#so that I can watch the commentary from the moose characters
thelastspeecher · 2 years
I bought the Brother Bear soundtrack on CD but since my laptop doesn't have a disk drive I only just now was able to put it on my iPod
I'm listening to it and it's honestly making me the happiest I've been all day, the most relaxed and comfortable I've been in a few days
nostalgia man
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blankd · 3 years
Thoughts on The Mitchells vs the Machines
I watched it a while ago and kept forgetting to post my thoughts on it, but some posts here on tumblr recently reminded me.
I disagree with the majority takeaways I see but is that not the spice of life?
As a standalone movie its inoffensive and the writing of it will likely exit my brain in a few months.  However I can appreciate that the visual style was different from the typical fare and the mixture of 2d elements for visual embellishments were mostly enjoyable and well-suited for Katie as the POV character.
It's a bit "hyper" for my liking, but that's fine, it's likely intended for an audience that's accustomed to the flood that is the current norm of the internet.  It was probably made with GIFable moments in mind and that is the most frequent content that is shared about it, so it certainly succeeded in that regard.
My more critical take is that jokes are delivered at the expense of what could be more authentic themes.  Quips are made that draw attention to character flaws or undercut questions the movie should try to answer, but inevitably they are ignored to move onto the next joke or story beat.
The rest would fall more into spoiler territory, so read more for that.
--"They Were Both In the Wrong"
I personally disagree heavily with the thrust of how "both sides" were wrong when the degrees are disproportionate.
I've seen claims that Katie was "as in the wrong" as her father, but she's incredibly patient to the man who does her material harm.
I've yet to have seen someone say specifically what Katie did *wrong* to her father that is at all on par with the *years* he at best hasn't been able to interact with her or worse, actively refused to engage with her interests.
I would generously venture that her flaw was that she was more willing to communicate her feelings to strangers, but she easily talks to her mother and brother- her brother even helps her with her movies and she happily engages him with his own interests, which pivots the point back to how her father is physically/emotionally unavailable and led to the erosion and distance between the two of them.
Due to this, MvM comes across more as Kaite having to do so much more to guide her father rather than a more mutual learning experience for the both of them.
--"Technology that [Dis]Connects"
It's probably beyond the scope and intent of the film, but I was surprised there was no examination about why technology can be more alluring than interacting with physically present people.
For better or worse, the internet can be used as a means of supplementing the validation and acceptance of family.  It can also lead to no longer connecting to people around them because of the validation high of appealing to a constantly 'awake' sea of strangers- the spotlight is warmer than the cold reality that they are not the internet image they have cultivated.
For example, the rival 'perfect' family was never revealed to be a carefully constructed highlight reel that Mrs. Mitchell envies, they really were actually that perfect- because that provides an easier punchline than an examination or acknowledgement of how the internet can create unhealthy expectations.
I also can't expect MvM to acknowledge the reality that LGBTA+ people who are rejected by their family resort to seeking a new one through the internet because it would be much harder to redeem/rehabilitate a man defined by being tethered to "old values" if he was homophobic instead of "overprotective" and apprehensive at his daughter's departure from home and her dubious art career.
But hey we got that quick line at the end that Katie likes a girl, so that's a diversity win or something.
(To be clear I'm not expecting a whole parade or even an A or B-plot dedicated to it, but I think it should be acknowledged that this kind of "surprise inclusion" is very easily erased with a change of audio and would be completely unsurprised if this were the case for countries that are homophobic.  People can be happy about it, but it is dishonest to pretend that this is a bolder statement than it is.)
In that sense, I do and don't hold MvM to taking a "safer" route about how family always has your back, but this still feels like an important omission considering the focus on technology and its dynamic with the Mitchells.
I will also say that it was also bizarre, to me at least, that the obvious route that her father sees the value of home videos didn't become an active point between him and Katie.  Or that Mr. Mitchell's carpentry never really amounts to anything despite having a sentimental wooden moose.
Lastly, I think it's an unintentional, but it's interesting that Katie going to college to pursue her passion is viewed as a Terrible Thing by her father even though if he had his way, he'd be ostensibly living in the woods away from everyone else except his wife.
This isn't a problem, people are a collection of contradictions, but It's fascinating to see what the *narrative* treats as a difficult sacrifice while simultaneously pulling at heartstrings when PAL cites how children ignore their mothers.  There's an unexamined comedy that Mr. Mitchell's losing out on his 'passion' to live in the woods away from people is treated as tragic despite the movie's insistence on staying connected with your blood family.
--"The Inconsistent Personhood of AI"
PAL is rightfully angry at being discarded for something new; it's provided as a glimpse of what Katie will do when she finds 'her people' at college.
This in of itself is a good hook, because there is no one universal answer to when a flawed relationship should be mended with compromise or if it's better off being broken for the wellbeing of the ones involved.  Family and relationships are not programming, it's a choice and a gamble for whatever it brings but is nonetheless something that must be mutually worked upon.
Initially I thought that PAL was being set up as an exaggerated parallel to Mr. Mitchell.  PAL and Mr. Mitchell did their best to provide for their family.  PAL and Mr. Mitchell are in different stages of being 'discarded' by their family.  PAL and Mr. Mitchell both retaliate at their lack of power in the scenario by using the power granted by their roles to infringe on the autonomy of others for selfish reasons.
PAL even gives a 'chance' for her plan to be halted with, I had assumed this was being set up as the thesis of the movie, about humanity and the value of family, relationships, etc. being used to help someone who is already hurting.
But despite Katie looking at the camera and explaining herself, it is never actually directly resolved or challenged because a punchline was deemed more desirable for this narrative climax.
This begs the question of why PAL bothered with the pretense that she could be reasoned with, especially since this is not some question leveled at all of humanity, just two people.
I'm curious how the writers came to the conclusion that this was the best execution of the scene or if Katie's speech was considered immune to any challenge from PAL.  Would anyone have accepted this outcome if PAL were not an AI but instead a person?
It's not necessarily bad writing they went this route, but I doubt anyone would consider this good writing either.
By the end of the movie, PAL is no longer a 'person' who was betrayed and is lashing out, she is an object to be destroyed because the movie has to wrap up.  No compassion or chances are spared to this AI that did literally everything asked of her except take being discarded quietly.
Did PAL deserve a redemption arc? For this length of movie, probably not.  But it could have concluded with a commitment to doing no further harm.  Instead it is an accidental glimpse at how easily the pretense of compassion can be quickly discarded and mostly unexamined with the right framing.
A likely unintentional example is the conditional humanity given to Eric and Deborahbot who are adopted as "family" while the rest of the robots are mowed down without another thought.  Some are even beaten and broken while begging for mercy, because again, it is a funnier punchline.
Far be it for me to advocate that the murderbots needed 'a second chance uvu' but for a movie whose conceit rests on 'sticking by family' and 'giving chances', the writers certainly made a choice in deciding which AI get honorary humanity and spared violent death- perhaps PAL had a point about humanity's callousness after all.  Bad robots are discarded, good robots get to live.
Even the CEO who realizes he enabled this mess (easily the most unrealistic part of the movie, honestly) is given another chance and he manages to take away a completely wrong lesson.
Speaking of-
--"Maybe I Shouldn’t Have Used Tech Like This"
There's a particular image/gif set posted about MvM with the CEO apologizing for the machine uprising, attributing it to unchecked technology and monopolies.  I've always seen it accompanied by people congratulating the scene as if any of this is at all relevant to the movie.
Charitably, these are people who haven't watched the movie and don't know that PAL is a phone AI single-handedly doing this, but most take the stance that this scene is proof the movie is not saying technology is bad, only corporations are.
The speech isn't technically wrong but it is so utterly divorced from what happens in the movie that it's surreal to see people congratulate it as anything but a moment of soapboxing.
None of the datagrabbing was used at all as part of the takeover.  It's all magical kid-friendly terminators with no relevance to what anyone's browsing history is.  If the company was one that produced robot assistants instead of a being a super tech monopoly, there would be no narrative difference.
The closest to a predatory tactic that is used in MvM is the offer of free wifi which is used to lure most people into their cells which they happily comply with. Curiously this... commentary of people’s mindless addiction to technology is not acknowledged by the Tumblr Court with the same intensity as the CEO’s speech.
But more constructively, I do feel it’s a missed opportunity that Katie who's supposed to be an extremely online person apparently never said any bad things about her family or made any petty vent films for PAL to weaponize.  Instead an in-media audio at one of the outskirt locations was used to accomplish its Traitor Revealed moment.
MvM is a movie that involves topics that ought to be touched on and explored properly in media and chickens out on all of it due to possible concerns with age-appropriate handling or because it was more committed to its comedy than whatever it has to say about family, change and how technology affects people.
It also reminded me that I hope media will finally graduate from the trope that if you spec into any ‘outdoorsy’ hobby you are incurably afraid of technology.
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ducktracy · 4 years
189. my little buckaroo (1938)
release date: january 29th, 1938
series: merrie melodies
director: friz freleng
starring: mel blanc (the terror), tedd pierce (pig, narrator)
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erroneously titled my little buckeroo upon the short’s blue ribbon re-release, this cartoon is the third last cartoon directed by friz freleng in his first stint at WB. he headed off to MGM in 1937 to reconnect with former colleagues hugh harman and rudolf ising, only to return to WB back in 1939.
here, the notorious terror has been tormenting the town of boiled beef, texas. it’s up to a shrill-voiced, wimpy, andy devine caricatured pig and his trusty steed to put a stop to the evildoers doings.
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the cartoon begins with a montage: a monotone droll “calling all sheriffs, calling all sheriffs--be on the lookout for the terror. that is all” narrates the action as we spot said terror riding into town on his horse and mercilessly robbing a bank, shooting guns wildly as he exits. overlaid footage of the terror riding his trusty steed and leering into the camera attempt to elevate the theatrics of the sequence. the montage is short and lacks substance--while it does a fine job of exposing the plot, it’s not nearly as masterful nor careful than the montages present in frank tashlin’s cartoons. 
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(my little buckaroo, 1938, on the left, and gold diggers of ‘49, 1935, on the right.)
fade out and in to the town of boiled beef, texas, 1872. a keen eye will notice that the pan of the village, from trucking into the calendar hanging in a covered wagon to sweeping over the town itself, is directly ripped from tex avery’s gold diggers of ‘49 back in 1935, merely repainted and lacking the snarky commentary brought on by tex’s subtitles (”the time”, “the place”, etc.) 
according to the narrator, the town has been terrorized by “a notorious desperado known as ‘the terror’”. focus on a wanted poster of said terror, not without its own witty commentary:
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a crossfade and pan out reveal the terror himself perched against a cactus brandishing the wanted poster. mel blanc (of course) voices the terror in a thick, stereotypical accent: “that’s me--the great jose cuervo santa barbara la cucaracha smith.” he hardly breaks eye contact as he rolls himself a cigarette. “i put anybody on the spot for seven-fifty and a quarter a day.” he chuckles, then adds after a pause, “...mother in law, two-fifty.” the animation is hilariously nonchalant, full of character while almost feeling too natural at the same time.
once more, fade out and back in to the 4th national bank, protected by the keen eye of a guard dog... who’s fast asleep on the rickety wooden porch, a sash peddling him as the “burglar alarm” wrapped around his stomach. with the suddenness of a rattlesnake (narrator’s description, not mine), the terror gallops into town, firing his pistols and screeching to a halt in front of the gate. the guard dog awakens, all too happy to see some company. as the terror raids the bank of its good, the dog excitedly wags its tail, to which the burglar alarm (a cowbell) rings. definitely a clever bait-and-switch.
the terror rushes out of the bank with his goods, before heading back in again. he slides in to collect a spare coin sitting in the payphone, eyeballing it eagerly before darting off again on his horse. the inside of the bank is a refreshing change of scenery, if only for a bit--the layouts seldom change of the terror going to and fro. 
finally, the citizens of boiled beef texas poke their heads out of the buildings and opt to take action, charging together to get their horses. suddenly, they screech to a halt--the horses glare on as they lounge inside their pen, all touting picket signs (”we’re on a sit down strike”, “we balk--you walk”, “we’re sitting because we can’t stand for it!”, “no feed--no steed!”, etc). stalling’s sardonic score of “the old gray mare” is a nice touch.
according to the narrator, the terror has now fled the border and seeks refuge in his hideout. his hideout is merely a gambling ring--the terror himself loads up one of the slot machines with his good. however, he halts. a close-up painting reveals a slug coin (a counterfeit coin), much to the outrage of the terror, who rants and raves, throwing his hat on the ground in defeat. yet another fade-out-- the pacing of the cartoon feels rather disjointed with all of the fade ins and outs. 
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friz’s artistic sensibilities start to eke their way out as we cut to nighttime, a lone rider silhouetted against the dark night sky and the moon. the terror pops out in front of the rider, snarling “STICK ‘EM UP!” a gorgeous head-on shot of the terror--the lit cigarette is a small but lovely detail, especially juxtaposed against the deep blue sky. the rider screeches to a halt, and all of his horses stack on top of each other, one by one, balancing on top of the rider’s wagon.
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an iris wipe showcase the sheriff and his posse “close on the marauder’s trail”, a bunch of spherically designed cowboys riding on their horses (has the strike ended already?). nevertheless, the terror and his horse share snide grins as they take off into the night. a refreshing change of pace as the terror and his horse slide across the border line, a baseball umpire popping out of nowhere to declare “SAAAAFE!” with that, the terror sticks is tongue out to the sheriff’s posse, orlando martin trombone gobble sound effect and all. 
