#so maybe it's teacher! Starscream instead?
transingthoseformers · 11 months
I thought you shoukd know that i saw 1 singular panel of the bayverse comics of Starscream trying (failing) to protect a bunch of hatchlings and immediately decided hm yes I am going to need to read these comics for the decepticons looking after their swarm of children content
That is hilarious especially since I've had that exact thought process before with tf media
The bayverse comics are 100% on the list and the hatchlings fascinate me beyond belief
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gravelsong · 2 months
I call this the "what if I overanalyzed the HELL out of the Arcee and Carly interaction" post because this scene was really good
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Before this, the ONLY time we've really seen them interact is when Arcee saved Carly from falling. They're still on unfamiliar terms, probably only knowing each other through name. Arcee's come over to see Carly, being curious about her, wondering what she's doing, or both. Carly clearly doesn't give a shit though, responding in a very short, and clipped answer.
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Okay, so she doesn't seem to be that thrilled about Arcee being over there. That's okay, Arcee will simply ask what Carly's doing instead of beating around the bush, which Carly ALSO responds to with a short, sarcastic answer. Her answer doesn't really help Arcee work out what's going on all that much, so she asks for further elaboration, both wanting to know more and also learn something new about Earth.
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Carly gives another vague answer ("gotta start somewhere") so Arcee offers to join her in her activity, maybe hoping that they can connect more and she can learn further about what's on Carly's mind. However, Arcee's blaster causes a solid amount of damage, but it seems to catch Carly's attention and even makes her smile, impressed with the sight.
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With Carly seeming more open, Arcee talks a bit about her own skills, her own history with weaponry. She IS a very impressive shot, as vouched by Optimus, but with her time spent fighting in the war, she's mournful over this, as her skill with a blaster adds to the carnage and horror she's seen (the flames in the background serving as a reflection of her memories, what she's witnessed through her talent).
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Carly, who just recently lost her father to Starscream, is baffled by this statement, saying that Arcee's skill would REALLY help with killing decepticons (as she seems to have missed the point with what Arcee was trying to say). Carly even specifies Starscream, which makes it clear that she's practicing specifically for revenge purposes against Starscream (great news Carly, Soundwave already took care of that problem). Arcee recognizes this desire for revenge, and states her thoughts clearer: that she can see how Carly's falling to her rage, that her hurt is driving her to future pain (with Arcee probably reflecting on her familiarity with her own hatred).
Unfortunately, Carly is no longer open to listening, switching back into being angry and annoyed. She knows that Arcee's analyzing her, thinking that she knows better than her (also Carly is a teenager, and hurt teenagers tend to shut themselves off to focus on what they think is best for them). The remains of Arcee's shot also look like a burning inferno behind Carly, used as symbolism for her own feelings, her own rage.
("I apologize. It's just... you remind me of myself, when my gears were beginning to turn. I had a teacher then.")
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Arcee isn't using subtle dialogue or small talk anymore, she's outright telling Carly of her own history, of how she was the same way. Of how she had someone she loved and trusted so dearly, but he died (ALSO MAGNUS IS DEAD AUGHH) because she allowed her hatred to control her. She was so focused on revenge, she lost another loved one. Even now, Arcee's reflection on her journey of healing is that her hate costed her far more than helped her. It's a painful memory for her, and she doesn't want to see someone else go down the same path she did.
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But she's too caught up in her desire for revenge to really hear what Arcee's telling her.
Hell, even in the scene afterward, Cliffjumper is berating himself for not killing Starscream, and that Carly isn't even speaking to him anymore because he couldn't kill Starscream. Jazz tells him that there's no shame in pulling the trigger, but if that was true, then why does he feel so awful (he feels awful because he feels like he hurt Carly right there and then. Also, Starscream immediately grabbed her, and would've killed her if he hadn't been crushed. Cliffjumper is feeling guilty over not taking the shot because it could've killed Carly, and even though she survived, a part of her was still killed in that moment.)
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emeraldtart · 1 year
Rogue AU
TFP AU where after the end of the series (before Predacons Rising), Starscream, KOBD, Shockwave, Soundwave and Lazerbeak decides to become Neutrals. They decided to spend the rest of their time on Earth instead of wasting it in a losing war.
They escape to big cities like Chicago or NYC, or maybe Witwicky, living in a two story house near a large warehouse where Starscream's altmode resides.
They each take part-time jobs for extra cover, and Soundwave hack the government so that in case Sector Seven is on them they'll have proof.
Starscream and Knock Out work at the same elementary school, with SS being a science teacher and KO being a drama teacher.
Breakdown has work at a nearby auto shop. He miss the Vehicons and wonders how they're doing.
Soundwave works at an IT center. His voice sounds weird due to millennia of not using it, but he's surprisingly capable in his work.
Shockwave just stays at their house. He feeds Lazerbeak and cleans up the other's altmodes. He deserves to take a break after everything.
When RID2015 starts, there are a slight panic. Just kidding, there's a lot of panic.
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cf8wrk4u-us · 5 months
Ok idea, the district kids and their potentional Guardians.
District 1 kids(Marvel and Glimmer): Ultra Magnus or Kup, either by Ultra Magnus strict nature or Kups story will humble them.
District 2 kids(Cato and Clove): Jazz or Mirage heck maybe even Starscream, both came from upper class before Cybertron fell to war so they can help break the kids out of their mindset.
District 3 kids(Calling them Chip and Wire): Soundwave, Shockwave, or Wheeljack. Techies have to stuck together
District 4 kids: Either Rodimus since he bonded with one of them, or Seaspray or Nautica
District 5 kids(Calling them, Jules and Watts): Jolt, a lesser known autobot with Electric powers
District 6 kids: Cyclonus, he's an alien jet he'd be so cool to them.
District 7 kids:
District 8 Kids: Swindle or Knockout, with Swindle trying to get them to but "authentic" 21st century clothing and Knockout just telling them hot Goss or making fun of Capital people's clothes.
District 9 kids: Honestly hard pick
District 10 kids: The Predacons, they'd especially love Razorclaw or Headstrong
District 11(Rue and Thresh): The Dinobots, mainly because I love the idea of Rue riding Grimlocks T-Rex mode
Katniss and Peeta: Megatron or Optimus
I really love this idea! I think you made a lot if great pairings for the tributes and ideas of their personality and names👍
If I have to be honest though I sort of limited most of the potential tribute partners to members of the Lost Light Crew and the tributes I do know.
While your list is good I'm happy to show you what I had in mind.
District 1 and 2 are basically pariahs among the bots and their fellow tributes, especially Cato. Yes, the crew understands that these tributes are basically a bunch of brainwashed kids who have been manipulated to be killing machines by the start of the game but it still erks a lot of them that when Rodimus gave them a way out they still chose to attack the humans. A 12 year old even!
Not that the Career tributes mind since. their equally as hostil at first. They're scared and anxious, because in their minds they blew it. My headcanon for how the Career Tributes are that the mindset and mentality is that you "Come back a winner or you don't come back at all". They were expected to die in that arena or come out a victor. Nothing else. But there all still alive and the games are ruined. Yes, through no fault of their own but they doubt that it'll make a good explanation to their families or trainers. Even if they do make it home the only thing ready for them is disgrace.
But there are some bots that try to be friendly or at least cordial with them. Like you meantioned Ultra Magnus is a firm and strict character that will get them in line, his attitude may be reminiscent to their teachers. He keep an optic on them but also make sure their equally attended to. He may not approve of their mindset but refuses to discriminate against them.
Megatron would be a surprising presence around them, given that he did threaten to vaporize the group back at the arena. But it stems mostly from his own complicated feelings. Because to him, these Career Tributes were so much like his followers during the early stages of the war. How many young bright-eyed Cybertronians came to him looking to change the oppressed system and better their station in life only for him to turn them into ruthless war machines? How many did he indoctrinate into his cause and convince anyone who wasn't apart of it to be there enemies. To Megatron, he was the Districts, manipulating his own people to be machines of war instead of agents for change. There are actions he didn't regret when it came to the war, but robbing the futures of the next generation was something that will always weigh on him. So , he will check on the Career tributes to make sure there handling everything well for the most part. He's the one to notice how agitated and hostil they were and thought to bring Rung
Rung is the next and by far the most significant figure to the Career Tributes, he's the one to really sit down with them and try to help them sort their emotions and thoughts about their circumstances. He doesn't have any bias towards them or their Districts, and he does his best to let them vent and just listen to their thoughts.
District 3 and 5 would definitely be great friends with Brainstorm and Preceptor, given that both those districts have a background in technology and engineering. The tributes would love observing some of their projects and inventions. Learning how they work.
Though Preceptor and Brainstorm are careful of what they show them and what information is given. Since the last time advance technology and knowledge was left to the humans it caused a whole mess of problems.
Obviously, the District 4 tributes would get along with Rodimus with how friendly he was to the male tribute, who I named Luca Alberts.
With Rodimus being a fishing enthusiasts they swap more stories and advice on the topic. Not to meantion to Luca, Rodimus is the coolest person ever! Rex and orange and captain of his own ship he's definitely someone the 12 year old looks up too!
But Nautica, too, could be someone they like, especially with her interest in marine biology. She had always heard Earth had an interesting ecosystem within her sea. But she be disappointed to know that the tributes haven't been past the coast because the Capital doesn't allow them away too far from the mainland unless it's for specialty catches. A far cry from when humans sailed along the sea for decades. Not to meantion because of the past war and pollution a lot of species are now extinct.
The Rodimus make a promise to Luca that when things get better he let the human take him to all his favorite fishing spots. Nautica says that she wants to explore the ocean with their help.
Members of District 6 aren't the biggest fans of travel, but when it comes to the bots vehicle modes and watching them transform they are immediately interested.
To be honest I don't know what pairs to make up for 7-10, I think overall most of the Lost Light Crew are friendly to the remains tributes and try to make them as comfortable as they can. While there are some who might not be comfortable with organics, there are some who are generally interested in humans and their culture. Swerve has a huge collection of human movies and thinks it's a tragedy that none of the tributes have seen them! He schedules a daily movie night and ask Rewind to project the films for him which he doesn't too. The tributes were never really exposed to media and entertainment like movies and TV shows, things like animation are like magic to them. Most things like that were reserved for the Capital people and for most of them, they didn't have the luxury of media given their poverish backgrounds and how most had to join their Districts industry to support their families. Being with Rodimus and their crew brought a break to there mostly labor focused life. Though they still worry about their families and friends and what their rescue from the arena means for them. Rung is brought in to help them process their concerns and overall trauma concerning the Reaping and their experience before the games.
As for District 8, I've thought of them a lot! Rue would be the apple of most of the crews optics! Especially that of Tailgate and Cyclonus.
Tailgate has never seen humans outside of Swerves films and can't get over how tiny and cute they are. He doesn't make the greatest impression after the humans are allowed out of the tank and he tries to hold one, marveling how much smaller they are to him. Most of the tributes ran from him but Rue stayed and badly said how cute she thought he was!
"I'm not cute! I'm fierce! " Tailgate objected, but from then on he always hung around Rue. He showed her different parts of the ship and carried her with on his hoverboard, the halls often filled with Tailgate and Rues excited cheers.
And when you have Tailgate you get Cyclonus. While the purple mech adores Rue too, he makes sure to remind Tailgate to please be careful with her as humans are fragile creature. Though Rue often test those boundaries.
Once Cyclonus was having a conversation with Tailgate only for the minibot to burst out laughing, confused Cyclonus realized that Rue had climbed all the way to his shoulder blade without him noticing. He immediately startled and snatched Rue in his shoulders scolding her and Tailgate how dangerous that was, that Rue could have fallen or got caught in one of the jabs in his armor and crushed.
Cyclonus and Tailgate are both taken aback at how Rue gushes over what a cute couple they are!
Despite her mischievous nature, Cyclonus genuinely does like Rue and is protective of her. This even extends to her fellow tribute Thresh, these two share a stoic nature and protective streak that comes with the understanding that their strength is what keeps those close to them safe.
