#so sorry about the grammar and the tense changes. i am terrible at this
Happy Birthday to the lovely @estrellami-1 I hope you're feeling better and that you're having a wonderful day ❤️
Eddie wasn't sure who the party was supposed to be for, he wasn't sure Steve knew either to be fair. It was someone's birthday party, he'd seen a sash on one of the girls, couldn't say for sure which one though. And of course it was hosted, as all parties were these days, at the Harrington residence.
He remembers Wayne telling him that no-one had seen Harrington Senior or his wife since just after the Byers kid went missing, so Eddie supposed that made this massive mansion all Steve's.
And it'd been obvious since his massive blow up with Wheeler that he'd just stopped giving a fuck.
So Tommy and his band of merry fuckheads organised parties in Steve's house, and made a fortune out of it too, even though Steve wasn't really even friends with any of them anymore.
Not that Eddie cared. He didn't. The bigger the parties, the more parties they had, the more money he made. It was all the same to him.
Just sometimes, Steve would catch his eye across a classroom or like now across a party and Eddie thought that he looked kinda… lonely. Not that he was sure why Steve would choose to be that way, he might've fallen from grace but the guy was still gorgeous, he could have anyone he wanted; but he just seemed to wander ghostlike around the edges of life these days.
It seemed like forever since Eddie had last seen him smile, not sneer or grimace like he tended to now but a proper eye crinkling, dimple showing smile. Not for a lack of trying on Eddie's part of course, he'd taken to acting like a jester trying to get the fallen king to even so much as smirk, but his attempts haven't worked so far.
He thought he'd managed it earlier, during English when they were discussing male protagonists and he'd said Steve would make a pretty good Mr Darcy and winked exaggeratedly at him but his face had just gone through a multitude of expressions before he'd huffed in annoyance and leaned back in his seat with his arms crossed, staring grumpily out of the window.
Eddie didn't know why he was so determined to fix him. They weren't friends, they were barely even acquaintances, but Wayne always said he had a tendency for strays and even though Steve's house was brimming with people, Eddie knew as well as Steve did that if he didn't have all this, he'd be well and truly alone, which thinking about it was probably why he was letting the dickhead jocks walk all over him.
Tonight was the third party Eddie's worked here in as many weeks and he's made a fortune but Tommy decided to start a fight with the birthday girl's boyfriend, which is one way to kill a party he supposes, so now everyone's starting to make their way home, groups of teens staggering their way down the middle of the road; which is just plain stupid really, they're all going to get caught, not that Eddie gives a fuck, keeping the cops busy on the main roads gives him chance to get away unnoticed.
He knows better than to draw attention to himself like that, he learned a long time ago to only work parties with a good escape route, so he heads straight to the sliding doors, that way he can slip out through the backyard and take his chances with whatever creatures live in the forest.
That's the plan anyway.
"Eddieeee!!" Steve yells, drunk as a skunk and half dangling out of the sunlounger he's supposed to be sitting in, reaching towards him and making grabby hands.
"Harrington," he greets wearily, he's been surreptitiously watching Steve all night, he knows he's had four too many and knows all too well how unpredictable drunk people can be, if it wasn't for the fact that he and Wayne need the money he wouldn't even be here.
Steve just sulks, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout, all big sad eyes, "Don't call me that," he mutters. Eddie doesn't say anything, just rocks on the balls on his feet and watches as Steve tries and fails to right himself, "Help?" he pleads like a toddler and Eddie can't help feeling endeared, he sighs, shaking his head to himself as he walks over to the sunlounger, picking Steve up under the arms, like the baby he's acting like and gets him settled properly.
"There you go," Eddie mutters, patting him gently on the head.
"Thanks," Steve mumbles, a surprised look on his face and a blush spreading across his cheeks, tapping the space in front of him in invitation for Eddie to sit and as much as part of him thinks it's a terrible idea, he knows if he leaves he'd be leaving him alone in this state and he just can't do that, so he sits.
"Hi," Eddie says, for a lack of anything else to say.
"Hi," Steve greets, a dopey smile on his face blinking owlishly at him, but then his face shifts like he's just remembered he's supposed to be annoyed with him, "Why'd you call me that earlier?" Steve asks petulantly.
Eddie frowns, he hasn't called Steve anything, at least not that he can remember, "Your name?" he clarifies.
Steve shakes his head excessively, "Mr Darcy!" he spits with a snarl, like it's a swear word, "You've been nice to me for weeks and then you went and said that!" he whines.
Suddenly the weariness is back in Eddie's stomach, tries to think why Steve might be insulted and comes up empty, "I don't know, does generous, kind and good looking not suit you?" he babbles before he can really think about how that sounds coming from another guy.
Steve's face does something complicated, he opens his mouth to say something, shuts it, his face changing expression, opens and closes his mouth again before settling on a confused but soft little "oh".
Now that he knows he's not about to get punched, Eddie relaxes a bit, and curiosity killed the cat or whatever because against his better judgement he asks, "What did you think I meant?"
Steve shrugs and looks forlornly at the ground, "What everyone else thinks. That I'm an elitist, condescending wanker. That you'd been being nice to me as a joke so it'd hurt all the more when you were mean. I got drunk because I was sad because I thought we were friends but you were just playing a prank on me," Steve tells him and there's such sincerity and pain in his eyes it hurts to even look at him.
But Eddie can't help it, he's beyond surprised so he can't stop his eyebrows hitting his hairline, "Friends?" The fallen king of Hawkins High wants to be his friend? Was hurt when he thought Eddie wasn't his friend? Cares at all what Eddie thinks about him? That's way beyond his comprehension.
Steve just smiles dopily at him, lifting Eddie's chin with a gentle finger to make Eddie look at him and it's like being gut punched because who'd've thought this sweet, vulnerable guy was hiding inside Steve Harrington this whole time?
"Yes, friends! Do you wanna be my friend, Eddie?" And all Eddie can do is nod because he's been thrown back into a memory long since forgotten, of two little boys playing together in the forest, games of pirates and cowboys and aliens and those same hazel eyes looking deep into his soul and asking that very same question.
Jesus H Christ!
A gust of wind blows through the yard making Steve shiver bodily but given his clumsy movements earlier, Eddie wonders how to get him inside without risking him falling in the pool, because everyone else has definitely already left and Eddie can swim but not well enough to rescue someone who's drunk and not fully in control of all their limbs.
But Steve for all his height and his muscles isn't actually all that heavy, not in comparison to band equipment, he could probably manage…
Eddie twists slightly away from Steve, "Right, hop on," he instructs, tapping his shoulder. Steve just gives him a puzzled look, Eddie smiles encouragingly, "I'm gonna give you a piggyback indoors. I don't want you to drown!"
Steve smiles then, really smiles, and if Eddie knew it was this easy he'd've done it weeks ago, and wraps his arms loosely around Eddie's neck and his legs tightly around his waist.
Eddie tries not to think too closely about it, he's known for a long time that he's queer, knows full well endearing, pretty jocks are his type, knows that tightening in his chest isn't because Steve is heavy but more because their cheeks are smushed together and they're sharing the same breath and Eddie can smell his aftershave and the beer he's been drinking and for some reason when it's coming from Steve it isn't making him want to hurl.
The house is an absolute shittip but whoever was last out at least had the decency to turn off the music and turn out all the lights, so Eddie just slides the door shut behind them and heads straight for the stairs. Steve grips a little tighter, leaning into Eddie making balancing easier but other than that he makes no effort to leave Eddie's grasp.
He's waddling up the stairs but only because Steve's long, long legs are in the way. A secret part of Eddie thinks about doing this regularly, having Steve this close, so pliable and snuggly. Eddie feels a little guilty about it but he can't help himself from filing the memory away for rainy days when he feels sad, it's just such a priceless moment, chances are this is never gonna happen again.
"Which one's yours?" he asks when they reach the landing and he's faced with several closed doors. Steve doesn't say anything, just sighs heavily and points Eddie in the right direction.
Eddie steps forward, twisting the doorknob, the door swinging open, and flicking the light on to reveal his room looks… exactly how Eddie expected it to and suddenly he can't keep the fond smile off his face, because of course Steve has plaid wallpaper and matching curtains, it's so cliche it's adorable.
He walks over to the bed, turns so he's facing the door and drops Steve unceremoniously onto the mattress making him giggle uncontrollably. Eddie turns back to watch him because how can he not? He made Steve giggle! It's the most beautiful sound he's ever heard, even when he breathes in too fast and he snorts, his eyes are all crinkled in the corners, showing off his dimples and his perfectly straight teeth, he really is just perfect.
Eddie tries not to let his affection bleed through onto his face but he must do a pretty poor job because when Steve opens his eyes to look at him, his breath hitches and he stops laughing. And Eddie kicks himself because the house is far too silent without Steve's quiet laughter. He needs to get out of Steve's bedroom but he can't leave without getting him some provisions for the morning. He glances around and spots the ensuite in the corner, nipping inside and grabbing a glass of water and a packet of paracetamol from the medicine cabinet, wandering back out to leave them on the bedside, dragging the wastepaper basket closer to the bed just in case.
Steve is now more settled in bed, head on his pillow, snuggled up under the covers, Eddie smiles, putting on his persona so he can make it out of here alive and hopefully with his heart still intact because if he gets any cuter Eddie isn't sure he'll be able handle it.
"Okay, my liege! Now thou art safely in thy bedchamber, I shall bid thee adieu," Eddie says with a bow, he feels okay about leaving him now he's got him all set up and safely in bed.
Steve grins at his dramatics but frowns when what Eddie said sinks in, "Wait!" he yells unnecessarily given Eddie hadn't really made any attempt to leave, even though that's what he said he was going to do.
Eddie's eyebrows raise all by themselves, reaching new heights when Steve pats the bed beside him, "Stay," he whispers and how is Eddie supposed to deny him? He can't even use Wayne as an excuse because the poor bloke's at work, all Eddie would be going home to would be a cold trailer and crap TV, how could that ever compare?
He tries to think of a reason because this is so far from a good idea but Steve wants to be friends and he so clearly needs a friend and Eddie can do that, he can be here for his friend.
"You sure?" he checks but when Steve nods vigorously in reply all his misgivings leave him, he sits on the edge of the bed as far from Steve as he can get, leaning back on his hands, looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to say whatever it was he wanted to say.
Except Steve doesn't say anything, he just gets a hold of his wrist and pulls knocking Eddie flat onto his back, his head landing in Steve's lap and it happens so quickly all Eddie can do is blink up at him. Steve smiles like he's won the jackpot and starts running his fingers through Eddie's hair like he's petting a cat and Eddie daren't even breathe let alone move but it feels so good his toes are curling in his Docs and when Steve starts to giggle again he realises it's because he's enjoying it so much he's making little noises in the back of his throat.
"Sorry," Eddie mutters but Steve just shakes his head fondly and continues his ministrations, just watching Eddie watching him but it's been a long day, between school and the party and Eddie can feel his eyes drooping no matter how hard he tries to fight it.
He isn't sure how long he lays there for but his legs have been dangling over the edge so long even his shins have pins and needles when Steve rouses him with a gentle tugging of his hand and a whispered "C'mon, get in!"
Eddie does as he's asked, absentmindedly kicking off his Docs and getting settled on top of the blankets, both of them laying on their sides facing one another.
"Night, Stevie," Eddie mumbles, already half asleep, only just feeling Steve place his hand into his own, interlinking their fingers and leaving a kiss on his knuckles with a whispered, "Goodnight, love."
(I hated this fucking ending so much because I did the typical thing of thinking of it without writing it down and not to give tmi but whilst in the shower I just remembered I wanted it to be "Goodnight, Teddy." and now I'm just mentally kicking the crap out of myself because I posted it with the wrong ending 😭😭😭 sorry @estrellami-1)
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louiszeastronaut · 4 years
“𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗’𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎... 𝙸 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞” - Tom Riddle x y/n
Note: So basically, I took the dialogues from a scene in Little Women, when Laurie proposes to Jo, but she rejects. Then I replaced the two characters with y/n and Tom. I tweaked some sentences in the dialogues, and wrote the sentences outside of the dialogues with my own words just to make it fit the story... I haven’t finished it (3/26/21 I guess I finished it?) because I wanted to know if you all think I should continue or not. Idk what this is man lol.
Warnings: terrible grammar and punctuation mistakes :)) Word Count: 1,447
March 19, 2021
    “Penelope married” you said aloud.
    “Nanette of to Europe.” there was a brief pause between you and Tom.
     “And now that you’re a graduate you’ll be off on a long holiday” you continued, panting as you walked down the sloping hill.
    “I’m not good like Padma, so I’m angry and I’m restless.”
    “You don’t have to stay here y/n” he suggested
    “Why?”      “Should we run off and join a pirate ship?” You joked, turning your attention back to him, grinning at yourself. You peered at him just after laying your eyes on the orange and red maple trees that lie so vibrantly, and vastly ahead of you. Then you saw his solemn face. And yours fell into a yearning grave of its own.
    “No. No…”  you stared blankly at him, knowing what he’s hinting at.
    “It’s no use y/n” he reached for your hands, but you neglected it and pulled away “Y/n we’ve got to have it out…”
    “No please don’t-
    “I have loved you ever since I’ve known you y/n I couldn’t help it!”
    “Tom… no-
    “A-and I tried to show you, and you wouldn’t let me, even though I struggle to show it to anyone-
   “But I must make you hear it now, and give me an answer because-” he said through a weighted sigh, “Because I cannot  go on like this any longer y/n!”
  “I gave up the dark arts, I gave up everything you didn’t like, I’m happy I did. It’s fine. And I waited and I never complained!” He cried aloud, spectacles of tears starts forming in his eyes, then rolling down his pale cheek.
