#socialization techniques
bamm05 · 5 months
Dog Socialization Tips for Happy Pups
As a dog owner, I understand the importance of socializing puppies for their overall well-being and happiness. During their first few months of life, puppies go through a critical socialization period that shapes their future behavior and temperament. This is the perfect time to introduce them to a wide range of people, places, and situations to ensure they grow up to be confident and…
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 1: Dread on Arrival
(Part 2)
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lilac-hecox · 3 months
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Okay, Ian, being a Kesha Stan in her Instagram comments, is really so cute.
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yakitori-queen · 6 months
btw the reason you shouldn't guilt trip, be overly vague ("are you normal about [blank]"), or speak in hypotheticals (if X happened/if you met X kind of person/etc/how would you react) in your social justice/general activism related posts isn't to cater to privileged bigots with fragile egos, it's to be inclusive of people with OCD for who this can sort of talk can trigger intrusive thoughts and self hatred. and i don't know how to tell you this but you should want to do that
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
Fortunately, Susan knew a brainstorming technique called "think and listen." Months later when I was explaining to Mary Daly how "think and listen" worked, she told me that Nelle Morton had described the same process in her 1972 essay, "The Rising Woman Consciousness in a Male Language Structure," only calling it instead, "hearing into speech," or "hearing into being." Finding "hearing into being" a much more felicitous description of what happens in this process, I immediately adopted that name for it.
The process itself is very simple—feminists will recognize it as having some of the best characteristics of consciousness raising (CR) as it was done early in the movement: no interruption or evaluation is allowed. With time and use I came to appreciate the very complex genius of this process. As a brainstorming measure, it has no peer, and it is the perfect mode for addressing questions such as those I posed to the women who were to meet in San Jose.
It works best in a group of three that has an hour and a half at its disposal. Everyone in the group has equal time to talk—in this case, a half hour each—uninterrupted and with out evaluation. This is a revolutionary experience for some women. Being seriously and completely listened to, being genuinely heard, hardly ever happens to women in ordinary everyday life. Many women cry the first time they try this process. Their being so avidly heard in the present causes them to realize how deeply they have been wounded by being ignored and disregarded, shut up, talked over, and found inconsequential or amusing during most of their past lives.
It is also often the first time women have ever listened to somebody else for a half hour or so without responding, without murmuring, "Oh yeah?," "I see," "Um hum," "I know how you feel," at appropriate intervals. Or laughing, or making sympathetic noises. It is often the first time they have ever listened to somebody else without allowing their facial expressions to communicate understanding, puzzlement, disagreement, or a host of other reactions. It is not easy for women to learn not to respond. We are thoroughly conditioned to respond. We always respond. That is one of our roles in patriarchy—to be the responders, the chorus. Men talk, and we nod and say breathlessly, "Then what happened?" or "Oh, yes, I'd love to hear about your childhood rock collection!" Our children have legitimate needs for our attention. They need to have us laugh when they're witty or cluck with dismay when they tell us their woes. Our faces are infinitely plastic: we are required to register admiration, servility, sympathy, concern, sorrow, and understanding all day long every day. We almost cannot not respond by this time in our lives. We almost cannot allow somebody to set forth upon this quest for their own ideas in our presence without our solicitous questions and reassurances, our reactions stamped clearly on our visages, our oohings and aahings—we are such active listeners. When we first try to listen passively to others, some of us feel like traitors; we feel as if we're doing something illegal, as if we might be arrested for it any moment.
-Sonia Johnson, Going Out of Our Minds: The Metaphysics of Liberation
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All the clans are clearly mentally ill, that’s the trade off to being hereditary aristocracy clinging to antiquated power, you get the brain demons. The cursed techniques come with curses. But whereas the Kamo keep their embarrassments locked down tight (curse wombs secured, possessed old patriarchs symbolically folded back into the family tree, illegitimate children assimilated) and the Zen’in have the sort of of simmering rot-in-the-walls, sprawling gothic horror disease that only rears its head once every few generations, I think the Gojo have been having public breakdowns since the Meiji era. It would go a long way to explaining why everyone reacts the way they do to Satoru, and why his family is so invisible in the narrative. Oh, a Gojo having manic episodes, saying unsettling things, making vague grandiose threats, and exhibiting eccentric behavior? A likely thing for him to do.
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luminarai · 3 months
Gotta love the particular niche of influencers who claim that they turned their hooded eyes non-hooded or significantly changed some other part of their face by doing daily facial massages for years and years (and you can too by buying their 500$ 30 minute course!) when they’ve obviously had cosmetic surgery. Like cmon.
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kandidandi · 1 year
my favourite thing to do is to wave at strangers and then see if they wave back or not
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I love how studious you are about wrestling. 🩶 proud of you 👏 I was the same when I was younger
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this message made me so happy man!!! im so new to all this stuff so this was so surprising to hear. i always worry im not ‘getting’ certain things or coming across like a moron to seasoned veteran fans
also very glad to be your pinkman here. wipes tear. i saw this message earlier but wanted my response to be righteous and gracious so i made you some special adam cole edits and a fancam hehe
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akajustmerry · 1 year
i do think it's a little funny that working actor kieran culkin has clearly been told by his team that if he wants an Emmy campaign he can't just talk about learning his lines, improving, watching cartoons with sarah snook between takes, and showing up to work. he's clearly been told he has to play to the method acting adjacent narrative (because that's the technique these award campaigns get results from), even though he's not a method actor. so now in all these interviews, he's talking way more about the emotional toll/labour of his performance, instead of the practical or social elements. not saying he's being disingenuous because i am sure season 4 did require more emotional performances. but this is why I really can't stand the elevation of method acting in cultural discussions of performance because it basically forces actors to be really myopic when discussing their work for it to be taken seriously. if I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times: method acting has always been a more successful marketing technique than it has EVER been an acting technique.
