#so sick of seeing people fall down at the feet of men because they want something they can't have
withcrafts · 7 months
Literally just hearing about MichFest for the first time today and I actually cannot believe how feral men are when they're not allowed into female owned spaces. It was an exclusive festival and guess what? Just because you're not allowed there doesn't mean it's discriminatory. If you demand to be let into someone's house and they don't know you i.e. you're not related to them in any way shape or form, you're not getting in because you don't belong there. Men are so disgustingly and abhorrently selfish and gluttonous for what isn't theirs. So many groups, organizations, events, etc., are exclusive!! Exclusivity ≠ discrimination. Go make your own spaces and whatnot just like you always have when you're not accepted somewhere because it's not for you.
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serene-faerie · 25 days
Fall of Númenor Dashboard Simulator
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🦢 fruitofnimloth Following
I don't know what kind of propaganda everyone's been drinking lately, but some of y'all are really starting to scare me.
So friendly reminder:
We're not. Meant. To be immortal.
We already have a longer lifespan than most normal humans. Stop being so entitled, y'all.
💎 immortal-warrior Follow
How is it entitled to think that it's unfair that we don't get to be immortal? If it weren't for us, Sauron would've conquered all of Middle-earth!
We deserve immortality for kicking Sauron's ass!
🦢 fruitofnimloth Following
This is exactly the kind of entitlement I was talking about.
#my posts #the gift of men
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🔥 priestess-of-melkor Follow
You became Melkor's acolyte to gain immortality.
I became Melkor's acolyte to
✨ fuck Zigûr ✨
We are not the same.
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🛡️ lordofandunie18 Follow
This will be my very last post.
For the sake of Númenor, I have to try and appeal to the Valar, just as Eärendil did back in the First Age. If I fail to return, I want all of my followers to pack up and prepare to leave. It's only a matter of time before this island comes to ruin.
Before I leave, I must spread the truth about the king. Though it pains me to do this, I cannot stand by and let his cruelty pass anymore. Here's the truth about Ar-Pharazôn, King of Númenor.
TW: rape, incest, domestic abuse, blasphemy against the Valar, violence.
Read more
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🌾 farmgirlofnumenor Following
Okay, anyone else seriously angry about this new temple that the king's building right now???
Before anyone yells at me, I'm not a Faithful, but I'm not one of the King's Men. I'm just sick of the king's overspending on stupid projects and his obsession with becoming immortal.
There are food shortages in the countryside! People are starving to death and all the king cares about is building this temple! But all these nobles care about is immortality, and I'm just so tired of it all.
Oh, and if you come at me about how I should be blaming the Valar or worshiping Melkor, I will block you.
🌿 forest-lover Follow
Well said, my friend!
All the people criticizing you in the notes must be city people feeling so called out for spending their money on cheap makeup and fake treatments. If you feel insulted by this post, then you're part of the problem.
Quit focusing on making yourselves immortal and focus on helping your people for once!
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👑 jewel-daughter-miriel Following
The storms are growing worse. The ground is shaking beneath my feet, and I can see smoke coming from the Meneltarma.
This will most likely be my last post. Númenor is lost, and there's no hope of saving it.
I can only hope that the end will come quickly.
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🕊️ pelargirl Mutuals
Istg the King's Men are so entitled.
They all act like they deserve immortality because they happen to have longer lifespans than most humans.
But you're all ready to sacrifice innocent people and wage war in the south, all because you kicked Sauron's ass thousands of years ago.
You're all awful people and I hope that Eru smites you all.
#i'm so glad i fled to pelargir #to all my faithful friends still in romenna #please stay safe #vent posts #do not reblog
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🦂 harad-traveller Follow
Reblog if you want a giant wave to swallow Númenor
Likes to charge, reblogs to cast!
💠 long-live-westernesse Follow
Wow, this is so rude. We literally introduced so many things to you Haradrim and this is how you thank us???
And y'all wonder why we destroyed your cities.
🏜️ deserts-of-the-south Follow
Anyways, reblog to destroy Númenor!
#entitled numenoreans
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⚔️ soldier-of-armenelos Follow
*kicks down door*
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🐋 nostalgic-numenor Follow
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The coastline of Hyarrostar, before the Shadow
#vintage photos #numenor #faithful #elendili #hyarrostar #nostalgia
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🐚 faithful-and-tired Following
Is it bad that I actually kinda enjoy watching Númenor sink? I mean, it sucks that my home is gone, but after everything that Ar-Pharazôn did, I'm just glad that the trash took itself out.
I hope Sauron also got swept up in that wave.
🌊 maidenofandustar Follow
Bro people are dying wtf is wrong with you???
I say this as someone whose sister was sacrificed by the King's Men. I know we all suffered, but not all of those people were King's Men!
We should never celebrate innocent people dying, or we're no better than Ar-Pharazôn and Sauron.
🐚 faithful-and-tired Following
Girl my entire family was sacrificed in the Temple of Melkor.
I really don't care about 'being the bigger person'.
I just hope Ar-Pharazôn and all of those pathetic King's Men are drowning like rats right now.
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🗡️ isildur3209 Following
We finally arrived in Middle-earth. It was a rough journey, but we're all safe, if not a little tired.
My brother, wife, and son are safe and sound. However, we got separated from our father's ship thanks to the waves. Don't know what we're gonna do, but for now, I'm gonna take some time to rest and grieve for my home.
#personal #numenor
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Previous post here
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blayresmuses · 2 years
your writing is beautiful, babe! if you don’t mind, could you write another daemon x reader? prerably a bit angsty with some smut and fluff. thank you & appreciate you 🫶🏾
the things you do for love
summary: daemon shows you that he’s the only person for you, literally.
warnings: blood, murder, light smut.
authors note: tysm! you’re a sweetheart, i hope you enjoy what i’ve written <3
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droplets of blood fell from daemons ringmail and began gathering at your feet, just brushing the edges of your nightgown. the glint in his eyes was borderline feral, demonic as he stood so confidently in front of you as if you should be falling at his feet for what he’s done.
‘I thought you’d be happy,’ daemon murmured softly as his features morphed into something else, you couldn’t tell if it was confusion or delusion, maybe a mix of both.
‘you thought murdering three men would make me happy?’ you were barely keeping a lid on your temper and the blood just kept on dripping. what he’d done you didn’t know, couldn’t even bring yourself to think of it because if you did your vomit would join the ever growing puddle at your feet.
‘you told me you didn’t want to marry them Y/N, now you don’t have to.” his tone got harsher with every word he spoke. you realised then that he truly thought you’d be appreciative of this, that you’d cry out with joy for your saviour.
daemon was growing frustrated, the way you were regarding him with nothing short of disgust truly boiled his blood. he had done this for you, so you could be happy, happy with him no less, happy together.
your father was one of the rare people in the seven kingdoms who put your happiness above all and wanted your husband to be kind and treat you with respect. in daemons opinion it was rather obvious that he should be the one you wed. your father was continuing to take other offers whilst insisting it was no insult to him, daemon knew deep down that the rumours that swirled around the court about his character would be the reason he was so hesitant to hand you over. for once, his prince status did him no favours.
but now, with your other suitors out of the way the pathway was clear. the connection between the two of you had blossomed at court, much to the two of yours surprise. it has blossomed until the thought of you with another man, with anyone but him had driven daemon mad with fury, you didn’t want anyone else he knew it, why shouldn’t he have taken matters into his own hands?
‘I did this for us,’ daemon breathed into the space between you. with bloody fingers he gripped your face and you closed your eyes, breathless and unable to think about the red smears that would now mark your skin. the faces of the other men bloomed behind your eyelids, their voices echoed in your ears.
‘i would do anything for you,’ he admitted desperately, such passion and fire creeped into his voice that you didn’t have to have your eyes open to see that he meant it. ‘i would kill an army of men if i had to, i’d burn every city in the seven kingdoms to get you.’
you opened your eyes, a million words clawing up your throat and threatening to escape. your brain told you to scream, to cry and beg of him to get out, to leave you alone but your heart, the piece of you that connected so perfectly with the dangerous, calculated man in front of you was crying out for him. you did believe that in his own sick way he had done it because it would selfishly benefit the two of you but most of all because he cared.
daemons thumbs brushed back and forth along your jaw, he watched as your eyes fluttered and your mouth parted. you gave into the sensations, this was daemon and you had to pick your battles, you looked into his eyes and willed yourself to forget it, just for now and to give in to the feelings for him that consumed you so much you’d forgive such a thing.
daemon closed the space between you, pleased when you didn’t complain about the blood that began seeping into your gown. even like this, covered in blood he took your breath away, so devilishly handsome that you couldn’t help but lean in to him too. tenderly as if daemon didn’t know how you’d act, he brushed his lips against yours.
you gasped, taking a second before pressing back against him in a kiss that could only be described as inexperienced. it was messy, your desperation slipping through as you weaved your fingers into daemons hair, a pleased grunt vibrating against your mouth. it was addicting kissing him, you thought as he pulled away kissing his way along your jaw.
‘so eager all of a sudden,’ daemon whispered, the air that hit your flushed skin causing goosebumps. the innocence, the utter purity that poured from you never failed to surprise him as your nails scraped against his scalp as if in objection. it was so alluring, the awe in your eyes when you looked at him and felt the things he could do to you.
daemons hands found the backs of your legs and in the blink of an eye he had you hoisted up on the nearby table and you didn’t object when his fingers wandered up your calf, getting closer and closer to your thighs with every passing second. your blushing, so hard he can’t help but chuckle. you shouldn’t be letting this go so far, you knew but the way daemon was staring down at you, with such want and desire in his eyes you felt you couldn’t deny him anything.
‘there’s nothing to be embarrassed about,’ daemon cooed. you’re hanging off his every word, your clit is throbbing and that fact alone has your mind fuzzy, focused solely on the man in front of you. ‘it’s okay to admit that you like it, that you like me.’
you whine and it sounds like denial. quickly one hand spanks the inside of your thigh whilst the other comes to wrap around your throat. the grip is light, he’s just holding you really but it only adds to the pleasure that’s building in your lower stomach. daemon smirked, finding amusement in how little it takes to have you wild, to have you on the brink of giving him everything.
before you know it daemon hitched one of your legs around his waist, using the new position to rub against you, to hit you right where you need it. his chest practically sticks to yours, the blood and sweat connecting the two of you and he can’t deny that he loves it. his future wife, so perfect and pure covered in his filth.
you kiss him again. it’s sloppy, wet as you eagerly open your mouth for him. it hits you then how long you’ve been waiting for this, wanting this and in the darkest parts of your soul you are happy that the others are gone, that there’s only the two of you left.
