#so the official english one is my fav mostly for this
saffronapplemanga · 2 years
Anime/Manga Recommendation Round Up
Anime and manga recommendation thread of things I’ve been enjoying in recent years~ 
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~I’ll link any dedicated posts I have to these~
~Links to my other manga posts here~
My personal favs/ones I super enjoyed will have a ✨ on them :)
(Some of these might not have official EN translations since any physical manga I read are JP copies. I guess if any sound interesting, ask publishers to license them!)
I won’t get too much into what they’re about because I think finding out is part of the fun. I’ll mostly list the genres and a little blurb. Some of these I feel like I rarely hear anyone talk about so it would be cool to see people try these :) 
✨The Summer Hikaru Died by Mokumoku Ren 
(4 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
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Picked it up earlier this year up knowing nothing but was immediately gripped by the eerie mood. Takes place in the country side where mysterious things have been happening. My friend couldn’t stop reading when I recommended it.
✨Banana Fish by Yoshida Akimi
(19 volumes + side stories, completed)
It’s getting reprinted in English, so what are you waiting for!
Anime - yes and it’s so good…
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The manga is from the 80’s-90’s but the anime updated it in 2018.
Without giving too much away, it takes place in NY where our characters are trying to break out of the vicious cycle of violence and figure out a mystery that’s also connected to a conspiracy. Lovable cast, keeps you on the edge of your seat. I’m obsessed.
Lovers’ Kiss by Yoshida Akimi
(2 volumes, completed)
JP only
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A short story where high schoolers are just trying to figure life out. Yoshida-sensei has this way of writing human stories and melancholy/tragedy while still leaving a glimmer of hope.
✨Mushishi by Urushibara Yuki
(10 volumes, complete)
I think the physicals are out of print but you can read it on bookwalker. It deserves a reprint!!!
Anime - yes, it’s a whole vibe please watch it
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I watched S1 ages ago but never got to the rest until recently. Recently picked up the manga and plan to read it eventually. Another top fav of all time. Amazing atmosphere. We see the daily life of mushi expert Ginko deal with mysterious phenomenon mushi cause.
✨Yotsuba&! by Azuma Kiyohiko
(15 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
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This series is super cute, wholesome, and hilarious! Yotsuba is honestly a delight, and following her daily life as she befriends her new neighbors is just a good time. Yet another fav of all time.
✨Blue Period by Yamaguchi Tsubasa
(15 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
Anime - yes, but… listen I’ve never said “don’t watch the anime” because everyone can enjoy stuff however they want but... don’t watch the anime… I’ve never been so offended by an adaption ;_;
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After discovering something he’s passionate about for the first time, Yatora navigates the art world despite his fears and being a complete newcomer. This series made me cry so much, I love it… please
In the Clear Moonlight Dusk by Yamamori Mika
(7 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
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Blind-bought this a while ago. Yoi is dubbed “Prince” by her classmates for her cool demeanor, but she’s not the only one.
MARRIAGETOXIN by Joumyaku and Yoda Mizuki
(3 volumes, ongoing)
Available for free on Shueisha’s mangaplus site
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Assassin Gero needs to produce an heir so his sister can stay with her gf, but the social skills he needs to win a girl over need some help. This series is so funny and wholesome, all around a good time!
✨Yona of the Dawn by Kusanagi Mizuho
(44 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
Anime - yes, but I haven’t seen it yet so idk
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I’m not very far in this one yet, but I’m having a great time. Love the friendship, the found family vibes. Seeing Yona acknowledge that she is naive and then stepping up is awesome.
idk how I slept on this for so long since it seems like something right up my alley. Literally picked up a lot of all the 39 currently out volumes (it came with the light novel too), no questions asked. I’m only a few volumes in, but I’m enjoying it a lot. It’s giving me Ertugrul vibes (the historical Turkish drama). No, I won’t expand on that point, go watch Ertugrul!
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I’m committed apparently...
A Sign of Affection by Morishita Suu
(10 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
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Blind-buy. A cute romance between a deaf girl and a well-traveled guy.
✨Ascendance of a Bookworm by Kazuki Miya and Shiina You
(3 seasons, ongoing)
Available in English - originally a light novel
Anime - yes, I’ve been watching this not reading it yet
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Listen, isekai just don’t ever click with me, but this one does. There’s political drama and we get to learn about the culture and daily lives of people living in this world.
Our mc is reincarnated into a medieval fantasy world where access to books is limited, making it her personal hell. But don’t worry, she gonna do something about it! This series is so interesting and I love the character dynamics. Even if isekai aren’t your thing, try this!
✨Requiem of the Rose King by Kanno Aya
(17 volumes, complete)
Available in English
It has an anime but I heard fans were really mad at the adaption. I haven’t seen it so I can’t comment.
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Normally not the kind of thing I would go for, but this series has me constantly screaming. IT’S SO MESSY, but the good kind of messy. It takes every fiber in my body to contain myself when reading in public. It features an mc who was born intersex and a battle for the crown of England.
My Broken Mariko by Hirako Waka
(one shot)
Available in English
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Saw this at the bookstore and I looked at the cover like “wow, she looks like she’s really going through it…and she’s carrying someone’s ashes, oh no…” Didn’t know anything else about it but, oof, it’s a heavy one…
Look Back and ✨Goodbye Eri by Fujimoto Tatsuki
(one shots)
Available in English - also on the Jump app
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While Fujimoto-sensei’s more well-known work wasn’t 100% clicking with me, I tried his one shots and really enjoyed them. I particularly liked the cinematic feeling and environmental storytelling.
Maybe when I’m up to it, I’ll do posts on some of these that go into a little more detail on how I felt about them idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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curio-queries · 7 months
Run BTS: 016 | Snow Park Winter Olympic Games
Original Air Date: 28 MAR 2017 Episode Length: 19:40 Total Parts: 1 YouTube English Subtitles: Yes ... but the timing is off so I'm counting this as a No. Title Song: Blood Sweat & Tears
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Synopsis: Still at the same location as the previous episodes but this is technically a separate part. Mini games with a winter olympics theme.
Production: They did a great job utilizing the location and choosing games that were easy to understand and vaguely related to the winter olympics. I did catch some sound weirdness at the beginning when they were outside but only because I'm watching these with the purpose of identifying that this time around, never noticed it before.
Endearment: Great (mostly clean) competitive fun with the guys.
Winner: JH
Loser: none
Best Cheater: V
Member Moments:
RM: Poor RMs husky voice. i hope he got some good rest after these shoots!
JN: Jin's lost glove! the editor's absolutely did him right with this moment.
YG: I'm loving Yoongi's energy this episode. He got the spinning trend started at the ice rink.
JH: Hobi had a cute attempt at best cheater when he got the pole to JMs flag.
JM: If Jimin in the curling cup isnt officially the cutest thing in a winter-olympic-related event, i don't know that i can continue in this world...two min later we see JM on the snowman sled....I've melted!
V: Absolutely iconic shout of Jiminshiiii at the sledding event!
JK: Our 'extra' king with his spin on the ice. One of my fav JK run moments! oh and then later he's using his hand to push the sled. JayKaaaaAAAAAaayyyy!
Bonus Content: I was leaning toward ranking this a 3 but the bonus content absolutely wins me over. It's the absolute definition of endearing!
CQ Rank: 3.5
(CQ Eval Date: 29 SEPT 2023)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 015
Next Episode: 017
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koumeowkami · 1 year
imagine a chart of different fandoms and they're all connected by similar vas
then now imagine a circle around all that and you now find yourself in the seiyuu hole. There is no escape ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)
But also !! i would gladly love to hear about more of paralive from you, I really just scratched the surface of it to be honest... like after my hypmic phase I saw it as another franchise with really good music.
THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING YESTERDAY. it's like. the more you get deep into these franchises, the more dots you start connecting. as someone who's obsessed with voice acting, everytime i realize that x voice actor actually voiced a character i already knew and i absolutely had no idea i just end up staring at the wall in thought lmao (mostly trying to find any similarities among characters).
about paralive!!!! i'm very new to it and there are still some parts of the plot i don't understand (tho i hope the upcoming anime will fill these holes), but i already listened to all the groups :D it's weird coming from me, cause i literally never listen to rap ??? but yk, every group is different so you eventually end up finding something you like! the music is so good i swear, huge props to both the VAs and the producers cause some instrumentals are INSANE.
i love the characters' stories and this emphasis on trauma and stuff like that - there's so much angst in this series but since i'm so used to rejet franchises / enstars / aaside at this point nothing can hurt me anymore lol.
another thing i appreciate is the canon trans representation !! there are two trans characters (anne and aoi) and both of them are referred to with they/them pronouns in the official english translation <3
last but not least, i need to talk about my fav group :D i like pretty much everything about cozmez. first of all, their color palette! they're literally pastel colored and look so cute and soft. second, their duality. cause they LOOK cute but they can literally tear you to pieces, their music is so aggressive and dark, in some way it fits my tastes too lol. third, their story and bond. i am SO weak for twins cause everything they do brings me to tears; if you even add the fact that their past is absolutely heartbreaking, it's the perfect recipe to make me incredibly soft for them. like, i just need to protect them with my life. they deserve happiness :(
oh btw, i'm absolutely head over heels for the way kanata (the one with long hair) raps. i love raspy voices a normal amount i swear. i like nayuta's style too but damn it's hard to get used to tosshi-kun rapping 😭 still love him tho <3
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zhiamomence · 2 years
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Hi. Welcome to the results this form, where your message about how do you feel when Hesokuri Wars one of the oldest and longest and quite popular of official Osomatsu-san game ever.
