#so they do not have to be exposed to possibly questionable emotional stuff they don't know how to address
katyspersonal · 2 years
I don't understand how there are people still supporting your content after it's clear you are an emotionally unstable narcissist. I swear some people care about their dumb fandoms more than common human decency.
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First - I refuse to let my lore posts, drawings and theories be called 'content'. I protest. It is a very soulless term that reduces creativity (the very expression of the soul, mind you!) to some sort of shallow and more importantly, replaceable good. "Why you consume the content from this PROBLEMATIC :( person" in the same vein as "Why you buy your car fuel from an unethical corporation" is absolutely absurd in any way, because creations are not physical goods but something unique.
Second, you seem to be confused on what the fandom entails.
Being a fan of something, in fact, doesn't... really entail all that much? Being a fan of something doesn't, and will NEVER mean that you subscribe to certain cultural, religious, political or humanity values or opinions, it will NEVER be only for the ones the loudest people in the crowd deemed "right" and "pure" enough, and certainly it will NEVER be only for people with clear history *cough cough* or people of "proper" mental state *COUGH cough*.
The only, and only, and only, and ONLY "requirement" for being a Bloodborne fan is - to care about Bloodborne. Ironically, this is something people I tend to become antagonists with often fail at, as there is a difference between 'Bloodborne fan' and 'Mariadeline fan that knows nothing about BB lore and holds only interests in how to shame men more and what kind of fans to declare "problematic"' *COUGH COUGH* god sorry guys, got a bad cough attack during this ask fhdhgfds
But, again, I think we the people that obsess with this or that media came to the conclusion that gatekeeping leads to another extreme - the whole thing with shaming artists that draw something not accurate, and think something not 100% correct to the canon is 'dirtying' the canon. You know, the whole 'oh you are fan of X band? name 40 songs' thing. So I think gatekeeping should be avoided unless someone appears who is both completely uneducated about lore AND tries to set their own rules.
But, yeah. Your confusion is likely caused by the fact that people who like Bloodborne... love to read about Bloodborne, and not about what user should be blacklisted and what character is this or that identity and what this or that character is "problematic" etc. I object the idea that certain game/movie/book/etc is only for "right" kind of people and I think we as society at this rate are capable of separating interaction with the fictional universe and personality/personal lives.
#ask replies#personal#disco horse#/negative#i think my line of thought started with cringe statements YEARS ago such as the stuff like uhhhhh...#like people being like 'hey CIS MEN stephen universe is for women and trans men and nb folks we take it back!!!'#i then thought 'wow bitches really think enjoying a fictional thing is only for certain type of people????'#but by now it seems to have came the full circle#that said i welcome everyone in this fandom who likes bloodborne#because art is supposed to unite people not divide them#and certainly no game or movie or book is ONLY for 'certain' type of people#art is supposed to have default capacity of reaching everyone despite everything.#yooo you remember how j k rowling claimed ppl who still love hp support her ideals? NEVER do that shit folks#granted there is grey area of people not wanting to get money from people that are on polar different side of politic/humanity compass#which is valid? but i'd appreciate it if that wasn't forced onto people who do NOT benefit anything and just want to enjoy stuff#also emotional stuff is somewhat absurd tbh#i am making conscious effort ever since sp*de blocked me without explaining why to hold people at far emotional distance#so they do not have to be exposed to possibly questionable emotional stuff they don't know how to address#like... i do not in fact cling to people nor i make friends anymore unless they are PROVEN to be as chaotic as me#but again for some people bad once = bad forever and I don't play that game anymore lol
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eyelessfaces · 2 years
poe dameron x reader
summary: you killed a pregnant woman that tried to kill you. guilt invades you after the adrenaline goes away.
warnings: obvious mentions of death, injuries, blood, self defense kill - not detailed just mentioned, pregnancy, guilt, trauma. please don't read if any of this triggers you!!!!!!!
tags: uhh obvious angst lol. gn!reader, established relationship, hurt/comfort, poe doesn't really know what to do to make reader feel better but it's okay because he's trying to help and he's doing his best and he's sweet anyways<3
word count: 0.9k
why does that gif look so small on mobile
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Poe hopped out of his X-wing, his knees feeling the shock of his leap. He hastily took his helmet off and put it at the feet of his ship, putting his stuff back in place being the least of his concerns at the moment. 
Your ship was there on the tarmac, but there were no signs of you around; and Poe knew there wouldn’t be when he saw your distraught look before you jumped into your X-wing and took off. No one had seen you since, and Poe figured you didn’t want to see anyone, but he needed to see you.
That’s what had led him to look everywhere around base, asking anyone if they had seen you, brushing people off when they needed to talk to him about commander stuff. 
A sigh of relief escaped his mouth when he found you sitting on the floor of an empty briefing room after looking for you for what seemed to be so long, after looking into so many similar rooms to this one. 
“Hey” the sound came out as a soft exhale, and he cautiously walked up to you.
Your knees were brought to your chest, your gaze lost somewhere deep in your thoughts. You only noticed him once he was standing in front of you, and he knelt down to your level once you acknowledged his presence. He took your bruised, dirt smudged hand in his and softly brushed the safe parts, avoiding your bleeding knuckles. He noticed there was dried blood under your nails when your grip tightened around his own hand.
He looked up at you, brushing away the strands of hair falling over your injured face with his free hand, your gaze avoiding his. You wouldn’t look at him, you felt too ashamed to do that.
“Hey” he called again. “Are you okay?” he asked, trying to catch your gaze.
“How can I possibly be okay, Poe” you questioned rhetorically, finally looking at him.
“I know, I meant–” he wiped your nosebleed off with his sleeve, smudging the blood above your mouth. At least it stopped leaking. “Physically.”
“Think my nose’s broken” you muttered weakly, looking away from him.
“Sweetheart you need to go to medbay” he declared, putting his hand over your shoulder.
You bit your busted lip and frantically shook your head, tears teasing your eyes. You refused to leave this room, you refused to have anyone see you after what you did, even Poe’s gaze felt too heavy on you, and the maker knew how much you trusted Poe and the fact that he would never judge you.
“I’m a monster Poe, I’m a monster” your voice betrayed you, because if you seemed numb until then, the crack in your voice exposed your obvious emotions. 
“No you’re not,” he whispered, his brows knitted together. “You did what was the only way for you to escape the situation” he tried to reason with you, but you kept on shaking your head, refusing to hear any defense for your side.
“She was pregnant Poe, she was going to have a child” you insisted, not trying to contain your tears anymore. Your whole body felt numb, your injuries felt numb, but everything inside felt too much, too vivid, too present.
“She attacked you, it was self defense” he said kneeling closer to you, his soft eyes hardening when he realized how much you blamed yourself for making a choice you didn’t even have time to think about.
“Probably had a partner that expected her to come back with their future baby. I ruined lives, I ruined a family” you cried, grabbing his hand harder.
“She tried to kill you!” he whisper shouted. “It was you or her”
“So two lives against one Poe” you declared looking up at him, and he closed his eyes and sighed, nodding a bit. “Hypothetically how would you feel if it was us? If you were the one waiting for me to come back home with our child?” you asked, tilting your head, now being the one to try to catch his gaze. You didn’t want to make him feel guilty, you just wanted him to see your vision and your side of the situation.
“Hypothetically I would feel guilty for making you go out there carrying our child”
“Maybe she didn’t have a choice” you immediately retorted. You felt the need to defend her, even if she tried to kill you. You felt like you owed her that from taking her life and her child’s.
“Maybe.” he shrugged. “We don’t know, we’ll never know” he frowned, bringing his hand up to your face to gently stroke your cheek. “Baby we’re living in a war, maybe she would have died some other way. We have no idea. All I know is that it’s done and that no matter how much you hate yourself for what you’ve done there’s no coming back.” 
Then you broke down. No more trying to bargain, no more trying to blame yourself, no more trying to defend this woman and her child. 
Tears, just tears, tears of endless guilt, tears of relief too, tears that Poe wiped away with his thumb trying to avoid the injuries on your face. 
Poe took you in his arms and you buried yourself against his chest until you only smelled him, until your vision was completely blacked out, your bruised knuckles that would normally turn white from the pressure with which you fisted his flight suit now bleeding out, the red liquid running down your hands.
Poe cradled the back of your head, shushing your cries and whispering soft words into your ear. 
You knew it would take you long to even accept the fact that you did what you did, but at least you knew Poe would always be there by your side when you have nightmares about it.
star wars taglist: @apollo-enthusiast @lockleysgrl @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @beccabecs521
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tia-amorosa · 2 months
Sunset Died - Clavell/Bachelor/Wan
🧇Waffles and Strawberry Baby🍓
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By now it was almost 11 pm. After they had arrived, Pauline briefly put her luggage down. Then she carefully took his hands and looked into his eyes with a tired smile. “Thank you…that i can be here again."/ ‘Yes, well, as I said, I want you to spend your pregnancy stress-free’. Pauline had to smile a little. “You're worried about me, hn”. He raised his eyebrows a little and looked a little sheepishly to the side. “Like I said, I just want…"/ ”That I'm okay, yes, that's fine. Tomorrow I'll make us some nice pancakes, and this time with real eggs and milk.”
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“Yes, with the new stove it's quite possible… You can sleep in my bed, but I'll take the sofa for now, all right?”. Pauline shrugged her shoulders a little. “mh, I thought…"/ ”I know what you were thinking. And I told you not to rush things…"/ ”hh, fine. I'm incredibly tired anyway.”. Even though she would have liked to press a kiss to his lips, she went to bed without this tender touch for the time being.
