#so michael tweeted this picture yesterday and please
norvicfiddler · 2 years
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From MichaelEmerson Twitter.
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Tues 26 Jan ‘21
Louis tweeted “How's everyone doing?” No Louis, HOW ARE YOU DOING?? “Alright thanks!” he says. It's the third time this month he's checked on us but does that Mean anything? Says SBB himself, “You lot read into things too much” HAHAHAHHAAAA SKSKKDJ WE LEARNED IT FROM YOU MOM!!  Well WHY is MTV posting about Copy then?? asked a fan in a very GOTCHA tone but Louis has an unarguable answer: “because it's a banger.” Well alright alright you got us there, that's very true. He says many other little things too including Strong Opinions about breakfast food (“pancakes obviously” ...was that in fact ...obvious??) and talking about a sports related series he's watching-- it really is about basketball this time unlike UFC! He also tells us that he tried to talk to Liam “earlier” “but he was in Tesco”. A fan posted that he replied to a their DM- a picture of their cat pawing adoringly at a pic of Louis- and said “this put me in such a good mood haha! Love the little lad. Bless him x”, but then later they said they it was fake, sorry. A convincing Louis imitation, but more to the point a very convincing screen record video showing the exchange: please remember this next time such a video is offered as proof for something.
Niall is in the studio with his favorite collaborators, Eskeerdo and John Ryan! The man does value consistency in all things, no question, but you know what they say- if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Despite a Morning Mashup snippet from yesterday where he agreed with the host that maybe their little kid shouldn't be exposed to Small Talk, we know he is happy with the Heartbreak Weather sound, so why not more of the same? The only question I have is: when?
Zayn's sponsorship deals continue to be increasingly wacky; today it's a coloring app! The Nobody Is Listening coloring book is now available; as usual, things I really could NOT have predicted happening every single day around here. Liam's sponsorship is less wacky today: a new Hugo pic posted.
And the greatest showmance of our generation continues to amaze, astound, and crack me the F up-- first up, in hands down the funniest thing to happen all week, Harper’s Bazaar retitled a Holivia timeline article with the headline “Sorry everyone, Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles' romance isn't a PR stunt” (and added a little blurb at the end of 'a source' saying so) which is hilarious enough on its own, the DEFENSIVENESS, but THAT'S NOT ALL! The author of the article, seeing it, tweeted “I didn't even write this! It's an old article that's been updated. I DEFINITELY think it's PR...” HAHAHAHA WHAT AN ICON. She didn't lay out that whole embarrassing timeline in print to be disrespected like this, Harper’s Bazaar! But less funny, she was disrespected by more than just the magazine-- she deleted her account due to harassment after the tweet. Sighhh. Those harries sure do love to TPWK (threat). PR for this shitshow is taking a turn for the defensive all over this week, as we saw with yesterday's Vogue article; that piece seems to have been the leading edge of an iceberg that is the new angle- 'Olivia Isn't The Bad Guy Here'. Fine, yes, no one is because this ISN'T REAL so truly whatever yall, but the really hysterical thing about the Vogue piece apparently being more or less HQ dictated is that at least like half of it is just “terrible things people are saying on twitter” and “here's why twitter is annoying” and I'm ROLLING at them sinking to this level, like when you are at the point of trying to take down twitter arguments one by one you have officially LOST CONTROL OF THE CONVERSATION lmao and lbr-- they have. People simply do not think this is real and it is funnnnny. AND SPEAKING of sinking to a level and then just keeping going right down to the molten core of the earth, can I just mention that Michael Strauss, aka the guy who is suing Briana for her boobs (case was postponed; has not yet been heard), has not only been arguing in the comments over at CelebTM that NO, REALLY it's NOT WEIRD that the sonogram pic posted was clearly not Briana's and is making up stories trying to explain it, he's now doing so from his dog's account. Will his dog also be heading over to TMZ, who tweeted the article today, to argue with people one by one in those comments? We've seen a lot of dogs used for stunt purposes, but at least they never put the words in Max or Clifford's actual mouths!
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
💀Wed 28 Oct ‘20🏡
Zayn is back, Louis has pink hoodies (sort of), Liam is tik tokking like a pro, Harry feeds fish, Simon Cowell’s surgery recovery has stalled and is going poorly (great! couldn’t have happened to a more deserving human), but we’ve got too much real news to waste anymore time on that asshole! 
We ended last night with ZAYN SINGING TO US!! Beautiful black and white footage of beautiful Zayn and his perfect voice; he shows us little snippets of himself crooning James Bay's Hold Back the River and Paolo Nutini's Last Request (not for the first time on this one, he did this song before in the lead up to Icarus Falls... more on that in a minute) while reading lyrics off his phone, captioned 'Cover Sessions.' Good god but I have missed his ethereal warbling! The post alone is an unexpected blessing and a gift but the implied promise of more to come?? YES PLEASE I CANNOT WAIT. Some wonder if it could be for a Spotify Sessions, others are screaming about how Icarus Falls' drop was preceded by weeks of black and white cover song videos on instagram (when asked at that time if he was releasing something he said “yes why else do you think I'd be on here singing for you??” LOL, adore this man, but also, hello!) Anyway yesterday we got not only music and the promise of more to come, but also interaction! He chatted in comments, offering a coy 'maybe' to a comment saying 'acoustic', posting laugh cry emojis at his own jokes (“no YOU stop”), and sending love back to his happy zquad, who were of course overwhelmed and over the moon. He's cut his hair off but with all he's given us today can we be sad? It's a small price to pay. James Bay reposted the cover of his song-- “nice one man x.”
Then, Louis officially dropped his Kill My Mind Lyric drop (on the 28th!!!):  the lyric being represented is “the devil in my brain”, and it is indeed a skull with a tophat over a cauldron. The new stuff features the cute little logo embroidered on various black cold weather wear items (including a sweater!) and says 'lyric drop 2' inside the collar of the shirts. BUT! There’s more! We’ve got some more wavy walls hoodies in pink lettering, as well as fuzzy red lettering and a marble red and pink design. Love it! However, it was discovered that this new merch does not ship to India or LATAM (except Costa Rica) and honestly?? RUDE!! Louis’ LATAM fans are the FUCKING BEST (no I’m not biased wdym???). They do, however, ship to Vatican City for some reason so catch the Pope in his Walls merch! Louis did respond to this issue on twitter, though, and said, “I’ll get more info on this ASAP. Anywhere else?” so dioceses all over the world will soon be able to rock out in their KMM merch. Celebtm also came back for round three to tell everyone that they were removing themselves from the narrative until January (good riddance), but not before leaving a message from Michael Straus (ugh) to Louis and his “son” (the quote marks are theirs, not mine, in case you’re wondering where they stand on the issue). Straus’ last hurrah included claims that Briana gets a direct deposit from Louis (or his team) on the first of every month, spends it all immediately and is left destitute for the rest of the month, and that neither Briana nor Freddie have health insurance. He then offered to help Louis get custody of Freddie. Um, right. I’m sure his help would be invaluable. Also, we all agree that he’s a liar and likely doesn’t know shit and is trying to make himself seem like the hero instead of the gross misogynist he is right? 
A story was also released about Harry’s car breaking down in the UK over the summer. He did what anyone would do (I suppose?) and knocked on someone’s door to see if they could help. Well, it turns out their daughter is a fan, so they invited him in for a cup of tea, and allowed him to snoop around her room. They even took a picture of him feeding her goldfish! The photographer who took the picture is (coincidentally?) a professional, who has worked with Kasey Musgraves before. The fan did not get to meet him, but he signed her album, and left her a note promising to meet her at a concert, which he would be inviting them to. Harry has done some other cool things in the last few days (being politically active IS cool), and has started filming DWD in Palm Springs. He was spotted by a fan (though no pictures were released) and he signed her phone cover - it reads “Golden” with a little heart. 
Harry also ignited discourse by *shuffles papers,scratches head in confusion* his endorsement of Joe Biden? Well, there were a few layers to this condemnation. The first were the people who... thought he might be a Trump supporter and were disappointed that he was not? Well, uh, clearly they have not been paying close attention, because this man has been seen this year in a BLM rally, has shouted “fuck Boris, fuck the government”, and has waved multiple different pride flags (including the trans flag!) at his concerts. IDK how that screamed Trump supporter to some people. And then there were the people who were angry that he captioned the tweet “I would vote with kindness”. The words I have seen thrown around are “disingenuous” “privileged” and “this is not enough.” Well! Harry has often been criticized for encouraging fans to simply “vote” without talking specifics; now he's endorsed a candidate, just as requested! And while no one actually LIKES Biden there is no question (in any world except absurd fandom wank circles) that this endorsement is the correct one out of the viable candidates. He is not saying that Biden is himself kind, which yes would be weird, he is saying that voting for Biden is the kinder choice and you know what? He is correct. If you think that we at 1ddotd are gonna condemn him for taking a stance against a fascist, uh, THINK AGAIN!
It was confirmed that Liam’s mystery collab is Dixie D’Amelio, of tik tok fame, and I’m going to refrain from commenting until I hear the song! Liam continues to lean into both Christmas and Halloween by doing his spooky tik toks and NOT putting jump scare warnings in ANY OF THEM, thanks so much for that one Liam, love it loads! His fun, spooky, dorky ones (in full AWESOME looking makeup thanks to MUA Abby Roberts who’s quickly becoming a regular) are amazing though, and I will miss it when Halloween is over. And Niall was on the Elvis Duran show, mid-golf game with his cousin actually, to talk about them about his concert, the venue, the cause (calling his crew “like family”), and calling out the government (go Niall!)! He ALSO took to twitter and said, “I wish I could vote”. He would also not be voting for Trump, in case anyone actually needs that spelled out.
