#so ready to see aziraphale fuck shit up in heaven
beebopboom · 11 months
The little detail of the Metatron telling Michael, Uriel, and Saraqael that their actions will be dealt with later and it remains to be seen if they will be punished before sending them away while telling Muriel to stay as they may be needed has stuck with me
Just more evidence for the Metatron already knowing the outcome to his "offer"
But what I'm thinking is that the Metatron is going let Aziraphale deal with them - to keep establishing the line that Aziraphale now has power in this new position - why not start with the Archangels that have been his direct superiors who he previously reported to - a very obvious show of power to now have a responsibility over them
However I don't think it will be a decision entirely up to him - maybe with the Metatron suggesting things while they are all together - to show that the Metatron is on Aziraphales side and to establish a line of respect (fear) between the Archangels and Aziraphale - which I think he is going to realized and use to his advantage
But what I think Metatron is going to underestimate when giving this power to Aziraphale is the power of his kindness - the understanding he can provide to all the angels who have ever felt alone, overlooked, unsure - to those who have ever been curious
I mean just look to Muriel who is constantly surprised by praise and is never made to feel dumb by Aziraphale. They have to be reminded that this nice angel is a traitor and just the body language difference between them in heaven and them on earth and they even ask for a book by the end - just because they weren't immediately turned down or made to feel dumb - it's a big difference
So while the Metatron probably knew the outcome going into that conversation and has plans on how to further that narrative - Aziraphale went up to Heaven with his own plans - to make a difference - and now he is determined to prove this was the right decision after everything (and stop the second coming along the way)
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biceratops7 · 8 months
hold- wait a fucking minute...
Beelzebub is acting really freaking weird in this scene.
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Ok so I encourage you to rewatch it cause I can't really properly illustrate it in gifs, but they don't sound irritated, or even particularly intimidating. We know Beezlebub to be a very dry person, even in moments they want something and need to manipulate/ convince someone for it. So this abnormally animated and even somewhat friendly demeanor doesn't strike me as part of buttering Crowley up to get him to help them.
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This is a weird line. We know Beelzebub isn't like Shax, they've been around a bit more and have a better grasp on things like tone and figurative language. There's almost no way they're unaware that saying this would immediately clue Crowley in to the fact that Heaven and Hell do in fact have communication, so they must want him to know. For whatever reason, it's important to them that Crowley knows they're a reputable source.
And then I remembered where I've heard that tone before.
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It's nearly the exact same one Crowley uses to tell Aziraphale that he needs to protect them. It's the kind of tone you use when you need someone to read between the lines and understand more than you can safely tell them. Beelzebub is fully ready to believe Shax when they say Gabriel's in the bookshop, and acknowledge later that Aziraphale was a very fitting and likely candidate to harbor him. They know full well Crowley doesn't want jack shit to do with Hell, and would probably be offended if anything by anyone referring to his "nasty little heart". That is merely a performance to mask what they're really trying to tell him, which is that Aziraphale is in danger.
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Without this detail Crowley very well could've turned Gabriel in to Heaven instead of Hell, he certainly doesn't see much difference between the two. Beelzebub is the reason he decisively doesn't, and races home in a panic.
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And I think it's genuinely so sweet, this moment of understanding and comradery between them that goes unnoticed, even to Crowley. They drop the shtick and make sure that he knows the book of life is a real threat, and you only need to be merely involved in hiding him to be erased from it. Because to them, there's also the very real possibility that Crowley knows about Gabriel while Aziraphale doesn't, so they're double checking Crowley will not to tell him and instead go straight to them. There’s just something so protective in it.
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pt XIV good omens season 2 (still not traumatic) episode 2
Here we go. It might not have been traumatic, but it has made me utterly in love with a fictional character. Great.
While everyone runs around between episode 1 and 2 to use the loo or fetch emotional support fruit, in preparation for my inevitable gay panic for Crowley, I eat an emotional support banana as the intro sequence plays.
I realise too late that bananas remind me of fellatio.
The episode begins. There are incoherent screams of BILDADDY through the chat. The phrase religious fervour and ecstasy comes to mind. I do not say it.
God and Satan are betting on a poor bloke so his goats and kids are going to be dead, Crowley has a permit to wreak havoc, Aziraphale is scandalised.
Gabriel's angel hair is very Lord Farquaad. Everyone agrees.
Jimbriel is determined to make his new dad proud, and rearranges all the books in alphabetical order of the first letter of the first sentence. Aziraphale struggles to compliment him.
Angels are assholes. Jimbriel is very supportive bookseller's son.
The shit-job subtlety attempt last episode was very powerful because TOGETHER THEY ARE STRONGER! *unicorn music*
Aziraphale strokes Crowley's chest. The fandom sobs.
Crowley suggests getting humans wet to make them 'vavoom' and the apple falls from my slack jaw mid bite.
Aziraphale and Crowley are shit at interpreting human media.
Job storyline. If I open my mouth I'll start scream-crying about how Crowley didn't even kill the goats. He had both heaven and hell's permission, orders from God and Satan, and he didn't even kill the goats. Anyway no we're not doing this now thanks.
Crowley introduces Aziraphale to food. Aziraphale goes ham on the ox rib while Crowley has a little spring awakening about his kinks. I eat my other emotional support banana in honour of the blowjob angles.
Crowley didn't even want to reveal that he'd saved the goats to Aziraphale even though Aziraphale was looking at him with betrayal, because it was for the goats and he wanted to-
Sorry. I'm so fucking normal about goats.
David Tennant and his son are having a HECK of a time.
All Crowley wanted to do was ask questions and christ if he isn't angelic who is he put goats' safety over his-
Bildaddy is the best cobbler and obstetrician. Gabriel is an idiot.
Back in actual time, Crowley gives up on Aziraphale mid-flashback and they saunter off to facilitate some lesbian romancing.
Boundaries, Aziraphale, please. Someone reminds us that the Bentley is all Crowley has left. I fill with preternatural RAGE again.
Aziraphale poor baby has a crisis over betraying heaven. Crowley comforts him even though Crowley fell so every defence of heaven is an attack to himself. I'm totally normal and start eating my emotional support kiwi.
Still eating my emotional support kiwi when the episode ends. Crowley says Aziraphale is too pure and angelic looking to be a demon which means that she doesn't see how pure and angelic she was while making the stars, she thinks she was marked in some way, imperfect. It is okay for her to fall, not Aziraphale.
Anyway yes summary all done.
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goomens · 1 year
I've had an idea but I won't get around to writing it think.. I imagine Crowley being drunk on wine, taking to Nina after *the event* and just word vomiting, telling her everything about who he is. And then Nina ist like "so when you said 'angel' you actually meant..." maybe you can do something with that? 😂
such a cute idea!!! fic under the cut <3
It’s nine in the morning and Nina is jolted from her sleepy reverie by the violent tinkle of the front door bell; a figure in black slithering into a nearby seat and thunking his head down onto the table. Crowley, she thinks, watching him carefully from behind the counter. Without Mr. Fell in tow, tense around the shoulders, and creating quite a sad display, she feels a pang of something like pity inside her chest.
