#so no sleep!! no food!! i'm doing GREAT <333
carlplsrailme · 1 year
𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐜
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cw: just fluff, reader is on her period, adorable bf!carl ♡
request: Hiii! Can you do head cannons for Carl and fem reader who’s on her period? It can be nsfw or sfw I don’t mind either. Have a good day hun
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if you unknowingly started it in the night, he'd insist on washing your stained clothes and the sheets the next day
"carl, it's fine, it's my mess" "it's just some blood." he'd shrug, the bundle fabrics in his hands as he'd lean down to kiss your forehead
"get some sleep. maybe I can steal some ibuprofen from the clinic" he'd grin and you'd lightly smack his arm
"that's not funny!"
when you're having bad cramps he'd stop whatever you're doing and hold you, his hands scooping your lower stomach as they work just as good as any heating pad out there
he has a secret stash in the house of just junk food for when you're on your period
"how do you always have the right things on hand?" you mumbled as you bit into the bar of chocolate
"I guess I'm just that great of a boyfriend"
expect sleepy showers together
you'd be facing the shower head as the boiling water would shoot directly at your stomach, cramps being soothed as the water runs down your body, and carl behind you, hugging you while burying his face into your shoulder and softly kissing up your neck
now, if you're on a run and it randomly starts he'd either pop the center console to reveal the many tampons he has stored in there or if you're away from the car, he'd already have one on hand
"I should've been carrying one" you mumble, tying his flannel around your waist as he casually leans on a tree
"you don't have to, I always am" he reaches out his hand and you take it, carefully stepping over rocks and branches scattered on the forest floor
"yeah but, It's my issue-"
"I don't mind, not at all" he'd assured as you felt your embarrassment fade
"thank you"
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an: omggg I love this request so much! I really wanted to write some fluff hc today and this was perfect!!♡ so much has been going on with me lately and I just wanted nothing more than to be here and write for you guys <33 I missed you guys so much and I love you all lots!! <333
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miss-hyoko · 1 year
HIIIII !!! can i please have a "babysitting cheka" klepon with bae leona <3 i can totally imagine leona sees him as a little competitor for our attention, like he would sulk when he sees us cuddle-napping with cheka <333 have a great day kakk!!
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"Thank you for your patience, dear customer. Here's your food, [Babysitting Cheka] klepon. I hope the food is to your liking."
Babysitting Cheka
Character(s): Leona
Summary: Leona's not very happy you pay too much attention to Cheka
Tag(s) and warning(s): GN!reader, fluff, romantic, reader is NOT Yuu, Cheka makes a cameo, jealous protective Leona
Note: Hope you don't mind that I changed the ask a bit to add more DRAMA make it even better for y'all Leona's simp😌👉👈
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Most students would say that the most dreadful days are exam week, but for Leona, the holiday season is the real hell.
Holidays are fun, he admits that, but Leona couldn't really enjoy it because he had to go back to the palace, his so-called 'home' where many people didn't truly welcome his return.
Fortunately, this holiday, you will also come back with him as his fiancé(e). As long as you're by his side, that damned place he called 'home' would become less unbearable.
… or at least, that's what he thought.
Normally, Leona would be fast asleep in mere seconds. But after a few minutes lying down with his eyes closed, he still couldn't fall asleep. Forget sleeping, he just got even more irritated as time went on.
And it's all because of you. More precisely, it's because the child who's currently playing with you, taking all your attention that should belong to Leona. His nephew, Cheka Kingscholar.
How can Leona fall asleep when you, his favorite pillow, are spending time with that brat instead of accompanying him to sleep?
Also, why did you two choose to play in his room when the palace has a perfectly able courtyard?!
Leona's patience finally ran out when he realized that his scent that he had left on you was starting to be covered with Cheka's own scent.
“Oi, brat! Let go of my fiancé(e) and go play by yourself.” Leona got up from his bed then approached you and Cheka who were playing some kind of board game.
“Ah, Unca! Do you want to play with us?” The boy beside you waved his hands excitedly, inviting his uncle with eyes full of hope.
Leona only gave a light snort, neither rejecting nor agreeing to his nephew's request. Instead, he looks straight at you.
“Herbivore, I'm sleepy,” he tells you matter of fact, signaling that he wants you to accompany him to sleep.
Before you could reply to him, Cheka threw himself at you and hugged you tightly, preventing you from moving any further.
“No!” He half yelled, looking at Leona with puffed cheeks, “Unca can sleep alone! I still want to play with unca/aunt (Name)!”
A frown appeared on Leona's forehead when he heard his nephew's words. Nevertheless, he still tried to control his emotions in front of Cheka who's blatantly trying to take you away from him.
“Brat, in case you forget, the herbivore is MY fiancé(e). Not yours. They had NO obligation to keep you company or play with you.”
“It's because unca didn't want to play with me, so I'll play with unca/aunt (Name) instead.” Cheka replied, hugging you even tighter.
“Oh, so now it's my fault?”
The uncle-nephew pair start debating about who's going to spend time with you.
You can't help but find the situation a little amusing. Especially, when you see Leona's annoyed face facing Cheka's pouty one.
Even though you want to enjoy their childish fight a little longer, you know you can't let this continue.
“Oh my, look at the time now~ it's the time for little ones to take a nap,” you said in a sing-song voice, slowly carrying Cheka on your hip.
Seeing you take his side, the frown on Leona's face lessened a bit and he looked haughtily at Cheka while crossing his arms.
“You hear that, brat? It's nap time. Go back to your room and take your damn nap. Don't disturb us again.”
Cheka who was in your arms suddenly became dispirited. His eyes started to get teary and his lips trembled ever so slightly.
That made Leona smile even wider, feeling very proud of his victory. When he tried to gloat again, he heard you continue talking.
“That being said, why don't we take a nap together with your uncle?”
Hearing your suggestion, both of them immediately gave two different responses. Leona was dumbfounded, meanwhile Cheka became excited.
Although Leona was very dissatisfied with your stupid idea, he really couldn't say no to you. Hence, he finally compromised and lets Cheka sleep with the two of you.
The three of you take a nap together in Leona's room. You sleep in between the two lions, Cheka in the front while Leona is behind you. In the middle of your sleep, Leona instinctively wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled his face against your shoulder. Unbeknownst to you, Leona quietly got rid of Cheka's scent that had clung to you using his own scent.
Only after you're covered once again with his scent did Leona stop his action, smile satisfyingly, and go back to sleep.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
hiieee i LOVE ur ace stories :3 do you think you could please write an ace x gn!reader where the reader is nervous about their body image, especially when it comes to how much they eat. maybe they're jealous that ace can eat whatever he wants and still look super hot and lean. and ace reassures them that he loves them no matter how they look. thank youuu <333
I'm so glad you like my Ace stories. It's so sad that people don't have good body image, even if they're healthy or look great. That being said, I don't specify what size that they are only that they 'feel chubby' and that they're not super muscular (who is?).
