#and like brittana on glee or something like that
fondwand · 1 year
not to be brave and controversial but rw&rb the movie is exactly what antis and puritanical fandom wants from queer media like the most bland sanitized rote dull unsexy no tension no chemistry unfunny surface level romance and representation. give me dirt give me real bodies give me imperfect humans give me natural dialog give me complex relationships explored in the silences give me kink and complicated sex and guilt and anger and selfishness and imperfection, imperfection, imperfection. and most of all give me forgiveness for imperfection and the knowledge that an imperfect thing becomes beautiful because it communicates with the imperfection all fallible beings experience on a day to day, not because the beholder is morally corrupt.
anyway. sorry if you liked it there's nothing wrong with that. go forth and live your life.
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backslashdelta · 3 months
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"if you want me I'm here" ♡ ~ happy birthday @mdverse!
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chansgender · 20 days
i’ve been watching glee and i got to the part where santana confesses to brittany and all i could think about was her singing good luck babe about brittany and artie
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homosandhomies · 1 year
you ever remember that finn probably would’ve been kurt’s best man at his wedding and then you cry
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tuiyla · 2 years
Brittana fics tend to present a version of Santana that is the closest to how she is in canon, and SimpTana makes sense in that particular context. It's admittedly been a while since I've read Quinntana but the fics I've read tended to present a nurturing post-Beth side of Quinn (almost on the border of paternalistic). Honestly Pezberry is the least appealing because I have to suspend my disbelief that Santana would willingly simp over Rachel (sorry).
Each to their own, also that is the point of fanfic I guess to create something new. For me, people wouldn't have to warp canon too much to have Santana love Rachel. I don't think she'd need to be a simp to be true to a canon version of herself and also unabashedly be into Rachel.
Canon Santana already shows an astounding willingness to again and again "go after Rachel" in the sense that she constantly puts herself out there and tries to prove herself as a friend. And like, why would she do that for someone she doesn't genuinely, wholeheartedly like? The intensity of their relationship is just a stone's throw away from romantic, to me, and Santana already seems to want it quite desperately/earnestly. Honestly the biggest suspension of disbelief in Pezberry fics, again for me, tends to be their feelings being evenly matched because I just get this impression most of the time that Santana would be more in it than the other way around. Not to be that Pezberry angst person again but if I were to write a Glee "canon complaint" Pezberry midgame, it'd end with Rachel leaving Santana heartbroken. Not the other way around.
I mean again this is all just my pov but I think, in a way, Santana is already a simp for Rachel in canon just not romantically.
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addictsitter · 1 year
controversial glee opinion of the day: the "hand in my pocket" mashup from s6 wasn't actually that great everyone just hypes it so much bc of the proposal >.>
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callmebrycelee · 18 days
Advice from a Queer Almost-40 BuckTommy Shipper
Over the last several months, there's been a one-sided war brewing between Buddie shippers and BuckTommy shippers. As we get ready for Season 8, I want to give all of you fellow BuckTommy/Tevan/Kinley shippers some advice:
Do NOT let them ruin something truly groundbreaking and special.
I repeat:
Do NOT let them ruin something truly groundbreaking and special.
Let me take you way back to the early-2010s. Glee was quite popular in the cultural zeitgeist. The show spawned a plethora of ships including Finchel, Brittana, Samcedes, and Fabrey. However, there was one ship that reigned supreme on Beyoncé and Al Gore's internet. If you were on Tumblr during this time you definitely remember the chokehold Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson aka Klaine had on the Glee fandom.
Now I'll admit, at first, I was into the two glee club gays being together but then episode 2x06 aired. For those of you unfamiliar with the show, episode 2x06 titled "Never Been Kissed" is episode where closeted football jock Dave Karofsky cornered Kurt in the boys' lockerroom and kissed him. What followed was some of the best storytelling in the history of the show.
Over the next few seasons, we watched Dave Karofsky come to terms with his sexuality, apologize to Kurt for his relentless bullying, finally embrace his sexuality, get outed, and attempt to un-alive himself. Those of us who initially hated Dave and his initial treatment of Kurt became fans of him due to how realistic he was. If you went to high school in the early-2000s, chances are you either knew someone like Karofsky or you were him. That's why he resonated with so many of us in the queer community.
However, the showrunners weren't invested in Dave and Kurt becoming an item. You have to remember, this was the era of listening to the fandom and giving them exactly what they wanted. The fandom wanted Rachel and Finn to be together so that's what we got. The fandom wanted Brittany and Santana to be together so that's what we got. And what the fandom wanted was Kurt and Blaine.
Till this day, I still resent the fact that the showrunners and writers went the safe route when it came to couples on Glee. For the most part, all of their main pairings were expected and boring. Over a decade removed from the show, a lot of folks have come around to the idea that maybe Kurt and Blaine aren't the #couplegoals they initially thought. A lot of us will forever wonder just how different (and possibly better) the show would have been if they took a chance on Kurt and Dave.
Fast-forward to the year 2024. We have, on another Ryan Murphy show, Klaine and Kurtofsky 2.0. The moment Eddie came on the scene back in Season 2, folks on the internet started shipping him with Buck. Nevermind that these two were coded as platonic friends, here we had, once again, two good-looking guys played by two actors who have impeccable chemistry.
Much like Klaine, a lot of us see Buddie as boring. The ship smacks of cis straight women overlly fascinated by two good-looking, masculine guys. It reminds me of the overabundance of m/m romance written by straight women which have little interest in showcasing real queer male relationships and instead serve as fantasy fulfillment for straight women using two queer men as avatars to satisfy what they feel is lacking in their own heterosexual relationships. I don't necessary have a problem with those books existing but I do take issue with that kind of storytelling overshadowing queer male content written by queer male writers.
Whew! Now that I got that out of my system, let me tell you what I loved most about the latest season of 9-1-1. It seems the showrunners and writers of this show took note of what happened with Glee and they decided to go a different route. Instead of listening to the relentless noise on the internet, they have decided to not go the safe route.
Enter: Tommy Kinard.
The romance between Buck and Tommy is truly revolutionary. As someone who grew up consuming the queer media of the 90s and early-2000s, it is quite refreshing to have a couple like Evan Buckley and Tommy Kinard on primetime television. I love that many of the scenes between these two is just slice of life. Very similar to the scenes we get between Athena and Bobby and Chimney and Maddie. I've always said that true equality is when queer people can be just as mundane as straight people. Mission accomplished. Finally, we have two queer characters just existing and being happy. No AIDS. No gay-bashing. No Don't Ask Don't Tell. No epic coming out scene. Buck and Tommy are a shining example of what queer couples can and should look like in the 2020s.
