#so that she can go back and rescue Ted
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Spicy Tales (1988) #19, reprinting a story from the January 1939 issue of Spicy Adventure
0 notes
supercorpkid · 2 months
Right To Be Hellish
Supergirl. Kara Danvers x Reader. Alex Danvers.
Word Count: 3615.
Notes: the jealousy fic we deserve. thanks @supercorpenthusiastic for this idea :)
"I can't believe you're actually going on a date with your ex." Kara huffs, avoiding eye contact, clearly signaling her frustration.
"Yeah, pretty crazy of me going out with someone that is into me."
"Oh please. You guys broke up for a reason."
"The reason being he moved out from National City for work, and now he is back." Kara gives an audible scoff, which you catch even from the bathroom. You come back into her view, to find her sitting on your bed, arms crossed, biting the inside of her mouth, clearly displeased with the situation. "What? Just say it."
"It's risky."
"And I told you, you got nothing to worry about. We're going to have dinner at that new fancy restaurant that just opened. So there'll be plenty of eye witnesses."
"Don't use words like that, it doesn't help."
"Kara, he is not a criminal. He's an architect who likes to design self-sustaining buildings." You resume getting ready, even though she continues to look unpleasant with your choice. "It's pretty honorable, honestly. I thought you'd like him. He is like a hero in his area."
"Pfff. I'd like to see him save people from a burning building." She mumbles, and you ignore her because you're too busy for whatever it is that is happening with her.
"Worst case scenario, I get a nice meal out of him." You joke from inside of the bathroom while you change.
"I'll pay for your food if that's the reason! I'll fly to Italy right now to get your favorite, if you call this off." 
You're tempted — you do love pasta more than anything else, and eating on your coffee table with Kara, watching an old movie sounds like a perfect plan. But you also know you can't keep hiding yourself from the world. You need to put yourself out there again and find someone that won't leave you to sleep alone, like your best friend does.
"Hey, look, I appreciate you looking out for me. But I promise I'll text you if anything goes wrong and you can send all the Superfriends there."
She doesn't answer, so you come back into view. Kara's mouth drops when she takes a look at you. You open your arms with a huge smile.
"How do I look?"
She blinks, unable to string together a sentence. Then, she adjusts her glasses on her face and smiles. "Good. Great. You look — nice." You raise your eyebrows at her waiting for more, because there's something on her expression that just tells you there's more. "Very nice."
You can't help the disappointment, you were expecting something else.  "Cool. Think I'll get more than a nice meal outta this?"
Kara stands up. "That's my cue. Text me if you want out." 
The dinner is going smoothly. With no awkward silences when you both have so much catching up to do. You are aware he is your ex, but this dinner feels more like reconnecting with an old friend.
It's all nice and easy, until you spot a familiar blonde coming your way, and your eyes widen at her. This can't be good.
"Oh! You're eating here?" Kara grins broadly, thumbs pointing at herself. "I'm eating here!"
You just stare at her, utterly baffled by her sudden appearance. She makes her way to sit next to you, and you whisper close to her face. "Kara, I appreciate the rescue, but like I've told you before, it's fine."
She has an unhinged look on her face when she says, "That's what friends are for."
You refrain from saying that no, this is not what friends are for. In fact, none of your other friends even thought about crashing your date. And you gulp, while she stares down your ex, in a way that is making everyone uncomfortable.
"Um, Ted, this is my best friend Kara. And Kara, you remember I told you about Ted, right?"
"Oh, hey, it's nice to meet you." He tries to shake her hand from across the table, but Kara doesn't touch him.
"So Ned! Y/N told me you dumped her when you moved out of National City for work."
You mumble, "Pretty sure I didn't use those words."
"And now, look at you!" She points accusingly, a scowl on her face. Not even trying to fake how she truly feels about him. "Here! Again! Wanting to undo your mistakes."
"Well, it's – um – it's Ted." He tries, while Kara stares him down like she might just use her heat vision on him. Ted goes on about buildings and whatnot, while you glance at Kara from side eyes, face hot in embarrassment and something else. You breathe deep trying to control yourself. 
She looks amazing. Tough and confident and nothing like the sweet Kara Danvers you know. When she crosses her arms, flexes really, your mouth runs dry. She is puffing her chest out with a bright red blush on her face. A vision of perfection. Wait, what the hell. Stop having obscene thoughts about your best friend and her muscles, weirdo!
Ted looks at you, and you finally focus back on the conversation happening in front of you. "Didn't we agree to focus on work for a while?"
"We did. Yeah." You shoot Kara a look, pleading her to shut the fuck up. "And, um, talking about work, I thought you said you needed to work tonight, Kara."
You try, and Kara looks at you with furrowed brows. You raise your own at her wishing she would just fucking get the silent message you're trying to say.
"Oh, yeah! I had this article to finish." She agrees, touching her glasses, getting back into her old Kara Danvers quickly while talking to you.
"Great! Then –"
"But it's done now!" Kara smiles right after and you swear to God, you might kill her. "So, Ed, did you get fired? Is that why you're back to National City? Did one of your buildings come crashing?"
"OK! You know what," You stand up abruptly. "I need to freshen up. Kara, care to join me?"
"Oh, I'll keep Fred company." She says that in such a threatening manner, you're the one getting shivers down your spine.
"It's Ted." He tries yet again.
"No, I – I need you. Please." You insist and she can tell how serious you are, by the way you're staring her down. 
"Okie dokie." 
You make your way to the bathroom, with Kara following you close-by. It's only when the door is closed that you acknowledge her. She looks so hot with this black top, hair back, and clenched-up jaw. It takes everything inside you not to slam her against the door and —
Stop. Don't go there. Why the hell are you going there?
You've known Kara for years, and you never once — Well, that's not true, your first thought when you met her was how amazing she looked, and how much you wanted to kiss her. But then you guys started being friends, and you stopped this nonsense — except that one time she told you she was Supergirl and you imagined kissing her senseless while flying around National City. But other than that — wait, there was also that very explicit dream…
Ok, fine. It seems like friendship is not the only thing you want from her. You breathe out trying to focus on what's happening now and not on what you wish could happen, "What the hell was that? You were acting like a crazy person!"
"What? Did you see the way he was looking at you? It's my right to be hellish!"
You tilt your head sideways, thinking about it. "Why is it your right to act insane?"
"You don't get it, you're too sexy and beautiful, people just stare at you like they want to —" Her face gets red, this time from embarrassment. "I'm just doing what best friends do."
"Well, you're being a bad friend!" Her mouth drops, shocked by what you just said. "I told you I'd text you if I needed help!"
"But you texted!" Kara says and you roll your eyes. You can't believe she is now lying about this. She can sense you're not believing her, so she grabs her phone in her pocket. "See," she turns it to you, "you texted!"
You glance at the screen to said text, "Kara, that's clearly a pocket text."
"Well, I didn't know that! I thought that you were being kidnapped and was trying to let me know where he was taking you."
Oh. You blink at her, realizing your mistake. That actually makes sense.
"So I dropped everything and came here to save you, only for you to call me a bad friend."
You curse yourself. "I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry –"
"No, you said what you said. I'll leave you alone with hero architect Brad, have fun." She turns around, and before you open your mouth to stop her, she turns back at you. "Oh! And I hope you don't get kidnapped for real this time, 'cause I'm not coming back to save you."
You know she is lying, she would obviously come back to save you, but the fact she felt the need to lie about it only shows how upset she is about this whole thing.
"Kara, wait. Kara!" But she leaves without a glance back. You breathe deep, trying to decide if you should run after her or just go back to your date. You obviously want to make things right with her, but there's so much to think about. Why is it her right to be hellish when people are looking at you as if they want you?
The rest of the dinner is fine. But as soon as you're out of the restaurant, you're texting Kara trying to make amends.
It's been a couple of days and still radio silence from her end. You can't believe Kara is taking this so far, and you also don't know what else to say so she can at least go back to talking to you. 
You hear the doorbell and run to the door in a hurry, hoping that Kara has come to her senses. Your face drops when you open the door. "Oh, hey Alex."
"Don't look so disappointed to see me!"
"Sorry, sorry, I'm not." You open the rest of the door and make your way inside. "I just thought you were someone else."
"And who was that, exactly?" Alex closes the front door behind her, following you into the kitchen.
"Your sister, actually." You breathe out and Alex agrees with her head. "We had a little bit of a disagreement after I went on a date with my ex."
"Oh, right! Chad! I heard all about him and his 'buttface'." You furrow your eyebrows at her. and she explains right after, "Kara is too nice to call him an asshole."
"But apparently not nice enough to call him by his real name. He's also not an asshole." You grab two beers in the fridge and hand Alex one. You know her well enough to know she needs one to function. "How mad is she right now?"
"She's just butthurt 'cause you said she was being a bad friend. Just apologize."
"I have! Many times! I've been texting her for days and I tried calling her. She just won't talk to me."
"Oh. I might have misread the situation." 
"Well, try again?" You urge her. Alex chugs her beer then shrugs her arms as an answer. "Alex, come on! You know Kara better than anyone. I admit I was an asshole when I said she was a bad friend, but she has completely shut me off. She didn't even give me the chance to apologize properly. And then proceeded to tell you bad things about Ted when he was nothing but nice the whole time."
"Ok, fine. If I tell you what I think it is, will you drop it for now and order us some food?" 
You look at her in utter confusion. "You showed up here uninvited. You buy us food. I'm supplying the beer."
"Fine." Alex makes her way to your fridge and grabs another beer. Yeah, that one was on you. "I think she might be feeling a bit jealous."
"Because I have someone and she doesn't?"
"Aaaand I need tequila for this." Alex mumbles under her breath and you get up from the couch, getting closer. She is pouring herself a shot of tequila, and you're seconds away from calling her out on it, but she downs the shot and starts talking, "More like she is jealous you have someone that isn't her."
"I don't get it."
"And I'm not drunk enough." Alex says going back to her beer. 
"God, Alex, stop drinking!" You pull the beer out of her hands and she huffs, upset.
"You and Kara make me an alcoholic ok!" She stares at you with full intent. "It's always, 'oh but Y/N is going out with that guy when she could go out with me. Oh my God, why is Kara so obsessed with me?' Yadda yadda yadda. It's exhausting, you know? Just fucking kiss already!"
"Kiss?" You look down at the floor while thinking about it. "Alex, is Kara in love with me?"
"Has been for two years, thank God you finally noticed."
"Actually, you just told me." You joke and she rolls her eyes. You sit on the closest chair, and look at her. "I wasn't sure she felt like this. I didn't wanna mess up the friendship."
Alex sits next to you, puts a hand on your shoulder. "What are your plans now? Are you going to break up with Ted, or just pretend you don't know how Kara feels?"
"I don't know." And you don't. You don't know. Which is ridiculous, how can you not know something so big and life-changing? "I need tequila for this."
"Now we're talking!"
It's a whole bottle of tequila, all the beers that were in your fridge, and the warm Vodka bottle Alex found under the sink later, when you realize that you can't barely stand up and Alex is slow-dancing with a pillow to no music. And right on time, Supergirl flies in through the window.
"Kara!" You stand up from your place on the floor in shock. Alex, being caught off guard, sends the pillow flying right at your face. Two seconds before your butt hits the floor, Kara picks you up. "What are you doing here?"
"You called! You pressed the emergency button on the watch."
You furrow your brows, not remembering that. You look at Alex wondering what she's done. "Don't look at me. I didn't do it."
Two minutes prior:
"We should get Kara here!"
"Yeaaaah! Call her! Call her! Call her!"
"Wait wait, I have a better idea." Then you press the emergency button.
"And it seems that you two are too drunk to even remember that." Kara rolls her eyes, annoyed. She sits you on the couch, and goes around the apartment organizing what she can see. She pulls Alex's glass out of her hands with a mad face. "You had enough. I can't believe you were trying to drink Y/N under a table."
"Hey! She was drinking herself!"
Two hours prior:
"You know what, if you don't know who to pick it's probably 'cause you're trying to use logic. Love isn't logical. Let's get you drunk so you can feel it, instead!" Alex said pouring more tequila into your shot glass.
"Alright, well, you're the specialist!"
"I'm gonna fly Alex home, and you –" She looks back at you on the couch with sad eyes looking up to her. She breathes out, finding it impossible to be mad at you. "Stay put, I'll be back soon to help you."
"Okay." You give her a dopey smile, so happy she is coming back for you. 
Kara is truly remarkable. The fact that she's coming back to look after you, despite you calling her a bad friend, fills your eyes with tears. How could you have said such a thing? She's the epitome of a best friend, the finest person you've ever known! Sweet, caring, and undeniably beautiful. So beautiful. You can still remember her clenched jaw, biceps showing her strength through the top, lips pressed together. You fight to get air back in your lungs, your entire body so hot you feel you're about to combust.
