#so she’s mutable :3
squeakitties · 1 year
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she got that conversion she always wanted!!
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itsastrobixch · 29 days
Astrology notes
- gemini / mercury / uranus / aqua change their identity a lot online. They place a lot of importance on their online identity and as they change so does their online personas.
- Mercury dominance if well placed Learnt to talk very early and saturn mercury aspects learnt to speak a bit late or may speak with a bit of hesitation.
- chiron in 1st have deep rooted identity issues and may also not be able to relax in photos and stuff. Some may even go to the extent of not wanting to take pictures at all.
- count yourself lucky if : air signs ask for your advice.. They don't ask option from everyone. Similarly if fire signs seek you out or show you their defeated side and depressed side. They Always want people to seem them as optimistic fiery and determined but like evryone they too go through down times but they tend to bounce back faster than others.
- Mercury saturn or Mercury rx may have great conversations with themselves in their heads but when it comes out it night miss the mark or.. Like not sound as good as it did in their brains.
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- all mercury /gemini dominants open 3 to 5 tabs at the same time. And don't finish a single one completely. Change my mind.
- moon pluto tumultuous emotions. Whiplash. One extrene or the other. Mood changes just with a single event. The whole room can feel the shift as well. Moon and Pluto both give out unstable, watery and intense emotions. It can be difficult if negatively aspected. Even if positively aspected it can lead to the feeling overwhelming emotions.
- People with pluto in 1st, their emotions are hidden. No one knows how they feel. Mostly i see geminis get all the credit for their glib tongues. But have you ever seen a Pluto person toy with people when they know they truth ? They'll lie so effortlessly that even the people who know the truth will start to believe the lie is the truth. Their words and their facial expressions while lying is so controlled and natural it's scary.
- Asteroid Cerea shows is how we nurture. Aries ceres is the defender of the group and people who tend to protect people who are defenseless esp animals. Taurus is the comforter. And so on. But aspects and the house in which Ceres is in also plays a major role.
- Uranus / gemini in 3rd house have lots of ideas at the same time but many are unfocused and evrything is gone in a fleet. They may have a brilliant idea but Lose it in the next second. It'll be better if they scribble down their thoughts anywhere somewhere so they'll have a basic idea of what they thought.
- I fucking admire Aries women, esp as a Libra, like how tf..? i used to have a friend, she used to do some pretty controversial shit in high school but like never once let anything get iin her way and is now a part time business woman...like come on...how are you so headstrong ? And somehow things also tend to workout for them
- every mutable person has a box full of drafts all half done and of various types but all undone. Its a mess of ideas and posts half written and lost interest and motivation along the way...but I'll save it for another day when I will want to finish it up.
- If an air sign texts you daily, they like you. Especially instant replies . 🌝
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- scorpio, and Venus Pluto aspects also tend to fall for someone who is out of their grasp. they like to torture themselves like that 😂 or they'll think that they don't deserve the person they're in love with. Its Always one or the other with them.
- venus neptune contacts produce the devoted worshipper type lovers. They will worship the ground their love walks on and will turn a blind eye to their faults. This is most definitely not a healthy patter of behaviour. Please don't indulge in this.
- mercury dominants can't fucking shut their brain off. they have a lot of nervous energy. And will Always be actively thinking about atleast two things at once.
- actually now that i think about it, my bffs in high are an Aries sun, me a sag rising and my frnd a leo sun. and i still wonder why the girls didn't like us 😂🌝 if fire signs get together whether they stir up drama or not, it'll either find them or people will hold them responsible for it even if they aren't.
- gemini and Mercury dominants can imitate very well especially the accents. Their adpative ability is out of charts and a bit creepy tbh. how they change acc to people, how they acclimatise to their surroundings ax cultures, they have this ability which allows to be another person if they like.
- mars - pluto negative aspects may have r*pe dreams often even if they haven't had any such encounters.
- pluto in 1st are ironically afraid of death and illness more so than the usual person.
- 11th house sign may show how we behave online.
-geminins have this weird ability to take and soak up information from all over the place and somehow put it together perfectly . they learn stuff from disorderly messes but they seem to understand it with clarity.
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lilacstro · 3 months
astro observations part 8
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lmao not me posting aggressively, but I am starting uni soon and possibly as a STEM major so i might have no time all with balancing university and pursuing astrology professionally and i really like tumblr lol so im trying to atleast post it until pt 10
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anyways lets gooooooooooo (i love totoro btw)
1.People having Venus in 8th or 12th or ruler of 2nd house in 8th/12th can actually have glasses or some kind of issues with eyes in general
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2.Chiron in 9th could mean you have joint/bone problems
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3. Have you seen the comments that used to say "me imagining to play this song in front of my crush" or "us imagining to dance like that in front of the whole school", i feel the maximum people who would relate to must have their moon in leo, or big 6 lmao
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4. People with mars in 11th house may really get defensive and protective of their friends, in some cases however, they can even get competitive with them
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5. People with Uranus in 3rd house may actually have hard childhoods or maybe inconsistent ones, maybe you were always moving, maybe your parent/s were sick in some sorts, maybe something else
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6.People with a DC in Pisces would always look innocent lmao, like they would have some kind of thing about them that people would deem them as innocent regardless
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8. People with Saturn in 11th house may have a hard time making friends or they may set too many rules on their friendships and end it. It may take a very long time for them to be able to find friends but when they do, it lasts. Also, these people arent the best to comfort/keep up with you but will always have your back and help/guide you in need and no deceit
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9. Having MC in Taurus/Capricorn can mean your hardwork is usually recognized and seen, people may actually feel you are super hardworking regardless of anything tbh
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10. The sign your 6th house is in can actually determine your relationship with routine. People with fixed signs, like fixed routines and things, mutable ones can't keep up with routines and go with the flow and feels while, ones with cardinal signs like adding new things to their routines as they please
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11.People with either 3/11th house in mercurial signs or people having aquarius stelliums are usually very good with computers and internet stuff
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12.Both my mom and sister have mars conjunct mercury and it more than often seems they are loud/aggressive while talking even when they are saying the simplest things and may actually be called out for that
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13. People with MC in libra, might like to dress/appeal in old money aesthetic, and it could very much be people assume them to be rich somehow, when they absolutely aren't. They have some kind of socialite appeal to them.
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14. My sister has mercury in sag, and people are often surprised when she speaks our mother tongue, most of them assume that she somehow might not speak that language at all, or just speaks english, Infact, she knows both of them well.
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15. Cancer Sun women, usually are very polite mothers, like gentle motherly love kind of. On the contrary, most Leo women I know give their children tough love, but they usually let their kids free and fly and arent super restrictive or vindictive out of line as such.
