#so pls SORRY if i forgot you
anchorandrope · 1 year
this blog is my safe place and each and every one of you make me feel good every time i open this hellsite <3 from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the support 💖
i wish you all the best of the best for 2023 and for the rest of your lives. i send you good energy and blessings at the beginning of the year !
as i said, each and every one of you is special to me, but there are some people who show up in my notifications quite often, even if im not active, so i wanted to mention them to thank them a little more personally ✨
@daisiesonafield-blog @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @bluewinnerangel @twopoppies @habithlarry @eclipsadxs @bizcocho-de-zandia @larrybears @shelovessunflowers @iicfhomehl @lou-sweet-creature @larryisinlove @homeisxlarry @hometothecanyonmoon @savedbylouist @marserainbow28 @justalarryblog @kiwikiwiandkiwi @allmylouv @holyshit @andreakedavra @ladychlo @moonknowshome @skyneverlooksolou @homet91 @darknessnclouds @toxiclarrie @ozziiee @skepticalarrie @lou-sweet-creature @louisturtleneck @harry-sue @pancakessfortwo @onlyforthekings @bykarax @harrylouis @youbringmehomels @zayntisfaction @lonelysxnflower @thosefookinvacados
i love yall, thanks for being so funny, smart and cool 🥰 and ofc, tysm to harry and louis for bringing these beautiful people into my life 🫰🏼
of all the appreciation posts i saw, none of them thank the two accounts that everyone follows. so thank you @dailytomlinson and @stylesnews for being so dedicated and sweet !
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lotus-pear · 2 years
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layla >>> everyone else
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minchanz · 3 months
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hi darlings! i hit a lil milestone ages ago and wanted to do a lil appreciation post! just wanted to say i love you all dearly and thank you for turning this hellsite into a lil home, giving you all a forehead smooch mwah <3 also because i've been wanting to get back into giffing and i love making people sets, i decided to do lil requests (for moots and followers) ! ♡
💌 (for the moots! if you want a suprise gifset!)
💌 + bias
💌 + bias + color
tagging some lovelies under cut ! ♡
@strayklds @chanrizard @lee-minhoe @moonsua @strwberrysodas @snug-gyu @minbinchan @jinniebit @chanstopher @twiceland @booskwan @hyunebear @wahgifs @leetaehwan @bangchanted @leemarkies @sunghanbin @the2amrevolution @joongrami @bangzchan @minzbins @hyunpic @crazy-form @moonkhao @lixence @astraykidz @changbeens @juiceofmoons @huiracha @yang-innie @hyunchanz @racha @shorelinnes @leenope @seungmoes @jjsungie @chrisbangs @blueprintchan @mooninagust @star-losts @winterfloral @ambivartence @go-saeng @luvrli @verskwan @seonghwasblr @seo-changbinnies
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eggdoodles · 4 months
More Saiyan HC time-
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I believe in giving Saiyan stomachs the most cracked out stomach acids in the universe akjdkd
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mockingbirdshymn · 1 year
i think its funny how this is a genre of nerrison images
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hwanswerland · 1 year
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ATEEZ @ MAMA 2020 (Inception + Answer) ↳ aka my second Atinyversary 
Summary in case you don't want to read all this: it's been two years since I got into Ateez, I ramble about it, then I tagged my lovely mutuals. I can't believe it's already been two years since Youtube recommended me this video out of the blue and because I was bored and San and Honjoong looked sp pretty on the thumbnail I watched it. Instantly fell in love with Answer and decided that well, if they have one song this good, there have got to be more right? And so began my descent into the kpop (read: Ateez) madness. I didn't expect on December 6th 2020 that two years later I would run a tumblr blog dedicated to the one guy that I actively did not want to bias at first, spend who knows how much money on albums and other merch, go to one of their concerts and scream along with all those other fans despite me thinking I would never have a boy group phase in this life (lol), least of all one starting when I was 21 years old. Not that I regret anything about it :D I realise that these gifs are not actually the most giffable moment for some members, but as this is a very self indulgent set I chose to gif what are moments I still remember reacting to when I saw the first time. Honorary mention to Hongjoong shouting "1, 2, 3 lets BURN" into his mic. If I could gif a sound that would be the first I'd gif because Answer is special to me and I absolutely came to life when he did the same thing at my concert. I started giffing on this blog way later in 2021, around the end of Deja Vu promotions, and for the most part I did not feel very welcome here on Atinyblr lol, for reasons that have nothing to do with anyone I interact with these days. This only very recently changed when I finally joined the atzsource team and actually talked to the people on here. So thank you for being so cool and talking about some things that mean I can finally chill and not feel like an imposter on here anymore. So in no particular order tagging my lovely mutuals that I love seeing on the dash/talking to/admire from afar ♡
@sanchelinz (thank you forever for the file!) @woosansang @jonghho @jeong-yunhoes @jjongho​ @sanhwaiting @woosanhui @jngif @guerrila @yunhogifs @applejongho @xuseokgyu @blueberrysan @jeongyunho99 @chwejongho @strhwaberries @cruellajoong @song-mingi @hwatermelon @seonghwaminho @yukuz
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mariatesstruther · 5 months
thinking about william bell’s “i forgot to be your lover” and joeltess. joel never getting to really tell tess how much he loved her. tess loving him with her entirety while somehow never asking too much of him. how the only way he could make it up to her was to honor her wish to take care of ellie. was he thinking of tess, too, when he decided to save ellie in the hospital?