“Gretel,” Nina calls quietly to one of her newer baristas after a moment of consideration, “Take over for a bit, please?” And she makes her way over to Crowley, not bothering to say hello as she pulls out the other chair and sits down in it. He doesn’t lift his head. By all means, he seems lifeless. Completely still. Eerie, like he isn’t breathing. Her heart stutters in fear for a second, thinking he’s just up and died in her coffee shop, but—
“Oh, calm down.” Crowley retracts his forehead from the cold plastic table with a grunt and glares at Nina—she thinks, at least—through the impenetrable black lenses of his sunglasses. “I would like a mug of coffee with four measures of vodka, please and thank you.”
“It’s not even half nine yet, you know,” She scolds him, not really meaning it, but not willing to serve him alcohol so early either. He’s a bit of an odd fella (or, whatever) but Nina draws the line at serving a customer four units before noon. “No boozy breakfasts here. You’ll have to wait ‘til later—on Saturdays we have a boozy brunch. There’ll be cocktails.”
Crowley doesn’t speak for a moment. Then, “Pity.” He sighs. Snaps his fingers for some reason. He reaches into his blazer, pulling out an entire litre bottle of ABSOLUT and uncapping it. Nina opens her mouth, ready to tell him off, but he holds a finger up and guzzles down half of it before she can get the words out. When he sets the bottle down, she raises a questioning eyebrow.
He ignores her, choosing to scowl instead, and looks off out the window of the shop looking a bit lost. “Your advice was shit. You and that—that vinyl seller. Thought you should know. Don’t go trying to influence anyone else’s ‘love’ lives, eh?” His words are full of forced humour, but his voice shatters a bit at the end, and suddenly Nina feels like some kind of villain. She looks at Crowley and sees someone in mourning. He’s grieving. He’s heartbroken.
“Fuck,” She says with feeling, and motions for Gretel to bring over two mugs.
Hours later—in the midst of Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death’s boozy brunch—Crowley is drunkenly taking Nina step-by-step through his and Aziraphale’s extremely long history. They go back much, much further than she ever thought. Than she ever thought possible, actually. It’s all quite strange. And sweet, and sad, the way he talks about Aziraphale. “He’s so smart,” He says. “He’s good. He’s lovely. He’s the one I love. He’s only gone and returned to Heaven and left me on my own.” He also says, “I’m a Demon, I know I don’t deserve him,” and “He’s an Angel, he doesn’t want me. He could never want me.” And Nina is suddenly putting the pieces together, making sense of it all, her stomach—full of the buttered bagel she’d had for breakfast, half a bottle of vodka, and not much else—turns and swoops, threatening to expel its contents.
Crowley watches her then bursts into a startling laugh. It’s low and surprised. “There’s no way—no way—you’re just now realising what I am. What he is.” She just blinks and stares, and his laugh dies down but the lines of amusement remain etched on his face. “Oh, brilliant. You humans are brilliant. So bloody obtuse.”
“Oi!” She protests, reaching out to push at his shoulder. But she misses on account of being a bit more tipsy than she thought, and he laughs at her again. “I am not obtuse! ‘M quite clever, actually.”
There’s a smile on his—the Demon’s—face now, which is nice, much better than the frown he sported earlier, but when he gestures to his face and grins fiendeshly, she only stares confused for a second before realising that, ah, maybe she is a bit obtuse. His eyes are bright and a little bit playful, without the sunglasses. Big and yellow and snake-like, and oh, that’s what the Eden story had been about. It hadn’t been a metaphor or a weird figure of speech, but the truth. She’d been so busy listening to him she hadn’t noticed the moment he’d pocketed his sunglasses.
Instead of crippling fear or mortal terror, Nina just laughs and laughs. She orders them both a creamy coffee and some malt biscuits, even at his weak protests, and she lets him tell her all about the planets and the stars, Mesopotamia, the crucifixion, the Seven hills of ancient Rome, the burning of witches in the fifteenth century, the Armageddon-That-Wasn’t…
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who-dat-homeless · 1 year
people keep saying like "oh it would be sad if azicrow becomes human in the finally :( " or "oh it'd be sad if crowley rejects aziraphale" or " oh it'd be sad if they wipe aziraphale's memories and he forgets crowley"
And I can't fucking relate because looking at the story we've got so far I SEE ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE THAT ANY OF THIS COULD HAPPEN EVEN THEORETICALLY.
oh they'd become humans -- thematically they are already humans. At the end of the season one crowley says that hell and heaven would start a war against humans and now both crowley and aziraphale are not demon and not angel but something grey, something in the middle, something that actually can decide their action and their future (which ahem ahem is how humans described by the aziraphale) there's absolutely no need to make them human's thematically because they're already are. The only reason I can think of for making them humans is to get a bittersweet emotion from the audience, BUT IT'S FOCKEN CHEAP and I really can not see Neil Gaiman going for this. The man is mad genius of tragedy and bittersweetness and he is because this tragedy always has a reason/theme.
oh crowley would reject aziraphale -- BABE HAVE YOU WATHCED THE SHOW??????? CROWLEY BREAKS UP WITH AZIRAPHALE EACH FIVE MINUTES FR FR AND THE NEXT SCENE IS HER STANDING ON HER KNEES WET SAD AND MISERABLE BEGGING AZIRAPHALE TO COME BACK. REALLY. For fuck's sake Crowley is the sensible little kitten that lingers to the stranger's pants leg hoping they will get at least a little bit of sympathy. He's optimistic at it's core. But also he's so FUCKING lonely.
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She literally drove Bentley slower TO GIVE AZIRAPHALE A CHANCE TO CATCH HER. Good god.
Yes, of course there'll be conflict and there'll be fights and misunderstanding yada yada yada BUT DEAR GOD the second aziraphale is hurt (even emotionally) crowley is here ready to fight god, satan and whoever there is, and then accept his angel back in a span of a second
oh they'll wipe aziraphale's memories -- let's start with that they couldn't even wipe off Gabriel's memories (he and beelzebup did, putting it into the fly, Metatron did not do it)
and now, aziraphale first -- knowing what to expect from heaven, second -- specifically going there to fix it and stop second coming HE WILL BE SO CAUTIOUS that I really can't see how the wiping can even occur
"oh the angels would catch him and torture and.." no. I mean I think they're capable but like. They're an extremely ass licking office workers, who prides their reputation and stupid brute force is not their style. Yes they kidnaped aziraphale(crowley) once but even that kidnaping was so sanitized and almost non violent that I hardly can imagine them getting into actions. I think that they wouldn't even chase aziraohale across the heaven because running is heaven is prohibited, so. Unless Aziraphale himself would want to wipe his memories.. I absolutely can't see it happening.
but y'know what is the only thought that does make me sad?
