#so this is gonna be the only buddy birthday while we're still working on the documentary so we better make it count
magentagalaxies · 3 months
currently texting my friend who is borrowing my copy of buddy babylon to see if i can get it back temporarily so i can make a post with it for buddy's birthday this week and our conversation literally sounds like we're working out a custody arrangement. pls i just want to spend time with my son (autographed copy of buddy babylon the buddy cole autobiography written by scott thompson and paul bellini 1998) for his birthdayyy
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epicbuddieficrecs · 3 months
Weekly Recap | March 11th-17th 2024
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That premiere guys!!!!! Was so good!!!!! I'm so excited to be FINALLY be a part of the fandom while the show is actually airing! 😃 Can't wait to read all the amazing fics that are gonna be spawned from season 7!
Speaking of that, I would like to encourage everyone to use the relevant Ao3 tags when writing fics based on S7 content! Not everyone can watch the episodes as they air, so tags are really essential for people who don't want to get spoiled! (I could even make a separate post about it? a sort-of "how to tag" post?). In case you want to block some tumblr tags, my main tags for S7 are #911 season 7, #911 on abc, or #911 spoilers.
(Posting this one day early cause I don't feel like waiting until tomorrow! Enjoy! 😆)
i find peace in your smile by goforeddie/@iltrpls (A/B/O AU | 1K | General): They’ve been courting for a few months now. It’s agonizingly slow, but it’s still the best time they’ve ever had. You might think that after six years of walking on eggshells around each other, half a decade of “will-they-won’t-they” they wouldn’t be taking such a slow time with courting, but it's precisely everything that they’ve been through that makes them appreciate things a little better.
Birthday Flowers by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Pre-Buddie | 2K | General): OR: Buck gets Eddie flowers for his birthday. 
🔥 if i need to rearrange my particles — i will for you. by dylaesthetics (Post-S6, Identity Porn | 45K | Teen): OR Buck joins a support app for first responders and matches with a firefighter who has PTSD and a kid who likes giraffes, apparently.
Lime Jell-O by rainbow_nerds/ @rainbow-nerdss (S7E01: Abandon 'Ships | 3K | Teen): Eddie Diaz didn't panic. Or, well... Maybe he did. Sometimes. But he was working on it.
take the bed warmed by the body by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): It’s three parts bravado and one part reminder. He thinks about it, sometimes, his first shift at the 118—he doesn’t think either of them quite knew how much they’d meant it when they’d promised to have each other’s backs. He definitely hadn’t known, then, that he’d wake up one day and wonder why Buck isn’t in his bed. Because that’s what’s missing. He has a vague memory of falling asleep with his head resting against Buck’s shoulder, their legs tangled together.
Taken Space by Wildgirl93/ @wildlife4life (S7E01 Coda | 1K | General): Eddie and Marisol talk about the space that has already been taken.
Feel Like I Landed On The Moon by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Canon Divergent | 1K | General): OR: Eddie is pining for Buck while in Texas.
Fractals from the Lightning Bolt by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (One Shots Collection | 98K | Not Rated): A collection of oneshots, some originally posted on tumblr. Each chapter is individually rated.
53. A Dream You've Had Before (Explicit) 54. We're Definitely All Sluts Here (Explicit)
if you love someone by chronicallystendan (Pre-Buddie | 1K | General): Buck and Eddie both internally panic when a song comes on the radio that seems to be talking directly to them.
adventures of firehose and eightpack by brewrosemilk/ @gayhoediaz (Social Media fic | 1,5K | Mature): Or: Eddie stumbles upon Buck's old twitter account.
Two, Three Times in a Row by Leslie_Knope (PWP | 6K | Explicit): “We could’ve gone again.” Eddie snorts. “I’m old. You expect me to get it up twice?” “Yes,” Buck says, like it’s a given, like duh. “I could get you to do it right now.” The entire world pauses, and Eddie actually feels it, the bolt of arousal slinking down his spine all the way to his toes. He wets his lips. “Right now?”
🔥 miracles under your sighs and moans by napricot (Sex Pollen, PWP | 1/2 | 13K | Explicit): When Eddie gets exposed to an experimental aphrodisiac on a call, he realizes there’s only one person he trusts to help him get through it: Buck.
🔥 because we'll all arrive in heaven alive by callmenewbie/ @puppyboybuckley (Post-S6, Disaster Fic | 9/10 | 63K | Explicit): During a search and rescue, Eddie disappears without a trace, leaving Buck to grapple with the sudden possibility of a life without him.
if you know anyone that is not tagged, please tag them in the comments!
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Harringrove headcanon: 10-ish years after high school, Steve and Billy run into each other at a bar or something. And Steve is kinda freaking out because he's put on some weight and feels scruffy with his beard, while Billy still looks like he has a six pack under his shirt. Meanwhile, all Billy sees is a guy he already knows is good with kids now complete with a bit of a dad-bod and a definite man beard and Billy is DROOLING.
AHHHH IM A SLUT FOR DAD BOD STEVE *im gonna make him chubby just because I can*
It was Steve's 35 birthday and he was sitting in that quiet dirty bar. After Hopper retired and left the chief status to Steve he had no time to be here actually. He was always on the office. And mostly alone. No wife no kids. No life at all. He made one day exception only for his birthday. Because Robin insisted that's an important day.
Years ago when Billy run away and ask Steve to come with him, he said no. Because he thought Billy was not really meaning it. At first he thought the boy was joking. Then he understand Billy really meant when he said he wants Steve to come with him. But he thought he'd be left alone there when they arrive to Chicago. Thought Billy just wants a road buddy to not be alone. And he'd fine someone better than Steve in a second. So he didn't accept his offer. But he was alone in here. Without Billy. And he regretted every second of his life. He rub his chubby belly without even noticing. It was a reflex he did when he's anxious. "Dingus why are you stressed right now? That's your fucking birthday. We're celebrating it." He looked at Robin and smile a little bit. "Sorry I get lost in my thoughts. Yes I'm celebrating it. Look that's my third drink."
"This doesn't count as celebrating Stevie Bear you're literally mourning. Is this about being alone again? I told you I can find you someone from work. You're just too picky. Wait I need to pee. We're gonna fix this when I come back." Steve laughed behind his friend and shake his head disapprovingly. And then he saw him. Like BAM. THERE HE WAS. Billy fucking Hargrove. Sitting on the other side of the bar. Looking like a million bucks. Hot as fuck. And not a day older than 25. Shirt still halfway open to his belly. Still has his six packs and everything. Drinking his beer and smoking like he didn't graduate 16 years ago.
Yes he heard Neil's dead news of course. All the people were talking about this. But it was actually not big news for the town. Everyone knew Neil went crazy after Billy run away. Not because he loves his son that much but he lost the money with him too. So he did what he did best, drowned himself to drinks. And being a trash bag. Yes he knew Neil die but he never thought Billy would came back for his funeral. The boy hated his father more than Steve hated the Demodogs. Maybe he was just here to piss on Neil's grave.
"Harrington I didn't notice you'd be that hot in ten years, wow. The beard is a good touch to dad bod. It's complimenting your face." Billy was looking at him like he saw something nice. And waits him to speak. His hand immediately went to his beard. He should have fucking cut that shit this morning fucking hell. "Billy. Hargrove. Hi. It's nice to see you too! You still look the same. You know muscles and everything. Jacked and shit. Dude you look good really. But what are you doing in here? I thought you left us years ago man. You did good running away from this shithole tho."
"I didn't left you DUDE. I said let's run away together. But you were too straight to be with me. Too coward. Anyway I always knew you'd be the married with kids type. Your wife is beautiful by the way. You find a good catch. Do you have kids?"
Steve was to shocked to talk. He didn't know what he'd say to Billy after all this years. Billy was right. He was a coward, a pussy.
When Billy did't get an answer he continue talking. His face was smug like he knows all his life. Like he was there. That beautiful piece of shit. "Let me guess. You have two. Because you didn't want one of them to be alone like you. Am I right? You're always so thoughtful about little shits. I bet your wifey didn't even know you did the second child because of that. It was nice to talk to you Harrington. I hope I'd see you around again. I'd love to see you around actually. Without your wife tho. Maybe in a more quiet place. We can talk about the good old days. You know when we were young and gay. You remember that times man? You'd eat my ass and I'd blow you. You know all the dude activities. Ahhh good times." Robin walk from the bathroom and looked between two men. Billy noticed the woman and immediately stand up from hs chair like she was poisoned. Like he can't stand her. "Anyway, bye Harrington. Oh hi and bye to you to Mrs Harrington." He reverence exaggeratedly before Robin and left the bar like that.
Steve and Robin looked after the blonde for a minute with shock. Robin turned from the door and looked Steve with disbelief. "Omg Steve was that fucking Billy? Billy fucking Hargrove? And did he just call me Mrs Harrington? Ewww."
