#so of course i have to let the royalty himself wear this I've had this idea since the beginning of this series
the-offside-rule · 5 months
Max Verstappen (Red Bull Racing) - The Princess
Requested: yes
Prompt: 6) "I'm not religious, but I do think I've seen an angel
Warnings: none tbh, just more requests whilst I'm watching sprint quali
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The sun was setting over the glamorous streets of Monaco, casting a golden glow over the iconic circuit as the Grand Prix came to a thrilling conclusion. Max Verstappen stood atop the podium, his heart pounding with the exhilaration of victory. As the crowd erupted in cheers, he couldn't shake the feeling of winning the prestigious race yet again. He waved down to the team before the glorious tune of the Dutch national anthem began playing.
Y/n, the Princess of Monaco, fiddled with the hem of her dress as she looked down to the huge crowd. Whilst she was royalty, crowds generally did seem to get to her. Her older brother took sick and had to cancel his plan to present the winner their trophy last minute. Hence, Miss Y/n was asked to. As the announcer declared the Princess to the crowd, Y/n stepped forward with grace, her regal presence commanding attention. She held the gleaming trophy in her hands, ready to present it to the triumphant driver. Max's gaze locked onto her, captivated by her beauty and poise. He felt a surge of something unfamiliar stirring within him as their eyes met.
Y/n smiled warmly as she handed Max the trophy, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "Congratulations, Max." She said, her voice soft and melodious. Max smirked, ignoring his heart skipping a beat at the sound of her voice. "Thank you, your Highness." He replied, unable to tear his gaze away from her. Max watched intently as the Princess walked away, applauding the dutchman before Max lifted the trophy and showcasing the newest clunk of metal he would add to his collection.
As the photographers clamored for their attention, Max and Y/n posed for the celebratory photos, their smiles bright and genuine. But as Lando Norris, another driver on the podium, playfully aimed his champagne bottle in their direction, Max instinctively shielded Y/n from the impending spray.
Y/n laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement as Max turned his back to protect her. "Thank you, Max. I dont think this dress would pair well with chanpagne stains." She said, touched by his chivalry. "When someone like you is wearing the dress, I dont think anyone would care." Max replied, his voice tinged with sincerity. "And plus, I couldn't let you get soaked." Y/n beamed at the subtle compliment from the race winner.
As the champagne-fueled celebrations continued, Max found himself walking by Y/n's side, unable to resist the magnetic pull she had on him. "Oh, here. Let me help you." He offered her his arm, guiding her down the steps of the podium with care as she navigated the stairs in her heels. "Well aren't you just so lovely." Y/n smiled as her arm linked with his, leaning onto him. "You looked stunning up there." Max remarked, his eyes lingering on Y/n's radiant smile. "I'm not religious, but I do believe I've seen an angel today." Y/n blushed at his words, her cheeks flushing with color. "You're bold, arent you?" She asked, a tinge of amusement lacing her voice. "I'm a racing driver, your Highness. You need to be bold." Y/n rolled her eyes. "Of course, but I don't see any other drivers making moves on me, Mr Verstappen."
"Well, I think they see we are having a conversation. It would be rude to interrupt, no?" Max smiled. The pair stood for a moment,him towering over her as she simply looked between his eyes. "I'd like if we continued our conversation." Y/n whispered. "So would I. How about we return to this conversation later?" Usually, Y/n wouldn't like how suggestively the driver was being, but her gut trusted the man. She sighed. "Where do you suggest we have our little rendezvous?" She smiled. "How about dinner?" The dutchman suggested. Y/n arched a brow. "You know, for a Monaco race winner, your idea of a celebration is very boring." Max didn't really know what to say. It wasnt until Y/n leaned towards his ear.
"I'll be meeting you ag some stage tonight." She pulled away and winked. For the first time in a while, Max felt butterflies in his stomach as the Princess walked away with her security surrounding her, while he stood there wondering when he would bump into her next.
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sulky-valkyrie · 2 years
For DADWC and the friends to lovers prompts - accidentally blurting out “i love you” during a conversation. Any pairing you see fit :)
For @dadrunkwriting , very possibly riddled with typos, and occurs more or less simultaneously with this
Alistair was king.  When had that happened?  Why had that happened?  He looked around for Theron desperately, or anyone to help make this make sense, but instead all he saw were men who’d have spat on him the day before rushing to shake his hand and swear fealty.  Anora watched him coolly, not quite hostile, but not particularly kindly either.  That made sense though; even if she were madly in love with him, which she certainly wasn’t, he had just advocated for the execution of her father.  Maker knew what she would’ve done if he’d actually been the one to wield the blade.  Poisoned him in his sleep, most like.
He smiled until his face hurt as he kept looking for someone to rescue him, then suddenly realized, If I’m king, I’m in charge, right?
He clapped a hand on Bann Eddlebreck's shoulder and cheerfully said,  "I'm certain the queen knows far more about that than I do; right now I've got to go, so let's make an appointment to discuss it further after an archdemon isn't breathing down our necks, hm?"
With that, he pushed his way through the crowd, politely at first, but increasingly firmly until he was almost knocking people down to get away.
"Going somewhere, your majesty?" 
Alistair groaned softly and reached out for her hand without looking.  "Leli, don't you start too.  I've already had my fill of well wishers and ass kissers and . . ." he trailed off as he rubbed his thumb against hers.  "And some other witty phrase.  You're a bard, make one up."
"Sycophants?" she suggested, stepping close.  "Hangers on?  Glory hunters?"  She wasn't wearing armor right now and the dress was doing distracting things to her figure.  Maker, was he blushing?  Were kings allowed to blush?
"Suck-a-whats?" he asked.
She laughed quietly.  "Not even crowned, and you’re already propositioning the peasants?"
His cheeks felt like they were on fire. "No, I -
"Relax, my lord," she murmured.  "I'm simply teasing.  All proper royalty should have a -"
"I love you!"  The words escaped his lips unbidden, and he clapped a hand over his mouth a half a second too late.
Leliana stilled next to him.  "You're going to marry Anora tomorrow."
"I know," he said miserably and stared at his boots.  "Don't remind me."
"It's almost a fairytale." Her hand brushed across his cheek, then down to his jaw tilting his face to look at her.  "But a fairytale requires a kiss."
"I -" he stopped.  Swallowed.  Was this, did this mean she was, that he could, that it was okay if he -
"Perhaps I can finish the story myself.  I am a bard, after all."  Then her lips were touching his and Maker, they were so soft, but of course they would be, she always was, at least in all places that she wasn't sharp,  and then he was kissing Leliana and his hands were around her and she was walking him backwards into a hallway and -
A quiet sexy needy gasp that wasn’t from her caught his attention.  He looked up to find Theron pinning Zevran to the wall and just couldn't stop himself.  “I - oh, is this hallway occupied?”
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pof203 · 1 year
A Summoner Birthday
Previous post: https://pof203.tumblr.com/post/721534440738832384/a-summoner-birthday
Battle ahead.
Fire Wraith
Water Wraith
Wood Wraith
Light Wraith
Dark Wraith
Preselected Characters:
Wakan Tanka∞
Selected Support Character:
Ruler of the Kingdom of Script Jambavan
Story (Chapter 4 Part 2)
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The Beast is a powerful adversary. Nothing you can do seems to be doing anything.
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How do you beat this guy?
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Hold on! I think I know what we're doing wrong.
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You know something? Tell us.
Kuniyoshi: In the story, the girl found out something about the Beast... Who he truly is.
Kuniyoshi goes up to the Beast. The Beast looked like he was ready to attack... But Kuniyoshi embraced him which made him stop.
Kuniyoshi: Please stop attack. We're sorry we picked your rose. It was just so beautiful... Just like your soul.
The Beast: (surprised) You... You think my sould is beautiful?
Kuniyoshi: I know it's beautiful. I love it. We all love it. Please, don't let anger control you anymore. You're stronger than it.
The Beast: Am I? ... I do want to change. I've felt this loneliness for so long. It hurts me.
Kuniyoshi: You don't have to alone anymore. We're here now... I'm here... We'll be together... Prince Jambavan.
Then, to your surprise, Kuniyoshi... kisses the Beast. The Beast then had tears in his eyes, like something that was locked inside him for long has finally been freed. He smiles and kisses Kuniyoshi back. He ushers Kuniyoshi to move aside as the Beast opens himself up.
The Beast: (happy) Give me release.
Kuniyoshi: Do it, Lupin.
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I'm on it... Role of the Wanderer. Rule of Rending. Engrave mine name onto thee...
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Boundless Tail!!
With one swipe of your blade, you release Jambavan from his curse.
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I... I remember now! I was saving my work for med class on my account one the school website. Then, here I am... Kuniyoshi, why are we wearing the same clothes we wore in the dream world?
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Yes, your clothes should have changed back to what they were before you came to this world.
Arachne's Voice: I think what you mean is "You're welcome."
Lupin: Arachne, this is your doing?
Arachne's Voice: After hearing about what happened with Tsukuyomi and all the things at the ball, I was really inspired. I also heard about what happened with Alp. So I stitched something up and with Kurogane's help... Voila!
Jambavan: Well that's nice and all, but why let me keep it now?
Arachne's Voice: I also know the story that you're all in.
Hogen: What happened?
Kuniyoshi: At the end of the story, the girl came to see that the Beast is a kind and gentle soul. In time, they fell in love with each other. And their revealed that the Beast... is actually a handsome prince.
Jambavan: Is that how you see me? As royalty? ... (smiling) Thank you. It's a wonderful gift... (embarrassed) Besides, it's probably for the best. Before I came here, I was waring nothing but a towel.
Kuniyoshi: (blushing) You were?
Jambavan: Yes. I took a shower before I started working on the computer.
Hogen: I have a question... How did the prince become a beast?
Arachne's Voice: Depends on who's telling the story. In more modern retellings, he was cursed by a beautiful enchantress in order to punish the prince for his selfishness.
Jambavan: But I'm not selfish.
Lupin: It's true. Jambavan may seem a bit shy, but he's one of the kindest and most caring person I know.
Alice's Voice: I can vouch for that.
Jambavan: (shocked) Don't tell me she's here, too!
Arachne's Voice: That's true. In some version, the prince was already a nice person and the one who cursed him was a...
Arachne's Voice: Well... A wicked witch.
Jormungandr: (shocked) Wicked witch?
Kurogane's Voice: I'm detecting one of the breakers in the castle. You better check it out.
Hogen: I guess we better.
Jambavan: Is... Is it alright if I come. I don't want to be left out here alone.
Lupin: Of course you can come. We're all in this together.
Wakan Tanka: My Lupin knows what he's talking about. You'll be in good hands.
Kuniyoshi: Just stay by me. You'll be fine.
Jambavan: Thanks.
And so, you go into the castle to find the breaker.
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Hogen: I don't see any witch.
Kuniyoshi: Maybe she left. She is usually just mentioned or only appeared at the beginning of the story. It's not like she'll just...
A sudden explosion of smoke appears. When it clears up...
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Kuniyoshi: (suprprised) Never mind. There she is.
Lupin: (nervous) Why did I have feeling it would be here.
Witch Christine: So, you broke my spell, have you? No matter. I can turn you all into something worse than a beast.
Jambavan: (nervous, but trying to be brave) You... You don't scare us. We're going to save everyone.
Jormungandr: That's right. We will get past you and find a way.
Witch Christine: (cackling again) How hilarious. You're going to get past me? We'll see about that.
Witch Christine wave her umbrella and sends a bolt of energy at you. Fortunately, you dodge it.
Hogen: This is crazy. That Entertainer was already powerful enough. How do we beat her?
Wakan Tanka: (serious) By being more powerful than her.
Hogen: (worried) You mean...
Wakan Tanka: I know I've been taking a lot of risks, but we have to do something to stop her.
Wakan Tanka turns to you... You can sense that he is right.
Lupin: Just be careful.
Wakan Tanka: (smiling) The game clock hasn't run out yet.
Wakan Tanka goes to the front of Witch Christine.
Witch Christine: (scoffing) I don't even have to waste any of my power on you. You're just failed Invader.
Wakan Tanka: I may have failed as an Invader... But as I lover and a friend...
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I am victorious.
Witch Christine tries to cast a spell on Wakan Tanka∞... But he deflects it with his buffalo skull.
Lupin: Let's get ready for this.
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Finally, a chance to show my stuff!
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I guess we're doing this. Let's get flapping!
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Are you ready, Prince Jambavan?
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Yes. Let's do it together!
The battle begins.
To be continued...
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yourmypenguin · 2 years
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Have I kept you waiting for long enough? Hehe i finally got to finish Roman's Vietnamese Traditional clothing, he's lucky I love this one garment so much or I'm blaming him for my bad back. Yes, I did went all out on this and did all the patterns because I am that crazy
[ramblings about the details in the tags >:D]
Logan | Patton | Virgil | Janus
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enchantestuff · 3 years
cursed crown (1) - pierre gasly
in which sneaking into Pierres kingdom only means one thing
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warnings: smut, royalty au so there's that, language maybe?
please please please let me know what you all think
“Are you alright?” you heard Pierre quietly call from the window above you. You had just arrived at his castle and were currently trying to climb up to the kitchen window, admittedly with no help from the prince himself.