Thresh also finds a surprising friend in Whirl. The cyclops bot thinking that Thresh was impressive with his strength for a human is and that silent attitude of his made him extra cool. Basically, Whirl saw it as a challenge to break through Thresh shell. It started with just gruff replies to the helicopters' questions, to warning against certain actions Whirl thought would be "fun," to finally being the reluctant voice of reason to Whirls shenigans. Given Thresh's background, he probably worked hard every day from an early age to help support his sister and grandmother. His district not giving him the option to have fun or just experience his youth. Whirl is chaos incarnent, and while that can be exhausting it brings out a side of Thresh he didn't know to how much he enjoyed participating in Whirls games.
Now we get to District 12! With Katniss and Peeta!
Because of Peeta's injury he and Katniss spent some time in the medbay with Ratchet. The medical comes off as gruff and stern but Katniss can't help but respect him. He reminded her of her own mother in his quiet concentration when it came to healing others. Ratchet does his best to assist Katniss in addressing Peeta's wound and in intent at making sure the teen is well treated.
Peeta often likes to joke or try to make friendly conversation with Ratchet though he's often met with a dry rely and orders to rest instead of chattering on. Not that Peeta is detered and keeps a bright smile while under Ratchets care.
Drift is another bit that Oeeta surprisingly gets close with, given the former visits Ratchets medbay to check up on the bot and interact with the two humans who have joined him there. He likes talking with Peeta and wishes him a speedy recovery, knowing Peeta got his injury while defending a younger tribute Drift sees Peeta as honorable.
Though things get awkward when Drift mentions how sweet it was that Katniss was treating Peeta and says that they have a beautiful story. Believing that the pair were getting closer romantically because of seeing Peeta's confession on the interviews. This gets a frown from Katniss and a sheepish look from Peeta.
After his recovery, Peeta is allowed out of the medbay he makes another friend in Ten. While Ten can't voice much Peeta sees a fellow creative spirit in him when shown the mechs collection of hand made figures and the flowers he's drawn on himself.
Peeta impresses Ten by drawing items on his armor skillfully, with the enthusiasm he never had when decorating his shops cakes and cookies. Tens more than happy to share his paints with the tiny human.
Going back to Katniss, there's another bot she gets close to and that's Megatron.
At the beginning Katniss believed Megatron was the same as his past self that attempted to take over Earth. Brutal and bloodthirsty but over time her expectations of him were dismissed.
Yes, he came off as cold and standoffish, but more than anything, he was respectful to all the tributes and was observant of their needs, even the Careers who again he had threatened to vaporize.
Seeing this Katniss finally asked him why he even tried with them, his response "Because there as much victims to this system as you and the rest are"
Slowly but surely, Katniss begins to hang out in the side lines with the former tyrant. She was never one for socializing and eventually just ended up spending time with Megatron more often then not. Just silently staying in each others presence.
To her surprise one day Megatron ask her about her district, that he understands that they came from a mining background and he admits that he came from a similar industry.
This takes Katniss by surprise, she could never imagine the "Emperor of Destruction" working in dusty mine shaft. They share their lifestyle experiences, comparing the disparaging life and workload of the miners, eventually the topic drifts to Katnisses father who died in a collapse.
"It probably didn't take them long to move you all to a new hole to dig." he chuckled dryly, but at Katniss silence, he backtracks. "Apologies.... I understand your grief, I too have lost many a friend to accidents in the mines"
Megatron admits to Katniss that even before the arrival to the arena, he and the crew had observed them through their network. He saw her volunteer for her sister so she wouldn't have been taken. And despite Rodimus's intervention, she very well could have saved her from death. He tells her she's an admirable human and sister.
Katniss might tear up and ask if she'll ever see her family or Earth again.
"I promise to do everything in my power to help you and the rest of the humans return safely home one day"
There's another bit on board that also seems to gravitate to Katniss, with how close she's getting to Megatron its no wonder that Ravage takes an interest in her.
Ravage at first makes Katniss and the other tributes nervous, being seen as a large wild animal at first. Startling them as he actually speaks.
But as he starts to wander near Katniss more Peeta starts to joke that Ravage is possibly mistaking her for "catnip" instead of Katniss, the girl is not amused.
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tsuki-here · 3 years
So I had a bunch of ideas for a possible Transformers Prime fanfic where Starscream, Soundwave, and Knockout switch sides because I just want them to be on the good side and maybe actually happy, but unfortunately I have way too many fics already and haven't touched them in forever, so here's just a bunch of bullet points of some of the ideas I had instead, in no particular order
-He's the only Decepticon that has no issue befriending the kids, likely since he respects all lifeforms ever since he developed close bonds with his minicons, which most Cybertronians discredit just because of their size.
- He bonds with Miko through music, Raf through computers and programming, and he just likes that Jack is quiet, easy company. He plays video games with all three of them on weekends
-Miko abuses Soundwave's massive databanks any time she has a research project or essay for school and convinces him to write her papers for her. Her teachers all know she didn't write them, considering he goes way overboard on the details, flowery language, and never makes anything less than 20 pages, but they also can never catch her on plagiarism, so she never gets in trouble and always gets 100% on the assignment
-He never fully forgives Wheeljack for planting a grenade in Lazerbeak
-He and Ratchet both insist on helping the kids with their science projects, though it's become more about trying to outdo each other than actually helping the kids. This always ends in something far too extravagant and teetering on the edge of deadly
-He doesn't break his vow of silence to Megatron for several months after joining, and even once he does, he still communicates through recordings and images on his visor more often than not. It's a mix of old habits, and he also just finds it more comfortable and familiar
-Miko introduces him to the social media side of the internet which he had always glossed over as unimportant before. Now he uses memes, terrible grammar, and text emojis as part of daily life. None of the other bots understand what hes trying to say half the time. Miko couldn't stop laughing off and on for about an hour the first time he displayed "uwu" on his visor. Jack nearly choked when Soundwave said in his deep voice, completely dead serious, "look at all them chickens". Jack didn't have the heart to tell him the were seagulls. Ratchet always catches him watching cat videos on the base's main computer. Miko is very proud to be the cause of these changes
-Soundwave and Ratchet end up arguing over use of the base's main computer fairly regularly. Of course, Ratchet feels it's still his responsibility and is still a bit wary of the ex-Decepticons for a while, and Soundwave is a busybody who constantly wants to be doing something. It's become an unofficial race to see who can open a ground bridge first whenever one's called for. Both are smug and rub it in the other's face when they do it first
-He doesn't trust Optimus for a long time and is upfront about the fact that he doesn't. No one's really sure when this fact changes, since he was always polite and courteous to him anyways, but Optimus eventually won over his loyalty
-Though he rarely interacts with any of the others himself, he's still forms bonds in his own way through Soundwave's interactions with them
-He's very fond of Raf, and even detaches from Soundwave to spend time with him every so often
-He holds a grudge against Wheeljack much like Soundwave does
-The Autobots still regularly forget to refer to him as his own being, often calling him an "it" or "a drone". Though he doesn't mind much, Soundwave gets overprotective on his behalf, as well as Raf after they become friends, and even Knockout stands up for him from time to time
-He takes a little bit to warm up to the kids, but once he does, he often watches TV with them or takes them out to drive-in theaters
-Miko once spilled a slushie on his interior at a movie and he didn't speak to her for a week
-He and Ratchet rarely get along. He thinks ratchet's too bossy, and Ratchet says Knockout's too difficult
-He goes out racing with Bumblebee and Smokescreen at least once a month
-He never really learns to get along with Bulkhead
-He likes Optimus's take on leadership more than Megatron's; the Decepticon leader was always too strict and rude
-Knockout eventually finds he can confide in Arcee about the loss of Breakdown, which he still was internally struggling to cope with, and she slowly opens up to him about her own grief over Cliffjumper's death. No one else knows they're basically counseling each other
-He takes by far the longest to adjust to the Autobots, but he starts to make more steady progress once it finally starts to set in that it isn't any sort of trap
-He never really befriends the kids, but he does learn to not treat them as inferior beings after enough warnings and corrections from the Autobots [namely Optimus and Bulkhead]
-At first he tries to suck up to Optimus much like he would to Megatron, partially out of hoping to gain his trust so that he could always turn on him if it became necessary and partially out of fear of being punished for not being respectful and submissive enough. Optimus remains patient and friendly, hoping to ease him out of his instincts of always being in survival mode
-Optimus constantly has to remind him that calling him "lord" is entirely unnecessary, and expresses concern any time Starscream flinches or jumps around him. Starscream starts to feel internally guilty about the obstacles Optimus goes through for his sake, not that he'd ever admit to it. This guilt fades as he becomes more at ease and breaks out of the old habits Megatron had instilled in him
-Though no one would have expected it, Arcee is actually one of the first Autobots to really start giving Starscream a chance at friendship, after Optimus and Bumblebee. It started off simply because Knockout claimed Starscream was technically his best friend within the Decepticons, and she wanted to try to be nicer for Knockout's sake. She hadn't expected that Starscream would actually be nice in return, and made for a witty, albeit sarcastic, friend. Starscream, Knockout, and Arcee often end up on missions together from that point on, as they actually work very well in a group
I'm sure I could keep adding to this forever if I kept thinking for long enough, but yeah- Maybe one day I'll write a Transformers fic, but life is far too busy at the moment, haha. I hope at least someone found this interesting, or inspiring for a story themselves! Maybe I'll make a part two or other similar posts in the future
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carmichealroyals · 3 years
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Rules: Write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe.
I was tagged by this by so many lovely pals -- @thelockwoodroyals, @wa-royal-tea AND @ourwillowcreekroyals !!! I only feel bad that it took me so long but I wanted it to be as perfect as it could be while taking time to fiddle with Photoshop more (thank you @royaldevilliers for answering my silly questions). Below the cut are the descriptions for the personality types and tropes for each of the main three kids of this next generation! 
Not sure who’s done this yet, so if you see this and you want to do it, this is me telling you to do it!
The Protagonist:  Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.
Spirited Young Lady:  She is the girl who bends the rules just a little. Oh, she can dance a country dance or pour tea with the best of them, but she may also be a good walker or horseback rider. She may be the most intelligent girl in the story, and she is almost certainly the wittiest and the most outspoken, sometimes earning her the title of spitfire. She may be talented in more practical ways, as well: if given the opportunity, she may turn out to be a wise investor, and she may harbor talent for music, writing, or art that goes beyond drawing room entertainment and might become a means of financial independence if necessary. In rare cases, she may even solve a murder. Though she occasionally runs into some trouble, especially if she fails to obey the powers that be, she usually comes through in the end.
Deadpan Snarker: A character prone to gnomic, sarcastic, sometimes bitter, occasionally whimsical asides.The Deadpan Snarker exists to deflate pomposity, point out the unlikelihood of certain plans, and deliver funny lines. Typically the most cynical supporting character. In most cases, it is implied that the snarker would make a good leader, strategist, or consultant given their ability to instantly see the flaws in a constructed plan. More often than not, their innate snarkiness is the only thing preventing the other characters from comprehending this for themselves.
Politically Active Princess:  The Politically Active Princess is a princess that takes active interest in and plays an active role in politics. Naive courtiers and commoners alike might view her only as a figurehead, but in truth, she discreetly uses her position and guile in order to achieve her ends. Skilled in diplomacy, she will usually attempt to solve conflicts via conversation or bargaining, rather than combat. Her defining trait is her involvement in politics or diplomatic matters, without letting herself serve only as a bargaining chip.
Inspired by: Mia Thermopolis (The Princess Diaries); Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls); Vex’ahlia (Critical Role); Jenny Lee (Call the Midwife)
The Architect:  It can be lonely at the top. As one of the rarest personality types – and one of the most capable – Architects (INTJs) know this all too well. Rational and quick-witted, Architects may struggle to find people who can keep up with their nonstop analysis of everything around them.
