#so they actually know more about this backstory 🤭
multicolour-ink · 6 months
What event triggered Pio to dislike everything or the people about the surface? Does Mia share his opinion, or has she tried to make him see a different point of view? How does she take the bros. Interest and curiosity about the surface? Of course, I've gotta get my Mia and Pio food in this AU 🤤
Oh hooo hohoho 🤭 Time for some backstory drama!
lore dump galore!
Mia was originally a human, until one fateful day she spotted Pio trapped in a fisherman's net! She quickly freed him, but Pio was more scared of her because of the shaky history between the surface and the ocean kingdoms.
More than a century prior, humans and mer-people actually got along, and some chose to marry and bear children together. However, over time, some surface dwellers started to show fear towards the mer-people, for they are far more powerful than humans, with a wide array of magic at their disposal. This fear spread whispers that the mer-people may one day use this power to overthrow them!
Things got so tense that it led to the diplomatic laws of the surface and the ocean deciding that the kingdoms were better off apart. And so from then on, the surface and the ocean worlds rarely interacted with each other. But relations were always tense...
Back to current day, and Mia has heard tales of the ocean, and becomes fascinated by its beauty and mystery. Her mundane life is not fulfilling in the slightest, and she finds that she has very little personal connections on the surface.
Which is why she never expected to find a merman caught in a net on that day!
After Pio was rescued, he started to think more about the woman who saved him. No human, not since his family can remember, had ever been so benevolent towards anyone of his kind. He couldn't just not thank her! So he plucked up the courage to go to the surface and talk to her.
Mia was surprised to see him, but she too had been thinking about him. She had heard tales herself on how mer-people drag humans to the depths if you get too close! But this merman was sweet, scared even. He needed help, and she gave it.
The two had a talk and both found themselves enjoying each other's company. Pio revealed to Mia that he was the heir to the throne of Atlantica. The current ruler being his own father. He admitted to feeling a lot of pressure on him, so it was nice to talk to someone about it.
Over some days the two became more and more pining towards each other. Pio desperately wanted to go on the surface and hang out by Mia's side for longer; not just at the beach. That is when he remembered an ancient spell his ancestors used all those years ago; one that could give a mer-person legs so they could walk amongst humans! Pio had always been told that his power was stronger than his brothers - nevertheless, after some tries in secret, he finally mastered the ancient magic by himself.
Mia was more than surprised to see him emerging from the water not as a merman, but like herself, and the too were even more happy. Finally they could hang out together for longer! 🥰
Of course, through the excitement of being on land, to being by Mia's side much more often - Pio started feeling desires more than ever for her, and the two eventually took their relationship much further...
I won't go into too much detail - as it's not important enough to go over here - but let's just say Pio was especially nervous on account of this being a much different experience than what his kind are used to, and Mia was so sweet and taught him some things 🤭.
After subsequent visits and intimate sessions, the two fell more in love, and eventually Mia became pregnant. Naturally this was a stir in of itself - the offspring to the heir of Atlantica born from a human was enough to cause a frenzy in the kingdom - but there was also no telling if the children would come out as human, or mer-people, or even both!
Knowing it was too dangerous to reveal her pregnancy to anyone in her village for multiple reasons, Mia gave birth in a secluded cove with Pio beside her, and with Marie (Arthur's partner) acting as a mid wife with her healing magic.
Too Mia's sheer relief - the twins were both born with tails: meaning that not only could they stay together, but it also meant that their mer-magic was stronger and could protect them.
But naturally, the babies could not live on the surface, and it was too risky to use the sacred magic on beings so young to keep turning them human. Shortly after their birth, Pio took the babies back to Atlantica for them to grow up safe and healthy, and promised Mia he would bring them to see her every day.
But only after a short amount of time this proved to be an emotional strain on Mia. Not only was Pio having to take over the throne because of his aging father, but he was giving up that precious amount of time ruling to bring the babies to see her (even though he was more than happy to). And the worst part, was that Mia was barely seeing her children, despite the time they tried to make as a family. It got too much, and unwilling to stay trapped anymore on the surface, she asked Pio one day
"Let me become a mermaid. Please."
Pio was shocked. He wasn't willing to make Mia give up her life just for him - to have her make a choice that could never be undone.
"I don't have a life here Pio. I never have. I miss our kids. And I miss you."
So Pio agrees, and Mia takes a magic potion to permanently turn her into a mermaid, and the whole of Atlantica rejoiced!
Unfortunately, word got around the surface, and soon those from Mia's village heard about what had happened, and became enraged and frightened. They stormed the beaches, fury in their eyes as they accused the mer-people (and especially Pio) of manipulating Mia with their magic in order to make her leave them forever.
Pio was naturally outraged, and while Mia tried to calm things down, it was all for nought. Mia was also driven away by the very surface dwellers who she had lived amongst, unable to accept her choice.
Like Pio, she was hurt. And from then on, the King and Queen of Atlantica vowed that they would not let their children anywhere near the surface, for fear that this very thing would happen to them.
And also from that moment on, the relations between the surface and the ocean worlds were cut off for good...
* * *
There's a lot more to this backstory that I had to cut out for the sake of not making this post too long! But if anyone is interested, you are welcome to shoot me an ask ^^
Oh and in regards to whether Mia shares the same feelings as Pio about their sons being interested in the surface? Well...a part of her wants to share it will them, she even tells them stories when they are little of the things that she experienced before she met Pio - so the bros do grow up knowing their mother was human. However, she also tells them that the surface dwellers drove a wedge between their worlds, and she makes clear to her babies that she won't want them to experience what she went through..
Buuut, it does make the times when the boys find something from ship wrecks etc, and Mia to explain what they are, all the more special; it gives them something to bond over 💗
She fears more for their safety than anything. She just can't bear the idea of them hurt either physically or verbally.
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🦅Russell Adler Headcanons
{Author's Note} Since I'm literally obsessed with this man, I thought I'd post my headcanons for him. All of these are based off of his canon backstory and character with bits of my own speculation thrown in so nothing should be too out of left field here. I may end up posting more of my thoughts on him soon so we shall see. Hope y'all like it and I'd love to hear what you think, as well as any headcanons you guys might have! Tagging @littlemissclandestine for this since she's an Adler fan. Let me know if I did this man justice lol🤭
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‼️Content Warning: swearing, suggestive themes‼️
~ ~ ~
-Badass asshole
-Takes awhile for him to soften enough to really love someone
-Flirtatious jerk when he has a crush
-Shows he cares through small actions that can be hard to notice, as well as vague, rather backhanded compliments
-Shamelessly stares from behind those glasses of his
-Thinks it’s really cute when you wear his shades but would never admit it
-Stylish with heavy 70s influence
-Probably modeled for a male fashion magazine at some point LMAO
-Definitely knows how to dance
-Seems like the type to meme a bit on British people (specifically Park lol)
-Very sarcastic, sometimes to the point that you don’t realize he’s actually joking because he's always so monotone
-Secretly loves Belgian waffles (this is a reference to that one Bruce Thomas TikTok lol)
-Has a soft spot for the Beach Boys (I mean, look at that 🎶bushy, bushy blonde hairdo🎶 of his)
-Since so many people have asked and teased him about it (I see y'all in the fandom and I will not accept this slander lol) -> his hair isn’t fake, it’s actually pretty soft, very bouncy, he likes styling it
-Very particular about his appearance as it is one of the few things that he can truly control
-Prefers cats over dogs
-Can get obsessive about certain things and lose himself to them (i.e. his search for Perseus) -> Mason quote: “He spent so long searching for Perseus, he didn’t notice when he lost himself.”
