#so they see us being in sync bouncing off each other and loving like an old married couple
dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
Love you writing, though i don't have a favorite Alfred's boy is in my current list to reread. I had an idea that i saw about Dick and his taste in partners and Jazz fits the type competent red heads. Anyway my prompt is Dick gathering his exes (Wally, Babs, and Kori) to meet help him woo his current crush Jazz Fenton. From there it could btanch off many different ways like Jazz showing off Wack Fenton shenanigans or maybe like midway he sees one of his brothers making more progress with their crush on Danny. Or adding a twist of a deaged Dani or Danny.
"Don't make it obvious, but she just walked in," Dick whispers to his friends. However, Babs is the only one who actually listens since both Wally and Kori nearly break their necks by how fast they turn around.
A woman with long, fiery hair walks in with an adorable pair of five-year-old twins. She again carries the books the teens had borrowed and makes a beeline for the return box.
Like clockwork, once the books are returned to the metal box, the twins tug her toward the astronomy section, babbling about star facts in perfect sync.
Her hair bounces with each step, swinging behind her like a waterfall made of sunsets.
It was her long smooth hair that had first captured Dick's attention (he has a type sue him) when the small family had first started appearing at Gotham's public library. He had been bringing Babs some lunch that day, hidden behind the counter so Babs' boss wouldn't see him, and had been in prime position to watch one of the twins flout up to reach a book on the top shelf.
He was intrigued by the boy's apparent meta abilities, but what really surprised him was how easily he used his powers. Maybe it was due to his young age or how the woman didn't discourage his powers.
She reminded him to use "Indoor flying" in the same tone he heard parents tell their kids to use their "indoor voice". Metas weren't as rare as people wanted them to be but to see someone so casual about them was.
It was honestly uplifting to see a family so open about it. The little girl with her also seems to be a meta, for not even minutes later, she phases through an aisle instead of walking around, and the woman doesn't even bat an eye.
She only sticks her hand out the aisle to tell the little girl to not walk away from the science fiction section.
Dick hadn't been able to take his eyes off her, even when she made the little girl blow her nose using tissue from her purse or when she had started lecturing the children for running around in a foreign language.
Since then, he has returned to visit Babs every Thursday at two. The woman would bring the twins every week at the same time and even thought Dick had attempted to walk over to her, it seemed as if the universe it self got in the way.
She would get a call. The kids would need the bathroom. She began reading to the children, or they would rush in and out. He didn't want to come off as creepy, so he didn't follow her around, only watching her when she wandered back into sight.
To avoid being a creep, he also refrained from asking Babs any information about her. He wanted to introduce himself to the Libary goddess himself.
He found himself daydreaming of her. Fantastic conversations and dates. Could even picture introducing her to Bruce and the others. It wasn't long before he let it slip about his fast-developing crush to his friends- and exes- who were excited to see the first civilian he's ever been interested in.
Walley and Kori had strong-armed him into bringing them along this week, insisting they could help him speak to her. It's not that Dick couldn't. It's been so long since he genuinely wanted to flirt with a civilian.
He long ago mastered the art of flirting, but it was to make a watered-down version of Brucie Wayne. It was nothing but a mask to keep his second life a secret. He was worried he had gotten too used to dating heroes and would scare her off before they could really be something.
"I said don't make it obvious!" He hisses as Babs chuckles. She is typing away on her laptop, not bothering to raise her eyes as she waves her hand.
"Relax, they aren't even looking at us."
"She's gorgeous!" Kori gasps.
"She's a redhead," Wally observes with a smirk. "Why am I not surprised? Who are the little ones?"
"Her younger siblings," Babs answers, surprising Dick. He had thought she was their mother by the way she behaved. He had been a bit worried she was married or already had a boyfriend, but if she had been a single mother, he would be happy and willing to step in as a father. "The whole family just moved to Gotham. Their parents are opening a new business here I think."
"What kind of business?" he asks, his eyes tracing the way her face lights up with a laugh. He can't hear what the little boy says, but it must have been humorous since she is chuckling for a while with him.
His heart flutters a little. He's never seen a smile so perfect and genuine before.
"Ecto-research and Ecto-defenses," Babs says with a straight face.
"What is that?" Kori asks, leaning on the counter to read over Bab's shoulder. Technically she shouldn't be sitting on the counter like this, nor should Dick or Wally be on the other side with Babs, but her boss was out for the day.
And Bruce owned the building.
"I'm not sure. I've been trying to look into it since Jazz told me about it on Monday." Babs replies, clicking between a webpage titled Fenton Works and Ectobeings. "It's not that they hidden the information, but it's a bit out there. The term ghost appears a lot, so I'm assuming they are ghost hunters and researchers."
"A daughter of ghost hunters.....almost as odd as a son of circus performers." Wally nudges Dick with his elbow, making the other smile, even if he blushes a little when the little girl snaps her gaze at them. "You have a change, Wonder Boy!"
"Please don't call me that. People are going to think I'm associated with Wonder Woman."
"Please, as if Wonder Woman would waste her time on you," Wally laughs, then leans closer. "I bet you could ask her about the family business over dinner."
"That would be a great opener," Kori agrees. "From my personal experience, men become much more attractive if they show interest in my family business."
"Your family business was being royal warlords," Babs tells her, which makes Kori stand up with pride.
"We had a long history of battle!"
Dick opens his mouth to answer, only to have a young voice cut him off. "You're royalty, too?"
In shock, he glances down, not realizing the little girl had sneaked up on them. She blinks large blue eyes at him with an innocent expression that only children this young can make. She is holding a book about the fictional Prince Dorathea and her tales of the Dragon necklace.
It was a new young adult novel by an anonymous author, taking the fantasy genre by storm. Dick should know since he was obsessed with reading the series too.
"I am. Princess Kori, heir to the throne." Kori tells her with a smile. She had never been that worried about her secret identity even though she appeared human right now- she was wearing a glamor necklace that Zatanna had whipped up for her so she could walk around like a regular person. She then winks, "Don't tell the government."
The little girl nods seriously as if she would take the secret to the grave. She's adorable. "I won't. I'm hiding from them too."
"Why's that?"
"I'm a princess." She says, lowering her voice into a stage whisper. Dick's heart melts. "My brother's the king."
"Danielle Fenton, what did I say about wandering around?" The goddess herself demands, striding over to them. Floating behind her is the little boy staring at the adults with wide, gleeful eyes.
Instead of becoming scared of a scolding like most children, Danielle throws a fist into the air. "I shall not be contained!"
The woman snorts. "I'll ground you."
"Let's not be too hasty," Danielle answers quickly as the little boy starts laughing, slowly turning in the air with his laughter. Dick watches, intrigued. It almost seems as if he was lying in an invisible hammock.
The redhead rolls her eyes, turning her gaze to the rest of the adults with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about her."
"No worries, Jazz. Danielle wasn't a bother, but you should listen to your sister and not walk around alone." The last part is directed at the little girl who starts to float upwards. "By the way, these are my friends. Wally, Kori, and Dick."
"Nice to meet you all." Jazz replies, and Dick can only offer her a wave as his tongue seems to have become lead. What is wrong with him?! "I'm Jasmine Fenton but call me Jazz. This is Danny and Danielle. Can we check these books out?"
"Sure. Guys, move out of the way for a bit." As Babs helps her, Wally yanks Dick to the side.
"Dude, are you okay?"
" I think I'm in love."
"Oh no." Says Kori with wide eyes. "We lost him.
None of the three notices the glowing blue eyes of a flouting little boy watching their huddle, nor do they notice the immense power resting behind such a youthful face.
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firehose118 · 29 days
i need to try to find the words to use
QPR buddietommy
Chapters 12 & 13: on queerplatonic relationships, demisexuality, and found families
“I did it!” Evan announces as he bursts into the loft. Even fresh off a 24-hour shift, he has energy to spare.
Tommy is starting dinner while Eddie watches from the island, sipping a beer. They had been deep in a discussion about the current baseball season before Evan had interrupted. Tommy looks up from the vegetables he’s chopping to see his boyfriend practically wagging his tail as he bounces towards him grinning, his arms open like a toddler.
“What’d you do, baby?” Tommy can’t help but smile fondly as he puts the knife down and allows Evan to pull him into a tight hug.
Evan ignores his question, giving him a smacking—almost comical—kiss before untangling himself and turning to Eddie.
“Eddie,” he says. He walks over to where Eddie is sitting and takes his face between his hands. “I did it.”
“So I’ve heard,” Eddie says, one eyebrow raised and an expression overflowing with fondness. “What did you do?”
“I figured us out. I figured- I found- Eddie, it’s-” Evan is smiling so hard he can’t form a sentence. He’s so beautiful like this: pure sunshine radiating out of his face. His dimples are showing and his cheeks are rosy.
“Breathe, Evan,” Tommy reminds him, amused.
Truly, Tommy loves all sides of Evan, but this is his favorite one. Happy, effervescent; positively bubbling over with so much love he can’t keep it inside of himself. It pulls Tommy into Evan’s orbit, allows him to feel even a shadow of the joy that Evan is bursting with.
Eddie is clearly getting excited too. He and Evan feed off each other sometimes when they get like this. It’s incredible to watch; to see two people so in sync that one can get excited just from the other one being excited, even if they don’t quite understand why. Tommy, as ever, just feels lucky to have a front-row seat.
“I’m gonna send- fuck, I should’ve done this before I came in but I didn’t want to ruin the surprise, hold on.” Evan takes his phone out and starts tapping away at it.
Moments later, a link to a Wikipedia page appears in their group chat.
Eddie’s eyebrows furrow. “Queerplatonic relationship. What’s that?”
“Eddie, that’s us. We’re- did you know that Abraham Lincoln-”
“Woah, woah, give me a second to at least read the summary before you start talking about presidents, Buck,” Eddie laughs.
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
omg I love luke but cant find any fanfics of him! maybe more luke smut+fluff? reader comes to the diner and annoys luke while he's working so he takes her upstairs and asks why she's being a brat then spicy stuff? If you're not up to writing this, or if its out of your comfort zone, no problem, I get it. :) 💕
hello, I agree that there's nothing on luke. he's so underrated, haha, and it sucks. I hope you like this, and I apologise for taking so long.
summary - reader is a little brat and likes to piss luke off while he's at work, he decides to teach her a lesson.
warning - smut.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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“Luke! Lukeeee!” Y/n whines, her cute little nose scrunches as she stares down the burly man. She begins to kick her legs back and forth, swirling the straw around the now-empty milkshake glass. Y/n smirks when she thinks of something. She slowly takes the straw out and spins to where Luke is standing. The man stands tall as he takes someone’s order. The way he looks in his jeans and flannel causes her cunt to throb. “Luke! You better give me attention! Or I’mma throw this!” When he continues to ignore her, Y/n shrugs.
Whispering to herself, “well, no one can say I didn’t warn him.” She holds the straw up, aims before launching it toward him, and watches as it bounces off his head. Y/n throws her hands up, “Yes!” Before her eyes widen, she gives Luke a bashful smile as he turns and glares at her, taking long strides to where she is sitting, grabbing her by the bicep, and dragging her to his room upstairs, not before leaving his cook in charge.
“Hey! Hey! Calm down, buddy! Careful with the merchandise! I’m fragile!” Y/n’s words fall on deaf ears, Luke’s brows furrowed, and the usual scowl on his face is now more prominent. The moment they enter his room, he lets go of her, slamming the door closed before turning and glaring.
“What the hell was that?! Do you not see I’m trying to run a diner?!” Luke stalks forward, his blue eyes pierce through Y/n’s as she proceeds to back away. She feels terrified but incredibly horny, as her knickers are entirely soaked, never having seen Luke get this mad. “Why are you being such a brat today? Do you really need my attention all the time?” The moment she’s backed into a corner, Luke gets close enough that they feel each other’s body heat. 
“I–I”, Y/n gulps, her mind too jumbled being so close to him. 
“What? Now you know when to shut up?” He growls, grabbing the small woman and lifting her, so her legs wrap around his waist. He takes her over to his bed and throws her onto the soft mattress before climbing on top. “Are you going to be a good girl for me? Or should I punish you for how you were behaving?” Y/n shakes her head as she whines softly, her hands grabbing and gripping whatever and wherever she can, eyes pleading as her plump lips are pouted.
“I wanna be your good girl, only ever want to be your good girl.” She leans forward and places a passionate kiss on his lips, a moan falling from her mouth when she feels him grind his bulge against her core. Their lips move in sync with each other. Luke reaches down and quickly unzips his jeans, pulling out his throbbing member. His thick, veiny hand moves under Y/n’s dress and pulls her knickers to the side, directing the tip of his cock to her slick folds.
A whimper falls from Y/n’s lips when his tip catches her swollen clit. Her small hands grip his back as he directs his cock to her entrance and pushes in. Her mouth falls into a silent moan, and her eyes roll to the back of her head. The feeling of him stretching her out feels like heaven. Luke thrusts deep inside Y/n’s tight cunt, grunting as her walls squeeze him. “You feel good, sweetheart. I don’t think I’ll last long with you squeezing me like that.” 
“P–please move!” She moans when Luke begins to pound into her. The sounds of skin slapping fill the room as he leans on his elbows, staring down at his girl before looking between their bodies and grunting. His balls tighten as he watches his thick member thrust in and out of her tight cunt, the base covered in her cream as she pulsates around him, her nails digging into his back as she cums. “Fuck! Luke!”
He falls forward, capturing her in a kiss as he pounds into her until his hips begin to stutter, his balls tighten, burying himself deep into her cunt. Luke lets go, and spurts of his thick white cum fill Y/n up. There’s so much that it begins to flow out of her and onto the sheets. Luke slowly pulls out. He gets up and grabs a warm damp towel, cleaning himself and Y/n up before bringing her into a deep kiss. 
“You ever be a brat again, and it won’t be like this next time.” Luke leaves Y/n lying there, fucked out, as he heads back down to the diner.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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mama-scarebear · 9 months
Are you up for a little Christmas fantasy? 🎄I hope you will forgive this being a bit late for Christmas 🙈
I slowly bat my eyes open to the sound of your voice. It’s early Christmas morning, you always seem to wake up much earlier than me, even on Christmas. “Princess it’s time to get up” you say softly with a musical tone to your voice. I feel your hand start to rub my back, making its way down as I slowly regain awareness. I start to roll over to face you when you stop and remind me, “uh uh Mommy’s gotta check your little pull-up first.” I feel cool air at my back and upper legs as you yank my Christmas themed PJ bottoms down. No matter how many times I’ve felt you do this I can’t help but blush each time. I hide my face in my tiny deer stuffie. I feel your fingers claw into my pull-up, invading the leakguards at the crotch. You take your time feeling the inside of the padding, purposely brushing against my most sensitive parts, making me squirm a little. I can feel you smirk. You love how reactive my body is to even your slightest touch. I then feel you pull the top of the pull-up back exposing my bottom to your prying eyes. Knowing deep down you’re disappointed to find me completely clean & dry.
I’m thrown off & unsettled by your lack of comment or threat. You simply pull my PJ bottoms back up & cheerfully remind me it’s Christmas morning. “Do you want to go see if Santa left you any presents under the tree?” All concern leaves my little brain and all I can think is YAY PRESENTS 🎁😄. Such an easily distracted baby. I basically hop up, deer stuffie tucked under my arm, as I almost start running to the living room where our tree is set-up. I’m super anxious right before stepping into the living room not knowing if I made the Nice List this year. I haven’t been the best behaved per se.
I can’t help but jump up and down in place & grin wildly when I see not just one but over 10 presents of all different shapes & sizes, beautifully wrapped and tucked under the tree. I’m so caught up in my own bliss I don’t even notice you still trailing behind me smiling, watching me bounce up & down in excitement in my babish looking Christmas PJs. A soft crinkle is audible, synced to my jumping. You giggle to yourself silently. I’m brought back down to reality by hearing you approach from behind, your hand coming to rest on my little bum. “Mommy loves seeing you so excited little girl,” you say while give me soft pats on my pull-up clad bottom, “do you want to open them?” You ask already knowing the obvious answer, but you like me to use my manners. I excitedly exclaim, “yes, please Mommy, can I open my presents?” I focus my pleading eyes on yours as I smile. “Ye-“ you can barely get the word out before I rush over to the tree. I kneel & have just enough sense to set my deer stuffie gently down beside me before I hungrily grab at the first present. I barely notice Mama pour herself a cup of coffee before sauntering over & seating herself on the couch facing me. You can barely contain your internal excitement at the show you’re about the watch.
I rip & tear the frozen themed Christmas paper off to reveal a nondiscript white box. It’s taped pretty good, but I make quick work of it. I’m wondering if it’s filled with the new coloring books, video games, vibrator or Disney themed stuffies I put on my list to Santa. I flip open the top of the box & pause. My facial expression changes from one of wondrous joy to a wide-eyed, mouth-gaping expression. You chime in with a sickeningly cheerful voice, “what’d you get princess?! Hold it up for Mommy to see.” I whine, “b-but this isn’t what I wanted” I clamor as I shakily hold up what I know to be a Chasity belt designed to fit over diapers. You cover your mouth to hide a giggle, not wanting the baby to get suspicious. “Must have been a mistake, baby, why don’t you just open another one?” You encourage. I drop the belt, reinvigorated at the prospect of other presents to open. I tear open another & another & another until I’m down to my last present. My face says it all; slight frown, teary eyes, shoulders slumped, head hung low. Oh & did I forget to mention very rosy red cheeks, burning with embarrassment. I am surrounded by torn Christmas wrapping paper & open presents, but they did not seem like gifts to me. In addition to the diaper-accommodating Chasity belt, there were booties that felt soft & looked cute, but had sharp spikes covering the inside bottom, locking mittens, a large dog cage, a pacifier with a locking strap, a cane & a pink straight jacket. I thought to myself when the fuck did Santa become a sadist? What is going on? This is so unfair. I don’t want any of this stuff.
