#so you got matt's meme potential
the-music-maniac · 2 years
I think I'm gonna fuck around and draw Shiro x Adam x Matt fanart out of spite for voltron season 7 and 8
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chiropterx · 2 years
👫 (Matt?)
Send a 👫 and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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Initially, Matt and Kirk's first meeting did NOT go well. A chance visit to Gotham quickly alerted Matt that not all was well within the crime-ridden city; something very large and dangerous was lurking out there, something only he could hear. A timely intervention on Daredevil's part saved an unlucky wanderer out late at night from getting drained of every last drop of blood but bringing down the beast would be a whole other mission for the vigilante of Hell's Kitchen. Fortunately, future meetings would be on much friendlier terms. Kirk would be able to relate to Matt and vice versa what with both men having disabilities since they were children, in a world where able-bodied people tend to look down upon or pity those less 'capable'. Kirk WOULD admire Matt's prowess to get about without actually requiring assistance but Matt is a good lawyer and an even better superhero! Kirk was raised on less strict grounds but does believe in God. He would respect Matt's beliefs in Catholicism along with how difficult it can be at times, neither judging nor condemning the man's actions and words. It's hard enough being tough on yourself and Kirk would approach Matt kindly, particularly in times when he senses Matt is not doing well or has been punishing himself. Matt knows when Kirk has been taking his serum and when Man-Bat is most likely to make an appearance. Out of everybody he knows, Matt stands the best chance of convincing Kirk to kick the habit for good or at least hold Man-Bat back, preventing his wild instincts from taking control.
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iridescentoracle · 4 months
The Klavier Problems Post
so. i talked about a bunch of things in that post i made earlier about how to fix apollo justice (the game though also the character) including all the little things i would do but the two big changes i think are needed to fundamentally fix this game are 1) making apollo’s inscrutable asshole mentor a separate character from phoenix wright 2) make klavier gavin an actual goddamn person.
and i talked about #1 at length last time, so here’s the post about #2.
so, klavier gavin. i keep trying to come up with metaphors that don’t feel too clunky to actually use in a sentence and not being satisfied but to me he is several pieces of cardboard lovingly painted and assembled to make roughly half the shape of a person, held together by three staples and a prayer. what’s there is great! it’s just. not an entire character.
conceptually he’s fantastic. an actually nice and helpful prosecutor? WILD. absolute galaxy brain development. who knew you could have one of those. an apparently nice and helpful prosecutor who has ties to the game’s main villain and so might be playing the long game, leaving the audience and potentially protagonist suspicious and unsettled the whole time, only to eventually prove himself genuinely a good person when things get desperate? excellent twisty fun, and provides obvious and delightful room for things to get interesting and complex.
and even in practice, there’s parts of that that are genuinely executed well! there’s at least a half-dozen points over the course of 4-2 and 4-3 where he clearly knows what’s really going on and gives apollo the opportunity to figure it out/prove it when he could’ve just gone for an easy win. he actually plays way more fair than literally any other prosecutor so far up to and including edgeworth in the matt engarde case! he’s way more forthcoming with info during investigation segments than anyone else would’ve been, both directly and by providing access to crime scenes apollo was otherwise blocked from, and i swear during the first trial especially he, like, hand-fed apollo the win. that’s FASCINATING and so so different from anything we’ve seen before, i love it.
the problem is… kind of the everything else? or like, that there isn’t anything else. he’s set up to be this massively complex character who actually has by far the most difficult/horrible time over the course of the game, and the writers just… forgot to actually put the complexity in.
he’s got all the pieces of an amazing character—this consummate performer who’s always putting on a show, perpetually performing who he wants to be and how he wants his audience to see him, hiding his true feelings from everyone around him, that’s great, that’s always a good time. someone genuinely good-hearted and honest who truly believes in justice and doing the right thing and playing fair so sincerely and completely that they can’t even see that the people they love are secretly evil? again, that’s great! i love that! that’s so compelling!!
but like. [padme amidala meme voice] okay so he’s a consummate performer who hides all his feelings. he does have actual feelings, though, right? okay so he’s genuinely sincerely good and honest and kind and would pick justice and truth over letting his loved ones get away with murder if forced to make that choice? again, he does have feelings about that, though, right? that’s not an easy choice to make?
and while i do love the introduction of a prosecutor who plays fair and is nice and friendly instead of [literally every other prosecutor in the entire series both before and after this game], it’s really fucking weird how chill he is about interacting with apollo and trucy. like. really fucking weird. why are they all so normal about each other? why is klavier so chill about helping his brother’s ex-employee who proved his brother was a murderer and the daughter of the man his brother framed for said murder? like. even if he’s all Professional™ to the point of managing to hide whatever he must be feeling just about his brother being a convicted murderer, how how HOW is he so normal whenever he’s interacting with apollo and trucy. it’s WEIRD it should be SO WEIRD where is the tension??
even more weirdly, why isn’t apollo weird about interacting with klavier gavin, in turn? even if we want to assume klavier is Just That Good at maintaining his persona, apollo is not a professional musician and doesn’t seem like a very good actor. he should feel extremely weird about this guy and he just… does not seem to. for that matter, trucy should feel weird too! that doesn’t need to be something the game actually digs into, it could be implied in passing that she’s also doing the performance thing and hiding all her actual emotions in favor of showing a carefully crafted persona to the world and that she only shows what she’s actually feeling to phoenix, in private, but NOPE not even vague implications in that direction really, she’s just. actually totally normal around klavier gavin and is a huge fan of the gavinners somehow??
but the weirdness (or rather, baffling lack thereof) doesn’t end with apollo and trucy.
again, not wanting to talk about/show how he feels about his brother for most of the game totally makes sense, he’s a consummate performer with a well-practiced facade etc etc, he isn’t even in 4-1 so by the time we meet him he’s already had time to practice being His Normal Professional Self. he’s got this. in my hypothetical rewrite he’s got this slightly less around apollo and trucy specifically because of their very specific personal connections but if we hear him talking to ema or to other people he’s definitely got this.
but in canon he literally finds out during a trial that one of his bandmates/good friends is also a murderer and a smuggler and was the one responsible for setting his guitar on fire which he was SUPER upset about earlier in the case, and his reaction to daryan’s confession is… playing air guitar and saying “you’re not in the band anymore btw.” there’s a couple minutes in the last case where he’s like “oh shit my brother committed a LOT more crimes than i thought actually” before he goes back to not caring. like, setting aside his expression bc limited number of sprites etc etc, based specifically on the actual dialogue he’s clearly distressed about the possibility of kristoph having been responsible for poisoning vera, apollo openly says “but you clearly think it is possible,” and then klavier is like “eh fuck it, i knew something awful was going on, yeah let’s make my brother testify” and… that’s it. air guitar time. kristoph spends half his time on the stand insulting/manipulating klavier/attempting to undermine klavier’s confidence in himself and it’s clearly working! until suddenly klavier’s like “haha yeah no it’s all good.” in the credits scene he compares the trial in which he found out his brother had attempted to kill at least three different people and he himself was partially complicit in kristoph being convicted, positively, to a rock concert.