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while the cartoon has been largely unremarkable thus far, the introduction of a new character, a silhouette riding his horse against the sunrise, provides some much needed lightheartedness. tedd pierce switches from narrator to character as the silhouette screeches sings an obnoxious rendition of the title song.
a close-up reveals a pig caricature of andy devine, ‘30s western star often satirized time and time again for his shrill vocals. the blank expression on the pig’s face juxtaposed with the grimaces of disgust on his horse as the pig wails to his heart’s content is nothing short of priceless. the vocals are so shrill and obnoxious that it’s impossible NOT to laugh. one can only imagine what an uproar this would have brought to the movie theater in 1938, when devine was a much more well known figure. 
thankfully for the audience’s ears, the pig’s shrill singing is interrupted by the telltale sound of gunfire--the terror is at it again. he darts right past the pig on his horse, cueing a hilarious gear-up run from the pig and his horse as they chase hot on his trail. each time the pig fires his gun, he’s sent flying backwards on his horse, stars and other grawlixes taking his place. even though the ricochet gag is a tired gag, the insertion of the grawlixes add a nice touch of two-dimensional design and cartooniness to the equation.
after having his hat shot off a few times, the terror retaliates. in another gag similar to one in tex’s gold diggers of ‘49, the terror’s gun is revealed to have a built-in slot machine, reflecting his love of gambling. the slots spin: two peaches, two shots. he eventually hits the jackpot, firing a (n admittedly underwhelming) barrage of bullets towards his foe. he repeats the “hat getting shot off” gag with the pig, who replaces his hat with a top hat, a boater hat, etc. 
conveniently for the terror, he stumbles upon an escalator built into a nearby canyon, complete with WATCH YOUR STEP signs. he and his horse board the escalator no problem, followed by the pig and his own. a funny gag, but the lack of urgency does little to punch it up to its full potential. the chase sequence feels like a game of monkey see, monkey do: the terror rounds some sharp curves with his horse, momentarily defying gravity as he turns the bend on the canyon. the pig rider does the exact same thing with his own horse, the speed of both anticlimactic and slow.
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nevertheless, a bright spot--the terror and his horse slide down a steep slope, followed by the pig and his horse. ken harris does some hilarious animation of the horse as he grins into the camera, trademark ken harris excitement marks decorating the scene as he jumps up and down, whinnying and clapping his hooves together in jubilation. he gallops up the slope to a jaunty, broken score of “the merry go round broke down”, turning around and sliding back down on his butt, hooves in the air in excitement. 
the fun doesn’t stop there. the andy devine pig scolds the horse for wasting his time, prompting the horse to give a full on tantrum. “AWWW, GEE! I NEVER HAVE ANY FUN! OTHER HORSES HAVE FUN! I NEVER GET TO DO ANYTHING!” 
finally, the pig gives in. “aww, ALL RIGHT!” with that, the horse runs off to repeat his exercises offscreen--and we never see him again. 
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in yet another reprisal of gold diggers of ‘49, the pig, horse-less, captures the terror by shooting a makeshift gun/fishing pole. a lasso shoots from the barrel of the rifle, tying around the abdomen of the confused marauder. the pig, with a few struggles, finally reels in his prey, who flops around on the ground like a fish. (friz would later perfect the absurdity of the fish flopping gag in his 1944 entry duck soup to nuts, with daffy in place of the terror.)
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a happy resolution: the pig proudly whistles the eponymous song as he leans back in his chair in his office. pan along the wall to find a row of mounted animals: a boar, a moose, some fish... and the terror. the camera pans out to reveal the terror behind bars, his head wedged in a mount as he struggles to break free. fade out.
while not one of friz’s best efforts, this cartoon still has bits and pieces to appreciate. the pig’s introduction and the horse’s ecstasy at riding down the slope are the definite highlights to the cartoon. tedd pierce does a fine job as both the pig and the narrator, especially the former. ken harris’ animation is lovely, too. 
however, this isn’t as indicative of friz’s talents as other shorts. while trying to feel like a tex avery cartoon (down to recycling gags and layouts), the short instead comes off as a disjointed segment of gags. the pacing is staggered and slow--the chase sequence during the second half of the cartoon lags and lacks any real sense of urgency. while there are bright spots, this feels more like a quota filler than anything. friz is a wonderfully talented director and criminally underrated in my opinion, but this isn’t a knockout from him.
so, with that said, i would skip this cartoon. the highlights i’ve already posted--there’s not really much else of interest. however, with that said, it wouldn’t be a total waste of time to watch it, either.
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legacysam · 4 years
"#*erases a rant about fandom cas characterization bc god who has the energy*" me. i have the energy. give me the rant.
*cracks knuckles* okay let’s see if any of these particular intellectual muscles still work.
I am always pro-cas-being-canonically-dickish posts (even if they are misleading one way or another, more on that later) because dear GOD this fandom loves to infantalize the man. He’s a “baby in a trenchcoat.” He’s dumb about pop culture and clueless about human things isn’t it adorable? SHUT UP!!!! And pls especially shut up if you’re using his ignorance as a way of making another character look cool or smart by comparison. “it’s a shortened version of my name” was 100% Cas fucking with Dean because he is a dick sometimes! and it’s great! Also: Cas’s indifference to pop culture isn’t a weakness just because pop culture knowledge is a major currency on tumblr!!! It’s indicative of the fact that he’s got much bigger and more important things on his mind. (Also. listen. This trait was canonically erased by Metatron and it was literally the only good thing that fucking character ever did so can we please as a fandom just acknowledge that little slice of canon? pls?)
(Can I also just say.....fish out of water stories are only good when they are on the side of the fish and not just using the fish to make jokes. Just. as a note on the trope in general but specifically re: every time this shows up in fanfic with Cas or any other similar character. Thor comes to mind.)
Anyway Cas isn’t a child, he’s ANCIENT and TIRED and CONFLICTED about major moral issues, which is FASCINATING for an angel character and forces us as an audience to consider more deeply the actual differences between heaven and hell, good and evil, destiny and free will. Is this how we expect an angel to behave? What does this tell us about Heaven? If Cas is an aberration, what does that tell us about Heaven and goodness and God? So his expressions of anger and frustration and his impatience with or indifference to human courtesies are a really great part of his character and people should appreciate them more (and not just when it’s funny!)
(Sidenote bc I always think about this when I think about fandom and Cas, the reductive fandom approach to “””crazy!cas””” (what a fun way of saying “deeply affected by horrible trauma and guilt and trying to repress it so he can function.” thanks for that fandom) as comic relief or a woobified victim is. hm. bad. That’s all I’ll say about that one.)
{ANOTHER sidenote, this one for fan artists in particular but fan writers definitely aren’t free from sin: Cas isn’t pale or short and he isn’t a fuckin twink pls stop projecting weird m/f stereotypes onto your queer ships pls and thank}
ANYWAY about these screenshots specifically: Listen I love this post but the context of these scenes is SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING than Cas being a dick to Sam. They aren’t really about Sam at all, actually. “Don’t ask stupid questions” is such a painful fucking response to Sam asking if he’s okay, because he’s clearly not okay--he’s still struggling with the knowledge that God has given up and abandoned them--but he can’t be vulnerable about it. So he redirects to ask what Sam needs from him because that’s what he does, it’s what he is, he’s a tool. He’s a solution to problems (except his own). And his unwillingness to confront his pain (while also not being able to hide it) isn’t really about his relationship with Sam, it’s about his relationship with God and with himself and his own failures. The visibility of that struggle while he continues to try to help in this episode is just really fucking moving, okay?
Also there’s absolutely nothing hostile about “Sam, of course, is an abomination” in context. Like. Not a damn thing. There’s a task that needs to be performed by a “servant of heaven,” and Cas is explaining why none of the three of them qualify, and we know he feels shame about the fact that HE doesn’t qualify by how he reacts later, calling himself a poor example of an angel. He’s as much an abomination as Sam is in this moment.
Actually you know what? Literally everything in these screenshots that gets interpreted as “Cas hates Sam” is 100% actually Cas hating himself. He hates Sam’s voice while he’s stuck using a human voice himself to communicate, through technology he’s hostile to because it’s limiting compared to angelic communication. He rejects Sam’s compassion because he doesn’t want to talk about his own weakness. He calls Sam an abomination in the same breath that he acknowledges that he isn’t a servant of heaven anymore, and with much less anger than when he later calls himself a poor example of an angel. He sees himself in Sam but he hates himself too much to use that as a point of connection and pushes away from it instead. (I’m not going to go on a shipper detour here but sastiel shippers....you know)
So Cas is angry and complicated and self-hating and yeah, it’s funny, but if you don’t respect those feelings and their complexity, maybe don’t try to write Cas or write about him. Maybe if you only like Cas when he’s making you laugh you don’t actually like Cas.
And this isn’t to be like...”writing fluffy shippy fic with Cas being sweet is bad” or whatever. That fills a need for some people, I get it. I’ve written fic where he’s sweet! There’s a difference between someone lovingly wrapping a character in a blanket and going “nice things will happen for you now” versus using that character for a reductive joke.
There’s also a difference between people who are actually carefully writing fic and people who are, yknow, tagging posts or circulating meme-like gifsets with this kind of commentary. Which, bc I don’t read fic as often anymore, tends to be the most common way anything like analysis of Cas reaches me. I do NOT recommend this method of engaging with fandom because it’s really the worst, unfunniest, most simplistic takes that get repeated over and over again (I would pay money to never see anyone call Sam “moose” or “sammy” again dear lord), and it obscures the actually really good work some folks are doing when they write these characters.
tl;dr 1. Cas is not a child and he is not stupid. 2. Cas doesn’t hate Sam but he DOES project onto him and it’s fascinating. 3. fandom wants to be transformative but bc of meme culture and the way tumblr works it can be painfully reductive and it’s exhausting
ps nb I haven’t watched a single episode since they killed Charlie off and I don’t know much about what happened after that lol. so don’t come at me “well actuallying” bc honestly I don’t care and bc canon has been a dumpster fire for years and all extended analysis of it including my own is really nonsense just by virtue of the source material being nonsense.
pps the showrunners are ABSOLUTELY complicit in this but I can’t. I just cannot get into that. I am too tired.
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ariyadaivaris · 3 years
- oh god vic please come back. where have you gone. we miss you
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- NEW GEAR! NEW GEAR FOR TONY the track jacket is obviously new (its very cute i like the rolled up sleeves+tape up to wrists look a lot) and his new goofy lil emblem on his kneepads. also its the same candy red as ariya's. unbearable! i can't stand them. good for him
- "a red wedding of sorts, if you will" HUH? YOU CAN'T SAY THAT. WHY DID HE SAY THAT
- ARIYA DID THE SLASH ACROSS THE THROAT THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT FEELS LIKE LIFETIMES SINCE HE'S DONE IT i love him. terrible. awful. scary <3
- the windup on ariya's elbow drops <3 he is a delight to watch...
- god i wish wish WISH 205 had some fucking storylines again!!!!!!!!!! i love tony and ariya and i love the bollywood boys, you know this, but if i have to watch another mostly directionless tag match that won't go anywhere or lead to anything because the cw division's plot-important stuff is relegated to nxt with an entirely different group of people and none of these guys are considered in high enough regard to reap the rewards of a division they built and carried on their backs for the last 5 years with NO fucking help or faith in them at all i'm going to go off the deep end. i would take an in-ring promo at this point. anything at fucking all   - commentary keeps pushing the "they're working harder than ever to get a title shot" thing and it's just so. i'm insanely depressed about it. does ANYONE genuinely believe, watching this, that they will ever be given a title shot? do the four men in this ring right now have any hope that they will ever see that title on their show again, never mind get a chance at it?   - ariya really isn't ever gonna be a champion is he. the division gets some steam and he's never going to be a part of it. i'm so mad all the time. lol
- its...a struggle to watch 205 recently. it is a struggle to do fucking anything recently but this especially is hard because 205 is like. My Thing. that is the one thing that i am in it for, this is the one thing i have to look forward to on a weekly basis, to mark the passage of time for myself. and i just can't keep doing this! watching alone, having to sustain interest on my own, ignoring the parts of the division that have things going on because its dudes ive never seen on 205 and have no interest in and because its a lot of miserable shitheels and predators that dubya considers relevant for reasons i will never understand (their loyalties have always been clear but given how little anyone cares about like, devlin, who has never done anything in dubya at all even if you ignore That, its like what tradeoff could possibly be worth this unless you want to just signal that you will protect abusers which EVERYONE KNOWS ALREADY), watching and desperately finding scraps of character development in reruns of the same three match configurations over and over and over again involving more dudes that you don't really care about even after all this time because they joined post-plot-or-character and its all with no build, no leadup, no EXCITEMENT, while everyone has already kind of moved on from it for reasons that seem better and better all the time. i don't want to let go of it or stop hoping because i WANT to see if anything happens, i care about ariya and tony's weird fuckin story arcs that much if anything and honestly i think letting go of it at this exact point in time is admitting a loss that i could not withstand at the present moment, but its so...i have to force myself to watch it at this point. and i know it all sounds sooooo pathetic because it is, but i'm just. im so tired!!!!!!!! im so fucking tired of it all
- ariya tagging tony in and just kind of collapsing and rolling through the ropes to have a little lie-down on the apron. sunil singh unstoppable, undefeatable, cannot be survived
- TONY TWO KNEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TONY GET CLEAN PIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARIYA WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- oh my guy ariya's not lookin too good lol
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- he’s fine <3 (he IS okay if you are worried)
- oh now lorcan cares about the cruiserweight division again huh! interesting ^_^
- legado del fantasma should be allowed to do that. i think its okay
- i don't really care about him besides going huh, fun aesthetic i guess, but i like grey's entrance music a LOT. maybe it's just the vocals making it distinguishable from whatever new team is doing the themes and making them all the same boring generic hinting-at-metal pop punk instrumental shit. oh well
- commentary making suuuuuuuch a big deal over grey doing things The Right Way to beat mansoor and IF I DO RECALL CORRECTLY tony as well and ignoring that he cheated to beat ariya. ariya gets cheated out of the recognition he's earned once again i see...pretty sure grey wasn't doing it The Right Way when he put his feet on the ropes against the BACKBONE, the BLOOD, the SPINE of the cruiserweight division but whatever............
