#so when you ask for non terf blogs it's a bit like saying 'no don't let the witches get me'
homosexuhauls · 1 year
Hey, idk maybe that’s a strange question, but since I’m new to the whole “I officially identify as a misandrist” thing and wanna find blogs that talk/post about it and similar topics, that aren’t terfs … am I in the rights place here? And if so do u have any other blogs that u can recommend?
Sorry anon, I didn't see this. Not quite sure what you mean though? Are you looking for non-feminist misandry blogs? If that's the case I don't have any recs, I would just suggest you take an occasional scroll through the misandry tag.
If anyone can recommend any relevant blogs/avenues for misandrist discussions, let me know!
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I don't want to engage with the terf blog. I don't want to engage with the terf blog. I know that my argument shows just how bad faith their chosen argument is. But it is not worth it. Whatever. You will never see this random french terf person because I'm about to block your account, but what you're such a language purist that you never use loan words? That's the proof your going to show that gender issues don't exist in the french psyche? Really? You've never said "football" or "foot" or "parking" or "job" or any of the other English words that have crept into every day French? To the point I got startled when I visited home a few years back and a schoolfriend was telling me all about her "job" instead of her "boulot"?
You don't ever greet people by saying "ciao" like a good two thirds of my school did a decade and a half ago? Do you never say "bye"?
Did you never get asked to do a bit of "baby-sitting" for your neighbours? I sure did.
There are probably more, but I don't spend much time talking in French to people-who-aren't-my-family so I'm not up to date with which English language words are now in everyday use in French language conversations in non franco-british french speakers. The fact that people use terf, and say "fuck terfs" instead of "allez vous faire foutre, feministe radicale excluant les personnes trans" is because as a rule if there's a shorter way of saying something people will, and everyone knows what fuck and terf means. And similarly people use queer or genderqueer or whichever other term you object too without finding or creating a french equivalent or translating it literally is not proof of some stupid always-online american issue taking over France.
It's proof that people do what they've always done: they use loan words and then those become the word used even when a pre-existing word exists in that language do.
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essies-fluffy-stuffs · 2 months
hello!! and welcome!!
wei are the strangeness coven, essie or s.c. for short, and you've just found our secret sideblog!! (our main acc is @softie-system!)
wei are a monocon traumaendo sys, not gonna tag our headmates just for safety, and usually go by anything other than he or she collectively, but here, you can refer to us with he/she/they/it/and any cute, fun, or fluffy neopronouns!!
wei have a lovely queerplatonic partner sys, @orphic-execution!!
wei talk about all kinds of fluffy things, like tickling, hugs, cuddles, sfw hypnosis, age/pet regression and dreaming and stuff here!! wei also do put up a bit of an exaggerated cute persona here, and wei get that thats annoying for some people, so feel free to not/un follow or block! wei will never push people to interact, it is completely up to you if you want to follow us!!!
our ask box is always open and wei will answer all (sfw, non-hatemail) asks! if you want to talk to us, send us stuff, become friends, let us know if you'd like something tagged that wei aren't already tagging if this blog isn't accessible for you and theres something wei could do to fix that, if wei otherwise make a mistake or anything else, wei'd be happy to answer your asks! wei love interacting and would rather know wei did wrong and deal with the guilt from that then not know wei messed up and continue to hurt others!
wei do have to lay out some rules for our own safety here, boring as that is:
-this is an entirely sfw, cozy blog, and wei are collectively very very repulsed ace, so no nsfw please!
-please still keep in mind that wei are sentient beings even though wei are very cutesey and repulsed ace. and also keep in mind that wei might be regressed when wei see something and experience a lot of brain fog.
-wei will have to mention some discoursey things in a sec for our own safety and for clarifying byfs, but please no discourse here (though our main is fine for asking our opinions on anything that wei haven't clarified here except syscourse and transid discourse).
wei aren't comfortable with exclusionists (including sysmeds and anti-endos, anti-mspec monospecs, anti xenogender, transmeds, etc.) or anyone who thinks any harmless group of people is lesser than or who are otherwise bigots ( including fatphobes, racists, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, terfs) etc. interacting, and that does not extend to blogs that do not mention anything related to the "discourse" stuff wei mentioned. if you don't mention (or say something that forces us to mention) that stuff around this blog, wei aren't going to mind as long as you aren't being mean.