*okay I have so much thoughts about this headcanon already and I'm definitely gonna write a long fiction about that. That's why I'm cutting this here for now. Thanks for the hc.*
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
To Infinity and Beyond: baby!Jack truthing Birthday Ficlet
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Today already looked like the perfect day. Warm weather, the sun shining, the birds singing, all the usual qualifications for "perfection". And if Dean had anything to say about it, it is also going to be, the perfect day.
Because Dean had planned out everything. Tents and tables spread out in the backyard of their new house, enough hamburgers and hotdogs to feed an army, a giant sheet cake in the freezer, and it looked like a Party City catalogue threw up all over their house, both inside and out. Hell, he and Cas even got a bounce house.
Yup, today was going to be perfect, Dean thought as he surveyed the backyard. He was going to make sure of it, nothing was going to go wro-
"To infinity and beyond!"
And the next thing he knew, he had a recently turned four year old, barreling into his legs almost knocking him off the porch.
(read the rest under the cut)
He looked down to see Jack already dressed in his outfit for the day. A shirt with Buzz Lightyear's costume printed on it, complete with little cardboard Buzz wings (Cas made them), purple shorts with a purple tutu, and of course, his favorite Buzz light-up sneakers.
"I'd say that was a bit of a crash landing there, Mr.Lightyear" Dean laughed, as he bent down to right Jack's scribbled cardboard wings. Jack just ignored his reference, instead letting out an excited shriek as he took in the backyard.
Every tablecloth, plate, napkin, cup, balloon, and cardboard decoration was covered in Toy Story characters.
Toy Story, was the end all be all in their house, because they were Jack's favorite movies. So everything, was 100% Toy Story, 100% of the time, hence the party theme. And his favorite character was Buzz Lightyear, hence the costume.
"Dee where's your costume?" Jack questioned, after he finally recovered from the shock of seeing the, probably, overdecorated backyard.
"Yeah Sheriff Woody, where's your costume? It's almost one thirty" Cas called as he stepped out the backdoor. Cas was already dressed in t-shirt with Jessie's outfit printed on the front, her matching red hat, jeans and of course, cowboy boots which Dea-wait shit they only had a half an hour left.
And he hadn't even double checked th-
"The backyard and inside of the house already look incredible. Go on and get ready before everyone starts arriving" Cas smiled sweetly, knowing how worried Dean was about today.
"I will, after I chec-"
"Dean, I promise, I'll double check all the decorations, and the food. Me and the little space ranger have got it covered, right baby?" Cas supplied, looking fondly over at Jack.
"Yeah me and Da got it! Get dressed Dee" Jack cheered, as hopped down the steps and raced "flew" across the grass cardboard wings flapping behind him.
"Go get changed, cowboy. Everything already looks perfect" Cas teased, pressing a quick peck to Dean's lips. And then he was bounding down the steps towards Jack, warning him not to go near the bounce house.
So Dean reluctantly walked inside, forcing himself to ignore all of the things he wanted to check on, and instead making a beeline for their bedroom. He quickly pulled on his costume, but unlike Jack and Cas it was the real deal, not just a graphic t-shirt, Dean had the actual shirt, the vest, whole nine yards. Jack had asked if Dean would wear a real Woody costume and, hey who was he to deny his kid on his birthday?
So with a sigh, Dean made his way back to the living room so he could reorganize the snack table.
He wanted everything to be perfect today. Perfect for Jack because, this was his first real birthday party after all. And because Dean's oldest memory was of his fourth birthday, his last birthday party actually since it wasn't like they were throwing big family bashes on the road. No, birthdays were a box of cigarettes from his Dad (if he even remembered), or Dean sometimes scraping together enough money to get a cake for Sam's birthday.
Which is why today had to go smoothly. Because Jack deserved the world, he deserved to have a good life filled with memories of big family parties with fun decorations and food and laughter. And Dean could give it to him now, give him what he and Sam never had. So today had to be special, it had-needed to be perfect.
"Dean, I don't think Jack is going to care if the clouds are a little crooked" Cas pointed out, amusement dancing in his voice as he walked into the living room.
Dean huffed a laugh, but didn't stop his mission to straighten out the paper "Andy's Room" clouds taped to the wall above the table. Cas just sighed as he gently pulled his hand away from the wall, turning Dean towards him.
"Dean I know how much you want to make this day absolutely perfect for Jack, believe me I do too. But he's going to love every single second of it. He's practically bouncing off the walls already, and the party hasn't even started yet" Cas assured as he squeezed Dean's hands.
"I know, I know. But he deserves to have the best damn birthday. Especially after everything and he's just- Jack shoul-" Dean started, only to be cut off by the sound of the doorbell.
"It's Uncle Sammy and Aunt Eileen! Can I open the door, please?" Jack called from down the hall, asking for permission.
"Yeah buddy, you're allowed to open the door. Let them in" Dean shouted back, unable to help the smile pulling at his lips when he heard Jack enthusiastically telling them about "all the cool decorations".
"See? Jack is already loving it! Now relax, and enjoy the party, cowboy. Everything is going to be perfect" Cas smiled as he made his way down the hall to greet Sam and Eileen. But not before giving Dean's ass a little smack.
A few hours into the party everything was smooth sailing, and Dean had only been scolded for readjusting some decorations four times. The kids Jack invited from his class were having a great time, as where their parents, which was especially great because not a single one of them managed to see a member of Dean and Cas’ family discreetly place their weapons in the spare bedroom (Dean wasn’t a fool, it was a party full of hunters, he wasn’t just gonna make a no weapons rule because what if something happened?). So then Dean and Eileen manned the grill like champs, Cas and Garth kept an eye on the kiddos in the bounce house, Sam had handled the Buzz Lightyear shaped piñata perfectly, while Dean organized the kids, making sure Jack was the one to break it. The sun stayed shining, the birds kept singing. Everything was perfect.
Until it wasn't.
And it was all Dean’s fault.
Dean's stomach dropped as he stared down at the now smudged faces of Woody, Buzz and half of the green aliens. Because Dean just smooshed the entire left side of the cake while trying to take lid off.
He just destroyed the most important part of the party, the part Jack was most excited about. Now Dean just ruined everythi-
"-come in star command, do you read me?" Cas joked, completely startling Dean, because how long had Cas been standing there?
"Dean, what's wro-oh" Cas sighed as soon as he caught sight of the cake. 
"I friggin smooshed the whole thing with the lid. It's destroyed we can't-the party and Jack and-" Dean rambled, heart pounding against his chest, while Cas took the life from his hands and gently set it on the other side of the counter.
"Dean, stop it's okay breathe for me. It's just the cake. It's not your fault. It's still edible, we can fix this" Cas soothed as softly cupped Dean's cheeks in an attempt to ground him.
"Hey are you guys alri-oh shit" Eileen gasped as she and Sam walked through the kitchen door, which caused Dean’s heart rate to pick up again.
"It's okay, it'll be fine. We can try to scrape some of it back together with a knife" Sam offered, quickly moving Dean and Cas to the side so he could get at the cake.
But it only made the faces look completely unrecognizable.
"Damnit, what are we gonna-"
"Dee! Can we have cake now?" Jack asked as he came racing into the kitchen, and Dean, Cas, Sam and Eileen quickly huddled in front of the counter to hide the cake from sight.
"In a few minutes squish, we're still uh-getting it ready" Dean managed plastering a wide, hopefully convincing smile on his face.
"Why don't you go jump around the bounce house again, buddy?" Sam suggested, which had Jack nearly bolting out of the kitchen again with a nod
"Make sure one of your aunts or uncles, or your friends' parents are watching you!" Cas called after him, which only got a tiny "okay Da" in response.
They all let out a breath when they heard the backdoor slam, and quickly turned to look at the offending cake again.
"It's not that late, what if one of us runs to store and see if they have ano-"
"They won't, we ordered this specia-"
"And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere" Claire joked as she entered the kitchen and quickly surveyed the mess before her, eyes widening when she spotted the cake. And Dean normally would have teased her the reference but he was too busy, freaking the fuck out, so he chose to ignore it.
"What do we do? We can't fix this, there's no time it's completely rui-"
"Wait, dude calm down. I have an idea, hold on a minute" Claire proclaimed, and swiftly exited the kitchen, which did pretty much nothing to calm Dean's panic. In fact he was getting desperate.
"Do you think Rowena might have a spell-"
"That's not how magic works. But honestly Dean, I'm sure Jack won't even notice-"
"The kid can recite the entirety of Toy Story 2 from memory and you don't think he's gonna notice Woody is missing his entire head?"
"Alright, start grabbing the Toy Story figures and wash them off. Then we can put them all over the cake instead, and cover up the horrifyingly smeared faces" Claire ordered as she came back into the kitchen with Kaia in tow, and box of Jack's toys in hand.
