#sodo is there too but hes not the main focus
jalo-parker · 10 months
"-im also a fan of other things like pokemon and ghost (the band) though again I don't post about those things as often" <- edit to my pinned made moments before disaster (i have a major hyperfixation on ghost now) (or well the ghouls and the versions of them that exist only in my head at least) (they're my ocs now that just happen to share names with the actual band 😁)
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 2 years
Hey there, have you written about the current ghouls helping their s/o after they had a super bad day where everything seems to go wrong?
I had one of those days this week, bad test, laptop crashed with around 2h unsaved progress and then I broke my ankle and shoulder...
Oh man, I'm so sorry you had such an awful time. :( I hope these days have been treating you so much better! Hope these make you smiles. <3
Era V Ghouls Helping You Through a Crappy Day
Ember/Sodo: His kneejerk reaction to hearing you are having a bad day is to ask whose ass does he need to kick!! It was such a strong reaction that it made you laugh out of your mood for a few minutes. When you stopped and went down to being sad he had to ask what was wrong. Ember is the type of ghoul who lives out of sheer spite so he encourages you to do the same! Takes you to do something to let all of your steam out! Think about him giving you a baseball bat and saying, "c'mon!! We're gonna find something to break!!" ... and to your surprise its very cathartic you both kicking the shit out of an old sand bag.
Rain: He hates seeing you have a bad day. Will immediately pull you into a hug and get you some water after sitting you down. Rain is a normally a very quiet ghoul but he will shower you with love and comfort. He is also very into physical comfort, since it's what helps him through bad days. Rain will happily cuddle into you, wrap you in a blanket nest, or nuzzle into you while he plays with your hair. Often times, during bad days, you find yourself in his lap. Laying back as his claws gently rake across your scalp in the best way. You usually talk about the day and what happened as he listens and offers support. You also find he's REALLY good at helping you fix some things the next day, when you're ready to tackle something broken! Like if you broke your favorite mug, or lost paperwork.
Mountain: He always likes to ask what you need from him. This isn't to put the burden of comfort on you, but he does better when he knows exactly what you need. So if you just need some alone time, you got it. If you need to vent? He sits you both down somewhere comfy so you can talk and he can listen. Need some ice cream and to have a good cry? He will get you the spoon! Most of the time the best thing he can think to do is to get you in the nicest, feet off the floor, strong bear hug. Purring and nuzzling into you and giving you the most comforting hug he can manage. It's what he likes after some alone time to process his own bad days.
Swiss: Swiss can think of many ways to help calm you down, but he always has one big go-to method. Without a doubt, you know when you have a bad day Swiss will get your favorite food or snacks. Whether that's sneaking out with Papa's car to get you ice cream or calling in for Chinese take out, Swiss will get it for you! To him it is the ultimate way to calm you down and give you something nice to focus on. And then when you are both eating you can talk over your treat about what happened in the day. Swiss is very good at helping you verbally process your frustrations while keeping it nice and casual.
Sunshine: Have you ever seen videos of those crows who bring their favorite people nice things to make them happy? That is Sunshine. If you are sad they are on the case! Sunshine will gather anything from your favorite hoodie, snacks, blankets, movies, and any gift she finds that she knows you will love. Anything to make you smile again! You love that Sunshine goes out of their way to find anything that will work. They are also happy to just hug you and keep you warm while you relax. They will be a bit concerned if you don't bounce back eventually, so they will stick by your side. Sunshine just doesn't want you to be alone because you deserve comfort!
Cirrus: The keyboardist won't force you to talk about it if you don't want, but her main concern is making sure that you don't isolate too much. Cirrus is happy to give you space and time to be alone, mind you. She just doesn't want you to ever feel like you ARE alone on a deeper level. And sometimes bad days just make you feel like the universe is against you! Cirrus will periodically check on you until you're ready to come out on your own. Then she is happy if you two can just have a rant fest! Everything bad that happened to you that day? She will sit and agree with you and talk shit! It's very cathartic! Your supervisor scolded you for something you didn't do? Fuck that supervisor! Vending machine ate your last dollar? It's lucky she wasn't there to break it! Failed a test? Who cares, tests are stupid! It eventually always make you laugh and feel better!