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livinahey · 11 months
📝 astr°O°
Warning : mentioning 🔞 stuff herE
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-not my pic :)
🔗 earth sun/moon LOVES to eat. They turned off by ppl who doesnt seem care to eat
🔗 water moon that have venus & bm lilith in same sign gets soooo many hate & ppl mocking them. ie ive wonyoung (moon in pisces, venus & bm lilith in cancer), ice spice (moon in scorpio, venus & bm lilith in sag), kylie jenner (moon in scorpio, venus & bm lilith in virgo) ; to their fans, pls don't attack me 👣 another example is one minister in the country where i currently live; she has moon in cancer with venus & bm lilith in libra and yeah many do not like her
🔗 asteroid juno (3) in fixed sign are powerful
🔗 prominent pluto (aspecting big 3/multiple aspects to pluto) are not for the weak
🔗 mutable venus are underrated fame indicator!!!! They also make the cool parents 😎
🔗 libra in big 6 women have the best s3xual appeal
🔗 speaking ab the best seggs appeal, in men, its the scorpio in big 6
🔗 i think our saturn sign are what others see ab us that seems not make sense/not good ab the traits of the sign that can even be our downfall. ie gemini saturn can have others do not like ab what they say/the way they talk. You can be seen as not a good person to talk to
🔗 water sun are calculating
🔗 jupiter in angles (1h/4h/7h/10h) give massive/worldwide fame
🔗 aqua stellium have good work ethic
🔗 actor/actress often found have ascendant at air degree. air degrees are 3°/15°/27° (gemini), 7°/19° (libra), 11°/23° (aqu)
🔗 are you really a sagittarius sun if you dont like to go out?
🔗 leo moon often get their privacy invaded. ugh. so easy for them to attract attention and so do gossips... i'm so sorry for you
🔗 yk those with weird/funny pic as their social media pfp? yeah probably theyre a moon in mutable house (3h/6h/9h/12h)
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punksocks · 2 months
Astrology Observations: No.29
*only based on my observations, only take what resonates
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(Oml I didn’t realize that I haven’t written out a proper observations post since May?? I’m so sorry y’all life has been crazy b u s y and the world has been on fire due to colonialism, but I’m going to write more again 🙃 I love astrology but existence is wild y’all)
-I had a client say Geminis always get Gemini tattoos.. while getting a Gemini tattoo lol (and they were right!!) (Leo suns are second most likely imo)
-mutable venuses like changes in fashion a lot, they tend to go through fashion phases
-Every Pisces sun I’ve met has said they don’t really like being a Pisces at least once. Which is so interesting because Pisces sun isn’t a placement in determent, Libra is ! And I think 9 times out of 10 Libras will say they love being Libras (or it’s a huge part of their personality fr)
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-My favorite thing I’ve heard from a Libra sun I knew was that they hated doing all of the things that made them appear socially functional so I said “why do you do it? why not just stop doing what you hate?” and they just looked blank like they couldn’t even imagine not conforming (even though they were an aqua moon)
-Ok so I’ve been wondering why I’ve had repetitive instances of some people being passive aggressive and w e i r d at my main job when I literally own the business and I’m their boss?? But it’s that Lilith in 10th. No one is neutral about your energy and you can rub folks the wrong way just by minding your business. I don’t like it but especially at work bc I’m a Capricorn and this isn’t productive >:/ lol
-Oh another Lilith touching Asc observation is when people start a conversation with me like 60-75% of the time they try to challenge me or ask lowkey rude questions (sneak diss shit lol) like 3 different people asked me what tattoo I regret the most and I was like ??? Hello? Who are you? Lol these streets oml…
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-cancer placements can be really centered on defending their self, their perspective, their family, their community (they don’t have to be but it can be a common trait). I just noticed the pattern after ages of wondering why cancer was associated with nationalism on a wide scale. (Pluto in Cancer generation and the rise in nationalism after ww2 for example)
-I feel like Sagittarius placements (especially the big 3) will always be ready to do something new and life changing at any age (moving abroad, going on vacation and exploring new places, getting their first tattoo, anything that seems like it’ll open the door to a set of new experiences)
-Strong mars and mercury energy can make someone brutal in arguments (air mars, Virgo and Gemini mars, even Kendrick is an example he destroyed Drake- and Kendrick has mars conjunct Mercury and a Gemini sun)
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-Sag Venus culture is being clingy because you need a lot of attention/stimulation and suddenly ditching when you don’t get enough attention/stimulation to keep your interest 🥴 (even more with sag mars since they’re action oriented, they’re in the same camp imo lol)
-I blame America’s Aquarius moon for the cultural phobia of being too “irrational” or “emotionally expressive” ….while being known as being too passionate and irrational in many non US cultures (also the US and the emotional detachment for the sake of “progress”, dark side of this placement but thematic nonetheless)
-imo when sun’s transiting your Lilith you can feel like a lot of attention is on you, sometimes good but often pretty scrutinizing. I also feel like you can achieve some impossible things during this transit due to Lilith’s energy (she’s built for rebellion, so when a lot of criticism is pointed her way she finds an unconventional way to come out on top)
-I have so much writing to do but if there are specific placements you want me to do observations on, let me know in the comments and my inbox!
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mourningsbane · 2 months
Perhaps silly questions, but I'm growing more and more curious of your blog with each new entry/question answered. Love the story slowly unfolding here, cannot wait for the next part and following moons <3
Does Palekit have any further deformations? Or rather that question but in past tense. His tail looks almost fin-like, but I'm not sure if what we are seeing is a) a stylistic "drooping goo" effect, b) a very weird tuft of fur, or c) some malformation of the tail tip, resulting in its split structure.
What's the clan's relationship with Sweetkit, considering so many of its members', em... involvement in the perishing of Honeyspring and her kits. Mostly wondering if Flaildrizzle, Tanglefern and Rootstar feel anything (guilt, sadness, etc.) at all when they see this only kit in clan after a whole litter dies in such horrible circumstances before Sweetkit's arrival? I mean, surely such a tragedy leaves an impact. A followup question-
How much time has passed since Honeyspring's death and Sweetkit's arrival? Do any of LutumClan's cats consider Sweetkit to be like "a second chance" for the clan after losing their only queen and her litter?
A bit of an alternate outcome question! Let's assume Nothing Bad Ever Happened©️ to Honeyspring's kits. What would their warrior names be? What would their basic personalities be? Would any of them pursue high ranks within LutumClan?
Also sending fictional love to Honeyspring, stay goopy queen 💅
There's no such thing as a silly question! Besides, I like answering questions, even if it takes me a while to get to them! <3
My answers are a tad long, so I'll put them under the cut!
1.) Palekit did not have any further deformations! His face was slightly crooked, and his tongue sometimes hung out, but that was about it. He also had severe issues with vomiting; he just couldn't keep anything down and tended to bleed.
2.) Rootstar, Flaildrizzle, and Tanglefern all feel very guilty and upset by what happened to Honeyspring's kits! Still, they, and the rest of LutumClan, saw Sweetkit's arrival as a sign of hope. However, LutumClan as a whole tends to be a tad overprotective of the only kit in the clan.
