#sofi: shut up
artist-rat · 1 year
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woag... went down the memory lane and reminisced this post. so, cat rescuers au canon ft. @iijadraws 's oc this time <3 sofie hawke you will always be famous to me
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hetalia-enthusiast · 10 days
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He looks drunk idfk why
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
help how would i do writing requests. like do i just make guidelines and let them come in or…
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fagmegumi · 2 years
Sam was right the toji simps are fucking unbearable
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chiiyuuvv · 7 months
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• PAIRING — bf!riize x gn!reader
• GENRE — worried riize, seunghan is suggestive
• WORD COUNT — 482
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — request on wattpad
• TAGLIST — @moonlightdarlings , @cake1box
After sticking your tongue at you, shotaro decided that he had no choice but to tickle you
Has you on the floor, kicking your feet with a massive smile on his face
"T-taro.. SHOTARO" stops immediately
"Is everything alright? Was i going to far?"
You sticked your tongue at him again, so he just continued ♡
You were having a bad day, so eunseok decided to buy you a plushie
"Eunseok!!" You would gasp as he turns around your chair, engulfing him in a big hug
"Do you like it?" He would whisper in your ear, his voice calm and deep as he rubbed circles on your back
Doesnt mind if you call him by his actual name, thats just your way of saying you really like it
And spoils you for the rest of the night ♡
Sungchans doing his regular 'ol teasing about how short you are
Its gotten to the point where you just ignore him, until he starts poking your shoulder
"hey short-" "sungchan. Im trying to watch my show."
"Oh.." thinks hes went to far, and starts pouting beside you
But you pull him into a hug, letting him know that youre just really anxious for when sofie was going to slap chad in the face ♡
"Do you like it?" His arms were wrapped around your waist, his head on your shoulder as he puts a necklace on you
You gasp. "Wonbin.." and he lifts himself up
"W-was it bad?? I could get you a new one o-or"
You'd have to stop him. "I love it."
"Oh." He'd say with a shy smile, looking down and wrapping you in a hug ♡
You guys were having your "loving" time
Seunghan holding you down on his lap as he starts to attack your neck with purplish bites
"Mm.. seunghan." He immediately stops, looking up at you with worried eyes
"Did i do something wrong? Did you not like it?" "Babe what are you talking about?" "You only call me hannie!!"
Then you'd have to explain that you like it, you really like it. "Oh." Then he continues ♡
Sohee wouldnt wake up
"Hehe.. soso.. are you dead or something?"
You said his name, and he immediately shot up
"W-what happened? Am i late? Am i dreaming??"
You said his name again, shutting him up before cuddling with him ♡
You were in the bathroom when you shouted his name
Runs to you all worried and shocked because you never call him anton. Its usually babe or baby or ton or ant
"Baby are you okay?! Do you need pads or something?!" He figured you were on your period
"Do you think i could pass off as a dude?" You open the door revealing the makeup you used to show you mustache and beard
Takes a second to process before bursting out laughing "here, lemme help you." ♡
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wosoluver · 3 months
Can you do a misa x reader where it's readers birthday?
Birthday girl
Misa Rodríguez x reader
Misa Rodriguez Masterlist
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It was your birthday week. You were excited to spend your first birthday with your girlfriend and in Madrid. You had moved there months ago.
But every time Misa brought it up, your smile didn't reach your eyes, and you would somehow shut down the conversation. She knew something was wrong, you never shut up about how much you love to celebrate your birthday, and now that it was almost here, you didn't even bother to plan anything.
You had opened up to her, saying how weird it would be to not have your sisters or friends from back home with you. The step to move to Madrid had been a little tough on you, but you knew the importance of becoming more independent and being closer to great job opportunities. She understood how you felt, but she had set her mind into planning the best birthday possible, you deserved more than anyone to have a special day.
"Sofie, have you ordered the cake yet?" - Misa as usual, was taking matters very seriously, like she always did when it came to basically anything she felt like she had to succeed in.
"Calm down I got it, I'll order today" - saying quickly into the phone.
"You haven't yet!?" - annoyed at her friend for struggling at her only task.
"You know, when you said we were throwing a party I thought we were going clubbing or something."
"Your kidding right? I'm already struggling thinking on how I'm going to get her to Raso's apartment for the dinner. And you know she isn't really into people that are not her friends. She wouldn't stand 10 minutes inside a club."
"Right. It's fine, don't worry, we still got like 2 days."
"Two days go by like the blink of an eye"
and it did.
Misa's pov
Okay. It's 7:30 am. I have to get to practice by 8:00 sharp. Leave at 12:00, stop by to get some flowers and a café con leche from her favorite coffee shop. Should be fine. She should be waking up late anyway.
Stoping by the flower shop, I settled for a classic red rose bouquet. Besides being your favorite, they were the prettiest they had. Got the coffee and made my way home.
As soon as I opened the door I saw her laying on the couch, watching yet another episode of her comfort show.
"Good morning mi amor, these are for you..." - handing the bouquet in front of her - "Feliz Cumpleaños baby"
She seemed on a better mood than expected, taking into consideration the last couple of days.
"Buenos dias, guapa!" - jumping up from the couch and giving me a short kiss, taking the roses from my hands - "Thank you so much amor! And coffee?!? God I love you."
"You seem in a good mood, care to share why? Besides the obvious reason?" - looking down at her big smile.
"I sorry I didn't seem so excited the last couple of days, but it wouldn't be fair to myself or to you, to not let myself celebrate right? It's the first birthday I get to spend with you Misa!"
"Only the first of many."
"Kinda cheesy." - she says walking into the kitchen to set up the flowers in a vase.
"Excuse me? Can I be romantic to my girlfriend without being judged?!" - As I followed.
"Okay since I didn't plan anything before hand, can we do whatever I want today?"
"Yes, what would that be?"
"Shower and then lunch maybe?"
"Shower and lunch it is. I'll get the shower running while you finish it up here" - A weight left my shoulders when I realized it would be no trouble getting her out of the house.
After lunch we headed back home, the car ride was quiet and peaceful, and I decided it would be a good time to bring up we had plans.
"So... Since you were kind of down this week, I decided upon making plans for you. I mean us-" but I was quickly cut off.
"Misa, birthday sex doesn't need to be planned, it's kind of mandatory"
"Well yes but, I actually planned something, for tonight!"
"You did?! And you were able to keep it a secret? Wow, you really need to be praised then." - You said it half joking.
Back to the apartment.
"Alright so we have some free time until we need to start getting ready to go..." - I let her know while unlocking the door.
"I have the perfect idea to keep us busy till then..."
reader's pov
Standing both at someone's door, ready for whatever this was, you were excited to say the least. Misa never disappoints and that's been proved time and time again.
Not even 5 seconds later, there was Raso opening the door.
"Hello Y/N, happy birthday!" - She screams happily. The thick Aussie accent ever so present. "Welcome to my place and your birthday spot for the night!"
Hayley was the sweetest. You two had instantly become friends once you met. Unknown to you, when her friend asked for help to set everything up, she was the first one up for it, offering to take charge of everything. She missed Australia like crazy. And knew exactly how you were feeling.
Walking in and seeing the beautiful set up, made you smile and tear up immediately. Seeing all the girls you had grown close to, since you arrived in Spain made you feel so lucky.
The party initially started out as a calm dinner but by now it was a full on celebration, loud music and good drinks.
I saw Misa going out in the balcony, probably to get some air. And trailed off behind her.
"Thank you, my love. Really. It would've sucked to go through my birthday without a party." - I say looking into her eyes with the most love they could bare.
"I got you. Always. I'm so glad you liked it. Also really glad the cake was here." - Even though I didn't get the joke, I proceeded to thank her.
"This must have been a pain to organize. You know, we could of just gone clubbing." -
"That's what I said!" - Svava said from behind us. "I was looking for you two, the girls want to do karaoke!"
"I'm so gonna sing I want it that way."
"We'll be right there!" - Misa yelled through the loud music as she left us alone once more.
We stood there, just appreciating each other's presence. After sharing a kiss in a warm hug, Misa finally spoke again.
"First one down, forever to go!"
As always, would love to hear your thoughts! 🩷
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robin374 · 3 days
OMG HELLO, I'm not good with English so I'm sorry if it looks bad :((. I come to ask and request mercs for tf2 (or just snipers, scouts and medics) with an s/o who when they sleep together doesn't let them off, they are literally hugging each other from them and for nothing in the world does he want to let them go when they want to get up, thank uu byebye
"Don't go please"
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A/N: I'm back from the death. Don't worry pookie I've got you.
Characters: Scout, Sniper, Medic
Info: Gender Neutral Reader. Romantic.
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I was going to say that he's exaclty the same. However, we all know that this man canno be still while sleeping. He doesn't do it on purpose of course, he is just naturally energetic, so he does in unconsciuly.
He goes to sleep with you between his arms and always thinks to himself: "I won't kick them out of the bed tonight." Only to wake up with you, still asleep, grasping his ankle for dear life at the edge of the bed.
If he wakes up before you, he embraces you and he waits for you to open your eyes to tell you that he held you all the night. Of course, you two have a job to do, and a Soldier out of your room's door screaming for you to 'get your asses up'. Surprisingly, he's the one to get up first, after trying to free himself from your hold.
"Alright, toots, it's time to get up..." he says as he leaves sofy little kisses all over your face.
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It may not seem like it, but the moment he feel sconfident and comfortable with you and the relationship, he's exactly the same. i know that I always say it, but I will die on this hill: He's your wet cat man!!
He doesn't move while sleeping, he's usually very calm. There are times that you think he's dead because you can't hear his breathing. However the slight squeeze you receive when you move tells you that he's alive (thank god).
You two always arrive to breakfast late, because those '5 more minutes' become in 10, then 20, 30... Soldier has given up already.
He likes to feel your warmth and smell your unique scent. His tensed up muscles relax whenever he feels you near him, and more if you touch are touching him, even if you two are just locking pinkies togheter.
Whenever you don't let him get up from the bed, he just accepts his defeat and lets you wrap yourself around him. You remind him of a koala to be honest.
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Everyone thinks that he doesn't sleep...Honestly, I just think that he's the type of person that tells you to go to sleep early but he goes to bed at like 4 am or around that hour. Like he always tells you: "Y/N, you must go to bed early! Your body needs a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. Now go to bed, I will be with you sooner than you think."
Even knowing that you are fast asleep and very comfortable in your shared bed he always wakes you up, telling you something really weird about his new experiment. "Do you want to see Scout's liver with legs?" He will ask you with a eager smile. Of course, he will drag you to his laboratory.
Everytime you hold his hand while you rub your eyes with the other. he's so happy to show you new things that he doesn't realize until later that you had been waiting for him. As an apology, he lets you hug him while you sleep. Then in the morning when Soldier knocks on your door he 'politely' tells him to shut up, and manipulates him into thinking that you need to have 8 hours of sleep to be fully focused on that day's battle. So he believes it and lets you sleep.
He's your silly mad scientist.
