#so whenever this guy has to sub for my usual teacher he sees me and goes 'you're the really good one!!!'
pinkanonhopes · 2 years
i had a sub for piano today and i already knew him and remembers me as "the really good pianist" so. that's very nice :)
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
Could you do more Marko X Reader fics? You can make it as filthy as possible. I live reading your work <3
Teacher's Pet 📏
Summary: Marko has a new, fun game in mind for you. One that will test your vampire knowledge and your tolerance for pain. You show him all the hard things you can take~
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Thank you @american-idiot-jpg for the request! I appreciate your patience and I hope you enjoy this! Also big thank you to @ghoulgeousimmaculate for helping pull me out of my writing funk and put this together!!
WARNINGS: Nsfw/Smut/18+ Readers Only, Professor/Student Roleplay, Costumes, Teasing, Flirting, Dom/Sub, Spanking, Fingering, Punishment/Reward, Sex on a desk, Bent over, Rough Sex, Praise, Affection, Blood Drinking, No specific genitalia/pronouns used
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Marko was a sneaky little thing. Though he had a very chaotic energy to him, he was actually quite methodical. Whenever he was in the mood to play one of his devious little games, he was sure to set up everything exactly how he wanted it. 
So when you found a particularly lewd costume laid across your bed, you knew he was ready to play with you. 
It wasn't much material to wear. A small, white crop top that tied in the front, a red, plaid-patterned tie, some matching shorts, and a pair of black knee-high socks to go with some plain loafers. Before you even put it on you knew that the outfit wasn't going to leave much to the imagination. 
You knew better than to complain though. Marko always got what he wanted, and if he desired to see you dressed like his own personal plaything, then so be it. With your body barely covered, you wandered through the cave taverns to find the play area Marko loved so much. You only hoped none of the other vampires would see you and make vulgar comments on your appearance. 
Marko's special room was blocked off by a thick, red, velvet curtain. This time around there was a unique addition. A small sign pinned to one of the sides.
Professor Marko
Subtle as a flying mallet, that one. At least you had all the clues you needed to play along with his game. As you pushed the curtain aside, you only hoped he'd play nice with you. 
"Come in."
Marko's voice was surprisingly serious in tone. You thought about how unlike him it was until you got a look at what he was wearing. 
His usual leather chaps and elaborate jacket had been traded for a button-down shirt and khakis. His hair was tied back and on the bridge of his nose sat a pair of reading glasses. While he leaned up against an antique writing desk he glanced down at a book in his hand. It was almost like looking at a version of Marko from an alternate universe. One where he was a strict, studious guy and not a vampire hoodlum. 
Still, even with his getup, a familiar, wild look was burning in his eyes when he caught sight of you. 
“Have a seat, dear,” Marko ordered. “We don’t have time to dawdle. Your exam is in a week, and we don’t want to fail, do we?”
You gulped audibly as he pulled up a plain, wooden chair for you to sit in. He really did have the stage set for this little performance you two were going to put on. It made your heart race with fear and anticipation. Not wanting to keep him waiting, you nodded and made your way over to him, sitting down immediately. 
Now you felt even more vulnerable. Your shorts were riding up a bit, showing off the length of your legs and thighs. Sitting down allowed Marko to drink in more of you, gazing with pure authority and power in his eyes. He truly was in control.
Marko enjoyed watching you squirm. The rapid thrum of your heart sounded so lovely in his ears. He kept his gaze trained on you as he strolled over to the antique black chalkboard and picked up the dusty white stalk. 
“Our subject matter is lore,” he informed as he began scrawling on the panel, “in relation to vampirism…so tell me, how does one become a vampire?” He asked with his hands clasped behind his back. He stared at you, patiently awaiting your answer.
You had to admit, you were impressed. He really did think of everything. Probably went by the local thrift shop for his props. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. You knew everything about vampires considering you had been the mate of one for so long now. With your posture straightening up a bit, you confidently answered his question.
“There are two different ways to become a vampire, Sir,” you explained. “The first is by drinking a vampire's blood and completing a first feed and kill of a human. The second is by getting a direct bite and having your bloodstream corrupted.”
Marko jotted your answer on the board, smirking at the inflection of confidence that appeared in your voice. He could tell you thought you had this in the bag, being his mate for years now, but he had a few tricks up his sleeve. He wanted you to get cocky so that he could cut you down at just the right time. 
“Very good! I’m pleased you remember that core piece of information, but tell me, what’s the relevance of religious objects to a vampire?”
“Religious objects are dangerous to vampires. Holy water burns the skin in small doses and melts it in large ones. The sign of the cross does nothing, but an actual cross will hurt a vampire. If you’re invited in somewhere, then they do no damage, but otherwise, they’re deadly.”
You wondered what other questions Marko had in store. Maybe this whole teacher scenario was a way to praise you and make you feel extra good. Perhaps the sadistic vampire was feeling a little generous this time around. Of course, that was an incredibly naive thought to have. You had no idea what deviant thoughts were circling around in that head of his. 
Marko stifled a chuckle, jotting down the answer to your second question. He turned to face you, leaning against his desk once more as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Excellent work!” He praised. “You appear to be an expert. Perhaps you can answer this question for me—true or false, according to the Ancient Greeks, vampires can cross salt water.”
In a mere moment, your confidence was drained. Your smile fell and your eyes widened as panic overtook your brain. Marko and the boys hadn’t ever mentioned anything about salt water. This had to be a trick question. 
All five of you lived by the ocean, meaning they were around salt water all the time. Surely they wouldn’t live in a seaside city if they were at risk of not getting around properly. The power of flight wouldn’t be stopped by a mere body of water….right?
Marko smirked, his Cheshire grin widening as his stern expression cracked. 
“It’s false.” Marko tutted as he strolled towards you. “Water is an interesting topic in vampire lore. The Ancient Greeks believed vampires couldn’t cross running water. In a legend, all vampires were banished to an island, to be trapped for eternity. The Romani believed vampires couldn’t pass over water in general. In Transylvania, a common funeral practice was to walk the deceased through a river or stream to prevent the soul from following living so reanimation could not occur.”
You had no idea Marko was so versatile in different vampire lore from all over the world. From the moment you stepped into the ‘classroom’ you assumed it would all be a test on actual vampire facts. There was so much you didn’t know about cultural beliefs on the monsters you had gotten to know personally. 
“I didn’t know. I….I’m sorry…” you said, feeling somewhat dumb now. What would your mate do since you got the answer wrong? You were already trembling in your skimpy little uniform.
“Let’s play a game, dear,” Marko proposed. “Studies say that learning through play is a highly effective strategy. I will continue to quiz you on your knowledge of vampirism and lore, and for every question that’s correct, you’ll receive a reward. But—” He paused for dramatic effect. “For every question that’s incorrect, you’ll receive a spanking. So if you’ll please, assume the position,” he ordered, gesturing to his desk. 
If your heart wasn’t racing before, it certainly was now. Marko was acting like the sneaky little thing you knew and loved. You squeezed your thighs together, rubbing them as you felt the beginning hints of arousal rush through your body. The idea of being bent over and punished by his hand was as exciting as it was scary. 
You would play along with this game, and do your best with each question. Whatever he wanted to do with your body depended on how well you did. With a needy, innocent look in your eyes, you nodded in acceptance. 
Marko hummed as he watched you cross the room and lean over his desk, his eyes on your ass and thighs. The pants he had worn for his costume were already feeling quite tight in the front.
“That’s it, little one,” he cooed. “I’ll make a model student out of you, yet…bend over and spread ‘em wide…” He glided to his desk, grabbing a 36-inch long wooden yardstick along the way. He stood behind you, slapping the yardstick over his palm to get a reaction. He chuckled heartily when he saw you flinch. 
“Now, next question,” Marko purred as he ran the wooden tool up the inside of your leg, enjoying the sight of you shivering in fear. “True or False, decapitation is an effective way of slaying a vampire.”
It was incredibly difficult to think straight when the massive stick was running along your bare skin. Corporal punishment was most certainly not in schools anymore, but Marko didn’t seem to care. If he had the opportunity to mix pain and pleasure with you, he would take the chance without a second thought. 
You took a shaky breath as you tried your best to focus. This was a more of something you knew. The boys told stories about vampires they knew that had met an unfortunate demise. If there was no head, that meant the body was no longer any danger. Surely this question was straightforward with the answer.
Marko chuckled, leaning forward to whisper into your ear. “Neither.” 
“It is neither true nor false. In fiction, decapitation is a suitable method for dispatching a vampire. In life, a few of our friends had died in the very same way, but in folklore, decapitation is merely a part of the process. An additional precaution after staking or other methods of dispatch. Take Lucy Westerna in Dracula, for example. The poor maiden was killed after being staked in the heart, but Van Helsing removed her head to be safe.” 
“Another example,” Marko continued, “is a shoemaker in sixteen century Poland, formerly known as Breslau. The man committed suicide, but after burial, the townspeople were plagued by his presence. He appeared to them at night, assaulting them in their beds. When his body was exhumed, they saw that after having been buried for over seven months, his body had not decayed. They reburied him, thinking that would resolve the issue, but he still appeared to them at night. He stopped haunting his hometown only after his head and limbs were removed.” 
“So…that means you’re wrong, little one.” Marko giggled, jutting his arm back to strike you on your bottom. He lingered in the air a few moments to watch your squirm before bringing the wood down with a thwack!
Your body jolted when the stick hit your skin. The flimsy pair of shorts were not protecting you from any pain at all, meaning you felt the full force of the impact. The flesh of your ass jiggled from the hit, giving Marko a very pleasant sight while you were dealing with the pain. It was so sharp and rough. If this was awaited you with every wrong question, you were going to have to step up your game. 
“I-I’m sorry, Sir!” you whimpered. “I’ll do better, I promise!” 
Sadistic chuckling greeted your ears. Even with the pain, you felt yourself rubbing your thighs together again. Marko really knew how to put your body through intense sensations. 
“I forgive you,” Marko crooned as he rubbed your bottom with his palm. “But if you want to pass this exam, you must focus.” 
You nodded, quietly muttering your agreement. Marko stepped back, perching himself in your chair. He crossed his legs, taking in the glorious view of your ass hiked in the air over his desk. He would love to fuck you over the antique cherrywood. But he’d save that for later.
“Next question,” Marko cooed as he tapped the yardstick against the leg of his chair. “True or False, vampires must sleep in coffins.”
Relief washed over you with that question. You watched the boys sleep every day. You KNEW this one, and you weren’t going to let Marko punish you again for something so obvious. 
“False! They can hang from the ceiling much like bats,” you answered, trying your best to sound confident. “So long as it’s somewhere dark where the sunlight won’t harm them during the day.”
Your body was trembling terribly as Marko taunted you with the tapping of his stick. Even if you knew the answer was correct, you still mentally prepared for the slap against your ass again if this was another trick question.
The tapping ceased and you froze, keening your head to the side to listen for his movements. But you heard nothing, the vampire moving with a speed and grace left you terrified and confused. You didn’t know where he was or whether you were right or wrong until you felt his hands on your body. 
You yelped, nearly jumping out of your skin when you felt his hands on legs. He gave your ass a slap, but it was playful not punitive. You jiggled and Marko snickered. His titter was light hearted and free from sadism. You had a feeling that you were in the clear, but with Marko’s unpredictability, you weren’t sure. 
“Good job, little one,” Marko praised as his fingers grabbed the hem of your shorts. “You are correct…looks like you earned a treat.” 
He pulled your pants down, exposing your bottom to the crisp air of the cave’s alcove. Prodding at your cheeks, Marko explored your body until he found your orifice. His fingers were slick with something warm and wet, no doubt his favorite brand of lube being used. That warmth teased you more as he began to slip a finger inside of you. 
"O-Oh!" you gasped. Marko softly chuckled at your reaction. He knew your body better than anybody in the world, and he proved it as such when he crooked his finger to massage your insides. Your muscles relaxed and your voice let out a sigh as he touched you. He practically had you purring like a kitten.
“There’s my good baby~” he praised you. “My devoted little pupil. If you keep it up with the next question, I’ll be more than happy to give you more of this good touch.”
This time you didn’t answer him with your voice. You simply nodded, ready for more of what he had to offer. Whether the test would be hard or easy, you didn’t care in the slightest. You were just going to give it your all and chase that sweet high of pleasure some more.
Marko smiled as you cooed and sighed from his ministrations. He enjoyed toying with your body, feeling you pulse around him. The only thing that delighted him more was tearing into a throbbing vein or artery. 
“Next question,” Marko continued with your quiz. “True or False, vampires are compelled to count millet when spilled?”
Another easy one. You thought such an idea was laughable. Getting vampires to start counting as a way to stop an attack. But you bit back your giggle in favor of another moan. The power of his fingers was just too strong.
"Mmmn…false, Sir~" 
You arched your back as you pressed your hips closer to your 'professor'. If he kept this up you were going to be a happy little teacher's pet. 
“Very good, my dear,” Marko praised. “You’re on your way to an A plus. Now, let’s see if you can answer this one,” he questioned as he pumped his fingers. “Is Count Von Count from Sesame Street based on the the piece of folklore we just discussed?”
You paused, thinking deeply about the question. You weren’t too sure about this one, but if you used context clues in relation to the name and the concept, it seemed obvious that is was. 
“Y-yes?” You replied hesitantly. 
Marko tutted, ceasing his movements and removing his hand. You whined audibly. Your insides feeling empty and neglect from his retreat. 
“Sadly, the answer is ‘No,’” Marko replied with a sigh before stuffing his fingers in his mouth. He lapped away the edible lube, savoring the strawberry taste mixed with your signature flavor before carelessly wiping his hand on his khakis. Leaning forward, he retrieved the yardstick from his desk and raised it into the air. 
“The Count is based on Bela Lugosi’s design and performance, but it’s never been explicitly said on screen that he was a vampire. The Count’s compulsion with counting and numbers is also purely coincidence.” 
Your body tensed in preparation for impact. Of course Marko would pull the rug under you with that obvious trap or a question. You would hit yourself in frustration if your mate wasn't about to do it for you. 
"And speaking of counting," Marko remarked, still holding the stick to keep your anticipation high. "If you count these next spanks out for me like a good little student, I'll skip ahead to the bonus question."
Knowing Marko, that could mean DOZENS of spanks. You were shaking terribly on top of the desk, wanting nothing more than to get this torture over with. 
"B-Bonus question?"
"Yes, darling. It determines how I'm gonna fuck you. Sweet and giving or…"
The yardstick hit your ass with a mighty strike. A yipe fell from your mouth from the fright of both the sound and sensation. 
"Hard and rough," Marko finished his sentence, voice dripping with wickedness. "So get to counting, my little pupil~"
“Y-yes, Sir!” You muttered into the wood, eager and prepared to please despite your fear. 
Marko raised the yardstick again and swiftly brought the thick piece of wood down with a hefty Smack! 
“Aah! One!” You replied immediately, grunting your answer through the stinging pain. 
He raised his arm one more and delivered another blow, forcing another moan from your lips. “Ugh! Two!”
Marko worked you over, punishing you with a twinkle of sadistic glee in his eyes. You counted, crying out in pain in between each delivery. But like a good student, you completed your task, the experience ending with you panting into the wood. Your bottom was tender and flushed, with thick welts forming on the surface. 
You were in great pain, but as you rubbed your thighs together, you felt pleasure. A lust for him to take you. You couldn’t go on like this. Whether he fucked you or made love to you, you needed him inside you. 
“Final question. Where did the idea that vampires did not hold a reflection first come from?
It was hard enough catching your breath after crying out for Marko with each spank. Now you had to get your brain to cooperate with you so that this final question could be answered. You forced yourself to relax. Focus. Really think about this. 
Reflections. The boys didn’t have reflections in places they weren’t invited. When they were invited and they could blend in as humans, then the reflections appeared. That was a fact, but Marko wanted to test you on the lore of it. God, you wished you had done more reading in your freetime. 
Thinking back to when you and the boys watched the iconic Bela Lugosi film for movie night, you thought about Dracula’s powers and weaknesses. In one scene, he slapped a box out of Van Helsing’s hand because it contained a mirror that showed no reflection. If that happened in the book it was based on, then that meant Bram Stoker originally created the idea. 
It was a total shot in the dark. You had no idea if other writers or cultures had proposed such an idea earlier in history. Better give it the old college try. 
“B-Bram Stoker…” you whimpered, shutting your eyes tight and waiting for Marko to tell you whether you passed or failed.
Marko pursed his lips as he eyed your trembling form. He was a little salty that you were holding your own. He was hoping you’d bomb miserably so he could have his way with you. He wasn’t in the mood for tenderness even though that was one of your options. So he decided to exploit a little loophole… 
“Mirrors are an interesting thing in vampire lore,” Marko mused. “The first documented instance of vampires not casting a reflection does in fact appear in Dracula. But there are some folk tales that predate Bram Stoker that relate vampires to mirrors.” 
“Mirrors don’t just reflect our physical visage, little one,” Marko continued. “Many cultures relate the mirror to superstition and the human soul—which is why it is common for the mirror to be covered after a loved one passes. In Romani culture, it’s believed that a corpse could turn into a vampire if a mirror is present. But nothing is explicitly said about the reflection. So, the mirror appears in lore before Dracula was published, but Draculal solidified it as a rule.” 
“You’re both correct and incorrect.” 
“What does that even mean?!” You gasped in confusion. 
“That means we both get what we want~”
Before you even had a moment to process his answer, Marko had his hands on you. His fingers grabbed at your hips, pulling you backward so you were pressed up against his body. Long, thick claws sliced into your shorts, tearing away the fabric so that you were completely exposed to him. 
Marko was positively insatiable. His long tongue licked across his lips in hunger while his eyes drank in your delicious-looking ass. He couldn’t stop himself from kneading the flesh. You whimpered softly when you felt his erection rub up against your body. 
“You seem to do well with praise, my little one. But you need discipline to become the star pupil I know you can be~” 
The vampire unzipped his pants with one hand while squeezing at your ass with the other. A lustful moan fell from his lips as his hard, aching cock was freed. He had been aching to take you all night, and now he was going to get what he desired most. Though he was gentle slipping himself inside your lubed hole, that was the extent to the tenderness of his physical actions.
“If you can take this, then I know you can take on anything~” he purred before slamming his hips into you. You let out a yipe, not prepared to go so fast so soon. Without thinking, you grabbed hold onto the sides of the desk, and gripped as hard as you could.
Marko ruthlessly pistoned his hips into you, demonic growls of pleasure falling from his fanged lips. If you could see his face, you would tremble. The vampire’s visage was nightmarish. Marko’s mouth was contorted into a wicked smile while his eyes blazed brighter than any jack-o-lantern. 
He wasn’t Marko, your boyfriend, or even Marko the sadist. He was Marko, the monster and you were his plaything for the evening. 
But despite channeling his inner beast, he cooed the sweetest words as he ravaged you. Things romantics would whisper to their lovers in the throes of passion. It wasn’t completely odd to you though. Marko found beauty and passion in things that people would label barbaric.
“That’s it, love,” Marko crooned. “You look so beautiful like this…my perfect human~”
“Oh!! Ooooh!!” you cried out for him. 
Marko was a tough lover in every way imaginable. You would never fully get used to all the toys, roleplay and domination he loved to use on you. He was a viscious creature with decades of experience. It would take quite some time before you were caught up to even half his level.
And even so, you took it all eagerly. You let him do to your body as he wished. Whatever games he wanted to play would be taken on. He could control you from the inside out and always crave more. As long as you had his heart in return, you accepted him for who he was.
“My darling little one….fuck…my precious love…soooo perfect~” he purred. 
His sweet nothings didn’t match his movements though. Certainly not when he grabbed a fistfull of your hair and pulled it hard. You cried out as he forced you upward more, wanting you nice and close as he fucked your brains out.  
”I adore every little thought in that head, amore mio~”
Another yank to your hair was given, tugging sideways so your bare neck was exposed for the vampire. An eerie chuckle greeted your ears as he ran his inhuman tongue over your flesh, teasing the veins underneath. 
“Let me cherish you. WORSHIP you. I’d perish without you~”
Marko sank fangs into your throat. His pearly white sharpened canines punctured your tender flesh, freeing thick rivulets of crimson that ran down your shoulder. You mewled in pain, but your whine quickly shifted into a sultry moan as Marko snapped his hips. He massaged a tender spot deep inside you. One engorged ridge that made you see stars. 