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What else is there to do when there is no real place to sleep? You lie down on the couch and try to get a good night's sleep there. “I hope she doesn't see it as a punishment. It's not a punishment, just…if we were lying next to each other right now, she'd want more, I know her…hormones are playing tricks on her at the moment. No, it has to be like this for now”…
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It's still quite early in the morning when Pauline gets out of bed. She's pretty hungry, so she gets to work on the pancakes early. And she takes great pleasure in preparing them. “We still had a lot of flour, but with just water and a bit of cornflour, it doesn't taste good at all. Now the dough has the right consistency again. The children will love it”..
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When you haven't eaten something good for a very long time, it's almost as if you're preparing this dish for the very first time and spoiling your family with it. And, above all, your own palate. in order to be able to use the still-functioning stove, it was connected to one of the exposed power lines outside. Only with the help of the others, of course, so as not to injure themselves. “Oh my God, that smells so fantastic! I bet they'll all be in the kitchen in a minute.”.
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And just as Pauline had suspected, it happened. "You're back?" It was a real surprise for the children. Pauline looked at Xander briefly, almost questioning whether she was even allowed to answer that. But he just smiled. "Yes, I... I was allowed to move back in. Is that okay with you?"/ "Yeah, sure, oh man, are those really waffles?"/ "Mmm, made from fresh eggs and fresh milk. I actually wanted to make pancakes, but the dough was too thick, I didn't have enough milk."/ "I can get some later, but first I have to try a waffle."
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They sat down at the table together almost hastily. Everyone looked at the warm, steaming waffles on the plate. “It's really a difference like night and day. Better than that ready-made stuff from the bag.” Pauline smiled with satisfaction. It was nice to see the children's eyes light up. “Then enjoy it. I can hardly wait either"/ ‘That's fantastic… Thank you, Pauline’/ ‘You're welcome’.
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"Michael said you're having a baby, is that true?"/ "Mmm, yes, that's right, sweetie"/ "Will it live here too?" Pauline looked briefly at Xander again, who was eating his waffles without showing any emotion. "Well, I… I think so, unless I find another house"/ "but the other houses are all broken"/ "yes, that's true…"/ "So you have to stay here, then the baby will be nice and warm and we'll get fresh waffles every morning".. Pauline had to smile a little. Apparently her company is more than welcome now.
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After a good meal. “How big is the baby now? You don't have a big belly yet"/ ‘well, it's… The size of a strawberry, I think’/ ”a big one or a small one? They all look different”. Pauline had to laugh. “Bella, why don't you go and play outside for a bit,” Xander said. “It's okay, she can ask questions…”. But Bella realized that the adults probably should to be alone for a while . “No, it's fine, I'll go and get dressed and then I'll try to swing a hundred times, hnhn”.
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End of this Part
@greenplumbboblover :)
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I need you to know that thanks to tumblr being weird, your art randomly shows up on my feed in that Based on your likes stuff which is weird but also hilarious to me because i´ll be going through my stuff and Boom! biblical ship art. This is not a critique, I may not fully understand it but I approve and have strangely gotten attached, would you share some of your thoughts on the pairing and what inspired you to start this blog?
Thanks for been respectful, considering that my last ask is basically an aggressive message. I have no problem in answering your question. Considering that I came from a heavy Christian background (not the fundamentalist kind, but the Latin American kind), I knew all about the betrayal of Jesus. Though my perception of Judas Iscariot came mostly from the musical Jesus Christ Superstar which I saw in my early childhood, it gives him a more sympathetic light. That perception stuck with me than the biased version coming from the Bible. Felt wrong to me. Normally, each Holy Week (especially Good Fridays) I replay JCS as tradition, but recently in the last Good Friday of 2023, I learn about the existence of the comic of Judas (wrote by Jeff Loveness, which I recommend 100%) and it truly fascinated me the notion of Judas and Jesus having a reunion after death and how their complicated relationship finally got a meaning. Also, it's very interesting that in many forms of media in the last decades, Judas is portrait as a man with possible romantic attraction towards Jesus (even possible to be homosexual, since gay men existed since humanity itself exist, isn't a modern trend) and how the many dilemmas haunted Judas as result (his "sinful" feelings towards his Rabbi, his disappointment of said rabbi not helping the people of Judea of break free from Roman dominion, the notion of been the mighty Son of God and still doing nothing to fix the entire world if he have power to do, exposing his group to unnecessary dangers, and other facts) which leads to the betrayal. I don't think Judas was possessed by any demon, nor that he was a thief as the Gospel of John accused. He was a man trapped in a dead end. And even he didn't expect Jesus to be executed. It's possible that Judas expected him to be in jail and eventually released for been harmless. Also, Jesus himself, despite been God in a human form, he's also capable of human emotions. He loved, feared, get angry, exhausted, nervous, hesitation. He meant to be closer to the humanity he loves so much rather than looking them from above. What if he also felt love in a romantic spectrum as some point? What if he loved Judas Iscariot, the one from his other disciples who felt more human than the others, as a lover could do? Jesus' message is about loving the other. He forgives all kind of outcast of society, and even welcoming them to his embrace. He could had done the same with homosexual people, as long they have goodness in their heart. Because in love, the Kingdom of God exists. The tragedy of both, how their deaths were needed for humanity's salvation. And how their love made that miracle possible.
That's how I felt about them. I hope this answers your question.
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cursedvibes · 11 months
Honestly I think even in the best circumstances had Kenjaku not had Yuuji for evil doings and just genuinely bumped into Jin later in life and decided to build a family with him I think there would be tension on the basis that Jin is a sensitive modern era parent and Kenjaku who up to up the last century lived a existence where the childhood mortality was high and child welfare was non-existent.
It's hard to bond to someone when past expectations and experiences had taught you not to get attached.
Yeah, I can't see them in a long-term relationship, not one that isn't also long distance at least. It isn't even because of the parenting, that's the mildest problem I think. I could see Kenjaku having a child for non-plan reasons no problem, that's basically what Yuuji is already. For now it looks like they used his status as vessel to see how being exposed to Sukuna's CE would affect him. Taking away the Sukuna's vessel thing, I think they would still not be opposed to a child for the simple reason of seeing how it would grow up. There would inevitably be some supernatural shenanigans, Kenjaku has to poke and examine it at least a little bit, but the end goal could be about witnessing the unpredictable, hoping the child could somehow exceed their expectations etc.
Jin is another thing though. Even if we assume that Kenjaku thinks a more hands-on approach in parenting would benefit the kid and they involve Jin to do all the emotional heavy-lifting, there would still inevitably be long periods of time, years, of Kenjaku not being there and hunting after whatever peeked their interest somewhere around the world. Kenjaku might even be somewhat fond of him and thankful for his help, but I don't see there ever being any romantic love or very strong attachment. There's no way they would ever be a regular family. Kenjaku's attachment issues play into it as well, but I think they would be more of a problem with Yuuji (like in canon) than with Jin. I mean maybe Kenjaku will surprise us and use the same dehumanizing language applied to Yuuji and Tengen for Jin as well, but so far I think it's unlikely. In regards to possible reasons for why Jin is dead, Kenjaku might've just gotten a bit too chatty during pregnancy. They like to talk, especially about their plans, and with only Jin around for a longer period of time, they might've led something slip or teased him a little too much about what might have happened to Kaori or why they are doing all this in the first place.
So no long-term relationships for Kenjaku. Maybe if they were 800-1000 years younger, but even then I'm not so sure. Even with someone where dying is not an issue and who they are certified to be obsessed with and have affection for, I don't think Kenjaku ever dreamed of a white picket fence life with Tengen. That's just not their thing. They are a scientist at heart, they always look for new innovation, something to dig their fingers into and pull apart until they understand it and I don't think Jin could really satisfy that urge (unless offering himself as a test subject) or keep up with it and contribute his own inspiring ideas, give some push-back like what Kenjaku seems to appreciate so much about Tengen and Yuki. Assuming Kenjaku had no problem opening up, I don't know if the two would ever really work out. But maybe Jin was a little scientist as well or had some deep philosophical questions to offer, who knows. That's why I like to make him a little more fucked up (and Kenjaku more normal, no supernatural stuff) in AUs where him and Kenjaku stay together and raise Yuuji. Like turning him into an organ seller or other medical expert. So it's more of an "lab assistant turned sexual" situation.
Anyway, like you said, making the two work as a family or exclusive couple in canon is very difficult because of Kenjaku's allergy to admitting affection around certain people and they also have different goals in life. They always have Yuuji to connect over tho!
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A/N = Aki burrowed into my brain yesterday after finishing Chainsaw Man. I hadta write something. This is a little twisty & turny. Aki & F!y/n/reader have a bit of a history. I don't get too much into that. But they get together here. Who knows where they end up? It's just a quick little blah blah blah.
C/W = P -> V (unprotected), a little bit of emotional stuff (they have a history, it wasn't all kittens and rainbows). If I missed anything else, let me know so I can fix this.
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It was nearing the end of fall, your second favorite season. Aki and his friends came over to help you clean out the leaf-filled rain gutters in your new house. And for free (you insist on paying them, though)! But did he expect a tip? Do you want his?
You sat on your porch steps and sipped on iced tea as Aki's friends were busy cleaning the gutters. Aki was at the top of your roof, and you couldn't see much of anything other than his legs and feet.
"Thanks a lot for hiring us, Miss y/n. My little girl is gonna have a nice Christmas thanks to you." His friend gushed about his daughter for a while before moving on to the next section of the rain gutter.
Aki climbed down the ladder and came over to you. "Y/n, may I please use your restroom? Could you show me where it is?" He smiled. Not a large smile, but you knew he wasn't the type for donning a wide grin. You appreciated that about him. He seemed more genuine than other people. He was calmer, too.