“A little bit of help would be nice, Your Highness” you scoffed. Pierre laughed at the title you gave him but obliged nevertheless, leaning out of the window and stretching his arm downwards, waving it in front of your face teasingly. You rolled your eyes as you grabbed hold of it, “I thought I was supposed to be the mean one out of the two of us” you muttered when you finally climbed through the window and planted your feet firmly on the ground. You brushed some dirt away from your coat before finally meeting his beautiful blue eyes.
“Perhaps you're rubbing off on me, my lady,” Pierre grinned. He grabbed hold of your hand and quickly led the two of you out of the grand kitchen, carefully glancing across corridors and hiding behind walls as maids and a variety of guests walked through his pristine palace. You thought you would have been used to sneaking around his home by now, you had been doing it for months after all, but the trek from the kitchen to his bedroom was never an easy one. Even though Pierre had repeatedly confessed to you that this certain day of each month was the quietest, there still seemed to be countless people roaming the halls.
“I do quite hope you haven't acquired only my bad traits, Pierre,” you whispered, quickly glancing behind you as you ran up the stairs and into his bedroom. This was the riskiest part of your journey. The stairs that led up to his bedroom were open for anyone and everyone to see, whether it be from the inside balcony above or from the spacious hall below.
Pierre laughed at your comment, quickly shutting his bedroom door behind him and twisting his body around to face you. He placed his hands on your hips as he led you further into his bedroom. “Are you insinuating that you have any desirable qualities, my love?” he joked, his beloved silly grin quickly making its way onto his face causing your own smile to erupt on your own. These moments with Pierre were the only times you could truly be yourself and they didn't come around too often.
“Well of course, your highness” you smiled, snaking your hands up his arms to rest on his biceps. Pierre jokingly cocked an eyebrow at you, his hands trailing lower down your body, unable to keep them still for a second.
“And why is that?” he pondered, frowning slightly as you pulled away from him to take off your coat and climb onto his freshly made bed, getting comfortable in the silk sheets before peeking at him through your lashes.
“Because you crawl into bed with me every month” you teased. Your eyes trailed across his bedside table, smiling at the familiarity of it. Since the beginning of your late night rendezvous the contents of the table had never changed. There always lay a map of Othain, a journal which he had forbidden you to read and his beloved crown, the one that always lay atop of his head except during these moments with you and of course, when he was sleeping.
You carefully picked the crown up from where it lay and placed it onto your own head. It was much lighter than your own, less jewels scattered around it. It was a breath of fresh air. You didn't feel suffocated wearing it. Didn't feel weighed down by what it symbolized. “Now as your queen, i command you to come over here, for i have been deprived of your touch for far too long”
Pierre chuckled at your words, his steps towards his bed were deliberately slow. He knew how to tease you and from the glare you sent his way, he knew it was working. He crawled onto his bed, positioning himself on top of you and adjusting his crown on your head. “Well then, your majesty, I suspect that I am obliged to prove myself to you?” he jokingly questioned.
“Those are quite possibly the smartest words to leave your lips, my love” you commented. Unable to contain yourself any further, you pulled him towards you, finally connecting your lips after weeks apart from one another. Pierre didn't hesitate to kiss you back, but the short lasting kiss was not what you expected and a frown appeared on your face the minute he pulled away. “As much as I love your teasing, Pierre, I would really prefer it if you didn’t indulge in those habits right now.”
He smirked evilly as he trailed one of his hands down your thigh. “Is her majesty upset with my actions?” he pondered, his smirk not once leaving his face as he crawled further down the bed. Kisses were scattered across your thigh and the silent frustrated sigh that left your lips was a good enough answer for Pierre.
“Her majesty thinks she should get what she wants,” you selfishly spoke. You pulled lightly on Pierre's hair, a desperate attempt to get you closer to him again, to remove his lips from your thigh and place them on your own instead. Was that really too much to ask for?
“Well, I personally think she needs to stop being a brat and shut up for once in her life.” Your lips parted to scold him for his language but instead of rude comments, moans of pure delight seemed to leave your lips as Pierre attached his mouth to your core. He knew how to shut you up and for once in your life, you weren't complaining.
You tugged on his hair, pulling him closer into you as your head fell back in pleasure. Pierres crown slipped to fall beside you on the pillow but you paid it no mind as you felt pleasure pass through you like lightning bolts. “Oh Pierre,” you moaned as he lapped at your core similar to a man deprived of a meal. He couldn’t get enough of you.
Pierres fingers dug into your thighs as he moved to suck on your clit. “Shit,” you cursed as you felt the familiar knot begin to build in your stomach. After spending so much time with you and your body, Pierre believed he knew you inside out, which as a result meant he knew exactly when you were going to cum. He felt oh so evil as he brought you to your peak, only to pull away from you at the last second. The frown on your face was enough to make him feel slightly guilty. Only slightly.
“I am going to declare war on you, Pierre Gasly, '' you seethed, completely unsatisfied and now purely annoyed. You hadn’t trekked all the way to his kingdom in the middle of the night just for him to bring you towards the most amazing pleasure imaginable and leave you high and dry at the last moment.
“I'm afraid you don't have the power to do that yet, love” he grinned. He didn't give you any time to come up with a witty reply as he placed a chaste kiss to your lips before undressing himself in front of you.
“Is this your form of apologizing?” because well, it was working, there's just something about a handsome prince undressing before your very eyes that got you going.
“I was planning on making you cum over and over again, love” he spoke, stretching his arm out beside your head in order to place his crown back on your head. You looked so powerful with it on. You always looked powerful, but his own crown laying in your hair brought freshness to you that he didn't know was possible. It made his chest lighten and butterflies erupt in his stomach. It made him feel five again. “But if this is enough im happy to stop here and continue another time.”
You scoffed at him. Keeping one hand on the crown, you trailed your hand down your body, gripping onto your breast, maintaining eye contact with him as you did so, before moving further down your body. You ran your fingers up and down your folds, spreading the wetness gathered there before inserting one inside. “If you cant pleasure me, i guess i'll have to do it myself,” you muttered, knowing deep down that there was nothing Pierre hated more than you pleasuring yourself in front of him. It felt like a betrayal. Like he wasn’t enough.
Your plan succeeded spectacularly, as they always did, and in no time he was positioned on top of you, his tip teasingly brushing against your entrance. He dragged your hand away from your core and held it above your head. His grip was almost death-like and you found yourself relishing in the pain it brought.
“Don't doubt me for a second, love” Pierre grunted in your ear as he tapped his cock against your clit. You bit your lip at the sensation but allowed him to continue with his scolding. You knew there was nothing but love behind his words and so, to no surprise, you got more excited with each word that fell from his lips. “I think you know first hand the kind of pleasure I can bring you.” You gasped at the feeling of him filling you up. After nearly two weeks of not seeing each other, the sensation of him inside you was better than you had remembered. You transferred his crown onto his own head, an indication that whatever power you had over him was now practically non-existent. You were truly at his mercy.
“I'm sure you haven't forgotten the many times i've made you scream, love. I can do it again if your memory has begun to fail you.”
Pierre was always one to live up to his word. His sharp deliberate thrusts made your eyes roll back and several moans escaped your lips. You haven't been with any other man except Pierre and you would never need to. He knew your body more than you did and the delight that he brought you was extraordinary.
The squeezing of your wrist made your eyes snap open. His beautiful eyes were already watching you withering underneath him. A look of pure adoration plastered on his face as his hips continued to move at a rapid pace. “Shit, Pierre”
Pierre shook his head at you, a lopsided grin replacing his usual smirk as he leaned down to kiss your chest. “That's not what i want to hear, love.”
He was playing your own game against you, but you were too full of gratification to care. “P- please, your highness.” A blush crept up your cheeks at the seriousness of your own voice. You were no longer mocking him with his title but moaning it in pure delight.
Pierre cocked his head at you, “Please what, love? Use your words.” Tingles made its way onto your skin from kisses he scattered over your neck, goosebumps trailing in their wake. You didn't even process your words until they were out in the open.
“Fuck me like your life depends on it.”
And he did. His thrusts became unbelievably precise, his free hand roamed your body, circling and squeezing all the right places while his other intertwined with yours. You knew there would be marks left from where he had held on too hard, but you didn't see it as a mark of pain rather than an indication of what had gone on between you two.  A reminder for the next long two weeks ahead of you.
The clenching of your walls for the second time that night indicated to Pierre you were close. “Hold on, love” he ushered. Something that was incredibly hard to do when he was pounding into you like an animal and circling your clit like he was under a spell.
“I - i can't,” you sobbed. You wanted so bad to release the knot in your stomach, to catch the orgasm you had been chasing all night.
“I said hold it.” He was in control, that much was clear, but you could only hold on for so long until your body couldn’t take it anymore.
“P - pierre, fuck!”
“That's it, love,” Pierre groaned in your ear, “Hold on for just another moment, such a good girl for me.” Your eyes rolled back and your gripped onto his hand for dear life. “Don't know what id do without you.” Your heart skipped a beat and tears began welling in your eyes. “Look so pretty right now, taking me like the queen you'll soon be.” Your breath increased and a whimper left your lips.
“You can let go now, love.”
Nights with Pierre were often sleepless. You had plenty of time to sleep when you were alone in your bedroom. Two nights each month you spent facing the beautiful prince, talking about utter nonsense until your cheeks hurt from smiling too hard and your eyes drooped from being awake for too long.
“Im being sent somewhere tomorrow,” you whispered into the darkness, playing with his hands as you dared to break the silence around you. You could feel him tense up next to you, obviously assuming the worst and imagining an attack his own kingdom. His own people. “Not you, “ you reassured, your heart fluttering when he immediately relaxed beside you, “Some rebels gathering together behind the mountains, I’ll have to leave early in the morning.”
It hurt you to cut your already short time with Pierre even shorter, but duty called and once your father demands your presence on a mission, you had no choice than show up.
“I hate the fact you have to go out on these stupid battles,” Pierre confided. He hadn’t taken his eyes off you all night, wanting to imprint the image of your face in his mind until the next time he saw you again.
“Well, unlike you, I have to prove myself to everyone.” It was the harsh reality of your world, one that you were reminded of at each public event you attended. You were a woman and for that reason, deemed unworthy of ruling.
“You wouldn’t have to prove yourself to anyone if you ran away with me,” he reminded. Without fail, every time you met up with Pierre, he brought up the idea of running far away to another kingdom, one where the two of you could live like commoners and not have to worry about the state of a kingdom nor dooming battles. It was a daydream that both frightened and enticed you in the best ways possible.
“You really think you can survive without all this luxury?” you pondered, your hands immediately running up and down the silk sheets on top of you as your eyes floated across the numerous jewels and paintings scattered around his room.
“With you next to me?” he asked. His hand came to rest on your jaw, moving your face closer to his own as he spoke his true desires out loud, “Of course.”
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damoreyunho · 3 years
Vol1 Ch1: Lights
It was a late summer's day, the blue sky above was dotted with white cotton clouds, and Hongjoong sat peacefully on a bench watching the world around him. He watched a flock of pigeons make a fuss over a piece of bread and his eyes followed them as one bird fled with it, the others following, not far behind. He could hear the laughter of families playing with their kids in the open areas of the park. From further away a faint barking sounded from the pet-friendly zone. The air was warm but not hot. A soft little breeze blew past him and some lonely strands of his hair wavered along with it.
It was the last week before summer break ended and everyone were out and about trying to make the best of their remaining free time. The city was bustling with activity as most had already returned home from their vacations. From within the park Hongjoong could barely hear the city noise. Only vaguely if he tried hard enough. On the other hand he could definitely still see it. The city. Beyond the large trees outlining the park rose tall high rise buildings. Some would probably even be considered skyscrapers. The sun's reflection on the glass covered buildings made him squint as he looked up. He closed his eyes for a moment, observing the imprints which the bright light had left in his eyes, before opening them again.
Hongjoong got up, did a little stretch and was about to move on when he noticed something. Or was it actually someone? Crouched beside a flower bed was a young man, probably around the same age as himself. His hair was ash grey with the comma style and an undercut. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and black jeans. An also black jacket was slung over his left arm.
Hongjoong approached the stranger and stood a little off to one side tilting his head slightly in attempt to see what the other was looking at. He eventually noticed Hongjoong's shadow and stood up. He was quite a bit taller than Hongjoong, but who wasn't taller than him. The eyes of the other were a beautiful smoky grey and it was obvious that his hair color had been chosen to match the eyes. The two of them stared at each other for a moment that felt too long. Hongjoong broke the slightly awkward silence first.
HJ: "Did you find anything of interest?"
???: "Not really."
The taller man glanced down at the flowers uneasily. He seemed slightly flustered by being approached so suddenly.
HJ: "My name is Hongjoong. Do you live nearby? I've not seen you around before."