You think back to all the moments Kara was there for you. All the times she made you laugh hard, and how you never had to ask her to show up for you because she would hear your sad voice over the phone and just materialize at your place the next second. Your love for her knows no bounds. You love her more than anyone you've loved in your life. Ted doesn't even come close to comparing.
It's Kara you want. It's always been Kara. It will always be Kara. You spent so long convincing yourself that who you wanted was unachievable that you missed on the fact she had the exact same feelings towards you. You just wish she would admit them to you.
Kara flies back in through the window, checking on you from farther than you'd like. "You look flushed. Are you feeling ok?"
"Ye—Yeah." You force out of your dry mouth.
She goes to your kitchen for a glass of water.
"How's Alex?"
"Having another beer. Even though I think you both had enough." She rolls her eyes, comes closer with water in hands. She doesn't give you much time to enjoy her closeness, when she goes back to picking up the beer bottles and cleaning around the house. "How are you actually feeling?"
"I, um —" You know she is upset, but girl's gotta get over it right about now. "Can you please look at me?"
"I'm trying to organize the mess you and Alex did. Why — why would you do such a thing, Y/N? You know Alex can't be outdrunk." She goes on, not a glance over to you.
"Kara, look at me." She turns to you, and you can see annoyance written all over her face. "I think I'm gonna marry Ted."
"What!" Kara's face is a mix of emotions. She wears them all clearly — anger, resentment, heartbreak, sadness. Her hand shoots to her heart, as if she's checking it's still there. She looks so pale all of a sudden, you're scared you might be giving her a heart attack. Her voice comes out so small, "Really?"
"No. But you should see your face." You smile and she rolls her eyes at you, incapable of keeping her anger in check.
"Oh, so you think this is funny?" Her face contorts in anger, one eye blinking at you. "Well, why don't you get Todd here to help you, huh?"
"Because I don't want Ted. I want you." 
"I thought you said I was a bad friend."
Tears pool under your eyes. "God, Kara. Will you get over that? I said I was wrong! I apologized! I'm sorry!" You get up from the couch, the first few steps are as unsteady as predicted, but you make your way towards her anyways. "I'm sorry. I love you. I'm sorry."
She hangs her head low and now you're close enough to touch her. You hold her face softly, making her look at you. "I love you."
"Y/N." Kara whines your name, eyes wet, lips parted. 
"Go on, Kara, tell me you love me too. Now is the time." 
"You're drunk." She says averting her eyes from your piercing gaze. "This is not how I imagined it."
"Well, I'm sorry baby," You hold her face a little stronger so she can look back at your eyes. You only continue when she does,  "but life is chaotic. Relationships are messy and they don't go like our fantasies, and I'm telling you Kara, I love you. And if you love me back, you have to tell me right here, right now." You show around. "In my shitty apartment, while I smell like alcohol and we curse your sister for getting me drunk."
Kara's tears fall, and she swallows deep. She doesn't talk, and your heart is seconds away from breaking and never recovering. You cry too, hiding your face on her chest. "Please, please say you love me."
"I love you." She barely whispers, planting a kiss on the top of your head. You look up to her again, and she cleans your tears with her finger. "I've always loved you, baby. I always will. And I'm sorry I pushed you away, I guess I was just jealous of hero architect Ted." 
You give her a sly smile. "So you do know his name."
"Y/N." She whines your name again and you let out a chuckle at her pretty pouting face.
You kiss the corner of her mouth lovingly, "I love you. I've always wanted you."
She kisses the tip of your nose, your temple, and your cheeks with no rush. There's no need to rush anymore. You just got the love of your life and you know she isn't going anywhere. "You're mine. I had the right to be hellish."
You smile, agreeing. "I'm yours."
Kara's cheeks flush, as she looks at you fondly. "Come on, let's get you sober, baby."
"And then we'll kiss." You say, because you know Kara so well, she won't 'take advantage' of your drunk state. 
Kara smiles, kissing your cheek softly, then she picks you up and starts carrying you to the bathroom. "And then we'll kiss, yeah."
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Unexpectedly Yours: Part 2
Fandom: Ted Lasso (Regency AU)
Pairing: Roy Kent x F!Reader
Summary: Lord Roy Kent still has yet to marry. He hates the notion that marriage is a way to ensure your status in society. You have delayed your debut to society for years because of the same idea. So what happens when two people who hate the idea of marriage are constantly drawn to each other?
Part 1
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You giggle as you watch Phoebe and Cece run around the room, "breathing fire" and roaring like a dragon.
"I'm going to eat you!" Cece roars in a deep voice, right into your face.
You fake scream, "No! Please! Don't eat me! I'll do anything!"
"Anything?" Phoebe asks in her own 'dragon' voice. When you nod, she goes, "Then you have to give me your kingdom so I can be a dragon king!"
"No! I can't let you have my kingdom!"
"Then we're going to eat you!" Phoebe and Cece creep towards you until Lord Kent "pops" up from behind a chaise lounge with a wooden sword in hand, "I'm here to save you, princess!" he explains in his raspy voice.
There's a small crown on his head and he looks a bit ridiculous to you, so you snicker a bit. He points his sword in your direction, "Shut it."
You roll your lips inward to hold back your laughter.
Cece and Phoebe turn to him, "Who are you?"
"I'm the prince..knight come to rescue the princess from you dragons," he points the wooden weapon towards the two little girls before him.
"You'll have to kill us to save her then!" Cece explains.
Lord Kent cocks a brow at your young cousin then looks at you. You give him a shrug. Sensing his hesitation, Phoebe speaks up, "You have to kill us, Uncle Roy. Stab us right through the heart!"
He looks at his niece in disbelief, "I'm not stabbing you, you odd girl."
She rolls her eyes, "It's just pretend, Uncle Roy. You're not going to hurt me. Besides, you can't save Princess Y/N if you don't kill us. Then she'll be dragon food!"
Cece and Phoebe bare their teeth and their "claws".
Lord Kent sighs and gently pokes Phoebe in the chest, "Stab." She exaggeratedly falls to the floor, her tongue sticking out to signal her death. He then pokes Cece in the chest, "Stab." She, too, exaggerates her death, similar to her new friend.
"My hero," you chuckle.
Lord Kent walks over the "dead bodies" of your cousin and his niece. He holds out his hand, "I've saved you, Princess Y/N," he says unenthusiastically as he pulls you from your place on the floor.
You snicker, "Thank you, Sir Kent. You're so very brave."
Cece opens her eyes, lifting her head up, "You have to kiss her too!"
"No, I don't," the viscount quickly says.
"Yes, you do! It's how all the fairy tales end!"
"No, they don't."
Phoebe's eyes open and she adds, "Yes, they do, Uncle Roy. Remember the one you told me last night? That ended with a kiss and they lived happily ever after! Do you not want a happily ever after?"
The viscount lets out a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Phoebe-"
"Just do it," you say, making him turn back to you, "It'll be quick."
"Fine," he grits, appearing as though kissing you is the worse thing in the world. You can't help but feel a bit saddened by this.
He faces his entire body towards you. He steps closer to you and begins leaning in, closer and closer until his lips hover over yours. Just as he's about to kiss you, the door to the room opens,
"Alright, my love, time- oh," It's Lord Kent's sister, "What's going on?" she looks at Lord Kent with a questioning gaze, eyes fluttering between you and him.
Lord Kent steps back, "Nothing."
"Mummy, can I please stay longer?" Phoebe begs as she scrambles from the floor.
"Unfortunately not, my love. We have to get ready for the ball tonight."
Phoebe grimaces, "Another ball?"
"Yes, another ball," Clara smooths down some of Phoebe's hair and then looks up to Lord Kent, "Brother, shall we or-"
"No. Let's go," he rushes from your side, walking past his sister and niece.
Clara clears her throat, "I apologize for him."
You shake your head, "No. It's alright," you curtsey, "Thank you for allowing Phoebe to spend time with Cecelia. They had a lot of fun."
"I'm sure we can plan another play date for them soon, Lady Y/N," she gives a small bow, "Enjoy the rest of your day."
"You as well."
You and Cece watch the Kents walk down the stairs and head out the door. Once gone, Cece looks up at you with a pout, "You didn't kiss. That means there's no happily ever after."
"It's alright, Cece. Some people just don't get a happily ever after."
At the Ruthford Ball, Clara and Lord Kent walk around the ballroom, side by side.
"So...shall we discuss what I interrupted earlier?"
"It was nothing," Lord Kent grunts to his sister.
"Didn't look like it was nothing. Looked to me like you two were about to kiss," she says with a playful smirk.
"It's just pretend. We were pretending for the girls," Lord Kent explains, refusing to give his sister any satisfaction.
"You know, I hear that Lady Y/N is a very respectable woman, albeit she's not too fond marriage. Guess that's the one thing you two have in common."
Lord Kent sighs, stopping to face his sister, "What are you getting on about?"
She shrugs, "I think you two would be a fine match."
He scoffs, "She hates me."
Clara smirks, "Didn't seem like she hated you earlier. She looked very fixated on you."
"It was pretend," he grumbles, walking away from his sister, in desperate need of a drink.
As a server passes with a tray of flutes of champagne, he immediately grabs one. However, he isn't paying attention to where he was going and he bumps into someone...you.
The liquid spills over you, the glass shattering to the floor.
Nearby onlookers watch with curious gazes as you gasp and look up to see the perpetrator.
"Is this revenge?"
"Your new dress!" your mother cries out with a pout.
"Mama, it's fine."
"I can get you a new one." Lord Kent speaks up, causing your mother to realize he was the reason your new dress is soiled.
"O-oh. Lord Kent, I see the roles are reversed now."
"So it seems," he does his best to give your mother a polite look, "I can have the modiste make a new one for you."
You wave him off, "It's alr-"
"That would be lovely, Lord Kent. Thank you! My daughter very much appreciates it!" your mother speaks for you with such enthusiasm. She gives you a look that makes you speak up, "Yes. I'd very much appreciate it, Lord Kent," you give a slight bow and inwardly grimace. You hate that your mother makes you do this.
Lord Kent speaks up, "Lady Y/N, do you care much for the dress?"
"Pardon?" you look at him confused.
"Are you upset that I seemed to have ruined your new dress? And answer honestly, please."
You look down at your dress. You don't see any tears or stains. Just some slight dampness, "I wouldn't say you've ruined it, Lord Kent. I honestly don't believe I'd need a new dress since I won't be replacing this one."
"Very well. I apologize for not paying attention," he gives a bow.
"Thank you, my Lord. I apologize as well," you curtsey. You mouth, 'Thank you' to him and he nods.
"Aaaww your dress!" Keeley appears beside you with a pout.
You chuckle, "It's fine, Keeley."
"But you just got this one."
"It was an accident."
"Come on, let's try to dry it off," she takes your hand and guides you away from Lord Kent and your mother.
Jamie, the nice friend that he is, put himself down on your dance card so he can be a buffer for the various men written on your card.
"Having fun?" he asks you with a knowing smirk.
You scowl, "I am not and you know it," you sigh, "But what about you?"
"Oh I'm having loads of fun," he gives you a look and it makes your eyes narrow at him.
"What's that look for?"
"Well, don't know if you've noticed, but a certain viscount has been looking at you a lot tonight."
"Lord Grumpy Face. When I turn us, just look over my shoulder and you'll see," Jamie turns you 180 degrees and you're facing the other direction. You look over his shoulder and your eyes meet Lord Kent's. His gaze doesn't waver, even when Jamie spins you and lifts you in the air for a moment.
You snort, "He must be admiring his handy work considering what he did with my dress."
"You keep telling yourself that, darling."
"He hates me."
"Don't seem that way," Jamie spins you around and the song ends. You all clap for the orchestra and Jamie leads you towards the beverage table where Keeley is waiting and watching.
"Have you noticed that Lord Kent keeps watching you?" she asks and Jamie smiles.
"I said the same thing."
"So I'm not hallucinating then?"
Jamie shakes his head at his love, "Not at all. Looks like Lord Grumpy Gramps has a soft spot for our new debutante."
You roll your eyes and groan, "Both of you, stop it. You're acting childish." You take Keeley's glass and down its contents. You hand it back to her and say, "I'm stepping out for air."
You make your way outside to the Ruthford's gardens. You like coming out here, remembering how you and Amelia Ruthford used to play hide and seek in the hedge maze.
You sit at the fountain near its entrance. You let the breeze cool off your body. You're playing with a loose thread on your glove when you here someone clearing their throat.
"Lord Kent," you immediately stand to curtsey.