"Oh, yeah, of course. Follow me, please."
He walked toward you and extended his hand to help you up, and you led him through the kitchen to the back hallway of your house.
"It's right through there just ta‐OH!" He pressed you into the gray wall and held you there with his hips against yours. His arms were on either side of you, hands palm down on the wall and essentially trapping you.
The thing is, you felt anything but trapped. You felt like you were home. You were home. But where you always lived alone, it was just a house. With Aki here, standing over you, it felt like so much more.
"What's with the 'please'?" He put his face into your neck.
"Heyyy Aki." You spoke breathily, your face flushed from his touch. Your cunt all but wetting your exposed skin because you didn't wear panties today. And your skirt wasn't too long, either. There wasn't really anywhere to hide.
"Mmm... y/n..." he trailed off. His mouth was hot against your neck as he left little bites and kisses on your skin. His breathing was cool and steady in comparison to yours. He moved his right hand to squeeze your breast and run his fingertips over your hardened nipple and his left hand started to lift the hem of your skirt. But just as suddenly, he stepped away.
"Excuse me," he looked at you, and you could feel his gaze holding you in place. But he stepped away and pointed to where he thought the restroom was. "M–mmhm. Yeah, t-turn right at the end of the hallway."
When he was out of sight and you heard the door click shut, you slid down the wall. Squatting there for a moment, fanning yourself unsuccessfully with your hand, you heard one of the workers at the front door. "What the hell ...?"
"Miss y/n? Would it be possible for us to get some drinks out here?" The question startled you. "Oh! Ohmigosh, yes. I apologize. I, I, I –" your head fell. Giving up the ruse that you were just in your hallway hanging pictures or something. It wasn't apparent how much his friends knew about you and Aki together.
You appeared from the shadowy space with a smile on your face. A nice little pink hue had taken over your cheeks spanning down to your chest from Aki touching you.
I'll make up some ...? Lemonade? Iced tea?"
"Iced tea will be fine, Miss –"
"Call me y/n! I insist." You said warmly. "There's no need for such formalities. I'll be right out [male name]."
You set to work making up a pitcher of iced tea for everyone who's working. Your back was to the side entrance into the kitchen, and Aki snuck up behind you and slid his hands around your waist
"Oh! Aki..." You moaned a little louder than intended and leaned your head back over your shoulder. "The drinks..." You whispered, putting your hands on top of his that were holding the rolled edge of the counter.
He pushed his crotch against your ass as he breathed into your ear. "You got something I can use to wet my whistle?" He tucked his thumb into the waistband of your skirt, pulling the fabric down and softly bit the nape of your neck, causing you to shutter and jump back against him.
"You don't have to go through the trouble of getting the drinks for them," He chuckled. "They're busy with their work anyway."
"But [male name] asked me for some iced tea and ... and ..." You couldn't think with Aki's thumb so close to your throbbing core.
"What if I said I want you?" He started to walk you backward out of the kitchen. "What if I said I want my mouth all ... over ... you.
"But ... the, the dri–" you mumbled.
He took your face in his hands. His blue eyes hypnotize you where you stand. You reached out and traced his lips with your finger. He opened his mouth and bit your finger lightly. "What if I said I want you ... all over me."
You nodded your head slowly at his request. He led you down the hallway to the guest room, and you followed him willingly. But you wondered if he planned this out beforehand. Truth be told, you couldn't care less. You'd follow him just about anywhere.
When you arrived at the room, Aki closed the door behind you, and he clicked the small lock on the doorknob. He immediately started unbuttoning your shirt, kissing the exposed skin as he did.
"Mmm ... Aki ... someone could...see through the window if they're cl–ah– cleaning the gutters ..." You didn't have it in you to protest and conjure up scenarios you really didn't care about.
You were pretty sure his friends didn't have their tools and ladders at the back of the house yet. Because with the blinds open, you'd be pretty easy to see. Aki seemed to ignore your protests as he threw your shirt on the floor, pulled down your skirt, and laid you down before you could even take a breath.
"Aki..." You sat up, "I ... we ..."
He kissed you deeply, "Shh shh shhh. It's me. Just relax. Ok? I'll pull the blinds." He laughed softly.
You nodded your head and noticed just how tightly your brows were furrowed. You concentrated on relaxing them.
"Better," he smiled at you.
"Mmmm," you exhaled heavily as you ran your hands through his dark hair. "It's been too long..."
He laid down on his back, propped up on the fluffy pillows, put both of his arms out, and motioned for you to get on top of him.
"It's not been that long." He said, rather confident in his decision.
"Oh yes, it has." You slid down his body, unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants. You unzipped the fly and reached into his boxers. "See, even you're excited." You smiled as you pulled his hard cock from his pants.
You laid down on the bed next to him and wrapped your hand around him. "Aki, fuck, I want you."
He slid his hand down between your legs and moaned at the feeling of your wetness. "I'm excited? Look – look at this! He dipped a couple of fingers just inside your pussy and gathered up some of your wetness. He rubbed it over his cock with his hand.
"It's only been a few months y/n. And besides, you were ..." He slid his fingers back into you. "You were cheating on me with ... with that piece of shit." He pulled out his fingers and held your gaze as he stuck them into his mouth, licking them clean.
"That wasn't cheating. It was just sex."
He raised his eyebrows at your statement.
"Why are you looking at me like that? You're the one who didn't want ... y'know, never mind. You're here now. I'm not 'cheating' on you with anyone." You began to move closer toward him on the bed.
"Is that all we are y/n?" He said it matter-of-factly. "Sex?"
"What? No. Aki ... you know me better than that."
"Yeah, I know you, y/n. But do you know me. I had to leave for a while. It's not like I wanted to go away. To be away from you." He was starting to look a little sad. The way he does when you hurt him unintentionally. The way he does when he knows you didn't mean to, though it still feels like a knife to the back. But his shoulders slump a little bit, and he has trouble keeping his eyes on yours.
It breaks your heart.
"Aki, I asked if you wanted me to wait for you. I'm sure you didn't hold out for me all that time." You stood up and peeked out the blinds. No one seemed to be looking, so you went back to the bed.
He started to sit up, but you pushed him down. "Stay. Stay right there." You turned around and straddled him. You kissed him softly.
"What is it, Aki?" You breathed against his lips.
He shook his head and looked away. "I, I..."
"What Aki?" You were more insistent this time. "Tell me."
"I love you, y/n," he whispered, his lips just barely brushing yours as you hovered over him. "I missed you so much, and I love you. I just ... I want you." He ran his hands on the underside of your thighs, grabbing your ass he pulled you closer over his lap and lined himself up with your entrance.
You carefully lowered yourself onto him and tipped his chin up with your fingers so the two of you were inches apart. He looked at you as though he might cry.
"I missed you too, Aki, but we've been without each other for a while." You began to move up and down on him slowly. "How do you feel about the time we were apart? Were you with anyone else?"
He shook his head. "I was scared of what would happen if i was, y/n. I didn't want to hurt you. I don't know if I should want you, though. Do you w–." He stopped himself. Partially because of how good you felt and because he didn't want to know the answer.
"Do I what, Aki?" You put your forehead against his.
He shook his head, unable to voice his question.
"I'm sorry, Aki. I didn't know you wanted me to wait for you. But I would never cheat on you. I'm sorry that I ... that I – well, you know."
"I know, I know." He said as he rubbed your back. "It's ok. It's not your fault. I ... I know that. Fuck. Look at me. Whining while you're fucking me. What a gentleman." He laughed to himself. "This is embarrassing."
You kissed him. "No. Don't be. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I don't mind, though." You pressed your lips to his ear and whispered, "I missed you so much. Any extra closeness we get is a bonus."
Aki nodded, and you were relieved he didn't try to continue the previous conversation.
"Aki? What's your favorite position?" You asked him as you fucked him. "With me, of course."
He wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you close. "This is my favorite position. On my back, you on my cock so I can see your pretty face and pretty mouth twist around. I wanna see how good I make you feel."
His words, his face. Just him being him was pushing you over the edge. "I'm gonna cum, Aki ... oh ... ah shit ..."
He grabbed your ass as he thrust upward. "You're gonna cum just like this, aren't you?" He groaned.
"Y-yes... yes, Aki, please. Oh ... my god, I've missed you so much! Please stay with me, I want you." You bounced up and down on his cock, your tits covered his face. He licked and sucked on your nipples while his hands sat at your waist.
"Aki, I'm cumming!" You cried out as you leaned over to brace yourself against his chest. "Fuck ... oh fuck!" You panted, and cried out, your head falling back as your orgasm flooded through your body.
"S'fuckin' hot, cum for me y/n," he grabbed your ass hard and lifted you up, sliding his cock out of you. "Turn around." He held you by the waist and moved so you were on the bottom. Knees on the bed and your ass in the air.
"Spread your legs." He placed his hand on the back of your thigh, pushing it apart. You looked over your shoulder at him. "Let me see how much you missed me." He sneered.
Aki pushed his cock back into your pussy from behind and slammed into you. He squeezed your ass with his left hand and reached around you with his right hand to pinch your nipple.
"Aki! Yes ... fuck ... please. Please ... I missed you so much, don't... don't stop!" You grabbed the pillow under your head and gripped it as he fucked you harder.
"Oh, you missed me?" He pulled out of you and turned you over on the bed. He held your legs up and slid right into you again.
"YES!" You shouted as he slammed back into you, fucking you hard. His face was contorted as if in pain or pleasure or both.
"You like it rough, huh y/n?"
"I like it with you." You said. Tears stream down your face from another impending orgasm. "I only like it with you, Aki!" You threw your legs down on the bed and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in to kiss you.
