#so you know octavio is like the king
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opal-owl-flight · 7 days
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I didnt expect to see Octavio in the Grandfest...and neither did 3, for that matter.
In my interp of the lore, Inkadia is aware of who he is. 3 and the platoon have been fighting for years with the Inkadian powers that be to recognize Octaria as a legitimate nation, for it to be held in equal regard.
That day finally came on the Grandfest. Or at least, the beginnings of it, anyway.
More on the two's convo below!
"Hm! |...Sir Octavio! Im...surprised to see you here.|"
"What. You think Octaria doesnt deserve to celebrate the biggest event in the continent alongside you squits?"
"|No! No! Im...|" they chuckle, a smile breaking across ther face. "|...glad to see that you made it!
But I dont remember arranging a pass for you...|"
"Aah. Well. Your old man pulled some strings. That, and the Inkadian and Splatlandian powers that be invited me themself."
Now 3s surprised. "|...Really?|"
"Mhm. I brought the dome-dwellers up here with me. Look around! Didnt you notice them in your matches?"
Are they dreaming?
They never noticed them at all. It wasnt even like there was much of a difference. For months there have been an increase of migrators and visitors. Allowed to turf. Allowed to stay. Allowed to...
Live in the sunshine.
They stagger, which made the Octarian king hold out a tentacle to steady them. "You alright, bucko?"
3 nods. "|A-a little overwhelmed, thats all.
All those patrols. All those deserters I helped to assimilate. All that struggle they had to go through to escape Octaria-
And now, its just...so...|"
3 nods again, silently.
"Mmmm. I'll admit though, not everyone is keen on just letting people explore. Not everyone was keen on coming up here for this festival, either.
...too much, has happened for them to trust Inkadia again."
3 hangs their head low. He held their chin and made them look up again.
"...But you. You and your platoon of hooligans. Youve been changing that. You are Inkadians that went the extra mile in understanding us. Listening to us, respecting our decisions. Allowing us to rule our nation as we wished.
It means...a lot. More than you know.
To the point where even those who dont trust Inkadia are at least respecting it from a distance now."
The conversation is cut short by a couple of young Inkfish kids.
"Oaah...its the Octarian king!"
"Hes REAL!!!"
"Of course Im real, squirts! Who'dya think leads all the Octarians?"
"Yeah!!" squeaks another kid, who waddles closer. "Our king is so nice! He brought us up here to play!!"
"Woaah, really?"
"Mhm." He grunts. "Everyone deserves the sunshine."
The kids eyes all shine. Theyve had ex-Octarian friends who spoke much kinder words about the king. It was easy for them to accept the fact that hes just there, grinding wasabi peacefully. Talking to the Inkfish who wants merch. Having generally gruff but...daresay, gentle vibes.
Octavio grunts out a chuckle. "Are you enjoying the surface, little one?"
"VERY!! I made new friends!! The sun feels so warm, ah!! The music! The music!! Oh, so wonderful!!!"
3 smiles again...
"Oooh... wait, I can finally ask!!" squeaks one of the kids. "Mister king, sir! Did you really fight someone called Agent 3???"
3s smile becomes a nervous one. Octavio picks that up immediately.
"Why yes. Little hooligan, that one. Ack! Gave me a headache like nothing else!"
"Did they convince you? To be good now?"
"Mh. Its a little more complicated than that, kiddoes. But I..." he sighs. "...I guess, they did."
"So cool...I wish I could meet them!!"
Octavio sees, from the corner of his eye, 3 making the subtlest movement of shaking their head.
"Its said...that theyre one of the top players in the leagues. If you look hard enough, youll find em."
The Octarian kid looks straight at 3, knowingly. The two other kids notice -- and look at the golden badge they hung around their neck.
"Oh! Oh! Youre a top player, right?"
"Do you think youve met them?"
Octavio is doing EVERYTHING he can to not laugh.
"|...Im not sure. Im not exactly sure what to look for.|"
"Ill help your search, all of you." Octavio grunts again. "What exactly to look for."
3 looks at him, eyebrow raised.
"Theyre ruthless on the field. Whether it be a real fight, or in the leagues. They think on their feet, move faster than most eyes can register.
But underneath that cold efficiency...
Is one of the gentlest, most understanding squids I know."
3s expression changed from nervous to...comfort? Theyre not sure what it is, but its warm.
"Watch for a player who goes out of their way to be nice to kids and beginners. One who's a good sport in the cutthroat top leagues. One who's willing to share their battle tech to anyone, something that most top players keep under wraps.
One who's motivated to help you become the best version of yourself.
No matter how long it takes."
Octavio sees 3s shoulders relax a bit. He smiles.
"Yeah, I may have fought them a lot, back in the day. But now, Id really rather think of them as a friend."
The kids start bickering about which player it could be. The Octarian kid already knew. Shes seen them before, after all. She points at them now.
"Hehee! Maybe you should try looking in a mirror, miss. That sounds a lot like you!"
The other kids stop bickering and take a closer look.
"Huh?? Them? Hmmm...now that you say it-"
"Shes right!!! Its right in front of us!! FOR3VRFRSH! Agent 3!!!"
Octavio grinds one of his wasabi sticks a little harsher on the table to get their attention. "Kids, kids! Remember what the legend says!"
That confirms it!! They shush each other, but are still sqealing quietly. They look up at 3 again, the new info putting the top player in a different light. They threw a glance at Octavio before squatting down to their level.
"Yes," they rasp. "Me and the king...were more friends now...than enemies. Time...passes. People...change.
Remember that, okay?"
"Yes miss! We'll remember!!"
They wink. "Good...now...Stay Forever Fresh!"
Octavio looks on, leaning slightly to whisper to the floating squid jerky next to him.
"You did good with this one, Cuttlefish."
He says nothing, like during this whole conversation. One thought was in his head.
He didnt do that. That...was all 3. They were better than he ever was. He only wished...
He didnt push them as hard as he did.
HOO BOY THATS A DOOZY OF A READ. I didnt PLAN for the beginnings of the acceptance of Octaria to come this early but Nintendo gave me material!! A lot of this is still semi-rough so forgive me if the pacing is whack. I just had to make and write something!!
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channel-eclair · 1 month
Who is the Luigi archetype of every major Nintendo series? - An Essay
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I love Luigi, I love Nintendo, and for some reason I want to go on a mental quest to determine who the "Luigi" of every Nintendo series is.
What does it mean to be a "Luigi"?
Usually the second most important character in a series, but can often be less important. Also works well if they're a player 2 character
Parallels or connects to the main protagonist in a few ways shapes and forms
Could be green. Not necessary but it is bonus points if they are green.
And without further ado, let's begin!
The Kirby Series
This is one that is very debatable. Many might say Bandana Dee, which makes a lot of sense! Often player 2, looks similar to Kirby, not as important as the main protagonist and antagonists..
But honestly? I am kind of leaning towards King Dedede.
When you think of Kirby, the second character most people think of behind Kirby is Dedede. He is like Kirby's shadow, Kirby's parallel.. but he is NOT a villain in modern day Kirby. Dedede is not the Bowser of the Kirby series.
King Dedede being royalty could also have him be compared to Peach.. but Dedede's immense amount of playable roles make him feel more in line with Luigi to me.
I think Dedede is the second most important Kirby character; and with his parallels to Kirby's moveset, I honestly will crown King Dedede as the "Luigi" of the Kirby series
Plus, the best Smash game already knows whats up!
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Pokemon Series
It's Eevee. 100%. It's Eevee.
Pikachu is the "Mario" of the Pokemon series, the beloved mascot.
Eevee is the parallel of Pikachu, beloved and different but always second behind Pikachu. The two mirror each other excellently, and Eevee really just feels like the perfect Pokemon to call "the Luigi" of Pokemon.
I will say, Mimikyu fits nicely as a ghostly doppelganger (and I think Luigi would totally have one on his team), but purely from a brand and gameplay standpoint, it is Eevee.
Animal Crossing
This is a bit of an odd one, but I'm going to give it to Isabelle.
In many forms of promotional material, the face of Animal Crossing flipflops between Villager and Isabelle. I geniunely think Isabelle is more iconic and known at this point, as Villagers are so customizable yet the right amount of plain that they're often not seen as a character (unlike say, Inklings, who are super customizable but have such unique designs they stand out a lot)
However, Villagers ARE the player character. Not to mention Isabelle is only in two of the five Animal Crossing games! I would say that despite her popularity, she is only the second most important character of Animal Crossing.
Also she wears green. Luigi!
And now after mentioning Inklings, here we are at Splatoon!
If Inklings are the Mario of the series, I'd say Octolings are the Luigi, I guess? They aren't enemies anymore so Octolings aren't really a Wario (even if DJ Octavio's the Bowser of the series more or less)
However I want so badly to point out that the Squid Sisters are basically a parallel of the Mario Bros. Callie is "Mario" and Marie is "Luigi". This doesn't make sense with the pattern I've established but I wanna throw Marie into consideration here too, as the possible Luigi of this series.