- you know what i miss? high flying. that thing that 205 was originally about showcasing in a lot of ways? where did that go (to the corner to sit through timeout for being too good apparently) god i miss lhp i miss cedric i miss babyface moose i miss angel and humberto and AKIRA!!!!...i even miss buddy...wails and gnashes my teeth. i miss alicia and kenta and lio and the kanellises though i am glad they are out of dubya. some of these people aren't high flyers which was the original point whatever i still miss them. i need to rewatch 205 so i can try to have fun and not freak out over just how much of it i have to skip over
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-  he is so handsome <///3
- ariya is both very VERY interested in august cheating to beat him and furious that he's not cheating to beat anyone else. why WOULD he do that? he didn't care about it when he had to beat ariya. ariya's not the ONLY heel in the division, and not the only person who would cheat to win. august can position himself as righteous--he's doing things HIS way, after all--and noble, but ariya knows better. august is losing by doing this, too! he's not WINNING! he cares more about his principles than about the win, which is CERTAINLY news to ariya. turnabout is fair play against him, apparently, because It's Daivari and anyone can do anything to him and get off scot-free. ariya watches grey refuse to cheat against anyone else, and he listens and he is commended as a hero for it, and it is driving him up the wall to watch. of course, ariya getting humiliated and treated like shit by people who then get lauded as clean babyfaces who continue thinking of him as a dirty cheater beneath them as they do the same things is uh. he’s encountered it before
- "YOU blew it! you let your pride get in the way! YOU blew it! don't ever forget that!" HM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- this is so fucking juicy. ariya ranks winning through any means above his pride! ariya would rather win dirty than lose clean. he's disgusted that grey won't use his brain to see that a win is better than a loss. ALSO! ariya going "you let your pride get in the way" is SO interesting! self righteousness as arrogance in his eyes feels very illuminating. NO he's not exactly PROUD of the shit he's done but it's the smart thing to do. he's survived, hasn't he? how many other cruiserweights could say that? did mustafa survive? did cedric? did akira? did their principles help them survive? did akira having his arm ripped off just to outlast ariya The Right Way do anything to help him in the long run? what good is doing things the right way when it is so so so fucking hard not to die in here already? on the other hand, ariya is also kind of proud at times! ariya's pride being wounded is what led to the huge character shift he went through to begin with. his pride got in the way of joining drew and tony on the same level and it got in the way of fixing things properly between him and tony until they had to grow back together, and when i say grow i mean it in the sense of...like...a tree. slow and deliberate and taking fucking forever. and it's still never been addressed out loud, really. when ariya says grey's pride got in the way of somethig, he has some idea of what he's talking about ugh. UGH!!!!!!!!! this is all so fascinating. ariya daivari top five characters of all time
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
April 25: Thoughts on The 100 2x10
Twenty years later, I return with Ep. 2x10: Survival of the Fittest.
This commentary is NOT pro-Grounder or pro-Lxa.
I last watched in January and I have literally no idea what’s happening lol. I mean, I do because I’ve seen the whole thing enough times but still. Like specifically.
One of Netflix’s warnings for this show is “fear.” I CANNOT.
The idea of Arkers and Grounders perhaps meeting in certain ways pre-canon is interesting (the suicide by earth idea) but then the story just becomes one of yet more Mindless Grounder Brutality and I get bored. Like I’m sorry this is truly the most boring civilization ever imagined and I cannot believe we’ve been asked to care more and more about them with each passing season.
The lost possibilities of Bellamy & Lincoln. Also of Lincoln, in general? Someone who tried so hard to be something other than what he was taught to be.
Also, his story is basically confirmation that he became obsessed with Octavia because he was illegally spying on the cool Sky People and then ran into a Pretty Girl and that was just that on that.
The underworld. They’re not subtle.
Mmm-mmm my favorite set. Indra looking badass as per usual, giving her warriors a pep talk. And Kane with friendship heart eyes like “I’ve found my new BFF!!” (This is truly how I read the expression on his face.)
“Only our Guards are armed here.” Lol okay but does anyone really believe Indra travels with ONLY two knives on her person?
I’m generally a Jaha apologist but I cannot stand him in S2, primarily because his whole thing is based around him caring about “the Grounders’ land” in this realllllly awkward native peoples parallel, as if this was supposed to make him sympathetic when (1) there is literally no evidence at all that the Sky People occupied Grounder land in s1 or are occupying it in s2 and (2) he is advocating abandoning the main characters to death, the main characters are a bunch of teens, and literally no one calls him out on how disgusting that is. The only thing he’s right about is that the Grounders are terrible and Kane’s boner for them is ridiculous, but still.
Is there a Grounder named Michael? Lol.
“My shock baton’s got your back” probably isn’t intended as wildly inappropriate adult man hits on teen girl flirting but........ I dunno how else to read it.
Murphy > Grounder I said what I said.
That woman in the background of the fight with her eyes wide like ‘oh heavens! oh my!’
Kane’s here trying to be like stern dad keeps his kids in line for the sake of peace and Indra and the rest of the Grounders are like... fucking crickets. So ridiculous. So immature. Keep your own bitches in line Indra.
I completely forgot that Mountain had multiple airlocks and thus just, you know, opening the doors wouldn’t do anything. Makes sense, I’m just dumb.
Clarke > All Grounders and seeing her show respect to Lxa or anyone, even if it makes sense in context, just irritates me.
Clarke: *gives several very good reasons why sending large numbers of Grounder warriors into the Mountain will do literally nothing but lead to more casualties.* Grounders: *raaaaa I hate being told no, let’s just attack!!! ATTACK!*
“He shouldn’t have attacked my ship.” Honestly I think part of why S2 Clarke is my favorite is because I really identify with her, surrounded by idiots, just doing her best to get fucking anything done and done right.
“You’re very brave under the Commander’s protection, aren’t you?” DUDE. DUDE. You literally just reminded everyone that this five foot tall blonde teenage girl roasted your brother and several hundred others alive and you think the commander’s protection is why she’s brave? She’s brave because she’s smarter and tougher than you, duh.
And after all this Lxa’s like “Quint’s right.” Um he’s truly not though??? Ugh, the stupidity irritates me.
“Hook up” for “alliance” I am DYING.
Kane is absolutely the worst faux-father figure. Encouraging Octavia to get her ass kicked by idiots who are training for no reason...
And then this bitch (Quint) tries to kill Clarke as if that were even remotely a good idea... what if you were successful? What then? Lxa would torture you for like 100 days and then kill you start thinking things through.
I miss Byrne in that she was annoying but at least had, like, a perspective and purpose, BUT that was a cool death scene. A good sort of shock.
“Work detail” is such an odd phrase, like... one would think....everyone works?? It seems to be code for “mop some floors.”
I’m gonna be honest, the search for the CoL was the clear weak point of S2 for me but Murphy & Jaha are an interesting pair to share screen time.
Murphy: hesitates to accompany Jaha to Wells’s grave until he sees the possibility of getting a firearm of his own, then falls in love. You had me at ‘can hold a gun!’
They really are wasting bullets. Those are...kinda a finite resource? Also you’d think that these literal members of the Guard (based on their jackets) already know how guns work.
Kane really is devoted to this I’m Your Daddy thing, huh? “Look at me, shooting this gun, I’m so cool--don’t you want to be cool like me? I can teach you.” (And O in the back sharpening her sword like she knows what she’s doing.)
I don’t get how Mount Weather could influence Grounder legend given that they’ve known about Grounders for less than a generation, and they tend to destroy anyone they capture, not, like, release them back into their villages? Cool idea though!
Octavia, the secret weapon, exploitable by both sides because she knows both sides, is an interesting path SOMEone at SOME point should have gone down, or should go down, like in fic. Just putting that out there.
See, literally, what did I say? Quint does not even succeed in killing Clarke and he’s sentenced to death in 0.5 seconds. You gotta think ahead man!!
Lol I’ve seen this how many times and only now am I hearing that the word “Pauna” (which I’ve also been mispronouncing) is in fact in the episode. I always thought that was extra-canonical.
Pretty hilarious that Clarke, attempting to run away from the Irradiated Gorilla, leads everyone right to...the home of the Irradiated Gorilla. AKA the National Zoo.
Look the only thing I really have to say about this entire story line is that it’s pretty clearly only here to make sure Clarke, the main character, has something to do in an episode that isn’t really about her, like it’s straight up Filler just like the Bellamy Scales a Cliff episode, and it’s dorky and laughable and awful CGI and I get that--but I still maintain that the concept of “animals from the zoo survived and are still out there in mutated form” is cool and we should do more with that, as a fandom.
Also....moose? How’d that get there??
“Leave me” Lexa says, as if it weren’t incredibly easy for Clarke to save her. Like...why do you give up so easy all the time??? Grounders are weak. The slightest thing happens and it’s either “Time to kill you” or “Time to die.”
Murphy, unimpressed by the beauty of Earth.
Completely forgot that elder Murphy’s name was Alex. Put that one in my back pocket.
This Jaha and Murphy scene at Wells’s grave is the best of a fairly lackluster episode. “Clarke sugar-coated it for you, didn’t she?” “Good can come out of even the darkest acts, John.” “Camp You is that way.”
(Also...when did Clarke get a chance to talk to him? Was this over video in S1? I guess it must have been since she’s been busy in S2.)
When Kane lets Octavia fight the Grounder he is 100% doing it for himself and the alliance. He’s using her.
And somehow this is the ONLY time Octavia lost a fight. I wish the show had acknowledged more, as it does here, that tenacity is a great virtue but it’s not the only virtue. Also the Grounders truly are canonically terrible at what they do.
My favorite O characterization is when she’s just a blank slate for people to write on because she never was able to create a personality for herself. Because I think it’s the most true to her backstory, which seems only intermittently relevant imho. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” “I would like to be stronger,” hence “I shall get beaten up.”
*Sings* Lxa is a terrible leaaaaaader!!! Getting all up in Clarke’s head trying to tell her that caring about not constantly killing people is..............somehow.....................bad??? Lol.
This scene here where Lxa provides the groundwork for the Ai-in-Commanders thing, is probably where the show began its downhill slide. Don’t get me wrong, I love S2 as a whole--most of this nonsense didn’t really come up until S3--and S3 itself has good ideas, including the AI thing, but they were just realized so badly...... Makes me sad. We could have had so much more!
“Don’t be afraid, death is not the end,” is like......the least helpful thing to say. Yet again, Clarke uses her brain and figures out an actual plan, as opposed to “die heroically” which is really all the supposedly genius Lxa ever has. “Die heroically” or “Save own ass at others’ expense I said what I said.
I’m so salty.... I can’t even believe myself.
I enjoy the Indra and Octavia relationship.
So I’m going to say that I always assumed, and still basically assume, that the reason Indra chose Octavia for a second is that she really did think there was something special in her when she saw her fight. Like that’s all. Just like she would with a Grounder kid who wanted to be a warrior. But I think it would be interesting if she’s thinking just as Kane is: that Octavia is a useful bridge between the two peoples, that perhaps, she could get something from her. (Counter spy?)
“No one gives anything without expecting something in return.” Early John Murphy philosophy synthesized.
What the fuck is Jaha eating? Little...food pellets.
It’s true that he’s being cynical but it’s ALSO true that Jaha is withholding important truth from him and ultimately, arguably, using him.
“You didn’t give a damn about us. You still don’t, that’s why you’re not fighting for this kids in Mount Weather.” SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT. THANK YOU MURPHY. MVP of this ep.
“I was pardoned, slate wiped clean, I’m still treated like dirt.” The treatise of the Ark AU thanks.
More patented Murphy nose rubbing.
Murphy and Raven, both pulled in, to some degree, by cultists.
Murphy and Octavia, both manipulated by more powerful adults for their own ends.
Jaha is so... he has all these peace and love, everyone is accepted, nice ideas and beliefs and faith, but he also does not care at all about sacrificing a few here and there. He may remember Alex Murphy but he doesn’t really care, he’s not really haunted. Remembering is like a courtesy. He may miss his son but he still ultimately believes, even hearing how utterly stupid Wells’s death was, that it was worth it for some unknown greater good. And he’s willing to give up on people who aren’t even dead yet, just write them off as an acceptable loss, even though they’re his people and a subset of his people to whom he owes a particular debt, and still consider this sacrifice, not even yet made, to be worth it for this bigger plan. There are a lot of things I respect about Jaha as a leader, and surely in a universe of terrible leaders he is not the worst, but this is his fatal flaw, what keeps him from being good. Real leaders do accept that losses will happen, as Lxa says, but they don’t seek out losses and they don’t merely catalogue them and then move on. They feel them, and accept responsibility for them, and carry them forward.
No I am not talking about Clarke, although within this universe, she comes closer to the ideal.
The story line with Lincoln, Bellamy, and the Reapers is like nightmare fuel if I think about it too much.
Indra, with the tiniest slice of meat possible on a huge plate: “Eat! Get strong!”
Kane, trying to be sexy and seduce a new friend: “Thank you.”
Kane and Octavia are talking and Indra is just in the background, sitting on a tree stump, brooding in the most photogenic way possible, very ‘google earth, always taking pictures’ of her.
I’m sorry but I can’t stop seeing Kane’s whole demeanor in literally every scene of this episode as like “Attempted Daddy.” Not in the paternal sense.
