#so maybe i woildnt
fondwand · 10 months
not to be brave and controversial but rw&rb the movie is exactly what antis and puritanical fandom wants from queer media like the most bland sanitized rote dull unsexy no tension no chemistry unfunny surface level romance and representation. give me dirt give me real bodies give me imperfect humans give me natural dialog give me complex relationships explored in the silences give me kink and complicated sex and guilt and anger and selfishness and imperfection, imperfection, imperfection. and most of all give me forgiveness for imperfection and the knowledge that an imperfect thing becomes beautiful because it communicates with the imperfection all fallible beings experience on a day to day, not because the beholder is morally corrupt.
anyway. sorry if you liked it there's nothing wrong with that. go forth and live your life.
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ajdrawshq · 7 months
listening to octopath music and drawing and writing stuff for my octopath pmd au so The Horrors(tm) dont get me
#i am getting WAY too in depth with these character profiles but if i dont hyperfocus on it i will implode .#like. we got species (including fusions/variants) types (may differ due to species) (plus an extra type bc of mixing in octopath mechanics)#also bc they can have up to 3 types at once i calculated everyones weaknesses and resistances which is actually kinda fun w tri-typed mons#also movesets up to 9 moves including 8 from their species(es.?) and 1 from their extra type . bc octopath#and abilities which everyone can have up to 2 of bc of how the older pmd games worked#tho each start with one and gain one in a similar way to octopath which allows for more mismatching#and also making it easier to choose fitting abilities for everyone they otherwise woildnt have access to#their IQ groups (tho. i am mildly tempted to scrap that and make my own groups. no yeah thats my next task now)#held items and general/single use items theyd most likely have#and any other individual notes i have on them 👍 like therion being unable to evolve further bc part of his lineage is a 2 stage evo#ohhh i also need to note where everyone comes from. except maybe therion bc we dont know his hometown at all#thats gonna be kinda hard bc each continent has pretty much all the biomes but psmd changed that up a bit..... hm....#and the sand continent is straight up from psmd only unlike the rest so i need to check if theres anything besides deserts there#bc i could theoretically put 2 travellers per continent and go from there.. OH wait that works hold on. im a genius#maybe i need to replay psmd again and see.. i gotta be at least partway in my current playthrough it camt be too hard#id like to mimic where everyone starts out as much as i can.. tho i cant remember if theres a livable tundra area in pmd#still gotta do those iq groups tho . that goes first#octotag
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idsb · 1 year
What’s crazy is Ashley didn’t unfollow after the original dinner with Taylor; I wanna say it’s something to do with that girl but I don’t want to give her the clout she’s chasing…
wait the girl who posted the pics of Joe on a scooter??????? Related to the article abt him shading her by riding one???? Bestie pls be serious 😭😭😭😭
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kanawolf · 2 years
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hello kat! i hope you are doing really well 💗 i wanted to talk about something and i also wanted your opinion on it. i had an online friend from another country (like a neighbour country but its actuallt supposed to be our enemy. that never fazed me or him.) we became close friends over time. we first started talking on twitter in 2016 due to being in the same fandom. he was 4 years older than me. during those years, i had a crush on him and then it faded. i also learnt more aboult my sexuality and realised i would never be happy with a guy (i thought i was straight the entire time so 😭) anyways it was .. "toxic" at times in the sense that i had an unhealthy attachment + he acted oblivious regarding my feelings. fast forward to the pandemic time, we grew even closer. he started sharing things with me related to his family and life in a more casual way on his own. in late 2021, he ghosted me for a month straight. i was hurt and told him how worried i was due to covid etc but i continued to talk to him. this happened again in 2022, and i told him that if it happened for the third time, i would not be able to take it. it happened again. and i lost trust. he asked for a chance while telling me about his sick grandfather. so i gave it to him reluctantly. fast forward to december 2022, i was extremely su*cidal and had been since september 2022. i was in a really bad condition but somehow gave my finals in