‘thank you,’ you breathed into his mouth. daemon pulled back, a look of mild surprise on his features before it relaxed back into his usual mask. ‘i appreciate what you did for me.’ you felt ashamed to admit it, your gaze falling down to look at your thighs. it was your biggest fear to end up in a loveless, passionless marriage of convenience and daemon had took that fear and burned it to the ground. he was your last remaining suitor, the only one who truly wanted you.
‘i’d happily do it again,’ daemon answered gently, the hint of a genuine smile on his lips as he tilted your chin back upwards. ‘now be a good girl and lay back for me.’
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 8 months
hello how are you? I cane for 2 What if request 1 for Yandere hospital chairperson Xavier,what if reader got sick naturally like cancer,and the isolation just made it worst,how will he cope up with it,seeing reader in pain and crying because she have to shave her hair,and get depressed she loves her hair really and he knows it.
Yandere! Hospital Chairperson x Caretaker! Reader
WHAT IF: Darling got sick?
This one is gonna be short, we're going straight to the point!
Ah god, I forgot I don't know how to write angst.
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Your shaky voice slipped past your lips.
"You're saying I have Leukemia?"
It felt like the whole world crumbled under your feet, shooting you straight down to the abyss.
Everything felt heavy. Your head feels numb.
"I-I have so much to live for! I..." You tried to speak more, but your words failed you.
You felt like your body betrayed you one last time.
Your knees buckled, falling down to the floor as tears started to prickle your eyes.
Xavier, who was just beside you, also felt numb.
His beloved has Leukemia?
He looked at his friend who nodded. "I'll go."
With a silent click, the doctor left the mansion. Only leaving the cold, empty mansion to be filled by your loud sobs.
Xavier didn't know what to do at all.
He did everything to protect you from sicknesses of the outside world, but who knew it would be your own body to betray you?
Days passed, and you didn't stop crying at all.
Every time Xavier tries to approach you, you would throw the nearest object to him.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" You screamed, your voice raw and rough. "I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU!"
It's not his fault, but it felt like the whole world was challenging him, taunting him, hurting him for loving you.
With the chemo lab finished being constructed in his home, he knew it was the start of a long and arduous journey to heal.
He heard your muffled sobs from the bathroom and the electric buzz of the shaver.
He could imagine your beautiful locks that you took pride in, slowly fall down from your body as you wept in anguish and despair.
Xavier looked at the men, the best doctors in the world that he could hire. They bit their tongue, knowing that if they failed...
This man in front of them, eyes desperate with your happiness and health, will do everything for you.
Xavier mechanically looked down at the ipad he's holding.
It's all the doctors' families. All of them being monitored.
And all of them will be dead if you die.
A man who was supposed to help heal people,
was willing to kill,
For you.
And he will bring down the world to your feet in order for you to be healed.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Fall Into Me 5
Find the series masterlist
Rose has some issues, but fortunately, Soap is here to help! And Ghost shows up, possibly just to annoy Soap. 
Warnings: Swearing, mention of stealing, bad employee, bad work ethic, Rose is Very Tired. 
Word count: 2.2k
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By Monday morning, Rose was exhausted. It had been a long time since she’d had to work so many days in a row, and she hated it.
Especially since Carmen hadn’t actually called in sick this weekend. Carmen just hadn’t come in. Or responded to texts or calls. 
Rose had a feeling she wouldn’t be seeing Carmen again. 
The usual Monday morning rush was hard. She was pretty sure her smile wavered a few times, the dark circles under her eyes visible. But nobody complained and she got everyone taken care of just a fraction slower than usual. 
It could have been much worse. 
She still made herself a coffee, adding some vanilla and hazelnut to it. She needed the pick-me-up today. 
“Mornin’, Rose!” Soap sauntered up to the counter, grin in place. He didn’t dim even as his gaze darted across her face, and Rose just knew he was cataloging the circles and the way her hair was fairly limp. “Long night?”
It was an easy out, and for a moment, she was tempted to take it. But he was also the first person to ask all day.
“Not exactly,” she admitted on a sigh. “Carmen’s vanished on me.”
“What?” He straightened a little, looking surprised. Then he hopped over the counter, ignoring her yelp. “No no, hen, you sit. I can handle making tea.” 
“You’re really not supposed to be back here.” Rose didn’t move, torn between letting him help and planting her feet. 
“Won’t touch anything but the tea, I promise.” Soap lifted the counter, flapping one hand at her. 
Rose wavered for a moment and then gave in with a sigh. The lure of the chair was too strong to resist. So she plopped herself in the nearest chair, rubbing her forehead briefly. This was a terrible idea if anybody else walked in, but it just… sounded nice to let someone else do this for her. Just this once. 
“Did you work this weekend?” Soap asked as he pulled down two mugs and the tea. He moved without hesitation, and Rose warmed at the realization that he’d definitely watched her go through the motions more than once. 
“And last weekend.” Rose groaned softly, squeezing the back of her neck to try and release some tension there. 
“Hen, how many days in a row have you worked?” Soap paused in his motions to look at her, concern clear.
Rose had to actually stop and think about that, counting backwards. “Today is 15.” 
“Go home.”
“Not a chance.” Rose crossed her arms over her chest, chin tilting stubbornly. 
Soap was silent for a minute as he brought the milk over to the table. “At least close up early.”
Rose huffed. “You’re not my boss.”
He sighed and hopped back behind the counter to grab their teas. For a moment, Rose thought she saw him on his phone, but she couldn’t tell what he was doing. “I’m not trying to boss you around, I’m trying to help you.”
Rose eyed him carefully as he set a mug in front of her. “Why?” In her experience, people wanted something in exchange. Well, most people. Family just butted in and did it because they could. (And also because they could hold it over your head for years.) 
He held her gaze for long moments, completely still. “Because it’s the right thing to do. ‘Sides, your smiles get me through the day.”
Rose couldn’t see any deception or lies in his expression, so she nodded slowly. “I’ll see how this afternoon goes, see if I can close up early.”
“Thank you.” Soap finally relaxed, sprawling back in his chair and lifting his cup for a sip. “How can I help you today, hen?”
Rose added milk and sugar to her tea to give herself time to think. She was… very bad at asking for help. Had been since she was a kid. Added to the fact that she tried to keep her work separated from her friends, and this became… messy. Not that Soap was a friend, really. He was just one of the nice men that worked upstairs and kept her entertained and provided her lots of eye candy and–
Okay. Nope. Putting a pin in that for now, before she got completely distracted. 
“Let me think about it,” she hedged, gaze focused on her tea. 
“The rest of my day is free,” Soap told her, leaning forward. Under the table, his foot nudged hers, drawing her gaze up to his gentle smile. “C’mon, hen, put me to work, I can handle it.” 
Rose chuffed a sort-of laugh, shaking her head. “I shouldn’t, really.”
“What, you think I can’t handle a few orders?” He rolled his eyes, hands spreading wide in exaggerated offense. “Ex-military, I can listen to orders.” He paused for a moment. “Mostly.” 
Rose snorted. “Well that makes one of us.” She sipped her tea, frowning a little. “I can’t pull you away from your actual work, Soap.”
“You can, Price already cleared it. I’m not mission critical today.” Soap shrugged, leaning forward. “If you don’t give me things to do, I’ll start finding things to do.”
That… sounded like a threat. She narrowed her eyes at him, and his grin widened to shit-eating proportions. Definitely a threat. “Fine,” she huffed. “Since you insist. But don’t complain to me if you don’t like it.” 
Which is how, twenty minutes later, Rose found herself teaching him how the espresso machine worked and how to use the milk frother. True to his word, he did listen to orders, and he picked it up pretty quickly. 
But Rose still kept a close eye on him through the lunch rush. He did better than she expected, honestly, and his energy helped her own. 
She was even humming along softly by the time the last person left, leaving the two of them behind the counter. 
“Close up early,” Soap suggested, tone a little wheedling even as he bumped his shoulder into hers companionably. “Lemme take you to lunch.” 
Rose sighed. “I dunno, I hardly ever close early.” She frowned down at the counter. 
“Won’t hurt to close early one day.” He was definitely wheedling, staying in her space, warmth bleeding off into the air between them. 
“Took one last week.” But Rose was just pointing it out to be stubborn, and she knew it. 
Soap caught her hand, ducking his head to hold her gaze. “You need some time to yourself and a good meal,” he pointed out gently. “You’ll feel better.”
“Do I have to worry about you caveman-carrying me out if I refuse?” She kept her voice dry, though her lips twitched with humor.
“Nah. That’s more LT’s style.” His grin was full of mischief.
“LT?” One eyebrow raised at him as she finished wiping down the counter. 
“Ghost.” Soap shrugged, looking a little abashed. “Old habits.” 
“If I ask, are you allowed to tell me how you all know each other?” Rose stepped around him to clean the espresso machine. 
“We all worked together.” 
Rose nodded, accepting that. “And now you still work together, just in a different way.”
“More or less.” Soap shrugged, going to do the few dishes that had accumulated. 
Rose sighed. “Let me count out the till and we can go.”
They got as far as the front door before Ghost joined them. Rose could have sworn there was nobody else on that floor, but she turned around from locking up and jumped at least a foot, because he was right there. 
“LT,” Soap greeted cheerfully enough, though he eyed the other man in a way that Rose hadn’t seen before. 
“Leaving already?” Ghost sounded faintly amused. 
“Going for some grub.” 
“Good plan.” Ghost waited until Rose started walking to fall into step next to her. Perplexed, she looked at Soap, who huffed but apparently decided not to argue. 
“Any thoughts, hen?” Soap held the building door open for her.
“For lunch?” Rose hesitated. There was a really good deli not far, but it was very much a Jewish deli. That could be a good soft test, actually, to see if they said anything. Plenty of people didn’t care, especially not in this day and age, but… She’d seen vitriol before and she had no desire to see it again. “Actually, there’s a really good place not far from here…” 
“Lead the way, then.” Soap winked at her. “You’re still in charge.”
“I doubt that,” Rose muttered, more to herself than anything. “Come on, then.” 