3.) About 3-ish months have passed since Honeyspring's death! Sweetkit is definitely considered LutumClan's "second chance" of sorts, but a few cats (namely Rootstar and a few others) REALLY wish Sweetkit was in the care of someone who ISN'T Bearface. They're worried that Bearface, being a former outsider who barely respects the clan code as is, will be a bad influence on her.
4.) As for the alternate outcome, let me think! I'll give you my best guesses, but destiny is mutable, so these could've easily changed!
Smallkit would grow into Smallcloud, and would become an apprentice to Tanglefern! She would be on the smaller side, but she'd be a fierce creature for sure! She'd be smart and cautious, but never a push-over.
Flailkit would grow into Flailwhisker, and would likely go on the path of becoming a queen or mediator! She'd likely be about average height and a bit on the chunkier side. I imagine her to be quiet and shy, much like Flaildrizzle, and easy to talk over. Still, she cares greatly about her clanmates, even if she's easily overwhelmed. Smallcloud would've been very protective over her in their youth.
Palekit would grow into Paleclaw, and would most certainly follow the path of a warrior! He'd idolized his aunt, Rootstar, and wanted to become a leader just like her. He's prideful and a little boastful for sure, but not intentionally. He's just very proud of his aunt being the leader, and his mom (Flaildrizzle) being the deputy, and wants to make sure everyone knows it.
Had Honeyspring's kits lived, Sweetkit's role would have also changed, but I can't say it due to spoilers!
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ferie-anon · 1 year
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🐚 Aspects & asteroid observations etc 🐚
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🍵 I notice people with bella asteroid (695) in sagittarius tend to be known for their bigger figure and curvy for females, as sag rules the booty. Men with this placement could have broader shoulders and look athletic or look fit. Btw the bella asteroid (695) can show you where ur “beauty” is.
🍵 Bella asteroid in virgo tend to have an “earthly”/natural and warm beauty. Their skin could be tanned or just have a warm undertone. They could have big doe eyes, from the ones I’ve seen that has this placement.
Bella asteroid in libra or 7th house may be known for their harmonious facial features.
🍵 Moon in 9th/sag tend to space out at times I notice, or they don’t recall certain details/events at times if they don’t remember anything memorable of it.
🍵 Venus trine neptune falling for morally grey characters? 👀
🍵 Nymphe (875) in leo in conjunct the ascendant may have luscious and wavy hair or their hair is ethereal/pretty to others.
🍵 Jupiter conjunct asc = big chest + booty 👯‍♀️ tho I’m sure ppl alrdy know that 🧍‍♀️
Difference between pluto negatively aspecting ascendant vs positively aspecting:
Me having pluto square ascendant and ppl finding it a bit hard to approach irl becuz I look quiet and studious and isolated (pluto square asc ppl are private and keep to themselves)
While my friend has pluto sextile ascendant and people finding her interesting and easy to talk to, cuz shes kinda quiet but also wants to make friends/experience the fullest of life (pluto sextile asc makes them more comfortable and confident in their power and making them magnetic and able to understand others in a deeper and different way).
Also I have another friend who has pluto square asc and ppl think she’s judgy/intimidating or looks to be a critical person at first glance/impression, even tho shes actually chill and friendly. So sometimes they don’t approach at first till they find out shes nice actually.
Random moon sign analysis:
🍵 Interestingly I have two friends with moon in 9th house but they don’t act the same. One of them has virgo moon in 9th house at 15 degrees (gemini degree), and the other has gemini moon in 9th house at 19 degrees (libra degree). Both moon signs are in mutable signs and house(while the degrees are different), but I feel the degrees slightly change the way they process and interpret information. The one with the gemini degree in her moon in 9th tend to be a bit “scattered” and have random unusual but creative and funny ideas, whereas my friend with libra degree in her moon in 9th seems to be more calm and just going with the flow with her thinking and balanced with her side and processing what others are saying to add to it. Since libra degree is cardinal energy, so her process of thinking is more direct.
It could also be becuz the two moon signs are inherently different in their process since virgo moon is more practical but also tries to retain and have a lot going thru their head, while gemini moon’s brains easily access and connect a lot of things in their head at that moment or just intuitively/ gemini moons thinkings are less filled with overthinking as they are not focused on the effects but the "possibilities".
🖋️ Mars at 0 degrees would lash out or have a lot of anger in them. If u tick them off or they feel disrespected, their anger can be volatile or hurtful.
🖋️ Saturn in 4th house could indicate to a difficult childhood or a family life of feeling disconnected or alone at times. One of my friends has this in her natal chart and her family dynamics is complicated, as she feels distant with her father and step-mom, while her birth mother and grandma lives in another country and she feels closer with them.
🖋️ I notice if theres gemini in the big 3 and earth placements in the big 6 together, they may be interested in getting tattoos on their body. For eg. Taurus sun with gemini moon and venus, they may think of getting meaningful word tattoos on their neck. (Eg. Ricky from boys planet has a tattoo on his neck with the word rolemodel on it) meanwhile sung hanbin from boys planet has a word/quote tattoo on his inner part of his arm and he has a sun and moon tattoo around the center of his collarbone/chest (hanbin has a gemini sun pisces moon with taurus venus)
I just notice that if theres gemini and earth placements in there, they’re likely interested in getting tattoos over their upper body, like arm, neck, or back. I think the moon sign can heavily influence where they put the tattoos and wut type of tattoos. Pisces moon may be more visual and may have tattoos of objects that are symbolic to them. Gemini moon may tend to get a quote they find meaningful or a fancy word tattoo. Capricorn moon may have their tattoos around areas of their joints, area wheres theres bone structure to support like the back since capricorn rules the skeletal system.
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famemonsterrr · 1 year
Astrology observations part 5. 🪽
- Aquarius placements make someone soo smart ass and witty. Especially mercury 🤌🏻
- Gemini and Sagittarius are the type of people who will be killed by curiosity.
- 11th house placements make someone really popular and well known even if they don’t hang out with everyone. Same goes with the 3rd house placements maybe because of your siblings
- Pisces sun with Capricorn Venus is the most random and sad placement in a natal chart.
- Gemini sun with cancer placements are softies and more sensitive than all gemini placements
Men with all gemini in the personal planets is a red flag. Immature and easily influenced
- people with 4th house Venus will want their home to be comfortable and keep memories from their family house. You will see a lot of childhood pics on the walls or maybe a lot of photo albums.
- i love how passive aggressive a cancer can be. Like they are soooo unserious in serious situations. They will piss you off.
- it might be unpopular but the sister sign is a big fat lie. I have seen couples and friends with the sister signs not lasting long. For example every friendship I have a Virgo was good of 1 year and then became toxic.