    “Cause I-“ he paused, face angry and flustered that he’s showing his rather pathetic side to you, and letting the fact that he’s showing this just to profess his love, is absolutely harrowing and ludicrous! Even for him. But he can’t seem to hinder himself away from it, nor does he feel like he has to, because at this point he had to finish what he didn’t originally appointed to say.       “Cause I figured you’d love me y/n!” He yelled.
    “A-and I realized I’m not half as good enough-
    “No! Yes you are!” You exclaimed back.
     “And I’m not this great man, and-
     “No! No Tom, yes you are!” “You are.” He stopped talking, catching his breath so you finally had your turn of say.
     “You’re a great deal too good for me” you say as you pointed your finger on his chest, nudging it reassuringly. “And I’m so grateful to you. And I’m so proud of you and- and I just don’t see why I can’t love as you want me to“ you pleaded. “I don’t know why”
       “You can’t?” Tom asked in a whisper, his eyes darted away as you hear the echo in his voice.
       “No… I can’t- I can’t change how I feel. And it would be a lie to say that I do, when I don’t”
       “I’m so sorry Tom-“ your eyes still fixed on him, you could see him thinking, biting the insides of his cheek. “I’m so sorry” you repeated more imploringly. “But I just can’t help it…”
        “I can’t love anyone else y/n I only love you” he admitted
         “Tom it would be a disaster if we were married, okay?”
         “It wouldn’t be a disaster!” He argued
          “We’d be miserable-
          “GOD BE A PERFECT SAINT!” He yelled
           “I CAN’T! I can’t! I’ve tried it- and I’ve failed!” you exclaimed, your words trembling in the end. You realized you were staring directly through his cold grey eyes, used to be full of depth and sudden rupture, but now clouded with his blinded feelings that you can’t help but hopelessly deny. Both of you let the words hang over the air for a while...
           “Why does everyone expect it then?!” He continued, “Why does your family and my friends expect it?!”
           “Why are you saying this?! Say yes-“ he nudged his hand forward, offering you something you have stubbornly refused many times in this feud “And let’s be happy together.”
          “I can’t say yes truly. So I’m not gonna say it at all. And you’ll see that I’m right eventually and you’ll thank me for it“ you explained grabbing ahold of both his freezing hands in front of you, making sure he understood where you’re coming from. Your clutch loosened as he writhes away from hands.
         He breathed out more heavily than before, head shaking, headspace nowhere to be found. He was tired of rambling and letting his words foam out of his mouth. It was quiet for a brief moment that it felt like everything around you suddenly vanished, and you two were left alone with only your souls crying out to be heard by the other. The air was taut and quiet, that you noticed his uneven breathing patterns, and only then you recognized that your heart was beating the same way. Beat. Breath. Beat… Breath… Beat…..
       “I’d rather hang myself then realize this y/n.” He broke the silence.
       “I would rather be dead.”
       “Tom don’t say that!” you bellowed wearily. He put his hands in his pocket and started walking away. You could see his jaw clenching, you’ve learned from your time spent being with him that he does this only when he’s angry. But, not like this. He’s still trudging even more further down the hill, his shoulders bouncing as gravity pulled him down, so you had to catch up.         “Tom, listen...” “You’ll find some lovely accomplished girl!” you say as you flailed your arm in the air, then reach up to grasp his shoulder from behind, while resting your other hand on his tensed back. Only to find him tearing his arm away from your touch, rather harshly. You felt his hurt. You felt guilty for ever making anyone feel this way. Especially if that ‘anyone’ is him.
        “Who will love you and adore you, and- and she’ll make a fine mistress for your fine house! But I wouldn’t alright?!” 
        “Yes you would y/n...”
        “Tom. Tom- look at me!”  “I’m homely, and I’m awkward, and I’m odd!” 
         “I love you y/n....” Tom said in a monotone voice, watching you play out and degrade yourself as what you think your negative qualities are, just so that you could point out to him why you think you two shouldn’t be together. 
         “And you’d be ashamed me of me-” you added
         “I love you y/n.” He interrupted, repeating the same words but more clamorously this time.            “And-and we would quarrel, we can’t help it even now!!!” you shouted, later noticing how unapologetically you sounded. You wanted to keep talking but you decided to stop to catch your breath first. You could feel the burn rising in your throat from yelling, but you continued on.           “I’d hate elegant society, you’d hate my scribbling... and we would be unhappy, and we wished we hadn’t done it! And- and everything will be horrid-” You ranted. You opened your mouth again to say something but decided against it. Now, you’re looking down at the ground as you think how you might’ve made the situation even worse. You can’t imagine what Tom’s feeling right now... for all you know this was the only time he has ever confessed his bigger emotions that you didn’t know he had.                  “Anything more?” He inquired, laying his eyes upon you after looking away for a few seconds.            “No...” you answered,“Nothing more...”
          “Alright.” He whispered while nodding simultaneously, clenching his jaw again. He hiked up the hill slowly, dragging his feet along the sharp grass.
           “Except that-” you appended, not knowing what choice of words you should declare next. As you searched your thoughts, asking your own brain to form the correct words, Tom shot his head back quickly. Bobbing his head along as he approached you again, as if he was waiting for you to say that you might feel even the slightest bit of devotion that you are willing to give to him in that tethered heart of yours. Unfortunately for him, still, that’s not what you’re after.
       “Tom...” you started “Tom- I don’t believe I will ever marry...” you dismissed through a forlorn scoff, admitting this to yourself and to him for the first time because you believed that that’s where your fate have destined you.         “I am happy as I am, and I love my liberty to well to be in any hurry to give it up”
       “I think you’re wrong about that y/n...
        “I think you will marry y/n.” 
        “I think you’ll find someone and love them, and you’ll live and die for them because that’s your way and you will...
        “And I’ll watch”
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Desperate situations call for desperate measures. #Writer Wednesday 21/04/21
Pairing: Dave York x F!reader
Summary: You're desperate, with nothing to lose you accept helping one of your friends in what looks to be a very dubious job and the man in charge intimidates you and owns every single one of your thoughts since you met him
Warnings: I mean is Murder daddy Dave 🤷‍♀️. Blood, violence, guns, swearing, descriptions of anxiety and panic and sexual innuendo. Nothing too graphic but let me know if I should note anything else, thanks
A/N: I blame my national public TV channel for broadcasting The Equalizer 2 a few weeks ago, now I have THOTS and reading many amazing Fanfics on this site it's making it worse. Another Pedro's character I'm fascinated by (and would gladly be railed by). This is my second piece for #Writer Wednesday thank you for this again @autumnleaves1991-blog 🤗 I’m super excited to read what everybody has prepared for this week. No beta’d, sorry for any misspelling and terrible grammar.
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Everything that could go wrong went wrong.
Suddenly you’re walking with a pair of stupid high heels in a cold muddy path, there’s nothing but a few street lamps but this white fog surrounds the night like a thick cape blocking their light so you can see nothing, even the moon is invisible and above you there’s an only a dark immensity without stars.
Fuck, fuck, fuck you repeat trembling, this stupid silky dress and the thin shawl you wear doesn’t protect you for this freezing night. Stupid fucking dress, stupid fucking heels you mutter, your teeth chatter and you try to focus on the road and finding anything that could get you out of here without getting yourself killed. Your shoes appear to have heard your complaints when they snap and break and you almost fall down.
“FUCK!” you scream this time and instantly regretting it, you don’t know who could be listening. Now you can walk faster but the probability to lose one or a few of your toes is getting higher every minute that you expend walking barefoot through this dreadful place.
As an apparition, a miracle, you see a dim white light at the end of the road. You run, you could even smile if your face muscles were not frozen. You feel your tears forming warm trickles on your cheeks when you arrive to the phone booth. You haven’t use one in years, even thought they were extinct but now it is as if you had found God.
You open your small red velvet purse, so pathetically small that your phone couldn’t fit in it so you gave it to Tom, and now what? It’s inside his pocket, probably soaked in his blood. Soaked in blood of your dead friend. You stupid friend that got you into this situation on the first place.
“Whatever happens, if everything goes to shit, call this number” he had told you giving you a white card, a number and a name on it: Dave.
Your hands shake so much that you almost drop the card, but you place it on the small tray full of vulgar vocabulary and very graphic drawings inside the booth. You thank karma or whatever it’s up there that all your cards got cancelled last month and recently you relay on cash. A few quarters and cents, a few bills that you had stolen on your way to the club where you were supposed to do the jobwere all you had on your name now. And the rest, what you had saved, your clothes and the few luxuries you own; a book, an old picture and a plant, are gone, forever, they’re at Tom’s house and you know now that he’s dead and has botched the job you could never return to his home if you want to keep being alive. You stretch your fingers and take a deep breath before dropping the coins and dialing the number.
Please pick up, please pick up
You see the counter on the small screen eating your coins away. And you don’t have anything else
Please, please
his voice is deep, a slight tone of annoyance in it, logically because you’re calling at 2 AM
“Yes, who’s this?” you shudder hearing him, you convince yourself it’s because you’re cold but you know it’s not. You’re thinking of the man that owns this velvety voice: brown dark eyes piercing you as if you were made of paper and he could read every little corner and secret that you keep
“I’m Tom’s friend, he’s dead, and now I’m on the middle of nowhere and I need help, please” you plea, your last words sound more like a little girl whimpers
“I’m on my way” and he hangs up
You’re left there looking even more scared and confused. You recoil to the small protection of the booth waiting for that man. That man that lurks in your dreams, that scares you and intrigues you and that has occupied every thought since you met him.
A week ago
“So, explain to me again, what are we doing?”
“You need the money or not?” Tom stops and confronts you in the middle of the road
“I need it, of course, but I want to know what I’m getting myself into before ending up dead or in jail” you say not moving until he is a little clearer
“We’re meeting with one of my boss’ men and he will give us something to hand to someone else in a place and a time they had accorded. And that’s it. You and I get paid and everybody’s happy” he says with a desperate smile “C’mon” he approaches you and squeeze gently your arms, he even bends a little to meet your gaze “you know I have many friends and I have proposed this to you, only you, haven’t I? Cos I trust you” he adds
“Because I’m fucking broke, Tom. The rest of your friends wouldn’t be as desperate as me” You blurt
“Okay, let’s meet him and if it doesn’t convince you, I’ll do it alone. C’mon, let’s not be late, he would not like that”
You nod reluctantly. You hope this dude would pay for lunch, you’re starving, you had some instant noodles last night and today your breakfast was the crumbs of cereals that Tom had left because he was too lazy to throw away the box.
The restaurant is clearly not made for people like you and Tom, the employees look at you up and down but when they’re about to kick you out, a big man approaches them and he guides you to a part of the local that is quite with a warm and intimate light. There’re a few tables but they’re all empty, the last one is occupied by a well-dressed man that looks at the both of you intently.
Your first thought is that he doesn’t look as you had expected. You were sure that Tom was involved with drug dealers and whatever the job entitled was about drugs, weapons or both. He looks like a middle-age business man, or a public agent. He wears a tailored dark gray suit, an elegant wool coat and he’s clean shaven, elegant shoes, expensive, you think. God, make him be nice enough so he pays for lunch
When you face him, although you stay behind Tom, your theories about the man crumble. His eyes, those dark brown orbs, are fixed at Tom and his defined jaw clenches, in a second his eyes are on you and you can’t stand his gaze much longer.
“Hi, Dave, I didn’t know I would be seeing you, I thought I’d be meeting Resnik as usual” Tom voice is high and shaky, so it confirms your thoughts; the man is dangerous even if he doesn’t look like it
“This is important, and you came accompanied” he tilts his head to you
“I thought this was a job for two” Tom takes a sit in front of him and Dave leans on his seat stretching his shoulders, he’s broad, strong, how did you think this man was no threat at all?
“You thought” he smirks and you freeze on your feet, is it too late to run away? “And what’s your name?”
You tell him, your voice sounds pathetic, a little too squeaky. He smiles and wet his lips with the tip of his tongue and suddenly every coherent thought that you could think is out of the window.
“Please take a sit” Dave appears to be a little bit more relax now, he crosses his hands over the table and smiles to the two of you “So why do you think you could be of service?”
“Well, it’s a club, a guy alone is usually a creep but if we go together we’re a couple, and they wouldn’t look at me if I’m with her” he chuckles and points at you
You open your mouth about to insult Tom and seeing that his intentions could be way more different that you thought. You’re not doing that kind of job
“Yeah” Dave agrees and looks at you up and down, he doesn’t avert his eyes when you look at him with you eyebrow raised. He’s not ashamed, he’s checking you out and he wants you to know it “It’s actually not a bad plan”
“I’m sorry, but whatis the plan?” you interrupt
“It’s simple, you and your boyfriend...”
“He’s not my boyfriend” you clarify
“Right” he seems to think about that for a few seconds, before he resumes the conversation “You two go to this club, there, you’ll meet the contact and you’ll give them this” he raises his hand and the big man that had previously taken you to the table gives him a black briefcase “There’re two things that are extremely important” He pushes the case towards you “one, you cannot open it and see what’s inside, I’ll know if you do. Two, whatever happens you must acquire the envelope that the contact would give to you in exchange for this”
“Consider it done, Dave” Tom reaches for the man and gently taps on his arm. You watches as the man tenses when he’s touched and if looks could kill...Tom would be dead on the ground in this very second
“I’m sorry, can I ask you a question?” you raise your hand and the tense moment passes when Dave looks at you and he’s smiling, actually a very warm smile
“Of course”
“You said whatever happens, what could happen? Who are we meeting?” you ask, Tom opens widely his eyes and kicks you under the table
“Don’t worry Tom, they are actually pretty good questions” when he switches his eyes to Tom, he’s back to that opaque stare that makes you tremble “I’m not going to lie to you, sweetheart” he sighs, the endearing term has made your belly turn and it’s not hunger, at least not the food type “this people are dangerous, and they could try to trick you into changing the terms of the agreement, or ask questions about me or any other thing, and you must stay put and seal the deal fast and easy. Don’t do anything stupid”
“Right... what’s inside the case?” you ask again, you try really hard not to avert your eyes, he has his eyes fixed on you, his gaze goes from your eyes to your lips and you squirm on your seat.