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ahhnini · 11 days
better things - cheater!ex! rafe cameron x reader one shot
part two
synopsis - after rafe cheats on you, he wants a second chance. unfortunately for him, you’re onto better things now
warnings - rafe is lowkey an asshole here, arguing, cheating ( i don’t condone it!! )
word count - 1.2k
likes and reblogs are appreciated!
ask box is open!
tbh i love when my interests mix so here’s some aespa with a fic lol
divider credits - aqualogia on tumblr
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initially, you had a rough time after the breakup with rafe. tissues from crying were littered all over your room, you ghosted your friends, and you’re pretty sure you sold out the ice cream from the local grocery store.
turns out, he had cheated. you should’ve known something was up when his text responses became dry, didn’t want to go out in public for dates, and was always on his phone.
when you received the text from him saying, “I need to talk to you,” you panicked. your text response however, remained calm. you both met up, he confessed he cheated on you and wanted to break things off. you tried your best keeping a poker face but he knew you too well, knowing you were about to break down. he then had the audacity to give you “one final hug” before speeding off on his bike, leaving you wallowing in your tears. he never even apologized.
now, here you are, sunbathing with a couple of your friends. it’s a small island, so you occasionally see rafe with his new girlfriend, sofia. or was it sofie? you honestly can’t remember, and that was good. you’ve moved on, healed, realized that you were only with rafe because he saw you at your weakest.
as you watch your friends go in the water to cool off from the heat, you notice a familiar blond boy walking along the beach, alone. you take a glance and lay down on your beach towel again, not paying attention to him. until he calls out your name.
you sit up, and rafe stands over you. you want to see if you can ignore him, so you just wave him off, but you hear him scoff. it was awkward, of course, your ex was standing right in front of of you after almost a year of no contact. you decide to speak up, breaking the silence, “yeah?” and he bluntly says “we…broke up,” your eyebrows furrow. “okay? what does that have to do with me?” you respond. he sighs, “can we talk in private?” “alright, make it quick”
you both walk to a more secluded area, and he begins speaking, “we broke up because of you,” he sighs. “because of me? what part do I play in your relationship?” you cross your arms, scoffing. “sofia thought I was still hung up on you, and she was right, I was,” he looks at you, there’s shame in his eyes, and guilt in his words. you couldn’t believe what he was saying. he continued, “listen, I know I cheated on you, it was a shitty thing for me to do. my head wasn’t right, and…I took you for granted.”
you roll your eyes and scoff again, “yeah, you did take me for granted rafe…you knew how much I loved you, you knew how much I cherished our relationship…for you to throw that away-” he interrupts, “I know, and i’m willing to give it another shot. if you would just let me-” it was now your turn to interrupt, “excuse me? do you know how ridiculous you sound right now? you were the one who broke my heart in the first place, and now you’re crawling back to me? i’m sorry rafe, I won’t ever get back with you. never in a million years.” he sighed, defeated.
he hated seeing you like this, so happy. after that day on the beach, he tried to talk to you again via text. and again, and again, and again, until you finally hit the block button on his contact.
your paths crossed again at the wreck, you were talking with someone, a new friend perhaps. you were smiling and giggling as you ate one of your fries. of course he noticed you first, and his heart leaped. he wanted to come up to you and strike a conversation again, but he knew he would just get shut out by you once more. he wanted to get out of the restaurant as soon as possible, so he ordered and anxiously tapped his foot while mr. carrera fulfilled his order. as soon as his number was announced, he took the bag of food and rushed to his car, not caring that he was being stared at.
it hurt his pride, of course. he knows he shouldn’t be reacting this way, he has no right to be acting this way. but god, did he miss you. he missed the way he basically had you wrapped around your finger, you were so willing to drop everything for him at the snap of his fingers. sofia wasn't the same. she set him straight, didn't enable his behavior, and he hated that. rafe always got things his way, he couldn't control sofia the way he controlled you.
word gets around fast in kildare country. it didn't take long for rafe to find out that you have someone new. he quickly came to terms that you've finally moved on. however, he wasn't prepared to see you and your new boyfriend in person so soon.
you were living your best life, your skin was glowing, and you had the best boyfriend in the world, jason. he was the juxtaposition of rafe, a breath of fresh air. you two were having brunch at the country club, watching some of the members out on the field, playing golf or also having a nice meal. as you take another bite out of your avocado toast, you see a familiar trio walk in. you really wish this island wasn't so small so you wouldn't see him that often. it annoyed you more than it bothered you. you put your toast down on the plate, then spoke to your boyfriend, "i'm gonna use the restroom," he nodded his head. you stood up from your chair and went inside the building.
while on your way to the restroom, you ran into rafe. it had been six months after you blocked him, and you resisted rolling your eyes when he waved and smiled at you. he started walking towards you, and you hoped he knew how much of a stupid decision he was making. probably not, you thought. he was now across you, and you hear him speak up, "how are you?" "fine," you say, dryly. "heard some things goin' around town." rafe says, trying to keep the conversation going. "yeah, I have a new boyfriend," your voice is monotone. "oh, does he treat you better than me?" he asks. you roll your eyes and try your best to not just walk away from the conversation.
"yes, he does, rafe. why haven't you moved on?" your voice was slightly raised, and he sighs, "you know why I haven't moved on. I need you, y/n. please-" "rafe. i've moved on. you should too." you start walking away to the restroom, and he looks at you, defeated. you knew your worth, and you knew you deserved someone better than rafe.
he took one last glance at you before going back to topper and kelce. he sighed as your words hung over him. you moved onto better things now.
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playboysaleen · 1 month
Metanoia (or not?...)
Metanoia:(n) meta·​noia - a transformative change of heart...especially : a spiritual conversion
Part 1. - Part 2. - Part 3. - Part 4. - Part 5.
Parings: Wednesday x Dracula!Reader (GN)
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(Im doing the gif based on what the chapter reflects bare with me)
Warnings: they are a little older(19, lets say nevermore is a college), Blood, swearing, fighting, near death experience, light mention of death, and a tiny (maybe lot) angst.
WordCount: 5.5k
this is literally Soft Wednesday for sure. (Reader is Masc)
Bold italics are flashbacks.
A/n: Yes, I am almost to the crazy part of this book lol. You all will get the juicy parts in the upcoming chapter...maybe lol depends on how i feel. There is some Serbian in here but i done forgot what it meant oops- but use ya context clues cause i know google translate works one way and one way only lol Enjoy :) (how do you make these words small.. i wanna be experienced with this app too)
Blurring to the house you felt the hairs on your arms raise when a hand wrapped around your arm sending you into the ground. The wind was knocked out of you, coughing loudly looking around to find Alek hovering over you, 
“Okay, before we go in there I need you to try and gather yourself now. We have two huge problems on our hands.” He started, 
“Huge? What could be more bigger than the Council-” A body collided with yours sending you deeper into the ground. D hopped off your body dusting off the dirt on her shirt. 
“Hey newbie, glad you can join us. Would you be so kind in helping us calm this woman down?” D sarcastically sang out when another body slid next to the three of you. Sofi hopped up growling loudly smacking the decomposed hand that attempted to clean the dirt from her jeans. Catching your eyes, she sent you a bright smile blurring back into the house. 
“The hell is going on?” You yelled out when the sound of thunder drummed around you. Cupping your hands onto your ears the sound became louder as you squeezed your eyes shut. 
“It’s…Marija! Only you can stop her!” D yelled out mirroring your actions but you being an Ascendent the sound was nothing compared to what they felt. Wobbling onto your feet, you made way into the house. You planted your feet when a gust of wind smacked you in the face. Squinting your eyes, Bora's figure was seen being thrown from up stairs to your feet. You were quick to help her up. 
“The fuck is going on?” You asked Bora as she wiped the blood that dripped from her forehead.(You have yet to ask them why they bleed.) 
“Marjia is going through a painful time accepting the damn truth.” She growled out, blurring back upstairs. You followed behind her when you heard Raina yelling at Marija. 
“You need to calm down before you draw attention to us and the damn Council finds the Ascendent and kills them!” After those words flew out her mouth a loud thud was heard in the room. You bursted through the door to find Raina on the floor unconscious and Bora running to her side checking for any signs of life(?) The loud ringing in your ears went silent and the wind came to a halt when her eyes locked with yours. 
“Hey, I’m going to need you to calm down.” You ordered, the girl in front of you could only shake her head as tears brimmed her eyes. Confusion swarmed around you when Marija ran out the balcony window, you turned to face Bora helping up a very weak Raina. “Go.” she shooed you off, you nodded blurring out the window vaulting over the balcony rails landing behind the girl looking up at the sky. 
“You don’t understand what I feel right now so I need you to stand back before I kill you.” She whispered, her chest falling and rising faster by the second. If the sky wasn’t dark before it sure was now, you inched forward reaching your arm to grab her shoulder when a lightning bolt struck you both. Feeling the shock run through your body as you fall to your knees you groan at the overwhelming feeling bubbling in your chest. Bora and Raina blurred with the rest of the OB watching the scene in front of them off in the field. 
“She’s going to kill them!” Raina yelled out, taking a step forward when Bora held her back. “No.” Bora shook her head, turning Raina to face her. “You are not like them. You’ll be burned to a crisp if you take a few more steps. OB or not.” She warned the girl who could only huff a breath turning back to the two of you in the open. Rein appeared next to the crew fixing his tie. 
“What a lovely light show you got going on for the Ascendent!” He cheered out when D patted his back shaking her head. “More like the Newbie is basically a spitting image of Marija’s deceased mate.” Reins eyes widened snapping his head to the OB. 
“Oh. I thought I mentioned that.” Rein thought out loud when multiple groans were heard around him. Bora sighed, watching for an opening to stop her. A cry strangled out your mouth when heat started to plant against your skin. 
“Marija…I need you to come back to me please. It hurts.” You mumbled out as your head hung. The girl glanced back, noticing your grip loosening from her arm but the shocks kept coming in. 
“D, show them.” Bora whispered. Raina sighed, placing a small peck on her lover's shoulder, stepping back. D nodded, locking her eyes on the two of you. Once her eyes turned white so did yours and once Marija’s eyes turned the shocks stopped. Rein took a step forward but Raina and Bora were quick to stop him. 
“Let them see.”
“Moja ljubav, did you move my tool box?” your voice rang through the spacious house. Walking down the hallway into the kitchen a small tune was heard. Peeking your head from the corner, your eyes caught the woman humming as she washed the dishes. Your heart skipped a beat when you noticed the smile you fell for centuries ago. Tip-toeing behind the woman, you snaked your arms around her waist placing your chin down on her shoulder. 
“You finally came back in, how is the project coming along?” she whispered as you planted a kiss on her neck. Her smile was contagious when all you could do is hum and lean more into her. 
“It's coming. I think someone moved my tools so it seems like I can’t work today.” you sang out, rocking you both back and forth. She let out a small scoff, shrugging her shoulders, turning off the faucet, facing you. 
“I wonder where those tools went.” you sent her a look catching on to her little game, sighing loudly you placed your forehead against hers smiling softly. 
“I think my wife would know ... .hmm” You squint your eyes digging your fingers into her sides pulling a laugh from her as she moved away. You scooped her into your arms carrying her to the couch as you dived into the huge cushion. Giggling was heard around the house when all you could do was smile. 
“I love you.” You whispered after a beat of silence. Locking her eyes onto yours she leaned in kissing you softly. “And I love you.” wrapping your arm around her waist you brought her closer deepening the kiss. You pulled away looking at the clock displayed on the wall. 
“I need to go meet Alek when the sun sets.” you spoke moving away from her grabbing your shades from the island. She sat up on her elbows, sending you a look. You waved your hand placing on your ring then glancing at the huge window that displayed the ocean. 
“Stop overthinking, I thought once we die the anxiety goes away.” She scoffed at your gift, chunking a pillow your way which you swiftly caught. Reading her mind a bit more, a goofy smile smacked across your face. 
“I’ll buy the wine if you make- oh now that's what i'm talking about!” You laughed out grabbing your keys. She blurred into your arms pressing her lips into yours. 
“Hurry back, Bora needs us at the OBH in the morning.” She whispered against your lips unlocking the door with her free hand as you were too busy trying to sneak in one more kiss. When the door opened you pulled away, placing a kiss onto her forehead. 
“I love you Y/n” smiling you walked out but before you closed the door you looked back sending her a smile. 
“And I love you Marija. Za Veconst.” 
A scream rang through your ears when the horrid images flashed in your mind as the white still clouded your vision. Marija still stood in front of you now with her hand clutched in yours as her eyes glowed. 
Your eyes fluttered open, noticing your parents sitting in front of you. The slight shaking around you indicated that you were in your family's limo. Your parents whispered amongst themselves but you could clearly hear what they were talking about. 