First of all I would love to say thank you to 41 participant to responses of this survey about it, especially of your shocked comment that you find out this game is gonna discontinue after October 2nd this year (I believe it'll end around 3pm Japan Time and theres event about it. idk what the fuck is going on here). Second of all, to anyone found out recently that this game will close soon as I mentioned it before, I'm sorry that you just found out about it :(
Pretty sure that the results gonna take longer than I thought, so I decided to hide half of it just in case not to clogged out your dashboard haha here we go!!
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The first question I asked is anyone played this game before. 70% said yes, 29% said no, and no one choose the third one.
Which sounds great that you guys played it. For whoever never play it thats fine too bcus I know that 1. Its in Japanese and its hard to get the game (Eventhough theres english ver but they discontinue most of the recent part like in Japanese ver game) 2. its a gacha game that means you had to buy something if you want to get something premium sets that is cool but we'll talk about that later
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Second question is how do you guys feel after they announced that they gonna kill this game.
I can see that most of you guys are really sad because of the one thing, the fucking AUs. yeah I know that bcus one time i played it before but had to quit bcus i know you have to buy somehting that you wanted but i feel wasted to do it so I quit after that (i never pay the gacha sets btw all i do is to pray to get lucky)(i only got lucky once)
seems like 4% really angry about the announcement or maybe they found out about it. Whichever is it I understand that. 17% agrees that gacha game sucks including this game and thats funny I agree to that. Only one person (2%) so fucking glad this game is coming to gone.
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This one is about what's everyone most fav AUs from the game. Some of you guys never choose one.
I calculate the similar answers of all of those AUs bcus its too many so I give you the most top 3 fav AUs which is
Musical ( 9 votes )
Denki Mystery and Youkai (both 5 votes)
Akuma Riders ( 4 votes )
Congrats to Musical AU being jammin' and swagless as ever lol!
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But this is not mostly about that, I'm gonna show you guys my fav, top 3 best comment anonymously by anyone who wrote this question's answer
No. 3
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No. 2
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and No. 1!
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Congratulation to these answers!!! it made me a lil laugh hehe. to anyone who sad that their answers is not here, dont fret about it. I had to put top 3 best one instead of 5 or 10 bcus this post is going to be too long im sorry
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This nothing to talk about more of this bcus it was quite new tho, we'll look up after they disbanded hesowars (kind of) so for who dont know, you can check it out here!
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A friend of mine got me an idea while I'm writing this sillay questions but this is quiet srs to talk about that I've been wondering if the game is quite one your likes. 75% said yes and 24% said no.
Lets look for the detail of what you guys like and otherwise of your opinions! Let's start to the screenshot best comments whoever choose "no" :
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and heres the one who choose "yes":
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All of those comments both ways are all great! Sorry that your answers is not in here I don't want flooded too much with most of it
My thoughts, which is not relevant but I want to put this jic lol: When I was play the game when it was new I found it a little bit of fun where is sometimes you can do anything or to choose not to control anything if you have the chance like one time I can just play the game while I'm on lunch or something. But hey that was like uhhhhh 5 years ago? I stopped it few year ago but I still keeping up with the game with the AUs sets update and such till the end.
There is also some pros and cons from what it answered above such as Pros: love the every characters design/Cons: had to cost money for that character set etc etc but from what I'm trying to understanding this is 100% yall thoughts when Hesowars is going to end after years of keep going on:
That we all going to be sad theres no new Osomatsu-san Heso Sets / Story mode anymore after this. :( Other of that yeah bye bye i guess.
But hey! the new game I mentioned before is also made by the same company so we dont know if they bring some AUs up but hey I said I'm not sure yet till they'll announce something soon we'll see! Also I will try the new game and I 'll review about it but who knows lmao.
OH YEAH i forgot the last question:
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I told you guys that should I kill this guy I have for years and heres the result to wonder:
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So most of you guys choose Option 3...................... heh....................... I see........................I get it...................
that means you guys want me kill him mORE LETS GOOOOOOOO
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soojoelle · 7 months
about me
Hey, I’m Sophie Joelle!
AFAB but I don’t really care about pronouns so you go crazy about it! Born in 1994 and mostly speaking English on any platform that I’ve linked. Sometimes my German ass still does a lot of mashup language. Which includes words from French, Korean, Swedish and Italian. I do use social media such as instagram, tiktok and twitter.
Tiktok recently made me realise that I am neurodivergent. Adding AroAce to that since I seem to not have interest in others romantically or sexually.
My main interests are Drarry fanfics, Young Royals, Heartstopper, The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, Sex Education, LoL-Esports and Games.
Drarry FFs
I grew up with those movies, went to cinema at the third movie and all the following ones. Just this year (2022), I decided to read the books… and accidentally stumbled over some Drarry fanfic? That is apparently my personality now (I’ll be insufferable for you by toxik_Angel). So instead of reading the books, I now enjoy slow burn, angsty Drarry fics over books. AGAIN. ( I have some history with gay ffs in other fandoms).OH and one last thing, I am a Slytherin and my fav character is no other than Draco Malfoy. Sadly due to all the controversal stuff, I will distance myself to all the canon stuff connected to a certain person… but I will keep on reading nasty fanfictions about Draco and Harry. Recently been on a wilde readings spree. My tiktok got the hang of recommending fics to me and well, it's come to over 60 open tabs on my phone.
Young Royals
Discovered this end of 2021 or beginning 2022. Fell in love with Wilhelm, their lovestory and Swedish. Talk to me in Swedish and I’ll do anything for you.
Not a big fan of Graphic Novels so I only stick to the series on Netflix but damn… this is my new comfort series when I feel sad or down. Nick/Kit Connor is embracing my heart every time. Recently bought all the books and am now officially comsumed by Osemanverse. My favorite character turned out to be Aled Last from Radio Silence!
Sex Education
My fav idiot is Otis in that series and I totally got him up until nearly end of Season 2. After that we divorced and went seperate ways. Meaning, I felt his awkwardness with sexual stuff and then he suddenly had a sexlife, meanwhile me still advoiding it at all cost. Since, I’m ace…
Meaning I am a total sucker for LEC. There’s way too many decent Gamers that I want to pour my heart out to. My favorite player is Mikyx. As casters I rly rly love Daniel Drakos. Casting together with his duo Caedrel gives me the chills while I still don’t fully understand League in detail. Drakos and Vedius are producing absolutely madness music. Pls check those songs out:
• Edge of Infinity
• Reckless with my Heart
• Mediocre Rap Cypher of the LEC
Main games are Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Dead by Daylight, 7Days To Die, League of Legends (Aram). Feel free to send me DM for adding on those games!!
Important. I am an absolute simp for Xayah (and Rakan).
You are looking at one rare Army that has been with them since debut. My bias is Jungkook, but each member individually gives me safe places that nobody irl was ever able to. I am so thankful that we walked together, without them I wouldn’t have become a nurse and settled in a good mental state. They literally cured the negativity in my life and inside of me. 감사합니다, BTS. These days I mainly listen to their music but don’t keep up with their content. Doesn’t mean I love them any less tho.  I've been quite distant from them since the solo songs of my bias, they made me upset and frustrated. Since they are in English and have a feature and they are about fucking. Which, while being used to some singers, I can take, but not by JK..
Small add-on, I do listen to other Kpop artists like Stray Kids, NCT, TXT and WOODZ.
0 notes
waltzofautumn · 1 year
Reinhart Kilian Albrech.
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is the name that I go by, but you can address me as Rei, Rein, Iyan, Ian, Kiki, or anything you want to call me, I don’t mind if you want to give me a new nickname for me since I’d be glad for it :] (except for calling me Kil, big no.)
I prolly go with gender-neutral but lean to masculine more, so I go with He/They as my pronoun. I’m a Scorpio sun with Sagittarius stellium also an INFJ-T: Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging. (The Advocate) with 9w1 as my enneagram. I’m a Phlegmatic type of person; composed, calm, self-controlled. But don’t get me wrong even though I might seem intimidating at first but actually I’m a soft-hearted person.
I personally a shy person… I can’t keep a small talk or basa-basi very well since usually I usually straight to the point like probably if someday I send you a message about wanting to get close with you, so don’t get surprised! I’m actually a chatterbox; really talk active one once you really know me or we talk about things that piqued my interest like I could talk about my or our favorite all day, I can send a multiple bubbles on our chat when I get excited, haha.
Oh, right, since you know the fact that I usually shy but I’m actually a puppy person since I love to mingle with anyone, I kinda gather energy by meeting people? So if you’re happen to see me dwelling around, feel free to strike up for a conversation with me since I’m up at any topics!
I mainly talk in English or Bahasa Indonesia on timeline.
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𝗔 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗼 𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁: Reinhart.
I fond to Art, Literature and Music; I love paintings, I write a poetry sometimes and listen to a lots of music most of the time (beside of my cats, I can’t live without Spotify, to be honest.)
