#I completely locked myself out I’m so mad
tobifuyu · 1 year
New hair, who dis?
Ran Haitani x f!reader
After years of friendship, Ran is growing and maturing right in front of your eyes but you cannot bring yourself to accept what change brings about.
cw: nsfw, mdni, basically porn with plot, friends to lovers, reader is oblivious, ran is a simp, rindou is so done, masturbation, mirror sex, use of sex toys, hair kink ig, lots of pet names.
wc: 9,7k
a/n: gosh this is way too long I’m so sorry I just have too many ideas and once I start writing I cannot stop myself. many more fics to come, I have a long list of fantasies to satisfy. also, we stan simp ran in this house.
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One thing you were not expecting when opening the door of your apartment that evening was for Ran to walk in looking like a completely different person.
You wouldn’t even have recognized him if it weren’t for his purple eyes staring down at you with their ever-present mischievous glint.
Lately, his lanky body has been filling out the new suits he’s wearing in a delicious way, and the time he’s been putting in at the gym, even if reluctantly, is visibly paying off.
You notice he has removed the transparent plaster from the fresh tattoo on his neck, black ink a stark contrast against his pale skin.
There’s something else missing, and the sight is so unsettling that for a moment you think about closing the door on his face.
Who is this man staring back at you? If this is Ran, why are his infamous braids gone?
“Ran, what the fuck?”
“I can explain!” He puts his hands up, gesturing at you to let him come in, and you move out of his way automatically as you take him in from different angles.
The door gets closed behind your back and Ran wraps your wrist in one of his big hands to steer you to your couch in the center of the living room. You’re both silent as you sit down, your eyes fixed on the damage.
“I cut my hair.”
“I can fucking see that!” The smug grin that was stretching his pretty lips slowly fades at the agitation in your voice. The thing is that you don’t understand why you feel so distraught.
It shouldn’t matter, right? It’s not like he went and cut your own hair behind your back. Yeah, he could’ve let you know about such an important decision in his life as he does with pretty much everything else. He could’ve maybe even asked for your opinion. But he didn’t have to.
You and Ran have been friends for years, more than a decade, and you have seen him cut and style his hair multiple times in the past. Just because you are particularly infatuated with the way his two-toned braids swung around while fighting, or how he would twirl them with his baton and long fingers, and how it looked untied, forming a messily shaped halo behind his head while resting on the pillow during one of your many cuddling sessions… doesn’t mean he had to ask for your permission.
It’s not like he knows how much you love to brush his soft locks before twisting them back into the braids that come hunting you on your dream-filled nights. Because you’ve never told him. So it’s not his fault if all these things don’t matter to him.
“You don’t like ‘em?” He coughs to hide the embarrassment he feels after asking such a vulnerable question. Ran has never really cared about what other people think of him, except for maybe Rindou, sometimes. But you’re an exception.
He knows he’s far from ugly and he thought he looked real good with the new haircut. He was excited to match with his little brother once again, and he thought you would also, considering how well you reacted a couple of weeks ago when Rin showed you the light purple color he got done at the saloon.
Maybe, just maybe, you like Rin a bit better? No, he thinks, it can’t be possible. He would’ve noticed something like that.
Then why are you acting so… mad? Or is it hurt he sees painted across your pretty face?
You let out a sigh, “No, it looks good. I overreacted, I’m sorry. I just– I wasn’t expecting you to cut your hair, that’s all.”
He scoffs, as if he doesn’t believe your words, and pulls one of your hands up to his hair. He wants to convince you that not much has changed, and you’ll still get to play with it while watching movies, he thinks it’s soft enough with the treatment he has done, “See, it’s still pretty long, just pushed back. Maybe you can braid it sometimes.”
You laugh at that and Ran smiles at you. You meet his soft gaze before daring another glimpse at his new haircut. It’s styled in such a way that accentuates his sharp facial structure, jawline visible in all its glory.
“You look…” Hot. Fuck. You shake your head, trying to reign yourself in as you stroke the soft hair, “It looks good, more mature. It’s fluffier than I thought, Rannie.”
The more you look at him the more you realize that this new look of his is toying with your already decaying sanity.
Pull yourself together, for fuck’s sake.
Ran lets it go after that, props you to get settled on the couch, and removes his suit jacket before grabbing some drinks and snacks to watch a movie.
An hour in, he lays his head on your chest. It’s routine, he’s always been clingy with you, in private. And you’ve always enjoyed the closeness, no matter how confusing it might be, so you never question him.
Your hands subconsciously bury themselves between his lilac locks. You can hear him let out a deep sigh as you scratch his scalp, relaxing into your hold.
“Looks good, Ran. I like it a lot,” You whisper as if to reassure him, whilst you’re only stopping yourself from confessing that you would like him even if he were bald. Your gentle motions make him fall asleep with his lips curled in a smile.
My sleepy boy, you think.
That night you wake up in a cold sweat. The blond tresses that you constantly dream of softly stroking have been subsided by messy lilac locks. The short length is being gripped by your hands as its owner's head peaks from between your thighs. Unfortunately, it’s not very the first time you dream of Ran in such a compromising position. But the matching lavender gaze staring at you with purpose is now fresh in your memory, and makes his haircut seem even more attractive, the perfect length to shove him back against your heat.
Your cheeks redden as you try to shake the feeling away, you get rid of the covers and turn on your side ready for sleep to take over once again, but his new and improved look keeps hunting you at every toss and turn.
You reach into your bedside table for the only thing that can bring you peace of mind: your trusty vibrator. It’s a small bullet one, but it does its job just fine when you press it against your clit to release the pent-up stress of the day. You think nothing of it when the face that appears behind your closed eyelids as you come is that of your bestfriend.
The next couple of weeks, it doesn’t escape Ran the fact that you’re looking at him a little weird. At first, he thinks you might still be trying to get used to his new look. It was definitely a drastic change, and for you who have known him for such a long time, to be faced with it without him even giving you any heads up must’ve been weird. So he hopes that the gift he has planned to give you, will be enough to make it up to his bestfriend, to show how much he cares about your friendship and your opinions, even if he didn’t ask for it this time.
Then he starts panicking because you stop picking up his phone calls. You don’t make plans to hang out with him anymore, just shoot a text from time to time to let him know that you’re okay but busy. He’d like to believe you, but you’ve always made time for him before. You’re avoiding him.
He doesn’t know that you cannot bring yourself to face him anymore. You had managed to suppress the feelings you harbor for him for years, but seeing him in another light, with his childish braids replaced by a more mature and undoubtedly attractive look, has been the hardest challenge for you.
You feel ashamed by the number of times his face has been appearing in your mind at the most inconvenient times. You feel too dirty to look him in the eyes and pretend like you don’t dream of them at night.
Ran has reached a level of desperation where he has to involve his brother before he loses his cool over something that, he thinks rationally, shouldn’t even bother him that much. The two of you are just friends, you don’t owe him your time.
Luckily, you pick up Rindou’s call on his first try, you haven’t heard from him in a while, so it only makes sense that you do, might be something important. What if something has happened to Ran?
Rin doesn’t want anything to do with this mess, but he can’t bear to stress over the safety of his brother anymore as he comes to their meetings looking tired and miserable as hell. Bonten is just starting out, and they’re dealing with some heavy shit now, his brother needs to fucking focus.
So he invites you over for some drinks. Explains how it’s just a small get-together they’re throwing to celebrate a new deal, only some of the guys will attend. And when you ask about Ran, he rolls his eyes but replies that his brother is not gonna be there. Which is a lie, a big fat lie that is gonna turn into a headache for him soon enough. He knows that already.
You show up just because you’ve been holed up in your apartment for the past week. Work has been… well, work. And your friend group is pretty much the same as Ran’s, so you couldn’t risk him getting word of you being out and about after you’ve turned down all his invitations. You’re joining tonight because Ran hasn’t tried to contact you in a few days, and Rin has promised his brother is gonna be held back at work. Getting a few drinks with your old friends is the perfect way to destress.
You don’t make it that far, though, because the moment you walk in Ran is already there. Mingling about and walking like he owns the place, which he does. You turn to Rindou, who’s conveniently opened the door for you and is now planning to make a run for it, and you look at him as if you’re ready to tear his head off. He must’ve known what’s going on, there’s no other way for him to be so sneaky about this. He sends an apologetic look your way before scrambling away to Sanzu, who’s waiting for him in the dark of the corridor leading to the rooms.
Ran stutters over to you the moment his eyes lay on your fidgeting figure. He’s wearing a pair of dress pants and a shirt that look like they’ve been tailored to fit his lanky body in such a way that makes it hard for you to breathe. His short hair is parted and gelled back, a few pieces falling off the hairstyle and resting effortlessly on his forehead.
“Hey pretty, you’ve made it.”
“Looks like it,” you shrug your shoulders, looking around awkwardly as he ushers you into the middle of the living room. You should’ve known the brothers would’ve stuck together. Fuck you, Rindou.
“D’you want something to drink?” He sits beside you, and the scene reminds you so much of when he last came over to your apartment, except this time you’re surrounded by a handful of people. Gotta make sure you’re on your best behavior, so you turn down the drink.
“C’mon, work has been stealing you from me for weeks now, y’need to let go a little.” He can sense you’re tense, and maybe alcohol isn’t the best choice in this situation, but he doesn’t know how else to let you at least look at him. He feels a pang in his chest. Why won’t you even look at him?
“I’m okay, thanks.” You’re acting so cold and distant. He’s starting to wonder if all of this really has happened over him simply cutting his hair, or if there’s something deeper beneath it. Did you feel betrayed by him not telling you?
“I think I’m just gonna go home, I’m pretty beat actually,” you start to say, and Ran doesn’t want to force you, but he doesn’t want you to go either. “Please, just some more time to catch up. Rin wanted to see you as well,” as he says this he looks around the room and curses his brother for leaving with Sanzu.
Ran’s ass gets saved by Kakucho tapping on your shoulder before he wraps an arm around both of them as you turn to greet him. You’re smiling again, just how Ran likes to see you, but the pit of his stomach is burning with something akin to jealousy.
He’s relieved that Kakucho stopped you from upping and leaving, but he doesn’t like how you get up and join him at the counter to get him another round. Seems like you’re not drinking still, means you don’t plan on sticking around.
Ran is bummed out, he stops staring at you and Kakucho after some others join in on the conversation. He doesn’t want you to mingle with these people too much (most of them have something to do with Bonten, after all), but he’s the one who strategized all of this in the first place, so he lets you enjoy yourself. He’d rather stop pushing you before he makes it worse.
In the meantime, you’re watching a pouting Ran sit on the couch from the corner of your eye. Kakucho snickers as he notices, and you swat him away when he suggests you go sit back down with “your Ran”.
“He’s been a mess these past few weeks, I think he misses you. A lot,” Kakucho has never been anything but kind and truthful to you, that’s why you enjoy his presence so much. He’s a breath of fresh air around the much violence this friend group has experienced growing up. He’s one of those who has suffered the most but he always has a nice word to spare. Such a pure heart, his.
Your eyes wander back to where your heart is, but what you see makes your face turn into a grimace. A pretty girl you’ve known for a while, someone’s girlfriend you recall, has sat down in your spot and is now talking to Ran. They seem to be sharing a laugh as she reaches over to stroke Ran’s hair out of his face, before gesturing at it as if complimenting the new hairstyle.
The interaction is short-lived and friendly, you know her for being nothing but nice, but you feel like shit now.
You don’t like the feeling of jealousy, especially when it’s not even excused. You just don’t like when people touch Ran’s hair, and you do even less now that it has become such a touchy subject for you. He let her, that’s the problem.
“Yeah, I bet he missed me alright,” you mumble bitterly as you excuse yourself from Kakucho.
It doesn’t take you long to stand in front of Ran and stare down at him with cold eyes, “‘m leaving. Have a goodnight,” You direct the last bit to the girl, hoping she doesn’t think you’re remotely even mad at her. Then, you leave the apartment in such a rush that you don’t hear Ran calling for you. You feel like you’re underwater and the first real breath of air you take is back at your flat.
All you had time to do, before hearing the furious knocks banging on your door, is take off your makeup and wear your pajamas. Maybe, just maybe, if they had started shaking the wood just ten minutes later, you would’ve been sleeping already and not giving enough fucks to get up from your bed.
You open the door, no need to check from the peephole as you already know who it could be at this ludicrous hour.
“We need to talk.”
“No, we don’t, I have work early in the morning,” you try arguing as you go to close the door. He blocks it with his shoe, pushing it open with his right hand as he stares at you with a look he usually reserves for Rindou when he gets pissed off about something important. It’s completely different from the one he has while fighting, he’s not being snarky or overconfident, he looks serious and undeniably mad.
“You’ve been avoiding me. For weeks. ‘Cause I cut my fucking hair.” He slams the door as he steps inside the apartment and you jump from the sudden sound, walking towards you as you slowly back away and fidget with your raised hands. You’re not scared of him, you know he’d never do anything to hurt you. You’re just scared of the confrontation that is about to go down, the fact that you’re gonna have to tell the truth, for once and for all, cause you can’t possibly hold it from him anymore. And just like that, you’re gonna lose Ran.
Ran takes in your panicked state and slows down to approach you carefully, his face softens and he clasps your hands in his bigger ones. With the grip he has on them, he drags you closer to his body. The two of you are standing in the center of the room as silence overtakes it. You can feel his stare burning your skin but you keep your own cast down.
“You know I’d never hurt you, right?” His thumbs are stroking your skin in a calming pattern, “I don’t know what I’ve done, but I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry.”
You don’t understand what he’s talking about. The one apologizing here should be you! “You did nothing wrong, Ra–“
“Please look at me,” you cast him a glance from under your lashes, but the way he’s staring back is so intimidating that you can’t help but feel your face heat up and you have to divert your eyes elsewhere, “You can’t even look at me.”
“Ran, I swear this has nothing to do with you cutting off your piss-colored hair.”
He knows you well enough not to get offended, your self-defensive mechanism has always been that of getting mean.
Two fingers find their way to your chin to grip it and raise it enough so that your eyes meet once again. You can’t escape him this time.
“Tell me how to fix it, how to fix us.”
His voice is almost a whisper, he sounds so distraught, blaming himself for your stupidity. You can’t take it anymore. You love Ran, the last thing you want is for him to be hurting.
“I’m not mad at you Ran, I’m mad at myself,” His purple eyes widen with surprise, but he remains silent as he lets you explain yourself, “This is gonna sound, real bad but… I couldn’t bring myself to face you these past few weeks. Cause I had a wet dream about you. After you cut your hair…” You’re not telling the whole truth as of yet – there have been multiple dreams – but you need to test the waters first.
“Oh,” Well fuck, you’ve said it now. “Oh, wow.” His hands drop his hold on one of yours and fall from your chin, for a moment you think he’s gonna step back and run away far from you, but then you feel his touch on your waist, moving you even closer than before.
His lips settle on your forehead, stamping a kiss on the skin while you feel his mouth vibrate against it as he shakes with laughter.
This is Ran we’re talking about, ‘course he’s not gonna run away, he’s gonna embarrass you to the ground. In a week's time, everyone in your friend group will probably know about this. Not only is your friendship officially ruined, but you’ll never get to step outside of your flat without feeling like a walking joke ever again, “Are you laughing at me?”
“You got embarrassed?” He places another smooch over the same spot, “So what if I made you wet in a dream? It was my haircut, wasn’t it?”
Ran giggles. The motherfucker thinks he’s funny.
“Is that why you reacted that way back at my place? You got mad someone else was gripping my hair?” His mocking voice makes you flush red, but you know better than to give in to his teasing.
“She barely touched you, please. Like I give a damn,” You roll your eyes, finally getting the courage to stare at his smirking face as you fall back into your comfortable routine of making fun of each other. “I can always grip it myself and show you the difference,” You bark back, watching how the side of his curved lips slightly twitches.
“Go at it, babygirl.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Gosh, you seem to be pretty mad still,” he’s pouting, and you swear you wanna bite his lips so badly right now.
Get a fucking grip, oh my goodness. You haven’t even told him the worst part yet. He doesn’t know you’ve masturbated to him. He doesn’t know you like him way more than a simple friend should.
“Should I find some way to make it up to you?” His words snap you back to reality, but he’s been observing you, lavender hues taking in your scrunched-up face as you think hard over something that is still concealed from him. He wants to kiss your cute cheeks, wants to hear you giggle. You’re his precious girl, he feels this visceral need to let you know just how much he cares.
Ran’s mouth presses against the apple of your cheeks once, twice, trice. He’s leaving kisses all over the bare skin, switching from one side to the other, kissing the top of your nose endearingly.
One of the hands he has gripping your waist slides to the center of your back, over the sleep shirt you’re wearing, trying to stop you from running away from his kiss attack – as if you would – and to keep you comfortably pressed against his embrace.
He can feel you melt against his body. Rosy lips parted to take in deep breaths. Your eyelids are now closed and he doesn’t waste time kissing over them as well. He can feel your skin heating up against his mouth, feverish-like, but he can’t stop himself from dragging his lips lower to peck at your jawline.
The kisses he’s giving you are all kinds of kisses, from short and sweet pecks to loud and cute smooches, to more sensual and wet ones, especially when he reaches the skin of your neck. At this point, you can’t help but raise your hands to his hair and grip the short length of it just like you promised to show him. He lets out what sounds like a moan in the croak of your neck, but you think you must’ve imagined it as you can’t really hear much over the sound of your beating heart, the blood furiously pumping in your ears.
You know you’re enjoying this way too much, and for a moment you start to feel dirty again. He’s showering you with love because you’re his best friend, and your head is turning something so pure into nasty thoughts.