The walk wasn’t too long, and they’d missed the lunch rush so were able to be seated immediately. Rose let Ghost take the spot with better lines of sight, and was somehow completely unsurprised when Soap nudged her into the booth between the two men. 
“Nice place,” Soap commented, looking around with interest. It was decorated with celebrity photos and neighborhood photos, newspaper clippings from past community events, community awards, and pictures of the owner’s extensive family. 
“They’ve got great kreplach here.”
“Kreplach?” Soap nearly stumbled over the unfamiliar word. 
Rose paused, glancing between the two. “Please don’t tell me you’ve never been to a Jewish deli before.”
“Oh, been plenty of times,” Soap assured her, and her shoulders relaxed. “Matzo ball soup is my go-to.”
“Good man,” Rose agreed immediately. “Kreplach is a type of dumpling, it’s pretty good. They use the same base for the kreplach soup as they do the matzo ball soup here. Hmm, what else… The latkes are huge and tasty. Anything with the brisket is good, although they lean towards the barbeque end of the brisket, which is fine.”
Soap laughed quietly. “Been here once or twice then, aye?”
Rose blushed, ducking her head. “A few times,” she agreed. “It’s a favorite place of mine.”
Ghost pressed his knee to hers under the table in silent support. 
The waitress stopped by to get their drink orders before whisking away again. 
“It all looks good,” Soap grumbled. “I can’t decide.”
Rose laughed. “Yeah, I know the feeling. It’s all good.” She nudged Ghost. “You know what you want?”
He shook his head slightly. “Not hungry.”
She eyed him for a moment but nodded and let it go. “Soap? You know yet?”
He made a pained face but nodded, causing Rose to slap a hand over her mouth to stifle her giggles. 
“Honestly, it’s not like you can never come back here,” she pointed out, still grinning. 
He just pouted, sending her into a fresh fit of giggles. 
But they ordered without fuss when the waitress came back, and then Rose leaned back into the booth with a little sigh. She already felt better just being away from the shop. The long days were hard. 
“You could stay closed tomorrow.” Ghost offered the solution neutrally, without judgment.
“No, weekdays are better for me than weekends.” She sighed, long and slow. “Just need to find someone to replace Carmen.” She paused. “And decide if I want to trust them with the cash or not.” 
“What do you mean?” Soap sat up a little straighter. 
“I didn’t mention earlier?” Rose drummed her fingers on the tabletop, looking away from the two men. “She took off with a few hundred dollars, looks like.”
Soap blew out a breath. “I’m sorry.”
“Not your doing.” Rose waved him off. “Just have to decide what I want to do going forward.” 
Soap and Ghost exchanged looks over her head, having an entire conversation in facial expressions and subtle hand motions. 
“That sounds like a tomorrow problem,” Soap decided, nudging her side with two fingers. “You still owe me knitting demonstration, hen.”
She barked out a laugh. “Seriously? You and Gaz, I swear. I don’t understand why you’re so curious.”
Soap shrugged. “Never had a chance to watch anybody making something.”
Rose rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. “Well, since you’re that curious, I’ll bring some in this week for sure. You’ll get bored within the first few minutes, guaranteed.” 
“We’ll see about that.” Soap grinned at the challenge. 
Their late lunch passed easily. Soap was easy to talk to, and Ghost was surprisingly good company, even if he didn’t talk much. Rose felt more relaxed by the time they left.
At least until she saw the rain pounding the pavement outside. 
“Hell.” She pouted at the rain and then up at the sky, shuffling outside and to the edge of the awning. 
“We could get a cab?” 
“That will take at least twice as long as walking will.” Rose shook her head, pulling her hood up. “I’m just gonna walk it.”
“We can walk you home,” Soap was quick to offer. 
Rose smiled up at him, reaching over to pat his arm. “You’re sweet, but no thanks. I’m good. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” She tucked her purse under her jacket and then took off at a brisk walk, head ducked against the rain.
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goodnightmemes · 8 months
❛ She knew that when you hear the sound of the deathwatch beetle the man you love is doomed to die. ❜
❛ In this house, we have chocolate cake for breakfast. We never bother with silly things like bedtimes or brushing our teeth. ❜
❛ So when you find yourself the center of attention, It's not that they hate you. It's that, well...We're different. ❜
❛ Even you have to admit, any man who gets involved with an Owens woman.is bound to end up 6 feet under. ❜
❛ My little witch, Iet's go inside and do some spells. ❜
❛ Be careful what you wish for. ❜
❛ I hope I never fall in love. ❜
❛ The guy I dreamed of doesn't exist. And if he doesn't exist, I'll never die of a broken heart. ❜
❛ I hate it here. I want to go where no one's even heard of us. ❜
❛ We'll grow old together. It'll be you and me living in a big house. These two old biddies with all these cats. I bet we even die on the same day. ❜
❛ Darling, when will you understand that being normal is not necessarily a virtue. It denotes a lack of courage. ❜
❛ It was the curse, wasn't it? He died because I loved him so much! ❜
❛ I've never asked you for anything! I never asked for spells, but do this! You can bring him back. ❜
❛ I don't care what he comes back as. As long as he comes back. ❜
❛ What's wrong with you? We do not cast. We do not toy with people's lives. This is not a game. ❜
❛ She has all this power and doesn't use it! ❜
❛ Sometimes I feel there's a hole inside of me, an emptiness that at times seems to burn. I think if you lifted my heart to your ear, you could hear the ocean. ❜
❛ The moon tonight, there's a circle around it. A sign of trouble not far behind. ❜
❛ But still, sometimes when the wind is warm or the crickets sing...l dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for. ❜
❛ I don't want them dancing naked under the moon. ❜
❛ The belladonna is in my bag. ❜
❛ Please, God, if you get us out of this, I'll be good. I'll have babies. ❜
❛ I had normal. I worked really hard to get that normal. ❜
❛ You have the worst taste in men. ❜
❛ Okay, I will get you out of this but when I do, we are definitely breaking up. ❜
❛ You won't believe it! We danced naked under the full moon! It was so fun! ❜
❛ I think a brownie for breakfast would fix you right up. ❜
❛ You've been away too long. Some things never change. ❜
❛ Hang onto your husbands, girls! ❜
❛ Midnight margaritas! ❜
❛ Since when is being a slut a crime in this family? ❜
❛ Something's going on. I can smell it. It's a very distinct smell. It's the smell of bullshit. ❜
❛ A cop looking for [name] wants to talk to you. And I think I'm having a heart attack. ❜
❛ And I know this sounds really strange, but I don't think I can lie to him. ❜
❛ On Halloween, they all jump off the roof and fly! ❜
❛ She's not saying they murdered him. Just that maybe they shook his hand and then he died. ❜
❛ If any man dared take on an Owens woman he'd live briefly in the euphoria of her love until meeting an untimely death. ❜
❛ Am I under some kind of surveillance? ❜
❛ Do you ever put your arms out and spin really fast? That's what love is like. It makes your heart race. It turns the world upside-down. But if you're not careful, if you don't keep your eyes on something still, you can lose your balance. ❜
❛ I got people telling me that you're up here cooking up placenta bars, that you're into devil worship... ❜
❛ You should come here on Halloween. You'd really see something. We all jump off the roof and fly. We kill our husbands too. ❜
❛ Do you have any idea how strange this all sounds to me? ❜
❛ Magic isn't just spells and potions. ❜
❛ It has power because you believe it does. ❜
❛ Wish you could believe in me. ❜
❛ We just stick to our stories. No body, no crime. ❜
❛ I. Me. Mine. That's all you can think about. You. It's all about you. ❜
❛ I'm sick and tired of cleaning up your messes. ❜
❛ You spend all your energy trying to fit in, be normal! But you'll never fit in. Because we're different! ❜
❛ All my life, I've wished I had half your talent. You're wasting yourself! ❜
❛ What if I told you I did kill him? What would you do? Would you send me to jail for life all because the world was short a man like [name]? ❜
❛ Someday you'll explain this all to me. ❜
❛ You killed his spirit, but I took his life. ❜
❛ I'll tell you all you need to know. How I did it, where I buried him. ❜
❛ You're saying what I'm feeling is just one of your spells? ❜
❛ If you stay, I wouldn't know if it was because of the spell, and you wouldn't know if it was because I didn't want to go to prison. ❜
❛ You know, all relationships have problems. ❜
❛ Curses only have power when you believe in them. And I don't. ❜
❛ You know what? I wished for you too. ❜
❛ Oh, dear. It seems we've not arrived in the nick of time. ❜
❛ This is what comes from dabbling. You can't practice witchcraft while you look down your nose at it. ❜
❛ You know the stuff everyone whispers about me…the hexes, the spells? Well, here's the thing. I'm a witch! ❜
❛ There's a little witch in all of us. ❜
❛ He wants me. Just me. Everyone will be safe. Just let him take me. ❜
❛ Don't die on me, please. Because we're supposed to die together, remember? The same time. You promised me that. And this is not that day. ❜
❛ What wouldn't I do for the right guy? ❜
❛ Can love travel back in time and heal a broken heart? ❜
❛ There are some things I know for certain: Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Plant lavender for luck. And fall in love whenever you can. ❜
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Bright Fire, if you please
Bright Fire is fun. I started writing it, but it just never ended up going anywhere. Basically, Ellie and Joel make it to Bill and Frank's compound, but Bill and Frank are still there. Not much has changed - Frank is still sick, but because they're still alive they (they = Frank) insist they stay for a night, and rest up before continuing out west.
Joel considers pawning Ellie off on Bill, but it's very apparent he won't leave Frank, who doesn't have a lot of time left. There is angst about Tess, of course, who was a friend to Bill, and a dear friend to Frank.
It pretty much means everything to Ellie, meeting two queer men happily in love at the end of the world.
Small snip:
“Stay there.”
For once, Ellie didn’t need to be told twice. Joel approached the fence alone, the DANGER: HIGH VOLTAGE sign zip-tied to the chain-link already enough of a warning to curb any spark of defiance. She could hear it, anyway; the low hum resonating through the air, audible over the breeze and the twills of birds in the nearby trees – and this was far from the first electric fence she’d been around, so she knew better than to get too close to it.