The Dog Bites Back:  Unlike the Bastard Understudy and The Starscream, this character attacks as a crime of opportunity. There is no danger that he will take over the villain's place in the grand scheme of things. There is, however, a possibility that he will menace the others as a True Final Boss. The backstabber often ends up dead, but this is usually not Redemption Equals Death because their motive is not noble. Innocent victims who turn on the villain typically do it only for revenge, while evil victims prove that they were fine with all of the Big Bad's crimes except the one committed against them.
Middle Child Syndrome: Everyone loves the oldest child because the parents can rely on them, they watch out for their siblings, and they're so confidently attractive. The Youngest Child Wins because they're the "baby". But what does that leave the one in the middle? That's essentially the definition of Middle Child Syndrome, in which a child automatically may become The Unfavorite or the rebellious Black Sheep, specifically because they are the easiest child to overlook. They're not old enough to be given the responsibilities and privileges of the oldest, and the youngest child took their spot as the spoiled and doted-on "baby" of the family. This tends to be more of an issue when there are three children rather than four or more. Oftentimes in media, the middle child ends up becoming more of the Deadpan Snarker or the quirky one for this reason.
The Un-Favorite: Where there's an Alpha wolf, there's got to be a Beta. When there is a first banana, there is a second banana. This is the person in the family who can't get a break. For example, this is the child who's the big let-down to their parents, the daughter that was supposed to be a son (or vice-versa), the child the parents had by accident when they'd already decided they didn't need another mouth to feed, the adoptive, foster, or stepchild that came before the parents had a biological child, the illegitimate child conceived by infidelity on the part of one of the parents (if not even worse). But all in all, this is basically the kid who is always getting the short-end of the stick. In some extreme cases, this may cause Rich Sibling, Poor Sibling, especially if one sibling is forced into service to the other. A regular line that may be entailed with this is a variant of, "Honestly, [name], why can't you be more like [favorite's name]?"
Inspired by: Edith Crawley (Downton Abbey); Fiyero (Wicked: The Musical); Logan Huntzberger (Gilmore Girls); Rafael Solano (Jane the Virgin)
The Mediator:  Idealistic and empathetic, Mediators long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others. But because this personality type makes up such a small portion of the population, Mediators may sometimes feel lonely or invisible, adrift in a world that doesn’t seem to appreciate the traits that make them unique.
The Baby of the Bunch: Being the youngest of your group typically comes with some perks and challenges. On one side you're probably the cutest, have a pass to act immature, people like taking care of you, and you can embrace your fun side, knowing that the elders are there to handle the serious stuff. And if there's anything you're naïve about, you have plenty of others to give you the realest unfiltered advice without the generational gap and detachment that your parents or the Old Master have. On the other end, sometimes people don't take you seriously. There you're kinda stuck because no matter how old you get, you'll always be "the baby" in their eyes.
Indifferent Beauty: A character who is attractive, aware of their effect on other people, but doesn't care or at least doesn't value their physical attractiveness over their other traits. Often, this character is a consummate professional who is well aware of the fact that they could use their "assets" to get what they want by other means, but feels that it would be unprofessional or beneath their dignity, and is instead focused on proving that they can compete purely on skill, often to the exclusion of romantic opportunities. While such characters are not averse to dressing in sexy outfits, they don't plan on relying on or even exploiting their sex appeal - but the camera will often do that for them. Other characters' indifference is not due to regarding relying on appearance to be beneath their dignity, but rather that they consider it to be unimportant.
Spoiled Sweet:  The Spoiled Sweet character is a naive, spoiled, rich or comfortably upper-class or upper-middle-class girl, who has everything they could ever want, but instead of being mean, she is as nice as can be to everyone. While still spoiled, slightly naive, perhaps shallow, maybe even a bit selfish at times, when it comes right down to it, she is a loyal friend and doesn't use her money or popularity as an excuse to treat everyone like garbage — though the trope Rich in Dollars, Poor in Sense is in play, especially since a particularly common sticking point is that characters of this type often believe their friends and other loved ones deserve to live just as well as they do.
Inspired by: Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls); Beth March (Little Women); Pike Trickfoot (Critical Role); Peggy Schuyler (Hamilton: An American Musical)
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olivia200312 · 4 years
Control~ TFP! Optimus x Human! Maid! Reader (Lemon)
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Plot: Optimus asked Y/N to come to his office and let's just say that things gets heated~ ;)
Ok, so I came across books like this and I decided to make a random one shot about it. I was trying to think of another building instead of a school, but I couldn't think of another so I had no choice but to choose private university (or college). Elita is gonna be bratty in this one so you're warned. Also you're the only female human while the whole university is full of bots you know (from the show).
Head area:
Brain: Processor / Brain Module
Head: Helm
Face: Face plate
Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials
Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor
Eye brow: Optical Ridge
Eyes: Optics
Mouth: Intake
Lips: Dermas
Teeth: Denta/Dentas
Tongue: Glossa
Chest area:
Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity
Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula
Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour:
Chest plate
Back plate
Mid-section plating
Neck guard
Side plating
Arm area:
Arms: Arms / Restarlueus
Forearms: Bitarlueus
Hands: Servos
Fingers: Digits
Arm armour:
Shoulder pads
Arm guard
Lower area:
Pelvis: Pelvis
Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate
Thighs: Tibulen
Calves: Cadulen
Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour:
Skirt plates
Aft plate / Skid plate
Thigh guard
Ankle guard
General/Internal components:
Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question.
Veins: Fual lines
Stomach: Tanks
Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating.
Heart: Spark
Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark
T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Note: the art goes to the artist!
Once upon a time, there was private univerity named Transformers Autobots University or TAU for short. There was also Transformers Decepticons Univeristy or TCU for short. There was differences between both of them.
You see, at TAU, there were only Autobots coming there and Optimus Prime was the principal. He was kind and rescpectful, but he can be strict as well. If someone broke a rule at TAU, he/she will be punished. The Prime also had an girlfriend named Elita-One. And let me tell you, she's bratty. She would brag and be rude. Some bots didn't understood why Optimus chose her. Maybe because Elita was different in the past? But let's just say that she changed when she started to work at TAU. She was Optimus' assistence and the headmistress. Yeah, she was the one that ordered the bots to do the jobs. There were chefs, maids, etc.
TCU was kinda not an nice place. There were Decepticons and almost none of them were nice, especially Megatron. He was the principal there. If you show respect and do what he told you to do, he might be nice and show some respect. But he was rude and disrespectful. If you dare to break a rule, then he will beat you up. Just like he did to Starscream many times.
Optimus and Megatron were once best friends that they considered each other as brothers. But they got into a huge fight that they stopped befriending each other that they went into their own ways.
Y/N was the ONLY human ever in TAU. There was no human TCU. The whole TAU place was very shocked once the new maid was a young adult human. She was also gorgeous in fact. Her personlity was adorable but can be feisty. Like if Elita dared to be rude, then Y/N will be feisty. The female human got almost fired by Elita, but she couldn't do that since Optimus was the boss of the whole TAU.
Right now Y/N was cleaning in the kitchen. The students went to their rooms that was across the school building. The teachers, chefs, maids and other slept not where the students were, but at school since it would be not comfortable for workers and students sharing the building. Y/N had her room too so it was nice.
Suddenly Arcee came. She was the boss of the maids and badaft I tell you. "Y/N, Optimus wants you at his office now."
Y/N nodded and placed her cleaning tools against the wall. She then went towards Optimus' office and knocked.
"Come in." Primus, his voice...
Y/N then entered and closed the door behind her. "You wanted to see me, sir?"
Optimus didn't respone. Instead, he stood up and walked towards her until he's infront of her. Oh boy... Y/N got nervous once the Prime stood infront of her. Close.
"I heard from a student named R/N that you beat him/her up while protecting another student. Is that true?"
Y/N couldn't believe what she heard. What Optimus said was true. But she was only protecting an Autobot student from bullying! And yes, she even beat R/N up. With a fragging frying pan. Amazing, right? Y/N leanred it from the Disney movie Tangled.
"Y-Yes, it's true. B-But I can expla-" She got cut off.
Y/N did as told and was quiet. She watched how the Prime sat down back on his chair and he gave her an serious look. "Lock the door and stranddle on my lap."
Y/N was shocked by Optimus' words. What did he just say? To lock the door and stranddle on his lap? But why? What was he planning? But when Y/N saw Optimus' expression, she saw that he had lust in his optics. Not to metion you had maid clothes on, because it were the rules. At least the femmes were allowed to choose the colors.
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(If you don't like it, then feel free to pretend that you are wearing something different.)
Y/N wasn't also in fact wearing the maids hat. Optimus let the workers wear hats if they wanted to. Y/N wasn't a big fan of hats so she decided to not wear any. She also simply kept her hair down. She sometimes had a pony tail to make herself a bit easy.
Y/N did as told and walked towards Optimus slowly. Once she was very close enough, he grabbed her by the hips gently and pulled her on his lap. Y/N yelped and was now stranddling him. Oh Primus...
Let's just say that Optimus was in love with the human girl. He couldn't take his optics off of her when he met her. At first, he didn't payed much attention to her. He was being kind and respectful. But when he got to know her a bit with small chats, he began to fall in love. He loved her beauty and especially her personality. He did fell in love with Elita when he got to know her better in the past. She was kind and funny, but later, she changed. Completely changed. Optimus didn't saw the old kind Elita anymore. But bratty Elita. Optimus then focused his optics on the kind Y/N.
Optimus cupped Y/N's cheek while other was over her hip. "Do you realise what you're doing to me?"
Optimus then repeated the same question to Y/N. He saw that the human maid didn't understood so he pulled her closer and smashed his dermas against her soft lips, kissing her deeply.
Y/N squeaked in surprise. Was she dreaming? No, she wasn't. She pressed her both hands against his chassis and kissed him back. Her dream was finally coming true! She had a crush on her boss when she saw how kind and respectful he was. He was also an super handsome mech! Every femme wants a mech who has Optimus' personality.
Y/N then remembered that she couldn't do this. The Prime had Elita! Why was he doing this? What did he ment by: 'Do you realise what you're doing to me?' Did he ment by that he was in love with her?
Y/N pulled away, panting. "B-But, sir, you have Elita!"
"I'm planning to break up with her. She's rude and disrespectful. Especially towards you. I started to lay my optics on you and I couldn't help, but fall in love with you."
Y/N was speechless by what she heard. He was in love with her? Had he been watching her? Yes, he had. He especially stared at her body. No, he wasn't a rapist and would never do that. He will not even force Y/N of course. If she doesn't accept his love feelings then he'll understand.
"I know that you have feelings for me, Y/N. I felt your optics on me. You would even watch me sometimes." He whispered these words right in her ear in a seductive tone that Y/N felt herself wet. She's horny. She wanted Optimus.
Optimus started to rub her tights gently. He was so turned on that he wanted to put his hard and big spike deep inside her wet human valve. He wanted to know how it feels like inside a human.
"You've been bad that I need to punish you, don't you think, sweetspark?"
Y/N's heart fluttered with happiness when he called 'sweetspark'. It ment 'sweetheart' since spark was 'heart'. She then felt turned on too. She wanted him so bad. Her eyes filled up with lust and pressed her forehead against his. "Punish me, sir."
Optimus then kissed her again. It was full with love and passion that you can do this for hours. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck cables while the Prime moved his arms towards her waist. One of his servos was very close towards her ass. The Prime had an naughty side.
Optimus then licked Y/N's bottem lip. He wanted to go in and claim her territory as his. Y/N, being a tease she can be sometimes, closed her lips shut. Optimus growled and squeezed her ass, making her gasp. He then put his glossa in her mouth and started to explore. Y/N moaned in pleasure. It was her first time, but she wasn't sure about thre Prime.
Optimus then moved his faceplate towards her neck and tried to leave kisses but it wasn't easy. The neck sleeve (?) was in the way. He growled and literally ripped the maids' dress apart. Y/N gasped in shock and now she was in her lace bra and panties. There were dark blue/red, like Optimus' colors.