And if the "Mario" of the series is Callie... maybe Inklings are, uh.. the "Yoshi" of the series, since they're a species? Hmmm..
Fire Emblem
So FE is an interesting one because it has SO many different casts. And honestly; there's not really a definitive "main cast". Like Marth is the face of the series, but his OWN game is not that popular compared to other and greater entries. Fire Emblem is a lot like Pokemon where every game is a new cast, but Fire Emblem's first cast doesn't hold onto the series as much as Gen 1 of Pokemon does (except Marth)
For Marth alone, I'd say Merric is the Luigi. He's green, Marth is the Mario, Caeda is the Luigi.
For the Binding Blade and Roy, I'd say Wolt is the Luigi. He's green, Roy is the Mario, and Lilina is the Peach. This one is also kinda funny considering how forgotten Wolt is in this trio, compared to the other two.
For Awakening, I'd actually argue Robin as the Luigi, as Chrom and Lucina really take over as protagonists. Also I just kinda feel like Robin and Luigi have a lot in common. They were both vessels to become final bosses with Grima and Dimentio, they both use electricity, they both kinda sleep a lot with Dream Team, idk! I think they'd be friends
For Three Houses... Claude, maybe? Amidst all the main intensity in 3H, Claude kinda sits back and goes his own path. He's not as beloved as Edelgard or Dimitri but has his fanbase, and if Edelgard and Dimitri are the "Mario, Peach, or someone else" then Claude really just feels like a Luigi to me.
Also worth mentioning is the "Christmas Cavaliers", the pair of red and green knights in almost every Fire Emblem game. I like to joke and call them the Mario & Luigi knights, but they're just not important enough characters to be "Mario" and "Luigi".
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Thanks for making this one easy Pikmin, it's Louie
(To properly explain to non Pikmin fans reading this: Olimar and Louie are somewhat named after Mario and Luigi, with Louie being the second playable character in the series!)
The Legend of Zelda
So.. I saved the series thats always by the Mario series side for last. I wanted to do it first, but I saved it for last because honestly??? This one is a doozy
Link is "Mario", Zelda is "Peach", Ganondorf is "Bowser". It is set in stone and easy, that part I got.
But... that's the trio. That's the main part. That's it.
Who, uh, who's Luigi..?
I initially thought Midna or Fi or Navi.. but wouldn't those companion characters be more akin to Cappy and FLUDD and the Luma in Mario's hat?
Beedle comes to mind cause he always shows up, but I dunno- he's just a shopkeeper? Maybe he's a candidate? But that just doesn't sound... right.
Dark Link is "Wario", alter egos. Tingle is "Waluigi", both joke characters more or less.
If I used the logic for Callie and Marie from earlier, then it'd just be Ingo from Ocarina of Time who's blatantly based off of Luigi.. but the issue is, saying Marie is "Luigi" works because its debatable if Inklings are the "Mario" of their series. Here, Link is 100% the "Mario" of the series, meaning that it wouldn't make sense to say Mario is Talon and Luigi is Ingo because then who would Link be????
But.. who is "Luigi".... where is the "Luigi" of Hyrule..?
I looked up anything I could about "who is the Luigi of Zelda" but alas, literally nobody has asked this question nor do they want an answer and so I was left with nothing but more questions.
I honestly consider maybe even like... a different colored Link, like in Four Swords and Triforce Heroes?
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ITS YOU!!!!!
Allow me to explain: Link is green. Mario is red. Link is the "Mario" of his series. In Four Swords/Triforce Heroes, you have other colors of Link as other players (red, blue, and purple. at least purples in four swords)
But Link is already green.. so what if you put Mario's color ON Link?
Then there we go. Red Link is Luigi by way of parallels.
So there we go: Link is Mario, Zelda is Peach, Ganondorf is Bowser, Dark Link is Wario, Tingle is Waluigi, Midna/Fi is Cappy/FLUDD, we could keep going on like saying Daisy is Hilda since Hilda is a parallel Zelda!
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And yes, I know that Ravio is near identical to Nabbit (even Miyamoto himself commenting on this!) However, I feel like Nabbit still lacks a solid role and story in the Mario series that could really tie him down. On the flipside, Hilda is basically the Daisy of TLOZ due to paralleling the main princess. I feel like the connection of Ravio and Hilda connecting back to Luigi and Daisy gives Luigi enough of a connection to Ravio. If Nabbit is the "Ravio", then who is Daisy's Zelda equivalent?
...I have no idea what I'm saying.
ANYWAYS by all means if Nabbit takes Ravio, I resort back to Red Link as the Luigi archetype.. but for the sake of making it simple, both Ravio and Red Link will be marked down as Luigi archetypes.
And there it is. For all 9 of Nintendo's main series (according to My Nintendo's store pages and various Nintendo advertising), there is the Luigi archetype. Luigi lives on in every bit of the wonderful world of Nintendo.
Maybe the real Luigi was the friends we made along the way. Thank you for reading.
Final "Luigi Archetype" Summary
-Ravio / Red Link (Zelda), Isabelle (Animal Crossing), Octoling / Marie (Splatoon), Eevee (Pokemon), King Dedede (Kirby), Merric / Wolt / Robin / Claude (Fire Emblem), Louie (Pikmin)
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elwolfen · 5 months
Alfred Molinathon Day 7
Scorpion Spring (1995)
Denis (Denee) Brabant
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His Role: The motor mouth and sleaze oozing out of this guy! He was so extra it was a tad overwhelming for me at the start. He was funny to watch, but I know that I would tear this man apart for existing near me in real life. I don't care how pretty and French you are, I will bite you. I'm glad you never made it to your audition.
I also completely forgot he is married and got his wife pregnant! While explaining to his current lover that it's not a big deal... she rightfully leaves him. Which leads to a funny introduction between him and Zac.
He is such a silly scumbag. If it wasn't for him wanting to fuck every woman in site and drink gallons of booze, they would have never gotten into any of this mess of a movie. But I do find the whole "did he sleep with Nadia or not" thing quite interesting and perhaps shows a little more depth to him if Nadia was indeed telling the truth of them not sleeping together, but I don't know for sure.
I like the dynamic of complete opposites being into a situation. Zac, a recovering alcoholic and Denis, the beer-chugging king loser. And, of course, how they both view women. I especially liked the phone scene, I know it was very on the nose, but I don't care, I enjoyed it.
Near the very end, he becomes more of a side or background character, which is understandable due to the stand-off between Astor, El Rojo (randomly Matthew McConaughey) Sam, and the Mexican Judicial (no name). The end for our dear sleazy Frenchman? Poetic. Almost got of scot-free until a key point of his character comes to bite him in the ass. The cards were never in your favor for making it to that audition.
Random thing, but his name, Denis? Very fitting. It means "follower of Dionysus," who, I'm sure plenty know, is the god of wine and pleasure. So keep that in mind every time you look at him.
The Rest of the Movie: Half the plot was lost to me due to me not understanding half of what the characters are saying (no entiendo español). But from what I inferred, it was a very messy situation.
I feel terrible for both Zac and Nadia. Zac slowly spiraling from the situation at hand and starts to take up drinking again, and Nadia being used as a drug mule for a dangerous coyote. I hope both are better off after the end of the movie. Zac just wanted to help her and she desperately wanted to see her family.
Astor was a very intimidating character, I would not want to mess with him. I do like that he didn't kill Lem and Octavio, they were helpful. His bloody ties with the Mexican Judicial were interesting, but I'm glad neither of them got the chance to kill each other and instead was all Nadia's doing. Good for her.
Everyone was so damn sweaty by the end... that's all. Oh, and also lots of usage of particular slurs in this film. Mainly towards Mexican people. Heads up!
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octo-artist · 6 months
Calm Before the Inkstorm
Pre-war yan! Octavio x reader x platonic pre-war yan! Craig
Chapter 2: bright afternoons
Tw: toxic relationship, controlling behaviors, general yandere tendencies, slight abuse warning, abuse of power, no beta we die like men.
I do not condone the actions in this fic, if you are in a toxic relationship please seek out help.
Certain parts are heavily inspired by Dissonant melodies by DriftingNova
Y/N = Your name
T/C = Tentacle color
E/C = Eye color
Mastserlist Previous chapter Next chapter
The next day rolled around, Craig and Octavio once again speaking, this time looking over some sheet music Craig had provided.
“What kind of slimy hipster writes sheet music with 10 notes in an octave?!” Octavio exclaimed in confusion as he read the sheet music.
“Well I’m self-taught, and ten was a number that made sense to me. What do you use?”, Craig responded to which Octavio yelled, “Eight! That’s why it’s called an OCTave”
Y/N chuckled at the duo from where they were watching and working.