That there's a possibility that Crowley would accept Aziraphale back no questions asked
This is the real shit
Because Crowley already did that in the past. It's in his fucking character. Because he's optimistic, because he's lonely, because he already lost his friend once. Because he has it all, he can go back to hell become a respected demon, take back his cool brutalist flat, he's self-sufficient, he can be all by himself if he really wants but he can never shut this hole of lonliness in himself no matter what he does
In Crowley's eyes Aziraphale makes him complete. It's the lost part of her soul she was looking for so long.
And I so fucking afraid that she will give up her dignity, she'll repress her feelings and needs once again, she'll do the first step ONCE AGAIN, only to shut this ugly feeling deep inside that makes her want to disappear.
AND IT MAKES SENCE because then Aziraphale can see how desperate Crowley and how wrong he was to just pretend that everything is fine between them, and Crowley can be confronted about this really unhealthy behavior and so on and so on
and just the thought that it makes sense and that it's in character MAKES ME SO AFRAID and so sad...
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aceofwhump · 1 year
(Go2 spoilers)
THE LAST EPISODE? opinions about the episode?
SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT!!! Mildly incoherent keyboard smashing below
I AM HEARTBROKEN!!! I was crying during the entire end scene!!!! Legitimately sobbing sitting on the edge of my, mouth hanging open in shock!
But it's like a good heartbroken? Okay so first of all I fucking love angst. I think that's pretty obvious here lol. So watching all the angst between the two of them in last few minutes was a delicious kind of heartbreaking! And I fully plan on making gifs especially of Aziraphale's angsty face. Cause god its beautiful.
And David Tennant and Michael Sheen are just so so amazing at their jobs and their acting during that scene was PHENOMENAL. They had me on the edge of my seat, crying like a heartbroken teenager. It takes a lot to get me to react like that to a show especially lately but David and Michael destroyed me.
And I personally think this is AMAZING writing/plotting. Of course this will on depend on Amazon giving us season 3 so everyone better watch the crap out of this season okay! Because season 2 focused a lot on Crowley and his realizations of feelings so I'm expecting season 3 will see Aziraphale let go of this picture of Heaven = Good and Hell = Bad thing and realize he loves Crowley and wants to be with him forever and the teo of them will talk and apologize and work things out and end up in the cottage in South Downs. That's the ending I'm sure we'll get. But we need to get there and there was bound to be angst on the way. This kind of angst feels so in character to me and feels right. Not all things are happy all the time and sometimes angst is good for plot development. This is GOOD ANGST! This will further the plot, create a viable route for character development that will inevitably give us our happy ending!
I know a lot of people are upset by it in like an angry why kind of way but I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT A LOT!
And a few random thoughts:
I never pictured Crowley being the first to make a move and I was so proud of him for putting himself out there and asking Aziraphale to stay with him and they can just be an us and then going further and showing his feelings by kissing him! It was beautiful and deep and scary and wonderful and I DIED! And his face and body language after Aziraphale did the thing was SO HEARTBREAKING! DAVID AND MICHAEL ARE SO GOOD AT THEIR JOBS!
And Aziraphale! Oh my god this angel is killing me! All he wants is to be with Crowley! He didn't give a shit about the Metatrons offer until he said Aziraphale could make Crowley an angel again and they could be together. Look at his smile in that scene! That made him so happy! He could be with Crowley and they could go home and be good angels again! In his head thats the perfect ending! They would be home together, doing good work and Crowley could make things again and ask his questions without fear of retaliation. Aziraphale remembers how happy Crowley was at the beginning, making his stars and galaxies, and believes Crowley wants that again. He also always believed in Crowley's goodness AND Aziraphale is still stuck in the belief of Heaven and angels being inherently good and the good guys while Hell and Demons are inherently evil and the bad guys. So he still believes that they should both be up in Heaven.
But Crowley knows the truth! Crowley sees that both sides are toxic and that for the two of them to be happy they need to be just the two of them like they have been these past few years. And they were happy! So he tries to get that through Aziraphale but Aziraphale isn't ready to hear that.
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kworus · 1 year
As promised, here's an analysis of why I firmly believe Aziraphale's actions in s2e6 are in character and why I don't believe in the coffee theory. Obviously I could be wrong but I've been overanalyzing everything to distract myself from THE HORRORS so here's this. ***good omens s2 spoilers below.*** this is kinda long btw
If yall dont know, the coffee theory revolves around the coffee the metatron gave to Aziraphale, and claims that he was poisoned/brainwashed by said coffee. The two main arguments, excluding that to many aziraphale felt ooc, are that a small miracle sound could be heard and that the metatron puts some attention to the amount of almond syrup in the coffee, as if he was hiding some kind of smell. I lowkey believed this theory because it is true that Aziraphale´s actions feel weird, and something else has to be going on. But that is because we are seeing things from Crowley´s point of views.
Crowley sees this as Aziraphale choosing heaven over him, the same heaven that betrayed him and treated him like shit. On top of that, earlier he saw Gabriel and Beelzebub end up together so easily, and that is just so unfair to him. However, Aziraphale thinks he is not *going back* to heaven, he's changing it, because he truly believes heaven is good, its just the people running him that fuck everything up. Where Crowley saw an injustice with how easy it was for the ineffable bureaucracy aziraphale sees a chance, specially since he's now replacing Gabriel. If he could do it then so can he! He can make heaven worthy of him and Crowley.
Now i want to go back to the metatron for a moment and how i think he really is manipulating aziraphale. If he has the power to brainwash aziraphale to do whatever he wants what is the point of telling him he can be with Crowley to convince him? What the metatron is doing is convincing aziraphale that they are on the same side, after all they both enjoy human food and the metatron doesn't mind that he's with Crowley. It's also important to note that azi doesn't know in detail that even Gabriel couldn't convince the other angels of not making another armageddon. But even if he knew he has the metatron on his side right? He believes it can be different with him in charge. The coffee is just a way for the metatron to show his “human side” to aziraphale.
Back to aziraphale, one of the moments where he felt heavily out of character for me is when he says nothing lasts forever because he spent a whole season saving the earth just so he could enjoy earthly pleasures with Crowley, and he loves his bookshop so much. How can he give this up so easily? But what he probably meant was that he's willing to give everything on earth that he loves to safely be with Crowley, and his only way to do that is to change heaven from the inside. Otherwise, they would be fighting the armageddon over and over again. This IS in character for him if you see it from his perspective.
