front of him, “You know I’m not a big fan of those things and you can’t keep handing it over to Komori-san…”
“And you know I hate it when you aren’t there.” He softly repeated.
You roll your eyes and place your own bowl as you sit in front of him, “Always the smooth talker since we met three years ago.” you shake your head.
“Three years, huh.” Sakusa paused, “Speaking of three years, I was thinking…”
You stopped eating and looked up to face him, his face dead serious, “Move in with me.” He asked out of the blue. Your eyes widen and you let down a gulp, your stomach flipping at his words.
“I-” You paused, “I...I can’t…”
Sakusa tilted his head, confused, “What?”
“Don’t get me wrong…” You started, eyes looking at your food, seemingly nervous, “I-I wanna move in with you, my lease is almost up...but…”
“But what?”
“It’s not like I wasn’t going to tell you any sooner but….but i’m moving.”
Silence filled the room that you could almost hear the pin drop, “What do you mean you’re moving?” Sakusa’s voice was void of emotion and it made you scared for the first time. The man wishes you were wrong, wishing that you were just moving someplace nearby but the next words stun him.
“I got accepted for a huge humanitarian work in Medaide.” You gulped, carefully choosing your words as you slither your hands to his, trying to distract him, “We'll be travelling around third world countries, like the dream I've always told you about. I thought, well, I didn't got accepted since I didn't hear from them but it seems like I did.”
“How many months?”
“It’s- It’s a permanent job, I go back once a year…”
Silence enveloped the room, the only thing that could be heard was the faint sound of the bustling city outside. The world seems to have stopped for Sakusa that time.
“Congrats.” Sakusa smiled softly, breaking the silence, “I’m proud of you, bunny.”
Your eyes widen as you immediately leap out the chair and run to your boyfriend’s side, “Thank god!” you exclaimed, sitting on his lap to envelope him in a hug, “I was afraid you’d break up with me.”
You stare at him in the eye, hands on his cheeks, “Now why would I do that?”
“I don’t know, we’d only be seeing each other once a year if i accepted it.” You murmured, kissing him on the temple, “Thanks for being so supportive.”
You don’t notice how his grip tightens a bit on your waist nor the darken look looming over his features, “I’d never let you go, bunny. Never.” he hummed.
You continue on with your little happy bubble with your ever supportive boyfriend, you start shopping for some goodies for your trip that you were scheduled to leave next month. You should’ve known everything was too good to be true. 
A week before your trip, the company had called you in and said that you were cut off from the team and that apparently your experience wasn’t enough.
You vividly remember Sakusa rushing to your side mid-day when he should be swamped with work, whispering soothing words in your ear. You were absolutely devastated, the dream job you wanted felt like it slipped away, it took you a month to get back to your feet and actually go out. Despite getting over it, you were discouraged, the words they said echoed on your head, thoughts on how you weren’t performing well back  in med school and how your record on residency wasn’t enough.
“Oh.” you blinked, looking up to your boyfriend, “Sorry, I spaced out.”
“It’s alright.”
It seemed like the only constant thing in your life now was Sakusa, your friends were busy and they had come and gone, you didn’t want to worry your very busy parents so you didn’t call them about your dilemma. You didn’t want to call your aunt or Hinata about it too since you know they’d tell your parents.
Kiyoomi was the only person who stayed.
He was the only one you trusted.
“Is that roommate thing with you still open?” you suddenly asked, making Sakusa paused mid-movement.
“Of course it is,” He dropped the cutlery he was holding and strode to your side to caress your cheek, “It always is for you.”
“Guess I’ll be able to use my duplicate more often.”
Maybe being a humanitarian doctor wasn’t how it was going to be for you, it took another month for you to actually go and find a permanent job. Sakusa points out that you can take all the time out that you need but you don't want to lounge around and do nothing, you need a good distraction.
So you ended up working for a prestigious hospital as an ER doctor, for a moment, you forgot about Medaide with the help of your new job and your boyfriend.
You were happy.
Really happy.
The idea of staying in Tokyo didn’t actually seem like a bad idea now, you were going to bring it up to your parents and tell them that you wanted to stay here permanently with your boyfriend. They’d probably be happy, Sakusa Kiyoomi is a perfect man.
Until you come to the very sudden realization that he wasn’t.
Kiyoomi hated going out on long distance trips, he always wanted to be next to you or take you with him but this one was apparently too important to skip out so you greet him goodbye and wait for him to come home. Being the good partner you are, you decided to clean the house for your boyfriend. Kiyoomi was an incredibly clean person so you tried to keep your sloppiness to yourself when you moved in a few months ago.
Getting rid of the small dust here and there and throwing some unimportant things on the side, you prepare to throw out the collected garbage but ultimately freeze on your tracks when you find a ripped paper on the garbage dump.
Normally, you don’t do garbage dives.
Why would you?
Yet the name on top along with your boyfriend’s name caught your attention. It was Medaide’s logo, you grabbed the ripped piece of paper and started looking through the garbage dump, it did start to smell but curiosity always got the best of you.
Nervously biting your lower lip, you don’t find all the papers but you find one dated the same week you had broken the news to your boyfriend and the words, “Thank you for your donation and for sending us a group of more competent doctors for this batch.”
Your eyes narrowed as you stood there, shaking, the surge of panic and anxiety bubbling within you made the bile rose on your throat.
What was going on?
Was this really your perfect boyfriend?
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Maybe it was all a big misunderstanding, why would your boyfriend do that? What would he even gain? You bite on your fingernails as you walk back and forth in front of the front desk, “Y/N-san?”
You jump on the spot.
“You alright there?” Shirabu Kenjiro asked, tilting his head to the side, “You’re not looking very good these days.”
“Y-Yeah…” You gulped, “J-Just thinking about some things.”
“Well, your shift is about to be over. Maybe you can go home earlier? ER’s pretty much dead right now.”  Your fellow doctor shrugged, you turned around and let out a sigh, maybe you should request to go home earlier. You needed to rest. All this thinking was getting to your head that you had almost misdiagnosed a patient this afternoon.
“Hey Kenjiro-san.” you ask your workmate, “Can I ask you a question?”
“I have a friend.” You gulped down, “They’ve got this perfect relationship and he’s a super great guy...then-then they realize that he did something bad…”
Kenjiro looks up from his paperwork and shoots you his usual upturned brow, “Can you specify what he did?”
“He got in the way of their dreams.”
Kenjiro is silent for a moment as if he was thinking of something deep, “Well if I were that person, I’d leave him. What kind of asshat doesn’t support their partner’s dreams?” he asked, placing his hands on his hips, “Tell your friend that they deserve better and not some asshat who is holding them back.”
“Yeah,” you nodded, he had a very good point, “Yeah, that’s right.”
Kenjiro had a good point there, maybe confronting Sakusa would be a wise choice but as of right now you decided against it, you needed to gather the courage to actually talk to him about it. The thing that scared you the most was how much you loved and trusted the guy too much.
He went through such lengths to get you to stay around, who knows what else he could’ve done?
You shake your head, you were being paranoid yet at the same time you couldn’t help it. Your anxiety towards the situation wasn’t helpful at all and it was spiking up and down.
On your way home, you decided to pass by a local pharmacy because your head hadn’t been feeling very well, “Do you have any pain killers?” you weakly asked the man on the front counter, after giving you your medication, you also decided to buy some extra vitamins because you recalled almost running out of them.
“Oh, we ran out of that brand yesterday.” The pharmacist replied, scrunching his brow in wonder, “Would you like another one? It’s not a generic brand but it’s  pretty much the same.”
“Yeah, that’ll do too.” You nodded, after paying for your purchase, you headed home. Fixing up your medicine in your cabinet, you freeze mid-action when you notice how familiar the vitamin looked. Shakily raising your hand to grab your birth-control pills in the medicine cabinet, you almost topple down when you pop it open next to the vitamin you bought.
It was the same.
It was exactly the same.
Before you knew it you were vomiting in the basin, your headache was worsening and the shaking wouldn’t stop.
The idea of the perfect boyfriend was completely erased in your head.
You didn’t look well these past few days, Kiyoomi noticed it because you didn’t even dared to hide it anymore, you wanted to leave him. Not only did he get in the way of whatever you worked hard for but he was trying to get you pregnant without your consent.
You felt utterly disgusted.
You sat at the tub, completely drained from all the events that transpired this past two weeks. The three year perfect streak that he tried to maintain was reduced to nothing but shambles. You wanted to blame yourself for being too stupid and caught up in this sham, your boyfriend was messed up, you wanted to get away but how?
You inwardly sighed, you were stupid. Too stupidly in love and intoo deep the rabbit hole that you hadn't even noticed.
Your gaze snapped to find him standing there with an expensive bouquet of flowers, you try to let out a weak smile, “Hey.”
“You’re not looking well.” He commented, placing the flowers on the side as he approached your naked figure on the tub, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah.” you nodded, “Just work.”
“I told you not to overstrain yourself.” He mumbled, bending down to your level, “You might get sick.”
You wanted to cringe away in disgust as he kissed your bare shoulders but you maintained yourself, “It’s fine.” You softly said, “I just have to do my best. I still want to try out for humanitarian work if I get a good recommendation from the hospital.”
You notice the quick shift of expression in his eyes, making you tighten your lips, so there it was.
“Again? I thought-”
“It’s my dream.” You began, trying to give him a smile, maybe, just maybe you can let him see through it, “You know how much I want this.”
“Maybe it’s not meant for you.”
“Excuse me?”
Sakusa Kiyoomi’s eyes widen at the new reaction, your smile turning to a grimace. Over the course of your relationship, you had never been this angry, “Y/N, you know that’s not-”
“Get out.” You shakily say.
“I said, Get out, Sakusa.” You yell again, eyes seeing red, the bastard had the audacity to keep pulling you back and doing these things to you. You were downright disgusted at him and everything he was doing, what more would you find? The mere fact that he destroyed your dreams and switched out your birth control had you on edge at the moment and you didn’t want to try to find out anymore, you probably wouldn’t be able to handle it.
He lets out a sigh, “You don’t have to leave the room. I’ll go sleep on the couch.”
You watch him leave and close the bathroom door yet his eyes don’t fool you anymore. 
You didn’t feel safe here.
You needed to get out.
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Sakusa Kiyoomi is no fool towards your shift of attitude, he knows something is up when you snap at him when you were usually the calmer one (yes, you may be a bundle of energy and spitfire but you were relatively calm in the most part) so he calls the head of your hospital and sits him down, the head is shaking and on his knees, begging him to spare his life and his job for he did not know that you were overworked at all in your department.
“...I watch over her, sir…” the chief shakily exclaimed, “I always do…”
“So, you’re telling me… that my Y/N is a liar?”
The chief immediately freezes up on the spot, “Good lord, of course not! Doctor Y/N would never-”
“What would it be?”
“E-excuse me?”
“Your hands or your life?”
The man immediately cries out, begging him for mercy for he was innocent but Sakusa didn’t care. 
He didn’t care at all.
Yes, Sakusa Kiyoomi would do anything for you. If someone were to make you sad, tired, weary, or any negative emotion, he’d strike them down, just like how he paid your friends to stay away, just like how he had subtly shifted your parents work conditions that prevented them from returning to you.
You were his and his only.
No one could get in your ways.
“My name is Doctor Sato, I’ll be your new chief...”
You stare at the new head of the hospital blankly, apparently the previous chief, Doctor Yamomoto, had to retire due to some matters with his family. It was a shame, you really liked him since he was awfully nice to you and everyone in the ward, “...L/N-san?” the older man calls out as soon as the meeting was over.
Your gaze snapped towards him as he tilted his head slightly, you’re completely bewildered by the sudden attention from your new boss, “Are your working conditions alright?”
“Yes, chief.” 
“If you have any problem, “ his tight lip turns into a big smile as he places his hand on your shoulder, “Please don’t hesitate to ask.”
You blink at his uncharacteristic request and immediately move back to get away from his grasp, a rather uncomfortable smile made its way to your lips as you nodded, “I’ll take note of that, Chief.” 
Thankfully nothing odd happened anymore after the day ended and as you patched up your things, getting ready to go home, you find your one and only boyfriend standing there with another bouquet of flowers in his hands. The sense of familiar dread sinked in once again.
How would you end this all?
The perfect man was a liar and he got in the way but why couldn’t you end things with him quickly? Why couldn’t you cut him off? You were so angry at him yet at the same time you were so lost, where did it go wrong?
“Y/N…” He greets, “How was work?”
“It was fine.” You quietly replied, turning your gaze  at the expensive bouquet on his hands once again. Ever since you guys fought, he had been buying you flowers and expensive things but you remained the same, you just didn’t know how to act anymore around him.
“How was your new chief?”
You immediately tense up, as far as you recalled you had only met the chief today and no one knew about this outside the hospital. How the hell did this bastard know?
Sakusa notices you’ve gone too quiet, “Y/N? What’s wrong?” he asks.
“Word travels fast, huh?” you blinked, regaining your composure quickly, something wasn’t right now, you knew that something went deeper than that little Medaide charade he did and switching your pills to get you pregnant, “He’s alright and please stop buying me stuff, didn’t I tell you that we were fine already?”
You sighed and leaned in closer, pulling down his mask so that you could give him a peck on his lips. Inside, you felt disgusted but this was the only way now, “Stop acting all cringey and lovey-dovey. I forgive you. Let’s not fight again.” You consoled the tall man.
You notice how soft his eyes became.
Yes, two can play a game. 
From stopping you from moving to trying to get you pregnant, it was those things that made you come towards a conclusion that Sakusa Kiyoomi didn’t wanted you to leave his side. The man probably wouldn’t stop at anything, if he was willing to go to such lengths, what more could he do? You let out a tight smile as your boyfriend kisses your temple.
You needed to find a way and quick because the Sakusa Kiyoomi you thought you knew for the past three years was nothing like the Sakusa Kiyoomi in front of you.
taglist [send me an ask if you want to be tagged for the last chapter and as always if i forget to tag, just send me an ask]
@maraudusk ;; @iamnotobsessed  ;;  @ssuna ;; @weebartistinc ;; @aomineavenue ;; @tsukkismamagucci ;; @onlyshinji ;; @ichiraku-verse ;; @watevermelon ;; @victoriasee ;;  @caramelcandescence ;; @n-nara ;; @bloody-bella ;; @ricefarmerkita ;; @paripedia ;; @srhlsx ;; @craftyfawns ;; @kepchups ;; @soggycardboardd​ ;;  @vinnieluv​ ;; @dinablossom​
@kn0xiousnight  @newfriendjen
[can’t tag you guys uwu just make sure ur tags are open :<]
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
100 ways to say ‘I love you’ Christmas Edition [bucky barnes]
Summary: it’s pretty self explanatory, I guess. (FLUFF) 1.6k
Warnings: absolutely none, just Bucky being cute, awkward and madly in love with you!!
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In 2018, you were in Namibia, hunting down an American terrorist that had been on the run for the better part of the year. In 2019, the avengers were scattered around the globe, executing a 'shoot first, ask questions later' type of mission that ended long after the new year began. But this year, all of your friends were home. For the first time in years, the Stark Tower was shining from top to bottom with Christmas lights, carols echoing down all of its long, secluded hallways. It was the first time you'd get to actually spend the night of 24th of December with your true family. That is, if you made it in time. Back on December 19th, you and Bucky got stuck in the depths of Louisiana, with absolutely no means of communication, let alone transportation. You decided to make the best out of the situation and turn it into a road trip, but time flew by so much faster than expected, that it was now 2:13 pm on Christmas eve, and you and Bucky were sprinting down the snow covered empty highways of the east coast, dead set on making it home in time. He wasn't that eager to get back and tried to get you to rent a hotel room and spend the night alone, but you weren't having it. He huffed and puffed about not giving a shit about Christmas, but it was the first one he could celebrate with people that loved him, in over 70 years. With every motel that you passed, he'd turn and look at you from the passenger seat, begging you to stop. You didn't even consider it. You wanted him to have the full Christmas experience. A storm was brewing and you were whiteknuckling the steering wheel, fighting back the urge to yawn for the 3rd time in the last 10 minutes. After driving for 7 hours straight, you were close to passing out, but nowhere near ready to give up. "Pull over, love" he smiled, grabbing your thigh, "Let me drive. I'll wake you up when we arrive"
And of course Bucky refused to decorate. You spent the better half of the day rummaging through boxes and looking up diy tutorials on the Internet, doing your absolute best to make your bedroom as cozy and Christmasy as possible. Candles were scattered all over the furniture, their soft light and delicate cinnamon scent filling up the room, a small Santa Claus figurine was sitting neatly by the window, garlands dripped from every corner and your Christmas playlist was on shuffle for probably the 4th time that day. As you kept busy, lowkey exasperated whenever one ornament didn't fit in as planned, Bucky laid on the bed, making nasty comments with every chance he got. He complained about the music, said the room was too hot, that the candles made his nose feel funny and not for a second did he stop begging you to drop the fucking decorating and join him in bed. You didn't wanna hear it. You kept going, bringing in box after box of ornaments, each one making Bucky more and more frustrated.
"Buck!" you whined, turning around in your hands a little remote controlled reindeer. "His leg is stuck... he keeps falling"
"Throw it into the trash" he scoffed, plopping down on his back and hiding his face in the crook of his elbow.
Of course you didn't listen to him. "No..." you mumbled, more to yourself. You sounded like a child, but you didn't care. Instead, you just sat down on the edge of the bed, all your attention focused on the broken toy in your hands, "I'll fix it somehow"
"Just throw the goddamned thing away, Y/n" he groaned, "Only on my nightstand there are other 3. We got enough"
You just shook your head, focused on getting the reindeer to walk again. It was no use. You got no utensils and your nails were threatening to break as you kept trying to open up his battery container. 5 minutes of painful silence followed, ending with you finally giving up, "I'll just put something under his leg and use it as a decoration" you whimpered, legitimately heartbroken over the toy.
"Fuck, just come here. Give it to me. I'll fix the damn thing for you"
Your heart swelled up, "Really?"
"Yeah..." Bucky sighed, grabbing a screwdriver out of his nightstand and picking up the toy. "Master assassin and I'm fixing toys" he mumbled under his breath and you couldn't help but wrap your arms around him and kiss his cheek.
Your version of paradise started just when you arrived at the tower on Christmas Eve. Bucky did as promised and then offered you a weak smile, full of warmth as he helped you out of the car when he parked in front of the Tower. You were beaming with excitement for the days that were to come. When the next morning arrived, you were sipping your coffee on the balcony, waiting for everyone to wake up so that you could all start unwrapping the presents. When the door opened you didn't expect Bucky to come out, as he never - ever, failed to sleep until noon, if given the chance. But there he was, wrapped in one of your comfy blankets, padding over to you with a coffee mug in his hand. When he reached you, he opened his arms and welcomed you against his chest, closing his hold around your body and engulfing you in the warmth of the blanket. It didn't take long until you noticed the little paper bag lodged under the elastic of his sweats, and when you asked about it, he cursed himself for ruining the surprise. He handed you the bag, and urged you to open it, insisting that it wasn't your present. When you did, your eyes landed on a knitted bunny clutching a heart to its chest. "An old lady was selling these a few weeks ago at a boutique I saw while waiting for you to meet me. I know you love to call me Bucky Bunny because you know how much I hate it. I forgot about it and came across it this morning at the bottom of my bag while searching for my charger. Now I think its stupid, a dumb rabbit and his eyes are a little bit fucked up, but he's cute and it reminded me of you, so here you go"
As much love as some of you had for the holiday, it still wasn't enough to convince the whole group to actually watch a Christmas movie. So, in true avenger spirit, you all decided to watch Terminator. After finishing dinner, you all scattered around the Tower. Some people left to change in more comfortable clothes, some helped clean up the kitchen, and some, like Bucky and Thor, remained in the living room, plopped in the middle of the couch, fangirling over Arnold Schwarzenegger's acting and the great sense of humour of the 90s. Eventually everyone gathered around them, you and Wanda being the last ones to show up. She cuddled against Vision's side, but Bucky was lodged in between Thor and Steve, and there was no way you'd ever ask any of them to move. Seeing you eye an open spot, Bucky waved you over as he stood up. "Here, take my seat". You wanted to object but he didn't want to hear it. Eventually, you sat down, and so did he, on the floor, right in front of you. Nonchalantly, Bucky pulled your legs apart and settled between them, with his back against the couch. He gathered your Christmas themed sock clad feet into his lap and rested his head against your knee as the movie began.