He shakes his head, "Please, stop that. I hate it when people do that."
You smirk, "Good. Because I hate doing it," you plop back onto the fountain's edge.
Lord Kent slowly approaches the fountain, sitting a small distance from you, "Are you alright?"
"I'm just tired of all of this and I haven't even been out to society for long. I'm tired of the dancing, the socialization. I just want to be home, reading, or spending time with Cece. I want to be my own person, not some...cow being offered up to the highest bidder." You chuckle, shaking your head, "I'm sorry."
"No, no. Don't be. I like this side of you. I don't hear many women talking so freely and openly when they're around me. It's...nice."
You feel nervous. Being in Lord Kent's proximity again after what transpired earlier.
"I didn't expect you to be here," he says, filling the silence.
You sigh, "I didn't expect to be here either, but mother forced me to go. She says I need to take every opportunity to find a potential suitor."
"Any prospects?"
"None, just like the other balls before. Not that I'm actually paying attention to any of them." you get to your feet and move towards the hedge maze, "Have you been in one of these, Lord Kent?"
He follows you, stopping at the entrance and looking up at the high grown hedges, "Can't say I have. You?"
"Only this one. Plenty of times. I'd come here a lot to play with the Ruthford's daughter, Amelia. At first, it took forever for us to solve it. Lord Ruthford would have to come find us. But the more we did it, the more we remembered."
"Do you still remember?"
You look at him with a mischievous grin, "Guess we'll find out." You giggle as you rush inside, taking sharp turns.
"Y/N! Wait!" Lord Kent cries out for you as he heads into the maze. Already, he's lost you.
"This is stupid!"
"No it's not! It's fun! Ever had fun, Lord Kent? Or are you like all the boring Lords here?" your voice is near but not as close as Lord Kent thinks.
"Is there a short cut to this?" Lord Kent asks.
"Not at all. Lord Ruthford loves puzzles and hates cheaters."
"Fuck," Lord Kent curses and you tap him on the shoulder, startling him, "Fuck!"
You snicker, "Not very appropriate language to have around a lady, my Lord."
He looks at you completely unamused, "Get me out of here."
You roll your eyes, "Fine, You have no sense of adventure or fun, do you?"
"I feel sorry for you future wife," you mutter, leading Lord Kent with very turns, loops and eventually to the exit.
At the exit, you find Keeley and Jamie waiting for you with matching smirks.
"Something wrong?"
"Oh nothing. Have fun?"
"Pft, tried to. Lord Grumpy Gramps couldn't make it very far. Demanded lead him to the exit," you go over and loop your arm with Keeley's, "Is my mother looking for me?"
"No, but Mason Stanton is. He's next on your dance card, I believe?"
You groan, "Can I feign illness?"
"You did that the last time," Jamie says.
You look back around towards the entrance of the haze, spotting the fountain, "I got it." You pick up your skirt and starting running towards the fountains.
"What? What's happening?!" Keeley cries out after you.
You stop at the fountain's edge, looking over your shoulder to your friends and Lord Kent.
"Oh now your dress will definitely be ruined!"
You sit at the edge and squeal when you lean back, falling into the fountain.
You friends and Lord Kent rush over to you, watching as you make a big scene, "Oh no! My dress is ruined and I'm all wet! My night is over!"
Keeley was shaking her head while Jamie tried to stifle his laughter. Lord Kent merely stood there, a smirk on his face.
"You're so...odd," he says as he walks over to the fountain's edge, lending a hand out.
You take it and with a grin, pull him in.
Keeley gasps and Jamie bursts out into laughter.
"Y/N!" your mother comes running down from the manor, "What is going on?!" she's fuming.
You put on your best distressed expression, "I was admiring the fountain and I tripped over my skirt and fell in. Lord Kent tried helping me out but fell in as well."
Your mother looks at Keeley and Jamie, who nod in agreement, doing their best to hide their grins.
Your mother sighs, "Well hurry out of there. Don't want you to catch your death."
Lord Kent exits first, drenched to the bone. You try not to pay attention to how his clothes cling to him, showing off his toned body. He holds his hand out as you climb out. You thank him and waddle over to your mother, "We should probably go home now."
"Yes, we should. Come on," she wraps her arms around you, leading you back towards the manor.
Lord Kent, Keeley, and Jamie all remain right where you left them. Jamie pats Lord Kent on the shoulder, "Yeah, I don't think you could handle her, Lord Gramps."
Lord Kent glares at Jamie, growling, "Don't touch me." His attention turning back to your retreating figure.
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mazzystar24 · 3 months
this is literally eddie diaz if he had a cat
that man is so “yes im a cat dad, yes im allergic to cats, we exist” coded its not even funny
I actually am fully accepting this headcanon
Me and Eddie Diaz are like this🤞🤞🤞
Also a few things that I feel you’ll appreciate abt my cat and me:
• he runs out and when he comes back I’ll start calling him a little whore (affectionate)
• he’s a black cat (me and my family love black cats and my sister even has one) and a rescue and we got him like 9 years ago and his backstory is actually super sad, cos he is a black cat and like a straight haired cat and he doesn’t like other cats but loves people, when we went to get him the animal rescue had been planning on putting him down cos no one wanted him, like they booked an appointment for him and everything.
also the name they gave him was a character from game of thrones that was like the outcast and stuff (and they told us that was why they gave him that name) - he has a new name now dw 🫡
• I have a baby sister and she is OBSESSED with him but she’s only a year and half old so she gets a little OVEREXCITED and starts like happy screaming at him and like trying to “hug” him (grab his neck) or trying to play with him (throw her various toys at him) or share her food with him (run after him with tortilla chips while shouting the word she uses for food) and chasing him around the house and stuff like that (dw she never actually injured him and we try to stop her as much as possible and she’s getting better with it) and what you all need to give him virtual strokes over is that he is the most patient cat on earth and will like visibly stop himself from reacting and will instead go to somewhere she can’t reach if he gets fed up
• this is perhaps the cutest thing you’ll ever hear- so my baby sister has breathing issues (similar to sleep apnea) and so sometimes in the night she’ll stop breathing for a few seconds and when she does THE CAT GETS UP AND STARTS MEOWING NEXT TO MY MOMS HEAD OR LIKE WILL STAND NEXT TO THEM UNTIL MY SISTER IS ALRIGHT AGAIN
• also he loves her sm he keeps wanting to sleep and cuddle on her in bed but obviously that’s risky so he’s not allowed
Anyways all these things are reasons Eddie Diaz would love my cat and why me and my cat are Eddie and his fanfic cat coded, Thank you for coming to my ted talk🫡
Also in another life Eddie Diaz was a wlw and I will not take criticisms on that statement
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abubblingcandle · 1 month
Augusnippets Day 18 - Protective Caretaker - Ted Lasso
Jamie finds himself in hospital yet again and Keeley and Roy find out through a secondary source. Neither of them were called as Jamie's emergency contacts. So if it wasn't them ... then who was it?
Here on AO3 @augusnippets
Jamie was in hospital. Again. According to Jamie he had been helping out a neighbour and had fallen off a stepladder rescuing a kitten. Roy had no reason to not believe that tale of events but he just didn’t. Also according to Jamie, he was fine and didn’t need the ambulance that Shannon had called. Now that he absolutely didn't believe. "Why were we not called?" Keeley growled in a great Roy Kent impression at the poor doctor that choose that moment to come check on Jamie. 
"Keeley come off," Jamie groaned, arm drapped over his eyes. 
"No! I am his emergency contact and I should have been called as soon as he was admitted," Keeley continued to vent. 
"There's nothing wrong with me they didn't need to call," Jamie's groans turning more and more into whines. 
"Well there if it isn't our little bruised banana," Ted announced himself bursting into the room with Beard on his heels. 
"What are you fuckers doing here?" Roy frowned. 
"That's what I was trying to tell you. Mr Tartt here is at risk of a concussion from his fall and so needs to leave with someone to supervise him," the doctor interrupted the posturing contest. 
"Oo I'm very good at those. I have different voices to keep it fresh," Ted pointed at the doctor then Jamie who looked like he was in his own personal hell. 
"Which is why we called Jamie's emergency contact ..."
"Which is me." Everyone slowly turned to look at Beard with a varied tableau of surprise. “Imagine how I felt.”
The doctor fled with the promise of a prescription and discharge forms leaving them to try and work all this out.
“Jamie? What’s going on?” Keeley was immediately there, squatting down at Jamie’s bedside with a comforting hand on his hip rubbing little circles.
“Just tired,” Jamie groaned. “Can I go home?”
“We need to wait for the doctors with your prescription. So we can have this conversation now. Why the fuck were none of us called and Beard was?” Roy growled.
“Roy,” Keeley scolded, but Roy could tell her heart wasn’t in it and she wanted to know as well.
“I’m fine it’s just some bruising,” Jamie muttered.
“That wasn’t the question Tartt!”
“This is why,” Jamie shouted, wincing as he jostled the bruises on his cheek. “I knew that even the most minor of injuries you lot would be all up in my business and making it a problem and a big deal. I ain’t that badly hurt. I’ve been hurt way fucking worse. I just need to go home and sleep,” he vented, pointing between Roy, Keeley and Ted.
“So why Beard?” Ted asked quietly, the only one out of the three that did look somewhat scolded.
“I needed someone in Richmond that I could trust would come but wouldn’t care that I was hurt and would sign the discharge papers. None of you lot would have done that,” that one moment of heat seemed to be rapidly fading out of Jamie. Roy didn’t know if it was the pain of his injuries taking over or regret at this bullshit scheme.
“Of course we fucking wouldn’t you idiot,” Roy shouted back.
“Really not the time Roy,” Keeley sighed.
“And you thought I would,” Beard’s calm steady voice dragged them all back on track as he stepped forward to be at the foot of Jamie’s bed. He reached out and grabbed onto the plastic hand holds. It was near impossible to read Beard’s emotions on the best of days but now he was locked down tighter than Fort Knox.
“You’ve never been my biggest fan have you?” Jamie muttered, eyes locked onto Beard almost challenging him to disagree. “When I’m hurt it’s always an inconvenience, a problem you know. I didn’t want to be a hassle to people who actually care about me. I know I’m a lot so I put down someone who wouldn’t make this a big fuss about it. But now we’re all making this big fuss about it,” he sighed, resigned to his fate. Good, because they were not letting him slip away to go lick his wounds in private. That was never going to happen again.
“I’m sorry I’ve made you feel that way,” Beard broke the silence, causing all the eyes in the room to lock onto him in varying degrees of surprise. “I didn’t like you at first but I don’t think anyone did …”
“I mean …”
“Don’t lie Ted he was a fucking prick.”
“Thanks grandad, really smashing the making me feel better bit.”
“As I was saying,” Beard continued through the veiled threats, “however I did think that our relationship was improving and so am sorry you didn’t also see that.”
The surprised eyes then turned to Jamie like they were watching emotional tennis. All Jamie did was shrug, curling up into himself as much as he could despite being all one big bruise.
The doctor saved them from these emotional reveals going on for much longer. “His prescription can be filled at any pharmacy but I recommend the one downstairs on your way out. He needs to be regularly checked to make sure cognitive function doesn’t deteriorate …”
“I don’t think there’ll be anything left if his brain withers any further,” Roy mutters and grins when Jamie flips him off.
“… and rest is the best mediciene for the bruises,” he finished holding out the discharge forms to the room in general. Roy went to grab them but Beard snatched them out of the doctor’s hand before he could.
“I’m his emergency contact,” Beard stated, already signing it.
“Coach you really don’t …”
“I’m your emergency contact, you’re coming home with me,” Beard’s tone left no room for argument. And Jamie didn’t, he just looked bashfully down at the bedsheets. Roy and Keeley looked at each other and shrugged. Looks like Jamie was going home with Beard … that was not going to end well.
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willalove75 · 1 year
Rebecca x reader celebrating their anniversary?
Thanks so much for the request!! 💕
This has been inspired by recent events ie I've been sick for the last like 4 days and am in the mood for a cute/fluffy fic! I'm still not 100% so I'm sorry if this one isn't stellar 😅😷
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"Yes, a reservation for Saturday. . . 7pm please . . . that works . . . yes just for two . . . great, thank you so much!"
You hang up the phone and Keeley walks into your office.
"Oi, hot date this weekend?" She says with a wink.
"Why yes actually" you say playfully. "It's our anniversary this weekend."
"Wow already?! That went by so fast! I feel like you two were pitifully flirting with each other like two weeks ago!" She says.
"Oh my god Keels it was not pitiful!"
"It kind if was!" She says and you both laugh. "So, what do you have planned?! Something fun? Romantic? Incredibly sexy?!"