Finally, if aziraphales decision was only atributed to some kind of brainwashing all of the possible ineffable husbands future arc would lose all its meaning. Aziraphale has said at times that crowley goes too fast for him (he said it about driving too fast but symbolism) 6000 YEARS IS TOO FAST FOR HIM!!! He needs time to process everything and we even have a parallelism with nina and maggie. Everyone was expecting them to immediately end up together just because they fell in love and nina is now single, but she needs time and thats realistic!! Shes not ready for another relationship but eventually she will, and maggie will wait for her. Aziraphale and crowley have a similar situation, only with 6000 years of angst and ineffability. The coffee theory would erase all of the complexity and chance of development of aziraphale character. Lets remember that this is the worlds slowest slow burn, it wont become fast all of the sudden. So i guess we just have to wait and see and thats gonna drive me fucking insane.
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randomfandomss · 1 year
oohhh okay then...alright
What a devastating yet perfect finale. I, of course, anticipated that after Season 1 Aziraphale would have a lot of growing to do for his and Crowley’s relationship to ever work, and guessed that would be taken up this season in some capacity.
...and I am not sure what to say. He still has complete faith in heaven when time and again they have proved themselves to be utter pieces of shit. He believes in himself, that he can make a difference which, yes! He can...but I strongly believe that one has to have the guts see the reality and acknowledge it, with all its goodness and faults in order to be able to really make a difference. So far he has just refused to do so.
He said, “Nothing lasts forever”, yet he has always refrained from questioning the “ineffable plan”. Staying in the comfort of what has been defined as “goodness” by god, never questioning anything at all even though, it has been proved through whatever we see of their shared history that Aziraphale has always grown, learned something and generally become a better angel whenever things had been questioned and the right answers had been given.
He has to break out of this cycle and see things as they are, clearly. About heaven, about self imposed restrictions, norms defined by people who only care about power and don’t give a fuck. He as learned how to live on earth but has he been truly been awake all this time? He needs to start seeing things in full color, that have so far been distorted by his black and white perception for the world. He believes and hopes but the thing he is placing belief in is fundamentally broken.
On the other hand Crowley, to say I've been heartbroken over what happened to him would truly be an understatement and I'm not sure what else to say...So I will leave it at that. The way he found a companion in Aziraphale, someone who accepted him for all he was and tursted him. Someone who SAW him, because I think thats what he would've always wanted. To be understood, when no one, neither Heaven nor Hell ever did. To have this dream shattered into a million pieces once again. When he had finally made peace with his existence, with who he was, all the good and the bad bits, and found some rest from the incessant questioning. When he was ready to just...be, Aziraphale asked him to go back to the place that had hurt him profoundly, SO MUCH. Aziraphale asked Crowley to be restored into what his idea of what good and right is, the ideal existence for him. Crowley has never been an angel nor a demon and Aziraphale knew him since the beginning...how could he not see that?!?! He was the ONLY one who SAW it.
Is he trying to fool himself or Crowley? Aziraphales ideal existence is where something never goes bad or is never wrong, that, in itself is toxic and I believe the next season will obviously focus on that.
I know he desperately wanted to be with Crowley for eternity and live the “ideal” life with him but his definition of ideal itself is wrong. He needs to challenge his beliefs and inspire others to do so as well if he wants to really LIVE and not just exist.
Anywho that is Neil Gaiman’s department, SO!!
SO, I will WAIT to SEE where they go next and I will looking out for that SUPER MEGA APOLOGY DANCE from Aziraphale :D
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overmorrowpine · 1 year
no im going wild because they're both protectors. theyre so viscerally protectors and they don't know what to do when they can't stop trying to shove each other out of the way.
azira is an angel specifically designed to protect. that's what he DOES. he's hardwired for it. and as much as heaven has tried to beat it out of him, tried to get him to only protect the "right" people, tried to get him to stay in fucking line, he can't. because he's a PROTECTOR and he will put himself in harm's way for anyone else because that is what he was Made For.
and crowley is a protector in a very different way. we saw him so fucking happy as a starmaker, we saw him delighted with everyone and giggling and so fucking pleased with himself and everything else around him, and it was fucking ripped from him. and he's gonna make DAMN WELL SURE that doesn't happen to ANYONE he cares about (or sees as undeserving of it) ever again. watch him constantly try to protect kids. watch him constantly try to protect aziraphale, by hiding things from him sure but he doesn't want azira to get hurt 'cause it'd fucking kill him. did you see his face when the bookshop was on fire?? aziraphale was hurt or dead or gone and crowley couldn't do shit about it. it would've fucking broken him, if after millennia of trying, his best friend was hurt or fucking DEAD and he couldn't do anything to stop it
but the thing is they don't know how to trust each other. crowley didn't tell azira what gabriel told him during the failed execution. azira wanted to bring crowley back into the fold. they don't know how to trust the other can take care of themself because for so many years
for so many fucking years
they've been at the mercy of things they can't control, of people they can't control, having to snatch hidden moments having to have a shield of plausible deniability ready at all times, and for all those years they've protected each other without speaking
like, that whole thing when they were bullshitting the angels about birth? aziraphale backed crowley up. he lied for him. he was willing to take the fall no matter what if it meant crowley didn't get caught being kind.
i can't remember a time when crowley did that for aziraphale off the top of my head but i haven't watched the show for weeks but my POINT IS
they don't know how to talk to each other about that. because even if heaven and hell disappeared forever, they've still spent millennia ingraining in their fucking souls that it isn't safe to talk about this shit. and so you get stuff like azira trying to get crowley to come back to being an angel because he thinks that's safer, you get crowley hiding what gabriel said, because they don't know how to let the other take care of themself. 'cause like if they knew how to ask each other how they Wanted to be protected (ignoring the fact they both have horrible self-worth issues) you wouldn't get shit like the end of s2
but they don't know how and they're scrabbling at whatever they can to protect each other and talking past each other all the while
and like the thing is their vibes are different too like
azira is a sort of avenging wave of light kinda protector, the stuff out of legends and myths
and crowley is more the spitting out a tooth and keeping going, rolling with the punches kinda protector
because crowley's gotta survive hell every time he goes down there but heaven relies on emotional abuse to keep aziraphale in line and as such his experience with war is very, very old
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mercyraph · 1 year
I think I'm ready for a morally grey Aziraphale.
Just imagine, he returns to heaven. He knows he's not well liked, but he expects at least a dash of respect, seeing as he's to be/is the Supreme Archangel. they don't, they consyantly undermine him, ridicule him,—which okay he's not totally unused to that so he let's them. But then some lower ranked angels and/or demons hurt Crowley, and he goes ballistic.
He goes, 'what am I doing? I took this job to protect Crowley, to make heaven good, good enough to deserve Crowley. I broke his heart for this and now he's hurt?'
