#sobs profusely lying on the floor
turnaboutchaos · 2 years
just finished dual destinies!!
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stargirllanaa · 5 months
Pretty when you cry
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Warnings: NON-CON SMUT, Dark!Rafe, Toxic relationship, Abusive relationship, domestic violence, drug-use, manipulation, lying
Summary: Heavily Based on ‘Pretty when your cry’ by Lana Del Rey, like really heavily, Your relationship with Rafe Cameron is falling apart before you’re eyes.
A/n: First smut 🫣 anyway, request are open so hit my inbox with your darkest ideas! I would definitely recommend listen to Pretty when you cry by Lana Del Rey while reading!! Enjoy <3
Wc: 2k
Your friend group had planned a fun night all together; you were all going to stay at the beach till dark and watch the stars. You had been looking forward to it; things had been rocky with Rafe, and you just wanted to get out and enjoy a night with your friends and boyfriend.
As you applied your blush, you were completely lost in thought; images of a few nights ago and your encounter with your boyfriend flashed through your brain.
You tried to focus on your makeup routine, but the bruises that were revealed on your wrist when your sweatshirt sleeve fell were a constant reminder.
“Are you serious, Rafe?” You questioned your boyfriend when you caught him in the bathroom doing a line.
“You said you were done... You said you were quitting.” disappointment filled your voice.
He looked up at you with dilated pupils, trying to wipe away the white powdery residue from under his nose.
“I'm sorry baby… I-” he thought to himself for a minute.
You signed in response.
“I should have known…” you softly said under your breath,
“No… listen…I got into a fight with my dad earlier...This is the last time...” The blonde promised you in a shaky tone.
Your eyes shot to the leftover coke on your bathroom counter; there were about two lines left, you didn't want that shit in your house, and more importantly, you didn't want him doing that shit in your house. So you moved your hand over, ready to wipe it straight onto the floor.
But Rafe saw it coming; he had been analyzing your eyes the whole time. He caught your wrist before it came close to the counter; his grip was tight and rough.
“Come on, baby, don't make this complicated.” your boyfriend threatened as his grip got tighter and tighter.
“Rafe, you're hurting me,” you said as your eyes brimmed with hot tears.
“You’re hurting me, y/n!” he pulled you closer to him; the scent of his cologne was so strong it made you nauseous. “You know I'm going through stuff and… mess up sometimes! And I-”
“You promised me, Rafe!” you cut him off. “You promised you would stop.” tears spilled over, and you smiled, lacking happiness. “But you don't care about that, do you?”
His eyes narrowed at your words, and his grip on your wrist became tighter, causing you to let out a sob.
“You clearly don't give a shit about spending time with me because you're high all the time.” you voiced between sobs. “You don't even give a shit about me…you care about one thing,” you said, voice broken as you used your free hand to point at the two remaining lines on the countertop.
Rafe said nothing, but you could tell you were spot on by how he looked around as his breathing sped up.
He dropped your wrist before leaving the bathroom and the lines he had just fought you over; he made sure to slam the door and stomp down the stairs.
You shivered as you thought about how tight he was holding on to you, but he was high, and people do crazy things under the influence. But the problem was Rafe had been under the influence a lot recently.
And every time he hurt you, it would always go the same way; you guys would argue, usually about his drug problem. He would hurt you, usually to make you shut up. Sometimes were worse than others, but it always ended in you sobbing and him profusely apologizing. He blamed it on the drugs…his dad and you would forgive him. Or he would just leave you there and text you ‘sorry’ later.
You missed the days when the two of you first started dating; everything seemed so simple and sweet… So normal.
You and your boyfriend were going ice skating together; you were excited but nervous. It was your first time, and you didn't want to fall and embarrass yourself.
As you entered the rink, you immediately held onto the railing as you tried to keep your feet in place. They were slipping and sliding everywhere, and the railing was your only hope not to fall and bust your ass.
“Baby,” Rafe said with a slight laugh as he stuck his hand out. “I got you; hold my hand.”
You took his hand, one hand on the railing, one in his. He showed you how to push yourself forward and keep balance, but you were still struggling.
“How do you do that,” you said with a chuckle as if he was a professional ice skater.
“Youre cute,” the blonde said with a smile; the truth was you were the girl he had always dreamed of; you were so naive.
You always hoped he would stop using and times could return to how they were, but part of you knew things would never be how they were; they hadn't been in a long time.
Looking back at the mirror, you realized you had been applying blush to one cheek for about 2 minutes. You needed to finish getting ready. Things would be better tonight, at least you hoped they would be.
When you made it to the beach, Rafe wasn't there yet; that was fine, though he was probably late, traffic or something. You tried your best to focus on your friends, the music, and the alcohol, but as the night went on and the stars came out, Rafe's lack of presence was very noticeable. Your friends and even his friends had asked you where he was, and you just responded with a quiet ‘he’ll be here soon.’ was that true? You didn't know. He wasn't answering texts or calls; you even dm’ed him on Instagram, hoping for a response.
But he didn't show up, he didn't come through… he never did.
And as you looked up at the stars surrounded by friends, all you could think about was when Rafe told you that ‘all the pretty stars had shined for you.’
One of your friends dropped you back home after your night out. Rafe was supposed to take you home with him, but it was apparent why that didn't happen.
As soon as you started taking off your jewelry, your phone started ringing; you looked over at it to see who was calling and quickly picked it up.
“Rafe, are fucking kiddi-” you started.
“Open the door. I'm outside,” he stated before hanging up.
You rolled your eyes at the sound of him ending the call; you were so fucking angry. The two of you were supposed to have fun tonight, not fight. He stood you up. He did this shit all the time, using stupid excuses like, ‘I lost track of time,’ ‘my dad and I got into a fight again,’ and ‘I fell asleep.’ But those excuses could only work so many times.
As you stomped down your stairs to the front door, you took a deep breath; you didn't want things to go left more than they already had, but that didn't stop you from opening the door when your gut told you not to.
Rafe pushed past you, letting himself into your house.
“Baby, I'm sorry I lost track of time.” classic Rafe.
You looked down at your phone, taking in the time, then back at him.
“For 4 hours, Rafe?” You scoffed at his words; how many times would he use that excuse?
“The ‘fight with your dad’ would have worked better this time.” you sarcastically stated as you rolled your eyes.
“Don't be like that.” the blonde spoke as he walked closer to you.
“No, don't tell me how to act! You always do this to me.” your eyes brimmed with tears as you thought about how broken your relationship was.
Rafe brought his hand up to your face, initially causing you to flinch, but he brought it closer to the top of your head and began stroking your hair.
“I'm sorry… stuff's been hard for me with my da-.” he started.
“I can't do this.” you tearfully confessed, trying to pull away from him.
His hand paused in your hair, but he still kept you close.
“What do you mean ‘you can't do this?’” your boyfriend questioned, voice mixed with confusion and anger.
“Rafe, let go of me.” you calmly stated, trying to get away before things got ugly.
The hand stroking your hair was now grabbing a handful of it; he pulled you back slightly, but only enough to make eye contact.
“I need you, y/n,” Rafe said as his eyes narrowed.
“Don't say that-” you stated under your breath, looking down at the floor.
“Don't say I need you?” the blonde asked you as he pulled your hair slightly, forcing you to look back at him.
“You know you're just gonna leave again,” you shouted through tears.
Rafe looked away from you, thinking of what he should do; he needed you; you couldn't leave; you couldn't just decide that you ‘couldn't do this.’. He had to show you how much he needed you.
You gasped as Rafe’s grip on your hair tightened as he started dragging you. The pain coming from your head was so brutal it left you screaming for him to stop. Before you knew it, he pulled you up by your hair and pushed you back onto the couch. You were terrified; when you looked into his eyes, they were darker, just like they were the night he grabbed your wrist, and every time he had ever hurt you before, but you were confused; he usually just slapped and pushed you around. This was a different level; he had never taken it this far.
“Rafe!” was all you screamed out before he cut you off.
“You don't think I need you?” he smirked before pushing your hair back so he could see your whole face. “I need you so bad you don't even understand.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, wondering how hurting you could possibly show that he needed you, but when you saw him start to undo his pants, everything became a lot clearer.
“Rafe..” you trailed off, hoping he wasn't about to do what you thought he was.
“Shhh baby... You’re okay.” the blonde says as he reaches under your skirt.
“No, I can't do this,” you said as you tried to sit up, but your boyfriend immediately pushed you back down.
“I told you to shut the fuck up.” He hissed, clearly annoyed by your words; he had already made up his mind; there was no going back now.
And when you felt him inside of you, you couldn't stop the sobs that escaped from the back of your throat, and when you glanced back at him to see him staring directly into your eyes while taking advantage of you, it made your stomach turn.
“Fuck” Rafe said with a moan, “you're so pretty when you cry.”
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lil-elle · 7 months
Can you write xikers reaction to you having a panic attack? Like how they would comfort you. LY<3
Of courseee this is so sweet, I feel like they'd be so comforting 🥹
XIKERS when you have a Panic Attack
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pairs: bf!xikers x gn!reader
genre: fluff, slight angst i guess (??)
word count: 1.1k
content: panic attack description, face kisses
a/n: i wanted this to be as accurate as it could so sorry if it took a little while ♡
Would be shocked at first but his caring nature would quickly take over and he'd immediately try to figure out what to do to calm you down
Bring you water and sit you down somewhere
He'd just gently rub your back and watch you carefully with worried eyes
Once you've calmed down he'd gently wipe your tears (if you were crying) with the sleeve of his shirt, not caring if it leaves weird marks
You'd notice him being extra sweet and careful with you for the rest of the day and constantly checking in with you
Would take you away from where people could see you so you didn't feel like they were staring
Would hug you against his chest and gently pat your head while going “sshhhh it's okay, it's okay…” in a soft, quiet voice
He'd be SO worried, tears coming to his own eyes at your heavy breaths and sobs
Would keep hugging you tightly a while after you've calmed down and you'd be able to feel him trembling slightly
Once he finally pulls away he'd place the softest kiss on your forehead, “Ready to go now…?” In a super soft, caring voice
Would panic a little himself because he doesn't know what to do
Would try and do breathing exercises with you because it's the first thing that came to his head
If that didn't work he'd try to calm you down by getting your attention and attempting to distract you “Hey. Hey. I'm right here…”
His voice as he speaks would be the softest you've ever heard it
He'd buy you a plushie and some sweets (or just something he knows you like) afterwards to treat you (also he'd lowkey be traumatised because he had no idea what he was doing)
Would immediately tear up seeing you so freaked out and panicky, so so worried about you
Would push down his own panic to help you, using as soft as a voice he could and calling you sweet things in an attempt to make you feel better
Would hold your face and run his thumbs over your cheeks while looking into your eyes and singing oh so softly to you
He'd immediately start crying once he sees you calming down because he's so relieved and overwhelmed
Kiss your cheeks while tears run down his face, telling you he loves you so much
Definitely the most panicked out of everyone
Would make silly faces or makes jokes to try and calm you down and get you to cheer up (like comforting a baby 💀)
It'd actually make you giggle a little and distract you enough to help you start calming down
He'd be so relieved seeing you calm down he'd almost fall to the floor
Would hug you and bury his face in your neck, apologising profusely that he didn't know what to do even when you reassure him that it's fine and he did great
His eyes would widen and he'd just stand there for a moment not knowing what's happening
Once he understands what's going on he'd quickly find you somewhere to sit and talk to you, trying to get you to explain to him what panicked you so much
If you couldn't even talk through your breaths and sobs he'd just grasp your hand tightly, his eyebrows knit together in worry
He wouldn't even notice when you've calmed down, he'd be too lost in his own scared thoughts
You'd tap him on the shoulder and as soon as he sees you're okay he'd pull you into a bone crushing hug, not saying a word
He seems like the type to have never witnessed a panic attack or anything close to it before so when he sees you start panicking he'd be like “woah what's up, you okay?”
Once he sees you're not calming down, you're actually getting worse, he'd take your hands and hold them to his face, repeating “Hey, you're fine, you're alright, you're safe…”
Usually wouldn't make himself so vulnerable like that especially if he was in public but he'd do it for you
Would lean his forehead to yours once you start calming down, smiling at you warmly and asking if you're okay, asking what made that happen
If you teased him later about being so emotional he'd swear that he'd ignore you if it happened again (he wouldn't, if anything he'd research on how to better comfort you)
Would repeat your name over and over, scared and confused
Would sink down to the floor while holding you in his arms, brushing your hair out of your face and wiping your eyes and cheeks profusely
Once he realised he'd just have to let you calm down he'd hug you to his chest, kissing the top of your head occasionally and the rest of the time resting his cheek against your head
Tears would come to his eyes without even noticing
Would joke after you've calmed down, trying to lighten the mood despite the tears threatening to spill over, “oh gosh, please never do that again” he'd chuckle
Without missing a beat he’d immediately block you from sight and ask you what's wrong while wiping tears from your eyes
Once he realises your tears won't stop and you can't talk he'll just wrap his arms around you gently to keep you safe, watching you carefully to make sure you're okay
Would place little kisses on your forehead every so often so you know he's there and he cares for you
Would gently run his fingers through your hair as you start to finally calm down
He'd smile down at you so softly and calmly but through his shirt you'd feel his heart beating like crazy with worry and pain at seeing you that way
He's usually not very serious but the moment he senses something is wrong his smile would be gone and he'd be looking at you with a serious face and saying your name
He'd look around confused and worried, a million thoughts running through his head before he finally decides on holding your hands to his chest and talk to you in kind of a baby voice
Once you calm down he'd pat your face with his sweater paws to dry it and you'd giggle at how silly it feels
He'd place a kiss on your nose as you giggle and offer to take you for ice cream
He'd definitely go home and research what to do in that situation just in case it happens in the future because he feels like he kinda fumbled with how to handle it
@hyunromi @chocoeon @hyunukitty @minjaezed
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zoeyslament · 12 days
goddamn it, estelle
estelle kelley is drunk again. maybe there’s an underlying issue here? whatever her gf’s gonna help her <3
Zoey awoke in a cold sweat. She rolled off her back, onto her side, facing her girlfriend’s side of the bed, where Estelle was normally cuddled up, snoring softly. The clock on the nightstand said 12:05 am, which was far later than Estelle would normally stay up. This concerned Zoey greatly. She sat up, listening for any sign of Estelle. Sure enough, there was soft crying coming from the kitchen.