"Well I just got a reservation at her favorite restaurant Saturday night, and I have a spa day booked for us during the day. Then on Sunday I was thinking of doing brunch and then maybe head out to a winery or something for the afternoon!"
"Oh la la! That sounds like a fantastic anniversary weekend!"
"I'm very excited, I want this weekend to be perfect."
"And what are the two of you trouble makers up to?"
You look over and see Rebecca walking into your office.
"Hi babe!" You say.
"Oh nothing, y/n is just telling me about her super secret anniversary plans for the both of you."
"Ah, is she now?" She playfully raises an eyebrow at you.
"Yes she is" you say "and no you can't know about any of it." You get up out of your chair and walk up to Rebecca, wrapping your arms around her waist. "You're just going to have to wait and see."
Rebecca gives you a pouty face as she wraps her arms around you.
"You're precious, but no I'm not telling you anything." You look over a Keeley "And Keeley isn't going to tell you anything either! Right?"
You look back up at Rebecca and smile at her, getting lost in her eyes. She smiles back and leans in and gives you a quick kiss.
"Fine." She says rolling her eyes.
You computer dings and you sigh, reluctantly pulling away from your girlfriend and sit back down at your desk.
"Who's that?" Rebecca asks.
"Just Higgins, wanted an update on some numbers," it dings again "and wants to know if I know of a place where he can rescue senior cats?" You begin to laugh and feel a tickle in your chest, you let out a cough that rattles your lungs.
"Are you getting sick?" Rebecca asks.
"No, I'm not," you cough again "I just had a tickle in my throat."
You take a sip from your water bottle and look over at Rebecca and Keeley, neither of them convinced.
"I'm fine! I promise."
Rebecca gives you a look and you wave her off.
"Baby I'm fine, we're going to have an amazing anniversary weekend!"
"Okay, if you say so." She says with a smile.
Rebecca and Keeley leave and another cough rattles your chest.
"Shit." You think to yourself. "Nope, I'm not getting sick. I'm fine."
You finish the rest of the day and head home with Rebecca. The two of you chat about your day as you're making dinner, Rebecca talks about something Ted did and you laugh, a few more lung-rattling coughs escape as you laugh and Rebecca looks at you.
"I'm fine, I promise! It's just allergies or something."
"Okay, I'm just saying, it's okay if we just relax this weekend and do something small for our anniversary."
"I know, but I want this to be special! I'm fine, we're going to have a great time this weekend."
Rebecca smiles at you and kisses you on the head and you lean into her. Later that night you're laying in bed next to her, both of you cuddled together under the duvet. You tuck a piece of hair behind her ear as you lay facing her, both of you smiling, looking into each others eyes.
"I can't wait for this weekend." You say quietly.
"Me either, I'm excited to see what you planned."
"I hope you like it." You say furrowing your eyebrows. You want this weekend to be special and you want her to enjoy every second of it. You've second guessed every single thing that you've planned more than once, wondering if she would enjoy it or not.
"I'm going to love whatever it is, as long as I get to be with you." She pulls you into her and kisses you. You relax into her as you feel her warm lips on yours. Your lips part and you lay into her chest, wrapping your arms around her. Another tickle rises in your chest and you turn away and cough, the vibration rattles your ribcage, you feel a warm hand on your back.
"Honey you don't sound good." Rebecca says, you see a worried look on her face as you turn back towards her.
"I'm okay baby, I promise." You say with a smile.
"If that gets any worse you have to go to the doctor okay?"
"Alright, but I'm not sick."
She shakes her head at you and pulls you into her once more.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
You kiss goodnight and drift off to sleep in each others arms. Your alarm goes off in the morning and you roll over and shut it off. Your throat feels dry and you realize how congested you got overnight, barely able to breathe out of your nose. You feel Rebecca shift and you roll over, you see a pair of beautiful green eyes peaking out from under the duvet.
"Good morning." You say with a smile as you lower yourself back under the covers.
"Good morning love. How did you sleep?"
"I slept well, how about you?"
"I slept really well." You say with a smile.
"I'm kind of surprised." She says.
"Because of how much you were snoring." She gives you a knowing look.
"Oh noo I'm sorry baby, did I keep you up?" You know you only snore either when you're exhausted, or sick.
"No," she says with a smile "they were cute little snores actually."
You let out a little sigh of relief, at least you didn't keep her up all night.
"But, as much as you'd like to deny it, I think you're getting sick."
"I'm fine! It's just allergies or something, nothing is going to keep us from having the best anniversary weekend ever!"
She kisses you on your forehead.
"I am very excited for this weekend, but I want to make sure you're okay."
"I am, I promise."
You smile at her and she kisses you. Her soft lips on yours make you feel like you're floating, but you take notice of how difficult it is to breathe out of your nose.
Your morning routine is accompanied by a little sore throat, a few coughs, sniffles and tissues, trying to clear your sinuses. Rebecca gives you looks but doesn't say anything. "I'm not sick." You think to yourself. "I can't be." The ride to work was quiet, you begin to feel the pressure in your sinuses build, hoping it will go away soon. After you and Rebecca part ways you get yourself settled at your desk, the tickle in your chest returns and you go into a small coughing fit, you grab a tissue and realize the mucus you coughed up was yellow. "Fuck." You say quietly to yourself. All of the coughing made you a little light headed so you stay sitting for a minute before getting up and heading to your morning meeting, you stuff some tissues into your pocket before you leave.
The meeting was uneventful as usual, you notice Rebecca glancing over at you more often than usual as you try to hide the fact that you're starting to feel like you have a head cold. Back in your office your sinus pressure increases, you feel like you're wearing earmuffs and your voice is starting to get a rasp to it. As the morning drags on you feel yourself slowing down, your head feels clouded in a fog and your cough starts to become consistent. You drink from your water bottle, the cold water soothing your sore throat, it's definitely gotten worse since this morning. You try to power through the day, tomorrow is your anniversary and you want everything to be perfect. After what felt like hours of work you look up at the clock and realize only an hour has passed by. Rebecca texts you asking you if you want to go to lunch and you tell her you'll meet her by the doors.
You grab your stuff and make your way to your meeting place, sniffling and coughing the whole way there. You see Rebecca down the hall and try to keep your coughs and sniffles to a minimum, although it doesn't really work. You feel like you've ran a mile by the time you get down the hallway, your body is exhausted.
"Hi baby," she says pulling you into a hug "are you sure you're alright? You don't look so good." She kisses your forehead and lingers for a few more seconds. "Honey you feel warm," she says and puts the back of her hand to your head. She cups her hands around your flushed cheeks and looks into your eyes. "y/n, are you sure you're okay?"
You see the worry in her eyes, every ounce of you wants to deny that you're sick and that you're fine, but you don't have it in you. You shake your head "no" and lean into her.
"I think I'm sick." You say, your face buried in her shirt.
"Oh honey," she says with a little laugh and wraps her arms around you. "Come on, lets get you home."
She leads you into the car and you get in, she wraps her arms around you and you fall asleep with your head on her shoulder. She gently wakes you when you get home and brings you inside, she guides you to the couch and helps you take off your jacket and shoes.
"I can't be sick!" You say. "We have so much to do tomorrow!"
She smiles and you hear a knock at the door.
"Who's that?" You ask.
"I called my doctor, he's coming over to take a look at you." She says as she walks to the door.
The doctor walks in and introduces himself, he takes your temperature, checks your ears, nose, throat, listens to your chest and takes your blood pressure.
"It sounds like an upper raspatory infection, as well as a sinus infection. I'll send antibiotics to the pharmacy for you to take, you should be good to go in a few days. In the meantime, take this, he hands Rebecca two pills, it should help you feel a little better." He says.
"Thank you." Rebecca says as you let out a small groan.
Rebecca walks him out and heads back to you with a glass of water and gives you the medicine.
"Come on love, lets get you in bed."
Defeated, you take the pills and walk with her up the stairs into the bedroom. She grabs pajamas out of your dresser and helps you with the zipper on your dress. You change into your pajamas and get into bed. You're not sure if it's because you feel like shit, or the disappointment, or maybe a combination of both, but a few tears fall from your eyes onto the pillowcase.
"Oh baby what's wrong?" She says with concern in her voice, stroking your hair.
"I'm sorry." You say quietly.
"What are you sorry for?" She lays down next to you and wraps her arms around you.
"I had such a great plan for our anniversary this weekend and now we can't do any of it and I feel so bad." You start to cry a little more.
"Aw honey, it's okay." She says as she kisses your head. "We can always do it another weekend, what's more important to me is that you're healthy. Okay?" She looks lovingly into your eyes and you nod your head, after a moment you snuggle into her again.
"It was going to be so much fun." You pout.
"So what was this wonderful plan?"
You sigh.
"I had a spa day booked for us tomorrow, and then dinner at your favorite restaurant. Then on Sunday I was going to take you to brunch and then out to one of the wineries."
You feel her smile as she pulls you in closer to her.
"I love you." She says.
"I love you too." You wrap your arms around her.
You drift off to sleep in her arms, dreams swirl in your mind, you dream that Rebecca is walking into the restaurant and you're falling behind, trying to catch up. You try to run but can't move any faster, Rebecca is looking for you, wondering where you are, you try and call out for her but no sound comes out. She looks disappointed as she walks into the restaurant alone, you try to scream for her again but again, no sound comes out. You try and run faster but can't, suddenly you feel like you're falling, you're jolted awake before you hit the ground, you try and catch your breath between coughs as you sit up, you feel yourself covered in sweat and you peel the duvet off of you.
You look around the room and realize its nighttime, you get out of bed and jump into the shower, the cool water feels soothing on your burning skin, the steam helps clear out your sinuses a little bit. You get out of the shower and put on a clean pair of pajamas, you pull a sweatshirt over your head and walk downstairs. It's quiet in the house, everything seems so still. The only light on is the one in the kitchen, on the counter you see a pill bottle and a note.
Y/n, I got your prescription from the pharmacy. I had to run back into the office to finish a few things. I'll pick up dinner on my way home, I should be home around 6:30. Drink water and relax, I love you. XX Rebecca
You smile at the note, your heart filling with love. You think to yourself how lucky you are to love and to be loved by someone so genuine, someone with such a big heart. It's little things like this that make you fall in love with her all over again.
You hear the door open and you walk into the hall and see Rebecca walking in.
"Good morning love." She says with a smile as she puts the bags in her hands on the table next to her.
"Hi baby."
You wrap your arms around each other and hold each other in a warm embrace.
"How are you feeling? I hope you haven't been waiting too long for me, I'm sorry I'm a little late."
"I'm feeling better, I think my fever broke, I woke up in a cold sweat. But no it's okay, I've only been awake for like five minutes."
"Oh good, you feel a lot cooler." She says as she puts her cheek against your forehead. "And good, I'm glad you were able to rest for a while." She places a hand on the back of your head and kisses your forehead. She takes a deep breath and relaxes into you as she exhales.
"Are you okay?" You ask pulling away a little.
"Yeah, I was just worried about you, I've never seen you that sick before."
"I'm okay, I promise."
You get up on your tiptoes and place your lips on hers, she leans down a little, she towers over you when she's in heels. You part with smiles on your face.
"You hungry? I got dinner."
"Yes I'm starving!"
Rebecca kicks off her shoes and takes off her jacket, she grabs the takeout bags and places them on the coffee table. You both sit on the floor with your backs against the couch and enjoy your meal. You two laugh and chat while you eat, she gives you some of her dinner and you give her some of yours. By the time you're done, the both of you are stuffed and tired. You lay your head on her shoulder as you both sit on the floor and she rests her head on yours. You sit in silence for a minute, just enjoying each others company, enjoying just being with one another.
"I could sit here forever if my ass wasn't killing me right now." You say, breaking the silence.
Rebecca lets out a laugh and looks down at you and kisses you.
"Come on." She says as she starts to get up.
You clean up and head upstairs.
"So what are we going to do tomorrow?" You ask.
"I'm not sure, lets see how you feel and we'll go from there."
"Okay." You can't hide the disappointment in your voice, you were so excited for the plans you made.
Rebecca changes into pajamas and you both crawl into bed. You lay your head on the pillow facing her, her thumb gently caressing your cheek you close your eyes, trying to soak up every second that passes. A tickle forms in your lungs and you roll over and let out another lung rattling cough, you try and take a deep breath and feel a ripple in your lungs, like somethings stuck and you go into a small coughing fit trying to loosen whatever is trapped. Rebecca places her hand on your back and gently rubs it as you cough.
"Aw love." She says.
The coughing subsides, leaving you with a headache. You roll back over and snuggle into Rebecca, she wraps her arms around you, gently making small circles on your back.
