#soda feldspar
ipnrendura · 9 months
Buy Soda Feldspar: A Versatile Natural Resource
Soda feldspar, a vital natural resource, enhances ceramics, glass, and metallurgy industries with its fluxing properties, improving product quality and energy efficiency. Explore its diverse applications at IPNR Endura.
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Soda for Ceramic | Zillion Sawa Minerals Pvt. Ltd.
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Ceramic Raw Material Suppliers, Digital Ink,, Ceramic India
Colorobbia Chemicals
  Ceramic Raw Material, Ceramic Machinery Spare & Parts, Raw Material & Chemicals, Ceramic Roller & Grinding Media, China Clay, Digital Ink, Ceramic Color, Frit & Zinc Oxide, Refractories, Feldspar (Soda & Potash), Quartz, ceramic india
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sketchytalesposts · 13 hours
Hey, hi, hello! 👋 How do?
I got post day this time, and also a few more drawings 😁 I'm still stuck on this crossover AU of Outer Wilds and Grow, and I've just decided to merge got this AU with my Quantum Travelers AU.
And so now we have Quantum Alchemists!
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Still working on the designs for the other travelers but for now we've got Hatchling (Sodalite in this AU), Solanum and the Prisoner as the Apprentice, Book and Coppertop respectively.
Ramble ramble ramble 😅 This is a big one.
This is another one of those AUs set in the new universe and everyone only kind of exists to some degree.
I think I've explained a bit of the gist of this before (probably also said that I'm merging this au and the other one before but I can't remember) but here's a few thoughts I've had since the merge, I'm kinda just copy-pasting some a lot of my notes.
The travelers have basically set up shop on the Eye of the Universe (I'm saying that as if they are all still alive but in reality they've been long dead and gone for eons now)
Sodalite is the last Conscious Observer (Last as in the most recent). There's probably been hundreds of conscious observers over many different universes but they all felt that they'd all had their fun and decided to "retire" (they know their time is over, it's time for the new era)
Soda, unfortunately, doesn't have that possibility for right now, because there's a problem with the Eye. And that's why they still exist as quantum in the new universe.
The Outer Wilds travelers (Esker, Gabbro, Chert, Riebeck and Feldspar) are taking over from some of the Everkin, they just have a bigger role in this AU. The Hearthians are still the main source of explosions just on a much bigger plane.
Solanum and Kaepora take the roles of Book and Coppertop, main reason being this: neither got to join their kinds in death. Solanum was 5/6ths dead on the Quantum Moon and Kaepora's body and soul was imprisoned by their own people.
The Eye of the Universe is the source of all life. It sang into being galaxies, whole civilizations with the Song of the Universe (Song of Myora), and many life forms had lived in harmony for a time.
But sometime during the creation of Soda's new universe, it stopped creating new life because the song shattered and something else has taken root; the Bramble (taking over from the Withering). This Bramble had somehow survived the old universe, or maybe its presence was inevitable, but it was very quick to fill in the gaps.
Maybe a few billion years have already passed in this new universe, though it doesn't feel that way to the travelers. It probably feels like only a few months or years have passed (time doesn't really exist when you're in a quantum space/you're also quantum). It's been long enough for them that everyone's gotten quite comfortable around one another.
Oh, and Alchemy! There is a new mechanic for this AU! The Travelers are trying to use Alchemy to create little world seeds to help the Eye. There had been many spectacularly colourful alchemical disasters over the years, but eventually they'd cracked the recipe.
Anyway! There's that ramble, hope you like it 😅
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poisonhemloc · 1 year
minor world building things
Character specific first:
Riebeck frequented the Greek Food (Nomai run) trucks because they’re friends with a lot of the Nomai their age, but they like spicy food which the Nomai don’t really do, and they ended up getting stuff from Outer Wilds Tacos and then applying for a job when the realized they want more money than just, what students get to go through school (they are a full time archeology student) The handful of Greek Food trucks are run by Bells (in charge) and Ilex, Solanum, Laevi, Taget, and Lami (that’s in order of age). They’ve got a friendly rivalry with the taco trucks (’Hey get off our turf!” “But I have ice cream for you ::(” “Swap you for baklava, see you later!”)
Yarrow is the mayor. Poke Clary and Root are either in a power plant or transportation, I’m not sure yet.