Mommy interrupts my silent thoughts. “Aww what’s wrong baby you still have one left! That probably has all the things you asked for in it.” You mask your smile behind a sip of coffee. I feel hopeful again & begin tearing at the paper on the last present. I finally wedge the box open, lift the tissue paper & instantly start crying. I blush so hard I almost feel like my head is going to explode from the heat on my face & I slam the lid back down on top of the box. “I don’t want this. I don’t want any of this!” I shout. I look up at you & see your eyes studying me crumpled on the floor at your feet caught in the midst of what could only be described as a temper tantrum. Meeting your eyes makes me remember myself. Knowing your disdain for disrespect & yelling I resort to silently crying.
You look down on me wearing a wicked grin, “I guess someone didn’t make the Nice List this year after all, huh princess?” You say mockingly. “B-but” I stammer “I didn’t get-t any coal. I-I got presents, lot-ts & lot-ts of presents” I whine trying to make sense of it all. You giggle & smile, “aww baby you really shouldn’t believe everything you hear in the stories Mommy reads to you. What happens when little girls are naughty?” I look away as I quietly answer, “ugh they get um punished-d” I trail off the end of the answer. You curtly respond, “mhmm they get punished by who?” I cover my face with my hands as I squeak out, “they get punished by mommy.” You stand up from the couch, put your mug down, walk over to me & firmly pull my hands away from my face. Nothing turns you on quite like seeing me blush & become unwound in front of your eyes. “Well when little girls like you are bad they end up on Santa’s Naughty List. Instead of giving you coal, which is useless, Santa gives mommies and daddies presents they can use to punish their babies for their naughty behavior over the past year. So I guess it’s a very Merry Christmas for Mommy, huh?” The triumph in your voice is unmistakable. I am flabbergasted, how could this be? I feel more tears well up in my eyes. My fear & (against my wishes) my arousal begins to steeply rise.
“Now I didn’t get to see what my last present was because you threw your little temper tantrum.” I groan regretting that now more than ever surrounded by instruments of torture. “I want you to show Mommy her present” you request, a demanding tone to your voice. I hesitate briefly before shakily grabbing the box & sliding it over towards you. Knowing the humiliating items that lie inside. “Come on baby, I want you to show Mommy” emphasis placed on the word show. I groan loudly. I whine, re-bury my face into my hands & shake my head no. You chide, “well looks like we know why someone didn’t make the Nice List this year,” rubbing it in. I can’t respond or do anything but whine & bury my face deeper into my hands, wanting to disappear into the floor. “What has got my princess so blushy she can’t even speak, hmm?” I hear you open the box & the crinkle of the tissue paper inside. Ugh god I feel like I might die, the anticipation of knowing what she’s going to find inside is unbearable. I pathetically plead, my hands muffling my voice, “please no Mommy! Please don’t look!” I should have known better as that just made you want to look even more. I can feel you grinning, sensing your desire & arousal heighten. “Look baby” you then easily overpower my resistance & pull my hands away from my face. “Unless you want a crash course in all of these fun presents Mommy got from Santa I suggest you don’t try and hide your face again, understood?” Under your gaze I unravel, unable to disobey, “y-yes M-mommy.” I glance down & instantly regret it as the feared items were now neatly laid out in front of me. My eyes betray me & run across all the items, examining them. From left to right there was a big red bag with a long nozzle & double balloons on the end, a bag of soft chew laxatives with cartoonish characters on the front, a bottle of magnesium citrate, a big box of glycerin suppositories, a large butt plug adorned with a pink jewel & lastly, to put together the horrifying ensemble, a pair of bright pink, locking plastic pants with the words “Mommy’s Poopy Princess” printed in large font on the back. I couldn’t speak, couldn’t think clearly. I wanted to get up & run away but I couldn’t move. Mommy’s voice brakes my trance, “Wow, I’m impressed. Santa must know my princess doesn’t like messing her diapers & prefers to resist Mommy & hold it. Well now you won’t be able to hold it at all.” You say with an accomplished smirk. As you start to laugh, my tears begin to fall & my lower lip quivers. “What a great gift for Mommy! Santa really does see everything.” 🎅
I know I’m on the brink of ruin, but I’m also on the brink of cumming in my pull-up that is most definitely no longer dry. Somehow Mommy always gets her way in the end. “Hopefully you can find your way onto the Nice List next year baby, if not, don’t worry Mommy can always use more gifts from Santa.”
- p
Now this is a lovely festive little fantasy but believe me even if my little one was in the naughty list she'd at least get one present she'd enjoy. A lovely little teddy bear. After all she'll need something to cling to while she's being mercilessly punished. Not to mention they make so many lovely plushies with microphones and cameras so Mommy can listen in to your most intimate moments. A little sugar to make all that bitter medicine go down is just my type.
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babblydrabbly · 2 years
Flufftober Day 01 | Eddie Brock x Reader x Venom
a/n - It's finally October! Here's my very first fic. I'll be attempting as many days as I can for @flufftober, and since I'm aiming at all these being under 1k, I'll skip summaries for the shorter ones and just relay the prompts ♡
prompt - wearing each other's clothes
fluff - 700 words - warnings: kissing. established relationship. f!reader. food mention.
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You scrape your fuzzy slippers across the hallway floor and into the kitchen, rubbing at your eyes. You normally slept in on Saturdays like this one, but the not so subtle clanging of cookware had woken you up. Eddie could be heard down on the street outside with the way he was arguing with Venom on his shoulder. The alien supervises with plenty of scrutiny— Eddie’s very own little back seat chef. 
“And what are we fighting about this morning?” You greet, amused.
We are not fighting, pet. We are making breakfast. Venom extends to you and waits for a peck on the cheek. His obsidian form shivers when you meet him halfway and oblige him. Meanwhile, Eddie snorts to himself.
“I’m making breakfast.” He clarifies. You note the strong mix of cinnamon and what you can only assume to be burnt bacon. Venom visibly bristles in protest. Like black kinetic sand in a vacuum.
“Smells interesting.” You smile. You embrace the large man by the shoulders and gladly offer another good morning kiss- this time to Eddie’s lips. You make a pleased sound when he stops to hug you back. 
With his strength and Venom’s combined, it’s always easy to lift you up off your feet a little bit. Setting you back down, you brace your grasp on his waist and note the way he’s bare at the hips.
Finally focusing on your boyfriend, you notice the shirt. 
“Is… Is this mine?” You ask with confusion. You can’t recall Eddie Brock owning the same N*sync shirt as you. In fact, it must be yours with the way it stretches over his broad chest, ending at his navel. It’s almost like a crop top on him. 
“‘M sorry, babe.” He says distractedly. Eddie’s already returning to the stove top before you can process what you’re seeing.
“My shirt… My sandals!” You cry. Your poor flip flops must be crying too with the way Eddie’s larger feet are squished into them. He’s even wearing your favorite fuzzy cap. The large white pom pom bounces around as he moves.  “Why are you wearing my beanie?”
He shrugged. “It was chilly outside.”
“You went out?” You gape. 
“We were gonna make cinnamon rolls, but then I realized y’didn’t have any flour. And I figured while I was out I could just buy the cinnamon rolls in a can. Quicker.”
The can was dangerous. I nearly ripped it to shreds. Venom interjected. You glance incredulously at the bit of raw dough smeared against the edge of the kitchen counter.
Eddied glanced over his shoulder at the mess too. “Warned him it would pop.”
You open your mouth to object against the entire scenario but soon stop yourself. 
You’d be a hypocrite for complaining. How many times have you stolen one of Eddie’s shirts or sweaters? You think you might even have a pair of his super soft boxers in your drawers somewhere.
 And as much as you hate to admit it, given the sorry state your t-shirt will be in if Eddie decides to flex too hard, you like the way it accentuates every ridge of muscle the man has. He just needed a pair of cut-off jean shorts and he’d be ready for summer next year. But the black pajama bottoms would have to do, for now.
You shuffle up behind Eddie and wrap your arms around his exposed stomach. 
“Thank you for making breakfast.” You sigh between his shoulder blades. The journalist reaches around to rub your hip absentmindedly in return. The three of you sway in comfortable silence as you all listen to the bacon sizzle in the pan for a few moments- the oddest image of domestic bliss.
You will love the orange-flavored icing.
“If you left any for her.” Eddie snorts again.
“Ohh, my favorite. How did you know?” You nuzzle your face against the black spot forming on Eddie’s back, long used to the texture of Venom’s ‘skin’ against your own. 
Finally, you stir again before you might actually fall back asleep standing. You yawn deeply and give the air another sniff.
“...Something burning?”
Eddie swears, jerking down toward the oven.
The rolls, Eddie! The rolls!
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cipher-fresh · 9 months
Idr if you’ve mentioned before, but what was your opinion on the whole “bi-generation” thing in the new dr who specials? Ive heard alot of differing opinions on it
I'm split- ha, ha- on how I feel. I don't like it from a Doylist perspective, but I can appreciate it Watsonianly, if that makes sense? I'll go with my negative feelings first.
One one hand, it feels like a very obvious "Bring David Tennant Back" button that RTD can press at any time. A generous interpretation would be that it feels like RTD got too attatched to David Tennant as the Doctor and is too afraid to kill his darling, and only killed him last time because someone was going to showrun after him. Bi-generation denies Ncuti being the focus of his own introduction- (while I do think he stole every scene he was in, its the principle of not having to share his introduction with anyone else, you know?). It's also left semi-unexplained why this even happened, how did the Doctor's body decide the regeneration after 13 was the one where it was official he needed to settle down, and then bi-generate so he could live with Donna and her family? I hate that Fourteen didn't really even "die", and while it seems like he will at some point in the future and merge back into 15, and then become 15- it breaks your immersion and feels super obvious that RTD did this so David Tennant didn't have to die. I'm also not a fan of RTD saying that there are bi-generated versions of every Doctor out there somewhere, all existing at the same time. I like how regeneration acts as death, and that the Doctor has to face that, but here we never get the catharsis of death and rebirth. A less kind interpretation of this decision could say that this might have happened because Disney didn't want RTD killing off the most profitable and popular version of the Doctor from the 21st century, so they can keep using him in spin-offs like that UNIT one that appears to be confirmed.
But in terms of in-universe storytelling, it's really sweet? 14 and 15 are overjoyed by each other's presence and go for that hug immediately, and are wonderfully in sync. David and Ncuti interacting was the absolute highlight of the episode, they bounce off each other perfectly and seeing 15 assure 14 that he'll be okay was very touching. 14 settling down and living with Donna is really nice in a fanfictiony way, you know? I'd love to write about 14 starting to live a human life while still being himself, becoming a part of the Noble family and working on healing from all of his scars, the dead companions and all the people he's failed to save. 14 healing from his trauma and taking a break also gives 15 a blank slate for the show's narrative to get new viewers, and face new threats.
To summarize- bi-generation so 14 can live a domestic life is nice fanfiction, I kind of wish it wasn't canon, but also this is the single most joyous hug I've ever seen in my life
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[ID: Four screenshots of 14 and 15 hugging immiediatwly after the bi-generation, then holding each other's faces. 15 says "So good to see you. Oh, so good!" as Mel looks delighted.
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Two screenshots of 15 comforting 14 after the defeat of the Toymaker, 15 puts an arm around 14's shoulders as 14 puts his head on 15's shoulder. 15 then kisses him on the forehead.
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The two final screenshots are of 14's disappointed face after 15 stops hugging him, then smiling when he hugs 15 again. /End ID]
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i-less-olivia · 2 years
Continuing the Blazing Saddles streak. I’m hyperfixating right now, so here I am, overthinking and overanalyzing an old comedy movie.
I love the upside-down exchange they have in the prison cell because, behind all the satire, slapstick and absurdity that defines Mel Brooks’ movies, the writers and actors still managed to paint a portrait of two characters who are believable as complex, tangible human beings, with issues, wants and needs.
The first few times I watched this scene I didn’t really take in its full impact, mostly because the serious topics it implies tend to remain shielded by the humour of the dialogue. Of course, the obviously significant racial themes are discussed, but there might also be other potential aspects hidden in the dialogue. The understanding of each other’s true nature, the beginnings of a close friendship, perhaps some past experiences resurfacing?
Let’s start, shall we? Keep in mind, most of this is just me trying to interpret their reactions, so it might be speculation on my part.
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“Are we awake?“
Bart has taken his role as Sheriff seriously and is up to the task. He’s cautious, yet professional. If the city itself is a piece of work, who knows what the local prisoner might do.
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“We’re not sure... are we... Black?“
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Straight to the point, but, even when plastered, Jim is never unkind or disrespectful. Just from this simple exchange, you can perceive he’s different fron the rest of the morons of Rock Ridge. He’s the first (and probably only) white person in the movie who doesn’t use the n-word when talking to or about Bart. He’s not afraid, disgusted, outraged or offended. Just surprised, because he knows what the public opinion regarding people of colour was at the time (even though we later see he definitely doesn’t agree with it), and he never thought he’d see a black man become a Sheriff in such a backward place.
“Yes we are.“
A mere statement of fact. Such a simple line, yet so effective. Poor Bart’s probably used to any kind of reaction by this point, almost universally negative. His response is neutral enough, but his expression is dead serious. For a moment, gone is the goofy guy wearing the Gucci purse who was elated to become the town Sheriff, who took himself hostage and later complimented himself for it, who was singing “The Camp Town Ladies” until 30 seconds ago. He’s testing Jim, perhaps even daring him a little. He’s prepared for the worst. The lack of n-word from the prisoner is promising enough, but Bart knows, and so does Jim in that little pregnant pause, that this is a crucial moment for both of them.
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"Then we're awake, but we're very puzzled"
And Jim passes the test. This is also a good time to go back and point out the obvious: while this exchange takes place, they've been bantering, in a prison, with one of them stuck upside down. A delightful first indication of how in sync their personalities and respective natures are. They're both chaotic creatures with a soft center, who found a kindred soul. Bart's wicked sense of humour bounces off Jim's quite naturally and with synergy, and they must notice and enjoy it as well.
"I think I better straighten myself out"
"Do you need any help?"
"... Oh... All I can get"
I'm such a sucker for the respect they show each other from here onward. The Sheriff knows the prisoner's situation is delicate and doesn't ask any questions, just helps straighten Jim out. Jim crowns the exchange with a grateful smile and genuinely thanks him. He also seems vaguely surprised at the notion of someone helping him, but I might be reading too much into it at this point. What's certain is that the slight tension that had been there before has now dissipated.
This moment was crucial for Bart to define the basis of their friendship, similarly to how their heart to heart after the chess match mattered to Jim. Those exchanges made them realize there was someone else who understood them and liked them for who they were, and who they could rely on in a world that could often be cruel.
It helps flesh them out as people and characters in a subtle, but very poignant way.
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bankholdup · 2 years
concrete to leather
pairing: steddie
rating: no rating/general
summary: eddie runs into steve in a place he never expected to find him: a local metal show. inspired by the song "never fight a man with a perm" by the idles, and inspired by the concert i went to last night.
word count: 665
also posted on ao3
And a bag of Charlie Sheen
Eddie knocks his leather-clad shoulders into the people circling and stomping around him, bouncing harshly off the other bodies, pushing the people that fell into him. He loves this part of it all- listening to the local bands perform. Loud, passionate vocals and slamming guitar solos, trashing and releasing all of his pent up energy, getting lost in the music, the crowd, the sweaty, swarming bodies in a mosh pit.
It’s a night like any other for him at the club, that is until his eyes land on a familiar face. A face he never expected to see in a place like this.
A dulcet man with a dulcet tone
From a dulcet town and a dulcet home
Steve Harrington, the Steve Harrington. What a fall from grace. The former King of Hawkins gracing freaks and metal heads with his presence, lost at a concert in Indianapolis.
He hates me
I like that
Two arms like big baseball bats
As much as he doesn’t want to admit it, Eddie has never been immune to the allure of the so-called King Harrington. He used to stare at Steve in class, sneaking glances in the hall and in gym class. Simply looking, just admiring Steve’s strong arms, his build. Eddie always thought Steve was built like an Adonis, made to play sports, made for more, made to fight.
I bark
He bites back
A jaw like a fuck off bear trap
Steve catches his gaze, must have felt someone looking at him. Eddie moved out of the edge of the pit, Steve turned and pushed himself away from the bar. Inexplicably, they began to move towards each other. A silent agreement of recognition in a place neither expected to find the other. As they approached one another, Eddie really took in Steve’s face. His jawline, the way his hair fell, the shadow of a mustache beginning to form. Deep brown eyes staring back into deep brown eyes, taking in the details of the other person’s face. He felt nervous and excited at being in Steve’s space. What did he want? What was he doing here?
He thinks he's suave
You're not suave 'cause you watched Get Carter
You are a catalogue, plastic Sinatra
A tryhard, you should've tried harder
They lingered there for a bit, simply staring as they stood in front of each other. Neither dared to speak or move. Suddenly, both of them were grabbed by the shoulders and hauled into the pit just as the band ramped up on a guitar solo. Eddie moved with the flow, trying to see where Steve was pulled to. He spotted him flailing through, so incredibly obvious that he was wildly out of depth. Eddie moved though the pool of bodies, grabbing Steve by his forearm and yanking them both out and farther away from the pit, into a more secluded part of the venue.
He let Steve catch his breath, get his bearing again. Both of them had gotten sweaty in that short amount of time, heat and alcohol not helping. Steve looked back at Eddie, both of them still panting. Eddie watched him closely, noticed Steve’s gaze kept moving from Eddie’s eyes to his mouth. Eddie licked the sweat off his lips, noticed they were both leaning closer together. 
It was hard to tell who moved first, suddenly Steve had his hands resting on the sides of Eddie’s neck as he kissed him while Eddie grabbed Steve by the waist. They moved in sync, still kissing, until Eddie’s back hit the closest wall. Eddie bit Steve’s lip and used his gasp as an opportunity to deepen the kiss. Both men groaned at the feeling, pulled the other in tighter. 
They kept like that for what felt like hours. Finally, they both separated to get some air. 
“Want to get out of here?” Steve whispered.
“Yeah, definitely.” Eddie replied, taking Steve’s hand and pulling them out the side entrance. 