“You’re asking me to be a spy?” / “I’m asking you.......... yes, to be a spy, that’s exactly it.”
Objectively ridiculous for Octavia to think the Grounders are her people but, I get it, she’s desperate for people of some sort.
“There’s a million ways to die out there” should have been the title of the series. More accurate than “The 100.”
“If it’s not your time than nothing can kill you” IS everything infuriating about Jaha in one line. Saying ‘it’s just what was meant to be’ is a pretty easy way to avoid responsibility for anything, ever, and it’s extra sketchy from someone who, as a leader, knows or should know that his actions have consequences for other people, sometimes life or death ones. I mean...everyone but he and Murphy did die searching for the CoL.
We REALLY need more fic that utilizes Jaha as a weird guru type.
“You wanna stop being treated like a criminal then you have to stop thinking that that’s all you are.”
Here, Clarke comes up with yet another smart idea. How many is that in one episode? She’s too smart, guys, just too smart.
That said, the first time I watched this ep with my mom (the second time in general for me, the first time for her), when Clarke explained her ‘release the Grounder prisoners’ plan, she was like “...Duh? I thought that was already the plan? Isn’t that what Bellamy was going in there to do?” Basically most people on the show < Clarke < my mom.
The tragedy of Lincoln’s addiction story line really does get to me.
I’m a little insulted on Bellamy’s behalf that he was marked Harvest lol.
I just watched the episode and I heard them explain their plan... but I still don’t really see how it was going to work. Like just... cause chaos and let Bellamy run inside? Kind of feel like someone would have caught him at some point, and also--doesn’t that run a significant chance of getting Lincoln killed? Oh well. It all works out eventually. Mostly.
Anyway, not the greatest episode, but it had its moments. The Jaha and Murphy story line was good, and I actually enjoyed the Octavia, Kane, and Indra stuff more than I thought or remembered. But it’s always kind of a bummer when one or both mains get lackluster filler plots--and in this case it really was both--I mean, Bellamy’s was important, but it wasn’t very long. And none of my faves: no Mount Weather, no Jasper and Monty, no Raven.
It still fucks me up that Liz Phair wrote music for this show.
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ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
14x10 Commentary
Zeta and Giuls scream together, and then die.
Me & Zeta will watch together season 14′s episodes as they come out and we’ll do our commentary while watching.
1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
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14x10 Nihilism 
-I did not want to see Jack like that again thanks
Zeta: true
- And there was a need for some wings there honestly .
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[ comes back crawling]
Zeta:  the bar sceeeene
-.....THAT’S A DAMN SQUIRREL WITH A AVIATOR CAP ON ( also I re wrote squirrel four times before getting it right) 
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- MOOSE!!! 
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-......The Moose has a tag with “FAMILY BUSINESS” written on it----lol Jensen
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Zeta: What’s her name
- PAMELAAAAAAAA . Damn woman I went a bit Bi there
Zeta: OH YES.
- [Music: and I’m searching for a rainbow] .....WOW
-[on the counter] Daphne loves Fred.
 my monkey dirty brain: Daddy loves tips. 
-hot. want that.
Zeta: the tequila or the bartender?
Bitch please . both.
- D: “ What are we, savages?”
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Zeta: Oh the lips
-Cosmic Cowboy. *chokes*
-why is it always a ghoul case?
-Lol but who’s the drunk guy tho
Zeta: Bitch, look at her biceps
- some Bi slippage there too I see. FOCUS
Zeta: also indeed. Who is he?
-D:”I’ve never had anything this nice”
Also....I would be like Dean if I had a bar. One for the costumer and one for me! woohoo .
- D: “How come you always have a boyfriend?”
  P: “How come you always want what you can’t have?”
[looks into the camera like in the office]
- D: “This is my dream” 
I kinda see it tho....old grumpy Dean Winchester being the Bobby while running a bar like that. Yes....I like it.
- I knew it . I wanna see someone closed behind that “closet” *wink wink*
Zeta: Oh oh
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Zeta: the slo mo.
-NICE .You are welcome for this gif where I let you enjoy the full over the count jump. Nice healthy middle age man over the fence jump ( nevermind this is an italian oil ad ).
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-The blood. So cute
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Zeta: I’m famous
- mmm
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Zeta: shit
-Hello M boi, I missed you fam
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Zeta: Changed clothes
- OMFG are you saying that the Archangel Michael macVanity von DramaQueen really just angel mojo changed into his Peaky Blinder wanna be in front of them?
He’s so flamboyant , I love him .
Zeta: The close up
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- M making three men kneel with so much as lift his hands.  WHAT A MOOD. WHERE CAN I GET THAT? I WANT 10.
- M : “ I saw everything”  Yeah no shit we kinda see that coming too
-DoN ‘T IntERrUPt mE 
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Zeta: Don’t interrupt me
I’m so bothered right now. Dom Michael for the win
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- Sam just “assbutted” Michael lol.
Castiel : Sam....did you just molotov my brother with holy fire?
Sam: uh ....No?
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- Dean’s not home right now...
Zeta: Please leave a message
*giggling* I love him
Zeta: His voice GOD DAMN
- Castiel hair tho.
Zeta: Do you? Cocky much
-but needs to play it cool. Can’t risk to mess up the pomaded hair.
- S:” We the angel cuffs on , Michael is under control”
 M: “Keep telling yourself that “  ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
I *clap* LOVE *clap* HIM *clap*
- S: “Dump him in the trunk of the Impala” ... DUMP HIM .ahahahahaah
-Garth is in the trunk
Zeta: it’s a big trunk
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-M: “ It’s a party!”
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- J: “ It’s not like any of us can fly”
 M : “ Well one of us can”
 S: “ STFU”
- J:” Sam, are we gonna die here?” ... wow Jack...babe...stfu
-Yes OMG I forgot about the stalky reaper
Zeta: You mess up so many things
- it ain’t wrong
- [in john Mulaney’s Trump voice] we locked Death away and enslaved the reapers
Zeta: Poor Cas
- ok but WHO....death? Michael is asking himself that too.
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-Yes , put him in the dungeon. HOT
Zeta: shit
-I can hear you
Zeta: Shit
Zeta: SHIT
-I’m loving this
Zeta: Bring back Crowley.
Zeta: We left Garth in the trunk looool
- that....everytime we don’t see a character for long that’s it...they are in the trunk.
Zeta: Castiel
-CASTIEL . so strange, I love him, he’s such a sarcastic asshole.
- M: “Yes, uh, put a chair against the door”
Zeta: This pretty smile as I rip you apart
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Zeta: Control yourself
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- S: “Cass this is all we’ve got”
Zeta: Again?
- well it is a loop.
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-MORE SHOTS.  (me)
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Zeta: The only thing missing is “heat of the moment”
- what if the woman is his conscience trying to get him out and if he sign he’s out? ...like....testing his resolution?
-Little insulting
Zeta: you’re nothing
Zeta: Why is he so perfect in this?
- J: “Dean---is strong”
  M *disgusted face*: “ Is a gnat “ . WOW
Zeta: Emotional abuse.
- M: “ he was not happy, but he didn’t care-- Cause you are not Sam, you are not Cass.” 
[ me looking smiling to the Castiel/Misha hateclub]
-M: “You are a weak helpless thing”
- Jack , babe ....get away tho 
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- M: “no I’m not and I can still hear you”
Zeta: Prick
- Love that prick..... literally 
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- I care so little for the others I swear
- M: “Look at you, play nursemaind for a nephilim”
-C: “You are confusing loyalty and compassion for weakness”
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Zeta: Damn what am I watching?
- [looks into the camera like in the office] Sexual tension
Zeta: so done. this. Close up
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- M “and now...that I’m in here, I know why” 
Zeta: He churn our draft after draft
- M speaks like he’s singing and mocking you at the same time. He has this musicality in his speak and I love it
- C: “Why would he do that?”
- good lord I swear all the angels are just brats throwing temper tantrum because they have a trash dad.
- M: “But now , I just want to burn every one of his little worlds until I catch up to the Old man”
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Zeta: Even god can die.
- oh ok....overachiever much
Zeta: Hurt Jack
- No no Jack babe...keep your fucking soul .
Zeta: Cool science project
- Michael’s mind: if you mess up my perfectly combed hair Cass I swear-
- M: “ I give it a solid B- .....uh oooh”
 me nervously: .....wtf lol 
- M: *snorts* Oh Cass, I believe in you.
So rude...so nasty 
- j: “ What should I do?”
Zeta: Pray
-Thanks Cas, that’s-......that’s great
Zeta: You are all mine
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Zeta: Dean’s mind.
- ..... if it was a funny episode they could have made so many jokes about being empty lol.
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- me looking around haters mind ^
Zeta: This is what you are gonna become
- Dean’ “NOOOO “ at Castiel death is vibrating into my bones.
- S: “Dean is strong”
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- C: “Sam, we’ve been through a lot and Dean is more than strong”
- S: “Dean thrive on trauma.” 
Zeta: Smart moose
- Somebody has been reading some meta tumblr posts
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- P: “You really know how to talk to a lady don’t you?”
 me already at Castiel’s feet : wha
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- That’s us fans watching 14 seasons of supernatural ^
-Bloody Cass is 100. *licks lips*
- P: “get me a shot. With your braaaain”
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Zeta: Well hello.
- C:” That was- that....DeAN ThAt WaS An ACcidENT”
Zeta: Babyyyy
- them baby faces
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- Dean’s mind : [ old modem sounds]
-M [Slow clap it out.] : Hey Fellas
Zeta: I’m you
Zeta: He gripped you tight and raised you from perdition
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-but also....but the fuck is Mary at?... like wow.
- also....everything that Micheal is saying right now is causing me actual fucking pain.
- Ok and both Sam and Cas faces? well thanks
Zeta: He’s buying time
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-WOW. Slow smile, oooooH
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-S: “So in here, you are all talk”
- oh that’s why he doesn’t use his powers. Serviceable .
Zeta: So happy. Fuck
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Zeta: Prove it
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- Um...yes hello 911? 
Michael getting his hands dirty is too hot for me.
-Fucking Tiger man.
-Come on baby 
Zeta: Jack will do something “stupid”
- Well he is his parents’ son *shrug*
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Zeta: that
- D:” Then we don’t kick him out, we keep him in”
-oooooh M goes in the closet, lol
Zeta: Oh my god.
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- ....Well that was stupid AHAHAHAAH 
- I can’t stop laughing .
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- M [ROAR] 
  me: ....
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Zeta: I’m the cage.
-HE IS THE CAGE. That doesn’t seem right tho...come on.
Zeta: So now Dean has Michael locked up
-ooooh the magic hurt him. Forgot about that. My baby.
Zeta: Concerned Dad.
- The way Cass say : “you understand?” killed me....so soft...so worried...
- The little smile! Kill me now.
Zeta: He’s not ok.
-Dean is not ok.
Zeta: [henley alert]
-He’s like....naked. ( still has another tshirt under it tho)
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-Oh he’s mad 
( Sorry for the not that clear gifs but I wanted to cut and past all the bits of that because it’s amazing)
Zeta: He’s suffering so much.
-That troat
- That door is not that sturdy tho
Zeta: Oh hell no
- oh hello death . 
-Aw hell naw.
- Death :” Except one”
Zeta: Which one?
Zeta: No
Zeta: NOOO so much hurt
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Zeta: Actual literal pain in my chest
- lol I don’t even wanna look at tumblr now
Zeta: well you know me....I have
- of course you did
post gifs comment: I didn’t do my crack gifs for now, but they will be done in a separate post.
If you want to get tagged in the future ones send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @supernatural-teamfreewillpage  @destiel-honeypie   @mariekoukie6661   @dragontamerm    @closetspngirl @rainflowermoon @mattiecat   @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee @jacks-word-of-the-day @4evamc
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snffbeebee · 6 years
Business Or Pleasure ( Part 14 )
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{ Catch up with Part 13 }
Word Count - 2,968
The next morning, you woke up to lips softly on yours. You blinked your eyes open and looked into those beautiful eyes and you couldn’t help but smile.
“ Good morning beautiful. “ He whispered as he placed kisses along your jaw.
“ Jay, don’t start something that you can’t finish. “ You sighed, as your hands gripped onto his shoulders.
“ And who says I can’t finish it? “ He smirked.
You looked over at the clock and seen that it was 6:15am.
“ The clock...our flight leaves in an hour an a half. We need to get up, and get going. “
He let out a frustrated sigh, kissed you softly, then rolled off of you to lay on his back. He watched as you got off the bed, and started gathering your things, wearing nothing but his t-shirt and your underwear. 
“ You know when we get back to Vancouver, I’m gonna finish what I started this weekend. We’ve been so busy. “ He smirked.
You looked at him, walked over and stood in front of him, your arms wrapped around his neck.
“ You promise? “ 
Before anything could get started, there was a knock on the door.
“ Let’s go ladies, we gotta grab coffee before we head to the airport. “ Jared called from outside the door.
You both let out a sigh.
“ Come on, let’s get out there before the Moose has a hissy fit. “ You laughed.
You pulled on a pair of jeans, but kept his t-shirt on and tucked it in the front. 
“ I’m not getting my shirt back am I? “ He shook his head, as he zipped up his suitcase.
“ Yeah probably not. “ You said, tossing your bag over your shoulder.
You guys made your way down to the lobby, grabbed coffee with Jared and Misha, then you slept the whole flight home. Your head resting on Jensen’s shoulder. When you arrived back in Vancouver, Jensen walked you to your car and helped put your bag in the trunk of your car. He closed the trunk and looked at you. He let out a sigh, when he noticed the paparazzi around you, their cameras flashing.