So, back to my original point. When it comes to the great ship war, please do NOT let them ruin something so groundbreaking and special. If the showrunners wanted , they could have made Buck and Eddie a thing years ago. However, that's not the direction they wanted to venture. Thank you Tim Minear for not going the safe route. I look forward to all of the rich storytelling we will get in Season 8 and I have decided that whatever happens, I'm going to enjoy this era of 9-1-1. Oliver Stark and Lou Ferrigno Jr. are amazing actors but so are Angela Bassett and Peter Krause and Aisha Hinds and Kenneth Choi. All of the actors on this show, whether main or guest or supporting, are putting their whole self into crafting the characters we know and love. Regardless of what ship you champion, keep in mind that behind these beloved characters are real, human actors who do not deserve to be bullied and harrassed and threatened due to them simply doing their job. At the end of the day, everything we see on the screen is fiction.
Okay, this has gotten really long. Stepping off of my soapbox. Remember ladies and gentlemen, it's just a show. And although it makes us feel real emotions, 9-1-1 nor Glee is real life.
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autismtana · 7 months
brittany s pierce is autistic
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around a year ago, i made this post about santana lopez and why i (as a neurodivergent person) view her as having adhd (among other things which i've mentioned elsewhere and plan on writing more meta about), and i think it's finally time to talk about brittany s pierce, my autistic queen, and why i view her as autistic.
firstly, i want to acknowledge that i'm not the first person to headcanon brittany as autistic. i'm nowhere near the first person to write a post about it. in fact, sue sylvester calls brittana "autistically feisty", which i think is the closest we've got to an actually autistic canon confirmation. i'd suggest reading these posts by smolbrittana and sopheadraws among others. brittany has also been written as autistic in fanfiction (the road to unicorn and there's something about santana are two of my personal favourites in terms of writing brittany as autistic in an authentic way that doesn't feel like autistic media portrayed by neurotypical people).
as i've said in other posts, i'm autistic myself and also have a background in adolescent psychology. i do not endorse diagnosing real people with anything; brittany s pierce is a fictional character and displays a lot of traits that resonate with me as an autistic person hence why i am making this post. i'm also aware that some of these things were written to be throwaway lines or comic effect but viewing them as that and viewing them through an autistic lens does not have to be mutually exclusive. also, i use identity-first language, which is generally preferred among actually autistic folks.
(trigger warning for discussion of sexual assault, as well as mention of school shooting)
sidenote but i also believe brittany to have a specific learning disability in language in addition to being autistic which will most likely require its own post.
anyway, without further ado, let's go.
poor executive functioning - brittany struggles with basic self-care tasks such as brushing her teeth and remembering to eat breakfast. it's also worth pointing out that a lot of autistic folks struggle with brushing their teeth for sensory reasons, which could be a possibility with brittany and why her teeth were in the state they were in during 2x02. i myself did not brush my teeth regularly until i got braces (when i was 15).
difficulty coping with change - this one is pretty broad and can encompass small things, such as believing in santa claus or believing that storks bring babies in her junior year of high school, and big things, such as her feelings of hopelessness and depression when she is held back a year and santana goes off to louisville.
rigid routines - writes everything with multicoloured crayon (a different crayon for every letter). she was also very particular when the planning for her wedding was taking place; was stressed out by the idea of santana seeing her in her wedding dress and felt the need to put a lot of rituals in place to alleviate her feelings of anxiety in that situation.
difficulty comprehending figurative language - brittany tends to take things people say at face value. there are a lot of examples of her misunderstanding when other people use non-literal figures of speech (e.g. "brittany, take it away"/"take what away?"). in 3x22 mercedes wishes everyone in glee club could all stay in the room together so they wouldn't have to leave and brittany suggests using the bin for a toilet and eating joe.
unusual eating habits - brittany has pica (consuming non-food items); canonically she has eaten the snowflakes at sadie hawkins, kleenex, sand in her master cleanse and the soil sue put in her and santana's lockers.
very particular narrow interests - brittany is an expert on cat diseases and (although the storyline bothers me for personal reasons) she is also exceptional at maths.
flat affect - often speaks in a monotone voice
tendency to come across as blunt or rude - this comes through in a lot of her interactions with tina and rachel, as well as in her speech to santana's abuela in 6x06 and her communication with guests on fondue for two.
inability to lie - often tells on herself, particularly in instances concerning sue and being pressured to spy on the glee club for her.
heightened sensory experiences - the one time when she notices blaine isn't in glee club because she can smell his hair gel. brittany is a great dancer (because the actress who played her was a professional dancer who worked with beyoncé) and is sensory-seeking in a proprioceptive way. she also enjoys the use of koosh pens and fidgets with them at times.
"unconventional" experiences with gender identity and/or gender expression and sexuality - research has shown that autistic individuals are more likely to identify as part of the lgbtq+ community, which brittany does as a bi woman. she has also experimented with androgynous gender expression (e.g. her senior prom outfit) and she ran for prom king.
masking - tends to have different personas depending on who she's with. she is more comfortable around santana and mercedes, but alters how she communicates with people depending on how they have communicated with her (or santana, who she's very protective of) in the past.
hyperfixations - when she's running kurt's (and later her own) campaign for president, a lot of her dialogue includes mentions of unicorns.
learning difficulties and poor experience in mainstream schooling - statistically, autistic children have poor school outcomes (and it's entirely the fault of the school system, not the children themselves). 60-70% of autistic people also have a learning disability. 56% of autistic youth in australia report being treated unfairly at school. when talking to rachel in 2x13, brittany explicitly says that teachers have told her that by not attending class, her grades might improve. as a result of the lack of support (which may have led to discomfort in asking for assistance), brittany was unable to graduate from high school with her peers.
naivety and/or childlike interests - brittany can be gullible at times (e.g. sue's baby cannons tactic). as smolbrittana pointed out in their post, she writes with crayon and plays with barbies at times.
difficulty understanding other people's points of view - the dissonance between her own understanding and expectations of sex versus artie's expectations for what his first sexual experience should be like.
unconventional ways of expressing emotions - brittany often uses lord tubbington to describe how she feels about a particular situation (often when she's upset about a situation involving santana); for example, she tells lord tubbington "you joined a gang" right after santana tells her over skype that her commitments to the louisville cardinals cheerleading team impede on her ability to talk to brittany over skype.
burnout - i've touched on this in other posts, but brittany's presentation in 5x12 and 5x13 read as her being exhausted and overwhelmed with feeling forced to pursue mathematics and not have any other creative outlet.
faceblindness - brittany mistakes a brunette girl who is a member of the prom committee for rachel, and at times confuses unique and mercedes.
love of animals - brittany has a close connection with her cats, lord tubbington and lady tubbington. research shows that autistic individuals prefer to interact with animals over humans and 80% of autistic children participated in pet therapy.
freeze response to trauma - brittany experienced a freeze response during the lockdown in 4x18, which is common in autistic people. this can be prolonged and can occur for minutes, even hours.
