#sokka landlord au
hella1975 · 4 years
Sokka appreciation post except it’s just things i love about him that i don’t see portrayed enough (because if i did a general sokka appreciation post it literally would never end):
1) He’s super super smart
This should be obvious yet SOME MOTHERFUCKERS are still portraying him as the haha funny stupid comic relief NO! This boy helped invent submarines and war balloons, he wrangled a bunch of tweens all over the world, he made the Day of Black Sun invasion plan, he broke into the Fire Nation’s most heavily guarded prison and was also willing to do this BY HIMSELF AT FIRST. He has done so so so many genius things and is absolutely the brain of Team Avatar
2) He can be bitchy and petty at times
I love this boy, but I never really see much portrayal of the fact that Sokka can be kind of an asshole every now and then. I actually see this as a positive about him, because it makes him more human, more realistic. He makes sarcastic comments that sometimes use his friends as the butt of the joke, he’s easy to hold a grudge, he likes pushing people’s buttons. Like come on, this is the boy that was fully prepared to leave Zuko behind to freeze to death in the North Pole. Sokka isn’t perfect! He’s a petty piece of shit! We love that though!
3) He’s so fucking hard on himself
Okay so this is portrayed quite a lot and it’s done brilliantly, but it’s such an interesting part of his character that I’m gonna talk about it anyway. A lot of the time, the funny, obnoxious, loud comic relief character will be taken at face value and people won’t look much deeper into them, which is why it’s so refreshing to see Sokka doubt himself in a very human way. He’s sensitive and he’s very aware of his place as the non-bender of the group. He’s his own worst enemy and biggest critic (cough zukka compatibility cough), and ironically because of his extroverted nature, he internalises those doubts. It makes him such a complex character and as someone who has always seen myself in Sokka, it’s nice to see him get that depth and analysis that he deserves
4) Fashion icon
Listen if you were here for a completely serious post then I’m not even sorry but i’ve read a few fics where Sokka’s ‘goofy’ nature is translated to ‘terrible fashion taste’. Excuse me but Sokka spent a good portion of one episode talking about a bag, he knew what he was doing with his hair down, and don’t even get me started on his dumb detective outfit. This man has an eye for style and I will die on that hill
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Stan Sokka or die by my blade <3
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zukonostalgia · 4 years
zukka modern au, and they were roommates
it takes Zuko a year of living alone to realize his sheer uselessness.
like. He doesn’t own a plunger until the day his toilet overflows and then he has to run to target to see if they sell them. His bathroom floor is basically ruined by the time he gets back.
He calls his landlord to ask them to change a burnt out lightbulb.
He forgot about some spinach in the refrigerator drawer for so long that its weird cold leaf juice has permanently fused with the plastic.
he pulls the miniblinds down too hard one day and just...rips them from their hooks. it looks like there’s a problem with the plaster? oh well
so when his lease is up, his landlord very politely suggests that he find other accommodations
faced with the need to find a new place to live, he turns to craigslist for roommates, and that’s how he finds Sokka
Sokka’s ad is basically: young professional seeking roommate, lgbt friendly, 420 friendly, the room is pretty big and the common areas are furnished. I just gotta fill the vacancy left by my best friend/last roommate after he moved in with my sister who he is dating
And Zuko is like. Hi. Zuko here. I am lgbt and 420 friendly because I partake in all forms of deviance. I have very few life skills and need to live with another human.
Sokka’s like.......okay bud. But he really needs someone to cover the other half of the rent, so Zuko moves in at the end of the month
their roommate relationship is...interesting
and Zuko wasn’t lying about not having a lot of life skills
Sokka wakes up to the fire alarm absolutely blaring, after he’s only had an hour and a half of sleep, and he bolts out of his bedroom only to find--
Zuko, waving a kitchen towel at the smoke alarm, with a smoldering pan on the stove, lid on. he was trying to make pancakes (from box mix), but he was just using butter to grease the pan and didn’t know that butter will burn and then smoke, which might set off an alarm
or the time when Zuko texted Sokka in the middle of the afternoon to let him know that there was a centipede in the kitchen and that he would be leaving the apartment for a minimum of 24 hours (where did he go? Sokka wondered. he never gets an answer really.)
or even when Zuko loses his keys every single day and asks Sokka where they are, even though they are almost always on top of the microwave
but Sokka really likes hanging out with Zuko. he’s pretty awkward, but also...awkwardly pretty? at least for Sokka? hopefully this doesn’t awaken anything within him
and Zuko gets along really well with Sokka’s friends. he and Toph get along like a house on fire, and his ex-gf and bff Suki thinks that Zuko is pretty cool, once he gets talking about stuff he actually likes. and Aang can’t help but loving everyone around him, and Katara can’t really stop herself from liking everyone that Aang likes, because she thinks he’s a good judge of character (even though he willingly lived with Sokka)
so Zuko gets adopted into Sokka’s friend group. but they spend a lot of time together too, watching Jiro Dreams of Sushi at two in the morning, or pilgrimaging to the coffee spot on the corner on Saturdays together
and one day Sokka looks at Zuko while he’s frowning at his under-spiced chai latte and thinks, oh no. it awakened something within me
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zukkaflowers · 3 years
zukka enemies to roommates au
Sokka slammed his head on the cafe table, the noise swallowed up by the chattering of other customers. “I’m being EVICTED,” he moaned.
Katara raised her eyebrows as she drank her tea and then placed it back on the table. “Why?”
Sokka dragged his head up against the table until his chin was the only thing touching the wood and Katara made a face, no doubt thinking of all the germs that were now rubbed into Sokka’s face like lotion. Sokka couldn’t bring himself to care. He was too deep in his despair. “The landlord sold the building. And now I only have two weeks to move because everything around here is so fucking expensive and I got discouraged so I put it off—“
“Move in with Zuko!”
“...like I put everything—what did you just say?”
Katara’s face brightened, a stark contrast to the cloud of doom that had been enveloping Sokka. “His roommate is moving in with her girlfriend and he needs a new one. A roommate, not a girlfriend. And I think his place is really close to your work, too! It’s perfect!”
Sokka finally sat up, shoving his hands in his sister’s face to turn her brightness down a notch because it was hurting his eyes. “Wait wait wait, are you talking about the Zuko I think you’re talking about?”
“Is there another one?”
Sokka had many questions. “Why do you know he needs a new roommate? Why do you know his roommate is moving in with her girlfriend? How do you know where he lives? Did you just say, ‘it’s perfect’?”
Katara watched Sokka as he grabbed his drink, eyes never leaving her face in a demonstration of his seriousness, and then swallowed painfully with a grimace after realizing he’d grabbed Katara’s bitter tea on accident. “You’re such a goof,” she sighed in anguish. “Zuko and Aang actually went to university together and became friends. Zuko wants to be a teacher like Aang.”
Sokka sputtered. “WHAT?” A few strangers shot him judgmental looks at the outburst, which he ignored. “You—you—he—Aang—BETRAYAL??”
Katara rolled her eyes. “This is why we kept it a secret from you! We all knew you’d be overdramatic about it.”
“We ALL?”
Katara shrugged, finally having enough decency to look sheepish. “Yeah, me, Aang… and Suki and Toph.”
Sokka’s jaw dropped wider. “SUKI?” He clutched his heart. “Mine own bestie...”
Katara continued, “Well, it’s Toph that’s really close to him now, actually.”