-Still struggles with PTSD from his time in Vietnam, which, alongside his obsession with finding Perseus, is what led to his divorce
-Carries a lot of guilt and regret that he doesn’t like to acknowledge
-Started smoking to cope with the trauma of war, now has a nicotine addiction; when he’s really stressed, he chain smokes like a chimney
-Gets restless if he doesn’t have a cigarette
-Doesn’t sleep well and when he does, he usually wakes up every few hours
-Scars - Shrapnel? Abuse? Torture? Animal attack? No one knows and he’ll never tell
-Kiss or trace those scars and he WILL melt
-Difficult for him to let his guard down
-Has a tendency to isolate himself -> Mason quote: "You were never alone, Adler. Only in your own stubborn head."
-Always wearing those damn glasses cuz STYLE but also to hide his eyes to remain as a sort of blank, emotionless slate to other people
-Absent parents who never showed him real love or support as he grew up so he struggles to do the same for others -> they were the reason he joined the army as soon as he turned 18
-When it comes to cuddling, he loves holding you against his chest and running his fingers along your arm, cheek, or through your hair; small but intimate actions like that are his favorite
-Doesn’t like to show emotions at all, even during more intimate moments; he needs some coaxing to relax in that way, which takes time
NSFW Below👇🏻 (it's really not too bad tho)
-Sit on his lap👀
-Will pin your wrists during the sexy times🫣
-After his divorce, he's tended to view sex as more of a transaction where both parties are fulfilling needs for each other so he'd be selfish at first but as your relationship progresses, he'd become far more generous
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lyrakanefanatic · 5 months
Thoughts that I wanted to share about the brothers Hawthorne/ the grandest game bc I don’t wanna make a million posts about each one 💀
1: Phone girls dad literally shot himself ON. HER. BIRTHDAY. 😭😭
2: Skye Hawthorne MIGHT be in the grandest game, because when Avery got bombed and Ricky and skye got arrested for it, they found out that it actually wasn’t them which means they prob got out of jail (maybe not Ricky but probably skye) and she might be controlling one of the players
4: we’ll see which 7 contestants avery will pick for the game!! (While I was writing that instead of contestants I accidentally put tributes 💀)
5: we might learn more about Toby’s backstory (or just the Hawthorne backstories in general, like Zara’s, nans or Alice’s)
7: this isn’t really a prediction but more just like a possible hint for the grandest game, but when grayson tells his brothers about the riddle “what begins a bet? Not that”, Jameson says this
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He says “what’s the opposite of a handshake?” And I found a picture online that shows multiple different options of what could be the opposite of a handshake
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Basically most of the words on there kind of show “misinterpretation” or just different words for some sort of mistake, so would that mean that the “beef” (im just gonna call it that bc I don’t rlly know what went down) between tobias and thomas thomas was maybe accidental?? Or maybe they got into a disagreement that ended in thomas ending his life? All the book really shows is that one paragraph (that I highlighted in green) that talks about what Jameson thought of the riddle, and then Jameson was talking to Avery about the game (probs bc jlb didn’t wanna drop too many hints lmao) And then if you add it in with the “abet” theory ⬇️
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It said that one of the opposites of a handshake were “refusal” and “disagreement”, so what if tobias had wanted thomas to aid one of his crimes and thomas refused, and maybe tobias gave him an ultimatum which is why he shot himself?? It’s so confusing bc what would tobias even do that was so horrible that thomas had to shoot himself, I really don’t know. but if anyone has some theory’s on this pls lmk! 🫶
8: holy guacamole 7 was a long one, but anyway i feel like there are definitely more hints on the grandest game in the brothers Hawthorne then there were in the final gambit, even though in (i think tig is the one that clue was from?) the inheritance games “special” edition bc idk what their called it said “hints in the final gambit”. (although one loose end from tig was David Golding, and @riddles-n-games had a good theory about that) But i read the final gambit entirely and didn’t find a single clue other than David, so that’s kinda weird (unless somebody else found something else they found interesting in that book?)
9: Eve might also be behind one of the players, or just trying to get involved with the game so she could get the cash prize or whatever else it is that that psycho needs 🙄
10: we’ll (most likely, bc I’m 99.9% sure that she’ll be in tgg) see what phone girl looks like and see which one of us were right 😜
11: kinda random but i will bet a whole 5 dollars that phone girls name is either gonna be flower related, or just straight up be lily. Or maybe both, but just think of how ironic that would be (there are calla lilys all over the cover of tgg… 🤷‍♀️)
13: so off topic but WHERE DO GRAYSON AND JAMESON GET THEIR MONEY FROM??? like I’m sure jameson probably gets some cash from his billionaire girlfriend, but what about grayson?? he says in tbh that he’s “buried in work” but what kind of work does he do?? and who does he work for?? 🤨
14: Okay this is gonna be the last one bc i need to shut up, but does anybody have an idea on what some things in the grandest game cover might symbolize? we know about the lilys and the opal rings, but other than that i CANT seem to figure out anything else on there 😭😭
and okay that’s all thank you for coming to my ted talk 🫶😊🙌
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cocozydiaries · 2 months
this has been sitting in the drafts for a hot minute and you might as well get comfy coz this is a really long post (i’m so sorry) like whatever ur thinking it is longer. i’m a yapper :(
first thing i want out of the way: THIS IS NOT AN ANGSTY BACKSTORY i’m not about that life😭🙏 i want happiness and comfort pls and thxs (some minor stuff but only coz i couldn’t think of any way around it)
@keishawantskisses @livingmydreamlife5555 i posted my mha drself intro now it’s ur move🤭 (also if anyone else plans on posting their mha drself intro PLS TAG ME)
i’m so nervous? like i dont post about my drs much😭 anyways enjoy!!
Around when i was four i was adopted into a really nice family :> (aww so sweet)
With my family both my parents work as spies for a major undercover spy based hero company that works on breaking down villains from the inside by infiltrating them (you thought this was gonna be a chill backstory huh🙄 guess again).
See a lot of “villains” aren’t the typical villains you see heroes fighting day to day. Some keep their crimes traditional. They keep themselves lowkey while their crimes affect things and lives on a big scale. With these kinds of criminals it’s pretty difficult to prove they’re doing this stuff directly.
Can’t immediately fight a criminal if they’re not technically a villian. However they are still considered villains since the use of quirks if often involved and the use of quirks is what sets aside a villain from a regular criminal. Proving it is where things get difficult (think spooky gang sorta stuff and how often they can get away with stuff but then add in quirks into the mix)
That’s why these sort of spy agencies exists. To gather intel and then weed out the rats! (They also do other stuff this was just an example)
These spy agencies are also totes government approved (not to be confused with vigilantes which are also illegal) seeing as they work pretty closely with cops and some heroes. However for obvious reasons they’re kept out of the public eye.
To compare ig people would talk about these companies in the same way most people talk about the CIA or FBI. They know they exist and sometimes make jokes about them watching people. All that good old expected stuff.
Both my parents obviously know about each other’s jobs and that’s actually how they met me!
(god this is a long post)
Growing up my parents weren’t in the picture soooo yk. Care homes ig🚶‍♀️
I was around four when my quirk manifested. Long story short i accidentally flooded the place! Luckily it wasn’t insanely dangerous (only ankle level water on the first floor) but the place i was at still decided to switch me over to a different home meant for kids with slightly more difficult quirks just in case.
This place was essentially like the other homes just more equipped to handle kids with difficult or powerful quirks. They have more supervisors on hand with less kids.
Considering how some kids are placed in care after having just undergone smth traumatic to get them there, their quirks aren’t always very stable around this period in their lives. These facilities are meant to help them adjust mentally as well as assist them with their quirks. Some kids temporarily lose their quirks. Some kids lack control over overly powerful ones. Even in care quirk privilege still exists…
Flashy quirks aren’t as common as one would think so there aren’t a lot of kids like that and even less that are in care but whenever a kid like this does appear they’re transferred to these places to help them.