Warnings: GN!Reader
Word Count:1370 
     Looking down at the food in front of you, you tried your best to hold yourself back. You’d been trying to cut back on how much you eat, tried working out to work on how you looked, but it didn’t seem to be helping much. Glancing over, you watched your boyfriend demolishing a large piece of meat, 2 helpings of pasta, a bowl of rice, and something that looked like it had once been a vegetable before Ace got to it. You, on the other hand, had barely touched the diet food you’d asked Thatch for and knew you were already gaining 10 pounds. Sometimes you hated your boyfriend, or more specifically, you hated how he could eat 50 pounds of food and come out 20 pounds lighter! His body always looked like it had been sculpted from marble, arms, chest, and abs that were to die for. Muscles that rippled and could lift just about anything, the way his body glistened with sweat under the hot sun, the light bouncing off every dip and curve of his glorious body. 
     Whereas you, on the other hand, swore you’d been a child’s clay project that had turned into the lumpy form of a human. Looking in the mirror, all you ever saw was the chub on your sides, the pudge in your stomach, and how thick your thighs were. You were strong, you knew that, you were strong and capable, perhaps not as strong as one of the division commanders, but you could certainly hold your own. At first you’d figured you just needed to work out more, after all, a lot of the well muscled guys on the Moby Dick did a lot of hard work. So you worked hard, trained… and lost 5 pounds. Alright, well maybe it was how much you ate and what you ate. Thatch was a great cook, how could you not want to eat his cooking? So you’d tried cutting back and tried dieting… you hadn’t even lost 5 pounds and were constantly hungry. How was it that Ace could eat whatever he wanted, sleep 10 hours a day, goof off, and still be shredded as fuck?! 
     Ace glanced over at you, picking at your food. You looked miserable and he knew why. It wasn’t that you didn’t like Thatch’s diet food, Thatch was a great cook, it was that you were in a slump about how you looked. Ace put on a sympathetic smile as he put a hand on your thigh, giving it a light squeeze, drawing you out of your thoughts.
     “You know, you look stunning in this light.” Ace said, nuzzling the top of your head. It was technically true, you looked stunning in the light, but then, you looked stunning in any light. Despite how you felt about your looks, he couldn’t help but think you looked like the most dazzling person on earth. Granted, even if you didn’t look great, he’d still love you, he didn’t love you for your looks, he loved you because of who you were. Your looks were just a bonus. You smiled at him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before eating your food, your mood picking up as you took his hand, holding it as you ate. Glancing back over at you, he wondered if he could get you to raid the kitchen with him. While he might know and understand how you felt about your body and weight, he missed raiding the fridge with you, missed eating everything together, and missed enjoying everything you ate together. To be completely honest, your love of food was one of the things that had first attracted him to you, you could both just sit there and enjoy what you were eating and talk about how great it was. He’d still support you if you wanted to work on your body image and do whatever he could to help, he was never worried about what you looked like. In fact, if anything, he loved the way you were. The ‘pudge’ that you worried about being on your stomach was soft, huggable and a great pillow. The thighs that you fretted were ‘too big’, allowed his fingers to sink in the perfect amount when he picked you up. The ‘chub’ on your sides that troubled you constantly was just right for cuddling at night when he’d nuzzle his head into the crook of your neck. Hell, even if you were on the chubbier side, it’s not like you were unhealthy or anything. In fact, if anything, Marco had said you were one of the healthier members of the crew.
     Ace smiled as you wrapped his arms around you from behind, his head resting on your shoulder as you two sat on his bed.
     “You’re absolutely amazing, you know that?” Ace muttered, squeezing you a little tighter. This was one of the things he loved most about your body. You couldn’t really squeeze muscles. You either held a muscular person loosely or you held them tight and couldn’t give them good, loving squeezes. With you, he could hold you close, his arms wrapped comfortably around you, not tight but not loose, but he could pull you closer, tighten his hold, and envelop you in his warm embrace.
     “I… I don’t understand how you can think that.” you said with a sigh, even as you nuzzled your head against his.
     “I think it because it’s true. You’re kind, loving, sweet, beautiful. What other word could I use for you besides ‘amazing’?” he asked, placing a soft kiss against your shoulder.
     “Chubby, overweight, plump, gluttono-ow!” you glared at him, as he pinched your arm.
     “First of all, you’re none of those things! Just because you’re not particularly muscular, doesn’t mean you aren’t the most attractive person on the planet. Secondly, you’re not chubby or anything, you’re perfect. And thirdly! Even if you were those things, I didn’t start loving you and dating you because of your looks! I love you no matter what you look like.” Ace said sternly, putting a hand on your cheek and making you face him, “I’ll always love you for you, for your heart. You could become the most hideous, fattest person on the planet and I’d still love you and think you were amazing. So stop saying that shit and come raid the kitchen with me.” he said, giving you a sweet, gentle kiss. You couldn’t help but smile at him as you nodded. To be honest, you were still pretty hungry and you hadn’t raided the kitchen together in quite a while.
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pomefioredove · 4 months
hello hello miss dove ! congratulations on your 500 followers :)
if it's convenient for you, could i please exclude lilia and trey (not to be rude to them i just don't like trey and lilia is an old man basically)
i'm not the best with describing myself but i'll try (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
on the mbti personality test, i am an istp, so from that, i would guess that i'm pretty blunt? idk. i can't really handle situations well, so i practically just go into blunt blank slate mode where i'm just like "you do you ig"
when in the case i am handling the situation with mild proficiency or i like the subject, i can seem quite energized. i always move may hands around or am jumping (i think is how you would describe it? idk, sort of similar to when you're going like |┘^^|┘but up and down and also bouncing like wawawawa)
i am however, easily distracted and procrastinate often. it's not like i do it on purpose but things get boring and i want to do other things but i feel a moral obligations to do the boring things and then i get stuck in that cycle for half an hour (i'm not sure shy, i was told adhd but i'm not diagnosed) i still get straight A though (my mom says i was a stem kid (science technology engineering math))
i <333 sleep but sleep with another person in close proximity is a no no. personal space please and thank you
physical contact?? in theory yes, but actually no
sleep <3
lyney and furina?? i am literally a star trust i am furina and lyney combined that got isekaid to this world (trust)
interest (romance wise)? lyney <3
i am talking too much about myself im sorry
i enjoy video games (too much) like genshin, hsr, twst(trust) pjsk or visual novels, and I have a nice little kirara box from genshin that i made ^^ i like collecting things that i like (cute stuff), watching anime that interest me (cooking anime <3) and food, because food is good, but if i eat too much food i will feel >︿< and i don't like feeling nasty. baked goods taste good but not too sweet or else the nasty forms. i can also play instruments !! (violin, contrabass, piano, currently semi-learning viola and cello, i can hold a flute correctly)
sadly i get sick all of the time (my friends have said "you have no immune system" or "sickly victorian child" exact words) but that's a lie im too good to get sick (not real)
i almost had a black belt in taekwondo but i didn't like taekwondo so i left (also covid happened but that's not important)
should i also describe myself? i will, but please ignore this bit if you don't need it
im not tall, but not incredibly short (~160cm) i've been told that i have pretty eyes (hazel) but me personally i just think that they look like standard eyes, they do their job well enough (they are not good at their job my eyes cannot see and i need glasses (contacts are scary)) i have very dark black hair that fades into, you guessed it, dark dark brown hair. (my mom once described it as soft black but idk) its styled like gaming's hair from genshin but a little bit longer (i like to think i look very neutral but i look like a female)
my lifestyle i think is pretty normal. i go to school, go to weekly math or coding club, go home and do work, p r o c r a s t i n a t e, sleep repeat until weekend where i life is a void of forgetfulness and then FUWUASHSH!! monday again. in my free time i do enjoy occasionally baking and traveling (japan !!)
oh no its long i'm sorry i rambled on too much :( please don't take this request if you are too busy i don't want you to feel overwhelmed. if you do want to write for this, then i will be dutifully watchin your posts to see anything familiar (‘-‘*ゞ i'm sorry if everything in this request sounds weird, i am not good with my english. please take care of yourself and have a great happy awesome super delicous wonderhoy day !!
