#sol's cat asks!
theguardianace · 8 months
Such hypnotic eyes o_o
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staring DIRECTLY into your soul. i would do anything for that cat
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twistedtoms · 6 months
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Eclipse is happening in America today so you know I had to draw the gaslighter who took advantage of it
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clanborn · 2 months
4 sparklecat Sol?
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mommyclaws · 7 months
you heard of transfem tigerstar and darktail.
now get ready for…transfem scourge and sol!
Me and the girlies on our way to destory your loser ass clan
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exocynraku · 1 year
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is it cold outside?
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hawkfrostandmudclaw · 2 months
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whatcoloristhatcat · 4 months
sol warrior cats pls
another answer tumblr ate :)))))
sol seems to have three-ish descriptions within canon, so I'll be going over all of them!
within the books, he's described as. this.
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what i think is most likely here is a black tortoiseshell with low white spotting. that dark brown bit could be very mottled ginger, but if you want to have fun with it he could be a black tortoiseshell and chocolate chimera!
in official artwork, he's pretty consistently given this design:
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what's neat about this one is that he appears much more solidly patched, and that brown is pretty noticeably different from his red. at the risk of having too much fun, i'd say he's a black tortoiseshell and chocolate chimera with low white spotting! one or both of his colorations there can have the white spotting.
finally, because warriors has such amazing continuity it would make tolkien fall to his knees in reverence, this. it's only appeared once but it's on a cover of a main book so i feel like i should cover it.
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why is he a tabby. when has this ever
this one is a black tortoiseshell tabby with low white spotting. bye
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i fucking hated it when Gray Wing got that one badass line ("kill me and live with the memory") it should've been someone else
Gray Wing was never "badass" he was a culmination of everything WRONG with this series. The pro colonial themes, the extreme misogyny, the xenophobic and racist rhetoric, the blatent fatphobia, the ableism, even the inconsistencies between one book right after the other due to lack of communication, and right down the blatent Writer Projection and Bias. The writers see themselves in this awful character, and while he WAS supposed to die in The Sun Trail (which would honestly have made for a pretty interesting twist) the writers/this weird editing team that actually makes the real choices loved him too much, which you know wouldn't have happened if Gray Wing was female. Any character this team grows attached to can do no wrong. Bramblestar, Alderheart, Nightheart, Clear Sky, Jayfeather, Rootspring, and Gray Wing. Notice a pattern here? Squirrelflight, Tawnypelt, Sparkpelt, Finchlight, Sunbeam, Every Woman Clear Sky Slaughtered or had Die For His Arc, Leafpool, Violetshine, Twigbranch, Needleclaw, Bristlefrost, Turtle Tail, Storm, Tall Shadow, Wind Runner, BUMBLE, Star Flower, I can keep going.
All of these female characters suffer for them. Whether narratively through bad writing (Turtle Tail, Tall Shadow, Needleclaw, Finchlight, Sparkpelt) or through the story needlessly putting them through the wringer (Leafpool, Squirrelflight, BUMBLE) or just straight up killed, all for the express purpose of a Sad Boy Character Arc.
He will not even be TOUCHING that line, anon. He isn't even part of that SCENE. It's Jagged Peak leaping up to knock Clear Sky off the boulder like a little kitty headbutt missile, saving Rainswept Flower's life inadvertently and proving his pathetic sycophant brother wrong. The shock of the big bully falling on top of the pile of writhing cats is enough to make it stop, just for a moment long enough to realize the carnage that has just been committed.
Sorry for the vent, been feeling passionate about Battle Cats misogyny. 1000% agree with you anon!
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theanoninyourinbox · 3 months
...Sol as a peacock, perhaps? Or Darktail as a turkey vulture?
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Don't You Want To Be A Cult Leader?
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amber-tortoiseshell · 3 months
Do you have any wc genetics head canon that is really basic to be petty or funny given the context of the character?
My pettiest headcanons are probably those when i look at a canon tortoiseshell tom and say "absolutely not", and make him red or black tabby with white or whatever. (Sol is an exception. I decided to reward myself with one (1) tortie male between the 1500 named characters, and who is more worthy for this than Sol, the evil mastermind (without actually being a mastermind) himself.)