Cumulus: Having a horrible day? If you like it, she's going to treat you to some amazing home spa pampering! Anything to help relax you and give you a wind down from all of the stress you had in the day. Cumulus is very good at massages so you'll definitely be getting one of those! Depending on what you like, she'll give you everything from a full body to just digging her thumbs in your shoulders in the best way to make you melt. Cumulus has also mastered face masks and home made scrubs. She's a very luxurious ghoul, so you know she has a jacuzzi tub in her bathroom. You'll both be in it with your favorite candy, drinks, and bubble bath. Anything to make you comfortable enough to get all the tension out of you while you vent about your day.
Aether: The guitarist knew something was wrong when you came home looking ready to either cry or burst out of sheer frustration. Maybe you were about to do both! His first act is to sit you down and let you vent out all of your frustrations. Tell him exactly what happened, he's all ears. He always believes taking it easy and being nice to yourself is the best way to calm down from a horrible day. Once you get everything off your chest he takes you to relax with him. Cuddles, lots of blankets, something quiet like a good movie. Aether likes to hold you and purr, letting the vibrations help.
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 All ghouls get tired, sometimes with dire consequences, and thankfully you know exactly how to handle your Swiss when his exhaustion consumes him. Inspired by this post (psst, go give her post some love, it's top tier). Part of my Bloody Mary universe fic series.
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩(𝐬) Swiss x Trans!Reader x Copia, although the main focus is on Swiss and Trans!Reader.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 No smut. Trans!Reader is AFAB and uses trans tape. A tiny bit angsty I think, but only if you squint. Trans!Reader comforts and reassures Swiss. Swiss is a stubborn little ghoul. Copia just wants what's best for them both. Reader and the other ghouls are comfortable with showing physical affection towards one another.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 1748 words.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 Originally this wasn't gonna be part of my Bloody Mary universe, but then I decided fuck it. This takes place after Copia becomes Trans!Reader's and Swiss' partner. I wanna say maybe eight months after Swiss and Trans!Reader first met? Also, I have checked to make sure I've not used gendered terms or anything for reader, but please let me know if I've missed any so I can go back and change it!
When it came to the ghouls, nobody was more accustomed to dealing with their dwindling energy levels.
Some ghouls, like Mountain and the ghoulettes, didn’t need to be convinced to sleep for a few hours. They were the most pleasant and docile, understanding their limits and that they needed to take care of themselves. They’d take themselves off to their rooms to nap then reappear a few hours later, rejuvenated and back to their usual selves. Mountain would press a simple kiss to the top of your head with a thank you. The ghoulettes on the other hand would crush you in a group hug and smother your face with kisses of gratitude.
Ghouls like Sodo and Rain tended to need a little more persuasion, their moods dipping with their energy. Sodo would be cranky as all hell and accidentally setting things on fire, too exhausted to keep a lid on his demonic powers the way he usually would when his minded wasn’t clouded. There’d been a couple of incidents where he’d accidentally burned you, both times resulting in him bursting into tires and you having to lead him off to his room and tuck him into bed, stroking his head the entire time he slept so that he was reassured that he hadn’t scared you away and ruined your friendship. Rain, however, would be over emotional and start crying the moment he thought he could’ve done something wrong. On many occasions you’d ventured down into the dens to find sinks and bathtubs overflowing with water because he’d accidentally flooded the place from being overtired. He’d cling onto you in bed once you finally coaxed him under the covers, his arms wrapped tightly around you with his face buried in your neck.