-person who loves your work
I match you with 𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐤 𝐙𝐢𝐠𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭
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The First Impression:
Sebek is... Sebek. He can be a little hard to get through to at times, even if his core intentions are good. And he doesn't exactly leave a good impression on a lot of people... not that he means to. Perhaps it's your bluntness, or your nonchalant attitude towards him, but for whatever reason, he doesn't immediately write you off.
Why He Fell:
You guys will kill me for this but Sebek is a little cutie. A little fanboy. He's also jumping up and down like wawawawa when he gets excited. He has a lot of growing to do, but if there's anything admirable about him, it's that once you're close to him, he will care about you forever. (Whether he'd like to admit that or not).
Though, truly, he admires you. You're obviously intelligent, you're honest (AKA blunt, but so is he), you have experience in martial arts... somehow, he finds himself watching his tone more around you, and shelving his boisterous, over-confident persona.
The Relationship:
No touching, no problem. Sebek is already getting used to this whole "dating" thing (not that he can't handle being eternally devoted to another person... look at the guy), and he might even breathe a sigh of relief when you say you don't have to sleep in the same bed.
Sebek is... protective, and that's an understatement. He loves people fiercely, and isn't shy about it. You can expect lots of attention and worry and care, especially as someone who gets sick a lot. He will insist on doing everything for you. He'll make an attempt to keep you on task when you need it, too, though he might not be as great at preventing you from overexerting yourself (as he is with himself!)
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helena5777 · 6 months
How to take care of yourself
Hiii! <3 How are you? I hope you're having a great day/night, anyway, maybe you need this because you're not feeling ok right now, so I'm going to tell you some tips to feel better.
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Taking care of yourself is essential to maintaining good physical, mental and emotional health. Here are some practices you can adopt to take care of yourself:
Healthy eating: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. Limit the consumption of processed foods, added sugars and saturated fats.
Regular exercise: Do regular physical activity to keep your body in shape and release endorphins that will help you feel good. Find activities that you enjoy, whether it's walking, running, swimming, yoga, or any other exercise that motivates you.
Adequate rest: Make sure you get enough sleep every night to allow your body to recover and regenerate. Establish a regular sleep routine and create an environment conducive to rest in your bedroom.
Stress management: Find techniques that help you manage stress, such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or practicing relaxing activities like reading, drawing, or listening to music.
Healthy Relationships: Cultivate positive, supportive relationships with friends, family, and loved ones. Maintain open and honest communication, and seek help when you need it.
Time for yourself: Dedicate time to activities that you like and that make you feel good, whether it is practicing your hobbies, going out into nature, or simply relaxing and resting.
Regular medical consultation: Schedule regular medical check-ups to detect any health problems in early stages and receive appropriate treatment.
Remember that self-care is an important part of maintaining a healthy balance in life. Don't be afraid to prioritize yourself and take steps to care for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Also remember to breathe deeply and smile ^^ <333
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causenessus · 2 months
hey lovely !! how has your day been? have you eaten yet? i hope u have or i will have no choice but to somehow cyber pop out of your screen and take care of you (threateningly)(but also not threateningly because i wanna make sure you’re taking care of yourself) but !! anyways today i had this vietnamese dish called banh cuon and it was very MMMMM and and I HAD MANGO STICKY RICE🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 (me living up to my anon name) idk why i just love love love mango like they’re so in season right now and so ripe so YUMMY AHHH
also omg i had a dream last night that someone was impersonating me like sending in anons with -mango anon <3 and i was literally like thinking damn. because in that situation what do i do like just fight it out with some rando LOL i was honestly stunned because one part of my brain i was like damn. but the other part of my brain was like WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO WHAT IF THEY SAY SOMETHING AND FRAMED ME WHAT DO I DO so literally when i jolted awake i checked your blog then i was like oh haha everything is okay mango anon you’re safe… just a silly little dream silly silly little dream
also !!! TRY AGAIN CHAPTER WAS SO GOOD !! u need to stop doubting your writing because everytime i read the new chapters im like oh wow this is literally a masterpiece everytime its such a hit like you always release 10/10 chapters with the occasional OH WOW 10/10 CHAPTERS but then i read your notes saying that it wasn’t that good or it was rushed and im like WDYM NESS i’m here like kicking my feet or gasping or twirling my hair u need to have more faith in urself !!!
but anyways i’m yapping again greatest apologies LOL but i hope ur day is going well !! make sure u take care of urself >:( drink water and eat well !! xoxoxo
HELLO MANGO ANON MY LOVE!!!! <3 please do not cyber pop out of my screen!!! but i have to tell u something </3333 i worked a closing shift today at my job yk 😭😭😭 and i was walking out (at like 9:30 pm) and realized something and was like "omg mango anon is gonna kill me" bc what i realized was that besides a little tiny lemonade i hadn't eaten anything since 12pm </33 BUT DW I JUST ATE!!!! AND I'M USUALLY BETTER ABOUT THAT I JUST ALWAYS GET MESSED UP ON DAYS I WORK BUT IT'S OKAY I AM TAKING CARE OF MYSELF!!! AND I WILL CONTINUE TO AS LONG AS YOU'RE TAKING CARE OF YOURELF!!
I LAUGHED SO HARD AT YOUR DREAM I'M SORRY I HOPE THAT'S OKAY 😭😭😭 I GUESS WE'RE ALL JUST HAVING CRAZY DREAMS LATELY??? BECAUSE I'VE BEEN HAVING WHACK DREAMS EVERYDAY BUT I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD SLEEP TONIGHT MANGO ANON <3 I AM WARDING OFF THE BAD DREAMS AND MANGO ANON IMPOSTERS!! in all honesty i mean this positively but i feel like you have a voice!! yk?? like i can recognize your messages and manner of speaking if that makes sense??? /pos and so if an imposter came on here i think i would call it out!! and be like "ur sounding a little weird today....mango anon 🤨" and if u sent an ask being like "THERE'S AN IMPOSTER!!!" (among us ptsd flashbacks omg i'm sorry) I WOULD TOTALLY BELIEVE YOU AND I AM CONFIDENT I'D BE ABLE TO DETERMINE WHO THE REAL MANGO ANON WAS 😭😭😭 WHAT IS THIS PARAGRAPH I'M WRITING I'M SORRY WE'RE BOTH YAPPING BUT WE CAN YAP TOGETHER IT'S OKAY!!