Part of her worried that Estelle was leaving her. It wouldn’t have been the first time a partner had up and left her in the middle of the night. She tossed and turned, debating whether or not to go find her. Sometimes, when things like this happened, people didn’t want to be found. 
What if she’s packing up to leave? Zoey fretted. What if she- 
Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash, followed up by a heavily slurred ‘Oh fuck!’
Goddamn it, Estelle. 
She rushed out of the room, flying out of bed like a bat out of hell. She stumbled downstairs, and the sounds of crying became louder.
“Estelle!” Zoey’s heart started pounding as she spotted her girlfriend’s current predicament. Estelle was very clearly drunk: she was wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants and a bra that definitely didn’t belong to her, her hair was a mess, and she was lying face down on the tile floor with a dented can of peaches in one hand and a can opener in the other. She was sobbing profusely.
Zoey winced and crouched down beside her, gently touching her shoulder blade. “Hey…hey, baby…” Estelle looked over, her eyes red and puffy from crying. Zoey pulled the smaller girl into her lap, kissing her temple. “Babe, it’s late, come to bed. You’re gonna need rest if you don’t want a painful hangover tomorrow. Why did you drink so much anyway, darling?”
Estelle let out a barely-audible grumble. “Just wanted…to forget…”
Zoey frowned. “Did you have another vision?” She brushed her hands through Estelle’s soft ginger hair. “I told you to tell me when you have visions…”
“I know…” Estelle pressed her face into Zoey’s chest. “I was scared. And then I got hungry.”
“Sooo your solution was to try and open canned peaches with brute force? We have other food.”
Estelle grunted, sitting herself up on Zoey’s lap and wrapping her limbs around her girlfriend’s torso like a sort of human koala around an (alsp human) eucalyptus tree. “Didn’t open.” She whimpered into Zoey’s skin.
Zoey sighed and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Yeah, baby, I can tell.” She’d never felt so caring and protective over another person in her life. It was scary, but it also felt kinda nice. “Come on. Time for bed.”
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patscorner · 4 months
Tw: emethophobia
Chris POV
"Alright guys, I'm tired and I'm going to bed." I say picking my phone up.
"Really? It's only 10. You feeling okay?" Nick asks looking up from his phone.
"Yeah. I'm just tired, I guess." I say plastering a fake smile on my face.
Nick looks at Matt and shrugs. "Uh.. okay, love you bud." Nick says.
"See you tomorrow, Chris." Matt calls after me as I leave.
"Seeya, love you too." I yell back, walking down the stairs to my room.
Me being tired is only the half truth. My stomach had been killing me all day, and I'm hoping I can sleep it off.
I put on some sweats and a long sleeve shirt. I'm so cold, even though it's 85° outside. I lay down and try to get some sleep.
I'm calling to sleep but it ain't answering. I keep tossing and turning, my stomach doing the same but on the inside.
It's keeping me awake no matter how hard I try to got to sleep. I finally decide to check my phone. 1:30AM. I get up and go into my bathroom,  turning the water on and letting it run on my hands, which I wipe on my face.
I get back into bed and finally fall asleep for a while.
It doesn't last long.
My stomach feels like it's  turning itself inside out, it hurts so much.
"Holy shit..." I grumble. I start to sweat profusely, letting out a wet burp.
My throat starts to burn. "Oh shit." I cover my mouth as another wet burp escapes. I stand up and run into the bathroom, knocking over my lamp, not looking back as it shatters behind me.
Matt's POV
I wake up to something falling downstairs near Chris' room. I fell asleep on the couch with Nick, but he must've gone to his room because I was alone.
I check the time on my phone. 3:45AM. Then I hear shuffling downstairs, and weird noises. I rub my eyes and go downstairs.
I knock on Chris's door. No answer.
"Chris?" I say rubbing my eyes again. "You okay bud?"
I hear a burp and a whimper.
"Okay I'm coming in." I say. I open the door and turn on the light. I see his lamp shattered on the floor.
"What..? Chris?"
I hear a whimper come from the bathroom.
I turn the corner and see Chris hovering over the toilet.
"Oh shit. You okay bud?"
Chris answers with a gag, followed by his stomach contents being emptied into the toilet.
"Oh, Chris." I say, kneeling next to him. I rub circles on his back, while he gags but nothing comes up.
Afte 5 minutes he collapses into my arms. "Are you done, sweetie?" I ask.
He shakes his head. Tears are coming down his face. "N-no. No-Nothings coming u-up." He swallowed thickly.
"Are you lying to me?" I say raising an eyebrow.
He nods
"You gotta just let it out, honey. You'll feel much better, I promise."
"I- I need it t-to stop. It hurts s-so much." He says through broken sobs.
"I know, I know but you gotta let it out." I say. I got an idea but he's not gonna like it. "Let's try one more time?"
He nods slowly, sitting up.
As he gags I slowly put pressure on his stomach, helping him relieve some of the tension.
"Matt stop, I'm gonna-" he's interrupted by vomit. I look away. Not a pretty sight at all.
Chris collapses into me as I lean on the wall across the toilet.
"You did great, babe." I whisper, running my hand through his hair." Can I get a hug?"
Chris nods, clearly exhausted. He turns around to give me a hug.
We sit on the floor for a while, both of us eventually dosing off. Finally, peace. Or so I thought.
Chris started to stir in my arms. I open my eyes in time, to see him vomiting on my shirt.
"Chris..." I say, gagging. I cover my nose and look away. I must process this... this man just threw up on me.
"Oh, Matt. I'm sor-" he interrupts himself to sit up and vomit into the toilet.
"Its okay Chris. I'll be right back, okay?" I stand up, take my shirt off and ball it up. I run upstairs grabbing a new one. I'm surprised to see it getting brighter outside. How long were we out?
I grab a clean shirt from my room as well as a wet rag.
I run back down stairs to see Chris lying on his back on the bathroom floor.
"You think you're done?" I ask.
He nods, clearly tired from losing all of yesterday's meals.
"Okay. Let's get you up then." I put the rag on his table, making sure I don't step on any glass from his shattered mirror.
I help him up slowly, not wanting to incite anymore projectile vomit.
He's got some on his shirt, and he's almost sweated through it.
I grab him a clean shirt and help him take his off.
After he's changed his shirt, I lay him down and put the rag on his head.
I turn to leave to grab the broom, but he grabs my shirt.
"Don't leave. Please stay." He slurs.
"I gotta clean up this glass and I'll lay with you, okay. I promise."
"Matty, please.."
I sigh. "Fine." I grab his trash can and set it next to his bed just in case.
Then I lay down with him until he had to throw up again. Which happens 2 more times. But after that, Chris sleeps peacefully.
We dont do anything the next day because me and Chris were pooped. Nick slept wonderfully, of course.
After a couple days, Chris is fine and we all continue our lives.
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
Max thinking he’s alone in the pack house when he starts getting cramps. He doesn’t know what’s going on but he’s in so much pain. He lets out a very desperate whine when it hits again. He’s on the floor crying and he doesn’t have his phone on him to call Nico for help.
Lewis being there to grab some of his things. He didn’t think anyone was there either. He’s been spending time away from pack. The season has been hard and he needs space from everyone, especially from Max. He hears the whine and the whimpers and he knows it’s Max immediately. He goes to look if everything is okay, hoping it’s nothing major and he can just call Nico and take off again. He doesn’t expect to find Max clutching his stomach and crying while he’s lying on the floor. Lewis jumps into action to get Max to the hospital. He’s trying his best to soothe Max. He scents him and presses kisses to his forehead. It’s only at the hospital that he remembers to call the pack.
Max needing to go for a c-section? And pack cant get there in time but Lewis holds his hand the entire way through the surgery. The doctor asks if Lewis wants to hold the pup? And Nico finds the pair with Max asleep and Lewis holding the tiny little pup. Lewis is very apologetic because of course it’s Nico’s pup and he should get to hold them. But Nico is so grateful for Lewis and hugs him and the pup close. Max is very confused when he wakes up but he loves his pup so much
Plss max being alome in the pack house working on a new pack nest cos he loves making them! And he has been feeling off all day so decided not to join on the pack activity and the nest making made his instincts happy. Then he gets a lot of pain in his stomach and is so confused, barely able to get up and just whimpering pathetically because he does t understand what is happening!
Lewis coming to the pack house for the first time in a whilr, maybe planning on slowly going back more and wanting to get used to the scents again without thr whole pack there. But he can only smell upset, pained omega and instantly recognises a soft whimper as Max's!
Lewis rushing over and Max cries out for him, clinging to him so tight and shaking with sobs because he is in so much pain! Lewis getting an ambulance and holding Max the whole ride, kissing his forehead and soothing him when the ambulance people say they think its labor. Max is so scarwd and keeps saying he isn't ready to be a momma and Lesis whispers he is going to be the best momma and make them all so so proud! The psck is on their way then but Max needs an emergency c-section and they cant make it. Lesis not being sure Max wants him there but Max begs him! He needs pack, and he trusts Lewis! Max having the tiniest little pup placed on his chest and Lewis is crying cos it was a lot but the tiny girl is healthy and Max is okay!
Max is exhausted tho snd needs to rest but he asks Lewis to hold the pup, he can't bear the though of her not being held and snuggled all the time.
Nico coming in and Lewis tenses thinking Nico will be mad that lewis is holding the pup, but Nico just smiles and kisses his forehead, thanking him profusely and letting him hold thr sleeping pup a but longer as her maxy is waking up! Max is a bit loopy but not so scared anymore now Nico is there and his mommy instincts are kicking in and he loves his pup so much!
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Since it’s Valentine’s Day have shipping incorrect quotes
Bonnie: I’m in love with you. Moon: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork. Bonnie: I know. Moon: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Moon: Why do you look like that? Sun, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?Moon: Like you’re dead. Sun: It’s because I’m dying. Leave me here to perish. Bonnie: Sun accidentally called Monty “babe” in front of everyone today. Sun: *sobs into the floor*
Bonnie: I'm so happy, I could kiss you! Moon: Um...Neat. *later* Moon, lying face down on their bed: I said "Neat," Monty. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid. Monty, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Moon. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Sun confessed their love for me? Moon: Didn't you thank them? Monty: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked them.
Sun, staring upwards: So, Freddy broke up with me… haha… Moon: Why are you looking up? Sun: I need to cry, but my foundation was 48 dollars!
Solar: What are you getting Sun for the holidays? Freddy: I don't know. It's kind of hard buying a gift for your partner when they already got everything they could've ever wanted when they married you. So I'm not sure yet. Moon: I'm getting Sun a divorce lawyer.
Monty: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning. Sun: This is a lie. Sun: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie. Sun: THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO COOK A PANCAKE, WHAT IS THIS.
Bonnie: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. Moon: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Bonnie: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Moon: Is it working?
Monty: *yawns* Sun: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring. Monty: Then you must be exhuasted. Solar: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
Bonnie: You have to apologize to them Moon. Moon: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Monty: Valentines Day? I'm ready. *Sprays an entire can of AXE body spray on themselves*
Monty: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-  Sun: I wrote you a poem. Monty, already crying: You did? 
Bonnie: Ugh, crushes are so dumb. Moon: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid. Bonnie: But you’re always acting stupid? Moon: … Moon: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Monty: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Sun: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely* Monty: That one. I want that one.
Sun: Did it hurt when you fell- Monty: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt- Sun: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs. Monty: ... Sun: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
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all-the-things-2020 · 6 months
No Better Place - Chapter 18
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Summary: Cassidy and Javi each have a very bad day. Lots of angst.
Warnings: references to drug overdose, death, and infidelity
Cassidy stared at the box. She’d picked it up three times already, but couldn’t bring herself to open it just yet. You’re being stupid, she chided herself. Opening it isn’t going to make it more or less real. She sighed, tore open the end of the box and slid out the tightly folded instructions. She read them carefully, then tilted the box so that the test stick fell into her hand.
She’d taken pregnancy tests before. Once in college after she’d already broken up with the jerk who had told her he was still in love with his high school girlfriend and couldn’t he just date them both until he was sure which one he wanted. And once again when she was still with Travis. Both times, she’d been about a week and a half late and both tests were negative, fortunately. Now, she was more than two weeks late, but she hadn’t had time to get out and buy a test. Nugget was limping again and had needed some careful bandaging, and Baby Girl had developed a nasty abscess in one of her hooves.
The fact that Javi hadn’t been home in two weeks didn’t help. He was swamped at work, and was not only working late every day, but putting in several hours on the weekends, rushing to complete a proposal for the county on top of his other duties. She understood, but it was still hard. Things had started out so well, but as he settled into his job, he’d started arriving later and later on Friday nights, working in the office until six or seven before he headed for Laredo. Finally, she’d told him to just drive up on Saturday morning if he needed to work late. It wasn’t as if he was doing more than just fall into bed when he arrived anyway. He might as well get a good night’s sleep at his apartment and then drive down.