- Pisces with 8th house placements or Scorpio placements is the person that will have temporary obsessions. Maybe they will find a song and play it for months and then will find a new song and then again. Maybe it would be a crush,maybe a movie character.
- Gemini and Sagittarius placements love cultures and they know a lot of things about them.(My mom is Gemini sun with Sagittarius moon and when I was young she showed me a lot of cultures. One random day she mention how much interesting Bollywood is and bought some dvds and we watched them together. Also had a lot of Arabic cds and we love to listen together and thanks to her my love for cultures became huge)
- i love LEO a lot but having it in your moon is pain in the ass. DRAMA QUEEN but I applause you for being open and expressive with what u feeling. Vulnerable queen💅🏻 but high maintenance moon. Constant admiration and attention.
- Pisces moon/rising people have dead inside eyes as for the other placements I can’t see it. (I’m Pisces sun and Venus and I don’t have this type of eyes)
- air moons scare me. You don’t know how they feel and what they feel. They are just there breathing and existing and inside their head their tiny version maybe burning the whole place💀 (SpongeBob brain scene if u know u know what I’m saying)
- I kinda feel bad for all my Scorpio moon people. Are you okay? ☹️
- Aquarius and Pisces will say things to get a reaction out of everyone. I have seen myself doing that just because I want to annoy them. I don’t believe half of the things I’m saying but I will do it to get a reaction for fun. Also 7th house placements do that.
- earth suns with Sagittarius placements make them super fun and cool. (My bestie is Capricorn with Sagittarius moon and she is so fun and witty)
- have you seen a Pisces sticking into anything? No me neither these bitches changing everything when they getting bored. It’s a mutable thingy ✨
- libra mercury is the devils advocate. ALWAYS
- never date someone who has the same mars sign as ur moon. Unless u want PAIN💅🏻
- always date someone who has the same Venus as ur sun. They will see you as their ideal type vice versa.
- Virgo women love cleaning and organising and Capricorn men love cleaning and organising. Match in heaven? 😏
- just to know the biggest liars are libra and Leo not Gemini.
- Pisces aren’t competitive at all they even let you win. They just don’t care (that’s me unless I’m playing uno) also really unpopular but Aries aren’t that competitive.
- Aquarius love internet friendships because they can have their space and not meet all the time with people.
- Taurus are more obsessive than a Scorpio. (I had a dude who said to me that he was stalking his ex for 3 years straight. It’s the dedication for me💀)
Speaking of these two. THEY ALWAYS BELONG TOGETHER. both insane and obsessed over each other in relationship. Maybe not the best of friends but everything is possible
- I haven’t see Gemini and Pisces be able to concentrate for more than 10 min.
- this is a personal thing to say but as a Pisces I tend to connect people with colours,smells ect. (One of my besties is white and always imagine her as cotton candy.) also I tend to bring in any conversation my closest people. I just love to mention them anywhere I can. If any Pisces reads this please tell I ain’t the one.
- libra sun with Virgo placements is a person with perfectionism and anxiety.
- fixed dominated individuals are like Patrick’s house. Like big rocks 💀
- cardinal dominated individuals need to learn manange their hidden anger issues
- mutable dominated individuals need to learn to end things they started 😒
Thats all 🪽
Okay guys this one was loooong. Sometimes I have a lot of ideas in my head and I get stimulated so thank u for making it till the end. Appreciate it sooo much 🥰 stay healthy and hydrated 💅🏻
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
Random things about your next lover .
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This can be the long term relationship you'll have and can even be your future spouse. Just take it how it resonates.
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Pile 1
Very hard working person. Might have two or more jobs. Might be balancing studies and job. 
Is a perfectionist. Might be virgo rising.
You both will mirror each other.
They might like bunnies or have bunnies. Especially white ones.
You might meet them through friend or they can be friends with your friends.
Their mother has a great influence in their life. I'm Also getting that they love and respect their mother a lot.
They might overthink a lot. They thrive for knowledge. Might tell you a lot of random facts.
Their father might be a teacher or their father wasn't emotionally available.
They have the mind of child but don't show it to others. You both will heal each other.
Must protect this person at all costs. They are so precious.
They did a lot or sacrifices and compromises in their life and they want to enjoy life to the fullest but are afraid to. They have a lot of responsibilities.
They can easily cut people off and will do anything to win. They don't want be called a failure. In fact their major fear is failure.
You both might talk online for the first time. Or you can meet them while travelling.
They stand by what they say and won't back down from promises. A man of his words.
June 21st to 30 is significant date here.
They type to not have fun or not go to parties because they are protecting their peace.
Might have 2 best friends.
Their ear might stand our a lot. I'm seeing big or long ears. Or they can have their ear pierced.
Significant placement : Sagittarius rising, mutable signs, north node in 2nd house. Virgo moon in 10th house, Jupiter in 12 house. Capricorn in 12th . Earth placements.
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Pile 2
They might be the only male child in their family or the oldest sibling.
Their family sees them as a blessing and love them a lot.
They have a emotionally fulfilling family.
They have a charming personality and can sway you off. Cupid is in their favor all the time.
Your first meeting with them is going to be destined and nothing can stop you two from meeting.
They are very unpredictable and won't to able to catch what's going on inside their head.
They day dream alot and might zone out all the time.
Sometimes they feel like people have left them in cold and that people always leave them. So they have a hard time opening up to people.
They are a person who calculates their every step and always have plan B and C prepare in case something goes wrong.
They have a hypnotizing personality.
They like helping people a lot and they love language might be gifting.
They try to help everyone and people might take advantage of that.
They don't sleep deeply and even a fly can wale them up.
Okay this is funny so you know how moms wake up? Like when you wake up your mom she's frightened. That's exactly how they wake up.
They might have a pet that died and they miss him/her a lot.
They have a very creative mind and give them crayons and see what they can draw haha.
They have Golden Retriever energy for sure.
Sometimes they have a hard time accepting that they are wrong and might be a little immature.
Very passionate lover . absolute gentleman.
Significant placements : Sagittarius Mars, sun in Pisces or in 12th house. Sun in leo or 1st house, Jupiter in 7th house, Jupiter in Sagittarius. Prominent 12th house placements.
These can be your placements too.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: ✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Pile 3
Okay so when I was channeling I got the message that this person might be your future spouse.
They are into spirituality and might be into witchcraft too. Can be practicing witchcraft or just interested.
This person never stops learning. They alwar find new things to do and might get bored with the same lifestyle. They might even change their jobs or have two or more jobs.
They don't like inequality and won't tolerate any kind of discrimination. They won't stand any injustice. And always speak out the truth.
If you're attracted to females then her aesthetic might be light feminine and if you're attracted to males them he might be a feminine male. Or likes wearir pink or pastel colors.
They argue alot and arecrryr sassy.
Sarcasm is their love language lol.
They have balanced masculine and feminine energy and are comfortable in expressing both.
