#so since they're doing it just to piss off their dad i think they wouldn't exaggerate
omgafhsfanin2024 · 2 years
Thought about @/chocottang's rebel kid Golden concept cuz i really like it and uh
I feel like they wouldn't dye their hair completely (like Maggie or Bonnie) and they wouldn't really like too many piercings
I tried to sketch what they'd look like and uh i made a drawing
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It's ugly but hopefully you get the idea
Do ya'll think they'd look like this or would they have more/other kinds of piercings and/or dye their hair differently?
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logansargey · 3 months
Nico/Jenson being Logan's parents headcannons
To the anon who asked me to do this, I'm sorry I lost your question and that it took me so long. Hopefully you find this well.😭
Logan grew up keeping it a secret so people wouldn't think they're the reason he got into F1
He grew up speaking all the languages they taught him, but no one knows he speaks them.
He loves when people say he looks like Nico because he thinks his dad is pretty.
He celebrates mother's day with Nico and Father's day with Jenson (it started as a joke but now they've continuously done it)
When Logan got into his first kart, both his dad's cried.
Logan accidentally called Nico 'dad' in front of Lewis once and it's been awkward ever since
He cried in Jenson's arms when he won his first race.
Nico was weary of Logan making close friends in karting (war flashbacks ifykyk)
Nico and Jenson have had arguments with multiple people because they've talked about Logan's driving rudely.
Logan ignored Nico for a whole week after Nico told him that the tooth fairy wasn't real.
He then ignored Jenson for two weeks after Jenson told him that Santa wasn't real
Jenson calls Nico and Logan his blonde brats (neither of them like it but Jenson thinks it's funny)
Jenson tells the worst dad jokes in history and Logan stares at him. (He actually thinks they're funny but will never admit that)
Logan calls Nico 'Brittany' sometimes just to piss him off.
One time, a girl Logan was going out with called Jenson a dilf one, bc she didn't know he was his dad, and Logan almost threw up.
Jenson and Nico lost Logan at a race once when he was a kid and sent security out to find him. Logan was just sneaking food in the Mercedes garage.
Logan's favorite uncle is Sebastian.
Logan once hid Jenson's glasses from him because Nico told Jenson that he looked hot in them
When people ask Logan about his family, he stares at them like an owl until they go away.
Jenson took Logan fishing because, yk, 'American culture' and he found out he loved doing it with him
When Logan was younger, he used to hit Jenson every time he hugged or kissed Nico because "He's my dad, get away from him"
Little Logan was clingy to Nico which made Jenson a little jealous
Logan loved being carried by his dads when he was younger. But he preferred to be carried on Nico's hip and for Jenson to carry him on his back.
Logan used to take naps in the weirdest places and they've lost him many times because of it.
Jenson used to peel all Logan's fruits for him. He still does whenever he can get the chance.
Jenson and Logan once tried to make Nico breakfast but it ended with the smoke detector going off and about two ruined pans. Nico wouldn't let them in the kitchen for weeks afterwards.
Nico used to carry Logan everywhere and actually cried when he realized Logan was getting too big for him to do it anymore.
Jenson taught Logan how to ride a bike, but not without a busted knee and Nico smacking him upside the head for it.
They absolutely adore Logan's accent and the way he pronounces certain words
They make him say big words just to hear it in his accent.
Logan still naps in Nico's lap from time to time and Nico cries every time.
Logan used to sneak into his parents' room when he had a nightmare and would elbow Jenson in the ribs.
Nico had to comfort Jenson because he started bawling his eyes out when he found one of Logan's onesies from when he was a baby.
Logan still calls his dads some nights so they can talk him to sleep when he's having trouble.
Logan was one of those jealous kids that would get mad when he would see other kids around his dads.
Okay so this is the end but I'll probably make a pt2 with more young Logan and his dads because I have so many ideas.
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a-mint-bear · 4 months
Jacob (Subby Yandere) Headcanons
🐶Jacob: Puppy Dog in Puppy Love🐶
bit longer than i thought it'd be, so lore under the cut
● Jacob grew up with crap parents who never paid him any attention. They were a couple of horrible, rich monsters who hated being married almost as much as they hated being parents. He was raised by a series of nannies, they never stayed on longer than a few months, his parents didn't want him getting attached. He always wondered what it would be like to have someone he loved and who would love him and only him.
● On the outside he seems nice enough, if a little awkward. He knows how to talk to people and navigate social situations, but it's all on the surface. He doesn't learn people's names unless it would put him at a disadvantage not to know. He has no friends, he never really felt the need to connect with other people. Most rub him the wrong way. But you just feel... right.
● Before he confesses, you seem to be the only person he can't figure out how to talk to. He doesn't know how to act around you, what the right thing to say is. At first it pisses him off, like why are they so much more difficult to figure out than everyone else? Who do they think they are, making him feel this way? Then he sees someone flirting with you and... oh. That should be him. He should be making you laugh and why won't you smile at him like that?
● He wants all the milestones with you. If you aren't the marriage type, he's more than happy to just be together forever. He wants to move in with you right away, he sees no point in "taking things slow". But he'll hold off on some things if it makes you more comfortable. He'll wait as long as it takes.
● Kids are a toss-up for him. He would absolutely see a baby/kid as competition for your affection and want you all to himself, but if a kid (or kids) would be important to you, being a dad would just be another thing he could do to make you happy. At some point, being a parent wouldn't be a job/role for him (a job he'd be happy to do regardless). The first time the child shows him affection, it's like a switch gets flipped. He breaks down, realizing that they're HIS family too, just like you. He becomes an obnoxiously loving and involved dad. Dad Yandere. Daddere.
● If you have (a) beloved pet(s), again, they're competition for your affection. It would be like a "I don't like you and you don't like me, but we both love [y/n]." relationship where he just acts like a big baby when you're loving on your pet and not him. He would never neglect or mistreat them, but you can bet he gloats to them like "Aww, aren't you cute. But [y/n] thinks I'm cuter, yes they do, you little dummy." while giving them scritches. He was never allowed to have a pet growing up so he doesn't "get" why people get so attached.
● He has a tendency to try and isolate you, he wants you all to himself. But this can be negated using his submissive side. If you're the boss, telling him exactly how things are gonna be, rewarding his good behavior or punishing the bad, he's putty in your hands. He can't say no to you.
● If he ever made you upset with him, he would freeze up, panicking at the thought of hurting you. Or worse, losing you. He might try and egg you on to punish him to make up for it, to "make things right". If he ever made you cry? He's in crisis mode. He's crying too, begging you for forgiveness. He's offering anything and everything to make you not hate him.
● He works as a Software Developer from home and does freelance IT work on the side. He's very tech savvy and definitely didn't use his skills to hack into any of your accounts to find out more about you when he was working up the nerve to ask you out. At least not since he confessed. He's better than all that now, of course.
● His yandere traits come out if he's left to his own devices. He gets nervous that you're unhappy with him and acts out by being a brat and trying to keep you home with him. You can lovingly reassure him that you're happy over and over and it helps for a while. But the only thing that quiets his jealous, paranoid brain is putting him in his place, reminding him he belongs to you and only you, punishing his brattiness and telling him he's your good boy.
● Full yandere mode: You try and break up with him. I say "try" because he would be stuck in the denial phase for a good long time. He thinks you're testing him to see how loyal he is, that even you pushing him away can't get rid of him. He hacks your computer and bugs your house, he breaks in to watch you sleep, leaving gifts for you before you wake up. You start dating/flirting with someone else? They get attacked on the street, no witnesses, with a warning to stay away from you or he'll come back to finish the job. If you tell him you're in love with someone else? It won't be long before you can't get ahold of them.
You can try and get rid of him, but he's your good boy, whether you like it or not.
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
I haven’t stopped thinking about that Hobie baby fever fic ever since you posted it. Many thoughts. Many thoughts many many thoughts and ideas many many little ideas.
You have people saying ‘Oh good luck lol kids are SO hard!’ ‘He’s definitely gonna regret it you’re gonna be a single parent’. But Hobie’s probably been WISHING from a young age he could be a parent, the only thing he didn’t prep for is your little one grabbing his wicks and him nervously calling out “Luv, luv help me LUV-”. He learnt very quickly to tie his hair back when he’s holding them. If you have a little girl, everyone always thinks it’s you who’s done her hair for the day or for school. NOPE. Hobie’s been with her in the bathroom since 6 in the morning putting her in braids and buns. Your baby is his whole world and he’ll be DAMNED if he won’t be the absolute best dad EVER ‼️
Oh my godddddddddd my ovaries went 💥💥
The Pitter Patter of Little Feet Pt. 2
Dad!Hobie x Wife!Reader
TW/CW: A lil angst at the start, Fluff. So much fluff.
A/N: I'm basing all my baby prep off of the things I had to do for my nephew. I am unsure the proper care that goes into textured hair but I hope I can do it justice!
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You remember what people told you, how "someone like him" wouldn't be able to handle being a dad, how he'd leave you. The words said by your mother hurt the worst, the things she said about Hobie. Your father was no better, especially when they found out you two agreed to get pregnant before anything else.
Especially after you put the positive pregnancy tests, the test results from blood work with your doctor, and some baby booties on the table as a surprise.
It was supposed to go like you imagined, right? Happy jubilant crying, hugs, congratulations...
You got the exact opposite, with your parents criticizing everything about your boyfriend, the father of your unborn baby. The man you loved.
"What kind of father would he be? A bad one, just look at how he's dressed! You think he can help dress your child?" Your mother scoffed. "And those awful piercings! I bet your baby will be running around with holes in their face by the time they're six!"
"And what about a job? You can't be the only one to support your family. He's a man, he needs to step up and quit it with that "punk lifestyle". It's not suitable to raise my grandchild in!" Your father grunted.
After your baby was born, you cut them off and had a courthouse wedding, and a little get-together with his friends from the Spider Society. A mix of a reception and baby shower.
Joke's on them! Hobie was an amazing father, and an amazing husband. The moment he found out you two were having a little girl?
Pink. And. Purple. Her style would be all punkish of course.
He got stuffed instruments that crinkled for when she would teethe, some guitar-shaped rattles...
And he would never admit it, but Hobie actually cried, when he got to hold your baby girl for the first time. You guys named her Selena. Selena Brown.