She watched, instead, a knot of apprehension tightening in her stomach; observed him shift on his feet slightly, hesitating for only a moment before he reached out, his hand still swollen, his knuckles scabbed and puffy. His thumb tapped a keypad quickly, six beeps stinging at her ears before a deeper hum groaned from the fence, a button on the keypad gleaming green. She didn’t miss the slight sigh of relief that pushed out of his lungs when the gate unlatched itself and swung open just a few inches, or the way he rounded his shoulders before he turned to face her again.
“Listen to me,” he said, and there was just enough gruffness in his voice to draw her gaze up to him. His jaw was set, his mouth a hard line. “You stay close. Don’t talk to ‘em, don’t answer any questions they ask you – I’ll handle everything. You keep that –” he gestured vaguely to her arm, neither her bite marks nor her bandages visible under her jacket sleeve, “covered the whole time. Y’hear me?”
“Sure thing,” she responded, somewhat dully. “You got a muzzle you want me to wear, while we’re at it?”
He didn’t answer; only huffed impatiently without bothering to rise to the bait, and she scowled even as he gestured for her to walk ahead of him. The gate groaned shut behind them, the latch snapping with a finality that severed the world outside, even if she could still see it between the metal links. That persistent hum immediately returned, prickling the hairs on Ellie's neck and setting her teeth on edge.
They walked together down a wide street now, her eyes sweeping across every building that they passed. She hadn’t known quite what to expect from Bill and Frank’s, but it certainly wasn’t this – what amounted to a whole town contained within electrified metal, the houses and other buildings comprised of peeling paint and sagging siding, but still whole, standing tall. Fall gnawed at the edges of summer here, and what the trees hadn’t managed to hold onto now blew across her feet, colorful leaves swirling in the wind and catching against the curbs. Ellie had never been in a place like this before; still filled with the remnants of Before, while so open, smelling of fresh air and crisp leaves. “How many people live here?” she asked, finally noticing that she’d begun to lag behind his much longer strides, and jogging to catch up.
“Just Bill and Frank,” he replied, though his mind seemed to be elsewhere, his gaze focused on a large white house looming on their left. 
It was by far the largest one on the street, the paint a little less faded, the grass more neatly shorn. There were colorful flowers set into two large clay pots at either side of a white-painted wooden gate at the edge of the yard, and Ellie paused in front of one of them, bending down to sniff at the bright orange blossoms experimentally. “Don’t touch anything,” he called over his shoulder. Ellie, sure he wasn't looking, quickly squeezed a petal between her fingers. It gave away quickly, darkening and becoming slick against her skin, and she wiped her hand off against her jeans just as he paused, turning to look at her with an expectant expression. “C’mon.”
They didn’t even manage to make it halfway down the walkway before the door to the house burst open. “Oh, shit,” Ellie breathed, and it was instinct that made her duck behind Joel. A broad figure, his scruffy face contorted in a mask of fury, stormed down the porch steps, a shotgun clutched tight in his hands and the muzzle aimed right at them. She shot a panicked glance at Joel, expecting some decisive action, a whispered instruction, maybe even a mirror image of the weapon currently pointed at them. But he only grunted slightly, his fingers twisting over the pistol still holstered at his side but not drawing it free.
“Seriously?” he asked, clearly unimpressed. 
“The hell you think you’re doing?” the man practically barked, his eyes still squinting down the barrel of his gun. “You just show up, don’t even radio ahead –”
“Didn’t have time, Bill,” said Joel impatiently. “Put the damn gun down.”
“Who is that?” Bill demanded, the shotgun dipping momentarily towards Ellie's direction as she peered around Joel’s back. Before she could react, Joel, with unexpected swiftness, moved a step sideways, placing himself squarely between her and the barrel of the gun – and this surprised her more than she would have liked it to. “Easy, there,” said Joel, his voice edged with warning. “We’re just passin’ through. Headin’ west, figured we’d stop here for supplies. You owe me after that last run, Bill –”
“I owe you – what, is this a damn joke–”
“Bill!” Another voice echoed from within the house, laced with exasperation. The shotgun dipped momentarily, Bill's jaw clenching like a vise. He didn't relax, eyes still narrowed at them, but his shoulders slumped, his righteous fury simmering down to a grudging suspicion. “For god’s sake, Bill, will you put that thing down?” The door to the house still stood wide open behind him, and there was a heavy thud from somewhere inside.
“Frank!” Bill turned on his heel, disappearing into the house without another glance at them. They could hear him inside of the house; more thumps following a string of muffled cursing.
“Dude.” Ellie took a step back from Joel. “What the fuck. I thought these were, like…friends of yours.”
“Just…stay here,” Joel huffed, shaking his head – and then he left her, too, disappearing into the house, his hand drifting away from his pistol with every step. 
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skittlespizza · 11 months
Random sniperspy drabble i wrote wouaah
Spy was… well. He was a solitary person at heart. Secretive, reticent, unforthcoming. All of those and more. If you've talked to Spy, at least the real Spy, you would also learn he was quite bad at talking.
When it came to being other people, he could regurgitate the things that his victims wanted to hear. He could seduce any man or woman he needed to. Spy could talk to people just fine if it were someone else talking out of his body. But when his normal-brain took over… it was a mess.
Spy, more or less, was a bit of a mess.
That was fine. No one knew who Spy even was, no one would see that mess. It was all under the guise of a refined gentleman, an egotistical womanizing Frenchman, a perfect man. Life goes on, and Spy never lets a soul get close. In fact, he was sitting alone in his smoking room today. As far away as he could get from his coworkers. As far away as he could get from speaking. From being himself.
He wasn't much of a person anyways. He was more like… a marionette doll. A puppet. A blank slate, a faceless doll to project anything onto- it came free with his job. He opened his disguise kit, lighting a cigarette. He needed one if he really wanted to go down this train of thought. Closing his eyes, Spy retreated into his mind. Into that maze of thoughts, a limbo of emotions.
All his disguises, a museum of names and faces flashed behind his eyes. From Jacques to Roman to Elle, men and women he's pretended to be, all false, were like paintings upon a wall in which he based who he was off of. Spy didn't even have a name, at least anymore. He was just a Spy. It was sad in a sense, despite all these people that would fall to his feet in an instant, none of them knew Spy. The museum of Spy was crowded and flooded by infinite faces and identities. Entire lives liven, only to be abandoned and never touched. He felt sick, trying to erase those identities from his mind. As if the world itself was spiting him with images of ex lovers and ex identities. families and -
Memories this time flashed behind his eyes. Instead of portrait paintings, they were scenes. Scenes of things he's done with people who swore up and down that they knew him. Dancing with an ex lover he was to assassinate a month later. Singing to a child he was temporarily the step-father of, only to walk out. Playing baseball with Scout of all people, only for him to leave a few weeks later. It was sickening, those memories that he worked so hard to hide and forget yet always tipped over the metaphorical cup of secrets he hid.
All these paintings, faces, memories, people who he loved, people who he killed, surrounded the identity known as Spy, and yet, no matter how hard he tried, he would never be kno-
His spiral of thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Hey Spook." Ah, the bushman. Silence fell between them for a second before Sniper spoke up. "Are you up for tonight?"
Ah, tonight. Spy completely forgot about their little agreement, one of physical matters. His mind was far too deep to be up for anything, pun intended. "No."
He heard a slight chuckle. "Aight. Ain't no problem. You doin' okay?"
It was Spy's turn to chuckle. "No."
"Do you wanna talk?"
"Are you sure?"
Spy snorted. "Just because we fuck doesn't mean that you're obligated to my feelings, bushman." That cold exterior responded, the voice he heard a stranger to Spy.
"I was just offerin', like a good person would." Sniper retorted, most likely offended as just yesterday they shared a meal together while talking about Sniper's life. That was too close. Too romantic. Spy needed to distance himself or he'd hurt Sniper.
A few more seconds of silence.
"Damn, spook. Goodnight then."
"Night, Sniper."
How deeply Spy wanted to connect, how he wanted to tell Sniper his life. His faces. His memories. Who he was, who he is. And yet, how unable he's to share anything about himself. He would not let the Sniper's portrait hang on the wall of failed ex lovers.
Looking at the mirror across the room, Spy wanted to vomit. That pale imitation of a person staring back made him want to hurl, yet all he did was smoke more.
"My apologies for snapping at you last night. I had a rough day."
"It's fine." Sniper lied. Spy could tell it was very much not fine.
"Let me make it up to you?"
They were fine. They'd be fine.]
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Also, help i fall down this rabbit hole... I did plan to write a lot about it 😅, sorry guys for the torture, please forgive me! Ok? 🥺🥺
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P. S 2.0:This is an old fanfiction that never come out two years ago, didn't have the mood to write that much...It is a bit prepared with feelings... I do plan to write more with cases and of course more SCP style since H. Hope is my SCP persona... 😅 I just got the taste of the case-detective stories 👀👀👀, oh boy... My imagination is over 9000🤣🤣♥️
Also part 1:->
Part 3: ->
The others strangers looked strange at her, had that look as if they could eat her, Hope was in a new completely unknown location to her, it Was scary but she had to be brave after all they Were people not anomalies.
Most teenagers and even some adults found comfort in alcohol and very fould language, they were dressed too stridently and vulgar, it Was indeed a mad world out there, the streets have so much danger on them after the sunset and With every step she took, she felt watched.
On the Site after everything that happened that day she couldn't stay there for much longer, she needed a break and her colleague understand her, for that Hope was grateful, she did not need to explain to them any forward, there was still blood, bad blood and smell, that smell made Hope sick.
While she tried to avoid unwilling conflicts a group of three boys blocked her way, that made her sigh, can't she just had a peacefully night at least once...
The blonde one said something to her, his breath smelled of cheap cigarettes and different types of alcohol, wondering how he stood on his feet by now, the middle one was shorter than the rest of those two, tried to grab Hope by her shoulder, lucky his face meet with Hope angry fist, the idiot felt down probably needed a dentist soon.
The third screams something Hope could not understand probably he had too many glass of whisky, but that kick somewhere should had wake him up.
For someone like Hope it was easy to kick their sorry lives but that wasn't something she wanted at that moment, Hope withdrew when she caught the moment.
Near the beach a detective looking at sea, the waves calmed him down, he didn't even know why he suffered from insomnia.
The moon was full and beamed with light as it looked upon him, the moon was the detective's only companion but as he sit down a noise caught his attention.