It’s not the first time he has smothered your face in kisses, maybe not to this extent, but you guys haven’t seen each other in weeks, so it only makes sense why he’s reacting to your closeness in such a way.
That’s until he sucks on the soft spot behind your ear and takes the lobe between his teeth to pull the skin. The way his name comes out from your mouth, breathless and whiny, makes him weak in the knees.
He’s gonna turn all your wet dreams into reality. You just need to say the word and he’s gonna give you what you deserve and more.
His nose is now bumping against yours, mouth pressing between the space above your cupid’s bow, the corner of your mouth, the bottom of it. Your lips graze each other every time he moves along. At this point, he has kissed every inch of your face except for the mouth. You know that would be taking it a step too far. The already thin lines of friendship between the two of you would blur to a point of no return.
At least on your part; you know Ran doesn’t shy away from human touch as you do, so it might not carry the same weight for him, you’re nearly sure of it.
You can’t possibly know how wrong you are, because as you’re thinking that, Ran is holding himself back from closing the space between you.
He has been dying to kiss you for years, since the first time you offered to braid his hair for him.
“What did you dream of?” he whispers, gruff voice scratching a part of your brain that you didn’t think existed as his hot breath washes over you, only inches away.
“Uhm, I… I don’t really remember.”
“You’re not a good liar, princess,” his mouth moves closer to your ear, trailing on the soft skin on his way there, as one of his hands grasps the fat of your left thigh and hooks it over his hipbone. “What was I doing that made you wet? Did you touch yourself because of me? Tell me.”
You know that if you could see yourself from the outside right now you’d laugh at how red your face probably is, but there’s nothing to laugh about how firm Ran’s voice is when giving orders. It might’ve sounded like he was teasing you before, but he’s being completely serious now. And you’d never dare disobey Ran when he gets like this.
“I- You were eating me out,” you gulp, your throat lets you heave the words out with difficulty. “It was either that or… some other nights, you’d do more.”
So it’s multiple dreams, different nights. Ran’s grip on you tightens, “Did you touch yourself?” He repeats the question, eyes dark and attentive, as if he’s dying to know. As if he can’t picture it in his head without you guiding him through it. Fuck it, you think.
“I did, used my vibrator-“You can’t even finish your sentence because Ran is grasping your other leg and lifting you up in the air. You circle his neck with your arms and hold on tight in fear of him dropping you, but his strength makes it seem like he’s barely breaking a sweat.
“Fuck, can I kiss you? I’m dying to taste you.”
It takes you some time to elaborate on his desperate plea, but once you do, you consent enthusiastically, “Yeah? Yes!“
The moment your lips meet, it’s like nothing else matters in the world. Ran is kissing you, his lips are moving over yours with expertise. He starts slow and deepens it to the point you have to push him away slightly to regain your breath.
Sometime during the kisses that come after, Ran has you up against the wall. He runs the tip of his tongue over the seam of your mouth, but you don’t open it straight away to pay him back for all his usual teasing. That’s until he presses his hips against yours, and you feel his hardness rubbing on you.
“Oh my god, fuck, Ran.” He takes your surprise as an opportunity to tangle his tongue with yours. You moan in his mouth, and he groans back, parting just enough to let you know what he needs, “I want you so bad, pretty girl.”
You buck into him as if asking for more and bite his lip before letting it go, watching as it falls back into place.
Ran laughs at that, starting a trail of kisses from your puffy lips all the way to your exposed collarbones. He knows you’re not wearing a bra, you don’t sleep in them. The first thing he noticed when he stepped foot inside your apartment tonight is how your nipples were perked up against the cotton of the shirt. He also knows the only thing covering your bottom is a pair of panties. Keeping this in mind, he sends you a look while reaching for the hem of your sleep shirt, as if asking for permission.
You nod and he frees you of it, chunking it somewhere behind his frame. He’s holding you up with his hips alone, navel pressed tightly against yours. That’s so fucking hot.
His hands make a b-line to your breasts, squeezing them to get a feel, and the motion is as pleasurable to you as it is for him, making his cock jump in his pants. You can feel his length twitching and it’s driving you crazy.
“Please-“ Your voice breaks the moment Ran puts you back down, you struggle to keep yourself on your feet and watch as he bends to bite at one of your nipples.
“Oh my god, yes,” he’s twisting the other with his fingers, and regretfully leaves them behind as he moves in a downward path over your body. He’s so close to your heat that he can smell your arousal, and when he casts his eyes toward your mound, he sees the wet patch staining your panties.
“Is this because of me?” a slap on your covered cunt follows his question. He knows already, you’ve made it clear, but he wants to hear you say it.
“Yes, yeah, Ran, baby. It’s all because of you.”
He thinks you must be already pretty out of it, because you’re not usually this straightforward when it comes to sex, in front of him at least. He heard how dirty you can get when talking about it with other friends, so he’s happy he’s found the key to open you up to him, literally.
It’s after your nth confirmation that Ran decides to grasp the side of your cotton panties and slowly drag them down your quivering legs. Both of you still can’t believe this is happening. You’re about to satisfy his every craving, and he’ll make sure to do the same for you.
Ran is on his knees, staring up at your body as if it’s a piece of art that has moved something inside of him. His admiring gaze is pushing all of your shyness and insecurities to leave you. His making you feel comfortable while being so exposed and vulnerable is exactly why you fell in love with him in the first place.
The weight of a peck being stamped on the inner skin of your thigh is what you feel before your body starts being covered in kisses. He’s raising to his full height while doing so, and the last one he gives you is on your forehead, just like the first of the night.
“I need you, Ran.”
Everything is still around the two of you, in the silence of the night you can hear the deep breath he takes. You lean forward to kiss the tattoo peeking from the collar of his dress shirt.
The hanafuda is a bright reminder of the life he has selfishly involved you in, and for a second he rethinks his next move, but you quickly realize he’s getting into his head and raise on your tippy toes to kiss his pink lips.
“Take me to bed, Ran. Don’t make me beg.”
You’ve told him multiple times that you can take care of yourself, and you know that where you can’t on your own he’s gonna be there to save you. You believe him, and he has to do the same when you tell him that he’s not gonna get rid of you that easily.
“You’re gonna beg either way,” he promises with a sneaky smile as he grabs your ass in his hands, making you straddle his hips as he carries you to your bedroom.
More kisses are being shared between the two of you during the short way, and he can barely tear himself from you as he lays you on your mattress.
You think he’s reaching into your bedside table for condoms but what he finds is even better: your pink vibrator. He looks at it as if he’s discovered gold. When he orders you to take it and use it on yourself, you realize he wants to watch. He wants to recreate what you’ve so cutely told him you’ve been doing for the past few weeks while thinking about him. Ran wants to see for himself.
He stands at the foot of the bed while you tease your entrance with the bullet vibrator, collecting your wetness to make it glide more easily over your clit. You keep your legs spread to give him a show, watching as he pays you back by removing piece by piece of clothing.
His full-body tattoo reveals itself to your greedy eyes. You’ve seen it multiple times, but have never gotten to take it in all together.
You’re panting, reaching your slit with one of your fingers as your opening clenches around nothing under his lust-filled gaze. “Hold it,” his deep voice tells you, and you follow his instruction, regretfully so.
“Keep it spread fo’ me.” You spread yourself open with two fingers, bucking up to chase the sensation of your vibrator. “Fuck, such a good girl fo’ me. Doing anything I tell her.” He grasps his hardness over the cloth of the boxers, the grey fabric sticking to his skin and forming a wet patch where his precome is leaking.
He strokes himself a couple of times before removing the last piece of clothing on his body, finally letting you see the place where his tattoo connects, but most importantly his cock.
It’s so pretty, lengthy, and a girth that would scare you if it weren’t for how long you’ve been dreaming of this moment. It bobs between his legs as he crawls over the bed to you and the pink on its head is glistening, you wish you could clean it up with your tongue right now.
You think he must also have an oral fixation because the moment he reaches you and settles between your open legs he chunks the vibrator to the side of the bed to cover your wetness with his mouth.
Curious tongue running over the mess you made, the sounds he’s making giving away how much he’s enjoying getting a taste.
“Can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this. You taste like heaven, princess.” He’s raising as he mutters the words. He takes one look at your withering figure from above, before letting a glob of spit fall on your cunt.
Ran bends and goes right back in, the muscles on his shoulders moving along as his hands come up to hold your thighs open before you can crush his head, you can already feel the bruises from the tight grip forming on the skin.
It’s like the wet dreams that have been plaguing your mind ever since he cut his hair have finally turned into reality. His shorts locks are peeking from between your thighs and you’re gripping them for dear life as he feasts on you, mouth sucking around your clit and lilac eyes peeking from below your mound with a stare so intense that you can feel your legs trembling from that alone.
When his fingers join in the fun you feel yourself getting closer, he’s moving them in a come hither motion and hitting your spot just right. He’s not building up momentum or taking his time in opening you up, that’s how desperate he is. Two of them are fucking into you quickly and with precision, while his dexterous tongue flicks your bundle of nerves.
“Ran, fuck, you look so good between my legs,” You can feel him smirking against you, the boost of ego you know he needs to get him right where you want him.
“I’m gonna cum, plea– please, don’t stop.” The problem is that Ran doesn’t exactly like being told what to do, and he’s being greedy now. He has waited too long to have you, he can’t possibly wait anymore.
He stops his movements, triggering a cry on your part. You nearly kick him with one of your feet but he’s fast enough to move to the edge of the bed, sitting in front of the full-length mirror that covers your wardrobe and conveniently faces the mattress.
You stare at him, spread legs and hard length resting on his lower abdomen as he settles reclined on the palm of his hands. “Come sit on my cock.”
You’re facing his back, laying down on the bed still, and from your position you get to admire the tattoo on his back, and how his muscles flex beneath the skin every time he moves. His body is as sinful as it can be, he drips sex and makes you want to mold yourself to him and never let go. It has always scared you, this pull he has on you, but now he’s the one inviting you over. It’s not the time to shy away.
He’s watching you from the reflection in the mirror as you get up. Your naked body is to him like a tall glass of water after weeks without drinking, he feels like he would die right here, right now, if you were to walk away without letting him have a sip.
Even his wet dreams – yes, you’re not the only one fantasizing about your best friend – don’t compare to the sight of you standing in front of his spread legs looking down at him.
“Uh nah, turn around pretty,” he prompts when he sees you’re about to straddle his lap. He enjoys the sight of you doing whatever he tells you to without even having to touch your body, and he stores that information inside a little drawer in his head for later.
You finally sit down, sliding against his hot skin until you’re resting only half of your weight on his thighs. His cock is now sandwiched between your bodies, and he groans when your asscheeks rub against it while you are wiggling onto him purposely.
“I said sit on my cock, I want you on top of it.”
You’re about to fuck your best friend, it doesn’t seem real. Should the two of you even be doing this? This will change everything forever, there would be no going back from it.
You know that once he’s gonna slide inside you you won’t be able to look at any other man ever again. You barely do now, anyway.
Your right hand goes under you to grasp his length, the angle is uncomfortable but you make it work enough to give him a few pumps. His girth feels hot in your hold, and you bring it to your opening to tease yourself with his wet tip.
“Fuck baby, don’t tease me.” The reflection in the mirror shows his tensed body in all his glory, and you get a glimpse of his hands buried in the sheets, he’s gripping the fabric so tight you think blood might’ve stopped flowing.
Ran is trying not to buck up into you, he’s giving you time to adjust to his size, and you realize how needed it is when you finally lower yourself on it.
You’re watching the scene unfold in the mirror, how his cock is slowly sinking inside of you. The stretch leaves you with a burning feeling and when you nearly reach his base you realize how full you are. All your bumps and ridges are being deliciously stroked by his skin.
Your lips fall open in a pant and Ran is groaning right by your ear as he straightens his posture and bends slightly over your body. “I’ve been dreaming of this for years,” he confesses while his hands grasp the fat of your thighs, spreading you to him as he loops your legs over his, keeping them open just like that with his knees.
He can’t believe his eyes when he gets to fully glimpse how far he’s stretching your cunt with his cock. All the patience in the world wouldn’t help him hold back anymore.
He bucks up into you, having you take his cock down to the base. You let out a shriek at how big he feels inside, and after that, he starts moving. Being on top made you, at first, feel like you could be in control, but it seems like the orders he was barking at you weren’t the only thing he was planning on doing on his part.
Ran starts pounding into you from below, strong thighs helping him in bucking up. You’re being split open on his cock and he’s enjoying the show. The sound of skin slapping against skin is so sinful, but your eyes are now closed in pleasure as you’re reduced to nothing but a moaning mess. His thrusts are so powerful that it takes you very little time to lose your mind.
He’s calling for you, you can hear his deep voice and feel his hot breath on your ear after you slumped against his bigger body, resting your leaned-back head on the crook of his neck. “Mhmh, open your eyes, pretty girl,” like the good girl you are, you do as said, even if you’re struggling to keep them open when his thrusts don’t let up, but instead seem to be getting deeper every time you do something he asks of you right.
He grabs your chin with his thumb and pointer, redirecting your line of sight towards the mirror, where you can see his heavy balls slap over your glistening skin from below. “Look at how much you’re dripping, that’s how I slid in so quickly.” You whimper at that, Ran always had a way with words that could get to you even when nothing of sorts was being said, always the teasing one, but now that he’s running his mouth with all these dirty thoughts you can’t help but be even more affected than usual.
“You take my cock like a pro, mh. You like it, don’t you, my pretty little slut? Oh, I just know you’re loving this. Bet your little vibrator couldn’t make you feel this good.”
He’s pressing down on your belly, making the pressure on your navel feel ten times more intense, and all you can focus on is how he’s spreading you open. “It’s so big Ran- Ah,” he thinks your words are gonna get to his head. He has to keep a solid grip on you not to melt at your praise, “Fuck Ran, please, please baby.”
“What is it that you want, use your words.”
“I wanna come, pleasee, I need it so bad,” He loves how polite you are, asking for it with a please. He’d give it to you no matter what, but he appreciates how much you’re trying for him. He knows you can get a little hot-headed, or maybe he just found that one field where you finally succumb and let others take care of you.
Ran reaches over to the forgotten toy and switches it back on before placing it over your neglected and pulsating clit. He never had anything against sex toys, he doesn’t see the harm in using them to bring more pleasure to his partners. He knows you could come from his cock alone, but he needs to feel you gushing around him right about now, before he loses it. He wants to see you dripping to the ground before he fills you up to the brim.
You grasp a handful of his hair and pull it without shame as he fucks you with abandon while rubbing your clit with the vibrating toy. He has to hold your thigh open with one of his big hands because you keep clenching your muscles, and he needs to watch as you come undone.
“Fuuck,” you’re cursing loudly, without a care for your poor neighbors who must be going crazy with the loud noises at such a late hour.
Ran is hitting all the right places, he’s prodding and searching all over your body like he needs to study it, to learn it, and knowing him and how attentive he is, you’re sure that the next time it will take him half of the time to get you there. Or maybe he’ll use his knowledge to drag it out like the teasing little shit he is.
But who said anything about a next time? You’re not even sure as to why the two of you have fallen into bed together, but what you know with certainty is that you’re perception of Ran has shifted the moment he cut his hair.
It might be crazy, ruining a years-long friendship over something so trivial, but it’s like your best friend Ran was the one with the braids, and the one you’re sitting on top of, who’s kissing your neck and whispering sweet praises in your ear, who’s bulkier and more charming and wears purple striped suits, is someone else entirely, but someone that you love all the same.
You’ll always cherish your braided Ran as your friend, but this older version of him will not be able to live inside your mind while battling your feelings as you’ve always done.
The man in the mirror looks at you with lust, but under all of that is the shade of his unchanging lavender hues, the ones who have been staring at you with unnamed affection for years. Maybe it’s time to let go of that uncertainty and fall into him once and for all.
“Ran, I’m gonna come.” He’s so good at reading your body already that he doesn’t stop, he just forgoes the vibrator opting to massage your clit with his thumb, spreading you open with two fingers, while his other hand reaches your boobs. He knows how sensitive they are, he remembers you telling him once, and that’s why he has avoided touching them until now.
His fingers alternate pinching and pulling at the erected nipples, and his hand grasps the entirety of your left beast to pull you down as you try to fight his thrusting and press you onto him.
He noses at your cheek, inviting you to meet him for a kiss. It’s a deep one, with tongues entangling and teeth bumping against each other, he has to rein you in as you’re panting and mumbling.
You don’t have the strength to speak anymore, but Ran knows the exact moment you dangle and trip over the edge because you squeeze him so tight he lets out a string of curses.
He feels you gushing around him, the squelch of wetness becoming even more loud making his cheeks tint red. He’s never been shy when it comes to sex, but the way he’s fucking you now it’s so nasty that he can’t believe how you’re letting him. His sweet girl.
Now that you’ve come on his cock, he slows down his hips to avoid overstimulating you, and he helps you regain your breathing as he kisses your cheek, “You’re doing so good, sweetheart. Mh- Fuck,” Your cunt is squeezing him so hard, coherent thoughts are slowly leaving his mind in favor of you. Nothing else matters now but you.
Ran has to gather all of his remaining strength to slip from you and lay you down on your white sheets. Big eyes are looking up at him as he just hung the moon and the stars, and from his position, he gets to watch your face contort in pleasure as he slides right back inside your wet heat.
“Ran-“ “I know, baby.” Your nails are raking down his chest, red marks showing up on the untattooed side of his body. Your neck is straining as you press the back of your head into the pillow, and he eyes the still unblemished skin before placing his lips on your pulse point, sucking and biting as he goes.