For example Mapleshade's son Patchkit, tortoiseshell in the books, is a red tabby bicolor for me. Although Mapleshade herself is called orange-with-white too in some books, i'll go with tortoiseshell for her (black tortoiseshell tabby bicolor), with more orange than black in her coat. So they still really look alike.
Bonus: a headcanon that I find very funny and entertaining but isn't strictly about colors:
I like to think Ashheart and Ashfur from shadowclan are actually one and the the same cat.
Ashheart is a pale gray cat who is introduced in Yellowfang's Secret where she's a relatively unimportant background character, a little older than Yellowfang. She appears in a flashback in Blackfoot's Reckoning too. Never shown or mentioned in TPB or later.
Ashfur is a gray cat, one of the ShadowClan outcasts who help ThunderClan against Brokenstar. He appears the first two TBC books and in Exile from ShadowClan (set immediately before/during early TPB). Apparently he's an elder and friend of Yellowfang's, but never shown or mentioned before Brokenstar's time.
So I choose to believe that approximately when Brokenstar came to power or shortly after that, Ashheart decided to change name and pronouns, and become Ashfur.
(warrior cat genetics ask game)
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seraphirism · 2 months
what happened at the end of chapter 4?? im not really updated anymore due to busy schedule :/
hii, and I’d be happy to explain (*^^*)!
readers, please be aware that there are spoilers below (of chapter 4 and “wish upon a black rabbit” or 黒兎に願いを込めて event story) so proceed with discretion!
I tried my best to condense it but I wasn’t sure how far you had read, plus the story following part 3 of chapter 4 till part 5 is completely connected (in a way that you wouldn’t understand one part if you didn’t know the previous part) so I gave it my best shot! I’ll include a tldr at the very end so you can read that if you want to avoid the barrage of text; I went kinda overboard?
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in chapter 4, as we know, Boschi’s demon took over him; he lost control to it. but unlike the case of Bastien, Haures and Lato where they lost control because of an emotional outburst (caused by extreme despair or rage), Boschi gave control to his demon on purpose.
(just in case if you don’t know/remember why, let me give a brief summary!)
Aruji and the second floor butlers were sent over to guard the Seirans/セイラン, a noble family in the East. this was after kidnappings and attacks were done by an unknown assailant (the white headed, elf looking guy). the stranger was specifically targeting nobles associated with the Sardis family.
while they were there, the butlers were at the same time investigating if the Seiran family had been in cahoots with the Sardis family (you know in, child trafficking and experimentation).
earlier in the chapter Boschi revealed that around 300 years ago, his mother and grandmother (who was actually his nanny) were killed on the orders of Seiran family. (that was a long story; if you want me to explain that, please send me another ask, I’ll do that separately :D!)
then skip to a week later, while Aruji and the butlers were staying at their residence (and doing their guard duties) the elf guy kidnapped the head of the Seiran family. Boschi decided he and Ammon would protect Aruji and the wife of the head of the family (while they stayed in the Seiran family’s residence), and Haures and Fennesz would leave to search for the head of the Seiran family with the help of his guards.
elf guy was targeting the families associated with Sardis. that’s because a large group of his people/compatriots went missing/were kidnapped; he suspected the Seiran family was involved with it (due to their association with the Sardis family that were publicly exposed to be carrying out human trafficking. )
it is later revealed that the Seiran family was responsible for that, in particular the wife of the head of the family (because of her twisted obsession with beauty; you’d need a separate post to understand her). she was later injured by Seraphim and killed by elf guy. unfortunately for elf guy, his people are then taken by Seraphim and Cherbim.
then Chrone/スローン attacked Aruji, Boschi and Ammon whilst this happened. however this time was different; instead of trying to kill the butlers, he was attempting to kill Aruji (so the butlers would become seriously upset/angry and thus fall under the control of their demon, fight Chrone in that state to see how strong the butlers really are. (his mission was to access the full strength of the butlers).
whilst fighting, Boschi loses his prosthetic arm protecting Aruji.