It looked like several people were chasing another person and a few swear words could be heard, this Was something that the detective didn't want to see it, his hero side come out, someone had to teach those jesters a lesson, it was incredible how society was deteriorating.
The detective had no problems When it came to fight, it is What comes with being a detective, having to know those things not only using your brain and of course be in the right shape he didn't had a problem catch up with them.
The detective had to take them by surprise so he hide behind a bush, finding a rock it throw it as far as he could, the rock made a sound that drove their attention away, following the sound they found and angry stray cat that gave them a scare, not far away two guardians having dogs come and chase those men, probably they had heard the laughter and come to see What was going on, a hotel was nearby.
As the scene was safe detective Void decided it Was time to come out, that sure Was boring but he didn't knew What happened to the fourth person, was injured, did it needed help.
As he was walking by mistake, his leg got tangled by something and in the sand his hand found a long thin rope only that it moved in his palm. As soon as it moved, it withdrew immediately leaving a thin trace in the velvet sand and clearly that wasn't a fish.
The detective follow the trace, it was obviously something was going on, he knew only one person with that tail, it was three years ago since he last saw her... And those men could come anytime soon, he had to warn her and make sure Hope was alright, not that he cared that much, sure he did not or that he tries to say to himself.
He finally found her hidden behind some rocks, the light Was weak, nearly impossible to see someone there if it wasn't for the thin rose tail that the Waves brought it ashore, he slowly gave his hand so the female anomaly would have a better chance to come out of her hidding spot.
Hope remember the young male in front of her, another strange place for a reunion but then again, they first have meet on the Site at the worst time possible, maybe next time they could have a nice cup of tea, the water in the sea was just like ice.
Just a reminder for them, they Were in an open area where they could easily fall prey, Hope made a sign, they have to move in the opposite direction, as they walked the big full moon follows them and more stars were revealing themselves.
The beach was long and wide, the sea become restless, they already were going by an half of hour, no noise, no strange figure, occasionally they heard a train passing by, the detective was silent.
Even in the darkness she could still see the sadness in his eyes,even if the detective tried so hard to hide it, something was wrong with him too, maybe he saw something that broke him too, Hope realize thst she wasn't the only one who was running from something. She knows that face too well, even in her nightmares. She got closer to the detective,as the breeze started to bother her, she still was wet from that early night bath in the sea, wished she had a towel.
Anyway deep down Hope was really happy to see the detective, since last time in a way she had missed him but then she remember her true mission and the foundation purpose, people like detective Void should be protected from any anomalies no matter the cost.
On the other hand, the silence Was killing the detective, who Were those men that were following Hope? Why Hope needed to hide from them? Have they found out? They were in danger?
The flashbacks from the recent events come before her eyes, Hope didn't even knew the detective asked her something so she tried to change the subject.
"It's crazy to think how the stars appears so small on the sky but if you would get closer to them, it can kill you."
"What are you trying to say with this?"
That wasn't exactly the conversation the detective really wanted at that moment but it had to start from somewhere plus it looked like Hope felt a little better, he saw how tense she was.
"Do you always have to let your little tail get into trouble?"
At that Hope let a small laugh, if only the detective knew, but he knows only 0.0002% of it, truth Was she always had her little tail into trouble more or less...it Was funnier this Way more or less, unlike the rest of the SCP colleague she has fun.
"I kinda wish the stars would have been this small so i could pick up some of them in my hand and make a lovely how you call those paper flowers that puts them around your neck in the old Hawai beach movies?
"For good people there will always be a compliment found."
"It's just you should be more careful... Take care of you, mister detective Void... Um, your soulmate needs you whole body and soul."
"You are sometimes weird, Hope... Why would i even need a relationship?"
"And the detectives past time activities is star gazing?"
"No. Is it yours?"
Ouch, there he caught her, she tried so hard maybe too hard to not make herself a fool well it did not work.
"Probably, i don't know, i like the night sky and looking at the many stars, at least they are not alone."
"Are you? Is that all, Hope, you are a little defensive there... When you are a detective you get to speak to lots of different people/ suspects."
"I only want someone to have a heart to heart conversation that is all. Nothing too much, or too many..."
"How was your day?"
"Great! Containment breach, violence, blood, more people in the cemetery the usually stuff. Yours?"
"Maybe i shouldn't have asked, i'm sorry... Well, i failed finding a perfect gift for someone whos birthday is about in 2 months, i can't find the right one and i am a detective i should know were to look for it."
"That is so sweet, i am sure this person knows you live them even without the perfect gift."
Hope looked at the detective and it was getting hard to keep herself up, the sad feelings were still there and it Wasn't like it could go away that easily, knocking at her doors, she tried her best to not give up anything besides good vibes, it wasn't about her anymore, it is never about her, she can go through it just fine, right? Wrong. Just thinking about those hours back the containment breach, oh gosh, it could have been anyone even the person in front of her, dead, just as cold as an ice-cream...
"Please don't go, i don't want to have you too on my consciousness. I can't protect you!"
She found herself speaking, it was true after all and if it wasn't for the professional expression mask the young detective had, that statement would have taken him by surprise. He had to admit to himself that nothing was shocking him anymore at that point, well he was wrong, they barely knew each other after all, that must have been confusing as redacted.
"I thought more than half of the foundation would dislike me, wasn't expecting this from you!"
"I don't know what your problem is but we are not evil and you are not a hero either, it's just you should live your life as a simple life nothing too complicated."
This somehow hurt him, it's not like he wanted any of this in the first place, he wouldn't admit it to anyone but this secret started to get the better of him, it wasn't like detective Void forgot his promise to forget about all of this, he really tried but fate is a cruel mistress and a twisted one.
The silence was too long and Hope decided to speak again, she didn't wanted to make him feel bad and unwanted.
"It's nice to have you in my life mister detective, i find you a funny guy with a sense of humor."
"Sense of humor? I don't think that is true about me, of course i have many qualities but that isn't on the list."
Hope started to shake, it was indeed a beautiful view but it was getting cold and colder the breeze, it was also late.
"Have you ever thought that the SCP foundation is the problem here? This secret is just a brainwash, it should have been better if people knows about it, it's the only way to confront whatever will come in the future!"
"And then what will happen? They will become so afraid that even seeing their own shadow will scare them! Some things are better left alone in the dark, if you don't know it then it won't hurt you!"
"That is not how things works, Hope!"
"Have you forgot in what twisted universe we live in?
"And does getting yourself killed solves any problems?"
"So does that means you do care a little about me? I'm flattered mister detective, please don't make me blush more than i already am."
"Eh...Why do i even bother? It's clearly i'm fighting on a war that is already lost..."
"Mister detective Void let me say something nice too, you are like a sad fairytail with a happy ending."
"That doesn't makes much sense but i will take it and please drop the mister, i'm not that old!"
"Well you sure are the detective of my life!"
Hope gave a little smile, all those books and TV series about detectives and resolving crimes, made her want an adventure like that, maybe if she asked him, Hope might have a chance.
"Again what is with this obsession about detectives?"
"Not just any detective, if i might add."
Again silence, it was fun, they just sit there on the sand and talk about ordinary things, nothing much, but neither of them mind it.
"Are you tired?"
"Yes, sort of... Mind if i let my head rest on your shoulder? So warm, i like it, ten out of ten, you would make a great pillow, detective."
"Yeah, my next great career as a pillow, a detective pillow."
Just like that Hope gave a short laugh, she already could imagine the detective pillow, at day solve cases, at night giving everybody who needs it, a great night sleep, not bad at all.She buried her face a little deeper in the detective neck, a faint blush covering her cheek.
"Come on, i saw a motel near by, i am sure they have a room where you can stay..."
She didn't wanted to go back at the Site plus too tired and she barely drag her feet, the room Was cozy points to the detective fpr knowing such a nice place, once they were in the room the bed somehow winked at her, and Hope knew how tired she Was.
"Not bad, right Hope... Oh and here i have this two coupons With 50% Off at any dumplings order, their dumplings are one and only kind, you can have them... I am too busy sometimes i forget to even eat, it would be a shame to let this coupons waste..."
The detective turned his head only to see Hope already curled up into a ball, looked like she already Was fast asleep and did not heard him, but he couldn't blame her, after that he let her a message and slowly closed the door behind him.
The detective had a lot of things on his own agenda to do, just thinking about it made him almost skip sleep that night, but that could have wait at least one more day, he could feel that he was getting closer to the truth.
The end
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meiieiri · 5 months
holy shit. I didn't think Gojo could sink any lower in WE but then he put his hands around her neck and CHOKED her. immediately no!! the reddest of red flags!!! she needs to run in the opposite direction and not look back
there is really no hope or redemption for abusive men who put their hands on their partners in such a violent and sadistic way I'm sorry!! there is simply no way to come back from that. even if they eventually end up on better terms, their entire relationship will be overshadowed by the fact that he physically abused her on their wedding day in a fit of narcissistic rage. damn.
it doesn't matter what he suspects her of doing (stealing the earrings that she would somehow even know about or know where they were kept in his room???) or even if he thinks she's a gold digger who made a deal for money with his parents, nothing warrants straight up strangulation!!! walk away girl!!!! you shouldn't have to play therapist to try and fix a broken man and you sure as hell don't deserve to be a punching bag while he sorts out his own fucking mess
This is not a child who doesn't know any better. this is a fully grown adult man that is using his shitty relationship with his parents as a reason to take out his anger on someone weaker and more vulnerable in every sense. physically, financially, and social-status wise.
OH and the fact that his parents know about his violent tendencies and allowed y/n to be with him after that?!? they're sick in the head too. they sent her to the slaughterhouse and had the audacity to act sorry about it omg. The mom is worse imo because she's also a massive enabler of his atrocious behaviour. She knows exactly who her son is and still allowed an innocent woman to fall into the path of his destruction. all to save their shitty image. fuck the royal family reputation shit bro y'all aint special or different you still eat shit and sleep like the rest of us!!! ugh screw the lot of them (except Suguru bahaha)
honestly Himiko.......... you can keep him girly pop lmao!!! no wonder they're so attracted to one another, they're both terrible human beings tripping on the imaginary power they think they have over the rest of society. smh. all that money and still no class.
p.s I hope the damn butler dude who delivered the earrings exposes all they ugly asses!!!!! fuck them up!!!