You both will complete each other. You have what they lack and they have what you lack.
They stand by what they say . They are not the type to make fun of other's culture or their beliefs.
They are a child from inside and will make you feel like a kid again. If you have had not-so-happy childhood you will experience that things you missed as a child with them.
You guys give off fictional couples vibes. Like how expressive and lovely they are with each other.
They are very protective over you and won't let anyone with bad intentions be near you.
They might keep a lot of secrets at the talkir stage because they have sides that they won't show to people easily. Might be very mysterious the first time you meet them.
You guys can meet in school/college or any work setting.
They might seem serious but they are a yolo type.
Significant placements : sun in libra in 2nd house, sun in leo, 9th house placements, south node in 6th house, Uranus in Sagittarius, Neptune in 5th house, sun in 12 house. Capricorn rising.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: ✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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plutonian-moon · 2 years
random astro observations ! p3 💋☆°
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take what resonates leave what doesn't!!
i notice that many people with bipolar discorder have water moon or 8H moons/12H moon,moon-uranus/moon-pluto, sun-moon (hard aspects) or cancer mars (its not for self diagnosis its just my observation!!) btw i also have bipolar to be specific i have bipolar type II with mixed features and also i have bpd and i have cancer moon 8H opposition pluto in 1H and in my moon persona chart i have pisces moon, moon conjunction uranus, moon square pluto,sun square moon, moon square asc, moon square mercury and so many others hard aspects to the moon lol so yeah... ☆°
gemini placements/3H placements tend to play hands when they talking !! ☆°
animals can be very attracted to 6H placements peoples i notice this the most with 6H suns, 6 moons, 6H venus and 6H neptune !! :3 ☆°
peoples can easly can not understanding what pisces mercury/3H neptune/mercury-neptune/3H pisces are trying to say .. and these peoples also can struggling with what they are trying to say and they mind can be very chaotic also they can escaping alot from reality and others can see this very easly also when u have this u can notice that others peoples can ignore u so much when it comes to what u saying for example u can ask someone who is starting next to u abt something and they just ignore u or u will trying to say something in school (for example) but other person will say this and bc of this u will get ignored (its also personal experience i have pisces mercury 3H conjunction neptune in 3H 😭) ☆
pisces moons/12H moons/moon-neptune (conjunction,inconjunction/quincunx, square, opposition) can have a mother that is playing a victim alot and u can feel very ignored by ur mother like she never listen to u when u r trying to speak or she will be ignoring what u r saying only to say what she wants ☆°
5H neptune can experience with drugs for fun and also experiment alot with drugs hmm also maybe doing drugs bc of being bored and having nothing to do alsooo 5H neptune peoples are very creative with love to art, music, spirituality etc!! also can use music as a form of escaping from reality :3 ooo and when these peoples will have a kids they can have a kids with a strong pisces placements/pisces in big 3/big 6 or neptune dominants/12H stelliums !! kids there can also be very artistic ! ☆°
9H saturn peoples are easly getting into melancholy mood and can have hard time to see something from positive side (3H saturn, 1H saturn, 12H saturn or 10H saturn can relate too) ☆°
12H saturn/pisces saturn/saturn-neptune(opposition,square,inconjunction/quincunx) peoples can be afride of hospitals or water ! also maybe bad experience with hospitals/doctors and water ☆°
8H uranus can have weird kinks 😭😭
9H uranus maybe are people with strong belief or their belief are seeing by others as controversial or "weird" ☆°
11H uranus can have many online friends !! ☆°
1H neptune peoples... something about they look and aura is just so pretty i lov yall sm !! they looks so angelic and sweet !! ☆°
2H moons can have fluid self esteem (one time they love themself and the next time hate how they looks, acts etc!) ☆°
3H mercury/gemini mercury always want to have they last word help and can fighting with u for fun (self exposing myself ☹☹☹) ☆°
mutable venus/mars peoples and gemini moons can be type of people that can experiment alot in relationships and even can be part of lgbt+ 🏳️‍🌈 ☆°
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autumnslance · 4 months
hi! random question for you because i stumbled upon your blog and have a lot of ffxiv character stuff in my head. what do you think about a WoL who is half dragon - do you think this could work? i'm not fully through the story so not sure on all the lore. but i was thinking of making an OC who is half dragon as an AuRa, who ik are NOT half dragon but what if the WoL was an actual half dragon? thanks for any input! have a nice day!
OK, this is one of those "here is the official lore, do with it, or not, what you will" answers. Cuz it's sorta kinda possible, in a way, just not how many other fantasy settings would do it.
Now, you say you're not all the way through story, but I don't know how far that means. So I may be vague about some things and spoil some others. Lore first, and then some options to play with it...
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Number 1: FF14 dragons are aliens. It seems hinted at in some ways, but we do learn that for certain in an optional raid quest in Stormblood. They are extraterrestrial, do not originate on the same planet. Hence the strangeness and strength of their abilities, especially among Midgardsormr and his First Brood, from whom all other True Dragons descend.
Number 2: Dragons reproduce asexually. Their mating is more a meeting of the mind and heart (which is why dedicated sibling pairs, like Tiamat and Bahamut, are not a problem). Their development is highly mutable, and dependent on personality and environment. Which is why there are so many kinds of dragons, and why this form of procreation isn't a problem for them.
(They also don't really care about gender, we find out in later game; they use pronouns and gendered language, but it's more like they pick it out of a hat and also I think it's in part how mortals parse their draconic language and identification of each other.)
In the ARR patches, the Ishgardian church's story about the ancient Saint Shiva is "she lay with dragons" and...sorta? Again, not necessarily sex as we primates manage it, but there was a romantic relationship that's one of the central elements of Heavensward's story.
Number 3: Dragons do not turn into people. Not natural born True Dragons, anyway. There is one who uses a simulacrum/homunculus that he controls in order to walk among people, but it's an artificial puppet body created via certain methods.
Heretics can sometimes turn into dragons--sometimes temporarily, sometimes permanently (not always their intent). They manage this by drinking dragons' blood (willingly given or not, depending on situation). There's also some plot points in HW where we learn some people in the past partook of a dragon's internal source of power and now it's spread through uncountable descendants--the reason for Dragoon abilities and heretics able to tap into that and become draconic.
Certain characters in certain questlines have noticeable powerful aetheric abilities and dragons can sense the connection--because one of their parents had imbibed dragon blood. There's also a quest where a Dragoon, who by training already has an "inner dragon" awoken and tapped into, is forced to drink dragon's blood and nearly loses her sanity and self, the attempt to transform her into a mindless beast (and the source of some of the Horde's shock troops, the characters realize) an element of the story, and can she overcome it.
(these side quests were part of my inspiration for Aeryn's unexpected backstory "Bearing Sins of the Past")
Number 4: There are dragon legends in the East, but only some have to do with True Dragons descended from the First Brood. We eventually learn Seiryu of the Four Lords is not a dragon, though often is mistaken for or described as one.