“Figures. She’s always been my least supportive friend.” Sokka gasped as a realization hit him. “Is… is Zuko the ‘Captain Angst’ guy she keeps hanging out with??”
“Yeah,” Katara said plainly.
Sokka slammed his head back on to the table, where it might as well have stayed long-term.
“I’m serious, though, Sokka,” said Katara. “Zuko is… kind of okay, and obviously he has everyone else’s approval. You shouldn’t let a petty high school rivalry between you two get in the way of your current life.”
“‘Petty high school rivalry’??? Last I heard, there were four of us involved in the rivalry-ing! You weren’t too fond of him or his sister, either!”
Katara once again rolled her eyes. “All I’m saying is, the place is within your budget, it’s actually nice, and the commute is good. He’s only just started looking for a new roommate, and I promise that if you don’t try it out, you’ll regret it.”
“And all I’m saying is, if we move in together, Zuko and I will murder each other.”
Katara looked at her phone and stood up, collecting her bag and bile tea. “I doubt it. You haven’t spoken in five years, and you’ve both changed a lot. I have to go, Aang wants me to meet another stray dog, and we still have lunch with Yue, so I can’t let him get too carried away. I’ll text you details about Zuko’s place. Please at least look into it, Sokka.”
Her eyes were too genuine; he couldn’t say no. “Fine,” he grumbled, fully prepared to briefly skim over the information before moving on.
But when he did look it over, he saw that Katara was right. It was perfect. He could even walk to work if he wanted to, it was that close. The rent was well in his budget, even leaving extra leftover. He could maybe finally replace his cracked phone screen! Sokka sighed at the dim light of his laptop. The fates were telling him something. It sounded like, You will consciously choose the path of suffering, ahahahahaha.
“Sokka... wants to be my new roommate,” Zuko said.
“Hello to you too, angsty pants,” Toph replied through the phone.
“I think I’m going to say yes,” continued Zuko.
“Wait, Sokka? Katara’s brother?”
Zuko swallowed, eyes flicking to the stir fry he’d left on the stove. He’d been checking the notifications on his phone when he saw it and had immediately called Toph. “Yes.”
“Okay,” Toph offered helpfully.
“What do you think?”
Silence fell for a few seconds as Toph thought it through. “Are you sure it’s a good idea?”
“That’s what I’m asking you for. If he’s reaching out, he knows it’s me, so he can’t still hate me, right?”
“I don’t know,” said Toph. “Don’t you like him?”
Zuko bit his lip and weakly stirred his stir fry. “But it’s not like I’m still—I’m not hopelessly into him. It’s just. You know, a little bit.”
“You’re not even going to interview him? What if he poops with the door open? What if he… what if he eats in the bathroom while he poops.”
“Would I ask him about that in an interview?”
“If you’re not a coward.”
“Okay, I’ll interview him,” Zuko said, relenting. “What do I have to lose?”
To: Katara
Sokka: uuugughghgghghhhhhhh zuko wants to interview me
Katara: You looked into the place!!!
Sokka: yeah but i’m seriously doubting myself now
Sokka: can i really pretend not to hate him long enough to get the place
Katara: Have you considered just
Katara: Not hating him?
Sokka: …
Sokka: how could you even say that
Katara: Ok I thought so
Katara: Well just be professional if you don’t wanna be friendly
Katara: Pretend it’s a job interview
Sokka: oh yeah
Sokka: because imagining that zuko is my employer would definitely not make me hate him 400% more
Katara: On the bright side, you haven’t reached the threshold of hate yet if it can be increased by 400%! There is hope
Sokka: ha
Sokka: i scoff in the face of hope
Sokka let Suki pick out an outfit for him before going to meet Zuko at the cafe they agreed to meet at. He wanted to look nice so that Zuko, at least visually, might be inclined to let him become a flatmate, but mostly he just didn’t want Zuko to have the upper hand anywhere, not even in his fashion sense. And Zuko had grown up with money, so he’d always been well dressed.
Sokka slipped the chosen tan sweater over his button down and pulled on a pair of black jeans. The clothes covered all his tattoos—he was sure Zuko would not appreciate them. His hair, he couldn’t do much about, so he settled for tying it back as he always did.
He was so distracted throughout the train ride thinking about all the valid reasons he had to hate Zuko that he almost forgot to get off at the right stop. But the walk from the station was short, and before he knew it, he was opening glass doors, scanning faces, and—there he was. Hair hanging in his face, chin on his palm, and wearing—a hoodie and ripped jeans? Sokka cleared his mind of surprise and tried to relax his face.
He walked over.
To: Toph
Zuko: It went well?
Toph: Be more specific
Toph: For example, what went well
Zuko: The interview with Sokka
Zuko: I’m pretty sure he doesn’t shit with the door open, and he definitely doesn’t eat in the bathroom
Zuko: He was also
Zuko: really nice
Toph: Really nice to talk to? Or really nice looking?
Zuko: Shut up
Toph: Hm deflection
Zuko: I think you’re wrong
Zuko: I think it won’t be hard to live with him
To: Katara
Sokka: the whole time he’s being this stiff, boring, JERK
Sokka: i had to smile and nod the whole time
Sokka: no way will this keep up if we live together
Sokka: but i have to think of the commute…..
Sokka: and the view….
Sokka: and i’ll be closer to suki….
Katara: But Sokka, you will try, right?
Sokka: try what
Katara: To be nice to him.
Sokka: uh
Sokka: maybe?
By the end of the next week, Sokka had moved in the last of his boxes. He honestly didn’t have that much stuff. He did have one special thing, though. Or rather, a special friend.
“What are you doing?” Zuko asked, peeking into Sokka’s new room.
Swallowing his annoyance at being interrupted, Sokka gestured for Zuko to join him. They’d only exchanged at most a few sentences a day, and Zuko hadn’t done anything too irritating yet, so Sokka was going to try to keep his promise to Katara.
“This is my turtle, Duck,” he said, pointing to the turtle swimming around in the tank he’d just finished setting back up.
“What’s a turtleduck?” asked Zuko after plopping down beside him.
Sokka frowned. “I don’t know.”
“Then why do you have one?”
Before Sokka could answer, his phone rung from the dresser, its vibration so strong the whole room shook and Duck popped into his shell.
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chitsangenthusiast · 2 years
apartment au zukka where ozai leads the shadiest property management company. banishment is instead zuko being forced to live in one of the shitty apartments as its landlord (/grievances scapegoat/glorified maintenance guy)
and he is wholly unprepared for when sokka and friends move in
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krastbannert · 3 years
Hello again.
(3) Roommates with Zutara (but like unwanted roommates)
Going in the reverse of the order you asked these in apparently, but eh, just makes things exciting, I guess.
@badlucksav I know you're having a bit of a rough time, so this is for you, too.
I'm not entirely happy with it, but...it is what it is, I guess. Gotta just send it at some point, you know? Anyways, hope you both enjoy it!
Modern AU Bingo B5 - Roomates
Oh, fuck no.
No. No. No. There is no fucking way this happened.
They’re staring at each other in the doorway, her hand on the doorknob, half-ready to slam it in Zuko’s dumb face.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Katara hisses.
“I…was supposed to move in here today,” he replies, brows furrowing. There’s a fire in Zuko’s eyes, she can see it - knows it all too well. (He’d had that same fire in his eyes when he’d been glaring at her from the other side of the courtroom during his father’s trial. She’d hated that fire, hated it so much - it’s everything she had hated.
Had hated. She’s…she’s better now. Twenty-two, not fourteen, and eight years of therapy behind her.