I listen to any genre of music but I prolly listen to R&B, Jazz, Classical Music & 2000s song the most
Currently captivated to K-Pop, I mostly loud about: ENHYPEN, STAYC & NewJeans these day
A loyal listener to: The Weeknd, Chase Atlantic, Taylor Swift, Slchld, Jeff Bernat, JUNNY, Jeremy Passion, Jesse Barrera, Hojean, JVKE, OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM, Centimilimental & YOASOBI
I play some games too but I’m not that good at Plato (except for Ocho & Bowling) I also playing Genshin Impact and currently at AR 60 WL 8 • Asia server • Ganyu, Kazuha & Alhaitham Main
Netflix Series (Uncanny Counter, Alchemy of Souls, The Crown, Money Heist, etc.)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Classical Music
Poems & Poetry
Cats and Puppies
Before you follow I can be loud and talk a lot about my favs (arts, music, anime, genshin, my fav series, etc.) My account is safe for minors but mayhaps if I’m doing rants that might containing some profanities and you’re uncomfortable with that please just let me know about it. Please use trigger warming to avoid any worst circumstances. TW: Trypopobhia, Arachnophobia, Entomopobhia, Animal Abuse, Gore, Violence.
Do not follow if you’re fit the basic DNI criterias, a homophobic who against the lgbtq+ community, if you’re tend to spreading hatred, hates my favs and love making a fuss, such like a drama, please refrain yourself to follow me since I’ll make this account as my safe place.
You can also find me here:
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adobe-outdesign · 3 years
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(High-res version  |  Support me on Ko-fi)
(Note: English names are from the fan translations of the leaks. The actual Japanese names are Norowara and Kyonpan.)
My take on Kurstraw and Pangshi from the Gold/Silver Spaceworld leaks! They’re by far my fav designs from that batch and it’s really a shame they never made the final cut, as they have some really unique concepts that have never been used since (a ushi-no-toki-mairi/voodoo doll and a jiangshi, respectively). The move “curse” was even supposed to be Kurstraw’s lv 100 signature!
I wanted to give the sprites official art, but also redesign them to iron out some of the more “beta-ish” elements. In Kurstraw’s case, I wanted to give it a more unique design that hints towards its evolution; in Pangshi’s, I wanted to make the jiangshi theme less literal by integrating the black-and-white mandarin robes into its black-and-white panda markings, as well as making the lower body more interesting.
I also wanted to play around with one of their most interesting aspects, that being that Kurstraw evolves at level 1. Whether or not that was a coding error is unknown, but considering there’s kind of a “staking a vampire” theme in the original it’s really too neat an idea to pass up. Plus I like the idea of a Pokemon that evolves immediately but becomes weaker, so you have to pick between pressing the B-button 100x and dropping the friendship stat or ending up with a very friendly but mostly useless ‘mon.
Dex Entries
Kurstraw Cursed Doll Pokemon Evolves at level 1
Type: Ghost Height: 1′ 3″ (.4 m) Weight: .4 lbs (.1 kg) Gender: Genderless Ability: Cursed Body Held Item: Spell tag Friendship: Starts at 100; drops down each level it is not evolved
It tries to evolve as soon as a trainer obtains it. Its rage and frustration towards its trainer increases the longer the evolution is blocked, which greatly increases its cursing abilities.
The more frustrated it becomes with its trainer, the more powerful its curses become. Because of this, many trainers who keep Kurstraw for more than seven days fall ill.
This Pokemon is mostly immobile. It channels powerful curses through its nail in order to attack opponents. On rare occasions, Kurstraw have been seen using their supernatural abilities to throw the nail as an attack.
While the creation of this Pokémon is illegal, they can easily be found on the black market. The burlap patterns vary, but the inside is always straw.
It’s mostly immobile, so it can’t dodge attacks during battle. However, its soft body makes it hard to harm it. Trainers sometimes use them as punching bags for their other Pokemon.
The tag around its neck keeps it from evolving. Written on the other side is the name of the Pokemon’s soul that possesses it.
It’s rumored that this Pokemon’s attacks are more powerful when performed between 1 and 3 AM.
Hopping Pokemon
Type: Ghost Height: 1′ 3″ (.4 m) Weight: .4 lbs (.1 kg) Gender: Genderless Ability: Perish Body Friendship: 100
This Pokémon hops around mindlessly during the night. When it spots prey, it leaps forward and drains their life force with its sharp fangs.
It’s said that this Pokémon will only obey the trainers that remove their spell tags. It tends to stand on the heads of people it likes.
A Pangshi’s slow, stiff movements makes it unideal for battle. Because of this, many trainers prefer to not evolve them.
Spinda that meet Pangshi seem to think they’re one of them. They will try to balance on one foot in order to be sociable.
Its large eyes are sensitive towards light, so it prefers to hide during the day and hunt at night. 
Its favorite prey is fighting-types. It subsists entirely by draining the life force of other creatures.
Its body is still partially immobile, so it moves by hopping around on its single foot. If injured, it bleeds straw.
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os-hyoideum · 3 years
"I have come to a coclusion." Shinsou Hitoshi x fem!plus size!Reader
"i figured out why you're so into me… it's because wherever you grab it feels like a boob" (my inspo, in the form of my stupid thought - I wanted to do a few more of my fav characters, but we'll see)
Word count: 1263 Content: Pro!Shinsou (over 18), fluff (I think), funny (I hope), slighly just suggestive at the end (letting out a perv a bit, but just teensy bit), plus size/chubby/fat Reader, Reader has nipple piercings (I just think everyone -who wants them ofc- deserves them), Reader has big? (heavy) boobies
a/n: Like I'm never inspired to write, this time I just did (and had fun, surprisingly... it's that Shiso brainrot 😔). This is literally THE SECOND time I have ever written something (that isn't an academic essay) in English. Also, THE FIRST time using the second person in writing, but I wanted to try. It's just some quick fic, so enjoy! Also, sorry for, perhaps, a weird use of commas, I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to put them correctly everywhere.
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Hitoshi let out a relieved sigh once he stepped over the threshold to your shared apartment.
It wasn’t anything particularly special, with its open space kitchen-living room combo, bathroom, and decently sized bedroom, but it was a home that brought him comfort after hard days (or nights) of work. Particularly, when it was an unexpected task of giving the talk to aspiring heroes at his former high school - UA.
It was a bit weird for him to get home during late afternoon, as his usual night patrols made him used to getting back at rather early morning hours, but still, he was just glad to be finally in the comfort of his own place.
After taking his shoes off and walking a bit more inside, he was met with a sight to behold (by his own requirements).
There, laying face down on a couch was you, clothed only in a pair of black panties and a sports bra. Electric fan, standing on a side table, was blowing straight onto your exposed back. Hitoshi supposed it wasn’t anything particularly strange, given it was the middle of summer and, additionally, you must have been tired from your work trip; nevertheless, he decided to ask.
“Well, hello there,” he started, crossing his arms and quirking an eyebrow, “That’s a nice view of your ass, but why are you basically naked?”
You propped yourself on your elbows and turned your head back to look at him. The breeze from the fan stung your eyes a bit, so you sat up straight and faced Hitoshi properly. Partly, to just be able to admire him (like usual) and, partly, so the breeze would still be directed towards your back.
“First of all: it’s hot as hell today. I have never been more grateful for our AC… that still was not enough, but well…” You listed lifting one finger up.
“Okay, fair.” Hitoshi nodded. He looked at you lifting another finger.
“Second of all: I had a little, hmm… mirror sesh? I guess it could be called like that.”
Hitoshi knew exactly what you meant and instantly was put on alert. He did not know what to expect from the outcome. You weren’t particularly insecure, but drops in confidence happen to everyone, at the best of times. Having a truce with your body didn’t mean an endless peace.
He looked at you with intensity, looking for any indicators of feeling low, but relaxed a bit seeing you being at least in a neutral, if not even good, mood.
“Oh? Is that so?”
You stood up, the slight jiggle of your soft body not concealed by anything. He had seen you bare many times before (like, a lot of times), but still caught himself admiring the patterns your stretch marks drew upon your skin. He knew it’s not anything special, quite the natural part of the human body, yet he still saw some intricate artistic thought behind it.
“Yes,” you said, putting one hand on your hip and gesticulating with the other, “and you know how I, personally, feel about myself. Like, sometimes it’s good, sometimes bad, nothing new, right?” You asked rather rhetorically, to which Hitoshi still nodded slightly, listening from behind a bar piece separating your kitchen and living space.
“BUT,” you emphasized and pointed a finger at him,” today I was wondering in particular, why YOU like THIS-” you paused to encircle your body with one hand “-so much. And I have come to a conclusion”
Hitoshi hummed and took a sip of iced coffee he took from the fridge in the meantime.
“Yeah? And what’s your conclusion then?”
“You are so attracted to me because everywhere you touch feels like a boob.”
That was an unexpected sentence that left your lips; so unexpected actually, that Hitoshi almost choked on his coffee. Luckily though, he did not. Not paying much attention to your could-have-died significant other, you continued with your reasonings.
“Arm? Boob.” You squeezed your upper arm to emphasize. “Tummy?” A little squeeze creating a roll between your fingers. “Boob.” You propped your leg on the couch to poke at your inner thigh. “Thigh? Boob. Calf? Boob. See? Everything’s a boobie!”
Hitoshi just laughed looking at your excited expression, he assumed from coming to such boob-tastic revelation. He fixed his black headband, keeping his beautiful hair out of his face, and pointed at your leg.
“Well, I don’t remember your boobs being quite so hairy. Though my memory might be failing, after all this time.” He said with a chuckle, hinting at your two weeks of separation, due to your dreadful trip.
“How DARE you!” You gasped dramatically and threw a pillow that Hitoshi expertly caught with a laugh. “Are you shaming my body hair?”
“Oh, of course not,” he smirked playfully, “I quite like your hairy legs.”