Now, area stuff (what matters for the taco trucks at least)
There’s at least one ‘big’ brewery/winery/pub per area (it’s one city, the districts are names after the planets in-game). There are multiple smaller ones, but, the major ones trucks go to-
Timber Hearth has Sap (all around brewery, has a lot of wines/the owner Porphy collabs with a lot of wineries), which is one of Outer Wilds Tacos truck’s almost permanent spot. 
The Hourglass Twins have Sunless, which specializes in dark beers, and Hourglasses, which is a dry bar (no alcohol- just fun sodas/nonalcoholic cocktails/what-have-you)
Brittle Hollow has what I’m calling Meltwater (not set on the name)(naming this one after the city feels weird) which is a distillery; they don’t go from grain/fruit/whatever into alcohol, but they take the base beer/wine/bourbon/whatever and Do Stuff to it.
Giant’s Deep has Statues, a solid all around pub, they’ll carry stuff from everywhere else. (This is Gabbro’s preferred haunt)
Dark Bramble has The Red Nest, run by a couple ancient Nomai, it specializes in IPAs. Normal and they’ll do the nitrogen infusing thing. It’s heavy on atmosphere- there’s a fog machine running kinda all the time. (This is the brewery Gossan and Feldspar were leaving when the Crash happened)(...They’ve been back, but they avoid the specific hill even thought it is the easiest way out)
There’s a bar called Interloper in Interloper, and it’s really pretty and all and it’s a nice fancy looking place but it is a death trap and no one really goes there except out of towners. there’s a gas line issue every other month and it’s a huge problem why it’s not been shut down yet. One of these days something’s gonna explode
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seemapatil2346190 · 16 hours
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High-Quality Silica Sand Suppliers for Industrial Applications
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Silica sand is a naturally occurring granular material composed of quartz and other minerals. High-quality silica sand is a crucial raw material used in a wide range of industrial applications. From glass production to foundry casting and hydraulic fracturing, silica sand plays a critical role in various manufacturing processes. As a leading supplier of silica sand, Pratibha Refractory is committed to delivering high-quality products and customized solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients. Silica sand is primarily composed of quartz, which is the most common mineral on Earth. It also contains other minerals, including feldspar, mica, and iron oxides, which can affect its color and properties. The purity and consistency of silica sand are critical in many industrial applications. High-quality silica sand should have a minimum silica content of 99%, low impurities, and a specific grain size and shape.
Industrial Applications of Silica Sand
Glass Production: Silica sand is the primary raw material used in glass production. It is mixed with other ingredients, such as soda ash, limestone, and feldspar, to create a glass batch. The high purity and consistency of silica sand are crucial to achieving the desired properties of the glass, including clarity, strength, and durability.
Foundry Casting: Silica sand is used as a molding material in foundry casting. It is mixed with a binder to create a mold that can withstand the high temperatures and pressures of metal casting. The high-quality silica sand is essential in ensuring the accuracy and precision of the cast parts.
Hydraulic Fracturing: Silica sand is used as a proppant in hydraulic fracturing. It is added to the fracturing fluid to keep the fractures open and allow the oil and gas to flow to the wellbore. The high-quality silica sand with specific grain size and shape is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of the fracturing process.
Construction: Silica sand is used in construction as a filler in concrete and mortar. It helps improve the strength and durability of the structures and can also improve the workability of the mix.
Water Filtration: Silica sand is used as a filtration medium in water treatment. It is effective in removing suspended solids, turbidity, and other impurities from water.
Abrasive Blasting: Silica sand is used as an abrasive material in sandblasting. It is effective in removing paint, rust, and other coatings from surfaces.
Ceramics: Silica sand is used in the production of ceramics, such as porcelain, pottery, and stoneware. It is used as a raw material in the clay mixture and can affect the properties of the final product.
Why Work with Pratibha Refractory as Your Silica Sand Supplier?
Quality: At Pratibha Refractory, we understand the critical role that high-quality silica sand plays in industrial applications. We source our raw materials from reputable mines and use advanced processing techniques to ensure that our silica sand meets the highest quality standards.
Customization: We understand that different industries have different requirements when it comes to silica sand. That's why we offer customized solutions to meet your specific needs. We can provide silica sand with specific grain sizes, shapes, and purity levels to ensure the optimal performance of your processes.
Reliability: As a trusted and experienced supplier, we are committed to delivering our products on time and in the right quantities. Our extensive supply chain network and efficient logistics ensure that you get your silica sand when you need it.