So he reforms everything. He punishes those angels and/or demons, like REALLY PUNISHES them. And the thing is, Aziraphale likes to read. He has read every single scripture written on Heaven, all the rules and regulations. So when the other Archangels calls him out on it and tells him he can't, he's like 'actually, according to blah blah blah blah blah, I am well with the jurisdiction of my authority. Are you questioning the Supreme Archangel? Or do you perhaps, want to question The Almighty?' And he purposely uses like big pretentious words to intimidate them so they clam up. (Of course the Almighty says all fuck)
And then the Archangels try to erase his name in the Book of Life. They can't because he found it first, switched it with a dupe. Now he knows whenever someone tries to do shit to it. So he santions them to punishments too.
When the plans about testing the Humans come up, he tosses the proposal into Hellfire. (How does he have hellfire? He threatened his demonic counterpart in hell to give it up.) Then he proceeds to recall all angels up to heaven and forever banning them to leave.
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noirfos · 1 year
Episode 6 wahoo, I am ready for extreme pain rivalling and exceeding the end of OFMD
Battery operated candles! He learned fire safety, good job Mr. Fell
Aziraphale knows so much about human history and books and humanity, but he still understands so little about them
Crowley what is that walk 🤣
YES MAGGIE girlboss them
Oh no she invited them oh no Maggie oh no
Poor Eric
ANGEL CROWLEY HISTORY ANGST HEHEHEHUHUE "Throne or a dominion, or above"
Let's goooo magic heaven telephone circle!
That's the opposite of the Lil Nas X Call me by your Name video
He said "Nah"
Ohhh Crowley's snake tattoo in gold, gorgeous
Surely she's down to like 10 demons now after they all got discorporated?
The fire extinguishers stock 🤣 part of me is remembering the library of Alexandria comic and also 4dango's Haikaveh angst but I will just pretend those thoughts do not exist
"Jolly well hurry up about it" where's that gun you have a license for when you need it?
What if holy water fire extinguishers
This institutional problem bit is a metaphor for something but my after work brain cells are not enough to figure it out
The Metatron... The Master... I see you BBC
They're so surprised he has a desk lol
So Gabriel's plan was actually pretty decent then, he just didn't tag in the people who were part of it. And I'm still hanging onto Beelzebub having similar sentiments of dissatisfaction with the wishing for positive words of affirmation in hell
The Metatron went "ok good luck with Gabriel, his disappearance is your problem not mine"
Oh my god it's a ringlight frisbee
Rip Eric again
Crowley just falls into a leadership position, natural girlboss ✨ meanwhile his husband starts a war but we can ignore that
The way his smirk turns on hehehe
So everyone's an idiot then
I like how Nina and Maggie are just chilling in the background
The fly is bigger on the inside? Or is he going to eat it like All Might's hair
Eyyy Beel face explanation! Also Gabriel x Beelzebub canon we love to see it
So Beelzebub said they liked the song and then Gabe inexplicably made it play forever then?
Ah no it was intentional ;) He miracled the jukebox to play their song
When the fly showed up in the first episode I KNEW it would have an important role. I got faked out with Beel showing up in Crowley's car though.
"Silly silly angel" bro??? Have you been hanging out with Crowley too much
So all the leadership are traitors LMAO, also Crowley and Zira in the back watching their bosses do what they forbid them from doing all this time.
"I found something that mattered more to me than choosing sides" INEFFABLE HUSBANDS DID IT FIRST
Crowley's proud little smile watching Aziraphale handle the host of heaven and hell like kindergarteners :)
Oh my god Beelzbriel are so cringe, I love it
Ohhhh so Shax took Crowley's flat, that makes sense why she has all his mail now hahahaha
LOL is that The Metatron in the coffee line?
Crowley knows where everything in the bookshop goes and is putting it all back 😌
So Nina calls Maggie "Angel" now too, eh?
Muriel my baby I will protect you with all my heart
It's even worse they're gonna get Destieled aren't they
But Aziraphale wasn't THERE when any of the heaven people showed their true colours!!! Crowley sees heaven and hell for what they are but Aziraphale still believes in inherent good 😭
Can I also just say, David Tennant's acting holy shit, the super subtle facial changes, the shaking throat, my GOD
All he's wanted was to go off together with his angel all this time!!!! AHHHH
the put the glasses back on FUCK
You don't get it Aziraphale, you don't Understand 😭 He needs you too!! But it has to be on both your terms not just yours,,, meet him where he stands! It's been so long surely you know him better than this
oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god
yeah I saw the kiss I'm not ok
the fuck do you mean I FORGIVE YOU???!!! This hurts more than destiel and blackbonnet
LMAO Muriel in the window watching all this go down
what was he going to say before The Metatron walked out, was he going to change his mind??? What did he want to take with him, PLEASE
THE SECOND COMING? I've read the bible I'm raised religious I know what the fuck that means, Aziraphale PLEASE tell me you've read enough books to know what that means and that it's NOT GOOD for your little life and your husband and your book shop 😭
Oh ok his face fell. there is still time. change your mind, goddammit don't ignore Crowley he is looking at you disapprovingly for a reason, USE YOUR HEAD! please.
Crowley bared his heart just to get betrayed right after, this is his superhell
The Bentley with her sense of humour, girlie why are you playing Nightingale in Berkeley Square now of all times
Why did he smile at the end, what does it all mean,,, Amazon better pay their employees I need season 3
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doonarose · 9 months
I think, honestly, that I hope season 3 starts off with a proper missing chunk of time, like a year or three, why not just keep canon real-time adjacent? And they haven't been speaking in that time at all. I think maybe Aziraphale tried to reach out once, a few months into the standoff, with a letter, to explain himself and hint at the second coming and all the Drama headed their way, but obviously couldn't say it explicitly because it might be intercepted. And he still didn't really take responsibility for his part in the break up, or really show the empathy he needed to, and he would still be blind to Crowley's interpretation of the rejection.
And maybe Crowley tried to get in touch not long after that, all business, to work out what he needed to do to help, to avert the Drama, all business and unconvincing gruffness, which just means Aziraphale ignores that and gets on with the job and then they really don't speak for years.
And then season 3 picks up with them meeting and still not speaking, but the weight of the not speaking for three years, of the brewing anger and hurt, is all there. But shit, maybe some character growth? I mean, it's not like they will have gone off and gotten therapy, but three years in heaven and Aziraphale is finally starting to see the light and it's less about fixing heaven, and more about dismantling it from within. And Crowley managed to get so fucking lonely without heaven and hell and Aziraphale, that he's finally had to face up to the 'What's the point of it all?' an realize he needs to determine his own bloody point. And he's made acerbic friends and worked on Earth somehow to be ready for the Drama, probably worked out that it's second coming and has books of prophecy ready for Aziraphale, and a ragtag team of celestials and humans ready to fight, idk (there's a more complicated version of this where he does Duke of Hell it up, also planning to destroy from within, and when him and Aziraphale meet, they've both god their own expansive network of rebellious angels and demons ready to go but whatever).