Honestly, I’m so excited to see how else this fic turns out, because there was a massive reason behind Satoru’s rampage, not saying it could ever hope to justify why he was so angry to the point of strangling Y/N, but there is some layer of complexity to his destructive behavior that only Himiko knows about in the rawest sense. What makes her actions more disturbing is the fact that she knew about all that and still chose to exploit it to put Y/N in the frying pan. This woman knows nothing but hatred, greed is her God, and when Satoru was completely broken, she put his pieces back together however she wanted which is the reason we have this version of Satoru today.
Not saying he’s blameless, but if there’s one thing I’ll stand by, it’s the chilling fact that Himiko has toyed with the prince long enough and all that is about to come crashing down at her feet. Before all this, just a saddening fact, Satoru was just as beloved as Suguru in the court of public opinion, his people loved him, and he wasn’t so different from Y/N herself.
As his father said to Himiko in the first chapter: “I’ve allowed you to lead my son astray long enough.”
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margindoodles2407 · 1 month
Hey I had some Thoughts (tm) about my guy Obes Kenobes so have a thing I wrote
You have made so many promises in your life. 
You remember the first promise you ever made, you can call it to your mind like you can call your azure blade to your hand. You are seven years old, and you promise your crechemaster that you’ll go to bed at bedtime instead of sitting awake and giggling with Bant into the wee hours of the morning.
The next promise you make, you are fourteen and you are promising in front of the whole Council that you will serve and obey the tall man who has taken you as his apprentice. You can’t tell if it’s his hands or the promise itself that weighs heavy on your shoulders.
The third promise is made to yourself at sixteen, when you swear that you won’t fall hopelessly in love with the stately blonde girl who grates on your nerves and can see right through you as if you were one of her people’s famous glassworks. The fourth is made to her, when your oath to yourself falls flat on its face.
The fifth promise you make, you are eighteen years old, and you hold the man who has been like your father in your arms as he dies. Your apprenticeship was rocky, and the two of you butted heads more than you’d care to admit, but as he grows cold and the light fades from his eyes you feel like a youngling again, alone and afraid in the vast, dark galaxy. You weep.
The sixth promise is made only a few days later, to the boy with sandy hair and sun-kissed skin and eyes that can cut right through you, see you down to your bones, the boy that your master knew would change the world. You promise him, with tear tracks still wet on your pale cheeks, that you’ll train him, you’ll protect him and help him and be his friend. His brother.
The seventh promise is to the woman who was once a girl, once a queen and now a senator, when you say you’ll track down the man endangering her life. When that promise leads you to a planet that shouldn’t exist, an army forged in the darkest chasms of space and the oceans, and a thousand men all with the same face, you wonder- not for the first time- if your promises are dangerous.
You make so many promises during the war that you lose count. You make promises to the Council, to your men, your friends and your family and even to your enemies. You swear up and down, oath after oath after oath—
And in the end, your promises all crumble like the rocks beneath your brave mount’s feet, as your once-loyal Commander orders his men to fire on you. They are cut down like your dearest Jedi family in the Temple.
They burn, like the boy you raised and befriended and bickered with and loved, the man whose hair was always grainy with the sand he despised and whose skin remained sun-kissed and tanned like a little boy’s even as it became littered with scars and wrinkled with stress, whose eyes, which had always been dark blue, could always see right through your sarcasm and your needling to your worries and your pain and always, always, knew exactly what to say to make you laugh despite yourself– and now those eyes are a sick, burning yellow, and you can’t bear to look but you can’t break eye contact, because despite it all you love him still.
You don’t make any more promises for a long time. Everyone you’ve ever made a promise to has died, in horrible, terrible ways. Your promises are dangerous. This is something you have come to know.
Then one day, a little girl tumbles into your life as her parents did so many years before, a little girl who looks just like her mother but has her father’s soul, and you almost- almost- make a promise to her. She heals you in all the ways you never knew you needed healing, and you want to. But your promises are dangerous. So instead, you give her an assurance. A perhaps, if someday she ever needs help from a tired old man.
Someday, she does.
And that someday brings another, a boy who doesn’t quite tumble into your life the way his parents and sister did, a boy with his mother’s bleeding heart and fierce determination and a boy who is so much like his father that it almost hurts. You promise nothing to the boy. Your promises are dangerous.
But- unexpectedly- he makes promises to you.
And then you die. You’re cut down by the man who was your brother, and the boy and the girl can do nothing but watch, and cry, and go on to wage a war against the man they do not know is their father.
But you are not gone. Death is nothing but the gateway to eternal life. You remain, and you continue to watch over the boy, the boy who promised to you, and for the first time since his father fell, you make a promise.
The Force will be with you. Always.
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sixx-writes · 1 year
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                     Room 208|Interrogation II
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Kurotsuchi Mayuri x Reader
Word Count: 1,408
cw: slow burn, dark content, future nsfw, modern au, surgeon!Mayuri, thief!reader, doctor kink
AO3 Version | Masterlist
Summary: You and your partner decide to steal from a former surgeon who may not be all that he appears.
Pt. 1 | 2 | 3 |
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Everything is bright and painful to your eyes when you open them. It feels like God Himself is staring down at you for several agonizing seconds searing your brain and you remember that one scene from that movie where the guy's head melts. You can't move and it isn't because of whatever Mayuri spiked your drink with.
There are straps at your throat, wrists, and ankles securing you down to a metal bed of some kind. Not just some kind. It's the kind that they use in the morgue to drain the blood and body fluids during an autopsy. Your panic increases ten-fold when you realize that Mayuri has stripped you while you were unconscious.
The surgeon appears at your side, moving the plastic sheeting out of the way that's hanging down from the ceiling, and wheeling in a cart covered in many terrifying implements. There are scalpels, blades, and some other sharp looking tools that you're not familiar with.
"Jesus fuck," you croak.
Mayuri turns around at the sound of your voice. He's wearing a surgical mask and you don't need to see his face to know that he's smiling underneath by the way his eyes alight with manic energy, "Perfect timing. I've just finished setting everything up. I would hate to begin the procedure while you're still sleeping."
There are rusty red splotches on Mayuri's perfect white doctor's coat around the lapels and some of them look suspiciously like fingerprints. You start to notice how some of the plastic sheeting has faint stains on it as well as if it's been wiped down but hadn't come clean in some places.
Mayuri takes a scalpel and seats himself next to you, toying with it between his hands, "I would like to know who you're working for, however. It would be very inconvenient for me to have to relocate again," he taps the blunt side of the scalpel just below your sternum, "I'm waiting."
"I'm not working for anyone," you bite out, "I swear."
He narrows his eyes down at you before rising so suddenly that you can't control the startled cry that slips out when it causes you to jump. Mayuri rips back the plastic sheeting at your feet revealing the wall which is covered in photographs. Some of them are taken through the restaurant window from when you had dinner with Shiki. The rest are of Shiki speaking with what looks like a yakuza member in some shady back alley next to dumpster.
"Care to explain why your little friend was speaking with one of Reio's men a few days ago?"
"That's not.. I'm not who you think I am. We're just thieves. Shiki had heard that you were rich and hiding money in your apartment. He wanted me to try and get close to you and find out where it was," your breathing comes harder and you can't keep from pulling at your restraints in your agitation, "that's it. I swear."
Mayuri returns, placing a hand on either side of your body, the messy strands of his blue hair falling around his face as he leans over you.
"I'm telling the truth," you plead, "I'm sorry alright."
"No. You're sorry you got caught," Mayuri said lowly, "No one is ever truly sorry. They believe they are once I begin cutting," he ghosts the blunt side of the scalpel just below your left nipple over your heart, "This is just delusion of course. A side effect of dealing with the pain; rambling out what you think I want to hear so it will stop. It's quite tiring."
"You're sick."
Mayuri's eyes sparkle in amusement, "On the contrary, miss y/n. Do you think that people such as yourself actually matter? A filthy girl that would take advantage of a, as you put it, sick man for her own gain?"
"Is this what Nemu would have wan-" you don't finish the sentence because the scalpel is flipped, the blade slicing across your ribs in a fluid motion, making you hiss out in pain. Mayuri presses his face in very close to yours so that your breaths mingle through filtered cloth before he hisses, "You don't get to say her name."
For the first time the surgeon has expressed real emotion, hatred that's festered like an infection for years bubbling to the surface, and it makes your heart pound until you're light headed from fear. The moment stretches as he lingers over you, longer than necessary to get the point across, and you're becoming hyper aware of every little detail. The way the coarse fabric of his coat caresses your stiff nipples, his hair tickling your forehead, and his pupils dilating above the mask with blood lust and maybe something else.
"Fuck you," you said quietly if only to break the tension.
It was making your body react in ways that were very inappropriate given the situation and you just needed him off of you.
"Finally. An honest response," he murmured, still too close, his upper body covering yours so closely your blood would certainly become the newest stain on his coat. Mayuri withdrew leaving your personal space at last and you took in deep even breaths of air trying to purge the overflow of emotions. The pain in your side is dulled by the chilly temperature in the room somewhat and you grimace seeing it. It's a cut about the length of your hand, not very deep judging by the sluggish amount of bleeding, but would need stitches you could already tell.
Mayuri has his back to you at the table grabbing something you couldn't see from your position off the tray until he returned holding a curved needle and thread.
"You're not going to kill me?"
He didn't answer, his latex covered fingertips going to the wounded flesh of your side and pinching it together, making you hiss in pain again. You were confused, downright fucking bewildered, by this sudden turn of events. The needle dipped through the two halves of your skin as Mayuri made the first stitch quickly and skillfully finishing the job with a bandage over the top.
"No. I'm going to use you," Mayuri said as he applied the tape to hold it in place, "You will atone for disrupting the life I've made here. Just the careless mention of my name will no doubt bring Reio's dogs sniffing around my door."
"You're hiding from them? But Shiki found you in no time."
"Are you actually so arrogant to believe that you're the only one with inside sources? I knew that you were stupid but it's truly incomprehensible how you've lived this long fumbling in the dark like a blind infant without getting yourself killed or arrested."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" you demanded despite your predicament feeling instant regret as your temper flared indignantly getting the better of you.
"It means," Mayuri dug his fingers cruelly into the bandage making you wince, "that van sitting outside my apartment couldn't have been more obvious if it had flashing neon lights. Before you even knew who I was I'd already looked into all three of you. I wasn't certain about your connections with Reio until a few days ago so I had to be sure. Seems I was correct in my assessment that you're just common street trash, after all. A man like Reio wouldn't be interested in an amateur like you," he finished dismissively, relieving the pressure on your wound where it had bled through the gauze. You wheezed out a breath you'd been holding as the pain lessened only slightly.