like. there’s maintaining a professional facade and then there’s that.
he deserves to be so goddamn compelling. but like. in practice he’s not even a person. why doesn’t he CARE. why doesn’t he care kristoph is a murderer. why doesn’t he care apollo proved it. why doesn’t he care daryan is a murderer. why doesn’t he care kristoph is a murderer again, and also forged evidence and used klavier to ruin someone’s career and presumably would’ve used the forged evidence himself to win under false pretenses in klavier’s first case if he had the chance and and and. why doesn’t he care in the next game that his mentor got murdered. let him be a person with interiority i am begging.
but like. this is what i keep coming back to. i could fix it. i could fix him. not in the “oh i could fix him” generally-dating-related sense. more like the opposite of that actually. i could make him psychologically MUCH worse. but as a character he would actually be good.
it should’ve been such an amazing dramatic reveal/twist in the last case when the scope of kristoph gavin’s crimes begin to be revealed and klavier stays true. all game, he’s too nice and too helpful and apollo and trucy feel more than a little awkward interacting with him even though he’s always perfectly polite to them despite little hints of something darker underneath, moments when his perfect facade falters. he should keep apollo/the player off balance and unsure what to think of him, and we should suspect that he’s just as bad as kristoph but playing the long game even better.
and we get to the final case and realize kristoph gavin has been behind everything and at first klavier acts like he doesn’t believe it, and we brace ourselves for klavier to show his true colors and push the judge to end cross-examination and let kristoph get off scot-free even though we know he’s behind everything and we know klavier knows—
and then he doesn’t.
he hasn’t known all along, he wasn’t in on it, he’d adamantly repressed any suspicions he’d had all those years—so the gradual reveal that kristoph was behind everything is completely devastating, not least because he has to learn and process it all on the stand in front of everyone (not least both apollo and kristoph himself), and so the evidence builds, and finally, klavier has a whole entire breakdown of his own, that’s if anything longer and more dramatic than kristoph’s
and then he collects himself, and he apologizes, and he helps us win the case.
that would be
so goddamn compelling
and i genuinely don’t understand why that’s not what the game gave us. we were so close to getting that, why did he just brush it off? why didn’t he care?
so in the secret good version in my head, that’s what happens.
there should be differences in how he’s written outside the courtroom, too, though. like i said before, in canon, apollo-and-klavier and trucy-and-klavier should feel extremely fucking weird about interacting with each other and be varying levels of good at hiding it but none of them should be perfect, and i think it’s a major writing/characterization flaw that none of that is true. in this version, though, the situation is a little different: trucy could still potentially be a little weird around klavier gavin bc he’s kind of part of why her original dad abandoned her (and vice versa), but she doesn’t actually have to be.
because here’s the thing: in this au, klavier hasn’t done anything to phoenix at all except (if he didn’t take the whole seven years off for his band—which, given that he did still get someone disbarred thanks to his brother’s tip and probably still had weird feelings to repress about that, he might have!) potentially face him sometimes in court (where, as in canon, he’s an entirely fair and reasonable opponent who doesn’t resort to anything beyond lighthearted insults and is an extremely graceful loser, and in general is an absolutely delightful change of pace from the paynes or who-have-you), and while he is part of why trucy’s original dad left, that was as much (as far as she knows) the fault of shadi’s defense attorney for forging evidence instead of proving him innocent fair and square, and if her dad had actually cared he could’ve come back for her eventually, so while she probably isn’t sure about klavier right at first regardless, i think it would be plausible for her to not have any sort of a grudge by the time the game actually happens?
conversely, though, if phoenix stays a defense attorney he and edgeworth definitely get married within, like, a year, tops. so while trucy might not be weird about klavier, at least by the time the plot of the game kicks off, he’s kind of nervous around her, just like. not bc of the zak gramarye trial. because one of her dads is his boss.
but then that just makes any conversation trucy-and-apollo have with klavier that much more fun bc as far as trucy’s concerned, here’s that cool prosecutor who’s one of the nicest people she knows from her dads’ jobs! while klavier is slightly terrified but in a normal polite kind of way, and meanwhile trucy and apollo have their canon pseudo-siblings-because-they-don’t-know-they’re-biological-siblings dynamic, and finally klavier and apollo interacting is every bit as fucked up and tense as they should be about each other in canon bc oh my god you’re why my brother was exposed as a murderer and got sent to jail / oh god you’re my evil ex-boss’s younger brother, and how the hell do you talk to someone like that? because that’s what their dynamic should have been in canon and frankly we were robbed
nyquildriver: klavier being polite and helpful but obviously taken off guard frequently by these two would be so entertaining nyquildriver: it gives us the tension that we want while not being like, bizarre about it and resorting to like. flirtation? that feels weirdly like pandering nyquildriver: although klavier disguising his uneasiness with flirtation? that would be an interesting choice iridescentoracle: YES i actually love the idea of klavier flirting reflexively as like. a defense mechanism. when he’s stressed and doesn’t know how to respond he leans harder into the rockstar persona which includes flirting with everyone whether he remotely means it or not. it fits into what we do see of klavier in canon so well but like. turns him into more of a real person?
nyquildriver: honestly the pieces are there! they just didn't arrange them into a complete picture of a person, argh nyquildriver: after their first meeting apollo: what the fuck was that trucy: was he… into you? apollo: I don't think he was, which is why that was weird as hell??? nyquildriver: trucy's favorite running joke now is klavier flirting with apollo like he's a fan nyquildriver: she buys gavinners merch to plant on apollo/his things on the off chance that klavier sees it because the reaction should be hysterical nyquildriver: and that is worth giving up her allowance for however many years
iridescentoracle: god. and the like, deeply comedic irony that of literally everyone in the world who he could have this awkward and specific a relationship with, it just happens to be the one guy who can tell he absolutely does not actually mean the flirting and is perpetually accompanied by his sister who can also tell iridescentoracle: like, if apollo was ANYONE ELSE he might be able to actually pull off using Flirty Rockstar Klavier Gavin as a façade to get through interactions convincingly normally. but unfortunately, nyquildriver: and it would be a great way to keep the player off guard and suspicious of him too!
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gamerdog1 · 1 month
Morbius Review
Yeah, I know I'm late to the party with this one, but better late than never, eh?