My life here, although short, was actually quite nice. I got along with the staff and the other kids well enough. I was happy and like four… like what else was i gonna be? Four going though midlife crisis?
However being the society that we live in quirks are pretty important and as such they’re a highly considered aspect in the whole adopting process.
In some cases some people might want easy to handle kids and so will want quirks to match that. On the flip side some people chase those flashy quirks. Hoping to mould kids into smth worthy of it (cruel i know but it’s a cruel world).
Some people defend these kinds of people by saying that even prior to quirks a child’s physical/mental well being was always smth that was put into consideration with these kinds of choices so by following that line of thinking aren’t quirks just an extension of that?
Of course social workers will do their best to make sure kids are taken in to homes with their best interest at heart but these kinda people slip through the cracks.
However my situation was a bit like the second. I was chosen for my quirk (just like all my older siblings were). With my parents they’re basically given funding (by that lil company they work at) to support the kids under their care and help guide them to follow in their footsteps. It’s basically a sort of investment.
There’s a lot of debate as to how ethical this is. The kids are given the choice to follow through once they reach a certain age but preparing kids to be spies… yh it’s an iffy topic.
Some argue that hero schools do a similar thing since people spend their whole lives preparing for those while others think it isn’t a fair comparison from an emotional perspective. Again this is a really forked up society.
As for the kids? They don’t do any spy work until they’re old enough ofc but in some very rare cases (like with my older brother and sister) they might.
Besides what kid doesn’t want to be a spy? Also they’re given the choice and any assignments they do complete (no matter how rare) there’s a set amount of money put aside for them once they reach a certain age.
The main thing to be considered when placing these future spies into houses is their quirk’s efficiency. Take my parents for instance. My mum is more suitable for short term assignments (like guarding people or whatnot) seeing as her quirk essentially boosts her physical strength while my dad does more long term lowkey stuff (espionage) since his quirk is more subtle.
My quirk on a surface level might not suitable for spy work but it makes for a great weapon if handled correctly.
So yeah. I have a future spy turned hero sorta thing going for me. I also would very much like to clarify this isn’t a sad backstory. I had a good childhood and a decent upbringing. My parents didn’t have to take in any kids but they wanted to. Also, unlike some people, they will still consider me their kid regardless of if i decide to follow their line of work or not. Cough cough take notes endeavour cough.
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prettyboybuckley · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @saybiwithme @bi-buckrights @zainclaw
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I've mostly written for 9-1-1, though I started off with Shameless (6 fics) and I have written some for Teen Wolf (5 fics). There's one 9-1-1 crossover with Schitt's Creek.
Top five fics by kudos:
parents always yelling (telling us to get our acts together)
i just want something to hold on to (and a little of that human touch)
I will come to you (even in my sleep)
open up again (i believe in second chances)
exes and the oh's
Do you respond to comments?
Always, even if it takes me months. I actually just caught up again (there's still a bunch to go, but right now the oldest is 17 days ago instead of 250 days...). It's just a rule I have for myself, and even with the backlog I've kept it up so far, so I'm not going to stop doing it now.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm not a big fan of angsty endings, I generally try to at least make it a hopeful ending or, in the case of the college au, use an epilogue to fix things.
But I guess sunny skies & summer highs qualifies as an angsty ending simply because of the cliffhanger (and yes, there is still going to be a continuation, I'm working on it 🙈).
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Choosing one out of 160 is really hard, but I think tell me, will you stay or will you run away is definitely one that deserves a mention here, because it already has a happy ending and then the epilogue just makes it even better 🥰
Do you get hate on fics?
Not commented on the fic itself, no. I've had some people talk shit about my fics on twitter, though, and not even vaguely but calling me by (user)name.
Do you write smut?
Is grass green? Yeah, I write smut 🤭 Thanks to two times kinktober, I have 95 explicit fics, by far the most used rating for my fics.
Craziest crossover:
let's have some fun tonight is my 9-1-1/Schitt's Creek crossover fic for 9-1-1 Rarepair Week, and my only crossover fic
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
My head over feet Buddie valentine's two-parter got posted as one chapter in Wattpad work with over 30 fics once. Filed a DMCA and Wattpad took it down within two hours.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Two of my fics have been translated into Russian afaik, one on ao3 and one on Ficbook
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nope. It may be a nice challenge for the future? Not sure who I'd do it with.
All time favourite ship?
Gotta go for Buddie on that one, lol. Especially if you look at my writing history. But I often tend to hyperfixate on one ship at a time (current reading obsession is McDanno)
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Buck's POV of if love is art then you might be my masterpiece. I really want to, but at this point it's been two years since the original so I don't know if it'd be worth it either. (I know not everyone was happy about how I ended it, but I doubt any of them are still waiting for more). Writing a different POV of the same fic takes an amount of planning that my brain just really struggles with. And I could pick up where the last chapter (before the epilogue) picks up, but I think that way there would be some crucial information about Buck missing.
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told quite a lot of times that I am good at keeping characters, well, in character, even when putting them in partial or complete AU's. Of course, what is in character or not is subjective, but I do always challenge myself to work as much of the canon backstory and personality into who they are in the AU as possible.
And I like to think I'm pretty good at writing smut.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm terrible at pacing, which multiple of my long fics prove. It'll be drawn out first and then suddenly rushing. And being ESL I do struggle with things like sentence structure and grammar pretty regularly still.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
As long as there is some kind of translation provided somewhere I like it, but I'm not so quick to use it myself. Not beyond a few Spanish words here and there (generally pet names between Eddie and his family we've seen on the show or the occasional curse word when I feel it fits better than an English one, but I usually need to employ help from Spanish-speaking friends for those).
First fandom you wrote in?
Shameless! I binged that right before I started 9-1-1 and combined with the creative writing minor I was doing, it was actually what got me back into writing in general and what made me write my first ever fic.
Favorite fic you've written?
My in your arms i feel safe-series (which I always lovingly refer to as the ace kink fic) is definitely one of my favorites simply because of how personal it is to me and for the reason behind me writing it in the first place.
Other strong contenders are i would've loved you forever (it's never enough but i wanted it to be) and i'm begging you, come home to me (Teen Wolf, Thiam)
tagging @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @loserdiaz @watchyourbuck
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arkbeyond · 9 months
chrome is my fav but I like seeing my favs suffer a bit so 🤭 can I request an angsty to fluff one-shot (or whichever format you prefer) with chrome and a childhood friend gn!reader? (friends with feeling for each other teehee!!!) smth like reader goes missing during a mission on earth and a year later reader is found as a construct and brought back to Babylonia? emotional reunion with chrome and everything 😭🫶🏻
chrome makes me explode!!!! he has no business being so romantic.
Thank you! I adore your blog and I hope to see it grow in the future!! <3
hi anon, thanks so much you're so sweet !! i totally get you tho ... i loooove making my favs suffer teehee it's so fun ... i also really like this prompt i love love love angst to fluff !! fun fact, i actually have a wanshi smooching oc with a similar backstory !! great minds think alike (〃´𓎟`〃)
i wrote mooostly from chrome's pov since the reader got yoinked so i hope it's alright that they don't have Too much involvement, but all that aside i hope you enjoy!!
here i am (following your steps).
content warnings: implications of/vague allusions to death (you get better though)
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When CHROME takes the mission report into his hands, he feels like the world has been pulled out from under his feet.
Your squadmates' faces were similarly grim — downcast eyes, lips pressed into thin lines — and no matter how hard he wanted to, he couldn't deny the truth of the matter, relayed to him in your captain's trembling apologies and Babylonia's standard typewritten font.
Your name, your rank, reported missing in action.
Chrome keeps his face carefully blank as he reads the rest of it over. Maybe he should have been there with you, he thinks. Maybe if you had one more person with you, then your squad wouldn't have had to split up, and you wouldn't have had to go alone, and —
"Thank you for letting me know," he says, a mask of fake reservation, and then he turns to leave.