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itzymidzy · 3 months
240629 TWITTER: itzyofficial
🦊: Ready for the 2nd night too? Is everyone ready??
🦊: See you sooon!💕
🦊: Legoooooo
👤: chaeryeong please say hii 💕!
🦊: Hi~~😘
🦊: I'm good Thank uu
👤: have fun tonight <333
🦊: Let's have fun tonight!
👤: CHAERYEONG 🍒 it’s the last concert for now! time goes by fast ㅠㅠ you worked hard!!!!! ENJOY THE STAGE WITH MIDZY AND THE MEMBERS! HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK TODAY FIGHTING FOR DAY2!!!! 사랑행 🫶🏻🥰
🦊: Time goes by fast😭
👤: there isn’t anyone who i love more than this cute little fox ❤️ thank you for existing in my life, i love you more than anything else in the world 💕🦊
🦊: i love u 222
👤: CHAERYEONG what has been your favorite city so far on the tour?
🦊: every cityyy was really good 💕
👤: Enjoy today healthy and injury-free
🦊: Yes!!
👤: HIII CHAERY have you eaten??
🦊: I’m going to eat now!! ㅎㅎ
🦊: Loveyaaa
👤: chaeryeong my favorite song these days is cruel summer too!!!!
🦊: cruel summer~~~
👤: It’s the last tour for the US stop, and you did amazing in each concert!! Enjoy tonight and stay healthy!! 🤍 오늘 하루도 좋은일이 가득하길 바라 🦊ILY!!
🦊: ILY💕
👤: It's morning in Japan. I'm going to sleep from now on, but I'm rooting for you!!! ☀️☀️
🦊: Good night~ 💕
👤: every time i see you smile i smile too :D
🦊: i love when you smile😉
👤: chaeryeong i miss you soooo much :(
🦊: miss u tooo💕
👤: Have you tried Turkish food? You should try kebab🫵🏼❤️
🦊: okay! i'll try !
👤: So that we can reach Chaeryeong!!
🦊: Arrived! Take it
👤: chaery what’s your favorite thing about being on tour ?🧡
🦊: 1. MIDZY 2. midzy 3. MidZY 4.믿지
👤: make sure to comeback to canada with lia ~ 💗
🦊: 🫶🏻🫶🏻🙆‍♀️
👤: Chaeryeong, I have a prom tomorrow, wish me luck🙏🤍
🦊: good luck🍀
👤: did you like europe?? have a great time i love you 🩷🩷🩷
🦊: of course~
👤: Chaerrryyy what hair color would you like to try next ?? I miss your red hair soo much💞💞
🦊: Do you miss my red hair??🤭
👤: next time ur in irving i'll open the pool for you queenie 🤞🏾🤞🏾
🦊: yeahhh Promise me? 🤭
👤: Have fun in your last US spot<33🦊
🦊: Okeyyyy🫶🏻
👤: what song do you wish was on the setlist? mine is Sooo lucky🥹
🦊: in the morning~
🦊: I love u
👤: can’t believe i saw you two months ago already in santiago 🥹 i love and miss you so so much my chaery. you saved my life 💗
🦊: Already??🫢🫢
👤: I also want to prepare for the concert... I also want to see the concert... Why am I not in Canada?...
🦊: Go to sleep quickly
👤: chaeryeong i have been your fan since i was 12 i am now 17 and still your fan i love you 🥹🥹
🦊: So sweet 🥹🥹🥹Thank u 💕
👤: ILY MY FIVE BEST GIRLS I REALLY DO. Hope to see you again with Lia soon 🫶🏻
🦊: Hope to see you again 🔥
👤: Chaeryeong, what makes you smile these days? 🥰💖
🦊: Midzyyyyy
👤: What did you eat, unnie?
🦊: I haven’t eaten yet. I’m drinking coffee!! ㅎㅎ
🦊: I'm hereeee~
👤: i drove eight hours to see you, hopefully you come to my country next time🥹🇦🇹
🦊: OMG ... next time? I'll go there
👤: i traveled from italy to spain to see you.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ i hope you will come to italy for the next tour ❤️❤️❤️ i love you
🦊: ok!😘
👤: I saw you in LA, you caught my attention don’t tell yuna that I recorded yourself a lot because you looked amazing !🫣
🦊: 🤭🤭🤭
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sassycheesecake · 2 years
My pretty sunshine sachan
How are you on tumbler?
So here is the thing
I've always been self conscious about how do I look when I smile my widest smile, don't get me wrong, I love my smile and I think it's the only cute thing about me, but I just don't like how does I look when it's wide and all my teeth are showing (both of my Jaws are prominent so it looks like all my teeth are leaving my mouth) and I always end up covering my mouth while feeling delighted
BUT since now I'm an adult who's earning her own money I decided to have an orthodontist soon
How do you think Wakatoshi, Osamu, Daichi, Kyoomi and Iwazumi would react about getting a braces?
I am doing alright, I have been working on a Meian and my Osamu oneshot, but my sleep schedule is kind of messed up right now. Hopefully I will be able to finish them this year! :D
There’s always something or some things that people are self conscious about. But that’s okay! No one is perfect on the in-and outside. You shouldn’t let it get to your head to much. You’re a beautiful person, I have seen your smiles on Snapchat and they always brighten my day❤️ your fun personality adds to your awesomeness <3
You’re taking matters to your own hands and that’s great! Keep me updated on it :)
Let’s get to your ask regarding the reader getting braces! I apologize in advance I have like zero experience with that and I have never known anyone with braces :’D
Wakatoshi-kun…. Hmmm….. to be honest I see him being supportive but also confused on his partner getting braces. BUT. He would drive his s/o to the dentist and also pick them up. Honestly the best caretaker when it comes to comforting you pain wise. I don’t know about his cooking skills, I know he can do like basic things and he would be so careful with you. Gentle giant 🥹
Samuuu… I feel like he will be an asshole about it in the beginning. Like make fun of your pain in a teasing way, take post-op braces photos for his memory album on his phone and tease you about those as well. Hot chef will make food that’s easy for you to eat while you’re healing up. Husband material <333 picks you up after your appointment and closes his restaurant earlier just for you❤️ if dinner rush is too bad, he’ll make his brother pick you up. And Atsumu would take so many pics to send it to Osamu.
Captain Daichi 🤔 Daichi would take the day off to drive and pick you up from the dentist. I even think he would wait in the waiting room for you to be done. Already has a few meals prepared that his mum suggested for you to eat. He a great boyfriend <333
Omi-kun, our germaphobe beauty 🤤 Kiyoomi would only drive and pick up if it’s absolutely necessary and if seriously no one else can take you. At home he would make sure you take your pain meds exactly on time and would scold you if you take them five minutes later than the time you’re supposed to take them. Will 70% be a teasing asshole about your situation (pain-wise, swelling wise). Willingly gets you easy-to-chew-food and would go to the pharmacy at 11 pm if it means getting you more meds because of your pain.