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David Tennant Wins TV Times Award For His Performance In Des
David Tennant has been named the winner of the TV Times Favourite Actor Award for his gripping performance of real-life serial killer Dennis Nilsen in the ITV drama Des. The TV Times 2020 Awards launched in September and were voted on by readers of the UK listings magazine. David saw off some tough competition from the likes of Michael Sheen, Martin Compston and Ralph Little. 
  David, who is currently filming Around The World In 80 Days in Romania, said of his prize, "Thank you, TV Times. I am very honoured by this. I worked on Des with so many incredible people, and over such a long time. It's not an easy story to tell - I am so pleased and proud that it connected with the audience. Thank you." 
  Yesterday, New Pictures Ltd, the producers of Des, tweeted that the show's 28-day consolidated ratings of 12 million views make it ITV's highest rated show of 2020.  
Source:  David-Tennant.com
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever wanted to grab someone by the throat and squeeze until their head explodes? Uh, no....
Anyhow, what's your favorite movie? I have many favorites. How do people choose just one for stuff like movies, books, music, and TV shows?
Any movies you're just dying to see? More Marvel movies this year and in October the new Halloween movie comes out. I’m sure there’s other movies coming out I’ll want to see as well.
How's the love life? Non-existent.
What's the title of the last book you read? I’m currently reading, “Cold Highway” by Mary Stone.
Do you have a messy signature? Yeah. My handwriting in general is crap.
What color are your nails at the moment? They’re not painted.
When's the last time you got a text? Yesterday evening.
Have you ever felt your phone vibrate and had it scare the shit out of you? Probably.
What song is currently resonating through your ear drums? I’m listening to an ASMR video, actually.
What's your greatest fear? Losing my loved ones, death, never getting better/getting worse, never doing anything with my life...
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Like 3 hours? :/
Would you consider yourself morbid? Sometimes.
Do you keep your nails long or short? They’re barely even there.
How do you feel about 2012 and what the Mayans predicted? Welp, we’re in 2021 now.
What was the last thing you said out loud? “Goodnight.”
What was the last thing you stopped yourself from saying? I don’t remember.
Who was the last person to call you baby? *shrug*
Does your name begin with the letter J? C? R? K? S? S.
Do you need a shower at the moment? No.
Can you thrive on false hope? Sometimes people think I’m being negative or pessimistic and sometimes I am, but there’s definitely times where I’m just being real.
Do you use Bing.com? Never.
What's the last thing you looked up on any search engine? Something related to a survey question.
Have you ever considered a career as a porn star? No.
What was the last lie you told? Hmm.
Do you remember the last thing you typed in a Word document? No, it’s been years.
How many pictures do you have saved on your computer? Maybe a handful? I don’t save a lot to my laptop, actually. I have a shit ton saved on my phone, though.
Would you consider yourself artistic? Not at all.
Has anyone told you that you were a good writer? Yes.
^Do you believe them? It was nice to hear, but I never thought I was anything great.
What all do you have pierced? Just my earlobes.
Are there any piercings your currently waiting to get? No.
What color is your phone? Gold.
When was the last time you sneezed? I don’t remember.
What do you consider 'classic' rock? You love your rock music, don’t ya.
When was the last time you shaved? A few days ago.
What's the longest you've ever had your hair? Down to my butt, its current length.
What's the last unpleasant thing you smelled? Onions. 
Are you sleepy at the moment? Yes. I should still be sleeping.
What can you see through the window closest to you? I have blackout curtains so I don’t see anything.
Have you ever just wanted a re-do on life? Most definitely.
How many pages was the last book you read? I don’t feel like checking.
Who is/are the main character(s) in it? Detective Ellie Kline, her friend, Jillian, her work partner, Clay, her ex, Nick, a few other cop guys, and the bad guys. 
Who/what did you last take a picture of? My doggo.
Do you take pictures of yourself just for Myspace or Facebook? I haven’t in awhile. The last picture I took was the photo I also have on here because I’m wearing my ramen shirt I got for Christmas and it felt fitting.
What were you like 5 years ago? 10? 15? End of 2015 and going into 2016 is when my downward spiral began. In 2011 I was finishing up my last year at community college and getting ready to transfer. I was dealing with a health issue I had to have surgery for the following year, but still I wasn’t like I am now. I also had friends back then and a social life. Go figure. Oh, and Joseph and I had our thing going. 2006 I was a sophomore in high school. Had my first boyfriend. Went through my emo phase. I was active and healthy for the most part.
Have you ever wanted a mohawk? A real, 2-foot tall, multicolored mohawk? No. What was the last pill you took? My pain med.
Should you be in bed right now? I am. I should be sleeping, though. Sigh.
What's the best cover song, in your opinion? One of them I like is Adele’s cover of “Fast Love” by George Michael that she performed at an award short after his death. I always describe it as “hauntingly beautiful.” I’m sad she never released a studio version. 
Do you ever get on Myspace anymore? I haven’t been on there in over a decade.
Favorite lyrics right now? Hmm.
Have you ever gotten Visine in your mouth? Ew, no.
Last person to get on your nerves? Ugh, myself.
Is sarcasm a part of your daily vocabulary? I wouldn’t say that.
Do you like sappy love songs? I can be a sucker for ‘em.
Pick up the nearest notebook, go to page 2 & write down the 3rd sentence. No.
Do you Tweet? Yep.
What's the background on your phone? I have an Alice in Wonderland theme going on currently.
Do you enjoy cleaning? No.
Is your hair curly, straight, or in-between? It’s wavy.
Is there someone in (or out) of your life that is hard to think about without feeling like there's a giant hole in your chest? No.
Speaking of holes, did you know the band Hole is back? Please stop saying that.
Oh, did you know there's a black hole at the center of our universe? klasjfklsjfkldf.
Would you paint your nails orange? Sure.
What's the hardest part about saying goodbye? It can be hard sometimes if it’s someone you might not see again for awhile or know when or if you will and you’re really close to that person.
Do you like Fresca? (If you know what it is.) No.
What does your favorite pair of pajama pants look like? I just wear leggings.
Do you like waffles? Pancakes? French toast? Yes - all of the above. 
Do you like bananas and peanut butter? Yes. Have you ever tried a fried pickle? Yeah, they’re good.
Can you tell I have food on the brain? I’m hungry as well.
Have you ever wondered what it's like to be the opposite sex? Yeah.
Don't you love Samoas? No, cause I don’t like coconut. 
Do you pick your nose when no one's looking? I use a tissue if I need to do something and yes I’m private about it.
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5sosalh · 6 years
200 Days part 9
200 Days
Part 9
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Y/N p.o.v
I awake up to arms around my waist hands on my belly. I smile at the tan boy’s arms I have missed this. I turn to face Calum, watching him sleep is one of the most beautiful things to me, I could watch him all day. We have came a long way in the last two weeks. We have been a date nights on his days off and talking about names for our little Princess, the media had a Field day with the tweets but I really didn’t care what anyone else thought at this point, Calum and I are trying to leave the past in the past. “Baby, why do you always watch me sleep.” Calum ask half asleep. “Because I can.” I say as I start kissing his chest. “Your a nut.” “A Nut for you.” “You are so lucky the boys did not hear that. You would never live that down.” I laugh as he kisses me. “I got to get a shower. We have be at the Arena in a hour for soundcheck.” He moves slowly to the shower as take my phone off it’s charger. I open my Twitter and tweet :” A perfect relationship = Two people never giving up on each other.” Before I get up and get dressed in a shirt dress and leggings paired with one of Calum’s hoodies. As I go to pull a my shoes Calum comes over to me, bending to tie my Converse for me. “Thank you.” I tell him as much as it makes me feel like a little kid, I’m grateful he would do it for me. “You’re Welcome.” He says kissing my belly then my lips. “Anything for my girls.” I smile at the thought. His girls.
-after sound check-
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The boys were messing around in another room as I sit the piano with my song book as Luke walks up. “What are you working on?” I jump a bit. “I’m trying to work with this lyric I have.“ I show him. “I think I might be able to help with it, if you like? I mean, I had a lot of the same feelings you have had when Arzaylea cheated but I didn’t really have a reason to work it out.” I nod “of course. No offense but I’m glad you didn’t work it with Arzaylea. I really wouldn’t have wanted her as bridesmaid in my wedding.” Within 30 minutes we have a most of a song. The boys come in the room. “Can we hear it?” I look at Luke and he nods as I started to play.
“I look up from the ground
To see your sad and teary eyes
You look away from me
And I see there's something you're trying to hide And I reach for your hand but it's cold
You pull away again
And I wonder what's on your mind
And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake
You start to tremble and your voice begins to break
You say the cigarettes on the counter weren't your friend's
They were my mate's
And I feel the color draining from my face
And my friend said
"I know you love her, but it's over, mate
It doesn't matter, put the phone away
It's never easy to walk away, let her go
It'll be alright"
So I still look back at all the messages you'd sent
And I know it wasn't right, but it was fucking with my head
And everything deleted like the past, it was gone
And when I touched your face, I could tell you're moving on
But it's not the fact that you kissed him yesterday
It's the feeling of betrayal, that I just can't seem to shake...