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mirobami · 2 years
Could u do kakegurui girls with a s/o with thick thighs 🥹
↳ s/o with thick thighs
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❤ GENRE: fluff.
❤ CHARACTER(S): y. jabami, m. saotome, k. momobami, r. momobami, s. igarashi, m. ikishima, y. yumemite, r. yomozuki, i. sumeragi, m. inbami, t. totobami, m. honebami, s. warakubami, r. batsubami
❤ SYNOPSIS: in request!
❤ NOTE: hi hi! due to this being all of the girls, i decided to do one bullet point for each one, i hope you don’t mind. let’s go!
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She practically pulls you onto her lap whenever she can because she just wants to subtly feel your thighs hold you and if you deny because you’re worried about crushing her, she just says, “That’s fine!” Your biggest supporter in the ways that she shows so much love towards your thighs, probably kisses them a lot whenever she’s lying down on your lap
She’s definitely in awe, don’t mistake her glances for anything else, she’s only trying to discreetly look at your thighs; sometimes she’ll ask for you to sit on her lap so that she can look at them more, she loves them a lot and is giving you so many compliments whenever you’re wearing outfits that show off your thighs
Kirari actually makes an excuse that she needs to "study" them but she's just mesmerized by your thighs and constantly tries to give you clothes to show them off (please wear them, she gets super excited); wants you to sit on her lap constantly, she’ll even ask if you can sit on her lap during the council meetings
She’s so shy about them, she won’t even look at them because they’re so pretty to her and she doesn’t want you thinking that she’s doing something wrong; definitely blushes a lot when you’re sitting with your legs crossed and she’s not even thinking wrong, she’s just wondering if there is any way to get you in this one skirt that she thinks would look great on you
Surprise, you are now her pillow whenever she’s really tired, all you have to say is that she can sleep on your lap and boom, her head is on your lap and she’s drifting off to sleep; she likes sitting on your lap too and hug you, it’s her way of recharging
Midari genuinely just loves you but she likes lying across your thighs and if you're not careful, she will bite them playfully or roughly, expect for there to be bite marks due to her, she’s always gleeful about this circumstance afterwards; she’s another one that will pull you on her lap and she will squish your thighs sometimes because she’s so in awe and thinks they’re squeezeable
Yumemi definitely loves your thighs especially since they can serve as pillows for her after a long day and she will sometimes vent to you as she lies on them; she also probably gives you specific outfits that just show your thighs off and she will take multiple pictures of you (yes, they are all on her homescreen and lockscreen)
Runa is quite literally in love with your thighs, she always uses them as pillows whenever she’s gaming; sometimes, the election committee will find you on the same loveseat as her, only she’s resting her head on your thighs and she looks so smug about it too since she doesn’t let anyone else even remotely try to do that
Her nail addiction is one thing but the second you come into the picture, she’s so in love with you and your thighs are spectacular to her; consistently sends you outfit ideas, she’s manipulating you a little bit into wearing these outfits for her own viewing pleasure; sometimes she’ll squeeze your thigh when you’re sitting together
She also uses your lap as pillows but mostly, she likes sitting on your lap as she works on her own things, it’s her way of bonding with you; she’s more chill than the rest of them since she thinks your thighs are really pretty and nothing more, will not give you an outfits for you to wear
Terano thinks that your thighs are fascinating, but unfortunately, since she’s always sitting down, she will never ask for you to let her sit on your lap, she’d rather just admire them; sometimes she asks you how many people have sat on your lap in one go, and secretly wishes that she could be one of those people
Does not say much about your thighs, but she’s over the moon about them; likes seeing you in thigh high boots if you ever wear them, same with slit thigh dresses; you two will sometimes sit on each other’s laps and it’s honestly the best feeling for both of you, you’re always so comfortable with each other
A massive fan of you wearing outfits that show your thighs off, she’s worse than everyone else who tries to give you clothes, she BUYS you an entire wardrobe of clothes she likes seeing you in; she thinks that the slit thigh dresses make you look incredible and if she ever takes you to a premiere of one of her movies, she pleads for you to wear them; one could say that her face is smug as she walks down the carpet with you