"What if I say I wanna make you cum like THIS?" He slammed into you hard.
You arched your back, lifting your ass into the air and whimpered, "Please, please Aki, cum inside me.
He slammed into you once more. His body convulsed as he came. "Fuck! Yes! Ah y/n!"
The two of you were so lost in your own little world that you didn't hear Aki's friends by the guest bedroom window.
"C–can we have some iced tea now, Miss y/n?"
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Thank you for reading!
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Hey, I just need some validation :)
The worst of my issues is that I feel like I repressed trauma. It feels like an itch I can't scratch, I get glimpses of it, feelings, then it vanishes again. I often question myself if it is really a repressed memory or something else? Maybe I am not triggered by snowy landscapes, maybe I just dislike it and think it is eery? A normal reaction? I don't know but it feels so weird to talk about trauma you feel is there but can't remember. How am I going to explain it to people?
But idk this is probably the creepy thing about it: I feel if I think too much about it, it'll consume me. In rational words, it feels like I would get a very long flashback I won't be able to "leave". But the feeling is more creepy. Like when in a fantasy tv show people are forced to live through their worst memory for ever and ever, and have no plan how to leave it. When I think about triggering things or look at triggering stuff for too long, and don't force myself to look away, it feels like this would happen to me.
Idk it feels so invalid because maybe there is nothing, you know? Maybe it is something teensy. Idk. But it feels so huge.
I know I need a therapist for this, but find one first... And even then I wouldn't know how to describe it.
Hi anon,
When it comes to talking about potentially repressed memories I just like to reiterate (even if you already know this) that it's not my place to tell you if you are actually repressing something, I can only speculate, so please take what I say with a grain of salt. The only people that can make a more solid determination would either be yourself or a mental health professional. Assuming you are repressing something if you actually aren't could harm your mental health, so it's better to just play it safe. I do think that it could go either way here.
What you described could be characteristic of repressed trauma, and I'm curious if you'd say that the fear of indulging in these "triggers" is that the trauma would suddenly rush over you. If you were repressing something, sometimes it can force the trauma through the veil of repression and prematurely expose you to it. I personally find it helpful to think of repression as an airbag in a car accident. It protects you from the impact of the damage, so there's a reason it's there. Removing it prematurely could do harm, like experiencing depersonalization, a psychotic break, or other things.
As someone with PTSD, flashbacks always pass eventually but the emotional component can make it feel inescapable and like it might last forever. I think it's also possible that this idea of being stuck in some sort of endless trauma loop (forced to relive worst memories endlessly) could also just describe processing and healing from whatever trauma might be there. Cause personally that's how I feel in my situation. It's also natural to hesitate or dread processing and healing because it's hard, and in many cases you do have to "go there" and return to awful moments and feelings.
It's also possible that you could essentially be psyching yourself up in the sense that these thoughts could be reinforcing your negative association with these triggers and strengthening the dread and concern that you could have trauma. But even if you aren't repressing anything, how you feel about this is still valid.
if you do see a therapist, i think the way you've described it here would be a great starting point - you've outlined your experiences quite clearly, at least to me.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help and please let us know if you need anything.
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bardkin · 1 year
semi-comprehensive list of my possibly-most-likely-maybe plural experiences, mainly for my own benefit, but also for anyone else who may be questioning similar stuff.
large majority of the stuff below the cut have been happening long before i learned about plurality & the community.
some aspects have intensified or cropped up afterword, but those could also be things i just didn't notice or have the words to describe till now, & feels like a fairly normal progression.
observations from The Dragonheart Collective's "How Do I Know If I’m Plural?" essay:
Generally feeling fascinated with plurality (media depictions or otherwise), and drawn to it without entirely knowing why, or because it ‘feels right’; fantasizing about discovering you are, or becoming, plural and feeling intense relief about it.
‘Hearing voices’ that behave in ‘person-like’ ways, particularly if it’s an ‘internal thought voice’
Having ‘your consciousness’ talk to you in extended ways.
Your internal dialogue is sometimes or always a conversation/dialogue in which one side you don’t control.
You have ‘parts of yourself’ or ‘other selves’ that you are in conversation with internally, with words or otherwise.
You have ‘racing thoughts’ where your thought train is many internal dialogues at once.
Otherwise having an internal part of your thoughtspace that behaves in person-like ways you cannot control, whether is speaks in words or otherwise.
‘Identity disturbances’ and having other entities ‘take over’ at any time
Feeling like you weren't born in that body, that you simply appeared one day inside of it.
Not feeling in control of what you are doing or like you are on autopilot. (rarely)
Having a hard time answering or being unable to answer the question ‘Who am I as a person?’. (more often just having a hard time answering this. i've always struggled with this, in multiple areas. discovering my SU fictotype was the biggest breakthrough here, as i finally had something more concrete to bounce off.)
Feeling like the you of a few years ago is not the same you that exists now in a very visceral sense more than a ‘I changed and grew a lot since then’ sense.
Feeling like you had a sudden stray thought or feeling that doesn't belong to you.
Dissociation; general disconnects between you, your sense of self, reality, and others around you
Sometimes you just feel ‘very strange’ in a way you can’t place.
Sometimes feeling like the world around you is surreal or dreamlike or like it’s in a fog or far away.
Sometimes you don't feel real, or like you are invisible or fake or do not exist.
Your surroundings or the people around you feel fake, unreal, or simulated (because I feel fake in the first place).
You feel like you are solely a conduit for experiencing things rather than a cohesive person with an identity some or all of the time. (roughly i'd give this a "some of the time" rating, but it varies from day to day.)
Sometimes not recognizing your face in the mirror or your own body, feeling like it is ‘wrong’ or ‘not you’; otherwise finding mirrors uncomfortable. (this is a "more often than not" kind of thing. this only kind of related to my transness or otherkinity, as the feelings i get with those are a different kind of "this isn't me, this feels wrong.")
Feeling detached from your thoughts, sense of self, or agency. (semi-rarely.)
Feeling like your emotions are happening ‘over there’ or to someone else. (semi-rarely.)
Very easily being ‘tranced’, hypnotized, or ‘zoned out’ when exposed to stimuli frequently considered hypnotic or rhythmic. (possibly??? this one gets a big "maybe, idk" because i Have done this a few times with certain videos & stuff my partner does, but it could also be the auDHD lol)
Note on the Amnesia, general unreliable memory and forgetfulness section. I have ADHD, and do not experience amnesia in the ways described by systems & plural folks. i know for a fact that my unreliable memory stems from my ADHD, so i won't be including anything from that section, as the bullet points are not applicable to this kind of memory gap.
Physical sensations with no other known medical cause due to dissociation
Getting ‘head pressures’ or headaches. (i do get semi-frequent headaches that vary in intensity, but lately they've been caused by early morning/late night storms due to the change in air pressure. some are seemingly very random from day to day, but when i do get one, it's either when i first wake up, or sometime later at night.)
Finding it hard to move or becoming catatonic or paralyzed, partially or totally sometimes, sometimes with accompanied fatigue or sleepiness. (to a VERY small degree. it's more like sluggishness than genuine paralyzation, and along the lines of "having to ask my body to move or be moved, rather than moving it myself.")
Tertiary/comorbid conditions you may also have alongside being Plural and/or having a Dissociative Disorder
Neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD or Autism
PTSD or C-PTSD (possibly, but not officially. i have Trauma, but i don't know if it's to this level.)
Anxiety Disorders (social & general, babbeeyyy)
personal observations
unintentionally (then later intentionally with loads of research) made original characters that are systems/plural, & wrote fanfics that explore the concept of plurality. writing them have felt incredibly natural.
communicative "inner dialogue voice" that responds semi-frequently, and doesn't always feel like i'm continuing my own sentience / answering my own question. (example: "I should grab some milk while I'm out. Grab something sweet, too." VS "I should grab some milk while I'm out." "Grab something sweet, too.")
feeling an "extra presence" at times, like someone sitting shotgun or in the back seat of the car that is my brain.
feeling like someone else should be experiencing certain emotions or situations. and not in the "this is injustice, it shouldn't be happening to me (or anyone) as a whole," but rather "the other guy handles this. this isn't something i'm for." typically the most noticeable when i'm being infantilized.
on that note, "feeling like a teenager" sometimes feels a bit literal. not quite in the age regressed way (tho maybe?). currently not sure how else to describe it, other than what it doesn't feel like.
feeling conflicted and somewhat stressed at the thought of all this not being due to plurality.
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chemicalcarousel · 8 months
questions taken from this post
just answering all of these for myself because i can and i don't wanna wait for potential asks
Hi! Who are you right now?
I'm Levi ✌
How do know its you thats out? What are your usual cues?
Uhh good fucking question. i feel like a guy ig (dysphoria). and i have very strong feelings of justice and i get very pissed when ppl aren't treated right (im super vengeful). i also dissociate a lot when im confronted with my source and i think my voice is lower and im less "all over the place" than some of the other alters? i'm more "relaxed" ig, even if my emotions can get very strong and bordering black/white
Do you like it when people know its You and not the collective whole? Is it situational, or depends on the person?
It's complicated. i feel very exposed and i'm nervous what other people will think of me since i'm a fictional introject of a very popular anime character. i'm also worrying about which impression we as a collective have on the people around us, and if they know we are a DID system and which alters we got, then they might treat us in some weird fucking way (and let's be honest - that's the reality of it) but on the other hand, i feel so lonely and invisible when i'm talking to my friends and they don't know that i even exist, ya kno? i'd wish i could be myself around my friends and i'm still trying to find out if that is possible
What sort of aesthetics do you draw to?
i guess darker ones? like black and red. i like grunge and punk too. i also fuck with traumacore, again especially black/white and red shit. angry shit. im an edgy little man
What do you look like?
pretty much like my source, i just wear different clothes ig here's some pics xoxo
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What sort of emotions do you feel mostly when you’re out?
anger, grief, vengefulness, idk man i'm ready to punch a bitch lol
What sort of situations are you out in most of the time?