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remix-of-your-guts · 6 months
insisting that you're 'literally trans' over and over sounds kind of like the terf line about how everyone's non binary, so given that and your post history it looks really suspicious
okay i legit can't tell if this is bait or something because?? what???? i said i was "literally trans" one time because someone asked if radfems reblogging my post meant i agreed with their beliefs and i chose to interpret their question in good faith so i gave a legit answer. i haven't bothered to respond to a single comment from obvious terfs because im not into giving them the time of day.
i'm not sure how me simply existing as a trans individual is agreeing with the argument that terfs make to try and erase the existence of us that "everyone is basically nonbinary because gender isn't psychological at all it's just what's in your pants" (im assuming that's the line you're talking abt and if not then idk what that is) and that's frankly a bizarre leap to make. especially because i don't even call myself nonbinary, im just a genderqueer (as in my gender is inseparable from my queerness) transsexual man.
and just what the hell is suspicious about my post history? i've been posting about trans rights and trans-inclusive feminism since i started this blog, though i can't guarantee every hot take i've had on incredibly niche intra-community discourse aligns with my current beliefs (which mostly boils down to "internet discourse is stupid" and idc)
i don't understand the phrasing here as though i'm fighting widespread accusations of transphobia or transmisogyny when this is literally the first comment i've ever gotten insinuating something like that??? of course that's not including the terfs saying "so close bestie" right before calling me a "retarded tra" but since when do we base our claims of who is and is not a terf on what the terfs themself say, instead of what the person in question has actually said/done? plus making fun of how im "close but missing the point" because i said that a trans woman may have a bit of internalized misogyny is hardly saying i clearly agree with everything they stand for (in fact it's fundamentally about the fact that i dont). if thats what you consider being claimed by terfs, and if being claimed by terfs is what you consider the deciding factor in whether or not someone is one, then basically every blogger who's ever mentioned general feminism, periods, or being a woman on this website would be a terf (even trans femmes cuz ive seen posts from them accidentally get passed around terf circles without them knowing who op is). especially every transmasc on this website would be a terf then considering that they're so bizarrely determined to get us to join them while being violently bigoted against us and dehumanizing us (obv not to the extent of trans women but still it's hardly an effective recruitment tactic) and allying with the people that explicitly want our extermination.
i'd once again like to remind everyone that all i did was point out a woman who happens to be trans accidentally veering into perpetuating misogynistic stereotypes (something that i will call out even quicker when cis women do it, which they do all the fucking time) in a way that made it clear it wasn't a big deal and expecting no one except my followers (which i'm pretty confident in saying none of whom are at least obvious terfs) to see. hopefully we can all agree that trans women are not immune to accidentally perpetuating misogynistic stereotypes- not because of their gender but in spite of it because all women can be misogynistic because MISOGYNY 👏 IS 👏 NOT 👏 STORED 👏 IN 👏 THE 👏 GENDER
and for the record even in the tags of the og post i was saying that it's really sucky that people totally are going to overreact to this and give dylan disproportionate hate because there 100% is a double standard in how society at large responds to these things, and that terfs are going to use it as "proof." but i don't think that just because accusations of misogyny are often weaponized against trans women we can never engage in good faith criticism of them??? in fact i think that makes it very important to help each other make sure there isn't any grain of truth terfs can latch onto (by which i mean being conscious of misogynistic patterns for everyone in our community, including anyone who considers themself an ally to trans people, not unfairly policing just trans women).
however obviously i regret making the post now since it clearly just encouraged the transmisogyny hate-train. and has caused my asks and notes to be flooded with transphobic bullshit directed at dylan, obviously, but also at myself. seriously, i've been deleting all the anons that are from terfs (like ive always done cuz they've targeted me before) but it's been some nasty shit. and it's really fucking annoying having to block every one that crawls over here to tell me why i'm apparently retarded for being trans and supporting my trans sisters. (sorry about the r slur- their words not mine)
okay done talking abt this forever now
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icaruskeyartist · 2 years
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I posted 6,350 times in 2022
That's 5,921 more posts than 2021!
2,977 posts created (47%)
3,373 posts reblogged (53%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,382 of my posts in 2022
#morg - 177 posts
#hp knock off - 84 posts
#transandrophobia - 69 posts
#icarus liveblogs lightlark - 67 posts
#constellations - 58 posts
#word count - 34 posts
#the sixth sense liveblog - 31 posts
#brier - 30 posts
#solar lunacy - 27 posts
#tumblr story - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#basically every time i turn around i just see that the purge is real and i'm uncomfortably remembering when people made fun of the franchise
My Top Posts in 2022:
Most trans women don’t have to worry about becoming pregnant accidentally or forcibly and be forced to deal with either A. no access to abortive services B. being forced to out yourself to have access to abortive services or C. be forced to detransition because your testosterone is a risk for the fetus and you aren’t allowed to abort or chose not to.
So like. Transandrophobia is a thing. This is transandrophobia. Fucking shut up.
860 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
hi, the more widely accepted short form of non-binary is enby. nb is appropriative of AAVE as it has stood for non-black long before it stood for non-binary. just to let you know since you are planning to call a book NB.
This is... this might be the funniest moment in my fucking life. I was literally just talking to @nothorses about this exact conversation I had read a bit ago.
First, I'm going to link to @transgentleman-luke's post on the subject of nb discourse.