“I cannot tell you that” he shakes his head “but it’s something valuable, you have to be very careful with it”
“If we are caught by the police with that” you point to the briefcase “are we gonna be in trouble?”
He smirks and crosses his arms over his chest; you cannot prevent your eyes from admiring how the fabric of his clothes tenses around his muscles.
“You don’t have to worry about the police” he assures
“I feel you’re telling us not to worry about many things and I think it’s on the contrary we have too many things to worry about...with all due respect” you add, Tom kicks you harder this time and giggles nervously
“It’s your first time, it’s natural! I’ve done a few times, you don’t have to worry, you’ll be with me! right, Dave?” Tom slaps him on his shoulder again playfully and the man flinches and has a menacing look if you do it one more time, asshole, we’re going to die right here right now you think
“Right” he answers “Tom, why don’t you go with Kovac to the car you’ll use for the job, there you’ll have the phones and everything you’ll need to complete the mission” he says eventually. The big man, Kovac, approaches the table and stands besides Tom until he gets up to follow him.
You stand up too, thinking that the lunch is over.
“Stay, please” Dave grabs your wrist softly and you gasp when you feel his warm touch
“I-I” you stutter
“Don’t you want to eat anything? I sense you have more questions” he doesn’t let go of your hand, he brushes his fingers softly where you skin is thinner and you feel your pulse rushing, surely he does too
“Yes...I mean I could eat something” you sit, the rumbling on your belly confirms your hunger
“Order anything you want” he stands up and raises a hand towards a waitress. She rushes to the table with the menus while Dave takes off his coat and jacket, he raises his sleeves carefully and you are not aware that you’ve been staring at him the whole time with eyes wide open and lips partially parted, you’re completely dumb by his presence. He’s tall, strong and broad and you can’t smell his cologne and his aftershave from there and all you can think is coming closer to him and tasting his neck.
You look down the menu suddenly when you find that Dave has caught you admiring him and is smiling slyly at you.
“Anything you like?” he asks
“Yeah...I’d like...” you read as fast as you can trying to find something, the prices are ridiculous “the salad” you answer
“You can order anything, sweetheart” the term makes you skin tingle again, he’s voice is actually sweet and his smile docile this time when he sits again facing you
The waitress comes back and asks for your order but it’s smiling widely to Dave.
“So what you would like to order, sir?”
“We’re both getting the prime steak” he answers and you blush, of course you’d like to eat that but it’s so freaking expensive you didn’t even think about that
“Fries or roasted vegetables?” she taps on the screen
“Both” yes, you cheer inside your head, you’re going to eat properly for the first time in months
You actually don’t care about the job or Dave or anything when the plate arrives, and certainly you have forgotten about your friend, it’s been long enough but the scent of the meat makes your mouth water. You have forgotten your manners too; you attack the steak as if you were a caveman. The pleasure of the first bite makes you moan and wiggle or your seat.
“It’s good, isn’t it?” Dave comments and you’re suddenly aware of where you are and with whom, he has an amused look
“Thank you” you say with your mouth full
“It’s nothing”
“I looked that hungry, huh? that’s why you ordered this?”
“Yes, you seemed to need a bit of protein. Protein makes you brain function properly and I need you sharp and quick if you’re going to work for me” he says picking from his plate
“You think I will work for you, I mean for longer than just this one job?” you scoff, you’re desperate, but you want to keep on the good track, find a proper job, a small apartment and stay out of trouble
“You don’t want to? I think you need the job” he licks his lips and you are again looking longer than you should
“Yes, but I need a proper job, a salary each month a conventional one. No offence”
“None taken. So you’re not like your friend”
“No, I guess I’m not. I’m just in a rough patch. Desperate situations calls for desperate measures” You shrug
“Hmm” he hums “I’m glad I can help you out of it then” he adds
“Yes, thank you. Though I’m still thinking that it could get me more trouble than I already have” you counter
“No if you’re smart and I think you’re a pretty smart girl”
“You’ve just met me”
“I’m good at reading people, part of the job” he shrugs
“So I’m a hungry desperate smart girl. Seems accurate”
“Pretty” he completes
“What?” you ask thinking you had heard him wrong
“I said you’re a hungry―I hope not anymore― desperate, pretty comma smart girl. Pretty as an adjective” he clarifies
You blush and look at him opening and closing your mouth searching for words
In that moment, Kovac and Tom arrive. The large man nods to Dave, and Tom looks at you and your half empty plate with a confused look.
“I have to go, but please, sit and finish your dish, you can order whatever you want too, Tom. Everything is on me. You don’t have to worry” Dave stands up and puts his jacket and coat back. You think you see a little bit of disappointment on his face. He reaches his hand to you, you drop the fork thinking that he wants to shake your hand but he brushes his thumb over your lower lip where a drop of the meat’s blood and sauce stains your chin.
“It’s been a pleasure” he says and then licks his thumb. He goes before you can answer and Tom is talking to you but you don’t listen.
All you could think was him, repeating that moment again and again in your mind.
“Are you listening?”
“I told you about the car they gave us. It’s pretty cool”
You smile and focus on your plate, the juicy meat is delicious but all that passes through your brain is his lips. You bite and moan loudly.
Two hours before the phone booth call
The club is actually a house, a clandestine local in a remote place full of people playing poker and other types of game betting more money than you’ve ever seen. You and Tom arrive there holding hands, his left hand holding the briefcase. Tom had bought you your outfit, high heels that you don’t know how to walk with, a very revealing dress and the idiot forgot you hadn’t a proper coat to wear with this and here you are in the middle of winter with a shawl. Luckily the place is warm enough and you just suffered during the time you run to the entry from the parking.
The establishment smells like alcohol and cigars, its red velvet walls reminds you of the interior of a coffin and that image makes you shiver. You try not to look at anybody and focus on following Tom to the black armored door at the back. When you arrive he knocks twice before a small slot opens and a man asks for a password.
“Just like spy movies, huh?” Tom smiles and you would laugh but you’re terrified. Once that door closes behind you, there’s no way out
A large man dressed in black escort you through a red lighted aisle towards another armored door. This time he’s the one knocking twice, the slots opens and when a pair of eyes look through it you hear the locks being unlocked before they open it.
There’re ten people inside, chatting over a black table with some glasses on it. The conversation stops when you enter. Without a sign some of them are escorted out and only three men stay.
“Sit please, your girl can serve herself a drink” one man says, sitting at the center of the table. He’s dressed also in black, he’s blond hair sleek and shiny with hair gel “I guess you have something for me”
“Yes” Tom approaches the table and places the briefcase at the center. You do as you’ve been told and approach the bar full of different drinks. You’re too nervous to drink but you grab one of the empty glasses and pour some liquor in it. Your back is pressed against the sticky wood and you try to act casual.
The second man on the left takes it and opens it and shows it to the two other. There’s only one light in the room above the table and from here you can’t see much but it’s clear that the briefcase is full of money.
“Excellent. Did you know how much there is inside it?” the blond man ask Tom
“No” Tom seems relaxed, his arm leans on his chair and has his legs crossed
“There’s half a million here” he answers
“Wow!” Tom laughs
“For such a tiny thing” the man grabs something from his pocket and places a small white envelope on the table “Do you know what this is?”
And we don’t want to know you answer in your head Gosh Tom, let’s go
“Just an address. Somebody really valuable for your boss, look how much he’s paying. This poor fellow” he taps over the envelope “it’s nobody to me, that’s why I’m willing to trade this simple information knowing it will get him killed, but I have another deal for you, one that I’m really interested in”
Say no, no, we have to go now you clear your throat to get his attention but Tom ignores you
“You just have to let us track you to the place where you’ll meet your boss. And you can take the case back with you and I promise one similar to this one will find you once we kill your boss” he offers. Tom bites the inside of his cheek and hums
“Just track me?”
No, no, no you scream inside. You place the glass on the bar loudly but Tom is fixed with hungry eyes on the case.
“Let us install a simple tracking device to your car. And take this” he pushes the open briefcase “it’s yours”
Tom smiles and grabs it “Thank you”
“My colleague will accompany you to your car” the blonde man smiles back and the other man that reminded silent during the meeting gets up to follow Tom back to the car.
You walk to the table before they leave.
“I’m sorry, but he’ll need the envelope for the meeting. He cannot present himself empty handed, he will be dead before you could find his boss and they will make sure it’s the right one” you say shyly
“You’re a smart girl” the blond says “Here you are” he tends the paper and you force a smile.
You rush towards Tom and grab his hand. The man follows you a few meters away in silence. So you grab Tom by the waist and faking a smile whispers to his ear “What the fuck are you doing? Dave is going to kill us. You betrayed him”
“It’s a million dollars and they can take care of Dave for all I know he can die, he was paying a misery and I’m the one getting my ass in danger, don’t I?” he says back
“It’s better than being dead. And he’s going to kill us both and I did nothing, you betrayed me too”
“Calm down! I’m going to give you a part of this. Isn’t this what you wanted?” He has to raise his voice over the music once you arrive to public part of the club
“I didn’t want to die, I just want money to start again, not being involved in killing people and shit” you accused back
“Yeah right and it has nothing to do with you making eyes to Dave during lunch. Gosh, you’re pathetic. Shut up, take the money, and we will see each other never again” he pushes you from him clearly not caring to keep the being a couple front anymore.
When you arrive to the parking, Tom leaves the briefcase on the back seat. You stand a few meters away not knowing what to do. Tom is the only way out from here but you don’t want to participate in his treason.
“Open the driver’s door” the man says standing behind Tom
“Right away, brother”
Everything happens in an instant. You hear the gasp, the air leaving Tom’s body and his corpse hitting the ground more than the shot. Once the man raises the gun to you, you’re already running away.
You hear the bullets breaking the air and you run faster, tears running from your eyes but your bite your lips to prevent you from crying out loud knowing that he can hear you. Once your chest hurts and burns you stop, hidden in the tall grass you listen intently trying to know if he’s following you. And you wait. And you wait more.
You crouch down and you suddenly remember that you’re holding so hard to your purse and the little piece of paper that your hand hurts. You hold the envelope to your heart and sit on the cold mud because your legs cannot hold you any longer.
Present. Phone Booth
You think about the trip from town to this place and try to calculate how long it would take Dave to arrive. And it’s long and probably you’ll be dead before he comes even close. The men from the club must be looking for you. You’re a loose end, you know their faces and their place, everything. And you know Dave too. Shit.What are you going to tell him? Yes, Tom betrayed you but I didn’t. I actually didn’t want to do it, but did I prevent it? I couldn’t but what would he think? You’re a loose end for him too.
You know he runs shady business. And for all he knows you wanted to take the money as well and just was quicker on your feet so you ran away. He doesn’t know you; he knew Tom and he betrayed him. How could he trust you?
You need something, something to make him think you are true, that you didn’t betray him. And though you felt something in your little lunch together, he could just be playing with you or interested in a carnal way. God knows you had had very inappropriate thoughts about him too, but that doesn’t make you any less of a traitor. Pretty he said, pretty enough to be kept alive even though he doesn’t know if he can trust you? You don’t think so.
Whatever happens you must acquire the envelope he had said. So you open it. There’s a simple address on it:
8518 Rayburn Rd, Bethesda, MD 20817
So you expend the rest of the time repeating again and again. Until the pair of lights of the car appear through the fog. You hope it’s Dave and not the men from the club If it’s so I’ve expended my last moments alive memorizing a stupid address. Great.
The black car drives slowly until it’s a few meters away. You grab the paper and make a ball out of it and swallow it fast chewing hard. It’s horrible, raspy and muddy, but you know that throwing it wouldn’t do it as well as tear it apart. The paper needs to disappear; you must be indispensable to him.
You actually cry in relief when Dave calls your name and you run towards the lights. You actually don’t think your action but when you see his shape you run faster and hug him tightly. He’s warm and smells delicious as you noticed at the restaurant. He tenses at first but then he holds you back, gently patting your head and hushing you with calming noises.
“You’re alright, you’re safe now” you know it’s not actually true but in that second you enjoy it “Get in the car, you’re freezing” he caresses your arms up and down trying to warm you
When you get in the car, you feel as you have step inside the gates of heaven. It’s warm and cozy, the leather is the softest thing you have ever felt and everything smells like Dave. He gets in the driver’s seat and grabs something from the back: his wool coat and throws it over you and tucks you in it. He stays in silence for a few minutes and you feel yourself doze off when he speaks in a soft and low tone.
“So what happened?” he sighs and leans on his seat turning to you
“Tom was a fucking idiot” you spat and he grins “They offered him the money inside the briefcase for your location and promised him more money” you speak the truth, you know there’s no point in lying to him “He accepted and well, I didn’t know what to say, I tried to change his mind but it was too late”
“What happened to the envelope?” he asks
“I took it”
“Can you give it to me?” he reaches a hand and you see he’s wearing leather gloves, actually he’s completely dressed in black
“No” you say and you bite your lip
“You lost it?” he asks and you cannot read what’s going through his mind but his eyes are fixed on you, darker than you remembered
“No” you say
“You have to give it to me” he says and his voice gets lower, it should be menacing, it is, but you feel your lower belly twist
“I ate it” you answer
“You did what?” he looks surprise but you cannot tell if he’s mad or amused
“I remember the address” you take out one single finger from under the coat and point to your temple “I memorized it and ate it so you wouldn’t kill me”
Dave stays there in silence for a few minutes, and then smirks and chuckles
“Very good” he praises “You did very good” he reaches for you cheek and brushes his leather gloved hands tenderly “Good girl” his voice is low and deep and it makes you squirm under your cover, his coat, that smells just like him.