“It’s a shame that killing me off would save your ass from the council.” You whispered as the veins darkened under your eyes and your fangs poked out your lip. Your mother glanced your way, fear seeping from her pores. You could smell the fear and you couldn't lie…you loved the way they were terrified of you. 
“We are not going to kill you.” Your father spoke out closing the privacy screen behind him but the slight turn the car made caused the hairs on your skin to rise. Glancing at the opening in the window a light caught your attention. You blurred out of your seat dashing out the back window tumbling into the woods. A force caused your back to hit the ground when a pair of dark eyes locked with yours. 
“The Council would be glad that we saved them a fight.” he spoke, weaving his fingers through your hair dragging you to the road. You struggled against his hold trying to free yourself but with the strength he held it was easy for you just to give in. Tossing you onto the wet road your eyes caught your family talking to a man in a large trench coat. 
“I can give you two days to get out of here before I contact the Council on our location.” Your father nodded, sparing you one last glance then walking back to the limo. You called out for them but not one of them stopped. A pair of strong arms wrapped around your torso lifting you onto the back of the truck. Rain began to fall clinging the mud onto your clothes, your tears began to fall along with the droplets that settled onto your varsity jacket. Laughter was heard around when a man leaned forward sending you a sinister smile. 
“So much for a dangerous being, she’s crying!” You could hear your brother's cries from when he was dragged out of your home when you were younger. You locked your eyes with the man growling, 
“Get me out of these chains and I can show you dangerous.” 
His laughter locked in his throat when his hands went to break the chains around your hands and feet. The dark eyes he displayed now seemed hollow when you stood to your feet ignoring the protest from the other two behind you. Glancing back, you caught eyes with the taller man. 
“Kill them.” 
Hopping off the back of the truck, the cries from the men were heard. Ripping of flesh and breaking of bones echoed around the forest when you walked to the limo but stopped at the man in the trench coat. He stood almost eight feet tall but the look in his eyes made him seem small when you whispered, 
“You were the one who took my brother from me. I remember you.” You started sending him a smile that made the man whimper once he saw the pool of blood that dripped from the tailgate behind you. Stopping in front of the man, you locked eyes and sent him a look causing him to wail out a bunch of pleas. 
“You are going to go back to the Council and tell them I will kill each and every one of them for the death of my brother. Send them a visual reminder as well.” You stopped grabbing a fistful of his shirt bringing his ear to your lips. 
“I want you to rip out everything that gives you life.” 
Letting go of the man, his eyes were empty. Making his way into the truck, he drove off as you opened the door to the limo taking a seat facing your petrified parents. 
“This is what’s going to happen. You are going to take me somewhere safe and you can continue your life. We can forget this ever happened. Okay?” Your parents nod eyes now draining the gold that you once loved into a dark gray of emptiness. Your father whispered to the driver the destination and once the limo started its way, you leaned your head against the window. The gold in your parents eyes were now back and your father handed you a water bottle. 
“This will be a good school for you to study more about your ascension. Your mother and I will be on a business trip in Amsterdam but we will come down during your graduation!” He beamed wrapped his arm around your mother. She could only nod, sending you a tight lipped smile. 
“You might even find a husband for a mate down here.” She mumbled out, causing your father to nod his head. 
“Do not disappoint us Y/n.” Your father spoke when you leaned back looking out the window once again. Your golden eyes flashed the hollow color your parents once had as you closed your eyes letting the gut feeling send you into a deep slumber. 
Your hand fell limp when your body collided into the ground. You groaned at the pain now subsiding, Marija dropped to her feet pulling you into her arms. 
“Hey, I need you to look at me.” She pleaded, grabbing your jaw to face her, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your body went numb. Marjias head lifted to lock eyes with Bora, tears beginning to swarm. Raina was the first to blur to your side holding your head in her lap. “Hey Newbie, I need you to wake up.” She spoke tapping your pale cheeks that seemed to hue a darker color by the second. Bora made way next to Marija placing a hand on her shoulder, 
“Now you can see they are not your past lover.” Bora whispered in her ear but what shocked the two OB’s was the words Marija whispered, 
“No, but they are the answer to ending the Council.” Bora nodded but Marija shook her head, grabbing Bora's wrist. “No Bora you don’t understand…They used the power of a deceased Ascendant.” Raina gasped, snapping her head to you pressing her hand against your chest, waking you instantly. You jumped up, blurring to the house, Alek ran after you as fear filled all over your body. Tripping over the last step you fell on your back sliding into the living room ramming into the back of the couch. Alek stopped holding his hands up slowly inching his way towards you. 
“I need you to relax, why don’t we grab you a bag and we get you out those clothes.” you looked down to see most of your shirt was burnt and blood coated your arms. The rest of the OB and Rein appeared in the house when tears began to brim your eyes. 
“Why can’t I remember the ride to Nevermore?”  You croaked out standing onto your feet but moving away from everyone. Rein took a step forward clearing his throat, 
“You used your brother's gift to forget.” You shook your head running a hand through your hair. 
“No. He’s dead. That is not possible.” You protested looking around to find some sort of answer but the look on everyone's face around you showed that they were as shocked as you were. Bora sighed nodding her way to the Med bay which answered your questions. Slouching over you dragged your feet to the room sitting on the chair with your eyes glued to the ceiling. Bora walked in and your eyes widened at the state Marija left her in. Hopping off the chair, you sat her down grabbing a washcloth and the bowl of warm water that sat on the counter. 
“I’ll heal, don’t worry about it.” You shook your head, dabbing the damp cloth on the open wound on her shoulder. You both sat in silence as you tended to her injuries while the rain picked up again. 
“Must be Marija.” You whispered as your chest tightened when a clash of soft thunder bounced through the house. Bora hummed looking down at her wounds, now healing a lot faster than she thought. 
“You’re healing me. Sofis gift.” Bora spoke, running her fingers over the scar that was fading away. You hummed back, shrugging your shoulders, 
“I just thought of the stories my parents told my brother and I about the Death Summoner. Not only can she summon the dead but heal the wounded.” Bora scoffed softly looking at the door seeing Raina pass by with D following behind giggling. 
“Even though you are not Marija’s mate…you will still feel as if you both are connected in some way.” Bora started catching the slight huff you released dropping the cloth in the bowl. 
“I feel…upset that I can’t help her, the pain she feels having to be in the same room is a spitting image of someone she loved for centuries.” You started standing from your seat grabbing the stack of clothes Bora placed on the end of the chair when she walked in, removing your ripped shirt and changing into the new one. 
“I saw the last memories of her mate. I could feel the Council ripping their head from their body. The teeth sinking into their neck- Bora I could feel it all.” Bora huffed sending you a sympathetic look as you shook your head hearing the muffled sobs with your enhanced hearing. 
You walked to the door, sending Bora one last look then made your way to your room. You hopped on your bed with your eyes trained on the pig tailed girl's balcony with a million thoughts running through your head. 
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The night covered the small village just a few hundreds miles away from Nevermore as horrid screams were heard around. The tall man sat in a tent keeping his eyes trained on the entrance with a sinister smile on his face. 
“Bring him in.” He boomed. A boy was tossed into the tent with blood running from his nose. The man tilted his head examining the frightened child in front of him, almost like a predator inspecting his meal before feasting. 
“Child, what info do you have on the ascendent?” He asked, the boy whimpered looking at the man through his lashes. 
“They are no longer staying on Campus. They are staying with a group of people and I think their chosen one is Wednesday.” He whimpered out when snarling was heard from outside. Alucard hummed, taking in the boy's posture. 
“So the Ascendant has already found their mate…hmmm very well. I will have my right hand have you back before breakfast.” he spoke, waving his hand as a very slender man walked into the tent grabbing a fist full of the boy's jacket dragging him out the tent. “Thank you Rowan. Your honesty and loyalty will be paid soon. Till we meet in Jericho.” And with that the boy was no longer seen. Alucard growled softly when a man walked into the tent. 
“How far are they?” The man in front of him kneeled to his feet extending his hand letting Alucard grasp letting the vision play in his mind. He hummed letting go grabbing his ax that sat next to his seat walking out the tent. Blood was painted everywhere as a fanged smile plastered his face. 
“My children!” He roared as all heads turned to the man, “Drink what you can, the Council will be arriving tomorrow night. Please leave a message and let them know…THE Alucard is alive and well..killing.” He spoke nodding his way to the man next to him who lifted his staff that sent the rest of the ferals wild. Alucard started his walk down the village with the man by his side. 
“Grim ... .would you please remind my children that when we arrive to remain casual; in the dark. We are not a threat to the Ascendant. We will monitor the Ascendent for a day till we make ourselves visible. No one harms their mate, understand?” Grim nodded at his request. Alucard nodded, making his way down the village with a bloodied smile. 
“Matter of fact, get ready…we will go tonight.” 
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Ever since you ascended, sleep was not your best friend anymore. Screams and cries drummed in your ears when you closed your eyes. Once you ascend, sleep is not a priority but to fight the strongest beings in the world? You need all the sleep you can get. You hummed at the silence when you kept your eyes shut but the front door opening and a whiff of Vanilla scent sent you blurring to the top of the stairs, 
“Thank you Principal Weems for accepting our terms, I will be sure that Wednesday gets her classes completed and will be under our supervision.” Bora spoke, sending Weems a small smile. You kept your eyes glued to the girl standing next to the tall woman. You knew that she knew you were watching when her head looked up to meet your eyes. 
“You’re gonna burn a hole through the ground if you don’t control your venom.” A voice spoke next to you as you shut your mouth looking over. Raina sent you a teasing smile, you rolled your eyes mirroring her actions. 
“How come when I am near her it's like it doesn't happen, but when i feel…” you paused trying to find the right word- 
“Excited? Protective? Horn-” 
“Alerted.” You cut off Raina’s amusement by sending her a look then looking back down at the girl. “What will happen if I turn her before the Council arrives? I remember my mother telling me stories about needing a certain ceremony to turn your mate.” You mindlessly spoke keeping your eyes on Wednesday when Raina snickered. 
“You were young Y/n. I think your mother meant something else other than a ‘ceremony’.” Raina added. Your neutral expression now displaced grimace when you now knew what she meant. “No, I- no.” Raina snickered softly patting your back walking back into her room. Bora pointed at you when both pairs of eyes caught yours, you sent them a small smile blurring next to Bora. 
“Thank you Principal Weems.” The lady in front of you nodded, handing the rest of Wednesday's luggage to Alek who appeared out of nowhere. The boy blurred to your room then in a matter of seconds blurred past you all into the living room. “Well, I will make my way back to campus to arrange the lockdown for when the Council arrives.” She spoke looking between you and Wednesday. “If you’ll excuse me.” You send her a nod as Bora walks her out. 
“I can not lie, the house is alot bigger than I imagined.” Wednesday started. You chuckled, grabbing her hand guiding her up the stairs to your room. Once you both were settled you sat on the window seal with your eyes glued to Wednesday typing on her laptop. 
“If you stare a little harder, you might be able to read my thoughts.” Wednesday mumbled with her eyes still glued to her screen. Your eyes widen, “Was that a joke Wednesday?” You teased and laughed when you caught a small smile on her lips. You stood up casually strolling to the other side of the bed. 
“Don’t tempt me, I might.” You spoke that sent a scoff out her mouth sparing you a small glance. For some odd reason the voice in your head wanted to hold her close. The thought of pressing your lips against her neck sent your knees buckling before you. You gripped the shelf but the strength you held knocked the books on top of you. Wednesday rushed to your side placing a hand on the back of your neck that sent your vision spirling. Bad idea. The urge to pin her against the way and sink your teeth into her skin…but not in a blood draining way-
“I uh- I need some fresh air.” You spoke back pedaling away from her. Once you made contact with the door you blurred downstairs and out into the kitchen grabbing a bag of blood from the fridge, you almost slurped the bag with how fast you drank. Letting out a loud sigh ringing throughout the kitchen, you leaned your head against the fridge door clamping your eyes shut. After a few moments of attempting to rid the visions/thoughts in your head, you walked out the back door onto the patio that displayed your view from your room of Nevermore. 