Secondly, nota bene or nb for short, has been in use since 1711, whereas nonblack originates roughly around 1961. I have to admit I heard of nota bene when in high school and still use it a lot because I got in the habit while I was still being a pretentious little shithead.
So if we're really going to go with where it started being used first, nota bene has everyone beat out.
And if I want to be really pedantic, nonbinary as a word (not necessarily a gender label) has been around since 1863. I'm very willing to bet that nb was used as shorthand for the term in some form. I just don't have the time or energy to go dig into it more but trust that humans have always been humans about shit.
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The book isn't called NB. It's Nature Boy, and I use shorthand to make it easier to see the full title in Drive.
Finally, not all nonbinary people like to be called "enby."
Acronyms and shorthand can mean multiple things. This ask, while I'm sure is well-intentioned, carries the same energy as the blockheads who think that because trans men are defending themselves from two black people over a nearly year long harassment campaign they (the trans men) are racist.
Since you don't come across with an aggressive tone, I am willing to believe you're not one of those blockheads. And while I do think there is a troubling trend of AAVE getting appropriated into common vernacular without recognition of its origins or consideration of how it's socially acceptable for white people to "borrow" from black culture but black people have to code switch in order to be taken seriously (admittedly from a USAmerican mindset here), nb is not an appropriation of AAVE language.
Ninja Edit to Add: Anon, I say this sincerely, did you stop to think how English mouths say “enby?” It’s nb. So enby isn’t really a good replacement either, regardless of everything else. 
1,095 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
I like slapping Irreversible Damage in TERFs faces because, I mean, look at it:
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I’m a graphic designer. I have a double major in it and printmaking, therefore I am especially qualified to comment on this. Want to know why I switched over to printmaking and book arts as my primary major? Because commercial graphic design is propaganda and I decided I didn’t feel comfortable by that point working for capitalism. 
Like man, my entire life has revolved around books and writing. I just wanted to make good covers. 
Anyway. Here we have a cover of a little white girl with her womb cut out. The title is literally Irreversible Damage. You literally cannot in good faith look at this book cover and tell me that Abigail Shrier isn’t talking about little white girls losing the ability to make little white babies. 
If you can honestly, in 100% good faith look at this cover, look at this title, and tell me otherwise, I’ll call you a liar and block you on sight. Because I have a high tolerance for idiocy but not that.
1,295 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
Can we also discuss the fact there’s a minority of people who aren’t “AFAB” who are still capable of getting pregnant?
Or are we going to keep using this as a new, cooler binary to try and talk about “women lite”
1,551 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
TERFs don’t want to save trans men and AFAB nonbinarys who don’t look like GNC women.
The want to detransition us, force us to accept our “role” as women, make us proud of the parts of ourselves that often make us the most uncomfortable in our own skin. 
If the trans person in question is white, they want to use our wombs to produce more white babies. Because don’t forget, you can never part the racist from the sexist. 
And if someone’s too far gone, if they’re too loud and brash and wield their words like a baseball bat. If they can’t be silenced, then they want to kill us. Demean us, dehumanize us, use us as a warning to younger, closeted trans people. 
Look at them. Look at what testosterone has done to their bodies, the personalities, their souls. You don’t want to be like that, do you?
TERFs say the want to save us. They don’t.
They want to kill us.
4,545 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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shinra-makonoid · 2 years
Hey, what do you think of the events so far concerning the trans community?
As a trans man I really feel guilt for being associated with that. I'm not in anyway defending or supporting the anti-LGBT or radical feminist way of thinking, but just recently I've gone through a few old blogs (you also used to argue with sometimes) and that I used to follow and just see how much their opinion changed negatively towards transsexuality. 
And with the amount of "receipts" I don't blame that. The post about "gulags" , the insane packers for babies shop, assault charges against "trans" people (for me seemlingy obvious posing as trans... but then they rightfully raise the question "who can tell anymore?" because although I hated how long and expensive the ID change was it is a burden that could discourage imitators to use it).
More and more it feels like this is already a lost cause. I know you don"t believe in nb. I don"t either. But partly this subgroup, the amount of people who pressure non-trans people to consider them as dating material, or requiring them to address them with neo pronouns or always - changing pronouns, etc... The list of unreasonable requests go on an on and I hate to be associated with that. 
Especially now with the rising disapproval of transsexuality in the US. I mean I'm not an american, I live in Germany but just hearing the news of this "don't say gay bill" and how easy protection laws were changed just scares me. 
Do you ever feel like this and if so how do you deal with that? 
And did any of that stuff ever made you feel guilty of being trans? Because I can't help but feel awful that I want to transition. Even though I feel so much better since I started 2019. I'd even say I'm in a good place for once. After the mastectomy my dysphoria decreased considerably. And even though I'm a little scared of it, I could not be happier that the date for my hysterectomy / metaidoioplasty will soon be announced. But at the same time the stuff some people say about it or I think of myself along the lines "it's unnecessary, just accept it, you're taking ressources away" although ridiculous it hurts.