Iwa-chan. Man’s gonna take a whole damn week off to take care of you. Hubby material as well, no one can fight me on this. Sneakily take some pics as well, whenever you think you’re not looking. He’d so concerned about your pain levels, asks like every 1-2 hours if you’re okay.
Nonetheless, none of them would love you any less just because you have braces 🥰
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seelestia · 2 years
my eyes are drooping and i really wanna sleep but duty (homework) calls but before doing any of that shit-
the fact that your first reply to one of my asks was a full on drabble bruhh- (im applauding u all the way from here :''D thank u liaaa, the angst is great comfort food during hell week fr)
i have so much i wanna chat to you about, but im sure you're busy replying to other asks in your inbox, so im gonna save my 2 page worth of things to say tomorrow lmao-
either way- you'reeee baaack yayyyyyy <333 i've missed you liaaaa, no lie tumblr was getting stagnant and dull without you :''((
BUT IM GLAD UR STILL HEEEEEEEEERE :DDDD - i'm not in the right headspace rn Ever so sincerely yours, Jae 👹✨ (I MISSED UUUUU AAAAA-)
I'M BACKKK! i'm sorry I couldn't get to this ask much earlier <//3 and no way you didn't expect to get nothing after dropping such an angst bomb in my inbox?? 🤨 and true, the way to battle tears is with more tears. (/j)
MY EARS ARE WIDE OPEN! you take priority over the asks in my inbox, i'm afraid to say that i'm kinda biased 😩 (/lh) so sorry i was gone for a bit, but i'm finally back to paint tumblr together with our nonsense! >:)
i brought back gifts in the form of this (help him) and this (shh, chongyun is reading the room as best as he can LMAOOO). take them as supplements so you can survive your own war too! GO GO, JAE, I BELIEVE IN YOU.
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amberrskiies · 2 years
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I posted 875 times in 2022
That's 875 more posts than 2021!
438 posts created (50%)
437 posts reblogged (50%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 772 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#obey me - 554 posts
#obey me shall we date - 480 posts
#obey me one master to rule them all - 460 posts
#obey me leviathan - 277 posts
#obey me mc - 209 posts
#obey me x reader - 180 posts
#&lt;3 - 177 posts
#obey me mammon - 157 posts
#obey me x mc - 150 posts
#leviathan - 144 posts
Longest Tag: 101 characters
#if this was the case levi and mc! amber would have a 5 year difference right about now after season 4
My Top Posts in 2022:
omgomg im a big fat barbatos simp okay do you have any soft / clingy barbatos head-cannons ? like domestic ones im down bad for this man — 👺 anon
Domestic Headcanons with Barbatos
A/N - Honestly i love this one cause i am also a sucker for domestic fluff and also I am a simp for Barbs as well! <333
Barbatos x gender neutral reader | Established relationship | Headcanon
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When it comes to domestic lives, Barbatos is the most clingy one out of the two of you
After coming back from his duty as a butler, he would wrap his arms around you from behind and rest his chin on your shoulder
He would also find his way to give you forehead kisses as well since he really missed you
Will always lightly press his forehead against yours since it helps him feel relieved and he loves looking at your eyes
He will always listen you about your day before telling you about his since he loves listening to you more than anything
Will instantly hug you back if you ever come and give him a hug since he's very touch starved
If you want him to teach you how to play an instrument such as the piano, he will guide you by holding your hand to show which key to press from behind
There are times, both of you had danced in the kitchen with soft music thanks to Barbatos' insistence which you could never deny
Everyday is cuddle night for both of you as whenever both of you are going to sleep, he will pull you close to him and wrap his arms around you while you snuggle up to him
Honestly he just loves you so much and he too deserves the love for being a great partner too
563 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
Can I request a scenario where the bros are angry at MC for whatever reason and MC making it up by leaving some cute pastry in front of their door.
🍰 food solves everything
When you think he is angry at you so you leave a pastry at his door as an apology
A/N -I like the idea Anon! I am more than happy to write this for you! Also I sadly can't do all the brothers since I don't know how to write the first and fifth borns still but hopefully this will work! ^^
Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegor x gender neutral reader | Established Relationship | Separate headcanons
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Okay this man could never get angry at you
He was more angry after he lost the money he had at the casino and thought he could try and win for you so he could treat you for a proper at Ristorante Six
Guess you could say he couldn't look at you after that but you didn't know that and thought he was angry at you
You started wonder what you did to make him angry at you or upset with you
You couldn't remember what you did but he didn't talk with you once and this made you feel upset
You decided to make him a pastry to make it up to him
You decided to leave the croissants at his door with a note before knocking and walking away
When he opened the door and looked down to see a freshly made batch of pastry with a note he was confused but when he read the note he felt his heart shatter
He never wanted to make you feel bad and think you did something to make him angry at you
He put away the pastries in his room and quickly went to look for you
Luckily, you were in your room when he barged in and before he could say anything, he hugged you
"I could never be mad with you Human. I'm sorry for ignoring you Treasure..."
See the full post
652 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
How he reacts to you playing with his hair
Mammon, Satan, Belphegor x gender neutral reader | Established relationships | Separate headcanons
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The first time you did this, he was taken aback by your actions
It was technically just a normal day for your boyfriend to barge in and talk about many things or he was just bored so he was talking with you
It was mostly him rambling about things until you decided to play with his hair which immediately shut him up as he turned to look at you, slightly shocked and getting defensive straight away
"Oi Human! Who told ya that ya could play with the Great Mammon's hair?" He said all flustered which made you retract your hand slightly with a frown
"I didn't tell ya to stop now did I?" He grumbled, instantly making you happy as you continued to do so as he snuggled up to you
He wouldn't admit it but he loves it when you play with his hair cause of his tsundere personality
He literally reminds you of a puppy asking for attention and it's sweet and adorable
See the full post
657 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
Can I get some soft Fluffy heacanons for Mammon, Satan, Diavolo, Barbatos, and Simeon with a sweet and honest MC who believes what they're told [as in, if Mammon being tsundere says he doesn't like them, they'd believe it]
When he learns that you believe what you're told
A/N - I love this request but sadly I don't write for Simeon due to me not being able to capture his character well! Hope you still like it with the other characters! ^^
Mammon, Satan, Diavolo, Barbatos x gender neutral reader | Separate headcanons
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Mammon is instantly shocked and livid the moment he learns that
He got to know this when he asked you to join him for something but when you tell him that you thought he hated him, that's when everything clicks into place
He'd notice your sad expressions at times but didn't think much on it but now he knows why
He'd go onto apologize for the things he said and will reassure you that he never meant anything bad he said to you
He really loves you but just can't get himself to say it cause of his tsundere personality
See the full post
667 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
you mentioned you wanted hc requests– could i get Lucifer, Mammon, Simeon, & Diavolo reacting when MC tells him that they feel safe wrapped up in his wings? <3
When you tell him that you feel safe when you're wrapped up in his wings
A/N - I don't write for Lucifer and Simeon (yet) but I will gladly do Mammon and Diavolo! Forgive me please ^^;;
Mammon, Diavolo x gender neutral reader | Established relationship | Separate headcanons
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He gets all high and mighty upon hearing it on the outside
But on the inside he feels his heart swelling up because you said that and is probably blushing on the outside while acting high and mighty
Will literally hug you and wrap his wings around you as much as you want him to
I repeat he is blushing and is a flustered mess right now
Levi is definitely calling you two 'normies' under his breath as he passes by you both
See the full post
669 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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libra-stellium · 5 months
Tracking my Mars transits!