“ So, call me when you get home? “ He asked.
“ Yeah of course, we’re still on for dinner tonight? “ You asked.
“ I wouldn’t miss it. “ He smiled softly leaned in and kissed the top of your head.
You smiled got into your car, then started down the street. You were just going through a green light when you seen a huge truck coming right at you, and that was the last thing you seen before everything went black. When you woke up everything was fuzzy and all you could hear was the beeping sound that was coming from beside you. You blinked your eyes until your vision became clear to see the bright lights of a hospital room. You took in a deep breath and the pain in your head hit you like a ton of bricks. You looked to your right and seen your mother.
" Mom. " You said, your voice breaking from the rawness in your throat.
She quickly got to her feet and stood beside you, taking your hand in hers.
" Hey sweetie. " She smiled, tears welling in her eyes.
" What happened? "
" You got into a car accident, you've been out for the past 3 hours. "
You were so confused, you didn't remember a damn thing. You heard voices outside the room and your eyes focused on the man standing behind the other side of the big window and your heart began to race.
" Mom.."
" Yes sweetie. " She asked.
" is that Jared Padalecki? " You asked, trying hard to contain the butterflies that were stirring in your stomach.
She let out a little laugh and moved the hair from my eyes.
“ Yes. “
“ Is he here visiting someone? “ You asked, slowly sitting up.
“ Yeah, he’s here to see you. “
Your eyes widened as you looked at her.
“ Am I dying or something? “ You said with a little laugh.
She shook her head as a smile pulled at your lips.
“ No, you are going to be just fine. “
“ Then can you explain why Sam frigging Winchester is here to see me? “
Her smiled faded slightly and she sat down on the chair next to your bed.
“ Listen Y/N the doctor said that you might have some memory loss, so things might be a little overwhelming at first. “ 
You let out a sigh. Well that would explain why I didn’t remember anything.
“ Okay, so I know him? “ You asked.
“ Very well sweetie. You’ve actually been one of the main characters of that show for the past 3 years. “
“ What? “
Your mind couldn’t process what she had just told you.
“ You’re saying that I work on Supernatural, and I’m friends with Jared and . “
Before you could finish your sentence, your eyes locked with those green ones that you always loved watching on tv. You seen the pain on his face and you let out a breath.
“ Jensen Ackles. “ You said softly.
She looked through the window, then got to her feet.
“ I’ll be right back. “ She smiled, then walked out the door.
You watched as she stood beside the huge men and you wish you could hear what they were talking about.
“ How is she? “ Jensen asked, panicked.
“ She’s going to be fine, but she’s got memory loss. “
“ What does she remember? “ Jared asked running his fingers through his hair.
“ I’m not exactly sure, she just woke up. “
She hesitated, looked between the boys and let out a breath.
“ But she doesn’t remember that she knows you guys. “
She seen Jensen’s face fall and she put her hand on his cheek.
“ Listen the doctor said it will be a little overwhelming, but it will be good for you guys to try and help her remember things. Show her some things that you’ve done over the past few years. Fill her in on what’s really been going on in her life, because well you guys know that better than me. “ She said with a little laugh.
“ I’m gonna go get some coffee. “ Jensen said, walking down the long hallway.
Jared looked at your mom and she smiled.
“ Can I go see her? “ He asked.
“ Of course, but just know that she’s gonna be a little start struck. “ She laughed softly.
“ I’ll leave you guys to talk to her for a while. I’m gonna go grab some of her things. “ She smiled, leaving Jared at the door,
He let out a breath, opened the door and poked his head inside.
“ Can I come in? “ He asked.
You tucked the hair behind your ear and smiled.
“ Yeah of course. “
He closed the door, walked over and stood in front of you, his hands in his pockets.
“ So my mom tells me that we are co workers. “ You laughed nervously.
“ Yeah, for a while now. “
Right then he thought of something. He took his phone out of his back pocket of his jeans, then sat down in the chair next to your bed. You couldn’t lie and say that you weren’t star stuck. You watched this man on tv for so many years, and couldn’t believe that he was sitting next to you. He turned his phone so you could see it and couldn’t help but smile.
“ This was your second day on set I do believe. “ He laughed.
You looked at the photo and seen you on his back, sticking your tongue out. You tried hard to remember that night, but nothing was coming. He swiped to the left and the next picture was of you in Misha’s trench coat, that literally went down almost to your feet. You couldn’t help but let out a little laugh. He showed you a bunch of photos then stopped and took in a breath.
“ This was from your first fan convention about 3 years ago. “ He said softly.
Your eyes locked on the photo. It was you and Jensen. He had his arm around your shoulder and his lips were on your temple, your face scrunched up in a funny face. You took in a deep breath and carefully ran your fingers through your hair.
“  Wow. “ You breathed out.
“ Yeah. “ He slid his phone back into his pocket and smiled at you.
“ I’m glad your okay Y/N. We were all so worried. “
“ We? “
“ Me, Misha, Alex everyone over at the studio and of course. “
“ Jensen. “ You said, as the door opened and he stepped inside, two coffee cups in hand.
Your heart began to race and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“ I got you coffee. “ He said, passing a cup to Jared.
Jared got to his feet, leaned in and kissed the top of your head. He smiled, then walked out, closing the door behind him. Jensen stood there and just looked at you for a minute, not knowing what to say. You couldn’t even form words at the moment. This was like every girls dream, to have Dean Winchester standing in front of her, that worried look on his face. You took in a deep breath and pulled on a smile.
“ So I guess this is a little overwhelming for you. “ He finally said as he sat down on the chair.
“ It’s a lot to take in yeah. “
You shook your head with a little laugh.
“ I mean, any fan would die to be in my position right now. “
“ Well I wouldn’t say this exact position. “ He motioned to the beeping machines.
You let out a laugh, and you looked at him, as a feeling of comfort came across you.
“ So Jared showed me some pictures he had on his phone,  it seems like we get a long pretty well. “ You joked.
He took a drink of his coffee and shook his head.
“ If you only knew. “ He said softly.
You seen the smile from his face and you instantly reached out and put your hand on his.
“ Tell me. “ You said softly.
He thought for a second, then took out his phone.
“ I’ve got a better idea. “
He typed something on his phone then held it out for you to see.
“ Your mom said you don’t remember being on the show...which means this would be like watching it for the first time. “ He smiled passing me the phone.
You took it and looked at him for a second. You moved over the other end of the bed, hoping leaving enough room for this man to sit next to you on the bed.
“ Will you watch it with me and give me commentary? “ You asked with a laugh.
That smile came back across his lips as he set his coffee on the window ledge then got to his feet. He carefully got onto the bed next to you, trying not to push his limits. The way you were laying wasn’t comfortable, this man was a lot bigger than you had thought. You looked at him and smiled softly.
“ Do you mind? “ You asked.
He knew what you meant and he moved his arm so you could cuddle into his side. You took in a breath and the smell of him hit you with a wave of comfort. His cologne, coffee and the mint gum he had in his mouth. You knew that smell. He placed his arm carefully around your waist and he held the phone out so you could both see the screen and pressed play. You watched at least 3 episodes and he told you funny things that happened, how many takes it took because Jared was messing with someone and you couldn’t contain your laughter, but you didn’t remember any of it. He seen the emotion on your face change and he set the phone down and looked at you.
“ None of this is coming back to you is it. “ He stated.
You didn’t say a word, but shook your head.
“ I’m sorry. “ You said running your fingers through your hair as you sat up.
“ Don’t be, it’s not your fault Y/N “
He seen your eyes start to get heavy and let out a breath.
“ You should get some sleep. “
He unwrapped you from his arm and got to his feet, fixing the t- shirt he wore. 
“ Yeah, I am getting a little tired. “ You admitted.
He hesitated, then his kissed your forehead softly. When he pulled back, you looked at him and even though you didn’t remember anything, you knew you felt something, the moment he walked into the room.
“ Jensen, can I ask you something? “ You asked softly.
“ Of course. “
“ I get that Jared and I are good friends, but you and me..”
The smile that pulled on his lips was almost broken.
“ What? “ 
“ You’re my best friend Y/N, but the past week, it’s kinda became more than that. “ 
Your heart skipped a beat. This wasn’t happening.. you and Jensen Ackles. You never in your wildest dreams wold have guessed you would hear those words come out of his mouth.
“ I’m sorry Jay.. I can’t even begin to imagine what this is like for all of you guys. “
“ Of course you’re worried about everyone else. “ He chuckled, but you could still see the pain written all over his face.
“ Did the doctor say if this was going to be permanent or not? “ You asked softly, terrified to hear his answer.
He let out a breath and ran his hand over the scruff on his face.
“ They don’t know..it could last for a few days, or months...or you may never remember any of it. “
Your heart broke. You wanted so much to remember everything that him and Jared had told you about.. but most of all, you wanted to remember whatever had happened between the two of you.
“ Get some sleep, alright. I’ll be here when you wake up. “ He forced a smile on his face.
You closed your eyes as he leaned down again and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. He let it linger there for a minute, then stood up straight.
“ I’m gonna see if Jared got lost. “ He said as he made his way to the door.
Before he could walk out, you spoke.
“ Jensen. “
He turned back and looked at you.
“ I hope that it all comes back. “
He didn’t say anything, but smiled, then left. You ran your hand over your face, letting everything that just happened sink in. You couldn’t believe how bad that killed you when you seen the look on his face when he looked at you. You never wanted to see that again, but there wasn’t anything that you could to prevent that. You thought about everything as you finally drifted off to sleep. Jensen walked around the hospital until he met up with Jared.
“ How is she doing? “ He asked.
Jensen took a big drink of his coffee.
“ She doesn’t remember anything, but she’s good. “
“ Why don’t you go and get some sleep, we can come back first thing in the morning. “ Jared said, as he patted Jensen’s shoulder.
“ Nah I’m gonna stay here, you go. I’ll call you in the morning. “
They parted ways and Jensen convinced the nurse to let him to stay in your room over night. He came back into your room and sat in the chair beside the bed and just looked at you as you slept. Would he ever have what he did not even 24 hours ago again? Would you ever remember how much he cared for you? He let out a sigh, then leaned towards you and took your hand in his.
“ This whole situation is messed up, I know that. I know that you don’t remember how you feel about me, or how I feel about you..Hell I don’t think I’ve actually told you how I really felt. It scares the crap out of me, that’s for damn sure. The way my heart races, anytime you laugh. How I felt every single wall come crashing down, the first time I kissed you, that night on your porch. I can’t picture my life without you. “
He felt the tears start in his eyes and he took in a deep breath.
“ I love you Y/N and I should have told you that, long before now. “ He whispered. 
He wiped the tear that fell onto his cheek, let go of your hand and sunk into the chair. He looked at you for a minute, then closed his eyes and eventually fell asleep. You slowly opened your eyes and looked at the big man that sat in the most uncomfortable looking chair, his eyes closed. You had heard every single word he had said. He poured his heart out to you, and you couldn’t say a damn word.
Feedback is the fuel that keeps me writing!! Please feel free to let me know what ya think!! Thanks again for all the Love!! <3
@ezilyamuzed @redlipstickandthewinchesters @angelkurenai @deans-jiggly-pudding @angelessquirrel @jackles-jadalecki @hunterswearingplaid @thekatherinewinchester @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @nanie5 @mirandaaustin93 @thebeautywithinme @bitterstar88 @jamielea81 @one-to-beam-up @nillavanilla21 @spn-winchester-app
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closetofanxiety · 6 years
Impact Homecoming thoughts
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Hey, I ordered this on the Fite TV app! Where the hell is my calendar??
Anyway, here we go:
I enjoyed this show! I watched it along with @ioplokon via the magic of the Internet, and it was a lot of fun. I see the usual Impact naysayers online are saying the relative lack of Twitter chatter about this show indicates the Company That Wouldn’t Die is in great peril, but I spent years predicting the demise of TNA only to be proven wrong every single time. I will say that the timing of this PPV was not spectacular: mere days after Wrestle Kingdom, and following two weeks of clip shows on TV. Oh, and it cost $40. The old PPV model is dead dead dead, and even ROH has adjusted its plans accordingly. I am a lunatic with a reasonably generous disposable income, so I bought it, but how many people like me are there?
I am glad that they announced their weekly show, which is moving to the TV wilderness (literally, it’s a wilderness channel) of Pursuit, will also be simulcast for free on Twitch. I don’t know what that means about the current financial viability of the company, but it does mean, in the short term, I can actually watch Impact in real time. And Impact’s been really good for a solid year! 
Thoughts on the show:
* Fun opener! Putting Ethan Page in the X Division championship scramble thing was a great idea, because he brings a different feel to a match that otherwise would likely feel like a cruiserweight showdown. Page probably should have won, honestly. Having Swann win is ... uh, whatever. Swann’s a good wrestler, but even without the Baggage, he’s never really been the guy to be the face of a division. He was a solid midcard dude in PWG, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but I think that’s probably his top dollar best.
* What a trip it is seeing Jordynne Grace on a pay-per-view, even in an era when that model is pretty much dead! Ironically, I think this is the most money I’ve ever paid to see Jordynne Grace wrestle, and I’ve seen her in person like a billion times. She’s terrific. She’s a star in the making. This match also featured Su Yung, who I obviously adore. Her work doesn’t always translate in a TV match - she’s best as a brawler, and her greatest skill is absorbing inhuman amounts of punishment - and it was a little shaky here, but in general this was a fun match. I don’t 100 percent buy Allie as an Evil Creature of the Night, but she’s definitely thrown herself into the role. Rosemary returned at the end, kind of predictably, but it was still welcome.