“Don’t tell me you already have trouble in Paradise?” You looked over your shoulder to see Alek walking your way and mirroring your actions, leaning against the balcony rail. You scoffed shaking your head, 
“More like the opposite.” You sighed running your fingers through your hair. Aleks eyes widened and stifled a laugh. “I guess we are a pack now.” You narrowed your eyes at his response but rolled them when realization dawned on you. 
“Don’t worry, it was a direct thought so I heard it.” Blowing out a breath, you hung your head low. “I don’t know why I feel like this all of a sudden, it's only been a few weeks of knowing her.” 
“But it feels like years huh,” Alek sighed out taking a seat on the patio chair keeping his eyes on the clear skies. “It will get better, Newbie, don’t worry.” You turned his way leaning your back against the patio rail eyeing him. 
“How come you know a lot of this?” You mentioned, motioning your hand to your balcony. He smiled shaking his head, “I had a mate too y’know” 
You nodded looking back at the campus, sighing softly. Alek came a bit closer placing a hand on your shoulder, 
“I lost her during the Civil War. We came to an agreement that she will stay human. A stray bullet struck her as she was coming in from the bath into our room. Ever since then, I could not bring myself to move on. Same with Bora.” Alek spoke but hearing that Bora lost her mate too was something that turned your insides. 
“Bora was the first Original right?” Alek shook his head leaning more onto the rail as you both heard laughter coming from the living room. 
“Bora was the mate of the first Original. She was actually the first from the native tribe to turn. Her blood was from the ‘Supernatural Chief’ so when she became one of us she developed a gift and from there I guess the stories on the first OB spree is how it all developed to be OB’s too. Dude it's really complicated to explain but Rein was there.” You nodded looking back once more to see Bora walking to the kitchen. She caught your eyes, sending you a warm smile. Alek patted your back taking a seat onto the lawn chair chuckling, 
“Come sit, you look so tense. Plus, the girls got Wednesday. You might not want to go in there right now.” You chuckled at his response, taking a seat next to him as he handed you a blood bag. “Definitely not going in right now.” 
Bora came from around the corner of the kitchen handing everyone a blood bag and Wednesday a water bottle. She took a seat onto the couch near Sofi who was playing chess with D who was indeed throwing a whole tantrum. 
“This is so not fair Soph. You know I suck at this game.” D muttered out moving her pawn as Sophie giggled, moving her knight knocking off D’s piece from the board. D looked up sending her a glare when a hand was placed on her head patting lightly, 
“My love, be a wonderful girlfriend and keep Alek and the Ascendant some company.” Raina whispered. D grumbled hopping onto her feet heading out the back door. Raina sighed, taking a seat next to Wednesday. 
“So how are things going with your mate?” Raina asked the girl who only shrugged her shoulders, “I do not know, one minute we are in each other's arms and it feels like home then the next, they’re standing almost a hundred feet away and ignoring me like a plague.” Wednesday explained what caused Bora and Raina to giggle. 
“Oh Wednesday,” Bora sighed out, “They are fighting the urge to not turn you.” Raina finished Bora's sentence as they both turned to Sophie who caught their gaze grabbing her headphones walking upstairs.
“When it comes to a Mate who is not one of us comes with a ceremony that we use to change them and have them bonded to us for eternity.” Bora spoke out. 
“Ceremony?” Wednesday quivered her eyebrow as Raina giggled once more, shaking her head. Bora sent a small smile towards the girl, “Don’t worry, it is not what you think but it is what you will not expect-” 
D slid the door open throwing herself onto the free lawn chair tossing the whiskey bottle towards you which you quickly caught. Alek turned to face D and the look she gave the both of you sent Alek howling in laughter. You looked between them till D’s voice was heard in your head. 
“They’re giving Newbies mate here ‘the talk’.��� 
“The talk?” You spoke aloud, confusion swarming in your iris. D opened her mouth to speak when Wednesday's voice boomed through the house. Your eyes widened when the door swiped open and her face came into view. Her hand wrapped around your wrist dragging you inside. A yelp slipped out your mouth when Alek sent you a small telepathic message. 
“Good luck, let's hope your fangs don’t fall off” 
You sent the girls a look once you passed them when all they could do is giggle and wave your way. A whimper was heard from you when the girl literally dragged you up the stairs and sat you onto the bed as she towered over you. 
“Why did you not mention that if you do not turn me, Marija could end up being your mate?” Your eyes widen at this new information. Shaking your head, you stood up to protest but her hand rammed against your chest sitting you back down. 
“No. Sit down.” 
You stood quiet with your head hung low, waiting for what she had to say but once her hand gripped your jaw, you could have sworn you lost function in your body. 
“For being the most dangerously powerful being on the planet, you seem so weak as of right now.” You looked up to defend yourself but the look in her eyes seemed to answer your question to why she is acting this way. You stood up wrapping your arms around her waist, blurring her to the wall. 
“I could be your worst nightmare Wednesday, do not tempt me.” You whispered, your fangs peeked out your lips as your breath mixed with the girl trapped in front of you. 
“Nightmares are my favorite part of sleeping.” She whispered back leaning up causing her lip to brush against yours. 
“If you are a nightmare…” 
Your body buzzed with a new found feeling that made you feel as if you could destroy anything in your way. Rip apart the council to feel what you feel. Break through into the center of the earth to feel the heat you were feeling at the moment throughout your body. You’d steal all the burning gasses in the dark sky but for what cause…the light that could guide you to where you belong is in the eyes staring back into your soul. 
“...then make me sleep for eternity.” 
You smashed your lips into hers as her hand gripped your jaw bringing you in, deepening the kiss. You were stupid for not kissing her sooner, the energy that coursed through your body caused you to blur the both of you onto the dresser that shattered the mirror behind Wednesday. A small moan slipped the girls mouth that sent you onto cloud 9. Hands were felt underneath your shirt that was discarded in a matter of milliseconds. Another blur and you had her against the door quickly locking the door but your lips never left hers. Her kiss is something you could feel for as long as you roam this earth. Her heartbeat was drumming in your ears that caused your head to turn but with the speed, you ended up on the other side of the room with her on top of you. 
“How did you control my speed?” You whispered, attempting to speak with her lips still glued onto yours. She only shook her head leaning back removing her top, 
“Shut up and kiss me.” 
A/n: Yes, I left yall hanging like that. I, myself am not ready to write that JUST yet but be ready for the next chap dropping maybe this weekend or next week! (this for that one person lol) but i am thinking of making a 2-3 story series....maybe. (this is actually a book i am looking to get published...my music manager wants me to start publishing my books)
But i hope you all like it and stick around for more on Jenna! <3
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rojacatmisa · 2 months
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Starting over In Madrid
Chapitre 4 : Hell Clasico
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
Chapter 1 ➤ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➤ Clearly on a bad slope Chapter 3 ➤ Calmly panicking
"You don’t come after training because we’re still grounded ?" 
Misa’s text made my heart lifted. With the Clasico and games abroad coming, I had a huge amount of work that was keeping me out of the stadium. I had shut myself in my office for three days now, importing, retouching photos, thinking about the next games’s visuals… Due to the fact that resisting the goalkeeper was becoming more and more difficult, I had to admit I was relieved to be able to avoid her.
I thought a moment about what to answer. As soon as she had stood up from that bench on the evening at the park, Misa had been her funny self again. She had joked happily. We had said goodbye at the entrance of the parking. Like friends do. If she had been disappointed, she had been hiding it well. 
And now she was texting about me for not coming to our photo meeting in a casual yet flirty way again…
"Feels like I’m the grounded one… work is having me trapped in my office!" I texted back.
She started typing and stopped. Her text bubble didn’t reappeared. I sighted. I hated having to be distant with her. I sighted again and buried myself back into work. 
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Fifteen minutes later, loud erratic knocks boomed against the door of my office.  "What…?". Without waiting, Misa, Hayley and Sofie burst into the room. "Here she is ! You believed to could get rid of us that easy Nicky?" Hayley asked while the three girls came around my desk. Misa had bring a ball and severals biscuits with her. "What are doing here?!" I said already annoyed. I had a feeling they weren’t here to help me… 
"We’re checking if you’re still Nicky and not a robot." Misa dropped the biscuits on my desk and started to play with her ball, making it rebound between her foot and thigh. Sofie was leaning toward my computer’s screen. "Do you have new photos of me?". Hayley was observing my cameras under every angles. "I’ve never seen this one, would you recommend it Nicky?" The dull sound of the ball rebounding rhythmically was constantly filling the room. I wasn’t believing how fast they had created such a mess.   
"Guys, a girl needs to focus right now!" I said, eyes closed, a hand on my forehead. "Oh, you can keep working, don’t mind us." Hayley had taken a camera and was back at taking pictures. Sofie joined Misa and they went passing each other the ball. There was no way I was going to be able to concentrate in this chaos. 
Edit just ten more photos tonight. I said to myself. I grabbed back my pencil and graphic tab, opened a photo of Olga striking, and started to erase an unwanted grass twigs on one of her socks.
On the corner of my eye, I saw Misa’s face approaching the screen while chewing a mouthful of biscuits. "What’s this? Are you drawing?" She pointed at my tablet. The sound of the ball was still resounding, Sofie had taken over. A few crumbles fell off the goalkeeper’s mouth. "Misa! The keyboard !" I blowed hard on it to make them go away. "Perdòn!" She stood back and tried to swallow her snack. She gestured to me to explain again.
That girl can be such a pain !
"No, I can’t draw, I’m just correcting details. A pen is more precise that a mouse". I said to her.
"Oh vale ! Can I try It ?" I glared at her. "I mean not now! When you have the time. And… I can teach you football in exchange". She ended up showing an innocent smile.
That girl will drive me mad! 
"Misa! Leave Nicky alone and come to my IG Live, the fans wants to see you !" Sofie called from the farthest corner.
"Coming! Nicky, take a biscuit, son muy buenos!"
They kept going like this until they were forced to leave with me. I had painfully managed to do half the work I wanted to be over. Tomorrow is another day, they say. 
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Alas, next day was just the same. They came after their practice and occupied themselves more loudly than ever until my boss finally came to have them go away. With all of that, it was miracle I had finished everything at a rather early time on the eve of the Clasico. That meant I could attend the motivation speech that followed today’s training session.  
Sitting in the stands, the speech wasn’t captivating after all. Maybe I hadn’t enough knowledge of football to really get it but I found it lasting forever. The players weren't into it either. Olga’s legs were showing signs of impatience. Linda was slowly drifting. But despite my tiredness, I wanted to check on Misa and Hayley, so I kept waiting. 
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I caught them at the building exit. I could sensed their nervousness behind the frank smiles they both gave me as a greeting. 
"Hey Nicky, great speech eh..?" Hayley hugged me, she was so tensed. "Thanks for waiting but I need go home. I’m off, girls, see you tomorrow !" Misa patted her shoulder as she left and she roughly brushed her hair in return. 
I turned to the goalkeeper. "How are you coping?" I asked her gently. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other. "Estoy bien…", she answered peering down, her foot kicking at the floor vainly. She obviously wasn’t. 
"Do you want to walk ?" I said without any back thoughts. I just wanted to help my friend to feel a bit better. She nodded. 
We went touring the sport campus. We tried to talked about anything but the Clasico. At first, Misa was jumping in place every now and then to get rid of her stress. She relaxed when we started to tease each other. 
"Misa, you can’t be with a ball without showing off! That’s insane!". 