And Aether? The quintessence ghoul usually ended up incredibly tired quickly around other ghouls with diminishing energy levels. Being able to feel everyone’s emotions was taxing at the best of times, so when he was feeling the deep-seated exhaustion of his fellow ghouls it dragged him down. This unfortunately meant that the emotions of the other ghouls around him would also be out of whack. He was the one ghoul everyone made sure to avoid if they were struggling with their energy. One time, Sodo hadn’t realised Aether was even in the same room as him and the two of them ended up in a physical fight because of how badly their emotions fluctuated in one another’s presence. Copia hadn’t been too thrilled when he was told he needed to pay for the damages to the den common room, furniture charred and smashed from their brawling. It took a while, but you managed to convince both of them to get some rest. The sleeping arrangement was awkward, their bodies practically suffocating you as they coiled and curled around you for comfort.
However, the one ghoul that required the most convincing to sleep when they were tired just so happened to also be your boyfriend, Swiss. As a multi-ghoul, his mood was a little more on the unpredictable side when his energy crashed. While he wouldn’t set fire to things, the suffocating smell of smoke followed him around everywhere and his temperature would be higher than usual. He didn’t flood the dens, but sometimes being touched in the wrong way would have him tearing up and hiding his face in his hands. His power over everyone’s emotions wasn’t anywhere near as strong as Aether’s, but the mood would occasionally lower a little if he was tired in your presence. Sometimes the breeze would become more like a gust of wind, or the flowers would wilt as he walked past them (Primo would be upset, but he understood and didn’t make a big deal out of it).
Tonight turned out to be one of those evenings where the tell-tale signs of an almost abandoned common room and soft, almost inaudible sniffles greeted you the moment you entered the dens. You picked up the note taped to the teak console table and unfolded it, feeling a pang of sadness when you read it.
He’s been like this all day. I have made sure the others avoid the dens until you’ve sorted him out, so take as long as you need. Truth be told, I don’t think he’s slept much the past few nights since you started sleeping in your room again. Shoot me a text once he’s fallen asleep and we will clean up any mess he’s made. Hope he feels better soon <3
Copia xx
You folded the note and tucked it into your back pocket, quietly making your way over to the sofa the sniffles were coming from. Your heart broke a little when you saw how emotionless his usually beaming face was, his body curled around one of the pillows from his bedroom. He blinked at you slowly as you knelt before him and gently pressed a hand to his cheek.
“Hey, sweetie,” you cooed, smiling at him as your thumb moved back and forth soothingly. “How long have you been laying here, hm?”
Swiss just blinked back at you, but you felt a flicker of hope when he leaned into your touch.
“Copia says you’ve not been sleeping. Is that true?”
Your boyfriend shrugged in response. His usually glowing amber eyes were dim and dark, making you lean in to press a kiss to his forehead. Grey fingers clung to the hem of your jumper when you leaned back.
“Are you leaving me?” he whispered in a voice so quiet that you would’ve missed it if you weren’t knelt so close to him.
Now you understood why he was so overtired. “Let’s get you to bed and we can talk about it there, okay? You can’t stay out here like this.”
The moment you went to get up, Swiss yanked you back down stubbornly. You chose to ignore the rip you heard and made a mental note to get your sewing kit out later.
“Swiss, you need to get up so I can put you to bed. Lying on the sofa out here and stewing isn’t going to help.”
The ghoul pouted. “It might. You don’t know that.”
“Now you’re just being stubborn.” You decided to change your tactic a little. “Let’s go cuddle in your room. I’ve missed sharing a bed with you. My chambers are nice, but nothing compares to having you wrapped around me while you hum into my ear. Won’t you come snuggle with me?”
It took a moment, but Swiss finally relented and allowed you to pull him to his feet. He hugged the pillow close to his chest while intertwining the fingers of his free hand with yours, following you back to his room. The moment the door shut behind you both, you pulled your jump off and dumped it on the floor somewhere. That was when you noticed what side of the bed the pillow had come from.
“Oh, baby, you didn’t need to take my pillow. Why didn’t you come and find me? You know I’d drop everything for you if you asked me to.”