With a slightly frustrated groan, you fell on the couch and loudly sighing slid off onto the floor. Sitting behind your low coffee table, you tilted your head down and glared at Hitoshi from under your eyebrows. He knew someone could have gotten scared had they been on the receiving end, but spending so much time with you, he was used to it and just found it amusing. Seeing the lack of reaction from him, you just stood up and walked towards the bar to stand in front of him.
“If you don’t stop, I WILL sit on you.”
Hitoshi quirked an eyebrow at you and turned around. He took a step towards the kitchen sink and, after turning the water on, splashed his face.
“What are you doing?” You asked, not quite expecting him to start washing his face in the middle of a conversation.
After taking a small, clean kitchen towel to dry himself off, he looked you straight in the eye.
“Prepping your seat, baby.”
You stared at him for a few seconds with wide eyes, before slowly clapping and nodding with approval.
“Huh… outstanding move. True dedication to a joke.”
“I wasn’t joking.” But you already knew that.
“Damn…” You started, holding his intense gaze. “Okay, Mr Shinsou, you’re on.”
He looked you up and down with an expression of a man starved.
“You’re in for a ride…” But you already knew that too. “Mrs Shinsou.”
“I’m not Mrs Shinsou.”
“Not yet.” You knew it was mostly playful banter since neither of you was in a rush to make your relationship official. It was comfortable enough, to the point actually, that others did mistake you for a married couple at times. So it turned into a joke, being called by his name.
“Alright…” You smiled softly at him before your expression became much more devious. “Wanna take a shower before I take my rightful place upon my throne?”
Without waiting for his response, you pulled your sports bra over your head. In an instant, Hitoshi’s gaze fell onto your heavy chest. Decorated with shining metal nipples perked up, due to the slight chill from the AC and the fan, both working at full capacity. You turned around and walked towards the bathroom with a nice sway in your hips. In the doorway, you slid your panties off and threw them at Hitoshi with a heated look from behind your shoulder.
He caught them with one hand and, looking you straight in the eyes, brought them to his face. He took a long breath in, taking in your scent mixed with sweat that almost made him dizzy with desire.
He put his cup into the sink and, with your panties in hand, followed you into the bathroom.
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theoniprince · 3 years
If you had to pick one name/alias/moniker to go by, fandom-wide, what would it be?
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works, please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
First of all thank you so much for asking me!!! 8D It was a pleasure to answer all these questions. During this I got quite emotional (haha Stanpat, Eddie). It showed me again how much I love this 8DDD
( I apologize in advance for all misspellings and my sloppy English =_=)
If you had to pick one name/alias/moniker to go by, fandom-wide, what would it be?
Oh, what a start XD I'm not that into nicknames. Generally people using my first name to address me or my username which is mostly onyprince (in reference to a character from Hakuouki) ID Sometimes they say Oni or J(ay) (Nickname for my first name). Do as you wish (though I like ‘J’ the th most) 😉
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
Twitter. But everything I post there is also here. Feel free to follow my account, but you don’t have to. https://twitter.com/oniprince_
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
Oniprince_ (Twitter) yeah… you see, I am pretty boring XDDD
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
Actually 23 years ago (haha I am old XD) When I was eleven I saw the miniseries with my cousins for the first time. The horror factor wasn't that important to me or maybe I didn't see it that way. It was more like an adventure story with an unfunny and nasty clown. A group of friends who had to endure an adventure. In any case, it entertained me well, even if I was not aware of some elements like that it’s a story about growing up, friendship, love and all these issues around becoming an adult XDD Then with 13 I read the book. It was a  new experience, and I loved every single word. Over the years I talked with friends and Kingsianer (XD) about it and read it for a second and a third time. At this point I could start a list with things I don’t like about the movies, but I’d rather mention on thing I really appreciate about them: they are a good opportunity for a new generation to explore this universe. Every adaption like the book itself is a reflection of a specific decade and what is more yeah… immortal, universal and diverse than a story about growing up. It was a discussion with a dear friend about book to movie adaptions some weeks ago that probably brought me back to this fandom
Nevertheless there are things from the book I would have loved to see in the movies. Let’s be honest at this point if you want to adapt such a brick of a book you simply have to cut some elements. You can’t please everyone
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
Stanpat - orz q__q they are such a sweet couple and it is so heartbreaking, they never ever had a real chance to become parents. They would have been excellent parents. Imagine them on a beautiful summer day. They have a picnic with their children and Stan would watch birds with them. He would tell them all about the birds and keeps a journal about their observations with his kids
Reddie - Despite the constant teasing their realtionship seems like a natural, casual und easy thing from the start. And Eddie likes the nicknames. These secret names are like another identity. He can be someone else. They take care of each other. Their relationship is a deeper friendship that runs mostly on an emotional level and is sometimes expressed through small, physical gestures. The chemistry between them is indescribable. It is cute when 90s Eddie immediately starts to giggle as soon as Richie makes a dumb joke at their reunion. And thing about the little moments when Richie pokes Eddie and calls him cute. I am won’t quoting this one passage in the book that leaves much room for speculations, but there is no doubt their special bond is official. In any case, the decision to make Richie gay in the movies gave the ship another push. I don’t complain. I love it. Though I still think Eddie would have been a better option. There are already some scenes in the book which are like an invitation to speculate about his sexualityTheir chemistry is very obvious and believe me, there is nothing I would more appreciate than a happy end for them Q__Q
Benverly  „Your hair is winter fire
                   January embers
                  My heart burns there, too
This is one of sweetest things I have ever read in a book and that is all I need to explain why I love this ship.
Fav, Characters:  Hmm when I read „IT“ for the first time I had a crush on Bill. He ist the born leader and in my childish, pre-teen way found his stuttering cute. There is something about him that cast a spell on you. It is perfectly understandable that he was a role model and an inspiration for his friends – especially for Eddie. In my personal opinion book!Bill ist the best Bill.
Richie - I love this chaotic megane dude. He is this silly type who use jokes, pranks to protect himself. His voices are like safe heaven (the same goes for Bill, whose stuttering almost disappears, when he pretends tob e someone else). He hides himself and his insecurities behind them. It is a shame that he doesn’t know what an impact he had on his friends. Richie seems to never ever shut up and sometimes his trashmouth is still talking, when he better should be quite. And I am famous to fall for funny characters. He can lights up the mood immediately ( and OMG…. I love Harry Anderson in the miniseries. A real entertainer, BUT BILL HADER…. Bill Hader…just to make it clear BILL HADER  did such an amazing job. He rocked the movie and I still think, not just because I love this dude since over a decade, without him… the movie wouldn’t  have been so entertaining)
Eddie - He is in these abusive relationships. First with his mother, who keeps him small and makes him believe that he is weak. At the end her own fears of beeing left behind prevented her son from becoming a self-confident adult. Eddie always thought he is weak and fragile. Although he knows that he doesn’t need all this medication, his childhood experience were the reason for his coping-behavior as an adult – he still uses his inhaler. He married a woman who is like his mother. Mike's call was something of a turning point. Until this call Eddie could not overcome his fears and had to face them again as an adult. I can remember. While reading the book there were several moments of silence and I stopped reading and thought: poor Eddie.
Ultimately, his story is about a hero who surpasses himself, overcomes his fears and by sacrifice himself he protects what is most important to him - his friends. It just touched me. Eddie gave his life for his friends and I think you can say he's my favorite character. His death may be a tragedy, but it was necessary for his character arc. My theory is that Eddie represents someone who has lost track in his life and prefer to stick on old but unhealthy patterns.It is almost like Eddie stands for missed opportunities, but at the same time it is never to late to change something. He is a hero. There are so many things I would like to talk about, therefore I should start an own thread XDDD
Oh and Bev - I could always identify with her (not bc of abuse or domestic violence. My childhood was amazing). She is the only girl around the losers and I was the only girl in my  favourite clique too. We spent most of our time outside  - it was great. Of course I had other friends (female) as well, but with my boys… it was always special).. As you know as an adult she falls back in old patterns. Her husband is tyrannical man like her father. Again Mike’s call is a turning point.  Maybe the Benverly arc is the most satisfying. I was… I am very happy that Bev got her happy end.
Last but no least - I like Ben, Mike and Stan too. They have all there unique character treats and you sympathize with all of them. The Loser’s club is bunch of adorable idiots who just doing their best to become adults. I think it is normal that their friendship feels more intimate in the book – I highly recommand the book.
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Mostly fanarts, but recently I thought about posting my own theories and sharing my hcs and random stuff about the characters and the different relations.  
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
The fandom is full of amazing artists and writersand actually it would be a, but i want to name those who inspired me the most (mainly artists – hopefully I copied the links correcty):
https://slashpalooza.tumblr.com/ ( you have to check out ‚Loose Ends‘)
(oh.. the list got longer than expected IDDD)
Do you know this?
Have you ever seen something as cozy and cute before I///D? – me neither XD
Trust me they are all worth a visit and I am sure most of us already know them 8D
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
My art I provide on tumblr can be found here:
Honestly I like these the most:
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Oh… unfortunately I am not feelin‘ very confident about my own artworks. Sometims I have the feeling I am not creative enough and that my ideas are more or less boring. Nothing special ID Totally dumb – I know. As I mentioned before I came back lately to the fandom… I guess I missed many amazing IT weeks. I participated in some weeks/mainly shipweeks in other fandoms (Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku, FFXV) If I find an interesting annoucement I can imagine to participate in the future ; )
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
In general… the fandom is really friendly – I hope so. Lately I have seen some salty comments on different stuff, topics… and well.. I have just an advice: life can be exhausting enough and time is always running. Don’t spend time on things you don’t like. Discussions can esclate quickly and worde can hurt too. So, just thing about before you jump in.