There are pictures of you and him that you put up in his sleeping pod that he can't bring himself to take down, unopened gift boxes piled on top of the desk in the Strike Hawk lounge addressed to him. He thinks about how he wanted to straighten your jacket one more time before you swatted his hand away, and he wonders what you would say if he asked if you would still want to spend the rest of your life with him, like you believed you would growing up. You would always stay over for dinner, anyway, and his father already likes you — what's one more night, and one more, and one more?
It's a foolish, childish notion, but still the thought of it, the empty, gaping hole where you had once stood beside him, haunts him so.
Chrome sets the mission report face-down.
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Time without you passes slowly. After each mission Chrome spends another hour searching for you, and after each mission he returns to Babylonia without even finding the slighest trace of you. Not a torn piece of your coat, your pistol, your remains — nothing to officially pronounce you dead, and precious little else to remember you by.
Sometimes, he catches himself checking in on the private comms channel he set up for the two of you. Today, too, he finds himself listening to the silence that your voice used to fill, casting his gaze off to the horizon, past devastated streets and ruined buildings —
— And then he catches a flash of something in the distance that almost eerily reminds him of you.
He doesn't waste a single moment before he gives chase, your silhouette that he was so used to seeing growing clearer and clearer with each step. Even though he might just be deluding himself, he needs to see with his own eyes that it's not you to believe it.
The silhouette turns at the sound of his footsteps and at the sight of your face, the world is pulled out from under him again.
(How long has it been since he last heard your voice?)
"It's you," he says softly, falling from his lips like the answer to a prayer that even he can't quite believe. "...You're here."
The words bring a smile to your face — soft and bright and oh-so-familiar — and he reaches out for your hand, sliding down to hold your wrist. His fingers press against where he might feel your pulse but it's still, silent, cold, with only the same subtle thrum of electricity that sits beneath his own synthetic skin.
"I'm here," you echo, and for just a moment he sets aside all the questions running through his head.
Chrome takes another look at you, at your new metal body, at the same face he had seen every day growing up and seen in his dreams every night since you disappeared. He straightens your jacket and lets his hand rest on your shoulder for one moment, then two, waiting for you to swat his hand away.
"Chrome," you say, placing your hand over his. "Can I stay over for dinner?"
The question draws a surprised noise out of his throat, and his expression slowly melts into a smile.
"Always," he replies. "...And for however long you want to stay afterwards."
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tumbleweedbee · 9 months
Hello from brazil <3 i love your shots and a wanna ask for some Quackity x Brazilian content, maybe you can make a streamer this is part from qsmp cast or something like that, thank you <<333
OFC!! (Y/n has they/them pronouns used)
You had been a famous Brazilian streamer for a while, gaining a vast audience due to you’re ability to speak Portuguese and English, you reached a wide variety of people with all different types of cultures-you loved it!
You eventually received a message from a Mexican streamer you had heard of once or twice-Quackity.
He had sent you a message saying “Hey!!I love your content and wanted to know if you’d like to join my multilingual sever- the QSMP!I think you will get along with everyone else there and be able to learn more languages!Let me know if you’re interested!
You had decided to accept, what harm could it be?
What you didn’t know is that the recipient on the other side of the screen had been working up the courage all day to send that text..
Q pov:
Quackity spent the whole day pacing up and down his room, figuring out how to send the message “wanna join the smp?” No.. “hey I watch your videos a lot would you be interested…” definitely not..
he didn’t understand why it was so complicated to send a message, so what if he had a little bit of a crush on you??who wouldn’t?He was trying to get you to join because you’re very charismatic and your charm and humour could be a great addition to the smp..no other reason of course..
He had spent a solid hour now trying to send the stupid message, but eventually he managed to finally deliver it off to you, thank god..
Once you responded to the message he replied instantly and added you to a groupchat with four other people, Cellbit, Felps, Forever,pactw, mikethelink and Quackity.
You were pretty excited to be able to speak both English and Portuguese with these people, it was an interesting challenge that you were looking forward to!
Just a few days later you were invited to a private video call with Quackity, which you of course accepted; he was spluttering and stumbling over his words-you actually worried that he was choking.. “hey uh, you okay quackity?” You politely asked, before his face turned red in embarrassment, “yeah I’m okay just…kinda sick” you nodded your head as he continued his string of lies and excuses but, you knew he wasn’t really sick- but it was kinda cute to see him get so nervous..
“So what’s up?” You inquired, raising an eyebrow, intrigued on why he only wanted to call you in particular.
“Oh I just wanted to know what languages do you speak and uh stuff..” he mumbled, trying to think of reasons to talk to you..
This went on for 2 hours, though after the first awkward 10 minutes, the conversation began to roll smoothly and you learned more about this Quackity guy, such as his name being Alex, he spoke Spanish as well as English, his eyes complimented his beauty marks…wait..what?
Part 2 maybe 🤭 I felt like it needed more backstory
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paintedvanilla · 8 months
i’ve been thinking about marla an INSANE amount these last few days. specifically about the relationship between her and the narrator (i love their little toxic frenemie schtick they’ve got going on).
would love to hear some more headcanons for them/ how you’d imagine their relationship progress over the years if you’ve got any🤭
YEASSSSS OKAY HAIIIII PHIN thank you for sending this ask I’m gonna EXPLODE
Okay so like. One of the fics I’m working on (I told you about this on our DM’s…) has to do with Marla and the narrators dynamic immediately after he and Tyler get together and how their friendship actually like. Calcifies into something bearable to him. Because like. Really genuinely prior to this. The narrator could not stand Marla. And then the events of this fic happen and he like. Ctrl alt delete and manually operates his empathy for a few hours and comes out of it being like… actually this woman is my friend. And I care for her. He still acts like a hater to keep up appearances tho.
I think a lot about the way Marla is characterized in the book. Particularly the scene where she’s giving herself cigarette burns and the narrator describes her as a woman who’s afraid to commit to the wrong thing so she doesn’t commit to anything. That makes me want to chew glass. ALSO. IN THE BOOK SHE ACTUALLY HAD CANCER?? I FEEL LIKE THAT WAS KIND OF BRUSHED OVER. BUT ANYWAY.
I’m of the firm belief that the narrator and Marla hang out pretty regularly. She’s the only person the narrator talks to who like… isn’t Tyler. So he can talk to her about things he can’t talk to Tyler about (or just doesn’t want to). This gives him an avenue to bitch about Tyler from time to time (Marla can corroborate his bitching because she’s also dealt with Tyler). But also he talks to her about other stuff. I think she’s the only person who knows he wishes he’d studied literature in school. I think he shares the literary magazines he reads with her and tells her which stories he actually likes (he gatekeeps these from Tyler)
Additionally, Marla talks to him about her stuff. She talks to him about all her boy problems (I love in the book Marla’s “I used to have a boyfriend who…” talk, she has an ex-boyfriend for every occasion and the narrator finds this kind of fascinating). She talks about her home life and her history with him (she’s originally from New Orleans, she wanted to move to New York City but only got as far as Connecticut). They go to the thrift together. They go to lunch together (the narrator pays). Sometimes the narrator goes grocery shopping with her (he still pays).
They talk about sex. They talk about their childhoods. I think the narrators dynamic with Marla reminds him of the dynamic he used to have with his sister, where she’d just talk and he’d just listen. Marla doesn’t care if the narrator doesn’t respond to her, she knows he’s listening.
I think one of the reasons their relationship works so well, and in particular one of the reasons the narrator keeps crawling back to her, is based on one simple foundation: they talk to each other and really listen, they don’t just wait for their turn to speak. They picked that up in the same place, and they always employ it with each other. Tyler sometimes doesn’t do that for the narrator. But marla always does, and the narrator does the same.