His thrusts are slow but deep, you can feel the heat building up in the pit of your belly all over again. You buck up against him, watching as he lets out moan after moan, getting closer to his end. He sounds so fucking good.
He wants to drag this out, scared of what might come after the both of you come down from your highs, so he pins down the side of your hips with one hand, resting on his hunches as he grasps both of your wrists in the other and raises them over your head.
He’s circling his hips now, rubbing his navel against your clit and relishing in all the pretty noises you’re letting out.
“Pretty girl- can you come fo’ me one more time? You’ve been s’good to me, gimme another. Just one- one more,” Ran’s voice is strangled, he’s trying to hide how much the pulsing of your cunt is affecting him, with very little success. His balls are strained and heavy with cum, he wants you to come around him as paints your walls in white.
You’re moving to break free from his grip but his strength doesn’t let you, so you try begging for him, “Rannn, more! Please, need more, I’m so close- Wanna cum.” You’re whining, sweat running down your body, he looks at how your skin is glistening and wants to lick you up.
Ran has never been able to tell you no, so he moves the hand that was holding you down to your neck, thumb resting over your pulse as he squeezes enough to make you feel it. His hips resume his thrusting with a purpose.
“Cream on my cock, ‘m gonna fill you up, angel,” and you do just that, on command. Ran thinks you ruined every other woman for him, right there and there. It’s like you were fucking made for him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, babygirl.”
He’s right behind you, mouth parting as he groans and repeats your name like a fucking prayer. You’re arching your back, your chests are pressed together and Ran swears he can hear the sound of your heartbeat as he fills you up with cum.
With scrunched-up eyebrows and eyelids fighting to stay open, his purple eyes are taking you in. Your legs are locked behind his back and his hips keep pressing against yours as he slowly drags out your highs, cum dripping down his thighs as he tries to fuck it back into you.
“Fuck, I feel so full,” you manage to let out in surprise after regaining your breath. Ran lets go of you the moment his mind is clearer, and when you feel him slip out from within you, for a moment you’re scared he’s gonna get dressed and leave you laying there.
But Ran just parts your legs before you can close them in shyness, and takes one good look at the mess you’ve both made before diving in. He’s happy he’s gotten to fuck you raw, so now he gets to taste how good you are together.
You’re still so sensitive that when his tongue makes contact with your folds, you tremble. He takes his time in eating it out of you, loud smacks and wet noises can be heard as he does, along with his hums of approval, “Mhh, taste so fucking good, baby. Wanna try?”
You furiously nod at that, dragging him away from your heat before he gets in his head that he needs to make you come again; you don’t think you’d be able to do that now, the overstimulation from those simple touches already taking you to the verge of crying for him.
Ran finally kisses you again, tongue slipping past your lips to make do with his promise, and you moan in appreciation at the taste of you combined. Everything he does is just so fucking hot.
He doesn’t stop once you do, and risks stripping you of your breath completely, but you’re not any better. The last thing you want now is for him to not kiss you anymore, so you grip his infamous hair once again, scratching his scalp with your nails as you’ve always liked doing to get a reaction out of him.
Ran shakes in your hold, he has to pull away or he’s gonna fuck you all over. He can feel himself getting hard against your thigh, so he decides to leave your embrace. He’s aware of the elephant in the room, and his maturity is screaming at him to talk things out before he can fall right back into it.
“Ran… please, don’t leave,” he glances back at you because of the way your voice breaks while muttering that sentence. His heart clenches when he sees your lash line glisten with unshed tears, so his hands find their way to your pretty face to hold it as he stands close to the edge of the bed, bending over you. He kisses the tip of your nose, then takes your mouth in a chaste kiss.
“‘M not going anywhere, my love. Just need to take care of my pretty girl. Give me one minute and I’ll be right back, okay?”
A simple “‘mkay,” leaves your lips in a mumble, and Ran helps remove the sheet from under your spent body to cover you with it before leaving the room.
It takes you a few seconds to elaborate on everything. Aside from what happened in the past hour, you’re now fixating on the names he just called you. My love. My pretty girl.
His? You definitely are, you just didn’t think he knew.
Once he steps back in the room, you notice he’s cleaned himself up and wore his discarded boxers. You take him in while he walks closer, silently appreciating his physique as you’re used to doing. But this time you get to recognize the bruises and red marks littering his body as something you’ve done yourself.
As promised, he’s carrying a wet towel and a bottle of water, and he carefully cleans you up with the former.
After making sure you’re hydrated, he settles by your side under the sheets and drapes his arms around your waist as both of you lay on your respective sides, facing one another.
“I was planning on giving you a gift, after the party was over, y’know? But you just had to run away,” he lets out a big sigh, as if thinking back to your fight makes him drained all over again.
“What is it?” You ask, as curious as always. He loves this side of you. He loves you, actually.
“I gave Rin one of my braids after I cut them off. I was thinking about giving you the other one,” your eyes widen, and the movement of your fingers running over his collarbone stops as you ponder over his words. “I know how much you like them, so did I. Want my two favorite people to keep them safe for me.”
Your heart has never beaten this fast, you think it might start overheating and set your whole body on fire. You bat your eyelashes, willing the tears away as you hook your hands under his face, gently stroking his jaw.
“Thank you,” is the last thing you whisper before closing the distance, repaying him with another short but sweet kiss.
When you separate, you lean your forehead against his and he softly calls your name. In the closeness of your embrace, you meet his lavender haze, “I love you.”
The only thing that follows his sentence is silence. You think you must’ve fallen asleep, this has to be another one of your dreams, one of those sweet ones you used to have when Ran still had his braids and the two of you were younger.
Ran could easily take your stillness as an answer. He could fall victim to his hidden insecurities and make you think he meant it in a platonic way to somewhat try and save what remains of your friendship. But he knows that no matter what your response to his confession might be, he wouldn’t take it back for the world. There’s simply no getting over you.
“Don’t misunderstand,” He knows how much you overthink, that’s why he should’ve said this before. “I’m in love with you, always have been.”
You think your heart must’ve stopped completely now.
“Ran…” “Sh, I know, it’s okay.” He feels the need to comfort you straight away, to let you know that not sharing his feelings is okay. He’s always gonna be there for you, no matter what. “God, Ran, I love you so much.”
The lips that suddenly find his, again and again, are not the only thing taking his breath away. Both of you cannot believe how stupid you are, how you’ve been in love this whole time while thinking the other could never see you that way. His hands are all over your heated skin, caressing down your back as you hold him closer.
“Want you to be mine, baby.”
“‘m yours Ran,” his kisses are spreading everywhere he can reach, he’s getting drunk on you once again. Bitten lips part to let out panting breaths, and you notice soon enough how the newfound confessions are affecting not only yours truly.
Heady eyes and tinted cheeks present themselves to you. You think the marron of his natural blush and the shade of purple staining his pale skin look a lot like the color of the hair that started this all. You love it already, just like you love him.
And Ran lets you happily grip onto it as he takes you again and again, that night. No more wet dreams that leave you running away from him, he’s gonna make sure to fill your nights with something that’ll make you want him even closer, every day, from now on.
Right before falling asleep, as dawn leaves space for daylight behind your closed curtains, you take one last look at your sleepy Ran.
You comb back his messy hair to uncover his pretty face, softly kissing his forehead before falling into a dreamless sleep. There’s no need for dreaming anymore, you have everything you want and need right here in your arms.
Might have to send his hairstylist a bottle of wine as thanks, though.
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restlesspazzi04 · 2 months
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Love Island: A Pazzi Fic
Part 1: Day 3
Genre: I've somehow managed to think up a forbidden love/enemies to lovers/reformed player/slow burn love island fic all together so imma pat myself on the back bc ive been getting so many asks for all five
This is just the introduction chapter to a series that will be very loosely updated as it's more of a fun project i'm working on but hope you guys enjoy because this is just me riding off the love island hyperfixation im in lol
Extra Note: this is will be on tumblr only mainly bc this series will be trash and purely for my self entertainment so idc as much. slow falling will remain on ao3 only :)
ik some people have difficulty reading on tumblr tho so if i get enough asks i will put this on ao3 if its easier
word count: 3.2k (this will fluctuate depending on my mood)
Format Clarification:
When the contestant name is in front of the text, that means it's a cutaway and not actually said in the villa!
anything in italics is to be read in Iain Stirling voice please i love him
Day 3:
It's day 3 and it's heating up in the villa! Will the current couples pass the test of temptation as two new bombshells enter for the ultimate challenge? Find out here on Love Island USA: WLW Sports Edition! 
When Paige first got the call that she was nominated for Love Island, she knew who put her name in the sea of women’s athletes picked for the show. With her social media agents wanting to get the “player” allegations away from her image to make herself more marketable, she was a shoo-in for the show. 
Paige was confident in her coupling. Ellie, the Olympic swimmer from Australia, was up her ally of girls: hot, brunette, and gay. They had been going strong for the first three days in the villa, with Ellie picking Paige on Day 1 coupling. In the mess of drama the other couples were whirlwind into, they had remained together as a voice of reason. 
“I’m just not really feeling her I don’t know,” Kate groans, slapping the ping pong ball back to Paige. 
“Bro it’s been three days and you’re already tired of your match? Couldn’t be me.” Paige responds, returning the ball. 
Kate and Paige being the only WNBA athletes in the villa naturally stuck together as close friends, being each other's confidants on Love Island. They had the common ground of basketball solidifying their sisterhood and frequently took each other's advice.
“It’s not that. I just feel like there’s no spark. Sarah is great and all, but I can’t imagine spending the rest of my villa time with her.”
“Why don’t you explore your options tonight if we recouple? That’ll start some crazy drama.” Paige laughs mischievously, wiggling her eyebrows at an unamused Kate Martin. 
“All the other couples are pretty locked in and I don’t wanna be a homewrecker… plus they’re probably bringing in new bombshells today if I got the formula right. Hopefully, they’re my type because I don’t think it’s working out for me and Sarah. ” 
“New bombshells? I mean none of them better be basketball players. That’s Ellie’s type to a T. It was hard enough fighting against you.” Paige jokes, slightly concerned at the idea of new people. It wasn’t like she and Ellie were completely locked in, but Paige knew she’d be at risk of getting kicked off the show if any of the new bombshells coupled up with Ellie.
“Ellie is not my type. She’s too nice. I need some passion in my girl." 
“I like nice. She’s sweet and brings me orange juice in the morning.” Paige says, dropping her paddle when Kate sends the ball flying past her head, "Drama stresses me out. That's why Ellie is perfect for me."
“Nah, I like a little fight. It’s hot when a girl is mad at you… you should know better than me ‘Miss Star Point Guard on the Golden State Valkyries’. Aren’t women always fighting over you?” 
“I already told you I’m not a player in the real world or the villa. Why does no one on the island believe me?” Paige exclaims, plopping down on the way-to-colorful couch in the Villa playroom. 
“I don’t know… maybe you’re insane eye contact with everyone you meet?” Kate says sarcastically, taking her seat next to Paige. 
“Blame my parents! They’re the ones who told me that eye contact is respectful." Paige argues before adding, "I can’t help I got beautiful eyes.” 
“Shut u-"
Kate is effectively cut off when KK Harvey starts screaming "I GOT A TEXT" throughout the entire villa, everyone making their way to the poolside where she was sitting.
"Islanders please gather at the fire pit for a surprise! #WatchOutCouples #Bout to drop a bomb!" KK reads loudly, the whole villa shouting in response.
"Welp, I guess this is your moment to find a new girl." Paige sighs, making her way over to the fire pit.
"Not yours?"
"Nope, I'm pretty happy with Ellie."
"You sure about that? Not even keeping an open eye?" Kate teased, ragging on Paige's loyalty.
"I'm definitely not re-coupling with some newcomer." Paige asserts firmly. 
"If you say so." 
As the Islanders all flock to the firepit, taking their seats next to their partners, they await for further instruction. 
“I GOT A TEXT!” Kate hoots out as the other islanders get excited, “It says ‘Get ready as your two new bombshells join you guys in the villa! #AreYouReady?’”
Paige looks over at Ellie, who’s already gripping tighter on Paige’s arm at the news of Bombshells. 
“I hope they’re not your type,” Ellie whispers shyly into Paige’s ear. It was a cute gesture, one that should’ve made Paige blush. Paige just gives her a reassuring squeeze on the arm, leaning in to whisper back. 
“I already got a beautiful girl, don’t worr-”
Paige is interrupted as shouting rings through the villa as two new girls make their way into the villa. 
“Bro, can you see her?” Kate says, pulling Paige up immediately as two figures appear in the distance. 
“Not with you jumping on my shoulders.” Paige retorts back, leaning up to get a better look, “They’re tall.”  
“Wait, I think I recognize one of them,” Kate says with her eyes squinted
Kate: You guys are ruthless in bringing my exact type. Fuck, I want to stay loyal to Sarah but I do still want to keep my options open, you know?
Paige has to brace herself for this entrance. She recognized the two bombshells immediately as they got closer. The WNBA world was small and both of these contestants were prominent figures in the league. Azzi Fudd and Nika Muhl, the star guards for the LA Sparks would be joining the girls on the island. 
“No way they brought in more girls from the league!” Kate whispers into Paige’s ear. 
“Did they run out of gays for other sports? Or is the league just super gay?” Paige responds in a nervous whisper. Ellie had literally told Paige on the first day that her type was basketball girls and it was one of the main reasons why Ellie had picked her. It was not to Paige’s advantage to have multiple girls chasing after her girl. 
“Wait, I know both of them. We worked out together at Kelsey Plum’s dawg class for a few days. She’s super hot not gonna lie.” Kate whispered lowly so Sarah wouldn’t hear. 
“Oh yeah, I’ve met them a few times. Did you know that they both were gonna come to UCONN but chose UCLA last minute?” Paige droned on, her eyes oddly trained on Azzi as they finally reached the fire pit. It suddenly dawned on Paige that she had never seen the younger girl in a bikini and it set an uncomfortable fire ablaze in her stomach. 
Azzi: Hi, my name is Azzi Fudd and I’m a 5’ 11” shooting guard for the Sparks. I wanted to come to Love Island to find my future wife and make a strong connection with someone. I have been in a lot of relationships and they don’t seem to go well for me, so I hope I find my match here!
Nika: I’m Nika Muhl and I’m a 6’ foo-
Azzi: 5’ 10” don’t lie Nika
Nika: Don’t cut me off! Anyway, I’m a point guard for the LA Sparks and I wanted to come to Love Island to finally find my love match and establish a strong connection. I’m super excited to meet the Islanders. 
Another text sound rings through the air, coming from Azzi’s hand. 
“Bombshell’s Azzi and Nika, Pick two people to go on dates with tomorrow before bed tonight. Have fun getting to know everyone tonight in the villa! #newcomers #shootyourshot!” Azzi read out, inciting excitement through the villa again. 
“Hey you’re Azzi and Nika, right? Guard’s on the Sparks?” Coco asks, making room for them around the fire pit to welcome them. 
“Yeah, we’re shocked they picked us to go together since we knew each other. You’re Coco Gauff. I’m a big fan.” Azzi gushes, hugging Coco. 
“Hey Kate,” Nika says, acknowledging the blonde in the crowd as she scans around, “How’s the island?” 
“Good. Surprised to see you guys here but I’m hyped. We need more basketball representation in here.” Kate jokes. 
“We get enough ‘basketball is the best sport’ debating from these two. Now we got more.” KK Harvey jokes, motioning to the two basketball blondes in the pit. 
“Basketball is amazing though, you gotta admit.” Azzi plays along, earning a few lighthearted groans from the rest of the villa. 
“Just promise you shut up Paige before she goes on a whole rant. Kate just eggs on that little pest.” Coco groans. 
“I’m never wrong Coco, don’t play with me. Tennis is fun but basketball is art.” Paige says, earning more groans from the group. “Do you guys know who you wanna pull for chats?” Ellie asks the two bombshells, jutting into the conversation. 
“Um, I have my eyes on a few people but I’m gonna see for the next few hours as I get to know more people on the island,” Nika responds. 
“We know you guys are in couples right now, but we just wanted to wait until we got to know more people’s vibes,” Azzi adds, looking around all the girls in the pit. A few couples had already gone off to different parts of the villa, but she was getting a good look at everyone left. There were a few people on her radar and a few people who weren’t. 
Azzi: Kate was making some pretty clear eye contact with me, but she’s on my “pulling for chats” roster.
The group spends the next few minutes getting to know each other and filling in the two on the island news. Paige tried to focus on Ellie squeezing her arm, but she was distracted by things she couldn’t comprehend. 
Things such as Azzi Fudd making flashing bouts of eye contact with her to no end. Paige was not one to falter at strong eye contact, but she couldn’t help but grow slightly nervous under the shooting guard's gaze. It wasn’t rare for Paige to catch the eye of someone. New people entering the villa the past few days had flocked to her, but she rejected them to no avail to remain loyal to Ellie. It was still fun flirting and making stable eye contact was one of her specialties. But Azzi Fudd seemed to be looking at her with a specific glint that Paige couldn’t pinpoint. 
Paige: Did you guys see the way she was looking at me? I can’t tell if she wants me in her bed or wants me dead.  
Annoyance? Lust? Hatred? C’mon Paige tell us what you see!
“So you guys want a little villa tour?” Kate asks suddenly while stepping slightly closer to Azzi, “It’s super nice.” 
The group makes their way around the villa, showing the two new islanders all the spots. Ellie and Paige stayed hand-in-hand as they walked, Ellie refusing to let go. Even when Paige got closer to Azzi coincidentally, the shooting guard would make it a point to take two steps away and it didn’t help that Ellie was pulling her in the other direction. They end up at the rooms as they finish off the night, the girls entering their assigned makeup rooms to get ready for bed. Azzi is put into Paige, Kate, Coco, and KK’s room, getting spilt up from Nika. 