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derpinette · 4 months
i have a weird relationship with weight because i hated eating more than anything the moment i was ready for solids ( i hate chewing with my entire life always have & will ) which made me underweight for most of my life ( to this day ) & during late primary-middle school this made me actively suicidal because i felt like something was wrong with my sex because i just was not developing whatsoever prompting me to have a years long phase of trying to gain weight in any way i could ( #EPICFAIL by the way ) & i was already insecure but i felt seriously so unforgivably ugly after bullying not just at school but by adults of my entourage. but then i did in my late 15s which prompted the pendulum to swing in the other direction & suddenly i FREAKED OUT & thought well being skinny is pretty much all i have & know myself to be & clearly it is not going to last forever so i Better preserve it i was delusional about how skinny i thought i was actually i look stumpy & weird i have to prove myself. But now i am normal again kind of
#also i used to get beaten to finish my food nearly daily & it would take me forever to do that like literally hours with no exaggeration#just made me hate eating even more. now my technique is eating as fast as possible before i even realize how overwhelming#the sensory experience is & i can just be done with it VS the pain&dread of eating slowly -> disgust of Everything+hyperawareness#eating tightens my muscles like i hate it so fucking much catching the food putting it in my mouth CHEWING swallowing#what a damn chore#so i always liked cheese it was my “safe food” pretty much the only thing i liked#i even hated the foods autists usually like like fries & fried chicken meatballs ETC. HATED.#i was/am more of a soup & turning all my food into varieties of Slop kind of girl nothing hard for me please...#i experienced middle school during the like ♯Thick era of the world which was honestly a good thing like for The Populace#but i felt like killing myself because i felt like an unforgivable fugly genetic failure & people did not hesitate to let me know#anyway either way i would be unhappy caus if i did gain weight during puberty i would have a meltdown about all the Changes#so i feel content for the time being about only losing the fat in my face & getting age appropriate wrinkles really#trying to enjoy the privilege of thinness while i have it because it will not last forever 0_0 but that should not matter anyway...#the privilege of thinness: being way uglier than others & constantly looking like a gibbon dying of disease + no energy or strength ever#JK people are much MUCH nicer to thin people & they do things for me on account of looking physically incapable so um yay i guess#light at the end of the tunnel that is very significant in the grand scheme of things socially. ♯CountingMyBlessings#also i was raised on ♯HAES tumblr from 2014-2018 i truly believed in that & was so damn envious i was not curvy & beautiful LOL#so i never hated overweight people really i think for the most part the SJW tumblr values stuck with me#but now i know it depends on your base frame & genetics & there is no guarantee to what you choose to do (naturally) acceptance is peace#sorry for the gigantic Arse post i just needed to get that off my chest for a long time. not on here specifically just in general#oh & i am a ♯Grignoteuse but grignoter (grazing) is different from eating in my mind&body#& my insecurity was not a result of wanting to fit in really but kind of in the sense that i wanted people to stop berating me for my looks#like body wise only & also not understanding why every other girl looked like a girl blossoming into a woman#& i looked like i was transitioning to Malnourished (unsexed) Ape made worse by bein GNC.& like the need for control later on & erthang ETC
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visionsman · 8 months
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Looking for the best pickleball products on the market? Look no further! Our comprehensive Pickleball Product Reviews guide covers everything you need to know about top-quality gear, from paddles to balls, ensuring you make the right choice.
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chromaji · 5 months
one more.
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wisterianwoman · 3 months
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How to Regulate Your Nervous System for a Balanced Life
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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About the Author
Harold H. Thompson was a 58 year old Irish-American anarchist serving life plus sentences in the State of Tennessee. He was a poet, his articles have been published in anarchist newspapers and newsletters over the years plus has published a booklet of prison writings and struggle poetry by Huddersfield ABC In England titled “They Will Never Get Us All!” He worked within prison as a jailhouse lawyer aiding other prisoners with legal matters, filing of intenal grievances, post-conviction and lawsuits against prison officials when warranted. He was engaged in fighting a pro se civil rights complaint against State employee defendants who were complicit in an assault on him by white racist inmates at Turney Center Industrial Prison during 1999. Harold stated the reason he put together this pamphlet is it saddens him when he heard stories of animal rights activists, environmentalists and anarchists being arrested and put through the Judicial mill by the monsters of the earth. Harold was a strict vegetarian, supports those brave comrades struggling for animal rights and against those raping our earth for corporate greed.
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tayfabe75 · 1 month
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May 31, 2015: The 1975's band manager Jamie Oborne reposts a deleted tweet from Matty, adding to rumors that the band was breaking up. (source)
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