She’s another one that uses your thighs as pillows because she needs to relax and if you stroke your hair as she’s lying down? She’s in heaven and she’s more in love with you, you don’t even have to do anything else, she’d do anything for you as long as you let her reset on your lap
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queerdiaz · 5 months
Inspiration Saturday
Tagged by my beloveds @wildlife4life ans @lover-of-mine tysm babes 💙💙💙💙💙
I finally actually FINALLY started writing again this week (just a little but it's still something) so you get a mooodboard AND a snippet for my Buddie and Madney Married In Vegas fic
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Maddie thought she'd have a simple wedding. Just her, Howie, Jee-Yun, and their close friends and family. But then her parents had to step in and “help” – most definitely trying to make up for not being there at her last wedding – and now it's nothing like it was supposed to be and Maddie is tired. She just wants to hurry up and marry the love of her life.  Which is why she ends up telling her fiancé, “Let's get married.”  They're currently at their second bar in Vegas after seeing a show and gambling a bit. Buck had seen her stressed, and gave them a trip to Las Vegas to celebrate their joint bachelor and bachelorette parties. But now she thinks being here is a perfect sign that they should get married now.  Howie laughs. “Yeah, that's kind of why we're having this bachelor/bachelorette party.” “No, I mean, we're already in Vegas with our closest friends. We can still do the big wedding to include Jee. But I want to marry you now.” He blinks at her. “You're serious.”  Maddie takes his hand and gives in a soft yet determined squeeze. “Absolutely.”  Howie gives her a giant, beaming smile. “Okay let's do it.”  “Yeah?” She asks, her smile mirroring his.  “Yeah.” He squeezes her hand. “Let's get married.” 
No pressure tagging: @wh0re-behavi0r @gayhoediaz @elvensorceress @monsterrae1 @eddiediazisascorpio @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @eddiebabygirldiaz and anyone else who wants to do this!
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aropride · 6 months
ok well we know that jesus can emit pure light as he did when he was in his tomb + i assume the light is holiness or joy or purity (considering his spirit was in heaven but his body had died in sin) (considering his body was holy but his spirit was drowning in unquenchable fire).. thinking about the version of jesus i made up in my head who's way cooler and more transgender and i think he would emit sparks and a glowing electric light if you fucked him and i think it would inspire an unfathomably intense lust
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cloverkingsmith · 8 months
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started watching soul eater and now I have a problem
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sexynetra · 5 days
Guess who had enough free time on their school trip to do some editing :) anyways once I bully my editor into working on the second half of the chapter perhaps I can post soon? 👀 only time will tell
As much as Anetra hated Marcia – or rather, knew that she should hate Marcia – she almost wished she could ask her for advice. If anyone would know about good dancing for shows, it would be her.
But that wasn’t an option. She could reach out to Alyssa again, ask for more tips, but she had already given her plenty, and Anetra didn’t want to seem like a burden. Jackie, sweet as she was, had two left feet. Sasha, she just didn’t want to ask – so she was out too.
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theharlotofferelden · 10 months
Shout out to all the slow ass players (me) who are still on act 1 because you don’t know what you want to do first and are worried about locking yourself out of stuff which you end up doing anyway because you’re bad at video games but that’s okay because video games aren’t a competition and it’s good to take your time because that means there’s more gaem to play<33333
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restinpeacesensei · 11 months
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I stepped into a room with clocks That all told different times I stepped into a mirrored world That mirrored all our crimes
You keep picking at the scab And I'll keep selling the plaster You keep telling me that I'm bad But I keep on getting better faster
I've lost, I've lost my innocence I've found my self-belief And in a cup of loneliness I've found instant relief
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trying to make myself watch ats for the first time is really just
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interoteme · 1 year
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Don't be sad. YDKJ sign-in hosts, ok?
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