Hongjoong attempted to spark a conversation between the two of them. The stranger seemed a bit hesitant before replying.
SH: "I am Seonghwa. It is my first time here, though I guess you could say I live nearby."
Seonghwa cracked a small smile. His voice was soft and slightly deep. Even though he spoke quietly, his voice did not tremble at all. It was a voice that undoubtedly held power and probably also a certain level of authority. Hongjoong could not pinpoint which type of person he might be. Could he be a CEO for some company? Maybe he was a big politician? It would definitely be some sort of leadership role though he did not know which.
Quite suddenly it felt like something had changed within Seonghwa. His eyes which had seemed somewhat distant grew warm and welcoming. It was as if they started to focus. Onto Hongjoong to be precise.
SH: "Want to join me for tea?"
Seonghwa spoke warmly and had now turned his body in the direction of a path that would lead them out of the park. Hongjoong nodded and started to walk in the direction which the other had initiated.  
──── ⋅ ☾ ⋅ ────
The two of them had found a small cafe in which they were now seated by the window. Seonghwa had tea while Hongjoong had coffee. Hongjoong was slightly worried about the silence between the two of them but he also kind of enjoyed it. There was something comforting about Seonghwa's presence. He just couldn't figure out what.
SH: "Do you go to the park often? You seemed familiar with your surroundings."
Hongjoong adverted his gaze from the street outside to the man opposite of him.
HJ: "I go there when I feel in need for inspiration. I love watching the butterflies during the summer and feeling the warmth of the sun."
SH: "Inspiration?"
Seonghwa's voice was encouraging Hongjoong to continue talking. And he did.
HJ: "I'm an artist in my free time. I like to design my own clothes and accessories."
He stretched out one leg from under the table and tilted his foot to the side. On his shoes were some writing in Hangul, hand-painted onto the sides of them. Seonghwa admired the work for some time before finally looking back at Hongjoong.
SH: "They are really beautiful. You have a unique style."
HJ: "Thank you. I also designed my own phone case!"
Hongjoong could feel the happiness within him. It was so nice to have someone listen and admire something you had put a lot of care and effort into. He held out his phone to Seonghwa who gently accepted the item with his right hand. On the case were two butterflies neatly painted in turquoise. The background was a simple dark blue, nearly black sky with a few white sprinkles for stars.
SH: "Do you like the night?"
Seonghwa's admiration for Hongjoong's work was very apparent. Hongjoong couldn't help but smile proudly.
HJ: "Most butterflies go to sleep during the night. But the stars will always be beautiful. Sadly the light from the city obscures the stars most of the time."
SH: "The butterflies may go to sleep, but this makes way for the moths."
Seonghwa handed the phone back to Hongjoong. He looked as if he was going to add something else. One short thought later he continued.
SH: "I can show you the stars. If you are interested of course."
Hongjoong stared intriguingly at Seonghwa.
HJ: "You can really do that? But we would have to leave for a place outside the city. I don't think there's enough time. I have work tomorrow."
He let out a sigh of dismay. He had seen the stars before, but he did not have a lot of money and he had to work if he wanted to save up money to travel.
SH: "It is not far from here. I do not think it will interfere with any plans you might have."
Seonghwa's voice had perked up at this conversation. His emotions were not easy to read as he did not show many expressions. During the short time Hongjoong had known him, Seonghwa had only shown his resting expression and soft smiles. His composure resembled royalty a lot. At this point Hongjoong was certain that he had met a significant person. Suspicions of him being an actor arose. Of course every muscle in his face was under control if he were an actor.
SH: "Do I have something on my face?"
Hongjoong's mind jerked back into reality. He had been staring mindlessly at Seonghwa while deep in thought.
HJ: "Ah no! I'm sorry. I was thinking about something."
He laughed awkwardly feeling his cheeks heat up. Whilst watching Seonghwa pay for their drinks, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful his hands were. They were not big but they were slender and elegant. One single ring adorned the middle finger of his right hand. Hongjoong got up before Seonghwa and headed for the exit. Seonghwa followed not far behind.
──── ⋅ ☾ ⋅ ────
The sun had set not long ago. The sky was now deep orange to the west, purple above and deep blue to the east. Hongjoong was walking along the park road beside a man he had just met that same day. Why he had agreed to join Seonghwa for a walk in the middle of the night, he did not know. But Seonghwa seemed genuine and Hongjoong disliked limiting himself  because of distrust. The two of them stepped off the pavement and onto a path that would lead them into the depths of the park.
HJ: "So... How will you be able to show me the stars? The park is isolated but we're still in the middle of a huge city."
SH: "Just wait."
Hongjoong was unsure if he had heard a smile in Seonghwa's voice or it was just his imagination. He discreetly searched the other's face for any clues of his intentions but did not learn anything. Had it been a bad idea to go through with this? There was still time to turn back if he wanted to. Hongjoong's doubt made the rhythm of his walking irregular for a moment. But the moment was long enough for Seonghwa to notice. He halted and looked at Hongjoong.
SH: "It is alright. We are nearly there."
He smiled and turned his gaze from Hongjoong towards a smaller path that lead off the main path and into an overgrowth of trees and bushes. Hongjoong let Seonghwa take the lead down the path and followed behind. It wasn't long before the trees had blocked out all the city lights.
HJ: "I can't see anything."
Hongjoong walked slowly and took small steps to avoid falling over when he suddenly felt a hand clasp around his left wrist. Upon instinct he tried to pull away. The hand held him firmly but not harshly.
SH: "It is not far. I will lead you."
Hongjoong heard no concern in Seonghwa's voice.
HJ: " How can you see? And how can I trust you? We're in the middle of a dark park all alone. This feels very deceptive."
Before Seonghwa could reply, they stepped out and into a clearing. It was still dark, but it was bright enough for Hongjoong to make out the contour of a lake. Seonghwa let go of Hongjoong's wrist.
SH: "We have arrived."
Hongjoong looked up at the sky but saw nothing but the crescent moon.
SH: "Try looking down."
A smirk was apparent in his voice as he spoke. Hongjoong hesitantly approached the lakeside. He felt on edge with Seonghwa behind him but as long as he could hear that Seonghwa didn't move, he felt fairly safe. As Hongjoong neared the waters edge he saw it. In the water were countless lights. He looked up at the sky then at the water and then back again. No stars were visible in the sky, yet the surface reflected a hemisphere full of stars. Hongjoong spun around to face Seonghwa expecting him to have moved. He hadn't.
HJ: "How is this possible? How can I see the reflections of stars that aren't visible?"
His voice was filled with both awe and wonder.
SH: "The lake is filled with magical creatures that light up the lake. They feast tonight and the fires of their large ovens can be seen as the brightest lights."
Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa with an expression that told him to be serious. And for the first time since they had met, Seonghwa's composure faltered and he let out a soft giggle.
SH: "I am sorry. I do not know why this lake reflects the stars even though they cannot be seen in the sky. My best guess is that there is something in the water that allows it to reflect light in a certain way. Either that or there are insects or bugs with luminescent bodies."
HJ: "The lights don't seem to move so it's probably the first option."
The two of them were quiet and Hongjoong turned back to the water to look at the lights.
HJ: "Would you not want to see it too? Come join me."
He waved his hand in a motion that invited Seonghwa to join him but Seonghwa simply shook his head and stayed back.
──── ⋅ ☾ ⋅ ────
Besides the moon, the sky was now completely dark. Seonghwa had agreed to walk Hongjoong to his exit of the park.
HJ: "Thank you for showing me that. It was really beautiful. I had no idea that lake was even there."
SH: "The path is vey hard to find. I am almost certain that no one knows about it. I accidentally stumbled upon it when looking through the park one evening."
HJ: "What were you even looking for when we met. You were almost sitting in a flower bed."
SH: "Ah. I was primarily admiring the colourful flowers but I was also searching for something. I did not find anything though."
They observed each other shortly, before Seonghwa spoke again.
SH: "It is late. You should go home and get some sleep. I remember you said you have work tomorrow."
HJ: "Yeah. Sadly. Thank you for a nice day though."
He hesitated before proceeding.
HJ: "Do you think we could exchange numbers? I'd love to see you again."
SH: "I- Yes. I would love to see you again too. Actually. I think I will be around in the park quite often from now on. Come by and we might meet again."
Hongjoong noticed how Seonghwa avoided the question but he let it pass. He was probably not comfortable enough to share his number yet. They had just met that same day after all.
HJ: "Yes. I will definitely come by. I'll see you soon."
Both men moved but neither knew what they wanted to do. They were not familiar enough for a hug but waving whilst standing face to face would be weird too. It was really awkward but Seonghwa eventually stepped back and bid the final goodbye. Hongjoong watched him walk off back into the park. And as Seonghwa walked away he could not help but notice how beautiful he looked as the moonlight lit up his tall figure.
──── ⋅ ☾ ⋅ ────
First time posting on tumblr. Let’s see how this goes XD
↓  these are the shoes Hongjoong  designed. Both in this story and in real life
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yamaita · 4 years
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˚₊·➷ About : Prince Akaashi wasn't very fond of the castle's banquets and would much rather spend his evening locked inside his room to read books. But for this particular evening he decided to stay close to the food table where he meets a young lady, bonding over how delicious the cake was, Akaashi doesn't think banquets are all that bad.
˚₊·➷ Genre : FLUFF! Royalty AU!
˚₊·➷ wc : 1.4k
˚₊·➷ a/n : This piece was heavily inspired from Jimin's theme from BTS world, cake waltz was absolutely beautiful I just had to write about it 🥺 also I listened to it over and over while writing 😂 a-also I think the banner looks pretty 👉👈
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The atmosphere of tonight's banquet was lively, everyone was talking amongst themselves as the orchestra played light music in the background. Akaashi's eyes lazily scan the room as nothing catches his eyes, sighing to himself he heads over to the food table, at least he can distract himself with food he thought.
"Akaashi! Nice party you have here!" He heard someone say, he looks to his right seeing his mighty friend, Bokuto. A prince from the neighboring kingdom, a close friend of his. "It's as nice as it gets, it's the same old routine," He said, taking a spoonful of mashed potatoes, Bokuto does the same. "Well! Maybe tonight's your lucky night? Besides there's plenty of beautiful girls lined up to have you as their prince!" He said, Akaashi didn't know whether that was supposed to cheer him up.
"Oh! By the way, is Prince Kuroo and Kenma coming tonight?" Bokuto asked, "Yeah, they're just running late.. as always," Akaashi rolled his eyes, the ambience didn't seem to change. The crystal chandelier hanging from the high ceilings of their ballroom, the classical music, even the same white coloured tunic that he wears. Same old boring routine, nothing ever happens nor catches his attention. "Hm, say Akaashi, what if you finally find that special someone?" Bokuto absentmindedly asked, "I can't say for sure since, I haven't found them," He said, placing the plate of food down on the table.
As Akaashi looked over the table, there was plenty of cake, ranging from at least 3-6 inches, they were decorated so eloquently, as if it wasn't really for eating but for display. He might as well take the first piece, taking the knife that laid beside the cake, he takes a pretty good chunk of cake. "I'll be back Akaashi, I think Kuroo and Kenma are right outside," Bokuto pats Akaashi shoulder before heading outside the ballroom, leaving Akaashi alone once again.
"So many cakes to choose from, ah! This one looks good," Akaashi looks up as he sees a young lady, nothing like before. She was wearing a light blue dress, layered with petticoats underneath. Akaashi's breath was clearly taken away by her beauty, he had met plenty of women before but it seems like she was the first one he actually seemed to like. Akaashi just had to know her more, "The red velvet is surely the best one out here," He said, pointing his fork towards the freshly cut cake. "Is that so?" You said, tapping your chin. "Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to try," Shrugging as you cut a piece, the cake was perfect, it was soft and moist.
"Well, it's delightful," You said, the raspberry icing really made its way to your taste buds as Akaashi was relieved at your choice of cake. "Shall we taste more cake?" He offered, he certainly did not think this is how his night was gonna go but he didn't complain. "Oh! Shall we try the strawberry shortcake next?" You said, looking at the delectable cake that was standing high and proud. It was topped with white icing, strawberries decorated all around it with occasional strawberry syrup drizzle on the side.
Akaashi didn't answer as he took the knife, slicing her a piece, and then one for him. One bite of the cake and he was hooked, much like you. "It tastes great doesn't it?" You said, your eyes glistening with delight. Akaashi couldn't help but smile, "Yes, yes it does," The peaceful atmosphere you two were in was wrecked as Bokuto, Kuroo alongside Kenma walked back inside the ballroom. "Akaashi! Hey hey hey! I see you're talking to a lady," Bokuto said, wiggling his eyebrows. You've placed your plate of cake down to give the three men a curtsy bow, as they did the same.
"Sorry we were late, some errands in the castle," Kuroo huffed, clearly exhausted from the ride to Akaashi's. "Don't worry, the night had just begun," Akaashi said, reassuring his friend. The music had suddenly switched up, from a lively waltz to a slow and romantic piece. Akaashi's hand itched to grab yours, wanting to dance this waltz with you, he supposed it would be rude to just grab you and force you to dance so he does what any normal person would do, ask you to dance.