They still go to support groups together, sometimes. Marla did drag him to debtors anonymous. Sometimes they go to the testicular cancer group for the sole purpose of catching up with Bob (I think the narrator genuinely likes Bob. Like. As a person). Marla told him that the narrator got himself a boyfriend and he had to jump through hoops explaining that one (he can never admit to this man he never actually had cancer).
Sometimes they go to groups and make up elaborate backstories for one another and use fake names. Marla likes to go and pretend they’re having marital problems, the narrator reluctantly plays along sometimes. They go see movies together. They go to museums together. Like. They’re besties. They bicker, but they’re besties. The narrator would kill for her (or, at the very least, beat a man to the brink of death, castrate him and pull out his molars for her to make into earrings).
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kybelles · 3 months
hi love! I'm feeling devious so for the choose violence asks, 24 and 25
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HIII BABY 💞💞 i sincerely hope you don’t mind me answering everything via your ask 🥹 i just didn’t want to spam the tl with my non-stop posting!
1.the character everyone gets wrong
JOKASTE!!! 😩 sooo many times in fan creations she’s a mustache twirling villain and look i get it! she needs to go in order to lamen to be together but i don’t know why each time she needs to cheat on damen…. people can break up for other reasons yk…..
i feel like people don’t really get how much jokaste holds damen in such a high regard. the first time she talked to laurent she was full of praises for damen and yes although the majority of the reason was to taunt laurent, it was too heartfelt to be faked entirely. i find her a quite tragic character honestly. in another world she would be proud and happy to be to be damen’s queen 🙁 i wish more ppl cared about her OR stop portraying her as this cold unfeeling girlboss who was sooo sick of damen’s bs that she punished him by gleefully fucking kastor….. i really really don’t think that’s who she is. she loved damen in her own way. she was also a sentimental woman. (her last letter to damen will never make me not emotional….)
3.screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
SCREENSHOT OMG hats off to any brave soul who actually posts it….. also the collection on bad takes is so rich idk what to choose… ok i got one: so i genuinely don’t remember the details but a few years ago there was a post circulating about how laurent was actually Good All Along (yes even in book one where he drugged damen and then threw him into a rape ring and also had him whipped after intentionally setting him up 🙂 ) and it had so many likes…. i’ll never ever understand the need to whitewash book 1 laurent’s actions. like why do you even stan a controversial character if you don’t like his controversial aspects…. i really believe this is quite the disservice to such a multidimsensional character like laurent. :/
7.what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how the fandom acts about them?
hmm i wouldn’t say hate but some posts i read about auguste made me sorta dislike him  😬 idk when and where i read it but there was one post in particular that said they wish auguste would come back to life and beat the shit out of damen and i was like WOAHHH??? you want the mc (who you spent three books with) to be beaten brutally by some canon fodder?? for what crime???  i was honestly weirded out.
there’s also the fact that i genuinely HATE l*uguste (despite not being an anti shipper in general or anything! this ship just rubs me the worst way bc laurent experienced so much trauma from the way ppl made up incest rumors about him and auguste) so any interpretation (even if they aren’t written as a romantic pair intentionally) where auguste and laurent have this unhealthy codependent bond with auguste acting like a ferocious caveman to any potential romantic suitor of laurent and laurent being all meek and allowing this treatment is a big no for me. ✋ so yes even tho i don’t hate auggie boy i can’t say i care a great deal about him. sorry baby i’m sure you are just dandy.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
that damen is an unreliable narrator 😩i talked about it in my previous post!
12.the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
EGERIA THE MF QUEEN OF AKIELOS 🗣️🗣️ i actually like every member of the akielos trio (theomedes-hypermenestra-egeria) sm because their situation reminds me of turkish harem dramas. 🤭 the lack of canon information about them allows me to make various hcs and backstories and idk i just think it’s fun!
13.worst blorboficiation
JFC i’m SOOOO old i’m ANCIENT bc i have no idea what this means….. i’d be happy to answer it if you give me some clarification (hiding my face in shame)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
oh luckily i already answered it here!
17.there should be more of this type of fic/art
I’m always a huge advocate for bottomianos even though i myself shamefully haven’t made a contribution 💔 as for art i’m beyond grateful for our wonderful artists and i humbly would like to see more of the old gang! (theo, egeria, aleron, hennike etc.)
21.part of canon you think is overhyped
hmm i unfortunately can’t think of an answer for this one, i’m sorry!
24.topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
OH DEAR… so one of the first times i actively participated in the fandom i made a post about how frustrating it was to see theomedes portrayed as an absent father despite the glaring lack of canon evidence while aleron got off the hook much easier despite laurent actually confirming he was an absentee and said i think it was about the way people perceive them (theomedes=brown and toxic, aleron=white and tastefully distant) anyways, some user whom i never talked to before (and they’re still blocked to this day despite the fact i pretty much never block anyone here) said i was “making it up” and right after i blocked them after they continued talking to me in a very rude manner some asks ✨mysteriously✨ appeared in my inbox and the person who sent them called me an “illiterature white bitch” who made up nonexistent drama…….. so yes i guess the colorism issue really ruffles some people’s feathers :) i wonder why :) 
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
“why didn’t damen figure out the regent’s abuse of laurent sooner is he stupid” setting aside the 574619 different pacat interviews where she talks about how damen needed to be oblivious bc otherwise laurent would never open up to him, why is it so wild to think damen wouldn’t assume the regent would do something like that to his own nephew? as if the entire canon events didn’t happen bc damen believed families would never hurt each other…. just wow
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humaforever · 2 months
the sea three: mean girls addition 😭
regina: uma (obviously)
gretchen: harry
karen: gil (this fits saur well 🤭)
cady: evie? idk 🤷‍♀️ maybe ben 🤔
janice: mal
damien: jay or carlos
aaron: prolly ben
actually this could be the other way around where janice is uma etc.. or aaron could be harry since regina is supposed to like him. hmmmmm 🤔
Wait now you've got me thinking about it. Like who would be best for which part?
Regina honestly gives Audrey or Mal to me, but Gil would be so good for Karen so it makes it tricky.
Cady as Evie and Aaron as Ben is cute, I like that because I enjoy Bevie
If we're talking about musical wise, Uma would be great for Regina because girlie has the best vocals. Also Regina wasn't as toxic in the musical, so it wouldn't be so bad.
But also, Regina and Gretchen kinda hate each other. They really are toxic frenemies, so it doesn't scream Harry and Uma to me. It seems more fitting for Audrey and Mals dynamic.
I feel like Harry and Uma could be Damian and Janice which really has me thinking Mal should be Regina. It works for the backstory. Harry and Uma are besties trying to team up with new girl Evie to get the Intel. But Mal's trying to make Evie a "mean girl." That seems like the most realistic option to me.
Jay seems like he would be Kevin, you know the mathlete. Carlos can be a mathlete too.
It would also be funny if maleficent was Regina's mom, so yeah I guess that would be my personal casting.