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I think everyone knows, or has at least heard of the infamous Morbius movie. A film trying so hard to launch a universe of Spider-Man baddies without Spider-Man, that got launched into the spotlight through sheer force of meme potential. You couldn't take to steps anywhere on social media without hearing about it.
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Fast forward a few years, and while picking out bean sprouts from pad thai I could've sworn I asked for without, I decided to give this living legend a go. And what I found, unfortunately, does not live up to the hype.
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The film follows a doctor with rare blood disease, who spends his entire career experimenting to find a way to cure himself. When he discovers that splicing bat DNA into his own blood eases his symptoms, he thinks he's cured, but quickly realizes that he's become a bloodthirsty vampire. With the feds hot on his tail, Morbius tries to find a way to fix himself, save his girlfriend, and avoid the wrath of his rival.
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Sadly, my wordy plot summary does this film more justice than it does itself. This film drags on more than a grandmother giving a stern talking-to. So much of this film is bland, stock set-up, and then when Morbius finally becomes a vampire, we quickly go back to human drama like its nothing. Its almost like the film doesn't think we should see him doing cool things for very long, so it forces the little freak to sit down, shut up, and be normal while it keeps spinning its yarn about hospital workers and rare diseases.
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its quite an accomplishment, really, to make a story like Morbius' so dull. At times I found myself on my phone, distracted from all the mundane talking scenes. I now understand how my little cousins feel, when they ask me to skip to fight scenes in shows we watch.
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Eventually, when the seriousness of this film bubbles over, it becomes accidentally hilarious. Jared Leto saying "stinky little pinky" nearly made me spit out my drink, and watching him and Matt Smith throw each other around like ragdolls had me kicking my feel and giggling. This film should not be funny, and clearly isn't trying to be, yet somehow it is. Maybe if all other crappy Sony movies like these did this, we'd be a better society.
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However, I'm not counting out this film entirely. At various times while watching, I exclaimed "that was pretty cool" or "what a nice shot", unsarcastically of course. Within this ball of over-seriousness and accidental humor are some half decent shots, scenes, and effects, which injected some much needed life into the veins of this shambling corpse of this film. The swarms of vampire bats were a stand-out for me, mostly because I can't imagine how long it took to animate it, and I hope the animators got paid good money. The smoke effects during flight and echolocation were pretty cool to look at too, and are a fresh take on visualizing sound.
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All in all, though, Morbius isn't what I expected. I came for a so-bad-its-good film about a silly vampire guy who 'morbs', and I ended up with a film that took itself way too seriously to make itself funny all the time. I'm a bit disappointed, but hopefully this doesn't dissuade Sony from making more crappy offshoot movies like these. If they can make them sillier, I'll watch them all.
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
A B and G! For the ask meme :D
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
omg so fucking many. Here's as many as my brain can think of rapid fire from my ao3 list
Hankconvin & hankvin1700 and any iterations of the DBH boys,
Steddiegrove and any mix of the Stranger Things dumbo boys (Steve Eddie Billy, sometimes jonathan)
Drarry always-JK is a CUNT.
Roy/Jamie/Keeley, Roy/Jamie, Ted/Trent, Keeley/Rebecca, Roy/Trent 👀 (may the fic finish itself soon) from Ted Lasso
Peter Parker/Eddie Brock/Venom, Peter Parker/Harry Osborn, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Peter Parker/Matt Murdock, Petercest, Starker, Peter Parker/Anyone (Andrew!Peter was the one I grew up with <3 I love him with pretty much anyone and he's got so much potential for tragic backstory with all of them. I love love Tom's too :D he's such a cutie and Tom is also a really incredible human being and actor. Hard to choose a fav Peter when every one I've seen has been amazing!)
John Bender/Andrew Clark from the breakfast club. I do love me some enemies to lovers and this fucking movie. Enough I wrote 54k+ of fanfiction for it
Wincest, Sam/Dean Winchester- Sorry not sorry, I clearly labeled to dove in the freezer DO NOT EAT!
Marty/Rust-True Detective. BRING ON THE DYSFUNCTION
Izzy/Blackbeard, Steddyhands, blacksteade, teal oranges from OFMD
Nick/Schmidt from New Girl
El/Q from Magicians
Ryan/Jim from the US The Office
Johnlock, Hilson, any version of John Watson and Sherlock Holmes thats gay
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
oh man, I feel like this is a rarepair question. Let me check the ol' archive....
hahahahaha well this is gonna give away more about me than I probs want, but we got some Norman/Peter Parker in here, and Swayze and Sam Elliots characters in Road House👀🌶️
oh man also my ST mutuals got me allll into Robin/Heather, I can't stop thinking about them and Heather and Billy being cunty platonic bffs
Ooooo spanish Jackie/Jim 😍& Izzy/Lucius from OFMD
I also guess I ship Ted and Rebecca now. I didn't until that last fucking episode and I saw all four of them in her house and I went. OH. Okay yeah I get it now.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
oh yeah hahaha I probably started fan shipping in my early teens and it was either Draco/Harry or Max/Jude from Across the universe <3
thanks for the asks, they were really fun!
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robo-cryptid · 2 years
For the ship meme:
For Aerti (FF7):
1. What made you ship it?
Once upon a time, I was a wee child playing FF7 (the original) and thinking it was dumb that the game seemed to be prompting me to choose who Cloud should romance, because even then I didn't want them to compete. Then one day, idk when, but definitely much later, I just realized that of course they didn't have to compete because maybe they could also be in love (with or without Cloud in the picture, I don't care).
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
They just have so much respect for each other and seem to vibe with each other's sense of humor. It might actually be one of the sweetest ships I have, lol. But they can also be funny, because at the end of the day you've got a buff punchy woman and a tragic but delightful character you could very easily portray as a total stoner lesbian, so there's a lot of opportunity for funny stuff too. :3
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
This isn't really a ship for which I know much about the fandom, honestly, so I have not a single clue, lol.
For Rand/Mat (Wheel of Time):
1. Why don’t you ship it?
I started reading the books when I was, like, 11? So even though I've changed my mind about some stuff as I've gotten older, some formative things just are what they are, lol. I like their friendship a lot, but I feel like there's less and less fuel for a romantic ship as the series goes on. Also of the two sequences where I think they have the most shippy potential, one of those is uh dubious in terms of consent (or angsty af if you interpret it another way). Plus, tbf, I have several ships for both of them that simply aren't each other.
2. What would have made you like it?
I don't know, really! Maybe if I'd been older and already had ship goggles on? Maybe if I didn't see anything about them until the show and read the books after? If someone else introduced me to the show/books saying, "I ship this" so I was looking for it right away?
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Oh, absolutely. I get why people ship it, lol. I've even read some lovely fic because why not? It's got friends-to-lovers meets angst and tension, and there's absolutely at least one scene I can think of that if I shipped it would be very swoon-worthy. I don't have any negative feelings about it, and I hope the show keeps feeding the shippers just for fun.