And Dean could have cried from relief (he did).
"Holy shit Claire you're a genius" Dean praised, as he quickly began sifting through the box.
"I know, I know. Now c'mon, I want cake"
And a few minutes later everyone was gathered around the dining room table, singing a completely off key rendition of Happy Birthday. Jack was seated in the center of it all, with a half smooshed, slightly lopsided, plastic figure covered cake, with Dean and Cas crouching on either side of him. Jack hadn't even commented on the completely smeared face of Woody or Ham, he was just clapping along, bouncing in his seat. In fact, he the biggest smile Dean had ever seen on his face, and he teared up at the sight.
"Blow out the candles and make a wish, baby" Cas encouraged, and Jack attempted to do just that. Only succeeding when Dean secretly helped blow out the candles for him.
"Yay! To infinity and beyond!" Jack shouted again, as he stood up and jumped on his chair. The room easily erupted into laughter, while Charlie and Jody each snapped pictures from across the table.
"Alright Lightyear, let's not fall with style into the already smooshed cake" Dean joked, as he quickly stabilized Jack, which only caused everyone to burst into more laughter.
So, Dean scooped up Jack, sitting in his chair and placing him on his lap, while Sam offered to cut up the cake. And Cas took plopped down in the chair next to them, sliding him and Jack a plate.
"Are you having fun at your birthday party, baby?" Cas questioned as he handed Jack a plastic fork.
"Yeah! Claire jumped in the house with me! And Danny and Sarah and me played in the sandbox! An-and we played tag, and Aunt Donna played too! And the cake has all my friends on it, see!" Jack rushed out all in one breath, stopping to point at the now sliced cake. By "friends" he of course meant his actual Toy Story figures of course. But before Dean could even react to any of that, Cas was whispering in Jack's ear, and pulling away.
"Thank you for all the party things, Dee!" Jack beamed as he turned and threw his arms around Dean's neck.
And Dean's heart clenched as he tightly wrapped his arms around his kid, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. He looked back up to see Cas smiling widely at them, so Dean whispered something in Jack's ear too. And then Jack was off flinging himself around Cas' neck.
"Why doesn't all the family get together, I can take the photos" Marissa, the mom of one of Jack's friends offered.
And soon the three of them were surrounded by their family on all sides. Everyone laughing when Marissa suggested they all say "yeehaw" instead of cheese. Jack giggling when Claire zoomed over, and bent down so she could smoosh their faces together for the obligatory "silly face" picture. Dean quickly swiping icing on both Cas and Jack's noses, causing Cas to tip Dean's cowboy hat and Jack to shove a handful of frosting on Dean's cheek.
So maybe it wasn't the flawless, smooth sailing birthday party Dean had planned. But the weather stayed warm, the sun still shone, the birds still sang. His family laughed, and ate and had a blast.
And Jack looked about as happy as they had ever seen him, as he ran around the yard with his friends and played games with his family. Dean would even go as far to count it as a complete success. Especially since Jack asked Cas, "when can we have a big party again?", as they tucked him into bed later that night.
So as far as Dean is concerned, it was the perfect day.
Tag list:
(please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed!!💛)
@wormstacheangel @smiledean @shelikestv @chaoticdean @midnightwings-deancas @jellydeans @sunshine-jack @archervale @wikiangela @organicpurplepants @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @writtendevastation @tkdwolf2012 @doemons-blog @sinnabonka @rolling-stoned-girl @skylerkernaghan @icefire149
@shadowywerewolfqueen @the-cookie-navy @thelahatiel @thefantasyfiend @castielle-deanna @aestheticflyer26 @multi-fandom-imagine @x-mypeopleskillsarerusty-x @wellofwoes @becky-srs @multi-fandom-dark-lord @perfectkoaladream @castiel-for-lunch @it--hurts--to--become @bowtiesandneckerchiefs
@dakiaty @feraldean @teamfreebees @keshetcas @hrh-princess-bea @martymar1963 @midnight-sparks-studio @slipper007 @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @winchester-novak @lyonessrampant @angelic-bee-enthusiast @nguyenxtrang @idiot-on-the-hill @ethicalbitch @fandoms-and-things @doreschary @confix @milfcodeddean @seraphcastiel @seraphlm
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pixie-cocaine · 4 years
ATEEZ Reaction To: Catching them off-guard by being naked
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Hii, I've noticed your requests are open. And i've been seeing your Ateez reactions recently, which are amazing. :D I just wondered, do you think you could do an Ateez reaction where their S.O. walks into the room naked while they are playing a game, working on music etc? (Kind of like that new Tik tok trend going around atm) x
Guuurl, sorry I waited so long to actually do something about this ask lol, but hopefully this will make you happy :)
Songs Listened To: X by CODE KUNST + LEE HI, FXXK It by BIGBANG, Dante’s Creek by THEY + DEAN, Baby Don’t Stop by NCT, Love Talk - Wayv, A Little Death by The Neighborhood
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Hongjoong ♡:
• This man was straight vibing and your sneaky ass just HAD to do something
• “Joong.”
• “Yeah?” he didn’t look up from the small journal, with which he was jotting down lyrics for a future song he was to produce for
• He kept his eyes trained on the pages
• And uh-uh, that wouldn’t do 😤
• You rolled your eyes and waltzed over to the boy, putting a hand on the shoulder of the chair so you could swing him around to face you, an eyebrow raised
• “Look at me.”
• And he sure as hell did dafdsaffwq
• Face said :O
• Doesn’t matter how many times he sees your nude body, still looks like a kid in a candy store lol
• To say he was completely distracted would be a huge understatement
• Hanky panky in his mini studio? Yessir
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Seonghwa ♡:
• Looking at this gif and listening to a slowed sexy song is gonna kill me istg
• Also, who let him act like a little hoe in their comeback? Keep your shirt down, mister, it’s not safe
• Gorl has nothing to do in his sparetime because he’s not too big of a gAMeR, but he does like to play phone games when he’s especially bored
• Would probably be playing like fuckin uhhhh candy crush or something when you said “lemme do sum a lil crazy 😌💅“
• You were kinda just curious to see what his reaction would be if you showed up witcha tiddies out
• So you got out the shower and half-assedly threw on a silk robe that Hwa got you for your birthday, not tying it or anything, but rather letting it slip off your damp shoulders while the front sat open and displayed your body for all to see
• His reaction when you leant against the doorframe and fake pouted?
• Immediate 📉
• Everday and night he’s gon chase you frfr
• “C’mere...,” He’d mumble, tossing his phone to the side 
• Level thirty-seven could wait ;)
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Yunho ♡:
• Playing pc games at home is one of his favorite things to do (He’s even said so)
• PC games are his go-to when he gets bored of console
• So he’s constantly in his lil gaming room so that if you’re ever sleeping, he doesn’t wake you up
• He was on a multiuplayer session of Valorant when you decided to ruin his gaymer grind
• F in the chat boys
• “Yunho?”
• “Yes?” He stops his hastily typed directions to his game buddies in favor of giving you a quick glance from his chair, and has to look over again to make sure he's seeing things right
• Yeah, he was definitely seeing the pretty rise of your breasts and smoothness of your thighs, revealed from the towel now on the floor, right. Especially the way both of those lovely attributes were becoming larger as you approached him
• "W-woah!" He rushes to shield his eyes, though you only giggle and swivel his chair around in order to straddle him, removing his hands from his face
• "What? Am I too repulsive to?"
• "No! No it's just...," Yunho trails off, letting out a shaky breath and trying his best to not stare so obviously. Literally just paying attention at anything but what you wanted him to
• You only grin, tilting his chin to you face you head-on, "It's ok to look, baby. Don't be so shy"
• a forgotten game and heated chair sex is what would lead to your surprise
• kiss kiss for baby 😘
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Yeosang ♡:
• We need more Yeosang gifs, this is ridiculous y'all ;(. Also, we're just... Not gonna talk about San on the side 💀
• Oh oh! And Yeosang getting bolder on stage is my favorite thing
• soooo snowboarding
• Yeosang said he likes to do that in his free time
• He'd just got a new custom board, which the front had lovely baby blue dripping forest face and the meaning of his name painted in black for the back, "Sound Resonating From A High Point."
• He was waxing it in the kitchen with it sat atop the island for easier space when he felt your arms slide around his waist, to which he smiled at, still continuing his work
• "Hello there," he mused
• "Baby, what would you do if I told you I was naked?"
• bitch hUH??
• He really did not waste time with turning in your hold and IMMEDIATELY looking down to see what you're wearing
• He chuckles upon , giving a cat whistle before bending down to set you on top of the counter
• "What's this for?"