And I feel especially guilty since when I came out to my family they were for the most part surprisingly supportive (even my father though he probably doesn't believe/really accept it but just wants to be liked by the rest of my family). And my aunt "inspired" by me came out as intersex, thinking I was similar. And that's an added guilt because she was asking about if I did a test and I had to explain the difference between trans and intersex, which I think she understood but like comparing the two and hearing her hardships in life (growing up with it in soviet union with that condition) made me feel like it's not justified to pursue it even though I know it helped me so far and I didn't regret it in a physical/ emotional sense at all.
I'm sorry for that huge ask, I just need some advice on that if you have any
It's interesting because recently I saw a video about TERFs in France and it almost made me consider going back on Twitter to watch what was really happening in France in that side, because unfortunately you cannot see it anywhere else on the internet. I talked about a lot about my views, my old views, my more recent but still old views, my less old views, and my views now, and I feel like I did a complete 360° by trying to figure out what was right and what wasn't.
I'll try to reply in chronological order from your message so it's a bit constructed:
I do feel cringe when I hear people who don't know I'm trans, talking about trans stuff. It really tenses me up because I'm not really sure what they're going to say about it, and what it means when they seem to parrot some GC stuff. I do feel guilt, ashamed mostly, when I see that whenever I'll see a doctor about anything, I will be "trans" first, and that means there's "something wrong with me" especially with my ever growing distrust of the psychiatry field. I don't really feel any of that withthe "LGBT community", because I don't feel like I'm a part of it in any way. I don't feel connected to the group, even though I know I have in common with LGBT people and that probably nobody will defend me more than fellow LGBT people. So I'm "associated with it" but I don't feel associated with it. I think I got told too much that I was "unlike other LGBT people" because I "could" discuss things out, and how much I can disagree with "common" LGBT beliefs. I also think TERFs telling me repeatedly that I'm not actually LGB because I'm a straight woman didn't help either. I don't feel like I have the cultural baggage for being part of the "LGBT community" even though I de facto am because I'm trans. So any amount of "receipt" don't really make me feel included, I suppose.
There's another thing I think that is important in regards to "receipt". The way it's spinned to make trans people look bad is pure bigotry. If you look on the internet, you can find countless "receipt" of homeless people who will act out, scam, hurt, do horrible things to children, kill, rape, etc… Does that mean that homeless people are inherently incapable of doing good things and that because some of them do, then we shouldn't help them in any way? No amount of people who "do bad things" will justify hating that group of people. They deserve help and care. We do too. I don't think it matters if there's like 30%, or even 70% of people who do bad things to others from a minority group, it doesn't excuse hurting, insulting or excluding them from society in any way. When I was struggling with GC ideas and seeing all those receipts, I kept thinking of my best friend who's a trans woman, who sheltered me so I wouldn't be homeless and who supported me, and helped me much more than any so called feminists ever did. Even if 99.99999% of trans women were doing bad things all the time, just because SHE wouldn't, I wouldn't start hating on that group of people ever, because she is a part of it and she deserves the world.
The same goes for non-binary. Even though I don't believe in it, people who identify as non-binary still exist, and I have such friends even though we wouldn't agree on those theories. So the same stuff apply. Even if 99.99999% of non-binary people were jackasses pain in the ass, because those friends are dear to me and deserve the world, I will not hate on non-binary people, and they don't do all of that shit. You don't have to be associated with it either, you don't have to say you're trans if you're passing, and you don't have to make unreasonable demand. I've never seen anyone who knew about my trans status thinking I had anything in common with a very prominent non-binary person who became a lolcow in France because of how dumb he was with his demands and constantly offended by people assuming his gender.
In France I don't feel very scared, I admit. I see politics, and I can see the rising of anti-trans debates in France -at least on Twitter, and I'm aware that it will probably have a ripple effect from the UK anti-trans movement mostly, and all it does it making me want to fight them just like I fought them before, using arguments, trying to poke holes in their ideas, showing that it didn't make any sense. Unfortunately because of my views I don't really contact any trans association, but I would probably if it escalate to the political side, because I don't think people would mind my views, if I was standing next to them for the same rights as them.