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amazing-spiderling · 8 months
love your fandom asks: 1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s), 5. something you see in fics a lot and love, 8. you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc), 13. your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc)
list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
Okay, so as you know, our little server has this comment bingo going on, which is SO GREAT and I'm so happy people got excited and on board about it and kept up with it for the whole two weeks. But on top of that, the way it turned into this sharing experience with people highlighting other stories for people to read and comment on to fill a particular bingo square, the way people came together making spreadsheets (not in my skill set!) to make the process smoother for everyone- like, just out of the blue. It gave me the doki dokis for sure.
2. i feel like I get to be a part of this well cultivated little corner of the internet where there's a good number of people, and while we are all broadly there to be excited about one thing (mattfoggy) most people have a little niche they're exploring (a particular run of the comics, building a collection, completing a reading list, their own OC Au) and there is always at least one person there who is also excited about it and cheering them on- which encourages people to keep going and it's just... I dunno, the garden is well tended and growing, y'know?
3. The Murderdock kids meme like it's their JOB and I love that for us
something you see in fics a lot and love
I don't know if it's that I've been lucky with the fandoms I've picked, or the media itself that lends it to this- but I read a lot of TOP TIER BANTER in fics that is enough to make me laugh out loud at times, and I'm so here for it. There are a ton of genuinely funny people writing ingenious dialogue for my blorbos and I can't thank them enough for bringing a smile to my face. <3 <3 <3
you hope more people will come to appreciate _ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
THE UNTAPPED POTENTIAL FOR KURT WAGNER TO HANG OUT IN HELL'S KITCHEN. Look, he's already been a Spider-Man, he can go hang out with the Defenders, why not? Maybe if he ran Matt through with the Hope sword it would fix him.
your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc)
After participating in a lot of events, I think my favorites tend to be anything that is collaborative in nature. Like, prompt fests and secret santas are cool in theory, but sometimes it can feel like you've toiled for ages in secret for weeks or months and then sometimes the payoff is lackluster (no comment from recipient, so many works dropped on one day some fall through the cracks), or someone ended up not participating and... just the reality is kinda meh.
But collaborations- things like Big Bangs or zines or anything like that, where the *process* and sharing and communicating and pumping people up is just as much a part of it as the final reveal- I think that's what gets me the most excited about a fandom. I like things that give me an opportunity to get to know people better and share what we like about a given fandom or ship.
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masschase · 1 year
for the ask meme: 40 for matt and casey :0c
Ship ask meme (I was wrong I got this done today bc I just really wanted to finish it)
This is such a good one!
I think obviously they have normal silly fights and stuff but big regrets are rare once they're actually together. I feel like they do have some pretty serious regrets in the time prior to them officially becoming a couple though.
OK, yes, firstly, I think on some level they will always regret the thing that happened when Matt travelled to the past, even though it kind of had to happen for them to get together, or at least get together when they did, you know?
They smiled at each other at first, but then she hesitated. “Is it... weird... for you?” she asked. He sensed her seriousness and looked at her thoughtfully, then nodded. “A little.” he admitted. "Me too.” she agreed. “But... it did help me realise I loved you.” “See that’s why I was worried. That I’d somehow... changed your feelings through what we did in the past.” "Matt... what we had in the past was nice but... it was all my feelings around it that changed things. Missing you. Thinkin’ about you all the time. Gettin’ crazy jealous of my past self. Y’know? But I almost wish it hadn’t happened so we could just have something... y’know... normal.” He smiled at her. “Casey... I don’t think much about either of us could ever be classed as normal.” “Shit, that’s true.” she chuckled. “I admit... it’s a pretty unusual part of our history. But we talked about it a lot last night. Maybe now we can just... try not to worry about it too much? Look to the future?”
Yes, overall, a lot of that was me projecting my own feelings about it onto them. But I'm sure they would feel 100x weirder so I think it's valid!
But something I think is potentially even more crucial, that they discuss, much like the above, on the morning after they got together, is their lack of adequate communication for the previous year or so.
Arguably, any discussion sooner may not have ended up with them together. His fears about essentially spooking her may have been for good reason. Nonetheless, they cannot continue on as they have been.
He knew that he was in love with her a good 6 months and didn't manage to tell her. Granted, she didn't ever admit to herself that she loved him before, and wasn't inclined to a relationship, so it's different on her end. Still, she knew there were some sort of feelings there; she knew since Christmas that she was attracted to him.
They were physically affectionate every week and both attracted to each other. Now a platonic relationship can exist within those parameters, yes, but in this case it cert
They're both fully aware that they can't go on like that and build a healthy romantic partnership. Yes, maybe they may sometimes be vague or shy about things.
But they agree to be more open about everything even if it's difficult. They have to reaffirm that they will be honest with each other. Start anew in that respect.
A Ragnarok for their relationship, if you will. :)
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merthurbringsmelife · 2 years
Gates in Byler Tumblr (these are the ones I know about, if there are any others then comment and I shall add them in)
Scriptgate (the byler script mayhem that all blew up on 10th Aug)
Mikhailgate (i love you mikhail. went crazy on 27th Aug those were good times)
Mjgate (17 September something horrifying happened and we do not speak of it)
Backgroundguygate (began on 7th September making background characters famous)
Googlemapsgate (google maps supporting byler)
Wormgate (2 September was worms on a string, what more?)
Birthdaygate (6 September Byler tumblr got pissed that everyone forgot Wills birthday)
White rabbit gate (began 3 September I’m not even sure what this one meAns but someone mentioned it)
Descendants gate (11 September was ST as descendants)
Pocketgate (around 29 Aug Mike’s pocket became the topic of analysis)
Twilightgate (UmMmm its Byler but Twilight, began 27th Aug)
Ikeagate (2nd September was something about Mike taking Will to Ikea on a date?)
Brbgate (1st September was Breaking Bad…that bald guy. It was weird)
Flickergate (I named that one!! When Byler kiss in upside down its what caused the lights to flicker in season 1, plus “it was a 7” and other theories around the light flicker. Began 12 Sep)
Piggybackgate: (the gay af piggyback theories about how Will and Mike were standing in front of Eleven’s piggyback drawing, and scenarios of what might happen in season 5.)