Technical Support: Our team of experts is always available to provide technical support and guidance on the use of silica sand in your processes. We can help you optimize your processes and achieve the desired outcomes.
Are you in need of high-quality silica sand for your industrial applications? Look no further than Pratibha Refractory, your trusted supplier of premium silica sand. Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements and see how our silica sand can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your processes. Don't settle for subpar materials – choose Pratibha Refractory for reliable and consistent silica sand that meets your exact specifications.
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kevaygroup · 1 year
Exploring the Beauty and Durability of Khammam Black Granite
Khammam Black Granite is a type of igneous rock that is widely used in construction, interior and exterior design. It is a popular choice for kitchen countertops, flooring, bathroom vanities, and outdoor landscaping due to its durability, strength, and beauty. In this article, we will explore the unique characteristics of Khammam Black Granite and its uses in modern architecture.
Geological Background:
Khammam Black Granite is formed from magma that has cooled and solidified underground over millions of years. It is primarily composed of quartz, feldspar, and mica, giving it a distinct black and white speckled appearance. The rock is quarried in the Khammam district of Telangana, India, where it is found in large deposits. Khammam Black Granite is known for its exceptional durability and resistance to weathering and erosion, making it an ideal choice for construction and outdoor use.
One of the most notable characteristics of Khammam Black Granite is its striking appearance. The black and white speckled pattern is unique and adds a dramatic effect to any design. The granite is also available in a range of finishes, including polished, honed, and flamed, which can be used to create different visual effects. The surface of Khammam Black Granite is typically smooth and glossy, making it easy to clean and maintain.
Another key characteristic of Premium Black Granite is its durability. The rock is extremely hard and strong, which means it can withstand heavy use and abuse. It is also highly resistant to scratching, chipping, and staining, making it an ideal choice for high traffic areas. Khammam Black Granite is also heat-resistant, which makes it ideal for use in kitchens and other areas where heat is a concern.
Khammam Black Granite is a versatile material that can be used in a wide range of applications. One of the most common uses is for kitchen countertops, where its durability and resistance to heat and stains make it a popular choice. It is also used in bathroom vanities, where its smooth surface and easy maintenance make it ideal for a high humidity environment.
Khammam Black Granite is also a popular choice for flooring, particularly in high traffic areas. Its hardness and durability mean that it can withstand heavy foot traffic without showing signs of wear and tear. Additionally, the black and white speckled pattern adds a unique touch to any space.
In exterior design, Galaxy Black Granite  is commonly used for landscaping and outdoor construction projects. Its strength and durability make it ideal for use in walkways, patios, and retaining walls. The granite can also be used to create decorative features, such as fountains and sculptures.
You can checkout these also:-
Black Galaxy Granite
Star Galaxy Granite
Galaxy Granite
One of the advantages of using Khammam Black Granite is its ease of maintenance. The smooth surface of the granite makes it easy to clean with a mild detergent and water. For more stubborn stains, a mixture of baking soda and water can be used to gently scrub the surface. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals, as these can damage the surface of the granite.
It is important to seal Khammam Black Granite regularly to protect it from staining and etching. A high-quality sealant can be applied every six months to a year, depending on the amount of use and exposure to moisture.
In conclusion, Khammam Black Granite is a highly versatile and durable material that is popular in modern architecture and design. Its distinctive black and white speckled appearance adds a touch of sophistication to any space, while its durability and resistance to wear and tear make it ideal for a variety of applications. From kitchen countertops to outdoor landscaping, Khammam Black Granite is a material that is sure to enhance the beauty and longevity of any project. With proper maintenance and care, Khammam Black Granite can remain a stunning and functional addition to any design for years to come.
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jnhmineralspvtltd · 2 years
Feldspars are used widely in the glass and ceramics industries. Alkali feldspars are more commonly used commercially than plagioclase feldspars. Albite, or soda spar as it is known commercially, is used in ceramics.
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ipnrendura · 11 months
From mine to masterpiece: The journey of Soda Feldspar in ceramic artistry
At IPNR-Endura, we take you on a captivating journey, showcasing the careful extraction, processing and formulation of soda feldspar for different industries. Visit the official website for the product and more details.