Notes are from Planets in Transit by Robert Hand.
Mars square Jupiter (Mar 31 - Apr 7)
Time of very successful and energetic activity
Low key disappointed by this bc I thought I would get a lot more done but that saturn trine mars transit had me deadddd. I still ended up doing more than usual like going to happy hour!
Keep close track of what you are doing
Real! bc why did my supervisor call me on the phone to ask me what I was working on lmao makes sense bc my jupiter is in my 10H.
You may be infected with an unjustified optimism that anything you do today "will turn to gold" but it will happen through intelligent planning and foresight
The day I went to happy hour (4/5) I told my friend I was good for 4pm bc I could just clock out when I got there bc i had no assignments and tell me why I'm getting ready and I get an email at 2pm like can you edit this brief? omgggg and I texted my friend "I've done more in less time it's whatever" like girl as if this isn't serious work and it went great and I was on time to happy hour! Things keep working out so I will keep acting accordingly lmao
Do not overextend yourself, if you go beyond your normal limits the time will come when you have to pay for this
Thissssssss fml bc at happy hour I had a mango mojito and it was good but too sweet so then I got the espresso martini flight and it was sooo cute and soooo yummy! Except....I barely ate that day and the food at the restaurant was meh so we just shared buffalo chicken dip and when I got home at like 8pm I felt fine and thennnn i could NOT go to sleep bc 3 espresso martinis!! So i had a dance party in my apt to burn off energy and all of a sudden it was 3am and I go to bed and i feel SICK to my fucking stomach I was so bloated I felt lightheaded I got up and not even alka seltzer could save me omg I started doing high knees at 4am bc in my head moving like that would move my intestines lol I went to sleep at 4:30 and then the whole next day I felt sooooo bad but I blamed the eclipse energy lmfaooo (narrator: she did that shit to herself!!")
Jupiter rules your desire to include more of the universe in your own experiences
I was seeing 333 everywhere including on the bar code of a cookie I was eating lol
Mars trine Mars (Apr 4 - Apr 11)
Time of vigorous self assertion, make it clear you are willing to work for what you want
I actually had assignments I liked at work and I wrote a motion from scratch for an attorney and he wanted me to add something in there and I was like the rule doesn't include that tho... so I didn't put it and he added it himself after I turned in my draft and when he sent it to the director for signature the director deleted it LMFAO i was on cloud 9 for dayssss
Energy level is high, physical labor releases it more effectively
Dance parties were my go to! I thought I might tackle my laundry but nope
Mars is an ego-oriented planet and you'll be strongly motivated toward tasks that bring you credit, might be better to work alone
yes! all the assignments I was doing at work were not group assignments and the other attorneys were like "this is so helpful!" My head was getting so big lmao
Greater effectiveness when resuming unfinished projects
One of my assignments was research and I realized I actually did it Aug 2023 and they were asking me the same question lol but then we expanded it and found something we didn't last year!
If you have been trying to do something but have lacked the right opportunity this transit should get it moving, greater self confidence, pushing your own interests is more successful
I had a meeting with my mentor on 4/11 and I told her to put me in contact with someone she knows who works in immigration so I could volunteer bc I'm trying to get experience! But then it was weird bc the person was like okay let's meet at your next mentor meeting.....June 14 like girl why are we waiting so long?? lmao maybe for the best who knows!
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nar-nia · 1 year
omg, its been so long since i spoke to you but a lot of happened in my life kinda (as well as yours from what i saw)
first of all, CONGRATULATIONS on finishing uni!!!!!!! im proud and happy for u!!! u worked hard and it paid off!! and wow, bakery?? that sounds so amazing!!!! like straight up bakery/coffee shops au!!! must be super fun and probably always smells rly good there!! i hope ure having tons of fun!!! and that ure eating lots of cake duh
for me, idk if u remember but i passed that oral exam!!! i did it in the beginning of september!! and i felt relieved and euphoric about it! and now the new semester (so my second year ) starts soon and…… i feel so anxious about going back, talking to people, all the stress and constant anxiety, and the fact that im still questioning whether this was the right thing to study and the lingering feeling that all my friends have it figured  out already with the life and im kinda stuck. like when its right u know? but idk ??
but on a more positive note? my summer was rly great overall so i hope urs was too!!!! im no longer a teenager tho 20 hits hard - especially after olivia rodrigos new album lmaoo
hee has purple hair now and he looks soooooo good!! ALSO  i read jakes and jays fics u posted and they were so nice, omg like???  :((( like made me realize how much i missed ur blog and u!!!!!!!!!!!
i love you, wishing u all the best always!!!!!!!!!!
                            -beloved anon wow it feels good to write it again!! <333
OMG HELLOOOO 🥺🥺🥺 it's been so long, i missed you so much. how are youu <333
please i'm so happy about finally finishing uni, it felt so long and annoying in the end. but now i already kinda miss it 😭
working in the bakery is.. interesting. it's definitely what i want to do in life, the other day i spent the whole workday just making cakes without anyone bothering me and i loved it so so much, but it's also hard and really stressful (which is why i am replying so late and i'm really sorry, first i got sick and then i got hit with a workload again 🥲). i have to do work that's supposed to be for like 4 other people and it's something 😶 let's manifest that they will find more workers soon because this is way too stressful for me (and my coworkers, i haven't seen them smiling in the past two weeks anymore, it's a bit scary). but enough complaining 🫡 the work itself is fun and the food is so good 🫠🫠 apart from onion cake/pie, i have to do it all myself and i swear i haven't stopped smelling like onions those past few weeks 💀
okay but now to you! CONGRATULATIONS ON PASSING YOUR EXAM 🥳🥳🥳 you did so well and i hope you're really proud of yourself 🥺🩷 and best of luck for your second year, i'm sure you will do as amazing as before 🩷
i'm sorry that you feel so nervous about it though. i have to be back in school to become a baker too now and i was so nervous on my first day, i got sick like right after 💀 and my class really is something (not necessarily positive but there are really nice people too). buuut i hope that your classmates are the nicest people you have ever met and that you will have lots of fun this year, you deserve it. and of course lots of amazing grades in your exams 🩷 i think if this bakery thing has thought me one thing is that it's okay to not know what you want yet. i think i have found my place now (although not necessarily in this bakery) but it took me a while to figure it out too. and in our bakery we have two people who tried lots of different stuff too before they settled on training there. so please try not to worry too much for now, i'm sure it will all work out well for you 🥺🩷
but i'm so glad your summer was nice <33 mine was full of job applications and moving but i still enjoyed it a lot (oh i miss the time where i could stay up all night and sleep in and not start work at 4am 💀) and happy belated birthday, omg <33 welcome to your twenties, it's a wild ride 😍
i missed you so so much too, i'm glad you liked my stories but even happier you had time to check in 🩷 but yes, hee 🫠🫠 wow. i love him (although he's not the only one anymore, can you believe?? jay has been bias wrecking me so hard i am so close to making him my second bias. that guy has me BLUSHING)
i hope you are doing well despite it all and will continue to do well 🩷 you deserve the best and you should get it. i love youuu 🩷🩷🩷
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scattered-winter · 2 years
thank GOD the week is finally over i did sooo badly taking care of myself this week
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lovelylemonfluff · 2 years
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°Fluff <3
°warnings, NONE dont worry <33
It's about 3 am and your doing whatever you enjoy doing when xiao your boyfriend walkes behind you, he crosses his arms looks at you but...dosnt say anything?