As your eyes watched the couple's dance in the middle of the room, Akaashi's figure had blocked it. His white silk gloved hand reaches out to you, "Will you dance this waltz with me?" He asked, clearly flustered. His friends on the side? Shocked. You didn't really believe that the prince would ask you to dance, slowly taking his hand in yours, he pulled you up, carefully placing his right hand onto your waist as the left handled your left hand.
Everyone had moved aside for the prince and his partner, now all the attention was on you two. His movements were slow, easy to follow. "You're a great dancer," He said, "Why thank you," You smiled, the king was probably already making the engagement arrangements. You could hear his friends cheering and howling behind you as Akaashi's ears turn pink, "D-Don't mind them," He stuttered, pretty embarrassed as he twirls you around, catching you again.
Your mind couldn't help but drift off to the cake you had just eaten, "What do you say after this dance let's eat more cake?" You asked, Akaashi seemed fond of that idea. "Yeah, let's do that," He said, the music fading as he lets go of your hand and waist. The normal conversations started to rise again, with the occasional 'Is she gonna be the new queen?' or 'Is that the Prince's date?'
As you two headed back you could see Bokuto's smile, it was wide and ever happy. "Yo! Nice dancing," He said, slapping Akaashi's back, for a prince, Bokuto seems like a chill one. "Nice going prince charming, sweep me off my feet!" Kuroo said, mimicking a fainting motion. "Haha very funny guys," Akaashi rolled his eyes at his friend's antics. "We just came back to grab a piece of cake, I couldn't help it," You laughed, "If you want I could have someone deliver you cake everyday," Akaashi joked but he seemed pretty serious for a joke.
"Hm, not a bad deal prince," You said, "It'd be nicer if the prince delivered it in person, I get to see your face everyday," You smiled, "Yeah Akaashi! It's not like you do much everyday," Bokuto nudged Akaashi, "Very well, I'll have the most delicious cake ready everyday for you. But, I don't even know your name," He said, realizing he never asked you your name. Chuckling, "It's Y/N, Y/N L/N," You said, "What a beautiful name," Akaashi whispered. Bokuto and Kuroo looked at each other, nudging Kenma as he played with whatever device he brought.
"He's absolutely smitten!" Bokuto whispered to Kuroo, "Yeah! It's the first time I've seen him like this!" Kuroo replied.
The time seemed to have slipped by as you and Akaashi had a wonderful time talking. Checking the clock it had already struck midnight, "Oh, I must go," You hurriedly said, not wanting to get in trouble with your parents. "This early?" Akaashi asked, holding your hand. "S–Sorry Prince Akaashi, but I must go," You sighed, disappointed that you can't keep talking with him. But you had your hopes in the cake he promised everyday.
"Can I at least see you off?" Akaashi asked, fiddling with his fingers, "Of course," You held his hand as you two walked out the room, Bokuto and Kuroo waved at you goodbye. "It's been fun Prince Akaashi, but I'm afraid this is how far you can go," You said letting go of his hand. "I guess it cannot be helped," He said, trying not to show his disappointment. You decided to surprise him by giving him a kiss on the cheek, "I bid you a good night!" You said, running off down the stairs, you couldn't believe you just stole a kiss from the prince.
Akaashi stood there, dumbfounded as he caressed the cheek you had kissed, your lips still lingering. "Have a good night," He said to no one as you've left, "Well well, I think Prince Akaashi just found his princess," Kuroo snorted, slinging his arm around Akaashi's shoulder. "It seems like I have, what a peculiar girl," He said, he was definitely looking forward to tomorrow, he wants to host another ball tomorrow. Just so he can have his cake waltz with you.
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⁀➷ Love, Kae
15 notes · View notes
jimlingss · 5 years
I've been a silent reader for at least a couple of years!! Huge fan!! I always come back to your stories! 💜 As for ideas for stories, maybe an au set in joseon or goryeo eras, or maybe a e2l of some sort idk. Best of luck to you!! Hope you have an awesome day!
Anonymous said: feeling a yoongi royalty au? 👀
Anonymous said: *gasp* you’re doing request? 🥺 can I request an arranged marriage with jimin or yoongi? btw I love your student council series so much 💕
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↳ A Fire Flower
3.4k words || 1% Fluff, 99% Angst || Min Yoongi || Historical!AU
Warnings: Murder and gruesome detailes
You run. 
“Princess! Princess! Wait!” The servants behind you are shouting, grabbing their gowns in fistfuls, shuffling their feet forward. But they’re far too slow.  
You glance behind you, laughing and sneaking off to the left and then the right. The whole line of your servants pass by your hiding spot and when it’s silent again, you slip into the East pavilion. You make your way past the gardens to the guards standing by the stables. 
You approach with your spine straight and your chin high in the air. The guards automatically bow their heads. “Princess.” 
“Give me your sword.” You motion to the left guard, but they exchange expression with one another. “Hurry!” 
“But Princess—” 
“You dare go against my order?! Do you know who I am?!” Your voice booms. “I am Emperor Yin and Queen Seo’s daughter. If you dare to go against my orders, you are going against the orders of my father!” 
The lowly guards fall onto their knees. “We wouldn’t dare, princess.” 
A smirk pulls on your lips. “Then hand me your sword now.” 
Once it’s in your reach, you unsheathed it. The blade shines against the sunlight and metal hisses as you take it out fully, grasping at the handle tightly. You try to give it a swing and hum in satisfaction. 
You point at the right guard. “You there. Fight me.” 
“Spare me, princess!” He falls onto his knees again, this time with his head pressed to the dirt. You roll your eyes. “I would never dare to fight someone of noble blood. Your father would never forgive me.” 
“Are you trying to make me angry?” You laugh mockingly, pulling up your long sleeve. “I’ve had training before. You won’t harm me so easily.” 
“Princess…” The stupid guard is relentless as he is irritating. 
“Princesses shouldn’t play with such sharp toys when they don’t know it’s a weapon,” a low voice speaks and you know that familiar timbre anywhere. You turn around to address a man with black hair. His eyes are narrow, reminiscent to that of a sly cat, his lips thin.  
Min Yoongi, son of a minister and part of the Min clan — your betrothed. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I should be asking you that.” He smiles and points to the blade you’re holding. “Don’t you think that’s dangerous?” 
You stare down at it and for a moment you regard how sharp and intimidating it is. Your eyes look back up at him. “It’s not dangerous if I know how to use it.” 
“Well, do you?” 
“You can teach me.” Your eyes glisten. It sounds even better after you say it out loud. So you approach him with your arms behind your back, leaning down, lashes fluttering. “Please?” 
Unfortunately, your coy and cute act doesn’t have much of an effect on him as it does on your father. 
“Shouldn’t a girl like you be doing something else than sword fighting?” Yoongi sighs, but he still unsheathes his own sword. 
You scoff, pointing the tip of the blade at him. “Say that again, and I won’t forgive you. I refuse to go flower viewing or practice calligraphy again.” 
Yoongi wears that arrogant smile of his that you absolutely detest. “You’re confident, aren’t you, princess?” 
“Of course I am. I don’t have any reason not to be.” 
He nods. “Let’s play then — if you can wound me, I’ll convince my father to cancel our engagement.” 
Your eyes are wide before a smile spreads into your face. “I will hold you accountable for your words.” 
“Please, don’t hesitate, Princess.” He waves you over and you run forward, swinging your sword and attacking his neck. But he defends himself instantly with a clang of his sword. 
Yoongi smirks and your own lips fall into a straight line. 
“Ha!” You try another swing. There’s yet another clash of silver blades. 
He’s acting as if he’s entertaining a child and it makes you angrier. With all the strength in your arms, you thrust out your sword. Yet, he deflects it with a simple flick of his wrist. You flash, lurch forward, swing. Yoongi uses one hand, doesn’t even blink, doesn’t even flinch.  
“You will never win against me, princess.” Yoongi smirks. “When will you come to accept that?” 
Your teeth grit. You raise your arms to try to hit him — but you’re interrupted by a roaring voice. 
“What’s going on?!” The servant announces that the Emperor is here and you instantly drop the sword, grinning and running up to him. 
“Father! I didn’t know that you’d be here.” 
He tries not to show that he’s already giving in, that his strict facade is melting at your coos and the way you hug his arm. “I heard you ran away from your lessons again.” 
“Only because they were boring.” Your nose scrunches in distaste. 
“And so you’re out here causing trouble again?” He looks off and the guards fall onto their knees, heads downcasted, already begging for forgiveness. “Who gave her the sword?!” 
You pout. “Father, I asked him to. It’s not their fault. And Yoongi was just teaching me.” “
Your majesty.” Your betrothed gathers his hands together, bowing his head to greet the King. “The princess seemed interested and I was teaching her how to defend herself.” 
The Emperor sighs and nods. “I’m glad there’s someone to look after her.” 
You stomp your foot in indignation. “He doesn’t look after me!” 
“I made sure to go easy on her, your majesty,” Yoongi informs shortly and you gasp in offence, frowning at him. He ignores you, but you see that little smile on his face. You should’ve just skewed him when you had the chance — he’s so infuriating. 
“There, there, don’t be upset.” Your father pats your back, already seeing the way your features were twisted, on the verge of throwing another one of your infamous tantrums. “We can’t always be good at everything.” 
“If I had a proper teacher, I’d be better at it.” 
Your father smiles softly. “Your mother would never allow it. If she knew you were here, she’d be angry. Let’s not make her that way.” 
You pout again, fiddling with the fabric of your extravagant skirt. Yoongi smiles and puts his sword away. “If I may, your majesty, I must go speak to my father.” 
“Of course.” He nods his head, dismissing the younger male and you watch him leave. 
You end up walking with your father, the servants left behind as you stride up the bridge over the river, staring at the flowerbeds. “I see you’ve been close to him these days….” your father notes, giving a knowing smile. 
You tear your eyes away from the flowers — something you never cared much for when there were much more exciting things. “He came out of nowhere to make me angry. We aren’t close!” 
He laughs heartily, nodding his head with his arms behind his back. You brush his dragon robes, how majesty he looks in gold and red. But up close, you realize how old he’s gotten, strands of hair gray, wrinkles marring his expression. You sigh, looking at your own reflection in the water. 
“Must I marry him, father?” 
“Why? Do you not enjoy his company?” 
“It’s not that….I just….I don’t want to be made to do something. I know I’m not allowed, but I want to be able to choose. If the princess of the kingdom cannot even choose her own partner, then who can?” 
“Some things in life you cannot choose. Fighting will bring you more pain. You must only come to accept them,” he says, but you don’t understand what he exactly means. Your father meets your eyes and is firm. “You must. It’s important for us to have ties to the Min clan. Not just for you, but for our kingdom and our people. Sacrifice must be made sometimes.” 
You huff, unable to comprehend why you must have ties with the Min clan. Your father is the Great Emperor — he shouldn’t need anything from anyone. “You only want me to wed to him because he’s the son of the finance minister.” 
“He is also a kind, patient, and highly educated individual. You both have compatible fortunes as well. He will make a good husband and father. There is no one better than him.” 
“You’re better.” You hug his arm and underneath his robes, you can feel his bones. It’s no longer like when you were a child and he could lift you without batting a lash. “Can’t I stay by your side forever? You, mother, Taeho, and I. I don’t have to go anywhere. I don’t have to join another family.” 
Your father laughs joyfully. “You can’t be naive all the time, child. What will happen when I die? Would you really want to be alone with no one to keep you company?” 
“You won’t die for a long time,” you reaffirm. “And I’m sure Taeho wouldn’t mind having me around.” 
“Palace life is difficult, child. I only wish the best for you.” 
“Then reconsider my marriage with Yoongi,” you coax. “Or at least…give me some time. I don’t want to wed him when we barely know each other.” 
It’s silent until he finally makes a noise at the back of his throat. “You’ve been arranged to marry him for years now. Delaying such a promise back will not be an easy one.” 
“It’s not like we’re breaking it,” you tell with a grin. 
Your father nods. “I will reconsider.” 
That’s enough for you to throw your hands in the air and giggle, pulling him in a tight squeeze that garners his chuckles. You might not win against Yoongi in terms of strength, but you have your own ways. 
Little do you know just how dire the consequences are for your selfish wish. 
It’s the middle of the night, a new moon that has the sky blanked in black, that you hear footsteps on the roof of your room. You’re brought out of your slumber, rising to stare at the shadow cast at your door, a mysterious silhouette that paint itself outside.  
You shout, “Who’s there?” 
You gather your blanket to hide your underclothes, screaming at the shadow until it moves. Until it opens the door. And a boy with blanked hair and cat-like eyes greets you. “Yoongi?” 
“We need to go.” He approaches and his sword catches the light, blinding your eyes. 
“Hurry.” He pulls the blanket and grabs your wrist. 
“What are you doing?!” You resist, but he yanks your hand to his chest and you lose your balance, until you’re caught by him, body pressed against his. His gaze is deep and boring into your eyes. The close proximity renders you speechless. 