And like any other Christmas dinner, of course yours wasn't an exception. Natasha's recipe for apple pie was by definition the best that ever blessed the earth and none of the attendees was any stranger to that. Considering how many of you there were, as you made a point of spending the end of the year together, 2 batches had to be made. It was hectic, everyone fuzzing around the Tower, preparations on tow the whole day. And of course there would be repercussions for the chaotic atmosphere, but you'd only find out about them later. After burning through the first meal courses of the evening, it was finally time for her sweet delicacy to grace the table. Natasha neatly placed the two pies on either end of the table, proudly announcing you could all dig in. Bucky was seated to your right, and he unlike you, managed to grab a piece of pie from the first batch. You didn't think too much of it, until you started eating yours, only to realise the bottom was burned. Despite all of you trying to assure Natasha that it was not her fault and that she shouldn't beat herself up about it, she promised she'd make another one tomorrow. The night carried on as planned, but no matter how much you tried to push away the thought, you couldn't help but feel bitter about missing out on the good pie. Just when you were about to come to your senses and realise what a dumb reason for you to get upset that was, Bucky sent you text, asking you to come to the bedroom. Curious as to what this could have been about, you hurried upstairs and burst into the room, nearly crashing into Bucky's chest. He slammed the door behind you and handed you his plate - his slice of pie only halfway eaten. "I saved you a piece. These are jackals, I had to hide it. Dig in before anyone comes!"
On December 27th the buzz was starting to die down. When you put up the lights in your bedroom, Bucky said they could stay on for two days and two days only, and you reluctantly agreed to make a compromise. Just this time. The time to turn them off came last night, and since he offered to let them on until the morning, you felt like an unreasonable little shit if you were to ask him to turn them on again. It was about 7pm and you were two seasons deep in The X Files, and Wanda asked for your help. Bucky pulled out his phone and assured you he wouldn't watch ahead until you got back. It took you about 30 to help your friend with her problem, and when you returned to your room, confusion washed over you. The Christmas lights were on and Bucky was nowhere to be seen. "Fuck" he grunted.
You turned around to see him behind you, standing in the doorway, two cocoa mugs in his hands, "I made these cause I know you like them. And I wanted to surprise you with the lights but vision is a dumbass and forgot to text me and tell me when you were almost done"
"So she didn't actually need help folding the bed sheets?" you laughed, endeared by his antics.
"Of course she didn't" Bucky shook his head, handing you one of the mugs, "She's not an imbecile"
"Oh my god" you giggled in disbelief as you sat down on the bed.
"I'll squirt shit nuggets out of my ass for two days, so please tell me at least I got the recipe right" 
He was so adorable, anxiously waiting for you to taste the cocoa he just made. "It's so good!" you rolled your eyes in pleasure, taking another sip, "Thank you, you're too sweet, Buck"
"Yeah, I know-" he chuckled, grabbing the mug from your palm and placing it on the nightstand. "I got one more present for you. Close your eyes and hold out your hands"
"No, Buck-" you whined, "I didn't get you anything else-"
He dismissed your words in an instant and kissed your lips, before guiding your hands up. You opened them up and closed your eyes, curious about what he could have gotten you. First, you heard him shuffle around the bed, and then you felt something rather itchy touch your palms. You nearly burst into laughter when you realised it was his chin.
"Ok, open your eyes"
And as you did so, your eyes landed on Bucky's face, as he had placed his head on your hands. He was wearing a tiara with reindeer ears, and you couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"You're my present?" you beamed, throwing yourself against his chest.
"My face is the present-" he corrected you. "Guess what it does. Take your leggings off and you'll find out"
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litteidiot · 3 years
Four Seasons With You
Volume one: Chapter 1- Spring
Easter Egg Hunt
Pairing: Victor x Mc
Summary: When an unexpected inconvenience gives you the opportunity to make this day unforgettable for him.
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“I’ll see you later.” You chriped on a sunny morning. Basically hopping in front of him, you placed a gentle kiss on his lips before parting.
“So cheery today and the day barely started. Does a certain dummy has something in her mind?” Victor hooked his arm around your waist, giving you another kiss on the forehead. “Oh, it’s nothing, just springtime.” You smiled at him. “And it’s also Easter.” You added. He nod reminding himself about the holiday. Today he was supposed to be at home with you enjoying each other’s company. You made him promise you because he is on his day off he won’t look at any document nor report. He is yours only.
But last night in some ungodly hour, the management crew gave him a call, about some hiccups what occurred with the overseas department. The negotiation to collaborate with the new American company took a bad turn and they refused to do anything further if they can’t talk with the CEO of LFG. So it meant he has to go in for an impromptu meeting.
“I’ll make it up for you when I’ll get back.” He pulled you close again, hinting another soft kiss on your temple. It was still early in the morning. He tried to get up beside you without disturbing your sleep, but when you didn’t feel his warmth anymore, you woke up and followed him to the kitchen. You shook your head in refusal. “Don’t rush the meeting because you want to get back home earlier for me. Take your time I know you were in contact with this company for a long time. I’ll see you when you finished.” You smiled at him.
You know this deal can benefit LFG’s future in the overseas market. So of course you don’t want this to end badly because of some holiday. “Even though it means two batches of pudding.” The sweet smile on your makeup free face turned into a mischievous and greedy grin. “Such a dummy. Always thinking about her stomach.” He murmured pretending to be annoyed, but you knew this man long enough to know he will grant your wish. “When I get home I better not see chicklets, bunnies and an idiot running around the house.” With that he closed the door behind him and left.
While you made yourself a light breakfast, what only contained toast and eggs, your mind was furiously racing on how to spend the time while waiting for your boyfriend. As you kept musing on the possibilities on how to spend the day, you gradually remembered the little surprises you left in Victor’s office while you waited for him to finish his meeting a couple days back. A prankish smile tugged on your lips. Shoving down the remaining bites of your meal, and taking a few more sips of the coffee you hurried away to get dressed.
Walking in the step in closet you chose a casual wear for the day. Pushing and flipping the hanged up clothing articles you eventually found a nice beige colored dress among the many formal and ridiculously expensive clothings. When you became Victor’s partner and after the media acknowledged this information you got invitations to balls and fancier parties. It was a natural requirement you had to look high class just like him. Your boyfriend mercilessly spoiled you rotten with fancier and fancier dresses, personally tailored to your sizes by the finest taylors he could find. As the collection grew, it swallowed all your older clothes. The dress you posed with in front of the body sized mirror was like a scavenger hunt amongst the many night gowns and suit dresses.
Quickly putting on your chosen outfit, you left the penthouse in a hurry, barely being able to snatch your purse on the coat hanger. You were having an intense race with time. To not blow up your sudden Easter surprise you tried to do the shopping as quickly as possible. You don’t know when Victor comes home so it added another reason to make this fast.
“Goldman, the management team better have a good reason to call me in, because I have a better place to be today.” Victor’s stern voice echoed through his office the moment he stepped in. Several moments of keyboard clicking later Goldman began with his speach.
“The possible partner we are trying to convince suddenly got a more appealing offer from a different company. The deal was that the company will sponsor them PR commercials and advertisings, they can keep their position in the stock market and can have sixty percent of the income.” He said, flipping back and forth on the tablet.
“I see.— Victor rested his chin on his hands— “Remind me please about the deal LFG offered.” The assistant cleared his throat, opening the files what contained the agreement. “Comparing to the new proposal our offer is lacking. Because of their crash in the marketing area lately, you decided to not offer munch in case the collaboration would backfire.” After minutes of thinking, what felt like centuries Victor finally spoke up.
“Rewrite our proposal. Tell them LFG will ensure their stay in the stock market, and will back it up if any unpleasant problmes happens. Also mention they have a two months recovery time and we will give one hundred percent sponsorship with the possibility to function as an independent company like Kiseki Entertainment. This is the best deal they can get and they know it.”
From the very first moment, Kiseki Entertainment functioned independently. Under his guidance, you bloomed into a successful company in barely two years, becoming one of the most productive investments amongst the very few freelancers under LFG. “Arrange an online meeting in twenty minutes. During that, — he stood up, to make his way to one of the conference room— “collect informations about our opponent what can be used for LFG’s advantages.” Goldman nodded already holding his phone to his ear, summoning the staff needed for the conference.
“Anything else you want t— is that an Easter egg?” Goldman pointed at the bunch of tiny colorful eggs scattered around the coffee table. The more he looked the more he noticed. On the shelves, between Victor’s compture, on the coat hangers.
“Goldman who was the last person in my office?” He asked, walking around removing the candy eggs from their places.“Until this morning no one was in here. A few days ago only Ms. Mc stayed here, waiting for you to finish the meeting.”
Victor sighed.
Of course it was you.
You looked at the row of numbers at the screen, your purse, and then the ridiculous amount of Easter eggs piled up behind you. Maybe you carried away a little bit.
“Uh, excuse me for a second.” You kept digging in your purse in hope you will find your credit card. After minutes of unsuccessful searching you started to panic a little.
Your plan was to buy plenty of Eggs and hide them all around the mansion. You bought chocolate eggs and plastic eggs in all sizes and colors. Also a pink rabbit onesie because you couldn’t insist. You just didn’t expect the price what came with it.
“I’m sorry Miss, but you are keeping up the row. Do you wish to purchase these items?” The cashier lady asked what made you squeak and panic more. “Please debit these items on Victor Li’s account!” You blurted out. The cashier nodded typing away the informations. “Everything is settled, have a pleasant Easter.” The lady smiled handing you the bags. Thanking her and wishing for the same you made your way home. If you knew ypu will end up with multiple bags you will take the car.
“I’m back.” You opened the door of the house placing the bags on the floor. A small meow eachoed at the corner, a cat trotted towards you. “Hi Pudding, mommy is back.” You bent down to pick up the cat, a light huff leaving your lips. “Victor feeds you too well.” You giggle pocking at the fat at the cat’s belly. “I will bring some Easter spirit into this big house will you help me?” Like the animal just understood you, Pudding meowed and with a hop she escaped your embrace and walked away. Lazy cat.
Shrugging it off you unpacked and stared to hide all the eggs around the house. In the kitchen, the coffee table, the couch, hangers, in his suits. In other words you hide them everywhere you found it suitable. Now all you had to do is wait for his return.
Several hours passed, the sun was about to go down when he finally came home. Tossing away the book you were reading, you jogged to the entrance to greet him. “Welcome home!” You smiled at him, what left your face in a second. “Is everything alright at LFG?” You furrowed your eyebrows in conern when you saw his expression. “Sorry for keeping you waiting.” He said. “Nothing is wrong, my plans just takes a little more time to be accomplished.” Victor pulled you to his side, giving a kiss on the top of your head. “Let me make up for you with a dinner. It’s your call, I’ll make you anything.” He unbuttoned the sleeves of his shirt and rolled it up while walking in the kitchen.
“Pudding!” You smiled, Victor rolled his eyes at your remark. “Dummy, you want pudding for dinner?” He asked opening the fridge. “What is that?” He held a green chocolate egg in his hand. “Ah, I see. We are mischievous today.” A smile crept up on the corner of his lips, putting the sweet aside. “So I assume the plenty of chocolate in my office was your doing too.”
“I have no idea what are you talking about.” You shuffled away. “I didn’t do anything.” He chuckled. “Of course you didn’t, those eggs are from the Easter Bunny. So what do you like to eat?” He asked again getting the pots and pans ready. Without a word he put another handful of eggs aside, making it harder for you to comtain the fit of laughter what is about to erupt from your chest.
“Beef ribs would be fine.” You composed yourself. Victor nodded and began to prepare the dish. “So tell me, what were you doing all day?” He asked putting away another egg when he opened the cabinet where the seasonings were. “Aside from scattering sweets all over the kitchen.” A soft giggle left your lips. “Just the usual. I cleaned up, fed the cat. You knows, the things I usually do.” You chatted nonchalantly, like having Easter eggs around the house is ordinary.
“Why you are so clingy all off a sudden?” He lookes at you in confusion when he notices you are following his every step with your eyes. “What? No, I’m not!” You grinned, getting more eager every time he found an egg.
But what you didn’t know that the more he found the more annyed he got. He saw Easter eggs everywhere. On the kitchen counter, in the fridge, on the cabinets even in the cat bowl. But he didn’t have the heart to tell you. You waited for him all day so he can bear with your pranks a little longer.
He didn’t know what will coming.
“The ribs are almost ready.” He closed the oven after flipping them in the pan. “It’s smells so good.” You hummed, mouth already watering just from imagining how smoothly you knife will slide through the juicy ribs.
“I’ll go set the table.” You hopped down from the barstool and opened one of the cabinets to get the plates. While you clattered with the utensils, Victor opened his phone to check the notification he got from his bank during the meeting. The numbers he saw is what made him finally snap.
“What did you do?!” He exclaimed, looking at you, eyes wide as saucers. His sudden harsh tone startled you, almost making you drop the plates you balanced in your hands. “$150?! What did you buy?!” He questioned, his eyes shooting daggers at you. He sighed. “Don’t tell me all that were for chocolate eggs! Are you out of your mind?” He raised his voice at you, his eyes casting a frightening shade. The last time he looked at you this way when you barged in his office, demanding for funding. And that was many years ago. You flinched under his cold stare.
“I’m sorry.— you put everything in your hands down— “I-I’ll go clean that up.” With that you left the kitchen, and disappeared at the corner.
“Mc, wait.” He called after you, immediately regretting the way he spoke to you. A wave of guilt went over him when he caught up to you in the living room. Like you said, you obediently rummaged around to find the eggs. And it would be fine if you wouldn’t sniffling quietly, occasionally reaching up to wipe your eyes. And he hates it when you cry. And despise it if he’s the reason behind your tears. He didn’t mean to be this harsh with you. Or at all.
“Mc.” Victor called your name. Looking at the source of his voice you wiped off your tears in a quick motion. “Don’t bother, — you turned back, to hide your bloodshot eyes.— “I’ll get everything done. Go set up the dinner.” His heart ached, watching you turning away to hide your tears from him.
“No.” He walked up to you, folding you into a hug. “Today I almost lost the client I negotiated for weeks. They got a better offer and I had to change plans. The meeting was unplanned, I should’ve been at home with you.” He murmured into your ear. You stood there in sock while he kept talking.
“So I got frustrated. I shouldn’t have to release my anger on you. You just wanted to spend this day with me. I’m sorry.” He apologized. You on the other hand was shocked. Your boyfriend is a prideful person. And goddamn, he is also stubborn just as much like you are. The man you get to know almost never makes mistakes and if he does, the ground can crack, there’s no money in this world for him to make him admit it. He had to regret his actions very much to muster out an apology.
“It’s okay.” You turned to face him, knowing he meant it. Reaching up you scarping your fingers through his soft and well kept hair. “It was my fault after all. I went overboard with the sweets. And I scattered them all around the house.” You added. “Dummy.” He sighed, a relieved smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he saw you are hot angry at him. A soft giggle escaped your lips, remembering again how many chocolate eggs you hide in this big house.
“This looks better.” He pulled away, wiping the remaining tears from the corner of your eyes. “From now on just smile only. It looks better on you than the tears.” A pink color appeared on your face. When this stone cold man get so romantic?
“I’ll go pick up the eggs. Just keep making the dinner I’ll be fine.” You turned around and walked away.
“Almost got it!” You stretched further, balancing with a net in your hand while Victor had a firm grip on your hip. You were practically levitating above the pool to reach for the plastic egg at the bottom. Victor during that grew some gray hair.“I can’t believe you literally threw eggs in the pool. What if I’m not around? You straight up jump in?” You glared at him above your shoulders. “Hold me still or let me go. I can get them myself.” You puffed up your cheeks and reached further.
“Idiot, you can’t even swim.” He sighed. “Mc, stop wiggling you going to fall in!” And like this is what gravity waited for, you slipped on the wet tile, you fell in dragging Victor with yourself. With a swift motion, he scooped you up in his arms and brought you up in the surface. “I told you to hold me!” You screeched between coughs. “If you wouldn’t throw eggs in here like an idiot you are we wouldn’t be in this situation.” He fired back sitting you on the edge of the pool and then he climbed out himself.
“Dummy.” He sighed for the millionths time today, draping you in a towel. “Go get changed or you’ll catch a cold.” He helped you up. In that moment a little smirk appeared on your face, and it stretched wider. “What is it? Don’t tell me you still have eggs.” Victor sighed, a miserable look on his face. “Nothing.” You smiled and ran away.
“How many times I have to tell you? Don’t run by the pool!” He yelled after you but you were already outside. Grabbing the paperbag left on the bedroom you hurried away to the shower. After taking a shower you put on the pink, fuzzy bunny onsie you bought today. Stepping out your bringht pink color looked way too odd compared to the black and claret themed bedroom you two shared.
“What on earth are you wearing this time?” Victor looked at you from the bed. While waiting, he used the guests bathroom and changed into a black silk sleepwear. You giggled and hopped in next to him. “I didn’t remember keeping a rabbit at home.” He chuckled. “Childish.” He added. Rolling your eyes at his comment you laid down besides him. “Today is still Easter so I’m excused.”
“You have 5 more minutes to be like this.” He looked at the clock on the wall. “Then we are stretching it till tomorrow because I’m not changing.” You turned to face him.
Putting down his phone on the bedside table, Victor pulled you closer to his body. “I’ll make it up for you for being away. And for yelling at you.” He sighed, pressing his lips on the top of your head. As he moved closer to you something pierced into his side. Reaching to get it a small plastic egg was in his hand.
Your cheerful laugh echoed through the bedroom.
Still feeling tired? Grab some more story at Reading Corner
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
Sweet, Like Daisies
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Pairing:  Usagiyama Rumi (Miruko) x Gender Neutral Reader
Story Rating: Teen
Genre: Fluff / Humor
Story Warnings: Some cursing and flirting, but mostly just cuteness that could rot your teeth.
a/n: This is my art of the bnharem Discord server SFW collab, with the theme of Flowers! I decided to base my part around Daisies, which represent innocence. Rumi can be a cute and fluffy bunny just as much as she can be super fierce and I love her to death. This story also marks my beginning of writing for characters other than Bakugou! I will be posting them on this blog. If there’s anything you’d like to see, lmk! (♡´౪`♡)
Thank you so much to everyone in the server for this wonderful experience! I had so much fun and I can’t wait for the next one! 
*。Collab Masterlist *。
--Full art piece--
“Let’s go, let’s go! Don’t tell me you’re all tuckered out already!”  
“Rumi, you gotta- oh damn, my legs are on fire! What is with this hill?!”  
Coming to a stop as you pulled yourself up onto a boulder jetting out of the hillside, you flopped to sit onto your butt, rubbing your burning thigh vigorously. It was a miracle that you had even made it this far, your body not exactly used to these physically challenging hikes that your girlfriend just loved to drag you on. They were easy for her, considering that she was not only one of the top pro heroes in the country, but her quirk gave her incredibly strong legs and just overall physical strength. Her bunny legs allowed her to hop over any difficult obstacle, but you? All you could do was drag yourself along, barely keeping up with her by the skin of your teeth.  
“Don’t be a wimp! You’re almost there!” Squatting down at the edge of her current perch, Rumi had that typical wicked and expectant grin on her face, a few loose strands of her white hair falling around her forehead and cheeks. “You got this, Carrot!”  
“Carrot… Out of all nicknames, why did you have to pick that one.” With a huff, you pulled yourself up to your feet, using the roots and rocks to help you up the steep incline.  
“Oh, because I could just eat you up, of course!” Rumi gave a teasing scrunch of her nose, one of her long rabbit ears giving a twitch in satisfaction of her response. You, however, immediately grew embarrassed, losing your footing. Scrambling to catch yourself, you got secure again before turning your glare up towards her, your face burning fiercely as she laughed at your reaction. She had a talent for making you so embarrassed you could barely stand it, but really, who could blame you?  
Rumi was witty and intelligent. Confident and strong. Beautiful and caring. There wasn’t an ounce of timidness in her, which is not what people would expect when they hear the word ‘rabbit’. They would think quiet, reserved, innocent, fearful, and adorable. She was adorable, to be sure, but none of those other qualities showed themselves. Actually, they showed themselves in you.  
Before you had met Rumi, you were very shy, easily overwhelmed and lacking in confidence. And still, somehow, this bright and extravagant woman had taken great interest in you, building you up higher and higher until you were finally beginning to see the sun for the first time in so many years. She pushed you to better yourself, to grow stronger and happier in your own skin, and although what she encouraged was hard, it was worth every moment and struggle.  
Even if she could make you so flustered you’d want to go hide under a rock sometimes.  
“Rumi! Stop that, don’t try to embarrass me while I’m climbing, I could fall!”  
“You dumbass, ya think I’d let you fall? Never!” When you finally got close, Rumi reached down and took hold of your forearm, waiting until you got your own grip on hers before she helped to hoist you up. Her effortless strength astounded you as always, but you didn’t have much time to admire it, as she began to move down the past the instant you were steady on your feet. “C’mon, Carrot, move that tush!”  
Sighing heavily in exhaustion, you forced your burning legs to walk forward, wiping your dirt stained hands on your similarly dirtied khaki shorts. “We’re almost to a resting point, right?”  
“Yes. There’s a nice little clearing here, we can take a break!” Rumi lifted her arms up over her head, giving a drawn out and satisfied groan as she stretched. Nestled at her lower back, her white fluffy tail puffed out and shook in the same moment, bringing a smile to your lips. She was just so incredibly perfect, and you couldn’t help but feel so lucky.  
After walking for a while in silence to enjoy the sounds of nature, Rumi came to a stop, starting to maneuver her way through the trees and brush. “We have to go off the path a bit. Watch out for spiders ‘n shit. And stinging nettle. I’m not gonna rub that ointment all over your body if you fall in it again!”  