There are also throughout the world large flying lizards, dinosaurs, and other big reptilian creatures native to Hydaelyn, but not related to the First Brood. They're usually common animals with no intellect.
(This is because world lore writer Banri Oda just loves dinosaurs)
SO! All that said, what's this mean for making a half-dragon OC? Well, there's options!
To be lore compliant, someone of Coerthan descent and involved with, or from a family involved with, heresy (per the Ishgardian definition) can have draconic features, maybe try to pass themselves off as Au Ra, and/or have the ability to transform, either with a catalyst (blood, alchemy, a spell tapping into their inner dragon/draconic heritage, whatever) or because it's become an inherent part of them. Think draconic-blooded sorcerers from Dungeons & Dragons. They get their inherent magic due to draconic ancestry/influence somewhere in their lineage.
There's also always the mistaken/lying element; maybe the character thinks they are, or something has to do between their family and legends of the auspices and Four Lords. One of the things about FF14's lore is a lot of it is given in world and in characters; some of it is known to be wrong or misrepresented or incomplete etc., to give the devs wiggle room--as well as us as players.
One can partially ignore canon and say yeah, a humanoid parent boffed a draconic parent, in whatever form, and now this unlikely one in a million chance (or not, if we're already throwing away some lore) offspring is around and grown into an adventurer.
I've also seen folks portal in their OC from another fantasy setting where such things are more plausible, such as D&D (Baldur's Gate 3 is the current new hotness) or Warcraft (where it's honestly more assumed, as I can't recall an actual canon half-dragon but that's always a popular RP concept).
So while on the surface, some may say "no, that's not canon because--" there are ways to make it work within lore, if not how one usually thinks of "half-dragon" or "dragon-blooded" (tho kinda in the D&D sorcerer sense, IMO).
Or you throw out canon, and tell folks "I know the lore is X, but for my character's story I'm headcanoning Y instead." And then block any fussy attempts at lore policing.
Or just use the power of crossovers and portal stories/isekai to make it work, and again tell lore police to screw off.
Hope this helps, and happy OC writing!
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
The IT Girls of the Zodiac
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What's your opinion on IT Girl or Main Character placements?👀 for me it's Sagittarius & Pisces explained below. Also honorable mention to Virgo moon that is quite common
I don't think it's a coincidence all the current it girls have major Sagittarius placements. We acknowledge the other fire signs for being baddies but sag gets swept under the rug quite a bit I've noticed? I just think we really sleep on their charisma and attractiveness. I could make the same debate for mutable signs in general but look at Madelyn Cline, Nicki Minaj, Alexa Demie, Alix Earle, Christina Aguilera, Scarlet Johanson, Zoe Kravitz, Naomi Campbell, Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton. They all have either Sagittarius in their big 3 or stelliums. And notably a good portion have the Sagittarius sun & Virgo moon combination which is a bit surprising. But all of these girls have been the it girls forever now yet we always say "Scorpio venus" or it's their "Leo mars" like noooo wake up Sagittarius is the IT GIRL SIGN LOL.
Like I've been thinking about this and looking at sooo many celebs charts who are it girls. The main character sign really is Sagittarius but let's not forget Pisces too. They're both traditionally Jupiter ruled which brings fortune, an expansion in their presence, mass amounts of attention or following, and over indulgence. Sagittarius is the explorer, they discover and create power while also giving others power. Just being in their presence can make you feel high as they carry that demeanour of knowing how to make everything or everyone work and fall for them.
Sag folk could be the biggest workaholic when it's something they truly care about as they fully immerse themselves into their passions. They become inventive and expand something that exists into another different category. I also don't think it's a coincidence Albert Einstein had a Pisces sun & Sag moon. Pisces rules the unknown and unconscious flow of spiritual knowledge. That man literally predicted so many things through science, he was ahead of his time.
Pisces is also significant amongst IT Girls. Because Neptune deals with illusions, deceptions, film, imagery, and dreams. Their effect on others means people project their fantasies onto the Pisces individual as a role to fulfill because their presence is always misinterpreted. The public creates a false narrative about them everytime. Although due to their identity literally being the publics fantasy this means they can either get away with a lot of the public puts them on a pedestal or they get blamed for everything if the public creates a harmful narrative around them because Pisces and Neptune create isolated space as this is the unconscious mind and realm.
For Virgos they're calculated in their interactions and know what to say because their adaptive and observant nature makes them pros at reading others and predicting reactions. Virgo is connected to angels and mythology actually. The symbol is the only goddess symbol in the zodiac which is Astraia the goddess of purity, innocence justice & precision (could also explain why I see so many virgos into law). She is the star goddess that left earth due to the brutal nature of humans. This connection shows people could often expect virgos to save them from their problems or use them as a source of escapism.
There's also a sense of idolizing virgos from the public because they're seen as pure and of higher good. The public often feels virgos have a duty to serve them so there can be a sense of obsession from the publics end on how virgos should behave or act. It makes me think of lily reinhart, blake lively, zendaya & beyonce. All It girls who are virgos that look like goddesses or have an angelic vibe? Like y'all see it too right? They have this pure (I hate the word pure but idk how else to describe this lol) and divine look to them. Plus they all have this incredibly high standard their personality has to live up to. You don't really see many virgo celebs acting out or being wild like a sag sun would.
Another honorable mention is Cancer risings or Amy Cancer placement in your inner planets. Cancer ruled by the moon which literally rules over behaviour and intuition means they can easily appeal and attract anyone due to their likable nature. People find them easy to talk to and their beauty is magnetic. The moon influences the public, the tides & animals. I think that speaks volume about how magnetic cancers really are. They are natural attractors like Angelina Jolie.
In general I believe any sign or placement could become an IT Girl or Main Character placement. This is just a different take on signs that are often ignored when it comes to their influence and beauty from what I've observed.
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medusa12346 · 2 years
The different types of puddings: Random astro observations
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▼△▼△▼△▼△▼▼△▼△▼△▼△▼▼△▼△▼△▼△▼▼△▼△ ♡Libra moons with pisces influence have big, watery and sparkly eyes. Hehehehe.
♡Pisces stellium with Capricorn/Aquarius influence are not over emotional.
♡Fixed rising have varying body shapes and sizes... Ironic.
♡Aries Venus is not direct in a lot of cases- including me and Lisa(Blackpink) lol. They were asked a question, 'Who gets shy around their crush?' it was Lisa, and she had a Aries sun and Venus 💀
♡Taurus placements might have become chubby/overweight at some point of their lives. Either that, or very skinny.
♡Pisces are drawn to Aquarius A lot?
♡Mars in Leo have a really short temper. Add that with more fire influence and die.(I have both btw)
♡Taurus placements are not that possessive (smh that's not all we are)
♡Undeveloped placements might not fit into their descriptions.