“There’s no time to explain.” He brings you out of your room, but you’re slowed when you see the orange flames, the smoke curling into the air.  
But what takes your attention isn’t the fire. It’s the red on the walls and paper windows. Stained splotches of red that look like they’ve been sprayed. Blood. 
“What’s going on?” you ask desperately, tears welling in your eyes, voice catching in your throat. 
He hides behind a pillar, peeking you out while keeping you right by his side. “We’re being overthrown by the ministers.” 
“What?” The syllable spills out harshly off your tongue. “How dare they? Where’s my father?!” 
“He’s been captured.” 
Your blood runs cold. Your heart stops beating. Your stomach drops. You feel sick, like you might throw up. But there’s no time for any sort of reaction like that, not when Yoongi pulls you along, running to the next hiding place. 
You stumble on your feet. You’re too slow. 
Someone calls out. “Sir!” 
Yoongi halts. He hesitates. The stranger calls out to him again and there’s a rush of footsteps that follow, clanging of armour. They’re not the palace guards coming to save you. They’re rebels. “Sir?!” 
Yoongi steps away from behind the wall. He drags your body out. He holds your arm up as if you were a prize that was meant to be caught. “I have her.” 
You whirl your head to stare at him, knees trembling.  
Yoongi swallows hard. “Bring her to my father.” 
You’ve been betrayed by your betrothed. You scream his name in agony and rage, spitting it out at the top of your lungs. “Yoongi! Min Yoongi! You son of a bastard! God will damn you! Let me go! Let me go this instant! Do you know who I am?! I am the princess! You all will die! The minute my father gets his hands on you—!” 
Your voice shrieks, tearing from your throat, bloodcurdling. But your defiance and resistance doesn’t last long. You’re pushed and shoved into the throne room, gasping when you see your father, mother, younger brother tied up. Each with a sword pressed to their necks. 
“Y/N!” — “Sister!” 
You sob, unable to run to them when you’re being held back, physically restrained. 
The man standing beside your father turns around. He wears a smirk you find all too familiar, his eyes cat-like and narrowed into you. Yoongi’s father has his arms behind his back, proud that he was the minister who orchestrated this all.  
“How dare you!” 
“Y/N.” Your father is quiet and composed. “It’s okay.” 
You’re shoved onto your knees. Yoongi’s father smiles, walking over slowly to hover above you. “Here’s a sight I’ve never seen before. The entire royal family bowing down to me….and his precious, little daughter so vulnerable.” 
His finger brings up your chin, looking at your face in the dim candlelight. You flinch away to glare. “Heaven will never allow you to rule,” you curse him in spite. “You do not have the divine right—” 
“And you think your father does?” he laughs, mockingly. “Your grandfather won the throne through blood and betrayal. I’m not doing anything different from what he has done. I am merely taking back what should’ve never been yours. For too long, I’ve waited and let this nation suffer. I thought my son could one day save it, but that was a wish too inconceivable. I will not wait anymore. It’s time for it to be brought into a new era of prosperity.” 
“Prosperity?” your mother hisses. “Do not mask your greed for altruism.” 
He scoffs and the corner of his mouth curls. “My greed is not the one to be spoken about, Sowon. You’ve killed and harmed countless girls to achieve the position that you have. Your list of crimes is too long to know.” 
“Don’t speak to my mother that way!” you scream at him, “You are a traitor. You all are.” You face the ministers surrounding you, horrified that they’re content with allowing this to happen, that they merely divert their eyes and stay silent. “And you will pay for your crimes!” 
He chuckles, lifting his hand and instantly, the guards press their swords tighter against your throats. The blade nearly breaks skin and draws blood. 
The minister paces around your father. “Yin, you have been found to have committed treason against the country during your rule, acting against the nation’s interest in order to protect your family, and for this, you will pay with your life.” 
He shuts his eyes as you shriek. Your father merely murmurs, “Protect the crown prince.” 
Your family sobs, tears dripping onto the floor. The minister pulls out the Emperor’s own sword, but instead of decapitating your father’s head from his neck in a single swing, he tosses it on the ground, right in front of you. It clangs horrifically and you wince. 
“Betray your father the same way he has betrayed the nation. Go against your filial duty and your mother and brother’s life will be spared. If not, they will die.” 
A high-pitched shriek rings into your ear, horrified and pained — and it takes a moment until you realize it’s your own. The held blades begin to cut into your throat, into your mother’s and Taeho’s.  
Your eyes widen, shocked, breaths staggering. You’re staring at the silver blade. You don’t notice Yoongi who has run to the entrance of the throne room, his shadow casted on the door.  
“No! Don’t!” Your mother shrieks, her hair falling in front of her face. Her honour is lost, name smeared with dirt. 
Your father opens his eyes again, adorning a soft smile and he nods towards you. You know that look of his. “You must protect your brother.” 
“I…” Tears shed down your cheeks. You’re forced to stand by the guards, held by the collar of your attire. The sword is shoved into your hands, the tip of another pointed at the small of your back. “I can’t…” 
“You c-can.” Your father tells. “It’s okay.” 
Your mother and brother wail, crying. Blood begins to drip to where the swords are held against their necks. You tremble, staggering forward, pushed and shoved. Your father shuts his eyes and you’re brought in front of him. “I….I can’t….” 
Suddenly, your father reaches out. He grabs a hold of the blade tightly, sinking his hand into it and he throws himself forward. He runs the sword into his body. Blood spits from his mouth, spraying onto your cheek.  
You drop the sword, staggering back. Broken sobs are caught in your throat. Your heart stops, hands shaking, and you collapse. Breaths pull out of your lungs — you can’t breathe no matter how much you gasp. Your father looks at you, nodding his head, and then he slumps over. 
All at once, the other guards slash down at your mother and younger brother. Cruel and unsparing. The last of your family’s wails are cut short. “Sist—!” And they fall over. 
Blood drips down from the sword in thick puddles. It trickles like summer rain. And it spreads, coating the golden floors of the throne room in the shade of carmine. Your hands become wet and warm with your family’s blood. 
You can’t feel your body. 
“Shall we kill her, your majesty?” the guard asks the minister, waiting for his signal. 
Yoongi’s father smiles. He walks over the bodies, unsympathetic that his shoes are soaked in scarlet. He tilts your chin up with his index finger. “It would be a shame if such beauty went to waste.” He smiles and stands straight. “She will become my courtesan.” 
“Yes, your majesty.” You’re dragged upwards by your arms, legs dangling like a doll. 
“Prepare her and bring her to my room tonight.” 
As you’re dragged out, you watch Yoongi’s father climbs the steps up to the throne. 
You’re brought out into the darkness, carried by two guards. But suddenly, they whimper, falling onto their knees, slashed on their backs. They drop dead. 
You barely manage to hold yourself up, but you feel yourself being shaken, a faraway voice raspy and speaking to you. You’re dizzy, world spinning around you, not sure if you’re dead or alive. But you find cat-like eyes that you detest to the core of your being in front of you. 
You’re pushed forward by him, stumbling towards a horse by the stable. You know it’s your only escape, your only opportunity. It’s the only thing your numb mind can focus on, and with the rest of your strength, you climb up onto it.  
You lay on the animal it and it cries out, hooved digging into the dirt as it sprints. You try to hold on with your blood stained hands. 
But you glance behind you once more to the palace engulfed by fire. 
Min Yoongi — you will kill him and his father. You will crush their limbs beneath your feet before beheading him slowly at the bottom steps of the throne. You will come back and you will slaughter every single one of them, the ministers, the rebels, the traitors. You will avenge your family and clear their names by hanging their heads out on display. It’s a vow you swear yourself by. 
Your hands are already stained with blood — more of it wouldn’t matter now.
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aelaer · 4 years
Stephen's Amnesiac Adventure Continues
Part 1 | Part 2
It took some hours, as the guard had said, but Stephen eventually made it to the monastery of Weynon Priory by mid-afternoon. It consisted of a small stone chapel, a large stone house, and a smaller structure right beside it. An archway cut through the larger building to lead to a small stable beyond.
It felt very old and rustic and for whatever reason not quite the norm. However, whenever Stephen tried to reach for his lost memories, his headaches would start anew. Though frustrating, he set the matter aside for now.
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Unsure where to start, he stood in the courtyard for a moment before trying his luck with the chapel. Chapels were generally public places, right? He wasn't sure how he figured that (yet another thing to ponder later).
He grimaced at the heavy door and maneuvered his arm through the metal door handle and used his the strength of his forearm to open the door. He'd have to figure that out, too; if he knew magic, surely he'd figured another way to open doors, right?
Stephen detangled his arm and let the door shut behind him. His entrance drew the attention to the two robed men present.
"Hi," he said. "I, uh, I'm looking for a Jauffre."
"Brother Jauffre is in the main house," one of them answered. "What is this regarding?"
He was pretty sure he shouldn't say anything about dead emperors and magical amulets to just anyone, so Stephen replied, "I have a message for him." Hopefully that was enough.
It seemed to be. "He should be in his study on the upper floor to the right," the monk (friar? priest?) answered. "Just let yourself in."
Stephen forced himself not to look at his hands. "Great. Thanks."
He left the two attendants of the chapel (none of the imagery in said chapel looked familiar to him, but that was, again, something to think about later) and made his way into the house, though thankfully the heavy door pushed inward. He made his way upstairs and found a older, balding man with grey hair in plain brown robes reading at a desk. The old man nodded in greeting.
"I'm Brother Jauffre. What do you want?"
Stephen could work with direct. Ignoring the fact that he definitely did not look like a messenger of royalty (whatever the hell he was wearing itched horribly), he said, "I have something the emperor wanted me to give you."
That got Jauffre's attention. So Stephen took out the amulet (and how it *pulsed* in his hands!) and said, "The emperor is dead." At the look of utter horror on the older man's face, Stephen added, "I'm sorry." It seems he knew him pretty well -- and that made sense, this emperor giving it to someone he could trust. (Why he trusted him and his dreams, though, was a whole other thing entirely.)
"Tell me everything," Jauffre demanded.
Stephen was about to reply, but then his very empty stomach grumbled. Loudly.
Jauffre paused and his demanding look turned into one of contrition. "I apologize; you have clearly come upon a long road. It's near the dinner hour; please join me and you can tell me everything then. I will show you where you can wash up and change."
He couldn't help but slump his shoulders in relief. "That would be much appreciated."
"Of course. Please follow me."
While the greeting from Jauffre is from the game, all the other dialogue is made up. The two brothers in the chapel give a long spiel about the priory and the chapel in game first, so I just had Stephen speak first. And in the quest line once with Jauffre, you immediately get to exposition because this game's character only feels fatigue during and after a fight lmao. And I needed a breaking point before this got too long. Exposition in the next chapter.
I'm thinking of editing the first two parts, especially the first part, to make it more story-like since this just started making itself more like a story on its own. Though I'll likely keep this more "tell" instead of "show" for some parts as it's not a fully serious writing endeavor, just a silly exercise.
Game wise, I've discovered that I really really really really enjoy collecting random plants. All the time. So game-Stephen is definitely learning alchemy, once I figure out how to actually do that.
I'm actually rather behind on this because I've been spending more of my free time playing than anything else, including writing (guess I need a break for a couple weeks). I need to queue up some posts.
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mmazzeroo · 6 years
Chapter 18:  DANY V - That Was Immensely Entertaining
@helloimnotawesome - Chapter 18 is up. It’s wedding time!!! Yay <3 
This is the longest chapter so far - longer than planned but it felt wrong to cut it and there were things that I really wanted included here, so....almost 3k for you :D Enjoy!
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DANY V - That Was Immensely Entertaining:
'Lord Dayne in uniform' was that what the tv-reporter had said? No, that couldn't be. Jon doesn't have one. He lost it along with everything else that night. He was devastated when he had to tell Robb. She was there at Dragonstone that day. Holding him all through the night as he cried himself to sleep and occasionally woke up sobbing. For Jon his uniform represented something good he had done in his life, something he had chosen for himself and excelled at. The medals too. Not for what he'd done during battles and what he'd lost. For Jon it was evidence of what he'd saved, the lives rescued. The crowd's noisy I probably just misheard the reporter anyway. Marg was being a good sport as always. Playing her part effortlessly. Walking up the red carpet on the steps to the Great Sept she turned and waved at the crowd who responded with a deafening cheer. You'd think we were all still royalty. She laughed to herself at the thought as she too waved at the crowd. 