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richajain11 · 2 years
Soda Feldspar Powder Supplier
Shree Charbhuja Exim is both a Soda Feldspar Powder Manufacturer and Soda Feldspar Powder Supplier India. We are Soda Feldspar Powder Dealer and our Soda Feldspar Powder are a necessary raw material with various industrial uses due to their fusibility and clarity.
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Ceramic Raw Material for tiles and sanitarywares, Ceramic India
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Ceramic Raw Material for tiles and sanitarywares, Ceramic India
Ramdev Suppliers
Ceramic Raw Material, Ceramic Machinery Spare & Parts, Raw Material & Chemicals, Ceramic Roller & Grinding Media, China Clay, Digital Ink, Ceramic Color, Frit & Zinc Oxide, Refractories, Feldspar (Soda & Potash), Quartz, ceramic india
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nerdasaurus1200 · 3 years
Okay, for some reason I think Tumblr ate my original Cass synesthesia post describing what color she sees for some people so I'll repost it here.
Rapunzel's color is a REALLY vibrant purplish-pink; almost like strawberry soda that's just a little too sweet
Eugene's color is a gross-looking greenish-yellow. It's weirdly dark, but still vibrant enough to be seen clear as day and it annoys Cass to no end
The Captain's color is burgundy, and to Cass, it feels kinda like warm sparkling apple cider. Something comforting and homey
Lance's color is a rich yellow; kinda like warm honey
Varian's is a really beautiful looking sky blue, and it feels really calming to Cass
All the guards have varying shades of red and reddish-brown
Most of the handmaidens have shades of purple, except for Crowley who has a dark green that feels a little like campfire smoke
The Pug Thugs all have shades of brown and gray
Shorty's color is ALLLL over the place. Cass really hates it
Frederic's is a deep navy blue, and it's sorta calming like Varian's blue is but it still feels ominous
Arianna's is similar to Rapunzel's, except it's much pinker than it is purple and it's not nearly as bright
Calliope's is the most fluorescent, bright, migraine-inducing neon yellow you can possibly imagine
Feldspar's is a vibrant orange, that feels all fizzy and bubbly like a soda
Monty's is a lime green
Nigel's is a faded pinkish red
A lot of the Vardarans have very dark colors that almost look black to Cass. The brightest ones are Vex's dirty orange and Quaid's mustard yellow, and even then they're still hardly that bright
Magic or magical beings can actually seriously affect Cass's synesthesia, making colors lighter or even nonexistent. Zhan Tiri had no color until long after she regained a physical form.
Because of the new headcanon living in my head rent-free that the Brotherhood are also werewolves, the Brotherhood had fairly light colors. Edmund is light purple, Adira is light red, Hector is light green, and Quirin is a light blue (similar to Varian's, but it looks more faded blue than actual light blue. Like, kinda blueish gray)
Gothel and Tromus had dark purple and dark red respectively, but it was VERY faded. Cass almost couldn't see it if she wasn't looking hard enough
Rapunzel's color became a couple shades lighter once her hair grew back. It actually took Cass a while to notice because the change was so subtle
Lady Caine's color is almost the same as Gothel's, except it's not remotely faded. It's really dark but still vibrant. In a weird way, Cass finds it comforting
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wyrmoftheweb · 3 years
vampireverse character roster so far:
Mote: little freak who collects sodas that they can't drink (due to vampirism.) buglike satin moth vampire. they've got a fuzzy collar and a retractable proboscis and wear a cape in the shape of a satin moth's wings. they only wear white and are dizzyingly fast.
Avarice, "Ava": car nerd who is entirely fireproof. buglike yellow sac spider vampire. her fingers are covered in yellow carapace and have little teeny tiny hooks on the end that allow her to cling onto any surface with all her strength (which, being a vampire, is a lot.)
Ada: Fen and Feldspar's adoptive mom. Not a vampire, helps the cloud with things vampires can't touch.
Feldspar: Beastlike vampire with no particular preference for shape. In name, he's the leader of the cloud, but he has no real power.
Fenrir, "Fen": Beastlike vampire. Feldspar's little sister. She's really into wolves, so she refuses to shapeshift into anything else. She wears one of those wolf ear hats with paws and when she transforms she ties the paws around her neck so she doesn't lose it.