october. i spoke to him about it during that time and he just gave me some responses which made me feel like he didnt care or yhat he didnt understand and did not even want to. i was in a really bad place. and then he ghosted me again. i cpule not take it and ended up blocking him on whatsapp because i was trying to survive. january and february 2023 werw horruble (i am still a student and i had all these mid sems and vivas and projects that i could not bring myseld to do but i had to.) i unblockef him in march. my birthdya was on the 25th and he sent me a birthday message. i replied. and then on the 26th i told him i wanted to end our friendship. he said he had texted me while i had blocked him in january. his grandfather died in january. i told him i wouldnt have blocked him if iw ould have known about his ciecumstances. he told me he thought i had given him a chance. i told him, what else was i supppsed to do? then i accidentally told him that my college friend had blocked him and he values privaxy a lot. i .. proceeded to tell him how it went down (this was so so impulsive and i am so ashamed and guilty.) and he was like wth are you talking about. we have been friends for 6 plus yeats and you are telling me your friend blocked me? he said if uou dont trust ne there is no point in dragging this friendhsip or whatever we jave rn, and said his goodbye. i had my final exams going on (i falied in 3 of those october exams and had to give them again, so this time my ass was om the line. i need to pass in all subjects this time or else .. i will have to repeat the entire year.) so i sobbed a lot after reading his messages. tried to control. gave my exams which were egery single day somehow. they ended4 days ago. and then i decided i would text him back. on the 10th. with a cool mind. and trying not to say something wrong. also because i wanted to give him some space and figured he wpuld be amgry and woildnt want to talk to me. but he blocked me. and im not complaining, because its fair enough. its just that .. i was going to teply. maybe he thought i dont care or im not bothered but i do. and i am. i just wanted to apologuse to him and wanted him to know that i cared for him. im not sure i put it in yhe best way in this message but yeah .. i cant stop thinking about what was going on in his mind when he blocked me. i know i was wrong. but now im wuestioning my perception in general, and ami a bad person? is there something fundamnetally wrong with me? im just so .. i hate myself for this.
You're not a bad person, but it honestly sounds like it's time to let go of this "friendship". Because it doesn't sound like either of you have been happy with it for years. You obviously have different expectations and investments, and you'd be better off looking for friends who actually desire the same level of connection as you do
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stil-yr-sand · 1 year
16. Want any tattoos? What of?
17. Want any piercings? Where?
27. What's your favorite book?
yeah i do i have a couple ideas
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or maybe just something stuoid
I WAMT S BRIDGE SO NAD my pstents t very against it tho so mo bridge :( i wamms get a septum but slso everyone amd their mom has one so it woildnt be cool. wanma get somr cartalige amd whayever the knside one ks
hard question
faurk um
mary jane by jessica anya blau
i am princess x by cherri priest
making bombs for hitler by i forgot
its kind of a funny story also bu i forgot
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mayasdeluca · 14 days
Do you think if they were to do the EMS storyline they'd have ben do it to so him and carina would be in the field together? If the show didnt yet cancelled and have ben go back to greys then I'm sure they'd work together but if the show gets renewed I hope they woildnt give that storyline to ben? Maybe they'd both do it idk but they can easily just bring ben back as a full firefighter if they want him there and let carina be the one with the fellowship. Seriously that guy has changed careers so many times it wouldnt even be weird to bring him straight back
Yeah I think it would definitely be the both of them...the only reason Ben is going back to Greys is because the show got cancelled so if it was still going on, we'd probably see more of what we saw in the finale with Ben and Carina working together out on the field. Plus you really think they'd let Carina have her own thing?! Lets not get carried away now 😂
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chrisbangs · 4 years
😐 whenever i have a dream that feels real i end up waking up crying but like ... why 😭😭
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folklore--13 · 5 years
one half of me: noooooooooooo pride month is ending noooooooooo
the other half: does pride ever really end though?