* Willie Mack is great. Just so agile and nimble for a big man, and with gallons of natural charisma. I love watching him wrestle. I have never seen a Willie Mack match that is not, at least, a hoot. Sami Callihan is ... I don’t know. It feels like he’s kind of spinning his wheels. When he left NXT, there was a period like a year when he was on an absolutely ferocious tear, and that momentum has really just translated into a midcard villain job and a kevlar vest. Maybe he’s distracted by doing a million different things in wrestling, but it feels like a long time since he’s been a realistic choice as The Dude. On commentary, Josh Matthews says “Sami Callihan is treated like a god in Dayton, Ohio,” which, even if it is untrue (it is), tells us everything we need to know about Dayton.
* Eddie Edwards vs. Moose was a blast! So fun. Just a crazy, all-out war. Ioplokon aptly said it was like watching ROH in 2010. There were some genuinely bonkers spots in this match, moments where I thought, Gentlemen, ease up. I think Eddie’s never really gotten his due, but matches like this show he totally deserves to be considered part of the top rank of non-WWE wrestlers. Did it have kind of a goofy setup? Sure, it involved Raven in a mental institution. But I *like* goofiness. I watch professional wrestling. The name of this blog is taken from a thing Kevin Sullivan used to say while pretending to be a devil worshiper who conjured Mark Lewin out of the Atlantic Ocean. There should be more goofiness in wrestling. Also, Alisha Edwards showed up at the end of this match and nearly broke a dang kendo stick over Moose’s head.
* I just can’t get into Eli Drake. He seems like a character you have to face in a preliminary match on a wrestling video game. Just not my kind of wrestler. He beat Abyss in a Monster’s Ball match which was certainly a match that happened.
* The tag match between LAX and the Lucha Bros lived up to expectations as a completely crazy spot-filled sprint of total mayhem. I saw this matchup at Americanrana ‘17, and it was the only time I’ve seen people throw money into the ring. These guys are so well suited as opponents, and the crowd was absolutely cooking throughout the whole thing. A lot of fun. Watch it if you get the chance. LAX deserve to be huge stars. 
* The women’s title match between Tessa Blanchard and Taya, with Gail Kim as referee, should have been the main event. There was a good story here, with the expected tension between Kim and Blanchard, and overall it just felt like more was at stake. I did NAWT agree with the finish, because Tessa should have lost clean, but it at least raises the tantalizing prospect of a Gail Kim feud with Tessa. I know Gail is “retired,” but wrestlers never retire.
* The main event happened! Tape Machines said on Twitter it looked like the kind of match where one wrestler is working through a case of the flu, and that’s about right. Everything felt weirdly disjointed and disconnected, not even a spotfest so much as a hastily assembled spot collection. They should have put the belt on Brian Cage, but for some reason they didn’t. Killer Kross came out after and beat up Johnny and Taya. I guess we’re getting a Killer Kross feud with Johnny Impact, which, uh ... listen, Impact is better than it’s been in a long time but it’s still a work in progress, OK?
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superman86to99 · 7 years
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Superman: The Man of Steel #23 (July 1993)
REIGN OF THE SUPERMEN! In this issue: Steel vs. Superboy! I mean, "Superman” vs. “Superman”. The Man of Steel is battling some hoodlums armed with hi-tech killer weapons when the Metropolis Kid decides to butt in and "save him" in front of the cameras that follow him 24/7. (Side note: Was Superboy the first '90s reality TV star?) The Kid draws all the firepower to himself... accidentally causing the bad guys to shoot down a Daily Planet helicopter containing Lois Lane. The chopper blows up, signaling the death of a classic and beloved DC Comics character: Frank the helicopter pilot. RIP.
Lois, meanwhile, manages to jump out of the exploding chopper in time (probably out of pure muscle memory) and is rescued by Steel in a rather familiar-looking scene.
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Lois tries to turn the tragic situation into an exclusive interview with Steel, but Steel has something more important to do: chewing Superboy's butt for scaring off those criminals he was trying to interrogate (and, you know, causing a man's death). The Kid is like "I'm da real Superman, yo!" and bails... but as he flies away, he actually starts questioning his half-assed approach to superheroics. I'm sure Frank's wife and 12 children would find great comfort in that.
Meanwhile, Steel is approached by Lex Luthor Jr., who wants to offer him a job as one of his armored security guards (because having one S-shielded superhero in his pocket isn't enough for him). To butter Steel up, Lex offers him the location of the White Rabbit -- aka, the lady distributing all those highly advanced weapons to street gangs. Steel thanks Lex for the tip and immediately ditches him, making it clear that his services aren’t for sale.
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Steel drops by the White Rabbit’s penthouse, and she turns out to be an old flame from his time as a weapons designer for the military. Things almost get steamy for a second in there, until Steel remembers that this lady has made him indirectly responsible for countless deaths (all those weapons are his design). Once she takes the hint that Steel won’t work for her (either), White Rabbit just shoots him point blank with one of those big-ass guns, launching him off the building and into a convenient tanker parked outside.
Superboy (who was following Steel to apologize for being a dick) flies in just in time to pull Steel’s body from the resulting tanker explosion:
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By the time Superboy and Steel return to White Rabbit’s penthouse, the place is already empty. The two Supermen then bond over that whole “we’ve both caused innocent people to die today” thing and part amicably. Awww!
Ponytailed scumbag Jeb Friedman, having given Lois Lane WEEKS to recover from her fiance’s supposed death, urges her to “forget Clark” and go to Cairo with him. Don Sparrow says: “I hesitate to even mention that the hated Jeb Friedman appears here, and even Jimmy doesn’t want Lois rebounding with him. Serious question, though: are we supposed to hate Jeb? Or is it just happenstance?” If we weren’t supposed to hate Jeb, would they have given him a ponytail, Don?
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After meeting Steel, Lois reflects on the fact that the other Supermen may look like Clark, but Steel is the only one who acts like him. Obviously she doesn’t think Clark’s already been reincarnated as an adult black man, but she does seriously wonder if ghostly possession is a real thing.
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I love how efficiently Steel’s backstory is presented in this issue. As he and White Rabbit are about to lock lips, we see a handful of black-and-white panels showing the two working together for the military, hooking up, finding out his weapons were being used against innocents in Qurac, and then a flashback-within-the-flashback of Steel’s grandparents having just become victims of gang violence. It’s only half a page but it tells you everything you need to know about this dude and his motivation.
Superboy burns his hands while rescuing Steel, even though a clone of Superman should be equally invulnerable. Hmm. Hmmmm. Hmmmmmm.
The issue ends with Supergirl telling Lex she’s going off to look for Superboy, which leads to the next issue of Adventures.
And this leads to the end of my section! For more commentary, Easter eggs, and gratuitous images of White Rabbit, check out Don Sparrow’s section after the jump:
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow​):
Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like none of the other four Superman titles seems as swayed by the importance of the storyline as SMOS.  What do I mean? I mean that when it’s a big storyline, like Panic in the Sky, or Doomsday, the art on the title really seems to rise to the occasion, and there’s some standout stuff being produced.  But in the meantime, when a story doesn’t feel as important, the quality seems to dip a little. To me, this is one of those issues.  We begin with the cover, and it’s not one of Bogdanove’s best.  Sure, his artwork could be called cartoony at the best of times, but this one really took on a loose, loony tunes sketchiness, particularly in Superboy’s “ain’t I a stinker?” expression and giant wall of teeth. He looks less like a 16 year old than he resembles Rex Leech, a character we’ll come to know better in time.
Inside, the story gets off to a slow start, as we’re abruptly thrown into a video of wannabe gangsters, moving in on where they think they’ll find John Henry Irons.  The double page splash revealing his location is an exciting one, and Dennis Janke does some interesting things with his hatching to indicate the shine of the metal, leaving certain areas unhatched to show a glimmer. 
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Bog’s depictions of The White Rabbit continue to push the envelope for how much skin a comic code approved book can show, both on page 7, and then later in the book. [Max: This next sequence of panels burned itself into my young mind. Because of the cool panel layout, I mean.]
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[December 2018 edit: White Rabbit’s body has been covered with Mike Carlin’s face so that Tumblr doesn’t delete this post. Sorry.]
Page 8 brings us a long sought after in-comics cameo.  If you’ll recall, back on one of my first reviews on this site, I interviewed the great Tom Grummett and asked him if there were any Easter Eggs that we should look out for while we were reading.  He answered that "My personal favorite moment was when Jon Bogdanove drew me in a scene with Jimmy Olsen in one issue of Man of Steel. I’m the one with the moose on his shirt. Happy hunting.”  Well, we need hunt no more, as a certain fellow pops up, arguing with Jimmy Olsen, and what’s that on his shirt?  A moose?! Found you! [Max: Are we the first on the internet to point out this cameo? I don’t have time to look it up, so let’s go with “Yes”.]
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I also love the little gag in the lettering, where the first part of “Saskatchewan” (Tom’s home province) is shown as “Saskatch” and then below that Bog has written “W-1”, phonetically completing the phrase.   It’s also a very Neal Adams-y couple of panels when Jimmy and Tom start to get heated debating who the real Superman is.  [Max: I wonder if the Neal Adams-esque panels above are homaging a specific Adams comic, or just his “intense argument” poses in general...]  Then a page later, there’s an unmistakable rendering of another Super-Teamster, none other than group editor Mike Carlin, scanning the police radio for scoops.
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As the story progresses, there’s a great shot of the Metropolis Kid (who they refer to as Superboy on this page, without a rebuttal from the Kid) showboating and holding one hand behind his back.  But, on the page that follows, a pretty heavy end for Daily Planet chopper pilot “Frank”, made all the more sickening by the lack of concern from the Kid leading up to this point. 
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Some great visual callback on page 12, as the mob scene when the Man of Steel rescues Lois Lane recalls the meet-cute at the shuttle disaster wayyyy back in MOS #1.
The scene were John Henry confronts the Kid about his carelessness is well-done, even if it gives way to another mention of the preposterous ‘spirit-walk-in’ idea, which even these characters seem to find tenuous.  
The flashback with White Rabbit does a good job of filling in the gaps of John Henry’s history (interesting how similar Irons’ motivation is to that of Tony Stark’s, at least in the movies) but it’s an odd scene—not just because of the aforementioned vamping from White Rabbit, but also Irons’ inaction in the scene—he went there to capture her, but mostly just stands around and then lets her stroll back over to the bed, where a weapon is clearly visible from where he’s standing. [Max: Can’t imagine what else he could be looking at.]
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As The Metropolis Kid rescues The Man of Steel, we get more looney tunes-style comedy, when the Kid comedically blows on his burning hands, trying to cool them. They seem to be working hard to establish how different his powers are from Kal-El’s, though they eventually go back on almost all of this stuff.
Moving on, we get a really nice look at Lois at a rainy window, once again musing on how the Man of Steel, while physically the most removed from Kal-El, seems to embody his “soul” more than the rest.
Is the cameraman gangster supposed to be a riff on Spike Lee? The glasses seem pretty similar to ones Spike wore at the time.
How is it that we never noticed such a giant, futuristic tower on the Metropolis skyline before?
Jimmy Olsen wearing a Spin Doctors t-shirt is a little too meta for my head, since one of their biggest hits was “Jimmy Olsen’s Blues”.  What does the DC Universe Jimmy think when he hears a song about himself, lusting after Lois Lane?  They were also one of my favourite bands when this issue came out, so my mind was doubly blown.
What is it with Lex hanging onto VHS tapes?  Thank God he never got his hands on that one of Big Barda! [Max: Dammit, I’d JUST managed to erase that from my mind, Don.]
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nanyoky · 7 years
OH god it’s a CHRISTMAS EPISODE. our core four pairs have broken up, fp is about to die and it’s a CHRISTMAS EPISODE
mary booked a singles cruise so i guess they couldn’t get molly ringwald for more eps this season
yay my girl polly’s back for a presumably horrifying dream sequence
That Kubrick-esque centered shot of Hood!santa climbing over the couch back????? *kisses fingers like cartoon italian chef*
Cheryl still EXPECTS her mother to put out jason’s stocking and demands to know what such a tiny candycane is doing in their home because she is still GRIEVING but still SO MUCH . this is what the death of a twin looks like take fuckin note marvel
Also nana rose didn’t die in the fire? so that’s nice.
“86,000″ “what- dollars?” like the hospital in smalltown usa might charge people in pesos or forint- godbless you archie
“Kevin’s secret santa has a 20$ limit” “Kevin needs to chill” no, v, YOU need to chill. or rather don’t. because we love you so much.