• "Bored," you purse your lips, allowing yourself to lean back on your forearms as you spread your legs, "And you seemed like a good time-passer"
• Yeosang hums, falling to his knees easily enough and pulling you towards the edge of the island, then presses an affectionate kiss to your inner thigh
• "Fair enough"
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San ♡:
• San likes to spiffy up on his English, which is still pretty hard for him even if you assure him that he's doing just fine when he speaks it around your family
• That being said, you'll sometimes catch him at the table with a textbook in front of him and a language journal by the side that he uses to write small romanizations
• You were particularly bored today. And damn, was San looking good with his messy black hair and shirtless torso. He never really did wear shirts around the house.
• "Sannie," You sang from the doorframe, fresh out of the shower and a bit sexually frustrated considering San hadn't touched you for a couple weeks due to your busy schedule
• He hummed in acknowledgement, jotting something down in the journal as he alternated between both the book and notebook
• You knew he was busy but his English really wasn't bad, so it didn't need to be now. It could wait a bit longer
• Sighing, you drop the towel from your body and fling it at San, which makes him jump and pull it from off of his head, looking towards you immediately and gasping
• You put a hand on your hip, giggling at how he tries to calm himself down
• lol goofy boy
• "C'mon, I know you're tired, I can help you relax," you gesture with a finger in a beckoning motion, and like he was already planning on it, he hops up from his seat and follows you back to the bedroom
• sorry if this was kinda boring lol, let's just San could have literally any reaction and frankly, this is probably the most tame he would be
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Mingi ♡:
• Like Yunho in a lot of ways
• He does like to play games (probably PC, too), so you already know he'd be mashing that controller in the living room lol
• "Aww man, are you kidding me!?"
• Mingi gets shy, especially when it comes to you, so when you decided it'd be a good idea to step in front of the screen while he was playing Zelda with the towel around your body held open, he was a visual representation of keyboard mashing
• "Woah—Ohmygod-" [insert Minnie baby accidentally throwing his controller in his haste to cover his eyes]
• "You don't want me?" You ask, pouting and tilting your head
• His response is spreading two of the fingers across his eyes to peek, nodding his head frantically but trying to find the right words so he doesn't make you sad, "You just scared me is all! I don't wanna be rude by looking when you don't want me to or anything..."
• He takes his fingers away to hold them out instead, making grabby hands until you smile and crawl into them, in turn, climbing on top of his lap and letting him press his face into the valley between your breasts so he could kiss the skin there while looking at you
• "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea," he mumbles, nuzzling his head farther down
• "No baby, you're fine," You reassure him with a hand ruffling the strands of his hair
• sweet hanky panky alert 🚨 sweet hanky panky alert 🚨
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Wooyoung ♡:
• it's the large ass gif of Woo and his ponytail for me
• Oh and yeah, I know this doesn't quite fit theme of YOU walking in on them to flash your boobies but you're gonna keep your mouth shut and pretend it does 😏
• Another gamer.. damn this is getting repetitive
• hmmm
• Dance practice it is! 😃
• Woo doesn't like repeatedly practicing the same moves over and over again, but he did like the progress he made with each re-do, so he supposes he'll bear with the exhaustion
• Well.. obviously not now, because he's just walking through the bedroom door when he finally registers that you're sitting on the bed, lying on your stomach and scrolling through your phone with a leg raising your body go the side
• You snap your head to look at him, "Ah, there you are," you grin, pushing yourself up to a sitting position, "Thought you were gonna come home late again"
• Wooyoung let's out a snort as he closes the door behind him and drops his dance bag to the side, already taking his inky black hair out of the ponytail it was previously in and shaking it loose
• "What a nice surprise"
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Jongho ♡:
• No thoughts, only buff babie
• And how he sung "sex in the morning baby" with a scary amount of aggression
• lol it makes sense that sweetie likes to play racing games on his computer
• LITerally so precious ;(
• Same trope (yes I'm a disappointment); Jongie plopped onto his lil chair with a fluffy blanket around his shoulders and headphones on that cute little head of his
• He said "I love playing car games, vroom vroom y'all 😤"
• And you said "I love playing surprise games, yes yes 😈"
• Gorl, when I tell you he squeaked out of surprise at how you turned his chair around to face you ;(
• "Uhh... Am I- Am I supposed to be looking?" He stammers, eyebrows raised and eyes locked on your bare front
• "By all means, baby," you purr, shaking your head with a familiar fondness at the boy in awe before you
• Just like Joong, he never tires of seeing you naked. He loves looking at you when you're nude, because it's when he can appreciate all aspects of you
• "Hang on, let me pause the game, I'll meet you in the bedroom"
• Getting intimate with Jongho is quite easy. He'll pretty much always say yes to sex, and it's pretty casual when you hint at it
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pizzaboat · 3 years
Luz asks Amity to help her bake a cake for Willow's birthday. Chaos ensues.
Luz smiled angelically at her, leaning closer which made Amity's heart skip a beat.
"I said, do you wanna help me bake a birthday day cake for Willow's party?" 
"Yes!–I mean, sure y-yeah," Amity stammered out, "but didn't she already have her birthday?"
"I mean yeah, but she was sick that day," Luz said, "I don't really get alot of the illnesses that you guys have, but I do know being sick in general sucks Hooty egg's.. this way she'll get to celebrate her birthday properly with her friends!"
Oh titan her heart, this girl would be the death of her;
"Wow, that's really kind of you Luz, does Willow know what kind of cake she wants?" 
"Well you see that's the thing," The human said lowering her voice, "it's a surprise, We have to keep it on the down low."
"Got it," Amity said, nodding, "alright I'll help."
Luz beamed grabbing her hand's, "Thanks Amity, you're the best!"
Before she knew what was happening she was being pulled into one of the girl's signature, crushing hugs. All logic and reason left her for a moment until Luz pulled back and started saying something else. Amity mentally shook herself and tried to focus on anything but the fact Luz was now holding her hand's again.
"–I'll share the juicy details with you later, ok?" The other teen was saying now, "this is gonna be great!"
Before she could respond Luz was already sprinting off down the school corridors to her next class. Amity stood there dumbfounded for a moment trying to process what just happened. 
"Amity, why arn't you in class right now?" Principal Bump said, walking by and breaking her from her trance.
"Oh, sorry!"
Luz knew her friend had arrived the moment she heard shrill screams from the front of the house. She thundered down the stairs and rushed to Hooty's door, but before she got there, it slammed open and Amity was revealed on the other side, a murderous glint in her eye's and a pink fame in her hand.
Hooty noticed her then;
"LUZ SAVE ME, YOURE FRIEND IS CRAZY!!" He screeched. Some of his feathers were singed.
Amity winced and went to finish the job. Uh-oh.
Luz darted to her, grabbing her wrist. The physical contact seem to rile the girl up further.
"I warned that thing never to talk to me again." She growled, trying to break free.
Hooty squaked in fear.
Luz wrapped an arm around her, half comforting and half restraining, guiding the other kid inside, "It's OK, it's over now."
"I just said hi!" Hooty cried and they both ignored him.
The door shut on his voice, and the two girls were alone then. Amity calmed down after a moment or two.
"Sorry about that..," The witch said, "he's just so.." She shuddered then.
"Don't worry about it," Luz said sympathetically, "I still sometimes freak out when I see him. Not everything on the Isles is charmingly weird."
She eventually led her friend into the kitchen.
They took stock of what they need from an old cook book, Luz had found rooting around the house. This particular book was previously being used as a table leg for a random desk.. She'd put it back later.
"OK," Amity said,"what do we do?"
"Um.. I thought you'd know," Luz said sheepishly.
"Wait, why would I know how to bake a cake?" Her friend frowned.
"I don't know, you're smart!" Luz exclaimed, "..I thought you'd y'know, know how.. that's why I asked you."
She didn't miss the blush amity gave at that. Well she does like people recognising her ability..  it must be that.
"Alright," Amity said then, "where's the Owl Lady, maybe she knows what to do?"
Luz shook her head, "Eda's at the market. She won't be back for hours.."
" ..Well I guess we'll just have to make do with what we know," she continued, "and really, how hard can it be for the two of us to bake a cake?"
Her cooking partner frowned at that, "I'd imagine it's difficult when you don't know what you're doing Luz."
"Pshh, we've eaten cake before! We know what good food tastes like, it's all we need!" The teen said trying to hype her friend up;
"we've got a cook book, we've got our wit's and we've got the power of friendship–"
–Nothing can go wrong!" Luz declared.
Everything was going wrong.
"Is it supposed to look like that?" Amity asked her partner.
Luz tried to whipe flour from her face, only smudging it further, she then turned to consult the cook book;
"well it says the mixture should be be kind of a liquid.."
Amity watched the mixture wave at them.
"Does the book mention the batter growing sentience?" Amity said frowning.