Thanks again! <3
(Special lil sketchy piece of art I did for this ask)
Tumblr media
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peachcitt · 3 years
30 questions about me
thanks for tagging me @apopcornkernel ily
name: peach
gender: vaguely female
star sign: gemini
height: 5′2 ish
time: 3:19am
birthday: may 24
fav band/group: armors, 1990nowhere, waterparks, pierce the veil, my chemical romance, sleeping with sirens
fav solo artists: olivverthekid, lostboycrow
song stuck in my head: none currently because im listening to music (the song that’s playing is angels of night by house of heroes)
last movie: tangled
last show: madoka magica
when i created this blog: december 2013 (yeah. i know. i know. fuck. i know)
what do i post: things that i like
last thing i googled: i can’t remember but it was probably either a ‘how to’ sort of question or a singular word looking for the definition because i don’t know how to do anything and im also illiterate
other blogs: @peachscribe is my official writing blog that i just kinda. forget about sometimes. i also have another blog that i just created recently but uh. i’ll keep that one to myself for now
do i get asks: like. rarely. i mean i have some in my inbox now that i promise i will reply to (if you left a request i will get to it this month i promise!!) but if i’d seen this question prior to last december i would’ve said no
why this url: the name i go by (peach), letters that look like the word ‘cat’ because i like cats (citt), sounds cute and cool as hell, matches my initials irl
following: 1388
followers: 1023
average amount of sleep: probably around 10 right now but once school starts again that number will significantly drop
lucky number: not lucky but my favorite number is 6
instruments: bassoon, tenor saxophone, and harp (piano when i was younger, but ive forgotten a lot. i want to relearn it though)
what im wearing: armors t-shirt with the machine from the DOA music video on it, waterparks sweatshirt circa double dare era (has the blueberry bomb on the chest and ‘waterparks’ down each arm), leggings, black and white striped fuzzy socks
dream job: english teacher, maybe professor. author if im pushing it
dream trip: ireland, greece, rome - anywhere old with ruins
fav food: my mom’s enchiladas
nationality: hispanic american
fav songs: grim mary by 1990nowhere, who’s gonna love me when i’m not young by armors, it follows by waterparks, annie by olivverthekid - there’s a lot more (mostly by the same artists here or the artists i listed above)
last book: the starless sea by erin morgenstern
top 3 fictional universes i’d love to live in: the starless sea (words cannot describe how much i want to live in that universe, to be able to explore the harbors and be surrounded by people who care about stories just as much as i do, maybe more), grishaverse (i don’t think it’d be like. super fun but there’s magic there and i think i deserve to live in a world with magic like that. as a treat), and pjo (same as grishaverse. probably not fun but there would be magic. also there’s the nostalgia factor so there’s that)
thanks poppy for tagging me! i tag: @anna-scribbles @sinkdraws and @maribb and anyone else who feels like doing this also if i tagged you and you don’t feel like it that’s cool too
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haknew · 3 years
get to know me tag ! 
tagged by @woosohn​ (ty again june ! <3) 
what day is your birthday?
one day i’m sure 
what’s your favorite color?
not to be that person,,, but rose quartz, serenity, and lilac ! [official answer] 
what’s your lucky number?
idk... tea bee hache 
do you have any pets?
do house plants count ? ;// 
how tall are you?
5′ 4 (i always forget this in cm sorry)
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
currently ... ? like 3 ??? 
favorite song?
oh i never have just one and it’s really about my mood :0 been playing thrill-ing a lot and other current releases so probably those at this moment in time
favorite movie?
can’t seem to pull up anything up from the dredges of my repressed memories of the time i used to watch movies but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... idk  
what would be your ideal partner?
i did this on my other blog so i’ll try to give a real answer this time to this question ... mm i need someone with a lot of empathy and patience ! i’m definitely not the easiest person to deal with ever and i really hate being confrontational,,, so when there’s a problem, they have to be willing to talk through things with me and approach me first ;;;; think it’d be nice if they were strong in the points where i’m weaker ^^ to balance i suppose ... but who knows what’ll happen, funky question lol
do you want children?
lmao no
have you gotten in trouble with the law?
nooooo i’m boring that way <33
bath or shower?
shower ! 
what color socks are you wearing?
it’s summer so no sock season ~ but normally solid colors; gray, white, black ^^
favorite type of music?
i like a bunch of stuff but i’m a pop song person at heart :]] sometimes some r&b 
how many pillows do you sleep with?
always at least two ! but rn at home i have 6 pillows haha 
what position do you sleep in?
on my sides usually ;0 hugging a pillow sometimes 
what you don’t like when you’re sleeping?
if it’s too hot, i can’t sleep ;;;; or when it’s too loud or too early in the morning to be woken up looool
what do you have for breakfast?
i’m never awake early enough for breakfast but during my 8ams i used to make a cup of instant coffee if that counts haha :]] 
have you ever tried archery?
at science camp yeeeees ~
favorite fruit?
strawberries ! and watermelon ~~ mangoes too :p 
favorite swear word?
i don’t really swear all that much so don’t really use any  
do you have any scars?
i suppose, won’t elaborate tho 
are you a good liar?
i’ve been told no i’m not but then again i lie often so 
what’s your personality type?
choi soobin (he’s an isfp OKAY ?!?!)
what’s your favorite type of girl?
all of them of course u.u 
innie or outie?
innie !
left or right-handed?
right-handed ^^
favorite food?
i really like pasta ! but there’s a canto tea cafe specialty rice dish that’s basically fried rice with tomato + beef that’s my all-time fav ^^
favorite foreign food?
hmm most everything i have is ‘foreign’ food ? that’s just my cultural cuisine stuff tho so maybe other eastern asian dishes too :0 
are you clean or messy?
really depends on my mood ;;;; i like stuff to be clean ! but that’s easier said than done sometimes haha 
most used phrase?
i use a lot of internet language so your typical acronyms ‘lol’, ‘lmao’, ‘like’, and then stuff like ‘so true’ etc. haha ahhh and of course ‘jfkdhgdkjfhgsk’
how long does it take for you to get ready?
this also depends on my mood, at speediest maybe 5 mins ! at longest maybe an hour ~ but only bc i’m staring at my phone or smth instead of actually getting ready
do you talk to yourself?
hhh yes and that’s bc it’s sometimes easier for me to vocalize thoughts than let them swirl in a confusing mess in my head, hard to sort through sometimes
do you sing to yourself?
yea ! choir kid things
are you a good singer?
hmm depends on ? your definition ... i have a good ear for pitch matching but that’s probably it ^^ (i have a small little byr cover on this blog too prob not that hard to find if people were curious but ://)
biggest fear?
[insert a long essay about ew gross feelings and insecurities no one asked for] idk bugs ?!? ig 
are you a gossip?
depends on context ! i like being in the know but at the same time i don’t go out of my way looking for drama or any tea ;-; i keep to myself mostly ! 
do you like long or short hair?
on me, longer hair ! kinda a silly / unrelated remark but my old roomie said she thinks i would look nice with really long hair so i stopped trimming it even tho it’s summer ^^ 
favorite school subject?
haha probably bio and psych ! as i should certainly hope so as a bio major >.< 
extrovert or introvert?
introvert !
what makes you nervous?
oh quite a few things hhh, social interactions do ;;;; i like talking to people but i tend to overthink just about everything so,,, i can easily misread neutral stimuli as negative haha... and going out and about now that the panoramendmic has crushed any and all my social skills / self confidence LOL 
who was your first real crush?
haha he was in my honors english course and i think he and i argued about whether puppies are capable of real emotions jfksfjglds and during PE he’d run all the way across the gym to get our volleyball if we hit it out of the court ;;;; i ended up confessing the following year but uh .... things didn’t end well and it ended up following me all 4 years of high school lmao... 
how many piercings do you have?
just the two ^^ 
how fast can you run?
at my peak i could run a mile in 8 minutes fdkjhgdfjg but nowadays running to my mailbox is difficult wtf.... listen i’ve been sitting stuck at home for almost two years now-
what color is your hair?
it’s a dark brown so dark it’s almost black around my roots but a lighter brown for the rest bc i dyed it ^^ i plan to redye it a reddish brown soon tho ! 
what color are your eyes?
dark brown as well ~ 
what makes you angry?
something jacob mentioned once i forget his exact wording but i have a lot of patience actually so rather than being angry it’s a bit more frustration, mostly at myself when smth i worked on really hard doesn’t work out, but also bc i constantly overthink and consider other people’s feelings it upsets me when other people are dismissive or plainly ignorant of the feelings of those around them... and also esp when people are unaware of how to deal with their own negative feelings so they take it out on others when they shouldn’t 
do you like your own name?
not ? particularly ... tbh jess is not my full name but even so my name doesn’t really have any meaning of anything so it’s just :// a name i guess,,, i like it when people call me by name tho in the tags <333 lmao 
do you want a boy or a girl as a child?
lmao no
what are your strengths?
this would never fly in a resume but ??? oh man wish i knew 
what are your weaknesses?
the questions is what ISN’T 
what’s the color of your bedspread?
white with blue ink drawings <333 it’s very pretty i like it a lot 
color(s) of your room?
dark biege ! a lot of warm neutral tones with splashes of pastels here and there
tagging anyone who wants to do this again haha ^~^ 
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this fic is officially in the works. Update! Got to the 8th chap and bruhhh this fic is gonna be a nice longish one. Its vamp Gee cause I write to please myself. Anyone want to Beta? Im posting it officially!