She smirked. "I’m athlete Nicky! Football is my life, of course I play with my ball all the time". She side glance at me, her mischievous tone and satisfied smile back. "I did 65 rebounds yesterday." 
I giggled "Is that much ?". Misa’s both disappointed and irritated air had me laughing out loud. 
She slapped me on the arm "Jajaja, muy divertido! Enhorabuena Nicky! I don’t care about what a girl who work al Real Madrid and knows nothing about football thinks!" 
It was my turn to faint annoyance. "I see trainer Misa is long gone before she even started… you are a very reliable person." She opened her mouth but was out of answer. I had had her sulking again. Grumpy Misa was one of my favorite. 
I took a pleading look. "All right, you are the best Misa! Now, when do we start training ?" I was sure the training part would lift her spirit. 
She side-eyed me again, still vexed. "Have you at least ever play football ?". 
I pretended to search my mind. "It happened... twice maybe. First was at school, and second on the alley in front of my parent’s house". 
She snorted. "No es posible…" She shook her head and continued, her voice suddenly curious. "For real, why did you want to work for a football club?" Her mocking tone gone had me really wonder how much I wanted to tell. 
"I needed a change in my life. Anything was… not going well. I had a rough break up and was really unhappy in my previous job…"
"I’m sorry to hear that" she said with a concerned look. 
I half laughed half sighted. "It’s ok now. I’m glad to be here. I really like Madrid". We were reaching the exit of the building again. 
"Bueno… and do you like your new job too ?" 
"Yes, I’m quite found of it… and of my new exasperating friends" I went back teasing her a little as we headed to the parking. 
"I’m happy you’re good with us", she said, not reacting on the teasing part this time. 
We arrived in the middle of the car park. I didn’t know if we were going in the same direction so I gestured on the right  "I’m parked this way". 
"I’m parked over here but I’ll go with you to your car, I can do with walking a bit more " she replied although she sounded far less stressed now. 
We reached my vehicle and faced each other to say goodbye. "Thanks Nicky" Misa softy spoke. Her features were less drawn. The walk had soothed her a little. 
"You’re looking better. Are you sure you’re ready to go home ?" I inquired one last time. 
She opened her mouth but nothing came out. Instead she simply smiled and looked away. "Misa?" I frowned not knowing how to help her anymore. 
Her head turned back to me. She bit her lip and her eyes stopped on mine. Then she slowly moved forward. My brows went up, having me frozen in a surprised look as she took my hands in hers, and I knew that that was it, that there’s was no escaping this time, and that I didn’t gave a fuck.
I half closed my eyes, my head slightly bowed while she leant over. My gaze stayed on her quivering mouth as she approached mine. At last, she pressed her lips. I let out a short breath. I was surprise by the tenderness of her kiss. Her mouth was soft, its movements slow.
I kissed her back. Letting relief fill me up. Completely abandoning myself as her taste and scent washed over me. Our noses brushed against each other. The grip of our hands tighten as we went on kissing, softly still, slowly still. 
Finally, she withdrew her lips from mine, a soft smile lingering on them, having me missing their contact immediately. My eyes couldn’t leave hers. 
"I’m ready now" she whispered. I exhale and shyly smiled and she released my hands. "Good night Nicky ». She stepped back and turned over. My gaze followed her until she disappeared behind the birch trees growing between the parking spaces. 
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Aitana Bonmati was running fast, dribbling everyone coming for her. She armed her strike and shoot between Ivana and Olga toward the penalty area. The ball landed right on Salma precise foot who immediately kicked hard at the upper left corner of the goal. Misa jumped with all her strength and the tip of gloves deflated the ball, preventing Barcelona to strike once again. 
The match had been hard and demanding from the very beginning. Barça team had been pressing Real Madrid players, having them constantly cornered near their penalty area. Misa had already saved five goals but as Mariona Caldentey had outpasted all the defenders for the third time and send a particularly well aimed kick to Caroline Graham Hansen, the goalkeeper had gone on the wrong direction and the ball had rolled easily in the cage. Misa had sweared, gotten up, and send a long clearance skillfully recovered by Hayley. Hayley was a fast runner too. She had passed the ball to Athenea, who had dribble passed Irene Paredes and used the one second of disorganization to find Linda. The kick from Linda’s head had miraculously flied through the expert gloves of Cata Coll, and crashed on the net behind her, filling the stadium with unexpected joy. 
Returning from the halftime, Barça had pressed harder and harder without succeeding at scoring yet an other goal. After a clever discussion in locker room during the break, the real Madrid was holding well against them for the first time, Misa’s many saves putting and end to theirs brilliant sequences of passes. And the unbelievable had happened at de 78th min. Naomie had succeeded at loosing Alexia Putellas’marker to get the ball from Oihane’s throw-in. Her quick arched shot had found Olga on the left side, who had managed a shot worthy of the World Cup. She had stricken from her rather distant position straight at the right upper corner, giving Cata Coll an impossible job. The stadium had burst screaming, echoing Madrid players all hugging together to celebrate their first time ever leading Barcelona. 
It was extra time when Misa’s body crashed on the grass again from saving Salma’s strike. The Madrid player were back at having a hard time. I could see they were physically drained, their feet barely touching the ball anymore. 
They all took position, ready for the corner, Misa giving directions to her teammates as she prepared herself for the upcoming action. Salma struck. She crossed the ball back from the goal line. The ball descended on Alexia in a perfect neat curve before she sent it crashing to the net. Barcelona had come up to the score, victory slipping through the Madrid girls'fingers at the 95th minute. Now, the match was going extra time. I saw Misa down in her attempt to save to ball, kicking the grass with her fists in frustration. As well trained as they were, the team was exhausted. With Barça clearly dominating, the extra time was going to be a living hell. 
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Misa passed by me as she exit the tunnel to ran toward her goal after the short break. I took a shot of her face, a mix of deep concentration and extreme fatigue. My heart sank. I had been covering the match with other photographers from the start, trying hard to focus on my job rather than on the ongoing actions and the increasing pressure on Misa. 
The game resumed. Madrid team formed two compact lines in front of the goal. They had received new guidelines: keep on defending and don’t take another goal at all cost. Their strategy, and Ivana’s agile foot prevented a new shot on target finding the net. The only two more attempts of Madrid met Cata’s gloves, her clearance sending the ball back on their half pitch again. But, they hold on again and again the entire the first half of extra time.
During the second, fouls and cramps multiplied on each sides, chopping the play in numerous sloppy actions and hardening the footballer’s job by giving them unnecessary minor injuries. Misa’s attempt to grab a shot by Mariona sent her rolling on ground and her knee hit the goal-post. The ball luckily found the cross-bar and was quickly cleared by Kathellen. But Misa was still down, grasping her knee between the puffy fingers of her gloves. I shuddered. No please! Let not it be a serious injury! I silently prayed. The medical staff came over after the referee had blown the whistle. With several of her teammates surrounding, I could barely see what was going on. 
I waited, trying to breathe properly, not looking at the last picture I took of Misa, curled up on the grass, her features distorted by pain. After what was feeling like an hour, the med staff went away and the small crowd scattered, revealing Misa standing on her feet again, though she was breathing hard and slightly limping. I relaxed a little.
The goalkeeper settled back in front of her caged but she gave the ball to Ivana for her to do a long clearance. She clearly hadn’t the strength anymore. The ball was back in her penalty area in a heartbeat but the match had Madrid finally find the key to put up a very strong defence. When the whistle blew again, it was to put an end to the game at last. 
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The penalty shoot out would decide the winner of the Copa de la Reina. More than ever, the outcome of the match was now resting mostly on Misa’s shoulders.
The goalkeeper and the rest of the team gathered around the trainer near the bench. I crossed eyes with Misa and I smiled, my fist clenched up in the air to show her my support. She didn’t seemed to see me. Nothing exists apart from the game when she was playing. 
Madrid opened the shoot out with Olga. She shot, scored. Cheers burst. 
Misa jumped on her line. Caroline Graham Hansen scored as well. 
Claudia kicked hard on her right but Cata had understand where she was aiming. Her body blocked the ball, having Barça yelling in triumph. 
Aitana scored. 
Athenea scored. 
Mariona scored.
Hayley scored.
Last ball. All was resting on Misa. If she failed the ball, everything was over. 
Alexia armed her leg. Kicked. The ball flew on the opposite of the goalkeeper. 
It was it. Madrid had lost. I forgot to take pictures, focusing on the limp body of Misa still laying on her back, her gloves on her face. As the Barcelona players hugged together in victory, the sturdy figure of Alexia was crouched at Misa side, muttering to her words I could not hear. She heaved Misa to her feet, helped her taking off her gloves. I could see her face wet with tears, her eyes puffed and closed as she was still sobbing. They leaved the pitch, Alexia’s arm over Misa’s shoulders. One of other photograph was shooting restlessly at them while they headed toward the tunnel. I couldn’t suppress a surge of anger. 
I got up, quickly took the steps that separated me from the man with the camera. 
"Give her a rest ok ?!" I shouted in his direction. The man stared blankly at me, astonished. In addition to my strange behavior, he probably wasn’t speaking English. 
Noticing my action, Misa and Alexia had stopped. When she saw me close, Misa lowered her head as if she couldn’t bear to look at me. Alexia stared kindly at me, guilt still her eyes as she knew she had partly caused the sadness of her friend. 
"I can take her to the locker room if you want" I said, instantly shocked by my own words when I couldn’t leave my job. 
Misa lifted her face again. Alexia looked at the goalkeeper to see if she was ok with that. Misa nodded and I took over Alexia to guide her through the tunnel. 
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I made Misa sat on the farthest bench of the locker room. Everything was quiet here, the screeches of the celebration only a distant echo. The goalkeeper had stopped crying. Her board shoulders and muscular body seemed so fragile somehow. I took a seat beside her, not knowing what to do now it was up to me to comfort her. 
"I’m sorry" I simply said.
"We were so close!" she cried. "Let’s just go! I don’t want to be there, I don’t want the puta silver medal again!" She blown her nose hard and rubbed her red eyes with a towel laying by. Exhaustion was oosing from her at every levels. 
"No Misa you can’t go" I responded and caught a surprised side eye, as surprise as she could be in her current state. "You can’t go because everything’s not about wining or being better or best ! You can’t go because football doesn’t have to be that. It’s not about the score, the cup or whatever. Football is an emotion, a battle, a shared experience. And first and foremost it’s a spectacle and you put on one hell of a show as a team and as a player tonight! If you go, nothing remain, it would mean nothing. You have to go back Misa." 
Silence settled between us. I felt exposed and embarrassed by the words I had just spoken. It was ridiculous, saying obvious things like that to a seasoned footballer when I was barely discovering the sport. 
The goalkeeper exalted deeply. "You lied to me" she said, gotten me confused. She chuckled softy "You acted like you didn’t know a thing about football". She painfully stood up and waved me to do the same. "But you do" she said smiling as we faced each other. The tall woman pulled me into a hug, her head resting on my shoulder and I hold her tight against me. I gently stroked her back, her jersey was wet and she was clearly stinking of sweat but I didn’t care. I just wanted us to stay like this, clump together.
After a minute or so, we parted and smiled softy at each other. In spite of her weariness, Misa was looking less drained. She was waiting for... something while expectantly looking at me. Her dimples back with her grin enlighten her tired face. I kept smiling, my mind racing to figure out what I should do, what I could do… what I wanted do to. When she thought I wouldn’t do anything, Misa’s smile faded a little and she started to turn around. 
"Misa, wait…" I grabbed her arm and pulled her back against me. I only took a glimpse of her surprised yet eager face before I kissed her.
I grasped her face, pressed her mouth harder against mine. Misa let out a whine, the sound of it had my body set afire. I slowly made her step back until she hit the lockers room’s door. She gasped at the contact, put one of her hand in my hair, the other gripping the fabric of the bottom of my shirt. She opened her lips, her taste filled me up entirely and had me moan with want.