"I hate this." You groan.
"I know." She says, placing a kiss on your head.
"I'm sorry I ruined our anniversary." You say, sighing into her.
"Honey you didn't ruin anything, plus it's not like you got sick on purpose. It's okay, we'll have a great day tomorrow." She pulls away and cups your face in her hands, gazing into your tired eyes. "The only way it could really be ruined is if we wouldn't be together at all. Sure those plans you made would have been a lot of fun, but as long as I get to spend the day with you, it doesn't matter what we do."
You look back into her eyes, they're filled with so much love, sometimes you can't imagine why of all people, she looks at you like that. You both frequently argue over which one of you is luckier.
"I love you."
You lean in and your lips meet hers, her skin so soft and warm against yours, you feel the whole world melt away. You try and breathe in through your nose and you feel the ripple in your lungs again, you pull away and break out into another small coughing fit. You groan as you turn back, nuzzling into her neck.
"I love you too baby." She says back, wrapping her arms around you.
You both drift off into a deep sleep, you wake yourself up coughing a few times throughout the night. The memories are fuzzy but you swore that every time you sat up coughing, you felt Rebecca's hand on your back comforting you.
You wake up the next morning to the sun shining through the window, you look over at the clock and realize it's still early. You roll back over towards Rebecca, whose back is turned to you and you wrap your arms around her and cuddle into her. You bury your face into her neck, her blond curls scattered across the pillow. The smell of her skin, her shampoo, it relaxes you as you close your eyes. You hear her let out a small hum as she gently holds onto you and sticks her feet under yours under the covers. You didn't even realize you dozed back off until you feel Rebecca slip out of your arms as she gets out of bed. You open your eyes and look up at her with a smile on your face, she turns and looks at you and leans down and kisses you.
"Go back to sleep love." She gently says.
"No I'm awake, just cozy. Where are you going?"
"Don't worry about it, stay here. I'll come get you in a minute."
You curl up under the covers as you hear her walking back and fourth, you have no idea what she's doing, but your eyes are too tired to stay open to watch. After a few minutes you feel her gently nudge you.
"Come on, I have a surprise for you."
You get out of bed and Rebecca holds her hands over your eyes and leads you away from the bed. You feel the temperature change under your feet when you walk onto the cool tile in the bathroom. You take a few more steps before Rebecca takes her hands away from your eyes.
As your eyes adjust to the dim light you see the tub filled, bubbles scattered across the surface, a few candles burning and hear a playlist of romantic songs playing softly in the background.
"What is this?" You say softly surprised.
"I know how disappointed you were that we couldn't do everything you planned, so I decided to bring some of it to you."
You turn and look at Rebecca, who has a smile across her face. You feel your heart melt as you wrap your arms around her.
"Thank you baby. I love you."
"I love you too," she says, leaning down and gently kissing you. "Come on, lets get in before the water gets cold."
She lifts your shirt over your head and pulls her own off. You both pull off the rest of your clothes and step into the tub, you sit down between her legs and lean back into her, your head resting on her chest. She wraps her arms around your waist and you lay your arms on hers, holding her hands. The warm water soothes you as the steams helps you to breath a little easier. You close your eyes and relax against Rebecca while she gently sings along to the music. You're not sure how long you both were laying there for, but you slowly feel the waters temperature drop, you pull your hand out from below the surface and notice that your fingers are pruney. You lay your head back and look up at Rebecca, her eyes are closed while she hums to the music, her arms wrapped around your waist. She opens her eyes and looks down at you with a smile on her face. You reach your hand up to her face and guide her down towards you, your lips meet and you feel a warmth in your belly. She holds you tighter as you continue to kiss her, completely forgetting about the temperature of the cold water for a minute. Your lips part and she rests her cheek against your head, both of you completely at peace. She begins to notice the change in temperature and she looks down at you again.
"Come on, lets get you warmed up."
You take a deep breath and let out a few more coughs, she gently rubs your back as you cough. You sigh and you both get out of the tub and change into sweatpants and sweatshirts, you make your way downstairs and into the kitchen. You take a seat at the counter and Rebecca turns the kettle on. She starts taking out eggs, pancake mix and a few other things.
"What are you doing?" You ask amused, she usually doesn't cook.
"I'm going to make you breakfast." She says with a smile.
"Let me help," you say getting out of the chair.
"No, no, I got this."
"Oh come on,"
"No! You sit your sick little butt down."
Knowing you aren't going to win the argument you reluctantly sit back down. Watching Rebecca cook is equally as entertaining as it is frustrating, she knows her way around the kitchen well enough, but there are definitely times where you had to stop yourself from jumping in. You both laugh and talk as she cooks, you mostly poke fun at her and she teases you back. By the time everything is done your stomach is growling and the kitchen smells wonderful. She puts everything out on the table and you both sit and eat.
"Not bad, maybe you do know how to cook after all." You tease.
"Just because you're sick doesn't mean you get to be a little prat." She playfully replies.
You finish breakfast and the two of you head into the living room. Rebecca lays on the couch and pulls you on top of her, you lay your head on her chest and she pulls a blanket over the two of you. She grabs the remote and puts something on the tv and she runs her fingers through your hair. Before you know it you're drifting off to sleep again in her arms, you're not sure how long you're asleep for, but you wake up when you feel Rebecca shift under you. You look up at her and she kisses your head.
"I'm sorry did I wake you up?" She asks.
"No, I'm sorry I didn't even realize I fell asleep on you."
"I dozed off too, it's okay." She says, wrapping her arms around you again.
"What time is it?" You ask looking around.
Rebecca picks up her phone, you shield your eyes from the light.
"Almost time for dinner actually, wow we really slept the whole day away."
You chuckle and nuzzle into her.
"I'm going to order delivery, okay?" She says.
"Yeah that's fine."
You hear her nails tapping on her phone as she orders, after a minute she puts her phone down and wraps her arms around you again.
"Okay, should be here in a little bit."
You both lay together while you wait for the food to be delivered, just chatting and flipping through channels on the television. After a little bit you hear a knock on the door and you both get up. Rebecca walks to the door and answers, she hands the delivery man some cash and takes the bags inside. You follow her into the kitchen when you notice the name of the restaurant on the takeout bags, your favorite restaurant.
"Did you order from-"
"Yes I did, happy anniversary my love." She says as she pulls you into a hug.
"You didn't have to, you're the best. Happy anniversary baby." You get on your tiptoes and she leans down and kisses you, you bring your hand to her cheek and she runs her fingers through your hair. You feel her smile into the kiss and you can't help but do the same. Your lips part and she starts pulling the food out of the bags.
"I got you your favorite, plus a little surprise," she pulls another container out of the bag and hands it to you.
You open the container and realize she ordered your favorite dessert. Your face lights up and you look up at her, she seems pleased with herself.
"You're the best." You say as you kiss her again.
You both sit at the table and enjoy your anniversary dinner, you laugh and reminisce about how you both would flirt with each other before you started dating, how Keeley helped wingman the both of you, how you tried to keep the relationship secret from everyone at work but everyone seemed to know immediately anyway. You both talk about how you're the happiest you've ever been since you got together, what you both felt when you realized you were falling in love with each other, how scared you were to tell her, only to find out she was just as scared to tell you too. As you finish dessert you rest your chin on your hand and just watch her as she finishes eating.
"What?" She asks.
"Nothing, you're just insanely beautiful."
"I literally look like shit right now" she says with a laugh.
"Not worse than me!" You laugh. "But you really don't, even when you look like this, you're still so gorgeous. I'm so lucky because not only are you insanely fucking hot, you have the biggest and best heart of anyone I've ever met."
She puts her hand over yours and strokes it with the back of your hand.
"I love you Rebecca."
"I love you too y/n."
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"I'd love to."
You both get up and head back to the couch, you sit next to Rebecca and throw the blanket over the both of you. She wraps one arm around you as she finds a movie and you lay your head on her shoulder. As much as it sucks being sick, and as disappointed as you were that you couldn't do any of the things you planned for your anniversary, you almost wish that this day would never end.
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shiveringfrogspawn · 5 months
From what I remember Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator was basically an episode of Doctor Who??
The Great Glass Elevator (which I am hereforth referring to as the GGG because I refuse to type that out every single time) was basically a see-through TARDIS. It had loads of buttons all over the walls, some of which made it go different directions/speeds, and some of which changed conditions inside (turned gravity on/off, etc.). I cannot remember whether or not it was bigger on the inside because I read this when I was eleven.
In the beginning they travel in time because, long story short, Charlie’s Grandma Georgina takes too many youth pills and ages herself back to before she was born. They have to travel in time to get her back from being ‘a minus’ before she disappears. They end up in a smoky, dark place full of monsters from which they have to rescue her and take her to the real world.
There is a hotel in a space ship for very rich people (Voyage of the Damned: Christmas special 2007, End of the World: S1 E2) that Willy Wonka visits with Charlie & fam later on that’s really nice yet FULL of these aliens called Vermicious Knids that look like giant, flesh-covered eggs balanced on the pointy end (which feels very much like an RTD-era monster if you ask me).
Willy Wonka is similar to the Doctor, with his crazy inventions and unbelievable genius. He fights the Vermicious Knids when they try to get inside the GGG to kill them. He basically adopts Charlie (as the Doctor does with companions), and helps the rest of his family to lift themselves out of poverty.
He is friends with ‘aliens’ (the Oompa-Loompas) and gets along just fine with all manner of creatures, travels extensively, and nobody knows exactly how old he is (remember, kids: in the book he is not a youthful Johnny Depp but a sprightly old man!). There is nobody quite like him. He dresses strangely and is generally agreed to be eccentric yet sweet, however he has a dark and dangerous side which can emerge. He doesn’t have very good social skills, but he largely gets along with the people of the town.
Anyway this is a very long post about a book I hardly remember, but all this to say: I want RTD to get Timothée Chalamet’s Willy Wonka into s15 so I can see him be devoured by a ginormous, carnivorous flesh-egg.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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strangeswift · 1 year
Mike is Graham.
(for anyone clueless this in in reference to a byler but i'm a cheerleader au)
i Understand why you would think mike is graham. but let me tell you why that is wrong. putting a readmore bc i went off
ok first my arguments for will as graham. first of all you people always wanna make mike the edgy one bc finn is cool and he has long hair but listen up. will byers is the one who is into punk music and while they both hold anticonformist ideals will is the one who puts his money where his mouth is while mike is out here "trying to be as normal as possible" (finn's words) by getting a girlfriend, not wanting to play dnd anymore in s3, etc. meanwhile when he asks will if he thought they were never gonna get girlfriends and just play dnd for the rest of their lives, HE SAID YES. okay that is Bold as Hell and very much a graham move. he is still emotionally vulnerable and he still does art, two things that caused people to see him as gay in the past and yet he continues to do them bc that's Who He Is. graham is more masc presenting which would cause her to be seen as gay and at the beginning she is Unapologetically gay, which is way more will than mike. (i could keep going but i won't)
ok now here is why mike is megan. at the beginning of the movie she doesn't know she's a lesbian, she just surrounds herself with girls, and hangs up posters of girls (hello buff dragon poster + the superman obsession), and has a boyfriend she makes out with but doesn't enjoy it (hello mi1even). in My Opinion will realizes that he's gay before mike does (i know we all have different opinions on When he realized). plus i just strongly prefer mike being the one having a Big Gay Realization in fics. AND megan literally rescues graham HELLO PALADIN CODED MUCH SHE LITERALLY SNEAKS INTO THE GRADUATION AND RESCUES HER HELLOOOOOOOOO JUST LIKE MIKE IS ALWAYS OUT TO RESCUE WILL i am not calling will a damsel in distress by any means bc graham certainly isn't. in different ways they save each other. but the heroics are down to megan. WHICH. IS. MIKE.
now here's how the girls family lives would translate. so megan has parents that are avid church goers and they act as if they care So much for megan, but when push comes to shove they abandon her. that said, they're not as outwardly disgusted by her being gay as graham's parents are. graham's dad uses the f slur and is definitely the most lonnie coded of all the parents. but you might be asking "what about graham's mom. joyce would never go along with that" WELL GUESS WHAT GRAHAM'S MOM ISN'T IN THE MOVIE ONLY HER STEP-MOM. so in this universe something happened idk joyce lost custody or . died or something. (don't get mad at me she can't be megan's parents either they also suck. better to have her out of the picture altogether). ok back to megan's parents. so in the movie her dad cares way more about her than her mom does, her mom is just kinda there. so. switch it flip it and reverse it and that's ted and karen. ted is the disinterested father who only offers occasional unhelpful outbursts (i mean come on sitting there silently during the gay intervention then interrupting the dad's gentle speech by yelling "honey we think you're a lesbian" is so ted coded.) while Karen is more playing the role of megan's dad, who is supportive and doting and very "you can tell us anything" Except again, when it comes down to it, they abandon their child. (personally i don't think canon karen would kick mike out for being gay i do think she would Not be thrilled about it initially, but ofc any au needs allowances to be made)
ok that is all for now.