sexual trauma - this is unfortunately a case of glee making a joke out of serious topics and it's not an isolated incident. in 1x17, brittany (who at the time is a sophomore and therefore 15 or 16 years old), in an effort to state her case for why she should be ranked higher on quinn's arbitrary list of who are the most sexually promiscuous glee club members, mentioned that she has "made out" with mr kidney the janitor, who is presumably an adult as he is employed by the school* (also i want to point out that any relationship involving a school employee and a school student that is of a sexual nature is predatory regardless of age; for example, although puck is 18 when he has a sexual relationship with shelby, she is still in a position of power over him and by engaging in a romantic and later sexual relationship with him is a sexual predator). in 3x05, brittany later describes her first sexual experience as an "alien invasion" (and in fact the original dialogue for that scene revealed that she was 14 and the "alien" in question was a 19-year-old). research suggests that 30% of women have experienced sexual assault, and 2-3x as many autistic women are affected. an estimated 9 out of 10 autistic women have been victims of sexual assault. outside of her relationship with santana (who also canonically has experienced SA), brittany engages in hypersexual behaviour; she mentions having a "perfect record" and she mentions her sexual history as evidence of her popularity when persuading kurt to let her be his campaign manager. this can be interpreted as her way of coping with her traumatic experiences, and it becomes a problem when she uses sex as a way to help artie move on from tina, not realising that artie views sex differently than how she does.
(*also i want to point out that brittany's experiences with mr kidney could have also occurred much earlier than when she brought them up, which is even more unfortunate)
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arizonaaaaaa · 4 months
1- Rachel Berry- Bisexual
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-Had more chemistry with the women she sang than most men she dated
-Shes annoying and obnoxious but surprisingly cute while in relationships, notice how she’s only annoying and hates everyone when she’s single
-Faberry, Pezberry and Jonesberry 🔛🔝
2- Finn Hudson- Bisexual and Demisexual
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-Def slept with Puck on the same bed as kids when they had sleepovers
-also slept together with Sam on the couch while playing video games, Kurt covered them with a comfy blanket
-idk his interactions with Kurt on 1x04 are just so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee
-the demi part, just remember that when he had sex with Santana, it meant nothing to him because she wasn’t important to him
3- Kurt Hummel- Gay
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-really wanted to see more relationships with him, we only had Klaine, him and Adam and that’s it, the rest were all crushes, and kisses, and friendships that we pretended were real or sm
-nothing more to add
4- Mercedes Jones- Pansexual
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-idk it’s just the vibes
-kind of like Shang from Mulan, falling for the person they are, not how they present themselves
-anyway she gives the best hugs ever and she loves having conversations and everyone loves her for that (as they should)
5- Tina Cohen-Chang- Bisexual and Non-Binary
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-so you are a 2000s asian character with purple hair and a goth/puck style but your not bi? The blasphemy
-notice how the three highlights she wore on season 1 were purple, blue and pink
-I feel like she questioned her gender several times after she started dating Mike, when she came out he was so supportive😭
6- Artie Abrams- Bisexual
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-say what you want but he totally admired Finn and Puck
-def wanted to date both Tina and Mike
-funny how any relationship with a man would be way better than any relationship he ever had💀
7- Quinn Fabray- Lesbian
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-we already know girly is at least bi, you know, fucking with Santana twice
-didn’t have a single successful relationship with a guy, cheated on most of them
-girl just wanted to lesbian and no one got her😭
8- Santana Lopez- Lesbian
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-same with Kurt, we deserved other relationships aside from Brittana and Danitana?
9- Brittany Pierce- Bisexual
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-bad representation in my opinion but it’s not my place to talk
-deserved a coming out scene, Kurt had, Santana had one (but it was deleted) but she didn’t, feels like the writers saying that bisexuals don’t need to come out
10- Noah Puckerman- Pansexual
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-took a long time to figure out his feelings
-he’s not romantic attracted by everyone like he is sexually, so it took longer to noticed he also likes guys
-prob had a awakening while watching porn or something
-tho him being canonically pansexual would be kind of weird like imagine him hitting on mr Schue or something
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starlight-lesbians · 27 days
was rewatching glee and released the reason i like greasedinah sm is because they’re literally brittana. mean lesbian x sunshine sapphic never dies
i haven’t seen glee but i know brittana lmao. the only difference in dynamic i see is dinah being the smart one And the sunshine
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this in particular is so them coded, i just Know GB can’t keep her mouth shut if she thinks something mean, dinah has to shut her up (kiss her)
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favberrys · 11 months
What would you do if you’re a Showrunner/writer on glee?
I don't think i have the abilities and qualifications to write a tv show, but i notice when the writers are becoming lazy and when there are flaws in the writing bc these flaws arrive at the spectator who watches the show. One the first things i would do is make faberry canon like it was intended in the first script of glee (there was a script before the pilot in which the popular cheerleader fell in love with the girl loser of the school, but the idea/project was abandoned). I would give more space to wlw pairings bc while the mlm rep in glee was diverse and deepened, the wlw rep was okay thanks to brittana but had too little screen time. So i would make two wlw pairing (faberry and brittana) have more development and space in the show. I would defo treat quinn's character arc way better than ryan murphy, i wouldn't have throwed that character in the trash after s3, i would have developed her personal story more and her relationship with rachel. Quinn is a very queer coded character, so i would have prob given more space to her journey of coming to terms with her sexuality (prob would have made her a lesbian who struggled a lot with comphet in highschool bc of her rigid catholic upbringing). I also would not make quinn end up with her r@pist (puck got her drunk to have sex with her even though she didn't want to, the consent was basically nonexistent and pretty dubious so that's why i consider him a rapist).
Another change i would make is give more performances to characters like santana and mercedes bc as much as i love rachel, i feel like amber's and naya's talent were underused. I would have given less solos to kurt and more to them.
I would also make rachel bisexual cos there's no way that girloser does not like women, and what i would do is make her "experiment"/have a sort of friendship with benefits with Santana in s4 cos before they broke apart they were pretty close and had a nice intimacy and chemistry, Santana had broken up with Brittany, so i think a thing between them in which rachel full blown realises she likes girls too (and later realises she had always been in love with quinn/had a crush on quinn since highschool) and Santana trying out different bonds with girls before understanding she wants brittany only, would have been nice to make both characters grow and mature.
I would keep the quinntana one night stand bc i feel like that was really important for quinn to finally accept she liked girls and therefore that rachel had always been the one she really wanted. But how would that work if you plan to make Santana bang both rachel and quinn ? Well i would simply make rachel a thing with santana at the end of s4, after santana and quinn's one night stand (it doesn't even have to be necessarly sex or a physical relationship, but a bond in which rachel starts to see santana in a different light and finds her really hot and starts questioning herself and santan teases her about it but also gives her a wake up call "you're bi gayberry" or something like that, these are the two options).
I would keep kurt and blaine as they are but i wouldn't have made blaine have a thing with karosfky, that was just foul.
Also less performances from mr. Schue bc what the fuck was blurred lines.