I look up at Calum, he smiles at me. “I love it.”
Rose walks into the room, “y/n, I was going through the pictures and I think we need a few more from when the boys perform “shes looks so perfect” I nod. That’s how I find myself on stage at the last song of the night but as I get setup for Calum’s line the music stops and he starts talking. “Sorry guys, I have something to say. “ he pulls me right next to him. “I have been in love with this girl for 4 years as of today and I can’t imagine my life without her and our baby girl that we will be meeting soon.” He turns to be handing his bass to Michael.
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So Y/N Y/L/N I love you with all my heart and soul will you marry me?” Calum asks as he gets down on one knee with a beautiful ring in his hand. I nod as I start to cry. “YES.” I say pulling him into a kiss.
-in the dressing-
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I’m setting on the couch looking at my ring as Calum is taking his shower. Michael jumps onto the couch next to me. “How is my favorite girl?” I smile at him. “I’m so happy.” He hugs me “that’s great y/n but I was asking about my niece.” I laugh as he pokes my belly. “Baby hood is doing great, she has been kicking like crazy.” I put my hand on my belly, I notice Calum watching us. “What you doing creeper?” Michael turns to see Calum. “Nothing, it’s just about the words ‘baby hood and niece.’ It all just feels right. ” He has the biggest smile on his face I have seen in years. He sets on the other side of me. “That’s Good since you’ll stuck with me now.” I tell him as kiss his lips. Michael pulls me to him. “I was talking to youuuuuuu.” Calum laughs at Michael’s actions. We all fall quiet as we hear Ashton from outside. “ Luke, that should me not Calum. Y/n and I should be the ones getting married and having a baby.” Calum looks at me. “What did he say?” “Can you and I talk in a minute? I have to talk to him.” He nods trusting me. Calum pushes me up.
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“Ashton, I need to talk to you now.” I pull him down the hall. “Ashton listen to me. We Dated over 5 years ago . If you really wanted me, you wouldn’t have been dating Bryana on the side, you made your choice but I didn’t have to make a choice, Calum isn’t a choice. He is my other half. I care about you but I don’t see myself with you anymore. I’m happy and when Calum and I started dating you said you were happy for me. I love you as a brother. Nothing more.” I tell him and before I know what’s going on he kisses me. I Pull back and slap him across the face. “Ashton this is the first and last time I will say this do not kiss me again. I love Calum with all of my heart, body and soul.” I turn to see all three of the other boys standing there. Calum looks at Ashton and I. “You dated?” I don’t even think before I walk to Calum and take his hands in mine. “We dated for 6 months back in late 2013 into early 2014. Ashton and I were a mess. He was dating Bryana and I found out that was why it ended. I will be honest he was the reason you guys had the photoshoot with me. Calum please know, I didn’t mean to hurt you by not telling you. I didn’t wanted to mess up us. I love you and only you. Calum looks at me with tears in his eyes. “I understand why you didn’t tell me. I love you and the past is the past.” He pulls me closer to him. “ you have never been a choice for me either.”
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A/n: so this is part 9. I have one more part in mind then it will be finished. Please let me know what you think. :)
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strangeland-jewel · 5 years
Q&A with Tom
SO, it all started with this
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And here I gather all questions and answers from today with our favourite singer. Hope you enjoy!
*Note* Question with ‘ ******* ‘ in front is question that came with picture. If I have a permission from the owner, I’ll edit the post then. Now I’m just going to put *Note* behind it and describe what the photo is like.
**Do not repost any pictures here in this post (except the one with Tom’s dog which belongs to Tom). They are all from personal accounts on Twitter and I asked for a permission to post them only here. If you want to use the pictures in your post, contact the owners. I leave all the details for that below each pictures posted.** 
Q: Will “It’s Over” ever get released? Love that song
A: Must find a home for it. One of my absolute favourites. So yes, I hope so!
Q: Any reading recommendations? :)
A: Stoner. Fabulous, if depressing.
Q: What kind of in ears do you wear? They look amazing
A:  They’re made by ACS. Very good. I’d be more or less deaf by now if it wasn’t for in-ear technology!
Q: Thanks for your solo album! Great stuff. When do you think that the next Keane album will be released?
A:  Can’t really say yet but it’s coming.
Q:  Will there be any more solo stuff or will it be back to Keane?
A:  I’m writing all the time. But let’s see what happens.
Q:  What is your input on the new Keane album?
A: Singing as best I can.
Q:  Do you think you’d have any plans to do a 15 year anniversary tour of hopes and fears?
A:  Interesting idea but feels to soon for a retrospective move like that. Maybe the 25th anniversary. Or the 50th...if we’re not pushing up daisies by that point.
*******Q:  In honor of Somewhere Only We Know being our family’s song *Note* A picture of tattoo saying ‘simple thing’ on the side of a body.
A:  Nice! I reckon 90% of people think it’s “sympathy”. Well done for getting the lyric correct...cos I’m not paying for laser removal.
Q:  Absoluted loved "time" being played at Hastings last summer... have you been writing anything else along that style of music? Or was it a one off?
A:  Yep.
Q:  Does the new keane album include any songs written by you?
A:  Err no, I ran out the way of the Tim Rice-Oxley songwriting juggernaut.
Q:  Do you have a regular ritual before you go on stage ?
A:  Just pacing around feeling panicked.
Q:  Favorite place in the world?
A:  Family cuddle. (Sorry for the sentimentality there).
Q:  Any advice for new musicians?
A:  Write what you feel, don’t be afraid to enter the swamp of shame inside you and lay it all out there. That’s what people will connect with.
Q:  What do you miss most about being on tour with Keane?
A:  Banter that only we can understand with a darkness that should only be shared amongst friends.
Q:  What would you say to a bundle of 11/12 years old who ended up loving your music after singing Under A Million Lights? If you sent me a message, I could show them in class and I can tell they would collapse (in thankfulness and awe!) They love you.
A:  You are the greatest class of all time and you will save the world...
Q: Can you give me a birthday shout out?! It was yesterday!
A:  Happy Birthday legend.
Q:  Any plans on visiting Dublin for a concert soon
A:  Be feckin’ rude not to.
Q:  Are they any tickets left for your Harrogate show? #asktom
A:  Probably!
Q:  Do you feel as comfortable as usual working with keane? Has anything changed?
A: It’s like a mad old family which, as most of us know, brings its heady cocktail of love and pain.
A: For those of you asking about the dog. She’s a total pain in the arse...but very lovely too.
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Q:  Did you see the Michael Jackson documentary and what was your conclusion?
A:  I can’t bear to watch it. It doesn’t sound so good for Jacko. Mind you, I’d say he’s got bigger problems right now.
Q:  Is it a hard task to write a song (music+words)? For instance... "Quicksand"?
A:  The hardest but most rewarding part. Lyrics are like a puzzle that has to be figured out.
Q: What would you say to the younger Tom Chaplin?
A:  Go and see a therapist Tom. It’s ok, you’re ok, it’s gonna be alright.
Q:  Best thing about Hastings /Battle?
A:  Battle is all sweet, nostalgic memories for me. Hastings Old Town is lovely. St Leonard’s is a funky place these days.
Q:  Which would you rather be attacked by? 1 horse sized duck or a dozen duck sized horses?
A:  Definitely the horse sized duck. I nearly wrote dick then. Thank you autocorrect...for once.
Q:  What do you feel when you listen "Fly to Me" by Keane?
A:  We played it at my Grandfather’s funeral, so I think of him.
Q:  What is "Closer Now" about?
A:  Unrequited love. Long time ago!
Q:  Would love to just get a hello!! I've been a longtime fan of yours, and listen to your music everyday. One of the people I support at work is 60 years old and completely blind. They love playing the Keane classics on the piano! They would love to know you said hello!
A:  Hello!!
Q:  In what way(s) has therapy helped you?
A: It’s helped in every corner of my life...particularly the corners I didn’t know about.
Q:  Do you get fed up with me taking your photo at gigs ?
A:  Most definitely not! You’re bloody wonderful Mark.
Q:  Are you watching any tv show or movie you can recommend?
A:  I’m just watching Fleabag series 2. Just got to the haircut scene...nearly spat my tea out!
Q:  Do you like my username? *Note* this guy’s username is @tomchaplin 
A:  Huh?? That’s both clever and a bit worrying....
Q:  Your opinion about LGBT community?
A:  We’re all on this journey together, let’s accept all of our fellow travellers!
Q:  What is Black Burning Heart about? One of my favourites
A:  God only knows...and Tim. Tim knows too.
Q:  Not a question more of a request. My son James has just started chemotherapy. He’s 16 and a big fan. Could you send a hello please
A:  Hello James. Whatever happens, keep wearing that mile wide smile.
Q:  My teacher just said if you reply to this tweet we wouldn’t have homework so if you have a soul please help us poor children out.
A:  Pens down. Also, don’t worry about school tomorrow, take a long weekend.
 Q: Do you like this photo I took of you
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(Taken by Olivia from @xplodinglemon on Twitter. Here is the LINK direct to her tweet.)
A:  Anyone who says life is boring without drugs hasn’t seen this photo.
Q:  Matchy matchy. Mine are a pain in the area too. Must be a doodle thing...
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(Taken by Lainey Farrant from @Lainey_Farrant on Twitter. Here is the LINK direct to her tweet.)
A:  oh my, that is quite the collection. 4 of them??? You must be utterly bonkers.