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thenixkat · 3 months
Oh yeah, I finished the Blue Beetle 1986 run.
There was a bunch of stuff I liked. Like Ted's college roommate/bestie Takamoto. And Ted being a decent caring boss/willing to fucking throw down if you try to harm his employees. Giving ex-cons chances. Willing to look out for people's families and financially support them. And caring about homeless people (granted he failed to grasp the fact that he could infact do shit to help them).
Loved the choice to have Ted's Beetle Nest be right under the Kord Inc. building. And Ted's gods awful fashion choices, good fucking lords you have to actively try to pick colors and patterns that clash that badly. Also really like Ted with curly red hair, every other appearance of him in the DC universe should have curly red hair! It looks great and distinct.
Also the whole Ted vs Dan thing and Khaji Da being a mind controlling alien parasite trying to seduce Ted. The ending felt like a fucking cop out but most of it was fun and also Dan lasered a bunch of cops which was neat.
But there was also a bunch of stuff I hated. Like the unnecessary drama of Ted not telling his loved ones about his secret identity even when it became clear that it was causing issues. OG Ted didn't have those problems b/c he told his girlfriend/lab assistant which was hot new and spicey at the time narritively.
You could have had different more interesting drama with folks knowing! Imagine how the arc where Nixon banned superheroes b/c public opinion got turned against superheroes would have gone down if there were people who knew that Ted was a superhero? Like that fucking cop got to figure out Ted's identity but what did we get out of that other than Ted getting blackmailed by that cop to do dirty work for him?
There's a bunch of plot lines that never get resolved and as far as I know just don't get resolved due to folks not really caring about Ted's of solo run. Like, poor Mr. Calhoun does not get fucking rescued after he got horribly burned, forcibly mutated and given superpowers, then kidnapped and enslaved. I didn't see a single peep about Mr. Calhoun after the Titans told Ted to go home and things will resolve themselves eventually.
Just damn, free my mans Calhoun!
And like damn, no one at Kord Inc really thought about Jeremiah Duncan much after he got kidnapped by French people. And that doesn't sit right with me. Especially after seeing what Ted did for Angie and Calhoun when they were in trouble and even that ex-con that was trying to turn his life around. Like? The fuckle?
Also the entire ending of that run felt just ... that's both a downer ending and it didn't feel super in character. Like yer telling me Ted, Mr. 'Oh no my secretary didn't show up and didn't call out and this is very not like her I'm gonna drop by her house to see if she's ok' and Mr. 'Calhoun saved my life I'm going to ride with him to the hospital to make sure he's ok/I will fight all these fucking supervillains trying to kidnap my employee so I can get that man to a fucking hospital' would say fuck yall and dip instead of helping rebuild his company?
Sure, he's pissed off at his dad and his ex but would that spite really beat out every fuck he gives for all the other people that work for him? The folks he said were like family to him that he proved pretty well that he meant it through out the story? If he quits he cant take care of the ex-con's family like he promised to. If he quits what happens to Angie? If he quits Calhoun wont have a job to come back to and its not like he could get another after being turned into a metal skinned mutant.
Nah, I don't buy that ending.
What is Ted Kord other than a bundle of guilt and responsibility, seasoned with depression and self loathing, and covered up with a bright wrapper of quips and humor?
I'm not buying that Ted Kord would leave his people in a lurch just to spite two fuckers when he could spite them by being fucking awesome and taking care of his?
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masschase · 1 year
I finally commissioned @whoredmode 😊
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There was a stunned silence, his eyes searching her as if he was still trying to process. She gave him a hopeful smile. God, if he somehow rejected her after all of this, she was going to run straight into the simulation and shoot everything up for a month.
I just can't stop staring at it. This is exactly how I pictured this moment in my head. Amazing job, thank you so much Ted.
Full context and excerpt below. But TLDR... Casey decided to give an a more accurate answer to Matt and Shaundi's questions at the start of GOOH.
To set the context, after the whole Matt-getting-shot-love confession thing(I wrote about that in an ask answer here), Asha appears in 2016 after Casey in 2022 remembers and sends her(though not before having to be physically restrained from going to rescue him herself and risking erasure from existence), and manages to jump Matt back to the ship in time for the Zin to treat him.
They put him in a medically induced coma which is supposed to last up to 48 hours but ends up roughly double that as Zin estimates for that kind of thing tend to be off. But (once she's gone after the perpetrator, who unfortunately gets away for now due to her heel snapping at an inoppurtune moment) she barely leaves his side until he wakes.
When he does though, after they talk for a while she asks if they want to go back to "what we were doin' in 2016" and he looks like he's struggling with it but turns her down, saying he can't go through that again and that their friendship is too important to him. This throws her. She's crushed and leaves in rather a hurry.
When she relays this conversation later, Asha points out she made it sound like she was interested in another "sex only" arrangement, and that if she really wants to be with Matt she's going to have to make a very clear statement that she's looking for an actual relationship. Possibly even be romantic. Johnny, having talked to Matt after Casey did, is pretty mad at her for not just telling him how she feels when she knows he loves her.
Jane helps her talk through things and when she admits that she's not surw which version of her Matt's love confession relates to, even though she knows it makes no sense for it to be the younger her. She told Jane her feelings for Matt must have started to develop since she came back from hell; with her making Matt her lieutenant and the two of them spending more time together. Jane tells her she believes Matt has had some form of attachment to her since at least that time, because of the question he asked the Ouija board at Kinzie's party.
From that comes her idea. That, and the candles she happened to think he looked so beautiful in two weeks ago when they were cuddled up together during a powercut. She also makes pecan pie because she found out in 2016 it was his favorite, and it's the only thing she can cook, and sets Last Dance to come on at precisely 8pm. She is throwing everything at the wall here.
So it's no surprise that around 7.45, Ms. "I-don't-get-nervous" finds herself waiting by the couch they spend every Friday night on, growing incredibly nervous.
God she hoped he was going to show up. He’d better fucking show up. She shouldn’t have come down here so early. She was fucking pacing. Maybe she should’ve worn something sexy, not her usual spacesuit. Maybe she should have gotten some booze to loosen them both up first. She couldn’t do this. No, she could. She had to. Ugh it was all stupid. No it wasn’t. He’d love it. He’d turn her down again. FUCK. She took a second to try and stop overthinking and just breathe. When she opened her eyes, he was just coming around the corner, hands awkwardly tucked behind his back much as hers were. “Hey!” she greeted. “Alright?” he replied, smiling, then stopped in his tracks. “Bloody hell, that’s a lot of candles.” She nodded. “Yeah, kinda.” She had dotted them all around the couch. At least three times as many as when they’d cuddled up together there two weeks ago. Thank god they were flameless; she could barely be trusted with fire inside the simulation, let alone outside of it. Looking around her reminded her she had gone too far to turn back. Looking at his beautiful face in the candlelight reminded her that she didn’t want to. “Are we... expecting another power cut?” “Uh... no... uh... hey, are you... feeling ok?” she checked. “Should you be standing?” “Actually it feels nice to stand for a sec. And the Zin physio is fantastic.” “Lucky you.” she commented, remembering her own unpleasant post-coma recovery. “Oh I... I didn’t mean to be insensitive.” “No... it’s OK...”. She smiled. “I’m... I’m glad they were able to fix you up so fast.” “Yeah.” he said, sounding unusually awkward. “I um... I didn’t see you at dinner.” “Oh...” she replied. “Yeah.”. It was true, she'd been so preoccupied by what she was doing that she hadn't eaten since Shaundi had brought her lunch to Matt’s bedside. Actually she’d barely eaten anything for the past few days. “It’s OK.” “Oh... well... I um... I got you something.” She looked at him, intrigued. He was kind of making her more nervous here by making him wait but she’d be damned if she ruined it. He smiled and pulled out a Freckle Bitch’s bag. “You don’t have to share if you don’t want to, though.” “Matty, that’s so sweet!” she exclaimed, a smile lighting up her own face too. “You’re... you’re always so nice to me.” “And um...” he said awkwardly. “I... wanted to thank you for... everything you've done and you said no-one had ever really bought you flowers before so um...” he pulled out a small bouquet of white roses. “They um... reminded me of your hair and...” he glanced down at them. “I don’t know.” He’d bought her food and flowers. The most ridiculous grin spread over her face. It took all her strength not to run across the room and kiss him. But she was in the middle of something, so instead she lingered awkwardly. “So, Nyte Blayde?” he checked, taking a step towards her. “I’m guessing you only watched one last week so we’re on-“ “One second.” she blurted out, interrupting him and halting his advance across the room. He frowned ever so slightly. “Everything alright?” “Yeah, I uh... just want to talk to you about somethin’.” “Oh... ok?” “Uh...” she gave him a nervous smile. “Matty, you uh... you remember that Ouija board you brought to Kinzie's party?” she asked gently. “Um... the one that led to you being dragged into a massive portal into Hell?” he replied, grimacing. “Hard to forget something like that.” “Yeah... that one.” she confirmed. “Do you remember... how all that shit happened?” “Um... I think so...”. He stared at her, obviously trying to work out her intentions. “Are you about to finally make me take the blame?” She laughed a little. “No. Just wondering if you still remember what you asked it.” “Oh... um... yeah.” he said, looking confused. “I asked um... “Will the President slash God-Emperor-for-life, ever choose a partner to reign alongside them?””
She hesitated. Was she really going to do this? This was fucking lame. But she'd made the damn thing now. She pulled out the shitty fake Ouija board she’d drawn on a piece of card, and the bracelet Johnny had leant her. She held it up for him to read, and slid the bracelet to ‘Yes.’. His face turned from slight confusion to utter bemusement. “And then you said...”. She rolled her eyes as she continued, imitating his sing-song tone. “Someone’s gettin' married!” “Right.” he laughed, looking embarrassed. “And you said “Shut up Matt.”” “Can you blame me?” she asked with a smile. And then uh... Shaundi said... uh...” They both paused for a second, thinking. “She asked it... um...” Matt said nervously, then looked her straight in the eyes. “Who will... tame the Emperor’s... wild heart?” She paused, staring back at him. She angled the board a little so she could see what she was doing, and slid the bracelet across it to spell “M-A-T-T-M-I-L-L-E-R.”. There was a stunned silence, his eyes searching her as if he was still trying to process. She gave him a hopeful smile. God, if he somehow rejected her after all of this, she was going to run straight into the simulation and shoot everything up for a month. “I just want to check this means... what I think it means?” he asked, sounding apprehensive. “I wanna be with you, Matt. More than anything.” she admitted. “If you want somethin’... like... a real... relationship... y’know... whatever that... would be...” she added in a mumble. He seemed to freeze up completely at that, his eyes wide, his mouth a little open. She wanted to beg him to say something, anything, but the silence forced her to continue. “And look... I uh...” she sighed. “I'm never gonna be able to give you the romance you deserve because I’m shit at talkin’ about my feelings and... I know I’m thirty-one now, and I’m kinda an asshole, and I’m sure not as cool as I used to be but y’know, I really think-“ She was interrupted as he walked straight up to her, threw his arms around her and kissed her passionately, dropping both the bag and the roses onto the couch behind her. She brought both arms up around his neck as she returned the kiss, the badly homemade Ouija board crumpling and falling and the bracelet clattering to the floor. It had been so long since she’d felt him kiss her like this. Like he fucking adored her.
(Which is the moment I drew here.)
Thanks to some creative use of Casey's obsession with Jane Austen on Matt's part, she was able to overcome her issues and confess her love for him that night, too.
Of course, the Freckle Bitch's was ruined after being dropped so suddenly, and the roses got left on the couch overnight.
But unsurprisingly, neither of them gave a shit about that.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I don't go here, but I really dislike how ubiquitous the notion has become in fandom that 'strong and independent woman' is somehow mutually exclusive with 'woman in a romantic relationship/prioritizing romance'. I feel like that's the kind of attitude that leads to terrible readings like 'The Little Mermaid is anti-feminist because Ariel gives up her voice for a man' which requires ignoring several key aspects of the film's plot and Ariel's character specifically (such as the fact that she sings Part of Your World before she ever lays eyes on Eric, and she spent her entire life collecting artifacts from the surface world and arranging them in her grotto), nevermind the fact that a story where someone falls in love and values that highly enough to make significant changes to her life to fight for it would still have value! Because love has value!