It had been two months since he’d come down on Friday night, and he’d missed several weekends altogether, including the last two. He apologized profusely when he did come home, and lavished her with attention, but it still put a strain on their relationship. Logically, Cassidy knew he was doing everything he could, but she still felt jealous of the way his job was taking him away from her.
She took a deep breath, went into the bathroom and peed on the stick. The directions said she needed to wait twenty minutes before the results would appear, so she laid the stick on the counter next to the sink, firmly closed the door to keep Linus from investigating and knocking it into the trash can, and went into the kitchen to set the timer.
She busied herself scrubbing the sink and counter, something she’d been putting off for too long. It was mindless but physically demanding enough to distract her (mostly) from listening for the timer. When it did ding, she jumped.
Linus was lying on the hallway floor in front of the bathroom door. He meowed loudly at her. Like most cats, he was mortally offended by a closed door and as soon as she opened it, he walked away, satisfied that his duty was done. Cassidy stepped inside and picked up the test stick. There was a single pink line in the results window: negative.
She’d expected a sense of relief at the result but instead she was overwhelmed by disappointment. She sank heavily onto the closed toilet seat, staring at the test in her hands. You’re not pregnant, she told herself. You’re supposed to be happy. But she wasn’t. As she started to sob quietly, she realized she’d wanted to be carrying Javi’s baby. She wanted a future with him, a life, a family. The idea of a tiny life growing inside her, one she’d created with Javi, was something she desperately wanted to come true.
Maybe Mom was right, she mused. Maybe it’s time to give up this silly dream of being a horse trainer and doing everything by myself. Maybe I need to stop taking so much and start giving. It wasn’t fair that Javier was the only one sacrificing to make their relationship work. He was the one who drove four hours a week just to see her, the one who was working full time and trying to maintain two lives, one in San Antonio and one here in Laredo. She hadn’t given up a damn thing and she was upset because he couldn’t make it down every single weekend. You selfish little bitch, she chided herself. Time to cowgirl up and take some responsibility, time to make a few sacrifices before you screw things up and lose him.
She sat in the bathroom, her face in her hands, as she pondered her options. Honestly, her mother’s idea of renting out her place, moving the horses to Chucho’s and living in San Antonio with Javi was the best idea. The horses would be well taken care of, and she could drive to visit them whenever she wanted. The income from renting the ranch would cover most, if not all, of her mortgage payments, and she might even be able to make a tiny profit. She could even get a job in San Antonio, start building up a nest egg in case she and Javi did start a family.
The more she thought about, the more sense it made. She glanced at her watch. It was almost five o’clock. Javi would still be at work. She’d have to wait at least a half an hour before she could call him at home, and even then, he might not be there yet if he had to work late. This wasn’t something she wanted to tell him in a message on his answering machine, but now that she’d decided, she didn’t want to give herself a chance to talk herself out of it. If she fed the horses a little early, she could drive up to San Antonio, get there before eight o’clock and have plenty of time to talk to Javi and still drive home before it got too late. For that matter, she could always call Chucho from Javi’s place and ask if Luis could feed in the morning, while she spent the night with Javi. She smiled.
“Can you hold down the fort, Linus?” she asked the cat as she hurried through the house on her way to the barn. Linus simply blinked at her. He was a cat and cats always had everything under control.
As she drove, Cassidy let herself daydream about what the future might hold. By the time she’d reached the outskirts of San Antonio, she’d envisioned a white-washed ranch house with a picket fence and a swingset in the backyard, a brand new barn in the backyard. She and Javi were married, with two kids, and a couple of dogs as well as Linus, who dozed in a bay window surveying his new kingdom. Might as well put yourself in the June Cleaver dress and pearls baking cookies, she told herself, but it was fun to imagine the domestic bliss that seemed attainable for the first time in her life.
When she reached Javi’s neighborhood, she started getting nervous. Whether it was fear or excitement, it was disconcerting. This was the right thing to do, she knew it, so why this flutter in her guts? She pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex and turned off the truck. She could see Javi’s balcony and his lights were on, which meant he was home. In fact, as her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she could see him leaning on the balcony railing, smoke drifting from the cigarette in his hand. Must have had a rough day, she mused. Well, I’ll surprise him and make it a lot better.
She was just about to open the door and step out of the truck when she saw a shadow behind Javi. Someone was in his apartment. The sliding door was open and a woman stepped through it, the light from inside clearly illuminating her long, dark hair and curvy figure. Javi turned toward her and she handed him a drink. Javi took it and the woman laid a hand on his shoulder, rubbing gently, and led him back inside.
Cassidy felt her entire body go cold. If Javi was having a rough day, it was clear he already had someone ready and willing to help him forget it. She thought she was going to be sick. Here she’d been, spinning fairy tales in her head, getting upset about a negative pregnancy test, while Javi was cheating on her. She wondered how many of those late nights at work had really been work, how many of those weekends he’d missed had been spent with this woman. This was what she’d been afraid of when he accepted the job, but he’d assured her things would be fine. She’d thought he was different, but he was just as much of an asshole as every other man she’d ever dated. Travis may have hit her, but at least he hadn’t cheated on her.
I need to get out of this parking lot before Javi looks out and sees my truck, she realized with a jolt. Her hands were shaking as she started the engine and backed out of the parking space. Her vision was obscured by tears but she drove nonetheless, making her way carefully back to the highway that would take her home to Laredo and her broken dreams. She reached her house a little after ten o’clock and absentmindedly fed Linus a second dinner before she fell onto the bed fully clothed and cried herself to sleep.
It had been a shitty day. An officer had been shot overnight, so the entire police department was shrouded in a somber cloud. He would be fine, but it was still unsettling to have someone injured in the line of duty. Javi kept idly rubbing at the spot on his left arm where the bullet had grazed him during that ill-fated raid back in Colombia.
Then that afternoon, Monica had discovered during a routine checkup call that one of the boys in their new program, Andre, had died of an overdose. It shook Javi to the core. Andre had been the one kid he’d thought would make it out of the drug culture. Smart, funny, and charismatic, he could have made it in any career he chose. He was in a drama class at school and had high grades in math and English. And yet, he’d fallen in with some of the other kids on his block, wasting weekends smoking weed. Javi thought they’d knocked some sense into his head before he tried the harder stuff, but apparently Andre was a better actor than any of them realized.
“Crack,” Monica had said with a shake of her head. “He’d starting smoking it and one of his crew convinced him to shoot up. They misjudged the dose and freaked out when he OD’d. They ran and his mother didn’t find out until this morning when the cops found the body in an abandoned house the crew had been using as a hangout. Thank goodness the officer on that beat makes it a habit to check on the abandoned properties in that area every day. He could have lain there for days otherwise.”
Javi knew she was upset, but she’d been doing this longer than he had and his stomach churned all day as he gulped coffee and chomped on nicotine gum. He really was trying to quit, for Cassidy’s sake, but it wasn’t the same as smoking and he found himself sneaking a cigarette or two at night. At work, though, all he had was the gum. He skipped lunch, trying to focus on a report he was assembling for the city council, but it was hard to keep his mind on work after the news about Andre.
“Are you going to be okay?” Monica asked as she was getting ready to leave at the end of the day.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he said. “Just going to get a bit more work done before I go home.”
She gave him a look that Javi had privately labeled the Mom Stare. “You are going home now,” she said firmly. “And you’re going to eat dinner. In fact, I’m going to call Rob and see if his mom can take the kids for a few hours. He and I will bring dinner to your house and you will sit and eat it.”
She disappeared into her office and came back a few minutes later. “Go on, pack up and get going,” she said. “Rob and I will be at your place in about an hour.”
Javi knew it was no use arguing with Monica. She treated him like a third child, much to Rob’s amusement. Javi was a few years older than both of them, but Rob loved to call him “son” and pat him on the head. Normally, Javi wouldn’t have stood for that sort of thing, but no one could stay mad at Rob for long. Besides, Monica would have torn him a new one if he’d upset her husband in any way.
He headed home, wondering if he had time to call Cassidy before Monica and Rob showed up. He hadn’t talked to her yet this week, which was down to sheer laziness on his part. He’d been getting home late from work, and after fixing and eating dinner, he slumped on the couch in front of the little TV he’d finally bought and watched whatever drivel was on while sipping a glass of whiskey until his eyes drooped and he headed for bed. He decided to wait and call her tomorrow, when he’d have time for a long conversation.
Monica and Rob showed up with a bag of tacos and enough rice and beans to feed everyone in the building. “The kids love their rice and beans,” Monica explained, “so we’ll take them the leftovers. That’s lunch for the next couple of days.”
While she dished up portions on the plates Javi hastily pulled out of the cupboard, Rob opened two frosty beers and offered one to Javi. “It sucks, man,” he said, unusually somber. “I remember the first time Monica lost a client. It still hits her hard, but the first one’s always the worst.” He clinked the neck of his bottle against Javi’s and took a long drink. Javi merely took a sip. Beer and tacos were not enough to cheer him up.
After they ate, they sat on the couch, Monica in the middle, leaning against Rob’s shoulder. “It’s okay to be sad, Javi,” she said. “It’s okay to be angry, too. Cry, scream, throw something against the wall if you have to, but don’t suppress the emotions. I’m speaking both from experience and as a psychologist.” She leaned forward and laid her hand on his arm. “We’re here for you, Rob and me both.”
Suddenly, Javi needed a smoke. “Excuse me,” he stammered. He found his cigarettes and lighter on the coffee table and stepped outside on the balcony. Even though he was the only one living in the apartment, and smoking was allowed in the building, he always went out on the balcony to smoke. Just in case Cassidy ever came up for a visit, he didn’t want her to smell smoke on the curtains or furniture.
He lit a cigarette with trembling hands. He really needed to get a hold of himself. Monica and Rob meant well. They were wonderful friends and he would have been incredibly lonely without them, but in order to process his emotions, he needed to be alone. He leaned on the railing, and breathed out a plume of smoke. He wondered what Cassidy was doing right now, and what Andre’s mother was doing. He closed his eyes for a moment, overwhelmed with a feeling of compassion and love for the poor woman. He couldn’t imagine the depth of loss she was experiencing.
He took a few more puffs of the cigarette before Monica stepped out with a glass of whiskey on the rocks in her hand. She laid her other hand on his shoulder, rubbing gently as if he was a baby that needed to be soothed. “Rob thought this might help,” she said, handing him the drink.
Javi huffed. “Thanks,” he muttered as he followed her back inside. “Look, I really appreciate both of you taking the time to do this, but I’ll be fine,” he said. “Go home to your kids and just let me deal with this my way.” When Monica started to raise an eyebrow, he hastily added, “I won’t suppress my emotions, I just … need to be alone, okay?”
Monica nodded. “Okay, but call if you need anything,” she said.
As Rob gathered the leftover rice and beans from the fridge, he nudged Javi. “Listen to mom, son,” he said. “She’s been through this shit before. She knows what she’s doing.”
Javi nodded. “Yeah, I know,” he said. “But I’ll be fine.”
They left and Javi sank back down on the couch, after fetching the whiskey bottle. It would probably take more than one glass to get him through the evening. He took a long sip and sat back, finally letting the tears fall from his eyes.
Shit, Andre, if we couldn’t save you, why the fuck are we even trying?
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youwannaplaygames · 2 years
Otto 100% had a bowl cut in college until he met Rosie. Rosie had the decency to convince him to grow his hair out. ROSIE: [petting Otto’s growing curls] Honestly, shame on Norman for not making you do this sooner. // NORMAN: Why are you making this my fault?! Emily, your girlfriend is mean. // EMILY: Rosie isn’t mean. Be nice, Norman. // NORMAN: You’re not gonna defend me, Otto? // OTTO: [unable to form proper sentences because a pretty person is playing with his hair] …What? // ROSIE: [to Otto] You’re much too pretty for a bowl cut. I need you to remember that. // NORMAN: [huffs] Otto, you never look at me like that. // EMILY: Yes he does. We’ve all heard you two flirt.
Norman: I, uh...gave him the bowl cut.
Rosie: You? Why?
Norman: To be fair I'd never given a haircut to someone else before...and I was drunk.
Rosie: Ah, of course.
Otto: We both were. Actually...[he blushes]...it was shortly after I'd realized I was a boy. I had these long, long braids--my parents made me keep my hair long. I'd never had short hair before and I was so scared, so I asked Norman to cut it off the way he'd done his own. We both took shots to gather the courage. After he cut my hair, we stared at me in the mirror for a long time...and then we both started cracking up.
Norman: I was apologizing profusely, because it looked so bad, but we were both laughing so hard we were lying on the bathroom floor, sobbing and getting covered in hair. We must've woken up half the dorm.
Rosie: [smiling as she tousles Otto's hair] You look very handsome now, dear...but how about let me handle the haircuts from now on.
Otto: Agreed. [kisses her]
Norman: Could you cut mine, too?
Rosie: [pats his cheek] Of course.
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illic1tdreams · 3 years
𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 ❪ 𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍 ❫
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 : no one!
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : rafe cameron x fem!reader
𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 : angst
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : you and rafe are enemies with benefits. what happens when he accidentally gets you pregnant?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : teen pregnancy, language, fighting, crying, anxiety && rafe being a dick!
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : this is my first ever fic on tumblr so it may not be that great <33
Rafe and you had been having a casual fling for months now that no one knew about, you both had been keeping it a secret.
The case was that the two of you had been rivals ever since you had moved to the outer banks in the third grade. Although no one really knew why you fought constantly, they knew that you both really hated each other. Maybe it was because you were a pogue and he was a kook.
Whenever you went to the Cameron house for work, (since you were saving money up for college) Rafe would also accompany you everywhere you went, annoying you to no end. Maybe he just enjoyed seeing you get all riled up, shouting some witty retort at his rude comments.