She came out angry, wailing, as if she was pissed off at the world she had only been in for a few moments.
"Already got the spirit! Make a big noise, a big statement. That's my girl!" Hobie laughed, playing with her tiny feet.
After that, Hobie was very attentive. From you working from home, he would help. He'd fetch the breast pump when you needed it, would prep the bottles, and keep Selena occupied while you worked. He would even take the late shifts at night to make sure you got your rest.
As Selena got bigger, her hair became a bit unruly, and at times you had no idea what to do with it. Hobie? He came in clutch. The proper ties, hair masks, grease (if needed), oils, brushes...
The trick was getting the rambunctious one year old to hold still while her father attempted to tame the poofy mass.
It was one day, you got up from your computer only to hear Hobie shout your name.
"Babe! Babe!" He cried out, grunting.
Of course, you made a dash for the living room, only to see your husband with your toddler. Apparently she had moved behind him, her hands clinging to his shirt to help keep her balanced as she bounced on her little chubby feet.
Her big brown eyes gleamed as she giggled, her bottom teeth poking out in the most adorable way.
Well... it wasn't from where Hobie sat.
Selena's little fist had a tight hold over one of his wicks, tugging his head back sharp.
"A lil' help, luv?!" He winced, hissing at you as you covered your face to try and keep from laughing.
"Come on, Bug, give daddy's poor head a rest. He's got enough problems with that mess he calls hair." You tease, scooping up your little girl.
But... even though her grip loosened, Hobie's wick stayed attached to her hand.
"Oh... ohhhhh..." You said, clicking your tongue.
"What! What!" Hobie groaned, trying to tug his head free.
"You made me have a spider baby."
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isa-ghost · 6 months
Do you have any headcanons as far as Philza and BBHs' relationship? I've enjoyed thinking about that because I think it's one of the few relationships on Philza's side that's actually a bit more complicated? But also Philza saying that BBH wouldn't lie is the funniest thing ever.
Or if no headcanons about Philza and BBH specifically what about Philza, Bad, and Cellbit as a trio in charge of the order because I really loved that
OOOH this is gonna be an interesting challenge because I don't watch a lot of Bad :0!
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Obligatory they're both thousands of years old mention. There's some things they can talk about and relate on that no one else on the island can. MAYBE Foolish, but Foolish tends to just focus on the present and vibe. Phil and Bad though, in the right conditions, they could and will have deep conversations about the past and their experiences.
On that note holy fucking shit these two would be terrifying teamed up together. If the Feds ever do something harmful or permanent to the eggs, god help them when these two decide they're armed enough and hatch a plan. They'll rain hell on the entire island and then some. And every other parent will be more than willing to join them. Do Not Piss Off The Immortal Murder Dads.
Phil could tell clearly that Bad is part demon. Finding out he was part reaper was a surprise. Honestly with how much of a lil trickster Bad is, Phil is surprised he isn't part Fae or something.
Phil takes one look at how Bad goes "no idea what you're talking about, nothing happened :D" about stuff like him Literally Dying and is like [uncanny Mr Incredible] "at least I'm not that bad." Phil just (very poorly) hides things and says he's fine. He doesn't straight up deny anything happened (and couldn't convincingly act like nothing is wrong the way Bad can if he tried)
Missa is a reaper. Bad is a reaper. Phil wants to see them talk about reaper things together. Or see them both in action. He himself can also carry small conversations about it since he's learned so much through osmosis :D
Actually that's kinda why Phil feared Bad so much during Purgatory. That was him in action. And he never wants to be on an opposing side of it again.
He doesn't resent Bad for Purgatory btw he just jokes like it sometimes. Same as with Tubbo (or anyone else for that matter), he blames the Watcher for trying to destroy their friendships.
Has straight up looked Bad in the eyes like "are you aware you are raising the most terrifying egg. Are you." He genuinely thinks if Dapper wanted to, he could kill Phil in his sleep. Every time he sees Dapper, he's learned something new and insane.
Tbh Phil sometimes envies how full of whimsy Bad is. He's seen infinitely more horrors than Phil for sure, yet he always ironically seems like a little ball of sunshine despite being a literal shadow lookin demon. What The Fuck is this man's secret to staying so silly.
Phil is endlessly fascinated by the extent to which Bad can come up with more and new protections for the eggs. He thinks of stuff not even remotely on Phil's radar. See, Phil's a safety expert as a survivalist, but most of his skills involve using what's around you and your wits, because survival is largely about relying only on yourself because you rarely have any other choice. Bad on the other hand will not hesitate to seek out new tech, other people, or tinker and experiment until he discovers new ways to use anything and everything he can get his hands on. Phil admires how intuitive he is.
Also Bad is really good at making bases and Phil enjoys seeing how balanced the aesthetics and practical parts are. Bad can make something look cozy and lavish as hell while also putting like a billion farms and gadgets into it.
I wonder how a conversation about possession would go. :) Surely Bad has some insight on it as a demon?
Something about how the two of them have arguably the most horrific egg death nightmares. I don't know where to go with this but goddamn would Crows and Ghosties be feasting.
Actually wait shut up, I just realized something kinda cute. In the same way Phil can talk to birds (particularly crows ofc), Bad can talk to the dead/undead (particularly ghosts). Imagine the sillies that could come out of that. It's said that animals can see the dead, what if Phil's murder conspires with the ghosts that follow Bad around ;D
The moment Phil would use his wings if they were healed, Bad would clock that he's the Angel of Death. I'm not sure he saw Phil flying during Purgatory, but if he did, he knows. And that would lead to many interesting conversations. :)
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 4 months
sad alisa head canons
@lafallenange requested this earlier this week so here it is. they asked for either sad alisa hcs or alisanash hcs, but i already did the alisanash ones here so i'm doing the other one. i mentioned in another post that i would start making slightly shorter posts so that 1. i can get through them quicker and 2. i don't lose motivation very quickly so from now on they might not be as long (i don't know why i'm explaining this but for some reason i feel the need to). hope you like them <3.
like grayson, her coping mechanism is to overwork herself. she'll still be in her office at like 1am trying to finish her work crying bc she's so exhausted. when she was still with nash, he used to pick her up and bring them to her room which now saddens her when she thinks about it.
she's a huge nail biter. her nails and cuticles are usually red, dry, and bleeding.
she was diagnosed with clinical depression when she was younger and takes anti-depressants for it.
her mom died when she was young (just like avery) (i may have read that one in a fic). her dad was always working, and so, when she would be in need of comfort, she would sit down on the floor hugging herself, rocking back and forth (she does this bc when she was younger, her mom used to sit down on a rocking chair holding her and kissing her head when she was sad)
she always has scars on her palms from clenching her fists too tight and digging her nails into them when she gets mad at herself/anxious.
when she finds herself thinking about nash, she smashes her head against the wall to try to get him out of her head.
ever since her break up with nash, she's convinced she's unworthy of love. the one person who literally loves everyone couldn't love her (this is what she thinks) and that makes her hate herself
speaking of her break up, she's convinced she's the problem. she's always thinking back to the moment where they decided to end it trying to figure out what she could have done differently for him to have stayed with her.
she has ended up in the hospital before due to malnutrition. she gets so invested in her work she forgets to eat and ends up fainting.
one of the reasons why she's always overworking herself is bc, when she was younger, her father used to tell her she wasn't trying hard enough/wasn't good enough, etc, and, even after all of these years, she still feels the need to please him/prove him wrong.
she's also a very huge lip biter. whenever she gets anxious, she bites her lips until they bleed. nash used to kiss her to stop her, but, now that they're not together anymore, it gets really bad. so bad it hurts to talk bc her lips are so dry and stuff.
earlier i mentioned that alisa's mom died, just like avery's. i also think that alisa and avery are similar in some ways and i think that alisa would think so too. bc of this, she wants what's best for avery (bc she didn't) which is one of the reasons why she holes herself up in her office to work.
she didn't receive much affection growing up bc her mom died and her father was always working so she doesn't really know how to show people affection (she does try though).
i mentioned earlier that she was diagnosed with depression. when she was younger, it was so bad she wouldn't be able to get out of bed to do something like brushing her teeth. her father would get piss mad at her which made her feel even worse and wonder if he'd be better off without her.
over the years, she's become an expert at silent crying bc, when she was still a child living with her dad, he used to get somewhat annoyed when he heard her crying bc according to him he had 'better things to do'. he would take care of her and make sure she was okay, but alisa knew he didn't really want to be there. she decided it was best if she tried to hide her feelings.
she gets really surprised/doesn't really know what to do when people hug her bc she isn't used to it at all (receiving affection).
she refuses to see a therapist bc she thinks that working is a better way to spend her time. she would rather help avery and the others than help herself.
she's just like avery when she does this (although she doesn't know this obviously), but, to her, crying in the shower doesn't count as crying so thats where she now cries.
she doesn't really have friends bc she has no idea how to talk to people without sounding rude or too professional. she's very socially awkward when it comes to making friends and stuff, but she's very good in court.
alisa used to be very close with xander, jamie, and gray, but, ever since her break up with nash, she started distancing herself from them bc being around them sometimes reminds her that they could've been her brothers in law and it hurts her (@ariscats)
we don't really know much about alisa so i didn't have many ideas, but i still hope this was too your liking. thank you for reading <3.
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everythingmustbechaos · 9 months
David “Deacon” Kay x reader
Warnings: Not smut, but it is a bit steamy, slapping, age gap
English it is NOT my first language, so don't judge me :]
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It is hard to be an anti cop, and be a child of one. Right now I'm on his birthday party, and I'm surrounded by cops, friends of my father, I know they hate me as much as I hate them. Well, almost all of them. My dad have this friend, Deacon, looks like he likes me, if he doesn't… he hides his hate pretty well. I have to say, I just was waiting for him to arrive, I wanted to see him again. He was late as fuck, but I could see why when he entered still in his swat uniform. He talked with my dad and then came to me.
“Hello, punk.”
He said and I smiled.
“Hi, dick.”
I hugged him, and he did the same to me.
“Missed me?”
“I always do. How was work?”
“Pretty intense, but everything is fine now, so don't need to worry about me.”
“ I wouldn't, to be honest, sometimes I think you're hotter all beat up.”