♡Having no cancer in your chart can still make you motherly and nurturing.
♡Mars/Mercury in 3rd is either always talking or thinking.
♡Pisces suns are described as wise and all, but those undeveloped placements are pure shit. (Sorry not sorry) (I have sun in pisces🙂)
♡Not all Leo's like showoff 😤
♡Do not argue with
♡Taurus, Virgo, pisces, Leo and Scorpio placements if you want to live.
♡Siblings with a lot of same placements have fights or are best 'iNsePeRablE' friends. I have 2/3 placements with my brother, and we fight all day 😀
♡Try listening/reading to someone with same placements as you.
♡Leo mars are good dancers ig?
♡Pisces influence are VERY VERY passive aggressive
♡Taurus rising is 'grown beauty', Libra is 'young', Gemini is 'cute' , cancer is 'baby'. They look alike, so wanted to clear that up.
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♡Mutable sign/house in transit charts can indicate traveling.
♡Fixed moon signs are hot
♡Leo+ pisces influence in a chart= performing in your room like a fricking rockstar and…..failing in front of others.
♡Venus in 0 or 1st or degrees until 10 can indicate an early marriage.
♡Aquarius suns with Sagittarius influence can even turn against their child if the child isnt a “good person”.
♡Pisces are very quick to anger but they dont show it because they honestly dont have the time to deal with even more shit
♡Taurus risings usually have noses that change a lot? like one taurus rising has a larger nose while the other has the shortest/smallest
♡Undeveloped Leos are extremely superficial
♡Cancers are generally/usually underdeveloped (me finding a loophole to say offensive shit)
♡Aries+ Pisces in a chart CANNOT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD move on easily, OR, they move on TOO QUICKLY.
♡Pisces mercury stammer A LOT. a loT. but they are really good at writing! (🗿look im-)
♡Virgos are extremely, extremely clingy. EXTREMELY. EXTREMELY.
♡Leo’s have extremely high standards, but can be very easy to fool if theyre younger.
♡This, I don't know who said this but its not mine, there is a lack of cancer’s and Leo’s present in the kpop industry
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✰This is an old post, from an old account. It is mine.
Copyrighted to @amoretarot
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 months
Transiting Venus enters Virgo
Monday, August 5 - Thursday, August 29, 2024
Full disclosure: this may not be a fun transit. There are plenty of challenges. Also, Venus is said to be in her “fall” in Virgo, occupying the sign opposite where she is exalted (Pisces). Astrologers March and McEvers likened this to “you’re staying in a strange house, and you don’t know the rules.”
My belief is that the planets all can stand to learn something when they’re in signs they don’t like - and in Virgo, Venus is working on her skills. Throughout her areas:
Art - working on technique is favored. That would be scales for a musician, for example. We could also work on developing healthy responses to criticism.
Beauty - looking like you’re in good health is usually sufficient - think Ingrid Bergman. Not a lot of makeup or “styling.” We could explore more of a thrifty approach to our clothes (like learning to sew a button back on, for example).
Love - keep aiming for being truly helpful. Sometimes we think we’re helping by pointing out everything wrong with someone, or by nagging. We evaluate relationships based on how willing we are to work on them.
Money - penny wise and pound foolish. The only placement that will blow its entire paycheck on vitamins.
If we’ve made any questionable choices over the past weeks (raises hand), we may just be in for a comeuppance while Venus is in Virgo. Where we’re lacking, will be made clear. Are we going to be humble about it and work harder, or are we going to skulk off in bitterness?
Monday, August 5 - Venus/Virgo inconjunct Pluto Rx/Aquarius, 0°33’. Adjustments. Cold indifference (regardless of its source, ourselves or others) makes us realize we need to recalibrate.
Wednesday, August 7 - Venus/Virgo conjunct Mercury Rx/Virgo, 3°43’. We may actually feel this one late on August 5, when the Virgo Moon will conjunct both Venus and Mercury. It’s charming and helpful and humble, but it’s also about a lightweight as astrology gets.
Sunday, August 11 - Monday, August 12:
Venus/Virgo trine Ceres Rx/Capricorn, 8°07’
Venus/Virgo (8°25’) sesquiquad Chiron Rx/Aries (23°25’)
Venus/Virgo inconjunct North Node/Aries, semi-sextile South Node/Libra, 8°59’
Traditional values. We are looking for practical, womanly solutions. Have a strategy for when this irritates people, and don’t be too perfectionist to ignore helping hands. Be patient.
Tuesday, August 13 - Venus/Virgo (10°26’) sesquiquad Eris Rx/Aries (25°26’). Angry women! Eris wants to throw Molotov cocktails but Venus wants to nitpick. Some of us will nag people so hard it will feel like a Molotov cocktail. Adjust your approach to addressing problems.
Saturday, August 17 - Monday, August 19
Venus/Virgo (15°17’) sesquiquad Pluto Rx/Aquarius (0°17’)
Venus/Virgo square Jupiter/Gemini, 17°21’
Venus/Virgo opposite Saturn Rx/Pisces, 17°29’
This is the biggest event of Venus/Virgo - having the honor (?) to help trigger the first (of three) of the Jupiter-Saturn squares. Mars will have set this off a few days earlier, making us feel like we want to get going on something right now but feeling held back and hampered - and we now find ourselves in a new situation (mutable signs) - remembering the “assist” from Pluto, which happens to be on the same degree as the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of December 20, 2020. Something is going to take more hard work than we anticipated, and it’s going to take longer. It’s important to blend optimism with being realistic - don’t feel you have to take on all the job yourself, but accept help - and don’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “good.” Build up relationships by looking for common ground.
Thursday, August 22 - Friday, August 23:
Venus/Virgo square Mars/Gemini, 22°08’
Venus/Virgo semi-sextile Mercury Rx/Leo, 22°59’
Venus/Virgo inconjunct Chiron Rx/Aries, 23°11’
Venus square Mars can be sexy, but in mutable signs it feels more jittery and anxious. We could be trying too hard; we could be mistaken in how we interpret others. Watch your mouth.
Sunday, August 25 - Venus/Virgo inconjunct Eris Rx/Aries, 25°23’. Angry women time again. We want to be more effective about how we address our grievances, so we’ll need to adjust a bit.
Monday, August 26 - Tuesday, August 27:
Venus/Virgo sextile Pallas/Scorpio, 26°32’
Venus/Virgo trine Uranus/Taurus, 27°14’
Finally, some flowing energy. This will enable us to come up with very clever and unique solutions and possibilities. We may do a little mediating while we’re at it.
Wednesday, August 28 - Venus/Virgo opposite Neptune Rx/Pisces, 29°08’. Stones fan that I am, I’m pretty sure that as long as Neptune makes the final aspect, regardless of the circumstances, we’ll all be singing along with Mick, “You can’t always get what you want - but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.” If we haven’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “good,” some precious illumination is in store.