"You look so sexy in that, sweetspark." Optimus growled with lust and attacked Y/N's neck with kisses.
Y/N then moaned when the Prime found her sweetspot. She then felt licks, sucks and bites on her sweetspot. He was leaving a hickey. "S-Sir.~"
"Call me Optimus."
He then continued until he's sure that the hickey would appear. He then unclipped Y/N's bra off and threw it on the floor next to them. Optimus started to massage her boobs and even squeeze them. Y/N moaned and felt Optimus taking one of her nipples into his intake. He started to lick and suck. He moaned and grunts quietly in pleasure. Y/N moaned quietly while stroking Optimus' helm. She can hear him purr. Optimus then gave the other nipple the same attention while playing other boop with his servo.
Once Optimus was done, he pulled Y/N's panties off and strokes her clit. He watched how Y/N pant in pleasure and moan. She wanted to feel his spike. Deep inside of her. She especially wanted to feel his warm seed into her womb. She's in birth controle and even had pills with her just in case.
"O-Optimus, frag me!"
"Patience, my dear. I got to make you feel prepared." He then started to pump his digits in Y/N's wet human valve. Y/N gasped and moaned loud. Optimus quickly stopped pumping, causing her to whine. But what the Prime did next surprised Y/N. Optimus pushed stuff aside with his arm and pinned Y/N down on his desk. He made sure that Y/N's legs were spraid open and that's when he continued to pump, but faster and harder. Y/N moaned louder and squealed but Optimus covered her mouth with his free servo to ease her moans and squeals down. He didn't want to catch attention much. Especially of Elita. But it was almost time to go to their rooms.
Optimus' spike suddenly broke free. He couldn't keep it anymore. At least the door was locked so no one could barge in.
Y/N then cummed on Optimus' servo. He licked Y/N's juiches and the human girl was flushtered whe she heard Optimus saying this: "You taste delicious, sweetspark.~"
He then tunred Y/N round so that she was on her stomach and made sure that her ass was sticking in the air. That was it. He'll claim her as his.
"Are you sure yo want to continue?" Optimus asked. He didn't want to force the human girl and especially didn't want to hurt her.
"Yes, I'm sure."
Then Optimus smirked. "Beg."
"Optimus, please frag me hard until I can't walk! Please!"
Then Optimus gently pushed his spike in. Y/N gasped a bit in pain. He was huge! But his spike felt different then a human's spike. No, Y/N never had sex with a human since Optimus was her first. Tears build up in her beautiful E/C eyes. Once Optimus was fully in, he gave Y/N time while whispereing sweet things in her ear.
Once the pain was gone, Y/N looked over her shoulder and nodded, giving him a signal to move. She then looked forward and felt Optimus start to move slow and gently. Y/N moaned at the pleasure, but she wanted him to go faster and harder until she couldn't walk.
"F-faster! Harder!"
Optimus then grant Y/N's wishes and started to go harder and faster. He grunts in pleasure when Y/N's walls started to thighten around his spike. Y/N started to moan in pleasure. "Y-You're so big!"
"You are so warm and soft. You feel so nice!"
Once Optimus hit Y/N's g-spot, she screamed and the Prime quickly covered her mouth with his servo. Looks like he found her spot. Optimus then moved extra harder and faster that he hit Y/N's g-spot many times. Y/N's screamed were muffled since Optimus' servo was covering her mouth. She even squealed. Optimus couldn't help, but find it adorable. He continued to thrust and even rubbed her clit with his digit. He wanted to make her cum fast. And he was succeeding it.
Optimus pulled his servo away from her mouth because Y/N wanted to say something. "O-Optimus, I'm cumming!"
"Cum for me, sweetspark."
Y/N then squealed and finally came. Her juiches covered Optimus' spike and even some dripped down her legs. Optimus grunts and finally came too deep inside of her. His seed felt so warm and it even reached her womb. Y/N sighed in a bliss. Optimus pulled out of her and some of his seed rolled down Y/N's legs. They both panted.
Y/N then tried to stand straight up, but her legs shake and fell on her knees. Optimus then helped and pulled her on his lap, chuckling. Y/N was embarrassed and relaxed in Optimus' arms.
Oh boy, Optimus stole Y/N's virginty and was planning to break up with Elita. He left a love bite on Y/N and she had to hide it. Bumblebee and Arcee sadly noticed it and asked Y/N about it. The girl told the truth and they both were very shocked. They promised to keep it a secret and they did. Optimus eventually broke up with the bratty Elita and asked Y/N to be his sparkmate. They lived happily together.
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dragons-socks · 3 years
Baby Bumblebee chptr 4
////////Six Months Later\\\\\\\\\
Bee was walking home from school. Lennox and Ironhide were hunting down Decepticons in Europe, so he didn’t really have a ride today, which was fine. He didn’t mind not going back to the house when Lennox or Ironhide wasn’t there. It’s not that Bee didn’t like Sarah or Annabell, but they just didn’t really get each other. Annabell tried to poke at every nerve Bumblebee had, just testing his patience. And Sarah either babied him too much or acted as if he should already know how to do some complex human thing.
And then there was school. Apparently, Sarah was right about his name. Though Bee still didn’t understand how a girl in his class can be named ‘jasmine’ after a flower, but to be called after the insect that lets that flower grow and flourish… that’s taking it too weird? Not to mention no one in the institute knows morse code, and only a few, including his teacher know sign language. The school said they’d set him up with an interpreter. That has yet to be seen.
“Oh, hey, you’re Honey Bee, right?” Bumblebee jumped as a boy his physical age tapped him on the shoulder. Bee pulled out a small keyring of flash card that said common phrases to help him interact with people who couldn’t understand his other forms of communications. He tapped on the one with his actual name on it. “Oh, well I’m Raven.”
Bee made a saluting gesture; instead of his hand being horizontal and pushed in front of him, his palm was vertical and facing out while his hand moved away to the side of his temple. Then, Bee finger-spelt the boy’s name. Raven looked at his hands with wide eyes.
“Woah, you really can’t speak, can you?” Raven asked. Bee let out angry trills, glaring at the boy. He started to walk faster, getting away from the human. “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that!”
Bee chittered, turning around and raising an eyebrow. You have one chance.
“I just didn’t want to believe Harvey. He’s always making up things about other people. My mom says he’s a bully.” Raven rambled. Bee nodded in agreement. Harvey was a larger kid in his class who kept trying to pick fights and make fun of Bumblebee. Bee would hand the kid’s ass to him, but he was still an Autobots and harming humans was still a big ‘no’ in his books. “We should be friends. I see you like Voltron. My favorite is the red lion, but the yellow one is alright too.”
Bumblebee shrugged, not knowing what this ‘Voltron’ was, but decided not to try to confuse the other with too complex interactions. This is the most pleasant conversation he’s had since being forced to partake in the human learning institution.
Soon Raven had to split off to go to his own home, but made Bee promise to meet up tomorrow to walk to school. Bee felt lighter for some reason, almost like he wasn’t so alone. Annabell picked up on his good mood as soon as he entered the house. A toy sailed through the air and whacked him in the forehead.
“Hey, Bee.” She smiled.
“Annabell, stop throwing toys. Go sit in the corner.” Sarah gawked. This turned into a ten minute scream-cry feast in which Annabell was forced to spend time in the corner for longer than her original sentence. Bumblebee was already set up at the table by this point, pulling out his homework. “How was school, Bee?” The woman said as she signed the words.
‘Good, I meet a new friend. His name is Raven.’ Bee signed, his feet kicking in the open air under the table.
“Oh, that’s nice, what did you guys talk about?” Sarah leaned over the counter, ruffling Bee’s hair. He huffed and waved her hand away.
‘He kept talking about some lion-show called Voltage or something? Said I liked it too, but I don’t know why he would think that.’
“You mean Voltron? Your bookbag is designed to look like one of the characters on the show. He probably thought you got the bag because you liked the show, not because it was yellow and black.” She explained, lifting up the bag in question. On the back in vinyl letters did read ‘Voltron’. “We could watch it. So you know what your friend is talking about.”
Bee shrugged at this. He’s tried to watch human entertainment, but nothing really caught his interest. Well, he’s only really seen whatever the Witwicky’s watched, and that was just through their living room window as he was parked in their driveway. Recently, Annabell has been making him watch her shows, which were all about learning numbers, colors, and being nice. At least she has her numbers and colors down.
“Yeah, it can be our thing, when you’re done with your homework we can watch a few episodes.” Sarah nodded to herself.
Annabell was returned from her sentencing. She shuffled up to Bumblebee, holding out the wooden block that she had thrown at him earlier.
“M’sorry, Bee.” She toed at the ground and gave him large puppy dog eyes. Bee huffed and took the block from her. He’s learned pretty fast to accept her peace offerings or have her throw another tantrum.
‘Yeah, I’m sure you are.’ Bee signed back. Annabell jumped around to her mom.
“Mom, what did he say?” Sarah shook her head at the young autobot. “He said, ‘apology accepted’.”
It didn’t take long to finish the easy equations or sentence structures his teachers assigned for his class. As soon as he put his work back into his bag, Sarah ushered him onto the couch and turned on their television.
“Get comfortable, sweetie, the first episode is the longest.” Bee wrapped himself in the yellow blanket that he’s since claimed as his own. As the episode went on, Bee found himself drawing parallels of his own life and the autobots to those of these characters. He was so immersed into this stupid cartoon that he didn’t even notice that Lennox had arrived and sat down next to his wife. Not until the episode was paused.
‘HEY!’ Bumblebee turned to Sarah, jumping a little when Lennox was also there.
“Hey to you too, kid.” Lennox said, his voice thick and his face contorted into worry. Bumblebee sat up.
‘Is Ironhide okay?’ Bee signed, trying to twist out of his cocoon to get a better look outside for the mech.
“He’s fine, Bee. But I do have some bad news. The Decepticons found the base. The Autobots had to be relocated and for your safety, we might not be getting their new location.”
‘But what about Ironhide? He still needs Energon to function. How will I find them once we’ve figured out how to change me back?’ Bee asked.
“They don’t think there’s a cure for you, Bee. Optimus thought it best to cut ties. Don’t worry about Ironhide. We’re still going to get shipments of Energon for him.” Lennox pulled Bee into his chest. Bee didn’t have room to sign his frustrations, but he also didn’t have energy to fight off his prison of warm arms. Instead he let Lennox’s voice swirl around his own thoughts that wanted to drown him.
Bee slipped out of the house. The moon, street lamps, and his blinking shoe steps were his only light to navigate out of the neighborhood and try to find his way back to Optimus. The mech might not want him, but that was where he belonged, and he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
It wasn’t the first time that he realized that walking was much more time consuming than driving. This was just another time that the notion ingrained itself into his head. This was the first time Bumblebee found himself walking for a long time after sunset. It seemed to take longer in the dark. It took so much longer to reach the school than it usually does.
Maybe it wasn’t the darkness of night that had Bumblebee shuffling his feet. Maybe it was the thought of seeing Optimus and the others after a month of not seeing them. Maybe it was the knowledge that this was in direct opposition of Optimus’s orders. This is the most rebellious he’s been in a long time. Bumblebee finds his feet stopping. He looks around and realizes he’s walked himself all the way just a house past Sam’s. The chill has already settled into his skin, but he’s just noticed his minutely shivers. His teeth are chattering, and he feels tired seeping into the very marrow of his human bones. His feet and legs ache. It must have been half the night gone by now.
A rumbling sound brings the rest of the world back into focus. Cars race towards him, screeching to a halt and boxing him in. At first he thinks its normal bad humans, until he recognizes the cars and notices the Decepticons’ insignias.
“I don’t get it.” Starscream’s voice is audible from his vehicular mode. “There is but a human child where the signal emits. No energon, no Autobots. Nothing.”
Bumblebee’s heart spikes. He backs away from Megatron’s right-hand. The other ‘Cons have switched back to their natural state. They leer down at Bumblebee. One even tries to grab at him. He rolls to the side, and books it for a crack in their formation. Breakdown snagged Bee’s leg, scooping him upside-down, before he could make it. Bee kept hissing and sputtering at the Cons, but they weren’t intimidated.