Remembering the painful experience of falling face first into a batch of stinging nettle the last time you went hiking, you were sure to observe your surroundings thoroughly before following her. The brush and twigs scratched and poked your legs uncomfortably, but your thick hiking boots helped you to trudge through it without much problem. When you finally breached the edge of the forest into the clearing, you had to squint a bit from the brightness of the morning sun, bringing a hand up to shield your eyes.  
When your eyes finally adjusted, you found yourself standing at the edge of a large field of wildflowers and tall grass, which swayed with the cool spring breeze. It felt so heavenly against your hot and sweaty skin, and the brilliant view of the hills and trees in the distance brought a smile to your lips. Being out in the wilderness wasn’t exactly your favorite thing, but you could admit that it truly was beautiful.  
“How’s this for a resting spot, eh?” Rumi quite literally knocked you back into reality with a rough, playful nudge to your side, grinning up at you. “Will this do, your highness?”  
“Hey, don’t patronize me like that! I get tired, I don’t have thighs of steel like you do.” You took her hand tenderly in yours as she grabbed it, your fingers lacing instinctively.  
“Excuses! C’mon, let’s sit under that tree, it has shade.” Leading you forward as always, Rumi nearly had a skip in her step, her white hair bobbing in its high, messy ponytail. The tree that was chosen was a lonely one, growing out in the field alone. With all the extra room, the roots were large and snaked in and out of the ground like tentacles, and lush green leaves were at full bloom. It was comfortable and beautiful.  
Shrugging off your pack, you rested it up against the tree trunk next to Rumi’s, pulling your water bottle out of the side pocket to take a healthy swig. “This really is a nice area, Rumi. How’d you find it?” Sitting down in the grass beside her, you offered her the water bottle, which she took.  
“I’ve been hikin’ this trail awhile. It’s challenging, so not a lot of losers try to take it, only those that are strong enough.” After taking a sip of water, Rumi leaned her head back, squeezing the bottle so water trickled lightly onto her face and top of her head. “It is warm today, though! Especially for being spring.”  
“Ah, well I can relate to those losers, I shouldn’t be on this hill either-- ACK, hey!” Suddenly, you were sprayed in the face with water, perpetrated by a very annoyed bunny.  
“Don’t belittle yourself like that! Be proud, you killed that fucking hill!”  
Grumbling from defeat, you ran your hand down your face to wipe the water away, glowering at your lover as she glared right back up at you with a pout that boarded on adorable. Calming down, you smiled, nodding in agreement. “Ah, sorry, sorry. You’re right. I should be proud of myself.”  
“You should! My baby isn’t a loser.” Leaning up, Rumi placed a rough kiss against your cheek, her hand pressing against your other to make sure you couldn’t flee. You’d never want to, of course, so you let her punish you with the kiss, which was followed by a much more tender one before she set you free.  
Smiling, you turned your attention to the grass around your legs, which was peppered with daisies and dandelions. You felt so calm and at peace in the silence of nature, and with your lover by your side, you were feeling quite… soft. That’s the only way you could describe your current emotions, so you soaked in it for a while, leaning back and supporting yourself with your hands.  
After a while of peace, you leaned forward again to give your arms a rest, turning your attention back to the flowers around you. Carefully, you began to pluck the daisies out of the ground, making sure to keep their stem long. As if in a trance, you slowly began working on winding the stems of the flowers together, growing too focused on your work and the rustling of the wind to notice that you were being watched closely. In fact, you were so startled by Rumi’s voice that you jumped, nearly crushing your delicate flower arrangement in surprise.  
“What’cha makin’ there, Carrot?”  
“Erm… uh, a flower crown. I guess?” You brought both ends of the strip of flowers together to check the size, finding that it still wasn’t quite long enough to fit an adult head. “I used to make them as a kid. It’s been a while since I’ve been near so many daisies.”  
With another sly smile, Rumi leaned against your side, resting her head on your shoulder. “Oooh, how grossly cute and sweet! Should I start calling you Baby Carrot?”  
“W-what?! No, no, don’t do that, you’re gonna make me want to puke. Why don’t you call me something normal like… babe or hun.”  
“Oh, don’t be such a killjoy!” After giving you a playful nudge to the arm, Rumi turned her attention to the flowers around you both, plucking a daisy from its stem and bringing it up to her nose. “Y’know, for such a cute little flower, they have an awful smell. But damn, they’re tasty.” To your horror, Rumi chomped the entire bloomed flower head off the stem, making you yelp in disgust and cover your mouth.  
“Rumi! That’s a wildflower! You can’t just eat it!”  
“Hm?” Rumi looked up at you curiously, batting her long lashes in confusion. “I eat flowers all the time. I love their taste! They aren’t bitter to me at all. Restaurants sell them!”  
“Y-yeah, but baby, they wash them first at least…” You felt your stomach churn as she picked up another flower, dousing it with water from your bottle. “Rumi! Don’t be a smart ass!”  
“What, this one’s not for me!” Smirking, she held the now soggy and dripping flower up to your lips, making you cringe backwards with a sour expression. “Open up!”  
“No way!” You covered your mouth with your hand, knowing that she would shove it in at the first opportunity. “There’s no way I’m eating a flower! At least not one that hadn’t been cleaned or anything properly! You have the stomach of a rabbit, you can handle it, I can’t!”  
“What, you scared of getting worms?!” She poked you on the nose with the flower, leaning more against you. “You won’t get anything that’ll kill you!”  
“I would, I just know it!” With a final wave of your hand, Rumi took the flower away, tossing it over her shoulder and back into the grass. “You wasted it?”  
“Putting water on it made it soggy, I ain’t gonna eat that! Hey, show me how to make one of these!” Scooting around to face you, Rumi gazed down curiously at the still unfinished crown in your lap. “This shit is stupid; it has to be easy!”  
“Well, it’s kind of hard, you have to be pretty gentle with the flowers. Here,” You plucked four daisies with a long stem, handing them to her before you plucked two more of your own. With detailed instruction, you showed her exactly how to twist and wind the stems, but you could see that she was already struggling with the delicate procedure. The frustrated pout was permanently plastered on her fair face, nose scrunching and eyebrows furrowed. Still, she was trying and as focused as she could be.  
“How the hell are you doing that so perfectly?!” Rumi eventually snapped, leaning over you a bit to really see your almost finished crown up close. “Look at that! It almost looks fake!”  
Laughing softly, you finished off by connecting the two ends of the crown together, holding it up a bit to look at it clearly in the sun. “I told you, I’ve done this before. It’s not that big of a deal, babe. Here,” Turning to face her, you plopped the flower crown onto her the top of her head between her ears, making them flatten out backwards in immediate embarrassment and the tickling of the flowers against the sensitive skin.  
Cheeks flushing dark, Rumi scoffed, glaring up at you as she resisted the urge to reach up and rip it off. “Get this thing off of me, I’m not some damn fairy!”  
“Aw, but you look so adorable with it on.” You couldn’t resist the wide smile on your lips, especially as Rumi only grew more flustered, her ears snapping up in agitation and making the flower crown bend a bit, though it didn’t fall from her head. “It just makes you look so cute and innocent!”  
“I’m not!” Rumi scooted herself closer so that she was sitting right up against your crossed legs, letting hers rest on either side of your hips. “Call me cute and innocent again and I’ll make you regret it!” As if it were a punishment, Rumi reached up and plopped her sloppy excuse for a flower crown onto the top of your head. The instant it landed, it broke apart, showering you with crumpled daisies. Unable to help it, you began to laugh, which only grew harder as Rumi began to rage and stutter. “Dammit! Fucking flowers! This is why I just eat the damn things! Stop laughing at me, Carrot!”  
Covering your mouth, you gave a defeated shake of your head, holding your other hand up in defense. “I’m sorry, Rumi, it was just too funny! And so cute!”  
Before you could even find the time to react, you were tackled down into the grass, immediately smothered by the feral animal before you. Latching onto her instinctively, you were at her mercy as she gripped your face with both hands, squishing your cheeks and forcing your lips to pucker, even as your laughter continued.  
“I told you! You call me cute, you’re gonna die! I-” Suddenly, the flower crown slipped off the top of her head and onto your face, framing it perfectly. The shock silenced you immediately, staring up at Rumi in surprise. She was just as perturbed as you were, but after a moment her wonder broke into a grin, chuckling as she released your cheeks. “Look who’s all cute and innocent now! Ya dork.”  
Not bothering to remove the crown, you smiled softly, reaching up to caress Rumi’s cheeks tenderly. “No one in this entire world is cuter than you, baby.”  
“Says the person with a flower crown on their face and daisies stuck in their hair. Hey!”  
Rumi’s ears parted again as you took the crown off your face, placing it carefully on her head again to where it wouldn’t fall. This time, instead of getting angry, Rumi’s cheeks flushed again, and a cheeky smile stretched across her lips. “You aren’t gonna give up, are ya?”  
“Never. Besides, innocence is a great look for you. Just please don’t eat anymore daisies.”  
“Nah, flowers aren’t all that appetizing. I think I’m in the mood for some Carrot, instead.”
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ikeromantic · 4 years
A Kasugayama Christmas Carol
I think this is what happens when you’re playing ikesen on your phone and watching A Christmas Carol. I have no other excuse. This bit of holiday fluff is 3700 words (yes. omg)
Kenshin Uesugi as The Scrooge
MC as ‘the assistant’ or Cratchit
Shingen Takeda as Tiny ‘Tim’
Yukimura Saneda as Nephew ‘Fred’
and Sasuke as all Ghosts 
Kenshin did not like celebrations. They were a waste of time. Efforts could be better spent on war: preparing for war, training for battle, making swords and armor, building walls . . . And yet, every year in the dead of winter his assistant always wanted to celebrate. “It’s a holiday,” she would whine and ask for time off. Try to decorate. Make fancy food. What a waste.
This year, he decided it was enough. This year, no one would have a good time. Scrooge them, he thought. So he was ready when the girl from the future waltzed into his office, hands full of ribbons and origami stars. 
“You will get those out of my sight,” Kenshin ordered. His mismatched eyes were small and cold, and very cruel.
His assistant winced. “But Kenshin - can’t we have just a little celebration? I’ll even bring you some pickled plums and special sake.”
She was good, he thought. Tempting him like this. “That sounds - wait, no! You get back to your desk and work on those intelligence reports. I want to know who we’re fighting in the spring. How many warriors I’ll need to muster. How many swords . . .” Just thinking about the coming battles made him feel a little better.
It didn’t seem to make the girl any happier, but Kenshin didn’t feel at all responsible for her joy. She could cheer up and do her work, or do her work with a frown. 
Her head dropped, the smile falling from her face. The expression of pure disappointment almost made Kenshin change his mind - afterall, would it hurt so much to have a bit of cheer in the castle? But no. He was a man that never lost a battle. Not even a battle of wills.
It was well after dark when the girl stuck her head into his office again. “K-Kenshin? Sir?”
He looked up from his battle diagrams. “Yes?”
“C-could I go home now? It’s a holiday and - and my friends are waiting for me. I was supposed to get off work two hours ago but I was trying to finish everything first. I-It’s just too much for one day. Sir.” The words tumbled out of her mouth in a flood. 
“You can leave when you’re done.” Kenshin bent back down over his own work, annoyed at the disruption. 
He heard the girl slide the ricepane panel shut, her tread slow as she returned to her desk. “I pay her too much,” he muttered. “Such defiance. Deserves nothing.” But as he thought it, he remembered he didn’t actually pay her at all. She’d been a chatelaine for his enemies - he captured her, brought her back and, well, she had to have something to keep her busy. So all in all, hiring her was a pretty good investment.
Midnight neared and it was only then that the girl wearily stood, stretched her arms and back, and then trudged toward Kenshin’s office. This time she didn’t even open the door. “I finished,” she told him. Her voice was low and weary. Exhausted. 
“Then I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow to start on the next batch!”
“Lord Kenshin . . . please . . . could I have tomorrow off to spend with my friends? I - I mentioned it’s a holiday?” Her pleading took on a desperate note. 
“I suppose you’ll be spending it with those other poor fools. Tiny Shingen and my nephew Yuki. Wasting a whole day to make merry!”
She squeaked something that sounded like a yes. 
Kenshin frowned. This wasn’t what he liked hearing. Normally, her voice was sweet. He liked to hear it call out to him through the day, masking irritants like chirping crickets or squawking birds. She knew his tastes very well . . . “Gah, fine! Take the day off! But it’s coming out of your salary.”
“My Lord, you don’t pay me. So . . . I guess I’ll see you the day after tomorrow?” 
“I said so, didn’t I?” He tapped his fingers on the desk in annoyance. He’d like to give her one last, good glare before she took off but the door was shut. 
“Th-thank you, my lord! Have a h-happy holiday!” Her rapid footsteps, almost skipping across the boards gave the lie to her earlier exhaustion.
“I should work her harder,” Kenshin muttered. “Then she wouldn’t have time to make friends besides me. I mean - that she would miss because she’s busy working. I don’t have friends.” 
The lonely warlord eventually put his own work away and settled down for a nightcap. Warm sake and some pickled plums. Then he went to his room, dressed for bed, and lay down. Usually, he’d fall asleep as soon as his head met the mat, but tonight he just couldn’t seem to get settled. 
Wind made the branches outside creak, and the window panes rattled. Eventually though, his eyes drifted shut. Welcoming darkness. Dreams he would not remember come morning. Or so he thought.
Ghost of Sasuke
No sooner had Kenshin began to drift into dreamland than he was woken by the clanking of heavy chains and a grumbly voice. 
“Keeeenshiiiiiiin,” the disembodied voice groaned. And the clanking grew louder and closer.
The warlord’s eyes went wide and he stood, grabbing his beloved sword Himetsuru Ichimonji. “Who’s there,” he shouted, swinging the blade in a wide arc.
“It’s me. Sasuke. Don’t you remember me, Kenshin?”
And then in the darkness, a face materialized. Glasses, fluffy brown hair, and a pale green neck scarf.
“What’s wrong with you? Why do you look so pale? And your skin . . .” Sasuke’s skin gave off a pale glow. Kenshin pointed the tip of his sword at the ninja.
“I died, Kenshin! Because of youuuuuuuu . . .” The Sasuke-ghost wailed, and his hands shot out of the darkness to grab at Kenshin’s nightrobe. 
The warlord scrambled back, away from the spirit. “No! That’s not possible. I think I’d remember if you died.”
“Your training . . . killed me,” the Sasuke-ghost whispered.
Kenshin shook his head. He had trained Sasuke hard - hard enough to turn him into one of the best ninja in a generation. But he hadn’t killed him. Had he?
The ghost came closer, chains clanking. “Now, because of you, I am bound for eternity to suffer. Because I went along with all your violent schemes. I enjoyed war too . . . and now I will pay for it. Forever!” 
“I don’t believe a word,” Kenshin growled. “You’re not really here. This is just a bit of undigested plum. An upset stomach from a bad batch of sake. Spirits aren’t real. And my ninja isn’t dead!”
“It doesn’t matter if you believe me or not.” The spirit drew back into the darkness, disappearing from sight. “I only came to warn you, Kenshin. Tonight, you will be visited by three ghosts. The completely original and definitely not trademarked Ghost of Holidays Past, Present, and Future. You must listen to them. Or else.”
Kenshin laughed coldly. “I am not afraid of you, spirit. Or these . . . not . . . trademarked . . . ghosts. Let them come!”
There was no answer. 
The warlord waited, crouched and tense. Nothing else happened. Tired and even more annoyed, he went back to bed. “Have to stop eating pickled plums so late at night,” he murmured. Then rolled over and tried to get back to sleep.
Ghost of Holidays Past
His eyes barely shut when a strange laugh startled him awake again. 
“Ho ho ho,” the laughter boomed, and a finger tapped Kenshin on the shoulder.
The warlord leapt up and started to reach for his sword, but the absurd sight in front of him stopped him in his tracks. A face that seemed old and young all at once, with a beam of light pointed up from its head. He thought for a moment that it was Sasuke again - the thing had glasses on, just like the ninja, but this spirit wore a strange gown and wide, dangerous smile. 
“Who - what are you?” Kenshin inched away from the thing, beginning to feel a bit nervous.
“Didn’t I - I mean, Sasuke, warn you I was coming? I am the Ghost of Holidays Past, Kenshin. And I have come to show you things you’ve forgotten.”
The warlord got to his feet. “I haven’t forgotten anything. So you can leave. I am tired and I want to go to bed now.”
“Oh, I think not Uesugi. You are coming with me.” And the spirit grabbed his hand. The thing’s skin was cold and clammy, like holding to a fish. It led Kenshin out of his room and into a bright-lit hallway. There, people were wasting time and making merry. There were bunnies with colorful ribbons on their necks, and a girl . . .
Kenshin gasped. For a moment she looked like his assistant - the Oda captive and timetraveler. But then he realized it was Isehime. And the boy beside her - was him? It was hard to tell. The face was young and he couldn’t make out the eyes but . . . the boy was wearing his clothes and playing with Isehime and the rabbits. They were laughing together. 
“Do you remember now? The joyful times you had before?”
Kenshin blinked. He absolutely was not crying. It was just dust and the bright light. Yes. He scrubbed a hand over his face and turned to the spirit. “I don’t want to see this anymore. I’m going to bed.”
The Sasuke-similar Ghost of Holidays Past nodded. “I can’t force you to watch. But I think perhaps I’ve jogged a memory loose.” He let go of the warlord’s hand.
Kenshin stumbled back to his room and slid the door shut. What an awful vision that had been! His memories of Isehime came rushing back - all of the good times they had before cruelty and politics ended their youth. Had it been worth it to waste all that time in fun? He shook his head. No. No. That was for children too foolish to know better.
“Enough, spirits,” he growled as he got back into his futon. “I don’t want you showing me anything else.”
Ghost of Holidays Present
Kenshin’s order barely left his lips before another spirit arrived. Just like the last one, it wore glasses too. But this one had a big, bushy beard and a round belly.
“Ho ho ho! I am the Ghost of Holidays Present, here to show you what you’re missing!” The spirit stopped speaking for a moment to adjust his beard. It was slipping sideways as he spoke. “We have a journey tonight, Uesugi. Now come on!” The ghost leapt onto the window sill and held his hand out.
“This is foolish,” Kenshin grumbled. But he stood up and took the spirit’s hand anyway. “You aren’t going to show me anymore visions of . . . her - of Isehime - are you?”
“No. That was past. This is present. You see, the time-differential really isn’t that complex when you take into account the potential for flexion in dimensional space as relates to - ah - I mean, ho ho ho! Let’s uh, go!” The ghost grabbed the offered hand and pulled Kenshin out the window.
“Are you sure you aren’t my ninja?” Kenshin asked, eyeing the spirit as it led him through Kasugayama.
“Who me? No! I’m just your friendly neighborhood ghost.” He poked his round belly. “Your ninja isn’t fat like I am right?” He *carefully* tugged his beard. “And he doesn’t have a beard, right?”
“That is true,” Kenshin agreed. “Just when you were talking. It sounded like the nonsense he says sometimes.
“It’s not nonsense,” the ghost began, but stopped to point. Ahead, there was an open window. Warm lantern-light spilled out onto the snowy ground. Inside, Kenshin could see his assistant. Only . . . she was beautiful. Her hair was down and she was smiling so brightly it made his heart clench in his chest. 
“What - what is this? What are you showing me, spirit?”
“Kenshin, this is the holiday-that-is. Watch.” The ghost let go of his hand.
A figure came up behind the girl, a large man with light brown hair and grey eyes. Kenshin remembered him - a former warrior everyone called Tiny Shingen - a joke, as he was not at all small. He was smiling too. Kenshin’s assistant turned around to look at him and Shingen lifted her up, starting to spin her around. But he stopped, pain twisting his smile into a pained grimace. He began to cough and grabbed at his chest.
“Oh, Shingen. I’m so sorry. If only I had more . . . firewood, yes, firewood to ah, to keep our little home warm. Then you wouldn’t cough so!” She went to a small stove and picked up a kettle to pour Tiny Shingen a cup of tea. 
Another man entered the room - one Kenshin knew all to well. His always cheerful nephew Yuki. He was Kenshin’s last living relative, but honestly, the warlord couldn’t stand him. He was always giving away things and being . . . kind. Not the type of behaviour a war-focused warrior ought to be engaging in. Seeing him here made Kenshin think the boy had too much free time on his hands. He ought to make him train more. Maybe send him out scouting . . .
The girl gave Yuki a hug and he squeezed her tight. The sight sent a dangerous current through Kenshin. No one ought to be touching her like that. So intimately. She was his captive! His assistant! But . . . she looked so pleased. Had she ever smiled at Kenshin that way?
The three of them huddled around the small stove for warmth. But they all looked so happy. Chatting and laughing. As if even this meager life was worth living. 
Kenshin couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed from joy or pleasure. Or hugged. He wondered if he still knew how. He tried out a ‘happy’ laugh. It sounded like a dry cough. Worse than Tiny Shingen.