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chill-reminisce · 2 years
Out Of Place
Chapter 1
A Horse Of A Different Colour
TK knows he is a novice in cohabiting with a lover. When he says it out loud to himself it's hard for him to believe that he has reached the grand age of 27 years and, apart from living by himself, the only other people he has shared an abode with has been his parents. It doesn't bother him, he's not one to follow the New York crowd, but it may have contributed partially towards him asking Alex to marry him- well, less said about that the better. So when Carlos asked him to move into his condo he didn't hesitate- thinking, 'At least it's the right way around this time.' Also the bonus of it being Carlos is that he too is the same age and has never had a live in boyfriend, they could be novices together.
TK understands you don't really know someone until you live with them. The things he has learnt about perfect Carlos since moving in ought to be recorded in the x-files, such as he checks the alarm clock is set religiously before going to sleep but always wakes up before it goes off, he reads trashy romantic novels wearing his bookworm glasses most evenings, he hates lizards, often he will hold off going to pee until the very last second then will run like a child wiggling all the way to the toilet (the amount of lectures EMS TK has bestowed on Carlos about pressure on the bladder he has started sounding like a stuck record). He dances around the kitchen with hypnotic movements every time he cooks pozole, chilaquiles, tostadas- fuck anything Mexican really; it's like it's not authentic unless it's made with a side of booty shaking and foot tapping and oh, has it been mentioned he absolutely hates lizards yet?
TK gets that when you're with someone more constant it's impossible to be on your best behaviour all the time, your guard comes down. Since moving into the condo he gets to see Carlos at his highest and lowest and vice versa. Grumpy Carlos is cute, he really is the worst when it comes to dealing with man flu. He will wrap the duvet around him like a human burrito and hyperbole about how his head is caving in. But when horny Carlos is in full effect it is something else, many a hot nights Carlos pins TK to the bed, spreading over him, open-mouthed frenzied kisses, his body crushing TK into the mattress, Carlos inching into him. Feeling boneless and spent, the aftercare from Carlos (which TK had denied himself in their initial hook ups ) making TK feel just as special as the act of sex- TK gets to have that all on tap now.
And then there are the sides of each other that are slightly irritating, TK can’t help himself smiling when he hears the slurping noises his boyfriend makes when drinking coffee or soup but he knows there will probably come a day when he will have had enough of that sound but for now, ‘Yep, TK's got it bad.’ For Carlos it's the way TK manages to sing so loudly every note out of tune and out of sync when he hears a song on the radio he likes- the condo is not the biggest place and TK's acoustics seem to defy physics bouncing off every soft surface when he sings. Carlos has lost count of the amount of times he has stuck his fingers in his ears. Or the way TK always leaves his clothes on the bathroom floor inches away from the washing basket and puts his dirty towel back on the rail. Carlos used to tell him off in vain but now just goes straight into the bathroom after TK has showered to tidy up. And this is the fundamental difference between them, TK doesn't always tidy up straight away, he's not a messy person by any means but he can get easily side tracked or will get around to it later, it's no biggie, he likes to unwind after a shower. Everyone's got their own way of doing things. Carlos, on the other hand, will not relax until he's cleaned up after himself (and usually TK). 
It's no secret or concealed fact Carlos loves to keep a neat and orderly pad.  Ever since he was a child, he felt safe and in control when his immediate surroundings were clean and in order. Everyone who has walked into Carlos' (whoops) their condo has remarked how everything is in place and just about every nook and cranny is spotless. During many a 126 hangout Paul often remarks it's like chilling in a show room but it isn't a problem. Carlos likes to provide his friends with a safe space to have fun and he is always relaxed and loves having them around. Let the good times in...
Then there is the fire at the condo;
Living with Owen;
TK and Carlos splitting up over the new loft;
The snowstorm;
TK nearly dying;
Getting back together;
TK moving into the loft- TK doesn't know it but there has been a shift.
He didn’t understand, he couldn’t understand at first that there really is a problem. Being the kind of person who likes things to be clean is a positive characteristic, right? When things are in order and in a presentable manner it makes Carlos feel better and less stressed. TK gets it, he's the one that brings chaos into their relationship which, even for a saint, can be too much to handle at times so Carlos likes to stay in control of what he can, their pad. TK also deals with the guilt of rejecting Carlos, he surmises that Carlos just wants the loft to remain perfect for TK and kept the way it was when he first moved in because if the appearance of the loft changes he fears that TK may fall out of love with the place and walkout. TK loves the loft because Carlos is there but he understands how his walking out has played some sort of illusion in Carlos' mind and planted seeds of doubt.
But when does the joy of cleaning become obsessive cleaning?
Lately, upon awakening Carlos immediately starts cleaning the room. TK often wakes up to the sound of the vacuum cleaner hitting the bed frame as Carlos cleans under the bed in case any hair has fallen there while they made love the night before. TK has started to miss languidly lying in Carlos' arms in the mornings as sunlight streaks through the window but Carlos is always nearly absent from the bed before 6am. 
And then there are the rituals that have been developed, Carlos polishes every doorknob in their home before leaving the loft. He tells TK it's a hazard of being a cop, that if they were robbed than it would be easier to identify the intruder's print if they left any as theirs should be the only ones on the handles.
Carlos puts a lot of it down to being a cop. He tells TK the difference between being a firefighter/paramedic is you go in and out of people's places and that's it. As a firefighter the place is often destroyed so it makes no difference what the place looked like before the fire but in Carlos' line of work he has had to stay hours in someone's house/ bedroom searching every inch of it and he gets a sense of who that person is and how they live(d) their life. He has been called to scenes when it looks like the person has just popped out but never returns; the kettle is on, the rubbish hasn't been taken out, the bed is messy, there are used condoms on the bedside table, sex toys left out for their family and friends to see, a week's worth of takeaway boxes etc and that's why he never leaves the loft without making the bed because if something was to ever happen to him he wouldn't want people to come in to his place unkept and thinking he lived like a pig or his mami, for example, to see things a mami doesn't need to see. That actually makes sense to TK, there's a grain of logic there.
But now-a-days when Carlos comes home from a long gruelling shift TK has noticed he starts cleaning more.  He wipes down the shutters with his hands, one by one.  He sometimes goes on to clean and dust for a couple of hours leaving TK feeling some-what neglected. And that's why TK is starting to figure out that there is a much bigger problem, the cleaning is affecting both of their moods. It's like Carlos can't relax until he has done his round of chores. Spontaneous snuggle time has gone out the window because Carlos' mind won't switch off from that plate that needs washing up in the sink until it's done. He’s more than exhausted, yet he will do these things each day, and on his days off, he will diligently clean even more. For some, hours of cleaning every day may not pose a problem, but Carlos is already taxed from a hectic and stressful workday as a Texan first responder.  
The 126 hangouts have become less frequent too. It's not that Carlos has said anything to TK about not inviting the team over but he is not as chilled in them as he used to be. TK will often glance over at Carlos and see he has tuned out. He's not following the conversation but as soon as someone has finished with a glass he has made a bee-line for it and is back in the kitchen washing it out instead of engaging with everyone.
The breaking point for TK is when Carlos starts requesting that he keeps his things only in drawers and not in the living area so not to clutter the place and to perform certain cleaning tasks the same way as Carlos normally does, like cleaning out the sink with a cloth- it should be done in anti clockwise motions which makes no sense to TK. Carlos explains it's because water flows down the drain in that direction so you're following the way the germs are being pushed, Carlos can say it a million times to TK and it still will make zero sense.
The thing is TK loves Carlos more than humanly possible but for TK, even though they live together these last few weeks he has never felt so lonely in his life and his heart is longing for the man he used to know. It's hard to be happy when someone is there in person but they are not there with you in all other aspects, it actually makes the emptiness even more cutting.  TK is starting to carry resentment over the time all this cleaning takes away from their together time and that he is beginning to feel like he is walking on egg shells. Sure Carlos will not say anything when TK puts a cup of coffee directly on the table's surface without a coaster but he feels his boyfriend's eyes bore into him until he moves it. For TK, having to overthink every little bit of whatever he does in their apartment is getting old fast because he is getting little relief. And that's the nail being hit on the head, it no longer feels like their apartment but HIS.
But for TK there's always that nagging voice that maybe he is being a tad bit paranoid and to just go with the flow and let it be. Down to his own stupidity he nearly lost his precious, loving Carlos once, he can't lose him again because with certainty he would lose his own soul if he lost him-however, that's the problem. He feels like he is losing Carlos anyway!
And for TK, how can he let it be when entering the loft is starting to give him palpitations when he returns from his AA meetings to see Carlos cleaning the cupboard under the sink. How many times has he woken up in the middle of the night and Carlos is struggling to sleep because even if he won't voice it, TK can see his mind is ruminating. 
TK knows this can't go on much longer, for one thing the dark circles under those eyes, Carlos truly looks like he is about to collapse from sheer exhaustion and he, himself, feels like he is being held hostage with Carlos' hang-ups. Though wait, Carlos is in denial, so telling him he has OCD is one thing, he'll only become defensive and make excuses. It's terrifying for TK sometimes when Carlos tries to convince him the necessity of what he is doing, it's like his logical thought takes a back seat and it's not Carlos talking but someone else. From the day they met, Carlos has always been the rational, logical one, TK's crutch- TK is scared shitless because he doesn't sense that crutch anymore.
It is just TK is anxious to think of the future because what he accepts now will be the things they will regret further down the line and that line is turning into a thin tattered thread day by day.
So TK puts his plan in motion, he moves the bronze horse statue on the mantle piece slightly towards 90 degrees. Not much and not such that it would bother anyone greatly if they are in their right mind. He could have only been in the bathroom for a few seconds when Carlos came home but by the time he comes out the statue is facing the right way.
Houston...we have a problem.
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 The horse statute is in this photo
Chapter 2
Scattered Pictures
It's like being on a journey without a satnav, or worse still having a satnav but no address to input, Tk doesn't know where to go from here or what approach to take. He leans against their bedroom doorframe nervously chewing on his bottom lip watching Carlos, who is too preoccupied meticulously straightening the pile of magazines on the coffee table to notice his presence. It doesn't feel like he is watching him in real-time. Tk has never felt so helpless. He steps away from the doorframe and into the living room.
"How was your day baby?" TK curses inwards, 'is that the best I can come up with, mind work please.'
Carlos freezes, hunched over the coffee table like a kid being caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He turns deliberately towards his boyfriend, "Fuck Tk...I didn't hear you come out of the bathroom. Do I need to hang a bell around your neck?" Positioned directly under the ceiling light the dark circles under Carlos' eyes seem more pronounced, and TK feels his stomach drop-'How could I have let it get this far?'
Carlos straightens up, walks towards TK and plants a feather like kiss on TK's lips. Not giving away anything, "Slow crime day, thank the lord, just a few minors. And yours?"
Gingerly "Uneventful." 
Carlos suggestively raises an eyebrow, "Let's see about making our evening more eventful. I'm just gonna shower then in a few minutes I'm all yours."
'A few minutes? Are you fucking kidding me!' TK internalizes realising Carlos is boarding on delusional if he thinks he will only spend a few minutes in the bathroom. There are a few things TK knows for sure that every time TK uses the shower after Carlos he notices that half a bottle of shower gel has been used up, the temperature dial is way too high for his skin and there's always the lingering smell of bleach.
Carlos' routine- he'll shower for at least 20 minutes rubbing his skin red raw, then he'll fold-yes FOLD- his dirty clothes before placing them in the laundry basket. Naked, he'll wash the shower and sink down, throw bleach down the toilet then get on his hands and bare knees and scrub the floor with cloths he keeps under the sink. It's not only the towel he has used he'll fold and put in the hamper but he'll change all the towels and flannels in the bathroom. He'll wrap a fresh towel around his waist and only once the wash cloths have been put in a plastic  bag before being placed strategically in the corner of the hamper he's allowed to exit the bathroom. 
Carlos tags on brushing passed TK to head to the shower, "Once done, how's bout I cook us some...."
"No," that came out abruptly and far more urgent than TK had intended. TK instinctively shoots out his hand and grabs Carlos’ arm to stop him, gripping his arm a little too tightly to pull him back. The last thing TK wants is for Carlos to cook tonight; it's not the cooking that is the problem, it's after and the methodical cleaning of the pots, dishes, cutlery until they are shining even before they all go into the dishwasher anyway and then the cleaning of all the surfaces, and then cleaning the surfaces again. If Carlos is allowed anywhere near the kitchen it will mean it will be hours later before Carlos will be focused enough for a heart to heart and by then the night will be lost.
Somewhat surprised Carlos looks down at his arm, "TK, what is this?"
TK realizes and drops his grip. He takes his phone out of his pocket and taps it, "I'll order in or reheat the left over pasta primavera in the fridge, no cooking. You promised me an eventful evening- no distractions."
Carlos seems to accept that as he says no more. The bathroom door shuts, TK can hear the sound of water hitting porcelain enamel before he goes to the couch and collapses on it. He turns and glares at the bronze horse statue. As irrational as it is, TK hates that statue with a passion as if it's all its fault. But TK knows he is projecting and can't get away from his own internal guilt- he is medically trained and yet the person he proclaims to love the most has been falling apart and he has completely missed it. Reflecting, he starts piecing together scattered pictures of the past and it hurts himself to admit the signs have been all there, not only since moving into the loft but way before that- Carlos' need to be perfect, for perfection in his work, the perfect relationship, the perfect place. Unfortunately their relationship had been weighted on focusing on TK's imperfections (his addictions, his commitment issues etc) it left only room for Carlos to take on 'the one who's got it all together for both of them' stance, the 'dependable' Carlos stance, the 'strong' Carlos stance, the 'stoic, balanced' Carlos stance.
Damn, self loathing hits him hard, the urge to use is more stronger than it has been for a long time but he forces that away because picking himself apart is not going to help Carlos any, tonight can not be about himself. Like a bolt of sobering lightening clarity strikes TK as his very own words ring a realisation, "But you know what I didn't consider, is how unsafe you feel and have felt for so much of your life." It's jarringly obvious now, Carlos' apartment had been immaculate right from their very first hook up, surely then something has been going on way before TK came on the scene. Before he can talk himself out of this, with the phone still in his (now trembling) hand, it takes several attempts to hit dial on Andrea's contact.
TK, mijo, this is a nice surprise. How are you?
 I'm fine Mrs Reyes and you?
Bien TK but why are you whispering?
I don't want Carlos to hear.
Is Carlitos ok?
And what is TK supposed to do with that? 'No your son is drowning in his own mind' he wants to scream down the line but can't. Unbeknown to TK when they first started dating is that Carlos is a total 'mommy's boy'. From outwardly appearances he seems independent and self reliant but the truth is the opposite, Carlos lives to please his mother and their bond is water tight~ TK learnt long ago not to question their relationship but to step carefully around the edges. He's noted they are fiercely protective of one another but in a unique Reyes' way, they don't want the other to worry so they tend to hide things if the feel it will cause the other to be upset, embarrassed or stressed; Carlos not telling his parents Tk was his boyfriend at the farmer's market, his mother not telling Carlos her and his father knew TK was his boyfriend from that encounter, Carlos not telling her when TK dumped him, the issue of not talking about Carlos' sexuality when he came out at 17years old and the misconceptions that it led to afterwards were on another level. They want to make each other believe they are living their best life always. It's not the Strand way for sure, TK has never had a problem airing his dirty laundry in front of his parents but there are layers of respect, duty, dignity and pretence that is the Reyes' way that can't be peeled back. At this point TK knows the last person on earth Carlos would ever want worrying about him is his mother, it will only make his anxiety worse. TK likens talking to Andrea to a game of janga, if he goes in too aggressive then the whole structure will collapse.
He's fine Mrs Reyes, he's taking a shower.
 Andrea, mi amor.
 Sorry Andrea....erm Carlos has a birthday coming soon.
 I may have had something to do with that giving birth to him. Is there something you have in mind?
 Not really, I just want to surprise him with a special gift this year to mark our first year in the loft and I was wondering if you can think of anything that would really fit in the loft that would remind him of his Latino roots or something tied to the Reyes' family. The loft looks somewhat clinical and I want it to reflect Carlos' culture more. 
 Ohhh TK let me think.
 You don't have to think of something now, get back to me.
 How-a-bout a piece of Talavera pottery from his tio Antonio's craft shop. We have so many pieces at the ranch and as a child when we'd visit Puebla Carlitos loved spending time watching him working on his pots. I can ask him to design one especially for Carlitos. I mean I agree, that loft does need brightening up, it's like he never grew up in a Mexican family with that dark gloomy colour scheme.
 That's a great idea!
 I'll call Antonio tomorrow, your apartment needs some colour.
 Can't thank you enough Andrea, all I could come up with are boring, domestic things to use around the loft such as a Dyson or something. Not very individual and certainly not romantic.
 Oh I don't know about that, I'm sure Carlitos would love that too, you know how much he loves to clean. The ranch has never been the same since he moved out, to his father's relief. You see Gabriel's a bit of a hoarder, he likes collecting cowboy memorabilia, well he calls them that, I call it tat.
 And Carlos doesn't like any of that?
 He doesn't mind but clutter bothers him, he's been like that since his teens. He was forever putting his papá's things away in cupboards and Gabriel would moan about not being able to find anything. He wouldn't bring friends to the ranch unless it was orderly... (husky laughter)... we did think that was the reason he would never bring girls back to the ranch but now we know differently.
 TK, are you still there?
 Sorry Andrea, I have to go, I can hear Carlos coming out the shower. Thanks for helping with the gift...
TK can still hear in the background the trickle of the shower water but he had to get off the phone to recoup, 'Fuck Carlos, just how long has this been building up?'  He needs some sort of handle on this if he is going to help Carlos. He figures in a way he's been in Carlos' shoes, he knows about addiction and, although this is not exactly the same, he can see similar patterns in Carlos; the need to ease the anxiety due to their own mind, powerful urges that are difficult to resist, doing something that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite the consequences. Laying it out like that makes TK let an exasperated sigh at completely not seeing what was going on under his own nose and thus adding another stamp in the 'crap' boyfriend passport. Regrets have to be swallowed down because for now he has to think of someway to get Carlos to admit he has a problem. Being a recovering addict (the use of the present continuous) he recognizes the road to recovering can only begin after admitting there is a problem, without that there is no path to getting better...he needs to come up with a way to get Carlos to do this.