“Man who knew being in a real band would be so difficult…”, Craig sighed as he fell back with his arms behind his head.
“Real band? Psh.” Octavio brushed off as he continued reading the papers, “this is the first time we’ve met up to practice. We’ve never even played in front of an audience.”
Shooting up waving his hands up and down Craig exclaims, “AN AUDIENCE! THAT'S WHAT WE NEED. The neighboring village is hosting a festival tomorrow night! We should go perform ~A fresh festival of song and spectacle~” when he finishes Octavio looks up at Craig confused while Y/N smiles and chuckles at Craig’s excitement.
“I think that would be a splendid idea don’t you Tavi?” Y/N says over their shoulder to the duo, “a festival sounds like fun!”
“As appealing an idea it is, there’s no way I’d be allowed to jam with commoners like that”, Octavio states returning to the sheets of paper he was holding.
Craig, confused and disappointed, asks, “Why not?”
“Well I mean, im… I’m the future octarian king. I have to watch my image.” Octavio states plainly as he looks at Craig.
“Wait…” Craig processing the information soon exclaims, “YOU'RE ROYALTY?!”
Y/N bursts out laughing hysterically at Craig’s denseness as Octavio shouts back “Of course I am! I told you I was a PRINCE!”
“WHA- I thought that was just a STAGE NAME!” Craig cries out in shock.
“YOU'RE SITTING IN PALACE!!” Octavio shouts back the argument, making Y/N’s laughter worse as they set down their gardening tools to kneel down and catch their breath.
Octavio taking notice sighs saying, “Great we broke Y/N”
Craig holds his face looking at the ground talking to himself, “w-wow… Real royalty.”
Pinching his nose Octavio grumbles, “I had to lie and tell the guards you wet the son of some inkling governor to let you in. No way I can just walk out.”
Snapping out of his stupor Craig looks to Octavio and suggests, “Well, what if you snuck out?I mean no offense but I snuck IN twice!” He points at the wall continuing, “you could put on a disguise and jump the fence ~with all the flash and flair of a rebel prince~”
“Huh, a ‘rebel prince’” thinking it over, Octavio grins and states, “You know what cap’n, I like your style! Tomorrow night I’m goin off the grid!”
Time flew as the days passed, the next evening closing in as Y/N sat in Octavio’s room, the prince making final adjustments to his disguise. “Well don’t you look dashing in that.” Y/N teased causing a deep maroon blush to cross Octavio’s face as he tries to hide it with a smirk and responding, “you’re so lucky I need to be ready for when Craig arrives because otherwise I’d get you back for that little comment my dear.”
“Speaking of being ready, I should return to my room to change into my own street clothes so I can come see the two of yo-“, Y/N began.
Interrupting them Octavio says “I don’t know Y/N I worry you’d get lost in the crowd or hurt if you go, folks are unpredictable, maybe hang back and wait for me to return?”
“Tavi, that's not fair, I want to see the two of you perform… I can handle myself fine and I won’t stray far from the stage”, Y/N argued back.
Octavio halted his preparations to approach Y/N kneeling down to where they were seated. “Y/N you know I love you and I just want what’s best for you, and what’s best is for you to stay here where it’s safe. Maybe next time you can come with us but if we get caught you could get in serious trouble with the council.”
His tone was firm, as if to try to leave no room for arguments, leaning in he gave Y/N a kiss before standing up again and grabbing his instrument. “I’ll be back soon, keep the bed warm yea?” He smirks saying that last part before dipping out into the darkened garden to sneak out.
“‘Keep the bed warm yea?’” Y/N says in a mocking tone before scoffing, “As if, I’m going and he can’t stop me! I’m a grown inkling and I can handle myself just fine!” And with that statement they stand up and march off to their quarters to change out of their work clothes and into something more comfortable. Biding the guards at the entrance goodnight as they leave.
“Let’s see, money; check, pocket watch; check, bag; checkeroo. Looks like I’m good to go. Music festival here I come! Sorry tavi but I’m not missing out on a night of fun!” At this Y/N happily jogs down to the nearby village lit up with colorful lanterns and abuzz with excitement and life. The sound of children laughing and cephalopods from all over laughing and singing filling Y/N with a sense of peace and joy. The air carried the savory scent of crabby cakes and the sweetness of sugary desserts. Vendors lined the pathway displaying a variety of goods and games.
“Hmmm I know Mia was disappointed she couldn’t make it to the festival since she was on rotation tonight so maybe I should get her something to make her feel better. She’s got a sweet tooth so maybe I can get her some dango and candies.” Y/N thought as they browsed the stalls. Finding one filled with various desserts all nicely packaged they found what they were looking for, paying the vendor and carefully placing the packaged sweets in their bag with a smile.
As Y/N approaches the center of town they hear the stage announcement for Octavio and Craig’s group Out of the Blue, picking up their pace they find a spot in the crowd to watch the performance excited for their friend and lover. Soon the duo stepped out and prepared to start, only for it to come out quite disjointed causing the inkling to cringe a bit in response to the sound. The two quietly argue on the stage before starting again, still a bit out of time but significantly better than before. As the two wrapped up, Y/N noticed Octavio’s gaze landing on them and could feel his anger at the fact they didn’t stay put like he’d told them to.
“Looks like I’m getting scolded when we get back…”, Y/N thought as they began to realize the flaw in their plans. “Oh well, at least it was fun while it lasted”
As Y/N turned to walk off and continue perusing the area they were soon stopped when a rather miffed Octavio called out to them, “Oh no you don’t, Y/N get your ass over here right now!”
Y/N weighing their choices carefully speeds off not wanting to be scolded in the middle of a crowd, Octavio chasing after them leaving a very confused and concerned Craig to wait for the results when the upset prince told him to wait there.
“Y/N get back here right now!”, Octavio yelled after them, garnering a few folks' attention.
“Nope, not till you’ve cooled off!”, Y/N responded weaving between people, ducking into a less crowded street to try and move a bit easier, only to quickly be snatched up by the angry prince who had caught up with the lack of cephalopods in the area. “You were saying?”, He states holding Y/N up off the ground.
“Oh come on you can’t honestly think i’d miss out on a festival did you? You know how much I love them!”, Y/N pleads their case in hopes of getting octavio to let go of the situation and just return to the festival and have fun. Octavio, leaning in closely pinning Y/N to a nearby wall out of sight, responds, “If you think I’m going to let you off easy when you deliberately disobeyed me both as your partner and prince you are sorely mistaken. But that will have to wait till we’ve gotten back to the palace. Here is hardly the place for you to receive your… punishment.”
At this he pulls away releasing Y/N from the wall but holding onto their hand tightly so they don’t slip away, leading them back to the festival where Craig is waiting with participation ribbons, Octavio grumbling at not even getting a proper placement in the competition.
Craig sensing the tension asks, “hey is everything alright? Y'all kinda just ran off suddenly and it seems like something happened…”
“Everything is fine, just a typical lovers spat.”, Octavio snaps before taking a breath, “let’s just get going, the festival is almost over so we might as well leave now.” This suggestion prompting a look of annoyance from Y/N who had wished to spend more time at the festival.
“Oh well, ok then, how about we go hang out at the treehouse for a bit before y’all get cooped up in the palace again.” Craig suggests
“I-“, Octavio begins before Y/N cuts him off saying, “That sounds nice! Don’t you agree tav? I know once we get back we’d just be heading to bed so why not stay up a little longer?”
Octavio looks at Y/N shocked only to grumble out an agreement.
“Great! Just follow me! It’s not much but it’s home away from home.”, Craig begins to ramble as they walk, Octavio slowing down to whisper in Y/N’s ear, “don’t think I’ll forget about your punishment for disobeying me. You’re just delaying the inevitable.” This statement making Y/N sweatdrop knowing that they’re going to have a hard time walking the coming morning once they’ve returned to the palace.
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dr-spectre · 3 days
Don’t know if my last ask got drowned out by grand fest hype so I’m sending again
I’ve been working on a Marching Band show, and I was planning on including Tidal Rush as one of the songs (don’t worry, I researched Nintendo Copyright Law) and have Callie’s Splatoon 2 story as a story base. It’s about how “everyone can embrace their dark side, but not everyone can resist it”.
So I was just asking to see if you had any ideas for props (field objects) or visuals (choreography)? I wanted to ask you since you’re The Callie Guy™️.
This is probably one of the most interesting asks I've ever been given. A MARCHING BAND SHOW?!? AND YOU'RE ASKING ME TO HELP?!
Hmm... To be honest, i know nothing on Marching Band shows and how they work. I have no ideas for props aside from Hypno Callie, Marie and DJ Octavio inspired costumes. I don't think you're gonna be able to make an Octobot King 2 in real life or something crazy like that LOL!