“It appears, Starscream, that the boy is the origin of the signal. Maybe Knockout’s weapon wasn’t as defective as we had first thought. This human child does have a striking resemblance to their mute scout.” Breakdown muses.
Bee lets out sharp whistles, hoping the sleeping humans around them will awaken, but its almost no use. His vision starts to blur as the Cons start moving away. He doesn’t know what to do. He starts pushing against the metal fist around his leg, but with each shove the only result is his palms getting hotter.
Bumblebee can feel in his gut that Breakdown is about to shift. He can hear the t-cog clicking its gears in the split second preparation of turning into the alt mode. Bee panics, pulling his arm as far back as he could and smacking hard onto Breakdown’s grip. Instead of being halted by the warm living metal, his hand pushed in with no resistance. A shot of blue energy cut a path from his hand to the open sky. Breakdown drops Bee on the ground in surprise. Bee is able to twist himself to land on his back rather than just his head. He ignores the searing pain of smacking into the asphalt and scrambles away from his capture. The other Cons make a quick double-back, but not before Bee is on his feet. His palms and fingers tingle from the heat, but are unharmed from the powerful blast-ray. Cons surround him. He pulls his arm back and lets out another blast, sweeping his arm in an arc and taking out a line of the enemies, and also some of the residential appliances.
“Bee?” It’s Sam’s voice as he scampers out of his house in a shirt and boxers. “Where’s Lennox? Why are you here?” Bee doesn’t answer. He can’t answer. He sidesteps a blast from the Cons. Its not enough, Bee is grabbed again. His arms are pinned to his side in Starscream’s hand.
“I’ve got him, retreat.” Starscream proclaimed, ignoring Bee’s chitters and Sam’s shouts. A ground bridge was opened a few feet away. Starscream watched his men walk into the portal before turning to Sam with a viscous grin. “Till the next time, Witwick-”
Bee was once again hitting the ground. His back is singing and his ears are ringing from the gunshot. His vision is blurry, but he can still make out Mikaela cocking back a rifle as Sam ran to him. Sam carefully moved Bee away from the Decepticon, who was clutching his shot-up hand. There was a moment where it looked like Starscream was going to exact revenge. Luckily the portal behind him started to close and if he wanted a ride back home he couldn’t fight the humans. Everyone sighed with relief until they looked down at Bee.
The worried shouts of his friends were cut short as Bee’s small body finally gave it quits and fell asleep.
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thenamesblurrito · 4 years
record about Starscream from Skyfire? or any of his teachers really?
Record: give us an in-character blurb about x thing or event in this AU, from history, from the plot, etc!
This one is more of an in-character piece than a fic, woohoo I can follow my own prompts! No readmore because tungle is dumb and this one is short.
“Starscream?” Skyfire sighed heavily, sinking down into his desk chair. “Now there is a youngling I do not know what to do with. Where do I begin?
“He’s sharp. Certainly smarter than other people give him credit for. If he applied himself, I think he’d be in the top percentage of the whole Academy. The problem is, he bends his intelligence towards securing a reputation, instead of letting his abilities shine as they are. I don’t know why—maybe he had to compete for attention in his aerie, maybe he got no support from his peers when he was younger. But with the way he carries on now, everyone assumes from his boasting that he must be compensating for stupidity.”
He shuffled in the desk drawers for a moment, pulling out a couple datapads and bringing up a layout of charts and diagrams, marked with Starscream’s name at the top. “He’s taken to xenobiology like an insecticon to sweet gels. Thundercracker and Skywarp haven’t grasped the concepts like Starscream, but somehow he’s the one who feels the need to remind everyone in the vicinity that organics are disgusting, lesser-than creatures that shouldn’t be considered lifeforms. It’s like he’s parroting the common propaganda to prevent others from accusing him of being interested in a subject that seekers don’t often study.” Skyfire looked down with a blank expression. “He doesn’t want to be bullied for falling outside of his frame’s stereotype. I understand that.”
He put away the datapads and stood to pace the length of his office. Late evening sunlight blazed through the bay windows, sending prisms reflecting off the many specimens and replicas of organic life scattered across his space. “The worst of it is, he’s perfectly willing to become a bully himself! One moment he’s shrugging off cruel remarks from someone taunting his voice cracking, and the next he’s mocking another for their low grades, or their clumsiness, or some other inane thing that he thinks he can compare himself to and come out better looking. He—”
Skyfire stopped and sighed once more. He shuffled to the windows to watch the sunset light up the cityscape, plating bathed in crimson. “He has so much potential,” he murmured. “There’s no reason for him to squander it, trying to force everyone to recognize him. There are people who see and appreciate him for who he is. Why, if it weren’t for Windblade still stubbornly talking to him, I wouldn’t have noticed half of what Starscream does. She seems so determined to prove him a good person… and he often proves her right in spite of himself.”
“One day,” he said, the corner of his mouth twitching up in a wry smile. “Mirage was particularly antagonistic, and no matter what I did he would not stop pestering the students in his row. Starscream paid him no mind, but as soon as he turned his comments on Windblade, he got right up to Mirage and hovered there, perfectly poised, and with a lot more menace than a youngling should be capable of! I’d never seen a mech of his age fly in root mode with such control and precision, and no one else in the class had either, because they all stopped to stare. I don’t even remember what it was that Starscream said, but it was scathing enough to keep Mirage quiet for an orn. Windblade looked shocked. Starscream did too, to be honest. I don’t think he thought about what he did until it was already over.
“His base instinct is to intervene when wrong is being done… but his learned behavior is to protect himself from perceived danger.” Skyfire’s smile fell, and he looked very somber for a moment. “I don’t understand how he finds the bravery to transform and rise up as… anyway.”
He strode back over to his desk and flipped through a stack of files, as if leaving his train of thought behind. “Starscream is a favorite student of mine, true. But I don’t go easy on him. I simply understand that he struggles with more demand on his time and energy than I know about, and I give him the space he needs. I’ve told him I am always here to help should he need it, but it’s his choice to take me up on the offer. There isn’t much more to say.” He looked up, something hard in his optics, and gestured to the door. “Anything else would have to come from Starscream himself, although I don’t believe he will trust so easily. And I will certainly never break the trust he’s given me.”
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writeyouin · 5 years
I don't know if someone requested this already--- But I would like to see something about TFP Starscream and a fem!human s/o~ please! Like, they're first meeting? Or something different if you want! Also, I really love your writing! And sorry for my English, isn't my first language
Starscream X Reader – Undeserving Part 1 of 3
A/N – Hey, your English is incredible, you’re doing great sweet-pea.
Warnings – Angst.
Rating – T
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Starscream gritted his dentae, hissing as he forced his arm to bend, breaking free of the icy build-up within his joints. The cold was locking up his mechanics every few clicks, but that was the cost of setting up his base in the Antarctic. His current problems of freezing up could be easily rectified if he went inside, but he couldn’t bring himself to… not yet anyway.
Until now, he thought the day had went well. He’d taken a risk, attacking the Autobots for some much energon in one of the dilapidated mines, long since picked dry by Megatron. Instead of finding energon, Starscream managed to capture you from that bumbling oaf Bulkhead. After that, he’d taken you back to his base where he’d formed the perfect plan to trade you for a functioning T-Cog; it was simple and elegant. Starscream didn’t care where the Autobots got the T-Cog from, they could tear one out of themselves for all he cared, so long as he got one; hell, they probably would do that to save one of their pet humans, but what did it matter? They weren’t flyers anyway, inferior Autobots.
By all accounts, Starscream should have been happy, but as he felt the ice locking up his knee joints, he still didn’t want to go inside. Although he’d never met you before, he remembered all previous encounters with the other Autobot pets. They were rude and full of insults which he pretended to ignore until the time to recharge came, when the ugly words scarred his mind, almost making him believe them. Despite always claiming to be perfect, after millennia of being harassed and tortured for any minor inconvenience, it was becoming increasingly difficult for Starscream to view himself as anything but worthless.
With a heavy sigh, Starscream fought away the darkness in his processor that threatened to be his downfall. He left the icy tundra in favour of the base which could protect him from the cold but left him vulnerable to the much shaper attack of your words.
Putting up his usual façade of confidence and superiority like a knight donning armour, Starscream passed you, frowning when you said nothing. He turned to check you were still there, despite knowing escape was impossible. Sure enough, you were huddled in the corner, rubbing your arms to keep warm; Starscream didn’t recognise the action and he didn’t care enough to ask what you were doing.
Under Starscream’s scrutinous glare, you began feeling awkward; maybe that was why you gave a small wave. Starscream stepped back, shocked by the action.
“Sorry,” You said bashfully, retracting your hand. “I don’t really know what the social convention is for being uh… kidnapped.”
“…Yes, well… It’s not that,” Starscream answered almost dutifully.
You nodded slowly, “Right, yep, noted. I um- Sorry, could you tell me what you’re planning to do with me? I mean, I don’t really know what the protocol is for this, usually you take Miko or Raf, y’know.”
Starscream eyed you curiously.
You felt more pressure to end the silence, “I um- I think I’ve made things weird and not the good weird, it’s more like the weird you get when you call a teacher dad or something. Should we start again? I feel like we should. You should go out and come back in and I’ll be quiet and then you can say something, and I’ll follow your lead.”
Starscream had no intention of repeating the unusual interaction, but he did find your assessment correct; the situation had indeed become ‘weird.’ Despite the unusual situation, he was glad he didn’t have to deal with the usual insults, escape attempts, and general bad behaviour; it was about time he got a reasonable captive.
“To be honest,” You babbled, “I’m just glad you came back. You pretty much left straight after putting me in here and without you, I’d starve. You shouldn’t just leave like that okay? What if something bad happened to you? I can’t call for help in here, what would happen to you then?”
“I won’t kill you, human,” Starscream said in an attempt to regain control of the derailed conversation.
“I gathered that much, but it still begs the question, what are you going to do with me?”
He grinned, eager to monologue his brilliant plan to a civilised hostage for once. “Well, if you must know human-”
“My name,” You told him. “It’s (Y/N). Sorry, no more interruptions, carry on. I was just setting the record straight… Take it away.”
Starscream bit back a lopsided grin, turning it into his trademark scowl. How was it possible for you to be so awkwardly uncharismatic? More importantly, why did he find your social ineptitude so endearing? Concluding that he was simply starved of intelligent conversation, Starscream continued, “Whatever hu- Ah, (Y/N). To put it simply for your tiny organic brain, I’m going to trade you back to the Autobots for a T-Cog.”
“What’s a T-Cog?”
Starscream rolled his eyes, wondering how he was going to get anything done with your constant interruptions.
“You don’t need to know what it is, only that I plan to trade you for one.”
“Does it have something to do with your alt-mode?” You persisted.
“How did you-”
“When we were in the mines… You didn’t use your alt mode. To be honest, I’m impressed you managed it, I mean, your missiles must be very effective to trump Bulkhead’s brute strength. Oh, and how did you get the ground-bridge to work without a console? Did you rig it up to a remote or something?”
Starscream was astonished that you’d figured all that out from an educated guess. If he was honest, the ground-bridge remote didn’t work according to plan; after he’d taken you, and barely escaped through it, the remote lost all power and without the proper tools, he knew he wouldn’t be able to repair it. “Ugh, why do you ask so many incessant questions?” He huffed. “Never mind, I have much work to do-”
“Do you have more plans?”
“Excuse me?”
“Unless you have more plans that I don’t know about, you don’t really have that much work to do. All you have to do is call the Autobots with your demands, right?”
“Uh, well I-”
You patted the floor, indicating for Starscream to sit outside your cell.
“You expect me to lower myself and sit on the floor?” He said disgustedly.
You shrugged, “Sit, don’t sit. Either way, I think you have time to talk with me, come tell me about yourself.”
Starscream stared at you somewhere between hope and suspicion, “Why?”