Venmo @ Mary_Brack
PayPal @ MaryVBrack
Thank you!
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kakiastro · 10 months
North Node-Where you are going in this lifetime
The North Node in my opinion is one of the hardest placements to really understand. It’s hard because it’s the main lesson you need to learn and where you are headed until you pass on.
It’s out of our comfort zone, it’s uncharted territory and we tend to have trouble embracing it. Now personally, I’m a firm believer that you unconsciously lean into your North Node.
A lot of modern day astrologers believe we should let go of our South Node energy (our comfort zone) but I disagree, we need to use our south node energy to reach our north nodes. Our South Node is the gifts and lessons we are born with, we know this energy because it’s something we’ve mastered early in our life. If you believe in reincarnation this is energy you’ve mastered in multiple past lives.
How to look find out what you’re meant to learn
1. Look at the sign
2. Look at what modality it’s in such as:
-Cardinal-initiation and action
-Fixed- uphold and maintain
-Mutable- change and move
3. Look at the house your NN is in
4. Look at the ruling planet of your NN
5. Look at the house your NN ruling planet is
6. If there’s any planets conj your NN, that planet + the house(s) it rules is also very important.
Your chart is all connected to each other, think of it like trees! They’re all having a conversation with each other!
Your Nodal return happens every 19.5 years and it’s like a pit stop to see if you’re headed in the right direction
For example: Marliyn Monroe
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Her Chart
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1. NN Cancer
-cancer rules over women and she’s one of the most iconic women in history. Cancer also rules the home, our mother and private life. She always had issues with her mom and struggled to become one herself. She was still a powerful mother like figure because she use to spend hours hanging out with young children in orphanages. If she was still here today, the kids would probably nicknamed her “mother” lol
2. Cardinal
-cardinal sign and she’s possibly one of the first global women icons that’s still relevant today. Cardinals are ambitious and have lots of goals for themselves which she did
3. The 12h
-The 12h is the house of spirituality and creativity. It’s also the house that rules over movies which she is known for. The 12h rules over glamour and she was also a fashion icon! I told you before, 12h and Pisces natives gives off “Gods among us” energy. People will romanticize and project onto you. The 12h also rules over Scandals and her death has been topic for decades now especially when it came to uhh certain political figures at the time. Also drugs was a theme in her life as well which is very 12h.
4. Her NN ruling planet is the Moon which is in Aquarius
-the moon rules the public and emotions of the public. The moon is water energy which rules over reflection. Aquarius is the “people sign.”Aquarius rules over society and large groups of people. Everyone see something in themselves through her, it’s like she’s a reflection to society but Aquarius is considered the “ progressive or change” sign. She changed the game in a lot of ways. Remember when I told you she would visit orphanages? She would spend extra time with minorities because she knew they were the least to get adopted. She also supported black actresses, remember she was famous during Jim Crow era so this was a huge thing to do at that time.
5. The 7h
-one of the fame houses. It’s Libra energy so people found her charming and likable, 7h moons are just likable people, you feel like you can trust them with your darkest secrets. The 7h rules over partnership and I see Jupiter is closely conj in the same sign. Jupiter rules the husband and she’s was married a few times I believe. Famous marriages and divorces.
6. NN conj Pluto. Pluto rules the 8h which is in Pisces 8h with Mars and Uranus here
- Pluto was the planet she had to embody to help achieve her NN. Pluto is the planet death, rebirth, transformation and sex. Mars is also the planet of sex and being in the icon sign explains how she became a sex symbol. In order to achieve this icon title, she had to change herself. She changed her name from Norma to Marilyn and leave her brunette hair to become a blond bombshell, if this isn’t the most Uranus thing I’ve seen lol
Now folks, I’m not saying you will have a life like Marilyn Monroe especially if you have the same placement but I wanted to just use her as an example on how to break down your own chart.
What is your NN?
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+ krys’ astrological observations +
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>> Libra Risings with Aries Moon, this combination can create such a push and pull between opinionated fiery aries moon and the libra rising that genuinely feel horrible later on. It’s like they’re the criminal and the judge.
>> Cancers have influencer energy! Being moon ruled we know the moon affects tides and back in the day they used the moon to mark harvesting seasons, the beginning of the agriculture revolution. People may be likely to look to you for advice. Almost like you always know the “right” timing. In this way you have a lot of “influence” on the people around you.
>> Capricorns are trendsetters. I don’t make the rules Saturn changes signs every 3 years and whatever that sign is the general “trend” of the next 3 years. Saturn was in Aquarius, social distancing. Saturn in pisces (now) real movies are back y’all !!
>> Leos can be extremely humble in the way they communicate, always giving people the space and time to respond and also reassuring people that they understand. You validate others just through communicating with them and showing them you care and take them sincerely.
>> Gemini & Virgo are both ruled by Mercury but these people can also easily clash. They form a square because they are both mutable signs. Gemini is Virgo without self expectations. So when they meet, virgo considers everything then makes a choice and gemini does whatever tf comes to mind and sees what sticks. In this way gemini can be EXTREMELY annoying and stressful to virgo.
>> Pisces Moons have a tendency to forget they exist, forgetting to respond to messages, missing appointments, not eating. All of these things are because they truly FORGET that they are a human being living out an experience that affects others.
>> As lucky as Sagittarius’ are they have the curse of people not relating to them because they see them as mythical or “godly” in a way. This can be very unfair especially when groups of people turn on you in favour of a perceived “underdog”. People tend to hate sagittarius’ with a burning passion of a thousand suns, not because they did anything that wrong but because of who they are and the blessings they amass.
>> This is why Sagittarius’ with Cancer placements are lethal, the luck and charm but with the added *cute bebe* energy of Cancer. You can’t stay mad at them for long. No wonder Jupiter is Exhaled in Cancer.
>> A Scorpio+Gemini combination is genuinely frightening. These people are fire starters !!! Meaning they’ll say something or start something just to enjoy the chaos it ensues. Like that one meme of the little girl smiling with a burning house except it’s her own house she set on fire, on a whim.
>> Aquarius like “bad” attention. Meaning they enjoy when people don’t like what they wear or judge them for their opinions. To them it’s a sign they’re on the right path. Always pushing the envelope.
>> Aries + Libra Friendships or relationships are TOP tier. I’m a triple Libra and every time I meet an Aries placement we just get into a comfortable flow instantly, like I lay my head on their shoulder, they lean against me, we hold hands casually. In friendships it feels like a sibling you’ve just met. In relationships it feels like starting a relationship from the middle. Just NATURAL.
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Hey All!! Let me know your thoughts in the comments this is my first Astro Observations. I’ve had this account created for a while, i’ve been planning/researching a series where I go through every mercury sign through all the houses. I’ll be using house rulerships to add more dimension.
First will be Aries Mercury through the houses!
Stay tuned babes,
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