Inside the sept Loras was waiting for them with the bridesmaids and groomsmen. He'd arrived earlier along with their grandmother, President Olenna Tyrell. Loras was wearing his cavalry dress uniform - black jacket, black trousers with a double red stripe down the side of the legs and a white belt around the waist. Why do all men look so good in uniform? It's unfair. She again thought about the colours. Marg and Robb had wanted the colours of their houses to be combined to display a unification of their families, so all Starks and Tyrells would somehow incorporate the colours green, gold, grey or white into their outfits. Robb, Jon, Bran, Grey, Ned and Arya, and little Aegon would of course be wearing the traditional morning suit with black morning coat, waistcoat, formal trousers, white shirt, and a cravat. They'd decided that they'd all be wearing grey waistcoats and the cravat would be matched with the colour of roses embroidered on the bridesmaids dresses. So Grey's cravat was red, Bran's was green as he was meant to go alongside Sansa until he was given the honour of escorting the Queen of Thorns inside the Sept. 'The youngest Stark and I move at the same speed', as the President had said. Afterwards Arya was matched with Sansa, but refused to change her gold coloured cravat. Typical Arya! Everyone's little wild stubborn wolf. Jon and Aegon's were blue. He looks adorable in that little suit though - and so excited he has a matching outfit with Jon!
Margaery's dress was a white full-length gown with a chapel train. While the skirt was an opaque lace, the sleeveless top was a light layer of fabric that was completely see-through - with a nude layer below the lace to make it respectable for the occasion. Throughout the dress and top red, blue, green and gold roses were embroidered. The bridesmaids dresses were in similar style but in a very light grey and one colour roses per bridesmaid - Sansa had green, Missandei had red, and she had blue. When she'd originally questioned Margaery for suddenly adding blue and red she just received the reply that, 'blue is for the winter rose of the North, and everyone knows what red roses are the symbol of'. If it's true that the President herself is wearing a gold coloured jacket and blue dress I guess the colour checks out. Little Rhaenys' dress was a red skirt, black top and black band around her waist with a big red rose on it. So proud she gets to wear her own house colours. If only she knew it's because her mom tried to avoid her having to change outfit before the reception like Aegon needs to.
It was time. Aegon, carrying the cloak Robb would wrap Marg in, went first, then Rhaenys, Sansa & Arya, Missandei & Grey, then her and finally Margaery and Loras. Letting Aegon and Rhaenys enter first was a breach of tradition and protocol, but both Marg and Robb had been adamant that they wanted the little ones in the front. Wanted to give them their bit of the limelight. Wait! Is Robb wearing a green morning coat? Matching his bride beautifully, but another breach of protocol. Looking very aristocratic, Dr. Stark! She couldn't help laugh a bit to herself. Those two have apparently decided to make a tradition of breaking tradition! Aegon had made it all the way up the aisle and was handing the cloak over to—
—OOOH! GODS! Oh Gods! Oh Gods! Jon is wearing a uniform?! How is that even possible?! He lost it. Didn't he lose it? He did! Everything was lost in the fire as the car burned out. Then how? Her head was swimming with questions. She almost forgot to breathe. She felt her legs moving but wasn't sure how she was still walking - or even standing upright. Dressed like that he's the most sexy-looking man I've ever laid eyes on! Somehow she'd made it all the way up the aisle. Standing by Margaery's side she couldn't take her eyes of Jon. She'd never seen a Night's Watch officer's dress uniform before. Light blue trousers with a red stripe down the side of the legs. Deep blue, almost black, jacket and matching belt. Oh, my dress matches his trousers! Marg, you sneaky woman, you! Oh, is that a sword by his side? And his medals, oh gods! Some on his right chest and one particularly prestigious one, the Medal of Valour, was around his neck, meticulously placed so it sat just at the collar of the jacket. Oh Gods, that entire outfit is full-on panty-dropping material right there. Dany! Get a grip, woman! Remember where you are, for fuck's sake!
She hadn't noticed, but apparently the ceremony was over and Jon walked over to escort her down the aisle and out of the sept. Did I stand here and ogle him the whole time?!? In full view of EVERYONE?? Oh Gods!!
As they walked down the aisle right behind the newly-weds, Jon leaned in slightly and whispered, "you look absolutely stunning, Dany. You're the most beautiful woman in the world, and I can't seem to take my eyes of you. Beginning to think you must've cast a spell on me, Dr. Targaryen."
Gods, the way he looks at me! And that voice! So deep and husky and...ugh, I just want to peal that uniform off and climb him like a tree. Gods I can't take it. It's too much. He's too sweet, too gorgeous, too good, too much right now.
They were outside now where the crowd was cheering for the newly-weds. She turned to Jon and said, "thank you, Captain. You look very handsome yourself. Don't even know how I made it up there I couldn't stop looking at you, so maybe you're the one who cast a spell on me, Lord Dayne." She gave him a shy smile and looked to the ground quickly. She felt him give her hand a gentle squeeze before turning his face to the crowd, flashed them a big smile and waved. Wow, mom and Tyrion have taught him well...
Robb turned slightly and waved them down to join him and Marg on one of the lower steps. The crowd responded with more loud cheering. Apparently very big fans of both the eldest Stark sons. But this one's mine! She caught Marg's eye and they both leaned up and gave each their man a kiss on the cheek. And I just made my public announcement. She couldn't help grinning at the crowd's euphoric reaction to the two pairs. Jon placed a hand on her lower back, kissed her temple and waved at the crowd again. And I'm his!
Another way the newly-weds had decided to break tradition was by not having a big wedding feast. Instead they wanted to share the celebrations with the public so a few days up to the wedding there had been various events throughout Westeros. Concerts, funfairs, open-air theatre plays etc. all for free, and would continue for a few more days. On their wedding day itself there would be free, public feasts in as many cities, towns and villages as they'd been able to coordinate with the local Lords and Mayors. For their wedding gifts they'd requested donations to charities for the sick, old, poor, refugees, orphans, and animals. They didn't want anything for themselves. Already charity organisations were reporting a spike in donations. They couldn't quite avoid a reception though for the most important on the 'who's who'-list in Westeros. So a gathering of approx a hundred had been invited to a light meal at the hospital - the usual floor used for any kind of festivities.
At the reception the newly-weds, bridesmaids and groomsmen had all changed to different dresses and suits. She had chosen a knee-length, shoulder-less dress of purple lace matching the colour of her eyes. From the way the other girls had looked at her when they saw her she knew Jon would not be unaffected. Just as I planned. The problem was that when she saw him she was equally affected. He had changed to black dress trousers, white shirt, purple bowtie, purple velvet waistcoat and purple velvet jacket. What in the hells? Are we unconsciously colour coordinating? Look at him! So confident, so handsome in that casual laidback Jon-way!
As he was walking up to her, smiling that special smile she had learned was just for her, his eye caught something behind her and his steps halted for a second. He tensed up but tried to hide it. What do you see, my love? Everyone else had already been seated. Only ones missing were her and Jon, and Marg and Robb. She turned her head but didn't see anyone or anything out of the ordinary.
"What's she doing here?" He growled in her ear. Haven't heard that tone since the day Ned told him the truth.
"Who, my love?"
"The woman in red." Still growling. Wolf mode is in progress.
"That's Ambassador Melisandre."
He glared at the red woman. "Ambassador?"
"For the Free Cities."
He snorted. "Of course she is." He lowered his head, squeezed his eyes shut, jaws and fists clenched hard before he took a slow deep breath.
"..Jon...it's ok if you're not ready. I'll just tell them you're—"
"—no!" Another breathe to try to steel himself. "Let's just do this. I'll be ok." You hope!
"Jon, don't do this to yourself, please. It's alright. I promise." She held his face in her hands, gently, but forcing him to look at her.
He sighed. "I know, I just..," he sighed again. I can't bare to see all that pain back in our eyes. "I can't go through life doing only what feels easy, can I? I'm going to meet people from my past that...." He ran a hand down over his face. "I have to do this, Dany." No you don't but you're not willing to listen right now.
She nodded, gave him a slow deep kiss trying to convey her support and love for him.
They sat at a round table. She was sat between Loras and Jon who sat between her and her mom. Good strategic decision, Marg. Next to Loras, President Olenna was seated, then Robb, Marg, Ned, Cat, Tyrion, Ambassador Melisandre, DA Oberyn Martell, her mom, and then Jon. Dinner was going well despite Jon being tense and quiet, only giving short curt answers. She had noticed the worried looks from the Starks - and her mom. She'd done her best to downplay it all with a few looks of her own and a light shaking of her head. Difficult to point at someone without anyone noticing while sitting at a round table.
Everything was fine until President Olenna mentioned that the Gold Cloaks had found and brought in a Greyjoy to the hospital, currently still in the ICU.
"Theon?" Jon's head snapped up. Who's he to you, darling? You look hurt and yet there's a sliver of hope in your voice.
"We believe so but Commander Selmy's team haven't been able to reach any relatives yet."
"No don't! Please don't do that!"
"Would you not want him to be reunited with his family like you have been with yours, Lord Dayne? Thought you were raised a good God-fearing man like your father, Lord Stark over here?" Oh for fuck's sake woman why couldn't you keep devious mouth shut?!
Jon's head turned towards the Ambassador so fast she feared it might've snapped off his neck.
"Let's get one thing clear, Ambassador, I tolerate your presence and only sit at the same table as you out of courtesy. Maybe others here don't know or don't care, but I know what you really are. I remember what you did!" The last line was said with a growl. She couldn't see his entire face clearly but she was sure his wolf fangs were showing. Everyone at the table was silent. Luckily there was chatter in the background from the other tables. Thanks the Gods he's managing to control himself. Somewhat at least.
He took a deep breath before continuing through clenched teeth. "Secondly, God-fearing? God-FEARING? Hmm? Is that what they want? The Gods? For me, for us to fear them?" He snorted and shook his head in disbelief. "The Lord of Light wants his enemies burned, the Drowned God wants them drowned, the Black Goat requires a daily blood sacrifice and the Many-Faced God is basically Death himself. Tell me priestess, why are all Gods such vicious cunts?! Where's the God of Tits & Wine?"
"To the God of Tits & Wine!!!" Tyrion and Oberyn cheered in unison then shared a look of surprise? Gratitude? Those two are a perfect match for each other! Thank you for trying to break the tension gentlemen, but afraid you're much too late.
Ned sent her an anxious look. He knew how badly this could go if they didn't manage to stop Jon - or if he didn't manage to reign himself in. I know, Ned, I know! I'm worried too. She didn't know what to do though. Not here. Not in this setting.
"Thirdly," Jon continued, calmly but clearly restraining himself, and with a deep growl said, "don't you ever dare try to slander my father's good name again!" He glared at her. If eyes could kill she'd be dead a thousand times over by now.
He turned back around to face President Tyrell. After another deep breathe he managed a warm and calm tone of voice when he said, "it is no secret that there is no love lost between the Greyjoys and myself. However, no human deserves to be subjected to the kind of humiliation that Theon was - that too by his own family. So please, Madam President, I beg of you do not try to contact any relatives he may have until he's awake and able to tell you himself. He deserves at least that." You have such a big and kind heart, Jon. Every time I learn something new about you I love you more.
As always the Queen of Thorns was wearing her pokerface. She had not reacted to his outburst at Ambassador Melisandre, an official representative for a very important ally for Westeros -  and if offended could have severe political, economical and social consequences. Listening to Jon's plea on behalf of Theon Greyjoy the old woman simply nodded.
"Thank you." Jon turned his head slightly to look at his father. "When his doctor allows it, I'd like to come by and see him if that's ok with you, Lord Stark?" Furious, yet still remembering your manners. Well done, my love.
"Oh course, Lord Dayne. I'll let you know." Gods, I hate this formality!
Turning back to the President, Jon said, "with your leave Madam President I'd like to go catch some fresh air."
"Yes, I thought you might." Is that a smirk? She finds this amusing? "Granted, Lord Dayne."
He stood up and nodded around the table. "Madam President, Lords, Ladies, Ambassador," and then he left. Didn't dare to look at me before leaving....you promised you wouldn't hide from me, Jon...
Everyone was silent for a few seconds before Loras stood up. "I'll go check on him." He too nodded to everyone, and then just before leaving he leaned towards her and whispered, "if I'm not back in 5 mins come find us."
She just nodded. Jon where did you disappear to? Before she could think any further her thoughts were interrupted by President Olenna's loud laugh.
"Ha! Lord Stark you've neglected to tell me your eldest son has such a ferocious bite to him! I love the boy already! That was immensely entertaining!"
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bruiserelliot · 7 years
A voltron Royalty! Au Prompt
This is a conversation between Keith Kogane and yourself, Prince!Lance.
Prince!Lance: Lance sat in the courtyard, lazily swinging a sword about while he watched the knights practice. Occasionally he'd make note of a flaw and jot it down, so he wouldn't make a mistake if he ever had to fight.
Keith Kogane: "Your majesty? What are you doing out here? You know it's not safe to be outside with all of the threats Zarkon has been making." Keith said walking up behind Lance, watching the Prince's sword move swiftly through the air.
Prince!Lance: Lance looked up at the sound of Keith's voice."I wanted to watch. It's too hot inside." He replied, rolling his eyes. These days everyone was ultra protective of him. Keith was at least more lenient than the others. Most of the time anyway.
Keith Kogane: Keith shrugged "I suppose it is hot inside. Mind if I watch with you?" Keith asked hesitantly. He felt bad for Lance, always being locked up in the castle. They treated him like a bird that would fly away if it got out of its cage. "I mean...if you would like, I can go back inside. I don't want to bother you." Keith said quickly.