“So Azzi, what do you think of the villa?” Coco asks while wiping her makeup off. 
“It’s nice, bigger than I expected. Soul ties are a lot more secretive than I thought.” Azzi answers, unpacking her bags. 
“Yeah, a lot of shit goes down there. If you go to soul ties at night we know you’re fucking or something.” KK laughs. 
“Do you know who you’re picking for your dates tomorrow? You get two right?” Paige asks, speaking up for the first time. 
“Yeah, two. I’m not sure who I’m picking yet. I think they’re asking me to pick in an hour so I have time to think in the shower.” 
“What’s your type?” Kate asks Azzi boldly, getting an approval look from Paige. 
“Uhh, I tend to focus a lot on personality. Just someone who can match my competitiveness and my energy. But if we’re talking looks, I tend to go for tall blondes.” Azzi says casually, immediately getting Kate to snap her eyes to Paige. 
Paige: Is Azzi flirting with me or Kate? If it’s me, I’m in trouble. Ellie is not going to be happy if I go on a date tomorrow. 
“Is there a separate shower room? I need to unpack my bottles.” Azzi says while standing up.
“Yeah, it’s down the hall to the left. That’s where our group showers.” Coco instructs, getting a nod of thank you before Azzi leaves. 
“Hold up, was she talking about me?” Kate polls the group the second Azzi safely leaves the room, “Or was she walking about the other two blondies?” 
“I think she was just stating her type buddy.” KK Harvey jokes, “Plus, she’s totally talking about me. She’s been giving me the eyes.”  
“Really?” Paige chimes in curiously, “Like slightly angry but confusingly hot?” 
“No, like she wanna look into my soul…What type of looks is she giving you?” KK questions. 
“Nothing… she wasn’t really looking at me, just wondering,” Paige adds quickly. She was probably just overthinking due to the reveal of her type. 
“Back off KK, you’re happy with Kylie. Sarah and I have been distant for days.” Kate playfully challenges. 
“Kylie’s great, but Azzi and Nika are hot, not going to lie. I kinda hope I get to go on the date with them. Don’t tell Kylie though, she might kill me.” 
“As long as you don’t tell Sarah. I wanna test my connection with the bombshells but I don’t want to blindside Sarah.” 
“You guys are acting like Azzi and Nika want you guys. She could be talking about girls in the other room.” Coco jokes, butting into the heated debate.
“Please, Coco. We get it. You and Paige are in happy little couples and don’t need to worry about recoupling. I would say Kylie would leave me the second another hockey girl comes in here.” KK says sarcastically before adding, “I’ve never gone for a basketball girl before.” 
“I have. And I know them better than you loser. Azzi said tall, that means basketball. She was clearly talking about me.” Kate argues back. 
“I’ll be right back,” Paige says suddenly, jumping from her makeup chair. 
“Where are you going?” Kate asks as Paige starts exiting the room. 
“Just going to chat with Azzi for a bit. Nothing serious. I’ll be back in 30 seconds.” Paige says quickly, ignoring any questioning she got from the group. 
Paige makes her way down the hall, knocking twice on the shower room door before it slowly squeaks open.
“It’s unlocked,” Azzi says simply, her composure even. 
“Oh. Some people are uncomfortable with people coming in during showers so I always knock. Wasn’t sure if you were showering.” 
“Nope, just unpacking,” Azzi says shortly, confusing Paige again, “Do you need to shower? I can leave.” 
“Oh, no. I actually wanted to talk to you real quick before you pick your dates for tomorrow.” Paige starts. 
“Sure, what did you want to talk about?” Azzi asks cautiously, continuing to organize her skincare on her shelf. 
“I just wanted to let you know that I’m in a pretty solid connection with Ellie and I don’t want you to waste your date on me because I’m mostly taken. You can still pick me, but I just want to be transparent from the beginning before we get to know each other.” Paige says while sitting up on the sink.
Azzi stood up from her packing, giving Paige a focused look of mild confusion. 
“What makes you think I’m picking you?” Azzi asks with an even tone, eyes unwavering from Paige’s. 
“Well, you said tall blondes are your type and that’s only me and Kate. So I assumed you’d use your two picks on us.” Paige says, slightly less confident.
Azzi steps closer to Paige, closing the gap between them. 
“Is it true that if you take off your top they can’t air it because it’s nudity?” Azzi whispers into Paige’s ear, pulling the blonde in. 
“Uh, yeah? They can’t air it. But they get kinda annoyed when we do it and talk about villa stuff.” Paige whispers shakily into Azzi’s ear. 
“Turn your head,” Azzi says as she takes two steps back, swiftly taking off her bikini top.
Paige had never swiveled so hard, almost falling off the sink counter. Paige turned her head halfway before she realized she could see Azzi in the mirror reflection, leading her to close her eyes as fast as possible.
“I know your reputation in the league, but I’m not trying to air out your business on TV, so I’m going to speak like this,” Azzi yells out before turning around, “You can turn around now, it’s just my back.” 
Paige opens her eyes to see Azzi��s long braids flowing down her bare back, the only article of clothing being her bottom bikini. Azzi turned her head to speak. 
“How are you going to judge me on my so-called reputation?” Paige questioned back, getting offended at the “Player” accusations she hated. 
“You ghosted one of my friends, so don’t act surprised I’m cautious of you. I came to the Villa to find love and take home the win.” 
“So did I. You haven’t seen me with Ellie. I have a lot of layers, you’d be surprised.” Paige says with a smirk, her voice growing bolder. 
“Layers? Yeah, ten layers of player. I know what you did to Alyssa.” 
“Alyssa? Who’s that?” Paige asks, racking her brain for possible Alyssa’s in her past.
“Jesus, you don’t even remember her. That’s crazy.” Azzi scoffs accusatorily, “Anyway, don’t worry. I won’t pick you for the date, I’m not going to intrude on you and Ellie. Seems like you guys are happy.” 
Paige watches as Azzi slips her bikini back on. Watching the muscles on her back contract as she pulls her top over her head. Her bare skin was addicting to look 
So addicting, Paige was caught red-handed admiring her as Azzi turned back around. 
“You sure you're happy with Ellie?” Azzi jokes dryly. 
“Very. She’s a great girl. Exactly my type.” Paige challenges back, leaning her body toward Azzi. 
“What is your type, Paige?” 
“Hot, Brunette, Pretty Eyes,” Paige says a little quieter as Azzi steps a little too close for comfort. 
“I see,” Azzi answers, nodding her head. 
“Don’t think I’m calling you my type. You just happen to fit it.” Paige adds weakly. 
“You saying I got pretty eyes? I know I'm the other two.” Azzi asks playfully, opening the door to the shower room. 
“Maybe. Let me look into them longer and I’ll decide.” Paige chirps back, a surge of confidence coursing through her. 
“In your dreams, Bueckers.” Azzi sings out with a laugh as she takes her exit, leaving a mildly dazed Paige on the sink. 
This was certainly going to be an interesting summer in the Villa for Paige. 
A/N: I apologize if this is shit, this is just funny for me.
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weneepie · 1 month
HEYYY !! I have a request 😼what about reader who want to go out late a night to ser her friend having a hatd time without warning jason and suddenly jason come back of patrol more earlier and scold her , but reader is upset about jason reaction , but jason just want to protect her …
worried w/ red hood rules | m.list
note. hiii! thank you sm for your request omg i love jason sm of course i'd do that ; worried jason is adorable, my boy is doing his best <3 feel free to request anything else!
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You were supposed to be here. He left you alone in your apartment before he left for his night patrol. So why weren’t you here anymore? Where were you? Jason thought he was about to go crazy. He was searching everywhere, calling your phone, but you weren’t answering at all.
Yes, he came back earlier than usual, but it wasn't a reason to disappear, was it? What if something bad had happened while he was gone? Jason was making the worst scenarios in his head. Until he heard the sound of the door opening. He turned around and you arrived in the living room, a bit surprised. 
You didn’t have the time to say anything that Jason was standing in front of you, a visible frown across his eyebrows. “Where the hell were you?!” His voice was too loud, too angry ; you didn’t like that at all. You slowly raised an eyebrow at his tone, feeling the slight irritation growing inside of you. 
“My friend needed me, so I left to see her.” You explained but it didn’t calm Jason at all. “You know Gotham’s not safe at night. What if you got attacked, or worse?” He was clearly angry, but it simply made you angry too. You weren’t a child, you didn’t need him to act like he was your own father. 
“Quit yelling at me, would ya?” Your tone was harsh, and it caught him off guard. He wasn’t so used to any reaction like this from you, so he was taken aback. He was about to answer when you pointed at his chest, looking into his eyes. “I don’t need you to protect myself, Jason. I’m a grown adult!” And in those words, you left the living room to get locked up in the bathroom. You really needed a shower. 
Jason stayed alone in here, standing up and a bit lost about what just happened. Did he get too far? He knew you were strong enough to defend yourself ; he loved you for that. But he couldn’t help it ; he was always worried when he knew you were alone in the streets at night. He meant what he said: Gotham wasn’t safe at all, and he knew what he was talking about. 
He saw so many people get hurt without any reason, and he was just so scared to lose you. Anger was his only way to express those feelings, but making you mad was the last thing he ever wanted. So he sat on the couch and waited for you to get out of the bathroom. It took you long minutes, and he was almost falling asleep. Or at least, he would have if he wasn’t thinking so much about what he wanted to tell you. 
When you joined the living room again, your gaze met his figure and you rolled your eyes. You sat next to him in silence, hating this stupid sad look on his face. You hated to see it, but he needed to understand what was wrong. Jason took your hand softly in his. “Look at me, please… I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to react like this.” You turned around, meeting his eyes ; and he knew he wasn’t lying. There was too much sincerity in it for that ; you knew him by heart. 
You stayed silent, waiting for him to keep going for a moment. He breathed out softly, leaving a gentle kiss against your knuckles. “I was just… worried. I’m always so scared when you’re alone out there. I know you’re strong ; but those guys can be crazy.” And how could you blame him? You knew Jason got through hell because of one of them. You finally completely turned to face him, grabbing both his hands between yours. 
“I’m not angry because you’re worried. I am because you yelled at me like I was completely dumb and not careful.” He slowly nodded at your words, understanding that he didn’t react the way he should have. Your hand gently moved to his cheek so you could stroke it with your thumb so slightly. Jason leaned onto your touch, eyes now closed at the feeling. 
You felt like home for him, and he’d rather die than having to lose this feeling once more. He left a soft kiss against the palm of your hand, making you smile lightly. “I’d be careful with my reactions,” he told you, looking back at your eyes. You leaned forward a little, leaving a small peck against his lips. “And I won’t leave without telling you where I am.” 
A silent agreement, so things could work. Jason was making so many efforts for you, all the time ; the less you could do was to do some efforts too. Moreover, Jason was clearly worth it. The boy needed a comfort and safe place to calm his home ; and you were ready to be this for him.
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thank you!!
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enhas-pov · 1 month
Hey i was asking if u could make heeseung “My stalker “, can u add like second boy lead like jake so it be more interesting more LIKE ADD JAKE LIKE HES YN’S EX HE CAME BACK SO IT BE MORE INTERESTING LIKE HEESEUNG GETS JEALOUS HELPPP 😭 (sorry if it’s bad idea i sucks at it 😭🙏🏻)
my stalker pt.2
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summary: after heeseung successfully kidnapped reader, he practically owns her now. after being stuck in heeseung’s home for a while, he finally lets her go out with him. but what happens when they stumble upon reader’s ex boyfriend, jake?
warnings: unprotected sex, fingering, kidnapping, torture, crying, blood, gore, yandere, obsessive behavior, jealousy issues, (and probably more)
word count: 5.8k
note: thank u for the idea😭 i was stuck on what to make part 2 about, but i hope u like it!! (‼️i’ve also not read through it, so ignore any mistakes‼️)
i don’t know how long he’s held me captive for. i’ve been in here for what feels like years, but it’s probably just been a few days. he’s been coming in and out with food and a change of clothes. i have to change in front of him every time which makes me feel disgusted. he hasn’t told me his name, i don’t know his age, i don’t know how he knows all of these things about me, he’s still a complete stranger in my eyes. if he’s gonna keep me all to himself, i might as well be able to go around freely around his home right? i can’t be stuck in this basement forever. i need to convince him to let me out of here.
“sorry for late dinner. i was busy” he walked in holding a plate filled with food in his hands. he sat down next to me and placed the meal in my lap. he also sits down with me until i’m finished eating, i guess that’s kinda nice of him. in my opinion it’s better than being all alone. “can i ask you something..?” i ask nervously. he hums in response while he looks at me. “can you-“ i pause as i felt scared to ask him to let me out, what if he’ll start going mad? “don’t stop on my account. go on” i felt his hand sliding over my thigh making me even more nervous. “can you let me out of here? ..please” i could feel his eyes on me even tho i had my head lowered. “remember what i told you?” “unfortunately, i can’t trust you yet. you’ll still have to stay down here until i can” “you can trust me. please, i don’t like being here all by myself” i heard him sigh before he got back up on his feet. “sorry pretty. no can do” “but-“ “___.” the sound of his voice when he said my name, it sounded like a warning. i kept quiet as he made his way out, but he stopped at the sound of my voice again. “can i at least take a bath? i feel dirty..” he turned back around and i expected him to start yelling at me for talking again, but he actually agreed to it? “fine.. get up” i quickly stood up and walked over to him. he placed his hand in mine as he lead me out of the basement. the second we walked upstairs my eyes went straight to the windows. finally seeing daylight after being locked up for a few days felt amazing. all though, i couldn’t recognize where we were. i could see a field and that was it. when we reached the bathroom, i didn’t expect him to close the door behind him. was he gonna watch me take a bath? he’s weirder than i thought.. “are you staying?” i asked him. you could hear how nervous i was at the sound of my voice. “uhuh” i watched him cross his arms and lean against the sink. “can’t risk anything. who knows? you could try to drown yourself or maybe even jump out of that window” he said, his finger pointing at the window next to the bathtub. “i wouldn’t do that” did he really think i was gonna try and kill myself? “enough chit chatting. get undressed” he suddenly said. he was still stood watching me, it made me slightly uncomfortable. i didn’t want to get naked in front of him. “could you- can you turn around, please..?” he looked me up and down before slowly turning around, i sighed in relief when he did. i started with removing my top along with my bra and then my sweatpants along with my underwear. i sat myself down in the bathtub and immediately loved the feeling of the warm water against my skin, i had forgotten how much i missed it.
when he heard my body touch the water, he turned back around to face me. i looked up and saw him eyeing my body. he couldn’t see much since i had covered my chest with my hands and closed my legs. it was completely silent, he wasn’t saying anything and neither was i. i wanted to know more about him but i was afraid to ask. should i? the worst thing he can say is no, right? “i never got your name” i say, breaking the silence. he eyes left my body as he was now making eye contact. “why do you wanna know my name, pretty?” he asked, tilting his head to the side. “i’m gonna stay here with you.. right?” he nodded, “that’s the plan” “then, i’d like to know who i’m staying with” how long would i be staying with him for tho? weeks? months? years? “i guess not knowing my name would be kinda weird. since, you know.. you’ll be staying with me forever” forever? i’m gonna be trapped in this hell hole forever? no, i refuse. i don’t even know this guy. he seems like a creep and- “heeseung” huh? “lee heeseung” heeseung. so that’s what his name is. “heeseung.. lee heeseung.. hee.. seung-“ “what are you doing?” he asked by cutting me off. “i just.. you call me pretty a lot and so- i just thought that maybe i’d.. make a nickname for you as well?” i stuttered which made a smile appear on his face. it was softer than usual. “cute” was all he said. “so what’s my nickname?” i went back to thinking of one, “maybe.. seungie?” i heard him chuckle before he shook his head. “do you not like it? i can make up a new one-“ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ “no, no. i like it” i watched him grab a towel and walk towards me with it. he turned his head, looking away from me while he held the towel out for me to grab. i stood up with water dripping from my body as i grabbed the towel out of his hand. i wrapped it around my body and stepped out of the bathtub. i brought my hand up and tapped on his shoulder, signaling for him to turn around. once he did, his eyes didn’t go straight to my body this time. maybe he wasn’t that much of a pervert as i thought. he grabbed my by my hand and walked me out of the bathroom and lead me all the way over to his bedroom. his room was huge, he even had a king sized bed. he handed me a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers. “i should probably get you some new underwear..” he said while scratching the back of his neck. “this is okay for now” i reassured him. “thank you, seungie” he smiled before turning around again so that i could change into the pair of clothes he gave me. i started changing after the towel fell off my body and dropped onto the floor.