You smiled, “Would you relax? I can’t do anything from in here, I just wanted to understand you better. You seem like a smart guy, I think it’ll be nice having you to talk to while I’m here, and from the looks of things, I’d wager you’d like a bit of decent conversation as well, right? So, tell me about yourself.”
Starscream raised an eyebrow plate before relenting, “Very well, I suppose I could spare a few clicks.”
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Starscream didn’t know what he was doing, hanging around with you like you were his equal. He’d even considered letting you out of your cell more than once, which was insane; if you were free, you would run, and he refused to lose you like that. He hadn’t even called the Autobots yet, and they were bound to be searching for you and him by now; it had been exactly three weeks since your capture, so they had to be closing in on his location.
Starscream desperately needed a T-Cog, he didn’t feel whole without one, yet if he gave you back would he be left with the same kind of emptiness? Were you now a part of him like his T-Cog had once been? No, it would be far worse to lose you because unlike a T-Cog, you had the capability to care for him, evidently valuing him for some reason he didn’t understand.
Starscream growled, careful to keep the sound low as he sat in the dark, watching you sleep, ever peaceful in your cell. What he needed was another plan, one that would guarantee him both you and a new T-Cog. He considered the conundrum for a long time, attempting to come up with anything that would help. If he was aboard the Nemesis with all his previous resources such a plan would be easy, but now he had nothing and thinking of the past wasn’t helping.
You shivered in your sleep, an action Starscream now understood. He sighed, knowing the only way he could keep you truly warm would be to hold you against his spark. What was he thinking? He was thinking of you like a spark-mate, not a prisoner or even a friend. How much longer could he lie to himself? Eventually, his walls would crumble, and he feared what would happen when they did.
He got up silently, leaving you to your world of dreams. He would return to you in the morning, hopefully with a plan that would allow him to keep you.
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Starscream put up a front on confidence to greet you the next morning. “Are you awake yet (Y/N)? I want to talk more about-”
He stopped, gasping anxiously at the sight that met him. You were stood in the corner, holding the wall for support, purging your tank of the little contents it had left. The food Starscream had brought for you was supposed to last a few days, but it had been weeks and you’d carefully rationed everything you had, until finally, your weakened body could no longer handle the strain.
“(Y/N)…” Starscream whispered. “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?! Is this one of those awful human processes that’s normal? If so, you will be cleaning it up.”
You shuddered, groaning when you were apparently done, “Don’ feel so good.”
Starscream panicked at your lack of a comeback, you were supposed to laugh it off and tell him you were glad he was concerned; you always saw through him, why didn’t you say anything about his façade now? “What’s happening? Is it the cold?”
You took one wobbly step from the corner before losing your balance and stumbling to the floor.
Starscream lowered the cell’s barrier, dropping to his knees and picking you up. He cradled you close to his spark, which radiated warmth even behind the thick metal plating that protected it. “See,” he said, “I can keep you warm… I can fix this.”
Your head rolled back as you lost consciousness. Starscream knew this was more than a simple matter of cold; he also knew he wasn’t equipped to heal a sick human. Carrying you over to the computer console, he found Prime’s contact details, hesitating to make the call, all too aware that if he did, he’d lose you.
“I- I don’t want to let you go. You won’t come back… Nobody ever comes back.”
Coolant leaked from his optics. He quivered, unable to remember the last time he’d cried. How were you able to elicit such powerful emotions in him after only three weeks? Mixed in with the sadness was a feeling he’d only ever hear of, yet he recognised it instantly. Guilt. He felt guilty that he’d somehow caused you to be ill.
“I’m sorry,” He said, pressing his helm into your clammy skin. “How could I ever think that you could be with a monster like me… Dreams are a waste of time.”
He pulled himself together long enough to place you gently on the computer console, which he then used to call Optimus Prime. “Filthy Autobot, I’m sending coordinates to your disgusting human pet. After all this time it didn’t know anything; torturing it was useless after all.”
With that lie, Starscream hung up, leaving the base without so much as a look back. He wondered if you would ever come to know the reason he lied, should you live. He hoped you knew it was so the Autobots would take every precaution to keep you away from him; clearly, he couldn’t be trusted to protect you himself.
After staying out in the cold as long as he could do so without shutting down, Starscream risked going back into the base. As suspected, the Autobots had clearly used a ground-bridge to collect you; they’d probably left immediately afterwards, seeing the state you were in.
Dejectedly, Starscream went to your cell, unable to tear his optics from the stale vomit in the corner. This was for the best, you deserved the world, and he had to suffer the inevitably long life of a Cybertronian alone. He punched the wall, buckling against it afterwards and crying for the second time that day; once again he had failed, but for the first time in his life, it mattered.
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feynites · 6 years
How would you fix snapes story? Cause we all know thats a mess, if this has already been asked sorry. (Also you should have a side blog called watch me fix this mess, where you take books that have major problems and give your opinon on what could be done to make it better, thats more of my opinion then statement though).
Ahh, thank you! I’m so pleased you think that I can do a decent job of addressing some problems in stories! I definitely make plenty myself, so it’s born of personal experience I guess. I’ll consider the side blog, though my ability to organize those has not proven to be great, in all honesty.
But, to the question!
The thing about Snape’s story is that there are a number of issues, and a lot of them are subjective, and who has problems with what creative decision or aspect of his writing is going to change depending on who you ask. So it’s difficult to get a coherent ‘solution’, because for a lot of people, the ‘problem’ is not the same thing.
Like,  some people will point out that the revelation that he was working against Voldemort doesn’t really address the fact that he’s still a petty asshole who bullies children. Others will argue that this is called ‘being a complex character’ and there’s nothing wrong with it - and they’re right, but they’re also kind of ignoring that the narrative, through Harry, implies that Snape’s actions totally did change the context of his behaviour. And so the frustration people have is that they disagree with the way the story is framing him.
Also, his status as a hero is contentious because he was never, at any point, actually being selfless. From start to finish, everything Snape did was driven by personal interest. Even his desire for atonement and revenge never exended into any kind of ‘big picture’ perception of the world, or increased sense of value for things outside of his own feelings. A lot of people define heroism by a certain amount of selfessness, and by that definition, Snape soundly fails to meet it. Just because he was willing to die doesn’t mean he was acting altruistically.
And then there’s the fact that Snape, like the goblins, is basically an antisemitic archetype. He’s petty, greedy, grasping, hook-nosed, sallow-skinned, dark-haired and ‘ugly’, and these are all canonically confirmed character flaws. He’s also treacherous, even though his betrayal of Voldemort was a good kind of treacherous. Fiction, however, has a long-established history of letting the bad guys’ infighting be their undoing, without actually salvaging the characters involved (like, Starscream and Megatron are always at odds in Transformers, but they’re rarely portrayed as not still both being bad guys). 
So changing Harry Potter’s narrative to play Snape as just another villain - complicated villain, sure, but still not viewed as having really redeemed himself - wouldn’t address that he plays into a character type with some very uncomfortable origins. Actually redeeming him, on the other hand, would also run the risk of glossing over his more blatantly cruel acts as a teacher (like his treatment of Neville and Hermione), and wouldn’t satisfy people who wanted to see that really acknowledged.
For myself, I... well. A lot of stories teach kids that the adults they think are mean or scary, or who they see being cruel to their peers or to themselves, might have important reasons for their behaviour that you won’t understand until you’re older. The message, often, is that reporting people like this or getting angry with them is a mistake, and that it’s better to be quiet and just do what they say. Harry Potter is guilty of this kind of messaging with Snape. Dumbledore is always telling Harry that he trusts Snape’s loyalty, and the stories often disprove Harry’s theories that Snape is behind some scheme or evil act, to the point where it’s basically a recurring theme. Suspecting Snape of conspiring against students is wrong. Reporting Snape won’t work. Lashing back as Snape’s misuses of power only makes things worse.
The intended narrative is usually something like ‘snap judgments are bad’ or ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, but that only works if a character’s objectionable traits are purely superficial. Snape, though, really is misusing his authority as a teacher left, right, and center. 
The thing is, though, that kids who grow up in abusive environments (and some adults too) often end up with this fantasy where, if you’re nice enough and forgiving enough of someone’s cruelty, they will heal, and their capacity to love will mean that they stop lashing out, and instead become a great and loyal protector. Because the lesson is all too often ‘you can’t do anything except be nice to them and hope it helps’, and so the dream is ‘a story where it actually DOES help and everything turns out alright in the end’.
I think this lies at the heart of a lot of Snape’s fanon narratives and reinterpretations. Because the stories emphasize that he isn’t going to leave, and he can’t be totally avoided, and so the hopeful, optimistic idea is that he can change, or can reveal to have been motivated by outside forces with regards to his cruelty, and that once those forces are gone, he’ll be a great person to spend time around. That it’s just a matter of time and then there’s going to be a reward for all this energy spent in putting up with an insulting, petty, unfair, mean-spirited and spitefully vindictive man.
Which is a narrative that abusers really really like too, because it encourages people to prioritize forgiving and loving them over holding them accountable to standards of decent behavior.
And that is my own personal biggest problem with his story, and biggest potential dilemma with approaching it. I wouldn’t want to shame or deride people who entertain the hope of being rewarded for kindness and patience and faith in people’s better natures. Harry Potter is ultimately aimed at kids, and kids are often faced with adults who mistreat them, who they can’t escape.The Dursleys won’t change and that’s obvious to most readers. But it’s easy to zero-in on Snape as the character who could. To invest in him all that desire to see the Dream Come True, and watch an adult who was bad become good and caring and actually look after Harry. To think, maybe he’s doing it in secret? And lo, he is! And he’s a hero after all, and he died to help Harry, so maybe all the mean nasty adults who degrade and insult me are going to turn it around in the end, too!
But that’s not Snape’s story, unfortunately. He never really does turn it around.
And if he did turn it around, it would have to be because he decided to and put in the work to do that. It would probably have to happen earlier on in the books, and it would take away the mystery of ‘who’s side is Snape really on?’
So... to be honest, I’m not entirely sure what I would change about him. There are a lot of options, but ultimately, I think shifting around any number of things would mitigate the problems he presents. It’s just a question of which ones anybody wants to tackle.
The simplest fix, to solve the most overall problems would probably be to remove Lily as his motivation, though. Ultimately, if Snape had chosen to turn on Voldemort because of his own principles and standards, then his complexity as a character would actually remain at a level far more consistent with Harry’s conclusions about him. Even if everything else was the same. He’d at least have the virtue of facing down a Dark Lord and protecting a kid he hated for the sake of something decent in him. As it stands, having Lily’s death motivate him just means he’s bitterly blaming everyone else for the difficulties he’s having at half-assedly assuaging the tremendous loads of guilt he brought on himself. It also means that he has an intensely personal reason to want to screw over Voldemort, which on the one hand makes sense, but on the other hand, also means we never see him do any unquestionably noble deed. So there’s not a lot to balance against his unquestionably ignoble deeds - which are pretty damn replete.
It wouldn’t fix everything and it especially wouldn’t satisfy everyone, but I think it would leave more room to agree to disagree on various interpretation of his character.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Megatron and Tarn make little Seekers in the orange, yellow, and magenta of Tarn's OG frame. Starscream is horrified because some afthelm stuck a flyer spark in a miner frame. Starscream is pestering his boss to get a flying altmode. The Air Force is trying to teach the big M how to flight frame on instinct because he is one of their stolen children.
Exactly exactly, they're just. Absolutely what you don't expect to have came from Megatron and Tarn
I imagine some of them have quite an amount of red on them too, maybe some black from Megatron? I've been experimenting with changing the colors of a g1 seeker model as you do and it's black/pink/orange because that's a color palette I like sue me. Do you think one or two have blue optics instead of the expected red because again Damus? At least one has red optics. Damn it and now I'm firmly thinking Megatron had a mini trine in this.