Breathgate: (3rd September mikes breath catches)
Gridgate (when ST writers released pixelised plot of season 5)
Memorygate (6th September, the theory/discussion that people have been losing their memories like Will’s birthday and that time has been changed)
Will loveinterest gate (27 August, when everyone was confused and so we had multiple different people who could be potential boyfriends for Will, many of them were played by Finn Wolfhard)
Mattduffersbasement gate (something to do with being locked in Matts basement, it was a very specific joke)
Spirkgate (Spirk from Star Trek became some type of meme)
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sunfortune · 3 years
anyway now that i got my jokes out my actual thots on the batman (2022). wanna preface this by saying i love that bitch. even when they do stupid shit with him im like 😔....ok but thats still the bestie tho... i am not immune to stupid depressed goth man. that being said: he is a stupid depressed goth man and we need to keep that in mind
bruces first appearance walking through the line of cops and they are just quietly letting him pass.....immediately had me like...not this </3...i JUST sat down. it reminded me of the tfatws finale (hate crime) when the cops let bucky through and call him sergeant or whatever the hell. was sitting there 5 mins in like [deflated balloon]
BUT then they show how the other higher up cop man was not cool with him at all. and this was not something that was in the norm so i was like mmmh. okay not so bad... [will get back to this]
i LOVED loved the first look at gotham. the pan from "manhattan" to "newark" to the wayne building in the center establishing gotham. litchrally <333333. im biased but SO big brained to me that this rendition of gotham was new york AND new jersey. they said THE worst of both worlds. love wins <3
i really loved bruce and jim. i feel like Sooo few people have actually talked about them which is ??? bc they were So funny. (also probably the most grounded relationship he had). they were litchrally like that not to worry i have a permit ron swanson meme but it was bruce saying "not to worry i have a permit" and then jim stepping out from behind him and saying "he can do what he wants" lfmdgjnjhdf
back to the cop point. unfortunately my earlier "oh this is just a one time thing. its alright <3." desperate cling to hope was dashed as the movie went on bc it was not a one time thing
i wish it was more hush hush with just him and jim. and not him and jim with 20 other cops casually also there
like the reason jims character is so important in just the batman universe in general is bc hes the ONLY one remotely trustworthy in a completely corrupt system. and when you have scenes like the "not all cops" as a hopeful anecdote with like 150 cops. and then THE BATMAN bringing the bad guy or whatever out to Them. its like come on....
i had some minor qualms about some of the detective stuff being too tell instead of show. where bruce is just super smart so he knows the answer immediately and then he just states it and thats that. but that honestly didnt really diminish my overall experience with the movie.
i WISH they gave selina more
feel like selinas backstory was not only interesting but also a crucial part of the plot on paper but i feel like they just didnt really give her character the care it couldve had in execution...?
one thing especially was some of the dialogue they gave her felt like a first draft that they were gonna come back and brush up. but then they DONT. and just send her out there like that
there first meeting as the bat and the cat when he catches her in that house and they fight was SOO Good tho
also maybeeee gonna give them the benefit of the doubt there bc it is the First movie. if batman is in his cringe and fail era. selina can be in her early days too. but like i really REALLY hope they do give her more in the future. bc the potential is sooo untapped
also i complain about this always but. society when directors put some effort into their romantic subplots...come on </3 😔 stop letting sexy people go to waste
saw an interview clip of rob pattinson and zoe kravitz earlier and theyre actually so fun and had so much chemistry but so little of that was utilized in the actual movie </3 even tho matt reeves had Every Thing at his disposal to make it really hit </3333 why would you do that to meeee
next. i kind of Loved the reveal that thomas wayne got caught up in some bullshit. i just think the "bruces parents were perfect" narrative was kind of boring. and i like how they maintained that they were good people but. gotham is gotham. stuff happens
what i did NOT like about the thomas wayne reveal was the implication that the waynes murders were a result of him getting caught up in that mess?? i think the "they were mugged by a random guy. wrong place wrong time" is integral to the entirety of the mess that is BATMAN so that implication was just personally not my cup of tea. even if it was just speculation
there is some ways the conclusion kind of needed more for me. ill probably make another post for that. but i think like there shouldve been some realization that bruce wayne can also help gotham with his money. not just the batman with his fists. there were too many points heavily implying it throughout (the mayor, the riddlers bit about his dads promise, selina talking about the rich) and then it never happened (but also maybe next movie bc they prolly wanted to focus more on /the batman/ in this one)
i did Love the concluding point that violence will not heal gotham
i loved the juxtaposition between when he helped that man in the train station in the beginning and he said “don’t hurt me!” even tho he was trying to /help him/ bc of how he worked and presented himself with the ending when he used the flare to guide everyone to safety and then that women on the stretcher not wanting to let his hand go bc she trusted he Would keep her safe and he also held on to her as long as he could🥺
next. i LOVED bruces characterization. despite all my points its what made me Still love the movie so much.
reiterating. i am not immune to stupid depressed goth man.
the scene where the bat mobile lit up in the dark alley. was litchrally sitting there like 😭💖💘💕💓💕❣️❤️ my best friend for real
him being so standoffish and uncomfortable as bruce wayne while everyone is like omg its gothams prince. hiiiiii <3
the scene where he goes in for the kiss with selina but then gets awkward and cant go through with it. obsessed. lmfao
less suave playboy more awkward loser.
i think his characterization is the biggest brained aspect of this interpretation of batman
it makes the entire movie for me
in conclusion i had so much fun with it even if it wasnt like perfect. though i think i do get people who didn't like it. i dont know how i wouldve felt about if i didnt already love batman. and thats like a valid criticism. especially in the franchise saturated market rn where you already need to have an investment to really enjoy something that is seemingly new. but i mean thats DCs problem. i had fun and thats whats really important <3
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the-music-maniac · 2 years
It's 2023 and I'm angry once again about the shitty writing in the last few seasons of Voltron.
Today's topic - Shiro. More specifically his romantic relationships - and the wasted potential.
I think I'm mostly annoyed at how the writing choices just don't make any sense to me. Specifically the part where they literally didn't give us any information about Shiro's love interests. Nothing. Like who does that? Who writes a romance where one half of the couple is entirely an unknown? They didn't do that for any other main ship in the show, only the lgbtq+ one and maybe it wasn't intentional but it kinda rubs me the wrong way.
Correct me if I'm remembering wrong but I think the one scene they show us of Shiro and Adam is in the midst of a fight - they don't really show their relationship in exactly a good light and it's the ONLY thing they give us of them. Why is that the only thing you show us. How did they meet? What was their relationship vibe? Milestones in their relationship, important moments, uh what kind of person Adam was? Anything? ANYTHING??
Don't get me wrong, all the Adam x Shiro fanart and speculations are absolutely amazing, and y'all are an absolute wonder, I hope everyone who does ship Adam x Shiro keep finding all the joy and happiness in that ship - but just, I find it personally hard to ship two people when I know vastly more about one of the people and nothing about the other. And there's some part of me that almost feels like Voltron did this on purpose. They put no effort into Adam and Shiro and it pisses me off. And then! They continue to put in zero effort, and kill Adam off! Okay fine! I guess he was just meant to be a side character, cannon fodder for Shiro's tragic backstory, WHATEVER I HATE IT BUT OKAY?!