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your mouth hung slack. Marko fed from you, pulling your life’s nectar from your body. You swayed on your feet as a high hit you. The sense that you were floating set in. That sensation coupled with the ministrations of Marko’s brutal pace nudged you closer to the edge. That peak where you’d tip over into the abyss. 
“F-FUCK! Master…~” You whined as you sucked your bottom lip into your mouth, holding the pouty flesh hostage in between your teeth. 
Feeling your body get closer and closer to the release was enough to push Marko towards his own. He unlatched himself from your neck and lapped at the last drops of blood as he kept railing you into the desk. 
"Gonna cum for me, little one? Cum for your teacher and show me what devoted student you are?" he cooed. You nodded feverishly, causing him to smile so wickedly. 
"I knew you were a good pupil. Come on, little love. Cum with me! Do it!!" 
His command hit you like a goddamn truck. Your back arched against his chest and your head fell backwards. All of your limbs tensed up and your stomach contracted as the rush of orgasm consumed you. Pathetic cries mixed with his low moans. It was a truly beautiful sight. 
"M-Marko!! Ooh my god~!!" you whimpered. The sweetness of your orgasm was already making quite the mess on the desk below you. It only turned Marko on more. 
“If I could stay inside you for eternity, I would,” Marko cooed as he eyed the mess. “I love the masterpieces you make….” 
Marko bucked into you one last time. He exploded inside you, his release bathing your insides with a flood of warmth in your lower belly. You whined as he twitched inside you, the writhing of both of your bodies making beautiful art together. 
When the high of your pleasure finally subsided, you slumped over the desk again. You were completely spent, both from blood loss and Marko’s perfect cock. Either way, he was more than satisfied with how you looked underneath him. He was careful slipping out of you, knowing you had enough roughness for one day. 
“There’s a good mate~” he cooed as he helped turn you over onto your back. You smiled sheepishly from how he stared at you with such intensitiy. “God, I’m a fuckin’ genius for getting you this costume.”
“You look pretty sexy yourself in that getup~”
Marko raised an eyebrow, amused by that statement. He slipping off the glasses with one hand and toyed with the buttons on his shirt with the other. 
“What about what’s underneath this?”
Your shy smile morphed into a sly smirk at that question. The two of you kept the sultry gaze going while you wrapped your legs around his hips and tugged him closer again. 
“Why don’t you show me, Sir?”
Marko liked that answer quite a bit. After all, as your teacher, he still had plenty of fun lessons to go over with you. He would be incredibly diligent with such an eager learner~
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Tag List: @britany1997 @6lostgirl6 @legal-lost-boy @michael-after-hours @bloodywickedvamp @oceansrose2002
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anonquack · 3 years
| Chef Q |
Alex Quackity x Reader, Oneshot, Requested by: @anotherdreamsimp !!
Word Count: 3328
Warnings: Some curse words, mainly just some fluff !
Summary: Quackity hasn't been streaming recently, and decides to come back with a cooking stream. Featuring you as a special guest.
Lately, Quackity had been studying like crazy for his final exams. That meant no streaming. He'd take a break from it to focus entirely on his studies. Absolutely nothing else.
He claimed to have his priorities straight, and had the goal to pass all exams with high scores in order to keep his grades looking wonderful.
This also meant there was rarely any time spent between you two, beside the occasional snack breaks you forced him to take so he wouldn't die at his desk.
It was tough not being able to show him a random video you'd found on the timeline, or walking up to chat with him whenever you wanted, but you knew this was very important to him. So you gladly supported him and offered as much support as possible.
Thankfully, all of his studying paid off and he passed with flying colors. A teacher had even informed him that he'd received the top score for one of his final exams.
You were the first person to hear the news, and you couldn't help but feel the adoration coursing through your body at how excited he was to tell you. Jumping up and down and shaking you lightly as he told you about his scores.
You'd offered to take him out for a celebratory meal, to treat him for all his hard work and also since you missed the fun outings with him. There was no way he was saying no to that.
After a day out and about, you two had made your way back home. Both of you were pleasantly full, having enjoyed the meal and also dessert. His request, for "doing so well on his finals." How could you possibly deny him that?
You both were also very content, a warmth and comfort surrounding the air around you two the entirety of the outing.
One thing that was impossible not to notice was how he'd become exceptionally clingy as soon as you two were out of the car. Gripping onto your hand tightly as you singlehandedly unlocked the front door.
"I've missed you so much these past few days." He murmered as you finally got the door to open and pulled him inside.
"I've missed you too." You hummed softly. It was always nice hearing him say these things. You locked the front door, and gently pulled at his hand to lead him back to your room.
It didn't take much of a pull for him to willingly follow you. "Can we cuddle or something?" He asked softly, almost as if he was a bit embarrassed to ask. You turned to him and gave him a grin, along with a small nod.
You'd missed him, even if you two had been in the same apartment this whole time. You'd especially been missing cuddles with him, considering he studied pretty much all day. There wasn't enough time being shared together so you gladly agreed to some cuddling.
Sooner than later, you two found yourselves in your pajamas, laying in bed peacefully as you scrolled through tiktok, screen tilted in order for him to see as well. It really was so nice finally being able to be this close to him again.
After some time, you found yourself looking through tweets on the timeline. A certain one caught his attention and he asked you to stop scrolling.
It was a tweet from a fan, saying they missed Quackity since he hadn't streamed in two weeks, but that overall they hoped his tests were going fine.
"Has it really been 2 weeks?" He asked aloud as he clicked on it and looked through the replies, all agreeing with the original tweet.
"Mm.. two and a half, I think." You answered, looking at him curiously as a guilty expression appeared on his face.
"Hey." You called out once you saw the expression wasn't leaving. He turned to you with a small frown.
"It's fine. You had a good reason for being gone so long. I'm sure they understand. Plus, you'll be back soon, right?" You asked, to which he nodded before sitting up from the cuddling position you two were in.
You sat up as well, noticing how his eyes widened slightly, and a small smile made its way onto his face.
"I just got a great idea." He exclaimed. "Y'know, I was going to just spend the next few days with you since I missed you but– how about we stream something together? That way I can enjoy both, and the fans get a stream too."
You stared at him in surprise. The fans did know he was dating someone, but you rarely ever came out on streams, not because he didn't want you to but because you didn't deem it to be necessary.
The few times you had been on, you'd received tons of love and support from the chat, so you didn't think anything too bad would happen if you were to appear on his stream again.
"What did you have in mind?" You asked curiously. The other times you'd been on were him playing horror games and an extremely scuffed IRL stream.
"Well.. I haven't done a cooking stream in a while." He began, but you quickly shook your head.
"Oh no. Don't tell me you're going to make us eat some monstrosity‐ like your past cooking streams." You visibly shuddered at the thought. You remember having to help clean up the mess after. And no matter how funny it had been, the actual cleanup was awful.
"No no– I was thinking maybe we do a serious one, y'know? Chat hasn't really been able to see my cooking abilities, and well.. I'd say I am pretty good at it." He grinned. He was unfortunately right.
You relaxed at the mention of it being a 'serious' cooking stream. It could never really be too serious when it came to Quackity, but it meant not eating dog food or poorly made pizza. You were in.
"So we'll make an actual.. edible.. meal?" You questioned again, just to be sure. To which he nodded.
"Yeah, and we can enjoy that meal after. Like a date. What do you say?" He was beaming. It was his creativity rolling in. And he was probably so proud of himself for finding a way to spend time with you yet also give chat the stream content they'd been missing out on.
"Alright. I'm in."
You hadn't seen him this eager to get out of bed and head to the grocery store ever before. Chat was really in for a fun stream tomorrow.
He'd tweeted it out several hours before you two planned on starting the stream that he'd be streaming today with a special guest, and that he had his chef hat ready to go.
As you scrolled through Twitter you could see the timeline freaking out over 'COOKING STREAM' and 'SPECIAL GUEST'. Lots of discussion over who it was.
You couldn't help but feel a bit bad since the fans were probably speculating that he'd met up with his online friends, but in reality it was just you. In that case, you'd try your best to make this a fun stream, and your presence an enjoyable one.
As the time for the stream to start got closer, you helped him set the ingredients you'd be using onto the table, in a way where it was in perfect view for the stream to see and follow along if they wished.
"We're supposed to start in 5." You called out as he slipped his beanie on, fixing the few hair strands that were sticking out a bit too much.
He smiled and made his way over to you, cupping your face and giving you a small kiss. "I'm so excited to do some cooking with you. They're all going to love you."
You couldn't help the warm feeling that spread over your chest at his words. It was like introducing you all over again. He'd recently gained a lot of new followers, and that meant they probably had no idea who you were. Always fun going through that again.
He dealt with some last minute editing and placing, checking all ingredients were there and that everything was set, before hitting the 'Go Live' button.
It didn't take long for the viewers to increase after the tweet notification went out, and the starting soon screen was the only thing really protecting you two from the roaring chat.
Everyone was dying to know what was going on, who the special guest was, and whether this would be yet another scuffed cooking stream.
You stood behind the camera as the starting soon screen finally disappeared and he began greeting the viewers, thanking all the subs coming in, and eventually also giving them a little update on how he'd done on his exams.
You felt so proud as you watched him boast about how his studying had paid off, and how he talked about being the happiest he'd been in a while. He deserved all of it. And chat thought so too.
After some rambling about his test scores and what they'd be cooking today, chat finally became too impatient and asked for a reveal of the special guest.
"Fine. Fine. Since you guys are so fucking impatient." He huffed, watching as chat flew by, telling him to 'get on with it' and to 'TELL US WHO IT IS'. You couldn't help but laugh at the relationship he had with his chat. Always bullying each other but usually knowing when to stop and send love.
"I've actually had them on multiple other streams, not so much recently.. but they've been on my horror streams.. some IRL streams.. and they are really really special to me, chat!" He said with a big smile. Some of chat was confused as to who he was referring to, while older fans began to question if it was YOU. They were very smart.
"Some of the viewers might not know of them, so this is like I'm introducing them to chat all over again! Come over here." He finally directed the last part at you. You couldn't help but feel the sudden spike in anxiety, but chose to ignore it as you smiled back at him and headed into the frame beside him.
With a small wave and a greeting, you watched as chat completely broke. A mess of question marks and your name being spread in chat. You couldn't help but laugh. It was an overwhelmingly positive reaction as Quackity explained to new viewers that you were his partner, and that older fans were already aware of this for a while now.
The amount of 'y/n our beloved' and people asking if quackity's partner was single were abundant in chat, and you couldn't help but feel stupid for thinking the newer viewers would hate you or something.
Having the approval of Quackity's chat also made you feel lighter, it made it easier to let go and just enjoy the cooking stream.
You two began to explain what you'd be cooking to chat, and you made it very clear that he actually had to try and cook this time, to which chat agreed wholeheartedly.
He'd taken a recipe from his mom for one of his favorite meals, one he hadn't had in a while. He explained to chat that he wanted to see how well you and him could recreate it until you two took a trip to visit his family.
"Hopefully we don't disappoint her too much." You mumbled as he placed the chef hat onto your head, fixing it so you looked presentable.
"She can't be because we're actually gonna try." He stated before beginning to explain to chat what the meal was since many of them might not have even heard of it before. As he did that, you began to set aside the ingredients you wouldn't be needing until later.
After everything had been explained, it was time to get cooking. His concentration to try and recreate his mom's recipe was adorable, and chat agreed on that too.
This stream wasn't loud and messy like the others, but it was still enjoyable in its own way. Quackity was radiating such wonderful light and energy, cracking jokes and genuinely enjoying himself. It was all thanks to the stress and worries being lifted off his back. You really enjoyed seeing him like this.
Chat was able to follow along later if they wanted with how organized you guys were being, but the banter he had with you and chat made it entertaining to any casual viewer. He always found a way to make it fun.
Not only that, but chat was able to see a new side of him. The Chef Q side. More often than not, a message would roll in saying they were amazed by how good Quackity actually was at cooking. You could already imagine some of the edits that'd come out of the stream.
His mom had told you two beforehand how long it would normally take to cook this meal, and it was perfect for a usual stream and some extras where you two would actually get to try the food.
There was moments where chat was warning you two that the food would burn or that he'd accidentally set the kitchen on fire, but overall you were enjoying yourself so much.
And chat was enjoying your presence too!
By the time you two managed to finish the meal, you both plopped down onto the chairs he'd set for the supposed 'breaks'.
He had some of the sauce on his cheek and his apron, but still managed to look good. He'd also smeared sauce onto your cheek, and at this point some strands were sticking out of your hat in such a messy way since the last few minutes had been rather hectic, food almost burning and all.
"Chat. We did it." He called out before cheering loudly and clapping his hands, to which you swiftly followed along, chat beginning to cheer as well.
"I think its only right that we try what we made, don't you think?" You ask, to which chat quickly types YES in all caps, wanting to see the finished product and also find out if it even tastes good.
Quackity let out a chuckle as he smiled over at you. "Not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous. We haven't even seen it so it might just be black. Burnt to a crisp. Or what if it tastes like shit? Y/N i don't know what I'm going to do if the food tastes like shit. Thats what we're supposed to eat on our date." He whined a bit.
You shook your head, "It'll be great. And if not, we can just order takeout. It'll be fine big q." You smiled reassuringly. Chat became a frenzy of calling him cute for the state he was in, declaring their love for how supportive and kind you were, and melting over your relationship.
Before you knew it, you were both revealing the meal to chat, and pleasantly surprised by the results. The presentation of the meal itself looked really good. It looked like what you'd expect from such a plate. Quackity had even gone as far as saying it looked similar to how his mom made it.
You gasped, smiling in surprise at him. "Really? Did we really do that good of a job." His face turned into one of regret, and a long segment of silence engulfed you two before he nodded hesitantly. You both broke out into a fit of laughter.
"Okay okay, seriously. Chat's waiting for you to try it." You placed a fork in front of him, earning a loud scoff from him.
"They want to see you try it as well." He mirrored your actions and you gladly took the fork.
"Alright. First bite. Let's see if all our hard work paid off! Chat, are you ready?" You grinned and watched as the 'YES's started rolling in, some viewers telling you both to get the fuck on with it, and others gushing about how the food actually looked good. You could only hope.
You watched as he began to dig in, mouth full and chewing slowly, truly trying to savor the first bite. You did the same, and the stream was silent for the first time in a while. Chat was in suspense as well, question marks and incoherent rambling rolling through the chat.
"Chat..." he finally spoke after swallowing his bite. "Chat. It's." He paused before showing a small smile. "It's not bad at all. I like it. It's good."
You nodded your head in agreement, "It's nowhere near as good as the ones your mom makes.. but I think you and I make a pretty good team."
"I think so too. And not just for cooking." He grinned, earning himself a playful eye roll and shy smile from you.
The stream proceeded to you two feeding each other bites of the meal, asking each other if it was good, and just enjoying yourselves for a bit longer before Quackity deemed it was time to end.
"Chat !! Thank you so much for tuning in and watching this.. actually coordinated cooking stream. I had so much fun and well, I ate yummy food. I'm happy." He laughed, thanking a few more gifters before doing his signature Bye, and ending stream.
He hurried over to your side, pulling you into a hug. "Thank you so much. I truly had fun. And they definitely loved you, but not nearly as much as I do."
You chuckled at his words, giving him a small kiss before cupping his face. "I had a lot of fun too. Thank you for always being so nice to me." You paused, observing how cute he looked with his chef hat still on. "I think I like Chef Alex." You reached over and fixed his hat a bit.
"Yeah? Should I keep it on?" He teased, coming a bit closer. You couldn't help the warmth that spread over your cheeks at how blunt he was.
"Yes, but you need to help me clean this up. Maybe after we finish the food, hm? C'mon. Don't think I forgot our deal."
He whined, already feeling too lazy, but he quickly followed after you as you two sat down to actually eat. Still wearing the silly attire he'd bought for the stream, far too unbothered to change just yet.
Through a mouthful he asked, "Cuddles and a nap after we're done?"
You smiled and nodded, to which he gave a silent cheer. That was enough motivation to get you both up and cleaning after finishing the meal.
Wrapped in each other's arms again. He couldn't seem to get enough of it. You were once again scrolling through Twitter, this time scrolling through his indirects, wanting to see what people were saying about the stream.
He'd ask you to stop to read certain ones he found funny, and even 'aww'd at the ones he found cute, mainly those talking about how cute you two looked.
Surely enough, there was already edits using the clips of him cooking, and you'd openly admitted to him that he looked "so fucking good." To which he responded by cuddling closer, if even humanly possible.
Quackity found the numerous clips of you two feeding each other to be the best part of the tweets. You two rewatched, saved, liked as many as you could before he became tired.
And with that, he was pulling you close, and leaving small kisses anywhere he could on your face. Eventually, his chest slowly rose and fell as he entered a deep slumber. You smiled, glad to see he was finally getting the rest he deserved.
"Goodnight, Alex." You whispered, leaving a small kiss on his cheek before closing your eyes as well.
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
👀 Dabi gives out daddy vibes so does Overhaul i
Dom!Overhaul, Aizawa, and Dabi x f!Reader headcanons (18+)
Highkey yeah? But at the same time I feel like Dabi and Overhaul have different flavors of caregiver Dom. Dabi’s got the classic daddy issues kink, but I think with Overhaul it would be a little more…clinical. You know what, I’m going to throw in Aizawa for good measure.
Warnings: medical/doctor kink, teacher kink, daddy kink, soft & hard dom/sub, overstimulation, orgasm denial, impact play, yandere, this is long af lol
Overhaul—medical kink ♢♢♢
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Overhaul is paranoid about getting sick and disgusted by germs, plus he likes doing experiments. Surprise, surprise, he’s got a big fat doctor kink!
You’re the only one who doesn’t give him hives. That makes you special. So naturally he has to do some…examinations to find out why you’re so special
After a little while he starts to think about how cute you look in a hospital gown, on an exam table. So open and ready and willing to listen to whatever he says. You trust him so much
And Overhaul has 0 reservations about taking advantage of that trust
You catch on when he starts doing lewd things as part of his “examination”. Teasing your nipples to “check sensitivity”, telling you to take off the gown so he can inspect you more closely, stroking your pussy and smearing your juices over his latex gloves. He’s not subtle
He tells you about how doctors in the olden days used to treat female hysteria patients with orgasms, then picks you up off the exam table and gives you a live-action demonstration
Something about how clean and pure you are combined with that sanitized lab smell really gets him going
Sex aside, Overhaul really cares about your health. Like really. To a degree that could be called obsessive
Every day, twice a day, he makes you take your vitamins in front of him. Then he’ll make you open your mouth and show him that you swallowed (which usually leads to you swallowing…other things)
Does your blood work every 2 weeks to make sure you’re healthy
If you like going out and drinking/doing drugs/hooking up with people, he’ll put an end to that. No way is he going to risk you coming into contact with possible contaminants, unless they’re him
Overhaul isn’t sure if he wants to keep you clean or make you dirty ♢
Aizawa—teacher kink ☆☆☆
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It’s not that literal. You can try to surprise him by coming to bed in a UA uniform thinking it’s going to spice things up, and he’ll just look at you blankly like do you really think I want to fuck one of my students and you’ll feel like an idiot
On the other hand, Aizawa’s a teacher. He can’t help being a teacher. So if there’s anything you aren’t super experienced at, you can bet that you’re going to get some gentle instruction
“Yes…yes, just like that, a little slower, yes, you’re doing so good, move your hips a little more, ahhh…yeah, back and forth a bit…touch yourself…I want to see you cum.”
The first time he tells you to masturbate in front of him, you’re hesitant because you’re embarrassed—only Aizawa thinks it’s because you don’t know how, and who better than him to teach you?
So now you’re in his lap with his hand covering yours, reaching down to tease your sopping wet pussy with his fingers, so much bigger and rougher and thicker than what you’re used to
He’ll narrate what he’s doing while he fingers you, and it’s so embarrassing that you’re glad he can’t see you blushing, not that he can’t feel you getting wetter
If you ease him into the teacher/student roleplay he’ll end up getting really into it
“Teach me how to suck your cock, sir” tends to get good results
Aizawa’s pretty lazy in bed, so you’re usually on top. But if you call him “sensei” while you’re riding him, he’ll get really intense and flip you over and rail you so hard the neighbors will complain
You’re just so eager to learn, and so cute when you ask for instructions—he can’t help teaching you
Aizawa gives out kisses like gold stars ☆
Dabi—daddy kink ♡♡♡
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Ah, the classic.
“Call me Daddy. Call me Daddy, or you don’t get to cum. Only good girls get to cum.”