Our heated kiss had enlighten all my senses and turned my body into white iron. I felt my hand acting on her own as it went under Misa’s jersey and up her abs. She wimped again, her own fingers going under my shirt and touching the skin of my waist. Her soft and full lips were enveloping my mouth, our breathings had become jerky.
Fevered by my desire of her, I led my hand down her stomach to the strap of her shorts. She groaned and froze. "Wow! Nicky wait…" I stopped neat. She took her hands off my back and gently seized my face. "I have to go back" she said, a burning gaze on me. I breathed, trying to tame the flames devouring my insides. I smiled and repeated, "You have to go back". She placed a last kiss on my lips and got off the room.
Right now, Hell Clasico was finishing on a heavenly note.
Chapter 5 ➤ Valleys and peaks
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hetalia-enthusiast · 8 days
Goodnight + sneak peak of some of my plushies
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Dude this sucks ass- THE QUALITY ISTGGGGG
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frost-queen · 2 years
Sickness upon you /A ae (Reader!Sibling x Bridgertons)
Requested by: Anon, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @theletterhart, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @denkisclown, @automaticbakeryfreakshoe, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @october-leaves, @luvlyencanto,  @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @idkwhatmyusernam,  @subjecta13-thefangirl  @kazbekkarluvbot, @freyathehuntress​
Summary: Alternative/ alternative ending (so a third ending) Letters have been send out but no response comes. Thinking it is only Hyacinth wanting attention. R dies all alone having want nothing more than to hug her siblings. Once funeral invitations have been send out the Bridgerton family is overcome with grief and guilt. < Read beginning & (happy) ending here!, Sad ending in company here! >
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Letters had been send out, arriving at the right destination. Benedict stood behind a painting, paint brush in his hand. Sofie reading a novel in the armchair before him. There was a knock on the door. – “My lord, letters have arrived.” – the butler said with a bow. Benedict pointed with his paintbrush at a small table. – “Lay them there, I shall see to them later.” – he spoke turning his attention to the painting once more. The butler placed the letters down taking his immediate leave. Sofie looked up from her novel to the interesting letters. After half an hour she wondered when he might read them. – “Are you not going to read them?” – she asked from behind her book. Benedict sighed soft. – “In a moment, I am trying to perfect your pretty face, Sofie.” – he answered making her smile briefly. 
“You already have a million portraits of me, Benedict.” – she responded. Benedict dapped his brush in white paint, letting the brush stroke against the canvas. Sofie glanced up to the letters, her curiosity getting the better of her. She shut her book, placing it beside her. Benedict moved his hand up as she had gotten up. – “I was nearly there.” – he protested with a soft groan. Sofie had been butchered to stay in place for over an hour now. She walked up to the letters picking them up. – “Do not fond yourself over meaningless letters love.” – Benedict spoke hoping his dear wife would return to pose.
Sofie moved the letters behind one another to go through them. – “Benedict love.” – she said laying the other letter back down, just one in her hand. – “This one is from your sister Hyacinth.” – Sofie turned to him, presenting the letter to him. Benedict placed his brush down as well as his painting pallet. He took the letter from her. – “As I said meaningless letters.” – he spoke laying the letter down with the others. – “It might be important?” – Sofie insisted. – “And it might not.” – Benedict answered cupping her cheeks. – “My dear Sofie, my sister is known to write letters when she feels lonely. Although she isn’t.” – He kissed her forehead as she exhaled long. 
“I still believe you should read it.” – Benedict sighed loud at her words. He turned around returning to his unfinished painting. – “What if it is not? What if something is amiss?” – Sofie called out. – “Sofie, Sofie nothing is amiss at home. I promise you.” – he said to reassure her. Sofie turned to look away, crossing her arms. – “Everything is ever so perfect at home.” – Benedict told her motioning for her to sit down once more. Sofie sat back down, yet not with the pleasing smile she did before.
Violet’s eyes fluttered awake at the morning glow seeking a way through the curtains. She seated herself better in the chair, feeling her back ache. She had fallen asleep in an unfortunate position. Taking a deep breath, she urged herself to get up on her feet. You were shivering as Violet walked up to the bed. Placing the bedsheets better on you, tugging you back in. Then she went with her hand over your face down to your cheek, feeling the clamminess. You were still pretty hot compared to normally. Violet settled down on the matrass with you. A small groan of back pain escaping her lips. She turned her head to stare at the water bowl on your nightstand for a moment. Her expression dull and lifeless. Weary she picked up the cloth urging herself to take care of you. 
Even when she found it hard to do so. Water dripped down from the cloth back into the bowl when Violet gave it a soft squeeze. She placed her hand on your shoulder, turning you onto your back. Placing the wet cloth on your forehead to ease your temperature. Your body was shivering under the sheets, a clear disturbance on your face. Eyes closed but she could see the tension bothering you in your sleep. Violet lifted her chin up to the window, staring at it. A gentle knock on the door made her turn her head. The door opened revealing one of the maids. – “Lady Bridgerton, I brought you, your tea.” – she said with a curtsy.
Violet thanked her, gesturing at her to place it down. – “Are… are my children awake?” – she asked. The maid nodded. – “Good… tell them I will meet with them in a bit.” – The maid nodded once more taking her leave. Violet got up leaving you alone for the first time in many hours. She went down the stairs to share breakfast with her remaining children. Knowing they needed her care too.
The duke and duchess sat at the table. Simon laid his napkin down receiving a great deal of letters. Daphne quirked her eyebrow up, sticking a fork in her mouth. Simon looked through the letters furrowing his brows at a letter from Hyacinth. – “Daphne, you have a letter.” – he said holding the letter out. – “Me?” – Daphne answered placing her fork down. She licked her lips clean, taking the letter from Simon. – “Hyacinth?”- she said quietly. Simon continued to look through his letters questioning which was of more importance to open first. Daphne opened the letter, reading the note. – “Is… is something the matter?” – Simon asked seeing the clear baffled expression with her. 
“I don’t know… Hyacinth is not one to write a great deal of information.” – she answered with a polite smile. – “I shall have to speak with her about proper letter writing when I meet her again.” – Daphne said folding the letter. – “What… what did it say?” – Simon was curious having seen her reaction. – “Nothing out of the ordinary.” – Daphne responded picking up her fork one more. – “Hyacinth misses us dearly that is all.” – She responded haven taken a bite. – “Perhaps you could pay her a visit? It has been awfully long, hasn’t it?” – Simon spoke. – “It has Simon, but we have been awfully busy. I will simply write a letter when I find the time.” – Daphne replied closing the discussion.
Deep inside your throat you felt it brewing up. A thickness wanting to come out. You sat up head bend over coughing loudly into your hand. The intensity made your body shudder. Limbs shaking as you continued to cough. It barely gave you any room to breathe. Nearly choking on your own cough. The muscles in your neck contracted trying to keep up with the flow of coughs. Then your eyes widened feeling a sudden wetness on your palm. You moved your hand back with a tremble. Red dots splattered across your palm. You touched your under lip with the tip of your middle finger. It felt wet as well. Looking at your finger it was stained red as well. 
To be entirely sure you licked your lips. There was no denying it now. The taste of blood very strong in your mouth. This was not a sign of improvement. Rather the opposite. Your head turned to the door, hearing loud voices come in the hallway closer. You reached for the cloth quickly wiping your hand and lips clean. Just as the door opened, you were able to hide the blooded cloth under your pillow. – “Good morning, Y/n!” – Gregory and Hyacinth said entering your room. Gregory shut the door as you made room for them in your bed. Hyacinth jumped in as Gregory joined a bit later. – “How are you feeling Y/n?” – Hyacinth asked curious, sitting on her knees in front of you. – “Much better.” – you lied with a faint smile.
Gregory furrowed his brows. – “You look a bit pale Y/n. Are… are you sure you are feeling better?” – he said. You nodded. – “I do.” – you reassured him, sticking to your little lie. In truth you weren’t sure if you would ever become better. But you could not get it over your heart to tell your brother that or even your twin sister. – “I hope so!” – Hyacinth said taking your hand. You smiled fainty at her. Gregory placed his hand over Hyacinths. Three hands united in one. – “I have written letters to the others, if you don’t mind Y/n.” – your sister said. You shook your head. – “Soon they will be here, so mama doesn’t have to carry the burden alone.” – she added. – “You will get better will you not Y/n?” – Gregory said with saddened eyes. 
You placed your free hand over your entangled hands, giving it a gentle shake. – “We will always be together.” – you said softly. – “Promise me.” – Gregory insisted. You blinked confused, taken back by his firm words. – “Promise me Y/n! I need you to promise me!” – he repeated wanting to hear those exact words. You looked over to Hyacinth feeling a thickness settle down your throat. – “I promise.” – you answered. Gregory eased up, taking a deep breath. He let go of your hand, throwing his arms around you. – “Do not leave us yet…” – he whispered into your ear. You laughed with tears in your eyes. Finding beauty through the pain. Hyacinth joined the warm embrace between siblings.
Eloise laughed loud holding up a letter. Philip quirked his eyebrow up in confusion. – “What is the matter, Loise?” – he asked seeing her approach. Eloise let herself fall into the sofa with him. Her feet plopping up from the ground. She took a loud and deep breath. – “A letter from my sister.” – she moved it over to Philip, holding it in front of his nose. Philip swallowed nervously taking he letter from her. He read it quietly when Eloise took a loud breath, her hands on her stomach. – “It sounds rather serious…I…I’m afraid I cannot find the laugh in this?” – Philip answered unsure to what Eloise might be laughing at. 
Eloise took the letter from him once more. She turned towards him, waving with the letter. – “This is a clear sign of desperation of my sister. One of her tricks to have us all return home just for the sake of nothing.” – Eloise said. – “Is… is that so?” – Philip answered nervously. – “It is my dear Philip.” – Eloise gave him a playful nudge. – “I do have to praise her for her attempt.” – Eloise sighed turning back to look up to the ceiling. – “And you are certain it might not be an actual call for help?” – Philip asked hovering over her. Eloise shook her head. – “I know my sister. It is not.”
You exhaled long and tiring. Eyes closed you wiped your lips clean once more. The blood hadn’t stopped. Pulling the covers from over you, you slipped your feet over the bed. Getting up, you walked slowly over to the window. Outside the sun was shining bright. Gregory and Hyacinth sitting down in the grass. You smiled faintly touching the glass. From underneath came Francesca in sight, joining them. She sat down with them. They seemed to share a heartly conversation. Your knees shuddered, hand shooting up to your mouth as you coughed loudly. Blood staining your palm once again. Taking a deep breath you straightened your posture. – “I am alright Anthony.” – you said, pressing your blooded hand against the glass for support. 
Your hand slid down leaving blood stripes on the window as you turned around. – “Nothing new Benedict.” – you added smiling at your empty bed. You returned to your bed, crawling in. You sat on your knees admiring your pillows. One of them had slid down a bit. You took it, seating it better. – “Oh Daphne ladies do not slouch.” – you said to the pillow. You plucked at the pillow beside the one that you referred to as Daphne. – “Colin don’t give me that weak smile.” – you said. You crawled under your covers, snuggling against the pillows that surrounded you at each sides. – “Come home.” – you whispered. Closing your eyes a single tear escape, rolling down the side of your face. You took a long and deep shuddered breath. All you ever wanted was in your final moments to hug your siblings. To hold them once more.
You felt it. Death was close and you had to face it all alone. Alone with an imaginary family of pillows because your siblings never came. They never responded to Hyacinth’s letter. One should be angry at them. Hate them for it, but you didn’t. You forgave them despite it all. Despite laying here all alone with the warmth of pillows as you slipped into the final stage of death. A wave of coughs overtook you. You clamped onto the pillows, holding onto five or six as you kept coughing. Coughing as blood spewed out. 