(boschi’s demon is called Zaebos/ザエボス by the way!)
Zaebos offers to give Boschi all his power for this fight (basically unlock his full potential) if Boschi agrees to give up his life to the demon (i.e die) by the end of the fight. their whole talk and meeting happens in Boschi’s subconsciousness. Boschi agrees after he loses his prosthetic arm, the incident acting as a trigger.
(he realised he and Ammon couldn’t defeat Chrone by the time Haures and Fennesz would arrive and Aruji could lose their life.).
before fully losing control to his demon (like how Bastien and the rest did), he gives Ammon a warning. then he attacks Chrone. in the end, both Ammon and Boschi managed injure Chrone enough for him to agree to leave when Seraphim asks him to (since they got an idea of how strong the devil butlers are under the influence of their demon.)
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but Boschi, having lost complete control to his demon side, now attacks Ammon. Ammon, having trained with Boschi for years and years on end, well aware of Boschi’s moves and what was Boschi’s weakness in a fight (—he gets exhausted easily and rapidly loses energy to fight.), exploits this. Boschi collapses in the end, Aruji comes over and does their whole usual going into their “heart”.
this time though, when Aruji goes there, Boschi was chained to a throne (I think it was a throne?) and asleep, and Zaebos (who has the form of a leopard by the way) appeared and told Aruji that it’s no use trying to awaken Boschi because he had promised his life to him in return for power.
Aruji tries their best (which was a very emotional scene by the way, the way they kept calling out for Boschi despite Zaebos telling them that Boschi is gone for good 😭) and Boschi finally manages to hear their voice (he was in a dream-like place with his mother and grandmother, possibly passing over to the other side/about to die). he comes back and tells his demon that while he did promise to give his life to the demon, he did not specify “when” he’d give his life up (that was such a move on his part, our king ✨). so long story short, Boschi promises to give his life up to the demon when Aruji dies in the future (so he’ll die when Aruji dies.).
next thing you know, he manages to wake up with Ammon collapsed at his side. Fennesz and Haures arrive with the master of the Seiran family (who they found on their way back in a bad state). His wife, Falin is dead. there will be trials in the East to implicate the Seiran family officially.
there’s a whole mess going on with Eastern Lords Alliance but Finley will attempt his best to settle the situation; he also adds that the butlers may be asked for their assistance in the matter of finding the stranger (mr elf; please devs, give him a name already or I’ll—).
[also, I nearly forgot to add; mr elf is being suspected for the crime of killing Falin, the mistress of Seiran family since she was killed with a sword and the public believe angels would not use swords to kill, rather their light/power. in actuality, he attempted to end her life with a quick blow of his sword instead of leaving her to bleed to death from Seraphim’s attack which was from a sword.
the angels use swords now too by the way ✨ like yay, their powers weren’t enough.)
then, we’re back at devil’s palace (yay! our visit was more than a week long, less than 2 weeks, if I’m not wrong). Aruji and the second floor butlers get some much needed rest. Boschi shows Aruji their new prosthetic arm (which was made from the material of his old prosthetic arm.).
he seemed much more at peace now (but we later learn in the black bunny festival [黒兎に願いを込めて] event story that losing his prosthetic arm did trigger his memories of losing his actual arm, so now whenever he spars he gets flashbacks of Chrone cutting his prosthetic arm off. those flashbacks make him freeze up while fighting. for this reason, he trains a lot more to get over this, than he did prior to this incident.
anyhow, that event story and his card story sheds light on to boschi’s state right after chapter 4, in a bit more detail.).
lastly, Berrien visits Belen and says he hopes to be able to save Belen someday.
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i read the story about 2 weeks ago; though, there’s a huge chance i might have gotten something mixed up/wrong. so feel free to correct me in the comments or send me an ask! there’s also a lot of stuff i left out because i was afraid it would get too long (it still did 😭) like about:
a: Falin/フアリン, the mistress of the Seiran family, who i’d say was the most interesting character in this chapter. i could write paragraphs upon paragraphs about her.