He laughed off, and before he could reply, one of my dad's friends came and hugged him.
“Deacon, I haven't seen you since forever!”
I smiled and walked away, already saw who I wanted, now I'm going to my bedroom. I couldn't listen to this old men playlist any more. I walked to my room, sat on my bed, put my headphones and picked up a book, finally peace. Or it should be, after a little time I saw my door opening, and Deacon came in. I took off my headphones and looked at him.
“Your dad is pissed, he wants you down there.”
“Yeah, whatever, I don't have much to do there. I know two people, one being my dad and one being you, and I don't think you two old men will just be my company.”
“I'm not that old, little girl.”
“Of course, and I'm not a little girl.”
He closed the door, took a couple steps and sat on my bed In front of me.
“Yes, you're.”
“And you're old enough to be my dad, but I mean, DiCaprio could be the dad of almost all of his girlfriends.”
“You know your dad would hate to see you saying this to me.”
“He hates when I do pretty much everything.”
“You should stop flirting with me and try to do that with someone your age.”
“Oh no, I couldn't. First, no one is hot as you're, second, they're just fuck boys, I won't give my time to them.”
I put my book in the bedside table, with my headphones and my phone.
“Not all of them are like this.”
I laid down my head in his lap.
“Yeah, sure.”
He brushed his fingers in my tattoo.
“Do you still agree with this?”
“Kinda, all cops are bastards but you.”
“You should just go down, your father will notice that I never came back.”
“He won't, I'm pretty sure now he's too drunk to think straight.”
“But I will go anyway.”
I sat down and agreed.
“Yes, sir, but I won't.”
“Yes, what?”
“You're really trying.”
“I pretty sure everyone calls cops like that. But I could change if you want, I got: darling, sweetheart, master, daddy. You can choose.”
“If you don't choose, I will.”
He got up and pushed me back into my bed, more aggressive than he ever has been with me, and it made me smile.
“You couldn't shut it for your life, can you?”
“Oh definitely not, and I have to say, if this is you trying to make me hate you, well, you're making me horny as fuck.”
He laughed at me.
“Fuck, you can't say that to me.”
“I definitely can.” I put his hand on my neck. “You could squeeze that shit if you want, or beat me black and blue, and I would say thank you on my knees.”
The hand that was in my neck squeezed a little, he looked hesitant, but when he saw my smile getting bigger as he did it, he just did harder.
“How can you be like this?”
“Like a slut?”
“Exactly. Never thought of you like this. I mean I know you're a brat, loves to talk back, but… I mean, you got me.”
“Feel free to do whatever you want to me.”
“That's not very safe.”
I rolled my eyes back and laughed.
“I forgot you're too nice, if I don't like anything I can say… I don't know… purple, but I know you're too vanilla, I will not need that.”
I like to challenge people, that's fun, and always ends pretty good for me. Deacon looked a little angry with my observation, and that's when the fun begins.
“Don't be sad, I really love vanilla ice cream.”
He gave a slap across my face and squeezed my neck tighter.
“You know nothing about me, little girl.”
He kissed me so hard that my lip started bleeding. That's what I'm talking about! That's fun.
“Show me what I don't know.”
Deacon looked into my eyes, maybe trying to read me, maybe trying to warn me, but all I could think was how much I wanted him to slap my face once again.
“I could, but I don't think we have the time, baby.” He smiled at me, almost laughing at my frustration. “But I promise you, that on your birthday, you will have an amazing gift.”
“Do you really promise?”
He nodded.
“I do.”
“You still didn't choose what I should call you…”
“That I will let you choose.”
“OK, sir.”
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bidisastersanji · 9 months
Had literal (not just inspired) Ranma 1/2 ZoSan galaxy thoughts with @anniilaugh and oh boy oh boy oh boy
Zoro and Hawkeye are japanese martial artists training in Jusenkyo, China, they get to the cursed springs and don't listen to the guide about how they should definitely not fight there
Zoro falls into the cursed spring of the young woman and from then on his body turns female at the contact of cold water and back to male with hot water- his dad falls in the panda one.
Mihawk brings them back to Japan because he and his old pal Zeff had made a promise to marry their kids and join their dojos- he has to fight Zoro the entire way
Scene starts with Zeff sitting down his three adoptive kids with mommy issues (Robin, Nami and Sanji) to tell them they're about to receive his old friend Mihawk and his son Zoro- long ago they agreed to marry their kids to secure the "Anything goes" dojo's legacy, and both thought it wouldn't work out since they didn't have kids at first, but both ended up adopting in later years.
All three are pissed that they don't get a say in this- they've never even met this Zoro guy! Who cares if he's been training in China, they can probably still beat his ass.
Fem!Zoro and Panda!Mihawk are fighting it out in the street in the rain (which is what turned them both into their cursed forms)- Zoro is angry that his stupid father figure just decided this for him- fuck this, he's going back to China, and that's that! but Mihawk knocks him out and carries him on his shoulder to the Akaashi residence.
Back at the dojo, Robin hopes he's older than her, Nami knows she, the town lesbian with a gf (Vivi) won't be forced to marry him if it comes to it, and Sanji is just so angry that Zeff would make this decision for them- how stupidly old fashioned and this guy won't be taking over the dojo from them, no way. Also, who cares about a stupid boy. All that matters to him are beautiful ladies, after all. (still struggling a bit with being bi Sanji what's up)
A panda and a young adult come into the dojo and they're like ??? who the hell is this panda? the panda sets down Zoro in front of Zeff like "voila" and they're like! oh- could you be?
I'm Roronoa Zoro. Sorry 'bout this.
Zeff hugs him, feels the soft chest press against his own, and is like- oh. Did he misremember what Mihawk told him, was it a daughter after all?
Sanji is relieved, thinking Zoro is a woman (Zoro doesn't correct anyone, he doesn't really care, he just wants to get back to China and if this means he can get out of marrying on a misunderstanding, maybe it'll work out in his favour)- and he acts like his usual gentlemanly self with him, treating him to tea and asking him about his training. Zoro asks to spar, and Sanji truly couldn't- but can't say no to a pretty lady so they spar but Sanji never actually hits Zoro- always stopping right before he lands a hit, annoying the shit out of Zoro (what a prissy guy)
Having worked up a sweat (that Sanji guy wasn't half bad at fighting, even if he didn't actually hit him), Zoro goes to wash in the men's baths
Sanji, thinking "she" is in the women's baths, walks into the same bath, naked, and is faced with a very built, very attractive man in his bathroom, stepping out of the hot tub. he definitely doesn't ogle him
He panics and runs to the rest of the family being like "there's a pervert in the bathroom wtf"
Zoro joins them, dressed in the same clothes he was in before and reintroduces himself (I'm Roronoa Zoro, sorry 'bout this)
They all gather to go over what's happened in China (including demonstration as Mihawk throws Zoro into the pond) and Zeff cuts him off to be like
"There's truly no problem. So, Zoro, which of my children do you want to marry- although in his letters your father did mention you preferred men, and I only have one of those."
Robin and Nami pounce on this and push Sanji forwards "oh he definitely wants Sanji"- "what?? why me?"- "well, he's half a girl, so it works out perfect for you!"/"I'm a full lesbian and he's a gay man it's not meant to be"
Sanji fights this- "I don't want to marry this pervert!" "Who you callin' a pervert, you walked in on me, curly brows!" "yeah, well you were a strange naked man in my bathroom, so that makes you a pervert" "Yeah, well you took a pretty long, good look at me, so I'd say you're the pervert, ogling me" "I wasn't ogling you you brute!" "oh, I see, you were just jealous of how better built I am than you"
Sanji kicks him into the garden pond and leaves to take the bath he didn't get to take earlier
Zoro (in girl form) also goes to bathe, wanting to clean himself of the dirty pond water- and of course runs into Sanji, who gets a really bad nosebleed
AND SO BEGINS the slow burn of always bickering, full of misunderstandings, gender shenanigans, enemies to lovers arranged marriage Zoro and Sanji, with Zoro being really annoyed at the traditional gender roles that Sanji seems to be trying to enforce, and Sanji being constantly annoyed at this big brute of a man having no sense of priopriety and going around in his fem presenting form in ways that he thinks are a disgrace to womankind
but here is some more adapting:
Sanji, like Akane, has a crush on the local doctor (Dr. Law) but can't admit it to himself because he's still a bit struggling with the internalised homophobia from his birth father. Zoro finds it amusing in the beginning (before he catches feelings and gets jealous)
Again like Akane, Sanji starts with long hair and it gets cut because of a fight Zoro gets into with Pedro (who fell into the baby leopard spring), who will take the role of P-chan, sleeping in Sanji's bed and pining after him
Crazy love rivals galore and infinite fiance(e)s that Mihawk promised Zoro to of course:
the Kunos- Cavendish falls for Zoro when he meets him in his female form (oh my beautiful green-haired girl...). He always has the dramatic entrances (Cavendish, Age 17, the White Horse of Furinkan High), throwing his red roses everywhere. His just as...passionate? sister, Pudding, is in love with Sanji and thinks fem!Zoro is her love rival and tricks him into the rhythmic gymnastics showdown thing where Zoro has to be in a leotard, chained to baby leopard Pedro, both at risk of being exposed if hit with hot water in front of this crowd, and Zoro beats her with three clubs
Hiyori as Shampoo from the Amazon tribe who's at first sent to kill Zoro because he beat her in fem! form but then keeps trying to marry man Zoro who also accidentally beats her- Sanji is so mad about this specific one
Tashigi could be Okonomiyaki Ukyo (we think she's a man at first) or she could be Mousse (blind AF without her glasses) and turns into a goose with cold water
Brook as Happosai (old man with obsession for panties) who trains Zoro at times
Zoro doesn't get rid of the curse because plot but also even if he tried to, he would get lost if he tried to go to China by himself
Zoro's chest is 110cm no matter the form and Sanji is NOT OKAY
SO MANY NOSEBLEEDS (Ranma was such an ecchi manga and Zoro definitely has just as much propriety with his female form as Ranma does)
Nami makes money off of pictures of fem!Zoro like Nabiki does, selling them to Cavendish and all the boys at school who don't know the green haired girl is actually Zoro
Zoro was traumatised by the cat fu training Mihawk did to him as a kid and can only be calmed down and go back to acting like a human if he's pet and calmed down by Sanji. just like Ranma, he kisses Sanji in his cat form in front of the whole school (and doesn't remember it)
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When you did the parent thing for the other creepypastas it got me wondering about Toby?