And the fire in his eyes doesn’t seem quite so angry. More…warm. Comforting. Kind.
Maybe Aang and Sokka were right, and he had changed - she’d never been certain he had, but had she really given him a chance?
She hadn’t, she supposed.)
“Funny, I was supposed to have a new roommate move in today,” she says cagily. Zuko blinks once, twice, three times, then groans.
“Agni damn it,” he mutters.” Fucking…shit. This can’t be happening.”
“Why the hell would you think I would live with you?” Katara snarls.” You can’t possibly believe I’d ever-”
“I didn’t fucking know!” he yells.” All I did was answer the ad and the landlord put me here. I didn’t know it would be you!”
“You didn’t think to ask?!”
“No!” he snaps, but after a moment he just sighs, slumps over. He just…he just looks like shit.
“I…I don’t have any other place to go,” he sighs, running a hand through his hair.” Just…give me a while to figure this out.”
Katara sighs, pinches the bridge of her nose - La drown it. La fucking drown it. (The one time, the one time she wants to be the one to put her foot down, and she just…can’t.
She’d only ever seen him look angry, but now he just looks…defeated. Confused. Tired. There’s bags under his eyes and his hair is a mess and his clothes are dirty and wrinkled and…she just feels bad for him.
She can’t turn away someone who needs help. Even if that someone is a Kenshin.)
“Alright, fine,” she finally relents, stepping aside and waving him inside.” You can stay.”
He takes a deep breath, sighs, and it’s like a weight just lifts off his shoulders.
“Thank you, Katara. Just…thank you.”
It’s two weeks after Zuko gets there that she finally wakes screaming.
The scream rips out of her throat as she wakes, flailing for her bedside light as she shoots up straight. She breathes hard, heart racing, pounding like thunder. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath - in, four, out, four, in, four, out, four, over and over and over - as she reaches up, grabs onto her mothers necklace.
(The dreams still come, sometimes. Not often, but they do.
It just had to be this one. It had to be. It had to be the worst one, the one she dreads most of all, and she just wishes that Sokka or Suki were here and-)
Katara yelps as the door bursts open, interrupting her thoughts, and suddenly Zuko is in the doorway, flames flaring to life just above his palm.
“What the hell, Zuko?” she asks, pulling her knees to her chest and bundling a blanket around herself.
“I…I heard you scream and I thought…I don’t know,” he says, dousing the flame in his palm.” Sorry, I just, uh…you okay?”
She glances away, chewing on her lip. How much…how much does she even tell him? It’s not like he’d even been that bad of a roommate; actually, he’d been kinda fun. Done his fair share of cleaning, cooked every now and again, watched stupid TV shows and movies with her once or twice, offered his help when she needed it - everything a good roommate would do. A good person.
And that’s the confusing part - he’s a Kenshin. The same family that had run an organized crime empire, the same one responsible for ruining the lives of so many back home in the South Pole - the same family that had ordered her mother’s death.
(‘That’s the one thing we have in common,’ Zuko had told her that once, during a break in the trial. He’d come and sat next to her on a bench, given her a cup of water, and just talked to her. Told her about his mom, and she’d told him about hers.
She’d never quite forgotten the look on his face, the one time he seemed like an actual person.
Maybe he’d…maybe he’d understand, if what he said was true.)
Zuko was a Kenshin, but maybe she’d been letting that name mean more than it actually did. Maybe…maybe Zuko deserved a chance.
“Why do you care?”
“It, uh…I thought you were having a nightmare,” he whispers quietly into the gloom. Katara sighs and rests her forehead on her knees, gestures at the foot of her bed. The bed creaks a little as he takes a seat - he might as well be sitting right next to her, though, for how close it feels.
There’s a long moment before Katara finally rasps,” How’d you know?”
“Cause…cause I get them, too,” he admits, looking away.” Nightmares, I mean.”
“You…you do?”
“Yeah,” he rasps.” Have for years now. So…I know what it’s like.”
“So…what do you want?”
“Just…I’m here for you. I-if you need it. That’s all,” he murmurs.
Katara sighs. She’d normally ask her brother, and she’d always thought that Zuko was horrible - okay, she’d known he wasn’t horrible, but she’d never liked him that much - but maybe she can give him a chance. She unravels herself, twists around, and lays her head gingerly on his shoulder.
She’s not sure what she’s expecting, but it’s not for him to be incredibly, delightfully warm and solid.
“Uh…Katara?” Zuko asks; he shuffles like he’s about to shy away, only to stop when Katara puts a hand on his arm, leans in a little closer.
“Can we just…stay like this for a while?” she murmurs. (La’s gills, he’s warm and it’s so, so comfortable. She doesn’t want to move.)
“Uh…yeah,” Zuko whispers. He gingerly wraps an arm around her shoulders, tugs her a little closer, and oh, spirits; she’s going to fall back to sleep, she swears.” Comfy?”
She just hums, wraps her blanket a little tighter around her; Zuko chuckles. As the haze of sleep starts to fill her brain, Katara can’t help but think it’s a nice sound.
When she wakes up, he’s gone, but the apartment smells like french toast and coffee and there’s a plate waiting for her. He gives her an awkward little smile when she walks out into the kitchen - why does she think it’s cute? - and she can’t help but smile back.
Maybe…maybe Zuko’s not half bad.
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flameo-hotman · 4 years
Modern au where Sokka comes home from work early and Zuko seems suprised and panicked about something. Sokka can’t help but worry Zuko’s hiding something. Breifly he fears Zuko is cheating on him and that’s why Zuko closed the door to their bedroom so quickly. But Zuko would never...
Sokka, nervous and in denial: Baby? Is something wrong?
Zuko, awkward: Do you think our landlord would be okay if we got some pets?
Sokka, relieved as hell: Zuko, my love, how many cats are currently hiding in our bedroom?
Zuko, in defeat: 5 cats and two dogs.