Q:  Last question, why Ipswich why not Man Utd???
A:  Clearly I’m not a glory seeker.
Q:  Can you remember how any of the old songs go? Asking for a friend. (*Note* Our drummer Richard came asking this himself lol)
A:  Great question Richard! I think nearly all of them have a beginning and an ending and maybe some stuff that happens in the middle. Hope that helps!
Q:  How does it feel knowing people feel so strongly about your music and have such close connections to moments of their own life? For me ‘Hardened Heart’, ‘Hamburg Song’ and ‘Eveybodys Changing’ have such close links to things that happened to me and always will #asktom
A:  We’re nothing if we’re not connected to each other in this life. I like to think that I would be ok stranded on a desert island...but two days in I’d be a quivering wreck.
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And that’s it for today! Did you send him your questions? Got his answer? I send mind several times but they are just not so interesting haha. Let’s hope we’ll have some fun like this again and all of us will be a little luckier than today!
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rolypolywl · 5 years
Welcome to day 15!
So, earlier this week I’ve been talking about motivation. And now I’m going to help you with all those steps that we established.
So one of the things the experts recommend is to make a plan and another is to track your progress. It might seem like working out or eating better is all you need to lose weight, but it turns out that there is a lot of prep and continuing… paperwork, for lack of a better word. If you really want to commit to losing weight and getting healthier, and you want your best shot at succeeding, then the “paperwork” is kind of important.
You’ll want to spend a little time journaling in advance, and then some kind of tracking throughout. You might also need/want to return to the journaling as you progress.
So, basically, there are two ways to do these things; analog and digital.
I’ll start with analog. So if you’re more inclined to this, get yourself a journal and/or calendar and/or planner.
I like journaling for the “why” kind of things. You can find all kinds of journals with blank, lined, or dotted pages on Amazon or in any book store. I also keep finding gorgeous journals in places like Michaels. There are even ones with motivational or fitness-related covers, if you want a little extra inspiration.
Another great thing is that you can get them in different sizes and thicknesses. Do you want an index card sized one that fits in your pocket, or a large paperback sized one that fits in your purse? Or a full on notebook sized one that’s in the 8.5 x 11 range? What will you actually keep track of, keep handy, and return to?
So that’s for the journalling side. For the tracking kind of things, I really like a school planner. Even when I was in school I had trouble finding the kind I liked. The kind where you’ve got the month at a glance and then the week breakdown, so you can track in multiple ways. I could always find one or the other, but it was tricky to find both. For this, I like Mead, especially their tropical beaches version. And you can find it both in the printer paper size, small size, and the pocket sized.
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As it happens, Roly Mama and I are doing a variation on this right now. We got a big desk calendar
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which we’ve hung on the wall, and some great ridiculous stickers from the dollar store. So we’re tracking our workouts on this by adding stickers when we do something.
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Now, this is just for our workouts and activity, not for food or anything else that we should be or are tracking. But if you’re an analog person, seeing a calendar full of stickers can be really motivating.
You can also combine these things into something like a bullet journal. And I’m going to sorry - not sorry - link you to buzzfeed and these two great articles on bullet journals.
Bullet journals, if you don’t know, are a way of kind of combining calendar, list, and journal into one gorgeous hybrid by people with way more time and way better penmanship than me. They are inspiring to look at, even if I can’t imagine crafting one half as well.
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I will, however, recommend my favorite pen: the PaperMate InkJoy. I’m normally not a fan of ink pens instead of ballpoint because they can bleed through, but these don’t bleed as badly as many I’ve tried. And they come in lovely colors. And they have decently soft tubes, so they don’t hurt your fingers. I love them!
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Now, personally, I have switched to digital for my scheduling needs, because I do way too much rearranging and copy/pasting, and it made my physical schedules look all messy. I tend to vacillate between two options.
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The first is Evernote. I love the way I can do tick boxes, and I can color code the text.
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I also love the way I can sort notes into folders and give them tags. Plus I can clip things from online, draw on it, and/or add pictures! Downsides are that columns are non-existent, and that it can get a bit hard to find notes if you have a ton in a single folder or tag.
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The other one is Google Drive, which I love because I can access it anywhere. And for that I tend to use Google Sheets, because I can rearrange it really easily. I can also color code both the text and the boxes. I also can see a bit more at a glance than I can with evernote. (Because of the aforementioned lack of columns)
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There is also apparently a digital version of bullet journalling, called Good Notes, which I just discovered and have yet to try out. If you have, let me know what you think!
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Another thing that can help with our weight loss and health goals is tracking our habits. Again, this is the kind of thing that you can track on a calendar or journal, but you can also go digital.
Now, there are also some great apps for this kind of thing. I currently use Habit List.
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I love that you can reorder the habits, and you can set them to be daily, on a certain day of the week, or so many times a week. You can also backtrack to fill them in, and look at a month-at-a-glance. If you are on top of your habit, the little bubble is green. If you missed yesterday, it is yellow, and if you are more out of date it is red. Oh, and ones that are optional, like “once a week” are grey. You can even have it send you a reminder at a specific time for a habit. The only downside I have for it is that you can’t archive a habit. You can either change it, or delete it and all of your past check ins.
Another one is Habitica.
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Habitica takes your daily chores and turns them into points in an RPG. It isn’t as customizable as I’d like, but if you’re into sprite era gaming, RPGs, and rewards you might love this one.
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Atracker lets you color code your habits, and it will show you your habits on a daily calendar or a pie chart. It has an interesting twist wherein you actually can “start” a habit. And then stop it when you’re done. So you can see how much time you spend on something. But, for habits that aren’t really time specific, or things like meditating as you fall asleep, which you can’t “stop”, this might be less useful. And if you forget to turn it off, it can screw up your numbers. But I do like the daily calendar breakdown aspect of it.
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Productive seems to have the best of Atracker and Habit List, with color coding and month-at-a-glance calendars, but you have to pay $30 a year to use it.
There are lots of other habit tracking apps, like Coach Me, Noom, and Any List, so check them out and see what works best for you!
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So, these are general habit trackers. But there are also more specific tasks. Now, I’ve already talked about tracking your water specifically, and tracking your exercise and activity as it ties to a fitness tracker.
There are also exercise and diet specific apps, which I am doing a whole episode on as I get to food. But there are a bunch of them. So you can keep track of all of those things to keep yourself motivated.
Again, this is if you want to do it with apps. You can always put all of these things in a physical journal or calendar too.
Finally, one of the recommendations was to celebrate successes, and to have a positive attitude. I have two apps I recommend here, for different reasons. One is Happier.
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This is great for posting basically short tweets to the Happier app about things that make you happy that day. You get a little toss of confetti when you post it, and others can smile and comment. The whole app is geared towards positivity and supporting each other.
Now, that’s not to say you can’t post something emotional, or if you’re having a bad day or something. In fact, you can, and you get great support from the community. You can post multiple times a day if you want, and some people seem to post a dozen times every day! You can follow people whose posts you like or find inspiring, and they can follow you.
The second app I like for this is HappyFeed.
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The goal of this app is to basically make a 3 item gratitude list (or happy list) every day. It is private, so no one else sees your posts, and there’s no social aspect. But it helps you build a habit of looking for the positivity and gratitude in life.
I had actually made a goal, because I had been told to in self help books, to note three things I was grateful for every day. And I was doing that in my daily “to do” list or my note app. Then I found HappyFeed, and it fit that goal perfectly!
So these are both great apps for celebrating your successes and for keeping a positive attitude. Check them out!
This is also the kind of thing that can be fun to put on a calendar or journal that you can look back at, if you prefer more analog. Again, I really like making it pretty with colorful pens and stickers and things. It should be something that you can look back at when you’re in need of some extra motivation, so pick something that will motivate you!
So, that is it for today.
This has been Roly Poly Weight loss. As always, I am your host, Roly Poly. Please share your motivations, and your roadblock plans, with the hashtag, #Motivation. And join my social group for support and maybe a little friendly competition by @-ing me!
And please join me next time!
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sierratheory · 6 years
Sierra Deaton (ft. Ashton)
I decided to go ahead and make a smaller, but more continual post concerning things that Sierra has done, that don’t really warrant a full individual post in and of themselves. This isn’t going to be a concise list by any means, but more-so just a compilation of things that may or may not mean something, but that are interesting nonetheless. Potential little coins into the bucket of evidence, I suppose. As always, long posts will be under the cut, so keep reading if ya like!
DISCLAIMER: At the time of creating this post (at the very beginning of May), my opinions were different from what they currently are. I didn’t initially believe that Lierra was a PR stunt; I simply thought that Sierra was making her friendship out to be something it wasn’t, as well as stirring the pot for attention and relevancy from the fans. However, due to the evidence that’s arisen since June 15th - the album release date - I do now believe that Lierra is PR in addition to stirring the pot for attention, due to reasons I cover in my other posts. I’m adding a disclaimer, rather than editing this entire post, because it serves as a good example of where my line of thinking was at the time, based on the evidence that I had to work with.
Liz, Jack, and his significant other Celeste, met Sierra for the first time months ago when they came to LA for Luke. Sierra follows both Jack and Celeste, but neither Celeste (nor Ben) follow Sierra. Jack only followed Sierra in the past two weeks, even though they first met months ago. Celeste still occasionally likes Sierra’s posts even though she doesn’t follow her at all. Could be something, could be nothing, but it’s interesting nonetheless. 