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homosexualbehaviors · 3 months
Welcome to my Blog
This is simply a post to let you know the fandoms I am in/the ships I ship. And to maybe get to know a bit about me.
*NOTE: If you have any questions about me or my fandoms or ships, please do not fear to ask. I will answer literally anything! (Nsft included)*
Fandoms and Ships
(The ships with "(#1)" by them are my top ship of that fandom. I have only marked such in fandoms I have listed multiple ships.)
Wednesday: Wenclair (#1), Yokovina, Yoko Divina and Bianca (I am unsure of the ship name)
Stranger Things: Ronance (#1), Elmax, Steddie, Byler
Pitch Perfect: Bechloe (#1), Staubrey
Arcane: Caitvi
She-Ra: Catradora
Adventure Time: Bubbline
Hawkeye: Bishova
The Owl House: Lumity (#1), Raeda, Huntlow
Heartstopper: Nick and Charlie (#1), Tara and Darcy, Tao and Elle
The Harley Quinn Show: Harlivy
The 100: Clexa
Atypical: Cazzie
Orange is the New Black: Vauseman
Dickinson: Emisue
Glee: Brittana
Euphoria: Rulez
One Day at a Time: Sydlena
Shameless: Gallavich
13 Reasons Why: Hannah and Clay (though I prefer to talk about this show as a whole, more than focusing on a ship)
Other shows/movies I enjoy
Modern Family
The Big Bang Theory
Grey's Anatomy
Everything Sucks
I Am Not Okay With This
Sex Education
The Fear Street movies
Every movie with Jenna Ortega in it
The Edge of Seventeen
(If I have listed a fandom but not a ship and you'd still like to ask something about it, please feel free, I am still open to answering! You may also ask about a fandom not listed, if I know of it, I will try my best to answer!)
About me
Hello, my name is August. You may refer to me as such. I am 18 years of age. I am Trans FTM/Trans Masc, as well as Omni. My pronouns are He/They. And I am autistic. The main Ship/Fandom I am in is Wenclair/Wednesday. My top three ships are Wenclair, Ronance and Bechloe. Most of my ships are Sapphic (This is not meant in a weird way, I just find them to be cute and they hold my interest.). Besides being delusional about my ships, I enjoy Reading (fanfiction and poetry), Writing (fanfiction and poetry as well) and Drawing (mainly 'horror' art) in my free time. As well as listening to music. My favorite musician is Billie Eilish. I have been a fan since the beginning. She means a lot to me. Anyhow, that is all I have about me for now. If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read this <3
Agian, if you have any questions about me or my fandoms or ships, please do not fear to ask. I will answer literally anything!
Here's a pretty flower, for you 🥀
Have a nice day, beautiful human 🖤
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proxythe · 2 months
can i get your top glee headcanons??
or any glee stuff you just CANNOT stop thinking about
infodump pls king
i yapped so bad omg i’m serious … anyways here you go!!
i don’t have many specific hcs just kind of general stuff but let me get into this…
- bpd quinn fabray and bpd blaine anderson will always be famous to me
- bisexual finn & sam just real as hell… dare i even add bi4bi hudevans…?
- finntana bffs is literally my favorite thing of all time i fear </3 technically not completely hc since they’re actually friends but in my head they r Best Friends… its a need
- fuinn endgame 🙌 yall gotta stay w me on this ship fr hold on wait-!!!
- also technically canon friends but needed more quinncedes bffism ?? i still picture theyre very close. theyre occasionally lovers in my head as well
- i imagine college finn when i draw him but i love teacher finn bc i would die without the unique & finn dynamic in my head. hes her number 2 fan (kurt and mercedes are number 1). she is his favorite student TO ME!!!
- finn actually being protective and a good brother and friend is technically somewhat of an hc to me. they love acting like he’s an awesome friend but i always feel like it was never properly shown (aside from a few times, to my memory). needed him to whoop some ass protecting kurt at least once i fear!
- artana bffs… artie my beloved lowkey! i know him and santanas convos & texts are Crazy as hell… they love to talk shit it’s true it’s true…
- tina staying emo style wise is huge for me… i loved it so much on her… let her queen out idk.
- same w rachel lowk. her early season looks and outfits were soo cute, i always picture a similar style on her even when she’s older 😭 (honestly a lot of the characters s4-on i thought had kinda basic outfits ?? maybe it’s just me but idk. felt like they had more individual&unique styles in s1-3)
- honestly i mostly have so many friendship thoughts with no further elaboration. blaine/finn, britt/rachel, more mike/finn, more kurt/quinn, artie/mercedes, quinn/blaine ?!?!? def more but my mind is blanking…
- anything furt related i inject directly into my head and heart … siblings hit me in my chest like a bullet every time
- a more unserious one but kurt and quinn are literally sues gay son and thot daughter. her favorites i know this to be true
as for stuff i just can’t stop thinking about… oh you already know the first thing i’ll be bringing up…
- “can i show you something?… it’s my girlfriend. i used to have another photo but i like this one better” “why? she looks terrible” “cuz i think it’s the first one where you can really see her” TURN IT UP!!!😭😭😭
- “you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen in my life” …yall could never make me hate fuinn im sorry like look at the material
- finntana hugs, fuinn s4 hug specifically, furt hugs … its simple… finn hug = cinema
- quinn wanting mercedes there when she delivered her baby. this was serious for me
- “you’re gonna dance it with me dude” + him singing to kurt will forever live in my heart. mhm mhm lemme not forget my furt
- marley jake & unique. just pure bffism. theyre unique defenders 4L & i think thats beautiful as fuck
- “sam just tweeted that i smell good” “i wont stop til its trending” SAMCEDES!!! 😭😭😭
- sam’s “bring it” & finn’s “brung”
- samcedes, fuinn, brittana, klaine … my ultimate beloveds really. + jarley :-)
- and, lastly: “there’s only one person in this world who can tell you what you are” “me” “no, me. sue sylvester.”
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spaceorphan18 · 9 months
About the pairing tournament I had the bad idea to see the reposts and read the tags. and it was awful. I still don't understand why if you like a pairing you need to automatically bash the other. And no, the klainers actually were not the ones doing the bashing. It's been 10 years for God's sake. *shakes head*
When this was all over, I was going to do a reflection post about it, might as well use this ask.
The thing about the poll, that I've exerted since the beginning, is that it's not that one thing is better than the other -- it's that one thing ultimately has more people voting for it than the other. It's a popularity contest. There was a day that Klaine would have dominated so hard that it would never have been a contest, but those days are gone.
The Klaine army is, though, still around. We're just old and tired and polls like this don't really matter anymore. We've won a ton of them. I think the Brittana fans are we were ten years ago when we gobbled every poll up.
Anyway... some thoughts.
Yes, unfortunately, I read ever single note on the blog. Not one single Klainer was mean. Not one. Be proud of that.