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swordmaid · 4 months
What did Shri'iia do that finally broke her oath? I love hearing about your bg3 character arcs, and my fav play through I was an oathbreaker durge- so I'm interested in hearing more!
so for some background context for Shri’iia - she was a paladin of Lolth who was in service to the matriarch of House Faen Tlabbar for like 100+ years or so. She’s kind of like the matriarch’s hidden weapon, no one knew about her existence except for the matriarch (bc before she was a paladin, she was just another commoner who didn’t belong to any noble house) and she was kept in the dark until her matriarch had some use for her. Like Menzoberranzan is a city that thrives in deceit and secrecy and the best weapon someone could have is a weapon that’s unknown to everyone else but completely loyal to you. Shri’iia agreed to this arrangement since didn’t belong to any noble houses prior - and she’s ambitious as hell lmfao she wanted to be at the top of their hierarchy. To her, she had everything to gain and nothing to lose - not to mention that the matriarchs were the closest beings to Lolth and through them, her will is re-enacted so how could she refuse? so she is like a well trained hound in a way, who’s completely loyal to the spider queen and her matriarch and she does not know anything else but to serve her spider queen bc Lolth is everything….!!!!
that is, until she gets kidnapped, tadpoled, and left in the surface
and the thing is, in all her years she has never once stepped foot in the surface. she hasn’t even explored the entirety of menzoberranzan bc she spent most of her days hidden away. not to mention everything she knows about the surface is from gossip and the horrible shit they tell you about how drows are hated there, and how you’ll be hunted like an animal the moment they see your red eyes, and all that terrible shit. so suffice to say shri’iia is terrified! she hasn’t even seen the sun ever before and she hasn’t touched grass either so now you’re expecting her to be fine when she’s left in a place that could kill her bc she’s a drow? not to mention the tadpole in her head? like early act 1 is just a stressful time for her and the fact that she joins up with these other tadpoled folks who could kill her anytime doesn’t make it less stressful
anyway, bc she’s so paranoid and rn she’s like a professional liar in her nature 🫶 (she’s a charlatan) she makes up this story about how she was born in the surface in some small town that has a population of less than 100, and she obviously does not worship Lolth ew and her oath? she follows a noble cause don’t worry about it (:. so she sticks by that back story to earn the other’s trust! and to save her own skin, more or less but by doing so she’s essentially hiding and being ashamed of her Lolth worship and oh that’s not -
in the ACTUAL game, shri’iia breaks her oath because she tells minthara where the grove is. in her head, what better way to punish a traitor of Lolth than to kill her where everyone is watching! 🤭🤭 like punishments for traitors has to public and humiliating like that is such a good plan (in her head!) except that she didn’t take into account that Lolth was getting tired of her ass for hiding her Lolth worship NOT to mention that she’s not acting like how a paladin of lolth should be acting like why are you listening to some man first of all (since I hc gale is the leader of the party). and by killing minthara in front of the grove she offhandedly saves the tieflings which is another 🫤🫤🫤 as a paladin of Lolth like she‘s gonna have such a bad grade in being an evil aligned paladin
So tl;dr - Shri’iia ends up lying about her entire backstory out of self preservation meaning that she has to lie about her Lolth worship. Lolth is a fickle and proud goddess who doesn’t stand by that shit and drops her ass, now Shri’iia spends the remaining half of act 1 in denial trying to win back Lolth’s favour or else she has to deal with the fact that her identity is essentially gone and she’s been abandoned by the goddess she has fully devoted herself to 🫶🫶
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noforkingclue · 1 month
Helloooo! I need a fact about River/Rebecca/Spider please and thank you! I’m curious about how they first bonded as a three - or how she bonded with each of them if it wasn’t as a three 🤭 xx
Thanks for sending this in!!! :D I might've gone a bit overboard with this backstory...
So the first person Rebecca met was actually Spider. The two of them were in the same induction course at The Park. Rebecca was running late and by the time she arrived the only spare seat was next to Spider. River just so happened to be missing that day so she was able to nab the spot.
At first Spider didn't really want to talk to her, expecting Rebecca to be like the others at The Park. He wasn't from a Service Family so he did feel a bit out of place (although he'd rather die then admit that). However, after Rebecca kept on talking to him he realised that he might've been wrong for once.
The two of them had a lot in common. Rebecca wasn't from a Service Family as well, feeling like she didn't belong, had a nickname that she hated (she hates being called Becca) and gradually she wore down Spider's walls. Rebecca basically badgered him into being her friend.
Rebecca met River through Spider when they went out to the pub one night. During a purely platonic pub night, in which Spider was gathering the courage to ask if it would be more than just platonic, River fucking interrupted them. He could see from the look in River's eyes that he was attracted to Rebecca and being the friendly soul that she is (after bluntly telling River to never call her Becca again) she invited him to join them.
And that is how the two became a three.
Overtime Rebecca did spend more time with River, after all he was her friend as well. Little did she know that all this was doing was furthering the rivalry between River and Spider.
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bunny-hoodlum · 20 days
#20, 33, 34, and 35 please!!
Sorry this is late! Wanted to think about my answers more, but I forgot to even read the original questions this whole time, so I def' didn't get to think about my answers, whups. 😅
Thank you for ask, @dayseternal-blog!! 🥰
How do you approach action sequences or intense moments?
I haven't written anything action, it makes me cringe because I don't think I know what I'm doing, but I read that short sentences are best for this and I would agree. Choppy, curt sentences would give that sense of blow for blow feeling that action needs, and it would give the sense of it happening seconds of each other, or even simultaneously. I would probably look for an action scene to copy tbh, and try to write the choreography in a choppy way. Emotionally intense moments can be the same, I suppose. Idk what I do personally, I think I'm an Intuitive writer. Once I'm in the emotion of the scene or character, I just go for it and my heart beats really fast usually and it's wrenching and it's awesome and then it just exists and it feels right. (Until I reread it a month or so later. 🙈 Jk, time isn't the problem, my inconsistent headspace is. 🤭)
How do you incorporate world-building elements into your fics?
So, at this point and as you know, I'm veryyyyy comfortable writing my modern AUs as if they were based in Japan. Even though I don't think Konoha could feasibly be as big as Tokyo with the size of Hi no Kuni, I just write it as if it is. 😅 I pull from the real world to some extent, usually Uzushio is a mix of Okinawa and Taiwan, but I also have some AU where it's pretty damn impoverished, so it's going to be a mix of Macau and Haiti. Sometimes Suna is a mix of Macau and Vegas, haha. I guess Dubai and Macau would probably be more... unique. 🤔 I focus on food and architecture more than deeper things like politics and style of governance and whatnot, because my characters only experience those things passively as ordinary citizens do. Whenever I get back to Powerless, the shady secret government program plotline will actually matter more than Slice of Life stuff, so in that instance I will have to map out history, organizations and their affiliations, how secret programs are run, etc. It just depends on what my story needs. Usually backstory kind of comes to me on its own and that informs me of the world. Can't really think of anything else. 🤔 Making things familiar is the main aim every time, though. Dango to a Japanese is like sugar-cinnamon pretzels to us in the US or whatever, it's a familiar snack you can get pretty easily. That's the kind of immersion I try to keep in mind.
Are there any fic writing tips or tricks you've learning along the way that you'd like to share?
Proofread before posting. Proofread again when you wake up the next day after posting. You'll always miss something, but give yourself the first week to catch all the typos you might've missed. 😂
I guess I recommend reading your dialogue aloud? Maybe your whole fic? My inner monologue is pretty damn loud, so I like to trust my word flow is good because I'm practically reading it aloud in my head. I recommend letting characters interrupt each other. Unless perhaps both parties are really solemn about getting to the bottom of the issue or respect each other or both, that neither interrupts the other, but their emotions would be raging to speak up in the midst of all that patience. Figure out your own writing process. If outlining sucks out the fun, try writing the whole thing without guidance but be sure to analyze the story's direction with what you produce. I recommend the flashlight method for pantsers like myself, there are other methods as well, but a little organization goes a long way. I lastly recommend the "One Stop for Writers" site, their Emotion Thesaurus is such an amazing tool. When you just need to reference things quickly, it's very robust.
What do you enjoy the most about being a fic writer?
Between the community aspect and kind of being known for certain things, I think those are pretty even. I enjoy the act of creation and all that, but having something I experienced along the way and having the pride of it being mine is pretty damn cool. And the community makes that feeling even better.
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minevn · 11 months
OOH, I KNOW. rank them most to least yandere 🤭 since we already know minato is the most normal. place everyone else on a little spectrum!