For choreography i can help you out on that.
Just watch these two videos to learn the choreography of Hypno Callie during Bomb Rush Blush and Marie's Tide Goes Out performance.
Sorry if i wasn't a ton of help, this ask just threw me out of a loop and it's in an area i have ZERO knowledge about. :(
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splxtduxlies · 2 months
I ask for more agent 24 headcanons, those were soo good
no need to ask anon jus demand them of me like a king and ill dance like the court jester i am
agent 3 & 8 use she/they in my hc!
im a sucker for "8 fell first but 3 fell harder"
when 3 and 8 met, obviously they were at eachothers throats, and 3 was very. biased against octolings at the time bc of splat1 and stuff
so in no way was 3 admiring how well This octoling held up in battle, and how much smoother they moved or how much better their aim was or how gripping their eyes were or
8 was fucking fighting for her life, super scared of this random inkling after just watching her take down DJ Octavio and now she's bloodthirsty and aimed directly at 8 holy shit
the fight would ultimately end with a draw obviously (unless u beat inner 3 ofc) and it would be some time before 3 and 8 met again. 8 new immediately that 3 was the inkling who attacked her that night but 3 wouldn't really remember it until after shes freed the sanitizing and *really* looks at 8 again with new eyes
3 may not be as much of a outwardly obvious bleeding heart as 8 but she does care really deeply for them
their love languages are just. kinda different a little bit maybe
for 8 it's doing small acts of service and writing poems and fixing 3's hair and clothes. a lot of caring for 3 directly
whenever 8 feels emotions so strongly she doesnt know what to do with them, she writes poems :*) so a lot of pining and yearning poems were written ,,,
3's love language is more outward directed like. violently threatening any force that can be perceived as dangerous and dares to approach 8
mostly its a lot of 3 watching 8 carefully, looking for signs of stress or sickness or Anything bad so she can fix it
this, of course, to the average person can be perceived as staring, which, of course, is a little weird especially since 3's "focused face" looks very angry
3 would stare a lot at 8 before they were friends, when 3 was wary of octolings and 8 and thought she would turn on them at any moment. so 8 wonders sometimes if thats why 3 stares now and hopes she's not still scared of her :*(
a lot of miscommunication on 3's part when she tries to be affectionate,,, lol
for both of them, appearance at a given time doesn't matter all that much
8 is pretty beat up and covered in scars and grease from her weapons and 3 is pretty dishevled and wears the same 2 outfits and *reads note by marie* "hasn't been within 3 yards of a bathtube in months"
(marie is very dramatic about teenage stink, 3 doesn't smell That bad)
despite looking like they crawled out of hell in terms of exhaustion, 8 is that kind of "effortlessly natural pretty" that absolutely shocks 3 everytime
somehow shes been through sm but 8 still retains her big round doe eyes with no eye bags and no acne. the same cannot be said for 3 rip
this frustrates 3 but definitely not bc shes jealous its more like "how are u this beautiful it's annoying"
agent 3: i am not arguing w/ an octoling who has big brown eyes. like whatever you say beautiful
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List of Cuttletavio AU ideas that become more weird and deranged as you keep reading:
Modern day AU were they're idols too
Modern day AU were they're normal people
Everyone's dads AU were they get married and take care of their deranged children aka all the agents and the idols and Octavio's army of child soldiers.
Role swap AU with Pearlina (not confuse with the previous ones, as there the idols remain unchanged. Here, I imagine the Squid Sisters design would change to reflect that Pearl is their grandma now)
Pokemon AU!
High school AU but you think Craig's a jock? NAH HE'S A CHEERLEADER and Octavio is a nerd.
Minecraft AU!
Role swap AU between them which makes Craig a prince and Octavio some sort of captain (Craig would be more like a western prince because you know)
Pop Team Epic AU!
Romeo and Juliet AU (how we interpret them is already very Romeo and Juliet so it really is just a change of setting and different ending)
Roblox AU.
Assassin AU were Craig has to infiltrate octoling forces to kill Octavio but ends up falling in love (inspired by AO3 fic called "Operation: Femboy" DON'T LET THE NAME FOOL YOU, IT'S REALLY GOOD)
Racist AU- wait that's just the og-
2000s emo AU. They met through MySpace and started flirting through Tumblr.
Arcade AU. You know how arcades let you put nicknames on your high score? Well Craig is really good at this arcade game but there's someone who keeps getting higher scores than his and so they start remotely beefing but never seeing each other because they go in at different hours, until one day he finds that someone playing on the arcade and it turns out is Octavio and it's basically enemies to lovers but they're enemies because of an arcade game.
Grafitti AU. The same as before except it's grafitti. Craig makes a grafitti, Octavio goes over it and rinse and repeat until one of them finally finds the other doing it.
Sailor Moon AU! Craig is Serena and Octavio is Darien because yeaaa!
ENA AU. Craig is an Ena and Octavio is like Moony but actually supportive when his boyfriend has a mental breakdown.
Chainsaw Man AU. Craig is Denji and Octavio is Makima.
Lupin III AU. Craig is Lupin, the white glove thief, and Octavio is Zenigata, the detective whose existence revolves on catching him.
Jojo part 2 AU. Craig is Joseph and Octavio is Caesar.
News reporters AU, were they're both serious news reporters and shit.
Drift king AU. Octavio is the drift king and Craig is a guy who wants to beat him, but also Octavio is the heir of the Yakuza and it all becomes Craig helping his lover escape by winning competitions and getting money to run away.
Skullgirls AU were Craig wants to keep the Squid Sisters away from the Skullheart however Octavio is attempting to get it to harness its power without making a wish. They also both fought against the Skullheart side by side on the past, but when the Canopy Kingdom went to war with the other kingdoms (one of them being Octavio's kingdom), they had a falling out
Technical support AU. Octavio fixes computers and Craigs keeps busting his because he's cute, even tho Ammoses can literally fix it for free but oh well let the bi be bi.
Kill Bill AU but Octavio is Bill. Craig is the bride of course.
Car dealer AU were Craig wants to sell a car to Octavio so he fucking resorts to fucking.
AU of my OCs-verse were basically they're both assasins for Albert Richter, CEO of the company that owns the country, who is also their lover so trio, and they're being chased by T and D for their crimes UNLESS they stop working for the guy. Octavio wants to keep working for him but Craig doesn't, so yeah (This is a very self indulgent AU that most of you won't get unless you're my boyfriend, love you my love muack muack)
Spongebob AU. Craig is Spongebob. Octavio is Squidward.
Company AU. Craig is Octavio's secretary who is the CEO of some corporation or some shit.
Vtuber AU.
Omegaverse AU.
Big Bang Theory AU.
Fifty Shades of Gray AU.
JFK AU. Octavio is JFK. Craig is his wife.
Coffee Shop AU.
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gorbalsvampire · 10 days
𝖃𝕴𝕴𝕴 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝕱𝖊𝖚𝖉𝖆𝖑 𝕭𝖔𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖆
𝔄𝔠𝔱 ℑℑℑ, 𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔢 𝔦𝔦𝔦
Our story smash cuts across the city, to the catacombs beneath Josefov. In those hallowed depths, Mariam and Marsillius have passed a day away - and it's a good thing she stayed, 'cause otherwise he'd have woken up to Othelio her brother standing over his monkish little self with a headsman's axe and a grin.
Marsillius wanted to return to St. Lawrence and ask his sire about the Prophet Octavio. Mariam was hung up on that document - the treatise that had been hidden in the late rabbi Zachary's desk. Why was that left pristine when everything else was trashed? Was the scroll a plant? Was this, and I quote a player here, "some sort of King In Yellow thing, where you read the scroll and start simping for Shaagra?"
But first, Mariam needed to hunt. The Nosferatu had built their lair around an underground stream, and it happened that one end of that stream broke the surface near the edge of the Quarter and the city walls - a good spot to leave contraband, if contraband you had to leave. So it was tonight: a woman named Ruth was there to collect her sealed keg of FORBIDDEN BREAD! Yes, it's another leavened bread crime, and Mariam's Herd is clearly a small ring of Bread Criminals that she's allowing to continue their business so she always has someone to "punish."
The two Cainites made their way to St. Lawrence's for a conversation with Garinol, which would be cut off at some stage by the return of the novices from vespers - Garinol's chamber being above the dormitory. Marsillius confessed to his sire that he may have been mistaken about Vysehrad - but Mariam came to his defence, saying they did learn something, quite a lot of somethings in fact. She asked Garinol about the treatise: had he read it, did he still have it, had it... was it actually in Zachary's handwriting?
Garinol, like Prince Brandl in the previous session, had a Discipline that was relevant here, and I asked another of those questions to see how far he should push his pool: "how keen are we here?" It was deemed pretty central to investigations, so with an effort of will Garinol completed the puzzle, using The Spirit's Touch on the treatise and coming to understand why Zachary had hidden it.