I do think 90% of the Brittana fans were fine -- some of them said nice things about Klaine. Some of them were here just for the fun of competition (looking at brittanapolls). Most of them did just want their team to win.
Also... no one cared about this tournament until the very end. Much like the song tournament (which was not me) people showed up who didn't even partake in 99% of the other polls. Which... fine. But the point of the tournament was just fun, and I think a majority of the tournament was fun. People didn't get nasty until the very end, which was a shame.
Out of the people who were asshats.... I noticed a trend. Most of them were -- Not Glee blogs -- or in that I could not find Glee content on their blogs. Which makes me wonder if they even like the show -- or they just prefer w/w pairings.
And, there were three-ish things I kept seeing in the notes --
A) How dare Klaine crash the Brittana wedding which, omg, *pinches nose* Clearly what is missed is the fact that the writers wanted to appease everyone while making lengthy speeches about gay rights. I don't think anyone was fully happy with that, and I know a lot of us Klainers would have liked something different, too -- but to have that be a reason to be mean? That is bonkers to me.
B) Blaine and the cheating came up again, which I find hilariously hypocritical. Santana admits that she cheated all the time. Brittany cheated on Artie without much thought. Neither of them seem to have any remorse about it. So... that point doesn't hold water at all.
C) The one I think really got under all of our skin - that somehow voting for Klaine meant misogyny or hating women. And I just can't with this... voting in a meaningless poll has nothing to do with supporting women. If you really want to support women -- you can, volunteer somewhere that helps women in need, vote for abortion and transwomen's rights, or.... respect the fact that some women connect to different fictional characters than you. My god.
So, anyway... it's a shame these people live in their hate more than their love. You do have to shake your head on that. Nothing they say, though, should make you feel bad or less about what you love. We all do connect to different fictional characters for different reasons.
Stay positive guys <3
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hbogirls · 1 day
glee doing brat
360 — warblers...
club classics — sam & blaine, season 5b
sympathy is a knife — rachel re: quinn, season 1
i might say something stupid — rachel in season one OR when she first moves to ny before kurt gets there
talk talk — sam and mercedes when they have their romantic tension in season 3
von dutch — santana when she first moves to new york in season 4
everything is romantic — sue but she changes a bunch of words
rewind — whole cast, beginning of season 6 when they're all back in lima
so i — whole cast in memory of finn
girl, so confusing — santana & rachel, season 5a feud
apple — finn after finding out his dad didn't die in battle
b2b — early brittana!! like season 2ish
mean girls — tina and kitty thinking they're doing a female empowerment performance until someone explains it to them
i think about it all the time — emma in season 5
365 — artie and it's unrelated to a storyline. he's just jamming in glee club
hello goodbye — obviously season 1 episode 14 when the whole thing is about saying hello and goodbye
guess — kind of risque for them but ultimately i do think they'd toss it to brittany and play it like a joke
spring breakers — kurt and mercedes at any time, sick of playing second fiddle to rachel
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sohemotional · 1 year
Insatiable - Brittana Fanfiction
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Summary: Brittany's sudden, confusing mood swings have been making Santana's head spin lately but she soon figures out what's causing them... and she’s the only one who can make it better. Season 3 Era Brittana Smut and Fluff
Rating: M
Read on AO3
Santana smiled to herself, glancing at the picture she kept in her locker of herself and Brittany cuddled close, right next to the silly yet adorable  “Lord Tubbington thinks you’re purrfect”  drawing her girlfriend had somehow slipped in there that was oddly validating to look at whenever she was having a bad day.
Her girlfriend… as in her girlfriend girlfriend. Just the thought of that brought a big, cheesy grin to her face. She’d probably be embarrassed about how goofy her facial expression was if anyone else could see her right then. She was becoming such a sap. Thankfully the school day was over and the hallways were deserted as the students had cleared out almost instantly.
She wasn’t one to be all sunshine and rainbows about well… anything but there was a lot to celebrate recently. Between finally being honest with others about her sexuality, actually dating the girl of her dreams - who if she was being honest, she had been in love with since childhood - and being able to tell the whole world how she felt about Brittany, Santana was having a great year.
It was one of those rare days when Santana didn’t have to drop Brittany home because the blonde’s mother had opted to drive her to her dance class she took halfway across town and they had some other mother daughter bonding shopping trip the two had been looking forward to for a while.
It was a Friday, meaning it was Santana and Brittany’s special date night. She didn’t have Glee Club practice, homework or anything Cheerios-related to worry about for the afternoon, which was a relief but after a while Santana’s thoughts began to drift to what Brittany had looked like that day, traipsing up and down the school in cute, tiny black shorts with suspenders and the most adorable pink and white polka dot shirt that revealed a sliver of pale, freckled skin on her lower abs and hips because it was just a little too small for her.
It had only been a few hours since their last class together but she was starting to miss her girl. She thought of Brittany the entire drive home, not accustomed to not having her there in the passenger seat singing along to pop songs or saying silly, adorable things just to make serious Santana smile.
Britt, are you home yet from your class?
She typed out the text quickly when she got to her bedroom, trying to keep her mind out of the gutter when she thought back to Brittany’s thick, creamy thighs, tiny waist and the way that tight blouse was clinging to her perky breasts. Even that super cute, high ponytail the girl was wearing that showed off her elegant neck had been such a turn on for Santana, she’d had to cross her legs and force herself to avoid leering at the girl so openly in class. She was dating the sexiest girl to ever exist. How did she get so lucky?
Fifteen minutes, then thirty passed and there was no response so Santana went off to busy herself by cleaning her room finally like her mom and Brittany had been hinting at - very sneakily in the blonde’s case - for ages. After she picked up her clothes from the floor and threw them into the hamper then kind of made up the bed and took a shower, she figured that was enough for the day and then just lazed around doing nothing.
Usually Brittany would reply almost instantly to her but Santana figured she probably got distracted by her family or something cat-related. Knowing her girlfriend, Brittany probably left her phone in her room and didn’t hear it, so Santana didn’t think too much of it. Santana knew how chaotic the Pierce parents and Brittany’s younger sister Stacy could be. She sent another text asking if the blonde was okay an hour later but still didn’t get a response, which was pretty weird. Santana started to worry for a second, her protective side kicking in and eventually called the girl when she didn’t answer any of her texts.
“Oh! Hi, Santana!” Brittany sounded really breathless and there was this high-pitched sound to her voice when she answered on the second ring. It was cute but Santana tilted her head to the side in confusion, frowning.
“Britt? Is everything okay? Did you see my texts?”
“Oh- I didn’t until now- I’m so sorry, San. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“That’s okay. You wanna come over to my place? My mom’s making pollo guisado, your favourite and we can do whatever you want… or I’ll take you out, anywhere you want. That new fancy five star steakhouse place just opened up,” The black-haired girl suggested, smiling in excitement at the thought of a romantic date just the way she wanted it. Lima actually having a new restaurant that wasn’t Breadstix, that dim sum place Tina hated or Taco Bell was a huge deal for them, as pathetic as that was. “They have that expensive shrimp thing you like. It’s my treat.”
