#sociophobia tw
(Tw; sociophobia, unreality, blood)
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“… watch your back.”
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I also animated myself giving someone a disapproving glare
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(Ooc- and something more spooky, but that’s up to you- the tw are sociophobia, blood, and unreality)
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He watches the animation before a small smile places itself upon his lips.
"You have a knack for this I see. Very intimidating stance. They look like they're tired of someone's bull larky. Heh."
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(Tw- sociophobia, unreality, blood)
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...I feel like I should be scared
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infamouslydorky · 2 years
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I don’t do cel shading often and I wanted to test things out
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churchydraws · 3 years
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More of this freak with a bonus little freak
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tellerofuntruths · 5 years
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I’m running a new d&d campaign, this is the King of the Gods, Esthre. His domain is Isolation, Darkness, and Decay. He was made from the ashes of the hearth in the Throne of the Gods after Hester, the previous ruler and Hearth deity, was killed. He was put into power by Antipothe, who thought he suited the role. Then, he shunted out the rest of the deities, boarding up the Throne of the Gods. Since then, the chapel has been in decay.  He waits in paranoid fear for the deities that created him grow bored and break down the doors to kill him. The Hearth reminds him that Hester is also waiting to regain his strength and reclaim his throne. His alignment is Chaotic Neutral and he is best represented by The Hermit. I should note, these deities are all human. There was a planet very much like ours, until the humans brought themselves to near-extinction. Now all that is left are these deities, and they watch the high fantasy hellscape that has resulted. [id: a de-saturated gif of a man sitting on a throne. Flashes of white eyes pulse, growing to cover the image. The man is curled in on himself, his bare feet failing to touch the floor. He wears tight black pants and a long sleeve black shirt. He has medium-length white hair. Only one of his eyes is visible, and it glows an icy blue. The throne is simple and wooden, with a flower pattern on the back. It has a red seat and is supported by a wooden ring on the floor. To the front right of the chair is a tall bronze brazier with barely smoldering coals. The background a appears to be a dark, barely visible church in a state of extreme decay. There are planks on the floor and the wall seems to be extremely dirty. There is a simple round black border around the whole image, which is scaled like a tarot card. In grey font at the top of the image is “The Hermit”. End id]
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fawkesed · 7 years
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hobbit.    selfies   from  going   to   the   cinema   yesterday   to   watch   anna.belle  2 ! !    it   was   so  fucking   scary   y’all !    filtered    for   comfort.
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narumakii-a-blog · 7 years
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hobbit.       have  some   soft   and   gay  !!   it’s  from  this   morning  when  i   got   ready  for  my  exam !!    filtered  it  a  bit   for   comfort  tbh !
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yes-prisoner · 4 years
I was tagged by @boowoomuu, thanks darling <3
1) What is the color of your hairbrush? Pink
2) A food you never eat? Hm, some kinds of meat I think, I not that picky about food.
3) Are you typically to warm or too cold? ...In personality or you know, body temperature? Because I always have a coat, if not, I don’t know for sure.
4) What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Bath.
5) What is your favorite candy bar? I don't actually have a favorite
6) Have you ever been to a professional sports event? Nope
7) What is the last thing you said out loud? "He went to a friend’s house”
8) What is your favorite ice cream? I don’t have, give me something sweet and I’ll eat it even if is not that good.
9) What was the last thing you had to drink? Water
10) Do you like your wallet? ??? Maybe, it’s only a wallet...
11) What was the last thing you ate? Noodles
12) Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nope
13) The last sporting event you watched? I don’t watch sports often, but volleyball I think?
14) What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Popcorn is popcorn ‘-’ I’ll eat it anyway.
15) Who was the last person you sent a text message to? A friend.
16) Ever go camping? No
17) Do you take vitamins? Nah
18) Do you go to church every sunday? I don't go to church
19) Do you have a tan? Ha, I don’t see the sun anymore. Even before quarantine I only will go out if I need. Sociophobia is a bitch.
20) Do you prefer chinese foof or pizza? Pizza
21) Do you drink your soda with a straw? I will drink from the can or bottle if I want.
22) What color socks do you usually wear? Grey, black or white.
23) Ever drive above the speed limit? I don't drive
24) Look to your left, what do you see? A chair.
25) What terrifies you? Life, future... the world.
26) What chore do you hate? Don’t hate any.
27) What do you think of when you hear an Autralian accent? Noice
28) What your favorite soda? I don’t have preference.
29) Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through? Go into.
30) Who's the last person you talked to? My father
31) Favorite cut of beef? I don’t think I have one?
32) Last song you listened to? Loud Magic - Foreign Air
33) Last book you read? I read nothing in the last weeks.
34) Favorite day of the week? Everything is the same.
35) Can you say the alphabet backwards? Nope.
36) Do you like your coffee? Yup, it’s nothing special, but taste good.
37) Favorite pair of shoes? Anything comfortable
38) At what time do you usually go to bed? Sometimes before 10pm, sometimes after 1am.
39) At what time do you normaly get up? 10am - 11 am
40) What do you prefer, sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets
41) How many blankets are on your bed? One
42) Describe your kitchen plates: White
43) Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? I don’t drink alcohol.