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beignetbenny · 3 years
Atla au but they’re all from Queens. Aang lives in Flushing in a studio but has friends all over the city. Will visit someone in staten island and somehow magically make it back home in the same night no one knows how he does it. They also have no idea how his landlord lets Appa stay in the apartment cause Appa’s a big ass dog but the secret is that the landlord has no clue appa exists. He goes to new world mall once a week cause Bumi owns a restaurant on the bottom level and that’s the bestie even tho he’s like 90 years old
Sokka and Katara grew up in the rockaways but moved to long island city (or more accurately sunnyside cause city planning made that clear)  for an easier commute into manhattan for work. At least, that’s why Katara says they moved. Sokka says it’s cause Katara has too much borough pride to leave Queens even though they were originally looking at places in east harlem. But he only minds because his commute to brooklyn college has gone from 45 minutes to an hour. Yes they scramble to pay rent every time. No they will not ask anyone for help
Suki lives in jamaica i said what I said she can fight a bitch so of course she lives in jamaica. She’s roommates with Toph and everytime Sokka complains about visiting them cause he doesn’t want to get mugged they tease him as if they both haven’t almost punched a man for trying it on the E train
Zuko lives in Greenpoint. Yes, that is Brooklyn and yes Zuko refuses to admit that. He has a rent stabilized brownstone that is technically in Iroh’s name even though Iroh spends 90% of his time in his tea shop in the lower east side. Zuko is still trying to get rid of all the money that he inherited from his father’s company after Ozai was put on trial for storing money in off shore accounts. His friends call him a trust fund baby and he always denies it but no one pushes the subject because 1. Ozai is an asshole and they don’t like talking about him and 2. Zuko always buys everyone’s drinks and holds all the hangouts at his place
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celestialceci · 4 years
zukka sherlock au
((aka connie/the zukka nation 18+ fanfic channel made points))
 sokka is obviously sherlock here because that boy has the brains. loves being dramatic af and being right all the time. (also blue gay)
this pisses katara (mycroft) off to no fucking end. because she worked hard to get her REAL job and sokka decides he’s going to use his big brain energy to solve crimes. for fun. for no money. (also do not imagine katara in a suit right here... oh too late it’s happening)
suki moves back to town after having a major injury and is dealing with her frustrations over not being able to fight like she used to and her ptsd. can’t find a job. she reconnects with a friend who she says is looking for someone to split a flat with
enter sokka
suki and sokka get along like a freaking house on fire. she’s constantly amazed by sokka’s ability to pick on on the tiniest details and string together the most convoluted theories and end up right, and sokka finally has someone who treats his skill like genius and not like he’s a freak
detective inspector ty lee always calls sokka onto cases she knows are above her paygrade and is always the first to have his back, especially when sargent mai is being annoyingly skeptical
suki loves the adrenaline rush of going on cases even if she sometimes feels like she’s five steps behind sokka’s rapid-fire thought process, when in reality sokka relies on her to help him be focused or point out things he might’ve missed
and he’s not lonely anymore but uh who’s paying attention to that
everyone thinks suki is the only one sokka has any ounce of patience with, but that’s not true
because the super cute pathologist at the hospital is maybe the only person who’s opinion sokka relies on just as much as suki’s
zuko becomes a blushing mess every time sokka waltzes into the mourge and at first suki is horrified for him until she realizes sokka doesn’t even notice because he’s too focused on the burn patterns on this victim’s arms
which is a good thing she wasn’t there the time zuko tired to ask him out for tea and sokka just said “white with a teaspoon of honey, thanks”
suki want’s to smash her head on the lab table watching zuko pull at the collar of his rainbow-y jumper while he helps sokka with slides because fucking hell he won’t stop going on while sokka stares into space beyond the microscope eyepieces because he’s trying to figure out what the hell this interaction means
but zuko knows exactly how sokka likes his coffee and which chips from the vending machine he likes to eat between the hours of 3-5 am and that at 6 he likes to switch to croissants or a scone
when sokka realizes he’s going to have to fake his death in order to get azula off suki, ty lee’s and his sweet landlord iroh’s backs zuko is one of the first people he turns to
and mai has a crazy theory that they are in love with each other after that incident but it’s her little secret
after sokka has decided to go and be dramatic again and take down azula’s extensive network of criminals, and he returns to find suki confusingly angry at him for pretending to be dead for two years and punching him three times in one night after he interrupted her romantic date with her new girlfriend, he decides perhaps zuko would make a good replacement companion.
zuko is back to being a bundle of nerves as he sits in his chair with his legs crossed and in one of his gay little sweaters again while sokka is all intimidatingly hot in his perfectly tailored suit while they wait on a client
“should i take notes? is that what suki does?”
“you’re not being suki, you’re being you”
insert the solve crimes/have dinner scene riiiight here
suki comes around every now and then to go on cases with sokka when zuko has his actual job to go to (he’s starting to take less and less shifts at the hospital but sokka insists he keep the job so he can continue to take advantage of zuko’s all-access keycard)
and one day she’s like... so zuko, huh?
and sokka’s like ??? no ???? and suki’s like well you guys are acting exactly how we used to and sokka just ???!?!?’s even harder
because he’s a little too one-track mind for his own good
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not404error1 · 4 years
Other AU’s
Any miscellaneous AU fic not large enough to get there own category
We could be immortals By scar-and-boomerang (Y_Woo) (AO3, T, 8370 w, Demigod Half Blood AU)
Demigod Camp Half-Blood AU - Zuko is a son of Hephaestus with fire(bending) powers, Sokka was the son of Poseidon with no powers, fighting to stay out of his powerful little sister's shadow. This is their story, and (sort of) the story of how Aang, son of Hermes, fulfils his destiny to save the demigods and Olympus from doom at the hands of a certain up-to-no-good sky titan  
who is the blue spirit? By  emptyheadspace  @emptyheadspace (Ao3, T, 45947 w, Identity Porn, Enemies to lovers, vigilante AU, WIP)
Zuko wants to help people in a way that his family name would never allow him to, so he became the Blue Spirit, a vigilante that operates solely at night in an ornamental blue mask.
Sokka is a photojournalist who just wants to write an article about this mysterious new vigilante who fights in his side of town.
Zuko happens to work the same paper as Sokka, and he has no idea why Sokka hates him.
Sokka can't decide if he hates Zuko because of his family name, or if he has just the teensiest little crush on him.
Will the Blue Spirit be able to save the people who he wants to save? And who will be there to save him when he needs it?
*Haven’t read all of it but what I have read is awsome!*
It's not a dick appointment, Katara! By Miss_Rust  @joongeelovesgd  ( AO3, T, Celebrity AU, Identity reveal, Fluff, series)
“What does he even do, though? You never said.” Katara throws a pillow into his face,” Stop being oogie.”
Sokka throws it back at her, then narrows his eyes.
“Come to think of it, I actually don’t know.”
Sokka has never asked Zuko what he does for a living, not even after three dates, but oh boy does he find out. Zuko thought that Sokka knew, that it was obvious. Sokka doesn't mind either way.
what did you bury before those hands pulled me from the earth (what were you digging) by  Draco_sollicitus (AO3, M, 18227w, Hades and Persephone AU, Angst, Accidental kidnapping, Hades Zuko, Persephone Sokka, Grief)
Sokka is immortal; it's been tested, he knows that he can't die. He's immortal, but he's not quite a god like his sister, Katara. He's immortal, but he's not quite powerful like his friends Aang and Toph.
He's just sort of Sokka: good at fixing things, good at playing pranks, good at helping people.
When a bet against Toph goes horribly wrong, and an attempt to save him goes even worse Sokka finds himself the unwilling guest of the Lord of the Underworld. And, strangely enough, every story Sokka's heard about Lord Zuko seems to be ... completely wrong.
(Also, he's really handsome. Why does he have to be handsome?)
*one of my faves*
Boys and Blood and Banter by youngwitchin  (AO3, T, 5270w, Vampire AU,Landlord AU, artist sokka, Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck)
Now, that was intriguing. If he didn’t have to pay rent this month, that meant he could make a decent payment on his student loan debt, and maybe buy a pair of socks that didn’t have holes in them. “How much blood are we talking here?”
AKA the one-shot no one asked for in which Zuko is Sokka's landlord and Sokka makes up for his late rent payments in blood. Based on the writing prompt "Your landlord is a vampire, so he offers you a deal. You can pay your rent in money… or in blood." from writing.prompt.s on instagram!
 The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn by Lady_of_the_Flowers (AO3, M, 11757w, hotel AU)
Sokka is on the phone taking a dinner reservation from an elderly woman with a tendency to ramble when the new guy walks in and changes Sokka’s life forever.
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sokkascroptop · 4 years
For quarantine au does y/n have a spare room or are they perhaps sharing a bed or actually im sure sokka insisted on taking the couch. Bonus points if y/n afforded rent at a place with a backyard and they both camp outside together sometimes
okay here’s the FUN part.