“Um, what was that?” The ghost gave him a side-eyed glance.
“Ah, right then. I think that’s enough. Let’s go back to your room.” The spirit turned to go.
Kenshin grabbed his sleeve. “Wait! Tell me, spirit. Is this really happening? Or is it just a vision, like what I saw from my past?”
The ghost nodded. “It is really happening. Right now. These people are celebrating and joyful, just to be together. Even though you’ve denied them so much . . .”
Kenshin nodded slowly. Perhaps . . . war wasn’t the only thing. He could try to relax. Just on holidays. Maybe pay his assistant. Or. Give her a hug. He smiled at the thought. It might even be pleasant. 
When he got to his window, he stopped and asked the ghost. “Is there one more of these visits tonight? I - I think I’d like to see more of my assistant.” He wasn’t sure why he felt hesitant to ask, but these sights stirred something uncomfortable in him.
“There will be one more visit, Kenshin Uesugi. One more spirit. The Ghost of Holidays Future.” And then in a sudden poof of smoke, the Ghost of Holidays Present was gone.
Kenshin climbed back into his room through the window and sat down on his futon to wait. He was almost excited. 
Ghost of Holidays Yet To Come
Kenshin did not have long to wait. There was a rustling outside his window. When he turned his head to look, all he could see was darkness.
“Come, Kenshin Uesugi. I have things to show you.” The voice came out of the darkness, echoing and cold. Nothing like the previous ghosts of the night.
Still, Kenshin really wanted to see more of his assistant. What she would be doing the next year, for example. Perhaps this ghost could show him a future where Kenshin and the girl played with ribboned rabbits and hugged each other. 
He stepped out into the darkness. In it, he could just make out a form. Heavy robes covered the body, and over the face, a mask. Horned, with bulging eyes and sharp fangs. Like a shinigami, he thought. But he was Kenshin, God of War. Demons did not scare him.
The ghost said nothing, only turned and began to walk.
“Should I follow? Where are we going?” Kenshin hurried after the spirit.
There was no reply. But soon, it became apparent where they were headed. Out of the darkness, a crowd of stone monuments and the gentle slopes of ancient kofun. 
Kenshin stopped. “Wait, spirit. Why are we going to visit graves? Aren’t you supposed to show me holidays?”
The ghost turned and from the depths of its sleeves rose a bony hand, fingers curled in a universal come-hither gesture. 
Feeling unnerved, and wishing he’d brought his sword, Kenshin continued on. Into the dark graveyard. The figure stopped before a fresh dug grave, the marker laying on it’s side nearby. 
The ghost took a lantern from its vest and lit it with a flick of its fingers. In that dim, flickering light, the warlord could just make out the characters carved into stone. Uesugi Kenshin. 
“What? No! I am the undefeated God of War. Nothing can kill me. I should know. I’ve tried.” He put a hand to his mouth surprised by the honesty this spirit coaxed from him. He looked up at it. “What - what is it that kills me? Poison? An assassin? Sickness?”
“Bitterness,” rasped the cold voice. And it gestured to several fresh graves nearby. On them, Kenshin could make out the names of his assistant, and her friends. His nephew Yuki. Tiny Shingen. And Sasuke. 
“Then. This is all my fault?” He knew he’d caused countless deaths on his many campaigns. Soldiers that came to his banner, and numberless enemies. But this was different. If the spirit was right, they would die because of the flaw in his soul - not from some hostile force. 
He swallowed, feeling again the hot sting of unshed tears. “Why do you show me this? Do you think I can change? I have reasons! I have lost . . . so much. If I open my heart again, then what?”
The spirit gestured with a bony finger back toward Kasugayama. There, silhouetted against the city’s lanterns, the form of a girl. His lovely assistant. Could things be different between them? Could he learn to be more than her captor and taskmaster? Kenshin wasn’t sure, but he decided in that moment to try. He was, afterall, the undefeated God of War. It would be ironic if he was his own undoing.
“I think I understand,” he said wearily. “I want to change. I do. I don’t know how but . . . I will try.”
“And you will have help,” the ghost said quietly, in a voice so like Sasuke that it made Kenshin look twice. It laid a hand on the warlord’s shoulder. “Now go home and sleep. Dawn comes.”
Kenshin obeyed. He felt bone-tired, his chest hollow with regret. 
Holiday Epilogue
The morning dawned bright and early. Kenshin woke to the song of birds, and the bustle of the castle. He felt energized. Purposeful. He got up and put on his best clothes, then began summoning servants. There were so many things to get done! Food, wine, music - and decorations! Yes! 
His vassals clearly thought he’d lost his mind, but they knew better than to disobey. His years of harshness served him well in organizing a feast - and not just for his vassals. For the whole town. He wanted everyone to celebrate with him- on this new day, where anything could happen.
When the people gathered and began filling their plates, a gentle sweet voice spoke up behind him.
“Kenshin. Did you really set all this up?” 
The warlord turned, and there she stood. The captured Oda princess, his assistant - no, if he was honest, his slave. But no more. He knelt and took her hand. “I am so sorry for all I have put you through. Today - today is the first step in making it up to you.” He turned his mismatched eyes from her hand up to her gaze. She was wide-eyed, cheeks pink. “Can you forgive me,” he asked.
“I already did,” she smiled. And there it was. That brilliant warmth that made his heart pound. 
“You are too good for this world,” he sighed. “I want you to know - if you want to leave, you can. But if you stay . . . if you stay, I’d like to treat you like a princess. An Uesugi princess.”
She pursed her lips, thinking. “I don’t want to go. I have friends here now. But, what about them? Tiny Shingen needs medical care. And Yuki - he needs etiquette lessons and some time in a hot bath -”
“What did you say, boar woman?” Yukimura shouted at them from across the courtyard, where the feast was laid out. 
Kenshin stood. “Nephew! Come here! I want to apologize.”
“No thanks! I uh, already forgive you too! But I prefer to stay out of stabby range.” Yuki chuckled as he said it, but he didn’t get any closer. 
The girl smiled and squeezed Kenshin’s hand. “It will take time to show him you changed.”
The warlord nodded. “I suppose it will. But in the meantime - I will have the best doctors look after Shingen. Is that . . . alright?”
“I’m sure Shingen will appreciate that,” she replied.
“Is that a goddess with my name on her lips,” asked Shingen as he stepped out into the courtyard. 
Kenshin felt a spike of jealousy, but he took a breath and smiled. “Please don’t flirt with my assistant. Just . . . go get some sweets and wait for the doctors to arrive.”
Shingen’s smile was wide. “I haven’t even started to flirt, Kenny. But alright. I am feeling peckish. I’ll be back later to see how my angel fares.”
Sasuke flipped down from a nearby roof to land in a one-knee crouch, superhero style right in front of his lord. “I might have a better idea for Shingen’s care my lord. If I can offer.”
“I thought you were dead. I saw your ghost.” Kenshin reached out and grabbed Sasuke’s cheek, pinching it. “You feel real enough though.”
For some reason, Shingen and the girl were laughing. Yuki was too, from his spot across the yard. 
“I assure you - I am very muth alive. Pleath let go of my cheek.”
Kenshin released his ninja. “So you are. You can tell me all about this idea later. Today, we celebrate. It is . . . a holiday.” And he smiled down at his assistant, who still held one of his hands.
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herohotline · 5 years
Bean Boy (Midoriya x You)
A/N: Future/Coffee Shop!AU where Midoriya is the number one hero getting coffee in your run of the mill cafe. 
Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Reader
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In modern society, heroes came in all shapes and colors and they were actually fairly common. How they came about is still a mystery- especially to you since you never studied the subject- but they were an everyday occurrence and common idol now. And, well, you were no hero. Just a barista in a family-owned shop. But, you’d argue, working in customer service was sort of a heroic act of its own. Maybe your hero name would be “Bean Boy” or something.
Scratch that, that was a terrible name.
Working in a coffee shop wasn’t all that bad. The fact that it was family-owned sort of made it better- you weren’t family but you may as well be at this point with how well you knew the staff and owners and how kind they were to you. It was definitely better than working at a chain or somewhere so busy that you'd never get time to relax.
Rush hour for your little shop ended about an hour ago- so it was right before noon. Even rush hour was pretty small, it wasn’t something that two workers couldn’t handle. Your co-worker, Aiko, actually just left for her lunch break, leaving you alone in the shop for now. You had been idly washing dishes and keeping things tidy when the distinct sound of the shop bell rang. It was either a customer or it was Aiko with her lunch and your drink you gave her money for.
(You hope for the latter- you’re sick of just drinking coffee and bubble tea when you're thirsty at work)
Looking up, it definitely wasn’t Aiko. Instead, it was a tall, beautiful man with unruly green locks and charming emerald eyes.
Looking down at his t-shirt, it reads “sweater”. You want to laugh. What sort of humor does this guy have?
“Welcome, sir. I’ll take your order when you’re ready.” You notice he’s staring at the menu and you don’t want to rush him, so you continue to work on things behind the counter once he gives you a small smile.
His smile is too cute.
The wait isn’t long until he tells you he’s ready to order and you’re not surprised- there’s not a lot on the menu to look at other than your lunch and snack options. You go toward the iPad on the counter and smile at him.
“Great! What can I get you?”
“A medium mocha and… you serve soba?”
You laugh. “Yes, surprisingly enough. I know it’s odd for a cafe, but you can really get creative if you’re a small shop.” You think for a moment before you add- “it’s only cold soba, though, so if you want it hot I can… microwave it?”
The green-haired wonder actually laughs- you can’t believe your weak joke made him laugh. He smiles so easily- so happily- you feel like you’re going to melt. “Cold soba is actually perfect. It’s how my friend prefers it.”
“Wonderful. I’m assuming this is a to-go order, then?”
“You’d be right.”
“Alright. That’s a total of 1,300 yen.”
He hands you the money, a little extra in his hand, and you quickly make the change and offer it to him before he stops you. “Keep it. For making me laugh.”
You blush. “Oh- thank you, sir!” You certainly won’t say no to a personal, nice tip. “You can sit anywhere you’d like- since I’m making a new batch of soba, it will be 10 or so minutes. I’ll bring out your drink first, of course,” you can’t believe how much you’re flustering around him. You’re so weak…  “Is that alright?”
He takes his seat and you get to work. You brew the coffee first, as you said, and once you deliver it to him you quickly get to work on the noodles. The kitchen isn’t exactly private- the cute boy can easily see you as you work since there isn’t a separating wall from the dining area and the kitchen. The only thing that separates it is the small counter where the iPad and baked goods are at.
The television on the wall plays as you work, and it seems to have your customer's attention. Right now all that’s on is a news channel, and when you try to listen in, you think they’re talking about heroes. When are they not, though?
“What’s your opinion on heroes?” The customer asks you suddenly. You're surprised he’s making conversation- not a lot of them do. You hum as you strain the cold noodles.
“I think they’re great. I mean, who doesn’t? There’s the whole Stain group, but even those people like heroes. They just like different ideals for them, I guess.”
“That’s true,” he says. “Have you ever thought about being one?”
You laugh sarcastically. “Maybe when I was a kid. But when I grew up, I thought about the world a bit more realistically.” You start to put the meal in a to-go container- not forgetting the dipping sauce. “Being a hero is a dangerous job. It’s an uncertain job- you never really know what you’re gonna get. I guess I like a bit more stability. Plus, I’m working at a tiny cafe. I think you can tell I’m not very suited for celebrity life.”
You put the box together and place it on his table. “Your soba,” you say and smile at him. “Plus, sometimes I like to think I’m a special type of hero. I mean- Hero work is basically a fancy and glittery version of customer service. I’m halfway there if you think about it.” Oh god oh god shut your mouth.
He laughs again and you laugh along with him, your heart soaring. You like him- why wouldn’t you like someone who’s so cute and likes your jokes? “You’re right- thank you for the meal, hero! What’s your name?”
“Bean Boy,” You blurt without thinking and he laughs even louder, his head thrown back. Your cheeks burn as you frown. “What?! It’s catchy!” Oh god oh god OH GOD.
“It’s memorable, that’s for sure,” he stood from his seat, taking the coffee and noodles in his hand. “I’ll definitely remember you, Bean Boy.” The damn guy actually winks at you. You’re positively flushed by now, you know it.
He leaves the store after that, and while you’re reeling from the experience- your heart sinks an inch. You never got to catch his name.
Now you sort of wish you did work at a busier place that took names with orders.
Eventually, he does come by again, this time with a familiar face beside him. Color you impressed, fucking Shoto the number 2 hero is in your cafe!
“I didn’t know you were a big shot who hung out with heroes!” You greet the familiar man with an impressed eyebrow. He grins.
Shoto looks surprised and looks down at his friend. They’re exchanging some sort of secret conversation in their eyes- what could it be?
They break it up quickly and Shoto approaches the counter with the nameless wonder. You notice that today, his white t-shirt reads "turtleneck". How many of these shirts does he have? “He really liked your soba and wanted to come here himself.”
“Really? I didn’t think our dish was that good…”
Shoto hums with a nod. “It was nice. I’d like to get it again.”
“Of course,” you take the order on the iPad. “Anything for you- uh,” god, you don’t know his name. “What is your name, anyway? It’s driving me nuts.”
He smiles and actually takes a second to think about his answer- you have a feeling he’s not going to give you his real name at all. “Midoriya.”
The now-named Midoriya snorts at the look Shoto gives him.
“Right. Anything for you, Midoriya?”
“I’d love another mocha, Bean Boy.”
“God.” You groan. “I hate you. That’s not my name.” You flash your name badge and he deliberately ignores it. You hate him. Groaning again, you give him the same price as before and he gives you the same amount- same tip.
Once you get to work, Shoto and Midoriya seat themselves at a table and the ice and fire user speaks. “I’m surprised they don’t know you.”
“I kind of love it.” Midoriya shrugs. “No special treatment. It’s nice.”
“To be fair, though… they didn't really react to me at all.”
“Yeah, true.” He speaks louder for you to hear. “You don’t really freak out around celebrities or heroes, do you?”
You answer from the kitchen. “Not really. I don’t want to be annoying and just say the same shit I know everyone has heard before.” You finish the drink and walk over to the two, setting it in front of your green-haired acquaintance. You look towards Shoto. “Unless you want me to grovel for you?”
Shoto snorts with a smile. “You were right. They are funny.”
“It’s my one redeeming quality,” you go back to the kitchen.
“So if that’s the case- why not tell them? It might be interesting to see if they’d get embarrassed or not,” Shoto whispers to his friend. Midoriya just shakes his head.
“Just wait.”
Soon enough, you come out with Shoto’s cold soba. He smiles brighter than you’ve ever seen him smile before as he thanks you genuinely and then digs in. You're about to ask if they want anything else before Midoriya speaks up.
“Huh. Would you look at that.” He’s pointing towards the television. Interest piqued, you take a look and don’t notice the eye roll Shoto makes at his friend across the table.
There, on the modest-sized TV on the wall, is the number one hero. He’s dressed in full costume- rabbit mask over his head. You don’t see anything special about it other than the fact that he saved a good amount of people again. “What?” You ask. “Is he your favorite or something?”
Shoto chokes on his noodles.
“Oh my god, are you alright?!”
Midoriya is grinning ear to ear. “He’s fine, just a little shocked. I am too- I mean, do you not like him?”
“I don’t not like him,” you continue to worriedly eye Shoto. He gives you a soft wave as he coughs to try as if to tell you, yes, he’s fine, but you’re not convinced. Why would he suddenly choke like that? “He is the number one hero, after all. I guess I’m just confused why he made his suit into a bunny.” You look back at the television screen. “Hey, since you’re Mr.Big Shot and you hang out with heroes, why don’t you tell him to get a fluffy tail? It’d pull the outfit together.” When you look back down at him, you're surprised.
Midoriya stares up at you with an emotion that’s akin to wonder. “I will absolutely do that for you,” he wheezes and you realize he’s shaking. Holding back laughter? You squint your eyes at him with a suspicious frown.
You’re at home, lounging on the couch and watching the news with a cool drink in your hand when it happens. There’s an interview being held with Deku- someone you’ve been keeping an eye on since your request to Midoriya. There hasn’t been a costume update yet, and you haven’t seen the familiar mop of green hair since he and his friend left the cafe cackling. They were an odd pair, that's for sure.
“-I heard that you were thinking about a costume change, why is that?” Oh, fuck yes. You lean forward as you watch, the camera switching to Deku who’s been sitting down this entire time. Is- is it there…?
“Well, I was talking to a fellow hero I know, and they mentioned that getting the update might be beneficial. It’s not as much a fighting thing as it is an aesthetic choice. Would you like to see?”
“Oh- it’s already on?”
Deku grins from behind his mask. “Yes.”
And then he stands, turns around, and there it is. A fluffy, perfectly cute bunny tail. The camera pans up to Deku’s face and he winks. “This is for my favorite hero, Bean Boy.”
...oh my god. Oh my GOD.
You were so stupid! Midoriya was Deku! God- he was just- staring at you and waiting for you to make the connection but little did he know- you were an idiot. You can’t believe he actually got the tail?!
You quickly shut off the TV and curl into yourself, stewing in your embarrassment. If Midoriya was the kind of person you thought he was- he would definitely make an appearance at the shop tomorrow. He’s going to rub this in.
God, who knew that great hero Deku could be such a little shit?
You see him from the glass windows as he approaches the shop, confirming your suspicions. He’s here to rub it in. You grip the paper towel roll in your hand tighter.
The door opens and you throw with all your strength. Which isn’t a lot, but you’ve got good aim, and it hits him right on the head. “You’re a little shit, you know that?!” You yell and he immediately begins to giggle, throwing his arm over his head in defense. He grabs the towel roll with his free hand as he keeps laughing. “Stop laughing!” He doesn’t.
“I thought you’d figure it out the last time I came,” Midoriya lowers his arm once he realizes you aren’t going to throw anything else and he grins at you.
“And I can’t believe you told the whole world about Bean Boy. How dare you. Bean Boy is an undercover vigilante and you’ve ruined their career.”
“Have you seen the rumors?” He tosses the roll to you and you catch it easily with a loud groan.
“Of course I’ve seen the rumors. ‘Who is Bean Boy?’ ‘Deku’s secret affair with Bean Boy!’ It’s all I see on my phone.”
“You’re officially a hero! Your name is up there!”
“I told you I don’t want to be a hero,” you roll your eyes. Midoriya- if that was even his name- leans on the cashier counter and looks up at you with those gorgeous eyes of his. Sure, he's a little tease, but you can't deny how beautiful he is. Maybe that's why you didn't piece it together right away- you were to busy looking at Midoriya that you couldn't think about anyone else.
You don't know why you're attracted to someone who would wear a white tee that says "flannel shirt", but it is what it is.
“Then what do you want to be?”
You purse your lips. “I’m not looking for a sugar daddy if that’s what you’re implying- like a ‘make your wish come true if you ride me’ situation.”
A shocked laugh leaves him, his face tinging red as he smiles. You relax your shoulders a bit- because you were a little honestly worried that might be the case. Why was he talking to you still? You really don’t know. “Of course not. I just want to know more about you.”
“Come on, I thought you treated heroes like people,” he leans off the counter. “I think you’re interesting, like a person talking to another person. I want to know more about you.”
“Yeah, but you’re also a stranger,” you reason. “So there’s your reason for wariness. Plus, you’ve proved that you can be a dick- but whatever. I want to animate or something like it.”
His interest is piqued. “Yeah?”
“I just- want to contribute to animated movies. Be that storyboarding, or designing characters, or making the models- I want to make stories and help develop them. I’ve been drawing since I was a kid.”
“I actually drew a bit in middle school and high school,” Midoriya smiles. “I wasn’t very good. But it helped me with my hero studies.”
You hum. Abruptly, you change the subject. “So is Midoriya something people actually call you?”
He smiles. “Yes. It’s my family name.”
You can’t believe he actually gave you a bit of personal information. Whoever Midoriya is, he’s kind of a mystery. His actions are borderline unpredictable so far.
“Well, Midoriya. You want to be friends? I’ll bite. We can talk more when I’m not working, though. Plus, you don’t want to be talking to me and then have a customer come in and totally ogle you.”
“You’re right,” he nods. “When do you get off work tonight?”
You raise your eyebrows with a smirk. “Am I that interesting to you, Midoriya?”
His eyes sparkle as he grins. “Fascinating.”
Needless to say, you meet him that night at 6 o'clock.
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iicytodoroki · 4 years
𝐴𝑘𝑎𝑖 𝑇𝑎𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑎𝑜𝑖 - 𝑊𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐴𝑈! 𝐾𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑦𝑎𝑚𝑎 𝑇𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑜
𝘼𝙠𝙖𝙞 𝙏𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙖𝙤𝙞 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬! 𝐊𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐨
Prologue > Chapter One - Who are you?  > Chapter Two
 A/N: asdfghk i totally forgot the title is what the caterpillar says over and over, but tbh i never liked that character so we ain’t having that lol also sorry its been awhile but i made it longer! (also if you are the few and want a taglist just msg me!) hope you enjoy~
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Heavy breaths and branches hitting yn’s cheeks. The white-haired man just seems to be running even faster. When yn tried to follow him through a dense set of trees, she lost sight of him. 