“Just think happy thoughts” I mumbled as I held my hand to my bleeding neck.
“Happy thoughts aren’t going to stop me” the voice rang out around me “neither is your little boyfriend” Boyfriend? I pull a face thinking of Gerard as my boyfriend. If only but also… what an interesting time that would be considering he currently hates me. Let’s go back a bit and figure out why exactly I’m stuck in my favorite abandoned building being hunted by an asshole vampire that I wish I could shove a stake up their ass.
2 months ago~
Just your average high school senior living a relatively chill life, semi absent parents which makes this fanfiction worthy of a life ya know. I’ve got enough freedom living in the small town of Bellvile that I don’t need to let my parents know everything of who I’m with and where I am, as long as it sounds safe or I just lie. Being an only child makes it so easy to lie or at least I learned to lie very well. 
Anyway! Its senior year right! Gonna be the best time of my high school career right? I mean my best friend Mikey is in most of my classes despite him being a grade below me, he’s smart okay. I’m not dumb, he’s just smart. We hang out a ton which is the best and we work on dumb lyrics together and I’m trying to get him to sing but he refuses says its not his thing and that his brother is way better at it. Mikey likes to think his brother and I would get along great because we’ve got tons of common interests but… he hates me? 
I have zero clue as to why, it’s just always been like that. Gerard’s never really talked to me and even when we had classes together he wouldn’t even try to talk to me. Its shitty cause I’m best friends with his brother and at his house a lot but like I guess I gotta live with that. I’m not friends with him or his and Mikey’s friends cause I just feel like that’s too awkward. I mean Ray and I are friends but not like Mikey and I. Ray is like a friend out of convenience cause we have classes together and I’m friends with Mikey so we hang sometimes. 
I usually hang out with my friends Patrick, Pete, and my other best friend Kristin that Mikey has a huge crush on. They would be so cute if they got together! But Mikey is shy and Kristin just out right refuses to make the first move, the tension is so thick you need a chainsaw to cut that. It’s so frustrating. 
Well that’s my friends and my situation so far but now it’s time to actually start senior year and honest this nice recap as I lay in bed waiting for my alarm to go off was really nice. I hate waking up before my alarm, it’s like bitch I could’ve slept in more but noooo my body just had to betray me. I looked to the clock, honestly five minutes before my alarm is whatever so I guess it’s time to get ready. Glad I took those last 10 minutes to think about my life and my friends. 
Getting up for school is such a hassle, I wish summer didn’t end but like, I guess I’m excited for school too. Mostly my friends and my electives, and the fact that seniors only have to take English, gov/econ, and math. The rest are all mine. 
I went through my closet and picked something cute and punk. I consider myself a punk just because I don’t care too much what people think of me and I’m going to be true to myself even if that offends people. But also my music and style choices make me look pretty punk. I picked out my fav blue plaid bottoms (skirt or pants or shorts it’s your look) and a plain baseball tee that I tucked into them. Then went and put some makeup on just like I like. Once that was done it was time for hair which I decided could wait cause food is more important so I head downstairs in search for the food.
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vitosscaletta · 4 years
>:) Personality + Background for Helena, Basics + Appearance for Erin
YES thank u... vampire time
What’s their alignment?
Probably neutral good ehehehe
What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)?
Her number one passion is acting, it’s not really a hobby since she does it professionally (or is trying to lol).. She enjoys learning history though, especially the mid-18th century :^) Also music, corny movies, she’s also a huge sims fan >:)
As for her favorites uhhh her favorite band is My Chemical Romance DUH, fav movies are Shakespeare in Love, Valley of The Dolls (yeah ik it sucks),... Shark Tale.... aaaaand her favorite food is fries. Or it was, she can’t eat it anymore :(
What are they bad at?
Within the game’s mechanics and all that.. she’s not much good in a fight (thank u faelike background). She’s still significantly stronger than the average human of course, but very fragile for vampire standarts :/ Noodle arms bitch
Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses?
None that I can think of
What are their goals and motivations?
Before her embrace it was to become a famous actress.. which isn’t possible anymore, she’s still craving that kind of lifestyle though. She grew up not being very well off and not being very popular either, so it’s kinda... wanting to be someone important? Like that Will Smith fish from shark tale :)
What are their manners like? Any habits?
She’s rather well-mannered, not exactly posh but she doesn’t do anything weird in public either.. usually.
What are they most afraid of?
irrelevance... something like that :/
Where were they born? What was their childhood like?
She’s originally from San Francisco, grew up with a single mom and her younger sister. They weren’t very well off so her mom had to work a lot, it was pretty much just her and her sister :/ She wasn’t very popular either so she made only few friends in school, it was lonely :(
What’s their family like?
Her mom Jenny is a nice lady, very goal-oriented.. she was very popular in high school, which is how she met Helena’s dad. He’s originally from germany and comes from a long line of vampire hunters and religious zealots (Society of Leopold hoes..), doesn’t really know anything about it though. His family are just a bunch of weird catholics. They had two children, miss Helena & her little Sister, Elizabeth before he divorced his wife and fucked off 👋. He cut off all contact and doesn’t pay child support bc he’s a freak. Also Elizabeth is currently studying law somewhere, their mother insisted they make something of themselves >:(
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold?
She’s with the camarilla, mostly due to the fact that Christian is in it too. She came to them all starry-eyed because the other members were all sexy, powerful and rich vampires which is pretty much what she wants to be like lmao.. She works directly for Lacroix, kinda like the fledgling except with better pay, slightly less shitty jobs and a tiny bit more respect (only a tiny bit everyone still thinks she’s dumb af). She just has to run small errants lol. There’s no official rank or title though lol.
She’s not really loyal to them or anything and quickly becomes disillusioned by it all. Vampire society is fucked up... she kinda starts spending more time with the Hollywood anarchs because toreador solidarity, doesn’t join their cause though. The anarchs can’t stand her lmao. She’s really mostly independent...
How do they fit into their “story”?
She’s just your good ol’ regular La Croy foundations employee, she was initially my fledgling but I don’t want Christian (her sire) to die, I suppose she’s just like.. there.. idk its kind of a wip
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like?
She has that little apartment in downtown LA during the events of bloodlines :^) It’s a nice place, modern interior and all that... she does miss her old apartment with the victorian furniture though :(( Post bloodlines she probably leaves LA after the whole thing with Lacrosse lol... she’s friends with Ash now they can go on a road trip or something
How do they eventually die?
she doesn’t... shes a vampire >:)
What’s their full name?
Cassandra Erin Winters :~)
What does their name mean? Why were they named that?
Cassandra (from greek “to excel, to shine “) is a little nod to the seer Cassandra, who appears somewhere in her bloodline :^) In-universe it’s one of those names that appear throughout her family.. there are a bunch of important great-grandmothers, aunts and other relatives so her parents named her that to make it look like they’re an important dynasty or something. Rich people bs. Erin is an english derivative of the irish word for.. Ireland lmao. It was just one of those names that were popular in the early 80′s and her mother liked it, there’s no real reason behind it!
Do they have any nicknames?
jhdfjhfd Cammy by Damsel even though she helped them out 😒 also “Newbie” by her bf sdkjskjdf romance ❤
How old are they?
22 in 2004, I suppose she’s 37 in 2020 aka during the events of bloodlines 2
When’s their birthday?
December 13th, 1982
What’s their zodiac sign/element/birthstone/etc.? Do they believe that holds any significance?
I had to take a whole quiz for this but she’s a Sagittarius 😌 I’d say it definitely does lol... she reads her horoscope almost daily
What’s their species/subspecies? Do they have any special/magical abilities?
Vampire lol... specifically of clan Malkavikan. As for magical abilities yknow, typical vampire stuff, plus the voices & Malkavian insight and all that. Her abilities are Auspex and Obfuscate :^)
What “class” do they belong to (for fantasy characters)? If none, what weapon do they favor?
No class but her favorite weapon was the axe she found in the haunted hotel
What do they look like?
goddd.... small, pretty blonde, pale skin bc she’s dead, yellow-ish eyes (used to be blue)... big eyes, sliightly overplucked eyebrows bc it’s 2004 :( she’s still cute though
Do they have a face claim?
Mostly Bella Heathcote and Christina Ricci in one image I found on pinterest lol.. I never have faceclaims that are 100% what they look like :(
What’s their style like? Clothes, hair, makeup?
goddd jt was pretty much regular late 90s/early 2000s popular girl before her embrace.. short skirts, juicy tracksuits, tube tops, those awful tinted glasses, coats with fake fur. Her hair was often in those late 90′s updos with a few streaks hanging loose in the front... makeup is just regular looks from the time, lipgloss, frosty eyeshadow and all that 🤢 she’s a big fan of turtleneck sweaters though 😌
It’s still the same but a bit more fucked up post-embrace because she’s just like go crazy aaahh go stupid aaahhh and digs out some of her weirder clothes because half of these vampire bitches wear dumber clothes than her anyway... an old white lace dress that looks like it’s from the early 1900s or something like that... her standard outfits are still low-rise jeans with tank tops and those giant early 2000s shoes though, she just adds in a few weird looking clothes for fun sometimes
How do they carry themselves? What’s their default expression?