Starscream has opinions
But not against the children, never against children. I will never forget how bayverse Starscream was a babysitter / hatchling bodyguard when Megs met him before the war. Teacher!Starscream is such a concept, never let me make a teacher au I have ideas for that stored away
I mean hey we know my opinions about Megatron getting to fly. As in, yes. That is why BWU Megatron exists, the BW stands for broadwings. Also (part of) why I love tfe, tfa, and tfp Megs so much.
Tarn is just enamored with these little brightly colored symbols of not only who he used to be but what he and Megatron could've been in another universe. (I'm wondering just how early on in Glitch's life was the Empurata?)
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Cliff falling (Tfp Bumblebee x reader)
This wasn’t supposed to happen. You had gone against Lord Megatron’s wishes when you jetted off to a mountain range, hoping to be left to your own thoughts longer than you might have been on the warship. You were angry at the Second in Command in all honesty, Starscream was abrasive, rude, obnoxious. Starscream was, well Starscream and at times when he is annoying you just needed to go for a flight. Stomping around angrily at the top of a cliff is how you ended up in your crumpled position at the bottom of the cliff, you had stupidly tumbled over the edge and before you could fly off your right wing had been damaged. That wasn’t even the best part, when you landed your pede had twisted under your body in an unnatural position leaving you both unable to walk and unable to fly. The icing on the cake was when the three Autobot pets came rushing around the corner, your day couldn’t have gone any better. You later found out they were on a field trip when they heard Cybertronian sounds and came to see what it was, if it were any other Con they would be dead right now.
“We need to call someone.” The tallest boy said after they had inched closer to you, obviously at ease that you couldn’t fight when you were injured. It wasn’t like you to fight fleshies anyway, however with a reputation as Con assassin it was sensible for them to be worried. You shook your helm as you rested against the cliff side, wincing as you moved your wing slightly.
“The autobots could help you, they won’t want to but they will.” The girl added while prodding at your unbroken wing, she was ballsy to straight up ask if she could feel them. It wasn’t hard to remember your own sparkling curiosity so you didn’t argue. You were too distracted by the designs the human was drawing on you wings to notice the youngest human put a call in to his guardian. It wasn’t until the swirling blue of a ground bridge appeared did you realise what was happening.
“How dare you go against my wishes!” You screeched at the trio, much like Starscream had screeched at you earlier. They looked sheepishly to the ground as the yellow scout exited the ground bridge alone, glaring at you first before turning to the humans.
“Are you hurt?” Bumblebee communicated to them, all the while keeping his blaster pointed towards your head. In turn, your servo switched to a blade glowing the same bright red as your optics.
“No, we’re fine.” The youngest spoke before turning to you with a saddened look. “She isn’t though, she’s hurt pretty bad.” You started to argue as soon as the words left the humans mouth, starting a verbal battle between yourself and the three children while Bee assessed the condition of your body. The askew angle of your wing and the way your ankle bent was not a good sign, there was energon leaking from both injuries that were slowly pooling around you. If he didn’t act then you would have died of energon loss, you couldn’t fly to the warship and he assumed your accident knocked out your communications otherwise you would have contacted the Con’s already.
“Ratchet, I need a ground bridge to base. Y/N isn’t in a good way, she needs your help Doc.” This sound of Bee had stopped your petty argument with the children, instead you looked at him with anger in your eyes.
“I am not going anywhere with you Bot, I would rather offline then seek out your help.” You spat, blade switching to servo again as you attempted to pull yourself up using the side of the cliff. In your weakened state, you looked quite hilarious, maybe even pathetic, at the moment you didn’t care. You only knew you weren’t going to give in to the pity of the autobots.
“You are grounded,” You froze, fully supported against the wall with your back to the Bot. The children saw that what Bee said had hit a nerve, however they weren’t quite sure why. “You are a seeker, without your wings you will perish,” He continued, walking towards you as he beeped melodically. You watched him, fluid brimming at your optics as you realised the severity of your situation. “Now stop being an afthead and come on.” His servo outstretched to you and a smile playing on his face plate.
Was he asking you to trust him? That was never going to happen, the bots had done far too much to you for you to trust them. Your two older brother were killed by the Bot’s during a raid on a Decepticon base leaving only you and your older brother, the only one left of the original triplets. The Con’s had done a lot to them as well, you had murdered too many bots to count all because they had murdered your kin. Bumblebee knew that and yet he was, offering his servo to a femme that could easily kill him but he knew you would take it because you had both lost too much in this war to attack when somebot was injured. You motioned with your helm for him to move to the side, you were to stubborn to allow him to help you and you paid the price when pain shot through you as you placed your injured pede on the ground. You would have fell over if Bee hadn’t come to your side, hooking your arm around his shoulder to take you weight, all the while being cautious of your wings. He knew how sensitive a seeker’s wings were and wasn’t overly fond of getting his helm bit off by an angry femme.
A ground bridge opened just in front of you as Bee told the kids to get back to their ‘teacher’ before he helped you pathetically hobble through the portal into the Autobot base. Your embarrassment wasn’t helped by the fact most of the autobots were waiting for your arrival, throwing questioning looks at Bee when he beeped angrily at them, almost defensively. You held your head high as you both made your way slowly across the room, your presumed Bee was taking your straight to the med bay, you didn’t want to have to deal with the Autobots right now. You were so close to the corridor as well. So, so close before a certain wrecker decided to open his trap.
“Thought we told you not to bring stray’s home, Bee.” Wheeljack smirked at his word choice, knowing it would get a rise from you. You whipped around quickly, fighting against Bee’s hold as your arms waved rapidly trying to get to the fragger who had insulted you. Pain was all but gone, now all you felt was the energon running through your frame.
“Who are you calling a stray, your dirt kissing Glitch!” You exclaimed, temporarily breaking free of Bee’s hold before he grabbed you around your midsection. “I have a family! Your Wreckers are all dead. I should know I offlined them!” Wheeljack’s face turned to thunder as Bulkhead grabbed his friend’s shoulders and wrestled him to the other side of the room. Before you could argue even more, you felt yourself being slung over Bumblebee’s shoulder as he continued his walk to the Med bay.
“That’s enough excitement for one day,” He beeped, you didn’t fight your current position in fear you might injure your wings even more. Your anger had subsided, now was the time to think rationally. “Do you cause this much commotion among the Cons?” He made conversation to make it seem like it wasn’t awkward when it really was. You all of a sudden became all too aware of how close you were to the young scout and that sent you blushing in a way that it shouldn’t have, especially for a con.
“I try,” You admitted, “It’s too funny to watch Knockout and Screamer argue over something they think the other did when really, I’m the one who always starts it.” A sound like laughter came from Bee when you told him, making you smile at how bizarre it sounded.
“Sounds like someone is constantly causing trouble.” He stated before entering the med bay where both Optimus Prime and Ratchet were waiting for you both.
“You have no idea.”
It didn’t take long for the medic to heal you right up. Now you were in the middle of nowhere, waiting for the Cons to come and collect you. Optimus contacted Megatron and told him about your injuries before deciding on a location to meet up so that you could be handed over. No guns, no mess, no battles. You were currently standing in between Bee and Optimus, your wings fluttering happily at the fact that both were functional again. The action obviously annoyed quite a few of the autobots but it was quite intriguing to Bee who now saw the tattooing that you had marking the edges of your wings. He would have reached out and touched them if it weren’t for the sound of engines roaring above the cloud line, once they got closer you realised that it was Megatron, Screamer and Soundwave. Excitement washed over as you transformed, racing in to the sky to meet them, performing various somersaults and tricks and you flew between them. You saved the best till last when you transformed mid-air and slammed into your brother. Starscream wasn’t expecting this but he transformed anyway, spinning you around him and holding you to him as you both landed, Megatron and Soundwave not far behind you.
“How did this happen!” Starscream screamed worriedly, inspecting you to make sure that you were fully healed and the Bots weren’t lying.
“I fell off a cliff.” You responded lowly, looking to your pedes in embarrassment. You felt a large hand on your helm, you tilted your helm upwards to see Megatron looking down at you with a hybrid of a frown and smile on his mouth.
“Maybe don’t disobey orders next time, Y/N,” He spoke softly, caringly rubbing your helm making you smile at him as you nodded. Megatron turned to the Autobots who were on high alert as they watched your interaction, even Bee had his blasters out but thankfully they weren’t pointed towards you. “I owe you my thanks for returning Y/N to us unharmed.” He nodded his head towards Optimus in respect who nodded his own back.
“No thanks is needed, she caused a small disturbance among the Wreckers but other than that she was quite pleasant.” Optimus informed Megatron. Hearing about the Wreckers made Starscream smirk at you before turning his shit-eating grin towards the two bots who only grew angrier by the second. Megatron was satisfied with what Optimus had said and transformed along with the others before jetting off, you didn’t transform yet though. There was one more think you needed to do.
You turned your gaze from the sky to the Bots before walking over to them, your optics focused to Bee who froze when he saw that it was him who you were approaching. You lost all other feelings, instead focusing on not tripping over your own pedes as you came to a stand in front of Bee. You slowly leaned up to him, tilted your helm, and placed a small kiss on the corner of his lips. You stopped for a moment, allowing Bee to look into your optics momentarily before shyness overcame you and you had to look away from him, turning you back to the yellow mech.
“T-thank you for your help.” You stuttered out quickly before you felt Bee lean over your back, shivering as he placed a servo against your wing while his helm rested against your and pressed his own kiss to your cheek.
“Anytime.” He beeped, you might have been imagining but you could have sworn he sounded amused by what was happening. Before you could get further wrapped up in the situation, you cleared your throat before running forward rapidly and transforming. Ascending in to the sky until you joined the other Cons who were waiting for you.
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starscreamwastaken · 7 years
I'm about to tell a long-ish story because I want you all to know about the possible wonders of learning by association. (I say possible because everyone's brain works differently and there is no guarantee this will work for everyone, but it undoubtedly worked for me,) I lost my love for math in third grade when a teacher screamed at me for not understanding instead of making any legitimate effort to assist me. Until my junior year of high school I never got higher than a 68℅ on any math test. I almost never did my homework, it would just frustrate me. I was in AIS (Academic Intervention Services) for math EVERY SINGLE YEAR SINCE FIRST GRADE. I struggled with math endlessly in high school, which was frustrating because I did well in everything else (I was one of three people in my history class to get in the 90's on the mid term and I almost never even did any homework) so, I was angry, and I was frustrated that math just never seemed to get through my thick skull. It also didn't help that I was an avid daydreamer and math just could not, at that point, keep my attention. Teachers had to explain to me how to do things ten times in five different ways for me to at least partially understand it. That was, until I decided to try something. Junior year, Geometry class, we'd get a big packet of notes and a big packet of homework. I took the packets, copied every single page, cut them up, and taped them into a Transformers comic. (It took fucking hours and I prayed my efforts would pay off because I needed to pass this class and I was not going to summer school again) I started doing my homework every night, I actually started remembering what I'd learned. I paid more attention in class and when I was taking notes. I remembered concepts and procedures better because I could remember that I'd seen it and learned about it while Starscream or whoever was on the page doing something. I also found I was more motivated, at that point, to open a comic book than my math packet. That year I passed my class with something in the 80's, I didn't fail a single test, and I got an 85℅ on the final (I know to many that doesn't seem that great but to someone who has basically been failing their entire life it's almost tear worthy) I call this method Learning by Association. Because I can name 100 transformers from memory, what they did, who they are, where they came from, etc. But I could not, for the life of me, tell you a damn thing about a single math problem. By pairing what I am more motivated to know about with something that I have never been able to get a grip on, I created something that helped me grasp what I'd been missing for so long. I actually began to enjoy math. Because I still struggle quite a bit with math I do use my "Study Guides" as I called them. But they are not NECESSARY any more. I don't need them to ENJOY math, but they're still helpful in the teaching aspect. I hated. HATED math, with a burning passion, until my junior year of high school, because I began to associate it with something I LOVE. Hell, if I'd had transformers character questions in my physics class first semester I imagine I might've done a little better. (Didn't do bad, wasn't great either.) In the end I became a Mechanical Engineering major, a decision which was fueled by my life long love of robots and machines (not transformers, my first love was Isaac Asimov books) but anyways. To anyone struggling, I highly recommend trying learn by association. This year, for my chemistry class, I've recorded every lecture so far and I play them over muted episodes of Transformers Prime where I then pretend the characters are speaking with my professors voice. Strange, maybe, but still works. Megatron has taught me about Wavelengths.