(i love the writing of aknk but i also believe they could have given more information on Seiran family and how they came to be what they are. They have a lot of potential for a follow up event story or even a side story. I hope in a side story we get more information or maybe in the next main story?)
b: Boschi’s past; we got a lot of information about his life and, how after everything he came to meet Berrien and became a butler.
c: Ammon! we got insight into his thoughts and feelings from when Haures became demonized, and how he feels inferior to the other butlers, how he puts less effort into training because he feels he can never reach the level Haures and Boschi are on. And so on!
d: i also skipped explaining the first two parts and a bit of part 3 of chapter 4 since you asked for the ending; (but that involved Berrien, Belen, Lono and were not exactly relevant to what happened with Boschi and the ending of chapter 4.).
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Tldr: Boschi loses control to his demon after losing his prosthetic arm, he manages to defeat Chrone with the help of Ammon. Aruji brings him back from the control of his demon though ultimately he will have to give his life up to his demon the day Aruji dies. there’s investigation going on into the Seiran family, the stranger (mr elf) and his identity. his people (from the valley) are still missing because Cherubim and Seraphim took them. the butlers might get a request to aid in the investigation of mr elf.
i hope this helped (^^)! feel free to send another ask if you’re confused about something or want further explanation; i like talking about aknk so it’s no trouble for me. i hope your schedule eases up a bit, please remember to take breaks and eat/drink — have a wonderful day ✨!
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theguardianace · 8 months
Hi love how's your day been so far ^-^
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i think i might actually explode what a time to be a rui fan. new alt vocal (THAT IVE WANTED SINCE THE SONG WAS ANNOUNCED IVE WANTED THIS FOR OVER A YEAR AND IT WAS EVERYTHING I EVER IMAGINED IT WOULD BE) absolute BANGER of a commissioned song (cyberpunk dead boy is 1. catchy 2. catchy 3. my new favorite rui song. and LAM did the art which is so fkdsajfkdsjfjalsjf PERFECT choice) and CYBERPUNK SET !!!!!!! CYBERPUNK RUI !!!!
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THIS IS SO COOL !!!!!!!!!!!
also i'm a huge fan of tsukasa's card and emu's outfit :)
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im quite scared for the event itself translations aren't up yet and the untrained scares me. the card is called "overheard words" so i think someone is talking bad about either him or his troupe and i cannot take that!! and neither will he. he's spent too long finding a home in those three after being cast out for so long. he 1. does not need to go through rejection again and 2. will absolutely murder someone if they so much as glance at the others badly (he has. absolutely destroyed emu's brother in an early event when he said her dreams are "stupidly childish")
and also ajr literally just posted a music video for one of my favorite ever songs by them and gave it such a nice meaning!! the song is about being in an abusive relationship with someone, knowing that, but not being able to hate them despite. the video showed jack getting up from a therapist's couch in an empty field, running, and then getting timelooped whenever a giant hand squished him. i think the hand symbolizes the person who's manipulating his life and causing him to feel so stuck and hopeless, like there's no escape from their influence. but!! at the end!!! it is revealed the hand is actually his own! and he finds a way to come to peace with the giant version of him. self love? i thought it was a good twist. well done.
anyways as i was typing this i realized its midnight in japan which means WHAT A TIME TO BE A RUI FAN HAS RETURNED. EIGHT new full versions of wxs covers dropping >:) god and then tomorrow is the stream where they tell us new stuff and one song has already been leaked. and im not ok about it FJKSDJFKLSJFKLSD I LOVE THAT SONG IVE WANTED IT SINCe I HEARD IT I LOVE THE ARTIST SM. AND IT GETS A 3DMV and those have been FIRE recently.
anyways. yeah im doing well how about you?
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twistedtoms · 11 months
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chaosandthe-deadblog · 9 months
Ok but in Silver's wedding scrapbook are they both wearing dresses, both wearing suits, or other
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i think they would wear suits :)
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mud-castle · 1 year
Can we get some DM!sol
Yep, here's the Sol I doodled in 20 minutes after getting this ask:
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Dude who seems like a deadbeat but actually turns out to be a real one.
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Can I please give Matthew some small bites? He looks bitable
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