Something Short
Warnings: Unwanted kids, child abuse, abuse in general, implied Rape, Child neglect, cursing, Toby being an awful dad, disorders, murder, bullying, violence, and crying.
Your kid with Toby was definitely an accident. Toby doesn't want kids, he doesn't like them plus they would take up too much attention.
So when you told him he was far from happy. Mostly because he couldn't fuck you and he'd have to get much more control over his emotions in order to not hurt you.
It'll take a lot of convincing in order to convince him to not kill or abort the kid. Toby can be childish at times but he's also unhinged and unstable, it wouldn't be safe for the kid ngl.
IF you were able to convince Toby to let you keep it, he's making you take care of it. When he first saw the kid he asked why it was so ugly.
When the baby would cry at night, Toby would yell shut up but if you didn't wake up he'd get out of bed and walk to the baby's crib. He'd tell it to shut up but if it didn't he'd either give it a binky, or if he was in a really bad mood, tape it's mouth shut.
I cannot stress enough but NEVER leave Toby alone with the kid. The danger is too high. Toby is unpredictable and if the kid gets on his nerves, he will hurt them.
Toby is not above using the kid as leverage. Telling you that if you didn't follow his rules, the baby was going to pay the price for you.
As the kid gets older though, Toby will slowly get more and more attached. It's a process.
He'd be really close to the kid if they looked a lot like you, having your eyes, nose, mouth, everything. He's really insecure with himself and he'd hate if his kid was just as '"ugly" as him.
Toby will start off as an awful dad, but as time moves on and you be his good little bitch, he'll become better for the kids sake.
But one contradiction of his behavior is how he said he didn't want to be like his parents, never in a million years. And I think he'd notice he was becoming a lot like his dad when your daughter was crying to you about how mean daddy was to you and her. After you heard that, you fucking snapped and yelled at Toby for a solid hour. He was fucking pissed and pinned you to the floor with his hatchet to your throat but then he realized how much he was traumatizing his kid.
Toby's behavior towards you won't change at all, but he'd better himself in order for your kid to not hate him.
If your kid inherited any of Toby's disorders, Toby wouldn't know what to do. Toby doesn't treat his disorders, he deals with them. So he'd tell his kid to just live with them and how they were a forever a part of them. He's trying.
He'd send his kid to school, but if he hears they're getting bullied, he's murdering and traumatizing some families.
Toby's violent ways will definitely go over to his kid and they'll slowly become more and more violent since they see Toby being like that. You have to activly try to make your kid not be so violent and have them be a decent human being unlike their father.
So, Toby goes from an awful dad to an ok dad. I'd rate him 3/10. The dude's crazy. He'd be the worse father out of all the proxies, so never let this man give you kids. Use protection y'all.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Being in a love triangle with Dean and Cas
Paring: Dean winchester x reader x Castile (not destile!)
Summary: headcanons about an angel and a hunter fall in love with you.
A/n: this won the newest voting thing :)
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“They're both in love with her” Sam sighed.
“my money is on Dean” Bobby said drinking his beer.
Okay... So, get ready for every single thing to be a contest. they're both extremely stubborn and even the simplest of things will be turned into a competition of who can do it better, even if Cas doesn't understand.
Since Cas is clueless about most human actions, he usually tries to copy Dean but ends up doing it in a more goofy or messed up way.
Cas wasn't supposed to fall in love with you, he's your Gardian Angel and the rules in heaven are pretty strict. He couldn't help but fall in love with your compassion and goofy personality.
You and Dean had always been on and off, he deeply cares about you and would even say he loves you, but with you both being hunters he's always afraid to lose you or he thinks he's not good enough.
Cas didn't know how to handle the feeling he's never had to deal with, every time he'd see Dean put his arm on you or flirt with you, cas would feel his fist clinch and he'd get so angry.
“I don't know what's wrong with me, my chest is heaving and... I just feel so pissed” Cas said to Sam one day.
“your either jealous or...” Sam stoped. “your not in love with y/n, are you?”
Cas didn't know, but he realized his change in adatued and thoughts. As your Gardian Angel he'd would often go with you to protect you beacuse that was his job, now he would literally push Dean to the side to go on a hunt with you.
Remember when I said you and Dean would often be off and on again? Well Cass has seen two break-ups, and this would be the only time he'd put his feelings aside. He's your best friend and he dose know when you need a shoulder to cry on.
Anyway, Dean would catch on quickly, he cares about Cas but he cares about you more. So challenge accepted.
He wasn't gonna lose you to a baby in a trench coat.
Dean is often very forward and flirty, you were used to his complements and dirty jokes. But when he realized he could use you to Cas he'd turn up the flirting to 100%, which would often make you uncomfortable... You weren't used to him acting like that.
But underneath all the flirting, he's genuine and what he's saying is true.
Suprisenly Cas would become very charming. He wears his heart on his sleeve. He loves he can easily express himself around you and learn about human life without being judged.
I also think Cas is good at knowing when to pump the brakes if he ever steps a line or goes too far. Dean sometimes doesn't and sometimes he forgets that he doesn't need to use the same tactics he used to use bar girls.
If you get hurt Cas will warp his coat around you and heal you up, if it's really bad Cas and Dean will literally start arguing.
One time it got so bad you probably wouldn't still be in this damn triangle if Sam didn't take you to the hospital.
That's when they realized that they really need to put their differences aside, it wasn't just about them, it was about you too.
“she means everything to me... I want her to be happy” Dean says to Sam. “and what if she's chooses Cas?”
“she won't... Just because he's her guardian angel doesn't mean he can make her happy”
Dean was so scared to lose you while Cass just didn't know how to express himself, there been many opportunities for Cas but he'd always chicken out.
What you hated most about this whole situation is that Cas and Dean were turning on each other. You knew they were best friends and you couldn't help but think this, no girl is worth losing your best friend over.
As it went on you got more and more attention, you didn't want that. Then Sam and Bobby's secret poll only grew more bets as time went on.
Jack was so confused, he saw you as a mom and Cas as his dad. So he really just wants you two to be together. He watched the parent trap and used some of the tactics, Sam gently told him to stay out of it.
If Dean would make you a mix tape, Cas would find an even more romantic gesture. During the time you and Dean did date he learned that you were a simple girl and didn't like fancy stuff.
Cas would go to Sam or Jody for advice. Sam would suggest flowers, expensive places while Jody would remind him to just be himself and remember the stuff your actually interested in.
He's been your Gardian Angel for years, so he knows your likes and dislikes. He was so happy when he found a copy of a novel you've been surching for, he loved the feeling of you wrapping your arms around him and cheering that you finally got the book.
“thank you Cas, your the best!”
Gabriel, who liked to stir the pot in the situation was on cas' side. He would sometimes mess somthing up for one of them or just watch one of their planes fail. This was a better love story than twilight in his opinion.
One day Cas found a ring in Dean's room, it's literally not what you guys think. Dean was his mom's and he just wanted to look at it.
Cas watched enough movies with you and thought it was an engagement ring. He felt his heart pounded, he also relized he's watched way too much TV with you. He remembered watching Grey's anatomy with you, he remembered you crying with Mark Sloan died and gave his 'if you love someone' speach.
“I wish I could experience that... A guy not caring about the consequences and just expressing he loves someone” you told him way back when.
That's when he had enough, he didn't care if Dean was there or not he's was gonna tell you. “I love you y/n... I love everything about you, even things I don't understand... I still love”
He told you to think everything through. As much as he loved you, he didn't want you making any hasty decisions or let what he said cloud your mind.
A couple of days later, Dean came to you with the same heart filled love speach after a rough hunt. “I love you... I know I don't show it much or express it, but belive me when I say your the best thing that's ever happened to me”
You had so much to think about and during that time you never felt so overwhelmed, your heart would always pound when you thought about them.
You spent almost three nights just laying awake in bed thinking about them, there was logic and there was reason.
The logical choice would be Dean, you could grow old with him and have a family. After Jack, Cas was terrified to have children with a human. Just because Dean was haman didn't make it a logical choice, but you guys been through so much. There been many night you guys spent patching up wounded parts of your bodies or cleaning up blood after a hunt.
Logically, Cas would be safer. Castile can protect you and heal you with just a brush of his thumb. Just because he was clueless doesn't mean he didn't know how to make a woman's heart pound in the best way possible. Cas knew your deepest fears and kept secrets for years, he knew everything about you.
Positive reasons would bring up the way Dean would make you laugh. Or how he could make you smile no matter how mad you were.
You though about how warm his bear hugs were and how good he smelled.
Dean was a worrior and he would take a bullet for you. You were always his main priority and you never felt that with someone before him.
Even if he didn't know how to interact with humans, he knew how to take care of you. He knew when you need to talk or need a hug. He would catch on to your Quirks, like how you'll nibble on your lip when your doing research or reading.
He'd notice the little wrinks on your forehead when your mad or laughing. He'd know all your different smiles and the meanings of them.
You love whem you hug him you'd feel his wings wrap around you.
What you might not know is Cas would give up immortality for you, he'd become human if it meant spending What humans thought forever was.
“I don't know what to do Sammy” you sighed.
“stop using your brain, what dose your heart say?” he asked. “you'll know the right decision when the time comes”
The next day you took a deep breath and walked down the bunker hallway, Cas and Dean's were right across from each other. Dean's door was beaten up and had band stickers on it. Cas was newer and had 'Cas' place' carved in it.
If you chose Castile:
If you chose him, you didn't go directly to him. You knew he was the one you just didn't know how to do it. When you finally got the courage, Sam interrupted with a paranormal case.
It was hard, you got whipped around like crazy and thrown through windows, the vengeful spirit wasn't gonna let up.
The spirit through your blade at you and it went straight to the gut. You were already bleeding and weak, so this wasn't helping.
You crumbed in Castile's arms and he started to panic. He used his trench coat to applie presher to your wounds.
“Sam! Dean! Help me!”
You coughed and placed your hand on his cheek making him look at you. His watery blue eyes looked at you with so much panic.