Let’s say that they’re in college too, maybe going into their last year or something. Y/N does in fact have a roommate, but they went home-home when in-person classes got canceled. So technically, she does have a spare room but it’s not hers to use and she doesn’t know how to word a text to her roomie like “hey my friend is crashing with me for quarantine can he sleep in your room??”
He totally takes the couch like a gentlemen because he doesn’t want to take over her roommates bedroom either! But y/n has slept in that couch and she knows it’s uncomfy and too short for him so two days in she’s like “nah buddy, we’ve been friends for years just come and share my bed! I don’t mind!”
As for the backyard sitch, I can stitch together anything to make it make sense. Let’s say her roommates parents actually own the house. It’s a nicer house than most college students get which means backyard! Her and her roommate still have to pay rent tho but considerably less than if it was a regular tenant/landlord situation. They have a fire pit that they use like every night and y/n hates camping but sokka loves it so she does it for him.
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nekomasteam · 4 years
it’s roomies au anon back again - atla isn’t about the gaang trying to stop firelord ozai from taking over the world, no, instead it’s about the gaang trying to stop landlord ozai from selling the lot to a bigtime developer
roomies au anon i want you to know i would absolutely die for you and that I'm sorry for getting to this late anyways!!
ozai a bitch so jot that down.
but instead of him being the landlord, he’s a developer trying to buy their complex to turn it into some bitch corporation idk all corporations suck but
the gaang and the freedom fighters like absolutely not. for once, they all get along to come up with a plan to stop him.
zuko is like oh HELL YEAH lets take my father down he's been committing fraud for years and i can easily get evidence now that he's kicked me out
katara toph suki and smellerbee literally cause the construction that ozai started next to them to collapse. they will not say how they did it
the boys are very concerned
jet sokka and zuko work really well as a team when it comes to breaking into ozais office, like really well
they get the necessary evidence and submit it anonymously to the police via longshot, who just walks in puts it on the front desk and leaves without a word
police are baffled, but its all there
ozai gets arrested and they all throw a party to celebrate
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ao3feed-zukka · 4 years
Boys and Blood and Banter
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jL4bhn
by youngwitchin
Now, that was intriguing. If he didn’t have to pay rent this month, that meant he could make a decent payment on his student loan debt, and maybe buy a pair of socks that didn’t have holes in them. “How much blood are we talking here?”
AKA the one-shot no one asked for in which Zuko is Sokka's landlord and Sokka makes up for his late rent payments in blood. Based on the writing prompt "Your landlord is a vampire, so he offers you a deal. You can pay your rent in money… or in blood." from writing.prompt.s on instagram!
Words: 5270, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Katara (Avatar)
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Aang/Katara (Avatar)
Additional Tags: no beta we die like men, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Landlord AU, sokka works in a coffee shop, artist sokka, Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jL4bhn
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kashimos-hajime · 5 years
boy next door
Summary: Katara moves into the same apartment building as Sokka and Zuko happens to be her next door neighbour. Or, Zuko and Katara know each other better than they think they do.
A/N: For @zutaraexchange​ and @cobraonthecob​ who deserved this way earlier but I was so busy this week! My prompts were Painted Lady and Blue Spirit, Modern, Superhero AU, Element Swap/Different Elements. I decided to challenge myself with a modern AU. 
I write and I do have a taglist so send an ask if ya want ;)
WARNINGS: MENTIONS OF DRUG ABUSE, VERY, VERY BRIEF. also, bro there’s like some swearing i think.
Wordcount: 5.1k Pairing: Zuko and Katara (Zutara)
Zuko mostly kept to himself. It wasn’t that he hated people — no, he was alright with Sokka in the apartment across the hall in 1C despite how loud he could be, and the guy who owned a grocery store upstairs in 2D wasn’t so bad. He mostly tended to the gardens and when the harvest was good, they’d hold a barbecue. Yue and Suki, two girls who lived diagonally across from him in 1A didn’t do much more than make polite conversation when they bumped into each other in the hallways and that guy Aang could hold his own in a game of Super Smash. He and some old guy, Bumi, lived upstairs in 2A along with Aang’s huge dog, Appa. In 2B was another set of girls, Mai and Ty Lee, both Zuko had known since childhood, but they were never close.
That left two more apartments. The one next to Zuko, and the one left upstairs.
No one talked about upstairs ever since the last tenant had been evicted for illegal activity, not that Zuko ever paid any mind to that, not that he cared, not that it was Azula who was forced to move out and away. Not that Zuko drove her to the hospital himself after he found her OD’ed on the floor. Not that anyone knew.
All anyone ever saw was his scar. He saw it in people’s eyes, the way they tried to focus on anything else on his face. His eyes, maybe. His mother used to say he had lovely eyes. But she was the only one. Everyone saw the scar.
So Zuko kept to himself, sue him.
He went out for his job, which was a fun time as the CEO of his dad’s company which  he managed to build back up after a scandal way back when, which meant he didn’t have spare time to go to barbecues, even if he wanted to. He knew they judged him, probably talked shit behind his back. But he couldn’t help it.
“Oh, crap.”
Zuko looked next to him as he was locking the door that morning. Fridays were the only days he got half-off and he intended to get as much work done as possible before relaxing. But, it appeared that wasn’t gonna happen today when he caught sight of one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen in his thirty-years of being alive. Standing there, surrounded by boxes and a rambling Sokka, was a woman with chestnut hair pulled into a messy bun, frustrated, blushing cheeks, and narrowed blue eyes.
“Sokka, if you touch anything else, I’ll literally kill you.”
“Sorry, Kat! That time, it really was an accident.”
‘Kat’ didn’t say anymore. She picked up a box and stormed into the apartment, revealing a tumbled box at Sokka’s feet. The man looked up and noticed Zuko standing there, immediately traversing the boxy hallway and saying his hellos.
“Who’s she?” Zuko asked, trying to sound as disinterested as possible as he slipped the key into his pocket.
“My sister. She’s moving in for her neuro fellowship at the hospital nearby.”
“Oh, cool.” Smart. Check. Pretty. Check. Zukos’ boxes were all getting ticked off as the woman re-emerged, thoroughly disappointed but unsurprised by what her brother was doing.
“Isn’t that right, Katara?”
“My little sister’s all grown up and moved across country all by herself.”
“Sokka!” Kat sighed in annoyance and Sokka quickly picked up a box with a wide smile, disappearing through the door as she finally noticed Zuko. “Hey, sorry about that.”
“No problem.” Their eyes met and she blinked once, then again. Zuko knew what she was looking at but her eyes stayed rather determinedly on his. Eyebrows elevating, he looked at all the boxes. “You need help moving in?”
“Oh, no, it’s fine.” She blinked again, and turned to look at the boxes. “Sokka’s supposed to be helping me and he’ll do fine once he focuses.” Stepping over the boxes, she extended a hand and offered a smile. “I’m Katara. I guess I’m your neighbour now.”
“Katara,” he repeated, knowing he’ll have no problem remembering it. “Zuko.”
“Nice to meet you, Zuko.” She was even prettier up close. Zuko swallowed hard, finding his mouth dry as he struggled to say more.
“Yeah, you too.” What a lame way to end the conversation. Katara smiled again and turned back to her boxes, and Zuko swore he didn’t look at her an extra second before he remembered he had work. Opening his mouth, he tried to say goodbye, but then shut it. She won’t notice, he thought as he turned and walked down the hall. She’d never notice someone like me.