“I can’t!”
Santana’s dark eyes widened, not expecting this response as Brittany never usually got flustered and snapped at her, especially not when their conversation was going so well before that. Most of all, Brittany would usually be delighted at the idea of them going out together. She had been over the moon lately since Santana had been asking her out on so many dates and really putting an effort into the romantic, sentimental side of things. Had Santana done something wrong? She tried to think back to what she could have done to offend the girl.
“I mean, I’m so sorry, that came out all wrong. You’re so sweet and I’d love to but I just really can’t go out tonight. Don’t feel like it.”
“Not even if I buy you shrimp? Are you feeling sick?”
“No, I’m not sick. I just don’t feel like it tonight, sorry.”
That was weird. Brittany refusing shrimp, especially when Santana was paying for it, was practically unheard of. The blonde definitely liked it when her rich girlfriend treated her to the finer things in life and Santana enjoyed nothing more than spoiling her.
Brittany was usually so bubbly and extroverted. She never missed the chance to go out with her anywhere and was always up for an adventure, especially on their date nights. She’d go out anywhere with Santana, even if it was just to the park down the block with the broken swing set.
For once, Santana was completely baffled and began to wonder who she could ask about girl-related problems, despite also being a girl herself. She couldn’t believe she was turning into the equivalent of one of those pathetic dudes who needed girlfriend advice. Her, Santana Lopez of all people… she was a total chick magnet and she should be an expert on all things girl related. She couldn’t stand the guys in Glee and she wasn’t about to make herself look like an idiot by asking them for help with this. Out of the bunch, Mike or Finn were probably the safest to ask and they both had long-term girlfriends so they might understand these complicated relationship things but she just couldn’t lower herself to that level.
“It’s fine… We’ll save some of my mom’s cooking for you anyway but just tell me, what are you doing? Your voice sounds kind of different. Were you working out before I called you?”
“No, it’s not that.”
She sounded so jittery. Santana arched a black eyebrow… was Brittany hiding something from her? That was practically unheard of for the blonde.
“Then please tell me, Britt,” She whined softly, her voice tinged with concern. Sometimes she had to really work for it and pull these things out of her girlfriend when the tall blonde was being a little confusing. “Tell me what I can do to make you feel better.”
There was a long pause. Brittany being eccentric wasn’t exactly a new thing but for once Santana was beginning to feel like she needed a guidebook on Brittanyisms. She remained patient, allowing her girl to explain.
“Santana I…  um… really need you to come over,” The darker girl shivered, her stomach flipping and fluttering at the seductive edge to her girlfriend’s voice. “My parents just left on their trip and Stacy has a sleepover at her friend’s house, so we’ll be alone. I need your help. I really, really need you, right now, okay? I need you like  that, okay? Will you come over?”
Santana sucked in a breath, her heart beating so fucking fast and crossed her legs, shifting around on the bed. The very idea Brittany was putting out was making her feel really hot and bothered but first thing’s first, she had to get her mind out of the gutter and figure out why Brittany was acting so bizarre, even for her. Going from refusing shrimp to practically begging her to have her wicked way with her was a big jump. Not to mention her girlfriend had never exactly sounded embarrassed or ashamed before when she told Santana explicitly what she wanted to do to her in bed in the past.
“Why didn’t you just say you wanted to get frisky? Of course I will, Babe but you’re starting to worry me.” Santana wasn’t one to ever refuse her girl, especially when she clearly wanted to get naked with her ASAP but her behaviour wasn’t typical. She thought long and hard about what Brittany’s mannerisms could mean. She considered herself an expert in figuring out Brittany’s quirks and what any sudden mood change meant. Brittany was more subtle about her mood shifts compared to herself and you had to think a little deeper to figure her out sometimes.
Then it hit her… that breathy, high-pitched and slightly shy sound of the blonde’s voice… She knew that sound anywhere…. The way she snapped at Santana before for literally no reason even though Brittany never raised her voice at anyone ever, especially her.
Even that weird silent treatment her girlfriend had given her that morning when she caught the Latina staring for a second too long at the long legs of another tall, blonde cheerleader who bent over in front of the black-haired girl was starting to make sense.
“Britt… Wait a second, when is your period due?”
“Um, two days from now, I think,” Brittany eventually answered, still so out of breath and Santana heard the sound of fabric rustling. She could just picture the blonde girl shifting around on her bed. “I lost my calendar and I couldn’t read it anyway, so I might have the dates a little off but I’m 99% sure it’s due then and I can just feel it.”
Santana smirked knowingly and lowered her voice to a husky, deep drawl, knowing it would make her girlfriend squirm just to hear it.
“You were touching yourself before I called, weren’t you?”
The line went quiet except for a startled intake of breath from the blonde and Santana’s cocky smirk deepened.
“Yes.” Brittany’s uncharacteristically shy, soft voice as she admitted the truth made Santana conscious of the sudden pressure between her own legs. Brittany was not one to be demure about admitting to what she did sexually but her coy, innocent girl act she put on for Santana at times turned the Hispanic girl on beyond belief and they both knew that. Wait a minute, was that a moan she had just heard from the girl?
“Are you fucking yourself right now?”
There was another long pause and Santana heard Brittany’s breath hitch. She kept the dirty talk going, knowing how much of a turn on it was for the blonde. Santana was loving every second of this.
“I just needed this so badly. Sorry, Santana… I couldn’t wait.”
God her moans were so pretty. How was literally everything about this girl so pretty?
“It’s okay, keep going. You can’t help it, can you? You’re thinking of me screwing you real good,” Brittany’s silence and sharp gasp all but confirmed the answer. “You’re all horny before that time of the month and you need me to fuck you so badly, don’t you, Baby Girl?”
“Yes, please, Santana,” That desperate whine from Brittany practically made the darker girl throb as she pictured the girl curled up on her bed with its cute, girly pink and baby blue sheets, her cheeks flushed, touching herself the entire time with lithe fingers, maybe even fucking herself with that pink toy she owned that they both knew about. The thought of that made Santana clench her legs together tightly, the room suddenly feeling ten times hotter and she had never been so jealous of an inanimate object. “Oh, I need you so much. It’s just not enough… I need your fingers. The pressure won’t go away.”
Santana breathed out a sigh of relief once she was able to think a little more clearly again through the intense wave of arousal Brittany’s words had caused in her. This was something she could handle. In fact, it excited her beyond belief. Brittany almost always was desperate and horny right before her period, which meant the two of them had great sex. She couldn’t believe she had been so slow on the uptake this month but all of the stupid Glee Club shenanigans were distracting her. She should have known this was what Brittany’s sudden mood swings were about.