You look at him for a couple seconds then go back to what your doing a couple more seconds go by before he grunts, "yes my love?" You look at him, he gives you a look "do you even know what time it is" he sounds just a little angry, "uhhhhh" you giggle "I'm not sure, what time is it xiao?"
He sighs "it's 3:25 am, iv been waiting for you to sleep for hours now" you look at him embarrassed you were so emerged In what you were doing you didn't even notice the time! But you don't mind your not sleepy and besides you stay up all the time, but xiao never liked that, "I'm not sleepy" you smile at xiao hopefully That'll be a good awnser for him and he'll leat you stay up although you know that's not going to work silly reader
"You humans need sleep, now come on get up" xiao steps closer to you, "make me" you laugh, "don't be a brat", he pickes you up "ahh xiao p-put me down" you blush hard you were not expecting that "make me" he mocks you, he brings you to your shared bedroom once your there he plops you down on the bed and starts cuddling you "night babe" xiao says he dosnt sleep but often he cuddles you as you go to bed and it's very common he dose this intill you wake up he claims it's to help you sleep but you know he just really loves cuddles but he'll never admit it
Time skip!!
It's the afternoon your still asleep xiao's just been doing chores around the house but when he finishes he decides to read some manga he misses you so much he just wants you to wake up and to give you kisses and mabye some more cuddles, he gets lost in thought fantasizing about getting to kiss you and how cute you are, he snaps out of it and decideds to surprise you with............RAMEN
Hes a great cook although he dosnt cool often, he gets out the spam and egg and ramen noodles he decides to make the broth by himself, after a while it looks great he cooks the noodles and starts cutting the spam he dosnt cut it very well but who cares its gana taste great!! <333 after some time its all done!
He walks into the room and kisses the top of your forehead, you don't wake up so he kisses your cheek lots of times you end up waking up of course you giggle "xiao what are you doi-" he cuts you off with a passionate kiss on the lips "morning baby, get up love I made you food" he takes your hand "or you do you want to eat in here, wait I'll bring it here for you" he dosnt even give you time to awnser lol he runs off and brings you back the ramen it looks great you thank him and take a bit omg it's absolutely fantastic "woah xiao this is great" he's very happy to hear that he was worried it would be bad you and xiao eat together and chat it's great after words you and xiao decided to cuddle and watch some tv and kiss like xiao wanted
Xiao takes your hand you look at him it was sudden you were to caught up in what you two were watching, he looks at you and looks down while blushing "you know I love you, right?" He says quietly he's like this randomly scared you dont know how much he loves you, you smile wide and hug him "of course I know you love me xiao and I love you too" you both smile.
HII ◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ traveler I hope you enjoyed this <3333 have a great day/afternoon/night <333
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bearseulgs · 2 years
enhypen's reaction to their s/o accidentally calling them their husband
gn!reader x ot7
genre: fluff
wc: 1029
warnings: mentions of food
requested!! tysm
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y'all were just chillin on the floor watchin tv
why weren't you sitting on the couch you ask?? bc it's pride month and i said so
anyways he got up to grab y'all snacks bc like you're hungry watching tv is honest work
and he comes back with your favorite easy food platter and you turned into the 🥺 emoji
"thank you Hee 🥺🥺 you make such a good husband"
you didn't even process what you said but he just stared at you
suddenly your eyes widen in realization
"oh dearie, i didn't mean to say that, i'm sorry, oh goll-"
"it's okay, i liked it ☺️"
HE WHAT ?:!:?3?3!3!
heart rate movin like gas prices rn 📈📈📈
Jay is the ULTIMATE husband material
like if there was a manual written on how to be a good husband, it'd be modeled after Jay and mans ain't even married
so are we that surprised that you couldn't help but think the same thing??
anyways, he had the afternoon off of work and wanted to do smth nice for you aw
so he decided to make a home-cooked meal to greet you with when you came home from work 🥹🥹 gimme someone like him
you get home and find your fav dishes laid out across the table and a smiley Jay sitting patiently in his seat
you eat the meal and by the end you're just so filled with gratitude and accidentally let smth that you think about slip
"thank you so much for this Jay, you're the perfect husband"
😦😦 big shock from Jay
he's a tad flustered but tells you you're the perfect spouse too and that soon enough that'll come true ;) WHAT 😱
he already calls you wifey/hubby all the time
so it was just a matter of time before you slip up and say it back
and slip up you do
you're getting ready for a date w Jakey and when you show up looking good he's over here like :0 <333
and so ofc he had to compliment his lovely s/o 🥰
"yoo wifey/hubby/whatevs you look amazing!!"
"thanks hubby, you ain't too bad yourself"
😶 oh em gee
play dumb
"said what"
"who called who what?"
not that dumb!
he doesn't let it go for the rest of the evening so ig you're calling him hubby now
okay tbh,,,
this wasn't an accident
but you were gonna play it off like one
you were determined to break your bf's cocky facade
(i'm a firm believer in easily flustered Hoon)
so you came up with the most perfectest plan ever slay 💪💯
y'all had planned a day off of work to just chill and do like normal coupley jazz and whatevs, like sleeping til noon and running to the convenience store and binging stranger things steve harrington date me pls haha what
and so y'all were at the convenience store grabbing snacks for your 7 hour st marathon
and when y'all went to check out your haul ended up being way more expensive than you had planned
and you were like :(( i can't pay for all this :(( i have to pay rent and stuff (idk i'm not an adult i'm still in hs)
but Hoonie payed for you aw 💞💞
as y'all were walking back to your apartment OUTTA THE BLUE you were like "you're such a great husband, Hoonie"
mans stopped dead in his tracks
"a great,,, what?"