Yani- No one would go through the extreme lengths that Yani would go through just to be with you. Yani full on commits identity theft and mass murder and destruction for you.
Kei- Here's a little Kei backstory to show just how far he would go for you, because he went farther then Haruto(Yes Haruto who has had a huge crush on you since the beginning of time) Kei was going to be a doctor, although he was pushed into that career path, he didn't mind it, he actually enjoyed it and knows a lot of medical information, but he was so determined to make a plan to get closer to you and not lose sight of you, he got into hacking just so he can watch you at all times. Kei quit his aspiration just to stalk you. He doesn't mind killing, but he really doesn't need to. He also isn't against kidnapping you.
Haruto- Haruto doesn't even need to stalk you since it's just so common and natural that you two are together. He mainly tries to isolate you, he'll find out everything he needs to on the other person and ruins their life. He doesn't really like getting violent himself, so he hires people to do it for him.
Hoshi- Hoshi probably would stalk you unknowingly, like he's interested in how you live your life and is so bored with it so he he finds every excuse he can to take you out for some fun! I've stated it in a post, maybe multiple, but Hoshi would literally just fight someone he didn't like because he was bored, so when that person makes him jealous, he doesn't mind going to the more extremes. He can't help but get attached to people he ends up liking, he gets jealous easily even if he doesn't want to.
Jun- Jun is really clingy, isn't against manipulating you so you'll stay by her, and while she doesn't like getting bloody if anyone even thinks about hurting you she will get rid of them. But I feel like she'd also be somewhat friendly to the love interests and be kind of genuine about it.
Habiki- I put Habiki here because I feel compared to the others he knows you’re with him, you chose him and he trusts you. He doesn’t mind going to some lengths to make sure you’re isolated but that’s only if it reaches a specific point anyways. He’s pretty tame.
Kage- Kage knows he's physically weak and so violence isn't really his thing. He mainly stalks you. He also isn't against kidnapping you but he'd have to have a solid plan since there's no way he'd be able to carry you back to his place.
Minato- He doesn’t like violence and can along with all the other yanderes. His yandere tendencies aren’t strong at all and mainly appear in certain circumstances.
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Na but fr this book had gaven me more questions then answers,head's up there's gonna be A LOT OF SPOILERS I'm gonna talk about so bewere on that
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SO sadly this whole book isn't fully a backstory book and it leads more questions then answers
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Darkwell now described in this picture, from my understanding after reading has an untrustworthy mouth due to some actions we see him do in the book,now the reason I bring this fucker up is because he's the main reason of my coping and seething (the second being the lack of slappy's siblings being mentioned)) because HE'S THE BITCH THAT ACTUALLY MADE SLAPPY Wich begs A LOT OF FUCKING QUESTIONS now this takes place during 200 years ago in Europe doesn't say we're so I'm gonna safely assume Salem??? But the question about Franz and kanduu especially after there part in the new goosebumps show is what's up with that why were they mentioned in slappy and mr.wood's life dose that implay different wizards and witches made and or created them or what??Oh did I mention that darkwell has a nephew? No? Well it's because kid is not even real??? But he also can bleed??? He has wires and tubes but not even he knew about not being a doll poor kid was attacked, ridiculed and the towns people thought they could be CPS and take the kid away from darkwell, after making slappy darkwell just booked it and left when the towns people tired to burn him down he didn't want Isaac anymore Wich even they were shocked about before learning the kid isn't even a real boy,Wich is quite sad really because the kid definitely deserves better he was only 12 after all.
Miss.rabbit has fainted
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See that 👆 that's slappy,no really it is you can't give him a redemption ark enless it's sacrifice,in the book darkwell said he lied to slappy about it because he wanted to take revenge but I highly doubt that was even a case to begin with,not after what he did with Isaac plus he didn't prove nor shown anything to the reader that he's being for real on it, it gets worse that slappy somehow juked him if he made slappy he should know slappy's tricks meaning that it just seems like some other wizards or someone is complaining about slappy so he tried to deal with it but failed miserably because he just didn't give to fucks and wants to be left Alone or at least that's how I seen it. Now from this understanding I do find it quite funny/sad if slappy can't be good even if he wanted to because if he doesn't do evil he gets put to sleep even if he dose a good deed it's like that miss rabbit has fallen joke(Wich I may do if I have the time 🤭)
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So yyyyeah there is 0 explanation about slappy's siblings and I'm not even sure what's up with mr.wood especially how the fandom is split with this piece of shit,some believe he's Wally some believe he and wally are separated characters if counted correctly if there separate it be 5 of them if not 4 now i know there's gonna be people saying"oh there's evidence" what evidence?? How can we be so sure we can count that if stine can't even keep slappy's orgains in straight and just adding questions? Stine was the Scott coathen before Scott was even a thing BUT besides that! The reason why I mentioned this is quite interesting to me 🤔
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I made a drawing to the best of my abilities about the slappy bewere mr.wood next to the official artwork of Mr.wood in slappy bewere this puppet went by "Mister" wood instead of Mr.wood, Wich again rather odd
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Here is the highlighted parts of the description, during this section of the story slappy not only tried to fit in with this toy brand to scare kids it was an easy suit due to Mister wood being wildly popular,Wich also adds the question is it the mr.wood that we knew grew popular to get a branding of himself??because I could have sworn I seen someone mention he perhaps DID become a bigshot but what an odd detail to add with glasses it didn't tell us about his nose nor eyes it's just only those details,all I know slappy did bring these toys to life but it's quiet and oddity to bring in still it's already wild enough that he was referenced but not Goldie nor snappy whom was told in the slappyworld series that they were made side by side with him or made earlier or before him we do know kanduu had a part to play in his life with mr.wood so dose that implay that slappy was gaven to Franz?? Did darkwell knew Franz?? Send your opinions in all this in the comments or something 🤷‍♀️
There's no room for more photos but we got spells n shit ✨yippee✨
So yeah we got new spells if someone broke the code with the og I'm sure one of y'all have more of a bigger brain then me
Lambda Osiris karamubder dominus malado venn is a LONG ASS SPELL JFC but the spell keeps people frozen in place playing there WORST fears now this one seems more simple,amapo amapi amapo golrah golreeh amapo Wich is a spell that you chant that brings non living things to life or at least that is what is displayed for all we know this can bring back the dead if he wanted to.
🎶you are copeing, COPEING and SEETHING, you don't believe what you are seeing, you are copeing you are seeeethiiinng-🎶
I'm sorry but that's the best way I can describe the last story, turned out slappy's biggest weekness is himbos or people who gives 0 fucks or are complete airheaded those are the 3 horsemen who can truly defeat slappy(not really but slappy is REALLY copeing with this) because Everytime he tried to ruin something the Carlton family laughs it off and also bless Bryce's heart they were just unconditionally sweet tords slappy sure kids parents were sorta weirded out by it but it was harmless after all due to them thinking slappy is not really alive kid gave him a bowl of soup let him have his air pods to listen to music hell kid even puts slappy to bed with him,slappy obviously couldn't give to shits about the kid but I find it rather cute I don't think I seen any kid with slappy that passionate and kind tords him before finding out he's a pice of a wooden splinter dispite slappy's failed pranks one of them that even surprised me that slappy put a spider in someone's coffee AND THEY DRANKED IT WITHOUT RELIZNG SAYING THE BREW WAS "LUMPY" JFC- IM SORRY F U C K DAT- but besides that slappy genuinely thought he'd be knocked out for good if he doesn't do any good evil deeds in time so he was having a panic at the disco,this was during the time darkwell tried to "dystroy" slappy even though he flat out "lied" to him(and i say "lie" from what i mentioned before)
Questions, somewhat answers?