You smiled and pulled him closer to you. “I love you Cas... So much”
“I love you too... Hold still, I got you” he placed his lips on yours while his hands healed all your cuts and bruises.
Side note... You also adopt Jack, he finally had parents and he couldn't be happier.
-a week later...
“Balls! I lost $200” Bobby grumbled, you gave the boys a questioning look.
“you beted on us?” you asked Sam, He shrugged. “hey, at least you got $600 for your honeymoon” Sam joked, you took the notebook with all the bets written down and hit him in the head.
If you chose Dean:
You knocked on his door, he when whipped it open a smile immediately formed on his face. “hey, sweetheart”
“can we talk?” you asked softly. Dean nodded as his heart pounded, he didn't know what to expect.
“if this this about what I sa-”
“I love you” you said cutting him off.
He pulled you to his chest and immediately slammed his lips on yours, he pulled away and rested his forehead on yours. “thank God... I love you too”
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thetopichot · 7 months
•° The Middle Ground °•
☆ Chapter 1 ☆
*Runs on all fours* Hi SHIT I've been still working on this. Writer's block is a bitch. Anyway, *Throws this at you* enjoy. Also sorry if the food is little burnt, I wanted to pushed this out before the end of the month. *Runs away*
Word Count: 2.1k words
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After the calamity that happened in the shop, you both went on that fall evening picnic date that you both planned awhile back. Finn absolutely adored fall since it's when he gets more inspired to cook his little pumpkin breads, more tea recipes, & he starts to get into his little hibernation phase which you always find adorable. You guys deserved it after a bit of a long day but with the questions that you still had in mind, might make it get even longer. You both prepared your little fall picnic under the park's willow tree with your checkered picnic blanket & a basket. You both laid back onto the blanket & began to gaze at the stars.
Finn sighed & fidgeted with his fingers as he stared at the stars in the sky. "Today has been a long day, hasn't it?" Finn broke the silence.
"Yeah it has." You answered awkwardly. You still felt bad about the situation that happened earlier today. "Hey, Finn?" Finn hummed in response.
"I'm sorry for what happened during the shop today. The dude...um damn. What was his name again, babe?" 
"Auron, darling."
"Yeah, Auron! That asshole really pissed me off." Well, apparently he pissed you off so much that you legit forgot about his name. "He is such a snobby prick & the way he treated you is just UGH. He treated you like you were just a damn peasant or like-"
"I was just there for one purpose?" Finn sat up on the blanket & curled his legs up. His face was exhausted, but he still had his soft smile. "Yeah, I know." You frowned at his voice. "You eventually get used to it when you work in service jobs. Your whole thing is just being a punching bag for people."
You sat up & leaned closer to Finn. "You have to deal with insults about almost everything. Like no matter what you do, it's always wrong. Then, eventually, you get used to the disrespect that is given, even though you always give them the respect that everyone deserves."
"That's just how service works. You deal with verbal abuse almost every day, but in the end, if you do anything about it, you're always in the wrong." Finn laid his head on top of his knees. "So I don't really care about what he said to me. It was just business." You rubbed his back.
"Finn. No one has the right to treat you like that. I don't care if they're a customer, friend, or family, no one should treat you like that ever. Period." You gently held his face in your palm & turned him to look at you. "Has Auron always treated you like that?"
Finn chuckled softly. "No. Not at all, actually." You were confused by the answer since that didn't really add up. "He actually treats me with the upmost respect. He enjoys hearing my flower facts. I just don't know why he acted out like that today."
"In a mood or not, he's still an asshole for saying that to you." You sighed. "Finn, you have to give yourself more self-respect. You're more than just a worker. You're a person." Then the long silence between you two began.
However, it wasn't really those long awkward silences. It was a silence of both thought & comfort. It was silence that was needed. As the silence went on, he stared at the black card that had been left by Auron earlier. The white font practically glowed in the moonlight. 
Why would he leave his card here? It was pretty obvious that Finn wouldn't be interested in getting a job since he already had one. Maybe you could call this number?
"Finn." He turned to look at you. You showed him the black card that you kept on you. "Let's call this number." He raised a eyebrow.
"Why?" He squinted to read the card. "Don't you already have a job already?" He paused to think. "Unless you're trying to juggle 3 jobs? Which I don't really recommend you doing. I tried to when I was helping my dad when it was his flower shop."
You shaked your head. "No? Maybe this might be his number?" Finn got even more confused.
"I doubt that, darling. That phone number could just lead to some operator at the end of the line & it's like what? 9 pm & it's a Sunday. Almost everything is closed right now!" Finn asserted.
"Hmmmm." You thought naught about the consequences & decided. "Yeah, I'm going to do it." Finn exhaled as there wasn't much he could do. "& maybe.." You added. "You could cuss him out for the way he treated you."
Finn was taken aback. "What? No! Why would I do that? That's just being plain petty."
"Being petty never really hurts, ya know." You said with a devilish grin, but it was soon shot down by Finn's 'Come on, now' look. "Or maybe just a little bit?"
"Darling, no. That conversation that happened earlier is done. We should just forget what happened & just accept the situation like the bending willows." You frowned.
"Well, alright." You put the phone down. "But I'm just saying it would be a good idea to call this number. I don't think he gave it to you for no reason." Finn considered that thought. 
"Hand me the card, please." You did as he asked you. You handed the black card & Finn took a gander at it. Maybe you were right about calling the number. He grabbed his phone from his pocket & you smiled at him.
"So, you're going to call the card?" 
"Yes, but I'm not going to do anything petty." He said sternly, but that sternness soon turned into dread. "But what do I say though? I don't think I've talked to a customer outside of work."
"A-HEM." You coughed loudly.
"I mean besides you, plus when we went somewhere to have a conversation, we never really talked on the phone about it beforehand." That gave you an idea.
"You should invite him for some tea, then."
"Yeah, invite him for some tea! Like you did with me." Finn laid back down on the blanket awkwardly as he groaned. "Come on, babe. I doubt it's going to be that bad. Well, if you cut out the tea spilling thing then yeah everything is going to be fine." His phone covered his face as he just felt the weirdness of talking to him.
You laid sideways next to Finn. "But if he treats you like shit again, I will kick his ass for real this time."
"That doesn't really help, dearest." 
"Listen, I'm just saying & to be honest, I might kick his ass anyway because he's a dick."
"You JUST met him today."
"Okay &? I'm about to throw hands the next time I see him." Finn groaned even louder as he turned to the side. You rubbed the side of his waist. "But you should still go talk to him. You have the card in your hands." Finn took one quick look at the black card again.
Finn finally gave in. "Fine, but I will not be a happy camper if it either goes to voicemail or it's just a operator on the line." You smiled. Finn dials the number on his phone, '717-XXX-XXXX'. His phone vibrates for about 3 seconds. Then 4. Now 5.
The phone picks up & Finn puts it on speaker.
"Welcome to the Talent Agency. How may I help you today?"
It wasn't his voice, sadly. It was a feminine voice on the line. It wasn't high-pitched, but it was a rich voice with a hint of gentleness.
Finn could've hung up from there since it wasn't the result that anyone was hoping for, but for some reason, something in him possessed him. A voice told him to continue the call.
"May I speak with Auron?" The lady on the line went silent but you could both hear typing, so there was some hope left.
"Who am I speaking with?" The lady sounded suspicious towards Finn as the sounds of typing stopped, but to be fair, you wouldn't send some randos to your boss. It would be a waste of time & annoying.
"Finn. From Talk Floral...?" Finn's response sounded worried. Like if you were dialing some random code in & praying that it would work. Finn cheesed so awkwardly & squinted his eyes like he was prepared to be slapped in the face with disappointment.
"Oh! Finn? Sorry, dear. I didn't recognize you. It is late after all." Your eyes both widened at the lady's response. Finn recognized the voice better, but you were even more confused than before.
"How many people do you know?" You mouthed quietly.
"A lot. It's been awhile." He mouthed back quietly. "Heyyyyy, Trish! It's been awhile, huh?"
"It sure has been, honey. I'm assuming he gave you the company card?" He both looked at the black card & some things were kinda starting to add up but at the same time, more questions than answers here.
"Yes & I was also wondering if I could go to Auron?" Finn asked.
"I would, but he's out of the office. He doesn't stay for long."
"Then why are you still at the office if he's gone?"
"I don't slack, you know. I'm just finishing up some leftover memos & emails that need to be sent tomorrow. However, it is nice to hear from you, Finn. Always been a joy to talk to!" He smiled at that compliment & looked at you.
"The teaaaaaaaa dateeeeee." You whispered.
"O-Oh! Um, is it possible to set up an appointment with him? Sometimeee?"
"Yeah, I can schedule that, but I have to let him know first. Can't be setting up blind dates as funny as that would be." Finn's face flushed.
"NONONONO IT'S NOT A DATE-" Trish chuckled on the other line.
"Jesus, ya sound like him. 'It's not a date, it's a business trip.'" She mocked Auron's voice. "But yeah, don't worry I'm just messing with you." Finn sighed loudly as he just laid down onto the blanket in exhaustion. "Don't worry, dear. I can try, key word: try honey, to see if he's willing to join you. Can't make any promises to you."
"If he does say yes & that's a big if, when & where will it be?"
"There's a little local tea shop that a good family friend of mine owns. It's called Hattie's & it's just right around the square. Maybe he can come by around like 12? That's when the shop closes for the day, since it's a Sunday." The sound of typing resumes from the other side of the call.
"Well, I'll let him know that you want to see him."
"Thank you so very much, Trish."
"Anytime, dear. Bye-bye." The call hung up. Finn puts his phone down on the blanket & just stares at the stars.
"That went well, didn't it?"
"nO." Finn's voice cracked. 
"Come on, Finn. Are you worried that he might want to see you again?"
"Maybe, & hear me out with this one, I come with you." Finn sat back up. Jesus, Finn is doing some goddamn sit-ups in this chapter, goddamn.
"With what happened today, no. I don't want you to cause a scene again & you just said earlier that you wanted to kick his ass."
"Still do."
"See?!" He groaned. "I just want it to go right & just not screw up this time."
"& you won't. I believe it's going to go well but if anything goes wrong, I'm always here for you alright?" Finn just nodded & you put your hand on his shoulder. "How about we enjoy the rest of this night, hmm?" You both layed down on the blanket. Y'all be getting abs after this.