“we can try” he said out of nowhere. “what?” i asked, watching him turn around to look at me again. “you can stay up here. you’ll sleep in the same bed as me and you get to walk around the house freely” was he serious? all i wanted was to not be in that basement. i swear i’ve never been happier. “really? thank you-“ i was happy and excited until he suddenly stopped me. he placed his hand at the back of my head and pushed my face closer to his. “if you ever try to run away from me, ___. i’ll lock you in that basement forever. got it?” the fear that i didn’t notice had disappeared came right back at that moment. his words scared me, the way his voice sounded, it made me feel unsafe. i nodded slightly at his words as i was too scared to talk back to him. he smiled, patting my head before he took a few steps back. “i want you to know that i have cameras in every corner of this house, in case you were thinking of running away while i’m gone” the thought of running away actually hadn’t crossed my mind. i wouldn’t try to anyway, i’m too scared of what he’ll do to me. but what did he mean by when he’s gone? “while you’re gone?” i asked him with my eyebrows furrowed. “i usually leave the house everyday to go back to town” i knew it. when i looked out the window i wasn’t familiar with where we were. “how long does it take to get to town?” he looked at me in silence for a while, like he was debating on whether to tell me or not. “about an hour” he says. an hour? he definitely thought this through. even if i planned on escaping, there’s no chance i’d get home to safety in time before heeseung would get to me first. “get in bed. i’ll be right with you” i watched him walk out through the door and i was left alone in his bedroom. i sat myself down on his bed before moving the blanket to the side and pulling it over my body, placing my head down on the pillow after. i think the reason to why heeseung suddenly changed his mind about me not having to stay in the basement, was because i gained a little bit of his trust. if i continue being nice to him and follow his rules maybe there’s a chance i could leave the house one day. maybe i could go back to town and see my mom again, maybe even ningning? i was lost in my thoughts, but brought back quickly when i felt heeseung wrap his arms around my waist. i felt his bare chest against my back and his hot breath fanning over my neck. for some reason, the feeling was comforting. i didn’t feel scared.. i actually felt kinda safe in his arms.
i woke up the next day expecting heeseung to be asleep next to me, but to my surprise he wasn’t. i was confused, but i didn’t stress much about it since i had slept so good. i was sleeping on a hard cold floor for the past few days, finally sleeping in a bed was all i needed. i sat myself up and stretched my arms out in the air. i was about to get up before i noticed a note on the bedside table. did heeseung write it? i reached out, grabbing the note before i started reading it. “i’ve left to go back to town. i’ll be back soon, but in the meantime i expect you to be good. think of it as a test. i’ll be grading you based on the choices you make while i’m gone. i’ve also left something out for you in the kitchen” a test? he’ll be grading me? as long as i don’t try to leave everything will be fine, right? i placed the note back on the bedside table before i got up from bed, making my way over to the kitchen. i stopped in my tracks once i had entered the kitchen. i was surprised at what i saw, pancakes on a plate and a bowl of strawberries with a glass of orange juice. did he really prepare breakfast for me? i smiled before i took a seat and got right into eating. i was starving, so i couldn’t help myself. i mostly spent the rest of the day looking around the house. and i’m not gonna lie, looking through the windows made wanting to escape very tempting, but i didn’t take the chance.
what ___ didn’t know was that heeseung didn’t leave to go back to town, he was sat in his car parked not too far down the road. what was he doing? he was watching her every move through the cameras he had told her about. he wanted to know if he really could trust her, and maybe he actually could. he watched her wake up and eat the breakfast he prepared for her. she walked around the house, looked at a few stuff which didn’t bother heeseung at all. he noticed how she would stop by every window she walked past, and for a second there he thought she was planning on escaping, but she was just stood there looking out the window. he thought she’d at least open it for the fresh air, but she didn’t, and he slowly started gaining more trust for her. what heeseung couldn’t stop thinking about was last night, when ___ fell asleep. his hands would travel up and down her body, god knows how many times. he loved the feeling of his hands against her soft skin. but what heeseung couldn’t stop thinking of the most was when she would rub her ass against his bulge. he’d groan every time she did, but quite enough so he wouldn’t wake her. heeseung wanted to pull his dick out and start fucking her from behind in her sleep right there, but he managed to stop himself from doing so.
i was sat on the couch while some random movie was playing on the tv. i kept on looking at the clock as i watched the time pass by, when will heeseung come back? what a coincidence. right as i was thinking about him, i heard the front door unlock and i saw him walk in. he took his jacket off, placing it on the standing rack before he took his shoes off while i watched him patiently. he walked over to the couch where i was sat, he stood over me and looked down. i looked back up at him which made me kinda nervous since he was just standing there without saying a word. he brought his hand up next to my face and placed a strand of hair behind my ear. i gave him a small smile, he bit his lip in response. “i got you something, since you were a good girl and listened to me” he said and that’s when i noticed he was holding a jewelry box in his other hand. he sat down next to me on the couch before he placed it in my lap. at first, i thought it was the necklace he had given me that i threw away, but to my surprise it wasn’t. the second i opened it i felt tears start forming in my eyes. “how’d you get this..?” it was a necklace of mine that i lost a long time ago. it was from my mom, she gave it to me when i was a little girl and now that i’m seeing it again it’s only making me emotional. “i have my ways” he grabbed the necklace out of the jewelry box, moving my hair to the side before he helped me put it on. “thank you, seungie” my voice cracked due to the fact that i was literally about to start crying, i missed my mom. heeseung noticed i was getting upset and he seemed to actually care. “hey, don’t cry. you’re okay” i felt his hand stroking my thigh. i think he was trying to comfort me? “i want to see my mom..” i lowered my head as tears began rolling down my cheek. i only heard him let out a big sigh. he leaned back against the couch, running his hand through his hair. “___. you know i can’t allow that” he moved his hand away from my thigh and placed it on my back instead. he sat there with his leg bouncing while he was listening to my quiet sobs. “alright. listen, i’ll take you out tomorrow, yeah?” i lifted my head up, turning around to face him. “r-really..?” he cupped my face with both of his hands, wiping my tears away with his thumbs. “anything to make you happy, pretty” i took a moment to admire his features. he wasn’t bad after all, he was pretty attractive i’ll admit. but there was something about him that made me want to just.. without thinking straight, my lips were suddenly on his. i could tell he was shocked but it didn’t take long for him to start kissing me back. my hands were on his chest while his was still cupping my face. i was quick to pull away, why did i do that? “i’m sorry.. i don’t- i don’t know why i did ⠀ ⠀ that..-“ he shook his head at my words. “shh, don’t apologize” he started stroking my hair and i couldn’t help but to feel comfortable with him.
it was the next day and i was extremely excited to finally be able to leave the house. i was wearing the same clothes i wore the day heeseung took me, he had washed them for me to wear and told me he’d get me new clothes, which was nice of him. heeseung also didn’t want to leave during the daytime, he thought it’d be risky so now that it’s dark out we’re finally leaving. “you ready?” he asked me. “mhm!” he took my hand, leading me out through the front door. the second the fresh air hit me, i felt like i was alive again. he walked me to his car and opened the door for me. i got in, put my seatbelt on and so did he. heeseung was right, we had been driving for almost an hour now and during the whole ride the only thing i saw out the window were fields. i closed my eyes, leaning my head back against the seat “how long until we get there?” i asked him. “open your eyes, pretty” when i opened my eyes i looked around to see that we were finally back in town, i swear i had just closed my eyes a second ago. i wasn’t surprised when i barley saw anyone, it was late at night after all. he stopped by a convenience store before he parked the car. i was about to take my seatbelt off before he stopped me. “did i say you could get out of the car?” he said, his hand grabbing my hand that attempted to unbuckle the seatbelt. “i just thought that-“ “you’re lucky i even let you come all the way out here with me, i thought you appreciated it?” he raised his eyebrows at me, cocking his head to the side. “no, i do- i appreciate it..” i removed my hand from the seatbelt, leaning back into my seat. “good. stay here until i get back, got it?” he gripped at my chin which forced me to look at him eye to eye. i gave him a nod before he let go and got out of the car. i watched him walk into the convenience store as i was sat waiting for him to get back. was he at least gonna get me something? i should’ve asked for chocolate milk.. actually, i haven’t had sprite in a while- “___?” i jumped at the sound of knocking on the car window right next to me. who was that?
i cursed to myself when i took a closer look at the guy standing outside of heeseung’s car. “fuck.. is that jake?” jake is my ex boyfriend, i dated him for 1 year before he broke up with me. i’m not sure why he did.. i kept on waving my hand for him to leave, i didn’t want heeseung to see him trying to talk to me. “go away!” i whisper yelled at him. “what?” this guy i swear to god. i opened the door which accidentally hit him in his forehead. i closed the door behind me once i had gotten out of the car, jake mumbled an “ouch” while rubbing his forehead. “i told you to go away! are you deaf?” i tried to be quiet knowing heeseung could come out of the convenience store any second now. “where have you been? everyone’s been looking for you. i was worried” he was? i expected people to be looking for me, but i didn’t think he’d be worried about me. “i was-“ “___. i told you to stay in the car, didn’t i?” shit.. the sound of heeseung’s voice came from behind me. i felt his chest against my back as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. “jake” he said. “heeseung..” do they know each other or something? “so, you left town to be with heeseung..?” jake asked me. he looked confused and weirded out, which i didn’t understand why. “i-“ i felt heeseung squeeze my hip, i don’t think he wants me to talk.. “mind your business, sim” heeseung said glaring at him. “she can talk for herself” jake said glaring right back at heeseung. what was happening? “___. let me take you home” he attempted to grab me by my arm, but heeseung slapped his hand away. “don’t fucking touch her” he warned him. “she’s not your bitch man. come on-“ the second time heeseung tried grabbing my arm, heeseung pushed me to the side and unexpectedly he threw a punch at jake. i gasped at the sudden attack, why would he do that? “heeseung!” jake was already on the ground after the first punch, it didn’t help when heeseung kept on punching him repeatedly. “please stop! seungie..?” he stopped with his fist in the air, looking down at jake. “get in the car” he growled. “but-“ he got up so fast i didn’t even have the time to process it. he grabbed me harshly by my arms and looked me dead in the eye. “i said, get in the fucking car. now” the grip he had on my arms were so strong that i thought it’d leave a bruise. without saying a word, i opened the car door and got in quickly. my heart was racing at the way he had me so scared. i heard him open the trunk, and when i looked out the window i noticed how jake’s body was gone. was heeseung..? oh god. jake wasn’t dead was he? why else would heeseung place him in the trunk? i should’ve never opened the door for jake, this is all my fault. i flinched when heeseung slammed the door open, getting in the car before slamming the door shut again. “you’re gonna fucking regret this” he mumbled loud enough for me to hear. what did he mean by that..?
“please- seungie- i’m sorry.. i didn’t mean to-“ i whimpered when my body hit the cold hard floor. i was back in the basement again, this wasn’t that i wanted. i didn’t even say anything to jake about heeseung, i didn’t even get the chance to tell him anything at all. heeseung took a good look at me before he slammed the door shut, locking me inside. i was all by myself and i hated it, there’s no way i’d gain his trust again. i felt my eyes slowly start closing by themselves, and before i knew it i was out of it.
meanwhile, heeseung had jake tied up in a chair while he was torturing him. heeseung hated jake. they used to be best friends, and jake knew about heeseung’s big crush on ___, but that didn’t stop him from dating her. all heeseung felt was rage, he wanted to just kill jake, but that would be too easy. he watched blood drip down his body as he cut him up. jake’s screams were muffled by the tape covering his mouth. “i told you to stay away from her. she’s mine” heeseung said, leaning down near jake’s tear stained face. “i’m gonna make this worse than death for you”
“wake up pretty..” huh? i struggled to open my eyes, had i just passed out? my back was hurting a lot, and so was the back of my head. when i finally opened my eyes, i saw heeseung towering over me. i reacted and sat up quickly, moving away from him. “don’t tell me you’re scared of me again. i thought you had warmed up to me? you know, since you kissed me and all” he said, crouching down in front of me. “w-what did you do.. to jake..?” i asked him, barley even able to get my words out properly. “what did i do to jake.. i don’t know. would you like to see for yourself?” he reached his hand out for me to grab as he smiled creepily down at me. i wanted to know if jake was okay, so i placed my shaky hand in his, letting him help me up and lead me out of the basement. he brought me to this room i had never seen before, i wonder how i missed it. he paused in front of the closed door before he turned to me. “i can tell you’re scared already, and i wouldn’t want to scare you even more. prepare yourself for what you’re about to see, pretty” i furrowed my eyebrows, watching him slowly open the door. heeseung let me walk in first, and the second i stepped foot in that room i looked back right away. i covered my mouth in disgust at what i had just seen. “oh my fucking god..” i mumbled to myself. heeseung ran his hands up and down my back as i practically hid my face in his chest. “told you” he said. “look at him again” he leaned down and whispered in my ear. i shook my head, feeling like i was about to throw up. “i can’t.. i- i feel sick” i said with my face still hid in his chest. “you feel sick?” he chuckled. there was blood everywhere. jake had been cut up and his wounds were so bad and graphic it made me sick to my stomach. “please.. seungie- he needs to go to a hospital” i said, looking up at heeseung who was already looking down at me. “you mean to tell me that you want him to live? after he dumped you? after he stole you from me?” he was getting angry, i could tell. “no- just, please.. i won’t do anything like that ever again, i promise. i don’t need to leave the house, i can stay in the basement, just don’t let him die- please, seungie. i don’t care because it’s jake-“ “then why do you care?” i didn’t even know what i was saying, i just kept on begging and begging without thinking. “if he dies then.. it’ll be in your hands. i don’t want them to take you away from me..” did i really mean that? i don’t know. i just needed jake to get out of here and go to a hospital. heeseung didn’t say anything, he just looked at me like he was processing what i had just said. he walked past me and made his way over to jake. i wanted to look back, but i didn’t want to see jake again. “if you tell anyone about this. i will find you and fucking kill you” i heard heeseung tell him. “pretty, will you leave the room for just a second?” he didn’t have to ask me twice, i left the room as fast as i could, leaving heeseung and jake alone. was he gonna let jake go? was he gonna kill him? was he gonna continue torturing him? i didn’t know what to think.
it had been about 30 minutes and i was anxiously sitting on heeseung’s bed. i kept on bouncing my leg as i waited and waited until i finally heard the door opening. “seungie..?” he started walking my towards me and i noticed how he had blood on his hands and his shirt. he didn’t kill jake.. did he? shit shit shit. “i did what you asked for” wait, what? “you let him go..?” he simply just nodded. i let out a sigh in relief, thank god. but wait- “you’re not gonna leave the house and you’ll stay in the basement, yeah? that’s what you promised” maybe i shouldn’t have said exactly that.. i really didn’t like being in that basement. and i’d like to leave the house once in a while, i can’t be locked up in here forever. “i know..” i said, still sat on his bed. “get up then” he took a step forward so he was stood in between my legs. “i- i wanted to sleep with you..” i slowly looked up at him and saw a smirk on his lips. “alright. i’ll let you sleep with me, but i need something from you first” he pressed my back onto the bed before he leaned down, hovering over me. his face was dangerously close to mine, and before i knew it he had smashed his lips onto mine. forget passionately, he was being really aggressive with me. i think it’s because he was still mad.
his hands travelled to the ends of my top before pulling it over my head. he unclipped my bra fast and threw it away somewhere on the floor. his hand instantly went to one of my breasts, squeezing it and rubbing my nipple with his thumb. he wrapped his mouth around my other nipple, swirling his tongue around before he bit down on it making me whimper, and he groaned when i did. his hand left my breast and instead went down to the hem of my skirt before pulling it down along with my panties, he was quick with it. i looked down to see him unbuckling his belt which made me nervous. this was gonna be my first time, and he wasn’t being very gentle. he lowered his sweatpants together with boxers revealing his huge dick that was red with pre-cum. my eyes widened at the sight of it, i wasn’t sure if i could take that, it looks like it would hurt a lot. “seungie..” “shh. don’t worry, pretty. i’ll make you feel good” he shushed me and placed a kiss on my lips. not knowing how any of this works, i thought he was gonna get right into it, but i was confused when i felt his fingers going up and down my slit. “shit.. you’re soaked. is all of this for me? hm?” i let out a “mhm” which sounded exactly like a moan. i gasped when he slipped in not one finger, but two at the same time. i arched my back and moaned when he started pumping his fingers in and out of me. “can’t even take my fingers..” he scoffed. i felt him curl his fingers as his movements started growing faster. while he was busy fingering me, he went down to kiss me again. i whined into his mouth when he slipped his tongue past my lips. i tried pulling away, i don’t know why, but it resulted in him grabbing me by my chin, forcing me to kiss him back. when i felt the heat growing in my stomach, i managed to pull away from the kiss. “i’m gonna cum..-“ he was quick to pull his fingers out of me the second i told him i was about to release. “not yet, pretty. need you to cum around my cock” he repositioned us, placing me down on his lap. he placed his arms on my waist and that’s when i remembered the blood he had on his hands. did he just finger me with jake’s blood on his fingers. i looked down at myself to see how he had smeared his blood over my chest, waist and pussy. i felt disgusted and dirty, but heeseung didn’t seem to care.