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Now, let’s take a look at how Ashton’s demeanor towards Sierra has changed on social media over the recent months:
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   Ashton used to be so, so supportive and speak so lovingly of Sierra. That’s initially why I really liked Sierra. This is totally subjective, but I really feel like Ashton has a good sense for people; He’s a good judge of character, he really is. I know a lot of people want to use the argument, “Oh, you’re just jealous of Sierra because you’re obsessed with Luke!” But that’s such a highkey lazy argument, is it not? Besides, it’s completely untrue because I’m not in Luke’s lane, and I really haven’t ever been. I’ve been in Ashton’s lane since pretty much Day 1! Honestly, so many fans who are also in other lanes (Calum’s, Michael’s, etc.) dislike Sierra, and you’re going to tell me it’s because they’re all jealous? Find a better argument, really. Because I’m in Ashton’s lane and really fucking liked and supported Sierra initially, regardless of what she was to him. 
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There’s also this photo above that depicts a Tweet that Ashton responded to (..also not to be That Person but can we please appreciate how sweet he is..he deserves everything and I ain’t sorry). 
Let’s also look at what Ashton’s recent likes are like concerning Sierra. 
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The photo above was from the day of Sierra’s first song release under her new stage name, “Essy.” We can see that Luke arrived to the like party. But where’s Ashton? Surely he just forgot such an important event and he still supports her, right? ..Right? 
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There’s Luke, but where’s Ashton…? 
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Once again, Luke has arrived, but Ashton is yet again, nowhere to be found. 
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We have a Calum, but no Luke, and no Ashton. That’s still just a coincidence though, right? I’m not so sure it is, but I’m not here to tell you what to think, I’m here to lay it all out for you and let you ​decide for yourself.​ So let’s continue. 
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We can see that Luke hasn’t fully abandonded ship yet, but has Ashton? 
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This photo above was another very important date​ for Sierra, and Ashton and Calum liked and commented on it to show their support publicly..But Ashton didn’t even take so much as a single second to like the photo. The same Ashton who, just a matter of roughly two months​ prior to this release, had some of the sweetest and most supportive things to say about the release of her first single since then. So what’s changed? I believe this photo represents the first moment that it became so obvious that Ashton was separating himself from Sierra. 
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 All of this brings us full circle to Sierra’s most recent photo, posted just yesterday, as of the day that I’m finalizing this post I’ve been drafting. Luke liked, but Ashton is yet again, nowhere to be seen. The last time Ashton has liked or commented on a photo of Sierra’s was February 16th.​ We’re now approaching the very end of May. So roughly three and a half months since he’s interacted with her publicly on social media. 
I find this so significant, because Ashton spoke so highly of Sierra, in such a public manner. I feel as though he spoke more highly of her than he did his most recent ex-girlfriend (we know who I’m referring to), and it was clear that he loved his ex a lot despite the way it all played out in the end. So I, and so many others, feel as if something has to have changed since then. 
Personally, I think that Ashton has come to his senses and realized that Sierra isn’t a genuine person, and that she has this sweet little facade put up. But really, she’s doing subtle and “casual” (but completely one-sided) things that involve the boys, in order to stir up speculation and controversy, because that equals more attention​ for herself - more eyes and ears focusing on her new music career. ​This is my observation based on all of the things there are to consider, and you do have to consider the bigger picture of all of this before you can come to the least biased conclusion.
I may include more bits and piece of potential evidence to this post in the future, as more new piece arrive. But for now, this is all I have, so thanks for listening if you’ve made it this far, please don’t hesitate to give this a like or re-blog if you found it interesting. If you have any thoughts or theories that I might have skipped over, feel free to send ‘em in!
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
Seven Lessons I’ve Learned From Rose Flower Background | Rose Flower Background
Dawn Ward and her bedmate Ashley didn’t let lockdown stop them from putting on a amazing commemoration for their 25th bells commemoration in the area of their Cheshire mansion.
To mark the milestone, the couple’s babe Taylor Ward, 22, planned the absurd accident and aggregate a attending at the attractive annual wall, airship display, al adorn three-course meal, as able-bodied as a clandestine concert from a accompanist on her Instagram page.
Taylor’s three added ancestors were additionally in attendance; Darby 23, Charlie, 13, and Aston, 11, forth with The Real Housewives of Cheshire star’s parents and Darby’s admirer Michael Jackson.
Get absolute celebrity belief and aces photoshoots beeline to your inbox with OK’s circadian newsletter. You can assurance up at the top of the page.
Dawn aggregate a montage of memories with her ex-footballer bedmate to mark the day, including a breeze of them on their bells day from 1995, area they said their vows at alluring commemoration at Manchester’s Midland Hotel.
“Didn’t feel is was appropriate to column yesterday…….so Happy 25th Commemoration to the adulation of my activity @ashersnine. I can’t accept it’s 25 years ago we got married. Aloof 100% absolute in every way. I wouldn’t appetite to abound old and absorb the blow of my activity with anyone but you.
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The post Seven Lessons I’ve Learned From Rose Flower Background | Rose Flower Background appeared first on Flower Nifty.
from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/seven-lessons-ive-learned-from-rose-flower-background-rose-flower-background/
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
19 Reliable Sources To Learn About The Painter Of Sunflowers | The Painter Of Sunflowers
A animated civilian rights and gender adequation activist, Faith Ringgold has produced an inherently political oeuvre. In the aboriginal 1970s, she alone acceptable oils for painting in acrylic on unstretched canvas with bolt borders, a address evoking Tibetan thangkas (silk paintings with embroidery). The corrective anecdotal quilts for which Ringgold is best accepted grew out of these aboriginal paintings, and accuse racism and bigotry with their accountable matter. Combining batt making, brand painting, and adventure cogent through images and hand-written texts, the alternation “The American Collection” (1997) endeavors to carbon African American art history, emphasizing the accent of family, roots, and aesthetic collaboration. In accession to demonstrating adjoin the Museum of Modern Art and the Whitney over what she perceives to be their exclusion of atramentous and changeable artists, Ringgold has co-founded groups to abutment these demographics.
19 Reliable Sources To Learn About The Painter Of Sunflowers | The Painter Of Sunflowers – the painter of sunflowers | Pleasant for you to my personal website, within this occasion I’ll provide you with about keyword. And today, this is the primary impression:
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Claude Monet | Bouquet of Sunflowers | The Met – the painter of sunflowers | the painter of sunflowers
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Mother and Child | Winifred’s Portrait & Fine Art Gallery – the painter of sunflowers | the painter of sunflowers
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130/5000 The picture was taken by Inger Margrethe – my niece in Sandefjord yesterday from her garden and so I made this of it in Corel Painter | the painter of sunflowers
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Sunflowers-Acrylic on canvas painting – the painter of sunflowers | the painter of sunflowers
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Vincent van Gogh’s Sunflowers – Draw Paint Academy – the painter of sunflowers | the painter of sunflowers
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Two Sunflowers Painting by Irina Sztukowski – the painter of sunflowers | the painter of sunflowers
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Sunflower by Michael Creese – the painter of sunflowers | the painter of sunflowers
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Van Gogh's Iconic 'Sunflowers' Will Be Reunited for the .. | the painter of sunflowers
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Painting My World: S is for Sunflowers..My Top 3 Painting .. | the painter of sunflowers
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Jimmie’s Art: Tall Sunflower Oil Painting – the painter of sunflowers | the painter of sunflowers
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Sunflower No.9 – by Marcia Baldwin from FOTM Sunflowers .. | the painter of sunflowers
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How To Paint A Sunflower – Step By Step Painting – Tutorial – the painter of sunflowers | the painter of sunflowers
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A Sunflower Painting by Juan Alcantara – the painter of sunflowers | the painter of sunflowers
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Infinity Erupts – the painter of sunflowers | the painter of sunflowers
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Sunflower Oil Painting in 2019 | Sunflower art, Flower art .. | the painter of sunflowers
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Painted Sunflower Digital Art by Scott Carruthers – the painter of sunflowers | the painter of sunflowers
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Watercolors for Sale ….. CHERYL JOHNSON … Campton .. | the painter of sunflowers
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Golden Nature – the painter of sunflowers | the painter of sunflowers
The post 19 Reliable Sources To Learn About The Painter Of Sunflowers | The Painter Of Sunflowers appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/19-reliable-sources-to-learn-about-the-painter-of-sunflowers-the-painter-of-sunflowers/
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ccwandco · 5 years
Tuesday, July 16th, 2019 - 5:32 AM
My stomach is aching right now because I binged tonight. Well, not exactly. I ate more calories than I probably should have. But it wasn’t a full-on binge. Still not good that my stomach hurts or that I’m eating more. I couldn’t really help myself, mom made a sugar free cake. For whatever reason. It was good. I’ll try not to eat anymore tomorrow. I’ve been kind of lazy and inconsistent with not only eating but music these past few days. I’m not sure why. It’s probably from lack of sleep. I have to get back on a little bit of a track soon. It’s actually super annoying to have it be the source of nearly all my problems. Music is going slow, I skipped a day of working on music. I was supposed to do three songs today, but I only did the one I was supposed to do yesterday and I don’t even know if it’s good at all. It was a super short one and I felt like adding to it, so I did. It’s whatever, I guess. I’m not sure if I’ll have the energy to do more tomorrow but we’ll see. Tomorrow night I am going to GO TO BED by at least 3. It’s only a few hours less, it should NOT be hard.