TK loses sense of time and can't tell how long he he's been sitting there glaring again at that fucking stupid horse statue before he realises the shower is no longer running and the bathroom door is opening. Thinking about how overwhelmed at times Carlos must be makes him want to cry but he has to fight that now. Instead he sits up and waits for Carlos. He can smell him first, the scent of his sandalwood shower gel wafting into the room before there is a familiar dip in couch. TK turns to face him and brings his hands up to frame Carlos’ face so that he can look him squarely in the eyes, "You promised me an eventful evening, let's hope you're a man of your word."
"I am at that." Carlos places his lips on TK's lips and they softly kiss for a moment before it inevitably gets more passionate and a sense of urgency takes over. 
TK starts kissing Carlos on his neck in that spot he knows really turns him on, then plants kisses on Carlos’ chin, behind his ear, next his cheek until he reaches Carlos’ lips where he seductively whispers, “I want you now”. Carlos groans as the kiss deepens even more, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths, while their hands began to run over each other’s body. TK is deliberately getting Carlos worked up to the point to where his desire for TK and his own self pleasure should override most other stimuli.
TK, removing Carlos’ towel and unbuttoning his own jeans, pushes Carlos onto the couch so he is laying on his back then falls on top of Carlos. 
TK, intent in his eyes, “I don’t think we are going to make it to the bedroom.” He gets a sharp gasp from Carlos when he starts rubbing his groin against his.
"I don't think so either."
TK starts playing with Carlos' nipple, he speaks against Carlos' chest, "That plate of pasta I dropped on the kitchen floor and was about to clean up is gonna have to wait, I have other plans." TK can immediately feel Carlos' body stiffen beneath him.
"TK you can't just leave it there." Lying on the couch with TK on of top of him, he can't see the kitchen from this position.
"Forget it-"
"But TK it will take only a minute to clean."
TK running his tongue along Carlos' chest, "It can wait."
"It might stain the ...."
"Shhhhh, I'll get round to it after we're finished here."
"But it will only..."
Agitation has crept into Carlos' voice, "It will only take a minute." And just like that TK lands on the floor as Carlos pushes him off and in four quick strides is in the kitchen naked, eyes frantically searching. TK gets up, brushes himself off and sits on the couch waiting for the inevitable response. "TK, I don't see anything here."
"That's because I lied, I never dropped any pasta, there's nothing to clean up!"
Open mouthed and confused, "But why, why would you lie?"
TK takes a deep steadying breath, "It's the only way I could think of to make you confront it... don't you see, you've just put cleaning up over me, over us, over yourself!  Carlos...baby....sweetheart, I'm no expert but I think you have a real problem," a long pause, "I think you have OCD."
TK had expected Carlos to react to his words by going into fierce denial, telling TK to 'stop shrinking him,' that he was 'exaggerating everything and it was just cleaning up a plate.' He had expected Carlos to be angry at being accused of something 'so trivial and ridiculous', to tell TK he is 'coping fine' and to throw at him 'would he rather live in a pig sty?' To accuse TK of 'being overly dramatic' and that if 'TK cleaned up his own mess for a change then he wouldn't have to do all the cleaning'. Maybe Carlos would get dressed and stomp out the loft pissed and sleep at the ranch for the night. What he did not expect was for Carlos to immediately come undone in front of him. He watches in horror as Carlos' face turns pallid, his back slides down the kitchen cupboard as he crumbles, sinking to the floor. TK, also naked, rushes up off the couch to his boyfriend’s side and swots down to cradle him, pulling his lover's face into his chest. Carlos starts crying uncontrollably in TK's arms and TK begins to rock him. "Shhhhh baby shhhhhh....it's ok, it's going to be ok, I promise, it's going to be ok."
Carlos holds onto TK with a vice like grip, as if his life depends on it.
“Carlos...baby, it's only me. Please, Carlos, please talk to me. I’m so sorry I didn't see how bad things have got for you, I was selfish but I think I finally get it now and I am gonna help you.”
And TK is sorry because he's taken Carlos for granted, he'd taken it for granted that Carlos would always be the dependable, everything figured out one in their dynamics, not leaving Carlos the room to show much vulnerability when the truth is the crushing vulnerability was there all along waiting to surface. TK swears to himself from this moment forth it's all going to change.
 "Carlos, it’s ok. I'm here, I will always be here,” still rocking him, “Whatever it takes, however long. I promise you I am here.” 
Carlos pulls his head up from under TK's chin and looks at him with eyes that burn with anguish, "Do you know how it feels to be in a mind that won't switch off?"
"Tell me, I'm listening."
"I can't do this anymore. I'm just so tired TK, I want to stop. I know there is something wrong with me, I know the voices in my head constantly telling me of the bad consequences that will happen if I don't clean the place have become too loud, I just want them to stop. I'm too tired TK, I'm so tired."
Carlos' voice sounded utterly defeated to TK and if he thought his heart couldn't plummeted any further, he was wrong. Tears stream down TK's face mingling with Carlos' as they land on the kitchen floor, "Baby, you need professional help and I am going to get you that help but I promise you this I will be with you every step of the way. I'll never let you go again." And the way TK holds onto Carlos on the cold kitchen floor as the night wore on, Carlos can feel TK means every word he said.
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circespeaker · 2 years
maybe the fact that we're such star crossed lovers makes our romance blossom in ways it otherwise couldnt
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shawtuzi · 3 years
Our Favorite Girl
i haven't been seeing enough fics with tengen AND the wives so you already know i had to make one myself for the girls so pls enjoy. 
minors dni obvi 18+ content warnings include: fem!reader, polyship, a whole bunch of praise, oral (female receiving), soft!dom tengen, barely any plot i went straight for the smut lol// word count 2.7k+ (if i missed any warnings so sorry)
It started off as a normal job it really did! You were simply a maid for a nice gentleman and his even nicer wives. Yes wives plural. It was a little odd at first but after a couple times being at their house you began to be intrigued by the way they interacted with each other. The wives are all extremely nice and caring about your wellbeing insisting that you work too hard when actually it seemed to be the opposite.
Whenever you broke  the slightest sweat scrubbing the floors Makio would get on her knees and help you, eventually in the process telling you to take a break while she did the rest. While you would be doing the dishes Suma would stop by shyly asking if she can help you, and of course you couldn’t say no so you gave her the job of drying while you washed. Trying to do any job in front of Hinatsuru was pointless. She used to be like Makio helping you then insist you take a break but now she would just simply do it herself. Tengen never disturbed you while you worked but every night when he bid you farewell he would always whisper a soft, “you’re too good to us truly…see you tomorrow Y/N.”
Today was no different. You were cleaning the pool while the three wives were sunbathing practically begging that you ditch the work and soak up the warm sun with them. “C’monnn Y/N we wanna hangout with you” Suma pouted sitting up straight her breasts bouncing lightly as she did so. You gulped looking at her perfect body shaking your head, “I-I really shouldn’t don’t you guys wanna go swimming in a nice clean pool?” you asked while skimming the water. Makio was the next to get up, she walked over to the pool and pushed her sunglasses up  inspecting the pool. “Looks good to me” she smirked turning her head to the other wives, “guys wanna get in the water feels amazing” she yelled, swishing her foot around in the water.
“That sounds like an amazing idea,” Hinatsuru smiled. Getting up she grabbed Suma’s hand bringing her over, “Y/N you should join us we don’t want you to overheat now do we?” she asked, quirking an eyebrow. “No we don’t and she’s already wearing a swimsuit!” Suma piped up hearts practically appearing in her eyes looking at you in your bikini and jean shorts with the button and zipper undone. “C’mon Y/N pleaseee” Suma pouted, giving you those doe eyes you can’t resist. You sighed a small smile coming onto your face, “I mean I guess it is beautiful today.” The wives broke into beaming smiles all getting into the water.
You got in immediately covering yourself with your arms. They were all so damn beautiful and perfectly in shape. Don’t even get me started with Uzui. “Don’t cover yourself love, you’re beautiful” Hinatsuru frowned, pulling your hands away “very beautiful… does your boyfriend ever tell you how beautiful you are?” she asked, referring to your now ex. “Uh we actually broke up” you mumbled, swirling your fingers around in the water.
“Ohh no Y/N what happened?!” Suma cried swimming over to you wrapping her arms around you tightly, she nuzzled her head into your neck and you couldn’t help but feel a warmness in your chest at the affection. Suma pulled away but moved her hands down to your waist keeping a slight grip. “Yes what happened honey” Makio frowned coming over as well, she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear making you shiver. All three women were huddled around you with frowns and sad eyes.
“He wanted me to quit my job here… kept saying I spent too much time here” the three of them in sync raised their eyebrows, looks of disgust washing over their once saddened faces. Before they could interject you spoke again, “it was either quit the job or break up and it looks like I made the right choice. You guys and Uzui care more about me than him” you said, making them break into smiles. “It’s true Y/N! It’s true we care about you so much” Suma spoke and the other wives agreed nodding their heads.
“We really do. Especially our husband, he may not say much in front of you but just know you hold a place in all our hearts” Hinatsuru whispered, rubbing soothing circles on your back, toying with the strings of your bikini every once in a while. “Mhm you’re way more than just a maid to us Y/N, right guys?” Makio spoke not taking her eyes off of you.
The atmosphere was completely different now. It went from a comforting environment to there being tinges of sexual tension in air growing thicker by the second. “I-I care about you guys too and Tengen…so much thank y-” before you could finish your sentence Suma pressed her soft lips against yours making you gasp in surprise. She took the opportunity to shove her tongue in your mouth.
“Sorry about that, you know how Suma can be, she can’t help herself when she wants something” Hinatsuru laughed moving her body behind yours, she brought her hands to your breasts massaging them gently making you moan. “It’s true it's too cute” Makio giggled, pressing a kiss to the side of Suma’s head before bringing her attention to you. She left kisses up and down the side of your neck toying with the waistband of your bikini. “Do you want to go inside? I’m sure it’d be more comfortable” she whispered in your ear nibbling on the lobe. You nodded your head dumbly too distracted in Suma’s sweet kisses.
Fast forward to when they take you to their gigantic master bedroom. You sat on the bed and they made quick work ridding you of your bikini. Makio came behind you untying your top while Suma pulled down your bikini but the sight of your bare chest made her stop in her tracks stopping midthigh. “Oh wow Y/N they’re so pretty” she said bringing her hand up to your right tit brushing her thumb over your nipple. Seconds later she attached her mouth to it, swirling her tongue around your nipple. Suma pulled your bottoms down the rest of the way, once they were off she released your nipple with a lewd ‘pop’.
“Go on, spread your legs darling” Hinatsuru said, kneeling next to Suma. The look she gave you could’ve made you cum right then and there but you held it together slowly spreading your legs making Suma gasp. “O-oh! Y/N your pussy is so pretty isn't it Hinatsuru?” she squealed pressing kisses on the insides of your thighs. “Mhm it is baby” she whispered licking her lips at the sight of your soaked pussy. “May I?” she asked not taking her eyes off your pussy. You nodded slowly, your eyes fluttering shut when you felt Makio leave wet kisses on your neck. She gave you a small smile before licking a stripe up your cunt moaning at the taste of you.
“Mmm she tastes so good here Suma taste” Hinatsuru brought her hand behind Sumas’s neck bringing her in for a sloppy kiss. Hinatsuru pulled away a line of spit connecting their lips, “tastes good yeah?” she whispered and Suma breathlessly nodded, licking her lips. “C-can I have some more?” she asked, bringing her eyes to your dripping pussy. Hinatsuru nodded a smirk coming onto her face, “of course you can baby go ahead.” She pushed Suma’s head gently towards your pussy and Suma wasted no time wrapping her lips around your clit.
You let out a broken moan resting your head back on Makio’s shoulder. “Feel good Y/N?” Makio whispered in your ear leaving gentle kisses on it. “Y-yes oh-!” you squealed out when you felt fingers prod at your entrance. You looked down and saw Hinatsuru spreading your legs open even more, her fingers slowly pushing into you as Suma continued to lap and suck at your clit.
Little did you all know Uzui was leaning against the door taking it the scene before him. It was really a sight to behold. Makio was kissing and sucking at your neck leaving little hickeys as she did so, meanwhile Suma and Hinatsuru were kneeling on the ground playing with your pussy. Suma was licking at your pussy moaning at the taste and Hinatsuru was pushing her fingers in and out of you at a quick pace while rubbing Suma’s clit through her bikini bottoms. And you…
You looked completely blissed out. Your eyes were clenched shut and you hands were fisting the covers beneath you while grinding your hips against Suma’s tongue and Hinatsuru’s fingers.
“I-I’m gonna cum” you whimpered your legs starting to shake from all the pleasure you were receiving. Being the sadist he was, Tengen decided to step in the room ruining your almost perfect orgasm. “Well what do we have here?” he chuckled, taking slow strides towards the bed. “Suma got excited and kissed the girl” Makio giggled, pinching your nipples making you gasp. “My poor baby can never help herself can she?” he smirked, running his fingers gently through Suma’s hair before gripping it roughly pulling her back, “can you?”
“N-no I can’t” she whimpered, making Tengen’s smirk a little wider. “Oh leave her be Uzui, if anything we should be thanking her” Hinatsuru cooed pressing a kiss to Suma’s shoulder. “Now let her get back to what she was doing, poor Y/N was about to cum” she said, dragging her middle and ring finger between your folds. Tengen complied, releasing his grip on Suma’s hair, as soon as he did Suma returned to her place between your thighs licking up your wetness.
Between the wives toying with your body and Tengen’s hard stare you were cumming within minutes your thighs shaking at the intensity. Uzui hummed bringing his hand to your face to caress it lightly, “do my wives make you feel good Y/N?” he questioned brushing his thumb over your bottom lip before shoving it in your mouth. You moaned around his finger nodding slowly. “Would you ladies mind if I joined you?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow. “Yes of course you can!” Suma beamed standing up making quick work to undo his tie and buttoned down shirt. Hinatsuru joined in removing his suit jacket while Makio got on her knees undoing his belt, “my babies are always so helpful” he cooed, pressing a kiss to Hinatsuru’s lips while Suma pressed desperate kisses on his neck.
Makio pulled down his slacks and briefs allowing his already hard cock to be set free. “How long were you watching us perv?” Makio giggled, stroking his cock slowly. He groaned licking his lips, “not long but can you blame me?” he chuckled, patting her on the head. You watched them like you were in a trance rubbing your thighs together to ease the aching between your legs. “Y/N?” you heard Uzui speak up and you quickly brought your attention to him. “I want you to ride me” he bluntly said, making you gulp.
Fast forward once more to you straddling Tengen’s stomach as you hovered above his cock the three wives undressed as well. “It’s okay love we got you” Makio whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. You took a deep breath as you lowered yourself onto him, whimpering at the stinging stretch of him practically splitting you open. “Good girl” Makio giggled, gripping your chin between her fingers and pressed a loving kiss to your lips, “now can you keep being our good girl and make our husband feel good?” she mumbled against your lips and you nodded, grinding your pussy against Tengen making him groan.
Your slow grinding turned into frantic bouncing as you rode Uzui like your life depended on it. Hinatsuru took this as an opportunity to sit on Tengen’s face and he wasted no time licking and slurping at her cunt. “Mmm T-Tengen” she whimpered, finding balance on his hard chest. While the three of you were tangled up in each other Makio had Suma on all fours eating her pussy from the back like a woman starved. You looked over at Makio and bit your lip seeing her wet pussy on display begging to be touched.
You took it upon yourself to slip a finger into her pussy making her moan loudly into Suma’s pussy. “S-so wet” you muttered, sliding another finger in. Uzui wrapped his muscly arms tightly around Hinatsuru’s thighs before bucking into you roughly. “O-oh my gosh” you whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut but not once stopping your quick movements on Makio’s sopping pussy. Hinatsuru pulled you in for a kiss, shoving her tongue in your mouth without warning. The sounds in the room were downright disgusting but it was music to Tengen’s ears hearing his girls feel good.
With the way you were riding his dick he was fighting the urge to put a ring on your finger right then and there. “M’gonna cum” Hinatsuru whimpered against your lips grinding her pussy harder onto Tengen’s face practically suffocating the man. It wasn’t long before she was cumming all over his face, your orgasm soon following along. “Fuuuck” Uzui groaned, feeling you cum all over his cock, your wetness dripping down his balls. He lifted Hinatsuru off his face with ease, licking his lips “tastes amazing as always angel” he smirked winking up at her making her face flush.
“Suma baby come sit on daddy’s dick” he rasped slowly lifting you off of his cock and onto his face. Before he dove him he craned his neck to the other two women, “Hinatsuru take care of Makio my poor baby’s pussy has been neglected for too long.” Hinatsuru nodded obediently before laying next to Uzui she smiled at Makio, “on my face love.” Makio quickly crawled up her chest lowering her pussy onto Hinatsuru’s face, immediately moaning loudly when she felt Hinatsuru wrap her lips around her clit.
“That’s my girl’s” he smirked before bringing his attention to you burying his head in your pussy. He groaned when he felt Suma’s pussy on him, the vibrations making you shiver. “O-oh Uzui feels so good love you so much” Suma whimpered, bringing her hands to your shoulders for balance. “Love you more baby. Love all of you so fucking much even you Y/N wanna make you my wife” he grunted bucking his hips into Suma making her squeal. “Please marry her daddy she’s so fun we l-love her” Makio moaned, threading her fingers into Hinatsuru’s soft hair.
You gasped when you felt Uzui suckle at your clit making your thighs shake, “y-yes wanna be your guys’ wife please make me your wife” you whimpered feeling your orgasm approach. Your words made each of them moan. The effect you had on them was crazy. It wasn’t long before Suma was cumming all over Tengen’s cock with a loud moan almost collapsing from pleasure. Makio and you followed suit cumming all over Hinatsuru and Uzui’s faces soaking them from the nose down.
“F-fuck I’m gonna cum you all know what to do” he rasped making them all squeal. “C’mon Y/N this is our favorite part!” Suma smiled as she got on her knees along with the other wives sticking their tongues out. You quickly followed behind doing the same as them while Tengen stood up aggressively jerking his painfully hard cock. He was cumming seconds making sure each of you had a taste. “Before you swallow I wanna do something” he said before quickly searching for his phone and taking a picture of the beautiful sight before him.