“look at me” he said, tapping his finger under my chin. when i looked up at him i suddenly felt his tip pressing at my entrance. his grip on my waist tightened, “you ready?” i nodded even tho i definitely wasn’t ready. “this might hurt, but you’ll be okay” i swallowed nervously before i felt him slowly pushing my hips down on his hardened length. i squeezed my eyes shut at the feeling, it was burning. i gripped onto his shoulders as my walls tightened around him. “almost there.. you’re doing so good” he whispered into my ear. god, i felt so full and he wasn’t even all the way in yet. it was definitely too much, i couldn’t handle it. “there we go. good girl” he said pressing a kiss to my cheek. i was fully sat down on his cock and he was big, way too big. “seungie, you’re too b-big..” i whimpered, hiding my face in the crook of his neck. “i know. i’ll make you feel good, yeah?” he lifted me up slowly allowing me to adjust to the overwhelming feeling. he pushed me all the way back down letting a loud moan escape from my mouth. he started bouncing me up and down, his fingers digging into my hips hard enough to bruise. he threw his head back in a groan as he snapped his hips up to meet mine. “a-ah.. seungie.. t-too much” the pain was completely gone, all i could feel was pleasure. “shit. take it” i heard him curse under his breath. he slams me down harder making all of it too much for me to handle. i bit down on his shoulder and he didn’t seem to mind, considering how he let out a moan when i did. “gonna fill you up and- shit.. so fucking tight” once again, i felt the heat growing in my stomach. the both of us let out loud pornographic moans as we both finish at the same time. i felt his warm cum filling me up, painting my insides white as i came around his cock. he pulls me in closer and places a kiss on my forehead when i tremble around him. my face still hid in his neck as i catch my breath, i feel him grab me by my chin forcing me to look at him. “you did so good, pretty” he pulled me in for a kiss, this time it was slow and passionate. with me still on top of him, sat on his cock as his cum slowly spills out of me, he lays down pulling the blanket over us. “get some rest now, okay?” i hum, placing a kiss on his neck before i drift off to sleep.
taglist: @simjungwon @flowerlvrs-blog (lmk if u want to be tagged)
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carmenberzattosgf · 3 months
ok but like. what do u think carm’s take on (consensual obvs) free use would be. just a little thought :O
( this is from March 28th I deeply apologize for the length of time this rotted)
Carmy would be SO hesitant to try it. Even with a safe word in place Carmy would be scared to hurt you. It would take ages of you and him talking about it for him to agree, but the circumstances have to be very specific.
As unhinged as this may sound, I see this playing out for the first at the restaurant. You have one job, and that is to sit in his office for whenever he wants to have you. You both sit down and plan it out the night before so you would be completely in the know about the situation.
He brings you with him to the Bear the next day. Carmy’s always the first one there, so there’s no chance of anyone seeing you walk in with him.
You’ve got everything you need in a backpack with you as Carmy walks you into the office. A water bottle, snacks, your laptop, and any other little things you might need. ( for horny purposes I’m imaging a small love seat of some kind nestled in the corner of the office.)
You sit down on the loveseat and pull out your computer; the show you want to binge is already pulled up and ready. Carmy on the other hand sits at his desk to check his emails, making sure everything looks in order for service tonight. The comfortable silence in the restaurant ends as you hear the back door open. Carmen hops up out of his chair and walks over to you, leaning down to kiss your head.
“Gotta get out there now, baby. No one will come in here; the staff’s not suppose to without asking me first. You sure you’re okay with this?”
“Mhm! I would just be sitting at home doing the same thing, anyways. This way, I can make myself useful for you.”
It’s not even half way though prep when Carmy walks back into the office. As soon as he closes the door and locks it, you quickly put your laptop down beside the love seat.
He’s mad about something. You can tell by the way his fists are clenched at his sides. He makes his way to stand in front of where you sit. All you do is look up at him expectantly, not daring to say the first word.
“What are you waiting for? Go ahead.” He mutters, gesturing to his waistband. You make quick work of his pants. Carmy doesn’t bother to kick them off; he would need to get back in the kitchen fast anyway. You press your palm to the growing length in his underwear. A shaky breath leaves his lips as he watches you.
“Did something upset you, Carm?” You gaze up at him wide-eyed, like you weren’t eye level with his dick, palming him.
Carmen finally unclenches one of his palms, bringing it up to cup your chin. “I don’t think asking questions was part of the deal. Hurry up and get your mouth on me.” He lets go of your chin and glances over to the clock on his desk. Carmy doesn’t want to take too much time. If he is gone too long, it’ll look suspicious.
You start how you always do, with your hands running up his strong thighs. You lean in and mouth over his boxers. That doesn’t last long, though, before Carmy threads a hand through your hair to pull your head back. His other hand shoves down his waistband, freeing his cock.
“Open. Open up nice and wide for me.” There’s no hesitation on your part as you let your mouth fall open wide, sticking your tongue out for him. “That’s it. Perfect,” he rasps. You look up at him, breathing heavily, when he presses into your mouth. You whine around his length as the salty taste of him overwhelms your tastebuds.
He doesn’t force his cock down your throat, no; you do that all on your own. You make it your mission to take him all the way down your throat, and you do just that. Tears well up in your eyes when your nose juts against his pelvis. Your mouth repeats this motion several times, hollowing your cheeks while you take him as deep as you can.
Carmy looks down at you with his bottom lip between his teeth. He’s breathing heavily through his nose. Seeing you with his cock in your mouth, drool spilling from your lips as you bob your head captivates Carmy. He would let you suck his dick all day if you wanted to. He’d let you sit at his feet and keep him warm with your mouth while he does paperwork.
There’s no time to be thinking about that now, though. Carmen’s eyes dart over to the clock on his desk once again. He’s already been in here for too long. He has too much shit in the kitchen to do.
With two hands, he pushes your hair back, holding your head in his hands. Carmy pushes you off of his length, letting you gasp for air. “Shit, you look so pretty, drooling for my cock,” he mumbles. A string of spit still connects your bottom lip to the head of his cock. Your lips are swollen and red. “Such a pretty little plaything. M’ gonna fuck your mouth. I don’t have time for you to blow me.”
Carmy pauses for a moment, raising his eyebrows. Despite the whole “free use” thing, he’s still trying to make sure you’re okay with this.
“P-please. Want you to cum down my throat.” Your jaw falls slack, just like before, waiting for him.
Carmy adjusts his grip to firmly hold the back of your head. He doesn’t go easy on you when he starts fucking your face. In every single thrust, his cock hit the back of your throat. You keep as quiet as you can, but you can’t help the gagging noises as you try to breathe through your nose. Tears flow down your face in full now as you take what Carmen’s giving you.
It doesn’t take but a minute of Carmy fucking your throat in earnest before he spills in your mouth with a low gravely moan. He pulls out of your mouth, watching you closely to make sure you’re still all good. Knowing he’s studying your every movement, you decide to put on a show. You open your mouth, letting Carmen see his cum sitting on your tongue, before swallowing it down.
“Fuck—I gotta get back to work,” Carmy tucks himself into his pants and is out the door within seconds, leaving you back to your tv show.
It’s quite awhile before Carmy walks back in the room again. It must be busy out there. The chaos in the kitchen is loud and clear from behind the closed door. You can just barely make out Carmen’s voice giving orders to his staff.
This time when he opens the door, he closes it with a loud slam. “Take off your clothes,” he commands, not even a second after stepping in the room.
As soon as your clothes are off, he’s pushing his pants down to free his cock. The love seat is small, but Carmen makes it work, climbing on top of you, and lining up with your core. He presses in to the hilt in one fast thrust, making a whine leave your lips.
“You’re so fucking wet, sweetheart. Did sucking my cock really turn you on that much? Poor thing, I left you all needy didn’t I?” His voice has an edge of mocking in it. “Well let’s hope you cum before i do, because I gotta be quick. Richie fucking over booked the reservations, making my night absolute hell.”
Carmy sets a merciless pace. His goal is clear, make himself cum. You’re starting to get too loud for his liking, whimpering every time the head of his cock hits that spongy spot inside of you. Without a second thought, Carmy presses a palm over your mouth, muffling your noises.
“Do you want everyone to know I’m using you as a fuck toy in here? What would they think, hmm?” You shake your head quickly; the idea is mortifying. “No? Then be quiet.”
Carmy fucks you within an inch of your life. He has mercy on you, removing his palm from your mouth and placing his thumb on your clit to rub fast circles. That pushes you over the edge, pulsing around Carmy’s cock. He spills inside of you a moment later.
The rest of the night goes by fast. The next time he comes in, he kneels in front of you. He doesn’t say a word as he laps at your center, bringing you to orgasm within minutes.
By the end of service, you’ve fallen asleep on the loveseat, curled in on yourself wearing one of Carmy’s sweaters. When Carmen walks in and sees your sleeping frame, he walks back out. He knows you wouldn’t have minded if he fucked you while you slept, but he just doesn’t feel right about it. He had already put your though the ringer.
You wake up, groggy and disoriented to the feeling of being carried. “Carm?”
“Hey baby. I’m just carrying you to the car. You did so good for me tonight. Proud of you.”
“Oh- I didn’t mean to fall asleep. M’sorry.”
“You need your rest, my love. Don’t apologize. Let me get you home, and get you in bed so you can get some sleep.”
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nottyoursbutmine · 2 months
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afterglow | m.r
pairing: mattheo riddle x implied gryffindor reader (not really)
the one where mattheo regrets everything he said
afterglow - taylor swift
Mattheo is staring at the back of your head in class again and the same thing is replaying in his mind, your last conversation. It’s all he can ever think about since it happened.
I blew things out of proportion, now you're blue
Mattheo sat at the Slytherin table watching you eat breakfast a little too close next to Fred Weasley. He’s heard you repeatedly say you two are just friends but he sees the look in Freds’ eyes.
You laughed and he’s even more annoyed now, what was so funny? He watches as Fred wraps his arm around your shoulder, he bolts up. He doesn’t care about shoving Nott or Malfoy to the side in order to make his exit quicker. He walks up to the Gryffindor table and wastes no time pulling Freds’ arm off your shoulder and as far back as he can, making Fred gasp and shoot up in pain. Fred collects his things and runs out of the Great Hall.
Mattheo turns to you, as if this was your fault. He takes your hand, walking you out of the Great Hall as casually as he can. As soon as you’re out of view from your peers, he immediately pulls you into the nearest empty classroom. “Colloportus,” he says quickly to lock the doors.
“Okay, so now what did I do?” you say to Mattheo, sitting on top of one of the desks, ready for what was going to be said.
Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves
“What did you do? You’re joking right?” He looks at you like you’re missing the joke, “How do you think it makes me feel being known as the guy whose girlfriend is a slut?” He steps closer to you, making you close your legs. Typically Mattheo and you get fight but end up saying sorry in the same breath.“It’s embarrassing, having to watch you whore yourself out to all the boys in our year- scratch that, Weasley isn’t in our year.” He’s speaking to you like poison, something unknown.
You’re trying to hold back from yelling anything to him. Typically your words shoot to kill when you’re mad and you have a lot of regrets about that. However, he keeps going and his nagging voice is so annoying. “Yes! Of course I whore myself out to every guy because Merlin knows it’s more than 3 minutes with them!” Obviously you’re lying but it’s the heat of the moment and his words hurt.
He’s staring at you with such anger you’ve never seen before. He looks to the side of the locked room almost as if he was checking if anyone was around. He looks back into your eyes and you can’t find a single emotion. He takes a few steps back and says, “I wish I never asked you out.”
Your face falls, your heart is beating so fast and time freezes. You feel the tears, you can’t remember the last time you’ve cried but the next time will not be over a boy. You hurriedly collect all your things, “Well I wish I never met you,” you mumble, hopping off of the desk.
As you’re walking away he speaks out, “Don’t bother me again.” And with that you close the door and run away as fast as you can to your dorm.
Mattheo feels someone smack him on the back of the head, “You gotta stop with the staring,” Blaise said as he nods his head toward Snape. Mattheo realizes the class was almost over and his paper was completely empty. Not that this is any different, the guy never took notes.
Mattheo is biting his tongue, he’s not sure whether to turn to Blaise of all people for advice. He takes a deep breath, “I don't wanna lose her, I don't wanna lose this with her.”
“Then man up and do something because Merlin all of this staring and not showering thing is getting weird.” Blaise was right. He had to do something, he wasn’t sure exactly what he wanted to say to you, but he knew it had to be soon.
“You’re right I should go talk to her, after class is over, right?” Mattheo says unconvincingly, he’s nervous and honestly it’s not just because he’s on the verge of getting detention by Snape.
“I’m saying you should talk to her after you shower,” Blaise says while keeping his eyes on Snape, trying to listen to what he was saying.
And so, after class ends, Mattheo runs to his dorm so he can take a shower so then after he can see you. You. He was so focused on what to say he wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to say. Or do. You should be in the library right now studying with your lab partner like you planned, not that Mattheo was stalking you or anything.
He starts making his way to the library when he hears your laugh down the corridor. This was not how he planned, you were supposed to be at the library and he was supposed to apologize where you couldn’t yell at him. He basically memorized an entire script he created in the shower.
He sees you turn the corner with Fred, laughing over what? He still doesn’t know. He’s beyond angry and the script is completely out of his mind. “Y/L!” He yells your name. Making you and Fred jump at the sudden noise, not knowing he was there. The look on your face makes him realize he needs to calm down.
You turn to where the familiar voice called your name, “Mattheo?” You almost step towards him with caution as you remember his last words.
But it's not what I meant, I'm sorry that I hurt you, I don't wanna lose this with you
He begins walking towards you, trying to forget all about Weasley. He’s staring into your eyes when he stops at an arm lengths distance. “Can we talk in private?”
You’re not sure if it’s good or bad but you automatically agreed. You just needed to be around him again. Your last conversation with him cannot be your last conversation.
You let Mattheo grab your hand as you turn to Fred, “I’m sorry, I’ll see you later okay?” And with that you feel Mattheo hold on tighter and pull you away faster into an empty classroom.
He locks the door and places a silencio spell on the room, who knows what will happen. It’ll be past curfew by the time you two finish this, he knows it and you do too. He turns to you and you’re standing in the middle of the room with your arms crossed.
He takes a step towards you and you don’t move, he sees that as a win. “I’m so so sorry.” He takes a deep breath along with another step. “I miss you like crazy. You’re all I could think about. I’m sorry for everything I said. I was insecure and I should trust that your relationship with Fred is nothing more than a friendship.” He takes one last step and with this his toes are almost touching yours. There’s nothing sexual about this, this couldn’t be more innocent. Yet, he’s so close to you, you can barely breathe.
You look into his eyes, “I miss you like crazy too. I’m sorry if I ever made you doubt our relationship and I just need to say-”
He grabs you by the waist and pulls you closer, if that’s even possible. “Tell me that you're still mine. Tell me that we'll be just fine.” He’s staring into your eyes as he leans down with the biggest smile. The tips of your noses now touching and your face in his hands. “Even when I lose my mind.”
“I need to say-”
He wraps his right arm around your waist and places his left on the back of your neck. He interrupts you yet again with a kiss, hard and passionate, like he couldn’t wait for this moment. You wrap your arms around his torso in an attempt to push your chests closer. He slowly guides the kiss to a more gentle and slow moment. When you both pull away, he stares into your eyes and says, out of breath, “I need to say, I love you.”
You pull away with wide smile, “I love you.”
I don’t hate it but I also don’t like it. I would like to start doing more ttpd/1989 but lover lyrics are just speaking to me :(
also remember requests are always open!
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slvtforfiction · 10 months
can we pls get Jake Webber angst and comfort? like maybe reader thinks they aren’t good enough or won’t be as good as tara was for him :((
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☆ :((,anon lots of love <3
☆ Jake Webber X Reader
☆ Angst-Comfort
☆ Masterlist
☆ Hey guys! Before anything else I would ask you to request anything you want because I've lost a lot of motivation and it would really help! :D (Please look at pinned post to see if requests are open.)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers:)
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I lie in bed,my head spinning as I cried into my arm. He had gone out with Johnnie and Tara to a haunted place and it broke me.
I saw Tara’s appearance against mine,Tara’s personality against mine and I knew she was better than me,she always will be.
She was always seen in my head to be much better,no matter who else thought differently,I would always end up with my head in my hands as I cried myself to sleep.
Though tonight I couldn’t sleep,so I lie here in misery as my thoughts raced through my head.
I knew Jake would never cheat,that was never my concern. I always knew deep down though that if he wanted to he could leave me,date someone much better and I know I won’t know what to do with myself.
Usually Jake texted me that he was on his way home and tonight was no different.
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Hey sweetheart,be home in a minute x
Okay!! Love youuu x
Read 00:07am
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I saw the read receipt pop up and he started typing before ignoring me completely.
What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t yell at my boyfriend because he didn’t love me anymore.
I was a sitting duck,a girl waiting to be broken up with and there was nothing I could do except begin to look for new apartments and cry over my soon to be ex boyfriend.
I heard the door clock open and I quickly ran to the bathroom knowing it was Jake.
I locked the bathroom door,something I’ve never usually done and turned on the shower in hopes he would think I’m in the shower and go to bed.
I stared at myself in the mirror,hating everything I saw. My mascara stroked down my face as I stared,I felt numb.
“Babe! I’m home!!” Jake yelled through the apartment and I barely registered it.
I was caught up in my own self-loathing as I heard the bathroom handle rattle. “Babe? You in here? You never normally lock the door.” He said softly.
“Yeah,I’m just in the shower.” I told him and he quickly replied, “No you’re not,your pajamas are still on the table,so is your lotion.” He told me and I mentally cursed to myself.
Jake was always so attentive,memorising the little things like habits,hobbies etc.
I never thought he paid attention to my shower routine but clearly he had without my notice.
“What’s going on? Y/n open the door.” He told me sternly and suddenly I snapped out of it. I looked away from the mirror and to the door and heard the concern in his voice.
I solemnly opened the door and he looked at me for a moment,nothing was said with mouth,everything said through his eyes.
He knew the state I had gotten myself in and he had no clue what to say,I could see it written on his face.
Before we exchanged any words he wrapped my body in a hug,my mascara streaks smudging into his chest and my arms loosely wrapped around his torso.
“What’s happened princess?” He asked as he kissed my forehead. “You dont love me,you love Tara.” I sobbed into his chest and he pulled away.
“What?!” He asked clearly concern mixing with hurt that I had felt like this. “You didn’t even reply to my text Jake,it’s okay,I get it.” I said and I kept my head down.
“Yes I did,what do you mean? And I’m not in love with Tara!” He said pulling out his phone. He looked at his phone and his face dropped, “It didn’t send,I’m sorry Y/n,I love you so so so much please don’t think any different,I don’t want anyone but you.” He told me and I looked up at him for the first time this night.