Makes you beg whenever you want something, and not just when you’re in bed
Need help reaching a book on the top shelf? Say please! Say please, Daddy! If you say it, he’ll get your book—but not before he fucks you over the table
You think it’s kinda weird. Daddy? Dabi’s so savage that your hickeys & bruises don’t even have time to heal before he gives you new ones, and he wants you to call him daddy? The guy doesn’t have a caring bone in his body—at least, as far as you know
But there’s a lot you don’t know
Dabi wants to know everything about you. If you’re not immediately and frequently willing to tell him what you’re thinking, he’ll think you’re trying to hide something. It drives him crazy that there are parts of you that don’t belong to him
He wants the two of you to be confidants; he wants to be the only one who really knows you and the only one you trust
Thinks of you as his helpless little girl—you’re so weak and pathetic it’s adorable. But if anything or anyone tries to hurt you, it’s going to be ashes real quick
Needs you to show affection 24/7—if you’re watching a movie you should be sitting in his lap and playing with his hair and if he’s fucking you, you better not close your eyes or look away from him, even for a second
Overstimulates you until you say I love you
Because of all the shit in his past Dabi has a hard time believing you when you tell him your feelings so you should get used to repeating yourself ♡
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winwinnns · 3 years
impress you (a) (s)
dancer! reader, dance teacher! yuta, hard dom yuta, sub reader (fem), degration, choking (kind of), exhibitionism? (they fuck in a dance studio) humiliation, minor spanking, mentions of edging, short aftercare
self indulgent. i love dancing and want to be apart of a group asap lol. maybe that’s sharing too much,,,,, anyways enjoy!
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you took dance very seriously. it was an escape for you. you loved the way it felt after you’d spent so much time learning the moves and it finally paying off. you liked seeing how good you were, rewatching videos people had taken of you or watching yourself in the mirrors as you performed. you were pretty confident about your skills to say the least.
that was until the studio hired a new teacher. yuta nakamoto wore your confidence down. you had always been able to impress your teachers, but he never seemed happy with you. if you glanced in the wrong direction he’d tell you to be more focused. even if you enthralled yourself in a dance he’d tell you to be more passionate. he wasn’t like that to anyone else and that got on your nerves
you had started practicing at 7am, it was now 11 am. you weren’t satisfied with how it looked. you knew there needed to be absolutely no flaws in order to impress yuta.
“we should run it again” you suggest. your group members groaned.
your group leader sighed. “y/n i know how much this means to you but you need a break. we all do. even if it’s for 5 minutes will you come sit down with us?”
how could you take a break when it wasn’t perfect yet? you were focused now and you knew taking a break would shatter your determined state.
“you guys take a break. i’ll be fine.”
“but y/n-“
“i’ll be fine.” you said, walking over to the sound booth to restart the song.
you stared yourself down in the mirror, analyzing every single move. your love for dance was soon buried by your determination to please him. you’d practice at ungodly hours of the night to make sure you knew what you were doing.
whenever you went to your group members to complain about him, they always said the same thing.
“hes hard on you because he knows your good”
were you? you know you definitely used to be, but with yuta’s unrealistic expectations of you, you thought of yourself as just okay. an average dancer. that’s not what you wanted to be, but you accepted that you were.
the next day, the groups performed in front of each other. when it was your turn to perform, you were ready. you stood in your spot, waiting for the music to start playing. you felt yourself move fluidly, feeling the music in your bones. the beats bounced around your skull, you felt like a part of the song. you’d surely impress him this time. for once in a long time you felt good, your energy filling you with confidence. you felt like the best. you made eye contact with him and smirked, remembering all the times he grilled you about facial expressions. you had this in the bag.
the music stopped, you nailed your ending pose, looking at him again. the other dancers in the studio cheered for your group. you bowed politely and moved to the side, making room for the next group.
“okay. time for critiques. will the first group come to the middle of the room”
you weren’t nervous like you’d usually be. you knew you did good. you were ready to experience the feeling of impressing him, rewarding you for your hard work. you really did work hard. you took this more seriously then any other dance you’ve done with this group.
after complimenting your group members on their flow and energy, yuta turned to you.
“y/n, you need to work on your form. it was a little sloppy.”
sloppy?! you wanted to talk to him privately. how could he say that about you? you were doing so good you were sure of it. you really felt connected to the music. you knew for a fact your form was not sloppy.
after it was done, you went up to him. he was in a corner of the room, swiping at something on his phone.
“you never seem happy with me.”
he looked up from his phone.
“every time i dance you always find something wrong with it. even if i do really good you never compliment anything. why?”
“because you’re not doing your best.”
you mouth hung open. what was he talking about? you have absolutely been doing your best. you were at the top of your game this week. you even reminded your partners of the moves you knew them so well. you had put all of your emotion into this performance and he still thought it wasn’t good enough.
“what do you mean? that was one of my better performances.”
“it was a good performance, but i know you can do better.”
do better? your all wasn’t enough for him. you wanted to punch him. that was your best. you knew it’d be hard to top it.
everyone had left the room, leaving you and yuta alone.
“your expectations are so fucking high. i know i came very close to being perfect this time. i worked my ass of. i put all of my free time into perfecting this and you have nothing good to say about it?”
you knew swearing unprofessional, and it wasn’t going to help anything. but you didn’t care. you were so pissed.
“all i wanted to do was impress you. i did my absolute best. it feels like nothing i do is ever good enough for you.”
he ran his fingers through his hair. “god will you just shut up.”
“excuse me?”
you were taken aback. he did not just tell you to shut up. no fucking way. he moved closer to you, faces only inches apart.
“i said shut up.”
you could feel his breath fanning your face. he was really really hot. what. you thought to yourself. what the fuck is going on.
“holy shit” you whispered.
he smirked. “what”
you stared at his lips. they were really nice. you wanted to kiss him. what has gotten into you? you gulped. his finger went to trace your throat.
“got nothing to say now, huh baby?”
he called you baby. holy shit. it sounded so hot coming from him. you wanted him to say it again. you just looked at him, his eyes were dark with something unknown.
you kiss him experimentally, your lips molding together. his hand wraps around your throat. you squeak, loving how it feels.
he bites your bottom lip, making you whine. he pulls away.
“needy already?” he scoffed.
he brought his hands to your hips, pulling you closer.
“you know, i hate dealing with needy sluts.” he licked his lips. “but i’ll make an exception this time.”
he pushed his lips against yours. this kiss was rougher. you squeezed your thoughts together. just kissing him was making you feel good, you wondered what else he would do. you hoped he wouldn’t leave you high and dry.
“take this off.” he said against your lips. he tugged on your shirt. you took it off quickly, returning to his lips. he smirked
“eager aren’t we? you want me that bad?”
you nodded. you really needed him. you didn’t care how you just wanted him to touch you.
“say it.”
“i want you yuta.”
“take your pants off.”
you pushed your sweats down aggressively tossing them away from you
he rubbed you through your panties. you immediately ground down on his hand, moaning at the feeling. he hummed and focused on your clothed clit, rubbing hard.
he leaned you over the sound booth, tearing your panties down. he fingered you for what felt like 4 seconds before taking his cock out of his underwear. he rubbed the tip up and down your slit, chuckling when you begged for more.
“does it feel good?” he asks
you nod.
“then why would you want anything more?” he teased “what if i only do this. could you cum from it?”
you shake your head “no yuta please give me more!” you push yourself backward against his cock.
he tsked. “now baby you need to be patient. i’ll fuck you when i want to.”
you whined and pushed back more. he slapped your ass before rubbing the pain away.
“what did i say?”
he laced his fingers in your hair and pulled your head up.
“repeat what i said.”
you moaned. “be patient and you’ll fuck me when you want to.”
“if you knew what i said why did you disobey? you’re such a needy bitch.”
you moaned again. you loved it when he degraded you. you never thought you’d be into something like that. it made you feel so good.
suddenly he pushed into you. you gasped. he was larger than you were used to.
“fuck you’re so big!”
he smirked and slapped your ass.
“i know. can you take it?”
you knew he wasn’t really asking. your walls swallowed him up. he thrusted into you slowly.
“how does it feel? you like it when i fuck you like this, where anyone could walk in?”
“yes i love it! please fuck me harder!”
“mm what would your group members think if they walked in on this? seeing you so needy and taking my cock. you’re just a horny little slut aren’t you”
you moan and nod. he fucked you faster. you felt so pliable in his hands, his words making you impossibly wetter.
“you’re so lucky we aren’t at my place. i’d edge you so much for being an annoying little brat.”
he pounded into you chasing his release.
“rub your clit.” he ordered
you complied and moaned as soon as your fingers make contact with your clit, back arching. he grabbed your hips, nails leaving indents in your skin.
“fuck yuta.” you whined. you were close. “please don’t stop.”
he chuckled and pulled your head up by your hair. his lips latching onto your neck. he bit and sucked marks onto you, the feeling making you that much closer.
“i’m close!”
he hummed against you neck. “you gonna cum for me? show me how good my cock feels in your slutty pussy?”
you whined. “please please please don’t stop!”
“wasn’t planning on it baby.”
there it was again. baby. the name rang through your ears. it made you feel warm. you wanted him to call you that all the time. it was the last thing you needed to cum.
you came on his cock. he thrusted into you faster before pulling out and releasing on your back. you both panted, catching your breaths.
“holy shit.” he said. “that was so hot baby”
he took off his shirt and used to to clean your back. he pulled you up and help you in his arms.
“you did really well.”
you flushed at his words, nuzzling into his chest.
“thank you.”
he rubbed your back for a little while before getting your clothes and handing them to you.
“we should do this again.” he suggests.
you nod furiously. “yes please.”
he chuckled. “oh, and i’ll try to go easier on you.”
with that he put on his hoodie and left, leaving you alone to put on your clothes. you felt some sort of satisfaction. you had pleased him. not in the way you were expecting, but it felt just as good.
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mystic-sky · 4 years
This is just a request, but do you think you can write something short about gojo meeting his s/o who is a poc and how he’d react to her curly hair 🥺👉🏾👈🏾 the fandom is still pretty new so there’s not a lot of poc drabbles out there if any at all.
Here you go bby, I hope you enjoy 💕✨
Summary: An AU where you’re a sorcerest whose stationed in Japan due to the National Sorcerer Exchange Program I just made up lol. Even though it’s your first encounter Satoru is a big flirt, as usual✨💘
Word count: 1.7k
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It was annoying, being one of the few special grade sorcerers based in Tokyo. Satoru Gojo often wished he could duplicate himself at least three or four times, just to reduce some of the workload stress he had. The older he got, the more he wished he wasn’t the strongest- and that’s a pretty surprising statement on his end.
He felt he couldn’t catch a break. Between special grade work, his students and now looking after Yuji Itadori, who hysterically swallowed a special grade object, he had a lot on his plate.
It was hardly a burden for him. He only wished he could be in multiple places at once. This way, he could make sure the higher ups wouldn’t mess with his students, who meant so much to him.
In sight of the increased special grade activity in Japan and several other countries, the first ever Sorcerer Exchange program was implemented by higher ups across the world. It would ensure that special and first grade sorcerers were evenly spread out and or placed in regions that needed special attention. Satoru wasn’t particularly fond of anything the higher ups did, but this idea wasn’t so bad.
“A government funded, international sorcerer exchange program,” Yaga informs Satoru, who sits across from him, idly drinking his tea.
“And how does this work exactly?” Satoru raises a brow at Yaga before dropping cubes of sugar into his cup, stirring loudly.
“For 6 month spans, high level sorcerers who applied to the exchange will be stationed in different countries to regulate curse activity.”
“Sounds like it pays more. Nanamin might like that.”
“It does, depending on your skill level.” Yaga sits back in his seat. “We’ve already received a few sorcerers from America, Africa, China, Russia-”
“All special grade?” Satoru interjects.
“Currently the exchange program only allows special and first grade sorcerers. Considering the high levels of cursed energy around the world this year, it would be best if we avoided any casualties by placing inexperienced sorcerers in the wrong places.”
“That reminds me. You’re prohibited from participating, considering we’re a red area. Until cursed activity improves here you won’t be allowed to participate.”
“Aww c’mon, you guys suck.” Satoru cocks his head back, sighing loudly.
He already traveled a lot for special grade missions but never for more than a few days. Now there was a whole six-month program and he wasn’t allowed to participate in it? Then again, he couldn’t leave Yuji here with the possibility of the higher ups trying to hurt him again. He promised himself he would protect all of his students.
“There are several meetings I must attend tomorrow and I’d like for you to be there. Don’t be late.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that all you wanted to talk about?” Satoru is already up and gripping the handle on the office door.
“I’ve also decided to assign a co-teacher to your first years, for your shorter stationed trips every now and then. She’s an extremely talented special grade from the exchange program. So you needn’t worry of a repeat of the detention center incident with Yuji.”
He had already swung the door open, towering above your body in the door frame. Your nose is barely touching his jacket, and hand almost touching his chest as you were attempting to knock. You take a step back, a bit startled.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I tried to knock,” you say, looking up at the blindfolded man in front of you. “I’m looking for Masamichi Yaga?”
Satoru is startled by your flawless Japanese, considering you’re clearly not of Japanese descent. He took note of your tan skin and big, curly hair that was pinned back in certain spots to display your face.
What a cutie.
“No, I’m Satoru Gojo. Principal Yaga’s the one sitting behind me.” He’s not entirely surprised by your appearance, considering he’s traveled all over the world to fight curses. “And you are?”
You almost think he’s flirting, considering how smooth the question was. Also, you’re now recognizing who he is, cheeks reddening a bit.
“I’m (Full Name). You’re the special grade I’m going to be subbing with for the first years! I’ve heard great things!” You politely bow a bit.
“I know.” His grin large and cocky as he steps out the way, allowing you to walk in. “No need to be so formal though.”
You’re slightly put off by his attitude, but principal Yaga interjects quickly.
“(Last Name), come in. I’ve been awaiting your arrival. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Yaga is on his feet now, bowing towards you.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too. I’m excited to work with you all.” You say as he motions you to sit and have some tea.
Satoru has found a reason to stay in the room, plopping down beside you and taking up his tea he had previously abandoned.
“Thanks for sending Ichiji to the airport to help with my belongings. I brought so much stuff, I hope it wasn’t too much for him.” You brain flashes back to Ichiji struggling to hold all of your luggage outside the baggage claim.
“Pffft, feel free to call on him whenever you want. That’s what he’s here for.” Satoru assures you, flashing you a toothy grin. You get the feeling that he probably made Ichiji’s job a living hell.
“I must say, Ms. (Last Name), your Japanese is remarkable. How did you become so fluent?” Yaga asks, filling your cup.
“I’m flattered. I taught myself what I could before attending (insert random ass college name in Japan) University. I’ve always admired Japanese culture so I studied it pretty hard. I can also speak (Native language, if you have one) and (two other languages of your choosing).”
“Wow, your Japanese is better than most locals.” Satoru chuckled. “And you’re pretty too. Lucky me.”
You shifted in place on the sofa. The most powerful sorcerer known to man was sitting beside you and he was complimenting you.
“Thank you,” you say loosely, picking up your teacup.
“Ahem,” Yaga interrupts, earning a tiny snort from Satoru.
“He hates it when I flirt.” Satoru whispers as he leans over towards you. Your face feels a bit hot, and you decide it’s from the steam of the tea in your face and not the handsome man leaning a bit too close to you. You set the cup down after the lightest sip.
“I hate to get down to business so soon Ms. (Last Name), but I’d like for you to get settled in as soon as possible. I’ve mapped out a few assignments for you this week. This is your first.” He slides the first report across the table.
“There have been several reports of abnormal cursed energy in Shinjuku City. It’s likely a special grade. I’d like for you to get to the bottom of it. It shouldn’t be a problem, considering your level of expertise. I’ve forwarded the documents to you as well.” The glint in his glasses makes you chuckle a bit. You flip through the report briefly.
“I skimmed this one on the flight. Whatever it is,” you begin, taking out your phone, “seems to be luring children. This corresponds with the rise in missing childrens’ cases I read about in Shinjuku.”
You place the article on your phone down on the table for principal Yaga to read. You liked to do your own research on locals news to see if curses had any sort of correspondence with a certain area’s events.
“You think a curse is kidnapping children?” Satoru suggests.
“It’s just a hunch. It’s nothing I haven’t encountered before.” You bite the nail on your thumb, realizing the inevitable.
“Unfortunately, if I’m correct, those children most likely aren’t alive.”
You stand up, firmly.
“I trust you’ll take care of it then,” Yaga hands your device towards you.
“Most definitely,” you look at your watch. “And I’ll be done before dinner.”
You offer the principal a smile before you slip on your trench coat, eager to take on your first mission.
“By all means, it can wait until the morning after you’ve rested.” Yaga persists.
“Nope! Not when children are potentially involved. I can’t risk it.” You straighten your clothes, and bow once more. “I’ll report back soon.”
“(Name) doesn’t let jet lag stop her from doing her job. What an admirable woman.” Satoru cooed.
“Well, Gojo-san, it was a pleasure meeting you.” You begin to wave but Satoru is on his feet, and right behind you, making you stumble back again.
“Oh no, I’m coming with you.” He grins. “I’ve gotta see what the most powerful special grade sorceress is capable of in person.”
While you had heard of your own nickname before, you hated when people called you that. You tried your best to be humble about it. There’s always new ways to improve your cursed technique, even if you don’t know how yet.
“So you do know who I am,” you shifted your stance, hands on your hips.
“I’ve heard a few things,” he says slyly. “But I’d like to see them first hand.”
“Hmph, alright then. I suppose you can show me around Shinjuku. It’s been a while since I’ve been there.” You flip your hair, making your way towards the door.
“And it’s your lucky day, I feel like showing off.” You say, peaking over your shoulder.
“Great, it’s a date.”
You stop dead in your tracks, just two steps out of Yaga’s office.
“Even after four years of university in Japan? I said, it’s a date.”
The door shuts behind him, and his grin is even more smug.
The audacity.
“You’re not going on a date with me unless you ask me properly.” You roll your eyes, swaying down the steps. So this was Satoru Gojo.
“C’mon sweetheart, we’d be iconic as hell— the strongest man and the strongest woman? We’d be unstoppable.”
“I don’t even know what you look like underneath that thing.” You say, motioning towards his blindfold.
Oh , but you lied. You’d seen his Instagram.
He was a selfie fanatic. That and a cake fiend.
“Wanna see right now? Will it change your mind?” His voice low and steady behind you.
“I’ve got a curse to excorcise.” You roll your eyes, speeding up ahead of him. It didn’t help much considering his legs were so long.
“You know you wanna,” he bends down, voice deep in your ear.
“I’m not listening~
You’re far ahead of him now, attempting to hide the heat on your face and hearing deep chuckles echo behind you.
“Ah, this is going to be the best six months ever!” He laughs heartily.
A small smile crept on your lips.
Maybe it would be.
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Can I have Present mic, Aizawa, and all might where they learn their young student is fatherless? Like... their father walked out/went to prison when they were young. I'm sorry if this is time consuming, but I can't stop sobbing over my father.
I'm the situation baby but remember it wasn't your fault
I changed it up a little bit with Mics- I hope you don't mind
Present Mic:
• from the getgo something was wrong
• The moment you walked into class he could tell
• You looked like shit
• Dark bags under your eyes, hair messily brushed, just to get it out if your face, and your eyes were a light red.
• You didn't look particularly happy to be there either
• something turns in his stomach, a gut feeling that something really had went down
• And he hated seeing his students upset
• but he was relatively close to you to begin with, his felt different
• He felt like he had to do something
• Everyone settled into their seats as the bull rung but his eyes remained on you
• You honestly didn't pay attention during the lesson
• He could tell as much
• class finishes and the bell rings but you sit still, and it's not until most of the students have trickled out of the room do you start packing up
• He walks over and kneels in front of the desk "You okay there? You don't look so good," he looks concerned and his heart drops when he sees your lip start to quiver
• It takes you 0.27 seconds to break and you're frantically wiping your eyes as sobs wrack your body
• He's got his arms wrapped around you in seconds and you're leaning into his shoulder.
• He isn't sure exactly how long you're crying for but eventually you calm down enough to get out a coherent sentence
• "My-My dad was arrested Friday night. He won't tell me why- he won't let anyone else tell me why and I don't know what else to do," you cry, "I miss him so much and its only been a few days- I don't- I don't have anyone else, Mr. Hazashi,"
• And you're crying again.