Even before they started dating, Santana could count on Brittany to practically jump her bones every month at a specific time like clockwork. It was practically a ritual for them and it made Santana smug, pleased that it had always been only her Brittany wanted when that intense feeling hit her.
“I’ll be there in five minutes. Don’t you worry, Princess. I’ll make everything better.”
Santana had never driven anywhere so fast in her life, pulling up in front of the Pierce house and noticing with a smirk that just as Brittany mentioned, Whitney’s car wasn’t there and the driveway was empty. She loved when they had Brittany’s house to themselves and didn’t have to hold back. It wasn’t as if Whitney and Pierce had any issues with their relationship - in fact it was quite the opposite as they were overjoyed about the two of them dating - but it was still somewhat awkward sneaking around together while knowing that the blonde’s parents were around. Not that it had stopped them before…
She was holding a bag with a tub of chocolate ice cream and an assortment of candy bars for Britt that she swore she had managed to pick out and pay for at lightning speed from the convenience store on her way over, knowing that Brittany was going to need something sweet when she had this problem.
Santana fished out the key from its hiding place under one of Whitney’s plant pots and opened the door, calling to her girlfriend. Brittany skipped downstairs wearing just an old, oversized grey t-shirt that she had stolen from Santana a while back and nothing else. Santana loved it, her lips curving into a sideways smirk. The girl’s fair hair was out of its ponytail and fell to her shoulders in those long, beachy, blonde waves Santana adored so much on her. Santana’s eyes lingered on her chest, noticing that apparently her girlfriend hadn’t bothered to wear a bra either and the girl’s nipples were pointed. She swallowed hard, clearing her throat.
Brittany launched herself into Santana’s arms, clinging to her so tightly as if she never wanted to let her go and sighing in relief. She practically jumped on her, wrapping her legs around her, which nearly caused both of them to fall over as they both giggled. She closed her eyes, trying to tame her arousal again as those hardened nipples pressed against her own chest.
“Oh thank goodness you’re here,” She sighed against Santana’s neck, pressing her lips to the hot flesh just once and nuzzling closer as she ran her palms along Santana’s strong biceps down to her forearms while humming approvingly. “Mm you feel so good. I love when you hold me like this.”
“I would never leave you, Britt. You should have called me earlier though, I’d have come down. Look, I bought you lots of stuff. All your favourites.”
The blonde’s eyes lit up when she saw what Santana had and she kissed her on the cheek at least three times in gratitude as she thanked her. She immediately tried some of the ice cream straight from the tub, sharing some with Santana from her spoon.
“You know me so well. Aw, you didn’t have to, San. You’re the sweetest person ever in the universe.”
“It’s nothing, Britt. I know how much you need chocolate when it’s that time of the month.” Santana was happy that the snacks seemed to have cheered Brittany right up and pleased that her instincts had been correct when she decided on the impromptu shopping trip. She shared ice cream with Brittany for a while longer, both of them just standing around the kitchen table in comfortable silence and then her gaze inevitably fell to Brittany’s breasts again.
“What?” Brittany smirked, a sly look on her face as she teased her. “You’ve been looking at them the whole time since I came down. It’s like your eyes are laser focused. Usually you’re obsessed with my thighs and ass so it’s a little surprising.”
“You can’t blame me. They look rounder than normal even…” Santana shrugged as she was caught in the act, trying to act casual even though her face heated up a little as she chuckled. She leaned close to the blonde’s ear, tucking an errant strand behind it as she made no effort to disguise glancing at the girl’s chest again. “And I see that your air conditioner is definitely working properly.”
“Santana!” Brittany giggled, shaking her head at her and crossed her arms over her chest so the nipples were hidden from view, much to Santana’s disappointment.
Santana was completely mesmerized when Brittany winked at her playfully, pushing her chest outward after that and uncovering her boobs so that they were fully on display again as she walked over to the freezer. She felt like such a horndog but this was Brittany’s fault for teasing her, at least that was what she told herself. She came up behind the other girl, wrapping her arms around her waist and felt her up boldly, pushing her up against the fridge as her palms covered her breasts. Her hips were flush against Brittany’s ass as she grinded against her slightly.
“You’re so fucking sexy, Britt. Can I touch?”
She circled her nipple with her fingertip and Brittany squirmed against her. Then she pinched it roughly just the way she knew Brittany liked, causing the girl to gasp and lean back against her slightly shorter frame.
Santana smirked at Brittany’s high-pitchy, girly voice. Her tone of voice was so soft and half-hearted, more like a whiny moan under her breath than an actual complaint. Brittany was so adorable when she was like this. She pulled Santana’s hand back to her breast when she pretended to pull it away with a cat-like sound of irritation so the darker girl figured it was just a token protest. Holy fuck, this was so hot, even if they were doing this in the Pierces’ kitchen with it’s insanely bright colours and weird everything.
She knew the tall girl was definitely PMSing when Santana tried to grab her by the hips and she pulled away with a cute growl, holding Santana’s other wrist to prevent from going any higher on her inner thigh. Brittany whipped around so fast that Santana got knocked over right on her ass, staring up at her moody girlfriend cluelessly. Despite that, the dark-haired girl was undeterred.
“Whoa. What, I can’t touch you? I thought you wanted me to?” She cocked her head to the side, putting on her most charming, seductive smile and smouldering stare that she was sure the blonde would be completely unable to resist. “Isn’t that why I’m here?”
That turned out to be the wrong thing to say. Brittany shook her head, putting her hand on Santana’s shoulder and pushing her away just slightly when she tried to pull her into a makeout session.
“Santana,” She whined, rolling her eyes and holding the girl’s wrist firmly as she whipped around to face her. “Not yet, okay? I’m not ready just yet.”
“Whoa, okay I’m sorry, Britt-Britt. Okay, fine, I’ll just be all lonesome over here without your sweet kisses.” Santana pouted playfully, pretending to be all put out by this even though the truth was, she was fully willing to do this on Brittany’s terms. The blonde was giving off some serious mixed signals here, which was the real problem.
Brittany saw the darker girl’s disappointed facial expression and instantly began to cry in response. Santana was astounded, realizing her girlfriend was actually crying real tears about something so minor. Brittany being reduced to tears was the worst thing in the world and made her heart ache like nothing else did. Even worse was the thought that it was her fault her girlfriend was in such a fragile state.
“Oh, Brittany, it’s okay. Really, I’m not upset if you want to wait, I was just joking around. What happened?” She tried to make her voice as tender as possible, realizing how sensitive her girlfriend was feeling at the moment.
“It’s just that you’re being so nice and perfect and your dimples are super adorable but I’ve been so mean to you all day. Even just now I ruined it when all you wanted to do was touch your girlfriend,” Brittany sobbed. “I’m so bloated too today and I’m weird and I don’t deserve you!”