I'm a host, but other than that i'm always the one going to sleep and i am the one that doesn't hate ourselves ig. i'm not gonna blame us for what other people did or do to us, ya kno. i'm a protector
Are there other parts like you in the same system?
we have another introject of the same character, but he's nothing like me or our source. so no, i think i'm the only alter like me in this body?
Are you part of a subsystem?
no, i don't think we have subsystems
What’s your relationship like to the parts nearest to you right now?
idk, kinda like roommates or "found family"? i'm not sure who's close rn tho, but i'm chill with all the alters i know
Do you have vague memories of before you came out, or do they feel blocked out?
i have no idea what this means. i think it means before i fronted and yeah we kinda have a "shared consciousness", but sometimes i realise i don't have all the pieces of what happened, but it's mostly greyouts and emotional amnesia
What’s your favorite way to ground?
nature, fidget toys, drinking something tasty
Do you have a favorite snack or drink?
idk i love coffee ig. i like food in general lol
Do you have a favorite item in the present world?
hmm... can't think of one item, but i have some clothing and other stuff that i like. i love flannel shirts and i love pretty teacups
Do you have an inner world? Do you have a place you like in there?
nah, not really. it's just a black void. we haven't been able to construct one and nothing has seemed to pop up yet
Whats a simple way other parts might describe you to like a therapist or something?(they’re the fierce one, the sad one, ect)
the angry/vengeful one/the fight response one
What’s the safest thing you can imagine right now?
so pathetic, but ig that's a part of why i was created. but the safest thing i can imagine is the guy i see as my soulmate (erwin), but he's a fucking anime character from my source and has never and will never be real. but he's such a comfort for me and thereby the entire system. i just wish he was actually real lol i definitely haven't cried myself to sleep because he's a drawing ahahaha :')
What’s something you wish the system would do more of?
stand up for ourselves. but i do understand why other parts don't do this and i don't blame them. i'd just wish they didn't feel this fear and shame
What’s your handwriting like?
idk ugly? i think all of us have an ugly handwriting lmfao
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Free space! Tell me a random fact about you or something you’re thinking about
uhh rn im dissociating bc we are opening up to a friend about our DID and it's making all of us nervous, so that's what's in my thoughts. a random fact could be that i fucking love making fun of my source and i love making fans mad lmfao
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Blog #3 Body Count
I was just watching YouTube today and somehow ended up watching an episode of this podcast called Grilling, hosted by Chian. It's an interview-type podcast, I guess, where Chian goes on a "date" with the interviewee. At least, that's what I think. I don't know, the shit is like an hour long and I don't have the attention span to watch all of it. Anyway, this time she had the infamous Top G, Mr. Andrew Tate. It's an old episode and I'm sure it's old news now, with Andrew Tate apparently about to get murdered by the matrix (if you watch his videos, you know what I'm talking about).
So during the episode, Chian and Tate got into a "debate" about high value men and women and whether men and women are different. I'm not going to talk about what a "high value" person is. That depends on your definition and what works for you. But what they agreed on was that men and women are inherently different. I actually agree with that. Actually, if you take it to a broader sense, I'd say everyone is different. There's only one Andrew Tate and only one Chian, just like there's only one of me and one of you. But yes, in a sense, I do agree that men and women are different.
So the conversation went on to the idea that if that's the case, then what men feel is important is different from what women feel is important, because we are inherently different. Again, solid point. I agree. Then Chian asked the question, "Would you date me if my body count was over 50?" Andrew kind of pulled back and went off on the stuff that makes Andrew Tate, Andrew Tate. Basically, to generalize Tate's points, he said men want women with low or no body count, which I guess is cool. And Chian's case was that women should be able to have as much sex as men, again, cool I guess.
So that got me thinking: Does body count really matter? Well, here's my take on it: no, it doesn't matter, BUT (and there's a big but), you have to be able to accept both the pros and cons of having a large body count, and vice versa. Right? Because everything has pros and cons.
So here's how I'm looking at it: let's say you have a girl with a body count of 50, and she's dating a guy with a body count of 10. Just play this one scenario so you can see kind of what the vibe is of what I'm thinking. So one way that scenario can go is that they both don't care and they can now use their experience and grow together, maybe bringing about a truly intimate relationship because they were both open and secure enough to expose their likes and dislikes, they get to experiment to see what works and what doesn't. Seems like a good situation, right? But if you agree that something like this is possible, then you have to agree that the opposite is possible. Maybe the guy might feel insecure - is my stroke game good enough? Is my dick big enough? Etc. And the same goes for the girl if the situation was reversed. The girl could also feel insecure about their partner's body count - maybe she feels insecure on a physical level, like does he like my boobs or my hair color? Or on an emotional level - does he love me as much as his ex? It really goes both ways.
So, if that's the case, does body count really matter? The question really is, when you ask that question, are you secure with yourself to hear the answer no matter how high or low that number is? And to the person answering the question, are you secure enough to tell the real answer? I would much rather you be truthful to yourself and to each other, because if something like a body count is something you can't handle, maybe you need to really look at yourself and the relationship to see if you're really in it for the reason you say you are. But what do I know? I'm just a random sucker who just wants to spew my own garbage onto the world. LOL."
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thespectrespecss · 1 year
Yet another Taylor Swift-titled blog. Dear self, if you're reading this sometime in the future, today, you discovered and accepted that everything isn't always what it seems, and anything is possible in prayer. But you realize more that everything isn't what it seems. Clarity is kindness. So, even with your own actions, it pays to be careful. *sigh*
Anyway, hi. After my well-intended sapilitang rest, I couldn't find the time to blog to accomplish backlogs for ministry. But I have recently been having good devotion times, especially following John Bevere's Wilderness Lesson Series. I really am getting a good revelation on the wilderness season with this series. It gives me more reason to be grateful for the things I have, where I am, and the people I'm with now. It's not a feel-good series, though. I feel so convicted, seen, exposed, and called out... God has a way of speaking the right words to you at the right time and season. It's up to you how you'll receive it. In my case, I'm at a "stubborn-kid-covering-her-ears" phase. Hehe. Not something I'm proud of. There's just this irrational fear of having to go through what I have to go through. Suntukan with Holy Spirit. But I know I'm kept steady by my loving Heavenly Father. Makulit lang si anteh. Just really praying for more strength to overcome. So much of what's in front of me is in a blur to almost zero visibility. It's like stepping into a void where you don't know where you're going or what's going to happen; am I going to get lost in an endless void? Am I going to be entering a parallel universe where we all get to live perfectly holy? Am I going to suddenly enter hell? Will I be seeing aliens? Endless questions, but God reveals in parts... and so I have no idea but I have impressions here and there. What are we doing now, God? How are we going to do this? Are we coming in slowly, carefully, gently? Or are we plunging in with a big splash? My mind is a mess right now. Still, I put my trust in the one who has already gone before me. Someone who has already seen what is ahead will guide me and be with me, lighting my path.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. - Psalm 23:4
I am thankful to be in this kind of intimacy with the one who knows me best. Grabe, God! Mahal mo 'ko?
*Sigh* So how about I recap some stuff that happened the past few days to put them here for memoriezzzz.
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After my rest, I joined the painting day to prepare for our upcoming kids conference. I am proud to say I drew the things on these boards, plus 3 more boards with faces with different emotions. Almost forgot how happy coloring things make me. Also, I never knew I could do big art! This was a first, and it filled me up so much! Happy I got to do something I love for the ministry I love.
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Discovered a new cafe. It's so perfect for co-working. Also got cool music played at just the right time. They usually blast Taylor Swift, perfect for my emo afternoons while working. Sometimes, they'll play my guilty pleasure opm (adie, arthur nery, etc). They also have very friendly crew. Coffee is an 8/10 for me-- nothing special but it doesn't taste bad. I also like their iced teas-- perfect for when I can't drink coffee after 3PM (hack to sleeping early). Hoping fewer people go here haha. Really enjoy just having my peace, quiet, and coffee here.
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Started Saturday by people-watching as I waited for my friend to walk into the Prophetic Masterclass we're having in the church near this area. A little stoked with how the day will turn out but also a little nervous with what God is about to reveal. Agck. See next pic for a glimpse of the revelation...
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Yep. Got this tattooed on my wrist in March and got prayed for Fear to be out of my body and out of my system during the sessions. I really felt as if good physically pulled something out of me. It was momentous and I always get in awe of God's peace and comfort when he just makes me tangibly feel all these.
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Got a little distracted in the class because of this lady's cute earrings. I mean, LOOK AT IT!!! ORANGES!!!!! I love it so much. It's obviously handcrafted so it makes me love it more.
I really had a good week this week. I'm about to do some egress/ingress for some stuff to be transported from one mall to another for tomorrow's service... But I am so grateful for rest. Even when they had to threaten me to do it. I feel bad not being able to help but knew I needed the rest.
Thank God for always sustaining me even when I can't stand out of exhaustion. He's the best and I wouldn't ask for anything else. I just love being in his presence.
Loved this week, really. Thanking God for Rest. <3 --- Here's a selfie to cap this
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
I just happen to think about fanservice or acting it out for the camera a lot lately. I'm going to unfollow the jikook tags most probably after this, too much mess in my head. But I just wanted to share this and maybe seek an opinion.
Many say that jikook is fanservice but many also say that if it's fanservice then they should be given Oscar. But again many say that they are the worst at acting and that's when we get obvious jikook moments.