Even a thin line of blood running out of your ear. You couldn’t stop as there was little room to breathe. In the end you choked. Laying still in your bed, pillows under your arms, a tear stained on your cheek as the light had left your eyes. In the end you were alone. Your eyes opened once more adjusting to the light. You stood in a meadow, a figure not far from you. – “It’s you.” – you spoke recognizing him. – “And it’s me.” – you added with a crackling voice as he extended his hand out to you. – “It’s us.” – Edward said warmly.
A maid found you, calling upon the lady of the house. Violet gasped loud, slamming against the door in shock. Shaking her head she couldn’t believe it. Gregory, Hyacinth, and Francesca had slipped in as well. Hyacinth dropped to her knees taking in a deep breath before screaming her lungs out. Screams of agony that ended up in floods of tears. Gregory ran up to the bed, gripping onto the sheets. – “No! no!” – he called out, tears running down his cheeks. – “I hate you for leaving me!” – he screamed as Francesca had to pull him away. – “You promised… you promised…” – he said breaking down against Francesca. Francesca sobbed loud barely containing herself. The maid covered you up with a sheet as another maid guided them back downstairs. They all sat in the parlor in silence. 
“What am I to do now?” – Hyacinth said as her voice broke down. Violet rushed over to her, burying her own sadness to give comfort to her daughter. She cherished her in her embrace, rocking her like she once did when she was but a baby. Francesca stared in front of her, hands on her lap. – “I don’t know what to do with it?” – she said with tears in her eyes. – “With what?” – Violet asked quietly. – “All the love I have for her.” – Francesca answered softy sniffing loudly. – “I don’t know where to put it.” – Gregory approached her as she let him sit on her lap. – “You put it in your heart.” – Violet said. – “You bundle your love for her and let it warm a nest inside your heart where it can never leave.” – She stroked Hyacinth’s hair while saying this.
New letters have been send out. Black one’s this time. – “Anthony…” – Kate said holding the black letter in her hand. She turned slowly to Anthony who widened his eyes at the letter. He shook his head with a trembling notion. Kate swallowed opening the letter. She read it out loud that young miss Y/n Bridgerton had passed away. Anthony fell to his knees, mouth open as no sounds came out. His screams bundled up in his throat as he couldn’t find the strength to out them. Breathlessly grasping for his chest. Kate ran over to him, kneeling beside him. She moved her arms around him while Anthony rocked himself like a little child. A loud sob escape his mouth allowing him to finally scream his terror out. Kate pressed his head against her chest while he cried out his heart.
“Eloise.” – Philip said with a saddened smile. Eloise dropped her luggage, eyes staring grand at the black letter. – “Hyacinth?” – she whispered. Philip shook his head. – “Your sister Y/n.” – he answered. Eloise teared up in seconds moving her hand over her mouth to deafen out her cries. Philip ushered towards her, holding her. – “I…I should’ve gone… I laughed it away…” – she cried out in guilt. Philip shushed her, stroking her back. – “What kind of a monster am I?” – Eloise panicked. Philip could only hold her as he could not cure her guilt. The guilt of not believing a word Hyacinth wrote that requested for them to come home. It was urgent and now she understood why… too late.
Benedict received the black letter as he stumbled against the door. – “Everything alright my dear?” – Sofie asked having heard the loud noises. She gasped seeing the black letter in his hand. – “Oh poor Hyacinth.” – she said. Benedict’s eyes widened as it had not occurred to him, yet it could be her. He opened the letter reading it. His hands trembling. – “It is not Hyacinth.” – he said blinking the upcoming tears away. – “Is it not?” – Sofie asked confused. – “It is Y/n.” – he answered with a crackle in his voice looking up to her. Sofie ran up to him, throwing her arms around him. Benedict embraced her, crying loudly over her shoulder. – “I loved her so… so much… and now she’s gone… I never got to see her again.” – Benedict cried with guilt. 
He let go of Sofie storming into the parlor where his unfinished barely finished painting was. He grabbed it smashing it against the ground. – “Benedict!” – Sofie said frightened. Benedict screamed it out, slamming the painting again and again against the ground. Breaking it as it reminded him off his lack of care. If it was not for the painting, he might have read the note and went home to be there by your side. Perhaps things could’ve ended differently. The canvas was ripped, the edges broken off as Benedict projected his anger to his paint. He swayed his arm over the table yelling in grief. The paint fell onto the ground leaving smudges as he could care less. Sinking to his knees he let his head fall into the palms of his hand.
Colin sobbed loud finding comfort in Penelope’s arms. – “Why… why has someone as innocent as her been taken?” – he asked with a loud sob. – “Tell me!” – he screamed out, body trembling at the intensity of his raw emotion. – “I do not know…” – Penelope said hugging him. – “I do know that the one’s we love will never leave us. They will be with us for as long as we are here.” – she answered kissing his neck. – “They never leave us Colin… She will always be with you in here.” – Penelope pressed her hand onto his chest. – “Why does it hurt so much?” – he asked sucking in a sharp breath. – “Because she was a part of you.” – she responded quietly whilst soothing him.
Simon pushed the door open finding a screaming Daphne. Screaming loud as she did everything in her power to out it. Her entire body shuddering, fists beside her body. She stomped and kicked around. Jumping in a fury to get the grief out of her. She threw books against the wall, screamed in pillows. Finally she pressed her hand against the glass, worn out from outing her emotions. Simon walked in hugging her from behind. He kissed her neck as Daphne let her hands slide over his arms. She sobbed loud, Simon holding her firm, or she would crash down.
Grief can take us in many forms. A memory, anger, guilt, silence. No matter how one may show their grief they all share the same in common. The loss of one dear to them. Plucked from their life as their existence is wiped out from this earth. The one’s who stay behind can only learn to live with it, knowing they would meet again in another lifetime. Beyond the veil where lost one’s wait to be reunited once more.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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i-never-forgot · 2 months
…Do y’all think Dusknoir is naturally nocturnal?
Idk if it’s ever been mentioned in the Pokédex/series if ghost-types tend to be strictly nocturnal or are simply more active at night, but we’re going to hypothesize about the former real quick.
(Preemptively tagging @fujii-draws and @sincerely-sofie bc I’d love to hear y’all’s thoughts on this!😊)
Concepts to consider:
Dusknoir being eepy in the daytime, therefore he zones out or dozes off if he’s not actively doing anything. I bet he still floats like horses fall asleep standing up. His eye just shuts and maybe he sags a little in place but other than that he looks like he’s just chilling. If he’s not careful he’ll nod off mid-conversation or mid-task if it’s rhythmic and/or muscle memory (thinking knitting or whittling or smth like that, although I’m not sure if he’d do either of those things specifically) since he would likely find such chores soothing in their monotony and tedium after All That™️.
It’s easier for him to stay awake when he’s in direct sunlight, but if he goes underground or catches a nice patch of shade he’s out like a light if he slows down long enough and is alone or with someone he trusts if they’re not busy. I can easily see him taking naps under trees leaned up against their trunks like this. (May or may not have a sketch of this very idea too…🤫)
Overall just imagining this big old ghost just kind of acting lethargic and even a little lazy if he gets to the place where he allows himself to be; floating around like a balloon in a gentle wind, conducting chores or running errands around town or w/e. Obviously he’d be more alert while exploring, but when he’s in rest mode he’ll probably try to take it easy to conserve energy.
Now for the flip side: night comes around and suddenly he’s Awake™️. He visibly perks up and gets more energetic, his movements quicker and more precise and his eye bright and attentive. He gets Ghost Zoomies and I’m sure the others would think it’s strange at first. It might take them a while to get used to it.
Mayhaps his instinctive nature would come out to play and he might even be a bit mischievous. Maybe he likes to Shadow Sneak around and spook his friends—an innocent, (mostly) harmless little game he honestly cannot recall the last time he played. Maybe they eventually start playing tag with him to see who can catch him in his more agile state. (I think Grovyle might enjoy this most once they both get past the trauma of Dusknoir being incorporeal and thus immune to attack chasing Grovyle. He’s so quick on his feet that I think they’d be fairly even matched, and I can see them totally being competitive and keeping score. Celebi would even add more fun to the mix being able to fly.)
Overall he’s just in a better mood. He’s concealed in the darkness and explores without as much worry about running into someone unsavory.
(Perhaps this is why he was so powerful in the future—perpetual darkness acts as a poor imitation of the darkest, longest night, after all. Maybe he has to readjust in the healed timeline since he’s never had to deal with daylight for extended periods of time. Maybe he gets a little weaker but he considers it a fair trade for his new and gentler lease on life.)
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bradpittwh0re · 10 months
Can you pls make a: brad pitt x Singer!reader Rihanna face claim
if you have time in the day
thanks so much for the request and I'll be uploading an imagine with this face claim.I changed it that she is still a singer but also a CEO like a makeup company - fenty beauty
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faceclaim: rihanna
pairings: brad pitt x ceo!reader
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liked by y/nfan19, user83 and 4,356 others
y/naccess y/n has been teasing a possible makeup collab, what brand do you think it ?
view all 1,886 comments
y/narchieve I have a feeling it would be louis vuttion because she has worked with them in the past
rarey/n when is the next album we are so desperate
y/nstan94 we not getting another album for years
y/nfan42 you know its going to be good cause y/n is attached to it
y/nstan64 she looks so good in these pictures
y/nfan23 her tattoos looks so good
y/nstan452 she actually glowing in these
user need her to do a vogue beauty secret video
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liked by caradelevingne, jay-z , y/nstan95 and 53.8m others
yoursername I'm so grateful to announce that I am launching my makeup line called Fenty Beauty. My team and LVMH have been working on this for a few years and my main goal in making this makeup brand is to make sure every woman feels included and represented. I'm glad to say we are launching with 50 wide ranges of foundations so it could include everyone.
view all 32,383,632 comments
y/nstan54 yes we stan an inclusive and diverse kween
y/nfan04 finally something for us woc , we are tired of the scarps
randomuser actually changing the game
caradelevinge already the best makeup brand
user not cara being a y/n fan
carauniverse she has always been a y/n stan
y/nfan77 shut up im actually crying
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liked by pittfan34, bradstan25 and 825,821 others
pagesix While Y/n is entering her CEO era she has been spotted locking lips with A-list actor Brad Pitt at a Coldplay concert.
view all 413,624 comments
y/nfan34 um babe step it up
y/nstan74 this cannot be true
bradfan72 wait why do I ship this
bradpitt54 wanting this to be real so bad
y/npitt32 they would be such a cute couple
bradfan84 aw so cute
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liked by bradfan83, bradfan15 and 5,427 others
bradpittworld omg , omg , omg the pics of brad and y/n kissing at the Coldplay concert at Sofi Stadium in Inglewood, California
view all 2,527 comments
y/nstan52 wait pagesix is right for once???
bradfan26 what do you mean they always have close sources
bradpittgirl Coldplay being brad favourite band
bradstan62 wait they look so cute together
y/nfan30 damn they really making out
bradlover no out of anyone brad decades to date the failed pop star turned failed business owner
y/ndefender she is a multi-Grammy winning artist and the pre-orders for her makeup have sold out , ur just a loser
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liked by bradfan11, yourusername and 76,240 others
y/nupdates y/n and brad stuns at fenty beauty launch event
view all 37,802 comments
y/nfan34 not queen y/n liking ur so lucky
y/nupdates thanks so honered
y/nstan54 she is not going to address nothing
y/nfan02 her liking the post is her basically confirming the relationship
y/nfan53 the clear swarovski crystal dress just stunning
bradstan20 they look so good here
bradfan38 brad is literally glowing in these
y/n+bradstan96 not brad's single hand in the last picture
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Within the first week of Fenty Beauty by Y/N L/N it has surpassed 100 million in sales
Thanks for waiting and reading , currently working on a few fics at the same time also working on a oneshot about this
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"You reek of jealousy." + "The way you talk about them? That's not how you talk about a friend." with Jake pretty please 🥹
a/n; SOFI, thank you so much for the ask!! I loved writing this so much!! I hope you like it as much as I do <333
Jake Seresin x reader (callsign; Gaia)
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“You reek of jealousy right now,” Phoenix announced as moved closer to the darts board, eyeing the blond aviator that sat perched on one of the stools opposite the target.