Once it so happened that at some party in the cut, you and Rafe both ended up getting horribly drunk as a result of drinking too much beer and did something you both regretted. Were you sober, you both would knew that you wouldn't have never ever even thought of doing it.
To say you were shocked to find him lying beside you in bed the next morning was an understatement.
Following quite a bit of bickering, you both concluded that the incident was nothing more than a mistake and you promised that you would never speak about it ever again.
Yet somehow, you both always managed to find your way back to each other. Almost every night, you'd end up with him laying on top of you, making you feel wonders that you'd never feel from any other man.
And that was how your fling had started.
As of the the present moment, you were sitting on the floor of your bathroom, sobbing profusely into your hands, five pregnancy tests resting beside you. They all showed two straight red lines, indicating that they were positive - which meant that you were pregnant.
Initially, you had just used the tests since your period was slightly late, but you weren't too worried. Or, to be more precise, you weren't worried at all. Rafe and you had always been safe and your period had come late numerous times previously, so you were sure that you wouldn't be pregnant.
But seeing the first test come back positive, was like someone had stabbed you in the stomach with a dagger. To say you were stunned would be an understatement.
Originally, you believed that it was a mistake - that the pregnancy test wasn't working properly, but when you saw that four more tests came back positive, you were shook.
You were only eighteen, how could you be pregnant? This would ruin everything you and your parents ever worked for. In light of the fact that you were a pogue, you didn't have much money, and, all the money that you and your family had saved up - went towards your education. But now however, all that money will go for taking care of the baby, and you won't be able to go to college. Your dreams of becoming a doctor and helping millions of people would be shattered. Everything would be ruined.
As you thought more about your situation, your stomach began to churn and you began to cry even more.
Aside from that, abortion wasn't something you could do either since that was against pretty much every moral you could possibly have.
Plus, what would Rafe say? It was well-known that he hated you unconditionally, so would he still care for your baby or would he dismiss you as just another 'fling' he accidentally got pregnant?
Be smart about this Y/N, stop crying like a baby. Just go and talk to Rafe and everything will be okay. You assured yourself in your head.
As you slowly stood from the bathroom floor, trembling slightly because of the insane amount of tears you had shed over the past three hours, you threw all the pregnancy tests into the trashcan so that your parents wouldn't see them.
Walking over to your bed, you grabbed your phone and dialed Rafe's number.
The phone rang for a few minutes before a familiar voice answered, “Hello?”
“Hey Rafe, um - it’s Y/N,” you voice cracked due to nervousness, your body filled with anxiety.
"I know, did you forget I have caller ID," he said in a mocking tone.
You sighed, “Uh, Rafe, I need to talk to you . . . somewhere alone . . . ” You ignored his previous comment, not being in the mood to argue.
"Are you serious Y/N?? You’re still horny? We just did it a few hours ago . . . ”
“No Rafe, not for that, you perv, I need to talk you about something important, can we just meet at our spot?”
A couple months back, you and Rafe had gotten together at the beach, late at night because Rafe had just had another unpleasant encounter with his father and he wanted to seek some comfort from you. Despite the fact that it was that late in the night, you still went up to the beach to see him, and the gesture warmed his heart.
You stayed there pretty much all night, walking there on the sand together and just enjoying yourselves next to the calm waves. You both had found a secluded area on the beach, where you spent the whole night talking to each other under the magical moonlight. It was perfect – the best experience you had ever had. That was one of the very few nights you and Rafe spent time with one another without having sex and without bickering, instead you took the time to get to know each other.
After that, it became a place where you and Rafe would go if you both needed to talk to each other. You both called it your 'spot'.
“Okay, see you in ten,” Rafe said before hanging up.
You walked into your bathroom, washing your face before pulling your hair back into a ponytail and changing out of your night clothes into a crop top and jeans. You grabbed your phone and walked out of your house, climbing into your car and driving to your's and Rafe's 'spot'.
As you drove, your eyes began to well up slightly, your lip quivering as you gripped the steering wheel tighter, nervousness creeping into your body as you wondered how Rafe would react to the situation. The possibility of him leaving you and not supporting you with the baby terrified you. Maybe you had become a little attached to the blonde boy.
A few minutes later you arrived at your spot and you found Rafe already standing there, leaning on a tree. Your heart immediately fluttered at the sight of him, as it did every time you saw him.
To be honest, you were in love with him, but you would never admit it - not to yourself or to anybody else. You ego was too big for that.
As you walked toward the stubborn blonde, you greeted, "Hey Rafe," in a faint voice.
"Hey," he said, "what's up?"
You looked down, unable to find the courage to tell him that you were pregnant. How were you supposed to tell a boy that his life practically ends then and there?
“Hey Y/N, tell me what’s wrong,” he said in a significantly softer voice. The faded tear stains on your cheeks, your red eyes and trembling hands made him realize that there was something genuinely wrong.
You suddenly felt your stomach curl - either from how anxious you were, or because you were pregnant, probably both - and you rushed to a nearby bush and vomited into it. You felt Rafe immediately come by your side, holding your hair and rubbing your back.
“Y/N, Are you sick?” he asked, his voice tinged with panic. He quickly rushed up to his car and got you a water bottle for you to clean up.
After a few seconds, you turned up to him. “Rafe, please don’t be mad about this,” you sniffled.
Rafe knitted his eyebrows in concern, “What’s wrong? What happened?”
“I’m pregnant Rafe,” you blurted out, wanting to get it over with. Small tears made their way down your cheeks because of how scared you were. All you wanted at the moment was for Rafe to comfort you and say that everything would be okay. But, just as you expected - he didn't.
Rafe's eyes widened as he walked backwards, away from you, without saying a word.
The deaf silence was killing you.
"Rafe, say something . . . don’t just stay . . . quiet,” You whimpered, frowning.
“Is it mine?”
“What? Of course it’s yours, I haven’t had sex with any other guy since forever,” You scoffed.
“I thought we were being safe . . .” He replied, feeling his throat close. Rafe raked a hand through his hair, trying to comprehend this new – shocking – news he just received. At the mere mention of the two words, "I'm pregnant," it was as if his entire world had just crumbled right before his eyes. What would his friends think? What would his father think? Rafe felt his breathing grew quicken and his heartbeat increased.
As Rafe felt everything spin around him, he turned to you and seethed, “If you hadn't just been so needy and horny all the time, we wouldn't be in this mess!” He clenched his fists.
You flinched at the sudden raise in his voice but retaliated nevertheless. “How is this my fault Rafe? Wasn’t it you who begged me to suck you off in public the other day! Maybe you’re the horny one here!” You pointed a finger at his chest.
He walked towards you, flaring his nostrils, and his hands gripped your wrists tightly. “When did you find out? Did you tell anyone else?”
"What the fuck Rafe, you're hurting me," you cried. You squirmed, trying to get out of his harsh grasp.
He looked down at his hands for a moment, then back at your face, his grip releasing, "Just answer the question."
You looked at him sniffling, before rubbing your wrists which had small bruises forming, "I only found out today and I didn't tell anyone else. And I’m so scared Rafe . . . I don’t know what to do—”
“You think I’m not fucking scared? I’m fucking terrified! My dad is going to fucking kill me for this Y/N,” He shouted at you, clenching his jaw.
“Stop being like this Rafe! Stop shouting at me as if this is all my fault!” You wiped the tears falling out of your eyes.
Rafe glared at you, his eyes filled with hatred. It broke your heart.
“You know what? I can’t deal with this shit or you right now, I have to go,” he said slowly, backing away from you.
“What? We haven't finished talking yet,” you exclaimed, walking towards him. “And you can't leave me or this baby Rafe. You’re just as responsible for this child as I am.”
“Y/N, go home. And we should stop seeing each other for a while, to not raise any suspicions,” He said, “Don’t call me again.”
“What about the baby Rafe?”
“Look I really don't fucking care Y/N. Now just please don't call me again,” Rafe said.
And then, without listening to your protests, he stormed past you, climbing into his car, and he began to drive away, leaving you all alone in the dark.
“He left, he doesn't care . . . god, what am I gonna do?” The heartbroken words left your mouth as you broke down for the millionth time that night, sliding onto the ground.
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Cold hearted Love Part 2
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A/N: This is part 2 to Cold Hearted Love, I hope you all enjoy it. Requested by: Anonymous Warnings: Mentions of death, mentions of sex, swearing, Blood & Gore Word Count: 2719 Also slightly OOC Chishiya
It's impossible to predict how much a bullet will hurt until it hits you. You can watch as many movies as you want, and witness people being shot and dying. But you have no idea how bad it hurts until that bullet collides with your skin and more blood than you thought you had starts pouring out of you. When Y/N felt the bullet strike her body, she assumed that death would be the next step, that the pain and blood would inevitably transport her from this world to the next. She couldn't say she blamed anyone for leaving her to die. She would leave too if one of her teammates had been shot, staying behind could get you killed. And no one here wanted to die, they all wanted to return to the real world, to their families. If one of her teammates was shot, she would leave as well; staying behind could result in death. And no one here wanted to die; they all wanted to get back to their families and the real world. That opportunity would never come to Y/N. The game was held at the Tokyo Sky Tree, which is located quite far from the Beach. They'd driven there a few hours before, and y/n knew that even if the gunshot wound didn't kill her, she'd die before she got halfway back to the Beach on foot. The game was a scavenger hunt in which each player had to find five objects in twenty minutes. There were no other dangers besides a laser to the head if you failed to find all five objects. Y/N had been doing well, having found 4 out of five objects when she bumped into a very stressed Niragi, he had only found 3 items and the game had only 10 minutes remaining.
He had demanded y/n give him her objects so he could get out and when she refused, he shot her, taking two objects from her completing his collection and clearing the game. Now you may be wondering how y/n had lived after the timer went off, in her adrenaline filed state y/n had managed to find the number of objects she needed to clear the game, with only thirty seconds remaining. She had finished the game and was now lying on the floor, unsure why she had continued. It was pointless; she'd been shot and was bleeding profusely. But the prospect of being killed by one of those lasers terrified her more than the prospect of dying slowly and painfully. Maybe she was hoping to make it back, that if she cleared the game, she'd be able to drive back with the others and be treated by Ann. But by the time she got to the bottom floor, everyone had already left. Y/N was doomed from the start. She'd never see her friends again, and she'd never get the chance to return home and see her family. In this fucked up world, she would perish. She heard hurried footsteps approaching her, perhaps a guardian to take her into the next life, as her vision began to blur and her mind fell silent. If that's the case, why was her Guardian dressed like Chishiya? It had the same white hair and dark eyes as he did, and spoke in the same manner. The Guardian Chishiya lookalike was crying, and its mouth was overflowing with jumbled words. Only a few weeks ago, a mouth y/n had been addicted to.
“Chishiya…” she mumbled, reaching toward the look-a- likes face, a bloodied sob escaping her chest. The guardian began to speak, using Chishiya’s voice, but y/n couldn’t quiet pick up on what it was saying. But before her mind shut off and her vision blackened, she hears him say:
“Y/N…I’m sorry”
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To say Chishiya had gone insane was an understatement. He had been running around for the past 30 minutes gathering medical supplies and shoving the into a bag. He had stolen keys to one of the Cars that belonged to the Beach and had dragged Kuina from her spot at the bar to be his driving buddy to make sure he didn’t crash on the way due to his erratic behaviour.
“Chishiya she’s dead.” Kuina said, as she watched Chishiya pack his things into the back of the car. “There is no point on going after her.” She argued, crossing her arms to protect herself from the cold night air. A bikini wasn’t the best bit of clothing to keep you warm.
“For someone who claims to be her friend, you sure don’t seem to give a shit.” Chishiya scoffed checking his bag for what seemed like the hundredth time, making sure he had everything. Bandages, alcohol, needles…
“That’s rich, coming from you.” Kuina laughed. “You don’t care about her.”
“I do-“
“You don’t, you don’t think she told me everything?” Kuina asked. “The lack of sex or any kind of physical affection, oh and the notebook” That fucking notebook was going to be the death of him. Of, course y/n had told Kuina everything, the two were practically joined at the hip. She wasn’t going to believe him if he told her that he loved y/n, that he had stopped showing her affection when his heart would race every time, he was near her, when the only way he could sleep at night is if she was there. And she certainly wasn’t going to believe him if he told her that the moment, he realised his feelings that every single one of the plans in the notebook involving y/n had become redundant.
“I’m not going to waste my time explain myself to you, but I have to find her because if she is by some fucked up miracle alive…I have to save her.” He sighed. “It’s for my own selfish reasons, I need to apologise, I can’t let her die without her knowing how I really feel…”
“If she is alive, do you really want to hurt her like that?” Kuina asked. “By telling her you love her, after everything that you’ve put her through? It’s just going to confuse her.”
“I know, but I have to try.” Chishiya replied, sliding into the driver’s seat. “Are you coming with me or not?” he asked Kuina. She nodded, getting into the passenger seat, doing up her seatbelt.
“Do you even know where her game was?” she asked. Chishiya looked over at her with a look that said, ‘I’m not stupid’. The first thing he had done was demand the other players in her game to tell him where the game had been located.  They had told him where it was, what the rules where, and what would happen if you didn’t complete the game. The chances of her survival where low, but when someone had mentioned hearing a gunshot his interest peeked.
“Last I checked she was with Niragi, then I heard gunfire…” They had said, that was particularly interesting. Chishiya had no doubt that Niragi had done something to her, to benefit himself and win the game. And it disgusted him how his ways of thinking were not so different to those of the trigger-happy militant.