So my question is if they are bad at acting and controlling their emotions, how are they able to act platonic 90% of the time, if they are couple? It's just the 10% we see as suspicious couple moments.
The question itself is like an infinity loop in my head...
Jikook-bad at acting-hence couple vibes/flirting.
Jikook-good at acting-hence fanservice and nothing to see there.
I'm doubting myself at the moment for joining BTS fandom this year. The stuff on internet is too too much. I want to be less exposed to their personal lives (bombs, behind scenes, memories...) and be only exposed to their music (like 1D or Taylor Swift). In fact I never even knew Larry was a thing until I came to know about BTS ships. Possibly because I was younger during one direction time and I didn't explore much. Taylor and Harry thing I knew but again I didn't research much or follow blogs the way I am doing for jikook 😂
Ah I'm going crazy... Anyway if this makes sense, please do let me know your thoughts on "acting" thing. You can edit out the mention of other artists if that's against your blog guidelines.
Hello. You sound stressed. Take a few deep breathes and relax. To start, don't get so overly invested that you cause yourself any type of mental strain or stress or anxiety. Remember that the relationship we have with BTS is a parasocial one. They don't technically owe us anything. If it would be best for your mental health to take some steps back and only focus on their music, do so! There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you ever just need to talk, we are here for you! 💜 there is a lot of content as well as a lot of music out there, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by it all.
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Second, I would advise you as well to follow through on the plan unfollowing all of the jikook tags or any others. Curating your timeline, either here or Twitter or any SM sites is so important. There are literally millions of fans in this fandom and there is a very loud and very toxic minority. Follow the accounts you like and that you trust and that puts out good content and remains respectful in their opinions. The only tags on here that I follow are ones for my favorite book series, that way my home page is only the people I follow popping up or book quotes/art. And on Twitter, I follow the tags for the artists and that's it. My timeline is curated pretty well to people who I want to see on there.
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Third, BTS do not really do fanservice. They used to in the very early years, but not any more. They really do pride themselves on showing ARMY true and genuine interactions and genuine emotion and how they truly feel. It's important to them and it's part of what makes them so special with all the extra content they share. Dismissing their bonds (any of them) as fanservice is truly very disrespectful and i wouldn't pay much attention to the people who try to say that BTS are acting when they do things together. I would recommend you read my posts about BTS & Fanservice from my masterlist to get more detailed information about that. There are 4 posts total about fanservice, they are under the important posts/asks topic. I'll link that whole topic post here:
Yes. Jimin is for sure the worst actor in the group. Jungkook isn't much better. So, no, they aren't acting. I will also say that i disagree that they act platonic 90% of the time. But I'll also say that they don't act LOUD all the time, which is what can be mistaken for platonic. I don't know how old you are or what your relationship experience looks like. You talking about One Direction and being too young makes me feel old and I'm still young dammit. I was in high-school during the big 1D craze. I didn't get into them too much, but I did enjoy some of their songs. Besides the point. Relationships are not over the top loud declarations of love 24/7. Not even half the time. Especially not when you are with a bunch of other people, which is where we usually see Jikook, surrounded by their friends and their Staff. And even then, they sometimes very much so come off as THAT couple that can't stop making everyone else feel like they are third wheeling.
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To put into perspective, lets make it personal. I've known my husband for 11 years (similar to the time frame KM have known each other.) We met and became best friends when I was 15 (close to the same age JK was). We were best friends for 2 years, before we had our first kiss at 17 (similar to the whole friends to Lovers thing KM supposedly have going on). It took another 6 months after that for him to ask me to his girlfriend, of which we made out those entire 6 months and went on "dates" and none of our friends even suspected that things changed between us until we told them we were together and confessed to have been figuring things out for the past few months. We then got married at 19 years old. We have now been married for 6 years. We are ANYTHING but platonic. Platonic moments does not negate all the none platonic moments. Lovers CAN be best friends and have simple best friend moments too. In fact, I would say that having your lover also be your best friend would make that relationship stronger and give you a much firmer foundation to grow upon. I cannot tell you the amount of silliness and just friends things my husband and I do. Doesn't change the fact that I'm so in love with him I don't know what to do with myself sometimes. Silliness over what anime to watch next or shouting matches of "you suck, you lose" whenever someone wins whichever stupid bet we placed or the race that was suggested doesn't change the fact that we enjoy each other in very non platonic ways. Him playing video games in the other room and me sitting here typing up a blog post while listening to music and us having no interaction for the past few hours doesn't negate our marriage.
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Silly dances and Goofing off just continues to show their close bond, the way they have fun together. It's not acting or hiding their feelings, it's still all there. Being in love doesn't mean you are constantly melting into a puddle or trying trying cop a feel. Lol sometimes it means having fun with your best friend. Sometimes it means having fun separately with your other friends or doing your own thing and coming back together later at home and getting to talk about it or relax. And the best friend moments don't take away from the romantic ones or all the SK couples traditions they have done together, if anything, they add to it.
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Hope this makes sense and helped a little bit. Maybe help break that infinity loop going on in your head too? If you ever want to talk about it more, you are more than welcome to DM me. Sorry for rambling, but you should all know by now.... this is just what I do here 😂 again, thanks for the ask. Hope you check out those fanservice posts! Hope this helped! You can of course form your own opinions on things and what you think KM are or aren't. Or just simply, let it be and not worry too much over it. 💜
Hope everyone has good day/night!
PS. For anyone who is a reader... Percy and Annabeth from the PJO series is the ultimate friends to Lovers romance in a fictional world and so sweet. Lol plus, they have oodles of what could be considered only platonic moments and they are still such an iconic OTP
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beauty-and-passion · 3 years
Hi! First of all, I really love your theories and analyses! They are just so smart and clever!! And as a question, what do you like/love about all the sides (what you find interesting/or just entertaining, stuff like that!) you are great!
Awww, anon, you bring sunshine and joy in my heart <3
What do I like about the Sides? Oh boy, there are a lot of things I will list here in random order:
- Their nature. They are metaphysical embodiments of incredibly huge and important concepts. There is a lot that can be said and done, with them. There are a lot of possibilities, connections, analyses. They have a lot to offer, in terms of food for thoughts.
- Their potential. There are still a lot of details we don't know about them. Is Logan the embodiment of Thomas' curiosity too? Was Virgil Paranoia? Have Roman and Remus ever created something together? Can their creations come in contact? Do they even share the same room? Does the Imagination exist?
- Their flaws. Nothing makes a character more realistic than flaws. And I'm not talking about stupid, inconsistent flaws that disappear two minutes later or unrealistic flaws like "too big eyes" (I saw this in a published book. Just saying).
The Sides' flaws are always present and realistic. It makes sense that Patton is strict with morals, because that's literally who he is. It makes sense that Roman and Logan are both proud and stubborn. Heck, it even makes sense that Virgil is a bit of a hypocrite and refuses to give a chance to the dark Sides, because his past and his nature justify that.
- Their humbleness. The Sides aren't just proud assholes who believe they are always right no matter what. They are humble enough to recognize their mistakes, accept them and, even more important, apologize. Why is Roman so great, despite being the one who is (almost) always wrong? Because he can recognize his mistakes, accept them and apologize. And this makes him very human and very sympathetic, because he's just like everyone else.
- Their passion. They love their work So. Much. You can clearly see how Roman lights up when he's creating, how Logan's voice becomes more lively when he can talk about what he knows, how happy Patton is when he has a new idea.
Same goes for the dark bois: Virgil is always very involved in whatever Thomas does, Remus is excited whenever he exposes a new idea and Janus has always done everything to protect Thomas and take care of his mental health, without a single word of protest.
- Their affection. They all love Thomas in a way that's wonderfully heartwarming. They literally take the trope of "men are not supposed to show emotions" and nudge it down an endless flight of stairs - as it should be. It's very refreshing to see them being affectionate, each in his own way.
- Their puns. These boys are hilarious and I love everything about them, from Patton's terrible puns, to Janus' sarcasm, to Remus being just Remus. They are great, Your Honor.
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messinwitheddie · 2 years
why can’t i follow if i’m a minor? /lh
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Hon, look at my old crone self. I'm 32, pushing 33. If I wanted to interact with teens, I wouldn't have had an abortion when I was in my 20's. It's a boundary I have set in place for a reason. I appreciate it if people would actually respect it.
(This is the rude way to answer that question. I try not to be rude to youngins, so allow me to try to word this answer better.)
To be fair, when most people go through my blog, they don't see a lot of graphic images of nudity or sex acts or anything, so they don't understand why I set that boundary.
The drawings and/or dialogues I post are usually pretty cutesy and tame,
(Notice the pause)
on the occasions that I DO post anything dark, violent, sexual or possibly problematic/triggering in nature, I don't want minors with developing brains coming at me with metaphorical pitchforks because they don't have the ability to analyze the mature content they expose themselves to critically.
There are plenty of adults who are incapable of doing that too and reach for their pitchforks but still. I can tell another adult to pull their thumb out if their mouth, go change their diaper and fuck off without the slightest twinge of guilt.
For some context, not only did I grow up in the early lawless days of the internet, my parents did not believe in censoring anything for children... like AT ALL. (Not saying that's a good or bad thing, that's just the reality of it).
Go ahead watch the Puppet Master movie marathon, but if you wake me up crying because you had a nightmare ever again, I'll kill you and make another kid (My mom's exact words). My mom sat us kids down to watch Schindler's List when we were todlers because she had no other way to really explain my great Papa's ptsd and why sometimes we couldn't stay around him too long. My dad used to watch the MAN Show with Adam Corolla and Jimmy Kimmel when my brother and I were elementary school age, playing in the living room (they ended every show with girls in bikinis jumping on trampolines). If we asked a question about sex or something, my parents would answer it, sometimes with diagrams. There are dozens of other examples; you get the idea.