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hanmasghost · 2 years
Emma Sano as a… Secret Admirer
A/N: This contains headcannons and a scenario. Kisaki or Hanma will be next, I’ll decide which one I like more first and post that last >:]
Pronouns: Not specified
Warning(s): none
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❥ She constantly tries to impress you
❥ She 100% talks to Mikey about you all the time
❥ Probably had to yell at Mikey so he woildnt run off and try to befriend you cause he’s nosey and want to befriend all of Emma’s friends, especially if Emma like-likes them
❥ She constantly takes time out of her day just so she can write you a letter that she’ll leave on/in your desk the next day
❥ She dragged Hina and Mikey to the mall once so they could help her find a gift for you
❥ She asked if you guys could hang out at your house but when you said you weren’t allowed guests she immediately offered for you to come to her house
❥ She invited you thinking it would just be you too and you guys could just hang out
❥ Whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, Mikey decided he was tired and came home early, canceling a Toman meeting
“Emmaaa! I’m home!” Mikey said out loud.
”Hm? Is she not here?”  
Just as he decided Emma wasn’t home he heard laughing coming from the bathroom.
”Emma?” Mikey asked opening the bathroom door. 
When he walked in he saw Emma and you. Emma sitting on the toilet lid and you standing there with a makeup brush in your hand.
”O-oh! Hi-“ Emma stuttered, whipping her head to look towards Mikey.
”Who’s that?” Mikey asked pointing at you and cutting Emma off.
”Oh!.. they’re uhm-“
”I’m Y/N.. You’re Mikey I’m guessing? Nice to meet you.”
Mikey’s eyes lit up like he just got offered a bunch of free dorayaki. It kinda freaked you out to be honest.
”So you’re who Emma writes those love letters to!”
Mikey takes a minute to realize he just outed his sister to her crush, but once he got over his small shock he replied with a “oopsies.. hehe..”
”So… you wrote me those letters?”
”Uhm.. well..”
“Yeah! She talks about you allllll the time! It’s kinda boring now” Mikey sighed.
”Hey! It’s not all the time alright?!…”
Emma glared at Mikey, while Mikey stared back unfazed by her antics. He knew she wouldn’t have said anything unless you asked her out or something, so wasn’t this a good thing?
“Pffft- HAHAHAHA!! You guys are goofs! Now let me finish doing your makeup.”
”Whats that look for blondie?”
”Wait! So does this mean you like me back?”
”Hmmm… you tell me.”
”Hey! I’m right here lovebirds!”
”If you don’t shut up I’m gonna do your makeup too.”
You said, pointing the makeup brush at Mikey, ‘threatening’ him.
”Ooo! Could we?! I wanna do Mikey’s makeup!”
Mikey looked at Emma and shook.
”Well? What do you say Mr. Gang leader man?”
”Ughhhh!! Can’t turn down Emma and my future in-law!”
”Shut up!”
”Hold still! You’ll mess me up!”
❥ She probably still writes you occasional letters 
❥ Honestly she probably tries to make you jealous
❥ If you do get jealous easily she may not try as hard and she’ll reassure you and tell you that she just wanted to make you jealous to get your attention 
❥ If don’t you get jealous easily then she kind of gets pouty about it, so maybe try pretending to be jealous or just give her attention afterwards 
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 3 years
Aight so for the oc thingy bestie😍✌️
For 7
💍 Does your OC have a specific item that is priceless to them but may (or may not) be completely worthless to someone else? Is there a story behind this item or is it just because they like it so much?
🧠 Talk about your OCs mental health! Do they have any specific triggers or ways to practice self care? What are some things that are more difficult for them to do because of their mental health?
🎁 What would be the perfect gift to buy your OC? What would be the worst gift? Are they themselves any good at gifting things or are they really indescisive? How do they wrap their presents?
🗣️ What are the most painful words that can be said to your OC to utterly break them? What are the words that you could tell them to cheer them up? Maybe some advice to give them the boost they need!
🗺️ Does your OC like going on adventures? Have they ever discovered something really interesting and significant or are they just too busy getting lost? Where is their favourite place they’ve been? Least favourite?