“How...is he,” yn huffed, “so fast?”
As yn was trying to catch her breathe while having her hands on her knees in the now darker forest, another wondrous creature seemed to have caught her in their vision. 
“Well hello there, what’s a cutie doing out here in these parts all alone,” the man asked with a mischievous grin. 
Startled, yn shot her head up and looked around her. Swiveling her head left and right, yn feels a soft, fluffy appendage hold her chin, putting a stop to her head.
“Up here~,” the man cooed as he gestured to yn’s face to look up on the tree branch above her. 
Sitting there was a tall man with black shorts and a long-sleeved shirt with thin red stripes going horizontally. Behind him was his peculiar black tail, and sitting atop his bed-head were cat-like ears. His eyes peered into yn as she continued to stay silent and his grin just grew wider. 
Jumping down from his branch, the man approached yn who was still in shock and fear.
“I know I must be breath-taking,” he spited, “but I need to know...who are you?”
Stopping right in front of yn and bending down towards her face, she finally snapped out of her dazed and attempted to take several steps back. Before she could get any farther, the man’s tail went behind her at the small of her back and stopped her movements. Now a little irritated, he repeated his question, “Who are you?” with the raise of his brow.  
Red in the face with the inappropriate proximity of the man, yn stuttered out, “My n-name is yn.” 
Satisfied with her answer, the man grinned to himself. But unfortunately for yn, he still didn’t move away nor introduced himself. Yn was able to muster enough courage after what seems to be several minutes of staring at one another to ask him , “And you are…?”
Proud of being asked who he is, he removed his tail from behind her and gave a flashy grin with, “Ah my name’s Testuro Kuroo, but you can call me Testuro.”
“Um no it’s fine, Kuroo is fine for me,” replied yn. Yn was still used to her customs back home, so she still preferred calling strangers by their last name. Finally having her emotions calmed down, yn took in her surroundings. 
It looked like she was deeper into the forest and no silver-haired man in sight. Flashing, neon signs point all over the place. Confusing arrows saying the “land of the skulks” pointing upwards while the “parliament” is pointing to its left. 
More confused than ever, Yn asked Kuroo, “Um, have you by chance seen a man with silver-hair running through here?”
Kuroo looked to the side in thought for a few moments before a cheshire grin appeared on his face.
“Mmm, who knows,” he amusingly questioned. “But I know a few mad people who might,” he suggested. 
Mad…? Yn thought and did not like the sound of that. 
“Uh, I think that will be unnecessary,” yn timidly said. 
“Suit yourself, but just be aware there’s many,” Kuroo paused creepily “things out here waiting to see a newcomer in these woods.”
Kuroo turned around and shrugged nonchalantly, “But you seem like you can follow the signs…”
Yn looked at all the confusing directions around her and began to worry even more. 
As Kuroo was taking his first few steps, yn called out, “Wait! If you could please take me to those people who could know where the man is--”
Before she could finish her plea, Kuroo was next to her and his softail curling around her sides.
“Sure thing kitten,” he said slyly.
Although yn was unsure of Kuroo’s character, he was actually a person who was pretty comforting. During their walk through the woods, they heard many odd coos and rustling which shook yn. If there's all these beautiful creatures, then there’s also an equal amount of unimaginable scary one as well, she thought. However, each time, Kuroo tried to ask her questions of where she came from and how she got into his world. His soothing and calm tone was able to distract yn from the lurkers in the darkest parts of the woods.
Eventually, there was a clearing up ahead. An old mill and colorful homes could be seen across the plain. Kuroo walked a few steps ahead with an excited air around him. 
As the two got closer to the run-down structures, they see a long pastel-cloth table swarmed in old tea cups and pots. At the head of the table directly across from them was a man with wavy orange hair, on top was a cute top hat for his size. The tangerine man was jumping around while speaking to a blonde, beanpole of a guy in glasses who seems to be worn out from the suspected tea consumption or the energy of the shorter guy or both…
When yn looked closer, she saw flattened bunny ears as he tried to hide further into his folded arms on the table. 
“Wow would you look at this,” said Kuroo as he walked closer to the duo. Yn stood at the end of the table, unsure of presenting herself to the strange group. 
At the sound of Kuroo’s voice, the orange-hair man quickly turned his head to look at Kuroo.
“Ah! Welcome back Kuroo! Come, come, come join us for some freshly brewed tea,” he tried to usher the taller man but Kuroo declined.
“No thank you, you put too much sugar in your batches anyways,” he replied, “but I’m here to ask help for a new friend,” gesturing to yn’s direction. Yn tensed up when she heard this. 
The orange-haired guy immediately perked up at the sight of a new friend and dragged her to sit at the head of the table. He introduced himself as Shouyo Hinata and the sleeping bunny as Kei Tsukkishima. Tsukkishima peaked through his arms to catch a glimpse of yn and sat up, begrudgingly so. 
“And last but not least is Tadashi Yamaguchi!” Hinata exclaimed as he pulled up one side of the tablecloth to present a sleeping Yamaguchi, who was presumably knocked out from the tea and Hinata himself. Hinata was able to get the fellow up sitting on the chair, which awakened him. Now yn was able to see the cute mouse ears atop his dark green hair.
Yamaguchi provided a sleepily “Hello,” as he proceeded to make himself a cup of tea. 
Kuroo sat at the other end of the table in front of yn with his feet up the table and Hinata took the corner seat beside yn. With everyone now settled, Kuroo proceeded to say, “As I said before, Yn is looking for a white-haired pocket watch guy and I think we all know who he is…”
“OH! I think I know!” Hinata said with a teacup raised in the air. “Is it….Koushi Sugawara?”
“I’m pretty sure it is,” Tsukkishima said and Yamaguchi nodded with him.
“Who is Koushi Sugawara?” Yn questioned.
Yn brought her cup of tea but before her lips touched it, she noticed there was a chipped edge and had to turn her cup to the other side. Tsukkishima spoke up and yn made eye contact with him peering over her cup. 
“He’s the assistant for the King of the Court,” he said in distaste. 
“King of the Court?” she questioned.
“King Tobio Kageyama of the Red Hearts in Karasuno,” piped Yamaguchi, “He’s known to be cold and temperamental.”
I do not like the sound of that, yn thought to herself. 
Kuroo who was silently listening with his eyes closed finally spoke up, “Sweet yn here needs to return a belonging of that white rabbit.” 
Hinata, hearing this, immediately stood up in excitement, “A lost item? How humble of you!” Hinata approached yn radiating in excitement, “And we can take you too! We have been meaning to visit our friends in Karasuno!”
Overwhelmed a bit, yn just stared at the sunshine boy with widened eyes. 
“Unless the King finds you and throws you in jail,” interrupted Tsukkishima.
“It won't be too much of a problem if we’re careful Tsukki,” Yamaguchi pleaded, “We know the place enough and Yn will surely get captured if she goes by herself.”
“Wait a minute,” Yn cut it, “won’t you be joining us Kuroo?”
“Hmm? No, I got places to,” he peered at yn with a smirk, “lurk in.”
Yn knew she was not going with Kuroo and he knew the same. Yn also knew she had no other way to find Sugawara without getting into trouble and these guys seem to be pretty nice enough to guide her. Also, she was starting to warm up to the ball of sunshine and the other two who seemed reliable enough. 
“Ok, I will be very grateful if you guys can guide me to Karasuno,” yn asked. 
“Great! Well then off we go!” Hinata shouted as he looped his arm with yn and dragged her forward. 
Yamaguchi waited for Tsukkishima to get up from his seat. He seemingly got up not wanting to go, but he had a small smile when looking at yn and Hinata chattering off. 
“Take care, yn,” Kuroo saluted before he disappeared into the shadows of the forest.
Well this is an odd adventure but these guys seem to be friendly enough, thought yn as she smiled with her three new friends by her side.
taglist: @melanieacademy 
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thiswasinevitableid · 5 years
any chance you could write some sternclay hannukah fic? as wholesome or naughty as you like
I certainly can! I went with fluffy, and I hope it turned out okay.
Joseph Stern does his best not to take personal offense at the existence of inanimate objects. 
But the “Merry Christmas” signs hanging down the entire main street of Kepler are on thin fucking ice.
He knows small towns tend to lean towards homogeneity. He knows that many municipal agencies treat Christmas as a non-denominational day celebrated by everyone.
The sign simply reminds him of being scolded by a grade school teacher for telling the other students that his family wasn’t visited by Santa, which suggested an inherent flaw in the idea of Santa’s existence. 
Or not being able to get the holidays he needed off of work during college, because those weren’t “real” holidays according to his boss.
Or not being allowed to have his mini T-rex menorah on his desk at the UP because it was a religious symbol and he worked in a government agency. 
He can’t shake the bad mood as he finishes his errands and heads back towards the lodge. Snow falls in clumps on his windshield as he pulls up in front, just in time to see Bigfoot and Mothman carrying a large pine tree into the lobby. 
Home sweet home. 
“Kay just, uh, hold it steady for a sec there ‘Drid.” Duck’s legs stick out from beneath the tree as he twists it into a stand, Indrid holding it upright while he does. Barclay sees Stern just as he slips on his bracelet, and by the time he’s kissing him he’s human again.
“Hey, babe.”
“Hi. Getting prepared for the season, I see.”
“Yep” Barclay grins excitedly, “finally found the perfect C-”
“Christmas tree, yes, I know, I’m Jewish, not oblivious.” Stern hears the bitterness, takes a breath and shuts his eyes, prepared to apologize for once again harshing others holiday cheer by reminding them that Jewish people exist. 
“No…” Barclay is making his worried-about-Stern face, “It’s the Candlenights tree.”
“Come again?”
“Did that plenty this morning.” Barclay bounces his eyebrows, and Stern rolls his eyes. 
“Candlenights is a winter holiday on Sylvain. It’s supposed to be a time of rest and warmth, of remembering that it’s alright to take time to focus on love and peace and comfort.”
“But that’s obviously a Christmas tree.”
Barclay shrugs, “You’re supposed to have a big piece of greenery as one of the decorations, a representation of the beauty of the land around you. Some families decorate a tree in their yard, or grow a flower bush specifically to use, stuff like that.”
“Mine had a blue mallow tree. It smelled like sugar. And the blossoms were delicious.” Indrid chimes in as he puts on his glasses.
“Is that why you put marshmallows on the tree in the apartment?” Duck brushes pine needles off himself.”
Barclay continues, “You decorate it with lights and flowers. And, well, the Christmas tree is a great way of having that tradition in the lodge without people wondering what the fuck we’re doing and asking too many questions.”
“So...Candlenights is tonight?” 
“It starts tomorrow. It’s kinda like Hanukah, but it lasts five days rather than eight nights. Each day centers around a concept: light, warmth, comfort, growth, love. Er, that’s the translation from Sylph, at least.”
“That sounds pleasant.” Stern smiles a bit, watches Hollis and Jake untangling strings of lights with varying degrees of success, “I’m, I’m glad you all are able to celebrate the way you did back home.”
“Me too. Uh, you know you can celebrate with us right? The lodge is your home too.”
“Thank you.” He kisses Barclays cheek and heads towards his room while the cook heads off towards the kitchen. 
It’s not that he doesn’t appreciate the offer. And he’s actually curious about what’s essentially an alien cultural ceremony. 
But he wishes he had what he needed to observe Hanukkah. So that he could feel connected to his past, and his home, the way the Sylphs will tomorrow.
He’s up early the next morning, wanders out into the lobby with his coffee mug. It’s quiet save for the crackling fire and distant sounds of Mama in her office and Barclay in the kitchen.
The tree is lit with orange and white lights, and does look rather festive. 
But it’s something on the window near the tree catches his attention. 
It’s clearly supposed to be a serpent version of the Loch Ness Monster (Stern’s preferred version, given that the more popular pleisiosaur is the least likely of all explanations for the creature). 
And it has nine candle holders on it. 
“Happy Hanukah, handsome.” Barclay’s voice is a soft rumble in his ear as the taller man hugs him from behind, “Know it doesn’t officially start until tonight, but seemed like I oughta give you this ahead of time. Plus, it matches nicely with the first day of Candlenights.”
“True.” Stern murmurs, “Barclay this, this is wonderful.”
“Glad you like it. Had it made special.”
Stern turns in his arms, kissing him long and slow, not caring that the flour on his apron is now on Sterns shirt. He’s grown used to floury hugs and sugared kisses, Barclay stealing them from him in between moments at work. He wouldn’t trade them for the world.
The next day, Stern nearly has a heart attack when he opens his bedroom door.
“GAH!oh, hello Aubrey. Doctor.”
Aubrey grins at him, while Dr. Harris Bonkers, PhD, attempts to chew his way out of his small, black sweater, emblazoned with flames. It matches Aubrey’s own. 
“I didn’t realize you two, or, ah, three” he waves to Dani, “were vising from Sylvain.”
“Just for today and tomorrow. Dani needs to give Barclay his gift.”
Dani proudly hoists a thick, knitted sweater that reads “Kiss the cook.”
Stern pads into the lobby, finds it more active than the previous morning. Sitting by his menorah is a flat box, wrapped in silver paper. When he opens it, he finds a thick sweater, and braces himself. More than once has he been given a holiday sweater that was blatantly Christmas themed. 
This one, however, is a tasteful, dark blue with silver snowflakes and UFOs patterned across it. Stern pulls it on, finds it fits perfectly. 
“Looking good dude!” Jake calls from his position teaching Dr. Harris Bonkers how to play on a Nintendo DS. Stern settles on the couch, picks up his paperback from where he set it yesterday.
“Ah good, Barclay took my suggestion.”
“JEsus.” Stern’s unprepared for the red glasses poking out of a nearby pile of fabric.
Indrid answers the question before he asks it, “Electric blanket, a gift from Duck. Barclay was torn between that sweater and a Bigfoot themed one. I foresaw you liking that option slightly better. It suits you well.”
“Thank you.” Stern rubs the soft fabric, feeling deeply cozy, and settles in to read. 
That evening, he’s getting ready to light the menorah when he spots Barclays reflection beside his own in the window. 
“Can, uh, is it okay if I join you?”
“Of course.”
Barclay watches intently, listens as Stern recites the blessing. When Stern is done he joins his boyfriend in a large easy chair.
“There anything else you miss from, like, celebrating Hanukkah as a kid?”
“How do you mean?” Stern rests his head on his shoulder with a sleepy sigh,
“Well, back on Sylvain, there are these almost scone-like things, made out of honeyberries. They don’t taste like anything you get on earth.  I smuggled preserved honeyberries through the gate every year around this time just so I could make some. Vincent never could turn down a Twinkie bribe to look the other way.”
“Sufganiyot. My mom always got them from a place called Greenbush back home.”
“Jelly doughnuts, right?”
“Yes. How did you-”
“Babe, do you have any idea how many cookbooks I’ve read? At this point I’m not sure there’s a pastry I haven’t heard of.”
“That...never occurred to me.” He yawns, unsure how a day of lazing by the fire can make him so exhausted (maybe it was having to prevent a talking rabbit and a seal disguised as a skater from lighting the tree on fire. Twice).
“Bedtime. C’mon, my little Sufganiyot”
“In what sense am I little-ah, hey!” Stern laughs as Barclay scoops him up in his arms.
“You’re ridiculous” He grumbles against Barclays chest.
“You love me for it.”
Stern nestles closer, “Very true”
The next morning, he steps out his door, only for the scent of sugar to draw him towards the restaurant. He can hear Barclay speaking from within the kitchen. 
“No, you can’t have any yet.”
“But, Uncle Barclay, look at how cute I am.” Dr. Harris Bonkers’ voice, if he had to guess. 
“Joseph gets the first batch.”
“Because he’s even cuter.”
Barclay steps out the kitchen door, plate in hand, and turns bright red.
“Oops, didn’t know you were up.”
“Dear, my alarm goes off at five every morning.”
Then he sees what Barclay is holding.
“Happy Hanukkah, babe.”
Stern grabs a doughnut from the plate and devours it in three bites.
“Please tell me you made more than two.”
“Aww, babe, glad you like ‘em.”
“I do. But, uh, that’s not why I said it.” 
He points to the restaurant door, where many more faces are peeking in, several licking their lips.
Barclay chuckles, “Whelp, better get frying.”
Stern grabs his usual apron from the near the kitchen door.
“I’ll help.”
Day four starts equally pleasantly, with him discovering a small, pleasingly round moss ball floating in a small aquarium sitting on his desk. The aquarium is decorated with a mini bigfoot figure and a mini FBI figure. 
“Dani suggested that for you. I know you like having plants on your desk, but don’t always have the best luck keeping them alive.” Barclay rubs his shoulders, kissing the top of his head as he sits at the desk. 
“I love it. Oh! Today is growth, right?”
“Yep.” Another kiss.
“Stay right here.” Stern rummages through the closet, pulling out the large, wrapped package he’s had for the last two weeks. 
“Merry? Candlenights, Barclay. I wasn’t quite sure when to give it to you, but today seems like the best choice.” 
Barclay unwraps the package on the bed, laughs delightedly when he sees what’s inside.
“Counter-top herb garden. Nice thinking, handsome.”
“You’re always saying how you miss not having fresh herbs to work with in the winter, so it seemed riiiight, oh lord, I, I have a phone call with Hayes in ten minutes, big guy, don’t start anything you can’t finish in that time.”
“Don’t worry,” Barclay rumbles from his new position kneeling on the floor, undoing Sterns pants as he kisses his stomach, “I’ll make real fucking sure you finish.”
It’s day five, and for the first time there’s nothing greeting Stern when he wakes up. He’s not terribly worried, and anyway he has to finish the briefing instructions for the new agents being sent to guard the inactive gate (his notes make no mention of the new, active gate a mile away).
Barclay joins him, as he has the last three nights, to light the menorah before heading back into the restaurant to feed residents and winter tourists. He busies himself with chores and crossword puzzles until Barclay is done with the night shift. 
When his boyfriend finally joins him for the night, he has his hands behind his back and a smile on his face that puts Indrid Cold’s to shame. Wordlessly, he hands Stern a box covered in gold paper. 
“That’s certainly a hefty package” Stern smirks as he opens it, then gapes at the contents.
“It’s, how, where did, did you make this?”
“I had it cast so, uh, yeah? It’s for times when you get lonely, or like, have to go on business trips.”
 “Lord, Barclay, they even got the color right. Do they even know that they were making a toy from the real Bigfoot’s co-”
“No, and I intend to keep that way. Now…” Barclay crawls on top of him, fingers working his pajamas off, “how about we break in your new toy?”
Stern rolls over in bed the next morning to see Barclay stepping out of the shower, towel around his waist. The Sylph notices him, comes to the bed to give him a kiss.
“Oh, here, wanted to give this to you before I go to work.” He holds out a small package, unmistakably the shape of a DVD box. Stern smiles excitedly to discover the entire X-Files series contained within it. Then he frowns.
“Wait, Candlenights ended yesterday.”
“Yeah. But it’s still hanukkah, right?” 
“Babe, what did you think I was getting you those presents for.”
“I, well, I assumed you were trying to mesh my holiday with yours, so you’d only get me things during Candlenights-”
“You only give someone a gift on one day of that.”
“Yep. I just thought it would be fun to kinda tie my first five for you to Candlenights. Give you a taste of it without, like, pressuring you to be a part of it or making you give up something important to you. But I’ve had Hanukah stuff picked out for you since, like, September. And, uh, if there’s other stuff around it you wanna do or share with me, just say the word.”
“Why what?”
“Why do that for me, it would have been easier just to do Candlenights. Lord knows it wouldn't be the first time my practices were overlooked, I could have handled it.”
“Because I love you, Joseph. I want you to be happy. When I told you the lodge was your home, and I meant it. And being home means having the space to celebrate things that are important to you.”
“You, I-” Stern shifts under the covers, feeling suddenly very vulnerable.
“Is my special agent speechless? Because that’d be a first.” 
“Yes, though the exact reason for it escapes me. Thank you, Barclay. For doing all this for me.”
Barclay nuzzles his cheek with a smile, “Any time, babe. And hey,” he tilts Sterns chin up so their eyes meet, “I love you.”
Stern’s smile is like a warm flame spreading across his face, “I love you too.”
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cerastes · 6 years
Something I wanted to ask you a few days ago but then you suddenly actually fucked off to the South Pole: Can I ask about your tabletop characters? I know there's Rasmus and a someone named Lisbeth, I think? Do you have more? I'm always up and eager to hear about fruits born from your disaster head.