Like you said, just because there are a lot of cases where female characters are reduced to love interests and nothing else doesn't mean a female character caring about love and being motivated by love means she can't also be strong and independent. I feel like a lot of people just swing the pendulum way too far in the other direction and seem to think that being in love is what devalued those female characters, and not the fact that they were (by and large) written to be accessories for the male characters they were attached to and had nothing else to contribute to the story.
That is the problem, not romantic storylines themselves.
Precisely, anon! I'm really glad you brought up The Little Mermaid, both because the latest adaptation showcases how important intersectionality is (a black mermaid getting the "generic" love story is not the same thing as another white mermaid getting it) and because I've had similar gripes about many fans' readings of Cinderella. To be clear, I think the Disney + princess craze is a complicated subject with an equally complicated impact on kids, but a lot of people will attempt to simplify that conversation down to, "It's bad because she wants a man." Putting aside that this is not, as discussed, inherently a bad thing... did we miss the part where she's in a clearly abusive household, wants only to experience one fun night, and happens to meet the Prince without ever actively aiming for that to happen? This is a debate my friend and I have had for years, to the point where "Cinderella" is a bit of a code-word for, "We're never going to agree on this topic and others are getting annoyed at our impassioned arguments, so can we just move on now?" lol
I experienced similar frustration back when Jupiter Ascending came out and -- putting aside the quality of the film (or supposed lack thereof) -- people were up in arms about how terrible it is that the woman lead needs to be rescued by the guy, with the reason for that terribleness boiling down to, presumably, the idea that a woman is automatically weak if she needs help. Meanwhile, I was reading things through the lens of the show's realism (of course the average cleaning lady is not going to be able to fight off alien kidnappers without assistance) as well as the joy of seeing parts of myself in a Sci-Fi/Fantasy story. I'm not physically strong. I'm not a martial artist. I'm not someone who's going to immediately come up with a cutting remark and satisfyingly punch someone in the face. As cool as that archetype is, it's reductive to present a Strong and Independent Woman as solely physically strong and romantically independent. That definition should -- and does -- mean a thousand different things!
I do get it. I often have a knee-jerk reaction to certain writing choices for women (there was a maybe baby plot-line for one of Ted Lasso's characters this season that, far more than Keeley, I've been side-eying), but overall I try to approach each story as the individual text that it is. Yes, there are issues with these trends across media... but is this story actually falling into those stereotypes and harmful depictions, or have we just trained ourselves to reject anything in this category by default?
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Newish Comics, Regular Edition (thank you extremely early spoilers meaning I spent yesterday on the Gotham War stuff, this is a big edition and I’ve been holding myself back from touching these for FOUR WHOLE WEEKS):
Birds of Prey #1: Righto so as I read this my levels of trust are building just slightly. There is at least reasoning being built into this scenario. Also I note the note that this is post Green Arrow #6
The list!!! I’ve already ranted about this but I want to note how IMMACULATE the order of “Shiva, Selina, Talia?, Cheshire?” is. Shiva’s the obvious starting point. She’s heavily associated with Sin, she’s an actual Bird of Prey from several team lineups, there’s the whole Dinah and Shiva relationship… Dinah would consider this. Jumping to Selina next, as someone who again has had multiple BoP appearances, is known to ally up if asked, exists in the antihero spectrum, Dinah’s probably also now aware she’s been looking after Lian. Then Talia. I am unaware of Talia being associated with any BoP team lineup ever but she’s an obvious next place for thoughts to go. Talia has Views and if you’re looking at dangerous people who can help with an extraction rescue she’s an option. Then finally, Cheshire. Who Dinah full well knows would cause ALL LEVELS of drama if Dinah asked her to go after Sin given everything around Lian, but is willing to consider it anyway for a moment there.
I do adore the art style in this, DC’s really putting out some stunning LOOKING books at the moment, also the old fashioned comics style and colour here are giving me vibes of the Black Canary 1991 run.
“What’s more important than a sister” remains excellent, Barda and Cass together is just amazing, and I’m interested in what happens with Zealot and Meridian. I understand why Harley’s there even if I don’t like it, and it’s largely approached better than I expected (I just can’t summon the energy to care about that fight scene, it’s establishing stuff to jury rig a reason for Harley to be here at all, I just don’t care about Harley enough, though does Harley have a secret past with the Dava Sborsc ‘collect all the single punches’ form of martial arts?)
My actual big question is: Sin is SIXTEEN? I mean I know we’ve had 2.5 reboots since the last time she was on page in comics, but she was approximately 10 years old after One Year Later. She was in PRIMARY SCHOOL. That’s even faster aging than Damian! (I guess we could stretch the point to her being 11-12, but it feels older than she was depicted)
Blue Beetle #1: The thing I MOST adore about using that JLI picture for Ted is that even with this comic set in the current present, Ted was on the team with a proper USSR Red Rocket. Ted you were a superhero 32 years ago?
Also amused we got a zany Charlton Comics era villain back.
RED BEETLE IS BACK!!! Oh no. Also almost impossible for it to be Paco given various reboots, so… (I’m sure Ted is fine. They’re not killing him off permanently in the first issue of this)
Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #1: BEA! TORA! “Each day is a gift, and I get to share it with my best friend!” (Howling. I’m howling. They’re going to spend this entire mini baiting us all aren’t they)
…Martha immediately starts comparing Fire & Ice to her and Jonathan. “Gorilla Grodd’s little sister” (whose name appears to be Linka Grodd? And who is queer).
“Abandoned by my best friend, maybe the only true friend I’ve known.” (Get a room together)
I am going to thoroughly enjoy this BECAUSE the entire run will be queerbait and hopefully Bea and Tora might finally get to kiss or something in issue 6. I am ready for this. Just gals being pals.
City Boy #4: this remains outstanding in my opinion. I really like what they’re doing with Cameron, and they’re making using Darkseid actually make sense. Also Chemo blowing up Bludhaven has been recanonised!
Shazam! #3: “Dan Mora an alien?” bookmark ahhahahaha. The background details are where Mora really has fun.
This just remains silly fun (the Moon Emperor?) so I’m enjoying it.
Warlord #18: this week in the land of Skartaris we apparently DID manage to get out of 500km of desert in a single issue. Amazing work, Grell.
Travis once again using his gun. How many bullets left, Travis, how many. Can you make more?
Then they get attacked by the BLOODMOON and kidnapped by space aliens for breeding purposes. After running away from a T-rex.
And then…TRAVIS MORGAN BONDAGE SCENE. I’ve missed these, Grell, how have you been coping?
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Travis gets transmuted into a minotaur. This will clearly only go well. (Sadly it gets fixed like three pages later)
Tara saves the day twice because Tara’s actually more competent than Travis.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
I hope you don't mind me chipping my own two cents in your hc!! Sorry your writing and angst also made me think all sorts of plots and feels that I couldn't just not share 😭😭
I wonder if Bruce's constant objectifying/harassment ever got spread around the league until no matter how close or not Batman is with you, they know how one of their leaders got treated as part of his daily life.
I mean, it's a pretty huge deal; Oliver might just tell people to tread lightly around Bruce and to not attempt any sexual remarks around the man. Putting himself as Bruce's newly, worrywart big brother in the scenes
Ted Kord whisk Bruce away to a business talk when a creep straight up fondle Bruce's ass (Michael Carter once punched a guy for it and couldn't come unless he finds a secure place to punch a creep)
Green Lanterns Corps and Batman are never in good terms, and when they found out how Batman's civilian identity acts, they shared a few jabs and laugh together. But after what Hal told them and how actually disturbing the whole ordeal is. Even the lanterns grow worry about their bat friend.
So whenever there's a media coverage and bustling reporters trying to trapped Bruce in, the Lanterns will shout at them to back off and give Bruce enough time to escape. Jessica prefers to comfort Bruce as they both run away from the press while everyone else is holding them back, she feels like he needs some.
(On the other hand, Guy loves shoving entitled paparazzi away, so it's a win-win!!)
Even his children's friends knows! They can see how Cass is seething at any particular ladies who go up to her dad. Dick usually consult to Wally and his team about his frustrations and concerns (which in turn only spread further). Tim, despite being a pretty secretive person, always makes it known to his friends about what's going on with Batman's life. Jason and Damian will rant to whoever is willing to listen and go off each time. Duke is usually awkward and uncomfortable when talking about it, while Steph won't shut up about his treatment.
Sometimes they invite their friends to his galas whenever they weren't able to attend them and keep those creeps in check.
Especially Carmine Falcone, whose creepiness to child Brucie (even now, which is no different) is widely known in the hero communities that it's not joke anymore. There's heroes who outright said Falcone is their least favourite villain and he won the most hated general guy in the league
Bruce has mixed feelings over all this. At first, he's grateful that his love ones are look out for him, even in the most trivial of times. He would do the same to be honest.
But...its getting out of hand where, this help only make Bruce feel even more helpless — Like Bruce is bringing all those disgusting leers onto himself, he can handle it. He should handle it. He knows how to handle it. He's not actually some dumb fragile glass that they need to treat with caution. Saving himself from dire situations, mentally reminds himself who he is and what he's worth. You can't just take it from him. Nevertheless, there's times he can't and it went too far...
Right now, after being saved from another weird cultist kidnappers; Constantine and Patrick are ushering him away from the masses while Dinah is holding people back with Kory and Dick. Its not about Bruce, the papers aren't going to be about him, and yet they treated as if it is. And Bruce, lets them. Bruce lets them handle him like some damsel in distress who couldn't do anything to save himself.
Bruce hates that part of himself. Ashamed even. Being saved like this will constantly remind Bruce that he's still playing the same poor, pretty little orphan in need of rescue at that shitty alley— by his family, friends, coworkers and even their fucking children. Thus, it further solidify his shamed. Bruce resents it, but doesn't know what to make out of it
K, so im gonna copy and paste my response from the previous part here!!
I LOVEEEEEE your points about Bruce's inner struggle with accepting care vs embracing care. I feel like this trope for THAT context frame echoes truth especially loudly.
Bruce being a victim of SA/Sexual Harassment and not rationalising that bc it happens SO often that he just. Stopped characterizating it as Harassment hits. Because I feel like.
Men don't know how to accept a help that doesn't harm them. Weather it's alpha male coaches embarassing them and their identity that they themselves seek out, or balantly ignoring clear signs of abuse, there's a certain viciousness in how men treat themselves and their trauma.
Bruce is like that not because he wants to appear MANLY, or because he thinks it's a Women's Thing, but simply because he sees himself as a tower of protection. What's the point of protecting others if you can't even protect yourself?
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forensicated · 4 months
02x11 - Whose Side Are You On?
TW: Discussion of race in terms of the mid-80s.
Bob: "Sorry to have dragged you from your orthopedic bed, Hollis but there's work to be done."
Jim: Don't scare him, Sarge!
Uniform are piling in for early turns briefing. Tom is manning the front office and is fussing and tidying everything even with the cleaner in the same room and cleaning! Jim and June are placed together and tasked to focus on a series of bag snatches happening around a supermarket. (Taffy: Perhaps they should stop calling it Safeway!" 😂 I thought this was really good but they all groaned 🤣) Pete asks if there's any description of the suspects and Viv points out what everyone else is thinking he means. "He means are they black, Sarge?" The only description is "youths". Abe asks if there are reports of any crocodile bags that have been taken. Bob asks why that might be important and Abe replies "Black people won't go near crocodiles so if they are it must be whites!" the others laugh, mocking Pete.
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Tom interrupts the briefing with a note from the Superintendent. He's ordering-but-not-official-ordering everyone to attend the 5-a-side football match on Sunday that Sun Hill are playing against a youth club. He'll be hearing all excuses for absences personally.
Reg is still moaning about his bad back with Bob quipping to Viv that she should help him walk the few steps from the parade room to the comms desk. Reg doesn't find it funny. "Am I laughing?" Bob retorts.
Mike has a training session organised for the 5-a-side match but he's too late to have it mentioned in the briefing. Bob suggests a poster, "You know none of your lot can read, that's why they put pictures on wanted posters." Roy has already dipped out - it's his day for his daughter and they're going to the zoo (from what we've heard of her that sounds a bit... young... for her). Bob tries to get a place on the team and Mike not-so-subtly says that Bob is too old as it's a group of teens they're playing. He claims that 'his lot' are only a couple of years older than them and get out of breath putting their shoes on. "Bloody cheek! Just because I sit behind a desk all day doesn't mean I'm not fit, I keep active!" He then goes down to ask Viv if he looks fit to her. "Yeah, fit to drop, Sarge!"