YOU THOUGHT YOU DID SMTH WRONG AT FIRST but no he was just shocked
many cuddles for you when y'all get home
it was so sunny out lately, making it the perfect weather for a picnic date!!
you were looking forward to it all week, so as soon as the weekend hit you were preparing
Saturday morning you put on the cutest outfit ever looking so slayful purr 😘
and you biked to the picnic location with your picnic basket in your,,, bike basket
we need another word for basket
MOVING ON you arrive to see Sunoo sitting on the blanket he laid out looking cute as ever
"what husband material"
oops that was supposed to stay in the drafts (read: thoughts) 🫢
he knows he's cute tho so he just smiles and says "right back at you" omg
i want him so bad
you recently got a new job woohoo go you!!
so ofc Wonie wanted to treat you
he woke up extra extra early to make you breakfast in bed 🥺🥺
and he came in with a tray of pancakes and coffee and fruits and any of your other favs
you were legit abt to cry from his sweetness
you made him eat some too bc this is his creation and he should enjoy some of it
when you finished you were still kinda sleepy bc it was still rather early
so you just cuddled up and said "you're gonna be a great husband" without thinking
he stiffened up but you were asleep before he said anything so he just stayed quiet and look at you lovingly aw
Riki your mortal enemy
and also your boyfie 💞💞
we love the duality
that's unrelated but i think you deserve to know
anyways Riki was over at your place
and y'all were like "let's bake cookies 🥰🥰"
but Riki started MIXING UP YOUR SPICES the horror so you exiled him to the living room to play games ❌
y'all could still converse tho and converse you did
anyways at one point while you were balling the batter up to put on the baking pan your bffie called
and obvi you picked up bc that's your bestie forget the boyfie
you forgot that you and your friend tended to refer to your partners as your spouses and also forgot to tell them that Riki was over
so when they asked "how's the husband" you immediately responded with "he's great, he's actually over here right now"
then the realization hit ",,,and he can hear me"
he's so cocky abt it but only to cover up his adoration for you
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a/n: writing tip!! if ur ever stuck on a wip just listen to metallica <33
©️ bearseulgs 2022
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errorpeachy · 3 years
hello :) i hope you are having a fantastic day ^^. I'm currently re-watching soul eater and am in soul eater blog mode fgujergiub- would it be possible for me to request crona, death the kid, patty, and maka with a very apologetic, nurturing, and motherly fem! s/o? like she always cooks for them, and whenever something isn't even their fault they blame it on themselves and apologize like crazy? she also overworks herself a lot? thank you :) have a fantastic day :D - nonnie :)
🍑💭: That’s completely okay! I’m like this too so this was really fun to write!
Pairing: crona, dtk, patty, maka (separate) x fem! reader
genre: headcanons
cw: fem/fem presenting reader
˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ 𝕞𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕪
❥ Have they died and gone to heaven?
❥ No but seriously they are so thankful for your existence
❥ You’re like a saving grace after all the things they went through with Medusa, they love you so much omg
❥ You must always cook for three because if you don’t, Ragnarok tries to eat Crona’s food (menace to society)
❥ They’re always quick to express their love for your food, often saying “This is really good… thank you for cooking.”
❥ Any time you do anything for them, they make sure to thank you, it’s very sweet and it shows that they appreciate everything
❥ In terms of being apologetic, they get it. They’re like that too
❥ However, just because they’re the same way doesn’t mean they let you get away with it
❥ “It’s okay, you didn’t even do anything wrong. There’s no need for apologizing.”
❥ They’re very reassuring, and it’s like a breath of fresh air from your constant worrying
❥ While they appreciate you doing things for them, they’ll take over if they notice you’ve overworked yourself
❥ Their words are firm, and they tell you “Go rest, Y/N. I’ve got it, I promise. I don’t want you to make yourself more tired…”
❥ You both compliment eachother so well :’)
❥ (can you tell they’re my favorite character)
𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕕
❥ Oh he adores you
❥ Although there’s never really much to clean, considering he keeps the mansion spotless, he appreciates it when you try to keep it tidy
❥ Falls in love all over again if you fix things up to make them symmetrical again before he notices and freaks out
❥ You help him with his OCD in little ways and he adores you for it, you don’t see him as weird and that makes him so happy
❥ Loves your cooking. The sisters love it too and will force him to invite you to spend the night just to eat your food and steal you away for girl talk
❥ While he can be straight faced most times, he’s very dramatic whenever you tell him he isn’t asymmetrical garbage when he’s having a meltdown
❥ “Really? Y/N- you’re the best girlfriend ever, seriously!-“ followed up by dramatic sobbing
❥ He’s pretty blunt when it comes to you being apologetic. You don’t do anything too bad most times, so there’s no need for a repeated apology
❥ “Hush, you’ve done nothing too bad. A quick sorry was enough, there’s no need for repetition.”
❥ While you do take care of him in some aspects, he’s quick to do the same with you
❥ Again, he’s very blunt. If he doesn’t want you to do something, he’ll be straight up
❥ “Y/N, you look exhausted. I’ve noticed you’ve been working hard lately, so go lie down and take a nap. No arguing.”
❥ All in all, he’s firm but caring in the way he treats you <3
❥ Oh this ball of sunshine just loves you
❥ She’s very childish (and clinically insane) so you’re a really big help for her
❥ She draws you pictures. You hang all of them up on your wall. Couple goals
❥ Liz is an overprotective sister, so she was pretty threatening until she realized you were basically harmless
❥ Patty likes your cooking. She always wants you to teach her how to cook, but any time she tries to help, something ends up going wrong
❥ You both just laugh it off and order pizza when that happens
❥ Very often, she’ll ask you random questions, and you always do your best to answer them
❥ “Hey Y/N, why are giraffe’s necks so long?” “It’s because they evolved to have longer necks to reach tall trees for food, dear.” “Ohhh! Haha, you’re so smart!”
❥ She’s always confused when you start getting overly apologetic
❥ “What are you apologizing for silly? You didn’t do anything!”
❥ She’s not one to notice if you’re tired, but if Kid points it out or you mention something about it she’s quick to jump to caring for you
❥ “Hey hey! Why don’t you go rest? We can cuddle! Doesn’t that sound great?”
❥ She’s so cute :’)))
❥ Same lol
❥ She is also a mom friend, just more aggressive
❥ You guys do a lot of things together, like cleaning and cooking
❥ The two of you cook together pretty often! Maka really likes it, she finds it fun and it’s a nice way to spend time with her loving girlfriend
❥ You often buy her new books to read and she is so thankful for it
❥ She doesn’t like it when you get apologetic. She’ll frown at you and listen to your rambling before cutting you off
❥ “Hey, it’s alright. Don’t apologize, ‘Kay? You didn’t do anything.”
❥ She overworks herself too, so she’s aware she’s being hypocritical when she calls you out and scolds you for not resting
❥ But she loves you and just wants you to take care of yourself :(
❥ “What do you mean you haven’t been sleeping right? Have you been staying up trying to work?” “Well, yes, but-“ “no buts! You’re taking a nap with me right now!”
❥ She gets free cuddles out of it so it’s a win win!
❥ She likes the fact you’re much more passive, it helps calm her down
❥ The two of you r just so similar, it leads to great bonding experiences <333
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