“Really? You want this?” I laughed to myself slightly,self aware of the mess I had gotten myself into. “I want all of you,the mad,the sad,the kind,the positive,the sweet,the beautiful,I want all of you.” He told me and I smiled.
I didn’t say anything as I looked up at him and pulled him into the biggest hug I could manage.
“I love you,Jake.” I whispered into his chest, “I love you too princess.” He told me as he lifted my up by my thighs.
“Let’s go to bed yeah?” He asked and I giggled as he half heartedly dropped me on the bed and bought over my Pajamas.
“Yeah.” I affirmed putting on my pajamas.
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birdiewriteslit · 7 months
hii can i request 23/24 w jack hughes please?
“sober secrets, drunk deliveries”
jack hughes x f!hischier!reader
birdie’s 300 celly
i legit love this so much
From the beginning, Jack was very clear with you about keeping your relationship a secret from your brother. You told him countless times that Nico was harmless, but Jack couldn’t be convinced.
Maybe Nico showed the boys a different side of him in practice and in game, but you knew him as your lovable older brother.
Until Jack had told you a few weeks into your relationship that you were off limits to him, you didn’t even know Nico talked about you to the team at all.
When he introduced you to Jack during family skate a few months back, you immediately took a liking to him.
He was funny and easy to talk to, although apprehensive to get too close to you because of Nico’s supposed “threats.”
Over the past few months, you’d gotten to know Jack better and started a secret relationship. A lot of the time, sneaking around was hot, and the thrill of potentially getting caught fueled your desire, but you were getting restless.
You hadn’t said it to each other, but you loved Jack. You were serious about him and you knew he felt serious about you. You felt guilty hiding something you loved so much from your brother, who you obviously loved the most and told almost everything to.
That led you to tonight. You, the WAGs, and the team were out celebrating at a bar after a big win.
With a mixture of alcohol and the restlessness previously mentioned, you were being a little bit riskier than usual.
“Jack,” you said, tugging on his sleeve. “Jack, pay attention to me.”
He turned his head, his eyes locking onto yours, his mouth parted. “I am, baby.”
Uh oh. Jack was drunk too, and he didn’t even notice when he let the word slip. Ignoring the looks on Luke’s and Dawson’s faces, you giggled, taking his hand and pulling it around your shoulders, pressing your body into his side.
“If you were,” you teased, dragging out the last word and interlocking your fingers with his. You made an effort to whisper, but it came out louder than you intended. “You’d know I wanna be in your bed right now.”
“Jesus,” Breathed out Jack shamelessly. “I’ll take you there right now, say the word, honey.”
Nico had made it to the table, and at this point in the conversation, he heard pretty much everything he shouldn’t have.
Luke eyed Nico’s shocked expression. “I need to excuse myself,” he said awkwardly, tapping Dawson’s shoulder, signaling him to follow him and leaving Nico alone with you and Jack.
Both of you remained oblivious to your brother, too wrapped up in each other and the alcohol. It wasn’t until he cleared his throat that you realized he was standing there.
You took your eyes off of Jack but didn’t step from him. “Oh, hi, Neeks. This is my boyfriend, Jack. Do you know him?”
Jack, on the other hand, sobered up pretty quickly when he saw Nico, and immediately dropped his arm from your shoulder.
“I know him, but I’m not really sure why you’re dating him,” Nico joked, sounding pretty unaffected.
“Are you mad?” Jack asked quickly, like a child asking a parent for forgiveness.
“Why would I be mad?” Nico asked.
Jack gestured to you, pointing back and forth between you like it was obvious. “‘Cause she’s off limits, according to you.”
“I only said that so nobody would bother her, but I don’t think you’re bothering her.” Nico shrugged, nonchalantly sipping his beer.
“Can I say something?” you interjected, raising your hand. “I totally knew you’d be cool with this because you’re the best brother ever.” You rounded the table and practically launched yourself onto Nico, completely disregarding the fact that he was holding a drink.
“Okay, time for you to go home,” Nico laughed, setting his spilt beer bottle on the table and patting your back. He glared at Jack from over your shoulder. “You’re not taking her, though. I don’t mind if you date her, just never talk to her like that in front of me and we won’t have a problem.”
Jack’s face burned red at the thought of the conversation that Nico overheard. “Sorry, Cap.”
Nico nodded, his glare replaced with a pleasant smile and he guided you to the bar’s exit, much to your dismay.
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pedropascallme · 1 year
Hi love . I have an idea for pedro ×reader
They had a big fight and they don't talk . When they go to sleep , pedro hugs the reader in bed and apologize . ( loving and romantic)
AN: I hope this is to your liking!!
You didn’t even remember what you were fighting about, but you knew that you were right, and he was wrong. 
It was the middle of January, bitterly cold and dry outside. You had started arguing with Pedro as soon as you had woken up, admittedly in a bad mood for no reason and just looking for something to be mad at. He had left the sliding glass door in the main room of the house slightly open—just by an inch, if even—and a chill had crept throughout the house. The chill had made you feel wilted and grumpy, padding through the house slamming doors and cabinets while Pedro seemed completely ignorant of his misstep. It had been just that; a misstep, a complete accident on his part as he had rushed to crawl into bed with you after a late-night cigarette in the backyard. But it was the perfect opportunity to vent all the built-up anger in your system.
You hadn’t really meant to lash out at him, but you were frustrated and melancholy, and what else could you do in your moment of randomly induced irritation? He had asked what was wrong and you snapped back at him to “go away,” to “leave me alone, goddammit.” You seethed and moped for the rest of the day, huddling in the comfort of your bed while Pedro, not wanting to push and respecting the boundary you had set in your frenzied moment of outrage, found things to do around the house in order to stay out of your way.
When night had fallen and you had realized you had spent the whole day isolated in the bedroom you shared with your boyfriend, you felt a pang of guilt, followed by one of hunger. You tried to make your way out of your room and into the kitchen, but the regret of having been so randomly cruel to Pedro earlier in the day grew, and all you could do was sit on the floor and continue wallowing in self-pity. 
The door opened slowly, and the creak of the wood reminded you that the hinges needed to be fixed. Pedro strode in holding a bag of takeout and set it down on the floor beside you before sitting to face you on the bedroom floor. You were both quiet as he placed a hand on your knee.
“Querida,” he whispered, “what’s wrong?”
You looked at him through the tears that swelled in your eye, trying to put words to feelings. “I’m sorry. For, for yelling at you this morning.”
“And for walling myself in all day and not telling you why I was mad and not apologizing sooner and—” He cut off your rambling by sliding himself closer to you and dropping a kiss on your head. He had himself hunched over you, knees on the hard wood and you knew he would feel it in the morning.
“Apology accepted.”
“But you don’t even know why I was mad.” You sniffed and wrapped your arms around his.
“So tell me.”
“You left the door open. The sliding door, it was open this morning, and it was cold. And I woke up angry and that made me madder.” You leaned your weight into him, and he lifted you up and onto the bed, letting you fully curl into him.
“I’m sorry I left the door open,” he put his palm over your cheek, “I’m sorry, baby, I am.”
“You don’t have to be sorry.”
“I am. I promise I’ll make sure it’s closed next time. I’ll lock it, even.” He wrapped himself around you, and you felt genuinely warm for the first time all day.
“I promise I’ll talk to you next time I get pissed off for no reason.” You mumbled into him.
“Look at us, problem solvers!” He chuckled, and you felt the vibrations through your cheek where it was lying on his chest. You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. 
“I got you dinner.” He sat up and reached for the bag of takeout, gently dropping it on the bed.
“You didn’t have to.”
“You haven’t eaten all day.”
“I could’ve made myself something.”
“Too late.” He tore the bag open and took everything out, handing you a fork and a container. You propped yourself up on the pillows at the head of the bed and Pedro followed suit, reaching an arm over your shoulders and letting you lean on it. You moved in closer to him, relishing in the proximity. 
“How was your day?” You asked between mouthfuls.
“Well, my girlfriend yelled at me—” He laughed and you nuzzled your face into his neck. 
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greazyfloz · 1 year
24, 25 angst with Luke please
Angst: 24. “Open the damn door” “please” & 25. “Get away from her before I break every bone in your body” w/ Luke Hughes
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Always There
Luke and I didn't fight much, but when we did it was usually bad. Tonight was no exception. I don't even know how it started or why we are even still fighting about it but the words began to cut like a knife.
"Oh come on!" he says annoyed as he watches a tear escape my eye, "Don't fucking cry"
"I can't help it Luke!" I yell at him
"Why are you crying? Grow up Y/n" He tells me as he shakes his head. He turns and makes his way to the kitchen island as I turn and make my way to our bedroom. "I don't even know wh-" he starts but stops when he sees the door to our bedroom start to shut.
When the door shuts I lock the door then begin to slide down it until I am sitting on the ground. It is almost immediately that I hear a hard thud on the door against my back, "You're just going to lock yourself in the room?!" Luke yells from the other side.
"Go away Luke" I say as I hug my knees, but his knocking gets louder.
"Open the damn door" his voice sounds harsh on the other side but the knocking stopped, "please" he pleas sounded hopeless.
I completely ignore him and reach over for my phone to see a message from one of my friends saying they are going out tonight. I crawl over to the mirror beside the door and wipe my tears away before answering her that I'll meet her there. I stand up from the mirror and make my way over to the ensuite bathroom.
After fixing myself up by doing my hair and makeup then picking out the sluttiest dress I owned. I made my way over to the bedroom door and opened it to see Luke sitting against the wall beside the door. His expression changes from apologetic to confused when he sees me.
“Wha- where are you going?” He asks, I can tell he is trying not to get mad as he brings himself back up to his feet.
“Out” I tell him as I walk past him and to the front door.
“Like that?”
“Yes Luke. Like this”
“No” is all Luke says. Before I reach out for the door handle I look back at him and squint my eyes slightly at him.
“I’m not going to sit here and fight with you all night”
“We weren’t fighting. You ran into the room and locked yourself in there like a littl-“ he stops himself from continuing
“Like a little what?” I ask but before he can answer I speak again, “actually I don’t care”
I slide out of the apartment leaving Luke by himself and make my way to the club. The club was not far from Luke and I’s apartment, so I was there about 10 minutes later.
I find my friend Kaitlyn outside holding our spots in line to enter and join her.
“Hello, I was wondering when you’d show” she says chuckling. I explain what happened to her as we made our way through the line and inside, “fuck him” she says as we approach the bar where the rest of our friends were, “you need a new man”
I chuckle slightly but shake my head, “no, no I don’t”
As the night goes on, and after a few too many shots, I find myself still going back to the bar for more. On my way there I bump into someone by accident, “oh, sorry” I say before trying to get around the man
“No problem at all” he guy smiles at me. I tried to get by him and he slides back in front of me, “what’s your name?” He asks
“I have a boyfriend” I tell him as I smile awkwardly before trying to get around him again.
“Wait” I hear the man say grabbing on to my shoulder and pulling me back so I am facing him, “I just wanted to know your name”
“I’m not interested in chatting, sorry”
“Come on, girls don’t dress like that with a man at home”
“Pl-“ I start but suddenly Luke slides in between me and the random guy, protecting me behind him.
“Get away from her before I break every bone in your body” Luke says making the other guy chuckle.
“Okay, okay. Let’s both turn around and go our separate ways” a bystander interrupts not wanting to see the two get into a bar fight.
Luke turns and faces me, “let’s get out of here” he tells me and I nod. I turn to face the door and Luke keeps his protective hands on each of my shoulders as we walk out of the club.
When we got outside of the club and approached Luke’s car I turned and wrapped my arms around him embracing him.
“Thank you” I mumble into his shoulder
“I’m sorry” he says before I pull away from the hug to press my lips against his.
“Don’t be”
Luke chuckles after tasting the liquor in my mouth through kissing me, “someone had a lot to drink” he jokes before opening the door for me to get in, “let’s go home”
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aestheticpearl · 3 days
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— 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐞
✧·˚what happens when xanthus turns you but you never wanted to be turned in the first place?
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“what have you done to me?”
your eyes hurt with the bright lights that didn’t seem so bright moments ago, but then again you could barely feel your body moments ago, then all of a sudden you felt your once numb body feel so intensely that it was painful.
you lock your eyes with xanthus, his lips and fangs smeared with blood that you can tell if it’s yours or his, deep down you know it’s a mixture of both. you don’t want to accept that though, you don’t want to accept the reality of you being turned and now stuck as an immortal being.
“what did you do? what have i become?” you look down at your hands, they have a paler complexion that frightens you.
xanthus moves cautiously as if to not spook you, almost as if you’re a skittish baby deer that’ll bolt at any second.
“love, i had no choice—” his voice is soft as he cautiously reaches out to you, only for you to pull back almost immediately.
“how could you? you should’ve just let me die.”
“no!” he doesn’t mean to shout at you and he certainly doesn’t mean for you to flinch at his tone. “…no love please understand.”
“you’ve doomed me to an eternity of a life i do not want to live.”
“you don’t mean that, you’re confused.”
tears freely flow down your face as you come to terms with your situation. stuck as a vampire for the rest of your time on this earth, forced to drink the blood of the living, the thought of it almost makes you hurl.
you seek xanthus’ comfort but he was the cause of all this distress, but you feel beyond conflicted and these emotions are only intensified with this new you.
“i need you to be away from me.”
“i’m not leaving you love.” xanthus only backs away from you but his eyes never leave your figure.
it’s silent for undisclosed amount of time until you speak up.
“…i’m hungry.” you sniffle. “i don’t want to be hungry.” a hiccup. “i’m scared.”
xanthus moves close to you and gets down to your level.
“i’m right here love, i can find you something to eat okay?”
“i don’t want to drink blood.” you cry out through tears. “i’m not a vampire, i’m a human.”
xanthus’ crimson eyes are filled with empathy for you as he recalls feeling the same way when he was first turned. he does his best to comfort you by pulling you into an embrace.
“i know love, i’m sorry. i’m so so sorry.” he pets your hair as you cry into his arms.
you hate how comforting his embrace is and how it puts you at ease, like your body recognizes him. you want to be mad and scream and shout at him for doing this to you but you just can’t bring yourself to do so.
“you’re not going to go through this alone love, i will stay with you forever i promise.” he holds onto you tightly. “i love you, i don’t need a bond to tell me that.”
the bond. you had almost completely forgotten about the bond and then it suddenly hits you, xanthus had felt your death and had to push through the pain and emotions to turn you. he’s grieving you as much as you’re grieving yourself.
you look up at him and wrap your arms around his neck in a tight embrace that he returns with a passion.
“i’m sorry love, i understand if you don’t forgive me.” xanthus can feel his own tears prick his eyes, but he does his best to stay strong for you.
“if there was any other way i would’ve tried it i swear, i never wanted this for you my love. i just couldn’t let you slip through my fingers like this, i’m sorry.”
you’re scared and your whole body seems to be shaking with sobs or hunger, but you can’t really tell what it’s from and some how that scares you more.
“just please don’t leave me.”
your silence scares xanthus more than he’d care to admit.
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i feel like i have too many xanthus posts but i just can’t help myself with vampire tropes man😔
.love always <3 pearl
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coquettebiatch · 8 months
Hiii love
So, like, can you write where the reader is pregnant with a toxic!rafe child, and she runs away scared for her unborn child, and rafe finds them a few months after they baby is born. If you're not comfortable, I completely understand love
(basically Reader was a kook but then ran away from Rafe, becoming a pouge. Kiara only knows she’s there bc they went to school together.)
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You sit in the small living room thinking to yourself. Were you wrong for running away? I mean you were young..
You then hear baby cries from the nursery. You rush to the room and pick up the crying baby. You sit in the rocking chair next to it and start humming lullabies. As the baby fell into slumber you hear a knock at the door. You remembered that you had called Kiara to babysit for a while , while you go grocery shopping. You set the baby down into the crib and quickly got dress. You button your blue striped white blouse and grab your bag.
You open the door, to see your best friend. “Hey girl.” She said hugging you. You returned the hug. “Well she’s asleep and y’know the rest.” I smiled at her. She steps in the house as you exited. “Hey!” She shouts you look back at the door frame to see a baseball hat being thrown at you. “Be careful!” She says. “ I will.” I smiled at her once again. You get into your old red Cadillac and start driving.
You park your car on the side of your door. You see a familiar car but you shrug it off. As you walk into the market you see missing papers stabled onto the walls. You open the door and grab a basket and start looking in the food isles.
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You get to baby food isle and look through the food choices. You then hear foot steps behind you. “Y/n?” I hear a voice. I look at the person.
You swallow hard. You step back “y-you’re alive?” “Man, your parents have been worried and Rafe..”you quickly run out to check out. You were lucky that the cashier was fast. You pay while feeling a shorten of breath and felt tear swell up in your eyes.
You throw the grocery in the back of the seat and start driving. The familiar car starts to follow you. Topper..
Making a sharp turn you lose him. You quickly get back onto the road back to home. Carrying the groceries into the kitchen you felt a liquid fill up in your mouth. Running to the bathroom and locking the door, throwing up. Kiara was worried trying to unlock the door. “I’m fine!” You yelled out. “You sure?!” No response. A few bangs on the door made you reply. “Well I have to get going, my parents are going to be mad at my ass if I’m not home.” “Okay..” you replied. Hearing the door close, you brush your teeth and exited the bathroom to check your baby. You see she’s fine and start unpacking the food.