I used to feel ashamed that the "trans community" was like this, but now I don't. Whether I'm truly a part of the LGBT community or not, whether I would be accepted by my peer or not, I do stand by them and for them and I want the same thing as they do. If someone's gaze tries to make me feel guilt about being part of the "trans community" and guilt for being in the same "team" as ""the worst people"" on the planet, then I will show them that they're wrong, that we, as people, are as colorful as any other minority. That we have beliefs, thoughts, desires, that are all different from one another, that we're more than just "trans", that we're not solely defined by that trait. And you're aren't either. Being trans feels like overpowering and all consumming especially in regards to dysphoria, but it really is actually just a tiny bit of our daily life. There are many accomplishments that I did that have absolutely nothing to do with me being trans, and I'm sure you did too. So there's nothing to feel guilt about. You're not responsible of others people's wrongdoings, you're responsible for your life and your accomplishments. Even if you were the only trans person on the planet who was doing good things, trans people as a group would still deserve care and acceptation in society. I'm not sure if what I'm saying does make any sense but I'm not sure how to actually convey what I want to say.
In any case, you're not taking ressources away for your surgeries, you need them to feel better in your skin. It's always like, that sweater that you have, that is on your skin, but constantly itching you all day everyday in your whole life. It makes you go mad, it hurts, it's itchy, it's uncomfortable all the time even in your sleep. Is it "taking ressources away" if you need someone to help you removing it? No, then you'll be without that awful sweater, and you'll feel like some weight has been lifted. You don't constantly think about your sweater anymore, you don't feel itchy and you don't get mad because of it anymore. You're more comfortable in your life without that sweater. I feel like being trans is like this a bit when you transition. Suddenly, with HRT for example, life is easier in your own skin, it doesn't feel itchy all over all the time. I think it's the same for surgeries, and I think it's worthwhile to seek them. Making your life more comfortable isn't a bad reason for surgery, this is what medcine is for!
For your aunt, I think you did inspire her. Even if it's different, you being so brave did inspire her to show a bit of her and talk about something that is deeply personal that she probably wanted people to know about. I struggle with this too but, just because "someone has it worse" doesn't mean you shouldn't have care and be comfortable in your life and skin. You deserve care, acceptance and being comfortable in your life. As they say, you're valid.
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lez-exclude-men · 2 years
Hey, sorry for the unsolicited rant - I’m a cis lesbian learning more about radfeminism at the moment. I’m really wary of becoming a “TERF” because I have so many trans women friends and my best friend is a trans man. I don’t want to hurt them, but I’ve also started asking questions I can’t ignore anymore, such as why are there SO MANY (and I mean thousands) of trans women on social media doing porn if it isn’t (to some extent) a fetish? Why are we increasingly being told that penises aren’t inherently male? I’m struggling a lot with this rn, so I just wanted to say thank you for being a good voice on these things! Your blog is great ❤️
You're very welcome!!
A couple of my close friends identify as non-binary, so I do have some advice for you:
Remember why your friends. Remember why you care about them. Keep this close to your heart. Be determined to do your best not to let these topics come between y'all.
Have small, bite-sized conversations with them about the difference between gender and sex, and sex-based discrimination. This is (for obvious reasons) a lot easier with trans men. Avoid buzzwords, be respectful, be gentle, but firm. Y'all don't have to agree about whatever it is by the end of the conversation, the goal is just to understand each other.
Keep asking questions. Questions are good!
While it can be very easy to get angry about the injustices we see around us, try not to take this anger out on people you care about. Find another outlet if you need to: art, writing, martial arts, or a blog lol
Understand what dysphoria is, what it is not, and be empathetic!
You'll probably have to play the pronoun game a little bit. Personally, if a person has dysphoria and isn't a criminal, I think following preferred pronouns can be a good thing. But when it comes to high-level crimes like rape, I think we need to be clear about whether the perpetrator was male or female. And I think it's a grey area when it comes to people without dysphoria.
In relation to that last point, and also just in general, form your own opinions. Listen to science and your own experience. If something I say or a friend says doesn't sit right with you, think about why and try to decide where you stand. Listening to yourself, thinking for yourself, and speaking for yourself are some of the most powerful things a woman can do.
I'm glad that sp far you've enjoyed my blog an found it helpful, and I hope that continues to be the case!! 💙
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incarnateirony · 3 years
First thing: I'm using a throwaway account because bibros and Jared stans love doxxing people and cyberbully small blogs and even if they only came on my blog whining I don't want to interact with them at all and I don't want to block them because they're entertainment. Second, I'm sending this to you because you seem an expert in fandom dynamics. So according to you why the SPN shippers on Tumblr are politically polarized? I've noticed most of the Destiellers and Misha fans are very progressive, left-leaning or leftist, so much that some misha fans are getting over him because they see him as too moderate. While among Wincesties, bibros and JarPad fans there are some big blogs that are openly conservative, with some strong leaning into alt-right rhetorics, white supremacism, homophobia, anti-feminism, Putin unironic loving, TERF bs, etc Why? Intuitively I'd say a slash shipper isn't anti-gay so they have to be progressive in a way, but Wincesties ship a slash ship too. Besides, a queer or queer-friendly person hasn't to like every slash ship in the world, so it's legit to be queer or queer-friendly and anti-Destiel. Is it only because of Misha? His political exposure attracted liberal and leftist folks and conservative ones went on the other side out of spite? Are there in the "bibro plots" in the show some dog whistles that attract right-wingers? Did it start with one or two alt right big blogs (example: Diane) that attracted other ones? Until the anti-queer Cas rant, JarPad did never look conservative to me so I don't think he attracted alt right stans for his own "merits". I have to say also Jensen has A LOT of white supremacist fans, under his post for BLM (a very bland one) 98% of the comments were whining and screaming All lives matter, but they're dudebros who aren't on Tumblr. I think all actors have this big nerd dudebro fanbase but the ones who are very openly liberal or leftist, so I can kinda explain Jensen's fanbase, but alt right Jared stans tumblers puzzle me. I've never believed in generalizing shippers' personalities and worldviews so I'm kinda surprised. PS Sending a hug to progressive bibros and Jared fans who are exposing the n*zi and alt-right scum.