Katara frowned, wondering if this was too much. Her first weekend at her new place had gone without a hitch and all the tenants had attended the BBQ the landlord hosted.
All except one.
She knew who he was — what reputation he had, and what he’d done to prevent his father’s company from going belly up. Still, she was determined to get him to notice her or at least be on amicable terms no matter how high up he held himself.
Katara had brought a specialty of hers — lychee ice cream — and stood outside her neighbour’s door. She knew he was at home due to the fact he’d slammed the door closed earlier that afternoon and that she could now hear him yell at Sokka.
Her brother had never mentioned the guy next door with the huge scar on his face. He was kinda good looking, in an unconventional kinda way. But Katara didn’t focus on that. Instead, she focused on his CEO status, how he lived in a second-rate apartment despite how loaded he must be, how she knocked on the door, and how she was gonna get through this.
So she knocked.
And the door opened.
Ask and you shall receive.
And what Katara received was a wonderfully puffy-haired neighbour, scratching his head and glaring at her though half his face was twisted in an eternal scowl. A far cry from the prim and proper, suited up man three days ago.
“Hi, Katara.’
“Hey, Zuko. I made lychee ice cream for you,” she said although words were running dry as Sokka popped out of nowhere and reached to grab it. “Not for you! It’s for Zuko.” Her brother pouted, complained about something, but Katara didn’t hear him. Zuko didn’t seem to hear him either.
The man looked at her for a moment, then took the carton with a soft ‘thanks’ and Katara found her cheeks warming under his stare. He was wearing nothing but a white tee and grey sweats but he still looked so good. Better than a suit and tie, that was for sure. His warm amber eyes scanned her up and down, and Katara noted the heavy eyebags and how pale he looked. That didn’t detract from how hot he was, though. Not that Katara really looked.
“You didn’t come to the barbecue,” Katara said, sidelining her concern for now, and Zuko nodded. “Why?”
“I don’t like crowds.”
“It wasn’t that crowded.”
“I don’t like people.”
Color spread magnificently over Zuko’s cheeks as Katara looked to the ground. His voice rasped and scratched and sounded like music to her ears. Not that she noticed.
“I was at work,” he added. Katara noted he was a pitiful liar. Fridays were his half-off days, according to her brother. Not that she cared. “Along with the not-liking people.”
“You like Sokka, though,” she pointed out and Zuko suppressed a scowl as they heard Sokka yell there was no more orange juice. Forgetting herself, Katara withdrew from the doorway. “Anyway, I should head back. You’re probably busy doing… whatever it is you’re doing.”
“We’re playing Assassin’s Creed, if you want to join,” Zuko offered and Katara shook her head. Not that she’d basically grown up with those games. Not that she played with Sokka before he moved away.
Not that she wanted to.
“Which one?” She found the question slipping past her lips before she could reel it back in.
“Origins. Just got around to playing it.”
The offer was enticing, but Katara wasn’t in the mood. “I thought you didn’t like people,” she said, because inviting strangers didn’t sound anti-friendly.
“I can make an exception.” He crossed his arms and Katara ignored the way his muscles bunched and how his shirt seemed too small for his frame. It was tight across his shoulders and when Katara caught his gaze, she shook her head.
“You should go put that in the freezer before it melts ‘cause it’s hot out.” Katara nodded to the carton of ice cream and excused herself quickly after that, going down the hall as quick as she could and entering her apartment.
Slamming the door behind her, she pressed her back against it and sighed. That was a such stupid thing to say before she left, and she couldn’t take it back now. What happened to a good-old fashioned ‘goodbye’? A regular old ‘see you later’?
Apparently, no longer options for Katara when she spoke to Zuko.
“Dude, stop checking your phone.”
“Just hurry up. I want to actually play for once,” Zuko growled back as Sokka saved his game on the PS4. Zuko already had Witcher 3 with Sokka’s game savefiles in the right folder and the two had planned to switch thirty minutes ago before Sokka decided to screw around and get two more viewpoints than said thirty minutes ago.
BlueSpirit94: would you believe it if i said my best friend is a complete waste of time
PaintedLadyXO: yes
BlueSpirit94: this is why we keep in touch
The chat bubble popped up again and disappeared, causing Zuko to turn off the screen and yell at Sokka again to hurry up. Then, a ding.
PaintedLadyXO: please
PaintedLadyXO: you need me more than i need you
Smirking at the reply, he couldn’t resist typing out one of his own. Ever since meeting on Discord with their apparent mutual online friends nearly three years ago, Zuko had hit it off with this other gamer despite having never heard their voice. What with Painted Lady’s crazy hours doing whatever they did and Zuko’s extreme reluctance to gather up courage to even talk to anyone outside of his friends, they still remained on close terms.
And they were right, as they often were. Zuko probably did need them more than they needed him.
Bluespirit94: that’s rude
Bluespirit94: but true
PaintedLadyXO: i didn’t mean it
Bluespirit94: whatever
Bluespirit94: how was your move btw? Read 2:49 PM
“Alright, get off. Time to cut off some heads.” Sokka shoved Zuko off the chair and the messy-haired man sat down on the couch instead, waiting for the reply. His thumbs hovered over the keyboard.  “Who are you even talking to?”
“It’s none of your business!”
Sokka’s grabby fingers scrambled to grab his phone but Zuko threw it underneath his legs to sit on, grabbing the controller and glaring at Sokka.
“Fuck off,” he hissed. “Some dick at work is slacking ‘cause he’s probably too busy being high.” Zuko grimaced, and slid the analog stick until Assassin’s Creed Origins was selected. “Not my problem.”
“You’re the CEO.”
“Hey, I came back from work and I’m looking forward to this afternoon off. If he wants to keep his job, he’ll show up tomorrow.” Zuko watched the screen blankly. Everything he said wasn’t a total lie. That dude, Jet, had come in earlier, asking if he could take a medical leave while stinking of weed. Zuko had given him the foulest glare he could muster, declined his request, and left it with a threat of ‘See you tomorrow morning.’
Sokka didn’t say anything much after that. They’d known each other long enough that when Zuko needed his silence, Sokka knew better than to argue with it. Sometimes, he could cure it with jokes. It was more often than not that he couldn’t, so he slapped on Zuko’s expensive headphones and loaded up his save file.
Zuko’s phone pinged. Amber eyes darted from the screen to Sokka, who was beautifully immersed in Witcher 3, and he deemed it safe enough to check.
PaintedLadyXO: great! the tenants are friendly and the guy next door is kinda hot ;)
Zuko’s eyebrows rose. His thumbs paused.
BlueSpirit94: didn’t know you swung that way
PaintedLadyXO: and.
PaintedLadyXO: jk who said i was a man lmao
BlueSpirit94: i can now add that to things I know about you
There was no response for a few more minutes, so he decided that maybe they — she — decided to continue the move-in. Zuko shook it from his mind. So what if Painted Lady was a girl? They were always close friends. This didn’t change that.
PaintedLadyXO: and what do you know about me mister
BlueSpirit94: probably more than you'd like to admit Read 2:59 PM.
Katara’s first few months at the hospital went by with ease, especially since fellowships were a breeze compared to residency. With two more aneurysms clipped, a few more brainbleeds fixed, and one more neuroblastoma diagnosed than the night before, Katara reached her apartment as the sun began to set. She fiddled with her keys, almost too tired to see straight. Finally slotting the right one in, she twisted with an irritated huff and threw all her crap down on the couch. Despite having moved in three months ago, there were still a few boxes left to open. She plugged her phone to charge.