Santana was speechless for a while at the girl’s outburst. It was difficult to understand Brittany’s words at first because they were so jumbled together and this was the last thing she was expecting her to say. Wow, Brittany wasn’t kidding when she said she wasn’t feeling well. Brittany was normally so calm and confident but even the blonde had her insecure moments. Santana was probably the only person other than her parents who ever saw the girl in her most vulnerable state.
“Whoa, Britt- Britt, shh, okay, one thing at a time, okay? Everything is okay, I promise. I know you don’t mean it today when you get a little moody. Your body looks even sexier than ever if that’s possible. Seriously, I could never not be turned on by you and from the moment I saw you tonight I’ve been wanting you. You actually thought it would be possible for me not to want you? Believe me, I’m only human and it’s a struggle  not  to ravage you right here.”
That seemed to bring some of the sparkle back to those soft eyes. Brittany’s face softened as Santana gently caressed her flushed cheek, looking directly into her clear eyes that had darkened to a stormy blue since she was so upset. Santana gently wiped away a tear on the girl’s cheek with the pad of her thumb.
“You really mean that?”
“Of course,” She gently pulled the girl close and held her in her arms. Brittany nuzzled into her neck, wrapping her arms around her as well and relaxed eventually as Santana stroked her back. “Can I kiss you now or would you shriek and scratch me like one of your cats if I try?”
“Mm, yes you can,” Brittany giggled at her joke as she wrapped her arms around Santana’s neck, instantly leaning closer and giving in to the kiss. “I love your kisses.”
The kiss started off tender as Santana gently pressed her lips against her warm soft ones, cupping the girl’s flushed cheek. What began as a soft, romantic kiss heated up quickly, Santana’s fingers carding through her long waves of hair. They continued kissing, breathing heavily and Brittany’s lips parted so Santana’s tongue could slip inside. Santana’s mind went blissfully blank, butterflies dancing in her stomach and those little fireworks igniting inside of her like they always did whenever she kissed this girl.
“Mm, you smell so good, even better than normal somehow and you feel really soft.” Santana moaned, loving how Brittany’s kisses were sweet from the ice cream and that cherry taste from her lip gloss she always wore. She stroked Brittany’s soft hair, leaning in close to kiss her neck as they separated for air. Brittany’s natural light and delicate scent was dizzying as Santana closed her eyes, savouring every second of this.
“I just had a shower before you came over and washed my hair with that shampoo you like so much.” She explained, whining softly at the feeling of Santana’s full lips pressing those hot kisses to the sensitive skin of her neck. Her hands gripped into rich, black hair, pulling the girl even closer to her as she revealed more of her neck for her.
She began to say something that turned into a moan as Santana sucked on the soft skin, wanting to leave a mark. When they eventually separated, they were both flushed but Santana was happy to see a gentle smile on the taller girl’s lips again. Her smile fell and she pouted with a guilty expression when she saw Santana grinning at her.
“You’re just so perfect to me like you always are. I’m sorry I’ve been so moody and weird today. I know I made you confused. I was so sure I must have scared you off.”
Santana frowned, shaking her head and put her arms around Brittany’s waist.
“Hey, look at me. You could never scare me off and I love you being quirky, even if it’s a little confusing sometimes. Brittany, it’s okay; you can’t help it. It’s just your hormones. Sweetheart, just tell me next time so I’ll know to help you sooner, okay?”
Brittany nodded against her chest as they just held each other tightly, swaying softly in place. Santana was relieved that the blonde was calmer and more like her usual self.
“You still love me even though I get all moody and confuse you so much?”
“I’m in love with everything about you. I love girls because they’re girls and the hormonal stuff kind of comes with the territory, Babe. Believe me, I should know. Besides, you should know by now that I love all of the little confusing things you do and the way you make my head spin, Britt. You’re my girl.”
Brittany beamed at her, dipping her head bashfully as Santana watched her closely with loving dark brown eyes.
“So tonight, even if I just wanted to cuddle and watch movies all night with you and my cat, you’d be okay with doing that with me?” Brittany asked, sniffling as she wiped a tear from her eye and then chatting to Lord Tubbington who was weaving in between their legs. Santana tensed up for a moment as Brittany looked like she was about to cry again when she picked up her cat, cradling the giant feline in her arms like a baby. Santana squirmed, bracing herself for another crying session as Brittany’s chin crumpled and her lower lip wobbled as she gazed lovingly at her tabby cat. “He’s just so beautiful. I’ll never let anyone hurt you, my precious angel baby kitten.”
Okay, that was definitely the estrogen talking. Santana didn’t quite know how to handle this situation. She didn’t think Lord Tubbington was any danger of anyone trying to hurt him - probably more likely the other way around, judging by the way he was staring at Santana right now with fury in his eyes  -  but she put her arm around Brittany comfortingly all the same, trying to ignore the way the cat was glaring at her then hissed and swiped as she came close. The two of them had always had a rivalry.
“If that’s what makes you feel better, Britt. You don’t think I’m only here for sex, do you? I mean, yeah, not gonna lie, I really want you right now and that cute little shorts suspenders thing you wore at school was the hottest thing ever but if you want to cuddle with movies and ice cream, I can totally do that with you.”
Brittany smirked at her knowingly, rolling her eyes fondly.
“That’s good to know,” She trailed the tip of her finger up Santana’s chest teasingly and her voice turned seductive when she whispered into her ear, poking her in the chest. “But the thing is, I really do want to have sex with you.”
Oh yeah.  Santana smirked cockily. So apparently Brittany had just been testing her.
“Is that so? I can totally make that happen for you, Babe.”
“Hm, I bet,” Brittany fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously and Santana was caught up in the spell of her feminine wiles for a moment, disoriented and confused when a really heavy, furry and hissing being was suddenly placed in her arms. “But first, I need you to hold Lord Tubbington while I clip his claws, okay?”
“Wait! Britt- I-”
Santana’s eyebrows jumped toward her hairline, frowning as the massive feline struggled to get away from her, howling and snapping. Santana was pretty sure she deserved a medal for being the most patient girlfriend in the world as she held Lord Tubbington down. Finally, the fat cat had been cared for and went off in a huff, his tail twitching.
Santana was grumpy about that ordeal and about being covered in grey fur but she reminded herself that this night was about Brittany and if dealing with her thuggish cat made the girl happy, that’s what she’d do. The kiss on the cheek she got from Brittany and the way she looked at her adoringly when it was all over did make it so worth it anyway.
Eventually Brittany took her hand, intertwining their fingers and lead her up to her bedroom. The blonde instantly flopped onto her bed facedown. Santana noticed that pink toy Brittany loved so much in the corner and the blonde smirked knowingly, shaking her head when her girlfriend glared at the offending object.
“You really did get started without me.” Santana pouted, pretending to be wounded. Brittany just laughed, kissing her on the lips apologetically.
“Don’t be jealous, Babe. You always feel so much better than that.” Brittany mouthed against her ear with a smile as Santana closed her eyes, heat and pressure coiling at the base of her spine.
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