The multi-ghoul averted his gaze and shrugged. A sigh left your lips as you stripped down to your boxers, moving over to the mirror to check that the tape on your chest was still in place before you climbed under Swiss’ weighted blanket with your phone in your lap. You gazed up at him and patted the spot beside you, lifting the other end of the blanket so he could lay next to you.
A smile, albeit a small one, finally appeared on the ghoul’s face as he crawled in beside you and placed your pillow back where it belonged. The two of you lay down and assumed the usual position: Swiss spooning you with his arms pulling your body as close to his as he could without hurting you. His lips brushed over the back of your neck, and you hummed.
“Honey, you know I’m never leaving you, right?” you murmured, threading your fingers through his against your stomach.
Swiss tangled his legs with yours before he answered. “Sometimes I just… get scared that you’re gonna leave me one day. You’re not a ghoul like I am. What if you decide that you’d prefer to be with a human? Ghouls and humans don’t really tend to stay together long. I think this is the longest I’ve ever heard of a human-ghoul relationship lasting.”
You lifted one of his hands to your face and kissed the heel of his palm. “Well, you’re not other ghouls and I’m not other humans. I love you for who you are as a person, regardless of your species. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, I promise. I mean, maybe to the bathroom later to pee, but you get the gist.”
“You love me?”
Blood drained from your face at the realisation. You hadn’t meant to let that slip just yet.
“Is it too early for me to say that? I don’t wanna make you feel uncomfortable or anything. We can forget I said it if –”
“Uh, no.” Swiss kissed your neck, his teeth lightly grazing against your pulse point. “I like to think that if you say something like that so naturally, you’re ready to say it. So no, it’s not too early for you to say it. And for the record, I love you too. A lot.”
You felt him grin against your neck and couldn’t fight the smile that appeared on your face at his returned sentiment. “Well, good. I just want you to understand that I’m in this for the long haul. With you and with Copia. I love both of you more than I thought I could love anyone and I’m not letting either of you go.”
The multi-ghoul hummed and squeezed the hand that he held against your abdomen. “Right back at you, sweet pea.”
Once you were sure that Swiss had fallen asleep, snoring gently in your ear, you picked your phone up from where it had gotten tangled in the blanket and let Copia know that your boyfriend had drifted off before your own eyes fluttered shut and slumber took over. You were woken up briefly a while later when the former cardinal joined you, curling up against you and tucking your head under his chin so that you were engulfed by your two lovers, and the three of you remained that way until noon the next day.
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breezethegame · 6 years
Mini Devlog - #9
February 27, 2019
Well, last week was a busy week! Let’s get started
Accomplishments this week:
I ended up having to rewrite a lot of the input code. This was mostly due to how I was handling presses vs holds (which I may or may not even use too much). I needed to decide how to handle determine what's a button hold vs a button press, while also making sure that the check for holds didn't cause there to be any delay (for example, 0.1-0.2 seconds actually felt noticeable). Ultimately for the meantime, I decided that a press will execute and a hold will follow afterwards, this basically means a hold will act somewhat like a follow up attack.
I also had to review my input queuing system. The purpose of this system is to collect inputs and store them into a list, then giving the “inputs” an evaluation/expiration time. This will allow for reviewing inputs over a short period of time, and subsequently make the controls feel a little more “responsive” when pressed in succession as inputs will "register" as soon as a character is in a state that can use them (assuming that input doesn't expire first). I’m currently using this for combat inputs.
I might be doing a wack job explaining it, but here's a video I stumbled upon a while back that inspired the idea of implementing Input Buffering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmTkH80uojE
I also finished the Team site I mentioned in my last update. The team seems to like it, and it allowed me a chance to review a lot of materials that were  written up but haven’t looked over in a while.
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As some of you might have saw, I posted a recruit post on the blog/twitter last week. We received a little over 50 portfolio submissions! As of this update, we’ve reviewed all of them, and have started reaching out to some of the finalists!