So what we know now that darkwell made slappy question goes what is up with his siblings then? Mr.wood was referenced and his siblings Goldie and snappy are nowhere to be found especially add ons with Franz and kanduu like what's there deal now?? The only answer we ever got was a possible confirmed Creator of slappy but I can't say the same for the rest due to the possibility slappy's siblings were made by different people it seems??? I don't know so uh yeah thanks for hearing my shitty review and opinions on slappy beware 😔🖐️✨
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gkt-tummyaches · 8 months
id like to hear some of ur boomer hcs if u don't mind 🤭 or how he acts in relationships w/ others? (either platonic/romantic is good)
boomer's a character that moves to the beat of his own drum. he doesn't like following orders, but he's not exactly a leader-type either. he's a loner by choice.
growing up with brick trying to boss him around throughout childhood was an experience he's surprised he got through without one of them ending up maimed or worse.
despite that, he's very sociable, very likeable. he's witty and sarcastic, funny with a dry sense of humor, etc. a comic relief act. this act tends to be a defense against any kind of negative comments or overly harsh criticism he receives - granted, not much - as well as a way to separate himself from whatever heavier emotions he isn't quite ready to confront.
so, he's well-liked, he's got a lot of acquaintances. he can breeze from one friend group to another without a problem. boomer tends to win people over because of his authenticity; while the light-heartedness is surface-level, it's still genuine, real, which makes a world of difference when it comes to making friends.
it's like this: everybody knows boomer. he's kind of dead on social media and he never stops talking about bugs and he wears t-shirts with weird meme text on them - all of it only really adds to his charm.
the reality goes a little differently. boomer doesn't have many genuine, real friends. it's on purpose that he keeps people at arm's length. not because of any tragic backstory (okay, maybe a little,) or because of feeling like an outcast (okay, maybe that too.)
it's just because he doesn't really want any. boomer's solitary by nature, he likes the freedom that comes with flying solo - nobody to answer to, nobody to accommodate.
he's quite high energy, but there's a part of boomer that just enjoys existing. going out for a walk by himself. having a starbucks on a beach overlooking the seafront, alone. flying at night when everything is quiet. boomer gets called air-headed a lot, because he's constantly daydreaming. his best company is himself.
that's not to say he doesn't have any friends. as aforementioned, he has one or two.
the first is butch. it's kind of a no-brainer. older brothers are supposed to look out for younger brothers, right ? not to mention, during their time with mojo & Him, brick was singled out as the brother with the most potential. it left boomer and butch to their own devices a lot. they've always been very close as a result.
contrary to popular belief, butch knows when to be quiet. he's like an introvert's dream; his company isn't draining, he talks when the quiet needs to be filled but knows when it doesn't. a lot of their time together growing up was just spent together in the same room, while each of them happily did their own activities.
he's probably boomer's most treasured confidante. many nights between them have been shared through 3am philosophical talks, or emotional unravelling. not that boomer tells anybody that part. he guards those secrets with his life.
the other side of it is that boomer actually values butch's opinion a lot. butch is very attuned to people, peacekeeping; when brick lost his head and boomer was at a loss of what to do, butch stood to the plate. it's a leadership quality that boomer really admires, even if neither of them are really into the whole leading thing.
not to mention, butch is a fine ass cook. he always knows just what boomer's in the mood for.
the second is berserk. it's a little unconventional. one of the first people other than bubbles that has really gotten under boomer's skin with how annoying they are - but berserk doesn't do it on purpose, and maybe that's what softened him up to her.
she's just kind of… lonely. she talks even more than he does, invades his personal space, doesn't understand boundaries, mooches off him constantly. they're all things that, if it were anybody else, would piss him off to no end.
the thing is, berserk - embarrassingly - reminds him of his younger self. when he hadn't learned how to appreciate solitude, and so was miserable every second that he wasn't being paid attention to. berserk's definitely kind of fucked up in her own way; his goal isn't to 'fix' her, though, and he'd resent anybody who took that task upon themselves.
there is an urge to look out for her. maybe it's the big brother in him, to give something back rather than to take. he doesn't have a lot to offer, but berserk doesn't seem to mind. it's a little sad.
besides, as they get closer, the more he enjoys spending time with her. boomer's always a little tired by the time they part ways - in a good way, like how muscles ache after a fulfilling workout.
there's not a lot of people boomer finds expending energy on worth doing. berserk might even be the first.
this sentiment does not translate to romance, unfortunately. i have no idea what boomer's deal is, nor do i want to label him, but there is no way you can squeeze him into a relationship with anybody.
the amount of people he's turned down is appalling. every valentines' day (when he still attended school) had all kinds of paper hearts and chocolate crammed into his locker. he had several different promposals he had to awkwardly reject - and not even just because he wasn't attending.
rumors used to go around about who he was dating, the worst being that he was dating bubbles. talk about insulting 😤
ambiguous as to whether he simply isn't looking for romance at this point in his life, or if it's to do with some unannounced sexual orientation. he just likes being alone too much to really commit to anything, i suppose.
it could even be to do with his ingredient. above all, he has a desire to protect himself: it's a little hard to do that if you gain yourself vulnerability after vulnerability in the form of lovers or loved ones.
a lot of his defense mechanisms are evasive rather than offensive: he lets people down gently, he boosts people up with camaraderie, etc. a lot of his playfulness reveals that there's not a lot special about him, nothing worth crushing over or finding attractive (that's the intention, at least.) faux vulnerability to maintain a friendship, but encourage them to move on.
all of it to hide that underneath, he is so angry. there's a lot that's happened for him to feel injusticed and righteous over, a lot that's happened to him that makes him scared of what would happen if he lost his temper.
being constantly at odds with one brother and most of your parental figures growing up makes for a very bitter, resentful boy. it's a part of himself that boomer doesn't like all that much. he'd rather keep it under wraps.
it's easier to do that when you're not in a relationship that requires honesty, communication, and exposing yourself for somebody else to judge. god forbid he ever be somebody that rages at their significant other.
that, and nothing can beat the absolute conversationalists his pet beetles are. what a riot.
some other honorable relationship mentions:
brick, obviously. boomer and brick aren't close at all, but there are a few things they're willing to unite over. they break out into an argument if they're in a room together longer than 10 seconds, but only they're allowed to fight with each other. the kind of 'only i'm allowed to bully my brother' you expect from siblings.
,,, most of the time, brick deserves it. boomer might be prone to letting brick get a tongue-lashing before stepping in.
buttercup ! she's butch's best friend, but she's super active. good, upbeat company to have around. since she's over a lot, it's a given that she and boomer would become friends in that time. they're mostly surface-level; goofing around, play-fighting, friendly challenges.
they're kind of united over their love for butch. buttercup is somebody that boomer admires for her tenacity and her devotion.
princess. you wouldn't think it. or maybe you would. they have an on-going snark war going on, regularly meet up for starbies (mostly for princess to gossip, and boomer to sit there pretending he isn't thoroughly engrossed.) frenemies, but a little friendlier than that.
,,, he kind of has a thing for lonely red-headed girls who act bratty to hide just how badly they need a friend. princess is just a little sharper on the edges than most. it keeps boomer on his toes.
just a few hcs about how he conveys affection too:
boomer is actually pretty direct most of the time. broad questions like "how are you doing?", "how are things?", make it easy for people to dismiss it if they'd like. though if it's really obvious that something is amiss, he will ask about it.
he is terrible at gift-giving, but he sure does it ! feeling sad ? here's a wad of bubble wrap.
sharing food and drink. he's usually pretty food-aggressive and unwilling to share anything, especially because he's hungry 24/7. it's a big deal if he shares even a crumb.
makes playlists for people. they don't have any particular mood or connection, but just songs that remind them of a person or that he'd think they'd like. he'll tell somebody he made a playlist for them if he cares. he'll actually share the playlist if he thinks it'll make them feel better.
"do you wanna see my ant colony?"
and of course, his most-used tactic of displaying affection: bullying people
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