It took them about half an hour to get to the Tokyo Sky Tree. Chishiya saw no need to follow the speed limit as it had become redundant the instant everyone disappeared. So, it didn’t take as long to get around the city. Once they had arrived Chishiya told Kuina to wait in the car, not wanting her to see her best friend most likely dead. He grabbed the bag of medical supplies and ran inside, screaming y/n’s name. When he saw her laying there, in the middle of the lobby he froze. There was blood everywhere and she didn’t look to be breathing. Snapping himself out of his frozen state he rushed over to her, falling to his knees by her side. Analysing her for injuries he saw the gunshot wound in her shoulder bleeding profusely. Checking her for a pulse, he found one and although light that meant that she was alive. There was hope.
“Y/N can you hear me?” he asked, softly tapping the side of her face, her eyes fluttered slightly, and he swore he could see the hint of a smile pulling at her pale chapped lips. Slowly he flipped her to her side, checking for an exit wound in her shoulder. There was none, which was a good sign, he could try and stop the bleeding long enough to get her back to the beach. But she had lost so much already. He placed her back onto the floor and noticed that she had paced out. He checked for a pulse again, relieved it was still there while he went to work. First, he grabbed the alcohol and poured it over the wound, praying to whatever god was out there that she wasn’t awake to feel the pain, and that her bikini top had made it so easy to get to the wound. After he grabbed the needle and thread, if he could close the wound, she stood a better chance at making it to Ann, who could heal her wounds properly. At one point she had woken up and called out his name, obviously recognising him, but passed out again soon after. He readied the needle, praying the pain would not wake her.
“Y/N…I’m sorry” he winced as he pushed the needle through her bloodied skin.
Her skin was easier to push the needle through than he liked, each pull of the thread splashing blood onto his hands. Once that was done, he wrapped the wound tightly and carried her back to the car where Kuina helped him place her into the back seat.
“Kuina, I need you to sit back there with her, check her pulse every few minutes. If you can find it at any point, I’ll pull over and perform CPR.” He explained, getting into the drivers seat, starting the engine.
“How do you know all this stuff?” Kuina asked, placing y/n’s head in her lap, stroking her friends hair.
“I went to med school,” Chishiya replied. “Now stop asking questions and keep her alive!”
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Y/N awoke cold and stiff as a corpse.  Which was understandable given the fact that she was almost certainly dead. She hadn't expected the afterlife to resemble Ann's makeshift lab at the Beach when she opened her eyes. Y/N had expected something akin to endless fields and a clear blue sky. A forensics lab that isn't cold and damp. This could be the afterlife; the place was eerily real and reeked of death. It was exactly the same as she remembered. Everything was too perfect and disgusting to be the afterlife. How had she gotten here in the first place? She pondered as she craned her neck to scan the space. Niragi shooting her was the last thing she remembered, and then nothing. How had she made it through the game? Y/N attempted to sit up, but the extreme pain in her shoulder prevented her from doing so. She hissed and slumped against the cool table she'd been laying on. Getting shot fucking hurts. Someone groaning beside her caught her attention, immediately recognising the white-haired man beside her, his head laying against the metal table, sound asleep. It was a rare moment when anyone could catch Chishiya in such a vulnerable state, Y/N being lucky enough to witness more than a few. Including this moment right now.
His cheeks were a light shade of pink, and his white hair covered half of his face, but y/n could still see that his mouth was open, and drool was pooling on the table. Chishiya was completely out of it, and y/n wished she'd brought a camera with her, a laugh escaping her. His eyes fluttering open slowly as he lifts his head from the table, brushing his hair away from his face, it appeared that her laughter had jolted him awake. Y/N forgot why she had been so angry with him before the game because he looked so adorable. How could she ever be mad with someone so cute. Her giggles continued, as rubbed his eyes like a child.
Chishiya froze at the melodic sound, slowly turning to look at the girl on the table, who had been asleep for the past 3 days, sighing in relief as he watched her laugh. “Thank God you’re awake.” He said, grasping her hand. Y/N giggles ceased at the sudden contact, Chishiya pulling his hand away fearing he had hurt her. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you.” Y/N shook her head, turning her head away from him. “Y/N?”
“How did I get here?” she asked, not looking at him.
“Kuina and I came to get you, we were told you were dead, but I needed to make sure.” Chishiya answered. Y/N scoffed; she could remember now why she had been so upset with him. She remembered the notebook, she remembered how cold he had been toward her, and she remembered ending things with him. She may have been shot, and he may have been an adorable sleeper. But her mind was not dead, she remembered everything.
“Was it because if I was dead then I would ruin your plan to steal the cards?” Y/N asked, turning back to glare at him.
“Fuck.” Chishiya scoffed. “No y/n don’t be so naïve! I went after you because I care about you, I didn’t want you to die without knowing that.” He explained, reaching into his jacket pocket, pulling out the tiny notebook that had been the cause of so much heartache. He could see y/n’s eyes darken at the sight of it. “I was waiting for you to wake up,” he started, “It’s been three days and I was starting to lose hope…you lost so much blood.” A flash of a memory appeared in Y/N’s mind, it was of Chishiya leaning over her, blood covering his favourite white hoodie.
“You saved me…” Y/N said, “You were really there…”
“Mhm…Anyway…” Chishiya muttered. “I’m sorry about your shoulder, you’ll probably have a bad scar. The stitches I gave you were rushed.” He explained, “Anyway…” he began taking a lighter out of his other jacket pocket.
“Wait…you know how to do stitches?” Y/N asked.
“Yes, I was training to be a doctor before-“
“You went to med school!? How could you never tell me this?”
“What else did you not tell me?” Y/N asked, her anger flaring.
“Y/N can you shut up for one second I’m trying to be romantic and you’re ruining it.” Chishiya snapped, y/n stopped talking, mumbling a small apology before Chishiya continued holding up the small notebook. “I regret ever involving you in my plans, the truth is I wanted to use your feelings against you. For my own advantage. I spent time with you, I slept with you…and I didn’t mean to fall in love with you, but I did. And I got scared so I distanced myself to keep you safe.” He sighed. “Every plan involving you became redundant the moment I realised my feelings for you and so…to prove it” he said, holding the lighter under the notebook. “I’ll burn this stupid fucking book.” With that, the lighter was turned on and the book began to burn, Chishiya throwing into an empty bucket nearby. “I don’t expect you to forgive me…” He said, “But I couldn’t let you die.”
“Kiss me..” Y/N mumbled.
“I said kiss me you idiot!” Y/N laughed. Chishiya waisted no time, leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips. Not all had been forgiven, there was a lot of talking that still needed to happen for both of them to heal and allow Y/N to fully trust him again. But he had saved her and shown his love for her by burning that stupid book. That deserved a kiss.
Little did the two know that Kuina had been watching them, a small smile on her face. She knew that Y/N had changed Chishiya for the better, and Chishiya had changed her. There were no means perfect for each other, but their love was true.
They would protect each other no matter what.
As for Chishiya, he would never lie to Y/N ever again.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 3 years
Fallin’ For You // Anthony Bridgerton
Request: I saw that your requests were open I was wondering if you could do something with Anthony x reader maybe the reader gets Injured somehow or something? Just fluffy worried Anthony really 😂 - @nicole198205
A/N: More mindless fluff! I’m sorry it isn't more substantial, but I had my first covid vaccine yesterday and I can barely move my arm. Anyway, I hope you all like!! <3
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Female!Reader
Warnings: female reader, injuries, minor injuries, nothing overly serious, worried Anthony. 
Word count: 1.9k
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For all of the education allowed to women of your station, even your governess would be shocked at the litany of swear words leaving your lips as you do your best to limp across the stretching, green lawn of Aubrey Hall. 
A morning walk. A lovely, morning walk where you could observe the grounds of your marital home – that was all you wanted, all you had really planned of your day. You weren’t to know of the tree root sticking up from the ground; its limbs gnarled and mangled as it stretches out across the forest floor. 
You felt something rip as you fell to the ground; your left ankle trapped within the tree root, a pained yelp leaving your lips as you scraped the palms of your hands on the rocks littering the floor. Wounded pride, wounded hands, wounded ankle – you took a quick inventory of your injuries as you let the tears fall in privacy before dragging yourself to your feet, briefly wondering how much more damage you would do to your ankle before making it home.
The closer you get to the grand seat of power of the Bridgerton family, the straighter you force your posture, determined to hide the worst of the pain until safely hidden away in your bedchamber where you could release the waiting sobs and cries of agony. The main door is too far away, and the thought of limping to the heavy wooden doors almost sends you to the floor once again. Instead, you hobble to the side entrance to the kitchen where not even the delicious aroma of shortbread could keep the tears at bay. 
“Lady Bridgerton!” The cook, Mrs. Black gasps as she catches sight of your muddied gown and the pained expression on your face. “Are you okay? Should you be walking?”
“I’m alright, Mrs. Black,” You smile painfully, attempting to ignore the piercing pain spreading through your foot and ankle. 
“You’ll tell me anything!” She cries, flapping her teatowel at you. “I’m going to get Jenkins. Do not move,” She warns, fixing you with an unimpressed but concerned look.
“I don’t think I could if I tried,” You admit, leaning against the wooden frame of the doorway for support, relieving your injured ankle of your body weight. 
You let your eyes slip closed, letting yourself fall into the pain for a single moment, slowing your breathing as you feel the first tears slip down your cheeks.
“Lady Bridgerton!” Jenkins’ concerned shout has you opening your eyes, meeting the aged grey eyes of the butler that had looked after you since the first days of your marriage to Anthony. His eyes run over you quickly, assessing the situation with a speed decades in services has gifted him. “Do you think you can walk to my office?” He asks quietly; his voice almost a whisper. 
Mrs. Black answers for you; her Yorkshire accent becoming thicker the more upset she becomes. “Walk! The poor girl can barely stand! Walk, my great aunt,” She mutters, rolling her eyes as she settles her hands on her hips. 
Jenkins closes his eyes for a count of three; letting Mrs. Black have her rant before shaking his head with exasperated fondness. “Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Black – would you please help Lady Bridgerton to my office.”
The order is given, and the respected butler turns away, heading to his office to grab a chair and something for you to rest your ankle on. 
Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Black each take an arm, holding you steady as you hobble your way to the butler’s office. 
The room smells like old paper and tobacco; it puts you at ease as you settle into the chair already set up for you in the middle of the room. Jenkins remains close to his desk; his eyes fixed on your ever swelling ankle. 
“There you are,” Mrs. Black whispers softly. 
“Thank you,” You whisper to the beloved cook.
“It’s no issue, my lady. I’ll bake you something special and sweet for dessert tonight for managing to walk back to the house in your state.”
You smile at the cook; your bottom lip beginning to wobble as she squeezes your arm once before taking her leave. Sighing painfully, you wince as you adjust the ankle resting on the small, green ottoman. 
“What happened, my lady?” Jenkins asks, remaining close to his desk. 
“It’s all so silly,” You begin, “I was on my morning walk as I told you about this morning over breakfast with Anthony. Anyway, I was just beyond the tree line when I must not have looked, and I tripped over a tree root. I couldn’t simply stay there, lying on the floor so I made my way back to the house, but the main door is so far away. The kitchen was closer and I’m so glad because you got to me quicker.”
Jenkins nods once; accepting your story for what it was: the truth. He kneels down beside your injured ankle, meeting your gaze. “May I?”
You nod once, biting your lip to keep from whimpering pain as Jenkins makes quick work of examining your injury.  “I’m going to have to get the Viscount, my lady,” Jenkins sighs, his gaze meeting that of the Head Housekeeper, Mrs. Russell.
“Are you sure?” You question, not wanting to pull Anthony away from his work. You try not to wince as you move your ankle to the left and the right. “See!” You gesture, “I’m moving it just fine.”
Jenkins shakes his head, doing his best to hide a smile at your stubbornness. “With all due respect, my lady, I can see the bruise beginning to bloom. I don’t think you’ll be walking for a few days.”
You sink further into the chair, groaning. “I had so many plans for this week,” You whine, covering your face with your hands as you fight off the first wave of tears. “That damned tree root!”
Jenkins blinks once, twice, three times at your use of such language before releasing an amused chuckle. Mrs. Russell shakes her head at the sight, stepping further into the room. The aged Housekeeper settles a comforting hand on your shoulder, squeezing lightly before uttering, “I shall go alert the Viscount. You do not move from this chair.” 
“Yes, Mrs. Russell,” You promise, flashing a watery smile at the woman as she leaves the room. 
Jenkins’ hand settles on your knee as more tears threaten to fall. “It’s alright, my lady. We’ve all injured ourselves.”
You sniff, drying your eyes with the caring butler’s handkerchief. Jenkins’ shifts back to his desk; resting on the edge of it as he awaits the arrival of the Viscount, knowing full well that Anthony would soon be flying through the door to his office. 
“(Y/N)!” The Viscount all but shouts as he rushes down the stairs of Aubrey Hall. Mrs. Russell had explained your injuries, but it had done very little to quash the unadulterated worry settling deep within Anthony’s gut. 
“(Y/N)!” Anthony bellows once more, rushing through the large kitchen to Jenkins’ office where he finds you settled on a chair with your left ankle propped up on a small, dark green ottoman. 
“Darling,” He gasps; the breath rushing from him in one movement. He falls to his knees beside you; his hand coming up to cup your cheek. “What happened?”
“I feel so foolish,” You whisper, voice breaking as fresh tears begin to line your eyes. 
Anthony’s thumb brushes across your cheekbone. “An impossibility. You could never be such a thing.”
“I fell over a tree root, Anthony. Not exactly graceful.”
He clamps his lips shut, determined not to let the relieved laughter fall from his lips. Anthony had only known such fear upon Mrs. Russell’s announcement of your injury once before; the anguished cries of his younger sister Eloise, the one to find their father dead in the garden. To see you sitting in Jenkins’ office, the only injuries being your ankle, scraped hands and your pride, Anthony could have wept in relief. 