Are you talking about this Jensen BLM post? (x) I gotta say, I'm not seeing the volume of ALM people inferred in the ask. Even when Misha posted stuff like that, he got a few randos trying to shut celebrities up. Every celeb gets them to some point..
When it comes down to it, SPN was a show Pedowitz loved to brag about having a split demographic of red/blue (though what counted as that wasn't true 50-50, it has to do with TV watching demographics which is a bit trickier). Summarily, more Red voters watched SPN than other non-reality/news shows, which tends to be where Red viewers watch. It also expressed a heavily white, non-urban demographic (that is to say, while it's heavily viewed in cities, it also is unusually high in rural areas.)
This was part of the balancing act Pedo and CW pulled with SPN and why progress was like kicking water uphill.
misha was always openly more progressive, and yes, associated with an authentic queer ship. Not to stereotype, but incest and the like is considered "passable" in predominantly red, conservative areas. Like. That's why there's jokes about Alabama, Mississippi etc. Like it's just known. Incest thrives in conservative areas, for whatever fucked up social reason.
So you take the base of this show trying to appeal to both sides. You add in some weirdos that legit get off on incest and inevitably have red-skewed views. You get others in their lanes accepting them (all ships ok, or swallowing it for access to content, etc) without saying anything, so that anchors, then boom. In comes a non-incest ship that has actual chemistry too and isn't just... IDK. Warping very common fraternal displays of affection for a kink. Some of these people LEGIT ARGUED like "well incest is legal in state, state, and country! So it's OK!" and none of their people went OK WOW YOU ARE LEAVING THE REALM OF FANFIC WTF they just let it slide. And all their other views with it.
Add in Misha's blue lean and yeah, of course, progressives by and large flock that way. In the other lane you have people that SIGNAL as being progressive, like kelios RTing progressive candidates, but then turning around and unwittingly using nothing but a pile of alt right dog whistles in their dialogue--because they've accepted it in their lane in the name of trying to enter a ship war there's no competition in. It's normalized, to the point they don't even perceive it. Progressives in that lane have surrendered their values, their ability to spot gross alt right shit and call it out, in the name of trying to slapfight over a ship.
So no, I don't really feel any pity for them either. They chose that. They could have stepped out, or could have called out, or could have acted for 15 years but they just let it become the norm. And after everyone pointed out the dialogue overlap, and pointed at The Silent Majority and Make Supernatural Great again and they just blamed The Hellers, they don't get to act surprised all this time later about it. Like. It was obvious as fuck guys. Your entire lane is full of maga dialogue, white supremacist undertones, and mountains of queerphobia you let pass by. Nobody outside of their lane is surprised. They had. A million chances. To stop it. And didn't. Because they wanted to pretend they had a foot in a ship war. And that's what was more important to them.
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menalez · 3 years
it's a little bit difficult to tell it was about specific rape victims. i thought they were stating an observation, that these women's statements were so different from what they'd previously described before joining radblr, that one of them must be wrong. see, now, i'm confused, again, by you saying, “...argued that me being asleep while a guy did something to me is an indication of my sexuality”, falls under basic rape apologism, when you previously said, “i just dont refer to it as non consensual bc that doesnt feel honest”. i understand how consenting to a man is an indication of (your) sexuality, but i don't understand how you can give consent when asleep. even if consent was given before you fell asleep, the moment you fell asleep, i don't understand how it would be consensual from that moment onwards. from your response, i can infer that you see consensual and non-consensual as being on a continuum, rather than mutually exclusive categories.
i never said you did. i thought you implied it one of your statements, “they also argued if someone had sex with you while you were under the influence of drugs/alcohol then that’s also a reflection of your sexuality.” since we're all (those in the server, you, and i) in agreement the sex(es) of those you (want to) have sex with is an indication of sexulity and, sexual orientation is enduring and instinctive, therefore drugs don't alter your brain chemistry to let you have sex with a member of the sex, you're not sexually attracted to. i'm trying to understand why you view using, so you were more suggestible as consensual, but maybe it's something i'll never understand because of my ethics.