🤕 What is the worst injury your OC has ever suffered? Do they have any scars or lasting physical reminders of it? Do they get sick often or have any lasting medical conditions?
hfvvvyvvfy this is gonna take a while🤡🤡
yes, a few actually. one is a key she came to black swan w, one is an old picture book of katya and victor, as well as a baby 7, she got it later on in her life. and the last one is katya's scythe. they all have reasons, but it'd take too long to list em🤡💅
he does suffer from PTSD, and he is pretty paranoid when it comes to him bein touched, he is also horrorfied of the sound of fireworks. sence he cant see, he doesnt know who is touchin him w/o the person signalin to him in sum way. and the fireworks are pretty clear if ya know what happened in draja's opening🙃
i feel like a plushie. probably plushies that look like his teammates too. he acts like a lil shit, but he does luv em, and would die for em, but he doesnt ever plan to admit it🤡
the words that hurt her the most are probably "you are useless". cus her magic is passive and cant be used in a fight very well, she is pretty insecure bout em. plus, her parents refused to accept the fact that their child has a passive skill, and never allowed her to use it in any meaningful ways.
and for the words that cheer her up are probably "thank you". pretty simple, but knowing that ppl are thankful for what she does brings her pure joy.
she gas 0 sence of direction, so most of her time is spent bein lost🙃. but her fave place she found would probably be an abandoned house next to her teather
she does have a lot of em. sence she cant stop herself after speedin up, and she has to have sumthin else to stop her, she constantly has to run into sumthin else to stop herself. over the years, she broke her arm 5 times, only cus she used hef magic too much. by now, she has about half of her costume made w armour, so she woildnt hurt herself when she has to stop💅
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blackthxrntree · 4 years
Sullivan's War
I'm reposting this bc the first one refused to appear in the tag (also I posted at like 3am so nobody saw it)
anyway @sidneycarter made this so I decided to write my own hcs about Sullivan's past
What was his service like? Traumatic to say the least but he got out the other side
Which force was he in - Army, Navy, Air Force? Not army that's for certain, I feel like hes got the cocky facade needed for the RAF (and hes hot so that lines up) but has a bit of a Royal Navy vibe. I'm inclined towards RAF Sullivan
What rank was he? So we're saying he was in the RAF I'm thinking either squadron leader or wing commander like I woildnt say he ranked higher than that
Did he serve throughout the war? Wg Cdr Thomas Joseph Sullivan served 1940-1943, joined the police as soon as he left the RAF and worked for the Met through the end of the war (that's how he got the non-operational service medal)
Was he injured? It was a medical discharge that forced him home. Took a bad landing after a dog fight with an inexperienced luftwaffe pilot (he won, might have gone down hard but the german went down harder)
If so, was it a physical injury or a mental one? It was his shoulder from the landing and shrapnel in his leg from german bullets ripping through the cockpit that sent him packing in the end but he certainly had his share of mental trauma
Did he suffer from shell shock/ptsd? He saw for too many friends gunned down by bf109s not to suffer from ptsd.
Does the war still affect him? By God it does. His mind is loud at night, it's different during the day when hes working, he can compartmentalise to close a case (and who has time to have trauma when you have a crime solving cleric on your back all the live long day). But when he's all alone at home with his memories, that's when things get tough
If he was injured, did he heal fine or does it live with him? The leg doesn't bother him much but the shoulder still clicks every so often to remind him
And the mental effects, does he have nightmares? He wont fly, cant bring himself to get up in the air again. Almost every night, the only comfort he gets is from a certain petty thief's deceptively strong arms holding him tight as he sleeps.
Flashbacks? Every so often, if a car backfires maybe. He stays inside on halloween and Fawkes night if he can help it, the fireworks certainly dont help him. An airplane or a helicopter flying just a bit too low sets his teeth on edge, often making him think of where bet to dive for cover.
Did he lose people on the front lines? Many a wingman gunned down beside him, lost some friends, lost someone he loved. Sometimes he wished to have gone down with them.