“You don’t have to be graceful,” Anthony whispers, “You just have to be okay.”
“I’m okay now that you’re here,” You whisper, leaning in at the same time as your husband. 
Anthony kisses you as if there wasn’t an audience at the door. Unhurried, Anthony holds you close, his hands moving from your cheeks to your neck before settling on your shoulders. 
He breaks the kiss; dropping one, two, three quick kisses to your mouth before pulling away completely. “We’ll call the doctor tomorrow morning. For now, I want you to rest. Let’s get you somewhere comfortable.”
“You can’t carry me all the way to our room!” You laugh, “I’ll have to hop part of the way.”
“Not a chance, darling.”
“I can do it,” You state, crossing your arms stubbornly.
“I’m not saying you can’t, I’m just saying you won’t get the chance because I’ll be carrying you the whole way.”
“Anthony, my love, that’s too far.”
“Watch me, darling.”
With that, Anthony scoops you into his arms, your head resting comfortably against his strong shoulder as he begins the climb to your shared bedroom.
The bed feels close to heaven as you settle on top of the covers; the lush fabric greeting you like an old friend as you sit back against the headboard. Anthony grabs the first pillow he can reach, gingerly lifting your ankle and apologising profusely when you wince in pain as he tucks the pillow underneath. 
“Will you need help changing, my lady?” Your Ladies’ Maid, Annie, asks, having followed Jenkins and Mrs. Russell through the house as Anthony carried you. 
Your husband answers for you. “No, thank you, Annie. Take the rest of the day off, I’ll look after Lady Bridgerton.”
“As you wish, my lord,” Annie answers, curtseying before leaving the room; Jenkins and Mrs. Russell following.
You fix your husband with an interested look. “What?” He asks, a smirk beginning to grace his lips.
“You’re going to look after me, are you?”
“What kind of husband would be if I didn’t?”
“Touché,” You answer with a laugh, “So you’re going to get me changed?”
“As if I haven’t undressed you before,” Anthony smirks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as he begins to undo his cravat. 
“Anthony!” You laugh, throwing one of the many pillows on your bed at your beloved husband. He catches it with ease, throwing it to one side before crawling up the length of the bed, taking care not to jostle your ankle. 
Anthony props himself up by his elbow as he gazes up at you. Your tears have long since dried, but your eyes still show the pain you keenly feel. Anthony frowns; if he could take away your pain, he would – he’s adamant that you should never feel an ounce of pain, but even he couldn’t help the occasional sprained ankle.
“You scared me half to death this morning,” He whispers, reaching for your hand. 
“It’s a sprained ankle, my love. We’ll summon the doctor first thing tomorrow like you said and he’ll confirm our suspicions.”
“Still,” Anthony breathes, bringing your joined hands up to his lips upon which he places a multitude of kisses.
“I have no plans on leaving you prematurely,” You promise, reaching to stroke a hand down his cheek. At the last moment, Anthony turns his face, pressing a kiss to the palm of your hand. He closes his eyes at the feel of your hand on his cheek; he inhales the familiar, comforting scent of your floral perfume. Rose standing out amongst the rest; he lets the scent take him somewhere calmer as his heart finally begins to slow down. 
“No more walking the grounds alone,” He states, eyebrows furrowing with the severity of his words. 
“I won’t need to if you join me,” You tease, “Think of all the trouble we could cause in the great outdoors.”
Bridgerton taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore @dreaming-about-fanfictions @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown @janelongxox @aspiringsloth20 @wallwriterstuff @magicalxdaydream @darkestbeforethedawn16 @gryffindors-weasley @spideysz @iammirrorball @writeroutoftime @joyfullymulti @nuttytani
Anthony Bridgerton taglist: @multifandomfix
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volleychumps · 3 years
« Insecure S/O Reacting to a Confession 2
part 1 here 
format: scenarios
genre: fluff
- includes: Iwaizumi, Tendou, and Matsukawa
Iwaizumi Hajime
The sun wasn’t helping his flared cheeks in any way. 
“Stop interfering.” 
“Stop stalling then.” Oikawa grins, rubbing his best friend’s shoulders as if he were about to enter a boxing ring. The dark haired ace rubs his eyes in irritation with one hand, ignoring the flare against his cheeks as Iwaizumi attempts to shake his childhood friend off. The sight of you kneeled down in the school garden, hair pinned back away from your face as you tended to the flowers, made the heat surge through Iwa’s cheeks even more. 
“I’m not.” 
“Really? Because every day you approach her creepily from some distance, and then disappear. C’mooon, I already owe Hiro like fifteen bucks-” 
“You’re betting on this, shithead?”
“Nope.” The answer comes out a little too quickly as Oikawa dodges a second swat. “She’s so pretty I might have to approach her myself-” 
“Not another word.” Iwa grits out, Oikawa slightly smirking at the tick in his jaw and the way his onyx eyes harden. “I just...don’t wanna mess this up.” 
“There’s nothing to mess up until you confess. Ah, young love.” Oikawa sighs dreamily, Iwaizumi ignoring his dramatic friend’s swoon before making a decision. Today was the day. 
You wipe sweat from your forehead, attempting to ignore the beating sun down on your face as you tried to hurry the process a long, ensuring the flowers were getting just enough water. The touch of an icy can of tea against your cheek startles you, almost making you drop the watering pot before you hold a hand up against the bright sun rays, tilting your head in confusion at the broad-shouldered man in front of you. 
“Iwaizumi?” You smile in greeting as Iwaizumi shuffles his feet, breath catching in his throat at the sight. He was so screwed. 
You laugh a bit awkwardly, the cold touch of the can beginning to numb. “Um, is this for me?” 
“Yes.” He curses himself at how stern it comes out, but you gently take the can from his grasp, nodding in thanks. “I-I know you like this one.” 
“You do?” 
“No.” He didn’t want to sound creepy, yet somehow made it worse. 
Iwaizumi was ready to kick himself. He was hoping you would understand, the day you shyly maneuvered your way through Oikawa’s fanclub to get to him to offer him an ice cold drink was the reason he became so infatuated in the first place. 
“Well, thanks for the tea-” 
“I like you.” 
This time, you do drop the watering pot, eyes widening like a deer caught in the headlights as Iwa’s heart sinks at your reaction. 
“I get it, alright?” You mumble, sadness swimming in your stomach as Iwaizumi fought the need to dart off. “You’re the handsome volleyball ace all the girls want, and they put you up to ask me out as a joke again. It’s getting old.” 
Iwaizumi sighs, knowing that the other girls preyed on you for your beauty and soft heart, finding ways to hurt you in the most immature ways possible. 
“Oi.” His heart tightens at the look of sorrow on your face, making him click his tongue before reaching a hand out before he can stop himself, smudging his thumb along the streak of dirt on your cheek. You look up at him in a doe-like manner, and your wet eyes are enough to make the ace want to hurt anyone who ever made you feel this way. 
“I’m not kidding.” 
“Hajime.” He cuts you off, hiding a smirk when he feels the heat rush to your cheeks. “You can call me Hajime. Only you.” 
“Hajime.” you try it out, clapping your hand over your mouth once in shyness as Iwaizumi smiles a genuine grin, elated when you shy away into his touch. 
“Then...please take care of me.” You manage, condensation running down to your other hand holding the can as Iwaizumi slips it out of your grasp, taking a heavy sip of it before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“I finished this one. Can I take you to a cafe?” 
“I’d love that.” You slip your gardening gloves off, Iwa slipping his hand into yours casually as you trail behind him, smiling when his grip tightens ever so slightly.
Surprisingly, the sun suddenly didn’t feel too hot today. 
Tendou Satori
“Today’s the day fellas!” 
“Oh, is it?” Shirabu mocks his surprise. “It’s not like you put ‘ask y/n’ out in huge block letters on our team calendar or anything.” 
“Bingo!” Tendou points finger guns at his teammate as Semi shrugs at a disgruntled Shirabu. “I’m about to get myself a Miss Tendou Satori-” 
“That’s not how that works-” 
“Hush, Ushijima. Your logic won’t ruin my day today.” Tendou bounces on the balls of his feet, waiting for practice to let out as he tugs his last shoe on, his other teammates still in the process of changing. 
“Is she waiting for you?” Semi tugs his shirt overhead as Tendou hums happily in answer, Shirabu snarkily making a remark from the other side of the locker room. 
“She’s out of your league.” 
“I know she is! Which is why I’m going to treat her like the queen she is, since I myself am but a lowly peasant beneath her-” Tendou perks up at the time. “Gotta go, I’ll text you the outcome boys.” 
“Please don’t.”
“Tendou-senpai-” But the redhead had already darted through the door as Ushijima glances at his worried kouhai, tilting his head in question. 
“What, Goshiki?” 
“Isn’t Y/N L/N the one who had that mean prank pulled on her last year?”
You bit the inside of your cheek as you rocked on the balls of your feet, fidgeting with the ends of your skirt as you wait for the rambunctious redhead on the volleyball team. No way a cute guy like him was actually- 
“Did I make ya wait long?” A pair of sneakers appear in your view, making you lift your head as Tendou Satori casts you a wide grin, school shoes hanging in his other hand. You tilt your head, wondering if he rushed here.
“Did you need something from me, senpai?” You blink, swinging your legs lightly on the bench you were sitting on, fearing the worst. Tendou clears his throat, suddenly feeling the nervousness he had been outrunning catch up to him. He can’t mess this up. Ever since you had adorably asked him to reach something for you at the snack shop for the school, he hasn’t been able to get you off his mind. He made sure to wait around during the same time during lunch hour, your usual snack already in hand and plucked off the highest shelf. 
“Go out with me.” 
You flinch. There it was. 
His smile fades slowly with every beat of silence that soaks in the atmosphere between the two of you, and you swallow back a sob. 
“How much are they giving you to do this?” 
Tendou’s shoes hit the floor, his eyes blinking rapidly in confusion as you refuse to meet his questioning gaze. 
“I um, can help you if you want. Go out with you for a few days so they really believe-” 
“Hey, hey!” Tendou’s arms begin to flail around as he shakes his head no. “I mean it Y/N, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever met. I really wanna date you for real-” 
“You do?” 
Tendou’s chest felt heavier at the crack in your voice and insecurity swirling in your eyes, and he nods his head, kneeling in front of you carefully before asking to take your hands with his eyes. 
“I 100% do. You can strip me of my honor if I’m lying.” 
This makes you crack a smile, making Tendou breathe out a sigh of relief through his nose. He thumps his forehead against yours, making your eyes glint in a way they haven’t in awhile.
“Can this lowly senpai please take you out on a date this weekend?” 
“No, my lowly senpai cannot.” You say, turning your palms over so he can hold them properly. Tendou quirks an eyebrow, but he’s slightly smirking as you offer a shy smile. 
“But my boyfriend can.” 
Matsukawa Issei
“You’re staring again, ya creep.” 
“I think the term you’re looking for is skillful admiring-” 
“Just ask her out.” Hanamaki yawns, getting comfy on his best friend’s desk as Matsukawa leans into his palm, eyeing the way you pout when your friends steal your snacks. So cute. “What’s the worst she’s gonna do, say no?” 
“Yes.” Matsukawa sighs, hanging his head slightly as Hanamaki arches a brow, crossing his arms in pure amusement. 
“Wow, Matsukawa Issei hung up over a girl?” 
“Who the hell is hung up-” 
Hanamaki arches a brow when his friend visibly tenses up, looking over only to smirk when he sees another boy in class shyly offer up his pocky to you, you gladly accepting and smiling widely in thanks. Issei rests his head on the desk, stubbornly looking out the window as Hanamaki withholds a laugh over the hold you have over your classmate. 
“Oh just ask her out.” Hanamaki uncaps his drink. “You’re so into her dude, it’s making me sick.” 
Issei shifts in his seat. Maybe his adoration for you wouldn’t have begun if it hadn’t been for the way your much shorter legs pumped to catch up to his figure, who had pretty much reached his home.
“Matsukawa-san!” You had gasped for breath, the messy-haired boy guiltily slipping his headphones off at how tired you seemed. Before he could profusely apologize, you shoved his notes in his hand, bright hue to his cheeks at the act of kindness. 
“Um, you left this in the library!” you manage out, Matsukawa seeming to freeze in the moment. “I added some notes in there, I hope you don’t mind. It seemed kinda empty-” 
“You wrote notes for me?” He finds his voice again, cursing himself at that being the first thing that came out. 
“I was bored during free time anyways.” You scratched the back of your head before turning on your heel again. “Anyways, bye!”
And then you darted off again as Matsukawa Issei stayed still in his spot, wondering just why the hell his heart was beating at the pace it was going, colorful notes hanging from his grasp. 
“I’m gonna do it.” Hanamaki almost falls off the desk at Matsukawa’s revelation and the way he suddenly stood up. “I could kiss you right now, Makki.” 
“I’m praying to god, please don’t.” 
You lean against the shoe lockers, humming to yourself as you wonder just what your classmate would need from you, figuring he wanted to properly thank you for the notes. You would accept it and go, knowing that Matsukawa Issei was favored among the girls- 
“You’re here.” 
“This.” You smile softly, holding up a folded note between your fingers as Matsukawa shoves his hand in his slack pockets, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “This made it hard for me not to be, you know?” 
You eye him carefully, stomach sinking at the familiar situation in front of you. 
“You might have already guessed,” Issei breathes, trying to steady the pounding in his ears. “Or Makki might have already told you because he’s a shithead like that-” 
You tilt your head.
“-but I’ve got this killer crush on you. And if you could help me out, I would thoroughly appreciate it.” It comes out business-like, and you almost laugh if it hadn’t been for the weight in your throat. 