I try to be responsible and tag things appropriately, but because of my upbringing, I have no way of really gaging what minors can handle and what they can't. I don't feel it's my responsibility to protect anyone when I draw and write. I draw and write to process my own emotions and experiences.. and because I genuinely enjoy it.
Sometimes I draw nudes, or tell dirty and or dark jokes, or curse or discuss troubling topics like substance or suicidal thoughts, childhood trauma (things I persinally struggle with), ect, ect.
I have very limited free time to dedicate to my fandom hobby. I don't have time, focus or energy to check and make sure every person following me isn't a minor, hence why I requests that if you are in fact a minor, please do not follow me.
If someone who is a minor chooses to disregard my boundary, please do so with your own digression. Keep in mind, I am an adult and I do post some NSFW stuff. Also, I have the option to block anyone if they cause me headaches.
Usually if a minor follows me, they're respectful and it's not an issue. I won't make it an issue, but I still keep the request on my profile page.
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impaladolan · 4 years
Home Alone - Grayson Dolan
summary: after a long week of work, y/n needs some sort of relaxation and relief. although, her outlook on relieving her frustrations isn’t what grayson had in mind...
warnings: tid bit fluffy, swearing, vibrator use, & smut
a/n: been in my unfinished drafts for a bit..
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"Are you sure you don't want to tag along, baby?" Grayson longingly questioned, his brows crinkled and his lips almost forming a pout.
"I haven't been able to do laundry all week. God knows it won't get done unless I do it now." Y/N chuckles, balancing a full basket of freshly dried clothes on her hip, watching her lover wrap his fist around the front door's handle.
Every other weekend, at the Dolan residences, the two brothers, and sometimes their wives, would gather with some of their friends and watch their favorite football teams. And later on, they'd play board games or watch some movies. Normally, Y/N would be the one begging Grayson to hurry up and get ready to attend the biweekly event, except this time.
Y/N has different plans...
It had been a brutal week at work, her boss was currently taking out her "divorce emotions" on her employees and Y/N was getting the rougher end of it. She was relieved when it was finally the weekend and she could stress clean, calm her nerves in some sort of self efficient way and relax after a tough couple days.
She hadn't even had the thought of a sexual release, until she had dreamt multiple naughty scenarios just last night during her deep slumber. She couldn't exactly pinpoint what all she had dreamed, but she remembers waking up with a dripping arousal and a sore ache at her very center. And though her husband was laid right next to her, perfectly capable of satisfying her womanly needs, she decided using other resources would be a better fit.
Don't get her wrong, she loves being pleasured by the only man who knows exactly how to, but she felt embarrassed. She didn't want to come across as a sex-crazed women to Grayson, even though it would never make a difference to him.
They're married, for goodness sake.
"I can stay back and help out. We could even have our own little movie night if you wanted," He began, releasing his hand from the door and taking a few steps toward Y/N, whose lips turned into a cheesy smile as he drew closer to her.
"Just you and me," He took the basket filled with clothes from her hip and set it on the floor, intertwining his large hands with her smaller ones, eliciting a short laugh from Y/N. He brought her closer to his frontside, creating a ballroom dance-like formation and began shuffling around with her in his arms. Like an old married couple, they slowly danced around the room, him twirling her in his grasp while Y/N admirably gazed upon him.
Her cheeks were rosy with admiration, finding his little act of affection adorable. "You get easily distracted, huh?" Y/N grinned, resting her chin happily on his shoulder, his minuscule beard hairs tickling certain parts of her neck.
"Well, you looked too pretty over here by yourself," He softly explained against her ear. "And I wanted to dance around a room with a beautiful woman like you. So, I am." He lowered his hands beneath her and slew her into a romantic dip, planting a sweet kiss upon her lips. She returned one back, feeling her heart grow two sizes larger, much like the Grinch movie portrays, if anything.
"Grayson, I know how much you enjoy football, especially with the boys," She was only making excuses, but he had tempted her to just cuddle on the couch all day and watch plethoras of movies and munch on various snacks. But the low rattle in the depths her core was motioning her in a different way, and she just couldn't survive the rest of the day without fixing her little problem.
"Hmm, you're right. But when I get back, we're ordering take out and watching movies. Got it?" He chuckles, bringing the both of them back up into a standing position.
"M'hm, be safe." Y/N smiles, planting another kiss on her lover's lips before leaving his warmth. She waved goodbye to him as he left their abode, sweetly grinning as she went back to finishing up the laundry before the real reason she was staying home, would begin.
Though the couple's intimate relations seemed innocent and loving, they each had a different side to them, specifically in the bedroom.
The two never shied away from new experiences and would most certainly dabble into different areas of the "sex world," if you will. They, of course, had their preferences and different kinks, but Y/N seemed to be more open and freeing for that sort of stuff.
For the different occasions that they felt a bit more lustful and yearning for one another, they kept a locked trunk of knickknacks in their closet. You see, that's the one Grayson knows about, but Y/N keeps a smaller one, filled to the brim with all of her own toys, in a section of her closet that he never really pays attention to. If he had any idea that she kept self-pleasuring items for her own uses, he'd be absolutely ballistic.
Thankfully, he doesn't...
The moment Y/N threw the last bits of dirty laundry left, into the washer, she practically sprinted to their shared bedroom. After rummaging through the trunk filled with "accessories," she found a nice, pretty pink vibrator to do the trick, as well as a black silk blindfold to shield her own eyes. She was already rid of her clothes and sprawled across the wide bed in an instance, tying the piece of cloth over her eyes. 
Though, unbeknownst to Y/N, Grayson was already on his way back home. As soon as he had pulled into his brother's driveway, they had called to cancel— a certain emergency about something Grayson didn't really pay attention to listen to. He was thrilled that he didn't have to leave Y/N at home, all by herself to do chores all day. And luckily, their houses weren't too far apart from each other, so Grayson was back home within fifteen minutes of leaving it.
He didn't feel the need to text Y/N, she was probably busy anyway and possibly wouldn't respond. He figured she would hear the garage door open and expect that he was already home.
Little does he know...
As soon as he was parked and out of his vehicle, Grayson was trudging down stairs to the laundry room, in search of Y/N. He was surprised that she wasn't there, but he figured she might just be folding on the couch, trying to get ahead on one of the TV series the two were drawn into.
Grayson chuckles as he makes his way back upstairs, though his brows curtly furrow, his ears almost perking at the muffled sounds coming from the hallway.
Their shared room, to be precise.
With a pondering look upon his face, he kicks off his shoes and makes his way towards his bedroom, quietly twisting the door handle and pushing it inward. He opens the door wide enough to secretly look inside, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness that enveloped the entire expanse. The noises he had heard only seconds ago were more prominent, and his eyes had fallen on the object creating the aroused sounds;
She was laid out on their bed, legs wide open and shaking while her hands were constantly pressuring a fucking sex toy against her soaked pussy. Grayson froze, pure anger washing over him and turning his face a turbulent shade of red, washing away his pleasant mood. He almost stormed in there, ready to rip the stupid machine away from her hands and show her what a real orgasm feels like.
But he somehow contained himself, and instead, watched the scene play out in front of his very own eyes, vexation spilling from his entire countenance.
Y/N didn't hear the garage door open and close, or even the beep of Grayson's truck when he locked it.  She hadn't even heard his feet stomping up and down the stairs, or his lingering chuckles. She was so caught up in how she was feeling.
The artificial vibrations that buzzed upon her core made the world around her so euphoric and heavenly. She'd brush the toy upon her clit, forcing her entire body shake with deep pleasure and a soft moan to emit from her mouth. It felt so nice, and she was so close to the brink of releasing.
She was already feeling better, and naughty. If Grayson were to find her this way, masturbating  freely in the open and satisfying herself, she would never live to see another day. But she didn't care at this point, she just wanted to finally cum.
And she was extremely close.
Her hips began to buckle, while her backside rose from the bed and her free hand twisted at the sheets beneath her. "Mm- just a little more—" Her entire core was pulsating, so fucking close to just letting go.
So close..
"Don't fucking cum yet, slut." Grayson's voice boomed throughout the room, making Y/N's movements freeze in terror and shock. Before she could think of some sort of explanation or reasoning as to what she's doing, her blindfold is ripped from her eyes, while the vibrator that was once nuzzled up on her pussy, was taken away as well. Now, she felt so empty and wanting, edged to an almost release.
"Jesus- You're fucking dripping, for fucksake." His tone was harsh, and Y/N felt like crying. She held onto her tears as she watched him examine the drenched vibrator, still buzzing in his hands. Out of the loss of contact, she began to whine, squeezing her thighs together to create at least a little bit of friction.
"Grayson, please—" She began to huff, but her shuttering voice was interrupted by the aggravated man pacing in front of her.
"I don't think I fucking asked you to talk, did I?" He glared at her, though just the sight of Y/N's exposed body made him shudder with a tinge of want.
Against his wishes, Y/N continued her whines, her breathing still ragged and finally her own hand traveling down to her soaked heat. She didn't care if she'd be in more trouble, she just needed to unravel the knot inside her, whether she'd pay for that mistake later or if not.
She didn't get far, because Grayson caught her wrist before it made it all the way down to her center, and brought it up to the headboard. He wrapped a leather strip around both of her wrists, mumbling incoherent spews of anger, doing the same with her ankles against the bedposts.
"I-I, I thought you were gonna watch football.." She began, but a low growl sounded from Grayson, and the blindfold was placed back over her eyes, while a different type of cloth was shoved in her mouth. Y/N feels the numbing slap across her thigh before hearing the connection's sound, an exasperated scream muffling out of her filled mouth.