“Swallow” was all he said and you all quickly obeyed, making him smile. “My perfect girls, let’s get into bed Y/N will be staying with us tonight if that’s okay with her of course” he said, making you smile. You nodded quickly following the other wives into the bed. Uzui was in the middle with his arms stretched out and you snuggled into his side while Suma nuzzled her way into the other. Hinatsuru wrapped her arms around Suma while Makio wrapped her arms around you leaving a small kiss on your shoulder.
“Sleep tight angels, I love you all so much.”
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kurosukii · 3 years
𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐡
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pairing: kuroo tetsurou x f!reader
summary: your best friend has been dying to know the guy you’ve been fooling around with since your twenty-first birthday; you wish you could tell her, but the mystery man is no other than her father.
genre: smut, age gap, best friend’s dad au
warnings: 18+. DILF KUROO. dubcon, manipulation, slight somnophilia, spanking, pussyjob, alcohol consumption, dumbification, hair pulling, virginity loss (...social construct), oral (f receiving), overstimulation, size kink, corruption kink, daddy kink, daddy issues, dirty talk, degradation, praise, unprotected sex, nipple play, creampie, cumplay, multiple orgasms, breeding kink, choking, spitting, mating press, clit spanks, begging, fingering, slight exhibitionism, finger sucking, tie kink(?? he makes you wear his tie so...)
word count: 5.2k
author’s note: for @sugawara-sweetheart’s decadence collab! thank you so much for letting me join! shoutout to @stopisa for that ✨lovely✨ dilf convo. (dilf kuroo AAAAAAAAAAAAAA) (let me know if i missed any warnings!) (MINORS DNI)
º thank you @meiansmistress and @ssrated1volleyballplayer for editing and beta reading <33
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[12:24 PM]
“come on! you have to tell me who he is!”
you grip the handle of your spoon harder than normal, hoping your best friend doesn’t see your reaction.
you open your mouth to say something, but she cuts you off with a comment that makes shame and embarrassment burn through your body.
“you guys were really loud last night! well, you were. i didn’t hear so much as a peep from your man—well aside from the occasional murmurs, which i’m pretty sure was dirty talk…” she trails off, looking lost in thought.
you squirm and wince at the wet pool between your legs. the wet pool being cum that he told you to keep warm just before he left.
she sees your discomfort and laughs at your predicament, clearly thinking it was the aftermath of a hard night of fucking—it was, but she didn’t need to know about the sticky cum that was still inside your pussy.
“he clearly fucked your brains out! at least one of us is getting dick!” she exclaims, her lips forming into a pout as she takes her finished bowl of ramen to the sink and rinses it with water.
yeah, you are getting dick—not just anyone’s dick, however, because it’s her father’s.
your stomach churns at the thought, not from disgust, but from guilt and shame. you are way past getting disgusted with what you’re doing and who you’re doing it with.
not when her father never fails to make you cum at least three times in one night, not when he calls you his good girl and cockslut, and certainly not when you called him over last night because you were so pent up and you needed your daddy’s cock.
last night…
“you’re such a cockslut,” kuroo growled, his balls slapping against your ass as he delivered a hard thrust that had you creaming and moaning all over his cock. you bunched the sheets in your hands, wincing with slight discomfort when he folded your body in half while he pounded relentlessly inside you.
“you should see how dumb you look with your eyes all crossed and teary while your tits are bouncing everywhere.”
you squealed when he roughly flipped you on your stomach, large hands grabbing your hips as he entered you once more. he lifted one hand and slapped your ass in sync with his thrusts.
“so drunk on my cock now, huh? can’t live without it, hm?” kuroo taunted you, one hand squeezing your hip while the other spanked your ass until it was burning with pain. you moaned words incoherently, tongue lolling out as drool seeped from the corners of your mouth.
“daddy! more, please!” you moaned loudly, toes curling from the pleasure.
“you’re brave for calling me over, knowing that only a thin wall is separating you from my daughter’s room,” he hissed, pounding your pussy from behind.
“but i guess that doesn’t matter to you anymore as long as i fill this dirty pussy with my. hot. cum—fuck!” he ended each word with a hard thrust, cursing when your tight cunt clamped down on him.
“faster, daddy! your cock’s filling up my pussy so well—oh my god!” you screamed, partly aware that you shouldn’t scream his name, for fear that your debauchery with your best friend’s father would be revealed too soon.
kuroo indulged you, teeth bared as he pushed your back into a deeper arch, making his cock reach places he hadn’t before. you winced when his large cock teased the entrance of your cervix. it was always a trip taking him—no matter how many times he fucked you, his cock always stretched your pussy wide open.
“w-wait, it h-hurts daddy!” you whined, moving forward to escape the brutal thrusts of his hips so you could adjust your position. he growled in disapproval, tightening his grip on your hips as he roughly pulled you back on his dick.
“take my cock. i know you can do it, whore.” he hissed, moving your body back and forth on his cock like you were a fuckdoll. you moaned from both pain and pleasure as kuroo guided your hips, fingers leaving bruises on your skin.
you cried out when kuroo tugged your hair from its roots, pulling your body upright until your back met his sweaty chest. “yeah that’s a good fucking pussy. come on slut, squeeze daddy’s cock,” he whispered in your ear, teeth biting your earlobe.
“d-daddy i can’t—i’m going to cum!” you squealed, voice cracking as your body started shaking from your fast approaching orgasm.
“i’m going to cum too, baby—and don’t you fucking dare waste my cum,” he growled, wrapping his arms around your body.
you fell forward on your shaking arms, sheets bunched tightly in your fingers as moans and whimpers freely fell from your lips.
“i want it to stay inside your dirty cunt until tomorrow,” he ordered you, reaching for your arms and holding your wrists in one hand, the other slapping your already swollen ass.
you cried out when your face was smothered by the sheets, drool staining the pillow as the headboard continuously thumped against the wall. your body shook with his thrusts, breasts swaying with the movement.
“i want you to look my daughter in the eye and have a normal conversation with her—just like you always do—while you’re thinking about how slutty you are with her father’s cum inside your pussy.”
that was last night. a couple hours ago, if you were to be specific, since kuroo fucked you until you passed out on your bed. you only woke up when your best friend practically broke the door down—bed empty of him, thank god—saying that she made lunch. she looked pretty disheveled herself and she blamed it on your headboard hitting the wall all throughout the night.
you buried your face into the pillow to cover your guilty expression, groaning at the movement because your body was aching all over. she laughed and left you to your own devices, still recovering from him.
he has a crazy appetite for a man his age, to be honest. he may be an older man but he fucks like a teenage boy who recently discovered sex and became hypnotized by the pleasure of it. you lost count of how many times your best friend—his daughter—almost caught you and him fucking around in the apartment, their house, and even his car.
it wasn’t always like this though. there was a time when you only saw him as a fatherly figure and not someone who regularly uses you as a cocksleeve.
maybe it was the way he looked so good with a five-o-clock shadow, or how even with salt and pepper hair, he still acted youthfully. perhaps it was his signature cocky grin that lured your younger and more impressionable self towards him.
in truth, it was your daddy issues that led you to him.
you met your best friend the summer after high school. you bonded quickly over your common interests and quickly learned that it was just her and her dad. she confided in you and told you how lonely he was and she hoped that he would meet a nice and loving woman to take care of him. you comforted her and reassured her that he would meet that woman. if you only knew.
you couldn’t help but admit to yourself how envious you were of her and her father’s relationship, seeing as the one with your own was non-existent. you couldn’t wait to meet him, hoping that he would treat you as his second daughter since your best friend was basically your sister.
she failed to tell you—because why would she?—that her father is an attractive and charming specimen of a man his age. his eyes would crinkle at the sides when he laughed and his feline eyes would always look at you with warmth and tenderness.
you sigh as you put your chin on your fist, the sounds of dishwashing and humming filling your ears as you play the events that eventually led to your risky love affair with her dad.
you really feel ashamed, but it wasn’t your fault that her dad is so good to you. from the moment you met him, he made you feel so loved and appreciated. it was obviously innocent and familial at first, until it turned to something darker, more carnal.
his glances gradually became lingering and he started giving you sly winks that left you burning with desire. you tried so hard to fight it too, but you were too weak against his sweet talk and honey voice.
it was a year or two later that he finally made a move on you.
you figured that with a job that caused him to be in constant public eye, he would avoid fooling around with girls that were decades younger than him, but even with the heavy implications of a scandal, it still didn’t stop him from devouring you.
it all started one night when he invited you guys over, claiming that he missed the both of you. your best friend told you to go first because she was going to be out for her tutoring session. you internally shivered at the thought of being alone with him, not knowing what was going to happen once you were confined in a small space.
the sexual tension was so thick when you arrived and next thing you knew, you had your back on the dining table, legs spread in the air, with his mouth sucking and slurping on your pussy. you came with a scream of his name, cumming so hard for the first time in your life that your body ended up convulsing.
he had laughed at how blissed out you looked. “you taste even better than what i imagined, baby. thanks for the meal,” he purred, winking at you and leaving you to process what happened, hand wiping off the juices from his face as he went back to cooking dinner.
his daughter finally showed up and your face burned the entire time, unable to look her in the eye because not only did her father make you cum minutes prior, but he also was a tease and had his fingers inside your panties while talking to her, fingers slowly tracing circles on your clit.
the topic of conversation was your living situation. he was never happy about how the two of you wanted to live alone together because he insisted that it was better if you guys lived with him. at first you thought it was him being overprotective, but you came to understand it was because he wanted easy access to you.
he ended up fucking your throat that night out of sheer frustration, punishing you for being a bad girl and wanting to be away from your daddy.
you partly hoped it was a one time thing, but you were proven wrong when you had a movie night and your best friend dozed off on the long couch housing the three of you.
kuroo was under your blanket and between your legs in an instant. your shorts hung off of one ankle while he pushed your panties to the side.
“daddy! we shouldn’t be doing this—fuck!” you moaned as his lips sucked your clit into his mouth, tongue lapping up your slick.
“guess you just have to be quiet then, kitten,” he teased you. you arched your back and bit your lip to muffle your scream when he inserted a finger in your dripping cunt while his lips played with your clit.
you had no idea how your best friend didn’t wake up to the sounds of your muffled moans and whimpers, but that thought went away when you started riding her father’s face and cumming all over his mouth.
you became needier after that, eventually losing the hesitancy of being pleasured by him. instead, you anticipated the times when he would make you cum.
the deal was sealed on the night of your twenty-first birthday.
night of your birthday…
“hey girl, the postman came and said this was for you!” your friend slurred, clearly having had too much to drink for just a small and intimate celebration for your twenty-first.
you’d been buzzing the whole day, both from the alcohol and anticipation of what was going to happen later. you woke up to numerous happy birthday texts until you came across the one you’ve been so excited to see. your cunt gushed when you saw your daddy’s text, letting out a little moan at what he said.
happy twenty-first, kitten. you better be wearing my gift when i come over because i’m going to fuck your little pussy tonight.
you sucked in a breath as your face flushed. you held the smooth black nondescript box that was elegantly wrapped with a crimson satin ribbon. you had a pretty solid guess of what was inside and your best friend had as well, because she wiggled her eyebrows and teased you. you sighed, like father, like daughter.
how you were still able to look her in the eye after everything you’ve done and what you’re going to do with her dad is beyond you. his mouth, tongue, fingers—soon to be his cock—truly hypnotized and consumed your conscience and only left neediness in its wake.
you ducked your head to hide the embarrassment on your face while the rest of your friends that came over jeered and whistled as you walked towards your room to leave the box on your bed for safekeeping.
you left it sitting in the center of the bed and went back to the living room to enjoy, skin tingling the whole time in anticipation for your daddy...
you closed the door after saying goodbye to the last group of people and turned to your best friend. “thank you for the lovely little get together,” you thanked her shyly.
“you’re welcome, darling, but i’m sure the main event is just about to happen. tone it down a little, yeah?” she smirked at you, eyes glinting with mischief as she giggled on the way to her room.
you sighed, the guilt that was momentarily forgotten reared its head once more when you were finally alone in your room. it went away again when you studied the gift kuroo gave, nimble fingers leaving light touches on the box settled on your lap as you untied the ribbon.
you rummaged through the white crepe paper until you saw pieces of red lace that were as red as the ribbon that tied the box. he always loved the color, so it wasn’t a surprise that the lingerie he gifted you was of the same shade. your fingers shook when you took them out in front of you. these can barely cover anything, you gulped.
you caught a tinge of gold in the corner of your eye and saw that there was a white card peeking out amongst the paper. the card was lined with gold embellishments and there was a short message printed in red.
kitten, wear these for me. - k.t.
and who are you to not follow daddy’s orders?
you placed the garments at your side and set the box on the floor. you began to undress, removing your cotton bra and panties which you threw on the floor, somehow landing inside the open box.
your naked body was exposed to the cool air and you shivered, head buzzing and eyes slightly drooping from the alcohol you consumed. you took the lace with delicate fingers and gasped upon inspection of the panties.
you were taken aback by the design because not only did it lack enough cloth to cover your entire lower region, but they were crotchless. your mouth dried at the obscenity, hazy mind playing images of kuroo rutting into you without having to remove anything.
that was most likely his intention after all. you slowly stood up from the bed and softly moaned at the slickness between your thighs, pussy clearly excited and aching for his dick. you slipped your legs through them and grabbed the matching bra. you moaned when you clipped it on, nipples hardening when the lacy pattern rubbed against them.
you might as well be wearing nothing with the way you barely felt the fabric against your sensitive skin. you yawned as you laid on your back, the numerous glasses of wine you drank finally caught up with you.
you tried to fight it, you really did. but you were fighting a losing battle with your eyes and besides, you were only going to close them for a bit. you’d wake up before your daddy comes over, right?
you ended up dozing off. you woke up with a moan, alcohol already flushed out of your body. you slightly squirmed as you felt something wet on your tits and a moving pressure in your pussy. you slowly opened your eyes and found a large body looming over you.
“do you know how long i’ve been waiting to fuck you?” kuroo asked, lips pulling away from your clothed nipple with a pop when he realized that you were finally awake.
“three fucking years. yet you had the audacity to be asleep when i arrived? i’m going to wreck your slutty pussy, whore,” he growled as he scissored his long fingers inside your pussy faster. you cried out in pleasure, hands reaching for his wrist as you tried to slow his movements.
“d-daddy, i’m sorry!” you cried as you arched your back. he just grunted and removed his wet fingers from your cunt. you whimpered at the loss because his fingers always felt so good when they moved inside of you. he stared you down instead, large hands loosening his red tie—you noticed that it matched the lingerie you were wearing—and promptly removed it.
he bit his lip as he reached down and made you wear it instead, cock twitching in his pants as he reveled at the sight of you wearing his gift, and in his favorite color no less. he unbuttoned his white dress shirt, muscles rippling from the movement.
even though he didn’t play volleyball all that much anymore, he still maintained his toned body. if it weren’t for his salt and pepper hair, you wouldn’t think he was decades older than you. not that it mattered, anyway.
“you look so sexy in red, kitten,” he whispered, the sound of his belt unbuckling mixing with your heavy breathing. you gulped when you saw that he wasn’t wearing any underwear, eyes widening at the sheer size of him. he stepped out of his pants and smirked when he saw your reaction.
“fuck, your pussy is so pretty. can’t believe i waited this long to fuck it,” he hissed as he spread your legs, your crotchless panties baring your pussy to his eyes, making them twitch under his scrutiny.
he groaned as he rubbed his hard cock on your slit between your folds. you moaned at the stimulation, thankful that he didn’t thrust inside immediately because that would’ve been more painful than pleasurable.
“i was e-eighteen when we first met, y-you could’ve fucked me—oh that feels good—any t-time you wanted to, why didn’t you?” you stuttered as you shivered from the pleasure his slick cock was giving you.
you planted your feet flat on the bed as you took hold of his cock and humped it with fervor, moaning at the slick sounds it made with your lower lips.
kuroo hissed at the increase in stimulation, warm hands grabbing the back of your thighs and folding your legs toward your chest as he thrusted faster between your folds. you moaned louder as you let go of his throbbing cock to bunch the sheets in your fingers.
“you know what they say, good things come to those who wait,” he grunted, hips thrusting faster, making your pussy wetter and slicker.
“besides, you were still a shy and innocent girl back then—until i corrupted you, obviously,” he teased you as he moved one hand to your mouth, inserting his fingers between your lips. you moaned as you sucked, slightly tasting yourself on his fingers.
“i don’t think you could’ve handled this big...fat...cock,” he grunted as he clenched his jaw from the pleasure.
“but now? now you’re my little whore who’s about to know what it feels like to get fucked by a man,” he growled, separating himself from your body. you whimpered, arms reaching out for him but he held your wrists in one hand and placed them above your head.
“you’re already dumb when i fuck you with my mouth and fingers...they’re nothing compared to my dick,” he said frankly, fingertips lightly teasing your puffy clit, aching from the lack of release from the continuous stimulation of his cock. he let go of your wrists and moved his hand to your thigh, fingers circling your skin.
“i-i don’t think your cock will f-fit daddy,” you said in a small voice, staring at his twitching cock.
“nonsense baby, i trained you to deepthroat me, remember?” he reminded you, memories of all the times you sucked his cock filling both your minds.
“i’m going to train this pussy as well. you’ll be begging me to never leave your cunt after i’m done with you,” he declared, positioning himself between your legs again.
“now hump my cock again, kitten. faster this time,” he ordered you, fitting his cock between your lower lips once more.
“yeah just like that—fuck,” he groaned when you ground your clit with more force on his shaft. you cried out at the movement, pussy gushing out more of your juices.
“you like that, hm? like how you’re making my cock wet with your slick?” he taunted you, fingers squeezing the skin of your thigh as he rutted his hips faster.
“can’t wait for me to—shit—bottom out in that tight cunt?” he growled, basking in the heat emanating from your pussy.
you moaned loudly, hips rolling as the knot in your lower stomach threatened to burst. your breasts were freely swaying with each movement your hips made. you threw your head back as your mouth fell open, uncaring of the volume of your cries and whimpers.