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Later on, night came in and was peaceful. You fed daisy and played and bit , after a while it was her bedtime. You laid her to sleep and started to clean. Sitting down with a cup of tea and relaxing. You hear a knock on the door. You stood up and had seen sprinkles of rain. Opening the door you see a tall figure. Wearing a blue flannel and combat boots, but had a buzz cut. “Y/n!” He said hugging me tightly pushing me further into the house.
“Where have you been.” He said kissing my forehead. I hold onto his wrists. “Rafe..” I whispered to myself. I knock out of it and push him away. “No… no..” a tear fell down my cheek. “Honey, I’ve gotten better, please come back.” He has his hands up in defense. I sit down on the couch. “I’m sorry!” I cried into my knees. “You shouldn’t be sorry, I mean there has to be some kind of reason why you left.” He say sitting on the couch.
“I-i was pregnant…” I sobbed. His face turns white. “You were pregnant with my child?” “Yes, and I’m sorry! I just didn’t want to ruin your life! I mean you have drugs and went out to parties!” I sniffled. “It’s not your fault.. I should be the one apologizing, I should’ve been when you needed me than hanging out with other people.” He expressed. I look up at him with red puffy eyes.
“how did you find me?” You asked. “Topper told me what happened at the market and followed you.” He chuckles.
You wanted a father for your child, and you wanted the actual father. But I wouldn’t have hurt to start seeing someone else. But there a change in his heart. The way he loved you. He knew that the past tense him was not responsible.
So you gave him a chance.
“Can I see them?” He asks lifting my chin up. “Her.” I say. I grab his hand and walked to the nursery. To see a beautiful babygirl. “What’s her name?” “Daisy.”
“you’re favorite flowers.” He smiled.
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Hope that was what you were thinking! Please y’all send in more requests don’t be shy!
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raysrays · 7 months
Bust Your Kneecaps Yandere! Kyojuro Rengoku
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Yandere! Kyojuro Rengoku X GN! Reader Oneshot
Warnings: Kidnapping, Torture, Stockholm Syndrome, violence.
-this is my first time writing on Tumblr. Hope I didn’t do terrible.
It was never supposed to be this way. You were on your way to moving up, to becoming a Hashira. Everything you have worked for years seemed so close, only for an instant. So how did you get here? How exactly did you end up with your hands and feet bound in the Flame Hashira’s quarters?
You sit there in silence, trying to figure out exactly where this had all gone so wrong, remembering when you first arrived at the Demon Slayer Headquarters, facing the master and all the other Hashira. And then, of course, meeting him: that smiling ball of joy, the sun in its purest form, Kyojuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira.
You recall that day just like it was yesterday: his kind smile, the gentle touch of his hand shaking yours. He was everything you could have asked for, so why would you ever say no to being his tsuguko? Being trained by the tall, charming Flame Hashira. You’d be stupid to refuse. He had you fooled, he had you all fooled. Behind that seemingly genuine smile was nothing more than a sick and twisted man, interested only in having complete and utter control of the people in his life.
Unfortunately, now you were on the receiving end of his descent into madness. And here you are, bound on the floor.
“My little flame! I’ve returned from training,” his booming voice immediately catches your attention. You feel your body tense from his presence. Just being around him has made you feel uneasy. As he approaches, you keep your eyes lowered, staring at his feet. After a moment, you feel his hand pull your face up to meet his. His bright eyes staring down at you make your heart race.
“Why do you look so scared, sunflower? It’s only me!” His bright, happy smile feels so disturbing now. You pull your face away from him. “I’m not scared. I just wish you’d let me out of here.” Your voice was harsh. You’ve always been a little defiant but nothing Rengoku thought he couldn’t handle.
Just then, he kneels right in front of you to be eye level with you again. You see his sword peeking out from his Hiaori. It makes the hairs on your back stand. His smile has fallen and his eyes look sad. “You needn’t be so upset, sunflower. I’m simply keeping you here for your own protection. You have no reason to be angry or frightened.” His voice is stern but caring. You roll your eyes at this statement. Protection? You were a skilled swordsman worthy of becoming a tsuguko. Why would you need him to go so far as to lock you away for your protection?
“I don’t need you to protect me. I can take care of myself. Besides, this is overkill. You need to let me go.” You turn to meet his gaze. His face was completely different this time. He looked so serious and somewhat angry. “You aren’t going anywhere. Do you understand?” His voice was stern and cold. His state was enough to make you completely freeze. He looked crazy. He was crazy. There’s no way you could stay here. You wonder how many people have seen this side of him? How many have lived?
Past the fear was anger. You’ve always been used to being ahead of your peers, used to success and right now the one you wanted to lead you to the top was keeping you from becoming everything you were capable of.
“You’re sick, Kyojuro. You need help. Let me out of here.” You tried to remain calm but he was really testing your patience. All it took was one swift second to feel your breath getting knocked out from under you. Laying on your back, coughing, you look up meeting eyes with a pissed-off Rengoku.
“I’m sorry I think you misheard me, my little flame. I said I’m doing this to protect you… Surely you understand it’s your job as my Tsuguko to obey my orders.” His eyes narrowed and he put his face close to yours, whispering in your ear.
“Don’t make this difficult, Y/N. You have an obligation to me and me alone. So why would you ever go against my orders?” His point was irrelevant. You had no obligation to this psychopath. Your frustration finally got the best of you. Once you finally caught your breath back, you tried to shove him away from you even while your legs and hands were bound. It wasn’t as effective as you had hoped but it made him fall back onto the ground with you.
You took this opportunity to try and stand, hoping to at least be able to hop towards the door. Maybe someone would notice you if you screamed for help or made enough noise.
“Someone help me-!” After what felt like five seconds of hope and victory, You felt a sharp pain in your legs. So bad you immediately hit the ground. The pain was excruciating; all you could do was lay on the ground trying to fathom what just happened. Then you noticed a shadow standing over top straddling your body.
“I told you to not make this difficult, sunflower…” he let out a sigh and bent down next to you. He noticed you staring off at the ceiling, trying to process the immense pain you were currently in. He then took his hand and turned your face to look at him. There he was again. That sweet smile and those bright happy eyes.
“There isn’t a line in the world I would not cross for you, Y/N.” He then leaned down to kiss your forehead gently.
“Try and run all you want. I’ll always find you. You’re mine. Mine alone.”
You couldn’t believe what he was saying; he really had completely lost it. So why, in the middle of all this pain, did you feel your face heating up? This man is crazy. He’s insane. So why? Why does a part of you want to see how far he’d chase you?
You stare up at him mustering up what strength you had left. “You’re crazy…” you finally breathe out.
He smirks and caresses your cheek. “Only for you, sunflower.”
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igotanidea · 7 months
Lesson one - Xbox and helmet
(Dick Grayson x reader)
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Summary/request: Dick teaching reader how to drive (or how to not drive XD )
“Oh come on! You let Kori drive your car!”
“That’s not the word I would use since she stole-“
„tomayto, tomahto!”
„Do not Y/N me! She did drive your car!”
“Well sorry to break it to you sunshine but-“
“Do not say that!”
“Kori actually knows how to drive”
“Richard John Grayson!!”
“What?! It’s true! She can!”
“And I’m your girlfriend!”
“So what, that’s an argument for everything now?”
She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest, turning back to him. If the most important argument of being in a relationship did not work on him, Y/N was more than ready to give him cold shoulder, quiet days and ignorance just to get her way. Maybe it wasn’t mature but this method proved to be effective in the past, cause her beloved Dickie could not go without her hugs and kisses for more then couple hours.
“Come on, sunshine, do not get all moody. You know I hate it when you’re mad at me…” he whispered moving closer and wrapping arms around her from behind, nuzzling into her hair and neck, planting a little kiss on her cheek.
“I’m not mad at you…” she muttered leaning on his chest, enjoying the comfort his embrace brought her. “I’m mad at myself…..” her exasperated sigh was quite a surprise given the fact she was not so open lately.
“At yourself? Why?” Dick spun her around in his arms, brushing a lock of hair from her forehead, observing her with the intensity that was supposed to read her mind.  
“Cause I’m way behind….”
“Way behind? I don’t—Oh….” The realization dawned on him.
“Yeah… exactly….”
“Sunshine, there’s nothing wrong with-“
“Guilt, intrusive thoughts, frustration, fear-“
“What?” he frowned in confusion of the nouns coming out her mouth, not making any sense.
“That’s everything that’s wrong with not getting a driver’s license in time.”
“And terrorizing your boyfriend to drive his arm and leg expensive porsche. I’d rather have you on the passenger seat where you're able to give me that little kisses of yours while driving”. he grinned and she rolled her eyes. “Ok, you know, how about we take it down a notch. There’s no need to go fast and furious on the first lesson. We can use that old ford for now, how about that?”
“You kidding me now? It’s not even about me, but I can’t imagine you getting inside the car that’s lower than S class.”
“Yeah, see how much sacrifice I make for you?”
It was almost impossible to focus on the gears and pedals and steering wheel and all the rules and road signs, while having Dick on the passenger seat.
Generally speaking, in any other circumstances, it wouldn’t even be funny, rather pressuring, but seeing him barely fitting in the little space, with knees right below his chin, folded in a way only an acrobat could, but one that definitely wasn’t comfortable….?
And dangerously distracting.
Which became obviously obvious to both of them when Y/N almost took a wrong turn and hit the highroad.
“NO!” Dick yelled lunging at the steering wheel miraculously saving them from a dumb death under the wheels of a truck, but not from the loud sound of horn and lavatorial gesture send their way. “Y/N! What the-? Don’t close your eyes, you’re the driver for God’s sake! Y/N!”
“Sorry!” she squealed letting go off the wheel completely losing her cool.
“If I’m dying I want to go down in some spectacular way not in a car accident!”
“I’m sorry!” she squealed again. “Not my fault you’re a bad instructor!”
Dick perked up his ears, send her a terrifyingly teasing smirk and made a few sharp turns and twist, in a absolutely not-showing off way, getting them back to the parking lot where they started lesson one.
Falling back on his seat with a self-satisfaction expression, brushing one hand over the other, waiting for her reaction.
He didn’t expect the silence.
“Y/N…?” with a  few more acrobatic twist he turned to look at her face.
“I’m fine—” she stuttered, despite the pale face and widened eyes that actually brought some guilt into him.
“Hey…” he squeezed her hand in a reassuring gesture “I think your first lesson turned to be quite successful. We both survived.”
“Thanks to your instincts, not my skills.”
“Well-“ Dick searched for the right words “at least you know that as long as I’m with you, you can always feel safe. Which obviously makes me the best instructor you could ever wish for, right?” he pecked her lips quickly before leaving the car, circling it and opening the door for her, offering a hand like a real gentleman.”
“What are you doing, Dick?” Y/N unfastened her seatbelt putting both feet on the ground “I can leave this diabolical invention by myself.”
“Sure. But imagine- after having done your license – pulling out in a fancy car at one of Bruce’s party, dressed in an expensive, exclusive dress, all eyes on you as your handsome boyfriend escort you to the door. I’m only giving you a foretaste of the feeling.”
“On the empty parking lot in a shabby ten year old ford?!”
“Precisely. You need to anchor in that image to help you motivate. We’ll build from it. I promise to help you, ok?”
“Cause you want to keep an eye on me or the other road traffic participants?”
“It would be a bit embarrassing if I had to detain my own girlfriend for a road offence, wouldn’t it?”
“You’re not a police officer!”
“I’m a detective, it’s pretty much the same, besides if I see someone drive in a zigzag pattern, raising some suspicions about the driver's condition –“ Dick shrugged innocently pulling her to her feet and holding close to his chest “it’s my civilian duty to prevent any harm from happening.”
“Civilian duty?”
“Yeah, that’s why on your second lesson we’ll be doing theory rather than practice. I’ll even buy that fancy expensive Xbox F1 simulator I had my eyes on for a while….” His eyes became a little blurry and voice drifted off “but it’s all just for learning purposes. All for you. Not for me, I’m selfless!”
“Of course you are Dickie.” She chuckled “absolutely selfless “but if you’re investing in my knowledge in the form a console game, I’ll invest in your safety and purchase a helmet just for you.”
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hannahssimblr · 18 days
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The day I leave the beach feels like the last chapter of a book. I awake that Wednesday to change. The sky, which held steady and cerulean all summer, perfect, porcelain, is a mottled grey as clouds roll in over the beach. I swim, early in the morning, in a sea that is choppier than before, the waves crashing over the rocks and tossing foam into the air, and over the shore now slimy with seaweed.  
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I spot Liam in his wetsuit, board in hand, and I wave. He waves back, and I have the striking realisation that this may be the last time I ever see him.
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I say goodbye to Joe and Kasper at the door that morning, their PlayStation games and the half-filled bags of Doritos they never finished bundled under their arms. 
“Good luck with it all,” says Joe. “We’ll see you around.” It’s a thing you say to a person when you’re not sure you will, and as I watch them go from the window, there’s a finality to it. It’s like I’m watching them leave, not just with their games and their snacks, but with a phase of my life, too. We’ll never be together in the same way, and never be these exact versions of ourselves again. 
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Shane is the next to go. After a thorough clean of the bedroom, the sheets washed and dried and put back on the bed, ready for next summer. He drops a hand onto my shoulder. 
“Good luck in Germany, yeah? Maybe I’ll come and visit.”
“You should.”
“Yeah, I might.”
“If you do, I’ll see you there.”
He nods and ducks through the door, and to his back, I shout “Good luck in college!” He lifts a thumbs up into the air, and he’s gone. 
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And then there is Jen. With a click of her last suitcase, she has packed up, and in the empty house, there’s nothing to distract us anymore from the new, yet ever present rift between us. 
We’ve barely spoken since the festival. I haven’t known how to, despite her pleads, and made a big deal of getting Kasper to sit in the passenger seat during the ride home. I asked him all kinds of questions about himself, realising only then, to my immense guilt, that it was the only bit of effort I had made with him all summer. 
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I spent the days between then and now away from the house. Swimming, cycling, driving into town and just looking around, reading a book while the last of the summer tourists milled about, still in their flip-flops and sun hats as though they hadn’t noticed that autumn had already taken up residence in the shadows. 
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I’d come home before dark and stay in my room while the others watched their movies and played their games. One night, I heard Jen crying softly in bed. I didn’t ask her if she was okay. 
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Now, once again, I avoid her as she sits on the floor surrounded by her bags, by arranging a stack of books on the shelf. One of my sketchbooks is there, complete with a thousand drawings of the summer. I leave it where it is.  
A clock ticks somewhere in the room. 
“I’m sorry you’re so mad at me,” Jen says to the back of my head. 
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“I still think you should give me a chance to explain myself.”
I sigh. “I’m not ready to talk about it.”
“Okay. Have you seen her? Have you talked to Evie?”
“No, I haven’t.”
I turn around to see her hugging her knees to her chest. She looks remarkably small like that, and her hair, which was so bright in June, has faded with the salt water and the sun, and now her brown roots are showing. 
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“I think I’d like to get the bus home.” She mutters.
“That’s alright. Do you want a lift to the station?”
“No thanks, I’ll just walk.” 
I don’t argue, and before that hour is out, she, too, is gone, and I am the last man standing. 
Turn off all the lights, switches and the hot water. Store the garden furniture. Leave the fridge running. Double check ALL doors and windows are locked. 
This is all contained in a cheerful email from my father, followed by a paranoid diatribe about all the catastrophic things that will happen to the house if I fail to comply. There’s something about a potential flood or explosion in there, I think, but I barely skimmed the bulk of it.  
Thanks for the essay lmao.
I write back.
Be home at 2.
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I do my last check of the house, then stand by the door for several minutes just looking at it. The kitchen, once a hub of activity with friends chatting over breakfast and a sink full of dirty dishes, is now deserted, immaculate, and quiet. I realise I hate endings. I do not want to dwell on things anymore, or be sentimental, or hang on to the past. 
I lock the door behind me and get into my car without another look back.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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bloodweep · 9 months
Hello I saw you wanted more feral asks and I’m here to hopefully? deliver.
JD is trying his best, we know this. However sometimes he’s an asshole, so, say he messed up in some way and s/o is mad at him, naturally he tries to match the energy by being just as, if not more mad. But that quickly fails when he realizes he’s gotta sleep on the couch. So he’s begging s/o to please forgive him! He’ll do anything!
So next he’s being made to sit in a chair in the corner of their shared room, watching his s/o fuck themselves, without him. Naturally he immediately tries to get involved. But after receiving a sharp glare he sits right back down. So after awhile he starts getting really antsy, he’s begging, and pleading for something, anything. But he gets denied again and again. He’s progressively going more nuts (unintentional pun) and feral. It’s taking all of his willpower to not pounce. And then, s/o gives him permission, finally. After what felt like forever (it was probably like 10 minutes). He goes completely feral on his s/o. No words, growling, drooling.
I’m not the BIGGEST JD fan (I’m more of a branch guy myself), so I’m not sure if this is to your liking with his characterization, but I’ve been thinking about it lolol. Hope it’s feral enough for you
He fully will act like this, just a tad bit more feral, JD gets riled up very very easily, especially when he cannot touch his partner, his fangs would be bared the whole time, his eyes narrowed and glazed, clawing into the seat, the wall behind him, anything he can.
He would pounce, but to me, he would stalk forwards, head down his eyes locked upon his partner, never letting them out of his sight. Then he would pounce, his hands gripping the underneath of their thighs and yanking them apart so he can settle himself between their thighs. He would rut against them, doesn’t matter if he can actually get his cock in them or not, just thrusting against them to chase his own high.
He would most certainly skin his fangs into the pillow beside their head, ripping it apart easily as he continued to rut against them.
Ugh that man would SO grab the headboard and break it, tossing the wood out of the way to grip on whatever else is left of it
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