Honestly she looks like this emoji 😳 most of the time, Malkavian voices, weird doomsday visions and all that... She had a very cheerful attitude before her embrace and it still shows sometimes, most of the time it’s kinda weird though :(
Do they have any physical ailments or disabilities?
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asleepinawell · 4 years
Get to know meme
Tagged by @rootpatterson thanks!
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
1. NAME:  Sarah
2. NICKNAMES: despite that post going around claiming this would never happen with real siblings, my brother legitimately calls me 'sister' and it's adorable
3. ZODIAC SIGN: gemini
4. HEIGHT: 5′6″
5. LANGUAGES: English
6. NATIONALITY: American, tired
7. FAVORITE SEASON: when it rains
8. FAVORITE FLOWER: I don't really have one so I'm just going with the dracula vampira orchid for The Aesthetic
9. FAVORITE SCENT: you know a few weeks ago I might have had a normal answer to this one but several people were legitimately horrified when I said I liked the smell of gasoline and chlorine so those are now officially my favs
10. FAVORITE COLOR: black or grey
11. FAVORITE ANIMAL: all of them???? moose and secretary birds are up there on the list though. and dragons. obviously. and my cat
12. FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s): root and shaw and the machine. also toph. billie lurk. camina drummer. sam vimes.
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE:  tea, preferably iced
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS:  average what now?
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: definitely a cat owner for life, but I do love dogs too
16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: sheet, blanket, 100,000 degrees of cat body heat radiating through the blankets like a small sun
17. DREAM TRIP: the other day I went down the street to the convenience store. the most excitement I've had in months. you know that one quote in portal where glados talks about seeing the deer? I feel that.
18. BLOG ESTABLISHED: I joined tumblr in 2012, but this blog was 2015 apparently
19. FOLLOWERS: 3114
20. RANDOM FACT: I bought a theremin for my requisite weird quarantine hobby and named it bee-fucker 69
tagging @lost-in-the-fission @hufflepufflovespizza @fzsfzsfzs @sapphicteaparty @c-pywrit @fulmentus
also I'm tagging @winged-mammal not because I think there's a chance in hell she'll do this but instead to publicly acknowledge who is mostly responsible for the naming of my theremin
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loseyoutoloveme · 4 years
can you do a rundown/review of every song on folklore like you've done for selena? and what your current top 5 are??
considering this is officially one of my top 3 favourite albums ever i’m v happy to 😌! warning, absolutely every single song will be ranked 10/10
thank for wanting to know my thoughts :( i can’t believe anybody would volunteer to read this JDNSKSDJKDS
first of all, my top 5 is probbbbably gonna change (maybe not tho bc my lover top 5 hasn’t really changed a lot), but for now, i think it’s: august > seven > mad woman > illicit affairs > mirrorball
THE 1:
ngl my very first thought was that it reminded me of same love by macklemore skdjdskjdskjsd but not in a bad way!
literally some of the prettiest lyrics, i knew just from this song that this would top red as her best lyrically (best album in general)
honestly just rly sad and sweet and one of those songs that has such a universal sound i feel?
also the simplest song of the album lyrically (also not in a bad way, just like objectively this is the easiest subject matter on the album with the least opaque lyrics), so a really good opener
best lyrics: “we never painted by the numbers baby but we were making it count/you know the greatest loves of all time are over now” and “we were something don’t you think so/roaring twenties tossing pennies in the pool/and it my wishes came true it would’ve been you”
a cute girl, 10/10
i was surprised by the darkish sound of this one
idk what that like clanking sound in the background is but i find it a lil distracting in the first half of the song - but if i ever find out what it is and it has some symbolic meaning/purpose for being there (i assume it does) i’ll accept it sdjknsd
i love the nostalgia that is so present in like almost every song on this album :(
also the music video is stunning and frames the entire album in the most interesting way, metaphor-wise
best lyrics: “i knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss/knew you’d haunt all of my what-ifs/the smell of smoke would hang around this long/cause i knew everything when i was young/i knew i’d curse you for the longest time/chasin’ shadows in the grocery line/i knew you’d miss me when the thrill expired/and you’d be standing in my front porch light/and i knew you’d come back to me”
love this one bc it’s like a nice lil exhale in an album filled with angst, like it’s cute and boppy without being aggressive
i’m suddenly absolutely obsessed with rebekah harkness, particularly the “bitch pack” thing and her dyeing someone’s dog green
i love taylor’s storytelling and i love how that’s always been a big part of her approach to songwriting. this is taylor at her best narration, like starlight but so much better. this is a type of songwriting that is so underused these days, esp by mainstream artists and i love so much that she has always used it and been so invested in it
the pronoun change made me screech. sooo goooood
taylor’s obv a deeply autobiographical artist which is why it’s so incredible to hear her tell OTHER people’s stories and somehow make them so her own. like i think it’s mostly the english major in me that just gets so emotional over that...... the way that other people’s stories became our own through the way we tell them......
this song is def the one that is most explicit about the album’s theme of telling stories but ones that tell something about her (and about her listeners too), by switching to personal pronouns at the end. it sets up a pattern for the rest of the album, where each song is about one thing (the actual story she’s telling) but also about a bunch of other things.
a good example of why she’s the greatest songwriter of this generation
best lyrics: “there goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen/she had a marvelous time ruining everything”
bon iver’s voice was a full shock to the system the first time i listened and idk why sdkjnds it is just so deep and i was not at all expecting it esp after the cuteness of tlgad
anyway these lyrics are GORGEOUS
i love a duet where the 2 singers’ lyrics are meant to be directed at each other. is there a word for that type of duet idk but it always makes a duet infinitely better
the miscommunication exemplified in the bridge...... chef’s kiss heartbreaking
out of all the songs this is the one that makes me feel the most like i am in the middle of a forest in winter. i can already picture myself listening to this song in december with the sound of a crackling fire in the background mmmmmmmm my exact vibe
best lyrics: “you’re not my homeland anymore/so who am i defending now?/you were my town, now i’m in exile seeing you out” and “i’m not your problem anymore/so who am i offending now?”
this chorus BRRROOOOKE ME
writing songs presumably about the masters situation and framing them as breakup songs was absolutely galaxy brain
i feel like the image of tears ricocheting has like a million layers to it and is just suuuuch a smart metaphor
also just such a visually rich song ? so is every song on the album but the metaphors of this song are all just so visual
best lyrics: “i didn’t have it in myself to go with grace/and you’re the hero flying around saving face/and if i’m dead to you why are you at the wake?” and “i can go anywhere i want/anywhere i want, just not home”
ok so i did like this one on first listen, i loved absolutely everything on first listen, but it didn’t hit my top 5 until like 8 listens later, so it’s def a big grower and i think could be a huge fan fav by next year
the self-awareness in her writing will never fail to amaze me
the way that life is just performing...... yeah
but it’s crazy to me that a person could be like “i’m a compulsive people pleaser and performer and i’ll do anything to get ppl to like me” and that leads to “i am a disco ball” like ???? her brain is so big. it’s such a gorgeous metaphor.... and the circus imagery AHHHHH
best lyrics: “i’m still on that tightrope/i’m still trying everything to get you laughing at me/i’m still a believer but i don’t know why/i’ve never been a natural, all i do is try try try/i’m still on that trapeze/i’m still trying everything to keep you looking at me” and “i can change everything about me to fit in”
this one simply rips my heart out
at first i was like oh this is so weird and then the chorus just would not leave my head
for me personally, nostalgia is literally 90% of my personality and just for so many personal reasons the thought of childhood ending and all of the growing pains that come along with that have been at the forefront of my psyche for the past year. so it just kills me whenever i find a song like this one and it kills me that taylor specifically has several songs about this topic and this is 100000% the best of them all. like it’s the most beautiful experience to have your thoughts and feelings and fears expressed so perfectly by a total stranger, and that’s rly what art is about and i love taylor for doing that for me and millions of other people
i just feel like this song brings up so many vivid beautiful memories of childhood for so many people, like being outside in the summer and screaming and being free. ugh
the pause after “i hit my peak at seven” before completing the phrase........ OOOOOOOOOF IT HITS TOO HARD
and sound-wise, just so off-beat and cool and unique
best lyrics: “i hit my peek at seven/feet in the swing across the creek” and “are there still beautiful things?” and “love you to the moon and to saturn/passed down like folk songs/the love lasts so long” and “before i learned civility/i used to scream ferociously/any time i wanted”
i knew immediately that this would be my favourite tbh like i could sense it the second it began
i wrote my first impression thoughts in my journal and you can tell the exact moment i got to the bridge bc i just started screaming sdnjksdkjsdn
i would 100% get a tattoo that said “to live for the hope of it all”
everything about this song is LITERALLY flawless like i have.......no notes......no thoughts.......it’s just an absolutely perfect song
best lyrics: “back when we were still changing for the better/wanting for was enough/for me it was enough/to live for the hope of it all" and “august sipped away like a bottle of wine/cause you were never mine”
this song is rly good but i keep forgetting it exists omg :/ once i learn all of the lyrics i’ll appreciate her more
the strings are gorgeous
i was rly surprised that this one was done with jack instead of aaron just bc the bridge of this sounds SOOOO the national
these lyrics could be interpreted in so many different ways depending on the listener’s experiences and that’s beautiful
best lyrics: “i was so ahead of the curve/the curve became a sphere/fell behind all my classmates and i ended up here” and “it’s hard to be at a party when i feel like an open wound/it’s hard to be anywhere these days when all i want is you/you’re a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town”