“i’m cumming, daddy!” you screamed, pussy clenching around nothing as you drenched your daddy’s cock with your cum. kuroo followed suit, groaning loudly when he released his cum all over your stomach, staining the front of your barely-there panties.
“such a dumb cockslut, you came by just humping my cock?” he teased you. your face warmed in embarrassment, hiding your face in the pillows. kuroo chuckled, honey eyes glinting in mischief. well, he came by just humping your pussy, so he was one to talk.
he spread your lower lips, puffy clit exposed to the air. you shivered at the chill but quickly yelped when he spanked your clit a few times.
“d-daddy!” you exclaimed but he just laughed at you. “just wanted to slap your clit, baby,” he chuckled, hand slapping it once more.
you tried to squirm away from his spanks but he held you in place. he held his throbbing cock with one hand and guided it back to your clenching hole. he rubbed the tip against your sensitive clit before inserting his cock in your pussy.
“t-too big daddy!” you cried out, tears forming in your eyes as his cockhead went past your tight muscle.
“shh baby, i know you can do it. you can take my cock, yeah that’s a good girl,” he cooed, palm flat against your stomach with his thumb rubbing the skin. you sucked in a breath as he slowly slipped his cock inside your virgin pussy inch by inch.
“i’m gonna fuck you so good with my fat cock that you won’t even care if my daughter catches us,” he growled when he bottomed out. you whimpered at the force of his sudden thrust and the implication of what he said. he only let you adjust to his large cock for a few moments before he started thrusting lazily.
“you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he taunted you as his thrusts increased in speed and strength. you moaned louder, body shaking with the thrusting of his hips.
“n-no s-stop! she’s going to hear you!” you begged, voice cracking when he folded your body in half. he began pounding ruthlessly into your pussy, the slick sounds of skin meeting skin filling the air and making you lightheaded from the pleasure.
“so? i dare you to scream my name, slut. watch her bust that door down,” he mocked you, hands pushing your knees further up your chest. you whimpered at the stretch, the sounds of the headboard thumping against the shared wall only served to make you clench around your daddy’s cock.
“fuck—how do you think her face would look when she sees you taking my cock like a good little bitch?” he growled when he felt you squeeze his cock. he grunted as he thrusted faster, balls slapping against your ass.
“yeah just like that, you want me to cum inside you? fill this slutty pussy to the brim? fuck my cum so deep into your pussy that you’ll get pregnant?” kuroo groaned, throwing his head back as he felt his abdomen tighten, the signal that his orgasm was fast approaching.
you held your bouncing tits in your hands, his silk tie only adding to your pleasure as it rubbed against your sensitive skin. “n-no please!” you pleaded, tears falling from your eyes.
“you’re on the pill, aren’t you?” he asked, jaw clenching because he was stopping himself from cumming immediately. he wanted to spill all of his load in one go, after all.
“y-yes daddy b-but—!” you squealed, stinging pain blooming in your chest when kuroo pinched your nipple.
“then take my fucking cum, whore,” he demanded, cock throbbing because he was so ready to spill all of his hot cum.
“n-no daddy! please don’t cum inside me!” you screamed, eyes rolling to the back of your head and tongue lolling out as his cock hit your g-spot.
“shut up and take it,” he growled, hands squeezing your waist as his thrusts grew erratic.
he groaned loudly when he saw your fucked out face, thrusting so deep that his cock teased the entrance of your cervix. his hot cum spurting out of his cock as he filled your pussy.
“daddy you’re cumming so much—oh my god!” you screamed as you came with him, legs shaking from the intense fucking.
“your cum’s filling up my pussy, fuck and it feels so hot too!” you cried out, throat raw from the sounds that came out of your mouth ever since he came inside your room.
kuroo removed his hands from your waist—one hand snaking around your neck, applying slight pressure to the sides as he rode your pussy to prolong his orgasm.
his other hand moved to straighten your leg, rubbing your outer thigh while he cooed at you. “you like my cum, baby?” he asked softly, hips slowly rocking back and forth. you whimpered, your overstimulated pussy aching from his never-ending thrusts.
his movements caused his cum to overflow and seep out the sides of his cock. the mixed fluids fell out of your pussy, sliding down your ass and drenching the sheets beneath you.
“don’t be shy, baby. you can tell daddy if you like his cum,” he encouraged you, leaning down to kiss you languidly on the lips.
“i-i love your cum daddy,” you tell him in between kisses.
“that’s my good girl. happy birthday, my sweet kitten.”
you open your eyes when your best friend throws the damp towel to your face. “quit daydreaming about him! you were moaning ‘daddy! daddy!’ like he was actually fucking you!” she yells while crossing her arms across her chest.
you duck your head in shame. great, now i’m even messier and wetter down there, you grumble. you wince when you hear the squelching sound—dear god i hope she didn’t hear it—as you shift to face her properly while she walks over to you.
“so! tell me more about him, what’s his name?” she asks animatedly, chin resting on her fists as she sits beside you on the island. you swallow thickly, a lump suddenly weighing down in your throat. you inhale a deep breath before coming up with a half-assed lie on the spot.
“he’s a shy and private guy...i’m not telling you his name yet because...i really want you to meet him in person, you know...?” you already know him—you’re related to him! you scream in your head.
your palms feel sweaty as your nerves are on the verge of frying themselves. you bite your lip while you rub your thighs together, wincing immediately as you feel her dad’s cum drench your panties and shorts further.
“well, judging by your reaction right now and the sounds last night, he’s not really the shy type when it comes to bedroom activities,” your best friend pouts at your secrecy and then smirks, eyebrows wiggling.
your face burns in embarrassment and guilt, if only she knew she was talking about her dad.
“anyway, i’m going to the library right now, i’m so done with this paper,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“take care and have fun laz—dad! what’s up? what brings you here?” she squeals in delight when she sees him and jumps into her father’s arms while he kisses the top of her head.
your pussy quivers at the sight of your daddy, and when his eyes land on you, he winks deviously then places his daughter back on the floor.
“can’t i visit my favorite girls on my day off?” he says to her while looking at you. your best friend is clearly oblivious to the desire that was swimming in her father’s sharp eyes.
“well, i’m going to the library to finish my paper. you guys can hang out in the meantime, but don’t watch our show without me!” she says as she walks out the door and ends her sentence with a click.
kuroo locks the door and turns to you, eyes glinting like a predator. he picks your body up and sits on the chair, settling you on his lap and wrapping his long arms around your middle. his large hand cups your cheek and he kisses you, earning a moan from your mouth when his tongue massages yours.
you kiss for a while and then he pulls away from your lips. he grabs your chin firmly, fingers squeezing your cheek open as he spits inside your mouth. you moan while swallowing his spit, hands reaching for his stubbled face before kissing each other sloppily once more.
“you keeping my cum warm for me, kitten?” he asks, lips separating from yours to leave kisses and nips on your jaw. you moan and squirm on his lap as his other hand sneaks inside the waistband of your shorts and inserts two thick fingers in your messy and dripping cunt.
“such a good girl for daddy. you kept his promise,” he growls lowly, biting the skin of your neck and leaving a mark which he soothes with his warm tongue.
“i think my kitten deserves a reward, hm? would you like that?” he asks you, fingers curling inside your tight walls.
“y-yes daddy!” you whimper, grinding your hips on his lap. he smirks and removes his fingers from your cunt and stands up from the chair. you whine at the loss of stimulation and he shushes you with his finger—the one he had inside of you seconds ago.
“let’s go to your room, shall we? daddy missed his favorite girl.”
[1:14 PM]
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
all the love in the world | k.bakugou.
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⇝ pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader.
⇝ word count: 5.1K
⇝ rating: 18+, mature.
⇝ genre: pro hero!au, engaged!au, fluff and smut.
⇝ summary: as hard to believe as it may seem, bakugou lives for time off, where the days begin with him waking up by your side and  end with him falling asleep right next to you, while he thinks of all the ways he can love you during the hours in between.
⇝ warning(s): please read ! fluffy domestic bakugou ( i think this needed a warning okay? ), smut ( characters aged up to 20s ), soft morning sex, fingering ( female recieving ), dry humping, light!praise, heavy!breeding kink, switch!reader, dom!bakugou.
⇝ author’s note(s): hellooo my loves ! as a celebration of me reaching 100+ followers, i bring you my very first written imagine !! i love the idea of domestic baku so i hope you enoy reading as i did writing !! special thanks to @ozzy-bozzy​ for the teddy bear bracelets idea hehe
⇝ masterlist | requests
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katsuki bakugou considered himself to be a very lucky person.
when he was younger he’d been blessed by a powerful quirk which only lead him to exceed his classmates back in U.A. he’d graduated said school’s hero course top of his class, even if he’d failed his provisionals the first time round— nothing could stop him from becoming the best.
so when the hot headed blonde bagged the role of side kick at a top hero agency and then launched himself to the highest points in the hero charts as a pro later on, katsuki felt like all of his dreams had come true.
that was until, he’d proposed to you.
you were katsuki’s final dream, for him to wait for you at the end of the aisle— your watery smile just for him. 
that’s the vision he saw in his sleep. when you had said yes to him, the night you got engaged under the stars and amongst the roses, it was then that the explosive hero had realised how lucky he truly was.
he had loved you for a long time, katsuki had— he almost couldn’t remember the time when he hadn’t. in the time that you’d spent together; soft gazes and lingering touches, you’d taught him a lot and he’d learned through your tolerance and generosity, something that had rubbed off on him, something he’d so desperately needed to cool down his hot demeanour.
he was grateful for a lot of things, all of the things you’d taught him— but mostly the entirety of you. while you’d always said that neither of you completed each other and only made one another better, bakugou knew that his life would be complete with you in it forever.
 he knew  from the moment you’d pinned him down underneath you during training back in high school— that he was going to make you his wife someday.
“jesus katsu, why’re you up s’early? it’s supposed to be our day off,” you mumble into your silk sheets; his scent sewn into your pillows. katsuki likes the orange silk that lines your bed; mostly because of the colour and partly because other fabrics irritate his skin. with sleepy eyes, you blink up at the blonde and catch him staring mid act. like always, bakugou looks away with a heated blush and paws it away from his cheeks. “whatcha lookin’ at dummy?”
one of kastuki’s favourite things is the way you look when you first wake up, groggily rubbing the sleep away from your eyes with a pout on your lips as the sun hits your face just right— creating a halo effect around you, like you’re his guardian angel…but he wouldn’t ever admit that to you, at least not until his wedding vows. “it’s the only time i get to look at you without hearin’ the dumb shit that comes out your mouth, woman.” katsuki grumbles back, finally meeting your eyes again.  
he can clearly see the love glittering your irises and the faint smile that plays teasingly on your lips as if you know that he’s joking. unwillingly; bakugou feels himself mirror the grin that you bare and a happy warmth then spreads across his chest.
“we still have the whole day ahead for you to ogle me like that katsuki bakugou,” you hum sweetly, the tail end of your words falling into a light giggle. the ash blonde feels his heart flutter just from the sound; a candied melody to his ears that he could never get tired of hearing. 
reaching over your shoulder, katsuki uses his warm hands to roll you over onto his awaiting lap. 
your arms instinctively wrap around his neck as the sheets fall from your body to reveal yourself in one of his shirts with an old merch design and your fingers weave their way into his pretty blonde hair. 
now that you’re in his lap; the pro hero can see the smirk making its way into your face as you look down at him lovingly. “seems like you were doing more than just looking baby…”
your hips grind down against your lover’s now prominent erection that sits hidden in his dark sweats— earning a slight gasp from the man himself. “s-shut up, dumbass…” bakugou growls through gritted teeth while you move above him. 
his words stay lodged in his throat, he wants to tell you that you’re always on his mind no matter what he’s doing or looking at but instead they die down as he drops his head to your neck, leaving sweet kisses along the column of it.
early morning love making with you was what katsuki bakugou considered one of his many blessings. he loves being this close to you— feeling every dip in your skin and kissing every mark on your body, his lips work their way up from your jawline to your chin and finally attempting to land a solid kiss to your own lips.
“nuh, katsu—“ your breathless whine fills the air, sending shivers down the spine of the man below you. he moves up to kiss you again, gripping your hips tightly while your movements begin to sync. “no, morning…morning breath…”
bakugou huffs, hand finding the back of your head to tilt it down into a soft liplock— contrasting with the harshness of his earlier movements. “fuck morning breath, i haven’t made love to you properly in a fucking week so let me kiss you. fuck.” usually, katsuki would have added his salty pet name of ‘shitty woman’ to the tail end of his phrases but he bites his tongue, saving it for later.
you give into your fiancé then, falling in love with the way his lips meld against yours so passionately all over again. fingers that belong to bakugou dance underneath your shirt, finding you bare within the fabric. one hand slips between your plush thighs, smoothly rubbing circles into your swelling clit ever so gently.
your breath hitches as katsuki traps you under his touch, playing with your folds as they begin to grow slick and form a wet patch on his deep grey sweats, making him groan. 
the explosive pro pushes two of his digits past your entrance, curling them and watching with sparkling scarlet eyes as your mouth hangs open in of the prettiest moans katsuki’s ever heard— his mouth falls open with you while your head tilts back, exposing your sweat glimmering skin to the sun’s rays. “feel good baby? yeah, you like that?” he mumbles condescendingly, slowly pumping them inside of you. “yeah you do,  yeah you fuckin’ do.”
“yeah, katsu...more…” a  breathless moan escapes you with every thrust of bakugou’s hot fingers, the cheeky bastard setting off small scale explosions to stimulate you from within. he’s hot, the heat from his body filling the space between you and spreading right down to your glistening mound— causing slick to gush from your tiny abused hole. 
you can feel his cock pulse beneath you with every twist of his fingers to reach that spongy pleasure spot deep within your leaking hot walls.
katsuki’s thick fingers stretch open your tiny hole, making your mouth water at the thought of his weighty cock being the next thing press into you but your raging thoughts are swiftly interrupted by your fiancé— who pulls from you completely and sucks the two fingers into his mouth to lick them clean of your sweet nectar.
katsuki keeps his vermillion eyes locked on you, the lewd action making saliva pool on your tongue. his own pink muscle darts out to wet his lips, no doubt spreading the taste of you across them before making a move to kiss you. 
the pro is quickly stopped, your hands that once roamed his bare back and messed hair, now pinning his own above his head.
bakugou is a strong man, he wouldn’t have been a top hero if he wasn’t— he trained constantly and sparred often with his fellow heroes but he doesn’t resist when you grip his wrists in your free hand, releasing his hard cock from it’s restraints before it slaps against his well toned stomach.
milky precum leaks against his warm skin, while you prepare yourself to mount him. the pair of you let out a groan in unison as you sink down on the hero’s thick length— as if the tensions and stresses of the week have melted away just him being sheathed inside of you.
“mnnn, so fuckin’ tight baby, gonna need to fuck you open again…”
bakugou’s voice is low and gravelly from the early morning, just how you like as his hips roll up into yours— further pushing his fat cock into you. his tip barely grazes your cervix  as you set the pace, lifting yourself up and down to bounce on your lover’s length. 
the way you feel inside, your soft velvety walls and gushing pussy make him buck up into you with more fever, as his own symphony of moans and weightless gasps dance through your ears. “yeah? take this pussy katsuki…m-make it yours,” you sigh, grip on his wrists loosening to the point where you set him free.  the blonde’s hands immediately move to grip your ass tightly— smirking at you lazily while the pads of his fingers sink into your flesh.
you look beautiful to him, bouncing on his cock and dripping all over his pelvis under the early morning sun, the way the gold lights up your hazy lust filled eyes.  
the fire of desire burns brightly in the depths of katsuki’s stomach, love finds its way into each of his thrusts from then on— mind clouding with the desire to fill you up so good with his love as the leaking  head of his thick girth drags against your walls, prodding at the spot that has you seeing stars. “that’s right yn baby…fuck that cock, fuck yeah baby,” he whispers brokenly to you, chest rising and falling desperately while sweat beads on his hairline. “love you, love you s’much...”
bakugou watches your gaze on him soften at his confession, the words he doesn’t say often but shows you everyday still hanging in the thick, warm air.  “i love you katsu, p-please,” your erratic thrusts slow to somewhat of a passionate grind, two lovers pressed hotly against one another as the sounds of your moans twist with that of skin on skin.
knot in your stomach tightening, katsuki can feel your release creeping on you from the way you clench around him at every plunge deep inside your sweet hole. strong arms wrap around you, katsuki noticing how you shake from pleasure above him while he brings you down onto loving thrusts as if to draw you closer. 
“gonna cum!”
your fiancé nods into your neck, rubbing smooth circles over your back as he pulls out of your heat completely and earns a needy whine from you. your hole spasms around nothing, right on the edge of release before bakugou forces his girth back into your accepting pushing. “cum for me angel, right on this cock,” he pants, holding you close while he rocks into you. “i've got you baby, let it all out…”
“mph, baku-! oh !”
hips stilling above his, you scratch and claw at any part of bakugou’s skin that you can— shaking as your release splashes against him, sending your eyes rolling to the back of your head and white spots dancing across your vision. the tightness of your heat drives the pro right over the edge, hot ropes of thick cum painting your insides white as his release reaches your womb.
the pair of you lay still, catching your breath as you collapse forward on your lover’s chest. while your breathing slows, katsuki rubs warming circles into your back to help calm you down— only smiling softly when you look up at him with clear, affectionate eyes. “did so good for me yn, fuckin’ love it when you take my cock like that first thing in the morning,” his words are soft on his usually sharp tongue, bakugou smoothing a thumb over your cheek while using a forefinger to tilt your head up into a sweet kiss
“always and only for you, my love,” you hum, eyes fluttering shut at the simple gesture even after you pull away. “and if you keep cummin’ in me like that katsuki ‘m gonna end up pregnant one of these days…”
bakugou smirks, pressing smaller kisses all over your face to make you giggle. you smile and greedily accept each one, loving the these tender moments between yourself and your fiancé.  “maybe that’s the fucking point, dumbass,”  he quips, biting on your cheek after landing a kiss there. “trying to put a shitty little brat in you.”
despite the small bite to his words, a blush still manages to creep its way onto katsuki’s face as you lay your head down on his chest with a smack to his waist. the ash blonde means every word and you know it too, he can tell by the knowing smile and slight gleam in your eye.