“You’re not going to kill me?” you murmur
“No, I cannot do it now, don’t I?” he smiles at you
“But what about when I tell you the address and you kill whoever lives there, what then?” you say, now that you’re warm enough you are aware of the mess you made of his car, mud stains everywhere, his coat is ruined “I’m a witness and now I know you’re about to kill somebody” you add
“You remember what I told you at the restaurant?” he asks and starts the car finally moving from this dreadful place
Yes, you called me sweetheart a couple of times and then called me pretty you want to answer
“I told you about working for me” he reminds you
“You want me to work for you?”
“Yes. I want it since I first met you, sweetheart” you actually surprise yourself once you feel that you’re smiling when he calls you that again
“You trust me? But Tom...”
“Tom was Tom, you are you. And I trust you to be smarter than he was. You have proved it to me, he failed the test he had to pass” you admire his strong big hands on the wheel and his straight posture that allows you to marvel at his features and his long neck
“What test?” you say after scolding yourself for looking at him like an idiot
“This test”
“This was a test? What?” you cry
“Not in the sense that it was prepared, of course. Those men were very much interested in me and my team, and I knew they were trying to get some of my men to turn. I have to test Tom before he entered the team for more complicated tasks, I had to know if he was ready, and he wasn’t”
“And why did you let me get in this?”
“That was his first mistake. Never ever” he points with his finger “tell another person about the job or try to get somebody on it without me asking first. I allowed it because I saw something in you. A hunger”
“Is that a joke?” you ask
“I guess” he smirks “but also true, you said it yourself ‘desperate situations call for desperate measures’ That was what got me on this kind of job on the first place. I liked you, I’d just hoped you were as smart as you looked and got out there alive. And you did”
“What if I don’t want it?” you mutter
“Hmm” he evaluates for a moment “Again, I hope you’re smarter than that and refuse the only chance you have. I mean, you have been evicted, all your accounts cancelled, you don’t have a family and the relatives that you still have you wouldn’t contact them even if you were dying, so, I’m the only thing you got, sweetheart”
“Did you investigate me?” you ask after a few quite minutes. He’s right, you know that
“Yes, I have to know everything if you’re going to be part of the team” he admits with a shrug
“I know nothing about you, or your team, how am I going to trust you?” you demur
“You will learn to trust me and the team once you’re trained” he explains
“Train? Who’s going to train me? and for what?”
“I’m going to train you. I’m going to train you until you’re what I want and what I need and in time; I think it will be a satisfying ending for both of us and this situation”
“What kind of job would I do?”
“Kill” he says simple and straightforward
You shiver at his words and hold tight to his coat. Do you really want to be an assassin? Do you have a choice?
He stops the car. You don’t have a house, you have nothing, only this, a dirty dress and a borrowed coat and the help of a man you’re sure could and would kill you without hesitation. And though, you have no choice there’s a side of you that’s dying to surrender to him, to let him make you what he wants. You desire to be his, you want to be what he wants, what he needs but not as his associate, not exactly like that.
“So what do you say? Do you want to be mine?” you squirm on your seat.
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glumblr · 4 years
Arabic Essential Grammar #4
Hello again! Sorry it’s been 2 weeks but I am *almost* done with my summer school woo!
ANYWAYS today’s topic was requested by somebody, but I can’t find who, so if you’re reading this, this is for YOU. 
Today we are looking at - 
Inna (إن) and Kaana (كان) and their sisters!
Sisters? in Grammar? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??
Don’t worry! I will do my best to explain. To understand this, you’ll need to know how cases work in Arabic, so go check out my post on this to get a basic understanding on the function of each case  and how it is represented. 
Okay, so what are Inna (إن) and Kaana (كان)?
They represent categories of words which affect the case of what follows them.  Yes, these are their “sisters”. So Inna and her sisters all follow one rule, and Kaana and her sisters follow another. Think of it as two different households, each having their own way of life  and their schedule. 
In grammatical terms, this “way of life” and “daily schedule” refers to the word order and the case of the different components of the sentence they’re in. 
These two households are important, since the words that fall into the categories are very common and necessary to have a nice written command of Arabic. 
Now before we get into the nitty gritty, make sure you have a good idea of what the subject ( المبتدا) and the predicate (الخبر) is in an Arabic nominal sentence. ( my post here introduces the concept quite succinctly!) . These are the two components whose cases are affected by Inna and Kaana!
Okay let’s go!
إن و أخواتها  - Inna and her sisters
Here are Inna and her sisters + their meanings - (note the shadda ّ  for some of them) 
 - إنّ - indeed ( inna)
- أنّ - that ( e.g. I heard that) (anna)
- كأنّ - as if, (ka’anna) 
- لكنّ - but (lakinna)
- ليت - i wish (layt)
- ّلعل - perhaps / i hope (la3alla) ( in comparison to “layt” which is wishful, “la3alla” implies something is more likely to occur)
- لأنّ - because (li’anna) 
now these are all used at the beginning of a sentence to have the desired meaning. However these have a catch  - whenever you use these, the subject of the sentence becomes mansuub (accusative) and the predicate becomes marfu’3 ( nominative). 
example sentence :المطرُ غزيرٌ - the rain is heavy - (al maṭaru ġazīrun) - both are in the nominative. 
- with Inna and akhwaatu-ha, this changes to - 
ليت المطرَ غزيرٌ - (layt al maṭara ġazīrun) I wish the rain was heavy - Here , the subject ( al maṭara)  is in the accusative as opposed to the nominative and the predicate remains in the nominative. 
This is the case, regardless if you wanted to say “ indeed the rain is heavy” or “as if the rain was heavy” or “ I heard that it was going to rain”. 
Why not give those sentences a try!! 
Okay now
كان و أخواتها - Kaana and her sisters
Kaana has a much bigger household lol - i have only included the most commonly used of her siblings. 
- كان - (past tense indicatior e.g. عندي = “i have” but كان عندي = “i had” ) (kaana)
- أصبح = to become (asbaḥa) 
- ظلّ - to stay, to remain (ẓalla)
- ليس - (negation indicator  - ليس عندي = “i don’t have”) (laysa)
- ما برح - ( indication of continuity) (maa bariḥa)
- مازال - to stay, remain ( sth that is continous to the present e.g. “has remained”) ( maa zaala) 
note - kaana and her sisters CONJUGATE to match their subject e.g. if you use ليس in the past tense first person singular, it will become لستُ ( i’m thinking of covering past tense conjugations next week! it’s a big one!) 
The catch when using these is the opposite to inna wa akhwaatu-ha - the subject of the sentence becomes marfu’3 ( nominative)  and the predicate becomes mansuub (accusative).
 so using the same example sentence , let’s use kaana wa akhwaatu-ha!
كان المطرُ غزيرً - (kaana maṭaru ġazīran) - the rain was heavy. 
Again, the same goes for everything else in kaana’s family. 
the end?? 
Okay, that about explains inna and kaana! It’s easier once you get your head around it. no I don’t know why it exists either. 
I know that some bits I have left quite vague ( like what the heck is an indication of continuity and how does negation work) but I’ve done that on purpose, because honestly those all belong their own posts and I want to focus on one topic at a time, to avoid getting you ( and myself!) all muddled~ 
Of course, you can explore any of the topics you want online - don’t feel like you have to wait for me! 
For books, I recommend the Routledge Arabic Grammar and the Modern Literary Arabic  by David Cowan ( old but gold!) - please try to buy them secondhand from somewhere other than amazon! let’s not support terrible working conditions! Even better - buy it local - support a charity! or your local bookshop, they definitely need it right now! 
also recommend Arabic.desert-sky.com for fantastic blog posts that are much more to the point than mine!
Thank you for reading! Please let me know of any glaring mistakes , suggestions and requests! I will do them allllll
and of course, if you have any questions dm me!
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cosmicallytiki · 4 years
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The ‘Cursed’ Witch of the Woods and the Golden Dragon.
More about this au under the cut. As well as a little snippet of them truly meeting for the first time. (Grammar errors and swapping tenses are bound to be littered throughout. I am not a writer)
Akira grows up with a reputation of being a cursed witch. Sure in a world of magic, mystical creatures/fae, etc. not all of it is bad, but some is. He always believed in in giving creatures a chance even those with bad reputations or commonly hunt. Does he actually curse anyone? Probably has the ability too but would never do it without good reason.  Still doesn’t help his case. A few bad spells and being seen by the wrong people his fate was sealed. His looming reputation for having “dark” magic and being caught helping the creatures of the forest he eventually gets outcasted and ends up living deep in the thick of the forest.
He builds/finds a home there and spends his time studying. Being out in the wilderness with access to flora and herbs, he excels in making potions, teas, salves, etc with various properties. He also continues helping fae when he can if they’re not hostile. Through his kindness he’s actually able to study some more thoroughly than others ever before since most creatures are usually chased out of their habitats or hunted so data on them is inaccurate and outdated.
No one actively seeks him out and he is able to go back into town for trade and supplies but he’s still not the most welcomed individual even after being outcasted for some time.   As for where Ryuji comes in there was a hunting party that went out after rumors of a golden dragon had been seen around the area. Dragons are commonly hundred for sport and their scales, bones, and organs are worth a lot of money because of their various uses. A golden dragon just happens to be a jackpot due to the rarity of the coloring in their scales. Obviously the fighting goes south. The hunting party is badly hurt and has to retreat as the dragon managed to escape. It shouldn’t be too hard to find anyways. Even though it didn’t appear full grown, the beast was badly hurt. It wouldn’t be too hard to find where it scurried off too even if they took some time to regroup.
While this is happening Akira is out collecting some herbs and notices the destruction of the area. His curiosity getting the best of him he investigates where the damage leads... And finds a boy piled in a heap..
Little did anyone really know is that dragons can take on humanoid forms. While not all their features can be hidden, it’s not obvious they’re a dragon. Why would Ryuji even change when he’s hurt so badly? The smaller you are the easier it is to hide.
Akira’s not blind, he can tell Ryuji is some sort of magic but can't put his finger on it. (Not like he's really ever interacted with dragons before) But for right now it doesn’t matter. He sees a half dead fae in front of him and he sure as hell not going to sit around doing nothing. With a bit of a struggle he manages to haul the other back to his place, great his wounds, and give him his bed to sleep. ———— Ryuji wakes up with a start. The strong smell of herbs and spices fills his nostrils. It's honestly not something he's used to and it adds onto his building panic and stress. Akira is just off to the side reading. Hearing him rouse, he’s not particularly alarmed since most people would be tense waking up after something like that.Ryuji whips his head and can't help but follow his instincts seeing a human, lunging at him while transforming back into a dragon. Terrible idea really because pain courses through his body.
Oh shit I just let a dragon into my house....Akira pales as he's pinned. The beast above him growling I in both pain and anger. "H-Hey... Its okay! I'm not going to hurt you!" He wished his voice came out more calm but  the combination of getting the wind knocked out of you and having something with very sharp teeth that could rip through your throat looming over you is a bit panic inducing..
The quick bit of adrenaline Ryuji felt is sapped from his body. His grip loosening with a wince. Still trying to keep up the facade a low growl continues coming out from him.
The raven frowns seeing this. One moment he sees his life flash before his eyes and the next he still finds himself feeling sympathy for the creature attacking him. "You're still hurt. As much as understand you don't want to see a human right now you need to rest. Going outside in your condition is a death sentence..." He finds it easy to push back against the claws that holds him down. It helps the beast seems to be backing off a bit more. "Now back to bed with you. Big lizard or not you need sleep. What ever form your more comfortable in." Akira says with a huff, gaining some confidence back. "This is the safest place in the woods. No other human is going to venture out here. At least without me knowing about it. Whether you believe me or not is up to you. Whether you stay or not is also your choice. By all mean the bed is yours until you need it."
Ryuji blinks. The gall of this human ordering him around. Well, he doesn’t seem like a threat for now so he slinks back off to the bed. It creaks at the weight of his dragon form and he can see the human wince as it bows under him. He smirks to himself for a moment seeing the displeasure, but he figures he should give them a reason to take back his hospitality and changes back.
Akira clicks his tongue in frustration once the dragon is settled back in bed. Some of the bandages starting to turn crimson.  “Wait here.” He leaves the room and rummages around for some jars and bandages.
Ryuji can help but sit up and bare his teeth a little as he approaches again. What the fuck does this human want? He just said to rest, why is he coming over now?
Akira puts up his hands defensively. “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise! I just want to fix your bandages and put some more salve on them.” He places everything out on the edge of the bed so the dragon can see. He even opens up the jars and offers one up for the dragon to smell.
It doesn’t smell good, but it doesn’t smell bad either.. just kind of earthy.. maybe a little minty?
“You obviously don’t like me or trust me that much, I get it. Just let me know if anything hurts and I’ll stop.” Akira says calmly trying to keep the peace between them. His movements are slow and careful, his eyes flicking back up to the dragons face to see signs of displeasure.
The salve burns a little which earns a hiss of pain but quickly turns into a numb, tingling sensation that Ryuji isn’t opposed to. He’s honestly surprised with how much this stranger is doing for him. Big gashes seem to have been sewn up and everything except bruising seems to be taken care of. Humanoid skin allows for wounds to be more easily sutured together, though it is still tougher than a normal humans. Small faint patches of scales also litter which can cause bigger road blocks for non-dragons tools. He’s honestly surprised at the determination to help..
“I knew you weren’t human... but I didn’t really expect a dragon either. I honestly didn’t know dragons even had a human form.” Akira rambles as he works. “I mean sure I saw the scales, the claws, and your horns... but honestly you could’ve been a number of things? I don’t know. I’ve been in the forest for years now and I still keep finding new things and creatures.” He runs a hand through his bangs to push them out of the way unintentionally getting some salve on his forehead.