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taibu · 7 years
Transformers and their humans
Kinda sorta continuity to the last one I did.
So we all know that humans are always part of TF, some are good, some ar bad, some are well loved and some are useless and annoying.
But since they clearly are a thing in TF, then why not take a full potential of it? And by that I mean we gIVE EVERY SINGE ROBOT THEIR OWN HUMAN PARTNER! Optimus gets a humna! Ratchet gets a human! Not just Bee and Arcee and other young bots but ALL OF THEM! And not just teens but adults and children too! Optimus gets a super depressed angsty kid who has abusive parents and no friends, and Optimus becomes his foster-dad and talks to him and cares for him and makes sure he eats and sleeps enough, and even goes to parent-teacher meetings instead of his real parents. And eventually this kid grows to be happy and whole and dyes their hair from emo-black to red and starts wearing blue and red clothes instead of his black and purple emo-gear.
Ratchet gets a young nursing-student with pink hair who is super jolly and talkative and SHE has a good impression on HIM. Bee gets a mischievous pre-teen and goes on all kinds of adventures with them and OP and Ratch loose their collective shits over them every other episode. And other bots that could be in the series also have their own humans, maybe not right away, but eventually they all find their own partners.
And then the cons.
Yeah. The cons also have humans.
A rebellious teen runs away from home and bumps into Starscream and despite first hating each other they eventually become best friends and love pissing Megatron off and planning on his dethroning. Soundwave gets a DJ, Shockwave has a old military-personel. 
And then there is Megatron. Who’d you think would have a grown up man or something, oh nonono. He has the sweetest little girl ever. A child who Megatron found in the forest, lost and scared, whom takes liking in Megs starts following him around, First annoyed by her, Megatron soon realizes he can’t live without the little one. He plays with her, feeds her and makes sure that she is always in a safe place when shit is going down. He soon become’s this girl’s “Daddy” and the last episode has a heart-breaking moment when the girl’s real parents appear and Megatron must let the little girl go to live her life.
But it’s okay because there is a prologue where we see that the girl never forgot Megatron and they meet again when she is an adult and she had become a pilot and a military leader thanks to Megatron’s influence.
Can we have something like this? Or could someone at least write a fic like this?
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keaalu · 6 years
Drug Dealing
Although she appreciates the determination certain people have to cure her illness, Forceps wishes it didn’t leave her feeling like Starscream’s science project.
Reminder: Sepp has a type of motor imperfecta, or improper formation of motor control pathways. Symptom-wise it’s like Parkinson’s; origin-wise it’s more like a prion disease, which is why it’s so hard to find a cure for. But then some machines have a dogged tendency to treat definitions like “incurable” as a personal challenge.   
Hardline hadn’t even been gone for a whole breem when the door to Forceps’ home clicked and admitted a familiar set of red wings.
Forceps set her journal down on the table, and watched her uninvited guest approach. “How long have you been lurking out there, waiting for Hack to leave?”
Starscream shrugged, in an artfully casual way, and tucked his wings in a little more neatly. “I do not lurk, thank you, doctor. Just a fortuitous coincidence.”
Her expression flattened. ��Of course it was.”
“I find it very hurtful that you don’t believe me.” Not looking remotely upset, he fetched something out of his subspace. “But… I know the big lug doesn’t like me giving you these, so.” He dropped a small, surprisingly-heavy silver disc into her palm. “Convenient timing, really.”
She knew exactly what it was without having to devote many fractions of a second to studying it. “I don’t like you giving me these, particularly.”
Now the jet did look hurt, lips pulling into a little pout of displeasure. “Well any time you want me to stop researching a cure, just say so.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” She smiled, sadly, and patted the seat beside her. “And I do appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”
Starscream settled primly on the edge of the couch. “There’s a ‘but’ coming.”
Forceps looked away. “You always get my hopes up that this time, it’ll be the final time we need to do it.”
But it never is. And I’m weary of the constant disappointment.
He remained silent for a few seconds. “It’s still improving, though?” he prompted. “The patches last longer each time?” He sounded… strangely deflated. As if wondering if she’d been lying, to save his feelings.
“Yes. Every time, it lasts a little longer. But it always wears off, eventually, and I can never predict when that’ll be. Then I have to trust that I’ll be able to get it to reinstall.” She glanced sidelong at him. “I can’t trust myself with someone else’s life while there’s too many variables for me to be able to predict anything with any accuracy. Until then, I can’t go back to work.”
He sat and digested her words, quietly. “And what’s the part you’re carefully leaving out, because apparently we’ve stopped being honest with each other?”
“When it wears off, and my tremor comes back, it…” She swallowed the rest of the sentence, and revised it a little; “It’s disappointing.”
It crushes me, all over again.
She drew a sigh of cool air through her core. “I’m not sure how many more times I want to go through this cycle, when there’s still no end in sight.”
“You never struck me as the sort to let slag like this beat you.” He nudged her a little with his wing. “It’s important we keep at it. Eventually it will be the last time.”
“Yes, doctor.” She glared at him, good-naturedly. “You’ll never get a job as a counsellor.”
Starscream tried very hard but couldn’t quite hide his smirk. “I want another full scan at some point, to see how this one takes.” He wagged a finger. “The more data we have, the more likely we’ll isolate the last few fragments of code that are causing the last of the problems.”
“You know they say it’s incurable for a reason.”
He blew a dismissive raspberry through pursed lips. “Don’t give me that. The fact nobody has bothered to put time and money into research doesn’t make it-”
“-it’s a rare disease! It stands to reason researchers would spend their limited budget on the things they can actually cure.”
Starscream elevated his voice and spoke over her; “If you had been a noble during the Golden Age, it wouldn’t be a rare, incurable disease. Some obsequious little sycophant would have crawled up to you, accepted your money, and found a cure. The fact altruism never had a big budget doesn’t make a thing impossible.”
They stared each other out for a second or two.
“And this is why I’m not a noble. Can’t stand that… self-serving… pitslag.” Her friend made an effort to look scandalised at her language; Forceps gave him a shove. “Not to mention, I’d be dead from something else. Quite possibly, at your hand.”
He wouldn’t look away. “It was war.”
“And I wouldn’t have blamed you.”
He quirked a brow.
She flapped a hand. “Well. You know what I mean.”
“I know you're trying to change the subject.”
“Perhaps. I can't say I particularly enjoy talking about my illness.”
“We'll never cure it if we pretend it doesn't exist, either.” He gave her a chastising finger-wag. “You can’t tell me you’re happy as a teacher, dealing with a gaggle of irresponsible youths that barely listen to a word you vocalise.”
Forceps remained silent for long enough that neither needed to hear her answer, but she spoke anyway; “Somebody has to teach them. They might be the ones that end up looking after us, when we get rusted and incapable.”
This time, Starscream's snort of horror was genuine.
She smiled, and elbowed him. “Besides. One of them is your niece, remember?”
“Like I said. Irresponsible youths. The idea of Footloose looking after me? Is frankly terrifying.” He offered a small glare. “I’m not sure what you hope to achieve by indulging her. She’s never going to have the brains to make it as a surgeon.”
“Maybe not – but she could be a pretty good paramedic, if she’s serious and she puts her mind to it. She’s enthusiastic, she’s fast, and she’s good at finding people.”
The silence stretched out a little too long for comfort.
Forceps corrected herself, quietly; “Most people. Sorry.”
Starscream made one of those uninterpretable little noises that could have meant anything, from frustration to sorrow to pain. “And what happens when she gets bored, and goes off to find something else to do?” he challenged, trying (but mostly failing) to divert attention from his friend’s faux pas. “Don’t forget I lived with her sire for far too many millennia; a mech with a shorter attention span would be hard to find. This is why we have to find you a cure.” He stabbed a finger in her direction, to emphasise the point. “So when Footloose decides she’s bored, and is going to be a cartographer instead, for… maybe a fraction of a vorn… you won’t feel like you’ve wasted quite so much of your life-”
“Scarlet?” She waited for him to go quiet. “I appreciate your determination, but I can’t be the science project you need to keep you from thinking about Skywarp.”
He stared at her for several more seconds, lips open but no words emerging, before folding his arms protectively across his chassis and directing his glare at the floor, instead. “I should appreciate having a little peace and quiet, at last. It was hard enough to do energon research in the first place, without someone eating all your supplies.”
She set her fingers against his shoulder, and felt his hand come up to cover them for the fleetingest instant before dropping back to his lap. In spite of his defensive manner, he felt strangely flat. No longer the terror of the skies – just a sad, lost mech, trying to figure out how to mourn the loss of the family he’d chosen.
“It’s quiet, without him,” he accepted, at length. He studied his palms. “I haven’t been as productive as I would have liked.”
“Have you spoken to Pan?”
“Thundercracker’s psychiatrist?” Another snort, and the flash of a little glare in her direction. “I don’t need to be diagnosed. I just need to know where he is.”
And that, Forceps recognised, silently, was the core of it.
Her disease was a puzzle, but it was something he could at least work at. Measure, improve, test and retest… even make some headway, even if it was only ever fractional.
Skywarp’s disappearance began and ended at the Rift. There was nothing to measure, nothing to quantify, nothing to tell them whether they were on the right track or even going the right way.
Just endless digging, with nothing to show for it.
Thundercracker had quietly moved into accepting the loss of their brother, apparently adopting his two deputies as surrogate trine, but Starscream lingered doggedly somewhere between denial and depression – not to mention, denial of his depression. (The idea he might be struggling to cope was apparently something he refused to even contemplate.)
It did seem particularly unkind that after somehow surviving an eternity on the frontlines of war, such a simple, avoidable mistake was what would finally break them.
“I just want to find him, Sepp. Finally get some closure. Try to move on. Is that really so much to ask?” He covered his face with both palms and blew out a sigh. “We should be able to grieve! Figure out how to let him go, and move on, and we can’t even do that. Not while there’s still that chance…”
“It’s been six vorns already,” Forceps reminded, gently. “There’s got to come a point-”
“I know! I know.” He sounded exasperated, but mostly at himself. “He’s buried himself so deep in the bedrock, we’ll be digging for an eternity. Pit – we could dig up half the planet, and still not be any the wiser as to where he went. The idea we’re going to find even a scrap of paint is a sparkling’s optimism.” He finally offered a tired smile, optics a dim maroon. “But the last time I stopped looking for someone, it might have changed the course of a war. And not for the better. So forgive me for not wanting to throw down my shovel just yet.”
“Well please don’t throw it in my direction when you do decide to stop. Even before I got ill, I wasn’t particularly spry when it came to dodging projectiles.”
He snorted a sour laugh and gave her a little thump. “I gave up on Skyfire, but I’m not giving up on Warp.” He puffed himself up, subtly, wings raised and jaw set in a look of steely determination. “Or you. So you better get used to it.”
She pursed her lips and glanced away, in an effort to hide the subtle embarrassed flush in her golden optics. “You just miss having a personal physician to put you back together after you blow up your lab, you winged nuisance.”
Thankfully he took it in the spirit it was intended. “You’re confusing me with Wheeljack.” He wafted a hand, airily. “That Autobot is insane. The only scientist I know who finds it entertaining to blow up his own lab, while he’s in it.”
“Really? The only scientist? Because that’s not how I heard it happened, when I last spoke to Thundercracker.”
Starscream’s optics visibly widened before his arms tightened back across his chassis, and his voice descended into a poisonous hiss; “Traitor.”
Forceps found a laugh, and leaned against him; she felt him lean back, subtly.
“This disease took away my life,” she said, softly. “Small consolation, maybe, but… mall consolation, maybe, but...Thank you for helping me try to get it back.”
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