TMM: lazy
Acne: still just as bad
New Music: The one I just (kind of) wrote I guess!
Last Song Listened to on Spotify: Lonesome Town by Ricky Nelson
Current Events: I guess they are making a live action Coraline??? I can’t really tell because all I see is people complaining about it on Twitter and no actual tweet about a live action film...also Netflix removed the suicide scene from 13 Reasons Why after TWO YEARS of people saying it was too much
Last Google Search: “frank”
Last Text Sent: “miss him so much” : Braydin
Last YouTube Video Watched: MY YOUTUBE DRAMA
Instagram Followers: 178
POTD: my friends at dance
Highlights: going to my dance studio and seeing all my old friends/teachers, wearing my new overalls :), loving Michael from the Lemon Twigs with my whole heart (Brian/Richie Cambridge too!!), Braydin drawing a nice picture of us, watching creepy videos
Lowlights: binging a lil bit, my stomach HURTING, waking up super late, hating my ugly skin, being frustrated while trying to write a song, being GASSY, being creeped out by the creepy videos and being all jumpy
Overall Score: 6.5/10, more boring
To Work On: going to sleep on time PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
Yesterday’s Goal Accomplished?: NO!!!!!
0 notes
josiahlg · 7 years
Tweets Archive
Be Grateful
1. Your perception is a reflection of your attitude. Your attitude is a reflection of your gratitude. Be grateful!
2. “Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.” - Oprah Winfrey
3. “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”  - Cicero 
Kill Self
1. “Replace the 'I' with 'we' and illness becomes wellness.” - @dasscherick
2. “There is no easy way to humility. Pride longs to roam free and expands wherever space allows. Death to self is the greatest of all wars.” -EGW
3. “It’s funny how the highest praise goes up only when our flesh is being pleased.” - @_lonewolf
4. “How did, ‘deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Me’ become, ‘fulfil yourself, take up ur calling, and follow your dreams?’” - S. Foyeh
5. “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” - Albert Einstein
Love at the Centre
1. “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” - 1 Cori 13:1
2. “I have found the paradox that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” - Mother Teresa
3. “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” - Martin Luther King Jr
4. Walk humbly. Live simply. Love genuinely.
1. Some spend their time trying to find someone to sleep with instead of finding someone worth waking up to.
2. The truth is, everyone will at some point hurt you. You just have to find the ones worth suffering for.
3. “Just because no one is perfect, that isn't a good enough excuse to settle for mediocrity.” - Tony Gaskins
4. “The higher your standard, the longer the wait. The longer the wait, the more faith is required.” - T. Rain
5. “Understand that even an ‘understanding heart’ grows tired of being understanding and never understood” - @AaliyahJay
1. “The goal is not to end up in Heaven. The goal is to live on earth as it is in Heaven.” - Damon Thompson
2. We were made by Love and for love, and until we understand that, life will never make sense.
3. Two Foundational Facts of Human Enlightenment: (1) There is a God. (2) And you are not Him.
4. “Faith never knows where it is being led. But it knows and loves the One who is leading.” - Oswald Chambers
5. “God can turn things around in a second, minute, hour, day, month, year or whatever time HE desires. Wait on HIM!” - @Zalika_M
6. “Sin is an inevitable and natural consequence of having a false picture of God.” - @dasscherick
7. “We must denounce sin as boldly as the world commits it.” – Dean Cullinane
8. Every good decision isn't necessarily God's decision. Remember to stay in his will.
9. “When #religion is just an idea, a concept or a set of doctrines, it is worse than meaningless; it is harmful.” - @dasscherick
10. Since God intends to make you like Jesus, he will take you through the same experiences Jesus went through. That includes problems, temptation, stress, criticism, rejection and many more.
11. “We were promised sufferings. They were part of the program. We were even told, 'Blessed are they that mourn.’” – C S Lewis
12. Eternity to the godly is a day that has no sunset; eternity to the wicked is a night that has no sunrise.
13. “Secularism makes you selfish. Religion makes you tribal. The gospel makes you sacrificial.” - Tim Keller
14. “Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance.” - C.S. Lewis
15. “Your life will be a remimder to another soul that they can overcome. Don’t numb the hurt give it purpose. Prove that survival is possible” - @Niaa_xs
16. Freedom is not getting to do whatever you want, but being able to do what God created you to do.
17. “Today’s decisions are tomorrow’s realities, life today is a collection of the choices you made yesterday.” - A. Michael
18. “If you read history you will find that the people who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since people have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this.” - C.S. Lewis
19. Desires for goodness and holiness are right as far as they go; but if you stop here, they will avail nothing. Many will be lost while hoping and desiring to be Christians. They do not come to the point of yielding the will to God. They do not now choose to be Christians. - {SC47.2}
20. “Someday my heart will pound its last beat. My pulse will go still, but my spirit will soar to God who gave it. He will judge me by His Word.” - Ken Raddio
Be the Best you Can Be
1. Pray as though everything depends on God. Work as though everything depends on you. #WorkHard #PrayEvenHarder
2. Just be true to who you are. You were born an original don't die a copy.
3. “Live your life outside the box, because when you die you're going into one.” - Tyler Perry
4. “Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” - John Wooden
5. “Without uncertainty there's no progress. Live your life without limits. Enjoy it. Embrace it. Love it.” - @CrisOkero
6. “Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” - George Bernard Shaw
7. “When you stop growing you start dying.” - William Burroughs.
8. “Life is short. Christ lived for 33 years but fulfilled His purpose. Live everyday like it’s your last and be pleasing unto God." - @FaithChildMusic
9. “Most  people would choose unhappiness over uncertainty.” - @CrisOkero
10. “Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.” - M. Savant
11. “When all is said and done, success without happiness is the worst kind of failure.” - Louis Binstock
12. “If you don't get it the first time, what do you do? Walk away? Maybe they didn't hear the knock. Try Again.” #determination - Jackson Ogunyemi
13. Your mind is your greatest asset. Invest in your mind and you’ll always be wealthy.
14. “Try not be a man of success but a man value.” - Albert Einstein
1. “We must always have old memories and young hopes.” - Arsene Houssaye
2. I wouldn't turn back time and change anything, unless I could change everything.
3. In some of the third world countries, an 13 year old is leading his family. In the U.S/U.K they are reciting their favorite singer’s lyrics.
4. “A contented mind, a cheerful spirit, is health to the body and strength to the soul.” - ML 151 (E.G. White)
5. “There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live.” - John Adams
6. “The problem with the world is that the intelligent are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” - Charles Bukowski
7. “It's Ok to be inspired by someone else but be bold enough to be yourself.” - Tony Gaskins
8. “Death always gives life perspective. The irony.” - @Ayokunu
9. “Man says show me and I'll trust you, God says trust me and I'll show you!!” - @astarmusicuk
10. “Ten years from now, make sure you will be able to say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it.” - @itsnakhedibtw
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mastcomm · 5 years
DealBook: How the Coronavirus Could Hurt Apple and Starbucks
Good morning. (Was this email forwarded to you? Sign up here.)
Businesses try to defend against coronavirus
More companies are temporarily halting business in parts of China, as the outbreak spreads and the fear of contagion rises.
Here’s the latest:
• British Airways suspended flights to and from mainland China. Cathay Pacific and United Airlines have reduced the number of flights.
• Starbucks closed more than half of its stores in the country, its second-biggest market.
• The owner of Uniqlo has closed about 100 stores in the affected Hubei Province.
Apple said the outbreak could affect its financial forecasts. Tim Cook, its C.E.O., told analysts yesterday that suppliers could be disrupted and that traffic to its stores in China had dropped.
The moves come as the disease’s toll continues to grow. The death tally as of this morning was 132 — up from 106 yesterday — and the number of cases jumped 25 percent, to 5,974. And more cases are being reported of people in other countries falling ill, despite having not visited China.
Markets offered a mixed reaction. Hong Kong stocks fell today, their first day of trading after the Lunar New Year holiday. But S&P futures are indicating a positive opening in the U.S.
Today’s DealBook Briefing was written by Andrew Ross Sorkin in New York and Michael J. de la Merced in London.
U.K. deals a blow to Trump’s fight against Huawei
Britain, defying calls from the White House to block Huawei products, said it would not ban the Chinese company from being used in its new high-speed 5G wireless network.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson allowed Huawei technology to be used in some parts of Britain’s 5G infrastructure, though not in essential ones. And “high risk” vendors who pose potential security risks wouldn’t be allowed to hold more than 35 percent of the country’s overall network.
The decision dismissed the Trump administration’s claims that using Huawei products could compromise the security of 5G systems.
Britain is in a tough position: Washington threatened to withhold intelligence if London allowed Huawei into the country’s 5G network, while China threatened economic retaliation if it didn’t.
The decision could embolden other countries to use Huawei. Canada and Germany are set to decide this year on whether to block the Chinese company.
A Trump administration official said the U.S. was “disappointed” by the move and would work with Britain “on a way forward that results in the exclusion of untrusted vendor components from 5G networks.”
Jay Powell is back in the spotlight
The Fed is expected to announce a decision on interest rates today after the end of its latest board meeting. That will again put the focus on Mr. Powell, the chairman, who continues to face pressure from President Trump as he steers the central bank, Jeanna Smialek of the NYT writes.
• “Everything about him, from the simple language he uses at news conferences to his demeanor on Capitol Hill, conveys that he is relatable, ordinary and decidedly undramatic,” Ms. Smialek writes of the Fed chairman.