• He has you take the rest of the day off, in fact he takes the day with you
• He calls in a sub (you don't know what strings he had to pull for that but you don't ask, at this point you don't care) and you two dip
• He takes you to get food, real food, that'll make you feel better
• He knows that'll help a little
• and after that he takes you to get something sweet- that tends to help mood and blood pressure and anxiety
• So he does his best with you
• He nutures you the best way he knows how
• if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING this man has you covered
• He does his best to step up in any way he can
• first off he extends his assignment deadlines and cancels two tests. Who needs them anyway.
• And you eat lunch in his classroom because he can well tell you don't want to talk to anyone else right now
• He closes it off (seemingly) so in reality its just you and him
• He'll probably tell Aizawa too but on the downlow (just so he knows)
• When holidays roll around, the dorms close.
• In this case- he let's you stay with him. He has an extra bedroom. He doesn't want you to stay in an empty house.
• You also get his phone number (which you gladly use) for anything really
• Bored? He'll deliver some shitty puns.
• Confused about homework? Text him.
• having a mental breakdown? He's got you covered.
• You got memes? Please for the love of God send them to him.
• The dynamic eventually shifts to a VERY father daughter relationship.
• He knows he'll never replace your dad. He understands that wholeheartedly, but he wants you to have someone
• He actually gets a letter from your dad, thanking him for taking care of you
• but he really doesn't mind
• He had a feeling that there was something going on at home. Or rather, a lack of something.
• He's dealt with it in the oast- with himself and with past students and current ones
• Shinsou
• I mean, aside from that fact whenever parents were mentioned, you'd either stiffen up or wrinkle your nose
• You didn't really like the subject of parents
• There was an essay prompt about parents (nothing too personal) nd you ended up writing it on the extinction of dinosaurs and why God fucked up instead
"It'd be absolutely stellar to see huge lizards roaming the earth and occasionally stepping on people, you know? Jurassic park was onto something."
• Man's couldn't even fail you on it because it was written v well
• Anyway, he doesn't pry too much. He just silently figures it out by process if elimination and pattern.
• He doesn't really care too much
• In the sense if it doesn't define you and he doesn't help you because he pities you
• he helps you because he seems potential
• He takes you under his wing with shinsou
• Yall spend a whole summer training
• And that's when it all came out
• It was an accident really.
• Shinsou was tired, exhausted really
• and when people get tired- that tired- sometimes they spout random shot they wouldn't usually say
• and thats what he did
• he went on about his home life
• and if he could, you could too right?? You could trust them.
• "My dad walked out when I was a kid. Little, like 3. I have a few pictures of him holding me, but I guess it wasn't enough. I don't have any desire to meet him. Not anymore. But it left me feeling like I did something wrong? I guess? Which I suppose is why I train. Because then I feel strong. Which is a good difference from how it usually feels."
• He knew it.
• He called it.
• He was right again.
• He reassures you that you are good enough, strong enough, and his decision to leave had nothing to do with you
• and when he saw you give him a soft smile, he warmed.
• I mean really, it only goes up from there
• he'll deny it, or grumble under his breath, but he seems you two as his own
• Like these aren't my kids but they are my kids
• When dorms close on holiday yall get to stay because that's where he lives too
• Like if you chose too
• he's not gonna force you to stay but if you don't want to go home, you don't have too
• He has that power
• He will buy you food
• all you gotta do is ask
• and he'll roll his eyes and grumble something he doesn't really mean, just secretly happy that you feel comfortable enough around him to ask for something
• lmao family group chat
S: 'Hey Mr. Aizawa I found this cat. Hold on lemme send a pic'
A: 'Dont need a pic. Bring him home'
Y: 'What if he's ugly??'
A: 'gremlin. Bring him home.'
Y: 'Hey I saw this tweet that said 'kids be like watch this and do a half roundhouse spin kick clap and waste my fucking time' and it make me think of you.'
S: @ mr. Aizawa when he has to watch deku do sumn
Y: Lmaoooo like when he threw the baseball
A: Me watching you too try to figure out how to beat me in training
Y: Yikes bro
S: That was a rough one
• Does he regret giving you and shinsou his number??
• Maybe
• Not really
• Lmao super secret lunch movie days
• Every week on wendesday yall watch a movie. Usually it takes 2 or 3 days to watch the movie since lunch is only 70 minutes
• @ you accidently calling him dad one day and shinsou snickering but it stuck
• dadzawa lmaoo
• Man's has 2 underlings.
• You and Deku.
• Picked you up when he started teaching at UA
• Ion know let's say one day you popped off bc he said some dumb shit and you were like no sir that's clearly wrong
• schooled him in his own damn subject
• the other kids were like 😳
• what the fuck
• Anyway
• He see's you have potential
• And though he's not the best teacher, you seem to respond better to the way HE was taught
• So tbh its easier to teach you
• 'okay, now I want you to beat the shot out if that wall,'
'Okay lmao bet'
• Midoriya is like, hey mayhaps we should analyze the situation
• N ur like noe
• You just don't give a fuck
• about anything really
• other than moving up the ranks
• But even then- its not a super super big deal, you're just gonna do your best but you aren't gonna stress
• However he noticed a pattern w you (even before Midoryia brought it up to him)
• You don't let anyone in
• Midoryia knows a bit more than the other students but that's really only because he's always with you
• a good majority of the week he's w you
• but its not really a deep connection
• you don't rely on either of them
• You do your best to do things on your own.
• He knows midoryias life story
• he knows why he acts the way he does
• but he doesn't know why you do
• he has a gut feeling it could be the same as midoryia
• I mean he already had one kid who's dad dipped
• he'll surely be able to figure out you too??
• So he makes himself a promise that he'll figure it out and he'll become someone you trust
• And he does just that
• When you tell him about your nightmare of a family history he's like mm, makes sense
• but he's happy that you trust him!!!
• He's a BIG suckered for movie nights
• he's got popcorn, snacks, candy, chocolate, soda- he's prepared
• list of movies lined out all ready
• I lowkey feel like he'd be into lord of the rings or fast n furious
• fast n furious at LEAST
• He's really into American action movies
• and he has no problem sharing those movies with you
• he doesn't have a whole ton of money, like he's not rich, but if you or midoryia need something he's definitely there to get it for you
• even if ur like fam no you don't need too
• he'll buy yell food a lot
• a l o t
• and cards
• when you and midoryia get him a father's day card he thinks he's gonna cry
• You guys also have a group chat
• 'da faemilee'
• Y: "Hey dad do you have milk?"
A: "???? Do I have milk????"
Y: "ya I'm looking in your fridge n ion see any???"
A: "How'd you even get in????"
Y: "Izuku."
I: "lmaoo"
Y: Izuku you dumb bitch I left for ONE day
Y: And you got into a fight with Bakugou
I: He wanted to throw hands. I just did what you would do.
A: He's got you there
A: What do you guys want for dinner
I: Sushi
Y: Chicfila
Y: Izu square up
I: K
Y: Izu is fighting kacchow again
A: Beat his ass young midoriya
Y: Lmaoooooo
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
hello, kay! i hope you've been taking care of yourself well and that life has been kind to you for the most part. i want to ask, how do you feel about kita shinsuke? your akaashi is exquisite and incredibly characterized that i always find myself coming back to your stories should i need my keiji fics, and i realized that it would probably be really interesting (and beautiful) to meet kita through your words. no pressure, tho! as always, i am grateful for whatever you write. ♡ all the love x
you’re an absolute sweetie -- i hope you’ve been well too! i’m honestly at my wit’s end but we’ll survive somehow, right? ahahaha // i’m still incredibly flustered whenever someone mentions how much they like my keiji characterization -- he’s one of the ultimate comfort characters for sure! so thank you for giving my keiji fics that honor <3 
i’ve definitely developed some love for kita over time! i love anyone who’s incredibly dependable -- my love language (that i’ve recently re-discovered) is acts of service and i can see him embodying that! 
i got carried away: here’s ~1.7k of some hazy kita appreciation, or some strangers-to-lovers ideas sprinkled together. my brain has died from finals, but i hope you like this anon!
the first time that kita shinsuke even crosses your mind, you mistakenly think, “he’s certainly a bit dull.” 
it’s not that you forgot he existed by any means -- the boy certainly carries a presence and emanates it in a calm, quiet manner. you just can’t remember him saying anything that wasn’t related to speaking out loud in class or social pleasantries. he’s certainly not much more than a blank canvas to you, and the only splotch of color thrown on is that he’s a member of your nationally recognized volleyball team. other than that, you know nothing else.
it all changes when you two are paired for classroom cleaning duties your third year. 
when your homeroom teacher announces your name after his, you glance away from the window to the boy sitting diagonally in front of you to your right. his back sits upright, elbows bent to indicate he’s probably sitting with his hands linked on top of his desk, legs still and placed together underneath the wood. besides the two-toned grey and black hair, you would think he’d be the perfect poster child for japanese education. 
the first morning of cleaning duties, you’re sprinting through the halls in your slippers, hoping that the student council president isn’t anywhere near your classroom. the subway was absolutely packed and nobody seemed to be in the usual pace of the morning rush, which caused some delays and for you to cut it very close. you slide open the class door with all the force you can muster, panting and out of breath with apologies falling off your tongue. unbeknownst to you, your brain had been expecting kita to give you a small smile and ensure that it was okay for your two minute tardiness -- instead, you were at the receiving end of a blank yet heavy stare, and seemingly scathing words of, “don’t be late next time.” 
your second thought of kita is that he’s too rigid and austere for a seventeen year old. bitterness festers in your chest as you practically stomp towards your desk, setting your stuff down before you head to the erasers in front of the chalkboard. even though there isn’t much dust left on them, you’re searching for excuses to calm down and be a little more level-headed. 
you’re so caught up in your thoughts and staring out into the open sky that you don’t register kita’s presence looming near. but it’s his timbre voice that startles you out of your stupor, though they’re nothing more special than, “you can sweep the other half of the classroom. i’m getting started on the desks,” and he walks away. 
in gliding the bristles over the wooden floor, you take another peek at your partner for the time being. it’s hard to miss the way he methodically cleans each wooden surface, leaving no corner unwiped, no speck of dust lingering. something about it is somewhat endearing to you, a rather drastic juxtaposition to how you were feeling not too long ago. maybe you were wrong about him -- kita shinsuke might still be a little boring to you, but he’s just...diligent. 
in home ec, you’re partnered up with ojiro aran (which proves to be in the best of your luck). but he’s good with small talk, and it’s not like you two have never spoken before. so three weeks later over the folding of meringue into the other batter, you decide to pop the question of, “what’s kita-san like as captain?” 
aran can’t contain his muted surprise at your inquiry, seeing as you two rarely ever get into the details of his volleyball playing, much less so about his team. but it doesn’t stop him from giving a truthful answer, “he’s no nonsense, keeps everyone in line. we have some rowdy underclassmen and no one scares them more than shinsuke.”
“a hardass?”
“when he needs to be,” aran chuckles. “but he’s very thoughtful and goes out of his way to care for everyone. the guy lives and breathes by routine.” 
there’s something that stirs within you, a small flame being lit, one that flares the next morning when kita walks by your desk and greets you, “good morning, l/n-san.” seeing as he usually never does, you stumble over your reply and shock, all the while berating your heart for beating as fast as it is. kita’s just being polite and using social pleasantries, nothing more. 
but he does it the next morning, and then the next, and even incorporates, “how are you?” into his line of words on days you two clean. little by little, you get to know more about him -- not a lot, but enough to correct yourself for ever thinking that he’s a dull, austere, mean human being. you tell yourself it’s nothing more, especially when you start looking forward to their games and join the student cheering squad. it’s nothing when you eagerly await for the moments that kita gets subbed in; absolutely nothing when he looks away from the court and into the crowd, catching your eyes and allowing his lips to slip into a demure smile before turning back around. the pounding of your heart and sweating of your hands aren’t related at all, just physiological effects of the game. 
and before you know it, graduation comes around and you think you’ll never see him again after this. you’re laughing and taking pictures with your classmates, later spotting aran over the crowd of families. he catches your waving arm and bounding figure, bright grin on his face as he congratulates you. “i’ll miss you all,” you confess and aran affectionately pats your head. “same here. have you seen shinsuke?”
your brows furrow. “no, why? is he looking for me?”
“you sound confused by that. weren’t you two friends?”
“i wouldn’t overassume that...but i doubt i’m on his mind right now.”
aran only nods and adopts a pensive look, taking a moment to think before confessing, “you meant something to him. after all, he greeted you every morning, right?”
you nod. “but what does that have to do with anything?”
aran’s parents interrupt and attempt to drag him away before he can answer, but he beckons for them to give him another minute. quickly, he pulls you into a one-arm hug, telling you over the bustling crowd, “you were part of his routine.” 
you’re stunned, frozen in your tracks as aran and his family walk away. their departure creates some space between everyone, and you find yourself looking straight into the golden eyes of the man that had been plaguing your thoughts for months now. he doesn’t back down, not out of defiance though -- rather, he seems to be trying to convey that he sees you, acknowledges your existence and long wedged a placeholder for you in his life. 
but the spell is broken when one of your relatives tugs on your arm for you to leave and go home for a big lunch celebration, and that’s the last you see of him.
at least for the next two years. you have a part-time job at osamu’s onigiri shop, having met the man in some cooking classes over the years. while you’re up front most of the time, you occasionally help out in the kitchen during rush hours. evidently, you missed any of the information on the exact source of the rice, remembering nothing more than the fact it was special and held a certain place in osamu’s heart -- because when kita shinsuke walks in to make a special, personal visit, your brain splutters and ceases all deep cognitive functioning.
he looks well, happy, strong, more than he did back in high school. the same air of confidence still surrounds him and encases the entirety of the shop, and instincts nearly have you dropping to your knees so you can hide behind the counter and catch your breath. 
“oh shinsuke, you’re here!” osamu calls out from behind you, popping out of the kitchen to help with the rice bags. the most you can muster is a gentle bow before messing with the cash register, pretending to be busy organizing receipts and bills. you tune out most of the conversation cleaning counters, checking customers out, wiping down tables, and anything else that’ll take your mind off the guy your heart could never seem to forget. 
but osamu bidding goodbye to kita snaps you out of your reverie. and instead of walking towards the door, kita’s figure approaches you until there’s nothing but 5 feet of wood between the two of you. “it’s good to see you,” he greets softly, a gentle expression casting onto his face and tone. 
“i-it’s good to see you too, kita-san,” you barely reply in time, doing everything you can to fight the blood rushing into your face. 
“i’d like to take you out for coffee when your shift is over, if that’s okay.”
“oh, well, yes, but um, my shift doesn’t end for another hour and--”
“oh, you’re good to go for the rest of the day,” osamu calls out with his head popped out the kitchen door, sending a knowing look towards his former captain. in fact, you remember that the owner had been somewhat insistent that you come work today of all days and you never knew why...until now.
that fucker.
shinsuke’s eyes glimmer as the realization hits you, the same demure smile as the one he sent you all those years ago during a volleyball game sitting on his lips. excitement bubbles within you, and you attempt to tease, “only if you can untie my apron for me?”
there’s no hesitation in his demeanor as he walks around the counter and plants himself right in front of you, mere centimeters between the tips of your shoes and his. you can’t bear to look away as an arm reaches around easily undo the bow at your lower back. neither do you miss the ghosting of his fingertips at your waist that burn through the cotton of your t-shirt, and you’re just thankful that no customers are around to witness this heated, intimate moment. 
“lead the way, captain,” you can’t help but say. something dark and dangerous crosses his eyes, sending a thrilling shiver down your spine. and you think that yes, yes indeed, you’d like to see those eyes more often if you can. 
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cc-tinslebee · 4 years
After seeing those GIFs from Sub Sinker, I had this idea for a headcanon that Milton is very conscious about his body. So whenever Milton is feeling subconscious about his body, Jerry will just take his face in his hands and kiss all over it, while telling him again and again, that he is beautiful, that he loves him, and that he is perfect just the way he is. Sorry this so short. Feel free to expand on this, or add your own headcanons.
You’re absolutely right and you should say it!!
God, yeah, Disney (XD) has a huge problem with making over/underweight characters the bit of a joke, and it’s not okay?? Rewatching some of my favourite shows and seeing characters like Milton Krupnick and Chase Davenport being treated like that — and not being that skinny? — just makes me cringe. Especially considering they brush off the impact on them. I know personally that those microagressions tend to build up and really hurt someone’s mental health. But I digress.
I would like to add that we all know that Jerry Martínez loves to make jabs at his friends! His love language is basically light-heartedly poking fun at the people he loves. But we also see Jerry being put in a position where he has to recognise the fact that he takes it too far sometimes! And hurting his friends is usually never his intention.
With that said, the scene where Funderburk jabs at Milton’s weight really gets me, man. They don’t linger in it too much, but Mateo Arias does a great job at subtly showing disapproval for the remark. Funderburk doesn’t have a close relationship with Milton so the remark comes off as mean-spirited and considering he was formerly their gym teacher, I would assume that knowledge causes Milton even more discomfort. It seems a lot to me like a classic case of “hey, only I’m allowed to tease my boyfriend.”
So, I’m absolutely with you. I can totally see Jerry either witnessing someone make Milton self-conscious or pushing his jests a little too far himself and realising just how hurt Milton is.
(In the case that Jerry accidentally caused those feelings: I know Jerry isn’t super great with words, but I feel like he’d at least try to reassure him with a “hey, you know I don’t mean anything by it, right?”)
When someone you love is feeling down on themself and hurting, sometimes it’s hard to find the words to help them. Jerry — being the expressive person he is — doesn’t always have the right words to assure Milton, so he starts by showing him.
So Jerry just cups Milton’s face and kisses him sweetly, because Jerry Martínez will be damned if his boyfriend forgets that he loves him so completely. And eventually he starts peppering kisses all over him because you already know Jerry loves Milton’s freckles — it’s basically canon — and he tells him as much. He probably places light kisses on Milton’s wrist and knuckles while ghosting his hands over Milton’s arms; while he may be skinny, he’s far from weak. Jerry has definitely seen Milton’s slender finger type furiously and with a purpose on various school assignments, and there is no way Milton doesn’t have some muscle on his arms after using karate for years to fight off bad guys. Jerry knows this despite his teasing, and in reality, he loves those parts of him too.
It’s not long after he starts that he gains his voice back and tells Milton just how strong, and handsome, and smart, and perfect Jerry knows he is. Jerry Martínez has so much love in his heart for Milton Krupnick and he’ll personally see to it that he doesn’t forget that. Probably giddy from all the smothering he was just given, Milton has half a mind to believe him.
(Also, I would like to add that I believe I’ve seen a fic that has an element like this to it! I think it was I Will Look After You by rosetintmyworld on AO3?)
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ikuzeminna · 4 years
Ikuze pretends to work by watching Gundam Wing
Okay, so first I need to explain a few things. I work as an English teacher and because I want to do fun things and not have to adhere to a rigid curriculum, it's mostly through private lessons, where there are no grades and I can go and do stuff like getting people hooked on Avatar: The Last Airbender, all in the name of improving your English.
Though honestly, it's true; you'll learn a language far more easily if you have something to enjoy about it. And Avatar is one of the funniest shows out there.
Due to the corona pandemic, we had to move lessons online, but when your students already spent hours online with their school teachers, you don't really want to burden them with more work. So instead of doing a grammar review or some such like all the conscientious teachers out there would, I decided to give my student a break and thought hey, maybe Heero's crazy antics would get a laugh out of her. I was also very curious to see how she would react to the series, not gonna lie.
Thanks to GundamInfo, we found the whole series on Youtube. We went with the Japanese version with subs because I don't like the English voice acting. I also explained the GW universe a bit beforehand, what the deal is with the colonies and why the Gundam pilots go to Earth, because there is no way anyone could keep up otherwise. It's the first episode and you get bombarded with the majority of all the characters, three factions and politics. Like, writers, chill.
So, everything was set, subtitles were switched to English, she had a general idea of what was going on and I again made sure to point out to her that Heero is the hero of the series with the stupidest grin on my face because I knew what was coming.
She hit play, and thus began her venture into the wonderful world of Gundam Wing.
I laughed so hard. We kept pausing to clarify that yes, the guy who just murdered everyone and kept laughing about it really is the hero, yes, he completely botched his very first mission despite being a trained super soldier and yes, of course he is a basket case, just look at him!