Heading to the bathroom, she began a shower and shed all her clothes from the day before. She needed this break before her pager would inevitably go off and she’d be back in the hospital.
Luckily, she managed to snag her shower and came out ten minutes later, feeling more awake than she had before as her phone pinged. Suki, the girl in 1A who’d been the subject of her brother’s affections and vice versa, was one of the first who welcomed her. They’d become quick friends at the barbecue and Katara wasn’t surprised to see texts from her. She was more often than not the one Katara turned to with her problems.
Suki: hey!!
Suki: was just wondering if you're interested in having dinner or anything
Suki: we NEED to catch up on gossip
Katara: yeah sure
Katara: technically off shift but you know how it goes
The response was instantaneous.
Suki: totally. i’ll be there in a bit w sushi
Satisfied that she had dinner plans, she turned to texting her other favourite. BlueSpirit94 had been silent for the past few days but Katara had a feeling it wouldn’t be long before their next conversation.
PaintedLadyXO: how come i never hear anything about your lovelife? Delivered
It was a bold thing to ask but Katara felt comfortable with texting anything to her faceless friend, considering that they’d been friends for well over three years now. It was funny. She barely went on Discord anymore (that was back in the day with Sokka) but she kept the app around on her phone, both of them too cowardly to move. This little bubble they lived in was comfortable. Katara didn’t want to pop it.
BlueSpirit94: because i don't have one
PaintedLadyXO: complete bs
BlueSpirit94: no really. hbu? hows the guy next door situation?
Katara thought on that.
How was the situation?
Well, it wasn’t like Zuko and her often had time to chat. She spent most of her time in the hospital, and on the off-chance she was here, he was either at work or out. She never wanted to bother him to talk, and it wasn’t like he was inclined to talk to her either. She hoped he liked her ice cream and got some sleep. The man looked one night away from passing out.
PaintedLadyXO: gone radio silent
PaintedLadyXO: our times don't match so i don't see him that much
BlueSpirt94: that sucks
BlueSpirit94: hey do you ever think it's crazy were literally in the same city now
PaintedLadyXO: on my mind all the time. we could literally pass each other and never know
Katara’s fingers paused. The next question on her mind was one she had never proposed before, but she had imagined a hundred different faces and a hundred different lives behind BlueSpirt94 that she couldn’t help it.
Knock, knock, knock.
Katara looked at the little arrow that meant send and then to the door.
She threw her phone onto the opposite end of the couch and went to the door.
Later that night, when Katara was in her own bed for the first time in five days, she looked at the unsent text. Exhaustion weighed at her eyelids and she sent it before she could feel the wave of regret waiting to drown her.
Zuko stared at the notification. For a Monday night turned Tuesday morning, he felt relatively good. It was nearing 1 AM and he was working on the newest wave on hopeful employees and interns after a day at work. But he was still getting a bit tired. Hiring season always meant overtime for him.
PaintedLadyXO: so why don’t we meet up?? it’s rly been three years
He stalled. The thought had his heart hammering in his throat as he picked up his phone. Could he say yes? Then again, she was the only one who he ever told about his sister. He trusted her with a lot, but she could just be some faceless troll.
Something about that notion struck him false. She’d never do that to him.
BlueSpirit94: uh ok i guess Delivered
A wave of nausea rolled over him. It wasn’t a gut feeling per se, or regret, but he suddenly felt like he was placed outside his comfort zone. He trusted Painted Lady, but to finally put a face to the name…
What a crazy idea.
For so long, she was what he came to from work as they talked and pieced together parts of each other’s lives. They were each other’s confidant, their safe of secrets. Where would they even go? What would they say?
Zuko shook his head. The text had rattled him so far as to say he couldn’t exactly focus on the resumés. So he picked up his phone again, and texted all that nervous energy out.
BlueSpirit94: how about coffee? Delivered
Just as the text sent, he heard a high-pitched beeping and a thump on the other side of his wall. Looking up, he debated getting up to check the sound out as the beeping stopped.
Next thing he knew, there was the sound of the next-door neighbour opening their door. Katara. He hadn’t seen her much since she moved in, so Zuko got up against his better judgement and crossed the living room floor, hand stalling on the knob. Squinting through one eye, he peeked through the hole and spotted a brown head of hair dash by his door.
Zuko blinked. He opened the door and saw her running around the corner in slip on shoes and her still trying to poke her arm through a hoodie. Words failed. Her hair was flying everywhere and it was like a whole different person from that composed woman three months ago. No doubt she’d return in a few days, as was her custom. He’d probably be still awake by then, so he made a game plan to finish through the rest of the resumés, finish his coffee, and get ready for work because the giant pile on his desk did not scream sleep.
He closed his door and returned to his desk. He took another sip of coffee.
He sat down.
PaintedLadyXO: that sounds good
BlueSpirit94: friday work for you?
PaintedLadyXO: depends on work but friday seems perfect
Katara was brimming with energy. Ever since making plans with BlueSpirit94 Tuesday morning, she had been full of some nervous squirming feeling in her stomach that added a bounce to her step. Thursday morning meant the end of her week and she walked the halls of the hospital, wanting to head to the cafe for lunch.
Instead, there was a beep of her pager.
Checking it, she clicked it to turn off that piercing noise and blinked. E.R. She was just there. Katara spun around, pulling her hair up into a ponytail as she walked into the pit, shrugging off her lab coat and heading to the nurse’s station where the screen behind it was constantly getting updated with the new intake of patients.
“I was paged?” she asked the nurse who helpfully pointed her in the direction of bed three. Nodding, she turned to it and picked up the chart, reading it over quickly. The symptoms — dehydration, overexhaustion, swollen ankle after collapsing down the stairs. Waiting for a CT to rule out any brain damage and internal damage. Cool. They just needed her to do a neural exam.
Pulling the curtain around, she slapped on a pair of gloves.
“Alright,” she announced with a smile. “Let’s look at that—”
“Hi, Katara.”
“Zuko?” Gawking, she raked her eyes up and down his body. He was in his suit, so he must’ve been at work, and his eyebags had gotten worse, if that was possible. There was blood dripping down the side of his head but he looked wide awake otherwise. Oh, man. Rolling up his pant sleeve, she saw that his sprained ankle was already treated and thanked god. All they were waiting for was her sign off.  “Hey! How’d this happen?”
“Was late for a meeting,” Zuko hissed as she flashed a lightbulb in his eyes. Pupils responsive. Good. “Took the stairs, didn’t make it. Everything got dizzy.”
“When’s the last time you slept?” she asked, rotating his head gently. “Any pain here?”
“Two nights ago, maybe? It was my one meeting for the day. I swear I was going to go home after.” Feeling around his head as he talked, Katara felt her fingers brush against something. “Ow!”
“Yeah, and you ended up in the hospital instead.” Katara arched an eyebrow at him, unimpressed and Zuko shrugged. “If you don’t like people, you must hate it here,” she continued, eager to keep the conversation going. “Hold still. You’ve got a minor cut here where you must’ve hit your head.”
“Place isn’t so bad with the present company,” Zuko mumbled. Heat immediately rushed to her cheeks and Katara kept her eyes on the suture needle as she tilted his head to the light. It wasn’t too deep, and she wiped away the excess blood, putting pressure on the wound.
“How do you feel? It says you fell down the stairs.”
“Just a bit battered,” he admitted and Katara’s lips pulled into a smile against her wishes. When blood stopped flowing freely, she began to stitch. “Any idea when I’ll get to go home?”