44) Do you play cards? Nah
45) What color is your car? Don’t have one
46) Can you change a tire? Nope
47) What is your favorite province? All places have good and bad things, so... I don’t have one.
48) Favorite job you've ever had? I've never had a job and I highly doubt I will work in something I love.
49) How did you get your biggest scar? (tw: self-harm) ...I hurt myself after a depressive episode three years ago.
50) What did you do today that made someone else happy? Played with my cats.
This time I will tag no one because I’m super lazy right now lol
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hinabirb · 7 years
some questions answered
it has been a personal blog for so long but i found out it is easier to find this blog of mine than i thought. 
 > why is it bad? - most of my friends n mutuals dont know that i love anime, i play games and i am obsessed with cute stuff. Since being an adult, n growin up means u cant buy those bear printed pencils and cute stickers, people would be disappointed.
> then why do i have my other blog? - people (even tho they say im cute at first) knows me as a dangerous girl. I have tried a lot of stuff already, i did crazy things, and also it is a fear of mine if someone will realize i am not as strong as i show. My other blog is available from my instagram, this way i can warn others not to play with me and my feelings.
> why do i have to warn them? - its easy. Its called sociophobia, i am afraid of people, like a lot. i carry knives with myself all the time, because even if i know the person i will meet with, most of the abuses happens between mutuals. looking strong is a method of mine which helps me to protect myself and not even give the chance to people to play around with my soul or body.
> stop feeling sorry about urself, grow up! - no, i wont stop. even tho im an adult, people always need support. I do cry a lot everyday, i cry myself to sleep but if i wouldnt, i could set the whole world on fire, my negative energy would stuck in me.
> just get a psychologist. - it is not that easy. I do go to a psychologist, an amazing woman, who can help me with little tricks like how to relax, what can i read, what should i do when i feel suicidal, she recommends films, and do much more than a psychiatrist. Since self harm and attemp suicide cant solve only with talking, he gave me bunch of pills, so i do have the right treatments.
> You have to change urself, and not wait the doctors to do magic! - Yes! This is hell right, but as i said i need support. I am a kind of person, who barely talks irl, and almost not at all about my feelings.But as it is said: people come and people leave it is really hard for me to find that one who i can tell my story. Asked help several times on tumblr, but i got mostly only hate or “ ♥ “ asks. I do understand people cant take my problems as a weigh on their shoulders, i will never ever ask for this. I ask for two ears what will listen to me and a heart to not to tell anybody else and not to judge me, since i am a victim of bad fortune.
> why does my mood change like hour to hour? - my doctors mentioned a few things to me, but i am not fully diagnosisted yet. I asked for help ffrom them because of my anxiety. My last diagnosis was mixed anxiety and depression disorder, PTSD and sociophobia.
> so how can anyone help? - easy as hell: with kindness. as a “gamer” i get a lot of times to kill myself, i must be a fat ugly girl. First of all: never ever tell someone to kill themselves, just think about it: what if u tell them and they will actually commit suicide. I leave other explanation to your own heart. And what if i am a fat ugly girl? Will u evr see me? If u treat people like this, u can be sure, u wont. I was lucky to meet new fiends, two girls who are my classmates now, and they are pretty as hell, im not even kidding. perfect body, perfect style, pretty face, pretty smile, soft long hair - their boyfriends must be the luckiest men alive.
> okay but what other opportunities i have to help a person like you? - talk with us. Talk about weather, talk about art, politics, economy, cars, fashion, animals, plants, furnitures, about your day, we are interested. We are the best listeners, since we are afraid to talk and about saying too much, but also we can feel very sad if we feel we are boring or we feel lonely. Also, we will open up! At first u have to look for the topic we are might be interested in, but we will help you sooner than u think!
> i think i have mental illnes,is it okay to talk with you? - Of course! But think about it: are you ready to talk about it? If you think “I have to talk with someone, because they said it will help me” you are wrong. You have to talk, when you are ready. Sometimes it is easier to talk with a stranger about it, someone on internet, so you can stay incognito, and if they are willing to help, why not? BUT i want to mention again i am a great listener, what means i do listen, i will feel your sadness, i might even understand your feelings, i might even give advices but i am not a psychologist! It is hard for me to find the right words, i have speaking problems irl too because i cant express myself in words (also as u can see my english is messed up, sorry i have never paid attention on class >.<)
One more thing: i wrote this because my psychologist mentioned to write my feelings out on a blog and since i have already had one, i decided to use out my opportunity. it is 100% personal, please do NOT reblog.
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fruitytooty · 8 years
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peace, new oc
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infamouslydorky · 2 years
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commission for @uprisist​ to draw an OC
If you’re interested in a commission, here’s more information: https://infamouslydorky.tumblr.com/post/659732332721405952/no-backgroundsimple-color-no-extra-simple
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unfurry · 10 years
i wish i wasn't so lonely. i have a dozen crushes and none of them are going to go anywhere bc i'm a crybaby piece of shit. i just want to be dead i'm gonna be alone forever. i mean who could love a fatass like me?
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