Did he lose people at home? His mother died in London during the Blitz in march 1941. Then his sister, just 16, who was sent to an aunt back in Ireland because it was safer was killed when a rogue german bomber attacked two months later in may. He lost his father a little after that too, when he got back to the man who nothing was ever good enough for he was blamed for the deaths of both his mother and sister, all because he wasnt there. His father worked in the Foreign Office so even after his return from war his father rarely spoke to him, despite living under the same roof, as they both kept rather odd hours.
Does he talk about the war or does he never bring it up? He's a naturally private person who takes awhile to warm up to people, but one day after a particularly awful case involving the death of a teenage girl (whose long dark hair reminded him awfully of someone he lost once) he confided in the most unlikely of listeners. He and Lady F swapped war stories, she spoke of her time in MI6 (along with a few sordid tales involving a few high up RAF boys) she could understand his trauma to some degree and when he wasnt up to talking had plenty of her own tales to tell all over a whiskey neat from Monty's topshelf stash.
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fanfic-inator795 · 4 years
You know, technically speaking, the turtles and mutants could just go out in the city and everyone would just assume their wearing costumes. They could litterally just walk out and people would be like "Ah yes, regular New York citizens in hyper realistic animal costumes." Even Warren probably woildnt get a signed glance
Lol, yeah probably. I mean, it’s canon that all they have to do is add on a few accessories and claim they’re in costume and humans will just roll with it. I think the only reason why they don’t just do that and insist on wearing clothes when they go out is because (as we’ve seen) there are still some humans who, should they find out that these aren’t just people in costumes, would probably get super freaked out.
Heh, the way Rise handles the whole mutant thing reminds me so much of the 1987 show, where for the first few seasons they were all about wearing disguises and keeping themselves secret, and then by the end of the show they were just appearing out in public as themselves, and people would either assume that they were in costume or just be totally cool with talking turtles.
I can get how some people would be a bit annoyed with this though, given that the whole catalyst of Draxum hating humans (other than the prophecy that he thinks was referring to humans) was because of them forcing yokai forcing them to live underground several centuries ago due to their prejudices. 
However, we’ve seen through stuff like ‘The Mutant Menace’ and ‘Mascot Melee’ that some humans are still scared of/dislike mutants when it seemed like they were a threat/outright attacking people. So we still get the sense that there would be some tension should all of yokaikind reveal themselves, even if it’s maybe not as hostile as it was 500 years ago.
With that in mind, I like that when it comes to reactions to the Turtles and other mutants/yokai, it’s sort of in the middle between humans accepting mutants and hating them - this helps give of the vibe that there’s a chance for the two societies to come together, as long as they’re both willing to work and give each other a shot. 
I just find it interesting that other yokai, while still hiding themselves, don’t really hate humans and aren’t really afraid of them. April’s just allowed to hang out at Run of the Mill and walk around the Hidden City without a second glance, and Draxum even saw for himself how humans can just accept something (even if that something is a giant meat monster) and still extend friendship, even to something/someone that isn’t completely ‘normal’. 
All of these elements really gives off the vibe that, while there might be some pushback and uneasy at first, there is at least a chance for humans, mutants and yokai to come together in the end and for yokai to live without fear or danger or needing to hide - which of course was Draxum’s main goal all along, he just wasn’t sure if he could reach that goal without mutation/destruction because he assumed humanity still saw him and yokaikind the same way they did centuries ago and wasn’t willing to give them a chance to prove otherwise.
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hhawks · 2 years
Fuck marry kill: Annie, Mikasa, Pieck
i’ll fuckin kill myslef beofre i kill any of thiese wome.n
no like idk fr . fuck annie marry mika …… i can’t kkll pieck yhooough. i would thinj about maybe kill mikabc i kin her so i yhink we woildnt be super compatible but i canr. i love her way too much
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takebacktheyuri · 3 years
I half wish no one had ever told me I was good at anything then maybe I woildnt feel so defeated when I fail my own standards and can't please people enough
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themikewheelers · 7 years
but no when El disappeared at the end of season 1 you just know Mike, Dustin and Lucas had to be persuaded multiple times to leave the classroom by an adult because they thought she'd turn up any second (ily Tori i'm sorry)
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