“Havent you heard? we’re still friends!” “oh yeah. isnl’t everyone?” i love these girls almost as much as the lund and byerly’s checkout lady who never judges my wednesday night sale sushi runs
fp looks so thin without his jacket and warm vestiges i’m worried about him is he taking his vitamins eating his spinach if he has been surviving on hot pockets and beer since he got out i will be so cross with him
“BOY.” i’m DISTRAUGHT. fp and jughead are living together again and we’re finally getting to see what that looks like and it’s exactly as heartbreaking as we knew it would be
also fp wears his wallet with a stylish chain that goes from his pocket to his beltloop because it’s apparently 2008 in that trailer
“Couples massage.... thanks” “You can go with betty!” audience: YES PLEASE.
also who the fuck would do a couples massage with their highschool boyfriend- veronica lodge that’s who, but who ELSE.
archie didn’t spend any money on his gift and it is obviously the ebst one int he exchange and we love him
oh dear. mr. svenson. of course i love that betty and co. know the janitor at their school’s name. is that normal? i went to an enormous highschool- i barely knew my teacher’s names half the time. but i imagine it’s very sweet and very betty of her.
oh god jughead came to riverdale high for the gift exchange because he’s a good dude. a good dude.
his little SMILE when he feels how heavy it is is the most boyish he’s looked since the scene where we find out fp is his dad in the drive in episode and I’M NOT OKAY
veronica giving archie an expensive engraved watch is CLASS COMMENTARY and it is very good of archie to try to explain that to her calmly and without accusation or bitterness i don’t know if i would handle it that well cuz fun fact i once accused a guy of making me into Pygmalion because he tried to take me to a restaurant with multiple spoons
jughead wants to help but now sweetpea has replaced joaquin as the unreasonably beautiful surrogate son fp feels more comfortable putting in danger than his own kid help
what is the point of showing cheryl is interested in buying a tree? other than maybe she’s going to spend more than her mom can afford now??? or that she’s back at archie now that josie is weirded out by her possessive obsessive tendencies? not sure what the point of that was
nice reverse zoom/dolly into a dutch angle on this modest janitor house
the parole officer calls him “jughead” that is all
hermione and hiram being deliberately flirty in front of veronica after she and hermione had that talk about loving one’s partner
“Since when are you a communist *deliberate eyeroll at hiram*” i still can’t tell whether season 1!hermione or season 2!hermione is the act and i’m still RIVETED
okay it was to show she’s just spending a bunch of money to piss off penelope who coincidentally, is wearing a WINNER of an outfit rn damn son i have that but like- not as good cuz my black lace sheath is from target
not to take credit away from cheryl’s high quality cherry sweater
“you should have drowned them at birth like a basket of kittens” NANA ROSE. NANA FUCKIN ROSE. COMIN IN HOT FOR THE HOLIDAYS.
i honestly don’t know if it’s ever stated if nana rose is penelope’s mom or clifford’s but judging purely on penelope’s eyeroll and non-verbal expression of “UGG. MOTHERRRRR” i’mma say her’s.
betty pulls her sweater over her hands when approaching her mother because how often did alice tug roughly at young!betty’s clothes to make sure she was PICTURE PERFECT at all times
we all knew that it was going to be a finger right we all knew
and of course she only tells archie because this is betty cooper we’re talking about
“would the sisters talk to us?” “pft- they better” betty’s gunna beat up a nun
also my first assumption is that the janitor’s sin is pointing out the wrong guy to the lynch mob??? could be wrong but it seems kinda odd that archie isn’t bringing up that part of the story
the lodges have the same “christmas classics” cd as my mom because of course they do
the fact that veronica finds the deed to pop’s and doesn’t react in shock or anger but sits back in her dad’s leather office chair and crosses her legs to think things over is CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT
jughead knows fp too well to apologize for thinking badly of him and the duffles and IT HURTS SO GOOD
oh god jughead is calling on the next gen serpents for help this isn’t going to end well, son
“take out penny” take out? TAKE OUT???? TAKE OUT?!?!?! JUGGIE. take a nap.
sweet pea and fangs are either the bestest of bros or engaged to be wedded i can’t decipher their eye communication exactly
the serpents are FACTIONING and this CANNOT end well
next gen serpents are going to fuck everything up and i can’t take jughead trying to do an intimidating under the brows stare seriously
we all think that nun is the drug dealer lady in the wheelchair right?
“the truth” THE LODGE TRUTH. HOOO BOY. *pours another drink*
i just pictured fp’s face if he saw this and did the most ridiculous puppy whine
“oh noooo. no girls allowed” NANA ROSE BLOSSOM. MY MAIN GIRL.
founding families. what did i say.
hefty sigh at barchie kiss. like- i’d be more into this if they actually built it and didn’t keep breaking up and putting everyone back together back and forth
oh cheryl saw- THAT i’m interested in
they’re not going to tell us the lodge truth because they’re bastards
penny didn’t show up for your pickup, did she?” “no.... no she didn’t.” JUGHEAD IS THE PARENT AND FP IS THE KID AND IT IS HORRIBLE AND PERVERSE AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH
“this life you tried to protect me from? i’m proud of it!” *WHALE NOISES* FP’S FACE. FP’S *FACE*. THIS IS THE LOOSE HENRIAD CRIME FAMILY AU I’VE BEEN HURTING FOR.
oh god there’s one black guy in the picture please don’t tell me our sweet angel pop was involved in this how old is pop he’s not old enough right tell me he had no part in this
oh god oh god oh god did sheriff keller shoot bh so he can’t talk oh god oh god oh god
this is too easy and we all know it i’m still pulling my multiple killers theory and i haven’t given up on shady!keller yet
weird sound editing trying to give studio quality to josie and kevin just jammin acapella outside a diner
YASSS JUGHEAD GETS HER A SIGNED FIRST EDITION OF BELOVED WHICH I HAVE BASICALLY BEEN WAITING FOR SINCE BETTY SAID SHE LOVES TONI MORRISON IN EPISODE ONE. well- not exactly this. but that IS one of my alltime favorite books and a huge influence on my own gothic writing so to see it referenced on this show is just GRAND
we all know it’s not over juggie, we all know.
Episode Scorecard:
Number of sick beat drop rhythmic editing moments: none
Episode hair MVP: Nana rose’s stripe was featured as a plot point and is always of the highest quality
Do I still miss Joaquin: yes
Episode outfit MVP: Penelope’s black lace sheath
Cast/Crew shoutout: There were some really solid cinematography moments, but I would have liked to see better editing? pacing was a bit rough.
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thelastspeecher · 2 years
I mentioned a bit ago about how I bought a DVD of the movie Brother Bear just so that I could watch the version of the movie with the commentary by the two moose characters (played by Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas). Well, I just rewatched the commentary for the first time in a while and wanted to share my own personal highlights.
“What is that, wasabi paste?” “You gotta spend less time in sushi bars and more time studying anthropology.”
“Is that Antonio Banderas?”
“Did you put a record on?”  “No it’s called a soundtrack.”
“I got one of those at a giftshop at the Vancouver Airport.”  “That’s called an omelet.” (Item being referenced is in picture below)
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“Bears make pretty good lifeguards.  They can swim, they can climb, they’re knowledgeable about CPR.”
“You try going anywhere, even up to the North Pole, and talk to the spirits, and they will ignore you.  Because there’s too much noise and pollution.”
“Notice how chipmunks are always harbingers of danger?”
“Kenai doesn’t do his own stunts because he’s the star.  So they draw a character that looks exactly like him for the shots from behind.”
The entire transformation sequence
Long-winded discussion of how a scene reminds one of them of hockey
“I’ve been to the Iron Salmon, where they have to bike, swim, and run.  Some of the salmon, they don’t make it.  They can’t finish the bike part.”
“You know what they don’t have in this movie?” “What?” “A Zamboni.” “That’d be good.”
“I think I could’ve been a singer if I hadn’t just been a moose.”
They order a pizza.  The pizza delivery guy shows up.  They float the idea of having the pizza delivery guy join the commentary, then immediately boot him.
Extended discussion where they claim a chipmunk was seen immediately before intense action scenes in famous movies
“Never underestimate a murdering human.”
“That’s the bear that does ‘This is CNN.’”  “You’re thinking of Darth Vader.  Darth Vader does ‘This is CNN.’”
“Those are not real salmon.  Those are fake salmon made by the prosthetics department.  They wouldn’t allow even the stunt salmon in the bears’ mouths.”
“And they had the representative of the salmon union there.” “Oh yeah that fish head.” “I thought some of the demands by the salmon were ridiculous.”
“Snow symbolizes the end of the journey.”  “I think the snow symbolizes shoveling.”
“This is called comic relief.  When the story gets really serious and sad, they bring the idiots out.”
“No moose was transformed into a lion in Lion King!”
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singingpuddle · 7 years
My commentary whilst watching part 1 of  Buzzfeedblue’s “3 Horrifying cases of Ghost and demons”
Sup ya spooks. Im FINALLY getting around to doing this. I wish i could say that im doing it in honor of (insert stupid reason). But tbh, im just depressed and need a distraction, and whats a better distraction than going back to where it all started.
1. I ship them, if you don’t that’s cool with me.
2. This post is super long
3. I long for the day I no longer have to cross out the boy in boyfriend when it comes to these two. this will be abundantly clear by the amount of times i do
4. After a little bit i will stop putting full names, so just know.
5.I recommend watching the video along with or before going through this post, because if you haven’t seen it you will be lost.
R=Ryan and S=Shane
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Me: Ah how times sure have changed. This was all the way back in season 1, Brent Bront was still on the show, and Ryan and Shane couldnt break the fourth wall yet.
Shane: Muwaha.
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Me: awww, look at them, so... un-shook
(+1 for height difference)
(+1 for Shane's floof) 
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Me: Proof that Ryan “heart eyes” Bergara  has just always been a thing
R: Still straight
S: sure
(+1 for The Smolder™)
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Me: I like you Father, and that’s saying something coming from a Jew?
S: What exactly is it saying.
Me: Hes a cool dude despite of different religious opinions.
S: Oh, but i thought you where an atheist
Me: Whatever.
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Me: Shane...
S: what?
Me: do me a favor and at least try and listen to what this guy is saying. 
S: Ari, you already know how this plays out, I don’t.
Me: That doesn't change how i feel about his advice.
S: Fair enough.
Me: Also i’m pissed at you because Ryan is pulling a Castiel and its all your fault?
S: Huh?
Me: He is rebelling against all of his beliefs for you. Like, hes started being more ballsy with taunting the ghosts.
R: I am not doing it for him, Im just getting better at this.
Me: Sure... Whatever keeps you sane.
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Me: Cue ad
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S: *walks in office from rain completely drenched* Hey Rye, you wouldn't have a spare shirt
R: *staring at the damp t-shirt clinging to his chest* Yeah, just give me a sec. *downs whole water bottle* 
(y'all better appreciate the time this took, okay.)
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 Me: Let us enjoy the final moments of peace before The Shookening™ begins
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Me: JESUS SAID CHILL *My jewy self screams as Ryan freaks out*
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 Me: *yelling over the fence* SQUIRREL, MOOSE! YOU GUYS IN THERE?
R: *Looks worriedly at Shane* Should I even ask?
S: Let the girl be, shes just having fun.
Me: *drawing anti possession mark on my arm* You guys want one? 
R: Nah we’re good.
Me: Fine, get possesed then.
R: *immeditly makes me draw one on his arm* 
S: Ill meet you guys inside
Me: Dont worry Rye, they wont posses him. He’s already one of them.
R: What?
Me: What?
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This is their first date (isn't it) and they where all prepared for spooks, but show up to find this shit.
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Me: so your Alone in a creepy house on your first date outing and the first place you go is the bedroom? Bit forward if you ask me. 
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Me: Its weird hearing the name Winchester external to Supernatural. It feels like...
S: Seeing a teacher at the supermarket for the first time?
Me: Yeah, or hearing Try guys Keith say “Hey there demons, its me, ya boy” Its just
R: Un- natural?
Me: Yeah, Paranormal even.
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 Me: Yeah... at least she tried.
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Me: Boyfriends 
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Me: Your totally doing that thing.
S: What thing?
Me: That thing where the boyfriend tries to scare their S.O. so either they cling to you or tell you to fuck off.
R: The horror movie boyfriend thing?
Me: Yeah, that thing.
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Me: Ass-Bat™ Making his first appearance. It was so long ago that we forgot. 
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 Me: Shane... can you like, not be an ass to your boyfriend and instead help him?
S: At this point I havent even begun my character arc, so... No.
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 Me: Do I even need to make this joke?
S: just do it for the innocents.
Me: Fine. Hey Shane.
S: Yeah, Ari.
Me: I always knew you where in the closet.
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Me: 7 Minutes in Heaven
R: More like 7 minutes in Hell ft. Shane Madej 
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Me: He looks so pure 
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Me: Shane... Just why.
S: this is how I used to show affection.
Me: Boi, used to? You haven't... actually your right. You have changed a lot since then haven't you?
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Me: Back when you guys never shared a bed.
R: We don’t normally share a bed though.
S: Yeah we do, like every time we stay somewhere haunted we sleep in the same bed.
Me: And when there are no beds you guys tend to sleep very close anyway.
R: *flustered* Well... you got a point there I guess.
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Me: I feel like a mom who just got to watch a video of her son and his husbands first date. (despite the fact they are my mystery Dads)
This long ass post brought to you by:
Younger Ryan
Part 1 / 2 / 3
Link to video here
Link to Masterpost here
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thorias · 7 years
Random thoughts watching Riverdale episode 8
The episode begins with Jughead describing the Coopers as the Stepfords of Riverdale, meaning there’s a whole lot of insanity bubbling up right beneath the surface and it probably only takes one fly in the ointment to release sheer unadulterated lunacy on anyone in the general vicinity. Yeah, that sounds about right. 
I know Archie has been compared to Jason before on this show, but seeing that flashback of Jason with Polly before his death makes it positively eerie how much Archie and Betty look like carbon copies of them. This was obviously intentional; I just wish I knew what it was meant to symbolize. 
Veronica’s solution to getting the Coopers and the Blossoms on the same page with the Polly situation is to throw a party. The fact that she doesn’t see how getting them all in the same room together would just make things worse is cause for concern. Looks like this may another one of those episodes where Archie is not the most thick-headed person in town for a change. 
Archie looks a wee bit uncomfortable when Veronica calls Betty/Jughead boyfriend and girlfriend, and I’m still right there with him. There aren’t enough NOPE gifs on the internet to express how I feel about this pairing. 
The Blossoms are suddenly trying to put Fred out of business by luring his construction crew away. Because the Blossoms are assholes. And these are the people Veronica thinks can be civil with people they can’t stand when there’s a baby involved? Yeah, okay. 
If Betty thinking that a baby shower with the Coopers and the Blossoms is an amazing idea isn’t a giant, blazing red flag, I don’t know what is. No offense to Betty, but I don’t exactly trust her judgement anymore. 