"No.." luz sighed.
"We should start over," Amity told her.
"You're probably right." The Luz agreed.
The batter agreed too.
1 hour later.
"I don't really know what's edible in here," Luz admitted, after Amity thoroughly burnt the previous mixture when it tried to eat them.
The smell of smoke still hung in the kitchen, and the fourteen year old opened a window.
"You'd think most foods in a kitchen would be." Amity grunted.
"Well my cooking buddy, I guess we're just gonna have to continue with the process of elimination!" Luz told her.
Amity groaned and luz took out another carton of spider eggs.
3 hours later.
Luz ran a batter covered hand through her dark hair, slicking it back with a white clump of goo. Amity honestly had to say; this is the only time her crush has looked ridiculous to her.
"I think we've got it this time, this is the perfect batter that won't try and talk philosophical nonsense with us, unlike the last three batches." The brown eyed teen sighed in relief.
"I think you're right," Amity agreed, "let's just pour it into a cake tin and be done with this."
Luz nodded, and went to pour the batter into their chosen tin;
"For willow," She said weakly.
"For willow, Amity returned with as much enthusiasm.
15 minutes later.
Her mentor's sister, had rushed Into the house at the smell of smoke. apparently she'd thought the house was on fire.
Luz and Amity now stood with their head's down covered in soot, abomination sludge and cake mix, completely mortified as the adult infront of them continued to berate them;
"I have never seen anything like this in all my life!"  Lilith said, "and I've seen some serious incompetence in my time, but never something like this!"
Neither girl dared to say a word.
"I expected this from my sister's apprentice, but Amity Blight, I expected more from you." She continued crossing her arms.
Luz watched her friend's cheek's flush in shame.
"I mean what we're you thinking?" Lilith said, "an all out brawl with a cake demon in the kitchen? You almost burnt the house down, how am I supposed to explain this to Edalyn?"
She had an idea then;
" Explain this to Edalyn.. what do you mean by that?"
"Well, she left me encharge, while she went to the mar–oh no, I know that look. It's the same one Edalyn makes."
Luz grinned at her.
"I won't be blackmailed human." Lilith warned.
"So this is technically your fault," Luz said smugly, "your not gonna tell Eda about this, because you need this place."
"This is extortion!" Lilith growled.
"Nah, it's revenge." The teen quipped.
"Luz what you doing?" Amity hissed, voice hushed while pulling her aside and giving her a disproving look.
"Its for Willow," Luz pleaded," plus you don't wanna see Eda when she's mad, she made Me, Willow and Gus clean the entire house top to bottom after we animated it. plus this is Lilith. trust me on this."
Her friend looked conflicted for a moment, Luz could see her weighing up the morality of it behind her golden eyes;
"Fine, do what you need to do," She eventually conceded.
Luz gave a nod and turned back to the disgruntled woman.
"Eda doesn't need to know about this, we can all win here," They said.
Lilith scoffed, "How so?"
"We just have to clean up this mess, and you have to bake us a birthday cake."
The witch's eyebrows shot up at that, "That's a strange demand, why a birthday cake?"
"It's  for a friend," Luz said.
"Fabulous, well I don't cook, and I certainly don't bake cakes for your snot nosed little friend's." Lilith sneered.
"You don't have a choice here," Amity pressed joining in now.
Lilith looked to her with mild shock; She seemed to realise there was no real way out of this.
"Fine." She growled, "five minutes with my Sister and you've both turned into criminals."
Willow's surprise party had gone off without a hitch. Gus had provided the intertainment and Luz and Amity had carted out Lilith's cake.
"Aw guys," Willow had said, "you didn't have to do this!"
"You're our friend," Luz had said, "no amount of monster fighting and black mail is too much for you."
Amity had silently agreed.
Willow and Gus had looked confused then, but Luz and Amity knew the truth, and as they'd both dozed off, head's on each others shoulder's in the middle of the party, they knew they'd be haunted by their actions forever.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
70 Scrubs Prompts
Yup, another prompt list. Most of these are actually light and funny, though some are a little heavier. I tried to pick ones that would work outside of a hospital setting. Again it’s super long so cutting at 15. 
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1 “And who’s to say this isn’t what happens? Who can tell me that my fantasies won’t come true? Just this once ... “ — John JD Dorian
2 “Look NAME, I don’t know if it’s possible for me to put how I feel about you into words, but I guess I’ll give it a shot. I never really believed I’d find somebody that I love as much as you. I love you more than anything in the whole world. NAME, I love you more than FRIEND.” “Oh my god” “It's kind of hard for me to say, but it's true.” — John JD Dorian and Elliot Reid
3 “I grew up on the street ... No, not the hood. The Sesame Street.” — John JD Dorian
4 “As I looked at all the relationships around me ... Some that had gone on forever ... some that were reigniting ... and some that had just begun ... I realized something: It should have been me.” — John JD Dorian
5 “NAME, you can’t test love. When I met NAME, it seemed he/she was more in love with his/her best friend than with me.” “Honey, they’ve got that almond biscotti FRIEND loves, so I was wondering if I could borrow some money so I can get him/her some.” “No, you got him/her a present yesterday.” — Carla and Turk
6 “You’ve been wrong so many times that I'm not even going to say something is wrong anymore. I'm going to say that it's 'NAME'.
— Perry Cox
7 “I just took a pregnancy test, just tell me when a minute's up.” “I just put some pizza rolls on the microwave oven; the minute that bad boy rings we're good to go.” “Oh, my god, I can't stand it, 30 more seconds.” “OK baby, don't get too excited, they have to cool off for at least a minute.” — Carla and Turk
8 “So, uh, you going to lunch with your brother/sister?” “Yeah, I... well, you know, I would've invited you, but I already made the reservation for two.” “So call and change it to three.” “Ohh, I'm not gonna mess with that hostess. You know, she uses sharp tones.” — Elliot Reid and John JD Dorian
9 “Nothing in this world, that's worth having comes easy.” — Bob Kelso
10 “Yeah, I'm not that great with kids. They've got such tiny hands. It's creepy.” — Elliot Reid
11 “I love this moment so much, I want to have sex with it.” — Perry Cox
12 “Oh, my God! I'm gagging and vomiting at the same time. I'm... I'm gavomiting!” — Perry Cox
13 “So he/she has a cute butt. Everyone has a cute butt. I have a cute butt.” “You should bring it in someday.” — John JD Dorian & Carla Espinosa
14 “The problem with people who only want what they can’t have is that once they have what they want, they don’t want it anymore.” — John JD Dorian
15 “I guess when you care about someone, you’ll do whatever you can to make ’em happy.” —John JD Dorian
16 “The truth is, it is all your memories, the joyful ones and the heartbreaking ones that make up who you are as a person” — John JD Dorian
17 “‘Cause even if it breaks your heart to be ‘just friends’, if you really care about someone, you’ll take the hit.“ — John JD Dorian
18 “The easiest way to lose something is to want it too badly.” — John JD Dorian
19 “Sometimes in life when you get what you want, you end up missing what you left behind.” — John JD Dorian
20 “Sex is only good for two things. Making babies and revenge.” — Jordan Sullivan
21 “What's going on?” “I love you too dumpling, but I have to work late. I'll make it up to you this weekend.” “NAME’s on the phone with his/her mom/dad/parent, so we're taking five.” — Jordan Sullivan, Ted Buckland and Perry Cox
22 “By the way, NAME’s here but I'm not going to kiss and tell.” “Oh really? Cause I just got your text that said "bone city".” “Oh really? That came through?” — JD and Elliot
23 “You're gonna love it here, sport.” “Get out while you still can.” “Uh...” “Seriously, get out while you still can.” — Bob Kelso, Ted Buckland, and Keith Dudemeister
24 “Ted, what are you doing?” “I like to do stomach crunches after lunch.” “Ted, lunch was four hours ago.” “Yep, I wasted most of my Tuesday.” “It's Wednesday.” “Aw, man! I missed SHOW!” — John JD Dorian and Ted Buckland
25 “Well, it took a whole tube of gel, but I finally got my hair down.” “No one male or female ever cared, NAME.” — Ted Buckland and Perry Cox
26 “Thirsty, huh?” “Helps the tears taste less bitter.” “Cheers.” — John JD Dorian and Ted Buckland
27 “I have to get ready man. I want my date with NAME to be perfect. What do you think about a romantic horseback ride on the beach?” “Ooh, like you and I did for your birthday.” “Yeah but except this time with two horses.” — John JD Dorian and Turk
28 “I am wearing red. Should I not be wearing red around her?” “She's pregnant, she's not a bull.” — Elliot Reid and Turk
29 “This is why the headache didn't go away, it is actually pronounced 'analgesic', not 'ANALgesic'. The pills go into your mouth.” — Turk
30 [She/he sees NAME holding a beer] “What are you doing? [He/she threatens to open it] “You better not open that.” [He/she opens it] “Okay, you better not drink it.” [He/she takes a sip] “All right, You better not enjoy it.” [He/she expresses enjoyment, person A bitch slaps his/her beer] “Did you just bitch slap my beer?” “Are you calling me a bitch?” “Yes. Yes, I am!” — Carla and Turk