• His quiet approach “is part of a deeper strategy by Mr. Powell, who is trying to convince America that the Fed is a collection of nonpartisan public servants focused on serving the American people — not a temple of elites wielding unchecked power.”
• “To shore up support, Mr. Powell visits Capitol Hill frequently, holding more than 260 meetings with members of Congress since taking over as chair in February 2018.”
That approach is repeatedly tested by Mr. Trump’s criticism that the Fed has kept interest rates too high. Yesterday, the president tweeted that the central bank “should get smart” and lower rates.
But Mr. Powell and the Fed are expected to keep rates steady and to continue to do so until the economic picture changes.
A new front in the U.S. fight against research theft
Prosecutors arrested Charles Lieber, a top scientist at Harvard, charging him with concealing financial ties to China. It’s an escalation in a campaign to stamp out the stealing of secrets from U.S. universities, Ellen Barry of the NYT writes.
• Dr. Lieber, who specializes in nanoscale electronics, is not accused of sharing sensitive information with Chinese officials. But he was charged with hiding how much money Chinese funders were paying him. (It was tens of thousands of dollars a year, according to prosecutors.)
• He was ensnared in a two-year push by the Justice Department to find individuals at U.S. universities working with the Chinese government. Massachusetts, with its many universities, is a “target-rich” environment, according to the special agent in charge of the F.B.I.’s Boston field office.
• The drive has meant “researchers are adjusting to a higher level of scrutiny about foreign funding than they faced in the past,” Ms. Barry writes.
Another firm joins the push for climate action and social change
The money-management firm State Street plans to vote against directors of companies in major stock indexes that fall behind targets for environmental, social and governance changes.
“We see that shareholder value is increasingly being driven by issues such as climate change, labor practices and consumer product safety,” Cyrus Taraporevala, the C.E.O. of the firm’s investment management arm, wrote in a letter to corporate boards.
State Street will start its campaign with companies in the S&P 500 and in major European indexes, and then broaden the effort in 2022.
The decision matters, given State Street’s size. Its Global Advisors division oversees $3.1 trillion in assets and is a major investor in companies around the world.
The big picture: Increasingly, huge money managers are using their influence to push for changes beyond financial performance. BlackRock, which has over $7 trillion in assets, said this month that it would make climate change a key investment focus.
Goldman prepares to showcase its new look
Today brings a first for the 151-year-old bank: an “investor day” for shareholders, as well as for analysts, the news media and even regulators.
The event is an attempt to promote a more open image for a company that has traditionally been known as a secretive black box of profits and “an adrenaline-fueled sales-and-trading juggernaut,” Kate Kelly of the NYT writes.
Goldman’s C.E.O., David Solomon, will argue that the bank has evolved. The firm has jumped into retail banking and credit cards, for example, and it does more mundane tasks like manage cash for corporations.
But some executives reportedly think the firm is trying too hard. “They want the investor day to focus more on places where Goldman actually makes money,” Laura Noonan of the FT writes, citing unnamed sources.
Mr. Solomon has his work cut out. Goldman “is to some extent grasping at straws strategically,” one investor specializing in financial stocks told Ms. Noonan.
The speed read
• The investment firm Platinum Equity has reportedly tried to poach Joe Ianniello, the head of CBS, to lead its takeover bid for Univision. (WSJ)
• Two big investors in Deliveroo, the food delivery service, accused British regulators of chilling Britain’s start-up economy by holding up Amazon investment in the company. (FT)
• The European Union’s banking authority is encouraging the Continent’s lenders to merge to get stronger. (WSJ)
Politics and policy
• The U.S. deficit is expected to hit $1.7 trillion by 2030, according to the Congressional Budget Office. (NYT)
• House Democrats are expected to unveil a $760 billion infrastructure investment plan today, with a focus on climate change. (Politico)
• Portugal plans to end tax breaks that made the country attractive for wealthy foreigners. (FT)
• Apple beat expectations for its most recent financial quarter, thanks to brisk sales of the latest iPhone and AirPods. (NYT)
• Facebook has unveiled a tool that lets users see how the company is tracking their online lives — even outside the company’s apps. (WaPo)
• Bitcoin’s mainstream popularity has dropped. But its appeal to criminals hasn’t. (NYT)
Best of the rest
• Nike denied news reports that it had withdrawn Kobe Bryant merchandise from its website. The products, a spokesman said, simply sold out. (CNBC)
• The Massachusetts authorities fined Chipotle $1.4 million for what they said were violations of child labor laws. (NYT)
• The online shoe seller Zappos has quietly backed away from the often-criticized, decentralized management style known as holacracy. (Quartz)
Thanks for reading! We’ll see you tomorrow.
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biofunmy · 5 years
‘S.N.L.’ Presents Kellyanne Conway’s ‘Marriage Story,’ Plus Baby Yoda
It was a Christmas miracle: a “Saturday Night Live” opening sketch that wasn’t in any way dependent on a series of surprise celebrity cameos or an onslaught of political impersonations.
Instead, this weekend’s “S.N.L.” broadcast (which was hosted by Scarlett Johansson and featured the musical guest Niall Horan) began with a comedic look at the dinner tables of three families celebrating the holidays around the country. The first was a liberal-leaning family, led by Cecily Strong, living in San Francisco; the second a conservative-leaning family, led by Beck Bennett, in Charleston, S.C.; and the third a black family, led by Kenan Thompson, in Atlanta.
For starters, Strong expressed her pleasure that President Trump seemed on the verge of being impeached, while Bennett lamented it and called it “a disgrace.” Thompson asked his family, “Y’all think ‘Bad Boys 3’ is going to be good or not? I mean, it’s got to be good. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence back together.”
When Chris Redd asked him to please talk about politics instead, Thompson replied, “Oh you mean how Trump is definitely getting impeached, and then definitely getting re-elected? I’m good.”
The dinner guests around Strong’s table wondered who could possibly vote for Trump now, while at Bennett’s table they asked how anyone couldn’t vote for him. To his family, Thompson asked, “Who do you think is going to get voted off ‘The Masked Singer’ next week?”
Redd, trying to steer the conversation back to politics again, said that people would not vote for Trump again. “What people?” Thompson said. “White people? If white people tell you I might not vote for Trump this time, you know what that’s called, right? A lie. Nobody was going to vote for Trump in 2016 either. And then guess who did? Everybody.”
Strong and her guests said they would take any Democratic candidate over four more years of a Trump presidency, while Bennett and his family said they liked Trump better than any of the Democrats. Thompson said to his guests, “You know who I’m starting to like a lot? That Pete Buttigieg.” After a pause, everyone around the table laughed knowingly.
At its conclusion the sketch returned to a snowman played by Aidy Bryant, who told the audience that all three families had one important thing in common: “They live in states where their votes don’t matter,” she said. “Because none of them live in the three states that will decide our election. They’ll debate the issues all year long but then it all comes down to 1,000 people in Wisconsin who won’t even think about the election until the morning of. And that’s the magic of the Electoral College.”
For good measure, the sketch threw in Kate McKinnon as the 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg, who replied to Trump’s social media mockery of her.
“Donald Trump, step to me and I’ll come at you like a plastic straw comes at a turtle,” McKinnon said. “I can’t believe I’m saying this to a 70-year-old man, but grow up.”
‘Marriage Story’ Parody of the Week
When you have an episode hosted by Scarlett Johansson you’ve got to satirize the meme-friendly Netflix movie she’s currently starring in, right?
The “S.N.L.” take on Noah Baumbach’s “Marriage Story” trades the squabbling artistic couple played by Johansson and Adam Driver for the political spouses George T. Conway III (Bennett), the conservative lawyer and Trump critic, and Kellyanne Conway (McKinnon), the White House counselor. As in the movie, the Conways list their favorite qualities about each other, which they then proceed to undermine, and engage in an intensely personal argument: “You’re not even verified on Twitter,” McKinnon taunts Bennett. “Where’s your blue check, George?” In response, Bennett punches his fist through a wall.
Fake Commercial of the Week
What starts off as a seemingly innocuous advertisement for Macy’s becomes a devastatingly precise comedic commentary on the experience of shopping for and dressing uncooperative small children. (Whose parents nonetheless love them very much.)
A genial voice-over promises that Macy’s offers “the best in fashions that’ll have them saying — ” followed by kids shouting, “It’s too hot!” and “It’s itchy!” A third child cries inconsolably. The commercial goes on to boast of “boys’ merino wool sweaters that won’t fit over his head,” “kids’ jackets so big and thick they won’t fit in their car seat anymore” and “snow boots that are so hard to put on they’ll strain your marriage.” Happy holidays!
Weekend Update Jokes of the Week
Over at the Weekend Update desk, the anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che continued to riff on the latest developments in the process to impeach President Trump.
After yesterday’s vote approving articles of impeachment, President Trump could become the first president to face impeachment while also running for re-election. Because only Democrats could figure out a way to lose twice in the same year. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, who was accidentally CGI’d to look like both Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro, appealed to Republicans on the committee, saying, “When Trump’s time is past, how will you be remembered?” Remembered? I barely know you know now and I think you’re my congressman. I hate to break it to you, but the only way Americans ever remember a congressman is if he sent someone a picture of his penis. And we only remember that because his name was Weiner.