What was I saying? Yes, they don't talk for year and we would get a delicious fifteen minutes of that and then like a proper great arc of them talking in between and all around the Drama and the Plot. Anger and hurt and pleading and desperation and honesty and acceptance and yearning.
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jamesisasimp · 2 years
Well if the good omens bartylus brainrot can't be stopped then it must be encouraged
Can you share any interaction or dialogue you can't stop thinking about?
(also, good whatever-time-it-is-in-your-timezone!)
Helloooo Ary, my dear
I hope you know what floodgates you just opened. I'm going to try to make this sound even a little bit concise and not just like a lengthy ramble, but no promises
It's going to be a mix of me gushing over Good Omens and how perfectly bartylus translates to it, so strap in ♡
First of all, Crowley. Barty. Need I say more?
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Fanart credit: twosidedstarr on Instagram and Pinterest
Look at them! They're two of the same, swagalicious, out of pocket, impulsive idiots, and, I'm sorry, but Barty as the snake in the Garden of Eden?
In God's universe, Bartemius, now affectionately referred to as Barty, along with the rest of his human name, Crouch Jr. (not to be confused with Crouch Sr., who was also him, just a couple hundred years ago to be realistic), has been dealt a losing, rather shit hand. Course he is a demon, that's sort with the territory, but he was an angel once too. Doesn't really get what all the fuss was about, it was awful up there, all the white and the glass, gave him a headache.
He was never cut out for Heaven, and Hell is just depressing, and in either he's a miserable excuse for a being, either occult or ethereal, and that is why Barty, formerly Bartemius, Crouch Jr., formerly Sr., is so in love with Earth.
And then there's Aziraphale and Regulus, which is, I think, more of a reach but definitely still completely valid
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Fanart credit: twosidedstarr on Instagram and Pinterest
It's important to note that Azzie here is softboi core to the bone, and Regulus is absolutely not. While I think they have a lot of the same fundamentals ideologies, like fierce loyalty, they are very different. Aziraphale wants to believe in the good will of angels only to, slowly, over time, realise how corrupt it is, and I think this parallels amazingly with Regulus's experience with Death Eaters and the Dark Side - BUT Regulus is NOT a softboi, I will not reduce him to this
Consider this analogy for further explanation
Aziraphale and Crowley:
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Barty and Regulus:
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Regulus can't just abandon Armageddon all together. Not because he particularly fancies being at war, but because of the opposite. He's not the coward Barty seems to think he is - he's not the one trying to run away from this. He's the one trying to fucking stop it from happening entirely, if not for his own sake then for all those innocent humans that aren't ready to be judged yet. That never asked for any of this. That are caught in the crossfire just so good and evil, whatever the fuck those even mean anymore, can figure out who's best.
Regulus has to try. If Sirius taught him anything it's that hope is worth the plunge, no matter what's waiting on the other side.
NOW why am I currently obsessed with this, may you ask? Does it have to do with David Tennant's David Tennant-ness? Yes, a lot actually. Because through him and his portrayal of Crowley, I was able to understand a version of Barty that I could see in Crowley, because I actually relate to him. Probably more than one should relate to a demon but that's the whole point of the show!
The glory and freedom, allure of humanity
It's the story of a demon and an angel that have fallen in love with humanity (and each other) and are willing to give everything up to stay together. Because, if they lose humanity, they lose the bridge over which they can be together, and when the end of the world threatens it's destruction what do they do?
Stop the end of the world, obviously
They go against everything they've been taught, everything they've been told is right and wrong and devine and instead of doing what they should they do what they want to do, which I just think is so beautiful. And opens up a lot for Regulus's character. I mean, Barty's a fallen angel soaked in corruption, he's not blind to it and escapes it in humanity, fueled by spite, whereas Regulus wants to believe he's doing the right thing, that's he's on the right side, and has only really a matter of days to understand that he's not - that there is no right side, only a wrong one. And, instead of fighting for the greater good, do you know what he fights for?
Barty. A demon. A demon that was never evil and never cruel to him, a good person deep deep down
It just suits them SO WELL in my mind
But that's not enough for Barty, of course it's not. To him, he's still just a stubborn coward that still believes in God's Plan. To Barty, he's given up on them, and he can't tell him that he'd never do that, not in another six thousand years, not in eternity if they ever even make it there.
I've written out their version of the bandstand breakup, and I WANT more than ANYTHING to write Barty saying the words "you're so clever, how can somebody as clever as you be so stupid" right to Regulus's face (for those of you that haven't seen the show, don't worry, he absolutely deserves it in the moment). I want to write Barty's collapse, his last few hours on Earth, saying goodbye to the life he loves and his best friend, his partner, his Angel, who he'll never get to be with again. His desperation to find an out, to keep his little Regulus shaped slice of heaven that he knows he doesn't deserve
I want to see Barty when he believes Regulus has gone back to heaven, just hours before the end of the world, and that he never even got to say goodbye
Skip to 2:20
Also, come on, Barty driving through hellfire while blasting queen just to make sure he gets to the end of the world in time to stop it from, well... ending
Then of course there's the holy water scene, Regulus breaking the rules to get Barty a thermos of it so he doesn't end up risking own life to get it in less legal ways. Giving him LITERALLY the means of his own destruction, because Regulus is the only one how can
Because, you see, the trouble with loving someone is that, in doing so, you give them a step my step guide on how to destroy you. Not with holy water or hell fire, but deep deep within. You don't even realize it, Barty certainly didn't, at least not until right now.
I also really want to explore their dynamic! Barty shares Crowley's impulsivity and energy, and he's a bit of a gambler in my mind, getting more of a thrill out of just winning for once than the actual game
"It's not like you need human money," Regulus reminds him.
"Nah," he just shrugs, shoving his hands into his British pound lined pockets. "I just enjoy the game, really. It's fun, you should try it sometime."
"Definitely not."
"And the atmosphere. Can't get that kind of an atmosphere anywhere else."
"Think a nightclub might be similar? Perhaps a pub?"
"Eh. Too much lust, not enough greed, and I get enough of that downstairs," Barty corrects and gets out his keys. "Dinner?"
Regulus, on the other hand, is more reserved and to the point. I did come up with this particular distinction between them that, if someone were talking to them and they didn't really want to talk, Regulus would stay and listen though making it clear he wasn't interested, and Barty would just say "yeah, sorry, don't really care" and be on his merry way. I also think Regulus is a bit of a foodie, in that he loves the different types of human meals and flavors and how each reflect a different culture and background. It's just the little things for Regulus, food and books. Books that allow him to travel to different worlds in which God doesn't exist and he can be anything he wants to be, not just an angel bound to the Greater Good
Also Barty is an ABSOLUTE simp
Regulus, much the same and far less likely to admit it, is in love with the fascinating world of humans too. Most particularly the food. Technically they don't need to eat, it's not a requirement, Barty only ever does it when he feels it's neccessary for appearances or when Regulus insists that he just can't go on living without at least trying a bite. Regulus, however, is a connoisseur. When he acquired his townhome in central London back in 1979, his main concern was the size and capabilities of the kitchen. For comparison, Barty doesn't think he's ever once touched the kitchen in his flat, aside from the one time Regulus asked him to store a cake in his refrigerator. He's thinking of having it refinished into another plant room.