On a more educational note, we also talked about the characters and their motivations as well as story telling, as Gundam Wing does a couple of interesting things. Does this reversal of behavior of the "good" and "bad" guys make the story more interesting? What kind of character arc do you think Heero will have, if he starts out as this whack job killer? And can you spot some parallels between Heero and Relena already? And yes, being nuts counts as one thing.
The most interesting part to me was that despite her going wtf at Heero the whole time, she decreed him and Relena her favorite characters because they were the most amusing. Heero was a weirdo, who'd likely never met a girl before, but he was fun to watch. I asked her if she'd want to watch the next two episodes, too, as they contained even more Heero shenanigans, so we did. Cue more raised brows and chuckles at Heero shoving sabers in people's faces and tumbling down cliffs.
Now, up to episode 3 you can watch Gundam Wing casually without issue. But if you continue, you have to get into the thick of things to actually enjoy it and despite my loving the show, I know it's very hit or miss. And I didn't really think it'd be her cup of tea because she isn't into analyzing things. So you can imagine my surprise when she said she'd want to continue.
Currently, we have finished the first arc and have returned to space. That means we're at the berserk Quatre in Wing Zero episodes. Being the good teacher that I am, I keep explaining things to her, so that she knows what's going on. She told me she would have never gotten why Noventa's death was such an issue otherwise because she couldn't tell Earth Alliance from OZ apart. And I get it, the show makes a rather lousy attempt at differentiating. Did both factions have to have green uniforms?
As for some juicy stuff, her favorite in the beginning was Heero, but Trowa nabbed that spot with his back flipping from motorbikes onto clotheslines. She also finds Relena interesting. But unlike the majority of the fandom, she isn't taken with Duo at all, something quite fascinating to me. I'm curious to see whether this changes.
Because she is watching with me, I of course taint her view of the characters. For example, I find Relena's introduction to thin air moronic, so I told her to ignore stuff like that. We also skipped episode 4 because it's dumb and 9 because I didn't think we'd have that many online lessons. Cue corona laughing in the distance. When we watched episode 12, Bewildered Warriors, where Wufei joins up with Sally's gang, I also explained everything about Meilan, so she knows Wufei has a reason to act the way he does. And because I kept pointing it out, she now also goes "and Wufei is just there to blow stuff up again" whenever he shows up. Though it's true, that really is his entire purpose aside from a few exceptions.
There was also a moment that had her genuinely smiling at the show and that was when Heero busted Duo out of prison. She wasn't smiling only because of the throwback to episode 3 but also at the, as I pointed out, ingenius way Heero used the Mobile Dolls against OZ. Because I lampshaded how much of a massive idiot Heero really was in the beginning despite his extensive training, she loved the character development Heero showed there. He was both kind and competent, finally living up to the whole trained super soldier epithet while also having become more human.
I was smiling like a moron myself when she told me this. Because Gundam Wing is dear to me and I'm a sentimental fool.
And this is how me watching Gundam Wing with my English students started, by the way. I had so much fun with her reactions, I wanted to do it again. So here we are.
And it's so interesting. To all of us who have been fans of the show for decades and have long gotten used to GW's crazy, the first episodes are usually regarded as whacky and not to be taken too seriously. And pretty much everyone agrees that they are badly written.
And yet, this poorly-written weirdness with its overly dramatic tearing of birthday invitations and seemingly random death threats can get people hooked even today.
Well played, writers. Well played.
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xserpentlife · 5 years
Requested: anon - May I request a Malachi x serpent reader maybe she is Jughead's older sister and they end up meeting and they kinda have a thing for each other but they don't say anything they just kinda fight all the time but with flirty jabs and insults until one day one of his guys target the reader and he goes crazy and ends up checking on her and they end up confessing their feelings with a really fluffy ending
A/N: Sorry it has taken me so long to write again. My school has been absolutely insane like my teachers had projects due one after another with like no time in between so it had me freaking and I felt like I couldn't write like I had to be doing school all the time. And now with the corona, I'm like wtf is going on. So please request whenever I am trying my hardest to write again, request moodboards, and fics and just talk to me. I miss you guys. 
Warnings: teasing jabs, a small fight
Word Count: About 1450
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Being Serpent Royalty was not easy, you walked around with a target on your back. It was practically tattooed on you like the serpent that adorned your ass. It was a dangerous world in Riverdale. Constant fights here, getting arrested there, you name it and it happened to you. On top of it all, you were not just royalty you were the old leader's daughter and the new leader's sister when that happened the target grew tenfold. High School was a whole new game. The past few months the fights have been dying down. The serpents and the Ghoulies trying to live in some sort of harmony. We left them alone and they left us alone. It was important that we at least tried to live in peace, but that didn’t mean some people ignored the peace altogether. Ghoulies were still fighting serpents and some serpents would still fight them, you had to be careful regardless.
You were sitting waiting to get your lunch when one of Malachai’s men came up behind you hitting your tray onto you as you slipped on the food that landed on the ground and fell
“Haha look the serpent was too slippery for her own good”
“Just makes me more of a snack than you'll ever be Malachai '' You went out to Toni and asked her if she had any clothes to borrow. She did, however, the worst part of being spilled on was that you had to wear her cheer uniform because it was all she had in her locker. Cheer was not remotely your vibe, but clean clothes were better than ketchup soaked ones.
You finished your day out pretty easily. No issues came up at all, and you got to go home early from your last period because the teacher didn’t show up and there was no sub. You got on your bike ready to ride off before Malachai came up tapping you on the shoulder
“Are you a motorcycle? Because I'd like to ride you all day, and then sell you for a newer model”
“Shhhh. You hear that... that’s the sound of me not caring” Did he really think you would care about a line like that. It was like a backhanded compliment, you didn't have time for his shit, but in reality, if you are honest with yourself it did hurt a little bit. He wanted to ride you and trade you in, was he trying to kill you little by little. Usually, the jokes go over your head, usually, they are teasing jokes sometimes maybe a little harsh but this was different. Maybe you just needed a drink to ease your mind. You called Toni up hoping she would be down to meet you later in the night, and luckily she was.
Ever since the peace agreement both ghoulies and serpents have been going to the wyrm. The ghoulies never had their own bar, they just had their hideout, so in a peaceful fashion the serpents invited the ghoulies onto our territory, into our home and a majority of them were respectful.
You were sitting at the bar talking to Toni. You had spent the majority of your night at the wyrm dancing, playing pool and beating Sweet Pea at his own game, plus having a drink here and there. But having drinks always kept you in your head when something wouldn’t leave your mind.
It was like a game with you and Malachai. One person would say something the other would respond. Sometimes it was harsh other times it was fun, it depended on the day. It was always up in the air with him. That was the fun of it though, until it wasn’t. You started liking him, that was a fact you couldn't ignore, but was it okay for serpent royalty to like ghoulie royalty. In your head it didn’t matter, you liked him regardless, but in the end, it was hard because how would you know if he liked you. Part of you hoped that you would see Malachai there that night like you did many nights prior but maybe it just wasn’t in the cards. At least that's what you thought until you felt the familiar tickle of facial hair on the side of your neck.
“Can I buy you a drink”            
“Great offer, honestly but I'd rather just have the money”.
You walked out after that, how could you stand there and let him buy you a drink when his feelings may not even be real, and it all just maybe a game. You couldn’t drive home because Toni was the one who brought you, and beyond that even if you did have your bike you were tipsy enough that you couldn’t. The walk home was eerily quiet. The sounds of the stones hitting your shoes every time you took a step, and your mind racing with the thoughts of whether you liked him or not. Games are fun until they hit you harder than you ever thought they would. Before you could even think you felt a hard hit to the back of your head as you crashed down onto the stone walkway. Gravel entering into your hands as you fell. You started getting up slowly as you felt another blow to the back of your knees.
“What the fuck…”
“Ready to have some fun Serpent Queen”
“One I’m not the queen and two you really fucked up Joel '' You turned on your back as he stood over you, your foot rising and swiping his feet from under him. You crawled away getting up as he stood as well. It luckily gave you enough time to catch yourself. Another punch to the side of his cheek, you wiped your hands off, the gravel starting to sting. You flicked out your blade from your pocket slicing across his cheek enough for him to let out a yelp. You didn’t want tonight. You were born a fighter, but you never meant to hurt anyone unless you had to. Joel was a Ghoulie since birth, not royalty but a loyal member to Malachai and the gang. He was young, naive, and didn't necessarily understand the peace agreement and what it entailed. He was angry when it first came out. Trying to fight every serpent in his path. You heard a gun click. Your headshot up. You looked into Joel's eyes as the barrel was pointed towards you. There was no way you were winning a gunfight. You closed your eyes waiting for the shot to ring in the air. And you did but it wasn’t at your chest anymore. You heard a thud, the pain of someone being knocked to the ground before the bullet could even touch you. You opened your eyes again to see Malachai standing ahead of you. You ran as fast as you could to a spot at the cliffs where you would spend your free time when you were younger.
Your face was covered in your own blood, hands covered in gravel. The pain was radiating through you but you didn’t care. He saved your life and you ran off without even thanking him. You felt a hand touch your shoulder
“You saved my life” the tears flowed out of your eyes as he grabbed onto you, your back radiating pain from the first fall you had”
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…” “Don’t let go”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there”
“But I don’t get why you're here… we aren't even friends”
“Don’t say that Y/N you know damn well we are more than that, or at least should be more than that”
“I like you, and yeah I’ve been an idiot, the flirty remarks a shit and I'm sorry, but I didn't wanna have the chance of being rejected and, and you never said you liked me, but when I saw you there. When Joel was holding that gun and he had it pointed at you. I think all the fear that I could ever feel entered my body. I like you Y/N and I needed to tell you” You pulled away from him, his hand coming up and wiping your tears.
“Wanna buy me that drink now..”
“I’d love to buy you that drink”
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kpopscenario · 5 years
are you nervous?
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Pairing: Reader x Lee Chan 
Genre: Smut, lowkey fluff??
Word count: 9.5K
Summary: Basically Chan asks out his crush and ends up giving away some power. (Sub!Chan, Dom!Reader)
“I told you that you’d get an A, dumbass”, Seungkwan said as he lightly hit Chan in a playful way but still with a mad expression on his face. Chan was simply staring at the paper in front of him, it was the math’s exam from last week. Chan was always pretty good in math’s, he never really had to learn, he always was able to pick up stuff like that easily so it was no surprise to his friends that he, once again, got the best grade in class, but it sure was surprising to him.
“There must be a mistake…”, he said nervously as he scanned the exam with his eyes. “I was sure that I fucked up this exam badly, how-“,“Oh shut up Chan, you always say shit like ‘oh my god the exam was so hard’ but you always end up with an A.” “But this time it was different!”, I exclaimed after Seungkwan was done with his nagging. He simply rolled his eyes as he held up his exam. “You know who had the right to be worried about this exam? Me, look at this! C-? What is this, I actually thought I’d get like a B, this is discriminating behavior and I’m NOT having it”, he cried out which made Vernon who was sitting next to him chuckle. “You’re still convinced that our math’s teacher hates you?”, he asked Seungkwan who just nodded his head exaggeratingly. “At this point I’m convinced that math’s hates you, not our teacher, she’s literally 62 bro, I don’t think she hates anyone but the menopause…”, Vernon said, which would have normally made me laugh but I  really wasn’t in the mood for laughing at that moment. “I got an A, guys!”, I said devastated as I threw the sheets on my table and threw myself back in the chair, Seungkwan looked at me with a confused expression. “Oh no? That’s so horrible?”, he said with a sarcastic tone in his voice. “Did you forget about the bet?”, Vernon asked Seungkwan which just made me sigh theatrically, it was silent for a few seconds. Seungkwan looked at Vernon, still confused, he was thinking very hard until his whole face suddenly lit up and he excitedly turned towards me. “Oh you’re SO fucked”,” Yeah, no shit.”. Chan closed his eyes and sighed once again as he was remembering last week, how could he be so dumb and naïve? He remembers how he dramatically exited the classroom and how he exclaimed that it was “the worst exam in history of exams”, he also remembers how every single person in his friend group tried to reassure him that he’ll end up with an amazing grade, he could’ve kept his mouth shut but being the perfectionistic guy he is he immediately insisted on him definitely getting anything but an A. Jeonghan immediately took the chance he got and offered Chan that he’d write that huge essay in English literature for him if he actually got anything less than an A. Chan immediately was stretching out his hand towards Jeonghan as he heard the deal. “Have fun writing it.”, he had simply said but Jeonghan just shook his head. “If you get an A you have to confess your crush to y/n… and you have to ask her out!”, that was the moment where Chan should’ve taken his hand back and again, shut his mouth, but instead he took Jeonhan’s hand into his and shook it with determination in his eyes.
Great, fucking great. As the bell rang, he made his way to the cafeteria with Seungkwan and Vernon who were looking for y/n. Chan just send his quiet prayers, he wasn’t hoping that y/n would go out with him, no, he was praying for a plane to crash into his school and just take him out. Once they arrived at the cafeteria they made their way to their usual place where Jeonghan, Wonwoo and Soonyoung were already sitting and eating. Chan sat down after he greeted them and hoped that maybe Jeonghan forgot about the bet?
“So, what did you get?”, Chan closed his eyes for a few seconds until he finally spoke up. “You know? Everybody deserves a second chance, also, we’re older now! Who cares about stupid ‘bets’? What are we? Sixteen?”, Chan said as he looked at Jeonghan who just raised his eyebrows with amusement in his face. “Oh, you’re so fucked”, he simply said while laughing as he took another bite of his sandwich. “So, when are you gonna ask her out, or how I would put it, when are you gonna embarrass yourself in front of the whole school?”, Wonwoo asked casually which made Chan glare at him. “I won’t embarrass myself in front of the whole school!” “Oh, so you think she’ll say yes?”, Soonyoung suddenly asked. “No, of course not, I’m not delusional, I’ll just ask her when she’s alone so no one can witness the worst five minutes of my life.”, I simply said as I took out my food. “Fair enough.”, Vernon said with a shrug as he took out his food too. They didn’t really open that topic anymore but rather moved on and talked about general stuff like ‘who could fit more sushi in his mouth’ (of course it was Soonyoung, but they just loved discussing dumb things like that.). While everyone was chatting, Chan was lost in his thoughts. He has had an enormous crush on y/n for about two years, more precisely, he has had a crush on y/n since that incident on the school corridor. He remembers how he was new at school and how he neither had any friends nor knew how to get to his classroom, he was pretty lost when suddenly the most beautiful girl he had ever seen appears in front of him and asks him whether he needed help. He remembers how he just nodded his head and stretched out his hand with his schedule in it, too speechless and too shy to get a proper sentence out of his mouth. He remembers how he was just staring at her with big eyes as she was explaining where he would have to go, he also remembers stuttering out a small ‘thank you’ and basically running away into the completely wrong direction and coming late to class, the first day sure was a rollercoaster for Chan. Two years later and here he was, literally staring at her whenever she’d walk by him and blushing furiously whenever she’d look in his direction. Y/N was a pretty popular girl, she had a lot of friends and was invited to basically every party, guys were basically on their knees for her and she was excellent in school, she was also about a year older than Chan and probably completely forgot about his existence, which he was completely fine, if not even happy with. Don’t get him wrong, he imagined it hundreds of times how it would be to go on a date with her and how it would be to feel her hand in his, but he knew that he’d never have the balls to actually ask her out and now he’d suddenly have to throw all of his worries and shyness overboard and just ask her out like that? He was already cringing at himself as he played out different ways of how he could possibly ask her out. Time went by way too fast and Chan had to pack his things again, only Vernon and Seungkwan were by his side as he made his way to his next class. Soonyoung, Wonwoo and Jeonghan were lucky enough to Have lunch for two hours so they just stayed and continued having discussions about life. “Today’s your lucky day, Chan!”, Seungkwan suddenly exclaimed excitedly as he nodded towards a direction. Chan looked at him confusedly, obviously done with his shit as he looked into the direction he was indicating. His heart immediately dropped as he saw y/n standing there in front of her locker. She was about to take some books out and more importantly, she was alone. “She… She seems busy, let’s just go, the week is long-“, “it’s Friday”, “- and I sure will find another day on which I can-“, “Don’t be a pussy Chan, a bet is a bet.”, Seungkwan said which made me glare at him. “I’m not a pussy-“, “Great, then go ask her out.”, Vernon suddenly said as he leaned against the lockers behind him, Seungkwan mimicked his actions and just looked at me with expecting eyes. Chan just stood there in front of them and pressed his lips together, he was waiting for a few seconds to make sure that there really wasn’t a plane crashing into the school. “You know what? I’ll do it.”, “Go on then.”, “No, I mean it, I’ll do it.”, “Great, do it.”, Chan frowned a little as he looked at y/n, his heart started beating faster and he felt that his face was getting hotter and hotter. “… okay maybe I won’t actually do it.”, “Just do it for fucks sake!”, Seungkwan suddenly said as he pushed him into her direction which made Chan look at him with big eyes. Vernon and Seungkwan just indicated that he should finally get his shit together and go to her, which he did, but just really, really slowly. He took small steps towards her and hoped that maybe a friend of hers would come up to her and start having a conversation, but luck wasn’t on his side today. Once he stood behind her he looked at Vernon and Seungkwan once again, he rolled his eyes at the sight of the two guys, they were basically staring, the only thing that was missing was some popcorn for the two of them. Chan then put his attention back to the slightly smaller girl in front of him, his knees were weak and he felt like he might vomit any second due to the nervous feeling in his stomach, it took him seconds which felt like hours to actually raise his hand to lightly tap on her shoulder (he lowkey cringed on the inside when he did that but oh well, it was to late to turn back). Y/N didn’t react immediately, she expected it to be one of her friends but as she finally turned around and looked up, she was surprised to see a not so familiar face. “Oh, hi!”, she said as she looked at him with confusion in her eyes, yet still a smile on her pretty lips. Chan’s eyes widened a little as he had her whole attention on him now, he went through his hair with his hands and tried to calm himself down mentally before he’d actually talk. ‘I can do this, I’m not a pussy, I can talk to her, just say ‘hi I’m Chan, you’re really pretty, wanna go on a date?’ and everything should be alright, right? Easy!’
“Hi, eh… I’m Chan… you probably don’t remember me but you once tried to show me the way to my class like two years ago and that was really nice of you and I lowkey had a big crush on you since then… okay that was a lie… I have a huge crush on you and I lost a stupid bet which led to this conversation we’re having right now, I mean, otherwise I would’ve never talked to you since you’re intimidatingly pretty and I really like the mole you have under your eye and yeah, since I lost I have to ask you out on a date and I know this seems really fucking weird because… well, because it IS really weird and I’m probably embarrassing myself really badly but since I lost the bet I’m here to ask you out on a date, which I already mentioned before, so, can you please end this misery I call life and just tell me that I should fuck off?”. Chan wasn’t looking into her eyes as he was telling her all of that, one hand of his was constantly brushing through his hair while the other one was used to gesticulate or rather emphasize what he was saying. Not only did he say all of those things in a extremely fast pace but he also was a stuttering mess and his voice was shaking, his face probably was as red as a stop sign and he was completely breathless after he was done with his talk since he didn’t take one break throughout his whole ‘speech’.