Mayuri removed his mask tossing it onto the tray before raking gloved fingers through his hair to adjust the longer section of his undercut back into place.
"What do you want from me?"
"You're going to help me kill Reio," he stated with absolute confidence, "I've grown weary of always looking over my shoulder. He considers Pernida's death a personal offense and if he believes that he has me cornered he will want revenge."
"Or," Mayuri's hand came to rest against your thigh, "I could take my time with you instead. Just like I did with Pernida. It would surprise you how many things the human body can continue to function without."
His smile was chilling as if he were daring you to say no.
So you said yes.
He patted your leg condescendingly, "Good girl."
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doriandistortion · 8 months
My favorite quotes
Things might not get any better but they may get a little easier - I hate sports by I hate sex
When I talk they say I'm preaching cause I'm passionate when I speak - set to stun
Bad men make their own rules and only dead men can tell not tales - set to stun
That memory is just a tinkle in the toilet - it came to me in a dream
Some people make an art of watching life pass by.
My body is a witch, I am burning it
Everything is gonna burn. Well all get turns, I'Il get mine too.
If ignorance is bliss I wish I were blissfully ignorant - dear ms. Leading - the dear
I see the horns they follow me down god fell silent when I cried out - mistakes like fractures
My tombstone was made at birth my coffin is on my back - deadringer knocked loose
The once weak will one day rule the world - Charlie by million dead
I know when it's time to let the dog decide - a werewolf by attic abasement
I distrust a mattress that smells like it feels. We can unmake the bed and we can reinvent the wheel - a werewolf
Well, you can tell by the way I move my feet that I'm a genuine insurrectionary
It's a kind of nervous shuffle that contrasts so well with bolsavic bravado - I am the party by million dead
My knife wants to hide deep inside of you - counting by heavens
I drink myself to death to be the after life of the party - love me normally by will wood
When I die I want you to die too - we will commit wolf murder by of Montreal
I envy you because you can believe in things like I never could - we will commit wolf murder
I love you, Maurice but I used to be quite a happy person before I met you. - flowers
The sadness will last forever - Vincent VanGough
Happiness became a chore - Roy's our boy by charmer
Summer without you is as cold as winter. Winter without you, is even colder - for Beatrice by Lemony Snicket
The world is quiet here - a series of unfortunate events
I know that you wish you were sick but there are so many ways of being more disappointing - Kali Masi
You watch me like a ten car highway wreck with detached. vulgar curiosity
This looking down at the tops of the hats of us passers-by from your 7th floor balcony
And from such a height you missed creatures too small for sight carry on covert conversations
As the misguided insects crown me their grasshopper king with a dance of celebration - January 1979 by mewithoutyou
Honey, it's depressing what depression does to some. - jawbreaker
Numb, some call it. Now, me and Jesus, we like to feel pain - ecifircas by SewersIvt
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. - 1899
Last of the pitchers, catfish done hunting, Harry Lundt Most of the killers never get famous and it's hard on everyone - Chinatown by jets to Brazil
I want a cut scene - beach life in death
If you cant find your friends, you can leave without them and if you run out of drugs, you can sleep without them And if you wanna go home, you can call a taxi. And if you don't wanna talk, you can sit in the backseat - car seat headrest live at rock the garden
Came a time when every star fall brought you to tears again - helena by MCR
Let's talk about all our friends who lost the war and all the novels that had yet to be written about them. - the good that won't come out by rilo kiley
I was a hater in the depths of an emotional hibernation - first time high by of Montreal
A dull mind can’t cut you. Sleeping dogs won't bite. - spinning wheel by worthikids
How senseless death, How precious life - king park
I've been asleep for half my life but l'm awake now I make mistakes and I make them well, I make 'em big so as to shake the ground by uhhhmm??? I’ll edit this later lmao
I've found that the road to happiness is paved with rows and rows of very tempting parking spaces - call me what you like by lovejoy
I honestly wanna prove improvement's possible - against the kitchen floor by will wood
I'm wide awake, it's morning! - road to joy by bright eyes
I wish I was like you, easily amused - all apologies by nirvana
People like you find it easy - atmosphere by joy division
I will speak for you, Father. I speak for all mediocrities in the world. I am their champion. I am their patron saint. - salieri in Amadeus
Focus on what is ahead and step forward. - zenophelion on tumblr (your demons have good advice actually)
Some make exhaustion a mode of expression and that's their way - Chinatown jets to Brazil
Your entire life can change in a year @bmekween on TikTok
Just to prove that I adore every inch of sanity - drowning lessons MCR
I need to recycle all the feelings I had in the past - Kylie by bear vs. shark
Thy firmness makes my circle just, and makes me end where I begin - everything was beautiful … by mewithoutyou
The time is coming where you won’t feel like you do now - woolworm by Indian summer except that part is sung by a woman who was sampled
I wanna be a horse full of fire that will never train - pig by Sparklehorse
It’s hard to remember to live before you die - lives - modest mouse
If you could be anything I bet you’d be disappointed am I right? - lives - modest mouse
Good luck with your fight
Promise me the sun will rise again - washer by slint
I am a beast among machines - set to stun
If I’ve got nothing to live for, then I’ve got nothing to die for - doomsday by set to stun
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Neil & Kevin - Exysexual - The Foxhole Court
The season was over just like that. A crew was already dismantling the court, unhinging the plexiglass walls and rolling Astroturf over the hard floor. When they were done it'd be a soccer field again; there'd be nothing left of Exy until fall. Neil felt sick watching it happen, but he couldn't look away.
Neil stared at him, wondering how Nicky could care about such things when the stadium was right there. They knew the code to get inside, but they were standing around like his answer was the secret password. Neil looked from Nicky to the keypad and back again. "What's it matter?" he asked. "I'm curious," Nicky said. "He means nosey," Aaron said. "I don't swing either way," Neil said. "Let's go in." "Bullshit," Nicky said. "I don't," Neil said, and impatience put an edge in his voice. It wasn't quite the truth, but it was close enough. "Are we going in or not?"
He closed his eyes and breathed in, breathed out, imagining the way bodies sounded as they crashed into each other on the court, the way the announcer's voice would only come through in muffled, scattered bursts, the roar of sixty-five thousand people reacting to a goal. He knew he didn't deserve this, knew beyond a doubt he wasn't good enough to play on this court, but he wanted and needed it so badly he ached all over.
Kevin and Neil
Neil didn't answer that accusation. Kevin got right in his face and tangled his fingers through the netting on Neil's racquet. When he started to pull it away, Neil held on tighter, silently refusing to let go. Kevin probably could have wrenched it away if he tried a little harder, but he seemed content just to hold on. "If you won't play with me, you'll play for me," Kevin said. "You're never going to get there on your own, so give your game to me." "Where is 'there'?" Neil asked. "If you can't figure that out there's no helping you," Kevin said. Neil gazed back at him in silence, pretty sure 'there' didn't apply to someone like him. Kevin must have seen that in the unimpressed look on his face because he reached up and covered Neil's eyes with his free hand. "Forget the stadium," Kevin said. "Forget the Foxes and your useless high school team and your family. See it the only way it really matters, where Exy is the only road to take. What do you see?" Imagining life in such simplistic terms was so ridiculous Neil almost laughed. He kept the vicious twist of his mouth off his face through sheer willpower alone. Something still must have shown, because Kevin gave his racquet a hard tug. "Focus."
“You,” Neil said at last. Kevin pulled at his racquet again, and this time Neil let go. “Tell me I can have your game." It wouldn't do them any good, but Neil wasn't going to get into that. "Take it." "Neil understands," Kevin said, dropping his hand and sending Andrew a pointed look.
Neil was halfway through the men's door when Kevin snagged his collar and hauled him down the hall to the back door. Kevin pulled it open and pushed Neil ahead of him through it. Neil stumbled a step, caught his balance a second later, and went to the inner court. The Foxhole Court was the second collegiate stadium he'd been in, the first being Edgar Allan's Ravens' Nest, but he'd never been in one on a game night. It was one thing to admire the dizzyingly high seats, and another thing entirely when those seats were full. Not all of the sixty-five thousand seats were taken yet, but at least three-quarters were. The stadium rumbled with the sounds of tens of thousands of feet. The crowd's yelling and laughing were deafening, and this was before the crowd had a reason to be loud. Neil wondered what they would sound like after the Foxes scored. Maybe it'd be loud enough to crack his bones inside him. It didn't take anyone long to notice Neil and Kevin in the inner court. When the closest section went crazy, the sound ignited a small wave up the stands. Orange Notes, the campus band, was still filing into their section, but they reacted to the excitement unquestioningly. The drumline beat out a ferocious rhythm and a couple trumpets started the school fight song. A few seconds later the students joined in, yelling the words at one another and the empty court. "Don't waste their time tonight," Kevin said at his ear. "They came to see you play, so give them something to believe in." "They're not here for me," Neil said. "They're here to see the famous Kevin Day." Kevin put a hand to Neil's shoulder blade and gave him a small push. "Change out." Neil took one last peek up at the stands before heading back to the locker room.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 1 year
The Greatest Hero in the Empire Part 9
I don't know how much time has passed. Unlike the last time I had to wait for the empress' request I'm a complete wreck. I eat, serve the guards, and wait in silence. I think I'm heartbroken. Every period of time that could be a day that goes by without a word just eats me up inside.
I'm dedicated to the empress but I just can't get over what happened. Am I gonna be punished or not? I entertained the empress with my body. Outside of killing her that's the worst thing a slave can do. I can't let anyone know how I feel. They'll kill me for sure out of disgrace. I want to know what's gonna happen to me now before I completely lose my mind and start to cry.
"On your feet slave. The empress requests your presence."
It takes everything in me to not run to her chambers in tears. I might get an answer after all this time. If she's alone I won't be punished. If she has a guard or a group of men I'm going to die.
I can see the doors to her chambers and I feel sick. I have to know soon but I'm so scared about what's going to happen. I might even faint from how sick I'm feeling.
As soon as the guards open the door I walk in and immediately fall to my knees. A man's in the chambers with the empress. This is it. I'm going to die. I bow my head to the floor hoping that my complete obedience would be enough. If the empress sees my dedication maybe she'll give me a merciful death.