"I'd stop talking if I were you. Unless you want to be choked by Daddy’s fucking cock, darling." His voice rattled her insides, and she dared not to make another sound, already dug far too deep in a hole anyway. "Get ready princess, m'gonna edge the fuck out of you. Maybe then, you'll remember to ask me for permission to use your fucking toys." His voice soon faded from her ears as a higher vibration than before was nudged right up against her swollen clit, making her figure convulse in imploding pleasure.
It took an entire hour for Grayson to edge Y/N twelve fucking times. She was a mess, sweat droplets dotting her hairline while her pussy remained in slippery shambles. He didn't say a word, and Y/N held her tongue from shouting profanities after the several losses of contact. She hadn't came yet, but if she didn't soon— she would find a way to get out of her restraints and finish off what she had started herself.
It had been several minutes since Grayson had pulled her to the brink of an orgasm, and she was starting to think that he'd never come back. She had heard the sound of a zipper earlier, and she couldn't tell if he was doing something to ease his own pain while she laid there, so high strung and breathless. She was about to call out his name, but the warmth of his tongue wrapped around her bundle of nerves and she let out an exasperated sigh, pulling on the cuffs tied around her wrists.
He slipped his tongue in skillful motions, his hands pushing up underneath her thighs as he lapped up her liquids. Y/N was so sensitive to touch, anything that remotely stroked her could heighten her arousal and make her lust for more.
Within seconds, her hips were shaking and her back arched above the mattress, her toes curling under the pressure. And his voice finally sang the heavenly words she had been waiting for the entire time;
"Cum, princess."
Y/N released all over his lips, a high-pitched scream sounding from her mouth as she finally unravels, her legs bucking against their restraints. She spits out the cloth from her mouth and heavily breathes, murmuring praises to the man between her legs.
"I'm sorry, Grayson."
a/n: did this completely suck? i haven’t really written in third person in awhile, so i need honest opinions..
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Another person who wanted to stay anonymous. Angelina deserved better😢.
Request: 41 with Madame Red please?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, pregnancy, possessiveness, obsessiveness, overprotectiveness, paranoia
Prompt 41: “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll look cute with a swollen stomach carrying our child.”
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It seemed to be early afternoon when you finally woke up, bright sunlight hitting you right in your face and making you pull the sheets over your head, whining something about it being too bright in here. You had for once a morning where you didn't have a terrible morning sickness which had more than just once kept you from just enjoying the warmth of the bed and not having to lean over the toilet and feeling miserable. You didn't blame it on the child though.
Angelina wasn't next to you, the place next to you was already cold which must have meant that she had left a while ago, as quietly as possible so she wouldn't wake you up. She had been so happy when you had agreed that you wanted to have children as well and were ready for a test-tube fertilization as well. You knew from Angelina's terrible backstory and how she had lost in a horrible accident her husband, her baby and her ability to have children. And you knew just as much with how much sadness and envy she always looked at other people who were playing with their children. There had been so much pain in those red eyes.
But all of that had seemed to disappear when both of you had received the news that the fertilization had been a success and that you were pregnant. Angelina had cried tears of joy when hearing the news and the rest of the day you had been showered with kisses and praises, the joy and hope in her face had made you feel like you had just done the best thing that you could have done for her, next to having come into her life in the first place of course.
Since both of you had received the news, about one month had passed by and currently you were, according to An herself, in your eleventh week of pregnancy and you were sure that your stomach had already started to swell the tiniest bit, you knew in the following weeks it would continue growing and growing and you knew that it would lead An to being even more touchy than she was already.
You felt like she had gotten ever since more careful with you, more than she had been already. You couldn't blame her, you guessed that after what had happened to her, she was a bit paranoid over you. It wasn't like she treated you bad, she did everything for you and you didn't really have to move a muscle, especially know that you were carrying. But maybe she was a bit too suffocating since you needed your space from time to time too and now that you were pregnant your hormones would start the one day or another to go crazy which meant mood swings.
Still, you weren't angry with her. Your anger always faded away the moment you saw her sincere and joyful smile, exposing her true beauty. And you looked forward to having a small baby as well, you had confidence that the baby would have a good life and would be treated with much love, Angelina would never let anything harm the baby or you.
Maybe you were the tiniest bit nervous about all the months to come, but that was normal. Pregnancy was not something to take lightly and you had already heard so many stories about labor pain that had managed to make you anxious, not wanting to experience the waves of agony washing over you for hours straight. It was in the nature of a human that they feared pain and wanted to avoid it. It made you feel scared as well, but you had to be couragous now. Currently you weren't only taking responsibility for yourself, but for the life inside of you as well.
A soft knock was suddenly heard on the door, causing you to turn around in bed, still wrapped up in the sheets like a caterpillar in a cocoon. It was delightfully warm and you were lazy, your body had slowly started to feel more heavy and tired recently and An had explained to you that this was completely normal whilst carrying a child since it took a lot of energy.
The door was slowly slid open, Angelina's face peeking in, wanting to look whether you were already awake or not. She smiled softly when she saw you neing burried in the sheets, only the upper part of your face being visible, the rest hidden under the blanket. "So you finally woke up. Did you sleep well?", she asked, closing the door behind her and walking over to you, sitting down next to you and carressing your hair.
"I didn't storm this morning to the toilet so I slept well, it is already afternoon after all.", you replied, sitting slowly up and letting a yawn out. "That's good to hear that the little one didn't make too much troubles today." She had a warm look in her eyes when saying this, one of her hands placing itself on your stomach and rubbing over it slightly.
"What do you think it will be? A boy or a girl?", she asked in a mellow tone. You let out a small huff. "How should I know? Is there something you would prefer?", you asked her, looking with a fond look down your stomach as well. "No. I will love them, no matter gender.", she responded and you knew that she meant it. "But I feel like it might be a girl."
You tilted your head a bit, giving her a surprised look. "Why do you think so?" Angelina shrugged her shoulders a bit, looking like she didn't know herself. "It is just my intuition telling me that it will be a girl." The thought of a little daughter filled you with a warm tingling, already imagining how much An would love the little princess.
"If you are already that sure that it will be a girl, what do you think would be a good name for her?", you asked, starting to think about possible names that you could name the little one. You wanted a name that had a meaning, something unique and special, just like the girl. When you said this, the woman suddenly seemed to hesitate for a bit, telling you that something was bothering her. "An, what is it?", you asked worriedly, grabbing her one hand that was still resting on your stomach.
"I...was thinking of naming her...Rachel.", she replied after a while slowly, the words seeming to cause her pain. And your eyes widened shocked when you heard the name she had thought about, knowing instantly what this was all about. "Rachel after your dead sister?" Her red eyes met yours, a unsure, but also decided look in them and she gave you a short nod.
"Rachel...", you murmured the name, glancing shortly down at your still flat stomach before you returned your gaze to hers, giving he a reassuring grin and nodding. "Why not? It is a pretty name. Fitting for a pretty girl. But what if it is a boy?"
"I will let you choose the name for a boy since I already suggested one for a girl. Any ideas?" You let out a sigh, chewing on your lips a bit whilst listening in your head all possible names that you could think off in that moment. But not one seemed to amaze you. "I don't know. There are so many, but not one of them seems to be to my liking.", you whined, making An laugh a bit. "You still got time darling. No need to stress out. I'm sure you'll choose a name befitting for a handsome young boy."
A short moment of silence came over you two, but it wasn't awkward in the least bit, it was relaxing and soothing, Angelina pulling her closer to you and you pressed yourself gladly against her, enjoying the closeness to her. A feint scent of tea and food was hanging on her clothes, you guessed she had prepared breakfast for you downstairs. "Do you think everything will be fine?", you decided to ask her after a while, needing to let this question finally out of your mind.
"Are you scared?" You hummed a bit, feeling the doubts in you stirring up now that you had finally spoken up about it. "It's normal to be unsure about the pregnancy, no matter if it's the first time or not. Nevertheless, I will ensure personally that everything will be alright. You don't have to worry, I will protect you and the child. I won't let anything harm you two. I won't."
When she said the last sentence, you felt her body tensing up slightly and her grip tightening a bit around you, flashbacks filling her mind and mixing bad feelings and old pain up in her. But you trusted her when she said those words, feeling like you shouldn't be so down and insecure about all of this. Especially since An had already gone through so much you felt like you shouldn't make her worry because you were scared.
"What about my belly and the way my body will change?" You meant to change the topic a bit, but you were surprised by how insecure you sounded when hearing you saying this, taking not only Agelina by surprise. "(y/n)...do you worry about how you will look these following months?"
You blinked a bit, forming an answer in your head before letting out a small sigh. "Maybe a bit. I'm just worried that I might become a bit too hard to deal with during the next few months. I truly don't want to make you worry since you already do so much for me. I...kind of feel like I might become a burden."
"Then I want you to know here and now that this couldn't be more wrong. You are anything, but a burden for me.", she protested, sounding a bit angered that you were thinking like this. "I do all of this gladly and whatever troubles I will go through, I'll do it to make sure that both you and the baby will be fine. I will protect my family with everything I can and can't do. Understood?"
The passion and emotions in her voice struck your heart in a painfully touching way which led you to tear up a bit, but maybe these were already your hormones making you more sensible. "Sure, sorry for saying stuff like this. Instead of worrying about such things, I should start feeling more happy and thankful for all I have."
"It's alright. You're just being a bit anxious. But I'll be here for you whenever you need me," , she reassured you with a gentle voice, pressing a kiss against your temple. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll look cute with a swollen stomach carrying our child."
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