He didn’t dare to look up into her eyes, he was way too scared of her expression. Would she be amused? Annoyed? Weirded out? All of the above? Chan was mortified and his heart still wasn’t slowing down. After a few seconds of complete silence on both sides he noticed that Y/N closed her locker and leaned against it with her books in her arms, he still didn’t dare to say one word, instead he slowly looked at her with his head still lowered and was surprised. She didn’t look at him in a judging way, neither did she have a disgusted expression on her face, no, she seemed amused but in a good way. “So… you have a huge crush on me, huh?”, she asked and tilted her head slightly, the amused smile didn’t leave her face. Y/N was always a pretty confident person, she enjoyed having people around her that looked at her in the way Chan does, she knew that she already has him wrapped around her finger. Chan just blushed even harder and quickly nodded as he lowered his gaze again. “Cute.”, she simply said and giggled slightly as she pushed her hair back. Chan blushed even more and was about to speak up when she suddenly took a step towards his direction, she now was much closer to him and he held his breath as he looked at her. “.. you know, if you want to take me on a date you have to ask me for my number first..”, she simply said as she looked at him with an innocent look on her face which just made her seem even mire angelic than she already was. Chan just stared at her dumbfounded for a few seconds until he quickly tried to get his phone out of his pocket, still trembling. “Ca-Can I have your number?”, he asked nervously as he looked at her which just made her chuckle, she simply took his phone out of his hands and slightly brushed his fingers which made his heart jump a little once again. She was typing in something and then handed it back to him. “Text me later about the details!”, she simply said while smiling at him, she then checked her watch and noticed that she had to leave if she wanted to be to her class on time, so she got going. “See you later Chan!”, she exclaimed after she winked at him which just made him blush even more if that was possible, he just nodded quickly and waved awkwardly which just made her smile even brighter and then walk away. He just stood there in the middle of the corridor as he watched her leave, he then looked at his phone to see that she had saved her number into it. He couldn’t believe that that just had happened so he just kept staring at his phone until he was suddenly hugged from behind. “You little motherfucker really did it, oh my god, halfway through your speech I thought that she’d run away but then she took your PHONE and gave you her NUMBER, dude, you have a date!”, Seungkwan said way too excitedly as he shook him around, Vernon was just typing in stuff in his phone which later turned out that he texted in the group chat that Chan had a date with Y/N, everyone was going crazy and Chans’ heart still didn’t slow down, instead he suddenly had a big smile on his face and bit his lower lip. “She… She gave me her number…”, he just mumbled and Seungkwan nodded his head. “She did!! She maybe gave you a fake number though… which I doubt, you should definitely text her though.”, “Really? I thought I’d just keep her number as a souvenir.”, Chan dryly said with a smirk on his lips. “Hey, don’t be so cocky, literally 40 seconds ago you were a blushy, stuttering mess.”, “Still got her number though.”, he just said with a shrug and then made his way to his next class, mind you that the big smile didn’t leave his face once throughout the rest of the day.
During his classes in the afternoon he wasn’t able to focus whatsoever, the only thing on his mind was Y/N, he was thinking about what to text her, where to take her, what to say, he was thinking through every possibility and got a shaky heart as he was doing so. After his classes were over he quickly made his way home with Vernon and Seungkwan who were loudly nagging about how fast he was walking and about how he should calm down, Chan didn’t even properly listen nor care, he just wanted to get home and text y/n finally, so he did. Once he said goodbye to his friends he quickly changed into more comfortable clothes and sat down on his bed. His roommates Jeonghan and Soonyoung still weren’t home so he was able to calm down first before going on imessage to type out his message to Y/N, he really didn’t need two guys beside him asking him about every detail and telling him which emojis to use and not to use, that would only make him even more nervous than he already was. He thought about maybe not texting her yet though, he was scared that he might seem too eager, but he never really was that much of a patient person so he decided to text her then and there. ‘I mean… if my awkward speech didn’t scare her off, nothing will’ he told himself as he typed out the message.
‘Hi, this is Chan, that awkward guy that asked you out haha… yeah let’s please never talk about that again, I just wanted to ask you when you’re free?”
He read over his message about 30 times until he finally sent it and immediately threw his phone away like it suddenly gave him a shock. He then stood up and walked around in his room to find something that would distract him. His hands were a little shaky and his heart was pounding. He was about to start gaming a little when suddenly he heard his phone vibrating, in an immense speed he was back on his bed and opened his phone so he could read the notification.
‘Hi! (: tbh, I’m basically free all the time, what about tonight?’
Chan looked at the message for a few minutes and then took a deep breath. ‘That’s way too soon, I’m not ready, this goes to fast, I need to mentally and physically prepare myself, I can’t just meet her tonight’, he thought to himself as he typed out a message,
‘Yeah sure! Whenever you want haha! Uh… well, what do you wanna do?’
Chan closed his eyes for a few seconds and sighed audibly. ‘Wow, well done’. He didn’t have enough time to actually get up again and turn on his TV since his phone vibrated again a few seconds after, he wanted to act cool and not open it immediately but he just couldn’t help it and opened the message immediately (which may or may not have made y/n giggle slightly).
‘So eager… well, apparently, it’ll rain tonight, but what about meeting at mine, we could cook and watch a movie? (:”
And that’s the point where Chan froze for a few seconds, he read through that message again and again to make sure that he didn’t misunderstand or misread anything. His crush of two years just invited him over to cook and watch a movie, this either was a really realistic dream or she was just messing with him, there was no logical explanation for it.
‘yeah, sre, Imean, why not, I lvoe food and movies nd like, youknow, not being n the rain, yeah thatss totally fine… sure! Arsjnd what time shodcd I come? Shossduld I bring somdjcing<’
He sent the text way too fast and once again cringed over the mistakes he made due to his way too shaky fingers. He was on the verge of having a heart attack, if you’d feel his pulse, you’d think that he had been sprinting for hours. Y/N on the other side was at home casually going through her Instagram feed and waiting for his answers, she was glad that he wasn’t that kind of guy that wouldn’t reply for hours just to seem more ‘interesting’, she enjoyed talking to someone who replied fast and was eager to talk to her, she would be lying if she said that this whole situation didn’t amuse her. She was already really soft for this boy and just had to smile whenever she thought about the situation in the hallway today. She didn’t expect someone to confess their feelings to her, or at least not in such an adorable way. Not only did she think that he was probably the most adorable little guy on earth, she also was weirdly attracted to him, just everything about him spoke to her on a different level and she really wanted to get to know him better. Once Chan texted back a little slower than usual, she read through his text and chuckled softly at the typos in his text, poor boy probably got really nervous when she offered him to hang out at hers.
‘I think I’ve got everything.. I’ll text you my address, be here around 7 maybe?’
She sent the text and smiled at the fast response she got.
‘Sure! Sounds perfect! I’ll be there!’
Y/N looked at the time which showed her that she had around three hours to get ready, so she stood up and went to take a shower and later on cleaned up a little, Chan on the other side was going crazy. He immediately went to take a shower to calm down his nerves which actually made it worse since he had no distraction and too much time to think about what could possibly go wrong so he quickly got out of the shower again and dried himself off while thinking about what he should wear. He opened the doors of his closet and looked through every single piece of clothing he had. Should he wear a shirt? A t-shirt? Black jeans? Denim Jeans? Trainers? He was stressing himself way too much, he didn’t even notice when Soonyoung came home and got into his room until he spoke up and scared Chan to death. “So, you’re going on a date?”, “Oh my god you scared me so much.”, Chan simply said and completely ignored his question. “Oh, sorry, so, you’re going on a date?”, “No I’m stressing about what to wear at home because I wanna look good for you hyung.”, he answered with a way too sarcastic tone in his voice which made Soonyoung laugh who was currently sitting on Chans’ bed. “Wow, that’s really cute of you.”, he replied, and Chan once again ignored him. “Shirt or t-shirt?”, Chan asked as he turned to Soonyoung who just raised his eyebrows. “You were ignoring my questions but expect me to answer YOURS?”, “Yes.”, “… t-shirt, a shirt is too formal.”, Soonyoung simply replied and Chan nodded as he took out a gray t-shirt. “Really? That one?”, Soonyoung asked suddenly which made Chan look at him with big eyes. “What? Why? Does it look weird?”, “I don’t know… try the black one”, Soonyoung replied as he watched Chan getting dressed, he had a weird fatherly moment as he was watching him, he felt like he raised this child and suddenly he’d go on a date and do adult stuff? “Better?”, Chan suddenly asked and made Soonyoung look up at him. “Yeah, casual but not too casual! Wait are you guys gonna go out to eat or?”, “She… she invited me over.”, Chan said with a little blush on his cheeks which made Soonyoung chuckle. “Damn, you know what that means…”, “No, it’s just cooking and eating and watching a movie, nothing more, nothing less.”, Chan exclaimed which made Soonyoung laugh even more. “Alright, wanna bet on it again?”, “… no, I’ll never bet on anything again.”, Chan shyly replied as he looked through his trousers. Soonyoung simply stood up and made his way to the door to go to the kitchen to get some food. “Go for some gray sweatpants, they’re easier to get off.”, he simply said before leaving the room which made Chan blush even harder. “We will not- whatever…”, he simply said as he looked at the gray sweatpants in front of him, he decided to put them on, not because of the reasoning that was stated by Soonyoung, but because they would be at hers’ so sweatpants would be more comfortable. It was only 5:30 pm when he was done with getting ready, so he decided to go to the living room and just watch Soonyoung play some stupid game. After a while he decided to play against him, and he never sucked this badly at any videogame ever. “Wow… you’re really nervous, huh?”, Soonyoung simply stated which made Chan roll his eyes. “No… maybe a little bit…”, “Are you gonna buy her something?”, Soonyoung asked casually as he took a sip of his soda. “I don’t know… maybe… should I?”, Chan asked nervously which made Soonyoung laugh. “Okay, you’re really damn nervous… maybe buy her some chocolate?”, “You mean those 20 dollar big packs of chocolate?”, “I love your enthusiasm but think a little smaller maybe…”, Soonyoung said amused as he started a new game (Soonyoung won 13:0 and he has never been more proud in his life.). Chan was happy that he got some distraction, the next time he looked at the time it was already 6:30 pm so he stood up and got ready by checking himself out for a long time and fixing every single streak of hair. He then got his phone, wallet, said bye to Soonyoung and promised him to ‘not do something he wouldn’t do’ (which was basically giving him permission to do EVERYTHING, Sooynoung really was a wild one) and with that he left the small apartment and got his bike. On his way to y/n he only stopped by some store to get pralines for her, at exactly 6:59 pm he was in front of her apartment complex and took a deep breath. He tried to calm himself down before ringing the bell and just told himself that it couldn’t be that bad. After a few seconds he was able to open the door and get inside the building. He slowly made his way to the elevator and pressed the button to get to the 6th floor where Y/Ns’ apartment was. He was sure that he has never been as nervous in his life as he was when he was standing in front of her door. ‘There’s no turning back now’, he though to himself as he took a deep breath one last time until he lightly knocked on the door. He heard steps coming closer and closer and his heart beating faster and faster until the door was suddenly opened and y/n was standing in front of him with a big sweatshirt which reached to the middle of her thighs and which would’ve made her look even prettier and softer than usual, but since it seemed like she only wore shorts under that sweatshirt it only made her appear even hotter. “Hi Chan! You’re right on time!”, she immediately said with a big smile as she pulled him inside the apartment where it was definitely warmer than outside. “Ah… yeah, you know it’s… I like to be on time and not let people wait for.. you know, me and just.. yeah uh… hi.”, Chan was tripping over his words as he was trying to form a proper sentence without sounding like a complete idiot. “That’s good! I hate it when people make me wait.”, she simply replied as she waited for him to take off his shoes and jacket. Chan quickly got out of his shoes and neatly placed them on the floor where y/ns’ shoes were, he then took off his jacket and hoped that she wouldn’t notice that he was shaking. “Oh, you’re cold?”, she suddenly asked as she was looking at him with big eyes, he quickly looked up to her after he had hung up his jacket and then just shook his head. “Ah, yeah no just… a little but it’s pretty warm in here so that’s good… oh I uh, I also got those for you..”, he pulled out the box filled with chocolate and blushed lightly as he saw how a smile was formed on her lips. “That’s adorable, thank you so much.”, she said and took the box from his hands, she then turned around and walked towards a room which seemed to be the living room, she indicated him to follow her which he immediately did. “Feel like at home.”, he arrived in the living room and looked around a little. The place was pretty clean and rather small which made it seem homier. There were lots of pictures on the wall of people he had never seen and of y/n, he liked it there a lot, it already made him feel less nervous which was good, since he felt like his heart might have exploded any second. “It’s pretty here…”, Chan quietly said and had a little smile on his face because he finally was able to say something without stuttering, he was proud of himself. “Oh, thank you! It honestly is a mess, but I try to, you know, make it work.”, she said as she entered the living room where Chan was still standing. “I thought we could cook kimchi fried rice?”, she suggested, and Chan just nodded his head, she could’ve said anything, and he would’ve been alright with it. “Sure!”, he exclaimed and followed her to the kitchen, which was rather small though it was alright for two people to be in it but it seemed like it would be hard to fit in more than three people. “I’ll prepare the rice, are you okay with cutting the kimchi?”, “Sure!”, he immediately replied as he got closer to her and took some of the kimchi which made her smile. “Cute…”, she just mumbled under her breath which made Chan nearly drop the kimchi. She just giggled as she watched his face heating up once again. “You sure do blush really easily, huh?”, she asked with a smirk as she got a pot. Chan just scratched his neck awkwardly as he nodded. “I guess you have that effect on me.”, he simply stated quietly which made her smile at him knowingly. “Good to know.”, she said as she filled up the pot with water, Chan just looked at her with big eyes, not really knowing what to do. Y/n noticed that after a while and gave him a pair of scissors, accidentally touching his hand a little longer than expected which made his heart jump lightly, her hand was warm and soft and he wondered what it would be like to hold her hand. “The kimchi won’t cut its’ self”, she stated which tore Chan out of his thoughts who quickly started cutting the kimchi. While the rice was cooking, they were able to finally get into a proper conversation and it went much better than Chan expected. He blushed a little here and there and some stutters were showing up but overall, he did a great job in not making a fool of himself, he even made her laugh a couple of times which was a huge deal for him. They were pretty involved in the conversation and completely forgot about the rice until the water overflew and made a huge mess, but they didn’t take it too seriously but rather laughed it off. “I guess you should focus better…”, Chan said jokingly as he helped her clean up. “I guess you just distract me.”, she said with her eyebrows raised while looking at Chan who was speechless and with a dumbfounded expression on his face. “But I forgive you…”, she quickly added while giggling and made her way to the sink, the thing is that she had to pass Chan to do so which resulted into them being way too close for some seconds. Y/n used the opportunity to just smile at him but Chan immediately looked away and tried to not focus on how close she was and on how pretty she looked up close.
“Do I make you nervous Chan?”, she didn’t ask that question in a seductive way, nor did she even look at him while asking, the way she asked that question was like you’d ask about the weather, it seemed like such an innocent question but the smile on her face gave it away. Chan just bit his lip as his heart was beating faster again, he was struggling to find the right words until Y/n had to pass him again to get to the stove where she’d combine the ingredients to finish up the fried rice. She passed him again, but this time a little slower, she even stopped right in front of him and tilted her head slightly, exposing her neck to him ‘accidentally’. Chan just stared at her eyes and lips, not able to form a sentence, his head was basically blank, the only thing he could think of was his lips on her neck. Before he could properly calm down, she passed him though and continued cooking. “I take that as a yes.”, she said with an amused expression on her face. Chan tried to calm himself down a little as he went through his hair a few times, he really didn’t expect her to have this power over him. It took her six words to make his heart and head go crazy, he didn’t know what would happen if she actually chose to touch him properly, even the thought of it made his cheeks blush even harder. “Let’s eat, I’m so hungry!”, Y/N exclaimed happily like nothing happened and took the two plates while Chan grabbed two glasses for them and made his way to the living room where they’d be eating while watching a movie they had chosen before, it was some thriller which sounded interesting but no matter how hard Chan tried, he just wasn’t able to focus on the movie whatsoever. Y/N seemed pretty involved in the movie and didn’t seem like she was affected by Chan, little did he know that he was the only thing she was thinking of. She loved teasing him, she loved his reactions, the way he blushed and shyly looked at her like she was the prettiest person on earth, she loved the power she had over him and she enjoyed every second of it. “The food was-was really good!”, Chan said after he had finished his plate which made Y/n smile slightly and turn to him. “We’re a good team.”, she said and finished her food too, she took the plates and put them into the dish washer, luckily they had already cleaned up most of the kitchen so she didn’t have to care too much about that. Once she was back, she didn’t sit on her usual place, much to Chan’s surprise she sat down right next to him which made him tense up a little. He only had to move a little bit and their legs would be touching, her hand was right next to his leg but not touching him in any way but that was enough for him to stare at her hand for a few seconds, wondering if she’d actually touch him or not. Y/n noticed his stare but chose to act like she didn’t know, she kept on watching the movie as she pushed her hair back, her sweater slipped a little which now meant that her shoulder and neck was exposed. Chan quickly looked away and failed at calming down his poor heart, ‘does she know what she’s doing to me?’, he asked himself as he once again tried to focus on the movie, he even succeeded on focusing for a little until he suddenly felt y/ns’ warm hand on his thigh, right above his knee. He tensed up even more and had a hard time breathing. Y/n was simply enjoying that whole situation, she knew what she was doing. She didn’t really go up with her hand yet, she just let it rest there and bit her lip as she felt the muscles and imagined what it would be like to sit on his lap. She licked over her lips as she started caressing his thigh a little, still with her eyes glued to the TV. Chan was going crazy in the meantime, the only thing he could do was watching her hand helplessly and breathing a little harder, he was about to speak up when she suddenly took her hand away to grab her glass like nothing had happened, which nearly made Chan let out a disappointed sigh. He pouted a little as he stared at the tv. “Already so needy?”, Y/n suddenly asked as she turned her head to look at Chan with her eyebrows raised, Chan’s heart skipped a beat as he looked at her with big eyes. He looked like a lost puppy which made y/n bite her lip as she put down her glass again. “Look Chan, I need you to answer my question…”, she said as she turned her whole body towards him, Chan just helplessly stared at her and opened his mouth and closed it right after. She giggled softly as she leaned over his lap to reach for the remote, her sweater slipped up a little and exposed her shorts, Chan couldn’t help it but stare at her, he blushed when he noticed that he was already a little hard, he immediately looked away from her. Y/n put the movie on pause and sat back up still looking at Chan who was avoiding her stare. “Fine.”, she suddenly said, Chan frowned a little until he suddenly felt her legs on each side of his legs and her face facing him, she was sitting on his lap and put her hands on his shoulder close to his neck. Chan breathed in shakily and didn’t even dare to look at her, let alone touch her. His heart was racing. He suddenly felt two warm fingers under his chin which softly indicated him to look at the beautiful devil in front of him. “Look at me…”, she whispered softly, and he did. He looked at her with big eyes and a little pout, obviously overwhelmed with the situation, y/n simply put on a smile on her face as she softly traced a visible vein on his neck with her thumb which made Chan shiver softly. “You’re really pretty when you’re needy.”, she whispered after leaning in slightly. Their lips were really close, Chan would only have to lean in for their lips to touch, but instead he was just staring at her lips, waiting for her to kiss him, but she didn’t, instead she had a big grin on her face and just looked at him expectedly. “Do you want to kiss me?”, she asked innocently and giggled softly at the eager nod she received. “Then why don’t you ask?”, Chan looked into her eyes shyly and back to her lips. “Can… can I-I kiss you?”, he asked with a shaky voice and a blushy face. Y/n just nodded slightly and in no seconds, she felt his lips on hers. Chans’ heart was beating fast and his stomach was going crazy, the skin under her fingers was tingling he was ready to do anything she wanted. The kiss was soft at first, he was shyly moving his lips against hers, it wasn’t the first time he had kissed a girl, but he had never felt this way before, he was basically burning. The kiss started getting more and more heated and their tongues were fighting for dominance, none of them were surprised at the outcome, Y/N had the power over the situation, she decided what would happen next. While they were kissing, he felt her hands on his’, she took his hands and gently placed them on her own hips, allowing him to touch her. Once his hands were on her hips he let out a muffled moan which made her smile against his lips. She suddenly leaned back a little causing their lips to part which made Chan whine softly and stare at her with a pout which had a huge effect on her, she definitely could get used to his whines and red lips and the desperate expression on his face. “P-please…”, he suddenly said desperately as he tried to kiss her once again which only made her giggle softly and distance herself a little more so he couldn’t kiss her. “No, no, no baby… that’s not how it works…”, she simply said as she leaned in and started kissing his neck softly which made him tilt his head slightly so she could kiss him better, Chan had a hard time repressing his moans under her, he was biting his lip and basically clinging to her, her lips on his neck were making him go crazy, so it was no surprise that Chan pouted even more when she stopped again. “Look baby, I want to hear the pretty sounds you make so don’t even think about repressing them.”, she sternly whispered into his ear which made shivers go down his spine as he eagerly nodded. “Y-yes, sorry I’m-“, he was interrupted by her lips on his neck once again, this time biting the soft skin softly and sucking on the red skin which quickly turned into a pretty little mark, in the meantime Chan was desperately trying to get some friction, just some touch, something to satisfy him, but she didn’t let him move one inch. She simply shook her head whenever