that soft high note on “down,” “stop,” etc is sooooo nice
i don’t have many thoughts on it, it’s just so soft, SOOOOOO gorgeous instrumentally and lyrically
best lyrics: “it’s born from just one single glance/but it dies and it dies and it dies/a million little times” and “don’t call me kid, don’t call me baby/look at this godforsaken mess that you made me/you showed me colours you know i can’t see with anyone else” and “you taught me a secret language i can’t speak with anyone else/and you know damn well/for you i would ruin myself/a million little times”
like i said about tlgad, this is a nice little break from all the angst and pain and anger sdnjksdnskjsd just a sweet little break to remind u there are good things in the world too. so placed really well in the tracklist imo
super super super super cute chorus
so many pretty melodies
absolutely an autumn song btw
best lyrics: “time, mystical time/cutting me open, then healing me fine”
i literally lost my mind listening to this for the first time
i have such a thing for scorned women anthems like i will immediately love it whatever it is
the pure rage when she says “cause you took everything from me” gives me full body chills
it is just so eerie and haunting and perfect
best lyrics: “women like hunting witches too/doing your dirtiest work for you/it’s obvious that wanting me dead/has really brought you two together” and “every time you call me crazy i get more crazy/what about that?” and “good wives always know/she should be mad, should be scathing like me/but no one like a man woman”
i find this one so hard to listen to but it’s absolutely beautiful and devastating and so heavily relevant for i think the whole world rn
the heart monitor and the trumpets tying both of the topics in together is so genius and so heartbreaking
i think will be the sygb of folklore where it makes everybody cry so much that it becomes a skip despite being a beautiful song
best lyrics: “something med school did not cover/someone’s daughter, someone’s mother” and “some things you just can’t speak about”
first of all THE HARMONICA
this made me so happy bc it’s just so debut and so fearless and it made me SOOOOO nostalgic on my first listen, because it really felt to me like i was getting to listen to a song from debut or fearless for the very first time again
it’s just so sweet and cute and simple and yet another very self-aware moment of looking back to her past material/subject matter
best lyrics: “would you have me? would you want me?/would you tell me to go fuck myself/or lead me to the garden?” and “i’m only seventeen, i don’t know anything/but i know i miss you”
the bass at the beginning is soooooo nice
this miiiiiight be the strongest song on the album lyrics-wise but idk yet
not much to say, it’s just so gorgeous
best lyrics: “i’m a fire and i’ll keep your brittle heart warm/if your cascade ocean wave blues come/all these people think love’s for show/but i would die for you in secret” and “would it be enough if i could never give you peace?” and “i talk shit with my friends, it’s like i’m wasting your honour”
i have a feeling this one will be underrated/underappreciated bc it’s just simple and dark and the last song, but this is....... a lyrical masterpiece
i feel like i need to be playing this on vinyl with all of the lights off and just a candle burning yknow, like there’s just something so dark and ancient about it
best lyrics: “my winless fight/this has frozen my ground” and “your faithless love’s the only hoax i believe in/don’t want no other shade of blue but you/no other sadness in the world would do” and “you knew it still hurt underneath my scars/from when they pulled me apart/but what you did was just as dark/darling this was just as hard”
OVERALL: 10000000000/10 literally one of the best albums i have ever heard and (while i wouldn’t put it past her to top it) absolutely the best work of her career. so complex and layered and emotional and painful and genuine and different. not to get ahead of myself but this is/should be considered her blue, her rumours, her abbey road....... god. can’t wait to listen to this album for the rest of my life and play it for my future children and just watch it live on as the greatest work of one of the most important artists of the 21st century
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youdidwelljonghyun · 4 years
I haven’t been using this app much since I joined stan twit but I need to speak on this bc it’s important:
NCT, Exo, Taemin and SM Entertainment on a whole are a fucking disappointment. BLM has been the number one topic on social media across the world for about a week now. I’ve seen countless Korean artistes speak up in support. I’ve seen artistes post their donations. I’ve seen BM go on insta live and discuss his experiences with cops and how black people have to live in fear despite being innocent. I’ve seen Crush talk about how Korean pop music is built on black culture & there would be no Kpop, kr&b or khiphop without black culture. Ive seen Got7’s mark donate $7000 to the cause. I’ve seen a 2 month old rookie group’s member get all her socials deleted because she had the balls and the decency to support BLM on her platform. I’ve seen KBS in America covering the riots. I’ve seen Korean civilans speak up about BLM, supporting and explaining the situation in both Korean and English, I’ve seen Yeri post in support on her Instagram.
AND YET. NCTzens had to BEG, and when I say B E G. We were flooding 127’s twitter mentions, lysn and Instagram BEGGiNG them to post in support of BLM, just so they could use their platform to influence followers to support. For DAYS. We had to beg these men who: 3 of them lived in the US for extended periods, one is FROM CHICAGO where much of the rioting is taking place. They are ALWAYS talking about how they’re a global group. 127 has toured across the US multiple times. They regularly interact with international fans. Their intl fanbase has likely made them more revenue than their Korean fanbase. In fact, I’d argue that 127’s current level of popularity is mostly due to their American fans, & I’m not even American. Just last week we rallied together for DAYS to defend Jaehyun from those disgusting Kfans. Yet they only responded after over 24 hours of begging them, and when they did, ONE member posted something without even including a donation link or saying anything truly substantial... the member that is literally American. His post was basically a “fine, here it is since you won’t stop bugging me about this!”. I saw many fans begging them to “open their purses” and show how much they donated, which I don’t think is necessary— but at LEAST POST A GODDAMN DONATION LINK. Do you know how many fans would mirror your actions? Even with the lame post Johnny made, countless fans were asking where they can donate. Do you SEE HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO USE YOUR PLATFORM?? Then Ten posted that random black square. No caption, no nothing. Anyone who doesn’t know about BLM won’t know what the fuck it’s for. I saw comments asking what it was about and making jokes. I am so fucking disappointed in these men for doing the bare minimum when they have a massive platform, they have received support from thousands of black fans and they make a huge chunk of their money off of American tours, NOT TO MENTION black music is the blueprint for Kpop. They always talk about what black artiste’s music they love, but they are damn near fucking silent about the innocent black people being murdered worldwide.
Exo is a fucking joke. Kai, Chanyeol Baekhyun and Sehun regularly post on their socials— kai did a live a few days ago, Chanyeol has posted several NNG videos, Baek has been doing lives/menpas and yet neither of them can be assed to say oh, btw black lives matter and here’s a donation link so u can help support too. Lay has also been promoting constantly, he’s had a comeback and dropped an MV a few days ago, and yet???
They may have very well donated in private— I acknowledge that. But they could do SO MUCH for the black community by simply making a post in support with a donation link, that would cost them literally nothing. So why haven’t they done so?? They must not care enough to— because trust me, fans have been asking. Exo and NCT’s lysn board have been spammed with fans begging for support, giving them donation links to share and explaining the situation. I feel a little entitled, demanding anything from someone I don’t personally know, but then I realize that it would take almost no effort on their part, and that they would be giving back to the very community that allowed kpop’s very existence, not to mention supporting their millions of black fans around the world. I see many people saying that this is an “American issue” and “no one asks celebrities to donate when other people are suffering”. If you think that is an excuse then you are a part of the problem. 1. Black people exist all over the world, they are discriminated against and brutalized worldwide. 2. I have seen Americans lobbying and pushing for global causes countless times on social media. Just the other day American Kpop fans helped trend the Nth room case, translating articles and spreading awareness. I was one of those fans.
As for SM Entertainment, the company that likely employs more black producers than any other in Korea, they have 100% ignored the BLM movement on ALL platforms; they have done NOTHING. Monsta X, Ateez and BTS have all officially posted on their group accounts that they stand with BLM and they support the cause, yet SM cannot be assed to do a goddamn thing except exploit black culture and use Americans as ATM machines. I heard they were sending TEXTS to American fans about a COMEBACK (or something??) in the midst of all the rioting. The funny thing is, it’s a pattern— SM never gives a flying fuck about American fans. All they do is coddle kfans and indulge in their delusional fantasies, making Jaehyun write a fucking apology letter for eating some food because kfans threw a tantrum and placating kfans when they got salty about Superhuman promotions. WHERE EVEN IS SUPER M??? THE GROUP THAT LITERALLT DEBUTED IN THE US LMFAOOOOO. LITERAL SILENCE.
I just made this post to say that I, as a black fan, can’t continue to go out on a limb for, to stan, to defend and trend hashtags for, to leave encouraging lysn messages for, artistes who don’t give enough of a fuck that my people are dying to make a genuinely supportive post with a donation link. That is THE BARE MINIMUM. We aren’t asking them to go out on the streets and protest. I cannot do it anymore. As a black fan, there have always been things we have to speak out about more than any other fan group, there have always been things we’ve had to overlook. But I’m fucking done with this shit. I’m done streaming and voting and watching their videos. They don’t deserve my support one bit. I see their pictures on my timeline and I just feel empty— I mean, they really don’t give a fuck about us at all. Lots of times we’ve reconciled with the fact that Korea as a whole is pretty racist towards black people, but we think the best of our favs and assume that because they have so many black fans they must feel differently and have more of an open mind— HA. And I was never the fan who expected that idols love us as much as we love them, but for you to sit there and profit from our culture and our support, but be unable to open your mouths or make a single Instagram post when we’re being killed...
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