I do not have more, it’s those two, my beautiful shit children. Rasmus is for my DnD game and Lisbeth is for my Fate Core game. It’d be A PLEASURE to regale you with The Lore:
If you’ve read my tabletop blogging posts, and you likely have given you’re asking about the good ol’ lovable Human Rogue, then you’re already somewhat familiar with Rasmus Kasper Istre. A 24 year old charlatan and swindler through and through, back in his port hometown, Rasmus was a notorious “fortune teller” that scammed many tourists and merchants, an act made easier by the innate superstitious nature of sailors, and while his daggers are sharp, it’s his creativity that cuts deeper, fighting being his very last option as he will always attempt to fool, sabotage and trick others first, only brandishing harm if there’s no other choice. In stark contrast with his enthusiasm when it comes to taking money from others, Rasmus is vehemently opposed to taking lives unless it’s on self-defense or if the one relinquishing their life deserves it, a philosophy he sticks to even if it bites him in the ass. This is, in fact, what triggers his escape from his town: He swindled the riches right out of a big-time Elf magnate, disabled his bodyguard that came gunning for him some time later and even had the perfect chance to off him, yet refused to do so because, as he learned during his time hiding from him, the magnate is actually a really honest if grumpy guy who treats his subordinates fairly and with love, and he’s not about to take that life, opting instead to hit the road. He used to dual wield daggers, but lost one of the daggers during a sky-high encounter with wyvern riders, using an enchanted gauntlet imbued with lightning in the spur of the moment to fight with fist and blade, and he liked how it worked out, so now he uses the lightning gauntlet to deliver close-range blasts and electric grapples with the left hand while his deft dagger whistles with each swipe and lunge of his right. To not inconvenience himself and others, he wears a half cape draped over his left arm so he can touch things and people without thundershocking them or having to remove the gauntlet and risk being ambushed (wearing a glove in the middle of a fight is kinda hard!). He loves wearing cologne, especially one made with ghostshroom extract that he makes himself. People hate the strong smell of it at first but it sort of grows into them like an acquired taste or Stockholm Syndrome, and his favorite foods are juniper berries and beef jerky. Rasmus is 177 centimeters tall, has curly light brown hair, dull green eyes, wears his beard as a stubble, and has an average, fit build. Do NOT call him “Kasper” unless you’re in the mood for a bar fight. Mostly wears leather armor and has a thing for the color green.
Rasmus is childhood friends with Claudia, the party’s Human Wizard, and the two often snipe at each other with affectionate vitriol, although their attempts to screw the other over with money are very real. No hard feelings, though, that’s what it meant to grow poor in a port town, it’s your fault if something is taken from you. He doesn’t always see eye to eye with the Halfling Ranger (Ranger is rather kill-happy, which doesn’t sit well with Rasmus), and is buddy-buddy with the Orc Barbarian, especially when brothels and taverns are concerned. He currently is invested in helping the Orc Barbarian with his character arc whenever he can, as well as furthering his own Money Quest after accidentally starting a religion, the Solar Sect (it’s a long story). After enough deeds, the party received the blessings from Phantom Animal Lords from the wilderness, with Rasmus’ title being “Rabbit”; This is an inside joke referring to how my DM and the rest of my DnD group call Rasmus “Bugs Bunny” due to his trademark outlandish and creative ways of setting up the board to the party’s advantage and problem solving. Among his faithful, he is known as the Augur-spoken Prophet, and it’s really, really spiraling out of control. Initially, Rasmus and Claudia were supposed to hate each other, but Claudia’s player and I, IRL friends since a long time now, decided to make them shitlord friends instead. We were very involved with the creation of both characters and develop them continuously together now. Check the “Rasmus” tag in my blog for more anecdotes of his balls to the walls DnDventures.
Some of his deeds include:
Killing a seemingly unkillable hero by teleporting him high into the sky and letting gravity do the work, using a circumstantial item.
Strapping the corpse of said unkillable hero to a greatshield and creating an extremely powerful shield for our Barbarian to use whenever we need some nigh invulnerability.
Accidentally started a religion when he was accused of high heresy because he defiled the corpse of a hero by turning him into a shield.
Flirting with an Elf Priestess that turned out to be the magnate’s niece.
Flirting with her further anyway.
Naked Parkour in the Elf capital.
Wrapped his phony crystal ball with a chain and used it as an impromptu weapon after being disarmed, cracking a Chaos Dwarf’s skull with a nat 20 swing.
Earned the ‘Rabbit’ title, which apparently only happens once around every 3000 years, as the Rabbit Phantom Animal Lord is capricious and her favor only goes to those cheeky and cunning enough to both amuse her and impress her. Of all those, he’s apparently the second Human to ever have earned the title. Rasmus wears it with pride.
The other is Lisbeth Elstad. Now, you’re no doubt thinking to yourself “Wow! No one has a name like that!” And you’re right! Consider that a stage name, or a pseudonym, if you will. In a setting that takes place in the real world after magic and everything from beyond turned out to be real and has suddenly become widespread public knowledge, 19 year old Lisbeth is incredibly inept at even the most basic magic tasks with two exceptions: Mana Layering, the act of creating sheets, layers, and shells of mana, and Alchemy, the ability to turn one thing into another through meticulous formulas and the Law of Equivalent Exchange. In addition to this narrow scope, Lisbeth has always found it oddly easy when it comes to assembling explosives ranging from homebrew fireworks to high-yield plastic explosive custom formulas such as batches of SEMTEX and C4. Finally, Lisbeth is a natural woman of science, a passionate love for biology, physics and chemistry pulsating within her noodle, unfit body. You could say she’s a Human Alchemist/Bombardier of some sort, but her most heartfelt wish is to become a doctor and pharmaceutic. Now, this probably paints the image of a kind, earnest girl that just wants to help out with a smile, right? Well! That’s not quite it! As noble as she sounds, Lisbeth is quite the thug otherwise. Think of her less as a friendly doctor in the making and more of a really shady back alley doc that looks like she came right out of a The Misfits music video. She tries, oh, lord she does, to come across as classy, eloquent, and elegant, but no matter how much Calvin Klein “One” you spray on a rabid boar, it is still a rabid boar, and as soon as her very little threshold of patience is usurped, the elegant business front crumbles and the reality of a violent, easily angered busybody who happily solves her problems with rocks to the back of the head and high yield explosives lays bare. She’s the foster daughter of a famous nomadic mercenary leader known as the Mercury Witch, leader of the White Silhouette, and worked on board their craft as assistant doctor, with the Witch forbidding Lisbeth of taking part on any training that might foster her latent violent tendencies in hopes of mellowing her out. One day, however, they took on a job in which Lisbeth and her mentor, Melicia, ended up unwittingly making REALLY Bad Drugs instead of the Good Medicine they thought they were making for supernatural creatures, Lisbeth found out, they found out she found out, shit hit the fan, everyone’s MIA.
Not much to say about her yet otherwise, as the game is still in its preliminary phase. Instead, I can tell you about the scrapped 27 year old version of Lisbeth that I heavily modified after we discussed things and realized I had to make her much younger for it to make sense with certain aspects of the plot. This version of Lisbeth is still very much the same in terms of abilities, but has quit the White Silhouette on her own terms and roams around as a masked vigilante that aids supernatural beings oppressed by humans and as a doctor that helps supernatural beings for free. Most of her time is devoted to finding locations that traffic supernaturals or pits them in underground arena fights and dismantles them with the superior firepower and flair of plastic explosives and some good ol’ infiltration. During her time in France, she was suddenly attacked by a girl in traditional Japanese priestess attire, inciting what nearly was a deathmatch between the two of them. As the mystery girl realized Lisbeth wasn’t her target, however, she immediately stopped and apologized. The girl, named Yamaoka Keiko, is a prophet and descendant of the Blind Dragons who could see the future. The problem, she explained, was that her eyes were stolen and replaced with ones that can see, and she hates it. She’s looking for whoever it is stole her blind, silver eyes to claim them back and go back to her peaceful, beloved life of comfortable darkness and peace back in her shrine. Lisbeth, however, seems to have a clue about who it could be that can steal and switch something like eyes without any difficulty, and believing this to be fate as well as her responsibility indirectly, offers to travel with Keiko in search for her eyes. The two become good friends over the course of 18 months of traveling together in this adventure, but Keiko takes an extremely grave wound one day and is left unable to move for a good while, even with all of Lisbeth’s medical knowledge. Finding herself alone and unsure of Keiko’s future, Lisbeth decides to join the official magic law enforcement outfit that she hates in order to gain access to their information network. I’ll probably use this version of Lisbeth for other things, since I don’t wanna scrap it, bwahaha, probably with Glock Elf and TechSlime (and same with Keiko).
Regardless of her version, Lisbeth has an intravenous hose installed inside of her arms that leads to a “cauldron” in her torso, utilizing “internal alchemy” to transform proteins and cells into other chemicals, which she then expels through holes on the palms of her hands. This way, she can spray, say, napalm out of her hands. Since she has absolutely no competence at all in the art of magic but has an innate talent when it comes to chemistry and alchemy, she instead “fakes” magic by creating concoctions with her knowledge. Lisbeth stands at 176 centimeters, has a lanky, thin physique, and wears silver contacts (which is why Keiko thought she had her eyes) and hair dyed a very light creamy blonde. She wears classy suits and long-skirted jumper dresses for the most part, with an Orthrus (two-headed wolf) pelt draped over her shoulders, both heads dangling off her left shoulder. Her choice of attire and appearance, much like her pseudonym, are all part of her “business front”. Despite her bluster, she’s rather cowardly, but also extremely resolute. Lisbeth is the kind of character that would usually be the NPC Shopkeeper that sells you potions and charges you a small fee to fully heal your party, but circumstance has thrown her right into the adventurer’s shoes, and now she has to deal with it crying, screaming, and complaining, but hey, at least she gets to put her knowledge of bombs to good use!
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Cookie Monster
Another one for @caplansteverogers cause she's the queen and owns my soul. We’re just gonna carry on with Bucky and Ariel cause they're cute
Request: ‘ I need Bucky as a father baking cookies with his daughter and singing songs with her. Can ya do it??’ Of course I can Fluff is my speciality
Ariel and Bucky being cute in Part of your world
Requests are open x 
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Now that you were back at work full time it meant Bucky and the rest of the team got to spend more time with Ariel which was great and there were always people available, except for Tony after the incident that happened he wasn't allowed in charge of her unless an adult was there to supervise it. 
That leads to today, Bucky had an early morning Mission which meant it was up to Aunt Spider, as Ariel liked to call her, to do the morning duties. The mission was simple enough go in download the documents and get out it was nothing that Bucky hadn't done a hundred times so he was in and out fairly quickly. 
When he did make it home, he wasn't surprised to see Ariel and Nat sat together on the sofa watching Aladdin, what he was shocked by was what she said when she noticed him. “Daddy me and spider were watching Aladdin and she said he was a sexist pig who only cares about himself and will use lies to get what he wants, What’s a sexist pig?” 
Honestly, he shouldn't be surprised Natasha was never one to keep her opinion to herself, especially when it came to men in the wrong. “Oh, sweetheart, you don't need to worry about that, I guess we need to add Aladdin to the list of movies not to watch with Aunt Tash. 
He wished Natasha goodbye after convincing Ariel that she's still a bit too young to know what an ‘Egotist, slime ball of a man is.’ and that maybe when she's a bit older they’ll tell her. “Okay, Princess, we have three hours till mummy gets home what shall we do?” 
Bucky loved this just getting to spend time when it was just him and his little girl sure he loved family time just as much, but his baby was growing up a lot faster than he would of hoped so wanted to make as many memories with her as he could. “Cookies!! The ones that look like bunnies.” See baking wasn't really Bucky’s strong suit sure he could cook amazingly but whenever he baked it just never turn out the way it should. 
That’s where the bunny cookies came from, he and Ariel tried to make you love heart cookies for your birthday, but they looked less like love hearts and more like rabbits that had been ran over by a truck... Several times. It was a sweet gesture and you loved it but since then Bucky had sworn off baking. 
Yet stood right in front of him was his biggest weakness begging him to make Bunny cookies. Bucky had been on plenty of missions where he had been interrogated but nothing could break him faster than those bright blue puppy dog eyes. “Alright, we make one Batch, but if we burn them you help me hide the evidence and we don't tell mum, deal?” He held out his large hand waiting for her. 
“Deal.” she wrapped her hand around one of his fingers and led him into the kitchen, knowing exactly where to go to first, the aprons. Ariel handed Bucky the children sized princess apron that barely reached to his hip while she wore Bucky’s Apron that pooled around her feet on the floor. 
“Okay, Now we add a pinch of salt” Bucky leant over the recipe book, reading out the instructions as you poured in the ingredients “Oopses” when he looked over at the bowl, he noticed a pile of salt covering the other other ingredients and the tears that were starting to form in her eyes “Shush princess it’s fine look daddy can take the salt out see it’s all gone, why don't you go set up the tea party and get dressed while I finish.” 
‘Be our guest, Be our guest put our service to the test..’ Loud singing filled the house as Bucky placed the small table in the centre of the living room with Ariel placing her teddies in their respected places “Okay Mr. Rabbit we have bunny cookies but don't worry they're not real bunnies.” 
Watching her interact with her toys was something that Bucky could do all day but he had a tea party to attend and cookies to be served, he took his seat in between Henry the hedgehog and Steve the Eagle placing a cookie on everyones plate before biting into it the bitter taste of salt filling his mouth “We don't tell mum about this.” 
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krat395 · 2 years
Integral Brother-Sister Bonding (Chapter 1)
This story serves as a direct sequel to "Laughing With Integrity." In that story, while bonding with her adopted human daughter, Izzy, Heidi informed Izzy herself of something she can do to bond better with her older adopted brother, Bastian, who, believe it or not, is a canon character in Undertale! :D He's the rabbit child that stands behind the counter inside the Snowed Inn building off to the right (her left) of his mother, the Snowdin Innkeeper (or Heidi, as I like to call her in my stories, hehe). But in the game however, we players can only see the top half of his head and if we interact with him at the end of the Pacifist route, we find out that he doesn't like the idea of relocating to the Surface. So with those factors in mind, I took the opportunity to expand on this character in this story and come up with some personal headcanons as to what his name is, what clothing he might wear, how old he might be, what his personality is like, what his interests might be, etc. And I wouldn't be lying if I said that I got some inspiration from Channydraws's interpretation of him (https://www.deviantart.com/channydraws/art/Big-bro-799578665) for my personal interpretation of him. And her Lumi was inspiration for little Bekah as well! ;) So thank you for that, Channydraws. :) And thank you to those willing to take the time to read this story. :)
Undertale(c) Toby Fox. 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
 Chapter 1: Bunny Siblings Batch 2! :D
 It is a Saturday afternoon at the home of Heidi and Izzy, 1:30pm to be exact, and just recently, Heidi's husband and "March Hare" (because he was born in March, hehe XD), Harvey, a tall 35-year-old landscaper rabbit monster (one that frequently dresses like a bootless and hatless lumberjack, donning a buttoned and tucked in red flannel long-sleeve shirt with a gray t-shirt underneath and a pair of dark blue jeans) with a muscular build, all-white fur, and a huge pair of always bare three-toed feet, pulled into their home's driveway in his truck and then drove said truck into their garage, which, like the inn Heidi runs, is connected to their house (the inn is connected to the left side and the garage is connected to the right side). And accompanying Harvey are his and his wife's three biological children and Izzy's adopted siblings; 11-year-old Bastian, 5-year-old Bekah (short for Rebekah), and 7-month-old Bebe; and last night, they, along with their father, slept over at the home of their father's best human friend, Elwood, who hired their father to landscape part of his home and became friends with him the very day he started doing so and really wanted to meet the three of them after hearing so much about them. And even more after meeting Heidi and Izzy the week before! The three rabbit children were skeptical of Elwood at first, since he's a bit of an oddball. But a pleasant oddball though and after taking time to warm up to him, they all ended up having a pleasantly fun time at his home (even Bastian, who isn't the best at making friends with humans) and they even got to meet his sister and niece while they were there too, right after surprising the hell out of them, that is. For many years, Elwood, due to his name and resemblance to actor James Stewart, would often toy with his relatives by pretending to interact with an invisible white rabbit named Harvey. So imagine his aunt's and niece's reactions upon seeing a real live white rabbit monster named Harvey and his three biological children! XD Overall, it was good for Bastian, Bekah, and Bebe to stay overnight at a human's house and interact with humans other than their adopted sister, Izzy, adopted cousins, Brad and Justin, Frisk, and human friends and teachers at Ebott Elementary School and Ebott Daycare Center. Though especially Bastian, an average 11-year-old rabbit monster (who's often seen wearing a teal long-sleeved shirt with three turquoise stripes and long black pants) with all-white fur and always bare three-toed feet! The youngest student in Toriel's sixth grade class at Ebott Elementary School, one that displays symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome, he has extreme difficulty accepting major changes in his life as well as making friends with humans and interacting with said humans for long periods of time (he initially didn't want to spend the night at Elwood's but Heidi convinced him to). And that sadly includes his younger adopted sister, Izzy. Ever since Heidi and Harvey adopted Izzy, Bastian hasn't been acting like his normal enthusiastic self whenever he's around her and doesn't appear to want much to do with her as a whole. This saddens Izzy. :( All she wants is to spend some quality time with her older adopted brother and get to know him better. She's already spent lots of quality time with her younger adopted sisters, Bekah, a little 5-and-a-half lop-eared rabbit monster girl with mostly white fur (has a few pink patches of fur on her back and stomach) and always bare three-toed feet that loves dancing as much as she does if not more (and is often seen wearing a blue and cyan striped t-shirt underneath a denim jacket, a denim skirt, a carrot necklace around her neck, two friendship bracelets around her right wrist, a wristband around her left wrist, and an anklet with her name on it around her right ankle) and Bebe, a 7-month-old baby lop-eared rabbit monster girl with pink fur (same shade of pink as Heidi's) and always bare three-toed feet that is considered by many to be a highly alert baby (and is often seem wearing a magenta t-shirt and long magenta lounge pants), so it's only fair for her to do the same with Bastian, who is four and half months older than her. And today's the day Izzy's hoping to start doing just that, because last night while bonding with Heidi, Heidi suggested that she do something with him that she knows he'll love, even with a little cutie pie human like her, because he truly does love her. X3 He just has difficulty showing her that he does, that's all. Oh, but that may change later today though. But Izzy won't know for sure until after she does whatever it is her mother told her to do with him. ;)
 Harvey: Hello. Honey bun. Oh, honey bun, we're home. *said Harvey to his wife as he walked into the house from the garage with Bebe in his arms and Bastian and Bekah following directly behind him*
 Upon hearing her husband's voice, Heidi stood up and walked into the room he was in to greet him and their three biological children.
 Bekah: Eeeeee! Mommy! Mommy! Hi, Mommy! Hi, Mommy! *exclaimed little Bekah, clearly excited to see her mother X3* Eeeeeeeeeheeheehee!
 Bebe: Eeeeeeee! Blablablablabla… *babbled baby Bebe, also excited to see her mother*
 Bastian: Hey, mom. *said Bastian rather quietly, just in case Izzy was somewhere close by*
 Heidi: Heeheeheehee! Harv, kids; so wonderful to see all of you. Oh, how I've missed you. *said Heidi, hugging both Bastian and Bekah*
 Harvey: Hehe. Oh, we missed you too, honey bun. *said Harvey, right before kissing his wife and handing Bebe over to her* You and Izzy both. …Wait a second, where is Izzy?
 Izzy: Heeheeheeheeheehee! Right here, Dad! *said Izzy out of the blue, the little 10-year-old girl herself now standing directly behind her father in the doorway that leads to the garage with a big smile on her precious face; and in her usual pair of jeans but with a long-sleeved pink and blue striped shirt on rather than her usual pink and blue striped tank top and pink and blue tennis shoes and pink socks on both of her feet rather than her usual pair of pink flip flops*
 Bekah! Eeeeeee! Izzy! Hi, Izzy! Hi! *squealed Bekah excitedly*
 Izzy: Heeheeheehee! Hi, you guys. Got some hugs for me? *she then asked, holding out her arms for some hugs*
 Bekah: Eeeeee! Yes! *exclaimed Bekah, running up to Izzy for a quick squeeze*
 Harvey: Hehe; always, pumpkin. *said Harvey, hugging his adopted human daughter after Bekah finished hugging her* Say, were you just outside? *he then asked curiously, noticing Izzy's warmer attire*
 It is rather chilly outside today, hence Izzy's reason for wearing a long-sleeved shirt and closed toe shoes and socks and also Bekah's reason for wearing blue leggings under her denim skirt and Harvey's reason for putting a magenta sweater on Bebe rather than her usual magenta t-shirt.
 Izzy: Heeheehee! I was. *answered Izzy, while petting Bebe's head, ears, and cheeks with both of her hands* Heeheehee! Hi, Bebe. Miss me? *she cooed* Heeheehee!
 Bebe: Heeheehee! Oooooooooo… *Bebe giggled and cooed in response to Izzy's loving affection*
 Harvey: And just what were you doing outside, if you don't mind me asking?
 Izzy: Raking leaves. *Izzy replied, still petting Bebe*
 Harvey: Really? Well that's very sweet of you, pumpkin. Thank you. X3 Though I wouldn't be lying if I said that you didn't have to spend all that time doing that if you didn't want to. I would've gladly raked them instead.
 Izzy: Heeheehee! Oh, it was no trouble at all, Dad. I'm always happy to help out anyway I can around here. Now if I can just get someone to jump in some leaf piles with me, then my work will be officially done.