His all time favorite is French food, after a particular excursion during the French Revolution filled with temptation, miracles, crepes, and a near mountain of baguettes. He learned quiche, creampuffs, and croque in Paris, fell in love with garlic in Italy. Spain got him hooked on chocolate and olives, and the shrimp came about from one confusing trip to Japan that Barty isn't fully certain actually happened. He also likes waffles, but that's far too American for him to admit.
So Barty takes them to Le Gavroche, which he is aware is secretly Regulus's favorite, not because the food is good, but because the restaurant itself is so flashy and sought after it takes an angelic miracle to secure them a table. He, as a higher, or technically lower being, is not limited by human languages, well versed and able to communicate in any one he chooses, but there is an unspoken agreement in which he allows Regulus to translate the menu into English for him and does not remind him that he, too, knows French.
So, in conclusion, it's not really a concrete thing it's just the entirety of them. The story of Good Omens is so good and through the lense of Barty and Regulus, who are both very different and very similar to Crowley and Aziraphale, would be just *chefs kiss*. They're two idiots choosing each other over a war and how can you not fall on your knees as to how tooth achingly sweet it is?? "Aww, Reg. You were willing to kill the antichrist for me? Little ol' me?" "Shut up."
Ary, this was very long and hardly made any sense, so I apologize, but I had the time of my life writing all of this down for you. Did I actually answer your question? I have no idea! But I definitely did something, so... tada!!
Brainrot successfully encouraged, this going to be all I can think about for the rest of the day...
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thechillsquid · 1 year
Good Omens Thoughts
Im going feral I’m going wild I’m totally normal about this show (lying)
Spoilers for season two below
Also so much confirms my thoughts that Crowley is infact the Archangel Raphael, we never get what he was called in heaven, he is important enough to be able to call angels to help him with tasks, fucking flipped that folder open no effort, I’m so silly I’m so silly I’m silly jeez louis
Also just the fact that the other Archangels were full on ready to alt delete Gabriel’s memories makes me think they are def hiding shit, and they want these things hidden still
So like what if Crowley learned something while in heaven he wasn’t supposed to, cause like my man’s just wants to get away from it all and do his own thing and like my thoughts are everywhere BUT I THINK CROWLEY KNOWS SO MUCH MORE SHIT THEN WE KNOW AND I THINK THAT ITS SOME CRITICAL PEICES AND ARGHHH
Also. God wasn’t in the second season narrating like She had been doing in season one??????? Like what happened with that???? Where is She?????? Also why haven’t we heard much about the Holy Spirit or Jesus besides the crucifixion? Like you’d imagine they’d be about more? I dunno
Further things, I think we’re going to see flashbacks to the war because it keeps on popping up and now with the Second Coming? Mmmmmmmmmm
I also think that we may see Pugratory but I’m not as confident and that’s just a what if since we’ve seen Heaven and Hell but what about other planes like
Also I think we’re going to see more of Hell in-depth cause we’ve been like lingering in Heaven this season; oh yeah like where the fuck are all the demons and angels btw????
Like sure we see demons and we see the archangels + Muriel, but like… where are the legions? Where are all the angels that in season one were all busying about??????
That fucking coffee as well is fucking. Sus. Sus ass coffee. Sus ass Aziraphale. Fucking ‘I speak to God totally’ dude is a lying fuck that I bet hasn’t actually heard God in ages and is going for a power hit. Sus ass Crowley as well.
Everyone is sus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also. I think we are going to get two more angelic/demonic relationships next season because we’ve always had three (major/important) relationships per season.
1: Madam + Witch Hunter dude; Newt + Our lovely witch gal; Crowley + Aziraphale
2: Lesbian gals; Gabriel + Beelzebub; Crowley + Aziraphale
So we had in season 1 two human couplings and one celestial coupling; season 2 we had one human dealo and two celestial couplings; so I think we could get three celestial couplings but that is also unsupported by much of of anything besides this loose pattern
Im going feral and I shall wait until I am fed with more lore and blah. But dear goodness so much to try and take in and even more issuing with trying to get all my thoughts out into something coherent lmao
Also Beëlzebub and Gabriel becoming a thing made me so silly goofy happy
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transtomboy · 1 year
EP 6
there's so much in the trailer than happens in the last eps lmao
how this bitch can't walk in the church but this nigga wandering in damn heaven
Could they not recognize him
I feel if the apocalypse stops, everyone should know who crowley is and should recognize him
maggie and nina kinda unserious
the middle finger, like be serious
people fucking visits vinyl stores shax!
ohhh they got permission
how many times is this bunny looking bitch getting killed?
ig not many people are there and ig crowley knows that???
crowley was an archangel ermmm
the gabriel switch up, porque?
where did that come from?
i don't think angels would be embarrassed by nudity
declared war??????
damn they dropped everything in that trailer
even i didn't realize its sarcasm
uhh okay
I just skipped all that shit
if i read a fic, i better not see that ship on the side
Every ship idgaf about is happening but the one i like
girl who is mettaton
NAW get this fanfiction out of my face, why are we doing an intervention???
Went to catholic high school and i legit don't know what tf a metatron is
aziraphale is so unserious rn
oh angel status? oh okay I can see why he would be excited about that
is this nigga crying?
aziraphale R U SERIOUS
Are you ready to die, Aziraphale?
"nothing lasts forever" UR SO DONE MAN
whiny bitch SHUT UPPPP
i get this dry ass kiss cause aziraphale's being a bitch
this nigga kissing form millenia cause I keep pausing and being upset
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veilchenjaeger · 1 year
In the time it took me to recover from reading The Locked Tomb, I finally watched the second season of Good Omens (had to wait for my parents to be able to watch it with me), and I want to do a quick post of my first impressions bc I like writing these. (No, I'm not over The Locked Tomb enough to write one for that yet. Maybe soon. Or maybe for Alecto.)