He was practically looking like a tomato, the tip of his ears to his cheeks were blush red, the bottle of beer in his grip was looking as though it could break any moment.
Across the bar, you and Bradley are talking and playing by the pool table. The pretty pink and red flowers on your dress flowed as the breeze passes by, ruffling your hair as you try to tame it back. You’re laughing, giggling childishly at the things he whispers in your ears due to the booming bar. He leans in close, too close for Jake’s liking. And that makes his blood boil.
You’d let your hair loose for tonight, a team celebration called for a let loose. But Jake knew your hair were bothering you.
And it didn’t help his jealousy when Bradley reached to push the hair in your face when your hands were busy shooting the pool balls. Putting them in a make shift pony tail to keep them out of your face. You gave him one your most graceful smiles after each attempt, thanking him sweetly.
He blinked as the dark haired woman approached him. Puffing his chest to huff out the biggest sigh that Natasha has probably seen the entire night.
He blinked at Phoenix. Furrowing his brows to give her a perplexed look.
“I said, you reek of jealousy, and I can’t tell if it’s because Rooster is flirting with Gaia or Gaia flirting with Rooster.” She raises an eyebrow at him. Tilting her head to look at the veins that popped on his face at the mention of Rooster but a mention of your callsign clearly crept a blush on his neck.
“It’s nothing, Nix.” He states, taking a swig out of his beer and setting on the table beside him to face the woman next to him.
��It’s not ‘nothing’, Hangman. You’ve got to tell her at some point y’know.”
She eyes him closely for any sign of decline or distrust. She knew he was an asshole, but if he liked you, she had to make sure that he had the right intentions and not just have you as a one night and done.
His eyes don’t meet here, instead they try and find yours in the sense crowd of patrons. He’d recognise the pair of eyes anywhere. And you’re there, looking at him as Rooster leans close to you, practically breathing down your neck to tell you about his early training days and the sights he’d seen.
You’re barely paying attention to him. Instead trying to find a familiar pair of emerald greens, you could find them anywhere and you’d know they were Jake’s.
“You don’t have to do this y’know.”
That sends a chill down your spine. You glance back at Bradley, his big brown eyes are…somewhat sad, a small smile is gracing his lips as he wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“Huh?” You look up at him, questioning his prior statement.
“This…” gesturing between the two of you. “I know you’re not interested.”
You’d been trying to get your mind off of Jake for a while now. True, he had an ego that was larger than the state pf California but it was also true that he was raised by gentlemen. You’d seen him with other girls and how he acted around them. Ever the gentleman.
“What? Roos, it’s not like that-“
“I’ve heard you talk to Bob about him,” he cuts in. You shut your mouth close at that.
Bob and you are childhood best friends that have been joined at the hip for years. Enlisting in the Navy together to fulfil your childhood dream. And ever since your first posting together, it has never been that you and him were separated.
Taking your silence as a sign, he continues; “the way you talk about him? That’s not how you talk about a friend.”
His face holds so much sincerity as he says this that you fear you’d end up passing out. There is a sense of melancholy in the air and you don’t know why you feel that way.
Yes, you like Jake, you really do, but you wish you didn’t. He was one night and done kinda guy and you aren’t looking to get your heart broken anyway. And Bradley was good, he is good, so much better than the cocky blond that you lock eyes with as you turn away from Rooster.
His eyes are piercing into yours with such intensity that you feel as though you’ll pass out if you into them for any longer.
You look back towards the brown haired man, he’s been treating you so good the past few days and you wish you could give him the same satisfaction of loving you. But you’d be the asshole in the situation if you led him on like that…
“It’s okay, Gaia, go” he cocks his head towards the blond that sat next to Phoenix, a small smile on his face that didn’t quite reach his eyes. He gives you a small pat on the shoulder, helping you stand from where you sat in the corner.
“Go get him.”
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the-real-obby · 2 months
Chapter 10 of TPiaG: Body Swap AU
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@sincerely-sofie We made it to the double digits! Thank you so much for all your encouragement and nice words! It's what has kept me continuing with this story, despite the first chapter just kinda being a one off thing! I look forward to continuing it!
Dusknoir makes breakfast
"Do not ever forget that." Dusknoir uttered.
Even though he can't see his face, the light from the tail flame let him know exactly how Darkrai felt.
He let go of him, dropping him on the couch.
Dusknoir silently picked up the book he'd been learning Braille with and entered into his room. Quietly shutting the door, so as to not wake Celebi.
Dusknoir stood in front of his door for several moments before quietly slumping against it. His hands were shaking harder than he ever thought possible.
It wasn't her.
It's not her anymore.
That's Darkrai. Not Twig.
You didn't hurt Twig again.
That's not what Twig looks like anymore.
Dusknoir slowly breathed in and out.
He couldn't see Darkrai's face clearly. Even while so close to him.
But even if he looked like a painting had been left out in the rain before it could dry...
He still knew that look. It showed itself clearly in his mind despite his impaired vision.
He regretted intimidating him immediately
And it wasnt because he looked like her.
It was that expression of terror.
He felt he deserved it.
He tortured him and so many others for so long.
But the way his body completely froze when he grabbed him.
The same way that Twig did...
Dusknoir remembered how scared and vulnerable he felt whenever he was around Dialga.
He can't help but feel like he's not too different from how he acted.
Dusknoir wanted to apologize. And he didn't want to.
Dusknoir mustered the courage to peek out his door.
Darkrai had already left.
Dusknoir hesitated before he slunk back into his room.
He closed his door, and laid down in his bed.
Dusknoir quickly fell asleep. His thoughts swirled in spirals, chasing each other as he contemplated both throwing Darkrai out into the street, and begging for forgiveness.
Dusknoir awoke before anyone else in the home.
His stomach growled in hunger.
That reminded him of how he heard Darkrai open and shut the pantry last night. Not having eaten anything.
Dusknoir felt... Well, it wasn't pity. Nor was it any kind of compassion. He thinks. He just remembers how difficult it was to have a full stomach so many years ago.
Dusknoir sighed as he rose from his bed. If he was going to feed Celebi and Grovyle, he might as well feed him too.
It took much longer than Dusknoir would ever admit to manage to create a rudimentary stir fry. He had to sample several berries to ensure that he was still putting in Rawst berries instead of Yache (Why did they even buy those?). It was only after he garnished them that he'd realized that he'd forgotten to check if those were walnuts and not cashews. And he prayed that the vegetables he cooked were a darker color because of the heat and not because he burned them.
The fact that he couldn't read the recipe book made it worse. He'd practically eaten two small portions by the time he'd finished. Constantly tasting it to make sure it wasn't worse than Celebi's 'cooking'.
Blast this darn eye, if only Kip hadn't-
Dusknoir's fist tightened. He struck down the thought instantly.
It was his fault that his vision was screwed up the way it was.
Not Kip's.
Kip didn't do anything wrong to him.
Not back then, and not now.
Dusknoir sighed as he looked out the window.
It was long past dawn.
Dusknoir quietly opened Celebi's door. The room dark after having a wardrobe pushed to sit in front of the window.
"Celebi?" Dusknoir asked. He was afraid he'd squish her if he felt around to find her. It was impossible to see in here.
"Mmgh..." She sleepily growled.
Dusknoir told her that he had made breakfast, but that he needed help.
Celebi eventually obliged, after he promised to let her sleep the rest of the day.
Dusknoir approached Darkrai's door, his plate of food held in one hand.
Celebi looked pretty upset that he'd asked her to unlock the door.
"Why dont you just break the lock?" She asked.
Dusknoir glanced away from her.
"I... I dont believe Twig would appreciate having more of her home destroyed during our stay."
That was a partial reason.
He was still scared of Darkrai.
He feared that opening the door would lead to the Legend that he had carried to the hospital just a week prior.
And given what he said last night...
Celebi quietly unlocked the door with a small screwdriver that was kept atop the doorframe. Putting it in the hole on this side and mumbling grumpily as she fiddled with it.
The door opened and it was just Darkrai. Still in Twig's body...
He had the blanket from last night draped over his back. His neck lay on top of the second blanket. Facing the door.
Dusknoir felt a pang of guilt run through him.
He set the plate of food on the floor and left.
Dusknoir gave Celebi her portion, and she sat down at the table to eat as Dusknoir prepared Grovyle's portion.
Even if he had to squint to think he knows what Celebi's expression was, the fact that she wasn't humming a tune or complimenting his cooking told him all he needed to know.
"Are you okay Celebi?" He asked, lowering himself to sit on the ground across from her.
Celebi's head turned away from her food. He thinks she's glaring at the ground.
"I'm fine." She growled.
Dusknoir steeled his expression.
"No you're not." He replied. He saw Celebi's head turn back towards him.
"Please, Celebi. I'm worried. Tell me how I can-"
Celebi interrupted him with an exasperated sigh.
"Look, I appreciate that you want to help. But I'm not in the mood for a lecture right now. So can you just leave me alone please?" Celebi voiced.
Dusknoir watched her as she ate the rest of her food.
Celebi rose from her seat after taking her last bite.
"Thanks for the food. It was delicious." She mumbled, her tone not indicating much one way or the other.
Celebi fluttered from her seat, back into her room and shut the door. Leaving Dusknoir alone.
Dusknoir sighed as he collected her dishes and put them in the sink.
He took Grovyle's plate and entered into the room he was staying in.
"Grovyle. I... I made breakfast."
Dusknoir sat down next to him, holding his plate.
"Thanks." He mumbled, as he started to sit up.
Dusknoir moved a hand and held it over his chest.
"I won't allow you to put yourself in more pain."
Grovyle laid back down, took a deep breath and sighed.
"Stop that. I know that hurts you."
Dusknoir took the fork on his plate and started feeding him.
It was almost comical. The hitman that hunted him for years feeding him like he's a toddler.
Dusknoir would have laughed if the circumstances were different.
Dusknoir eventually cleaned off Grovyle's plate.
"How was it?" He asked.
Grovyle swallowed the last bite.
"Good." He replied.
Dusknoir rose from his seating position.
"Is there anything else I can-"
"No." Grovyle interrupted.
Dusknoir looked at him with worry before sighing.
He left the room, gently shutting Grovyle's door.
Dusknoir returned to the kitchen and put the dishes away.
He propped his elbows on the counter and leaned forward. Holding his head in his hands.
He wanted to help.
He wanted to make up for what he's done to them.
He's trying so hard.
But how on earth do you help someone that doesn't want help?
Dusknoir sighed deeply as he put the final portions of breakfast into a container.
He needed to clear his head.
He needed to go for a walk, get some fresh air.
He might as well feed Kip and visit Twig.
Dusknoir silently left the home and started traveling to the Verdant Village hospital.
He glanced around occasionally.
His heart ached as he tried to see the beauty around him, but it was all blurred. His vision fell to the ground in front of him.
Tears stung in his eye as he forced his thoughts to not enter an awful mindset.
He is going to make things right.
He's going to tell Kip again, that what he forgives him for what he did.
He will tell him that as many times it takes to be believed.
And he'll tell him as many times as it takes for him to believe that as well.
"Aw shoot." Dusknoir heard someone mutter in front of him.
He looked up and his heart lept in his chest. Even while blurry he would recognize her.
"Twig?" He asked, his voice shaking.
The figure's head shot upwards, her piercing blue eyes, prominent enough to be clear compared to everything else.
"D-Dusknoir?" She asked, her voice shaking as well.
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