President Trump set a personal record on Thursday when he reacted to impeachment news by posting more than 100 tweets. Causing White House officials to ask, Is everything O.K. in there, sir? [the screen displays a picture of a bathroom door] I don’t get why Trump’s so worked up. I mean, it’s still going to take two-thirds of the Senate to vote him out of office. And that’s not going to happen because, well, take a look at the Senate. [the screen displays the images of several white Senators] It would be like if Obama got voted out of office by the Wu-Tang Clan. But look on the bright side, Democrats, now you know you can cheat. Why are you nerds still playing by the rules? Literally nothing matters anymore. Kamala dropped out because she ran out of money. Rob a bank! Do y’all want this or not?
Weekend Update Deskside Bit of the Week
If we were making this selection solely with our hearts, we would probably choose the return visit from Chen Biao, the irrepressible Chinese trade official played by Bowen Yang. But for obvious zeitgeist reasons, we have to give the edge to this inevitable appearance from Baby Yoda, the breakout Disney Plus character portrayed by Kyle Mooney as a self-aware entertainment-industry player.
He may not know anything about the Force, but this Baby Yoda eagerly shared photos of his squad (consisting of Timothée Chalamet, Robert Pattinson and “the two guys from the Sonic commercials”) and boasted about his new stand-up special on Netflix. (“I basically just tell stories about who hooked up on the ‘Mandalorian’ set: me.”) He also revealed that he has some enemies: “Baby Groot, do me a favor. Keep my name out your lil tree mouth before I snap you like a twig.”
Sahred From Source link Arts
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
Everything That Upset the Internet This Week
What is the web-o-sphere angry about this week? A former Disney star who shared explicit photos on Twitter, a blogger whose secret proposal was more #spon than spontaneous and a pop star who insists “shade never made anybody less gay.” Here’s everything you need to know:
Whoopi Goldberg Shames Bella Thorne For Sharing Nude Photos
THE STORY: Last weekend, 21-year-old former Disney star Bella Thorne shared a series of explicit images of herself on Twitter, explaining that “for the last 24 hours I have been threatened with my own nudes.” Thorne opted to post the photos herself, because “it’s MY DECISION NOW U DON’T GET TO TAKE YET ANOTHER THING FROM ME. I can sleep tonight better knowing I took my power back.”
On Monday morning’s episode of The View, Whoopi Goldberg expressed her frustration with the story. “If you’re famous, I don’t care how old you are. You don’t take nude pictures of yourself,” she asserted. “Once you take that picture it goes into the cloud and it’s available to any hacker who wants it, and if you don’t know that in 2019 that this is an issue, I’m sorry. You don’t get to do that.”
Do you know I used to respect #whoopiegoldberg but after what she said about @bellathorne, I can’t stand her! She’s supposed to uplift and support her gender! God forbid anyone leaks private photos of you whoopie! You’ll get no sympathy here! #WhoopiGoldbergCanceled
— Lollipop🍭 (@Strawbsoda1987) June 20, 2019
Revenge porn IS ILLEGAL Bella Thorne is the victim OF A CRIME Those who argue against this are reproducing the idea of women not having autonomy over their bodies and sexualities Point the finger at the MAN who did this AND Whoopi Goldberg for publicly forgiving a crime https://t.co/wWQD1LJz71
— peach (@unorignel) June 20, 2019
I’m so frustrated and upset over @bellathorne ‘s situation. The fact that whoopi thought it was OKAY to BLAME BELLA for someone STEALING and HACKING her intimate photos is ATROCIOUS. How about teaching EVERYONE how to RESPECT others’ privacy and acknowledging the fact that
— Alexis (@alexisgeorgia_) June 19, 2019
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Thorne isn’t the first female celebrity to have her intimate images hacked, and Goldberg won’t be the last female celebrity to shame other women for taking nude photos. This is a complicated conversation about the consequences of fame, the violation of women’s bodies and the death of privacy in the age of the internet.
But let’s be clear: telling a woman that she’s asking to be hacked when she takes nudes photos is a little bit like telling a woman that she’s asking to be groped when she wears a short skirt. Or, it’s like telling a store clerk they should expect to be robbed when they keep cash in their till. In these situations, there are victims and perpetrators. Let’s focus on catching, shaming and punishing the bad guys.
Influencer Shares Her Branded Engagement on Instagram
THE STORY: Marissa Fuchs is a fashion and lifestyle influencer with nearly 200k followers on Instagram, where she goes by @fashionambitionist. She’s also the Director of Brand Partnerships & Sales at Gwenyth Paltrow’s company, Goop.
Earlier this week, she shared a series of Instagram stories from the Goop office, where her boyfriend, Gabriel Grossman, surprised her with a proposal-esque video.  “I have the most important question of my life to ask you,” he says in the pre-filmed clip, where he notes that traditional wedding’s “weren’t really their style” and that he wanted to create an experience that she could “capture for the ‘gram.”
The authenticity of the grand gesture—which was filled with OTT surprises and took Fuchs to multiple locations over four days—was questioned by The Atlantic journalist, Taylor Lorenz, who tweeted a thread revealing that the “surprise wedding” was pitched to brands before it even began.
“I got the deck yesterday. Here’s the full rundown,” she begins, before posting images of the pitch that was sent to brands.
“This summer, Marissa of @FashionAmbitionist will be pulled into a surprise adventure created by the center of her life, Gabriel,” one of the marketing slides reads. “He will remotely ask her to take an unexpected and sentimental journey to him, a journey that will encompass many familiar stops along the way that offer their own unique gifts.”
“We’re pleased to offer your brand the opportunity to align with this momentous occasion and the beautiful cities she will be visiting along the way.”
Some things shouldn’t be branded and tbh an influencer like this goes on my never list – if you’re willing to sell your engagement you’re willing to sell anything and that’s not the kind of content creator I want to work with. Also, ick, this is icky. https://t.co/3wBm5HRBJJ
— Shannon Hunter (@Shananigans) June 21, 2019
God this would make you vomit – influencer 'marketing' at its worst and there are a lot of bad examples to compete with. https://t.co/7cO7DHfrhZ
— Kevin Twomey (@KevinDTwomey) June 21, 2019
I got the influencer engagement proposal sponsorship deck and all I can say is that every day we stray further and further from God’s light.
— nyoldman (@NYDoorman) June 20, 2019
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: In the time the story was going viral, Grossman insisted that Fuchs wasn’t involved in pitching the proposal to brands and said that the couple received no direct payment for the Instagram stories posted throughout the surprise.
Advertising exec Bryan Pedersen, however, told The Atlantic: “Either her fiancé has been intimately involved in every single aspect of her business and influencer marketing career and knows every detail of her influencer partnerships, or she has had some input into that pitch deck. There’s no way a friend or potential fiancé would know how to put together a pitch deck with that detail.”
I’m not quite sure I buy into that. Fuchs’ close friend, Elicia Blaine Evans—who at one point took control of Fuchs’s phone and posted an Instagram story to deny rumours that the surprise was a setup—was formerly on the social media teams at Michael Kors and Audi. She played a major role in plotting the proposal, and she likely knows how to put together a savvy social media marketing deck.
Plus, having watched each of the 100+ Instagram stories posted to Fuchs’ account, I truly doubt she knew what was going on. You don’t sign yourself up to cry like that on camera. She’s either entirely shocked, or the next Meryl Streep.
Which makes this entire story even stranger: Grossman was shopping his future fiance around to brands, promising hashtags and mentions on her Instagram stories. How romantic!
Taylor Swift Releases “You Need to Calm Down”
THE STORY: In the middle of Pride Month, Taylor Swift released “You Need to Calm Down,” a self-professed LGBTQ anthem. The song takes on homophobia with lyrics like: “Sunshine on the street at the parade / But you would rather be in the dark ages;” “Shade never made anybody less gay;” and “Why are you mad? When you could be GLAAD?”
The video includes a jam-packed cast of queer celebrities, including Ellen DeGeneres, Laverne Cox, Jesse Tyler Ferguson and all five Queer Eye guys. It closes with a call to sign a petition in favour of the Equality Act, which would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and identity.
Lest we forget when Taylor Swift gladly sang “tell your friends I’m crazy, I’ll tell mine that you’re gay” about an ex-lover who broke up with her as she drops this absolute pander of a single today.
— Kali (@Kalitastic) June 14, 2019
Taylor Swift profited off of conservative dollars when she was America’s conservative sweetheart, and said nothing, and now wants to act as if she’s been some outspoken LGBTQ activist and profit off of queerbaiting. Please tell me y’all don’t buy it 🙄
— mobara (@SarahMobara) June 17, 2019
all anyone is saying is that taylor swifts new single is a PRIME example of queerbaiting. she used pride month to her advantage to get people to think she made a “gay anthem” to make her more money while also contributing nothing to the lgbt community.
— lily 🌸 (@esnyuh) June 14, 2019
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Swift is one of the biggest pop stars on the planet, she doesn’t need money. She is, however, somewhat desperate to win back public support. Throughout the 2016 election, Swift was heavily criticized for remaining silent on the topic of politics. In an essay for Elle Magazine earlier this year, she vowed to be more politically active and speak out against “disgusting rhetoric.” This song seems to be a part of that promise.
Though it’s entirely fair to call out Swift’s actions for being too little, too late. “Eight years after Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way,’ which came from an artist who was out as a bisexual woman at a time when the gay rights movement had far less mainstream traction than it does now,” Christina Cauterucci writes for Slate, ““You Need to Calm Down” looks even more pathetic.”
  The post Everything That Upset the Internet This Week appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Everything That Upset the Internet This Week published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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