"Hey, Finn. One more question for you. It's about Auron." Finn hummed a 'Yes.' "How long have you known him for?"
"I've known him for a while, but around 2 years sounds to be specific. I would say we've been, um acquainted."
"For two years of knowing each other, it doesn't seem like it." You quirked a eyebrow. "I don't buy that, Finn."
"But it's true!"
"Is it true? Or are you scared to just establish something between you two?" Finn hid his neck. He didn't have to say a thing to answer that question. His body language alone was enough. The rest was just an awkward silence as he was afraid to answer the truth about himself.
Nothing else needed to be said for it just unveiled itself.
He was alright with admitting mistakes, but when it comes to the truth about himself? He's scared of looking towards his own reflection. You both spent the rest of the date within silence but within that silence, you comforted him with your touch.
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☆ミ Author's Notes Underneath 👇 ☆ミ
🩷 - Ngl did not know how to end this chapter so I'm sorry if the ending to this kinda sucks. I'll work on how to end chapters better or even how to write chapters better. The other reason is that I keep ignoring the asks in my little mailbox so if you sent me anything, I'm so sorry for not answering sooner. Gots alot on mind but don't worry I'm still chugging.
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
The evans (what they're like drunk)
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
Tate Langdon:
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okay so I feel like tate would be so fun to get drunk with
•until he thinks of something sad then your his shoulder to cry on
•you'll probably end up crying too
•but besides that he'll play nirvana on repeat and will make you dance with him to about a girl
•you will definitely make out at Somepoint during the night
•that's the type of friendship you both have
Kit Walker:
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•now kit is a pretty relaxed when he drinks which in my mind is probably like a few beers at night once the kids are asleep
•I'd imagine him with a record on probably elvis or sinatra sitting on his chair with you in one arm a cold beer in the other
•he'd be more loving when he has a drink or two in him placing kisses on your shoulders telling you sweet nothings
•just blissful
Kyle spencer post- death:
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•now as we all know Kyle is a frat boy so he'd be a mess if he's completely hammered
•but he's the responsible one so that doesn't happen often
•he'd make sure your safe and that his frat brothers don't do stupid things
•but if he get so drunk he'd be like "y/n do you know how much I love your cute face" with smoochy lips 😘😘
Jimmy darling:
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•we've seen it in the show he has his moment when he's drinking
•like tate one minute he can be happy singing songs that pop into his head without a care In the would to being all sad or angry if its missing his mother or just something stupid that pissed him off
•his hands will be all over you without a doubt he's a horny drunk
•you would tell him no if you are sober but if you drank with him then your going at it all night let's just say
James patrick march:
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•Now as we all know james likes his whisky and absinthe and being dead he could literally drink anyone under the table
•he doesn't get wasted probably thinks it's distasteful but he did a few times before and let's just say he's a helpless romantic even drunk
•would literally shower you with live and affection and if you don't let him he's a whiny bitch
•"darling What's the matter please hug me" "James you reek of booze" "this is an outrage"
Rory monaghan:
•Rory will bombard all his social media platforms with videos of a night out like he would post every detail of the night
•instantly regrets it in the morning when he's hungover
•will definitely do weird dad dances and would want you to join him so he's not alone
•I feel like he's the type of drunk that would need to be on one of those backpacks kids have so they don't run away because the second your eyes leave him he's off and it will take ages to find him
•he would be one of those drunks that ask so many weird questions no one knows the answer to like "how are humans actually put on this earth it doesn't make sence"
(Kai Anderson)
•Now kai would stop drinking because he needs to stay sharp for the cult but if he's having a very bad day he would drink his problems away or fuck his stress out of you
•he's an angry drunk for sure would constantly snap at anyone in sight and throw glasses in the room
•if your there you could possibly calm bim down sometimes it's a no go but you try your best
•would definitely try and get into your panties but you say no because well he's drunk but kai is consistent and will not take no for a answer
(Jeff pfister)
•Jeff wouldn't drink since he's always off his tits with the coke but he might mix them both on occasion
•he would blackout not remember a single thing at all
•probably would make out with mutt since he's completely wasted
•would wake up the next morning with mutt not remembering a thing which freaks him out because he could had probably committed a crime and he wouldn't know but you were there the next morning with a photo gallery full of videos from the night before
(Austin sommers)
•Now we all know austin likes his alcohol but he also likes to still be fully aware of what's going on around him
•but once in a blue moon he would get hammered which he would never be away from karaoke singing all the cheesy hits like cotton eye Joe or barbie girl
•once your both home he would ask you to pamper him with face masks and what not, so you both lay on the bed with a face mask on some more whisky laughing and joking (I think this could be a fic?)
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gemini-sensei · 4 months
i’ve been wondering what would happen with robby and goth!larusso!reader when he joins cobra kai after juvie? i imagine they had an almost dating relationship before he went to juvie, and once he comes back he starts to hang out with her less cus he doesn’t want to be around daniel. once she finds out he’s in cobra kai she tells him she can’t see him anymore, as she’s not gonna date a bully and wonders why he would join them after all that’s happened. especially since hawk is now in miyagi-fang i wonder how he’d reach (you could have hawk like reader too for some extra spice, or not it’s up to you)
Reader is pissed when she finds out that he joined Cobra Kai after juvie. She can't believe he would do something like that especially after the summer they had where Cobra Kai ruined just about everything. It also hurts because they had something; even if it wasn't a relationship yet, she thought that they were almost in a relationship. However, he never asks her out after juvie and she saw him pulling away from her and everyone else. She knew it was a matter of time but she didn't expect it to end with him going over to Cobra Kai.
When she confronts him about it, they get into an argument over it and he explains how she never even came to visit him in juvie. What was she supposed to do? Her dad wouldn't go with her, neither would her mom, and she couldn't go up there by herself. It was a mess. He ends up hurting her feelings and she walks away after telling him to enjoy his new friends, "they're assholes just like you."
He wouldn't react kindly to that and call after her that Miyagi-Do is full of hypocrites. She flips him off and shouts back that the only hypocrite she knows is him.
She spends a few days being really upset over it and trying to take her mind off of it by joining Miyagi-Do training sessions. It does help get her mind off of Robby and she ends up getting to know Hawk better now that he's not being a bully. They end up spending a lot more time together outside of the dojo and when they go to the drive-in, she sits beside him and they share a popcorn bucket. It's super sweet and everyone around them can see what's going on.
Even Robby sees it and he hates it. He realizes he said a lot of things he didn't mean, just trying to hurt Reader while she was throwing the truth back in his face. However, he's too stubborn to backdown now and admit he's wrong. His reason for being in Cobra Kai had nothing to do with her, so he doesn't see a problem in staying now. After all, he's lost her now anyways. What would be the point?
It does hurt when he sees her with Hawk at the drive-in though; cozied up to each other and laughing at his dumb jokes. He gets up to refill their popcorn and buy her another soda. Or when they're at the tournament and she's encouraging him to do his best. He doesn't think anything of their relationship because it's not as if it's more than what he had with her.
That is until he sees them kiss at the tournament.
Robby is completely deflated because how could he let Reader go? Why did he? He knows he fucked up and he thought he was over it, but that kiss hurts him. And the way she smiles at him. And the way she laughs with him and cheers him on.
And especially when he lost to Hawk and she came running up to him to give him a big, congratulatory kiss. How some of her black lipstick is left on his lips after and he's wearing the biggest grin as he looks at her.
Robby can't help but feel like that should be him...
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darkmasterofcupcakes · 6 months
CWF human AU :
So, Adam is Vaggie's godfather, well, that's messy. I wouldn't be surprised if 6 years old Vaggie told Lute that she and Adam should just be together, because not only they're best friends, but they obviously love each other (Vaggie saw how they looked at each other) and Sera has to take Vaggie for the day because Lute being told that messed with her mind.
Seth probably assumed that it was why his father often visited Lute, though he definitely understood that Adam and lute were a thing when he was like 10 or 11.
Considering Cain was jealous of Abel in the Bible, I think than here, Abel managed to accept the divorce pretty easily and his lack of venom toward Lute and Vaggie+being a nice caring guy got Adam and Sera, Sera who's probably some sort of honorary aunt for the Eden sons, and this pissed off Cain who thought his brother was being a traitor and a suck-up.
Vaggie with a soft g probably is how both Adam and Cain call her, at least depending of the situation. I think than Adam always call her Vaggie with a soft g, and if she get upset over it he just bribe her with sweets or money.
Meanwhile, Abel call her Maria, Seth call her Vaggie with a hard G, and I think Cain usually call her Guerrera unless he's pissed, and there he say Vaggie with a soft g.
For Abel, calling her that is because he know Vagatha is not her real name and he's appalled by that immature joke, furthermore, considering his link to plants, I imagine that he helped her learn about plants and she actually liked it too, even if it's not her interest, unlike Cain who prefer being with his animals and find Abel's interests stupid and Seth who isn't interested even if not hostile.
Seth just always knew the name as Vaggie with a hard G, especially since his mother as well as Sera and Lute told him the soft g was just a thing Adam did as a Godfather.
I think the only one of Adam's sons Lute really get along with is Seth, pre reveal at least, because Cain hate her, I think Lute is too agressive for Abel to appreciate her and she most likely doesn't get his interests, though there's no real hostility, simply non-compatibility, while Seth would have seen Lute since he's a baby, and she's simply his dad's cool friend.
How did Vaggie's relationship with her half-brothers and father changed after she learned they were her family?
I think the reveal of Adam being Vaggie's father is one of the events that started to kick off Emily's doubts on her link to Sera.
Sera knew Vaggie was Adam's daughter, and Emily would have been in her mother's belly when Vaggie was born.
If Sera could keep secret something like that, despite being Vaggie's godmother, what else could she keep?
I think Emily started wondering before, but learning Vaggie's godfather was also Vaggie's father and the fact that none of the adults ever told it, despite the fact than Vaggie knew her brothers since her youth definitely made her consider the possibility that there were other lies in families.
Sera and Vaggie probably had a quite heated argument too, with Emily siding with Vaggie.