“I just found you while looking for some herbs in the woods. There was this big trail of blood and signs of stuff getting dragged around. Then there was you collapsed in a pile, bruised and bleeding. I couldn’t just let you sit there. I didn’t know if you were attacked by something and left for dead, running away, or anything really. I just kinda acted without thinking.” He flushes slightly and scratches his cheek. “I kind of do that a lot. I help a lot of fae around here and sometimes it really bites me in the butt. But I can just sit by and do nothing if someone needs help.” He tightens the last bandage. “But enough about me. What about you? Do you have a name? I’d like to be able to call you something if you’re going to be here for a bit. You can call me Akira.”
Ryuji thinks for a minute, more of processing everything that happening/being said than anything else.
“Oh I’m sorry! You seemed to understand common. Do no not speak it?” Akira says sounding a bit embarrassed, misunderstanding the moment of silence between them.
“Ryuji.” The blonde responds. “My name is Ryuji.”
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fakehappyme · 6 years
Only Want You C.H.
A/N: Hi! Since I‘m a loser and no one requested anything, I decided to just request something myself (lmao). While I‘m writing this imagine I will be listening to the song „Only Want You“ by Rita Ora and I‘ll see what happens.
Idk what to think about it, it‘s pretty cheesy and all but I hope you like it :)
Summary: you and calum broke up and have a sad life after the break up and andy makes you two meet again
Word count: 3.078
Warning: cheesy and bad grammar
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It's been about six months since Calum and you have broken up. You're living in different parts of LA now and slowly build up a new life without each other again. The break up has been a messy one and both of you suffered terribly from it. You needed a lot of time to recover, but neither of you have forgotten the other yet, since you've had something really special. Everybody knew that what you had was nothing ordinary, but something that destiny must've planed. You looked at each other more intense than other couples did and everyone noticed. When you entered the room there was something like a tension in the air that no one could deny.
It all started when you met at Calum's friend Andy's birthday party. You were a close friend of Andy and for a short amount of time you even worked together. Calum and you were standing at the bar ordering a beer at the same time.
„A beer, please!", Calum and you shout at the same time to make the bartender hear your order over the loud music.
„Oh sorry, I didn't want to push in.", you say, giving Calum an apologetic smile.
„How dare you?", he glances at you just to see your surprised face, breaking into laughter shortly after. „I'm joking, it's all good."
„You scared me for a second. I thought you were one of these arrogant people that walk around this party. Like, I haven't met just one nice person yet, that's why I needed this beer real quick. I love Andy but most of his friends are assholes.", you tell Calum, making him laugh even more.
„Well, I just came so I can't relate but I like you, so we could hang out if you like.", he offers.
„Sounds good.", you gladly accept. „I'm (Y/N), by the way."
„Calum.", he answers, shaking your hand.
And this exact moment, was when you first touched the love of your life. For strangers it may seems just like another stupid love story, but for you it was life changing.
You were together for three years. The three best years of your lifes, followed by the worst six months after the break up. There were times when both of you didn't even know why you broke up in the first place and you just wanted to call each other to make up. But one characteristic that your kids would surely have is subbornness, because both of you have it in masses. So you never called each other after that one night, that changed your lifes again.
„What do you mean? I didn't cheat on you, Calum. You know as well as everyone else in this world that I could never cheat on you. Not even if I wanted to. And I don't see why I would want that.", you defend yourself once again. As much as you love each other, as heated are the fights. Fights aren't a rarity in your flat since the jealousy often takes over both of you. It was almost pathetic how often you would fight over something so simple just because you couldn't stand seeing the other one with another person.
„Yeah sure, (Y/N), I'm not stupid. Why would you spend a whole night at Crystal's house after a party and don't even think about calling me? And then Derek posts a pic of you hugging him on instagram? I can count one and one.", Calum hisses. He would never scream at you, even when you fought about stuff like this, you still had the biggest respect for each other.
„You're being ridiculous, Calum. I can't believe you can't trust me and have to accuse me of something like that. I'm sorry that he posted that pic, but we're not even that close on it.", you argue, pointing at the big space between yourself and Derek on the picture to proof your point. „I don't understand what kind of drug makes you fantasize shit like this, but I recommend you to stop taking it. You can call Crystal and Derek and ask them about last night, but I'm out."
„Maybe you should.", he says as calm as you had never heared his voice. Your fights were always intense, but it has never been this bad. This time it fully escalated.
„Okay, I'm packing my bags and I'll be gone in a few hours, don't worry, you'll probably never have to see my cheater-face again."
These were one of the last words said in your relationship. This time he didn't stop you. This time you didn't exaggerate.
None of your friends could believe it when you were telling them. It was Calum and (Y/N), you got through the worst of times together and now you were breaking up over something so stupid. Nobody could tell what was different this time. Maybe you were just exhausted from the many fights you've had over the last few weeks. It was always the same. You couldn't stand seeing each other with someone else. But how could this obsession break you apart, when you should be glued to each other? When you couldn't live without each other? Maybe that was the point. You couldn't live without each other.
For weeks after the break up you didn't leave your apartments. Calum went to the Studio and back home again, he skipped every party he was invited to and called in sick every single day he wasn't desperately needed on. You even quit your job, where you worked with Andy. You couldn't take being reminded of Calum through his friend and Andy constantly trying to cheer you up. But it wasn't so easy thinking about something else when you need to edit photos of your ex-boyfriend. You knew he had the best intentions, but working on 5sos stuff with Andy after the break-up was simply impossible for you. Before the break-up it seemed like a hobby, editing posters, pictures and videos of your boyfriend and his band with your best friend, but now seeing Calum hurt your eyes. Not because you hated him, but because you missed him so much and seeing and not being able to talk to him caused you endless pain.
It took you a few weeks to find a new job in a little photo-shop a few blocks from her apartment. At first you were living with Crystal, but you didn't want to disturb Michael and her living there, even though she said it was okay. But it was better for everyone. Michael reminded you of Calum, too. Everything did. Even breathing sometimes reminded you of Calum, so you were in desperate need to cut everything out of your life that really reminded you of him, even though it broke your heart. You loved Crystal, the band, Andy and everything around them. But Calum and you was history. A sad beautiful tragic love story.
The hurt soon was unbearable so the both of you tried everything to mend it by looking for someone else. You tried everything. Partying and wearing the shortest dresses, even sleeping with others, but none of it worked. They weren't Calum and none of them could ever replace him. Little did you know the girls Calum slept with couldn't replace you either.
The photo-shop you worked at now was really small and barely anyone knew about it. Sometimes you had to take passport photos or application photos of people or you advised people on what camera or what lenses to buy. It wasn't that you minded working there, but you just didn't feel like you belonged there. It was almost like you didn't belong into the life you were living. Without your dream job, without your friends, without Calum. They took your life with them and you needed to get it back.
After two months of working there you were on a good way. You made friends with your new co-worker, Sandra, and you actually managed to not think about your past life as much as you did before. You even unpacked some of the boxes in your apartment, that you hadn't touched since you moved out of your apartment with Calum.
It was almost like you got a piece of your life back and you could finally breathe again.
You could breathe, until one day, after these long six months of trying to recover, when you were working your shift in the shop and suddenly Andy walked in. You felt your body tense up and you felt like crying again. It was like everything you worked so hard for was gone.
He looked at you and froze. Did he not know that you worked here? At the same time he looked like something would finally make sense to him. „(Y/N)?", Andy asked. „Is that really you? I haven't seen you in like.. two months?"
You just nodded. You felt like your voice would break if you tried to speak, so you didn't.
„How are you?", he spoke softly as he came closer to you and saw how much you were fighting the tears.
„I..", you started. „I think I am okay.", you said but it sounded more like a question. „You?"
You didn't really want to talk about yourself, because you felt like crying while you did and something told you he noticed, cause he just nodded.
„A little stressed out. I'm planning my birthday party next week and I was actually looking for a lens for my photo-box camera. I was told this shop here had an very professional advisor so I thought coming here was worth a try. They even mentioned your name but I didn't know it was you, but know that I know it's you I'm surprised I didn't think about it."
You smiled, you felt pretty honored that someone would talk about you like that. It didn't appear to you as if people were really thrilled about the shop when they left, but apparently they were good actors.
„You should come.", he said.
„What? Oh, I don't know if that's a good idea..", you tried to stop him.
„(Y/N), please. All of us are missing you so much. We know you and Calum both had a rough time in the last months but it would mean a lot to me. And I know that the other's would love to see you again. We feel like we lost you.", he tries to persuade you while picking out a lens out of the cupboard and placing it on the counter.
„I miss you too, it's just.. it's just that I'm scared to see Calum. It's been so hard and sometimes I really don't know how I can live another day without Calum or any of you guys. But Calum probably doesn't feel the same way, so I need to distance myself or I will be stuck in this misery forever. It's too hard, I'm sorry.", you said a tear rolling down your face, quickly wiping it away with the back of your hand.
„You two are unbelievable, honestly. Instead of calling each other you two would rather suffer in pain forever. How can loving people be so blind?", he asked, handing you the money for the lens after you packed it into a bag. „I know it's hard but you really should come. Maybe you will be able to finish with all of this drama. I'm not going to force you, it's your decision but I really want you to come. Friday, 8pm, my flat.", he told you just before he left the shop. „See ya."
You couldn't think about anything else all week. Your head hurt from constantly thinking the same shit over and over again. „Should I go or not?"
On Friday you felt as if you were in a trance. The hours just passed by and suddenly you found herself in front of Andy's door. You put on you favorite dress, but you didn't feel as good in it as you usually do. The occasion made you feel insecure and weak.
You swallowed the lump in her throat and opened the door.
Loads of people were already there and you felt like everyone was staring at you when you entered, even though no one was even looking at you. You made your way through the crowd and tried to find Andy but you couldn't spot him anywhere, so you decided to get a much needed drink at the bar. „A beer.", you heard herself say and smiled a little at the thought of when you first met Calum at this exact spot, just to find the knife in your heart, knowing he's not yours anymore.
You turned around to see Andy and already want to go over to him when you see Calum standing right next to him. You held on to the beer in your hand when your feet were carrying her to the door, trying to sneak out without anyone seeing you.
„(Y/N),", you heard Andy calling after you but you didn't stop walking towards the door. You couldn't stop. You needed to get away. How could you even think about coming here? What did you even think? You thought it wouldn't hurt?
You slammed the door behind your back and ran down the stairs, hearing how someone opened the door again. „(Y/N), wait!", you heard someone call, but this time it wasn't Andy. It was Calum. Your motions instantly froze and you had to try hard not to fall down the stairs. You felt drunk even though the beer in your hand was still full.
You turned around to find Calum standing directly behind you. His scent already filling your nose, his presence fully hypnotizing you. „I.. I am so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I am leaving now.", you said, handing him the beer, turning around again but he grabbed you by the hand.
„No, please. I've been waiting too long for this to happen. To see you. I can't believe what a dumb fucker I was to let you go and not even trying to get you back. My life was so empty without you and I could barely live a second without thinking about you. I know it sounds stupid and maybe you don't believe me, but it's true. I love you, (Y/N), still and I always will. I'm so sorry for everything."
You felt your heart break at the thought of Calum feeling the same way you did all along. That's probably what Andy meant when he said that both of you were blind. Blind and stubborn.
„I am sorry too. I could've called you, but I was too hurt that you could think I would cheat on you, when you're the only one I could ever love, Calum. I can't love anyone else but you, can you please believe me this time?", you choked on your own words, crying. You didn't know that the fact, that Calum didn't believe you how much you loved him, hurt you so much. You could never actually proof him how much you loved him. You had to trust, that he believes and he didn't. But now that would hopefully change.
„I'm so sorry that I made you believe that it was your fault. It was me who ruined everything. I believe you now. I should have all along, (Y/N). I was so scared you could love someone else, that I forgot how much you love me. And when you were gone I was going insane. I slept with other girls that looked like you just to leave them alone in their beds in the morning to walk to your little shop that your working at. I know how that sounds, it's like I'm a psychopath but I couldn't help it. I just needed to see you, but after you even quit your job with Andy I was scared you didn't want to see me again. But being away from you only taught me that I don't want somebody like you, I only want you, (Y/N).", he said, a tear rolling down his face.
You looked at him in shock. How often have you dreamed about seeing Calum outside of your shop, when it was a quiet day, hoping he would come in and talk to you. The fact that he probably was the one to tell Andy about the shop blew your mind. Even though he kind of was a creepy stalker you couldn't help but laugh hysterically at how absolutely stupid the both of you were.
„Why are you laughing?", he asked a little confused.
„We are so stupid, Calum.", you said wiping the tear from his cheeks, leaning a little closer to him. „I did the same shit.", you admit. „Well, except the creepy stalking. But there wasn't a day where I wasn't hoping you'd call me or come into the shop. I was so sick of wearing these mini-dresses to impress all of these boys who just caused me problems and I hated every number I had in my phone when the one number I wanted to blow up my phone was yours. I don't want to spend another night trying to find another you. Never again.", you said closing your eyes to let the past weeks flash back through your head. All of the pain you had been in, all of these boys that meant absolutely nothing to you were now history. You guessed you had to leave him just to know how much you needed him. As you opened your eyes you couldn't hold yourself back anymore and kiss his plump lips that you missed for so long.
After the kiss and a following make out session you two decided to leave the party you barely attended. Calum still holding the beer in his hands, taking a sip. „Man I could need something stronger after that conversation.", he laughed.
„Me too. But I'm scared the stalker I'm with will kidnap me, I gotta be careful.", you said very happy you two could tease each other already again. It was almost like you were never apart.
„Well, watch me.", he laughed and lifted you up off the ground, carrying you home to the apartment you belong to. The one that you and Calum live in from now on.