“Help you out how?” He doesn’t notice the crack in your voice as he pulls his sleeves up to his forearms, swallowing tightly. 
“I think a date would begin to ease the pain.” 
You really do laugh this time, but it’s not the kind of laugh of amusement. It’s forced, awkward, and makes Issei falter in his smile and movements. 
“Do they ever get bored?” 
All playfulness drains from the middle blocker’s face as his tone hardens. “What are you talking about?” 
“Sure, get the hot guy from the volleyball team to try and ask Y/N out, are you getting it on video?” 
“I’ve gotta go.” you try to step away, eyes widening when he stops you with his much bigger frame. His lidded eyes widen at the tears prodding the corner of your eyes, carefully lifting a hand to swipe at them before looking at you seriously.
“You think I’m hot?” 
You can’t withhold the giggle that escpaes you, sniffling slightly as Matsukawa smiles gently, wrapping his arm around you to touch the small of your back. You yelp a little when you find yourself crushed against his chest, your upper back touching the lockers. 
“I don’t know what the hell happened to you in the past, but-” you look up at the handsome tall boy you had hand-written notes for, hoping your crush on him wasn’t too noticeable. “I can tell you right now that you’re really fuckin’ pretty, and I want to brag to my friends about how hot my girlfriend is-”
“Do you ever stop talking?” You cup his cheek in question as his grin widens. 
“Make me your boyfriend and I’ll show you.” He winks, and you raise both eyebrows in amusement before practically speaking against his lips. 
“I think we can arrange that.” 
General Taglist: @ebiharachan @purplefangirl2001 @ssuna @saffyspirals @baes-x @nabisonyeo94 @celestialuffy @uh-what-day-is-it-again @genesisrose74 @takemetovalhalla @thathoneybee3 @animebae100 @jesssobs @tsukkikeiibabe
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sailorwritesstuff · 2 years
Hi! Got any angsty headcanons for sick!Bruno still living in the walls (pre-movie)?
Sick Bruno angst
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warning: vomit, mentions of dying, isolation, implied yelling??, vague description of a panic attack, dehydration, and hunger, sad Bruno, A lot of crying.
ngl i wrote it on 0 hours of sleep at 3:00 a.m. in the morning.
Bruno has a pretty strong immune system (He gets it from his father)
However, the house gets cold and inside the walls even colder there's no insulation and he doesn't have blankets or pillows just his chair and his poncho.
So the first winter he spent in the walls he got really sick.
he thought he might die and it sent him into a panic attack.
He couldn't breathe, He couldn't think properly, The only thing on his mind is that he could die in these walls and his family would never find him. He thought about just giving up and going back dealing with the consequences of his actions letting his sister heal him and listening to his mamá scold him for being stupid and that stressed his body out more making him even more sick.
He didn't back down though.
He managed to pull through for the first few days that he was sick. after his initial shock he slept for nearly 3 days with no food or water because he wasn't strong enough to get up and sneak out at night to the kitchen.
when he finally woke up he felt like crying but there was no tears to cry He was dehydrated.
eventually he gathered his strength enough to stumble into the kitchen for anything Julieta had made.
He found some leftover arepas and threw back several cups of water. trying to be mindful of Dolores.
Julieta's magic only could only so much when its the wrong recipe for colds. It got of his life rid of his headache and cleared out his sinuses
but he was still sick.
He was still cold.
He was still tired.
so he got back into his hole in the wall and the cycle started all over again. He alternated between sleeping and sobbing for another 2 days laying on the floor Because while his feet and hands were freezing his fever was through the roof and the floor was cool against his forehead.
As he laid there 41 y/o lying on the cold ground, a hole in his socks, hugging his poncho as close as possible sweating profusely fever out of control and missing the comfort of his Family thinking he was dying, rethinking life, he muttered out his apologies to anyone he owed them to. especially Pepa his sweet hermana for the wedding he screwed over nearly 13 years ago.
he was lonelier than ever.
and what pained him with how familiar the feeling was.
Bonus: the next year when it happened again This time worse than before where he was throwing up and had a constant migraine He heard a rhythmic pattern get knocked on wood near the paintings entrance bruno found a small bag of medicine, cookies, and a small blanket. there was a card with it signed you sound terrible. -D
And once again he cried, this time happy to be seen heard just one more time.
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ghost-like-pale · 3 years
a flinch is enough
info: the past never forgets, and techno never forgives. 》 they/them 》 in canon + platonic 》 1.4k words
warnings: sexual assault, explicit descriptions of murder/blood, hurt/comfort, swearing
a/n: this was a request from my beautiful 🌹 anon, thank you for sending this in. i made the implications of sexual assault a a little more subtle but i still hope you like it.
this blog it meant as a way of coping with trauma/mental issues, please don't report it. if you don't want to see what i write, please just block me.
the moonlit sky was a beautiful dark blue as you stared at the light. you had been doing housework the entire day due to your counterpart being too busy with whatever he was brewing upstairs. the piglin hybrid usually helped you when he was home, it's his house after all. but today was different, you supposed.
you were so caught up in the moon's doings that you didn't notice the tall figure creeping down the stairs and right behind you. he assumed you were aware of him and went to tap on your shoulder.
as soon as he does you whip your head around, backing away from him as you hold one arm in front of your face and the other in front of your lower body. the shaking of your body became more prominent as time went on.
you couldn't look at him. you weren't strong enough.
"(y/n), please. look at me."
you lowered your arms hesitantly and looked him in the eyes still filled with fear.
"(y/n), i'm not going to hurt you. i promise."
you averted your gaze and drop both your arms. tears leaked out of your eyes and cupped your face with your hands, all the memories coming back and hitting you like a truck.
"i'm so sorry, techno."
you dropped to the floor, your knees buckling under you and techno barely being able to catch you. you felt a heavy, warm cape drape over your figure while a worried piglin grunt escaped techno's throat. he got on one knee and rested one of his hands on your shoulder.
"don't apologize."
two simple words managed to tug at your heartstrings so harshly you couldn't hold it in anymore. you sobbed loudly into your hands, completely losing any posture you tried to maintain. techno was startled, thinking he did something wrong. he quickly snapped out of it, however, and pulled your body by the shoulders into his chest. his firm grasp made you feel secure, stifling your cries a little.
"...are you alright?"
you knew he had no idea how to handle it from here, but you appreciated the concern and kindness he showed. you pulled back from his embrace and wiped your eyes gingerly.
"i'm.. a little better."
the voices wanted to know who did this - who made you this way. who the fuck hurt you? he tried to keep them quiet, but he wanted them dead as much as his mind.
"can you tell me what happened?"
everything was silent for a few seconds. the voices were quiet, nothing came out of techno's mouth. you sighed and shakily started explaining yourself. techno listened silently, trying to catch every detail and description of the man who scarred you. he had a basic image of him in his mind by the time you were done.
"thank you for telling me."
techno glanced outside the window, the soft glow of the moon telling him it's late. how long had he been brewing? he shuffled a bit and eventually stuck an arm under your legs and upper body. with a small yelp you were lifted a few feet in the air, the cape that you were siting under fell off your back and onto the floor in the proces.
"you need some rest."
you didn't bother trying to stop him. your mind was foggy and your body felt heavy.
"thank you, techno."
"shh, there's no need to thank me."
in comfortable silence you were carried up the stairs and into techno's room. you were confused, you had your own room after all. you didn't mind, though. he placed you on the mattress he slept on rarely. his bed was bigger, the blanket was heavier, the pillow was softer, everything felt better. you wrapped yourself in the plush blanket and felt your eyelids getting heavier already.
"sleep well, (y/n)."
just as he was about to stand up you grabbed a hold of his wrist. he looked at you quizzically, knitting his eyebrows together.
"where are you going?"
"don't worry, i won't be away for long. now sleep."
"fine. good night, techno."
"good night."
looking through his bag once more technoblade checked if he forgot to grab anything; he had food, arrows, ender pearls, potions and a small knife. on his hips hung his axe, crossbow and sword, yearning to be used. his bag was full and everything he needed was in his possession. before he opened the door techno noticed the red velvet fabric resting on the ground. with a few paces he arrived in the kitchen and picked up the cape. he swung it over his shoulders and adjusted it carefully. with a loud exhale he stepped out of his house and into the cold weather of the tundra. he whisteled a command and one of the wolves in the pack jumped out of the enclosure it sat in and rushed over to techno's side. he was going to find them.
you've shown him your previous residence multiple times, which is where he was going to look first. it was his best guess. while making his way over to your former abode the wolf that traveled with him was scouting out ahead, hoping it would find it faster than techno.
techno's eyes shoot in the animal's direction when it starts barking aggressively at a moving figure across the woods. the voices screamed at him to assist his pet, to shoot him, kill him immediately, to which he happily obliged. he sped over to his companion, hoping to catch a better glimpse of the person.
"stop him, now!"
techno ordered the animal. after a few seconds he heard a loud thud followed by a yell belonging to a man in immense pain. he made his way over to the barking wolf, it having a slightly stained mouth from its jaws going through the man's flesh and muscles. he found them.
"what's the rush?"
he towered over the other male pathetically writhing on the floor. his calf had a nasty teeth mark, bleeding profusely and covered in dirt and saliva.
"p-please... don't... hurt me!"
"why shouldn't i?"
technoblade hated these kind of men; not even willing to fight or run. just begging and whimpering for mercy. it made him sick. the wolf that followed him all the way here was still barking, ready to tear the man to shreds.
he takes his netherite axe off his hip and hoists it over his shoulder. techno looks the other man right in the eyes, fully aware it fills him with fear. he wanted to feel everything you were put through. he was going to feel your pain.
"i...i've never done anything to you..!"
technoblade froze at the sentence. nothing? he thinks he's done nothing? he's not completely wrong; he's never physically hurt him - he's never even met him before. his train of thought was interrupted by the voices yelling in his head. they were screaming at him to cut him, to strangle him, to burn him, anything. he needed to feel pain.
"does the name (y/n) mean anything to you?"
the horror on the man's face got worse by the second, him figuring out why techno is here. the piglin drops to one knee and gets about an inch away from his victim's face.
"am i going to get an answer?"
"y-yes! we were friends a few years ago."
techno let his axe fall off his shoulder and into the dirt, the blade only falling a few inches away from the other male's injured leg.
"do friends traumatize each other?"
the question filled the victim with dread, his monotone voice only adding to the fear.
"y-you don't know what we did!"
the sudden surge in confidence surprised techno, to be sure. there was nothing more pathetic than a man yelling at the brink of death in such a tone. he scoffed with an amused expression and retracted his axe back into the holder that rested on his hip.
"yeah! they were lying to you, i promise. that's the reason i stopped being friends in the first- GAH!"
his sentence was cut of by a dagger being plunged into his stomach and dragged up to his ribs, cutting open his body. he mewled and moaned in agonizing pain, unable to form any coherent words.
"you disgust me."
technoblade stood up, his ears twitching and voices pleased. the blood on his hand dripped on the dried leaves as he called the wolf he brought with him. as the animal sped over to technoblades' side the screams of the impaled man were completely gone. looking over his shoulder he sees the lifeless body of the man who has haunted you for a long time.
he'll never hurt you again.
thank you for reading, hope you liked it.
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julemmaes · 3 years
Rowaelin Month, Day Five
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A/N: Yall I'm dying. I didn't even wanna write today and I kinda forced myself to and I'm not proud of myself for this but I just wanted you to have something so yep. Tomorrow's will be a lot angstier and sadder than this one, so soak up the very light fluff I'm giving you till you can
Signing off, goodnight yall
Word count: 3,614
Aelin hated the underground car park reserved for the residents of her building. It was dark, so narrow that you had to do at least a hundred swerves to avoid taking any corner and scratching off half your car, and it was impossible to find a spot when everyone came home in the evening after hours and hours in the office and parked as they saw fit while still thinking about the thousands of pieces of paperwork that would be waiting for them at their desks only nine hours later, sometimes taking up more than two spots at once.
The only reason she still tried to park down there was that there was a flock of pigeons in the trees just outside their block of flats, on the main road, which had made a nasty habit of shitting on anything - or anyone, on some unpleasant occasion - that stopped for more than five minutes under the thick branches. A perfect hiding place for birds, that no one had thought to warn her about when she had moved in only a few months earlier.
She had deemed herself lucky the night before, when she had returned before anyone else and found the lot completely empty. She'd been so happy that she'd driven around a bit down there just for the hell of it. She'd pulled up next to the exit, thinking it would be easier to get out the next morning.
She hadn't anticipated the three assholes who had parked so as to block her path in every conceivable way.
She grunted, banging her fist against the steering wheel when she realised she still wasn't clear, and put the car into reverse for the twelfth time, before changing gear and driving three inches forward. And so on, and on, and on, until she managed to steer the face of the car towards the exit and let out a satisfied howl.
She started up the slope towards the road, taking her eyes off the driveway and distracting herself for a moment to choose which radio to listen to, when the car hit something and the dull sound of the bang echoed throughout her body, propelling her forward.
Aelin squealed, hitting the brakes hard enough to cause a high-pitched squeal, and soon the smell of burnt plastic filled her nostrils.
The car shut off and she pulled the handbrake vehemently, getting out of the car and trying to figure out which wall she had hit, already cursing every deity that had ever existed. She didn't have enough money to afford a repair, and she knew perfectly well that the dent would be there for months before she let any of her friends help her.
She wrinkled her brow, noticing how no side of the car was touching walls or columns.
"What the..."
And then she heard it, a grunt of pain.
She opened her eyes wide, running around the car and finding a man on the ground.
To the view of a head full of stark white hair, the fear she’d just ran over one of the oldies that lived on her floor stuck her. But then the person got up on their elbows and she let go of a sigh of relief.
But still, she had just runapartment someone over. She hurried his way.