He'd been writing it for Garinol - they were sharing perspectives on life and afterlife, as part of a grand necromantic project of which Garinol could not speak - but it also happened to serve Octavio's ends, the Prophet having called on the rabbi some ten years prior for insights into the unwritten laws of Heaven. What Octavio wanted was some way of cheating Shaagra out of her entombment - she hadn't chosen to hide beneath a building her grandchilder couldn't enter at all! The Basilica had been raised to contain her.
Mariam, her eyes wide, started to wonder if the prophecy the Tzimisce were following had come from Octavio - if the Malkavian was playing them as well. It became clear that finding Octavio was paramount. Perhaps they could track him somehow... perhaps Alzbeta would know something, with that strange Malkavian insight?
But first, Marsillius had to check on Christof. He'd asked the knight to do a deed for him, after all, and also he was hornt hungry. They came on Christof shirtless and going through his broadsword drills (in sooth). Once he'd dressed himself and bumbled through an apology, explaining that he had the inscription from St. Vitus' but had also been thrown out for asking if he could simply take the relic, and had a historygasm among the tombs of the old Dukes of Prague, and also - did Marsillius know how like him the Archbishop looked? The semblance is uncanny - older, and meaner of cast, and lacking a beard, but...
We broke down for a while here, as @friends-of-beetlejuice confronted with horror the idea that Octavio had been impersonating the Archbishop all along. I almost regret that I'd already decided where Octavio was, and that Christof had met the Archbishop in the daytime, because that was a good twist. Questions were asked about the age of Sister Berta, too - was she secretly Marsillius' mother?
While Marsillius and Christof had another of their extremely heterosexual and godly moments, Mariam excused herself and went out into the orchards of Petrin Hill, where she encountered none other than Theodericus, coming up the hill to consult with Marsillius! This was largely an opportunity for the player who was in the last session to fill in the player who wasn't - but it did leave the three Cainites able to make their plan.
Mariam was going to scour the Jewish ghetto, pulling every string she normally yanked to hunt. Theodericus and Marsillius were going to consult the Cainites in the best place to know exactly when the Basilica was built and for what purpose, and what had transpired the last time Octavio visited Prague, and where he might be now - the Brujah of the Old Town. After all, Ecaterina claims to be a Carthaginian - that makes her the oldest active Cainite in town. And if she knows not - Cosmas is the chronicler who wrote the definitive history of the Bohemian people, alive and undead. One of them must have a clue, right?
We pre-rolled this bit. I'm not sure when we'll be able to roll again - the players have very incompatible schedules over the next few weeks, and while at least two of us are free on any given game night, this feels like something nobody should miss. We'll need to talk about that.
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yatgb · 8 months
tell us about your splatoon 4 idea plez
Okay so heres the gist: a soldier in the octarian army wants to get revenge on dj octavio for "turning soft and siding with the enemy" and also in her eyes abandoning them when they all got nabbed by Mr Grizz so she starts stealing power sources (mini zapfish and power eggs mainly, as taking the Great Zapfish would get too much attention) from the surface to power The Big Doomsday Weapon Of The Month (cone on guys this is the 4th time someone has stolen the city's power source to fuel a doomsday weapon can we like Not)
The leader of the New Octarian Army is Marina-levels of Way Too Stupid Smart For Her Own Good, on top of having good relations with Salmonid clans so they have a steady supply of power even without stealing from the surface. Shes hellbent on destroying DJ Octavio and the Squidbeak Splatoon, no matter the cost. Meanwhile The Captain is just like "aw shit here we go again. God dammit. Fuck. Shit god damn" [slams hat on leg]
So DJ Octavio, thinking "gya ha ha whatever i know how ky own army works. I can Stop This and prove to that stupid old coot Cuttlefish that im nice now by solving it all by myself" and so, without consulting literally anyone else, he recruits an Agent 5 into the Squidbeak Splatoon and plans on just dping thos with nobody but Agent 5. But he has the sublety of a car crash and The Captain and other Agents find out pretty quick. The maIn reaction is "sorry Agent 5 we dont hate that youre here we value your cooperation but we literally have like 3 other people on standby for this exact thing. We didnt need another" And Octavio is all "WELL HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT" "WELL MAYBE IF YOU ASKED US FIRST–"
Thats all i have so far but the vibe is very Noir Spy James Bond type shit. Shaken not stirred. Walking into elaborate casinos in a disguise. Imagine if the first phase of the rocket battle and escaping the NILS statue was an entire campaign thats the vibe here. Also i think rewarding a player in the campaign for knowing how to play salmon run would be fun (having to fight boss salmonids at points. Maybe a king salmonid as a boss battle)
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gobblinhours · 4 months
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holy shit it's done
ask any questions you may have!
Agent 3, Angsty Agent
???/Eight, Conflicted Coward
Callie, Peppy Pop Star
Marie, Bored Big Name
Pearl, Punky Princess
Marina, Anxious Adventurer
Cap'n Cuttlefish, Validated Veteran
DJ Octavio, Captured Crown
Acht, Companionless Conspiracy Theorist
Sheldon, Chatty Crab
Agent 3 -> Callie: How are you so immature?
Agent 3 -> Marie: Oh my cod, the Squid Sisters SUCK?
Agent 3 -> Cap'n Cuttlefish: Gramps? Sorry. Gramps? Sorry. Gramps-
Agent 3 -> DJ Octavio: I win.
??? -> Agent 3: *Terrified screaming*
??? -> Callie: I didn't know inklings could make a song like that...
??? -> Marie: Wait, inklings *aren't* monsters?!
??? -> DJ Octavio: You failed? How?! What are they going to do to you?!
Callie -> Agent 3: We're gonna be great friends!
Callie -> Marie: Time to get out of your shell!
Callie -> Cap'n Cuttlefish: I'm so glad you're ok!
Callie -> DJ Octavio: Stay in time out, you big jerk!
Marie -> Agent 3: So you got the zapfish back, big whoop. (thanks for saving gramps)
Marie -> Callie: You're exhausting /pos
Marie -> Cap'n Cuttlefish: Don't get squidnapped again, okay?
Marie -> DJ Octavio: It's been 100 years, get over it.
Pearl -> Callie: Count your days in the spotlight!
Pearl -> Marie: You're old news!
Pearl -> Marina: I'll take you under my wing!
Marina -> Agent 3: I can't believe you destroyed the Octobot King!
Marina -> Callie: Inklings are so much different than I thought!
Marina -> Marie: Your song changed everything...
Marina -> Pearl: You're the coolest!
Marina -> DJ Octavio: Why would you say inklings are awful?
Marina -> Acht: I'm waiting for you!
Cap'n Cuttlefish -> Agent 3: I'm proud to be your captain, bucko.
Cap'n Cuttlefish -> Callie: Never change, squiddo.
Cap'n Cuttlefish -> Marie: Your bond with your cousin reminds me of the good old days...
Cap'n Cuttlefish -> DJ Octavio: We're two for two, eh?
Cap'n Cuttlefish -> Sheldon: You're just like your grandpappy!
DJ Octavio -> Agent 3: YOU LITTLE PUNK!
DJ Octavio -> Callie: Great, it's Craig Jr Jr.
DJ Octavio -> Marie: What happened...
DJ Octavio -> Cap'n Cuttlefish: LET ME OUTTA THIS SNOWGLOBE!
Acht -> Agent 3: Ok, *not* a false flag. ...maybe.
Acht -> Callie: What kind of subliminal messages were in that song?!
Acht -> Marie: Finally, more than two artists on the airwaves.
Acht -> Marina: I miss you.
Acht -> DJ Octavio: Now that the government's in shambles, I can *really* start digging into what's been hidden under our noses.
Sheldon -> Cap'n Cuttlefish: I'm honored to be serving with you! I've heard so many stories about what you and my grandpappy did during the war...