"Stand tall. I brought a tailor as a mere loincloth is no longer fitting for someone of your status."
I might actually die today. If she doesn't order my death the stress of not knowing what's going to happen is going to kill me. I still do as she says and stand up tall. I have to pull myself together as I know she can that I'm shaking. I also need to ask what she means before I have a heart attack.
"Wh-what do you m-me-mean my em-emp-empre-empress?"
I'm having a very hard time talking. It's a good thing she already knows I'm mute. I just can't let on that I'm nervous. Slaves can't show emotions.
"You are to be fitted with some new clothing. Tailor you brought some samples but tell me whether the slave can even fit in them just by looking at him."
My heart breaks. She referred to me as a slave. Sure that's what I am but I was hoping that she'd use my name like she did before. Is this what she thinks of me? A nameless slave? I have to keep a blank face though as this tailor looks at my body. It's incredible how I have to look down at him yet he's in a much higher position than me. He looks surprised and I don't know why.
"Well, my Empress’ slave is a rather large man, but he is extremely well-muscled. With proper adjustments he will be able to fit in this attire well. But he is so incredibly broad-shouldered and... strong and impressive to look at, that we'll have to have several sizes altered to fit him. The man is simply massive. It is impressive just to look at... he is certainly unique and not comparable to any size or shape I have ever seen."
I don't quite understand everything he said. I think he's just surprised at how big I am. I have noticed that I'm not like most guys. I seem to tower of them and carry things that would take 2 or more people to carry. I never realized that it could be possible that people could be looking at me because of it. The empress did say my body excited her so was that why?
"Have your samples be used elsewhere. You’ll have to take his measurements tailor."
Maybe this is a good thing. The empress doesn't seem to be angry that I'm not normal. I try to calm down and think happy thoughts. The tailor grabs some sort of thin string and wraps it around my arms and different parts of my body.
"Now tailor what are the slave’s measurements? He looks about 185 centimeters tall."
The empress must have some plan if she wants to know just how big I am. Maybe this is something I should be proud of. I've never really had anything to be proud of as a slave before.
"He's easily 185 centimeters your majesty. It's going to take a few days to make something fit this size and shape, but we have the necessary materials and the proper equipment. The clothes will be ready in three days, Empress."
The tailor actually wants to make clothes for me. The empress wants me to have clothes to wear. This is a very kind gift for her to give me. Maybe this really will be a good thing for me after all.
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the-void-writes · 2 years
Gazali Snippet pt 2
@bloodlessheirbyjacques Sorry it took a little longer than the others, but I’ve got it finished now. This picks right back up where Gazali was in the fight.
TW for blood and death
Sticks and rocks jabbed at Gazali’s feet as he sprinted through the forest. He could still hear the frightened screams of villagers and soldiers alike, destroying each other in one final fight. Even worse, the bodies of the fallen continued through the forest, limp and frozen in agony. So many men, women, children, who had followed Gazali on this trip because he didn’t want to abandon them the way his father had… and he had gotten them killed instead. Another failure of a leader.
Brush and branches cut his skin as he pushes past them. There was another sound that grew stronger as the screams faded in the distance; Piers’ labored breathing. Gazali didn’t turn around, but he could see those sickly green eyes vividly, bearing into the back of his head with unwavering murderous intent. His blade swished wildly across the brush, clearing a direct path towards Gazali.
“Give it up, your majesty.” His voice was dripping with venom. “The king wants a fresh new Freak. If you stop now, I won’t have to cut you up too badly.”
Gazali was still struggling to keep his balance from the overexertion of his powers. He couldn’t afford to hesitate or trip, not with his mother out on her own. If Piers captured him, Mara would be left in this strange new land with no defense. Still, exhaustion was starting to weaken Gazali’s body more and more. One thick boulder proved to be the final straw, twisting his foot and bringing him to the ground. Piers quickly closed the distance between them with a warrior’s screech of victory.
There was a second scream, and the sickening sound of a blade piercing flesh. Gazali gazed upwards, his heart dropping at the sight of Mara stuck on Piers’ blade. Piers tilted his head with a sick smile.
“There you are, ‘mum.’ Nice of you to join the party.”
He emphasized his words by tugging the blade out from Mara’s torso. She fell to the ground, gasping for air. Piers leaned down to make sure he could hear her.
“You’ve got more guts than my men, that’s for sure. Too bad it didn’t do much.” He held her face. “But don’t worry, your son will make for a wonderful—”
He yelped as Gazali grabbed him by the throat and threw him down into the nearby boulder. The slap of his head against the stone was disgusting to listen to, but Gazali kept beating his head against it, ignoring his screams and pleas for his men to help him. Finally, Gazali dropped Piers on the ground, letting him writhe and groan. The boulder was stained with his blood, and the grass surrounding it was stained with his mother’s. Gazali tried to pick her up, but she cried out in pain.
“It is useless, Gazali.”
“I will not leave you here. We can find a doctor.”
“Not in time.”
“Please, just stay awake for me—”
Her voice was firm. He set her back on the ground, tears building in his eyes. There was rustling and yelling from behind them; the last of the soldiers, who had heard their boss’ cries. Mara cupped Gazali’s face, the blood on her hands staining his beard and cheek.
“Your power is too great for them. Do not let them capture you.”
“Mother— I cannot leave you—”
“You are not your father. He would never have saved his people like you did.”
“They are dead, Mother.”
“But you gave them the chance to fight back. They died as warriors instead of prisoners.”
The soldiers were getting closer. Gazali squeezed Mara’s hand, willing once more for the celestials to help his mother… but nothing showed up. Mara kissed her son’s forehead weakly.
“Go on, my son. I will still be with you, always.”
He willed himself to stand, letting his mother’s hand fall to the ground. She gave him one last smile before closing her eyes. Gazali took off, unable to bear watching her pass. The soldiers had found Piers, from the sounds of their swearing and shouting for Gazali to come back. But he kept running, even though his legs ached and his eyes stung with tears. His entire village was gone, as was Kibwe’s, leaving Gazali as the only reminder of either of their existence. What was the point, going on when he had failed them so? When Gazali reached a sudden river, he let himself hesitate, only wanting to be with his family again. The soldiers were just behind him…
But they started yelling, grabbing each other in terror and backing away at something behind Gazali. That’s when he felt it: a warm presence enveloping him like a large hand. It pulled him backwards into the river, but he did not feel the water. Everything around him turned to stars and dust. Finally, he landed softly on the same warm presence. The stars themselves were holding him like a child holding a small bird. He recognized the pattern of the stars, and the dark purple abyss that surrounded them. This was the realm beyond the holes, where the celestials resided. The star-creature stared down at him with two cosmically-white orbs for eyes, the remaining stars around it turning upwards into a smile. Its “mouth” did not move, but Gazali heard its voice from all around the void.
Gazali Walker, former leader of the Nyota tribe. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.
“You are one of them,” Gazali whispered. “The creatures from the other side.”
A Celestial, yes. The others are hiding, for now. They wish to observe from afar.
Gazali tried to bow, but he was far too dizzy. Laughter circled around him, making the stars shine brighter.
I admire your respect. 
“Forgive me, great Celestial. What is your name?”
My true name has never been uttered, it is far too complicated for any language to replicate.
“What may I call you, then?”
It bowed its head, as though to think.
Arcadia. That is the closest any language will come to pronouncing it.
Gazali nodded. “Arcadia… Where are we?”
In the realm of Paradise. We have lived here for centuries now, only seeing your world from afar, but we have always been present, in people just like you. Your power, my dear, came from us.
“You…” Gazali tried to stand, but his body felt heavy. “You gave me my gift?”
It is a process that we still do not understand. We can only feel the bits of our essence as they fall away, and then somewhere in your world, those bits become part of a person: a Divine one. Their powers are a mystery, as we do not choose what to give them.
Arcadia placed a starry finger against Gazali’s chest.
But you, dear Gazali, were born with the power I have been looking for all along. You are the only one who can reach our realm on your own. That is why we tried to help you, to bring you here to us. And as long as you stay here, we can continue to reach the Mainland.
Gazali could only shake his head. “My family… Kibwe… I asked you to save them.”
Arcadia wiped his tears away.
I would have, if I could. Your body was too weak, that is why we had to wait for you to reach the river. Water is a stronger conduit.
“What was the point, then? My family is dead, the tribes are gone… Am I to live out my days here?”
Arcadia’s light dimmed a little, and they moved downwards through a thick cloud. When they broke through, Gazali saw a vast land, with shimmering trees and rivers that ran like the paint on the rocks back home, the ones that the children had lovingly decorated. His heart ached for his homeland. Finally, Arcadia landed and placed Gazali down into the plush grass.
Time does not pass here. You may live in Paradise for as long as you wish, though we hope you choose to stay forever.
“Why is that?”
There are others like you, Gazali, and there will be many more, I’m sure. Not just Divine, but Humans, too. All of them are hurting the way you are right now. I wish to save them, to give them the lives that they deserve… and I wish for you to lead them as their king.
Gazali shuddered. It should have been a great honor, made into a ruler by a being of starlight, but all he could think about were the faces of the dead.
“Arcadia, you who I owe my existence to… I am no king. Kibwe was more of a leader than I ever will be.”
Kibwe did not have your gift, or your heart.
Gazali glared at the celestial. “He had a kind heart.”
I do not disagree with you. His heart was full of love, but yours is full of forgiveness. You asked for Sam’s salvation, the man who had betrayed you and your people. A man who chooses to save even his enemy is a man worthy of Paradise’s throne.
Arcadia held out its hand again, and Gazali placed his tinier hand in its palm.
We will teach you the magic of this place, how to reshape the land to your tastes. With your powers opening the path between realms, I will be able to bring more people here, and you can help them build whatever they desire. You and your new friends will live peacefully, the way you should have on the Mainland. My dear, will you accept our offer?
It sounded heavenly, an eternity saving people like him from despair, living in this cosmic oasis. He only wished his family could have made it with him. Still, this was his new purpose, his path towards redemption.
“I accept.”
A warmth grew inside his chest. The stars above them circled in the sky like birds with brilliant tails of stardust. As Gazali watched, other beings appeared from the purple abyss, taller than mountains and constantly changing shape. Arcadia gestured to them.
Welcome to your new home, King Gazali.
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