And I would perhaps be able to make my peace with it, if I didn't feel that they ignored literally the perfect candidate for a relationship with Shiro after Adam, with all of the foundations already fucking BUILT. It would have taken so little effort at that point to write a compelling relationship where BOTH characters are well known and loved. I am talking about MATT. Hear me out.
We actually KNOW Matt. We are fond of Matt. He is our meme lord. He is our bespectacled (or not so bespectacled anymore) badass. A rebel, a staff wielding king. And not only that, he has known Shiro for a damn long time. He was literally in the first scene of the show WITH Shiro. They worked together at the Academy and in the field, not knowing each other that well of course, but got thrown into that entire Galra kidnapping situation, protected each other in the field, lost contact, got reunited, became friends - meanwhile Matt became like, a ten bajillion times more confident in himself, more reassured, taken on a leadership role, a scenario where it could potentially lead to some people (AHEM perhaps a certain person with one arm) sitting up and taking notice after years of knowing the other person -
Like do not try and tell me that's not the perfect set up for a developing relationship. Someone you've known for a long time, circumstances push you to work together, get to know each other, save each other, and you get closer and eventually realize hey. I think I might like this person. That shifting dynamic, that developing relationship - what could be better? AND IT WAS BASICALLY ALREADY IN THERE. IT WAS SITTING RIGHT THERE, IT WAS XISNJSNJSBDJDNDNDBDND
Also they would be an absolute power couple, don't even lie to me.
Their personalities are so fucking compatible as well. Like Shiro's seriousness and competence and dry humour in contrast with Matt's endearingly nerdy brand of goofiness along with his own competence/skills? Can you imagine how adorable that would've been?
Not only that, Shiro is already basically Pidge's pseudo older brother. They have such strong sibling vibes, can you imagine how awesome it would've been if Shiro had actually become Pidge's brother in law???
Not to mention having Matt start up a relationship with Shiro - bisexual/pansexual representation.
All I wanted was SOME effort. Like, I would have been perfectly happy with Adam X Shiro or Curtis x Shiro if the writers had simply put in an ounce of effort into making it convincing. It's such lazy writing and it makes me so upset, thinking back on it. And it makes me even more upset realizing they could've made it amazing by picking a character that already has the perfect setup. the lack of effort almost feels intentional, because it wouldn't have even taken that much to make a convincing, well written relationship. ThIS is the representation you hinted at for so long? This is what we waited for? Are you fucking joking. I'm gonna riot, Shiro and Adam and Curtis deserved better.
I have a feeling thinking about this stuff is gonna make me spiral and sooner or later I'm gonna start ranting about the lack of effort they put into Allura and Lance as well And the lost potential of Klance of course
God, Voltron was such a shit show.
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morningsound15 · 4 years
there’s so much beauyasha to mention in 126 and it cannot all possibly be mentioned (bless whoever made this compilation video) but here are some highlights for ME
yasha going out of her way to buy that anti-scrying cream to try and protect them from being scried on was just so sweet. i mean maybe she got swindled who can say but all she wanted was true, legitimate privacy with beau and that’s precious of her. yasha almost never buys vanity items so i love that she wanted to do this, like she REALLY wanted that (1,000 gold!)
veth/beau. gosh what a scene. love sam always, ik that’s controversial because some people feel like he trolls too much & has been undercutting the beauyasha of it all but no honestly love his vibes he always brings humor and heart to his scenes and he always makes me laugh and this one with beau was so sweet & genuine & helpful, veth bought beau a flower to give to yasha that’s so wholesome. and beau wanting to wear a bowtie omg…
“i’m going into this with no expectations and on yasha’s terms and her timeline” MS. MARISHA RAY said we drink our ‘respect our traumatized potential romantic partner’s boundaries’ juice in this house
“i could be likable. *deep breath* yeah. i could” oh beau you sweet sweet bebe
love how much the m9 want this date to happen. caleb orchestrating everything, veth’s pep talk with beau, everything jester and fjord have said to them in the past episodes (esp jester encouraging them to be open about their feelings the whole poem scene my god), then of course caleb and cad shoving them into the tower together like ‘no y’all are going on this date please have a moment of happiness’ -- because like… they wouldn’t, you know? they both probably feel like it’s selfish to take that time if something else is more pressing. if they needed to go back to cad’s home or if they needed to use up those higher level spells they would have let it happen and never objected. like it’s sad because of course both of them deserve love and deserve to take even just one evening to not be scared for their lives, but mostly just warms my heart because of their love for the group. they’ll de-prioritize themselves if they have to (the beauyasha date getting postponed was basically its own meme at this point) or if it’s necessary and they’ll never complain about it, because that’s just the kind of gals they are. so so so so so glad that the mighty nein are like ‘no stop it go and do this you useless lesbians’ i love them for that
laura bailey fully ducking under her table when yasha doesn’t know that beau wants to hold her hand was me in that moment too
liam’s panting dachshund faces — enough said. everything about the doggies made me so happy, love that beau/marisha thought of that because ashley/yasha literally must scritch every dog she sees
i love ashley’s face as she gets drawn deeper and deeper into beau’s wooing of yasha it is just so wholesome the whole date and all the work put into it clearly just means so much to her and she deserves it!! yasha deserves it (and so does ashley!) and so does beau and bless marisha and liam for making it happen i’m so happy for them
beau: “when i was in kamordah, that fear of losing this family… i almost sabotaged it. just so that i wouldn’t have to deal with the angst and the anguish of wondering if and when and how this family will fall apart. like ripping off a band-aid that was never there. i guess over a wound that was never there. just tried to rip it off for the pain, and nothing else.” yasha, whispering: “yeah. that’s relatable.” (followed by: *laura aggressively mouthing ‘kiss!!!’*)
yasha: “i’m so scared to lose everyone. i don’t want to lose anyone, because i don’t know if i could survive that again.”
“i fell in love with you in kamordah” *swoon*
yasha: “you blow me away” beau, soft as a breath: “feeling’s mutual”
beau: “that’s why you’re my favorite” *intense blushing* yasha: “who me?”
fucking WING FLYING KISS PLEASE MS. JOHNSON i am only human
‘claim the rest of the night with me?’ is such a specific sweet way of phrasing that... marisha’s mind…
beau: “hey.” yasha, whispering back: “hey.” beau: “i love you too” and then ashley’s FACE god damn it
stained glass window hand holding is extremely gay caleb thank you for making it happen
another thing that strikes me is how generous matt was this whole episode. i mean he always is really, he’s always rooting for them, but this time he really was just like “you’re leading the charge and i’m just here for the ride” like breaking all the rules of combat and everything he really said “i’m gonna give the gays everything they want” and i love him for it
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vic-chaos · 3 years
OKAYYYY I have a lot of thoughts about the trailer and I need to try and formulate them into words djbdjsbfndhdndbdnd
Idk about you guys I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I actually love older Stan and Kyle LMAO 😭 I completely unironically love how they're like middle aged and balding (canon dilfs god bless 😔🙏!!!!!!!!) and average looking rather than being supermodels or whatever. Its nice, I always think we need more main and hero characters in media who just look like normal people. Kyle's beard is so good and I love Stan having a dad bod, his hair is terrible but it’s just in character for him to have bad hair honestly skbfksbxjdssjs.... its cute how much they look like Matt and Trey too.