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watas3n1a · 7 months
Splatoon 4 Ideas (very rough)
Splatoon 4’s could be set in Octarion society, and the hero mode/single player campaign could be another rouge-like/rouge-lite where it’s octarion military training, and the paid DLC could be about the trade agreement the Octarions and Salmonids have (or just the generalized contact between Octarions and Salmonids). this DLC would also be a completely new type of genre as well like Side Order idk what it’d be (as i don’t know genres whatsoever) but Splatoon seems to be experimenting with genres other than multiplayer-shooter. the player character would still be canonically fem (as all the others have been) because octoling military seems to be fully female (from Marina’s Dev Diary pieces you get after completing Octo Shot), but, like the other single player campaigns, you can be a masc character. idk how the multiplayer part of Splatoon would fit in this scenario (or how inklings would…) but i still think it’d be a cool idea. Maybe like the original Splatoon 1, but, like, the opposite (no playable inklings in this scenario, only octolings)
Agent 4 still hasn’t been in a fucking single player campaign since their debut in Splatoon 2 and im sad. yes, they got a mention in Side Order, yes, Parallel Canon seems to be modeled off Agent 4 (if you have Splatoon 2 data), BUT THEY ARENT ACTUALLY IN THE GAME THEMSELVES! so, what about they re-debut in Splatoon 4! who cares about the multiplayer part of Splatoon as i can’t be bothered to think about it, but what about the story of Splatoon 4? i feel we need to continue whatever Li’l Judd has going on with that newly acquired headpiece after finishing Splatoon 3’s campaign, plus, because Octavio seems to be.. a good guy now? and because octoling are merging with inkling society i feel like octarions shouldn’t be the big bad anymore. Splatoon 3’s campaign does mention octarions in a bad way/talks bad about them, which, when your playing as an octoling.. doesn’t feel right, plus with Marina in Side Order trying to help more octolings adjust and merge with inkling society, octolings and octarions as the bad guys just isn’t exactly.. right.. anymore. but, you know who’s an odd grey area in Splatoons universe? Salmonids! yes, Splatoon 3’s campaign has your character work alongside “Little Buddy”, a salmonid, but look at the new Salmon Run stage 😭 it’s quite literally a colosseum, it has paintings of inklings being “killed” by Cohozuna, it has spectators, it has a cage with food in it (probably the reward for winning), it has rusted shackles (my personal theory is that it’s for captured inklings [octolings too?]), plus we got King Salmonids, PLUS BIG RUN! in the sunken scrolls it’s said that these Big Runs can flatten and overwhelm entire towns (if i remember correctly)! what we experience in Big Runs is nowhere near what Salmonids are actually capable of! what better single player campaign to include Agent 4 in other than a Salmonid based one? Salmon Run debuted in Splatoon 2 and we got a bit more of information about Salmonids from Splatoon 3.. surely this is building to something bigger, yeah? plus the single player could be another rouge-like/rouge-lite, but bigger! but longer! Splatoon seems to be experimenting with other genres other than shooter and that IS COOL!!
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opal-owl-flight · 4 months
I absolutely adore your agent lore SO MUCH it feels really canon to me, just in a darker and realistic way!!
I am kind of wondering what your thoughts are on octavio, especially in this verse- if you have any of course LMAO 👍 so fair if you don't he just lives in my braincells rent free.
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"You. Were not so different, you and I."
"|Shut. Up. Dont compare yourself to me. I did everything for this fragile world. A world you yourself almost destroyed twice.|"
"Aah, so did I, young squid. So did I."
3 rounds on the imprisoned geezer. Some thanks he got, after saving the world. The Captain was almost as bad as their old superior.
He only crosses his arms tighter as they clacked their beak.
"|The destruction of my world does not justify yours' survival.|"
Theres a dry chuckle from within the glass globe.
"Which world has the zapfishes. Which world is close to the sky? Which world allows everyone to...act the way you do. That annoyingly fresh attitude that just rubs in our face how much better you have it."
3s looking more unsure now, their hands clasping tight on their arms whenever theyre not signing. Thats a surprise.
"Mm. Do you understand, agent?"
The hesitance disappears, and their eyes and spots glint threateningly. "|Im the Captain now, and I will prefer to be referred to as such.|"
The king rolls his eyes. Mocks a salute.
"Stuffy kid. Damn. Alright, Captain.
Let me illuminate it a little more clearly for you.
You train your agents to keep my people underground. Sometimes, to the point of breaking their spirit. Because you want to keep them safe -- from me, from my troops, from anything the rough seas can throw at em. Right?"
"|I dont do it like you do. Hypnosis? Mind control? Eight ran away because of that!|"
"Who told you I used that on my entire nation? Damn old fool, that Craig.
As for your "Agent Eight"...
that one...
...had her reasons.
I hold no ill will towards her, or the others, for running.
In fact, I dont blame them one bit."
3 squints.
"They wanted a life that I cannot provide.
Its hard, underground. Constant energy crisis. Constant food shortage. Constant resource depletion. Who would stay? Except those who want to make it a better world to live in?
And you, Captain. What would you do in my place?"
And they stay quiet...
Before their voice rasps through a low hiss.
"Act...in a way... you wont."
"Hoh! So you can speak! Impressive.
But you know youd do similar. Ive heard how much Agent 4 hates your guts. Its not as easy being a leader, isnt it."
3 hisses louder, balling their fists.
"I...am not...you."*
"Yes. You. Are." The king presses his tentacles on the glass. "I did all I did for my fragile world. I continue to run my nation the way I do so everyone stays safe from the danger YOU bring. You and the REST of your nation. My troops are family. My troops are all Ive got."
He casts a glance at 4 (pre-Captain my Captain), who was approaching for her training.
"Even if they end up hating me."*
3 catches 4s gaze.
"Even if they end up deserting."
4 turns her gaze away, to look directly at Octavio.
"Do you understand?"
Now its 3 who looks, understanding dawning in their eyes.
Hes right.
"I must do what I need to, even if it hurts me. Id risk my life, my honor, my everything, for my people.
If I dont, who else will?"
3 thinks of the times theyd swooped in to save the newly returned 4 from hazards in the newer missions. The verbal and physical abuse from her beak and fists. The way they had to give her easier missions despite saying that it was tougher, just so shed have a more gradual growth. Have higher chances of surviving. Even if...underhanded.
4 herself breaks the silence, and their train of thought.
"Talking to the damn geezer again, Captain?"
"|He spoke first.
...but he makes good points.|"
"You cant seriously- hey. HEY! CAPTAIN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!"
theres a loud crash.
"|I dont think it fair to keep him here after he helped us save the world.|"
"Hohohoh! You are not so bad, Captain."
"Hah! No he wont. I know your old man. And for once in his life, he actually made a good call.
Agent Three."
The mention of their old number, to refer to them, almost made tears spring to their eyes.
After all, this was the reason they were dragged into this mess. But can they really keep blaming him for all this, after all this time?
Octavio shows...a hint of a smile.
"You make a fine protege for the man I used to know.
Keep it up."
3 holds 4 back from rushing the Octarian leader. "Go...back. Take care...of your people."
"Aye aye. Heheh. So long, suckers!!!"
And he was gone.
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lev1athantwins2 · 7 months
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redid my hc form for Octavio :) hc notes below
some hc notes:
he's autistic. not stereotypical bazinga autistic, im talking "these are my comfort mechs and i treat them as my children", im talking "i got so hyperfocused on what i was doing i forgot to bathe for 3 days straight," im talkin- you get the point
he is a closeted bi man, and will always be in the closet. he knows he could hypothetically come out, but due to an abusive father in his childhood up to early 20s, he's been emotionally scarred for life. it'd be too much on him. (this hc is based off of my own experience as a bi woman.)
his wife Sashimi knows he's in the closet, but would never push him out of it. she respects his boundaries.
he can actually walk with legs, but being in humanoid form takes a lot of energy out of him so really half of the time he's in octoling form. it's a disability of his.
he's got bipolar type 2. black and white, yellow and green, pink, red, there's no two shades of moods he's exactly in. he's on medication for it, but still struggles with it. he passed this down to his granddaughters, but not to his grandson. he got his fear of crowds instead. (i have also based this off of my own experience with having bipolar type 2, and having it passed down from me to my great grandpa.)
as for personality...Octavio is not tired. He's exhausted. After trying so hard to bring the octarian people up to the surface, he soon found out that he no longer was needed as they came up to the surface on their own. Which...kind of hurt. Yes, he tried to take over the world, but he was doing it to try and help others. But since he's not needed...well, what good is he for? Agent 2 tells him that he's not bad deep down, but part of him feels like that no matter what he does, he can't fix everything. At least, not like how he fixes the octobot king.
personality pt. 2: He's learning to change, but part of him is afraid to do it. Because of his past actions, his own sons barely tolerate him for the sake of his wife, and the octarian empire of the past isn't really there anymore, just in name at this point. Sashimi says it's never to late to change, and tries to believe it. At least his grandkids think he's okay, even if he's a bit old-fashioned and is willing to throw hands. Or er, a tentacle and a hand at this point.
(please do not tag as "kin" or "me", as ive based part of his personality and hcs off of my actual great grandfather and myself, ty!)
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banditchika · 1 year
How A Dream Comes True - Ch 1
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read here on ao3!
Pearl comes to a decision within two minutes of meeting King Octavio—the first of his name, sole ruler of Octaria, the genius behind Octaria’s military might!
The dude is kind of a dick.
"Ayo, man,” she says, holding up a gauntleted hand. “I’ve heard just about enough.” 