This was definitely an insightful opportunity in many different ways (and in some ways, a tad bit stressful!)
We also begun discussion on the game’s UI, which also brought up some game design concerns that we will be looking to address, such as Breeze’s stats.
Some Additional Coding Items and Bug Fixes
I fixed a bug where Breeze wasn’t positioned on the wall correctly when wall sliding
I also fixed another bug where Breeze’s wall sliding force wasn’t correct, and also noticed that he was actually going in and out of wall sliding (which was causing a ton of state transitions!)
Reimplemented game pausing! I went through all the character states and other systems to lock down what shouldn’t be operating if the game’s state was either paused or in cutscene.
I also implemented a nice shader to blur stuff that’s behind certain UI elements.
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I added in a “Tweening” plugin that allows me to animate UI and other elements in fancy ways. I also found a cool source that demonstrates some of these different types of tweens: https://easings.net/
I’ve updated the game’s UI manager to make it easier to access UI elements and their events (like hiding the health bar, or displaying the pause screen) in a much easier way.
Next Focus:
Select the VisDev/Background artist (or artists)
Continued work on a new testable build
Begin implementing some particle effects
Add in a couple more character states that are needed (mostly transition states)
Updating the main Website and blog! I noted in the last update that already done some updates to the Patreon page, and also added a new Sodo tier!
Continued work on UI design/planning. Notably, the health bar and some other in-game UI elements.
I still haven’t found a company to work with for shirt printing and enamel pin creation. If anyone has some recommendations, feel free to share!
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If you didn’t know already, if you’d like to support the project, we’re on Patreon! Or, if you’d rather donate once (or on occasion), you can do so here via Paypal!
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How Successful People Make The Most Of Their Locksmith
7 Simple Techniques For Locksmith Emergency
Table of ContentsIndicators on Locksmith In My Area You Should KnowSome Ideas on Locksmiths Near Me You Should Know
Sadly, a locksmith professional likewise played a crucial role in his death - locksmith Pike Place Market Seattle. Louis was betrayed by his buddy Francois Gamain, who had served as the royal locksmith professional and taught the king much of what he learnt about the trade. Louis asked him to build a secure chest for important files, which Gamain ultimately committed revolutionaries, ultimately resulting in the king's infamous beheading.
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Indicators on Locksmith For Cars You Should Know
After relocating to America from Hungary with his household, 11 years of age Houdini started working for the regional locksmith professional and rapidly selected up the trade. Though he did not stick with the occupation, his understanding of locks and the method they worked was prominent in his success as a magician and escape artist.
Houdini might not have actually ruled a nation or made a clinical discovery, however he did transform the magic industry and is still considered to be among the world's biggest escape artists and magicians. Everyone has heard of Albert Einstein, whose name most likely brings to mind mathematical equations or the image of an elderly male with rowdy white hair sticking his tongue out at the camera.
He respected the modest trade and, in light of using the atomic bomb in WWII, felt that possibly his achievements were not so reputable. In spite of how he may have seen himself, Einstein is considered among the best minds of perpetuity. even called him for shaping history, calling him "the locksmith professional of the mysteries of the atom and deep space". There are just a couple of circumstances in which the typical individual believes to call a locksmith professional.
The majority of people are uninformed when it pertains to the broad spectrum of services a locksmith professional can provide and have no concept that modern-day locksmith professionals are trained to be security professionals too. There are three main kinds of locksmiths: residential, automobile (lorry), and business. Every one concentrates on a specialized sector of the locksmithing industry to more effectively fulfill clients' needs, though all need equivalent training and make use of comparable capability. locksmith South Lake Union Seattle.
The 10-Second Trick For Locksmiths Near Me
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Little Known Questions About Locksmiths Near Me.
These are the service technicians that focus on home security and the used around a house. They are who you would call if you were ever locked out of your home or desired to after moving into a new house. The most common services supplied by domestic locksmiths consist of: A locksmith professional needs to have the ability to cut secrets for nearly any kind of lock. news.