Professor Dalton Fucker: Oldest vampire in the crew. Not actually a professor, but he spent a couple hundred years accumulating a bunch of college degrees so he has a lot of shit in that old brain of his. Serves as a homeschool teacher, doctor, and general advice-giver for the cloud
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ultraglittercat · 4 years
Drabble 98
On a hot summer day, the people of Corona were desperate to beat the heat. Varian was doing better than most, even with the broken leg he’d acquired earlier in the month. Varian had several methods for keeping cool, such as the miniature fan powered by Ruddiger, which worked until the raccoon got tired. After that, Varian had rewarded his pet with an apple and a promise that they would find a way to stay cool that wouldn’t tire the animal out. He did after all have his soda water, a refreshing carbonated drink he’d perfected over the years, creating different flavors. The cherry vanilla combination was a favorite of both Varian and Quirin.
But today, Varian had a new idea to cool off. He’d built smaller versions of his amber gun, only this time they were full of water. He just needed someone to try them out, he explained as his father wheeled him into town in the wheelchair Varian had designed.
“These water guns are going to work perfectly, Dad.” Varian told him.
“I hope so. You certainly put a lot of effort into them. I’ve got some errands to run in town. Will you be alright here by yourself?” Quirin asked.
Varian nodded. “I probably won’t be alone for long. I asked Lance and the girls to meet me outside Monty’s, and I bet they’ll be here soon.” Varian predicted.
“Have a good day with your friends, then.” Quirin said, heading into Feldspar’s to get some repairs done on his work boots.
Varian had only waited for a few minutes when his friends arrived.
“Varian! What did you want from us? Maybe treat us to some chocolate before it melts in the sun?” Lance greeted him.
“Yeah, chocolate!” the girls chimed in.
“Actually, I had a different idea. You see, I built these water guns but with my foot like this, I can’t really test them. I thought maybe the girls might--” but before Varian had finished his thought, the girls had grabbed the water gun. Kiera pulled the trigger first, squirting Lance in the face.
“No way! These are awesome, V.” she said, truly impressed.
Catalina fired hers next, hitting Ruddiger on Varian’s lap. The little raccoon huffed indignantly and Catalina laughed. “Wow. These things are gonna be so much fun! Can we fire them around town, Dad?” she asked Lance.
“Well, I don’t see the harm in using a little water gun. Just be careful to only squirt people who want to get wet.” Lance cautioned, but the girls didn’t heed the final part of his request. They ran down the busy streets, aiming their water guns at anyone who walked past: Xavier, Fernanda, Attila, anyone they saw basically. They didn’t really get in trouble until they took aim at the Royal Guards, soaking Stan and Pete.
“Kiera! Catalina! You are distracting the guards when they’re trying to work. Stop this right--” Eugene tried to say, and got a face full of water for his trouble. “Who gave you those things, anyway?” Eugene demanded.
“Varian.” replied the girls.
Eugene sighed. He should have known. He thought he’d make it clear to Varian that he shouldn’t invent things that caused a mess or disturbed people in any way after the glitter fiasco, but apparently the lesson hadn’t stuck.
So Eugene marched into town with the girls trailing behind him, still wearing his Captain’s uniform and trying to maintain some dignity, despite his wet hair. Hopefully his hair wouldn’t get too frizzy after it dried.
“Varian! What did I tell you about not making a mess with your inventions?” he shouted.
“Actually, you told me not to make a mess when inventing something for Rapunzel, and she hasn’t touched the water guns.” Varian hid behind a technicality. Lance smirked. He thought Eugene’s hair looked silly, but he knew his friend well enough to keep such comments to himself.
“Okay, fine. Now that rule extends to everyone. This is a hot day and people’s tempers are short. Get the girls to stop using those water guns immediately.” Eugene declared.
“Stop using them? I’ve never felt so refreshed!” Xavier said, walking over to the group. “I wouldn’t mind if they sprayed me again. It remembers of the legend of the Mermaid’s Tears.”
“I liked it too.” admitted Fernanda before walking into Monty’s store.
“I work in front of a hot stove all day. I certainly appreciated the cool down.” Attila called out.
“See? We were helping people. That was our plan all along.” Kiera lied.
“Hmm. I guess it worked out okay, but when the heatwave ends, I want you to put those things away. I still think they’re a nuisance.” Eugene huffed.
“Look at it this way. It could have been worse.” Varian suggested. “I could have given them guns that fired paint.”
The End
Would you trust the girls (or Varian for that matter) with a prototype paintball gun? Probably not the best idea. XD
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