 Bekah: *excited gasp* Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me, Izzy! Pick me!
 Izzy: Heeheehee! You got it, Bekah, my other fluffy little sister. Heeheehee! Oh, you're so fluffy! *said Izzy all giddily, pinching and petting both of Bekah's cheeks, causing little Bekah herself to giggle in response and Bastian to blush at the thought of Izzy doing the same to him*
 Bastian: (Awww! That's so cute! X3 Wish that was me she was doing that to. Oh, why is it so hard for me to be myself around her?) *thought Bastian disappointedly to himself*
 Bekah: Heeheeheeheehee! Yeah, I know! Heeheeheeheeheehee!
 Izzy: Heeheeheehee! And would this fluffy little girl like to ride the Izzy train outside? *Izzy then asked, offering Bekah a piggy-back ride*
 Bekah: Eeeeeee! Yeah!
 Izzy: Heeheehee! Then hop on up here! Go on. Hop on up here, Bekah.
 Bekah: Eeeeee! Ok! *exclaimed Bekah excitedly, literally adhering to her older sister's request* Heeheeheehee!
 Izzy: Ooooof! *exclaimed Izzy, not expecting Bekah to literally hop onto her back* Heeheeheehee! Wow! Awesome hop! Heeheeheehee! Ok, here we go. Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, choo, choo! Chugga, chugga… Oh, hold up, I almost forgot… Bastian…
 Bastian: Eeeeeeeep! W-w-what? W-w-what is it, I-I-I-Izzy? *asked Bastian in response, stammering due to Izzy talking to him while he was daydreaming*
 Izzy: …Hi. *said Izzy, holding her right hand up briefly to say hello* That's all I wanted to say. Just, hi.
 Bastian: Oh. O-o-ok. …Hi. *said Bastian in response, repeating after Izzy with own his right hand, which in turn made Izzy smile and nod at him before heading outside with Bekah*
 Izzy: …Alright, Bekah, back to it! Choo, choo! Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, choo, choo!
 Bekah: Heeheeheehee! Wheeeeeeeee! Heeheeheehee!
 Before today's main course of action (spending time alone with Bastian), Izzy would first like to play outdoors with her sister, Bekah. As much as Izzy's looking forward to spending time with her brother, she can't ignore her fluffy little sister! X3 And it'll be a fun way to keep themselves busy while Heidi is indoors discussing something in private with Bastian.
 Heidi: Heeheeheehee! My goodness, those two are so cute together. X3
 Harvey: Hehe. Yes, they are. …And so are you and Bebe. *said Harvey with a smile, lovingly touching his wife and baby girl's right ears*
 Heidi: Heeheehee! Oh, Harv. Heeheehee!
 Bebe: Heeheeheehee! Bababa... *yawns* Bababablaaah. *yawns* Oooooooooo...
 Heidi: Heeheeheehee! Awww! Was that a yawn? Are you getting sleepy, Bebe? Hmm? Are you getting sleepy, my dear?
 Bebe: Ooooooo… *big yawn*
 Heidi: Heeheehee! Yes. Yes you are, my dear. Heeheehee! Harv, would you mind putting her down for an N-A-P? There's something I need to discuss with Bastian while Izzy and Bekah are busy playing outside.
 Harvey: Hehe. Of course not, honey bun. I'd be delighted to. *said Harvey, happily taking Bebe from Heidi and singing a lullaby to Bebe as he walked with her in his arms to her bedroom on the same floor moments later*
 Heidi: Heeheehee! Fantabulous, Harv, just fantabulous. X3 …Ok, now for the next order of business. Bastian? …Hey; Bastian. *said Heidi, snapping her right hand finger in front of Bastian's face after noticing him daydreaming again*
 Bastian: Huh? Huh? What? W-w-what is it, Mom? *asked Bastian, frantically snapping out of his daydreaming state*
 Heidi: May I have a word with you… in private?
 Bastian: Oh! Y-yes! Yes, Mom, of course! …Am I in trouble? *Bastian then asked nervously*
 Heidi: No, my dear. No. ...Hmm… Perhaps it would be better to discuss this upstairs in your bedroom, my dear. …Follow me upstairs?
 Bastian: Sure, Mom. Sure.
 Bastian did as his mother asked and despite his mother telling him beforehand that he wasn't in trouble, he felt as if he actually was in trouble, since their conversation was regarding Izzy. Bastian hasn't been the best brother to Izzy ever since Heidi and Harvey took her in and adopted her. Ignoring her as much as possible, barely speaking to her, and refusing to be his normal enthusiastic self whenever she's around, he should consider himself lucky that Izzy's still trying to find ways to properly bond with him and get to know him better! Especially when taking into account how his recent actions have affected his relationships with his biological sisters! Before Izzy was adopted, Bastian used to jump at every opportunity to play with both Bekah and Bebe! But with Izzy around, however, he hasn't been playing with them as much as he used to, making both of them feel neglected as a result. :( Those poor little girls; if only their brother could find it in himself to fully realize that human children aren't all that different from monster children in terms of personality. But if it's any consolation, Izzy isn't the sole reason why Bastian's been so neglectful. Another reason why he's been so neglectful these days is because he still hasn't fully adjusted to his new life on the Surface. Bastian was one of the few monsters that didn't want to move to the Surface after the Barrier was destroyed. And who can blame him? The Underground was his home, one that he had grown overly attached to within the first few years of his life. So to just up and leave that home after eleven years of living there with his family and friends was difficult for young Bastian. He couldn't leave his home behind and he might not have ever left if Heidi hadn't stepped in and had a long informative conversation with him. Only after a long informative conversation with his mother Bastian joined her and the rest of their family to relocate to the Surface, the place where humans used to be hostile towards monsters, and start a brand new life there. If there's one thing Bastian always does, it's listening to his mother. If there's ever something he doesn't want to do, he can always count on his mother to convince him to do whatever it is he doesn't want to do and today was no exception. After a lengthy conversation, Heidi convinced Bastian to spend time with Izzy and she managed to do so without revealing exactly what Izzy wanted to do while spending some quality time with him. "Give Izzy a chance, my dear, because I think you're going to like what she wants to do," she said to him with a heartwarming smile on her face. And that was just one of the things she said to him! She said several things to her one and only son while Izzy and Bekah were playing outside and while Harvey was putting Bebe down for a nap and he listened to everything she had to say. And to reward him for being such an amazing listener, she gave him seven minutes (lucky 7, hehe ;)) of mother-son cuddles, which are always nice, and promised to give him even more of them later today if all goes well with Izzy. X3
 Bastian: Mmmmmmm… *Bastian moaned happily, his mother cuddling him lovingly with every passing second*
 Heidi: Heeheehee. Mommy loves you very much, Bastian. Very, very much! X3 And she loves you even more when you act like your normal wonderful self. *said Heidi lovingly, subtly reminding her one and only son not be so antisocial just because he hasn't fully warmed up to Izzy*
 Bastian: Mmmmmmm… Oh, Mom, what would I do without you?
 Heidi: Mmmmmmm… I don't know, my dear. And I don't want to know. I love you and your sisters too much to ever abandon you. X3 And just what kind of mother would I be if I abandoned my babies?
 Bastian: Mmmmmmmm… a terrible one. *Bastian bluntly answered in his relaxed state, not realizing that his mother was asking a rhetorical question*
 Heidi: Mmmmmmm… Hey, no need to be so blunt, my dear. *said Heidi politely while in her own relaxed state* Mmmmmmm… Also, that was a rhetorical question.
 Bastian: It was? Well, shoot! Man! And I was on a roll for a while there too! *said Bastian, only mildly annoyed that he didn't recognize his mother's rhetorical question*
 Heidi: Heeheeheehee! *Heidi just giggled in response*
 Bastian: What? What's so funny? *asked Bastian, confused by his mother's reaction*
 Heidi: Heeheeheehee! Oh, Bastian. You've come such a long way, my dear. Years ago, you would've beaten yourself up over something like that. But nowadays, you only get mildly annoyed.
 Bastian: Heh. Yeah. Hehe.
 Heidi: Heeheehee! Keep proving those child psychiatrists wrong, Bastian. And while you're at it, give Bekah and Bebe some more attention, will you? They miss their big brother jumping at every opportunity to play with them!
 Bastian: *sigh* I know… It's just… Well, you know… Izzy. …Man, I wanna be myself around her! Really, I do! And talk to her more but it's so hard! Because I… Oh my gosh… Because I… Because… I… I… Oh, I can't say it… It's embarrassing… And wrong too! Very, very, very wrong!
 Heidi: What, Bastian? What are you trying to say?
 Bastian: Urgh! I have a crush on her, ok? Urgh! Ok, there, I said it! I finally said it, Mom! *exclaimed Bastian, his heart pounding and tears in both of his eyes as he hung his head down in shame* P-Please d-d-don't tell a-a-anyone. *sniffles*
 Heidi: Oh, Bastian. My goodness, I… Well, I can't say that I'm surprised.
 Bastian: What?! Y-y-y-you knew?!
 Heidi: I was never completely sure but I could tell by the way you tend to behave whenever she speaks to you, my dear. You tense up, blush, speak awkwardly back to her, and when speaking to her, you hardly ever look her in the eye. In fact, a lot of the time, you either stare off into space… or down at your adorable feet.
 Bastian: Oh my gosh, I know! *sniffles* Oh, Mom, what am I going to do?! I can't have a crush on my adopted sister! It's wrong! It's so wrong! It's very, very, very wrong!
 Heidi: Oh, Bastian, no, it's not wrong. It's not wrong to have a crush on an adopted sibling. (It's not incest if you don't have the same biological parents.) But are you absolutely sure you have a crush on Izzy though? Are you absolutely sure, my dear? Because most boys your age have a tendency to have crushes on girls just because they're cute. And in many cases, they're girls that they've never once spoken to! Or in your case, a girl you haven't spoken to all that much. You'll never know how you truly feel about someone until you've taken enough time to get to know them first. And that, my dear, is why it'll be more than beneficial for you to bond with Izzy today. Talk to her, Bastian; get to know her better while playing with her. And if you still feel that you have a crush on her at the end of the day, I won't resent you for it. I love my one and only son too much to resent him for having a crush on his adopted sibling, my one and only son that I love hugging *hugs Bastian*... and kissing *pecks Bastian on both of his cheeks*... and cuddling with *nuzzles Bastian*... and of course, TICKLING! Heeheeheehee! Kitchie kitchie koo, Bastian! Heeheeheehee!
 Bastian is so lucky to have a loving mother like Heidi. X3 She loves her one and only son very much. And Bastian sure loves her! X3 So much that many other monsters view him as a mama's boy and seeing as how she's the only individual that can convince him to do things he never wants to do, whether it's due to a lack of interest or because he's too nervous or afraid to do something, it's not hard to see why. But he's gotten better over the years and to this day, Heidi is continuing to work with Bastian to help him become more and more independent. And Harvey as well! Harvey doesn't let Heidi do all of the parenting! But Harvey wouldn't be lying if he said that Bastian has a tendency of listening to Heidi more than he does him. Especially during his early childhood years! During his early childhood years in school, though mostly just during his year as a Kindergartener, Bastian would often display some rather unconventional behavior towards everyone around him; screaming and folding his ears downwards whenever he heard a louder than usual sound, not wanting to be touched affectionately by anyone (other than family), refusing to make eye contact with anyone (other than family), not sleeping during nap time, wandering into other classrooms after asking for the hall pass to get a drink of water, snooping around in drawers and coat pockets but not taking anything from them, claiming spots on the floor during story time despite no assigned seating there, etc. And while Bastian never meant any harm by his actions, this type of behavior made befriending his peers a harder task than what it should have been for him; even with his cousin, Heather as one of his classmates doing her best to inform the other students that he’s a good kid; and at least three child psychiatrists he was basically forced to see by his teachers at the time as well as his school principal and guidance counselor at the time to believe that he couldn't live a normal life. Oh, but Heidi and Harvey wouldn't let that happen though! Not in a million years! After a visit with the last child psychiatrist they took Bastian to see, one that upset Heidi to no end, both Heidi and Harvey decided to work personally with Bastian themselves, which is what they initially wanted to do but Bastian's teachers, principal, and guidance counselor at the time insisted that he receive professional help instead. And a fat lot of good that did him too when all he really needed was to just sit down with his mother and father and have them tell him what he can and can't do in school. And guess what? It worked! Because of Heidi and Harvey (and also his aunt, Harriet and uncle, Harrison, who was alive at the time) and their patience and gentle behavior towards him while teaching him right from wrong, Bastian is the loving, caring, and kind-hearted young man he is today and while there's still some room for improvement, his behavior towards everyone is leaps and bounds better than what it used to be. And he thanks them for that! Each and every day, Bastian thanks both of his parents for that! X3 Every night before he goes to bed, actually. And he'll either thank them physically or simply say, "Thanks, Mom and Dad" to himself after crawling into his bed. X3
 Heidi: Heeheehee! Awwww! You're so welcome, my dear. Heeheeheehee! Oh, you are just so cute! *cooed Heidi, right before shifting her fingers over to Bastian's armpits and wiggling them in the hollows on the outside of his striped shirt* And fluffy! White and fluffy! X3 Heeheeheehee!
 If there's one thing that Bastian will never outgrow, aside from love and affection from his family, it's his love of tickling and being tickled. Though especially the latter! ;) He loves being on the receiving end of tickles so much and if the tickler (or ticklers if more than one) is someone he trusts (either fully or to at least some extent), he'll never beg them to stop! Bastian loves the playful atmosphere as well as laughing and making others laugh. He is also immensely ticklish for a boy that loves being tickled and is perhaps the most ticklish rabbit monster he knows, which is saying a lot because literally everyone else in his family is just as ticklish as he is. Especially on their lucky rabbit feet and of all of the ticklish spots on Bastian's immensely ticklish body, that's where he enjoys being tickled the most. XD He absolutely loves having his feet touched and played with and they're such inviting targets for tickling and teasing too, due to their somewhat large size for an 11-year-old boy, their constant lack of footwear, and insanely high level of ticklishness. And his weak points are his arches and the spaces in between his toes, the former of which he inherited from his mother and the latter of which he inherited from his father. ;) How "lucky" of him. XD And he'll likely feel even more lucky once Izzy gets her hands on those ticklish tootsies of his. ;) Bastian doesn't know it but Izzy herself is planning to tickle and pet him and go on and on about how cute he is while doing so as soon as she finishes playing outdoors with Bekah. In addition to being tickled, Bastian also loves being petted as well as being told that he's cute. Especially by females! And since Izzy had a pet rabbit at one point in her life, she knows exactly where Bastian will enjoy being petted the most as well as how to talk to him while petting and tickling him. So with that in mind, Bastian will surely be in for a treat. X3 And then he'll have to be more comfortable around Izzy, right? Well, he won't know for sure until after he actually bonds with the little blonde-haired girl herself. ;)
 Heidi: Heeheeheehee! Oh, Bastian… *giggled Heidi in response to her son moving his feet over towards her, right as she stopped tickling his armpits* …If I tickle your feet now, you know I'm not going to want to stop. *she cooed, stroking Bastian's head with her right hand a few times, seven times to be exact (Lucky 7 again, hehe XD)* And I can't be tickling your feet while you're playing with Izzy, silly (because that's what she's going to be doing real soon, heeheeheehee X3). That would be very awkward. Heeheeheehee!
 Bastian: Mmmmmmmm… *moaned Bastian in response to his mother stroking his head* Not to me, it wouldn't. Mmmmmmmm… But I see your point. Mmmmmmm…
 Heidi: Heeheeheehee! I knew you would, my dear. And, hey, I'll make a deal with you. If you spend a few hours with Izzy today, I'll tickle your feet as much as you want later tonight.
 Bastian: Mmmmmmm… You will? Mmmmmm… Oh my gosh, you're the best mom in the whole wide world! *exclaimed Bastian, lovingly hugging his mother*
 Heidi: Heeheeheehee! And you're the best son in the whole wide world, my dear. *cooed Heidi, hugging Bastian back*
 Then suddenly, both Heidi and Bastian heard a noise downstairs. It was the sound of Izzy and Bekah entering the house after having a hopping fun time playing outside together! :D Yes, both Heidi and Bastian heard the sound of a door opening and closing downstairs while they were upstairs in a bedroom with the door closed. Perks of simply being two rabbit monsters! ;)
 Heidi: Oooooh, Izzy and Bekah are back in the house, which means it's almost time for you to play with Izzy, my dear. Heeheeheehee!
 Bastian: Hehe. Yeah. *said Bastian a bit nervously*
 Heidi: Heeheeheehee! You're going to be fine, Bastian. Just be yourself; your normal wonderful self. *said Heidi lovingly, gently placing her right hand on Bastian's left shoulder to show him some more affection* …Oh, and whatever you do, don't mention anything to Izzy about… well, you know. *she then reminded him, referring to the period of time after Izzy's death and before her miraculous resurrection and also the possibility of Izzy being older than Bastian if she didn't have her soul taken from her* She's your younger adopted sister, Bastian. So please, continue to just leave it at that, will you?
 Bastian: Oh yeah, Mom! For sure!
 Heidi: Heeheeheehee! I knew I could count on you. *said Heidi lovingly, pecking Bastian on his left cheek before heading downstairs to check on her husband and daughters* Have fun, my dear. Oh, and while you're waiting for Izzy, maybe you could tidy up your room a little? *she then to suggested Bastian, despite the fact that his bedroom was only slightly messy*
 Bastian: Hehehe. Sure, Mom. Sure.
 Heidi then left the bedroom, leaving Bastian alone with his thoughts as he proceeded to do a bit of cleaning before Izzy's arrival.
 Bastian: (Hmmm… I wonder what this amazing thing is that Izzy wants to do with me. Also, I hope she puts on her tank top and takes off her shoes and socks. She always looks so precious in that pink and blue striped tank top and those dark blue jeans, with her pretty face, pretty blonde hair… and even prettier feet! Hehe. X3)
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Shudder Boasts its Biggest Horror Movie and TV Line-Up Ever in April
Shudder is pulling out all the shivery stops to commemorate the startling fact that we are exactly halfway to the most beloved date on any horror fan’s calendar, Halloween. Yes, that’s right, this month (April) is the six-month mark and the world’s scariest streaming outlet is celebrating with “Halfway to Halloween,” a massive slate of programming that begins on April 1 and continues throughout the rest of the month.
This is no April Fool’s joke (although we have some if you want). Shudder is rolling out a brand new batch of exclusive and/or original programming, including the second season of its acclaimed Creepshow series, the premiere of a new series of original short films called Deadhouse Dark, the highly anticipated sequel to its In Search of Darkness documentary, the return of The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs, and the 2021 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards.
But wait, the channel won’t let the first 30 of the next 180 days until Halloween pass without new movies to watch as well. In addition to thrilling new exclusives like Shudder original film The Banishing, Train to Busan: Peninsula and Boys from County Hell, brand new additions to the outlet’s ever-expanding international library include horror tales of both classic and recent vintage, including The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2, Night of the Lepus, Housebound, Attack of the Demons, Horror Express, The Stepfather and more.
If you’re blown away by all this and want more horror, the “Halfway to Halloween” Hotline is for you. Every Friday in April from 3pm-4pm ET, Shudder subscribers are invited to call director of programming Samuel Zimmerman to discuss all things horror, from their favorite films of all time to which horror releases they’re looking forward to this year. Based on what you tell him, Zimmerman will offer customized viewing recommendations from Shudder’s film collection — a personally curated film festival direct from a foremost expert in the field.
If you’re not a Shudder subscriber yet, the best part is that the streamer is offering a special discounted rate (50% off!) to first-timers who sign up before April 22. So hurry up and subscribe now…before Halloween is here for real.
Here are some of the highlights of Shudder’s original and exclusive programming for April:
Creepshow, Season 2 – Premieres April 1 (Shudder Original Series)
The acclaimed anthology series created by Greg Nicotero (The Walking Dead), based on the classic 1982 film from writer Stephen King and director George A. Romero, returns for a second season of scary and often hilarious tales of terror — a horror comic come to life. Monsters, murderers and supernatural apparitions will haunt a whole new slew of guest stars including Kevin Dillon, Josh McDermitt, Keith David, Molly Ringwald, Barbara Crampton, Justin Long and more, with new episodes premiering every Thursday.
The Power – Premieres April 8 (Shudder Exclusive Film)
In the tradition of classic British ghost stories comes this tale of terror set in London in the mid ‘70s. With the miners’ strikes resulting in electrical blackouts, a young nurse working a new job in a dilapidated hospital is plunged into darkness, and she’s pretty sure there’s a malevolent presence in there with her. Corinna Faith directs this Shudder exclusive starring Sanditon’s Rose Williams.
The Banishing – Premieres April 15 (Shudder Original Film)
British ghostliness abounds in this period haunted house movie which impressed critics when it screened at London’s FrightFest. Jessica Brown Findlay stars as a formerly “fallen” woman who moves into a sinister manor with her daughter and Vicar husband only to discover there are dark secrets within. John Lynch and Sean Harris provide strong support in this chiller from Triangle and Severance director Chris Smith.  