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Locksmith Cost Things To Know Before You Buy
If there is ever a time that locksmith professionals get to take center phase, it is throughout a lock-out (allstate). No one wishes to experience that moment of fear that comes with realizing their key is locked in their house, making the locksmith that dives in to conserve the day a hero for supplying relief by reuniting owner and key.
In extremely uncommon cases, the lock might have to be broken or drilled, but $195% of lock s ought to be pickable by an expertly experienced locksmith - locksmith SoDo Seattle. If you are fretted about the security of your locks, rekeying is a cost-effective option to totally replacing your locks. To rekey a lock, a locksmith removes it from the door and modifies the configuration of the pins and springs inside so that the initial secret no longer works to open it.
Though rekeying is an economical and effective method to alter your locks, it is not constantly a sufficient solution to lock trouble. downtown seattle. If among the locks on your house breaks or is using out, whether it's as essential as your front door lock or as unimportant as a desk drawer lock, you will need to repair or change it.
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pantryplanet65-blog · 5 years
Promising New Rooftop Bar Overlooks the Great Wheel Downtown
In recent restaurant news, Mike Easton is opening a pasta restaurant in West Seattle, Vita Uva’s natural wine shop has closed, and Georgetown’s Deep Sea Sugar and Salt cake bakery has closed its Airstream trailer. As for the updates below, Rhein Haus is open in Leavenworth, Macrina Bakery has expanded to Capitol Hill, and the Charter Hotel’s Fog Room bar is now mixing drinks with a view downtown.
Have intel about a newly opened restaurant, bar, cafe, or other food emporium that’s been overlooked? Tipping is essential: Send Eater the details over the Seattle tipline and we’ll check it out. Meanwhile, check out this other post for more of Seattle’s restaurant openings from earlier in 2018.
September 11, 2018
LEAVENWORTH — The Central District’s hip German beer and bocce hall, Rhein Haus, now sports a huge two-story expansion in the Bavarian-themed mountain town of Leavenworth. The fourth Rhein Haus location — additional locations opened in Denver in 2015 and Tacoma in 2017 — doesn’t have bocce courts, but it does serve the German brews, schnitzels, giant pretzels, and brats familiar to fans of the growing chain. Status: Certified open. 707 Highway 2, Leavenworth.
CAPITOL HILL — Macrina Bakery’s fifth location has arrived, this time on Capitol Hill’s 19th Avenue, in the former Tully’s building. While bread is the local chainlet’s main commercial specialty, the cafes serve an array of pastries, tarts, soups croissants, cakes, coffee, and sandwiches. At this new spot, there’s also brunch on the weekends, along with communal tables, a grab-and-go section, and a true urban unicorn: a parking lot. Status: Certified open. 746 19th Ave.
DOWNTOWN — With indoor seating and a rooftop lounge overlooking the waterfront and the Great Wheel, Fog Room is perched on the 16th floor of Hilton’s new Charter Hotel. There are small bites, like seared scallops with tomatillo and avocado salsa, and original cocktails with local ingredients, including Twisted Bliss, featuring mezcal, peach, and manzanilla sherry. This place has potential, especially as hotel bars go, given that former Rob Roy manager Jesse Cyr is the assistant general manager, and Silas Manlove, formerly of the Nest at the Thompson hotel, is general manager. The bar joins the hotel’s Argentine restaurant, Patagon. Status: Certified open. 1610 2nd Ave., Floor 16.
Correction: September 11, 2018, 9:30 p.m. This article was updated to reflect that Fog Room no longer promises live music, in contrast with information sent in a press release.
August 8, 2018
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Bao House specializes in open-faced steam buns in the International District.