Betty tells Polly that the entire Cooper family will support her at the baby shower. What is she basing this on? Alice just made it very clear that she thinks this whole thing is a terrible idea and she wants this baby out of the picture. Then again, this is the same Betty who didn’t remember going all Darth Betty and nearly drowning Chuck, so maybe it just slipped her mind. 
Hermione think this baby shower is going to turn into a bloodbath. So the kids think this party is a great idea, while the parents are the ones actually seeing clearly for a change? This is still Riverdale I’m watching, right?
Archie has gotten all his friends to replace Fred’s crew and help out his dad. Okay, THIS is the Archie from the comics. Where has THIS kid been for the last eight episodes? 
Is Polly 18 yet? Because if she’s not, Alice could legally force her to come home. It’s a little strange that Alice hasn’t brought the police into this. 
Polly, the teenage mother, wants Betty, her younger teenage sister, to be the baby’s godmother. Um, are there any responsible and sane adults that she can consider for the job instead? I don’t think Betty’s fragile mental state should be subjected to that kind of pressure. 
Archie is going to the south side to find the Serpents who attacked Moose. That sounds like a good way to get killed, but god damn it, Archie is doing what he thinks is right to help someone who needs it. As ill-advised as this decision may be, I can’t tell him not to do it. This is character surgery Archie needed badly. 
I hope Jughead at least gave his dad a call and asked him to watch out for Archie, Moose and co. when they’re in Serpent territory. Otherwise, Jughead isn’t coming off so well here. I know that he doesn’t want anyone knowing that his dad is a Serpent and I sympathize, but this is a pretty dangerous thing his friends are doing and he’s not having their back here.  
Does Kevin’s Serpent boyfriend bear a downright scary resemblance to a young John Travolta or is it just me? 
Archie confronts one of the Serpents in the Serpents’ hangout and pretty much starts a fight. Okay, he’s not getting any smarter exactly, but doing a stupid thing for the right reason is still a big step forward for him. 
Cheryl wants to be the baby’s godmother? Um... until we know what exactly the nature of her (twincest?) relationship with Jason was and exactly how desperate she is to hold onto any piece of him, no matter how small, I would advise against that. Man, this kid is going to be so messed up... 
Cheryl’s insane grandma thinks Polly is having twins. I want to think she’s just off her rocker, but wouldn’t it be just like this show if she turned out to be right? 
When the baby shower was actually going well, I assumed it would be the Blossoms who ruined it. Ironically, it’s Archie who makes things awkward first by barging in and telling everyone about Jughead’s dad being in the Serpents. He could have done this in private and it’s a dick move to tell anyone else without talking to Jughead first, but Archie did just almost get his ass kicked and Jughead did let him go into that bar knowing that might happen. Hard to say who’s being more of a jerk here, so let’s just call it a wash. 
Now the Blossoms are inviting Polly to live with them. Dear god, if Polly walks through Thorn Hill’s gates, she’s not coming out alive. 
The baby shower ends with the Cooper and Blossom moms at each other’s throats. Who could have possibly seen this coming? Besides everyone, I mean. 
Anyone else surprised that it was Polly’s dad who tried to force her to get an abortion and not Alice? Daddy Cooper has always seemed like the more reasonable one, so I guess I should have expected the writers to drag him further into the mud at some point. 
Few things in this show make Archie as sympathetic as the scenes with him and his dad. If we’d had more of these early on, those first couple episodes wouldn’t have been so frustrating. 
Jughead admits that he should have told Betty about his dad. Well, yeah, but more concerning is that he should have told Archie before Archie went into Serpent territory, but he didn’t. 
Jughead asks if his dad had anything to do with Jason’s death. Daddy Jones says he’s no killer, which isn’t exactly saying no. I don’t think he was the guy who pulled the trigger, but he clearly has at least some idea who did. Jason’s jacket didn’t get into his closet by accident. 
So Betty’s dad did the same thing to Alice that he tried to do with Polly? I understand kid’s being to young to become parents, but it’s still a shitty thing to do. Alice is making a little more sense all of a sudden. 
Betty’s dad is an asshole now. He doesn’t want Polly moving back in because of her “mistake?” He hates the Blossoms so much that he’s throwing his own daughter under the bus? Are we really going to take things this far just to make Alice look like the sympathetic parent? 
To her credit, (yeah, I can’t believe I’m saying it either) Alice tells her husband to get out so Polly can come home. Alice Cooper doing the right thing? Now I know this isn’t Riverdale I’m watching. 
Archie and Jughead make up so quickly and easily, it’s almost funny. Is this supposed to be some sort of weird commentary on how irrational the Blossom/Cooper enmity is when these two can resolve a pretty serious argument with one short conversation?
Kevin’s Travolta-lookalike boyfriend is playing him as insurance in case the cops find out about the Serpent’s involvement in Jason’s death. Geez, poor Kevin. Maybe Moose will be up for another round of skinny dipping to take his mind of things.   
And then in the very next scene, Jughead’s dad shows up with a construction crew to help out Fred. I don’t know what the hell to think about this guy anymore. I guess the upshot is that he’s one profoundly complicated dude. 
If Veronica is the one who told Hiram about Hermione snogging Fred, I’m going to be upset. I’d like to think it wasn’t her, but Archie was the only other person who knew and I kind of doubt he’d tell Hiram. 
Polly STILL chooses to live with the Blossoms after Alice kicked her husband out. Dang, the first time Alice actually does the right thing for her family and she gets kicked in the gut for it. I can’t believe I actually feel bad for Alice Cooper. What is this show doing to me? 
How did we go from Cheryl telling Polly to run because her parents didn’t want to help her and the baby in the last episode, to Cheryl inviting Polly to stay in her house and her parents being totally cool with it? Are the Blossoms doing this just to spite Alice? Sadly that wouldn’t surprise me. 
0 notes
thelastspeecher · 4 years
eregyrn-falls replied to your post “eregyrn-falls replied to your post “I did some more work on the next...”
Oh man, that IS criminal! And wrong! (I can sort of understand some criticisms of it, including some tonal disparities, but for me what's good about the movie far outweighs all of that.) The art direction in that movie is just above and beyond. So many Disney movies are set in fantasy settings (which is fine!), and their landscapes are fantasy landscapes (which is fine!),
but the FIDELITY in BB to a very detailed depiction of a REAL landscape is just breathtaking. (And the char design is good and the moose are hiliarious, although I suppose I get that they are not for everyone. But I love them.)
And I mean, not JUST Rick Moranis! Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis! Is... is everybody else too young to remember Bob and Doug Mckenzie? Damn, I gotta go find "Take Off (To the Great White North)" on YouTube...
see, in regards to like, the criticisms of Brother Bear, I...don’t really get them?  I mean, Wikipedia claims the majority of the criticisms are directed towards the plot.  which doesn’t make sense to me.  yeah, the plot treads some familiar beats and follows a general trajectory that isn’t too surprising, but like.  it’s a Disney movie?  it has a Disney movie-type plot!  and, tbh, the premise seems unique enough to me!
I watched it a lot as a kid, which might make me a bit biased, but looking back on it as an adult, I still don’t really...see what the problem is?  especially because, like you said, holy SHIT is the movie BEAUTIFUL, and a representation of the natural wonders present in America.  like, this is a good movie to make you an environmentalist, just off the scenery alone.
and re: the character design - something I noticed when I rewatched it a while ago...they don’t give the Native characters white noses.  which...feels like something I should have to give props for, but...
if you like the moose, you would LOVE the commentary.  see, the commentary on Brother Bear’s DVD release isn’t from the cast or director or w/e, they had the voice actors who voiced the moose be the people commentating.  and had them be in character as the moose.  at one point, they order pizza.  I just.  it’s so good.
I managed to find the commentary for the transformation scene, here.  seriously.  it’s hilarious.
and.....sorry, I don’t recognize Dave Thomas :/  I only know Rick Moranis bc he was in Ghostbusters.  it might not be an age thing, tho, it might just be that I watched like three movies as a kid - Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Brother Bear, and The Blues Brothers
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closetofanxiety · 6 years
Slammiversary thoughts
“What’s Dresser of Unease doing in the Impact Zone??” (h/t @thedeathofscottywazz)
I have never ordered an Impact PPV before, and I did so this weekend based entirely on my desire to see the Su Yung match, my desire to see EYFBO on a big(ger) stage, and my curiosity about Tommy Dreamer and Eddie Edwards. That was enough to fork over $40.
I’m not really in the mood these days to do lengthy reviews or ratings, but here are some quick thoughts on what I liked:
Initial thoughts: I don’t know how many people the Rebel Center in Toronto holds, but the place looked full and the crowd was hot. Insanely hot. Multiple chants of “Impact Wrestling” hot. Toronto must be a hell of a wrestling town. Also, good production values and entrance packages, considering they’re working with like 1/100th of WWE’s budget. Josh Matthews is vastly more tolerable on commentary when he doesn’t have to do a shitty heel gimmick. Don Callis is also good when playing it straight and not chewing the scenery as he did in his ECW days.
Fatal Four Way: Fenix vs. Petey Williams vs. Bone Soldier vs. Johnny Impact
This was a good way to start the show. It was the definition of a spotfest, with no real story going into it (Petey Williams was a last minute substitution for a concussed Rich Swann). All these guys are good, even Bone Soldier, who is sort of the Brian Adams of the Bullet Club. Or maybe the Michael Wallstreet. I don’t know. Either way, lots of acrobatic stuff here, the crowd liked it, it ended just as it was on the verge of overstaying its welcome. This is Not My Thing, but it made sense as an opener.
 Tessa Blanchard vs. Allie
This was really good! Possibly the best Tessa match I’ve ever seen, and certainly the best Allie match. Really crisp, well-executed stuff here. One thing I liked is that Allie, whose character has gone through all kinds of hell and has supposedly emerged a changed woman, actually wrestled differently than she had before, with more focus and seriousness. That’s good storytelling. Tessa is really growing as an arrogant, entitled heel.
Tommy Dreamer vs. Eddie Edwards
A fun, violent brawl. Eddie Edwards has sort of struggled to define himself as a character, but he’s pretty good as an enraged New England townie who can’t quite articulate the source of his rage, so he lashes out at the people who are trying to help him. Maybe the highlight of this was Dreamer grabbing a replica ECW heavyweight title belt from a fan and waffling a bleeding Edwards with it. First blood of a crimson night!
Matt Sydal vs. Brian Cage
This is the only match that really didn’t do it for me. Cage has a time limit beyond which he is visibly tired, and this match exceeded that limit. A lot of it seemed like guys practicing spots on each other. It lacked the convincing meanness of the previous two matches. It also ended with Sydal possibly botching a shooting star press on purpose to set up the finish, but it looked hairy. I don’t want to see anyone get crippled on a wrestling show.
Su Yung vs. Madison Rayne
They have finally given Su Yung an entrance befitting her: carried to the ring in a coffin by the Undead Bridesmaids. Su is one of the very best characters in wrestling today, and I’ll happily watch anything she does. This was not a spectacular match; Rayne is just out of place in the New Impact. Her work stood out as being a step or two behind everyone else. The drama of a Su Yung match is seeing how much inhuman punishment she can take and still come back to horrify her opponent with her resilience, and Rayne is just not the kind of wrestler who can dish out offense on that level. She did, however, magnificently sell the Purge, passing out like a victim in a horror movie and then getting shoved in the casket. 
LAX (Santana and Ortiz) w/Konnan vs. The OGz (Homicide and Hernandez) w/Eddie Kingston
This was tremendous fun. Santana and Ortiz are young, athletic dudes capable of mixing it up with a nasty edge, while Homicide and Hernandez are insane middle-aged men with absolutely no regard for their personal well-being. A lot of great “holy shit” moments in this second hardcore match of the night, including Homicide, 41 years old, flying through the ropes and putting Santana through a table outside the ring. It ended with Santana throwing a goddamn fistful of thumbtacks in Homicide’s face, slamming him onto other thumbtacks, and hitting the top rope frog splash, again with the thumbtacks. After the match Kingston finally got involved, and there was a beatdown of the victorious youngsters and their decrepit manager.
Sami Callihan vs. Pentagon Jr.
I guess he’s Pentagon Jr. again? Is it weird that I now think Penta El 0M is a better name? Anyway, these two have a long-running feud across indies in North America, so my hopes were high, especially as this was a LUCHA DE APUESTA. There was zero chance Pentagon was losing his mask, but that sort of didn’t matter, as this was an insanely violent collision between two guys who, when they want to, are among the best brawlers in pro wrestling. Lots of blood in this one; at one point, Pentagon was using a baseball bat to hammer a steel spike against Sami’s skull. This was one of the rare “two wrestlers hit each other with steel chairs” spots where it looked as it would if two people having a legitimate fight were hitting each other with chairs. This had a power blinding. This had a referee getting his arm broken. This had run-ins. This had a crying, drooling Ohio psychopath being shaved bald by two masked men from Mexico. This was a trip to Memphis, baby. I loved it.
Moose vs. Austin Aries
I was really skeptical about this as the main event after the funhouse carnage of the Callihan-Pentagon match. But this really delivered. Far and a way the best Moose match I’ve ever seen, Austin Aries deserves a huge amount of credit for making his opponent look like a world-beater, while getting genuine boos from the crowd for being an arrogant veteran dickhead. There were a couple of great moments in this, like when Aries stuffed Moose’s spear and immediately rolled into the Last Chancery, and Moose hurling Aries off the ramp into the crowd. Great stuff from both guys. A title match that felt like a title match. There’s a non-zero chance I will go to the Impact Shop Zone or whatever the hell it’s called and buy a baseball cap.
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