I know I just said this but I LOVE Stan being a little chubby around the middle one of my favourite hcs is that he’d get a slight beer belly when he’s older and I’m so happy to see it in canon sjdfgfjsfd
It’s impossible that the age jump will be permanent, so I’m curious about whether its like... a dream/vision, alternate reality or something?? My theory at the moment is that this is a potential future (probably a worst case scenario where the pandemic never ends or something) and the kids - now older - will end up time travelling in order to fix the past.
Them being in a quantum physics lab in this screencap is whats really making me lean towards time travel as a possibility right now...
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I suspect this might also be tied into reconciling their friendship? It seems like in this future they drifted apart, but when Kyle is on the phone in the trailer he said “remember when we were little, us friends said we’d always be there for each other when things got bad” which made Stan react immediately.... And also yes this line is already making me like [crying cat meme] sdjhbsdfhsd 😭... but I think its possible that they either will get back together and then realise they should never have separated, or travel back to intentionally stop the group from separating.
I also suspect Randy will have something to do with saving the day, which as much as I am tired of him, would be nice because he caused a lot of the problems in the first place and it could be a good redemption for him to help resolve it.
Anyway to get back on the adult designs I am of course going insane with the need to see Kenny/Cartman/Butters jdbhgsdvfddsf
I’m terrified for all three bc on the one hand it could be really bad.... but on the other if they’re as good as Kyle and Stan I will be in heaven. I don’t know if they’ll use Cartman’s design from my future self and me or make a new one for this?? As long as he’s not skinny 😭
Cartman being hidden from us at the moment is also making me curious since he invented time travel in my future self and me.... it makes me wonder... I don’t think he will be inventing time travel in this future since it’s likely they’ll do a call back to such an old episode, but it is a fun idea to consider sdjhgbdg
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the-coranic · 3 years
Voltron Tag
Because I just want to do it.
How did you discover the show? I discovered it through my dad. He was a fan of the 80s series when he was a child. He even has an old toy yellow lion and Hunk out on display. Around when season 2 was still new, he was basically like “Hey, you should check this series out! I think you’d like it. There’s also a character voiced by the same guy as Finn.” so we watched it together and bonded over it.
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show? I fell in love immediately and I hyperfixated on it for at least a year. It's still special to me despite all of its issues, and that hyperfixation still comes and goes.
Do you have a favorite episode(s)? There were so many good ones. I honestly don’t know what my favourite is, but to name a few:
The Rise of Voltron
The whole Balmera arc, because Hunk is my son, my star, and I love to see him shine
The Black Paladin
The Depths
The Blade of Marmora
The Legend Begins... just any glimpse I get at Blaytz and Gyrgan
Monsters & Mana
Do you have a favorite Paladin? Lance was always my favourite, and Hunk is a very close second. I think I relate to them the most.
Do you have a favorite Lion? Blue. I always wanted to pilot Blue. Maybe because it’s one of my favourite colours, and I’ve also got a connection to water - being a Scorpio, living on the coastline, being interested in marine biology, and being a swimmer? Idk  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do you have a favorite Alien Race? Whatever Plaxum, Blaytz and Gyrgan are. I wish we got to know more about the last two, especially.
Favorite side/other character(s)? I absolutely adore Coran. Outside of Team Voltron - Matt, Kolivan, Acxa, Rizavi and Veronica, and I was also really intrigued by Lotor before they messed him up and turned him into sOUP???
How/Why did you join the fandom? I got really involved in the fandom because I just loved the show, but the only people I could talk about it with irl was my dad and kind of my sister. My old main tumblr was just all VLD for that period of time, and I mostly posted fanart and some memes, gushed about Klance, and convinced thousands of people that Mothman-fan!Keith was 100% canon. It was great.
What are some of your headcanons?
Shiro has a younger brother that Keith reminds him of
And before their history was revealed, I thought Shiro was like Keith’s adoptive father, or at least a supportive family friend who took him in after his dad passed
Pidge is autistic and non-binary, because me too
Lance has ADHD, because me too
Lance and Hunk were childhood friends
Autistic, lactose intolerant, hippo-loving, Mothman-simping, gay, half-Galra, Korean-Texan cowboy Keith was wild and pretty funny to me, and I still subscribe to most of that lmao
What do you think is the best part of the show? The characters and their potential was always the main draw for me. They’re still so important to me. I also loved the art style, the alien designs, and big robot vs. monster fights are always fun to me.
What were your hopes and wishes for future episodes/seasons?
I knew Keith was gonna inherit the black lion but I choose not to shut up about black paladin Allura
More fleshed out backstories (which I’m working hard on for my rewrite rn)
Getting to know everyone’s families better
Shiro speaking some Japanese, Lance speaking some Spanish, or just the Paladins sharing more human culture with the Alteans rather than just the other way around.
*cough* Canon Klance, although I also like the idea of Allurance. I just didn’t like the way they ended up portraying it. They also didn’t do a very good job of shutting down Klance and convincing they weren’t also in love lmao
Just Lance being happy again tbh like wtf?
Did you stick it out until the end of the show? I ended up dropping the series around season 4. I don’t remember if it was because I was already bored or too disappointed to go on, or that part of the fandom got too much, or just because I changed hyperfixations and didn’t get around to finishing it. I learned what happened next through other people’s reactions and it was so disheartening, but I finally rewatched and finished it myself recently. It was a rushed blur, but it was nice to relive the good moments.