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Sorry, Not Sorry P1 of 2
Happy Lowman x Reader/ Reader x Jack OFC
Summary: Happy cheated and you want to make him miss what he lost. Being confident and finding a strength you never knew. Also running into an old friend could prove problematic for Happy and his hopes to get you back.
Triggers: Cheating, violence. Implied Smut. 18+ Only. If you are under 18+, kindly un-follow. 
Also changed some of the story line loves. 
Also, also I suck and grammar and stuff.. sorry... no sorry. ;) See that hahahaa.... no seriously though, sorry.
Also, also, also.. Flashbacks are in italics.
Stepping off the motorcycle your heels hit the cement with a clack. Taking off the helmet, you shook out your hair so it laid perfectly.  The bass from the club was felt in the cement as you walked closer to the door. Wrapping your black manicured nails around the door knob, you opened it slowly. “THERE SHE IS!!” You laughed seeing Lyla and Wendy fake bowing to you as you walked in. “Hey LASS!” Chibs wrapped an arm around your waist kissing your cheek. “Hey Handsome!” you kissed back nodding to him. “Man, you look better than you ever have..” Chibs winked to you. He gave you the confidence you needed tonight. Wendy slid you a whisky over ice. Taking a sip, the burn such a nice welcome. “Girl, look at you, we need to dance.” You nodded finishing your drink. Holding up three fingers, three shots appeared. You each took one. Wendy grabbed your hand, dragging you on the dance floor, waving to Chibs. He chuckled watching you. You where dressed in ripped up skinny jeans. They where ripped all up your thighs, wearing black high heeled boots to your knees. A pocket knife slipped on the side of one of them. You wore a deep neck shirt, your back lace bra showing and your whole back for show as well. Tattoos on full display. A small bandage over his crow. You refused to lose your friends and family because of his terrible decision. “Your covering his crow” Lyla smirked. “Take it off.” She peeled the bandage showing slight discomfort. It was a huge wolf howling. “Wow! So pretty!” You laughed and moved your hips back and forth dancing with the girls. You noticed it was only Bobby and Chibs who had been at the club so far. Tacoma was down and Nevada was up. Wendy called you, begging you to come. Gemma doing the same.  The door slammed open and there was hooting and hollering. The boys where back from a gun run. A song came on and you smirked. This song with a bunch of bikers made you laugh. Someone went to turn it and you threw your knife missing them slightly shaking your head no. “Sorry not sorry” By Demi Lovato played. You stood on the bar with Wendy and Lyla. You sang the lyrics as you danced with your girls. You seen Happy walk through the door. His eyes wide seeing you dancing on the bar.  JAx and everyone walked away dodging the heat that was about to show. “Payback is a bad bitch and baby I am the baddest!” before jumping off you turned around, showing your new tattoo. Happy stopped mid stride seeing this. His heart dropped seeing you were done completely with him. You walked through the crowd dancing. “Baby Im sorry, I’m not sorry!” You walked up to him singing the song. “Talk that talk baby, you better walk that walk baby!” Walking passed him, you jumped on the pool table, Gemma was next to you smirking and nodding a bit. You grabbed her hand and lifted her on the pool table. Truth is, you and her where so close, so when Happy cheated on you, she didn’t give you any bullshit. She knew you would not take his shit. To see you looking so good and confident made her beam. She looked to Happy, his face was tense and he was ruined. The song ended you jumped off the pool table. Lifting Gemma up and set her down on the ground.
Happy couldn’t stop staring at you. You were so strong, physically and mentally. You could box in the ring and clean up a bloody mess without thinking twice. He gritted his teeth together, leaning against the bar table. “She is out to kill tonight..” Tig whispered to him. He looked to Tig with death in his eyes.
“How could you ruin us so easily?” You spat at him, pushing the knife to his throat. HE didn’t budge. He knew better than to test you and your knife skills. Walking back from him, you took off the ring, setting it on the bed table, slamming your knife between it and the table. Turning to your side of the dresser, your grabbed some of your clothes. Happy took a step towards you, to grab you, to beg for forgiveness. You seen his step, you picked up the lap and threw it at him. It shattered cutting his arm. “Next time, I won’t miss your fucking head.” Usually Happy would grab her, slamming her to the wall for disrespecting him. Yet with y/n.. she wouldn’t take that shit. When you said “Sit” She would say “Fuck off”. That is why he loved her.. so much he hurt her. She was too good for him.
Happy followed her movements. She walked outside, a bottle of Jack in hand and a cig. Wendy and Lyla not far from her, almost protecting her. He glanced outside to see her smoking, dancing on the picnic table and chugging the Jack. They were playing their own music, a more pop feel to it. You lost your self in the music. Dancing provocatively with your friends. Wendy in front of you and Lyla behind you. You seen Opie and Jax outside along with a few patches watching you three. You always did know how to draw a crowd.  “I love this song!!!” Wendy yelled. You smirked a bit seeing Happy standing by the door. You jumped off the picnic table walking up to a patch. Happy seen who it was. He was younger, more of a pretty boy. “I just wanna feel your body on me” Happy froze at the song. This song was your song when you stripped for him.
Body on me By Rita Ora and Chris Brown played in the background. Happy had never seen anything more beautiful in his life. The sight of you slowly taking of your clothes had his mouth watering and his pants tight. Your turned around as he seen his freshly tattooed crow on you. That sight almost made him cum right then. Your body twirled to the song, dancing in your black laced panties that seemed to be made for your ass alone. Sitting on his lap, sliding your hips against his ever growing buldge. He tried to slide his hands on you. “Look but no touch..” You whispered in his ear, causing him to shiver. You where a vixen, a siren that he was in love with.
The flash back caused him to gasp slightly, seeing you against the patch. He watched as you slowly lifted his shirt, showing the mans abs as you faked fanned yourself. Wendy whooped and Lyla laughed. The patch, who was clearly new, blushed. The song ended and you went back to the table, grabbing the bottle of Jack, clearly chugging it. “My chick Bad” Played and you laughed a bit and sat back while Lyla and Wendy sang the song that the boys rolled there eyes slightly at, but found it comical.
Happy was against the wall. Jax next to him. They had been ambushed and now four goons with guns where watching them. Two shots rang out. The other two men looked around for the gun shots. You jumped from the roof, Kicking one in the ribs, using the other mans gun to shoot him. Grabbing a gun from your jeans, you shot the other in the head. Happy’s mouth was agape looking at you. He was so turned on and so confused at your ninja like skills. “Honey what do you want for dinner, after I clean this mans nasty blood off of me?” Jax stoop up and hugged you tightly. “Saved our asses doll.” You smiled and kissed his cheek and hugged him after. Baddest chick alive.
The song ended and you stood up. “Need more Jack..” You mumbled to the girls. They nodded as you walked to the door. Walking through you brushed passed Happy like he ment nothing to you. Going to the bar, you bent over slightly. Your ass looking wonderful in those jeans. The bartender handed you a half bottle of Jack. You frowned seeing they had no full bottles. Happy couldn’t stop staring at you. He caused this, he caused you to be this ignorant towards him. Soon Wendy came in, begging you to sing a song outside. You took a sip of the bottle, following her back outside. Gangsta By Kelani played. “I need a gangster, to love me better… than all the others do…”  You sang into the bottle. Lyla and Wendy clapped. “Rather die with me..” You looked over to happy. “I’m fucked up, I’m black and blue..” your hands glided over your now buzzed body“I am good on that pussy shit!” As you sang, you sang your heart out. Stepping to the ground you walked back to the patch you danced with. “My freakiness is on the lose, and running all over you. Please take me to places that no body knows.” You trailed your pointed finger across his chest. IT took everything Happy had not to put a bullet in the patches head.
Happy listened to the woman’s voice as she sang the song in the club. The patches hooted and hollered. It was the same girl that kicked Tigs ass for hurting Kozik with a cheap shot. The same girl who caught the screwdriver he dropped as he tried to hold up the oil gasket as he fixed it. If she needed a gangster.. he was one hell of an outlaw.
The alcohol hit you all at once. You slightly stumbled, the patch catching you gently. “Hey beautiful, lets have you sit down.” He lifted you, sitting you his lap. “The name is Jack.” He shook your hand gently. “Y/n.” He nodded smiling at you. He took out a cig offering you one. Nodding you opened your mouth, he lit it for you after. The tobacco hitting your lungs, feeling the calming aura. You chatted with Wendy as Jack and Jax talked a bit. He was one of the new patches from Tacoma you found out. He also knew who you where and was not scared of Happy since he was the one who fucked it up.  An hour later, you laid your head against his shoulder, starting to pass out. “You can put her in my room since me and Lyla are going to head home.” Jack nodded,
he carried you into the club. Bumping into Happy. “What are you doing?” Jack sighed a bit. “Laying her in Opie’s room to rest.” You opened your eyes hearing Happy’s voice. “Put her in my room.. so she doesn’t”.. Your eyes opened, patting Jack to set you down. Holding his shoulder for support. “Don’t.. you fucking act like you care.. do not… dare tell him what too do. Tacoma killer or not.. your nothing to me anymore. One wolf..” You pointed to your back. You grabbed Jacks hand to follow you. He nodded to Happy following you. Opening Opie’s door, Jack helped you take your boots off. “Thanks.. hun..” “I get your using me to get back at Happy.” Jack laughed a bit as he spoke. “Naw.. I am showing the other girls here you are a winner. Just don’t cheat on a girl.” Jack nodded sitting next to you. You laid your swirling head in his lap, looking up at him. “I have like five years on you.. why are you chilling with me.” You hiccupped slightly. He chuckled down at you. “Because lets be honest, you are the most beautiful woman here.” You smiled up at the man nodding. “Some people don’t think so..” “What happened that night?”
Walking into the house after a long day at work, all you wanted was to rest with your old man. Maybe have a go in the sheets to ease the stress in your joints. Taking off your Nikes, you walked down the hall, hearing an odd sound. Opening your bedroom door you seen a woman bent over. Happy groaning as he fucked her from behind. You looked at the girl and noticed she was from the diner in Lodi. Your instinct took over and you grabbed your gun and shot next to the girl, hitting the mattress. The girl looked up frantic and seen you standing in the door frame. Your gun in hand, your face blank. “I suggest you get out of here before I bury your body.” The girl stood up putting on her clothes, franticly, tripping over her own feet. She ran passed you, darting out the door. You felt like falling to the ground dieing. You had one rule with Happy. No Cheating. Even on runs. You had stayed more than loyal to him. “Y/N please…” Happy spoke lowly. Finally you snapped.
Jack sat there watching as you spoke. He noticed almost how numb to the story you were. “His loss..” Jack spoke calmly brushing loose hair from your face. Closing your eyes, you passed out completely. Jack Pulled you all the way up on the pillows. He took off his boots and laid next to you being exhausted as well. You body instantly leaned into his chest, snuggling close. He smiled slightly rubbing you back. “Remember me yet?” he whispered to her sleeping frame.
Waking up you stretched out. Your eyes opened with light filling them. Looking over you seen the bed was empty. Hearing yelling, you grabbed your shoes and sprinted out to he club house. It was empty. Sprinting outside you looked to see Happy and Jack in the ring. “Enough you two!” Gemma yelled. Jax trying to make her step away. Without thinking you dropped you heels, jumping up and over the ring ropes. “Enough!” You grabbed the punch Happy was about to throw. “Leave him alone.” Your heart was beating a million miles per minute. It was the first time you said any words to him since that night.  “Why!” Happy got in your face, his rage was on full blast. “Because he has nothing to do with what happened between us.” Happy went to put a hand on your shoulder. You took it as a punch. You dipped under his arm, grabbing it and twisting it back, hopping over his back and slamming his face to the ground. “Gemma get Jack out of here.” You yelled out. She ushered for Jack to come out, Jax standing in the way. You let Happy go, standing straight getting off of him. “You two need to make up, you where perfect together.” Jax was never one to be rough with you, growing up with him was the simple reason. “No.. it was shit. A waste of my damn time.” You shoved past him and grabbed Jacks hand dragging him with. “Yes I remember you.. by the way.” Jack smiled slightly at that sentance. “IT was four years ago, I lost control of my motorcycle up in Tacoma.. you seen me crash and took me to the hospital.” Jack smiled nodding. “If it wasn’t for you.. I would be dead.” He kissed your cheek. “Good to see your still alive and doing well. Talk about small world.” “No kidding.. when did you join SOA?” you asked walking to your bike. “Two years ago” You nodded to him. “Coffee?” Smiling he walked to his bike, starting it.
He seen you park at a small house with a huge plot of land. “Welcome to my home.” “I thought we where getting coffee?” you chuckled. “We are, I am a coffee enthusiast.” He smiled. He watched as you opened the French doors to the patio of the house and three dogs ran out. He watched as you started to make some coffee. “Want a pumpkin bar?” Jack nodded sitting in one of the chairs. “I thought we came back to your house to have a quick lay.” Wiggling his eyebrows you both laughed.
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frmdarts-blog · 7 years
SPRING DAY - Vkook fiction
I dont mean to write fic actually. I was about to change my VKOOK spring day fanart video caption on my utube channel. I want to make a short poem but ended up making this short fic about them. I cant write a story in english actually (i’m still lacking in so many many ways). This is breaking all the writting rules bcs i dont think much about grammar, i’m really terrible at it LOL.
But i hope you can get the points.
Its just a simple story with simple choosen words, its very obvious, you dont have to search on google to know the meaning because once again i cant write in beautiful way.
I just meant to give a short drama for my fanart video. Just the story behind.
So lets begin!
‘,’,’,’,’,’SPRING DAY,’,’,’,’,’,’,’
Author: Frmd
Characters: Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung (Vkook)
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Jungkook’s point of view
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When will this winter come to an end? The air is as cold as usual. Even the 3 layers clothes i am wearing doesnt help much. People are busy chatting with their partner. Some talking about their planning to go holiday on the day of spring. Some talking about some cheezy-bullshit words of love. Some just doing a simple talk like “what are we gonna eat for lunch?” Even in this crowded train, i’m still searching for your voice. Just in case i could find your voice-the voice that i’ve known very well. The voice that i havent heard since last christmas.