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you fall back asleep not long after bakugou cleans you up.
he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy counting every mark and bite he’d left on you as he tenderly wiped between your thighs and massaged over your skin. 
but he loved how cute you looked when curled up on his chest more, your hand clings to bakugou’s shoulder as if to check he’s still there even in your sleep— giving the hero ample opportunity to play with the ‘teddy bear’ bracelet thats cuffed to your wrist. you’d made it for one of your anniversaries; matching the ‘grizzly bear’ one on his own.
prying himself from your arms is no easy task for katsuki, your grip on him like an adorable iron vice or a child with a teddy bear. after setting himself free, the ash blonde with the crimson eyes heads down to the kitchen to make breakfast for the two of you— it was some what of a routine on your days off together, you always got the munchies after sex and bakugou knew just how to soothe your roaring appetite.
as he worked with the eggs and other breakfast ingredients, katsuki thought back to how much you praised him for his skills in the kitchen— he knew how much you loved his cooking and he would do anything to see you smile.
“god katsuki, i might have to start taking more days off it means i get to see my grizzly bear in the kitchen like this,” you hum from place leaning against the door frame. 
your fiancé turns round to face you with a light smirk, glimmering eyes inviting you further into the room. the explosive pro holds the sizzling pan he’d taken off the stove high above your head as you cuddle into his side, breathing in his warm caramel scent.
katsuki clicks his tongue, staring down at you fondly. “tell that to the fucking villains who fuck up the city every other day, maybe then we’d have more time to relax.” he counters, pulling a sweet chuckle from your sweet lips.
“if we start handing out your cooking, they’ll probably start turning themselves in!” you tease your lover back, swiping a bit of the pancakes from the pan above your head. katsuki grumbles and pats your ass indulgently— the supple skin peaking out from under the shirt that’s found it’s way back over your form. it’s a silent scold for eating before he’s fixed you a plate of all your favourites.
as usual bakugou pulls out your chair at the table, pressing his lips to your hairline before putting your steaming plate in front of you. your mouth waters while katsuki takes his seat opposite you with rolling eyes as he watches you tuck in to your breakfast. 
the entirety of your meal is filled with lingering gazes and hums of delight while you eat, almost as if you’re back on your first date ( bakugou spent half of the time watching you eat rather than doing so himself, but he just wanted to see if you liked the place ). 
leaning over the table to wipe syrup from your chin, the blonde smirks— quiet words falling calmly from his lips. “what do you want to do today, sweetheart?”
the birds chirps lovingly outside of your window, dancing under the sunshine— they remind you of your early mentor and often patrol partner hawks, who you needed to remember to invite to dinner soon. 
the weather is nice today and that gives you an idea. “let’s go out,” your eyes sparkle with a million dreams, each one bakugou wants to live out with you. “to the park with the roses, the pink ones where you—“
“where i proposed, got it,” katsuki smiles, the fond memory catching the tail end of his words. “i hear they introduced some new blooms too.”
you mirror his expression; stabbing your fork through a strawberry in the bowl of fresh fruit your lover had prepared for you. you hold the fork out to his lips and watch amusedly as he chomps the fruit from its place. “care to escort me, lover bear?”
“who else is going to? dumbass.”
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“miss nightsky ! will ya sign my bag!”
“that’s a nice bag sweet one, you sure i can sign it?”
katsuki loves the way you are with kids, even though you’re a massive child yourself.
the pair of you decided to walk to the park; since the nice weather held up and it wasn’t too far from your private neighbourhood— even though it took a little longer to get there than expected. 
not that either of you minded, but many curious fans stopped to talk and ask for pictures; some even asked for autographs which you happily gave them. while the mighty ground zero was slightly grumbly about it, he adored how kind and patient you were with everyone you met no matter how old they were.
his vermillion eyes, though brownish looking under golden light, sparkle as you ruffle the little kid’s hair and wave politely to their awaiting parents. bakugou wants to have kids with you one day. 
it was something he hadn’t really thought about until recently, he knew it would be difficult, with both of you reaching the heights of your careers and the pair of you were still very private about your relationship as well, with word of your recent engagement already slipping into the tabloids.
there was no doubt that they’d speculate about your marriage too, no matter how private you kept it. keeping a child secret would be even harder. 
and yet; the thought of you holding a baby…his baby would, on some nights lull him to sleep.
you squeal like a little girl when the ash blonde stops to buy you an ice cream from a van by the entrance of the park; he can’t stand how much you love mint chocolate chip but buys you a towering double scoop anyways.  “how do you even eat that toothpastey shit?” bakugou grumbles, finishing off his orange popsicle as you walk into the flower garden.
“says the one who likes orange, you have no taste katsuki bakugou.” you chide but take his freehand nonetheless. the explosive pro’s thumb brushes over the back of your hand while you make your way through and he can’t help but pluck one of the pretty blooms from the bushes to tuck behind your ear.
you scold him for taking the flowers but your smile betrays you as katsuki dips you for a honeyed kiss on the lips. 
he’s never one for PDA but this was your spot, here just last year bakugou had sunk to his knees in front of you with an expensive diamond ring you were eyeing months before ( you would never say anything but katsuki always picked up on these things ). 
he would also never admit it, but his hand shook with every word that passed his lips and you were sure he had been crying harder than you were while he slipped a ring on your finger.
your secret kisses and tangled limbs hiding deep in the rose bushes are soon completely soaked by an onslaught of unexpected rain.
you shriek at the rain while katsuki grabs your hand, free arms thrown over your heads as you make a dash from the flower garden and head for the main streets in order to catch a bus.
the pair of you giggle as you stumble onto the vehicle, ringing out your drenched clothes and wiping at your wet faces as it heads home. bakugou pulls you into his arms, head resting atop yours to draw you closer— the heat from his quirk allows him to keep you warm and you get a load full of his sugary scent as well ( not that you mind ).
you stay like that on through the rustling traffic, cuddling like a cat to your heated fiancé but a tug on the bottom of bakugou’s wet shirt captures your attention. the pair of you look down to catch the innocent eyes belonging to a darling little girl. “u-uh h-hi mister gwound zewo!” the little one stumbles through her words and in the corner of your eyes you can spot the girl’s mother and give her a reassuring grin.
bakugou’s gaze softens at the curly haired girl and releases you to crouch down to her level despite the shaking bus.  his hand still holds onto yours though. 
he ruffles her hair with his free hand, making your heart warm— there was a side of katsuki the public never really got to see, where the hotheaded pro could be tender and quiet and often quite reserved. 
the media got a kick out of playing on the ash blonde’s explosive nature but moments like this let the real bakugou shine through.
“hey there kiddo, whatcha’ got there?” katsuki mumbles delicatley, noticing the girl hiding something behind her back.
“tisswue! for my favouwite hewo!” the little one says, gingerly holding it out to the blonde’s wet face for him to use. bakugou taps his cheek and cleans closer to let the little girl wipe his face with a tiny chubby hand. they chatter for the rest of the ride home— the girl bashfully twirling her hair around her fingers as katsuki compliments her quirk.
leaning your head on katsuki’s soused shoulder while you walk home, you look up at him with an adoring expression, wondering what he’d be like with a little girl of your own. “that was quiet adorable mister ground zero, you stole my hear away!” you tease, kissing your linked hands.
“yeah? well don’t get used to it shitty woman.” he says through gritted teeth and marches you both through the rain to get you home but the blush on his face tells you otherwise. if you ever had a daughter, you could only imagine what he’d be like with her.
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katsuki heads straight for the shower when you get in, leaving you to pick a movie and order takeout as you’d discussed on the way home.
it was a regular routine for you both on nights off; you always picked the movie because if you left it up to your fiancé you’d end up watching some boring documentary on all might or cooking ( he was a closeted nerd at heart ). 
you settle on a cheesy romcom that you’ve seen about a hundred times because for one;  it’s your favourite and two, you’ll never get tired of seeing bakugou cry towards the end of the movie.
“take out should be here in twenty!” you call to your lover, when he passes by you to enter your living room.
“got it, now go wash up before you catch a cold, stupid—“ the ends of katsuki’s words are cut off by your stream of giggles, bouncing off your cream coloured walls. your ash blonde fiancé has half a mind to curse you out for slapping his ass through his fresh set of sweat pants but rolls his eyes nonetheless. 
he finishes pulling his tank top over his head while heading deeper into the room, not wanting to answer the door without one ( as much as your regular delivery driver would like that ).
while in the shower, you manage to scrub away stains of the rain and soreness from the day— washing over sweet love marks from katsuki with pride. a temporary reminder of his eternal love for you and you only. 
there’s already a change of clothes waiting for you when you step out of the shower; one of his old shirts and a set of boxers that you slip into comfortably. your nostrils are filled with nothing but the alluring scent of burning sugar, the traces left by bakugou himself.
he’s already munching on a box of tempura by the time you’ve headed back downstairs, crimson eyes light up when they land on you and you make a dive for the couch— rolling into katsuki’s side. “did you tip the delivery driver?” you ask, watching as your fiancé dips a piece of the food into some sauce before he holds it up to your lips.
“damn right i did, i didn’t wanna though…they kept staring at my arms,” bakugou revels in the way you laugh around the piece of food he pushes into your mouth. you chew with a grateful smile, the look of amusement never leaving your pretty face. “whatcha laughin’ at dumbass?”
“i think you forget how much the public loves your arms, ground zero.”
as soon as you press play on the movie, time seems to fly away from you both— the air is filled with streams of laughter and moments where you swipe from one another’s plates, picking on one another fondly. somehow by the time the film reaches it’s climax the food has been devoured and you’ve ended up huddling into bakugou’s chest. 
fingers laced with yours, bakugou twirls the diamond engagement ring you have on, around your finger, smiling at the precious reminder that you’re to be his forever and always.  “where do you think we’ll be in the future?” you question quietly, nuzzling into your fiancé’s side.
“married, of course.” crimson eyes find yours in the dimly lit room, almost rolling annoyance as if your question is the dumbest thing in the world. in response, you lean up and squish the explosive pro’s cheeks together and beam up at him while he scowls at you.
“stupid, you know that’s not what i meant,” the words despite harsh, leave your lips dreamily and a contented expression crosses your face. “i see us with kids, in a house much bigger than this one and a backyard that stretches for miles and miles—“ your words die warmly in your throat, figuring that you’ve gotten slightly carried away with the fanticies you’ve made for yourself and katsuki. 
in your mind, you can’t help but conjour up a litter of tiny bakugou’s running around a plush green garden— maybe a little dog too and your heart swells in your chest at the idea.
the hot head squeezes your hand, resurfacing you from your sea of thoughts. “you want kids? with me?” his voice is barely above a whisper, all of his vulnerabilities splayed out in the tone as he looks at you warmly.
“a whole family with you, as many as you want.”
suddenly, bakugou has you flipped onto your back and pinned underneath his muscular frame. 
his warm breath fans across your face making your eyes fall heavy with adoration. “four.” the blonde grunts, swooping down to brush his lips gently across yours, not quite kissing you much to your dismay. “i want four of those snotty little gremlins with you, maybe have the fifth by accident and then we’ll get a big fucking house for them to destroy—“
“f-five kids katsu?” you gasp out your words at katsuki starts to press increasingly harsh kisses to your jawline, settling on your neck while he licks over bites he’d left earlier today. 
bakugou murmurs something about ‘you said as many as i want’ before he’s growling at your hands that find their way into his blonde locks, tugging on them tightly as pleasure overwhelms your senses. 
he hums against your sweet skin, finding his place between your legs at the same time as his thoughts take him away from you. he’d love to see you pregnant, so full of his love and his children.
the movie is long forgotten by now as lust settles in every corner of the room. hands push beneath your shirt, groping and massaging your breasts to pull all sorts of sounds from you. 
bakugou forces a knee between your thighs, finally capturing your lips in a hungry and heated kiss— his tongue slips in your mouth after he pinches your thigh, fighting yours in a passionate dance for dominance. “gonna fuck a shitty little brat into you, yn,” katsuki almost whines as he pulls away from your inviting lips to press your foreheads together. you look gorgeous beneath him, flustered with swollen lips from each of your rough kisses and there’s no doubt in his mind you’re thinking the same about him. “gonna fill you up so good, gonna make pretty babies with you, hah?”
“ka-katsuki!” you can’t help but mewl at his breathless sinful words while you fist at his tank top. everything is hot, burning hot and you grind up into him with a newfound desperation, the friction against his hardening length sending your eyes rolling with ecstasy.. “we’re not even— mmm god, right there— we’re not even married yet!”
“gonna be at some point, why waste time fucking trying? not when i can cum in you and give you one right fucking now—“  bakugou moans heavily into your ear, diving back into a sloppy kiss as he fumbles around with the string of his sweatpants. 
you’re whimpering out for him, pulling the blonde into a lustful trance while you make a move to kick off your underwear when the sound of shattering glass pierces through the bubble of horniness you’ve both created. “shit.”
you both freeze and your matching gazes drop to the floor; a rapidly growing stain of red wine spilling onto the carpet under the coffee table your take out was on. 
the fluffy white rug had been a housewarming gift that katsuki begrudgingly accepted from your old school friend and fellow pro, izuku midoriya— so the sight of the now ruined rug makes you both burst out into harmonious laughter. you’re sure the number one wouldn’t mind. it’d make a great wedding story too.
you focus your eyes back on katsuki, cupping his face as that same love filled smile from earlier returns to your face. ”let’s start trying tomorrow, then?”
“tomorrow it is.” bakugou grins back, dotting your hairline with sweet pecks before cuddling into you.
baby making can wait for now, he supposes, for with another day off— he has all the time and all the love in the world to give to you.
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taeminyourmind · 3 years
In the Morning Sun x Taemin (M)
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🌣 Synopsis: In the golden rays of the morning's rising sun, you and your husband, Taemin, share an intimate morning together.
🌣 Genre: Smut
🌣 Pairing: Taemin x Reader
🌣 Word Count: 1.6k+
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The early morning sun seeps through the openings of the blinds, painting the walls with stripes of a soft golden hue. The growing light gently wakes you. Squeezing your eyes tighter, you begin to stretch; reaching your arms to the side, careful not to hit your husband beside you. As you sleepily blink away the fog surrounding your head, an arm snakes its way around your waist and pulls you into a wall of warmth. That familiar warmth that’s protected you and comforted you over the years brings a smile to your face as you immediately lean into it.
“Good morning, Taemin,” you whisper. Your fingers trace shapes along his arm as you turn your head to face your husband whose tousled hair slightly covers his eyes as he gives you a soft smile.
“It’s always a good morning with you,” he smiles, pausing for a moment to raise his eyebrows, “And I’m sure you had a good night.” You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, making him chuckle. “You were dreaming last night.”
A moment passes before you understand what Taemin has been hinting at. The thought of you mumbling or making quiet moans in your sleep as he watched on in amusement makes your cheeks grow warm. You cover your eyes with your hands and shake your head.
“Tell me,” he whispers, his voice deep and low. He brings himself closer to your body until his breath tickles your ear, “Did you dream about me?” He removes your hands from your face, guiding your chin up slightly. “I’ve been curious about your dream since dawn.”
The hypnotic look of hunger in his eyes captures you in a trance. The gentle stroke of his fingertips up and down your thigh causes you to shiver as you close your eyes, trying to remember the remnants of your dream; it's a blur, but what you can’t see clearly, you can feel.
“I don’t remember it all,” you whisper, “But it was just the two of us at the same hotel we stayed at on our honeymoon. I can’t see it, but I can feel it. I can feel us making love, the way we hurriedly took each other’s clothes off, the way your lips moved across my skin, the -” a gasp stops you short as Taemin’s lips begin to tenderly kiss the sensitive spot on the crook of your neck. You swallow and feel your heart begin to beat faster. “The way our hands touched each other in all the right places.”
Your body shudders and your breath hitches as you feel Taemin guide your legs open. The anticipation of his sweet caresses makes your bite down gently on your lower lip. His fingertips slowly brush up your inner thigh until he reaches your pool of wetness. He smiles to himself as he watches your lips slightly part at the feeling of his fingers dipping into your wetness and slowly moving up and down your slit. A soft moan pushes past your lips when he slowly traces circles on your sensitive clit. The sensation makes your legs open more as you reach down and hold onto his wrist.
“Go on,” he urges. The thought of your bodies coming together intimately causes him to groan as he feels his cock harden. He manages to lift his hips to pull his pajama pants down just enough for his cock to spring free. His hand wraps tightly around his member, pumping it slowly.
“Then we...we made love,” you breathlessly say.
Your back arches off the bed when Taemin’s ring and middle fingers slowly enter you, your wetness allowing them to glide in with ease. Your walls immediately grip around them as he curls them slightly and begins to slowly pump them in and out. The look of pleasure on your face makes Taemin groan as he pumps himself in sync with his fingers. His heart feels like it’s about to leap out of his chest when he imagines his cock snug between your warm, wet walls and the sounds of pure ecstasy falling off your lips.
Soon, imagination doesn’t give him any pleasure as he removes his fingers from your warmth and carefully places himself between your legs. The sudden absence of his fingers makes your eyes open immediately. Your eyes lock with Taemin’s, and as if guided by his mind, you open your legs wider, inviting him in. He bites his bottom lip, his gaze never leaving yours as he rubs his tip up and down your slick slit before gently pushing himself past your entrance. Your moans harmonize when he begins to slowly rock his hips into you. The softness of your name drips from Taemin’s lips as he reaches down and pulls down the straps of your nightgown. He alternates between fondling your soft breasts and pinching your hardened nipples.
Your head begins to feel light as waves of pleasure repeatedly wash over you. Reaching up, your hands gently hold the sides of his face and guide it towards yours until your foreheads softly press together. You exchange a smile with Taemin as your thumb pads gently brush his cheekbones.
“I love you,” you both say. The timing makes you both chuckle before you wrap your legs around his waist and whisper for him to go deeper, to which he obliges.