His big, bad royal highness stops mid-rant. It's probably more out of pure shock than actual courtesy, but Pearl will take it. The guards standing in neat rows along the walls mirror Octavio’s sudden silence. They’re all too serious to do something as unprofessional as gasp, but their surprise at her interruption fills the grand, cavernous hall like a miasma—just like her childhood bodyguards, come to think of it. Little squiddy Pearl used to make a game of doing the most outrageous things she could, to see if they would break character and react. Good to see she's still got it. 
King Octavio trembles atop his throne, tentacles curling around his wasabi-shaped scepters. Pearl loves a good accessory, everyone knows that, but seriously—why does he need two? 
"You dare speak as such to a king? You dare!?"
"Uh, yeah?” Pearl makes a show of picking at her fingers, all ten digits safely ensconced in her gauntlets and padded gloves. Her nonchalant act makes Octavio turn an even brighter shade of fuschia. “I've got a grievance, and you’ve as good as admitted it's all your fault! I don’t care what’s going on in your country, your policy decisions are screwin’ me over! You gotta stop kickin’ your citizens out onto my family property. We’re running outta places to house ‘em!”
“Exile is a mercy for traitors to the crown—” 
“You tellin' me you’ve got two hundred wholeass traitors you just had to kick out of your kingdom?” What happened to community service? Picking up trash, walking centennials through the market square—does Octaria not do that? “That's how many we counted before I left. Who knows how many more have moved in since! I don't know what's got y’all all outta whack, but you need to put your house in order. You're throwin' people out of their homes and now they're trespassin' on mine!"
"I will not accept this audacity from an inkling child!" the king roars. His voice echoes through the hall. Pearl swears she sees a small shower of debris fall from the ceilings. She would easily win a shouting match between the two of them, but he's still got quite a set of pipes. "You have no notion of the treachery that has beset this kingdom, none! Indolent, selfish inklings, never looking past your own affairs until you see fit to meddle in things you have no business sticking your beak into—"
"It becomes my business when yours have turned my house into a wholeass refugee camp!" Pearl throws her hands into the air and stomps closer. The royal guards surrounding Octavio’s throne step forward in unison, hands straying to the hilts of their blades. She resists a groan. Seriously? They’re still backing his ass, after everything he’s done?
Pearl’s the good guy here! She’s trying to help the dude’s own people get back to their homes! It’s not like Pearl has anything against the displaced Octarians squatting at her place. But even though she won’t kick out a bunch of desperate people with nowhere to go, even the Houzuki family estate can only hold so many people. How long can they reasonably keep two hundred plus people fed, watered, and most importantly, entertained? 
No. No way. Not even her family’s money can manage that if King Octavio keeps kicking people out of their own land willy nilly. 
Fuming, Pearl jabs a finger at Octavio’s furious octopus face. "And I’m no kid. I’m twenty-one!”
She realizes her mistake as soon as she says it. 
The king leans forward, a bloodshark scenting weakness, his ancient poison-green eyes glinting with malice. "And here I thought I was dealing with a fifteen-year old brat. It wouldn’t be the first time. If there's anything your ridiculous, foolhardy coming-of-age tradition is good for, it's sifting out the scum who can't crack it in your excuse of a society. Why should I entertain someone three years over the age of majority, who hasn't even killed—what are you children doing nowadays, testing yourselves against Salmonids? You hardly look fit enough to fight a Chum. What a waste of time. Guards! Deal with her." 
As one, the guards arranged along the walls and King Octavio’s throne advance toward Pearl with their katanas drawn. She slowly backs away from the ring of encroaching soldiers and their snarling masks. She can't help the way her voice pitches loud with alarm, or the rain of plaster and dust that trickles from the ceiling as her voice fills the hall. 
"Okay, firstly, way to get personal! Secondly—hey, guys, come on. We don't have to do this." Damn, but those masks are intimidating. Cool as shell, too. Pearl kind of wants one. "You know I'm right. All the folks hangin' out at my place, they're your brothers and sisters and shit. You want ‘em back as much as they want to be back, don’tcha? Can’t we talk this out?" 
The guards keep coming. Pearl takes a step back, then another, until she can go no further. 
Her hip bumps into the great banquet table in the center of the hall. Nowhere left to run. 
"Alright, so that's a no?" She reaches behind her, armored hand closing around something nice and heavy. "Fine. At least I tried."
Pearl whips her arm forward, launching—is that a whole roasted Chum?—into the face of the lead guard. "BOOYAH, bitch!"
The thing about Pearl is—she's short. That's undeniable. She's given up on being mad about it. It is what it is, and angsting isn't going to activate Gam-Gam Houzuki's dormant colossal squid genes. But being short doesn't mean being weak, and what Pearl lacks in height she makes up for in mad dirty tactics. 
Yeah, she read Sunfish Tzu. If there's anything Pearl's learned from her travels, it's that squids under five feet need to make do.
The guard who Pearl just introduced to authentic Salmonid cuisine stumbles back into their friends, sending them staggering. Pearl takes full advantage of the confusion and scrambles atop the table. The whole thing is lined with lit candles and far too many plates for one octopus alone. Was Octavio expecting guests?
Pearl doesn’t have time to consider it. She dances out of the way of a guard’s slash, the katana’s edge biting deep into the table’s varnished surface. One hand scoops up an open carafe while the other gropes for a candelabra. Pearl brings the jug to her nose and takes a sniff. Oh, that’s strong. Tip the flame into the jug, and—
Pearl lobs the flaming bottle at the guards' feet. They scatter, breaking their tight formation to dodge Pearl's boozy little surprise. They probably don't realize that a makeshift fire bomb like Pearl’s burns itself out quickly, and she laughs as they try to stomp out the flames.
(What? It's not like she's trying to seriously hurt anyone.)
A pair of rock-solid arms close around her from behind. Pearl snarls as she's yanked back, pinned against the lacquered armor of an Octarian soldier. Flanked! Like a total chump! 
"Geddoff—" The soldier locks their arms together, throwing Pearl off balance. Her back dangles precariously over their shoulders. The awkward angle doesn’t give her any openings to throw an elbow or a sneaky kick. 
Fine. So what? She's the one in full metal plate. 
Pearl pushes off the table and into the octoling. The soldier, unprepared to take Pearl's full weight, is yanked back by her momentum and tips over, collapsing with a thud. Pearl is nice enough to avoid landing on their prone body, but not nice enough to keep from smacking their masked face as she rolls back onto her feet. They're armored, she's armored, so full contact is a-okay. 
Unfortunately, their scuffle has bought the other guards enough time to regroup. It's hard to tell with their faces hidden behind their headpieces, but she thinks she's managed to intimidate them. Their stances are cautious as they begin to close in on her. 
Four guards break off to the two ends of the table. The remaining four approach head on, cutting off Pearl's chances of jumping back onto the table or sliding under it. She grins at them. It's nice to be taken seriously. 
There's only one thing to do. Pearl grabs the edge of the table and heaves, arms screaming under the weight.
Come on, think angry thoughts. 
People who whip their seahorses. 
Bank bailouts. 
All the people who will never get to come home again if you don't do this right.
"Fuck!" she howls, and flips the enormous banquet table onto the advancing soldiers. Pearl is lucky the damned thing is so long, because the two pairs of Octolings trying to cut off her escape routes haven't even made it out from behind the main length of the table. The entire squadron topples under the weight of wood, steel, and more food than one octopus with no guests needs to eat. 
The noise of shattering cookware and crashing armor is solid, absolute, and so consuming that the grand hall is a vacuum of sound once the last plate has clattered to the floor. 
Pearl stands panting over a pile of groaning octolings. Her fingers twitch with lingering adrenaline, and a huge, unsportsman-like smirk stretches across her face. Her family isn’t going to believe her when she tells them about this.
“Phew. What a workout… Alright, man,” she says, turning to Octavio. “Can we talk like adults now?”
The king stares her down. “Yes, we can.” 
Pearl’s skin prickles. Octavio looks awfully calm for someone whose guards have been dealt with. 
The painted wooden panels behind his throne collapse like falling cards, revealing a fresh troop of soldiers. Each and every one is armed with crossbows. The mechanisms are locked, bolts bristling at their tips, all of them trained at Pearl. 
“Go ahead. What else do you want to say, shark bait?”
Pearl slowly puts her hands up. Her mind races, then stutters. Fuck. Fuck, fuck! 
There’s nowhere to run for cover, and even if she tried, there’s just too many guards with too many arrows. They wouldn’t even need to aim. All they’d need to do is fire, and Pearl would end her life looking like the pincushion from Gam-Gam’s sewing kit. 
"GAH-HAH-HA! Not so mouthy now, are you?" Octavio slams his scepters down on the arms of his throne, leaning from his seat as though he were about to strike her himself. “Typical inkling, always so headstrong, so reckless. You really think I wouldn’t have planned for this!?”
Pearl grinds her beak. For once in her life, she needs to shut up. She won’t be helping anyone if she dies here. 