he would try. “Such a needy boy…”, she would simply say. Chan was desperate for touch, his hands weren’t resting still anymore, his hands were desperately caressing her hips, trying to somehow pull off her sweater which made her chuckle. “No baby, you have to ask first.”, she simply said after distancing herself again and staring at him. “Can I-can I please take off you-your sweater? Please?”, he’d say with a big pout and whiny voice which would only cause her to get wetter. “You can take off my sweater baby.”, she softly said and giggled at how eagerly he obeyed, he immediately grabbed her sweater with shaky hands and pulled it off, leaving her with her shorts and bra only. Chan stared at her in awe as if she was the prettiest person on earth, y/n bit her lip as she pushed her hair back to fully expose herself. “Let’s go to my room.”, she suddenly said, this time with a shaky voice too, Chan just nodded and followed her with shaky legs as they went into her room. Once they arrived y/n simply pushed Chan towards the bed where he immediately sat down and stared up to her. “Get your shirt off.”, she demanded to which he immediately obeyed, he struggled a little to get his shirt off, he was way too shaky and aroused to think properly which made her smile softly but once he had his shirt off she came closer and looked down at him. “Such a pretty boy…”, she said and sat down on his lap once again, but this time she moved up a little and bit her lip as she felt his hard member through his sweatpants. Chan blushed furiously as a small moan left his lips due to the friction. “Already so hard for me, huh?”, she asked teasingly as she started to move her hips against his which only caused him to moan even more. She kept on doing that until she felt him desperately moving against her too, she immediately stopped her movements and just shook her head. “What did I say before? Good boys ask before they do something, and you’re a good boy right?”, she asked as she stood up in front of him to get her shorts off, now standing there with only her black lace underwear covering parts of her body. Chan whined softly at the words and the sight in front of him, he eagerly nodded after a while as he was staring at her with teary eyes. “Y-yes, I’m a good boy, please I’m-“, “Please what baby?”, she asked as she pushed him, indicating him to lay down properly on the bed. “Please let me-let me touch you? Please I’m- can I please make you feel good? Please, I’ll be a good boy.”, he desperately said as he stared up to her with a big pout and big eyes, she licked over her lips as she sat down onto the bed, at this point she was dripping wet and desperate for touch too, so she nodded quickly and laid down where Chan was laying before, he was now on top of her and really close to her lips. “Can-Can I kiss you? Please?”, he asked with a shaky voice to which y/n only replied with a nod, the kiss was rather harsh and fast, she basically felt how needy he was. His hands were all over her and he was whining against her lips. Once their lips parted he immediately started kissing her neck softly while her hands were in his hair guiding him down, he immediately obeyed and kissed down her neck, to her collarbone and then over her stomach to her panties. Y/N bit her lip as he went in between her thighs to kiss and caress them, she sighed softly as he was kissing her everywhere but never there where she actually wanted it, Chan used his position on top of her to finally do what she had been doing for the past 30 minutes, he was teasing her but little did he know that she was still in charge of the situation. “Don’t tease.”, she suddenly said while looking down at him really sternly, he immediately got goosebumps as he eagerly nodded his head. “Can I please… get your panties off?”, he asked pleadingly, she just nodded her head as she lifted up the bottom part of her body so he could undress her properly which he immediately did. She chuckled a little at the sight. “Such a needy boy…”, she said as she guided his head in between her legs. Once his lips were on her private parts, she threw her head back and closed her eyes, she whined softly when she felt that Chan was moaning against her lips. Chan was eager to please her and immediately started pleasing her, whenever he would get a praise he’d just whine softly and try even harder to make her cum but before that could happen she pulled on his hair indicating him to come up to her and kiss her which he eagerly did. The kiss was harsh, a lot of sucking and biting, Chan was a moaning mess once she turned them around and was over him kissing him demandingly. She was pulling on his hair and straddling his lap, she was pressing their hips together and muffled his sounds with her lips. “Such a good boy…”, she’d whisper in between kisses to which Chan would nod his head eagerly. Once she instructed him to get off his sweat pants he did it immediately and exposed himself, whining due to the sudden coldness hitting his hot member. Y/n got off her bra slowly as she stared into his eyes, Chan stared and sighed softly. “Fuck… you’re so beautiful…”, he whispered which would only make her smirk and reach down. Once she was palming him over his underwear he was closing his eyes and moaning softly due to the friction, the view was incredible. Chans’ hair was a mess, his lips were red and swollen and his neck was covered in marks she had left, he was desperately trying to touch her and pushing against her hand to get more pleasure but she just took her hand away from his member and took his hands. “I want you to keep your hands over your head like this the whole time. Don’t even dare to do anything unless I tell you to.”, she stated which made Chan whine loudly and nod, he immediately put his hands behind his head and breathed in shakily as she continued to palm him over his underwear. “Now tell me baby, what do you want.”, she asked as she slowly pulled down his underwear to fully expose his hard member. “Please I- just…”, Chan couldn’t form a proper sentence, he was basically begging for more friction and some pleasure. “Please what baby?”, she teasingly said as she started stroking his member slowly and softly which wasn’t enough for Chan who was desperately whining under her touch. “Y/N, please can I- can I fuck you? Please I-I’ve been a good boy please…”, y/n chuckled softly at his words and started adding more pressure to her touch and going a little faster which caused him to moan a little louder. “Is that so?”, “Yes! Please, I’ll fuck you good, I promise just, please can I? Please?”, he was begging at this point and y/n loved every second of it. He was a moaning desperate little mess under her. She started stroking him harder and faster which made him whine and hold on to the bedframe behind him, he really wanted to touch her, to claim her, he just wanted to cum. She kept on going like that for a while until she realized that he was about to cum, right at that moment she simply stopped, but still had his member in her hand, Chan whined loudly and was about to push into her hand when she took it away completely. “You’re only gonna cum with my permission, do you understand?”, she asked harshly as she sat down right onto his dick and rubbed herself on it which made him moan out her name and nod eagerly. “Good boy.”, she moaned softly as she reached to the drawer to get out a condom. Chan bit his lip as he looked at her getting the condom out and slipping it on his dick which made him whimper softly. “Say it again, beg for it.”, she demanded which made Chan whimper. “Please let me fuck you, please I’ll be your good boy, please, please, please let me make you feel good, I’ll be good I promise.”, he desperately said which made her bite her lip as she positioned his dick so it could slip inside of her. She moaned softly as she sat down and took half of his member, Chan threw his head back as he softly whined, he was a moaning mess once his whole member was inside of her. She didn’t move at first, she wanted to see if he’d obey to her, she wanted to see if he’d move without her permission, which he didn’t, so she pushed herself up and sat down again, slowly fucking herself on his dick. “Please y/n, can I- can I please touch you? Please?”, he begged under her as she kept going, still incredibly slow. It took her all her willpower to not just fuck herself on him properly, she wanted him to suffer. “Not yet baby boy”, she simply said as she started to go a little faster, she was holding onto his shoulders to get a grip as she was moving up and down, positioning herself on him in a way which would bring her the most pleasure, meanwhile Chan was a whimpering mess, begging her to finally go harder. After a while she couldn’t take it anymore so she started to fuck herself onto him even faster and harder than before, softly moaning his name whenever he’d hit the right spot, whenever she’d feel him get closer to cuming she’d slow down again and earn disappointed whimpers which only made her go harder after. Suddenly she let his dick slip out of her completely which made Chan nearly cry due to the loss of friction. He pushed his hips into the air, desperately looking for some friction. Y/N got off him and laid down with her legs spread looking at Chan. “Fuck me. Now.”, she harshly said which made Chan whimper and get in between her legs shakily. His heart was pounding and all he could think of was y/n and how badly he wanted to cum, so he obeyed and didn’t waste any seconds to push right into her. He started fucking her at a slow pace at first which only caused y/n to pull on his hair and demand to go faster if he wanted to cum that night, being the good boy he was, he started fucking her faster and harder. The room was filled with Chan’s whimpers, y/n’s moans and the slapping wet sound of Chan fucking into her hard and fast. “Please, p-please can I cum? Please?”, he begged loudly as he was kissing her neck harshly while fucking into her even faster. “You have to make me cum too if you want to cum.”, she simply stated as she pulled his hair to finally get to kiss him again and moan against his lips. Chan shakily reached down with one hand and started rubbing her in between her legs while he was still fucking her, the sweet moans of y/n only made him even hornier and he immediately came after she gave him the permission to do so, moaning out ‘thank yous’ and her name while he was uncontrollably fucking her, she immediately came after he did and moaned his name and praised him over and over again. After a few minutes Chan was trying to catch his breath and laid on top of her, too exhausted to move which would make her giggle softly. “You have to get off me for a second baby…”, she simply said which made him pout and whimper softly, but he obeyed and pulled his soft member out of her and laid down next to her. He threw the condom away into the trashcan next to her bed and then looked at her with big eyes as she stood up. “Where-Where are you going?”, he asked, still in his sub mode and depending on her, once she noticed that she softly patted his hair and smiled at him. “I’ll just get some towels to clean us up and some water, don’t worry, I’ll be right back.”, she softly said and kissed his cheek as she made her way to the kitchen after putting on her underwear and a big shirt. She quickly grabbed everything she needed and made her way to the bedroom where Chan was waiting for her to come back, her heart trembled slightly due to his face lighting up once she entered the room, she definitely was whipped for him. “Here baby, drink some water okay?”, she softly said as she was cleaning him up carefully, he obeyed and drank the whole glass of water in one go. She then handed him his underwear and t-shirt so he’d feel more comfortable but he took it the wrong way and looked at her with big sad eyes. “You… you want me to leave?”, he asked with a voice which nearly made her tear up, he sounded so hurt and sad. She immediately shook her head and sat down next to him and pulled him into her arms. “No baby, you can sleep here… maybe we should get some breakfast together tomorrow?”, she asked which made Chan smile brightly and nod his head exhaustedly. They continued talking for a little until he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore and slept in with her pretty voice whispering sweet nothings into his ear.
“So, how was it?”, was the first question that was asked once he entered his shared apartment. His whole friend group was sitting in the living room, staring at him and just waiting for a detailed answer. “Well… let’s just say that I should definitely lose more bets”, he simply said as he sat down next to Soonyoung with the biggest smirk ever. “You lucky bastard.”, Seungkwan said after a while which made him laugh and nod, he indeed was a lucky bastard.
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prorevenge · 5 years
Wonder Twin Powers Activate
Our teacher was almost sixty, dressed in bright colors(usually pink) and would speak like she was a politician in EVERY past life. This woman was HORRIBLE but I wasn't fully aware of how at first. I know that she could be curt and liked making jokes that seemed kind of rude but at the time, I just thought it was adult humor. At this point, I had few friends but people left alone because I was considered too crazy to mess with but this teacher treated me like I was adorable, also assumed it was because she was an old lady. Bro had chosen to sit next to me, which he usually tried knowing I could answer any questions if he struggled. I had finished the paperwork early and Matt was still working on it. I told him to let me know if he needed anything as I started reading a book. I usually zone out when I read so I fell asleep on accident and my brother didn't want to wake me up so he asked the teacher. A. Single. Question. She, instead of helping an answering the question, started berating him, talking down to him. He said nevermind but she didn't like that one bit as her voice got LOUDER. He kept trying to say nevermind until I was woken up by the teacher as she LOUDLY announced to the class how worthless my brother was and what an idiot he was and anything she could say until it finally registered what was happening and I stood up with an "Excuse me?" The class goes dead quiet as the teacher says "Sit down, honey" and continues to say things, now saying my brother was obviously cheating off my homework at home and how he planned to ride my coattails to pass school. My brother is really sensitive but I have never seen him cry in public because if he doesn't value your opinion, then who cares but this woman was shredding him to me and in front of his friends who DIDN'T KNOW he had a learning disability. I let loose, insulting her beyond measure even climbing over my desk to get in her face, the teacher actually being MY height. I wasn't going to attack an adult but man, I considered it and she KNEW it. She tried to hold her confidence, saying I should take my seat or she'd fail me and give me attention and I dared her to. I told my bro to get up and that we were going to the office, the teacher demanding we take our seats and actually grabbed him. I pushed her and told her and said I knew we'd be sent to the principal's anyway. On our way and waiting in the office, Bro confesses to me that she, even though he told her on the first day had been harassing him NONSTOP and the help I was giving him at home was basically the only education he was getting on the subject and the reason he didn't say anything before because he didn't want me to stop thinking he was cool. I became LIVID.
By this point, when the secretary saw me coming she KNEW I had done something. Surprisingly enough, admin was on good terms with my family because of the bullying issues that I had previously reported and gotten into fights over and it actually ended with my dad and the principal at the time becoming friends- his name Mr. Green and he went to became superintendent so whenever I was in the office, he was called as well to meet with the principal and my parents.
I relayed all of the info to the adults, Bro being pretty much too traumatized to respond. The principal tried to defend her stating Bro was overly sensitive but Mr. Green was NOT having it. They called her in and without letting anyone get a word in, she went on a tirade stating I had attacked her and she wanted the "demon twins" out of her class because we're nothing but trouble. This raised flags with the principal now because she had apparently BRAGGED to other staff about how she basically didn't have to teach me and I didn't bother her at all. They began filing kids in who witnessed everything, the bruise on Bro's arm now turning purple and skin slightly cut from where her manicure dug into him. Safe to say I didn't see her after that but I always felt like that wasn't good enough but my mom had mental health issues and my dad didn't want to stress her out.
Oh. But its not over, my vengeful ladies and gentlemen. I got a surprise I NEVER thought possible, time for revenge.
Fast forward a few years, my mom's mental health is getting unreasonable for a house of children and my siblings are split to live with grandparents. Me and oldest Sis go to live with my mom's mom in the next state over and Bro decided to stay with Grandma in state because of his friends.
I decided to go to a public school, not wanting to enjoy a repeat of bullies that were bailed out by their entitled parents. I decided I was going to read and talk to no one to avoid fights but that actually got me a lot of friends, including our football team's HULK, a 6'3" linebacker who bonded with me over our shared love of books and even came over to help my arthritic grandmother with anything at the drop of a hat.
One day, we had a substitute teacher that everyone did not like who seemed vaguely familiar to me in a haunted sort of way but it had nothing to do with Lord of the Rings or comics so I couldn't care less. I was only in this class because I had caught pneumonia the year before and I have a serious immune deficiency AND my dad passed away so I was out of school over the allotted absence time and had to repeat two classes(still only had four classes my senior year so I nailed it). The sub was hanging around more and more when it finally hit me.
Apparently, she had gotten remarried and went to Japan on a teaching program which she bragged about constantly when she tried to connect to me while I was reading manga in her class. I didn't know if she had recognized me at first but it was clear by the way she was singling me out after a bit she had. I was going to ignore it thinking she was only a sub when we got news that our prev. teacher was going to be gone for a while because she was having complications with her pregnancy and this teacher was now our permanent teacher for the rest of the year.
The class hated her, half of which deciding not to do work out of blatant protest.
Not me. I finished everything at the start of class, ASAP so I could go about ignoring her- something she HATED but tried to turn in her favor often. She would even try to give me book recommendations, bash something she saw me reading or even give out spoilers.
It was only after one classmate who turned around and said "this class is stupid, I don't want to be here" and I responded with "You do know if you DO the work you WON'T have to be here AGAIN NEXT YEAR?" and she used it as an opportunity to attack that it hit me. Time for some revenge.
I spoke to the guy after class, apologizing for snapping which he understood and then asked if he wanted tutoring and to help with revenge as I explained why. Apparently, this teacher had been going after him in class like my Bro too. SHE DIDN'T LEARN.
I continued to pay her no attention in class but also took the time to offer my fellow students assistance, which she hated, telling me to get back in my seat or to not talk to the other students because if they didn't understand it when she said it, they probably wouldn't understand the material at all. One of the male student's friends in the class had been let in on the plan and had left their phone on to record anything in class of her going after students.
At this school, each year had their own Assistant Principal and I learned what day the AP for this year(technically I was a junior so sophomore), a cool dude was coming in to observe class with other admins. JUDGEMENT DAY. The lesson the teacher was going through was Protagonist VS. Antagonist. How fitting.
She was going over the nursery rhyme, Little Miss Muffet. I finished the worksheet almost right away and I glanced at the stunned looks on one of the admin's faces who saw me write quickly and open a book and the AP actually snickered and leaned over to say "She does that a lot."
The teacher was talking about what was on the projector and realized quickly that the admins were not happy because half the class was not listening or paying attention. She then went to her usual target, me who she had seated front row; it was the closest seat to both her projector and desk so yeah, I knew she was singling me out.
Teacher: "You're reading in my class while I'm trying to teach, sweetie."
Me: "Yeah, I'm done with work."
Teacher: "Yes, but I'm still in the middle of the lesson." Me: "...Okay? Go ahead." Teacher: "I'd like you to pay attention." Me: "Why? I'm already done."
Teacher: "Yes, but the rest of the class isn't." Me: "Then what are you waiting for? I'm done, I'm not going to sit here doing nothing." Teacher: *flustered but grabs my worksheet* "Alright then, let's see your work." *looks it over before getting this huge grin on her face* "You put that the spider is the protagonist but that's wrong, Little Miss Muffet is the protagonist."
She then geared up to start a speech about the importance of listening to her when I said-
"Actually, I don't think she is. I wrote why if you'd read past the first sentence."
Teacher: "No, that's wrong." Me: "I don't think it is. The story goes "Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey; along came a spider who sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Muffet away." Based on that, all it says the spider definitively did was sit next to her, it didn't say he shouted "boo!" or attacked her. She could have just went "Ah! Spider!" and ran for it. Sounds more like she made a snap judgement based on appearance."
The class is speechless.
Teacher: *composing herself* "Well, it's still wrong. For this lesson, it's wrong."
Me: "Is it though?" I can see her jaw clenching, pissed. "The questions on these worksheets say to write who you THINK is the protagonist and antagonist and explain why. So technically, its a matter of perspective and the only way to get it wrong is to not meet the paragraph requirement."
The class echoes with "OOOOOOH's and some snickering.
Teacher: "Oh, if you think you're smart enough. Why don't YOU teach the class?"
I was initially going to turn her down, only making my point for her to LEAVE ME ALONE when my classmates started volunteering me. The male student even saying "I'm going to have to ask her to explain it all again later anyways and you get mad when she tries to help us so let her teach us."
I was glad the class rallied behind me but NO. I was not prepped for it. I improv'd on the white board, turning off the projection and even using comic book examples to explain the differences until the AP chuckled and called the joke(they're not actually supposed to say anything during observation), asking me to take a seat. The teacher was angry and continued to single me out until the end of class when she asked me to stay after to speak with her. The male student lingered in the doorway with his friend to stop the AP just outside, out of view stating they wanted to talk to him. They stopped him just in time for him to hear the teacher SHRIEK at me, accusing me of ruining her life and trying to ruin it AGAIN while slinging all sorts of insults at me.
The AP stormed in and she turned paper white. The other students followed saying they wanted to show him the recordings we took of her insulting kids in class and how the only reason kids were working now was because I spoke to them because the teacher would stop the ENTIRE class and make us do nothing for full periods saying we'd be too stupid to understand the lesson so why teach if we weren't going to respect her anyway. From there we went to the office and listed how she had been attacking other students and I told her how she taught at my middle school. He told me I could go back to class as he discussed it with the other APs and our Principal and I passed the teacher in the hallway and said "By the way, my brother says hi."
I went home, called him up and told him about it and he just sat there chuckling and going "Oh my god" repeatedly for about twenty minutes.
She was still there the next day but she did not say a WORD to me for the rest of the semester and the next semester, we were all put into different classes, learning that they allowed her to finish the semester on the promise to leave me alone but that she would NOT be coming back.
I managed to get the same teacher fired. TWICE.
And guess what? I write books now so, how's that for a twist?
(source) story by (/u/awkwardbirdnoise)
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rhysismydaddy · 5 years
Can you please do a fic for nessian where one of them is a teacher and the other is a student💖💖💖
Light filtered in through Nesta’s shut eyelids and she groaned, nestling her head further into the pillow beneath her. Only it didn’t feel like a pillow. It was warm, and smooth, and breathing.
She pinched her eyes shut and shook her head, not wanting the obvious to be true. After realizing this shitstorm was unavoidable, she peaked up at the face of the man she was lying on. At least I know I still got it she thought grimly.
He was completely gorgeous, curly hair muffled from sleep and full lips open, and felt like he’d been built from stone.
Nesta supposed if she had to wake up completely naked on top of a stranger she couldn’t remember going home with, it helped that he was ungodly sexy.
After slowly peeling herself off of him—having to resist the urge to peak under the blanket to see exactly how good her night had been—she tiptoed around the room, trying to find her clothes.
“Morning, stranger,” a deep voice sounded behind her.