What anger Vaggie the most probably is that the secret wasn't that necessary from her pov, she knew Adam well, and Lute and him not being together made it clear she wouldn't have had anything like a normal family, but she love her family, Emily is like a cousin, Sera+Adam and Lute's armies buddies are like her aunts, Adam is weird but she like him well enough.
So why the secret?
I think than after the fiasco of the reveal, Vaggie decided to do ballet at Carmilla's school, as she need to do a physically intensive activity that wasn't like what her mother did, and beside, Vaggie always liked dancing.
On a more cheerful note, Vaggie probably learned dancing, flamenco most likely (the Guerrera being of Spanish origin) from her mom, as dancing was something Agatha and Lucia loved to do together.
Hum, and now than I realize it, Lute got her name through her mother, since Guerrera was Agatha's name before Hector,which make sense tbf if there's a question of prestige.
I love the mental image of Adam struggling to learn the music of guitar to go along Lute's dancing when they were in the army, Adam's music likely was one of the few ways to distract themselves after all.
When did Charlie and Vaggie started going out? And I know Lute's reaction was bad (with mother-daughter actually fighting each other) but what was Adam's reaction when Lute brought it up to him?
I propose Vaggie meeting Carmilla at 14 to give reasonable time for her to learn it, furthermore, at this point in life, Vaggie's trust in her adult figures is shattered, be it her mother, her godparents Sera and Adam or Lute and Adam's old army buddies, who would definitely have known the truth.
Okay, this is a long one, so it's gonna take a bit to fully answer....
Young Vaggie definitely once suggested her mother get married to Adam. because, yeah. she absolutely could tell the two of them had a thing for each other. She didn't understand why her mom had such a negative reaction to the suggestion until she was quite a bit older.
Seth and Vaggie were both really excited at the idea of their dad and mom, respectively, getting married when they were really little. Because they were best friends and if their parents got married, that would make them siblings. They even use that at least once to try and convince Adam and Lute to get married, and basically all the adults present can feel the tension in the air because they all know the secret of Vaggie's parentage, but these kids have no clue...
You are right that part of what makes Cain resentful of Abel in this AU is the fact that, despite being two years younger, Abel had a much easier time accepting his parents' decision to get a divorce. While Cain felt upset and betrayed by what happened, and kept trying to blame someone, despite Adam and Eve explaining to their sons that it was nobody's fault - they just weren't happy being married to each other anymore. Abel was also a bit upset, but was much more easily comforted by the promise both his parents made that even if they weren't married anymore, and they weren't in love, they did still care about each other and they both were going to love Abel and his brothers as much as they ever had.
Basically hit the nail on the head for what each of the Eden men calls Vaggie - Seth really is the only one who calls her by her actual first name, and pronounces it the way it's actually supposed to be said. Though Cain is the only one who calls her Vaggie with the soft G out of malice; with Adam, it's mostly just him being sort of playful, and, he'd argue, the way he's supposed to say it, since he is the one who picked her first name, and knows how you're supposed to pronounce it.
Lute isn't super close to any of Adam's sons, but Seth is definitely the one she gets along the best with, for basically the reasons you said. Plus, he's the closest in age to her daughter and the two kids are really close, so she kind of just ends up seeing Seth more often than either Cain or Abel, since while usually Vaggie would go over to Eve's place after school to hang out with Seth until Lute got out of work, it wasn't like the inverse never happened, and Seth stayed over at Lute's to play with Vaggie.
I think Vaggie's relationship with Adam changed more than her relationships with any of her half-brothers once she learned the truth of their relationship. Obviously things were different all around, but I don't actually think the way Cain, Abel, or Seth really treated Vaggie would be super impacted by them learning they were siblings, at least once the initial shock of the reveal has passed. But with Adam, the fact that he was her father - and he knew the whole time - did make Vaggie think of him differently for a while. She admits that she almost wishes he was less involved in her life than he was, because then she wouldn't have to deal with the fact that technically her father was around for her whole life up to that point...she just had no clue who he was because both he and her mother actively chose to lie to her.
Honestly, Vaggie's "fall" in this AU is likely at least somewhat the result of the fall-out from the reveal of Adam being her father, because out of anger and just being hurt at the secrecy, there is a bit of a rift between Lute and Vaggie, and Vaggie actually starts kind of acting out and pushing her mother away. She starts occasionally skipping school and refusing to go home, no matter how much Lute tries to make her. And it leads to a minor, but still physical altercation where after it's done, Lute is convinced to let Vaggie have some space to deal with her feelings - but with the caveat that if Vaggie won't come home, she has to at least make sure she's staying with people Lute at least trusts to keep her safe - which are the Morningstars (Lute isn't a huge fan of Lucifier or especially Lilith, but she knows they wouldn't let anything happen to Vaggie) or the Celestes.
And it is during this time where Vaggie meets the Carmine twins, Odette and Clara, and they introduce her to their mother, who is starting up a new ballet studio in town after having recently moved in. And Vaggie takes them up on the offer of trying it out, if only to have something to keep her busy now that she's taking an indefinite break from fencing lessons to avoid her mother as much as she can. She did also continue to do the flamenco dancing that she'd learned from Lute growing up, and actually enjoyed doing both, to her slight surprise.
Charlie and Vaggie were probably around like, 15 when they started seriously dating? They may have kissed a bit and gone on a couple dates when they were a little younger, but it wasn't until then that they actually decided to make it official that they were actually in a relationship.
Finding out that Adam was Vaggie's father absolutely helped to really push Emily into wondering if her "sister" had been keeping any other secrets, especially from her. Because part of her had always wondered why Sera was always so unwilling to tell Emily much about their parents, or why she apparently had no pictures of them, despite how close they'd apparently been. For most of her life, she just took any of Sera's explanations as fact because, why would she lie to her about that? But now that she's seen that Sera would lie about something like who Vaggie's father is, she has to wonder what else she may have been capable of lying about....
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canonickero · 1 month
New mootie
I wanna hear absolutely all the lore you have about Steve's parents/home life
Because I suspect you have more than I remember from the book or the movie
*hands mic*
I am going to fucking explode YES FINALLY SOMEONE ASKS ME ABOUT STEVE
This may not be entirely coherent it is 00:34 when I begin typing this and maybe I'll remember an end time who knows. But I'll start with a slight character analysis and stuff
So Ponyboy doesn't go very deep into Steve's character. Ponyboy seems to think that Steve hates him, and he despises Steve back. But Steve takes care of him like a little brother. Most notably; he takes care of Ponyboy in ways that Sodapop does. But Ponyboy doesn't even think about his efforts and actions, he just mentions them in passing. Steve is always backing him when the Socs are around and he is specifically stated by Ponyboy to buy him pop and candy when he visits at the DX. Soda does too, which makes it sort of just a passing mention, but I think it's interesting. Steve also spends his hard earned money on spoiling Ponyboy a little. He doesn't have to take Ponyboy to the DX for their shared school lunch break. He could take the hell off and go see Soda himself. It'd probably be safer for Ponyboy to stay at school, even. But Steve totes him around just because he feels like it. And Steve only works part time at the DX because he's in school full time unlike Soda. Steve makes less money, but he still wastes his gas and spends money on Ponyboy, like he would an annoying little brother that he doesn't actually hate. Like when your parents insist you take your little sibling with you when you go somewhere, or when they want to get in on everything you do because it's cool. That's probably how Steve feels about Ponyboy. Sodapop is his best friend and has been since grade school, he's been around Pony since he was a baby. No doubt Steve was there for some pretty important moments. Steve addresses Pony by name and as "kid" rather than anything rude and he doesn't ignore Pony. He's the one to draw attention to his picture in the paper and makes him feel like the hero he is, even if Pony isn't too happy about it. He's supportive, if a little blunt. But he doesn't actively try to annoy or hurt Pony aside from little jabs, like siblings would.
Steve doesn't seem to have any siblings of his own. Two-Bit is offhandedly mentioned to have a kid sister, but Steve gets nothing. He's just got a drunk old father who would rather him gone. When his father gets drunk and angry for whatever reason, which is all the damn time, he kicks Steve out and Steve runs to the Curtis house. And while Soda is his best friend, Steve wouldn't torture himself. He wouldn't keep going to the Curtis house and stay during the mornings and engage in conversation with Ponyboy if he hated him. He loves Ponyboy to death. The gang is like the family Steve never really had. No sign of his mother, whether she's dead or left Steve with his dad is unsure. But he doesn't have a mother, and he hasn't had one in a while. He doesn't even offhandedly mention her, like Two-Bit mentions his mother or Dally mentions his father. Steve doesn't mention his family at all, really. It bugs Steve that his family is so broke. He's got one of the more fucked up families of the gang.
Two-Bit still has a loving mother and a kid sister. Johnny has a home to go back to, though it's horrible(but they do leave him alone quite often. Just whenever they're pissed at each other or the world, they take it out on Johnny. He is left alone and can go home at least some days, and sometimes he can avoid his parents. And Johnny's mother went to visit him in the hospital, though her intentions were unclear. She only started yelling when Johnny refused to see her, which, good on him.) Dally doesn't need family, he's past that at his point, but he's got a place at Buck's if he ever needs it. Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy all have each other. But who does Steve have at home waiting for him? A drunken father who throws him out for whatever reason he could find. And he apologizes by giving Steve a couple bucks, which would have pretty much been his next few cases of beer. So for a good while in a week, Steve gets to go home. But his father isn't exactly there for him. Steve doesn't have a loving father, really. Just a guilty one. A guilty father left with a child he didn't want. He tells Steve to get out and never return every damn week at the very LEAST once a week, with absolutely nothing on him. He just kicks Steve out and expects him to be fine with never returning, with only the shirt on his back. Only when Steve's father is sober does he feel bad and give Steve some money, and then he does it all again. He doesn't love Steve enough to get better. He'd rather have the booze.
So other than Johnny, Steve has one of the worse home lives of the gang. No mother, a drunkard father that's likely passed out on the couch half of the damn day and never sees him.