ugh tumblr crashed and my response is now gone so if i don’t address something pls feel free to ask again. they didn’t really make any observation, as an example they’d claim i changed my story ~after joining radblr~ too but i said from the second i left that relationship that im penis-repulsed and know that for a fact. i had said this before joining radblr and one of the reasons i even started reading into what “terfs” had to say is bc i was being called transphobic and terfy for saying im not interested in being w anyone with a penis upon coming out. this is not a secret bc i mention this being one of the things that turned me away from TRAs since i joined radblr. this was the case when i was still moreso on the TRA side and merely interacted with radblr to question & understand their beliefs. they argue i lied and that im the one that got the guy into bdsm, but there’s a post where i elaborate on that years before and i clearly say that he described certain things he liked & i was like “ohhh i think that’s a bdsm thing called ddlg”. i didn’t get him to like those things i simply told him the label for what he’s into. they tried to pick apart things i had mentioned years before the gs discourse, where i had talked about how traumatic it was, about how he’s a pedo, and how in many instances i was under the influence of something. they act like i try to be sly and mislead about his age but the reason they even know his age is bc i repeatedly corrected it on my own blog when someone assumes he was an adult man. i joined radblr not too long after that situation ended (i believe i was 19, what happened was before 18 and i slowly started to talk about it at around 17-ish) and it’s pretty normal for someone not to process their trauma when it’s ongoing. it’s also beyond normal to not talk about those things somewhere frequented by the person causing you trauma, and it’s also pretty normal to pretend to be OSA when ur closeted, people irl know ur blog, & u live in the Middle East. so all their arguments trying to make my situation seem like a lie for radblr don’t even add up anyways, but ik they like to ignore the bits that don’t support their beliefs and only look for what supports their biases.
in terms of whether it’s consensual or not, i do view it as a grey area. many people have said to me it’s rape and some think it’s not. i don’t feel comfortable arguing it’s either or bc i know i did agree to it. at the same time, i was visibly distressed, uninterested, and there are instances back then that make it clear to me he must’ve had some kind of clue. at the same time idk if he’s just that oblivious and dumb that he didn’t realise it even tho it was obvious. im not in touch with him and i find the whole thing disgusting and traumatic so ill never know. i also feel to blame bc in Bahrain the bar for what rape is is really high & i did go through a point where i felt similarly about my initial experience w rape as well, and maybe if i knew more about what consent is meant to look like, i would’ve not enabled what he was doing. but idk. with the sleep thing, i take a medication which makes me really sleepy & acts as a sort of sedative. on several occasions, he would ask me after i had taken the medication so when i was already half-asleep. id say ok & then id fall asleep and then it’d happen. it’s fucking weird to use this situation to argue that it’s an indication im into guys when i was Literally asleep. it’s also weird to argue women’s actions when under the influence is indication of desire and attraction when that is ultimately also arguing countless situations where drunk women or women on drugs being taken advantage of is somehow something they wanted. the fact that i don’t label my situation as rape and partially blame myself for them doesn’t mean it’s in any way acceptable to take those cases, and then argue someone being asleep is a sign they wanted to have sex with a man. or someone being drunk and letting a guy do sth to them is a sign of OSA.
i do not agree that who someone had sex with is an indication of their sexuality tho. it’s a case by case basis and it depends on their particular situation. in cases of women who had sex w guys bc they were bored or horny or whatever, i cannot relate to that whatsoever and i often question it. but there’s countless cases of lesbians that faced rape & CSA and in their teen years just went along with whatever, passively accepting whatever the other party wanted. that’s a sign of trauma rather than bisexuality to me. and it’s not the same as someone going out of their way to find dudes to get with. it’s not the same as being attracted to someone of a particular sex. and the argument that someone under the influence means “drugs alter your brain chemistry to let you have sex with a member of [the opposite sex]” is such a weird reframing of the situation to me. drugs put you in a state of altered consciousness. this means people under the influence are not fully conscious. it’s a pretty common occurrence for people to use drugs to be able to get through sex they don’t want to have. this is why you’ll find plenty women involved in prostitution or porn will take drugs to get through the situation, for example. the drugs don’t make someone want to have sex, it makes it so they’re not aware or conscious through it. it makes no sense to argue that someone putting themselves in a state where they’re not conscious of what is happening = an indication of some sort of desire.
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thatwaywardwolf · 4 years
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This is a bit old to bring up, but the topic of TERFs came up in a group I was in because someone was facing transphobia and it reminded me of this lovely individual who left this remark on a question I got asked about what it a TERF is.
I rolled by eyes at this and never thought about checking their blog out to see what else is going on. Well, there's another user to look out for now amongst the pagan community if you're looking for someone to follow. I've said this before, but I'll say it again for anyone who is new here in case I didn't get the point across.