Bao House/FB
BELLEVUE — Belltown’s La Parisienne French Bakery has added a Bellevue address, and it’s connected to a wine bar, Cépaé Tasting Room. Cépaé claims to have the largest selection of wines by the glass in the Seattle area, with 120 bottles — a broad mix from Europe, the U.S., and South America — all available as 1⁄2-ounce or 5-ounce pours. The bakery’s selection, meant to complement the wines next door, includes pastries from croissants to Paris-Brest, lunch options like salad nicoise, sandwiches, and quiches, and, in the evening, boards with charcuterie, seafood, cheese, and vegetables. Status: Certified open. 258 106th Ave. NE.
INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT — Newcomer Bao House serves a small menu of open-faced Taiwanese steam buns, a type of bao. The selection of fillings includes 24-hour brined pork and roasted duck. Accompanying dishes range from fried egg rolls to fried fish balls to chicken wings. The restaurant is already open but holding a grand opening celebration on August 12 with two-for-one bao and drinks. Status: Certified open. 514 S. King St.
QUEEN ANNE — Uptown Hophouse’s 24 beer and cider taps are flowing near Key Arena. The sports bar’s current tap list includes names like Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider, Georgetown Brewing, Fremont Brewing, and Pfriem Family Brewers. There’s food, too, like fingerling potatoes with curry ketchup, a charcuterie board, spicy coconut curry bowl, and Cubano sandwich. Status: Certified open. 219 1st Ave N #101.
August 2, 2018
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Capitol Hill-born Victrola has opened a downtown cafe.
DOWNTOWN — Capitol Hill’s respected Victrola Coffee Roasters has opened a downtown cafe at 3rd and Pine, inside the Macy’s building, which now also houses Amazon offices above. It’s only Victrola’s fourth location in its 18-year history. As with the other locations, the new cafe serves espresso drinks, pastries, and sandwiches in a modern space with lounge chairs and window benches. Status: Certified open. 300 Pine St, Suite 100.
SOUTH LAKE UNION — Jeffrey Kessenich, former chef at the late Tanglewood Supreme, has opened airy and ambitious Birch next to White Swan Public House on Lake Union. Diners have two options at Birch: a three-course prix fixe menu for $50 that includes choices for antipasto, primo, and secondo courses, plus a dessert add-on for $11; and a seven-course chef’s tasting menu for $70, which puts diners in the hands of the kitchen. Kessenich promises locally sourced, sustainable ingredients with plenty of gluten-free and vegan options. Status: Certified open. 1001 Fairview Ave. N.
GREEN LAKE — The owners of Capitol Hill’s La Cocina Oaxaqueña have added a sibling in the similarly named Cocina Oaxaca, serving Mexican staples in the former Mio Sushi space. Yelp reviews thus far praise the restaurant’s shrimp tacos and fajitas. Other specialties include tlayudas (thin, crunchy tortillas topped with refried beans, lettuce or cabbage, avocado, and meat) and the Oaxacan stew, pozole. Status: Certified open. 7900 E Green Lake Drive N Suite 107.
July 24, 2018
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Heritage Distilling Co. has added a Capitol Hill distillery and tasting room.
Adam H. Callaghan/Eater
BELLTOWN — Renovated Hotel Five has added a dining component called Pineapple Bistro and Bar, a nod to parent company Staypineapple. The restaurant features a slew of pineapple accents, new floors and furniture, and a rebuilt bar with 22 seats, huge TVs, and giant Scrabble. The menu includes themed drinks like the Pineapple Express with bourbon, caramelized pineapple puree, maraschino cherries, and club soda. Food ranges from customizable mac and cheese to sandwiches and snacks like barbecue pork sliders and buffalo chicken wings. Status: Certified open. 2200 5th Ave.
QUEEN ANNE — Matias Tona, who helped open Grappa in the same neighborhood, and his brother Kleon are now serving Mediterranean tapas and cocktails at their new restaurant, Dandylion, which also includes a private events space and “speakeasy bar” called the Den. The Tonas source local produce and plan to change the menu seasonally. Current dishes include meatballs with chimichurri sauce, chorizo with yogurt and potato chips, and squid with potato herb puree and saffron oil. Status: Certified open. 532 Queen Anne Ave. N.