31 “Is there another guy on this planet who is that sensitive?” “Okay, let it out. I've got you. NAME has got you. Hold me tighter, a little too tight...There is a good spot.” — Turk and JD
32 person a “This plan is fool proof.” Person c “That is impossible. You two are involved.” Person c “We will see about that!” [Person a and c crash into each other as they try to walk away] — JD, Perry Cox and Turk
33 person a “I don't think we have anymore wine. NAME, can I have some of yours?” [Person C’s narration: I felt like NAME was starting to blame me for all of this.] [person b Spills his/ her wine in person c’s face) “I spilled mine too, honey. You know what you should do? Ask for some NAME’s.” [Person C Spills his/her wine on his/her crotch] “I spilled mine too.” — Carla, Turk and JD
34 “Wait NAME! I have an idea.” “You have another idea? Well I've got to tell you, I'm done with your ideas and not just for now but forever! Okay, are we clear on that?”  “It's a good one.” “I'm listening.” — JD and Turk
35 “He/she is not allowed to dream about me. It gets too freaky in there.” “Cirque de Soleil freaky. One time, he/she was skinless.” — Carla and Turk
36 “How often do you make love?” “Twice today.” “Actually it was three times. You were asleep for the last one.” “Wow, that really happened? I thought it was weird that you were in one of my sex dreams.” — Marston, Turk and Carla
37 “How was your first stress-free day?” “Horrible. And you?” “Worse. Let's make a baby. If it doesn't work this time I'll kill myself.” “Not helping with the stress.” — Carla and Turk
38 “Dude, there you are. Two things; First, the aliens are here and they're wearing track suits.” “Oh, that's Nana.” — Turk and JD
39 “Are you nude right now?” “Yeah! How'd you know?” “Your voice is always higher when you're nude.” “That's true.” “It's not weird you know that at all.” —JD, Turk and Perry Cox
40 “You know, I actually like NAME. So, don't do that thing you always do.” “If you're referring to the game "Find the Saltine", relax. I don't even play that with NAME anymore.” [Later] “Behind your ear.” [Withdrawing Saltine from behind his ear] “My friend, you have found the Saltine. Uh, but, don't tell NAME we're still playing.”— Elliot Reid, JD and Turk
41 “Dude, he/she keeps a hug schedule with his/her friends!” “Okay, NAME ... looks like someone's getting crossed off their 2 o' clock spot and getting penciled in for never! How does that feel? Does it sting?” Person B Narration: He's hurting! Hug him/her ... hug him/her now! — Turk and JD
42 “Dude, don't sweat it - It says here that the ostrich is generally a docile creature.” “Thank God!” “It also says their kick can kill a man!” — Turk and JD
43 “Just don't repeat the same mistakes you made with me. For instance, don't speed down the road pretending your brakes are out. I don't care if it got you laid once in high school. It is not funny and I still have not forgiven you for killing that pony.” — Elliot Reid
44 “NAME, I don't photograph well. On my driver's license, I look like Gary Busey.” — Elliot Reid
45 “We have a very complicated past.” “Yeah, I hurt him/her, and I'm not proud.” Person B narration: I'm a little proud. — Elliot and JD
46 “NAME and I keep it superficial.” “Love the superficial. Dynamite teeth today!” “Oh thanks buddy!” “Sparkly.” “Yeah!” — Elliot and JD
47 “Will you tell me what NAME’s fantasy was?” “Nope.” “Did it involve chains?” “No.” “Whips?” “Mm-mm.” “Candle wax?” “No.” “Role-playing?” “No.” “Lasers?” “Mm-mm.” “Hamsters?” “Negative.” “Was he/she a Mexican apple thief?” “If only ...” — JD and Elliot
48 “Why don't you just move into my place?” “Oh, great, then we'll be two losers under one roof.” — Elliot and JD
49 “NAME, what you said before ... I knew you were right. Anyway, I'm sorry I got mad. You were wrong about one thing, though - we are moving forward.” “NAME, I'm thirty years old; I'm single, I'm homeless, and I'm pretty sure I just soiled myself.”
— Elliot and JD
50 Person A “Ohhh, my God, you're right.” Person B “Don't let him/her be your puppet-master.” Person C “Hey!” Person B “Hey.” Person C “What's up?” Person B “I have a headache.” Person C “Take some aspirin.” Person B “Don't tell me what to do! You're not the boss of me!” — Carla, Elliot and Jake
51 “I've never connected with a guy/girl like this before. I mean, even though it's only been two weeks, I already feel like I know NAME better than I know myself.” “What does he/she do for a living?” “I should know that.” — Elliot and Carla
52 “Look, the reason I've been acting so weird and having my friends hang around us all the time is because I really think that we have a shot for something great, and I don't wanna go and ruin it by sleeping with you too fast. I mean, what was I supposed to do?” “Well, you...you could have just told me that.” “Yes, but you're forgetting I'm a crazy person!” — Elliot and Jake
53 “I've seen the Wiggles live in concert ... twice.” “Did they perform 'Big Red Car'?” “They opened and closed the show with it. It was awesome.” — Perry Cox and Turk
54 “What's wrong with me?” “You're an annoying, whining man-child.” “That question wasn't directed to you!” “What question?” — JD and Perry Cox
55 “I’m notifying all my old boyfriends/girlfriends today that I'm officially off the market.” “I'm sure the 'pulse' setting on your shower head will be devastated!” — Elliot Reid and Perry Cox
56 “If there is one thing I have learned, it's that you can't schedule love.” “I think your credit card statement would beg to differ.” — Bob Kelso and Perry Cox
57 “Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present, Man/Woman Not Caring.” [points to self] — Perry Cox
58 “If you're worried about people seeing your ass, do what all the other girls do and tie a sweater around your waist.” — Perry Cox
59 “Should I talk slower or get a nurse that speaks fluent moron?” — Perry Cox
60 “Do you actually listen to yourself when you speak, or do you find you drift in and out?” — Perry Cox
61 [thinking] Why don't I ever listen to me? — JD
62 “And you know what else? I quit!” “No you don't!” “Well I'm leaving early today!” “No, you're not! You're coming back to my office to do busy work!” “Fine, but I'm getting a soda first!” “Whatever.” — Ted Buckland and Bob Kelso
63 “Your dog is creepy.” “Aww...be nice to Rowdy. The guy we bought him from used to keep him in a box full of old hats.” — Elliot and JD
64 “I thought we cared about each other ...” “Oh please, if you didn't want to sleep with me, you'd have done the same thing.” “Well, I'll tell you one thing, the last thing in the world I wanna do is sleep wit'cha now!” “Do me right here.” “Okay.” “See!” — JD and Elliot
65 “Huh! I put all those fliers up, and nobody wants me to live with them!” “Oh, come on, NAME. I'm sure you'll eventually find a roommate who's a... clean, non-smoking vegetarian that rinses the shower thoroughly after each usage.” “Oh, well, if you don't, it gets mildewy.” “You know, you should move in with my friend: Anal McLooney.” — Elliot and JD
66 “You know, I've been thinking a lot about us lately.” “Me too.” “God, you drive me crazy.” “Oh, you drive me crazy!” “Sometimes I just lay awake at night, thinking about how unbelievably lucky I am to have you in my life.” “Sometimes you're so controlling it makes me want to strangle you..” — Paul and Elliot
67 “Tonight, I am going to make all of your fantasies come true.” “You know, NAME, I would be happy just to have sex above the covers once.” “Yeah ... never gonna happen.” — Elliot and Paul
68 “You know, it's funny... when I said "I love you," it was an accident - and I never really loved you at all.” “That is an absolute riot.” — Elliot and Paul
69 “Okay, here's what you do: First you say that, even though our relationship is ending, you don't have any regrets.” “Oh, my God! Are you actually telling me how to break up with you?” “You're right. Go ahead.” “If you could just start me off, that'd be super.” — Paul and Elliot
70 Person A “You never explained that U2 thing, did you!” Person B “You know, I've been thinking about it, and maybe it's not such a bad thing that that happened! Right? I mean, things have been going really well between us, and maybe it was fate! I could've been looking at my Bel Biv Devoe CD and said, "I love Bel Biv Devoe" - which I do, by the way. And I'm not ashamed of it.” Person A and B “That girl is poison..." Person A “NAME, look, I just think that if you guys are meant to get to this point, it'll happen... naturally.” Person B “You're right! "I love U2!" Dammit! Why do I always have to say every little thing that comes into my head!? Ugh, I really wish you wouldn't stand so close to me after you take your hummus break. See! I didn't need to say that! I'm gonna tell him.” Person C “Love you!” Person B “Love you more!” Person A “Ugh!” Person B “You know what - brush your teeth, then judge me!” — Carla, Elliot and Paul
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amongsthewavesff · 6 years
 Morning light hited my face warmily. I opened slowly the eyes, Eddie was beside me, sleeping. I remember I thought: "I'm so fucking lucky" 
Couple minutes after, he opened the eyes, those blue oceans and stare directly at mine, again, my heart was happy: 
  -Good morning, angel- I loved his voice after waking up. 