 The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs – Premieres April 16 (Shudder Original Series)
The world’s foremost expert on drive-in movies will be back for a third season of his wildly popular series, presenting horror double features as only he can pick them. Of course, Joe Bob will also give his thoughts on the films, their histories and their context and placement in horror movie history. Expect guests and other surprises too.
2021 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards – Premieres April 18 at 8pm ET/5pm PT (Exclusive Event)
Oscars: Schmoscars. The only awards horror hounds need are these top accolades from genre bible Fangoria. Shudder has partnered with Fango to stream this exclusive event which celebrates the greatest and goriest. Actor David Dastmalchian (Ant-Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp, and soon to be seen as Polka-Dot Man in The Suicide Squad) hosts the awards. This year’s nominees include The Invisible Man, Freaky, Relic, and Possessor.
In Search of Darkness: Part II – Premieres April 26 (Shudder Exclusive Documentary)
Shudder’s epic documentary on 1980s horror cinema, In Search of Darkness, was such a hit that a sequel was deemed necessary. This one — more than four hours in length like its predecessor — dives even deeper into a crucial decade in the history of the genre, featuring interviews with icons like Robert Englund (A Nightmare on Elm Street), Nancy Allen (Dressed to Kill), Linnea Quigley (The Return of the Living Dead), and special effects legend Tom Savini (Friday the 13th), along with many new and returning faces.
In addition to all its original and exclusive programming, Shudder is adding a slew of great horror films both vintage and recent to its already impressive library. Among the highlights are:
Night of the Lepus (1972) – April 1
One of those classic cult films so “bad” that it ends up being “good,” this shocker focuses on Arizona ranchers who are trying to curb a population explosion of wild rabbits and end up instead with a swarm of giant, man-eating bunnies. Stuart Whitman, Janet Leigh (Psycho) and DeForest Kelley (Star Trek’s Dr. McCoy) are all on hand to battle the carnivorous cottontails.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) – April 1
Leatherface and his twisted family are back in this delirious sequel that plays things more for laughs than the original, but is still as gloriously insane. Directed again by Tobe Hooper, this one finds the cannibalistic Sawyer family holed up in the grounds of an abandoned amusement park, where they torment anyone who comes within their reach.
The Val Lewton Collection – April 2
Producer Val Lewton was a master of psychological horror — where what was unseen was more frightening than anything else — and Shudder is now showing seven of his classic, highly influential films: Cat People (1942), I Walked With A Zombie (1943), The Leopard Man (1943), The Seventh Victim (1943), Curse of the Cat People (1944), The Body Snatcher (1945) and Isle of the Dead (1945).
Alex de la Iglesia Double Feature – April 12
The twisted Spanish genius behind HBO Max’s recent series 30 Coins brings two of his early classics to Shudder: The Day of the Beast (a.k.a. El día de la Bestia, 1995), in which a priest, TV psychic and death metal record store clerk battle Satan and stave off the Apocalypse, and Dance with the Devil (a.k.a. Perdita Durango, 1997), in which Rosie Perez and Javier Bardem are a degenerate couple who deal in human sacrifices, kidnapping, murder and fetus trafficking.
The Stepfather (1987) – April 19
Directed by Joseph Ruben (The Good Son) and written by famed crime novelist Donald Westlake, this cult classic thriller stars Terry O’Quinn (Lost’s John Locke) as a serial killer who infiltrates himself into families, murders them, then changes his identity before moving on to his next target. Only this time, his new stepdaughter is suspicious of just who “Jerry Blake” really is.
Housebound (2014) – April 19
Imagine being stuck at home for months on end… Ok but imagine being stuck inside at your family home with your mum who is convinced there’s a ghost living there with you. This New Zealand horror comedy sees a young woman on house arrest start to believe her superstitious mother might actually be onto something – it’s the perfect mix of funny and scary and is packed with surprises.
The Similars (2015) – April 26
Eight strangers trapped at a bus depot on a rainy night start experiencing a very odd phenomenon in this excellent Mexican sci-fi horror which plays like an extended episode of The Twilight Zone. It’s weird, existential and black and white and has a wicked sense of humour along with a feeling of mounting dread. A hidden gem and an absolute must-watch.
Horror Express (1972) – April 29
Horror legends Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing star along with Telly Savalas in this fast-moving, eerie sci-fi/horror hybrid in which rival scientists and a crazed Russian captain attempt to defeat an ancient, mind-absorbing alien aboard the Trans-Siberian Express. This Spanish gem is one of the more underrated, underseen classics of 1970s Eurohorror, with an original premise and great work from its iconic stars.
Here’s the full Shudder “Halfway to Halloween” lineup for April:
Creepshow, Season 2 – Premieres April 1, new episodes every Thursday (Shudder Original Series)
Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula – Premieres April 1 (Shudder Exclusive Film)
The Power – Premieres April 8 (Shudder Exclusive Film)
The Banishing – Premieres April 15 (Shudder Original Film)
The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs – Premieres April 16, new episodes every Friday (Shudder Original Series)
2021 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards – Premieres April 18 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT (Exclusive Event)
Boys from County Hell – Premieres April 22 (Shudder Exclusive Film)
In Search of Darkness: Part II – Premieres April 26 (Shudder Exclusive Documentary)
Deadhouse Dark – Premieres April 29 (Shudder Original Series)
New film library additions:
Night of the Lepus (1972) – April 1
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) – April 1
The Haunting of Julia (1977) – April 1
The Val Lewton Collection (1942-1945) – April 2
Zombie for Sale (2019) – April 5
Don’t Panic (1988) – April 5
Alex de la Iglesia Double Feature (1995-1997) – April 12
The McPherson Tape (1989) – April 12
The Stepfather (1987) – April 19
The Conspiracy (2012) – April 19
Housebound (2014) – April 19
Thale (2012) – April 19
Attack of the Demons (2019) – April 26
The Similars (2015) – April 26
The Diabolical (2015) – April 26
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Horror Express (1972) – April 29
The post Shudder Boasts its Biggest Horror Movie and TV Line-Up Ever in April appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2PLJkQn
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eene-fangirl · 7 years
Prison [An Original Story]
NOTE: Can anybody who reads this please leave a review. It’s for my thesis project. Thank you! Enjoy!
The halls were long and dark. The building was much bigger on the inside then from when you were standing on the outside looking up at a colossal building which swallows you into its darkness. Prison was just as it sounded. Bleak, all hope lost the second long iron bars encased you in a tight small square, and the way everyone looked at you as if you were a monster to society.
I didn’t see the point to why the guard were introducing me to where I was staying. There was the bed with one shabby blanket, the rusted old sink, and a toilet which created the stench of thousands of cows who pooped all over a field. There was a window, but the bars blocked any light from disturbing the prisons darkness.
They took me to the deep end of the prison. Far away from where the light touched into black shadows. The only scenery I had to look at behind bars was a wall. How quaint, maybe it could dance for me.
The officer who me in gave me the lowdown about how things worked around here. There was a daily routine in this place. Except I wasn’t going anywhere on most days. I was to stay here in my square box. Who cares, it wasn’t like I was missing out on anything.
Finally the officer left. Quiet. I remember reading how silence could drive a person to the brink of insanity. All your thoughts piling up making your mind what to explode. That’s why people had to talk every day. Talking and sprouting out useless stories or warnings. Talking was useless. My parents once brought me to a shrink believing something was wrong with me.
Nothing was wrong. I was only trying to live my life.
I’d only been in this place for twenty minutes and already I felt uncomfortable. There was a guard at the very end of the hallway. Why would I want to talk to him, or anybody? Nobody cared about my story.
Next to my cell I heard only the slightest noise. Shuffling. It sounded like someone walking lightly on the ground so wouldn’t disturb anyone. Before the guard put my in this cell I noticed another prison next door to mine. I couldn’t tell who occupied it as a brick wall was cemented in place.
“Who’s there?” That was the first time I heard my voice in a while. I forgot how I sounded.
Listening carefully I swore I heard someone’s breathing catch in their throat. I am not alone.
“Don’t act like you’re not there. The bunny rabbit tip toes are so loud.”
Nothing was heard in the few seconds before someone spoke. Drips of water lightly pelted from the ceiling outside by cell.
“Yeah, someone’s here.” It was a boy. His voice sounded young, but old enough to be a teenager. It was smooth but had a whiny undertone.
“How long you been here?” I asked sticking my feet up into the air as I lied in the mattress filled with too many springs.
“Long time.”
Not very specific. “What did you do?” I asked.
The silence was so thick that someone could slice a piece of it and eat it with gravy. Not like I liked gravy. It was the one part of the mean I avoided on Thanksgiving.
“What’s your name then? That’s an easier question.”
“Robby.” The boy was so hesitant to even say a word.
For the first time in quite some time I laughed. “Ironicm don’t you think?”
“What do you mean?” Robby asked slightly taking offence. For a moment I was glad that I concrete wall blocked us. I didn’t know what he did to get himself in here.
“You know, a robber robs a store and they’re sent to jail. She what I mean?”
I didn’t hear anything for a moment until I heard him make the slightest grunt. “I guess you’re right.”
Have you ever felt someone smiling? I never knew you could feel someone smiling until now. And I hardly ever made conversation with anyone. People in school would call me ‘The Silent Creeper’. I have no idea why they called me a creeper. It wasn’t like I was stalking or looking to kill anyone.
“What’s yours?”
“Ruby Sawyer.” There was no need to tell him my last name. It’s always a formality within my family.
“My favorite novel character.”
“You like Tom Sawyer?”
“Interesting.” I said.
“Tom Sawyer being a troublemaker and all.”
“Troublemaker?” The springs in his bed squeaked so loud when he sat up in his bed. “Tom Sawyer defended another man from going to jail, put his life on the line when he was trapped by Injun Joe, and saved Becky Thatcher.”
“You’re quite the reader.” I said. I got off the uncomfortable bed to walk around the small space. Maybe I’d sleep on the ground during my duration of living here.
“It’s all you can do in here.”
I stopped walking and stared at the cemented wall. I looked around again. A bed. A sink. A toilet. Nothing else.
Why did that bother me? I spent all my time in my room at home. I was the queen of spending days doing nothing. Nothing but watching TV, listening to music, or reading magazines. I’d drive my mother crazy to the point where she’d rant off to herself claiming she must have done something wrong while raising me. It wasn’t her fault? There just didn’t seem like a point in doing anything.
I didn’t have a TV, music magazine here. Nothing.
There was a mirror at at my sink. It had all kinds of mildew on it.
My hair was a frizz ball.
The ugly orange suit showed up pretty well. I had to admit it was comfortable to wear. Were they trying to make their prisoners lose their minds.
“How long are you in for, Robby?”
This question was so hard for him to answer. Pressing my head against the chilled cobblestones it sounded as if there was an object pounding.
“How long will you be here?” His voice was jumpy.
“Alright, I’ll go first,” I grumbled. “A year or half of one.”
“Are you going to tell me how long you’re here?”
“I’ve already been here a year and a half.” he answered.
The me in the mirror furred their eyebrow. “How old are you?”
“What did you do?”
The talking seized again. A new atmosphere of tension filled the little space. Oh wonderful, I thought. I had to deal with that feeling here too. At first I felt like this would be a vacation away from my parents. My parents were so difficult to get along with. Whenever I had something to argue about Australia could hear us because our shouting was so loud. Nobody had to be the same. Of course, I could have talked to my parents more to tell them what was on my mind.
Wow, that was the first time I admitted to that.
“What do you look like?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“Is this wall going to block us for a whole year?”
“I guess. The guards don’t take me out much to go to those activities.”
“Who would want to do those? I’d rather stay here.”
“Okay. Um… I’m thin, tall, brown eyes.”
“That’s it?” I said when the silence hit again. Honestly it felt as if it were banging my in the hide or nail on a chalkboard.
“That’s all I can think of.”
“Your description is hardly anything to go on. Are you white or black?”
“Isn’t that racist?” Robby asked, but he was clearly smiling.
“How is that racist? It’s who you are. I’m black.”
“Fine. I’m white.” And we laughed together. It must have been odd for the prison guard to hear laughter down the hallway.
Time passed in prison as if it were a snail trying to win a marathon, except when it made it to the finish line there was a new batch of leaves and you noticed they invented flying cars. But, for me I was already scratching off day sixty out of one hundred on the wall.
The guards told me that my sentence was changed to a year. My parents came and talked to the prison. And they even spoke with me behind glass on a phone. Like on TV. For once we had a decent conversation. I never saw my mother so happy to hear my voice. Even she forgot what I sounded like.
Looking at my face in the little mirror that scrubbed clean I noticed that my face looked older. My hair laced around my shoulders. But, there was a detail so different that when I saw my parents that day they were unnerved.
I was smiling.
Being eighteen and living inside a square box made me think. There was more to life then spending it inside your mind. I needed to experience and live. Making friends was a crucial part in everyone’s life
“Have you ever thought about college, Robby?” I was sitting my back against the wall which closed me off from the other cell. In a way I could feel him laying in the same position.
“I did.” he answered, but felt distanced.
“Do you think you’re going to go when you get out of here?”
There was a small thunk as he probably hit his head against the wall. “I never leaving, Ruby.” He said to me.
“Is it about what you did?”
His voice quivered. Robby sounded so lost the past few days. It was like the day we met where he was too scared to say a word to the person on the other side of the wall. All the while that I knew him he never talked about his family. He never had one visitor. I craved for a day where the guard would open his cell and I get to see him walk by. I wanted to know the person I became friends with.
“I stole drugs.” I admitted.
“I stole drugs. I was going to turn myself into a drug dealer when I was ratted out.”
“Who ratted on you?”
“These guys I thought were my friends. They were only trying to get my into trouble seeing how I was so quiet.”
“Why’d you do it?”
“I was different then. I saw no value in life. Sitting in here I realize how wrong I was. Thanks, Robby.”
“Why are you thank me?” Robby asked in pure surprise.
“I would have gone out of my mind if you weren’t here. I thought silence was gold, but no. Silence is so annoying. You’re the most I have ever talked to.”
I could hear this incessant tapping noise. Robby was sliding his feet all around. That thumping noise returned making the walls shake and dust would come crumbling down from the ceiling.
“I killed my mother!”
My mouth flew open. I could him crying. That was the only sound that filled the air. Of any noise claws on a chalkboard, the incessant clipping of toenails, crying was the worst sound anybody could listen to. Crying was pain. You need a hug due to keeping emotions repressed. Robby repressed everything since the day I showed up. Little did I know he could have been this way his entire life.
“Did you mean to?” I asked. I didn’t feel scared. Anybody would be scared sitting on the other side of a cell which held a killer.
“S-She couldn’t live on her own anymore,” Robby explained through heaving breaths. “She got into his fatal car accident a-and a doctor said although there was brain activity she was never going to wake up.”
“But, Robby, you didn’t kill here.” I said to him feeling tears leak into my own eyes.
“No, no. I couldn’t stand to see her with thousands of tubes helping her breathe, there was nothing that was going to bring her back to life. Ruby, she was this amazing woman who you could go on so many adventures with and then the next minute she’s laying in a bed for the rest of her life in a come. I shut off the machine because I knew she didn’t want to be burden to any of us. But, then I realized after finding the plug in my hand t-that I killed her!”
Tears streamed down my eyes. There was no telling how long he’d been in prison for. Even if he was ever let out he’d never be free from the guilt.
The encased walls of the prison made every dark thought stay inside your mind. I never had a day where I was trapped inside my mind until these days. It was no picnic. The mind came up with bizarre thoughts and could have been scenarios. I had no clue what I’d been going now if I was never sent to prison.
Moving to the opening of my cell I poked my whole arm through the bars.
“Robby, you can hold my hand if you want.”
I was desperate to comfort him in some way. We’d been friends for a whole year. Friends never let anyone cry alone.
The biggest smile came across my face when a hand poked through its cell and held my own.
Robby’s hand was smooth. He gently held her hand making him feel better.
“You didn’t kill your mom, Robby. You put her in a better place.”
“Thank you.”
“Bet I can beat you in an arm wrestle.” I challenged.
“Is that so.”
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enstaries · 7 years
Finally the request is open!! Can i request a scenario or headcanons (you can choose) of Leo preparing something for Nazuna's birthday and Nazuna's reaction after? Good luck ~
ovo i finally got to the new batch of requests! nazuna’s birthday is long over, but i hope this will still suffice! went for a more friendshippy nazuleo, if that’s what you wanted
 "Hm? Kuro, whatcha doing?"
  Kuro jolts when he hears his name called, but the tension seeps out of his shoulders when he recognises Leo. "Ah, Tsukinaga," he acknowledges his classmate, "I didn't expect anyone to come by here, you took me by surprise."
  "Hehe," goes Leo, and bends a little closer to get a closer glimpse of Kuro's ministrations. "Eh, that is... pyjamas? Rabbit print pyjamas?"
  "That's right. Give it a feel - I'm using a special type of fabric, so it should feel soft and fluffy."
  "Ooh! Fluffy, fluffy! I like it!" Leo plays with the cloud-like material happily, before he thinks of something. "Wait, why are you making pyjamas in the third floor boys' toilet? And who are you making it for? Is it for your master Keito? Well, even if he looks cute in rabbit print, I'm not sure if he'll wear it - it looks too small for him."
  "Would you be quiet for a second, Tsukinaga," Kuro asks, cheeks a little red. "'Course I'm not making it for Boss Hasumi - can't you tell by the rabbit print? It's for Nito."
  Leo blinks. "For Nazu? Huh, why?"
  "Tsukinaga, you didn't know? It's his birthday tomorrow."
  Leo processes Kuro's words for awhile, then his eyes widen. "Oh no, it's already his birthday?"
 Kuro had advised him to 'just make a song for Nito or something', but to Leo, that seems rather insincere - after all, he makes songs about his classmates all the time when he's bored in class. No, while he was stumped for the first few minutes, his ever ingenious idea - if he dare say so himself - struck down on him like lightning. No worries, he's going to make this the best birthday Nazuna has ever experienced; Nazuna just doesn't know what's coming!
 Indeed, being ill-prepared for Leo's 'present' is an understatement for poor Nazuna. He had awoken to countless messages with well wishes from his friends and juniors, and was already in a good mood. In school, his desk was decorated with balloons and gifts, ranging from bunny plushies to an irresistibly fluffy pyjama set. Really, he's so blessed to have so many people who care about him in his life.
  Even in his bliss, Nazuna remains sharp. He catches sight of Leo's empty desk, and slides over to ask Kuro, "Where's Leo-chin?"
  Kuro shrugs. "You know him. He's probably somewhere goofing off."
  Nazuna isn't convinced, but leaves it at that. The broadcasting committee commence the daily morning broadcast (Makoto and Shinobu had demanded their president not come down for his duty on his birthday), and as Nazuna listens to his juniors relay the information, there's suddenly a crash, and Shinobu shrieks.
  "Huh, what's happening?"
 Nazuna leaps to his feet, ready to run to their rescue, when the broadcast returns - though not to normal. "Ehem, ehem," goes the speaker. Nazuna pales a little; that's neither Makoto nor Shinobu - who hijacked the broadcasting system?
  "Ah, hello everyone! It's me Tsukinaga Leo-" so the perpetrator reveals himself after all "-and do you know what day it is? That's right, it's Nito Nazuna of ra*bits birthday! Everyone, please clap, please clap!"
  A strange, confused applause breaks out in class, as the boys look over at Nazuna who is sweating profusely, and red in the face.
  "Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that. And Nazu, can you come over to the spare classroom at the left wing? There's something cool waiting for you there!"
  Nazuna doesn't need to wait to hear the click of the broadcast to know that it's turned off, and Leo is gone; he's already on his feet, sprinting madly out of class to the room Leo had just designated. He doesn't know what's awaiting him, but he knows he has to find out whatever the hell Tsukinaga Leo has planned for him, and of course, scolding him for giving his juniors a heart attack.
  For some reason, Leo is running right next to him, grinning like a madman. "Oh, you're on your way there too, right?"
  "Ngh! Oi, Leo-chin, what are you doing?"
  "Well," goes Leo, "you'll have to find out!"
  "Gr, tell me!"
  "Nope! Happy birthday, by the way!"
  "Uh, thanks?"
  They finally reach the room, and Leo opens the door for him. "Well, hope you like your present!"
  Nazuna skitters to a stop, and his eyes enlarge to the size of saucepans.
  "W-what is this?"
  "They're rabbits, Nazu," Leo says matter-of-factly, and stoops down to pat one. "I heard you liked them, so I filled a room with them for your birthday!"
  "I-I like them but..." Nazuna is still shell-shocked, staring at the little bunnies hopping around the room and peering up at him with unblinking eyes. "There's got to be over thirty here! Leo-chin, what are you going to do with all of them?"
  "They're all yours, Nazu! But can I take this one, I like him a lot-" Leo lifts up the rabbit in his arms "-I'm calling him Nazunya, okay?"
  The brilliant smile Leo offers him doesn't help; Nazuna clutches his head - what birthday has this come to?
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