Just in case i could meet you here unexpectedly. Just in case i’m lucky enough today. I’m still searching for that miracle. (After doing it like everytime i take this damn train)
Searching mode is finally on
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I close my eyes to begin the search (?). Now the sound of the crowd is slowly getting smaller and is fading. The sound of your laughter is getting louder. And then your face is getting more obvious in my imagination. Now you are standing beside me, in front of the train’s door to be exact. I’m started to imagine that you are laughing. Your half face is filled by the rectangle shape of your mouth-which is so adorably cute (thats my fave).
And then about the heavy sound of your breathe that i could hear very well when you lean your head on my shoulder. It is somehow ticklish to me. But i like it for no reason. And then you keep talking about everything outside the window that catch your attention. Then you laugh as you start talking about some nonsense things. (Even if its hard enough to swallow, it seems fine for me. Everything you do will be fine for me. As long as it is you, hyung). Then it comes to the part when you feel tired of talking. You suddenly keep in silent for a while, grab my hand and hold it tight to warm both of us. I could feel the warmth of your wide hand palm. I could feel your finger playing with mine I could feel you inside my soul now.
I feel warm for no reason.
This search is failed due to my distracted mind.
I must be out of my mind now. = =
Taehyung’s point of view
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Why is it so quiet here? I’ve been walking for an hour to get here. I woke up late today (the alarm failed to wake me up) and i suddenly missed the sound of the coming train. Such a random thought to start a sunday morning. I know its definitely different now. I’m no longer live near by this station. And this station is no longer operated as passenger train, as it used to be. Things have changed. I have changed. You too. Ah, why am i thinking about the same shit again and again? When did i start to think about you? I look at my phone to check the time. 9.30 am? Wow. This is such an advancement bcs i can finally forget you for about 2 hours since the time i woke up.
/ I usually start thinking about you right after my eyes are wide opened at 6.30 am in the morning to i see my lockscreen (our selca edited in black and white mode). Actually i dont mean to see the lockscreen to really think about you since the early morning but i have to stop BTS to keep singing Fire in 100% volume-my morning alarm. My eardrums could be broken because of it, yeah-you know. Its not an excuse, really. / Ok. Well done. No. I dont feel well today. Because i think its still so early to be outside in this breezy winter. And i’m only wearing my last night’s pineapple printed tshirt covered by a not so thick-blue cardigan. What the hell with ur damn legs to follow your random thought’s instruction. The small dust of snow are falling in front of me. Falling slowly one by one just like the memories that keep coming slowly, intensely. I’m started to remember the old times when we took the train to go to random place during our last christmas. You were left alone by your parents. Your parents have been busy working all the time but christmas day is properly the only exception. That was the first time actually. You felt so upset and your elder brother might be go out with his girlfriend which means you were literally left alone and i felt like i had a responsibility to comfort you. I used to comfort you but we ended up trapped in a dispute. I dont know why. Its just happening all of sudden. And to think of it again makes me anxious.
Yes i left you that night. 10 pm in the day of christmas, right after sending you back home.
/I left you with your sad teary looking eyes. i knew you were holding it since we took off the train. i knew it well but i pretended not to care im such a bastard i deserve a punishment for it/
I couldnt think anything more than to quicken my footsteps. I could only think that i should go quickly bcs i could never deal with those kind of look in your eyes. I could never deal to see you cry because it hurts me even more. So i better go, following my selfish mind. I didnt know that those tensed conversation will be the last time we talk to each other. I didnt know that to left you in such condition is much worse than to hug you to stop you from crying. The thing that i surely know now that i feel really sorry to you. It was my mistake. Wait,
No, Not really. You told me that you like her. You said that you just confessed to a girl you just knew in twitter. I couldnt accept the fact that my only precious bestfriend will be someone else’s boyfriend. You wont be completely mine anymore. i will lose my bestfriend ever. Is feeling fear of losing a mistake? I’d rather to leave you than to be left. I thought the time could heal anything. But no. Theres no text from you, nor a single call from you. I thought that you were busy dating with ur fckin new girlfriend. And to calculate the time, i guess today is the time when you celebrate your 1st anniversary with her. Congratulation dude. Sh*t. I feel like my tears just fell through my cheekbones. Why the hell did i spend an hour walk just to cry over the same person?
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I close my eyes to stop it from getting worse. Apparently holding back tears is not an easy job. I open my eyes.
Whats with this setting? Why the floor is shaking? And why is there a stainless steel door showing the blooming trees scenery from its window right in front of me. Wait. No. This cant be.. Why am i here? on the train?! I hit my right cheek in case its just a dream but da heck it is not!! I look around to check the situation. Then my eyes fixate to someone next to me. The boy who is standing with a familiar face. And is closing his eyes while standing like a still picture. Jeon jungkook?????? Is it you??????? == Both point of view. ==
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Taehyung is mesmerized by the view that he is looking at right now. Jungkook is right in front of him and he doesnt have any idea about it. “How could this be? Is it a miracle thats been set out by God?” He cant hide the smile on his face while staring at the sleeping boy. Wait. “Isnt it dangerous to be sleeping while standing? On the train??,” he wonders. Suddenly the sleeping boy opens his eyes. The awakened boy (who is actually not sleeping) is startled to see the boy with those familiar rectangle shaped smile standing in front of him. All smiling. All bright. Like a flower blooms. Like a spring day he’s been waiting for. “H-h-hyung??,” he starts the talk. “Y yeah. Its been a long time?” “I miss you…..hyung.” “I know” “What? Why are you so confident?” “I know”
“i couldnt make it with her”
“i broke up with her right after she accepted me. You happy?”
Taehyung’s smile is widening naturally.
“i know”
“you lied”
“i know”
“Ya! hyung!”
“Hahahahhahaha” Their story is going to bloom once again,
Just like the scenery of blooming trees outside the windows
Just like spring day.
==The end==
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Today I had one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, one in which I truly felt for my safety, and I have to say I am very, very lucky because it could've ended in a really bad way, and I’m glad it didn’t. Maybe now writing it, it doesn’t seem that serious but at the moment I was actually scared. 
Ok, so I went on a trip with my friend (we are both girls just to make it clear) to my grandmother's hometown, which is a really tiny village in the middle of the countryside. We’ve always loved it there, even though we don’t visit often (it’s a long drive and somehow we always have something else to do, but we try to go once a year), we enjoy taking walks, since, as I said, is a very small town, full of crumbling houses, wild fruits and steep rocks to climb. It had actually been approximately been 5 years since we last visited (I know I said we tried to go once a year but we’re a mess I’m sorry), so we were really excited to see how everything had changed and to return to our favourite spots. So that’s what we did, after lunch, we went hiking to a nice stream. But as I said, things change, and our perception of distance was no exception: we thought the river was much further than it actually was, so the hour-long trip we had planned ended up being a fifteen-minute walk. Surprised, my friend and I decide to explore a little more, so we turn back and go down a different path, in which we bump into a herd of really big cows, among which we could find a tiny calf, so we believed it would be safer if we didn’t come close the tiny creature (its mom was frighteningly big and we didn’t want to take any chances). So then again, we turn back and decide to follow a third path, one that, as the sign said, led to a famous peak, or rock, or something. 
We start walking uphill. The view was truly breathtaking, the valley was so humongous I started to feel overwhelmed and a little dizzy. We run into a flock of sheep, which was really nice (this isn’t important, I just liked it a lot, they were so cute). Anyways, we walk and walk, and although it was a really steep slope, we weren’t feeling tired at all (maybe it was the concentrated coffee we had had after lunch, we felt unstoppable). We didn’t seem to arrive at the top of the hill, so we started to wonder if we should be heading back, since my family wanted to visit some plot of land a little far from the town, but suddenly we get a call from my aunt, and they tell us they’re leaving right at that moment, and obviously we didn’t have time to arrive on time to go with them, so we agree that they would go to do whatever they had to do and we would stay and keep hiking without any pressure, as they wouldn’t be away for too long. We start walking again, with the purpose of getting to the top (now it was personal you know, we wanted to be able to say “hey, I was up there”, but that wouldn’t be possible, of course, we didn’t know that yet). 
ANYWAYS,  we walked for a long-ass time and the curves in the path would keep getting higher and higher ceaselessly, so we decided that was far enough, we had got higher than we had expected in the first place anyways (now our trip to the river seemed meaningless in comparison). Before heading back, we take some pictures of the, then again, breathtaking view. While doing so, we realise there is a tiny stone cabin with a big white car in the front in the distance, but close enough so we could see it, and so could whoever was the owner of that vehicle. I decide to ignore it (later I’d learn my friend hadn’t), so we keep taking pictures. After the last selfie, one we took in order to prove we had actually got there, (we were quite proud of our achievement I must admit), we realise the white car was no longer next to the cabin, which was actually closer than it appeared at the beginning (I’m getting nervous while writing this, I didn’t expect it, this is horrible), so after a few seconds I start feeling the ground rambling a little, like when a vehicle is getting closer, slowly. This didn’t seem to be a problem at first, we live in the countryside as well and whenever we encounter some kind of truck in one of our walks, we just step out of the road and wait until it passes us with no trouble whatsoever, except for the annoying cloud of dust it leaves behind. But this time, clearing off the road didn’t seem right, it didn’t seem safe enough. I tell my friend to move away from the path, to get deeper into the rocks, surrounded by bushes so we could hide behind one. But we had reacted too slowly, and we couldn’t get too far, the car was getting closer, so we’d have to manage with that. We kneel on the ground, behind a rock and pray that we turned tiny in the eyes of that people. But something we hadn’t bargained for was that we were in the middle of a tight turn, so they were able to see us from the rear mirror of the car. And that’s when we see them. They weren’t an old villager coming back minding his business from a long working day (which was also a little risky, since we were alone in the middle of nowhere, with our family away and no way to scape, in an unknown place full of sharp rocks and steep and slippery rocks), no. They where a group of five boys, who must have been a little older than us, in their early-mid twenties. They were screaming like animals, something we assumed was addressed to us, and something, we assumed, not too respectful. But I mean, within the worst that could happen, getting catcalled by some dudes passing by wasn’t that terrible. But then, to our surprise, the car brakes abruptly and starts pulling back. I turn pale instantly, I freeze, and I kind of black-out, since now I can’t remember clearly every detail of it, but if I could describe the scene, it was just like in movies, when a car stops that way and you simply know that character is screwed up, you think “that’s it, that girl is dead already”. But as I said above, we were lucky. They just kept screaming something like “see? I told you there was someone there! oh look at those little bunnies!”, while laughing, and then kept driving. My friend and I don’t move until we can’t see them anymore and then get up, we are both shaking and we have trouble breathing. We try to calm down and then start our way back home, a little more relaxed now, but not really. 
We talked about how badly that could’ve gone, about how pathetic we must have looked, hiding behind a fucking rock raising our heads above it like kids, but despite that, we were glad we had chosen to seem pathetic over being too exposed. Did we overreact? I don’t think so, especially at the present time, when every time we watch the news there’s always a new woman murdered, or a girl’s body found lifeless after being missing for weeks. Hell no. We didn’t overreact. Maybe those guys weren’t bad people after all, but excuse me if we didn’t want to be near to five strangers In The Middle Of Nowhere. What other choice did we have? To stay in the side of the road, even more exposed? What if they had pulled back and started talking to us? Any reaction from us could have had terrible consequences, if we had been friendly, would it seem as if we were suggesting we wanted something? If we had been defensive, they would've laughed even more at us or even made them mad. Maybe nothing would’ve happened, but I’m a person that even in a normal situation tries to avoid people, so imagine in this... bizarre context. We could’ve also run but I see that useless... I don’t know, I just wonder whether we did the right thing by hiding because they could have gotten out of the car and come to get us if they wanted to. I believe we were really lucky, maybe they saw our faces in an utter state of panic and decide it wasn’t worth it but... I just don’t know, it was very scary. Afterwards, we came back to the village and went for a short walk because our family wasn’t back yet, but we found that the white car was parked in the town square, they were having a drink in the bar, and we didn’t want to have any kind of confrontation, so we just went inside our house, still feeling uneasy and disoriented. When my uncle and aunt arrived we told them everything and they basically mocked us, saying that we were stupid for reacting that way because it wasn’t such a big deal, and then ignoring us. So we started to wonder if that was actually true. 
I still think we did the right thing by hiding, at least we made it clear we didn’t want to be approached. I’m feeling better now but it’s quite sad that a nice activity I love such as walking has been ruined by a bunch of idiots that have fun frightening people. This has also made me realise how bad I am at reacting quickly to stressful situations, and now I kinda want to take a self-defence course or something. Anyways I just wanted to tell this so I can remember it for the future (idk why maybe it’s because I don’t keep a diary anymore and I don’t want to forget stuff), my grammar is probably a mess and don’t even get me started with the verb tenses, anyways, thank for reading if you were able to make it till the end, I tried to keep the story interesting so you wouldn’t get bored but I’m not sure if I actually achieved that purpose, thank for reading regardless.
0 notes
I heard Hold On, We're Going Home on the radio on my drive home yesterday and this is what my brain supplied me with so 🤷‍♀️
The sound of Dustin's wail splits through the rumbling of The Upside Down as they were racing back to the gate.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Fucking idiots! What happened to not being heroes! Steve thinks as he picks up his pace, sprinting faster than he ever has, towards where he thinks he heard the sound come from.
He comes to a skidding halt next to the pair. Dustin, clinging to a lifeless Eddie, his tear-streaked face turned up to the sky, a guttural scream ripping from his little brother's lungs as he howls in agony. It threatens to break through his concentration, but Steve's training is stronger.