-Hi, sweetheart! Are you ok? 
-Sure, was a fun night, huh? 
-Yeah, your new friends are actually very kind and funny... 
-Well, you like them, so I think was a cool first meeting, right? 
-Yeah! So what's next, what are we gonna do today?  
-I have a practice with the band, we'll testing some new stuff that Matt got for us 
-Can I go? 
-Sure, babe. But first, let's take a shower, we stink! 
-Ok, come on!- I got up from bed and opened my suitcase, need some clean clothes. 
-You're so gorgeous! Come here! Let's stay in bed a little more longer...-he graped my hips and pull me into his arms. 
-Ok, but, what's this?- I smiled after feel his boner. 
-It's because of this...- he touched my breast and my ass. 
-Ask for it... 
-Ask for it, Belle... 
-I want you right now inside of me...-I was so blushed. 
-Come here, my dear! 
 After taking a shower and have some breakfast, we went to his practice...All that talent, was amazing have been noticed it. 
The band was called "Mookie Blaylock", and they were too good. Matt was this kinda bandmanager.  They practiced really hard, almost 5 hours, trying over and over again, new chords, new lyrics, new bass...I mean, they were really into it. 
That week became amazing, Eddie showed to me a lot of cool and awesome places of the city, at same time he share the pictures and records that he made along four months. By the next friday, Mookie Baylock had a show in a really big rock music bar place. 
The guys gave a incredible show, the crowd were crazy about them! Honestly, they did their best and the fact was that I wasn't the only one who thought it. Everyone were talking about their performance, and were all cool things. 
Back to Stone's place and in the middle of a chat, this girl Sasha was drunk and kind of cheeky.  
She took me by the arm and asked me to speak alone. I agreed, without much encouragement to endure her drunkenness. 
-So, Isabelle, right? 
-Yes, Sasha. What happens? What do you want to talk to me about? 
-Well, I'm just very curious. I mean, Eddie talks about you in a very ... how can I say it? ... in a very different way, you know? You're like a mystery, but I see you and you don't look like that. You look very ordinary, don't get offended. 
-Oh thanks. I suppose. And what you need to be explain? 
-Okay. You have the right to be offended, although it was not my intention, Isabelle ... 
-Look, Sasha, I don't know what's wrong with you, you can't be nice with me since the moment you met me. I don't know what's going on ... let's cope with this situation. 
-Isabelle, I just want you to know that what I'm going to tell you is an act of bravery ...- she said and then made a strange grimace. 
-Of course, no problem.- I said a little confused. 
-I'm falling in love with Eddie ... we're roommates and it's not like we have anything, we're just friends, but I'm feeling things for him ... I'm not trying to get in the meddle of your relationship. Just, from girl to girl, you are very lucky. 
-Oh thanks... 
 -Babe! Here you are! - Eddie hugged me from behind. -Are you having fun? 
-Yep! - I hugged his arms. 
-So, Sash, how you doing, buddy? 
-Everything, Eddie. We just talked a little, girls stuff. - she took a big sip of her drink. 
-I interrupted something? - He kissed me on the cheek 
- Not at all, Edd.- Sasha was ahead to answer 
-You smell so good- Eddie said kissing my neck. 
-Honey! - I laughed a little uncomfortable at the presence of Sasha. 
-I'm sorry, it's just that I miss you so much already 
-Don't be exaggerated, it's still here- Sasha smiled genuinely. 
-Oh, if you knew how much I need her here. Her smile, her arms, her voice before sleeping ... never leave, Belle... 
-Ok, guys. See you later- she walks away. 
-So. What were you talking about?- he suddenly asked. 
-Well- I stopped- Did you like her? 
-Uhm, she's a nice girl. Sometimes she's a little quiet, but we're kind of friends now, she trust a lot on me...I don't know, I guess I like her, why? 
-Just, I was wondering how was your relation with her... 
-Are you jealous, baby?  
-No, at all. I have to admit that she's a very pretty girl. But, nothing more... 
-Ok...she's just a friend, babe. Besides, you're the most beautiful girl on earth- he kissed my nose. - And I will not cheating you yet, 'cause I'm not a rockstar already...I'm so poor to make something like that. 
-Aww- I laughed 
After two beautiful weeks in Seattle, I had to return to reality,  university and job.  
I didn't feel uneasy when I left, after all Eddie was fine and everything seemed to go well with the band, in two months they would have their first presentation, they still worked on the name of the band and on the songs of the first demo that they would promote in some bars in the city. 
At the airport we were joined by Stone (I had a good friendly chemistry with him), Mike, Liz and Sasha (with whom I couldn't speak because she always seemed indisposed) 
While we were driving there, Stone asked Eddie something: 
-So Eddie, do you plan to get married?I mean, with the wedding, the priest and all those stuff ... 
-Do you believe in marriage? - Mike asked. 
-Well, buddy. There is only one person in the entire universe with whom I could try that, the only one, that if she asked me to, I would renounce any belief I had. On the other hand, I don't know if I believe in traditional marriage, I believe in commitment and in celebrating it. - Eddie gently squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek. 
- Aww, come on, Edd! Why you have to be so perfect together! - Liz was so cute. 
-So, would you marry him? - Mike joked 
-With him I would go to the end of the world- I squeezed his arm with some gratitude. 
-How old are you, Isabelle? - Sasha suddenly asked 
-I'm 20- I answered kindly.- And you? 
-24, same as Eddie. In fact my birthday is two weeks before his. 
-Can celebrate together this year! - I smiled- true, honey? 
-Wait ... 20??? Eddie, did you make her your girlfriend at age 15?! I mean, you were 20!! - Stone was incredulous. 
-16! And I want to clear up that! I'm not a pervert, nothing happened with Belle until she was 18! 
-What !? - the others seemed not to believe him.  
Sasha looked at me with a strange strange gaze. 
-Guys, please! - Eddie laughed- when I met her I knew that she would be the woman who would steal my sleep all my life, and that's how it was. And I was lucky that she looked at me. And she deserved all the waiting and patience of the world. This beautiful woman who holds my hand and my back is the nicest and most beautiful spirit that has ever crossed my life. So those 2 years waiting were worth every second ...- he added looking at me with some tenderness. 
-I like you, guys- Mike said with a funny grimace on his face. 
I left Seattle with a huge smile on my face. My confidence in Eddie was still clear and definitely the time we spent together was valuable to both of us, we were able to fully enjoy it. 
It had been another two months since that time. I went back to stay for a weekend and everything went well, however, when I got back home, something strange began to happen in the next few days.  
The presentations of the band began, now with the name of "Mookie Blaylock", the favorite player of the boys. His repertoire was short 5 own songs and 2 covers. Apparently they were drawing public attention and Matt, his representative was moving fast in the flourishing industry of the area.  
Something was happening, I soon felt that the distance between Eddie and me was huge, when I needed him he was not, and deep inside I understood that the band demanded a lot of his time in those moments, I swear, I really understood it, but what I couldn't explain was the fact that he didn't have 10 minutes to call and hear from me. 
  Things in school and in the job were very difficult, also with dad's crisis. The girls tried to be with me, but come on! they also had a life ... 
I began to have doubts about ourselves, it was the first indicator that something was failing, and that was my fear. At night my head was filled with doubts and twisted thoughts. Is he with another girl? He loves me or he don't love me anymore? And if everything was a youthful fantasy? 
Why he has not called? 
  When we were talking on phone everything seemed fine, until the moment of hanging up, sometimes neither of us knew what to say, that was another alert that I knew how to face in time ... 
Days gone really hard and slow...my head was about to explote and my chest felt cold... 
He was living a stage of adventure and perhaps the most supportive thing that I could do for him was to give him the space to enjoy it to the fullest. 
I had been thinking for days about how to say it, how to speak it without looking like a crazy jealous, I knew it was not insecurity, it was letting him enjoy freely, I mean, doing everything he had to do without thinking about how it would affect me...was har to find words. 
 Finally my phone rang:  
 -Eddie! - I was happy to hear it.  
 -Belle! Hi! - He seemed a little discouraged.  