"Oh, fuck." said Aelin, approaching the stranger. The man pulled himself up to sit, bringing a hand to his face, on his cheek, where a cut was bleeding profusely on his shirt.
"Holy shit." muttered the guy, looking up at her, "That hurt."
Aelin was frozen in time, her hands to her gaping mouth, looking for the right words.
When he tried to stand, swaying a little, she pushed through the fog in her mind and truly looked at him, searching other injuries, but not failing to notice his sheer handsomeness.
The man looked like he’d been made in heaven.
She shook her head, mentally reprimanding herself – now was not the time – and started talking.
“I’m so so so sorry. I didn’t see you there and- oh god, you’re bleeding. You need me to rush you to the hospital? Fuck, you think you broke something?” the words just kept flowing and flowing. “Where were you even going? Why didn’t you just got out of the main entrance? This fucking parking lot. I swear we have to call the landlord and have him put some lights down here. Your shirt,” she grimaced, eyeing the blood standing out on the white fabric. Aelin looked him in the eye, “I have a very similar one upstairs? You want me to go fetch it for you, I could-”
“Jesus Christ!” he yelled, putting his hands in between them, forcing her to step back, “Shut the fuck up!”
Aelin’s mouth closed shut and her eyebrows raised so high she felt her skin pull on her temples. She crossed her arms over her chest. Her eyes popping out.
This man. Sure, she’d just ran him over, but no one had ever talked to her like that.
“I’m fine.” he grumbled, “And I live in this building, I’ll go take my own shirt, thank you.” He took a deep breath, brushing off his trousers and bending to gather his stuff that had scattered around during his fall. When he lifted his head again, he gave her a tight smile and his piercing green eyes stared at her with an intensity that had Aelin’s toes curling in her shoes.
“Have a nice day.”
He then proceeded to walk away, leaving Aelin alone in the darkish driveway.
She looked around, hoping to see someone who could confirm that it had just been a figment of her imagination, but there was no one.
Getting back in her car, Aelin started the engine and drove up to the street, chewing on her lips, “What the fuck just happened?”
Aelin had thought all day about the mysterious man. She hadn’t been able to focus during her meetings and hadn’t even finished one of her projects. Something that she sure as fuck knew her boss would make her notice and work her ass off to make up for once word got to him.
Her day had started off so bad she knew it couldn’t get any worse, but she’d been wrong.
Her assistant had spilled coffee over her only finished drawing and herself. One of her coworkers had decided today was the perfect day to quit her job and pile her projects on Aelin’s desk. Then she’d gone out for lunch with some of her friends and it had started raining so heavily she’d been forced to stay in the office, only eye-eating the mouth-watering dishes her friends had posted on their instagram stories. They’d made it to the diner just before the sky cracked open.
And, the cherry on top, someone had keyed her car.
She’d been on the verge of tears when she’d spotted the red stains of her neighbor’s blood on the parking lot floor when she got back home, but she didn’t let any fall.
She had a date.
And she wouldn’t let all these little things get to her and ruin what could possibly be the best night of her life.
One of her life-long best friends had set her up on a blind date with one of her boyfriend’s best friends. She’d promised the man was the perfect match, someone Elide thought would keep her on her toes and match her overflowing personality.
Aelin had been hesitant at first when Elide hadn’t wanted to give her a name, or show her a picture, claiming she’d go all FBI style on him and ruin their first meeting, but she’d also promised Aelin she’d met the guy a few times and he’d been nothing but a gentleman.
And she had heard so much of him she felt like she’d known him her whole life.
Some of the things Elide had told her, she’d liked better if she’d found directly from him, but Aelin was a picky woman and she wasn’t risking another date with a creeper.
She pulled up in the restaurant’s parking lot where Elide had reserved the four of them a table and turned off her car, clutching the wheel. She took a deep breath. And another.
She was still a little worked up and all the pent-up emotions of the day were threatening to spill over the surface any minute, but she could make it past dinner and then have her little monthly breakdown in the peace and quiet of her apartment.
She fixed her lipstick, tightened up her ponytail and let two strands of hair cascade on the side of her face. She blew herself a kiss in the mirror, “You can do it.” she whispered as a short pet talk.
She got off the car, pulled out her phone to check if Elide was already inside and she was so focused on the screen she failed to notice someone backing up right in front of her until it was too late.
The car only bumped into her hip, but it was enough to make her lose her balance.
Aelin merely had time to register what was happening that she found herself lying in a puddle of rain and mud. She closed her eyes at the dull pain on the back of her head, but she knew for a fact the hit hadn’t been that bad.
She lifted her arms up, looking down at the wet spots on her dress, darkening by the second. Her seventy euros purse soaking up the water all around her.
The tension behind her eyes just increased when she heard the driver’s door open and someone step out of the car. She couldn’t have stopped the sobs even if she wanted to.
“Miss? Oh god, I’m so sorry. Are you alright?”
Strong arms circled her waist and pulled her up in a standing position. She brought her hands to her face, her body now racked by her crying as she tried to get a handle of herself.
“Miss?” the voice called again, now nearer. “Are you hurt? I didn’t-” the man talking stopped suddenly and Aelin looked up, not seeing anything through the tears. “You.”
And then it hit her.
That voice.
She knew that voice.
She ran her hand over her face, rubbing her eyes and staring right back at the man she had ran over that same morning.
Her mouth fell open.
He was looking at her with an amused expression and Aelin couldn’t find the words once again.
What was it with this man and his ability to take her ability to talk by just showing up?
He had a transparent band-aid on his cheek, his cut far less severe than she had thought, and his eyes were glistening with mirth. He was wearing a simple black pair of jeans and a dark green t-shirt, but he was even more handsome than in his work clothes.
Aelin was taking rushed, trembling breaths, and she was about to kill this man with her bare hands. Shred his skin off his bones and have him beg-
“I guess we’re even now, uh?”
His attempt of a joke flew over her head and she charged at him, a scream lodged in her throat.
His eyes widened and he took a step back when she flung her arm at him, trying to hit him. His hands closed around her wrists, blocking her from causing him more harm that she’d already done.
“You asshole!” she was screaming at the top of her lungs. “You ruined my dress!”
Aelin lifted a leg, more than convinced to kneel his balls, but he managed to block her blow again, infuriating her even more.
“I was about to meet the love of my life and ruined my fucking dress!”
He tried to push her away from him, still squeezing her wrists, and his brow furrowed.
“He’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of. He’s a pediatrician! He loves children! And he has a cute fucking dog my friend said I would love and cuddle the shit out of! Her name is Fleetfoot and she’s a golden retriever and Elide knows I fucking love goldens. And he’s from Orynth, just. Like. Me!” she got louder and louder with every word she spit out. “And he’s tall, and handsome and he’s the perfect match! And I deserved this one night!”
The man was now looking at her with a dumbfounded expression, his hold slightly loosening.
“I’m so done with this dating thing and I’d finally found him and you!” she shoved a finger in his chest, making him retreat a few steps. “You wanted your payback so bad you ran me over with your car!
“And now he’s gonna take one look at me and think I’m a fucking psycho! I bet my hair are the most disgusting thing he’s ever seen and my make up. Oh fuck, I must look like a panda.” Aelin started crying harder, laying her hands flat on the man’s torso, pushing her head to his chest. “I look like a fucking panda.”
She tried to speak again but her mind just couldn’t form any coherent thought, until she felt the man’s arms closing around her shoulders. He stepped closer, running his hand up and down her back, whispering something she couldn’t really hear over her crying.
Aelin didn’t know how much time she spent in the stranger’s embrace, but when the gravity of the scene she’d just made in front of him downed on her, she felt her body flare up in embarrassment.
That was her life now?
Having mental breakdowns in a dark parking lot after someone she’d ran over with her car had returned the gesture and then making them console her?
She detached herself from the man and for a second she thought she’d felt him hesitate before he took a step back. And another, leaving her standing her in her soaking wet dress and her puffy, surely-red eyes. He bent down, picking up her purse and handing it to her.
She lowered her gaze, not even daring looking at his shoes and closed her eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
The man made a sound of surprise, “Why would you be sorry?”
Aelin wished she could die on the spot. Evaporate out of existence.
“For hitting you. Or at least trying. And crying all over you.” she said and then grimaced. She ran a hand over her face. “I just had a very hard day and I wasn’t even sure I wanted to come, but this guy seriously seems like he could be the missing piece to whatever the fuck my puzzle-life is. I didn’t want to take a raincheck and have him thinking I’m not serious about this.”
A beat of silence, “I’m sure he would have understood.”
She shook her head, keeping on talking as if he hadn’t even been there, “And now I can’t go in like this.” she passed her hands on her dress, the tears building up again in her eyes. “Plus, Elide didn’t tell me what he looks like, cause she thinks he’s a real snack and wanted to see my face when I saw him for the first time.” she was bordering on pouting, “That means he’s gotta be smoking hot or I’ll be so pissed at her.”
The man snorted loudly, “A snack.” he hummed, “Maybe I should meet your friend and thank her.”
Aelin’s head snapped up, “Oh no, she’s taken.” she shook her head vehemently, “Like so freaking taken. I swear she and her boyfriend have been together for a whole of three months and they already act like a married couple.”
He nodded, a lopsided smile on his face, “I know the kind.”
She’d been so absorbed by her talking that she hadn’t noticed she’d stopped crying.
She breathed through her nose and clasped her hands together, before reaching one out towards him, “I think introductions are needed. I’m Aelin.” she offered a tentative smile.
His hand engulfed hers, shaking it with impressive gentleness. His smile grew even larger if possible and Aelin was starting to think she was about to het murdered.
But then he said his name and the world ceased existing around them.
Their hands still moving up and down between them.
She tilted her head forward, “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”
He licked his lower lip, “I’m Rowan.”
Aelin closed her eyes, holding her breath.
She squeezed his hand before releasing it. She took a step back, wishing for the ground beneath her feet to crack open and just eat her whole.
“I’m gonna go kill myself now, if you’ll excuse me.”
His laugh reached her ears with painful speed.
She couldn’t believe it.
Well, she could. The man laughing his heart out at her expense was probably the most handsome person she’d ever seen in her entire life.
At least Elide hadn’t lied about that.
“A tad dramatic, if you ask me,” he said as his laugh died down. He pointed at the restaurant behind him, “You want me to go fetch the married couple so we can go back at the appartment and you can change? I’m not against you walking in there with this outfit at all,” he gave a pointed look, matched by a shit-eating grin that seemed to be etched in his lips, “I’m not gonna think you’re a psycho, not for this at least, and I’m ready to fight everyone who looks at you the wrong way. But you look like you could use the comfort of a warm house.”
Aelin looked up at him with a questioning look, trying to understand if this man she’d just tried to maul was seriously offering her options, letting her choose after everything that had gone down so far between the two of them. As if still giving her a chance.
Rowan arched a brow, looking around and glancing back at her, “Aelin?”
Oh, fuck.
She had been oh so not ready o hear her name from his lips.
She nodded and he smiled, leaning down a bit.
She could smell his cologne from here.
“Yes to what? Me calling Lorcan and Elide or getting inside even if you dripping wet?”
Holy fucking shit, this man shouldn’t have been allowed to say the words dripping wet.
She stilled herself.
What the hell was she thinking? She brought her hands to her face, “Please call them and let’s head home. I’m so fucking tired.” a yawn broke her sentence, as to prove her words, “And I’m freezing in this skimpy dress.”
Rowan rushed to her side, “Oh, god, sorry for not offering sooner, here,” he opened the trunk of his car and pulled out a huge blue sweater. Without even waiting for an answer he snatched her purse from her hands and shoved her head in his sweater.
Aelin felt better right away and gave him a big smile.
Rowan answered with one of his own and of course he had to be this perfect and more.
“I’m sorry for ruining your dress, I’ll make sure they wash it carefully when I take it to the laundry. If you’d let me.”
She nodded faintly, exhaling the panty-dropping smell of his sweater.
“And I’m hoping to see you wear it again once we finally get to go on a proper date.” he smirked, “I bet you looked amazing before I went and ran you over.”
Aelin chuckled, shaking her head, “You truly are a gentleman. Elide wasn’t exaggerating.”
Rowan’s demeanor changed completely and Aelin feared she’d said something wrong, but he averted his gaze as if he was embarassed.
“I’m sorry for this morning,” he said. Aelin almost tripped on her feet. He was sorry? “I shouldn’t have talked to you like that but I was just coming back from the hospital and Elide was right saying I work with kids, but I’m not a pediatrician, I’m a pediatric surgeon.”
His gaze grew dark as he looked over her shoulder, avoiding meeting her eyes at all costs.
“Yesterday night we lost a eight years old and I wasn’t really there when you hit me with your car. I didn’t mean to yell at you like I did, it was just-”
Rowan couldn’t finish his sentence that Aelin lunged for him, hugging him as tight as he’d held her a few minutes before, hoping she could relieve some of the pain that was surely clutching his heart. She felt him sag in her arms and hold her in turn.
She was glad she could offer some kind of support.
“It must be hard.” she whispered against his chest.
Rowan nodded, hitting her head with his chin, “It is, but it’s part of the job. The only way you can live with something like that in your baggage is knowing you did everything you could to save them.”
Aelin could feel the emotion lacing his every word and tightened her arms for a moment before freeing him of her embrace. He silently thanked her and told her he’d be right back with their friends.
The second he was gone she realized she couldn’t wait for when he’d be back and they could keep talking.
She’d never felt this way before. Not this fast at least.
Sure, she had loved all her exes, but this. This was different.
There was something there, a connection.
And while he walked back to her, Lorcan and Elide in tow, a bright smile on his handsome face, she couldn’t help but think she was ready to find out all about it.
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