Prince!Lance: Lance smiled."No, please, stay." He replied, shuffling over and patting the spot beside him. The knights in front of him had yet to say anything. Though Shiro, the head knight, was rather pleased that his younger brother and the prince got along as well as they did.(Lance is so polite in this au, it's kind of funny)
Keith Kogane: Keith nodded and sat next to Lance, making sure not to get too close in case he made the prince uncomfortable. "Why do you like watching the knights so much? This is the fifth time I've found you out here." Keith questioned, watching his older brother train with the rest of the knights. Keith glanced at Lance out of the corner of his eye and smiled.
Prince!Lance: Lance looked back at the nights."Well, honestly for learning purposes. Everyone thinks I'm this sort of dainty little prince who can't defend himself. And since Dad refuses to let me actually learn how to fight properly, I just come out and observe really." He put his sword on his lap."This is honestly more for decoration than actual use."
Keith Kogane: Keith smiled. "Prince Lance. I think it's...cool that you come out here and watch to learn. It shows dedication, and I know your not a 'dainty little prince' but your father doesn't want you to get hurt. I...I don't want you to get hurt either. So, please don't do something stupid, and be careful with your sword. It's pointy." Keith said with a small smirk at the end as he teased the prince. He so badly wanted to help Lance learn to fight but he knew his orders from the king.
Prince!Lance: (Sorry, I was afk) Lance blushed at Keith's words. Though at the end he chuckled."Yeah, I, uh, I guess so." He put the sword down."...I...I don't want to see you get hurt either. I mean, with all that you've already been through, with Zarkon and all, not to mention Shiro, it's kind of easy to worry about you Keith." He said. What he didn't know was that Pidge and Hunk were watching the two of them from Pidge's room, both smiling and wishing they had a way to document this.
Keith Kogane: Keith looked down at his lap and shrugged. "I don't need anyone to worry about me. I can worry about myself. You're a prince, you shouldn't worry about some lowlife like me." Keith said taking a deep breath and looking back up towards Shiro and the rest of the knights.
Prince!Lance: Lance frowned at that."Lowlife? Keith, you do realize where we are right now, right? And the fact that you've literally almost defeated Zarkon, which even Alfor himself couldn't do. And of course I'm gonna worry about you, I worry about all my friends." Lance protested.
Keith Kogane: Friends. Keith hated that word, especially when it comes from Lance. "Right. Well, I think I hear...Hunk? calling for me. If you need anything your majesty, you know where I usually am." Keith muttered, standing up. He nodded at Lance before his shoulders sagged and he began to walk away.
Prince!Lance: Lance blinked. Had he said something wrong? He frowned at that, and sighed. He started drawing in the dirt with his sword, trying to forget the look on Keith's face. Meanwhile, Pidge and Hunk were rushing to meet Keith. The Chef and the princess had been shipping Keith and Lance ever since the long haired boy had been assigned to the prince."What are you doing?!" Hunk stood in front of Keith, Pidge at his side.
Keith Kogane: Keith blinked in surprise at Hunk and Pidge. "What do you mean, 'what are you doing?!' I didn't even do anything!" Keith said in defense as he stepped back at the closeness of the duo.
Prince!Lance: Pidge gently pushed Hunk back."You're supposed to protect my brother, right? Right. You want to also spend time with him because it's obvious you like him, right? Right. So, I suggest you forget about pining for a little while and go do that." Hunk had to butt in. "Just not right now. Since he looks almost as rejected as you at the moment."
Keith Kogane: Keith scoffed. "What! I don't- I don't like Lance. He's a prince. It'd never work out anyways. Plus, he doesn't like me!" Keith said crossing his arms, looking away with a slight blush on his face. "I'm pretty sure he has a thing for that princess he met at the ball a few nights ago anyways...." Keith said with a pout.
Prince!Lance: Pidge and Hunk looked at each other, then back at Keith, then back at each other."He's hopeless." Pidge threw her hands in the air."He's utterly hopeless." She sighed and rubbed her eyes. Hunk looked at Keith."Keith, that princess was Allura, who has specifically expressed disinterest on account of the fact that she's too old for him and has a thing for your brother." He explained."And yes of course he likes you! He's practically shooed everyone else except us away, and he barely talks to us anyway. You're really the only one in the castle he frequently talks to. And don't even try to deny that you don't like him. And I hardly think that Lance would care about the fact that he's a prince."
Keith Kogane: Keith gaped. "Uh...Princess Allura of Altea? Princess Allura has a thing for...for Shiro?! As in Takashi? As in my older brother?" Keith asked with wide eyes. "A-and...Lance probably just has a hard time making friends. I'm constantly with him because I was assigned to guard him, that's the only reason he even talks to me.." Keith said in denial, glancing out to the courtyard where Lance still sat.
Prince!Lance: Now it was Hunk's turn to throw his hands up in the air."Not only is he hopeless, he's also utterly oblivious!" He raked his hands through his hair, and Pidge calmed down."Yes. YEs she does, but that is not important right now. What is important, is that I convinced dad to assign you to him because you two were both pining messes. And Yeah, Lance does have trouble making friends, but he's literally my brother, and has been friends with Hunk since he was 3. So I don't think that has anything to do with it. And he would talk to you outside of duty, except he'd be a blubbering mess otherwise."
Keith Kogane: "I- I don't know how to approach him! I get nervous cause he has pretty eyes and a nice smile! Look at me compared to him! How am I, a literal cheesestick looking Baffoon, supposed to talk to a prince that looks like he's a god? Hmm? Tell me what I'm supposed to do!?" Keith whined adding a lot of dramatic and frantic hand waving and flailing into his speech.
Prince!Lance: Pidge and Hunk facepalmed, and dragged him to Pidge's room. They locked the door and put Keith on the bed."Alright Kogane, listen up, you are not a cheese-stick looking Baffoon, Lance is not a god. He may be a prince but he's not a god. WE can't boost his ego that much." Pidge started." You are going to change out of what you're wearing, put on something relatively nice, comb your hair, wash your face, all that jazz, and you are going to talk to my brother!" She was shaking his shoulders by now, and Hunk had already brought a comb.
Keith Kogane: "Wait, what?! No! What does relatively nice mean? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Keith panicked standing up quickly. "Why do I have to wash my face? What's wrong with my hair?"
Prince!Lance: "Relatively nice as in you don't want to look like you dressed up specifically for him or else you'll both become blubbering messes." Hunk replied." And what you're wearing is covered in dust because you sat in the dirt with him. And your hair is always knotted and I finally get to comb it. AS for the face washing, well, it cools down the blush." He grinned as he handed Keith the comb. Pidge was watching with great amusement.
Keith Kogane: Keith looked at the comb in his hand. "....help me pick out an outfit..." He mumbled slightly, a deep red brushing over his cheeks.
Prince!Lance: Pidge chuckled."With pleasure." She stood up."This is the most fun I've had in weeks." She grinned and went to the wardrobe. She mostly preferred shirts and trousers to dresses, so she had a great deal of hand me-downs
Keith Kogane: "Oh good god. Do I have to do this? Can't I just...disappear? Forever? That'd be easier than embarrassing myself in front of Lance." Keith groaned tossing the comb back to Hunk.
Prince!Lance: Hunk caught the comb with ease."Yes, or you'll be pining until Zarkon kills us all." He replied. As of late, that had become a common phrase. It was kind of sad to be honest. "Look, We'll get Lance ready after we get you ready, so you'll both be at the same amount of possible embarrassment." He replied, moving behind Keith and started to comb his hair back. Pidge grinned as she came forward with a red vest, a white shirt and some black pants.
Keith Kogane: (sorry, I got distracted) "what the hell is that Pidge? I'm not wearing that. I'll look...I dunno, I'll look like a monkey!" Keith said crossing his arms, looking away from the princess.
Prince!Lance: (Np :) ) Pidge looked at him."You are literally wearing a dusty, bright red, half jacket. You will not look like a monkey. Trust me, I thought I looked great in them." She flung the outfit onto the bed beside him. Hunk was almost finished with Keith's hair."Pidge, Hair tie." He told her. The princess obliged and passed one. Hunk gently pulled Keith's hair back into a ponytail."Oooooh, it looks so nice.:
Keith Kogane: Keith blushed and glanced down at the outfit Pidge grabbed for himt. "You guys suck." Keith pouted grabbing the outfit. "Give me a minute." Keith sighed, walking into Pidges bathroom. He washed his face and put the outfit on. Keith looked in the mirror and groaned. He picked up his previous outfit and walked out of the bathroom shyly. "Well? You guys happy now?"
Prince!Lance: "WE love you too buddy." Hunk patted his shoulder as he left for the bathroom. The pair of them waited patiently for the boy to come out, and were thoroughly satisfied."Ohhhh my god, oh Keith you look so niiice." Hunk had to refrain from squealing. He felt like a proud parent. Pidge simply gave a a thumbs up."Alright. Part one is complete. Now for part two." She ran out the door."Ohhh Laaaance!" She called out.(Can you be pidge just for a little bit since I"m controlling Lance? Sorry if I'm being annoying)
Keith Kogane: (Sure sure. You're fine) Pidge ran out of the room quickly and ran down to the courtyard where Lance was still sitting. "Lance! Stop sulking, I need you to come with me! I saw that little...whatever it was with Keith and decided I need to help you!" Pidge announced proudly, standing in front of her brother with a large smile on her face.
Prince!Lance: (Thank you :) ) Lance looked up at Pidge, ignoring the quiet snickering coming from the knights."Wait, what are you talking about? Help me out with what exactly? Keith just left. Nothing happened." He replied, sheathing his sword."You're delirious or something sis, from, like, how hot it is inside."
Keith Kogane: "Lance!" Pidge whined. "Everyone knows you have a thing for Keith. I'm gonna help you actually get somewhere with him so the pining stops. Seriously, it's stressful to watch." Pidge said with a smirk. "Now come on. Stand up and let's go."
Prince!Lance: Lance blushed and sputtered"I-I ,wha-wha, I.. I do not!" He protested feebly. "I'm not going anywhere with someone who just said I was stressful to watch!" He exlcaimed, bright red. Shiro walked over."Your majesties, might I help out in this?" He asked Pidge. Lance sputtered again."Wh-wha, no!"
Keith Kogane: "Yes! Please Shiro, please help!" Pidge grinned, sticking her tongue out at Lance. Pidge grabbed Lance's hand and tried to force him to stand up.
Prince!Lance: Shiro went a few steps further and picked Lance up, draping him over his shoulder."Wha, what, what are you doing, put me down, I demand you stop this at once!" Lance pounded against Shiro's back, which did absolutely nothing. Shiro only chuckled and followed Pidge."Alright boys, that's enough for today!" He called to the knights.
Keith Kogane: Pidge smirked and skipped ahead of Shiro and Lance towards Lance's room. "I've decided that your gonna dress up a bit...not too much...and your gonna go find Keith." Pidge said opening Lance's door for Shiro.
Prince!Lance: "And why would I ever to agree to that ever?" Lance replied as Shiro put him down."Because We're all very, very tired of watching you two skirt around each other like squirrels, your highness." He replied with a smirk."So Princess, what's first on the agenda?"
Keith Kogane: Pidge snickered at Shiro's response and cleared her theist slightly. "Right. First up on the agenda is hair. Lancey Lance. I don't know how you do your hair so get into your bathroom and do your damn hair. And your face." Pidge said sternly. "Yeah, go put in your face for Keith."
Prince!Lance: Lance was bright red at this point."I'm not a squirrel." He murmured. He looked up at Pidge."Why would I need to do that, my hair is already fine." He replied. Shrio reached forward and pulled out a leaf."That's why." Lance frowned, his shoulders sagging."And what's wrong with my face?" He asked. Shiro gently pushed his index finger to Lance's cheek."That's why." He pulled away a dust covered finger. Lance groaned and slumped to the bathroom.
Keith Kogane: Pidge smiled up at Shiro. "Thank you Shiro! Honestly though, I'm suprised that your helping." Pidge said plopping into Lance's bed.
Prince!Lance: Shiro shrugged."I meant what I said, My brother is a lot of things, including oblivious and scared. Lance is too and Oretty much everyone in the castle wants them together except your parents." He replied. Lance came out, his hair and face done."Okay, am I presentable now?"
Keith Kogane: Pidge shook her head. "Nope. Clothes. Change. Put on a nice outfit, something that's gonna grab Keith's attention. But not anything to extravagant. Y'know?"
Prince!Lance: Lance looked down at himself."What's wrong with what I'm wearing now?!" He exclaimed. Shiro sighed."Well for one thing, you're still covered in dust, just not in the face, and second, would you ever just wear a shirt and trousers to a date?" He asked. Lance turned bright red at that.".....I don't know what to pick." He admitted sheepishly.