Nesta yelped, grabbing the blanket to cover herself. Which left him completely exposed. Not that he seemed to care. He propped his head up with his hand and smiled at her.
Oh, I definitely had a good night, she thought, trying and failing to look somewhere other than his tanned, toned body.
“Good morning…” she said quietly, struggling to remember his name.
He gave her a shit-eating grin that told her he was enjoying the blush on her cheeks entirely too much as he extended a hand and said, “Cassian.”
She quickly shook it, ignoring the feeling of his callouses and the faint memories of them on her skin, and replied, “Nesta.”
“So nice to meet you, Nesta,” he said, voice still clouded with sleep.
She was about to reply and say that they’d most definitely already met when she glanced at the clock and yelped again.
“Shit! I have to be in class in twenty minutes, and I have no idea where I am, and I can’t even find my fucking-”
Cassian held up the black lace bra she’d been wearing the night before and grinned. Nesta didn’t have time to bother with pleasantries as she snatched it and slid it on, reaching for her dress. It was an obvious walk-of-shame dress, the kind that was basically a second skin and would definitely gain her some disapproving stares as she left.
She didn’t think about how she looked, or the fact that she wasn’t wearing underwear, as she grabbed her shoes and speeded for the door.
“It was nice to… meet you, Cassian,” she shouted as she raced out his front door, ignoring his protests and slamming it behind her.
Squinting her eyes against the light, Nesta figured out where she was and thanked the heavens she was only a five minute walk from her apartment. She gripped her shoes in her hands and took off, praying she would make it to class on time.
Nineteen minutes later, Nesta raced into Professor Rhysand’s classroom, out of breath and sweaty. She’d had to run from the other side of campus to make it, but it was worth it. The prof had told them to come prepared for a “fun day,” and that usually meant a test, so she couldn’t be late. Professor Rhysand—and he made his students call him Rhysand because using his last name made him feel old—locked the doors exactly at 9 so late people couldn’t get in, so she’d had to practically sprint here. He was a hardass, but still Nesta’s favorite professor. 
She found her usual seat in the back--far away from her peers-- propped her head against the wall, and waited for her professor to show up. 
And waited. After ten minutes, Nesta was starting to get severely pissed off. She could’ve showered with this extra time. Or at least brushed her hair and put on a clean shirt.
But no, she’d been too stressed to worry about laundry, so she’d grabbed leggings and a tank top off the floor. One she was fairly certain she’d worked out in.
She squinted her eyes at the door, ready to give him a hateful look as soon as he walked in.
Instead, her eyes went wide as someone entirely too familiar strolled into the room, looking way too put-together. Whispers immediately arose from her peers about how sexy he was, how they’d definitely get with him, and all sorts of ridiculousness.
“Shit,” she whispered, trying to sink lower in her chair. The last thing she needed was for him to see her.
“Good morning, everyone. Sorry I’m late. Little Rhysand is out sick today, so I’ll be subbing for you all. My name is Professor Nezarra. I work over at Hybern University, which I know is the enemy school and all, but it’ll be okay. I won’t tell them that you guys liked me.”
A few generous laughs.
“Professor Rhysand has prepared a movie for you guys, so just relax and sign the attendance sheet whenever it comes around to you.”
Nesta sighed as the lights went out, proud of herself for staying hidden. He could not see her here. It was bad enough she’d had to face him this morning, but here? In front of her classmates? Oh, absolutely not.
She’d rather fake a medical condition and leave class than-
“Hello, stranger.”
Oh, fuck me.
She looked up slowly, dreading seeing the smirk she knew would be gracing his features. She almost groaned when her eyes met his. He was already insanely good looking, but this? This was ridiculous.
His hair was damp and pushed back off his forehead, making his eyes seem even more golden. The black of his shirt showed off the impressive build of his shoulders.
Why did it seem like he was even bigger than he’d been before? Had he worked out or something? 
“You had time to shower?” Nesta asked incredulously before she could stop herself.
He grinned down at her, having too much fun. “That’s what I was trying to tell you when you sprinted out this morning. You could’ve stayed, because I had to drive here anyway. Plus, you could’ve showered with me.” Cassian waved his eyebrows suggestively.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “Shouldn’t you go back up there?” She motioned to the front of the room where Prof Rhysand’s desk was.
“Nah,” he whispered confidently, sliding in the seat next to her and draping an arm over her shoulders. “If I go up there, it might give you time to sprint out of here again. You’re pretty fast.”
“I run track,” Nesta muttered back, gripping his arm and throwing it off of her.
Cassian acted like she hadn’t done anything and threw it around her again.
“Stop,” she whispered. “People can see.”
His eyebrows raised, a smile tugging at his lips. “See what?”
Nesta rolled her eyes and said, “That I fucked my professor!” she whispered furiously.
“First of all, sweetness,” he said, pulling her closer. “I’m not your professor. I don’t even work here.” True. “Second—and I meant to ask this this morning—do you even remember fucking me?”
A blush exploded across Nesta’s face, all the way down her neck. Cassian’s grin grew, and he propped his head up with a hand, face entirely too close to hers.
“Of course,” she said, the lie bitter on her tongue.
Cassian nodded, eyebrows squinted. “So you remember my friend being there too, then?”
She dropped her head into her hands, squeezing her eyelids shut.
Oh my gods this was so much worse than she’d thought. It was one thing to have a one night stand, but to have a threesome and not even remember? What kind of woman what she, and what had she had to drink?
“I’m kidding, Nesta,” he said teasingly, poking her side.
She looked up at him, ready to give him the verbal smack down he apparently wanted, but he spoke quicker. “Really, I’m surprised you don’t remember.”
“I was drunk,” she replied defensively.
He smiled and said, “I was too, but I remember. I mean we fucked on the roof for crying out loud.”
She waited for him to tell her he was joking again.
“Are you serious?”
The shit eating grin was back as he laughed and said, “Oh yeah. You said it made you feel like you were in the clouds. Although maybe that was just the orgasms-”
His voice carried a little to far that time, and half of her classmates turned around to stare at their position and raise their eyebrows.
“Oh my sweet heavens, shut up! You cannot talk about my orgasm in front of my peers-”
“Orgasms. Plural,” he said, a cocky smirk planting itself on his face.
Nesta believed him, but still raised an eyebrow, looked him up and down, and said hatefully, “Oh, I very seriously doubt that.”
His hand found its way to her thigh, fingers tracing light circles as he dropped his head to her ear and whispered, “Nesta, baby, you came seven times last night. I remember each one.” His teeth tugged on her earlobe, and she almost saw stars. “They’re replaying in my head like my personal movie.”
She shoved him away, ignoring the way her pulse had risen and the gooey feeling in her legs.
But he wasn’t done.
“Let’s see. There was the one against the wall, the two—or was it three?—on the roof, the one on the floor-” he laughed at that. “The one in my bed, and oh, of course. The one where I went down on you,” Nesta’s breath hitched as he drew too close again, “That one was my favorite. I can still taste-”
“Shut up shut up shut up!” Nesta whisper-shouted as memories started to assail her. He let out a laugh. That one had definitely been her favorite too, but she wasn’t about to admit it, or let her classmates hear about it, for heaven’s sake. 
“You remember that don’t you?”
His hand was still on her thigh, and it drew higher as he said, “You remember moaning my name, pulling my hair as I slid my tongue up your thigh, right here,” his fingers tapped against her inner thigh. “You remember, don’t you?”
Nesta was pretty sure she’d never breathe normally again. She stopped caring about her classmates and started only caring about the new throbbing between her legs. 
“No,” she said shakily, holding on to the lie.
“Hm,” he hummed, gripping her thigh tighter and whispering, “I’d be happy to show you again, you know, to refresh your memory.”
In the back of her mind, she knew the video had ended and people were staring, waiting for Cassian to do something, but she couldn’t be bothered to care.
“However, right now I have to deal with your classmates.”
She fought a groan as he got up, and Nesta hated how she already missed the warmth of his hand on her. She was too worked up over this guy, someone she’d literally only known for less than a day.
But she couldn’t help but remember last night, how those hands had felt on her, how they’d squeezed the thighs she wrapped around his waist-
“Ms. Archeron?”
Nesta snapped out of the haze she’d been in and said, “Yes?”  Everyone stared, and Cassian’s eyebrows raised knowingly. “Can you repeat the question?”
“How did you like the video?”
Oh, the little prick. He knew she hadn’t watched a second of whatever dumb video Professor Rhysand had “prepared.”
Nesta shrugged, narrowed her eyes, and said, “It was fine.”
Cassian’s lips twitched up as he said, “Just fine? You seemed to really enjoy it.”
“And you would know this how, exactly?” Were they still talking about the video?
“Oh, you told me.” He said confidently. “Multiple times.” No. Definitely not.
Nesta was going to kill him. Everyone in the room was watching them with a mixture of confuse and amusement written on their faces.
“Well, like I said, it was fine, but I won’t be watching it again. Ever.” She narrowed her eyes.
His eyebrows rose, and he said, “Oh, I think you will. You might even watch it again tonight.”
A few of her classmates chuckled at that.
“I think, if you look back at it, it was the best movie you’ve ever seen.” That stupid, confident little smirk was driving her crazy.
Nesta wanted to… to.. well she didn’t know what she wanted. All she knew was that this stupid argument, what they’d done last night, was the most fun she’d had in a while. He had some affect on her she couldn’t describe. Half the time she wanted to punch him in the face, the other half she wanted to fuck his brains out.
Probably not the healthiest combination, but Nesta didn’t care one bit as she smirked back and said, “It was definitely the best movie you’ve ever seen, but not me. I’m somewhat of a movie master. But I might be nice and let you watch it again later. Maybe you’ll learn something.”
Cassian gave her a huge smile, cleared his throat, and said to the class, “You guys can leave. Tell Rhys I’m a much cooler professor than he is.”
Nesta stayed perfectly still as her classmates filtered out, ignoring their whispers, and stared at Cassian. He was leaned up against the desk, arms crossed over his broad chest, thumb running over his bottom lip.
When the last student left and the door clicked closed, Nesta rose to her feet and slowly walked down the isle to stand in front of him.
“Did you find my answer satisfactory, Professor?” she asked lightly, putting her hands on his chest and looking up at him.
His hands wrapped around her hips and pulled her flush against him, and his voice was cloudy as he replied, “I’m not going to lie. You might have to sleep with me if you want an A.”
Nesta sighed dramatically. “Oh, the things I do for my studies,” she whispered as she rose onto her toes and pressed her lips to his.
Sorry this took a ridiculous amount of time. Thank you for the ask!! 
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whats-the-story-tc · 5 years
21st of February, 2020
"The One with the Soft Epilogue"
Another day, another flannel, another attempt to write this bloody post as Tumblr hates me.
It's morning in the teachers' lounge and I'm standing in the inner side of the doorway holding some props, rather anxious about a guest who never actually turned up to see us rehearse. Just before I go outside, V walks into the room, and we lock eyes. I feel a little calmer.
Third period, and the door slams shut. V isn't in a good mood. And once she slaps the stack of test papers on her desk, neither are we. I try to do my best with two-week-old memories of notes once written and big, fancy words to make it look like I know what I'm doing. She's grading some of them immediately while the rest of the class is finishing up, the cap of her marker hanging from her mouth, and I get a smaller heart attack when I see her pick mine up. Ticks, with swift and certain movements. She leans closer to read something. Tick. Then she underlines something. And another thing. Fuck. I make a sound of nervousness. "What, am I grading too fast?" she asks me, not even looking up from the next paper. My politeness doesn't allow me to answer that, so I rather just stay silent and mull it over.
Rest of class is pretty normal, nothing groundbreaking... except for this one thing. Brunet Boy in the Back tells her and us this story avout how he saw his friend get into a fight in a club. I don't even remember how it came up. Then V, as she has told us before, says that she doesn't want to know about her students' personal lives, because it's none of her business... then she adds something new to the usual monologue. She tells us that the only time she wants to know is if someone steps heavily out of their comfort zone and does something stupid or something that paints them in a bad light. She ended it with something along the lines of "Alcohol isn't what can cause the biggest damage." See? This is why I'm grateful every single day that I know her. I have never heard anyone speak like this before.
We have a P.E. teacher as a sub in one of our later classes. V comes in as soon as class is over, carrying a great big stack of about 15-ish, kinda thin books. "You guys had P.E.?" she asks us jokingly. She sets the books down on the teacher's desk. "Can these stay [here]?" she asks. We say sure, and she's gone.
That very same break, about half a minute later, me and my friend are walking to class in the other wing, and V is right behind us. Halfway through, but entirely consciously — just to impress her —, I switch to English, and we carry on talking like that. Later, we have a laugh about how she always shows up whenever we do weird shit. Always, without mistake.
You know the one, very stark difference between V and I? How we read. See, when I'm asked to read in classes, me being me, I perform. I add flourishes and emotion to it to make things more interesting — mostly for myself. V just reads it as it is. She reads well, but I imagine it's a fair bit boring for most people. I'm fine with it, because I like her voice. That, paired with the Gogol novel we were reading, was perfectly fitting for a sleepy Friday afternoon. The only intense part was her throwing the classroom door open, to send the three laughing girls, who wouldn't let her speak, to the vice principal. Her "Now, that I can finally teach..." afterwards had us all laughing as well.
The bell rings, and we wind up as a team. I'm collecting all the books, she's cleaning the board. By the time I'm finished, she's outside, talking to someone I can't see. I head out, the books in two smaller stacks in my hands and... uh-oh. She's with the aforementioned vice principal, and I'm immediately concerned. Whenever that man shows up, something bad happens. I watch her reactions, but nothing indicates bad news. When I got home is when I realised that he probably wanted to talk to her about the girls.
We get going soon after, and this senior boy joins us, who needs to talk to V. By the time it's just the two of us, we're at the the other wing. I look towards the library, not understanding why V is going somewhere else, when she tells me: "The library is closed by now, let's go upstairs. I'll take that," and takes one of my stacks. The door isn't big enough for both of us to fit, so I let her pass first. "Come," she calls out to me softly when she notices I stopped. "It's that falling-off-y amount," she refers to the books as we head towards the lounge. "[It's] not that bad." There's a small beat of silence before she says "Yeah." The sass in just that one word spoke volumes. The way I understood it, it was like she wanted to say: Kid. Don't be so polite with me. You don't need to.
When we walk inside, there's only one teacher there beside the two of us, and he looks at me with big ole confused eyes. He probably didn't expect to see me there. I walk on over to V's desk and set the books down. "Well, thanks very much." she tells me. I no longer remember if I said you're welcome, but there's something else I did say. "Have a good weekend, Miss," I tell her, as I do every Friday as of late. She doesn't look up at me, she organising her stuff about, but she tells me "You, too. Bye." 1.5 years I've known her, but I swear to God I have never heard her speak so soft and quiet before. There was something so gentle, so utterly comforting and warm about it that I nearly cried. Again. Meanwhile, to the other teacher, I just say "You, too, Sir!" assuming he heard me, and he gives me a much more formal goodbye. Him and V are only a year apart and I've known him for three times as long, yet we're incredibly formal. Funny little thing, life is.
We started and ended the day in the same place, both occasions ending with me leaving. Our alpha and omega. Huh. I need to stop analysing my life like it was a poem full of metaphors, don't I?
~ S ♡
[Every story I share here, no matter how specific I get with my wording, depicts actual events from my own life.]
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wiggly-blue-shite · 5 years
Chapter 3! The Bell Doesn’t Dismiss You (Tedgens)
Henry: Bye!
Ted: Ttyl
Talk to you later? What does that mean? Does he intend for us to talk again? Ahhhhhh
Why do I care? God damnit hormonal fucking body.
I slam my face into my pillow. I don't want to move. I might just go to sleep like this so I don't have to keep thinking. But I'm not tired.
I need music. It's to quiet. Everyone else is asleep.
I roll over to my bedside table and grab my headphones. It'll be easier to sleep if I have music.
"Could be, who knows,"
I set my phone down and close my eyes. I'll let my man Bernstein's glorious music lull me to sleep.
Beep Beep Beep Bee-
I slam my hand on my phone turning my alarm off. I push myself out of bed. I look at myself in the mirror.
Well I look like shit, and I don't have time to shower. My hairs all messed up and the bags under my eyes look darker than usual. I could put makeup on, but then people would make fun of me again. Which is a shame because I could fucking rock some crazy eyeshadow right now.
I throw on sone ripped skinny jeans and an old Spring Awakening shirt. Well if I'm going to go all teenage rebellion today, why not where a little eyeshadow? Like fuck other people's opinions! Just a little red eyeshadow and some eyeliner. Nothing to extravagant. Though if I'm going with red I might as well put to lipstick on to match it.
After finishing my makeup, I rush downstairs. No time to make myself an actual breakfast. I just grab a pop tart and rush to my car, backpack in hand.
One great thing about zero periods is that barely anyone is on campus. Since Emma doesn't have a first period I can't hang out with her. So I just head straight to the debate room.
A lot of the class is hungover so we do nothing productive. Mostly just "researching" for our next big debate. 
The bell rings and I'm off to Pre-cal. That's right difficult math right in the morning! Every student's dream! Well at least Norah's in that class.
Norah is treasurer of the theatre club, I'm secretary. Next year we're going for President and Vice President. She can be a little bossy at times but she's really passionate.
We have a sub today who basically let us do whatever. Norah and I talk about the auditions for the spring show coming up. It's really fun prepping for an audition that you don't know what it's for. Hell we don't even know if it's a play or a musical yet!
The bell rings and I am off to the theatre room. Deciding to be Mrs. Murray's T.A. was a great idea. I'm only really T.A. for second period beginning theatre but it's still fun.
Beginning theatre is interesting. Most of the people in that class really don't care at all. They just wanted a fun elective or even worse, to be famous. There are the few students who care, and they're a delight.
Today she has me grading their set designs based of s rubric that is not effected by the actual quality of the idea. Most of them are shit. There are a couple of interesting ones but otherwise it's very bland. I do like looking at them though, well at least the ones from the people who care. I think I might enjoy being a teacher, but I could do better.
The bell rings and it's time for break. The halls crowd while people try to reach their friends or the nearest vending machine before the bell rings. Emma and I usually meet up in front of the library, so that's wear I go. Low and behold Emma! She looks like shit. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing a hoodie, probably Paul's that was way to large.
"Hey bitch." She even sounds like she has a headache. I should keep my voice down.
"Sup slut."
"Love the look." She scans my outfit. I feel like I went a little overboard on the makeup, but she doesn't make any comment on it.
"Where did you go last night?" She looked a little pissed off. Ok wow straight into it.
I didn't do anything wrong, I don't like Sam and I don't like parties, why would I stay?
"Home. I wasn't going to stay."
"Well I was looking for you."
People take stuff like this too seriously. It's just one dumb party in high school. The only thing that have come out of a high school party we're noise complaints and unplanned pregnancies.
"I don't think I was hiding in Paul's pants." I wasn't just going to let Emma be pissed at me and not bring up Paul.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Emma tries to make herself sound intimidating. It fails because she is tiny and I could throw her across the courtyard if I really tired.
"Nothing." I smile down at her. She looks peeved.
"I can still kick your ass, Hidgens." She subtly tries to make herself look bigger. I really want to squat down a little but so I'm closer to eye level, so I can be way more patronizing. She would punch me in the face though.
"Hey Emma." There he is. I thought we were missing some bland in this conversation. In all fairness I do like paul and I think he's good for Emma, but he's boring, to me at least. Well maybe not boring, but predictable.
Paul was accompanied by Bill and Ted like he always is. I see those two a lot, whenever Paul comes over and talks to Emma, but I don't really know them that well. I know of them and the stuff they've done, just not really them.
I nod to Ted as a greeting. He smiles back. My stomach does a flip. God damnit hormones. I'm surprised that he doesn't look more out of it.
"Your outfits rad." Ted's voice was sincere. I could have melted there. I didn't expect anyone like Ted to like it.
"Oh T-thanks!" I stumble on my words. I can't have a just one on one conversation with him, without the help of alcohol. "Hey Bill I didn't see you at the party last night."
"Oh yeah I had to babysit my little sister." Bill is a pleasant guy and all, he just is very safe.
"You didn't miss much." Ted shrugged, "just like every other Sam party this year."
"Didn't you chug something." That cant be normal for parties, "I seem to recall a crowd around you chanting chug."
"Jesus Christ ted." Bill looks a little disappointed.
"You know the water polo team, they're relentless."
Why would I know the water polo team?
The bell rings. I head in the opposite direction of Emma, Paul, and company.
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