Roy is concerned about a result that's due in court and Mike tells him not to worry. "That's my middle name!" He finds a file on Ted's desk for a murder that is 3 days old, a file that he had asked to be brought directly to his attention as soon as it arrived. "A murder? Who's dead?" Mike asks. "Roach will be when I get my hands on him!" He sends Mike in to drag him out of the canteen where he'll be filling his face again - but not before he gets him a coffee.
Pete comes to the rescue of a [new and attractive] female traffic warden when a man is reading her the riot act about how unfair she is being. He's very evasive as soon as Pete arrives, driving off as quick as possible. He then asks her for a date, claiming it's his treat and he'll see her there at 12 on Sunday, trying his best chat up lines on her which includes quoting The Beatles.
Roy bollocks Ted for not handing him the murder file immediately. Ted claims he was working towards it and that it isn't as important as the others because it was 'just a wino'. Roy tells him that murder always takes precedence and that it's no wonder Ted is always wondering why he doesn't get on in the force.
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Jim and June spot an attempted mugging near a pub (Three Swedish Crowns, now a restaurant). The elderly lady is more concerned she's dropped her fish and chips. Jim follows him into an alley and ends up injuring himself.
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Pete approaches an unlicensed seller who is selling from a suitcase in the street. As soon as he sees him the man legs it. 2 teenagers wind him up and he attempts to nab them but they weren't involved so he can't - as much as they irritate him.
June finds that the lady who was almost mugged has no electricity and won't for at least another day until the social visit. The gas is still on so June boils her a pan of water to make her some tea and a flask for later. She tells June to make sure she dies before her husband. Unfortunately for her, it didn't work out that way. Her only friends are at bingo so she goes there each time she gets her pension. If she wins - she pays the bills. That's how the gas is still on.
Pete tries to pull some money out at an ATM in advance of his date. Unfortunately, he's exceeded his limit and it won't let him have any.
Jim has twisted his ankle and has to attend the hospital. He manages to get Bob to let him see the rest of the shift out first and takes over the comms desk with Bob going on the beat in Jim's place. "Last time you were on the beat we had bicycles and fog lamps." Tom smirks. "And Jack The Ripper was still out and about, I've heard it all." Bob snarks in response.
Charles tries to get Roy to rearrange his Sunday afternoon to attend the football to make a presentation. Roy reminds him he can't because he has leave booked to spend time with his daughter but Charles doesn't really take no for an answer. Roy is not happy.
2 Japanese tourists ask June if she can take a picture of them and Bob together after they've (sort of, given the language barrier) told them how to get to Tower Bridge. "Well smile!" "This is a smile!" From the way it comes about I can't help but wonder if it was some lost tourists and they stayed in character to help and it got included 😂
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Roy asks his daughter if they can delay their afternoon slightly and wants her to meet him at the Zoo. "The Zoo...? It's a bit boring...." Julia replies before suggesting shopping in Covent Garden instead. Roy gives in, agreeing to meet her at 4.30pm.
Mike hadn't heard what had happened to Jim and is not impressed when it's clear he wouldn't be ready for Sunday and the game. Mike calls Jim is the best player they had and is visibly concerned when June tells him that Bob is looking for him. "I bet he is..." Mike sighs. Seconds later, Reg tells him that Bob is looking for him. He escapes to CID and Ted tells him that Bob was in looking for him. 😂 Got to hand it to him, Bob is a trier! Mike admits he already knows, telling Ted that Bob wants to play in the match. Ted smirks, telling him that Roy is now attending so perhaps he can be talked into it. "No thanks, amongst all his other pet hates is football."
Ted has finally got a name for his murder victim - Henry, known as King Henry. Roy asks Mike how his trial went and he has to admit that it was adjourned through circumstantial evidence centered around the criminal's tools - as his "employer" vouched for him that he needed them for his job - despite him never having worked a day in his life.
Bob orders Reg to go for a full physical because he's had enough of him complaining about his back and slacking off. If there is something really wrong with him - he's having him transferred! Bob then helps Ted track down the address of a nurse who helps the homeless and drunks on an ad-hoc basis - the entire time Mike is trying very hard to avoid meeting his eyeline!
Abe appears to be limping slightly but he insists it'll keep and he will be fine for the game. Pete refuses to play on Sunday because he's on a date seeing his invalid mother having borrowed money from June to go see her. Abe suggests to Mike that if he doesn't want Bob on the team then perhaps he should look at the women to step up. He suggests Viv in particular as she plays netball. Dashers asks Viv and pretends that Brownlow gave him a bollocking for not asking a female officer because they're an "equal opportunities employer." Viv agrees and Dashers switches on the charm. "I bet you look wonderful in shorts." The boys find it hilarious when she tells them she's going to be their goalie.
A guest character's name is Billy Murray. I'm easily amused.
Pete manages to nick his suitcase trader finally, sneaking in round the back way. Reg has gone out with Tom to help collect him, sulking as he has to carry the trader's suitcase. Roy finds that his 'branded' watches are fakes and suggests a criminal deception charge. The seller claims he bought them with his redundancy money from a man in the pub and he'd been knocking them out to make a living.
An elderly lady tells Ted that his drunk's wife and child were killed by a gas leak whilst he was working nights and it gave him serious mental health issues and led him to drink. He had fancy ideas of buying his house with the compensation he was meant to receive from the gas board but he never did get it and the street was knocked down not long after - he ended up living rough afterwards. The nurse Bob put him in touch with tells him that Henry had a very ugly and badly patched scar on his stomach from a war wound. All in all the poor man had a very sad life.
Pete sits in the pub on Sunday waiting for the traffic warden to arrive. At the very best she's running late, at worst he's been stood up. When she doesn't show up, he heads to the football match.
Sun Hill starts to arrive for the football match with the Rotary Club man assuming that Ted is DI Galloway. He wonders if they can do the presentation before the game because he has a pressing engagement. Uniform and Mike go to change and Viv heads into the ladies with Yorkie offering to go with her with a jokey promise of "I won't look!" "I might." Viv smirks. "And I might be disappointed!" "We're not here to win but we're not here to lose either!" Mike tells them, insisting it came down from the Super.
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The Sun Hill team are not bad players... but poor old Viv is not a born goalie and the youths are 2 nil up within minutes. Abe makes it 2-1.
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Viv makes her first save, Abe behaves like a gentleman after a foul and Yorkie makes it 2-2. Jim is moaning about Taffy and how badly he's playing in 'his position'. Uniform bet on the outcome of the match. There seems to be a bit of a continuity error too as Jeff/Reg has no earring and then an earring in the same sentence.
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Reg thinks Taffy is dying out there and Jim scoffs that he's dead with Tom adding they should send him home for his funeral given how he's playing. Roy wants them to hurry up as he wants to get to meet his daughter. In the toilets, Bob goes to pull up Pete for using racial insults against Abe. Roy comes through part of the way in and tells Pete he should listen to Bob, his prejudice has been noted. Roy hands Bob some money to buy everyone a drink after but he skips out early to spend time with his daughter, lamenting that if he'd done it that way before now he might still have a marriage.
Jim thinks he recognises the two he was chasing before he did his ankle in. They end up 5-2 down. Jim asks Abe how he's going to live it down. "Viv. A woman.... the best excuse a man can ever have."
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mosylufanfic · 2 years
The Plan
Send me a prompt for NaNo!
The Plan
"What was your plan?" Elsa snarled at Jack.
It was yet another bloody, sore, painful morning after a bad night, and they'd managed to find a lake. Or Ted had. He was really good at finding bodies of water where they could wash off the blood and dirt and sweat. 
As he usually did, Jack had let her go first, gallantly turning his back even though she told him to just go around the bend, don't be a moron - 
And she steadfastly didn't think about how annoying it was that he didn't even seem interested in trying to sneak a peek. She'd eviscerate him, of course, and he probably knew that. But he could at least look like it was a bit of a temptation.
Anyway, re-dressed in her spare jeans and tank top, she was now standing on the bank of the lake, yelling at him.
He didn't seem bothered by that either.
"I figured it would be fine," he said, splashing away the blood - not his - that smeared his chest and bicep. He was so skinny. It shouldn't shock her anymore how strong he was, both in the werewolf form and out of it, but it did.
"Fine," she growled. "You went on your own to rescue a couple of idiot teenage wannabe hunters who thought being aroace was enough defense against a siren's song." Like sirens didn't know how to sing about all-you-can-eat pasta bars and free college educations.
“You were rescuing the hunters. I was rescuing the siren.”
“On your own!”
"Ted was there," he pointed out.
"Ted isn't exactly subtle."
"Yeah. I was going to wing it." And he actually fluttered his hands as if to illustrate.
Fighting the urge to dunk him, she said, "Winging it is -"
He held his nose and ducked under the surface of the water before she could finish her sentence. Blood and dirt swirled up from his hair. 
Seething, she waited for him to come up again. "Winging it is how you get dead, Jack Russell."
He shook his head hard, sending water flying in every direction. "We're not dead."
"Only because I got there in time!"
"Yeah! Thanks for that." 
He beamed at her, and that was the last straw. She threw up her hands and stalked back to the fire.
Ted had two cheap thrift-store mugs sitting on a rock, smelling of shitty instant coffee. The French press had apparently gotten broken and they had not yet found one that was up to Ted's exacting standards. He handed her the mug with the teddy bear. 
"Thanks," she grumbled, plopping onto a handy rock. "You get some water?"
His greenery looked fresher, less withered. He nodded. 
"Does he have any sense of self-preservation?"
Not really, no. 
Understanding Ted took some listening and some mental translating, but no worse than when she'd been learning Japanese or Urdu. Actually better, because the base of it was English, it was just garbled and slow. She was getting better at it. 
She slurped coffee, grimaced, and dug in her pack for her precious stash of sugar, stashed in a rattling tin canister and wrapped heavily in plastic. She dropped two cubes into her coffee, stirred it with her finger, and tried again. Better.
She left the canister next to the other mug. 
She drank more coffee, brooding. She shook her cup in the general direction of the lake. "One of these days, that stupid soft heart and stupid soft head of his are going to kill him," she said. "He didn't even have a plan."
Yes, he did.
"No, he didn't. He told me he was going to wing it. Wing it."
His plan was you. 
She almost choked on coffee. "What? Say again?"
His plan was you, Ted repeated. 
"He didn't even know I was in the country!" She paused. "Did he?"
Ted shrugged, as if to say, who knew how Jack Russell knew the things he knew.
"Well, that's ridiculous," she growled. "He can't depend on me to back him up when you can't. I don't even like him."
Clearly, Ted said, with an astonishing amount of sarcasm for an eight-foot swamp monster. 
She swore under her breath, and thought about grabbing the sugar back. But she left it where it was.
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wulvert · 1 year
would tara ever try making tex nd terry an actual like. robotic digestive system?? so they can finally eat food and taste it at the post-triptrack family dinner or are they both doomed 2 sit there awkwardly forever. plate of food in front of them. inedible. would they even be able 2 conversate with tara nd toad or are they both too busy flirting in the same chair 2 realize their robot children are trying 2 talk them,,,is toad going on rants he got from dubiously-exists-triptrack-facebook about why robots/ai are bad like those uncles at family gatherings everyone hates or has he chilled out by now. would tex call his emotional support (ex-criminal??? i think its said somewhere that red wants to retire from crime but i might be gaslighting myself) criminal halfway through the family dinner to shatter through the window and kidnap him again. does terry jump out with the window with them.
also the fact all of the tarantula family have "T" names scratches my brain!!! was this on purpose or just like,,,completely an accident
tara isnt quite as good at building robots as toad is (she didnt bother trying to make terry look human bc she knew it would turn out horrific), she does more of the programming- so toad could definitely do it, but would he?? :/ i think he'd say its a waste of food and leave it at that, so probably doomed 2 sit watching unless tara got rly invested in the idea (this is all the post triptrack family dinner scenario ofc, currently toad would rather sit in a hole thats slowly filling with water)
I think they can talk... but the conversation gets derailed... and its all like. too soon. theyre like hehehehe mwah isnt this cute lols reunion!! and tex is still reeling from the father i havent seen 20 years thinks i am the robot equivalent of the anti christ thing. i think in this scenario toad is mostly reformed if a little uncomfortable. toad awkwardly does the dad slap on the back as an appeal 2 friendship only 2 recieve a glare in return, he sweats a little and returns 2 hiding behind taras arm. he hasnt been able to hide behind her arm for a long time, but its his natural habitat.
red, who is busy chillin would not rescue tex. he is sleeping, having a bubble bath, leisuring, moisturised, flourishing. staying in his lane (yea he does wanna retire)- ofc next time tex insists red is invited and it is worse than ever before.
by accident but its vry cute and im glad they all match like that!!
red needs 2 change his name to ted to fit in
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