 -Hello, babe! How are you? How is everything? 
 -Well, I'm a little tired, you know ... But everything is going well, we are very excited. There are many talented people everywhere, but there is no competition, you know? It's more like a huge musical studio, with alcohol and drugs everywhere ...  
 -I can imagine, there are many young people. And you? Do you join those parties of uncontrolled alcohol and drugs?  
 - Not really, I just don't use hard drugs, you know that.  
 -I'm glad, honey. You're not a rockstar yet, you cannot waste the money on that way...- I laughed.  
 -Belle, what's wrong? Something in your voice is killing me... - he fired.  
 I felt a seething fear rising from my stomach to my chest.  
 -It's not easy, baby...  
 -Come on, Bellie, tell me...  
 -You know I love you, right?  
 -I know and I love you too, my love... now tell me what's wrong?  
 -Edd. I want to talk about something I thought... - I hesitated to say it. 
 -Tell me... 
 -Well, do you remember when you told me that a girl got naked in your bed, and those girls who wanted you? 
 -Yes, nothing important. Belle. Are you ok? 
 -Eddie, I think we need to give us a time. I mean, before something bad happens... you know? I have doubts at night and it is unfair to overshadow this fantastic moment in your life... 
 -What are you talking about, Isabelle? 
 -Eddie, maybe you need to live alone this moment. It's costing me a lot of effort to endure all this. I'm finishing with the uni and everything is very busy, the job, everything is complicated at home. I need you, but you're not here. You never pick the phone...think about it, I don't want to destroy what we have... 
  -You're feeling something for another man? - He interrupted abruptly. 
  -No! God, Edd! Don't say that, my dear. Just, maybe we should just have a little rest of all this madness ... 
  -Belle, I know this is not an excuse, but ... if sometimes I don't call you, it's because I'm really tired and I just want to rest and write ... please don't take it in the wrong way. I think you also understand that we must continue doing things in our personal space ... Honey, everything is happening very fast, but that doesn't mean that this care less to me, or that you stop being that person who gives meaning to everything, angel... . 
  -Eddie...did you hear me? Are you listening to me?- I couldn't contain the crying. 
  -Belle, dear ... please, forgive me ... I'm a fool. Don't make a decision for both. 
  -Eddie, don't get rid of the best we have, please, babe ... 
  -Darling, don't say that. Please, give me the opportunity to repair it ... 
  -Eddie, no. Listen, we need this. If we continue with this, we will hurt ourselves, honey. 
  -Are you leaving me, Belle? 
  -Eddie ... 
  -Are you leaving me, Isabelle? Tell me... 
  -Just lets take a break, there's a lot happening around us. 
  -Belle, please, sweetheart ... there's someone else, right? 
  -No, my love. Don't go with those twisted thoughts. 
  -So? I cannot understand what is happening! I did something... Belle, there's no sense in what you've told me ... 
  -Eddie, it's just a time ... if we don't stop we'll stumble. I am beginning to feel jealousy and doubts. You too! Open your eyes, please. If we don't take some time, we will destroy it. 
  -Are you talking about that guy in the office? Belle don't compare, he told you that he is in love with you and works with you, you eat together, daily! ... it's not the same, my dear... 
  -Can you see it now? Eddie... we need this. 
  -No... you need it. And you clearly don't need me to make a decision ... 
  -Eddie, please. Let's do this in the best way, the right way. 
  -What are we doing right, Belle? Throw you into the arms of another man? Honey, think about it... you're going to break my heart if you don't come back ... 
  -We'll be fine, you can always talk to me when you want, and we can talk about everything... you can have fun, Edd... live your moment. I will be here, forever, for you. 
  -I love you, Isabelle, but stop saying bullshit! Fun???  what kind of fun?  
 -I don't know babe, there's a lot of parties and girls and... 
 -Really, Belle?- he interrupted me with some anger. 
 -Eddie, don't be so rude withe me, I'm trying to think of both and the best for us, for this... 
 -Belle, I don't need that kind of fun with any other girl... don't need any space. But I will respect your decision ... 
  -Eddie, we love each other, right? 
  -I do, but I'm not sure about what that means to you now- He was hurt. 
  -Edd, I love you. So much. 
  -Belle ... goodbye- he hung up. 
  I called again, a lot of times. Eddie never picked up the phone again. 
I left a message on his answering machine: 
  "Eddie, I love you, I will always be there for you, no matter the time or the distance, my heart and my soul belongs to you. 
What I did was for both of us, you will see that time will prove it. Take care and keep reaping the success you deserve. 
 You are the love of my life, Edd. And I swear to you that we will hold our hands again in another moment of our lives. 
  I know it hurts, but it was not a goodbye, darling. 
Be a good boy and enjoy the days that run in your heart. " 
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lans-rabbit-glade · 3 years
thanks so much for the tag @beinggaydoincrime !! 💛 also hey apparently we're (almost) name buddies lol
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
Name: izzy
Gender: female (she/her)
Star sign: aquarius
Height: also short, 5'2" (about 158 cm i think?)
Time: 8 PM 
Birthday: i'd rather not give the exact date but it's in early february!
Favorite bands: imagine dragons, mumford & sons, simon & garfunkel, of monsters & men, twenty-one pilots, voiceplay, big time rush, florence + the machine, two door cinema club, grateful dead, backstreet boys, abba, coldplay, ajr, fun., bastille etc etc.
Favorite solo artists: (i'm only now realizing how few i really listen to yikes - gonna include a few composers as well) billy joel, rick astley (fight me), mika, john mark nelson, tom rosenthal, gnus cello, yuki hayashi, steve jablonsky, hans zimmer, vince dicola
Last movie: hmm it's been a little while but i think the most recent was this new disaster movie called Greenland, it was pretty good!
Last show: slowly but surely making my way through My Hero Academia with my mom lol
When did I create this bog: oof just about 2 weeks ago actually, Dec 23 2020! i’d been rbing cql content on one of my other blogs for several weeks before that but that was when i finally decided to just make a decicated sideblog
What I post: almost exclusively reblogs lol - fanart, gifsets, shitposts, meta, you name it. i’ve only watched The Untamed so far so it’s mostly that but maybe about 25% is just general mdzs stuff as well
Last thing I googled: “inches to cm” so i could get the conversion for that height question lmAo
Other blogs: my main is @still-gathering-roses and i’ve got 4 other sideblogs besides this one lol - my most active by far is @yourmomwatchesanime but you can find a full list of the rest of em here!
Do I get asks: alas i do not but they’re always open! pls feel free to drop in and say hi or whatever, i’m always so excited to talk to people
Why I chose my url: i just really love the lil bunny garden and cloud recesses is my favorite of the sect territories, but cloud-recesses-rabbit-glade was way too long lol
Following: 503, only been on tumblr for 3 years or so but i’ve amassed quite a few interests since then lol
Followers: on this blog? currently 4 😎 pfghdh like i said this blog is still very much in its infancy but i look forward to meeting new friends!
Average hours of sleep: 7-9 usually but at the dumbest times imaginable, i’m practically nocturnal rn but i’m slowly working my way back to normalcy
Instruments: cello!! i’ve been playing since i was 6 and it’s my favorite instrument (though i’m a lil biased hfgdgh) i also took a piano class for like one semester back in high school so i know just the bare basics of piano but i’d love to learn more someday!
What I am wearing: an old orchestra sweathshirt, sweatpants, and a pair of socks i received as a gag gift for christmas last year that say “less talk, more tacos”
Dream job(s): Lord help me I wish I had any idea pfhghh
Dream Trip: i’m half Cuban so i’d love to visit Cuba to see where my mom was born and hopefully meet some extended family! other dream destinations include Ireland, Spain, France, and Alaska
Favorite food: any kind of pasta tbh I have never met a pasta I didn’t like. same goes for potatoes. i have incredibly low standards for what constitutes good food honestly if there is any kind of starch and/or cheese i’m completely sold
Nationality: american
Favorite song: according to my spotify wrapped 2020 it is currently the Cells At Work anime dub theme song lmAO - but for real it changes every day! probably wuji.mp3 right now lol
Last book I read: oof it has been so long since i’ve read a full physical book but i started rereading the Percy Jackson series and also Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen a few months back! 
Top 3 fictional universes I'd like to live in: hooo boy saved the toughest one for last - ok 1) Pokémon!!! imagine all the fun animal friends 2) Middle Earth, I would kill to be a hobbit tbh 3) Camp Half-Blood probably, my middle school years were dedicated to creating demigod self-insert OCs and imaginary quests with friends and old habits die hard
ok i’m gonna have to break the rules here bc i straight up do not know 20 people yet to tag but if you wanna answer these, please feel free to say i tagged ya, i’d love to see your responses! hope everyone has a wonderful day and if you’ve read any of this at all ily <33
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