The short version is that I loved it, especially the ending. Season 1 is probably one of my favourite shows ever made; it's so obvious how much love and care went into every second of it, and I'm still impressed by how it manages to both be accurate to the book and modernise and alter the story a little to fit a TV show made decades after the book came out. The pacing, the amount of creativity and very different characters it introduces, the Cold War themes that somehow still work in the 2018 version, all the stuff that just keeps happening - it's just very good. Season 2 is very different from that, regarding the pacing especially. There's a lot less going on. Its focus is a lot more narrow. It's a lot slower, and a lot of it feels like filler, up until the last two episodes re-introduce the Shit Is Happening Left And Right pacing. Ultimately, it's a bridge between the first season and the next one (fingers fucking crossed that it gets made; I'm ready to just start cannibalising Amazon executives), it very much feels like one, and I think that's what it has to be seen as. Neil Gaiman confirmed that that's what it is a long time ago. So, no, it's not as gorgeously done as season 1 - but I went into it expecting a bridge, and I did get an incredibly enjoyable and very heartbreaking bridge that I'm 100% satisfied with. I wanted to see Aziraphale and Crowley and I saw them a lot, the plot is solid, and the last episode really came in with the fucking steel chair and knocked me the fuck out. My mind is rotting in 20 different ways rn. I did not need this after Nona the Ninth.
Anyways, in case there's anyone here who's on the fence about watching season 2 (or about Good Omens!), go watch it. Be at peace. Get your heart broken. (And, like, watch Good Omens, it's so good.)
Spoilery thoughts under the cut.
Starting off with a minor intriguing thing - I was SO on the fence about Crowley and Aziraphale having met before the Fall when I first watched their first meeting, but y'know what? I like it. There really isn't anything that says that they didn't know each other already in their Eden conversation. (I think that in the book, it does read like they know each other.) And I like all the little hints we're suddenly getting at who Crowley used to be before the fall. He was a Throne or a Dominion or above??? HELLO??? If the "Crowley was Raphael" theory ends up being real, I'm gonna start walking up the walls. Anyways, it's cool, these little reminders that Crowley does know Heaven fit very well with the overall theme of criticising Heaven as an institution, and I really hope that this is all build-up for a reveal of what sauntering vaguely downwards entailed for Crowley. Aziraphale's character arc is very much a metaphor for religious trauma and being in a cult, and season 2 puts Crowley in the role of the one who got out of the cult even more explicitly than season 1 did, which... is very appropriate, considering how it all ends.
Next up, I CANNOT FUCKING BELIEVE that they made Gabriel/Beelzebub canon. Are you KIDDING me. I went through all five stages of grief watching this with my parents right next to me, who had never heard of this ship before and were just sitting there, happily watching things proceed while my entire goddamn brain melted. What the FUCK. The audacity to do this and make it work, at that. I didn't even ship this, ever, and I'm still losing my entire mind about it. Is that what Homestuck readers felt like when Davekat went canon? Absolutely bonkers emotion, 10/10 would experience again. How dare they make me like Gabriel, also. Anyways, it fucking worked, and that's what upsets me the most. This was a genuinely sweet, romantic little story. The thing with the fly? OOF. Adorable. Extremely romantic. I, too, would leave everything I ever knew to go to Alpha Centauri with someone who made me the first gift of my life, saved my memory and sense of self with said gift, and then called it perfect to my face. Crowley is taking notes for wooing his own angel as we speak.
And it's all a big Aziraphale-and-Crowley parallel, of course. It's so fun that there were two of those - I had a chat with my dad about that, and we took note of some very interesting things. Like, it's very obvious that Nina and Maggie are Aziraphale and Crowley's mirror, but it only really hit me afterwards that narratively speaking, Nina is Aziraphale. She gets all the Crowley traits, of course - she's the sceptic, she's the grumpy one, she even calls Maggie "angel" (Cute!!!), and Maggie with her outdated lifestyle and her nerves and her cheerfulness is obviously meant to read as an Aziraphale parallel at first glance. But Maggie is the one who's waiting. She's the one who doesn't quite dare to confess, but tries to get close to Nina nonetheless. And Nina is the one who's in a toxic relationship and who, in the end, says that she needs some more time to get over that, hoping that Maggie will still be there when she's ready. And Maggie of course will be there! Like Crowley has been there for thousands of years and presumably will still be there once Aziraphale finally gets out of the cult for good. I want to believe its foreshadowing - it's certainly a direct parallel to the heartbreak scene in the end, and I want to believe that Beelzebub and Gabriel getting their happy ending is foreshadowing as well. It does drive me slightly insane that every single bit of this season was at least part of a big narrative parallel for Aziraphale and Crowley. It was all about love. I'm sobbing. It's all about LOVE, and hasn't it always been? (And, well, it's not like Anathema and Newt and Madame Tracy and Shadwell weren't Aziraphale and Crowley as well.)
On that note: The emotion I felt when they kissed? Unparalleled. We're explicitly and fully undeniably in the queer main characters zone, bitches. I legitimately almost cried. Of course the love story was pretty much explicit in season 1 already, but in a show that is not a Queer Show(tm) from the get-go, that never was marketed as such, a kiss still means so much, even if it's a sad goodbye kiss.
And speaking of that, finally - I avoided spoilers as much as I could, but I did pick up on the general, uh, unrest in fandom regarding the ending. Like, people apparently hated it and were very vocal about it, to the point where I couldn't even avoid it when I went out of my way to not look at anything Good Omens-related. Fandom annoys me more and more by the day - this is definitely one more thing for the pile of annoyances - and I try not to let that ruin my enjoyment of things, but I was prepared to be let down by the ending. Which is very interesting, because the ending was hands down my favourite part of the season. What the FUCK, people, can we not complain about the episode where we get an onscreen kiss? Anyways, I'm SO intrigued by this ending and the story it begins to tell. Aziraphale as an archangel is a wild status quo, first of all, but mostly, I really like what they did with the characters here. Again, Aziraphale is metaphorically in a cult, and the fact that he cannot let go of the idea that Heaven is supposed to be good, that what Heaven does must ultimately be good, fits that very well imo. He's at the point where he has realised that angels make mistakes and some decisions made in Heaven are wrong, which makes him determined to change things once he's in a position of power, but he's still not out of his cult mindset yet. Being an angel is still an inherently good thing in his mind, so of course he's fucking ecstatic when he thinks that he's able to bring Crowley to Heaven. Only that Crowley is really not about to re-join the fundamentalist cult he already got out of once, thank you very much. So, yeah, this works, and it's heartbreaking. Poor Crowley deserves none of this.
(All of this is also very, very queer - there's the obvious cult metaphor, but Aziraphale is also absolutely a metaphor for internalised homophobia. He gets the opportunity to be with Crowley and be straight, metaphorically, to have their relationship be a socially accepted, good, not sinful one! There's also some of the "Your soul can be saved if you stop being a demon gay" thing in there. I want to give Aziraphale twenty hugs.)
Ultimately, "Come to Heaven with me" vs. "It could just be us" complete with a desperate, heartbreaking, overwhelming goodbye kiss broke my entire goddamn heart. I'm very glad that Neil Gaiman already promised to tell the rest of the story no matter what, even if Amazon doesn't play along. That's not something that can stay unfinished. Anyways, TL;DR: Loved it, will watch again once I know how everything ends and don't have to cry about the ending anymore. Will go look at kiss gifs now.
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