Keith Kogane: Pidge walked to lances closet and scanned it quickly before she grabbed a light blue button up shirt and white dress pants. "Here Lancey. Put these on and roll up the sleeves to your elbow! And keep a few buttons open on the top!" Pidge said holding the outfit out towards Lance. "Take it. Change. Prepare yourself mentally."
Prince!Lance: Lance caught the outfit, utterly embarrassed."I'll prepare you mentally." He mumbled and went back into the bathroom, changing. Shiro smiled at Pidge."Well, this was utterly entertaining. I look forward to hearing the results your highness." He bowed and left the room. After that, Lance walked out of the bathroom and looked at Pidge."There, am I presentable now?"
Keith Kogane: Pidge took a moment to observe Lance. "Mmm....yeah. I think your good! Now stop being so sour! I'm just trying to help you! Now go, go find Keith. I'll see you later Lance~ Have fun!" Pidge said shoving Lance out of his room.
Prince!Lance: Lance reluctantly let himself be pushed. Why was he acting like this, he should be happy, he'd finally have a reason to have a non-protective conversation with Keith. He walked through the halls, already missing the sword, and tried to find his protector, only instead, to run into his father.
Keith Kogane: "Lance. What's with the outfit? Are you going on a date? When will I get to meet her?" Lance's father asked taking a look at Lance's outfit. "My son, whoever she is, she's a lucky one." The king said resting a proud hand on Lances shoulder.
Prince!Lance: Lance tensed a little."Um, y-yeah, I guess you could say that." Lance answered timidly."Th-Thanks dad." He smiled nervously and rushed past his father, darting around the corner. God, his father would probably kill him if he knew he had feelings for another man.
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Typical that I come back to an empty house without you Rio: What a depressing waste, like Rio: Could always throw your own welcome back party Buster: Tempting Buster: The lads have been harassing me for weeks, like Rio: Aww Rio: put 'em out of their misery Buster: Fuck it Buster: Might as well start as I mean to go on, yeah? Rio: Exactly Rio: Gotta keep busy somehow babe Buster: What are you doing? Rio: What I'm always doing Rio: 🤑 Buster: Working or working though? Rio: Ha, uncrackable code that Rio: Working, now going to the flat Rio: Lord knows no one knocks in this gaff Buster: At least with me gone that's the worst you'd have to explain if someone burst in Buster: So you're welcome Rio: True 😂 Rio: ✋ for dodging that bullet Buster: I'd take the mercy kill Buster: There'd be no more need to sneak around then Rio: Hmm Rio: 'til you realise we're exiled from dubo and london Rio: then where'd we go? Buster: Somewhere else Buster: Somewhere with some sun for a start, like Rio: Wouldn't hate that Buster: Exactly Buster: The weather's shit here right now Rio: Just in case you didn't know summer's over, like Buster: Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it Rio: Don't pout, baby Rio: ruin your back to school photo Buster: You've got loads of time to cheer me up before that Rio: Do my best Buster: I'll do my best to make you miss me Buster: Be easy then Rio: You know I already do Buster: Yeah but I want you to miss me as bad as I miss you Rio: How do you know I don't already? Buster: You wouldn't be able to concentrate if you did Rio: I dunno Rio: Can make it work for me with what I've gotta do Buster: You gonna make me spend to see it? Rio: Things haven't changed that much Rio: How rude Rio: You got a party to organise though, and friends to give much needed attention 😏 Buster: Just gonna make me beg then, yeah? Buster: Rude Rio: You still have to put some work in, boy Buster: I knew you weren't worked up enough, babe Rio: 😇 me Buster: Things haven't changed that much Buster: Your words Rio: Caught me Buster: You wish I could Buster: You wanna be in these arms so bad Rio: 😖 Why you teasing me Buster: You gotta get that 💰💰💰 Buster: I'm helping Rio: So helpful, you Rio: 😒 Buster: I can always change tact Buster: What would be more helpful to you, baby? Rio: Be here or stop being so cute Buster: [Sends selfie] Buster: Does that help? Rio: Ugh 😍 Rio: I miss you Buster: I love you Rio: I love you too Rio: Hold up Buster: Changed your mind or what? Rio: [Away for a long ass time cos fuck you Drew] Buster: Babe? Rio: My bad Rio: Unexpected visitor and progress Buster: Indie's back Buster: Well that's good Rio: Not yet but it's getting sorted Buster: Alright Buster: Who was there then? Rio: Drew came 'round, he didn't know I'd be here obvs, just doing some work himself Rio: but he actually apologised for the other night Rio: and he's gonna talk to Indie Buster: Seriously? Rio: I know, right? Rio: Unexpected Rio: but thank god, so over this drama Buster: Yeah Buster: Thank Christ I don't have to worry about that cunt now Rio: He was really decent considering Rio: got rid of whoever he was with before they could get an eyeful too 😶😰 Buster: Good Buster: And you're okay, yeah? Rio: Yeah, I'm fine Rio: I hope Indie comes back Buster: Like with everything he said and did Buster: You're not just saying it 'cause you want Indie back Rio: No, no Rio: Promise Rio: He was really nice Buster: Thank fuck Rio: Seriously Rio: Had forgot he had a key Buster: Me too Rio: 😂 Had to tell the stream I wasn't about to be murdered/doing some kinky roleplay for 'em Buster: Fucking hell Rio: Stepping it up some to keep the edge on my competitors Buster: 😂 Buster: You've got my heart going for all the wrong reasons, babe Rio: Soz, baby Buster: I'm just glad you didn't get murdered, like Rio: Cheers Rio: That's how you know the honeymoon is over 😏 Buster: Don't Buster: I ain't marrying you even if you threaten to murder me Rio: 😂 Rio: so gutted Buster: Get your own fortune, cheers Rio: Who's out here getting fake murdered for the coin, huh? 🤔🤔🤔 Rio: Always doing the most and getting the most Buster: Give it a few days and you'll have plenty of competition Buster: I'm already doing assigned reading whilst planning a party here Rio: 🤓 Buster: Shut up Buster: I gotta do it sometime Rio: Only joking Rio: It's hot Buster: [sends selfie of him reading] Buster: I know Rio: Don't ruin my fantasy, dork Buster: Well now you're not gonna get the rest of the pics Rio: Babe Rio: 😞 Buster: Keep your fantasy Buster: 😏 Buster: That's what you wanted, yeah? Rio: No Rio: I want you Buster: [sends some more pics but not the good stuff] Rio: Fuckin' tease Buster: learnt from the best Buster: you're the biggest tease ever Rio: Glad I've taught you so much, like Rio: don't be using it against me though, ain't ready to come for the master yet 😜 Buster: 😂 Buster: Am I not? Rio: 🤫 Rio: If you're gonna try then get prepared for me to go harder, like Rio: not gonna hold back 'cos you're an amateur, baby Buster: I leave the country and suddenly you're feeling brave enough to call me an amateur Rio: What you gonna do about it? Rio: 😋 Buster: Get on a flight to sort you out Rio: I wish Rio: Seriously...I really fucking want you right now, my body misses you so much already Buster: I ain't opposed to leaving my party before it even starts Buster: It's not like I need the distraction if I've got you Buster: And you know how you've got me too, 'cause it's the same as always Buster: There's too many walls in this house I could push you up against and I really fucking want to Rio: Oh God Rio: no, we gotta be good Rio: can't break this soon Buster: I don't wanna be good Buster: Tell me I have to Rio: You've gotta Rio: You've put it out there now, the keener guests will be on their way already, like Buster: Yeah Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: You'll have fun Buster: 'Course Buster: I just want you here too Rio: Obviously Rio: I know I am the party but Rio: gotta be places, babe Buster: With jokes like that, yeah Buster: You gonna go see Indie? Rio: Should let her come to me, I reckon Rio: make sure Drew has sorted it Rio: Imma go out with some friends, see who's about Buster: You're right, could be more bullshit from him Rio: I don't see why Rio: he's trying to make good, finally Buster: I don't reckon it is, I'm just saying Rio: Yeah Rio: Anyway Rio: party time for all Buster: Do you know where you're gonna go yet? Rio: Me and Rian are starting at Hang Dai 👌 Rio: s'good craic Buster: I'll warn them you're coming, like Rio: 🖕 Buster: You all out of politeness now I've left? Rio: Nah, so well-behaved in fact that your 'joke' cut me real deep Buster: Poor baby Rio: 😒 Gonna drown my sorrows Buster: I'd tell you not to go too hard but I ain't gonna be that hypocrite Rio: S'alright, soak it up with the Chinese Rio: No one to impress tonight Buster: I'm still gonna be able to see your posts, remember Buster: Impress me Rio: Boy, I know my angles Rio: and I know what you like Buster: If you don't by now you really do need to drown your sorrows Rio: Psh Rio: can't even try and come at me with that Rio: and my mates need know excuse to be coming with those 'rounds Buster: 😂 Buster: Literally the only thing our friends have in common Rio: Real talk 😂 Rio: Tell 'em I said hi Buster: I ain't saying shit to James from you though Rio: Oh no Rio: what a shame Buster: For him yeah Rio: Bless him Buster: He's a prick Buster: Save your blessings Rio: Why hang with him then Buster: If I hold him to it I'd have to do it with all of 'em Rio: Fair enough Rio: a lot of effort Buster: Yeah Buster: Not trying to waste my time with that Rio: Understandable Rio: they at least have their uses this way, yeah Buster: Exactly Rio: Hmm Rio: What am I gonna wear Buster: Are you sticking with the 'nobody to impress' bullshit or not? Rio: Wasn't planning to rock up in my sweats regardless babe Rio: boys that aren't you are friggin' useless, how can I work out the vibe and match from 'idk some jeans' Buster: Don't be trying to match Buster: Make your own vibe Rio: Solid advice cutie Buster: More importantly, what am I gonna wear, though Rio: Forreal Rio: gotta show 'em what they've been missing baby Buster: Easy Buster: If they ain't impressed they ain't coming in Rio: 😂 Rio: One way to keep the guest list down 😉 Buster: Well, yeah I can't trash the place day 1 Rio: not with that attitude Buster: I'm not in the 24 now, babe Rio: Exactly Rio: step your game up, before you'd just tell me the maid would clean it up to piss me off Buster: She doesn't come every day we're not royalty Buster: Just act like it Rio: Don't party like it Rio: don't need to see you in a nazi uniform or with your pasty arse out thanks Buster: 😂 Buster: [Sends booty selfie because he's silly] Buster: I was gonna throw outfit suggestions at you but you've sorted it Buster: Cheers Rio: 😏 Rio: well, the SS uniforms were Hugo Boss so Rio: right up your alley that Buster: Shut up Rio: 😂 Rio: I love you Buster: I miss you Rio: Yeah Rio: it's shit Buster: At least school will distract me Buster: Never thought I'd be saying that, like Rio: Gonna ace it Buster: Standard Rio: Yeah Rio: you work hard too though Buster: It's the one thing my parents reckon that isn't bullshit Buster: Gotta work hard as well as play it Rio: Amen Rio: I'll second that Buster: Cheers Buster: It's what none of the lads can get their heads around Buster: It can't be a game all the time, fuck that Rio: Unless they planning to live off their Ma and Pa forever Rio: tragic Rio: assumedly they'll get handed a cushy job by said Pa though so won't even see the consequences of 🙄 Buster: Yeah Buster: And a missus with her own set of rich parents is pretty likely Rio: S'who you know Rio: won the genetic lottery, like, well done yous Buster: 🥇 Rio: You ain't fooling anyone, babe Rio: know me for starters Buster: I don't need to fool anyone Buster: It ain't no trick I'm actually this good Rio: 😏 S'one word for it Buster: What's your word then? Enlighten me Rio: You know my word Rio: 'cos you hate it Rio: cute Buster: Maybe I miss it Buster: Or just love you enough to put up with hearing it again Rio: I'll call you later, no doubt when I'm fucked up and you can hear all about it Buster: Yeah? Buster: Good Rio: Let you miss me a bit first Rio: 'Course Buster: I already do Buster: A lot Rio: [sends highlights from stream earlier] Rio: how much i miss you Buster: Jesus Buster: If it's any consolation I spent so long in the shower missing you earlier that it's a good thing my parents aren't struggling to pay any bills Rio: I know, imagine how good it could've been if I weren't interrupted, but that's the story of our lives init Rio: that is not what I'd call consolation Rio: damn Rio: over here needing a cold one now Buster: You won't be wanting the footage then. I'll save it for another day Rio: BUSTER Buster: Yeah? Rio: Please Buster: [Sends video because tell me everything ain't waterproof in the future like bitch my phone already is now] Rio: 😻 Rio: I'm literally drooling you're so fucking hot Rio: like gimme Buster: That's just what happens when I think about you Buster: You're so fucking hot and I want you so badly Rio: Fuck Rio: when can I come see you daddy? Buster: Now Buster: But seriously, I need you here soon Rio: Next weekend maybe Buster: I'll make it work if you can Rio: 'Course Rio: not that long of a flight, even if I have a Saturday shift Rio: I need you Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Rio: Go get ready Buster: You too Buster: We can do this Rio: 'Course Rio: 👑 Buster: You know it
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