Full of passion, you press your lips against his, deepening the kiss as his hands hold onto your hips. Your fingers gently tug at his hair causing him to groan against your lips. He moves his head to fall beside yours as he gently lowers his chest atop of yours, your hearts beating together. Your arms wrap around his shoulders and hold onto him tighter as your legs squeeze around his waist.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers in your ear between quiet moans.
You open your mouth to respond but are cut off by a long, low moan when Taemin rocks deeper into you and repeatedly hits your spot. You feel his smile against your skin when he takes your earlobe between his lips and gently nibbles on it. Your head tilts back slightly as your hand cradles the back of his head, bringing him closer to your skin.
Using his strength, he carefully rolls over until you’re on top of him. You lean up and place your hand on both sides of his chest before slowly bouncing on his cock. The gentle, sensual pleasure causes you to tilt your head back and let quiet moans invade the room’s silence. But a sudden knock makes you swallow your moans as you avert your attention towards your bedroom’s door.
“Mommy? Daddy?” A small voice calls out from the other side.
“Shit,” you whisper before clearing your throat and projecting your voice. “Yes, honey?”
“Can we have waffles for breakfast?!”
You open your mouth to speak before being cut off by Taemin’s whisper, “I guess we have to speed things up.” You cock your head to the side before a sudden overwhelming feeling of pleasure takes control of your body. The quick pace of Taemin rubbing your clit makes you clasp a hand over your mouth to keep a loud moan at bay as an eruption builds in your core. Taemin’s free hand holds you steady as your body begins to tremble.
“Sure. Go wake your brother and we’ll meet you downstairs,” Taemin replies. He gives you a mischievous smirk as he quickens the pace of his thumb. You squeeze your eyes shut in an attempt to will yourself to wait a little longer before coming undone.
“Okay, daddy!”
The sound of small footsteps hurrying away cues you to surrender to the wave of pleasure crashing into you. Quickly lifting yourself from Taemin, your orgasm squirts all over his cock as you let out a choked whimper of his name. Reaching up, he brings your chest to his and holds you close as he guides his cock back into you. He gently cradles the back of your head and firmly places a hand on the middle of your back as he thrust upwards at a quick pace. A string of whimpers falls off his lips as you whisper words of affection in his ear. You encourage him to go faster and beg for him to release his seed into you. With a final thrust, he lets out a deep groan as he releases his seed inside of you, coating your walls while his hips buck with each spurt.
For a moment, you lay still in Taemin’s arms. The room is filled with heavy breaths as you place a series of kisses along his collarbone. You raise your head and gently brush the strands of hair stuck to his forehead away from his face. It’s in little moments like this when you find yourself getting lost in his beauty; the way the warm sun casts a golden hue over him, the way his plump pinkish lips purse into a slight pout, and the way his eyes gaze adoringly into yours, their color enhanced by the sun’s rays.
While you admired him, Taemin finds himself reminded of the natural beauty you possess as he reaches up to brush the strands of your hair behind your ear and pulls the straps of your nightgown back on your shoulders. The sun gives you an angelic aura that makes him tell you how blessed he is that you’re his.
His sweet words make you smile. Leaning forward, you wiggle your nose lovingly against his which causes your hair to fall and tickle his cheeks.
“We’d better go before the boys break down our door,” you joke.
“Maybe, one day, we’ll have another little one,” Taemin places a gentle hand on your stomach. His touch gives you butterflies as you place a gentle hand over his and give him a hopeful smile.
“C’mon,” you slowly remove yourself from Taemin’s body with his help and wrap a robe around your body, “I’ll make the waffles if you wash the sheets.”
Taemin rolls off the bed and pulls up his pants. He shoots you a playful smile and winks, “Deal.”
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maple-the-awesome · 2 years
Ackerman's Sister || Chapter 5
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Sister Reader (strictly platonic), Erwin Smith x Reader
Words: 1,520
Overview: Maneuvering gear has been a godsent for the survival of your gang, but unfortunately, it seems to have attracted some unwanted eyes. The question is: can you loose them and keep your makeshift family together?
Series Masterlist 🤎 AOT Masterlist 🤎 Fandom Masterlist
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The sound of mechanical whirring bounces off the cave walls in a crisp echo citizens below have no doubt become annoyed with at this point. The high pitched screeching of wires demands their attention to the dark shadows above just in time to catch the four blurs fly by. They make it look effortless; racing through the air with perfect grace and balance while weaving between stalactites with cloaks that flap behind them like wings. It's no wonder that they've become the closest thing the Underground has to birds.
"Heads up everyone! We're being followed!" Pivoting enough to catch a good look at their new tail, the blond of the group alerts the others of its presentence which is nothing alarming, in fact, he shows more annoyance that worry or even surprise," not too many today! Just the four it looks like!"
"Hmph. Those poor dumbasses just don't learn, do they?" The redheaded girl smirks while looking coolly over her shoulder, however, her demeanor completely washes away with the glow of childish joy in her eyes," wasn't that really cool what I just said, Levi?!"
"Keep your eyes forward unless you want to run into something, idiot!" Levi only spares a quick glance at the young girl who frowns in disappointment, but that isn't much of his concern at the moment. Instead, his eyes return forward, setting on you for direction which he knows you'll provide; you always do in these situations.
"It doesn't matter if there's only four of them! We can't risk leading anyone back home! Just follow me!" Without ever looking back to the others, you readjust your grip on your handles then dive straight towards the ground at what most would consider an alarming speed. As you get closer to the stone street, you send grapples into a small bridge ahead before pulling back on the bottom trigger to propel yourself forward, narrowly missing several unsuspecting civilians on the way.
Finally checking behind yourself, you're pleased to see Levi flawlessly copy the move without a single crack to his bored expression, Furlan and Isabella following in suit with the latter's laughter filling the air along with the curses of the people below who had been left in your group's dust, or better put gas.
"WOOHOO! THAT WAS SO COOL, BIG SIS!" Usually, you'd send Isabella a smile in return for her enthusiasm, however, when you once again turn backwards, you notice the four soldiers still following behind, not to mention they're gaining.
"You've got that 'look' on your face. You gonna share with the class or what?"
You're nibbling on your lip, a habit Levi loves to give you crap for even in moments like this and, while it normally annoys you, you might not have the time to match your brother's smartass behavior today," I don't think those guys are with the Military Police. No MP gives enough of a damn about their job to put this much effort into chasing us nor do I think they'd be skilled enough to pull off a move like that."
Your brother raises an eyebrow," do you think-"
"-I'll check," you then call back to Furlan and Isabella," double back at the next pillar!"
They nod and the four of you rise higher into the air. Upon approaching a giant stone pillar, you latch your grapples into it at the last minute while in near sync with each other and use the force to swing yourselves back around the other side. While doing so, you maneuver yourself in the air to pry at your oddly determined pursuers. For that split second, you unintentionally meet the eyes of one of the men, his amused smirk managing to piss you off even more than the fact that all four perfectly mimic the same move around the pillar.
"DAMN, THEY'RE GOOD!" Isabella exclaims before spotting the dim looks on both you and Levi's faces which leads her to change her own," I mean- They're kinda shit, aren't they?"
"I never thought the Survey Corps of all people would come after us," you comment with a missable hint of apprehension, earning the attention of Furlan and Isabella.
"The Survey Corps? You're sure?"
"Positive. They have the Wings of Freedom symbol on their cloaks."
"They're not going to be easy to lose," Levi warns, but Isabella unsurprisingly sees no issue with the given situation.
"They ain't shit against us though! We can totally take 'em, can't we, big sis?!"
"If we get caught, they'll take our gear away which will be a pain in the ass- and that's if we don't get punishment!" Furlan inputs, running a hand through his ruffled hair in irritation.
"Then don't get caught."
He rolls his eyes at Levi's 'advice'," gee thanks. You're a real help there, buddy-"
"-It's a waste of time sitting here worrying about them. There's four of them and four of us; we're evenly matched. Isa, you're going right and Furlan, you're going left. Don't do anything too fancy; just enough to confuse them. Once you're sure you've lost them, hide out somewhere. We'll all meet up together at the tavern two blocks down from the house to make sure we're not being followed back."
"Yes, ma'am!"
"If you say so."
Isabella smiles brightly while Furlan seems a bit unconvinced, but doesn't voice any objections. The two follow your orders, splitting off in their assigned directions while you and Levi continue straight for a little further. It's silent until you finally break it.
"We're coming up on another pillar. We'll each double around it at different ends then split off behind-"
"-Not a chance-" He wastes no time narrowing his eyes.
"-Don't argue with me. I'll be fine on my own and I'm trusting you to be, too- so long as you don't make me regret it," he looks to you, hating that softness in your eyes that begs him to trust you. How is it that he's a grown-ass adult yet his heart still desires his big sister's validation?
"Only if you don't go running into any more walls," he redirects his eyes stubbornly, although, he can't fight the smirk when you chuckle warmly.
"Hey now, it was only the one time," turning to face backwards, the two of you get a good look at the soldiers following you. Seeing that only two remain with the others having split off to pursue your friends, it seems your plan is already working," ready to give these guys a run for their money, bro?"
"Like it'll even be hard for us, sis."
Giving each other a nod, you double back around the next pillar at opposite corners. With a smile, you meet Levi's eyes when coming around the backside before pulling the bottom trigger again which picks up your speed. The cold air against your skin makes your cheeks turn red which doesn't get much better when going so fast nor does it help the slight burning in your eyes. Nevertheless, you peek over your shoulder to check if the plan’s still working, confirming that such is the case once spotting one of the soldiers on your trail.
'Would you look at that? I got my first choice, too. Lucky me,' you smirk to yourself when seeing it's the same man from before,' let's see how good the Survey Corps really is then.'
Diving downwards, you let off the gas and allow yourself to fall into the alley between two houses before grappling to one of the sides. Zipping forward then around two corners, you notice the man is still close behind much to your annoyance, although, you don't let it get to yourself too much seeing that you've barely begun.
You begin to slow down with each turn which allows the man to get even closer. Upon reaching a T in your path, you decide to continue straight instead of choosing a particular street to follow, hitting your legs against the stone before kicking yourself off. Sending your grapples behind the man, you're following them within seconds, in fact, by the time he gazes upward, you're already flying overhead, smirking down at him before picking up speed.
From there, you turn around several other corners, skip off the sides of houses, and duck under nearly invisible clothes lines in further attempts at throwing him off, however, to his respect, he manages to keep up fairly well despite your tricks. Noting his skill, you assume he must have far more experience than any of the MP's that normally come after your group. Regardless, you notice him eventually slowing down and, upon narrowing dodging a market stall, you lose sight of him completely.
Landing on a rooftop, you keep low as to not be easily spotted while surveying the street below then the sky. To your surprise, you spot the man flying over the roofs in a path that gets increasingly far from you. Anyone else might see this as a victory, calling the man an idiot to have gotten that mixed up as to your current location, but you can't help doubting his actions. He was keeping up too well with you to suddenly be this turned around, going in the complete opposite direction as to where you've been heading this whole time; right in the direction Levi went instead.
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theringers · 3 years
hard work - mick schumacher
summary: you spent your entire day studying and you need some help winding down at the end of the day
a/n: hi, hope y’all enjoy this. i woke up thinking about it and couldn’t stop so i wrote it down. as always feedback is very much appreciated :)
also this is unedited will fix later thx besties
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warnings: 18+, NSFW, smut, fingering, unprotected sex
Mick was propped up on the bed, casually scrolling through Netflix to figure out what to watch next.
Lucky him, you thought as you dropped your head into your textbook for the millionth time that day. It was almost 6pm and you hadn’t left your office. Only to use the bathroom and to get a little bit of food.
Finals were brutal and this year was no different. You had four cumulative exams coming up in the next week and your boyfriend decided that this weekend would be good to visit. “I’ll help you study,” “We can work together” yeah right.
He was watching tv and minding his own business, which you appreciated. No distractions.
He was very distracting as is, so you were glad he was making an active effort to stay out of your way.
You read over the formulas again and your temples strained, having trouble even remembering the easiest of formulas. You were overworking yourself. Sometimes you can hit a point where more studying just won’t help, it’ll only hurt and frustrate you.
Mick had been asking you to take a break all day but you refused, needing to stay in the right headspace to focus.
A smirk was plastered on his face when you walked into the room, excited that you were finally settling down. You plopped on the end of the bed. “I’m exhausted. Everything hurts. Fuck this,” you said. It was your typical reaction to studying. You loved what you were studying but reviewing anything this much could make you hate it.
“Oh, darling.” He said, smiling at you and holding his arms out. He looked so sweet, cuddled up under your fuzzy blankets with a big sweatshirt on. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said, trying to hide your appreciation. You slowly made your way to Mick and sat next to him, legs hanging off the bed. You patted your hand on his blanket covered thigh, groaning.
“You look stressed,” he said. “Come here.” He pulled the blanket off and patted the space between his legs. Being in his arms sounded like a dream right now. You scooted towards him, sitting between his legs with your back flat against his chest. He squeezed his arms around you in a hug. “You’ve done so much work today and I’m so proud of you.” You smiled at his words even though he couldn’t see your face. “You deserve to take a break.” He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, exposing your neck to him where he placed a soft kiss. You leaned your body into his, feeling a sense of relief and relaxation. It was crazy how fast he could change your mood. “I’m so lucky to have such a beautiful, intelligent woman,” he whispered in your ear.
You wanted to mess with him and crack a few jokes but you had no energy left to fake fight with him. His fingers drew a trail down your arm leaving goosebumps in its path. A chill ran through your body.
You could feel his hot breath still against your neck making your head fall onto one of his shoulders. His finger followed the trail it just made back up your body and the muscles in your stomach tightened when it grazed your collarbone. It was one of your most sensitive spots.
He moved his finger at an agonizingly slow pace, driving you insane.
He dipped his finger in the valley of your breasts and you looked down to see him take one in his hand. Lucky for him, studying all day means no bra needed.
You let out a soft moan as he kneaded your chest, getting rougher by the moment.
His other hand snaked it’s way around your body and dipped into your sweatpants, teasing your cloth covered entrance. “Oh, Mick,” you said, shifting your body when he placed the slightest touch on your center.
“You need to relax, darling.” His soft voice said into your ear. You knew he was right. He wanted to make you feel good but he was teasing you. Your desire for him was winding you up more than it was settling you down.
You inhaled in and let Mick have complete control. Your body settled comfortably into his and you were putty in his hands, literally. He held you securely with one hand groping your tits and the other down your sweatpants. “Focus on the TV, pretend I’m not here.” He said. “I want to make you feel good. You worked hard.”
You rested your body onto his as he played with your clit. His fingers went in circles, sometimes venturing off course to explore the rest of you. If he felt you tense up, he would give your clit a light smack to remind you to calm down.
Your body felt ice cold and on fire at the same time.
He nudged your thighs apart and you let your knees fall to the sides opening you up for him. He continued to leave kisses all over your neck and shoulder while his finger slid between your folds.
You were dripping wet and he was surprised. He knew how to turn you on but it had only been a few moments. “Were you thinking about me today?” He asked in your ear.
“Yes,” you said, keeping your voice low.
“What were you thinking about?” He asked as he let one finger slide inside your core.
Your hips bucked at the full sensation but his other hand held your body down.
What didn’t you think about today? Any time you couldn’t focus your mind wandered to your boyfriend. His body. His hands. His mouth, his tongue. All of it all over you and you wanted it so desperately.
“You fucking me. Hard.” You wanted to keep it vague. You wanted to be surprised to see what he has up his sleeve and not give him any ideas. He groaned in your ear.
You lifted the blanket and watched as his finger pumped in and out of you, the muscles and veins in his wrist and forearm prominent. Your focus was on his middle finger as you patiently waited for him to push it inside of you. He knew what he was doing so you were going to let him be in control, but god did you want to feel him so bad.
“You look so hot like this, darling. Completely under my control. Just let go,” he said.
You took your eyes off of his hands and looked up at the TV. Your mind focused on the pleasure he was bringing you. He took this as the perfect opportunity to let his second finger inside of you, catching you off guard. You twitched once again and moaned, wanting to be filled up all the way with him. It felt amazing but it wasn’t enough.
“Baby, I need you to fuck me,” you whispered.
His fingers began to pump harder. “What was that?” He asked seductively, his mouth lingering near your ear longer than you would have liked. “I didn’t hear you. I’m going to need you to say it again.”
You huffed out of annoyance. You needed relief and he was just having fun. “I need you to fuck me. Right now.” You felt his thumb inch closer to your clit and start rubbing in sync with the movement of his other fingers.
“I’m going to need you to say that one more time.” You felt him begin to get hard against your back and you knew that he would give in soon.
You rolled your eyes and you knew he was smirking behind you. “I need you so badly. I need you to fuck me senseless.” You raised your voice this time. He removed his fingers and slid down your sweatpants. You kicked them off and repositioned yourself so you were on his lap, facing him with your knees on either side of him. You looked at his eyes and smiled. He returned the grin and you looked at each other for just a brief moment. He lifted you up and pulled his own sweatpants off, giving you the opportunity to grind into his hard cock. A soft whimper escaped his lips and you knew he was ready. No more teasing.
He gripped your ass, lifted you up, and lined his cock up with your entrance. He teased you, pushing his tip into your clit before you inched down on him, feeling him fill you completely. The feeling you had been chasing this whole time.
You rocked your hips back and forth with your arms around his neck for support. He guided your hips back and forth and let his hands run all over your sides.
Your head fell back and your eyes were met with the white ceiling. Your back was arched and your hair fell all the way down to the bed.
“Holy shit, you look so incredibly beautiful right now.” He watched you lose yourself in the moment, in the feeling, in the motion of your hips, the collision with his. He reveled in your beauty and still couldn’t believe what you were doing right now.
He continued to bounce your hips, hitting the perfect spot to have you crying out in pleasure. Your pussy tightened around him, letting him know you were about to cum. He pulled you in closer to him and held you as you rode out your high in his arms. His arms held your back tightly as he kissed your bouncing tits. The only sounds that could be heard were moans and expletives as you both finished.
“I love you so much, darling.” He said, kissing your lips.
“I love you too,” you said, rolling off of him and onto the other side of the bed. He stood up to clean himself off and returned with a towel for you and a glass of water. He was met with you, passed out as soon as your head hit the pillow.
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