CAPITOL HILL — Gig Harbor-based Heritage Distilling Co. now has a Capitol Hill location in addition to a recently opened Ballard expansion. The Capitol Hill tasting room also includes a distillery, bottling operation, and retail shop. Visitors can try flights of the company’s full lineup here, including its many award-winning flavored vodkas, gins, and whiskeys, as well as buy bottles and merchandise and take classes on cocktail-making. In the coming months, the company will add a private events space and overflow seating, too. Status: Certified open. 1201 10th Ave.
July 23, 2018
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eneral Porpoise’s doughnuts overflow with custards, creams, and curds.
Suzi Pratt for Eater
LAURELHURST — Renowned chef Renee Erickson and her Sea Creatures restaurant group have opened their fourth General Porpoise doughnut shop. The new Laurelhurst cafe, near University Village, features a unique selection of coffee roasters and a full slate of sugar-coated doughnuts filled with a seasonal selection of jams, jellies, curds, custards, and creams, from classics like vanilla custard to less-common options like peanut butter and jelly or rose cream. Still to come: a General Porpoise location in Los Angeles. Status: Certified open. 4520 Union Bay Place NE.
CENTRAL DISTRICT — Kin Dee has opened at the corner of 23rd and Madison, serving Thai standards like pad Thai and panang curry along with a handful of street food dishes like steamed chicken with garlic ginger rice and a side of broth (kao mun gai), duck noodle soup, and five-spice pork shank. Yelp reviews so far are largely positive, with diners enjoying the hot basil with chicken, pumpkin curry, and tom yum soup. Status: Certified open. 2301 E Madison St.
CAPITOL HILL — Melrose Market has gained a wine bar and bottle shop called Marseille, near Sitka and Spruce. The focus here is trendy natural wines, made with minimal intervention, like orange wine. Marseille is also open for lunch, brunch, and dinner, serving plates like clams with fennel in leek broth, braised monkfish in an almond saffron sauce, and avocado toast topped with spring onion and pickled shrimp. Status: Certified open. 1531 Melrose Ave.
July 19, 2018
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Asadero Mexican steakhouse has moved to a bigger location in Kent.
KENT — Popular Mexican steakhouse Asadero, which also has a busy Ballard address, has moved to a bigger location in Kent. Owner David Orozco’s restaurant now has room for 80 diners — twice as many as before. He’s kept the menu mostly the same, with a few enticing additions: prime carnita con chile (braised tenderloin with ranchero salsa), vacio Akaushi (Akaushi bavette steak served on a hot stone), and bone marrow gorditas (bone marrow and chopped steak in thick corn tortillas). Orozco is also opening a Tacoma location in early 2019. Status: Certified open. 310 Washington Ave. N.
SODO — Urban Works, the collection of warehouses in Sodo, has added a Patterson Cellars tasting room. It joins other tenants — mostly wineries — like Kerloo Cellars, Sleight of Hand Cellars, Schooner Brewing Company, and Nine Pies Pizzeria. This is the fourth location for Patterson, which also pours its “approachable New World wines” in Leavenworth and at two Woodinville locations. Status: Certified open. 3861-D 1st Ave. S.
WALLA WALLA — Chef Jason Wilson (Miller’s Guild, the Lakehouse) is giving Seattleites another reason to trek out to Eastern Washington with Eritage luxury resort and restaurant. It’s set on 300 acres surrounded by vineyards in Walla Walla — recently named “Wine Town” of the year by Sunset Magazine. Guests have access to 10 suites and a menu of locally sourced ingredients from the area’s farmers and ranchers, plus a local wine selection, of course. Wilson’s Fire and Vine restaurant group is also working on Walla Walla Steak Co. and Crossbuck Brewing nearby. Status: Certified open. 1319 Bergevin Springs Rd.
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Source: https://seattle.eater.com/2018/7/19/17591028/seattle-restaurant-openings-summer-2018-bars
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