"What happened?" Steve asks, trying to peel Dustin off of Eddie so he can get a better look at his wounds. It's obvious it was the bats; they're either dead or writhing around them. But it's like Dustin can't hear him; he's just weeping and rocking Eddie back and forth.
"Dustin!" Steve snaps, finally gaining the boy's attention, his eyes snap open and the grief and heartbreak in their innocent depths are almost too much. Steve knows it would've broken him this time last year, it still could if he doesn't keep his head on straight, "Let go. Let me help!" Steve insists, trying again to get Dustin to let go.
"Steve," Nancy mumbles, sympathy lacing her tone as she reaches out for him and Dustin over their shoulders, but he just holds his hand up to silence her.
"No! He's not going!" Steve asserts, "Dustin, off!" he demands, wrenching the boy away and all but throwing him into Robin's waiting arms. 
She's the only one who knew about the EMT course, she helped him read through some of his textbooks when he'd had to take the day off because he'd had the flu, she knows he's the only one that has a chance to fix this mess. 
Steve reaches for Eddie's throat, but there's a gaping hole on one side, it's bleeding a lot but not squirting, so he's hoping that it's just superficial. Blood's pooling around Eddie but not enough to have hit an artery, he's bleeding out, but it's slow, he can fix this. He presses his fingers into the other side of Eddie's neck. There, a pulse. Barely, but definitely there, once, twice then nothing.
He wastes no time in starting chest compressions, "Robin! Count," he pleads, he knows it'll be easier if he doesn't expend all his energy trying to do both at once.
"One and two and three, one and two and three, one and two and three," she copies his movements, only stopping counting when he searches again for a beat before continuing when he does.
He half hears Nancy trying to get what happened out of Dustin, how it happened, how long ago, but the kid only knows half of the story. He explains how Eddie cut the rope and ran off, how he made it back through the gate by himself, how the bats dropped out of the sky as he wobbled out of the trailer and how he found Eddie.
"He was- he was talking," Dustin gets out between sobs, still shaking in Robin's grasp, the two of them watching Steve work intently.
"When?" Steve asks, still pumping Eddie's chest, half listening to Robin keeping count. 
Dustin doesn't say anything for a second, then he splutters, "I- I don't…"
Except Steve doesn't have time for I don't know's, he needs to know, and he needs to know now, "Think, man!" Steve beseeches impatiently.
"Steve!" both girls snap, confusion written all over Nancy's face, fury on Robin's, mad at him for snapping at Dustin. She wraps her arms tighter, more protectively around the boy, pressing her chin into the top of his head, but she's still counting for him. Dustin's her favourite out of the boys and honestly, he can't blame her, he'd probably say the same if he had to choose.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Dusty, but c'mon, I need to know," he implores.
Dustin nods, breathes deeply and sets his shoulders, scrunching his brows in concentration, "I don't know, he was bleeding, but he was talking, and then he said… but then he was gone, and then you arrived," he recounts, thinking hard he nods to himself, "Seconds, fifteen, twenty? Maybe more, but definitely less than a minute," he decides.
Steve nods back at Dustin, "That's good. That's so good, man. I'm so proud of you," he tells him as sincerely as he can, but he's starting to get tired. He knows he can't do this much longer, his body is screaming at him from everywhere, but he won't stop. He can't. Not just for Dustin's sake but for his own. 
Because honestly, he hasn't been able to stop thinking about Eddie since the boathouse, since he'd pressed broken glass against his neck and left a bruise at the bottom of his back that hasn't gone away, that has him thinking about that moment every time it twinges, and he's already decided that there's no way this is going to be it, he won't let it end this way, not if he can help it.
Nancy's found some fabric from godknowswhere and is doing her best to wrap up the worst of Eddie's wounds. It's only when she runs out of material that she stops working and feels at Eddie's neck, "Pulse!" she shouts. Steve knocks her hand out of the way to check himself and sure enough, weak but there, proof that Eddie's heart is beating by itself.
"Move! Gate! Now!" Steve demands, using every bit of strength he's got left to lift Eddie from the ground. The girls grab either side of Dustin and high tail it to the trailer, Steve moving as fast as his legs will carry him after them. "C'mon, Eddie, just hold on, we're going home," he tells him, holding him more securely as he waddles up the steps.
Dustin's holding the door open for Steve as the girls drag the dining table under the gate, Robin climbing up onto the wooden surface and boosting Nancy through to the other side. Dustin pulls the door closed behind Steve and Eddie, then grabs a dining chair, dragging it next to the table and using it as a step to wobble up on the table surface. Nancy's already clambered off the waiting chair that Dustin had used to launch himself through the gate and is dragging the table into its place, climbing back up to catch Dustin as Robin carefully boosts the boy through to the other side. 
Robin jumps down and helps Steve climb onto the chair and then the tabletop with Eddie in his arms then she climbs back up, and hops a few times. It worries Steve given the way everything here is slowly decaying that the table will crumble beneath their feet, but it doesn't. She leaps at the gate, clinging to its sides and lifting herself until she's falling, landing ungracefully into Nancy's waiting arms, Dustin doing what he can to help them keep their balance. 
Steve nods to himself as he watches them get situated, ready to catch Eddie. All he has to do is get them both through the gate and then they're on the homestretch. All his training tells him Eddie needs a hospital like yesterday but looking at the unconscious boy in his arms, he stalls, something deep in him just can't let Eddie go. Not again.
"Steve," Robin calls, his attention immediately snapping to her, and he just knows from the look on her face. She knows, she sees him, it'll be okay, he just has to trust her and he does. He sucks in a breath and lifts Eddie as high as he can and when he feels the pull from the other side he pushes him towards it, Eddie floating between worlds landing heavily and awkwardly in Robin and Nancy's arms. Steve sucks in a breath when they catch him and between the three of them manage to get back on the ground, laying Eddie down gently on the mattress on the floor. 
Steve doesn't hang around to watch as they do their best to get Eddie comfortable, as soon as they're off the table, Steve grabs the dining chair, dragging it onto the tabletop, stepping up and through the gate, landing heavily on the surface before rolling off onto the ground.
Robin and Dustin have already disappeared and Nancy's screaming into the phone, "I know you can hear us, you bastards! Man down! Get a doctor to Memorial now!"
Steve crawls over to Eddie, kneeling over his patient, pressing his fingers back into his neck. He's still got a pulse, and he isn't bleeding too intensely from anywhere he can see, but Steve knows he won't be able to lift him again, his arms just won't take it. It doesn't stop him brushing gentle fingers over his cheek, wiping away some of the grime, "That's it, Eds, we're home now, man. You just rest, we'll get you the help you need," he mutters to him. 
When he sits back on his heels, he looks up to see Nancy's already waiting with Eddie's legs in her arms. He smiles gratefully at her, but he's distracted from actually thanking her when a car honks outside. They glance at each other and lift, carrying Eddie out and into the waiting car.
Of course you taught Dustin how to hot-wire a car! Little shits, the pair of you! Steve thinks affectionately, as he and Nancy lay Eddie gently over their knees in the backseat. Robin's behind the wheel, thank god! She sticks her foot flat on the gas pedal as soon as the backdoors are closed, panicking and shouting "shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" as Dustin screams for her to "slow down!" as they peel out of the trailer park.
Steve's got one hand on Eddie's neck, holding a pile of napkins from the car's console to the open wound with his thumb, feeling the beat of this pulse through his fingertips, gently stroking Eddie's hair from his face with the other. "You've got some explaining to do when you get better, Eddie Munson. Don't think being a hero means I'm gonna forget about ignoring orders," Steve mumbles. 
Nancy hears him, glances sadly over but doesn't say anything, just turns her face away and focuses on the carnage outside, seeing the way the gate ripped Hawkins apart. 
"Just hold on, Eds, you're doing so good. Just stay with us, man. We've got you. It's still gonna be your year, just you watch! I swear we're gonna get you that diploma if it's the last thing I do. We'll have you back on your feet in no time, so I won't hear any excuses. I bet Dustin's told you I'm a pushover, and I am for that kid but don't think you're not getting out of it that easy. You might be cute, but you're not my kid brother," Steve rambles, because he can't do anything else to help, but he remembers reading in his textbooks that the unconscious can still hear, that talking to them can help bring them back to reality, and he's been knocked out enough times by now to know that it's true. 
"And you're on babysitting duty too. Someone's gotta help me wrangle these damn kids, 'cause I love Robin, but she's useless at it! You and me we're gonna get this one's attitude in check before the big bad world comes to bite him in the arse," Steve tells Eddie knowing he'll know who he's talking about, knowing Dustin will too. He hopes a bit of levity will help, but instead of the protest he half expects, a quiet sob is the only sound that comes out of the front seat. 
Robin reaches over and puts her hand over Dustin's where it had been white-knuckle clenching his seat, giving him the comfort Steve can't right now, and it's almost like they've switched roles.
She's even gotten used to driving, she seems almost as comfortable as he is when he's behind the wheel, and she's as good as he is too, if not better. Not that that surprises Steve. She's always been bigger, brighter and smarter than him, and he loves that so much about her.
"Then when you're all better, and you've finally graduated, you can go off and be a big rock star and shout to the nation instead of the school cafeteria," Steve mumbles, gently removing the tangles and dried blood from his hair. It makes him impossibly sad, but he says it because he knows that's what Eddie wants, what he'd wanted since that damn talent show.
It's not even close to what Steve wants, he wants Eddie to stay with him, to choose to rant to him about the state of the nation's politics and how anything is made better if you add cheese, but it's not an offer he's sure he could ever make and definitely not something he wants to admit aloud especially when Eddie's unconscious.
They're around the corner from the hospital when Eddie makes a guttural rumbling sound that Steve knows isn't good. Shit! Everyone in the car seems to pick up on the tension that automatically fills his body as he presses his fingers harder into Eddie's neck, his pulse is there, but it's weakening. Robin presses down on the gas, the car screeching to a halt outside the ER entrance, Dustin leaping from the vehicle before it's even stopped moving, screaming for help. 
Robin pulls open the car door, grabbing Eddie under his shoulders, helping him and Nancy manoeuvre Eddie carefully out of the backseat, "We're here now, Eds, they're gonna fix you, okay? Just hold on a bit longer, baby, and we'll soon have you home," he tells him as he holds the bloodstained paper to his neck, barely noticing when two nurses arrive with a gurney.
The girls practically have to hold him up as soon as Eddie is safely laid on the bed.
The four of them follow him into the hospital as far as they're allowed anyway, a nurse pressing a firm hand into his chest. Steve wants to argue, he wants to go with Eddie, he wants to make sure they look after him properly, but as he looks at the nurse he realises immediately why he recognises her, it's Stinson. She doesn't say anything, just nods at him, but he understands that she's saying, I've got it from here, so he takes a step back, watching helplessly as the door swings shut behind her.
Dustin and the girls crowd into his chest, relief and grief and love, and all he can do is hold them tight and hope and pray he's right.
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brand-f-ckery-blog · 7 years
I Have to Start Somewhere...
I’ve put this off for far too long.  I’ve wanted to document the daily circus that I call a job for 11(ish) years...in hopes someday someone might actually read it, find it funny, and tell me “hey, you should turn this into a book” or by some miracle of the universe, “hi, I’m a television producer and we’d like you to turn this into a series!” at which point I could just put my company phone and ID into a FedEx envelope along with a nice letter and post it from wherever I end up. 
I can’t exactly say why I didn’t start sooner.  I suppose I kept hoping that one day, things would change and I wouldn’t have to vent my job frustrations to the entire universe and that by some will of the gods, I would be focusing on writing the endless number of hilarious short stories I have in my head. I could say that my excuse was that I wanted to improve my writing more by reading more, but the more I read, the more I realise, who cares how great or how shitty my writing is. That’s what editors are for, and if it’s truly terrible, I can just continue to trudge along like this; or if it’s actually any good, someone will take my money and make it better—good enough to make said money back and even some surplus. 
I could also say, truthfully, that the sheer volume of utterly stupid things that pass in and out of my working life every day has made it impossible to pick a starting point.  Do I start at the beginning of it all and hope I can remember back that far? Somewhere in the middle where memories are still clear? Or just pick a day when the circus is on a particularly high note and start from there? I’ll go with the latter, and if my dreams of being an actual writer ever do come true, I can always plug in a flashback where applicable, or on the off chance I feel inspired to write and nothing has happened that particular moment. 
Just so you know what you’re getting into by reading this, I’m a Creative Director in the hospitality and entertainment industry. I work in-house and am the one and only global branding person in a company of over 50,000. You might note that the current title; “Works in Progress...Sorry For Inconvenienced Cause” is in broken English.  Purposefully so, as I’m based in Asia and regularly criticised by peers that my “English is not correct.” It’s far from perfect, but at least I can get my tenses and possessives right. At the risk of being discovered, fired, and deported, I’ll just leave that topic for now. 
My job used to be fun (about 8, maybe 9 years ago). I worked with a great team of talented writers and designers and we produced brilliant, award-winning work. Now, I churn out cookie-cutter creative like an airport vending machine—none of which I’m proud of, none of which I would dare show to a potential employer in my industry, and frankly, none of which I care how the end product looks like because when you’ve reached version 26 on revisions to an approved concept, it looks nothing like the ‘approved concept’ and nothing like the artist who created it.  You pay peanuts you get monkeys. You give me two hours to do a project that normally takes 12, it’s going to look like 2. You revise something enough times that even you can’t recall what was the goal of the project, and you’ve got the dogs breakfast. 
Having said all of this, I’m making the official statement—I’m a disgruntled, overworked, underpaid artist who’s given up on visions of grandeur and only takes pleasure in laughing at other people’s bad advertising, bad grammar and typos, watching people scramble who’ve sat on an urgent project until deadline, and yet manages to love every moment of his life outside of the office. 
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