If you're a TERF or you align with such values, you aren't welcome here. If you're biphobic, transphobic, or ace/arophobic, you aren't welcome here. Just like with Nazis and white nationalists, I want nothing to do with you if you uphold hateful and bigoted values; especially when it comes to attitudes and agendas that affect my trans brothers, sisters, and non-binary siblings.
hvars þú böl kannt kveðu þat bölvi at ok gefat þínum fjándum frið
“When you see misdeeds, speak out against them, and give your enemies no frið”
- Hávamál 127
Don't try to argue with me either if you fall in line with this ideology because I see you for what you are, nor do I want to be associated with you. Unfollow me and don't let the door hit you on the way out. As a very queer trans man, I refuse to let this type of bullshit slide. I can't change your mind because some thought processes can't be reasoned with, but I can put my foot down and speak my peace about it.
So, to this person who replied to me and considers bigotry to be radical, please unkindly fuck off; especially when others in the notes so eloquently said why this type of thing is a problem in some pagan oriented circles. This behavior is unacceptable and it shouldn't be tolerated, period. We're a community, and as such, we should stand to support one another from oppressive systems that seek to harm marginalized individuals, not cast them aside and treat them like shit.
- Adam
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rainbowcrystal-kid · 6 years
I've been interested in learning about age regression in its various forms, and I was wondering if you could help me? In one of your posts you mentioned "teenie tots" and some sort of discourse. What are teenie tots n what was the discourse? Also, d'you know why there are so many groups with different names who seem to do the same thing? I don't regress, but I do enjoy childlike activities. If you don't feel comfortable answering these questions from someone who doesn't regress I understand :)
Hi hunny thanks for asking~! It’s okey if you dont regress I’ll answer your questions~! Buckle up because this requires a bit of backstory~!!
Lets start with the 4 million communities and labels. In the regression community theres always been tension between sexual regressors (ddlg, cgl etc) and non sexual regressors (chire, agere). Non sexual regressors often regress due to trauma as a child (sexual abuse etc) so being around people that treat childish things as sexual objects upsets them A LOT. The real drama comes in with the communities.
Regression communities are little groups that people can join to regress together, do activities, and make new friends. Most groups have people that they do not allow to join like transphobes, exclusionists, terfs and people like that. BUT many communities disallow anyone in kink to join. Which is cool and understandable, but the issue comes in when groups like cgl/re, which are not kink, get excluded from lots of communities because cgl/re uses a few kink terms. Like calling their caregiver daddy or mommy. Nothing sexual about it, its just a name. I call my CG daddy and NOTHING sexual happens while I’m regressed evereverever we both draw the line there. But this upsets SFW groups to no end because if we use those terms then we are automatically kink to them.
OKAY time for the teenietots discourse, the reason i left tumblr for literally a year. I used to be primary-bunny. I was fairly well known in the community. I was in teenietots, a sfw agere community and the biggest one at the time. At the time the head of teenietots was Donut. She was really sweet and we talked quite a bit. BUT then there an issue. I cant remember EXACTLY how it was started so don’t quote me on this, but it was revealed through screenshots that she had a tendency to be really abusive towards other people and apparently had connections to kink. The agere-league or whatever called for her to step down and she did.
This led to teenietots being labeled as a kink community, just for being formally associated with her. I dont think it is anymore, it has new mods and everything but idk I havent looked into it too much. idc
It stressed me out to no end because all I wanted was to feel small but there was an ongoing witchhunt for anyone that was in kink ever or even associated with it lmao. I expressed my irritation and lost quite a few followers and just being on tumblr wasnt fun anymore. So I just left.
My advice is to just DO YOU. Post and reblog what makes you happy.
A few terms:
byf = Before you follow. A page on a agere blog that you are meant to read before interacting. It tells you who they don’t want interacting with them due to various reasons. they can get lengthy.
Dd/lg = Daddy dom/little girl. Subset of BDSM where the roles of dom and sub take a more parent and child kind of role. There is ageplay a lot of the times. Its 110% kink.
Cg/l = CaregiverLittle. The gender neutral term for dd/lg. Also kink
Cg/lre = Spawned from cg/l but non kink. They still use ‘little’ terms
Agere = Age regression. 
Chire = Child regression.
All in all just try to respect peoples boundaries. My policy is if they are WAYYYY too strict about who can interact then I just leave them alone because its not that important. You don’t even regress so there won’t be much of an issue BUT be careful because some blogs dont want you interacting if anyone from kink follows you  or interacts with you. This can get sticky because you cant keep them from interacting EVER and if they reblog from you they dont have to take it down because you say so. Many dont and will tell you to go away.
There’s more but this post would get wild. I’ll make this public so I can link it in the future~!!! Hope this gives more clarity.
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