I'd also like to mention Steve's view on Ponyboy again. Steve is described as tall and lean. Based on his job as a mechanic, he's muscular. His drunkard father wouldn't have enough sense to keep any protein in the damn house. He's known to be uncaring, and he probably doesn't think of groceries until the last second(speaking from experience, I have a drunkard father). Steve likely has to feed himself(or help himself to the food in the Curtis's fridge). But he spends a decent amount of his paycheck on Ponyboy, the tag-along kid he pretends to hate. Steve is lean. Just like the other greasers, he's poor. He feeds himself. But he'll damn well buy Ponyboy a Pepsi and a candy bar to keep him happy for lunch. But we don't ever get to know what Steve eats. Other than the chocolate cake, Steve doesn't seem to eat much. We know that Two-Bit has beer and chocolate cake for breakfast when at the Curtis', but he's got a mother at home that most definitely feeds him. We know how the Curtis' eat, we know kind of how Dally likes his food, we know that Johnny eats what he needs to. But Steve? No clue. He's a hungry teen like the rest of them. He's tall and muscular and needs to eat his fill. But you know damn well that he'd kill for Ponyboy. He likely makes minimum wage and works only part time. Sure, he gets money from his father, but there's not much there. In today's money, that's quite a lot for an apology, but it probably goes to gas and food. Otherwise, Steve takes care of Ponyboy in the exact same ways that Sodapop does. But Ponyboy doesn't appreciate it at all because it's Steve, and he thinks Steve hates him. And all Steve wants is to have a day with his best friend without Soda bringing Pony along. It's not much to ask for.
Also, Ponyboy casually sits on Steve's car when the Socs approach him later on in the book. He wouldn't do that if Steve would skin him for it. Steve is amazing with cars, he can drive anything on wheels. He'd take good fucking care of his car, greaser or not. Two-Bit's breaks go out on his car, but Steve is never seen to have a problem with his. If he's letting Ponyboy sit on his car and lets him BREAK A BOTTLE ON IT, you know damn well Steve loves that kid. Sure, there were Socs. But he and Two-Bit were backing Pony and Steve could have given him hell right after. And he didn't. Ponyboy is the little brother Steve never had. The gang is the family he deserved but never got. He's allowed to raid the damn fridge. I'm sure if Tim Shepard did that he'd get some odd looks. But Steve is one of them. As much of a side character as he is, Steve is always one of them. He's never faced with disdain from the others. It's all just Ponyboy. Soda was only ever mad at Steve once and there weren't many disagreements other than maybe one time when he called Darry "all brawn and no brain." Clearly there's SOMETHING about Steve that makes him one of them. There's SOMETHING that makes him Sodapop's best friend. Ponyboy is just a younger teen who can't see what the gang does for him. In the movie, do you see the excitement and love in Steve's general demeanor when he enters the Curtis household? He feels completely at home there. Even though Darry almost shattered his jaw once, he feels safe. Not a hint of discomfort. He feels comfortable enough to go into Darry's bedroom, where Soda's jeans are after he ironed, and start a pillow fight with Darry's pillows. Steve is at home there. He never snubs Ponyboy. He pokes fun at him, but he's never actually a jerk like he's portrayed to be. But he is cocky. He's confident. He's a little self centered.
But how could he not be? He never had a mother to tell him he was handsome growing up. His father never kissed his nose to reassure him it wasn't too big or wonky. His mother was never there to tell him that his smile was gorgeous. Steve never got that validation growing up, so he acts like he's the best. But he doesn't think that. Sure, he's confident in himself. But that's a learned skill. You don't just pop out the womb all confident. You get it from yourself and the people around you. The gang are all confident and loud around each other, so Steve is loud and confident too. He loves himself because he taught himself that love. He got it from elsewhere, because his family wouldn't love him.
Steve is constantly fixing his hair. He can't have a single hair out of place. He's always worried about his appearance subconsciously. He lets himself be a gross dumb teenage boy with his pals, but he's also a self-conscious, smart kid who had to figure these things out at some point. And he had to figure it all out on his own.
Steve is incredibly intelligent. He knows what people are thinking and he knows what he's doing. He doesn't think Ponyboy has enough street smarts to be out on his own. He thinks Ponyboy is dumb for not using his head. But by god, Steve loves that kid to death. He probably knows that Ponyboy mostly hates him. He knows that Pony will still take the Pepsi and candy bars and rides to the DX even though he's hated. Steve knows damn well that he's not exactly a comforting presence to Ponyboy, despite always being stretched out on his couch and always being nearby due to his brother. Steve reassures Ponyboy that nothing bad will happen to him when he's put in the paper. But he says it like he doesn't believe it either. He just wants Pony to be okay, he knows that Ponyboy doesn't want his opinion. So he never says his opinion about the situation, he just states the facts about it and reassures Ponyboy that he wouldn't be put in a boys home. Steve's opinion isn't wanted at home and it isn't wanted by Ponyboy either. But Steve is used to that. He's good at keeping his mouth shut, just like Ponyboy is.
They're incredibly similar, but Ponyboy just hates to see it. They're both smart-mouthed greasers in their little gang of boys that all grew up together. They're both school smart, they're proud of being greasers and they do stupid shit. They go to the same school and eat at the same places, they travel together and they know enough about the other to not get clobbered. Steve protects Ponyboy, both physically and protects his feelings. They love sweet stuff and eat like horses. Steve and Ponyboy both love their hair and they both have an attachment to Sodapop.
But it's curious how Soda doesn't explode under all that pressure. Surely, he's venting to someone. To Steve, probably. But there's only so much Steve can do to help when Ponyboy hates him and Darry will shatter his jaw if Steve dares to call him dumb and burly, even if that does prove his point. All he can really do is listen as his family fights, just like at home. It's not fair to any of them, really.
And when Johnny and Dally die, Steve is heartbroken. They were his brothers, his friends, his gang. They were special to him like they were to everybody else. But he doesn't get to mourn. After the rumble, his ribs are broken and he's beat to all hell. But he still goes into a full sprint to get to Dally after Johnny dies. He still does what he can to protect his family. When Ponyboy is first jumped, he throws rocks at the car(and in deleted scenes, absolutely beats the shit out of the Socs inside) for Ponyboy's sake. That's his family. His home. He's not going to let anybody hurt his kid brother and get away with it.
Steve is scared of cops. He acts all brave and mighty, but when Dallas is shot, his hands go up and he's in absolute shock. He's shaking. He's scared that he'll be next. Because as hellish as his life is, he doesn't want to go just yet. Not like that he doesn't. But his father wouldn't care if he never showed back up home. That would just be another six or seven bucks saved for his next few cases of beer. He wouldn't have to feel guilty when his son showed back home if he didn't have a son to show. And Steve probably knows that. But that doesn't mean he wants to die too. He has the gang, what's left of it. He still has his best friend and his kid brother, his older brother and father figure who actually wants him to eat. He still has Two-Bit, but there were no jokes to be made at that point.
Steve is pretty sad, actually. He does what he can and yet it's never enough. Ponyboy still hates him, they don't grow closer after the deaths of two of their closest friends. Ponyboy still thinks Steve hates him. And Steve's father will continue to be a drunk; he wouldn't ask about Steve's day or wonder what was wrong. He would be passed out on the couch after too many beers, and Steve would have to deal with his grief on his own. Because his father wouldn't care and his mother isn't around. Because his home life is depressing and losing two of the gang feels like he lost more than that. Because the gang was all he had. His entire family. His father doesn't even count.
Why would he? His father makes him go run off to his best friend's house with nothing but the clothes on his back every damn week. His father would rather drink himself to death than care for his son. Steve is set up for failure in life, but he does what he can and then some. He's just not appreciated. At all.
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thebiscuiteternal · 7 months
For the jam:
Due to an experiment gone wrong, Xue Yang and Jin Guangyao switch personalities (not souls!) for a while
Or a lot less people get killed because Xue Yang is too busy stopping his boss from committing crimes in broad daylight.
Hmmmmm, this one's a toughie. I hope you don't mind notes instead of fic.
Okay, first off, I can't decide which is funnier, Jin Guangyao mouthing off at every opportunity, or Xue Yang trying to be the politest one in the room while developing a subtle eye twitch.
Imagine Xue Yang having to be the mature one and make excuses to keep Jin Guangyao away from his father and Jin-furen so he doesn't snap and do something he'll regret later the first time Jin Guangshan insults him or Jin-furen hits him.
Also imagine Jin Guangshan caring so little that he doesn't even notice the changes, which only pisses off Jin Guangyao more and makes Xue Yang have to try even harder.
What would be really funny is if this were to actually fix things between Jin Guangyao and Nie Mingjue. After all, the thing that pisses Mingjue off the most about Jin Guangyao is the fact that he does terrible things while trying to frame them in the softest and most necessary way possible. So if he were to just bluntly admit he constantly thinks about fixing his problems with murder, and is feeling especially murdery towards his dad and Nie Mingjue himself, Mingjue wouldn't be pleased that he's on the death list, but he'd probably respect Jin Guangyao for admitting to wanting to kill him.
Now they can settle the matter properly! With a fight!
It ends with both badly injured and Lan Xichen and Nie Huaisang freaking out over their injuries and the fact that they almost killed each other, but this... is good???? Sort of????
(Not sure how long it'll stay good after Jin Guangyao gets his original personality back, but hey, maybe he won't want to throw this new version of their relationship out completely? Now that he knows Mingjue values his being honest about his feelings, even when they're homicidal?)
It would also be deeply funny if the personality switch results in him being more outright flirtatious to Huaisang, who doesn't know how to respond to this in the slightest and gets reduced to a blushing mess on the regular.
It would also be deeply funny if Xue Yang-with-Jin Guangyao's personality keeps creeping out Mo Xuanyu by being all soft-spoken brotherly politeness to him even as he's describing the nasty experiments they'll be working on together. This is weird. This is weird. Yao-ge, please fix this ASAP, he doesn't know how to deal with this!
Since I'm not sure whether or not Qin Su would be pursuing Jin Guangyao seriously yet, I'm also not sure how she would play into this. Would he flirt with her as much as he does Huaisang? (sangyaosu agenda momentarily creeping in here) Or would he avoid her to keep from embarrassing himself?
They spend almost a month struggling to keep this mostly under wraps and trying to fix it themselves, and then when the next full moon happens, surprise! They get poofed back to normal for no apparent reason and are confused as hell as to how the fuck and why???? Also, they are immediately destroying every piece of the experiment that caused the whole mess in the first place, with a much-relieved Mo Xuanyu's assistance.
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