“As soon as your CT comes back clear. Are you sure you’ll be able to get back home by yourself?” she asked, frowning. “You can’t drive in your condition.”
“I can call a taxi,” Zuko said with a shrug and Katara paused.
“Don’t move, please.” And she dug the needle in again. “Don’t be silly. I was supposed to be off shift after lunch anyway. I can drive you back.”
“Wait, really?”
Katara’s eyebrows rose at his surprised tone. When she looked at him again, he had a pleased blush across his cheeks and a boyish smile upon his lips. He looked quite cute in that light. Finding one of her own smiles, Katara nodded and added butterfly strips to keep the cut closed.
“Of course. As soon as your CT comes back clear, I’ll get you discharged.”
“Thanks, Katara.”
“Yeah, ‘course.” She tore off her gloves, signing that she was the last one to check on him and patted his shoulder with a final ‘see you later’ grin. He was incredibly warm under his suit, and her hand burned at his touch.
She’d not taken two steps, when: “Katara?”
Zuko’s eyes lit up. “The ice cream was really good.”
PaintedLadyXO: u kno what's crazy??
BlueSpirit94: what
PaintedLadyXO: boy next door is where i'm working
BlueSpirit94: what? did you talk to him?
PaintedLadyXO: yep and he’s really nice
PaintedLadyXO: we still on for tmr? Starbucks on 49th, right?
BlueSpirit94: about that…
PaintedLadyXO: what?
BlueSpirit94: i might be in the hospital.
PaintedLadyXO: WHAT?
PaintedLadyXO: are you okay???
BlueSpirit94: i’m fine
BlueSpirit94: just minor injuries
PaintedLadyXO: are you sure???
BlueSpirit94: yeah
BlueSpirit94: sorry about tomorrow guess we’ll have to cancel
PaintedLadyXO: np!! Especially if you’re hurt
Holding up the CT to the light, Katara squinted in front of Zuko for extra effect. The man was getting a bit antsy with how long she was staring at the thing and Zuko didn’t know what else to say other than: “I’m fine, aren’t I?”
It was like a shift immediately. Katara put down the CT and painted on a smile. “Yep! Now I can sign off and we can go home!”
Home. Zuko tried to ignore the implications that they lived together and nodded, accepting her aid into the wheelchair.
Katara’s car was a nice minivan that was full of boxes that needed to be recycled, but Zuko didn’t mind that the busy woman next to him was still mid-move despite three months living in town. It smelt like warm chicken and food, and he spotted a salad with butter chicken in the front chair that Katara hastily shoved under the chair.
“It’s been a while since I’ve had someone other than me in this car,” Katara muttered, helping him into shotgun and buckling in.
“Thanks, Kat, but I’ve got it,” Zuko said with a gentle smile. The woman was so keen on making sure he was comfortable, she didn’t quite remember her own tasks. The nickname caught her attention though, and ocean blue met volcanic amber. They both cleared their throats when they realized their faces were almost touching.
“Right, right. Sorry.” She waved her hand everywhere and closed the door, making sure none of his bags were in the car door before running around and driving. “Do you mind if I play music?” she asked once she revved up the car and Zuko shook his head.
“How long have you been at work?”
“Since Tuesday morning,” Katara responded, adjusting her rearview mirror. “Patient had a rebleed and I had a shift on Wednesday so I ended up staying overnight.”
“Oh. You’re busy, then.” Pulling out his phone, he checked for any missed emails or calls. Nothing of import. Perfect. 
“Yeah, but I love doing it. Busy is good.” Hozier’s newest album came on and Zuko adjusted his chair, leaning back and looking at his phone as they began to pull out of the hospital. Opening his chat with Painted Lady, he felt a flicker of guilt.
She had sounded so excited, and now that their plans were cancelled…
Zuko should make it up to her. After all, he had been gaining nerves akin to what one would get on a date, and he’d even thought about his outfit. A nice dark red sweater, khakis... 
He had been excited. Looking out the window, he watched glumly as the trees passed by.
“Do you need anything to eat? It’ll be hard to get around with your ankle,” Katara piped up and Zuko glanced to her. She was worrying her bottom lip but her eyes were earnest.
“Thanks, but it’s fine.”
“Okay, but remember I’m next door. I’ll give you my number when we get back.”
She was very kind, a lot like how Painted Lady was. Not that Zuko would know. This was the most he’d ever talked to Katara ever.
Keeping his screen on, he looked down at her last text.
BlueSpirit94: we can reschedule if you’re down??
It took a moment, and then it delivered.
The music paused to allow a ear-deafening ring to bounce off the car walls. Zuko looked to the phone on reflex, then to Katara. She ignored the notification, keeping her eyes on the road and a clammy feeling snuck into Zuko’s palms as she crossed an intersection and turned right onto the road their apartment building was on. Her phone screen had lit up momentarily but Zuko couldn’t manage the sneak he wanted to get besides the Discord icon.
It could be coincedence, he told himself with closed eyes. Stomach in knots, he forced himself to look at the woman beside him. Then to her phone, and then to his own phone.
Only one way to find out.
BlueSpirit94: hi katara
Another resounding ding.
Zuko felt like he was going to be sick. A cold sweat settled over him as he stared at the gorgeous woman beside him. She was exhausted, with messy hair and two day-old clothes but still—
Katara swerved into the parking lot, parking into her usual spot (the space next to his car which was still at the office) and picked up her phone, turning off the ignition. Taking out her keys, she got out of the car and took out the wheelchair from the trunk. Unfolding it for him, she was about to help him into his seat when she remembered her phone in hand. The screen lit up as she rotated it towards her to briefly check who had messaged her and their notification previews.
Zuko watched her every movement.
Which meant he caught when she read the message and when she froze. Her eyes, wide as saucers, went from him, to the phone he still held and Zuko’s own gaze only stared at her, waiting. If he moved, he was afraid he was going to actually hurl. Whether from the pain of his ankle was starting to get to him or the fact that Painted Lady, one of his best friends, was his other best friend’s beautiful sister.
And his neighbour. And his absolute-certain crush (do adults even still get those?). And Sokka’s sister. Crap.
“Hi, Katara,” he whispered because it didn’t matter. This was his best friend right in front of him, with Katara’s smile and eyes, and the Painted Lady’s humour and wit. A myriad of emotions flickered across her face, and then she let out a relieved laugh and half a smile. He extended a hand because being half-in and half-out a car was extremely tiring, especially with a sprained ankle, and her smile grew to fit her whole face. A sun on the face of a woman just as radiant, Katara saw past his scar just as she did the first time they met.
“Hey, Zuko,” she whispered as she took his hand.
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ao3feedzukka · 4 years
Boys and Blood and Banter
by youngwitchin
Now, that was intriguing. If he didn’t have to pay rent this month, that meant he could make a decent payment on his student loan debt, and maybe buy a pair of socks that didn’t have holes in them. “How much blood are we talking here?”
AKA the one-shot no one asked for in which Zuko is Sokka's landlord and Sokka makes up for his late rent payments in blood. Based on the writing prompt "Your landlord is a vampire, so he offers you a deal. You can pay your rent in money… or in blood." from writing.prompt.s on instagram!
Words: 5270, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Katara (Avatar)
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Aang/Katara (Avatar)
Additional Tags: no beta we die like men, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Landlord AU, sokka works in a coffee shop, artist sokka, Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/25591705
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