Silence settles over the hall. Sweat beads on Pearl’s brow, and to her horror, her nose begins to itch. Oh, Cod. Don’t let her die because of a sneeze. She has plans; Pearl refuses to die to anything less awesome than a coddamn giant Salmonid, one big enough to dwarf Deca Tower back home.
Octavio finally twitches a tentacle just before Pearl is about to black out from holding her breath. Half of his soldiers lower their crossbows to stand at attention. The other half stay ready, but even that much is enough to have Pearl heave a dizzying sigh of relief.
“Impudence aside, you aren’t… totally incompetent,” he says, a gruff burr in his voice. “And I would prefer not to alienate my loyal citizens in purging this… cancer from my kingdom. I have a proposition.”
“Well, shoot. I mean, don’t actually shoot, but—yeah, okay, I’m listening.”
It’s incredible how he manages to curl his lip even while in swim form. That there is an expression with decades of experience behind it. “My granddaughter, my heir. Marina. The traitors I’ve exiled from Octaria are using her as a figurehead for their coup. They claim,” he says, voice dripping with so much venom that Pearl swears he’s exhaling flames, “that she will no longer tolerate my ‘tyranny’. That she will depose me and lead Octaria into a golden age.” 
Huh. Pearl winces. Now that she thinks about it, she did hear something about that on her way out of Inkopolis. She feels bad about it now, but she hadn’t been paying too much attention at the time. All she needed to know was ‘king bad, homeless Octarians, Pearl finally has a big quest’, and she was out the door with her travel pack restocked and her sword clattering against her hip.
Octavio’s skin is starting to tremble from the sheer force of feeling. Pearl can see it even from where she’s standing. It’s honestly a little surprising—that’s real emotion in his voice, rage and fear and grief like a fist around his throat. 
“They are holding her hostage in her tower. These traitors have poisoned her mind. I’ve sent my best and brightest to search for Marina, but she is being guarded by a monster of a Salmonid. One the size of your Deca Tower.” Holy squit? For eel!? 
Octavio falls silent. His perpetual glare grows even fiercer as he casts his eyes over his wrecked throne room, at the whimpering guards struggling to drag themselves from under the crushing weight of the overturned banquet table. When he speaks again, it’s with strangled pride. “My soldiers have been unable to retrieve her. I want my granddaughter returned to me. Safely.”
She is starting to see where this is going, and it’s getting hard to think through the confirmation of her wildest dreams coming true. Pearl has been daydreaming about giant rampaging monsters since before she could take a humanoid form. This is Squidmas, New Years, and her birthday, all at once!
But even through her excitement, she has to ask, because again: Octavio is a dick. 
“Are you sure your princess is bein’ held hostage? Maybe she’s doing this coup thing for eel.”
“How dare you!?” Octavio explodes. His scepters impact the sides of his throne with enough force that the metal dents, the head of one wasabi falling clean off with a ringing thunk. “Marina would never. She would never betray her own people—her own family! She’s only a child, she doesn’t know any better!”
Wait, so which is it? The princess has the integrity to not go against her gramps while militant Octarians hold her hostage, or she’s too young and naive to… also not pull a coup? Old man logic; Pearl doesn’t get it.  
“Alright. Okay, sure.” Whatever. She’ll go along with it. “So your granddaughter is being held hostage, and you want me to go rescue her.” Pearl wants to laugh right in his face—mercenary inklings, huh? Everyone always looks down on Inkopolis’ population of wandering, questing youths until they need someone to do something dangerous. “Sure, I can do that. Saving princesses—” So fucking cool—finally, a quest to write home about! “—is what I’m all about. But what do I get out of it? That doesn’t solve the problem of your people squatting on my land.” 
“If you bring Marina back,” Octavio growls, “then we will put this nonsense to rest. Those responsible for orchestrating this plot will be punished accordingly, but I will allow the exiles to be extradited back to Octaria for lesser sentences. Is that good enough for you?” 
Pearl is already salivating at the opportunity to jump on this quest. She also doesn’t want to get shot. But she just can’t help mouthing off. “I mean, it seems like you’re just giving me something to do on top of the real easy problem I asked you to solve in the first place, but sure, sure. I’ll bring your missing granddaughter back.” 
"Unharmed. If she has so much as a bruise—"
"Listen,” Pearl snaps, “I'll wrap her in a frickin' sea sponge so she gets back to you safe and sound. But in return, you gotta promise that you're not going to hurt any of your people when they come back."
"You have the audacity to tell me how to rule my own people?"
"I do, 'cuz you were the one who threw ‘em out in the first place, and I sure don't see anyone else trying to help! That's the deal, Your Majesty. I'm not sendin' those guys back to a situation where they could get hurt. I won't be responsible for it. So take it or leave it! If I’m gonna fetch your missing princess, I want a guarantee that your people are gonna come back and you’re not gonna lay a tentacle on ‘em!”
Octavio glowers. His scepters quiver from the force of his grip. 
There’s almost a hint of offense in his voice when he speaks again. “Very… well. You have my word. I, Octavio Takowasa Villaoctos, King of Octaria, will allow the safe return and fair treatment of all exiles expelled to Inkopolis… if you bring back my granddaughter.”
Pearl points at the guards flanking his throne. “And y’all heard that, right? Legal witnesses.” 
No response. Tough crowd. 
“That having been said… I wouldn’t trust an inkling mercenary farther than I can throw them.” Pearl rolls her eyes as Octavio swivels in his seat. Jeez, right back to insulting her! 
“To ensure that you don’t break your promise… Octavia!”
The freaking black hole of a hideout behind Octavio’s throne spits out yet another octoling—seriously, isn’t that a security hazard? Are there just a bunch of soldiers squatting back there 24/7? Do they get bathroom breaks?—this one without the characteristic snarling mask of the king’s personal guard. 
She’s pretty tall, clad in lacquered black armor, her tentacles loosely framing her face. “Your Majesty,” she says, golden eyes flicking to Pearl, then back. 
Octavio waves her over. “Octavia is one of my most trusted agents, and Marina’s lady-in-waiting. She managed to escape the tower during our first rescue attempt. She will ensure that you keep your end of the bargain and lend legitimacy to your mission. My granddaughter won’t leave her tower for a stranger, but she would recognize her lady-in-waiting.”
“Riiiiiiight,” Pearl says. She squints at Octavia. Something about her seems… fishy. Well, that’s probably just how spies are. At least he’s upfront about foisting one off on her. A little honesty goes a long way. “Just don’t get in the way.”
Octavia smiles. “It’s good to meet you, Pearl. You can call me Eight.”
author’s notes:
oh you better bet that squod gives his strongest muscles to his shortest inklings
Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoyed the start of this wild ride! This AU is a collaboration between myself (Bandit) and my buddy @wtfoctagon, of great yuri infamy.
While originally written to be released as a humongous one shot for Pearl-day (hilarious that her day is April Fool's by the way), it grew out of control and turned into a multichapter. Please let us know what you think, and see you very soon for the next chapter!
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octo-artist · 13 days
Calm before the inkstorm Chapter 4 sneak peek
Skip if you wish to not be spoiled for the beginning of the chapter
TW: Possessive relationships, toxic mentalities,slight abuse of power, Typical Yandere shenanigans on both sides
As the sun began to peek up over the horizon Octavio groaned, the light filtering in through the cracked door of his room that led out into the garden. In his tired state he heard a soft humming from outside, quickly recognizing it to belong to Y/N. With much effort he wrestled himself from his futon, stumbling over to the door to look outside, a soft smile dawning onto his face seeing them hard at work in the garden as usual. Soon though he was interrupted by one of the council members knocking on the wood frame of the other door leading to the hallway of the palace, their voice calling out, “Your highness, are you awake yet? You have some important duties to attend to today and it would be wise to prepare yourself as soon as possible, it will be a busy day so I will send a servant in soon with your breakfast so you may eat as soon as you are dressed and ready.” After a moment he could hear them shuffling away back to the council chambers to await his arrival.
“Ah frill why did it have to be today of all days. I’m still fucking tired from last night.” He complained under his breath, tearing himself from the garden door to get dressed, part of him tempted to call his beloved in to assist him but refraining knowing they’re likely still upset at him. He’d wait till after he’s apologized, they’d only wanted to do something nice for him and he acted like a jealous child. “As if Craig would even think of taking them from me. That would be a death wish to steal the crown heir’s lover from him.” He thought to himself as he dressed for the day… how long had it been since they’d gotten together… three maybe four years now? Maybe it was time he finally asked for their hand, then nobody could ever threaten their position again and they’d never have to lift a finger for anything again… but would they accept? His brow furrowed at the idea of them rejecting his proposal, not liking the scenario one bit. No he’ll wait… in a few years he’ll be the king officially and then he can just announce their relationship and nobody will be able to say anything against it. He’d be king after all, and who would dare defy the king.
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