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for the aks meme; the vampire diaries
I sent my ask before I saw yours one I swear lol. I guess your asking because you saw my post and sorry it took so long for me to respond but I’m using this as an excuse to rant about tvd as you probably know I’m rewatching and like I have so many opinions and no one to share them with. So thanks so much for asking and giving me an excuse.
my favorite female character: So Caroline Forbes holds a special place in my heart and she is my favorite character in the early seasons Bonnie shifted to being my favorite later on though I always loved Bonnie as well.
my favorite male character: this is a tricky one because it comes down to more which male characters annoys me the least at the moment it’s Stefan.
my favorite book/season/etc: hmmm it’s probably season 3 though season 7 had its moments I think the supernatural elements in the show nose dive around season four.
my favorite episode: 5x04 its a true colors showing episode.
my favorite cast member: Kat Graham omg she deserved do much better one of the best talents on the show and she had to deal with so much anti blackness, antisemetism and misogyny from some of her coworkers, the audience and especially her bosses. And she is a triple threat amazing actress, dancer and singer. I’m still mad that they didn’t feature her music or just have her sing in the show when she was actively pursuing a music career but (no disrespect to Candace) they would give any excuse to give Caroline a music number.
my favorite ship: unpopular opinion time Steroline while I have a lot of issues with how it’s done in cannon especially in how Stefan treats Caroline (who definitely deserves better), I felt like they dragged the Stelena drama(like IMO the doppelgänger stuff in the later seasons just doesn’t make sense and just feels so unnecessary and like the logic don’t make sense because it was obviously not planned) and it made no sense for Stefan to be so hung up on her after everything with Damon and everything it’s like Julie can’t fathom the idea that anyone could get over Elena or move on from her like how Elena can’t despite everything it felt like they didn’t want to end it till they coffins Elena and couldn’t continue with it because of that the over lap between the two and Elena constantly being inserted in there romance was annoying and I felt like a lot of the angst and drama once they got together that felt unnecessary and repetitive at times (I could go one about the Valerie stuff for days like seriously the second they get together they got to do everything to keep them apart like can you give them a moment) and I don’t like how drawn out and how they went about starting it like dragging out Stefan realizing his feeling and the whole Caroline turning it off because she thought he didn’t love her which was wildly out of character and unnecessary and there ending was just so sad and despite that they still dragged it out but despite that I think it’s the ship with the most potential, I enjoy there dynamic (I’m a sucker for friends to lover ships and though I think that Julie doesn’t get what people want in a dynamic like it) and I thought they had really good chemistry (personally I think both actors had pretty good chemistry with basically everyone they worked with anyway). Also because picking one would be impossible honorable mentions to the ships that would have been cannon if not for homophobia Bonnora and Klefan the lack of love triangle that feels weirdly romantic in the crossover episodes miss opportunity truly.
a character I’d die defending: Caroline and Bonnie
a character I just can’t sympathize with: okay I couldn’t pick one so I just had to drop a list Damon, John Gilbert, Isobel, Bill Forbes, Sybil, Cade, Esther and Mikeal, Wes Maxfield, Shane, Lily, Julian, Guiseppe, Elijah, Tristan, Richard Lockwood, Silas(but at least he was fun), Alaric, Joshua Parker, post season 2 Elena and later seasons Matt
a character I grew to love: Stefan I just found him kind of boring in the beginning and his relationship with Elena being creepy didn’t help but the dialogue writing and the acting I think got better over the seasons. Hayley was another character like that but that took the originals to do that (I truly do not get what Julie was thinking introducing her and portraying her like that in tvd if she planned on making her the leading lady in TO.
my anti otp: yes this is another list sorry, Steferine, kalijah (sorry), Marcel x Rebekah(like who okayed that one), Stelena and any ship with Damon.
Please send TVD ask because I obviously need someone to talk about it to lol.
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nochiquinn · 3 years
campaign 1 episode 26 REDUX: Consequences and Cows OR pls imagine a cow with percy’s glasses and realize what we were robbed of
whatever music is over the start of this episode is drowning matt out entirely
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never realized how much matt actually says "make your way" until I expect the meme after and it doesn't happen
"if there's a gun on the doorknob don't go in"
absolutely wild to hear vex talking about/being okay with percy potentially banging lillith. or anyone.
oh no matt's lillith is just marion
percy's room: [full of half-finished blueprints] me, nodding sagely: ah yes. iron man 3.
I didn't say anything last time bc I thought it was just a Me Problem, but orion really does try to drag the focus back to him as soon as he gets an opening, doesn't he
"maybe his soul IS forfeit" "to what?" yeah about that
love watching matt now that I know he knows the things he's talking about
hate seeing chat talk about keyleth
"you're so much better at the words than me"
I also remember being mildly annoyed at liam over the "lOoK iNtO mY mInD"
"[the briarwoods have] gone through nothing but the proper channels" well yeah that's how they get away with it
laura with the high bun and the dangly earrings is really pretty
matt trying desperately to impart that there are Consquences To Their Actions
oh no. oh no is this the mirrors.
do I skip the mirrors or do I watch travis' soul die in real time
"we come to you with a sidequest while the main character of the current plot has con crud"
RIP Mr. Simms
the old man is sloooowly becoming more texas as time goes on
this predates mccree, too, doesn't it
"hide your bull hide your wife" l i a m
"I'm alright." suddenly remembers that I'm Not Okay was on taliesin's playlist for percy. with the caption "oh, keyleth"
"I'm just pointing it out!" relax, she's just putting it out there
imagine if percy had been here for this conversation
"we've stood before them and we did not fall" barely
oh no he mentioned mashed potatoes and bread rolls and now that's all I want. dammit.
"I make an army of bears"
this is not the mirrors, this is drunk tiberius, which is almost worse. at least the mirrors was just holding everybody else up, not fucking up everybody else talking
"are you just biased now that you know orion is the human personification of wet garbage" no actually this annoyed me the first time, I just didn't say anything bc I was terrified of fandom backlash
"is it just all the crosstalk" he is in general very bad at having an inside voice while other people are talking, but now he's just interrupting other people to rp drunkenness (the overlapping voices is also giving me a sensory hell moment tho)
thank you for coming to my FAQ
I'm choosing to believe that leaving trinket with percy was a subconscious perc'halia moment
"we're all cows, embrace it"
sam: it's cow-moo-flague matt, in the most resigned voice: I have to give you experience for that >:(
"my cow is going stealth"
"I go into a cow rage"
dimension door, location: birb
"SCANLAN?? what the SHIT???"
"it's the amblin logo, except we're cows"
"I. Love. Dungeons and Dragons."
I know this has nothing to do with the actual briarwoods arc and is a side thing bc taliesin's sick but god I hope it gets animated
"you never need to worry about me, haven't you guys learned that by now? I'm fine." cries in episode 85
"for thematic reasons I also turn it into a cow"
"can we stealth in?" "...I'm a pterodactyl"
"air is not your favored terrain"
liam: "I'm not used to being flying" me: it's okay, it'll come
"I whack him in the back of the head" vax'ildan
birb no mean bite, birb got big mouf
man these guys trying to diplomacy is a 180 from mighty nein
end on a beard check
pls imagine a cow w/grog's beard
I gave you my hand please respond
"fighting for-moo-tion"
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"take back the exprience you gave him earlier"
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